#i feel like i've been very well-fed between yesterday and today
brother i swear to you your saul/reader fics got me creaming for my life I've never been fed this well ever in my entire life. may i make a request/suggestion? I'd kill for you to write some overstimulation involving one of those remote controlled vibrators while on working hours, that shit would slap so hard from you omfg
hi!!! hope ur ok w/ a drabble for now :3
You swore one of these days you were gonna look for a new job. 
Today was not that day. You had left work yesterday carrying a delicately wrapped gift box, courtesy of your boss, who told you very specifically not to open it until you were home. And that you were to come in to work the next day wearing it. You remembered being flattered by his generosity, excited all the way home about what it could’ve possibly been. 
And then you opened the box and remembered your boss was a gigantic pervert. 
Still, you figured you didn’t fare much better, especially since you were the one standing outside your job with a vibrator inside you. It was off, thank god. You considered it a stroke of luck when you realized you had no idea how to turn it on. You fished your phone out of your pocket, about to text him that you were outside, when the front door swung open.
Saul Goodman was there to greet you with a shit-eating grin. “Right on time, kid! Come on in.” He was as giddy as a kid on Christmas, and it was fucking irritating. You thought about the pros and cons of cold-cocking him in his smug face, but figured great sex and steady income were worthwhile rewards of being his sexual guinea pig.
He pushed open the doors to his office, beckoning you inside. When you entered, he grabbed your wrist and pinned you to one of the columns. You were understandably caught off guard, which he saw as the perfect opportunity to start kissing and sucking your neck. His other hand wasted no time in getting to your crotch. He pulled away to ask you, “So… did you follow my instructions?”
You yelped, your mind racing to find the answer to his question. “Yes, sir. It’s… it’s inside.”
He pressed two fingers down hard against your clothed sex, searching for the toy. He gasped in delight when he felt it. “Good boy. Can I see?” He asked, letting go of you and stepping back.
He had you trained so perfectly. The second his hands left your body, you were scrambling to undo your belt. You slid your pants off and braced yourself against the marble before spreading your legs. Between them was a hot pink vibrator nestled inside you, just barely touching you where you needed it.
Saul gave a wolf whistle at the sight of you. “God, I knew this was a good idea. Though, just one more thing…” He reached into his pocket and grabbed some small plastic thing. You couldn’t quite tell what it was, but you figured it out seconds later.
He clicked a button and the device ignited inside you. Your knees buckled and you grabbed the column for support, already a whimpering, disheveled mess. Just how he liked you. He stepped closer to you, forcing his leg in between yours to keep you upright, and grabbed your chin.
“Look at me,” The command made you feel even weaker than you already were, “Here’s how today’s gonna go. We’re gonna have all our scheduled meetings in the morning. Then we break for lunch, and do walk-ins after. Regular day, right? Except you’re gonna keep that toy inside you the whole time. And you’re gonna do exactly what I say, when I say it. Understand?”
You nodded frantically. Verbal confirmation would have taken too much brain power.
Saul was not impressed. You knew he expected a verbal answer. “Hm. You wanna act like a brat today? Fine,” He tapped the up button on the remote a few times, and the vibrations grew stronger. You shrieked, back arching, knees buckling, your body practically liquifying but for his firm grip keeping you up. “Act like a brat all you want. But I’m in control here, and I’m not gonna let you forget it.” He turned the vibrator up to its max level. “Now I’m gonna ask you again. Do you understand?”
“Yes!” You cried, already on the precipice of an orgasm not 5 minutes into your shift. “Yes, fuck! Yes, Mr. Goodman! I understand!”
“Good boy,” Saul answered, clicking the vibrator off and letting you go. You whined at the lack of closure. He’d snuffed out your flame before it barely got to burn. “Get dressed. First client is gonna be here in a minute.”
You couldn’t even do that in peace. When you bent over to pick up your clothes, Saul flicked the vibrator on and off a few times just to watch your body jolt in response, laughing to himself each time he did it.
This was gonna be a long day.
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beanswrites · 2 years
"Three's a party" Nadia x Asra x MC, from The Arcana
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Hello everyone!!
Today I felt very fluffy, so here's the outcome. Also, this is the first (and only) time someone requested from my prompts, so I'm super excited!
Requests are open! Check out my rules for requesting before sending me your ideas, or pick a prompt from my prompts list! ♡︎
Also available on AO3!
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompts list
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Word count: 1359 words
Trope: General Fluff, Confession, Poly Relationship
Pairing: Nadia Satrinava x Asra Alnazar x fem! MC
AU: none
Warnings: none
Prompts used:
#6 - First kiss
#21 - You two (or three) aren't really dating, but everyone around you is CONVINCED you are, including your parents
Picture from Pinterest!
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"I'm not in love with them!"
MC denied Portia's accusations.
"Yeah, right. I'll pretend that's true!"
The red-head wasn't having it, no matter how many times MC tried to deny it. Nobody believed her when she said that! Maybe she wasn't as convincing as she thought.
Playfully pushing her friend away, MC exclaimed:
"Portia! Don't be like that! You know that I'm not dating Asra and Nadia! Believe me, if I was, you'd know about it! You literately live with Nadia!"
"Please, I've seen how you look at My Lady! Plus, you and Asra already act like you've been dating for years! I refuse to believe that there's nothing between you three", The Devorak sister said back, smirking.
MC tucked her knees in her arms, defeated.
"Even if there were something between us, I'm not sure if they would even want a relationship! Especially a poly one! If they aren't ready to be in a two-way relationship, imagine what would it be like in a three-way relationship!"
The red-head stood up from the grass, offering a hand to her best friend.
"Well, you know what people say: Two is fun, three's a party!"
MC blushed at the thought. She would always lie and say that thoughts of her dating Asra and Nadia haven't crossed her mind, but Portia knew the truth. She just knew her too well to believe her lies! Not like the rest of the world believed it...
The magician's apprentice considered herself a good liar. However, nobody believed it whenever she regarded her feelings toward the countess and her master. No matter what she said, or how she said it, the sexual and romantic tension between the three was undeniable. It got to the point where everyone in Vesuvia was convinced that they were, in fact, dating!
Nadia has gotten countless comments and questions in interviews about it. She didn't confirm nor deny this theory, keeping her subjects on their toes with witty, clever responses.
"My Lady, is it true that you, the great magician Asra, and his apprentice are dating?"
She would simply smirk, not giving anything away. 
"Well, I am quite fond of both, they are very dear to me"
And Asra? He is already fed up with people stopping him on the street to ask him about the rumors. They've even had a couple of people who would book a tarot reading, only to ask him about MC and Nadia!
One thing was clear: MC, Nadia, and Asra were quickly becoming Vesuvia's juiciest story. Something had to change, it had to! They are either going to come out openly and deny the rumors in front of everyone, or they will have one long talk (possibly over tea) that they all so desperately avoided. MC then realized it was time to listen to Portia's advice - she needed to talk to them.
Yesterday morning, she sent them the invitations to her little tea party. That's what she described it as - a relaxing cup of tea over some small talk. Maybe she forgot to add the part where she would propose the idea of them being together.
It would be risky, she knew. But, it could also end wonderfully. She could either lose two of her dearest friends tonight or gain a partner and a girlfriend. Damn. What was she going to do?!
After her talk with Portia in the forest, MC finally admitted her feelings to herself. Yes, she did have a crush on the tall, purple-haired woman, but she also had a crush on her white-haired master. What was she going to do if one of them shared her feelings, but the other didn't? Or worse, if they both didn't feel the same kind of butterflies in their stomachs as she was?
The poor thing almost had a panic attack when the time came! Even though Asra lived with MC, he agreed to take a walk that day and then come over with Nadia, just to give his precious little apprentice more time to prepare for the tea party.
They did come, exactly at sundown, to see a hot teapot of camomile tea and some puff pastries nicely decorated on the coffee table in the lounging area.
"Oh, hi guys!"
MC went for a hug, but went in both directions, accidentally pressing them into a group one.
"I'm sorry! God, this is awkward.." She apologized, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment.
"It's alright, MC, we are all friends here! No need to feel embarrassed for hugging", The countess reassured, offering a smile.
Asra joined in, agreeing with the countess.
"Yeah, MC, we've all known each other for a long time. There isn't anything wrong with hugging us! Wait, we'll just show you!"
Just like that, the three were tightly embraced, holding each other by the waists.
"So... You wanna have a look at the tea party?"
MC offered, with both of her crushes gladly accepting. They've talked over tea, and time seemed to fly by. The late hours of the night were slowly creeping up on them. 
"I have to say, this has been the most pleasant, MC. However, it is quite late... I'm afraid that I have to return to the palace"
Nadia announced, leaving her now empty cup on the table. 
"But before that, would you like to tell us why did you invite us here?"
MC's face reddened at the question. How did she know..?
"MC, we know this isn't just hanging out. You wanted to tell us something, right? Go on, we're listening."
Asra added, reassuring his apprentice.
"Okay, fine... I called you guys here because I want to talk to you about everything that's going on, you know? With all the rumors and stuff?"
The countess and the magician looked at each other, confused.
"The rumors about... Us?"
Poor MC's cheeks reddened at that. She nodded, clearing her throat.
"Ehm, uh, yeah... That rumor... I felt like we needed to talk about it. In the past few weeks, people are constantly teasing us that we are together, I'm sure you've noticed... So I just wanted to know how you feel about it.."
Both Nadia and Asra smirked. Double-trouble.
"Well, the teasing is certainly quite annoying and repulsive. However, the thought of being with you two isn't at all.."
Nadia shyly smiled, letting her white-haired friend talk. 
"I agree. But, MC, how do you feel about all of this? How do you feel about us, together?" A soft blush spread across his face, even on the tips of his ears.
"That's what I wanted to talk about... All of this talk about us made me realize that maybe I do have feelings for you... But, that's the problem! I have feelings for both of you! And I can't be with both!"
"Why not?" Nadia responded, more than satisfied to hear MC admitting her feelings.
Poor MC got confused. 'Why not?' What was that supposed to mean?
"To tell you the truth, we've also had feelings for you for a while now.."
Asra whispered, looking her into the eyes. Nadia silently agreed, nodding her head with a loving smile. 
"Yes, and we've been meaning to tell you, but we just didn't know how... We didn't want you to choose... However, we realized that we also had some chemistry with each other... I guess what we're trying to ask you is.."
"Will you be our girlfriend, MC?"
They asked in unison as Nadia finished her explanation. MC was dumbstruck, not believing what just happened. 
"Really? You two aren't messing with me?"
Asra moved closer, placing one of their hands on her cheek.
"Of course, we aren't. So, what do you say..? Would you like that too..?"
The squeal she let out was the happiest one they've ever heard. She pressed Nadia and Asra together in excitement, accidentally catching their lips in a quick, fluttering kiss. This time, she didn't pull away that quickly. Asra was the first one to get a proper kiss, but Nadia wasn't left hanging either. After they were finished with their first kisses, MC pulled away, giggling.
"Guess Portia was right... Three really is a party."
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survey--s · 9 months
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If you have a job, how long is your shift? I run my own business so I don't really have shifts. If I have them, I do cat visits from 6-7am, then dog walks 8.30-2pm, and then any evening visits are between 4-5pm. I normally just have dog walks though, cat visits are only a few weeks a year.
What was the last thing you received in an envelope? Something about council tax.
Do you ever wear your hair in a pony tail? No, I tend to put it up in a messy bun as it's better at keeping it out of my eyes than a ponytail.
When was the last time you got a new phone? About two years ago.
Do you wear your watch on your left or right arm? I don't wear a watch.
What was the last kind of pop you drank? Pepsi Max.
Do you think you’re single because you repel the opposite sex? I'm not single.
What language did you take up in high school? We had to do French and then I picked German as my second option.
Why are you home? Because I have to head off to feed Monty in half an hour, so there's not really much point in going anywhere else now.
Do you like sunflowers? They're pretty, sure.
Whose bedroom were you in last? Mine.
Are you counting down for anything? Leaving to feed Monty, lol.
Are you watching TV? What’s on? I'm watching an old episode of Dogs Behaving Badly.
Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito? Yeah, a couple of times.
Do you have a sweatshirt on right now? No, it's way too warm for anything like that lol.
Where is your ex? I really don't care.
Have any pictures on your dresser mirror? No.
Did you hang out with anyone today? What did you do? Just Mike and we just hung out at home.
Have you had any beer this week? No.
What channel did you last watch on tv? I haven't watched live TV for years.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? I had some wine at New Year.
Currently waiting on something/someone? Ha, yes, like I explained twice up-thread. Monty gets fed around four and I swear he gets huffy if I'm late lol.
Last time you painted your nails? I painted my toenails a few weeks ago. I don't think I've painted my fingernails since our wedding day.
What was the last thing you watched on television? Dogs Behaving Very Badly.
Is your shirt yellow? No.
How old will you be in 12 months? I'll be 35.
What did you do last night? Fed Jess and Monty, came home and just chilled in front of the TV as it was just so muggy and humid.
What woke you up this morning? Mike getting up to go fishing -_-
Do you sleep naked? No.
What should you be doing right now? Nothing, really. I have nothing else I need to do except my evenings visits.
Looking back, did you ever think you would be where you are now? No.
Do you have make-up on? Yeah, a bit of foundation as it doubles as sunscreen.
Have you kissed anybody in the last 4 days? Yeah.
Have you ever held hands with someone in a car? Yes.
The last person you kissed name started with a J or R? Both wrong.
Are you taller than 5 foot 7 inches? Yeah, by an inch.
Would you rather be called honey or baby? Baby.
The person you have the most feelings for calls you right now, what do you do? Wonder why he was calling me from the shed instead of just coming in to speak to me in person lol.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed? Because he's only outside.
Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? Yeah.
Your last kiss meant nothing to you, right? No.
Where is your phone? Charging on the arm of the sofa.
Will you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeah.
What if you had a baby with the last person you kissed? No thanks. I have no desire to have a baby ever.
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? George.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? Yeah, well, I hope I'm still married in five years time lol.
Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I have done before but it wasn't for me.
Did anyone call you babe yesterday? No.
Did you ever slam a door on someone? I mean, not physically on them but yeah.
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? Yeah, loads of times now that I live by the coast.
I bet you’re thinking about someone right now? Nope.
Are you in love with someone right now? Yeah.
What have you watched so far today? I finally got round to watching the new Little Mermaid and then I've just been watching dog programmes on TV.
What is the weather like right now? Very humid. <---- sameee. It's horrible.
Have you ever given a toll collector 75 cents in pennies? Back in the days when the accepted cash, yeah.
What was your favorite Christmas gift you got last year? Probably my riding stuff.
0 notes
Busy Day, So More Past Posting!
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I didn't get to play much with Malta and Panther today, just fed and groomed them, as today was... A day.
Development-wise: Neither of the two changed much from yesterday. Aside from being noticeably bigger!
So with nothing new from the drakenz, I'll make this an archive post of some past pix I've taken!
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I was already keeping note of the development of "evolving" petz at this time, and I mean really taking note of things! Like how Blaze's tail got a little weird as he started growing the signature imp's tail of a proper Houndoom!
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After everybody was fed it was time to play! According to the first pic, I may not have intended to send out two pairs at once but somebody may have come out of the case on their own. So... Why not? One big playdate for everybody!
Spamton wound up stealing the show for the most part, what with figuring out his crazy personality and how everything spooked him, on top of how jealous he gets over me petting anyone else! And yet, it didn't mean he couldn't make friends, he got a bit sad when I accidentally dropped Crystal the Furfrou into the case. Sorry!
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All was fine, after a bit of dress-up for the doggoz, I took everybody over to the Haunted Ma- Wait, did I give BigWingz a freakin' knife?... lol Spamton NEO fight but he has a knife
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Now here is where I admit I used PetzA to speed up their aging. They had grown from puppiez and kittenz to "adults" but... They dogz still made puppy barks and I didn't really want to breed what felt like teenagers to me. Even from this way back I didn't feel it right to breed petz with an Age value younger than 50!
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And so, with a clearer conscious, I put Blaze and Crystal together and enacted Pokemon Infinite Fusions before that game was even released! Gotta say, Calavera turned out the most interesting. Also didn't know at the time that Blaze's blue color does *not* pass down via breeding. Oh well! They still had adorable puppiez!
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And thanks to PetzA, Papa Blaze can be with his mate and kids! No avoiding child support for you! Endearingly, Blaze and Crystal were still very lovey-dovey towards each other!
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And while the new parents were busy tending to their newborns, Spamton and BigWingz were off on an adventure. Which turned into a beach day.
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By the next day I had Blaze return to the Nursery with Crystal and his pupz, where he proceeded to nap for the most part. Crystal was certainly more attentive, very wholesome to have been here at the time seeing Mama Crystal being maternal.
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Spamton and BigWingz, on the other hand, stayed at home in the Family Room that day to relax after their adventure... Or, at least BigWingz was trying to relax. Here we have a much smaller Spamton pinning and attempting to play with BigWingz like he caught a mouse! Cheeky little [$!$$]!
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From this point, the litter grew big enough to start walking and running on their own! This was also the point I started noting differences in behavior between infant pupz and older pupz, mainly that younger pupz are not as playful as they will be later and they really like sniffing the carrying case.
Oh, and we have the parents being very affectionate in front of their young daughter. Lucky for dogz they can't get embarrassed over their parents getting mushy in plain sight!
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I also brought the Spammy Boiz over to the shop since I started experimenting with the Music Box, primarily with replacing the music it plays and swapped it out for a completely Deltarune themed set of tunes. Here is when I learned both Spamton and BigWingz love to dance! I also made the playlist before I discovered somebody else already made plenty of tracks available for everyone!
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While Crystal had one more day with the puppiez, the Spammy Boiz decided to take Blaze out with them on their return to the beach. Not mentioned earlier, but they got to meet Peg again, who at this point was turning into a family friend!
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It seemed Blaze was more than ready to let loose during his time away from the Fusemon!
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Speaking of the Fusemon, I decided to paint the three of them just to see "what could have been". Now that I know how to brex, I'm kind of considering brexing Calavera to be blue since... The brown was kind of random. I'll see what I do later, for now my focus is Panther and Malta!
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And, as one last pic for the album, I end it off on the splendor that is: DERPY SNEO!
Aug 7, 2022 - Aug 12, 2022
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laikuh · 3 years
Hi I’m new here. Just found your blog 👋🏾.
Um opinion on JohnSam or AdamJohn. Or Adam x Dean and/or Sam.
I don’t even know if you like Adam. If you don’t I’m sorry, please ignore me.
hey, welcome!
i don't have a lot of opinions here! i don't ship sam and john, and i have been thinking about why. part of it is aesthetics, which aren't quite as satisfying with them. the other part is character identification--i identify with dean so much more than sam.
but largely it's actual characterization in the show for me. i can see a version of events where john wants sam to submit to him and uses sex as a way to get that submission, but that veers into non-con territory, which isn't really my deal. but i don't see an older sam, even older teen-aged sam, wanting to do anything that john says or finding himself interested in being intimate with john the same way i can imagine that for dean, or the same way i imagine sam could want to be intimate with dean. i think sam's relationship with john is equally complicated as dean's, but in a way that isn't (imo) conducive to the kind of stories im drawn to. im sure if it was well-written or had a good hook, i could thoroughly enjoy john and sam, but i think it would take a lot more work.
and unfortunately i don't have a lot of thoughts around any of the other winchester men and adam! mostly bc we really just don't know adam all that well, and we don't really know that much about how john was with him. for me, what makes the various types of og winchester wincest interesting is the intense claustrophobia of their life together after mary dies and before sam leaves for stanford, and sadly poor adam is outside of all of that.
(i do, however, get down with adam and michael; haven't read any fics, but that's a pairing that compels me!)
thank you for asking!!! sorry my answers were probably a little lackluster.
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The Princesses and The Frogs | Misfits Timeline Anomaly' verse
An oc x oc collaboration between @seanfalco​ & @super-unpredictable98
Word Count: 6,3k
Warnings: Strong language, smut
“Shit, shit, shit,” Win muttered under her breath as she quickly tried to flip the pancake that was burning before stifling the large yawn that cracked her jaw. The last thing she needed was for the fire alarm to go off and wake up the entire building.
How did Lyddie manage to wake up this early every single day and actually function? she wondered.
"Wow, someone beat me to the kitchen today," Lydia came out of the room already in her rehearsal outfit and carrying her trusty backpack. 
"You look so cute when you're cooking..." she snaked her arms around her fiancé and kissed her neck.
“You think I look cute all the time,” Win countered with a laugh. 
"It's not my fault you look cute all the time!"
“I hope you like pancakes,” she murmured sheepishly, cringing as she glanced over at the rather dark looking stack next to her.
"I love pancakes," Lydia sat at the counter and took her first bite. Yeah, they were slightly burnt, but they tasted really good regardless. "You're really getting the hang of it, sweetie."
Win snorted at the compliment. “You’re not just sayin’ that? I’m sure if I fed these to the boys they’d laugh at me,” she sighed, collapsing against the counter.
"Nathan has no standards, baby, I'm pretty sure he'd eat a rock if you put sprinkles on it... but these are actually really good, I swear," Lydia assured.
“I’m glad,” she laughed, covering another yawn. “I’ll get better, the more I make them,” she exclaimed, rounding the island to sit next to Lyds.
"I'm sorry about what happened yesterday, I didn't mean to make you feel useless," Lyddie took Winnie's hand. "And I'm sure you're more than capable of taking care of us."
“No, it wasn’t you that made me feel that way!” Win blurted hastily. “I-I just... I felt bad that I don’t really do much around here... and Nathan said...” she shook her head and trailed off. “I don’t want you t’think that I take you for granted, Lyds. So I thought I could do more, y’know?”
"I'm glad that you wanna help, but I never felt this way. I love being your personal chef, helping you with your hangovers, making sure the boys don't die all the time... I guess I've spent so long feeling like no one needed me, that now I wanna make up for it. But it feels good to be taken care of sometimes, makes me feel loved."
“I know what you mean,” Win murmured, leaning her head on Lyddie‘s shoulder. “I always need you,” she whispered.
"Well, crying and eating pancakes right before I have to make everyone laugh and grab the ass of at least three girls was not how I pictured my morning," Lydia tried to hold back her tears. "But I'll never forget it, so I'm happy... I always need you too."
“Oh, I didn’t mean t’make you cry!” Win exclaimed, feeling her own tears welling in her eyes as she turned to embrace her fiancé.
"I know, it's just- I've been trying to find ways to cover a few scars. I thought traveling in time would fix it, I thought being a famous pop star would fix it, I thought being a famous Broadway star would fix it... I can't complain, all of that made me very happy, but some things, will never stop hurting, and that's okay," Lydia squeezed her tighter. "Cause you're here."
Her words made Win’s tears fall and she buried her face in the crook of Lyddie’s neck. “I love you so much, baby. I’ll always be here. You’re one of th’best things to ever happen to me,” she sobbed.
"I love you too, honeypie," she definitely didn't expect breakfast to be so emotional, but all of that has been bothering them since Coney Island, so they had to get it out. "You are my gift from whoever is up there, or down there, or around us, or somewhere..."
Winnie gave a watery laugh, lifting her face so she could kiss the tears from Lydia’s face until she found the other woman’s mouth, kissing her softly at first, filling each caress of her lips with love.
Taken by surprise, Lyddie kissed her back passionately. Maybe every single one of them was the odd one, but in a way, they all managed to fit in together. "Baby, I might not get to work if you keep kissing me like that," she joked. "Cause I never wanna stop."
“Sorry,” Win murmured ruefully, pressing her forehead to Lyds’. “To be continued?” she added hopefully, her lips twitching into a grin.
"Definitely," Lydia seriously thought of calling in sick, but they were so close to opening... She finished her breakfast and kissed her fiancé's cheek before leaving. "I'll be thinking of you all day."
“Me too,” Winnie sighed, whining softly as Lyddie left her side. “Have a good rehearsal,” she said before the door shut. 
With a huff, she dragged herself to the sink to wash the dishes she’d dirtied before heading back to bed. Feeling heat wash through her the more she thought about those kisses.
"Winnie?" Lyddie's Nathan felt someone crawling next to him. He lived in constant fear of waking up with his clone in his arms, or even worse, in the arms of his clone, so he was always very aware of movements on the bed. "What you doin' up, babe?"
“I made breakfast for Lyds before she left,” Win answered, moving closer to him, seeking his warmth.
"Good, you're so cute, love you so much," he mumbled incoherently before falling back asleep, holding her close.
She grinned into his chest, her Nathan completely out behind her, sprawled out on his stomach. “I love you too, Natty,” she murmured, pressing her lips to his collarbone before closing her eyes and letting his even breaths lull her back to sleep for a few hours.
Lydia really couldn't stop thinking of Win or her lips the entire time, she was so distracted she missed her cue at least twice. Thankfully the director was understanding, and let them start over, but she performed on autopilot the whole time, only waiting to get back home. 
"So, I have no notes," the director said with a shrug. "Opening night for some of you is right around the corner, everyone's practically perfect, keep up the good work." 
After hearing that, she rushed back home, with the biggest smile on her face. "Winnie... are you up? Or do I have to wake you up?" she asked from the door.
The sound of the door stirred Win and she faintly recognized her fiancé's voice.
Shit, she thought, moaning softly, she’d wanted to wake up before Lydia had gotten home, but waking up so early had kicked her ass.
Noticing everyone seemed to be in bed, Lyddie quietly made her way to the room, dropping everything she was carrying on the way. 
"Hey, sleeping beauty," she whispered before kissing the lips of her sleeping princess softly. "Did you have sweet dreams?"
“Mmmm” Win moaned, drawing both arms around her instinctively. “This is so much better than my dreams,” she murmured.
"I missed you," Lydia found a way to lay down without disturbing the boys, pulling the other woman on top of her. "You were so amazing earlier, and I couldn't wait to kiss you again."
“I missed you too, baby,” she breathed as she settled atop Lyddie. “Did you think of me all morning?” she asked, slipping one hand under her shirt.
"Every second, couldn't even concentrate on anything," Lydia admitted, gasping quietly as she got used to that familiar touch, not wanting to wake the boys up. "Did you dream of me?"
“I did,” Win nodded, her smile growing at Lyds' words and she pressed her lips to her fiancé’s neck, skilled fingers dancing up her stomach to her chest.
"Oh yeah? Do you wanna tell me about it?" she let out a breathy moan, grabbing a handful of Winnie's ass. "What were we doing?"
Win hummed against her skin, pulling back to meet Lyddie’s gaze, though her hands still kneaded her tits. 
“We were cuddling on the couch,” she purred, leaning down to nip at her neck. “And then your hand kept wandering, turning me on more and more—“ another nip, another flick of her tongue “—until your hand was down my knickers,” she finished, licking provocatively at her fiancé's lips. “Pretty sure my knickers are soaked from that still.”
"You know, since we're getting married, I think it's my duty to make your dreams come true, isn't it?" Lydia giggled, teasingly wetting her lips. "You know what I've been thinking about all day? I was remembering that night... when we tried scissoring. Would you ever wanna do that again?"
Win's breath hitched and she had to fight back a whimper at her words. "God yes," she breathed, squeezing her breasts harder. "That was probably the hottest thing I've ever done," she admitted.
"Yeah, that was really good... so why don't we let the boys sleep a little longer and take this to the couch?" Lydia trailed kisses all the way from Winnie's lips to her chest. "I just wanted to thank you for the pancakes."
"If this is the thanks I get just for pancakes, I can't wait to see what you give me for a three course meal," she laughed quietly, careful not to wake the boys as she pulled her out to the couch.
"Well, I couldn't get you out of my head, I just wanna feel you close," Lydia blushed, thinking about all the ways she would like to pleasure her partner. "That's on you for making out with me right before work, you evil little thing."
"Maybe I should do that more often, if this is how y'greet me when you get home," Win mused, slipping her knickers down, her mouth resuming its exploration of the other woman's throat.
"Well I kept messing up, it's all your fault," Lyddie laughed, getting out of her clothes as fast as she could. "You want me to show up to work covered in hickeys? What is everyone gonna say?"
“I won’t leave any marks... where anyone can see,” Win laughed, “at least til after the show.”
"Jesus, you're such a tease..." Lyds groaned in frustration. "I wanna see you, all of you, I want to feel your body on mine."
“Yes babygirl,” she breathed obediently, letting her hands trail over her fiancé's body. “Do you want me on top again, or—?”
"We could try something different..." Lyddie rolled over to get on top. "Let me know if I'm doing it right," she hesitated for a second before finding the right position, slowly rolling her hips. "Is this good?"
A soft moan left Win’s lips as she felt the friction. “Mhmm, right there,” she gasped, guiding Lyddie's hips, as she lifted her leg higher. “Oh God—“
Lydia was surprised with herself for getting it right the first time, but also very proud. "You feel so good, Winnie," she moaned, moving faster as her pleasure took over.
Win’s mouth fell open as she watched the other woman move, her head thrown back and her hair cascading down her chest as her tits bounced.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful like this. Please baby, you feel so good,” she moaned, moving her hips to meet Lydia's desperate grinding.
Those sweet moans were the only thing Lyddie could hear. She looked down, watching Winnie's every move, hypnotized by her. "Oh, baby, I wanna see you come for me. Touch me, I need you so bad," she bit her lip, taking her fiancé's hand and placing it on her chest. Winnie immediately obeyed, kneading her breasts and pinching her nipples.
“I’m getting close,” Win gasped, “oh, God! Please Lyddie, please Lollipop, let me come, please!”
"You beg so nicely, honeypie..." Lyds could've come undone just hearing her pleads. "I'm so close, sweetie, come for me, show me how good I can make you feel."
A broken whine left Win’s mouth as she tensed beneath her partner, her climax intensifying as Lyddie didn’t stop, and she let out a sob of pleasure as she watched Lydia come undone as well.
"I love you so much," Lyddie relaxed, careful not to squish her fiancé with her weight. "That was... perfect." 
"Thanks for the invite... hey Nathan, we're about t'shag, d'you wanna watch? " her Nathan grumbled as he left the room.
Win pulled her closer, peering over her shoulder at him, face flushing. “Sorry Nats, sometimes we like t’have some time to ourselves without being stared at too,” she murmured, idly running her fingers up and down Lyddie’s back, relishing the feel of her skin pressed to hers.
"Yeah, plus you have a video, you can always watch that..." Lyds argued before pressing her lips to Winnie's forehead. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" 
"Okay, now that's just gross," Nathan teased once more before going back to the room with a bowl of cereal. 
"Fuck you!" she shouted with a laugh.
Win giggled, letting her eyes slip shut. “You stole my line, y’know?” she whispered, nuzzling against her shoulder. “I love you so much, babe.”
"I love you more, I don't think there's much to discuss..." Lydia joked. "What do you say we make dinner together tonight? Remember how much fun it was to cook together?"
“That sounds perfect,” Win murmured, tucking Lyddie's hair behind her ear. “As much as I like cooking for you, I like cooking with you even more,” she said, grinning, remembering the last few times and how they’d ended.
"Hey... let me ask you something," Lydia lowered her voice, resting against her fiancé's shoulder. "Did the boys mention anything about my birthday? 'Cause I think they forgot. I mean, it's Nathan, so I don't know what I expected, but-"
“Don’t worry, babe, we’ve got it all under control,” Win assured her, not wanting to give away any of the surprises, but wanting to make sure she knew they remembered.
"Oh, mysterious... it's so weird to think of all this. Last year Nathan and I shared pizza with the others at the Community Centre rooftop," she chuckled at the memory. "Now it's just us and we're in the city of my dreams, it almost feels like it's not real."
“You deserve it all, Lyds,” Winnie murmured, gazing up at her affectionately. “We’re gunna make sure this year is really special.”
"Okay, I see I'm not getting any information from you. Maybe if I suck Nathan's cock he'll tell me what is your big plan," Lyddie mused for a moment, she loved surprises, but half of the fun was trying to find out what the surprise was gonna be.
“That’s not fair!” Win gasped, scandalized. “That’s playing dirty. Nats would do anything for a blow job.”
"I know, isn't it amazing that I have so much power?" Lydia grinned mischievously. "I'd ask what they're getting me, but I know they'll just conjure something out of thin air, they never plan."
“Maybe they’ll surprise you this time,” Win said with a shrug, sticking her tongue out at the other woman.
"I think I might have some vague ideas of what you're planning," she quirked an eyebrow. "If you guys are thinking of doing what I'm imagining... I will have a very happy birthday."
“Oh really? And what are you thinking we’re planning?” Winnie pried with amusement.
"I think you'll give me some sexy treats, the type only I enjoy" Lydia mumbled, flushing with embarrassment.
Win’s grin widened as she looked at her fiancé. “Oh you bet your sweet ass that’s gunna be part of it, babe,” she said. “But there’s more to it too.”
"More?" You're gonna get me spoiled," Lyddie giggled, stealing several kisses. "Don't worry, I won't ruin your surprise."
“Good, because I want it to be perfect for you,” she murmured kissing her back languidly.
“Are y’gunna lay like that all naked like, all day, or...?” Win’s Nathan teased as he came out of the room. “Cuz I’m not complainin’.”
"I don't wanna put clothes on, or move, I just wanna hold Winnie for eternity," Lydia cried dramatically. "She was up today at seven to make me breakfast, that's true love!"
“And I’ll wake up every morning to make you breakfast, my dear, because you’re worth it!” she exclaimed, just as dramatically.
"You guys still there?" Lyddie's Nathan came out with his empty bowl, staring at the girls. "When do we get naked cuddles?"
“Well, take your clothes off and join us then,” Win laughed. Her Nathan grinned, not needing to be told a second time, pulling his shirt over his head.
"Oh my God," Lyds grunted when he clumsily jumped on the couch with them, followed by his clone. "You have the grace of two elephants fucking in a China cabinet."
“Yeah, but it’s not like y’fell in love with us cuz we’re graceful!” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, throwing his arms around Lydia.
"I happen to like obnoxious pricks who are ungraceful and disgusting, so you just got lucky!" she reached to grab his ass.
“Doesn’t explain why Win likes us so much,” he countered, raising a brow at her. 
“Y’know, I have no idea. Guess we’ll never know,” she teased, sitting up so Lyddie’s Nathan could get behind her.
"I think I know..." he wrapped his arms around her, groping her tits. "It's 'cause of our mind-blowin' shaggin' skills and roguish charm." 
"No, that can't be it," Lydia teased.
Win laughed, leaning back against the Nathan behind her, craning her neck to kiss his jaw. “Well, you’re certainly charming,” she purred.
"See? I knew it," he kissed her neck with a smirk.
"Well, you are way too cocky for my taste and I'm hungry," Lydia tried to break free from the other Nathan's embrace unsuccessfully.
“Ah ah ah, where d’you think you’re goin’ princess?” he asked, holding onto her tighter. “I’ve got somethin’ nice and filling for you right here,” he exclaimed, guiding her hand to his half-hard cock.
"Ew!" she grimaced, despite the wave of heat that coursed through her body at his words, covering her in goosebumps. She didn't try to stop him, leaning against his chest. "You're such a dick!"
He smirked at her, noticing the way she shuddered, only making him more confident. “I thought you liked that about me?”
"Fuck! This isn't fair..." Lyddie turned in his embrace, kissing his shoulder. "That you get to be a crude asshole and I get horny." 
“Maybe y’shoulda thought about that before you agreed t’marry us,” Win’s Nathan teased, pulling her into his lap.
"Hey," Lyddie's Nathan whispered in Winnie's ear. "Wanna go back to bed?" he asked, scared there wouldn't be enough space once the others finished their mating ritual.
“Oh, good idea, I am getting sleepy again,” Win joked, stifling a pretend yawn.
"Sleepy?" he got up, carrying her with him to the bedroom. She fought back a giggle, tightening her arms around him. "Don't worry, darlin', I'll wake you up."
“I dunno, I think I might just pass out instantly. I woke up so early, remember?”
"Fair, but I don't think you'll wanna sleep, baby, at least not until I have my way with you," he lowered her to the bed, kissing her chest gently.
Win’s laugh turned husky as Nathan’s lips lingered against her skin and she drew her knees up around him, pulling him closer. “And what’re you gunna do t’me, Nathan?” she purred, running her fingers through his hair.
"I'm gonna shag your brains out, but first..." Lyddie's Nathan pulled away, going against his every instinct. "Show me how you do it, I wanna watch you touchin' yourself."
“Okay,” she murmured hesitantly, biting her lip. Out of all the things he’d watched her do with Lydia, he’d never watched her pleasure herself. 
Slowly sliding her hand down her body, she slipped her fingers between her legs, gathering her arousal as lubricant, moaning softly as she circled her clit, rolling her hips against her hand, all while holding his gaze.
"Good girl, y'look so sexy like this, Winnie," Nathan watched carefully, his excitement only growing as he saw how wet she was. "Does it feel good?" he crawled closer, his fingers running up and down her thighs but never quite reaching the spot he wanted to touch the most.
“Mhmm,” she answered breathlessly, her chest rising and falling with each heavy breath. “Not as good as if it were you though,” she murmured, wanting desperately for him to touch her.
"Really? Y'want me t'touch you, sweetie?" he smirked, his fingers gliding dangerously close to her sex. "I could do that, but... you gonna ask me nicely?"
Win shuddered as his hands ghosted closer and his lips trailed maddeningly up her legs. Gasping, she arched into her own touch, desperate for his. “Please, oh please Natty, please touch me. Make me yours.”
"Alright, if y'want it so bad..." he chuckled before moving Win's hand out of the way and replacing it with his tongue, teasing her clit while looking up at her. "How d'you want me t'make you come, my baby girl? D'you want my cock?"
“Yes, I want your cock, Nathan,” she cried, squirming under him. “God, your mouth feels so good. I love you so much!”
"I love you too, sweetheart," he was always caught off guard when she said something so adorable during sex, but he liked it. "I wanna make you feel good," he trailed kisses up her body until their lips connected as he slowly thrust into her.
Win made something between a sigh and a moan as Nathan slid into her, her arms tightening around his shoulders, her hands sliding down his back, wanting to feel him.
“You always make me feel good, babe,” she whispered.
"Cause you're always good t'me, you deserve it..." he moved firmly, burying himself deep inside of her, but without being too rough. 
Was he making love to her again? He wasn't sure if that was the intention, but it felt right, especially after the whole thing that went down the other day.
“Ohh—!” she cried softly, clutching at his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around him, wanting to pull him as close as possible, feel every inch of his skin against hers. “Oh, Nate,” she sighed as he paused for just a moment, deep inside her and she pressed her lips to his collarbone, his shoulder, his neck, anywhere she could reach.
"I love you so much," he mumbled, slightly overwhelmed in the best way possible. He could faintly hear Lydia's cries in the living room, and he felt very lucky for a moment, for having both of them. "Y'look so beautiful, Winnie," he murmured against her neck.
His words filled her with emotion and she smiled against his skin, keeping him close as he moved in her, each thrust firm, but unrushed as if he were savouring her. “I love you so so much. Sometimes I think I’m dreaming,” she murmured, moaning quietly.
"If this was a dream, I'm pretty sure I'd sleep forever," Nathan said without even thinking. He usually wasn't very gifted with words, but he wanted to find a way to let her know how special she was, and how much he appreciated her.
Win smiled, affection stealing her breath for a moment. “Me too,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his jaw. “Forever,” she said, putting as much meaning into the word as possible. 
And she found she meant it. She wanted to spend eternity with him, and her Nathan, and Lyddie. She was determined to make sure that happened. 
She could feel her pleasure building, feeling each inch of him, each vein as he slid in and out, stretching her deliciously and hitting her just right, overwhelming her senses.
He felt her breathing change, so he moved slightly faster, watching her carefully not to finish too early. "Can't wait t'marry you," he drawled before kissing her lovingly, his hands wandering around her body as he tried to focus on how soft her skin was.
“Me too,” she murmured, opening her mouth wider for him, moving her tongue against his as his pace quickened and she began to roll her hips desperately, meeting each thrust, pulling him deeper until she was crying out.
Hearing Winnie's cries, and feeling her body tense up, Nathan finally allowed himself to relax and face all that pleasure he'd been holding back, too concentrated on making her come. "That's right, babe, you're so good," he groaned.
“Oh Nathan, oh Nathan!” she cried, pressing her face to the crook of his neck as she came. “Fuck, oh fuck, you feel so good!” she whined, holding her breath as her climax washed over her.
"That's my girl," he tried to catch his breath as he carefully pulled out. "Was that good? I feel like I got a little sentimental there, wasn't sure that's what y'wanted..." he felt slightly insecure, a little vulnerable, like he always does when talking about his feelings.
Win's smile grew, holding Nathan’s face between her hands. “It was exactly what I wanted,” she assured him. “I know how much you don’t like talking about feelin's and shite, but I like seeing this side of you. It makes me feel like... you trust me,” she murmured, brushing a soft kiss to his forehead as she held him against her chest.
"I do," he had never really thought about that aspect of things, trust was a word Lyddie used a lot, but he didn't. Right then, he realized he did trust Win, and Lyds, and his clone. Probably some of the only people he trusted completely. "I feel like I'm makin' progress, aren't I?"
“Definitely,” she replied, stroking his cheek and huffing a soft laugh. “I love you so much, you have no idea. Have you ever felt like your heart’s so full, it could just burst?” she asked quietly. “Because that’s how I feel right now.”
"I never really thought about that," Nathan confessed, looking deep into her eyes, those eyes he loved to get lost in. "But yeah, that's how I feel right now too. Good thing I'm immortal, so if my heart does burst, I'll be back in couple hours."
“Yeah, good thing,” she laughed. “Cuz I can’t live without you, you dork,” she said, hugging him tightly.
"Life without you would be pretty fuckin' shitty, so I agree," he squeezed her back, kissing the top of her head.
"I knew all that 'with big powers comes big responsibility' talk was bullshit," Lydia buried her fingers in Win's Nathan's curls, gently grinding against him. 
A soft moan escaped his lips and he let his hands slide down her waist to her ass, urging her to grind harder. “But it’s true, isn’t it?” he laughed. 
"It is..." Lydia pressed her chest against his, kissing the spot where his neck connected with his jaw. "And you do have great power, can you feel how wet I am?" 
“Even after shaggin’ Winnie?” he mused, groaning softly, wanting nothing more than to buck up into her, filling her suddenly, and hear her cry out. 
"You do that to me, Natty. Also, I've never been the type to stop after one orgasm, my personal record is eleven," she held him close while stroking his cock slowly. 
Nathan’s brows rose and he let out a low whistle. “Eleven, huh? Maybe sometime, we’ll hafta see if we can top that. There are four of us now, after all,” he mused, twitching at her touch. “Tie yeh up and all have our way with yeh?”
"Fuck, Nate," she breathed, that sounded like the perfect birthday gift. "I love this idea! Extra points if you torture me," she dragged her tongue along his jawline. "Fuck me, baby, please?" 
“Thought y’might,” he drawled with a grin, slipping his arm around her back, holding her close as he flipped her down to the couch, pinning her under him. 
“Ask me again, Lyddie,” he said, rubbing the head of his cock along her entrance, teasing her just enough. “I wanna hear y’beg baby.” 
"Fuck me, Natty, please... please I need you so bad," she whined, squirming as she felt every last bit of her body tingling, aching with desire. "Use me and fill me up, kiss me all over, say I'm yours, I want you." 
“You’re mine, Lydia,” Nathan exclaimed before his lips crashed into hers and he groaned into her mouth as he pushed into her, stretching her pussy, filling her in one sudden thrust. 
"Yes! I'm yours, Nathan, all of it," she gasped, moaning loudly as he thrust into her, her nails lightly scratching his back before she was seeking his lips again, the taste of him already driving her insane. 
“Good girl,” he growled, pulling nearly all the way out to slam back into her, rocking her entire body as he filled her. “Fuck, Lyddie, I need you so bad,” he hissed as her nails bit into his skin. 
"You feel so amazing! I wanna be a good girl for you, I wanna make you come," she cried, trying not to close her eyes, she didn't wanna stop looking at him. "God, you look so hot right now." 
“I look hot? You look hot, sweetheart,” he insisted, watching her expressions with fascination as he rut against her, moving in her desperately, feeling his pleasure mounting. 
His praise was like a drug, she could come just hearing him talk, just watching him look at her. "I'm close, Nate, can I come?" she asked, knowing his answer, but wanting to hear it. 
“Hell yeah, come for me Lyddie, be my good girl,” he exclaimed, feeling his own release nearing, his thrusts becoming jerky as his muscles began to tire, sweat dripping down his temple and bare chest. 
Pulling Nathan in for an urgent kiss, swallowing his moans, Lydia let her second orgasm wash over her, wishing that wave of pleasure would never end. 
He felt her tense around him, pushing him over the edge and he moaned into her mouth, his orgasm clutching him as he bucked into her several more times, slowing as he filled her with his seed. 
Panting, he pulled out, collapsing atop her, though careful enough not to crush her. “Oh, fuck, Lyddie, I love yeh,” he mumbled into her hair, feeling it stick to his sweat slicked skin. 
"I love you too," she sighed, the biggest smile on her face. "God, you're so sexy, I can't... I'm turned on by how quick you can make me horny, but I'm also scared, cause I know you're not exactly right in the head" she admitted teasingly.
“Scared?” he yelped, grinning as well. “I told yeh, I’d be responsible. If I really wanted to, between me and him, and Winnie, pretty sure we could have yeh horny 24/7,” he laughed. “But y’see, I’ve refrained, for your sake, Lollipop.” 
"I know you could, that's the scary part," Lydia stroked his hair, kissing his forehead. "I don't have as much self-control as I like to say... and I might not be that great at hiding it when I'm turned on in public... I feel like you guys like that, you think it's hilarious." 
Nathan faltered, his grin slipping. “That’s not— we’re just teasin’ Lyds. It’s not that we think it’s hilarious, like we’re laughin’ at yeh... more like... it feels good t’know we have that sort of effect on yeh. I don’t know about them,” he said, nodding toward the bedroom. “But for me, seein’ yeh get so turned on by somethin’ I’ve done, or just by me bein’ me... it makes me feel... I dunno... desirable, I guess.”
He’d never meant to make Lyddie feel like they’d been laughing at her and the idea was more painful to him than he cared to admit. 
"I know, I know you're not actually laughing at me, but even I can admit it's kinda funny how easy it is. You know this one time I made a bet with Nate when we went to a party, he said I couldn't spend one night without shagging him," she remembered very little of that night, maybe that was a good thing. "Also you are desirable, I just happen to desire you more than the average, and that's okay." 
“Did you lose that bet?” Nathan asked with a laugh, fairly certain he knew what her answer would be. “Believe me, I will never mind that you desire me more than average. I’m so lucky a girl like you even desires me at all,” he admitted, adjusting himself so he could pull her onto his chest, holding her close.
"I kinda lost, but I was on drugs, so it doesn't count..." she chuckled, she missed those days sometimes, even though she couldn't complain about her life now. "It's so funny to hear you say those things. When we first met, I couldn't even speak, you were the most handsome guy I had ever seen, and I was... well you know." 
“I was the most handsome guy you’d ever seen?” he asked in awe. That wasn’t exactly something most women had ever thought about him. 
"Yeah, I was completely smitten! I just remember thinking you were just like a fairytale prince or a greek statue," she looked away embarrassed, she had never really said that out loud. Every time her Nathan mentioned that night, she tried to downplay how flustered she was. 
He grinned softly, watching her face redden. “So I’m your prince?” he asked, liking the sound of that. “And you’re my princess.” 
"Something like that..." she rolled her eyes fondly, trying to fight a giggle. "You know you have a beautiful face. You're a prince until you open your mouth, then you become more of a frog, but I like it that way." 
Nathan snorted with amusement, sticking his tongue out at her before tickling her sides. “Such a rude little princess!” he cackled with laughter. 
"Nathan Young calling me rude? That's rich..." Lydia squealed, squirming to avoid his hands unsuccessfully. "I love you, but if you don't stop, I'll bite you!" 
“Joke’s on you, I like it when y’bite!” he exclaimed cheekily. “Come and get me, Lollipop!” 
Meanwhile, in the room, Win sighed. She could hear Lyddie’s laughter through the door. “I wonder what’s going on out there. Sounds like a fun time.”
"You'll regret this!" Lydia turned to bite Win's Nathan's neck. "Win! Come here!" she called. 
"Our presence is required," Lyddie's Nathan muttered with an exaggerated British accent, he didn't wanna let go of Win though.
Winnie noticed his reluctance and bit her lip. "But I'm comfortable!" she cried, "can't you come here?"
"I'm fighting a battle!" Lydia shouted, running (still very much naked) to the bedroom to escape Win's Nathan. "You gotta help me, babe," she grinned, hiding under the sheets.
"Sorry, I'm a little preoccupied here," Win laughed. 
"Oh sure, run to Winnie, she can't protect you!" Win's Nathan shouted as he appeared in the doorway, giving a little shimmy before posing.
"You'll never get me alive!" Lydia tried to hide behind her own Nathan. "Honey, get him!" 
"Sorry, Lollipop, I trust myself, y'probably deserve it... Besides, I'll never fight a naked bloke, especially if I'm naked too," he shrugged, still not letting go of his other fiancé. 
"I'll remember this betrayal!"
Before Lyddie could escape, Win's Nathan caught her, wrapping his arms around her as he jumped into bed with a shriek. 
"Why are you even trying to escape?" Win asked with amusement, running her fingers through Lyddie's Nathan's hair and pressing a light kiss to his jaw.
"He was tickling me! This monster!" she turned around, embracing him back. "All because he can't stand the truth."
"She was th'one threatenin' t'bite me!" Win's Nathan cried, laughing wildly.
"And what's the truth?" Win smirked. 
"The truth is that he's more of a frog than a prince, it's not my fault..." Lydia explained before biting his shoulder. "I have a type." 
"Yeah, I'd tickle you too," her own Nathan looked over at them while gently stroking Winnie's back.
"Well, don't you two look comfy," Win's Nathan pointed out, eyeing her and his clone.
"We were havin' a moment until you two brought the chaos," he joked. 
"Do you want us to leave?" Lyds felt horrible for ruining their romantic post-orgasm thing.
"No, you're fine," Win chuckled softly, laying her face against Lyddie's Nathan's chest. "I'm just really comfy. I'm sorry I didn't save you."
"It's okay," Lydia snuggled closer to Win's Nathan, looking up at him. "I think the war is over."
"Yes, truce?" he suggested.
"Yeah, sounds good," she kissed the spot she had just bitten.
"So now that we've been naked for most of the day, what do you wanna do now?" Win asked, "cuz I kinda wanna just stay naked." 
"I think we should definitely do that," her Nathan agreed emphatically.
"I agree, I'm not in the mood to put clothes on," Lydia idly traced patterns on his arm. 
"When will I ever say no to starin' at tits all day?" Lyddie's Nathan scoffed.
"And there's that frog Lyds was talking about," Win murmured wryly, poking him in the side.
"Yeah," Lydia nodded, still thinking about the other Nathan's words: you're my princess. It was so silly, but that made her feel loved. "But they are cute frogs."
"I suppose..." Win mused, remembering how much Lyddie's Nathan had opened up to her earlier. It wouldn't be Nathan if he was some perfect sweetheart all the time.
Tag List: @holidayspirits @firstpersonnarrator
9 notes · View notes
multifandom-world8 · 4 years
We had a few more days in London before we fly to San Diego for the comic con.
Henry texted me that he wants to take me to breakfast and that whenever I’m ready he’s waiting at the lobby.
I put on a wintry outfit since and it was a bit chilly outside and left my room.
“Good morning love” Henry smiled when he saw me “good morning” I smile and kiss his cheek.
He took me to a restaurant called
‘Victory garden cafe’, it was style like an old Greek place, vintage.
“Good morning and welcome Mr.cavill and Ms.heard follow me”
The hostess said as she gestured us to follow her causing me to frown
“I’m a regular here” Henry shrugged
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and I chuckled.
After we both ordered our food we shared some experiences from past movies we filmed.
That is until my dog sitter called
“Oh I've gif to take that one in sorry” I quickly apologized to Henry Henry before I picked up
“Lea, is everything alright?” I asked her
“She has stomach aches y/n what do I do?” Lea asked me in a panicked tone
“Okay give her the special dog food and rub her belly until it passes, she’s joining me soon tell her that she’ll calm down” I instructed her “okay I’ll keep you updated on her condition” Lea said before she hung up.
“You have a dog?” Henry asked me
“Yes, a Siberian husky, her name is Isabel but I call her Izzy all the time” I smile as I show him a picture of me and her that’s also my Lock Screen.
“She’s so beautiful, almost as big as my dog” Henry chuckled
“Yeah Kal is HUGE” I chuckled too
“He’s coming to San Diego too, maybe they’ll keep each other company” henry suggested
“Sounds good but can your dog sitter handle both of them? Because I won’t have mine” I chuckled
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“Yeah that’s no problem” Henry shrugged.
We both enjoyed an amazing breakfast before we went to have a little tour. Henry was here before so he took me to all of the beautiful and time-worthy places.
Back at the hotel, I thanked him for the amazing tour and we had dinner together too before going to sleep.
The next few days we spent by interviewing local news and signing autographs before we finally headed to San Diego for the comic con.
I was beyond excited to fly to San Diego, not only because it’s my first time there, but also because it’s my first comic con.
When we landed at the airport I saw Lea with Isabel, my dog,
And immediately ran to her, not caring than I just abandoned Henry with my suitcase.
“Oh I missed you so much” I hugged Isabel tight While she licked my face “did she behave?”
I asked lea
“She was amazing as usual. But she got a stomach ache again on the way here so I stopped giving her her sweets for a while” Lea said as she handed me Isabel’s bag
“Thank you so much, Lea, enjoy your vacation” I hugged her and when we broke she ran to her gate to catch her flight.
“She’s so cute” Henry said once he catches up to us
“Omg hen I’m so sorry I abandoned you with my stuff” I apologize
“It’s alright I would’ve done the same for Kal” Henry chuckled
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“Well then you’d have to kiss your suitcase goodbye because not all of us have crazy muscles as you do”
Isabel licked my face again before she ran and started jumping on Henry, trying to get to his face
“Traitor” I muttered and Henry chuckled “she’s so cute” he said as let go of the suitcases and bent down to pet her.
Seeing Henry so sweet and caring with Isabel made my heart swell with happiness.
I no longer saw him as Henry that was had a dark side, but Henry the giant softy.
This time henry and I decided to share a room at the hotel with princess and Kal.
Kal was waiting for us at the lobby with Henry’s dog sitter and surprisingly, Isabel liked him immediately too.
The two just jumped around each other excitedly.
“They are so adorable!” Gal said as she joined Henry and I
“Just like their owners” Jason smirked
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“Oh shush you” I blushed deeply.
Jason, gal and Henry kept talking about something while I noticed Ben glaring at me from the reception area.
“Hen I’ll be right back, keep an eye on her for me?” “Is everything okay?” He asked me “yeah yeah just need to talk to Ben for a second” I reassured him before I handed him Isabel’s leash.
“Okay, what’s with the glares? You’ve been giving me the stinky eye ever since we left London” I asked Ben
“Is everything a game to you?” He spat
“What are you talking about?” I frowned
“Did you use me to get a reaction from him? Huh? I thought you said he was mean to you and had a thing with amy” Ben growled
“Woah take a chill pill man. I was not using you, we went out for a drink, I thought it was a friendly hangout. And he wasn’t mean on purpose amy was blackmailing him” I explained even though I didn’t think I had to justify my actions to him.
“You’re lying. Amy may be crazy but she would never do such a thing” Ben scoffed
“she’s a class a psycho ben, You know what if you don’t believe me ask Henry I’m fed up with all of these accusations” I told him angrily before I stormed off back to henry.
“Hey what’s wrong?” Henry asked me once he noticed my angry expression
“I’m not in the mood to talk about it” I said as I felt tears threatening to fall.
I took my room key and went up to the room with Isabel and hugged her as I cried.
I guess I cried so hard because I didn’t hear Henry walk in until I felt Kal licking my cheek.
“Y/n please tell me what’s wrong”
Henry said as he sat next to me on the floor
“I’m so fed up with all the criticism” I sobbed
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“What did Ben tell you?” Henry asked, a hit of anger in his tone
“He thought I was using him to provoke you, that I’m a liar” I whimpered.
Henry pulled me into a hug and brushed my hair with hands softly
“I’ll talk to him later, you’re amazing y/n, you saved me from Amy, I don’t know what I would do without you” he muttered and I felt myself smiling as I lean into him more.
“Thank you hen, I needed it”
“No problem love” he kissed my head.
We stayed like this a little more until it was time to get ready for an interview we had with all of the cast(except for Amy thank goodness).
I was seated between Henry and Jason, making me feel like a complete short ass next to these two giants.
“Guys welcome! So nice to see you all together. Are you feeling like a proper family?” Jamie, the interviewer asked us
“It’s like a family reunion every time you know” Ray chuckled
“So, like if you were a family, who’s got the worst habit?” Jamie asked
“I think Ezra” I said “I chew my nails a lot, and it’s apparently bad for your nails in a long term, is it really bad or is y/n just messing with me again?” Ezra asked
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“I don’t think” Gal shook her head
“Jason has a habit of taking our clothes off all the time” Ben said and Jason raised his hand proudly while saying guilty making us all laugh
“Henry in this film has a habit of being dead so you’re gonna see him” ray shrugged “yeah I’m the dead uncle” “that’s right ” ray chuckled
“It’s nice to see the ghostly figure. Spotting some nice facial fluff” Jamie said, referring to Henry’s mustache
“He had it before” I said “really?”
“Yeah” Henry chuckled
“Well I wanted to talk to you about something and it’s beardy Batman” Jamie said as he looked at Ben
“Beardy Batman, yes. At the beginning of the movie you get to see bearded Batman which we haven’t done on screen before and uh I thought it was kind of cool and just so you know they added in the white streaks in the beard, those were not present before” Ben explained
“Well obviously with all of you in together you get to see your very cool costumes, was there any costume envy?” Jamie asked
“I was jealous of Gal’s costume because Unlike mine hers is not tight” I said causing her to laugh
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“I could barely breath in it”
“Yeah I was kind of envious of ray because he didn’t have a costume” Ben said “I had an onesie, I was calm cool and collected. I did have a muscle suit that I wore sometimes with like the hoodie and sweatpants and I got the feel of what it's like to be them on a certain level. But I envy their costume because they actually exist you know?” Ray smiled
“What’s the costume like at the end of the day?” Jamie asked
“Sweaty” Ben and I said at the same time
“Smells like a foot” Ezra added
“Yeah even mine” ray chuckled
“Costume people on this movie earned their money” Ben said
“Re you guys ready for the world of the dc family? A few of us have done a few of these films now. They’re absolutely obsessed aren’t they?” Jamie asked
“Passionate for sure, I wouldn’t say obsessive but we all are we love our characters” I said and everyone nodded in agreement
“You’re doing these movies knowing there’s going to be expectations from the fans, they’re going to pay a lot of attention to the details and everything that comes out to the internet,even the minor nonsense turns into a big story” Ben explained
“Gal you tweeted yesterday and already have 46,000 likes “ Jamie said
“How much?” She gasped with a smile
“46,000 likes” Jamie said again
“look at her- how many likes?” I asked as I intimated Gal’s voice
Causing everyone to laugh
“I think that the fact that people care so much about these characters is pretty amazing because I think that there is this amazing device of universe that we can tell stories with and so many people are interested in hearing what we have to say. It’s an amazing thing and it’s not to be taken for granted and this is the reason why we keep on making these movies...because people care so much” Gal told Jamie
“Okay thank you guys so much for coming, it was fun” Jamie said and the interview was over.
Henry and I returned to the hotel to have dinner together before we headed to bed.
“You were quiet today during the interview” I told Henry “well most of the questions were not directed to me so but I did talk” Henry shrugged
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“It was fun to be with all of the crew” I smiled
“I’m glad you had fun love, now rest up, we had a long day” Henry kissed my head before he turned off the light and we fell asleep.
A/n-I’m opening a tag list for my stories, comment if you’re interested to be in it!💕
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coreastories · 4 years
The Morning Before
Part 11 of Days and Nights of Forever 
The morning before she let him go, for what could well have been forever. 
Companion to the first part of The Thirteenth Rule
I love Episode 15. So much tenderness there, and so much heartbreak that it's my first time rewatching certain scenes when I finally decided to flesh out THIS outline. 
This is for Patty @pateetsie, who sent me a bucket of joy, and wanted some fluff. There's fluff here. :)
I've been cussed out told that there is no fluff in this chapter at all AT ALL. 😅
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It was raining. Soft rain. The kind that washed away sleet if any had come in the cold night, the kind that spring asserted against any last vestiges of winter. And she was warm, so very warm with Gon spooning her and breathing onto her hair under their shared blanket. 
She wiped her eyes and swallowed the sniffling that had woken her up. He was here. There was no need for this.  
Gon tightened his arms around her--gently, without disturbing her wound--and kissed her on her hairline. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. 
She turned in his arms and she saw love and… something else in his eyes. She focused on love. Focused on how he looked like he wanted to kiss her. Focused on all the affection in that gaze. So she smiled at him and smiled wider when she saw that other thing recede from his eyes, even if just for now. 
His eyes brightened even more when she stroked his arm, clad in the sleeves of hospital pajamas. “What happened to your clothes? You didn’t get stabbed too while I was asleep?”
“Your nurse happened. She gave me this to wear and took my clothes to the laundry. She felt sorry for me trying to fit into this bed in those clothes.” 
“Oh yeah. That jacket certainly wasn’t for sleeping in.” She made a face. “Were they filthy?”
He grinned. “I don’t know. Probably. Frozen time and space also worked on my entire excretory system but I did go out of that place several times. Did I smell when you saw me in 2016? And last night? I’ve showered before getting back in here with you.” 
She shook her head, laughing. 
The rain continued in the background, falling a little harder, but still a soft, pleasant background as he kissed her. 
Tae-Eul sighed into that kiss, loving the feel of his lips and tongue against hers and ignoring the tears that spilled from her eyes again. He had also kissed her last night, but she was already half asleep by then, exhausted from everything, her adrenaline and her brain shutting down the moment Gon was finally there beside her, promising he wouldn’t leave her. 
So now she focused on that kiss. And nothing else. The sound of the rain helped. 
He brushed his thumbs against her cheeks and eyes, and kissed her eyelids and forehead, his hand a warm, solid weight on her cheek and neck. She placed her hand over his, wrapping her fingers around his thumb. 
He nodded. 
“I’m sorry,” he said again.
She shook her head again. “Don’t mind me. I’m just glad you’re here. Don’t go.” 
They both ignored what returned to his eyes. 
She moved to get up and he nimbly jumped off the bed and rounded it to help her sit up without straining her middle. 
She usually had to roll to her right side and then use her elbow and arm to lever herself up. But he made things simple, wrapping his arm around her and simply lifting her up. 
She smiled up at him. “Thanks. Can you help me? My hair wash day was supposed to be yesterday. But I was busy.” 
His expression said he wasn’t happy about that, but he grinned all the same. “Of course. I can help you wash everything.” 
She slapped him on the arm and left him to laugh at his own dorkiness, pushing him aside to go to the bathroom. 
Having him there helped. Instead of struggling over the sink and getting the front of her hospital gown wet anyway despite covering it with a towel, he held a wash basin under her chin so she didn’t have to bend over to wash her face. 
They did the same thing when she brushed her teeth. 
Then he used the already damp towel to cushion the rim of the sink. He helped her position her head on that towel cushion just so, and he washed her hair, digging his fingers into her scalp, his eyes warm and attentive. Watching for any discomfort. Watching, period. She held his gaze for the first minute, then closed her eyes because the sight of him just...filled her so much and made her spill over with tears. It was ridiculous. 
But was it only yesterday that she didn’t know if she was ever going to see him again? 
Only yesterday when she felt both sad and relieved that she wasn’t--
She took a deep breath. She wasn’t going to dwell on any of that today. 
They had today and she hoped it was going to be a long day. 
She opened her eyes and he was still looking at her, now with one hand guiding the handheld shower over her hair and the other on her forehead so the water from her rinse wouldn’t run down her face. 
“You’re really good at this. You can go professional.” 
“No one would hire me. Everyone else would lose their tips because the customers would flock to me.” 
They both laughed. She loved seeing him laugh. She had missed that laugh so much. 
He wrapped her hair in the towel, tucking everything carefully so she wouldn’t drip, and then helped her get up again. Once she was on her feet, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tucked her against him. 
Her arms were already around his waist, her hands stroking his back. She loved how warm he felt under the thick cotton pajamas. Loved the solid feel of him enclosing her. Loved the weight of his head as he pressed his cheek against the towel securely knotted around her hair. 
Loved that he was there for her to hold. 
They stayed like that, just holding each other, until they heard someone enter her hospital room outside the en suite. He took her hand and they went out together. The nurse paused on her way out the door. She looked at them and smiled. 
“I left your clothes there for you,” she said to Gon, then turned to Tae-Eul. “They’ll send breakfast in a bit. I’ll make sure it’s enough for two. Then I’ll come back with your IV and check on your wound.”
She just smiled again when they both bowed to thank her. 
Tae-Eul looked at Gon. “What did you tell her? Why does she love us so much? She wasn’t happy with me last night.”
He raised his eyebrows and smiled in that half-smug, half-self-deprecating way only he could pull off. “Maybe we just look good and romantic?” 
“Romantic is not the word in my head right now, but it rhymes.” 
Breakfast was quick. She just wanted to start the day. Maybe they could sneak out now that the rain had stopped and the sun was out. She was already done with her bowl of dakjuk before it occurred to her that she could have made Gon feed her. Ridiculous thought. But maybe later. 
The nurse came back and scolded Tae-Eul for removing her IV while she redid it all. Tae-Eul didn’t flinch, but Gon did. When the nurse left, Tae-Eul said, “You’re not scared of needles, are you?” 
“Of course not. But this is the second time I’m seeing you with an IV. That’s two times too many.” 
“I’ll take an IV over a cast any day.”
He rolled his eyes but only shook his head in wry amusement. 
He changed back to his black pullover and trousers in the en suite and then they were back to staring at each other while he blow dried her hair. 
She wanted to ask him what he was thinking of, but she already knew, so she took hold of his pullover between her fingers, and it was enough to quiet her rising panic. 
“I bet you take longer getting your hair done.”
“Not really. It’s fast when you have the right tools and two people doing the work,” he said with a straight face. He laughed at the look on her face. “It’s really just mousse and gel, you know.” 
“Why don’t you just slick it back like Jo Yeong does with his hair?”
“Too easy. And he’s been doing it since he got tired of his bowl cut. So I can’t exactly copy him.” 
“He had a bowl cut?” 
“Yeah. It looked ridiculous. You were so cute as a kid. I saw your pictures at your house, of course, but seeing you in person was different. You were probably so cute as a baby.” 
“No, no, I wasn’t a pretty baby.” This wasn’t a subject she wanted, though she applauded herself for being able to say the word baby now. She was going to be fine. “Let’s go downstairs for my checkup so we can go outside.” 
She was glad Gon didn’t have to be there when her bandage was changed. The wound was clean but still angry, and it was going to leave an inch of scarring despite the good stitching. She took her antibiotics and the nurse injected another dose of pain meds in her IV. 
She wondered how long she could stay awake with those doses in her bloodstream, but she managed. Oh, she managed. 
That morning was beautiful, even if she was warned against straining herself and had to be wheeled around, even if Gon was already steeling himself against that regret and unassailable decision she’d seen in his eyes, even with her barely hanging on to composure by touching him all she could. 
He fed her bibimbap, and she fed him his bowl of instant ramyeon in return. When one noodle was too violent and broth splashed all over both their faces, they wiped each other’s cheeks and mouths with their hands, laughing hard enough for her wound to twinge and remind her it was still there. 
He helped her wash up, and then he helped her lie down because it was probably so obvious that she was fighting sleep. 
She curled up facing him in his seat, and she memorized everything about him, that ridiculously perfect hair, his beautiful eyes, that nose, that cheek that hid her favorite dimple, those lips she knew could turn her breathless and mindless and boneless. 
And his hands, both clasped and completely enveloping her hand. Those big hands that could deftly handle chalk, shoot hoops, fix cars, knock men down with a single stroke from his sword or his crop, hands that commanded the manpasikjeok and yet were also trapped by the manpasikjeok. 
She closed her eyes so she wouldn’t cry again. “You’ll probably leave when I sleep.”
All right. She’d take that. She smiled. She wanted to say, “Don’t go.” But that was no longer right to say now, not when their morning was fast turning into evening. She would sleep, and then maybe when she woke up, she would have a better argument than simply telling him they should just… not save the world. 
She opened her eyes to drink him in, one last time. “Saranghae.” 
He stroked her hair and pressed his lips to hers for several long moments. “Nado.” 
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Disclaimer : Please don't be an asshole and complain about my grammatical errors... I'm a normal person who is filling in his diary... not my mistake that you got hold of it
2. April.2018
Everyday I see this guy in the school recess; his name is Sameer. Anyways...the point is I don't like him. You ask me why.......I really don't have an answer..... I've never even talked to him, but I just instinctually dislike him.
It was just like any other recess, and my eyes caught Sameer again; I noticed it for the first time..he actually is very physically attractive... I'd totally do him..... but yeah, I dislike him.....So I don't think I'll be doing anything of that sort....
I know all this might seem 'weird', but take two steps back and watch; there's always that person (or maybe more) who you just don't like..At this point of time that's exactly what Sameer is to me.
Weird how I say I don't like him.... but I keep writing about him. Well if you're fed up of Sameer already... I'm sorry
I'm in a boys school...and you narrow minded people might be stereotyping that we discuss girls all the time.... Though it's not completely true ... it can be sometimes... but I hardly have an opinion when it comes to 'who is hotter?'
I was eating my food on a bench when I noticed a ball rolling towards me and a voice followed the ball....“Yo, Tanvir, .... throw the ball here.” you're not Sherlock... It's pretty obvious that's Sameer. I picked the ball up and threw it to him and he shouted “ Thanks Yo. ” I thought he was supposed to be a rude guy, but a rude guy wouldn't say 'Thanks' to a guy he hardly knows...and he knew my name too... maybe he's not all bad.
I typed his name on Instagram.. his bio read
🌈 🌈 🌈
like playing Cricket and I kinda love writing random shit
I followed him...and was unexpectedly satisfied when he followed me back.The ‛kinda hatred’ was kinda slowly fading away.
18.April. 2018
The bell for the recess rang and I stopped Aniruddh form running away....“Can I play cricket with you guys today?”.... Anirudh replied “I literally call you to play everyday, come ”.....I used to play cricket for the school up until class 10... Sameer joined school in 11th so never got a chance to play with him.....I didn't mind playing some recess cricket... Though the actual reason was Sameer.
It was the third over and I was batting against sameer's bowling....He's like 6'2 and bowls very fast.... but that didn't stop me form hitting him for 5 consecutive 4s.....I didn't expect the 6th ball to be a bouncer......I mean the ball doesn't need to bounce that high for my short ass but it still was a bouncer and it hit me hard on my lips ..... I threw the bat and fell to the ground...... Sameer started to say “sorry!!!!!” and ran towards me....he took his handkerchief out and pressed my bleeding lips with it....while his other hand rested my head.....my heart started beating at an extremely high rate.... it maybe even hit 120..... I'm totally crushing on him.... All it took is one thank you to make me not dislike him.... Maybe instincts are not always right.... maybe you should try talking to that one person who you hate for no reason.
24th April 2018
It's been 6 days since the handkerchief incident ........ I and Sameer have become closer......I mean we were never close before, so let's just stick to close instead of closer. Except for the height we're pretty similar....we love cricket, we love writing (tho I write only this diary), We're huge 'The office' fans and we vibe well.... the initial negative vibes are converted into complete positive vibes....we started to text a lot too.
While I was walking back to my class with Anirudh, Sameer stopped me and said “Yo Guys can you both come over to my place this saturday for a sleep over ?” Anirudh replied “I'm up” and looked at me....I said that I'll have to ask at home.... I knew my mom was going to allow but she can be unpredictable sometimes like all other moms.
Mom said “yeah you can go, but you'll have to come for the wedding on sunday”.......God!! I hate those weddings..... All that happens there is that a bunch of awkward-unforgettable memories are formed in my brain..... But as they say “To get something...you have to lose something”... well I'm not exactly losing anything, but you get the point right..
“ Tanvir! Does mom know that you're gay yet?” my sister asked... She wasn't mocking..it was a genuine question... “Not yet.... I'll tell it when I feel it's right though”
“You know she might freak out right?”
“Naah I don't think so”
28th April 2018
Though I and sameer were okay..... Aniruddh was high and drunk at the same time....he was doing all sorts of random shit....he almost put his fingers on a moving fan....He randomly just said “Guys clapping your hands is just so weird...I mean why do we bang our palms with each other when something good happens, I can't understand”. When I actually thought about it, it made partial sense.
You know those moments in which all the friends all of a sudden wip their phones out and get lost in their screens..... while we were having such a moment, Sameer noticed that Anirudh is asleep and said “Tanvir.... wanna chill in the balcony?”
He spotted out constellations to me.... This was the first time I noticed the constellations outside the books and the screen. So he thinks that Virat Kohli is a better player than Sachin and Lara, which I'll never agree to but I'll let it go. While he was laughing, I couldn't stop myself from staring at his lips.......he probably noticed that and became quiet....we looked into eachothers eyes for a few seconds and I slowly moved closer ........ I don't know how, but my lips were now hardly 3 centimeters away from his lips .....while I covered the 25 centimeters, he covered the last 3 centimeters.......and just like that I had my first kiss at the age of 17 and I know it sounds cliche like any other part in this diary... But it was beautiful.
2nd may 2018
Sameer hasn't come to school since then, but we talk a lot on text and on the phone too......I needed to say it, there was no point keeping it in.. so I said it..... more like typed it... But there's hardly any difference between those two these days.
‛Uhmmm..... this might sound weird.....You probably already know it.....I like you.....as in I feel stuff for you...... don't think it's because of the kiss... I've liked you before that also....I sometimes just think about you and start blushing.... If you feel the same ....do you want to take it a notch higher?’
I unsent and sent this message atleast 7 times... While I was going to do it for the 8th time he saw the message....... I immediately closed the chat and threw my phone away to the other sofa.....I just looked to the other side and started to bite my nails ....... all sort of thoughts were crossing my mind.....
‛Wow...that escalated quick..... I've always found you really cute Tanvir....and I could feel the vibe since the time you started playing with us..... I've never dated a guy before this.... but I think you're special enough for that...yes we should take it a ‛notch’ higher 😂💓💓’
My face was burning red and just like that I made my first boy friend ........also at the age of 17.
2nd June 2018
Today summer vaccation starts.... I mean summer holidays are enough to make me happy but I'm also happy cause I'll have more time to hangout with Sameer.... also it's our 1st month anniversary today... But sadly he won't be able to make it to the party at Anirudh's place because he's moving places and is busy with it...... I'll write the rest tomorrow after the party probably....Ill probably stay over at Anirudh's... That's what I told to mom
3rd June 2018
Yesterday night shit went down..... I'm not in a good mood right now...and won't be in it for few weeks probably.....
While I was partying, all I could think about was how my mom always trusts me and keeps saying that I'm an honest boy......I was feeling really guilty that I didn't tell her this.....I stopped dancing at once...and was just staring at the floor.....I started whispering repeatedly “I need to leave.....I need to leave..” and then the sound of my voice slowly increased....and I ran out of the place........ I literally jogged 4 kilometers to my house...and was panting heavily.....It was around 10:30 .....I thought to myself that mom wouldn't be asleep and I was ready to tell her about my sexuality...I confidently stood outside her room, took a deep breath, and opened the door......the second I opened the door... while I was on my way to shout ‛maa’....she was making out with someone....I felt really embarrassed and closed the door.... But not completely...... as a weird thought crossed my mind I opened the door again(....(btw all this happened in a 2 second period.....).....What I saw can not be unwatched.....MY MOTHER WAS MAKING OUT WITH SAMEER.....I closed the door with all the energy I had and probably broke a hinge....I walked to my room....I was feeling heartbroken and extremely pissed at the same time.....I locked myself in.... Sameer was banging on my door and said “I didn't know she was your mom tanvir... I'm sorry”... well even though he didn't.... what he did was cheating....and I did not feel very well.....I probably should have went with my INSTINCT and continued to DISLIKE him.
Also today is the day.......The day I throw this diary away ..... feel lucky if you find it
Instinct......Tanvir Manchanda
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I can't believe that I was in New Jersey with James yesterday. It feels like it was a week ago. I'm laying in another hotel room but by myself this time. I'm exhausted. And while it's only 9 here it is midnight back home. And I've been awake since 4:30 this morning. So I'm really going to try to go to sleep soon.
I went to bed at like 8:30 last night. Or at least soon after 8:30. I was certain this morning was going to be terrible. But going to bed so early actually help me out and when my alarm went off I felt fine. I got up and got dressed. I texted James. I fed sweet pea and made sure all the dishes were put away. I took the recycling out. And then James was there. I said goodbye to Sweet Pea. And we headed to the airport.
James and not going to bed at all. He had gone straight from our trip to home to eat and then right to work. They had some Ghost Hunters on board constellation. And they interviewed him with my ghost story from sting I saw on the birth stack. So that's pretty cool. But he was kind of exhausted. He felt okay enough Drive but I really don't like when people drive when they're tired. But I was still very grateful and thankful for him taking me to the airport so early in the morning.
We got there about 5:30. In line for TSA was surprisingly long. But I made it through. I had to get patted down because my jumper had a knot on the side of it that's at the machine off. But then I texted James that we were all good and he went home to go to sleep.
I looked out that the McDonald's is right across from my gate. So I got breakfast and tried not to get a nervous stomach. I had until 6:45 when we were boring. I ran to the bathroom and wash my hands and tried to mentally prepare myself for a 6-hour flight. It's the longest flight I've ever taken. So I was a little bit nervous. And like the TSA is fine and the actual flying is fine. The worst part of felt air travel to me is the few minutes between first boarding and waiting to get in your seat. For some reason that makes me so stressed out. I just want to be in lazy and sitting down with my headphones in and not thinking about anything.
But I got on the plane and my seat was great. Right over the wing-like I like. It's still see the ground but if I didn't want to see the girl I didn't have to go. I had to endure this. The girl next to me was incredibly fidgety but then when they close the door there was an open seat near her family so she moved. So I had an open seat next to me. The ideal way to fly.
And it was a really good fight. It took us a little bit over half an hour to actually get off the ground. But we make great time. I texted everyone that I love them just in case. And then kind of half those. I have snack. Arrested. I don't think I ever actually fell asleep. I started multiple different podcasts. I couldn't focus on one so it was hard. Actually don't even remember what I ended up listening to. Oh it was a lifetime podcast because it was 4 hours long and I thought that would be my best bet. But I was barely listening.
I played a game on my phone for a lot of the time and look at the window when I could. The sun was on my side of most the entire time so it was reflecting off the wing pretty badly. But I got to see mountains in the desert. It was just really cool.
I was really happy to not be in the plane anymore though. Home time it was 2 pm. In California it was 11 a.m. Well actually it was about 10:45 when we landed and my driver who was scheduled for an app all of a sudden was coming a half an hour early. Because my plane landed 15 minutes early. It was very confusing. Especially because wall we landed we didn't get off the plane for almost 15 minutes. So then I was very stressed out. And that went to me ending up leaving at the wrong terminal. And then my poor driver had to try to find me. He was a really sweet guy though. You're younger than me. We talked for the entire 40 minute drive from Los Angeles to Thousand Oaks. He's a nice guy. And it was nice being able to talk to someone for that long about paranormal stuff and other nonsense.
I was really happy to be a busy Hotel though I was starving and gross. Find that long was hard. My flight back is not that bad. I got to stop over with an hour break in the middle. But I checked in and they were very apologetic because they were all out of king size beds and so they had to give me to Queens. I'm one person. Why do I need to Queens. But that's fine. Maybe I'll sleep in that bed tomorrow. Get use out of both of them.
Once again packed I headed out again. I caught a car and I headed up to a local barbecue place. It was like $3.50 left. I have never ever experienced a car ride that cheap. And it would be the only lift I took today. Because I decided to walk everywhere.
I ate so much food. I got a burger and fries and salad and bread. And I saved some of the bread. Hey I didn't eat everything. But I felt much better. And then I left there and walked over to the Antique store. I picked up barbecue place because it was in the same shopping center as the antique store I went to the last time I was here in 2017. And it was just as good. I ended up getting a stone bracelet that is locally found courts. But mostly had a good time just kind of taking pictures of my clock Furby I brought, Otto, and looking around. It was nice.
I went to a couple other shops in that shopping center. Including the other antique store. And then I decided to walk. For a really long time. Almost 2 miles. I was specifically looking for an antique store thing. It turned out to be more of a consignment shop when I finally did find it. But before that I found some really cool shops and adorable Bakery. Where I bought the prettiest little cheesecake. Which I saved until about an hour ago. I was shocked that it survived my backpack all day. But it was still really really good.
I found a tiny Goodwill bookstore and I got a milkshake. I enjoy being outside. I saw a cactus . Just growing on the side of the road. And the weather was beautiful. And I'm just having a great time. I was tired but walking was nice. Ended up finding these like Spiral shells and the dirt. So I can collect a bunch of those as I was walking. And then listen to the Adventure Zone podcast and enjoy the weather. Because it was beautiful outside. I'm a little sad that I'm going to be missing 7 in of snow in Baltimore tomorrow. But they did preemptively close the schools so I'm not missing as much work as originally thought. And I am a little sad that I'm alone out here. Like I like my own company don't get me wrong. But I miss James. Or Jess. This trip would have been nice to have with someone else. But it's okay. I'm still having a really nice time.
I started my truck back to the hotel. I stopped at this little Park where they change the kind of cement runoff River into a more natural environment. And I sat and watched the nature for a while. I saw a little bunny. But then I was starting to get cold. In my headphones were dying. I plug those in for a while in my backpack and walked around. Just enjoyed looking at the mountains and feeling the Sun.
I got about a half mile away from the hotel and I had to take a break. I sat down on the side of the road. It was a safe spot. And I just kind of played on my phone for a few minutes. This usually brought or not my normal travel shoes. I accidentally sent those back home to my parents house and so I kind of had to make a game-day decision and we're untested she is. And I got a little blister on my heel and on the side of my foot. So I'm a little frustrated about that. But it's okay.
I made it back to the hotel in one piece. Tired and sore. But one piece. I cleaned up and just kind of laid down for a while. I didn't actually fall asleep but it was nice being horizontal. Eventually I got up and went down to the bar to grab a fork for my cheesecake. I was going to get a soda too but I decided I really should not have any caffeine. And I should just get some sleep. But it took I really nice bath. I do the face mask. And now I'm just in bed. I think I'm going to do some yoga try to stretch it out a little bit. And then I'm going to try to get some sleep.
Tomorrow is the big day. My plan is to wake up early and have breakfast at the restaurant here at the hotel. Then I would like to go up to the closest state park. And walk around a bit. Then at 11 I have to head up to the campus to do the talk thing that I'm here for. That's until about 1 and then I'm going to take a car and go to the art museum. I was originally going to do that today but then I remembered the reason I had set the schedule to do the art museum tomorrow is because it's closed on Tuesdays. That's fine. I had a great day with what I ended up doing.
I'm excited to see the art museum and then there's a Goodwill up there as well. And just kind of them all. So I'm going to just kind of wander around and enjoy myself. I may be having dinner with someone from vibrant lives so that would be cool. But that's really my whole plan for tomorrow. Just kind of enjoy the nice weather before I go back to very cold Baltimore. I'm praying now I think I'm just going to get some stretching in and then some sleep.
I hope you're all having a great night. I know this post is later than normal because of the time difference. But I hope you're all well. Sleep well everyone be safe.
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bee-menagerie · 6 years
hey can I ask how you're taming your budgies? I've had mine for almost a year and he still runs away from my hand when I put it in his cage. He was sold to me as a hand fed budgie but he's not tame at all. I wished I could take him out of his cage and have him just sit on my hand like that. What am I doing wrong?
oh..! Well, I’m not sure what you’re doing wrong, since I can’t see how you’re approaching your birds… But, off the top of my head, a couple things could be playing into your bird’s uneasiness. If you’re putting your hand into his cage and he runs as soon as your hands get in there, you might have to spend more time desensitizing him to your hands through the cage bars, and avoid putting your hands into his cage all together (unless you have to for food, etc–of course). Especially if it’s a smaller cage, he might not have enough space to asses the situation from a “safe distance”.Also, if you’ve “cased”/followed him around with your hand in effort to try and get him to step up, this likely has contributed to his distrust of the hand. The bird has to approach you–the other way around just doesn’t work well. They’re prey animals, and anything unfamiliar that chases them may very well put the fear of god into them. How are they to know it’s not a predator?My approach to the boys so far has been as follows:On the first day, I let them spend most of their time alone together in their new surroundings. Occasionally, I’d come into the room and just lay down and answer emails on my tablet, etc. once in a while, I’d talk softly to them, but I was careful not to approach them too fast or loom over their cage.At one point, I thought to play some budgie sounds, and it really seemed to calm them down a lot and make them a lot more adventurous in their cage. On the first day, I was content just to sit and watch them open up (with encouragement from the recorded budgies playing through the speakers).On the second day, I started by doing the same thing, and near lunch time, I decided to try and offer them a bit of millet through the cage bars. I picked the corner furthest from where they were hanging out, and just held the millet (pinched between my fingers) up to the cage bars. At no point did I try to bring it closer to them. I knew they could see it, and if they wanted it, they’d come get it. Chasing them with it would only make them more wary. If my arm was getting tired, I put the millet down and browsed the internet for a bit on my phone before trying again, holding the millet up in the exact same spot as I was holding it before.  It took about an hour (and the encouraging budgie sound clips) before one of my boys finally became brave enough to approach. He did a bit of walking back and forth… Getting closer, and then quickly retreating….closer, retreat…cloooser… And then finally, he got that sweet sweet millet. And as soon as he started munching away, the second boy soon joined him.I did this several times throughout the day, but soon, neither of them hesitated to come take millet from my fingers through the cage bars. Before the sun started to set, I decided to put a bunch of millet into my palm and slowly, carefully, slipped it into their cage. Now, cage size is important to note here. The boys were sitting together in their favored corner, and the cage itself is about 2 or 3 feet wide. Which means that there was lots of space between them and my hand. If they appeared to recoil or step back at all, I would have stopped moving my hand into their space and slowly take it back out again. But–they sat still and just watched it. And once it was in, my one boy took immediate interest in the millet and dove in. And again, it wasn’t long before the second hopped on to join him. But–he didn’t stay on long, and soon went back to his corner while the first boy finished up what I was offering. Just like before, I picked a space as far away from them as I could be, and just held my hand stationary–allowing the birds to approach at their own pace and comfort. If they hopped off at all, I didn’t try to encourage them back on. I just waited for a bit and, if they seemed quite done, I slowly took my hand out of the cage.Today, day 3, they were actually kind of excited when they saw me. I came into the room, opened up their curtains, and they chittered at me.I did the same thing as the previous day. Sat next to them for a bit, and then offered them millet through the cage bars. And then–offered a handful to them in their cage. This time though, with Wilbur (the braver of the two), I carefully tried pulling my hand out of the cage while he was on it. And he let me. His body language was relaxed, and I lifted him to my face (he nibbled my nose). I put him back into his cage and let him hop back onto his perch, it was no problem at all! It was important though, that I put him back in while he was still feeling comfortable and at ease. I didn’t want to wait long enough for him to get nervous or spooked.About an hour after that, I took him out again, and this time he had a little fly around the room. It’s a small square room with no hazards and all the glass has a mesh screen in front of it–which helps avoid unfortunate collisions. He landed ontop of the cage after his little go-around, and stepped back onto my hand when I offered it. And just like that, he let me put him back into his cage. Again, easy peasy!Later this afternoon, I tried a third time, and this time Orville insisted on coming out with him. They both sat on my hand for some time before going on a whirl around the room. Once they landed, Wilbur again stepped up for me nicely and let me put him back into the cage just like the last time. But Orville was a lot more shy about getting back onto my hand. He did, however–really want to get into his cage to be with Wilbur. So I let him try to figure it out on his own for a bit, and once he proved unable to find his own way back in, I tried luring him back onto my hand with millet.This took a couple tries, as he’d hop onto my hand, grab a mouth full of seeds, and then take off again as soon as I moved my hand towards the entrance of the cage. But, again–I never chased him, I didn’t try to grab him at all. Calmly, I’d just position the millet on my hand from a manageable distance to him, and let him come to me. After a few tries, he finally sat still long enough for me to slip him back into the cage. No stress, no force, no panic… just patience, bribes, and slow, steady movements. After that, throughout the day, I’ve just been doing step-up exercises in their cage, where I’d offer up my finger for them to hop onto (again, at a polite distance so to easily allow them the ability to refuse), and to start with, I’d hold a small bulb of millet with my other hand, not far from my finger. I’d say the “Up, up!” command, and if they put one foot on my finger, I’d bring the millet to them. Then soon, it was two feet and the millet would move to them. Then, the millet got further and further away from the finger–but as soon as they stepped onto the finger, nyoom, millet arrived! By the time the sun set today, Wilbur was stepping up without seeing any millet before hand (still receiving the millet once he did step-up). Orville though still needed some more convincing. Tomorrow, I’ll start by sitting next to them for a bit, and then feeding them from my palm… then the rest of the day will be back up to step-up exercises. I fully expect them both to have regressed their progress tomorrow morning from where we left off today. But, if by the end of the day tomorrow, they’ve made a bit more progress than where we left off with this evening, it will have been a good day! And we’ll just keep taking it day by day from there :DEverything is at the bird’s pace–and I’m trying very hard to respect their body language and not move forward too fast for either one of them. This ended up being a really long response, but I hope it helps.If your budgie has already built up a bit of fear regarding you hand over the last year–it might take a bit more patience moving forward than it would if you had just brought him home yesterday. But!! It’s definitely possible! My experience with these birds so far is that they’re really eager to move forward with a new status quo, so long as they’re made to feel safe about it. I hope you two can build a nice bond together * V*Good luck!Edit: Oh!! Also… Hand fed doesn’t necessarily mean tamed. A chick needs to be socialized and handled frequently in order to be sold as a ‘tame’ bird. Hand feeding can be a fairly quick and impersonal process, and doesn’t guarantee that the bird will be friendly or familiar with humans. It doesn’t make a difference now, of course… but in the future, or to anyone looking to bring home a new bird–”hand fed” and “tame” are not always synonymous terms.
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