#i fckn hate it here
leeenuu · 1 year
so ur telling me it’s jonas’ birthday and he’s retiring today, after the match between köln and bayern which could decide the bundes winner??
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madrewrites · 5 months
taylor really said 'oh you miss folklore and evermore? well here's part three' with the anthology
and at what cost to my mental health taylor. what cost.
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elibean · 5 months
i am not having fun anymore someone please come be my roommate
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irl · 6 months
th bugs got wrse
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fjordfolk · 2 years
also just bracing myself for if i eventually do pick out a sire for troja because frustrating and hypocritical etc etc but i will eventually end up sacrificing a known health result or two for untested factors
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imwritesometimes · 9 months
if you are on tumblr criticizing people for what they are or aren't posting and chastising ppl for not ~speaking out~ or ~raising awareness~ might I just suggest logging the fuck off and actually doing something with your time other making yourself feel superior for blogging while doing fuck all else abt anything
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greedbent · 1 year
for someone who—on the surface and to most outside eyes—looks like the greediest mofo in the Barrel (always taking on jobs for the right price, lighting up when he sees a good score, etc.), kaz has… so. much. SO. MUCH. disdain for greedy people
he’s “greedy” by necessity at this rate. building up the proper resources to take down the pos who ruined his life, yadda yadda—we get it
he relies on the greed of others to use to his advantage as much as he uses sentiment as a weapon, too
greed absolutely destroys a man. (it honestly does most of kaz’s work for him) and it’s that very sin that got him into this situation in the first place
jordie’s greed let them get swindled. landed them penniless on the streets. ultimately caused jordie’s death…
and all this shows now in just how kaz treats people who are similarly ruled by it
how harsh he is toward jesper’s gambling??? literally 0 sympathy for the debt he’s under, actually pretty miffed at how jes’s actions have harmed jesper’s DAD more than just himself (someone’s greed negatively impacting a loved one??? SOUNDS. FAMILIAR.) the way kaz stays pissed at jesper for sO LONG after he nearly screwed up their ice court heist before it even began—again, gambling
how he has so much infatuation for someone like inej who is so. damn. selfless??? not a single greedy bone in her body? somehow not corrupted by the shitty world around her
greed, man. greed. 😔💦
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an-honest-puck · 1 year
I'm torn about the 2nd season of The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers and I'm only on ep 5
on the one hand, I think that EPIC facility is hella dope and an amazing idea (on paper) for developing athletes
on the other hand, it's run terribly and don't even get me started on the actual services they provide (I know they're jokes but they made me cringe so bad y'all)
on the one hand, I adore Lauren Graham
on the other hand, her character is irking me a lot this season- not with the mum side of things, but her constantly complaining to Coach Cole is really getting to me.
like I said, yes, the camp is run terribly from an actual sporting perspective, but also, running camps is hard. the logistics alone are enough to do your head in (trust me, I've helped organise sport camps and sorting logistics fckn sucks). so yeah, it just feels like she's undermining the whole camp for me, which just rubs me the wrong way.
imma finish this season tho- I'm curious about how it all turns out and I do love watching a stylised ice hockey game lol
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rockruin · 2 years
daisy jones & the six characters .... spare daisy jones & the six characters ?
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leeenuu · 2 years
covid truly saw that estonians are fighting for next season’s four men’s starting places and was like hold up let’s give a visit not only to rene but kristo as well
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beepbeepmfkr · 1 month
So the boring yt girl gets the focus and Nolan is getting some roundabout journey to getting his family back?
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ourdykeofsorrows · 2 years
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
fic rec friday 16
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
best friend, baby by @ghosttotheparty*
“You— You make me feel so… good,” he finishes lamely, his head void of any words that could describe it, because how can Will describe the peace he finds in Nico’s presence, or the way he feels like he can finally breathe whenever Nico looks into his eyes? “You’re my favourite person,” he breathes. “My best friend.”
hooooooo boy the intimacy tag was NOT joking. i was gagged. yall tell me all the time how high u value will angst and like....this one DEVASTATED me for him??? like do yall ever think about how the first dialogue we hear from will in nico's perspective is self-loathing. yall ever think about how nico has always known him hating himself. well this author did. "i know you hate yourself but just because you hate yourself doesnt mean everyone else does too" hey what if we FOUGHT. also im going back in to all my FRFs to star my FAVE FAVE FAVE fics bc this is one of them LET ME TELL YOU.
2. just a dumb game by @ghosttotheparty
Nico di Angelo is not a party person. But Will Solace is going to be there. So.
they are SO FUCKING GAY and SO FUCKING IN LOVE and SO FUCKING STUPID. god i love them so fucking bad like they are inherently down bad obsessed with each other and this is how they should be. this is the way of the world.
3. even in the silver light by @ghosttotheparty
Nico is back. Will is still smitten.
first of all. latino and nb will. thank you. second of all. i am (obviously) obsessed with this author bc they KILLLLLL w burning intimacy. like you have no idea they write them like there is a twice burning fire only alive within them it's CRAZZZYYY. i also fckn LOVE that this is like. okay so the author says its plotless and it is kind of 45k of plotless, yes, but idk theres something to be said of love as a plot?? of learning and loving each other as a storyline.
4. splash by @ghosttotheparty
Annabeth is reading her favourite book. Someone walks directly into her.
yeah okay i think this is another one author week. sue me. this fic made me GRIN okay. it was so fucking cute and sweet and soft and autistic annabeth my beloved!! my love and light!! they are so in love in every universe fr and i fckn LOVE them dude i am OBSESSED. when this author writes people together it's as if you can hear them click.
5. isnt she lovely by @ghosttotheparty
Their eyes always meet in the halls. Her eyes are grey and shiny, and they make Percy think of stormy skies and marble sculptures. (She could be a marble sculpture, in the entrance of a museum, surrounded by scholars and artists and mesmerised passersby. Fucking beautiful in a way that only art ever is.) - - - Percy has had a crush on Annabeth since eighth grade. (He doesn’t know she likes him too.)
percy hitting the ground when annabeth kisses him 😭😭 HES SO REAL. i just recced this fic on instagram and i am here reccing it again bc it is EXCELLENT. i rly rly love to see pjotv percabeth in fic like i DO. theyre so fucking cute. and i LOVE how this author writes autistic annabeth!! it is so important to me!!! and this one is so CUTE like percy had such a huge crush on him.....like not just he liked her he had a CRUSH on her. god. i am melting.
thank you for joining me this friday!! happy reading!!
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imwritesometimes · 10 months
you cannot make this shit up - my heater is out again
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greedbent · 2 months
among my favorite kaz-isms:
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fanaticsnail · 3 months
Sending love to that anon who is on the Yandere Doffy cruise with me, but also how dare you make it angsty 😭😭 but also, I love that. Make it fluffy then make it angsty! A perfect concoction. And then Snail adding the Impel Down? How about you just let Law take my heart instead and crush it, it would hurt less 😭😭
Following that Reader gets ill idea, you know who is the only doctor in the world who can help Reader if she gets ill?
You know WHO is the only one who can probably completely heal Reader?
Ohohohoho the plot thickens!
Would Doflamingo actually ask Law to heal Reader? Law's is the only fruit that can do it. Doflamingo just realising that would be so fckn AMAZING. The shock, the internal conflict, the fckn anger that Law is the only doctor left who has the HIGHEST chance of healing Reader...
This could be pre-Dressrosa Arc, hell this could be the reason Doflamingo surrenders during Dressrosa Arc because Law heals Reader right in front of Doflamingo, who is literally holding her while she has a fever. (I know, very unlikely but hey, let Doffy be desperate, as a treat.)
It could be that after he beats Law in their first fight after Law wakes up Doflamingo takes him to give a diagnosis on Reader, and Law is shooketh.
Also, add Reader being a mother figure to Law, being kind to him and thanking him and apologizing for Doffy and she is so sorry and Law is getting reminded of his mom now and is literally having a lump in his throat and this 26-year-old grump is about to CRY as he looks through Reader's medical charts left by the other doctors and all check-ups.
Maybe Law's doctor mode just TURNS ON. He isn't even thinking it, he offers to help with his Devil Fruit but in exchange Doflamingo has to surrender or at least let Reader go.
Doflamingo is not on board. He's gonna force Law to use Room if he has to.
Luffy is on board (if it's Dressrosa Arc), bless his soul, he even says he'll kick Law's ass if he harms Reader since he is reminded of watching Ace die or reminded of Nami being sick and him being helpless.
Would Doflamingo accept the deal? Yes? No?
Knowing Doffy he'll go like "I'll just force Law to heal her." in his Big Brain Moment™
And the Impel Down addition, ugh, fuck, my heart.
But Law healing Reader and Doflamingo's internal struggle and pride... OHOHOHOHOHO. I am laughing evilly.
We are further sinking into the Yandere Doffy hole here.
No, don't send the ladder. We like it here.
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Okay, I love this so much. This is gonna end up as a series, I can tell. It's going to have to be. Yandere Doffy with a reader who doesn't want to be with him, getting sick and finally seeing a way towards freedom with Law offering it to them, AND DOFFY JUST MOURNING FOR HIS LOVE WHO WANTS TO LEAVE HIM. JUST AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.
I freaking love the Yandere Doffy train going on in my ask box. This is getting me all giddy and giggly. I love this so so much. I'm in the hole next to you, bestie. I'm taking notes.
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I am also digging the fact we're all like: "yessss bring Law into it. Have the tables turn."
You: "You have always been so kind to me. Even as a troubled child, you had the potential of turning out like either brother. He'd be so proud of you, your heart mirroring his even now."
Law: "You offered me no reason to harm you. You were one of the few that made my childhood bearable there. And... Thank you. All I've done, I've done in honour of Cora-san and to spite Doflamingo."
The Heart Pirates: "What the hell? Don't we hate Doflamingo? Why are we healing his spouse?"
You: "And where do I factor in? The honour or the spite?"
Law: "Both and neither. I honour Cora-san in offering you this kindness, and I spite Doflamingo in knowing you're released from his charge and allowed to make your choice to remain here or flee. It's up to you what you do."
The Heart Pirates: collective "ohhhhhh"
I love this so much. I can't wait to write it. Thank you for another Yandere Doffy prompt, it's fuelling me.
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