#i dont yet know if this will be printed (those involved i will be giving / posting u a copy asap) but i still gotta figure out if im like
cherricloverr · 2 years
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Eighteen Going on Extinct
Thank you so much (in order of appearance) to @helloitsthevoide @gurneykink @cozygarfield @dirt-ghoul @sleevesareforlosers Dorian Cupid @rightearring (me) @gei-may and @piierrote for contributing such amazing art and allowing me to complete this silly little project <3
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jetiisyandereclones · 2 years
out of curiosity, what do you think would happen, or be the reaction of clones, if a jedi successfully committed suicide? I know that this is a rather dark topic, but at some point I think that some of the (more force oriented) jedi would just snap, and lose the will to live. Now I imagine that this might be a bit difficult to pull off, since all the clones are such hover mothers, so I also have to ask, how would the surrounding parties be punished? Not only for the clone themself, but for any involved? This would certainly mean execution for the parties, and death for the clone themself, but how would they interrogate the parties for answers? And what of the jedi or the jedi's body afterwards? Will there be a memorial? Would other clones become disillusioned because they see the suffering the jedi go through? Apologies for this being so wordy, but I was very curious as to the answer of this and all of the fine print, as I haven't seen this explored on your blog yet:)
Never apologize for any questions. No matter how long.
I have literally been so horrible at keeping my blog. I havnt posted any real content in months. I've been busy, burnt out, lifes been crazy as of late.
Its alot.
I wanna say this year may be better, but I dont want to make any promises I cant keep.
Ok, so.
Trigger warning:
Suicide, execution, mourning, torture, death, funerals and all over dark themes.
- there would absolutely be more force oriented jedi who could not stand to be cut off from their abilities.
Even the slightest blockage causes them discomfort, having a cuff utilized long term that almost completely deprived them of their powers would destroy them.
Being driven mad by having their most precious abilities denied, they would resort to ending their lives.
Like the clones. They were raised with an objective.
Protect the jedi.
Protect the galaxy.
Ensure the future of both.
Gifted with these abilities. What were they, what use would they be. If they couldnt use them? If they couldnt partake in this mission?
Much better to give back to the force, in the Hope's their energy. Their powers would be given, lent even, to another. Hopefully a free person who could put their gifts to use.
They do not fear death. It is just another part of the all over cycle.
The force chose them. The force gifted them with however much of its power it deemed nessesary.
And one day. The force would take it back. And the cycle continues.
It must not be broken.
Their lives. Their energy, their everything, was only ever borrowed. It always was meant to be that they would give it back some day.
And if they had to cut their own lives short in order to free themselves from permanent shackles. As well as ensuring the next generation would be born away from this hell, then so be it.
They would do what must be done.
As for their comrades. Their brothers and sisters, friends and family.
Those who chose not to follow. They would pray, in their final moments, that they would some day see freedom again.
That this crime, this decemation of a culture spanning back thousands of years, would not go unfixed. Or unpunished.
-As for how they would do it?
That would be the tricky part.
The clones just live them so much, are so attentive. Did their families. Their loves, their Vod, really think they wouldnt notice how depressed and just.... vacant they had been?
I would think alot of jedi would throw themselves into the sea. Not the easiest way to go, but as long as they can get topside, it's only a matter of throwing themselves down.
Their clone had taken them up for sum rare sunshine. He thought they had been getting better.
More relaxed. Calm. Accepting.
Not fighting anymore.
And should a clone follow to try and help them, it's likely they would die in the rough swells as well, and that's for the better.
-the most dominant danger after a darling commits suicide, isnt other clones, but himself.
He failed. He failed his love, his family. How could he be allowed to keep going knowing this?!
Hed rather decommission himself.
Other clones would sympathize, taking on the mourning clone.
Bringing him into their homes to mourne under their watchful eye. Usually the elder clones, clones who were in a higher position of command would take care of them.
But the sadness never full goes away.
And should that clone eventually move on, find another darling?
There will be no opportunities, no chances, for that darling to slip through his fingers.
I dont beleive the other clones would become wrathful to the trooper who lost his darling, not really.
He did everything he could to protect them.
- when a jedi commits suicide, if they can recover the body, they burn it, though most jedi throw themselves into kaminos waves because they'd rather forgo their funeral rights than be treated in death by the troopers.
Funerals are often a short, but somber event.
The body is burnt with all the jedis possesions, their ashes scattered to the winds after.
There is no wake.
Not officially. Alot of clones and friends of the jedi will often gather in the main mess.
Uncomfortable lunch benches and tables swapped out for more comfortable chairs and couches.
Comfort food is served, and alcohol is drunk in memory of the fallen.
If the lights of kamino went dim for a week post funeral, no one mentioned it.
Theyed lost a family member.
They need to mourn.
And there are some clones who need to think about what they have been doing to the people they claim to love.
- however. There are certain parties not welcome to mourn.
Clones who knowingly endangered another mans darling are easy enough to weed out.
It's one of the few times jedi are allowed to use their abilities with purpose and direction.
Just a little. Just to weed out intentions and lies.
In this scenario, the jedi would also be furious. Actually willingly helping their captors.
Hadnt the clones taken enough?
Did they think it was some sick joke to aid in the death of one of their own?!
Theyed find whoever dis this, and rip the truth out of their minds one memory, one thought at a time if they had to.
They're taken under the city.
Past the clubs, past the halls reserved for adults at night.
They take them deep, deep down under the water. Under the ocean floor.
And they keep them there.
Given much the same treatment as the jedi, except no ones coming to save them. No ones coming to give them time away from their own minds.
Once answers are found, and punishments are dealt (usually a very harsh beating. Getting brought back from the brink, and then beaten again. Rinse and repeat.) They get carted down to these black cells.
Solitary confinement.
No noise, no distractions, no light. Just a pitch black, dead silent cell and a singular food tube that deposits slimy, watery rations all over the floor once a day
Fed too little to survive long term. But just enough so that their starvation will be long.
Long enough for them to go mad.
Long enough for them to scream, to beg for death.
But the clones will not allow it.
He starves.
Drowning in his own piss, shit, mouldy rations and madness.
Once they're dead, the clones topside, who have been watching. Flip a switch and flood the cells with seawater.
Sometimes the clones get impatient.
The first drops are a welcome noise to the imprisoned clone, who laughs madly, clapping and singing with the 'drip, drip, drip'
But as time goes on, he starts to notice.
The drips are getting louder, longer. Closer together.
Water pools at his feet.
It's not draining.
The clones watch as their disgraced kin panics, realizing hes going to drown. Occasionally comming in to let them know how high the water level was.
How much time they may or may not have.
Watching as they squirm and struggle and drown.
The body and all evidence is washed away as the cell soaked in seawater for a week before being drained, leaving not a singular trace of the previous occupant.
It's ready for the next prisoner.
Okay, so that got a little sad, and a bit dark, but it is actually something I had thought about briefly before.
Hope this reads well, I'm still getting back into writing.
If you have any more requests or asks though, send them through.
My messages are always open too.
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euphoricsunflowers · 4 years
drowning in your scent — chae hyungwon
a/n: ajshdhs this this officially the longest fic on my blog by a whole lot (i think the only thing that comes somewhat close is queen’s whore at like 3.1k sheesh) so in the spirit of that! please give this fic a lot of love!!
word count: 4.7k
content: goddess au, sub!hyungwon, dom!fem!reader, the sex scene involves kissing, lip biting, neck kisses, and riding, fun stuff like that, and minhyuk is here!! he’s mentioned a lot lmao hyunghyuk besties
warning: this fanfic does take place in a village setting where there’s a bad harvest of food and so there’s a lot of mentions of food and starving. as someone with problems with food myself this could be potentially somewhat triggering so please don’t read if need be and i want to emphasize that if you need help to please reach out for it. i know what it’s like, please even feel free to reach out to me if need be, but do remember i’m not a professional.
summary: a boy from the village struggling through a bad harvest and the goddess of nature, of animals and forests, and of flowers so lovely the scent will make you dizzy, make a deal.
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“hyungwon,” the voice calls out to him, and his heart aches when he sees it’s minhyuk that’s speaking to him. the usual cheer and brightness to minhyuk’s voice has all but vanished, “come on, we need to get to work,” he trudged slowly behind his friend, with minhyuk’s hand holding his own. there’s nothing but comradery between them, and yet hyungwon feels like he would trust minhyuk with his life.
“i hate this,” hyungwon murmurs under his breath, but he can faintly hear minhyuk chuckle at his whining, “i’m serious!! there’s barely any food and i’m starving and i’m supposed to pick fruit that i won’t even be allowed to eat?!”
minhyuk’s face is stone cold suddenly as he turns to, for lack of a better phrase, tell hyungwon to shut the hell up, “lower your voice,” he orders, and hyungwon deflates, but he obeys, and the quiet returns as they continue to walk to their spot in the field to pick the fruit, “i’m sorry, but i worry that being so outspoken will be your downfall, won.”
as they pick the apples, in silence from their short and blunt conversation, hyungwon spots one that stands out from the rest. he tries to resist getting a closer look at it, but he just can’t. he takes a few steps over towards it, subsequently a few steps away from minhyuk, and the apple does the rest. it’s almost hypnotic in the way hyungwon can’t take his eyes off of it. it’s red and glowing and hyungwon doesn’t know how he’s the only one captivated by the apple.
it’s like the fruit is speaking to him, calling him away, and he starts walking, even when minhyuk calls after him, he knows minhyuk spoke even though he couldn’t hear him. he walks for a few minutes, through the trees and the dense forest that he’s never traversed before. he doesn’t have to constantly gaze at the apple now, but he grips it in his hand like his life depends on it.
he comes upon a small statue hidden in the depths of the forest. it’s a stone carving of a bird, wings spread as if flying through the sky. it’s beautiful.
“isn’t it?” he hears from behind him, actually registering someone spoke to him this time, and he turns to see who it is. instead of the face of cheerful minhyuk he’s so used to seeing, a beautiful figure graces his eyes.
hyungwon can’t even focus on the physique, though, he’s too entranced by the piercing eyes that stare into his soul practically and the voice he can hear ringing in his head. “isn’t it, dear?” your voice repeats again, and he feels compelled to answer, though he’s not exactly sure how you read his thoughts. maybe he had actually said them out loud.
“yes,” he murmurs softly, turning back to look at the statue, “it’s gorgeous,” he takes a step closer to the statue to get a closer look.
“your voice,” you speak again, “i- nevermind,” you stop yourself, instead choosing to take a step closer to him, your hand touches his shoulder, “can i help you with something, dear?”
“i- what?” he’s taken aback by your question, because he didn’t search you or this place out, he was practically lured here by the fruit, “no, i-i’m okay, thank you though.”
“are you sure?” your touch on his shoulder finally registers in his head, like all his reactions are slowed and delayed, “if you’re not here for something, then… why are you here?”
“i dont… i don’t know,” he was never loud, but he’s even quieter now, “the apple… it led me here.”
you suddenly fell silent. he wonders if you used to apple to lure him, if this is a trap, but your touch is still so distracting and he can’t bring himself to care much. you look so harmless, with such pretty features that he wants to stare at forever.
it does make him wonder, however, just why your tone was so brazen when he said he wasn’t here to ask anything of you. you looked baffled when he said no, like that was the only reason you expected him to be here, “do people always just come searching for you… asking for things?”
“yes, they do,” you respond bluntly, but your words aren’t hostile. he faintly feels a sense of pity in his heart for you.
“that sounds like… such a sad existence,” the words leave his lips without him really putting much thought into them.
“it is,” you say as silence falls between the two of you before he speaks up.
“you uhm… are you… human?” you’re a beautiful yet lonely person in the forest, and it makes him wonder if you even are a person.
“no, dear,” you say as you lift your hand, the grass beneath both of you growing as you do so, “i am a being that represents nature. i think you humans would call me a god or goddess?”
“oh that’s… incredible. please explain to me more,” his eyes find you once again, watching you with already such a soft, adoring gaze.
“you just want to hear me talk, little human,” your tone is playful as his cheeks become rosy.
“maybe,” he smiles cheekily, “will you still explain it to me?”
“of course, sit with me and the flowers, will you?” you ask him, and he plops on the ground, sitting with his legs crossed as you begin, “i can control how nature exists in this world. i can make your flowers grow or trees in your forest more dense. you humans also love to hunt the sweet animals i create, ”
you pause, as if to give him a chance to speak up, and he does, “i’m sorry about that.”
“it’s alright, dear, your apologies are not necessary. besides, once they do die, they become gifts for other gods, and those gods treat their gifts from me very well,” you smile somberly, “tell me, how are you humans doing?”
he wants to lie, for some reason. he has an urge to just say ‘everything is fine, let’s just talk about happy things. i want to be happy’ but he doesn’t, “we’re… you want my honesty, right?”
“yes, yes absolutely,”
“we’re suffering. there’s too little food for everyone,” his stomach rumbles as he’s in the middle speaking, and he makes a sort of ‘see what i mean?’ gesture, “and we barely have enough to keep everyone alive through the month..”
you subtly gasp at his confession he just gives so easily, “and yet you were expected to pick fruit? that seems unfair, dear.”
“it was work that had to be done for the good fo the village,” he lowers his head at the thoughts racing through his head, envisioning the soft eyes of his friend, “but min- uh, my friend, he’s all i have. i know i… said i didn’t have anything to ask of you… and this may seem too much of me to ask, but now that i know what you are and can do, could you please help them? the people of my village, i mean,” he pleads, his eyes shining in the light.
“you want me to… provide them food?”
“please, i’d do anything,”
your face is suddenly much more serious, and you grip his shoulder as you lean in close to him, “for future reference, dear, don’t ever tell a being like me you’d do anything. ever. got it?” you were kind. you knew you were kind, but there were some that would rip his poor, innocent heart to shreds, steal his soul because he didn’t read the fine print. you’re relieved someone so soft and sweet and almost angelic stumbled upon you of all beings.
“yes,” he practically squeaks.
“good,” you sigh as you stand up, “i will help you, little thing. in return, please stay with me for one day. tomorrow afternoon, at this exact hour, you can return to the village,” you extend your hand for him to shake, “are those terms agreeable to you, my little human?”
his heart pounds in his chest. you want him to stay with you? for a whole day? he decides it’s a price that’s easy to pay if he remembers the prospect of being able to save him friend and his people from starvation “yes,” he murmurs, reaching out to shake your hand.
it doesn’t take much effort from you, just a wave of your hand and apparently, the harvest in the village would magically improve. he supposes one day is not a lot of his little time to give up if it meant the village could be revitalized with a bountiful amount of food. he just hopes minhyuk isn’t worrying too much.
you have a cottage of your own, he learns. it confuses him slightly because you’re a goddess, why would you need a very human-esque living space? he supposes he’ll never learn the answer to that question. the thing itself is impossible to see from the outside, he could have sworn nothing was there until your hand was in his (his heart stopped for a good minute) and you led him up the stairway leading into the cottage.
“make yourself at home,” you tell him, and he nods in a daze. your place was beautiful, full of flowers and vases with more flowers and little flower trinkets on the table and mugs with flower designs. judging from anything you considered to be your domain, you seem to like flowers. the softness of the atmosphere is calming to him, the scent of all the flowers is overwhelming, his knees are weak.
“what- what are you going to do with me for this day that you have me? you must have some plan for me,” you tilt your head with a faint smile on your lips as he sits beside you on the couch, “do you want me to work? am i a servant? please, all cards on the table, tell me what you want from me.”
“all cards on the table?” you echo, and he nods, for a second wondering if you just straight up didn’t know what he meant, but you lean in to him, close enough to just barely need to lean just a little more and you’d be kissing him, “i just think you’re cute. forgive me if i just wanted a day to gaze at you.”
he’s startled as you pull yourself away, leaving him flustered and blushing and stuttering as you excuse yourself outside to grow more flowers. he sees the beautiful sunflowers and roses and tulips and then his eyes find you once more. your beauty just radiates, it’s so overwhelming and intoxicating that he feels the safest really taking it all in when you’re focused on your flowers, not leaving him a blushing mess whilst so close to kissing him he just might faint.
the sun hits your skin in such a beautiful way that he can’t can’t stop staring. it’s ironic how you wanted him to stay for a night because you thought he was cute but he cannot take his eyes off of your beautiful smile and hair and demeanor and just… aura. your presence is so soft and comforting yet so overwhelming to him. it’s all something he can’t understand.
you return a few hours later, having given your guest time to really settle in. as you open the door, he’s in the kitchen area with one of your mugs, drinking a cup of tea peacefully and quietly, “welcome back,” he mumbles with a smile.
“hi there, little human,” you smile back at him, taking a seat beside him, “i’m… sorry. i know you were probably lonely, here all by yourself-“
“no, i actually enjoy the quiet. it beats picking fruit,” he shrugs.
“speaking of food, i was able to grant your request, but i completely forgot about you. would you like something specific to be prepared for your evening meal?” hyungwon forgot what it was like when there wasn’t barely enough food to survive on. he tells you his wishes for meat and vegetables and starches his stomach aches for, “alright, dear. sit at the counter with me as i cook.”
he’s stunned for a second, “i didn’t know you can cook.”
“you don’t know my name, my sweet. we have a lot to learn about each other.”
“what is your name?” he asks, and you giggle to yourself, having known he’d ask it the moment you brought up the fact that he hadn’t yet.
“y/n,” you answer, finding the spices you wanted, “and yours, my beautiful flower?”
his heart skips a beat at the endearing term you use. at this point, he wonders if you’re getting enjoyment out of flustering him so helplessly like this, “hyungwon,” he sees the way you smile when you hear his name. it makes him smile too.
“hyungwon… what a beautiful name you have, my dear. it’s fitting, for someone as beautiful as you,” at this point he’s absolutely sure you’re getting a kick out of making him a flustered mess, because now his cheeks are red and he can’t meet your gaze, “sorry, i don’t mean to fluster you—,” liar, he thinks, “— i just can’t help adoring you.”
“you’re too much for my weak heart,” he mumbles exasperatedly as you cook, looking over at him with that cheeky smile on your face like you know just how much you wreck his heart and his composure.
you seat him at the small-but-not-too-small dinner table, bringing plates of food and finally sitting at the seat across from him, “eat as much or as little as you want, dear.”
he goes to ask before he puts too much thought into the question, “are you not gonna eat-? oh, wait, nevermind, do you not need to?” you nod, smiling.
“i’m grateful that you think of me, angel, but you’re correct: this is all for you,” and while he’d theoretically be hesitant to eat while you just sit there, he finally remembered just how hungry he was, and so it would have taken much more restraint than he currently had to restrain himself.
after dinner, you lead him him to the bedroom in your cottage. emphasis on the singularity in that term, “oh- uh, a-am i going to sleep with you-?” he stutters.
“you can, you don’t have to if you don’t wish to, flower. i don’t really have to sleep so if you want the bed all to yourself, then it’s yours. i just… i thought maybe- you know what,” you tone changes suddenly, and he’d be damned if he didn’t catch it, “nevermind. take the room. call for me if you need me, i’ll be outside with the flowers again-“
“wait!” he calls out as you turn to leave him alone. you look over at him, eyes shining so beautifully in the moonlight.
“yes, my flower?”
he’s flustered once again, but he can’t help wanting you to stay with him. he reaches his hand out to you, similarly to how you reached yours out to him, “stay with me?”
you accept the proposal, sitting on the bed with him, weaving a few flowers into a flower crown while he lays on his side, watching you work on the crown like it was the most entertaining thing in the world.
“i think sunflowers will look pretty against your skin, hyungwon,” you mumble, keeping your voice soft as to not disrupt the peaceful atmosphere you’ve both created, and he smiles bashfully at your words, “truly, i think anything would look beautiful on you, but the yellows would really bring out the strong, almost sensual browns in your eyes. can- can i?”
he nods in consent, sitting up and sitting still for you, and your fingers gracefully position the crown on top of his head, “ah, do i look good with it on?”
“oh absolutely, sweetheart, but,” you scoot closer to him, and once again, his heart beats rapidly and his thoughts evaporate into thin air, replaced by the bashful shyness and the way he’s suffocated by your scent, breathing it in like it’s a drug, “in my opinion, you’re the most beautiful.”
he can’t breathe.
“i-i, um, oh my god,” he stammers, so shy as you smile at how he struggles.
“can i kiss you, pretty boy?” you whisper, your hand raising to hold his cheek as you gaze at his lips. it’s subtle, probably because he was malfunctioning inside, but he nods, closing his eyes and passively waiting for your lips on his.
he didn’t know what to expect, with you being a god and all, but it was so much more than he could have prepared himself for, both mentally and physically. it was a rush if he’d ever felt one, both his body on fire and goosebumps lining his skin.
your style of kissing makes him ache in so many ways. his lips will definitely be bruised from the way you bite them, drawing blood like a vampire but in the kindest way possible, your hand cupping his cheek and you other rubbing his thigh soothingly is enough to keep him from crying out because of the pain.
“stop me, hyungwon,” you mumble under your breath, “if you don’t want this, you need to stop me. tell me to stop and i will,” but how did you ever expect him to do that when he’s already so wrecked and all you’ve done is kissed?
“don’t,” he whispers, “don’t stop, please,” and you oblige, keeping your lips busy on his neck as he groans, reaching out to hold your waist, “please,” he echos his own words weakly.
“tell me what you want, i’ll do it, just tell me,” you see how choked up he is, and it’s cute how easily he’s wrapped around your finger, “tell me, tell me, my flower.”
“touch me more,” he breathes, and you help him throw off his shirt. your hands are all over him in an instant, you press kisses down his neck, paying attention to his chest as your hands wander lower and lower.
he bites his lip in anticipation, but it feels just like how it felt when you bit his lip before and he audibly moans at the recent memory. it’s almost embarrassing when he realizes just how openly and easily he’s been moaning since you started.
and it’s not like he exactly expected a warning, but he wasn’t ready for when one of your hands started rubbing his crotch and making him moan and whine helplessly, “please don’t tease me.”
“hm, alright, sweet thing. how about i ride you? would you like that?” he nods desperately, weak at the thought of you using him for your own pleasure and leaving him to drown in the overwhelming pleasure you give him, “take off your pants and underwear, then.”
he scrambles to do as you say, watching with his jaw dropped as you make the garments you wear all but disappear with just a wave of your hand, and he’s intimately reminded that you’re not human, that he shouldn’t have trusted you so implicitly as to let you put him in this position, and that he’s playing a game where he doesn’t know the rules.
but then he sees the genuineness in your smile, the way you treat him so kindly yet assertively, soft yet harsh, and he just can’t fathom being in any real danger when he’s being swallowed by so much pleasure when he’s under you like this.
he’d been zoned out for a few moments until you’re actually riding him already, holding his hand in a softness that makes him weak. he suddenly notices the flowers in your hair, the way your nose crinkles up when you smile down at him, the way looking at your lips reminds him of the ache on his. it’s incredible just how infatuated he is, the way he adores so much being not just under you in a physical sense but also being under your spell.
he moans in such a heavenly bliss, eyes fluttered shut as he can only hear his own voice make sounds that would normally make him embarrassed. he can’t bother to care right now because when he opens his eyes, you seem to like the sounds he makes. and he wants to please.
“hyungwon, d-dear,” you murmur, your hands resting on his chest to keep yourself stable on his chest, “i can’t keep my eyes off of you, baby. you’re absolutely ethereal. so please, can you show me how pretty you are when you cum? can you cum for me, my flower?”
god that name was the most precious thing to him, he wanted to be your beautiful flower forever.
he does cum. he orgasms viscerally, his body trembling as he throws his head back, his jaw slacked as he moans loudly, cumming so hard he can see white.
he stays in that headspace of pleasure, higher than the clouds, for a few moments as the high subsides and he’s left with a euphoric feeling that keeps him shivering with aftershocks, until he starts to hear your voice. you whisper little nothings to him as he starts to come down completely, “i’ve got you, little thing, don’t worry, you’re safe with me.”
he briefly ponders why you keep calling him ‘little thing’ when he’s as tall as he is, but your kisses to him temple take that thought away, “y/n?”
“yes, dear?”
“can you sleep with me?” he asks, not realizing that you already told him that you don’t need to sleep.
still, you can’t resist him when he’s just so adorable with that pout he probably doesn’t even realize he’s making, “of course, let’s clean up just a little bit, and i’ll lay with you while you sleep, angel.”
morning comes far too soon. you still have him for another 7ish hours, but once they’re up, he’ll return to his village, to that friend he mentioned, and disappear from your existence forever. it’s almost pitiful how quickly you became attached to the pretty thing.
you look over at him, sleeping so, so peacefully, his cheek squished against the pillow while he pouts and you can’t help but coo at how precious he looks.
it’s impossible to imagine a life anymore where you can’t keep looking at his face, at his pretty lips (that are covered in bruises in a way that makes this moment a bit less melancholic and innocent), at the softness in his eyes when he gazed at you. what a miserable fate that would be to live through.
“what’s on your mind?” you hear him groan tiredly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. you go to object, say ‘of course it’s nothing just go back to sleep dear’, but he catches it and, even in the early morning, he won’t take a lie.
“i just… you have a life to return to, and i don’t want to deprive you of that. i’ve just grown to like you, is all,” you murmur as you run your fingers through his hair, hearing his soft gums of contentment, “an existence of being by yourself might make one somewhat… easily attached.”
hyungwon doesn’t know how to respond, but he sits up, despite the tiredness that still rests in his body, he moves to get himself out of bed, using his hand to brush his hair out of his face, “we still have time together, so let’s do something you want to do.”
“like what?” you smile sadly, “what should we do?”
“hmm…” he makes a really cute face when he thinks, you realize, and it just makes you fall a little bit more, “well you really like flowers right?”
“of course,”
hyungwon’s face lights up, like he’s had a sudden realization, “oh! then what if we painted? i have minhyuk’s paints in my bag!! minhyuk told me to hold onto them for the day and i kept them on me!”
“wha- what if your friend doesn’t want you to use them?” you stutter, but you can feel that you’re already on board.
“then that’s his problem!”
now to be honest, painting was not hyungwon’s strong suit, but he had such a fun time with mixing colors and making flowers that don’t really look like flowers come to life on the many wooden walls of your cottage. neither of you had brushes either, so it was really just fingerpainting, and by the end, your hands were covered in myriads of greens and yellows and pinks reds and blues tinted by the white, they were almost works of art themselves.
and after hours of painting, making more flower crowns, even teaching him to make flower crowns, and more activities, your time with him was dwindling. of course, he doesn’t have to leave, but the time that he had to stay was slowly slipping away from you.
“hyungwon,” you mumble, getting his attention as he sits on the couch while you were supposedly making tea. you raise your hand, displaying a bright red apple, “this is the one from yesterday, right?”
“y-yeah, i think so, why?”
“i- come here, please.”
he wobbles over to the kitchen, sitting beside you as you show off the fruit, “what’s going on?”
“remember when you told me the apple lead to you the statue?” he nods, “this apple is blessed with my energy. it’s… magical, in a human sense. i just want to apologize for decieving and likely confusing you yesterday,” you look down at the fruit, shiny and glowing red with liveliness, “but i have a… proposal of sorts.”
“i- alright, what is it?”
“take a bite,” you say, your tone heavy with implications of what will happen, “take a bite, and stay with me, will you?”
“what- what about my family? my friend? what about the life that i have?” he asks, but it’s all rhetorical, he doesn’t expect a serious answer, “i was willing to give you a day, i can’t give you my life.”
why can’t you, you feel the urge to murmur to him, why can’t you give that all up? you know i’m all you want now, you’ll only spiral down even further into me, “you don’t have to eat it all, just a bite, just one.”
“what- why are you so adamant that i eat that apple?”
“because!” your voice cracks ever so slightly, and once again his heart aches and he rushes to attempt to soothe you, to hold your heart in his hands and never once let it be hurt, “because you are all i want, hyungwon,” you mumble as he hugs you, resting your head against him, “because i want you to return to your friend and your village, but i’m selfish, i’m so, so selfish. this is the best middle ground i could think of.”
“...what does taking a bite entail?” he asks tentatively, and his heart jumps when he sees your eyes shine with hope. whether or not you know it, you’ve got him good.
“half the time, you’ll be mine. your soul has to reside in my domain, your heart will constantly ache for me,” you murmur, your hands suddenly wandering and he chokes out a moan, “but the rest of the time, you can return to the village. you can return to your life, and i will not make any attempts to steal you away during that time.”
he’s left speechless, not exactly sure what you’d want him to say now, but you place the apple in his hands, pressing a few faint kisses to the edge of his lips just to fluster him, but then you disappear outside. he watches you through the window as you tend to your flowers, picking a sunflower to place into your hair. he’s so entranced by the way you move that he can barely focus on what he needs to focus on: the apple.
he wonders what minhyuk is feeling right now. he’s probably worried to death, horrified out of his mind that his friend just disappeared into the forest. he wants so badly to go back and reassure him that nothing bad happened and go back to the way things were except things would be better.
but he does also feel a sense of… devotion? infatuation? love, maybe? whatever it is, he feels something towards you. his heart aches to please you, to do in this situation what would make you happy. the way you looked when you were so emotionally vulnerable with him, you didn’t seem like a god that he had to worship in that moment, you seemed like a soul that he wanted to love. it’s this feeling deep in his soul that just leaves him, both his heart and his body, utterly defenseless to the prospect of you.
so this is the end of him as he’s been for his whole life. or at least, in a sense, half of him. he’s grateful that you went outside to let his head clear just a bit, it’s always so clouded with you and your scent and your aura that he feels delusional. he tosses the apple around anxiously as he tries to decide what to do, but in the end, there’s not a chance in the world that he could ever go against what would make you happy.
he tries to delude himself into thinking it’s a conscious choice he makes, but he knows he’s lying; he just doesn’t want to accept it. he’s been a wreck since the moment you lured him away with the very apple he holds, there’s not a single reality in which he gives you up. his heart aches to protect yours, and his body wishes to be ruined by yours.
he takes a bite. he’s yours.
taglist: @lovingonrepeat @neosincity @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maknaeronix @multidreams-and-desires @mellowriting @foenixs @hobilluvvr @vanillaknj @yr-domxfantasies @treasure-hwa @fleurshopsub @rubyscloud9 @silencefavarchive @nct99 @bigkpopstan @monstaxdirtywonk and always feel free to ask to be added to/removed from the taglist <3
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It seems that the entire print and cable pundit class, not to mention every legal “expert” I’ve seen interviewed, has thrown up its collective hands in surrender to the enormity of the cleverness of the Texas legislature.
You know what I’m talking about:  the brand new Texas anti-abortion  law that forbids abortions after a fetal heartbeat is present, about six weeks after a woman becomes pregnant.  Everyone agrees that the law is unconstitutional on its face, but the reason everyone seems to be in a state of retreat is because the way the law was written appears not to leave anyone to sue to stop the law from taking effect.
In fact, to my knowledge, no lawsuit has yet been filed seeking an injunction to stop the law beyond the one the Supreme Court just smacked down in a 5-4 “shadow docket” decision that was a single paragraph in length.  This is apparently because of the allegedly “clever” way the Texas legislature wrote the law.
The way every other anti-abortion law has been written in Texas and elsewhere, enforcement has been the job of the senior legal officials of the state – normally the governor and/or attorney general of whatever state has enacted the anti-abortion statute.  To enjoin the law from going into effect, these legal officials are sued in federal court, and the federal courts almost without exception have given injunctive relief to the plaintiffs because the 1973 Supreme Court decision making abortion legal, Roe v Wade, is and has been for nearly 50 years the law of the land.
Most state laws attempting to restrict access to abortion or make it effectively illegal have run afoul of the Roe decision in one way or another.  Because the court classified the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion as “fundamental,” all laws seeking to limit that right must be evaluated under the so-called “strict scrutiny” standard, the highest standard of judicial review and the most difficult to overcome.  This is why, for example, a Texas law passed in 2016 requiring abortion doctors to have hospital admitting privileges, and abortion clinics to meet strict hospital standards such as the width of hallways and medical equipment required to be on hand, was found unconstitutional.  The court found the Texas restrictions imposed an “undue burden” on the fundamental right of a woman to choose to have an abortion.  The lawsuit resulting in this decision was filed against the senior law enforcement officials in Texas, the governor and attorney general.
The new Texas law restricting abortions to the six-week limit specifically commands that enforcement of the law must not be carried out by the officials traditionally charged with that duty.  Instead, the law leaves enforcement of the six-week abortion rule up to “members of the public” who are allowed to sue anyone who participates in an abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected at about six weeks.  The law allows suits against abortion doctors, clinics, staff, counselors who provide information, lawyers, people helping to pay for an abortion, and even persons providing transportation to the clinic where the allegedly illegal abortion is performed.  The only person who cannot be sued is the woman on whom the allegedly illegal abortion is performed.
The law allows pay-outs of $10,000 plus court costs and lawyers fees to anyone who wins such a lawsuit against an abortion provider or anyone who assists with the abortion.  The new law specifically forbids courts from ordering that the lawyers fees of defendants be paid by plaintiffs who lose their cases.  Anyone is permitted to file one of these lawsuits, including people who do not know the woman seeking the abortion or have any interest in her pregnancy.  The law even goes so far as to permit lawsuits by persons not residing in Texas.
See how “clever” those wily Texas legislators were?  You can’t sue to stop the new Texas law because there is no Texas official to sue!  You can’t sue the governor, or the attorney general of the state, or even local district attorneys because they are not charged with enforcing the law.
There’s the alleged dilemma that’s causing all the consternation, folks.  With no one to sue, what are people to do who seek to protect a woman’s right to choose?
Well, I’m here to offer a modest suggestion.  The Texas law is being called the “vigilante” law because the private citizens empowered to file law suits against abortion providers are the vigilantes seeking the $10,000 award if they win.  The $10,000 is even being called a “bounty.”
A vigilante is a private citizen who attempts to enforce laws or customs by punishing the offender outside the boundaries of the law.  I say these people are not vigilantes; they are agents of the state empowered to enforce the Texas “heartbeat” law by the legislature of the state which authored the law and by the Texas governor who signed the law.  In effect, they have been deputized by the state of Texas as individual law enforcement officers.  The governor and the legislature may as well go around and hand out Texas Ranger badges, because that’s what they have effectively turned the citizenry into.
So who can you file a lawsuit against to stop the law?  Anyone who acts in the capacity of a law enforcement official by filing a lawsuit seeking to stop an abortion or punish a person aiding and abetting one.  The lawsuits can be filed in federal court against these mock-deputies of the state of Texas for conspiring to violate the constitutional right of the woman who decided to have the abortion, and for violating the civil rights of anyone who assisted in the abortion.
Among the rights being violated might be, in the case of the proverbial “Uber driver” the right to carry out the free and fair trade of his or her business.  The right to privacy of others may be said to have been violated by the plaintiff filing the suit who would have had to conduct surveillance in order to prove that a defendant was involved in the abortion.  The right to free speech of a counselor would be violated by a plaintiff alleging that he or she had provided perfectly legal information to a woman seeking an abortion under Roe v Wade.  The right to privacy of the woman who is alleged to have received an illegal abortion would be violated by anyone who gained access to private medical information that would purport to “prove” that a heartbeat could be detected and thus the woman had passed the six-week limit imposed by the law.
The collection of proof involved in these vigilante lawsuits is the biggest problem they face.  How are they going to prove there is or isn’t a heartbeat?  With an ultrasound?  Who is going to order this procedure, which in order to listen to a very new fetus is usually performed vaginally, thus becoming an invasive procedure.  Are they going to get a court order to insert an ultrasound wand inside the vagina of a woman?   Blood tests using needles are similarly invasive.  Who is going to order these tests?  Who is going to conduct them?  How are they going to provide a plaintiff with private medical information that is protected as private by federal laws?
As many federal lawsuits could be filed as there are so-called “vigilantes” suing abortion providers and those who assist them.  Perhaps if those seeking the big $10,000 pot of gold at the end of the vigilante rainbow are faced with the prospect of a judgement against them of $1 million or more a federal court finding that they have violated civil and constitutional rights of abortion providers, staff, assistants, counselors, “Uber drivers” and others, they will think twice before they give a yank on the shiny new one-arm-bandit of the Texas legislature.
I’m not a highly-paid legal “expert” on MSNBC, but unless I miss my guess, the federal courts in Texas and elsewhere will not be happy if they are suddenly deluged with lawsuits seeking relief from the yahoos trying to game the system in Texas by filing suits in state courts under the new Texas anti-abortion law.  I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the Supreme Court itself got a little perturbed if suddenly their precious “shadow docket” were buried under a pile of appeals from federal suits against the Texas “vigilantes.”  Judges don’t like messy dockets.  They especially don’t like being forced to work the extra hours that would be necessary to deal with the massive quantity of federal lawsuits which might result from this madness.
Until the Supreme Court hears the Mississippi abortion case seeking to overturn Roe v Wade and decides whether or not to accept their arguments and overturn Roe, that decision stands as the law of the land.  The Texas “vigilante” anti-abortion law is a naked attempt to get around that decision and deny women a right found to be “fundamental” under Roe.  It’s not even a very smart naked attempt.
The way you fight bad people with bad ideas is with good people and good ideas.  The ACLU and the Center for Reproductive Rights and Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro Choice America and the National Organization for Women and any number of other liberal organizations must have a whole passel of lawyers as “clever” as those in the Texas legislature.  The faster they get busy, the better.
[Lucian Truscott Newsletter]
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thekidultlife · 4 years
The Most Convenient Escape | Jihoon Soulmate!AU (5)
⍟ Pairing: Jihoon x fem!reader
⍟ AU: Fantasy/ Soulmate AU
⍟ Genre: ANGST, SLOW BURN, fluff
⍟ Warnings: mentions of abuse, drinking, and sex
⍟ Word Count: 8.5k
⍟ Synopsis: For all your life, you have a deep disdain towards Soulmate Bonds, so much so that you are able to write opinions about it in a local newspaper. However, as life would have it, you wake up one day bonded to a person you hardly knew. Throwing in an investigation, annoying roommates, and a revolution looming just beneath the surface, you had to seek for the most convenient escape.
⍟ A/N: So on to the next chapter! This is probably the longest I’ve written for this series! Anyway, please excuse my tarot reading skills, my knowledge is only limited to watching pick a car readings in youtube and google. Now that’s out of the way, please enjoy! -Hyeri
⍟ Taglist: @shoshishua, @woozisnoots (I also want to thank @minkwans and @oprandomfeels for leaving such a nice messages on the tags in the previous chapter!! I dont want to sound creepy but i do comeback to them if i needed motivation to write! so thank you!!)
CHAP 1 | CHAP 2 | CHAP 3 | CHAP 4 | CHAP 5 |  CHAP 6 |
The Porta Persa Edition, October 12th
Words that break like cannon shots, arguments that burn like incendiaries, bulwarks of statements that are hardly impenetrable—such is a terrifying and impressive sight to behold upon the ancient halls of the Parliament in these last few weeks. The fate of the two Cilvekan agents who were previously caught in Lower Efendel had been a divisive force upon the venerated legislative body of our nation; rendering them into a heated stalemate. 
Armed with wit and sound proofs, Conservatives led by Atlen County Representative Kang Jinho campaigned for stringent travel restrictions, as well as a thorough examination of all Cilvekan nationals entering and leaving Porta Persa. He contends that the security of this powerful nation must not be compromised for simple material gains. 
Pointing an accusing finger at the trading and tourism industry which has seen immense growth in profits due to the inflow of foreign immigrants and visitors into the country, Conservatives have been critical of lax travel regulations over the years in which they view, as in Rep. Kang’s words, as a means for ‘alien entities’ to ‘wreak havoc in this peaceful land’ and ‘further their covert operations to diminish and weaken the stability of Porta Persa’. According to Rep. Kang, it is rightfully so that sacrifices are to be made to ensure that no foreign powers would dare to assert their influence over this country. 
On the other side of the argument lie Santaragossa Assembly Representative Lee Jihoon, the flagship of both Libertarians and Moderates on this matter, who, with his rapid fire responses, have advocated for softer regulations and an extensive counterintelligence program instead. 
In his speech to Congress today, Rep. Lee disputes that economic factors are hardly simple, and should not be diminished into mere ‘increase of gains’. In his words ‘There are people who, if harsher travel restrictions are thus placed, will be left for wild dogs to eat, for the weather to beat and rattle their bones on the cold earth. With no means of a livelihood to provide for themselves, what will become of them? For us who have a roof to sleep in, and food on the table to eat, it is easy for us to say that travel restrictions are a minor inconvenience. Yet for these people, harsher travel restrictions are equivalent to a death sentence.’
He further advocates for a better counterintelligence program wherein proper and stronger defenses are to be implemented only at the appropriate areas, as this is not only cost effective, but also ensures that the livelihood and the human rights of all people in Porta Persa, whether be citizen, immigrant, tourist and whatnots are protected and venerated…
“Lee Jihoon was truly frightening during that session. I swear to god, sitting there feels like he’s attacking me personally.”
Unlike the usual, the three of you were not relaxing comfortably outside the lush courtyards of the Royal Academy, eating carefully prepared lunches and enjoying the view. Instead, late morning sunlight poured from the open windows, illuminating the wooden desk and chair you were sitting on, silently listening to your friends.
To your right, sat said friends: Wonwoo and Soonyoung who were fresh from the printers, the rancid smell of ink sticking to their regal school uniform. On Soonyoung’s hands was the freshly printed draft of your newspaper, which was to be released the next day. 
He folded the newspaper and tossed it beside you on the desk. 
“He’s been like that for what? A week now, I reckon?” 
“Two, in my opinion.” Wonwoo answered, adjusting his glasses. He was the calmer kind of fellow. Soonyoung was more theatrical. 
“Oh good god, it’s been two weeks already?” Soonyoung exclaimed, his lips ajar. “No wonder Y/N is here all the time!”
Wonwoo glanced at you, who simply turned away and faced the open window. “Why are you here exactly?”
You continued to grind Alizarin berries on your portable mortar and pestle with a nonchalant look on your face. “I’m making your allergy medicine.”
“Not yesterday and in the last few weeks,” Wonwoo retorted back, giving you an inquisitive look. “Now tell me, is it because of Lee Jihoon?” 
Groaning, you continued to pour all of your irritation at the poor powdered berries in your mortar. “Must the reason always be Lee Jihoon?” 
“Well, why are you here then?” Soonyoung shrugged, glancing at you with raised brows. 
Exasperated, you sighed and left the mortar and pestle alone for once. In all honesty, the reason was indeed Lee Jihoon. After he saw your breakdown two weeks ago, you were avoiding him at all cost because you knew he was going to ask you about it and you were not one to divulge such sensitive topics. 
Of course, you wouldn’t let them know. “The way my room looks is just nauseating.” 
Soonyoung made an incredulous frown while Wonwoo snorted. 
“Right.” They both said.
Having childhood friends has its own disadvantages: you couldn’t really hide anything from them. Yet you wouldn’t tell them anything for that matter. Your room was indeed nauseating, spinning around and around as your vision blur if you just stay in one position for far too long.The way your stomach churns and your legs buckle because of the amount of suppressants you were taking to block your soulmate connection was something you simply cannot express into words. 
You stare at the red powder inside the mortar. The smell was making you lurch, reminding you of the suppressant, yet you expertly concealed it with a cough and a broad change of subject. 
“Aren’t we supposed to go somewhere today?” you asked, adding more berries to the mortar. 
“No, it’s on Friday, 3pm,” Wonwoo replied, checking his travel sized planner. “For some time, Soonyoung and I have been tracing documents from Luce Trading to see if they could give us some clues. But most of them inexplicably got lost or destroyed from last year’s flooding, but thankfully, Soonyoung found some in a novelty shop.” 
Upon hearing, you quirked a brow at them. “That is quite interesting. It is possible that something important is in those documents, especially when they had deemed it necessary to destroy them. It seems like fortune is on our side today.”
Wonwoo nodded. “Exactly my thoughts.”
“I reckon, those documents can finally settle the question of who their actual victims are,” the other male remarked with a considerate nod. “We can actually take a step forward in this investigation!”
You forced a smile. Truly, you were elated but the way your heart was palpitating wasn't feeling that great to you. Wonwoo adjusted his glasses once more, a habit he has acquired whenever he was thinking of something.
"Quite frankly, I still haven't forgotten what Jihoon had told me a few months ago," he started, fidgeting with his hands. "And god knows if he's telling me the truth or throwing us off the scent." 
"Oh that one..." Soonyoung exclaimed, nodding. You glanced at the two of them, looking betrayed. 
"Why have I no knowledge of this?" You asked, eyes shooting daggers. 
The two boys quickly exchanged glances and panicked.
"You haven't told Y/N?" Wonwoo asked the other male, who was beginning to pout. 
"What…I thought you told Y/N!" He replied, pointing at you. 
What seemed like a little misunderstanding was going to become a lot of bickering later on, so as you rolled your eyes, you put yourself between the two of them. 
"Alright, enough. Just tell me what Lee Jihoon said," you spoke sternly, hands on your hips.
“It’s not as straightforward as you think,” Wonwoo recounted. “Jihoon kept going in circles about our newspaper, Alex Fireflower—”
“Me?” you exclaimed, furrowing your brow.
“Yes, you. And the Gestalt case,” Wonwoo continued, acknowledging you. “At first, I was under the impression that he was simply inquiring what my thoughts were with regards to the Gestalt case as a fellow classmate, yet as it turned out, he appears to be hinting that it was a suicide case.”
A bewildered look was what you gave him, not understanding how a blatantly homicide case could possibly be a suicide. “I need you to expound further than that.”
Your friend shrugged. “That’s where the problem lies. We know that the Gestalts might be involved in the sex trafficking ring due to the judicial records we’ve discovered before, yet to what extent is a matter we have no knowledge of.”
“Oh, yes, that tax evasion case filed against Luce Trading that was suddenly dismissed by court with no apparent reason…it seems malicious, yet I still doubt that it should be considered a connection to the syndicate” Soonyoung remarked. 
“Those things usually happen yet everything involved in this case should be accounted for. Even including the possibility of it being a suicide,” Wonwoo continued. 
“Yet logistically speaking, how can it possibly be a suicide?” You asked, clearly unconvinced. “Lee Jihoon is merely giving us chaff.”
“That is the reason why I cannot just stop thinking about it. It’s perplexing.” 
“You’re just doing mental exercises, Wonwoo,” you dismissed him. “Trusting Lee Jihoon is definitely not advisable. He’s a politician. We might be unaware that he is in fact a part of that syndicate, and is simply playing cat and mouse with us.”
Wonwoo heaved a long sigh, leaning against the bedpost. “That, I won’t deny.”
“Rather than running on conjectures, we should proceed with the investigation instead,” Soonyoung interrupted solemnly. “We simply do not have the entire narrative.”
"I completely agree," you replied, leaning against the table as you go through another wave of stomach cramps with much composure. "Let's…lay out what we know first." 
The two of them nodded at you, which you considered a signal to begin.
"So, we know that some government officials are involved in a sex trafficking scheme. Why do we know that?" 
Soonyoung answered. "Because Wonwoo unintentionally eavesdropped a conversation between his father and a parliament member, who was trying to ask him to vote against the amendment of the Soulmate bond." 
"He offered my father membership to the syndicate among other things…" Wonwoo quietly continued, perusing his thoughts. 
"Right. We know that the Gestalt case is somewhat related to the syndicate. Why?" 
"For one, that parliament member who had attempted to lobby for my father's vote was asking him to vote against the amendment which has stemmed from the Gestalt case. It could possibly be a stretch but we should not deny it." 
Nodding, you continued. "And the fact that we had found out that Rene Gestalt had already died right after the High Court suspension. And had died under a different name and under a mysterious circumstance."
"If Rene Gestalt was a simple nobody, he wouldn’t have died in that manner," Soonyoung added. "And that tax evasion case shouldn't have been dismissed so easily."
"Luce Trading is more profitable than Kwon International, isn't it?" You asked, but Soonyoung immediately replied.
"Hey now! We had better sales for the past decade!" 
You giggled, "Alright, my apologies." 
"I still find it hard to fit the pieces though," Wonwoo interrupted. "Why Luce Trading? Why did Himi Gestalt die but not Rene? What exactly happened?"
The three of you exchanged glances.
"We need more information."
You leaned back, sighing as you felt the heaviness of the possible truth you have in your hands. Wonwoo and Soonyoung were pretty much the same. That’s why, more than anything, you didn’t want any sort of distraction, especially those that involve soulmate bonds.
“In the meantime, Y/N,” Wonwoo began, giving Soonyoung a look and then the two gazed at you with concerned expressions. “Are you truly, definitely, a hundred percent, alright?” 
You knitted your brows, and immediately replied. “I’ve never been better.”
“No…! No, what we meant is…” Soonyoung was the one who responded. “You…you fought with your father, didn’t you?”
It was a sudden inquiry, you can admit that, but you were not at least surprised they had asked. Your father must’ve gone to Soonyoung’s father and then they informed him of the matter. 
“A few weeks ago, yes,” you told them, nonchalant as you added more berries to the mortar. “I have decided to cut ties with him once and for all. He’s nothing to me now.”
You noticed that they were taken aback, but it was an expected reaction. The decision was indeed done in the heat of the moment, yet you didn’t feel anymore remorseful. 
“You do not have to worry about me. I have you two, and our newspaper is doing quite well in sales,” you reassured them. “Cutting him off is simply removing dead weight off my shoulders.”
Without any warning, Soonyoung pulled you to a tight embrace and Wonwoo followed soon after. You simply stayed still in surprise, as they continued to console you silently, knowing that you didn’t need any words to make you feel better. 
“Y/N, please know that we will always be here for you,” Wonwoo began. “We’ve been together since we were children, and we’ll always will be.”
“If you wish to get something off your chest, we are always here to listen. You don’t have to carry everything by yourself.”
You grimaced at this, but hid it easily by burying yourself underneath their embrace. You’ll tell them everything someday, but now, you simply wish to brave the storm by yourself.
“I will.”
Heavy footfalls echo across the marbled hallways of the Parliament. Rows of white columns line up on the curve, the view of Porta Persa easily seen with just one turn of a head.
"Jihoon, please wait for a moment!"
Harsh steps that march through with controlled frustration, and another set which was running after them. Nobody was on sight other than two men who were adorned by their heavy purple robes, billowing with the wind.
"Lee Jihoon!" 
"What is it ?!" The other snapped, his eyes piercing and intense.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs sighed, his demeanor tinged with concern. The whole Parliament hearing was tense and unnerving, and Lee Jihoon seemed to be in the middle of the swirling storm. 
"I simply wanted to see if you are doing well," Joshua offered, his voice calm, yet the other simply scoffed.
"What do you suppose?" he replied, his tone filled with frustration and sarcasm. "If we lose next week's vote, it'll be all over!" 
Joshua reached out for Jihoon's shoulder, trying to help the other through his temper. 
"Alright Jihoon, listen to me. We still have time. We can still convince the others to vote against the bill." 
"But we need fifty more votes! Where in heaven's name are we going to find those?" He exclaimed and then groaned, resounding through the deserted hall.
"You need to calm down, Jihoon!" Joshua reminded, shaking some sense into him. "You're making a mountain out of a mole hill!"
The dark haired male blinked, stunned by the sudden loudness of his friend's voice. The high had finally subsided in his veins as he huffed and removed himself from Joshua's grasps. 
"I apologize. I'm simply exhausted," he replied, sighing as he turned his back to the other. "While this issue has been particularly draining, my soulmate bond is eating my energy away as well." 
Joshua blinked, wondering what was the matter this time. They had left Jihoon in his dorm room that day as instructed, yet for some reason after that, he seemed to have become more snappish and gloomy. 
Jihoon sighed once more, probably the nth time for today. 
"She…she was crying when she arrived, you know. I have no inkling as to why but it did hurt me…seeing her like that," he continued, now more to himself than to Joshua. "I wanted to comfort her or do something, anything…but she pushed me away, both physically and mentally. It's been weighing on me since then."
Without a word, Joshua walked towards him and placed an understanding tap on his shoulder. "I wish I can offer you some help."
At this point, Jihoon simply shook his head with a downcast smile. "There is nothing we can do about it if she doesn't want me." 
Those words, as he said it, felt more painful than he had anticipated. Yet that was the truth—she had blocked him, in more ways than one. Jihoon wished he knew why yet he had already spent enough sleepless nights on it that he didn't need more.
"In the meantime, it would be nice if we had those fifty votes before the weekend."
Oct. 14th 
Desmere District, Porta Persa
"So, it's here?" You asked, standing in front of a decrepit shop, flanked by two of your friends. "Are you sure it's here?" 
You weren’t really one to judge but the way the roof shingles were about to fall, the dull green paint peeling off the door, and the dusty shop window filled by various junk accumulated over the years, was telling a rather clear story. 
You could even  hardly read the name of the shop. 
“52nd Oppleton street, Esmond Novelty Shop….Yes, without a doubt this is the one!” Soonyoung replied cheerfully, grinning ear to ear, “Come on now! No time to waste!” 
Wonwoo glanced at you with a knowing look as he followed after Soonyoung through the door. Today seemed to be one of those days where Wonwoo was in a rather irritatingly playful mood. “You heard him. No time to waste now, Y/N.”
It wasn’t new for you to be the victim of their teasing, but you didn’t appreciate it either when it comes. Thus, as you rolled your eyes and pursed your lips, you threw your hesitation out of the window. Following closely behind, you heard the charming bell chime above you as soon as you entered, yet the dust which wafted through the air was not as charming as you had feared.
“Welcome to our shop! Feel free to look around and see if anything suits your fancy!” A male voice greeted you three, though you cannot make out a clear image of him as he seemed to be covered by the centuries old dust. 
“Ah, we’re actually looking for someone…” Soonyoung replied, fishing a piece of parchment inside the pocket of his vest. “Um…a Madame Adora?” 
While the three of you seemed to be unsure, the tall burly man, which you have now seen after the dust has settled, nodded in understanding. 
“Yes, yes. Please follow me. Her shop is at the back,” he replied and turned around, not waiting for you to respond. 
Exchanging curious glances, you followed close behind—carefully studying your surroundings as you did. There were a lot of books for one. Stacks upon stacks of leather tomes piled on top of another which was rather deadly if one wrong move was made. The shopkeeper, seemingly used to this dangerous environment, easily navigated his way through the path provided. 
There were a lot of miscellaneous items as well: old shoes, typewriters, some ornate desks which were long forgotten. Dirty porcelain dolls, dull grey candelabras, and even a baby grand piano covered with various knickknacks—essentially, this was a shop of extras: once loved, tossed away and buried under the sands of time. Their fate seemed to have given you a melancholic mood, yet there is little you can do to change it. 
“Where do you find all of these?” Wonwoo asked, curious as he perused over an old book about outdated potions. 
“There are numerous ways,” the man shrugged, dodging a stray pole which was protruding from a pile of junk. “Sometimes we buy them from people who move houses, sometimes they just give it to us, and some just find their way here.”
His words immediately reminded you of the thought that objects do have souls in them. They used to be someone’s important thing; they were once given meaning and context by the people who used to own them. This place had become their new home now, amidst the sea of other objects that were no different.
A light knock on wood snatched you from your thoughts as you averted your attention back to the matter at hand. The shopkeeper had stopped in front of a slightly ajar door, peeking carefully at the space. 
“Madame, these people wish to speak to you,” he called out, yet he was met by silence and a rather loud creaking of a chair being moved. A grainy “let them in” soon followed, though you were not as sure since it was just above a murmur.
Nodding, the shopkeeper moved and allowed you space to walk inside the room. With rather modest postures, the three of you silently entered in file, easily spotting a worn out loveseat, which was probably a bright emerald in its youth, to sit on. It was a rather small space, enough to be a breakfast room, with second hand furniture and astrology-related objects littered around to give a sense of mystique. 
“Robert, fetch those documents for me please,” the old woman ordered, who you hardly noticed with how she was almost covered by the wooden desk before her. The shopkeeper, who was apparently named Robert hummed and disappeared, closing the door shut. 
As soon as he was gone, you scooted on your seat to take a closer look of the old woman. Just as you had anticipated, Madame Adora was petit, but was made to look larger by her bulky dress adorned by stars and moons embroidered in metallic thread. It had the same fabric as her headpiece which was wrapped around her head like a towel. The one which caught most of your attention however, was the large dangling sun and moon earrings which were as big as her head. You wondered if they were as heavy as they looked. 
“Um…we’re—” Wonwoo began but was instantly halted by the Madame with just one hand. 
“I know what you seek, my dear children,” she began, her voice croaky. Probably from smoking a bit too much; you thought as you noticed the ashtray on her table next to the burning sage. 
The three of you raised your eyebrows, wondering what Madame Adora could’ve meant by her words. She seemed to be the eccentric type, and you wouldn’t be surprised if she busted out tarot cards and a crystal ball any minute. 
“You are on your path to fulfill a great purpose for humanity. It is a fate neither you nor this country can avoid,” she continued, making you glance at Wonwoo and Soonyoung. You wanted to ask them if she was sane, but out of courtesy, you decided to keep your mouth shut. 
“O-Of course…that—that’s what we’re trying to do,” Soonyoung replied awkwardly as he shifted on his seat. “But we do need to—”
“Yet be cautioned. This path does not offer refuge nor solace for the tired and weary. You will be accompanied by danger, deceit and the deep dark evils of this world. You will face adversaries stronger and larger than you had anticipated. Poke the bear, and its claws shall appear. Be strong and always seek for the truth.”
“Uh…yes, of course,” you replied, ending with uncertainty. “So the documents—”
“Ah, yes. Robert will be here soon,” she interrupted yet again. “While we wait, would any of you like a tarot reading?” 
“T-tarot reading?” Soonyoung exclaimed, as he leaned forward, not sure if he had heard it right. 
What a surprise. You simply smiled.
Interrupting your gloating, Soonyoung suddenly nudged you with his elbow, making you look at him. 
“What?” you asked, your voice a whisper. 
“Y-you do it, Y/N!” He replied, his expression not betraying the fact that he was a bit afraid. 
“What? Me? Of course not! Do you suppose I believe in such buffoonery?”
“Now, now. It’s just tarot cards, what harm could it possibly do to you? Attack you with a paper cut?” Soonyoung immediately replied, even though he was the one who got frightened first.
“Soonyoung is right, Y/N,” Wonwoo joined in, though you knew he was trying to gang up on you. “Besides, you wouldn’t be so cruel to deny this poor woman an income, would you?”
You closed your eyes, and breathed in—incredibly irritated by this game Wonwoo was playing today. However, you just didn’t have the energy to pick up a fight with how your stomach was beginning to churn once again; the suppressants returning with a vengeance after the pain relievers had worn off.
“Fine then! I’ll do it,” you seethed through gritted teeth as you stood up and walked towards the old woman. “I’ll do it.”
Now much closer, you saw Madame Adora smile warmly at you, which made you feel a bit guilty for getting angry. Sighing, you turn your gaze down to the wooden desk, unable to look into her eyes. 
“Boys,” the Madame suddenly called in her raspy voice. “Robert is waiting for you in the other room to look at the documents. Your friend will join you shortly.”
At this development, both Wonwoo and Soonyoung glanced at you, asking if it was alright for them to leave you. You smiled at them encouragingly. You’ll be fine. It’s just a tarot reading.
“Please don’t start without me,” you turned to them as they left the room. “I’m looking at you Kwon Soonyoung.”
Your friend simply grinned and gave you a salute. “Aye, aye!”
When the door was finally shut and you were left alone with the old woman, you glanced at her, wondering what was about to happen, or if she was going to do something.
“What’s your name, my dear?” she asked, something you hadn’t expected.
“Uh…I’m Y/N,” you soon replied, fiddling with a stray lock. You tried to deduce what the Madame was thinking, but nothing came to mind. She was eccentric and unpredictable; there was no use trying to predict the next set of events.
“Well then, please take a seat, Y/N,” she offered the armchair beside you which you quickly sat on. “Is this your first time getting a reading?”
“Yes, I…” you tried to evaluate your next words. “I’ve never been to a shop like this before.” 
She simply chuckled at you, pulling out a deck of cards from a drawer. “I understand, dear. We readers are few in number, yet believe it or not, just like magical practitioners, it is necessary for us to have proper licenses.” 
With the new information, you raised your brows and nodded, wondering why you haven’t known of this field before. As you continue to swim in your thoughts, Madame Adora began waving the smoking sage around the area. 
Knowing your curious look, she gave a small smile. “To cleanse the space, my dear. Sometimes we carry residual energy from people, objects or situations. It is necessary to cleanse before we begin the reading, so we can only pick up your own energy.”
Nodding once more, you didn’t really know what she was talking about. You were no magi, and your knowledge of magic was limited to alchemy and potions, which was grounded more into the material world than the metaphysical. 
“Alright then. What kind of reading do you wish to do?” She asked and you only gave her a blank look—completely innocent to the kind of readings a reader could perform. 
Without you needing to say a word, the Madame nodded in understanding and explained it to you. 
“A reading, in its base form, is a medium to provide some clarity. The Universe itself provides the answers. So if there is a question, a situation which you wish to seek clarity on, then we could begin with that.” 
Even before the old woman had finished talking, your head was already turning gears and cogwheels. You wanted to ask about the syndicate and the investigative reporting you were doing, yet for some reason, a niggling feeling inside of you was telling you it wasn’t the right question to ask. 
So you searched for it, concentrating on the feeling that you knew you could trust. However, at the end,  you were surprised to where it had led you. You didn’t want to ask about it. It was done, it was there. It didn’t matter anymore. But you felt it. It was so strong that it made shivers creep under your skin. You know you needed to hear it. 
You sighed. It’s just a tarot reading. No harm done. 
“I…uh…” you gazed downwards, finding your wrist wrapped in ribbon to be quite fascinating; deciding for one last time if this was indeed the decision you were making.
“My…uh, soulmate bond.”
You were not sure if she had heard you with how small your voice sounded, but there was no way you would repeat yourself. The way you finally said those words out loud felt like some sort of acceptance; an acknowledgement that a soulmate bond existed between you and that person. Before, it felt like it was simply a figment of your imagination.
To your surprise, the Madame nodded at you, smiling proudly. “Then it shall be. Let us begin.”
You nodded back, watching as she began to expertly shuffle the cards. 
“I will be doing a simple spread for you. A first card or cards would explain your energy, and then his energy. Afterwards, your strengths and weaknesses, then the state of this connection. Finally, we will be asking for the future of your soulmate connection.”
Unaware of how specific tarot can be, you only stared at her quite agile hands, not fully understanding everything. 
“Please be reminded, dear that energies do change. What is shown here is simply the current energy of the soulmate bond. You and your soulmate still do have the agency to change your future, yet for now, this is what it is.”
You definitely liked the sound of that. If tarot had been in any way fatalistic, you would’ve soured on it in an instant. You always believed that you had some semblance of control over your life, or at least you wanted to. 
Quietly, the Madame began drawing out cards, mostly cards which jumped out while she was shuffling. As she began to neatly arrange the cards into a grid-like form, you watched out for any reaction or expression from her. As it turned out, the most you could get was a slight raise of a brow. 
When it was all done, she flipped the deck over and placed it beside the spread. Peering overing, you saw that there were a lot of cards, some were upright and the others upside down. You wondered what these all meant.
“Well then, my dear,” she spoke to you, glancing all over the spread and then nodded in understanding. “Let us begin with your energy—Eight of Swords, Queen of Swords reversed and the Hermit reversed.”
“Are those good or bad?” you asked, curious, yet the old woman simply tightened her lips.
“What I could say is that, you may seem to be trapped in your situation right now, whatever your situation may be. Look at this woman in the Eight of Swords,” she replied, holding out the card to you. “ She is blindfolded and surrounded by these swords. She seems to be trapped and imprisoned. It could be your thoughts or what you are telling yourself, as swords symbolizes our mind and how we communicate. You could be suffering from self-doubt.”
Taking in her words, you could feel a lump forming in your chest, knowing that she was indeed right. 
“And then we have the Queen of Swords, which is you. When she is upright, she is a force to be reckoned with: intelligent, independent and the speaker of truth, however dear, we have her in reverse, which only shows the shadow side of this energy. The Hermit in reverse is telling me the same thing. My dear, I must apologize, yet this is what I see. As you continue to trap yourself with negative thoughts, you are slowly closing off your heart, becoming coldhearted and bitter, leading you into more loneliness and isolation. Whatever has caused you to become like this was incredibly painful that you have been pushed into fear, creating these defensive walls which then became the swords blindsiding you at this moment.”
You were silent, knowing full well what the old woman was talking about. You wanted to be angry at her for speaking a truth you were trying to avoid all this time, yet there was only sadness in your heart. 
“I’m so sorry dear, but this is what the cards say, but please rest assured that your energy could still change. Considering the strengths of this connection, I have high hopes that this soulmate bond will succeed,” Madame Adora consoled you, seeing the deep hurt in your eyes. 
“It’s fine,” you replied, swallowing the bile forming in your throat. “Please continue.”
Hesitantly, the Madame moved to the two cards beside the first ones she had read. “For your soulmate’s energy: the Two of Pentacles in reverse and the Hierophant.”
“As for now, your soulmate is in an imbalance. Look at how this person is trying to juggle the two pentacles in the card. He could hardly balance them at all. It could possibly be that your soulmate finds it difficult to manage their career and this connection with you, as this is a pentacles card which usually pertains to finances and the material world. Or, it could possibly be that they cannot find the balance between their traditional values and the constantly changing world with the Hierophant. Their views are definitely being challenged by you and your connection. Nevertheless, they seem to have felt your withdrawal and decided to focus on their career instead, which has now become two burdens on their shoulders.”
Making a downcast look, you felt guilty for making him feel that way. If he had indeed felt your pain through the bond, then he was no better than you. He was hurt too and the thought of you unintentionally inflicting pain on someone was something you were not keen on. 
“Now then, let’s  move to the strengths of this connection with the Chariot and Strength cards, which are incredibly powerful cards to have. Even this whole spread is powerful, considering how much Major Arcana you have.”
You leaned your head to the side. “Oh, is…is that so?”
“Yes. The Major Arcana holds more significance than the Minor Arcana, that is why having numerous cards from this suit could mean that this connection could be life changing for the both of you. With that said, having the Chariot and Strength implies that the both of you have a tremendous amount of strength and willpower. You and your soulmate are influential people who will stop at nothing to achieve your goals. That is why, even through all the pain and difficulties this bond will bring, this connection will survive.”
Not knowing what to make of that, you simply nodded. You were unsure if you do want this connection to survive. You hardly know your soulmate and you had no interest in doing so. You had long abandoned the idea that you will find love in a soulmate bond.
“Well now, look here, Y/N. I have been called upon to draw three cards for the weaknesses of this connection. We have the Five of Swords, the Nine of Swords in reverse and the High Priestess in reverse,” she continued, showing you the three cards.
“At this moment, there is conflict and disagreement in this connection. It could possibly be that the both of you have fought and that was the reason for your stagnant energy and his withdrawal, and with the Nine of Swords in reverse, usually this card means your anxieties and fears, and in reverse, it could be a release of those negative energies. However, in this reading, it seems like the both of you are hiding this inner turmoil in your hearts. Look at the image here,” the Madame pointed at the Nine of Swords.
“The woman is crying on her bed at night while these swords loom above her—she is crying alone, only the night is her companion, when everyone else is asleep and oblivious to her pain. In a way, you both are mirroring each other. You try to keep this conflict in your heart, making you feel disenchanted with this connection. You had lost hope of finding this love you seek. They on the other hand, try to bury themselves in their career or material possessions. They want stability and a sense of normalcy, yet cannot find it. The Universe has been providing divine guidance, yet with the High Priestess in reverse, the both of you cannot hear or perceive the signs.”
“This is further clarified with the Hanged Man and the Tower, both in reverse. These two cards represent the state of this connection, which further confirms the stagnation and fear of change in this connection. I felt this in the beginning when I was tapping to your energy, but dear, have you been blocking your soulmate bond?”
For some reason, you could only look at her and speak no words. There was fear in your eyes and guilt in your gut. It felt like you had done something unforgivable. You cast a glare to your arm, unable to utter any words of admittance. 
“Dear, may I see your wrist?” Madame Adora asked softly. You were hesitant at first but eventually gave in, pulling the ribbon that was wrapped around your wrist and placed it on the table. 
Gently, she examined the dull black bars on your skin as you watched curiously. You would ask what she was doing if she hadn’t begun speaking once again. 
“You are in pain, dear. Deep, deep pain you need to heal from. It’s not a fresh wound, but scars inflicted from so long ago yet continuously being pried open over the years. You keep on ignoring, burying these scars, hoping that time would help it heal someday,” she said, her fingers on the marks. 
“Yet when this soulmate bond came, it had forced you to face them even if you have no wish to, even if you were not ready to. This bond is making your fears rise to the surface—the fear of heartbreak and of disappointment. Thus, instead of waiting for someone else to do this to you, you decided to nip it in the bud. You try to convince yourself that you wish to be alone, that you are comfortable alone, yet deep inside you, you long for someone to share the heaviness which weighs down your heart.” 
Without even realizing, you had furrowed your brows and was glaring at the offending soulmate mark on your skin. There was a feeling deep inside you which refuses to accept the old woman's words. It was too painful to acknowledge the yearning that was deeply-rooted in your heart. It was too embarrassing to say that you had made a mistake.
You were simply protecting yourself. Those scars had long healed itself. You had already cut ties with your father and that was the end of the story. There is nothing more to talk about. There was no need to face any more of this. There is no need to reconcile with your soulmate. 
Gritting your teeth, you could sense anger rise deep inside of you. 
“But dear let me reassure you that despite everything, you will come together in the end. For the future of this connection, you have the Two of Cups which signifies a union. It is my soulmate card because as you can see, these two people are sharing, exchanging cups—”
You slammed your fist on the table abruptly, the cards jumping in disarray. Madame Adora looked at you sadly as you snatched your wrist away, holding it close to your chest. Your eyes were burning with rage, yet the old woman knew that that anger was rooted from deep longing and sadness.
“I don’t want it,” you muttered in a low voice, and then, after a short pause, began shouting as if it would relieve the guilt in your chest. “I don’t want it! I don’t want this! Could you please leave me alone!”
Without waiting for a reply, you ran out from the room, from the shop. You were in no capacity to continue the investigation with your friends when you are in this state of instability. You just want to leave and disappear for a while. 
Just for a while.
Back inside the room, Madame Adora was greeted by Soonyoung and Wonwoo, who were surprised to know that you had left running out of the shop. 
“Ah, did Y/N lose her temper again?” Wonwoo asked as he had heard you shouting earlier. “We must apologize, Madame.”
“No, it is I who wishes for your pardon. I must have hurt your friend,” she replied. “Please give this to her as an apology.” 
The two men watched as the Madame pulled out a small box from one of the desk’s drawers and placed it on the table. They wondered what the Madame had said in the reading that made you lose composure. 
“We will deliver this to her immediately,” Soonyoung replied as he took the box and dropped it inside his pocket. “And thank you for the documents.”
“It is meant for you. I had been called upon to buy the desk which it was stored in, and when you came to this shop in search for such an item, I knew it was meant for this purpose,” Madame Adora replied, intertwining her fingers together. “But more than that, please watch over Y/N.”
Both Wonwoo and Soonyoung exchanged glances. “W-we will.”
“Simply watch over her and give her support. She is going through something which only she can resolve.”
As the Madame said those words, her gaze was caught by the single card by her side. It was the card at the back of the deck—usually meant to summarize the energy of the whole reading. 
It was the Lovers.
It was already dreadfully dark when you had decided to return to your dorm room.
The wisteria trees were already a midnight grey, the unlit path, a dark purple. Only a few streetlamps offered illumination through the pitch-black night as you waded through the campus in silence.
You took your time alone—wandering on random alleyways, sitting on deserted park benches, watching people pass by as they live their own lives, with their own problems. Nothing seemed real during those hours of isolation in the midst of the crowd. It was like the pain was too far away for you to reach; the events from that afternoon too far away to be reality.
Yet you knew you needed to return somehow. Thus, with eyes exhausted from crying tears unshed, and the ribbon you used to conceal your soulmate bond in your hands, you opened the door to your dorm room and saw its gauche splendor in shameless display.
With a sigh, you wrapped the ribbon on your wrist haphazardly, not caring if not seemed sloppy as long as the black bars were far from your sight.
Walking to the common room, you scanned the area for your roommate, wondering if he was asleep or still at his office on a Friday night. It would be better if you didn’t see him, you thought. There would be less explaining to do.
Yet the common room was depressingly empty. It had occurred to you that you never even spent much time in there as much as you would’ve liked. Was it simply because you were avoiding him or you were just not interested in sharing the same space with him, you didn’t know.
As you move past the wooden dining table and towards the kitchenette for a glass of water, you bumped into something fleshy and soft which definitely made you shriek and fall onto the floor in a painful thud.
“What…on earth?” you muttered, gradually coming down from your sudden adrenaline rush, your sight refocusing.
To your astonishment, you found one Lee Jihoon lying on the floor, obviously drunk by the whisky which was once inside the bottle he was clinging on to for dear life. Apprehensively, you crawled towards him, to check if he was still breathing. Yet before you could touch him, his dark brown eyes were on to you, still cold and jaded as the nights of December.
You were about to reprimand him for bringing in prohibited alcohol inside the dorms and for sleeping on the floor during a cold autumn day, when you realized that his skin was red. Bright red.
Concern immediately shoots up to your brain as you reach out to him.
“Jihoon!” You exclaimed, shaking him to sobriety. “Jihoon! Are you intolerant to alcohol?”
Despite your concern, he could only hum groggily. “It’s…fine.”
“What do you mean ‘it’s fine’? How many bottles have you drunk?!” You asked, looking around and saw several bottles of the same whisky he was holding. “Oh god, you even chose one with high alcohol content! You shouldn’t be drinking this.”
“It’s…fine, Y/N. I only had a few… just a few…”
He simply groaned in reply, lying comfortably on the floor without a care in the world. You only stared at him in exasperation, brushing your hair as you sighed.
You felt an urge to just leave him like that on the floor until dawn breaks. He can take care of himself, and being drunk probably isn’t something new to him. Yet you knew you can’t just do that. Whether or not he was Lee Jihoon, you had the obligation to not leave him to die of alcohol poisoning or of hypothermia.
The last one was a stretch, you admit but still, there was no way you could leave him like that as someone who tries to be compassionate at every point of day. At least, the sofa was a lot better than the cold floor.
Reaching for his arm and placing it around your shoulders, you tried to carry Jihoon to the sofa just a few steps away. Yet you hadn’t anticipated how heavy he actually was as you barely dragged him across the room, huffing and panting. You were not one with the best fitness
“Come on, Jihoon. Hold yourself up!  You’re simply too heavy for me to carry!” You exclaimed as you tried not to stumble on the way.
“Mmn…I’m sorry...I’m trying…” he drawled, his eyes half-lidded and unfocused—obvious indications that he has drunk too much for his own good.
Just a little bit…
Taking that one step remaining, you immediately tossed Jihoon to the soft sofa with a long and exhausted sigh. He only groaned, his hair in a disarray. You had only noticed now that he still had his work clothes on: a grey suit piece sans the tie which he must’ve tossed somewhere in the immediate past.
He had his eyes closed as you sat closely to him, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath. Jihoon seemed to be in peace this way, far from the constant creases in his brow or on his lips. Brushing away a stray lock of hair from his face, you noticed the angles on his face, the fullness of his cheeks, the rosiness of his lips. Was he always this familiar to you? It was a question you had no immediate answers to. Yet you had never anticipated to end your exhausting day with a drunk Lee Jihoon, yet that’s where you are now.
“I should give him some medicine to ease the redness,” you muttered to yourself as you stood up, your mind already listing the ingredients you needed to make one tablet, but before you did, a hand had stopped you in your tracks.
“Please…don’t leave me,” his voice, still lethargic, echoed behind you and you were forced to turn, your eyes captured by his unrelenting gaze.
“Jihoon…” you spoke softly, returning to your seat beside him as you helped him sit up clumsily. “But you’re still flushing.”
“Doesn’t matter…” he replied back, leaning unsteadily until you caught him in your arms. Now he was peacefully resting his head on your shoulder, burying himself into your embrace.
To say that you were wholly surprised was an understatement. You were floundering and unable to make anything out of this situation. This was something incredibly out of character for the Lee Jihoon you thought you knew.
“Y/N…I must….must apologize,” he began, which definitely made you furrow your brows in bewilderment. “I’m so sorry… I—I failed you…”
You stared into the air incredulously, not understanding what page Jihoon was in.
“You didn’t fail me,” you replied back. “You didn’t fail anyone, Jihoon…”
However, it seemed like your words fell into deaf ears as he snuggled up to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“I’m so sorry…Y/N…please…please forgive me…”
Concluding that this was probably one drunk confession, you allowed him to find comfort in your presence, placing a consoling hand on his back as he continued to apologize to you.
This was a side to him you hadn’t expected to see. It was vulnerable, raw and unapologetically real—words you never thought you’d associate with Lee Jihoon. Yet there you were, as you hugged him back, finding solace in his arms as well when there was no one in the world you could share your burdens with.
“It’s okay, Jihoon…” you replied to him as you closed your eyes. “At least you tried, and it’s good enough for me.”
“Yet…yet…why can’t I feel you…?” he cried out, his voice clearly in pain. “Why can’t I reach you…? I…I always…alwaysss wanted to know you…to hold you like this…”
You wished there was something you could say or do, yet you didn’t even know what he was talking about. It felt like the two of you were talking in a circle of riddles; finding yourselves in different pages.
“Y/N…please don’t be angry…please….please….don’t reject me,” he continued on as if in a trance. “I’m so sorry….so sorryyy….”
There was something in his words, or the way his voice shook that had pierced right through you. You wondered what you had done to him to plead to you like this. Yes, you did push him away a few weeks ago, yet that was the farthest you had gone to hurt him. You couldn’t understand what was happening, nevertheless, you still felt called upon to take action.
Moving your hand, you brushed his soft locks gently.
“I won’t reject you, Jihoon. I won’t push you away. I promise you.”
The Porta Persa Edition, October 27th
 In a historic vote, the Parliament has passed a bill on harsher travel restrictions for Cilvekan nationals as well as an extensive program which allows for the investigation of all Cilvekans in Porta Persa. This bill marks a tantamount win on Rep. Kang Jinho and his Conservative party—warranting a speculation of a bid on the Prime Minister seat.
This soon-to-be law highlights restrictions set on the amount of Cilvekan nationals leaving and entering Porta Persa wherein local governments can monitor their actions inside the country. It is also in the prerogative of the local government to deny entry to any Cilvekan wishing to enter.  According to Rep. Kang, it is necessary to be able to detect any sort of preemptive strike against Porta Persa to avoid endangering the security of the people.
This bill also boasts a program which, in conjunction with the restrictions, shall implement a vast inspection of all Cilvekan nationals present in the country. They are to undergo a thorough investigation conducted by the police and shall be warranted to arrests if ill-intentions against Porta Persa is proven.
With this bill, according to the Parliament, the government shall be able to ensure that the national security of Porta Persa shall not be threatened by any means, even if it meant sacrificing privacy and material gains. Sacrifice is and always will be inevitable on the road to peace…
In the pitch black darkness of the night, echoes of footfalls resounded across the streets of Porta Persa. There was breaking of glass, breaking of wood, and shouts of women. 
Fear was high in the scent of the night. The streets of Porta Pera enshrined by men and women—rounded up in handcuffs and tied by accusations. Half the town was awake and afraid, half the town asleep and aloof. 
The night had just began.
CHAP 1 | CHAP 2 | CHAP 3 | CHAP 4 | CHAP 5 |  CHAP 6 |
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igottoomuchwriting · 4 years
Tough Work (Reed900)
TW: Mentions of child abuse
From Gavin: hey bb i'm gonna be home late just so ya know
From Gavin: dont want you worrying
Richard looked at the message in his hub and smiled. He was glad that Gavin remembered to text him instead of leaving Richard to worry about his health and well being.
When the couple had started dating, Richard brought up the fact that they would most likely let their feelings get in the way of doing their jobs correctly. At first Gavin brushed him off, thinking that their relationship wouldn’t have strong enough feelings that it would become a detriment to their work. 
Then, a month into their relationship, they ended up in a shootout with a suspect. The suspect had been aiming at Richard. Gavin, being the irrational man that he is, he jumped in front of Richard as he shot at the suspect. He was able to hit the suspect without killing him, however Gavin was hit in the side. Luckily all major organs were avoided and he was released without a few days, but Richard used this event to make Gavin see that working separately would be better for their relationship. Plus, they wouldn’t have to be around each other 24/7, statistically giving their relationship a better chance at surviving.
Richard ended up transferring, seeing as he had only been working at the main precinct for a year, verus Gavin working there since he began his career. His new workplace accepted him fully, especially after he got a letter of recommendation from Hank—his reputation still seemed to be held high amongst the other precincts.
It wasn’t a bad step up between the couple, though Connor did inform Richard that for the first two weeks of Richard being at a new precinct, he was crankier and seemed to be picking more fights. Richard talked to Gavin about it and was able to get Gavin to stop picking on new recruits (and Connor and Hank, at Connor’s request).
With the couple now working at different precincts, they had to balance different work schedules. Richard had both of their schedules on his internal calendar, so he knew when their days lined up, when they could meet up before going home, when they could head to work together, anything like that. Of course, there are days when either of them have to work late, so they make sure to keep each other updated for any changes.
Knowing it would be a while before Gavin would be able to get home, Richard decided to put off cooking dinner. He would be able to make something quick for Gavin when he got back. For now, he would make headway on the new book series he picked up while he waited.
Richard’s head snapped up when he heard the lock turn, just in time to see Gavin storming in and slamming the door shut behind him.
Richard watched as Gavin kicked off his shoes in a random spot, throwing his jacket on the ground and marching past Richard without so much as a hello.
“Gavin?” Richard called, confused.
“What.” Richard quickly made a note of where he left off and made his way towards the bedroom. He doesn’t know what could have happened that would make Gavin this mad, but he needed to get to the bottom of it.
“How was work?” Often Gavin did not like being asked what was wrong straight out, so Richard always had to go around until he wore Gavin down enough to open up. There were times when he wished Gavin trusted him enough to open up, but as he has learned from deviancy and every story that Connor and Tina have shared with him, humans—especially his human—were not that simple.
“Fine.” He did not look at Richard, just continued throwing his clothes around and making a mess.
“Did you get a lot of work done?”
“Yep.” Richard's face scrunched up in confusion. Something really must have made Gavin mad if he was refusing to look or talk to him.
Richard decided to stay back and watch. It seemed that Gavin had already forgotten that he was there, just moving around and picking up what he threw. Richard understood this to be his stress cleaning. He was okay with a little mess, a little clutter, though when the world gets too much he just cleans.
And then he just stopped. Gavin had been moving extra chargers they had back into the chest at the end of their bed when he froze. Richard waited for him to move, for him to keep cleaning, but it seemed as if he was in a trance. He stayed where he was, almost unblinking while staring at the box, hands clenched around the shirt he was holding.
Richard stepped forward and placed his hand on Gavin’s shoulder, prepared to pull the man back into a hug when Gavin snapped out of it. He shrugged off Richard’s shoulder and threw the cables into the chest before moving on, not once looking at Richard.
“Would you like something to eat?” he asked. 
“No Nines, I don’t want anything to fucking eat!” he snapped. Richard watched as Gavin turned around, anger burning in his eyes. “I’m not the one who needs food! I’m not fucking hungry, yet I decide to eat because I’m bored, when there are people out there who actually need something to fucking eat!”
“Gavin, what—”
“I just—I—” Gavin let out a frustrated yell and kicked the chest. “It’s fucking ridiculous! They can’t do anything about it!”
Richard pulled Gavin back away from the chest, pump pounding and errors flashing in his system. Gavin tried pushing him off again, fighting him and yelling, but Richard would not let him go.
“Let go of me!”
Nines forced Gavin to face him, holding his arms pulling him close. “Gavin, Gavin, please, what’s wrong?”
Gavin didn’t answer. He had stopped fighting Richard but he still wouldn’t look at him. Richard analyzed his boyfriend, reading his heart rate and breathing. He knows that it annoys Gavin but he’s just worried about him.
“Gavin, please talk to me,” Richard whispered. He let go of Gavin’s arms and placed his hands on his waist. Gavin wrapped his arms on Richard’s waist as well and hid his face in his neck. “What is making you so upset?”
“The scene,” he mumbled.
“What scene?”
“The scene that I went to tonight,” Gavin huffed. “It’s just...it was horrible, babe. I couldn’t even believe anything I was hearing.”
“Would you like to talk about it?” Gavin held his breath, staying still as he contemplated.
“No, but I should.” he relented. Richard nodded his head and held Gavin closer, trying to provide as much comfort as he could. There are only a few things that he has seen make Gavin this upset, but he was always there when they happened. This is something that Richard has never had to deal with before.
“I got the call thirty minutes before I was going to get off of work,” he started. “I was confused on why they didn’t call Hank first, seeing as he is the senior officer in homicide, but I agreed to head to the scene nonetheless.” Richard nodded his head in understanding. Even though Hank and Gavin had a lot of tension, they really didn’t let any of that get in the way of their job. Of course it had taken a while for the two to get there, but Richard was proud of them.
“So I hopped in my shitty ass car and headed over. You know how it goes—I get there, it’s cold as shit, I look around for any obvious things, wave off people fucking peeping and trying to get a sneakpeak of the latest murder, get briefed.”
Gavin paused again. His breathing was deeper, more controlled, and Richard could tell that he was trying to keep his composure. He started rubbing Gavin’s lower back to comfort him and Gavin hugged him tight, kissing his neck.
“It.. the victim was a 9-year-old boy. His body wasn’t at the scene, he had been carried to the hospital, but we had been called on by doctors and other officials that we had to check out the house, as that is where the damage was done before he died. I checked out the house and… and—” Gavin grunted and took a deep breath once again.
“It is okay to cry and let out your feelings, Gavin,” Richard muttered.
“Yeah, I fucking know, it’s just—I saw his body. I saw the house.” He squeezed Richard tight but didn’t let go. “He was—there was so much fucking blood, Nines. Katy had gone around marked where all the blood splatter was and she ran out of fucking markers. We had gotten photos of the kid because that was important for our investigation and he—he had bruises, cuts, wounds, and blood all over him! He had a fucking hand print on his goddamn neck!” Richard could finally feel the tears on his synthetic skin, could feel Gavin shaking as he cried.
He was stunned. He knew that there were plenty of child murder cases that have been reported, but he and Gavin had never been called to see them, to investiagte them. It was never in their area.
“I am sorry, Gavin,” Richard mumbled.
“It’s just,” Gavin gasped. “He was so young! He didn’t fucking deserve an ending where he died at the hand of the people that are supposed to love him. And he looked so—so tortured! The bruises weren’t new, the wounds were healing. And it’s just—”
“Shh,” Richard mumbled. He adjusted his hold on Gavin and placed his hand on the back of his head, his other arm holding his waist. He swayed them on their feet as Gavin cried and cursed in frustration, in pain. 
They stayed like that for many minutes while Gavin cried. Richard just held him through it. He has never seen a case like this. He has seen and dealt with cases where children are involved and Gavin was always with him on those cases. Though, they were before they started dating, so Richard would not be surprised if Gavin would go to his apartment and do the exact same thing he is doing now, except then he is alone with his own thoughts.
“That’s why they didn’t want to give it to Hank,” Richard commented once Gavin started calming down. Gavin nodded his head.
“Yeah, like—They know it’s a part of his job description, but I feel like Connor got a whiff of what the scene was going to be like and turned them away. For his sake.” 
“That does sound like a very Connor thing to do.” Gavin let out a laugh.
“Yeah. Fucking bootlicker would never let someone even offer Hank his least favorite ice cream.” Richard let out a chuckle. 
Gavin pulled back from Richard just a bit, looking Richard in the face for the second time that night. His eyes were extremely red and puff, and he had a bit of snot trying to escape. It wasn’t the prettiest face, but Richard would never expect it to be. Not after seeing something like Gavin has had to.
“Thank you for letting me cry,” Gavin mumbled. 
“You can cry anytime you need,” Richard assured. “Your organic brain cannot handle when you bottle it up.”
“Yeah, okay, let’s see your circuits handle what my meatball can,” Gavin snapped, but he let out a small smile.
It was short lived. The smile quickly dropped from his face as he moved around, mind obviously still on the case.
“I think we should head to bed now,” Richard suggested. Gavin let out a nod. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think that would be best.”
And so they got ready. Gavin took a shower before getting ready while Richard laid in bed, nothing but his boxers, reading up on any news about the murder from tonight. He knew it was difficult for Gavin to even talk about the case in the first place, so he just wanted to see if there was any way that he could get his questions answered.
Gavin climbed into bed next to him and Richard quickly closed out the searches, fully turning his attention towards Gavin who was quickly curling up into his side. Richard turned off the lights in the house remotely before scooting down to get into a more comfortable position for Gavin.
“Gavin?” Richard whispered. Gavin let out a ‘hm?’ in acknowledgment, so Richard knew he had to talk fast before he fell asleep.
“That little boy was in the hands of the best people that could save him. Though he did not make it, you can do the next best thing and put those who hurt him behind bars.”
Gavin squeezed Richard and hid his head in his chest, but he didn’t seem upset.
“I know,” Gavin mumbled. “Thanks babe.”
“I love you.”
“Love ya too.”
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daughterofsinsloth · 6 years
I heard from a friend of mine that you are suggesting great fics of soukoku! Everyday I always go to AO3 and look for Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya tags to find interesting stories but recently I dont feel anymore of enthusiastic when I see updates, probably just stress from school. If its okay do you have any skk amazing fics that you like to recommend me or some you read?
hello anon-chan!! and hello to your friend too!than k you very much for your words! they makle m e really happy!
now! I kinda understand what you mean. maybe coz lately there are more angst fics? also school can be a major reason! i freak out a lot too! neh I will give you some fluuf and romantic  or action fics so you can realx and forget all about school okay?
lets see!
first some great writers, that you will definatly enjoy, are:
okay now some am amazing fics that my heart always skip a beat reading them!
Mother by WhisperingWinds99:
a really heart warming fic! Kouyou narrate skk life and we see her mother sight! well written and overwelming emotions . one shot
Movie Nights and Lazy Mornings by evie_maria:
a cute little one shot abouot skk weekend! pure fluff and calm feelings.
Seven days to show you my love by holdinglucy:
It takes Dazai seven days to prove Chuuya he’s still his partner in the things that matter. one shot and absolutely lovely! Im jealous of chuuya here! its nice seeing Dazai as a caring boyfriend who tries to find happiness and Chuuya deserve some too.
Chuuya’s Secret by Anonymous:
Chuuya’s behavior has become strange lately, but Dazai, with his insight, is certain he can figure it out. a hilarrious fic! one shot and a fluffy one! its mpreg too and its funny seeing Dazai as these dork dads!
Fire in the Night by ChubbyHippo:
I love this one. its one shot and AU. brothel!Chuuya and solder!Dazai fell in love under the bright moon and my hearet stopped!its lovely, romantic,bit sad but overwelm ing and leaves you full.
Five more minutes by counter_illumination:
from morning to night their typical day. cute and fluffy.crak makes an apperance too coz we are talking about Dazai.a really nice feeling in it. one shot
Shared Gravity by writingfromtheshadows, ZODIACHUUYA:
mind the writes too. multi-chptrs. the writers take turns with the chptrs leaving no hoe init and giving you the emotions open to see. AU!high school and reallyyyyy good.The first time they slept together, Dazai and Chuuya were little more than academic rivals thrown together in a haze of dancing and alcohol.Every time after that, well, they just seemed to be drawn to each other. its an awesome fic
A Hearts Desire by Kaokita :
AU and multi-chptrs.Chuuya works in a brothel when he meets Dazai, a journalist. Dazai thinks he can save Chuuya but Chuuya doesn’t need saving. The one who needs saving is the one who longs for a reason to keep living. Chuuya and Dazai end up saving each other. this two are like magnets and when they connect they are explode. Chuuya thinks that they are different but they are not really. A+++ for Oda being alive.
Feel My Love by eunrihae:
multi-chptrs, one going, mpreg.they are just in  love and noone thoought that Dazai was serious about Chuuya. but boy they are wrong. coz in the end of the day they will always be in love.
Five Times Dazai Didn’t Stay, and One Time He Did. by kidspawn02:
I honestly loe this one. its well written, well built and over welming. emotions bear for you to see and feel . it has smut b ut not graphic but its about Dazai and Chuuya don’t really know how to deal with sexual tension, and Chuuya doesn’t think it’s fair that he’s fallen in love and that Dazai leaves every time they share a bed. it hurts but the ending is perfect. one shot
Strangers and Painkillers by TheEnigmaticPhoenix:
thiiiiiiiis fic!!!!! best absolute perfect! fluff and light angst but its great! Chuuya has no right as a stranger to make assumptions that the man sitting in front of him is hurting more than he is, despite the huge bloody gash running down the length of Chuuya’s arm.So, in an attempt to become less of a stranger, Chuuya lets the man drag him to the hospital to get his arm treated, hoping that he’ll answer Chuuya’s questions.What Chuuya doesn’t realize is that it’s not that easy to get a certain Dazai Osamu to open up. (part of series)
(i believe) i think i said goodbye to my soul tonight by iskendaris:
this one has smut but I choose it for what it represent. the raw emotions and the writting just bring to light words and promises long buried and very much needed by afraid to be said. true emotions that no one wanted to say but they are not bad and its great how the writer portain them. Dazai OP is “This isn’t sex as much as its an interrogation. Whatever Chuuya wants from him, he doesn’t know why but he knows he can trust Chuuya not to fuck him up.Or rather, he knows why, but he doesn’t think about it too much about baseless trust issues, because therein lies hell and damnation.” and its nice seeing through him
Temporarily by prettypurplegirl08:
cutness overload and a very much needed happiness.multi-chptrs and you dont want it to end.In Dazai’s arms was a small child–Chuuya would guess he was probably around 3 or 4 years old–with, surprisingly, silver white hair staring at Chuuya with those wide purple-yellow mixture orbs of his. The little kid was only wearing an over-size white shirt–well it’s definitely oversized for the small kid. Chuuya fell silent as his gaze never left the child who was thumbsucking in Dazai’s arms, part of his brain trying to figure out where he had seen the kid and another part trying to fathom why Dazai had come to his apartment with him in the first place.//or Atsushi gets turned into a child and Chuuya and Dazai has tot ake care of him, Akutagawa is somehow involved?
I’ll Hold You Close, and Half of Us Closer by doubleblack :
multi-chptrs, on going, mpreg. a lovelly fic. a very needed fluff. “This is the baby.” The doctor smiled. “They look like a little spot right now since you’re not far along. And that is their very strong heartbeat.“Chuuya and Dazai smiled as they looked at the ultrasound of their baby. The doctor printed out the ultrasounds of their baby. She prescribed Chuuya prenatal vitamins, told him he was 10 weeks along, and that he would be due early December. Chuuya and Dazai were now on their way home, and Dazai held Chuuya’s hand as he was driving home.“If Mori finds out…”“He won’t.” Dazai stated. “And even if he did. I will not let anyone hurt you or our baby. Ever. I will destroy the whole Port Mafia before I ever let that happen.” its cuuuuuute. its a journey that i would love to see.
Lips by SilentSoukoku:
cut and unexpected! “My dearest Chuuya, do you even take care of your lips? Look at how cracked they are!” did you died yet? coz I did! one shot
Waste of Bandage’s by ChuuChan1994:
hilarious, cute, amazing! one shot. Chuuya is getting along better with the ADA, that still doesn’t mean he’s willing to put up with Dazai’s bullshit. Where Akutagawa was use to the sight, Atsushi was left gaping at the sight before him.
Just like we agreed by codenamecat:
I will say on thing : Yosano is a b adass  Goddnes. thats all. one shot and smut sorry but its funny and fluffy  too. “I’ve been giving you excuses to leave since the very beginning, why won’t you just do what we’re both waiting for and take your gross ass away from here?!”Dazai tilted his head, his expression suggesting that he suddenly forgot his mother tongue and didn’t understand a word of what Chuuya just said.“Who said that it’s what I want?”
bounded by fate by Nekito :
super interesting multi-chptrs, AU!!! kouyou never took chuuya in and chuuya never joins the mafia, thus never meeting dazai when they were kids; instead chuuya lives 22 years a normal life until he mets dazai; dazai’s connections with the port mafia however soon causes problems on going.
Without Gods, Without Guidance by dancing_dazai :
another super interesting AU but with Gods! niiice and very promising!Without gods, without guidance, By the window, a woman has passed on; the white sky is blind, the white wind is cold.-The Hour of Death, Chuuya NakaharaTwo lost souls find their way to Quindecim with no memories of who they are or how they got there, and they’re determined to get their lives back. No matter the cost. multi-chptrs and on going
centrifugal/centripetal by TopHat69 :
my absolute favorite! majestic, powerful, overwelming, lovelu, lovely fic! multi-shptrs, omegaverse, on going their story from the begging but they are true mates. problem is that its more than they can handle. it what they need but Chuuya is not good at this and Dazai is too afraid. Chuuya wants to learn, to reach Dazai and Dazai want to be free and filfull a promise.
Cover Up by Satquael:
one shot and beautiful! It wasn’t long after they’d first met that Dazai noticed the tattoo. It was on the back of his neck, a bunch of letters and numbers that didn’t make any real sense. A serial number, of sorts.Chuuya had tried to hide it, understandably. Under his clothes, and then makeup. These solutions didn’t really work. Not in the long term, anyway. Clothes shifted, and makeup rubbed off.Dazai had a better idea.
lastly, will be too bad of me to share my works? I think that you may mostly like this fic:
Can you sew my suit? : Akutagawa and Atsushi are getting married and who is a better person to be their best man, but Dazai Osamu? Unfortunally, all guests has to wear newly sew suits, but Dazai missed the deadline for the order!Now, eight days before the wedding, Akutagawa sends Dazai to his last resolt; his good friend’s tailor shop, Nakahara Chuuya.However, his Dazai’s suit will not be the only thing fixed.Ch1.: the prologueCh2.: the meetingCh3.: a bonus
aaaaaaaaaand thats some of my favorite and amazinf fics i LOVE! hope you like them and happy reading! tell me what you think okay?
be well! :)
have a nice day!!!
232 notes · View notes
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I just got into a car accident Please HELP insurance rate?
It's my fault. I rear ended him. My car is old and probably not worth repairing, smashed radiator, bumper, lights. The damage to my car is awful but his was very light, just his rear bumper yet an onlooker said bumpers cost a lot, maybe $800. Should I get my insurance company involved or pay this huge (for me) amount via a check to him directly? I've been a driver for two years only and I'm 30yrs old. If I reported it to my insurance company how much would my insurance go up? Let's pretend my insurance is a nice round number of $100 a month.How much would it affect my rate? Also what are deductables??? Please write an answer instead of sending me to some advertisement type link. Please help!""
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Recently i have been looking to switch car insurance in order to find a better rate for not only me, but my teenage son and daughter. Currently i am paying $80 a month from a local insurance company just for myself, but after looking online i received a quote from geico claiming that insurance for my son, my daughter and myself amounted to a mere $88. Could a Geico or former Geico customer help me out here? What would you say the average rates are for you currently or formally?""
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Does car insurance price depend on the safety of the car? Like a car that has 5 star crash test rating, does that mean the premium will be lower than a car has 3 star rating? Thanks.""
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If I buy a normal Volkswagen MKV Golf, and get a new bumper fitted and put some black alloys on it, will it up the insurance by much? I'm not trying to 'chav' it up, I simply want more of an R32/Jetta bumper and grille. I also want to have the interior retrimmed in white leather, how much would this up the insurance by? Thank you :)""
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I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
Can we get a tax break because our insurance is so costly?
My husband only takes home about $2400 per month (after health insurance is deducted from his check) and $300 in savings from a shared family income property. Our health insurance is almost $800 per month for us and our 2 children- a toddler and an infant. We are barely getting by. We pay $1700 in rent and utilities plus our other regular bills such as food, fuel and phone bills. I just started an evening job 3 nights per week making minimum wage to help, but is there any way we can get some of the health insurance cos ts back? I know Obama Care is available, but is there any other program or tax credit we could apply for while still keeping our health plan? I have a preexisting condition FTR.""
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Im looking for cars, and I currently dont have full coverage, which I will need once I get a car I have to finance. Since I dont know if Im going to get the car Im going to look at I'm obviously not going to get the insurance for it before I leave my house! My bf said to call an insurance company and give them the info and get a quote, then if I get the car I can call the insurance co from the dealership and complete it. But I may look at several cars, so I dont know how this works. I thought it would be best to buy the car, go home and take car of the insurance thing and just go pick up the car the next day. Is that nuts?""
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Hello, Does anyone know where newly qualified drivers can take advantage of low insurance prices. I have tried a few of the price comparison sites, but find that the price of the insurance cover is more than the car. If I purchased a car for about 800, how much should the insurance be. What is the cheapest way of buying it. Is it better to Telephone a local Broker ? Or online.""
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I am going to be a new driver and I am wondering if I just drive my girlfriends car without getting my own insurance if when I drive and get insurance for myself in a couple of years if my rates will be lower. Thank you all for any help.
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I'm looking for a renters insurance company that is not expensive and has knowledgeable and cordial employees. Is not eager to deny claims and has an extensive policy. If you found one that covers breakage of your belongings due to accident or use by you, let me know. I'm not so sure if those types of policies exist.""
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I live in the DC area and I'm trying to figure out the pros and cons of living in the Virginia or Maryland suburbs. I heard a rumor that if I move to Maryland, my insurance company will jack up the rates. Does that sound right? Why would the rates be higher just because I cross the state line?""
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I just bought an older 26 ft. class c motorhome and need to get insurance just to put a plate on it so the city ordinance officer cant screw with me because it is parked in my driveway.I live in Michigan.I wont be using this until fall and dont want to insure this yet through my regular insurance carrier.Does anyone know of a online insurance company thats fairly cheap?
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Hi I would like to ask people in my group of age (24 yrs old) how much would I have to pay for insurance, just passed my CBT and I'm looking for 125cc Cruiser, didn't find anything yet, but I'm trying to calculate the costs. I've checked few insurance sites and made quotes, but still confused.""
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My friend had his car stolen two years ago, and so he claimed on his insurance. After paying his excess, he received payment from his insurance company. Last week, his car was recovered. What happens with the car now? Will the insurance company keep it/sell it to cover what they paid out? Will it be returned to him?""
How much can i afford for a car including full insurance on it..?
I'm 20 almost 21 never needed a car, so never had my drivers license. until i joined the air force. I make 1100 a pay check.. 400 dollars are taken out each paycheck for rent and bills.. so that leaves1400 dollars a month to spend.. 300 on food a month so 1100 dollars to spend on financing a car and the insurance for it.. what im getting at is i know nothing about cars and i want some advice on what amount should i be looking for when i look at cars...what can i afford and how much will the estimated insurance be?? thanks to all who answer this... sorry grammer is bad, on my mobile device""
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Do I have to use my insurance check to fix my car?
someone hit my car and I received a payment from their insurance. Do I have to get my car fixed or not. It's not major damage it's just a broken light and some scratches and they wanted to charge me like a thousand.
When will I be fined if I don't get health insurance (Obamacare)?
Hello, Not that I'm planning on not getting health insurance but I was just wondering--- Enrollment begins Tuesday (at least here in California). I know that there is a fine for not signing up ($95 or 1% of income, whichever is higher from what I have read) However..I cannot find one answer on WHEN you will be fined if you don't sign up. Will it be during this upcoming tax season? Or next year for 2014 taxes? I'm just wondering because I start full time school and will be cutting to about 20 hours a week at my job (as opposed to full-time status that I work now) I do not currently have insurance because my job does not offer it and I do not qualify for Medicaid (because somehow I make too much money even though I can barely afford to pay my bills...) So I plan on signing up for Blue Shield or something of that nature once I cut my hours because it will be much cheaper than if I sign up now. Thanks! Any feedback regarding this would be great but my main concern is being fined. Please let me know when that fine will come into play.""
Going on my grandmothers car mobility insurance?
Hello, I'm 17 soon, male and living in the United Kingdom. If I was to buy a car and take out insurance, the prices would go through the roof and we don't have that much of a budget to spend. However, my grandmother is disabled and her husband drives a car. So, we concluded that it would be best for me to go on my grandfathers insurance to keep the insurance bill down? Is this a good idea? What are the downsides of this? However, my mother was talking to her friends in work and they said if my grandmothers cars is a Mobility Car I can go on their insurance for free? Is this correct? What is my best option here? My mother nor my father drive and the only person in my family can drive is my grandfather and he hasn't claimed on his insurance for over 20 years. How much would it cost me if I was to go on my grandfathers insurance (Say if he never had a mobility car) and would it be free if he did? Thanks in advance.""
Will my insurance increase of I get a body kit.? ?
Im planning on getting a 1.4 pug 106 and I was going to get a DIMMA kit for it and 205 gti alloys. Will my insurance go up..?
Most Reliable and Affordable Car Built Between 1995-2001 ?
Mercedes c-class ?
Children's health insurance?
Just had custody of 15 and 18 year old changed from me to their Dad . All their lives I've been responsible for their insurance . As far as CHIPS goes in Texas . Since kiddos now live with their Dad . I can no longer get them enrolled . And our custody papers say I am to keep insurance on them till they are no longer eligible . Well , they are no longer eligible . Through the guide lines of CHIPS here in Texas . I even have the paper they sent to me . I can't get insurance on them . What am I to do now . Or is it up to my ex to go and enroll them ? I am a stay at home Mom who babysits . So I do not have access to private insurance .""
Can i sue an at fault driver even if i dont have car insurance?
I was in an accident today and my car was totalled. I was not at fault in any way, however since Michigan is no fault state the at fault driver does not have to pay for my damages. I do not have insurance but I would like to sue her for minor injurion and damages to my vehicle since now i have no way to and from school or work. Can I sue her even though I dont have car insurance? 4 minutes ago - 4 days left to answer.""
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
Does anyone know where 2 get cheap car insurance for high perforfomance cars .....n.ireland?
Why do hundreds of thousands die every year WITH health insurance?
Should we ban it? Isn't this the same argument as Dems use when they say 45,000 die with no health insurance? It's not because. In fact, there was a study done. Here are the results: The possibility that no one risks death by going without health insurance may be startling, but some research supports it. Richard Kronick of the University of California at San Diegos Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, an adviser to the Clinton administration, recently published the results of what may be the largest and most comprehensive analysis yet done of the effect of insurance on mortality. He used a sample of more than 600,000, and controlled not only for the standard factors, but for how long the subjects went without insurance, whether their disease was particularly amenable to early intervention, and even whether they lived in a mobile home. In test after test, he found no significantly elevated risk of death among the uninsured. See that? No elevated risk of death among the uninsured? Do some of you get that you're being played yet? I'd love to see reform, but should we concentrate on the common sense Republican solutions to bring down costs?""
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
female no accidents new driver in school working
Insurance on a ford flex?
I am 16 years old..and I am looking into getting a 2014 ford flex! How much would the insurance be?!
Car insurance in America for non citizens on holiday?
I have a few questions about car insurance in America for non citizens. I am going to the USA this summer and will be driving alot.I have car insurance on my own car and have a full license and an international driving permit.Do i have to get insurance on the car in america or will my own insurance in ireland cover it or will i have to start another policy with an american company?Will this cost alot?My insurance here is not expensive and ive never been in an accident or made any claims.Is it possible to be put on my friends insurance as a driver and if so how much would this be cheaper then buying my own insurance?Any information would be great, i am very confused on the matter.""
Car insurance help please ?
Basically i have bought a car and i need to insure it as my dad as the main driver as he has 20+ years of no claim bonuses and it bring the insurance price down to a manageable payment for me.the problem is that its not with the same company that my dad is currently with and he doesn't have any recent renewal quotes so i don't have proof of his no claims bonus.how can i get proof and will i need the proof before i try to get the insurance ? im 18 and a first driver so i really need my dads ncb to be able to afford insurance
Car trade in value change after accident?
Can somebody generally tell me that how much car trade in value decreased after a accident (2003 Jeep Liberty Limited, good mileages, the car is repairable)? and how to negotiate with Insurance on this?""
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
Which auto cost more for auto insurance sienna or rava 4?
""Hit a mailbox, will cost $2,500 to fix, how much will my insurance go up?""
The other night i crashed into a mailbox. It was completely my fault and it will cost $2,500 to fix it. I was wondering how much my insurance premium will go up per year about? I am 20 years old and have gotten 1 ticket before.""
""10 points! I'm 17, moved out, car insurance?""
Ok, so in 7 months i am moving out of my moms house and in with my boyfriends family for a year or two. ( My mom is aware of all of this btw) Anyways, allstate is throwing me off my moms car insurance due to the fact she will live in a seperate state and away from me. The time i move and the time i turn 18 is a two month difference. I move in june my bday is in august. It's nearly impossible for me to find insurance qoutes because im not 18! I do't want to get emancipated it seems like a waste for 2 months difference, but if i do can i get insurance on my own? i will be sharing this car with another driver older the age of 18 but still cosidered a young driver. What are my options? I have to drive to get to work!""
""As a 16 year old male, how much will I pay for auto insurance?""
I am a 16 year old male (and I already know what statistics show, unfortunately), soon to be 17 years old in October. I will be paying auto insurance pretty soon and I am trying to get an estimate of how much I will be paying monthly/yearly. I obtain a 3.5 GPA and reside in Dayton, Ohio. My mother will be adding me to her insurance plan and I drive a 1999 Chevy Camaro (this is the car that will be insured, and thankfully it does not have a Z28 engine). I'm not sure whether or not the insurance agency will consider this a sports car either, so I'm pretty nervous! Please help me! Thank you!""
Will medical insurance l be Mandatory in usa?
will medical insurance l be Mandatory in usa ?
Why is the US government forcing health insurance on me?
My hate for the US government is growing by the day.
How much would the nissan altima coupe's insurance cost per year?
Prescott Valley, AZ""
Is it true you get a car insurance break when you turn 25 years old?
I haven't seen anything official, and I suppose I can ask my agent. But I was curious if anybody else has received any sort of rate change when they turned 25. Does it depend on the insurance company?""
""How could i get affordable car insurance with in10, 8 points, 3 Children :'(?""
So i passed at 17, Iam 21 now, at the age of 19 i got my licence taken off me for driving without insurance (my fault thought i was insured third party on my dads car with his permission) With 8 points and a fine included. Since 19 ive been taking buses and sick of it missing lessons etc because i commute to Uni. 2 years later ive had enough and passed my test. How on earth do i get insured at 21 with 8 points in Bradford? Surely someone must be in the same boat and have some advice ? I have a car and 3 children and they are nearly all starting school i really need to be driving them there. I want to do the right thing and be fully insured its bin 3 years since i had the in10 cant they not be so harsh as its been so long now. Ive matured and am the calmest driver ive ever been. Thankyou to anyone who helps !""
car insurance quotes nashville tn
car insurance quotes nashville tn
Short term or long term disability insurance?
Which company offers the best short term or long term disability insurance? (price and coverage) I recently found out that I might get blind in future and need to have some income to support my family when I loose the job. I am having trouble understanding the system but would be great if anyone could help me out. I don't even know if these insurance thing can pay me with being blind. Thanks.
How old do you have to be to start driving lessons?
How old do you have to be to start driving lessons?
How much should I expect to pay per month for auto insurance?
21 year old male with a new 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I have been involved in one minor accident (my fault) and have one traffic ticket.
Do trucks have high insurance?
As a ''rule'' are trucks high or lower side of insurance? BTW, I am looking at older trucks, 1994-1999 4x4's Thanks everyone. Please now Yes sort of maybe. Just a simple straight forward answer with facts to back up up! :)""
What insurance companies are reliable for expats?
I am looking for some more information on insurance companies that provide services for expats? I am a Dutch national, without a fixed 'home' address, and therefore not entitled to the health and liability insurance that is offered by companies in my home country. As I do like to play it by the rules, I was wondering if anyone knows or has experience with reliable and affordable international insurance firms that provide services such as travel-, health- and liability insurance for expats. Thanx for your suggestions!""
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
Just wondering - how much do you pay for car insurance, how old are you, and what year/model of car do you have?""
What the hell is wrong with my insurance quote?? Help please?
Hi, I've just been to confused.com and obtained a quote for the car I want - FORD MONDEO VERONA 16V 1997-2000 1796cc 5 DOOR HATCHBACK Manual Petrol - this 2nd hand car has done around 12,0000 mileage My cheapest premium was 4329?? Why on earth is it so expensive?? Is it the fact that I'm a 20 year old male? Or that I've just had my licence for a month? Or I've only lived in the UK for 3 years? Engine size?? State of car??? Please let me know than you""
Tips for cheap car insurance?
Well, I just got my MOT back and it is alot of money, I was MOt'ing to sell because i couldnt afford the insurance. The MOT is going to cost me Half of what tjhe car is worth. So I am going to keep the car MOT it and use it. SAo is there any good tips to get cheaper insurance. I'm male 17 and recently passed (considering pass plus).""
Can I insure my car in California if it is registered in Oklahoma?
I currently have insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent address is in Oklahoma but I am stationed in California and California doesn't require military personnel to register their vehicles there.
Which car = Cheap insurance for young female driver?
I'm female, 20 and live in England. I've been on moneysupermarket, comparethemarket and confused.com but all I seem to get is quotes over 4,000 on car insurance for a KA 1.2!! I haven't bought the car yet, as I think it's wise to check out insurance quotes. I'm not really bothered about the car, aslong as it runs fine.. So which car is best to get insured when your a 20 year old female, newly qualified driver?? thanks p.s. other notes if you need them: I will be driving roughly 5,000 - 6,000 miles a year. The car will be parked on a public road or public car park. I don't really want to spend more than 1,000 on my first car. Only using for social/pleasure""
How much is insurance for starting a cleaning service in California?
How much is insurance for starting a cleaning service in California?
Can I buy medical insurance online or something right before I go to the hospital ?
Am allowed to do that or is there some kind of waiting period you have do ? also if you don't have to wait and can go immediately are there any really good low cost medical insurance plans for Northern California.
Is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22?
In Tennessee, is minimum coverage car insurance the same as an SR22? I already have minimum coverage but am now required to get an SR22. Is this something that needs to be added on or will minimum coverage suffice? Thanks.""
Pre-Existing Conditions health insurance...?
I've had epilepsy since I was 5 years old, I'm now 24. I came across a comment on a website a few minutes ago about there being some kind of federal law where it's ILLEGAL to deny someone coverage because they may be in poor health, overweight, etc... aka having a pre-existing condition . If this is true about there being a law AGAINST it, why are SO MANY health insurance companies allowed to deny people w/ pre-existing conditions right off the bat? There are THOUSAND upon thousands, if not MILLIONS, of people in the U.S that have some kind of pre-existing condition, whether minor or major. So wouldn't that mean that there are THOUSANDS of insurance companies that are running their business illegally & breaking the law? I mean, breaking a state law is one thing, but a FEDERAL law is a pretty big deal!! Washington makes such a big deal about how so many people in our country don't have health insurance & they say it's because people can't afford it . But I think the REAL reason is that because MOST of those people have a pre-existing condition & they're getting thrown to the curb because of it... Comments on this???""
Insurance companies messed up!?!?
Over three years ago, a pick-up truck crushed the entire back-side of my van. Of course, it wasn't my fault and I took care of the situation by calling the truck driver's insurance company. However, when I was going through my auto insurance profile, I saw something weird, a driving history stating that I was at-fault for that accident three years ago. It's very weird because I claimed an accident not on my insurance company, but the truck driver's. What can I do to fix this? Was I paying more premium because of this mistake? Thank you""
Can you exchange a motorcyle if the insurance ends up being higher than what was quoted at the dealer?
i called progressive, geico, esurance, and allstate and they all gave me a quote of over 2400.00 but the dealer quoted me 900.00.""
How do I get health insurance?
I am a heart transplant patient without health insurance and am on disability for 8 months. I am not able to recieve coverage from anyone and have large medical and prescription costs.
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.
Help! which is cheaper of 2 cars on insurance?
which has cheaper insurance? 1. Mazda 3 touring hatchback 2009 (median level trim and automatic) 2. Volvo C30 T5 hatchback (base trim and automatic) ??? which one??? cuz my dad is worrying about the insurance for me. im 19 and going be 20 soon!
What's an affordable car insurance for new teen driver?
I'm 16, i live in the bay area and today i just got my drivers license. So with that being said i need to figure out what kind of car insurance i can get that is affordable because i know all insurance for young new drivers is very expensive, So can you give me any names that i can look up please? Also i've been driving my families 2004 Chevy Cavalier Ls to get me started but it's kind of small for me and can anyone give me any good brand names for cars that have great safety to it? I love the toyota camry's and solalra's are those good cars to get? Thank you if you can help me :) ~Robert""
""If i have full coverage for car insurance that covers theft, how much should i get?""
esurance if it helps, do i get what i paid for the car when it was new or the bluebook value""
Pregnant and no health insurance - Maine?
I am canadian who just got a visa to move to maine to live with my US husband - I still work in Canada and cross daily. 3 nights ago I found out I was pregnant. I called my blue cross to see what it covered in the USA and when I told them I moved from NB they promptly cancelled my insurance. My husband doenst have insurance and because of my salary in Canada we dont quality for medicaid or mainecare. so no insurance, no mainecare and no money...... I also cannot have the baby in Canada now as they cancelled my medicare when I moved...... so this is worst situation I have ever been in...... I have wanted to be a mother for years but I cannot afford 15000 to have a baby ...... I am honestly contemplating an abortion.....""
Any estimations on how much my car insurance will be? Uk.?
Im 17 in november, in gonna start to drive but i was wondering if anyone iceby ideas on how much my car insurance would be based on what i tell you. I live in the uk. I cant go on my parents insurance because they dont drive. In gonna get a 1.4 or 1.6 engine car. An thats all i can tell you, can anyone please have a rough estimation on prices?""
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
Health ins. companies can't deny people for pre-existing conditions. Should the same be true of car insurance?
I ask because my car has some pre-existing problems: 1. The brake pedal only works about 1/3 of the time 2. The engine is currently on fire How can these greedy car insurance companies declare that my car is unsafe to drive?
car insurance quotes nashville tn
car insurance quotes nashville tn
""I knocked over a stop sign with someone else's car, whose insurance company do I use?""
Nothing happened to the car, I just need to pay for the stop sign. (I still don't understand why they can't just stick the sign back in. Nothing happened to it.) Anyway, I'm wondering if I should call my insurance company, or the person's insurance company. The police took the insurance # of the car's owner, but to file a report, do I call my company or his? (We both have the same company, USAA, but I don't know what policy # to use.)""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for my 17 year old son?
Help!! My son has passed his driving test aged 17 but the insurance we've been looking at astronomical!! Can anyone advise me on any good deals :)
Anyone have an idea about Car Insurance Rates?
Anyone have an idea of car insurance rates in Texas on a camaro for a 16 year old female beginner driver??
Is AETNA a good health insurance to get?
my benefits package came from work, it offers medical from Aetna is that a good health insurance provider? What about Guardian Plan ppo for Dental??""
How much car insurance ?
Hi, i am a 17 year old. i am wondering how much could i realistically expect to pay for insurance on a Infiniti G35.. i understand it will be high.. but i will have a job , so im trying to play with the numbers to see if i can handle it. how much would it be a month? i understand the affects i have on it. 17 sports car foriegn car Male but i have a 3.0 gpa took drivers education. apparently these raise and the others deduct. how much could i realistically expect to pay a month.""
Insurance when buying 1st car?
How do i go about buying a car (private or dealer) without insurance to test drive it 1st, as i'll only get insurance once i know what car i will have (i live in the UK).""
Why is my car insurance so high?! Im 18 yr old female...! :(?
no accidenets, good student, 2003 jetta GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily injury...compr and coll both $500 deductible.... I'm paying about 284 right now and its ridiculous :(""
""Which is better, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
Say you're newly married and the wife is pregnant. You have just bought a home and have a large mortgage. Which kind of insurance is best for a family, Term Insurance or Whole Life Insurance?""
How much does it cost to insure a scooter??
I am considering buying a scooter (125cc) to commute to and from work. I am 29 and live in Tottenham, North London. How much approximately would I expect to pay in insurance - I plan to pay about 1000 for a bike.""
Is car insurance cheaper for a 2 seat car?
I heard a 2 seater car has cheaper insurance. Does anyone know how true this is?
Does a car insurance company need to know the state in which the car will be used?
I am buying car insurance for a 21 year old child who will attend graduate school out of state. Primary address will still be with me. Car will be in my name; child/student will be listed as primary driver. Child/student will live in an apartment while at graduate school. Does the insurance company need to know in what state the student will be?
Why are rich people so upset that poor people and youngters can now get affordable 'health care'?
here in mississippi for our age group it's like only $500 a month. No wonder they need to raise the minimum wage.
Cost of car insurance?
I am a 17 year old female. No crashes, good driver. I just got enough money to buy a car, and need to pay for the insurance. I Dont know how much money that would cost. I hear its diffrent everywhere, but what is the adverage for minnesota would you say? I'd appreciate it! thanks :)""
How much is your auto insurance?
Im trying to get n average estimate of auto insurance since i will be driving soon. I know its diffrent from your insurance company but if you live north carolina and your a teenager with a used car what would it most likely be?
What's the average price for moped insurance for ages 18-25?
How much can I expect to pay per month for insurance for a 125cc moped? I'm just looking for a ball park range.
Born abroad car insurance premiums higher?
I have been gathering quotes for car insurance online on confused and was delighted to see the price down at 615 for once as I have been getting car insurance every year since the age 18 and it has always been over 1000. However, just having a quick check over my details to make sure everything I had entered was correct and then I noticed I had ticked the resident from birth box. I was born in Spain as my mother went over there to work and then had me. I was born in 87 and she took me back home in 88 or 89 roughly. (She is a full British citizen born and raised in UK). As I have no contact with my father and I don't even remember being in Spain or nor can I even speak the language well, I feel fully British and also am regarded as a British citizen. My mum also registered me at a british consulate in april 88, just 6 months after I was born. So I put on the form that I became a resident in 1988. I then calculate the prices again and the insurance quotes shoot up with 955 being the cheapest and the rest going up to 1000. I then think back to all the years I have been paying the insurance and building up my no claims and being the perfect driver with no claims despite having to pay the shocking premiums that young people have to pay and this makes me absolutely livid that my insurance goes up by 340 to 400 based on the fact that I was born in Spain and spent 1 year of my life there and the rest of the 23 years as British Citizen raised here. I am just wondering if I could get away with just going ahead and saying that I was a resident from Birth as I have a baby on the way and really wish that my premiums were a reasonable ammount for once or I should go through it and just demand that they bring the premiums down to the 615 like originally quoted! It just makes me really annoyed that they can get away with this kind of stuff and I really don't like the fact that I am having to pay higher premiums just for the sake of it. Any advice on this?""
What is the cheapest in car insurance to got with in europe?
Me and a friend have just got to the uk and plan on going traveling thru Europe in it Who is the cheapest company to go thru ?
List of life and health insurance companies with medical exam?
List of life and health insurance companies with medical exam?
Approximately how much is Home Owners Insurance?
I'm sure it varies by location and value of the house, but approximately how much is homeowners insurance?""
Car Insurance for a Month?
I am going to be at law school and only need car insurance from Mid December until Mid January. Is there a special type of insurance I can get so I don't have to pay year round? The cars will still be covered by my parents the rest of the year.
For Lexus owners: Is it expensive to maintain a Lexus?
Don't bother with saying, If you are thinking about buying a Lexus, you should be able to maintain it. If not, shop for something else. I love the Lexus IS design, both outside and inside. And I'd love to get myself one of these beautiful cars. However, before I take one of these cars in my driveway, I want to make certain I am not making a mistake. These are the questions I want you to answer: 1. I heard the price for one tire is $300... Is this true? If no, how much does one of these tires cost? 2. I heard the price for oil change is $110. If this is not true, how much does it cost you for oil change? 3. I heard if either the front bumper or rear bumper needs replacement, the cost would be $5000. If this is not true, how much do you think a bumper replacement should cost? 4. Although the amount you pay for car insurance is based on your driving history, I heard that the quality of a car does play a major role. I am 27. So, in your opinion, how much do you think I will pay for car insurance for the 06 Lexus IS 250? My driving history has a clean record. I have yet to receive a ticket. 5. What other things I need to know about owning one of these cars? Please answer my question.""
Driving parent's car without insurance?
*I'm 16 with a license *My mom has insurance under Liberty Mutual *I am not on her insurance but the car is insured *I live in Georgia (GA has weird laws so any laws specific to GA would be great)
Affordable liabilty insurance?
Affordable liabilty insurance?
Medical insurance help!!!!!?
Ok so I'm 20 and my insurance is or was IEHP. I am married now and I want to know if this still covers me. I want to go to the clinic and get checked up and get birthcontrol but I'm not sure if its going to cover me. My husband does not have medical insurance either. Can anyone please help!?? :(
""In the state of Texas,Do you have to have auto insurance?""
If you are in a car wreck which the other person is at fault,Can you still file a cliam on their insurance company and have phisical therapy paid and can paid for the damage for the car and get paid for pain and suffering? Even if the insurance was off for less than 24 hours""
car insurance quotes nashville tn
car insurance quotes nashville tn
1 note · View note
constel-langst-ions · 7 years
*Loosely based on other tattoo fics and amazing tattoos Ive seen (all will be desribed as best as possible)
Warnings: Previous self-harm, scars, tattoos
No one really knew why Lance wore long sleeves and jeans all the time, per say. It was normal for him to be seen like that, always with his jacket on. No one questioned it, either. Only Hunk really knew what was below the heavy clothing.
They all found out after a particulary hard training session. Allura had called them all into the common room.
“Paladins! I have exciting news!” She announced, her voice unusually chipper, losing her usual loud and demanding tone. Everyone listened, eager to know the news.
“Me ane Coran have organized a day off. We wanted to congratulate you all on your improvent over these last few months!” She finished, holding out the last note. Her hands were clasped together, and she wore a large grin, the kind that made you start smiling with whoever wore it.
All the paladins wooped, chattering away about their plans for the next day. The only one who wad quiet, was Lance. He simply gave a small smile, adding a brief comment if a fellow paladin shot a tease or idea his way. If someone hadn’t been involved in the conversation, they could’ve guessed that he didn’t look forward to it.
They all turned to go to their respective rooms, before Allura sharply inhaled. They turned to her, eyes wide in surprise. “Sorry, paladins! It seems I have forgotten to add that the planet we’ll be stopping on has one of these ‘beaches’,” She air quoted, “that you all seem to love will be there. It is a peaceful planet, not dominated by any species, so do not feel the need to bring your bayards.” She rushed out the last sentence, having said it all on one breath.
“Now, shoo! We will be arriving in a few of your Earth hours.” Her face twisted with confusion at the term, and the paladins left her, laughing with glee.
“Woo-hoo!” Lance cheered, collapsing onto one of the couches. “This is gonna be awesome!” He smiled, positive energy radiating off of his form.
Pidge waved her hands at him, making a mock face of disgust. “Gross, get your happiness away from me.” She sat beside him, fiddling with her collar.
“'Dawh, Pidgeon, why so down? Afraid of the Lochness Monster?” He sprang at her to emphasize his own teasing.
“No, she’s probably afraid of sunburns.” Keith, having flopped onto the couch opposite to them, piped up. “I dont know about ypu, but I’m defintly going to burn.”
Hunk and Shiro finally sat down, hunk letting out a little noise of amusement.
“Me and Lance will probably tan, if there’s even a sun. I mean, I hope there is. What’s a beach day without the sun?”
“Don’t worry, guys, we’ll bring sunblock. Maybe snacks.” Shiro said, a smile tugging at his lips.
As if they had planned it, all the paladins shouted, in unison, “You’re such a dad, Shiro.” They all crumbled into giggles at that, Shiro affectionately rolling his eyes.
“Alright team, lets get ready for tomorrow and make it a fun day. No stress, no fights, and no computers.” His eyes landed on Pidge.
The girl squawked in astonishment, the rest of the paladins laughing and giggling as the stood and walked out, leaving a mildlu annoyed Pidge to deal with Shiro.
The minute Lance arrived in his room, he threw off his jacket and practically ripped off his shirts, kicking ogf his pants as fast as he possibly could. He sat down o his bed, wearing only boxer briefs.
He looked down at himself, and at the splashes of color on his arms, legs, and chest. And, beneath those, the white lines that littered his body.
“Oh god, how will they react?” He moaned, hugging himself.
His tattoos didnt help much to cover the scars; they were still clear as day. They started at his ankles and went up to his hips. His arms were worse. From his wrist bone to his elbow, there were scars. Thin and white, always mocking him for how scared he had been.
He couldn’t get a body suit; it’d be suspicious, and he would definitely be asked about it.
Feeling his stomach start to feel empty with anxiety, he started thinking about his tattoos, looking to get his mind off of the worryting thoughts that plaged his mind.
His first tattoo that he had ever gotten had been a warercolor wave on the inside of his left arm. It was long, stretching from his wrist to his elbos, effectively covering most of the scars. It was beautiful, different shades of blue making it look real, completed with white tips to represent ocean foam.
His second one was on the inside of his right arm. It was the solar system, each planet beautiful decorated in a different, vibrant color. Each had a splash of watercolor around it, as if someone dropped paint on it. It was probably his favourite one.
After the solar system, he got a tattoo on the middle of his chest, going from his belly button to right below his collarbone. It was a ribcage, plus a spine, and instead of limbs, it had flowers growing from it. The top faded to a rose, a petal ending before his collarbone. It was plain, simple black and gray, but it had taken the longest out of the others, and was the most painful.
Finally, the one that meant most to him: wings. He had a tattoo of wings on his back, them being large and so delicately tattooed, with attention to detail, that they almost looked real. The feathers were a vibrant blue, the same as Lance’s eyes.
From there, he got countless tiny tattoos that litteref his body. On his collarbone, he got the planets in order. On his other collarbone, he got a quote, saying 'I refuse to sink’ with an anchor beside it. He helf that quote dear to his heart.
He would never forget the story behind each tattoo, and how much they meant to him.
Without realizing, Lance had fallen asleep. He woke up to the sound of Allura’s booming voice over the comms, announcing their arrival to the planet, named Deshion.
He inwardly groaned, pulling on his pair of blue swintrunks before he threw on his normal outfit. Afterall, it was still a short trek to the area they would be staying.
He stepped out of the room, nearly running into Hunk as he did so.
He took a step back as Hunk nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Woah, sorry bud! I was about to come wake you.” Hunk grinned, searching Lance’s face for any sign of negativity.
“Nah, Im okay.” Lance looked Hunk up and down, silently congratulating the yellow paladin for his choice in wear. He was wearing yellow swimtrunks, with white, flowery prints on them. He was also shirtless, much to Lance’s surprise.
“Are.. you dressed..?” Hunk asked, looking at Lance with confusion.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah!” He snapped back to attention. “Yeah, yeah. I have my shorts on beneath.”
“Cool! Well, everyone’s waiting on the bridge for you, so whenever you’re ready, meet us there so we can go. The castle already landed.” And with that, he sped off.
Lance huffed and shoved his hands in his pockets making his way to the bridge. He was slow, and his face had lost the usual lively expression. He was not looking forward to this.
Lance regretted wearing his full outfit to the bridge. When he arrived, everyone was already wearing their full bathing outfits, Pidge even wearing a bathing suit (a.k.a, Lance mused, green shorts with a black tanktop.) He felt out of place, and ignored the team’s concerned glances.
“Are we gonna go, or what?” Lance grinned and fingergunned, even adding in a wink for extra reassurance. Collectively, they groaned, and all started walking into the escape pod. (the pod thing that leaves the castle? Idk man)
As soon as they got down, they saw Allura and Coran setting up towels and umbrellas. To Lance’s surprise, there was even a picnic basket in the middle.
But what really caught Lance’s attention was the crystal clear, blue waters. He almost burst into tears at the sight, but stopped himself. It had been so long since he had last seen an ocean, and he longed to play in the water, while splashing his teammates, and collecting shells. He wanted to bask in the sun and do chickenfight, and lose, just to let Pidge have the triumph of beating him
But a voice in his head nagged him. No, it said, you cant. They’ll see the scars. Judge you. Leave you. Give you pity. If not that, they’ll judge those tattoos.
He shuddered at the thought. All of those choices were terribls. But hey, if he was being judged for either of those things, it wasn’t new. People who saw the cuts left him, mainly friends. Or complete strangers saw them, and called him a freak.
The tattoos were worse. He was always called out for them, usually by middle-aged people, calling him rebellious and other nasty slurs. It sucked, so he resorted to wearing jeans and a jacket, even in the dead heat of summer.
And, he thought, even now, on the beach. He sat down on one of the towels, having promised to join the other paladins later. He watched as they splashed and played and ran. Watched as they did all the things he wanted to do with them, oh so badly. It tugged at his heartstrings to know that he lied, he wouldn’t join them. He couldn’t.
He couldn’t risk them leaving him, too.
Pidge sat on Hunk’s shoulders letting out a battlecry as she went to knock Keith off of Shiro’s shoulders. Much to her happiness, she had caught him off guard. He flailed, before falling backwards, ultimately taking Shiro down with him.
She jumped off of Hunk’s shoulders, ignoring how Keith stuck his tongue out at her. She turned to where Lance was sitting.
Why hasn’t he joined us yet? She thought to herself, narrowing her amber eyes on his still form. He was just sitting there, absently making shapes in the sand. He hadn’t even changed into his swimtrunks, for God’s sake!
Pidge knew she should’ve been somewhat suspicious, but this was Lance. He was a good actor, and Pidge knew it.
“Lance!” She called, waving her arms at him, “You said you’d join us!”
That seemed to grab his attention, as his head snapped up to look at her.
“Uh..” He looked like a deer in the headlights, and she would’ve laughed if it wasnt for him wincing.
“I cant..?” Lance cringed at his own excuse. It was terrible, he knew, and by Pidge’s expression, she knew too.
“Uh, yes you can.” She retorted, crossing her arms in annoyance.
“Lance, you promised.” She said, giving him puppy eyes.
Oh god.
He can’t resist that looks, and Pidge fully knows it.
Reluctantly, he stands. Well, its now or never. He thought to himself, standing up and tugging his jacket off.
Pidge watched as he stood and took off his jacket. Then his shirt. And that’s when she saw the tattoos.
She inhaled sharply, the other paladins following her gaze. Their jaws dropped.
Lance, with his perfect skin that he cared so much about, had tattoos.
All of them were floored. Each tattoo was detailed, absent of any mishaps. It was obvious that each had had much time and effort into them. Congrats to that tattoo artist, Pidge thought, they’re good at their job.
Lance slowly shed his clothing, dreading the moment when he would be close enough for them to make out the scars. He took off his pants next, pulling his swimtrunks higher up onto his hips. And he walked, inner arms pressed against himself as he folded his arms, attempting to hide the most visible scars.
Pidge felt her heart sink when Lance was close enough to them. Now she could see the tattoos, but she could also see the scars underneath them. Reallt, it was obvious. It was also clear that the tattoos were meant to hide them. It didn’t work. They could all see it.
But, she could also see Lance try to hide it. He had his head down and arms crossed. Yet, they all knew. And Pidge had just forced him out of his comfort zone, just because she wanted him to be there.
“Lance..?” She questioned, her voice quiet. She could hear the teams suprised gasps, and the noises the made after them, disheartened.
“Pidge.” He looked up, shooting her a cocky grin. But it was forced. His smile dropped, and he shifted uncomfortable.
“Look,” he started, uncomfortable, “I’m sorry. It happened in my past. I got these tattoos to cover them. Yadda yadda, big ol’ sob story.”
No one said anything, just standing as the waves lapped at their legs.
“If it makes you guys uncomfortable, Ill go find a swimshirt.”
That snagged Pidge’s attention. “Uncomfortable?” She spoke, utter disbelief in her words. “You think we’re uncomfortable?” She almost cried at that.
“Lance, we’re sad that you would ever do this, but we’re not uncomfortable. It makes me proud that, even though you have scars, that you’re willing to show them anyways. Not everyone is like that.
Lance seemed shocked at her words. Still, no one moved.
Then Lance shot forward, engulfing her into a hug. She let out a cry of protest.
"I’m so sorry Pidge! You didn’t deserve to see that. But.. just…” He stammered, reluctant, the rest of the team joining in on the group hug. Cooing softly, whispering reassurances and praise.
“It means a lot to hear you say that, Pidgeon.”
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Okay, time to clear some misunderstandings and answer some questions!
We have a couple of printers in mind, but most don’t offer prices unless you have a definite idea for what you aim to print and we prefer not to decide on that when we don’t know the number and type of applicants. 10k words is a lot, sure, but please keep in mind that all of our info so far is only temporal. Also, the 5-10k were a maximum word limit. The final word count will be based on the number of participants we will work with, so the word limit may be at 5k for each piece. Though, if we only get a very small amount of applications for writers, the word limit may change to be closer to 10k. We would love a zine with longfics, but we also offer the option to do shorter fics with a word range of 2k. We didn’t think about the definite page count yet because a digital copy is still one of our options, as well.
We will most likely do a 50+ plus pages (not more than 60) physical copy but our offers dont include color printed art yet so we’re still debating matters and wait for feedback on the final number of participants. Whether we actually do physical copies will be decided after we have a feeling for the pricing. We would love to but if it means sacrificing the physical copies for a larger amount of participants then we will do that.
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Well, I don’t know if you’ve done the survey, but we offer a choice between digital print and physical print to estimate the desire for these. We know that larger books are more expensive but we won’t know how large it’ll be before we know how many might join. Yes, 10k is a bit much for a fic in a zine, but we don’t know how many exactly will participate, yet, so 10k (as absolute maximum, mind you, 2k is also an option and we won’t throw you out just because your writing spirit lost you at 1.8k words or less) isn’t that bad, really. It just depends on the number of people who apply with the full intention of writing 10k or doing a double page spread for their art.
Also, everyone still has a right to say “I’ll participate with 2k words only” or “I only want to participate in the pdf” to make them both unique. That might lessen the interest in a physical copy though, or might be considered a rip off if there’s less content in the book than in the pdf, so we are still debating. We want the fic writers to have time to shine, too, but in a zine that’s difficult for every single writer, indeed. Unless we offer a number of fics as “extra merch”.
Whichever it will be, until we actually start the application process, we can’t give any better details on this.
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We didn’t mean to say “that’s the hard number and that many people we need”. This is the number we use to estimate the final product. We dont use it to limit the participants down to it, though. We won’t know how many people actually can/will participate unless we see the applications. What if only 3 artists apply but 50 writers? What if it’s 40 artists but only 5 writers? What if there are less than 20 applications only? What if there are more than 100? We don’t know. We’re still working on a form for the application right now, setting requirements for that.
The basis for our choice will be made known a bit before the end of application period (like a week or two prior) so that you have the chance to drop out if you don’t like those or you can wait with your application until those things are made known. We would be super happy if you’re just as eager about this as us and apply right away but if you wait till the last second we won’t hate you. But it would make things a bit more difficult for us as well.
The actual word count of the fics will be made known once the actual participants are made known, same as the form of publishing, because we think the participants should have a say in the matter as well. A high quality print with a low number of participants or a large number of participants but therefore only pdf? We won’t decide on that fully until we know the number of participants and the general interest. But yes, we do have a certain selection of shops and the price should stay within the general price area that other zines have, but again, we would like to have a look at the applicants and feedback before we discuss anything further with the printing shops.
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Right now? We can’t assure anything. Because were still planning. We’re analysing the market, people’s interest, and then plan according to that. But that’s why the application period starts on June 14th and not now, because these things aren’t set in stone, yet.
We have a couple of printing shops in the back of our minds with reasonable prices but until we know the actual feedback of interested people and have more contact with the printing shops, until we have something to actually work with, we we won’t say anything definite. But that’s also why the application period is the application period. Because you can apply but you can also take your application back if you think this doesn’t work out. No application is definite. You can change it as long as the deadline isn’t over. You don’t like our way of choosing requirements? Drop out. We won’t hate you, we won’t report you, we won’t pin your name all over the internet and call you names. The choice is all yours. We just need to know what that choice is and why you do that choice and give us the option to make up for our faults.
Anyway, thank you for this feedback this helped us a lot!!
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We haven’t decided yet whether to choose a charity yet and, more importantly, which one. There are so many that it’s hard to decide. 
But aside from that, we will use most of the money for the production costs and shipping of physical copies (if there are some).
If we have left over money we will decide with everyone involved what to use it on.
Thank you for your Ask!
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inkstainedfanfics · 7 years
The Inevitability of Our Story
Request: I was listening to Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis himself and I couldn't help but think about Newt while listening to it idk its such a Newt song and then i thought of you and well, it sounds like a possible fic idea ;) ;) I know you have so many requests but i just wanted to put this out there, also to tell you that these kinds of songs remind me of Newt and then you and your amazing stories. Anyway, have a good day!
Word Count: 3,979
Pairing: Newt x Reader
Requested by @dont-give-a-bother but also tagging @red-roses-and-stories @caseoffics @myrtus-amongst-the-stars @ly--canthrope @thosefantasticbeast2 @benniesgalaxy @studyforthreehands @whatinbenaddiction​
                                                  I. For
Newt’s quill scratches against the parchment and he mumbles words under his breath, reading over his manuscript. Thunder outside rumbles, raindrops thump against the glass panes, and you plod over to Newt, dropping into the open spot next to him. He hardly notices as your forearm brushes his lightly, or the way you hum softly before tapping the back of his hand.
“Yes?” He mumbles, eyes still scanning over his messy handwriting.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Yes?” The word is distracted, his attention only half on you. This manuscript is important. He’s almost finished editing his chapter on bowtruckles and other leafy beasts; best friend or not, he doesn’t want to pause his work until he gets through the last page of it.
“Why do mooncalves only emerge during full moons?”
He doesn’t look up from the parchment. “They have an affinity for it.”
“But why?” You question, resting your chin in one hand as you play with the leaf of a potted plant sitting on the table.
Newt glances up at you, wary. “You really want to know?”
You nod, lips puckered in confusion as the leaf turns a shade of blue.
His heart twists, chest warming as he sets down his quill, and Newt shifts, uncomfortable with the sudden change of his heart’s rhythm. “It’s only a theory right now.”
You meet his eyes and smile. “That’s all right. I’d still like to hear what you think.”
Newt tries to ignore the feeling in his chest. “Could it wait a couple of minutes? I’ve almost finished here.”
“I’ll wait.” You say it with another smile, reaching out to squeeze his arm gently.
Though he was unaware of it, Newt has been on the precipice of falling for quite some time. Only a lack of free time had prevented him from considering this, considering asking you on a date. It would really only take a gesture, a small nudge, to knock him off that cliff, to convince him to ask you out.
Your soft squeeze of his arm is that nudge.
He lifts his quill again, throat dry, fully prepared to edit more, but Newt can’t tear his eyes away from the gentle slope of your nose or the way you narrow your eyes at the color-changing leaf.
Three pages of the chapter still need to be edited, but Newt flips the notebook shut, taking a deep breath, praying the strange feeling will disappear after a good night’s rest. “The moon’s a signal to them.”
                                                       II. I
“I’m not kidding you. I really saw him drop the whole bag of them in front of her.” Newt chuckles, taking another sip of his hot chocolate. “His girlfriend?”
“Yep. Poor thing couldn’t say a thing, she was so shocked.” You snort. “Not that I blame her. I’m not sure I’d know how to react to my boyfriend carrying those around.
Newt wonders if he imagines the shy glance you send toward him at the word boyfriend.
You notice the drink in his hand, how empty the mug is. “Want another one?”
Newt swirls the rest of the liquid as he considers your question. The clock reads four fifty-five in the morning. A mistake, staying up so late when he has a meeting at eight with his publisher, the person that’s deciding just how much publicity his book will be given, who it will be marketed to, and how many copies will initially be printed.
He really should be well-rested, should say no and head to bed, managing to earn at least a few hours of sleep before the meeting, but you’re sitting cross-legged across from him in the living room, fuzzy socks falling around your ankles, hands wrapped around a steaming mug of homemade hot chocolate, tendrils of hair continuously falling into your eyes no matter how many times you shove them away.
“Another would be wonderful.”
You beam at him as you reach for his mug, any nerves, imagined or otherwise, disappearing from your gaze. “Great. D’you remember Laura Zwellger? From potions?”
“Not particularly, no.” He murmurs, watching you pad across the room to fill his mug.
“The one with the penchant for explosives? No? Really?” Sighing, you shake your head. “You don’t remember how she nearly destroyed the entire room by mixing two potions together?”
Newt frowns, trying to remember, but shakes his head. “No, doesn’t ring a bell, sorry.”
You roll your eyes as you step toward him. “Do you remember anything from Hogwarts?”
He reaches out, taking the mug you hand him. “Well, yes.”
“And what,” you ask, as you sit across from him again, “would that be?”
“I remember you.”
The words bring back that shyness, and Newt wonders yet again if he’s imagining it or if he’s really having this effect on you. “Everything?”
He swallows his nerves and smiles at you, though his eyes drop to the floor. “Of course. Hard to forget the most important person, isn’t it?”
                                                    III. Can’t
It’s been two months since Newt’s last meeting with his publisher. He’s busy in his case, working on a chapter involving doxies and their tendency to tear about anything soft when you burst in through the door, shouting and positively terrifying both him and the doxies.
Before he can ask what has you screaming like you are, he’s wrapped up in your arms, breath rushing from his chest as you throw yourself against him.
“I did it!”
He stumbles back a step, arms wrapping around your waist to keep you from falling, an instinct. Yet, when he regains his footing, his arms don’t move.
“Sorry, what?”
You nuzzle your face into his jacket, grinning. “I did it.”
“Escaped a blast-ended skrewt?”
“No,” you say, looking up at him and making a face. “That problem with the growth potion I’ve been working on? I solved it.”
“What did it take?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “No congratulations? No ‘I knew you could do it, you utter genius’? Not even a simple ‘good job’ from you?”
Newt’s aware of the hug, how long it’s gone on, how you should’ve stepped away long ago, but you’re still here, still hanging onto him, and he doesn’t want you to let go.
He smiles, voice quiet. “Congratulations.”
                                                      IV. Help
“I um, have something for you.”
Newt looks over his shoulder at you, stopping the dicing of the lacewings. You’re standing in the doorway of his shed, hands behind your back, leaning against the frame and smiling at him, but your smile isn’t bright like usual, isn’t beaming. Instead, it’s small, flickering, and your eyes dart around the room almost as if… as if you’re nervous.
Newt sets down his knife and turns, grabbing a towel to wipe away the sweat that accumulated on his forehead. “If it’s another letter from the ministry, I don’t think I want to see it right now.”
You smile at the joke, one stemming from the various letters begging him to return to his office job. “No, no good news like that, I’m afraid.”
“What a shame.”
“I hope these are better than that.” With that, you push away from the frame, stepping forward and handing Newt a plate.
At least twenty cookies sit on the plate, stacked in neat little piles of two. It’s clear the amount of work you put into them.
Newt blinks in surprise. They’re his favorite kind. He doesn’t even remember mentioning they’re his favorite, or how it would’ve been brought up, nor you mentioning that you wanted to make anything for him. He looks back up at you, curious. Could you really…?
“I made them myself.” You offer when he says nothing. You refuse to meet his eyes, instead looking anywhere else in the room, your foot tapping a steady beat.
“Thank you.” He knows he should say something else, but what else is there to say when he wants only to press a kiss to your forehead and invite you to spend the rest of the day with him? What else is there to say when he worries he might tell you how he feels? Newt wonders if that would have been better as your smile fades.
It’s clearly not the reaction you were hoping for.
Shoulders slumped and false smile forced to your face, you step away from him. “Of course.”
“Love.” He stops himself, letting a beat pass as the words hangs between you. He waits for you to make a joke, to laugh, to tease him for it, but you just stare at him with wide eyes, frozen.
He clears his throat. “Sorry.”
“No” You murmur, shaking yourself back into motion. “An honest mistake.”
He struggles to breathe. Where’s the sarcastic joke? Nevertheless, the sooner he says something, the sooner this moment disappears forever. “I have something for you, too.”
And he digs in his pocket, pulling out a tiny wood carving. It fits in the palm of his hand, and it’s rough, but it’s the best he can do.
He hands it to you. “It’s not very good but –“
“Newt, it’s beautiful.” You stare at the thing, turning it this way and that in your hand, thumb running over the small letters on the bottom. His initials. “I love it.”
You blink away what look like tears. “Honestly.” Newt opens his mouth to say more, but you run a hand through your hair, looking up at him. “I should go.”
You pause at the door. “Thank you, Newt. This is… this is amazing.” Then you leave, and Newt’s left to wonder about everything that just happened.
He returns to dicing the lacewings, face red, knowing that he must find a way to ask you on a date.
                                                      V. Falling
“I think he may need some more of that cream.”
“Green or violet?”
You scrunch up your face, examining the wound on the erumpent’s back.
“Green. Definitely green.”
“Here you are.”
Newt ignores the brush of your fingers when you grab the tube, or does his best, at least, as he bends down to record the use in his notebook. Anything could be useful information for his book, now, and he’s determined to fit in as much as possible to save creatures’ lives.
He doesn’t hear you climb down the ladder, or brush dirt from your pants, or mumble some question about what he’s writing; he’s too focused on the paper, labeling the items, recording the wound and its cause.
He doesn’t even know you’re next to him until you rest a hand on his shoulder. “What’re you writing?”
“Simply recording what we used.”
“It’s important to…” He trails off when he raises his head. You’re right there, inches away from him, nearly cross-eyed from the lack of space.
“To um…” he tries again, but it’s useless.
It’d be so easy to close the distance, and he finds himself thinking about how soft your lips must be, wondering if you’ve ever kissed anyone before, what you would do if he did right now, if he just leaned in the few inches. He thinks he may when his eyes drift to your lips.
His face burns as the two of you remain in this limbo. He can feel your breath against his face, and he’s fighting every urge now, trying not to lean in right now.
He hasn’t even asked you out, for Merlin’s sake. He has no right.
Still, your fingers are on his shoulder, and your eyes – Merlin, what a brilliant color – are focused on his lips.
Newt can’t help the smile growing on them. He’s going to do it.
His eyes begin to flutter shut, but before he can move more than a centimeter, a loud, booming groan erupts through the air.
The erumpent shuffles its feet, waiting for more help with the wound.
Newt freezes, and you look at the creature.
“I guess it was the violet.” You try to say it lightheartedly, jokingly, as you lean away, but Newt can hear the stiffness in it, see the slow way you move around, as though you’re regretting having to move, as though you just want to be near him again. “So why were you writing that down? You never answered.” Despite your smile, your voice comes out squeaky, nervous.
Newt laughs once to himself.
So, you wanted to kiss him. Interesting.
                                                         VI. In
Newt knows it’s inevitable when you slip your hand into his. He’s going to fall in love with you. He’s already confronted his emotion, accepted his feelings for you. And he’s fairly certain you feel something similar for him. All that’s left is an opportunity to let himself fall.
Which may very well be tonight. You’re standing in front of him, arms around his neck, head pressed against his chest, eyes closed, as the two of you sway in slow circles to the quiet song the bar’s band is playing. Drunks at the edges of the dance floor stagger, do-si-do-ing with one another, shouting, and occasionally belching, but Newt’s lost in his own world, one with only you and him.
“A lovely song.” You murmur, raising your head to meet his eyes.
“For a lovely dance partner.” He retorts.
You raise an eyebrow. “You think I’m lovely?”
He cocks his head. “Is there anyone that doesn’t?”
“I think Jacob has higher priorities.” He is, after all, the reason you and Newt are even dancing, begging you to ask Newt to a dance so Queenie would give up finding him a dance partner.
Newt glances at the swaying couple across the room. “Yes, well, they belong together.”
“And what’s that say about us?” You say it simply as a way to flirt, but when Newt offers no quick rebuttal, no joke, a flurry of butterflies storms into your stomach. “Newt? What’s that say about us?”
He steadies himself by reaching up to cup your cheek with one hand. “It means that I should –“
His hand is ripped away, torn to the side by an obviously drunk Queenie. “Come here, Newt. You must dance with Teeny. She’s lonely.”
Newt pulls his arm away gently. “I was actually in the middle –“
Queenie giggles, grabbing him again. “You talk too much, honey. Let’s go.”
You wave him away, lips turned down in a small frown, arms wrapping around your waist.
Newt sighs, allowing Queenie to pull him away to another woman to dance what turns out to be the final slow song of the night.
When Newt searches the crowd for you after it, you’re gone.
                                                    VII. Love
Newt lands in the Goldstein’s apartment moments after he realizes you’re gone.
He’d searched the building for a full half hour, checking and rechecking every room, even asking the bartender if you’d ordered something, before accepting that you’d left.
His fingers reach up to undo his bowtie, a nervous habit, as he stalks down the hallway, headed straight for the bedroom you’re sharing with the other two girls. He’s not sure what he’ll say, if he’ll even be able to be coherent. He just knows that you don’t know how he feels and he intends on fixing that immediately.
He stops in front of the closed door, nerves slamming into him. Rolling up his sleeves, he waits, thinking, hoping this doesn’t ruin everything, that he didn’t misread the signs, that you truly care for him as much as he cares for you.
Newt rolls up the sleeves of his white button up and chews on his bottom lip. It’s now or never. He raises a hand to knock.
“You’re not supposed to bother a sleeping lady, you know.” You say from behind him.
Newt spins, breath catching in his throat at the sight. You’ve begun to change out of the fancier outfit you’d put on for the dance hall. Your hair’s half down, a wavy mess from the pressure being up, and all of your makeup’s been washed away.
Warmth spreads through Newt’s chest again, and he smiles at you. “Beautiful.” He murmurs under his breath. “Absolutely beautiful.”
You stroll forward, smiling, something about the shots of giggle water giving you a burst of confidence. “So, do you need something, Newt, or did you just stop by to talk?”
“I um,” he clears his throat, smiling like a fool as you take another step toward him, “wanted to finish our conversation at the dance hall.”
You check your watch. “It’s past midnight. Aren’t you exhausted?”
“Not really, no.”
“Well, I am.”
Newt notices the challenge in your voice, the slight smirk on your lips. “Perhaps we could talk tomorrow at nine? A picnic?”
His heart stops beating for a moment as you consider the question, nose in the air, eyes squinted in thought. All Newt wants is an answer, a positive one, one that means he wasn’t imagining all this, that all of this, your apparent crush on him, is real.
You meet his gaze. “A picnic sounds lovely. Nine tomorrow.”
Newt grins. “It’s a date.”
You pass him, pulling open your door, but pausing to look at him. “I can’t wait.”
It’s all he can do to stay where he is and not kiss you.
                                                     VIII. With
“The sky’s on fire for you.” He says it offhandedly, though every particle of his being believes it. He’s on fire for you, the sky is, the whole damn world should burn itself up if a girl like you asked it to.
Your voice is glass, a soft sound that he fears may break if you raise it too high. “For me or for us?”
He’s stunned into silence as you turns to face him, a galaxy of colors on your face from the sunset, eyes a warm shade that matches the gifts his mother would bring home from trips to the grocery store every few months, hair shimmering under the boiling red sky.
He smiles lightly. “For us.”
“As it should be.” You face the horizon. “Watch out world, we’re coming for you!” You shout it, arms spread wide, smile wide on your face. Roars and clucks and chirps return the call, but the only sound you wait for is Newt’s small chuckle.
“You’re a miracle, love.” He says with a smile and a shake of his head, but the smile quickly fades into an odd expression as Newt searches your face.
Newt’s heart thumps against his chest, feeling like it’s twisting and turning with every pump of blood, but he takes a breath to calm it all before answering. “Would it be all right if I kissed you?”
Your face lights up in a blaze of heat. “That’s what you want?”
He nods, eyes lingering on your lips. “More than anything. If you’re all right with it, of course. If not -”
“Newt,” you say, interrupting what is sure to be a lengthy, repetitive ramble, “I’d like that.”
He can hardly believe it, can hardly believe he heard you correctly, but you’re smiling that beautiful smile and scooting closer, and Newt’s going to kiss you. He’s finally going to kiss you.
His eyes shut and he thinks he’ll kill anyone that interrupts this time.
No one does.
The kiss is soft, faint, a mere brush of butterfly wings that starts a frenzy of fireworks in Newt’s guts. He’s kissing you, his best friend, his favorite person. He’s spent the past six months wondering what it would be like and now he is and it’s so much more than he could have imagined.
He reaches up and cradles your cheek when you deepen the kiss, heart slamming so hard he worries it’ll break out of his chest. But it doesn’t, and he spends the rest of that blood red sunset with you at his side, kissing your forehead, cheeks, lips, hair. Whatever he can.
And Newt knows as he holds your hand in his and kisses you yet again that he has fallen completely, that the inevitable has occurred and he’s dug himself into a hole he’ll never escape.
He finds as you ramble on about the colors of sunsets and rainbows and autumn leaves that he doesn’t mind in the slightest.
                                                     IX. You
“Who’s the lucky lady?”
“Quite honestly, I’d consider myself the lucky one.”
The salesman bursts into a great laugh that’s far too enthusiastic for the joke Newt made. “Ah, don’t we all think that, though? Our women are too good to be true sometimes.”
Newt nods distractedly, peering down at the various racks.
“So how long have you and the lady been together?”
“We’ve been on two dates.”
“Now that can’t be all.”
“It is.”
“Wow.” The salesman raises his eyebrows. “I guess you know when you know, huh?”
Newt pictures you, your smile, the way you look at four in the morning, how you’d held the carving and the plate of cookies and his hand so carefully, like you were careful of breaking each one.
“Anyone would with her. How much is this one?”
                                                       X.   .
Newt takes a deep breath, wiping his hands on the front of his slacks as he stands, pushing his chair away from the supper table.
You cock your head. “Feeling all right?”
“A bit nervous, is all.”
Newt jerks his head in a shrug. “I suppose most people feel nervous proposing.” “Propose…” You trail off, eyes wide as Newt kneels in front of you. “What in Merlin’s name are you doing?”
“Proposing. Is that all right?” His eyes shine with mild amusement.
You nod, blinking rapidly.
“Love, I’ve known you for years upon years. I mean, Hogwarts was a long time away for the both of us. Not that you’re old, of course, dear.” He adds with a quick grin before growing serious again. “Falling in love with you was inevitable, and it’s been nothing but a pleasure to be with you these past five months. You are a light I cannot shake, and I hope I never do.” He pulls the box from his pocket, swallowing his nerves as you wipe at a tear on your cheek.
“Love, I know you’ve plans for yourself in the future, and I was wondering if you would give me the honor of accompanying you on them.” He pops open the box, revealing an intricate ring that twists around itself, a line of small diamonds across the top.
“Newt, how much did that cost?” You choke out.
“Would you still say yes if I told you it cost everything I had?”
“Everything?” You murmur, dizzy.
“Even the shirt I’m wearing. I’ll have to return it after you give me an answer.” He laughs at your expression, the small scowl gracing your face. Merlin’s beard, you’re all he needs in this life. “So? I don’t mean to rush you, but this floor isn’t exactly kind to knees.”
You swallow the knot in your throat, have to before you can say yes. “I’d love to have you along forever.”
Newt had planned for everything – the dinner, the food, the words, the ring, everything – except how it would feel if you said yes.
A rush of emotions surge through him: elation, excitement, relief, love, adoration. He can hardly separate it all, and it takes him a moment before he can move, takes you laughing at him and asking for the ring before he can push himself to his feet and slide the ring onto your left hand.
He pulls your forehead to his, eyes shut, breath washing over your face. “I love you.” The intensity of his words frightens him, worries him that he’ll scare you, but you lean up and kiss him lightly, so similar to when he first kissed you that he wonders if he went back in time somehow, but then you break away with a smile and mumble the four words that bring him to his knees.
“I love you, too.”
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beachbabywrites · 7 years
Cherry // Cheryl Blossom imagine
"Veronica?" "(Y/N)? Hey, whats up?" Your friend answered the phone, her voice confused. She used to be your best friend, the girl you did everything with. You hadn't talked since your fathers got arrested. Both of your moms blamed the other, they had been childhood friends, so the feud was ugly. "Betrayal," your mom would remind you, "runs thick with the Lodge's. You can't even trust their party girl daughter." "(Y/N)? You there?" "Yeah, Ronnie. Um, mom decided we're moving to Riverdale." You braced for the cold answer and swift hang up, but instead you got a loud gasp. "For real? Riverdale, Riverdale? Like where I am?" "Yup."  She sounded excited. "Im so glad our parents could come to an impasse, thrilled, I've missed you! I can't believe I get to see you again! Do you think you'll make it outside of New York?" "Chances are slim, but I guess that as long as you're by my side I will be fine." ----------------------------------------------------------- "Who is that?" Betty asked. Archie followed her eyes to see Veronica walking, arms linked, with a stranger. "My guess is you've been replaced." Jughead teased, reaching his hand over to Archie's plate to grab a few fries. The stranger laughed, throwing her head back and Veronica leaned into her shoulder, giggling. The raven haired girl motioned to the table where the three were sitting and they walked over. "Guys, this is (Y/N). She just moved here from Manhattan." "Manhattan? Did you two know each other?" "Archiekins, Manhattan is big, very big, 1.6 million people big. But yes. I knew her." Betty giggled. "We were best friends growing up, the experiences we have shared... The stores we've shopped, the arrests we've witnessed." (Y/N) blushed lightly and averted her eyes, she wasnt ready to admit her father had done any wrong to the world, but inside she despised him for everything he was (not) worth. "Anyway, roll call, say here. Archie, Betty, Jughead." (Y/N) shook hands, exchanged pleasantries. Jughead made room for her to sit next to him. "So any extracurriculars I can help get you started back with?" Betty asked. "Well, back home I was with the paper/yearbook club and volleyball and cheer seasonally." Betty perked up, Jughead sent her a pointed look and shook his head. "Do you plan on doing cheer AND volleyball this year? Thats a lot-" "Oh I'm not sure, honestly." "Would you be interested in joining the paper? I'm editor and if you can show me some things you have written then I can get you on.”
(Y/N) promised to bring a few papers by the news room, Betty insisted she come by after school to see cheer practice to decide if she wanted to join.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The door to the gym closed quietly as you walked towards the bleachers. Finally you spotted Veronica and Betty who waved while a girl in a high red ponytail talked over the music playing. She reclined as the girl snapped her fingers and counted down from three. She crossed her arms, cocked a hip to the side as she watched the girls. "Ugh, halt! Are you serious?" She called out. The captain walked down a row of girls to stop in front of one in particular. "Your leg needs to be straight. If you cant manage to straigten a leg, I will find a replacement." She spun sharply and strutted back to the front of the group. You tilted your head. The choreography was a mess, no wonder that girl was having trouble transitioning. To your astonishment the red-haired girl continued to completely bash girls, call out Veronica and Betty for absurd reasons and call the whole group ridculous names as microagressions.  In horror, you watched as five girls all cartwheeled in towards each other, just to jump straight up, arms out, hands creating a solid foundation for the flyer to stand on. "Oh my god." You gasped as the flyer fell backwards. You jumped up, and froze as she managed to flip to land on her feet. The captain lifted a hand to the group of girls, all of them froze as she turned around slowly to face you. "What are you doing here?" She asked, a dangerous sound in her voice. "I was watching." "And what did you see?" 
"I saw a cheer captain who cant tell the difference between choreography and a trainwreck, and someone who treats her team like dirt." You stepped down the last of the stairs and stopped four steps from her, arms crossed. "Do you know who I am? I am Cheryl Blossom, this is my team I run them how I need to to get stuff done." "No and frankly I dont care. But you should learn my name for when I take over this team as my own." You spoke over her introduction. "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" She challenged getting in your face. "Im about to be your worst nightmare Cheryl Blossom." With that you spun around to leave and as you passed the bulletin board you pulled the try outs sign down intent on taking Cheryl Blossom by the horns. "Girls, showers." She called and stormed after you. In the hall outside the gym she grabbed your arm and spun you around. "Listen to me. No one comes into my gym and insults the way I run my squad. You do not want to start this battle because I happen to know everything I need to know about you and your family. Word of scandal travels fast around here. Especially when two prestigious families are involved." "Excuse me?" "Back down or else." You couldnt help but smile. "Is something funny?" "Slightly. Listen lets go talk about this like women. Meet me at pops at six." Cheryl turned and walked away. Veronica and Betty rushed out of the locker rooms to speak to you. "What the hell was that (Y/N)? You havent even been here 24 hours yet and you're already threatening to take over a whole cheer team and butting heads with the head bitch?" Veronica snapped. "Well Veronica, you did too." Betty interjected, Veronica brushed her off with a look and a wave of her hand. "It needed to be said, I cant believe you didn't say anything! You know there is no way that transition is even safe." "(Y/n)-" "Anyway, Betty, here. I printed them off during study hall, those are several of the articles I had published back home. Anyway, invited her to Pops at six. She's either about to blackmail me into submission or not show up." __________________________________________________________ You pulled in at 6:10, fashionably late and ready to prove a point. You looked around the small diner and Cheryl waved at you. She watched you closely as you sat down. "So. Lets talk about what you think is wrong with my choreography." She insisted. "How about we eat first. We'll be here a while." Her jaw clenched noticably. Cheryl nodded quietly as she listened to you rant about her treatment of the girls and the moves they were expected to do. Finally she butted in with, "You know what youre talking about." "I was captain at home." "Yes, but, see, you're not in kansas anymore. How about this, if you join the squad, you could give some in-put on the routine. What are you getting?" "Im getting a strawberry shake." She lifted her hand and snapped and a waitress walked over. "Two strawberry shakes, a large order of fries and two hot chocolates to go when I pay." Did she just order for me, you thought. She ordered for me and shes paying. You started thinking about the flirty jokes she had made earlier. Cheryl excused herself and as soon as she was away you had a little freak out. Oh my gosh is this a date? No, she was ready to tear your hair out just hours ago. It couldnt be. Is it bad that you wanted it to be a date? The rest of the night you found yourself giggling and blushing with Cheryl over dumb things and by time she paid she was more than willing to have you join the squad. "Get in, let me drive you home. Also, (Y/N) here." She handed you the paper cup with hot chocolate before you got in her car. "I'll pick you up for school tomorrow and bring you here after school to get your car." You thanked her. The inside of her car smelled like cherries, it matched the red aesthetic the girl portrayed herself with. "You know, I've never had anyone stand up to me like that before. Well except for your little gal pal Lodge. It must be a New York thing." "Listen Cheryl I'm so-" "No, don't apologize, I needed it. I was being especially rough on the girls today. So, tell me. Are you ready to become a River Vixen?" "Honestly Cheryl, I had no intention of starting cheer here; Im planning on joining the volleyball team. The  squad is yours." She smiled at this, eyes still on the road. "I cant wait to cheer you on." She pulled up outside of the house your mother had bought with her savings after your father was arrested. As you opened your door, Cheryl waited at the front of her red cadillac. "This was fun." "Absolutely, lets do this again soon." You insisted. Cheryl watched you silently for a minute, the the point where you were growing uncomfortable, when suddenly she stepped forward, laid a hand on your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss. (Y/E/C)  eyes widened, then closed. Your hand found its way up to hers, your thumb rubbing the inside of her wrist. When the red head finally pulled away, she looked like she was trying to not giggle. "I'll see you in the morning." You whispered, cheeks were on fire. "We are so going to be the power couple that Riverdale deserves." She said before walking away. From the drivers seat she blew you a kiss.
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cerealmonster15 · 7 years
ddadds kids....
i like thinking about them as one big extended cul-de-sac family... [headcanons and stuff!]
imagine all the families spending the holidays together! i’m sure some celebrate things that the rest dont but theyd probs have one big generic get together during The Holiday Season
all of the kids are crammed together on one big “kid’s table” even tho like half of them are teenagers and there are more offspring than parents
someone always ends up starting a food fight,, usually ernest and lucien, or the twins [either pair. both pairs?? christie and christian vs hazel and briar??]
this was referenced in game once so amanda probs ends up babysitting a lot when she’s home from college for breaks+ during that short time shes still around before she leaves! she’d be  a cool fun babysitter, but tough enough to keep some of the more rambunctious kids in check ;p
[ernest voice] dad i dont NEED a babysitter!!! [hugo voice] son i want to know that i can be away for the weekend and come home to a house that isn’t on fire
ernest is probs really snarky to amanda when she babysits like “youre not the boss of me” and going out of his way to cause trouble, but amanda is Cool and probs gives him a run for his money with snark and idk shenanigans ensue and he probs secretly admires her and thinks she’s awesome but would rather die than let anyone ever find out
lucien looks like he might be fairly close to amanda’s age? they probs dont have all that much in common, but damien’s date revealed that lucien listens to mcr, and amanda made her dad listen to black parade, so I bet they could bond over some music tastes here and there
amanda: pleeeeeaaaaassseeeeeee ;D??? lucien: no way. the goth lifestyle isnt for posers i think with enough pestering she’d get him to cave. he’d take great time and care while painting her nails to make sure he does it Right
amanda probs comments on how careful and skilled he does it like “wow you really take this stuff seriously” “uh obviously??”
once he finishes, amanda takes a pic, and then all the other neighbors see her and are bothering lucien to make them look cool too. he pretends to hate it but actually has a lot of fun and is secretly really happy that they think he’s good at what he does
amanda convinces lucien to do like, cool goth makeup videos and put them on youtube/instagram. she helps him with filming and doing photography of final looks and together they get a lot of followers. sometimes she’ll guest star in his videos if he needs a face model other than his own
amanda’s kinda freaked out by christie and christian at first but over time gets used to and sees past their “creepy twin shtick” and, much like her dad [in the joseph brownie date] learns to use it to mess with them and possibly other people
at first chris probably doesnt talk to amanda a lot and keeps to himself when she’s over, but maybe over time she’d adapt to him and learn a few things hes interested in and express gentle interest in those things to kind of help him open up to her more
chris gets quietly attached to her like shes an older sister
everyone in the cul de sac does. they love amanda
i want daisy to be involved with the carmensita and amanda girl band thing mentioned briefly during one of mat’s dates. that’d be adorable
you know what else would be adorable? allllll the cul de sac kids coming to briar and hazel’s softball games to support them. 
the kids going to each others’ anything to support them!! when theyre in clubs and activities that put on shows or performances or other sports games, as many of the neighbors that can make it are there
when they get older, they try to be more and more obnoxious to embarrass their neighbors in front of everyone, like making huge support signs and banners with glitter with a stupid yet supportive pun that one of their dads helped come up with, or printing their neighbor’s face on a tshirt or a giant cutout on a popsicle stick, shouting as loud as possible 
they def went to amanda’s actual graduation and PROBABLY ALL CRIED
a lot of this has amanda centric bc i Love Her, but also,,
maybe hugo and craig start going to wrestling matches together [+dadsona] so ernest sees a lot of the cahn kids. if amanda’s in town, she’s with them and in charge. if not, ernest is technically in charge, but secretly [not so secretly probably] the dads are counting on briar and hazel [briar, mostly] to keep things from falling to disaster for the few hours theyre out
they all like to take turns riding on the Giant Dog that ernest got in damien’s route [duchess something i think?] [a good component that should be canon in all universes]
“lets put river on him” “no she’ll fall off” “wheres the duct tape” “n o”
if enough disaster happens leaving these kids alone together, they probably get dropped off at another dad’s house to be looked after for a while. joseph volunteers to look after them but since he and mary are already looking after 4 and KEEP LOSING CRISH, they tend to try and ask literally anyone else
[not that theyre bad parents lmao but it’d be easier for all the other parents that just have One Kid]
i bet christian and christie love robert’s wild spooky stories. he probably makes up so much bullshit to fuck with any kid that’s listening
they’d carpool if they could fit enough kids in one car. it’s probably a 2-3 car carpool depending on who’s driving what size car and who needs to go where at what time
there are probably so many inside jokes[CUL DE SAC MEMES......] that are born at every cul de sac gathering. 
when amanda’s home from college, all the kids wanna be the first to tell her all about the SHENANIGANS she’s missed out on
river and crish are bffs once theyre old enough for human interaction. they Have To Be.
pranking each other in the school hallways plz, or just all around chaos. god help the teachers that somehow end up with 2+ of the cul de sac kids in the same class
ernest definitely sends his dog to poop on damien’s lawn outside lucien’s bedroom window / probably does the flaming bag of dog poop ding dong ditch when he knows lucien’s home alone and will be the one to answer the door
christie and chris like when briar and hazel pretend to be each other, so they get their hands on a pair of scissors and chris gives christie a terrible haircut. possibly briar and hazel try and help with the scheme and things just get Worse and joseph has to take his daughter to a Professional [or maybe one of the dads is really good with hair/has had their child do the same thing and is good with fixing a bad haircut ;p]
carmensita goes through a goth phase after she goes over to lucien’s to be babysat one day. mat does not know how to Deal bc this isnt the type of music hes used to playing but he loves and supports his daughter regardless and likes to hear her singing all kinds of music to broaden her horizons and strengthen her talent
G R O U P  T E X T between all the kids old enough to have phones
there are lots of memes. lots. of memes.
they take candid shitty photos of each other all the time and send them in the chat, and particularly amusing ones end up reused as reaction photos
lucien: [sends photo of ernest having just spilled cereal on himself with duchess in the background making off with a piece of pizza] ernest: fuck u carmensita: mood daisy: why are you having pizza and cereal for breakfast? ernest: dont tell me how to live my life amanda: lol tag urself i’m duchess
this is just something i like to do w/ my friends but they’d probs also stealthily take pictures  of each other when theyre out and about and send them to each other in secret like amanda’s out with her dad at the grocery store and spots lucien and damien in the dairy isle and is like FUCK,, she hides behind a stand of donuts or w/e and takes a pic of them and sends it to lucien w/ no context or like “lol hey” 
it becomes a war of sending pics of each other to each other/the group without getting caught. lucien and ernest probably act like they think it’s stupid but get so competitive about it
they all keep score and it probably also would extend to taking stealthy pics of cul de sac dads too Just Because
the dads find out about the competition somehow and like,,, secretly are so into who’s winning. especially brian and dadsona. sometimes they’ll try and serve as a distraction for their child to get a sneaky pic so they can win, but usually the kids prefer the solo missions
val comes and visits sometimes with cool stories. sometimes she brings her girlfriend, and amanda especially looks up to them like two cool older sisters [i dont remember if it was jacket pins or photography that val said her gf is into, but whatever it is i’m sure amanda would geek out about it with her]
christie and christian eventually grow out of their “creepy twin” thing but still have a more unique brand of humor/personality. the cul de sac kids are used to them by then, and will THROW DOWN with anyone that bullies them/ calls them freaks or anything like that, or anyone that picks on chis [and eventually crish] by association or for any other reason
i could go on forever making up headcanons or scenarios for these kids bc i love them and constantly crave more content about them but imma stop here bc it’s been over an hour and this is Long but anyway plz talk to me about these kids + the cul de sac as a whole. share ur headcanons,,,,, i l o v e the m ,,
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sleepwalkingiguess · 5 years
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In order to chat regarding love and also still construct a socially acceptable metropolitan identification, musicians tend to apply one of the five successful love narrative kinds. Nobody comprehends situations like that, people cant handle it, so they 'll talk concerning it for life. The woman trying to sell me their newest phone package referred to a tv advert. She kept me speaking for about 10 minutes during which time she referred me to this particular TELEVISION advert a more 4 times, as well as each time I assured her I had actually not seen it because I don't enjoy tv. Knitting can be grabbed throughout the adverts and also operated at for 5 or 10 mins at a time. New threads and also fashionable pattern layouts make weaving fun and also quickly, and I can knit even if I am viewing TV, albeit an unusual occurence for me directly! With the web, also if you reside in a community that is little, you aren't restricted to your area, as well as can discover people not simply around the UK, however throughout the globe as well! Then embellish with baby pictures as well as such, after that take it to your regional copy shop, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel colored paper. In some cases weve discovered local street fairs or windsurfing tournaments or a design train museum. Weve spoke about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have bleeding with a cyst yet the majority of the time those are rare conditions. The endometriomas, if they continue, and theres continual blood loss in the abdomen and also the ovary that can create adhesions. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the second type of functional cyst takes place to develop as the child is growing. Many of these, the bigger blood materials, the bigger capillary on cysts are generally the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in as well as of themselves are not going to be creating an issue. But, the vital thing here, is that cysts themselves, in and of themselves are not going to be an issue or harmful issue. The nature of the event is possibly mosting likely to tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the organizers of the party have an arrangement for this, then welcoming men would be great. Certainly, there are numerous males and ladies that are making good cash making use of the web service route. In this tune, the poet makes use of the affective story to recognize that some males "dont be comin right ", however that he has a different understanding of ladies than these various other guys. Meant to aid with the discomfort, supposed to assist me keep In this tune, Expert makes use of the different story to share his sight of what love should be. It is necessary for the garments to be entirely dry prior to they are done away with or put on by a kid, as well as hanging the clothes on kids garments wall mounts will certainly aid keep their kind. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for dry items and 1983 for carbonated beverages.
free baby stuff expecting mother
Individuals utilized to exchange items and solutions for various other products and services before cash was developed, and some people still barter today to stay clear of making use of loan (primarily for tax factors I am informed). A few other excellent services are a diaper solution for towel diapering moms, and even a diaper distribution service for disposables, and also pay for the initial two weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Even the colors made use of in the textile ought to be natural and non-toxic. You may be at first attracted by all the eye memorable shades as well as the fanciness of the outfits, but if your child is not going to like it, it is going to become pointless. Jammies and also bodysuits for little infant girls been available in all different colors as well as designs, and also are created all types of weather. A couple of pieces would certainly do - a set of rompers, a set of shirts, a set of pyjamas. At the same time, you can place a T-shirt over their pyjamas. They will secure and insure any kind of loan you put into a financial savings account and pay you probably 3% annual rate of interest on your deposit. They know that if you're satisfied with your sample, even more than most likely you be come to be a regular consumer and also spend cash with them. There are really a great deal of free offers offered; you simply need to understand just how to look for them. Or search by chemical active ingredients (see listed here for some examples) and also uncover what brands have it. Next, you will get to your search engine result web page; this is a checklist of all items that fulfill your search criteria. Let us take a peek right into what makes these criteria a have to for those parents looking for infant garments. Likewise, let your very first couple of road journeys show you what you require to have along. There are numerous initial time mommies available that have a lot of information to show to you as well as they do not want you to be without the info. They wish to have gowns with breathable fabric as well as simple on the body. Is this what we have involved, - every person in our region enjoys the exact same adverts, the same programs, the exact same newspaper article each and every single day or night? Note: After attempting solitary foods, excellent mixes are potatoes and carrots or carrots as well as peas. And also not just will I examine it for him, Ill make it appear like the Elvis of foods, because Im currently quite certain that Sickness like a hamdog. He additionally describes his love interest as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the imperial characterization so usual in spiritual love stories. If you're truly strapped for cash money, after that you can possibly use utilizing your bed as a changing table, yet if you can, this is something I highly suggest. Its much better to feed baby first point in the early morning, then permit some play or rest time in between prior to giving baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Event," a suggestion significantly popular for moms who currently have numerous youngsters and for that reason the majority of right stuff they really require, they might take house medical spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bathroom. A great bath-themed gift basket would certainly include some hypo-allergenic bath products, like baby baths, talc, towels, and also bathroom playthings.
The significant and also is that many, if not all of these totally free products, are supplied right to the mommy's house. And also, with that, allows get right down to the core. Do you have the software application you require to get going? At some point you are going to want to carry your infant, so you will certainly need to purchase something. Unless you're preparing to hang on to them for your following child, they're simply collecting dust. With a few easy skills, an useful collection of "things, " and simply a little bit of preparation and preparation, youll get on your means! There is a place for TELEVISION in our lives and it desires all the fastest way of taking in news from worldwide. Taking courses abroad Below, the poet makes use of the spiritual story to describe the moment, area as well as emotions that his love was founded on, talking them as if they were in some way suggested to occur. Maybe she thought that was her place worldwide and also no-one could fault her if she did her duties to the utmost of her capability. I when had a neighbor that informed the world and it's mom she thought tidiness was alongside Godliness as well as invested all the time on a daily basis cleaning her home. It is believed that from this you truly have the option to have a look at whatever before you even have to get something. Tight neck lines would trouble you and even the placement of switches at weird placements would certainly cause you troubles, so check these beforehand. At the exact same time the switches as well as various other components in the design should be very carefully stitched. Yet Betty had the cash money whenever I went to prison This track additionally illustrates the use of contrasting narratives to express love. This instance additionally shows making use of introductory language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is inappropriate for anyone to "call you out your name ", or in other words, utilize disparaging language towards his love. A number of the child shower ideas will benefit any kind of place, inside your home or out. Do you desire your baby to look cute or amazing with baby clothes but you do not have suggestions on where to look for them? Price is a major thing you would certainly want to think about when purchasing child clothes. It's very easy, check out a child clothing store. Clothes care plays a large function in your child's safety. Hence, it is constantly recommended that you keep the security and comfort factor in mind also when you are buying celebration gowns for your kid. Also when you have actually bought a lacy blouse for your little girl, if you wind up getting a size that happens to be somewhat bigger than her actual dimension, she will be comfortable in it. And also, parents will be most likely to keep getting clothes to maintain up with the changes in the infant's development - size, weight, length, and also shape. Therefore, buying clothes that are somewhat bigger than the genuine size of your infants body presents will certainly be good as it guarantees optimal convenience for the youngster.
Nonetheless, these immunization procedures will just make their systems solid yet it doesn't give an assurance that microorganisms can not penetrate their method. So why did she act by doing this? The exact same thing can be real with, certainly with tube pregnancies, thats why those two can be perplexed. Yes it holds true that child clothing don't last lengthy with children expanding as quick as they do, however taking care of an infants garments is still simply as, if not even more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's true This passage is unique since it utilizes both the metaphoric as well as different narrative methods. The presentation of Hip-Hop love stories is a very uphill struggle. As well as that leads us to the most popular metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Children will love this recipe. Thick and also fluffy outfits will keep the infant cozy from head to toe. Right here is a list of preferred things that has actually been looked into with some of the largest online merchants of child products. Below are some of the standard things you'll intend to have. Do you want to offer a present to a brand-new mother without investing a great deal of loan? They use it when washing to remove odors, soften the textiles, and also offer your baby and kid clothes a fresh as well as a lot more natural aroma. When you are assuming of your childs convenience, its not only about the style of the clothing youre purchasing it will certainly also refer exactly how the item rests on your children body. Consider just how much you have right into the item. The following time you are re-assembling your set, make sure to add that thing. I prefer to hang out with my friends and family, talking on the phone, choosing lengthy strolls or dancing the night away. With all that having actually been said, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I recognize I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Soon you'll uncover that having just a few wonderful clothing ends up being unwise. I had an excellent free website a couple of years ago I went to daily. Utilize your Road Adventure logbook to tape-record everybodies remarks regarding the day. This will offer no good as getting baby items indiscriminately will not simply be waste of loan yet also waste of time and also energy which you can put for some positive use. If taking a trip by cars and truck you must constantly make use of a vehicle seat as well as comply with the producer's instructions for suitable. If your journey limit disappears than a one-hour car trip one means, after that search for areas of interest within regarding 40 miles of home. Which is not a problem because much like kidneys, similar to testis, women with one ovary can have equally as numerous infants as a lady with 2 ovaries as well as 2 tubes. Evidently it is a 2x matrix, suggesting those initial two people you reached sign up with are on your first degree. You need to always have two pairs during the night time, due to the fact that you never ever recognize when a child is mosting likely to spew up or have a baby diaper leak that can call for a full garment modification.
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cobaltsage · 4 years
Hey, amidst this crisis since my workplace might be one of the busiest places right now, can I just give a few pointers for going to a post office / UPS / FedEx from the perspective of a UPS employee? Because I know now more than ever more of you are coming to our stores because amazon purchases have gone through the roof, and with it, returns have too.
Please keep in mind that right now a lot of these postal service locations are going to be understaffed and those who are left are getting crushed under the mountains of work. No joke, the amount of packages is causing a lot of the truck drivers to double their routes. So please pay attention to some of these tips, k?
First off. Amazon Returns. If it is small, you can pick to drop it off without a box or a label. Amazon will give you a small QR Code. Please put your item in some kind of wrapping or packing if possible despite this, even if it doesn’t have to be boxed up, it will save us a crap load of time. Queue up the QR code in your phone, usually as a screenshot with the description of the items associated just below it if able. Amazon is also feeling the brunt of these returns, so if you do this over the phone, please double check everything.
Sometimes you will end up with a QR code for Kohl’s. You will know because they are extremely intricate compared to the ones for UPS. We can’t take those and I can’t stress this enough, while you can try and call amazon, we WILL have to move on to help other people or at very least do other tasks. Sometimes you will be given a label to print out. Since most UPS and FedEx’s are franchised out, you may have to pay to have that label printed out, and charges may vary from location to location. Amazon can change these around for you, but it’s really hard to get ahold of their customer service rn.
If you have bought somethibg BIG or ELECTRONICALLY COMPLEX or UNIQUELY SOURCED please do not be surprised if your QR code is met with some resistance. If the item is more than 18 inches long we will not be able to package it with the other 200 something items dropped off in our consolidation boxes, so we will insist it gets shipped separately. This means you will want to pack it yourself, as we will CHARGE FOR PACKAGING and the box alone might cost $7 - 10 to accommodate, and even more if you want us to pack it. I say this because amazon is going to tell you it’s going to be free, but here’s the thing? Franchised locations, aka most locations, have to pay for the boxes, the tape, padding, etc. and what Amazon pays us to consolidate is kinda shit in comparison. So if a fully loaded 18x18x18 box is only going to net our location like, $5-6, then you bet your ass we don’t have the resources to accommodate a special packaging that’s outside of the contractually agreed upon boxes. And each location is going to have their own pricing, and most aren’t really going to have wiggle room, because you’ll most likely be speaking to either the owner who set those prices in the first place, or one of the last employees who REALLY want to keep their jobs and can’t make exceptions. Also, for the other items like electronics or unique items, they often don’t get sent to the same locations as the items being consolidated, meaning the system won’t even let us consolidate if we wanted to, so they will also have to be individually packed. It’s better safe than sorry, always, if you aren’t sure it can go into consolidations or not. The amazon employee who helps you might not know the true answer to this question.
Fed Ex packages can’t go to UPS drop off points and vice versa, but USPS can usually be dropped off at either as USPS workers usually have a route that involves going there to pick up what customers inevitably brought there instead. That said, USPS is kinda doing itself a Trump induced collapse right now, so do not be surprised if those pick ups are slower or less frequent. If you are sending a package out to a PO Box FedEx and UPS can’t do that they have to give that over to USPS so while you can drop it off wherever, you probably want to go through USPS for the label because there are going to be slight upcharges for UPS and FedEx to make a USPS label. Those upcharges come from corporate, not from the individual locations, as do all the rates for shipping, so we cannot discount them.
Flat Rate Shipping Boxes are not offered by UPS though I admittedly don’t know about Fed Ex. Boxes themselves are usually charged separately, but price is determined by distance, weight, and package size. It goes without saying, but a 60 inch long package going across the country might cost $100 minimum even if it only ways 6 lbs. side note, you may have noticed that UPS and Fed Ex rates have gone way up because they can’t handle the loads going out the same way.
If you are shipping internationally, god help you. Not only are a lot of countries no longer able to be shipped to, but it varies from UPS to Fed Ex to USPS and DHL shipping is less available than it used to be. You will be paying $200-400 to ship overseas provided that you can send it out at all, and no, that doesn’t include customs, we don’t have any control over that. Do not be surprised if even less international options are available as the pandemic increases, especially as the US continues to fail to get its shit together.
If you have something that is going to go overnight / next day / 2 day, etc, versus ground shipping, please come earlier. Most UPS and Fed Ex franchises are not open particularly late, but more importantly, packages going overnight are usually being shipped by air mail, and less items get shipped air mail Vs ground. That means that most of the time, there is one truck that is going to be picking up overnighted / air packages, and that truck may come before the store closes. AND IF YOU MISS THAT MARK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT TRY TO ASK US WHERE YOU CAN DROP IT OFF INSTEAD WE DONT FUCKING KNOW NONE OF THE LOCATIONS TALK TO EACH OTHER THEY ARE BUSY. Instead it might be better to ask about the Hub Location in your area, or plan to go to the hub instead of your nearest location, as most packages will go there before heading out to other hubs. Or better yet, just bring in your air packages like, earlier, or accept that overnight might meant overnight tomorrow because you were late. There is nothing the store can do about it.
Please close the door behind you and don’t put down the door jam unless you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO in which case PICK IT THE FUCK UP WHEN UOU ARE DONE literally all these retail locations are running with half busted AC during the summer and with as busy as shipping companies are it’s constantly going to be sweltering, do not make it worse, we wear dark clothes and will get heat stroke.
And finally, IF YOU DO NOT WEAR A MASK WE WILL ASK YOU TO LEAVE AND IF YOU LOWER YOUR MASK TO TALK TO US WE WILL CALL YOU OUT ON IT WE EASILY SEE HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE EVERY DAY AND ITS ALREADY A TERRIFYING RISK. If you realize you have forgotten the mask in the car while trying to bring in a package or something, place your item on a nearby table and sprint to your car. We are understanding but we won’t let you stand without a mask just because you left it. And that goes for people covering their face with their shirts too. That doesn’t fly.
Anyway don’t hesitate to ask further questions in case I didn’t cover all the bases, and again, corporate / hub locations / different companies may be different in their responses, but I at least hope this comes as a decent primer for anyone who’s dealing with amazon returns or sending items out right now during the pandemic.
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itsrach161 · 5 years
3 Ideas
Coming up with 3 ideas to fully expand on and work through the advantages and disadvantages of each idea this was quite a difficult task for me to complete because I like to come up with lots of little ideas quickly and don't often think about the advantages and disadvantages of each idea. But this was a great way for me to see which idea might be the strongest for me to work on. This is a real chance for me to go create a list of ideas and work through which ideas might be the best ideas and which ones aren’t worth using as my final idea.
Coming up with 3 ideas was a difficult task to fully expand on them and consider all the advantages and disadvantages of each one. I also have to consider how I'm going to actually make each idea a reality which is actually knocking some potential ideas off the board because I am realizing that I am actually not able to create some of the ideas I'm coming up with. 
My top 3 ideas:
Write my 3 ideas in here, copy and paste from doc sent to Chris! Check spelling and grammar over and make sure all is correct.
An image relating to each idea, this blog needs more visuals.
Designers Collaborate
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Collaborative Mobile application for designers to collaborate on projects together for an agreed percentage.
This will be a collaborative application for designers to collaborate on projects. If as a designer you lack certain skills to complete a project or a certain part of a project then this application would be useful for you. You can search this site for other designers who possess the skills for the project that you might lack.
For example: If you were required to produce a website for a client with a quick turnaround but the website required the use of JavaScript, you don't know how to use Javascript and don't have enough time to learn it, then you could use this application to find someone with the relevant skills to complete this project with you for an agreed percentage of the price.
I would imagine the interface of this to have an image of the person who you would potentially be employing and below that a selection of their work that they have completed in the past for you to look at. Contact information would then be displayed below this, with the option to instant message them through the app or call them direct to their phone for an even quicker response. There could also be a rating scheme for people to be rated based on their performance - this would work for both parties. The person who gets hired through the app is rated based on their performance and the work they produce and the person hiring using the app could be rated based on how quickly and fairly they pay the person they employ.
Useful for people in the design/UX industry
Could be used across all art related industries (animation, painting, web design etc.)
A good way for people to get freelance work
Potential for repeat business with people you worked with before if you liked the work they produced.
Could be a very simple idea to create
Unsure how to build a working app
There are lots of different jobs this app could be useful for, could it be too much work to produce in the time frame
How might it be built:
I think this site is most useful as an app however i'm not sure how to create this, I do have basic skills in HTML and CSS and I am very willing to learn new skills to create a working application. I am keen to challenge myself to create something I never have before. In this instance this project could be a good idea because there are lots of different techniques I would need to learn to create this application. There are also lots of different ways I can challenge myself throughout the creation of this application.
Who’s it for:
I think this application will be mainly used by people in the art industry who are looking for freelance work to complete in their free time. However, it could also be used by people from other industry’s who need to find someone to help them out with a project or job. For example: if a builder needs to hire a plumber to help finish the build of a house, then this application would be useful to help find the plumber that may be used for this job.
What is the business model:
I imagine people who will use this app would be willing to pay a small fee for the use of it. There is also the opportunity for me to add a percentage fee to any work obtained through the app, this would take away the need for the initial fee to download the app, but still make money from this application by charging a small fee based on any work that is passed through the app. I would need to make sure that if work was obtained through the app that all payments would be protected in case someone failed to get paid. This will help entice people to find jobs through the app rather than going elsewhere.
Puberty App
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Puberty app for young people only beginning puberty who want to know what’s going to happen to their body during this change. 
Going through puberty is something that everyone experiences in their lifetime, yet it's something a lot of people are scared to talk about. Therefore I want to build an app that will teach kids all about their bodies and what happens. Stopping all the immature rumours that go around about the subject. I want to be able to help those kids who are too afraid to talk to their parents about what's changing in their body and whether what’s happening is normal or not.
User will create an account and insert their age so they can only view content relevant to them. This will stop young people getting content they might not need to know yet. This might also help reassure parents to allow their kids to download this app because they can be sure that their kids wont be receiving content they don’t need to know about. 
This would be a puberty app for mobile devices. I will include animations to explain how certain things happen and how to perform certain tasks e.g. shaving, using a tampon etc.
I will focus on both male and female puberty as I believe in schools they only teach the girls about female puberty and the boys about male puberty, but I believe it may be more useful for kids to learn about both genders. 
Inspiration for app icon could be the clue app icon, clue is a period tracker app that doesn't resemble anything to do with periods and for people who are embarrassed about it being on their home screen other people won’t know what it is unless they have this app too.
Could include potential audience interaction within this app using short quizzes or questions to test the user to see if they are understanding what they are reading if they get the answers wrong then there is a short explanation as to why it’s wrong. If they answer correctly then they get a short answer why they are right. I might also include a leaderboard as this could be used to motivate people to read the information correctly in order to get the answers in the quizzes right ad be top of the leaderboard. I also think I need to have the option for the information to be read aloud for accessibility purposes.
I have also thought about furthering on into informing the user about intercourse and what to expect but also explain the potential risks involved (std’s etc) and where they can go to get help with these. Although I’m not sure if this might be too much information to include in one place. It could get confusing for the user with all the information. 
I think I also want to include a print version of all the information in the app. I think i could do this through the use of AR where the user holds their phone over a book and diagrams move to show what changes in the body.
Can also include content about STI’s etc and explain symptoms of these and where to go to get help.
I have relative knowledge of some of these areas
Research can be conducted to find out the information I don’t know
Relative knowledge of after effects to complete the animations
Links with college sexual health nurses from placement
Links with doctors who have said the app would be a great idea and can link me to the right people in the NHS to get this app certified when completed properly
Very useful for people of different ages
Illustrations and visual graphics might make this a lot easier for people to understand
The use of AR could help this information come to life for the user
Lots of work to do, will be a very busy year to get it all done properly - this is also a good thing of course.
Bit of a taboo subject - people dont like to talk about puberty or whats going on in their bodies
People might be put off using and reading it because of embarrassment
I need to be very aware of all the graphic images that I would be showing and how this might effect certain users and how parents might react - they might be put off it if they think their child is going to get information they don’t really need to know yet. 
A lot of graphic content for me to be illustrating - all images need to look correct
How it might be built?
I'm unsure how to build a working app and would need to look into this properly. I also don’t fully understand AR so would need to look into this. I do have basic skills in HTML and CSS and I am very willing to learn new skills to create a working application.
I am keen to challenge myself to create something I never have before. In this instance this project could be a good idea because there are lots of different techniques I would need to learn to create this. Including the workings of an app and AR. I also like the idea of a printed version through a book because it gives the users different ways to take the information.
Who is it for?
This would mainly be used by pre-teens and teenagers who’s bodies are changing or who maybe want to check over the information. Parents might also use this app to collect some information before they chat to their kids, or some parents might want to check over the information before they put it out to their kids.
What is the business model?
I think this would be a free app to download but the book would be charged at £14.99. 
Best Places
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Best places is an application designed to help people work out where to go to do something E.G. Where to go for food? This will help people to work out where to go based on the top rated places around the area. 
This app is designed to help people work out where to go for different activities or for food. 
Many times I have been out with my friends and we are hungry or bored and looking somewhere to eat or something to do but never known what we should do or where would be nice to go. An app like this would solve this problem and we could look on it to work out where we should go based on reviews by other people. 
An app like this could be very useful for a number of people
This will help people try new things or eat in new places
Having an app where you can look at the places or activities and read reviews by other people my be useful all in one place. 
An app like this is very similar to Yelp! 
Is there a market for this, or is it too similar to Yelp! 
There are a lot of different topics included in this covering all different areas, there could be too many to cover in the time frame given
How it might be built? 
This will be an app, I am or yet sure how to make an app so I need to look into this to see the best way to make an app. I am very keen to learn how to make an app so this would be a good project for me to teach myself these skills on. 
I have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS so this might come in useful for the creation of an app. It might on the other hand not be of much use. 
Who would use this app? 
The audience for this app could be quite wide, there could be a lot of people who might find this app useful. Therefore the overall of design of this needs to be something that would appeal to all different audiences and not be too immature but also not too difficult to understand for younger users. 
This app would be very useful for all different kinds of people and I think there is a need for a site like yelp to be made into an app and use a very nice UI to set the design off. 
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