#i feel iffy about the mind peace manipulation thing?
toshsato · 3 years
Oh shit, it's over. I finished my Farscape rewatch (haven't seen it since I was a kid, so I didn't remember most of this stuff.) I actually really liked The Peacekeeper Wars! It wasn't perfect but considering that they had to condense a season into just a couple hours, I think they did really well.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
Srry but i noticed in one of ur dream posts u Referred to tommy's cat as hope. I must correct u, that cat was born pussbou and died pussboi. /lh Also tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile btw just wanna say Also for ur posts about dreams trauma or wilbur manipulating him can u provide links to vods or other proof? Srry if i seem rude i mean that in a "genuinely curious way"
Aaa sorry if my ask came off as rude im just genuinely curious :(((
hi! dw, you don't seem rude at all, and i'm extremely happy someone with a different perspective has found my blog! i really appreciate that sort of attitude and am happy to answer :]
/dsmp /rp
the cat was called pussboy by tommy, but dream only called it "the cat" and then said that "it was hope", which is why it sort of became a symbol (his hope is dead, basically) - that's why i kind of made its name capitalized, because it was more of a metaphor than anything.
most c!dream fans call the cat hope because it's just really nice and really symbolic, and also really sad when you think about it. that's why the name was used in the essay, just to clear up the confusion!
tommy killing that cat was nothing compared to dream killing mushroom henry in exile
i don't really think so? mooshroom henry was entertainment more than anything, and even if it was bad, when watching the stream i don't remember seeing him mourn that much - on the other hand, dream was very quickly and very obviously attached to the cat, with it being his only companion in months of isolation, along with the hope that even when tommy left it would keep him company.
keep in mind c!dream has been deprived of stimuli and human contact for so long it's officially classified as psychological torture at that point.
i don't mean to compare trauma or even compare deaths - because honestly, what c!dream and c!tommy have gone through individually is incomparable and i think neither should be diminished in favor of the other since they're both terrible situations.
that's why i disagree that it "was nothing compared to" - it had an obvious effect on c!dream, and was still c!tommy killing an animal specifically to hurt him, no matter what reasons he had.
when i'm talking about effects people's actions have had on c!dream, i'm not talking about those people. i'm talking about him. :) /lh
as for the trauma, a lot of people agree that a lot of the things he says or does are trauma responses, and hence it's very possible that he's had trauma before he went into prison!
this includes being repeatedly called a tyrant via propaganda by about half of your friends who decided to betray you, trying to keep peace and being pushed deeper into villainy instead, repeatedly being put in between a rock and a hard place in order to make sure the people you care about don't start killing each other, then being betrayed by your closest friends after merely trying to keep peace (sapnap & george) and just in general having no control over your life or image and grasping at straws to gain it back.
i know a lot of people with trauma who heavily relate to certain trauma responses, which aren't always just shaky breaths and flashbacks, but trauma often also manifests itself in extremely ugly and destructive ways, both inwardly and outwardly.
trying to control the people around you is also very often a response to going through trauma, as well as emotional repression which is... rather evident on c!dream during season two. it only seems to get worse with repeated abandonment.
in the end, during the vault scene, the way he acts really just isn't at all the way a healthy person would act, and a lot of his really bad mindsets come from the way he was taught by the world around him.
the character is very reserved however, and since we don't have his pov we can't really say for certain - a lot of people claim it in good faith because they have a lot of evidence for it, and i think they're certainly valid in that.
that is just before the prison, however. from what happened during the prison arc? there is no denying he's traumatized at this point.
he's been emotionally and physically abused by c!sam since the very beginning of being imprisoned, and being in solitary confinement for over two weeks is generally considered psychological (and maybe also physical?) torture. that alone shows up in a lot of symptoms of his mental deterioration while in pandora's during people's visits, and quackity's "sessions" just absolutely drove the point home.
what he's gone through during this arc is absolutely incomparable to anything others charactes have faced before, and it's just plain suffering being endured by someone who is, despite everything, still a human being.
as for the wilbur manipulation thing!! it's talking about the whole vassal scene (though even beforehand a lot of their interactions are pretty iffy), and here's a post about that :]
I also have a small question about the analysis u last reblogged cus it says "why dream needed lmanburg gone rightfully" and like. The house analogy is poor because for one cus the land is infinite. And 2 cus punz's yard was literally larger then lmanburg. And also stuff about dream being a mediator? Can u provide examples?
i wouldn't say it was poor. dream's said a lot of times that he didn't care in the slightest about the land - a lot of his problems with l'manberg arose with the fact that wilbur basically built it on lies and tried to disallow half of the server to come there. c!dream was mad about the division and the fact that wilbur wanted "freedom" to have authority in his lands - over others, as can be seen in this post also.
the table analogy was fitting not because dream was some overlord, but because these were literally friends he invited to hang out and live in a place he wanted to call home. claiming a part of it for yourself and saying people of a certain nationality can't come in is directly opposing those goals.
in the early days of the smp, dream's always been a mediator between his friends - sapnap and george, who would often get into fights and go around killing each other! he would always do his best to stop the conflict, which continued after tommy joined when he took him to court and then later tried to mediate conflicts he was a part of, which resulted in tommy killing him unprovoked, stealing his gear, and starting the disc wars when dream was trying to get his stuff back. later, during pogtopia, he is also most concerned with peace over everything, and this seems to continue indefinitely after.
Today i was thinking about how messed up the final control room was. Like. Dream arranged the betrayal and punz and sapnap killed tommy and tubbo who like. Were literal children and their pals (because the author, wilbur soot, is dead/j but srsly if u take the streamers words tommy said he was 9 during the revolution sooo)
Sorry im gonna ramble about how dumb canon ages are for a second cus like. Streamers can say the characters are one way or another (wilbur saying he is mentally 30-something, etc.) But in the end the characters act like they(or at least their streaming personas) do.
i... honestly don't find it that bad? they were in a war, and the final control room was basically just supposed to end it quicker. the l'manbergians made it clear they were going to fight to the death, so they really left c!dream no other choice. and it's not like he didn't give them chances to give up.
also yeah the 9 year old thing was retconned, because in that case c!dream would've been 14 and i don't think that's true.
c!tommy and c!dream were both young and once again, in a war. the final control room was an attempt to assure victory, which both sides would've taken if possible, but only c!dream saw he had the option.
i do agree the whole child soldier thing was bad but... complain about that to c!wilbur, methinks. he talked naive kids into fighting for his personal power. however, the age argument isn't really valid either way. they had enough agency to sign up for it, and whether or not c!wilbur pushing the intense nationalism onto them had something to do with that is another debate entirely.
Bacl to final control room cus like??? Also fun fact punz took 2 of wilbur's canon lives. And like that probably is what started wilbur's paranoia which later lead to his spiral and i. Many thoughts full of lmanburg today.
i'm pretty sure cc!wilbur said what lead to c!wilbur's spiral was a "dark, twister view of possessions" and "disregard for his fellow citizen whom he claimed to love so much", but i really wouldn't say it was the control room; if anything the sudden loss of power after the elections seems to me like the trigger for his spiral.
I watched the exile arc live and. I feel dirty almost for feeling little to no sympathy for c!dream (srry ive been forgetting to add that aa) because of his actions toward c!tommy and like. The whole probation was so humiliating and unfair and c!dream was planning to frame him for the crimes he and puffy did under the the guise of "pranks" and c!quackity was planning to seize the vice president role.
i mean... to be fair, if you didn't watch the prison arc much yet or only watch tommy's perspective i understand not feeling that sympathetic - however, i encourage you to maybe watch a few prison visits, since they could help you see the whole picture better!
i also watched it live, and i also thought it was terrible, but i share very much the same sentiment for the prison arc because. absolutely no one should have to go through either of those things, you know?
i don't think probation was that humiliating? he was just. being asked to not start conflict with the other factions for two weeks. of course, what happened as a result is in no way justified, but i don't think probation itself would've been bad at all. either way yeah the framing and c!quackity's behaviour was. very yikes, i agree.
Also c!tommy antis are dumb because they say "he deserved exile angry emoji" i dont see u saying that about ranboo. Just say you hate cc!tommy and go. Also people say c!tommy was just as toxic to c!dream and i??? No. One is the victim and one is the abuser and like. :/// man. This part is rambly srry
i wouldn't say they hate cc!tommy? cc!tommy has a persona who people think is annoying at first ( but then they subscribe because he is super entertaining big man! ) but a lot of c!tommy's actions are straight up toxic to certain characters, such as c!funndy and c!jack. he has a very dismissive attitude towards others and their trauma and it does affect the people around them very negatively.
examples; his repeated bullying and behavior towards fundy:
Tommy: “Fundy, I’m just here to kinda let you know that I – if you weren’t Wilbur’s son, you would be out of L’manburg, alright? Just remember – you need to keep that relationship with your father. I saw how asshole-y and bratty you were acting in the courtroom the other night. You need to pull your shit together young man.”
Fundy: “I’m wearing glasses…are you making fun of my eyesight?!”
Tommy: “Yes.”
Sapnap: “Your father would be very disappointed.”
Fundy: “Wh – disappointed for wearing glasses?!”
Tommy: “You got glasses, like what are you wearing…”
Fundy: “What do you mean?”
Tommy: “Sapnap, Sapnap, over here. Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, I’m really sorry to say this – I’m just here to publicly denounce you.”
Fundy: “…What?”
( credit for transcript: @/findingjoynweirdstuff )
he's also responsible for a big chunk of c!jack's trauma, both with actions and words, and that's why i think certain people might dislike the character, and i don't think that's wrong of them. anyone can dislike any character they want if they don't attack people for liking them, in my opinion.
also c!tommy was most definitely toxic against c!dream in the cell. it's of course understandable but that doesn't change the fact he was constantly hitting and insulting him (without dream doing anything back for a long while until he snapped) which is toxic behaviour.
i wouldn't say he was "just as" though, so i agree with you on that. they're different and they behave differently.
i made a dream blob keychain today. Is it possible to send images if u wanna see? Idk cus i havent used tumblr before. I think that's all for now. Thx for letting me talk :D peepoShy -curious anon (but fr a connoreatspants c!dream redemption arc would be cool)
yooo that's cool! i don't really,,, know if it's possible to send images? try it out and if it isn't i'll try find a way to turn it on.
also, no problem! just please remember this is a c!dream sympathetic blog, and me as well as my followers are uhh,, oftentimes emotionally attached / personally relate to the character, so if you could avoid sending hate on the character (not that you have or that i expect you to, just a friendly reminder) in the asks that would be great! we already see a lot of it unwillingly so, i'd rather not see more, but as long as the discussion is civil i'm absolutely ok with you asking more and with me answering more questions if you'd want to! :)
if anyone else would like to reblog this and add some things i might've missed with my answers, feel free to, just go easy on her (she uses she/her pronouns!) and keep it factual.
i hope u had a good or at least ok time at school today :D
thanks! i gtg now because exam tomorrow but i'm going to try write the redemption essay tomorrow as well because ohhh boy i have a lot of ideas about what all i could write around the concept.
also sorry this was long, i can't keep my tongue on the leash :[
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maariarogers · 4 years
Why Webtoon!Suho is Superior and K-Drama!Suho Needs To Catch Up 👏
Hello, everyone!
Am I here again with another semi-controversial meta? Why, I might be.
If you’d like to catch up with my last meta, which was: Thoughts On True Beauty and Why I’m On Team Suho, you’re going to get a whole butt-load of information on why I’m mostly a Lee Suho-simp, thank you very much.
With that said, to cut the story short, I’ll be listing down some points I’ll be bringing up on this particular topic. Feel free to skip some points if that’s your cup of tea, or if you’re just cruising and find that the points I’m bringing up are not of your interest at all and you’re scrolling by? That’s fine too!
If you’re sticking around though, thank you!
The Points:
Intro: What Do I Mean?           a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho           Is K-Drama Suho ‘Mary Sue’?
Why K-Drama!Suho Needs To Step Up
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
Conclusion: #TeamJugyeong
Full disclosure: I absolutely, completely adore True Beauty — both the drama and webtoon — and this is purely written from my own point of view, based on the thoughts I’ve accumulated by my own deductions. There certainly will be criticism, but mostly I just want to put it out there to hear out what others are also objectively thinking about this. So, let’s go!
I will try to make this one short, but let’s see how this goes :D
Intro: What Do I Mean? a.k.a. What’s The Deal With Suho (Again)?
To start this, if you’ve read my first meta, then you would know first-hand that I’m completely fascinated with Suho. That is, the webtoon version that’s been presented of him. I find him intriguing for a character that is quite “dull” — but only because that dullness played a part more than just him being a “cool” and “distant” character.
I’ve mentioned before that I do critically think Suho is clinically depressed. It’s actually proven in the original Webtoon that, especially after Seyeon’s death, he went to a therapist and was taking medications for it. Though I’m not quite sure if he’s still following any medical routine in this current arc (the adult arc), we do see a recurring theme in Suho wherein he seemed to struggle with finding any proper passion, it became an important plot device when it was made clear to him that “he never tried hard enough [for anything]”. and him falling back into a certain habit (studying) to avoid the sadness.
(I’m not quite sure the exact quote, but it’s been mentioned again that he was studying to distract himself when his sister confronted him about it.)
I find the way the author portrayed what I’ve perceived as a protagonist with this prominent mental illness was quite refreshing? Not in the way that it glorified the mental illness or the trauma Suho was experiencing which some authors or dramas tend to do, no — what the author had planted was precise, it was realistic.
Suho struggled in a way that’s consistent (from his teen years up to his adulthood, I mean), but you can’t really tell. And that’s the thing with mental illness, a lot of the time, we don’t really see it – but it’s there. In Suho’s case particularly, it doesn’t just go away when Seyeon’s death was finally accepted and the friendship between Seojun and Suho were amended. It’s still there.
That’s quite intricate for the author to do, isn’t it?
Of course, there is so much more to Suho — which I think I’ll be implying here and there throughout this meta — but if you’d like to read more on it, the first meta is just me fangirling from the start till the end.
Now that that’s over with...
Webtoon!Suho vs. KDrama!Suho
I think I briefly mentioned that, for a moment there, I was kinda scared — but also superbly interested and excited – when they announced that True Beauty will be adapted to a drama.
For the first few episodes, especially episodes 1 - 6, it was super engaging, it was sweet, and the chemistry between the casts were absolutely *chef’s kiss*
Now, episode seven was where it went a little downhill for me.
I’ve always had a slight problem with how they’ve portrayed Suho being a “fighter” — that is, him picking up Jiu Jitsu in the drama.
Now, I know! I know! I have the same thought — the drama and the webtoon are two completely different adaptions that really mirrored one another based on characters and premise, and that’s about it. I’ve made peace with that, I enjoyed it even! But I was still a bit iffy about this particular trait because, for me particularly, it was important for me that Suho wasn’t perfect.
And guess what? He wasn’t.
In the webtoon, Suho can’t fight. The one time Seyeon and him almost got into a fight when they were in middle school, Seojun was the one who actually had experience in street fighting or brawling to defeat the bullies. And this is quite important, especially if you’ve been a writer or an author or, hell, even an audience to these mediums, “perfect” characters can often become “mary sue”.
But the thing about the k-drama is, Suho’s ability to fight was purposeful — which was why it was okay for me in the end. It was a way to introduce his father and the strained in relationship they had, he faced foes several times, and, most importantly, he had to protect Jugyeong (karaoke scene).
Now that I’ve seen (SPOILER FOR PREVIEW EPISODE 9) that he could also be musically-inclined? ...yikes. And, yes, okay, I get it! The actor is an idol, so it’s a great homage to his career, but it was still...
It felt like the writers were desperate to fill the gaps for Suho possibly being “dull” as this typical cool and distant character — when, in reality, Suho’s existence as is was quite enough. He didn’t need to steal Seojun’s fighting ability, and he especially didn’t need to rob Seyeon’s musical passion too, to be interesting and have depths of his own, do you get me?
In fact, he was without all of that, and his romance — however short-lived — with Jugyeong was still so sweet and enjoyable in the webtoon. And that’s the appeal of Suho, I think; Suho doesn’t need to be “more” for Jugyeong (like, all he did was study and read horror comics with Jugyeong), just as Jugyeong doesn’t have to appear “more” (with her make-up etc) for them to be interesting to each other. They like one another in spite all of that.
To be honest, if they had made the room about Suho’s mom, which would've thrown people off because “aren’t we still stuck in the Seyeon Arc”?, that’d be an interesting plot line since I have a feeling that the webtoon will be using that as a major plot device soon BUUUUUUT that’s a theory for another day! So—
Why 👏 K-Drama!Suho 👏 Needs 👏 To 👏 Step 👏 Up 👏👏👏
Because, honey, being unnecessarily possessive doesn’t look good on you.
I’m so, SO GLAD that Seojun actually talked some sense into him! Seojun’s absolutely right! In the end, it’s up to Jugyeong who she will choose as her romantic partner! All this, him-walking-in-and-demanding-Jugyeong-to-come-to-him-in-the-slightest-chance-she’ll-be-going-out-with-another-guy is getting boring. And you know what, my guy, you haven’t even asked her out or anything! (Besides from THAT scene at the end of Ep 8, you know what I mean lol)
Like, I didn’t mind when he was just following her because he was curious and jealous, and that led him to quietly “put a stop” to Jugyeong's blind date because the man obviously had bad intentions. I also understood when he threatened Semi Lee’s boyfriend into apologising. That’s fine - while he was manipulating the situation, it wasn’t exactly him telling and/or demanding Jugyeong to blindly follow him and/or go with him or anything.
I actually find it so, so sweet when it became a common phrase between them for Suho to always ask Jugyeong how she’s doing ( “Are you okay?” ) because that’s essentially what his character builds up to: this protector, that goes beyond keeping Jugyeong’s bare-face a secret. He’s really out there making sure Jugyeong is safe, and that’s okay!
That was the character he was establishing to be.
But then the writers pulled out this obsessive and possessive jerk out of their ass? That isn’t Suho. That’s contradicting through the whole build-up of Suho and Jugyeong’s characters from episode one to six. The whole point of why they leaned on one another is because they trust each other so, so, so much.
But in episode seven, Suho was falsely blaming Jugyeong (for sleeping when he was the one who napped) just because he’s “flustered”, taking it out on her when the baseball player just asked for her number (which, well, was understandably creepy, but like, chill bro); and in episode eight, Suho was glaring at Jugyeong the whole time just because he thinks she’s ignoring him and she was around Seojun so much?
Dude....... you never even apologised for those words that you knew hurt Jugyeong in episode 5.
Suho, babes, I love you, but - no.
I get so frustrated because ‘anger’ was never Suho’s default expression; he never truly has a temper. That was always more of Seojun’s trait and it worked with Seojun because it’s consistent throughout his character (in the webtoon). The few times Suho was actually angry to the point of nearly instigating violence in the webtoon are only because he’s pushed by this deep sadness [over the loss of Seyeon].
Rather than a glare in the scene in the beginning of the camp, it’d be more in-character if Suho’d looked like a sad puppy. Because if anything, wouldn’t Suho feel threatened since he has this deep-rooted belief that he doesn’t deserve happiness (a canon line admitted by Suho, himself, in webtoon, and spoken by Seojun towards Suho in K-Drama) and therefore, would have this inferioty complex and would never think Jugyeong would be interested in him? Which was why she’s going to Seojun a lot?
Now, let’s talk about Seojun.
How K-Drama Lowkey Didn’t Capture Seojun and Suho’s Friendship
I think one of the most prominent thing about Seojun and Suho’s friendship was how much they respected one another — especially when it came to their shared love interest in Jugyeong.
This K-Drama? (Sighs) Butchered it a little? Yeah.
Which isn’t wrong, no! But I felt like... firstly, it’s overdue; it’s making Suho look really, really not pretty (character-wise) next to Seojun, which I think is a misstep for the production because shouldn’t your male lead be persistently desirable? (But I didn’t mind lol, my heart is half-rooting for Seojun already *sighs dreamily*); and it really, most importantly, hurt the absolute loyalty and pureness that Suho and Seojun shared together in the webtoon.
Because when Seojun knew that Suho and Jugyeong liked each other? He backed off. He did. He didn’t say one word — not even a slip of a tongue — about his feelings towards Jugyeong.
But Suho somewhat knew, right? And he backed off when he knew he was disappointing Jugyeong by his departure. He makes way for Seojun to be there, however he can be, for Jugyeong while he’s not around. And when they started dating, Seojun and Jugyeong? Suho was supportive throughout.
He was never jealous, there was never one instance where he showed his dislike, and even when Jugyeong casted doubt or talked with Suho about her relationship problems, Suho was always rooting for the both of them. He wanted them to work.
They were all excellent friends.
I understand why and how the K-Drama ended up the way they did currently at episode eight, but in my opinion, I feel like it’s a bit disrespectful to the true friendship that Seojun and Suho shared in the webtoon only to present them as these unending rivals when... when you think about it, it isn’t really Seojun and Suho?
Cause obviously webtoon!Seojun and webtoon!Suho, once they’ve made up that is, were extremely reliable towards one another; they were very encouraging (besides from the slight hiccup when Seojun got a bit jealous); and they were incredibly loyal and understanding of one another’s situation.
I hope we’ll see glimpses of it more in the future, ‘cause I’d pay for nice and slightly-realistic progression of friendship that’s somehow mixed up with romance and how these people are coping with it, rather than just seeing two boys glare at one another while my girl Jugyeong just wanted to go to the toilet 😆
Conclusion #TeamJugyeong
I just want this girl to stop being pushed-and-pulled and happy, man.
I’m still looking forward to more of the episodes and the webtoon, though! I still love the casts, the production, the way the story is flowing so far (because I wanna know what’s gonna happen, you know?) but I do think Suho could’ve been written a bit better? Or, at least, with a bit more consistency?
Or, I mean, maybe he could just start apologising for every reckless actions rather than him getting away with it because he saved Jugyeong? Maybe?
I really still adore him, and I’m still rooting so much for Suho because the times when he was alone with her, he was super sweet? And immediately the sincerity and the core of what made Jugyeong and Suho so appealing to me just came out? Like he has that potential that webtoon!Suho is already at.
I love them so much, ugh.
(Although Seojun, bro, I’m lowkey on your side too. That bracelet he did for her was 💗💗💗💗💗)
I hope everyone’s doing well, keeping each other safe, and if my head’s running wild again, I’ll keep you posted akdjksjhskdhf
Thank you so much for reading!!!!
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weebslawyer · 4 years
Sun- Libra
The Libra symbol is the Scales, which means people born under this sign like things to be balanced. Libras see things objectively; they want what's best for everyone. Because of this, Libras tend to hate conflict. They try to do everything in their power to maintain peace and harmony, which may make them very indecisive. If it allows them to avoid confrontation, Libras will do it.  They like to indulge in artistic, beautiful things.  As an air sign, this sign tries to reach higher, as in the higher mind. Libras like to put their mind to work and communicate intriguing ideas to others. People born under this sign are cultured and they love beautiful people, which is why they enjoy things like theater, cocktail parties, ballet, etc.  Libras are just generally pleasant people to be around. They know how to make others comfortable and are great at charming conversation. They also love to get to know other people, as they love to be around others. In terms of conflict, they make a fair argument, as they are all about diplomacy and compromise. They are not manipulative and don't like to fight, they just want to communicate and talk things through. In some situations, Libras may get lazy, as they need a social component to most tasks in order to be energized about it.  Libras love flirting, romance drama, and first dates. They excel at charming others, however, they have trouble figuring out what they want. In relationships, Libras may get lost in a relationship, unsure of what it is they're striving for. Due to this, Libras occasionally prevent themselves from falling in love, as they are worried that a relationship equals loss of self. A partner of a Libra should be understanding if they pull back, for Libras may need space to explore the relationship on their own terms.  People born under this sign are unlikely to rush into a relationship. As very rational people, Libras will often weigh pros and cons, thinking far into the future. Libras definitely like to talk about the future and value these conversations with partners as a way of shaping a rich life together.  Libras were born to please, and in relationships, this may result in misunderstandings. Since this sign despises conflict, Libras may want their partner to plan date nights. Libras will definitely have ideas, but they are sensitive to criticism and worry that their partner will not enjoy what they want. It's crucial that a Libra must become equal with their partner and realize they are not solely responsible for their partner's happiness. Since Libras hate conflict, it is not wise for a partner to accuse or shout at them. By using phrases like "I feel," Libras will feel more secure knowing that their mate is only feeling upset right now. People born under this sign are also very passionate, so they need both physical and mental turn-ons. They love back-and-forth texting and especially like fantasies. To a Libra, exploration of new fantasies is very sexy. It’s also common for them to fall for a fire sign.   Libras are drawn to this drama; though they are always playing meditator and peacekeeper, passionate fire signs give them a zest of something new. They love impulsiveness in these signs and tend to be more honest wiht each other because they both view life very practically.  In careers, Libras are great at imagination and balance. If this sign is working in a team for something they believe in, their job is fun. They love to dream of new projects and challenges. However, due to a Libra's love for peace, standing up for themselves in the workplace may be a problem. Libras hate to make others uncomfortable, so they may hold their tongue when it comes to constructive feedback or hard truths.  In terms of money, Libras may have a hard time connecting their skills with money. Libras see work as fun, so they may have trouble asking for a larger salary. This makes them uncomfortable, as money is an iffy topic socially. Thankfully, though, a Libra's resourcefulness, charm, and love of luxury will motivate them for a flood of paychecks.
Moon- Pisces
Lunar Pisceans are known to be dreamy and not always in touch with reality. However, though these people may not always show real-world savvy in day-to-day, practical affairs, they make up for this with remarkable intuition. They can put themselves in anybody’s shoes with extreme ease. On the plus side, this endows them with remarkable compassion and love. The down side with this apparent ability to break down boundaries is that these people can easily lose themselves in the suffering of others. Their sense of humor is delightfully silly and a bit odd. These are perceptive souls who seem to be in touch with all the nuances and subtleties of human nature. Often this comes through in a strong sense of humor that is more of the receptive kind than the type of sense of humor that would make people the “life of the party”. It’s generally pretty easy to get them giggling.  Generally considered soft-hearted and sweet, Lunar Pisceans care about others and are easily touched by human suffering. This tendency gains them the reputation as suckers for sob stories. Although this may sometimes be true, many Lunar Pisceans learn, in their lifetimes, how to discern between sincerity and manipulation. Still, they definitely do have plenty of soft corners. There’s a delightful accepting side to Moon in Pisces that is sometimes mistaken for weakness. Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, and thus carries with it a little of each sign of the zodiac. As a result, they see themselves reflected in the behavior of others, giving them seemingly boundless compassion. Since the Moon represents our instinctive nature, Moon in Pisces seems to know how things feel without actual experience. For example, they may have never had sex, but seem to know all about it. The ones that aren’t too shy make awesome actors and actresses. This ability to empathize even in the absence of experience gives them an open mind and heart. Most long to express this through writing, music (both listening and making), poetry, and art —in fact, the happiest people with this position do just that. Solitude is important to them, but they also need people, so their retreats will usually be short-lived.
Rising- Cancer
Their first instinct, when threatened or on unfamiliar ground, is to protect themselves. When new situations present themselves, they can immediately withdraw or act shy. Generally, these people come across as caring people. They seem quite sweet — even innocent. Usually, these people appear unassuming enough to be quite approachable. Some Cancer Ascendants, however, have retreated into themselves so much as to be quite the opposite. Whether you are male or female, you carry the qualities of and in some way embody the archetype of the mother. You will find that you attract people who need care, understanding and encouragement. Your own feelings and moods will often reflect the dominant feeling tone in your environment. You absorb the atmosphere around you and thrive in surroundings that are home-like, personal, supportive, and cooperative. Your Moon in Pisces expands your empathy and devotion to include not just your own immediate family, but all of life. You are a spiritual “mother” to many.
Lilith- Virgo
Lilith in Virgo can take revenge in an off putting way that is non confrontational in basis. It would not be uncommon to see a passive aggressive approach with anger in order to defuse a situation.  Specially Lilith here may use the intellect and the power of words to take revenge upon others who defy values.  The Black Moon can have strong responses using writing as a tool to get a point across to others.  One may be tempted to write a letter, e-mail someone or use a note to defend a value they have or take revenge when something angered them personally. When Lilith is in Virgo a significant person that one attracts can be intellectual, well educated, inquisitive, factual and quite literary. The nature can be health conscious, fit, service minded, busy and productive minded.  The significant individual can show traits of being conservative, practical, modest and even old fashioned. Traits of being caring, nurturing, organized, tidy and clean oft embody the character.  Negative traits of Virgo can also be apparent in the person’s nature.  It is possible the person of strong influence will be self critical, picky, judgmental, anxious, perfection minded and conscientious.  shows Lilith in Virgo projects a very modest and unassuming attitude sex and their own sexuality in general.  Lilith when placed in the sign of Virgo can be judgmental and even critical when it comes to sexuality.  One here can be insecure sexually and have trouble feeling attractive because they judge themselves very harshly.  The Black Moon can restrict themselves from pursue certain partners out of fear they reside “out of their league.” . Lilith in Virgo can attempt to attract a potential sex partner through old fashioned style means.  One can portray an air of innocence and seduction in the ways of drawing others in.  The Black moon will attempt to lore suitors by giving of an impression of being untouched and abstinent sexually. Partners can be sought using writing such as letters, notes, e-mails or even poems as means to tease and lure sex partners in.  When a partner is secured Lilith will show a true feminine nature and fall into a submissive role towards a partner.  They will want to please their partner at all costs and be of service to them anytime called upon.  
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phoebe-does · 5 years
Hello Phoebe! I'm in a bit of a dilemma right now when it comes to college applications (which are coming up soon for me) because there's this university that I've been looking at, but I found out that they rehired a professor who was confirmed to commit sexual assault on his students and manipulated them and it's very recent and, if I applied there and get accepted, I'd have to legally attend there without any hesitation and I already feel uncomfortable about it because of the situation.
Part 2: I have a really good chance at being admitted into the college bcs, although it's still competitive, it's also at my radar and they've offered me a small scholarship if I attended and they have good financial aid. However, there's this other college that I would love to go to and has a very peaceful and calm environment, but it's really competitive and among the best in the nation and my high school counselor wants me to go to the other one and I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. Part 3: I'm really nervous and scared to talk to my counselor about it as well because we've kind of already planned that I would be applying there once the applications open up and I feel like, with my reasoning, he'll just think I'm overreacting and might even tell me that I have such a low chance to get into the other one because it's an elite university and wants the best of the best. I feel like I don't have a choice honestly, but I just want what's best for me and a safe place as well.
Let’s call the competitive, elite college, college A and the iffy one, college B. My love, I completely get why you’d be very hesitant about college B. A tertiary education facility should be a place where you feel comfortable. IF you do not feel like you would be comfortable at that facility, especially over how many years your degree would take, don’t go. The law regarding you HAVING to go there is really really weird fam. Idk if it’s just an American thing because here in Australia, regardless of where you apply, you can always reject an offer of acceptance, even the military. There are bound to be good teachers, good professors pretty much no matter where you go, apply widely. If you like the environment, that’s pretty much the most important thing. You want to feel like you have purpose and you want to succeed. Apply to college A!! You’re only ensuring you don’t get in by not applying. You never know what might happen if you apply! 
Also my love, I will say this to you because my brother is the same as you and I have to give the same advice to him. You’re overthinking things, if you want something, if you change your mind, it’s okay to let school co-ordinators know. They won’t be disappointed in you for changing your mind. Prove to your school councillor that you are committed, come up with a list of colleges you consider as your options and explain to them why College B is no longer on it. Being a school councillor, if you explain that you don’t want to be in an environment for x number of years where you might feel unsafe, they should respect that. Come up with reasonable alternatives and progress.
I hope that helps my love!! Good luck with your applying!! I’m currently applying to unis too so fingers crossed we both get into our dream unis!
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thewhitelotusdemon · 5 years
How does Sayaka feel about each diaboy?
Oh God this is going to be a long ask. Ok bear with me for this here we go!
Ayato Sakamaki: She absolutely hates how he calls himself "Yours Truly." It absolutely irritates her to no extent and hates how his ego is so over inflated. Her nickname for him is "tomato head."
Laito Sakamaki: Only thing she likes about him is that he plays piano. Other then that she can't stand him because he tries to force himself on her or attempt to manipulate her into doing something to or for him. Her nickname for him is "fedora fuck."
Kanato Sakamaki: Omg does this boy creep her the hell out. She avoids him at all costs and at all times. She hates him and when I say hate I mean she HATES him. Her nickname for him is "purple gremlin."
Shu Sakamaki: Actually doesn't mind him since they both like peace and quiet and hate loud noises or being bothered. He usually is sleeping and doesn't bother her so she's fine with him.
Reiji Sakamaki: Like Kanato she hates him. She refuses to drink any tea he makes cuz she knows damn well that he probably poisoned it. Only thing she will ever admit to liking about him is how proper and composed he is which is how she is so that might be why he actually doesn't mind her since she's lady like. Until she swears then he tries to lecture her about it.
Kino Sakamaki: Is the only one she gets along with and spends the most time with. Most of the time you can find her gaming on her phone with him or gaming on a console. She will pull all nighters to game with him and she shows him games on her phone, the one right now being Honkai Impact 3rd. He is sadly kind of like Ayato with a bit of an inflated ego and calls himself a prince but she can get past it cuz he doesn't annoy the shit out of her.
Subaru Sakamaki: Shes a bit.. I don't know shes iffy with him. She does love his rose garden and she will tell him that when she's out there walking around it. Only thing she dislikes is how loud he is and how he punches walls a lot when he's pissed. She could see herself getting along with him though.
Ruki Mukami: She loves how she can read with him for hours and hours. He always shows her new books hes found and she does the same. Also very proper but she hates that he calls her Livestock like shes a fucking animal which, last time she checked, she isn't.
Kou Mukami: She actually doesn't mind him really. They usually sing together and she offers to help him with his choreography since she too dances (pole dancing practice). Hates how she has to give him something in return for anything and everything he does for her.
Yuma Mukami: Her mother and her had a garden when she was a child so of course she likes that he has a garden. She gardens with him as often as she can and he doesn't agitate her at all. Well except when he calls her Sow then she gets pissed. She's actually tried to hit him with a leek but she was to short and he just laughed at her.
Azusa Mukami: Absolutely adores this boy to pieces. His knife and sword collection is what made her adore him. She even let him hold the knife her mother gave her and showed him all the knife and sword tricks she's learned. He can be a bit... creepy but she doesn't really mind it since she tells him that asking to be hurt isn't good.
She hasn't interacted with Carla or Shin yet so I'm not going to add them. Hopefully this is what you wanted for an answer sweetie!
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jaeyong · 6 years
this is realllllly long and just a venting post which i doubt anyone will actually read but.....anyways it has to do with idols and sex/sexuality etc....
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I don’t usually post opinions about shit kpop fans do but this shit is so gross???LIKe????? Like ......alright I’m not a naive person by any means and I’ve heard that about western band members having groupies etc and shit but why the hell are people so cool with this shit and dismissive about the possibility fans getting treated like groups personal brothel?? (Especially with all the underage girls OMG).... Like I may say this and that member is sexy etc. and thirst over them but dear god I’d would NEVER like being seen as just some sex object that is there at some groups disposal. (also It grinds my gear how op just assumes the majority of fans would actually sleep with their idols like???) And even if it is consensual it doesn’t inherently make something okay, especially when there are power imbalances and where there is a case of impressionable young girls that might get easily manipulated by a famous persons influence ( actually it doesn’t matter the age that’s just such a sleazy thing to do.) And how is that not objectifying????LIKE HOW??? And please miss me with the  “ iF iTs a ChOIce It’s emPOwering “ bullshit because while the hypothetical situation in which a fan DID consent to sleeping with a group member is MILES BETTER than her being forced to do sexual activities without consent, it’s not inherently empowering. It’s just, at fucking  best, not the worst shit that could go down. It’s also not empowering especially when said idol/band member would have probably literally looked at a crowd , pointed at you unfazed and said some shit like, ” I want that one” , reminiscent of picking out a sex toy at some adult themed store. Honestly this is just a personal opinion but I genuinely believe that opportunistic men that use their fame to sleep with women aren’t good people.They just see women as objects (it doesn’t matter whether consensual or not) and are no different then your average misogynist fuckboy, they just have influence and might feel even entitled or smug that they might get to sleep with whomever they want because of fame.  Like I could talk about sex positiveity  for women all day but no matter how I spin it, at the end of the day I know men aren’t gonna give a flying fuck about my sexual freedom  and just see my own potential consent to  as convenient for them to get some pu**y. ( ANYWAYS this kinda feels like I went on a tangent I just wanted to address the fact that people will let anything fly when it comes to women being objectified under the guise of consent ~ ) 
Also another thing is that I find it really weird as hell whenever people talk about idols sexual habi- oh wait a minute *clears throat* , I mean HYPOTHETICAL sexual habits as if they know them and could actually decipher how they would act in a said situation out of like....them acting sexy or their personality..... AND they speak so presumptuously  and un-ironically about these things and it blows my mind. Like, for example,  just because I’m in a certain age and can act sexy for like some skit or dance doesn’t mean a person knows FOR CERTIAN any shit about my sex life, beliefs,kinks , sexual habits etc, you name it.... And what really bothers me is when ANYONE acts like they KNOW better than anyone else about ANYTHING related to an idols sexuality . By this I mean people on the extremes that say vulgar and disturbing shit like op above by talking down on people and saying fans are naive~~ and that idols probs get lots of puss*Y !!!111111 to the other end of of the spectrum where there are people  who think that oppa/unnie are innocent virgins that have never had any sexual thoughts. Both are problematic and just should stop talking about people’s sex life as if they know them.  ( and that includes obsessing over somethings sexual orientation and saying they KNOW when someone is XY or z because they fit into a stereotype....even though people like to preach that you should’t assume orientation because of these things????) 
I’ve had something similar happen to me and I can tell you that 1. They were dead fucking wrong about their assumption and 2- It felt invasive as hell and made me uncomfortable, plus....... even if they were right it just feels really off-putting having someone MATTER OF FACTLY talk about something sexual related to you as if they know shit about you ,when they don’t.
Lastly, I wanted to point out this bad habit of kpop fans projecting onto their faves all these things related to sexuality. I’m really bad at explaining this but it goes beyond just thirsting on their faves ...., it goes into territory that seems really objectifying to me where sometimes a fandom will push this narrative (im not sure if I’m using the right word) or characterization of an idols personality just to suit their sexual fantasies or wishful thinking. I’ve seen this in fanfiction and from personal experience have been in a fandom that distorted an idols image to suite this hyper-sexualized cute UWU baby boy that is simultaneously infantilized ( which is wierd and ANOTHER topic for another day....) and it really disturbs me to the point where I can’t look at some of said idols material in peace. And I know I’m not making a mountain out of a molehole when it comes to associating how fandom chooses to collectively present an idol via fiction (especially sexually) because it does have an effect on reality. Like there has been actual studies on how fictional portrayal can affect reality ( i saw a post but i don’t have a list/links.) Also I’ve legitimately seen people say shit like “ I thought x member was like *insert personality trait* because of how he was portrayed in fan-fiction but found out that he is an actual sweetheart irl” and other things to that extent. Also posts joking around how so and so are portrayed like “x” in fanfic when they are actually ‘different’ in reality. It just makes me think that it’s really telling on how how a lot of times people will use idols as these characters that they can project their kinks on and sexualize and how much indulgence i see in this is iffy.  
( and now this is just extra and shady as hell ngl and just some thought I’ve had....but I also  always find it interesting how people on this site will talk shit about fuckboys saying they ain’t shit etc but then project that very same fuckboy image that they say they hate on some random ass idol JUST because X idol ACTs flirty and confident for fan-service like??? and its even all the more interesting considering how idols mostly have this wholesome/pure~~ image but kpop fans like taking that and doing the most, just completely deconstructing it  ... bonus points if the ones projecting the fuckboy image onto an idol are also the ones telling and insisting to other fans they are stupid for believing  that idols are pure~ Like why do these type of fans latch onto kpop idols that as a whole have a “clean” image just to do the complete opposite and insist otherwise??? Like I makes me wonder... if male kpop idols DIDN’T have a nearly squeaky clean image from the get go, would they have spent all this time fawning over them??? and projecting this “ X idol is secretly a fuckboy sexual fantasy” the way the do now?? Like why do people get so ecstatic over the idea of idols being fuckboys when they could just like ....entertain the average ass that they probably have dealt with in  in their daily lives???) 
(anyways this turned long but these thought are all connected somehow but my another reason for typing this is because if fans are just there to just potentially fuck idols it kinda reinforces the idea that idols are just famous because teenage girls go ape shit over heartthrobs or whatever and not like , cuz the idols are talented and people enjoy there performances???? also the whole standing in line for the opportunity to fuck an idol just goes hand in hand with the whole being a fan that thinks they have a chance to date their idol and is delulu ( actually this is worse yuck).... and i definalty wouldnt want people looking at me like I only enjoy kpop cuz i want my favs dick because kpop fans get viewed in a bad light already.....
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murasaki-murasame · 6 years
The moral of :re episode 21 is that Hide is The Absolute Best, and I refuse to hear any objections to that fact :)
Seriously though, this episode was really nice, and actually fixed some of the issues I had with this part of the manga.
The rest of my thoughts will be under the cut [including spoilers for the whole manga]
I already figured that I’d like the Dragon arc a lot in the anime, since I already more or less liked it in the manga [at least conceptually], but even then, this episode still kinda surpassed my expectations in certain ways. At least in terms of writing. The art was sorta iffy at times, but I can’t really hold that against them too much. The background art was consistently great as usual, though.
Anyway, to begin with, I liked how they handled the first scene, with Dragon continuing to emerge. I like how they kept the framing of some of it being televised by news reporters and stuff. And as I expected, not much time needed to be spent on it.
We also got to see the culmination of how the anime has replaced the plot-line of Ui getting manipulated by Furuta with more focus on Mutsuki and him getting steered down this path by Furuta, and I really love that writing choice. It helps tie everything together surprisingly well. I always kinda disliked how everything about Kaneki killing the Oggai and becoming Dragon felt like such a string of perfect coincidences and contrivances, but I actually really like the explanation of ‘Furuta intentionally put Mutsuki in charge of the Oggai so that he’d inevitably lead them to Kaneki’. It doesn’t actually change anything about how things played out, but it gives a way more clear and understandable explanation for why things ended up the way they did, and it makes Furuta’s plan seem less obnoxiously perfect. And I think they did a good enough job of setting up the fact that Furuta would know about how Mutsuki feels towards Kaneki, since we saw him visiting him in the hospital earlier in the season.
Overall it’s just a way more interesting and effective version of the ultimately weird and pointless sub-plot between Furuta and Ui that the manga had. It’s also worth noting that this also recontextualizes Mutsuki’s feelings in this episode slightly, by having him be forced to realize that he was at least partially responsible for everything that just happened, because he’s the one that lead the Oggai to Kaneki. It helps set up the emotional stakes of this episode a lot, and it continues the anime’s trend of portraying Mutsuki as a victim of a corrupt system, which is nice. I’ll talk about the scene with him and the Qs later in the post, but there’s other things to talk about first.
Such as Hide! We finally get to properly see him in the anime, and let’s just say that my thoughts during his scenes mostly consisted of ‘my SON. my fucking SUNSHINE CHILD!’. It was pretty great, lol. There’s not actually much to say about his scenes, other than that I’m happy they kept the scene about his feelings for Kaneki. I don’t really mind how the subs translated it since that was just their decision alone, and I could tell that the actual Japanese line was unchanged, so there’s no big deal, although I have a feeling that it’s still gonna incite some gross neckbeards to be like ‘the subs said ‘like’ not ‘love’ so obviously it’s just BRO LOVE hurr duurrr’.
I do wanna point out that I really like the way the anime is handling how his voice sounds, since he’s using an electronic assistive device to talk now. It’s nothing particularly noteworthy, but I think they handled it nicely. He actually sounded a fair bit less creepy and robotic than what I thought he might sound in the anime, lol.
His entire presence in the story is definitely just inherently weird, but let’s not ignore the fact that his reappearance was just as sudden and unexplained in the manga. If anything, it was MORE jarring in the manga, since in that version of that story we already had the whole flashback to him asking Kaneki to eat him, which made his death seem a lot more definitive. And just to be blunt, even after he came back into the story in the manga, Ishida never actually did anything to explain how he survived getting part of his face eaten, how he managed to go into hiding, how he managed to find out about Rushima and rescue Amon from there, how he knew about the secret of the RC Gates in order to give that info to Marude, etc etc etc. There’s just this complete void of nothingness between ‘Kaneki apparently eats most of Hide’s face’ to ‘Hide pops back up in the story several years later and nobody really comments on it’. So I can’t really hold this against the anime at all. It’s not THEIR fault that Ishida never explained any of that. And honestly I’m growing more appreciative as time goes on of how the anime cut out the flashback to Hide rescuing Amon from Rushima, and how they cut the reference to him leaking classified info to Marude. It’s a slightly disappointing way to go about it, but it’s a valid choice to deal with the topic of ‘questions that never get answered’ by opting to not even raise them in the first place.
It does make me really curious to see how they handle the next episode, with Hide and Kaneki finally having their big reunion. Since they’ve kept the detail of Hide’s facial injuries, but haven’t explained how they happened. I think the two main possibilities are that either the anime will make up some separate reason for why it happened that doesn’t involve Kaneki, or they’re gonna have it be that Kaneki only remembers having eaten Hide’s face once they actually reunite. I’m leaning more toward the latter at this point, and I think I’d at least prefer them to handle it that way compared to how the manga handled that whole reveal. It’d feel more appropriately timed, and it’d probably lead to Kaneki at least expressing actual shock and remorse over it, instead of being bizarrely nonchalant about it like he was in the manga. In general I hope they flesh out their reunion scene a bit in the next episode, since it always bugged me that it was just like three goddamn pages long in the manga.
I still don’t like how the story in general handles Kanou as a character, but again that’s more Ishida’s fault than anything else, and I kinda like how the anime changed the timing of it slightly so that Marude’s group only think to try and find him right when they find out that he killed himself. It shortens the scene a fair bit, and it makes it feel less ‘hyped up’, if that makes sense, which makes Kanou’s suicide feel at least somewhat less anticlimactic. It’s still a lame way for his character to go out, though. At least the anime kept the details of how he cares mostly about furthering medical science in relation to studying ghouls, and how he knew that Furuta was planning for this to happen, and that it will lead to humanity being pretty much forced to further medical science to deal with Dragon. It’s still overall a clumsy plot point,  but it gets the point across well enough. It’s at least a bit more subtle about the point of Furuta creating Dragon in order to ultimately benefit mankind than how Ishida just had Furuta lay out basically all of his plans to Kaneki right at the start of the Goat arc, lol.
It’s also worth noting that, along the same lines, I’ve always been really disappointed by Kurona as a character in :re, since she just loses any real purpose and only exists to be focused on an even more clumsily handled character, but overall my biggest issue with everything to do with Kanou is how it feels like such a missed opportunity that the topic of his involvement in Kaneki’s surgery doesn’t really become relevant. Specifically what I mean is that the two of them only ever have one face to face confrontation in the entire series, and that was way back before :re happened at all. It just feels like there was so much room to explore that conflict. I understand why it ultimately ended up being unimportant compared to all of the bigger issues at hand, but still.
I still have somewhat complicated feelings about the entire topic of how humans and ghouls end up more or less joining forces against Dragon, but at the very least it feels like the only real way that the story was ever going to achieve anything close to actual peace between them.
Anyway, onto the whole scene at the end with Mutsuki fighting Saiko and Urie, I really liked how that scene was handled. At least compared to how it was done in the manga. It was much shorter, for one thing, which I appreciated. Cutting out Aura and the other second gen Qs helped it go by a lot faster, and it also made it feel more personal in scale. They don’t really bother spelling out why Mutsuki is lashing out at the Qs, but at this point in the story I think everyone watching it knows that fucking EVERYONE just winds up expressing their feelings through punching and stabbing when they’d really be better off just talking to each other, so I at least don’t think this scene stands out as being any more glaringly weird than most other random fight scenes in the series. It is worth pointing out, though, that with the anime original stuff at the start of the episode I mentioned earlier, it’s very easy to piece together the fact that Mutsuki is blaming himself for this entire thing, and so he’s just lashing out because he doesn’t know how to handle his self-hatred, and he has a lot of complicated feelings about the fact that everyone is trying to save Kaneki.
Even if it kinda muddies his motives a bit, I honestly quite like how they completely cut out the whole obnoxious ‘if I can’t have him then nobody can!’ way that Ishida tried to spin this whole part of the manga. At least this version of events doesn’t make me roll my eyes in exasperation. I’ve said it before, but I do really appreciate how they’ve cut out like 99% of how the manga tried to frame him as some kind of generic psycho yandere character. It works a lot better that in the anime, this whole scene was almost purely focused on Mutsuki just lashing out at his friends because he’s dealing with way too many emotions and he doesn’t know how to handle it. [fake edit: before I forget, they also cut out the part where he attacks Touka while she’s searching for Kaneki, which is a nice change. That whole bit was just super unnecessary and obnoxious in the manga]
His aborted suicide attempt also felt a fair bit less jarring than it did in the manga, since the anime did a better job at showing exactly how much self-hatred Mutsuki feels.
I don’t really wanna bother touching too much on the references to Mutsuki’s sex here, but at the very least, if the anime really wants to convince me that he’s a cis girl, this is at least a much less overtly offensive and off-putting way of going about it. It’s not gonna change my stance on things, though. But I still gotta give the anime props for at least handling everything about Mutsuki with infinitely more respect than Ishida did.
Also, I actually just double-checked my imported copy of volume 15 to make sure I wasn’t forgetting something, and I can confirm that the references to Shirazu at the end of the episode were actually anime-original. I can also confirm that they fucking tore my heart to shreds :) It almost makes me wonder why Ishida didn’t think to bring Shirazu up like that in the scene originally. It’s such a perfect way of really hammering in the emotions. It also does a really nice job of further tying up Urie’s character development, and showing how much respect he feels for Shirazu.
As I expected, it looks like the next episode will cover volume 15. Or rather, the rest of volume 15, since this episode actually ended about two chapters into volume 15, after having gone through all of volume 14. Again, the whole confrontation with the Qs took WAY less time in the anime, and I’m grateful for that. So I think the next episode should be able to easily adapt the rest of volume 15, and presumably end with Kaneki and Hide’s big reunion scene. Hopefully this will give them time to flesh that scene out a bit.
Since we’re already partway into the second to last volume with three episodes to go, I think the rest of the season will be paced really well, so that’s nice.
All in all, this was a pretty fantastic episode. It’s still hard to avoid some of the really fundamental issues the manga had, but the anime’s honestly doing a GREAT job of patching things up and actually making it all feel cohesive and reasonable, while also removing the more offensive and shitty parts. I’ve been thinking of the :re anime as a sort of second draft of the manga’s story since it started, and episodes like this really cement why I feel that way.
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oumiyuki · 7 years
Valentine You-chan (DiaYou)
Ch 5- You Choose
Summary: You disturbs Dia while she was carrying out her Student Council duties, unintentionally, Dia regains silence in a Dia way. 
Author Notes
I wonder if anyone is expecting/waiting for the new chapter. Hahas. XD
You know Dia’s call and response during lives? OwO This is how I read their pairing name:
Di-a-You~!! XD
You could read DiaYou at ff.net or AO3 too.
You is in the Student Council Room. Why she’s in the Student Council Room? That’s because she wanted a change of pace and a good hideout from the energetic and high tension girls who have been coming up to her one after another to talk and give her chocolates.
Why the Student Council Room? Because it was silent if you exclude the stamping and scribbling and paper shuffling sounds of the Student Council President handling the paperwork. Also, there’s a very low chance of anyone else knocking on that door to visit the Student Council President. Very low chance.
The moment the ever popular high diver spoke the first syllable, Dia’s alertness raised a notch, when her name was called by the high diver, Dia’s grip on her pen tightened; doing her best to not lose focus on the sheet of paper that probably has something to do with approving or disapproving a club’s request, and to not respond immediately.
Calm down. Dia instructed herself.
“Thanks for letting me camp out here.” The high diver flashes a grateful smile to her fellow groupmate, whose lips were twitching up and down rather uncontrollably as she debated with herself on whether she should return a smile or not as that might come off as she’s trying really hard to leave a friendly impression.
It’s rude to not return a smile when someone smiles at you. But what kind of smile should I return? What will You-chan think of it?
Dia simply responds with a single grunt that came three seconds after the ash-brunette’s comment. Dia sighs internally for being unable to bring up a smile and responding slow.
You-chan might misunderstand and think that I’m extra aloof…
Emerald eyes peek from behind her bangs to observe the second year on the student council couch; You have leaned back onto the couch with a small, relaxed smile.
Perhaps she really is exhausted…
Dia rereads the document on the top of her current paperwork, stamps an approval and puts it aside; thinking that she would try to finish the work fast and spend proper conversational time with the ash-brunette that can make her feel self-conscious just from being in the same room.
You, however, seem to think otherwise as she starts a solo conversation about the horde of chocolates she received this Valentine’s Day. “…And so, the girl said she saw one of my high diving competitions and became a fan.” You chuckles. “That’s embarrassing, don’t cha think? I don’t think I’m amazing enough to have fans…”
You’re plenty amazing, You-chan… I would like to attend and watch you during your competition someday too…
Dia thought it would end there and she could concentrate on the paperwork but just as she was about to stamp a paper, yet again, the ash-brunette thought otherwise as she spoke of another girl. “Apparently the chocolate store was really packed with all sorts of girls. You know? From elementary schoolers to working adults.” You moves in her seat rather animatedly; crossing her arms when making a thoughtful face or bouncing at an epiphany. “Imagine if Mito-nee or Shima-nee was there too! Ha! That’ll be a fun story to talk about with Chika-chan!”
They could be buying obligatory chocolates or chocolates for family… And is Chika-chan who you will think of first when sharing a fun story? I am here too…
The student council president stamps the paper with more force than necessary, a sudden irritation bubbling inside her though she does not fully comprehend the reason for her irritation; You and Chika has always been close.
“After she chose the chocolates she went back again. Because there were two flavours actually… I think… strawberry and original…I got them here. I wonder what it’ll taste like-”
“You-san.” Dia calls You in that chilling, stern and attention demanding tone as she gets off the Student Council President chair and stomps over to where the second year is sitting.
Dia expected You to make some noise when she allowed the ash-brunette to lounge in the student council room, but she lost her patience from the constant talking of all the other girls, they had nothing to do with Dia or Aqours.
“Y-Yes, Dia-san?” The black haired girl’s tone was more than enough to make You sit up straight and stutter a quick response.
I would like you to stop talking about your eventful day of receiving chocolates from inconsequential girls.
“Choose your chocolate.” Dia commands when she stands right in front of You, back arched and approaching where the ash-brunette that looks almost like a frightened bunny sitting on the couch.
“Eh? Er..right.” You hastily obeys as she was intimidated by the third year’s manipulative tone, commanding emerald eyes and the fact that Dia had one knee on the couch between You’s legs and a hand stretched pass You’s head to the couch’s headrest behind all added up to a flustered You.
This close up to You-chan… I can tell that her eyelashes are rather long and pretty…
Inside Dia was memorizing Aqours’ designer’s facial features, but on the outside, she was scaring the younger girl with the close proximity Dia placed herself in.
Grabbing the first thing the panicky ash-brunette caught after scattering the contents from the plastic bag out by accident, she raises it to the student council president’s line of sight.
Dia’s glowing emerald eyes narrowed though a hint of a smile quirked at the edge of her lips and she manages to speak in her calm, paralyzing tone. “So this is your choice. You know what this means I presume.”
Does Y-You-chan actually w-want to play the l-l-legendary pocky game with me?
The ash-brunette who was forced to lean against the back of the couch because of Dia’s cornering technique, glanced over to the object in her hand to see what she picked up. Her blue eyes widened considerably at the sight of a pocky box, matcha chocolate flavoured, and the scene of playing the only game she knows to be played with pocky screens in her mind like a movie on fast-forward – the stars of the movie being Dia and her. You gulps and nods.
I see.
The usually reserved and level-headed third year took the ash-brunette’s nod as an answer to her question in her mind, forgetting that just because You knew what the pocky game is, does not necessarily equate to ‘Yes, let’s play it, Dia.’ But assumptions have been made as Dia smoothly puts the pocky stick in both of their mouths.
The stunning green in Dia’s eyes commanded the ash-brunette who was gripping the couch’s seat tightly, part of her wondering if she could run from the situation and another part of her thinking how did she get into such a situation with the cool beauty student council president.
Each bite and consumption of the pocky stick seemed to resound throughout the Student Council room, slowly and steadily, the chocolate stick was being eaten and the two will soon meet each other by the lips.
Is this how I will give my first kiss to You-chan?
You closes her eyes when the pocky stick could no longer be seen in her peripherals, and when their lips met, they both took the time to finish the pocky in their mouths, Dia didn’t pull away and neither did You.
Such a mysterious feeling… It’s as though the world isn’t as I’ve known it. For why is my heart beating so harshly while my mind feels so at peace? As though the way my lips being connected with You-chan’s is right….normal...as it should be.
Dia moves her face away slightly to take in the reaction of the ash-brunette she was somewhat pinning to the couch; You’s mouth was opened slightly, her lips didn’t really leave a hint that Dia just kissed her, and the emotion in You’s ocean blue eyes seemed to show that she was going to apologize.
Don’t apologize.
Dia presses her lips onto You’s once more, her right hand moves up the back of the second year’s neck and into You’s unexpectedly soft ash-brown curls. Dia ignores the ash-brunette’s shudder and surprised yelp and following moans as she pushes You into a lying position, legs hitting onto some of the fallen chocolate while the two got caught in a hot and passionate kissing session.
If you apologize, it would mean you didn’t like kissing me. Don’t apologize, You-chan.
Dia was more courageous in her fervour intent of kissing away any chance of apologies from You as the second year was actually hugging her and not pushing her away. However, when they separated, awkward silence reigned as the beet red student council president went back to her seat and an equally red in the face and out of breath You sat up only to daze between nothing and Dia who just kissed her, a lot.
While You and Dia are walking out of the student council room to head home, Dia can’t help but feel a little iffy…like You may not be on the same page as her despite what they just did.
“You-san.” The third-year calls.
You turns around, back straight and attentive. “Yes?”
Dia narrows her eyes by a millimetre at the ash-brunette’s stiffness. “You do know…that I like you right?”
“Eh?!” You’s reaction confirmed the feeling Dia had that the designer did not understand her fully.
Dia strides over to You and tips the ash-brunette’s chin upwards with her index finger below You’s chin and thumb on the space below You’s lips. Ocean blue eyes widen greatly when Dia kisses You again, for only two seconds, but that was enough for You’s stomach to flip a good three times and her heart to skip a really long beat.
“I won’t kiss someone I don’t like.” Dia states.
“…Oh.” You’s mouth was left agape and the student council president simply takes the bag of chocolates from the designer’s hand before she drops them on the ground.
After taking four steps away from a frozen in place You, Dia turns her body slightly back to You before saying, “How about you come over to my house.” And she walks off again, hoping for You to follow.
You does.
Author Notes
I had a rather long battle in my mind of whether to use “-san” or “-chan” for the way they address each other. …because even after the Dia episode in S2, I noticed they were still addressing each other with “-san”! O,O Correct me if I’m wrong, cos’ that’s what I heard. =v=
I like the idea of Dia addressing them with “-chan” in her head but “-san” on the outside because she’s shy and uptight. Hahas. XD
Now. I hope I wrote Dia well! XD
Leave me comments if you like~
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Loki-tormenting anon again. The irony here is, Loki wouldn't deserve such fate in the least. It would seem that he's forever destined to get the short end of the stick, no matter what choice he makes, and what's his motivation. He'd also have far too much time to ponder over this, suspended in void, not quite alive, yet still not dead. Would this turn him bitter again, or would he cling to the hope of getting rescued? Or maybe, not rescued at all - but found, by the one who seeks the Tesseract?
DAYMN anon, back at it again with them FEELS //
(link to the previous post here, if anyone is curious)
Why? Why do you do this to me??Okay, but it’s true!!
(placing this under the cut because… i rant a lot about my smol, misunderstood son)
Boiling down to the core of everything; yes Loki has done some morally and ethically questionable things, but all he wants/wanted to be was Thor’s equal in both the Allfather’s eyes and the rest of Asgard’s eyes. And he thought that the way to do that was to be a strong King. Both Thor and Loki have always been competing against each other for Odin’s affection and approval, you could see that from the small snippet we have of them as kids in the first Thor. 
In the first Thor, his sole motivation for doing everything that he did was to prove to Odin that he was just as worthy of being King as Thor. He could see that Thor wasn’t ready to be King before Odin did, and he knew the coronation was a mistake. He had meant no true ill-will.However, when everything transpired and Thor was banished he thought that this was the perfect time to prove to his father that he was just as worthy as his brother. The fact that he had figured out his true heritage was just the icing on the cake. It just made him more eager, made him need that recognition. Think about it, he killed his own blood-father, he essentially denounced any ties with Jotunheim to prove to Odin that he was entirely dedicated to Asgard, to the people, something that a King has to be. He had grown up with tails of the war(s) between the Jotuns and the Aesirs, and how the Jotuns still remained a threat. And, how do you prove yourself? What does a King have to do? Illuminate threats and keep the peace.Bare in mind that Loki is still quite young here (both Loki and Thor seem to be like… late teens/early adults? In the first film? Like, their mindset is very much… “I know everything” when they really know nothing. Which is atypical of people this age). So, in his mind, he was doing the right thing, and he had expected Odin to be proud of him. And what did he get? The complete opposite. A pained and disappointed look/tone/whatever. Have you ever had your parents sound or look at you like that? It’s fucking horrible.That just made him give up. You could see it in his eyes as he let go and fell from the Bifrost. 
(I hc that he regretted it the moment he let go, but that’s a story for another time)
In terms of Avengers. You could see there, that this was not the same Loki. Not only did he physically look awful, but he seemed far more violent and intent on destruction, more wild. His invasion seemed rushed, and you could tell that he didn’t plan it. The Chitauri probably used all manner of torture on Loki to get him to comply with what they wanted. He probably went along with it because it was that or death. He had the mind stone in his sceptre, right, so that definitely had some play in everything. I have this theory that, although he wasn’t under full Chitauri control, the mind gem in the sceptre still manipulated his thoughts and emotions. I said that he was more ‘wild’, and that was probably an effect that the gem had, pulling his more negative and aggressive emotions forward. 
So, lets backtrack slightly. This little trickster has grown up feeling like he has to constantly battle for his father’s affections, he’s tried to prove that he was just as worthy as his older brother and he’s been shot down without being told why what he did was wrong. (the whole… trying to destroy Jotunheim thing). And on top of that, he’s been tortured by the Chitauri and had his mind fucked with by the infinity stone. Okay, yes, some may argue that he deserved some sort of punishment for what he did to Jotunheim. But torture? No one deserves that. 
And moving on! Thor 2. Here’s an example of Odin’s A+ parenting. He has a ‘problem child’ (Loki), and what does he do? HE DECIDES TO FUCKING LOCK HIM AWAY IN WHAT IS, ESSENTIALLY, GLORIFIED SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! Does that sound like something familiar? (*cough* Hela! *cough* - again that’s a story for another time). But, seriously! Yes, okay, he has fancy furniture and book to read, but he’s still trapped in a box with no social interaction. That freaking does shit to you.Like, how desperate did he have to be to make up an illusion of his mother just so that he had someone to talk to! Like, seriously, the only time we see him interacting with legit beings when in the cell is when he’s informed of Frigga’s death and when Thor comes to talk to him.Again, I believe that he should have had some sort of punishment for what he did in Thor 1 (Avengers I’m iffy about since he wasn’t technically in his own mind there), but nothing like this. 
Point is - looking at things from Loki’s POV, he does always seem to get the bad shit. It’s like a combination of people misunderstanding his situation, bad luck or just bad timing. It’s no wonder this guy is so messed up. His punishments never seem to fit his crimes. 
And to think, after going through all that, having things FINALLY starting to turn around for him in Thor 3, and just as he has hope that maybe things aren’t all lost and MAYBE he’ll be able to redeem himself as a worthy Prince of Asgard, and he’s gotten over all the shit he’s been through. Then THIS HAPPENS! AND HE’S RIGHT BACK AT THE FUCKING START AGAIN! Of fucking course it would turn him bitter!
First of all, falling through the void again, he’d be terrified! He’d be replaying the first time it happened, and meeting the Chitauri and going through all that. He’d be having like… a fucking meltdown thinking that he’d have to go through something like that again. The feelings of isolation and being alone would come surging back, he’d lose all hope of being able to get his life back on track cause it would be like… “everytime I do something with good intentions, bad shit happens so whats the FUCKING POINT”He’d curse himself for taking it, for being greedy and snatching the Tesseract instead of escaping with the rest of the Asgardian’s. That would probably start a whole new wave of negative, self-hating thoughts.
And, okay, we know who’s seeking the Infinity Stones? Thanos. Who was in control of the Chitauri? THANOS!If Loki is found by the person seeking the Tesseract, which would be Thanos, this big purple fucking grape man is gonna flip his SHIT! Cause Loki was the one who lead the invasion on Earth, so in his mind it would be Loki’s fault that it failed. And Loki’s fault that he lost the Mind Stone and the Tesseract. 
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serenagaywaterford · 6 years
1) "except in the sense I took a leap and decided to do it from June’s POV instead" Holy shit! This gets better and better! Don't get me wrong, fic!Serena's voice is exceptional and I love it, but I do wonder what June's take on all of this is. "I’m worried I’ve made June too savvy and manipulative" From what we've seen so far in the fic, June seems incredibly in character to me. And ngl, the way June uses/plays Serena now that she has the upper hand/can (because Serena's infatuated) is one of
2) my favorite things. Serena seems to acknowledge (on some level) that June still hates her (and always will), but I’m not sure how much of an impact this has on her actions. Does she not care (bc she’s still selfish and puts her own needs/feelings first)? Is she not hurt by June’s nonchalant behavior? I feel like she is, but she understands that June’s way of acting is normal – given that Serena had been nothing but a dick to her.)
Thank you very much and I HOPE I can uphold that. :DDDD I just feel… I dunno. June is so much more difficult in a lot of ways because she’s kind, empathetic, but also playing a dangerous game and is much more political/intelligent, and doesn’t have the same unhealthy mentality. Which should make her easier, but eh. I think my biggest hurdle is getting into her head about Nick, lmao. Like………………….. really, I have to channel that love for him, and it just the complete opposite to me in every single way imaginable. (Which is terrifying in a sense simply cos I don’t think I had as much issue getting to channel Serena and that crazy bitch is an extremist religious anti-feminist zealot terrorist and has literally beaten and raped June–which are all the complete opposite of me . But hey, being in love with Nick is just one step too far! I have my limits!! LMAO.)  It also is an issue cos I know he’s in love with her, but canon has not convinced me she is in love with him to the same degree. You know? Like she cares about him, she’s infatuated, and he’s very important to her, and brings her happiness and comfort and hope, but that sort of true love? Nah. I don’t see it, cos I also feel like June is more aware of her situation than Nick seems to be, because she’s a woman and she HAS to be painfully aware of the horrible reality of things. Also, well, she’s still fucking married lol. So, that’s my cross to bear writing June hahaha. She’s still trapped, she still may make iffy decisions. 
To me, June is someone who will do anything to save her kids. It doesn’t matter what, she’ll do it. She’ll put herself through hell, she’ll play dangerous mind games, she’ll risk her life, if there’s hope she can save them.
“Does she not care (bc she’s still selfish and puts her own needs/feelings first)? Is she not hurt by June’s nonchalant behavior? I feel like she is, but she understands that June’s way of acting is normal – given that Serena had been nothing but a dick to her.)”
A little bit from column a, a little bit from column b? ;) I think inherently Serena puts Serena first, no matter what she has to deny/convince herself of. Whether she really believes what she tells herself, well, that’s another issue. Like, it’s been taken down quite a few pegs from canon!Serena, who is like Pure Me All The Time. I think she can look and consider other people’s behaviour/feelings but still, at the very root of things, she’s worried about herself. I think the ability to finally put aside that selfishness and recognise it, and actively work against that bad habit is growth. I think (or at least I hope) it comes across later in the fic that she’s trying to deal with June’s attitude/nonchalance/distance because it does hurt, and she does want something more solid. But also that she must accept that she can’t be so selfish and sometimes other people have to come first (June, Nichole, etc.). Ah, well… sorta. 
To me, that’s what’s fun about writing Serena. I don’t have to make her perfect and she’s a straight up bitch, sometimes, who thinks she’s so much smarter, and she only sees herself and I can express that idiocy. But then also try to tackle how she copes with someone who sees right through that, and isn’t the perfect match. Cos June isn’t stupid, she doesn’t walk around with rose-coloured glasses on. She’s a bit… well, even in the show, she has quite a large weak spot when it comes to Serena for some reason, but she’s not a doormat and she fights back in all sorts of ways. And June also doesn’t strike me as someone who would forget things. She may go so far as to forgive, at least partially (just even for her own peace of mind), or even repress bad shit just to cope, but never quite get over it entirely. I personally believe June would carry around anger, resentment, etc. Even if she doesn’t want to, or even if she doesn’t quite know what she’s doing. How can you not really? Nobody is that forgiving and perfect. (Nor do I think June should be. You can’t forgive some of that shit. At all.)
And that’s frustrating for someone like Serena who apparently feels a great sense of entitlement to basically everything ever lol.
In my ficverse, Serena has some understanding that June isn’t all peaches and rainbows, and will always have some resentment towards her. Sometimes that morphs into a paranoia, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it’s ignored, sometimes it disappears, sometimes it doesn’t matter, sometimes she just accepts it. People do reach breaking points though when they have enough, especially when they feel hurt…
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