#i feel like everytime i post something like this i just shake u back and forth furiously & hope ur brain collides with mine and u understand
luvbug724 · 7 months
um. hey!
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briefinquiries · 1 month
Tyler Owens x Reader: I Choose You
Request: Anonymous said: "jealous tyler or jealous reader would be interesting to read 👀"
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: none!
A/N: not sure how i feel about this one but I gave it a go and wanted to make sure I posted!
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Tyler tells himself that he’s over thinking… maybe even reading too much into things. 
But God, he swears he isn’t imagining the way that you and the reporter he’d agreed to let tag along for the next week naturally interact with one another with such ease. 
Tyler is not a jealous person– he’s confident and secure and he trusts you. Jealousy is petty and it’s stupid. And Tyler’s been trying his whole life to prove to himself and everyone around him that he’s not stupid.
Tyler has a loose shock to repair before the storm they’ve been tracking rolls in later that day. He’s currently laying on the dirt at the rest stop they’ve pulled in, with a wrench in his hand. Dani’s shining their flashlight for him, and it’s important he stays focused. And he tries… really, he does. 
But Tyler looks up just as the reporter laughs at a joke you’ve made. And then, he reaches out to touch your arm for the added effect. Tyler nearly drops the wrench he’s holding on his face at the sight. 
“Easy, T,” Dani says, studying him closely. 
He takes a deep breath before looking back towards the truck. 
“What the hell’s the matter with you?” Dani asks, kicking his shoulder gently with their boot. 
“Nothing,” Tyler grumbles in a tone that screams there is absolutely something wrong. Thankfully Dani doesn’t push. 
Throughout the rest of the week, Tyler tries to talk himself down whenever jealousy rears its ugly head. He keeps telling himself that he’s being irrational– you’re not flirting with the reporter everytime you walk with him into the gas stations they stop at, or offer to ride with him in the van instead of Tyler’s truck, where you normally sit. You’re just trying to be friendly… make him feel at ease. 
But did he really have to look at you that way while you studied the GPS monitoring system? Or share his fucking cookies with you when everyone ate lunch in the field? And did you have to laugh so loudly at every single joke he made?
Tyler finds out on the second night he’s tagging along that Henry’s a fucking Columbia grad on top of a stupid self-proclaimed comedian. The two of you are sitting around the fire talking about graduate degrees when Henry turns towards him. 
“Did you two meet at school then?” Henry asks.  
Tyler smiles, but instead of warmth it’s laced with sarcasm. “Nope, I don’t have one of those fancy degrees, Henry. In fact, none of us but her do.” 
Henry turns back towards you and proceeds to ask more questions about your time studying meteorology at the U of A. Meanwhile, Tyler is left to simmer in his own self pity, wondering if it bothered you that he isn’t educated like Henry. 
Tyler has to spend the rest of the week fighting the urge to make it known you’re his– he’s had thoughts of keeping a permanent hand planted on your waist right in front of Henry. Maybe if he pulled you in for a kiss a little more often, and really claimed you as his, this guy would back the hell off. 
But Tyler quickly shakes away the thought. 
Because claiming you like an object is stupid, and Tyler is not stupid. 
Tyler grabs you a coffee from the nearest gas station and brings it back to the motel because he’s really trying to move past all this shit. You’re sitting with Lilly and fiddling with the drone when he tries to hand it to you. 
You offer him an appreciative smile that warms his entire chest. Tyler’s definitely been overreacting, because you’re looking at him with such love and admiration in your eyes. 
“Thanks, but I’ve already had some today,” you say, crushing every hope inside of him in an instant. “Why don’t you give it to Dani?  They take their coffee the same as I do.”
“When did you have time to get coffee?” he asks, trying to play it cool. 
You reply so simply, like the words don’t slice right through his heart. “I didn’t, Henry brought me one.”
Tyler’s jaw tightens. It’s a gesture you don’t notice, because you’re too busy focusing on the drone half in your lap. 
What you do seem to notice, is the way he scoffs. It makes yours and Lilly’s heads both turn. 
But before you can reply, Tyler’s already walking away. He clutches the coffee firmly in his hand and without a word, drops the full cup in the trash can outside the motel. 
Tyler has to remind himself that he’s not angry.
At least not at you.  
You and him have a great relationship. He trusts you and that’s all there is to it. Whether it’s Henry or whoever else–  you never gave Tyler a reason to be worried. 
But Tyler doesn’t like the way seeing you with the reporter makes him feel. Because at any moment, you could leave him for someone with a more respectable career– someone with fair skin and button up polos who just looked like they had their shit together. Someone with a college degree… someone a hell of a lot smarter than him. 
Seeing you with him made Tyler feel vulnerable, like he had something to lose– because he had everything to lose. 
The crew spends another week chasing in Oklahoma. The season’s winding down, but they still managed to catch two EF0s and an EF1. 
Tyler’s been avoiding you for most of the week. He’d offer the truck space to Boone and Lilly, he’d sit next to Dexter around the fire at night… hell, he would hardly even look at you. 
You turned down his coffee earlier in the week. Only after the fact did you realize that you should have just taken the damn thing. You understand that rejecting him after he went out of his way to do something nice for you hurt his feelings… But you can’t understand how that turned into an entire week of the silent treatment. 
On numerous instances, you try to approach him. But he always has somewhere to run off to. 
“I gotta help Dani with the van’s oil change.”
“I gotta see if Boone got the footage we need.”
“I gotta give Dexter a hand with the radar.”
You’re getting sick of it. 
You try to distract yourself for the rest of the week– you ask Lilly to explain more about how to work her drone, you keep on top of the radar– looking for forming storm cells, and you try to make the reporter Tyler had invited along for the week feel welcome. 
Henry’s nice– he’s completely new to storm chasing and has loads of questions all the time. You find it slightly annoying that he’s so interested in Tyler… but you get it. And even though you’re a little irritated with Tyler for your week-long silent-treatment sentence, you still want him to sound as good as possible in the article, so you talk him up every chance you can. 
You know that this lack of communication can’t last. And the second Henry goes back to Boston to write his piece, you plan to corner Tyler and force him into telling you what the hell you’d done wrong. But until then, you don’t want to cause a scene. So, you sit back, spend more time talking with Henry about Tyler, and try like hell not to lose your mind.
It’s more for his own sanity than anything. It’s like seeing you with Henry has caused this sudden realization to pop into his head… You can do better– and honestly you deserve better than him. The thought is all consuming. It makes focusing on anything else incredibly difficult. 
“You gonna tell us what the hell is up?” Lilly asks one day. 
Tyler’s currently standing in the bed of his truck, tinkering things that didn’t really need to be fixed just to stay busy. 
“What do you mean?” he replies without looking up.
“I mean are you going to tell us why you two love birds haven’t spoken in like three days?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tyler notices Boone glancing his way with an expression on his face that says he was wondering the same thing. 
“We’ve spoken,” Tyler says dismissively. 
“Telling her you don’t have room for her in the truck doesn’t count,” Lilly retorts. “C’mon, seriously, Ty. What’s wrong?”
Tyler sets his tool down and looks down at Lilly. “Nothing is wrong.”
Lilly rolled her eyes. “Okay, well are you sure she knows that? Cause Dani and I saw her crying in the bathroom.” 
Tyler lets out a long exhale– the thought of you upset instantly filling his insides with sorrow. But the thought that he was the one to make you upset is even worse. 
“I know it’s not my business,” Lilly adds. “But I’ve been watching you give her the silent treatment all week, and that’s not going to fix anything. I know Henry’s still here and it’s been a crazy week–”
Tyler can’t help the scoff that escapes his lips at the mention of Henry’s name.
Lilly pauses before a look of understanding washes over her. “You’re pissed that she’s been hanging with Henry.” She says it as a statement instead of a question. 
“I’m not–”
“I’ve known you for six years, don’t even try to deny it. You are– you’re jealous, aren’t you?” 
With his lips pursed in a thin line, Tyler raises an eyebrow at her. “Maybe I am. Does that make you happy? Is that what you want to hear?”
Now it was Lilly’s turn to scoff. “Of course it doesn’t make me happy. You’re being an idiot.”
“I said that you’re being an idiot,” Lilly says, annunciating each word insultingly. 
“Yeah,” Tyler nods. “I’m well aware that I’m an idiot, but thanks for reminding me.”
“I said you’re being an idiot, Tyler. Not that you are one. Now stop sulking and fucking listen for once in your goddamn life.”
It’s so out of the ordinary for Lilly to snap that Tyler actually does shut his mouth. 
“You invite a reporter on the road with us and then you don’t give him the time of day to answer any of the questions he has. You’re short and curt and to be honest, kind of fucking rude anytime he asks you anything. Y/N is being polite– and she’s hosting the guest you invited along. So don’t fucking blame her just because you’re insecure.” 
Tyler can feel the anger rising in his own chest, he wants to get defensive– to snap back at Lilly. But deep down, he knows she’s right, so he stifles any comebacks and instead hangs his head. 
Lilly sighs. “You’re not an idiot, Tyler. So stop acting like one.”
After letting Lilly’s words really sink in, Tyler decides that she’s right. For the first time all week, he’s motivated to actually talk with you and make things right. 
Or at least he is right until he sees Henry approaching you in the parking lot. He’s too far away to hear what Henry has to say. But he’s not so far away that he doesn't see the folded up piece of paper that he passes you. 
In an instant, everything Lilly had said– along with all the things he’s said to convince himself he’s been overreacting flies away with the wind. Because Henry just gave you his fucking phone number. 
Tyler turns– needing to get as much space from whatever exchange he just witnessed as he possibly can. In a few, long, angry strides, Tyler reaches his truck and climbs inside. In the distance, he hears Lilly call after him. But he pretends he doesn’t hear. Instead, he slams the door shut, starts the ignition and drives away. 
“Where’s he goin’?” Boone says just as you approach him and the rest of the crew. 
“Dunno. He didn’t say anything to you?” Dani asks, turning towards Lilly. 
She shakes her head, eyes squinting against the bright sun. 
“What the hell is his problem?” you say frustratedly, biting back tears. 
Stupidly, you’d let yourself get your hopes up earlier in the day when Tyler had offered you a small smile over breakfast. You had thought that maybe things were alright, and that he was finally over whatever had been bothering him so badly. 
But now you’re standing in the cloud of dust he just left behind after taking off in his truck without a word to anyone and you know that isn’t the case. 
“Here I was thinking I helped last night,” Lilly says under her breath. 
You snap your head in her direction. “You talked to him?”
She shrugs. “I tried to.” 
“Did he say why he’s been so upset?”
Lilly hesitates. And truthfully, you understand why. Everyone here was Tyler’s friend first. You were the last to join the crew– inducted into the group just by being Tyler’s girlfriend. They have no obligation to be loyal to you over Tyler. 
“Forget it,” you say defeatedly, turning away as soon as you feel the familiar burn of tears behind your eyes. “It doesn’t even matter.” With that, you make your way towards the RV, painfully aware of everyone’s eyes trained on you the entire way. 
Tyler drives to the nearest gas station, desperate for space to clear his head. 
He knows he’s being dramatic and irrational at this point, but if he stayed at that rest stop another second, he didn’t know what would come out of his mouth. He really really had to get it together. But he can’t escape the fear inside of him– the one saying that meeting Henry helped you recognize that you could do so much better than him.
And now you had his phone number, to reach out whenever that realization hit. 
Why wouldn’t you be interested in Henry? He’s got a goddamn master’s degree from Columbia, he writes articles for the Globe, works out every morning before they go chasing–  apparently makes hilarious jokes… 
Tyler rests his forehead against the steering wheel and groans.
Tyler’s gone for an hour. But when he finally parks the truck back at the rest stop, he hasn’t shaken the sinking feeling inside of him. 
In a preemptive attempt to avoid questions he had snagged a bunch of snacks from the nearest gas station. If you ask where he’s been, he can just say he had a hankering for potato chips and call it good. 
Except, you don’t even look at him when he gets out of the truck. Boone’s got corn hole set up in the dirt. It looks like Boone and Henry versus Dani and Dexter while you watch. He only watches for a moment before bringing the bag of snacks into the RV. 
Secretly, Tyler’s been simultaneously excited for and dreading the end of the week. He’s excited for Henry to leave and excited to sleep in his own bed. But he’s dreading being back in your shared house. It’ll be the first time the two of you are forced to be alone, and he knows he’ll have to find the words to describe what he’s been feeling. 
But apparently Tyler’s stupid, because he doesn’t even know what he’s feeling. 
All he knows is that he doesn’t want to lose you. And seeing you with Henry makes him feel like he’s about to lose you. Tyler doesn’t know how to say that to you without coming across as a total lunatic.  
You don’t want to cause a scene at the rest stop. But the minute you see Tyler head for the RV, you’re out of your seat and beelining it towards him while the rest of the team is distracted.
As soon as you hoist open the door, you find him hunched over the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. 
“What the hell?” is all you can manage to blurt out. You’re fuming and on the verge of tears. But you can’t help it– Tyler’s silent treatment has just about pushed you to the edge. 
Tyler whips around at the sound of your entrance… and maybe it was a little dramatic– but you need to get your point across. 
There’s a long pause while Tyler’s eyes study you. 
“Are you gonna tell me why you’ve been avoiding me all week?”
You’re met by more silence.  
“This is ridiculous, Tyler. Will you just talk to me?”
Finally, Tyler scoffs, “The reporter gave you his number, right?  Why don’t you talk to him?  I’m sure he’d love to talk.”
In an instant, a wave of understanding washes over you. But it isn’t overshadowed by the anger you feel. 
“Are you serious right now? You’re jealous of Henry?”
He shuts the fridge before cracking open his water bottle dismissively, ignoring your questions. 
“Tyler, are you forgetting that you’re the one who invited him with us this week? I mean, did you think he was just supposed to sit back and observe? He’s a reporter, of course he’s going to have questions… Questions that you were way more qualified to answer, but you were too busy being a jerk all week to answer any of them. So I did it for you–”
“I never asked for you to do that.”
“You didn’t have to– I did it for you!” you cry. “I did it so that he’d write you a good story– because you deserve that.” 
“Oh, how convenient. So you two just get along so well for my sake then?” he says. 
You exhale sharply. “Are you kidding me right now? We’ve spent the last week talking about you! I’ve been talking you up– telling him stories about what you do– how good you are at what you do– all the people you’ve helped–”
Tyler rolls his eyes. “Yeah right,” he scoffs. 
You pause, anger slowly melting away at the realization that he genuinely didn’t believe anything you were saying. 
“Tyler,” you say seriously. “There is absolutely nothing going on between me and Henry. I’ve been answering his questions and telling him how fucking brave and generous and smart you are–”
“Don’t patronize me,” he snaps, voice cracking just slightly. “Just forget it, it doesn’t matter.” He sets his water bottle on the counter before moving to step by you. 
“Tyler stop–” you say, reaching for him. But he’s too quick. He reaches the door before you’re able to stop him. 
“Will you please stop walking away from me!” you blurt out frustratedly, tears forming in your eyes. “You’ve been running from me all week– I just… I just want to talk about this. Please–”
Tyler doesn’t turn to face you, but to your relief, he stops before opening the door. 
“There is nothing happening between me and Henry, Tyler. I mean, I promise you, absolutely nothing– I… I don’t know how else to convince you. But there’s nothing going on. I’m not into Henry–”
“I know,” he says quickly, eyes squeezing shut. 
You let your mouth fall open, confusion washing over you. “What?” 
“I know there’s nothing happening between you and Henry– I trust you and I believe you.”
You shake your head in disbelief. “So why are you so mad at me?”
Tyler pauses and bites his lip before saying, “I’m not mad at you–” he tries to explain. “I just… I don’t understand.”
“Understand what?”
“I don’t understand why–”
You sigh. “Tyler, you’re not making any sense–”
Tyler’s face twists in anguish. “Why aren’t you into him?”
“What are you talking about?”
“He’s everything I’m not. And I mean– Seeing you with him– it just made me realize that you can do so much better than me,”  Tyler says desperately, the pain almost palpable in his voice. “He’s got the fancy degree– he’s obviously smart–”
You’re shaking your head before he even finishes his sentence, because the idea of anyone ever being better than Tyler was even more ludicrous than him being jealous in the first place. “Tyler, you’re smart–”
“I didn’t go to Columbia. I didn’t even finish my first year of undergrad.”
“I don’t care about any of that– you know I don’t–”
“Why?” he blurts out harshly, finally turning to look at you. “Why do you even want me when you can have someone like him?”
Tyler didn’t think he was good enough for you– and that admission broke your fucking heart. In an instant, all the reasons you loved Tyler flow through your head. There’s so many, you can’t even keep up. 
So instead, you reach into your pocket and pull out the note Henry had given you just hours earlier– the one Tyler apparently saw him give you. He watches as you unfold the piece of paper, quickly revealing that it’s not a phone number. 
“It’s his mom’s cookie recipe,” you explain. “The ones you refused to try. I talked to him about how you have a sweet tooth, and I said how much you love chocolate chip cookies, so he wrote it down for me. I thought I might be able to make them for you when we got home. Because I love you– and I love doing things that will make you happy. Because that’s what you do for me– you make me happy. All the time, just by existing.”
You watch as the realization washes over him.  
You sigh. “Did you ever stop and think about how I feel the same about you?”
He pauses before looking at you questioningly. 
“I mean, you’re you,” you say, gesturing towards him. “People adore you, Tyler. And rightfully so– but I’m always worried you’ll find someone better. But I don’t get hung up on it, because I trust you. I trust that you mean it when you tell me you love me and you choose me. And I need you to do the same for me, Tyler. I need you to trust me. Because I love you– and I always will.”
Tyler exhales, his eyes watery. 
“Can you do that?” you plead. 
To your relief, after a moment, he nods. 
You don’t hesitate before closing the gap between you and wrapping your arms around his middle. You lay your head on his chest just as his arms wind around your shoulders in an attempt to make up for all the hugs you’ve missed out on this week. Because as much as you love chasing in Oklahoma or Texas, your absolute favorite place to be is at home in his arms. 
“Cookie recipe, huh?” he muses above you, chin resting on top of your heads. 
You nod. “I’m a horrible baker, but I was going to give it a shot.”
Tyler tightens his grip around you. “Well horrible baker or not, I love you and I choose you.”
You let your eyes fall shut and inhale the familiar, comforting scent of him. “You have no idea how happy that makes me,” you say honestly. 
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Hii!! I have a request if thats okay, its kinda weird tho so if you don't wanna do it thats totaly okay<3
So i have like a really sensitive stomach so if i eat like anything greasy or a lot of one thing i get a really bad tummy ache, especially after supper like i don't throw up or anything im just kinda useless for like 2 hours. So the request is if you could do poly x fem!reader (or one of them, whatever you prefer) and have them comfort her and stuff? Maybe like cuddles and belly rubs? Idk
Thank u for excisting btw, you really make my day everytime you post<3
Thanks sweetheart, hope you like it :)
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
Remus knocks at your door tentatively. He’d known something was off when you’d left dinner early, vague about why you had to get home but urgent in a way that unnerved him. He’d followed you out of the restaurant, hoping to catch you in the parking lot, but you’d already gotten on your bus. Remus knew you were probably fine, but he couldn’t shake his anxiety about the way you’d left and he’d made his excuses a few minutes later, ignoring the jeering protests of his friends as he set out for your apartment. 
After knocking again, he tries the handle, surprised and a bit alarmed to find the door unlocked. He calls your name as he steps inside hesitantly, wary of startling you if you’ve gone to sleep or have just gotten out of the shower (that’s something he’d like to see under more consensual circumstances). “It’s Remus,” he says into the dark apartment, feeling a bit silly. “Are you here?”
“Rem,” a soft voice comes from the direction of the living room, “what’re you doing here?” 
He moves toward the sound. “I came to check on you. Sorry for just letting myself in, but you left dinner so suddenly and I…oh, sweetheart.”
He finds you on the couch, all curled up with your face pinched in obvious pain.
“Honey, what happened?” he asks, crouching beside you. His hand comes up to pet your hair of its own accord. 
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you say, the strain in your voice belying your words. “I just came home because my stomach was bothering me.” 
Remus feels his brows pinch. “It hurts?” you nod, seeming embarrassed. He can’t imagine why, it’s not like you’ve any control over that sort of thing. “Do you think it was something you ate?” 
You’re looking down at your knees, held tightly to your chest. “I…kind of,” you sigh. “This happens sometimes. Like, when I eat a lot of the same thing, or greasy foods.” 
Remus nods thoughtfully. “So like, when James won’t stop piling fries onto your plate all night, and you feel like you have to eat them?” You look sheepish, and James is going to feel awful when Remus is through with him. He’s going to make damn sure nothing like this ever happens again on his watch. “I’m sorry, lovely,” he says. “Is there anything I can do to help?” 
You hesitate. “I’ve got ibuprofen in the bathroom, but I haven’t wanted to get up. Could you bring it to me?”
Remus squeezes your shoulder lightly, standing. “Of course, sweetheart.”
 He hurries to the bathroom, finding the small bottle of pills under the sink and bringing it back along with a cup of water. He shakes a couple of tablets into his hand, passing them to you, but withholds the water when you reach for it. 
“Sorry.” He really is. “You’ve got to sit up to drink it, don’t want you to choke.” 
You shuffle into an upright position, bracing your back against the couch with your knees still drawn tight to your front, and Remus hands the cup over. You swallow the pills with a light exhale, as if you’re already anticipating the relief they’ll bring. 
“Thanks, Rem.” 
“It’s no problem,” he replies, and he hopes you understand how much he means it. “How long does the pain usually last?” 
You sigh. “A couple hours. I’ll probably just lie here and wait it out, I won’t be able to get to sleep until it stops.” 
Remus tries not to pout at you, his heart aching with sympathy. “If you’d like, we could watch a movie or something,” he suggests, adding quickly. “But if you want me to leave so you can relax, I completely understand, love.” 
You ponder for a second, your face still tight with pain. “No, that sounds nice,” you say after a second. “A distraction could help, and I’ll be more relaxed with you here anyway.” 
Remus has to turn away so you don’t see the full force of his smile, occupying himself with your television. He holds up a movie for you to see, putting it in the VHS player once you approve. You waste no time in snuggling up to him when he sits next to you on the couch, and Remus wraps his arm around you happily, rubbing gently up and down your arm. You all but melt under his touch, softening against his side. 
It’s a few minutes into the movie before he works up the courage to ask. “Do you think it would help,” he says, hoping his voice sounds at least remotely casual, “if I rubbed your stomach for you?”
You look at him in surprise. “Remus, that’s alright. You don’t have to.” 
“I don’t mind,” he says, and he doesn’t. Even though he’s giddy from the feel of you pressed up against him, he’s not offering as some excuse to touch you. He just wants so desperately to help. Seeing you in pain is like a gut punch every time he looks at you, and if there’s anything that can make you more comfortable, he wants to be the one to do it. “Really, I just want you to feel better.” 
“Okay, yeah.” You relax your grip on your knees, letting your thighs fall a few inches from your stomach and making an opening for him. “That’d be nice, thanks.” Remus watches your face, wary of any signs of discomfort as he brings his hand to your midsection. 
“You’ll tell me if I hurt you at all, yeah?”
“I will,” you say. “But you won’t.” 
Remus glows with your surety in him, but he’s still cautious as he draws his hand in small circles, gratified when you sigh. The movie casts blue light across your features, so he can see you a bit better as the crease between your brows evaporates, the tension around your mouth easing. Remus does his best to look like he’s watching the movie, but all his focus is on easing the upset in your abdomen, adjusting his methods any time you react even slightly in the positive or negative. Soon you’re completely molten against his side, blinks slowing as your eyelids start to droop heavily. 
“Did the ibuprofen kick in?” he asks softly. “You look like you’re getting sleepy, dove.” 
“I dunno,” you yawn, laying your cheek on his bicep, “maybe.” 
Remus almost hates to suggest it, but he’s not quite selfish enough to keep himself from asking. “If you want to get to bed, I can go.” 
“No, can you stay?” you yawn again, hugely. Remus tries not to stare, but you look adorable, cheek squished up against his arm and face soft with sleepiness. “Just until the movie’s done, please?”
Remus adjusts you against him, slouching so that you can lay your head on his shoulder without hurting your neck. “Yeah, of course I can stay, lovely.” He resumes rubbing your stomach, dropping a quick kiss on the top of your head. “I’ll stay as long as you’ll have me.”
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jhoneybees · 9 months
Little Nurse in Charge
Finally I'm posting another fic! I've been really missing the experience of writing so I'm getting my fogged up brain to work again lol there might be a few errors and misspelt words😅
Characters: Late60s/70sCG! Elvis X little!reader
Warnings/triggers: Age regression, little lifestyle, sickness
This is honestly my favourite moodboard🥹👇
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Elvis had a long, stressful week. His schedule was hectic, being rushed from one place to another and doing a lot of recording and such was really taking a toll on him. You being his beloved partner, you worry about him. Everytime you would suggest for him to get some rest, he’d just brush it off and say he can handle it in which seeing him fall asleep in a millisecond the moment he flops onto the bed after a jam-packed day at the recording studio tells you otherwise.
Once Elvis finally gets some time off, the next morning he wakes up sore all over also having a scratchy throat, clicking his tongue in annoyance when he realises. Detangling himself out of the bedsheets , he pushes on the mattress with his knuckles and makes his way to the bathroom to find something for this “stupid cold” he mutters to himself, he stops in his tracks when he hears you stir in your sleep. Turning his head, Elvis watches your eyes flutter open, blinking blankly at him a few times before your eyebrows start to furrow and a pout forms. He sighs softly, you woke up little. Elvis pinches the bridge of his nose whilst resting a hand on his hip. How is he gonna take care of his sick self while also looking after little you? He already feels like a sack of potatoes that's been knocked about on the back of a farm truck so having to make sure your needs are met is gonna be a tough challenge, he never says no to being a caregiver for you though, he always takes up the challenge.
Elvis walks back over to the bed when you do grabby hands and he weakly chuckles “Mornin’ baby” leaning down to kiss your forehead, you respond wiggling closer to him and wrapping tired limp arms around his lower abdomen. Elvis smiles and strokes a strand of hair away from your face “Did ya get a good sleep?” answering with a small nod “Good sleep, daddy” you say while burying your face in the side of his thigh making him chuckle but he suddenly clears his throat which you didn't take notice of. “Did Daddy have a good sleep?” you ask quietly, Elvis cocks his head to the side and stares at the wall, letting out a hum as he thinks “Not really, Daddy's not feelin' too good this Mornin'” looking back, he sees a worried frown from you “Why?” questioning as you decide to sit up and Elvis smoothing your hair down. “Hm just sore and achy, baby” your concern grows, no matter if you're little or not, you always made sure Elvis is alright which sounds like he isn't, your eyes leave his to stare down at the duvet on the bed, the little crease between your eyebrows prominent as you process the situation.
Suddenly your eyes light up with an idea and you quickly scurry out of bed, pushing Elvis’ chest with your little hands “Lay down Daddy, lay down” you order and Elvis frowns in confusion “um sure.. but- why baby?” Doing what he's told, swinging his legs onto the bed and resting his head on the head board. You try to give him an authorised look but just ended up looking like an angry baby to Elvis, he chuckles slightly before he nods and raises his eyebrows at you “Daddy's sick, I- I'm look after him” explaining your plans to your daddy making him smile nervously “U-um that's real sweet of ya honey but i-i- don't think that's a good idea..” usually when you're little, Elvis would do everything for you since you just make a mess or have accidents that end up you crying or getting injured but you just shake your head “uh uh no daddy, nigh nighs’ “ telling him to just go to sleep and let you do your thing which he hesitantly accepts and gets comfortable under the covers. Elvis watching you run out of the bedroom and hearing your sooties scattering down the stairs, he laughs to himself at your funny behaviour.
After some time you arrive back through the bedroom doors with the first aid box that Elvis keeps in one of the kitchen cabinets for whenever you hurt yourself or get sick, a bit confused how you retrieved it since it's kept in a place out of your reach “H-how did you get that?” Elvis sits up and points a finger, you look at him with a pout and set the box on the bedside table “No Daddy nigh nighs!” completely ignoring his question and you push on his chest to make him lay down, Elvis sighs “Okay okay, I'm going nighs nighs, I'm goin'' closing his eyes and sighs.
As he tries to relax, Elvis begins to hear clinking of medicine bottles and ruffling of plastic packaging so out of curiosity he opens his eyes and cranes his neck “What are you doing honey?” Huffing out a breath you whine “daddy!” Elvis raising his hands in defeat “Okay alright alright, sorry” he rests his head down on the pillow again. A few moments later, a pair of hands caresses his hair away from his forehead and your voice quietly babbling “Daddy go nighs nighs..sleepy sleepy… puppy wittle puppy” Elvis's lips curve at the corners, stifling a laugh by adjusting himself in bed so he wouldn't ruin the moment for you. Your sweet nature of always looking out for people is one of things that made Elvis think he had to have you because how can he not? Of course because he's Elvis Presley but also because why not have someone like you? Someone so sweet and kind, babying him with all your love, all your devotion. What's not to love?
He sighs again as you continue to sing a lullaby that is obviously made up “Sleepy puppy…sleepy, sleepy, sleepy” The more you sing your little song, Elvis falls into a floaty sleep, soon drifting off. Bringing the covers up to his chin, you hum softly as your attention turns to the first aid box, your little hands hovering over the tops of the medicine bottles and paper boxes filled with bandages and other things that your little brain doesn't have a clue what they're used for. Picking up a thermometer, you cautiously move the blanket from Elvis' arm and slide it under his armpit. Taking a quiet step back, your eyes watch Elvis’ sleeping face with adoration and love. You’re just so lucky to have him as your caregiver, your daddy.
After a somewhat comfortable nap, Elvis wakes up. Looking around the room to find you’re not there, sitting up to rest his back against the headboard and lets out a breathy chuckle when he notices a thermometer under his armpit and shaking his head seeing your favourite stuffie being a white bunny laying next to him, thinking you must’ve put it there for him to feel less lonely.
He turns his head at the sound of the bedroom door creaking open to see you holding a tray with a bowl and spoon, pursing your lips with concentration to not spill anything. “What’s that baby?” Elvis chuckles quietly. A relieved breath emits, you place the tray on his lap “I ask Mary to make you soup!” you state proudly. With a calm nod and a loving smile, Elvis’ heart clenches “Aww… Thank you hon, that’s real sweet of ya” giggling like a schoolgirl, you climb onto the bed next to him and pick up the spoon “Hey, I- I can feed myself darlin” Elvis laughs nervously, watching as you hold the spoon near his mouth. You shake your head and whine “No! Open!” with yet another defeated sigh Elvis opens his mouth letting you spoon feed him. Even though Elvis feels nervous and on edge about you taking care of him, he does find it nice to just let you do what you want since you’re a calm little but of course still need to be disciplined now and again.
As you feed Elvis the last spoonful, you gently pat a napkin to the corners of his mouth, earning a chuckle “Always taking good care of Daddy hm?” poking at your sides playfully, you laugh and gently push his hands away. After Elvis moves the tray onto his bedside table, you decide to snuggle up with him under the blankets. Grinning softly as he sees you nuzzling your head against his chest and holding your favourite toy bunny tightly to yours. “Thank you for looking after me, little” he smiles.
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st4rfckerz · 11 months
hii req of blurb of ghost face sam being jealous? like a few days before she found out or post reveal, whatever u prefer!
a/n: giggling and kicking my feet at the thought of him being jealous (also this wasn't proofread, so don't kill me)
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mdni 18+
ever since you became friends in the sixth grade, sam has always had a thing for you. soon enough it became an unhealthy obsession. at first it was tame, but it didn't last for long. after a while sam would stand close to you so he could smell your sweet scent, stare at you so intensely that it burns holes in the back of your head, you'd even randomly start losing pairs of panties coincidentally everytime sam was over, but you swore that sweet sam would never do such a thing.
sam's attraction to you was painfully obvious to everyone except you. sure you liked him, but you were so convinced that he'd never like someone like you. so with that theory you decide to go out with a popular jock from school. you were so excited to tell sam about how you scored a date with the star player of your school but to your surprise, sam was livid.
"out of all people, why would you go out with him?" sam raises his voice. you knew he wasn't too fond of jocks, but his reaction still felt a little extreme. sam paces back in forth in your room, huffing and puffing like an upset toddler.
"sam, i'm allowed to go out with whoever you want." you retort. you've never seen him this angry, you'd be lying if you said it didn't scare you a little. seeing his eyes turn a cold, menacing blue sent an unpleasant chill down your spine.
sam brings his hands up to rub his face in frustration. "i understand that, but he's not gonna treat you right, guys like him never do." he tries to speak in a calmer tone but you can still feel the anger in his voice.
"you don't even know him, why do you even care so much anyways?" you cross your arms and look at him. sam stops his pacing and glares at you, disbelief plastered on his face.
"you just don't get it, do you?" he shakes his head before shoving his things in the bag he brought over. "do whatever you want, i don't care." sam rushes past you, making sure his shoulder bumps harshly into yours. he left you in your room, alone and confused.
even though sam made you feel guilty about going out with a brainless football player, you went anyway. while you were eating cheap chinese food at a dingy restaurant, sam was taking out his anger by fucking himself with a pair of your stolen underwear.
sam didn't need much time to cover the cotton fabric with his hot seed. for a brief moment, sam considered sending you your stained panties as retaliation, but he had a different idea.
a few days after your argument with sam, you check the news to see that the same football player you went on a date with is now missing. you have a sick feeling in your gut, almost as if it was telling you something, but you choose to ignore it.
sam would never do anything to hurt anyone...right?
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seongminiz · 1 year
R U Mine ? - park serim
minors dni ; soft dom!serim x sub fem!reader ; 2432 words
warnings : jealousy/possesiveness , reader is insecure , praise , pet names (princess , good girl , baby) , fingering , unprotected sex , breeding , marking , does serim having a driving license count as mischaracterization ? , he also has a massive cock amen . an attempt at proper grammar but only partially proof read so if u find typos or me being an idiot n writing small comments in between no u didnt
first long-ish work i post on here feeling kinda nervous . no fr this is nerve wrecking idk im not good at writing descriptive smut ffs :D but i loved writing it ngl also something kinda upsetting happened today so it ended up a little more angsty than i intended it to be bc what r my fics if not insane projecting lol. the title is an arctic monkeys song bc oomf (elif) helped me change it (it was a lovejoy song before .... :] )
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you and serim have been in a relationship for a few months now, and while of course you have some small arguments here and there, there have never been any big issues between you two. you love him, he loves you, and neither of you would ever doubt that. that is, until you end up being serim's plus one at some kind of event: you've been following him around all evening bc u have almost no idea of whats going on.
now, you're not usually the jealous type, you're okay with serim speaking to women other than you ffs that's his job, but the way some of them at this event are clearly flirting with him sets your jealousy issues off bad. watching your insanely handsome boyfriend be - or at least act - completely clueless about how they're clearly putting the moves on him, especially with how good he looks dressed like that, white shirt underneath his suit jacket straining against his toned body, leaving little to the imagination.. it pisses you off, to be completely honest.
you can't stand it, you can't stand how so many women, most of them you find clearly prettier than you, are able to get his attention like that, completely ignoring you even if you're basically clinging to his arm.you feel inadequate, just a mere presence they barely acknowledge with a small smile before going back to talk to serim. your serim.
what you fail to notice, though, is that serim is well aware of the shift in your mood. he doesn't know exactly what it's about, but he was pretty quick to sense how upset you had become just in a few minutes, trying to talk to as many people and as quickly as possible so you two could get out of there and he could give you his undivided attention.
of course, you don't know, too focused on dwelling on the jealousy building up inside you. you barely notice when serim gently shakes you, trying to catch your attention 'are you okay princess?' you sigh 'yeah.' your short reply isn't of any reassurance to serim, his thumb lightly rubbing your hip 'wanna go home?' you shrug, trying to hide your (very obvious) upset expression 'if we can, yes. but if you still have to... do whatever you were doing, we don't have to-'
'okay, got it. i'll talk to this one last person, and then we can go home, alright?' you nod, his arm leaves its place around your waist and you once again grab onto it, following his steps. your heart drops when you realize that, unfortunately, said person he has to talk to is a woman. which wouldn't even be that bad on its own, you can stand it for a few minutes (you really can't, but maybe you can convince yourself..), but she also happens to be the most attractive, hottest woman you've seen through the entire evening. you tune out the entire conversation, trying not to stare at her because everytime you take in another detail you feel like crying.
when serim finally cuts the conversation off, you politely - albeit coldly - bid your goodbyes to the woman, walking with serim out of the room and towards the parking lot. when you get to the car, you don't even wait for serim to open the door for you - he's dead set on giving you the full princess treatment - climbing in the passenger seat and slamming the door shut.
that's when serim realizes, this isn't just you feeling a bit under the weather, you're genuinely upset - and you weren't at the start of the evening, so he knows something that happened between then and now is the cause of your behavior. the fact you're giving him the silent treatment does irk him a little, but he knows that's how you act when something really bad happens, and he could never get mad at you for it.
despite his concern, serim still calmly gets into the car, turns it on and starts driving out of the parking lot and into the bright, artificially lit streets. glancing at you from time to time, he finds you looking out the car window, arms crossed over your chest, deep in thought. when you reach a particularly empty and straight part of the road, serim takes the chance to place his hand on your thigh, something you're both used to during your late night drives. what he doesn't expect, though, is for you to move your leg, wiggling out of his grasp (not that hard, since he wasn't putting that much strength in it in the first place).
serim raises an eyebrow, eyes still fixed on the road as his hand helplessly goes back to the wheel. his concentration on driving is what makes him miss the way you look back at him, concerned on whether you've gone too far or not. stopping at a red light, serim's eyes immediately find yours, desperate to get to the bottom of this 'what's wrong princess?' you shake your head, absent-mindedly reaching for his hand in search of any possible physical comfort. 'nothing, you're going to think it's stupid anyways,' you mumble. serim frowns, reaching to move a strand of hair behind your ear 'i would never. whatever it is, it's upsetting you, and I don't like seeing my baby like this.' his voice comes off more stern than he intended to, but his soft touch is there to remind you that he's not actually upset at you. he's just your concerned boyfriend.
serim moves his hand from the side of your head to your chin, tilting it so you have no choice but look at him 'so? what is it?' you pout. 'i'm jealous.' the look that crosses serim's face is a puzzled one 'what?' you shrug, averting his eyes 'you spent the entire night talking to other women, all better looking than me. i'm jealous,' you admit. serim is about to answer you, when the light turns green, the cold hue illuminating both of you. serim sighs, speeding up. 'we'll talk about it when we get home, yeah?' you nod, scared that you might have upset him. even if his voice didn't let that out, you can't help but wonder if he's disappointed in you.
serim parks in front of your apartment complex, a few seconds of you two sitting in the car in silence pass, until serim sighs, taking the keys and stepping out of the vehicle, making his way around it to open the door on your side too. god forbid he let you do it on your own again. you walk out, grabbing the hand he extended to you. everything is so silent, you again question if he's genuinely mad at you for how you acted. you knew you were being immature, giving him the silent treatment and all, you're just getting a taste of your own medicine, but you couldn't help it.
you were so caught up in your thoughts you didn't even realize you got to the elevator until the faint 'ding!' of it startles you. you step inside, never letting serim's hand go. 'you know i would never cheat on you,' serim breaks the silence, and your eyes widen in shock to the realization 'that's not what I was implying! i know you wouldn't! i just... those women were all so much prettier than me, and more mature and sophisticated, and hotter and... i'm just me. I felt so out of place, like i wasn't at your level. and it's totally not your fault! but i couldn't help but feel jealous, like I wouldn't even blame you if one day you decided i wasn't enough for you and left me for one of them. and i know you wouldn't but... it still hurts to think about it.' you start rambling, missing how serim tries to stop you a few times by calling your name.
when you finally look up at him, he has the softest smile plastered on his face and, before you can say anything else, he plants a kiss on your lips, his hands immediately finding their way to your hips. 'i would never chose anyone other than you. you're as perfect as you could be, i swear,' you can feel his breath against your lips as he talks, your heart beating furiously against your chest 'i don't care about any of them. you're all i need and you're more than enough, you're too perfect for me' he continues, only stopping to kiss you again. the elevator comes to a halt, and thats your cue to separate, but you know this isn't the end of it. serim's hand finds yours, as he lowers himself to speak into your ear 'i'll show you just how perfect i think you are, yeah?' he whispers, a shiver running through your body at the implication 'will you let me?' you nod furiously, your reaction making serim chuckle 'good girl' he says, kissing right below your ear before guiding you out the elevator.
the short way to your apartment is agonizingly slow, constantly interrupted by stealing kisses from each other and, when you finally manage to step inside, serim has you immediately pinned against the door, locking it behind you as he roughly kisses you. his hands are everywhere on you, your waist, your thighs as your dress slowly rides up to leave you more and more exposed with each movement.
'you don't even know how insane you've been driving me with this dress,' he groans, lifting you up with no effort and, as you wrap your legs around him, you feel his bulge pressing against you, a small moan leaving your mouth. 'serim... need you,' you whimper against his lips, a thin string of drool dripping from your lips onto his. serim smiles, capturing them in yet another kiss as he starts to carry you towards your shared bedroom.
he places you on the bed, your dress lifted all the way to your hips revealing your completely drenched panties. serim can barely contain himself, seeing you all spread out like that, for his eyes only, but he wants to make this all about you and your pleasure.
he starts to slowly undress himself, unbuttoning his shirt before slipping your dress off. your hands brush against his sides, tracing his defined body and tentatively going lower to rid him to his pants - no matter how many times you've seen him like this, it always leaves u in awe how a man this perfect could ever exist, and be your man at that. serim gently takes your hands in his, pins them over your head and places a soft kiss on your lips 'let me do all the work for once,' he says, hooking his fingers in your panties and sliding them off your legs.
before you know it, serim is three fingers deep inside you, opening you up for him bc no matter how many times you've taken him, you'll never get used to just how big his cock is. you've been incessantly whining for god knows how long, about how much you need his cock, you need him, and every time without fail serim replies that 'you already have me, princess, more than anyone in the world, you have all of me.' and proves his point by leaving yet another mark on your skin.
your thighs, your neck, your chest, every unmarked portion of your skin is soon bruised to the point anyone would assume he was the jealous one in the relationship. and maybe he is, just a little bit, recalling how revealing your dress - now discarded somewhere on the floor - was on you, so perfect on his princess but a little too perfect for any other men to look your way.
when serim removes his fingers from you, you're a mess, hair sticking to your forehead, breath heavy, tears running down your cheeks and ruining the makeup you worked so hard on for the event. but that's how serim likes you the most, when you're fucked out before he even gets to be inside of you, his pretty little mess, just for him.
and he tells you exactly that, as his cock finally sinks into you, groaning and rambling about how much he loves this sight, how he's so lucky to have you and how you're his and his only. the sweet praises partially distract you from the stretch, until he bottoms out and you both sigh in unison.
it's not long before serim starts thrusting into you, his pace picking up immediately but never getting quite as fast or rough as it usually would be. he wants to take it slow, savor the moment, his hand holding your hip while the other cradles the side of your face so your eyes don't stray away from him. it's hard to do so, when each thrust hits the perfect spot in you, as you fight the urge to let your eyes close.
'mine,' you moan against his lips, feeling him twitch inside of you 'all yours, princess. and you're mine too, can't stand it when everyone's eyes are on you, you're too pretty for this world.' despite the downright nasty predicament you're in, you can't help the way your heart fills with love at serim's words. you pull him in another kiss, your legs wrapping behind his back to push him deeper inside of you.
'then make me yours in any way possible,' you whisper. serim chuckles, slowing down his thrusts. it's not the first time he cums inside you, but before it was just a result of having unprotected sex. now it's a deliberate choice, to make you his in the most intimate way possible. 'yeah, princess? should i fill you up, mark you from the inside so everyone knows you're mine? would you like that?' you nod, squeezing around him as a particularly hard thrust hits a specific spot inside of you that has you letting out an high pitched moan.
serim's hand leaves your face, his rough fingers rubbing your clit and, before he can even tell you to, you're cumming, shaking as serim helps you ride out your orgasm and reaches his own, spilling inside of you as incoherent praises leave his mouth, telling you how good you've been for him and how much he loves you.
once you've both calmed down, serim presses a kiss to your forehead, holding you tight in his arms so that you can know you're really, uniquely his, and he's not going anywhere.
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straightupsickfics · 2 years
Your fics are my absolute favorite, I am in bliss of many kinds everytime u post. Can I please make a request for Ed being set off by a new colone or smth and Stede being fussy and protective about it?
ahhh thank you so much anon, this was such a nice message 🥺🥺 and such a good prompt for them!
some modern au ed + stede getting ready for an event with stede's colleagues <3
“Are you sure you want to come with me tonight, Ed, darling? It’s going to be an entire evening of tiny food and stuffed shirts and..” Stede trails off, picking an invisible piece of lint from his clearly pristine shirt. He looks perfect standing there in his light blue suit, ready for a night of mingling with his colleagues. His tie is perfectly done, his hair is gelled and pushes away from his face, and he’s wearing something that smells divine.
Stede sits on the board at Bonnet Industries, more of a figurehead than anything, these days, after taking over the company after his father died a few years ago. But, on nights like this, when BI holds its annual fundraising event for local charities, Stede always tries to make an appearance, despite how clearly anxious it makes him. 
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Ed says, and he means it. His husband's coworkers and fellow board members might be a bunch of dicks, but that’s why he’s so set on going. He’s seen the way Stede looks when he gets back from these things alone, and it’s never pleasant. He always looks beaten down, exhausted all the way down to his bones, and if Ed being there could eliminate even a moment of that stress, well, it really isn’t a question of going or not.
“I would skip it if I could,” Stede says wistfully. “Wouldn’t look good, though.” He sighs. “Maybe we can sneak out early and get dinner afterwards, just us?” 
Stede sounds so hopeful about this that Ed can’t help but nod his head in agreement. He knows that Stede would be counting down the minutes until they could sneak out, until he’d shaken enough hands and made enough promises that he felt comfortable leaving. 
“‘Course,” Ed promises. “If nothing else you look fucking amazing.”
Stede flushes with pleasure at the compliment, looking down at his suit. “You think so? Not too much? People usually wear black or navy to these things, but those are so boring I just couldn’t bring myself to…” 
He’s one fret away from wringing his hands, and Ed has to step in. He straightens his own tie in the mirror, tucks a stray gray curl back into place, and crosses the room to take Stede’s hands in his, calming him. 
“Fuck them,” Ed says softly. He pulls Stede in close. “You look incredible, and y-you…” Ed stops, nose twitching, and turns to the side to sneeze. “Hh! Hdt’tsh! Sorry. Ed shakes his head as if to clear it. 
Stede kisses him, murmuring a soft bless you against his lips. Ed wants to pull Stede in as close as he can get him, kiss him, reassure him until that little stress wrinkle vanishes from his forehead. But before he can continue his little pep talk, Ed’s nose itches again, more persistent this time. 
“S-sorry, hh! Hang on…Huh’TSH! ii’ITSHH! HDt’tsssSH! Fuck me, what is happening?” Ed huffs, scrubbing a hand down his face. The whole thing itches all the sudden, so much so that he’s pretty sure he’s going to —
“HH’ushh! Hdssh-ehH!” His nose is running now, too, leaving Ed sniffling again and again trying to get the fucking thing under control. 
“God bless you,” Stede says, looking concerned now. “What’s getting to you all the sudden, hm?” He asks, moving closer to look at Ed’s teary eyes. As soon as he does, though, Ed gets another whiff of whatever cologne Stede has on for tonight, and he knows all at once what’s going on.
“Is that new— hh’HD’TSH! New cologne?” Ed asks, turning and heading back into the bathroom for a handful of tissues. His nose is running more urgently now, the ticklish feeling lodged somewhere deep in his sinuses, and he knows he’s going to be sneezing for a while at this rate. 
“Oh no,” Stede says, and that blasted frown line deepens all over again as he, too, realizes. “I got it because of the lavender notes,” he explains. “Thought you might like it.” 
Ed shakes his head. “I love it,” he admits. “Though I don’t think i-iih! Snf! Don’t think it…likesmeback,” he says in a rush, then sneezes four times in quick succession. He’s hardly able to get a breath in between them they come on so fast and strong, his nose eager to rid itself of the irritant. 
"huhhH-! Eh’SCHHuhww! hh’Ushh! Eii’ISHH! EH’huhTSHH!” Ed feels a little breathless when he’s done, blowing his nose into the ruined tissues in his hand before Stede holds out the box for him to grab fresh ones. 
“Darling, I’m so sorry,” Stede says, retreating to the other side of the room. “I can shower it off, we’ll be fashionably late.” 
Ed wants to argue. He knows that showing up late will make Stede worry more about what people will think, but it’s not like he can go anywhere in this state. Hell, he can barely get through a sentence without… without—
“hh’dSHHH! Fuck, I’m sorry,” Ed says. His eyes are tearing up with allergic irritation now, too, and he rubs his face again, trying to regain some semblance of control. Some of his hair had slipped free of his bun during the fit, and he tucks it back behind his ears to deal with later. 
“It’s not your fault,” Stede promises. “This means less time spent with those sticks in the mud, anyway,” he declares, giving Ed a smile. “You just stay there, and I’ll be right back, alright?” 
Ed inhales carefully, his nose under control for the time being. “You’re sure?” 
“Very much so,” Stede says. “Can’t have my handsome husband unable to escort me to the ball,” he adds. “Back in a flash.” 
Stede leaves him with a smile and an air kiss, though Ed’s pretty sure Stede can hear him sneezing even as the shower water runs, washing him clean of his lovely lavender scent.
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newluvrs · 4 months
PARTY 4 U [PT. 2]
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Sungchan ₊ ⊹₍ᐢᐢ₎  mdni!! 18+ currently listening to: SOMETHING ABOUT US - DAFT PUNK word count: 4.9k bb note: sorry to Karina I watched the supernova mv in the middle of writing this, pt. 3 posted!
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Two months later and you’re still kicking yourself in the ass.  It’s killing you to have so much of him and none of him at all.  You try and be as positive as you can, at least cherishing that this is the most time you’ve ever spent together.  But it’s not helpful, if anything it just makes it so much worse.  And Sungchan is such a romantic lover amongst all of the filth that takes place between the two of you.  Kissing you always, keeping eye contact with you when he gets the chance, holding you close as he fucks you, going as far as to hold your hands as he’s deep inside of you.  Worst of all he’s got such an awful possessive streak, and it shows in the way he holds you, the way he feels the need to mark you where only he can see.  It rips your heart in two the way he asks you if you’re his.
“You’re mine, right?”  
His voice always shakes as he asks it, and you always assume its from the pleasure, neglecting to hear the vulnerability in the way he asks.  And his heart rips in two at the way you always respond.  
“Yes Sungchan, all yours.”  
How can something so good feel so fucking awful.  But you’re in too deep to stop it, and you’re too selfish to let it go; to let him go.  Your friends have long since noticed whats happening between the two of you.  Shotaro holding his tongue about how terrible an idea it is, but he thinks that that’s something for the two of you to learn on your own, hopefully with a positive outcome.  And so the weeks go by like that, the two of you over at each other’s places several times a week, hanging out with your friends in the time in between.
That’s where you find yourself now: your hips propped up on a pillow with Sungchan seated deep within you.  His face is hid in the crook of your neck with your nails digging into the skin of his back, overwhelmed by how good he’s making you feel.  Everytime he lets out a groan you can’t help but clench around him.  He just sound so fucking good, and it’s all because of you.  
In the 2 months since the two of you have started this arrangement, Sungchan has become extremely familiar with your body and its reactions.  He knows that if he plays with you enough during foreplay, that you’ll get absolutely soaked.  He knows that you love the sound of his voice, the timbre of it right next to your ear making you shiver.  He knows that your cheeks burn when you hear the wet push and pull of him inside you, making you want to hide your face.  He knows that you love positions where you can feel all of him.  And he uses all of this knowledge to his advantage. Every. Single. Time.  A tap on your cheek brings you back to reality.
“You still with me baby?” 
God, the fucking pet names.  All you can give him is a nod of your head, too fucked out to speak. 
“Too much?” 
He slows down his pace as he says this, lips ghosting over yours.  And it feels so fucking good you can’t even think, too focused on feeling everything he’s giving you.  Not capable of words but managing a whimper.  
“It’s okay baby you can take it.”  
He uses his large hands to pull your hips flush against his as he says it, somehow reaching deeper.  He smirks at the way you tip your head back, cocky because he knows he’s making you feel good.  It’s obvious from the way your body responds to his, clinging to him tighter.  Everything he says always sounds so sweet but his touch is so rough, pressing bruises into your hips the way he tries to keep you positioned for him.  Sungchan’s got a terrible habit of manhandling you but you’re not complaining.  Sometimes you intentionally try and slip out of a position just to hear the way he says “I got you baby” as he tightens his grip on you, keeping you in place.  
In a moment of clarity you push a hand between both of your bodies to rub at your clit.  Sungchan notices this, immediately pouting before pushing to replace your hand with his own.  
“Just lay there and let me take care of you, look so pretty like this.”  
When he starts to rub your clit you know you’re not gonna last very long.  Everything is just too much and he’s fucking you too good.  You open your eyes to look between the two of you, watching how he plays with your clit as he pushes in and out of you.  The sight is filthy and when you bring your gaze to his it overwhelms you the amount of feeling that’s behind it.  You can feel the familiar tightening in your lower tummy, not even needing to warn Sungchan because he can already tell.  
“Gonna cum?”  
You let out a small hum at the question, your voice failing you at the moment.  In between how good he making you feel coupled with the way he’s watching you, it doesn’t take much before you’re clinging to him tighter as you let out cries of his name as you cum around him.  He talks you through it everytime as he chases his own high.  
“Did so good, y/n.  It’s all for me, right?  Just for me?”
There’s the possessiveness again, you tell him yes everytime, not thinking about the meaning behind the words.  He lets out a groan when you agree, loving how pretty you look when you cum and all because of him.  When he hits his climax he drops his head into the crevice of your shoulder as he lets out a full body shiver.  His grip tightening on your hips as he pushes as deep as he can into you and when you whine from the overstimulation it drives him crazy.
“y’ take it so good for me baby.”  
You can barely hear what he’s saying, but you can feel the way his teeth sink into your shoulder right after he says it as he fucks you through his high, releasing into the condom.  
When you’re both finished, you lay there panting together much like the first time, both trying to catch your breath.  You’re always nervous that it’ll feel awkward, and as a result you’re never the first one to start moving, waiting instead for Sungchan.  Like clockwork he pulls himself up from you, leaving a quick kiss on the available skin in front of him before detaching himself from you.  You would love to say that you have long since stopped reading into the tenderness of the way he treats you after you sleep together, but you would be lying.  
As you lay there staring at the ceiling, you play back every kiss, every gentle touch, all of it.  You tear yourself to pieces every time in the brief moment it takes him to retrieve a washcloth from the bathroom.  Sungchan pretends not to notice the pensive look on your face when he returns he’s seen it before and he’s scared that if he speaks too soon it’ll shatter whatever it is the two of you have.  Instead he settles for gently running the towel over your skin, wishing he could leave kisses in it’s wake.  When he’s finished, he tears you from your thoughts by quietly reminding you to use the bathroom, always sure to look out for you.  The brief moments you find yourself alone as you pee are for preparing yourself to watch him leave.  This whole “nonchalant lover” is way too fucking hard, you feel like you’re going crazy.  You take a deep breath before exiting your bathroom, trying to soothe yourself.  
You offer him a shy smile when you emerge as he stands to pull his clothes back on, bashful now after the not-so-sacred events that just took place.  When he turns, you pretend like your eyes don’t linger on him a little too long, with a little too much feeling.  You try and burn the sight of your nail marks permeating the surface of his back into your memory.  You like the contrast of the red swells against the otherwise unblemished skin.  Your heart aches when you recall you have no reason to feel this way, no reason to be possessive.  You force yourself to look away before he can turn back around again, moving to pull on your own clothes.  You clear your throat, willing your feelings away as you break the silence of your mutual post-hookup cleanup.  
“My birthdays coming up..” 
You know he already knows this, matter of fact he’s usually the one to bring up it’s existence first before you get the chance, but this year you beat him to the punch.  When he doesn’t respond you turn to look at him, watching him search for something in his phone before he proudly presents you with the calendar reminder in his phone.  You can’t fight off the smile that comes to your face when you see it.  
“I’ve had it marked since freshman year.”  
You pray to god that the heat in your bedroom conceals the blush that rises to your cheeks.  He really is not making any of this easier on you.  
“Well, I’m just letting you know because Yunjin’s throwing me a party this year..”
You pause before you ask your next question, swallowing the lump in your throat,
“can you make it?”  
He walks over to you and presses a kiss to your forehead as he grabs his keys, ready to leave you.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”  
You smile as you follow him to pull on his shoes at the entrance to your apartment, your mind now thinking of the date 2 weeks into the future.  You already know what you’re gonna wish for on your birthday.  Him.  Deep within you, you harbor a secret hope of some grand confession, maybe a kissing in the rain moment.  You don’t even like PDA.  You just like the idea of him realizing his feelings for you.  As he opens the door to leave he turns around to look at you one more time, like he just remembered something.  
“Oh yeah and plus, I already bought your gift a month ago.”  
He says it casually, like it’s the most normal thing in the world for him to do that for someone.  And it kills you.  You know deep down that this can only end one of two ways, but for now that’s a worry for a future you.  
“Would you mind if I asked out Sungchan?”  
The feeling that runs through you is that akin to being dropped in ice water, the shock of the question making you freeze. 
“Unless you two have a thing then-“
“We don’t.”
Karina flinches at the abruptness of your response, your tone of voice being just a little too loud and harsh to be normal, especially in contrast to the quiet environment of the library.  You clear your throat in an effort to come across like you don’t care.
“We don’t.. have a thing that is.”  
You look down at the schoolwork that lies between the two of you, hoping that she gets distracted and doesn’t press any further.  Karina is sweet, she’s kind and beautiful, and if your memory serves you correctly you can recall a time that Sungchan was interested in her in your sophomore year.  It’s been a week since you’ve last seen him, and her question makes you very aware of that, and even more aware of how you haven’t heard from him.  Her voice is small when she speaks up again, a little shier now.  
“I just thought he seemed really sweet.” 
You feel guilty now, firstly for unintentionally yelling at this poor girl, and secondly it’s starting to dawn on you that there’s a chance you could be ruining potential matches for Sungchan.  There’s an internal struggle within you, because you know that technically you do have a thing with Sungchan, and it’s existence is your fault.  Simultaneously, you can’t help but feel like as his friend, he deserves something more.. even if he’s not finding it with you.  The hope that something would change between the two of you is starting to dwindle, and now you have pretty Karina here.  Someone who you know he was interested in in the past, someone who is now sitting here and telling you that she is very much interested in him.  
“What is it you like about him?”
You’re still looking down when you ask the question, flipping through pages of your notebook to feign nonchalance.  You risk a glance at her as you say it, and you see her deep in thought, a smile coming to her face.  You wonder if you look the same when you think about him.  
“Hm.. I like that he’s himself, in all situations.  I like that in the few times we have spoke he’s always made an effort to be a friend.  He’s just very.. generous.”  
It stings a little to hear him described through the rose-tinted glasses of someone else.  You feel so selfish right now because in-fact, you don’t want to let him go.  You don’t even want to entertain the possibility.  But Karina is so sweet and who are you to stop him from being happy?  Sungchan is widely desired and by many people, you can’t help but feel like if it isn’t Karina today then someone else will come around tomorrow, someone who isn’t as kind as she is.  
“I think you should speak to him.”
You watch the way her eyes light up as you say it, the joy clear on her face.
“Really?”  The hope in her voice stings.
“I mean it, I could see if he isn’t busy now?” 
You don’t know why you’re doing this to yourself but as she excitedly nods you’re pulling out your phone, telling him to come see you in the library.  Internally, you hope that he doesn’t show, but Sungchan always shows up when you ask him to, always the reliable one.  Before you know it, he’s walking up to your table that’s tucked away in between the shelves full of books.  He already has a smile on his face, one that falters a bit when he sees Karina but you just take it for nerves.  He pulls out a chair next to you, setting his things next to yours, greeting the both of you as he does so.  He retrieves a pastry from his bag and sets it in front of you, watching your expression.  You look from him, and then to Karina who’s watching the exchange in front of you.  
“I’m sorry Karina had I known you would be here I would have asked if you wanted anything.”  
He’s charming as ever as he says it, even when he’s apologetic.  You pick up on how he says he would have asked her, but he didn’t have to ask you because he already knows the sweet treats you favor.  She shakes her head as she announces that it’s okay, but you can’t help but feel like maybe she might misread things and so you push the pastry in front of her.  
“I’m actually not very hungry right now, Karina can have it.  Karina you like sweets right?”  
She smiles brightly at your offer, nodding her head as she starts to eat the treat.  You look at him and offer him a smile as a way to say “see?”, but when you look at him he just looks confused.  The air takes on an awkward tone, no one really speaking after the first exchange.  You speak up in an effort to shift the conversation.  
“I’m actually tutoring Karina in applied calculus right now.. we’re prepping for a final right now.”
“is that so? I didn’t know you tutored.”
Sungchan takes out his own things as he says it, looking at you interested as ever, encouraging you to go on.
“I’m not that great, but she’s a quick learner.”  
“We’re struggling with polynomials right now, but y/n is very patient.”  
You smile at her compliment, telling her a polite thank you.  
“Are you coming to y/n’s birthday party?”  
When he addresses her her face lights up, but she still tries to maintain a calm energy.  She nods her head instead of speaking, mouth presently occupied with eating the pastry, hoping that he understands her.  
“It’ll be great to have you there, y/n deserves a big celebration full of friends.”  
You roll your eyes at the compliment he throws you, catching the way Karina hangs onto how he says it’ll be great to have her there.  You feel Sungchan place his hand on your thigh from under the table, he gives it a gentle squeeze and your body is set alight.  As you observe her giddiness, the touch makes you feel guilty.  You start to think they’re not gonna be able to talk with you still in their presence, and an idea comes to mind.  Admittedly it doesn’t sit quite right with you, but to be truthful you don’t want to be near them if it means watching Karina flirt with Sungchan.  It hurts too bad to watch her and be reminded of yourself.  
“Actually, Sungchan you aced applied calc last semester right?”  
Absentmindedly he nods his head, hand still placed on your thigh, trailing up a little further.  You choke on a cough as you try and shake his hand off.  
“You remember polynomials?”  
He gives your thigh one last squeeze before pulling his hand away reluctantly, humming in agreement.  You hold your breath before you ask the next question, not sure what outcome you want the most, for him to agree or not.  
“Do you mind teaching Karina?  I just can’t explain it that great and I’m not feeling super well.”  
He brings the same hand that was previously on your leg up to your forehead, checking your temperature.  His concern makes your chest ache, especially since you know your lying.  
“Do you want me to take you home?”  
You watch Karina’s expression as he asks it and she’s looking away like she’s witnessing something she’s not supposed to and you panic, standing abruptly as you start packing your things.  
“I’ll be fine to make it home myself, but do you mind staying with Karina? She could really use the help.”  
You shoot her a reassuring smile, trying to convey to her that you’re trying to give them time alone.  Sungchan looks from you, to her, and then back to you with an expression you can’t read.  
“If you’re not feeling well then I can help her.”  
You nod your head, finishing packing your bag as you feel his hand lingering on your lower back.  You pull away from him and bid them both a quick goodbye as they both wish for you to feel better.  You don’t notice but Karina does, the way Sungchan’s eyes watch for you even after you’ve already left their sight, the hand that was touching you still flexing like he was reaching for something.
When you make it back home, you pace back and forth in your apartment, picking at your nails.  You want to run back, want to tell Karina that no she can’t ask him out because the two of you are together.  But he stayed there with her when you left the two of them.  Maybe he does like her, and maybe what you have is over.  Of course it’s just like you to dig your own grave. 
When the nerves and the overthinking don’t settle, you decide to jump in the shower.  It’s barely midway through the day and truly an odd time for a shower but you don’t know what else to do with yourself.  As you take off your clothes, you catch your reflection in the mirror and what you see hurts so bad.  Faded marks from Sungchan left where only you can see.  It’s been a week since you last saw him so they’re starting to wear off, and usually he’s always quick to renew them.  Your natural state has just been walking around like that, they remind you of tattoos but a little sweeter.  Except as you look at them now you’re reminded that tattoos are permanent, not like the fading blue hues staring back at you in the mirror.
You had asked Sungchan once about why he liked to hide them so much.  That night he lingered a little longer, when you came back from your ritualistic pee it shocked you to see him still sprawled out on your bed.  Instead of questioning it you joined him, moving slowly and gently like if you move too fast it’ll scare him away.  When you settled next to him, he wrapped his arms around you, moving so he rested his head against your chest.  His fingers lightly traced the marks he left, delicately so as not to hurt you.  The intimacy made you feel dizzy, heart beating quickly in your chest, he could no doubt hear it right now.  Testing your boundaries you bring your hand up to play with his hair, just trying to soothe where you had fucked it up.  You watch him as he stares at the marks on you, deep in thought.  
“Why do you always put them where only I can see?”
You didn’t mean anything behind the question, it was a genuine curiosity of yours.  You had your theories, shamefully the one that took precedence in your mind was maybe he had wanted to hide what it is that happened between you two.  A less harmful one being that maybe he just liked those parts of you the most, that maybe he didn’t put much thought into the placement.  His actual response made you feel a little too tender, the intimacy choking you.  
“Because they’re only meant for you.”  
That answer stings more when you consider how before you and Sungchan got involved in any of this you confided in him about your dislike for prying eyes in your relationships.  You felt like the connection you have with someone else is sacred, and it’s more special if only you see it.  Thinking back to it now as the water cascades down your body you wish there was a way for you to scrub clean all that you had done.  Maybe then it would be easier to forget, maybe then it would be less painful.
When you jump out of the shower you stare at your phone.  You’re not sure what you’re hoping for, all you know is that you wanted to hear from him, maybe it’s best that you didn’t.  As you move to the kitchen to start prepping for dinner in an effort to give yourself something to do, you notice that the weather is picking up, a light drizzle heard against the windows.  Mindlessy, you wash and cut vegetables, your mind still preoccupied with thoughts of Sungchan.  When there’s a knock on your door you’re a little startled, not expecting any company.  In your daze you don’t check the peephole, just throwing open the door and you’re met with Sungchan wet from the rain.  
When the initial shock settles you step aside, opening the door further for him, he steps in and you move to grab a towel but as you turn to leave he grabs your wrist.  You look down at where he grabs your wrist, when you look back at him he lets your hand slip from his grasp.  He seems off, and you’re feeling awkward, not quite able to see his face with his expression concealed by the damp hair in his face.  To break the silence, you say the first thing that comes to mind.
“Why didn’t you just use the spare key if you were coming?”  You try and laugh off the tension, but it doesn’t sit right in the air.   
“Why did you tell Karina that we weren’t a thing?”
His question cuts through the dead air, and straight through you.  You’ve never seen him this way, brash and irritated, dare you say a little hurt.  Sungchan was always bright, never once did you see him display a negative emotion other than crying during films.  This version of him is unfamiliar to you.  
“Because we’re not.”
You look down at your feet as you say it, shifting your weight from one foot to the other nervously.  You’re very aware of your bare legs right now, your sleep shorts doing very little to cover you.  Normally you wouldn’t care but right now you feel so exposed.  You look back up at him and for the first time in this conversation, you finally see his face.  He’s frowning, looking at you in disbelief, like he can’t believe what it is he just heard. 
“You know what y/n, I don’t get you.”  
“I thought you liked her.”
He scoffs when you say it, laughing incredulously, tongue poking the inside of his cheek now.  
“Are you serious?”
“Why are you mad at me?”
You can’t help the harsh tone to your words because now you’re irritated.  You thought you were just doing him a favor.  A glare makes itself present on your face and you think to yourself how you’ve never talked to him this way.  He hesitates before he says the next part, looking down at his hands and then at you like he’s reaching for the right words.  He brings his hands to his face, rubbing at his temples frustratingly before blurting out his next words.
“Because I don’t know how else to get through to you that I like you. We sleep together, I see you several times a week, I drop everything when you need me, do you think that’s just a thing that normal friends do?”
You stare at him as the words settle in the air, he’s watching you with a frown on his face and you can read the genuine frustration laced in his words.  You stand there, shocked, like you didn’t hear the words he just said or are just plain out refusing to.  You shake your head, turning your back to him, lips pursing.
“Don’t say stuff you don’t mean.”
“That’s what I’m talking about.  What is it gonna take for you to believe me, what else do I have to do to show you.”
He walks in front of you as he says it, taking your hands in his own now, pleading with you.  You feel the coolness of his palms from the rain and you want to warm him up.  You want to invite him inside with you for the night where the both of you can just exist together.  But all of the feelings taking place between the two of you is just two much and you don’t know what to do or say to make you come down from them.  You pull your hands away from his and wrap your arms around yourself.  
“I can’t do this anymore.”
The words fall from your lips abruptly and quietly, spoken like a whisper.
“What do you mean?”
His voice is equally as quiet, but more hesitant now, all the fire gone.  Sungchan reaches out for you again and you pull away before he’s able to touch you. 
“I hate this so much, it’s too much. I hate all of it.”
It stings when you say it but you know it’s true, this whole agreement is eating you alive.  Every touch of his is all consuming and overwhelming and you can’t sit in the same space as him anymore without feeling like your drowning in your feelings for him.  When he speaks his voice breaks, sounding more hurt than angry.
“You’re the one who said ‘let’s keep it casual’.”
You don’t think enough about how you choose your next words, and the second they’re out you wish you could take them back.  
“Well, I never should have kissed you.  I never should have let myself believe that I could- that we could, ever have been together.”  
The silence that follows is painful as you take in your own words.  You hear Sungchan swallow thickly in the quiet space between the two of you as you finally look up at him.  
“Is that how you really feel?”
His eyes are red-rimmed and the words fall from him akin to that of a hurt little boy.  You wish you could reach out and hold him and tell him that you didn’t mean it.  To take his face in your hands and kiss his tears away.  But you fucked up, and you can’t come back.  You think back to how in a week you’ll be a full year older but you’re still making the same dumbass mistakes.  As he turns to open your door you realize how the two of you never even left your front entrance.
The last thing you hear is the sound of your voice breaking as Sungchan gently closes the door behind him, not even slamming it which is arguably more painful.  Now encompassed in the silence of your apartment and looking at the wet shoe prints from where he just stood, you let out a sob, letting the consequences of your actions sink in.  
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. busy mom of a little booger honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😅
Good morning. I hope you slept well and got enough rest for another busy day. How are you?
Yeah, I made spaghetti, and it didn't make me upsetti hahahahaha but my headache is still here. I don't know why it's not going away, although it's not as bad.
Kansas is okay. I only really like it for the lego place ahaha oh fun fact, it had jack in the box and that was my first time ever having it. I didn't enjoy it though. They also had steak n shake, a place I thought was only in GA. Since my time was limited there, I didn't get to go.
Do you like roller coasters that have the water in the end? It'd be funny if Emily gets older and tells you that roller coasters are boring hahahahah or watch, she will be able to ride the extreme ones but then you can't anymore 😩
Ah yes! How can I forget the crispy pork or as we call it, lechon. And the BBQ skewers, I miss those too! I think I also forgot to mention the street foods, like fish balls, tempura, banana q (which is plantain with brown sugar). Maybe I will bring an empty suitcase and just bring back frozen packages of all these 🤣
Aw you worry about me? That's sweet of you. I'll definitely keep you posted about what is going on 😌
Ah I see... so just a small family dinner during your birthday? Yeah, we also eat noodles on our birthdays. Since I don't know how to make the noodles my family makes, I always just have spaghetti. 😅
I'm not sure what I would do 🤔
Question, so if you don't like someone you just keep quiet and be nice to them?
- CuriousGeorge
Hello corn-punn righty curious eyebag!
Em n i actually slept in until almost 10am. Lol. So it means no nap for her. Hahaha. Last night i finally cleaned more and did all the laundry. I just need to fold more clothes. N of course the toys r messy again from the little booger.lol.
I did 20hours fasting today 😅. N i just finished eating.
Oh n guess what?? I finished pt. 4 of The Monsters Within! Yay! I just need to proof read it again n check if it needs to be added with something else or not.
Ah okay,, did u make it with meatballs too? Im glad u r not upsetti with ur spaghetti. Haha.
Im sorry about ur headache. R u feeling better today?
Ah i see. So when u first moved to the U.S you moved to Kansas? Kansas City has a very good bbq place that i really like. It's called Joe's Bbq i think. I love it so much. I never been there but ordered it online sometimes
Yeah i do like it but not really big fan of it because it always gets me wet n i dont like my shoes get wet. I love my shoes 😅🤣 n it gross me out walking around at the park with wet socks n shoes.
Yess the lechon n the bbq skewers r so yummy. There is this supermarket in CA n it sells mostly philipinos stuff n food.. n u also love their crispy chicken skin. With the red sweet, tangy vinagret chilli sauce they have.
Oh yeah, food street always so tasty n different. But sometimes the hygines is doubted. To be honest, after i moved here n everytime i visit indonesia n eat the streetfood sometimes got me sick. Lol. I think the imune system n the strenght of my stomach changed after living here for a while.lol. thats why i usually eat homemade cooking in first week before i start eating the street food. It helps me avoiding the stomach ache.😅
Wow that banana n brown sugar sounds delicious.
Haha thats actually what i usuallt do when it's time to go back here from indonesia. It's full with jars of spicy chillie, some indonesian instant food and snacks.lol.
Yes i'm a sweet lefty eyebag..😎 lol. Yeah if u want to, pls keep me updated.😊
I tried to do the same noodle tradition on birthdays. N on em's first bday party i tried to have something noddly.. but since all the family members r white so i adjust it with his familt pasta salad recipe n change it from fussili to angel hair pasta 😅
Speaking of family, sometimes i feel like Gloria in modern family when im with his family. Because i'm the only asian /non-white in his family. His whole family n the in laws r either blonde or brunette with blue eyes or grey or green eyes 😅 n of course im the shortest among them 🤣🤣
Well if i dont like someone, i will try to stay quite n try to still being nice to them but mostly i will avoid being around them especiallly if i really really dislike someone because i know sometines i wont be ablr to take it n cant hide my dislike. 😅 but if that person keep poking me then i wont stay quite. What about u?
Next question?
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ayyezhongli · 3 years
dom student council pres zhongli x troublemaker childe
Guess who’s back :D Back with some zhonchi smut for all u sinners. Note: Theres a lot of spelling errors bc when i wrote this i was telling it to a friend n they said i should post this n i’m too lazy to edit it so yeah! enjoy <3
summary kinda: child did something n is now stuck in detention with zhongli being a kinky president of the student council watching him.
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so childe is bored asf n tries seducing zhongli. but childe has always had a crush on zhongli. thats why he misbehaves to get his attention.
so zhongli says “ur here again” n sighs
“yup did you miss me?! dont answer that bc ik you did”
n zhongli sighs again all annoyed n shit
“seems you never learn”
“maybe i’m jus here bc i love n want to see you everyday”
n zhongli taking that as sarcasm rolls his eyes
“i doubt that.”
and so for like 30mins childe is making all these noises to get zhongli’s attention and annoy him which it works. and zhongli having enough of it already decides that he needs to be punished. so he gets up n walks over to the desk childe is sitting at cups his face with his hand grinning
“u rly like to get on my nerves dont you~…..” and childe’s tryna contain himself
“is it working~?”
“idk pretty boy….wanna find out for urself~…..”
n zhongli is like inches away from childe’s face. n childe still keeping his composure decides to tease back hoping to get what he’s longed for for so long.
“idk do i~?….”
and zhongli leans in n jus as hes abt to kiss childe he pulls away and walks back over to the teachers desk and childe is really disappointed bc he thought he finally had it but jus lost it. so zhongli goes back to working on his paperwork while childe is just furious.
”Is this how u treat everyone?! tease them and leave them with nothing. take advantage of us!!”
n zhongli bursts out laughing putting his papers in a neat stack
”ur quite interesting childe, if i said it was jus u would that make u feel better??”
and childe huffs rolling his eyes still rly pissed off.
“did u want more? were you expecting something more from me? something else?”
n childe blushing looks away
“fuck off”
n zhongli gets mad at the response and pulls out one of those long ass rulers n gets up n starts walking to childe.
“thats no way to speak to the student council president. you need to be punished”
so zhongli sets the ruler aside still pissed asf
“get up.” childe ignores.
”get up right now.” childe still ignores.
so zhongli grabs the ruler smacking it against the desk childe is at.
n childe jumps a little and gets up
“ok ok chill”
so childe walks over to zhongli n stands in front of him.
“im gonna punish n force you into submission until u completely submit to me”
childe laughs
“no way. you really think u can do that? just try”
“oh i will. just watch me”
(a/n: in this fic childe has bright pink sensitive nipples bc ughh 😩🤌🏾 well both of them have bright pink nipples but zhonglis r rly sensitive.)
so zhongli turns childe around n starts grinding against him causing childe to moan ever so slightly.
“do u like that~?”
n childe tryna keep his composure laughs to cover up a moan. n zhongli looks down and grins seeing childe’s hard erection through his clothes.
so zhongli reaches down n starts palming childe causing slightly louder moans to come out of his mouth.
“your so hard for me childe….what a naughty slutty little boy~“
childe loses it bc zhongli is finally saying the things he’s been dreaming of him saying. so zhongli amused starts licking the shell of his ear biting and nibbling it which makes childe blush harder. so zhongli reaches his hand down into childe’s pants and boxers and wraps his hand around childe’s dick which he almost cums. so zhongli starts pumping him n not even 30s he throws his head back on zhonglis shoulder n cums letting out a loud moan
“fuck zhongli~…..”
zhongli smirks very amused
“so quick to cum~ do i rly turn u on that much~?”
n childe fights the urge to nod his head and submit. he’s not going down without a fight.
“no i was just pent up. why would i be for someone like you!!”
zhongli snickers and slides his hands up childes shirt n starts taking it off.
“not submitting yet i see~….”
“did u think it would be that easy asshole? ha!”
so zhongli turns childe around.
“you should just give up now! your not go-“
n zhongli interrupts him with a passionate kiss. a long deep one filled with sexual tension n desire. he leaves childe blushing like crazy and gasping for air.
“what was that? i didnt catch the last part, say that again.”
“i said that i’m never gonna sub-“
n zhongli interrupts him again. same thing happens like 2 more times until childe gives up.
“can u repeat that one more time?”
and childe looks away with a annoyed expression on his face
“glad that shut u up~”
so then zhongli looks childe up and down bites his lip causing childe to blush.
“you’re kinda cute…i think i can use u….”
n childe blushes more
“and these nipples….”
zhongli says while pinching them making childe arch his back and moan loudly.
“they look pink and innocent…but when i pinch n twist them like this…”
childe lets out n even louder moan with a face flushed even more n drool running down the side of his mouth
“….you make such naughty noises and that really turns me on.”
and so zhongli continues pinch n play with them and then starts marking his neck.
“what if i made u mine hmm? my little fuck toy? or how abt pet?? you could be of some use to me….”
and all childe can do is whimper. so zhongli has him bend over on the teachers desk and pulls down childe’s pants. and he like squeezes childes plump round ass and caresses it before grabbing the ruler and spanking him with it which causes childe to moan n cum immediately.
“ur such a slutty masochist”
n childe groans n is like stuttering his words
“w-w-well ur so fucking sadis-“
n zhongli spanks him not with the ruler this time but his hand n childe jus looses it.
“ready to submit….?”
n childe tryna keep the ounce of pride he has left shakes his head.
zhongli spanks him again.
“how abt now?”
n so zhongli gets an idea n sticks his fingers inside childe’s mouth.
childe does so n a minute later zhongli pulls them out.
“what are you gonna d- ahh!”
and zhongli’s fingers are wiggling around inside childe tryna get him prepared. childe has just completely lost it. he’s drooling all over the desk, moaning so loudly that if there was people here they would be able to hear, clinging onto the edge of the desk like his life is on the line.
“f-fuck zhongli…ahhh”
he’s a panting slutty mess. a fee mins later zhongli pulls his fingers out n takes off his own pants and boxers lining himself up to childes entrance. he inserts only the tip of his dick causing childe to go even more crazy if thats even possible n moan so fucking loud. but its been long enough. he wants more. more of zhongli inside him. he wants all. all of zhongli inside him. so he whimpers n cries out zhongli’s name.
“whats the problem sweetheart?”
zhongli says grinning from ear to ear.
childe says desperately
“pls what?”
”pls zhongli i-….”
“you…? gotta tell me what u want otherwise i wont know.”
“pls i want more of u….!!”
“beg for more than.”
“Zhongli pls i want ur cock inside me so bad. pls i’ll do anything!! just fuck me already!!”
zhongli says slipping half way inside him.
“y-y-yes just pls fuck me!!”
n zhongli, a very satisfied man jus starts pounding into him hitting his g spot every time.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck! FUCK! ZHONGLI PLS SLOW DOWN AHH~!!”
n that only makes zhongli speed up and childe cums like multiple times. after a while, giving a few last thrusts zhongli comes for the second time inside childe. and pulls out while childe just drops to the floor completely unable to move or anything. jus a panting blushing hot slutty mess with zhongli’s cum dripping out of him. all pride lost. pulling his pants and boxers back on zhongli lifts him up to his feet and bc childe has no strength he just falls onto zhongli resting his head on his shoulder.
“now that you’ve completely submit to me, ur all mine~….mine to do whatever i pls with. mine and only mine. No one else….”
and childe jus nods groaning bc of the pain.
”i hope u learned ur lesson now. unless…. you wanna comeback again for another visit…”
n childe jus groans again.
“i see the way you look at me childe….a look filled with lust and desire…its really quite a turn on~….. you look so desperately….so needy….so vulnerable…the amount of times i wanted to bend you over and fuck u so hard until you cant walk is too much to count. i wanted to make you mine so no one else could have that innocent slutty little boy who’s just oozing with sexual desire. any man or woman would get turned on n wanna have there way with you. u needed to be protected and only by me.”
so zhongli grinds his teeth bc of how possessive he is.
“so no one but me can fuck u stupid. and now that ur finally mine…i dont have to worry abt it so much as before”
n so zhongli strokes childe’s hair n plants a kiss on his head.
“you’re my precious little play thing.”
and childe, burying his face into zhongli’s chest smiles bc thats all he ever wanted. and then he looks up at zhongli as zhongli looks down at him smiling.
“if all u said was true….why were u such an asshole to me. you were stricter on me than others, ruder to me than others, tougher on me then others….so why?”
zhongli chuckles n childe nods
“to keep a good reputation, but i also wanted to push you, everytime u got angry and gave me attitude it only turned me on. which is why i kept going….does that answer ur question?”
n childe grunts
“u sadistic fuck!”
n zhongli laughs
“says the one who got turned on every time i public humiliated or yelled at you….”
“thats not true!!”
“uh-huh…the sexual energy u admit would become stronger and i could hear your breathing getting heavier with breathy tiny moans and u would always part ur lips slightly and rub ur thighs together and on top of that, ur eyes squint ever so slightly.”
childe was speechless bc this whole time he thought he was being slick.
“w-w-well that doesnt matter!”
childe said huffing and zhongli only chuckled and kissed his head.
“hey childe…”
“i love you….”
childe was blushing like crazy. never in a million years did he think zhongli would say that.
“you can’t just go randomly saying those things?!!”
childe said burying his face deeper into zhonglis chest.
“b-but i love you too i guess…”
he mumbled and zhongli smirked.
“look at me.”
childe looked up into zhonglis ambers eyes embarrassed asf.
“wh-wh-what is it?”
“you’re really cute yk.”
n zhongli leaned down slightly and kissed him before he could say anything else. the end :)
thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed even though its formatted weird and kinda sorta a story. 🥰
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sailorhyunjinz · 4 years
I always wonder how skz would react to an s/o with a LARGE SEX DRIVE SHSBDBS idk like guys r usually super horny but imagine if u were hornier than them HAHA
warnings: mostly dom!skz x gn!reader. impact play, nicknames, hickies, masturbation, exhibitionism, overstimulation, slight dacryphilia, sex toys, daddy kink, riding, degradation, dumbification. 
The thing is not that he wouldn’t like it,,, more like he would be tired?
Sure,,, he has good stamina but he would more prefer longer sex sessions that are more intimate and romantic rather than a bunch of quickies.
but thats like... 95% of the time, the remaining 5% is dicking you down so hard you won’t be able to walk because “you asked for it, you dumb fuck”
you would really have to get him worked up in order for that to work
and even then he would only go for maybe 2 rounds
“c-chan... one more time~” you said after cumming for the third time that night. “y/n, arent you sleepy?” he says, chuckling. you shake your head, “just one more time!” you say all giddy to which bangchan sighed. 
ok now hear me out, im not gonna mix astrology in here,,, but i am going to mix astrology in here lmao
this boy a scorpio
a scorpio
meaning his intimate parts rule over his body (JUST SAYING TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT)
so he loves this. A LOT
any opportunity to be inside of you he’ll take
he’s hella horny and would like a s/o that matches that aura so HEY! fits perfectly (thats what she said)
show any sign of a sexual act and he wont hesitate to slam you against a table
legit as small as licking a lollipop 
“stop that unless you want my dick in your throat” he says, not even looking up from his phone as the sounds of you sucking a lollipop fills the room. you don’t stop, no, you go even harder. he looks up from his phone. “is that a yes?”
ahh... binnie binnie is head over heals for this
he finds it extremely hot that you initiate the sex most of the time
it shows that you really want him 
and he likes attention and feeling appreciated so this works
also has kind of a firey attitude
meaning that he gets worked up real quick
just like minho it doesnt take much for him to notice your sexual signs
“binnie~ i need you” you whisper in his ear as he’s working on something on his computer. you drag your lips across his neck and nibble on his ear before he turns around and glares at you with dark eyes. “princess/prince wanna play that game huh?”
shy to initiate so this makes it easier for him 
his stamina is relativly high
but i feel like there would be kiiind of a gap between the two of you since he’d be completely exhausted after a couple of rounds but you beg for more.
leaving him with no other choice but to give it to you
since he loves you too much to say no ><
i feel like he’d make fun of you for it 
“hyunjin,, please!” you says in the nicest tone you could muster but only being mocked by hyunjin copying you in an annoying voice
“HyUnJiiinNn~” you burst into laughter, hitting him playfully on the shoulder. “thats what you sound like y/n!!”
but nah most of the time he will take it but always with some playfulness first. 
all the time
no matter where or when
some of yall are about to be real mad at me but it must be said HASHAHAH STOP CHER STOP
he just gives me this hormonal teenager vibe
and so there’s a lot of fucking in a lot of unconventional places
simply because his angel wants it
it even borders to him being even hornier than you but you find joy in that
you’ve lost count of how many times you’ve caught him watching porn or masturbating BECAUSE IT HAPPENED OFTEN
and everytime it would lead to heated sex that could last for hours
“h-help me y/n! dont just stand there s-staring” he says, blushing a bit as he openly strokes his dick infront of you. you shrug your shoulders, closing the bedroom door and inching closer to the warm boy.
tough one to read... hmmm.... 
honestly he wouldn’t mind
sure he’d be tired 
and therefore he’d rather prefer seeing you ride a dildo or something
because then you’re satisfied and he doesnt have to do much
just that he likes to cuddle and chill more than being inside of you all the time
he’s sensitive which has its pros and cons
pro: easy to get horny
con: easily overstimulated
WHICH SURE you’d find it fun to torture him by keeping him cumming over and over again
but poor boy would be crying in the end
which only added to your horniness OOP
“y/n,, s-stop please im begging you,, ahhgh..” he moans from underneath you, you putting him through his fourth orgasm which is causing him to shake and cry as you didn’t stop riding him. “mhm... but I wanna cum once more, not fair... you can cum so many times but I can’t! be a good boy and shut up, maybe i’ll let you go after this round”
giving me that same energy that chan has
but this time instead of 95:5 its more like 65:35
meaning 65% romantic puppy that wants to take his time with you, roaming his hands all over your body and really connecting with you
and the other 35% well... more like relentless pounding, all covered in love bites and hand prints (im drooling)
he becomes all hard dom when he’s stressed and soo...
you get him stressed which ok you feel bad about but... he gets to release all his stress (and cum) on you and you get what you want 
DING DING DING! win-win situation!!
so yeah he would like it most of the time especially when you’re stressed and especially when you’re a brat
turning him on by rubbing on his lap but running away the next second
he likes to make you obey rather than you already obeying. 
he was watching tv peacefully when you suddenly plopped down on his lap, starting to squirm about when watching a tv show. he held you down by the waist. “shh stop” he says once with a bitter tone but you didn’t listen, only continuing to move and feeling his member getting harder. “Is d-daddy getting hard?” you coo at him with a mischievous voice to which seungmin sighed, his hands snaking around your upper body and wrapping around your neck, pushing your back against his chest. “little fucker wanna play with daddy”
oml why did this become so aggressive i have a lot of pent up sexual frustration ASHASHS
he’d find it really hot in the beginning
but what he didn’t realise was how tiring sex is 
yk teenagers! learning as they go (i like how im talking about this as if im older than him LMAO)
catch his search history being: “is it normal to have sex everyday” 
he’d be sore :(( 
and when he told you that he probably needed to just cuddle he felt bad because he always wanted to please you
but the two of you would find your ways around it
vibrators EHHEHE
especially those remote control ones
he’d just go ham with those I KNOW IT
because just like felix, you’d be satisfied and he could chill for the time being 
beg pretty enough and he’ll give you the real thing
“b-but i need you now jeongin! stop with that fucking controller!!” you try to snatch it out of his hand but fail. “say please” he says, looking at you with sweet brown eyes. “pl-pleaseeee~!” he melts into a puddle of blushes as he speaks “alright but only because you’re a good one” 
HEY THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN WRITING!! send in sum more, i’ll make them into short reactions like these because my requests for the “official” reactions is closed (will probably open shortly) but YEEEAH 
thank u anon for your very very smart brain and for requesting HEH >< 
also this is not proof read so ignore any mistakes OOP
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Paring: mag agent torture x scientist reader
Warning:so much fluff
Note: a sequel to-
Several days without tor had been pretty...rough.
You had other work piled on your desk from new things coming up and causing more trouble. Such as the scrapeface incident and the boss getting attacked by the anti-A.A.H.W recently, making you and your co-workers more busy then ever. However during your sudden disappearance tor had been unsettlingly quiet, usually he would cause some sort of ruckus assuming something had happened to you or even some damage to the room he reside in but no. Nothing. Not even the smallest of noises he can muster.
It made you worried, almost terrified. You assumed he was scrapped by his destruction in the past or his unsuccessful attempt to destroy hank j wimbleton, but it cant be that. Hes to valuable to be let go right?
The anxiety from the unnatural silence and 5 cups of coffee in your system made your mind race like a rollercoaster, you want to see him its been to long, to silent.
You want to know hes ok, for him to show you the smallest acts of affection he always gave you. Anything to make you feel better...
Writing in your notes with a shakey hand you heard someone walk in your office, you couldn't hear them at 1st because of your mind running a million miles a hour and trying to focus on your work until you felt their hand on your shoulder. "Hey" they said calmly, you stopped moving the pen on your hand and looked up at them, a co-worker you talked with a few times before stood there and awkwardly pulled their hand away "sorry uh...look we kinda need help with project torture real quick and i was told to get you" they said nervously "what happened?" You asked almost instantly, hoping it was something far from the worst possible scenarios in your mind. "Nothing serious its just uh...hes starting to get aggressive again. He almost broke down the walls again. The higher ups said you know what to do" they explained.
A sigh escapes you and you stand "sure ill go take a look" you said trying your best to not sound happy and walk past them to leave your office.
You walked the same way as before, down the hall and to the large metal door. The door now has large dents and the wal around has cracks and chipped paint, almost ready to collapse with a few more hits. You cross your fingers hoping the card reader still works and surprisingly it did, however you had to make your way through the cracked door as the dents made it difficult to open.
The lights flicker a bit as they looked like it was hit with a fist and you saw torture in the same place you last saw him, his head lowered down.
"Hey big guy" you greeted with so much relief in your tone, he perks up his head and his hands almost visibly shake at the sight of you. You smile up at him, his visible excitement was so cute to you "i missed you too tor" you announced "im glad your ok" you continued. His large hand scooping you up and he held you against his chest, you no longer felt surprised as his large hugs now became his standard greeting, you hugged him back hearing his purring as you do so.
After a long moment he gently sets you back down on the floor "you had been pretty quiet lately huh...?" There was a hum in response "what made you so calm?" You asked, tor gave no reply at 1st he just stares at you for a few seconds which felt like hours. He hums and helds up a hand and signs "y-o-u a-r-e p-r-e-t-t-y" slowly.
You was so shocked,almost bamboozled, he never knew sign language till now.
"When did you learn that big guy?" You asked with your face growing warm "w-h-i-l-e g-o-n-e" he signed, missing a word or 2 as he is apparently still learning "w-a-n-t t-o t-a-l-k" he continued, accidentally signing some wrong letters but you still got the idea of what he was trying to say "thats so sweet of you tor....im touched" you smiled at him. You can tell he was overwhelmed by joy a bit even if it was hard to smile from the large nailes in his head "c-u-t-e" he signed again, you get red in the face "you just wanted to compliment me a lot in sign language dont you?" You let out a small laugh at how cute it is as he nodded at you.
He only had 3 compliments to give as hes still learning ASL such as "cute" "pretty" and "charm" which you assume is him calling you "charming" you still appreciate it though. It gets you flustered everytime.
Unfortunately you had to leave to get back to work soon...so he promised he wont cause destruction while you are away by placing a hand on his chest and one in the air which made you laugh a bit. He gave you another large hug before you left to get back to work.
Your mind is now at ease.
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tommybaholland · 4 years
bnha boys as viral tiktok sounds + their reaction
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featuring: bakugo, kirishima, kaminari, amajiki and dabi
bakugo swearing, mentions of titties, dabi gets suggestive. you know, the usual. enjoy!
physical embodiment of ‘how big are those titties bitch?! hurry up, i’m getting weird stares!’ 
you have him listen to the sound and you’re like ‘this u?’
“WHAT?? i sound nothing like THAT, you IDIOT” 
“and DONT ask me to make one of those stupid videos”
and of course you ask him and at first he’s pretty resistant to the idea
but he could never resist for long 
“OKAY FINE, IDIOT. just tell me what to do.”
you tell him what he should do and start the video
you make him hold up a tape measure and everything like you had seen in other videos
he seems to get into it and playfully shakes you by the shoulders while yelling the last line, making you laugh
“there. now stop bothering me and you better NOT post that anywhere.”
“thank you, katsuki,” pressing a kiss to his cheek, making him go red 
“yeah, whatever.”
you’re already thinking about how you can convince him to let you post it >:))
he finally lets you post it but only lets you keep public for one (1) day
but thats long enough to get everyone’s attention 
kirishima actually notifies him of the popularity and even turns baku’s attention to the comments
“dude, everyone thinks you’re so cool! and even some people are...well..”
amongst the simp comments, he becomes livid over the one that are like, “so...how big are their titties??👀” 
and it doesn’t bother you because people will just say whatever they want on the internet 
but he feels like he at least needs to reaffirm something 
“i dont care how big your... titties are. they’re big enough and i love you just the way you are.” 
then he grabs you and pulls you closer to him and starts attacking your neck with kisses
“now put that shit on private or i will reign hellFIRE on all those IDIOTS” 
definitely that one that goes ‘*sigh* i love you *kiss kiss kiss kiss* you set my soul on fire’ 
he’s familiar and comfortable with tiktok so you decide to surprise him with the sound that makes you think of him
“what do you want me to do, pebble?” he asks curiously, holding you in his lap as you set up your phone
“nothing. just be your cute and manly self. ready?” 
you start the video and look him right in the eyes as you sigh and say, “i love you” before leaning in to make him think your lips are gonna touch his
but then you quickly change direction and press multiple kisses to his cheek on the kissing part, making him giggle loudly and hug you close to him
you look back into his bright eyes while speaking the last line and he sees an opportunity to caress your cheeks to pull you in for a passionate kiss at the last second 
and the camera catches ALL of it 
he thinks it’s super cute and encourages you post it 
you’re not one to flaunt your relationship on social media but you do it thinking it’s not going to get much attention anyway
but it blows tF UP 
it gets to almost 1M views and 400k likes in just two days 
even though you made the tiktok, all the comments are about your boyfriends cute ass reaction like “oh to be them 😔” “the WAY that he looked at them and kissed them like😭” “if my boyfriend doesn’t do this then i don’t want him”
you show him how much attention he’s getting like, “wow kiri, they love you!”
and he gets all modest like, “i think they love you too because you’re my cute little pebble! now give your boulder a kiss..”
is totally down to make more tiktoks with you anytime <3
this is not denki slander but 
‘you don’t have a thought behind those eyes, do you? sweet boy’
he’s actually the one that brings it up and shows you immediately when he hears the sound
he’ll be like, “is this what you think of me?”
and he’s joking but you know he can be self-deprecating sometimes 
“of course not, babe...well, sometimes. only when you’ve short circuited.”
he appreciates your honesty but still looks kinda sad about it 
you get closer, and caress the sides of his head to make him look at you
“you are a sweet boy, though. you’re my sweet boy.” and then you make him giggle by giving him eskimo kisses 
he wants you to film a video with the sound while his brain is fried 
at first you’re like, “are you sure?”
and he says he wants to keep it to remind him how great you are when you’re not around
he’s too cute so you agree
he makes himself short circuit pretty easily and without using his quirk by reading one of momo’s books with a lot of large, confusing words in it
you start the video and look him in the eyes to say the first part while holding his face
on the ‘sweet boy’ part you pull him to rest his head on your shoulder while your stroke his hair carefully
after you stop the video and he calms down he watches it and thinks it’s cute that you continue to hold him even though he emits small waves of electricity that can shock you 
“you’re the best s/o, you know that? i love you so much, my wonderful buzzy babe.” and he hugs you real tight
you offer to let him post it if he wants 
“no way, this is too special to share with anyone else.”
he is such a sweet boy >.<
thought about this one long and hard bc there’s honestly nothing cuter than this shy boi 
but ultimately 
‘you’re my honey bunch sugar plum pumpy-umpy-umpkin you’re my sweetie pie’
he doesn’t understand why you associate him with it when you show him
“because you’re so cute and precious, especially when you get all nervous and shy”
he disagrees, “no, bunny, i think you’re the cute and precious one here.” 
easily starts a ‘no you’re cuter’ war between you two 
but then he suddenly gets really nervous
“you’re, you’re uh, not gonna post a video about me, are you?” 
you’re like, ‘of course not’ but that doesn’t stop you from singing the song to him everytime hes being a cutie 
which is like, everyday 
and he thinks it’s equally embarrassing 
“bunny, please. i, i know you love that song, but i want to be cool.”
he just doesn’t get it
“but you’re both cool and cute, tamaki. the duality of you is one of the many reasons why i love you so much. i may be cute but i could never be as cool as you.” 
he’s so red in the face but he has to take the chance to kiss you with everything he has 
because if he can’t say it at first, he just feels it and does it 
“i love you so much, too, bunny. and you’re cute and so many other w-wonderful things. please never forget that.”
in conclusion *exhales* i love tamaki amajiki 
two words: simp scream
you know what i’m talking about 
that’s the only sound i think about when i see this man
it’s either this or the one that’s like ‘sometimes bad things happen to people with nice tits’
but anyway so...simp scream 
one time you decided to make a tiktok with that sound while you two were getting ready for bed 
you’re just lying there, all innocent, and start filming right before he pulls his shirt off
he turns over to you with your phone propped up on your stomach
smirks once he realizes you’re filming and walks over to you as the ‘WOW w o w’ part plays 
you’re able to catch all of it before he gets on top of you, hovering above with a devilish smirk still present on his marred face
your phone falls against your stomach when he pins your hands down to the mattress
“what do you think you’re doing, hm princess?”
and before you answer he’s already leaning down to kiss and nip at your neck
you giggle as you reply, “nothing...just admiring my favorite burnt boy”
“well,” he lifts his head back up but remains close to your face, speaking seductively
“if you wanted to make a video with me, babydoll,” he kisses your lips slowly
“all you had to do was ask...”
[the rest of this headcanon was redacted bc mans too hot]
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how we feeling on this lovely bnha night?? send all your desires and requests..
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seongminiz · 1 year
camboy!taeyoung thoughts !!
minors dni ; camboy roommate!taeyoung x afab!reader ; word count: ~770
warnings : not very detailed smut ; masturbation ; dont know how but this mighttt count as dubcon since both taeyoung n reader r doing everything behind each others back ? ; kind of exhibitionism idk ; i overuse the („• ᴗ •„) emoticon bc im insane
based on that one taeyoung video , might be- no its definitely all over the place , not proof read , was supposed to post this last night but i fell asleep , pls guys dont make fun of me idk how long i can still pull the autistic aroace lesbian card to defend myself from the shitty writer allegations , im very sleepy rn :3 , might post a part 2 if anyone is interested bc im not done with the thoughts („• ᴗ •„)
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camboy taeyo- GETS RAN OVER BY A TRAIN
my god my god my god
he'd sometimes use fleshlights n stuff like that but nothinggg would beat when hes fucking his hand n cums all over his toned abs („• ᴗ •„) n he'd tease his audience sooo much ! being all cocky n mostly in a dom mood ,, but the most fun streams of his r the ones where hes more subby :( begging n whining n trying sooo hard not to come too early bc being this vulnerable in front of an audience makes him more sensitive n turned on •v• camboy tyoungie i fucking love u thats it
and and and and
roommate!taeyoung who also works as a camboy to have some extra money to spend on himself . u dont know abt it , u just assume hes rlly loud n horny all the time - which, hey, u cant rlly blame him for it - but u do question if hes that loud bc he wants u to hear him ,, if only u knew how ur guess isn't that far fetched , taeyoung having to keep himself from moaning ur name everytime he streams, touching himself to the thought of u - on top of him or under him , anywhere , he doesn't care , just thinking abt u is enough . and if only he knew how u took an habit of touching urself at the same time, ur bed being conveniently against the wall confining with his room .. u dont even worry abt taeyoung hearing u , you pride yourself in being on the quieter side - you really aren't and taeyoung anxiously checks if his mic is picking up on ur sounds every single time he hears u . until one eventful day - while taeyoung is out at the gym or something - u realize oh shit , u r unbelievably horny n ur personal jerk off material isn't home ,, u r so desperate , nothing you find on twitter or even those shitty porn sites seems to do the job , it's almost like you've conditioned yourself to only feel good bc of taeyoung </3 at some point , doom scrolling ur twitter tl u come across an account u follow promoting their ,, streaming channel on some obscure website that sounds like a scam . no its definitely a scam . you've never had that much of an interest in this kind of content , but you figure at this point u could try anything to get rid of how unbearably horny u r . again, nothing of what you're seeing piques your interest, until u see the thumbnail of a specific vod from a few days prior. despite being darker, you can still realize the room looks eerily similar to yours - to taeyoung's. u shake ur head, giving yourself a few slaps for good measure and whispering to yourself to 'fucking snap out of it', there's no way you're so down bad for ur roommate u r starting to imagine him as one of these camboys. no way. but u still cant fight the urge to click on the video, maybe the resemblance to taeyoung is what can get u to finally feel good . you hurriedly put your oh so beloved noise canceling headphones on and turn the volume up. that's when your heart sinks and u freeze, hand stopping halfway inside your shorts bc holy shit that sounds a little too much like taeyoung, n u r now a hundred percent sure u saw those same bedsheets in his room four days ago - coincidentally the same day this was streamed, and yes thats his shirt, the one that always drives u insane bc he looks a little too good in it .... before u know it , you're on ur third vod of his , basically binge watching all of his past streams and on the verge of tears with how much you've been overstimulating yourself . you're so lost in it u dont realize taeyoung has come back home around the midst of 2nd video or so , and knows exactly what ur up to when he hears u moaning his name . poor boy is fighting the urge to just burst into your room , telling himself it wouldn't be morally right to do so - as if jerking off to the thought of his roommate while streaming or standing right by their door as he starts to slowly palm himself over his pants while listening to you getting off is any more decent ,,
this might stay ur little secret , both too shy to confront each other abt it ,, or maybe taeyoung will just have to wait for a repeat of that day to catch you red handed and finally get what he's been craving for weeks („• ᴗ •„)
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 14)
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Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood
Previous SFW Chapter: Home Sweet Home
Previous Chapter NSFW!: The More You Know
Next Chapter: Shadows Fall
Tags: Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
Extra Notes: This is my favorite chapter by far in this book, I've been wanting to drop this for weeks! I hope you enjoy reading. Part 2 of the story starts from here on until the end. Feel free to scream in the comments as usual XD
Chapter 14: Big White Lies
As the days passed by, the seasons changed. You started class in Spring. Summer has long passed and it is now the beginning of Winter. Noritoshi, as usual, was really busy so you didn’t see him as often. But you let it go.
You wanted to do something nice for him, so you had the idea to surprise Noritoshi. Having some cupcakes in a small bag and a fresh cup of coffee in your other hand, you were outside his door, hiding your presence and cursed energy to mask your identity.
As you raised your hand to knock on his door, you heard a second male voice.
"I'm glad to hear that you've been getting along with your soulmate son." His father's voice was heard over a speaker. Oh he was on call with his dad!
Yikes, not the best time to interrupt. It is impolite to listen into the conversation, but you were too excited to surprise him that you decided to wait for the call to end.
"Is Y/N really deeply in love with you? Make sure to not let her go. That will surely help our clan's reputation rise above with her skills being integrated into ours. She can definitely bear strong heirs for our clan. For centuries it was the Zenins that harnessed various types of jujutsu shi with strong techniques. It's time we continuously expanded ours as well. Starting with her." The Kamo clan head sternly ordered his son.
"Yes of course father. Don't worry. She has already confessed her love to me so there's nothing to worry about. I'll do my best to make this clan proud and powerful. I definitely won’t let you down." Noritoshi replied.
The smile on your face slowly faded as your face turned to stone. Ah. Was that it?
Is that what you amounted to only? A tool for their use. A stepping stone for the Kamo clan to get stronger. You started to feel nauseous. Is this the so-called secret he didn’t want to tell you about…
You stood quietly as you continued eavesdropping.
"Excellent. Heh, looks like you can actually be a womaniser if you wanted to. Women are way too easy. As I told you before, give her sweet touches, use pet names, give her lots of encouragement and make promises here and there and they'll be by your side before you know it." His father snorted.
"Yes, I've taken your advice into consideration and did as you said." Noritoshi spoke firmly. Your heart was breaking with every word spoken.
"If you don't like her or how she looks, you can have several concubines and wives anyways. Have your pick. Remember Homura chan? Now she's a stunner. Didn’t you also say you found her cute?"
‘What on earth is this? Who is Homura? Why?’ Your hands start shaking badly, pulse thundering in your ears.
You felt light headed from the brutish words the Kamo clan head was saying, and silently retreated, not wanting to hear Noritoshi's response to his father. Keeping your presence and cursed energy hidden and as minuscule as possible while you walked back to your dorm room.
Because you had left you didn't hear the remainder of the conversation.
"Father, I respect that the older clan heads had several wives and concubines. And I’ve told you time and time again that I’m not interested in Homura san. But I've decided to be loyal to my one true soulmate. I think I am falling in love with her as well, and can't bear to see her hurt. I won't be taking in any concubines." Noritoshi politely replied.
It was the first time he had spoken about his true feelings out loud and he felt vulnerable. He braced himself for any harsh words from his father but none came.
His father only raised an eyebrow. "Suit yourself. The fact is, even if she doesn't give birth to an heir with the inherited Blood Manipulation, she is more than enough of an additional asset to our clan. And it ties us together with the Abe/Tsuchimikado clan as you know."
Clan politics. Noritoshi is getting more and more sick of it every day, but he just silently nodded. As long as he has you and his mother by his side, nothing else matters. "Yes I understand father."
Noritoshi hated talking about his family with you, because of this exact reason. He didn’t want you to be disgusted by this side of their family and get pulled into their family problems. The worst thing would be for you to have a terrible first impression of the Kamo clan.
He understood that you already had a lot on your plate as your missions grew harder and harder. You were often assigned to grade 1 missions alone already. The worst case was for you to get roped into doing messy tasks to please the clan elders.
You paced around your room, staring at the cupcakes and coffee on your desk. They were getting cold.
Cold. That's how you felt inside and out. You had to confront him. Or else your relationship will just drag you down. You definitely didn't want him to have any concubines. Didn’t want to have a partner who didn’t love you after all.
You were so lost in your emotions that you didn’t realize you were jumping to several conclusions on your own without considering Noritoshi's feelings for you properly.
'But it was starting to make sense' Your mind was screaming at yourself. 'He never explicitly confessed his feelings. He does indeed give me mixed signals from time to time. He shuts me out of private matters to him. He could be using me.’
The one question that was breaking you apart now is: "Was everything a lie? How much of his actions were sincere? He could lie about anything. To get power, that's something the big 3 clans are capable of doing. Satoru told me of some of the horrors already…"
The doubt and feelings of betrayal piled up, until you came to one conclusion: You’ve had enough.
The next day, you suppressed all your emotions and distracted yourself. You tried your best to act normal around Noritoshi, smiling brightly at him.
It wasn't too effective. Everytime he called you his angel, instead of the delight you usually feel, you felt hurt thinking he was forcing himself to do this.
This can't go on forever. And eventually Noritoshi could start to feel the pain in your heart on his end as well. He hurried to you one afternoon after class, dragging you out to the plum tree away from the buildings.
You looked up at Noritoshi. As handsome as ever. Gentle and concerned (lies), with a strong hand reaching to cup your face (lies lies), speaking so carefully, "My angel, how are you? Why are you troubled? Have I done something to offend you?" (Lies, it was all lies).
He must be lying. Must have been since day 1. The way your brain just jumped to the most terrible scenarios in which he never liked you. There's no other reason. Your breathing quickened.
Both of you were still in the first stage of the soulmate bonding; therefore, you couldn’t share all emotions yet. Just urgent and strong random flashes of it, especially negative emotions. This is why both of you weren’t able to feel the love the other has through the bond yet.
You stopped smiling.
"I overheard your conversation with your father. I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I had a present for you that I wanted to give you yesterday, so I waited outside your room. But that doesn't really matter anymore." You said, cooly shrugging off the hand on your face.
He stiffened, whole body tensing. 'No it was going so well with you, this can't be happening.' He thought to himself.
"Y/n I can explain-"
"Did you even feel anything for me? Besides our red string of Fate appearing?"
The marks on your wrists flowed in warning, searing hot pain flashed across both of you. But you ignored it. The devil on your shoulder pushing you to break things with him.
"Tell me the words you and your father spoke about yesterday were a lie." You begged him.
He couldn't say it was, because the conversation yesterday was only filled with truths. He was so confused, so he stayed silent.
You laughed at him without any real meaning or humor. The light had gone out of your eyes. Noritoshi felt himself shiver at the sound of it.
"So it was all true. Did you like me for me? Or because I'm your so-called soulmate whom you forced yourself to “love”- pshhh not even love, probably to tolerate, for the sake of power?"
Noritoshi’s head felt unfocused and his palms were sweating.
“I’m just a fucking game to you huh Kamo?!” You were freely crying now. He winced at the use of his family name.
Noritoshi found that he couldn’t breathe properly, much less reply to you. He had never seen you like this. What’s worse is your intense fear, sorrow, and disgust towards him was radiating so strongly through your bond.
“No you’re not.” He could hardly get the words out with how hard he’s breathing. It actually felt like the red strings were tying themselves around his neck. You scoffed at him unbelievingly.
He trembled as he lifted both hands to cup your face, but you stepped out of his reach. His hands dropped.
"You liar. I don't want this. If you just want to use me for my body, and to use me for your gain and for your family's benefit only to toss me aside for other women, then I don't want it." You spoke hoarsely. Your entire body was stiff, hands cold and voice quivering.
Your bond was hanging by a thread. The emotions of pain and betrayal bleeding over and muddling the delicate bond.
"I'm out. Go find some other bitch to breed for your sake of your precious heirs. I don't care if we are a fated pair. If you don't wanna put even an ounce of trust and honesty into our relationship then just fuck off." You turned around and walked away.
"Wait, no I-" Noritoshi gasped out as he snapped out of his shock, but you didn't turn back. You walked faster trying to ignore the voice you loved hearing so much.
Even if it hurts to break apart from him now, it is better than to have your heart broken again and again by staying with him.
"Y/n I do care about you. I do think of you everyday. You’re not a game to me. Didn't you hear what I said yesterday?" He called out desperately, stepping forward.
You ignored him, digging your nails into the palms of your hands at the pain from your soulbond falling apart. 'I won't be fooled any longer'.
Your bond was screaming at you to turn around and believe him. To believe that everything you've felt with him these past few weeks were real. That he truly loved you.
"Listen to me!" Noritoshi cried out.
You halted in your tracks. "I'm nothing to you. If you want to have other women as your concubines, go ahead. I know you can pick up as many women as you want with your standing. You clearly don’t need me. So I don't need you." Your last 4 words are a harsh slap to his face.
Snap. And your bond was left barely hanging with the smallest red thread that stubbornly refused to let go. But the damage was done. He couldn't feel your emotions anymore as his head filled with white noise.
Panic overcame Noritoshi like never before. This wasn’t like his normal self. He didn’t let himself think about anything else, but to run and pull you back in his arms.
Until he was physically stopped by an invisible barrier. Your solid air barrier that blocks all sound and forms of matter on the other side, keeping him away from you.
“No, no, no, no. Y/n Come back! I’m sorry! Speak to me!” He cried, furiously pounding at the invisible wall between the both of you. But you couldn’t hear him, much less know how he is feeling. After all, you’ve ended it with him already.
After you left, he remained rooted to his spot. His forehead leaning against the barrier, tears streaming down his face, as he stared at the place where he saw your figure disappear. It wasn't long ago that he had just fallen in love with you.
Your warmth, your laughter, the touches you give to him. Now everything felt so cold. "But I need you." He whispered out, sounding so broken.
The last few wilted leaves of the plum tree fell, leaving it bare to the cold winter. He remembered the words in the soulmate records of the Gojo Clan. “A soulbond can be rejected.”
Maybe he should have told you everything from the beginning and not hold back any secrets. He was terrified that your opinion of him would change, if you found out about his background and his mother. So he wanted to slowly ease you into the Kamo clan.
This was the worst.
As the sky grew dark, he went back into his room and for the first time, didn't bother studying. Just went straight to sleep.
What he wouldn't give to feel anything from your end. Even if it was anger or hatred, it would be better than this empty feeling.
Author's Notes: This chapter was the first chapter I've written before all others and is how Blood Bound came to be. You could say this is the core of the story, since it's the origin. Just had an angsty afternoon one day and chose violence🥰🤧
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
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itsnsfwalways · 4 years
hi i saw u were open for requests so i'd love something with either spencer reid or mgg that's just like absolutely filthy like the harry one you wrote, like degradation humiliation spitting choking literally everything u can think of just go crazy
hi there !! so sorry this took so long, i was trying to get it as best as i could for my first official ask !! also matthew just posted on his instagram story why am i sobbing
69 Kill
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warnings: swearing, spitting, choking, humiliation, handcuffs, humiliation, mean dom! mgg, and some intense fucking degradation
Matthew was in the middle of filming 68 Kill, and had been kind enough to bring you with him for the filming process. The two of you spent many nights wandering around town, holding hands while walking down streets full of music and light.
You had, of course, read the script and knew what the movie was about, and how much sex and nudity was involved. Helping him with his lines was something that made your stomach flutter, hardly being able to attempt to dominate him while he sits just a few feet away from you.
However, the day he was filming his sex scene where he was being slapped around and essentially dommed, he came back extremely agitated. He had texted you a few hours ago, saying that everything was fine, but you should’ve known better. He threw his jacket onto the chair by the door as soon as he walked into the hotel room, breath heaving and hair pushed in every direction.
Striding over to you in just two steps, he pins you against the wall next to the bathroom door, wrapping a hand around your throat. His thumb pushes into the side of your throat, the rest of the fingers just being a tight reminder of who you belong to.
Matthew tucks his head down and inhales harshly through his nose, fingers tightening minutely as he exhales, breath hitting your shoulder as he pushes his hips into yours.
“Mm, fuck, I am not in the mood to be nice today. You gonna be my good little slut and do exactly as I say?” He groans, moving his face away so his nose touches yours, hand sliding up your throat to rest near your jawline.
“Y-yes, sir,” you gasp out, swallowing around his hand. Your eyes widen and he chuckles lowly, pulling away to look you up and down.
Dressed only in one of his oversized sweaters and a black g-string thong, you were a dream come true to him.
“This pretty body just for me, yeah? Gonna let me use you as a fucking toy, isn’t that right?” He taunts, hooking his finger against the strap of your thong to snap the elastic against your skin.
“Please,” you beg, pushing your throat harder into his hand, arching your back slightly.
He grinds his hips into yours languidly before tilting your head to the side, growling into your ear, “On the bed, now.”
He releases you and you scramble to obey him, lying down on your back with your hands tucked under you, eyes facing the ceiling.
His hands make quick work of removing his top and shoes, leaving him in only a pair of black jeans and his thick black belt.
He crawls on top of you, pinning you underneath him as he rests his weight on his forearms on either side of your head.
“I don’t remember you asking to wear my sweater, kitten,” he pouts, taking a handful of fabric and pulling it up, exposing your soaked underwear and lower stomach.
“N-No, sir, I just thought-,” he interrupts you before you can finish,
“You thought you could pull a fast one on me, huh? Knowing your dom had to be slapped around all day, thought you’d put him through just a little bit more, isn’t that right, pet?” he spits, slapping your right cheek suddenly, pulling a gasp from your lips as your eyes roll backwards.
Matthew snaps his fingers an inch from your nose, eyes blaring and speaking through gritted teeth when he mutters,
“Eyes. On. Me.”
“Yes, sir,” you breathe, mouth opening on its own accord.
“I want you to lie here, and take everything I’m about to give you. You’re going to let your owner use his pretty little pussy, and not cum until I tell you to, have I made myself clear?” His eyes bore into you as he demands respect, his entire demeanor making your brain go fuzzy.
“Green, sir,” is the only thing you’re able to say, breath stuttering already as he laughs out loud, shaking his head back and forth.
“My dumb baby can’t even think and I haven’t even started playing with you yet,” he fake-sympathizes, stroking your cheekbone with the back of his hand.
“Please,” you whine, looking up at him with tears in your eyes.
“Aww, puppy,” he laughs, pulling his sweater above your head quickly before ripping your arms out from underneath you, pinning them to the headboard. He spits out, “Stay here,” before leaning up from you, tearing off his belt with a loud snap that goes straight to your core.
He smirks down at you as he starts making a pair of homemade handcuffs, sliding them around your wrists before tightening them. Your fingers grip the edge of the mattress and he grins, beginning to grind into you once more.
“Your hands leave this position and I’ll make you wish you had listened, do you understand?” He growls into your ear, pushing his bulge directly over your slit.
“Yes, Sir, God, please do something,” you cry out, watching as he rolls his eyes at you. His hands immediately go to grip your waist tightly, fingertips squeezing hard enough to leave small bruises in their wake.
Matthew finally takes mercy on you, hands going to pinch at both your nipples as he presses his lips to yours, licking deeply into your mouth almost immediately.
You moan into his throat and tilt your jaw up, tongue dancing with his as he takes the lead.
His right hand goes to hold your head up as the kiss gets more and more heated, his teeth clashing into yours as spit starts to drip down your chin, the two of you breathing heavily into each other’s mouths.
He pulls away for a second to spit harshly onto your tongue, hand moving down to wrap around your neck as he mutters, “swallow,” watching you closely as your throat pushes into his hands, a harsh breath escaping him at this.
“God, I fucking own you,” he groans, teeth pulling your bottom lip into his mouth only to let it snap back against your teeth.
Pulling his left hand away from where it was massaging your tit, he snaps it quickly to strike you across the chest harshly, humming as you cry out.
“How does it make you feel, knowing you’re the only one who gets me like this, huh? Everyone else gets to watch me be smacked around when really, my perfect little girl gets off on being thrown around, isn’t that right, princess?” Matthew asks, sliding a hand to angle your hips better against his. Your leg hooks around his back, the constant attention to your clit from his zipper making you moan deeply, head tilting backwards as you bite your lip harshly.
“God, so good, Sir.”
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head from side to side as he moves his hand from your thigh to feel you through your underwear. You knew the material was soaked through by now, the thought of this making you blush.
He rips the thong down your legs, throwing it behind him as he traces his middle finger up your folds slowly, catching as much of your wetness as possible before bringing it up to rest an inch from your faces.
“But you’re not a good girl, no, you’re just a dumb little whore who wants to get fucked. Use your words,” he spits, looking at his glistening finger in the sunlight.
“I’m a useless whore that’s only good for being fucked, sir, please use me, hurt me, fuck,” you choke out, tears falling from your eyes.
He sticks his tongue out and licks his finger clean, making direct eye contact as he sucks his finger into his mouth, pulling it out with a pop.
“Why don’t you come sit on my face,” he hums, flipping the two of you so you now sit on his lap.
“More like 69 Kill, eh, Chip?” you emphasize, looking to push his buttons a little farther.
A hand immediately comes up to your throat and throws you onto your back, all the air escaping from your lungs as Matthew spits onto your cheek.
He licks the wad off of you, tongue dragging up your face while he places more pressure on your throat.
“What... the fuck did you just call me?” He growls, veins in his neck twitching as he looks down at you, red hot anger coming from his eyes.
This look was what you needed to see from him.
He doesn’t give you the chance to speak, gritting out from clenched tweets, “On. Your. Knees.”
Your legs move on their own accord to the side of the bed, hands kept bound in your lap.
A massive head rush comes to you as Matthew tilts your chin up, smiling at the glossy eyed look you’re giving him.
“Hi, baby,” he whispers, not being able to control himself from how pretty you look.
You give him a big grin before sticking your tongue out, opening your mouth for him.
He looks at you for a minute before slapping you across the face, pulling a gasp from you as your head turns to the side. The strike sends a live of heat down your body and you clench your thighs together at the sensation.
Matthew unbuttons his pants slowly, your eyes watching his every movement.
He scoffs, shaking his head muttering, “NOW you wanna be a good girl.”
His hard-on slaps him in the stomach as he pulls his briefs down, kicking them off to the side.
Your mouth waters at the sight of him, his long, thick cock red from the lack of attention. You look up at him for permission before licking a long stripe from base to tip, following a vein with your tongue on the underside of his cock.
He sighs in appreciation as you wrap your lips around the tip, tongue going down to lick at the bottom of the head, smiling to yourself when you feel him twitch.
You open your mouth up for him and give him the okay to start fucking your throat, tucking your thumb under your fingers and squeezing to help your gag reflex.
Matthew’s hands find their way into your hair, using your head as his own sex doll, thrusting steadily and hitting the back of your throat everytime. He leans his head back and groans, the guttural sound sending shivers down your spine.
Pulling your head off of him, he gives you a small break to catch your breath, admiring the way your face is already covered in spit.
“Who’s pretty whore are you?” He coos, wiping a tear with his thumb.
“I’m your whore, I’m your filthy slut, Sir,” you gasp, hands clenching into fists in your lap.
“And what the fuck is my name?” Matthew spits, muffling your answer by thrusting his cock back into your mouth, holding your nose to his stomach for a few moments before pulling you back by your hair.
“Sorry, couldn’t catch that, pet. What is my name?” He whispers, tugging your hair back so you make eye contact with him.
“Sir,” you choke out, spit drooling down your chin.
Matthew squeezes your cheeks together and leans forward to spit down your throat, holding your mouth and nose closed before muttering out,
You do so immediately, looking up at him with watering eyes before he releases you, opening your mouth to check.
“Pathetic,” he sighs, pushing his cock back into your mouth. You gag slightly around him, trying to pull for a second, but Matthew just pushes you farther back down, ignoring your whine of protest.
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t want this. You deserve to be punished, nasty girl,” he scoffs, tapping your cheeks with his fingers. You hollow your cheeks in response and he sucks in a sharp breath, moaning lowly, “Mmm, just like that.”
He allows you to take control, slurping up and down his cock while tracing patterns with your tongue. Eventually, he pulls you off, wiping your face with a face rag.
“Such a messy little thing. Get up on the bed, face down, ass up,” he demands, pulling you up by your arm.
Stumbling to comply with his directions, you slide yourself up onto your forearm, tucking your head down as you arch your ass back, exposing your dripping core to Matthew.
He takes a moment to look at your shaking body, all splayed out from him, miles of bare skin for him to explore. Unable to help himself, he slaps your ass with both his hands, forcing your chest deeper into the mattress as you groan.
“That feels good, huh, princess?” He asks, sneaking his thumb down to rub at your clit.
“Fuck, yes,” you choke out, biting your lip as he slides a finger inside of you, curling it towards himself before pulling it all the way out and joining it with another.
“So tight for me,” he groans, pressing his two fingers deep inside you, finding that extra fleshy spot with ease and digging into it, pulling moans out of you that you didn’t know were possible.
“I’m not gonna last, Sir,” you cry, legs shaking as you fight off your creeping orgasm, stomach tightening as your pussy begins to flutter around his fingers.
“You can and you will,” Is all you hear before a hand pushes your head deeper into the mattress, feeling his fingers start to go faster.
“Sir!” Your eyes roll backwards into your head as you feel his thumb speed up around your clit.
Strangled gasps and moans are all that come from you as your whole body begins to quiver, toes curled under and hips jerking as Matthew spits on your heat, tears falling down as you scream in desperation.
“Cum,” Matthew grunts, pulling his fingers out and replacing it with his cock in one smooth thrust, beginning to fuck you quickly automatically as you writhe underneath him.
You sob into the pillow in relief as you cum HARD on him, walls tightening as your clit vibrates underneath him, your hole swallowing him as he thrusts faster and faster.
“Fuck,” Matthew drawls out, slapping your ass once and breathily laughing at your moan. “Keep coming, baby. You’re such a good little cockslut. God, you feel so fucking tight around me.”
One hand grips your hips as he moves to put his weight on you, reaching around with his hand to lift your throat up to look at him.
“Oh, baby, doesn’t that feel so good,” he moans, rolling his hips steadily into yours.
You blank out for a sec, tongue falling out of your mouth in response, allowing him to let his spit fall into your mouth, closing your eyes happily.
A slap to the face wakes you up, immediately whining at the new pressure on your stomach.
“Where are you, puppy? Can’t take me, is that it?” He taunts in your ear, biting the lobe harshly.
“N-No, I can, Sir. Fuck,” your voice cracks and Matthew’s hips stutter at the high-pitched whine that accompanies your shaking hips.
“You gonna come again on my cock, pretty girl?” He coos, wrapping you up entirely in his arms as he fucks into you at a brutal pace, matching the speed with his thumb on your clit.
“Yes, Sir,” you choke out, turning your head to look at him.
His hair flops in front of his face, sweat pinning some to his forehead. His swollen lips are bright red and shiny, not to mention his eyes looking at you as if you were straight out of a fairytale.
“Come, sweet girl. Come right fucking now on my cock, I want to feel you pulsing around me, mm, just like that,” Matthew moans into your ear, watching as you immediately come undone at his words, screaming with what air you have left as your body feels like it’s been shocked with how strong your orgasm is. Each of your nerves feel like lightening as you cum, hips stuttering in his hand. You feel him twitch inside you and groan deeply, feeling completely owned from head to toe.
“Good girl,” he draws out, slowing his pace down as the two of you ride out your orgasms.
Pulling out of you gently, he shushes you’re whine of protest and immediately turns you over, removing your wrists from the make shift handcuffs.
“Sorry, baby, these are a little red,” he whispers, kissing the top of your head before pulling your limp body into his chest, holding you close to him so your head falls onto his chest as you try and come back to life. Opening your mouth up slightly, you look up at him and he absolutely melts under you, placing his thumb inside your mouth.
“You’re such a good girl for me, Y/N, always make me feel so good. I love you so much, little one. Wanna come back and give me a kiss?” Matthew takes his time stroking your back with one hand and your cheekbone with the other.
You hum slightly around his digit and he feels you bite him lightly, making him scrunch his nose up and let out a quiet, “Hey!”
You let Matthew’s thumb fall from your mouth to wrap your arms around his neck, trying to snuggle your face deeper into his neck.
“Hi, pretty baby. You feeling okay?” He asks with nothing but kindness and a need to care for you behind his voice.
You nod along his shoulder and take a deep breath in, shakily exhaling.
He waits for you to pull away from the hug before taking your face in his hands and examining you properly, making sure he didn’t go to rough. Finding you sleepily blitzed out and satiated fills his body with ease, allowing him to kiss your bitten lips softly.
“Tired,” you sigh, tracing his cheek with your thumb.
“Yeah, I know; sweet girl. We gotta go pee and then can go in the bath,” he gasps, smiling widely to make you giggle in his lap. “Does that sound okay, puppy?”
You smile to yourself at the pet name, feeling warm and fuzzy as you nod, letting him pick you up and place you on the toilet while he begins to draw the bath.
He helps you step into the bath before settling himself behind you, allowing the two of you to relax before he begins washing your hair.
He holds his hand above your forehead to make sure the water doesn’t get in your eyes, a gesture so small but so meaningful that it brings tears to your eyes.
Matthew notices this right away, stopping scrubbing the shampoo in your hair to tilt your jaw at him, smiling at your soft face.
“What’s going on?” He sweetly asks, rubbing your back slowly as his eyes scan you up and down, brain going a million miles an hour to make sure you’re okay. You shake your head and sniffle, pushing your air out to say,
“Just love you a lot.”
Matthew swallows deeply and feels his heart clench a little. The overwhelming feeling of being able to take care of you while being the one breaking you down takes over him and he kisses your forehead, leaving his lips there for a while.
“Love you so much, angel. How was that for you? You were so so perfect, Y/N,” He rushes out.
You smile at his sneaky way of getting you to keep talking and treating you like a flower at the same time. “So good, baby. Make me feel like a queen.”
“Good,” Matthew says, kissing your shoulder before continuing washing your hair and your body, rubbing you down softly with a damp cloth.
He brushes the cloth lightly over your pussy, legs twitching in oversensitivity. You suck in air harshly, looking at his eyes as he leans in, just wiping you down fully before removing the towel.
“Too much,” you sigh, shaking your head at him.
“Mkay, my queen,” he teases, and you smile, tilting your head down to hide your blush.
He helps you out of the bath, into pajamas, and back into bed, slotting himself behind you and wrapping an arm around your waist, holding you impossibly close.
“Thank you for that, my love,” Matthew sighs, tracing circles on your arm.
“Of course, baby. Always happy to be your little bitch,” you nonchalantly say, grinning to yourself when his hips thrust against you minutely.
“Naughty girl,” he tuts, biting your ear quickly.
PHEW ! is anyone else sweating or is that just me. anyways, i hope that works !! asks are open and i’d love prompts, it might take me a bit to get to them but i promise it’ll be worth it. - lana
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