#i feel like i give off the impression that im new to tumblr
washiinmachiine · 2 years
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these r kinda old but it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out how to place images next to each other
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hi cubeguy i sent u an anons a while ago that i dont use tumblr but i periodically check ur blog bcus it specifically rocks & im back. i listened to an album u recommended on here but im curtailed by the character lim to give a review so i typed out a real time extremely long reaction to the songs LOL definitely the logical nextstep. its @ pastebin.com/Ejd8E9VX idk if im allowed to link shit on tumblr?? anyway i hope to get around 2 other musiks u like bcus i lovedd this btw its get to heaven that i listened to THANK U 🎀🙇‍♂️💋💗💗💗
HEY YOU HAVE AN AWESOME WAY OF TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. GRINS SO MUCH. i’m glad you enjoyed gth it’s so so special to me genuinely the album of all time …. my favorite songs off it are s/s/w/d the wheel and blast doors Lways a joy to see someone go crazy about them
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^ really fond of this descriptor here also i think it succinctly puts a lot of what i love about ee’s songwriting down into words…. the weird entanglement of love and hate and confusion and clarity it’s a very very special moodset
also YEAH the way you described the vocals…. the early everything everything albums play a lot with like. roughness and scratchiness and the kind of ‘animalistic’ register of the human voice. (honestly everything before raw data feel. this is literally because the singer just decided to learn how to sing in high registers without falsetto for the first time which is like cool but also AUGH i miss that old sound
OK SO the thing about this bit
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absolutely YES the thing about get to heaven is that it’s literally just like. a complete album of bangers. going down through their other stuff is gonna be a little more rocky, you might enjoy the like once-per-album weird slow ballads you might not, even though i’m lazy about listening to some of their weaker stuff when i do go through the entire albums i still find a lot of quirks in the instrumentation or lyrics that manage to impress me. i’d recommend delving into either man alive or arc next those are basically on par with gth although a bit more weird and morose? if you’re feeling it id then recommend raw data feel which oscillates more around pop/new wave but still has some really interesting musical constructions, gets extremely electronic and synthy…. a fever dream is like a 50/50 split between really long slow songs which are just Fine and really fast heavy bangers. just go listen to notln, can’t do, desire, good shot, run the numbers and ivory tower LOL. uhhhh reanimator is arguably their weakest album probably the most unremarkable but it’s also like my second favorite right after get to heaven. it’s weird and glowy and flimsier than their other tunes. that enchants me i guess…. they’ve also got an upcoming album that once again seems to be more pop oriented, cold reactor is the best of the singles they’ve released for it yet. what else. there’s like a youtube playlist out there of demo/outtakes/non album stuff that you can find real easy, there’s some really good stuff in there. personal favorites are the come alive diana demo, even the dogs and dna dump
ok so the fucking thing about the “lore” of this album. there technically isn’t any and most of ee’s albums are a per-song thing usually revolving around like. modern social commentary. the genius pages for most of their songs have like. direct songwriting annotations by the band and explain the thought process behind them. however for gth there’s also like a small layer of overarching lore about this one guy called thomas silhouette as a character. he’s not so much the crux of any narrative or presence as much as he’s just like. funny anagram arising from a lyric in fortune 500 that gets alluded to in later albums because he’s loosely representative of a lot of themes that get tackled in ee songs like capitalism and dread and shit like that
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i'm completely new to rping and i have like 0 experience in writing. i have two muses atm and both of them are from shows that aren't very well-known or popular. i'm worried that i'll be a bad writer or that no one will care. any help or advice?
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oh of course! Everyone starts off somewhere; from daydreams, to school, and whatever you enjoy can be a big inspiration! The two things I can recommend Always;
Keep in mind that people will care, but it may take some time to find the people who can express that in a timely fashion (or not!) Honestly the best way to get a 'lot' of interactions is make a lot of tiny 'investments'; follows, a self promo post, sending asks/ims, and in a passive way, writing of your own to set an example and get people excited for your blorbo. Since your muse is obscure, you're gonna want crossover-friendly or fandomless blogs for sure. In the climate of tumblr though, it's often very give-and-take: you may be 'fighting' your followers anxiety. And their schedule/workweek, but I feel that it's best to give things a little time and set up for Later™. Check after 5 minutes, an hour or twelve, and for certain blogs it might say if they may take a week or month- Point being that a lot of it's not on purpose, but a good start is by showing a blog that you care- directly or indirectly.
As for writing skill, the only way to really grow is to fuck around and find out- experience, I mean! The best way to go about it is to try to have fun with it- you can always practice or draft things in a private manner- draft your post (tumblr autosaves to drafts now!) or a word doc or something. Personally, since I majored in English in school, I don't become very impressed with myself often and find more value in entertainment+attention+sharing my fun blorbo thoughts! How you format is truly up to you and can change with time; my own writing started in para, dipped down to scriptish on my tumblr debut, formalized a bit, before I met writing partners whose narration is a bit more casual and fun- I find scholarly narration a little dry personally and try to get somewhat into the character's head while still being thorough!
Right now my advice is to reach out first, and often, until you can build up your audience! Once you have some reliable actives you can relax a little and get to writing with each other! Try to stay on top of it to fit your needs as we all have bad days, quiet days! hell I've been quiet this month due to the heat alone 💦 hehe... I've gotten into entire fandoms through RP myself- excitement is contagious!!!
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diovstheworld · 1 year
May I please ask for headcanons for La Squadra reacting to their new recruit short female with an Annabelle doll like stand with blood bending abilities please? If not I'll ask again Sorry I'm projecting my oc.
hiii! of course! sorry this took me a little while, i've been so busy with coursework for my classes plus i've been having issues with tumblr :( anyway here you go! also, i'm very sorry in advance if i interpreted the stand wrongly and i’m also sorry if this has been shorter than my other posts :( but i hope you like!
୨ ╭ ୨୧ ✦ ︶꒷꒦・⎯⎯・⎯⎯・₊ˎ✧๑
okay im gonna start with risotto because i think naturally he's going to be intrigued by the stand. i say this with all of these posts but in particular for this stand because i don't think it's too far from his own with iron being in the blood and all (i hope what i’m saying is making sense ahh)
i don't really feel like he's going to be creeped out by this stand to be honest. i just think he would be impressed with the ability
plus i also feel dolls like this won't creep him out. he's a hard guy to scare, thats for sure
he would definitely take some time here and there to help with training you though
he wouldn’t be opposed to going on jobs with you either. especially since he’s so intrigued. seeing your stand work first hand is a great pleasure to him
all in all, he’s glad to have you as part of the team and appreciates having you around them
but as a new recruit, he’s keeping a close eye. mainly to check you’re doing okay
once again, not overly creeped out in terms of the ability itself, maybe slightly disgusted? not that his own stand is any better lmaooo
definitely creeped out by the dolls though. i don’t think this guy would be easily freaked out but the whole doll thing definitely does it for him. why are the eyes watching him like that!?
it might take him a hot minute to get used to it, but when he gets used to it, he's impressed for sure. definitely sees and understands the uses and why you are a valuable asset to them
as for the height thing, i think he would reward this new recruit with some head pats in training. that is, as long as you manage to impress him
as a new recruit, you’ll be getting a lot of his little lectures. don’t be put down by it though, he just cares about the safety of you on jobs and wants to make sure you’ll be okay
despite being creeped out by the doll, he definitely chooses to help train you when he can. as a new recruit, he wants to see you succeed. but don’t expect it to all be nice. if you mess up, you will not hear the end of it and he will make sure you correct yourself
oh he’s creeped out by the doll thing for sure lmaoooo
i think he would find the actual ability very cool though for sure
as much as the doll thing scares him, his curiosity of the stand intrigues him more, so he’s more than likely very willing to come on missions with you just to see you work
again for the height thing, he’s ruffling your hair as his gesture of praise. he’s always got a big grin on his face too
’there you go again showing off, y/n! you’re so clever’
as a new recruit, he is constantly teasing you, but he’s also giving you a lot of praise. you’re doing a good job and your ability is impressive, you deserve to know
he won’t get too bogged down on your mistakes like some of the other guys will. he definitely has a ‘we all make mistakes, it’s fine!’ attitude
he’s totally pretending he’s not scared of the visuals of the stand but he definitely is freaked out about the doll thing for sure
honestly, he’s more concerned about how a such a short girl like you can posses such a stand that freaks him out and a stand with such a power
the ability itself also freaks him out, but again, he is not saying a thing lmaooo
though you could probably work it out with the fact that he never wants to go on any missions with you unless its required or if someone else is with him lmaooo
again, thinks your stand is nothing compared to man in the mirror. i think this is a common thing i say in these types of posts but i honestly think he would not admit when someone’s stand is better than his lmaooo
as a new recruit, he’s got his eyes on you all the time, so you better make sure there’s no mirrors nearby. he needs things to blackmail you with and any little slip up is good for him
okay honestly i think he loves the stand
not scared at all or freaked out by any of it
like most of the others, finds it super impressive and finds you even more intriguing for it. why did you come to possess such an ability?
loves to come on missions with you and honestly, likes to train you when people like prosciutto or risotto aren’t taking control. he wants to see you in action and learn all that he can
partly because he’s interested in the stand but also partly to learn what else he can do to help you train to get even better with your stand and how you can work better with the team in terms on who you would work best with on missions!
he also likes to praise you often, but even when things haven’t went so well in training, he’ll still give you some encouraging words (unlike illuso who would definitely use it against you and use your mistakes as a way to claim that man in the mirror is superior)
he’s not freaked out as such, but he is not a fan of the doll thing lmaooo
the ability he is absolutely fine with but the doll…it doesn’t sit right with him
that aside, he’s definitely willing to come on missions with you despite being weirded out
he hopes that by doing this, he will get to know and understand you better, and also hopes he can become less creeped out by the whole dol thing if he spends the time with you
after getting used to it, i can definitely see him having arguments and rants at the doll tbh lmaooo
oh he is freaked out by both the doll stand and the ability for sure
its very obvious but he tries his best to not make it so obvious because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings
despite being scared of it, he does appreciate the ability and does find it impressive
and he won’t shy away from telling you that! so definitely expect compliments from this little guy
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ateezscupid · 1 year
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hosted by @tinycupids-world hello everyone! i know I haven't posted in ages, and it's mainly because I don't have any ideas on what to write and because I'm working on requests that are taking forever to write bc I'm lazy
SO, to have myself working, im giving yall a list of prompts to choose from if anyone wants to request something!
all of these prompts are just, like, the base. you can change anything up if you want to! just make sure to tell me which member you want it to be and what the genre is. this event will only last 2-4 weeks!
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Story Prompts:
Yes, you used to be in love with a vampire, but you were just seventeen, and emotions were running high. You broke it off with him before you left for college, and although it was weird to go back to the real world, you knew it was the right thing to do. But then students at your college begin to go missing. Bodies are found on campus drained of blood. You've had enough when your roommate and your new boyfriend disappear. It's time to put on some garlic, grab a stake, and end this relationship. You just hope you can resist his irresistible charms.
Your life was uneventful until New Year's Eve, 2019, when a strange portal opened before you and a panicked figure ran out, claiming to be from the future. They said they wanted to save you from government agents from their time, who were about to travel here to kill you. They explained that, sometime in the future, you will create a technology rendering all other energy sources useless. You laughed, telling them you are a broke college student who eats ramen thrice daily. Before you could convince them they had the wrong person, another portal materialized.
A handsome stranger moves to your small town, and all the single women are desperate to impress them. As a shy bookworm, you work at the local library and read the classics. You are surprised when the newcomer frequents the library daily, reading old journals. The two of you bond over your love of books, and something different about him makes you fall for him. One day after they leave, you chance upon one of the books they have been reading, which details the town's history. You are shocked when you look at a picture of the town's founders and see someone who looks identical to the newcomer.
Two star-crossed lovers from warring planets fall in love on a peace-seeking mission that goes awry. They secretly stay in contact, although their governments are at war. They must choose whether or not to prove that peace can be reached by exposing their relationship to the world at the risk of losing everything, including their lives.
Growing up, there was a knock on the door every year at midnight on your birthday. With everyone sound asleep, you would always check who's there, only to be met with nothing. On your 20th birthday, the knock happens as usual, but someone is standing before you this time. The handsome person from your night's nightmare wielded powerful magic and saved you from a dark being during your dream. You hope that your dream was not a premonition.
You're just enjoying your day off from work, thinking about maybe watching that new movie that people keep talking about, when the literal air splits around you, and a person appears out of nowhere. They're tall and handsome and tell you they've been sent from the future to protect you. You think they're crazy, but you saw them come from nowhere. When they grab your hand, you feel a spark. This person is here to save your life—and change it forever.
Raised in an orphanage, you know nothing of your magical heritage. However, when you reached the age of maturity, you discovered that you possessed the powers of both the light and the dark. You don't know how your dark powers came to be, but they could get you killed by the magical enforcers: a group sworn to remove black magic from the world. That's why you fled the orphanage in the dead of night and never looked back. You survived on the streets, using your wit, grit, and a few of your dark powers, but only when absolutely necessary. Now an adult, you remain in the shadows, keeping to yourself. One fateful night you stumble across an attempted murder. You refuse to watch an innocent man be killed. You save their life with no choice but to use your dark powers. Little do you know that the handsome person you saved is, in fact, a magical enforcer.
"Speak softly love," he whispers in your ear. But when you turn in surprise, there is nothing there but a bust of a handsome young man staring back at you. You continue walking down the dark corridor.
You are a young person on a student scholarship at a high-profile British university. One day at the uni pub, you meet a handsome young man with whom you fell in love at first sight. The next day, you open the newspaper only to discover you have been out with a crown prince.
Your lover leaves you for somebody else, but you can't live without them. You find a way to travel back in time to discover what you did wrong and figure out how you can make things right. You can control time. But can you control free will?
You whisper to him that he is the love of your life. He backs away, looks into your eyes, and tells you that no one has been alive here in over a hundred years.
As a senior detective in the special victims crimes unit, you are hunting down a serial killer who targets young college students. The clues lead you to a reclusive billionaire with a "devil-may-care" attitude. But something is off. It's just too neat when all fingers point to him. However, you can't help but question your motives as you find yourself drawn to him in ways you've never felt before. Can you put aside your desires to find out if he's a serial killer, or will your passion get in the way of doing your job?
They say that these old ruins are haunted. That no one should ever go there at night. Well, after your partner goes missing, you go to that place. The one place that everybody said was the last place you should look for them. You hope to find your love but may find more than you bargained for.
Androids live among humans and perform a wide variety of tasks. As an android built to be a butler, you enjoy your work and are satisfied with your role. However, after a few years, you begin to experience what can only be called love for a human being who lives next door. As you diligently wash the dishes, longingly looking through the window at your crush, you decide to prove worthy of their affection. Little do you know that your love interest thinks of you as more of an appliance than an individual.
You are a time traveler, and on your latest journey, you meet and fall in love with a beautiful but mysterious person. When your lover suddenly vanishes before your eyes, you realize that they're a time traveler as well. You move through time again and again to find them.
You are new in town and determined to blend in and keep a low profile. After securing a job at a local coffee shop, you convince everyone that you are an average human, not an incubus with a dark past. When a human regular at the coffee shop starts taking an interest in you, you can't help falling for them. When you become comfortable in your new routine, an unwelcome reminder in the form of your succubus ex struts back into your life. Before they can blow your cover, you must reveal the truth about yourself to the person you love.
You are a jewel thief trying to get out of the business, but you agree to take one last job before going straight. The money seems too good to be true—enough to set you up for life—so you can't turn it down. However, there's a catch. You need to steal the jewels from an auction house where your former lover is the head of security. It's been more than ten years, but the pain of his betrayal is still very real. You plan to get close to him again to learn the ins and outs of the auction's security system. You didn't plan on falling back in love with him.
Other prompts: Angst:
“I didn’t want to hurt you. But I also couldn’t stop.”
“Just let me go. Please, I want to leave.”
“Pushing me away will not help you.”
“I don’t feel safe with you anymore.”
“Did you really believe I cared for you?”
“You deserved everything that happened to you.”
“I know you don’t want to do this. But I’m afraid you must.”
“You can’t even see how much you hurt me.”
“Stop giving me hope. It hurts so much more.”
“Our forever seems to have been short-lived.”
“I’m done. Do whatever you want, but do it without me.”
“Stop trying to make it up to me, you can’t!”
“Ignoring the problems will not make them go away.”
“How could I ever trust you again after this?”
“You’re not deserving of me.”
“You always knew me better than everyone else, so it will probably not surprise you, that I have to leave.”
“Without you here, I don’t have enough left to stay.”
“This will be our last conversation for a while. But it will never be the last.”
“I have to leave, you know that. I’m just sad that I have to leave you here behind.”
“Wherever I go, I will always take a piece of you with me. Even if it’s just the voice in my head.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, I will be fine.”
“I will be gone for a while, but I will always eventually come back to you. I promise.”
“There are other ways to deal with this. Please, don’t leave!”
“Don’t you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?”
“This is not about me, not about us. It’s about you and I don’t want you to do something stupid that you will regret.”
“I just can’t let you go. Please, don’t make me try to make you stay.”
“You don’t need to do this!”
“Please! Please, don’t leave me here alone!”
“It would kill me to let you go and do this.”
“Tell me what I can do to make you stay. What I can say, so you won’t leave. I need to know how I can fix this!”
“I’m sorry that it had to come to this.”
“I’m sorry for not believing you.”
“I’m sorry for being too late.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore.”
“I’m sorry for making you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“I’m sorry for not realizing it sooner.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be there.”
“I’m sorry for hurting you.”
“I’m sorry that you feel like this.”
“I’m sorry for believing what they told me.”
“I’m sorry I yelled at you.”
“I’m sorry that you think that.”
“I’m sorry for not seeing it sooner.”
“I’m sorry that I made you cry.”
“I’m sorry for leaving you behind.”
“I’m sorry for not responding.”
“I’m sorry for not talking to you.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“I’m sorry I made you worry.”
“I’m sorry that we fought.”
“I’m sorry, but that was not my fault.”
“I’m sorry that you think of me like that.”
“I’m sorry for making you choose.”
“I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.”
“I’m sorry, but I need an answer.”
“I’m sorry that I have to say goodbye.”
“I’m sorry that you had to go through this.”
“I’m sorry for not being there for you.”
staring at them with heart eyes
getting caught staring
“I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
booping the other’s nose
calling them a pet name
“You’re just too adorable when you blush.”
hands brushing against each other, finally linking together
biting their lips, while holding the gaze
smearing ice cream on the other’s nose
and licking it away
“I’m not blushing!” “Yes, you are.”
being called their girlfriend/boyfriend for the first time
hiding under the blankets to hide the blush
“May I have this dance?”
complimenting each other unexpectedly
giving them a hand kiss
“I really like that color on you. Brings out your eyes.”
blowing them a kiss
getting pushed together in a crowd
“You’re getting so red, so don’t try to deny it, my love.”
calling them “mine”
“You make me a better person.”
“Do you want a hug?”
“You’re so cute when you blush.”
“Everything alright?” “I just missed you.”
“I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”
“That’s so sweet of you.”
“Rough day? Can I make it better?”
“Come on. Let’s go home.”
“Believe me, I will never be tired of you.”
“I love how you look in my shirt.”
“How come you always end up under my blanket?”
“There is no better way to start the day than seeing your face.”
“You’re unbelievable cute when you’re tired.”
“I love to hear your voice, even if you’re so far away.”
“Is it fair to say that you read the love letter and that this means ‘yes’?”
“Morning cuddles are the best part of the day.”
“Have I told you I love you today?”
“I would like my good morning kiss now.”
“Let’s go, I’ll buy you dinner. And maybe breakfast.”
“You getting so flustered is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.”
“I think I know what that smile means.”
“You give the best hugs.”
“How would you feel about spending the day in bed?”
“Oh my, don’t you look adorable!”
“I’m sorry for staring, I just can’t seem to look away.”
“What’s the rush? Just lay back down.”
“Is that my sweater you’re wearing?
"Let’s take a day off and just spend the day together.”
“I feel like I can breathe better with you around.”
“Mmmh, you always smell amazing!”
“I’m so proud of you.”
“Any ideas for our next date?”
“I think I deserve a kiss for this.”
“Of course I know the way you like your coffee.”
“I want everyone to see that we belong together.”
“Thank you for always being by my side.”
“As beautiful as always.”
“Just call me whenever you like.”
“I would never regret a thing in my life, since it led me to you.”
“Nothing makes me more happy than making you smile.”
“Should I bring you some lunch today?”
“I never want this to end.”
“We should just stay in tonight and cuddle.”
“I really want to see you first thing in the morning.”
“This vacation was a wonderful idea.”
“This feels better than I could have ever imagined.”
“Text me when you’re safe at home.”
“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
“I dreamed of your legs wrapped around my waist.”
“Don’t act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
“We should probably leave, before we start a scandal.”
“Stop looking at me like that or my knees will not hold me any longer.”
“I think you lost your underwear somewhere.”
“My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
“Is there some space left in that bathtub?”
“The way your eyes get darker when you get aroused, is making me lose my mind.”
“I want to count every one of your freckles with my lips.”
“Jealousy seems to be a great motivator for you.”
“Oh no, there is only one bed, what will we do now?”
“I could make you feel better.”
“Get back down here, we’re not done yet.”
“Later you will definitely need to tell me where you learned this.”
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
“You’re a lot more flexible than I thought.”
“I want to please you.”
“Tell me what you would want to do, if you were here right now.”
“Your shirt got a little dirty, how about we take it off?”
“I want to give you a hickey, so everyone can see how I feel about you.”
“Oh, I love that sound you make.”
“Do you want to take it off or should I do it for you?”
“I never imagined you to be so sensitive, but I love it.”
“Maybe you could use that mouth for more than just talking nonsense.”
“If we weren’t in public right now…”
“Your hand feels much better than my own.”
“As soon as we’re both sober, we can do every dirty little thing you ever dreamed of.”
“Come on, you have to work for it.”
“I’ll take it that you like what you see.”
“Your moans will wake everyone up and I’m oddly fine with that.”
“Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.”
“I can never seem to get enough of you.”
“How about we continue this somewhere more private?”
“Oh, can you feel this?”
“We won’t be missed for a couple hours, we should take advantage of that.”
“I went to the gym, so I will be able to hold you up even longer.”
“How about we get really dirty before we shower, so that it’s actually worth the effort?”
“Reality is even better than my dreams.”
“I told you, you would eventually start begging.”
“You always know so well what I like.”
“Oh, you’re such a tease!”
“I’m not necessarily hungry for food right now.”
“You’re so tense, do you want me to make you more relaxed?”
“Hmm, is that a threat or a promise?”
“Who would have thought that this is something that you’re into?”
“Can you feel how much I want you?”
“I can never get enough of your taste.”
“Let’s try something new tonight.”
“We don’t even have to take our clothes off.”
“I want to ruin you.”
“Yes, please, do it!”
“Your tongue is truly extraordinary.”
“I have seen you naked before.”
“No bed needed.”
“Sleep is overrated. I have better ideas.”
“You know me so well. You always find the right spot.”
“Please, don’t ever stop!”
“Our bodies fit so well together.”
“I could do this all day. And definitely all night.”
“Let’s get you out of those clothes.”
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have fun !
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tbyfandoms · 1 year
I don’t know how gossip and stuff like that works in the hayden fandom (as I’m so new to it) but I just wanted to speak my mind on the whole rachel podcast thing because it’s been ruminating in my thoughts for a few days and I can’t move on LMAO
So, if you’re down for a little discussion, please feel free to read! If gossip or speculation and stuff isn’t your thing, no problem! Sexual topics will be talked about so keep that in mind in case that’s something you’re not too comfortable with! anyways, here we go…
Alright, so I know the podcast rachel did where she talked about her sexual experiences was literally two months ago but I just need to get my thoughts out on it rn
First of all I’m gonna say I’m 100% all for women being open and honest about their sexual experiences! Like we have a right to not feel shame in speaking about these things openly, but I’m gonna be honest, rachel talking about not having an org*sm (censoring bc idk how tumblr flags stuff and I don’t wanna get in trouble lmao) from penetrative sex until she was 38 lowkey gave me the ick
Like it’s so very obvious people are going to assume the fact she’s basically saying hayden never gave her any sexual satisfaction (correct me if this is a reach) and my jaw kinda drops at that realization??? Like you’re telling me over the ~10 year relationship you had with this man, he not once made you feel good? And the only way you were able to feel satisfied was by your own doing???
As I said, she’s obviously, obviously, entitled to her experiences and opinion like who’s to judge her for that??? But it’s the fact she’s said it now. It’s just kinda ironic to me that after all this time she brings this stuff up, coincidentally when hayden’s career is taking off again, as if the public and media won’t connect the dots on who she’s talking about
Like ya’ll idk maybe it’s me but imo that’s kind of petty to do 😭 like this man was with you for a very long time, he’s the father of your child, and yet you’re gonna make him out to be a guy that doesn’t know how to please his partner…
Maybe this is all such a reach so please take this all with a grain of salt, I’m really just rambling rn and maybe won’t even feel the same after I write this all out, but for now this is how I’m feeling!
It’s just all kinda spiraling in my mind because truly why would you say that (I’m more-so finding a problem with it because she did it so publicly and on a random podcast). And maybe this makes me a hypocrite because I literally just said women should be able to be honest about their sexual experiences LMAO BUT CMON???
Idk maybe it’s just me being defensive of hayden and the fact I literally don’t know this woman at all and this is the first impression I’m getting of her, but it just rubs me the wrong way. Like idk about ya’ll but I know if hayden christensen just looked at me, I’d lose my mind. So imagine being in a relationship with him, where I’m sure he can figure out how to make you feel good especially giving the duration of your relationship, just for you to then turn around and throw it all back in his face when it’s been literal years since you’ve been with him…(also same goes for that adam brody guy she dated in the early 2000s, like it’s not just hayden this reflects on!)
Also she talked about how she misses her ex bill hader (whom she coincidentally dated when she was 38) because of his um…big d!ck. So she’s also throwing into the mix that apparently the reason she couldn’t get off with hayden and adam is because they’re small???? IM SCREAMING DSKDJDH
But again maybe I’m taking this all out of context or not looking at it the right way or whatever, so sorry if this ramble of nonsense is giving you the ick, but so be it
I probably missed a lot of points I wanted to make so maybe I’ll come back to this later, we’ll see
The last thing I’ll say is, literally watch any of hayden’s movies where he’s in a romantic relationship with someone and genuinely tell me you think that man doesn’t know how to make someone feel good, specifically with penetrative sex (because that’s what rachel was talking about)??? It’s the way he’s acting and yet I can still feel the sexual tension and attraction through the screen. Just imagine him in real life. I shall leave some gifs below to further prove my point because…yeah I don’t understand
Exhibit A:
This scene from Awake literally has me screaming every time I watch it DKSJSH like the hand placement??? The kissing??? Yeah I GET IT, it’s not sex but just trust me on this ok
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Exhibit B:
This scene from Factory Girl. Literally my most favorite piece of proof that goes hand in hand with the fact I cannot grasp the idea THIS man does not know how to please a woman I-
Really you guys just have to click on the account that posted these and look at the whole set because…I rest my case. Just look at the way he rolls his body on her *screams*
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Ok sorry, bye that’s all I’ll say for now. I feel like none of this makes sense and I SWEAR I’m not trying to shame rachel, I just felt really put off by that little tidbit she decided to publicly share so yeah here’s my current thoughts on it. Please no one jump me, if this is truly an awful take I will delete it 🫣
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celestie0 · 3 months
IT’S CELESTIEFAN3000 i have to say i like tumblr way more than ao3 so i’ll be using this to comment from now on 😋 But i would like to personally thank you for writing chapter 9, your author voice is genuinely so appealing and HONESTLY you could pass off as a literal professional author if I didn’t know this was fanfiction!
Now for the uglier feelings: (please ignore typos or other mistakes i wrote a lot. I am very normal about kickoff, obviously)
I SOBBED LIKE A BABY MIDWAY AND BECAME A CRYING SOUND EFFECT AT THE END OK OK OKAYYYYYYY 😭😭💫💫 I’m still dizzy and lightheaded from the effect ur writing gives me (THIS IS A GOOD THING) it’s so addicting i need more😭‼️ UGHHHH the way you build that exact RIGHT amount of comfort to compensate for the suffering you’ve but us through but still managed to EDGE US AT THE END . I WISH YOU WEREN’T SO GOOD AT THIS FANFICTION THING, BECAUSE DAMN! 😭😭😭😭
The scenes were so fucking beautiful, I love the peaceful atmosphere that rain gives and how you were able to contrast that as an escape from that horrible loud and noisy bar to just a horrible man!!!!! You really know how to direct scenes and i can not express in words how much they mean to me 🥹🥹😭😭😭
I feel like I’ve overused the crying face emoji too much in my ask BUT I ACTUALLY MEAN IT HERE EVERY TIME I can fill an entire glass up of my tears that kickoff caused me to shed alone 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Everything was just great vegetables, this chapter will definitely be haunting me while I sleep but it ended with an amazing scenario to build off of and dream about RIGHT?☺️ Anyway, my last words here are that I admire how you’ve been working on this project for around a couple months now nonstop, but the quality has not dropped and has instead improved despite it getting really tiring the more you carry on with it! Maybe that’s just how I feel about finishing what I’ve started LMAO but it’s so impressive every time I see someone able to pull that off, I’ve seen some fics succumb to the tragedy of “i-just-want-to-get-this-over-with-because-the-concept-no-longer-interests-me-anymore”-ness 😔 BUT WITH KICKOFF! I’m so happy that the author is as passionate about the characters and plot in their fanfiction as I am, and hard work really does pay off! (for the reader, hard work is waiting 3 weeks for a new fic— but the read’s always better the longer you wait 😉)
My ADHD really came out here I deeply apologize but my ACTUAL final words are: I wish I had a bf like gojo, Oh My God You Are A Legend Ellie, You are most deserving person of meeting Gojo Satoru FIRST if he ever comes to life, it is 1am haha so i’m sleeping now ☺️🤍 Celestiefan300 out!
thank you sm for the compliments on the writinf omg i rly feel comin into my own now n finding my voice as i continue to write more so seeing u say that esp as a long term reader is just ssooo dhddldfk 🥺💕 brb gonna cry
PLS IM SO SORRY FOR THE SAD EMOTIONSS aaa yes the baby steps to build their relationship has been……baby stepping indeed LOL but it was so nice to write the scene at rhe end where gojo comforts her 😭💕 so excited to write lovey dovey gojo now
OMG STOPPP w the nice words i will literally eat u for breakfast🧍🏻‍♀️the contrast w the soothing rain & hectic bar scene 😭 u pointing that out just made me soooo freaking happyy and wahh im so glad the scenes resonate w you :””) <33
awhh thanks darling im so happy kickoff has ur continued interest and AW to hear its improving means sm to me 🥺💕 im so passionate ab it, it has been so cathartic to write, and although its also hard to write sometimes bc of the personal aspects, it’s so joyous to me and i look forward to seeing it thru to the end w the same amt of passion. HAHAHA its hard work to read tho damn 😮‍💨 ur not wrong!! and also yes i too will be daydreaming of what happens next 🤣
my final words: i love u sm, YOU deserve a satoru (but i will gladly have him too if u say so🙈), so blessed to have u as a reader, and please get some good sleep my love <33
eeeeeee 🫶🏼💕
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urmoonstone · 2 years
a fresh start~!
welcome yall!
im so excited to see so many people already showing up! i consider anyone who found me through twitter to be what i call:
~ the real ones ~
you've stuck through thick and thin and i truly appreciate you giving a shit about me that much to follow a little link to a whole ass other place to keep in touch! that really means a ton to me.
seriously, i have been so disenchanted with twitter and general public spaces for.. a while now! for a couple reasons - mostly personal. i don't think i've talked about this much publicly and since we're.. looks left looks right ~ the real ones ~ here... i figure i'll talk about it a bit
a couple things on why i've been so quiet in places lately. i plan to talk a LOT on tumblr so.. get ready LOL
another me & frozen time
thousands of people found me through videos that i don't want to be associated with anymore. i had my twitter account for years but it never surpassed a couple hundred. it was mostly just friends and people i knew from early abridged series days. that all changed when my twitter handle was blasted on videos that literally a million eyeballs have seen. at that time i was coming off of the actual lowest point of my life. i really wasn't ready to be in front of so many people publicly like that, but situations played out a certain way and i took a leap and went for it.
because i was still so mentally rattled, i put on this performer face that was full of energy and ready to be interactive and reactionary so that, well, the hundreds of thousands of new eyeballs on me would like me. i didn't want to let them down. this was a huge opportunity after all and i did have a natural performer presence already. i just kinda, dialed it up a ton because a camera was on. and what do you know, it worked! people liked my stupid shit. they liked my banter with others, and it all worked out. for a while. keeping on that mask takes a lot of energy. i'm not naturally that extroverted. i think so few people are. but, the impression was already set in people's minds. i was "salty" and "annoying" at my worst but a chaotic spaz who injected fun at my best.
people captured this image of me in time that they can constantly replay and it's a version of myself that i despise. a fake hyperbole that's farthest from genuine imaginable. so when people followed through to the thing in those videos, my twitter, they expected that same person, that same version of myself and.. well they would rarely get it. keeping up that "bit" forever wasn't feasible for someone like me. and i frankly can't keep up at something like that. it made me more depressed trying to meet up to certain expectations, and the volume of critical and downright hateful messages really took a toll on me.
not to say that all of them are bad! i've met so many amazing and wonderful people through those videos. i don't regret doing them. but after they're published, what the world does with them is out of my control. and they kind of exploded in a way that i really didn't expect. and so people look for this thing from me, they don't get it, and they move on. but some of them still followed me on twitter, and it kind of inflated that number to a point that stressed me out constantly. i can handle eyes on me, but.. how many of those eyes were on the real me? not a ton. most of them were looking for another me. the one frozen in time in youtube uploads, always making the same jokes. a caricature on display.
and so i tried to be more human.
public venting & the timeskip
on some videos i let slip that yknow, i had depression and anxiety. people heard about this and asked questions. as the numbers grew i started to feel like my voice was more and more legitimate, that i had something to say that people should be listening to. and at the end of the day i wanted to be a voice that could lift people up and encourage others. i wanted to be a teacher, dammit! but really the motivation was always helping people. so i tried to a bit of that on twitter, in, well, maybe not the best way.
i treated twitter like a journal. i was extremely open about my struggles throughout the days. at 2 am i would post about how miserable i was, but how grateful i was to have people in my corner. and sure enough a ton of people would send in a bunch of kind messages my way. they were genuine and encouraging. i had open DMs and broadcast to people: "hey! if you need someone to talk to at 3 in the morning cuz you're goin thru it, i'm here to listen"
and i was!! there were hundreds of people that messaged me and i did my best to listen and to offer advice if i had any. some just sent in their own kind words and that was always sweet. some of them we had a longer back and forth talking through situations and they thanked me afterward. i got a DM the other day from someone who messaged me years ago to say thank you for hearing them out back in 2016. that really made my day.
but it was really difficult keeping up with all of that, and throughout all of this i wasn't in therapy myself. my messages became growingly personal on twitter to where a couple of my friends would approach me and say "you probably shouldn't be so open about this on twitter." and i ignored them!! looking back on it they were right. there were people who thanked me for being so open about it and said that my openness showed them that they weren't alone in what they were dealing with. which is its own comfort. i'm really glad for that. but finding that next step to improving on things is where the action is. and i couldn't be that. i'm not a therapist or a counselor. (honestly i would like to be but... maybe that'll be later in life!)
for a time this would go on though. i would vent on twitter, being way more open than i probably should've been, people would reply in kind, and it would repeat. i knew things couldn't keep going this way, and so i sought the help of a therapist. this was at the start of 2020.
do you know who else needed therapy at the start of 2020?
my mom everyone!!
everyone was stuck inside. so many people realized they had the same problems i did. and now they were online more than ever to post openly about their struggles, to vent on twitter, to add to the chorus of complaints. sometimes it's good to complain. sometimes it's good to vent! but there needs to be something in place to help you figure out where to go from there, and so many people would just circle the drain of depression, never moving forward, commiserating forever.
this, my friends, is ~the timeskip~. a lot of people are upset. the world seems scarier than ever. i won't pretend a lot of it isn't scary! and that venting isn't okay! but it was just.. too much for me. after pursuing therapy and making fundamental changes in myself, i decided that i wouldn't broadcast all my negativity on twitter. i saw what was happening and wanted to be a happy, positive, genuine voice to lift people up. i was already working on my game development project and so i tried to encourage others to pursue their creative endeavors, doing literally anything other than festering on the negatives. because that will only make everything worse!
sometimes depression and anxiety doesn't give you a choice on how to feel, but you have a choice to get on twitter & contribute to the cacophony. i choose not to! and even now i feel like saying something like this is BAD because...
public enemy
i'm not about to say my depression is "cured," but therapy has helped more than ever to get my depression in a manageable spot. i don't feel helpless. i know that i can figure things out. i've made it through worse! but what still creeps its ugly head from time to time is...
i'm a perfectionist and always have been. i didn't understand until the past couple of years that anxiety and perfectionism are basically the same thing! scared of failure, imagining the worst possible outcome and becoming paralyzed by indecision. what if you do the wrong thing? what if you say the wrong thing..??
and this fear has kept me from saying.. basically anything online!
i see my almost 30,000 twitter followers and would think "all it takes is to say something wrong for that ONE person and i'm done." Even now i'm sitting here like, "why even bother saying this?" but i'd rather get this out there for ~ the real ones ~ (and i need the writing practice!).
i'm not about to complain about ~ cancel culture ~ but i can't pretend that being someone with that many eyes on me hasn't made me clam up more than ever.
i see other creators with hundreds of thousands of eyes on them who keep their head buried in their creation and their public presence to a minimum. and i envy that. i want to do that more and more. i would rather that my creative works speak for themselves and people can enjoy and interpret the art i make. i know i only have the smallest percentage of publicity as someone like toby fox, but i get why you'd want to stay more anonymous with how mean some people can be online. even typing these words i think "i'm sure someone's gonna be mad about this" and you know what?
fuck em~!
i know that i'm not a bad person. i want to help people. i have only ever wanted to raise people up and encourage them to do their best. and to be the best they can be!
i think a lot of people are scared to be honest about things, and i can see why. but i want to be authentic.
i want to be myself.
i am cringe.
but i am free.
and all of ~ the real ones ~ will be getting nothing less than that! i hope you will be your cringe ass as well.
in conclusion
i'm grateful for the opportunities i've had and things i've been able to do, but i'm ready to make a solid foot forward establishing my identity as who i really am, not as some caricature. i'll still be doing goofy gameplay videos with Grant here and there because we've known each other forever and he's my best friend and i love him! but my main focus is definitely making this card game and video game and other creative things!
thank you so much for stopping by and sticking with me. i know i may not be exactly what you expected when you first followed, or however you found me. maybe i'm exactly what you expected! in which case... oh no... i have to dial the cringometer at least another 10 notches...
i really enjoy writing like this and haven't had an outlet for it in some time. expect to see more like this as well as some gamedev / game design posts from meeeee. i'm excited to see all the artists on here and to post my own cringe ass art stuff soon too!
have a good one. much love to yall.
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
Hey Risu I think ud have some sound advice about this... I want to learn to draw n be an artist (digitally) but my brain screams when I try cos I'm new n not good at all and idk how to counteract the brain so I can draw shitty things until I get good.... It's hard to have fun when my brain is saying I'm shit and should quit :( Any advice? (I love ur art on ur art blog BTW... Ur art is good but like, not what I'm used to seeing and it's kinda nice to see how a hobby artist art looks cos I'm so used to more professional artists who take comms on twitter)
I was thinking of doing some of my shitty art to song lyrics (they're some of my fav, I draw my ocs in some sort of pose and then slap the lyrics on top in fancy font text or write it on my drawing tablet by hand) - and just don't care how bad it looks but I'm unsure if I can get my brain to not scream at me for not being enough long enough to do it :(
Any advice would be nice <3 p.s. My art is so bad it's like a kid trying to draw (derogatory but only at me) n I don't really have anyone in my life for support cos if it's not good they don't care :/// (well I have one friend, he's also a hobbyist as well, rarely draws cos he has the same issue of not being good and perfect type deal)
Oh hey its how I feel about my art 24/7 (and how most artists do!) So I will run u through all the things I find helpful
Listen. Brains are little bitches, ok? They LIE. They are MEAN. You need to practice telling ur brain to shut up. Like "hey, thats not fucking nice, I'm not listening to u until u have something helpful to say!" And its hard, cus its you, but with practice it gets easier to ignore ur brain being on one. Treat it like a toddler who is kicking off and calling u mean names cus u won't give it chocolate. "Thats nice dear im busy with my art". Like u gotta remember, for anyone trying to get started with art, it looks like a kid trying to draw because that's when most people stopped drawing. Same with any other skill u stop in childhood. My kid struggled so much with handwriting due to being ND that it switched to typing and guess what? Still has the handwriting u would expect from a small child. Because it stopped writing as a small child. I have the coordination with running and throwing of a young kid cus thats when I stopped doing sports. People who stop reading books young will find it harder to read books for an older audience. U do those kiddy drawings, do lots of them, you WILL get better.
Another thing. Heres a secret. For every artist, the majority of what they produce is shit. No really, all of them. Not just the crap you have to produce to git gud, but like, every amazing piece of art you have seen has like at least 5 fucked up sketches that got scrapped. Whole bits of painting that got covered up. All art is made up of mistakes and fuck ups. And even if u are sat there going wow this is perfect! The artist is DYING because they can see a hundred little mistakes that u cant. Art is all about perspective and honestly the perspective of the artist is the worst one. We are too familiar with the details to see our art for what it really is.
The thing that helped me most tho was when I went to art museums in Paris. I saw so much "good" art and im like. OK. This is technically good I guess? But it was kinda meh. The museum of modern art was the most disappointing cus, and listen I stan modern art ok there was some good shit in there, but there was a fucking rack of skis. Someone gone bought some skis and put them away and thats art. Hello? Oh someone painted some squares and came up with some deep meaning and im meant to be impressed. And then I go outside for a fag and I open tumblr and see some crappy 2 minute MSpaint vent art and u know what? It made me fucking feel. It make me feel like NOTHING in that museum had. Who is fucking deciding what "good" art is? I dont remember being consulted! I dont think I fucking agree that "good" art is good! I think shit art is good! Some fucking ship art scribbles has more meaning for me than the fucking mona Lisa, yknow?
And then I went to an exhibit of Picasso's sketches and doodles. Napkins with little scribbles on and shit. And they were so normal. Nothing impressive. And it was wonderful. I've done better sketches! I promise u u have done better than some of that stuff. Honestly so many artists aren't even "better", they're just successful. And idk but I think success is a poor way to measure arts worth.
There is a genuine magic to a hobby artist just. Doodling what makes them happy. Not for money, not for fame, not for skill, just because they want to. Art for arts sake, yknow?
Also I understand it can be very hard to share ur work but I would encourage u to do so with ppl u trust to give u fair feedback. Feel free to send me what u make I will be more than happy to tell u how great it is
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iluvfionaapple · 2 years
(tw ed)
Reasons To Lose Weight (for me personally!!):
-prominent collar bones that compliment necklaces
-people can pick me up easily and comment on how little i weigh
-others may compliment me more often
-ill look better from different angles
-to lose any double chin thats left
-to have a nice jawline and my facial structure will stand out more
-to have long slender looking hands
-to be able to go down a size in clothing
-to make outfits look so much better
-to be able to pull off almost any look
-to still look skinny even when im bloated
-for my hips to really pop
-my ribs would stick out a bit and make me appear slimmer
-to be able to do exercises like push-ups easier since i weigh less
-to sweat less
-to notice that im getting smaller and my clothes are looser
-to have tiny wrists i can wrap my hand around
-if i even wanted to crowd surf id stay up so much longer and be less likely to get hurt
-my old clothes that used to be tight will fit really well
-ill be visibly smaller even under baggy clothes
-i can be confident in a bikini
-i wont have to wear shorts and a fully covered bikini top to the beach, so i can even go with friends
-my stomach muscles will appear way more toned
-any workouts i do would have much more visible results
-people in public will notice and think i look tiny
-i have more options since more people may find me attractive, and ill be more confident to pursue them
-to make people think i just have a really fast metabolism if i eat alot in front of them and they wonder how i stay skinny
-sweaters would look so cute, especially in winter
-people may admire me like how i used to admire effortlessly skinny people
-i wont have to alter things so much to make them flattering on me
-pretty privilege can give me so many advantages- with teachers, jobs, and even random people who might naturally like me
-id be able to sit on peoples laps/lay on them without worrying about being so heavy, especially if its a partner since i wouldn't want to say no or be uncomfortable
-ill end up spending less money on food, leaving more for other things i want
-ill feel accomplished whenever i reach a goal/fast
-my skin could clear up from eating less junk
-my skin will be less oily
-rings will look so much cooler/elegant (depending on the vibe i was going for)
-older rings/bracelets may start to fit better
-ill never be told to not eat junk food/eat before meals if i don't want
-i can better achieve the mysterious vibe im going for
-ill look longer rather than wider
-i can be confident enough to actually go after somebody (even just friends) and possibly stand a better chance
-fat wont overflow out of tight clothes
-i'll look really cute sitting
-ill get more used to not eating if i put the effort in
-ill be able to emulate a 20s or runway model
-i can basically be walking th1n$p0 and feel like a model
-i can easily fit in any kids clothes if i really wanted to
-i wont take up so much space in seats and theyll be comfier
-i can borrow or try on anybody's clothes if i wanted
-ill have something to show for working at this for so long, it'll be worth it
-my legs wont seem that big even when they expand when i sit down
-having more options for thrifting since i still fit in larger ones, but smaller ones are now included
-relatives/family friends will notice in pictures
-i can listen to paper bag by fiona apple and really truly relate
-i can have an excuse to get new clothes
-my arms will look skinny
-ill have less surface area to shave/moisturize
-ill be able to fit into tight spaces if i really wanted
-my stomach wont roll as much when i sit down
-ill actually be proud and surprised when i body check
-ill get to brag on tumblr for any goals i reach
-putting my hands on my waist
-making my waist look so much better and itll give me a somewhat hourglass look
-dresses would really look good
-id actually like shorts
-i wouldn't be so uncomfortable in leggings/yoga pants
-people will be impressed
-people will be shocked when i show them an old picture of me
-ill look pretty even from the side
-i can be proud of my bmi lowering
-i can see the results of my weight dropping on the scale
-low waisted pants will look amazing
-if i got w someone i wouldn't be super uncomfortable with showing my body, and id know i looked good even from different angles
-i wouldn't feel at all bad for any future partner, which could even make the relationship stronger
-pictures of me will look amazing and more aesthetic
-i'd be pinterest worthy
-id be cool with changing with people (like if i were trying on clothes with my friends)
-id feel lighter on my feet and i can move easier, like if i wanted to swing on the kitchen counters or run around
-if i do something like bump into my friends they wont feel it as much
-ill feel amazing in a big shirt or in a big blanket, especially when its chilly
-sunglasses look better on a more angular face
-people can give me piggyback rides
-ill feel valid enough in my ed
-i wont feel like the work was for nothing
-ill be happy looking at myself in dressing rooms/mirrors in general
-i can take so many pictures to post and look good
-people will focus on me more
-ill have the kind of slender legs with a thigh gap that make people jealous
-i can pull off skinny jeans, tube tops, and pretty much everything that used to not look great on me
-id be able to look more feminine and masculine
-i can squeeze through groups of people
-ill look back someday and show people how good i looked
-ill still be pretty small even if i gain weight
-ill be compared to things like feathers
-i wont compare myself to others as much
-so id look more memorable/one of a kind (esp to a future partner- who i can meet any moment)
-to look good in my halloween costume
-to get ready for back to school (this applies year round since i can even make a dramatic change over short school breaks)
-going to the waterpark with friends (especially for pictures)
-for school picture day/the yearbook which people will look back on their whole lives
thats it for now!!
(btw i promise ur beautiful! if your interested in recovery please do that this is literally just my insecurities running rampant like fr dont take anything from this if u dont want to, u can mssg me if u need someone to talk to abt recovering)
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londonspirit · 1 year
I wonder what it says about a person* when their COMFORT ‘Go-To-When-Feeling-Shitty’ show is a fucking post-apocalyptic drama series that rips your heart out every fucking week and leaves you in shambles and sobbing on the floor for five (six in 24 hours) weeks straight! (Probably a field day for therapists!) 
* me, A PERSON is me
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I did NOT expect this. NOT ONE FUCKING BIT!
I mean, I very often trust my Twitter (and Tumblr) when it comes to new stuff, new shows, new films. And I very often check them out - not always when they come out, but often enough (especially when MY shows are on hiatus don’t have an airdate yet).
And the hype was/is HUGE. I do understand that. Taking something that’s so beloved is always tough to get right. So people will love it WHEN they do. 
So yeah, I did see the promos and the tweets and since it’s one of the very few shows that are on SKY here at the same time as in the US, I was like, why the hell not.
Monday’s are my day off, so I didn’t think much when I hit ‘play’ on the first episode of The Last Of Us on it’s first day!!! 
I knew shit about it, NEVER played the game, and never heard about it before the show started to gain buzz.
Watched the first episode and was like ‘okay, yeah, looks okay enough, maybe a TAD too close to home these days, but hey, we made it more or less so lets see how they fare’
Watched the second one. Did a rewatch of the first one to better understand it. Impressed with how it was made, and I knew I would be sticking with it  - if only because it was something to watch on Monday mornings/noons.
And then the third episode came out. 
I had an INKLING, maybe like wishful thinking when Bill fished Frank out of the hole. But I’m also too traumatized by too many shows to have actual HOPE of a queer episode. I full on expected the usual: some looks, some touches, some ‘im not queer’ excuses when the person is clearly interested/horny. 
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! (And again, this all would give a therapist a fucking FIELD DAY with everyone!) 
That was the most beautifully written/executed episode since ‘You wear fine things well’!!! I’ve lost count of the rewatches, and I will root for every fucking award show that episode will be nominated for (yes, the rest deserves some love as well but THIS ONE IS THE FUCKING PINNACLE OF EPISODES!) 
After that I started listening to the podcasts going with the show. (I NEVER do that!) 
E4 came out and I fell a little more in love with Ellie and Joel - I can’t even say what it was: his NEED to protect her, her softening up beside him… 
I just knew it was soo different from what I expected from a show/pairing like that. Easier, maybe? Them opening up (sort of) to each other without all the usual tropes of prying it from their cold hearts and rigid souls?
And then Joel laughs. He tries soo very hard not to, but he can’t help himself. (Sidenote: I was curious as to how they translated that particular pun into German - they didn’t. They used a different one that (naturally) wasn’t as funny as the original one). 
It’s dark, it’s scary, it’s not safe. And he lies there in the dark, giggling with all he has about a stupid PUN. Oh my heart (Hell, I'm grinning TYPING this, just thinking about it so yeah…)
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Safe to say: I was HOOKED! 
(also: EYE CRINKLES. That man has laughed A LOT in his life, and it shows. I leave it up to you whether i mean Joel or Pedro!) 
And then there was the sniper scene in E5!!! 
ARGH!!! I don’t even know why, but I fucking LOVE that scene soooo freaking much!!! 
Ellie, among all those Infected, KNOWING that Joel will have her back after only knowing him for a few days (?). 
Joel, watching her like a hawk, not wasting ammunition and only taking out anyone that comes too close to HER! 
Her BLIND trust that he watches over her and takes care of her. 
His laser focus on HER, not caring what happens to him, the deep NEED to protect her. 
GUH!!! If I could give out awards for spectacular SCENES, this 10, 15 minutes would get ALL THE FUCKING AWARDS!!! 
So yeah. Now Im sitting here, on this grey, wet Sunday morning, about 14 hours away from episode 6, eagerly awaiting to get my heart ripped out AGAIN, typing away the things I feel about a fucking VIDEO GAME ADAPTATION SHOW!!! 
*shakes head at self* 
(That happens when MY shows go on hiatus - I fall in love with all the GREAT NEW SHIT that HBO puts out! Soo soo happy that they already got a second season so no need to worry about that! Still miffed that OFMD had to wait and worry for soo long. Ah well.) 
And since it’s me, and I don’t do shit by halves, I'm also falling in love with the cast. 
Yes, mainly with Pedro because DUH. Have you seen the man’s interviews? His SNL epicness? THAT SMILE??!?! I dare you NOT get all giggly and gooey when he starts cackling out of the blue about his own silly jokes! And I'm not even trying to resist, it's too damn late for that anyways! He's too fucking charming, and these days anything that brightens my days is very welcome!
The love and adoration he has for Bella is adorable. Their chemistry is insane. She’s soo young and yet so mature, and he treats her like an equal which is amazing. 
And I can't wait to watch ALL THE INTERVIEWS running up to the show. I’ve got lots of catching up to do. 
(I’ve also listened to a few podcasts already, and DAMN, he’s another DAMN GOOD EGG. Humble and funny, VERY down do Earth despite the (quiet) success he’s been having for YEARS now! I’ve been making a list with all the things I need to watch… and I’ve seen him in soo many things already. Just never really noticed. *sighs heavily* 
Silly silly me!
(Im also slightly [read: HORRIBLY SO] terrified because once you get into the show, you also get spoilers from the game -it’s unavoidable- and even though i do NOT know for sure (and won’t actively look for it) I fear for his fate. I KNOW they deviated before with Bill and Frank, and they may do it again with others, so I still have hopes, but the bits I’ve seen… well.
And i will prepare myself for the worst - just in case. Not that it’ll help much but I can lie to myself for as long as necessary.)
So yeah. 
You know the drill by now: New Obsession coming up. 
Tags will be on posts so feel free to blacklist. 
Or join in. It’ll be heartbreaking and terrifying, beautiful and shocking, and I cannot wait for the last 4 episodes to drop. We’re in for a damn wild ride, so buckle up!!! 
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ahiijny · 1 year
glass onion spoilers
ok this movie was fun, but it fell a bit short of expectations 😅 y'all hyped this up a bit too much (note: i did not watch the other knives out movie yet so maybe im missing out on some context)
I thought this was going to be this awesome keikaku murder mystery with this likeable queer and fruity detective guy where everyone rips down the curtain of lies set up by this tech billionaire and it is revealed mr. miles rich guy actually has no idea what he's doing and all of his accomplishments were stolen from other people
I guess we kinda get that in a sense, but I guess reality just outdid fiction this time if you know what I mean... so it wasnt nearly as satisfying
I guess that's kind of the point of this movie, as benoit himself points out: it looks complicated, but it's actually not. (and thats why he had so much trouble solving the mystery, bc hes not good at solving dumb puzzles, only clever ones lol) but that still doesnt make it satisfying.
anyway, my thoughts about the movie!
the masking and covid callbacks remember those ah memoriesssss (man)
ok but if this entire movie were about this scientist guy trying to do science engineering work while pushing back against unrealistic expectations from overzealous entrepreneurs/business ppl i would watch that...
i liked the part where the lady was like "you've got to stay off the twitter" to the other lady, this is relatable and realistic and a good message
puzzles are fun. i liked the peoples working together to solve the puzzles. if this entire movie were about a diverse group of friends solving puzzles in a collaborative way i would watch that...
shoutout to manosphere guy's mom she dont give af but she's hella clever, she's solving these puzzles and she doesn't even care lol
(also dude be more respectful to your mom. doesnt matter if ur streaming, ppl will understand if u have to take a brief interruption to answer to something. if they dont understand, u do not want them watching ur stream)
benoit amogus (this is probably pandering but i am the target audience so i will accept the pandering. if this entire movie were just benoit and his friends/colleagues playing among us i would watch that...)
the way the ppl all have their different attitudes towards masking strictness and runs the full gamut, that's just really interesting to analyze. i saw the tumblr post about this and i thought benoit was actually going to narrate these observations and it wouldve been really impressive 😅 I guess it's actually more subtle than that...
ok but what IS that spray. how does it work. i know u dont have to explain EVERYTHING in a story but the nerd in me wants to know pls pls pls (does it even work lol)
"piece of shit" hehehehe
benoit very charming and there was some awkward tension in the air bc everyone else is tightly knit and he's a newcomer but he talks through it easily enough so my feelings of social anxiety werent too bad in these scenes lol
everyone talking and socializing (ergh) and dropping various bits of information and im like 'i dont even remember their NAMES im definitely not gonna remember all these little factoids which are sure to be relevant later lol' (help)
the part where benoit is sneaking around and spying on ppl, i feel like maybe they could have leaned even more into the comedy here if they wanted to. like. they have manosphere guy spying on miles rich guy and other lady doing the sussy and he clenches his fists in anger but later it's revealed actualyl she is trying to persuade miles rich guy to put manosphere guy on his news thingy or something but miels was refusing so actually manosphere guy was clenching his fist in anger because of that and benoit was behind the bushes watching the whole thing but also helen was behind both of them watching the whole thing as well
i know it probably makes cinematic sense for them to do this, but i wish helen and benoit had been a bit quieter/vague about their discussions bc i was in constant fear that they would be overheard and someone would be like "hey why is your accent different" bc as the previous scenes have shown, eavesdropping people and recording devices are EVERYWHERE (god)
and as modern technology and even death note potato chips scene have taught me. why would you ever NOT assume that your rooms are not bugged. like. recording devices are cheap and tiny. and you're in a rich guy's mansion that he had built for himself and he has a huge ego and doesnt care about other peoples agency. I would be paranoid that there would be hidden cameras and microphones everywhere (dsfosdfjsoijfds)
the part where benoit explained away the entire mystery that miles had someone else write up for him was fun, if the entire movie were just ppl chucking mystery puzzles at the guy and him just explaining everything i would watch that...
tho eq-wise this was a bit like if you're the best tetris player in the world and you enter the lobby of some very casual player and their friends and no one is playing faster than 0.5pps and then you demolish everyone at 5pps with ms2 dpc loop and then the streamer is like "well I guess this isnt our stream anymore it's theirs" that's a bit bm... (we actually kinda do have this problem in the tetrio community and someone even made a video about it)
social anxiety DID HE JUST COMMIT A FAUX-PAS BY BEING TOO OP i do appreciate that he commented on doing it intentionally afterwards (ok so he's aware) bc he was concerned someone would try to actually kill miles
when the pretty dress lady was spinning around and was like "look at me!" i was like 'ok this is obviously a distraction and somehting sneaky is going to happen' but it was too flashy and distracting so i didnt notice anything lol ^_^;;
my first thought was that someone tried to poison miles and poisoned manosphere guy by accident, so when ppl went to their initial conclusions i was like ok that makes sense
okokokookok the flashback
initially i was sus of helen's story. i thought she was andi, but pretending to be a nonexistant twin sister for some reason. her story seemed a bit too clean. like. maybe she fabricated this murder mystery to pique the interest of the best detective in the world to help her with her task, since maybe he wouldn't be interested otherwise. and then benoit would poke some holes in her story and then she would reveal that actually the story was a fabrication but she was desperate and benoit would have some sympathy and would help her out regardless
the movie went on for a while before i was like. 'oh ok, the other shoe isn't dropping... she really is who she says she is??'
(you have to understand my experience in these kind of genres involve ppl like L and Naomi Misora and Junko Enoshima and Celeste Ludenberg its RARE for characters to actually just have been telling the truth the entire time so you have to understand why i was doubtful >_<;;)
i was expecting one of the others to have reset the box and sent it to benoit and then he solved the puzzles and went to the island but no the box benoit received was the one helen smashed to bits lmaoooooo. benoit is so smooth i completely fell for that.
i like all the parts where benoit was like "elementary child puzzles" or something and it made miles look kinda annoyed hehe
ok the false memory thing DOES happen, it's true! when he said it, everyone remembered differently. memory is notoriously unreliable. this is true
ok i know barely anything about business or law but i feel like theres so much more andi couldve done to protect her ownership of the company. like. documentation/photographs of the napkin? patents? on the other hand, as recent events have shown, it is also notoriously easy for a charming guy with money to completely sway public opinion with a strong enough propaganda machine so i guess fair enough...
also i feel like that conversation kinda escalated a bit too quickly. "hey i have new idea KLEAN will energy the world poggers" "no it too dangerous it will blow up the world" "no c'mon" "i will BISECT THIS COMPANY"
like. hindsight is 2020 but. give toddler something to play with rather than taking it away altogether. right?...
also i feel like my watching of medical jdramas has skewed my view of what is realistic, but. i feel like everyone gave up a bit TOO easily after manosphere guy stopped breathing. no one even attempted CPR? does no one have like. epipens or something (idk how pineapple allergies work)
also that little hint at the beginning slipped by me. i thought he just didnt like the taste of pineapples lol (relatable), didnt know that he was actually allergic
the dietary restrictions thing in the invite was actually kinda considerate of miles rich guy tho. i mean, u know, aside from the fact that he exploited this very thing to murder his dear friend
also do the police not have. helicopters
whys it gotta be boats
continued bc apparently 4096 character limit per text block
maybe they shouldve added like a thunderstorm or something. or a cut to the police station where they're like "it's that guy again (ugh), let's deal with this in the morning..."
i am happy helen survived tho. guns scary... especially when they are pointed at you lol
NOT THE HOT SAUCE IN THE NOSE NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this legit was one of the most stressful scenes in the movie lol
i get so stressed anytime there's clearly an actor playing a dead body in a movie bc then im imagining the actor having to lie still without moving or breathing at all and that just makes me anxious lol
ok but why did andi even NEED this dude, she shouldve just made alpha or whatever on her own. unless it's maybe just the. stereotypical white, charismatic figurehead to appease the investors maybe. idk
benoit getting mad at miles rich guy for stealing his murder mystery ideas is the funniest thing
but also i know this is a movie but girl why would you bring out the napkin. just hide it, get off the island, and show it! or at least make a few decoys! take pictuers at least?? whyd u let yourself get outwitted by miles rich guy this is so sad
the smashing glass thing is cathartic but i was also cringing bc all that flying sharp glass in the air and floor does NOT look safe. and also who's gonna clean it up afterwards you're making more work for the poor staff of this resort place :c
also. do u have a death wish. why would you throw that in there when you are THERE in the room. headlines: MILES BRON AND OTHERS DIE IN EXPLOSION ON PRIVATE ISLAND RESORT (ONLY SURVIVORS ARE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE AND SOME GUY) idk
while the mona lisa burning is funny and LONG expected since the protection barrier thing was introduced and IS probably not the real one since something about wood panel vs. canvas. i just. do not like destroying art man. tho i probably dont care as much bc it is something coveted by rich people. but still.
also imo this isn't the slam dunk they think it is bc if miles rich guy WERE smart, there's a billion ways he could spin this to his favour
it's pretty much his word against theirs but if he uses his money wisely he can easily drum up propaganda support for this, even if his former friends turned against him
e.g. "ex-Alpha founder who never contributed anything and was actually a leech (true story) throw a tantrum on island resort and used bottle rockets/dynamite/whatever other flammable things there are that DEFINITELY arent Klean to destroy PRICELESS work of art'
wait he killed andi, that wont work
'twin sister of ex-Alpha founder who in an irrational, bereaved fit of rage, destroys PRICELESS work of at'
there we go (miles huffs proudly as if he thought of this idea himself and definitely not as if one of the propaganda firms he hired thought it up for him)
ok but who is that other guy. what is his story. why is he on the island
also, helen girlboss destroying his stuff is satisfying but imo not nearly as satisfying as miles rich guy just destroying his OWN stuff just from sheer incompetence
right now he can escape into the mental copespace of "that woman destroyed my (yes definitely my) lifes work, i will have my revenge". i am worried, bc as recent events have shown, it IS possible, even if you are confirmed guilty, to just skedaddle on out of prison, because of technicalities or whatever
and he will probably still have his diehard fans on his side
the future worries me
sdifgos jsgiojf gdoisdgjdiogj
so in the end, i guess. not really satisfying in the sense of a keikaku whodunnit, and I didnt really vibe with many of the characters either, except for benoit, and manosphere guy's mom, and benoit's... husband? (idk who he is but he seems chill), and helen is neat too but i feel like her characterization was a bit too infodump/exposition heavy
i guess if i look at it more in the lens of a social commentary comedy rather than a murder mystery itd be more up to expectations. but still. not really my cup of tea i guess
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i've started watching the last leg because you speak so highly of it, and i'm obsessed. my current thoughts are:
-you're right, adam hills would be amazing on taskmaster. -i cannot believe they had boris johnson on. like. i saw it happen and yet its so bizarre to me. -adam and alex doing impersonations of josh made me choke on my sandwich laughing why are impressions of him always so funny -i've only seen josh on taskmaster and hypothetical, but the more i find out about him the more it feels like im looking in a mirror (english, short, unruly hair, scared of balloons, wearer of plaid shirts, strange hand gestures, sits on one foot etc) -adams many attempts at accents never cease to amuse me. i think my favourite so far is "i'm absolutely devasted... and slightly south african" from the greek financial crisis bit. -live shows normally make me anxious because you cant cut out awkward moments but i genuinely love when you can hear one of them (usually alex tbh) still giggling at a joke in the background even when they move onto another section. -i feel like now they've definitely gotten into their stride but i do miss the early series "what the hell are we doing" vibes (i really want to watch the og 2012 series but i get the impression that thats lost forever.) -i spent five series waiting for the sofa's awkwardly positioned armrest to catch someone out, thanks alan davies i knew i could rely on you to comically sit on thin air
sorry this is so long, i've completely fallen in love with this show and i feel like i could go on forever. anyway basically yeah thank you so much for making this show accessible and talking about it because now my entertainment is sorted for at least the next month.
This is an absolutely lovely message, thank you for writing it! First of all, never apologize for dropping something like this in my inbox (or ask box, or whatever). If you like something I like, I love hearing about that! If you like something like that and it’s because my blog got you into it, telling me that gives me all the fun of getting to talk about things I like, plus I love knowing this blog is helpful in spreading good things! Genuinely, that’s awesome.
Also, just in general, I am the last person to whom anyone should apologize for writing something that's too long. Every once in a while I'll see a post on Tumblr that's tagged "long post" and is shorter than my average one, and I remember that I was not built for the Twitter generation. I actually work as an editor in real life, where I make sure all writing is tightened up and concise, and then I come on here and do not give one fuck about that. I love seeing others do the same.
- With Franke Boyle already cast, Adam Hills may have moved into the number one spot as my dream Taskmaster contestant. Not because he’s my very favourite comedian who’s never done Taskmaster (I mean he’s up there, just not quite number one), but because of all the comedians who’ve never done Taskmaster, I think he has the personality that would be most suited for the format. And by “personality suited to the format”, I mean obsessively competitive, with a penchant for showing off at every opportunity.
- It’s hard for me to justify how much I enjoyed their Boris Johnson interview, because I realize that’s an actual issue. “Comedy washing” politicians by putting them on entertainment shows that make them seem more fun and palpable, and to raise their public profile. Boris Johnson in particular did a bunch of that for he rose through political ranks, the big one being Have I Got News For You. My best justification for The Last Leg’s Boris Johnson interview is that they were only in their second season when they had him on, a weird late-night talk show that hadn’t gained traction yet, so they can’t have contributed much to his publicity. But still, it’s something they’re guilty of in general at times. With other members of Boris Johnson’s family, and Sayeeda Warsi, Alastair Campbell, a few others. Now that I think about it I guess the interview that Alex Brooker did with Nick Clegg in 2015 counts as that, even though I thought that entire interview was very well done and I enjoyed watching it.
Disclaimer aside, the Boris Johnson episode was really interesting, though. Really weird that they got him on when they were so new to it, new enough so he raised their profile more than they raised his, which is kind of a defense from comedy washing. I loved watching the three hosts find different ways of responding to him. Adam Hills getting excited about the opportunity to try to show off journalism skills, which he sort of did okay but then messed up a few times. Josh Widdicombe just awkwardly looking from one of them to the other, like he couldn’t believe it was happening. And Alex Brooker just entertained that the man with funny hair from TV was in the room with them.
The Nick Clegg one was done better. I enjoyed the tension between the politician trying to seem fun among comedians, and the comedians trying to be intellectual enough to justify having the Deputy Prime Minister on their show, and both sides clearly having no confidence in their ability to do that to the other side’s standards. But Adam pulled him into some good back-and-forth, successfully hit a couple of things that he’d swung at and missed in the Boris Johnson episodes (to use a sort of clumsy sports analogy). And when they sat down for the actual interview, I thought Alex did a genuinely good job of asking questions well and making him respond properly. It’s still probably not good that it happened. But it did, and it doesn’t add to any damage done if you or I watch those episodes now and enjoy them. I don’t think Nick Clegg is exactly poised to make a big comeback on the strength of how human and engaging he seemed on that one episode of The Last Leg in 2015, and any comebacks from Johnson will not be fueled by that.
- Okay, sorry about the above paragraphs, I did not mean to go negative in a post about a show that I, by and large, very very much like. Josh Widdicombe impressions! Josh Widdicombe impressions are funny and do not in any way contribute to the collapse of British civilization! Have you seen this compilation of Josh Widdicombe impressions, put together by someone on Reddit? It’s really entertaining. Adam’s entire repertoire of Josh impressions consists of putting a hand on his hip and saying “Pret a Manger”, it’s great.
- The number of weird little things about Josh Widdicombe is a bit amazing. The leg sitting thing combined with the hand gestures. The inability to sing or do accents, but sometimes he gives it a go. The fear of anything that makes a noise. The plaid shirts are lesbian appropriation that I do not mind one bit. By which I mean it turns out my sexual orientation is "mainly attracted to women, can make an exception for men who look enough like lesbians".
- All of Adam Hills’ accents end up a bit South African, no matter how they start. Including when he’s imitating Australian people, and does a weird thing where he sounds like an English person pretending to have an Australian accent, and it still ends up South African. Also great.
- The element of their show being live does add to it at times. Especially in early episodes, when none of them were quite used to it yet. I used to be unnerved by how often it would feel like Josh was making eye contact with me, until I realized there was a screen right above the camera that showed what it was filming, and he kept self-consciously using it as a mirror. Fucking adorable. I mean all of those early episodes were adorable. Just Adam Hills desperately trying to capitalize on this chance of finally getting his own show and wanting to make it run smoothly and well, and Baby Josh and Baby Alex pretty much spent the first eight-ish seasons just like:
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Oh, and I love how much Alex Brooker's inability to stop laughing on cue it on display in the live format. Which is also on display in this compilation, by that same Reddit person, which I'm sure you'd like if you haven't seen it. Highlights how sometimes a joke will just completely take Alex apart, and he doesn't seem to have a lot of control over how fast he puts himself back together, which can be a problem when Adam's trying to read the next autocue bit so the show can stay on schedule.
I've looked around for the London 2012 episodes before, and they may be lost to history. I am glad the Rio 2016 episodes were out there, though. Those are some of my favourite episodes of the whole show, they were all on top form during the actual Paralympics. It's too bad they had to change things for Tokyo; I hope they get to go to Paris and do that again.
- I miss the awkward impractical sofa. I hoped they'd have it back by now, having switched to a much more reasonable seating arrangement during COVID. Go back to being weird and impractical, guys.
Again, I'm really glad you've enjoyed it! This show has its ups and downs, and legitimate criticisms of it (from the same criticisms that could be leveled at any light entertainment/talk show that can be formulaic at times, to some more serious stuff, I was really unhappy with their post-queen death episode), but my God, it is so much fun! I just really, really like all three of those people, and that can carry the show through just about anything. Positive aspects of the show can also range from the lighthearted (three comedians with very good chemistry having fun together) to something deeper (they make fun of people lauding Important Disability Representation, and rightly so because there's a lot of inspiration porn bullshit that needs undercutting, but also, it is genuinely important disability representation, drawing attention to para sport athletes who otherwise wouldn't have mainstream coverage, and once in a blue moon we get genuinely touching moments related to that). The Last Leg at its best is this genre of TV show at its best.
Again, thanks for that, I will always be happy for an opportunity to talk about this show. And it makes me very happy to know I got someone else into it, that's awesome!
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@torens-nightshift replied to your post “Open for Business! Hello~ This is an RP help blog!...”:
Hi!! sorry if this isn't the right place to ask (i still struggle with tumblr etiquette & didn't see anything against this in your rules ><) how do people get started in tumblr rp? i've been quietly observing a few blogs for a while and it looks fun but i feel like no one would be interested in talking to me or whatever ( _ _")
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Hello there! Getting Started™️in tumblr rp has two parts, I think. making the actual blog, and networking (while Doing Things.)
Your blog itself probably needs a rules page, this can be anything you want to say or express- some people's rules are specific, some are just a few sentences. Establishing some boundaries or guidelines can be pretty important! But! it's entirely up to you, it gives a first impression to others on you as the writer. People mostly hesitate or have anxiety about accidentally upsetting others, so having something there helps! Even if it's just saying you're pretty chill.
Something else helpful is a muse page- people want to know what kind of character that you are writing! For some they will link to a wiki page, and for some they write out a whole bio for their headcanons- For example if you looked in my Volo's bio, you'd see that he's 32, cisgender, albino, and can see through fog. all headcanon stuff that might not appear in every reply i do! For OCs especially there can be a history section detailing their life and who they are!
The other major half is networking. Following RP blogs, making a promo (which you can make visible in tags;; blahblahfandom rp, multifandom rp, crossover rp, etc.) when you find a blog you are interested in, you can reach out! through ims or asks as well. (If your blog is curated enough and has its own dash/account, your sidebar may of course recommend rp blogs! that's about the only algorithm involved. the rest's work. sideblogs notoriously have trouble because they can't Follow people.) Like, I figure a lot of personal blogs find my posts/blog through tumblr's search function- which i'm still not used to because it's the new default, rather than going into the Actual #tag.
a subset of networking is Doing Stuff. Making headcanon posts, in character posts, open starters, and threading with other people will show off your writing enough for people to notice. Some people turn their nose away if a blog 'only' contains 'too much' RP memes, vent posts, or just doesn't have what they're looking for. While it's not a requirement, it may be helpful to make sure you have examples up to see. This part kind of really never ends imo, networking and doing stuff, but it's pretty essential to getting noticed. But like any facet of the internet or world, there's always someone who wants to talk to you! And would love to hear what you have to say! I'm sure that's something that even seasoned rpers might need to hear, everyone gets discouraged sometimes. It only takes a few people getting going to boost you along tho, so! Try to appreciate people! Y'know, socializing and all that, haha.
As far as some etiquette goes, try not carelessly spam-like or reblog. Since the person is writing a story thread, they use their activity to keep track. 'hmmm i wonder if someone replied today?' i ask! i look in my notes! somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this
oh no! where is my post? it can be a little frustrating, so try to keep likes to real time or so, it's much more manageable. People do enjoy likes and feedback, but the first major reason that people block personals is to avoid this kind of thing. In my opinion, it probably doesn't help that it's a wordless interaction, but it depends! If you're not overdoing it, it's delightful, too!
Replies are much more free game imo, it's words as feedback and a bit more enjoyable. (I'll admit a reply on a pinned post is...a first for but hey! this works!)
Asks are enjoyed and adored. Literally as long as it isn't hate, any tumblr user likes getting asks, but RPers are ravenous, lmao. Some may get overwhelmed by their own workload and have to delete em, but socially speaking people love talking about their muses! Or how they as a mun write!
The second reason people block personals is discourse. I'd say the biggest cultural difference, if you are stepping into rp, is to please learn to share. Especially with the onset of Search showing things even mentioning character names. (some people even cen.sor their muse's name to avoid this.) You've probably seen mockey of kin discourse 'no doubles' and etc. Basically, don't be an ass about headcanons and try to respect people's portrayals. RPers would rather write, so many will not deal with the bullshit and their blog is not for arguing. Trust me that when anons or whoever interject in order to be a dick, you become the butt of the joke for that blog's whole audience. Many people love to write threads with duplicates! But even those whose rules say no duplicates as far as interactions go know that it's not nice to insult people and stay in their lane. Be Kind! Ask questions! If you'd like to share a headcanon of your own, the blog owner might like to see it, just don't be pushy and you're good! They might even have their own headcanon even if they disagree with yours and may share that! Everyone's writing is unique and that's the beauty of it! I've personally even had some random personal reply trying to shut down my headcanon/simping in a belittling way, which....i didn't fucking ask. let me have my fun!!! Sooo yea read the room! Have fun!
hopefully this isn't too much of a ramble but the first two sentences I said are the short and sweet answer :')
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diegestings · 1 month
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DIEGESTINGS: an INDEPENDENT and SEMI SELECTIVE portrayal of UTA from SUI ISHIDA’S TOKYO GHOUL. Tormented by JWOWW 26, ( she / her )
important!: this blog contains gore, trauma, body horror, abuse and neglect themes! there will be blood, there will be sexual encounters, there will be +18 plus content, so buckle up, babe!
hi i’m jwoww, what the fuck is good?
i.) i will only write with individuals who are of legal age. Uta’s themes are of an adult and graphic nature, none of which are suitable for minors.
ii.) i have a life offline. i know it may not seem like it at times but trust me, i really do. sometimes things get in the way and i have to stay offline for a bit. please understand this, i know some people get upset when others leave for certain periods of time but i’ll try my best to be active but currently, i’m working at a wild ass diner and it can be extremely stressful due to work drama and customers we receive. there are days when i just feel the need to come home and breathe, and stay off tumblr.
iii.) Uta and i, the mun are two different completely people. this doesn’t mean that i dislike that certain muse or even the mun behind them. if you feel as if i give off an impression that i don’t like you, feel free to im me or send me an ask and we can sort shit out.
iv.) i try my best to reply to threads as fast as i can. but sometimes i can’t write a reply because i’m lacking muse. please don’t rush me for replies.
v.) don’t go right in ahead and god-mod. it’s only okay if we’ve plotted it. when it comes to violent threads where one or both muses get injured i rather plot with the mun about it since shini isn’t really weak in a sense. but also if you feel like i’m godmodding lemme know and i’ll fix the shit!
vi.) hey hey hey, if you send in an ask meme, and wish to turn it into a thread, please make it into a new post!
vii.) this blog can be selective at times. i have my reasons, of course, sometimes my writing just won’t click with yours.
viii.) please do not steal my artwork or edit it in any form! this has happened to me in the past and it really sucks man! i work hard on my art and just seeing someone take it, claim it as their own, or edit the fuck outta it is really heartbreaking my guy!
ix.) i don’t really have any triggers, and i don’t mind writing them but have no fear! i will try my best to tag everything that may trigger an individual, and if something needs to be tagged, feel free to ask me! i tag triggers in this format ’ trigger: insert trigger ’
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nonsensemonkey · 4 months
A Fresh Start
i decided to open this account because in truth, i stopped enjoying myself on my other blog at least a year ago. i kept holding on to it thinking that it would get better, that time was all that i needed but alas, here i am. no one bothered me. there was no drama (to my knowledge, if there was it was one sided hahaha). i just got too in my head after a while worried that the people that were following me hated me, hated seeing me on their dashboards and wished that i would go away.. nothing really happened to give me that impression but when you have a brain like mine, it doesn't take much coaxing tbh.
if im honest, i think i started to feel sort of trapped, like i couldn't breath once there was a certain number in my follower count. i didn't have a big blog by any stretch of the imagination. i didn't even have a MEDIUM blog lmao but more people were following me than i think i was mentally prepared for when i started. and it took me back to those days of when i actually did have thousands of people following me, the eggshells i had to walk on all the time to not tick off and offend people. it was really all in my head this time, 100,000%, but what i dealt with back then with that bigger blog i guess sorta traumatized me.
after a while, i didn't even wanna post in the tags anymore because i didn't want anyone else finding me. i wanted people to just stop coming.
don't get me wrong! i have met some ABSOLUTELY amazing and beautiful people since i rejoined tumblr with that account. and alot of them, i'm sure i won't interact with again once this move is complete. so i will miss them. but, i think my paranoia got the better of me and i couldn't shake the feeling that so many people were mad at me all the time. i know i'd go on my rants and stuff and i'm not sure how offensive they were in terms of hurting feelings per individual but i just... even when i wasn't posting rants, when i was just posting about my day, i was scared i'd pissed someone off or made them uncomfortable. even with tags and a read more.
i think when it came down to it, the reason was because i told myself that people were only following me for yakuza stuff or aizawa stuff. yet, there i was yapping about my personal life or posting about other interests that no one signed up for. like i said, i stopped enjoying that blog a long time ago. the space stopped feeling like mine, a loooong time ago. i thought maybe if people unfollowed me in droves, things would get better? but when i encouraged people to unfollow, no one really ever did. and then it hit me, i have lots of anxiety about unfollowing people myself. so maybe, the ones that have wanted to unfollow just couldn't bring themselves to? especially if we were mutuals!
since i'd been feeling like i needed a breath of fresh air anyway, i decided, instead of placing the burden of leaving onto others, i would do the hard part for them. and so, i decided to open this new account. i don't want to do away with kulemi for good because so much of my hard work is there- my writing, project sideblogs and whatnot. but this will be my main blog and i'll sign into that account when i need to post my fics or side project stuff.
for clarification: the issue isn't exactly that i don't want people following me. if that were the case, i'd have just left and not said anything. it was more so that i was worried that people felt trapped into following someone that they didn't like. if people are following this blog after following me at kulemii, i want it to be because they WANT to be. not out of obligation. i hope i'm making sense.
but yeah! moving forward, kulemii is now the nonsensemonkey! for non-jjk fans, this is not the time to be racist, okay? that's a jjk reference 💀
if you read all of that, you're returning from my other blog and following anyway, i'm happy to see you again! if you're new to me and reading this, confused as hell- it's cool if you split 😭 i get it. i confuse myself too.
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