#i drop kicked that child in self-defense
ichosebotheveryday · 4 months
Your honor, I set that child on fire in self-defense
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ultimatedreamer104 · 9 months
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daenerys-targaryen · 2 years
unless you’re an anarchist pig who seeks out orphans to slaughter and bullies a green god for being homeless you’re not allowed to refer to yourself as the blade
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atlasllm · 2 years
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purple-goo-writes · 1 year
like okay okay hear me out.
Danny is just starting out as Phantom when the JL is getting kicked off. This is like maybe six years before Batman even takes on Robin or something idk. But just the JL just formed they are busting their asses off getting Meta Rights when they find the Anti-Eco acts and this leads them to Phantom. Cause you know for shit that the League isn't gonna let those acts stay. Nope that shit gotta go especially so they can get Meta Rights.
One things leads to another
And somehow this leds to them all mentoring this sassy dead teen.
And Danny finds himself with a bunch of mentors and as basically the JLs test protégé. You know he is going to start a blog too as Phantom called My Life as Teen Vigilante. Which also helps said mentors down the line when more teen heroes pop up.
But also the fucking shenanigans!!!
Batman: Drop it
Danny: *puts kryptonite in mouth*
Batman: Damn it Danny!
Danny: *running as chews faster!*
Flash: Hey buddy I'm here to check-whatcha got there?
Danny: *wearing the crown of rage and star cape whilst sipping a smoothie* A smoothie
Flash: *rapidly reading through Amity News* What happened whilst we were in space?!
Danny: *slurpsss*
Danny: *big slurp*
Danny: And I'm ghost king now
Flash: YOU'RE WHAT?!
Canary: *trying to help danny with new powers*
JL member watching: sooo what power di he get now?
Batman: *headache brewing* he can now level a city with his voice
Danny getting ice powers: I am going to cause so may problems with this
Danny nearly freezing to death and causing the JL to freak out: Hello consequences to my actions
Que Batman ad Flash interrogating their ice villains on controlling ice powers cause Some How There Wasn't An Ice Hero Yet!
Dan Happens
Danny: Fuck what was Bats plan for evil future self?
Danny: Oh right *pulls out Fenton phone* Call Dad number 5
Batman: you forgot what rhe contingency plan for this was didn't you?
Or alternatively
Dan Happens
JL shows up after case they were off world: What happened?!
Danny: *laying exhausted in crater* Boy Do I Have A Story For You!
So on.
By the time most get their protégés, they've already had a test run with Danny, who likes to claim that he is each protégés big brother for it. The Kids love their Big Brother Danny...the JL doesn't love the new shenanigans Danny gets into with them.
In his defense, they left him unsupervised with said kids.
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onmyyan · 3 days
Ain't no sunshine
A/N: Chapter 2.5
The night you found out about their little secret was the night you signed up for a local self defense class, your teacher was this six foot mass of muscle named miss Patty, she was a hard ass and often ragdolled you around the mat leaving you bruised and beaten, but she cared about you, taking the time to teach you all the ways she knew how to drop a human to their knees.
Alfred was the only one to notice, as usual and he pulled you aside one night after dinner, by this point Damian and Bruce had left for their usual nighttime routine leaving you and the older man alone.
"My dear, are you alright?" He asks pulling you to sit, immediately getting an ice pack from the fridge, he wraps it delicately in a cloth before handing it over.
"I'm good Al, just got my ass kicked at practice." The smile on your face was a rare sight, but you loved it, the adrenaline the strength you gained every day, it was addicting.
Taking the ice pack you press it firmly to your left ankle, the chill making you sigh in relief. "I take it you're enjoying yourself?" He says from across the counter, staring at you with concern.
"I really am- I can't remember the last time I felt this good." After letting your words sink into the air he made a point to make eye contact.
"and I do hope you're not doing this for..well for them miss (L/n)."
A hot bubble of shame came up at his words because a part of you was, the small child in you that still craved acceptance but you weren't willing to admit this let alone say it aloud.
"It's for me." Is where you left it, taking the cold compress upstairs to your stale room.
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Quote 95:
Technoblade - When god sends me to hell.. I want him to hesitate.
Quote 87:
Technoblade - Officer I drop-kicked that child in self defense you've gotta believe me
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chromaticcrazyass · 10 months
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"Your honor-"
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"Your honor I drop-kicked that child in self-defense-"
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monothemime · 6 months
hi there Mono! I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving! I heard you like pigs. So would you like this TechnoHoodie?
*holds up big black hoodie*
It says "I drop kicked that child in Self Defense" on the back. I hope you like it.
Have a great day!
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skenisasleb · 3 months
Oliver Intro Post
TW: There are some references to touchy real-life events. There is also verbal abuse and child neglect. Proceed with caution.
Oliver Ranch is the second South Park OC I have made. I made him originally to ship with my OC, Ted, since I shipped Ted with Kyle before and I realized that may be kiiiiinda cringe. 😭
Now he’s one of my favorites out my SP OCs.
(All forms of him below are ‘episode’ scenarios I have created for him.)
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Oliver’s Main Story
He is the firstborn of his three siblings; he has a baby brother, Bryce, and a younger sister, Blair. He cares for the both of them to substitute for his parent’s horrible behavior.
His mother is a overall angry person, probably where Oliver got his own anger issues. She verbally abuses everyone in the family, and gets close to hitting them on the occasion. Oliver’s father is a drunk and spends all his time drinking, watching football on the TV, and falling asleep on the pull-out couch.
Oliver’s Relationships
Oliver is in a relationship with Ted, and even though before he wanted to punt Ted into the street in the beginning, he now is overly protective of Ted and would resort to dangerous measures to protect him. Oliver also allows Ted to call him “Olive.” If anyone else tries to call him this, he will most likely pop them in the mouth.
Oliver absolutely hates Augustus. He has thought about wringing the clown’s neck multiple times; even making up fake scenarios where he could just gut the guy. In secret, Oliver is envious of Augustus’ progress, running a circus all by himself without anyone overlooking him.
Oliver doesn’t really approach Casey and Ernesto. He prefers to keep his circle tight, where the circle only consists of Ted (Ted takes up his whole social battery anyway).
Oliver’s Sub-Plots/‘Episodes’
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The government has passed a law, allowing kids in America under the age of 10 to own and carry guns in order to protect themselves. Most kids don’t know what to do with a gun, or don’t know how to work it and end up massacring each other. Oliver, already owning a pistol beforehand (illegally, might I add) and now with the freedom to own as many guns as he wants, he goes absolutely ballistic and joins in the chaos on purpose.
“Come Get My Ass”
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Oliver is deathly afraid of the visitors. Everyone in South Park seems to pass it up as just a thing that happens, but Oliver doesn’t want something he doesn’t want up his ass. He has nightmares where he would look in the mirror and see himself as a visitor. He decides that he will try and stop the visitors himself if the people of South Park won’t.
“AI Generated Slavery”
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…. If you couldn’t tell, this is a play off of the disasters of the recent Willy Wonka incident. 💀
But this time, the organizer of the event hired children for low pay because his budget dropped from the shipping of the hologram interactive activity that was meant to arrive for the event, but never came. So now the organizer would be charged for MORE heinous crimes :DD
“Phantom of the Soap Opera”
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“The Phantom of the Opera,” but make it a soap opera with goofy-ass side characters like the neighbor, Dave Hillis, and Christine’s boss, Junior.
In this case, the Phantom is Oliver, who is a shut-in who practices the piano, and Christine is Ted, who works a casual job at the hardware store.
It’s really just silly goofy stuff.
“Pride Misconseption”
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Oliver completely misunderstood what a Pride parade actually is for. He thought it was just a place to be proud of ANYTHING. Therefore, he went to the Pride parade decked out in Scottish flags. People present were pissed and confused at Oliver, accusing him of not taking it seriously and kicking him out of the parade after shaming him. The whole time, Oliver was just confused, never really knowing what the parade was truly for.
“The Mishaps of the Furry and the School Shooter”
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Pretty much an ‘episode’ featuring Blackbear and Dire Dune teaming up in order to beat Cartman’s ass, forming a duo that strayed from both Freedom Pals and the C**n and Friends.
Dire Dune is Oliver’s superhero persona; he is an elemental class that controls sand and strives to control the rocks that the grains came from.
Contrary to his actual personality, Dire Dune is a more calm and collected character who shares wisdom instead of spitting harsh truths.
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I have made other ‘episode’ ideas, but they’re not as fully developed as the ones I have shared, so I decided not to share them. That’s all for Oliver’s backstory!! Thank you for reading this far!! :DD
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moonlit-hearts · 2 months
Kaito KID: Officer, I drop kicked that child in self defense!
Conan, 5 seconds from kicking a soccer ball at KID’s head:
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jb2856 · 1 year
The Bodyguard - Part 1
Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
-use of you/you’re and Y/n, no descriptive character details but afab reader
Fic Warnings: 18+ only please!, Death, angst, friends to lovers, fluff
I know this will be at LEAST two parts, I haven’t decided yet if I want to make more. BUT hopefully you enjoy this. Thank you Anon for requesting, stay tuned for part 2!
This is self edited, so let me know if I missed any mistakes, and as always my box is open - so ask away!
Please leave constructive feedback if you like, and please please please, if you enjoy this fic reblogggg 😚
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As little Y/n walks through the tall grass she giggles as it tickles her skin, a toothy grin splitting her face. She’s skipping, holding tight to her mothers hand as they make their way to the shore. They’d gone to one of her mother’s favorite places to be.
As Tali-ah, her mother, sets up a picnic blanket, Y/n runs to the water and jumps in kicking her feet and splashing in the water.
“Be careful love!” She warns her child, eyes shifting back and forth from her actions to her child’s whereabouts.
After finishing her set up Tali-ah settles on the blanket, watching with a contented smile as Y/n plays with her back to her mother.
Her smile vanishes when the feel of a hand clamps down over her mouth, a deep male voice hisses in her ear, “Scream and I kill both of you now.” Tali-ah manages a weak nod, fear coursing through her veins, for her and her innocent child. At the feel of a blaster against her temple she shivers, tightly squeezing her eyes shut. Before she could even form another thought, the unknown man is pulling the blasters trigger, ending her life within seconds.
The man let’s her lifeless body drop to the ground unceremoniously, quickly retreating. His job was done.
At the sound of her mothers body thumping, Y/n turns. She doesn’t understand what she sees, she only remembers seeing is a man in a white robe.
She blinks, climbing out of the lapping water. “Mommy?” She whispers in her small voice, confused at what she sees.
Her mothers body covered in red, twisted in a strange position. Y/n waddles right up to her, hands shaking the body.
“Momma…” Tears well in her eyes, “momma wake up.”
She starts crying, scared that she’s alone in this place, with her mom not waking up. Her lip wobbles as she looks at her hands, sticky with the red stuff. She doesn’t understand what it is, but she knows she is afraid.
She cuddles up to Tali-ah’s cooling body, falling asleep against her, seeking comfort. She lays with her until a guard comes searching for the lost royals.
A week later Y/n’s Father Malik, is captured, and never recovered.
The court takes over the kingdom, the high priest is crowned temporary ruler, forcing the young royal to go into hiding.
Y/n is sent to the outskirts to stay in a hidden castle, she is meant to stay there in hiding until she becomes of age and takes the throne.
As she grows she is secretly educated in combat, those closest to her wanting her to be capable and able to defend herself. In no time she had become an excellent defense artist, excelling in hand to hand combat as well as tactics and scheming.
And although she is quite able, the enemy is much more capable and extremely dangerous. They have proved themselves to take any measures to get what they want, they were unpredictable.
The outlaws are a secret syndicate called The Dead Eyes, they lust to overtake the kingdom. Their agenda? To empower a newly rising sith lord, to give more land to their cause.
They already destroyed and dismantled 3 kingdoms, they’re working to take control of entire planets.
It’s all been a slow, agonizing war. There is currently not an end in sight.
But the kingdoms left have been creating a secret army to defend and fight off the syndicate, every capable hand has joined the cause willingly, ready to defend.
But with recent advancements in capture attempts of Y/n, her court has hired a notorious, and very skilled Mandalorian, Din Djarin, to assist with her safety.
“I said no.”
The court member swallows, “please pri…”
She whips around, the long skirts of her gown swishing with her movement. She truly hates wearing gowns everyday, she longs for a pair of pants. “I don’t need a fucking body guard.”
“Y/n!” Comes the silencing stern voice of her uncle, the high priest.
She indignantly ticks her jaw, blinks and turns her head to look at him.
“Enough.” He demands. “You’ll accept the man’s protection and complain about it no more.”
She scowls, quickly twisting around and leaving the room. He makes her skin crawl, he’s never been kind to her.
Making her way down the hall her heels click, she is aware of the presence now following close behind her. Whipping around, Y/n stops abruptly, glaring at the person who had been following her.
“Are you going to follow me every where I go then?” She questions.
They don’t answer, just stand there, staring back. Well, she thinks they’re staring back.
This person is huge, she assumes it’s a male by the wide shoulders, long thick legs and flat breast plate. He’s covered head to toe in Beskar, weapons adorned every inch of his figure.
They’d hired a fucking Mandalorian to babysit her?
Y/n had heard stories about the Mandalorians, they’ve become ruthless and secretive in recent years. She knows of there being many coverts, a lot of them have different rules within them. She cant help but wonder what his are.
“Well?” She snaps, “are you going to say anything?”
No answer.
She rolls her eyes and twists to continue her walk to the library.
Reading is her favorite past time, it helps her calm down, escape. She isn’t allowed to leave this castle, and she longs for adventure or…anything really.
He follows her the entire way there, and stands guard at the door as she settles in a chair by a window.
He’s just…standing there. It bother her that she can’t see his face, what is he looking at under there? His beskar is a brilliant, polished silver. The light glints off him, shining bright. She lowers her book, “Sooooo…” She starts to say, his head turns slightly, to look at her she assumes. “What’s your name, shiny?”
Still no answer. Oookayyyy.
Y/n really hopes her days aren’t going to be like this forever, filled with a silent brooding man that follows her every step, every action.
Sure enough…they are.
Months go by, and not once has she heard a single sound come from him. But Y/n has actually grown fond of him, she enjoys that he doesn’t boss her around or push her to be someone she isn’t. He’s just…there. She has taken up talking to him often, just telling him things about her, her life, her wishes and dreams. She has never had any one to talk to, and his presence has become quite comforting.
The first time he speaks is after Y/n is granted access to a cove nearby, she has been begging for a trip for a few years.
The court only agreed because there has not been any movement by the Syndicate, and they allowed her an hour outside with two guards accompanying her, as well as the Mandalorian.
She had been climbing the rocks that surround the small spring in the middle of the cove, something she used to do often. The Mandalorian has been standing close to her below, watching each placement of Y/n’s feet.
Her foot slips, and she couldn’t grab hold of a secure place in time. Falling backwards, her knee scrapes the rock and she yelps as she descends.
“Y/n!” He shouts, rushing to catch her in his arms. He does, just in time. They’re both panting, slightly shaken by the event. She’s staring into his visor.
The royal guards rush in to see what has happened, and The Mandalorian speaks up again. “She’s alright,” he says to them. “She just slipped off the rocks. I’ve got her.”
Both guards nod, leading you all out of the cove.
He hasn’t put you down, you’re all about halfway back to the castle when he mutters to you. “Are you alright?”
“Yes…” you whisper back, “just shaken really, I’ve never slipped before.”
After a moment she whispers once again, “you spoke.”
His head nods once, “I did.”
And that was that.
She wonders if he’ll speak more often around her, if he’ll be willing to make conversation with her now. She hopes he will.
Later that night she can’t sleep, her thoughts filled with the Mandalorian. After tossing and turning she makes a decision, gets out of bed, and opens her door.
“Mando?” She whisper yells.
And of course he’s right there, so there really was no need to call out. He had been leaning against the wall across her door, arms crossed. He straightens, and takes a step towards her. But doesn’t say anything, waiting for Y/n to speak.
“Will…” She takes a deep breath, quickly blowing it out. she doesn’t know why she’s so nervous around him now. “Will you come in and be with me? I can’t sleep.”
His helmet shifts in a sharp nod, light from the hall glinting off of it. He follows her into her room, standing by the door as Y/n makes herself comfortable on the couch by her fireplace.
She glances away, but whispers, “Why don’t you talk to me?”
It takes him a moment but he responds. “It’s easier not to.”
“I wish you would.” She sighs, “now that I’ve heard your voice I..I want to hear more.”
Sighing, she sits back in her chair, accepting he most likely won’t continue to speak.
“I was scared today.” Y/n’s head whips around to look at him. “I thought you were hurt.”
“Oh.” She blinks up at him, an unknown feeling warming her chest.
“Can I finally know your name?” She questions, quietly.
He shifts, seemingly uncomfortable with the question. But he makes his way towards her, awkwardly sitting in a chair opposite her.
It takes him another moment, but he eventually answers gruffly. “Din.”
Y/n smiles wide, “thank you…Din.”
After that he talks more, maybe not enough for Y/n’s liking. But he tries, for her. Their relationship has grown, becoming very fond of each other. Din can’t help but be constantly on guard for her.
Its not until about two months later when the war starts to intensify. There have been 3 men captured, one attempted to sneak into the castle after dark, the other two had been caught spying the grounds.
The Royal Guards presence has doubled, in effort to better protect the Princess. The court suspects the syndicate is now aware of her whereabouts, the castle was disguised as a stronghold but with the scouts they had captured they believed there to be more. So rather than moving her again they decide to strengthen the defense, and keep her locked away.
It happens in the dead of night.
Din is standing guard like usual, watching the entrance to her rooms when he hears a quiet clicking noise. Instantly defensive, he’s moving to open her door, but when he tries the knob, the door doesn’t move. He slams his shoulder against it, doesn’t budge.
Someone had barricaded it.
He hears a yelp. He recognizes your voice, you sound tired, scared.
He hates it.
Again he slams against the door, and it finally it budges. Upon entrance he is alert, eyes surveying the room quickly.
The window was open, currents flapping in the wind.
They’d taken her.
How had he let them take her.
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kazachi69 · 1 year
Springtrap: Officer, I drop kicked that Child in self defense!
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archivalofsins · 7 months
Remember that timeline convo between Amane and Kotoko, where Amane thanked her for not treating her as a child and that she’s not so scary, to which Kotoko responded, “Why would I treat you as a child? I still am the person I was at 12. Also, you’re not so great, suck on that B-.”
Because Pepperidge Farm remembers.
That said, God, I really thought it was some strand of leftover moral keeping her from attacking Amane, not a lack of opportunity.
I remember it sooooo well. That interaction lives in my head rent free!
Amane: Thank you very much for teaching me. ……but, though I realise it’s strange me saying this after I asked you, I must admit it’s kind of unexpected. You give off the impression of someone who wouldn’t want to get involved in things like this. Kotoko: ……well, you’re not wrong. I’m surrounded by people who could all be murderers, so I don’t plan on going out of my way to talk and make friends. I can’t let my guard down.But I like ambitious people like you. If you want to study more, then I’m happy to teach. Amane: I see…… You look scary at first impression, but I quite like the way you treat everyone equally regardless of whether they’re older or younger than you. You don’t just treat me like a child or anything like that. Kotoko: Treat you like a child? Hah, you’ve got to be kidding. Back when I was your age, I was already the person I am today. I don’t have any plans to let you get away with something just “because you’re a child.” ……remember that. There, I’ve finished marking. 83%.How do I put it… Even though you act like this, it’s not like you’re super brilliant at studying or anything, huh.
Kotoko really said in that voice drama if it wasn't for Kazui interferring and Mikoto taking so long to fight she would have jumped that kid. She has always and will forever be about it. When she said remember that she meant that shit.
This is the perfect example of the phrase when people tell you who they are believe them.
Don't give them a defense, don't say you're probably overexagerating, you probably have poor self-esteem. We can unpack that after taking they asses at face value. In order to fix an issue one first has to accepts an issue exists.
Definitely puts all those injured children throughout Harrow in a new light. Especially given her focus in the voice drama of others not being able to do what it takes to actually implement change. People were really like it can't be that bad and Kotoko barged in cd drop like,
"Ha; it's gonna be worse! SO, STUPID WEAKLINGS LIKE YOU ALL SHOULD JUST SHUT UP AN LET ME PROTECT YOU! You're way too soft- What were you thinking that you could make friends?! That these people would change if you were nice and understanding enough. That we'd all hold hands and laught together if you just forgave us? You're far too kind- AND NAIEVE! What next are you just going to forgive them because they're attractive? You need me to do the things that need to be done that you yourself clearly can't do. That's what cooperation is."
It's been amazing because she came in last part of trial two and really gave the audience and Es a kick to the face for all our behavior up until now. Like it's the biggest fuck all of you of trial two. Honestly she kept hitting she did not miss. Not one fucking time. She held that mirror up and shouted at that bitch until it cracked.
Ooooo, boy....
I was not expecting to come out of her voice drama like well now hold on she's a bit wild, a tad unhigned, definitely unforgivable to some, but um she's speaking some truths. There's some truths there that a lot of people who participate in Milgram are not going to like to hear but need to hear regardless.
It was so satisfying to see. Especially after everything this trial. It was just perfect actually after everything we've been through and the logic we've all seen. That- Yeah we deserve to get to sit with that for a bit.
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daenerys-targaryen · 7 months
your honor I drop kicked that child in self defense
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smolmight97 · 1 year
Officer, I drop kicked that child out of self defense.
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