#i feel u i use to be in an rp i loved and it closed down i looove high school rps they are da bomb
wyrmguardsecrets · 5 days
Worst race in WoW rp? Human males.
I now go out of my way to avoid any rp with human males (or worgen males who rp in human form), especially if they're played by white cis men. They are the most problematic group in the game bar none.
They consistently fuck up any rp they get involved in because their character is just an egotistical projection to compensate for their personal male inadequacies. Their roleplay is either some DEUS VULT holy warrior bullshit where they godmod their racism all over any non-human characters, or they try hard as fuck to be Tommy Shelby when really they're just Tommy Wiseau with a "u wot m8" accent. OR they're a "wise old sorcerer" who exerts their intellectualism onto any young woman standing alone in the Lamb. Oh, and let's not forget the assholes who want to be as close to the rank of king as lore-abidingly possible–all adult toddlers with a raging case of megalomania.
The ego cis men imbue their characters with has singlehandedly dismantled so many public rp hubs and guilds because they HAVE to be the big man on campus. I've seen it happen time and time again, where one or more will show up uninvited to a brawl or dispute of any kind across SW because they metagamed learning about it. They HAVE to be the strongest, smartest, funniest, most vicious, most aloof, most politically savvy, and most connected, which just translates to blowhard attitudes and unnecessary conflict as they try to assert their dominance over everyone else. Women? Holes to fuck. Men who love their wives? Spineless cucks. Non-humans? Inferior or a device to be used (i.e. having a draenei as a meat shield). Everyone is an NPC and just a means to an end for their rp. Oh, and their ERP? So much attention to detail when it comes to their muscles and dick veins that it ironically borders on homoerotica.
And if you sit in vc or chat with these guys, it's the biggest stroke fest. They oocly rip on whoever confronts them, make dumb jokes about other OCs, and fellate themselves for writing 10 bAdAsS paragraphs every emote. Nevermind the unapologetic sexism, racism, and trans/homophobia that runs rampant in their discords and guild chats. And if you call them out on their toxic behavior or piss them off, they will gang up on you and gaslight you into a coma until you no longer feel safe on your own character.
Now, because I know their egos are so fragile that I expect some ragey responses and attempts to insult me or say #notallhumanmales, but tbh they can all fuck right off. I've been here 12 years and every single person I've ever known on MG has a horror story involving a human male OC. They're sexual predators–Andrew Tate wannabes–and deserve to be ostracized and ignored.
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venaue · 2 months
first up : both of my yuu ocs! They co-exist in ramshackle and both play an important part in the story :D
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Yuuto & Kiyuu !
more info abt them under the cut :3 [ totally not a shameless plug but i have a rp blog for them @ramshackle-snowyruins id be very happy if u checked it out :D]
first up is yuuto ! a bit of extra basic info about him :
yuuto goes by he/it , and is afab & transmasc (this however is not public knowledge)
introverted extrovert
he's an adrenaline junkie , and he enjoys getting into fights , and playing sports . (if you see him with a grin on his face during an overblot… you're not hallucinating unfortunatly... ;p)
he is easily irritable , and is often fighting with ace (as ace also does with deuce)
he also has insomnia. he finds it hard to fall asleep until around 3-4 in the morning, and wakes up at around 7-8, unless having to earlier for school.
he often hangs out with crimson and aros (2nd yr ocs) in the pop music club (with kiyuu) before the club starts, sometimes they plays music with them, and sometimes they just hang out
enjoys games, both online and board/card-esc, likes using strategy, though most of the time his temper hinders his ability to actually perform well...
one of the things he enjoys most about being at NRC is broom riding, he absolutely loves it. he often pesters anchor or mace to use their magic to get his broom started in flight class, even though he hardly ever goes out of his way to interact with anybody, even them.
if yuuto had a choice to go back to their world, he wouldn't take it, even if he was forced. he never wants to go back, and nothing would ever make him change his mind.
relationship status with canon: bffs (he's in denial tho): ace , deuce , epel , jack , ortho , sebek clubmates: azul , idia a different kind of clubmates category: leona "oh thats a close friend of [an oc/canon char they're connected to in some way]": lilia , floyd , jade , rook , silver , ruggie acquaintances: jamil , cater , trey , kalim , malleus they dislike him a tad (read: maybe a bit more than a tad): vil , riddle (^^ very brief categories just as a basis ... maybe if u ask (either here or on the rp acc) i might go into more depth ;3)
(anonymously online (under the pseudonym @/infinitelygray), he's also good friends with gloomurai and muscle_red) ;)
O-KAY TIME FOR KIYUU !!! u know the drill nooww <3
they go by they/she/he and are amab non-binary!! (again , not public knowledge tho,,)
extroverted introvert
kiyuu appears to be a confident and cheerful person, taking efforts to resolve conflicts and make sassy jokes
but they're also a chronic overthinker, always acting before they can think and then immediately regretting it afterwards , even if it had no consequence at all, always second guessing herself
she absolutely adores makeup and feminine clothing and stuff and feels most confident when theyr presenting fem and when theyve taken care of their appearance, its one of the only ways she can really feel a little more confident in herself
kiyuu has enochlophobia , the phobia of crowds , and such often grows quiet and fidgety whenever in large groups of individuals
kiyuu also has a form of insomnia , but rather a polar opposite of yuuto's in which he can fall asleep easily quite early on at around 10-11pm usually , but wakes up at really early hours of the morning usually around 2-3am in the morning and can't fall back asleep ,,
they joined the basketball club because they wanted to do something that was familiar to them in this unfamiliar world
they do feel homesick, but if ever faced with a choice to go back to her world or not, kiyuu would stay. because of yuuto, and the rest of the friends she's made, and also because of the freedom of expression she has here as opposed to back home.
relationship status with canon: bffs: ace , deuce , epel , jack , ortho , sebek good friends : lilia , kalim admires (and is decently close to): vil , rook clubmates: jamil , floyd friends: cater , malleus , silver "oh thats a close friend of [an oc/canon char they're connected to in some way]": jade , idia , riddle , azul , leona , ruggie acquaintances: trey (^^ these r pretty in order btw , so the further down the list , both vertical and horizontal , the less close they r 2 the oc) :3 (^ except the first years they're just listed in order cz im lazy)
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questforrp · 2 months
Would you like to RP?
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I’m casting out my net searching for some RP partners! In the past, I was unfortunately unable to keep up with some of my RPs because of work but now I’m ✨ u n e m p l o y e d ✨ and looking to dedicate some of my newfound free time to getting my fix of some pairings! 💕
Cool Stuff About Me:
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I live in the US on EST.
I am 26!
I only rp on discord.
My writing style is adv lit/novella. My responses often break discord character limit and I have nitro which offers a higher character limit.
I’m pretty open to a wide range of ideas yet I do love to lean a bit more slice-of-life and modern in role plays. I love angsty, plot heavy ideas as well– however, I do wish for a good bit of planning and deliberation beforehand!
Writing style is very important to me. It is genuinely make or break for me. I am also a long time fanfic writer so I believe my writing is very thorough. I am not semi-lit whatsoever. My writing will be lengthy and thorough most often so I please ask that you do not interact with this post if you do not think you will be compatible with my writing style. (Samples will be included in this post!)
I am not too keen on most topics, themes, or tropes that fall under the umbrella term “Dead Dove”. Nothing involving minors and adults in sexual or romantic relationships. Not too keen on heavy violence, gore, or any type of ageplay.
Who I’m Looking For:
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Someone who is 21+ (will settle for 18+)
Someone who writes third person
Someone who is able to write as close as possible to their character’s cannon personality (with some liberties, of course!)
Someone who is comfortable writing NSFW content (smut:plot usually ranges 40:60 but I’m willing to adjust)
Someone who writes adv-lit/novella (very important)
Parings legend:
Character I prefer to write**
No preference on writing
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Gojo Satoru x Getou Suguru (t/b dynamic is unfortunately unshakeable on this one.)
Itadori Yuji** x Fushiguro Megumi
Erwin Smith** x Levi Ackerman
Laois Touden x Kabru
Uzumaki Naruto x Nara Shikamaru**
One More Special Thing With Only One Bullet Point:
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I love omegaverse. The best way to catch me is to put an omegaverse idea on a hook and reel me in. Omegaverse for me includes potential/current/mentions of mpreg and I am also very fond of parental centered storylines. This includes planned pregnancies, accidental, past, etc.
Now that you’ve somehow gotten through all of that, please take note of all the information I’ve painstakingly laid out! I will not be negotiating things I have blatantly laid out but I am open to questions or concerns!
Now, without further ado, please give this post a like ❤️ or send me a dm 💬 if you’re interested in starting an rp with me!
As of August 8th, 2024, I am actively searching for partners!
Writing samples will be listed from here on so please enjoy and if ya see one that gets your attention, feel free to ask me about it and we might be able to turn it into an RP!
eruri (Erwin x Levi)
Erwin's tongue felt thick and tacky in his mouth, the cavern bone-dry and arid as soon as his ears processed the escort's siren call. He'd felt this shallow feeling of nerves before, the same storm in his gut that felt like he was a sailor stuck at sea- at the mercy of savage waves. It was only once, highly cherished and to never be forgotten. It had been when he'd first bedded his ex-wife in their early twenties. Anticipation teetered on a fine line that separated excitement and fear of the unknown.
He's technically never promised anyone anything. Not a stable life, not the best version of himself, nothing. Nor was it truly ever expected of him. Erwin was a cookie cutter man made to fill a specific role but in his thirty-four years of age, he still hasn't begun to figure out what or who had made him this way. Was he a prisoner of someone else's expectations or his own?
At that moment, he remembered Miche's warbled words. The man had had his arm thrown around Erwin's shoulder, face flushed and smelling of artisanal whiskies.
"You know," Miche had hiccupped. "You really hold yourself to some high standards, man."
Erwin had gently shouldered his friend's arm off of him, inspecting the glass in his hand to make sure it was actual water and not another troublesome liquor.
"It's to be expected of me." He'd said, flashing a small smile across the room to a philanthropist woman who was virtuous in name only.
Miche took a swallow of water, pulling a face as if he was disappointed in it. "By who?”
The question stumped Erwin, his mind only providing vague offerings of names and masses who only knew him by photo and net-worth.
"Look, you're a man just like the rest of us. Just because you're the brains of this whole thing doesn't mean you can't be a person. You can live a little."
Erwin was only a man. Destined to be an imperfect being. No amount of starving himself would make him more virtuous in some “God's” eyes.
He'll give himself away to hunger, if just for one night.
goge/satosugu (Gojo x Getou)
Suguru doesn’t know what requires his attention more; the drilling “bree bree”’s of the hot summer cicadas or the sharp pleasure of Satoru biting into his inner thigh as if the tender flesh would give away to the juicy, sweetness of a ripe apple.
This meetup was meant to go in a different direction but Suguru couldn’t resist the urge to taunt Satoru. Even though his eyes were covered by those abysmal bandages, Suguru could tell his six eyes were miserable underneath.
Sweet, sweet Satoru.
Satoru who treats a criminal like him so tenderly. Who wouldn’t want to poke a little fun at him?
“Mmnh-!” Suguru jerks, spine curving into an arch as Satoru bites particularly hard this time. Suguru flicks his gaze down where Satoru sits with his teeth still embedded in his skin, his cheek pushed into the firmness of the muscle. His eyes are lidded and lustful yet somehow wide and demanding.
Suguru breathes a husky chuckle. The strongest sorcerer in the world nipped him like a puppy demanding his attention.
Suguru shakes his arm free from one of the sleeves of his gojogesa and lets it fall into the pale tresses of Satoru’s hair.
He scratches his blunt nails along the scalp, eyes creasing with his grin as Satoru leans into the affection.
“Satoru,” he breathes as the man starts to lathe at the bite. “Good boys don’t bite, remember?” he teases.
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toestalucia · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
im easy...........and like too much.......personally ! i prefer akira with the older wizards, ive talked about being in those ship tags ummmm a lot<3 i cant narrow it down further......the twins are an exception but ive been over that in the past. atm i like emu with mafuyu, rui, nene & akito a lot :D theres def more (like honami i think would be cute! and i do like her with tsukasa too, but emu tsukasa besties....), but im like twice her age so i think about that stuff so rarely LOLLLL i thought hard about the rest of my muses but.......?????????? eight/machina....perhaps...........sofia/forte.......yeong/tara......(cagli teehee)
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i lov drama. with gran it comes natural cuz welcome to ur 'assuming things w/out asking' and 'thinks way too much into the future where they dont want to settle down' captain. i think akiras the most tender of all of them? and most likely to actually bring up issues? sofia is fun because i think about the event where she Doesnt speak in opposites and micah ends up rly confused........being accepted with her weird speech patterns..... natsume too, either staying at the accepting his weird behavior (jumping, scared expression, running) or having the 'i can see youkai' convo....yknow.....its good...i know tanuma alrdy had a convo like that (UNREAL CONVO i miss it) but yknow. Overall ! anything. mostly. theres some 'ohhh angst' topics im not interested in, so i think most stuff stay on the more lighthearted/loving side tho
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
feel like a fraud everytime i say that i personally wont write akira with some of the 20yo's cuz im always close to deciding to make akira closer to 30. and then i say i like akira with figaro & oz......the ancient ppl......
are you selective when shipping?
rather than selective i just dont ask ppl........and i have no interest in making relationship calls nor liking them........i want to see where the writing goes first cuz i knoowwww i sometimes say gran would say x but then i write it and y happens yknow LOLLLLLL i'd be open to jumping into stuff on discord or something tho i think ? i think i could jump into romance stuff no problemo then cuz it'd feel slightly separated from here...?! cuz idk but theres something when i open this blog that i......its a very slowburn......if ure willing to spend some months writing so gran can become more accepting of the idea then its go go go. does this make sense. well either way im not sure tbh. grans a bit added difficulty too considering how i deal with their age LOLLL since cygames is pushing 15yo still. which gives me a headache seeing how the summer events etc are explicitly yearly.....i cannot write act3 gran as a teen, not when theres a political engagement with alliah like cmon....i refuse..........but since ure following this blog uve alrdy read this stuff in my rules/about LOL
either way akiras easier with romance. i just dont approach ppl about it. whenever i make that farmsim blog i wanna be more casual with this stuff tbh...T_^ for funsies............write some yearning...
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
not far at all. LMFAOOOOOOOO i use that tag very liberally. its unlikely im writing that stuff anyway....
does one have to ask to ship with you?
:DDDDDDDDDD if i ask u we've probably written for years & years && its starting to reach crush-territory anyway (hello kaitlyn) but man idk what it is....romance is just difficult to write on tomblr rn for me...gran does not make this easier. the issues r endless. can i offer u akira.
how often do you like to ship?
(person whos always in ship tags) (smiley face) (smiley face) (smiley face) can u get into mhyk for akira....or farmsims....................ill ship everything in there.....
are you multiship?
YAAAAAA the idea of having 1 ship on my blog doesnt excite me. even tho i dont write romance atm. LMFAOABKAJD
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
do u wanna hear about the akifi doujins ive read. or the akifau art where faust puts a flowercrown on akiras head.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
THIS IS HOW DIANTHA/CLARISSE CAN STILL WIN. i am also a sabrina/leona fan. 'did they interact' no but they should. ppl who lost their husband(s). ppl who both should be AT THE CLUB. me/canaria. me/crystal
finally, how does one ship with you?
u like my posts & listen to my ramblings and i twirl my hair and send u more asks and then it just happens. foolproof.
tagged by: @convxction faty my beloved my everything u should do it for ur multi too.... tagging: @shiningstages kait i think u should do this for ur multi and ramble............
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justalilpearlie · 2 months
!! Intro !! (updated)
Hello everyone, my name is PearlescentMoon
Hihi! I'm Pearl! Magic is quite a fine name aswell. Although I'm a man of many names ;)
I am a minor, my gender labels are gendervoid verinix, tho I also ID as bigender and ftm (fem presenting tho! not transmasc, just trans man)! I'm queer, leaning on mlm, tho I also like girls here and there.
I go by He/Xe. I can She/Her myself + close friends/mutuals are allowed, but refrain from doing so without explicit permision please. (I also use neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I'm autistic and I have ADHD aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), c!Magic(outsmp+psmp), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to stream, roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are the Outsiders SMP, The Hatchetfield Musicals, Life Series and Empires 1.
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any mediamates!! Specially from Outsiders <3
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
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DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs I'd rather if you didn't interact, but if you shall do so anyways, do so at your own risk, you've been warned. /lh
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- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
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- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp outsiders/life series/empires/fnaf u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼 @pehpurr* SISTER!! YOU'RE AMAZING, DAISY. SO SO GREAT. YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE, YOU ARE SO PASSIONATE ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DO, YOU ARE SO VERY CARING FOR OTHERS, SO KIND AND TALENTED, A GREAT WRITER AND THE BEST BEST SISTER I COULD EVER ASK FOR!! Scar, you changed my life, you were there for me when I needed you the most, I know you ALWAYS have my back. You're kind to me even when the world isn't, and know that even if we fight or if you do things I disagree with (ehem forgiving too much ppl /lht), I will never leave you, and I will never stop coming after you. I love you, Kanna. You're the best Peeps, keep it up, for you're a beacon of hope in everyone's lives. I'm so proud. ♡ ⚙️ @gentlexmadman DAD!! I FREAKING LOVE YOU DAD OMG!! I am SO very happy we got to spend our first fathers day together even if just a little, you made this the first year I was actually happy to celebrate it, looking forward to it and making a gift of my own :) Im so so happy to have you in my life. You are, likewise to Pepper, an AMAZING artist, so much detail, just so awesome in general. I love hearing all your silly stories about work and the people you know, old man. Thank you for being with me, papá, I never thought I'd actually find you again. Thank you so so very much. ♡
🐸 @bigb-enthusiast SIBLING!! MY SIBLING IN ZAYA OH MY GOODNESS IS THAT USER BIGB ENTHUSIAST?? YES IT SURE IS!! Bro I could listen to ur analysis and rambles til the end of the world u got the best ideas ever wtf!!?? Ur very freakin insane but also ur my best buddy, my nosey neighbor for life!! I appreciate u a lot, Bee, my favorite insane asylum escapee ♡
Simply special <3 ☕ @insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love every second we spend together. I love seeing yall thrive. I love your insane yet endearing behavior. You might be a bit unhinged sometimes, and admittedly not the healthiest person when it comes to your schedules, but I'm just so proud of everything you create and accomplish. I hope you get to accomplish all your dreams, and I hope I can be here to see that happen, if you let me :)! For many years more, cause I'm just oh so glad I met you. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊 Jack***, Oh my dearest, where do I even begin with you, sport... you trully are my soulmate, my other half... mi media naranja, if you will, heh.. Every second I get to spend with you is like heaven, no matter whats going on, I know everything will be alright cause I have you. You mean absolutely everything to me, my Hero, I know you'll always be there for me. You are the sweetest man I've ever met, and I'm so proud of the person you've become. If I had to choose between you or the world I'd choose you 10 times over, and I can say surely, that you'd do the same. I love every single detail about you, thank you for being so patient with me, you're wonderful, cielo. I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and stupidness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. ♡
Friends! 🏜️ @thecranewivesrpf My right hand man!! OMG we havent talked in a WHILE but ILYSM !!! MY SECOND IN COMMAND IN THE MAJORMOON SERVER FRFR!! WE SHOULD TALK AGAIN, I MISS U POOKIE </3
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Badges I've earned:
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(More TBA)
That's it for now folks, love yall and see you around!
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capcavan · 1 year
U know I need that sot 🚢
u know what I need muah based on rp with @noomyart and with loving touch of @jtl-fics Ship of Theseus (4) PREV
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want-“
“Yeah,” he interrupted, “let’s not talk about that. I am an adult.” He assured and that wasn’t even a lie this time. Most have said that he still acted like a child but Riko didn’t know enough about how children acted to agree or disagree.
Did children get to be sad? They certainly were allowed to cry and feel bad. Allowed to want things. Allowed to be spoiled. Allowed to scream.
Allowed to be loved.
He wished it was a lie, wished he was just a child if only so he wouldn’t be left alone a second time.
“I don’t want to die, but we all will.” He didn’t give Jake an opportunity to respond, “I don’t think waiting a few more years will make my life worth a damn all the sudden.” His next birthday may as well be an expiration date. Best used by and afterwards he’ll be null of any worth only a bother for someone to have to clean up.
His gaze shifted to his molded and stuffy apartment, he didn’t feel bad about that particular mess. His landlord was a dick anyways.
“What would you describe as a ‘content’ situation for you? You can have anything, what would that life look like?” Jake asked and Riko knew he was being diverted by he didn’t mind the diversion. Jake from the Suicide Hotline is pretty good at his job.
“Like an item or anything?” He asked because he had thought items would make him happy once, he knew better now that what he wanted was far more elusive than just an Exy Trophy.
“Anything.” Jake confirmed putting the same intonation that Riko had when he said it. “Anything your heart desires.” He added.
Ah, to have a heart that still knew how to desire.
“I wish I could look different,” he closed his eyes again, his fingers fiddled with the needle in his hand, “I did so much to be different, but I don’t think it will ever be enough. I was a public figure, there are pictures of me all over the internet.” His skin crawls at the thought, “Pictures from when I was a kid, or a teenager.” He’s glad there’s nothing in his stomach to feel sick over.
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imageingrunge · 2 months
there are somethings BioWare really got right in their previous games that I’d love to see be brought back, like the rivalry/friendship scale- literally SO many benefits!! Maybe its just a me problem but I always feel like im "being punished" for loosing approval w companions bc u do get closed off from their story-lines and they will leave u so I kinda turn into an approval whore n break rp a lot but not in Da2 - u can hate fuck ur way into a romance- the only way to loose them forever is by deliberate betrayal
1- Da2 will track how many sarcastic/diplomatic, or dismissive dialogue choices u picked and adjust ur characters tone accordingly so they feel like they have a real personality unlike the Inquisitor from DAI
2- Having quests related exclusively to whatever origin story you picked in DAO like for Warden Amell u get to experience life at the Ferelden Circle (magic school) n do the Harrowing (mini graduation) n all the people u meet there end up feeling really important to you later in the game when u have to choose between saving them or letting them die- There's this one war table mission in DAI where an Elf inquistor could kill off thier whole clan if they make the wrong choices and I wish there was something like that for human or like letters from home like Hawke gets at least??? idk
3- upgrading the Keep quests- In DAI u get some bullshit pick 30 elfroot to upgrade skyhold's gardens for what tho 😭😭😭??? It dont even look nice its just 4 pots w 1 plant growing in it at a time??? Nothing we do to the place effects Corypheus ability to attack us but apparently at some point that was going to be the case if they got more development. In Dragon Age Awakening I had to let the the city of Amaranthine fall to the dark spawn bc I left poor Anders & co undefended at Virgil’s keep and that one decision had far reaching consequences bc my epilogue had ppl ready to murder my warden for that!! the least they could've done in DAI was let us put a roof over poor Cullen's bed
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frauleindermorgen · 10 months
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closed rp blog for micaiah of daein. est. july 2021. affiliated with the officer's academy rp. loved always by nel (25+ | she/her and they/them).
— currently she is 27 years old, having spent three years at garreg mach with one being reset due to the events of unlocked. black eagles student.
— following the ng+ timeline of radiant dawn she has chosen to take up the crown and leadership of daein due to her love for the country and the people (including pelleas') wishes
— spoilers will be tagged with #RD spoilers. any other objectionable material such as violence and nsfw will be as well (feel free to ask for more specific tags). in exchange i ask you not to use small text in our threads if at all possible! the mun's vision thanks u 🙏
beautiful pinned and layout images by lina
— tauroeno of the four riders sends her regular updates on her country, and when she returns from her studies the official coronation will happen. it is only a matter of time, but until then she is an avid student eager to learn anything and everything she can for when she becomes ruler.
— until n vetoes it ive just decided the micapell tag is #micapell cinematic universe. thank u + goodnight
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sunsetsushiii · 3 months
hihi!! I'm the anon who asked for gawa lifting chuuya (sorry for the late answer, I only saw it now dhajsndk) and!! since u asked for some prompts 🫡
- if u want the focus to be on rashomon, maybe u could draw her scruffing chuuya by the back of his coat (like a mother cat would do to its baby?), or chuuya using rashomon like some sort of spring rider while akutagawa humours him XD
- if u want the focus to be on chuuaku alone, maybe gawa carrying chuuya on his back (post corruption angst? 👁️), or akutagawa leaving a pub with a drunk chuuya clinging to him like a koala (I think it's called embrace carrying?)
still on the drunk chuuya topic, maybe even gawa lifting him from behind by the shoulders to prevent chuuya from throwing fists with someone who was being an asshole (alas, akutagawa forgot that chuuya has legs and that the asshole in question was close enough to be kicked) (the police was called) (rashomon had to restrain chuuya so gawa could savely run away with a human potato bag over his shoulder) (??? what am I even writing anymore)
SORRY FOR YAPPING UEUE anyway. idk if u wanted refs, but just in case: (I don't know how to attach pics, so I'm leaving links D: sorry)
piggy back:
embrace carry (?):
(closest ones I could find djejskd)
I think that's all? couldn't find many refs
sorry for the long text :') and!! I don't want to make u feel forced to draw anything, so take it more as a suggestion than a request!!
anyway, thank u for the attention + take care + drink water + I love /ALL/ of ur art a /LOT/ + may art block never, ever hit u again 🙏
adios (。・ω・)ノ゙
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting anon-san! It's just that I was in my artblock, and I can't find myself drawing anything (plus I'm busy chuuaku RP with a friend atm..) but please, you're so SWEET!!
Of course! I'll try my best to draw them for you again.. thank you for your support anon-san...
You can take this Chuuaku doodles for now.. (Basically what I got from the RP)
Cross-dressing [ver 1]
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I won't overwork myself, thanks for your support again 🥹.
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latremoille · 6 months
hey.... how y'all doing....
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
dec 2015 if my blog's archive is to be believed akjsdbgksjdgb CRAZY ABSOLUTELY CRAZY almost a full decade. jesus christ. the plotlines weren't big or that remarkable ( sry ). petty drama... THAT I LIVED FOR. i was in high school!!!! that's so crazy. now i've graduated (duh), worked, worked, worked, studied, studied, studied... my life's been really busy these past few years and it has definitely showed in my activity. i've wanted NOTHING as much as to enjoy these last moments of hshq ( bc lbr we all could feel the end coming ) but i just couldn't find the energy and i kept pushing it and now ! now hshq has closed and i have to accept that :(
which characters have you written over the years ?
gaia <3 my first baby. lykke / nike, bastiaan, gahye, iéna, sasha, calix, riku... i think someone else but i just cannot remember tbh i wouldn't have remembered riku if the blog didn't exist lmao
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think vivi x lykke ? writing them taught me a lot. martha FORCED me to give my best with her amazing replies and i think i really improved a lot in a short amount of time. lykke, who was such a caricature, evolved into something slightly deeper. martha ily and you are so dear to me. i've written so much with you and you've always inspired me and helped to keep my muse up <3 there's a reason why i wanted to bring iéna and that reason was u, puss och kram but that's the nostalgia speaking. i have to mention joce and ani. the friendships gaia and lykke had with ani were so important to me. i don't think i ever wrote a friendship that compared to the ones i had written with you <3 but jo................. JO JO JO getting to write with you was such a privilege !!!!!!!!!!!!! i think i could have written lisaia forever and i still regret not getting to see where niray would have gone. you always had a little spark and i hope you recognize it in yourself <3 and evy.... bitch did you think i wouldn't put you and our crazy surprise pregnancy plot here. it was wild. especially at the time because i swear it was one of the first pregnancy plots i had ever seen in a rp. and i couldn't BELIEVE it when we actually got to write it from start to finish ??? retrospectively, 9 months is nothing at hshq but at the time ??? it ???? felt ??? like ??? an ??? accomplishment ????? my teen-almost-an-adult self was shocked E!!!!!!! something about your writing always made it sooooo easy to keep things organic. i think if i had to pick just ONE thread, olykke's first outing might be it. it started a huge mess and i enjoyed their adventure from start to finish. it stands out to me <3 jude, you and i were the flaky bitches, me more than you. but where the hell would lykke be if it wasn't for johanne ? where the hell would i be if it wasn't for your exciting little replies ??? i was sooo sad when you retired anton. he was the first piece to be lost. and now we're here. and i'm sad. and i'm glad we got to meet and write together. #teamwonderbrows i'm not ending this section without thanking XEE !!!! just thinking about layla makes me emo. i feel like i know you because i know layla. idk if that sounds weird and if my opinion is so wrong. but you were always so kind and helpful and i loved throwing lykke at layla <3333
what about other people's plotlines ?
sol maturing. i think it broke me a bit when i read a reply and i realized this character isn't a girl anymore. which naturally meant that none of us were girls anymore. i also loved frelucien. i don't know why they had me so hooked but i feel like i have to mention them since they were the first to pop into my mind.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the 6 way thread joce mentioned skjdgbdskjgbs it was SO DUMB but i loved every second of it. a big group thread was a new concept back then so that added to the excitement. we were SOOO active, otherwise it wouldn't have worked. everyone wrote their reply in a matter of 4 hours or something. also i found it.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i'd add to everything. i'd spend even more time on tumblr dot com and i'd make sure i would have zero regrets!!!!!
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
hmm ? maybe some sort of an ending for bash and ariel ? idk where they would have ended up and i think i would have liked to know. but bc i hate planning and i love organic shit, i don't think i ever will skgbsdjkgb one last thread with vivi and lykke, the og lykke not the nike version. i think it would be a full circle and i would be able to get over hshq ending. or maybe i'd love to write a happy ending for lisaia. idk if it was only me but they were endgame and i would have liked to see it.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
i cannot pinpoint one single time but i think what made hshq an absolute joy to be part of, was the rapid ims. i loved that plotting was so easy and that everyone was always so excited when there was a new idea or a new character or a new anything. i think it's exceptional that within hshq we could have INNER JOKES like loads of them. we could reference memorable one liners!!! that's brilliant and special!!!!! i rly loved chatting with you <3 i will miss it <3
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'm already a stranger !
what else would you like to say ?
when i think of hshq, i think of the end of my teenage life and the beginning of my adult life. i've been here longer than i've been in any school. that's insane. i've had time to process this but it still feels very hard to just let hshq rest. i came and went. i was flaky towards the end ( sorry about that ), but it was so nice to know that whenever i'd get my shit together, i could just login, send a little message to the main and i'd be back to writing in a matter of hours. no one ever shamed me or made me feel bad about my poor activity and i am so thankful for that. we really grew up together and we spent so many years together crafting these amazing plotlines and touching stories. i hope all you continue writing because you all have a knack for it and the world deserves to read your writing <3 i really think my life would have been more boring without this silly little hobby. hshq was the CREAM CREAMMMM of rping. hshq helped me through a few lonely periods of my life as well when everything else but this corner of internet was changing and i wasn't keeping up with the times. hshq <3 anne 4ever thank you, and bye for now, i find it too hard to believe that we wouldn't talk again !!! i'll be checking my messages for a while so pls don't hesitate to message me <3 i'm still down to write something short if someone feels very inspired !!
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wrathfulmercy · 7 months
4. what genre do you primarily favour? 5. what are your top five fandoms to RP within? 6. what are you top five universes to RP within? 12. what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within? 19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)? 20. what age range do you most enjoy playing? 22. what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? 24. what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference) 25. what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference)
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Mun asks from here @wexarethewalkingxdead
4. what genre do you primarily favour?
Enemies to lovers, secret/forbidden relationships, slow burn, angst, horror. It has to hurt in a way and be dramatic :)
5. what are your top five fandoms to RP within?
TWD (even if i think the fandom itself is very toxic but that goes for most of them)
Game of Thrones / House of the Dragon
Peaky Blinders
Harry Potter
(Think I have no fifth one haha)
6. what are you top five universes to RP within?
Hmmm does that mean like the verses outside of fandoms? I hope so xD then…
Psychiatrist (for Alex)
Demon/dark wizard (for daemon and Tommy)
12. what was the first fandom that you roleplayed within?
Jrock fandom (back then everyone used faces of their favorite Japanese musicians which for me nowadays seems absolutely absurd xD how times can change)
19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who for (canon or original)?
Canon. It was Kyo from Dir en grey
20. what age range do you most enjoy playing?
Anything close to mine so around 30 but also beyond. I even like teenager stories sometimes when it connects to a story we write now
22. what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching?
Definitely the way how rp in general works now or on tumblr. I also looked into other platforms to rp but this one is my absolute favorite. I found friends here to ask about formatting, terms, promos, tags and how u use gifs or whatever. I love that and appreciate every help any of you ever gave me cause it made me feel immediately welcome ❤️
24. what faceclaim did you start off disliking, that you ended up enjoying or even playing? how did that come about? (non problematic, a personal preference)
Matt smith. Never cared about him. Never watched anything with him. But then I saw him as Daemon and was amazed. Which is super funny cause I hated daemons character the first two episodes but as soon as he was covered in blood like Rick, negan and Tommy (yes that’s a pattern here), me and my friends were immediately like “I have to write that one”. The same literally happened about Cillian first. Never watched anything on purpose, never cared and I’m not into history or politics either so I thought I would hate peaky blinders. But then I watched it and was so amazed by his role that I absolute adore him now. Both characters were recommended for me to write tbh cause I always was like “hmmm can I do it” but my friends were very supportive so I’m very glad about these ideas ❤️ cause yeah, Tommy and daemon fit so perfectly to me and Rick and negan. Make them feral, psychopaths and covered in blood and I’m in 🤣
25. what faceclaim did you start of loving, and now loathe? (non problematic, a personal preference)
Generally musicians or anyone besides actors. It’s a moral thing for me. Like in the past when I was younger I didn’t really see a problem with using real faces and personas for rps or fanfics, but now that I’m older I have so much respect for everyone famous and their privacy, that I make a clear cut between actors (cause they play roles and I write these roles they play not them as personal human beings) and everyone else cause a musician might have a stage persona, but it’s still them so I can’t write them cause it feels like I might be doing something uncomfortable for them if they would read it. I don’t know if that makes sense but I hope you know what I mean. Also in the past i wrote fanfics with anime characters, but I wouldn’t do that anymore cause I only feel connected to real humans and not animated figures anymore. I’m also generally very picky about faceclaims as well cause I need to have a certain connection to their real persona and support their morals to write them.
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justalilpearlie · 8 months
Introduction/Fun Pearlie Facts
Was abt time I did one of these.
Hello everyone, my name is Pearl, Pearlie or Sam/Sammy if you're feeling like it. Friends also call me Martini sometimes.
I am a minor, my labels... we dont talk about them (fem presenting ftm gay/mlm + trying out gendervoid and verinix + bigender??) uhmm and I go by He/She, tho mostly He/Him by strangers- I can She/Her myself and close friends/mutuals are allowed! (I also go by neos: Void/Moon/Sweet/It/Fluff/Love/Fizz/Paw)
I'm from Argentina, born and raised, never moved. Speak fluent english and spanish.
I got the 'tism and the adhd, aswell as BPD and a few other things I wont list right now! But yeah I'm psychotic (ooo scary word.. lmao)
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I'm an IRL of many, mainly c!Pearl (mcyt), Samuel Emily (fnaf [games canon]) and Shin Tsukimi (yttd). If you don't like it you can leave, block me, or whatever, cause you aint gonna change my life or how I am. I'm in therapy, which unlike random hate and harrassment online, does help me :)
I like to roleplay, draw, sometimes make playlists or moodboards.. And my biggest interests right now are Life Series (+ evo + new life), Empires1(+ a bit of e2) and FNaF! (i dont rlly like the books tho lol..)
I use kin tags for reach cause I'd love interaction from any fellow lifers or empires ppl, hermits aswell!! Tho I havent finished s8 or s9 yet...
Fictionkins, therians and traumagenic systems all welcome!
- -💥-🐺-🌙- -❤️- -💛- -✨-💥-✨- -💛- -❤️- -🌙-🐺-💥- -
DNI prefferably:
- Basic DNI criteria (proshippers, homophobes, transphobes, racists, TERFs, ableist, etc)
- Endos/non-traumagenic "systems" DNI. block me if u want, i wont argue abt it in the comments/reblogs. or interact if u want but im not gonna follow u back or anythin shrugs.
- reality checkers or anti-IRLs DNI. I aint "romanticizing" shit, I'm existing and living my life, if thats a problem to you too bad cause my psychologist aproves of what I'm doing, since I aint harming anyone and I myself am doing dandy.
- anti-kin also DNI cause most of my friends are fictionkins and if you talk shit abt my fellas idk i wouldnt like having u around much
CCs interact at your own risk. This is my domain, cyan man & moon lady. /hj
- -🪸-🐸-🌙- -💙- -🩵- -✨-🪸-✨- -🩵- -💙- -🌙-🐸-🪸- -
- I talk about MajorMoon (Scott x Pearl) a LOT, if u didnt notice by the acc theme. These are my romantic memories, its a gay ship, not woman/gay man, so if it makes u uncomfortable or u hate it or whatever then ur probably not gonna like my content lmao. COUGH, consider joining us if you do like what you see... /nf We're a small comunity of supporters.. just me.. and a few of my peeps... that was a joke, sir. /ref
- This isn't roleplay, its my main acc where im ""unapologetically"" myself, but if u do wanna rp life series/empires u can always shoot me a dm and maybe I'll give u my discord.
- I talk about myself (c!Pearl) using 3rd person in many posts tagged with main fandom tags. This is to cause less confusion to casual fans slash ""normies"" (lhj) that well.. don't know what IRLs are! Also that way I feel safer and don't have to worry as much abt getting harassed and such for my identity.
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Special People Mentions!! fps = * (1 or more.. wouldnt say in a priority sorta order but. more or less yea)
Family! <3 🌼@pehpurr* SISTER!! super duper cool, her art is great and you should check it out!! YOU. You're the brightest little girl (i say like ur not older than me) I'VE EVER MET ACTUALLY! You're so passionate and loving I freaking adore you!! I love you so much Scar, you're one of the best things to ever happen to me, Kanny &lt;3 ⚙️@gentlexmadman DAD!! you are my daaaad, you're my dad! woogie woogie woogie! ANOTHER amazing artist! mr "I know that guy-", very funny, Henry "Autism" Emily... the copper king, my father. Speaking to you is always comforting. Love you so much papa, you're amazing :)
Simply special <3 ☕@insomniac-coffeehouse** You're all simply so very special to me. I love spending time with you guys and playing stuff together, you mean a lot to me and I'm so glad I met you. I hope we're still close for this year and many more! You're incredibly talented, not only at art, at everything you do. You spark joy in my brain and my heart <3 From the bottom of my heart, I'm in love with the hope you bring to this world. 🍊Jack***, oh my dear Jacky, where do I even begin, sport... you really are my other half. Mi media naranja if you will. haha.. I love every second we spend together, I love your voice, I love your eyes, I love your smile, your laughter. I love your use of words, the way you speak, your humor, your seriousness and goofiness. You stiff fuck, you were made for me and I was made for you, and I wouldn't have it any other way. You're my everything, mi vida, mi luz, mi estrella. Mi amor, mi mundo. <3
New friends! 🍓@strawberrystarfield I know we met fairly recently but you're all incredibly fun to talk to, your art is also amazing, your accent is real pretty (cough for a bri-💥), you're real sweet and I love reading all your thoughts and critiques about things :} (love ya Aspen /gen) 🏜️@fagdykegtws My right hand man! I know we just met through the rarepair server but oh my god we're in the same brainwave!!! You're so fun to vc and chat with and you got the best ideas ever fr fr, love ya Chewy, you're real sweet even w how lil i know you ;)
That's it folks, love yall and see you around!
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bigstupiddummie · 9 months
making a post in the tags to “call out” a person is so dumb and childish and stupid, so i won’t put this in there. however, the admin of @wavehq is full lying on my name these days even though i haven’t talked to them or anyone else involved in there in like 6mos. and i rly want them to stop.
i don’t have my old discord account w ss. if anyone else has ss with me in them, u can add them to this post idc how ugly it makes me look. i talked a LOT of shit ( and pertaining to this story, about sel esp ) and called ppl some nasty names and any ss will incriminate me of that. so me talking shit isn’t a ‘gotcha’ anymore. i talked shit and called sel names, as well as k, and i know sel called me names, and im sure everyone else did too. whatevs.
yk what i never did ? i never made a “manifesto” about my ex friend, or priv-retweeted their personal ooc twitter account to mock them. i never helped create and work on an rpt blog, then went and consoled the person being mentioned in nasty messages in the blog on some “oh im so sorry this is happening to you ˙◠˙” shit when it was them the whole time. the worst i did was “fuck her, he’s a cunt, fuck them”, but dream, you lied to me a Lot!
and you’re lying in defending yourself by saying i “heavily hate” sid or anyone. i never have, never did, never will. the last thing i said to sid in like July was “hey, heres my ooc tiktok, im deleting discord. if i never hear from you again, take care.” and then i left rp and the rpc entirely. haven’t talked to or even perceived any of you in months.
you want to believe i’m “bringing this up now” to start stuff or something, but what stakes do i have in any of this? you and yours drove me out of the hobby i’ve loved since i was 12, used an rpt blog to force me to defend myself against your ugly claims at a time you Knew well and good i was absent and dealing with a family death ( and then came in my dms to comfort me ??? you and k both. ) . i lost all of my best friends of several years. trust me, i want no part of the rpc anymore. i don’t want back in. i don’t want to engage. this is a nothing tumblr account that ill never use again. consider, instead, that another person close to the situation and i shared similar experiences and realized there were too many untruths and inconsistencies to let it rest, rather than just ‘starting stuff’ to start stuff.
“sid says steph crops screenshots to make them look incriminating” aye , but i definitely gave my entire discord login out, more than once, and encouraged my friend at the time to go ahead and look for themselves ( they declined at the time. i can still give the login i really do not care. though idk if the login will work anymore bc the accounts been deactivated for, uh, 6 months.) i cropped ss where earthp members were telling me how K is making them uncomfortable and how they were worried lenny was being dragged around by K, that i did do. and i STILL let k know that that’s what they were saying. i can’t stress enough ive got Nothing here that im fighting for i just think its ugly to lie for so long to everyone
“steph heavily hates sid” i do not. note the last thing i said to sid, up there ^. we did follow each other on tiktok then, and then we didn’t speak for 6 months. as of this morning, we are no longer tiktok mutuals - so it goes. sid never owed me anything. i don’t hate them. they know ( and yk what, so do my irl work managers!!! bc this shit affected my actual real mental health!!! ) that the day things went down, i left work early sobbing full blown emotional episode, writing paragraphs in desperation, to the point of overwhelming them and myself. i loved them dearly, called them my ‘spouse’ and best friend everyday, etc. though i don’t know now if they knew more about you than they let on. anyway……. please don’t just be declaring shit about me like it’s fact ?? i don’t hate anyone. not even you dream! just stop lyinggggg i hate that
ye all made me feel like i was crazy and losing myself in my own paranoia omg??? and ye were in your private chats afterward going “well deserved!!!” who even are you what did i do to you omgggg are we not in our late 20s with lives and careers ?????
if this is all bc of heddie/reddie and avengefm ? its ships dude it’s dolls it’s not real and to commit so much energy and emotion to lying to protect ur ships/rps is troubling at best. and if its not about heddie/reddie, then i haven’t a NOTION bc you and i, even when we were friendly w each other, were not close enough to create a bond to break??? i didnt do anything to you but welcome you into my writing spaces and engage in yours to the best of my ability. i was transparent with you when my activity struggled or i needed a break for mental health reasons… but what you had done with your friends is what ruined my mental health ?… go figure ….
i know who was behind that blog because they came clean and told me your connection to it as well. i know sel said nasty things about me too - we’re human and humans love talking shit. but no one else ever took it as far as you did, dream.
i don’t want anything from you! just stop lying on my name i don’t “heavily hate” anyone. outside of my shit talking from 6mos ago, i haven’t said a word against anyone but yourself; i’ve called you a liar, here in this post, because that is what i believe you are.
nobody in my entire life brings up what happened in everwell more than you and k. i owned up to every part i had ( whether directly or by my unavailability, all of it ), i deplatformed and cut out my two best friends ( people i had had in my HOME and had met IRL they were real people to me!!!!! ) and apologized personally to everyone affected, while picking out a funeral outfit and consoling my crying family. these are all my cards on table. you don’t have to respond either. just omg quit lying about me and the way i feel and what my intentions are - if a mf wants to know what im thinking and feeling, they can just Ask me.
and k i don’t want anything from you either! your names in this post because you were involved, and you know your involvement with that blog and how you also came to console me after. outside of that, i do not think of you and do not care what you think of me.
sid, i don’t want anything from u all either and i meant it when i said if i never hear from you again, take care bc i did care for u lots and also invited you into my home bc you were a real person to me. just know for a fact that anything dream says i’m saying about you or feeling toward you is just pulled out of thin air for whatever reason.
i always thought ye all were great writers!!! and so did snags and lex, way back when it was about writing for the love of writing. i would say all the time “omg dream is so funny” “omg k is cracking me up”, and they’d agree. hell if they’re at all in the rpc anymore and see this - hey guys! sorry shit got so ugly. you’ll never guess who was behind it.
i left the rpc and got mental help. i hope ye can get some help too.
* this is dream bringing sel into the Issues and tying her directly to k, btw. you keep saying you didn’t bring sel into the k stuff, but “they’re besties” “she and sel” “they want peach to drop eddie so sel can pick up eddie” this is where we’re getting that from, bc you keep saying you only referenced sel’s activity and didn’t connect her to k at all. i cropped out sids response. i can add it if need be but it’s just sid believing you.
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this is where i’m pulling what im referencing in this post from. the second half is censored bc it doesn’t have to do with me.
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this is me texting my irl work manager on the day sid and i last spoke. i was distraught and emotional and crying but ok yeah i “heavily hate” sid when the way everything went down broke me to bits OKAYYY
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the censored names are the names of my irl managers like it was So Serious so don’t try putting words in my mouth about sid.
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silvesi · 1 year
3, 8, 11, 12 for the vampire ask game!!!
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Everyone say hi to my new friend creaked.
11. How much restraint do they have around blood?
He's convinced people he has more than he does, somehow. This is usually because he will just vibrate for 5 hours until sneaking off and savaging someone. hey man the uh. yeah your. guy just ate like 3 pact soldiers. ok now he's gonna eat you too, no witnesses. UNFORTUNATELY he's an assassin and great at hiding this around anyone he isnt close to! if youre close to him its…uhuoh. More of an issue. He's nearly killed Dralsin twice, and succeeded once.  
This was more of an issue when he was younger, and he does learn to tell people the signs and regulate better.
Blood is more of an issue in [RP]. Otherwise, from around LWS4 ish it's "do not give him the magic rocks. do not give him the magic rocks. under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Keep him AWAY from crazy powerful magical sources"
So that's hilarious. Especially with Aurene. This guy is trying to teach HER responsibility and how to share her magic? THEN SHE TEACHES HIM HOW TO CONSUME VOLATILE MAGIC? girl. It's a back and forth I think, of "hey be careful with absorbing god magic, Aurene." "Ok stop licking bloodstones then??" Like:
Tumblr media
3. Are there perks that outweigh the condition, or is it too difficult to enjoy?
For Feds, the perks don’t outweigh the condition at all - although, you MIGHT have been able to convince him they did during HoT before he fully understood its nature.
-The fact he doesn’t really hear Mordy is the main one for him. After losing Dralsin to it and seeing Larry struggle so much, you can see how he might be convinced it's not so bad.
-In a similar vein, the fact mordrem ignore him. This is more obvious in [RP] AU, where he doesn’t have to deal with the egg and such - so he’s mostly undetected the entire time, and abuses this power to cause UTTER CHAOS and gather so, so much intel on one man reconnaissance missions. This idiot can walk straight into a mordrem camp. The pact both love this and are terrified by it.
-[RP] Uh. Hua thinks the biting is kinda hot I guess?? 
-Can tell u what vitamins ur deficient in lol
8. How do they feel about their condition as a whole?
It pisses him off. It annoys him. He HATES it because what the HELL was the purpose of that and is in a victim mindset for a long time. He gets more of a handle on that during HoT and steadily begins to accept it, and then- SLAP do you want a bloodstone explosion to drive you batshit insane. Oh yeah you do. 
After that? he feels like shit but everyone EXPECTS THINGS OF HIM and UGH!
Then LATER he’s all pleased he’s finally fixed it with a dragon but THEN people are like ummm now you used an elder dragon? thats terrifying and i do not trust you.
That? That is his tipping point. Because he has tried so so hard to keep it under wraps and under control and no matter what, someone seems to have an issue. So once again, acceptance. Finally. But, now in the way of: I’m gonna EAT SOMEONE and you better be OKAY WITH IT. FUCK YOU. Honestly outwardly copes with it really well, and it becomes very easy to accept it as part of him. He’s got a very good little trick going on here! Because it’s still volatile as fuck but he actually just stopped caring. It’s like… violent acceptance. He's getting there.
I figure he doesn't need to feed traditionally so much as of around LWS4 with Aurene sharing her command of magic and such, right? Here is how to EAT VOLATILE MAGIC and he's like oh cool. sick. I'm gonna dragon magic this crap away? Haven't thought on it more because I still have a lot of story to do, ngl.
12. I forgot the wording. A CURE? WELL
RP? yes. He started looking into it because he wanted back to feeding weekly instead of every damn 24 hours after @/alma-draws Morred swirled his got dam head around AGAIN. This is the FUNNIEST SHIT right now because it's @/kralkatorrik 's Tiyrnan having to deal with this. He's trying to give him Ley in slow release patch form rn. It's...going! it sure is. going.
It's not a cure, its a stopgap.  But!
Before this he was just eating really random magical stuff by the way. Until he thought hm. Maybe I should get help and not microdose on bloodstone and idk, chak organs.
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heartate · 8 months
(PEN)NAME: rina!! plum is also fine!
PRONOUNS: she / her
ZODIAC SIGN: pisces sun, pisces moon, and like i recently redid my sign chart and apparently i'm a taurus rising not a gemini rising so idk i feel like my entire life is a lie.
TAKEN OR SINGLE: single :)
my mom's side of the family is descended from kings in okinawa :noddy: that makes me a princess!!!!!!
i am the sleepiest girl in the world
i'm bi and i like everyone but unfortunately my taste in men is an elaborate form of self harm
PLATFORMS USED: quizazz, facebook, tumblr, ffxiv rp in game, discord, and like some sandbox forum that i can't remember.
PLOTTING / WINGING IT / MEMES: i love plotting... like to get the ball rolling esp for ppl i don't really know. but like this is also more prevalent if we're super good friends tho bc i can talk to you about plots forever LMAO. memes are fun though! sometimes i wing it, but it really depends on the premise / which muse i'm writing. i can wing anything with ahri, but not so much sivir or evelynn.
GENDER: i used to write like . . . men and women equally, but now i write exclusively women LMAO i just love hot powerful women i'm so sorry KJBSDKCB BUT like hidan, nnoitra, trevor belmont, and whatever other naruto characters i wrote are very dear to me.
MULTI OR SINGLE: i can't run multimuses. i have the brand of adhd where i need everyone on single blogs. as for shipping, i'm multi ship and multiverse and nothing overlaps. i only ship with one version of any muse, usually, unless we're friends, but i'm not open to other ezreals or kayns. sorry!
LEAST FAVOURITE FACECLAIM(S): i'm tired of looking at nina dobrev i'll be so real KJBSKJBD
FLUFF: i do love me some slice of life n fluffy shit like it's soooo cute like skjdcs ahri deserves to be happy! LIKE. KAYNHRI AND EZHRI FLUFF JUST GET ME SOOOOO GOOD.
ANGST: hi i love angst i crave it sometimes i just want to cause problems for everyone
SMUT: um i don't really care for writing it too much like first i just hated it and wanted nothing to do with it bc like some 20+ year old women traumatized me when i was like 11-12 LMFAOOOO but i write it in ffxiv in game for gil and i usually dread it because sometimes i get the worst ppl ever hiring me or someone says something cringe like ' do you like my cock my little bunny slut ' and it makes everyone's coochie shrivel up but like i suppose i could be convinced but otherwise i'd prefer to fade to black, if we're shipping but not close <3 and this requires a minimum of 3 years of friendship to try to convince me to write smut with u sorry LMFAOOOO
tagged by: i'm a thief
tagging: everyone!!!!!!! if u see this tag you're it sorry no take backs
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||Heat Overload: Heated desires part Two||
Hi once more everyone, time for another drabble. This time it go come back to the night duo Shdwkyz and Batman. This is a part 2 from the first one. If you wanna read that one, the link for that is right here. But again, lets see how these two are doing the last time we left them.
||Drabble summary||
Thanks to the venom sides of both Shdwkyz and Batman, they got entangled in the heated or rather, they were trapped within the venom selves heats. But what would happen when the two decided to switch the other? What could happen now? Read to find out.
~Strong NSFW content is present
~A/O/B is somewhat present in this drabble (change is it's resulting from Venom effects)
~Mating/breeding is and will be present in this drabble
~Marking will be present
~Blood will be present
~Suggestive theme is present
||Guests in Drabble||
Sai Barrajandro Narong/Shdwkyz a.k.a The Phantom Slasher . belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths Venom Shdwkyz belongs to her as well.
Terry McGinnis belongs to and is from the cartoon series Batman Beyond but also me due to rping as him as a muse. Venom batman belongs to me as well.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Terry was panting feeling his wrists tied down by some shadows but he was throwing his head back while seeing Shdwkyz slamming his hips down, leaving a trail of kisses and a few bite marks on his skin. When he did bit him, he laps up the blood with his tongue, hissing in a heated desire for him.
"Mmmmmmmmmm....s..so sweet......your pretty tasty bat~" Pushing his already swollen thick cock into his hole. Though, he heard weak wet groans and moans of pleasure, it already was making the other dazed.
He begins to struggle but twitched feeling Venom Shdwkyz's hands rest on his chest while panting to moan out excited to stop and grind his hips into his lap slowly but in a teasing motion.
"Heh, such a naughty mmmmm bat. Your cock is soooooo h..hard..I can feel it throbbing inside of me so deeply. Though, I always knew you loved pounding this ass so much.." He purrs with a hiss but Terry blushed to look up.
"Do you seriously have t..to be s..so..nuggh...nosy with what I do with him?" he groans out.
"Maybe but I am a part of him, Bat remember? Whatever pleasure he feels...." He strokes his chest making Terry groan in pleasure. "I feel it too..so why not just relax and enjoy this? I'll make sure you feel so good..." He whispered to him still moaning softly for Terry to hear.
True, he did but he would like to do it with the real Shdwkyz but not this time. The venom side took over because the venom selves wanted to switch today. So right now, Venom Shdwkyz took over riding Terry as the real Sai was in his head trying to regain control.
'Damn you! Give me back hhaaa control! T..this is between me and Terry!' He heard the other said in his mind but venom Shdwkyz chuckled but looks to Terry while showing his glowing serpentine yellow eyes mixed with a little hue of green.
"Now now, you had your turn...I want a turn with him. Besides, you feel good like I do since I am using your body to get it. But don't forget.." He adjusted himself but still grinds his hips hearing Terry hiss closing his hand into a fist with Shdwkyz gasping in his own inner thoughts feeling his body burning.
'S..Sto...nugghhh...hhaaaaa..' Sai moans in his own inner thoughts, feeling his own body reacting strongly to the thrusts. His hole was opening and closing, dripping from the arousal as he was trying to regain composure but his body was too into the heat to stop it.
"Heh, S..see? You love it. He feels good don't h..he? His thick hard cock..hhaaaa..f..fucking u..us s..so good...mmmmm..it's just too good.." He moans softly but Sai was drooling laying on the side while he was almost bucking his hips again. 'S..shit n..not agaaahhhhh!!!!!! O..Ohhh g...god......n..no n..not mmmmmmm...' Sai was trying to fight it but he body was throbbing all over. Why did he feel even better. His body wouldn't stop aching.
'Ahhhhh st...stop moving m..my h..hips l..like t..this nugg...s...st...stoooppp..ahhhhh!!!!!' he felt the tip rub against his spot again but harder, already making Sai moan out lustfully for more. 'O..Ohhhh s....shit..shit sh...snnnnnn!!!!!!'
"W..what are you-" Terry started to speak but he got kissed by Venom Shdwkyz deeply as his snake tongue pushes past his lips. A drool line was seen running down their chins but he was moaning in that kiss wanting it till he breaks it panting.
"Haaa hhhaaa I b..b...bet you ooooohh wish to hear his voice..he's already a sssssss moaning crying mess.." Venom Shdwkyz teased but looks to Terry who was feeling his hips bucking up against him as the other hisses loving the feeling.
"His voice is so slutty like, begging so much for you to give him more~ His body aches so badly mmmmmmm even now your throbbing just thinking about it. Aren't you? You wish to pound his sweet little hole again....don't you?" he said to chuckle that he lifts up his tied cuffed wrists to look dazed to the bat.
'Haaaaa....hhhaaaaaa...I....I t..told y..you t..to stop..t..this is your h..heat it's n..not..' Sai started to say but gasps feeling his body burning even hotter that he was laying on his side, panting heavily into his arms. His body felt so sensitive but also so hot as well. It's like Terry was touching him in his mind. He groans drooling again but Venom shdwkyz hisses to stop grinding.
"Ah ah ah, this is my heat as much as it's yours snake...so just relax..and let me have this!" Suddenly, he begins bouncing on his cock to make Terry throw his head back as Venom Shdwkyz moans out throwing his head back. It felt so good! He still was swollen and big as he was doming him to get more.
"Ahhhh! It's filling m..me up so much! His girth is filling me up just r..right hhaaa hitting my s..spots s..so good......It feels so good...g..good!!!!" He moans drooling showing his snake fangs and tongue just slightly. However, his wrists were tied while both hands rested on his slightly sweaty chest. The loud claps of skin being heard in the room mixed with his heated wet noises. His hair was damp again but that didn't stop the venom from slamming his hips down. He wanted to feel more of Terry who was trying not to moan to the vemon side. He wanted to do this with Shdwkyz. And yet, the two got them weaker thanks to the arousal to switch.
He panted feeling him tightly and slamming his hips more, feeling the tip hitting his spots over and over. However, he chuckled panting to see Terry trying to not moan to the venom even if he was teasing him.
"You know hhaaa he loves this t..too you know. He loves when your able to make him f..feel this good...it's just like when your venom side pounds the fuck out of me. He's such a ahhh monster breeding animal..mmmmmm...thinking about it already has me excited again.." He chuckled but Terry feels him grunting now while slamming down.
"I bet even n..now mmmmm he's already growing h..hungry to have his t..turn...I bet he will make your p..precious snake a screaming mess...mmmmmm!!!" He keeps slamming down but the tip was hitting into his bundle of nerves that he shook resting his cuffed hands on his chest.
"Ahhhhhh!!! T..there! F..fuck y..yes right there!" He begs as he keeps thrusting down onto his cock. However, Terry was gripping the pillow, feeling him tightening and growing more slick. It was too good that he was trying to hold back but his own vemon side was growing hungry. Wanting to pound his naughty snake into the bed. He sees Venom shdwkyz holding his cuffed wrists up above his head, slamming his hips down harder, wanting to cum again but Terry panted feeling this.
"Y..Yes..yes yes yes yes f..fuck y..yes!!!" He moans shaking now on his lap. "F..fuck me m..more! Fuck this slutty h..hole till you b..break me! I want you to break me!" He begs looking to Terry with one eye but he sees his red face to see this. Venom Shdwkyz did this before but he was panting seeing him bucking his hips down harder and harder, wanting to cum.
Sai, on the other hand, was shaking on the ground, throwing his head back as he moans out from within his head. He felt every thrust and touch that he claws the ground screaming. It was getting to be too much but his body was only craving for more.
'Ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ah ah AH! Ah!! AHHHHH!!!' However, he sits up to look up moaning out already feeling his inner self cumming. 'P..PLEASE N..NO MORE!! NO MORE I..I'M ALREADY C..CUMMING!!' He screams in his head while Venom shdwkyz chuckled but he keeps moaning still slamming his hips. This made him gasp shaking from a dry orgasm that he shudders weak to feel himself cumming on the bat's chest.
"Ahhhhhh hhhaaaa fu..fuck..he's c..cumming again...he came and he's making m..me.....c....cummmmmm!!" he came harder but this made Terry break free to sit up holding Venom Shdwkyz tight. He gasped about to speak but threw his head back moaning as he begins pounding into him.
"Ahhhhhhh!!! W..Wait!! I'm st..still sensitive!!!" he begs but he claws Terry's back while he was grunting and going in deeper and harder. He wanted Sai back but he only sees the venom side panting while shaking in his arms. He was going harder and harder but he was drooling looking to Terry.
"T....terry mmmmmm f..faster t...terr-mfffmm!!" He got kissed deeply but he keeps giving the venom snake what he asked for while knowing Sai was screaming and almost cumming hard thanks to this. He twitched clawing the ground even more that he arches his back crying due to the pleasure burning from within him.
'AHHHHHH!! F..FUCK!! FUCK FUCK FUCK S...SO R..ROUGH!!' he moans but was drooling more. 'Terry's l..lost his m..mind! D...damn that venom s..snake influencing h..his mind b..but nugggh!! but it fe..feels good!! I can feel what he is d..doing to my body b..but......I c..can't control it..I can't control it!' he screams in his inner thoughts.
He tries to speak but Venom Shdwkyz was being held tighter that he got layed down feeling Terry thrusting into him as he moans out throwing his head back. He felt tight, wet, and hot, feeling his body touched and caressed. He knew he was enjoying it but he only keeps slamming into him harder.
"Ahhhhhh!! C..close!!! I'm getting close a..again!!!" he moans but Terry kept slamming his hips harder down that he held his hips seeing Shdwkyz threw his head back screaming even louder.
"Please I w..wanna feel you fill me again..let it out all inside I want it!" He begs but Terry panted still slamming deeper and deeper into him that he lowers down to suddenly bite his neck hard to draw blood.
Venom Shdwkyz's eyes widen as he arches off the bed screaming and drooling. He twitched suddenly feeling himself cum to tighten around Terry's cock. He wince but only bucks his hips to pant having his eyes closed that Venom Shdwkyz twitched as he came with a weak chuckle.
"T...told you mmmmm...a..already a beast and your cumming s...so much.." he said but Terry looks down but the venom chuckled more to sit up kissing his lips. "But...this is not over yet....it seems my mate wants a turn.." He whispered.
"W..what?" As he said that, Terry goes limp but that's when Venom Shdwkyz gives Sai back control. He panted feeling his body aching from pleasure but looks seeing Terry there.
"T..Terry!" He looks to grab his shoulders. "Hey, are you alright? What's wrong? What did he d..do?" he asked trying to get a response but that's when he suddenly got pushed down on his back but he felt his wrists held down wincing.
"You don't know little snake? I thought you heard him.." Sai's eyes open to look up but tenses from the sight. Terry responded but.....not who he thought. Venom Batman came out to chuckle licking his bat like fangs again.
"Nope. It's me again my precious snake. You know, thanks to that little show...now I'm all excited for some...you really are a heated slut.." he teased but Sai shook under his gaze.
'H..Hey! Give me-'
"Oh hush I won't hurt him. He means a lot to you so it wouldn't be fair to harm him..I don't plan on doing that.." He said to look at Sai with hunger in his black eyes showing a hint of green. "I plan on breeding this snake till he's a crying wet mess......so in short.." he traps Sai who was shaking feeling nervous but he knew how powerful Venom Batman was.
"It's my turn.." he growls hungry with a smirk on his lps.
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