#i feel like this is definitely a thing though the feelings for jer being so intense they just turn into memes of their former selves
66sharkteeth · 11 months
been overanalyzing some panels for funsies; when Jericho says it gets dangerous when he drinks does that mean the last time his scion got his body it ended with a massacre or he spills his guts when he’s drunk and never hears the end of it?
they feel equally likely I got no clue
Okay, I'm gonna use this ask to address something related:
SO many people misinterpreted this panel and it makes me wanna LAKWEJFKJKJFKJBITESMYARMOFF
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I saw so many comments that
Just thought it was a regular blank?? Despite?? Having claws? And being red? And having clear sentience whEN ITS LONG ESTABLISHED REGULAR BLANKS DONT HAVE THAT!!
Like the two scions are constantly locked in their meat prisons named Jericho and Rex. We just established that Rex's scion wanted to go cause mischief now that it was in control. Jericho's scion just wanted Jer to get plastered so it could have the same fun THAT IS ALL!!!!!!
(all of this is /lh btw I'm not actually mad lol. i do wanna shake some of you though)
So now to answer your actual question-
It was implying that Jericho conks out and his scion wakes up (like Rex's just did). As for what Jericho's scion did in that time, I won't elaborate. Though I can ensure you it wasn't nearly as silly goofy as Rex's. Jericho's scion is definitely not using it's time in control to go flirt with a cute girl and is probably doing things faaarrr more nefarious and blood thirsty.
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asteria7fics · 3 months
Who gets most intense during a fight? ( the jers in me wants fight hcs for either style either bunny both or all either way im not worthy mwah )
Guys everyone act chill don’t embarrass me in front of Nina seriously be cool!!!
I’m gonna do both because I adore you?? Anything for you bby
Style - Y’all already know Kyle flies off the handle when he’s really frustrated, and he definitely gets more heated during fights. Like, bad enough that he def has to comfort Stan afterwards and apologize a million times for acting like a dick. Stan’s a sensitive guy, and while he for sure gets angry and will clap back, he’s more likely to just sit there looking like a wounded puppy while Kyle rants at him lmao. Neither of them get particularly physical with one another, though Kyle definitely punched a few holes in the wall when he was younger and struggling to control his temper.
Bunny - Surprisingly, Butters! Neither of them are super confrontational, and while Kenny is definitely the more intimidating one when really pushed, I can’t imagine him ever being that way around Butters. Butters is for sure the one that expresses his anger more frequently and freely, as he knows Kenny probably won’t judge him for it. Kenny’s very much a listener, and really only starts to get frustrated if he feels like he isn’t being heard, too. Butters is a passionate little guy though! I have plans for an EWILY Extra that explores this dynamic, since they don’t really get to have a proper fight in the og fic. They also don’t get physical with one another though, despite the environments in which they were raised. (Kenny is especially sensitive to when Butters feels physically threatened hehe I love him he’s so good)
Style - Stan. Brother has so much pent up frustration that it tends to come out explosively. Kyle isn’t much better though, and honestly it’s a pretty even match. The only thing that gives Stan the edge is his physicality, which is partially because of him having the size advantage and partially because Kyle gets turned on from being manhandled. I’ve actually been exploring these sorts of dynamics with them more, so… look forward to that in the sequel!
Bunny - Kenny, though they really don’t fight much. They also aren’t as physically intense as Style are, in… all senses. They’re both pretty happy people despite their circumstances, and they also both have a clear understanding of their relationship and boundaries. Honestly, they might be the most functional relationship I’ll ever write. Good for you, kings!!
I HOPE THESE SUFFICE MY QUEEN!!! I am humbled to be asked for any headcanons by you, please be ready for me to be in your asks very soon!!!
THANK YOOOOU!!! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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fromafars · 4 days
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( MASON GOODING. TWENTY EIGHT. CIS MAN. HE / HIM. ) since you aren’t aware of them yet… that’s ( JERICHO BURKE ) wandering around in hollow creek! from what i know they’ve lived in hollow creek for ( HIS WHOLE LIFE. ) i’m also aware of the fact that they work as a ( PARAMEDIC / HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL COACH. ) in town! but if you were to ask me, what i see when i think about them are: ( SPENDING HOURS ALONE ON A BASKETBALL COURT, GETTING MEANINGLESS TATTOOS, RARE SMILES, THE DYING HOPE OF WANTING SOMETING MORE ) if anything, i feel like they could be ( CLEVER, PROVIDENT, HOTHEADED & ABRASIVE. ) it’s really weird, though… because they seem to be hiding something that no one else knows. but i sure do! and that is ( CLOSED FILE … REDACTED. ). wild, huh? i know. they’re hoping no one will ever find out. and the very last thing that i’d say about them is that they’re mainly known to be ( THE BLACK SHEEP. ) just keep a lookout! who knows if they’re putting on a facade!
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: injury & violence
full name: jericho elias burke
nickname: jer, jerbear
date of birth: october 24, 1995
gender: cis man
pronouns: he/him
occupation: paramedic & high school basketball coach
birthplace: hollow creek, massachusetts
sexuality: heterosexual
height: 6'3″
fluent in: english
jericho was born to a very upper middle class family with both his parents being doctors who sometimes have to travel out of their small town to do bigger surgeries in the bigger towns nearby
he has a twin sister who's like his absolute ride or die but he will never let her forget that he's older than her by 4 minutes
growing up, his dad had instilled in him his love of basketball and it was one of their things like whenever his dad would have time, they would watch games together, play together so it was no surprise that jericho absolutely loved that sport since he was a kid
everyone could see that that love and passion was special because with his dedication, jer turned out to be really good at it. like REALLY good at it that the sport became his main focus in life, his dream turning singular: to make it to the NBA
even though that was his focus, he would always make time for his family and his friends and he was definitely like the golden boy during high school
however, right after graduation, he suffered a really bad leg injury that included surgery and that had him off his feet for almost a year. his dreams of making it to the nba went out the window tbh because he's not the same and it absolutely crushed him
that injury had him off his feet for a year but the rehab was excruciating and the emotional toll it had on him had him in therapy for years
like tbh that man became volatile like the years he spent in uni (which he started late because he was focusing more on healing and staying inside) were some of his darkest years
like he became a whole dick, got into so many fights, drinking, partying, did drugs, fucked around, slept around (even with married women), just didn't really have anything good going for him because he lost hope tbh
even his relationships with his family and friends suffered because he most definitely pushed them all away tbh
it took him years to finally get to a better headspace and even though he can still be volatile, i think he has come to terms with the fact that this is his life now. it's not what he pictured for himself, it's not necessarily what he really wanted, but he's semi-okay with it now
and tbh he genuinely loves his job too
but also nobody make him mad pls because that anger is still there and he can be scary mean when he wants to be
+ steadfast, determined, responsible
- discontent, violent, dishonest
has a lot of tattoos, not full on sleeves but he’s on his way there for sure
spends most of his time at the gym or with his friends
has a german shepherd named bolt (it’s short for troy bolton)
still loves to play basketball tbh and can usually be found in a basketball court somewhere
not so cynical when it comes to love tbh but whatever serious relationships he may have had, he definitely sabotaged them during his Dark Years
it's not like he's a whole cynic because he does believe that love exists but he also doesn't know if there's anyone who can handle *gestures to all of him*
like it's a fuckboy saying when a guy says "i'm working on myself" and even though he can be a fuckboy tbh he genuinely is working on himself because he knows it's soooooooooo easy to go back to the asshole that he was
loves to sleep around though but with no strings attached (he hopes)
EXTREMELY protective of the people he loves
isn’t afraid to be an asshole tbh, kind of his previous default setting but he's now #tryinghisbest
his label is the black sheep because as much as he loves his family and friends, he has always, always felt like he deserved more than this town and so he doesn't fully feel like he belongs here tbh
unironically loves the high school musical movies
the epitome of “i’m gonna do it, i just gotta complain first”
ngl when it comes to relationships, he can be a simp but it's been a minute since he's been like that
ngl is a walking red flag but at least he makes things fun and entertaining lmaooooo
is winter and the cold's #1 hater
his fave shows are all like cartoons omg like rick and morty and bojack horseman
ride or die
close friends
high school sweetheart
unexpected friends
friends with benefits
toxic relationship (could be a past or current one)
gym bros
good influence
fellow dog lovers
childhood friends who stayed friends
childhood friends who drifted apart
drinking buddies
people he used to party with
fellow basketball lovers / players
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fangirl-dork · 1 year
TSITP Conrad x Reader Headcannon
So I had this idea for a Conrad Fisher x fem!Reader fanfic so I’m saving this idea for whenever I get around to actually writing it. Lmk if you like it and if I should write more and make it into a full story.
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(Disclaimer I haven't read the books so this is solely based off the show and my imagination. Also no spoilers for season 2.)
Y/N is new to Cousins this summer - which is ironic considering everyone is constantly asking Belly if she is new
She is working at the country club with Steven and Jeremiah
She turned 18 and when the boys try to hit on her she simply laughs them off (but that definitely doesn't stop Jeremiah's constant flirting)
Y/N first meets Belly while she is sitting at the Snack Bar at the country club waiting for Steven to give her a ride back 
In this version of the story, Belly has a long term crush on Jeremiah, but she never thought anything would come of it since he would flirt with everyone - he just didn't seem like the relationship type to her and not to mention he always saw Belly as a sister
Y/N catches Belly staring at Cam wistfully 
She and Belly hit it off immediately after she teases Belly for having every boy in Cousins whipped for her
Belly invites Y/N over to the family summer house
*cute Jer moment when he sees y/n with Belly at the house*
"I knew it! Y/N, you came to profess your undying love for me" Jeremiah screams from beside the pool.
"HA! In your dreams, Jeremiah" y/n giggles and rolls her eyes as Jeremiah pretends to faint falling backwards into the pool. 
This interaction makes Belly jealous and slightly uncomfortable - even though she is with Cam now, she still has feelings for Jeremiah
Suddenly someone comes out and huffs passed the girls nearly shoving y/n. "Hey Conrad! This is -" Belly tried introducing y/n but was rudely cut off with a quick "hey" from Conrad, not even bothering to look over as he kept walking away.
"What's crawled up his butt" y/n tried joking off that by awkward interaction
"That's just Conrad, Jeremiah's brother...honestly not sure what his deal is. He usually isn't this rude." Y/N thought Belly was just saying that to make the situation less awkward. 
"Come on! Lemme show you my room" Belly drags y/n up to her room
* *******time jump*********
Y/N found comfort in her friendship with Belly. It was like she finally found a little sister. Being an only child can get lonely and being around the Conklin/Fisher family summer house has been nice.
"It's just me and my mom. We moved down here because my uncle is doing some book thing and with everything we've been going through...my mom though it would be good for us" Y/N told Belly as they went through her makeup collection.
"What about your dad?" Y/N got quiet, looked down and started fiddling with her fingers. "BELLY IT'S TIME TO GO!!!" Steven yelled from downstairs.
Y/N let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding, relived that she won't have to dive into the whole story.
They were headed to a party at Nicole's
As soon as they enter, Belly is swept away by the other debutante girls. The other girls seem nice, but y/n wasn't interested in being a debutante. She was over all that. She quietly snuck out onto the porch for a smoke.
“You know smoking changes the way your brain processes information.” You heard someone say from the corner of the porch. You turn to see Conrad with a joint in his mouth.
“Yeah okay, you’re one to talk,” Y/N states nodding towards his own joint.
“Well I’m a lost cause, but you can still quit,” he says leaning forward on the railing.
“What makes you think I wanna quit,” you murmur, blowing smoke out your nose. Conrad looks back intently, watching y/n stare off at the sky.
She can feel his eyes on her, but refuses to look in his direction. They stand side by side in silence. The music from the house blaring behind them slowly turning into a buzz in their heads. The thoughts in y/n’s head slowly fading away.
What do you think? Should I write more? I kinda like the idea of someone equally dealing with a lot to come into Conrad’s life and show him that he isn’t alone.
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detectivebambam · 5 months
so im cheating and I'm doing 2 characters for the ask game
Kevin day and Aaron minyard (my favs, my pookies, my loves)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
11. Would you date this character?
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
okay okay
Kevin and Aaron
He reminds me so much of myself, in terms of his relationship with exy. He's also funny asf. I dislike that he tries to pretend he's normal cuz my dude, you're not. But i like that he genuinely wants to be a normal person after all his trauma.
He's like 6'0" and his guard dog is an entire foot shorter than him. His girlfriend lol
The Hunger Games. I haven't read/watched it but from what I've heard it would be funny. Damn probably Supernatural but I would make him a vampire or smth
Stockholm Syndrome with my coach, and way too obsessive about being the best at everything. I fucking love Katelyn Mackenzie
Make him a little bitch. He's a "coward" because he was given to the fucking mafia as a little plaything. Be so real rn. They tend to make him the twin that tries the hardest to reach out and bond but post car crash, he's really not
No for both of them I'd probably strangle them in their sleep
No for both of them, I'd be a Neil type where I'm like goddamn why do you act like that? why don't you kill that guy instead of being upset about it ??
Yes he's probably gifted if yk what I mean. I could, but could he date me, that's the real question
He snores. Chronic nosebleeds and also he gets "straight man sick" as in he gets a tiny cold and he's out for the week
ima do the one i think they'd use a lot bc that's fun
Kevi: 😒 Aaron: 🙄
No fashion sense unless he's in a suit or court gear 😔 Emo lol he's got the spiky bracelets and everything
Kevin x Avery. Avery is my oc who knows absolutely nothing about exy and I think that's what Kevi needs tbh. Aaron x Katelyn of course they're amazing
Fucking,,, each other lol
idk probs Kandreil. no feelings one way or another with that ship. if he's not with Katie, I'm mad so
Kev x Thea. I just think they're a little too different, and in order to heal the way they both need to, they can't do that with each other. Love them as besties though. obvs i love Katie and Aaron 🤭
Jeremy!!!!! first of all, they've definitely fucked, second, Kevi actually smiles with Jer like he seems to really enjoy his company. Matt and I will stand by this. I have no reasoning, just... Matt
Probably Charlie Spring??? in a way?? and I can't really describe why tbh. Aaron is so unique that it's hard to find one, but if I had to choose, probably Matthias Helvar
First impression??? Damn, why is he like that? Oh, that's why he's like that. Damn, I'm kinda like that.
God what a bitch. Oh. Oh okay. Damn what a little bitch. Damn, wtf??
Now??? Babygirl and Little Bitch (with love)
this was so fun ty ty
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 3 months
michael mell 🎧
How I feel about this character
He's definitely the character I play around with the most next to Jeremy. They're a package deal anyway you slice it. I don't have much in the way of words because my brain doesn't wanna work but he is a Certified Guy Ever
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Jeremy's the only one, though I do have this one headcanon of Michael and Jake having a fling (if it can be called that) during spring break sophomore year (which Jeremy is conveniently on vacation for bc I said so) that ties in with Jake's sexuality crisis. Filled with all the "You're dead if you tell anyone about this" that you'd expect out of Golden Boy Jakey keeping up his popularity routine despite sucking face with a Loser™️. Michael is obviously sworn to secrecy but he still gets to feel smug about being Jake's first guy kiss, even if no one else can know.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Christine is definitely the easiest one to warm up to since Michael's never had established beef with her (ie she's not a Popular Kid). And even if you go the Bitter About Jeremy Pining So Hard He Almost Created A Hivemind To Be With Her thing, that's not something he can actually pin on her since she didn't actually do anything.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Idk how unpopular this is but he is NOT quick to befriend the popular kids. Yeah he's sitting at their lunch table now. Yeah they're really not so bad when they're not playing into their hierarchal roles. But almost all of them have made his and/or Jeremy's life worse in some way or another (rich's canon and jake's implicit bullying, chloe's general cruelty + dywh, jenna probably not helping their reputation pre-squip) and he holds onto that grudge for a WHILE.
(We could argue if brooke's "dating down" with jeremy had any kind of effect on how she treated their relationship, but that would mean they were both using each other and Michael can't really wish comeuppance for her when she basically already got it with jer not liking her in the first place. We literally saw Michael get revengey during The Play by demanding an apology before helping Jeremy, so it's not unreasonable to think he wants karma for the rest of the popular kids. Maybe the fire is karma enough for Jake and Rich, maybe it's not, I’m not gonna write that fic lol)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
DESPITE the deep grudge with the popular kids, he really doesn't take THAT long to forgive Jeremy/get back to some kind of normalcy with him. I keep putting it in fics but I'm ALL OVER Jeremy not immediately waking up after The Play. Like he's out cold for a week. And because Michael definitely WAS grudging against Jeremy all throughout the optic nerve blocking phase, he decides he has to put his anger aside because oh shit what if he doesn't wake up.
And he's been angry for so long that he just doesn't have the energy to hate Jeremy anymore. He's tired. He misses him. He always did. And now he just wants his friend back. You did not block me for all that time only to die on me after I came to save your sorry ass. Please wake up I'm sorry for being mad please just come back I can't stand being alone anymore.
I could go on and on about how this shapes later interactions with Jeremy but at that point it's going into post-canon fic that I've already written lol
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For your tf2 ocs, how do they get along with all the mercs and Miss Pauling? Like what kind of relationships do they have?
hehe oh boy :3 gonna go through this merc by merc- also i added the administrator and saxton hale for fun- under the cut cause this got LOONG with 3 ocs x 12 characters-
Chemist has a teasing/antagonistic relationship with him, since he's The Definition of a hippy despite being a merc. Whenever soldier calls someone a dirty hippy he's just like 'what, you mean like meeee?' and soldier starts yelling at chemist. it's fine they're friends its like a cat purposely annoying a dog
Soldier has conflicted feelings about the artist- mostly because they're pretty quiet and timid and are scared of guns when they first get the job customizing them so soldier thinks they're a coward(true). But artist is always very respectful of soldiers totally real military rank so they're alright- this continues as artist comes out of their shell and gets more assertive and into weapons
informat doesn't spend much time interacting with the team honestly- he's just a contact of spy's not someone working for the administrator. That said he find's soldier's recklessness and genuine nature a breath of fresh air. Soldier is trying to teach him to rocket jump- but joey isn't hooked up to respawn so doesn't want to take the chance
scout reminds chemist of his younger brother- despite the pair being the same age- so he wants to give advice to scout. Scout, for his part, usually sees the advice as complete nonsense and doesn't understand why "looking like you're dying of the flu" would help him pick up chicks
him and artist get along pretty well! they sometimes hang out just to draw together. Artist is more than happy to let scout do all the talking, though they're fully capable of cutting in with a good joke now and then
I imagine poor jer had a bit of a crush on the informat when they first met. I think scout is into competent people and joey is very competent at their job. i don't think it lasted too long, but its sort of awkward for scout now.
they smoke weed with chemist and sniper. best friend trio who hot box sniper's van
they make artist uneasy. They rely so much on facial expressions and even with how animated pyro is they have a hard time figuring out what they're feeling. It's an anxiety thing artist knows isn't fair to pin on pyro, but they can't really help it. They're working on it!
i dont imagine informat likes them. at least not at first. Pyro is a bit of an inverse of joey's specific Character Type that it's a sort of self recognition in the other kind of moment that joey isn't really equipped to handle. something about pyro wearing a physical mask but being so unabashedly themselves while joey wears metaphorical masks to the point they don't have any real clear sense of self left anymore
i dont have much to say for chemist honestly. they're like. chill. idk maybe chemist annoys dell into cooking for him when he gets the munchies
Dell was introduced to this poor wet cat on the verge of tears who was scared of power drills and was forced into a job painting guns and went dammit I cant NOT help them figure out their damn job and they've been inseparable ever since. I imagine them in the crushing stage with dell dropping hints that he likes them and Monty being an idiot like 'haha its perfectly normal for friends to want to make out with their friends what do you mean you think i have a crush on dell???'
Engie doesn't trust joey much at first. he doesn't like the whole information field or how they seem to be always putting up a front. But that distrust waves as Joey slowly lets walls break down
magic buddies! they hang out and talk about weird esoteric ideas about the universe and aliens and whatnot. good friends!
I dont really have much for the other two. I think he'd be good for building artists confidence and he'd probably get along well enough with joey but nothing specific jumps to mind
for some reason i feel like heavy would adopt an older brother persona with chemist and try to get him to grow up a bit? i have no reasoning for this decision other than the fact that I like big bro heavy
he and artist trade book recommendations. heavy appreichiates the chance to practice his english and his literature degree at the same time
i think Joey's disguised but probing questions would set off alarm bells for heavy that make him shut down the conversation. probably best the two keep their distance lest joey find out something about heavy's family that heavy would rather him not know.
annoyed at the gross hippy tendancies of chemist. chemist doesn't like that spy works for the Maaan, man.
indifferent to each other. Spy feels a bit bad for them after getting curious and digging into their past and why they got shoved into merc duty.
he's professional partners with the informat. they run on a series of favors promised back and forth. they both have deep respect for the other and sometimes go out drinking together
on the one hand kind of offput by the human experimentation- on the other medic knows how to get lsd directly into the brain soooo
artist has a weird facsination with medic's work, even if you wouldn't guess that on the surface. medic enjoys having someone who's willing to listen to his ramblings about super baboon hearts or whatever
informat looked up everything he could find on medic after their first meeting. joey is very, Very scared of medic and what he's capable of doing while giggling like a school girl
they like to drive into the desert and get stoned and look for ufos together. best friends!
you put two autistic people who are bad at starting conversations in a room together and see what happens. Absolutely nothing they never talk. Artist thinks sniper is scary cause they can't read his expressions and sniper is more than aware that artist is scared of him
Informat saw sniper wrestling a croc, got so horny he nearly passed out, and thought if they banged that would be it. oops turned out sniper's weird bluntness and outdoorsman nature have awoken long suppressed feelings in joey and he's fallen Actually in love and has no idea how to cope. somehow they start dating. sniper calls joey roo
Miss Pauling
is constantly trying to get pauling to calm down and take a break every now and then. it never works. pauling either appreciates the effort or finds it annoying depending how stressed she is
artist can't really get over the idea of her as their boss. they like pauling enough but its a very professional relationship
informat has deep respect for all the shit pauling goes through. shes incredibly good at her job, even if her job sometimes makes his job harder.
mark chemist down as scared AND horny!
god so scared. why are so many people constantly threatening them please they didn't even finish art school they didn't sign up for this!
knows far more than he should. Very invested in NOT finding out any more. Don't need to be on her radar.
Saxton hale
punching panthers is like, soo uncool man. think about mother nature!
looks up to his confiedence, also very put off by his confidence
Joey keeps a close on him for work. lots of people are interested in finding hale's weakness
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dr-lizortecho · 8 months
We definitely feel differently about Israel and terrorist groups like Hamas, but I wanted you to know that I adore you anyway and your blog is still one of my very favorites! I'm dying to start a nerdy but casual bible study for those of us who are tolerant, open minded believers. In the meantime, I have a question for you: which TVD characters do you think would be most open to believing in God? Elena specifically tells us in the first episode that she's not a believer, but by the end I think she's obviously more at peace and open to all sorts of supernatural phenomena and the idea of miracles? Bonnie seems the most spiritual but maybe more as a connection to nature than a belief in a biblical God...? Stefan...no. I can get into why, but suffice it to say I just don't see it. I could actually see Damon secretly open to a higher power despite snarking on it and (like me) not generally being a fan of organized religion. I adore the idea of scripture helping to guide Damon's own redemption but know that fic would be the most hated one ever posted lol. Caroline seems like she'd go through some of the rituals and traditions of Christian religions but not actually believe? Matt may be the most traditionally religious since he's the most traditional in general. As for One Tree Hill--Haley is canonically a believer even though the show is fairly subtle about it, Nathan seems sort of like one in later seasons (like his reflex is to go to chuch to pray for Clay), Peyton would likely not be open to the idea but who knows and same goes for Brooke, Lucas seems like he might be too much the skeptical intellectual (I often was too!) to believe in God but does specifically mention believing in God again in that oft quoted line from the comet, which I find interesting. Quinn might have some new age-y spirtual ideas :) Anyway, I'm sorry for the rambling but just got excited to talk to you! No pressure to reply :)
Clarification- I don’t support Hamas, what they did in Israel was wrong. However, what Israel is doing is detestable.
I wish I could say the same about you anon! But ik next to nothing about you yet <3
As for tvd characters open to belief- I genuinely believe all of them tbh
They are faced with unknowns everyday and have seen so many things and had their beliefs shaken every season. As for Elena she’s specifically addressing the supernatural, which always made me wonder if they had social outliers who were believers like Jer- something she would have been exposed to, that existed as a result of the council not being soooo secret.
The most likely to be Christian imo is probably Elena or Bonnie or Caroline, because of their All American upbringing, demure natures and social masking.
As for One Tree Hill I have never seen it, lol
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Q: Are you a leading man type? Romantic?
Answers in Jerry:
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lacheri · 3 years
|| moon river. || part iv. ||
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|| masterpost || taglist form || part iii. || part v. ||
pairing: Levi x fem bodied reader
chapter content: modern au, neighbors au, coworkers au, running away from home, alcohol mentions, depictions of sadness/loneliness, mild emotional angst (reader reflecting on her past), Petra being an absolute angel, reader deems herself a loving plant mother, minors DO NOT INTERACT
summary: in which you have your first day off, and receive your first paycheck. first bills, then, time for new shoes.
wc: 5.4k
a/n: not a whole lot of Levi in the part, but I make up for it with Petra <3 hope u enjoy reader's boredom
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You’ve finally named your plant after two weeks. Two grueling weeks of job searching, finding employment, and working hard at the bar. You’re finally adjusted to this new schedule, and though your legs ache most days when you return to your humble apartment, you’ve been paying extra attention to your begonia.
Jeremy. You’ve named the spotted leafy boy Jeremy. And he’s got a temper.
If you don’t feed him as soon as you wake up, he slumps over, dull and lifeless, as if he’s throwing a tantrum. The second the glass of cold water tilts in his direction, he’s fine. By the time you go to water him again, he’s perky and alert. You don’t know why you name him Jeremy, or why you decided he’s male. It’s just a vibe.
Just a small town girl moving to the big city to provide for her adored boy. You’ve deemed yourself a wonderful plant mother, and you’re even thinking about adding another leafy life to your family. If you can handle things as they are for another week, that is.
You think you didn’t get enough sleep last night, and that’s why you’re out on your balcony cooing to Jeremy like he’s an actual baby.
“Sun’s out today, Jer,” you affectionately stroke one of the begonia’s leaves in one hand, holding a half filled coffee mug in the other. “You’ll be happy about it, I’m sure.”
With the season’s change, warm weather is fleeting and very much appreciated. Not a cloud in the sky, the wind blows through like gentle kisses on your cheeks. Below your balcony, the streets are lined with people basking in the sun’s rays outside the cafe. Their chatter hums in your ears and you’re tempted to join them. You could use another coffee, anyways.
But you have responsibilities and priorities, so you don’t. With a sad sigh, you will yourself back inside your apartment. You leave the doors open, letting that breeze float throughout your space. All your windows are open, and you even found an old candle earlier in your closet that smells like fresh linens. It sits in your open bathroom and carries the scent with the wind.
On your coffee table in the barely decorated living room lies a check, probably the most important piece of paper you have ever seen. You learned from Levi that you get paid every week working at the bar. You couldn’t find any reason to complain about this.
A week’s worth of hard work sits in pretty lettering, the paper is thin but it holds more value than it shows. You honestly expected your payment to be held back a week, to ensure you wouldn’t quit, but Hange doesn’t run her business like that. Again, you don’t complain.
Thank God for online banking. You don’t even have to make a trip to the bank to cash this in. Your checking account looks wonderful after you scan in the codes.
Now, to take care of that pesky rent.
The morning flies by suspiciously too fast after you deliver a check of your own to the apartment number shown on that pretty piece of paper that says ‘due’, the only word in English. The building owner, an older man with a kind smile, doesn’t speak it either. You sheepishly grin in the form of an apology, you’re not late but you’re definitely not early, and he wishes you an “au revoir” before sending you off.
What to do now?
You could paint. Although you don’t feel particularly creative right at this very moment, you could waste away some daylight hours doing so. You could clean, but that doesn’t particularly strike your fancy either. Besides, you’ve been actually pretty tidy with your space since landing yourself a job. Something dealing with feelings of pride, or whatever.
The shoelace on your right sneaker snags on an uplifted nail on the staircase as you plan to head back upstairs, and your mind is made up. A shopping adventure it is.
About six blocks away, there’s a quaint shopping center. Affordable store fronts line the street, accompanied by a string of cafes and eateries. You haven’t had the luxury to really subject yourself to being a customer at these establishments yet, and with some money in your pocket, you’re ready to transform into an everyday consumer.
It’s a small feat for most, even you at certain parts in your life — money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure can buy you a fresh new pair of sneakers.
Your left big toe is ready to bust through the sole any second, so worn down from years worth of walking, running, working. You’re reminded of their age as you navigate the city streets, on route to your destination.
Crossing through the entry doors of a retail clothing chain that’s recognizable enough, you’re hit with nostalgia. The only other job you had worked was in a bookstore, and while books aren’t clothes and the connection is hardly there, you still remember the times fondly. It’s how you had met Armin. Wispy blonde hairs lingering in his glittering ocean eyes, a kind smile on his lips, he taught you how to stock the books and how to approach customers with a smile. You had been eighteen then, fresh out of the trials and tribulations of modern day high school, a bit apathetic and resentful towards the world.
Seeing the youthful scowl of the girl behind the cash register reminds you of those times. Customers suck. Retail sucks. Getting older and more aware sucks. It’s a vicious endless cycle of paying taxes and earning enough cash to not send yourself into a hole of ever threatening debt. You struggled with existentialism a bit earlier than most, but maybe that was the artist in you. You remember one of your art teachers in school telling you that an artist without pain is like an ocean without water. Suffering fuels creativity.
Armin taught you that there’s beauty in the mundane, in the power of a polite conversation with a stranger. Kindness lurks around every corner, and who were you to cast it out? The least you could do as a human being stuck on this materialistic plain was to smile, and share your existence alongside others in the same, sometimes shitty, world.
“A smile goes a long way,” he had told you on your very first day at the bookstore. “You never know what someone else is dealing with. It’s important to treat people the way you want to be treated.”
If you ever get the chance, you’ll have to thank him for that. If and when you ever see him again. Those words are glued to your DNA permanently. You couldn’t forget them if you tried.
At the back of the store, stout shelving lines a fragment of the wall to your left. Two rows of women’s sneakers and work out shoes, three rows of various ones — boots, heels, sandals. It’s a miracle they all fit on the shelves.
A new pair of everyday walking shoes isn’t hard to find. You pick out the least offensive pair, and tuck them under your arm to bring up to the poor girl at the register. What is hard about the choices presented in front of you though is the suddenly pressing fact that you don’t own one good pair of going out shoes. Not one. The busted soles that currently grace your feet are your only pair. You didn’t think you’d need heels to run away to some far away city when you had initially packed your shit.
Since the leaves are turning yellow, you grab a nice pair of high heeled boots. You’ll worry about the price later.
You’re tempted to scan over the racks of clothes scattered about the store, the fluorescent lighting only fueling your desire to indulge yourself in a new outfit. Maybe next paycheck, you urge yourself to keep a handle on self control. Standing in the line up to the register locks you in perseverance, even if one of the shirts on a mannequin nearby looks really cute.
Looking it up on your phone, you tell the cashier your shoe size for the two pairs in your arms. She weakly smiles and wordlessly disappears to grab the boxes, returning in record timing. Your debit card slides through the machine, a receipt is dropped into a large paper bag along with your new shoes, and you thank her in French before bolting out of the store before you can really lose to your temptations. A new wardrobe sounds really, really good.
You do succumb to your vices though in a more affordable way — a hot coffee and a scone to go from one of the cafes. You add “hot coffee” to the ever growing terminology you now know. It’s scolding hot in your palm as you make your trip back to your apartment, and thankfully the brisk winds cool down the cup in the time it takes for you to slam your apartment door shut. You drop the shopping bag to the floor, and kick off your worn sneakers. You won’t throw them out, just in case. Besides, they’re sort of sentimental to you now.
The blueberry flavoring of the scone matches in harmony alongside your coffee, slightly bitter and full of espresso. You didn’t order it this way, but hey, it’s coffee.
As you milk the last bit of your drink, you go about collecting your art supplies, deciding you’ll force yourself to be creative. You set them out on your balcony, the space a little tight but there’s enough room to move your arm around. You don’t know what you’re painting yet, flickering your attention between Jeremy and the city street below. You ultimately decide on Jeremy, who’s looking very handsome after his morning water.
Your coffee cup is reused to hold water for your brushes, and you find it within yourself to dig out a naked canvas. It’s small, maybe a bit bigger than a sheet of paper, and it’s the only other canvas you had brought with you alongside the one you always cover up. Your walls are bare, and you want to add a little piece of yourself to your apartment. You hope you like the piece enough to hang it up when you’re done.
You would’ve already decorated your home in photos, had you had any good ones. Or memories worth remembering.
Using the metal chair belonging to the mezzanine, you prop the canvas up, sitting yourself on the cold metal of the balcony. You’ll need an easel and more supplies soon, but you’ll work with this for now.
Jeremy is the perfect model — spotted dark green leaves fluttering oh so softly in the wind, leaning so beautifully against the railing. You mix a selection of colors on a plastic palette, coating your canvas with precise brush strokes. You almost pick up your coffee cup and drink from it as the water muddies an embarrassing amount of times. You chuckle to yourself every time, but press on.
You think you like the painting when you’re over halfway through, but there’s a pressure to make it perfect if it may take up space on a wall in your home. You take your time with every brush stroke, every color is intentional and as spot on as possible. Your eyes constantly flicker between the canvas and the begonia, noticing little details about the sweet boy you hadn’t before. Like how his white spots are actually a cream color, and each one is unique like a birthmark. His stems are thick and sturdy, and the pot he sits in is a glazed terracotta. Tapping a curious nail to it, you think maybe you should paint the pot one day, and give it some character.
The rumbling of your now empty stomach and the setting of the sun is what ultimately pulls you away from your painting. With a quick white highlight to the railing in the background, you deem the piece finished. You tuck your hair behind your ears, forgetting your fingers are probably covered in acrylic, and smile.
You do like it. It’ll look really cute hanging up somewhere.
Out of the corner of your left eye, a flash of light disturbs you. It’s quick, no longer than a millisecond. You turn your head quickly to search for the source. Nothing. Just Levi’s empty balcony. His curtains are even drawn on his doors. Must’ve been the reflection off of a car or something. You forget about it almost as quickly as it happened.
You leave the canvas to dry on the chair, checking the weather on your phone to be sure it won’t rain, and start collecting your supplies. A few trips from your balcony to your kitchen later, your brushes washed and drying in the sink, you fiddle with your fingers. You don’t really know what to do now.
You could bake those cupcakes, maybe. But with the reminder of your growling stomach, you know it’s probably not a good idea to start the desserts before you figure out dinner. Besides, Levi hasn’t returned your plate yet, and you assume it’s because he hasn’t made his way through the first batch yet. Your other neighbor gave you back your plate the very next day, leaving it outside your door with a sticky note attached — a smiley face drawn. You’ll have to remember to make her a plate too whenever you get around to baking again.
You open and close your refrigerator several times, peaking in the freezer to see if there was something simple you could make. Just ingredients, nothing of actual sustenance. You reheated all your leftovers over the week, so you’re sort of fucked in that department.
You wish you had friends here to go out to dinner with. You could ask Levi, but it’s his day off too, so you don’t want to bother him. You could figure out a way to get ahold of Petra or Hange, but you worry they might find that weird. Besides, since you’re off along with Levi, they’re more than likely working. It’s a small bar with a small staff, there’s only two people employed there you’ve had yet to introduce yourself to due to spread out scheduling. Shifts hardly overlap, especially during the week. You’re kind of sad to think they’ll be a point when you’re no longer shadowing Levi, and you’ll have to spend a night behind the bar by yourself. You guys make quite the dynamic duo, if you say so yourself.
Would it be sad to go out to dinner by yourself? Do you even care what others will think? Plenty of people go out to eat by themselves. They look sort of cool when they do, too. Would you look cool if you went out alone?
You can stand in the middle of your kitchen pondering all you want, but all it does is prolong the fact that you’re really hungry, and you don’t have any casual friends to hang out with. Not even an acquaintance you could call up. You’re starting to question why you even have a cellphone in the first place.
Your cellphone. How could you be so foolish?
You whip the electronic out of your back pocket at lightning speed, rushing to open up a food delivery app. The amount of fees to have it delivered to your door is asinine, but you rarely use the service, so fuck it. You place an order for a nice dinner at home, and start pacing around your apartment.
Why are you so bored?
Back at home, you’d celebrate a day off with a hefty glass of wine and a nice bubble bath. However, you haven’t learned where the closest liquor store is yet, and you have a standing shower stall. A quick google search could fix the first problem, but you have no solutions to the latter.
Your clock is ticking obnoxiously loud on your wall. Would you get fined if you ripped it off? You’re almost willing to find out. You’re tired of it chirping every day, announcing when it’s noon or whatever hour like you can’t simply just check your phone. It’s a testament to how old the building is, basically an artifact. It’s a wall clock. Who would miss it? You? Yeah, right. You’d commemorate its disappearance, throw a party with your no friends.
Wait no, you’d bring Jeremy inside. Maybe even throw a party hat on the plant. You snort to yourself. Maybe Levi’s right, you should be a comedian. After you become a demolition worker and take down that fucking clock, of course.
You place yourself on your couch, overlap your ankles, and watch in distracting interest as your delivery driver navigates the streets that the map on your phone presents to you. They should be here any moment, dropping it off outside your door. You debate waiting by it so you have a reason to communicate with another human being today, but the driver probably has other orders to take care of, and more than likely won’t have enough time to deal with you and your blabbering mouth.
You zone out, vision blurry and unfocused on your phone as your mind goes blank. A song you heard earlier is stuck in your head, and without really intending to, you’re suddenly playing it from start to finish. You jump when a knock breaks through the middle of the song, and you push yourself up to your door. The delivery person is heading down your stairwell when you swing your door open, so you frown and reach down to pick up your bagged dinner. You rate the driver five stars on the app.
You eat your delicious dinner, spending the rest of the evening distracting yourself with a show streamed on your phone, deciding where exactly you should hang your drying painting. The hallway between the bedroom, living room, and kitchen is especially bare. It could probably use a little spice of art.
You spend a little extra attention washing your fork and coffee mug from this morning after you finish eating, prolonging the pressing boredom you’ve been struck with. You start to wonder what Levi’s doing right now, and if he gets just as bored on days off. Does he have any hobbies? Any interests? Does he have friends he spends time with outside of work? And if not, does he feel as lonely as you do right now?
The thought saddens you. Although the ravenette has a smart mouth, he really is kind. In his own way, of course. He’s funny, uniquely charismatic. Even though he acts like he might hate a person, you’ve had yet to meet someone who’s harbored ill feelings towards Levi. In fact, he seems adored. Petra always smiles in his direction, and even though you’ve seen Hange a handful of times, they swing their arm around his shoulders and playfully chide him. If you didn’t know these people, you’d be easily able to see how much they care for the man. You’ve grown a soft spot for him yourself. There’s just something about Levi, something that makes you want to be his friend, something that makes you like him.
You mean yeah, he’s hot, but there’s more to it. He’s a breath of fresh air in some ways. Genuine, honest, hard working — what’s there not to like about him?
You’ve been scrubbing your fork for fifteen minutes. You didn’t buy it this clean.
The rooms darken one by one in your apartment as you flick the light switches off, intending to call it a night. Discarding yourself of your clothing, swapping them for a nice pair of pajamas, you climb into bed with a shutter. You’ll have to figure out how to work the thermostat soon with the cooling weather.
You dream about a never ending shift, filling glasses and waiting tables in the packed bar, completely by yourself.
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It’s unusually barren at the bar tonight. The regular old gentlemen aren’t even here taking up quiet space at the barstools lining the counter. You don’t know why Hange scheduled three of you during a weeknight — Levi, Petra, and you. You’re thankful though, finding an opportunity to finally get to know the pretty strawberry blonde more.
Levi’s in the office, taking care of bills or whatever he does, while you and Petra hang out at the bar counter. There hasn’t been a single customer in over an hour, all the glasses are clean, all the surfaces are wiped, and neither of you have anything to do at all.
Petra’s scrolling through her phone, lounging in one of the emptied barstools, elbows placed on the counter. You’re fidgeting about, trying to find something to strike up a conversation about. What’s there to talk about when you have next to nothing to say?
Thankfully, she breaks the silence first. A grimace on her face, her eyes floating up from her illuminated screen, she says, “I’m bored.”
“Same,” you sigh. “When is it ever dead in here?”
“Right!” she exclaims, dropping her phone to the counter, throwing her arms up. “I’ve been working here for like, two years, and it’s never like this. Not even that old man Claude is in here!”
“Claude?” you tilt your head with a smile.
“The one with the really curly mustache,” Petra’s fingers twist at an imaginary mustache. “I swear he uses wax. There’s no way it’s naturally like that.”
“Maybe he’s just got good genes,” you giggle.
“Good genes my ass,” she huffs. “I asked him one time how he gets it so swirly, told me it’s a secret. Like, what am I gonna do? Tell everyone in the bar he owns mustache cream? Grow up. It’s literally the only conversation I’ve ever had with him, aside from when he orders his usual. Who the fuck drinks vodka straight?”
You’re familiar with the man she’s talking about. He really does just ask for vodka in a glass, no ice or anything to chase it with. He’ll milk it the entire time he’s at the bar too. At least now you have a name for the strange man, “Claude’s a different breed.”
“Please tell me you’re not a Claude sympathizer and drink vodka straight by choice.”
You laugh at this, “No, absolutely not. Unless it’s in a shot, but that’s different. I’ve been a beer girl, as far as I know. I’ve never really explored the options, my friends at home usually ordered my drinks for me. I just went along with it.”
Petra raises her eyebrows in surprise, “Really? I pegged you for a tequila girl. You seem like you like to have a good time.”
“I guess,” you chuckle, shrugging your shoulders. “I’ve never really been drunk before, so I don’t know what kind of drunk I am.”
“No fucking way,” she stands abruptly from the stool, circling the bar to grab your hands. “Never?”
You shake your head, “Never.”
“Oh you sweet girl,” she pouts. “We gotta corrupt you. How are you supposed to work at a bar if you haven’t experienced the wonders of a black out?”
“It’s really unacceptable,” your lips feel like they’re stuck in a permanent smile. “I’m ashamed of it myself.”
“You know,” Petra smirks, reaching for her discarded phone. “I can ask Hange to swap a few shifts so Levi works tomorrow instead of either one of us.”
“Oh, really?” you like Petra’s mind and the way it works.
“Mhm,” she’s already typing at light speed. “Would you look at that! Hange already responded. Looks like we’re suddenly off tomorrow. What ever should we do?”
“Beats me,” you feign a look of contemplation, index finger to your chin.
“Seems like you’re getting drunk with me tomorrow.”
“It does seem like that, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, yes it does.”
The two of you share a look of seriousness before bursting out into a fit of laughter. Your heart feels swollen in your chest. You can’t contain the beam of your smile.
“Here!” you whip your phone out of your pocket, handing it over to Petra. “Send yourself a text from my phone, and we’ll figure out a time!”
Petra’s eyes glimmer, a sweet grin on her lips, “Really? You want to hang out tomorrow?”
It feels like you should be the one asking her that, “Of course! I’ve been actually wanting to get to know you better. I don’t really know anyone around here and I don’t have any friends, and well, you’ve been so nice to me every time we’ve been around each other and-”
She holds a palm up to silence you, and you hear a chime from your phone. She passes it back to you, and on the screen reads a text, “Hey, this is Petra! Tomorrow at 6? (:”.
“You’re going to make me cry, you are the sweetest thing I swear,” her bottom lip protrudes, her eyebrows curved downwards. “I’m not from around here either, so I feel your pain completely. It’s hard making friends in the city. It took like three months before I landed this job, and now, Hange and Levi are my friends. Just like we’re all yours. So no more of that no friend talk, because we’re friends, got it?”
Words can’t express how much her empathy means to you, so instead, you shorten the distance between the two of you and wrap your arms around her. Petra welcomes you with a palm to your back, rubbing gently between your shoulder blades, and presses her head against your shoulder. You’re nearly certain that the pretty girl knows how much you need this hug, how touch starved you’ve been. Her nails scratch along the surface of your shirt, and with a final squeeze, she lets you go.
“Thank you,” it’s all you can manage to say without crying.
“I can’t wait to see you obliterated and talk about everything under the sun,” Petra giggles, her own eyes glossy. “I’m really happy you started working here.”
“Same,” you hum. “I should probably go thank Levi a thousand times again.”
“Don’t give him too much credit,” she tilts her head back and laughs. “His ego is already big enough. I can’t wait to talk so much shit about him tomorrow. You’re neighbors right? I bet you have some good info.”
You purse your lips, “Actually no, not much. He pretty much keeps to himself most of the time. We hardly ever run into each other.”
Except that one time.
“Probably too busy working on his portfolio that he never shows anyone,” Petra rolls her eyes playfully.
“Yeah! Levi does photography on the side!” she grins. “He’s pretty good at it. We have him take photos for the bar’s social media all the time. The office is covered in his pictures if you ever wanted to take a look! There’s this really funny one of Hange at the Christmas night we had last year, absolutely wasted and dancing on the bar.”
“Huh,” your eyebrows scrunch together. “That’s pretty cool, actually. Good to know he has a hobby.”
Seems like you learn something new about the ravenette every day.
“Like I said, he’s really good,” Petra’s genuine smile quickly turns to a mischievous smirk. “Maybe you can pose for him sometime.”
You blink rapidly, feeling blood rush to your face and ears, “What makes you say that?”
“You’re cute,” she pokes your shoulder, wagging her eyebrows. “I see the way you look at him.”
“No, no!” you wave your hands defensively. “It’s not like that! He’s just been the first person who’s been nice to me, in his own special way. I like Levi, just, not like that.”
An eyebrow raises on her forehead, “You’re a terrible liar, you know that right?”
You worry your bottom lip with your teeth, discarding your gaze to the floor as you mumble, “Yeah, I know.”
It’s sickening how transparent you are. You’d be a complete and utter fool not to have a little crush on Levi. It’s small. You just think he’s kind and really attractive. You get crushes on people all the time, it’s human nature. You think the guy who delivers packages to your apartment is cute, and the barista at the cafe across the street has gorgeous eyelashes and her smile is stunning. Besides, crush is a weighty word, you just can find the appeal of your grumpy neighbor. Nothing more than that.
So why do Petra’s words make your heart beat rapidly? The blood is thunderous in your ears, pumping wildly in a steady rhythm. You can feel your palms start to sweat, and you’re uncomfortable in the way Petra can see right through you. It’s just a silly, innocent fondness of Levi. That’s it.
Petra’s chuckle breaks through your internal deflection, “No but seriously, when you get a chance, go check them out. They’re really nice. Levi won’t admit it but he loves when people compliment his pictures.”
After that, the two of you fall into bursts of chatter. The night moves on slowly, and not once do you see Levi make an appearance out of the office. As closing time nears and passes, he still doesn’t make any indication that he plans to leave the room. Petra goes and checks in on him while you collect your belongings and turn off the main lights, and she returns quickly.
“He said he’ll lock up, and we can go home,” she shrugs on a light jacket, navy green in color. “Also told me to take you home so you don’t get lost. Says he doesn’t trust you.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Jerk. How are you gonna get home though?”
“Oh, I drive,” Petra grins, dangling a pair of keys retrieved from her pocket. “No walking tonight! You live at Levi’s place, right?”
Well, that’s one way to put it, “Yeah, same building.”
“Cool, I know exactly where that is. Follow me, sweetheart. I’m gonna take you on the best five minute drive of your life.”
You don’t realize how close you live to the bar until it takes Petra all of three minutes to take you home. The walk is usually about fifteen, give or take. You’ll have to figure out how to get your license and a car soon. Your usual commute is laughable.
But at least this way Levi gets to walk you to and from the bar. Maybe whenever you get that car and driver’s license, you’ll offer him rides. As a way to say thank you, of course.
Petra confirms the time for tomorrow before you say your goodbyes, thanking her for the ride. You watch as she peels away from the sidewalk, disappearing as she turns at a distant intersection. You hurry inside before the frigid night air soaks deeper into your bones.
Getting ready for bed, you start to feel bad for leaving Levi completely by himself at the bar. Your hand reaches for your phone, going to his contact name, and hovering over the message icon.
You sigh, placing your phone on your nightstand while you crawl under your comforter. You stare at the illuminated screen from the corner of your eye, biting down on your lip. He had only given you his number so he could send you pictures of the schedule, Levi doesn’t even text you when he’s heading over to your apartment to collect you for your shift. You had yet to send him a text yourself.
Fuck it.
Your nails tap against the glass as you type, trying not to overthink about what you’re saying. You do though, reading the message over and over in your head, your thumb frozen over the send button. The digit brushes it before you can stop, and the message is sent.
“Thanks for letting us leave early! Don’t stay up all night paying bills, you’ll get lost on your way home.”
Blinking bubbles indicate Levi’s response. Your grip tightens on your phone.
“I won’t. I’m not you. Go to bed. We go in at noon tomorrow.”
You hold back a smirk as you type, “Actually, you go in at noon tomorrow. Hange switched us around so me and Petra are off.”
“Lucky you. Go to sleep, idiot.”
“Get home safe. Goodnight! (:”
Levi doesn’t respond. You’re already knocked out with a smile on your face to even check if he did.
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LACHERI © 2021: all writing content belongs to LACHERI. I do not allow reposts or translations.
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onceupon · 2 years
I need to be in like a book club or a show-watching club, one that skews toward hyper-fixation… aka tumblr so here we are.
If you don’t know what happens in Books2/3 then spoiler alert!
This is also easily the most nerdy and excessive thing I’ve posted on this app. I don’t even need anyone to read this I just needed to get all my thoughts out of my head lmao
For starters, I never read TSITP series when I was younger, but my angsty, caught in a love triangle with my guy best friend and his best friend teenage self, would’ve ATE THIS UP. Ahh. It was still so fun reading at 22 and feeling that nostalgia of being a teenager again. So I basically binge-read all 3 books this past week and then immediately binge-watched the series. Let’s dive in.
Initial Reactions
So cringe. But in the best way. Like in a way that really highlights the innate cringiness that comes with going through your teens.
I enjoyed the music choice, but too an extent. I know a lot of people loved it but I kind of felt like they were overdoing it? Using every single song popular on Tik Tok was a bit overkill. I love T Swift though so I’ll make some exceptions.
LOVE Lola Tung. Literally such a perfect fit for the role. Adore her. I saw someone on Instagram say they loved how the cast was on the younger side aka more true to the age that they were playing. Basically they didn’t look like adults playing teens, they actually looked like teens.
I really liked how they chose it to be a series rather than a movie, really letting us marinate with the setting and the characters.
Show vs Books
Since I just read the books before watching, all the details are still fresh in my mind. I know the book will always be different, but I’m used to not watching the movie/show until years later. Since it was back to back for me this time, it was fun being able to pick up on so many little things.
Did anyone else pick up on how they sped up some plot points and repurposed/reinvented others from books 2 and 3? Some of these might be a reach… but it kept me thinking “wait! that’s not supposed to happen yet!” Which makes me all the more excited because Jenny Han definitely has some ideas up her sleeve for the next seasons.
First, introducing the Jeremiah-Conrad love triangle in this season. In the first book, Belly rejects Jeremiah when he confesses his feelings. The entire book she only ever has eyes for Conrad. The love triangle doesn’t start till Book 2.
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Second, the necklace!? In the books she finds it in Book 2 (post-breakup, when her and Jer go looking for Conrad), decides to wear it rather than ask about it, and when Conrad sees her and Jere kissing in his car, he demands she take it off and give it back because it’s not hers and he never gave it to her anyways. Which doesn’t even COMPARE to book 3 when he gives it to her on what’s supposed to be her WEDDING DAY to JEREMIAH. Like that was such a pivotal moment of the plot. Belly was really standing her ground after his love confession, but when she saw that necklace and he finally admitted it belonged to her and that he got it for her 16th birthday, she was 2 seconds from folding. While they kept the part where it’s for Belly’s birthday and we got that cute scene where she asks him about it in the shower, it didn’t hold as much weight as it did in the books to me? Maybe they’ll continue incorporating the necklace though and it’ll end up carrying as much meaning.
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Next, there were several lines from books 1-3 that they used in season 1 just in a different context. Like when Conrad says “you know I think about you, I just can’t right now.” In the show they use it mid-season after they almost kissed on the Fourth of July. Im nitpicking here but I just loved the original context of the line in the book 😭 At the end, after the whole shit show storm, the cancer secret, the fight, everything, Belly kisses him to comfort him, and he kisses her back. Like come on:
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Then Taylor being in the car with Conrad after the skinny dipping fiasco and telling him to let Belly go. Taylor and Conrad didn’t have that convo until book 3, at the house, the day before Belly’s wedding.
Further, while I enjoyed the debutante ball addition, it borrowed some themes from books 2 and 3 which I wonder whether they’ll be repeated or not. Such as the prom in book 2 and the whole idea of actively choosing Jere over Conrad which she never did until book 3.
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Lastly, Belly tripping her and Susannah at the Fourth of July part. In the first book, there is no Fourth of July party. Instead we have book 2, everyone is at the summer house for the funeral. Belly sees Conrad for the first time after their breakup and he’s with Aubrey which puts her into a fit of rage, telling him to go to hell and that she hates him, making a scene, and tripping up the stairs as she runs away. That’s when we get her dad coming up to comfort her, assuring her Laurel doesn’t hate her. I think I like this change, for Belly’s sake. It made me so sad for her, how much she regretted it, and I think Jenny Han doesn’t want to make Belly in the show stoop down to that level. BUT, then it led to that drunk, crying apology in the ocean to Conrad which had that boy messed UP. Give and take. I think it’s cool how Jenny Han is repurposing various plot points in a way that’s familiar but entirely different.
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Honorable mention: Belly and the deb girls skinny dipping in the show vs. Belly wanting Cam to skinny dip with her in the book and him rejecting her.
Steven in the show definitely had a much larger role which I loved! In the books, he’s only at the summerhouse for the first half of summer, leaving to go on college tours with his Dad and to study for the SAT. However, that gave us one of my favorite Steven-Belly moments that wouldn’t have happened in the show. Because while show Steven was pretty oblivious, book Steven was well aware how the Fisher boys look at his sister, even though he’d never admit it.
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Belly and Conrad in the show were less-aggressive versions of themselves than the books. More mature maybe and… soft? Book Belly was far more childish/dramatic and book Conrad was a MAJOR asshole when he wanted to be. When those two fought in the books they were spitting VENOM. Book Conrad and Belly are 100% The Way I Loved You by Taylor Swift. Screaming? Yes. Fighting? Yes. Kissing in the rain? Yes. So in love they both act insane? Yes times a million.
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I thought Jeremiah, Cam, Laurel, and Susannah were all pretty spot on. Aside from the new addition of Jere being bi. And sorry to be a hater, but I really didn’t care about Laurel and Susannah’s side-plot romances in the show. I said what I said.
Fave new moments:
- drunk Belly talking to Conrad while he’s showering
- their little texts
- Taylor being a good friend (redirecting the convo during never have I ever - which btw happened in book 3 when Belly is in college)
Fave moments that stayed true to the book:
- the boys first look at Belly when she arrives
- Conrad touching Belly’s hair when he’s drunk in the car
- the scene where Belly is swimming and tells Conrad to quit smoking
What I missed:
I wish they had done more flashbacks! I felt like the flashbacks in the book did a really good job at showing us the foundations of Belly’s relationships with both Jere and Conrad. Jere being the loyal, fun best friend and Conrad always having a soft spot for Belly, looking out for her in a way that was special. Like this one from when Belly is 10:
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I also wish they included the scene in the end, after the final kiss, where it’s Jere, Conrad, and Belly, swimming in the pool and goofing off like little kids after all the sadness, promising each other they’ll always come back to Cousins.
What I can’t wait for in season 2:
- if they don’t show us the flashback scenes of Conrad and Belly’s dates, especially when they snuck away to the beach house in the middle of the night in the dead of winter… I’m suing.
- more of Steven and Belly’s relationship like when Steven came to her room after the prom disaster
- Belly’s drunk apology to Conrad during the summer party
- Laurel ripping Adam a new one for wanting to sell the house
What I hope for season 3:
- I hope they don’t get rid of the Jeremiah cheating plot line. A lot of people think that’s out of character for him, but I really really don’t. Jere is this happy, outgoing, charming kid. And he definitely has the perfect storm of personality traits brewing for being a stereotypical frat boy which he totally is in book 3. Even in book 2, he says if Conrad had admitted his feelings he would’ve stepped aside. But if it had been anyone else, he would’ve tried regardless. Like hello? If they include it, and Belly stays with him, which I think she will because I feel like it’s important to the plot and to her growth after, I’m still gonna scream at Belly for being an idiot. But what can you do.
- Book 3 Belly grew and matured a lot (not 100%, but a noticeable difference from book 1). I already feel like show Belly is pretty mature, but I’m sure we’ll see more growth, which we love because team Belly always.
- Immediately following that with Conrad’s growth. Quit smoking, runs, cooks, mended his relationship with his dad, calls Laurel every week, in med school? Man oh man… can’t wait to see this version of our once self-destructive favorite boy.
- Belly and Conrad’s Christmas at the summerhouse of course
- Conrad admitting to Belly he loves her and that she should be with him 😭😭😭
- hearing Conrad’s POV (if it wasn’t already obvious I am 100% team Conrad)
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- and I swear, Jenny Han better not leave us short in series 3 like she did in book 3. All that drama and angst just to get a small little epilogue and a couple letters for Belly and Conrad’s relationship when they finally end up together!? Are we serious. She could’ve at least given us a couple chapters. Anything. We barely got breadcrumbs. At least we know they get married and run off into the ocean in the rain like the adorable beach-kid soulmates they are 😌
If you read the whole thing we’re now best friends.
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karlajoyner · 4 years
Can I request a Charlie Gillespie x reader , where Charlie Gillespie is the reader’s boyfriend who dress as a clown for Madison Reys’s halloween party while they were in Canada and where Jeremy and Owen dress as clowns too to scare to Charlie’s girlfriend who is the reader but she hates getting scared.
It’s Stupid (Charlie Gillespie x Reader)
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A/n: Hey guys so I hope you enjoy this one. I don't know if I'm gonna post the sunset curve one next yet because I have so much to work on for it. So I might post the one after unless you guys are willing to wait! Let me know if you are if you'd just prefer I post the next one!
Requested by: @fantomlovesjuke4ever (Tumblr)
Warnings: None
I placed the orange beanie over my head. Finally finishing off my final look.
Giggling to myself I walked out into the living room to see Savannah there in her Kim Possible outfit.
"How do I look?"
"Oh my god Charlie's gonna die!" She laughed throwing her head back.
"You look great"
"Are you sure it's not too....booby" I said moving the muscle tee away from my body to show my black bra. The muscle tee being directly from the show itself courtesy of the wardrobe department.
"It's Madison's Halloween party. I don't wanna show up looking like a slut"
"It's not too booby. You look great plus no ones gonna get to look under there except Charlie" She teased.
I playfully rolled my eyes grabbing a large oversized jacket to cover my costume.
"Where'd Tori go?"
"She went to go check on the boys to see if they were almost ready"
"Oh sounds good. Hey thanks again for letting me room with you two"
"Of course you know you're always welcome when your here. Plus I know Kenny always appreciates that you choose not to room with your boyfriend when you visit us"
"Kenny and apparently Owen too" I said earning a giggle from the girl.
"Tori just texted said the boys are ready and scary"
"Yeah. What's Charlie gonna be this year?" She asked as I grabbed my phone off the kitchen countertop.
"Beats me. He said it was top secret"
"Same for Owen and Jer" She spoke as I received a message from my boyfriend himself.
"Oh" I muttered.
"What's up?"
"Charlie just texted they'll meet us there. Something about needing the makeup department"
"Oh my"
"I just hope it's not anything too scary. I hate anything terrifying. I don't even watch scary movies at night due to the fact that I'm a complete wimp"
"Does Charlie know that?" Savannah bit her lip.
"Of course we've been dating for 6 months. If he didn't I'd be worried" I said walking out the front door.
I sighed stepping out of the Uber taking in the freezing cold air. Nothing too bad.
"How are you not freezing your socks off?" Tori asked.
"Toro you forget I've lived in Canada my whole life. You Californians cannot take the cold"
"Your the female version of Charlie. It's actually crazy" The girl said as she looped her arm through my own.
"Yeah he kinda rubbed off on me" I smiled walking into the warehouse with my two temporary roommates.
Immediately we spotted Madison, Sacha and Jadah.
"Y/n!" Madison and Jadah shouted running up to me.
"There's my angel. And my devils" I grinned at my boyfriends cast mates. Taking in the warmth's of the new surrounding.
"Okay let's see it. I've been waiting in anticipation to see your take on Luke Patterson" I giggled opening up the jacket to reveal the rest of my costume.
"You look great!"
"I think you look better than Charlie"
"Yeah my guns look great too don't they?" I asked flexing my arms causing laughter to erupt from the group.
"Okay seriously though where's my boyfriend and his posse"
"We have no idea"
"I do" Sacha stated smirking at me.
"Are you going to tell me?" I asked.
"Nope" As soon as the word left his lips my phone dinged.
"It's Charlie. He's asking me to meet him in the makeup. Where's that?"
"I'll walk you" Sav said taking my hand. We made it to a large door with windows to peer in.
"It's dark" I stated jiggling the knob to find it locked.
"Well that's weird" Sav said knocked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the door opened slowly.
"Take my hand"
"Okay Troy Bolton" Savannah said making me giggle. We walked forward slowly my heart dropping feeling a pair of arms grab my waist. I screamed in fear as the lights turned on. The three faces in front of me smiling widely.
"Ahhh" I shut my eyes hugging Savannah tightly. Who seem to have had a similar reaction because she didn't hesitate to pull me close either. My heart beating out of my chest wanting nothing more than to curl up in a ball and cry all my anxiety out. We gripped onto each other for dear life as......laughter erupted?
I slowly peeled my eyes open to see Charlie laughing loudly clutching his stomach along with Owen and Jeremy. A frown fell upon my face as I let the light haired girl go.
"Charlie" I whispered a small tear escaping my eyes.
The laughter quickly died down. Charlie's face now expressing concern.
"Y/n baby what's wrong?"
I scoffed walking past Savannah to be anywhere but here.
"Come on babe"
"Charlie I'm serious. I hate scary movies and I hate being scared. It sends me into this weird panic mode and I get anxious" I ranted watching him turn the tv off.
"You probably think I'm some sort of freak who can't take a joke. If you don't wanna date me anymore that's fine but just don't make me watch that movie especially right now" I spoke looking out the window into the darkness of the dimly lit street.
"Why would you ever think I wouldn't want to date you because of this?" He asked hurt flashing his eyes.
"I don't know. It's just my past boyfriends have called me lame for not wanting to go out to a scary movie with them at night. Or not wanting to dress up as some sort of badass scary character for Halloween. It just sucks to be left out because of some stupid irrational fear"
"It's anything but irrational. So you got a fear of something. We all do. Hey I'm insanely afraid of spiders"
"Really?" I asked biting my lips.
"Yeah baby. It's a stupid fear I know but something about their long legs makes me just ugh" He said getting the chills.
"It's not stupid. Thanks Charlie" I smiled.
"Anytime y/n. Now come on" He spoke sticking his hand out to me.
"What about the movie?"
"We're still watching a movie. Frozen to be exact. Upstairs in my room, cuddling up in a pillow fort. Sound good?"
"Sounds amazing" I grinned taking it. I sighed contently as he pulled my into a hug.
"I promise I won't scare you or take any of your fears with a pinch of salt"
"I promise to do the same" I said looking up at the boy in front of me. Looking up at the face that I was slowly but surely falling in love with.
I made my way back towards the party immediately spotting Madi and Tori talking. Their eyes landed on me quickly sensing something wrong.
I made my way over to them wiping away the strayed water droplets under my eyes.
"Hey what's wrong?"
"The guys are assholes" I spoke bitterly.
"Did they scare you too?" Madison asked as I nodded. The two understanding me immediately.
"Yeah..... Its just when Charlie and I started dating I specifically explained to him why I don't like being scared and he promised he'd never take that one specific fear and use it against me. And he just scared the living crap out of me and Savannah. Which I'm glad I did figure out it was him and the boys before I passed out or puked. I'd expect it from Owen and Jer but my own boyfriend. I know it's stupid and I probably over reacted but I just- I've always made sure to kill every damn spider in our damn apartment so he wouldn't have to do it. And he does this to me"
"I don't think you overreacted. You have the right to be mad"
"You think?"
"Yeah but I also know Charlie's an idiot and needs to be reminded of things from time to time"
"You're right" I sighed.
"Look he's obviously gonna apologize. Just don't be too hard on him. His memories almost as bad as his handwriting" Madison joked making me let out a strangled chuckle hearing my name being called.
"Y/n! Y/n! Where is she?" Charlie shouted running into the room. The music coming to a halt.
All eyes landed on me as Charlie ran up to me.
"Please continue" I awkwardly chuckled pulling the brunette off into a random hallway.
The loud music blaring through the speakers once more.
"What is it Charles?" I spoke sternly turning around to face the boy who's makeup was much worse than before.
"Y/n baby I'm so sorry we pranked you. The boys convinced me that it'd be funny to get as many people as we could today. I didn't know you'd get so upset. I'll go take off this stupid costume right now if you want me to but please don't be mad at me baby. I love you" He finished nearly out of breath. I took in a deep breath hearing the sadness in his voiced as he had ranted like any other time he screwed up which wasn't very often. But still.
"Do you remember the night we watched frozen in your room?" I questioned nervously playing with the rings on my fingers. Another prop from Luke's character that tied my costume together.
"Of course it was amazing. We made a pillow fort and ate popcorn and afterwards we did stuff that was definitely not pg 13" He smirked making me roll my eyes.
"Do you remember why we watched frozen?" I spoke once more hoping he would get where I was going with my questions.
"Yeah we watched it because- oh. Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm such an idiot I can't believe I forgot about that"
"Yeah......Listen I'm not mad that your a clown which by the way I do happen to also be afraid of too but it's not gonna kill me. And I'm certainly not mad at Owen and Jeremy because they wanted to have a little fun tonight. But they didn't know about my anxiety that I get whenever I get scared. You did Charlie"
"I know I did" He groaned throwing his head back.
"And if my memory wasn't so damn bad I wouldn't have even thought about doing it baby. I hope you know that. And I'll do literally anything to get you to forgive me starting with never putting you through that again when your with me" He spoke taking my hands in his.
I sighed intertwining our fingers pulling him close to me.
"I know you won't. I also might have overreacted a bit" I said nuzzling my face into his chest.
His arms immediately wrapping around me completely.
"You didn't overreact. Overreacting is me when I see a spider. In all seriousness I love you and I'm really sorry for doing that"
"It's fine Charlie. I'll get my revenge on you guys" I spoke kissing his cheek before skipping away back to the party.
"Y-you're what? Wait baby your what? Y/n!" I heard him call after me as I laughed.
Up Next: Sunset Curve x Reader (Maybe)
Carrie Wilson x Reader
Owen Patrick Joyner x Reader
Charlie Gillespie x Reader
Alex x Male Reader
@lolychu @headheartbellarke @bookish0918 @kcd15 @ifilwtmfc @moviesbooksandfandoms @lovesanimals @lavender-writer @kaitieskidmore1 @morganayennefertyrell @iloveteenwolf @ghostofmgg
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mc-lukanette · 4 years
Luka smiled, waiting patiently at the front of the school. The doors were open, so he could see Juleka and Rose conversing with another student before slowly making their way out to him.
Ivan was also inside with Mylene, the latter of whom Luka vaguely knew from the times she'd show up to see their band practice. Ivan waved to her, then headed out after Rose and Juleka.
Luka only leaned a little as he looked inside again, trying not to make it obvious what he was doing. He just couldn't see Marinette anywhere.
As Ivan, Rose, and Juleka stopped in front of Luka, they frowned as they glanced at each other. They turned their heads, as though looking for something—someone—then met the other's gaze.
"She wasn't with you?" Ivan asked.
Rose shook her head. "She wasn't with you either?"
They'd meant to meet with Marinette that day. They were supposed to go back to the houseboat to hang out a little before practicing. It wasn't like Marinette was part of their band, but she was part of the soul, and they loved having her around.
"I didn't see her," Juleka murmured worriedly. "But she dropped this on her way out of class."
She held out something that everyone immediately recognized: a feather. Marinette was practically known for them, so they knew it belonged to her.
In fact, that feather in particular was one they'd associate only with her. It was rather large for a bird's feather and the sheer purity of the white color was indescribable, meaning that it stood out as something special. They'd also only seen such a feather around her before, so it was natural to make the connection.
Luka stood there silently, his eyes not leaving the school doors. Marinette wouldn't have run off without telling them, and it wasn't like there were any akuma nearby. She wasn't the type to dawdle either, her body often on the move just like her mind was.
...Something was wrong.
Without a word, Luka passed the three and headed into the school. There were a few students lingering around, talking to each other, but otherwise, the area was largely empty.
It meant that it was just empty enough for Plagg to feel safe and pop out of his hoodie. “Looking for your girlfriend~?” he teased, lounging along Luka’s shoulder.
Luka shot Plagg the best look he could given Plagg’s placement, earning a snort from him. Still, it was enough to get him to retreat back into the hood.
Luka focused back on the task at hand and walked about, his eyes scanning each and every door in hopes of seeing Marinette somewhere. He considered asking Juleka to call her, but Marinette's phone would probably be on silent, so he wouldn't be able to hear it.
Thus, he focused only on finding her. He listened closely, blocking out any and all distractions so that he could keep his head clear.
He was searching for her song. If he were honest, he'd rarely tried to do it in this way before - considered how invasive it seemed - but he was concerned and maybe a little desperate.
Then, as he walked steadily around the school, he caught onto a note. It was just a single note, but he knew; he knew it belonged to her.
He tried to locate the source, walking close to where he thought it might be coming from. As he approached one door in particular, more notes filled his mind, fitting together to make a small portion of Marinette's song.
However, the string instruments were off. The tempo was shaky. There was a pause between the notes where there'd normally be none at all.
Beyond the door, he knew that Marinette was scared, and Luka was officially worried. He grabbed the handle, testing it and noting that it wasn’t locked despite the lights being off.
Without hesitance, Luka opened it. Almost immediately, a small voice cried out, "W-wait! D-don't come in!"
He froze. The voice was definitely Marinette's, but her voice and her song were telling him two completely different things.
After a moment of internal debate, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Marinette?"
His eyes took in the floor, which was littered with white feathers that were exactly like the Juleka had. It was like a trail, drawing Luka's eyes further into the room as the feathers seemed to increase in quantity the farther back he looked.
He stepped forward as he tried to follow the trail. Finally, his eyes locked on the hunched over form in the back of the classroom, practically braced against the back wall. Though the windows didn't reach all the way to the back, there was more than enough light to see.
And there, he saw Marinette, who was looking back at him with wide eyes while her black jacket laid a small distance away, but what drew Luka's attention more was what was on jer back.
At first, he could hardly process it, but he could undeniably see wings, like what one might see on a picture of an angel. He was speechless, trying to fathom how he never could've known about or seen them before. Marinette hadn't told him, and Juleka certainly never mentioned—
A nervous breath from Marinette cut off Luka's thoughts. She was still crouched down near the back of the room, her body shaking as a few more feathers fell from her wings.
Luka approached her, covering ground quickly as he thought of how to tend to her. He didn't know what was going on, but he knew that Marinette needed help, and that was all the prompting he required.
He knelt down in front of her, hands raised just slightly to show that he was offering his assistance. "Marinette..."
She looked at him with surprise, then shuddered before averting her gaze. "I..."
He remained still, letting her take in every ounce of his attention.
"...I can't hide them when they're molting like this," she finished.
He glanced at her wings, then the feathers all over the floor. Her fallen jacket now made sense, as its tightness likely couldn't withstand such massive wings trying to bust out. Idly, he also noticed that the back of her white shirt had been designed specifically not to cover the area around her shoulder blades, leaving the fabric completely untouched by the wings coming out.
"I-I wanted to bind them," she admitted quietly, "but I lost track of time. I..."
Luka eyed the volume of her wings. "...Wouldn't that hurt you?"
She glanced up at him, brows raised. She opened her mouth, closed it in hesitance, then opened it again. "A-aren't you mad?"
The idea of him being angry with her was almost unthinkable. Rather, she always had the ability to put his mind at ease, and he could never imagine actually becoming upset with something she did.
Thus, he shook his head. "No. I could never, Marinette."
She blushed, sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck. Then, with a glance over her shoulder at her wings, she sighed. "I don't have time to take care of all the feathers, so they're stuck like this." She stared at the floor apologetically. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know it'd happen today. I really wanted to hang out with you and the rest of Kitty Section..."
Luka eyed her wings thoughtfully, trying to gather all the knowledge he could from the little information she'd given him. If she still wanted to come with them, he'd do whatever he could to make that happen.
After a moment of pause, he turned his attention to his jacket and started to remove it.
Marinette looked at him, quickly becoming flustered. "W-what are you doing?"
He set his jacket aside, then began to remove his hoodie as well. With a look of reassurance, he offered it to Marinette. "Will this work?"
She gaped, staring down as the mass of dark blue fabric. He could see the gears steadily turning in her head despite her shyness on the matter.
"...Y-yeah." She reached out, taking the hoodie in her hands. "Yes, this'll do."
She smiled, her eyes shimmering as she clutched the fabric to her chest. She looked up at him, glowing with gratitude. "Thank you."
Luka felt his face heating up, but maintained enough of his calm demeanor to smile back and nod his head. Though, he perhaps turned around a bit too quickly to start gathering up the feathers on the floor. He just hadn't been prepared for her to look at him... like that.
Roughly a minute passed, Luka taking care not to leave any trace of feathers on the floor. His arm contained a small bundle of all the feathers he'd gathered, though dumping them into Marinette's backpack seemed like a messy decision.
Luka turned, looking back as Marinette slid her open jacket across the floor to him. She was now wearing his hoodie, the hood hanging over her head despite the clothing clearly being too large on her.
Luka's gaze lingered on her, then redirected to the open jacket on the floor. He dumped the feathers inside, and Marinette followed up by meticulously folding her jacket over the feathers, even tying the sleeves around it to make it a carefully contained bundle. It was at that point that Luka noticed that she’d tucked his hoodie into her capris, acting as a "net" of sorts to catch any fallen feathers from her wings.
His blush deepened. Cute and smart was a very dangerous combination and she pulled it off expertly.
Marinette smiled at the bundle in her hands, satisfied, then slipped it carefully into her backpack. She zipped it up, then took a relieved breath before looking over at Luka. "S-so... does it look okay?"
As she intentionally turned her back to him, Luka observed how his hoodie fit around her wings. She seemed to be keeping her wings against herself well enough, though looking too long at her back made the fact that there was something there more and more obvious.
Marinette, seeming to notice how unsure he was, glanced back herself. "Yeah. I'm not too confident in it," she admitted. "There needs to be something else to help draw people's eyes away."
Luka offered his jacket, but Marinette shook her head at him, implying that it wasn't what she meant. Given that, he opted to slip the jacket back on over his shirt, though it felt a little weird without his hoodie in-between them.
He stood, taking one final glance around the room to check for feathers. When he saw none, he turned back to Marinette, offering his hand to help her up.
She smiled at him, reaching out to take him up on the offer, but stopped just before her hand touched his. She paused, appearing to think as she stared at his hand like it was a piece of a puzzle.
Luka blinked, but waited patiently for her.
Finally, she blushed, becoming suddenly sheepish about making eye contact with him. Averting her gaze to the wall, she set her hand in his. "I-I suppose... maybe... you could wrap your arm around me?"
It took Luka a second to realize what she'd just asked of him, but thinking about it, it made sense. People were more likely to be drawn to his arm around her rather than any inconsistencies in how his hoodie looked on her.
As he helped her up, she stammered shyly, "I-I mean, you don't have to, of course, but—"
Luka said nothing, but smiled at her, holding out an arm as if he was waiting for her to snuggle close to him.
Her face reddened. She looked like she wanted to re-insist that he didn't have to, but she did no such thing. Instead, she turned to her backpack, bending down briefly to pick it up.
She stared at him, a hint of desire in her eyes, then slowly stepped towards him. Luka wrapped his arm around her thusly, hugging her to his side as gently as he could. Though she tensed up a bit, her smile gave away that it wasn't because he'd made her uncomfortable.
He glanced down at the backpack in her hands, imagining that it'd be awkward to carry it all the way to their destination. Reaching towards it with his free hand, he offered, "May I?"
Marinette looked up at him, then to his hand, then down to the backpack. "O-oh! Um... are you sure?"
He nodded. For her, he was always sure.
With a grateful smile, she passed him her backpack. Since his other arm was already occupied with holding her close, he simply slipped the right strap through his arm, letting the backpack hang loosely on his back.
As he glanced over his shoulder, ensuring that the backpack wouldn't be jostled too much, he felt a pressure against his side. Looking over, he noted that Marinette had indeed pressed herself against him.
Her face was red, but she looked happier than he'd ever seen her before.
"Thank you," she said softly. "If anyone had to know about this, I'm glad it's you."
Luka's heart skipped a beat, and it was the only time he could really say that he was okay with a missed note. He didn't know how else to respond other than pulling her closer, wordlessly assuring her that he was glad as well.
She hummed with content, then stepped forward, Luka matching her pace as they headed for the door.
He'd have a lot of explaining to do once they met up with the rest of Kitty Section, but it was infinitely worth it, especially with the way Marinette's song sang ever free-er in his presence.
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deanandthephantoms · 3 years
We're a Perfect Harmony PT.4 - Reader x Charlie
A/N: Sorry it took so long for this next chapter to be posted i really struggled with this one. Thanks for the advice and encouragement to keep me going @julie-thefatones and @happinessinthedarkesttimes you're both gems <3. - Hopefully you'll all enjoy this new part!
Summary: Charlie and Y/N meet again in real life after a year of face timing.. Will it be just like last year or will thing be different? How will Y/N deal with her feelings for Charlie? And what happens when Emma is suddenly around all the time? We’ll find out in this chapter..
Wordcount: About 5700
Other Chapters: 1 / 2 / 3
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Playing pretend..
A year had passed and summer came around again. There however was one major difference with last year. Around this time last year I felt scared and anxious because I was about to go on this camp with all those people I didn't know. Now I felt super excited cause I was about to see all of my friends again after such a long time. Madi was the only one I had seen a few times cause she lived somewhat close to me. I had talked to the rest regularly and had of course seen Charlie almost every day over Face time. There however was this tiny voice in my head, a voice that was telling me things would be awkward. I was afraid things would be different, afraid they suddenly wouldn’t like me anymore and possibly the biggest fear; afraid that Charlie and I would not have as good of a time as we had last year, I for some reason was afraid our real life click had vanished. Even though I knew that would not be the case and I desperately tried telling myself that, I couldn’t help but feel nervous on my way over there. The fact that I had developed feelings for Charlie didn’t help either. I didn’t want to like him like that and I would do everything in my power to deny the fact that I did. I was so lost in my own anxious mind I didn’t even notice the fact that we had arrived on camp..
Once I got off the bus there was the same big crowd as there was last year. This time however my eyes instantly fell on the boy I was most excited to see. I felt my heart jump a little and butterflies emerged in my stomach at the sight of him. At the same time he seemed to have noticed my bus arrived. And as soon as our eyes locked he dropped everything he was holding and came running towards me. “ NUGGEEEEETTT!!” He picked me up from the ground and spun me around while giving me the tightest hug “ YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!!” i wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him as tight as I could. Being in his arms made me feel like all my doubts and fears were never even there. I just felt calm , peaceful and happy. ”It's so good to finally see you again Charlieee” he then put me back down to look at me with the brightest smile “ what do you mean? you literally saw me last night, you dork.” he says playfully. “ yeah, I know. But you know Face time is nice and all but it doesn’t beat seeing someone in real life right?” “ oh I get it, I definitely missed doing this” he says while pulling me in for another tight hug. “ Me too” I mumble into his shoulder. We let go of each other and I start to gather my stuff from the bus, when Charlie sees me struggling with a big and heavy bag he comes over to me and laughs “Let me get that for you.” and without allowing me to even say anything he takes the bag from my hands. He then walks me and all my stuff to my bedroom and when I open the door I see Madison is already there. I see a grin appear on her face when she sees me and Charlie who’s still carrying all my stuff. “HIIIII Y/N and Charlie!” she greets us. “Maaaaads!” I say while pulling her in for a hug, trying my best to hide the girl’s stupid grin from Charlie. Not that he would think anything of it, but I wasn’t gonna risk it either. I then let go of her and finally take my stuff from Charlie’s hands. “Thank you” I just tell him with a smile. "No probem" He smiles at me before pulling mads in for a hug "Goood to seee you mads!" He then leaves us alone suddenly remembering he had literally dropped all his stuff for me.
“Sooooo remind me again how there’s nothing going on between you two?” Madison says the moment Charlie left the room. I let out a groan causing Madison to laugh. “I already told you. We’re just friends Mads, Charlie was just being nice.” “Just being nice? Really Y/N? Me and Charlie have been friends for years. He has never dropped everything for me or Sav or Jadah or basically anyone.” I wasn’t even gonna fight her on this.. I knew nothing would change this girl’s mind. So instead I just said “Look Mads, whatever it is that may or may not be going on, can we not talk about this when he’s around?” “Don’t worry. I won’t mention anything. Even if I wanted to I can’t. Emma is in our group this year so..” I know I told Emma I would like to get to know her better this year but I’m not sure how I felt about the fact that she was in our group now.. Super selfishly I may be a bit scared it would have it’s negative effects on the time I would get to spend with Charlie. I couldn’t think like that though, she was his girlfriend if there was anyone deserving of his time it was her. “Oh wow, I didn’t see that one coming. I bet Charlie is very excited about it, I know he tried to get her into this group last year but back then she didn’t want to..” there's a short silence “Charlie didn’t tell you?” Mads seemed genuinely surprised by this fact. “No.. I bet he just forgot about it or something..”
There was no time to think anything of it because Savannah and Jadah came bursting into the room, we all just screamed gathering in one big group hug in the middle of our room. Mads couldn’t help but tell Jadah and Savannah about how Charlie had carried my bags for me which made them once again tease me. But once I asked them to not do this when he was around they promised me they wouldn’t and I trusted them. We talked and giggled while unpacking our bags and then our last roommate came in.. “Hello Girls” She said. She sounded and looked somewhat shy and or uncomfortable I couldn’t tell for sure. But I did know she could use a hug. I got up and embraced her into a warm hug. “Hi Emma! I heard you’re in our group this year. That’s cool!” and I wasn’t just saying that to be nice.. The way she came into the room reminded me of how I had felt last year. I felt for her and wanted to make sure she actually felt welcome. My gesture seemed to have taken her by surprise “Hi Y/N, I eh I am yeah. Thank you.” She smiled at me. A genuine one. Who know maybe Emma and me could actually become friends after our rough start last year..
When I was done unpacking I decided to go out and see if Jeremy and Owen had arrived yet. Emma came with me so I took this chance of getting to know her a bit better. I learned that she had an older brother and that she had a great connection with her parents. She loved baking and wanted to work with small kids in the future. That was gonna be something we could bond over. That’s when is saw the boys. “JER , OWEN!” I yelled all excited before running up to them and pulling the both of them into a hug. “Y/N!” they both yelled back “You actually came back!” Owen added. That’s when Charlie threw himself into the conversation. “Of course she came back Owen. She just couldn’t miss us any longer.” He said clearly teasing. i shoot charlie a look and he just sticks his tongue out to me. “Glad to see you two getting along” He then said to me and Emma before throwing his arm around Emma and giving her a quick kiss. Oof.. I was gonna have to get used to this. I’m sure I would have to see a lot more of this now Emma was in our group. It’s not that it bothered me that much, I mean I expected to see them together. It was fine. But I couldn’t stop myself from hoping they would not be stuck together like that the entire week.
Just like last year we were placed into smaller groups and during our first activity we met this new boy called Sacha. He was kind of cute and on top of that he seemed really nice. That’s when a plan started to form.. The girls were pretty sure about the fact that I liked Charlie heck i was convinced everyone could see it.. I needed a form of distraction, something to keep everyone from obsessing over how i actually felt. And that’s where Sacha came in.. What if I just started casually telling people I thought Sacha was cute I mean he had blonde hair and blue eyes I had once mentioned that was my type.. Surely that would get their minds of me and Charlie? Since Sacha was new to the group I decided to invest some time in genuinely getting to know him, making sure he felt welcome and all that. Just like the rest of the group he was into music and loved playing the guitar and had the ambition to become an actor. I couldn’t help but think this guy was gonna get along with Charlie quite well.
As if I had summoned him Charlie came up to us and sat down beside me. – actually, he couldn’t sit closer to me if he tried..- “Hey guys!” “Hi Charles” I said to him with a big smile. – I really had to stop reacting to him that way..- "Sacha and I were actually just talking about how he loves playing the guitar.” “Oh? Awesome! We should totally jam sometime!” and just like that I was sat between two boys fangirling over guitars and guitar players I had admittedly never heard of.. “Aaalright” I interrupted the two. “I’m gonna go find the girls.” I give Charlies leg a quick pat before getting up and walking off.
I find the girls outside on a bench “heellooo, what are we talking about?” I say while joining them. “boys, actually.” Savannah says with a grin on her face. “Jadah was telling us about this dude she met.” Boys? Great. Time to put my Sacha plan to action.. “ahh I wanna hear all about it Ja!” “Soo.. since we’re on the topic of boys.. What do we think about Sacha?” I ask nonchalantly. We all seem to agree on the fact that he seems nice and pretty cool. “I was just talking to him. That’s until Charlie interrupted us.. I think he’s kind of cute actually..” Madison looks at me with a suspicious face. Then Emma speaks up “ohh, You like Sacha?” “well I mean.. I’ve only just met him. But he is totally the type of guy I would usually fall for..” “Who is?” I hear Owen ask behind me. Before him and Jer join us. “Y/N likes Sacha.” Emma just happily replies. “Ohhh does sheee?” Jer says and I instantly see two boys with a teasing smirk looking at me. I had not expected it would be so easy to convince people.. Although I could tell Madi was not convinced at all, but she promised she wouldn’t say anything so it was gonna be fine.. I think.
Later that night our group was chilling by the campfire. Charlie and Sacha both had brought their guitar and were jamming away. Emma was resting her head on Charlie’s shoulder and was actually engaging in our conversations. I found myself taking in the scene and being completely fine with it. I felt happy and at peace it was only the first night and i was already wishing it would never end again. That’s when almost everyone of our group decided it was bedtime. “You coming too Y/N?” Madi asks me. I shared a quick look with Charlie before replying “Yeah, I eh, I’ll be right there.” Apparently Madi got the message loud and clear and wished us a goodnight before leaving with Sav and Jadah. Emma shared a kiss with Charlie before quickly following after the other girls. I hugged Owen, Jer and Sacha goodnight.
And then it was just me and Charlie. Suddenly I was not completely sure what to do.. so I just sat there just looking at the boy I very secretly liked. That’s when he scooted closer to me and just casually threw his arm around me before breaking the silence “I’m glad we still have our little late night moments together..” I felt myself relax at his touch and automatically just melt into him. “Yeah me too. I was actually feeling really selfish for wishing we still would have this..” I admit. “How is that selfish? We both agreed that last year the late nights were our favorite part.. Hoping that would happen again this year isn’t a bad thing Y/N.” “Yeah.. I don’t know. Now that Emma is in our group I thought she would be around a lot more and that would maybe mean the end for our late nights. But you know she’s your girlfriend so wishing for time alone with you felt wrong? You must be happy with the fact that she agreed to join our group though? ” “ yeah.. I get that.. and honestly it totally could have been that way. She can be a bit clingy and sometimes has some trust issues when it comes to me and spending time with others.. but yeah I’m happy to see she seems to be pretty chill and trusting this week. I hope she’ll open up more and really become friends with my friends you know. Would make it all a lot more fun for the both of us.“
“Well.. I guess, for us, maybe it helps that she thinks that I like Sacha.” I blurt out before even realizing it. I had become way too comfortable with telling this man everything.. “oh.. Do you?” I swear I heard a change of tone in his voice but that might have just been some diehard wishful thinking on my end.. “I.. I don’t know. I’ve only just met him Charles.” “I mean i get it, he’s a pretty cool guy. He’d be lucky to have you Nugget.” “Oh stop it. I really am not as brilliant as you still seem to think I am. ” “Eh. YES YOU ARE Y/N. and getting more and more brilliant every day actually.” “Well, that’s all on you then. Since you’re the only thing that has been in each and everyday over the past year.” He laughs. The sound of that fills my heart with even more love for him. “I’ll gladly take that credit. I’ll make sure to tell Sacha you’re only this awesome because of me.” “Ah yes greeeeat plan Gillespie! Maybe he’ll date you then.” I laugh. “Oof imagine the great music that would come out of it! But no. He’s all yours “Y/L/N.” Charlie and me joke around like that for a while before deciding it’s time for bed. When we arrive at my door Charlie pulls me in for a tight hug. “So good to finally not have to do this virtually.. Sweet dreams Nugget.” “Sweet dreams Charles.” He holds onto me a little longer just hugging me in silence before he lets go. “goodnight” he says and with a smile walks off to his own room. That smile was one day gonna be the death of me.. good thing the owner of that smile didn’t know that..
The next morning I woke up to the sound of my roommates chatting away. “Morning sleepyhead” I hear Madison say as I open my eyes. “Morningg” I groan which makes the other girls laugh. “It got that late already huh?” Savannah says teasingly. “You guys know me.. I don’t need a lot of sleep.” “uhu. Sureeee you don’t.” Sav says again. I just sigh as a response and get myself out of bed to get ready. As I get out of our room to freshen myself up I bump into Charlie who is standing in front of our door. As I’m about to say sorry he just wraps his arms around me ‘Good morning Nugget!” every bit of feeling dead and grumpy instantly disappears . I rest my head against his chest for a good second. “Good morning, Charlie.” Realizing the fact that the other girls may soon get out of our room I wiggle out of his grip and just smile at the always happy look on his face. “I was actually about to go freshen up, I’ll see you at breakfast okay?” “You look perfectly fine to me you know. But okay, I’ll save you a spot at the table.” “Thanks, Charlie” I smile at him before making my way to the bathroom.
Once I’m done the other girls are done as well and together we make our way to breakfast, and as promised Charlie saved us all a pot at the table. Emma sat down next to him giving him a quick good morning kiss. I find my old familiar spot across from Charlie and Sacha sits down next to me. “Morning Sacha!” I greet him. I instantly feel multiple eyes on the two of us. Pretending like I’m not noticing that but happy with the fact people are apparently believing that I like him, I continue my conversation with Sacha and soon enough the others join in.
Later that day we had some sports activities. It’s a very hot and sunny day so the minute the activity was over our group made it’s way to the shadow under some trees. Charlie was the first one to fall down into the grass and I was quick to follow. I don’t know what took over me but I decided to use him as a pillow. I sat down next to him only to slowly fall back and let my head rest on his stomach. Surprisingly no questions were being asked about this and no comments we’re being made.. Emma lies down on the other side of Charlie resting her head on his chest and Owen lies down next to me , using my stomach as a pillow causing me to giggle at the tickle of his hair. Before we knew it we we’re just one big pile of people using each other as a pillow.
We just chilled like that for a second not saying much. I felt every breath Charlie took under me and I noticed that was a weirdly calming thing to me, without even trying my breathing matched his. Never had I ever felt as at peace as in this moment so i couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest bit sad when we had to get up to freshen up before dinner. There really was no denying this man had an influence on everything I did, liked and felt. There was no denying that I liked and possibly even loved this boy. I was gonna have to be careful with my actions if I wanted to make sure no one else knew about that.
Later that night Emma came up to me "Hey Y/N? Can I talk to you for a second?" I feel myself getting nervous, what could this possibly be about? "Yes of course. What’s up Emma?" I follow her towards a quiet place on the campground. ‘I..I just wanted to talk to you..’ she sounds sad. I sit down next to her putting my arm around her shoulder “Are you okay Ems?” “Honestly I don’t know. I’ve been feeling insecure and Charlie is not making it any better at the moment. “ “oh.. I’m sorry. Do you know where the insecurity is coming from?” I say hoping to kind of avoid discussing Charlie with his girlfriend. “Well. I’ve always been a bit anxious and insecure.. I’ve been bullied a lot as a kid but even at home it was always about my brother and it’s like I almost don’t exist? Don’t get me wrong you’ve all been super nice. And I know you’re all Charlies friends and he hasn’t seen you all in a year and so obviously he’s gonna be excited to hang out with all of you but I guess I just feel a bit left behind?” I had no idea about the fact that Emma had somewhat of a same life story as me. I know what being bullied can do to a person.. “Wow. I’m sorry you had to go through that Ems.. and I get that, that all makes you insecure and anxious I’ve been struggling with that as well.. But this is a safe place, you don’t have to feel insecure or left behind. You’re always welcome to hang out with us. I’m sure Charlie wouldn’t mind either.” “Yeah you say that now, last year we got into a fight over me jumping into a conversation between you and him and during the last year we’ve gotten in a few more fights that come down to the same topic of me not wanting him to do something or me wanting to come along to something he’s doing..”
I wasn’t aware of the fact that there had been more fights between them.. Apparently Charlie had not been telling me everything, not that he was obligated to do so but I just thought he did? “Oh.. I did not know that.. sorry. But can I be honest with you Emma?” “No you couldn’t have it’s okay. and yes. Actually please do. “ I take a deep breath before speaking again “ Well.. I of course have not been there for all the fights.. I know of the one of last year cause Charlie told me about it. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to join us. It’s the way you did it.. If you would have just joined us everything would have been fine. But I got the feeling you we’re trying to make very sure that I knew Charlie was taken.. and that’s what he didn’t like. I think ,and you can correct me if I’m wrong, maybe you’re scared of losing Charlie? If so, don't be.. I know Charlie really loves you. I think all he wants from you is trust that he will be faithful to you and maybe some space sometimes to do his own things. But I also know for a fact that he wants to spent time with you and he wants you to spent time with his friends so you can all hang out more.. Maybe just have a good conversation with him about where you’re coming from and what you would like and / or need from eachother?”
“yeah.. You may be right there. I know I was acting horrible last year, I just really thought you were on your way to steal Charlie from me.. Sorry about that. You and Charlie both did not deserve that.. I don’t know though.. I believe that he loves me and all but if you’d ask him to name a list of things he loves most in this world I’m pretty sure things like food and music would come first and then maybe at one point he’ll be like oh yes and Emma of course.” I can’t help but smile just a little at the amount of love this boy indeed has for food and music but quickly compose myself again. “ I’m not sure Em.. Sure he loves music and food and stuff he makes that very obvious. But from things he told me I know you’re so so important to him.. Just talk to him about all of this okay? You really gotta be honest about your feelings with him..” “Yeah.. Thanks Y/N. I appreciate you listening to me and actually giving me advice on all of this.” “ yeah no worries. Any time. “ I say while giving her a smile. We fall silent for a second and I stand up holding my hand out to her “ So are you ready to get back to the others?” She nods and takes my hand. We make our way towards our group and once we get close I share a quick look with Charlie, a look that tells me he wonders if everything is okay. I just give him a reassuring smile and the smile I get in return is the end of that small silent conversation. After playing some fun and very competitive boardgames with our entire group, it in the end is just me and Charlie again.
We end up finding a quiet spot in the middle of a field and just like earlier that day he lies down in the grass and I lie down next to him with my head resting on his stomach, one of his hands now reaching up to softly play with my hair. We just lie there in silence for a while looking up at the stars admiring the beauty of it all, and in my case very much enjoying this warm and fuzzy feeling this boy was giving me right now. I feel Charlie taking a deep breath underneath me before he breaks the peaceful silence “Soo.. was everything okay? That conversation with Emma I mean..” I take a second to consider my options, should I tell him? It doesn’t feel right to hide something from him but at the same time it is not my place at all to talk about Emma’s feelings.. I decide on keeping our conversation private.. “Yeah. No eh she just needed to get a few things of her chest. Don’t worry about it. It was nice getting to know her a bit better actually. She even apologized for last year..” “She did? I’m really glad to see you two getting along.. I’m happy she found someone in you she can open up to. I sometimes feels like even I can’t be that person for her..” I sigh. “I’m sure that’s not true Charlie.. at the very least I know she wants you to be that person. And for what it’s worth.. You are that person to me..” Not my very best line when it comes to hiding how I feel but this boy needed to know it wasn’t his fault at all. I can feel him let out a small silent laugh. “For what it’s worth? Really nugget? You do know that hearing that means a lot to me right?” “Does it? I mean you’re just so easy to talk to, and you’re always so nice and understanding. I would quite literally trust you with my life, Gillespie.” “Well for what it’s worth Y/L/N, I trust you with mine as well.” I can’t help but smile at that.
“Hey Charlie, can I ask you something?” I say softly, not being mad about it if he wouldn’t hear it. but he does.. “Yeah, anything. You know that..” he says still playing around with my hair. “Why didn’t you tell me about the whole Emma coming to camp and being in our group thing? Not that you had to! I’m just curious?” He’s silent for a while.. “Charlie..?” “Honestly? I guess.. Seeing how things we’re last year, I maybe was afraid you wouldn’t come if you knew?” he says and I let out a little laugh. “It was not that bad Charles.. She just didn’t like me very much.. But that did not bother me enough to not come here.. I’ve missed all of you too much over the past year..” “I missed you too much” I barely even whisper. “Good. cause I really need you here. “ I could not deny that hearing that made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. He needed me? I reach up with my hand to grab his free hand and give it a light squeeze. “Well, I’m not going anywhere. You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Although maybe I should be going to sleep..” as I’m about to get up and let go of his hand he grabs mine tightly and pulls me back down “Naaah-aah. You can stay here a little longer.” He says teasingly.
“You really think you’re teasing me by doing that? Gonna have to try harder than that Gillespie. “ I laugh. “Is that a dare? Cause I will. But in this case no. I’m not teasing. I Just would like us to stay up a little longer.” I lay my head back down on his stomach and he instantly finds his way back to my hair. “Fine then. I’ll stay. And yes, maybe that was a dare..” He starts to laugh as soon I said that. “What?” I ask him. “You have no clue what you’re getting yourself into Nugget. I’ll have you know that annoying someone and teasing them is actually one of my talents.” “uhhu. Right. I think you’ll soon learn that I’m not THAT easy to annoy.” “Oh it’s so on now.” “Bring it, Gillespie.” We just lay there a little while longer talking and teasing each other. My head never leaving his stomach and his hand never leaving my hair. Until Charlie notices I’m getting more and more silent.
“Really Y/N? You’re falling asleep on me? You could have just told me that I was boring you , you know. “NO THAT’S NOT…” “HA! See. Already got you there.” He laughs. “You’re the actual worst Char.. but no. I was actually just very comfortable and that made me sleepy. You make quite a good pillow you know.” “Well thank you Y/N.. I trained long and hard for that. We’re gonna have to get you to bed now though." he starts to sit up causing my head to slide towards his lap but I don’t plan on moving any time soon. When he’s fully sat up he just looks at me and my head that’s now in his lap. “Come on nugget. Time to go!” “Naaah-aah. We can stay here a little longer.” I smile up at him mimicking his words from before.
“Are you sure about that?” He leans forward a bit his face now sort of hovering above mine with a suspicious smile spread on it, and I feel a slight panic grow in me. What is he doing? What is he thinking? When I don’t move but also don’t say a word he continues. “Well alright then..” and that’s when he starts to tickle me making me laugh uncontrollably and as soon as I get the chance it roll away from him. “Fine. You win, we’ll go to bed” I say while getting up, offering him my hand to help him up as well. He takes it and I pull him up. “Good decision nugget. Good decision” he says teasingly and I playfully hit his arm “Oh shut up Charles..” when I’m in bed my brain is racing. What was happening between me and Charlie? I mean we were just friends obviously.. but I couldn’t deny that we were in someway getting a whole lot closer? And why did it feel like I was in the middle of the relationship between Emma and Charlie? I was gonna have to figure out a way to get out of that position.. and I was gonna have to try a whole lot harder when it comes to hiding my feelings for Charlie as well. I basically told him he’s my person and I like laying on top of him? COULD I BE ANYMORE OBVIOUS? My mind keeps running like that for a while before I get, 3 hours of sleep at most.
The next morning I am the last to join everyone at the breakfast table, somewhat surprised to see my spot across from Charlie is saved for me. “Good morning” I greet everyone feeling more dead than alive. A bunch of happy and cheerful good mornings are being thrown my way while I sit down. I can hear everyone talking but what they’re saying isn’t even really getting through to me that’s how tired I am. At this point I’m just staring in the distance trying to stay awake. That is until I literally get slapped back to reality by Charlie. I just look at him, mouth wide open in pure shock. Not that it was hard or painful but I never expected him to do that.. “WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!” He just laughs, which normally would make me feel all better but in this case made me more annoyed which apparently was showing cause the laughing stopped. “So you are alive! Had to make sure since we were talking to you and you were not responding to a single word we said. ” “I’m Sorry..” he adds after noticing the fact my facial expression has not changed one bit. I relax my face even though I’m still shocked by the fact that he did that. “It’s okay. Sorry guys I just really have not slept the best last night.. But I’m here now, what we’re we talking about?” Glad no one asks me about why I had a bad night we just fall right back into the conversation they we’re having beforehand.
The rest of the day was, lucky for me, pretty easy-going we were just chilling in the sun and Charlie and Sacha had both gotten their guitars out and we were all singing songs together. I could not stop myself from thinking that the whole guitar playing thing somehow made Charlie even more attractive. Sacha wasn’t bad either though.. maybe I just had a thing for guitar players? That’s until out singing gets interupted by Charlie’s phone ringing, he gets up and walks away from us before picking up. When he gets back though I can tell something is wrong.. my thoughts being confirmed by Charlie who picks up his guitar and gives us a quick “excuse me for a sec..” before storming off..
Continue reading in Part 5 :)
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ghstandpucks · 4 years
Cutting Edge ~ Nathan MacKinnon Ch. 3
A/N: Hey everyone, thanks for all the love on the last chapter! I loved seeing that you enjoyed it! Also thank you to @pumpkinpatchmakar​ and @pizzasloot​ for your kind words after my update post <3 
I do know where the story is going, and I’m excited to write it all out! Just bare with me, between school and my heart being broken, it might take longer between chapters but I will get to them!
Tags are open, just let me know! Enjoy!
Prologue Ch.1 Ch.2 
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           Nate was halfway to his apartment when his phone rang; an incoming call from his captain. “What’s up?” he asked as he answered.
           “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for the past hour,” Gabe asked. Nate now realized that he had seen all those calls and texts, but after getting your number he forgot about them. He cleared his throat.
           “Sorry Landy. I was at the rink with Y/N,” he stated, unsure of what the captain’s response would be. When Gabe remained quiet, Nate became a bit nervous. “You there?”
           “Y/N? As in Coach Y/L/N, Y/N?” he asked, and Nate could hear Gabe’s amusement over the phone.
           “Yes,” he answered shortly. Gabe laughed.
           “What happened? Practice ended 3 hours ago, what have you guys been doing…or do I even want to ask?” Gabe said suspiciously.
           “It was nothing like that. I heard someone still on the ice when I was about to leave and went to see who it was. It turned out to be Y/N and she was just skating around and asked me to skate with her,” Nate explained as he pulled into his apartment complex.
           “Oh, so she’s just Y/N now? Seems like you two got close,” Gabe chuckled. Nate groaned as he parked. Maybe telling Landy wasn’t the smartest thing. “Please tell me you at least asked for her number or something before you left.”
           “I did actually. I asked her as we were leaving,” Nate said, quieter than he needed to.
           “Wow, okay. She’s definitely got you interested, doesn’t she?” Gabe sounded amused on the other end. Nate mumbled out a yes, knowing he wasn’t going to be living this down anytime soon. He was happy with the little progress he made with you, but now he was sure Landy would look for any reason to bring you around, not that Nate wouldn’t enjoy seeing more of you anyways though. “Well, I guess that brings me to why I was calling in the first place. Mel and I are taking Linnea on a hike on Sunday and we’re inviting some of the guys to go since everyone is pretty much back in town. I was inviting you, and I think you should see if Y/N wants to come. I don’t think she really knows anyone here yet, and Mel wants to meet her. After I tell her about your afternoon she’s going to be dying to meet her,” Gabe chuckled. Nate perked up hearing that he had a legitimate excuse to text you right away, instead of trying to play it cool.
           “Yeah, I can ask her,” he said, a little too eagerly.
           “Great! And make sure you pick her up. She doesn’t need to drive when she doesn’t know where anything really is,” Gabe suggested, knowing his friend lacked skills in the romance department. Nate rolled his eyes, but he was grinning at the thought of seeing you away from the rink.
           “I know Landy. I’ll text her and see. I’ll let you know,” he said as he entered his apartment and plopped down onto his couch, saying goodbye as his captain became distracted by his daughter.
           On the other side of the city, you had fallen onto your own couch and immediately got on facetime. “Superstar! How are you doing sweetie?” Jeremy asked.
           “I think I just gave Nathan MacKinnon my number,” you said in one breath, throwing a pillow over your head. Jeremy laughed.
           “You think?” he asked. You threw the pillow off and looked at him.
           “I gave him my number. I stayed after to skate and he was still there and I have no idea where I got the courage but I asked him to skate with me and I taught him some skating, he taught me some hockey, and it was just really fun and then he asked me for my number…” you rambled off.
           “Hey, deep breath Y/N. That sounds like you both had a nice time. And is it really so bad to give an attractive hockey player your number?” Jeremy tried to be sympathetic because he could see the wheels spinning in your head. He had known you for too long to not know where this was going.
           “He’s on the Avs though Jer. I’m technically his coach. How is that ever going to work?” you asked.
           “I don’t know Y/N, I wish I could tell you. But it seems like you are starting to like this guy, and if he likes you too then I’m sure you can figure it out. Don’t overthink it. I’ve seen you do that a few times, always putting your career first. And although that worked then, you can’t keep running from everything outside of the rink,” Jeremy tried to reason with you.
           “I know,” you said, knowing he was right.
           “And know that whatever does or does not happen, I will be here as your biggest supporter,” he said. You smiled at him.
           “Thanks Jer. Sorry, I don’t know why I freaked out,”
           “Because you are starting to like him,” Jeremy smirked. Your phone chimed and you briefly caught the text from a number you didn’t know at the top. Tapping on it, you saw that it was from Nate. Before you could read anything else, Jeremy laughed. “And I’m guessing that is him?” You nodded.
           “I guess some of the team are going on a hike Sunday and he wants to know if I want to go,” you stated, your smile growing.
           “I want to hear all about this hike when you get home,” Jeremy said. “Hang up with me and text your Doug Dorsey back.”
           “This is not the premise of Cutting Edge,” you laughed at his mention of one of the main characters. Jeremy shrugged.
           “He’s a hockey player. You’re a figure skater. Close enough,” he said, before saying goodbye as he had to run to a team meeting. You hung up and opened up Nate’s text.  It read: Hey Y/N, it’s Nate. Some of the guys are going on a hike on Sunday and I was wondering if you would like to join us? Mel, Gabe’s wife, is going and he said she’s been wanting to meet you. If you have plans no worries. Just thought I would ask. You smiled, seeing as you had no plans for the weekend beside finishing unpacking and would rather spend some time getting to know the team better…and Nate.
Y/N: Hi! That sounds like fun. I would love to go as long I wasn’t intruding on a team thing. You answered. You were a little worried that your presence would be unwelcomed, being a coach. Your phone pinged with another message.
Nate: No you wouldn’t be. You were about to reply when a text bubble popped up, and the following appeared. I would like for you to be there. You were happy this wasn’t in person as your face became flushed.
Y/N: When and where? 😊 Nate texted you to be ready at 9am on Sunday, and told you where you would be going. He said he would pick you up, and you gave him your address. And as the day continued, you continued to talk with him. Saturday came, and neither of you had technically said goodbye as you fell asleep texting him the night before, so Nate didn’t feel like it was too much, too soon to continue your conversation the next morning. You were giddy when Sunday morning came and you were getting ready. You felt that you had gotten to know him a little more and were excited to spend some more time with him. Right on time at 9 in the morning, there was a knock on your door. You looked in the mirror, fixing your hair quickly before answering it. Nate stood there in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, holding two cups of Starbucks. “Good morning,” he smiled as he handed one to you.
           “Morning!” you replied as you took a sip, humming contently as you tasted the pumpkin spice latte. “Is this why you asked what I liked from Starbucks?” Nate shrugged as you turned away to grab your jacket off the back of your couch.
           “I’m just hoping you’ll forget about making me do those extra laps tomorrow,” he teased as he looked around your apartment. It was small, but not too small, with a few boxes still sitting in the corner. “Are you still not unpacked?” You let out a sigh.
           “I have too much crap. I need another bookshelf,” you shook your head and took another sip, exiting your apartment. “But flattery will get you everywhere in my book. I may overlook your extra laps.” Nate chuckled as you locked the door behind you and followed him to visitor parking. You blushed slightly as he held the passenger door to his car open for you. The both of you sat in comfortable silence for a moment as he started to drive, enjoying your coffee. “So, who’s all going today?” You finally asked.
           “Landy and Mel, Tyson, Burky, and Cale I believe. Landy invited pretty much everyone since we’re all back in town, but I think everyone else was busy,” Nate explained. You nodded.
           “Well I’m excited. Thanks for inviting me to tag along,” you smiled over at him.
           “Of course,” Nate smiled over at you quickly. You kept casual conversation as you made it to the outskirts of Denver and what looked like would be a pretty hike to an overlook. Nate parked and off to the side you saw Gabe with a beautiful woman and a toddler in one of those carrier packs standing under a tree. As you made your way over, Nate leaned down and whispered. “Don’t let Gabe start showing you pictures of Linnea; you’ll be sitting there for like 3 hours.” You giggled, catching the attention of Gabe. The woman who you assumed was his wife, turned also and smiled widely.
           “You must be Coach Y/L/N. I’m Mel, it’s nice to meet you!” She said, pulling you into a side hug as to not squish her daughter.
           “Y/N. It’s nice to meet you too!” You replied, barely missing the not so subtle wink Gabe sent Nate.
           “Hey Coach, glad you could join us” Gabe said, “This is our daughter Linnea,” he introduced the little blonde haired, blue eyed girl. You smiled at her tired little face.
           “She’s absolutely adorable!” You squealed looking at the little girl. You weren’t necessarily a kid person yet, still being in your early 20s, but this little one was just too cute! Just then the others showed.
           “Eww who invited our coach?” Tyson grinned at you. You made a face at him, about to respond before Gabe beat you to it.
           “I’d rather have her here than you,” he said as Tyson feigned hurt. The others laughed and after greetings were exchanged you all started to walk. As the guys walked ahead, you walked along with Mel and Linnea.
           “So how are you liking Denver?” she asked cheerily.
           “The weather is a nice change from SoCal, that’s for sure,” you let out a soft laugh. “I’ve really only been to like the rink and the grocery store, so I haven’t been able to explore much more than this. I was happy when Nate invited me to hike with you guys so I could see a bit more,” you smiled.
           “We should go get lunch then one day, and go shopping! If you would like to. I know hanging around the rink with the guys gets a little old,” she said sincerely, and you couldn’t help but feel excited at the possibility of making a new friend.
           “That sounds like fun! I’m not used to being around this much testosterone.”
           “Yeah they are terrible sometimes.” You both started to laugh, catching the attention of the guys in front of you. You locked eyes with Nate, and blushed slightly under the grin he was sending you. Tyson walked over to the two of you and slung his arm around your shoulders.
           “Coach, I have a question…” you looked at him apprehensively and he gave you a sly grin. “Who is your favorite so far?” Nate you automatically thought, but were nervous to say out loud.
           “Well it’s definitely not you,” you replied, shrugging off his arm to the chirps of everyone else.
           “I bet it’s Nate,” Andre spoke up with a grin, Nate shooting him a look. You tried to think of something quick to say, seeing as Nate was looking as uncomfortable as you were starting to feel.
           “No, he has extra laps to skate tomorrow,” you tried to joke, hoping to ease Nate. It worked, he grinned at you and chuckled.
           “You don’t even know if you can enforce that,” he teased back.
           “I will figure it out!” you yelled back dramatically. The rest of the walk went like that, with the guys chirping one another, and dragging you and Mel into it. At some point after talking a bit to Cale, you ended up next to Nate as your little group came to a stop at a look out point. The trees were turning color with the season and everything looked pristine and beautiful. When Mel suggested taking a group picture. You automatically started to back up and were about to offer to take the picture when Nate gently placed his hand on your back.
           “Your part of this group too. Don’t be trying to sneak off,” he smiled at you. You were about to reply that it was okay when Andre spoke up.
           “Yeah Coach. Grace our picture with your Olympic winning smile.” He said, sending you a wink. You laughed and shook your head.
           “Oh God. That one hurts my face,” you admitted. You were known for always smiling throughout your routines. Even if you fell, you kept your smile. By the end of a four in a half minute long program though, that smile usually felt forced and plastered, even if it didn’t look that way. Andre turned his camera around as a selfie and held it up since he was the tallest. You were toward the back with Nate, his hand still on your back and you stood on your toes to try to be taller, your short frame looking incredibly small next to the larger bodies around you. After the picture was taken and sent to everyone, you and Mel exchanged numbers as you all continued the hike back to your cars. It was just after 1pm and you all decided to get lunch. You enjoyed your time with everyone and were starting to feel like Denver could be home. After lunch, Nate drove you back to your apartment. You were slightly sad the day was coming to an end. He parked and insisted on walking you up to your apartment, even though you assured him it wasn’t a big deal. Opening your front door, he eyed your still packed boxes again.  
           “You know, I could help you put together a book shelf if you’d like,” Nate said, face flushing a bit. You thought it was adorable, someone as large as him flustered.
           “That’s kind of you, but I have to go buy one first,” you smiled at him. He shrugged.
           “I can go with you. You might need help carrying it,” he smirked and you let out a laugh.
           “Wow, I think you are just really trying to get out of doing those laps tomorrow,” you shook your head.
           “Are you really going to make me do those?” he asked, leaning against your door frame.
           “I’m not sure yet, I haven’t decided,” you shrugged, making him chuckle. You looked up at him and couldn’t help but smile, the thought that someone might actually care about you as a person, and not because of your accolades filling you with immense joy. He was offering to help you build a bookcase after all. “I might just take you up on that offer though.” Nate smiled and pushed himself off your door frame and extended his arms to you. You gave him a hug and have never felt quiet as safe so quickly as his large frame enveloped you.
           “I’ll see you tomorrow Coach,” he said as he pulled away from you and winked.
           “Have a good night Nate,” you smiled. As he walked away you shut your door. Walking further into your apartment, you plopped down on the couch and got your phone out of your bag. You saw you had a few new followers on Instagram, some from the team and a few of their significant others. Mel had tagged you in a picture, and you saw it was the one you had all taken, along with one of just her, Gabe and Linnea. You went and posted the picture as well, captioning it “I’m not sure what I like about Denver better. This team, or the view?”
           You busied yourself the rest of the day and checked your Insta around dinner again. There was a comment from Tyson. “This team is the view.” You couldn’t help but laugh and be thankful that you ended up in Denver.
tags: @bqstqnbruin​ @avsfans95​ @andreiaafaria​ 
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Hello Darling pt7
Summary: (y/n) is the salvatores younger sister and she is low key in love with one of the originals. You know which one. The only problem is he is a low key psychopath and neither of them remember that this isn’t their first meeting.
Warnings: cliff hanger
A/N: The fact this is part 7 hurts. It’s like watching your baby grow up. It makes you feel old. Even though I only started posting it like 8 weeks ago it still makes me feel old. I don’t know exactly how many chapters this story will be. I hadn’t planned on the last one being so long I had originally planned for this to be a part of chapter 6 too. I guess we'll just have to see.
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Your cab pulled up to the front of the address Damon and Elena had sent you. Damon and Elena were waiting for you at the stairs off to the side of the building. You and Jeremy stepped out of the cab and you compelled him to not charge you for the ride.
“For the record she was the one who wanted to stop at a motel.” Elena sent Damon a dirty look before walking up the stairs. You all followed her to the top floor of the motel.
“So where are we?” You asked.
“The corner of somewhere and nowhere, where Kol can’t find us.”
“I still can’t believe Kol was a vampire.” Jeremy piped up. You looked over at him, he seemed upset at Kols betrayal he thought he had a made a real friend. You understood what he was feeling.
“Well didn’t you find it weird you made a friend so fast. I mean have you met you?” Damon said, earning another dirty look from Elena.
You opened the door to the motel room they had rented. “This should do. Right Jer?” Elena said, turning around to ask her brother.
“Yeah I mean it doesn’t really matter.”
“What do you need? Candles? incense? Pottery wheel?” You pray for the day that Damon didn’t have to make snappy comments every ten minutes.
“That’s not how it works.”
“I know I know. I push from the other side and you pull from this one.”
Jeremy set down at the small table set up in the kitchen. “Do you have a picture of her?”
“A picture of her from what? our trip to Disneyland? Come on rose you're not actually gonna make us wait are you? I know you're obsessed with me.” Damon said looking around the room. As if he would see Rose when she appeared. Elena huffed and moved to go sit beside Jeremy.
“Alright tell me something about her?”
Damon’s face turned solemn. As if remembering something sad. “She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human and when death came she didn’t fear it.”
Elena looked confused. “I was with her on her last days and she definitely wasn’t in paradise.”
“It was in the dream he gave her. She’s here.”
Elena began to ask her questions about the other side and how she was. You always wondered what death was like especially for a vampire. Rose seemed to be doing okay but then again you couldn’t see her.
“She says she was sired by a vampire named Mary potter. She says to stay here and rest. ZShe’ll go see what she can find out about where this Mary is.”
You finally spoke up “She wants us to stay here for the night?”
Jeremy shrugged his shoulders. “I guess so”
Your first instinct was to go get a drink. You didn’t want to stay in a small hotel room for a whole night with Elena and Damon. But Kol would sure be looking for you and you can’t be drunk when he eventually finds you. Besides drinking is the reason he’s even after you guys in the first place.
It was getting late so you prepared shifts on who gets to stay up and keep watch. Damon and Elena were going to stay up first and then wake you and Jeremy in a few hours.
You don’t know what happened between them when you were asleep. It seemed to have created some tension between the group. But you didn’t care to know what happened.
You didn’t get a chance for your shift on look out because Rose finally came back with information on Mary. Apparently Mary owned some property upstate. You all quickly packed your bags and drove to Mary’s house.
When you pulled up to the old house you all got out of the car. “Damon you come with me Jeremy you and (y/n) wait here.”
Jeremy rolled his eyes at his sister. “Why so you two can make out again?” Guess that’s what happened when you were asleep.
“Don’t be a dick. Listen to your sister.” Jeremy huffed but reluctantly got back into the car.
“Well she isn’t my sister so I’m going in.” You said walking in front of the group and into the house.
The house was completely dark, and from what you could see, absolute trash. There was a loud bang up stairs and you and Damon went to search for the cause of it with Elena following safely behind you.
You walked into the first bedroom you came across on the second floor. Elena shone her flashlight around the room landing on the gruesome sight of a mangled woman's body. She was stabbed through the heart and pinned to the wall by a wooden stake. “Something tells me this is our Scary Mary.” You said staring at the site in front of you.
“Quite contrary.” A voice said flicking on a light behind you. You didn’t even need to turn around to know who was behind you. Who else would be here other than Kol. “It’s a shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. I don’t know what happened.” He walked past you and stood in front of Mary’s corpses. It took everything in you to not tear his heart out right now. “I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie.” He winked at you as he said the last bit. It made your blood boil with rage. You jumped ready to rip his heart out and show it to him but Damon caught you and held you back. He tried to calm you down by blocking you from seeing Kol.
“And were you her favorite?” Elena questioned. You pushed Damon off of you and moved to the side regaining your composure. There was one thing about being a vampire that you hated. You felt everything at the max. All your anger and rage multiplied by 10 and in your family you already had enough anger and rage while you were all alive.
“You mean did I turn her. I think I did actually or maybe it was a Rebekah. It also could have been klaus. Then again who could forget the Elijah affair. I’ve spoken with my brother and I know you are trying to figure out who you descended from and now you never will. So where did we leave off?”
You had just noticed the bat in kols hand as he swung it again at Damon’s feet knocking him down to his feet. With Kol distracted you grabbed a wooden chair and broke it over Kols back knocking him down right beside your brother. You grabbed one of the broken legs from the chair, you straddled Kol on the floor pointing the stake at his chest. He was older and stronger than you were so he held you and the stake at a short distance from his heart.
He laughed as you tried to push the stake into his heart. “Reminds of that night we spent together. Except more deadly.” You were so wound up with anger he used it as a distraction to flip you over and turn your stake against you. This time you were doing your best to fight him off.
Kol is an original, he should have been able to push the stake right through you but you were somehow still holding him off. But before he could kill you, Damon hit Kol with the baseball bat he had dropped. Kol quickly got up and kicked Damon down. You stumbled to get up and back in a fighting position. Kol held his hand out to you telling you to stop. “Relax darling I just want us to be even.” Damon started to stand up and Kol kicked him again to keep him down. “I mean you slept with my sister so I slept with your sister. Then you snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and humiliated me. So I’m just evening up the score.” He hit Damon a few more times with the bat before he backed off. “There now we’re even.” Kol ran off before any of you could stop him. There really wasn't a point to chase after him. He was an original vampire. Even if you managed to get a stake in his heart it wouldn’t kill him.
You and Elena helped Damon off the ground and back to the car. Jeremy was full of questions but none of you felt like answering them. You were going home with no real answers on which original had sired you all. You had never cared about that in the first place but now you were going home with a new hatred. A hatred for the guy who had used you to get back at you brother. The guy who just tried to kill you ten minutes ago. You hated him for lying to you. You hated him for trying to kill Damon. But mostly you hated him because despite everything he did you didn’t really hate him. You don’t know why but it was almost like a part of you couldn’t hate Kol Mikaelson no matter what he’s done and you hated yourself for it to.
Kols perspective.
I was boiling with rage as I pulled into my family’s new mansion back in mystic falls. I quickly ran to Klaus' drawing room where I knew I could find him. “Why didn’t you tell me (y/n) was with the eldest Salvatore and the Gilbert girl!”
Klaus didn’t even look up from his drawing. “I didn’t think her being in Denver would cause such a problem for you Kol. I told you they were on their way to get Jeremy.”
“Don’t play naive Klaus. We both know you never liked me being around her from the beginning. You only didn’t do anything about it because it suited your plan. You didn’t tell me she was coming because you knew she would despise me for telling you where the young gilbert was.”
“I didn't tell you she was coming because whenever you get close to this girl she changes you. When you are around her you don’t care about what the family needs.”
“Screw what the family needs you mean what you need. For your hybrid family plan. Besides I only spent three days with her how could she have changed me”
“He’s not talking about the time you spent with her now. I believe Klaus is referring to the time you spent with her in 1914.” I turned around to see Elijah. I had no idea what he was talking about. I didn't even know (y/n) in 1914.
“What are you two even going on about?” For once Klaus was silent. I turned back to Elijah hoping he would answer my questions.
“What do you remember from before you were last daggered?”
“I remember you two had tracked me down. I had killed someone important in New Orleans and pissed a bunch of people off. So you daggered me as punishment and kept me in that box for a hundred years.”
“That’s just what we made you think had happened. It’s time we told you Kol about what you did in 1914. You better sit down.”
To be honest my guys I don’t even know what’s gonna happen in 1914. This next chapter might take me a minute. 

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