#i feel so bad my bartender friend was so excited to pick me out something and i liked it but alas it did not like me
magnoliaalchemist · 2 years
my party trick is drinking one cider too fast and then getting sick from it
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ninebluehearts · 2 years
love me some whiskey, i want an angsty cant handle his feelings whiskey with the reader who is oblivious to it all
Warnings: bad flirting and allusions to smut.
December, 2015
If you were to tell you from six months ago that you were going to an official Statesmen Christmas dinner, you would've laughed right in your own face. But two weeks ago, as you were leaving the bar after a nine-hour long shift, you saw your brother Tequila leaning against your car with a great big grin on his face.
"There she is." He had said, holding his arms wide open for you.
You never saw your brother anymore; with him constantly traveling for work and you working long shifts at the bar and wherever else you could find work, there never seemed to be a good time to catch up with him.
"T!" You ran over and leaped into his arms, squeezing him as tight as you could. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in D.C. for the month?"
"Nope, this time it was only two weeks." Tequila pulled away from the hug, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a small, red envelope. "Plus, I have something for you."
You furrowed your brow, taking the envelope from him and examining it with suspicion. Written in cursive lettering across the front of it read, "Statesmen." You gently ran your thumb under the seam on the back, not wanting to damage the pretty red paper.
Inside was an invitation to the Statesmen Christmas party.
You gasped, staring at the invitation in shock. "T- How did you- but I thought-"
Tequila held up his hand. "I talked to Champ, and he finally agreed to let you come. He said that you've been trustworthy so far, so this is a chance to really show them you're gonna keep our secret safe."
A few years back, while you were in your later years of college, you had way too many drinks with your friends, who ended up stranding you at the bar with the bill.
Not knowing what to do, you called Tequila to come save you. He helped pay the bill and took you back to his house so you could sleep off the alcohol and he could keep an eye on you.
You woke up in the middle of the night, sick to your stomach. You wandered around his home, calling out his name while holding your stomach. In search for Tequila, you stubbled upon all of his spy gear that he had accidentally left sitting on his desk in his room.
You were really sick after that.
The leader of Stateesmen, Agent Champagne (AKA Champ), almost fired Tequila on the spot, but you swore you weren't going to tell anyone. And so far, you hadn't.
You reached over and gave Tequila another hug, a huge grin stuck on your lips. "You're the best T! Thank You!"
So here you are, two weeks later, walking into the most beautiful dining hall you've ever seen. Tequila immediately started introducing you to his coworkers, excited to finally be able to tell you stories and for you to know who he was talking about.
It wasn't long before Tequila got wrapped up in multiple conversations that were moving too quickly for you to keep up with, so you quietly slipped away from the group.
You glanced around the room for a moment, catching sight of the minibar in the corner of the room and making a beeline for it. You ordered a simple margarita, not even noticing the man sitting on the barstool beside you, until he let out a long, high-pitched whistle.
The man stood from his seat, leaning against the bar instead. "My god, what's a pretty thing like you doing here? I'm sure I've never seen you around; definitely would've remembered ya.."
You let out a little laugh, thanking the bartender for your drink before answering him. "You must be Agent Whiskey. Tequila told me to watch out for you."
"Oh yeah? What'd he say to watch out for?" He asked with a smirk, slightly raising his eyebrows.
"Wouldn't you like to know." You said with a smirk of your own, picking up your drink before heading back into the crowd to find your brother.
An hour later, Champ asked everyone to find their seats, signaling that dinner was about to begin. After a few minutes of looking at name tags, you and Tequila finally found your assigned seats at the table.
You sat down, beginning to smooth your black dress as Tequila pushed your chair in. When you glanced up from your lap, you caught sight of who was sitting in front of you.
Whiskey tipped the edge of his hat at you, his lips set in that same charming smirk as before. "Ma'am."
"Agent Whiskey." You draped your napkin across your lap, not even noticing Tequila's eyes flashing between you and Whiskey.
"I see you two have met." Tequila said, annoyance obvious in his tone.
"Not really. She ain't even told me her name yet."
"Oh, it's-"
"And she ain't going to." Tequila said with a growl. You knew Whiskey and Tequila didn't get along, but this was a bit excessive.
Whiskey held up his hands, not bothering to push the matter.
You held up your hand to the side of your face, mouthing your name to Whiskey without Tequila seeing.
Whiskey nodded, breathing out a laugh before taking a sip of his drink.
Soon after, the food was served, and all the other conversations died out as well. Every now and then you could feel Whiskey's eyes on you, his gaze just like a spotlight.
You finally looked up at him when you felt the familiar heaviness of his stare once again. This time you caught him, watching as his eyes widened before quickly looking down at his plate.
If you were being honest, if he was anybody else, you wouldn't have thought this behavior was so damn cute.
There was something about that sexy smile of his that made your heart skip several beats.
Before you could really think it through, you accidentally dropped your fork on the floor. Ducking under the table to retrieve it, you reached over and gently squeezed Whiskey's calf, holding back giggles when you heard him choke on his drink and start coughing.
Sitting back up straight in your seat- fork in hand- you saw just how red Whiskey's face was. You gave him a small, innocent smile, thinking he would find it funny as well. Hell, maybe even sexy.
But what you didn't expect was for Whiskey to glare at you.
You sank back into your chair, avoiding eye contact with everyone at the table. Had you misread his intentions? You could've sworn he was flirting with you..
Whiskey cleared his throat, excusing himself from the table. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes as he made his way towards the exit.
You sighed; a deep frown set on your face as you pushed your food around on your plate with your spoon. You didn't mean to upset him. You expected him to somehow flirt back; maybe slip you his number when Tequila wasn't looking. At least you never have to see him again. You didn't think you could look him in the eye after that.
Right after dinner, you asked Tequila to take you home. Not only were you still embarrassed, but you were exhausted. You had worked today, ending up having to race home in order to be ready on time before Tequila picked you up. You regretted not driving yourself, hating to pull him away so early in the night.
In the next room over, servants were setting up card games while the guests lined up at the bar. You and Tequila went around saying your goodbyes to his coworkers, noting that Whiskey was nowhere to be seen.
The last person you said goodbye to was Champ, who seemed disappointed that you were leaving so soon. "We were just about to start a game of poker though. Are you sure you don't wanna stick around for just one game?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just that I have to be up for work early tomorrow."
"Oh yeah, Tequila tells me you're a bartender?"
"Yeah, sometimes, but I'm kind of in between jobs at the moment."
Champ nodded. "Tequila also told me you're a writer?"
Your cheeks began to burn, smiling at Tequila with a murderous look in your eyes. Yes, you wrote a little in your free time, but you didn't think any of it was worth publishing.
"Sometimes; only in my free time, really."
"Interestin'.. Listen, we have some agents here that write down the bare minimum while taking notes. I mean, we have one that spells words so wrong that he can't even translate them later on when we need 'em." Both he and Tequlia began to laugh, obviously knowing exactly who he was talking about.
"What I'm saying is, I'd like to offer you a job. You'd translate the notes for us and maybe answer a few phone calls here and there."
"So, like an assistant?"
"Kind of, but you wouldn't be helping anyone in particular. You'd get your own office and you would get to attend certain meetings. What do ya say?"
"Don't think about it. Say yes." Tequila said, grinning like an idiot.
You let out a nervous chuckle, scratching the back of your head. A stable job did sound nice. Plus, you would get to work with your brother, so you would get to see him more often. "Sounds like I would be stupid if I said no."
"Great! I'll see you on Monday. You get home safe now." And just like that, he walked away, leaving you standing there in shock. You were going to work for The Statesmen.
"Isn't this great?" Tequila asked, gently pushing your shoulder. "You're gonna be awesome."
You didn't know why, but something didn't feel right about this; like you were forgetting something important. "Yeah, super awesome.." You mumbled, trying to figure out what was making your stomach turn so badly all of the sudden. And then it hit you.
You would have to work with Agent Whiskey too.
July, 2016
You've been working for Statesmen for seven months now, and it is everything you wanted and more. The work is mostly easy and interesting, your coworkers are nice, and the pay is amazing. Plus, you and Tequila are closer than ever since you get to see him on a regular basis again. The only problem was that Whiskey wasn't making things very easy for you.
You knew he hated you. Plain and simple. Always avoiding you, ignoring you, or walking out of the room you had just entered. You tried to get to know him better, delivering his paperwork to him directly, trying to make small talk in the halls, but no matter what you did, he would respond with as little words as possible and come up with strange excuses on why he had to go.
You have had it.
On Wednesday, you ended up working late due to the extra paperwork you took on from Ginger. You told her you'd do it for her so she could go home early and take care of her sick cat, Mr. Grump.
You didn't end up leaving until quarter after eleven, though everyone else had left around six. Or so you thought.
Walking down the hallway towards the exit, you couldn't help but notice that the lights in Whiskey's office were on. You thought it was strange, considering he was only in Kentucky once or twice a month and you hadn't heard anyone mention his arrival. So, if it wasn't him, then who was it?
You kept a knife in your bag for situations like this; just a small switchblade, but it got the job done. You set your bags on the ground, digging around for your knife before slowly approaching the office.
You pressed your back against the door, one hand holding the knife, the other on the doorknob. You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the worst.
"One.. Two.." You whispered, about to say three, but suddenly the door was pulled open, making you drop to the floor with a yelp.
Looking down at you was Whiskey, a gun in hand. "Jesus.. What the hell are you doin' here?" He walked back towards his desk to pour himself another drink, not even offering you his hand to help you up.
"I work here. What are you doing here?" You pulled yourself back to your feet, shoving your knife into your pocket.
"I work here too, in case you've forgotten."
"How could I forget." You mumbled under your breath.
"What was that?"
"Nothing. Look, I thought you were in Texas still. What are you doing back here? And so late."
"I don't see how that's any of your business." Whiskey sat back at his desk, resting his feet on a stack of paperwork.
You rolled your eyes, not even bothering to answer at this point. You turned around, ready to just go home and forget about all of this with the help of a bottle of wine.
"Well that's mighty rude of you; ignoring me like that."
You froze, something deep inside of you finally snapped, and there was no controlling it. "I'm rude?" You turned back around to face him, arms crossed over your chest, one hip leaned to the side. "Are you not the one who has barely said anything to me in the entire seven months I've worked here? Hell, you didn't even say happy birthday to me last week!"
Whiskey simply shrugged. "Happy birthday."
You blinked, shocked that someone could be this arrogant. "Goodnight, Agent Whiskey." You spat, turning around once again.
"Wait-" Whiskey stood up, walking around his desk to lean against the front. "I'm- Fuck.. Alright, I guess I might've been a bit rude at times.. But you haven't made it easy."
You glanced over your shoulder. "What?"
"Nothing. Forget I said anything."
You walked over to where he was standing, arms still firmly pressed against your chest. "No. What do you mean by that? Because last time I checked, I haven't been anything but nice to you.
Whiskey switched his weight from one foot to the other, glancing around the room to avoid looking at you. "Exactly. You're always so nice. Why?"
"Why not? It's not like you've really given me a reason not to. We work together. Might as well get along, ya know?" You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Listen.. If this is about the Christmas party, I'm sorry. I guess I just misread some signals-"
Whiskey laughed- he laughed right in your face.
"I'm sorry, is something funny?"
"Just how oblivious you actually are."
Your eyebrows pinched together in confusion. "Wha-"
Whiskey cut you off with a kiss, both of you shocked by his action.
You didn't know what to do. One minute he hates you, the next he's kissing you? All of this time, he's been ignoring you, avoiding you, hating you, because he liked you? Your head was spinning, so many thoughts and feelings ran through you so quickly it felt as though you couldn't breathe. And only then you realized- you liked him too.
Whiskey went to pull away, but you grabbed the edges of his jacket, pulling him back as you deepened the kiss. You were so relieved when he started kissing you back too.
When you finally did pull away, both of you stared at each other for a moment, soft pants escaping between your lips.
"So, I take it you feel the same?" Whiskey asked.
"Shut up and kiss me, Jack." And he did. Who knew that long night at the office could get even longer..
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
Hello there, I’m in genuine need of more fandom / online friends so like, if you also want more friends, here’s some info about me and maybe we can be friends? <3
My names Jay, I’ve recently picked it for myself (and then realised I could have possibly had an even cooler name Bo which is the shortened of my middle name and now im cursing myself for not realising it sooner and questioning weather or not to do a switch cause idk if Bo or Jay suits me better?!!). I’m 20 and FtM, and I go by he/they pronouns primarily but I also don’t mind if you use any others :)
I’m also Australian so yeah idk if that’s a selling point or not
Oh and I’m labelled as queer, I guess, but dude sexuality is confusing. I’ve recently been going down the aromantic / asexual spiral of questioning but I’m so unsure of everything I really suck at telling the difference between platonic and romantic feelings. I’m also somewhere in the sapphic spectrum I believe. So if you can relate to this mindfuck in any way that would also be rad.
I write fan fic for the Marauders Fandom (sirius is my everything and I’m also a tall sirius truther) and also Stranger Things but primarily Steddie for that tbh.
I’m also in the Good Omens fandom, as well as a few others more casually and don’t write fic for them :) recently I’ve been starting to watch JJK cause my best friend is really into it
My favorite two movies of all time are Rocky Horror Picture Show and Cars. That probably tells you a lot about me to be honest so do with that as you will :)
My favorite musicians are David Bowie at No. 1 (my lord and saviour), Maya Hawke, Hozier, Radiohead (im not a red flag I promise), Conan (I’m seeing him on fri wtf), ooo and I’ll add SOAD cause I’m really into them this month. But it’s ever changing really and there are too many to choose from, I’d say they’re my most listened to though :) I am chronically listening.
Uh I’m gonna spitball some more facts about me this is kinda hard:
I’m the eldest of 4 kids 💀 one of them is 5 years younger than me 💀💀 the other two are 6 years younger 💀💀💀 (I love them sm the annoying shitstarters)
I love to draw and make art but I suck at anatomy and colour theory it makes me want to rip my hair out (and I wanna be a fan artist so bad)
I’m attempting to learn bass but I also cannot commit to learning the bass (I blame my sibling for keeping it in their wardrobe so I forgoet it exists)
I am 90% sure I’m neurodivergent I just cannot really afford to get that diagnosis rn ya know?!
I did ballet & dance most of my life 🤯🤯 (now I’m a bartender and my old ballet teacher is a regular at the sailing club I work and now I look queer and cunty as hell and every time she sees me she just stares in disbelief and fake smiles it’s hilarious)
I still sleep with my childhood teddy :( I love her she is my one thing I would save in a fire. Her name is charlotte and she’s probably 3 years overdue for a bath but I love her
I’m fucking weird about stars - the shape not the astrology - like I love them. I see them and I get very excited and I draw them everywhere (you can probably tell off all my master lists, they all have stars drawn on the title strips 😭) I just really love them they’re so cute. I almost named myself Star actually
I’m a sagittarius. I don’t know what that means but I know it means a lot of things to people so hopefully it’s good things!
My favorite colour is green but more so earthy and cool greens. I love a good scrumptious yummy green, something mossy something sagey. I have a green wall in my room and it’s very nice to look at.
I lived abroad for a little bit as a teen in Vietnam which was amazing and I’m planning to move somewhere abroad again next year hopefully (seriously get me the hell out of SA)
My biggest dream / goal / career choice for most of my life was to be an actor but now I’m just kinda existing with no real drive or purpose in life. But I might pick acting back up now I’m becoming more comfy with myself and my gender :) my dream role is to play Frank from Rocky.
Uuuuuh that’s all I can think of :)
So yes, I hope I have appealed to your interests in one way or another. And if you’d maybe like to be friends please don’t hesitate to send me a message!
Maybe tell me a cool fact about yourself?
Or if you’re too shy to message first you could just add a random comment here or say something in the tags? I’ll message you! <3
Also if you have anymore questions I am trying to be a bit more of an open book, I love when people dive in with the nitty gritty so if you have strange questions I’ll probably be very excited to answer them lmao
Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day random people in my phone I hope to befriend <333
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halloweenfrills · 8 months
Into Love: A Star Trek Tale (part 1)
It's always love, isn't it?...
That human emotion that goes so deep it cuts to the core of every being, even one like me.
As I lie here asleep, my brain function the strongest it's ever been, it's love that's keeping everything firing. Although sometimes the bad memories take over the good ones, making them dance away as the pain love can cause rips me open all over again.
Those screams...
Poor, human, desperate screams.
The kind of screams love can cause.
I can't help but feel like I'm not supposed to be here, although I am. Experiment number 3725, Khan, a mix of human and alien genetics created in part by Arik Soong with a team of others in hopes of a superhuman race to aid in wars against anyone who opposes the Federation. I'm created to fight better, think better, to kill better, superior in all ways. That's what they're hoping for.
Currently experiments are ongoing, myself being chosen now to be in a human setting, on Earth, simply to see if I can exist among them, a tracker hidden under the skin in my neck monitoring my every reaction to the setting.
I should slouch more as opposed to the stiff posture I always used while among these carefree beings, mostly human, drinking and laughing and trying to forget their stress and woes in this bar. Shifting in my seat, I ran my finger along the glass of the beer bottle I kept close, watching the condensation gather under my finger, making my posture mirror what I was seeing around me.
It was too easy, reading everyone that was gathered in this bar. The bartender who just wanted the night to end, the couple who shouldn't be together because they each had a mate that was oblivious to the fact they were here, the man in the corner who was too anxious to speak to the woman across the room. And then there was her...
That is her name because that is what I call her.
Called her...
No matter where I looked my eyes kept finding her, landing, observing the situation. Sometimes when she smiled, obviously out with a group of friends, the gesture didn't quite touch her eyes, a sadness lurking underneath that she was trying to keep hidden. It was probably due to the Vulcan sitting across from her, the male sitting almost as stiff as I was, something that would never return the affection she was so willingly wanting to give.
This time I picked up my bottle and took a drink, the bitter taste coating my tongue that I swallowed down. Was her drink bitter? Probably not, she's had two now which flushed her cheeks, making the crooked smattering of freckles dissappear into the redness. So human. So imperfect. Vulnerable.
But, every being in here was vulnerable to me, unaware, and too stupid to know what I was and what I could do.
She moved, getting up from her group of friends, my eyes catching a glimpse of her dark brown hair bouncing to the rhythm of her walking and I decided it was time for me to move too. No doubt they were tracking how my heart rate began an exciting uneven beat as my steps were slow in tracking where she went, a feeling of excitement coming to my senses.
Just outside the bathroom doors she was standing, shoulders slightly slumped, and I picked up on the sound of crying. I should say something... My lips parted, searching for words but she turned around, a bit of surprise coming across her sad expression, "Mm, sorry-", she apologizes and my hands raise as if to say it's okay. Being this close, shr smells sweet, maybe it's just the alcohol she had, but something tells me it's her. I wasn't sure what to do about the tears that were coming from her green eyes, seeing them streak down her flushed face. I still haven't spoke yet but because she was crying I thought it was a good idea to wrap my arms around her, to hug her, being careful of my own strength as if I was embracing glass. Almost immediately she began to push back, half stumbling away from me, this silent stranger who suddenly embraced her in the back of a bar.
I let her go, my arms already feeling empty as she looked up at me, confused, drink clouding her mind while I watched her stare through her tears. "I'm sorry-I don't know why...", I began my own apology, "You look like you need saving." I was right, I saw that sadness, I saw this raw human emotion right in front of me now, and I saw how she longed for the Vulcan male.
Watching her lips part, I made no move to leave the moment and neither did she. "You're right.", she finally says, shaking her own head at her admittance, almost chuckling at it, how pathetic it seemed.
"I can save you.", I offer, coming closer, close enough to feel her human warmth, to know how soft her skin would be. This wasn't what I was designed for, this tenderness, but I was falling in love at first sight, a human phrase I find to be true.
She blinked, the last of her tears falling down her cheeks as she closed the space between us, getting on her toes as she pressed her lips to mine. Feeling her kiss me awoken something, our arms now reaching to pull us together as we kissed as strangers, my arms holding her drunken body to mine.
It was now that I discovered another way I was genetically superior, even designed to fuck better, the tracker picking up the rhythm of my accelerated heart as I gave into that male need and desire to claim something as my own and I choose her. I choose Love.
That night in her bed as we connected, my hands careful yet leaving greedy red splotches on her skin everywhere I grabbed, I felt like this was were I belonged, inside of her, making her feel every human pleasure she could experience. I watched in fascination as she fell over the edge, panting and begging for more as I felt myself chasing my own pleasure, over and over inside of her. That's how we spent the night, tangled together in human passion.
That night, myself, Khan, experiment number 3725, I found love.
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 years
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bright beginnings pt 5.
you’re sitting here acting like me doing all of this is insane, and i promise you it’s not insane. i want you to be here. with me, like this.
pairing: single dad!joseph quinn x fem!reader wc: 1.4k  warnings: i don’t think there’s any in this part but pls tell me if i missed any!!
a/n: happy valentines day!! please let it be known that seeing as i do not know joe or wesley, their friendship is based off of one of my closest friendships i have with my old roommate. if you don’t like it... sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
part four • part six 
girls night was in full swing, and you couldn’t help but keep glancing at the door to figure out when joe was going to show up. you knew he was coming, but the question was when. you were two dirty shirleys in, and you knew if you had another one before he got here you would never shut up about anything and frankly, you weren’t sure if thats the impression you wanted your boss to have of you outside of work. you were, what jordan called, a “talkative drunk”, always telling people in the bathrooms how pretty they looked, or asking them where they got their top from. it was pretty obvious you loved supporting the other women around you, and whenever you got drunk it was made very, very clear.
all of the girls minus brittany and carol had taken up a booth in the back corner of the bar, which was about a ten minute walk from the parking lot you had started to park in. it wasn’t that bad, considering the street was pretty well lit this time of night too. and you’d be walking back with all the girls to the lot where jordan had ever so graciously offered to pick you up so you didn’t have to worry about not drinking tonight. it had been a hot minute since you had gone out with any of your friends so you were super excited to hang out with the girls. especially since you all spent so much time together in the daycare, it was fun to see everyone outside of the daycare.
“oh my fucking god-”
“joe just walked in.”
your head snapped up as you watched joe and the man you assumed to be wesley walk into the bar, laughing about something. before he could look over to you, you looked down at your phone because suddenly that was way more interesting than joe walking in. a few gulps of your drink later the girls were back to giggling and you decided fuck it, you needed another drink.
“i’ll be back guys, i’m gonna go get a refill.”
joe and wesley had sat each other down at the bar right next to the area where the bartender was sitting, meaning you had to slide in next to him to get a refill. great. you let out a breath of air and walked up to the bar, feeling the eyes of lucille on your back as you squeezed in, asking the bartender for another drink.
“fancy seeing you here, y/n.” joe smirked at you.
you blushed, trying to hide it with an eye roll. “oh shut up, you agreed to come.”
“yeah because you--”
“wesley if you say another word, i swear to god.”
“what? you’ll push me out of the bar? you’re a wanker.”
“you’re a wanker says the man who can’t hold a girls hand without getting hard.”
you couldn’t help but chuckle as they started bantering back and forth, taking the open bar stool next to you as the older guy left, presumably to go have a smoke. you didn’t smoke much yourself, but you did happen to pack a vape for tonight in the case that some of the girls wanted to step outside. before you knew it, you got wrapped up into a conversation with the three of them, barely noticing someone come up behind you until their hand was on your back and they were whispering in your ear.
“you doing okay, luv?”
you jumped slightly, turning around to see it was shelby and letting out a sigh of relief. “yeah, i’ve just been talking to joe and his friend, uh… wesley i think. are you all okay?”
“yeah, some of the girls have been asking why you were taking so long. jus’ wanted to make sure you weren’t like, drugged in the bathroom or anything.”
at this, joe turned around. “i promise i didn’t drug her. wesley on the other hand…”
“oi, fuck off!” wesley hit joe on the arm. “i would never!”
“mmhmm, sure mate.” joe dramatically rolled his eyes.
“anyway, the girls are wondering if you’re coming back?”
“oh shit, yeah, i’ll be there in a few.”
shelby nodded as she grabbed her drink, making her way back over to the booth. joe and wesley looked over to you, wesley looking more confused than joe did.
“the girls from the daycare are having a night out, we’re just in the booth in the back if you want to come say hi.”
you took a sip of your drink, barely noticing the fact that joe’s hand had slipped down to your knee, which had been touching his for approximately twenty minutes.
“yeah, we’ll stop in for a few, might as well say hi.”
“you go mate, they’re your workers. i’ll be fine here for a few.”
“you sure?”
joe’s hand brushed across your knee as the two of you got up and your brain short circuited. like, fully stopped. did that just happen? what the fuck was happening? you ran back over just as joe got there, sneaking up behind him and lightly brushing his arm as you slid back into your seat to test the waters. you could feel him glance over to you, meeting his eyes mid sip and you could have sworn his pupils were bigger.
… maybe you should lay off the shirleys.
joe pulled his chair right up to the side of the table where you were sitting, and considering you were on the edge, your knees went back to touching. five more gulps of your drink and you were finally able to pretend to be somewhat calm, picking at the straw wrapper that had somehow made it's way to your end of the table. throughout the night, joe’s knee stayed close to yours, including when wesley came over and said he was gonna pop out since he worked in the morning. by the time most of the girls had left, it was you and three of the newer girls you hadn’t had the chance to meet yet and joe, who asked you if you wanted to step outside for a smoke.
you grabbed your purse and stepped out with him, knowing jordan would probably come get you around two, and it was nearing one thirty. it was probably best that you said a quick goodnight to the girls, knowing you most likely wouldn’t be going back inside. you had started sobering up about an hour ago, so you hopefully would be able to have a proper conversation without making a fool of yourself.
you held up your vape. “i came prepared.”
“you’re very smart.” he lit his cigarette, taking a drag. “‘ve been trying to quit for months now but can’t seem to kick it.”
“you wanna hit?” you held out your vape to him. “it’s zero nicotine, but…”
“i’ll try it, yeah.”
“i kicked smoking a while ago but sometimes still need that buzz, so i picked up that little fella.”
“oh that’s not that bad.” joe’s eyes widened as smoke flowed out of his mouth.
“i know right? i like the flavor too. blue raspberry is pretty addicting.”
he chuckled. “i might just have to pick some of these up.”
you bit your lip before you said something you’d regret, mostly something along the lines of don’t worry i’ll get you one! because why the fuck would you buy a vape for your boss? well, you probably could consider him your friend, but that line was very blurred and you had no idea what was going on anymore. the two of you stood outside for twenty minutes, talking about anything and everything that popped up.
joe looked down at his watch and back up to you. “do you have a ride?”
“yeah, my cousin’s on her way. i live with her and my aunt.”
“i’ll wait with you then.”
“oh you don’t have to.”
“i insist. i’m not leaving you out here all alone.”
you smiled. “you’re very sweet, but jordan’s literally right around the corner. she’ll be here in like, two minutes.”
as if on cue, jordan pulled up and waved at you from the window, prompting you to turn to joe.
“see you monday?”
he squeezed your hand quickly as a goodbye. “see you monday.”
you couldn’t help but blush for the upteenth time that night as you cheekily smiled at him through the window, noticing the vape he still held in his hand as you drove off.
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circusgoth-dotcom · 3 months
Ship: Wade Wilson x Corey (one-off)
Word Count: 914
Summary: This one-off timeline is brought to you by; baby fever induced by seeing cute tiny humans in my day-to-day life and a rapidly approaching period. It was required for my mental health to write Wade being soft and dadly. CWs for Wade essentially breaking into my s/i's apartment (though there are no hard feelings in this situation), Wade being kind of stalkery, brief pregnancy mention.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Corey had, unwittingly and unknowingly, attracted and befriended one Deadpool a few months ago. Deadpool was a mercenary who was very particular about his branding… not once had Corey seen what was beneath the red and black spandex suit. Frankly, it hadn’t yet crossed his mind to ask. Corey was, among many things, a part-time bartender. Wade had come into their workplace, initially on duty, but became distracted by Corey’s “sad sexiness.” Wade had described him as a cemetery statue that had seen better days. It didn’t amuse him at the time, but he had grown to understand what his odd “friend” meant. Since that night, Wade had regularly visited Corey. Recently he had even begun to find him outside of work. He dreaded the day he showed up unannounced at his apartment.
Unfortunately, this was that day. Corey had been savouring a moment of peace with a mug of cocoa and his laptop when he heard a rattling at his window. He looked up and nearly spilt his drink when he saw Deadpool clinging to the false balcony and waving happily. He set aside his things and opened the window.
“What the Hell?” He hissed as the merc forced his way into the apartment.
“You weren’t picking up my calls so I decided I’d make sure you weren’t dead,” he grinned under his mask. “Luckily, you aren’t!”
“Keep it down…” Corey waved his hands down as he spoke in a lowered tone. “How did you find my address??”
Regrettably, Deadpool didn’t heed Corey’s request and continued to talk at his natural volume, which could border on loud if he was excited. “I put a tracker on your phone, duh. That’s how I knew it wasn’t dead, so something had to be up with you, specifically—”
“Shhh!!” Too late. A faint crying could be heard down the hall and Corey sighed, running his hands over his face. “I just put him down for a nap…”
The glaring white eyes of Deadpool’s mask blinked slowly as Corey bustled off. He soon followed, the cogs in his mind turning. He gasped as they entered a small nursery. In a wool-lined crib, a baby was fussing.
“Did the bad man wake you up, hm?” Corey cooed in a tired voice as he began to soothe the infant.
“You have a kid?!”
“Sorry, sorry…” He lowered his voice, “You have a kid??”
“I do.”
“But… you’re so young, I mean…”
Corey snorted. “Don’t have to tell me twice. If it wasn’t for my ex I wouldn’t be stuck with him.” He gently bounced the baby on his chest, pressing his nose against his head. “I wouldn’t give him up for the world.”
“How old is he?” The merc was being uncharacteristically gentle and still, as if simply standing in the same room as the child would cause him to combust.
“A year. His name’s Kinsey, after my ex’s grandfather. Went through the whole ordeal of getting me pregnant, manipulating me into having him, naming him, and then he… well, I threw him out because I was sick of his shit. But he refuses to pay child support. So it’s up to me to make sure little Kenny can afford to go to school, when the time comes.”
They were both quiet for a moment. Wade was imploding. Everything he thought he knew about Corey was flipped upside down in that moment, and he knew that he had to make a decision. Corey said something and it came to him muffled.
“I asked if you wanted to hold him.”
Wade completely froze. “Oh, uhm, I…”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. He’s almost back asleep.”
He stiffly held out his arms and made some sort of noise of encouragement. Corey gave him a funny look, then carefully lowered Kinsey into his arms. I haven’t done this in so long.
“You don’t have to hold your breath,” Corey teased lightly, placing a hand on his bicep. “He’s fragile, but you’re not going to hurt him by exhaling. This your first time holding a baby?”
“... No…” He slowly released his breath and let himself relax into muscle memory. “But I don’t really want to talk about that right now.”
Corey nodded. “That’s okay. I mean, this is the most vulnerable I’ve ever seen you, so I’m not going to judge… and I’m certainly not going to push you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.”
Another pause. “Why don’t you go sit down? You look exhausted. I can put him down.”
Corey hesitated, then tightened his grip on Wade’s arm. His expression was deadly serious. “I know this is just a little thing in the grand scheme, but I’m putting a lot of trust in you, Deadpool. That’s a huge fucking thing considering your line of work and general… haphazardness. Do you understand what I’m getting at here?”
“Yes,” Deadpool responded in an equally serious tone. I wouldn’t dream of hurting your kid. Even if he becomes a future hit, I’d kill the guy who put out the hit before even thinking of touching this rosy-cheeked bundle of joy.
“Good.” Corey’s hand relaxed and he left the room. Kinsey had finally fallen asleep.
“Don’t give your old man too much Hell, alright? He’s working really hard for you,” Wade whispered before putting him back in the crib. If I walk out now he’ll think I’m just like his ex. Damn it, I am such a fucking sap!
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02182023 · 1 year
how we met
i never thought dating apps worked (yes we met online booo i know) but i used them to go on fun dates after a long on again/off again with my ex of 5 years. i wasn’t sure i even wanted a relationship. i just wanted to be taken out and complimented and adored for the night. when we matched we talked about spider-man (my fav superhero) and then the convo sort of fizzled out. we added each other on insta and left it at that for awhile. we tried to meet up a few times, i ghosted him a few times, but eventually things worked out.. obviously.
first date
i posted a story on insta of this guy’s very creepy/shitty pick up line laughing at it. i didn’t think much of it. then my lovey, who was mostly a stranger at this point, slid up and made a joke about the random guy’s pick up line. we got to talking and he asked if i was free the next night and i decided i was in fact free. so we met up on dec.30.22 for kbbq which i had never had before. there was a long wait so we went to the bar down the street to get a drink while we waited. we talked like we had known each other forever. our bartender came to us and said, “how’s the night going? good? i can feel it.” it made me blush so bad because it was a good night and i was so excited to be connecting with someone the way i was with him. so we have dinner, he cut’s all the fat off the meat and slightly overcooks all the pieces i’m going to eat (something i mentioned to him at the bar was my weird fear of uncooked meat) and we talk. as we were leaving the restaurant he put his arm around me and said “i don’t want to stop talking” so we went back to the bar and the night continued. at the end of the date, he walked me to the car and at this point i had already decided i knew i wanted something with him. so i kissed him goodnight.
talking stage
after our first date we both deleted our dating apps and cut everyone else off. we both really enjoyed each other’s company. for the next two months we went on several dates. he always aligns our dates to things he knew i loved. art, disney, the stars and moon, ect. so to know why this next thing is so sweet for me, you need some background to my previous relationships. i dated a man that was beyond mean, just did not pay attention to me, didn’t know my favorite color or movie, thought i was gross on my period, put me down about my looks, said i was annoying all the time. in the first month of us seeing each other, i had a horrible cold, i bled on myself at his house, i got sick from drinking too much when i was meeting his friends for the first time.. i was nervous. but he remained so calm, patient, understanding. he reassured me it was all normal and okay. he never made me feel ashamed for anything, never called me disgusting or ugly in moments i probably did look pretty gross. it was bare minimum for everyone else but to me it was a sign that i picked someone with a genuine, pure heart.
this night he wanted to go to the club with his friends for one of their birthdays and asked me to come with them. i was hesitant, i went back and forth saying yes and no. eventually i agreed. we went out and had such a good night together. we left around 2 or 3am, grabbed some food to bring home. we laid in bed eating fries and talking about how much we enjoyed each other’s company. he just sort of blurted it out when he asked me to be his girlfriend. it made me so happy to hear him ask me that. so of course i said yes. and we’ve been dating ever since obviously.
first ‘i love you’
one of my fav movies is nerve so of course i forced my lovey to watch it with me one night. i am gushing about how in love the characters are and he’s laughing at me because “they just met, you can’t love someone that quickly, it takes time.” when he said that i remember my heart actually breaking a little. because at this point i knew i loved him. i wanted to tell him i loved him soon but i was nervous he wouldn’t feel the same. and his words made me believe he didn’t feel that way. i didn’t say anything, i hid how sad those words made me. so the next night i come over to his place to spend the night and he says he has to talk to me. i was so worried thinking he was going to end things. i kept asking myself what i did wrong or if he just wasn’t into me the way i was him. so we’re laying in bed on our sides, facing each other. and he keeps saying “just one second. give me a second.” now, i nervous laugh, so i was giggling the whole time which made him even more nervous to say what he needed to. eventually he says, “i know what i said about it taking time to know you love someone but i love you.” and when i tell you i wanted to jump up and down and celebrate this beautiful man loving me so badly. but of course i just said it back and kissed him and we snuggled all night.
the past year
this past year with him has shown me so much about what i expect in a relationship and how poorly i have allowed others to treat me. it’s also taught me a lot about myself, how i can be a better person and partner. we aren’t perfect, we get into disagreements, but we don’t scream, hit, degrade, nothing. we talk it out. that’s not to say we don’t sometimes have attitude but we never intentionally hurt each other. we communicate so well, our needs, likes/dislikes about the relationship, our wants. we correct things the moment the other brings up a concern we’re having. he takes me on dates frequently still. we compliment each other daily. we support each other with school, work, life. he spoils me with gifts and affection. we do mundane things together but it always feels like the best time of my life with him. we reassure each other on days we feel insecure or scared. my family loves him. his family loves me. my friends get along with him. i get along with his friends. it just seems we were meant to be apart of each other’s story. we love each other so unconditionally and i think it’s beautiful.
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skvatnavle · 3 years
Ice Cream
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Frankie Morales x reader
Summary: The guys want Frankie to move on, but he doesn't believe anyone would want him. Maybe you can make him change his mind?
Notes: A huge shout-out and much love to @pascalslittlebrat for helping me with this one and @yespolkadotkitty for beta reading ❤
Warnings: Insecurities, pining/yearning, sexual innuendos, kissing, fluff.
Words: 2253
Jealousy. That would be the word coming to mind, as Frankie sees Santi talking to yet another beautiful woman at the bar. Will and Benny sitting beside him, timing him. Picking up girls has always been Santi’s forte, slowly turning into a game of how fast he can get them to say yes.
When he finally gets up and the beautiful woman follows him to the bathroom, he smirks over his shoulder at the guys.
“40 fucking seconds! Must be a new record.” Benny sounds impressed, smiling towards the bathroom.
“Nah… Seen him do it in 20 seconds once” Frankie counters, trying not to sound bitter.
The others were excited for their friend, but Frankie can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. Never been much of a ladies man, always been a little insecure. Especially after Lori packed her shit and left him alone with a two-year-old.
When Santi returns from the bathroom, it’s with a shit eating grin on his face. Sitting down, he sips his beer, looking at the others. “So… When are you guys getting into the game?”
“I think my girl would hate that” Will smiles softly.
“And you know I can’t compete with either of you.”
They all look at Frankie. He doesn’t even look at them, just fiddles with the label on his beer. Santi scoots closer, putting an arm around his friend.
“Come on, Fish. You get girls… Okay, maybe not in 40 seconds. But you get 'em.”
Frankie looks up and flips him off. “Pendejo.”
But all Santi does is smile, squeezing Frankie’s shoulders gently. “Any woman would be lucky to have you. And you should definitely get back in the game.”
There is a sudden silence between them, Santi moving into sensitive territory. Benny senses the tension and moves closer to Frankie, trying to soften the situation.
“It… It’s been almost two years, Frankie. We just want to see you happy again, that’s all."
Frankie just nods, emptying his beer. He looks down, before getting to his feet.
“I… I’ll go get another one.”
“Fish-” Santi tries, but Frankie is already walking towards the bar, ignoring him. As he reaches the bar, he sits down, exhaling sharply.
“Having a rough night?”
He looks up into the most beautiful eyes he’s ever seen. Immediately interested, he smiles softly, even if that little voice tells him he doesn’t have a chance.
“Yeah, something like that…”
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You’re instantly captivated by the deep, smooth voice of the stranger next to you. His beautiful eyes are soft yet filled with… hurt? Insecurity? Not sure you even have a chance with a man as beautiful as him, you still ask him softly;
“Wanna talk about it?”
The look he gives you sends shivers down your spine. Like he is gazing into your soul, maybe to see if you really mean it.
“Nah, don’t want to bother you with my problems, querida, but thanks,” he says with a sigh before he turns to the bartender and orders a new beer.
Afraid to push your luck, you try again. “Honestly, I got stood up, so you’d do me a favor,” you chuckle lightly, as his eyes move to you again. “Keeping me company before I go home and watch bad tv alone”.
Frankie can’t believe it. Is this really happening? Does this beautiful woman actually wanna talk to him? Her smile and the way she looks at him, makes him feel that she could actually be interested. He turns towards her.
“Well… My friends are pushing me to move on. I… My wife left me two years ago.”
“And you’re sad because you don’t want to move on?” you try softly.
Frankie smiles as he looks into her eyes. Thinking that he might as well be honest since he probably doesn’t have a chance anyway.
“No, I… I have a kid. Complicates things. Plus,” he fiddles a little with the label on the bottle, biting his lip, before he looks into your eyes again, ”I’m too old for anyone to want me.”
You can’t believe what you’re hearing. Does this beautiful man next to you not know how attractive he is? The small curls at the nape of his neck, begging to be played with. His full kissable lips begging to be kissed. His deep chocolate eyes. The small dimple on display, even at the faintest smile.
If only he knew the effect he had on you. The effect he must have on every woman he comes across.
“I wouldn’t call you old. What’s your name?”
“Francisco. Ehm, friends call me Frankie.”
You lean a little closer, smiling at him. “Frankie, I’m sure a lot of women would love to get to know you. You just don’t see it.”
He smiles softly, that cute dimple on display again.
“Maybe you’re right… ehm?” he pauses, as he silently begs for your name.
As you say your name, Frankie repeats it. Trying it out. He likes it, smiling a little wider. He extends his hand and when you take it, all he can think about is how soft your skin is against his. How small your hand is in his. You lean in closer, almost whispering.
“There are three men staring at us. Friends of yours?” you giggle softly, a cute sound that instantly makes Frankie’s heart flutter.
“A Latino and two blondes?”
When you nod, he huffs softly, looking into your eyes with a grin on his face. “Yeah, that’s my friends. Probably thinking I’m hitting on you and waiting for me to fail miserably.”
He laughs in defeat, thinking that he has a snowball's chance in hell with a beautiful woman like you. Should have just gone back to the table, save himself the humiliation.
But then your face changes. A mischievous smile forming, you look into his eyes.
“You know,” you start, “I was gonna go home alone and eat some ice cream… watch a bad scary movie… You wanna join me?”
For a second feels as if time stands still. Did he hear you right? Did you just invite him home?
You look at him, as silence falls between you. He looks taken aback, which just makes you like him even more. His insecurity is endearing, and you bite your lip, smiling softly at him.
After what feels like forever, he finally speaks. ” Seriously?”
“Yeah,” you shrug your shoulders, smiling, “I would get some company and you could lie to your friends and tell them whatever you want.”
You just smile at him gently, as he takes in your words. Whether it’s from shock or because he’s just not interested, you don’t know. But your heart, beating faster, tells you how much you hope he says yes.
“So. You wanna go? No funny business, I swear. Just crappy tv and ice cream.” Your smile is beautiful, and Frankie feels his heart beat faster. A sudden wave of nervousness washes over him, but he still gives you a small smile and nods. You both stand and as you walk towards the door, the guys are shocked, their jaws almost dropped to the floor.
“Did… Did that just happen?” A smirk slowly graces Santi’s face.
Benny laughs, looking at the door as Frankie disappears with the woman. ”Sure did.”
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You open the door to your apartment, and you thank all possible gods for cleaning before you left for your failed date. Frankie walks in behind you and instantly his phone buzzes. When he looks at the screen, he just smiles and laughs softly. The sound is wonderful and it makes your stomach flip.
“The boys?” you ask softly.
“Yeah. Wanting to know everything.” A small smirk forms as he looks up into your eyes. Fuck, could he get anymore gorgeous?
“You should wait with a reply until morning. Really give them something to talk about,” you giggle as you make your way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, you look at him again.
“So… I have chocolate, chocolate chip, strawberry and pistachio. What tickles your fancy?”
Frankie swears for a second his heart stopped beating. The smile you gave him is the most beautiful smile he’s ever seen. Fuck, would it be a cliché to say your smile lights up your face? Hell, the entire room?
He smiles softly and walks closer, feeling his palms get sweaty. He shouldn’t be this nervous. He’s a grown ass man, for God’s sake.
“How about all of them?” he counters.
You smile before taking all the flavors out of the freezer. Frankie steals a glance at your ass as you bend over to get the ice cream. He catches himself staring and quickly looks away before you turn around, afraid to get caught.
He reminds himself that you said no funny business, but as you turn and give him another smile, vibrant and happy, he can’t help but think how hard he has to fight himself to keep his hands to himself.
You can’t help but notice the way he looks at you. You try to supress the growing feeling of butterflies in your stomach, as you make your way towards him, setting the ice cream down on the counter.
“Bowl’s are in the cabinet behind you.”
When Frankie turns to get the bowls, you can’t help but look him up and down, quickly. A nice little ass and a broad strong back. You smile to yourself, finding it hard to deny the attraction.
You open the drawer and get the spoons, before nodding towards the couch. As you make your way to your living room, you smile at the beautiful man beside you.
“So, what’s your favorite scary movie?”
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The first part of the movie, you learn a little about the man beside you. Ex-military, working as a mechanic, trying his best to be a good father to his daughter. For every word, you feel yourself falling a little harder for him.
You look over at Frankie, seeing some ice cream on his bottom lip. Without thinking, you reach out and gently caress his lip with your thumb, swiping away the ice cream. Frankie looks into your eyes.
“You… had a little something-”
Frankie swallows a huge lump and stares deeply into your eyes. He then leans forward and plants a soft, quick kiss on your lips. As he pulls away, you smile softly, surprised by the kiss.
Frankie realizes what he did and clears his throat.
“Ehm… You have more chocolate over there?”
You bite your bottom lip and put the container closer to him. He takes some ice cream and smiles at you, as he licks the chocolate off the spoon. You swallow hard, eyes flickering to his lips and back at his eyes, feeling yourself grow flustered at the thoughts of his tongue running through your head.
He couldn’t help but notice how your eyes widened when he licked the spoon. If only you knew what he would rather have done. He could already feel himself harden at the thought, but he won’t do anything tonight. This is the best thing that’s happened to him in years, and he won’t risk it by moving too fast.
You both look back at the screen, suddenly finding it harder to concentrate on the movie.
Frankie slowly puts his arm on the backrest, silently inviting you to lean in closer.
You’re quick to follow, wanting nothing more than to be closer to Frankie. As you come closer, your heart beats faster. He is so warm and inviting, you can’t help but nuzzle closer. You hold the small bucket of ice cream between you, as he scoops up some of it.
“Tell me more about yourself, Frankie," you prompt.
And he does. The minutes quickly turn into an hour, the movie long forgotten and the ice cream already melted. But neither of you care. You haven’t left his side, listening, his deep voice captivating you.
His hand softly caresses your arms, not wanting to let you go, as he gets to know you better. Now and then, there’s a comfortable silence, none of you say anything. Just enjoying each other’s company.
But then he shifts a little, turning his body slightly towards you. When you look into his eyes, he could swear his heart skipped a beat. He gently cups your cheek, his pulse quickening.
“I… I really want to kiss you again… Can I?”
You nod softly, afraid your voice would fail you if you tried to speak. Frankie closes the distance between you, pulling you towards him. When your lips finally meet, for a second, all that exists are his lips against yours. His mustache tickles you slightly, but you don’t mind. In fact, your entire body is begging for more.
You place a hand on his chest, grabbing onto the fabric of his shirt, willing him closer to you.
Frankie deepens the kiss, wanting more. Already addicted to the feeling of your soft, plump lips against his. HIs entire body is tingling with excitement, your touch like small bolts of lightning. He wants more, so much more, but he stops himself. It’s been a long time since he’s felt like this and he’s afraid of ruining it.
He pulls away gently, resting his forehead against yours. He exhales sharply, overwhelmed.
“Too much?” you ask him softly, nothing but love and understanding in your voice.
“Yeah, but still not enough.”
He chuckles, relieved. You’re everything he could have wanted and more. Maybe this could really be the start of something new.
Thank you so much for reading <3
Tagging a few people: @lucy-sky @pascalnerdery @pascalslittlebrat @yespolkadotkitty @loverhymeswith @a-reader-and-a-writer @mindidjarin @chasingdreamer @wardenparker @sherala007 @songsformonkeys @221bshrlocked @bison-writes @fan-of-encouragement @pilothusband @wyn-n-tonic @thirstworldproblemss
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Summary: Y/N (stylist!yn) applies to be a styling intern for the One Direction crew during the Where We Are tour. As she gets better at her job and closer to the band and crew (especially Harry Styles), some of her dreams seem to be coming true, but so are some of her fears.
A/N: Oof. I'm an emotional wreck over here. I think this is my best chapter yet. It definitely is my longest. I have been waiting to write this since... well, a very long time for sure. I hope you like reading it as much as I liked writing it!
>> Warnings: Some language (always), mild jealousy, alcohol consumption, partying, mentions of parental cheating
June 30th, 2015
It's Natalie's birthday, so you and Levi planned a little getaway. Of course, she caught on quickly, so it wasn't a surprise anymore. And she asked for just a few, specific things.
She wants it on the beach, she wants your close friends there, and she wants a lot of alcohol.
As you pull up, with Natalie and Levi, to the beach house you have rented, you feel an extreme amount of excitement building up. A beach party in general is fun, but a 'Natalie' beach party is going to be something else.
It's a big house. It has a wrap-around porch, tons of windows, a pool, and a staircase leading directly to the beach. It is beautiful, and perfect for the party.
You claim a room with an ocean view, before everyone else arrives, and open the back doors to let the breeze blow in.
There's suddenly some chatter downstairs, which lets you know that some others have arrived, so you head back out.
The girls squeal when they see you. Jade and Dana run up and give you a big group hug.
"Dream Team together again!" Jade shouts.
"Okay, this is clearly not for me…" Levi states, grabbing his bags and taking them to the room Natalie picked.
The four of you giggle.
"I'm so glad you could come!" Natalie exclaims.
"We can only stay til the morning, but we wouldn't miss it! This one told us about your parties!" Dana points to you. "It's going to be amazing!"
"It is now!" You hear coming from the front door, seeing Niall walk with Louis right behind him.
"Hell yes!" Louis adds. "What am I agreeing to?"
You all laugh.
The rounds are made of hugs and hellos, and once everyone is settled into rooms, you all gather on the couches and chairs in the living room.
"Anybody else coming to this shindig?" Niall asks. "I know Payno can't."
"Yeah. Three of my cousins- Hunter, Heidi, and Heather. You guys know Heather."
"Oh, Heather? She's cool." Louis states.
"Yeah, plus another old friend from school, Charlotte." She looks over at you, seeing you smile because you know her. "And, Harry."
Everybody turns toward you.
"Oh, fuck off you guys!" You shake your head.
"Literally, no one said anything Y/N." Dana chuckles.
"You're all impossible."
"Pot calling the kettle…" Louis replies.
You glare at them all and stand up dramatically. "I need a drink already!"
"Good idea, bartender. She winks.
You roll your eyes and walk to the kitchen island where all the alcohol is sitting.
You pour Natalie the first drink, seeing her walk up to the counter.
"It's okay that he's coming, right?" She asks.
"Of course. We're good." You nod. "Nothing weird or bad is gonna happen."
"So you're back to denying your feelings again?" She takes a sip of her drink. "I can't keep up!"
You sigh. "He just broke up with a fucking supermodel! Why would I even try to compete with that?"
"Uh, yeah, because he broke up with her for you!" Natalie exclaims.
"What? No he didn't… did he say that?"
"Well… no…"
"Okay then." You reply.
"You both are fucking ridiculous." She growls, grabbing her drink and walking back to the couch with everyone.
You frown at her, even though her back is turned to you, and pour yourself a shot of tequila. It's not your usual at all, but you can tell you're going to need it.
"Oi oi!" Louis shouts causing your eyes to snap over to the front door.
In walks Harry, wearing his usual black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a blue and green tropical print. Only a few buttons are done up, showing part of his sparrows and the top of his butterfly tattoo. His sunglasses are on top of his head and you notice how his beautiful curls are getting longer, sitting below his shoulders.
[Fuck, he's so gorgeous, it's not fair]
You feel your heart pounding as he walks over to you and stops at the counter.
He turns around to the group on the couches.
"Happy Birthday, Nat." He shouts.
"Damn right it is!" She throws up her hands and cheers. "Thank you!"
You chuckle and Harry turns back to you, dropping his bag on the stool next to him.
"This is gonna be interesting, isn't it." He states.
"I expect nothing less." You smile and shake your head. "Can I make you a drink?"
"Oh! Umm… sure. I'll take one of those." He points to the bottle of tequila and shot glass in your hand.
You pour him one, cheers with your empty glass, and watch him slam it down.
"Why are you doing shots? You don't like tequila…" He asks.
"You kind of need them for Natalie's parties." You chuckle.
"Oh! So it is definitely going to be interesting."
You nod. "It hasn't even started."
His eyes get wider. "Oh god."
You giggle, trying to hide the fact that you are biting your lip unintentionally.
"M'gonna find a bed and prepare myself for… all this…" he winks, and you can't help but watch him walk away.
Your eyes find Natalie, who is wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
[You'll definitely need a few shots tonight]
After everyone else shows up, and Heidi and Charlotte are done fawning over the boys of One Direction, the party gets into full swing.
Charlotte has made her way to the spot on the couch next to Harry, and he is focused on his conversation with her. She's your school friend, and you're happy she's here, but your jaw is clenched as you watch them from the other side of the room.
You feel a nudge against your arm.
"Whatcha doin Superstar?" Niall asks.
"Just hanging out."
"And maybe trying to summon some mind powers to shove your friend off the couch?" Niall laughs.
You see Harry's eyes subtly shift to you out of his peripherals, but keeps his focus on Charlotte.
You shake your head. "No…"
"Yeah okay Y/N."
"Niall, knock it off." You scold.
He brings his hands up in defense. "Okay. Just figured, with ya feelings and all, you'd… take this opportunity or something…"
"Opportunity for what exactly?" You glare at him.
"You two are impossible." He sighs. "I'm getting another beer."
He walks away and you roll your eyes.
[Nothing is going to happen. Not that you don't kind of want it to, but… it's just complicated, and you're scared. He broke up with a supermodel… so if she wasn't good enough then you know definitely aren't]
You feel another nudge on your arm and turn to see Natalie's cousin, Hunter.
"It's been a fucking long time, dude." You smile.
"Yeah, like, who the hell are you now?" He laughs and you give him a hug.
"That's a good question!" You laugh in reply.
You look back over to see Charlotte laughing as Harry tells her something funny.
Your chest tightens and you look back to Hunter, who happens to be looking in the same direction.
"I need a shot."
"Same." He replies.
He follows you over to the kitchen, and you jump up onto the counter, pouring two more shots. You down it quickly and as you look over to the couches, you see Harry's head turn back to Charlotte. He says something, she nods, and he gets up from the couch.
Your heart starts to race again as he walks over towards you.
As he gets to you, he reaches his hand out to Hunter. "Hey mate, I'm Harry."
"Yeah, man, it's nice to finally meet you. I'm Heather's brother, so I hear a lot about you guys."
"Oh, right. Awesome." He looks at you. "May I have another, please?"
You nod, hand him another shot, and he lifts it up. "Cheers." He shoots it back and places the glass on the counter.
Hunter touches your arm and leans in. "I'm gonna chat with Charlotte real quick, I'll catch up with you later."
"Have fun…" you reply.
Harry's gaze follows Hunter as he walks over to Charlotte, and you watch Harry.
"I know he's liked her for a while, but no moves have been made, so you don't have to worry." You state, clearing your throat as Harry's head snaps back to look at you.
"What? No. I don't…" he furrows his brow. "No, we were just chatting."
"Oh. Okay." You reply, feeling relieved and a little foolish for potentially sounding jealous.
"Are you having fun?" He asks, leaning against the counter.
You shrug. "Yeah. You?"
He shrugs too. "I'm waiting for it to get crazy."
You laugh, and look over at Natalie, who is turning up the music as Levi sets up some red solo cups on a table.
"Well, I think it's about to…" you gesture towards your friends.
"Really? Beer pong?" He asks.
"Not exactly…" you respond.
"Tequila Pong!!" Natalie shouts, and everyone around her cheers.
You shake your head as Harry's mouth drops open.
"Y/N! Get your ass over here!" Natalie shouts.
You look over at Harry, his mouth still open, and shake your head when you turn back to Natalie.
She pouts. "It's my birthday, you're my partner, and you're also the reigning champ!"
Harry lets out a huge laugh. "Oh my god!"
You smack his arm and hop off the counter, shrugging at Harry as you make your way to the table.
"I've gotta see this." He states as he follows close behind.
The first two games end quickly. Natalie wasn't lying, you are very good at it.
Harry is standing close to the opposite end of the table with one arm across his chest and the other pulling on his lip, as he watches intently.
"Okay friends. Niall and Louis, lost. Hunter and Charlotte, lost. So who's next?" Natalie asks, pointing around at the group.
"I'll have a go at it." Harry states.
"Really?" You chuckle.
"Yeah, seems easy enough." He replies, and you let out a huge laugh.
"Okay, cocky. Hope it's not a huge blow to that ego when you lose."
He smirks at your trash talk and you stick your tongue out at him.
Levi steps up to be his partner and Natalie bounces in excitement. You motion for them to start.
Harry sinks his first shot and your mouth drops open this time.
"I think my ego will be fine." He winks.
You squint at him and take your own shot, also sinking it into the cup.
After a lot of back and forth, almost all of the cups are empty, leaving one cup on each side of the table. Both Natalie and Levi miss their shots, so it's down to you and Harry. He goes first and it bounces right over the rim. He throws up his hands and the group on his side all groan.
Now it's up to you and you focus as you line up your shot. Your eyes momentarily snap up to Harry as he bites his bottom lip.
"Don't miss." He whispers, and you keep your eyes on him as you take the shot, landing it right into the middle of the cup. Everyone on your side cheers and Harry bows to you.
He shuffles around the table to your side and shakes your hand. "Well played."
"You too. Wasn't expecting that."
"I can say the same."
He licks his lips and pulls them in, then looks down to see that you two are still shaking hands.
He clears his throat. "You were right, this did get wild."
You let out a big laugh. "Oh no, no. Trust me, there's more."
You hold up your finger, knowing exactly how Natalie will continue the night.
"What do we do next?" Natalie asks. "Never Have I Ever?"
You slightly lean towards Harry and whisper "or strip poker."
"Or strip poker?" Natalie adds.
Harry holds in a laugh.
"Strip poker!" He yells.
"What?" You yell back.
"I hate Never Have I Ever. We do it so much in interviews and it never turns out well for me." He replies.
Much to your relief, most of the group votes for the game that Harry hates, and he groans.
You each have a drink in hand, only having to take tiny sips if you answer that you've done it. You find a seat on the couch and watch as Harry sits in a chair directly across from you.
You feel pretty good about the statements you have had to drink for. You admit to skinny-dipping, like you did that one night with the guys. You also admit to having a one night stand, which was in high school, and sneaking out of your house to go to a party. Then it was Natalie's turn. She is looking in the direction of Louis.
"Never have I ever… slept with someone sort of famous…"
Your entire body freezes and your eyes dart over to hers. She drops her head and you can barely make out her whispering "shit".
You look over at Harry and close your eyes. You, Harry, and Heidi each take a drink.
"Heidi? Who did you sleep with?" Heather asks.
"That guy from that band… Stationed… or something like that?"
"That's a local band, sis, that's not even close to famous…" Natalie states, causing Heidi to shrug.
"Well, we all figured that Harry would be sipping." Charlotte giggled. "But who was yours Y/N?"
You shake your head. "I can't say."
"Oh, come on… who was it?" She asks.
You look over at Natalie again, and shake your head.
"She doesn't have to answer. Let's move on. I think it's your turn, babe. Last question." She points to Levi.
You clear your throat as Levi asks something about smoking weed, but your head stays down.
As soon as the game ends, you stand straight up off the couch and Natalie quickly shuffles over to you. "I'm so fucking sorry Y/N/N. I was looking at Niall and Louis when I asked. Kind of surprised they didn't drink. But I'm so sorry!"
"I need some air." You turn and walk out to the back patio, sitting in one of the lounge chairs.
Eyes closed and head back, you hear the door open.
"I'm fine, Nat." You state.
"Not Nat." Niall says.
"Hey." You open your eyes and sit up.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Yeah." You nod. "The question just caught me off guard."
"Right." He nods. "But what about everything else?"
You furrow your brow and look right at him. "What's everything else?"
He sighs. "Fucking hell, Y/N/N. Why are you making yourself miserable?"
You gasp slightly.
"You still love Harry. I know it, you know it. I think half the people here know it." He adds. "You're not with that asshole Ryan, he's not with Candice. Just talk to him!"
"It's too complicated…" you respond.
"Nothing will happen if you don't talk to him." He replies.
"I don't know if I want anything to happen."
"Oh, c'mon, that's not tru-"
"Yes it is, Niall!" You huff out. "I'm not enough, I wasn't enough, and I don't want to put myself through that again."
"He figured I couldn't handle being with him and maybe he was right. Maybe I can't keep up. He shouldn't have to worry about going out in public with the person he's with. I'm not Candice. She's a fucking supermodel. She's used to that lifestyle. That's what he needs. Well, someone like that anyway."
A few tears start to form and you wipe them away.
"Y/N, stop. None of that's true."
You shake your head. "I just want to be his friend. I can still be in his life and he can have whatever he needs with someone else."
"But you love him." He argues.
"I don't think that's enough anymore."
The door opens again and you both look over to see Harry standing in the doorway.
You clear your throat. "Hey."
"Well, I'm gonna grab a drink. See you inside." He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek, then pats Harry's shoulder as he walks back into the house.
You blow out a deep breath, trying to keep composure as he takes the seat where Niall was just sitting.
"You alright?" He asks.
"Yeah. Sorry. Just maybe a bit too drunk."
"You don't have to be sorry."
You shrug. "I wouldn't have made it awkward in there if I wasn't."
"Natalie asked the stupid question." He growls. "And I'm the one who… who made it so you had to answer it…"
You look directly into his intoxicating green eyes, making you feel as if you could be drunk on them alone, even without the alcohol.
[No, dummy, you feel that way because of the alcohol]
"I'm… I'm not upset that I had to answer it… I…" You attempt to lean forward on the edge of the lounge chair but it starts to tip, causing you to start to fall off. You grab Harry's shoulder as he grabs your hand, pulling you up as he stands.
"Shit." You smack your hand on your forehead.
"Maybe we should get you inside. Maybe to bed." He suggests.
You pout. "I'm drunk but I'm not that drunk. Just… not as coordinated as usual."
He chuckles. "Are you sure? I don't want you hurting yourself."
"You're so sweet." You immediately blush and clear your throat. "I'll be fine. The party isn't over yet."
"It's probably winding down now… are they playing 'spin the bottle'?"
He bursts out laughing. "Yes!"
"Okay, I think she's about to order about ten pizzas and suggest watching a movie."
"What, is like every party exactly the same?"
"No." You shake your head. "But I know her too well."
He nods.
"Plus she told me her plans." You smirk.
His mouth drops open. "Oh my god, you little…"
You burst out laughing this time. "That was fun!"
He glares at you, looking down at your big grin, then back to your eyes.
"I can't believe you."
He is still holding your hand as he opens the door to go back inside, and you let go before you walk through the doorway behind him.
He looks back at you and drops his head for a second.
"Okay, how many pepperoni?" Natalie asks, causing you to giggle as Harry looks back at you again, this time with a big, dimpled smirk.
[Damn, you've missed that smirk. Shit. No!]
You hum slightly as you take a deep breath in, feeling your heart flutter.
[Oh, whatever, you're drunk, you can admire it]
July 1st, 2015
You wake up on the couch, with a blanket laying on top of you. You sit up slightly, feeling a decently painful throb.
"Oh my god." You groan, holding one side of your head.
You hear another groan coming from someone on the floor next to you and you peer over to see Harry laying there with just a pillow under his head.
"Shit." He states, squinting as he tries to adjust his eyes to the light.
"Harry? Did you sleep on the floor all night?"
"Mhmm." He hums.
"I… well, you were pretty drunk… I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"You were drunk too…" you reply.
"Yeah, but I wasn't twirling around, with a whisk in my hand, belting out 'Don't Stop Believing' over and over."
Your cheeks are flooded with embarrassment. "Oh my god… I didn't…"
He nods.
"Did I do anything else stupid?"
He scoffs. "It wasn't stupid! It was probably the best part of the night."
You smile.
"My favorite part at least." He utters under his breath.
You gasp slightly.
He clears his throat and slowly starts to stand up. "I'll make coffee."
"Thank you. I'm going to take a quick shower." You get up from the couch and make your way to the bedroom, grabbing some clothes, and going to the bathroom.
As you let the water wash over your body, moments from the night before start coming back.
You remember sitting on the couch all together as you ate your pizza, with your legs draped over Harry's. You remember giggling during the entire movie. Of course, you now remember singing and dancing around with that damn whisk.
You shake your head and laugh at yourself, washing the conditioner out of your hair. As you turn off the shower, and wrap yourself in a towel, you gasp.
You remember something else. You remember that you tried to kiss Harry.
"No! Fuck! No!" You groan, keeping as quiet as possible.
And then you also remember that he pulled away.
"Oh my god. Y/N, you idiot!"
You get dressed in a black tank top and jean shorts over your swimsuit, throwing your hair back in a low bun.
You stop at your door, extremely nervous to walk out there and face Harry, embarrassed about your actions last night.
[He rejected you. Of course he did, you dummy]
You take a deep breath and head back out to the kitchen. You hear a bit of clanking around, and as you turn the corner, you see Harry making breakfast. Or brunch, rather.
"Smells so good." You state, taking in the scent of the delicious food he has prepared.
"Thought I'd make some hangover food that I know you like."
"Oh?" You reply.
"Breakfast burritos!" He grins.
You giggle. "That's perfect."
He puts one on a plate and places it in front of you. "How're you feeling now?"
"The shower definitely helped." You take a bite and then look directly at him. "Some embarrassing memories came flooding back though."
"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"Definitely remember the singing and dancing now."
He grins.
"And, just, like the movie and stuff." You gulp. "Did I do any other stupid things I should know about?"
He looks down at his burrito and then back up at you.
[Shit. He remembers…]
"No. You didn't do anything stupid." He gives you a smirk and then takes a bite of his food.
You exhale. "Oh good."
[Good! Maybe he doesn't remember]
He clears his throat. "I, uh, saw everyone outside on the beach. Wanna go down there?"
You smile and nod. "Okay."
You grab your sunglasses as he goes to change. You take some breaths to calm down your nerves, but they only come right back as Harry walks back out.
He's got on a dark blue button up, with literally no buttons done, completely open and showing all of his tattoos.
[Holy fuck]
He has on white swim shorts and a sunglasses sitting on top of those gorgeous locks.
[Well, if you were drunk right now you would definitely be attempting to kiss him…]
"Ready?" He asks.
He motions for you to lead the way and you both head out of the door, down the patio steps, and right onto the beach.
You drop your towel, put your sunglasses on, and jog over to your friends.
"Hey pretty lady. How do you feel?" Natalie asks.
"Good… what about you?"
"The night is a blur but I feel fine." She replies, causing you to glare at her apparent lack of a hangover.
"Hey, love! We need another player! Wanna join." Louis asks.
"For what?"
"Volleyball! We had to makeshift a net and shit but it works."
You look over at Harry, who is sitting on his towel, with his knees pulled towards him, reading a book.
[Maybe this will take your mind off of the stupid drunken stunt you tried to pull last night]
"I'm not gonna turn down an opportunity to kick your ass!" You joke.
"You're on my team, you little shit!" Louis exclaims.
"Oh." You bend over laughing.
He shakes his head and you walk over with him to the volleyball court they've seemed to have made.
If Harry thought he couldn't love you more, he was wrong. And it's killing him.
Watching you laugh, hitting the ball around, and joking with all your friends… it's bringing him so much joy, and yet so much pain.
He thinks about how you tried to kiss him last night. He so badly wanted your lips on his, but he knew you were drunk, and didn't want you to regret anything in the morning. He didn't want to pull away, at all, but he knew he had to.
You don't seem to remember it anyway. You didn't bring it up in the list of memories that came to you in the shower. He feels as if that proves it would've just been a drunken mistake for you.
He wasn't lying when he said you didn't do anything stupid. It wasn't stupid to him. But it's hard to not want to kiss you right now, so he will just sit and watch from afar, so that he doesn't do anything stupid himself.
He's got his book, but he can't seem to keep focused on it. Whenever he hears you laugh, he looks over. He misses hearing that sound every day.
He sighs and lays back on the towel, covering his eyes with his arms.
He takes a few deep breaths to calm down his heartbeat when he hears a shuffling near him. He opens his eyes and looks to the side.
"You don't want to join in on the fun?" Natalie asks, reaching around into her small bag.
"I'm having fun…" he replies.
"I can sit out if you wanna play…"
He props himself up on his elbow and looks over to you, sighing when he hears you laugh again.
Natalie drops down to sit by her bag, but looks over to him.
"Yeah?" He looks over to her.
"Please talk to her."
She sighs. "You're going to be miserable until you do."
"Why the hell do you care, Nat? You hate me." He scoffs.
"Honestly, I don't know why I care." She shrugs. "But… I don't hate you. I just hate what you did."
"I hate it too."
"So why not just talk to her?" She asks, brow furrowed out of confusion.
"She…" he looks over to you, seeing you laugh while you bump into Louis as you both run for the ball. "She deserves everything good."
"And I already failed." He sighs.
Natalie brings her fingers up to the bridge of her nose. "I can't believe I'm about to say this, but everybody makes mistakes, Harry. And… I know you love her…"
"I'll settle for friendship. I still want to be in her life, I'll take what I can get."
"But you love her, Harry!" Natalie shouts, looking to the group to see if anyone heard.
"She deserves more."
Natalie smiles as she finds her phone in her bag and stands up. "Well, figure it the fuck out, because both of you are annoying the hell out of me!"
"Okay, party pooper. Come join in if you want to play." And Natalie runs off to rejoin the group.
Heather, Heidi, and Charlotte went inside after some short time in the water. Hunter soon followed.
The rest of you finish your game of volleyball and decide to head into the water to cool off. The others are already in just their swimsuits, but you run back to your towel to take off your top layers.
As you get to your towel, and kneel down, you try to peek under Harry's arms to see if he's awake.
"Hey!" You whisper.
You see a small smirk form and he moves his arms to look over at you.
"We're going in the water. You should come."
"I don't know…" He replies.
You grunt. "Boo." You pull your tank top over your head and remove your shorts. All you have left on is your black bikini with a white patterned trim. You stand up, putting your hands on your hips.
"Okay you big snooze. I'll see you back here." You walk off to the water and just as you reach the shoreline, you feel a warm presence next to you.
At your side stands Harry, looking down at you as he twists his hair up into a bun. You both look at the ocean for a moment.
"It's pretty, isn't it?" You ask.
He doesn't reply, so you look over to him and find him staring out at the water too. Your eyes roll over his perfect jawline and glistening green eyes.
He takes a few steps into the water and looks back at you with a mischievous look. He grabs your wrist and pulls you in.
"Come on ya big snooze!" He exclaims, causing you to burst out laughing.
He lets go of your wrist as you both wade in further to join your friends, getting about waist deep.
You talk about the night before and the next leg of the tour, before Niall and Louis decide to go back so they can find the local pub they heard about.
Natalie and Levi mention they are going back in too, leaving you and Harry alone in the ocean. You both wade in just a little deeper, so that the water is right under your chest.
"Does it make us lame, or fun, that we've stayed out here?" You chuckle.
"Definitely fun. I'm here!" Harry replies.
"Oh right, I forgot, you're the king of partying." You chuckle as you roll your eyes, remembering how many times he chose to stay at the hotel rather than go out.
[But maybe that was because of you]
"There's someone who could take that title." He chuckles.
"Oh yeah? Who?"
"The champ of 'Tequila Pong' and new lead singer of Journey."
Your mouth drops open and you splash water in his face. He cups his hands to splash you back.
"Don't. You. Dare." You warn him.
"Or what?" He smirks.
"Yeah… I've got no leverage here… but you're a nice guy…" you pout.
"Hmmm… okay…" he frowns, but pulls his hands away. "You're lucky I like ya."
You subtly gasp.
[It feels so good, and so sad, to hear him say it, even just casually like that]
Your thoughts are broken up as you hear shouting from the shore.
"Can you even understand what Nat is saying?" You ask.
"Something about… drinks… soon…?" Harry squints, like he is trying to read her lips.
"Okay…" you yell to her, seeing her run back to the house, and you turn back to Harry.
"Should we go in?" You ask.
He looks at you, letting out the mildest grunt, before looking back out into the sea.
"M'gonna stay out here a little longer. I like the quiet." He replies.
You just look at him, admiring every beautiful feature of his face, and the pensive look he has displayed on it.
You two have a little conversation about vacations with your families, and then float on your backs for a little while, just enjoying the peace as the sky gets darker.
Suddenly, something hits both of your faces and you open your eyes.
"Is it fucking raining? In July?" He asks, frowning as some raindrops hit his face.
"Let's go in." You giggle, starting to wade back to shore.
As you get about thigh level, you lose your footing for a second and Harry grabs your waist to keep you steady. You instinctively place your hands on his, then stop walking and stand up straighter.
"Good?" He asks.
"Yeah." You let out, as breathy as an answer could be. You clear your throat and let go of his hands, as he lets go of your hips, but then he reaches down for the hand closest to his and walks in front to lead the rest of the way in. Your heart starts thumping and you're thankful that the noise of the ocean is drowning it out.
[Can you have a heart attack from being so overwhelmed by someone? Shit.]
You get to your stuff, and grab it all, running back to the house as heavier raindrops fall down on the both of you.
You compose yourselves on the patio, drying off and wiping the sand off your legs.
You look up to see Harry looking down at you, a smile on his face and almost a twinkle in his eyes.
"What?" You smile back.
He shakes his head, keeping his smile. "Nothing."
You stand up straight and unintentionally scoot closer. "Come on. What?"
You can feel his breath on your face now and see him look down at your lips, pushing out a strong exhale which touches your face instantly. Your breathing immediately speeds up.
He shrugs. "M'just having a good time."
You bite your lower lip. "Me too."
[Get it together Y/N… he's a big flirt. That's all. He rejected your kiss, remember?]
You can feel yourself start to blush, so you open the door, and as you look inside you realize that no one else is in the house.
"Where'd everyone go?" Harry asks, walking in right behind you.
"They can't all be in bed, right?"
You both walk through the house, checking all the rooms, and realize that the two of you are the only ones there.
You pull out your phone from your little bundle of clothing and call Natalie.
"Nat, where the hell are you guys?"
"Umm… the bar…"
"I told you that!"
"When you were in the water with Harry."
[Oh my god, that's what she was yelling about]
"You said okay…"
"What are we supposed to do?"
"Hmmm… I don't know… order dinner?... have a drink?... actually talk to each other about your feelings?..."
"You sneaky bitch."
"This was on purpose?"
"Umm… (Niall, she's onto us!)... No!"
"Niall too? You guys suck."
"Have fun! Bye!"
"No, Na-"
You look down at your phone to see that she has hung up, and you growl.
"So where is everyone?" Harry asks.
"They all went to the fucking bar."
"Oh really?" He chuckles. "Well, umm, want to order food?"
You shrug, dropping your phone on the kitchen counter. "Sure. I'm gonna take a shower first."
You take a quick shower, so you don't get lost in your thoughts too much, and put on some cloth shorts, a t-shirt, and an oversized sweater.
You shuffle out to the living room and Harry stands up, looking at his phone.
"Is Chinese okay? That's the closest thing."
"That sounds really good." You reply.
He hands his phone to you so you can add your order in the app, handing it back when you're done. He chuckles. "I should've known you'd pick the orange chicken."
You roll your eyes, as he puts in the order. "M'gonna take a quick shower too."
You make your way to the couch as he heads down the hallway. You grab the remote and scroll through the movies. By the time you've picked something to watch, he's already walking back out.
He plops down on the couch next to you, and you take a quick glance. You wonder how he has the ability to wear a plain white t-shirt with grey sweatpants and still look sexy as hell.
"So what're we watching?"
"Love Christopher Nolan. Good choice."
The food arrives and you play the movie while you eat.
"Want a drink?" He asks, after clearing your plates.
"Yes please! Just a ru-"
"Rum and coke?"
You can't help but giggle. "Yes please."
He comes back over and hands your drink to you. He sits back down, and you notice that he is a bit closer to you now. Tingles start shooting through your body, and you wish you could just run your hand through this long, brown curly hair.
You start to feel warm so you remove your sweater, tugging down on your t-shirt so it doesn't cling on and come off too.
Harry chuckles as he looks down and points to your Rolling Stones top. "Is that why Ryan thought you were cheating with me?"
"What? How did y-... No, he never knew this was yours." You reply.
"He was a dickhead for even accusing you."
You drop your head. "It was probably the most hurtful thing he said."
"Oh. Umm… I'm sorry he brought me up and made it awkward or whatever."
"No, not because of you. The cheating part. He knows what happened with my parents so he knows I'd never do that." You frown at the reminder of Ryan's accusation.
"Oh! I'm sorry he did that. Like I said, a dickhead."
You nod, still frowning and looking down.
"He cheated on my mom." You blurt out quietly.
"What?" Harry scoots closer to you, his arm resting on the back of the couch.
"My father. He cheated on my mom."
"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry." He replies.
It's silent for a moment, and he runs his hand through his hair.
"You said what I did to you was like what your father did to your mom." He states.
"I…" you stutter.
"But I would have never cheated on you."
You let out a big sigh, still looking down. "I know. That's… that's not why I said it."
"Oh? Umm, what was it then?"
"We don't need to talk about this, Harry."
"I'd like to know if that's okay?"
You let out a big sigh. "When he left, he walked out making sure she knew that he found someone he thought was better. He actually told her that she wasn't good enough. Who does that? Who does that to someone they once loved? He made her feel like nothing. Like she was nothing, and meant nothing." You pause to clear your throat a bit. "He told me and Sam that it had nothing to do with us, that he loved us and would always be there for us… but he never called. Not once. And so we felt like nothing to him too."
You start to tear up. "Not one fucking call!"
"Y/N… I'm so sorry."
"She cried for months. She was convinced she hadn't been good enough, like he said. That if she had done something differently, he wouldn't have wanted to find someone else. Someone he said was better."
"I told myself I was never going to let anyone make me feel that way. I never wanted someone to know me so deeply, to tell me they love me, and then throw me away. So, I focused on school and closed myself off. Even to friends. Natalie was the only person who got me to really open up and let someone in, until-" you sigh and quickly glance at him before looking down again. "Until I met you."
You wipe the tears that are now trickling down your face.
"Shit." He whispers.
"When… I mean… I told you how I felt about the night of the SNL after party…"
"And I'm still so sorry."
You shake your head. "You don't need to be, I forgave you. But…"
He winces.
"But when you…" you close your eyes and whimper, letting more tears flow down your face. "When you broke up with me, because you didn't want photos of me taken with you, it opened up the wound that my father had left. I felt like I wasn't good enough again."
You hear Harry start to sniffle, and when you look up to him, you see tears slowly trickling down his face too.
"Y/N, I am so sorry. I never meant to make you feel like you weren't good enough. Ever."
You sigh.
"I was nervous." He adds.
"I didn't want people making up tons of bullshit about you and it hurting you."
"Harry… kids talked about me and my family a lot when my dad left. I have thick skin. I don't care what people say."
"I was also terrified. I was so scared that you'd be overwhelmed by all the bullshit I have to go through. That it would all be too much."
You shook her head. "I told you it wasn't…"
"I know. But… I've heard that before, from people I didn't care about nearly as much as I love… loved… you. And it hurt back then with them, so I was selfishly protecting myself from that. I knew it would hurt way more if that happened with you."
"I wouldn't have done that. I love… loved… you. I wouldn't have done that."
"Maybe I was also like you too." He states, turning his gaze up to your eyes and widening his slightly as he sees you looking right back at him.
"What do you mean?"
"I… I think it would've hurt me that much, yes because I loved you, but also because… you were the only one to treat me as 'Harry', and not 'Harry Styles from One Direction'. Besides my family, you know me better than anyone. Probably even more than the guys." He clears his throat again, looking away and wiping a tear from his cheek.
"I was terrified that I had opened up to you that much and it wouldn't… it wouldn't have been enough for you to stay if you got overwhelmed."
"I'm so sorry I made you feel that way."
"You didn't. I guess I was protecting myself from getting to that point."
He runs his hand through his hair and frowns.
"It wasn't fair to you. I was just scared."
You sigh. "Me too."
You both sit in silence again, both staring at your own hands and fidgeting with your own fingers.
"I don't want you to hate me." He admits.
Your eyes shoot up to meet his. "I don't hate you! We're friends now, right?"
"Y/N, I don't know if I can do that. I still lov-"
"Please. Don't."
"Yeah. Sorry." He exhales. "Watching you this weekend… was torture."
"You were so… playful, and happy, and free. And having so much fun. We never got to be like that, especially not in public. It's been too hard not to feel guilty about that. And… It's been too hard to not want that now. I still want to be with you. Probably now more than ever."
Your heart flutters as intensely as ever.
[You want that. You do want that]
You find yourself giving a single nod, and when you look up at him, he smiles, taking a look at your lips.
He leans in and your heart races. You can feel his warmth, and his breath, and your lips slowly get closer.
He rests his forehead against yours and you both breathe heavily.
[You want that. But you're still worried]
"I-..." You stutter, pulling away slightly. "I don't know if I can do it, again. Another time. I'm still too scared. I mean, you dated and broke up with a supermodel. I am far from that!"
"That's kind of the point." He smirks.
You look back down at your hands. "I don't know. I've still got those scars, even though you don't always see them. I don't show emotions."
"I'm sorry."
You shake your head. "But…"
You look up, seeing a hopefulness shimmering in his eyes, which makes you smile.
"I'm scared. If and when I do open up, the memories… and the pain gets too hard. But…"
He shifts in his seat.
"I didn't feel any of it when I was with you." You clear your throat. "I think that's why I'm scared. I'm scared of letting my guard down again and getting hurt again."
"I want you to know that you're enough for me, Y/N. I want to show you."
"Harry, you don't need t-"
"Yes I do! You need to know how good you are. How perfect you are to me." He replies.
An urge ignites inside you and you lean towards him, cupping his cheek and placing a soft kiss on his lips.
He exhales, smiling against your lips, but then pulls away.
"Give me ten chances to prove it to you."
"Ten?" You exclaim. "That seems a bit excessive…"
He frowns. "How about three?"
"I don't know, Harry."
"Please?" He pleads.
You giggle. "You're not gonna let me argue this, are you?"
He shakes his head.
"Three chances and…" he gulps. " Then you can ignore me forever if you want."
"I wouldn't do that. But alright." You smile and lean in closer to him again but he stops you.
"I want to wait. Is that okay? I want you to see the proof first."
You smile even bigger and nod. There's not an ounce of disappointment from rejection, only excitement and feeling… cherished.
[You feel cherished, even more than before]
"But we can cuddle while we finish the movie… if you want…"
You lean against his side as he places his arm around your shoulders.
"We are never gonna hear the end of it from Natalie and Niall, ya know." You state.
"Apparently, they set this whole thing up. To leave us alone. To get us to talk."
"Hmmm…" He chuckles. "I suppose I should thank them but I hate giving them the satisfaction."
"Yeah, but I'll give them this win. Feels worth it so far." You look up and wink at him.
He leans down and kisses your forehead. "Last one… for now, I hope."
July 10th, 2015
:harry: can i have chance #2 today?
:you: harry…
:you: you sent me almost the entire inventory of a bakery and a florist
:harry: you gave me 3 chances
:harry: no arguing
:you: fine :)
:harry: meet us at the studio at 4pm
You show up to the studio, fidgeting with your fingers as you walk down the hallway.
[What could this 'chance' possibly be?]
You walk in to see the guys already in the recording room, and your eyes immediately fall onto Harry. He instantly sees you too and gives you the biggest grin.
Julian turns around. "Hello again Y/N!"
"Hi!". You walk up closer to the sound board. "What are they working on?"
"If I told you, I'd have to kill you." He chuckles.
"Worth it though?"
"Oh yeah!" He laughs. "It's called 'Hey Angel'. Super creative. It's in the lyrics."
You chuckle. "Awesome!"
"They're almost done with it. Take a seat if you'd like." You sit in the chair that he has pulled up next to him, and listen as Louis sings out.
(Hey Angel)
Yeah I see you at the bar
At the edge of my bed
Back seat of my car
In the back of my head
I come alive when I hear your voice
It's a beautiful sound
It's a beautiful noise
You look back over to Harry who is wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You shake your and listen as they finish up the song.
"Alright guys. That sounded good." He presses some buttons and this time they just stay in the recording room.
"Hey, Superstar!" Niall waves, grinning widely.
Louis and Liam also wave and you reciprocate the gesture, noticing that they are all smiling very widely.
"Okay. Umm… let's go ahead and do Harry's song now." Julia states.
Harry lets out a big breath and looks at the rest of the guys as he nods. "Ready?" He asks them.
His eyes lock onto yours.
"This is number two." He states, as the first chords start to play.
(If I Could Fly)
If I could fly
I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might
Give up everything just ask me to
Instantly your heart starts racing. You can't seem to keep his gaze, while Liam sings his part next, shooting your eyes over to each of the guys before coming back to Harry.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
[Holy shit]
For your eyes only
[It's the song he sang to you at his house, on his birthday]
I've got scars
Even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard
But now you're here and I don't feel a thing
Your breathing gets rapid now, as you realize that Louis is singing the words that you had said to Harry at the beach house.
Pay attention I hope that you listen
'Cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless
Tears start sliding down your cheeks, and you do your best to wipe them away without making a scene.
While they repeat the chorus, you cross your arms around your waist, hoping to keep your body from shaking uncontrollably.
I can feel your heart inside mine
I feel it, I feel it
I've been going out of my mind
I feel it, I feel it
Know that I'm just wasting time
And I
Hope that you don't run from me
Even through your tears, you can hear their voices get softer.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
The music intensifies and so do their voices. As they all start to belt out the chorus again, your tears turn to sobbing.
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely
And forget who you are
I'm missing half of me
When we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
The others quiet down and you do your best to look up at Harry again, barely making out that he is still staring right at you, finishing the song.
For your eyes only
You feel so weak that you stumble over to the couch, bringing your knees up to your chest and burying your face between them.
You can hear the recording room door open, but can't muster up the energy or nerve to look up. Then you hear Julian's chair move, the studio door close, and some footsteps getting closer.
Someone sits down next to you, rubbing their hands up and down the sides of your legs.
"Y/N…" Harry whispers.
You can only manage out a whimper.
"Y/N… can you please look at me?" He asks.
You sniffle as many tears, and maybe some snot, as you can and raise your head. It's just the two of you now.
"Hi." He grins.
"Har-..." You stutter. "I…" you clear your throat. "I'm…" you sigh and drop your gaze again.
"Do you see how much you mean to me?" He asks, scooting closer and lifting your chin with one hand.
You blink out some tears and look at him again.
"I…" He lets out a deep breath and smiles. "I'll do absolutely anything for you. You think you're not good enough? You are everything to me, Sunshine."
You whimper hearing your nickname leave his lips.
"I don't want to be with anyone else, Y/N. I tried and I couldn't. I want to be with you. I want it so fucking badly, it hurts. And that's such a stupid, cliche rom-com thing to say, but it's true."
All you can do is close your eyes to clear some more tears, and it is silent until you look back up at Harry.
"I lov-"
"No, don't." You put your fingers up to his mouth to stop him, and you see a bit of panic in his eyes. "Not yet."
He lets out another deep breath. "Yet?"
You lower your head and bite your lower lip. "Just… not yet."
He shifts in his seat and his breathing starts to quicken, trying to hold back a smile. "Yet?"
"I…" you clear your throat. "I don't want to be with anyone else either."
Harry pulls you in so quickly that you don't have a chance to think before your lips are locked together and you're melting at his touch. You drop your knees and his upper body moves over yours as you sit back against the armrest of the couch.
You feel something hit your cheek, and as you pull back to look at Harry, you see him wipe away a tear.
"Shit. M'sorry." He frowns.
You shake your head. "Don't be."
You wipe your own tear away and bite your lip, then pull him in again to get another kiss. A much deeper kiss.
The door suddenly creaks open and you look over to see Niall's head peek in.
"It worked guys!" He exclaims, joining in with the cheers you can hear coming from behind him.
"Of bloody course it's Niall." Harry utters.
You laugh and you bring your hands down to cover your face.
"You sneaky little shits." You giggle.
"Umm… you're welcome, love." Louis states.
"Thank you, Tommo…" you reply, shaking your head.
"Alright, alright. Love you darling, but we've got work to do boys." Liam instructs, giving you a wink.
Harry grins and shakes his head before leaning down to give you a quick kiss on the forehead.
"You'll stay, right?" He asks, as he sits back up on the couch.
You bite your lip as you sit up too, leaning over and grabbing his face to give him one last kiss.
"Yes, H. I'm staying."
He gets up and starts to walk away, but you remember something.
"Wait, what was chance number three gonna be?"
He turns back around to face you and a huge smirk appears on his face.
"I'm still going to do it, but you'll need to wait."
Series Masterlist || Chapter 29 || Chapter 31
Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @slut4lilyrose @pinktakeaway @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @his-only-angel-1989 @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @little-freak-satellite @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: i’ve been meaning to write a sebastian fic and the time has officially come! here is some cute soon-to-be-dad!sebastian just for you!
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
word count: 1.3k
This fic is part of the LITTLE ONE series, but can be read as a simple oneshot as well! Find the masterpost of the series HERE!
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(gif is not mine)
You shouldn’t be this nervous, there’s nothing to be afraid of. You don’t even think Sebastian would take the news in a bad way, if anything, he is going to be thrilled, that’s for sure. But for some reason you’re still scared to tell him. Probably because it’s not how you planned it, not now at least. It’ll change your upcoming plans, but it’s not the end of the world and you know he’ll be happy about it. Maybe it’s just the nerves, because you haven’t even gotten used to the thought of being pregnant yourself.
It’s been only a few days since you found out, Sebastian has been away this past week and you didn’t want to go to the doctor’s without him, so you only have a handful of positive tests, but those all came back undeniably positive so you don’t have much doubt about it.
He texted you not long ago that he just touched down and he would be home soon, he is picking up dinner on his way and now you’re just anxiously waiting for him, trying to figure out how to tell him. At first you wanted to do something special, but you’re not too good at making up plans like this so you decided to just tell him without any fuss about it. But you can’t seem to find the right words now that you’re thinking about what you should even say.
You hear his keys jingling in the lock and your heart skips a beat as you jump to your feet from the couch.
“Hi baby!” he calls out as you make your way to the hallway where he is standing with his suitcase, backpack and a big paper bag from your favorite diner nearby.
“Hi!” you breathe out, feeling a little sentimental to see him again even though he was only away for a week. You’ve went without seeing each other for even two months before, this was nothing compared to that, but still, you are so happy he is back.
“Hey there, missed me?” he chuckles when you throw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as his arms circle around your waist as you bury your face in the crook of his neck, the familiar scent of his cologne filling your nostrils.
“Always,” you mumble, pressing a kiss to his skin before leaning back, eyes meeting his bright gaze, the wrinkles running from the corners of his eyes because he is smiling at you widely.
“I missed you too, baby. Brought your favorite,” he hums, loosening his hold around you as he holds up the paper bag.
“Because you’re the best,” you smile at him, taking the food from him as he grabs his suitcase and rolls it into the bedroom, leaving the unpacking for later. You set the dining table for two, unpacking everything he brought while you’re chewing on your bottom lip, trying to figure out how to bring up the big news.
Walking out of the bedroom Sebastian hugs you from behind, his hands slipping under your shirt to the bare skin of your stomach and you almost gasp at the feeling.
Can he feel any change?
It’s a stupid question, nothing can be seen just yet, the baby is as small as a raisin, there’s no way he noticed anything.
“I’m gonna get the drinks,” he hums, pressing a kiss to your temple before walking to the fridge, grabbing two bottled beers for the dinner and you open your mouth seeing the alcoholic drinks, making him stop in his tracks. “You want something else?”
“I…” You take a deep breath, it’s a now or never moment. “Sit down, let’s talk,” you tell him with a soft smile and he nods, but you can see the suspicion in his eyes.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah,” you nod as the two of you sit at the table and you take one of his hands, playing with the ring you bought him for your latest anniversary not long ago. You’ve been dating for over three years now and though it didn’t start as easy and unproblematic as it should have, people judged the two of you for the ten year age gap, but eventually it died down when they realized it’s not as weird as it might seem. You knew he is the perfect man for you the moment you met him at a bar when you were out with a few friends. The bartender mixed up your drinks at the bar and that’s how you started talking. He didn’t hesitate to ask for your number and you had your first date the next day right away. The rest is history, now you’ve been living together for almost a year and you’re happier than ever.
“I have something to tell you,” you start, talking slow and a little hesitantly.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” he asks, knitting his eyebrows together as he examines you with worry all over his face.
“Yes. Or… I hope so,” you add with a nervous chuckle. Letting go of his hand you walk to the console table under the TV and pulling out the top drawer you grab one of the positive tests hidden in there. Walking back to Sebastian you just simply place it in his open palm and intently watch his face as it turns from puzzled to shocked and wide-eyed. His head shoots up when he processes what it is, lips parted and his beautiful blue eyes are slowly watering while your nervous smile is widening at his reaction.
“Is this for real?” he asks in a whisper and you nod your head.
“I took a couple of tests, but I wanted to wait for you to go to the doctor’s. But all my tests came back positive.”
“Oh my God! A baby!” he chuckles, a tear running down his cheek as he wraps you in his embrace, holding you tighter than ever, kissing you wherever he can reach you; your shoulder, cheeks, temple, forehead and lastly, your lips.
“I know this wasn’t how we planned, but I hope it’s not an entirely bad timing,” you add while your tears start falling from your eyes as well, arms around his neck as he sways you from side to side.
The baby talk has already come up several times and the two of you agreed to try to keep yourself to a kind of schedule. Sebastian has two filmings coming up in the next six months and you also hinted that you’d like to at least get engaged before starting a family. He seemed to get the message and you have a feeling he has been planning to propose on your birthday that’s coming up next week, but now you got a little ahead of everything with the baby.
“Love, it’s never a bad timing,” he chuckles, kissing you again shortly. “We can make it work, it’s going to be just fine. I’ll try to mess around with my schedule to finish sooner but even if I can’t, I’ll still be done with work before the little one arrives,” he explains and your heart is so full seeing him so excited about it all. Suddenly, you feel so silly for thinking even for a second that he wouldn’t be happy about the news. You knew he wants it to happen, it just came a little sooner than you expected, that’s all.
“I have an appointment booked for tomorrow with my doctor,” you tell him sheepishly.
“Can I come?” he asks with bright eyes, taking your face in his hands as he grins at you like crazy.
“Of course!” you chuckle nodding. “I wouldn’t even go without you.”
“Oh God, I’m so excited!” he cheers, lifting you up from the ground, spinning around as you hold onto him laughing. “I love you so much, baby. So, so much!” He starts kissing you all over your face, leaving your lips last, but when he gets there, he kisses you with so much passion, he sweeps you right off your feet.
“I love you too,” you mumble against his lips, feeling happier than ever in your life.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Revenge Is A Bitch (1)
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Pairing: Nichkhun x Reader | Jaehyun x Reader
Warning: Eventual smut, cheating, angst
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Surprise! It's now a series. Let me know if you wanna be tagged!
Summary: You're life with Nichkhun was amazing, until you went to visit him on a business trip, where you meet Jaehyun, a friend and coworker of your boyfriend. Things escalate quickly from a little flirting in a club, but things get even worse when Nichkhun finds out. "
Y/N." Nichkhun growls. "Give it back." He says, trying his best not to smile. You stand on the other side of the couch, his phone in your hand as you stick your tongue out at him. 
"You want it back?" You ask.
He nods his head. 
"Then come get it." You yell, laughing as he charges for you, bursting out into laughter as well. Sometimes you were needy, especially when you felt like he was paying more attention to his phone than you. You giggle and scream as you run around the couch, Wooyoung sitting on the couch watching the two of you in disgust. Nichkhun grabs you, pulling you into him, peppering your face in kisses. You stop fighting him and he sets you down as you both continue laughing. You give him back his phone and he slides it into his pocket before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
"I love you, beautiful." He whispers. 
"And I love you." You grin, placing a kiss on his lips. 
"And I'm gonna be sick." Wooyoung groans, leaving the living room as the two of you laugh at his annoyance and disgust of your love. It had been two years of just pure bliss and happiness with Nichkhun, something you never thought you'd ever find, until you found him. 
A few hours later, you were sitting on the edge of the bed with your arms crossed as you watched Nichkhun pack a bag. As usual, a last minute business meeting came up, and he was taking off for a week. 
"Babe, where's my blue suit? The one with the stripes.. yanno?" He yells from inside the closet. As much as you didn't want to help him, you begrudgingly stood up, shuffling towards the closet to help him find the suit he needed. You roll your eyes as you walk in, and Nichkhun is on one knee, holding a ring pop, making you laugh. "I'm sorry I have to leave my love, but with this ring, I hope you remember that I love you, and I can't wait to come back to you and marry you one day." He grins. 
He always knew how to make you feel better and put a smile on your face. Some days you swore he knew you better than you knew yourself. You take the ring and stick it on your finger as he stands up. 
"Now, I actually do need my suit." He laughs. 
"You mean the one that's hanging right in front of you?" You giggle, taking it off the rack and handing it to him. 
"My savior." He grins, putting it carefully in his bag. 
"Toothbrush?" You ask him, beginning to list off the items he needs. 
"Yes!" He exclaims. 
"Underwear? Socks? Passport? Wallet? Casual clothes?" You ask. 
"Check, check, check.. where's my passport?" He asks worriedly. Despite only going to a different city, he still needed it. 
"Nightstand, left hand side." You sigh. He quickly leaves the closet, going to his nightstand as you zip up his bag, bringing it into the bedroom. 
"Like I said, my savior." He grins. 
"I'll call you when I land." He says before answering his ringing phone. "I'll be right down." 
He gives you a quick peck before heading through your lavish apartment, with you following behind him, watching him walk out the front door, leaving you alone. 
It had been a few days and you still hadn't heard from Nichkhun. This really wasn't unusual for him, considering he got very busy with work but he hadn't even sent you a goodnight text in the last 3 days, and that made you really sad. So you decided to do something about it. With a plan in your head you went to sleep, knowing you had an early morning ahead of you. 
When you woke up, you booked your last minute ticket, and began packing your bags. You felt a frisson of excitement skate across your nerve endings as you zipped up your bags and waited for your ride to the airport. You very rarely, well actually never had surprised Nichkhun, but this time it felt right. It felt like it was going to be a wonderful surprise. 
After a smooth flight, you caught a cab, and told him to go to the hotel Nichkhun was at. You felt like nothing could go wrong, this was the perfect plan, with a perfect execution. You paid the nice cab driver, who also took your bags from his car for you and you went into the lobby to wait for Nichkhun. You called his phone a few times, but he didn't pick up. You look around the fancy hotel and observe a couple who seemed to not be able to keep their hands off each other. You loved that for them. You smiled to yourself, imagining you and Nichkhun being that publicly annoying. You wished you could show your love and passion the way they were. The way they touched each other, it spoke of passion and need and familiarity. 
You looked at your phone that has now gone to voicemail six times, you glance up once more and see the faces of the couple that enter the elevator with tears in your eyes. 
“Welcome to Club Arriba! What can I get you to drink?”
"6 shots of your strongest liquor." You yell, slapping the credit card that Nichkhun had given you for emergencies. Clearly this was one, and so was the lavish hotel room, and the room service you had ordered before coming to the club. 
"You got it." The bartender smiles, sliding the cars off the bar. You stand there waiting for your shots when three girls approach you. 
"I love your dress." One giggles. You hold up your finger, asking for a moment before you quickly, and quite professionally down four of the six shots you had bought. 
"Thank you." You grin. You turn to the bartender and wave him over. "Four more shots for me and my new friends." You yell, taking the last two shots on the counter. 
And like that, you had made friends with some really nice girls, who bought you drinks too. The four of you were dancing, laughing and having a great time when you feel a pair of hands land on your hips. You look behind him and see an extremely handsome man smiling down at you. You don't mind, you enjoy the attention, besides it wasn't like you were getting much these days anyways. You move your body closer to his, swaying your hips to the beat of the music, while smiling at your new friends, who were also dancing with others. As you were getting more into it, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. You look up and see a man that you absolutely recognize trying to pull you away from the other man that had begun groping you. 
"What are you doing?" You ask. Glaring at the man. You know him.. from.. Nickhun's office. "Jaehyun?" You ask. He looks at you surprised that you remembered his name. He pulls you away from the man, through the crowd to a secluded hallway. He swings you around, pushing you against the wall as he crosses his arms. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He asks. "You're in a relationship with my good friend and my boss." He hisses. 
"Mhm, are you sure you're as good of a friend as you think you are?" You ask, tilting your head to the side. 
"I don't understand what you mean." He sighs. 
Of course he doesn't. No one knows, you didn't even know until this morning. 
"What do you want, Jae? Should I blow you so you don't tell my precious Nichkhun?" You ask, pouting. 
"I would never do that to Nichkhun." He deepens. "I'm going to have to tell him about this." He finishes. 
You shrug your shoulders, pushing yourself off the wall. "Do what you gotta do." You say. “You know what I’ll help you tell him." You say, taking out your phone. Jaehyun stands there, watching you, unsure of what you're doing.  You turn around with snapchat open, and kiss him on the cheek before snapping a picture before he moves away from you.  
"What the fuck are you doing? Do you realize that this looks fucking bad?" He yells.  
"I've seen the way you look at me when I come into the office. Do you want a taste Jae? Would you like to feel me gripping you while inside me? How about how wet and warm it would feel to cum inside me? So good."  You whisper into his ear. 
Jaehyun moves back from you, looking partially offended, and partially turned on from what you said. He doesn't say anything to you, he just walks away, and you watch him disappear into the crowd. You adjust your dress and throw your shoulders back and walk back to your new friends. 
As you continue to dance, you can feel eyes on you, raking your body up and down. You look around and see Jaehyun leaning against the bar, his arms crossed as he watches you. The way your hands roam your body, the way you lick your lips as you watch him. You can feel his guard being let down as he begins to inch closer to you. The rush of victory flows through your body as he walks towards you. 
"Let me take you home." He says, offering his hand to you. He slides Nichkhun's credit card back in your purse and he weaves the two of you out of the club. 
"Are you trying to get in my panties, Jaehyun?" You ask, looking at the handsome man. 
"I'm just taking you home." He says. 
The two of you are standing outside your hotel room as you put your key in and open the door to your large suite. 
"Don't tell Nichkhun I'm here." You say, walking inside, Jaehyun following you. 
"Let's just get you to bed." He sighs. 
You stand in front of him, pulling your dress off, dropping it on the floor. You're almost naked, in front of your boyfriend's good friend, feeling nothing but lust and attraction for this man. 
Jaehyun takes a deep breath. "Fuck it." He whispers, crashing his lips onto yours, pushing you onto the bed. Your fun starts now, and soon Nichkhun will know that revenge is a bitch. 
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nolaimagines · 3 years
Baby Love
Request: hi, can you do Klaus Mikaelson imagine, where y/n is bartender in Rousseau's(i think it was that name, sorry if its incorrect) and friends with Hayley bc reader is werewolf too, and when she is playing with little Hope in living room, and klaus walks in and sees reader for the first time, and takes interest in her or something like that? hope it wasnt too much and too cliche😊thanks
Notes: It's been a long time, but here's a post. Hope you enjoy it! Part 2?
You sighed, wiping down a table ready for the next group of customers. You signalled them over before going behind the bar and preparing more drinks. Just as you set the glasses on the counter, and got the remaining ingredients, and strong perfume filled your nostrils.
You smirked to yourself, “What do you want Hayley?” You looked up to see your best friend sitting at the bar.
Hayley smiled and shrugged her shoulders, “Nothing, I just wanted to see you, and ask what you were up to tonight?”
You tilted your head, knowing she was after something, “Well depending on what you really want, I’m working.”
Hayley groaned, “I need someone to look after Hope, I don’t trust the Mikaelsons-“
“YES! I’ll do it. I finish at 5, and can be at yours for 5:15?” You squealed with excitement. Hope was more like your niece than just your friends daughter, and Hayley saw you more as Hope’s aunt which was nice.
Hayley smiled, “Perfect timing. See you then, you’re the best.” She downed the drink you just made for another customer and took off.
“Here comes the airplane” You smiled, waving the spoon of food in the air towards Hope as you attempted to feed her. You opened your mouth as Hope followed your instructions and took a mouthful before letting it spill down her chin. You laughed, “Not quite, let’s eat the rest of it, not much more to go.”
“No.” Hope pouted and pushed the food bowl onto the floor.
You laughed a little, and leant down to pick up the bowl, “Okay, I get it. No more food, you could have just said.
Hope giggled and threw the spoon on the floor in response. You looked at her with fake disappointment, but Hope continued to giggle as she wriggled out of her chair and walked over to her toys.
You smiled after her, and set the bowl back on the table, quickly running after her and sitting beside her.
“Full of energy isn’t she?” A deep voice came from behind you; Klaus.
You looked up and smiled, trying to contain your surprise his good looks. How did Hayley fail to mention that Klaus was this handsome? “Yes, she is. And unfortunately, she’s eaten most of her dinner so I won’t be surprised if she is awake all night.”
Klaus laughed, “Well, in my 1000 years of existence, this little one is the only one who has managed to tire me out…aren’t you?” Klaus sat next to Hope and minded her curls from her face.
You smiled, “I’m Y/N, Hayley’s friend…”
“Yes, Hayley’s mention you a lot actually. You were a great comfort to her during her pregnancy so I hear, and you’ve looked after Hope more times I can count…I’m just glad I’ve finally got the chance to meet you.” Klaus offered a kind smile.
You smirked, “Well, I’m known to annoy people, and I hear you don’t have much patience, so I didn’t want to take the risk.”
Klaus chuckled, “And you do now?”
“Well…I had to come and see what the fuss is about didn’t I? Is the original hybrid as scary as the legends say?” You knew he was of course, but you couldn’t help but attempt to wind him up.
Klaus’ eyes darkened, but his lips were smiling slightly, “and what’s your verdict?”
You smiled, and picked Hope up in your arms, “I’d say you were a big soft teddy bear, don’t you agree Hope? Your daddy is just a big squishy teddy bear.” Your voice softened as you tickled hope, her giggles echoing in the room. You glanced behind Hope’s shoulder, and you saw Klaus smiling but his eyes filled with a little more than lust.
“Right, I better put Hope to bed.” You got up and cradled Hope in your arms as she leant her head on your shoulder.
Klaus got up and followed you, “Yes…I’ll give you a hand.”
You switched off the light and closed the door quietly before turning around and bumping into Klaus.
“Oh…sorry….” You muttered as you moved past him.
“That’s alright love…my bad…Y/N…” Klaus grabbed your arm softly, pulling you back.
You turned around and looked up at Klaus, “Yes?”
“I was wondering….” Klaus’ eyes were darting everywhere…why was he nervous?
You smirked, picking up on his nervousness, “Ooo, is the original hybrid getting nervous? Around me?” you fake gasped, “Are you feeling okay? You lift your hand to feel his forehead as if he was getting hot as a human would.
Klaus smiled, and grabbed your hand keeping hold of it, “Love…I was wondering if you wanted to go out for drink…I’m quite intrigued by you…”
You raised your eyebrows a little, “Sure. I finish at 5 tomorrow evening. You can pick me up, but don’t be late because I hate people being late and I have this awful temper…but I wouldn’t-“
Klaus chuckled, interrupting you with a kiss to your cheek, “I’ll be there, love.”
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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So excited to be sharing my piece for this months bnharem collab!!! The theme for this is, you guessed it, sex worker!au. I am so honored to be writing along with everyone else who put so much time and energy into writing these pieces. Please please please check out their collab pieces here. Everyone has put so much work into these so give them a read through and some warm and fuzzy notes 😊💕✨
Pairing: Touya Todoroki x Reader Genre: NSFW Warnings: Coercion, Dubcon, Anal fingering, Hardcore sex, Deepthroating, Dabi is a Todoroki Word Count: 6,166 Synopsis: Rich ceo Enji Todoroki gives you the offer of a lifetime on one condition. You have to sleep with his eldest son.
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Working at a strip club was the last thing you pictured yourself doing after you graduated high school. After graduating and moving into a cheap apartment on the outskirts of town, you decided to start working immediately to support yourself. At first, you first got a job working at a cute little Italian restaurant that paid quite well. Waiting tables helped pay the bills and save up for college a little, but after two years of working at the same restaurant, it unfortunately went out of business.
That was one of your worst months, constantly looking for new work and facing rejection after rejection to the point that you were plagued by the phrase, “not enough work experience.” By the time a month and a half went by of you scoping out newspapers and checking all of the job finder apps on your phone, you had gone through most of your savings.
One of your best friends, after realizing how bad your situation was, decided that it couldn't hurt to see if you wanted a position at the joint she ran.
You were very skeptical at first, since she happened to run an insanely popular erotic dance club (aka, a strip club) in town, but she assured you that you wouldn’t be stripping, just bartending and dishwashing. As soon as she explained everything, you immediately took her up on the offer and decided from then on you would owe Mina Ashido your life.
You were able to pick things up easily, make conversation with customers and become friends with many of the dancers who worked at the club. The only downside to working the job was, well, you’re cute. And that meant you got a lot of unwanted attention from guys who initially came for the strippers.
Mina assured you that if you ever needed to take a step away, that that was perfectly fine. But the attention you got wasn’t so bad, you thought. At least there was a bar counter separating you from the wandering hands and predatory words of these people.
Bartending, while it was enough to pay the bills and save up for some nicer furniture, did not pay as much as you would have liked it to. While you wouldn’t have dreamed of asking your friend for a raise, you still felt somewhat resentful watching the dancers at the club walk home with stacks of cash from tips meanwhile you had to wait every two weeks to get your next paycheck.
You were astonished when, on your twenty-first birthday, Mina offered you a job as a dancer. “A lot of our regular customers have been asking about that ‘cute bartender,’” she said. “And I think you would actually really enjoy it. Plus, it pays a lot more.” She ended that last bit in a sing-song voice, as if that in and of itself would be enough to convince you.
You were tempted to say no, you really were, but you’ve seen how much fun the dancers have and how much money they walk away with every night. You knew next to nothing about stripping or pole dancing, but Mina assured you that she’d teach you and that you’d pick it up fast.
And she wasn’t wrong. After a month of her teaching you how to sway your hips and gyrate your body, dip down and caress every exposed inch of skin with your supple fingers, you were ready to hit the audience with everything you had.
You didn’t realize how much fun you would have as a pole dancer. It was a great form of exercise and you kind of liked having lots of people cheering for you to show off your sexy moves. Plus, walking home with a stack of cash each night was one of the greatest perks it came with.
There was only one rule that you had, which you made abundantly clear to Mina. All you would be doing was pole dancing. No lap dances, no touching the audience, and for the love of god, no sleeping with the audience.
And she respected your wishes, even going as far as asking some customers to leave who have tried to touch you without your consent. She keeps a hawk eye over you and every audience member and their wandering hands. You’re nothing but grateful for everything she has done for you.
After the first few months of pole dancing and wearing revealing costumes, you moved into a new apartment and bought nicer furniture. Things were definitely starting to turn around for the better.
“Hey,” you greeted your fellow coworkers as you made your way into the locker room. The club was about to close up for the night and you were more than ready to flop onto your bed at home and sleep until your next shift. “Have any of you seen Mina?”
The other girls looked around at one another. No one seemed to have an answer for her whereabouts.
“Oh!” Nejire popped up. “I think I saw her talking to some guy in her office. Yeah, yeah. Some big guy wearing a business suit.”
Tsu frowned. “I wonder what that could be about.”
You nodded, a sudden feeling of anxiety washing over you. You really hoped she wasn’t being bought out or something. If she wasn’t the one running the club anymore, or worse, if the club was demolished, you would be surely out of a job.
A knock on the locker room door made you swallow your thoughts. “Is (Y/n) in here?” Mina’s voice rang through the room.
“I’m here,” you piped.
She looked scared, and a bit pale. You don’t think you’ve ever seen her look fearful before, even when dealing with rough customers who refuse to leave the building. “Could you come with me for a sec?”
“Sure.” The anxiety you were feeling was bubbling back in your stomach. “Just let me get dressed.”
“Actually,” her voice was shaking. “If you could come here now that would be better.”
You paused, then nodded and followed her to her office. On the way there, she squeezed your hand, slipping something inside.
“I’m so sorry,” she said. “Please, please forgive me for doing this.”
“Mina, what’s going on?” You were worried. Never in the time that you knew her had she ever been so apologetic.
At her office door, you looked at what she slipped into your hand. A small pink bottle of pepper spray stared back at you. What could she have done that you would need this?
She opened her office door and on the other side, like Nejire said there would be, was a big, beefy businessman clad in a suit that was probably worth more than your rent.
“Mina,” you whispered to your best friend. “What is going on?”
The man turned around and you shrunk at his intimidating appearance. You felt the need to cross your arms and cover up your exposed skin of which there was a lot of. “Hello,” the man bellowed with such a low timber. “You must be (Y/n).”
How did he know your name? What did Mina tell him? Who is this man?
You meekly nodded your head and clutched onto the pepper spray until your knuckles couldn’t stand it anymore.
“Forgive me for not introducing myself first.” He extended a hand. “My name is Enji Todoroki and I am the ceo of Todoroki Enterprises.”
You gulped. What the hell did Mina get herself into? You croaked out an “oh” before extending your hand and shaking his. “That’s nice.” You didn’t really know what to say. Was he considering buying the building from Mina? You looked at her and she shrunk back at your gaze.
“Ashido,” he said with a stern demeanor. “If you would please.”
She nodded and squeezed your shoulder one last time. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered in your ear one last time before leaving the room.
And then there was silence. You took a moment to breathe and look around Mina’s office, find something to calm your nerves with. Her office was usually like a little safe haven for you and the other dancers. She deemed a corner of the room the “zen area” where she set up cushions and a kettle and tea boxes. You stared at the fuzzy pink cushion you were so used to sitting on. You were sure your butt had made an imprint.
“Please, take a seat,” Enji Todoroki said, gesturing to the other side of Mina’s desk, away from the cushion that brought you so much comfort.
You frowned at his tone of voice, as if he had been there many times before and as if he owned the damn office himself. At least there was a nice fuzzy blanket on that side of the desk which you could use to cover yourself.
“I can tell that my presence is intimidating you,” he said. “But please, allow me to make my offer before jumping to any conclusions.”
Why was he making an offer to you? What did he want from you?
“As I am sure you are aware, Todoroki Enterprises is a million dollar company run by me and my other associates.”
You nodded. You were not aware of that but you were afraid of what would happen if you asked too many questions.
“And once I retire, the company will fall on the shoulders of my eldest son, Touya.” Enji Todoroki sighed and rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. “At the moment, he is being rather difficult.”
You nodded. You weren’t sure what was going on, why he was telling you this, but hearing about this rich ceo’s family drama did spark a bit of interest in you.
“He is not doing what I ask of him. He spends all day sleeping in and wasting my money and he refuses to take any part in working for the company.”
That sounded like typical teenage behavior to you. You weren’t sure why this man was being so pessimistic about it, or why he was even telling you in the first place. Surely it’s just a phase he would grow out of. “I’m sorry,” you started, feeling incredibly out of place with the conversation. “I’m not really sure why you’re telling me this information.”
Enji Todoroki let out another sigh. It wasn’t so much that he was fed up with your inability to understand, but really he seemed reluctant to be there talking to you in the first place. “I believe that if he were to have some, well, motivation, he may actually perform his tasks as a part of the company and as future head.”
“Motivation?” What on earth did he mean by that?
“I watched you and your co-workers perform tonight, and from watching your movements paired with his type, you seem like you would be best suited for the job.”
Your face flushed. He couldn’t be suggesting that, could he?
“(L/n), I would like to hire you to have intercourse with my son.”
Your eyes widened. He wanted what? There was no way, no way you could do that. “I’m sorry,” you said with staggered breath. “I don’t think I’m comfortable having sex with a teenager.” You smiled and nodded, thinking that would be the end of it.
“A teenager? My son is twenty-six years old.”
You paused for a moment before letting out an incredibly articulate, “uhhhhh, what?”
“My son is a fully grown adult, older than you in fact. So if your concerns lie within the legality of this exchange I can assure you that he is not a minor.” Enji Todoroki’s booming voice had just shattered your resolve.
Still, he couldn’t make you do anything you didn’t want to. All you had to do was tell him no and it would have been fine.
But you didn’t get a chance to. Before you could even think of what to say next, Enji Todoroki spoke up yet again. “I presume you are wondering what kind of compensation you will be receiving in return.”
You stayed silent.
“Your boss tells me that you are saving up to attend university and intend on furthering your education. I can only admire that kind of work ethic.”
Why? What could he possibly do with that information to make his offer worthwhile? It dawned on you then that that is why Mina was acting so weird, apologizing constantly as she led you to her office. She must not have been able to find a way out of this for you. Either that or the deal was too good to speak on your behalf of. But what could it even be?
“If you are willing to spend a night with my son and get him to take more responsibility in the company, Todoroki Enterprises will pay for your full college tuition at any institution you decide to attend.”
Your jaw fell onto the floor. This had to be a prank, right? Was he seriously offering to pay your full tuition for you?
“So, do we have a deal?” Enji Todoroki leaned forward against the desk and folded his hands together, large hands that could probably hurt you if you decided to say no.
“This is...” you trailed off. You didn’t know what to say or how to respond to an offer like that. He must be pretty desperate for his son to work in order to pay for your tuition in full.
His son.
If you took up this offer, then you would have to… “What if I say no?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “While I would tell you that saying no to this offer would not be in your best interest,” he started. “I cannot force you to say yes or do anything you are uncomfortable with.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. This was an impossible decision. You didn’t know his son, what he looked like or if he would even want to have sex with you. “It would only be for one night, right?”
Enji Todoroki nodded and let out a sort of grunt out of confirmation.
The thought of being with someone you didn’t know was scary. But at the same time, you would never get an opportunity like this again. Taking a deep breath in and keeping your dream school in mind, you nodded. “I’ll do it.”
“You made the right choice.” He stood up and you followed suit, assuming he’d have you shake his hand and schedule a time and place. “If you’d follow me, the car is waiting out front.”
“Wait, you mean right now?” No, you needed more time to prepare, to figure things out and to take it all in.
“Unless you have something important to attend to, which I doubt you do since you just finished your shift at work, then yes right now.” His eyes, which you hadn’t realized were such a remarkable shade of blue, bore deep into you. “I don’t like to be kept waiting, and neither does my son.”
“Right,” you flinched. “Um, if I could just grab my stuff and get dressed–”
“There will be no need. I already asked your boss to gather your things. We will provide a covering for you so there is no need to get dressed.” The authoritative tone to his voice made you feel so small, like there would be no way for you to even say no against his gaze. “Now if you’ll please follow me.”
You nodded and followed him out of the office and past the locker room where Mina and the other girls watched as you walked away. You barely had any time to watch them or wish them a good night before Enji Todoroki’s bellowing voice spoke up again.
“Our car is waiting out front. In the meantime, you can cover yourself with this.”
Another stranger, someone you presume works for Todoroki Enterprises, handed you a long, tan trench coat. You swiftly threw it over your shoulders and fastened the tie tight against your stomach. He also presented the boots that you wore to work that morning. Mina must have given them your things.
“If you’ll follow me this way,” the stranger said.
He led you outside where you could see the sun begin to poke its way up from beyond the horizon. You hadn’t realized how early in the morning it was. Would Enji Todoroki’s son even be awake at this point?
You were ushered into the backseat of a sleek black Tesla. You had never been in a car that nice before. It made the whole ordeal more harrowing and unreal. “Is Todoroki-san not coming with us?” you asked.
“He’ll be in the car right in front of us. Don’t worry, ma’am.” You usher closed the door and entered the driver’s side of the vehicle. He was a smooth driver, which helped with the nervous bubbles in your stomach that refused to calm down.
Free college, you had to remind yourself. This really was an incredible offer. You hadn’t even let it sink in until you were alone in the backseat of the Tesla, only accompanied by your usher and the light classical music that played on the radio. You would be able to go to any school you wanted to, free of charge. You couldn’t help the giddy smile that played its way onto your lips. This felt like a dream you were scared to wake up from.
“We’re here,” your usher said. Looking out your window, you saw that he had pulled up in front of a tall building reaching more stories than you could count. He opened the door for you and you stepped out into the cool, early morning breeze.
Enji Todoroki had also stepped out of his vehicle and gestured for you to follow him. The wind tickled your legs and you hugged the trench coat tight against your figure. He led you into the lavish building where one of the receptionists handed you a small paper cup of coffee. You were then brought to the elevators where you, Enji Todoroki, and your usher brought you up to one of the tops floors.
The elevator ride felt like it lasted forever. Your hands gripped the coffee cup and shaky lips sipped the beverage as Enji Todoroki talked your ear off. You knew that the receptionist gave you the drink because she figured you would be tired, but you were sure that your nerves would keep you awake regardless of the caffeine.
“I called my son in for an early meeting so he should be here.”
You nodded at the man’s words. This was really happening.
“And if he refuses to show up then we will provide a room for your lodging until he arrives.”
So you would be camping out here until the deed was done. A thought popped into your head, one that hadn’t even come to mind when you were given the offer. “What if he doesn’t want to have sex with me?” you asked.
Enji Todoroki paused. He didn’t really know what to say. “Knowing my son, he will.” As if that was supposed to give you any reassurance. “But on the off chance that he doesn’t, we will still compensate you for your time here.”
But no free college. The thought lingered in your mind. Of course you were doing this for the perks. You wanted to be able to make the most out of your young adulthood and part of that meant furthering your education. But you were still scared shitless by the bright fluorescent lights of the building as the grand elevator doors opened up on your destination.
“Wait outside the door,” Enji Todoroki directed at your usher, and you assumed you were supposed to wait with him. He led you through the halls and stopped at a door that's placard read “Touya Todoroki.”
You leaned against the wall and downed the rest of your coffee.
“I can take your empty cup for you, ma’am,” your usher said with a bright smile.
You smiled back and shaky hands dropped the empty paper cup in his own. You needed to stop shaking so much, but you didn’t think you could if you tried.
You could hear Enji Todoroki’s authoritative voice from outside the door and another one, you presumed him son. He sounded bratty, from what you picked up on their conversation. The more you picked up on it, the more nauseous you felt. “Is there a–”
“Bathroom?” your usher finished for you. “Right around the corner. But I would make it quick.”
At least he had a friendly smile that put you at ease. If this person you were supposed to sleep with was anything like him then maybe you wouldn’t mind it, but you had a feeling that was not going to be the case.
You stumbled into the bathroom and untied the trenchcoat, letting it fall to your ankles. You pulled your panties down and sat on the toilet, relieving your bladder. Your legs trembled. Not even you placing your hands over your thighs could stop them. A chill ran up your spine. How long had you been in there? No, you just sat down. Not much time had passed. But you should get back quickly. Enji Todoroki and his son, Touya, would be waiting.
By the time you got back to your usher, they were still arguing in Touya’s room? Office? You weren’t sure whether or not it was a bed or a desk behind the closed door.
“You’re just in time,” your usher said. “Any minute now.”
He had probably been working for Todoroki Enterprises, Enji Todoroki specifically, for a long time, because as soon as he said that, his boss’s booming voice called for him.
“Yamamoto,” he said, “bring her in.”
Your usher, Yamamoto, opened the door to Touya’s office and you tentatively stepped in. The office was spacious. A cluttered desk sat center in the room. On the other side there was a small couch facing a flat screen TV, although you couldn’t see the screen from where you stood.
And then, there was Touya. A young man with dyed black hair and white roots springing up from the center of his head looked your way. He was quite attractive. He had a much more lean figure compared to his father. He wore a tight fitting black dress shirt that accentuated his muscles, but what really set him apart from anyone you had ever seen was his face. Beautiful teal eyes, much like his fathers, stared back at you. The piercings in his nose and over his lips reflected the light from overhead. He would have to be one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen.
“What is this,” he asked. “Another marriage arrangement?”
“No,” Enji, you think you know him well enough by now to start referring to him by just his first name, sighed. “This is not a marriage arrangement. After all, you threw aside the last twelve options I’ve given you.” He seemed to mumble the last part. He cleared his throat and spoke again. “I have hired her to take care of any of your...needs, and in return I expect you to finally pick up your slack and take part in this company.”
Touya scoffed. “So what is she then? A hooker?”
You felt incredibly out of place, and you averted your eyes to the dark hardwood floors you were standing on. “I’m not a hooker,” you mumbled.
“What was that, sweetheart? I couldn’t really hear you.” Touya snickered as you flinched at the nickname.
“Touya, I expect you to treat her with dignity and respect while you two are enacting in your...activities.” Enji turned to Yamamoto and nodded. “With that settled, I will leave you two alone.”
He and Yamamoto walked out the door and left. That was it? He wasn’t going to assure your safety any more than that? You were left alone in a strange room with this man you didn’t know who you were supposed to fuck. And you were completely and utterly defenseless.
You wish you still had that pepper spray Mina handed you. You’re pretty sure you left it on her desk when you had your initial chat with Enji. If only you had thought ahead enough to remember to bring it with you.
“So what’s your name, doll?” Touya, who was now on the couch, asked. His cheek rested on his fist and a lazy expression was splayed across his face.
“(Y/n),” you said, turning to look at him.
“That your first name?”
You nodded.
He chuckled. “So, what did my old man pay you to do this for me? A hundred k? Two hundred?”
“Free college tuition.”
His eyes widened. “Wow. He must really want me to start taking part in this company.” Leaning back. He patted his lap. “Why don’t you come over and take a seat, sweetheart.”
You didn’t want to comply, but your legs moved on their own as they walked towards him. Your butt found its place sitting on his lap and you pretended not to notice his semi erect cock pushing into your cheeks.
“Aren’t you a little obedient one,” he teased. One of his hands rubbed down your exposed thigh and up your trench coat. He thumbed over the collar of the coat. “So are you gonna take this off for me, or do I have to be the one to take it off you?”
You shuddered and he chuckled at how nervous he made you. Touya emanated so much warmth but even under the trench coat you had never felt so cold.
“Lemme guess, this is your first time whoring yourself out?” He grinned like the fucking cheshire cat as you squeezed your eyes shut out of embarrassment. “Nothing to be ashamed of,” he said with a cocky grin. His thumbs trailed up to the tie on your coat and his fingers pulled it open. “And I gotta admit.” He pulled the sides of the coat off and let it fall off of your shoulders onto the couch. “My dad has got my type pegged down to the nail.”
You were now fully exposed to the man in front of you. Your black bra accentuated your bosom and if it weren’t for the end of the trench coat you were still sitting on, you would have been able to feel the rough material of Touya’s slacks rutting against your ass.
He leaned down to lick a long stripe against the skin peeking out of your bra. “Although I wouldn’t have pegged you as someone who is this compliant.” His hands traveled further up until his fingers were wrapped around your panties, tugging at the elastic keeping them up. He moved up to pepper kisses up your neck, and you let out a sharp gasp when he bit your ear lobe.
“Sorry,” you mumbled when he stopped to let out a laugh.
He moved you off his lap so you were sitting next to him. “You’re not used to this. I get it.”
And you let out a sigh of relief at hearing those words. He was less scary then you thought he’d be. His kisses were gentle up until he bit you and the way he stroked his fingers up and down your exposed skin was comforting in a way.
But just as soon as you began to relax, his eyes narrowed with an evil tint. His hand reached down to unbuckle his pants. “So let's start with you getting on your knees to suck at my cock, shall we?”
Your body was frozen. His demeanor changed in an instant. You didn’t know what to do.
“Come on, doll. I don’t like asking twice.” Now, his hand was making its way up and down his dick. It was bigger than any you had seen before, not that you had seen many to compare it to to begin with.
You stood up from the couch and made your way in front of him, bracing your hands on his thighs as you lowered yourself down.
“That’s it. Now why don’t you pick it up and give it a few good strokes.” He guided your hand towards his dick and stroked it with your soft palm. It took a few strokes before you managed to get a hold of the rhythm. “That’s it. Now why don’t you give the tip a little kiss, hmm?”
Give it a kiss? You didn’t know how to put your feelings in words. His dick was impressive in length and width. There was a series of piercings lining the underside and the thought of them inside of you made you squirm. You leaned your head down and gave the tip a kiss.
Touya smirked. “That’s a good girl. Now open your mouth, sweetheart.”
You parted your lips slightly only to have him grip your hair and shove your head down against his length. You gagged and tears sprung out of your reddening eyes as you tried to push up for your release.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t you want that free tuition? If you want it, you gotta earn it.”
Gripping onto his shaft with one free hand, you hollowed your cheeks and tightened the shape of your mouth.
As he hesitantly loosened his grip on the back of your head, you realized what kind of person he was. He liked to be in control at all times, he’s the kind of person to take what he wants, and you knew that the act of him giving you gentle kisses not even five minutes earlier was just a facade.
Running your tongue up his pierced dick wasn’t as horrid as you thought it would be. You almost smiled at the sharp inhale he took when you swirled your tongue around the tip and lowered yourself onto him fully, using one of your hands to grip his balls and the other to keep your balance against him.
Breathe through your nose, you had to remind yourself.
The soft grunts that Touya made and the way he squeezed your ass may have gone over your head. Especially when he snuck his fingers under your panties and began to prod at your little asshole with his middle finger.
It took you by surprise, and you almost clamped your teeth around his cock out of shock.
“Easy easy,” he said, lifting your head off of his member. He took a moment to stare at your ruined face. Drool and slobber spilled down your chin and your makeup, which had been slowly rubbing off throughout the night, was completely gone as your tears had dragged it across your cheeks. “Look at you, you fucking whore.”
He’s right. You were a whore, selling your body for free education. What was wrong with you? And what was wrong with him getting off on this?
You wanted to speak up, but he beat you to it. “Why don’t you bend over the couch, sweetheart. I’ll show you what guys like me do to little whores like you.”
You hated how you could feel a rush of pleasure between your thighs at his words. Nevertheless, you obediently made your way over to the arm of the couch as he stood up, and you leaned over it so your ass was in the air and stomach was pressed flat against the cushy material.
Touya ran his hands over the fabric of your panties before ripping them off, tearing them to shreds. “Don’t worry about it, doll. I’ll buy you a new pair.”
He fucking better. Lace briefs are expensive for how little skin they cover. But your thoughts on the prices of various pieces of lingerie were pushed out of your mind when you felt something wet prodding at your exposed cunny. His tongue pushed past your folds and lips sucked around your clit.
Your hips pushed into the side of the couch and he snickered at how much he was affecting you. He slipped his thumb into your hole and you squeezed around the digit. “You’re so tight. I’d have expected you to be a bit more worn out.” The pads of his fingered rubbed quick little circles into your clit as his tongue dragged up to flicker against your bumhole, which fluttered against his touch. “Never had anything up here before?”
You shook your head vigorously against the couch and squirmed around as he ate out your ass with the full intent to make you cum. His fingers picked up the pace and if you didn’t have the couch to support you, you were sure you’d collapse into a heap onto the floor. You were edging closer to your orgasm, so close, so damn close, and then he pulled away.
Touya removed his thumb from inside your hole and sucked it clean. He laughed as you mumbled something about being close to cumming, but you shut up when you heard him tossing his shirt aside and dragging his pants further down his thighs. “I gotta say, after every shitty thing my dad has done to me, I gotta thank him. This is the best present he’s ever gotten me after all.”
You didn’t have time to think about what he just said as he lined his dick up between your cheeks and slid it up and down, gathering up his saliva and bits of your vaginal juices. He wasn’t planning on shoving his whole dick up your ass, was he? You didn’t think you’d be able to take that without any lube, or at least without anything other than spit.
It was almost as if he was so in tune with your body that he could hear your thoughts. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I won’t stick anything too big up there for now.”
For now? What did that mean?
He lined up his tip with your entrance and carefully pushed his way in. He thought to himself that he’d always remember the way you cried out in pain and pleasure as he snapped his hips forward once the tip was snuggly in place.
The way his piercing rubbed against your insides caused your toes to curl. Chills ran up your back and Touya rubbed a large palm over your spine to ease some of the pain.
He was raw and merciless as he pushed your head down into the couch cushions and thrusted into you at an alarming rate. You barely had time to catch your breath as he pushed balls deep inside of you.
Touya inched one of his fingers inside your tight little back hole to the first knuckle, and curled the digit up and down as you squeezed around him. He continued to push further and further in until you let out a sob of pleasure and the pace of his thrusts quickened.
Your body felt so hot yet so cold as you were pushed back and forth against the couch. It wasn’t long before you felt your orgasm build up again, but this time Touya didn’t stop. He wormed his finger around and continued thrusting into you until he felt you squeeze against him and your fluids gush out around him.
You laid limp against the couch as he pulled his finger out of your back hole and gripped both of your hips, continuing to thrust at a hard and fast pace until he came inside of you.
There was a moment of eire silence between the two of you as he settled down and pulled his cock out. You could hear him shuffling over to the other end of the room and typing something on his phone. “Yamamoto should be up with a towel to clean you up soon.”
You let out a groan of acknowledgement and sat up. Your body was still shaky, but not with nerves. You felt as though you had been thoroughly recked.
Touya couldn’t help but laugh at how pathetic you looked. “Was it worth the free college, babe?” he chided.
“Yeah,” you smiled to yourself. “Yeah it was.”
His smirk grew wider and a more devious glint in his eyes appeared. “Good. Now next time, let’s see if we can get something a little bigger in that back hole of yours.”
Your smile dropped and you could feel any contents in your belly churning around. “Next time?”
“What,” his eyes lowered in amusement. “You didn’t think this was a one time thing, did you? If you want that free college then you gotta earn it, doll.” He made big strides over to where you sat on the couch and gripped your chin, making sure you were staring into his bright teal and devious eyes as he spoke. “That was the best fuck I’ve had in weeks. I’m not planning on throwing you away any time soon, sweetheart.”
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭 — mason mount
summary: after your breakup, mason realises just how much you need him. and how much he needs you too.
warnings: mentions of drinking, slight mentions of drugs, swearing, angst
requests are open!
It had been a month since your breakup, and you were at an all time low. But you couldn’t let Mason or anyone else know that. Luckily, you lived alone. So you had your own flat to mope about in, before painting on your fake smile and leaving for whatever errands you had that day. Your breakup was… unfair. Mason treated you like a toy, thinking he could just drop you and then pick you up just as quick. But you weren’t having it anymore.
“I can’t fucking believe you,” you laughed in disbelief at the words your boyfriend was spewing, “you’re really doing this to me, again?” Mason just stood with a stone cold face in front of you, in the comfort of his own living room.
“Y/N, believe me when I say I didn’t want to do this.” Mason consoled, taking a step forward. “You’re a distraction to my career, I barely see you. What would be the point of this anymore?” His words were like bullets, your chest full of holes and you were bleeding on the floor. But Mason was just staring back at you.
“I’m a distraction to your career. Lovely.” You mentioned, pushing past him and grabbing your bag from the stairs. Mason tried to stop you, he wanted to talk this out. “For the love of God, stop trying to hold me back. What is there to say? Or do you just want to ease your conscience? If you’re going to break up with me, be a man and own it. Leave me alone.”
With that you left, and you hadn’t spoken since.
You were going to meet a good friend for lunch, a WAG, but your breakup with Mason didn’t affect your friendship. She was adamant on it, saying, “just because Mason dumped your fine ass, doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with you. He’ll just have to deal with it.” You’d gone to your usual place, waiting in the foyer for her before booking a table together.
“How’ve you been, doll?” Abigail asked, putting her bag down beside her. “You know, considering.” You nodded, putting your fake smile to good use.
You let out a small giggle. “Good, yeah. I’ve been focusing on my work, which I should’ve been doing from the jump. I think I’m really making progress.” Abigail just nodded and smiled.
She didn’t seem the least bit frightened to say what she said, as she’d heard how you felt. “Good, because you’re coming to a party this weekend.”
“A party.”
“Yeah I heard you,” you groaned, “are we sixteen- years old? Or am I just growing quicker than the rest of you?”
“Oh shh,” Abigail sighed, digging into her food that had now arrived with yours. Every time you came here, she got the carbonara. “Look, you said you’re making progress, and I want to have fun with my best friend again. And if I’m honest, all the other girls just aren’t as good of a laugh as you.”
“Thanks for the ego boost.” You added, smiling a genuine smile at her. You were still thinking heavily about this party, where was it? When was it? Who was going?
“Clear your weekend. It’s this Saturday, at some private lounge in London.” Abigail stated, twirling her fork once again. “It’s the England squad celebrating something or another, I don’t know. Dec told me about it.” The reason the pair of you were so close, was mainly because of your boyfriends being so close. Declan knew that his girlfriend was still friends with you and planned on keeping that, he’d always ask about you.
“Right. I’ll see if I can work overtime on Thursday to make up for my weekend off.” You mentioned.
So it was settled. You’d be going to a party with Abigail and the England squad. You weren’t the least bit excited, the only fraction you were was purely because you’d be seeing Abigail. You had your dress, you’d worked your overtime, and you were on your way to this private lounge in London. No matter how nice looking this lounge was, you’d always feel out of place. You were wearing your nicest dress, tallest heels, and Abigail had even done your hair and makeup.
“How are you, Y/N? You doing okay?” Declan asked, in the seat beside Abigail. You were sharing a taxi, Abi in the middle. Both you and Dec on either end. It was quite awkward, to see Declan. To know that he still speaks to Mason.
“Yeah, I’m doing good. How’s football going for you?” You asked. You despised small talk, it make you want to throw up. But it was only being polite to Dec. Declan mumbled a similar answer and paid attention to his phone. A text from Abigail appeared.
I don’t think she’s okay.
Declan wrote back to his girlfriend: I was thinking the same thing.
The three had gotten to the private lounge, Abi promising to not leave your side. You spent the first hour with her, constantly drinking to increase your confidence. Abi had finally left you, like you knew she would, but you weren’t mad. She’s here for her boyfriend, it’s only right she spends it with him. So now you were the loner at the bar, downing shot after shot.
Mason was sulking around like a shadow, holding tightly onto his mixer and speaking to some of his teammates. He’s not even sure why he came, all he knew was Declan forced him. And yet Declan had barely spoke to to him all evening. His mixer was empty, so he made his third beeline for the bar this evening. And saw you.
His heart had began beating irregularly, clammy hands almost dropping the cup he had. Why was he so nervous to see the ex he dumped? Luckily, you were occupied with talking to Jesse, so he could quickly grab his drink and leave. He found himself staring at you during his wait, how you laughed so genuinely with Jesse. You always did. He was one of your closest friends and now talking to him felt awkward because of your breakup. You looked at Jesse so happily, he wished it was him. It was a stupid thing to wish, considering he dumped you.
What had dumping you even done for him?
“Mount. Whatever the hell has happened to you outside of training, undo it. You’re off today.”
“Mase, why haven’t you been as on par as you usually are?”
“You keep playing like this and you’re being benched next game.”
Nothing. The answer was nothing. He was told he wasn’t playing well, saw you as an issue and dumped you. And now he plays worse. He’d been benched on his second game, overlooked by his manager due to his lack of focus in training. It was horrible. But you told him to leave you alone, he could never forget the look on your face. The look of exhaustion, of being dumped and picked back up again.
Mason had zoned back in, seeing you looking at him rather lazily. You looked drunk, high, or both. Jesse had gone, and you were throwing the shots back. You made it a game. Every time you had a good Mason thought, you’d have a shot. If it was bad, or any thought at all, you’d be having your stomach pumped by the end of the night.
Mason watched the bartender pour straight vodka into your cup, and then watched you stagger away to the stairs. The stairs led up to toilets, and were empty and quiet. Perfect. You collapsed onto the stairs, still sipping on your vodka before laying your head onto a step. You didn’t know Mason had followed you until you felt his hands on your arms.
“Come on, we’re going home.” He declared, holding you around your waist. You frowned at him, trying your best to use your half-working limbs to push him away from you.
“We’re? No, you are going home. I’m staying here.” You slurred, downing the rest of your drink and throwing the cup at his head. You laughed at the face he made, finally freeing you and you returned to your seat on the stairs. “You aren’t my dad, or my boss, or my friend. So leave me alone.”
“You’re off your face. So you’re going home.” He reaffirmed with you, folding his arms. You just shook your head again, looking up at him. You were having good Mason thoughts again, seeing just his face stare down at you. It made you want to cry and throw up.
“Get me a drink.” Mason left after your instructions, returning with a cup. You had downed it, waiting for the warm throat and slight burn. But nothing. “Not water, you asshole.” Mason kept a stone cold face with you, resting against the wall beside the door. Nobody had come into the toilet and you wished they had now. You needed someone to save you from happy Mason thoughts.
“So how is football? You must be scoring goals left and right.” You jested, tipping your head back and laughing. “Right?” Mason sat down beside you in defeat, knowing this wouldn’t be an easy conversation with you. It would end in you crying, or leaving, or both.
“No, actually.” Mason admitted. “I’m doing rubbish. My friends know I’m off my game, the gaffer knows I’m off my game. It’s atrocious.” You stared at him, kind of feeling bad but then remembering what he did to you. All those times he’d break up with you, just to say he missed you a few days later. If you were being honest with yourself, you thought it would happen again. But a month had passed, and nothing.
“Oh.” It was all you could say. Knowing what he did was for no reason, it had no benefits whatsoever. Your life had been completely thrown out of balance for nothing. It made you mad all over again. “So you’re telling me you broke up with me, and nothing good came of it?”
Mason hated to admit it. “Yes.” He spoke quietly, ashamed of the answer he was putting out there. “I was actually told to fix whatever happened outside of training, in an effort to make me better again.” You should be laughing in his face, glad he’s been royally fucked over after he royally fucked you over. But instead, you held your hands to your face to hide your tears.
“Hey,” Mason hushed, pulling you into his side. He knew you’d had a lot to drink, so maybe your emotions were all over the place, “don’t cry about it, you don’t need to be upset.” Why was he being like this? He broke up with you, why did he care how you were now?
“What’s happened to us?” You cried, pulling away from him. Just because you were at a low, doesn’t mean he can swoop in. “Ever since we broke up, it seems our lives have been shit.”
Mason laughed through the pain, resting his elbows on the step behind him. He’d tried to avoid his feelings instead of confront them, but it proved difficult when you had showed up. “I might be benched for the next game, or better yet, be taken from the squad.”
You shook your head. No matter how much you hated him at this very point, you couldn’t deny the man’s talent. “You deserve that spot on the team. There’s a reason you start for England every time. Don’t doubt yourself because something bad happened to you.”
Mason took your words and remembered them, keeping them in his head for the rest of the night. “Come here.” He put an arm around you and held you tight, sighing as your heads rested together. “I’m sorry I did this to you. I shouldn’t have left you, I had issues with myself and saw you as the problem instead. I’m really sorry.”
“I just don’t think I can take it again.” You confessed, laying your head in his lap and keeping your eyes closed. “I can’t take being broken up with again, only for you to end up in my bed a few days later. It hurts me everytime, Mase.” Mason was rubbing your back, hating himself for the way he made you feel before. And he hadn’t seen an issue with it, he treated you like it was okay to use you as an emotional rag doll.
“You don’t have to jump straight into it,” he whispered, hands now smoothing your hair out of your face, “you can take as long as you need to trust me again. But I’m telling you it’ll never happen again, I’ll never throw you about like I did before. It was reckless of me and I’m sorry.”
“Thank you, Mase.” You sighed, the weight finally freeing your chest. You could finally move forward with your life, and choose whether or not to take Mason with you. It wasn’t an answer you needed to know now, it could take it’s time. And Mason was willing to wait.
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goofyhoffy · 3 years
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook × reader
Genre: romcom
Word count : 3.4 k
Warnings : fluffy, swearing, angst, anxiety attack, smut, kinky, abusive language, mention of hickey, sexual harassment, yandere, love, sex, romance, licking, bullying, misunderstanding, one shot, rudeness, humiliation.
Summary: Gone for the last fairwell party where you meet the nerd kid Jeon Jungkook. The rudest boy who hates the popular kid like you. But then something changed and make you fall for him.
Author note: smoky fanfic for some smoky peeps . Share your opinions.
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"You're not going to attend the fairwell party, _____" your mother said. Tonight there is your first year fairwell party at the restaurant. Everyone is already so excited and planned about tonight. But your heartless abusive mother detains you from going.
"Why, that's so cruel. It's my first college fairwell. Everyone will be there. Let me go." You gasped at your mother. She with her eyes wide open signed you to stop your mouth.
"Be at your room till I come back from our ladies get to together. I'll be late, so close all the door. And be at your room. Don't think of going anywhere. Understood." Your mother shouted and leave the house for the party.
You close the door and shouted at the top of your lungs. You're so annoyed that your abusive mother never let you go anywhere. She's so mean that she goes everywhere without letting you go. But you also know your tricks to go there.  You know  the fairwell party gonna be lit with kids on the bars and restaurant all around. As early as your mom leaves you dressed up in your short silk black dress with your long curly hairs open. Match up with some smokey eyes and pencil heels. Afterall you're the most popular kid there, so you have to go there. But you never want to go cause the people around there are so mean and a bully to others.
Though you never get bullied but you felt bad for others. The better you know that the college guys are the meanest and cruelest. You're also so soft hearted that you fear of speaking up for them. Only for this reason you keep hating other and never went to any of the colleges parties. Even everyone insisted you so much. But today there is a sudden urge to attain the party. Because of your bestie since birth. Because of him you're going to the party. The season last party. Your guts are telling you that something big is gonna be happen with you. Something fun gonna be happen.
You waited at the front door for your bestie to pick you up. You checked the time it's already 9 pm and you need to came back by 2 am or else your mother gonna kill your ass of. It's drizzling outside , soft rains are always your favorite but today you don't have the time to appreciate the nature beauty. But you have to kill the party the fullest. You were just waiting.
"Babyygirl, come on! Get inside this beast." Suga shouted at the high pitch. You glad to see your bestie after waiting for them so long. He along with some other guys ride in a black open Jeep Wrangler. You got astonished to see the big Jeep. You walk upon the Jeep and gulped.
"We're going in this?" You questioned.
"Yes baby, now don't waste your time. And get your ass on this." Suga giggled. You get on that open Jeep. Suga helped you too. The Jeep started and all your hair dances in the air. The moonlight along with drizzling cloud make the sky look beautiful. You're feeling so alluring the whole journey.
When you stepped inside the restaurant,  it was nothing like that. It's filled with smoke and known people faces. Kids are drinking , smoking , dancing and making out. As soon as you step in, the focus shifted to you. Everyone started to making cheers, noise with your name. Some people said "look ___ is looking damn hot." "Her ass! I can die for" "can I fuck her only for today" "she wear this dress to show her big cleavage." And some girls there bitching "why this slut is here?" "God! I thought she died. Now who gonna see me." "I need to cover my boyfriends eyes, or else this whore gonna seduce him."  Everyone is just objectifying you. Only for this reasons you  hate to attain any party. All of them only gonna blame or body shames you.
Hearing all of this you squeezed Suga's hand in shame and murmured "Suga can I go home. This place is not for me." He instantly feels that you're feeling uncomfortable. He grapped your hand and shouted "hey people, look! If anyone gonna open their mouth to spite any bad words to ____. I'm gonna make their college life a hell. So shut the fuck up." Suddenly everyone looks downwards and keep on doing their things. Afterall Suga have hype on the college because he's the captain of the basketball and all of the college kids are afraid of him. This is the perks of having a scary bestie.
"Thanks. Today I'm not gonna interrupt you more. So, now you can have fun. I will also find someone to have fun." You sighed to Suga.
"Shut your thanks, babygirl. I'm always here for you only. If anything happens you can  just call me. I will be here around." He said and walked inside the bar.
Being a popular and good looking girl isn't a great thing. People only notice the worst side of you. You're thinking only this things and make your way to the near by open area on that Place. There's no one. Only you and your loneliness appreciating the cloudy night weather. Even though you have Suga as your bestie,  he also can't always look after you. Apart from him, no one was there as your friends. As you interact really less.
Standing there for so long your eyes trail down to a huge postures sitting down the couch. Black leather jacket, high black boots, smokey black eyes, dark gelled hair with tattooed neck a boy was sitting at the couch. You side eyed at him for a better view. He was drawing something. You peek into the painting you saw it was the soothing sky he was drawing. You again trail your eyes to his full muscular body. But you were unable to see his face as he head downs to draw. You just want to look at his face.
For quite a long there,  he said nothing to you. As only both of you're there you thought of asking him. "It's looking like you're painting this beautiful sky." You asked. The boy looked up to your face. His dark glowing eyes look straight into you. It was a known face too. His baby face isn't matching his devil body postures. You mesmerized to his beauty.  You tell you heart you know him, but never noticed him. He was Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. The nerd kid who always sits at the last bench but tops the class. Who never spokes to anyone. Who's always so lonely when noticed.
"Yeah. I guess you have eyes." Jungkook scoff. But one thing more he's the rudest. Never in his life he talks to anyone in the straight face. Because of that he never have friends. You rolled your eyes.
"I also have mouth but I guess it's best to shut. People are so mean here." You said.
"Huh! Afterall meanest than me. I'm the one who haven't talk about your tits and ass in the whole room here." Jungkook smirked
"Better for you to not open your mouth. I'm only trying to start a conversation with you politely. But you -" Jungkook intrepputed you.
"Yes, I'm the one who shut your bullying mouth. You popular kids always thought we nerds are piece of shit. But we aren't. We aren't even not care for you to answer back. But see today I did." Jungkook again smirked.
"What? I never bullied anyone. Actually you're mad or anything to start a verbal fight here. Do your shitty work, you're good to be alone. Now, I got it why no ones talk to you." You chuckled devilishly.
"I don't make fake friends like you or I say friends with benefits. Huh!" Jungkook giggled.
"Friends with benefits? What do you mean. You totally ruined my mood. Just fuck your life with this shitty attitude you fucking nerd. I'm good to go." You shouted at him and walks towards the bar.
But suddenly,  Jungkook dropped all his drawing book at the floor and runs towards you and grapped you wrist from the back.
"What do you think? Where you're going? " Jungkook said.
You got confused by his actions. "Wait. Why the fuck you touched me? Get off me." You screamed at him. And he instantly released your hand from his grip.
"Cool, using women card huh. See you soon babe." Jungkook smirked turns to devilishly chuckled.  You just get off from there.
Soon you go inside the bar. Asked the bartender to give you some cocktail. He handed over to you. You sit beside a group of creepy men who were keep staring at your thighs. You were getting super uncomfortable because of  that. They're laughing, talking shit about you and your dress. But the limit crossed when one of guys handed over a page to you.
'One night stand! Money as much as you want.' Your blood started to rush over those guys.
You just want to slap them in the face. You hate how the whole fairwell night is turning into a nightmare for you. You never want to come here. You're cussing Suga for insisting you to come.
You grumbled the paper and through it on there faces. But then one of the guys started to touching you inappropriately around your thighs. You don't know what to do. Your anxiety level is getting on peak. All the men covered you and started touching you inappropriately. Out of fear you just sit like a piece of stone.
But then only Jungkook shouted at the group of men around you. His muscular body fitted his leather jacket perfectly. "You creeps,  just get off from her."
One of them says "who is she? Your si-"  Jungkook intrepputed them.
"Yeah, she's my fucking friend. Get off from her." And he grapped your hand and take you aside.
"Just kept your fucking dicks in your pants. If I ever see anyone of you to humiliating any girl. I will cut your penis off. Understood. Fuck off now." He shouted at them. And all of them just leaves the bar.
You're still in a sense of shock. You never believed this happens with you. Room full of air-conditioned but still you're sweating like crazy. You got your first anxiety attack after certain long. Your hand are trembling and tears down to your eyes. You still sense less what's going on.
"You're okay?" Jungkook asked with his baby voice.
You didn't answer anything. You just hugged Jungkook so hard. Nothing in your mind just you hugging him to get some heat and strength. Tears rolled down your eyes stopped to get his presence. He hugged you back and patted your back smoothly. Slowly the terror lives you.
"It's okay. Don't worry. I'm here. You're save." He said.
"I'm here to get your back. Calm down. Your makeup gonna ruin." He scoffs.
"Keep your mouth open. Or else i- " you cut him off.
"I'm okay. Thanks." You gasped.
"Want to have some fresh air outside?" He asked.
"Let's go. I can't breathe here anymore." I sighed. I grapped his wrist and fetch him to outside.
It was storming outside and slow winds crossing over my face. It felt so soothing to go outside and breathe some fresh air. I looked at Jungkook and felt so guilty for misunderstanding him earlier. His baby face just melts my heart. He's a purely the kindest and most helpful. I still regret why I never talked to him on the first hand. Well, I  always have an eye on him for his tonned body. But the behavior always drive me crazy. The way he looked when he was angry at them. His veins hands with silver rings. And those messy dark hair sooths my heart. I once again fall for his kindness,  generosity and smartness.
"Thanks but sorry." You looked at him.
He gazed at me "nothing to thanks me but take care of yourself. A girl should keep her mouth open for herself. Never depend on anyone else other than yourself. You're your own security. Understood."
"Your words are always so deep. But again sorry." You apologized
"Well, I'm sorry too for being rude. I don't mean to but -" you cut him off.
"But nothing. Just end those shitty things. I really liked how you saved me. I promise that from now onwards I will take care of myself." And you smiled at him.
He caressed my cheeks and smiled too. "I always thought you're mean but I was wrong. You're such a sweetheart."
"I know, people assume mean things about me. But at my surprise you're too a darling. But your words are full of sarcasm just like you." You  said.
He giggled at my words. Then you gazed at his eyes and caress his dark long hairs which was covering his baby face. You touched his hairs. You feel a sudden arousal to find him. He was different and amazing. You realized he have something you are finding since a long. He get stumble too with your touch. He felt like he got goosebumps to your touch.  You both keep staring to each others eyes for so long.
But then Jungkook broke it and scoff "your touch gives me goosebumps. Don't be so touchy or else something wrong gonna happen." And you giggled hard at him.
"Okay, I'll give you space." You scoffs.
As you both walk down to a group of boys having tons of beer. The whole area beside them smells like alcohol. You felt like trying some alcohol.
"Want to try some beer?" You asked him.
"Sure. Let's compete who can have more alcohol in their blood tonight." Jungkook smirked to me.
You both took one can of beer and gulped it at one shot. It was so refreshing and taste weird. But alcohol are meant to be tasteless. Jungkook goes for another one and so do you. You both keep on finishing the beer cans one by one. You're so into the competition that both of you crossed all the limits. Just drinking and laughing. After having enough can beer you were just pretending that you're drinking. But you were fully drunk. The alcohol is all over your body. Your dress got drenched with beer. On the other hand, Jungkook keep on going with the beer. Drinking and drinking but not stopping. He's the actual nerd kid who have a super big competitive ass in anything.
"Stop you dick. I can't drink anymore. You win. Cool!" You screamed in annoyance.
"Winner. Yeah. I knew it. No one can win from me." Jungkook yelled.
You made a annoyance face and said "look at my dress, alcohol is all over my body. It's drenched me. I smell like alcohol."
"Are you telling me to lick the beer from your body! Huh?" Jungkook grinned. He's totally drunk. He lost all his senses and so do you. Both are drunk and alone.
"Would you lick me if I say! Huh?" You giggled.
"Just say and I will lick you all up from head to toe baby." He smirked. And walk up to you and licked your neck.
"Stop it. I'll clean it myself." you pushed him kiddingly and ran towards the washroom to clean all the mess up.
At the water basin, you got some tissues and clean all the mess. From neck to your torso where all the beer spilled. But there also Jungkook followed you from the back.
You suddenly feel someone touched your back. You looked back and realized Jungkook is hugging you from behind. Locking your hands and softly kissing your ears. His warm huge body fits you finely. The alcohol fragrance along with his cologne smells it's so sexy. You don't want to leave him and not either tried to get out of his grip. He makes you so comfortable with his body all over you. That's feels so calming and horny. You want him to eat you.
"I said I'll lick you clean. You don't need to clean yourself." Jungkook softly said.
He then smoothly take your open hair aside and kissed your neck. It's feels like you're the last person to eat in this planet. He spins you and now you're facing him. He's so close to your face, you can feel his hot alcoholic breath on your face. He kissed you again all over your neck and beyond leaving some purple marks on your fine white body.
"Don't you want to clean by me! Huh?" Jungkook smirked.
"I-I yes, I want." You said in a shaky voice.
He hovered over you with his lips. Licking neck to chin and then he stopped. He looked into your deep pale eyes. You meet his eyes. His eyes speaking that he will made you watch the heavenly stars today. Without any second thought he kissed you in lips. You deepens the kiss with your tongue into him. His pink juicy lips taste so fine.  He bit you on your upper lips which make it more loving. Then his one hand goes under my dress while the other is still there to deepens your lips. You put your hands on his long dark gelled hair. You both are caressing each other. Deep moans under Neath the breath was changed. Before going out of breath you broke the kiss and you both breathed so heavily.
He lifted you on the top of the water basin of the washroom and touched your inner thigh. A little moans let out from your mouth. His cold long fingers when touched your warm fizzy thighs it's giving you thrills. You spread your long legs further directing him to devour you inside. The hot make out already make you so wet that you can't resist. He pulled the hem of your dress and looks at the most beautiful site at that time. His eyes were glowing to meet with your small pussy.
"You want?" Jungkook asked me before putting his hands further.
"I want you to fuck me. Made me see the stars tonight." You softly screamed.
Jungkook getting the signal to proceed he touched your wet pussy over the panties. But the panties are already drenched of your cum. He gulped and smirked leaving your panty at the floor. He tilted you aside and thrust two of his finger inside of you. His cold veiny long fingers when get inside you, it gives you thrills. You moan his name. He gently thrust each of the finger inward. You already can see the stars.
"Jun-Jungkook!" You moans
"You want more?" Jungkook asked.
"Jun-Jungkook. Yeah. I want you to be inside." You screamed in pleasure.
He gently keeps on going with his fingers all the way. You lift up and you can see the budge on Jungkook jeans. You unlock his belt and put his jeans off. His big member is already waiting for you. Your eyes glowed up to see his big huge dick. You stroke it and it's already having a Boner. Jungkook stops and looked at your eyes.
"Are you sure that you can take my member inside you! Huh?" He smirked.
"Can't wait more to have you inside me. I want your fucking dick to tear my fragile pussy." You growned.
"Then let's just fuck you, ______" Jungkook moans.
You spread your legs further and he put his tip of the cock inside you. He's teasing you but then you thrust him in. His huge cock perfectly fits your pussy. He started to thrust fast and fast. He's moaning your name at high pitch. And you want him more and more. His hips are thrusting hard into you. You see all the colours of the stars. Jungkook made you realize the pleasure. It's get so heated that at last he thrust your g spot. You feel relieved.
"I'm going to cum, Kook." You said.
"I want you to cum on my fucking dick!" He exclaimed.
You cumed in his dick and all over his shirt. Your white liquid is all over the place. He smirked and gently took you off the water basin.
"Did I licked you well, ____?" Jungkook murmured.
"Yeah, I want you to lick me every day, Jungkook." You said softly.
He gently put your clothes on and you wear them. He also did the same. And he kissed your forehead and patted with love.
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joyfulhopelox · 3 years
"I've never cried over a broken dryer before"-"And you better not start now"
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Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (College!AU/ University!AU)
Genre: smut with a saltbae of fluff
Warnings: alcohol use, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, dirty talk, swearing, bit of dom! JK, biting
Summary: Upon entering the club you come across a familiar face. Turns out your laundry adventures were not over. Who knew that clean laundry could lead to dirty talk?
Word count: 6.5k
rating : 18+
A/N: Massive thank you to @bangtanhome for not only being my beta but also my support and making this whole thing a polished princess. Thank you Moon so much for taking the time to edit and thank you for listening to me whilst I complained about this. And most importantly massive thank you for giving me pointers. This is my first piece of nsfw writing and I was extremely unsure about putting it out there but you’ve literally been an angel and were patient with my unsure self whilst also making sure you made this readable <3 -I also would like to thank my soulmate and best friend for putting up with me and dying in the process of reading a fic about her bias. I will warn that i massively sleep deprived at this point but i wanted to get this out with the occasion of the Muster 2021 so here she is!
Copyrights @joyfulhopelox for both the work and the banner
As always please leave feedback and/or talk to me as i love to hear from you! Enjoy <3
Fuck. You’d overslept. You weren’t panicking because you were going to be late; you were normally late anyway. But as soon as your eyes opened, you felt the grogginess that comes with sleeping a bit too much. Your body felt sluggish, joints throbbing and your mouth feeling like you've stuffed cotton balls in it. Feeling like you've been through a survival show, you know it'll take at least an hour for your body to wake up properly. However, you didn’t have time to let yourself slowly come to. You were already late. Any later than this and you may just as well stay home for the night- and go back to sleep. You reveled in the thought for a second, but no. Your friends were impatiently waiting for you to go out clubbing with them. And most importantly to lend them your car. You knew that only because they have called and messaged you incessantly for the past hour reminding you of it. You were thankful at least that you were not the designated driver for the night. Normally you’d draw straws and this time you had got lucky, you could drink as much as you wanted.
‘Good lord Y/N get your ass out of bed,’ you hyped yourself up and just like a bandaid, you ripped yourself from your covers and rolled out of bed. Landing with a thud you groaned upon impact. That was going to leave a bruise.
After a quick shower to get the cobwebs cleared off your mind, you put on a dress. You didn’t wear dresses normally, your wardrobe consisted mostly of pants and various tops. To be tightly encased in a dress that was a bit too short for comfort made you feel uncomfortable, but you knew that as soon as you had some alcohol into you, things would change. A loud knock at your door told you that your friends had finally arrived so you hurriedly grabbed your purse and keys and were out the door. You hesitated for a moment, the feeling of having forgotten something weighing on your mind. When you couldn’t figure out what it was, you decided that it must not be important. Plus, your friends were waiting; time to get the show on the road.
As soon as you entered the club, the heavy smell of smoke, sweat and alcohol hit your sensitive nose. The atmosphere was too loud and obnoxious for your sober brain. To remedy that, your friends decided to stop by the bar first and buy a round of shots to get the night started. With the burn of the alcohol running down your throat, your confidence levels increased. The dress didn’t make you feel uncomfortable anymore, instead you prowled around, your hips moving to the beat. You were aware of the lustful stares that you were receiving and you thrived off of it. Tonight you were on the hunt, ready to let loose after the stressful week full of exams.
“Hey, Y/N. Muscle at 12 o’clock has been giving you the look more than a couple of times,” your friend leaned in to make themselves heard over the loud music. “Try not to be obvious, but I'd say he’s a 10.” You nodded in acknowledgment running a finger over the rim of your glass.
“He’s looking away now, look look,” they nudged you, forcing you to turn around. In all honesty, you weren’t interested in going home with anyone. You were simply enjoying the admirative stares and the smouldering gazes that were thrown your way, but you had no intention to take any of them home with you. However, when you turned around, you were faced with the impossible task of reconsidering. The back of the man your friends' pointed out was indeed muscular, broad and strong, you could see the muscles popping underneath the black shirt he wore. The sleeves of the shirt were pushed up to his elbows, allowing a full display of tattoos on his right arm.
Normally you would have second thoughts about a person like that, but there was something about his demeanour that drew you in even without seeing his face.
The handsome man motioned to one of his friends and his whole body shook with laughter. Observing the way the shirt strained against his muscles you licked your lips involuntarily. For a second you thought he looked strangely familiar, and before you could convince yourself you were being paranoid, he turned his head to the side to entertain the person to his right.
The messy mop of hair, defined jawline and that bridge of the nose they all belonged to the laundry boy - Jungkook. You smirked, “I’d give it a 15 actually”. As soon as you said that, he threw you a glance, his smile wavered as he made eye contact. You felt satisfied at the recognition in his eyes.
You slowly turned back to your friends, certain he would come to you. It took him the entirety of the time you took to finish your drink to make his way towards you.
“Don’t look, he’s coming.”
“Oh, he will be,” you smirked, eyes twinkled with excitement as your friends laughed at your slurring words.
Jungkook had noticed your enticing figure entering the club from the very beginning. It was as if a magnet pulled him towards you. He recognised you as soon as he laid eyes on you. How could he not? The cute girl from the laundry room in the daylight turned into an alluring vixen during nighttime. His eyes were drawn to your hips, the curve of your back and the tempting strip of skin he could spy; they were enticing to him. He tried his best to focus on the way your eyes sparkled in delight when one of your friends would make a joke, but when you ran a finger over the rim of your glass tracing delicate patterns, he felt your siren pull.
You smelt him before you felt him, the subtle vanilla enveloping your senses overpowering the scent of sweat from around you. He stopped right behind you, with one hand on the stool next to you; not completely encasing your form, but close enough that you could see his jawline in your periphery. Leaning in under the guise of ordering a drink from the bartender he pulled the stool and sat down. He didn’t address you at first, patiently waiting for his drink, his long fingers tapping the counter in rhythm with the beat. You tried your hardest not to stare at his hands, the art on them fascinating to you: the doodle style art accentuating his knuckles and the veins running tracing all the way up to where his skin hid beneath his shirt. You tried to keep a poised front, talking to your friends as if he was not there, but you could feel the heat of his stares from time to time, goosebumps forming on your skin.
You knew your friends were getting drunker and drunker as time passed, but you’d underestimated them. Soon enough they each scattered around the surface of the club looking for a dance partner. Your friend left you in charge of the drinks they ordered, winking at you suggestively as they left. That meant you were alone. And judging by the way your skin prickled, Jungkook was still seated next to you.
“A gin and tonic, please,” he ordered another drink. You realised now would be the perfect time to not only talk to him, but also repay him for earlier. As the bartender presented him with the bill you turned around and smoothly presented your card to him. “Make it two on the same tab.” you smirk, winking at Jungkook when your eyes met his.
You heard Jungkook laugh at your brazen attitude and you had to admit to yourself, if not for the alcohol you’d had earlier, you would’ve probably walked away. You made direct eye contact with him and smiled.
“Nice to see you again, laundry boy,” you smirked. Jungkook looked taken aback for a second. The image of you in the laundry room is completely erased. What he saw in front of him now was an alluring woman, sure of herself and what she wanted. And she made it clear that she wanted him. Hiding a smirk behind his hand he leans closer to you, his breath fanning the hair stuck at the nape of your neck.
“It’s Jungkook, not 'laundry boy',” he yells over the music. Your shoulders shake with laughter.
“I know, but it is fun to tease you - Jungkook.” He smiled at you, his eyes crinkling in delight. He's caught onto what you were doing and he was ready for it, two could play at this game.
“What’s your name?” You were half expecting him to pull a bad pick up line, the earlier impression that you had of him still engraved into your mind. When he didn't, you smiled, hiding your satisfaction. Maybe he really was worth a 15 and not a 10.
“What, no ‘I didn’t catch it’? No ‘I bet it hurt’? I’m offended, do I not deserve a bad pick up line?” you grinned at him and he burst out laughing, the sound reverberating through you making a shiver run down your spine.
“You got the drinks, pretty girl, there’s no way I can use a pick up line now,” you started laughing earnestly. He was definitely not what you had expected. The muscly tattooed facade was clearly done just for the purpose of aesthetics, and not because he slotted right in with the rest of the douches.
“Fair play, but I did say I was going to pay you back earlier,” you gesture with your head as if to point out which earlier moment you meant.
“I see. This is how you intended to keep your word then” Jungkook said just as the bartender places the drinks in front of you both handing him something. “But as it happens, I am a step ahead of you” he waved a card in front of you. His satisfied smirk made you pause flustered. Realising he’s already given his card to the bartender earlier you blushed.
“That’s not fair, laundry boy” you pout. “Now I have to find another way to repay you” you fumbled with the card the bartender handed over to you struggling to place it back in your clutch.
“I am sure we can find other ways” you paused looking at him. Under normal circumstances you would have found that to be incredibly off putting, but noticing the way he scrutinised you so intensely, no hidden message behind his smoldering gaze you squeezed your thighs together a wave of heat enveloping you.
You took a sip of your drink to mask the deepening blush and cleared your throat. You knew that if you gave him your name you were in for the ride. “It’s Y/N” you took another sip, savouring the taste of the alcohol.
“What?” Jungkook wasn’t expecting you to hand him your name so freely.
“It’s Y/N” you yelled louder and leaned into him thinking he hadn’t heard you because of the music. The waft of your perfume clouds his senses, the smell of cotton and lilac enveloping him. Needing to be closer to you he chanced it and asked you for a dance.
You finished your drink with a gulp and nodded your head. You grabbed his wrist and started making your way through the mob of people. Jungkook couldn’t help but stare at the way your hips swayed to the beat and when you threw him an alluring look over your shoulder he couldn’t help but be lost. He felt like a puppy following your sultry form through the crowd.
You finally stopped in the middle of the dancefloor, your moves more accentuated following the beat of the music. Jungkook stopped a few inches away from you, unsure whether or not he should place his arms around you yet.
You stepped closer to his body, your movement predatory. “Come on laundry boy, you can do better than that. Think of this as part of the payment” you winked at him. You could see the shift in his eyes, a flash of something heavy across his face, his demeanour changing in an instant from uncertain to commanding in a second. He gripped your waist tightly and pulled you flush against him moving along with the beat.
For a second all you could feel and smell was him. His domineering attitude instantly turned you on with the silent promise behind it. “Oh, this is just the beginning” he moved his hands so that his arms encased your waist intending to savour the feeling of you against him. Fully intending to see where this night ended you hooked your fingers into his belt, your bodies so close together they melded into one.
“Bring it on lover boy.”
The oppressive atmosphere of the club was enough to cloud all your senses. The alcohol running through your veins made you braver than you would have ever been. The smirk Jungkook threw at you was almost tantalising. Inviting you to commit sin. And the thought of tasting his lips and running your hands through his hair whilst his breath fanned over your throat was mouth watering. You’d been skirting around each other for the whole night, laughing, drinking, talking, but most importantly eyeing each other up. The last straw for you was when a rogue drink came flying out of nowhere and drenched the two of you. The liquid mixed with his sweat and snaked its way from his temple down to his jaw. You watched as the drops ran lower and lower as if directing your gaze towards his chest. Swallowing thickly you knew that you were a goner. If he’s ask to fuck you right there on the dance floor, you would surrender instantly.
Smirking at your lust filled expression, Jungkook knew he had you where he wanted. He had been staring at your lips for the whole night, entranced at the way the plumpness was enhanced by the sheen from when you’d run the tip of your tongue over them. He was mesmerised. He could also imagine that tongue running over his- he tried to stop himself there, aware that he’d get hard if he kept going in that direction. He could already feel the strain against his pants.
“Another drink?” he offered, and you shook your head at him. Another drink was definitely not what you wanted. What you wanted was him, to kiss you until your lips were raw and to pound into you senselessly until you could hardly remember your name. Were you drunk enough for this? Probably not, but you did not care for once. You wanted to remember this.
Leaning closer to you with the excuse of the loud music, his breath fanned the nape of your neck and the sensitive shell of your ear, making you shiver. “Then what would you like, love?”
There it was, the thousand dollar question. It was now or never. Taking a deep breath in you looked him straight in the eyes with determination. It made Jungkook shiver. You looked fierce and incredibly alluring. It took all the strength he had in him to not shove you on top of the bar and kiss your brains out. “Tell me?” he coaxed you.
He knew what you wanted. You had been obvious for the whole night. But so had he. Throughout your conversation you were undressing each other with your eyes. You noticed the way he couldn’t keep his eyes away from your ass when you would lean over the bar to ask for one more round of drinks.
Under normal circumstances, that thought would have made you nervous. This time it gave you the courage you needed to let yourself go. To switch from being the player to the one played. And if he was the one doing that, you didn’t mind one bit. “I want you” you bit your lip and looked at him from under your eyelashes. His eyes darkened with lust. Mind clouded with desire, he grabbed your wrist tightly and without a word started making his way through the crowd. The roar of the drunken crowd, the smell of sweat and alcohol, and the feel of sticky bodies bumping into you didn’t matter anymore. All your focus was on the way his back muscles moved with every turn of his body. Suddenly a flash of the same back muscles, naked, moving as he towered over you and thrust his hips into yours made your stomach clench and you could feel your panties getting damp. God you wanted him so badly.
Jungkook could see your wistful lust-filled eyes becoming hazier and he sped up the pace. He finally stopped when he reached an empty corridor near the back exit. He would have liked to have more privacy than that, but something about making you beg for him in a public place made his cock twitch in anticipation. He really needed to get a hold of himself otherwise he’d be done before you’d even started.
He tugged at your wrist and lightly pushed you into the wall, he would have taken things a lot slower but your gaze told him to hurry up and take you then and there. And who was he to deny you?
His eyes raked over your body, and a sigh escaped his lips. “Beautiful”. Even though he craved to taste you, he took a moment to appreciate the way your eyes glistened with passion, your chest heaving along with your breaths and your perfume clouding his senses. He wondered if you tasted as sweet as you smelt.
A fistful of your hair in his hands, he pulled you flush against him, until all you could feel were the hard planes of his chest and his hardened member poking at your abdomen causing you to moan, your panties getting wetter.
You whimpered at the sensation as his fingers gripped the sensitive hairs at the back of your skull, goosebumps forming on your skin in anticipation. Expecting him to attack your mouth with the same hunger that was displayed in his eyes you leaned more into him.
You silently begged him to release the coil that had formed in your stomach but he wanted you to beg. His breath fanned the pieces of hair that fell onto your face. The last rebellious piece of you that refused to fall into his clutches. In a desperate attempt to get him to kiss you, touch you - do something, you grabbed tightly onto his biceps relishing in the feel of the muscle tensing underneath your fingers.
“You’re not playing fair laundry boy,” you huff, feeling frustrated over the lack of contact. His laugh, dark, deep and lascivious sent a shiver down your spine.
“Baby girl, that’s not my name” his free hand clasped onto your waist squeezing hard enough to send a jolt through the pit of your stomach all the way down to your heated core. “Jungkook” you whimper and in a last attempt you hook your leg around his thin waist.
“That’s it baby” he lowered the hand on your waist towards your thigh, his fingers leaving an indentation in the skin. Seizing the opening you started grinding your core onto his thigh trying to relieve the ache. His lips ghost over your neck in a tantalizing way, his tongue sweeping over the nape briefly tasting your saltiness. The sensation of his warm tongue on the exposed area of your neck followed by the coldness from the air makes you moan. You could smell his perfume, combined with the musky scent of his sweat and alcohol made your head swim in delight.
“Jungkook, please” , you exposed your neck to him needing more. Rolling your hips into his thigh you could feel the blood pumping underneath your skin, the pleasure overshadowing any rational thought. The friction between your clit and his pants left you breathless, the coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter ready to unfurl. All of a sudden Jungkook stepped a few inches away, and you lost contact with his leg. Robbed of your release, you instantly whine.
“Mmmm, I can't have you cum on my leg, as much as I would like to see you ride it out on your own. I need to taste you.” he demanded. The hand still supporting your leg inched closer and closer to your dripping cunt. Slipping a cold hand under the hem of your dress his fingers made contact with your heated core causing you to jerk. You yelped, your hips bucking into his hand. Your hands latched tightly onto his shoulders, your fingers digging into them in an attempt to steady yourself. He cupped you through your panties, the heel of his palm pressing into you. Muffling a moan into his shoulder you begged him to touch you more, but he retracted it away from your tender flesh.
“Nuh-uh not yet.” The hand pinched your thigh and you tried not to cry at the feelings bubbling up inside you. You were frustrated and horny, and his taunts were enough to make you crave for more.
“Laundry boy” you warn, staring him dead in the eye.
“Y/N, what did I say about my name” he pulled at the hair he still gripped tightly in his hand. Cradling you close to him he bucks his knee into your core, this time freely offering the friction that you had been yearning for. You whined, the lewd sound echoing in his ear. Your clit on fire, you pressed yourself more into his knee.
“That’s it, moan for me with those pretty lips” gaining a bit of self control you decided it was time for you to step up your game.
“Do you not want to see what else these pretty lips can do?” you licked your lips, your heart racing. Your hooded eyes suggested more than Jungkook would have expected from you.
“Dirty girl” biting his lip before he crashed them onto yours, the contact making your lips smack and your teeth clash. Neither of you care as your tongues intertwine, carrying the battle that your hips are craving. The friction between you caused your whole body to heat up, your senses heightened. You could feel every bit of him against you. The way one hand gripped your thigh and the other pulled at the sensitive hairs at the nape of your neck, the way his tongue roughly caressed yours. He was intoxicating. In the heat of the moment he roughly pushed you into the wall behind you, the force causing you to moan into his mouth.
Jungkook was at the end of his wits, he had to have you now. He needed to taste you, see you unfurl in front of him as he eats you out. Breaking the kiss, your mouth sore, he observed the way your pants made your chest rise up and down, pushing your breasts into him.
Without a word, he attacked your mouth once again for a brief second before he trailed down your jaw to your neck, nipping the sensitive skin in the process. The hand on your thigh reached once more underneath the hem of your dress, this time making its way fully and cupping your dripping core. At the touch of his hand on your sensitive clit your knees buckled and you let your weight onto him, your forehead dropping onto his shoulder for support. You tried to suppress a moan.
“Let it all out baby” his mouth at the shell of your ear, the tip of his tongue trailing the delicate flesh there. “You’re so wet” he moans, “I can't wait to taste you.” His finger dipped under the band of your panties trailing over your center. “So soft” - he sucked your earlobe into his mouth and gave it a small bite - "so wet for me”
This time you couldn’t hold back your moan. The feel of his finger pressed into your folds, parting them and exposing your clit to his ministrations had you squirming. The tip of his finger started drumming in a rhythmic steady fashion on your engorged button. The feel of his lips caressing the sore earlobe relieving the sting from the bite is too much for you. “Jungkook please, I need..” your moans getting louder and louder as the pad of his finger presses harder in an unrelenting tempo.
The hand holding your neck slowly inched towards the swell of your breasts, picking the flesh there until it turned sore. His fingers still attached to your sensitive bud he suddenly drops on his knees in front of you. With his support now gone you try to grip uselessly at the wall behind you. He slots himself between your legs, forcing them to spread open. As he raised the hem of your dress and pushed your panties to the side you couldn’t help but look down. The sight of him between your legs glancing up at you made your knees buckle. With one hand tracing your folds and the other gripping your hip tightly to hold you in place he gives you an uncertain look. “Is this ok Y/N?” his concern for your approval makes your heart melt, but you were too high strung to think about that. You wanted him, and you wanted him now.
“Please” you moan in approval.
With your approval he dived right in, too hungry for your taste. Parting your folds with his fingers he starts by giving you a tentative lick. Being sensitive from his fingers you writhe, your hands desperately clutching at the wall behind you. Savouring the first taste of you he thrums with his finger at your clit. You arched your back, your hands giving up on trying to hold onto the wall. Instead they found their way into his hair, fingers gripping tightly.
Diving back in Jungkook starts lapping earnestly at your folds, his finger still applying pressure onto your sensitive nub. Bucking into his face you suppress a moan. The sensation of his wet tongue prodding at your entrance is too much to take and your knees buckle. Jungkook sensed the shift in your weight and quickly grabbed a hold of your leg, hoisting it over his shoulder. The hand attached to your clit now tightly gripped your calf. The change in position offered the extra support you needed to not fall over.
With your entrance now completely opened to him his tongue started rapidly tracing your folds, only stopping to suck on your clit.
“Jungkook” the overstimulation from his tongue lapping up your wetness and his teeth nipping at the sensitive cluster of nerves is too much to handle, you can feel yourself take over, and Jungkook is more than happy to let you go at your own pace. Grinding over his face, your hands still gripping at his hair, you ride his tongue at your own pace desperate to reach your climax.
You can feel it, you are so close to release you could almost taste it.
Suddenly he entered a finger, knuckle deep into you pumping in and out quickly. Letting your calf go but making sure he is still supporting your weight with his body he leaves you sensitive nub alone and traces kisses along your inner thigh, up to your navel. The dress now obscuring other parts of you he gets up, his finger still deep in you, drawing pleasurable mewls out of your mouth.
“That’s it baby girl, tell me what you need” he is panting in your ear now. With the taste of you still lingering on his tongue and the sight of you coming undone from his ministrations makes him harder than he’s ever been. He felt uncomfortable under the constraints of his pants, the zip digging painfully.
“I need you to fuck me” you finally moan, your hips grinding against him chasing for that sweet release.
“I need you to come for me first baby, I need to see your pretty face when you cum all over my fingers” swiftly he changes fingers, his thumb now drumming at your sensitive clit. You gasp as a finger teases your entrance for a brief second before it penetrates your pussy.
The loud sounds coming from the club were not enough to drown out the lewd sounds that your wet pussy was making whilst Jungkook’s finger pistoned into you. The shot fire along with the shameless sounds you were making were enough to make the tight coil in your belly unfurl. With a deep loud moan you bit Jungkook’s shoulder in an attempt to muffle the yell that was threatening to spill out of your lips. Your muscles clenching in tandem with your core. Jungkook felt your cunt clamping his fingers tightly and a low grunt escaped past his lips. He could almost imagine how wet and tight you would be around him.
“That’s it beautiful, let go”
Your hips carried on buckling, chasing the high and wishing it would not stop. Jungkook took his time observing how your head fell down and your mouth opened slightly in a silent satisfied scream, how your eyes scrunched up as if you were trying to cut off all your senses apart from the feeling of his fingers in you. You were beautiful. When at last your muscles relaxed and your high subsided a low sigh fell out of your lips. It has been a long time since someone has made you cum like that with just their fingers. Jungkook’s finger still lazily traced your clit, the overstimulation too much for you to handle.
“Jungkook '' you whined trying to back away from him but the tight grip on your waist wasn’t allowing you to move more than a few inches away. Without a word Jungkook pulled his hand out of your panties and let go of you. Your knees still weak from your climax you struggle to stand up right and you end up having to lean into him slightly for support. The sight of him licking his fingers coated in your juices sets you on fire once more.
“You’re beautiful when you cum Y/N.” Somehow, his words made you blush. The lewd act that you both partook in had failed to make you blush, instead what made you self conscious was the way he gazed at you. It was softer and more intense and it made your stomach clench once more. If not for the obscene act in the deserted corridor of a club, you might’ve actually entertained the idea that he cared.
You smiled shyly at him and in that moment he was swept away by the warmth expanding from his chest. You were indeed beautiful. And witty, and smart, and you liked to do your laundry. What more could he want? Cupping your face, he kissed you once more, slowly and with purpose. You gasped, you were not used to this gentle Jungkook. Taking the opportunity to pull you closer once more, his tongue mapped every inch of your mouth.
“Fuck me now please” you whisper against his lips. Your hand on his belt moved slowly over the bulge in his pants. He bucked into your touch at the feel of your fingers wrapping around him as much as you could with his pants still on.
“Y/N” he warns. If you carried on that way he would definitely come in his pants. Rubbing him slowly, you could feel his member harden even more under your touch.
“Is it uncomfortable babe?” you whisper in his ear. “How about I return the favour?” you unzip his pants prepared to lower yourself to the floor but he grabs your shoulders keeping you in place.
As much as he would have liked to feel those soft lips around him, he knew that if anyone were to bump into you two, it would not be good. The club was full of students going to the same university as you. If they were to find you on your knees blowing him it would instantly kill your reputation. He did not want that to happen.
“Not here” he zips his pants back up and grabs your hand gently. After all that had transpired between you this soft almost domestic treatment is not what you were expecting. Once again the warm feeling in your heart returned, and this time you were a bit more sober. He was cute, and somehow you found his duality endearing. He returned to being laundry boy Jungkook instead of the dominant Jungkook you’ve just witnessed.
You walked through the club, his hand still gripping you tightly as if he was afraid he’ll lose you in the crowd. Once you reached the outside you took a deep breath in relishing in the way the fresh air soothed your heated skin. Glancing up at Jungkook you noticed he was on his phone texting someone.
“I am texting my friends to let them know I have left,” he explained, putting his phone back in his pocket, smiling at you. The contrast of his lust-filled gaze from before and his gleeful smile almost gave you a whiplash. He was such a contradiction that you couldn’t help but be intrigued by him.
“And I ordered an Uber” as soon as he’d said that a car pulled over right in front of you. The ride back to the campus was a quiet one. It wasn’t an uncomfortable quietness though, having chatted about anything and everything in the club you were content to just put your thoughts in order. You noticed that he had not let go of your hand once during that time but with his gaze out the window, his face thoughtful you could not bear to say anything. Plus, you were enjoying the feel of his smooth hands holding yours.
As the car pulled up in front of the dorm you both shared a glance, an understanding passing in between the two of you.
Once inside the fire inside you sparked up again. Grabbing at each other, your mouths hungrily clashing, you stumbled all the way to the elevator. It was late enough that no one would see you two messily making your way to your room. As soon as you entered the lift and separated to press the correct button you finally remembered what you’d forgotten. If you were a bit more sober you would have laughed at the hilarity of the situation.
Your face fell. “The laundry” you whined in distress. Jungkook’s mouth fell. He threw you a panicked look thinking that you’d changed your mind. One glance at you was enough to tell him that you were panicking in earnest.
“What happened to the laundry?” his hand hovering over the lift buttons unsure of what to do.
“I forgot to put the laundry in the dryer!” you looked at him with such drunken despair he had to hold his laughter in. He did not want to offend you by laughing in your face. You were sober enough to not slur your words, but clearly not sober enough to process your own feelings.
“Let's get that done then.” He decided that as much as he liked your witty self, as well as you in the throes of passion, he adored this side of you too; your guard down, emotions on display. It made his heart swell thinking that you were entrusting him with your vulnerabilities.
You rushed ahead of him entering the laundry room, not paying attention to anything but the lone machine still loaded with your clothes. You quickly opened it, the smell of clean cotton wafting around you.
“Let me help.” Jungkook grabbed the pile of clothes you were holding and moved them into the dryer next to him. As soon as everything was loaded in you turned to smile at him. The panic in your eyes now replaced by the same hunger that governed your mind earlier, you grab him forcefully, clashing your mouth against his. Your hips slammed together in an attempt to ride the pleasure from before. Jungkook, not having expected you to be so forceful, moaned into your mouth and instantly hardened against your hip bone. The quiet of the laundry room was filled with the sounds of your pants as you continued to kiss. In the heat of the moment, Jungkook places his hands on your ass, hoisting you up on the laundry machine behind you. The position allowed your hips to align perfectly, the pressure of his dick now directly onto your clit. Before you could go further Jungkook stopped and looked at you.
“You need to start the dryer,” with the last of his restraints he motioned to the still machine. You glare at him, this being the second time he cockblocks you and himself. But his gaze was unwavering. You sighed and leaned away from him, reaching for the top of the dryer as well as you could still atop of the laundry machine. “Whatever you say laundry boy.”
After pressing down on the start button, you’re quick to return to kissing him. But the quietness of the room seemed odd to you. The dryer had not started. Confused, you look at it again, certain that you pressed the right button. Pressing it once more you wait this time. The dryer stayed still.
The chaotic emotions from before enveloped you again and this time you could feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” Jungkook is throwing you a worried look, not having expected the sight of your tears.
“It’s not started! It’s broken!” you exclaim tears pooling barely hanging onto your bottom lashes. You pushed him gently aside and hopped off the laundry machine. “Why has it not started?”
The desperate look you gave him paired with the knowledge that the machine was not doing what you wanted because you had not paid makes him crack and start laughing. You gape at his bunny smile and crinkly eyes offended until the silliness of the situation catches up to you and you can’t help but join.
“I have never cried over a broken dryer before. Or been cockblocked by one” you glance at him, mirth in both your eyes.
“And you better not start now” he warns you jokingly. You stare at each other for a second before you burst out laughing again.
He can’t help but be enamoured by you and your silliness. Even though the night had not gone as you’d both planned. You both crying in laughter over a dryer makes him think that maybe there was something more there than a one night stand. And he was more than ready to give it a try.
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