#i feel normal about that anime twink
vriskarlmarx · 9 months
reading hegel so i can read marx so i can read césaire so i can read adorno so i can understand light yagami
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zaminami · 1 month
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name a more iconic duo than a twink. AND A REDHEADDDDD
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thesummerestsolstice · 3 months
How Silm characters would react to meeting their Rings of Power counterparts:
Oh they do not like each other
"I'm sorry, you said what to Elrond?"
RoP!Gil thinks Silm!Gil isn't detached and regal enough
Silm!Gil is trying to figure out the political consequences of decking him
"I'm sorry, you sent Galadriel where??"
At some point RoP!Gil, who can't believe this is another version of him, asks Silm!Gil what his royal lineage is
Silm!Gil gets real quiet after that lmao
If they ended up physically fighting Silm!Gil would win RoP!Gil fights like a normal elf and Silm!Gil bites
I think the Elronds have to pull them apart eventually
The Elronds get along very well I think
Silm!Elrond teaches RoP!Elrond some eldritchry
RoP!Elrond tells Silm!Elrond all about his speech craft
I think Silm!Elrond would be very into animal-carcass-related metaphors, he's a weird little guy
I feel like Silm!Elrond would feel bad for RoP!Elrond, who clearly deals with a lot of disrespect in Lindon, and would try to teach him how to be a bit more assertive
They bond over having to deal with everyone else's bullshit
See this is bad for Middle-Earth
Silm!Galadriel is less openly angry but just as much of a force of nature as RoP!Galadriel
And Silm!Galadriel is also a lot better at the more subtle conniving stuff so between them they do, in fact, possess all the skills needed to take over Middle-Earth
They're busy scheming up plans to wipe Sauron off the face of the planet and frankly good for them
They also get along very well
They talk for 15 straight hours about forge stuff
Silm!Cel talks about Annatar and RoP!Cel is like "lovely! no red flags here!"
RoP!Cel talks about how the idea for the rings came from some random, very suspicious "human" and Silm!Cel is like "haha yeah inspiration comes from the strangest places sometimes'
They're a little bit stupid but they're also beefy and kind so we can forgive them
Halbrand and Annatar immediatly start viciously insulting each other
They both accuse each other of having terrible taste (in Finweans and incarnate forms)
"Useless sparkly twink!" "Filthy mortal!" "I can't believe you tried to seduce Celebrimbor!" "At least I didn't try and fail to seduce Galadriel!"
Annatar finds out about the situation with Adar and the orcs and bullys Halbrand relentlessly about it
Sauron's ego can't take there being more than one version of him
Hopefully they keep each other busy until the Galadriels smite them
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nameless-flame · 11 months
RoR gods reactions to you calling Poseidon a 💅Drama Queen💅
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RoR and fem!Reader crack below the cut
Seated along the round table, various prominent figures of each pantheon waited, some more patiently than others, for the mortal standing before them to reveal what she had summoned them for.
[Name] cleared her throat, putting an end to the idle chatter that had previously filled the walls of the old-fashioned conference room. "I have called you to this meeting to discuss a matter of utmost importance."
Shiva rolled his neck, allowing his eyes to freely wander between the faces of the gods – all deemed to be high figures in their respective pantheon – some even belonging to the same one. And yet, there was one man missing.
Leaning his chair back, the God of Destruction balanced himself with two hands holding onto the edge of the table, whilst his remaining two rested behind his head. "Where's that sea deity?"
Shooting a glare in Shiva’s direction, [Name] resumed talking. “If you had not so rudely interrupted me you would have known why.”
The blue man merely rolled his eyes. He had long before grown used to her more… unmannerly way of addressing them. Her disrespectful attitude had at first irked him, and many other deities, but eventually whatever ill feelings they initially harboured toward her soon evolved into intrigue, and later friendship. Some even more than that.
Seeing how the god had not argued back, the human continued. "As for why Sea Boy isn’t here with us today, I didn’t invite him.”
Hades’ brows flickered and he paused his chess match with Zeus. “I presume this meeting concerns my brother?”
[Name] gave the God of the Underworld a curt nod. “I’ll just get straight to the point so to not further waste our time. Can we all come to common agreement that Poseidon is the biggest drama queen in history?"
Hades didn’t know what was more worrisome; her odd exclaim, or the fact that no one had so much as reacted to it. Have things like this truly become the norm?
Most eyes darted to Apollo, and then lingered there, before returning to her, obviously questioning her statement. However, [Name] did not yield under their distrustful stares but continued speaking without any less conviction. "Yes, sure. Some might argue that the twink has some dramatic traits as well."
Apollo craned his neck in her direction, no longer staring in the reflection of his hand mirror. "Why are we listening to her, again?"
“Because they’d rather be here than at one more of your lame parties.” Apollo furrowed his brows, but ultimately decided to just massage the tense muscles of his temples, not desiring to start a fruitless dispute with her.
“But we are not here to talk about Apollo, but Poseidon – the biggest drama queen I have ever encountered in my entire life.”
Beelzebub sighed, tapping his foot impatiently against the marble floor. He just wanted to return to his research. “How did you even come to such an irrational conclusion?”
Standing tall, [Name] placed her hands on her hips. “Irrational? Do you guys truly not see it?” Blank stares were shot in her direction, only Heracles and Ares had the decency to shake their heads.
“Well then, allow me to provide you with an example; If a fly were to land on that drama queen’s shoulder, he would not hesitate to drown all their villages, slaughter their children, and then feed their corpses to the nearest animal.”
Loki snickered, obviously finding some amusement in what he deemed to be an exaggerated story. [Name] ignored him and continued. “And then, to truly top it off, after exterminating an entire species he would just act as normal, as if his reaction was more than justifiable.”
“She does have a point,” the serene voice of Aphrodite spoke. “Poseidon’s reactions do tend to be quite… overbearing at times.”
[Name] dragged a hand through her hair in hope that the motion would soothe her racing mind. “And I know this to be true because that fly is a metaphor for us humans. I literally bumped into him just the other day, and this bitch-”
A warning glare from Hades.
“This very fine gentleman acted like I gave him the bubonic plague.” Loki and Shiva broke into a fit of laughter. The Hindu god even toppled off his chair, but that didn’t seem to encourage him from continuously laughing his ass off.
[Name] rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, continue howling all day long you buffoons, but I think I singlehandedly made him wish for a second Ragnarok.” This only made the duo double over, trying to choose between drying their tears or holding their stomachs. It was a good day for Shiva to have four arms.
Hermes, however, coaxed his brows. “Do you mean to tell us that you came in contact with Lord Poseidon without invoking his wrath?”
[Name] cocked her head to the side. “Didn’t I just tell you that he looked like he wanted to pierce me into a shish kebab?”
Hades moved his king one square forward on the chessboard, the slight click when the piece hit the wood gaining her attention. “That is not what he meant, my dear. If our brother is truly angry, he will not hesitate to kill whoever is around him. The fact that you are still alive indicates that he had no desire of ending your life.”
Odin nodded from the seat beside his son, who was staring out of the window, wishing for this conversation to come to an end.
"This!” [Name]’s sudden outburst caught the attention of everyone in the room, including the socially withdrawn God of Thunder. “This is what I mean when I call him dramatic! You have just grown used to his actions. Look, I don't mind his exaggerated reactions, but he needs a bit of variation.”
[Name] began pacing around the room, her back straight and chin held high, while holding a stick in her hand. Where did she even get that?
“Someone breathes the same air as me? Dead.” Everyone’s eyes widened.
She was imitating Poseidon.
“Someone accidentally steps on my foot? Dead. Someone has the audacity to look me straight in the eye? Dead.” She stopped and heaved a heavy sigh, “Like, come on. Try something new for once, please."
Zeus stroked his long beard. "Wait, let me get this straight. You mean to tell us that your problem with Poseidon is not his behaviour, but that it has grown old?"
[Name] slammed her hands against the table, making the glasses along the wine bottles on it shake with the sudden force. “Yes!”
“This meeting is over.” Hades declared, already walking away. It did not take long for the other deities to follow him, Loki and Shiva needing to crawl out from all their excessive laughing.
“Fine, go! But don’t come crying to me when you guys realize I was right!”
“We won’t,” cooed Zeus.
“Yes, Zeus?”
The King of the Gods blinked, not believing his eyes. “Why is Poseidon drowning that entire meadow?”
Before the two deities stood their brother, sending wave after wave into a beautiful landscape of green hills and the most gorgeous of flowers.
Hades sighed, running a hand through his white hair. “To kill the flies.”
Zeus turned his head to his brother, already dreading his next answer. “Why?”
The King of the Underworld gulped, cursing that mortal for how correct she had been. “Because a fly had landed on his shoulder.”
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showtoonzfan · 10 months
Also yeah this new Hazbin cast is not it man. I’m sorry. Most of them either sound flat, don’t fit with the character design, or are just not as good as the original. Angel and Alastor I especially don’t like, Alastor sounds so nasally and Amari just can’t top Bosco’s performance, with Bosco not only was he good but when Alastor was threatening, he SOUNDED threatening. I may have made fun of Al’s design, but Bosco’s voice is what made the character interesting and threatening for me. With Amari’s voice he just sounds beyond silly and I can’t take him seriously.
Blake Roman is literally just intimidating Kovach, except this time Angel just sounds forced and awkward. It makes you wonder why Viv just didn’t get Kovach back since it’s obvious she wanted to find someone so similar to him, and then you realize…oh yeah, Kovach wasn’t on Broadway or is a big singer. Micheal was really good at what he did as Angel too as everyone has already said so Viv fumbled the bag SO hard with these two it’s sad. I’m especially pissed about Alastor cause Bosco was the reason he was my favorite character and now he sounds so cringe.
Husk and Vox are played by two very talented actors/singers but their voices just don’t fit with the character design, though I’m not that against Christain Borle as Vox, the voice doesn’t fit the twink design but at the very least they got a man who sounds like a full grown adult playing a full grown adult lmao. Husk is a different story however, because it feels like Keith was picked to play him just because he was famous and nothing else. Back in the pilot, Viv had a specific voice in mind for Husk and she found it, aka Mick. He perfectly came off as an old washed up grumpy alcoholic, and Keith’s voice kinda just…erases all that personality. Sure Keith’s voice sounds cool but that’s it, it’s style over substance.
I wish I could say more about Charlie and Vaggie but I’m not sure what to say other then they kinda sound forced and awkward too, and I hate saying that cause they’re also played by two very talented actresses. Stephanie B played Mirabel from Encanto, she’s had voice acting experience before so I hope she ends up sounding good in the actual show. Erika meanwhile…I hate to say this but other than her singing voice there’s nothing really special about her as Charlie compared to Jill Harris, though even with Jill I never felt any strong feelings towards her performance.
Adam meanwhile, dear GOD I was right about him looking bad in animation form, his design sucks so fucking much. Fans were right, that’s Alex Brightman’s voice, he seems to be using his normal voice but just a tad deeper. He’s the only one who’s a fine choice, though I really wish we got to hear him as Pentious here!
But yeah in terms of the voice cast I’m just disappointed man, really disappointed. It makes you really realize how talented the pilot cast was. They were so good cause they were all chosen for a reason that wasn’t just “they’re famous” and it fucking sucks how bad Viv fumbled everything.
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
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The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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tatiejosie · 5 months
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Experiencing normal thoughts about normal characters, nothing to see here folks (<== i am desperately clinging onto Donald and his stupid twink boss for dear life)
We are very much Donald-centric in this house, there's a critical lack of content of him and this is just heartbreaking!!!! Comic!Donald really doesn't feel like the same character as animated Donald, so I'm kinda going to separate the two. I kinda like the nervous autistic cyborg dude vibes.
I like the kind of dynamic where they're like each other's fucked up emotional support animal
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Does Vaggie look like she has an eagle design as well as a moth one? Another tumblr user mentioned that Vaggie's design was changed from moth to eagle and saw it on youtube but can't remember the name. What are your thoughts?
i think her design falls into the Hazbin drag queen category thanks to the super long flowing hair with giant bow paired with frilled hemmed fingerless opera gloves and thigh highs and that miniskirt
that's not even counting her choosing to go by vaggie or niffy saying she's got no boobs while checking down her shirt, even tho in silhouette vaggie often looks like boobs are there, implying she maybe wears inserts-
i just feel like even though she's less flamboyant about it there's enough of a performance of traditional feminine style going on here that when paired with her more naturally military reactions to stuff and pragmatic way of thinking gives a strong vibe of Vaggie making a deliberate choice here and owning it
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even though you could argue she's also a mix of twink (re angel dust, alastor, lucifer) and gremlin (niffty, egg bois, mimzy) types too, being comparably on the small side in every way. but non-twink non-furries are rare in Hazbin (hi mimzy) just in general, it's just the trend, and doesn't really reflect the rest of her character very much so
She surely isn't anywhere on the furry side of the scale tho, even with her wings out
She might have an aquiline nose I suppose, the "eagle beak" shape, but that's just a normal human woman trait and without any extra feathers or talons or antennae or arms (re angel dust) i can't really say she seems based on any animal at all
she's just a grey lady with bleached hair and pink eye in slight vampire cosplay and sometimes she grows wings...
and i love her
(now does canon stop me from sometimes drawing her with a feathered ruff on her neck?? or loving it when someone puts moth like eyespots on her design? no. fluffy or bug lady vaggie makes me happy tooooooo)
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maxmagic · 1 year
LONG post featuring my opinions on this design and her concept and also Vivs character design decisions in general
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This design singlehandedly made my account rise from the fucking dead because of how much opinions I have on it
TO NOTE : I LIKE Helluva Boss as a show. Is it perfect? No. Do I think it has issues from both writing and design aspects? Yes. Do I like it regardless? Also yes. You can like a show and still have criticisms of it. Also Viv has answered some criticisms about Beelzebubs design and I will talk about them too
Final warning cuz this is LONG and rambled at points
By this point we are all aware that once a new character gets revealed in Helluva or Hazbin , there's always opinions on it.
But Beelzebub truly takes the cake on how divided people are on her design. People either adore it or hate it with a blinding passion (and some just don't like it cuz they have a Viv hate boner).
I have to say I actually really like it as a stand alone design. Remove her from the story and context it's genuinely an appealing design with fun and bright colors. I personally don't mind the early 2010's sparkle dog look. It has a nostalgic charm to it and if you followed Viv for long enough you know she really likes that aesthetic. She has good colors and color placement and my main real dislike is the weird hair.
And she's animated BEAUTIFULLY !!! Real props to the animators for being able to make this design look nice in motion because god lord is it complicated. This will be a criticism later, but again, its really amazing on how they made this design look good even though we all know this must have been a real bitch to animate.
The real issue that come to me with her design is when you put her in the show and have to think about who she is, what she is, what her lore is ect.
Firstly: Her not being 'lore accurate' kinda falls flat given that none of the designs thus far have been accurate to what they're based on. Like Asmodeus has elements that tie him to his demon name counterpart (with the rooster tail and 3 faces) but they're more allusions then design inspirations. Lucifer is literally just a top hat twink and Mammon (even tho we haven't seen his full design yet) is clown/jester themed. Viv has made it clear that this version of hell isn't supported to be an accurate depiction of biblical hell. So she can really do whatever she wants with her interpretation. Her not being an insect, although disappointing since we don't really have that in the show, is only just a matter of personal taste.
HOWEVER there's still a lot of discrepancies with her design.
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So she's supposed to be a Bee-Fox hybrid... Where's the bee??? Like take away the hexagon background, where is the bee part of her design? She has antenna and wings but... They don't really do much. The antenna are fine and its smart they placed at the tip of her ears, but the wings are straight up not bee wings!!! They look more like pixie wings and they're so small half the time I forgot they were there. Couldn't you have added.. idk some stripes?? she has stripes on her ears but they don't look like bee stripers more so general Viv design details. It's weird given she uses stripes so heavily in other designs yet the BEE character doesnt. Maybe add some fuzz like how bumblebees have?? Maybe trade that stupid lava lamp tail/hair if its too complex. I really don't like how she has normal hair and also a weird liquid part and liquid tail. It adds too much visual noise and just doesn't gel well wit the rest of her design. Her lava lamp stomach too just feels like needless addition of animation work for something that just doesn't add anything. Her colors ( despite being nice) kinda clash against all the other hellhounds who have a muted black/grey/red color pallate. It makes her look like an 13 year olds OC thats been edited in
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Literally the only things that changed are her colors, size and eyes. In my opinion this should have been her base design because the colors and bug eyes lean into more of the bee aspect. Plus with these colors she fits more with other hellhounds.
Like right now the normal design feels 97% fox with just the most subtle bee elements slapped on. If it wasn't for the background, look me in the eye and tell me this design is a fox bee hybrid.
She also doesn't feel like a prince? She's dressed very casually and doesn't have nearly have enough of an imposing vibe. I didn't know she was a prince until it was said in show. I thought she was just some high rank demon performer. Its kinda disappointing given how grand, larger then life look and energy Asmodeus had. They were introduced in the same way via big song number, but Asmodeus felt like a Prince of Lust, Beelzebub felt more like a performer of Gluttony rather then a ruler.
Also why if she a hellhound in the first place? i saw somewhere on twitter that its cuz her people are hellhounds but that doesnt make sense. Lucifer isn't a human and Asmodeus isn't a succubus, so why does Bee have to be a hellhound? We know that hellhounds are the lowest ranked amongst hell natives, so how do people outside of gluttony feel about her? She is treated like royalty but is also a hellhound, the lowest demon. It causes a needless paradox that makes you question the worldbuilding of the show.
Also why are hellhounds the lowest rank in hell ? and why are they associated with gluttony of all things? I am going to be honest when I say I completely forgot they were native to gluttony because gluttony has a beehive aesthetic and like wtf do dogs have anything to do with it . Like other demons shown have themes that tie them into their respective prince or sin, but we aren't shown why hellhounds in particular are gluttony. Like it feels like a minor thing but when you present information about worldbuilding and show stuff that contradicts it, people will question it.
And why is she dating a hellhound? Or more so why is she so open about it. Like its been shown in the show that Stolas and Admodeus dating imps is a taboo thing so her being so open about her relationship with someone whose even lower then an imp. Again its going back on lore and worldbuilding being contradicted. If you're going to make rules for a show, stick to them.
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I'm putting these two side by side cuz I have the same complaint about them.
How are we suppose to know this?? First the gluttony ring severally lacks any circus motifs (it has more of a bee theme then a circus one), but Bee ESPECIALLY doesn't have ANY hints at being circus themed, let alone animal trainer.
I knew that all the princes had a circus theme but from I (and from what ive seen in other comments) though she was an acrobat or like dancer of the sort. Literary nothing in her design says she is an animal trainer. And also the hippie 60s spirit is also not anywhere in the design. Just because a design choice is clear to you doesn't mean its clear to everyone else. A good design makes its points across loud and clear so everyone can understand it. This really feels like she's making it all up as people ask. She probably isn't but it really comes across that way. You cant just say something about a design that just isn't in the design or its not shown properly. This is an issue a lot of Helluva and Hazbin Hotels characters have (look up any of their trivia and you'll see how bad some designs are communicated), but with Bee its emphasized tenfold because she's suppose to represent all these different things (fox, bee, prince, party girl, animal trainer, DA sparkle dog, 60s hippie free spirit) at it just isn't conveyed or is put in such a way where you cant clearly tell what it is. It honestly feels like Viv had in mind to have a Kesha pop party girl character and just made her a prince. Shes trying to justify all these things and saying them like they're obvious when they're clearly not!
This design suffers from having too many ideas slapped on it that just don't work and actively work against each other.It makes me less excited for the future prince designs
If youve come this far good for you for sticking around to this way too long of a ramble about a probably one off character in a popular indie cartoon :D
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knight-a3 · 5 days
Hazbin Hotel Sketchbook Tour Part 10
I need to preface this one by saying that Vox(while not my favorite character) is my favorite redesign. I've made him look so wonderfully stupid, and it makes me laugh every time I look at it.
But first, Angel Dust.
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Design notes will be under the cut.
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Design notes under the cut
Angel Dust: So Angel makes me uncomfortable. The innuendos and raunchy jokes are not my cup of tea. It's part of why I struggled with his redesign so much. But I think I've finally managed to balance it while also alluding to his mobster roots.
I remember reading somewhere(not sure how canonicallt viable this is but I'm running with it) that Angel doesn't dress super provocatively outside of work. He's more inclined to dress comfy. So I gave him some lounge attire.
But I'm sure he would still want to dress up when out and about in town. So I gave him an outfit vaguely reminiscent of a mobster with the pinstripes and pseudo suit jacket, but also diverts away from it by leaning more into the fashion. He may keep up with modern fashions decently, but he's still a product of his time and upbringing. He's still got some mobster in him. I also preferred the look of his shorter gloves from the pilot, at least on his main set of arms. The second set has long ones like in the series, which would help the animators differentiate them. Tbh, I'd scrap the second set of gloves entirely if only it didn't feel in character.
Overall, I like this outfit for him. I think it balances his femininity and masculinity.
Idk if anyone noticed, but I don't like drawing characters with only 4 fingers. Something about it bothers me. So I've been doing everyone with 5. But I make an exception for extra limbs. Angels' second set of arms has 4 fingers, and the third has 3. Also, the extra sets are black and more bug-like than the main set. I do this to others, like Valentino, as well.
I've also noticed a lot of redesigns give him prominent spider fangs, and I just never liked how any of them looked on him. Instead, I gave him normal teeth fangs
Vox: To begin, Vox needed more bulk so his body could concievably support the old TV models. Twink size wasn't cutting it. The change also had the side effect of making him shorter, which just works better proportionately.
I liked the idea that Vox could never get rid of his original bulky 50s TV, but also wanted him to be able to upgrade. So I decided his true body is the 50s TV, and he adds an upgraded monitor as a head as technology improves. He's hates that he's stuck as an old fashioned TV, so he hides that under his suit. Since the monitor is just an addition, it can be swapped out easily. It can be damaged and he's technically unharmed. But he has to reveal his true body in order to see without the monitor. Unless he wants to use surrounding cameras and move via third person view.
Next, I don't like that everyone seems to have sharp teeth. I want more variety. (Similar to the whole bowtie deal) So I gave Vox "regular" teeth, which help him look more trustworthy. It fits the corrupt businessman vibe. Because his head is a screen, his face can change appearance based on both what he wants and what mood he's in. When he's angry, his face may glitch out, become too big for the monitor, and/or his teeth can become sharp. He might have to reboot after a Blue Screen of Death if he gets too worked up. When he's bored or tired a Voxtech logo will bounce around like the DVD logo, or display a screensaver. When hes feeling sheepish his face will get smaller on the screen(not that he'd ever feel ashame about anything, of course), etc. So many possibilities. I really want an excuse to give him a troll face at some point. It may be an old meme, but it feels appropriate.
Anyway, I love how stupid not having a head makes him look. He looks like SpongeBob and it's hilarious.
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dear-space-cadet · 13 days
the human fear predictions, song-by-song
i see this album being a follow-up to right thoughts right words right action in a sense. a lot of the songs here started appearing, at least somewhat, in 2016. i think there were plans for a rtrwra follow up that was more 'on-theme' but it got scrapped due to ffs, and then alex got obsessed with disco for a little bit and hired a synthpop twink on guitar. now that we're back to somewhat normal, i think it's time for the post-rtrwra songs to shine. i also see a lot of the ychismb+2005 b-sides motifs happening here already (swallow smile, wine in the afternoon, l. wells, jeremy fraser, ghost in a ditch, walk away, fade together). alex appears to be the primary lyric writer now too so that influences everything you are about to read
overall -- rtrwra without the american southwest influence/rtrwra not produced by todd terje; ychismb+2005 b-sides with less edge and more age
playlist of what i think the general vibes will be
already out so i will not be doing this one. i personally rate it around a 3/10 for my own tastes
everydaydreamer (4/10)
another "children of the world" "be a good person" chorus
'political' but doesn't take an actual stance (like paper cages or huck and jim)
miaoux miaoux synth riff
really throws off the rest of my predictions but i feel like we ease into the farmhouse truck stop from peepeetown to poopooville shit in the back half
the doctor (6/10)
evil eye spiritual successor
a good song but the imagery will make me uncomfortable or alex will not be singing well so i'll just tune it out (similar to treason animals)
potential itao reference? (buckle up)
hooked (10/10)
THEE banger of the album
i have high hopes for this one
they let dino cook. and cook he will
potential spiritual successor to fabulously lazy. a girl can dream
build it up (5/10)
this is a crowd-pleaser live song and will not be made any better with a studio version
if you like it you like it. it will not be made any better or worse with a studio recording. why is this even on the album
night or day (8/10)
this might be the one where alex 'plays the game' lyrically
spiritual successor to right action. "now how can we leave you to a saturday night or a sunday morning"
alternatively it could be a very "i'm there for you" "be a good person" song and rank around 3/10 but i want to ignore the potential for that. i dont want that to be true
tell me should i stay (5/10)
either a typical alexing with all the usual alexisms or the spiritual successor to bullet
clara feature (they make audrey anna-prior-it-out live)
potentially just a nick/manuela diss track again, which is actually the better outcome
cats (2/10)
just the stupidest shit ever
likely instrumental
either a big band flop OR a julian synth moment (which would bump it to a potential 6/10)
could also be "frogs" from the 2016 LP5 tracklist, but renamed to represent the cat imagery in franz now. if so, very farmhouse, very truck stop instrumental moment. potential 6/10 there too
or alex doing an alex. time will tell. it will suck
i pray for a second steckrube mention but it's unlikely
black eyelashes (8/10)
in my heart this is a fade together/walk away follow-up. maybe an eleanor boots follow up
potential nick mccarthy diss track. they might hit the pentagon here
could also be a clara love track but i doubt it being so obvious after what happened with ms eleanor
i need to love this song sowwyyyy if it sucks it's not my fault
could also be a black tuesday/scarlet and blue revision (bc i see black tuesday as a revision of scarlet and blue already) but that is wishful thinking
bar lonely (9/10)
first seen in 2016 and likely written beforehand (nick + paul influence plus pent-up feelings)
idk if it'll be good, but i do have high hopes bc it's been in the chamber for so long
this could also be the one where they hit the pentagon on nick. likely not but the title gives roasting a guy. this could also be the bullet follow-up but i doubt it if it was written sometime between 2014-2016
the birds (7/10)
spiritual successor to the universe expanded
existential. a bit overdone, but that's whatever
also potential walk away tie-in bc of the alfred hitchcock's the birds post-war tie-ins there
maybe another 'political' yet stanceless song focusing on modern anxiety, like the theme of the birds
ends with birds chirping like fade together
that is all i have for you. feel free to add yours or tell me what you think. i'll come back to this in january
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blasphemecel · 16 days
hai!!I love your BLLK OC so mych. Do you consider yourself a yumejoshi?💭 or a secret third thing
Haiii . Thank you. I mean maybe ??? I definitely dont have normal feelings of "this is a cool character I like :)" towards Kaiser ljke Im a bit abnormal about him. I've got a little crush on him . I'm a guy tho so I think that's called yumedanshi (??????? I think)
Bit to be clear the Vampire Twink is not meant to represent me he's just like a guy. Like if he was an anime character hed be like a characcter whose design I like. And he kinda slays. And if him and Kaiser were dolls I'd play divorce and beheadings with them like I used to do as a kid with my dolls. So yea
Also my irl toxic situationship/on again off again boyfriend/best friend/stalker/soulmate fucking hates Kaiser so much
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sethdomain · 8 months
rise and shine chaggie nation today we have to do our daily prayer that the show would not fuck Charlie and Vagina writing
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Things I hope to see in future episode and writing
silly and whimsical episode. People would call them 'filler' BUT I DONT. Those term only can be applied to anime because most anime filler episode is just that... they have no value and just serve as what they are called. BUT cartoon 'filler' episode is not just filler they make the character adventure and world feel more alive, example: fucking steven universe 'filler' episode. LIKE LISTEN FUCK YOU SU FAN WHO HATES THE WHIMSICAL AND JOY OF SU FILLER EPISODE THEY ARE AWESOME AND FUN, without those filler episode that su had the show i think wouldn't feel more alive and adventorous as i felt about it today they do so well on fleshing out the beach city people and the world around it like mghhh omg. SO LIKE IN SHORT PLEASEE ADD FILLER EPISODE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH IDK MAYBE IT COULD BE ABOUT CHARLIE AND VAGINA WORKING AT MCDONALD BECAUSE THE HOTEL NEED MONEY TTHEN THEY HAVE TO FIGHT MCDONALD CEO PLEASE PLEASE
can we please get more charlie and vagina episode wow
ermmmm can we get less twink erm im twinkphobic im sorry
i just want more vagina and charlie bro jst do that annd im alright
erm dont fuck up their writing and please dont make them feel like a side character or i will hang m
can you tell im not normal
wow yuri
i need yuri
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it is actually so stupid how abysmally down bad i am for komaeda. like genuinely i do not know what in my brain compels me to be like this. i am a very low-libido asexual and then i see this stupid little twink and suddenly i have this primal urge to feel him break apart under my hands while i sink my teeth into his neck like a goddamn animal. what is it about this freak. why him. why was he my pseudosexual awakening. why do i want to engage in such intense mind game battle for dominance brat shit with him. i wanna put him on a leash and make him mewl. i need to stick my fingers in his mouth and just poke around in there. tap on his teeth press down on his tongue. i have it so bad that his being involved makes the idea of kinks i normally wouldn’t touch seem way more enticing. i’ve never been a fan of degradation and if he of all people told me i was worthless i’d laugh in his face but also it would be hot as hell unfortunately. i have a horrible gag reflex and am sex repulsed by penises but i would let his dick sit so far in my throat i start going dizzy from lack of oxygen (sidenote once read a kmhn fic that involved that AND holding the nose shut and i went from someone who despised choking to someone who Understood so goddamn fast). god i need him so bad it’s not even funny. head in hands
- dr-thirst, currently experiencing a category 5 maeda fever flareup
Confession 17
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My most cursed fixation is Blood C because its cursed in all senses of the word (please bear in mind i use cursed as an endearment i love it), it was born from Blood franchise which started with the film, then Blood+ was done, a MUCH more successful and generally well regarded anime. Which is admit is pretty good
And then CLAMP, ya know the studio behind Card Captor Sakura, the people who made everyone in Code Geass look like twinks, also people who did xxxHolic (four lovelie ladies btw own the studio, i love it)
Made an adaptation after all these adaptations, and they all aren’t connected. And somehow, Blood C evokes a feeling that it should have been a survival horror. I shit you not, it has the dichotomy of “normal school life by day, killing mosters by night” but also every frame is soaked in the uncanny valley feeling. Everything is so quiet. Like to me it reminds me of Resident Evil a little bit, or Forbidden Siren if anyone is familiar. I dont want to spoil anything but its so fucking good. And its only 12 episodes and it works perfectly as it is. I once made a dude watch it with me all the way because i need it crave more people to know about this bullshit. Its such a great fucking show. Its gorey, its perfect, it has a love triangle, massacre, some good old family bonding. It’s such a well fucking done horror i cant. Genuinely, they did such a good job of making it just plain weird and offputting and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA also then there is a sequel film which is so gay. Just two girls processing their issues with their fathers am i right. God. Fzirkcienxkencienf
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captain-mj · 1 year
"It’s because he’s doing some illegal Things (with Graves) as well :)" ELABERTIOJ PLS???
srry am drunl 😳
Yeah, I can definitely do that CW: Drug use and sex work
Price shouldn't. He knew that. But every week or two, he broke down and did this. Honestly, he didn't feel that guilty either. Just knew if this got out, he'd never live it down. His reputation would be ruined.
Graves arrived, smiling at him. "You called?"
"Get undressed." Price ordered, leaning against the wall.
Graves blushed and slowly took everything off, moving so Price could see very inch that he exposed. Little scars on his back. Freckles and beauty marks. Tight ass.
"Fucking hell."
"Love that no matter how many times I undress, you still get so excited." Graves commented, but Price could see the creeping blush. As much as he tried to pretend he was suave and experienced, Price did something to him. Made him a blushing fucking virgin. Or maybe that was part of the act. "Didn't prep myself. I know you wanted to last time."
Price took a deep drag of the cigar and set it down, putting Graves over his desk. "Pay a lot of money. Want to do exactly what I want. That's the point, right? The fantasy?"
Graves nodded and moved so his foot was on the edge of the desk. It gave Price a better view of him. His pupils were wider than normal. A clear sign he likely was not sober.
Price kissed him hard. "You're perfect, love."
Graves grinned and arched a little. "Will have to charge you, but you know that. You have the money right?"
Price ignored him in favor of kissing down his body. He wasn't sure which part would destroy his life faster. That he hired a prostitute or that he looked the other way at his drug use. Either way, he couldn't help himself. He sank to his knees and dragged Graves to the edge, ignoring his little squeal. His tongue squirmed it's way into Graves, his hands keeping him still so he couldn't escape it.
Graves twisted and writhed like an animal, never able to get more than an inch away.
Price quickly lost himself in the repetitive movements. Slowly using his tongue to break him open and get him prepped. After a moment, he pushed his finger in too, just to get him more open. He wants to own him. Every inch of skin. Every muscle that he can. Maybe he could just rip him to shreds or eat him whole. Run his tongue along his veins and drink him down.
Graves shuddered and tangled his fingers in his hair. "Come on now. You only have me tonight. I'm sure you want to actually fuck me."
Price bit the inside of his thigh as hard as he could, drawing blood. "Fuck off. I'm well aware."
Graves moaned, looking at the ceiling. "You're lucky I have a soft spot for you, John. Otherwise, I might not let you treat me like this. Such foul language. All your friends know how you treat me?"
Price licked over the bite. "No. That's why I hire you. Privacy."
"John. Hurry up. I'd like to get fucked some time today, please." Graves broke, not above begging. Never above begging. He wanted to be rearranged and broken in bed. Something John specialized in.
Price picked him up, balancing him so his legs were over his shoulders. He continued to eat him out as he walked, balancing him with ease. Graves squealed and squirmed, never happy about the fact that Price could carry him so easily. When he hit the bed, he bounced just a little before he just fell back into the bed.
Price pounced and grabbed the rope, easily tying Graves so he was bent in half. His knees were tied to his chest, leaving vulnerable.
"What do you fantasize about?" Graves asked as Price poured lube on himself. "Keeping twinks in your bed?"
"Not twinks. Just you. Just want you." One day, he swore he just wasn't going to let him leave. Would keep him tied up until he promised he'd be his sugar baby. Or maybe just his pet. Either way. As long as he got all of him. Could douse the dark feeling in his chest. Maybe he could finally be human all the time when he could come home and take as much pleasure as he wanted.
Graves flushed. "You flatter me." He exposed his throat and Price nipped it as he pushed in. He was purposely a bit rougher, stretching him just right. A little pain always made Graves melt. His body bending and trying to take even more if he could. "Not so deep."
Price thrust in hard and fit his hand around his throat. He squeezed hard to watch Graves's eyelashes flutter. "Gorgeous." He thrust in harder, ignoring the littler whimper. His cock leaked on to both of their stomachs, hard and red at the tip. "You enjoy this so much. Little whore."
Graves gasped and his eyes rolled back as Price hit the right spot. He cruelly teased him, hitting it once, twice, missing it entirely. Until Graves was trying to angle himself to get it right. Tears filled his eyes, but Price focused on just dragging it out. Letting him get riled up.
"John, please."
Price missed again, going as deep as he could instead.
"Lover boy, come on!"
Dirty trick. Evil honestly.
Price wrapped his arms around him and drove into him over and over and over again. Right there for him. Graves gasped and tried to catch his breath, tears flowing down his face.
He came all over himself. Price licked a stripe up the cum on his chest before he came inside him. Coating his insides in it. Graves fluttered around him, biting his lip as he gazed up at Price.
"One day, I'll convince you to never leave."
Graves stared up at him. Something like pity in his drugged up eyes. "I'm sure."
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