#i feel like im gonna crash soon but who knows
jamesbukkakebarnes · 2 years
this whole not being able to sleep thing is bullshit lmao
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delulujuls · 3 months
the other one | jacaerys velaryon
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hi, here comes the 2.7k of i don't know what, really. its for sure intense, so fasten up your saddle and enjoy the ride. i enjoyed making aegon such a cutiepie in my two last shots, but this man is designed to be a menace to humanity so yeah, i believe im gonna lose it in the next shots. prepare for chaos.
summary: heart want what it wants, and y/n's heart belong to young prince from dragonstone, not to the future cruel king of westeros.
warnings: targaryen brothers being mean to velaryon boys AGAIN, aegon is such a meanie oh god, fighting, arguing, threatening with a sword, last scene is smelling a bit like a rap3, so feel free to skip it. your comfort is the most important
pairing: sister!targaryen reader x jacaerys velaryon (ft. jealous, possesive and dark!aegon targaryen)
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Two young princes stood at the gates of the castle, awaiting guests. For several minutes they kept glancing at the sky, looking out for dragons. However, only the sound of wind and waves crashing against the rocks could be heard, with no indication that any winged beasts would soon appear before their eyes.
“Do you think they’ll come at all?” Lucerys asked his older brother, glancing at him. The cold wind chilled him to the bone, and the youngest of the Velaryons longed to return inside and sit by the fireplace.
Jacaerys did not get a chance to answer because shortly after, a muffled roar reached their ears, and something flickered in the low-hanging storm clouds. The heavy sky was pierced by the massive body of Vhagar, who was the first to emerge from the clouds and flew towards the beach. Close behind were Vermithor and Sunfyre, who looked dainty in comparison to those two giant dragons. Aemond, Y/N, and Aegon had arrived at Dragonstone.
Soon after, all four appeared at the castle gates. Helaena was flying with her older sister on Vermithor, choosing not to sail by ship with their mother, father, and grandfather. The youngest of the siblings still couldn't bring herself to travel alone on the back of her Dreamfyre, but felt confident with Y/N, now walking hand-in-hand with her sister towards the castle.
Lucerys took a step back, seeing Aemond and Aegon confidently striding towards them. The youngest Velaryon swallowed hard.
“I hope they don’t sit close to us,” he whispered, prompting his brother to discreetly nudge his arm.
Jacaerys smiled at the sight of the siblings. “Welcome, it’s good to see you here,” he said.
Aemond, leading the way, wore his characteristic grimace, nothing like the smile the young prince offered him. The last thing he felt like doing was feigning politeness. In silence, he merely glanced at them, bypassing them and pushing the heavy gate doors.
“My favorite, strong nephews,” Aegon said sarcastically, with a mocking smile. Passing by, he nudged Lucerys in the shoulder, who was about to turn and say something when his aunt’s voice reached his ears. Y/N smiled joyfully at the sight of Rhaenyra’s sons.
“Luke, Jace,” she extended her arms, hugging them both at once. Hearing the girl's joyful voice, Aegon glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. He thought his sisters were too lenient with those bastards.
“It’s good to see you, Y/N,” Jacaerys smiled, embracing her and catching the smell of her lavender-scented hair. While he sincerely disliked Aemond and Aegon, he was very fond of their sisters. Helaena was shy and harmless, often speaking little and nodding more. Y/N, on the other hand, often reminded him of his mother, unafraid to speak up or defend her position. She was also wise and very pretty, and he was genuinely pleased to spend a few days in her presence.
“Are you coming, or are we going to freeze out here like a bunch of idiots?” Aegon asked sharply, seeing Y/N hold onto older Velaryon a bit too long. The young princess gave him an amused look, tousled Lucerys’ hair, and linked arms with Helaena. The four of them briskly walked towards the castle.
Rhaenyra was celebrating her thirty-second name day, so the entire family from King’s Landing had come to Dragonstone. Viserys wanted his daughter to celebrate her birthday in the capital, but she wished to spend the day her way. The ailing king, still battling illness, had no intention of arguing with his daughter, lacking the strength and health to do so. Even to the Targaryen seat, he chose to sail by ship rather than ride on the back of one of the dragons. After Balerion’s death, he had given up flying and now didn’t think about it at all.
During the evening feast, the dining hall filled with people. Despite it being Rhaenyra’s day, Viserys sat at the head of the table. To his left was his eldest daughter, beside her Daemon, Joffrey, Lucerys, Jacaerys, Rhaena, and Baela. On the king’s right sat his wife, next to her the Hand of the King, then Aemond, Aegon, Y/N, Helaena, and Rhaenys Targaryen, next to whom, at the other end of the table, sat Corlys Velaryon.
The feast went on in a calm and surprisingly pleasant atmosphere. Previous feasts often ended in arguments before they even really began. The main instigators of all disputes, Aemond and Aegon, sat quietly, not speaking much. Many might have thought someone stuffed hay into the dragons’ bellies to prevent them from breathing fire.
Aegon, however, increasingly clenched his hand around the wine goblet from time to time, hearing Y/N happily talking with Jacaerys across the table. His blood boiled hearing her so delighted with the conversation with him. He felt like slapping that fucking son of a bitch.
Helaena was also having a good time, shedding her shyness piece by piece with each sip of wine. She chatted lively with Rhaena and Baela, who were already slightly tipsy themselves. Rhaenys sent an amused look to her husband, who tightened his grip on the wine jug and pulled it closer. The Sea Snake had to be vigilant to prevent his granddaughters and the young Targaryen from getting too drunk. Helaena, however, had more to celebrate than just her half-sister’s birthday.
Since Viserys and Alicent’s daughters reached reproductive age, the Hand of the King and the Queen Mother began looking for potential suitors for them. While there was no trouble finding suitors for Y/N, who, besides her wealth and possessions, had a strong character and good disposition, finding a husband for Helaena was problematic.
From birth, the princess showed signs of abnormal development. Though she grew as a girl should, her mind seemed not to keep up, still trapping her in a world of childish dreams. Helaena was quiet, read a lot, and spent all her time in the garden, not burdened with unnecessary duties.
The Hand decided that when the time came, that is, when Aegon was to take the throne from the ailing king, he would marry Helaena, and Y/N would marry Forrest Frey. The plans were made at a Small Council meeting, which neither Helaena nor Y/N attended. Probably neither would have known about the plans to marry them off if Y/N hadn’t accidentally overheard their conversation when one of the doors unguarded by sentries was ajar.
“I don’t agree!” she said firmly, pushing the heavy doors and entering.
“Y/N, you can’t be here-,” Alicent stood up, wanting to calm her daughter, but she sharply pointed her finger upwards. “And you can’t do this to Helaena! I don’t agree!”
Aegon, who was one of the people at the table, also didn’t support the Council’s idea. However, he was too drunk to make any objections. Only his sister’s intrusion somewhat sobered him up. If he had to choose, he could marry Y/N since she wanted to fight so hard for Helaena’s better fate. Frankly, he didn’t care either way.
The guards first wanted to remove the young princess, but she began presenting her arguments. The Council didn’t think an eighteen-year-old’s arguments could make any sense, but many underestimated Y/N’s negotiation skills. In the castle, by Aegon’s side, she could be more useful than in the Riverlands beside Forrest Frey.
The Council decided that Helaena would marry Frey when the time came, and Y/N would marry Aegon. The young princess didn’t want Helaena to spend her life in the castle, locked in chambers and bearing children. She wanted her to break free from King’s Landing and experience a life different from the one she had lived so far. Y/N knew that unlike her sister, she could handle an incestuous marriage and an unwanted husband, who Aegon was to become in the future. Helaena might have been driven to suicide.
But for now, these were just tomorrow's problems, or who knows, maybe even further. Helaena, in a sudden burst of joy, stood up and climbed onto a chair, much to Alicent’s horror.
“To my beloved sister Y/N,” she said, swaying. Rhaenys held the chair to prevent her from falling. “And to my sister Rhaenyra, who celebrates her birthday today. I love you!”
Alicent, Otto, Aemond, and Aegon looked at her indulgently, raising their goblets. All the other guests eagerly toasted, applauding the young princess’s words. Rhaenyra stood up from the table and hugged her sister; Y/N also rose to do the same.
“Helaena needs rest,” Alicent whispered, gripping her daughter’s shoulder before she stood up. “Escort her to bed.”
Y/N shook off her hand and got up, embracing her sisters. However, when she felt Helaena’s heavy body in her arms, she held her close around the waist.
As soon as the sisters left the dining hall, Jacaerys, sent by his mother, joined them. Young prince apologized to Y/N and with a single, confident motion, picked up Helaena, who laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek, admitting that she would let such a handsome man whisk her away without hesitation.
Jacaerys only let go of Helaena when he placed her on the bed in her bedroom.
"Will you stay with her until morning?" he asked as Y/N began removing the rings from her sister's fingers.
"Helaena usually sleeps like a mouse under a haystack, but after wine, she sleeps like a rock," Y/N replied, smiling slightly at the sight of her sister's flushed face. "Wait outside, I'll change her for bed and join you."
The young prince nodded obediently and left the chamber. He stood outside the door, straight as a string, feeling like a guard. Shortly after, the princess joined him, quietly closing the door behind her.
"She'll sleep like a baby until morning," she assured, laughing softly.
"It's nice to see her with a smile on her face," Jacerys admitted as they slowly began walking down the corridor. He quietly offered his arm to Y/N, which she gladly accepted.
"I've noticed she smiles much more when she's here. I feel like the capital is suffocating her."
Jacaerys lowered his gaze. He had recently learned about the marriage plans for the young sisters.
"I heard she'll leave King's Landing sooner or later," he said, glancing at her. He didn't know how delicate ground he was entering.
The young princess sighed and nodded. She spent the whole way telling Jacaerys about everything that had happened in the past weeks. In the company of the boy, Y/N didn't feel like his aunt, as their relationship would suggest, but like a friend. After all, they were only a year apart in age. They had always had a good relationship and, unlike her hostile brothers, Y/N really liked Jacaerys. She cherished every opportunity she could spend with him. This was one of those moments.
The pair didn't return to the feast; instead, they went to one of the terraces. They sat on one of the benches, and Y/N involuntarily rested her head on the boy's shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her waist, hugging her close.
"You deserve more, Y/N," he said quietly. "Both you and Helaena deserve more."
"I know I'll manage, I'm strong," she said, watching the remnants of the day dance on the horizon. "But I'm so scared for Helaena. She deserves the whole world, not what's waiting for her in King's Landing."
The young princess wasn't sad; at this moment, she could even say she felt a lightness in her heart. Jacaerys' body warmed her pleasantly, and the cool, salty air chased away the heat caused by the wine from her cheeks.
"You're the bravest dragon I've ever known," he said with a smile, looking at her face. The girl smiled at his words. "I don't know stronger people than Targaryen women."
"Do you really think so?" she asked quietly, looking into his eyes. She didn't know if his cheeks were flushed from the wine or the cold wind. Nevertheless, his dark eyes looked at her so gently that the young princess never wanted to look into any other eyes again.
Jacaerys smiled and nodded. He cautiously lifted his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He touched her cheek and gently stroked it with his thumb.
"I would take better care of you than they would, you know?" he said after a moment, his whisper lost in the whistle of the wind. Y/N heard his words clearly, just as she clearly heard the snort of disdain that came from somewhere to the side.
"I don't know which of you is more pathetic," Aegon said, looking at them with drunken eyes. He could barely stand, but his fists were clenched. Aemond remained silent, standing in the entrance and blocking it with his body. Unlike his brother, he didn't look drunk.
"What is your problem?" Y/N asked angrily, standing up. Unintentionally, she shielded Jacaerys with her body, who also rose from the bench.
"That you act like a complete whore," he spat through his teeth, causing Jacaerys to step around the girl to stand in her defense. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back when Aemond drew a dagger and stepped forward, defending his brother.
"Watch your words," Jacaerys said angrily. He didn't care that he was addressing the future king. In his eyes, Aegon wasn't worth anything, and he certainly didn't deserve to be Y/N's husband.
"Or what, bastard?" Aemond asked calmly, looking at him intently.
"We haven't done anything wrong," the young princess said sharply, though her voice trembled. She knew that her brothers were unlikely to hurt her, but she wasn't capable of protecting Jacaerys from both of them. She had only her hands, feet, and teeth at her disposal. "Get out of the way."
"Oh, really?" Aegon smiled. His drunken eyes were shiny from alcohol and dark-circled, his skin ashen. Even despite the fire of hatred burning in him, he didn't have a bit of a blush on his face. "I see a fucking dog clinging to my future wife."
"You wish she were your wife," Jacaerys said without thinking much about the words that left his mouth. Aegon lunged at him with his fists, to which the young Velaryon responded in kind. Aemond sheathed his dagger and grabbed Jacaerys by the shoulders, holding him and exposing him to Aegon's blows. In the commotion, the young princess managed to draw her brother's dagger and without hesitation, grabbed Aegon by the hair, pulling him back. With tears on her cheeks, she pressed the sword to his neck.
The four of them froze in place.
Aemond still held Jacaerys tightly, blood was trickling from his lip. Aegon's heart was pounding, not from fear but from adrenaline and, at that moment, also from excitement. His sister's small hand was firmly gripping his hair, forcing him to tilt his head back. Blood flowed from his broken nose, running down to his grinning lips.
"She's a dragon, see?" Aegon said, addressing Jacaerys. "You couldn't handle her, fool."
Y/N pushed her brother to the ground, releasing the dagger from her hands as well. She grabbed Jacaerys' hand and pulled him from Aemond's grasp, who would have lied if he said his sister's behavior didn't leave him speechless. In shock, he wasn't even able to oppose her.
"I'm so sorry," she began tearfully, pulling him away as far as possible from that place. "I should have killed them when I had the sword in my hand."
Jacaerys pulled her by the hand, causing her to turn around suddenly and fall into his arms. Without a word, he kissed her, feeling her salty tears mix with the blood from his split lip. Y/N returned the kiss but looked at him in shock. Jacaerys smiled warmly at her.
"Don't apologize to me," he whispered, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "You are a dragon, so be a dragon."
The pair didn't return to the feast. Instead, Y/N went with the young prince to his chambers. Jacaerys initially protested when she said she would help dress his wounds. Eventually, he agreed to her proposal, lying on the bed in just his trousers. The girl carefully cleaned his cuts, placing a cold compress on his abdomen. She sat beside him, looking at him tenderly.
"I'm so sorry, Jace," she whispered, squeezing his hand. The boy, however, seemed to be in a good mood.
"If every fight with them means I get to spend time with you, I'm ready to fight them every day."
The young princess smiled and shook her head at his words. She felt her heart swell when she was with him.
Their eager lips exchanged a few more kisses before Y/N quietly left his chamber, returning to her own. Helaena was still sleeping soundly, snoring softly. She lay on her side on her half of the bed, not even stirring when her sister began preparing for sleep. Dressed in a nightgown, she let her hair down and carefully combed it. She put the brush away and blew out the nearby candles, lying down on the bed.
As soon as she covered herself with the quilt, she felt someone sit on her, pressing her into the mattress, and a cold hand covered her mouth. The girl wanted to scream but felt a blade against her neck. The attacker leaned over her, his hair tickling her face. The young princess smelled alcohol.
"Every time you raise your hand against me," Aegon whispered, tightening his grip on the dagger's hilt, "I'll have one of your fingers cut off, understood?"
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and nodded. For the first time in her life, Aegon truly frightened her. She felt her heart leap into her throat.
"And that fucking Velaryon dog," he moved his hand from her mouth to her hair, gripping it tightly. "I never want to see him near you again."
"Aegon-" she whispered with difficulty, clutching his wrist to push him away. She felt herself running out of breath, and the cold blade pressed deeper into her skin.
"Is that clear?" he growled, pressing her harder into the pillows.
"Yes," she said tearfully.
A moment later, she felt her brother's alcohol-tainted lips forcefully and brutally kissing hers. Aegon stood up shortly after and left the sisters' chamber, closing the door behind him. In the darkness, the young princess found her sister's body and hugged her from behind, trying to suppress her tears. She was terrified.
How much she wished she could hide in Jacaerys's arms at that moment.
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drvscarlett · 6 months
About You Pt5
Sebastian Vettel x Webber!Reader
Summary: Everyone knows about the history of Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber. But there's a well kept story within the paddock about Sebastian Vettel and another Webber. This is that story.
About You Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
A/N: and its a double update!!! im showcasing a lot of side characters that will eventually be a huuuuge part of the plot (winks). also the brewing tension. let me know what you folks think about this
Taglist: @spideybv28 @randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @cliosunshine @honethatty12 @randomgirlnumber-13 @sugyomama @ririyulife @skywalker1dream @vicurious28 @cristianovettel @callsignwidow @gothicwidowsworld
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2010, Istanbul Park
The necklace sits heavy on Y/N's neck. She had been fiddling with it the whole morning. There was something about the internal and unspoken pressure happening in the Red Bull garage ever since both of their drivers tied their points for the championship. She have heard more conversations here and there about who would Red Bull side with, their older driver or the rookie.
It was very stressful for Y/N to spend time with the two drivers involved with the discussions.
"Nervous?" Sebastian noticed.
"Can't help it" she gave a weak smile.
"For me or for Mark?"
Y/N had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. As if she hasn't had enough of this whole which driver would you pick to side on. She just gestured that her lips are sealed meaning that she won't take anyone's side.
"Stop trying to get my sister on your side" Mark apparently overheard the conversation "Blood runs thicker than water, am i right sis?"
"I'm not gonna comment on that"
"See what you are doing to my sister, you are ruining this family Seb" Mark overdramatically reacts
"Your sister is my bestfriend, get over it" Sebastian rebutted.
And just like that, there was a pang in Y/N's heart. Maybe another factor of the heavy feeling is that she has been doing her best to bury her feelings for Sebastian. But after the whole Monaco pre-birthday thing, every effort that she has to bury her feelings is thrown out of the window. She was hopelessly inlove with the man and Sebastian was very blind about it.
"Just have a good race, okay?"she reminded the two.
"I think we will score some good points today" Sebastian confidently stated.
"That's the fighting spirit" Mark cheered on.
It was moments like this that Y/N was reminded that the two Red Bull drivers are not fighting each other as the team pictured them to be. They may showcase competitiveness during the races but that's just normal. Outside the track, the two share a very friendly atmosphere with each other.
Soon, the two set off to go their respective cars. Y/N watched the race outside of the driver's room for a change. Ever since, she started to hear the gossiping of the Red Bull crew about Seb and Mark, she opted to be more around them. She wanted to know what they are saying to warn the drivers or make a possible plan on how to resolve if ever the situation escalates.
The race started out well with Mark leading comfortably. Sebastian was behind and Lewis was next. It was going really well for Mark and if Y/N have to say it then he might win another race. Sebastian, on the other hand, has been challenged by the two McLarens of Hamilton and Button.
Then it happened all so quickly.
Y/N let out a gasp as the two Red Bull drivers crashed with each other. One was sent down to the gravel while the other managed to push back to the track. Y/N was too focused that she didn't notice that the cameras were pointed at her.
'Y/N Webber
Mark Webber's sister and assistant, Sebastian Vettel's bestfriend.'
The whole garage was in shambles as the radio messages from Sebastian sounds really angry. The amount of swear words in the radio was a stark difference from the jolly Sebastian that she was speaking to a couple of minutes ago. Y/N looked worriedly as Sebastian goes to the stewards.
"It was Vettel's fault"
"No, Mark Webber wasn't looking and giving him space"
"That's stupid, it was clearly Sebastian Vettel's fault"
Watching the replays, Y/N hates to admit it but this one is on Sebastian. She could hear the discussion even becoming more rampant as Sebastian reaches the garage.
A permanent scowl graces his face as he talks to Helmut and Christian about the incident that occurred. Y/N followed to check up on him and she can't help but overhear the conversation.
"That was not right, this shouldn't have happened" Christian lectures "It will cost us a lot of points with the two McLaren looking for two podium finish today"
"Don't look and point fingers at me, I'm not the only one who crashed" Sebastian clearly not thinking his words through.
"Sebastian this should never happen again, understood?" Christian firmly ordered
"But it isn't right to blame Sebastian, the boy is right there were two of them there" Helmut comes to the defense of Sebastian "It was clear that Mark did not make way for him resulting to the crash"
Y/N felt herself getting red. It was clear as a day that the crash was not caused by Mark. It was getting clearer for her that someone has been playing favorites.
"See, you better have word with Mark" Sebastian said.
"Unbelievable" Y/N muttered.
She was taught that if she couldn't say anything good then she probably shouldn't say anything at all so she walks away. She decided not to show herself even after Mark got a podium finish.
Her sudden disappearance did not go unnoticed but Sebastian just let her be.
2010, Silverstone Circuit
Things at Red Bull garage has gone from bad to worse. It was difficult now to hang out with Mark or Sebastian as the two drivers have intended everything to be a competition. Y/N didn't want to see any part of this which is why she is currently doing babysitting duties at Mercedes.
It was a weird set-up seeing how one of Red Bull's employee is staying at the pristine white facility of Mercedes—she sticks out like a sore thumb. But Mick Schumacher only wants Y/N to be with him as he watches his father race. It has always been that case ever since Y/N met Mick when he was around 4 years old.
"Y/N, are you not scared for your brother and Seb?" Mick asked as the two of you watched the cars go out for the formation lap.
"I used to be scared" she still is "But its something that they love"
"Mama says Papa gives her a lot of stress when he races. I hope there is no aksident"Mick's tone was with a slight worry.
"Your Papa will be okay, he is a legend"Y/N assures.
The cars are now slowly lining up to the starting grid. Sebastian was on pole while Mark was the 2nd one so they were sharing a Red Bull front row. It only made Y/N worry even more because race starts are quite chaotic here in Silverstone.
"Mark and Seb must be really lucky to be at the front"Mick commented
"I sure hope so"
The lights started flashing and the infamous lights out and away we go went off. It was indeed chaotic at the start with Sebastian and Mark neck to neck with each other. They were both trying to take the lead even if it means pushing the other off track.
"OH FUCK" Y/N immediately covered the ears of Mick as the collision was broadcasted.
Mark managed to go through but Sebastian had puncture. The German was obviously mad for losing crucial places.
"What happened Y/N to Mark and Seb, I thought they are teammates" was the confused question of Mick.
She sighs. Her thoughts are echoing what Mick just said. What happened to them.
"Mick,they are still teammates its just that they also have to compete with each other. Its a sports and sometimes we lose,sometimes we win"Y/N tried to explain it to 10-year-old Mick.
She could already imagine the chaos in the Red Bull garage. She hears the commentaries that maybe this was Webber's revenge for Istanbul. The headache that will emerge for her after this whole race will be very difficult to ignore.
"Y/N if I become an f1 driver,would you come see me?"Mick asked
Its like heaven sent an angel in the form of Mick for Y/N. When she hears him talk it feels as if the world is slightly a little simpler and better. How she wish she lives in that same bubble as Mick.
"I won't crash, I promise"Mick added
Young Mick is still very young but he really dreams to be a Formula 1 driver like his father. Y/N could feel grey hairs developing if she sees Mick in an F1 car.
"Of course Mick"
"Good"Mick grinned "Oh look Y/N your brother is leading! Go Mark Webbahhhhhh"
The cheers of the little Schumacher made Y/N grin. She will deal with all the Red Bull stress later.
2010, Hockenheimring
Usually, Y/N likes getting her coffee at the catering but she doesn't feel like interacting with any Red Bull team for this morning. This is why the Webber girl is seen queuing up in a local Starbucks.
She was just about to sit down and wait for her coffee when a random man bumped her. It sent all her paper flying and Y/N could only grumble since the man didn't even look at her to help.
"Some people these days lack manners"she huffed in frustration.
It was a good thing that someone was helping her picking up the paper. She looked at the bracelets adorning her wrist and the long blonde hair tied up into a bun, thank God for a woman.
"Thank you so much for helping me" Y/N started "You really didn't have to"
"Nonsense, it will be rude to just stare at you picking up your papers"the woman has a thick German accent, similar to Sebastian.
She is probably local, Y/N thinks.
"Still thank you" Y/N politely insisted "Do you want to sit with me, the whole cafe is full"
"Of course"
Y/N wasn't usually chatty but the woman is very comfortable to talk to. She mentioned that she was a local but she lives a bit far from here and that she was only here for the weekend. Y/N shared how she is also here for the weekend.
"Wait are you going to watch Formula 1?" she quizzed
Y/N was about to answer when she heard the call of the barista. he quickly picked up her coffee and went back to her new friend.
"No way, you are Y/N?THE Y/N Webber?" the girl repeated.
Y/N chuckled. It wasn't usual that she has been recognized by formula 1 fans. She felt red as she admits that she is a bit flattered that she knows her name.
"I didn't know I am famous around here"Y/N joked
"Sebastian always talks about you, I was really looking forward to see you later at the garage"
Oh? Y/N thinks there is only one Sebastian that she knows.
"My name is Hanna, Hanna Prater" she introduced "I'm Sebastian's childhood bestfriend"
2010, Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps
Sebastian was bitter. He felt as if he lost a golden opportunity by not being able to score any points today. He is so bitter that he choose not to celebrate with the team tonight and he intended to stay holed up in his hotel room.
However, after a while,he grew tired of the hotel room walls so he ended up walking at the rooftop of the hotel.
Only,he wasn't the only one there.
"Hey stranger" he called out "I haven't seen you in Red Bull garage for a while"
Y/N turned around and she smiled when she met his eyes.
He doesn't understand how she does it but everything seems to melt in the background when she does this. It felt like he was back in his rookie days when they met up at the rooftops and talk for hours. It was much more simpler back then.
"I have been busy.. socializing" Y/N replied.
They both know that was a lie. Y/N was obviously using socializing as a front when in truth is she doesn't like to mingle with the toxicness of the Red Bull garage. But, Sebastian lets it slide.
"Is it bad that I missed you and I want you to stay at the garage?"Sebastian popped the question out of the blue.
"I'll be there as Mark's sister and his assistant, I don't think it will work well with the situation" Y/N informed.
There it goes again. This was that line that Sebastian has been hindering him to confess or ask her out.
It felt so stupid that he can flirt with anyone with ease but when it comes to Y/N, its so hard.He shouldn't have been scared of Mark, he is never scared of Mark (and it shows multiple times on track). But the thing that Sebastian knows is that Y/N has high regards for her brother and Sebastian didn't want to put a strain in their family.
"How are you feeling with the race today?"Y/N asked, diverting the topic.
"I could have been better." Sebastian sighs "Maybe I should train over and over again"
"Don't push yourself, you are still in the pool for the championship" Y/N assures
The championship. It's everything that Sebastian has ever thought of lately. Its within his reach and he really wants to extend a lead with it but somehow its not working. He really thinks that there is a high possibility that he can get his first championship this year.
"The championship must feel really nice" Y/N comments as she observes the smile on Sebastian's face
"I mean that's why were all racing dangerously" Sebastian chuckles.
No sane man would want to race in harsh conditions or beyond normal speed limit without any incentives.
"Just don't lose yourself"Y/N said "I worry about you Seb"
He acknowledges that. He is not dumb that the Red Bull crew has been pitting him and Webber against each other. In the end, it places a pressure on both of them to perform well because all that Red Bull cares about is who will bring the victory. The more likely victor will be the more favored one.
"We'll be alright" Sebastian comforts.
Even if this is all a lie, the two finds that comfort and repeat it to themselves. Maybe if they repeat it a lot then maybe it will end up coming true.
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intotitties · 11 months
mm maybe a hazel x cheerleader!gf!reader where reader is a little taller than hazel and usually wears heels and that makes her taller and more intimidating, as if the majority of the school pisses themselves in fear every time she passes by except for hazel who only looks at her with heart eyes. Obviously all this if you feel comfortable!
Hazel Callahan x reader
warnings: cursing, mention of broken bones
a/n: it took sm time to write this bc i had 72817938 ideas at the same time but i love the idea
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You were one of the popular cheerleaders who has always been told that she looks scary. When people in the school hear a characteristic noise of heels they immediately get out of the way, knowing that you are coming. Everyone feared you.. except for her.
— Morning Hazee - you hugged your girlfriend from the back in front of the girls from the fight club that she was a member of.
— O-oh good morning - she blushed at your gesture.
— Are we still up for tonight? - you pecked her cheek.
Hazel nodded slightly, her friends from the fight club looking at you both like they couldn’t believe their eyes.
You ran your hand through her hair and left to the class with a smile on your face. The only thing you could hear was Hazels friends whispering behind your back.
— I don’t know what you see in her - Britt said as she sat down on her table.
— Good, i hope no one else than me does - you winked at her.
— No but really, she’s a weirdo - said Isabel.
— You’re literally crushing on Josie, you don’t have the right to speak up - you giggled at which she just rolled her eyes.
— Anyways, are you going to train the choreography with us later? - Brittany asked.
— Isn’t the gym taken by the fight club after lessons? - you looked at your friends.
— We can just tell them that we need to practice, gyms big I’m sure we won’t be disturbing them a lot - she answered before the class started.
-ˋˏ ༻❀༺ ˎˊ-
As soon as the lessons ended, you, Brittany and Isabel went straight to the gym.
Girls from the fight club had already started and you could see Hazel and PJ throwing punches at eachother.
— Hi girls! - Isabel came closer - Would you mind if we use the corner to train our choreography? - she smiled.
— No! - Josie answered immediately - I mean.. go ahead, please - she corrected herself nervously.
She’s such a simp.
You sent a smile to your girlfriend and went to the corner with your friends.
The time passed quickly and in nice atmosphere. You noticed a lot of looks in your direction, which made you smile a little bit.
You were doing the last step of the choreography - backflip. You’ve always feared it the most of all the acrobatic stuff you’ve learned.
But instead of landing on the ground, you tripped on a ball and fell down with a scream.
— Oh my god ladies i’m so sorry, it was supposed to be them! - Tim ran to you immediately.
Of course, he wanted to eliminate the club members.
— You’re pathetic Tim - Isabel said while helping you to stand up.
— Fuck! - you hissed - I swear if you broke my arm, i will end your sad little life.
— Slay girl! You tell him! - Sylvie hyped you up.
— I said that im sorry, now you’re just being dramatic - he said.
— Yeah? So im gonna tell you something - you said quieter - I’ve got videos from the last party and guess who’s the main character? - you looked at him with a smirk on your face - you. so you better leave the club alone, and be more careful next time - your smirk disappeared with the end of the sentence.
You waved him goodbye as he left without any words.
Before you could say anything you felt Hazels body crashing into yours and her messy kisses on your lips. It took you a while to turn it into a gentle yet passionate kiss.
— Thank you so much for dealing with him for us! - she wanted to hug you but you stopped her.
— Please call a doctor first.. im gonna pass out - you said as you looked at the bone sticking out of your arm.
-ˋˏ ༻❀༺ ˎˊ-
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moosh2727 · 2 months
this took forever but finally i get to see him!! spoilers ahead :3
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first of all, amazing cover. jet and the gang look amazing just in that one snippet
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extreme gear dodgeball... thats interesting, reminds me of the multiplayer modes in riders zg that was not racing but fun!
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HOW DARE YOU MAKE MY BOY ANGRY wave helping jet focus is nice like in zero gravity 💚
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the rouges being in shock is always so funny, im glad to see wave and storm join in on the fun 💚
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WOAHHH LOL dang sonic's going hard!!
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i now headcannon wave has a mindfullness youtube video she makes jet begrudgingly watch LOL 💚
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i love seeing them using their gear more, it fuels my autism 💚💚💚
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AMAZING I WANNA SEE HIM ANGRYYY, BEAT THEM UP JET!!! 💚100 gonna use this part for art ref because it looks so good
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the silence is so loud in this picture i love it, i wonder what jets gonna do? 😊
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oh my gosh this is so heartbreaking actually what the heck- ALSO WAVE TELLING JET TO RUN IS SO ON POINT
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the story telling via art is on point, theres not much words needed to convey the emotions the characters are feeling
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THEY HAVE A NEW ROOM, I REPEAT THEY HAVE A KITCHEEEEEEEEN, storm being the cook fits so well i love it.
the food (curry im guessing) fits their background and double points for looking extra yummy.
jet's first sentence fits him so well, im really glad they're doing good depiction with him and everything relating to them, considering the idw special where jewel broke her wing SUCKED because of idw ppl not thinking about where jet lives on the ship, so they made it SUPER inacurate.
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it makes me happy to see storm contributing and not being a stupid fat joke like in free riders. we need to appreciate this silly guy who got brain damage from amy hitting him many times, and he still manages to fulfil jets orders.
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storm doing this with his eyes is as good as his eyes in free riders, but way better than his weird blink in the zero gravity black hole cutscene
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jet being ahead of the game and i love it!!! NEW MISSION LETS GOOO!!!!!! 💚💚💚💚
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these riders designs are really helping me in the future with my own oc 🫶
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ouch my heart
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oh gosh thats so sweet but sad ugh
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jet has become more thoughtful! i just hope he doesn't lose his edge, but even if he does i'll love him anyway /p 💚
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i love how much talented ppl are in this community, im so glad for more jet content via idw and fan creations. jet needs all the praise and love. 💚
Overall i loved this idw issue, i can always make the excuse " use more jet content!" but they did a really good job with expressing all the characters fairly. (still, i still want more jet tho :P)
i waited so long for this issue its crazy, idk why it took so long to come out digitally since i don't have the money to buy them in person.
knowing more rooms, might create an accurate layout of their blimp soon!
anyway, i got a gaming pc and not a stupid mac earlier this week, meaning that i can finally play free riders yayy!!!
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
✩࿐TRACK 05: SUMMER. hanta sero (2K)
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about. after a whirl wind summer of fucking around - sero realises he’s in some deep, deep shit. he’s in love with you, but you’re set to move across the globe by the end of the season. what the hell is he gonna to do?
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! suggestive, sfw, slight angst, fluff, happy ending, sneaky links, mentions of (car) sex, friends with benefits to lovers, love confessions, sidekick + fem!reader, pro hero!sero.
things to note. reee can you believe the series is almost over? one last fic and then we’re done sobs!! this one is so corny but i love it !! some lovely sero content for you this humble saturday, i hope you enjoy <3 - masterlist / series masterlist / series playlist ✩
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this was so fucked up. 
everyone had warned sero about what he was doing. his playboy antics would soon catch up to him and soon he would be the one catching feelings — he had listened to his friends but he didn’t think it would be true. he wouldn’t be this fucking whipped for a girl who was bound to leave him by the end of the season.
of course, bakugou had been the voice of reason, but his reasoning was worth questioning since he had just flown half way across the country to get back together with his girlfriend. they were going to make it work this time. lucky them. 
but hanta isn’t in the same situation as any of his old high school friends — he’s been messing about with a sidekick from bakugou’s agency who was set to transfer to america right after summer ended. doing things he shouldn’t have been doing, fucking you in places where he shouldn’t have, catching feelings when he shouldn’t have. at the start of this sneaky arrangement, the dark haired hero had told you that everything in the romantic sense was off limits.
no love, no lips, no strings. 
unfortunately for him, he can’t seem to get enough of you. he’s been trying so hard not to fall in love, but every time you kiss it’s like you’re healing all of his wounds and filling him up with life. sero first noticed it was bad when he caught himself avoiding flirting with other people, ignoring subtle invitations back to their place all in respect for your feelings. since when did hanta sero care about not hurting you? since when did he like you enough to always have you on his mind?
he would call it off as soon as the leaves turned. at least that’s what he’d promised himself — no more favours, he would act like your summer romance never even existed…but sero finds himself warming up the idea of holding you close through summer nights, growing excited at the feeling of your head against his chest so you could hear his dull heart beat.
it’s disgusting how fast his mind had changed about you, a sickly sweet and syrupy feeling coursing through the hero’s veins and clogging the arteries that led to heart just from you looking at him. like right now. your big doe eyes trained on hanta as you throw his shirt over your naked body. you’re giggling awkwardly, revelling im the brush of his sweat slicked skin against you own after the pair of you had fucked around and gotten a little messy in the backseat of his car.
he would never let this happen if it were anybody else, but you just had to be different.
“you’re staring, han,” you coo, teasing him. mocking him. as if you know how whipped he is for you. from your place, bare between the thighs in his lap, you lean forward and let your lips connect in a slow and sensual kiss — hanta lets you guide the motion and settles his calloused hands on the curve of your waist, chasing your sweet taste and your softness as he tries to cherish the moment knowing that this won’t last forever. “you good?” 
the way you breathe against sero’s open mouth drives him fucking insane — like a drug with a high so worth it he doesn’t mind if the crash kills him. “s’nothin’ princess,” he can’t help but lie, keeping his voice even. who would he be if he admitted that that he wanted more than this summer situationship he was putting himself through just for the sake of being with you. “don’t you worry your pretty little head.” 
he gives your waist a reassuring squeeze, but it does nothing to soothe the pout on your face. “hanta, we’ve been doing this long enough for me to tell when something’s bothering you,” looking away from his obsidian eyes, you trace a random pattern against the black ink  tattoo on his right shoulder, colouring outside of the lines. “you can be honest with me.” 
sero so wishes that he could be. however there’s some sort of innate barrier in his mind that stops him from admitting his truth to you. telling you how he feels won’t stop you from going across the globe to live out your fullest potential as a hero and everyone knows that long distance doesn’t work. it would never work with hanta, you probably wouldn’t be able to trust him enough… not with his past fuckboy reputation. 
“i promise it’s not worth worrying about, gorgeous.” he boops your nose, heart siezing in his chest when your face scrunches adorably at the contact. “once summer ends and you’re on the way to the states, you won’t need to stress over me, kay?” 
a quiet fills the car once sero finishes speaking, and panic takes a hold of his battling emotions. did he let slip what the real problem was? 
“you want to end this, don’t you?” your lips press into a thin line but you don’t make a move to pull away from him. the black haired hero blinks, his mind blanking. it’s now or never. “god! how could i be so stupid. to think i was going to stay here for you! i should have never gotten myself involved with you, bakugou warned me about this. he said as soon as i caught feelings it would be over and you would never feel the same—“ your mouth runs a mile a minute, all of your thoughts coming out as a whiny blur. 
it takes sero a moment to realise, but his brain catches one detail throughout your ramble — nestled between your hiccups for breath and the sound of cicadas in the bushes outside of his car. firmly, he grips your wrists before you can pull off of him — guilt settling his features when he notices the tears beginning to brew in your pretty eyes. 
“what?” you snap, voice wobbling. “let go of me hanta.” 
“no!” he snaps back. “look at me, princess.” 
“get off!” 
“just give me a second!”
both of your chests are heaving, your eyes wide and wet — and sero can’t believe how fucking beautiful you look even when teary eyed. even when it’s because of him. “just, let’s wait a minute. let me talk, okay?” once you give sero the okay and stop withdrawing from him, he pulls you to lay on his chest (just like he’s done many times before) so that you can hear just how fast his heart is racing for you. “princess,” he begins, brushing a hand down your spine to make you shiver and curl into him some more. “i’ve never been good at this feelings thing… i’ve never even been in a proper relationship b’fore…”
“is this supposed to be making me feel better, han?” 
the dark haired hero rolls his eyes despite the flustered expression that settles on his features. “aye, didn’t i ask you to let me finish?” sero half-heartedly scolds you, covering his face in embarrassment while his fingers curl in his bangs in frustration. he peeks one midnight black eye open at you once you quiet down. “good girl.” 
you pinch his nipple in response. “watch it.” 
“alright, alright, sorry princess,” inhaling deep, sero takes the plunge. “i’ve never been in a proper relationship, before you?” his lean shoulders raise, indicating how hard he’s trying. “like…this past summer, you’ve made me feel happy in ways i didn’t even know were possible. i wake up in the mornings ‘n i’m thinking of you. going by to bed it’s the same…and I can’t even explain the way i feel when i get to see you.” 
hanta feels your gaze on him, yet instead of clamming up, he swallows his pride and pushes forward. “when…when you leave; i feel like it’s going to kill me. and this isn’t me asking you to stay, princess. it’s me tellin’ you that i broke every rule i had in place for you. i think…i think that i love you.” 
a burning sensation pricks at the tips of sero’s ears as a blush spread over his body and you remain quiet. giving your hips a squeeze, he dares to look up and meet your soft stare. 
“say somethin’, princess.” 
“you love me?” when you finally snap out of your reverie, stunned into silence by your fuck buddy’s speech, you somehow manage to croak the words out shyly. sero nods once.
seconds later, a shining smile breaks out on your face — practically illuminating the back of sero’s car. “yeah. yeah i love you…” he mumbles, tipping his head up towards yours as he brushes a calloused thumb over your slightly chapped bottom lip. “i know we said no love but… i really want to…” 
“kiss me, hanta.” comes your soft command and he wastes no time in doing what he’s told — lurching forward to capture your hot mouth in a slow, calculated kiss. hanta sero pours every feeling he can’t seem to say out loud into you, hoping that you’re able to grasp how much he’s fallen for you. 
panting and with burning lungs, you pull away from one another when the need for air becomes way too much. “if you couldn’t already tell by that kiss, i love you too hanta.” you say, pressing your forehead against his, grimacing playfully at the feeling of his sweaty bangs against your sticky skin. 
“i’d fuckin’ hope so,” sero beams, grabbing your chin to get another taste. “‘m gonna miss you when you leave me.” 
“i’ll miss you more,” you breathe back, cupping his face. “we’ll figure this out.” 
“right. we’ll figure it out together.”  hanta agrees, opting to live in the moment with you instead of dwelling on what’s to come. and even though he still thinks it’s fucked up that he tried and failed at not falling in love, he truly is grateful for the three months you’ve had together this summer — looking forward the to the many more you’ll have in the future.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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sp1rit-realm · 1 year
༻¨*:· 𝐈’𝐌 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐑𝐘 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ you have feelings for remus, he's dating someone else
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 implied that reader has a period 𖦹 fem!reader (she/her pronouns) 𖦹 a-a-a-angst 𖦹 sad 𖦹 unrequited love 𖦹 im sorry 𖦹 BIG THANKS TO @ay0nha FOR HELPING ME WITH THIS CONCEPT 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 736
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Thalia giggles at something Remus said for the fifth time in ten minutes—that's one giggle every two minutes. You stare daggers at her as the sweet, sticky sound bubbles out her mouth like boiling water. Warm and soothing and everything your wheezing laughs weren't. 
Your eyes shoot to Sirius as he kicks your leg from beneath the table. "What?" You mouth with a harsh stare.
"You look like you're about to kill her," He mouths back with raised brows.
You only roll your eyes in return.
Somewhere between the seventh and the tenth giggle, you decide to leave. You can't bear seeing how Remus looks at her with such adoration.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"What was yesterday about?" Sirius asks at breakfast.
You feign innocence, "What are you talking about?"
"You looked like you were about to choke out goldie locks. Jealous she's spending time with Remus?" He suggests.
"Ha!" You bark out, "Jealous. What a funny concept. You know, Sirius, you should consider a comedy career."
But Sirius is not laughing—he's looking at you with those eyes you've seen far too many times now. You saw them when he asked if you cheated on your charms test when you were twelve. You saw them when he asked if you were an animagus when you were fifteen. You saw them when he asked if your date with that boy from Ravenclaw went well. You've seen them every time you've lied to him. You see them now.
"Fuck you," You mutter—he catches it anyway.
"Tell him."
"There's nothing to tell, Sirius."
He only shakes his head in return.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
You feel a wave of sadness crash over you when you see Thalia at Remus's side once again. You're supposed to be there. That's your spot, you think.
Thalia looks to see who's entered the common room, and she flashes you a warm smile, waving her hand in a signal for you to sit with your friends.
You shake your head, and she raises an eyebrow in suspicion. You point to your stomach, "Period," You mouth. She nods in understanding.
Then, you catch Sirius's eye. He stares in disappointment as you walk away.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"Has anyone seen y/n?" Remus asks at breakfast—you've been avoiding him.
"I just saw her in the halls on the way here," Frank speaks up, "She said she was going to the library."
"I'm going to look for her." He stands up, then turns to Thalia, "See you soon, love." James pretends to throw up when he kisses her cheek.
"I just saw you being sweet on Evans, mate. Don't act all high and mighty," Sirius chips in.
But you're not in the library, and you're not at any of your usual spots.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
It's been days since Remus has spoken to you, and he's only growing more restless.
"Every time I see her, she runs away," He sighs.
"I'm sorry, my love," Thalia frowns, rubbing Remus's back.
"I'm gonna go for a smoke," He stands up and leaves the common room.
Remus goes to the courtyard—it's your guys' smoking place. He finds you there, head in your hands.
"Y/n?" He asks, and you look at him with shocked eyes, like the idea of him talking to you—seeing you—was preposterous.
"You're avoiding me," Remus says, finally cornering you.
"No, I'm not." You deny, standing up.
"Oh, come on, y/n. Do you think me that daft? I can tell you're avoiding me. Why?"
You take a deep breath, willing tears not to fall, "Because of her."
'You're clueless,' You think.
"What about her? You don't like her?"
And you can hear the fear in his voice—the fear that his best friend doesn't approve of the one he loves.
"She's amazing, Remus." Your voice wavers, and then it dawns on Remus. His face falls, and you know it's over.
"I'm sorry," He rushes out, "I'm so sorry."
And that's when the tears fall, "Don't be sorry, Remus."
"I'm sorry," He repeats, and you catch on to the look in his eyes. 
"Don't pity me, Remus."
"I don't!" He argues, "I'm just... I'm sorry."
"I wish you could love me," You whisper, looking into his eyes, heart breaking even more as you see their unshed tears.
"I do love you," He insists, "Just not in the way you need me to."
"Why?" You cry, "Why can't you just love me?"
"I— I wish I had a reason."
"It's okay, Remus."
"I'm sorry."
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thank you so much for reading, lovely!
mutuals: @queerpumpkinnn @whenjasfallsinlove @woahlifehitsyahuh @ell0ra-br3kk3r @esperisdrunkinwonderland @remuslovebot @reysdriver @tired-of-lying-in-the-sunshine @thesunandstarss @inkluvs @prongsio @ay0nha @angry-little-frog @starlit-epiphany @starstruckwillows @starsval @whennyxfallsinlove @depressedbutartsy @dancinglikeaballerina @ghostlyfleur @hob1e-br0wn @justpjostufff @knaveism @lovers-tunnel @zvdvdlvr @vinniethepanini @vampieteeth @baker-coded @meredarling @maddipoof
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ouchsharks · 3 months
yap alert about jenny and the first time she smoked with mikey post-squip:
ok so i do think that jenny also smokes, just not as much as mikey. i think being high calms mikey down and shes super chill, laid back, yk , cool, jenny on the other hand ..
being high calms her anxiety but since it calms her down it makes it alot harder for her to ignore certain thoughts that she chooses to push down when shes not high, mainly guilt. its happened before but on numerous occasions she is found dissacociated and upset due to overwhelming guilt, with things like her mother leaving and such.
well post squip, the guilt is EXTREME. and it definitely takes a long while for mikey to be able to convince jenny to smoke again, as jenny is afraid of doing anything that could mess with her mind (she will never ever drink mtn dew again)
but similarly to alcohol being a depressant and shutting the squip off, mikey tells jenny that weed should be okay for her, so, they get together to hangout.
they smoke, get high, mikeys chill, playing video games when all of a sudden jenny just starts sobbing??? breaking down. the guilt of everything that happened with the squip and mikey and brooke and such is killing her so she just starts bawling. mikeys like ??? oh my god are you okay jen whats wrong?? and jenny explains that shes so so sorry and shes so upset and everyone hates her and mikey tries comforting her but fails as shes .. really high, so. mikey says she will call christine and explain, jenny of course, being upset by all of this doesnt want christine to know she smokes weed (another thing she is guilty about) but by time jenny can mutter "no dont tell her im smoking weed 😢😢😭" christine has already picked up the phone and heard this (she doesnt care lmao) shes worried ab her gf and mikey asks if she will come over.
christine comes, jenny sobs some more and says how much she doesnt deserve her and all that blah blah, christine takes it all in and isnt bothered, she just wants jenny to feel better. they eventually lay in mikeys bed and christine cuddles and comforts jenny as she falls asleep (weed makes her sleepy lol) and she manages to get up and leave without waking her, asking mikey to text her when jenny wakes up to make sure shes okay.
sooo. jenny sleeps for nine hours 🤔 and wakes up completely sober, a little confused as to where she is then realizes shes at mikeys, mikey, who stayed awake the entire time, is there to be like oh youre awake! jenny forgets completely that she even smoked, their convo would pretty much go like this:
j: oh gosh how long was i out for?
m: oh yk like nine hours
j: NINE HOURS?? oh my god?
m: hey are you alright?
j: yeah??
m: youre not upset anymore?
j: i was upset?? what do you mean?
m: yea dude i mean i really didnt know what i was gonna do you seemed like youd never STOP crying
j: i was crying? so you put me to bed??
m: i didnt. christine did !
j: chrstine???? but im at your house??
m: i didnt know what to do so i called christine!!!!
j: you did WHAT?! why was i upset why was i crying?? why did christine come here?? why did i sleep for nine hours??????
m: okay okay jen woah youre getting hostile 🤔🤔 listen, we smoked some weed. you! got really weird. i was super high. so i called christine, and you were like "dont tell her im smoking weed" but she was already on the phone and totally heard, so then she came over and you kept crying and were like "waahhh christine i dont deserve you" but she knew you were high and was okay with everything and she just , yk, waited until you fell asleep and then she left! oh i gotta text her by the way, let her know youre awake and alright.
j: well idk if im alright... (embarrassed)
then mikey obnoxiously takes a flash photo of jenny, who is sprawled in mikeys bed, confused and embarrassed as hell
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christine, whos been FIGHTING to stay awake (not a night owl at all) waited the whole time for that text and as soon as she responded she CRASHED, out, sleepytime.
sorey for such the long post i just fucking love jenny and my au so somuch i wanted to share this with tumblr i doubt yall will care but thanks for reading if you made it down here
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spencereidlovesshoes · 2 months
hiya i really love your posts, maybe because you haven’t written anything yet. it is my honor to be your first request.
i’m begging you for a spencerreid x pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader
please do it quickly i will be dying soon i’m 84!!!!!!
OMG I love that!! this idea lives rent free in my mind now thank you you old bitch.
15,6 words.
A/N: im a nice person.
"Wheels up in 5!" says Agent Hotchner, but you don’t hear it because you’re on the toilet. Thousands of alerts bombed Y/N’s phone. Penelope was sending her them. She always hated her.
It seems they are going to Thit Island to investigate a murder of a dog. Y/N was really stressed out, because of the team’s behaviour. They are known for their shitty behaviour on board. They commonly unbuckle their seatbelts, walk around the plane, cuddle together and worst of all, they tend to come to Y/N’s cabin and cover her eyes. They think they are funny but there is a high possibility that the plane might crash because of that.
Y/N really despises the members of the team. Especially JJ. Her long blond hair got caught in the engine once and she had to pull her out whilst still piloting the plane. Don’t ask her how she did that.
The only one she didn’t hate was Spencer. His hair could get caught anywhere and she would gladly save him. She watched him through the security cameras when she didn’t feel like paying attention to the road. She especially liked watching him sleep. He was so cute and he didn’t even know about her. Why would he be with someone as a stupid as this pilot!fem!bimbo!plussize!colorblind!vampire!reader?
The team was lined up next to the plane and Y/N was installing the stairs to the plane. No one helped her. In that moment JJ said: "What is she doing here? Who is she? Where am I? Who am I?"
The team seemed to ignore all of her questions. "She is our pilot, don’t you recognise her?" Spencer said. He was the only one who was not a complete asshole to Y/N. "Ok, just do not get close to Spencer," said JJ looking directly into Y/N’s eyes. "JJ, she saved your life last time, don’t you remember?" "I could have done it myself," said JJ and stormed to sit on the plane.
Everything went well and until Morgan sneaked into her cabin and covered her eyes. Y/N yelped and tried to get his hands off of her. He held her head so tightly she started to feel dizzy. Morgan laughed and said "relax babygirl, I just need you to turn the plane around, we found out that Thit Island is on the other side of the globe."
WTF? Y/N thought. I do everything for this team and especially for Spencer. I pay for the gas and they just tell me that we have been going in the wrong direction? I’m not gonna be able to pay the bill this month, I don’t even have a job! I just snuck to the toilet every time and tie up the real pilot. And that is the problem. I don’t know how to turn the plane around. I always just fly in some direction and hope for the best.
"Hello? You seem lost in your thoughts," Morgan said. "OK, just buckle up and hold tight," Y/N said with determination in her eyes. She didn’t even wait for Morgan to sit down and buckle his seatbelt, she just turned the plane upside down.
"I didn’t mean it literally!" Morgan screamed as he hit his head on the ceiling of the plane. Y/N heard mortified screams of the rest of the team. It was like music to her ears. Yes! Spencer thought. She finally stood up to her bullies. He might have broken a leg or two and had a concussion because he was sitting in JJs lap.
They flew their whole flight upside down and Y/N found some random island in Europe to land on. Everyone got out of the plane, excited to see some dead bodies and investigate mysteries, except Spencer, he went to check on Y/N.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright?" Y/N seemed devastated, she was tired from all the blood flowing to her head. "I’m OK, I just have a long night waiting for me. I have to get comfy on this plane." "What do you mean?" Spencer said and a worry wrinkle appeared on his forehead.
"I didn’t pay for any hotel. I don’t have any money left, I spent everything on gas for this trip that took way longer than I anticipated. We are lucky that we survived! We don’t have much gas left. Can you steal some if you see some cars on your way out?"
Spencer looked at her in disbelief. This poor thing was poor. "OK Y/N, let me sing you a lullaby to help you sleep." Y/N was thrilled. She was sure she would not be able to fall asleep next to singing Spencer. She loved him too much for that.
"URURURURURURURURURURURUR" Spencer sang in his soft voice while Y/N slowly fell to the dreamland...
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ohbo-ohno · 10 months
.. that purge playlist screenshot got me thinking..
the annual purge has started. Soap is confident in himself, staying alive tonight. Locked up in his home, which is out of the way and secured properly(he’s an explosives expert, what did you expect?), so, yeah! He’s making it through. He already does enough killing in his job, he doesn’t want to spend leave doing what he’s no doubt gonna do when he gets back.
all’s well, it’s late, and Soap’s getting ready to head off to bed in his basement. Simple, easy, super secure. He’d hear anyone trying to get in, and his weapons are right at his side! An easy night! .. right?
it’s late. Or early? It’s still dark out when he jolts awake to a crash. Did- did something just break? Where was it? He climbed out of his little makeshift bed, grabbing his gun, just in case.
goes upstairs, there’s nothing there.. musta been a ‘coon! Yeah.
except, it wasn’t. When Soap gets back down into the basement after doing a quick patrol of the house, someone’s down there. A big hulking someone who looks.. familiar.
before he can put his finger on it, that big someone lunges for him, pulling Soap’s back against his big chest as he wraps his hands wrap around his throat, cutting off his air.
that’s when it hits him. That smell. That’s Ghost’s cologne!
uhhh the brainworms stopped brainworming so blah blah Soap wakes up, groggy and chained to a bed. Not his own. Tries to look around, all he sees is the large bed he’s laying on in a dark room. maybe an hour or so later, someone comes down into the room. Ghost. Mmmmakes a comment about how Soap was out longer than he thought he would be, how he should have closed the door behind him going back down into his basement, uhhhhahhdsh yeah
(this is really fucking long I’m so sorry feel free to ignore I JUST HAD TO GET THIS OUT sorry if you don’t want long things like this sent into your inbox 😭😭)
that purge playlist is because im writing a ghoap x reader purge au (that i hope to have finished today) for the love of my life lumi
there's soooo much you can do with a purge au!!! you could have ghost use soap as basically a hunting dog, dragging victims to his master for him to kill. you could have reader as a bonkers insane murderer who ghoap become obsessed with after see her kill someone. you could have poor ol' johnny get taken and kidnapped :/
i loooooove your idea, and i'll add a tiny little layer to it if you don't mind:
maybe johnny's a barista and ghost is one of his regulars. he comes in at the same time everyday (not super weird at a coffee shop) and always waits in johnny's line, even if the other line is shorter. he's intense and creepy as hell, barely ever speaking - as soon as johnny figured out his regular order, he stopped speaking at all. he gives johnny heebie-jeebies, but he tips like $20 every day, so whatever
except the day of the purge, he finally speaks. says something super generic like "goin' out tonight?" and johnny gives back an easy answer (no, i'm no fool, smth like that), and ghost says "good. make sure you don't leave your place. never know who you might run into out there."
which like. creepy, but no creepier than ghost (which is the name he always gives, and there's no way it's his actual name yeah?) has ever been. johnny brushes it off, forgets it by lunch
and of course, simon is very glad to see his boy listened to him when he stops by his apartment that night and sees he's locked in. too bad he couldn't afford a better security system
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haikyuu-x-male-reader · 3 months
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*Rubs hands together evil🙏🏽*
Let’s gooo
This isn’t gonna be too too long but I’ll try to make it good
Im Not gonna beat around the bush but most likely I’m prop gonna write this as porn plot sorta 🤷🏽
But as I’m writing this who knows??✨✨
started - 5/22/24
we all know Akaashis calm, and swag demeanor right?
Welp throw that ALL AWAY
Tbh I feel like he would be a
God he’s gonna go crazy for you
Oh did I mention that u FUEL his size kink
-The sound of Akaashi’s moans and the bed creaking fill the room-
“[Reader name] f-FUCK me harder alreadyy~”
With no hesitation you press him more into the mattress so he feels just how deep you are inside him
You also press urself onto him more since that riles him up
He says as he whines in pleasure
you start to slow down but got interrupted by him
*Huff* “D-don’t you *huff*..dare stop”
*His body is on the brink now, shaking and trembling as he chases the climax that threatens to overtake him.*
You speed up even faster then before
"Almost... almost... ah! Oh God... more.. please... god.. don't stop.. please don't stop."
*He gasps out, his hips stuttering with the increasing intensity of his pleasure, his breathing completely out of control
“I can’t t-take it anymoree~!”
*A stream of moans and gasps leaves him, his voice getting higher and louder with each snap of ur waist*
He starts to squirm around under but is limited due to you pushing him down
And he’s LOVING IT
“Ngh~!.oh my god.!”
“[Reader name] it’s so deep..Hngh!~”
*His eyes flutter shut, and he goes completely limp
*A loud, shuddering moan escapes him as you hit that sweet spot, his body tensing up briefly before it releases, a wave of pleasure crashing through him.
And then he says nonchalantly 
“Wanna do round 2?”
I feel like he wouldn’t really pay any mind to ut height at first but the more he thinks about it
The more it turns him on
The first time you guys do it he did think much of it
But his mind started giving him ideas
✨How naughty✨
oh and I think it would drive him crazy for you to be in control 🎉
*computer gaming streamer noises*
*You groan slightly after ur nap*
*you sit up, rub ur eyes and stretch
This causes kenma you look at you*
“Oh hey [nickname] you awake? I’m streaming right now”
“Sorry if I woke u up do you want me try to finish soon?”
*You turn to him*
“Nah it’s fine I’ll just be on my phone”
“Just stream and do yer thing
I know how you love gaming”<3
His face goes slightly worried
“You sure?I didn’t mean to wake up-“
Video game death sound
"Damn it-“
*you laugh at him loudly*
“Shush! It’s not funny..“
“Yeah Nono it’s fine don’t let me distract you”
“Just focus on streaming and entertaining ur viewers”
He shrugs
“Alright whatever you say my love”
“Sorry Chat lets get back to-“
he gets back to doing his normal stream stuff
As you’re on your phone you get an idea
Kenma would actually kill you if you did this ESPECIALLY when he’s gaming and locked in
but its worth a shot🤷🏽
You quitely get up from the bed and make your way towards him
“Ah thank you for the donate [random user]”
Blah blah blah insert Kenma streamer talking
you try to sneak under his desk which was tough as hell because god blessed you with height
You were able to get under surprisingly
Kenma sighs when loosing a game causing him to lay back in his seat
Which causes him to notice you
“Chat I’ll be right back” *turns off camera and mutes mic*
“[reader name] what are you doing.. how did you even fit under there? You know how tall you are..”
“Just focus on your stream you wouldn’t want ur viewers to know I’m under here right~?”
“Magic and hard work. But aside from that”
Kenma smirks slightly
" ..oh? really now? "
*he blinks for a second at your question. a soft smirk on his face before sitting back up straight and unpausing the game*
" alright.. I'll continue streaming.. don't try to distract me too much~ "
*he lets out a soft chuckle before going back to streaming. he tries to focus on what he's doing while you're down there.*
He is trying really hard to keep his focus, and not losing his composure.
You Loosen up his sweatpants and WHIP OUT THAT THANG
Note: is 11 at night so might be insane -5/27/24
you try to get into a comfortable position and start to suck on the tip of his member
*he quickly turns up the volume on the microphone so they can't hear anything. he lets out a small groan to keep in his composure*
“Mm ah- *fake cough* sorry chat I have a little bit of a cold….”
The viewers notice his so called “cold” cause his face is turning slowly red🌚
Out of spite you decided to put his full length inside your mouth
Kenma throws his head back,covers his face with one hand and moans
Username: WHAT WAS THAT??
Username2: bros getting freaky
He quickly realized what he did
“Oh Sorry Chat..I was stretching.”
“I’m hungry so I’m ending the stream early today.”
Meanwhile the chat was hollering and goin insane
But all that came to an end once he ended the stream
“Can you continue already…...”
Oh boy…
now Hinata definitely feels intimidated by ur height in a frustrated way and in-
The other way.
He REALLY LIKES ur height in a UNUSUAL way..🧍🏽
It’s night time
Hinata and you are chilling on the couch watching a movie
You both are sharing a buttery salty bowl of popcorn (yum)
*movie noises*
*godzilla scream*
“I was expecting this movie to be boring
It’s actually interesting!”
You say intriguingly as you munch on more popcorn
“Heh! You should’ve ✨never✨ doubted me then! I amm knownnn to be the best at picking movies~”
*movie background noises*
Hinata got up from the couch and went to get a snack
He tried to grab a snack form the top shelf but he forgot about his height
“Damn it-“
He tried to climb onto the counter but quickly remember that would be unsanitary
“Need help here?”
He quickly looks behind him to see you
“Nope! Im totallyyyy finee..!”
“Ya sure?, you were struggling not too long-”
After saying that. he attempts to hop up but you grab him by the waist to quickly stop him
“Here let me just help..”
As you reach for whatever tried to get, you press urself behind him purposefully
This gets a reaction out of him
“Hmm this thing is so far back in the cabinet”
You know damn well ur lying
“Sorry shoyo.. this might take a bit!”
As you say this you start to grind on him from behind
Okay so now it’s definitely clear on what ur trying to do
When you started to grind on hinata he started to move slightly forward which causes his erection to rub against the counter
You pause and look down
“Ok enough beating around the bush”
You unzip his pants and pull out his member
Hey y'all😅
Um. I'm sorta back?
I've been tryna finksh this request but my motivation to write just died 🥲🥲🥲
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robinismywifee · 1 year
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lust, not hatred || e. williams
pairings dealer!ellie williams x fem!oc/reader
summary ellie and aime never got along, but ellies best friend, dina, is aimes roomate so they have to be around each other alot. blah blah blah, ellie makes aime go to a party with her, lets just say ellie gets jealous (1st p.o.v)
warnings NSFW, fingering (r. receiving), cunnilingus (r. receiving), pet names (princess, brat, slut, good girl), kinda kinky ellie (spanking, she thinks reader belongs to her????), drinking, smoking weed
a/n part 2 is up!
wordcount 4.2k
i unbuttoned my jeans, slipping out of them, i could already feel her burning gaze on my neck.
i pulled of my shirt too, throwing the clothes into my laundry basket, i turned to my closet, it had a mirror on it and i could see ellie on dinas bed, sititng with her legs spred out not even hiding her stares
i looked at her through the mirror shaking my head, "what are you even doing here? dinas not gonna be back until like midnight" i scoffed, as i opened the closet and grabbed shorts, slipping into them but still in my bra
"are you deaf? i already told you" she said, annoyed by me being annoyed, or maybe just my presence, "yeah, well im gonna be here when she gets back why don't i just have her text you?" i wanted my room to myself, dina was at a party, i had classes early and although it seemed tempting, dancing like nobody else is in the room with dina while my eyes are red from the weed, i could do it literally any other day
"youre gonna pass out as soon as your fat ass hits the bed" she said, making me roll my eyes even though she couldnt see them as my back faced her, "okay then just- come back at like 2am to see her alive and well" i shrugged, getting on my tippy toes to pull out a white tanktop from the top of my closet
i unclipped my bra, letting the cold air fill my breasts, i tossed the bra into the basket, slipping on my tanktop.. if i was in my room, i dont care whos in it, im changing, i mean, i face the other direction if im going completely nude like how i just did so ellie couldnt see my tits, only my bare back, but in plain bra and underwear, who cares, its just as if i was wearing a bikini
i turned around, noticing the tanktop was much tighter and lowcut then i had thought, but once again it didnt really matter, its just ellie, as much as i hated her im comfortable around her, i know shes not gonna try anything weird like that
"can you honestly just shut the fuck up and go to sleep? my roomate blasts terrible music while she studies and she has a test tomorrow theres no way im going back in there" she complained
"dude, i dont care, its my room, not yours" i folded my arms, "its dinas room too and she said i could be in here anytime i wanted, and why do you want me to leave so fucking much? i always crash" ellie questioned, "i- i jus- i- it doesnt fucking matter! just-" i stuttered, suddenly feeling embarrassed.. usually i don't care if she stays over, i just block her out and ignore her even being there, but i was really horny today and planned tonight out already.
"what? was some guy supposed to come over or some shit?" ellie asked, suddenly feeling interested, "no! just-" i sighed, trying to come up with a lie but settled on changing the topic, "if you're gonna be here, do me a favor and shut up"
"nah, i wanna know, what were your wednesday night plans princess?" her voice raised a pitch, she leaned forward as i stood a few feet infront of her, "why do you care so much?" i scoffed, "and why arent you at the party?" i added, trying to change the topic
"you know how it is going to a party with dina and jesse, im just gonna be alone the whole time with people trampling asking for weed" she shrugged, "dont you want people asking?" i asked, referring to the business side, "yeah but i dont need to go to parties every fucking day"
"whatever" i mumbled, falling to my bed, i pulled out my phone and was about to go to tiktok when she spoke up again, "you never answered my question"
"if i tell you will you go the party?" i asked raising my head, "uh.. fuck" she whispered, "fine" she said which suprised me enough to sit up and ditch my phone, "only cause i was already thinking of going" she added, "yea right" i mumbled, "so? you gonna tell me or just sit there?"
"i was just- just.." i scratched my neck preparing for her future comments, "i told jason he could come over specifically because i had the dorm to myself- and dont start williams because ive been talking with him for like a month now, and i know you do it all the time with cat" she laughed
"i dont" she said with a smirk, "shut the fuck up, yes you do" she stood up, "not with cat, that was like a 1 time thing" she said casually, walking over to grab her shoes, "yeah all your things are a one time thing" i grumbled, basically implying she was a whore, she stopped her tracks, and walked to the edge of my bed infront of me, "get up" she said in a stern voice,  i shook my head, she didnt like that answer, she pulled my wrist and shoved me to my closet, "get dressed" she ordered
"get dressed? fuck off im not going anywhere" i said in disbelief, "youre coming with me, now get fucking dressed" she said, looking down at me, "says who? im not going with you, leave me alone!" who does she think she is?
ellie took a step closer, she didnt even say anything, just gave me that look that made me tense up, "holy fucking shit, fine" i let out my breath, and untensed as she smirked, proud of her abilities, "but only if you give me free weed" i added, "whatever, just hurry up"
"hurry up? i just took off all my makeup let me do  like basic makeup first" i said, moving to my vanity, she sighed, "i swear to god"
"you're the one whos making me go, just sit on your ass and watch south park of something" i said, getting out my makeup, "oh, can you actually put that on?" she asked, i didnt reply, but complied by taking my remote off my desk and tossing its at her, my tv was facing my bed only so she had to move from dinas bed to mine, i watched through my mirror her getting comfy under my blankets with my squishmellow bat, i didnt realize until i looked back to myself that i was smiling, i instantly dropped it, shook my head at myself feeling disgusted, and started my makeup as southpark filled the room.
"jesus, took you long enough" ellie mumbled as i got out of my chair, "it took one episode of south park, thats not even long dumbass" i shot back, picking up the remote from her lap and turning it off, "help me pick an outfit" i ordered, opening my closet
"you dont need to dress up its not a special party, just put on jeans" she said, i was slightly leaned over searching for clothes when once again i could feel her eyes on the back of me, i turned around and saw that her eyes werent up on my back, but lower, "stop being a perv" i said as she looked back up to me, still laying in bed snuggled with the blankets, "not my fault you were bent over in booty shorts"
i shook my head, "okay well im not wearing jeans cause its hot" i said outloud, "so which skirt?" i moved over showing her the ray of skirts "whichever one shows more skin" i turned to her squinted my eyes and turned back around trying to make a decision as she was no help
"i think maybe just a plain black one, right? oh how bout these?" i pulled out, turning around holding a skirt to my waist
"mm, yea that looks short, do that" she agreed, for different reason, i sighed, "whatever. fix my bed and get your shoes on" i pointed, as i changed into the skirt
she stayed silent, doing what i asked, fixing my bed to how it was before, i had already put on my shoes and waited for ellie to do so, once she did, she stood up and went to her bag, she shuffled around a bit before pulling a bottle of my favorite vodka with a smirk
my mouth was ajar, "what! can i- can i please have some?" i asked with a head tilt, i rarely had this vodka, it was super expensive.
"yeah dummy thats why i bought it" she said, sitting back down on the edge of my bed, i bit my lip to hide my smile, but it didnt work as i smiled too big, i walked over to her sitting right next to her, i was too excited to notice i had sat so close that our theighs were touching
"w- why do you have this? dont you usually get fireball whisky?" i said, looking down at the belvedere bottle, a laugh escaped her lips, "yeah, they didnt have any at the store so i thought i'd get your vodka- why are you so amazed by it?" she smiled looking down at me
"couldnt you just gotten some other whiskey? i mean you got MY vodka? this is-" i let out a sigh, "can we take shots already?" i asked looking up to her, she laughed, "yeah, here you can have the first shot" she passed it over to me, i shook my hands excited before taking the bottle, opening it with a pop noise, i unscrewed the cap and smiled more, "cant we do it at the same time? here" i handed her the bottle, it felt weird taking shots alone, i went to my shelf and took off two shot glasses, i bit my lip as i handed her them, taking the vodka back and poured us the glasses, setting the bottle on my bedside table
"okay ready?" i smiled, she laughed as she nodded, "3, 2, 1" i said, and at the same time we brought our lips to the cup and tilted our heads back, downing the clear liquid
i giggled, as we both set our glasses down, "oh my god! im so happy right now i could kiss you" i smiled, we both looked at eachother for a moment, too long of a moment, i felt something in my stomach, but i cleared my throught, and began pouring more liquid, blaming the feeling on the drink.
we ended up taking a bit more shots then intended, but here we were, arrived at the party
we walked in together, shoulder to shoulder, the guy who owns the house, ky, threw a lot of parties, he was a senior, ive been to so many parties here that i knew the layout of his big house
a song i didn't recognize played, but that didnt stop me from feeling in the mood to dance, me and ellie were definitely different drunks, i dont know what was going through her mind when she was drunk, but for me, right now at least, all i wanted to do was dance and enjoy the music
"ellie, ellie, ellie!" i shook her arm, she hummed a reasponse, we has made it to the kitchen and she began to pour us cheap vodka into red cups, normally she would drink beer but i guess she wanted to get drunk tonight like how i did
"can we, pleaseeee, please, please, dance?" i pressed my hands together as if i was praying, "shit, please beg more" ellie licked her lips, sipping her drink, "oh my god! just- lets go, and i bet dina and jesse are dancing we'll probably find them" i said, pulling ellie by her wrist into the 'dance floor'
as i dragged her, big poppa by biggie played, "yes! i love this song" i pulled her close to me as we joined the people dancing, "i really dont want to dance aime" ellie said with a stern face, "oh come on! you never dance, it'll be fun, just pretend like im the only one in the room, trust me, oh and literally everyone around us will not remember anything in the morning so it doesnt even matter" i explained to her, she seemed nervous, but nodded
people gave us weird looks, usually we would be on different sides of the room, we never were seen together alone, so us not only being alone together, but with smiled and dancing?
i moved my hips to the beat, my hands on ellies shoulders her hands on my waist, my front grinding against hers as i sang the song, she seemed to loosen a bit, her eyes connected to my body
i saw a smirk form on the corner of ellies mouth, and before i knew it, her hands were pressed against my ass, normally i would scoff and hit her arm away, but i had no thoughts at the current moment, so i only moved my hips more, i then turned around so my ass was to her front and her hands were now to my hips, i bent over a bit, arching my back, letting my ass bounce, ellies hands kept a firm grip as she also grinded to me, it was for fun and innonce at first, but it started to feel too good, and i never got that fun time so i only wanted more.
we took a break to drink more, then went back to dancing, after a few songs, a hand gripped my hair, pulling my head up a bit, ellie leant forward and whispered- well yelled over the music- to my ear, "wanna get that free weed now?" i smiled, not realizing the reason she decided to ask was because jason was making his way to us, "fuck yeah!" i exclaimed
now we sat in an empty bedroom with a locked door for anyone who decided to bardge in, "alright princess" ellie sighed, practically stumbling over to me, she pulled out a tin that was in her pocket, pulling out a joint and lighter, i sat on the edge of the bed hands in my lap
i watched her every move, she raised the joint slightly to my mouth, but i was focused on her slim fingers, "open" she said in a low voice, i felt my cheeks go red at her voice and how vulnerable i felt, but i obeyed, opening my mouth slightly, she slipped the joint, i closed my lips around it, she brought the lighter to the end, lighting it for me, the whole time we stared into each others eyes, a thick unknown tension between us lingered
i took a hit and began smoking all while holding eye contact. we passed it and took deep hits till our world felt calm and the music from below us seemed to disappear, infact everything around us seemed to disappear, it felt like it was only us on the whole planet.
ellie took the last hit, before placing the remainder of the joint in an nearby ashtray. she went back to her previous spot, right infront of me, standing and looking down, my neck hurt from looking up at her, but i couldnt take my eyes away, something about how her freckles danced in the dim lighting, or how her messy hair framed her face, how her redden eyes glared at me with an emotion i didnt recognize.
ellie brought her hand to my jaw, her thumb rubbing my cheek, "you were really causing a scene out there princess" her voice seemed to go down a few notches, and it made my mouth agape at the nickname she had been calling me for years for some reason made my face feel hot
"how you were.. grinding onto me in your short skirt.. your tight top.. shit, i can see everything through that, didnt even bother to put on a bra, like the little slut you are" she mumbled, eyes scanning my clothed breasts and theighs, i couldnt help but squeeze my theighs together more, "hm, think i didnt see that?" her free hand went to my theigh, rubbing circles to it, ellie must of noticed my eyes trailed to her hand cause she used the one that was on my face to pull my face back up, "whats the matter? cat got your tongue?" she asked with a head tilt, that made me gulp and shrunk into my seat, trying to push words out, but the no reply caused her to smirk
"i mean.. you know what they say.." she moved her thumb that was on my cheek to my lip, pulling it down slightly, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer" my face felt on fire as i felt her thumb sink into my mouth, my eyebrows furred, looking up to her, as her thumb was in my mouth, "shit, i wonder what else that mouth can do" she whispered to herself, but i obviously heard, i felt like i could collapse, my hand that was on the bed moved to her hand that was on my theigh, i opened my legs a little bit wider, pushing her hand down
i watched as she pulled her thumb out, keeping her hand on my theigh, she slipped out of her shoes, and pulled mine off. next thing i know her hands were on my face and she had her tongue shoved deep into my throat, my head pressed into the pillow as she was ontop of me, the sudden contact made me moan.
she moved her hands on my waist and pulled me closer to her front, i moaned into it, my hand found its way to her hair, i pulled at it, i didnt expect anything, but i heard her let out a breathy moan into my mouth, i pulled away, my ears blessed, i felt a puddle in my underwear, "please ellie"
she looked at me with the same eyes she had the whole night, the same eyes shes been giving me ever since we met. and i finally recognized what the emotion was. lust. pure, lust.
"please ellie, i need you" i whinned, i grabbed her hand and shoved it up my skirt, her fingertips dancing against my clothed slit was enough to make me whine, "please" i breathed, ellies face was red, "fuck" she gulped, and leaned back in to kiss my lips, her hand resting on my inner theigh, she trailed her lips to my neck, i turned my head to give her more access, my back arched as she kissed the right spot and pressed her hand under my shirt to my unclothed boob, and slightly bit my skin "please, ellie, i cant wait any longer, i need you" i rolled my head back
"be patient princess" she said in a seductive voice, which only made me less patient, she pulled away, hands now at the hem of my shirt, i sat up lfiting my arms helping her pull it off of me, "shit" ellie breathed, her eyebrows were furred, hair messy, cheeks red, lips plump, she looked so beautiful, so fucking hot.
after she stared at me, she pulled in and began kissing my chest, leaving a trail of love bites, she got to the hem of my skirt, pulling it off my legs, she pressed soft kisses until she got to my clothed clit, "fuck.. ellie i need you, please, ill do anything, please" i whinned, my hand gripped to her hair, "i know baby, ill make you feel good" ellie spoke as she pulled off my underwear with eye contact
i felt really vulnerable, i was completely naked underneath her as she straddled me completely clothed, and normally i topped, but there is no way i would be able to top ellie so i let it happen
ellie moved lower and lower till her lips pressed softly to my clit, i was so sensitive that i couldnt help but squirm my hips up, ellie forcefully pushed my theighs down and held them there, "stay fucking still brat" she said harshly, i narrowed my eyes down to look at her cold gaze, a smirk formed her face before she dove back in
she decided to tease me, kissing my inner theigh, "ellie c'mon" i whispered, trying to not move my hips, she ignored me and continued to press soft kissed to my theighs, her hands wrapped around my legs holding me still
ellies eyes were closed as she kissed me, i took that as an opportunity to sneak my hand to my private, gliding my fingers to my slit, but before i could really do anything, ellies hand gripped my wrist and slammed my hand against the bed, her grip tightened as she stared coldly at me, "touch yourself or move one more time, and im leaving" she said, her voice stern, i let out a breath feeling intimidated under her gaze, giving her a shakey nod
her face softed as she saw my reaction, "i- is this too far?" she asked softly, i very quickly shook my head, "no, please dont stop" i murmered out, knowing a quick head shake was probably too little for her, she tucked hair behind my ear, "tell me what you want baby" she whispered nicely, completely opposite to her harsh voice calling me a brat a few minutes ago, "go down on me please ellie, o- or anything- just touch me" i whinned, her look turned back to her confident smirk, she licked her lips looking down at me before she sunk back down and pressed her tongue to my wet folds, gliding it up, she put her tongue back in her mouth letting herself taste me, "mmhm, shit you taste good" she rolled her eyes, leaning her head back a bit and i swear to god i could have came right there.
ellie brought her head back down letting her tongue glid against me some more, my breathy moans filling the room as she pushed her tongue deep into me, my hand gripped the bedsheets, i wrapped my legs around ellie trying to get her closer
"harder.." i whispered my hand finding its way to ellies hair, she complied, moving her tongue faster and deeper, "more ellie.. please" i moaned, ellie slipped one of her fingers into me, moving along with her tongue, "mmfph" i moaned, rolling my head back onto the pillow, mumbling nonsense, i couldn't help but rock my hips, grinding onto her face, moving against her tongue and finger, she began to move her faster, suddenly adding another finger, i gripped her hair harder, ellie moaned against me, vibrating my core, causing me to grind even harder and squeeze her hair harder, anytime i tugged ellies hair i would feel her moan against me, so i made sure to keep on tugging
as i felt myself get higher, i couldnt even get words out, only high pitched squeels, i felt myself tighten and right as i poured out, ellie pulled out, licking my dripping cunt clean, i was out of breath, still trying to get over the orgasm,
"all fours" she licked her lips, i did what she said, finding the strength to flip myself over, and sit on my knees and hands, back arched and ass in the air, on full display for the girl behind me.
"shit.. look at you, you'd do anything for me, wouldnt you?" she growled, "anything.." i moaned, ellies fingers slammed back into me, making my eyes roll back, arching somehow more
"cant believe you were gonna go and fuck jason.." ellie growled form behind me, fingers slamming deeper, "such a fucking slut.." she whispered, i then felt a sudden sharp pain on my ass, i moaned at the pain and at her fingers curling, "you like that?" i could hear her smirk, she smacked me again, i tried to hold my moan back to not satisfy her, but it was near impossible, "jason couldnt make you feel like this, could he?"ellie questioned, adjusting my legs for me to get her fingers deeper in me, pumping her fingers deeper and faster, at a very hard paste, i tried to answer but her fingers were a bit distracting
"i asked you a fucking question!" she smacked me again, "who the fuck do you belong to?" she yelled, "ellie! i belong to ellie" i moaned loudly, feeling my stomach come to a not, "such a good girl" ellie grunted, i felt myself freeze and could feel myself dripping down my leg, ellie contuined, overstimulating me, making my legs shake and tremble
she came to a stop, i could feel her warm fingers collect all my juices that had fallen, i let myself collapse onto my back, i made eye contact with her as she sucked onto her fingers with a smirk, "you really do taste good princess"
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point-8 · 1 year
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SAY IT! FEAT:diluc, kaeya and zhongli
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okay...he doesn't get it
he goes through all 5 stages of grief before you tell him that it was just a prank
he thinks pranks are pointless
didn't find it funny 🥲 "are you working in the tavern tonight luc'?" you were both getting ready, it was your day off so you were still in bed, having plans on returning to sleep once he left. diluc was in his base layer of clothing, a simple white collared shirt, and some black pants. "i should be...so ill be home late. don't stay up" diluc was now moving onto the second layer of his work attire, a dark vest with gold-color buttons. "wasn't planning on it, plus i might go have dinner with a friend tonight, so ill be in town if you need me tonight." he looked so handsome in the full-size mirror buttoning up the vest as he stole glances back at you. and soon enough you crashed back into the soft duvet and tried to get back to sleep "darling ill be off, i love you." he walked over to the bed, expecting a groggy 'i love you too' , but he heard nothing. diluc knew you were awake, nobody could fall asleep that fast. seeing your slight smile, he knew you were up to something. "i love you?" he tried to lightly shake you, seeing if you were just half-asleep and couldn't respond. but instead of an 'i love you too' he just got a little laughter "what's so funny? do you not return my feelings anymore?" "you really can't take a prank luc'?!" you sat up from bed, wrapping your arms around him "of course i love you too, how could i not?" you just heard him huff which, in turn, made you smile a bit "you're getting too much like kaeya" you heard him quietly grumble, but you knew he couldn't stay mad at you for long.
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he'll just do it back to you
he knows it's a prank, you're a little to obvious
kaeya always knows ways for him to get back at you, if thats making you pay or just doing the same thing to you, he will always get you back "tonight was really fun kaeya, thank you!" you two were walking hand-in-hand back to the shared house. it was overall a great night, kaeya took you to dinner and then walked you around mondstat, showing you secret places only knights knew about. "of course it was, you spent it with me." with a slight chuckle, he grabbed you closer as you walked up the steps and unlocked the door "god..im so tired" kaeya groaned and whined as he crashed on the couch to catch his breath and rest his eyes. "im gonna get changed ok?" you went down and kissed his forehead as the bluenette hummed in agreement. and five minutes later, you hear footsteps making their way up the stairs. not even caring to shower. he just stripped down to his boxers and jumped into bed with you. "you're disgusting." you slightly pushed his head away "but you still love me, don't you?" he managed to get closer to your face and pulled your cheeks, cooing at you "kaeya im not a baby, stop" you swat his hands away and got back into your former position to fall asleep. "well in that case, i love you darling see you in the morning." he grabbed your waist and pulled you closer, resting his head in the corner of your neck. "i said i love you." he grumbled, you could tell he was tired too "i don't love people who smell" "fine then, i don't love bitches." you let out a gasp as he took his hands off you and rolled to the other side of the bed, leaving you slightly cold. "god.. fine kaeya i love you too." now it was your turn to deal with his bullshit, and he wasn't going to give up anytime soon.
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someone please help him
you have to walk him through every single joke you make
this man has some accent ass humor tf
he would take it to heart if you don't say you love him (please make him feel better rn) stirring from your sleep, you heard footsteps, doors opening and closing, and running water. you never knew why zhongli got up so early, it was just a habit. it's not like you minded, at this hour anyone could fall asleep so easily. checking the clock above the dresser. the hands pointed to 4 and 9...it was 4:45 you groaned and tucked your head back under the blankets as you heard the water turn off and zongli enter the room again. "did i wake you?" "no no" you answered from under the blankets, voice groggy since it hadn't been used in a few hours "just woke up on accident, you keep doing what you were doing." "well, in that case, would you like to go on a walk with me this morning? it's lovely outside. all the flowers are blooming" the thought of even moving seemed miserable "it's good for health, it gets blood moving-" "maybe later?" you were already getting ready to head back to sleep. and going on a walk with him was a death trap, all he would do is take loops around and tell you every memory that happened. "well then. ill be on my way darling, i love you" he walked over and pushed your hair back to give you a kiss. then just waited above you. "what?" you said, opening your eyes to look at him, stifling a burst of laughter "have your feelings gone away for me y.n? you usually say i love you back. have i done something to upse-" "zhongli...it was a prank" "how is that a prank? you just sounded like i've made you upset." "it's funny though." "no it's not" "ok dear, i love you too" you took him into a big hug to wish him off, also as an apology. but once that door was closed, you busted out laughing. zhongli might've been one of the densest men you've ever met in your whole life. but it was also cute.
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HELP BRO I HAVENT POSTED IN LIKE A MONTH PLEASE FORGIVE ME anws school is almost out (kms) if anyone has any requests pleaasssseee send them in im running out of ideas😭
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koishua · 5 months
queen of tears spoilers!!
identity is above all else, it seems like. ep 14 of queen of tears ruined me in all the good ways. when the question is "do you want to die as yourself?" vs "are you willing to live at the cost of who you are as a person?", the ultimate answer hae-in gives is no. she'd rather come to peace with the prospect of death with all of her memories of loving and, in turn, being loved coming with her. the death of memories is more painful than the death of her life itself. hyunwoo begging and sobbing in her arms does not deter her, however much she wants to keep on living. as herself. keep on living as the hong hae-in who loved dearly and who was loved, desperately so.
a loss of identity is death to everything that ever had a hand in helping her become who she is now. this brings me to the phrase "death is for the living". the dead do not mourn or face the aftermath of their last breath in the world of the living. the living, those who are left behind, are the ones who truly know what death is. so it is painful when hyunwoo, the man who isn't struck with the terminal illness bound to take her life any time soon, begs almost on his knees for hae-in, the woman who's counting the seconds left she has to live, to give up her sense of self. it's understandable how both of them stand strong in their desires. one fears becoming a stranger to all that she loves and one fears becoming familiar to life without the one he cannot live without. so he does everything in his power to have her take the surgery (all effort is in vain, she will not give up her identity).
i love this episode so much. im still only halfway through it but i had to give my two cents. such a beautifully tragic dilemma of two people who love. one loves by wanting to remember, one loves by giving everything to make her live. have a taste of love again for the first time. he says that he'll be the first person she'll meet and get to know again after the surgery. that he will still be there for her when she wakes up a completely different, empty, and lost person. he wants her to live, does not care if she'll ever even be able to reconnect with him ever again. he believes that she deserves to wake up another day and smile. to still be able to make new memories.
in the end they're both very selfish people who love selflessly.
edit: help me my stomach hurts from laughing so hard oml not him using his face and body card to annoy her into living. using jealousy as a mean to motivate her to take the freaking surgery and live ugh im in tears ahhahahah i love how if she doesn't become convinced the first few times when he's nice, he just intentionally pisses her off or annoys her into doing things to help herself 😭😭 thr only way to get hae-in motivated to live: make her mad at himself and have her do beneficial things out of sheer SPITE
edit 2: NO WHAT THE FOUK JUST HAPPENED POOR HYUNWOO OH MY GOD the way he lost all strength in his knees my god he crumbled in front of her feet he got a taste of what losing her felt like with that massive crash im still in shock i can't imagine having to witness that and trying to get through the car window to help save her and then not find her there?? and then she appears unscathed thankfully and he feels like a bucket of ice cold water drops over his head??? man they have to be so much more careful from now on bc the amount of yandereism the other guy is exhibiting ugh and the evil mother saying she'll help him out with "i can't stop till the moment i die" wtf??? OMG SHE'S GETTING THE SURGERY WHAT WHAT WHAT "i promised i would never make you cry after we get married" WOMAN HE'S BEEN SOBBING HIS SOUL OUT EVERY EPISODE SINCE!!!! 😭😭 ALSO NOOOOO NOT MY BOY SOOCHEOL GOING THROUGH IT AGAIN I CANT TAKE IT PLS MAKE HIM HAPPY WITH HIS LITTLE FAMILY I WILL CRYYYYYYYY he's gonna have MAJOR trust issues lmfao
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peachywontyell · 1 year
i have a crush on jenny and jaime and im brainrotting really really bad. this is all purely self-indulgent. the chances of me doing this again with 18+ thoughts are high.
poly jaime & jenny🫶🏾
-being friends (the kind that definitely have something going on but neither dare to name it) with jaime through uni. after graduation you both promise to keep in touch; it falls through immediately.
-thinking it's something you did, but really his life just got turned upside-down in less than 48hrs. hes a little occupied.
-you hear the news about kord industries, but it's not like they say what- or who- happened. all you know is the company has a new president and she's gorgeous.
-bumping into jaime en la tiendita de la esquina after impulsively moving to palmera city a year or so later. he somehow looks better. buffer, more confident- and so apologetic after he recognizes you.
-he invites you out for drinks later that night, begging with those pretty brown eyes of his. so you say yes, cause you both know you can't say no when he's looking at you like that.
-it went well. well enough that you're heading back to his apartment. and you know nothing is going to happen, but you're still nervous.
-yes, you both crash on his couch after even more (very drunk) soft chatter. no, you didn't expect to wake up to the smell of coffee and gentle clatter of plates.
-here you are though, half awake, using jaime as a pillow, really confused cause he didn't mention anything about having a roommate.
-sitting up to greet whoever it was and the words die on your tongue when you see who it is, cause what the hell is jenny kord doing in his kitchen and why is she offering you coffee and waffles with a smile so sweet you're not sure you can stomach any more sugar.
-but you do. her waffles are delicious and you're sure she's made of pure magic cause she got your coffee perfect first try. you almost spit it out when jaime gives her a sleepy good morning kiss though.
-you were already blushing, a bit flustered sure, but you were playing it off like you were just nervous to meet such a prominent figure. but this you couldn't play off.
-after many apologies and saying that nothing happened between you two, jenny looks as calm as ever as she tells you that it's okay, even if something had happened, it would have been okay. there is a flicker of something in her eyes and you can not put a name to it, but it's not negative.
-you run out of there, spewing something about remembering that someone was coming over for repairs. you're sure you only began to breathe again as soon as you stepped through your door.
-they both find it hilarious sure, but jaime tells her she can't just say those things to you, cause you fluster easily. she makes it a little game, which one of them can fluster you the most.
-you feel like you are going crazy. a month or two after the first introduction with jenny and lots of hangouts...now you're sure that they're both...hitting on you? but that's crazy, right?
-wrong. you're being guided to a more secluded part of the dancefloor at a strangers party by jenny and you know you're wrong.
-yes, you're drunk, so is she and her hands are on your hips pulling you closer and closer while some reggaeton plays in the background and now you find yourself throwing ass on your....friends? girlfriend while her fingertips sink into your flesh deliciously. you could get used to this.
-too focused on trying not to die from the feeling, you completely miss jaime and jenny sharing a smirk and a nod.
-you're sure they planned it cause it was too perfect of a coincidence. jenny left you, obviously hot and definitely bothered, saying she was gonna go get you guys drinks and all you could do was nod. as soon as she leaves, you blink, and there's jaime.
-you start to apologize for what just happened and shut up as quickly as you started because he is suddenly so close and asking if he could also have a dance and you're sure you're dreaming.
-the next morning, the only thing you know is that you're in a bed, it smells familiar, there is someone playing with your hair and a different arm across your waist.
-you don't know who changed you out of your clothes and both of the options have your head spinning so you choose not to think about it. a very needed conversation is had like that, cuddled in bed. you almost turn into mush when they ask you to join their relationship.
-now you've got two partners. and you gonna make up for lost time.
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year
Fear is Only a Obstacle
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Summary: Poe is finally able to see you and he’s not wasting anymore time
Warnings: Describing injuries, cliche cliche cliche, fluff a lot, and angst but this time the fluff out ways the angst, not proofread I’m sleepy you guys, let me know if I missed anything
A/n: Just a part 2 to my fic Till the End of Time
The sound of tie fighters are deafening
Along with the sound of exploding ships
Laser canons of different ships all around you
All of it replaying in your mind over and over until you finally wake up and the first thing you see are a pair of annoying bright lights. Groaning as your sitting up, it seems like you’ve been here for a few hours if you listen to what your body is telling you, but it only feels like a few minutes have passed. You remember trying to land as best you can with a blown engine then nothing. And now you’re even more confused because you’re not in any pain.
“Why happened?” You said getting ready to stand up and get out of the medibed you were in. “I hate med bays. Hello? Anyone here? You know im not claiming to be the smartest person in the galaxy but im pretty sure someone is supposed to at least be hovering over me.” You say in a semi loud sarcastic tone to make sure the person at the front desk could hear you.
And as you suspected your nurse came in. “You shouldn’t be sitting up just yet”, she said gently laying you back down on the bed. “It’s not like anyone was here to stop me. What happened anyway, I’m guessing the crash knocked me out but I’m not in the slightest of pain, you guys must’ve gave me some of the real good meds.”
Catching the nurse off guard she started laughing. “Yes, with all the injuries you have they were needed before you woke or you were going to be in a lot of pain. A migraine due to your concussion, fractured rib, a severely sprained ankle, and all of your cuts and bruises to top it off, you are very lucky those were the only extents of your wounds.”
“Yeah, I guess so. I’m not gonna be as lucky soon though because these pain meds are starting to wear off.” The groaning thats coming from you and the intense pain in your ankle is saying enough.
“Yeah, according to your chart it is time for another dosage. I’ll be right back.”
“Oh wow she wasn’t kidding.” You whispered feeling a major throbbing pain on the left side of your ribs.
Heading someone knock softly on the door you look up and see Leia standing in the door way smiling at you which causes you to smile back.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” She asked sitting down next to you on your medibed.
“The pain is starting to kick in but my nurse is going to get me another dosage for the pain. What about you and everyone else?”
“ We took some heavy loses and a bunch more injured including yourself, I had to come down to check on your all.”
“ That’s going to take a while.”
“ I don’t mind it, you all risk your life to fight for a cause that could affect the whole galaxy willingly under my orders the least I can do is sit with you all and keep you company.”
“Your kindness never ceases to surprise me.”
“That’s something I use to tell your mother all the time.” That caught you off guard but it brought you joy, you knew your mom and Leia were friends before she passed. And it gave you some comfort to know you could got to Leia and ask questions about who she was and what she was like as a person anytime you wanted. It was one of the reasons you and Poe had bonded so well because you understood each others pain. Wait a minute, Poe.
“Oh Maker, I gotta find Poe, is he ok?!”
“Calm child. Poe is just find he’s out in the hallway now waiting to see you.”
“He’s not injured?”
“No. He’s perfectly fine, he seen you going down and was trying to get to you but you crashed. He’s actually the reason your alive he got you out the ship and here to the medbay in time enough for them to heal your wounds.
“He’s probably a mess right now.”
“Oh he is in complete distress but it’s not as bad as it was.” Looking up she says your nurse with the pain killers, getting ready to put them through your IV.
“Nurse Poy.”
“Yes general?”
“After you finish giving Y/n her medicine let Poe Dameron in. Seeing the nurse about to protest, she stops her in time. “I know visitors aren’t aloud right now but he needs this, they both do. Just let them have the room for a few minutes. Please?”
“Yes general, but make it quick.” The sides says looking down at your worried eyes. “If anyone see’s it’ll cause a ruckus and everyone would want to do it, then the whole medbay is full.”
“A few minutes is all we need.”
Leia stands and heads out the door into the hallway where Poe is waiting to hear anything about your condition. “I’ll get him.”
After a few minutes you see and hear Poe rush through the door. It actually startled you a little bit.
“Hi? You ok?”
“Am I ok? Are you ok? I’ve been worried for hours and all they kept telling me was that you still weren’t responding. They wouldn’t let me in no matter how many times I tried, they actually threatened to sedate me if I didn’t sit down. I was this close to punching a doctor Y/n I swear.”
All of his rambling was making you laugh until you seen the tears still coming out of his red and dry eyes. “Poe, you’re crying. Stop crying, I’m fine.”
“ I was worried about you. Seeing you just lying there in my arms not moving and barely breathing, that out a picture in my head that I never wanted to see. And now it’s something I can’t get out my head.” He says grabbing your hand that’s closest to him and squeezing it softly.
“No, wait a minute, just listen for a second, okay? I prayed and promised to whoever was listening that if you made it out of this I would tell you the truth, and we only have a couple more minutes, so just let me say it, please?” He took your silence as a green light to tell you.
“Okay look Y/n, I don’t know how this is going to affect us but I can’t hold it in anymore. I’m in love with you.”
That made you stop breathing completely.
“And I know we always flirt and joke around but it’s real for me and I know it is for you too. Why do we keep torturing ourselves? Why don’t we just let go of the fear and see where it takes us?” Taking off his signature necklace, the one he holds close to his heart the one with his mothers band on it, and he holds it up for you to see it clearly. “You see this? When I met you I knew this ring was meant for you, I just didn’t know how to approach you with it. Now I am, and I know you’re afraid about what could happen to one of us in the future, but to be honest I don’t care about what could happen. Because I would rather us be together whole heartedly in love with each other for only one day, then to continue putting ourselves through this cycle of suffrage, and not having the chance to show it at all. I know you’re afraid but we can’t let fear dictate how we feel about each other anymore. So what do you say?”
“Poe”, you sigh. “Poe I have lost to many people to this war, if let you in now and something we’re to happen to you, the pain would be unbearable. And don’t say you promise you won’t leave because that’s not a promise you can keep, no matter how loyal you are. Trust me many have, and their deaths still way heavy in my mind.”
“I wasn’t going to make you that promise because that is not in our control, you’re right. But I can promise you that I will love you unconditionally till the day I die whether that be on the battlefield or after we grow old together, I’m going to love you. So what do you say?”
“It’s ok you don’t have to answer right away I know it’s a lot to think about and pro-”
“Yes. I love you, and you’re right, no more hiding behind fear, its just me and you from now on, the good and the bad.”
The joy that Poe felt go through his body was one he had never felt before. Fumbling a little to get the ring off of his chain and put it on your finger but you stop him, and the hurt and pain in his eyes caused you to elaborate more on what you meant.
“I mean not right now. I want to receive this ring at out ceremony, just hold on a little bit long because I will be expecting that ring to be on my finger very very soon.”
Pure joy goes through Poe’s body from head to toe and he was smiling so hard that his cheeks were hurting. And he did something that he has been wanting to do since he laid eyes on you. Faster than you can comprehend he stands up from his chair and smashes his lips onto yours. Catching you off guard but you quickly recover, melting into the most explosive and head spinning kiss you’ve ever had, no scratch that you’ve never had a kiss like this before. It’s a good thing you’re already laying down in the bed because if you weren’t you were sure your knees would have gave out on you. You both pulled away after a few more quick pecks, and just sat there holding hands, staring at each other. Talking wasn’t needed to know what the other was thinking. Both of you wondering how did you get so lucky.
A/n: Running on a couple hours of sleep from last night. But I can’t believe I got this done in only a few hours. Would’ve been a lot sooner if tumblr didn’t erase the whole ending so I had to rewrite what I remembered. Which I am not completely satisfied with because I liked the original ending a lot better than this even though similar. Curse tumblr and my foggy brain I should sleep but that’s most likely not gonna happen anytime soon.
@theidiotsincontrol @book-place
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