#i finished some replies but bruh the first chapter
tramaqueen · 2 years
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choose yer fighter! 🎮
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therantsofawriterrr · 1 month
The Umbrella Academy Final Season: My Version
Part Two: The Keepers
Overview: Lila and Five probe into a mysterious group called the Keepers, while someone at the CIA gets orders to stop Five.
TW: Mature language, mentions of PTSD and trauma, also, if you don't want spoilers to s4, read it after watching ig, tell me if i missed anything!! Pairings in the chapter: Five×OC, a little bit of Diego×Lila (I'm just gonna give these two so much love, bruh), also, Lila and Five being sibling-coded besties. A/N: hellu, hellu, here's the second chapter. so i realised i dunno what Derek's pronouns are in the show, so like, if i got it wrong pls tell me i'll rectify it immediately. Also, we have the Diego and Lila pairing THAT DESERVED TO SEE LESGOOOO
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Since Five started working in the CIA three years prior, he had solved many cases. Many that had been a threat to national security and all that. When he'd heard of the cult called The Keepers, he'd decided to check them out, solely because he thought it was worthwhile.
It was the tenth meeting he was attending, being consistent and playing the part as perfectly as he could, listening to people rant in a support group. He was starting to think it was a waste of time.
"My name is Gus," the man who'd raised his hand spoke, making Five blink once to get himself back into task at hand.
"Hi, Gus," Five said with the others who were sitting around in the circle.
"I've been searching for the truth my whole life. Then I found this group. And it was like, a lightbulb went off. For the first time, I heard people talking about what I was going through," Gus ranted emphatically. Five held a yawn in his mouth, letting out a slow breath to let the air out.
"I realised, there's nothing wrong with me. It's this timeline, man. It's screwed up!"
If he'd been any younger, Five would have asked, "Are you sure it's not you who's screwed up, Gus?"
But he only took part in the murmurs of "Yeah!" and "Exactly!"
"I know I can come here and say anything. I could say that Sir Reginald Hargreeves is actually an alien who's secretly grooming a cabal of teenage super soldiers, and all you guys actually know what I'm talking about."
Shit. Bullseye.
That wasn't known to anybody but him and his family. His eyebrows bowed in a tiny furrow before he went back to his poker face.
Gus took a small breath, putting out his hands for the person on either side of him to hold.
"And now, I have hope. 'Cause I know a cleanse is coming."
Everyone started clapping, the soft noise echoing in the walls to ring in his ears. His brain started acting up once again as some gruesome memories of the past went through his head.
"Thank you, Gus," the guy sitting beside him said. "Thank you."
The bald man turned to Five next, looking at him encouragingly as he asked, "How about you? Got anything you wanna share?"
"Yeah, sure," Five replied, trying to cook up a lie in a second. But then he had a second thought.
Fuck that.
"Hi, my name's Jerome," he said, lifting a hand in hello, waiting for the others to say it back. "I'm still new to all this, but I can tell you folks, what you're talking about is real," he heaved a big sigh, getting lost in his mind, back in the apocalypse, the first time. "You're not crazy. I know because I've been to other timelines. I don't look it, but I'm 63. I spent 45 years lost in a future apocalypse. And I was involved in the Kennedy assassination. All that's unraveling now. I don't know what's real and what's not anymore. I feel like I can't trust anybody. All I know is I'm glad to have found all of you," he finished, letting out another quick sigh. "That's it. That's all I got."
The room erupted into claps again and his shoulders bunched up in response as he almost got under his chair for protection.
"You wanna hear some real shit, kid?" The guy beside him asked, not really waiting for an answer. "I'll take you to a real meeting."
Five resisted the urge to smirk victoriously, knowing he was getting closer to whatever the truth was.
When he entered the CIA building, he was walking briskly.
"You're late," an agent friend of his, Derek, announced.
"I know," Five answered sheepishly.
His hand automatically went up, peeling the mustache off his upper lip and handing it to them, taking the file in return and going to the bathroom to change into his suit.
After changing, he pretty much jogged to the boss's room, knocking and entering when he heard a, "Yeah, come in."
"The Keepers function mainly as a support group," he droned as he handed in his mission report. "But, with strong cult-like tendencies. Membership is rapidly growing across all metro areas in the US, as well as in Europe. It's all there in my report, sir."
The deputy director of the CIA, Lance Ribbons, looked through the report and asked, "What's the organizing principle?"
Five took in a quick breath, hesitating before replying, "They believe we're all somehow stuck in the wrong timeline."
"Well," Lance said as his lips curved to one side in an amused smirk. "Just a bunch of loony tunes if you ask me."
He wove his fingers together on the table and turned serious. "Drop this Keeper nonsense. Move on. I think it's time you got back to your other cases. Ladybug, Panama, Chicken Wing."
Five felt a prickle of irritation but didn't show it on his face. "Sir, I am making progress with this."
"Now, you listen to me," Lance interrupted firmly, raising a hand. "You have the makings of a fantastic spook. A suspicious mind, a love of complexity and detail. A certain maturity, that most of my young agents lack. Play your cards right, you'll be running this place someday. "
Five stared at the man and took in a deep breath. He knew that the underlying statement beneath all that unnecessary flattery was just to say, "Do as I say, I mean well."
But something still didn't seem right. It might not be a national security level threat, but it surely was a mystery as to how these guys believe they remember the events of another, or, more accurately, the previous timelines.
"Thank you for saying that, sir."
Elsewhere in her home, Lila was getting ready for book club, wearing a pink strapless dress and styling her hair and makeup. She went out to the living room, showing her outfit to Diego with a spin.
"How do I look?" she asked. "Does this dress make me look weird?"
"Nah, you look great as always," Diego complimented in a soft voice, looking at her with stars in his eyes and a sweet, encouraging smile. "Do you feel like it?"
Lila's lips curved into a confident smile as she leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips. "Well, see you after book club, my love."
"See ya," he said, watching her exit the house. Immediately after, he opened the friend tracker app on his phone. He hoped she'd keep her location on, just so that he'd know she was safe. Grace came running to him with the twins, telling him about a cartoon they wanted to watch, so he happily set them on his lap, holding them close with a content smile, and watched the show with them, glancing at his phone at regular intervals.
At the meeting place, the bald guy, whose name Five had gotten to know was Larry, climbed up the stairs excitedly as he adjusted his suit.
"All right, just be cool, Jerome," Larry told him, even though he sounded just a tad bit nervous. "Anybody asks, you're with me."
Five followed Larry into the meeting room, opening the door and letting it close behind them. Five looked around the room curiously and suspiciously, as if he was trying to get the secrets out just by staring at the walls and the people.
His eyes went back to Larry's and he returned his smile with a fake excited one.
"These are the real Keepers. Best of the best," Larry stated, before greeting another member.
Five's eyes did another search of the room and he almost missed it. Almost.
Was it his imagination, or was Lila in this room? His eyebrows furrowed as he blinked once and confirmed what he saw was true. She was vociferously talking to an older woman in a different accent, asking for her opinion on something.
He sighed, as indignation and disappointment trickled down his spine. She was lying to his brother. Plus, she could blow his cover.
He placed a hand on his companion's back and excused himself, walking to where she was standing and muttering, "So, this is book club, is it?"
He heard her breath catch in her throat as she tittered and excused herself. She turned to keep her wine glass on a table as he fished up a name tag.
"You blow my cover, I'll rip your balls off," she warned, her accent immediately going back to normal.
"You're gonna blow my cover," Five argued. He decided not to talk about the fact that she was lying to his brother, who already had a shitload of trust issues. He'd keep in mind to address it, though.
"Nice mustache, by the way," Lila teased in a typical sister-in-law fashion. "What are you supposed to be? A Greek serial killer?"
Five chuckled as he wrote down his fake name on the tag. "I'll have you know this is top-of-the-line horse hair. The real question is, what are you doing here, 'Nancy' ?"
"Let's just say the transition from full-time assassin to full-time caregiver to 3 small children and a husband is no picnic," she explained in a dry tone. "I thought I'd be fine with it. And I am happy, don't get me wrong. But I can't help feel as if something's... missing."
Five could understand that to some extent. As much as he'd thought he'd finally get the retirement he'd been craving for in the past apocalypse, he'd been used to the stress and everything that he'd been going through in life. And if he was honest, he was happy to not have an apocalypse hanging over his head like a sword.
But then, did he know how to do anything else? Nope. So the CIA it was.
"But, y'know, these losers might be onto something," she whispered, as she stuck the name tag on his shoulder.
"If everyone can take their seats, the presentation's about to begin," someone announced.
Lila smiled excitedly like a kid in a candy store, and gestured to Five with a, "Come on."
Everyone started to sit down as two more people entered the room. Lila gasped when she spotted them, prompting Five to ask, "Who are they?"
"You never heard of Gene and Jean?" Lila asked, mild surprise and sarcasm lacing her tone. "Sure you're part of the right CIA?"
"Oh, just spit it out," Five demanded exasperatedly.
"Gene and Jean started the very first chapter in Clovis, New Mexico. Since then, the movement has been everywhere."
The lights dimmed as a white screen rolled down at the very front as Lila gave out a small excited giggle.
Jean took to the podium, tapping on the mic once and then saying, "Wow. Wowie! I mean, holy shit!"
Five observed her typical Southern drawl and noted it down mentally for later.
"Pardon my French, but look at all these beautiful shining faces. It is too much. Thank you for being here. We have a big night planned, because tonight, we will be discussing..." She paused for dramatic effect as a projector lit up the screen.
"The Umbrella Effect."
Five's eyebrows furrowed, and he could quite literally hear the gears turning in Lila's mind.
"And how I believe, we can return to a restored... and correct timeline," Jean finished with a relieved and triumphant smile.
"Now, what do we mean, when we talk about the Umbrella Effect?" She asked. Five couldn't help but notice Gene just standing behind her, smiling like an idiot. He almost snorted, but kept it inside, focussing on the speech instead. "Well, some people refer to it as 'timeline sickness'."
Five and Lila exchanged a look, trying not to laugh out loud at the sheer absurdity of the statement.
"These artifacts, from other timelines," she explained as the picture changed to the old Umbrella Academy toys that had been made for kids' entertainment. Five had never liked those things.
"Like the shared memories, so many of us have experienced, huh? Yup. Memories, the powers that be would have you believe are just figments of our imagination."
"A dapper dandy holding an umbrella, standing on the grassy knoll," Gene announced as the picture changed again, this time to the old picture of Reginald Hargreeves holding an umbrella on the grassy knoll, just before Kennedy was assassinated.
"An obscure sex cult called 'Destiny's Children'," he pointed out as the slideshow changed to a brochure and pamphlets about Klaus's cult, which included a picture of Klaus, looking like the saint the family knew he wasn't. Lila and Five exchanged disappointed looks this time. That idiot just had to do that, didn't he?
"A litter of child superheroes in short pants, from which we derive the name of this phenomenon, the Umbrella Effect."
The pictures of The Umbrella Academy made Five want to die of cringe. And that uniform freaked him out for some reason.
"Question is," Jean started saying. "Who benefits from covering this up?"
Five could hear everyone holding their breaths as he sighed with boredom. At this point, he preferred the nightmares that his mind provided at night than the one that he was living in at that moment. He found his eyes fluttering with sleep. Right, he hadn't slept the previous night, had he?
"The elites, of course," Gene answered, his noise booming in the silent room and driving away the sleep. The room was immediately filled with people murmuring in agreement, as the pictures changed to show various photos of Reginald and his wife Abigail Hargreeves. Five had the distinct hankering to ask what paparazzi reporter they'd hired to take these photos. "The ruling class has always been threatened by the truth. But they cannot stop the truth, now, can they? No, I didn't think so."
The screen changed to show an umbrella and sparrow baby stroller as Jean continued, "These artifacts are proof, that we're living in the wrong timelines. And they're the key, to bringing about, the Cleanse."
The way she said the last word sent a distinct feeling of nostalgia through his bones, even though he didn't know why.
"What the hell is the Cleanse?" Five whispered to Lila.
"No idea, but shut your mouth," Lila whispered back.
"Your whisper is very high-pitched," Five said in an attentive tone.
"Don't blow our covers."
Before Five could retort back, Gene asked, "Is there a problem back there?"
Five tensed as he felt the dread pool in his belly as Lila gave him a glare.
"Could you little Chatty Cathys stand up, please?" Jean asked, a tinge of offense and suspicion in her voice.
Lila and Five stood up, and he saw their faces change instantly. Gene chuckled as Jean said, "Oh, Papa, it's Nancy!"
"Hi everyone," Lila waved.
"And who's your little friend? I don't believe we've met," Jean asked, all hostility seemingly gone.
"This is my handsome fella-"
"Jerome," Five interrupted, shrugging off Lila's hand that just landed on his shoulder. "From the Orlando branch."
"Looks like your suntan could use a little work there, Jerome," Gene said, humor in his voice, but daggers in his eyes.
"Ahh yeah, I just go there because it's the nearest one I could find to my workplace," Five made up on the spot coolly. "Dang nine-to-fives can be tiring as hell, y'know. And the commute is just a bitch, pardon my swearing," he finished, pasting on a sweet smile. The people in the room chuckled and agreed, as Lila gave him an appreciative look.
Their expressions changed again, to a little trusting. They'd bought his lie.
"Well, maybe there's something we could help clarify," Jean asked encouragingly.
"We were hoping maybe you could elaborate on the concept of the Cleanse," he stated curiously.
"Some believe it's the end. Others believe it's but a great restoration," Gene explained.
"We don't know much about it ourselves right now, I mean, we gotta research and stuff too, y'know," Jean bragged, earning a few chuckles from the crowd. "But rest assured, because we are preparing a very special lecture on just this topic."
"Oh, well, that's lucky," Five stated. "Thank you, both."
They both sat down, even as Lila looked a bit worried.
Back in the CIA building, Clementine Rosewood, the deputy director's assistant was walking down a corridor to get to his office, her kitten heels clacking against the floor. She was still looking through a file as she just reached his door when she stopped.
"Yes, sir," Lance said in the office, his voice crystal clear because of her powers. "Yes, sir, I'm trying to make sure Five doesn't investigate it anymore. You know how he can be."
She strained to hear the person on the other end of the phone and it took a bit, but she succeeded.
"What's the plan if he doesn't?" the person asked. She guessed it was the director.
"Well, I suppose we can't help it, then," was the direct answer, making her suck in a breath in surprise as her head lifted to look at the door in surprise.
She gulped before knocking on the door, entering after his affirmation.
"I have proofread the reports, they just need your sign," she said with a polite smile.
"Ahh, thank you, Miss Rosewood."
"You're welcome, sir. Is there anything else you need?"
"Well, I do need a favor. Are you friends with Mr. Five?"
Her jaw clenched as her smile threatened to falter, but she replied normally, "Oh, I wouldn't go as far as to say friends. Work acquaintances would be a better way to describe it, I think."
He nodded in understanding. "Do you know he's been investigating a support group lately?"
"Yes. I read some of his reports. The Keepers," she answered.
"What do you think about it?"
"I think it could be worth our resources, sir," she stated, putting her hands behind her back and holding her left wrist with her right tightly. She didn't have too many pointers on this. "Developing cults like this one have proven to pose a threat in the past after developing to their full potential. Mr. Five might only be trying to prune the danger before it comes."
"All that is understandable," Lance reasoned, his eyes turning tired suddenly. "But I'm the one catching fire from the boss. So, I need you to talk to him and make him focus on his more important cases."
"I'll try my best, sir," she said, leaving when he nodded wearily.
When she exited the office, she whipped out her phone, pulling up Five's contact. He didn't pick up, to no one's surprise, which made her groan through her teeth. She went straight to Derek, knocking at the table to get his attention.
"Where is he?" she asked, making Derek sigh, eyes returning to the computer and a few mouse clicks later, he recited the location to her.
After thanking him, she headed out to get in her car.
If she didn't have a serious conversation about this, Five and her both were going to land in trouble.
It wasn't just that the bosses didn't want him to investigate The Keepers, it was that they were ready to do anything to stop him from doing it.
And, well. Even if they didn't see eye to eye most of the time, he didn't deserve that.
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Likes, reblogs and comments are highly appreciated. Tysm for reading!!!
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lilxberry · 3 years
Cap Doesn’t Like Bullies - Steve Rogers
Your daughter meets her biggest hero to which you’re completely oblivious to the fact during the entire encounter. Her confidence certainly didn’t waver like you had expected it would of a child meeting someone such as Captain America.
Bruh I’m in love with him. LOOK AT HIS FACE!
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Warnings: FLUFF! Rude ass stranger. A lil bit o’ language. A sassy child.
Words: 3,305
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (female reader) (single mom!reader)
(A/N: I named the daughter Kira but you can happily change it. It’s just a name I can easily associate with a child for some reason lmao.)
(A/N 2: I fixed as many mistakes I could find and hopefully, it’ll be more bearable to read lmao.)
Chapter 2 >
“Mommy,” Kira, your little girl whined.
“Yes baby?” You swung your conjoined hands widely causing her to giggle which in turn, made you smile.
“Can we go to the park today?” Her Captain America backpack bounced on her shoulders with each step. The mostly blue bag clashed yet also complimented the very pink, puffy coat that she wore.
You looked down at her with a raised eyebrow as you watched her for a reaction. “Really? In this weather?”
Kira threw her head back and groaned before exasperatingly replying as if it were the most obvious thing she could have ever spoken. “YES! If we’re at the park, I’ll want to run around and running around will keep me warm. It’s always cold at home but you won’t let me run around.”
A smart little drama queen.
You desperately tried to hide your amusement because you know if she senses that you hadn’t taken her seriously, even more dramatics would be added. “That’s because we can’t run around inside. We might-“
“We might break something. I KNOW! Ugh…” Her feet drag slightly as she walks. She huffs and lowers her head, watching her feet as you move along the sidewalk. You smirk ever so slightly as you watch the top of her head which adorned a woolly hat in an attempt to keep her warm in the season of winter.
“We can go to the park-“ She perked up instantly with a gasp, looking up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. “ONLY, and only, if we can get burgers, too.”
She pauses her steps and looks up at you with a stern, serious expression as she thrusts her hand forward, prompting you to take a hold of it. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” Kira shook your hand firmly and rapidly before she began to pull you along in the direction of the park that was honestly too cold to be sat in.
You huffed a chuckle as you allowed your 6 year old to pull you along the pavements and closer to the large open space of the park.
The inside of the small Brooklyn burger joint was certainly warmer than the harsh weather that lashed at your face and every inch of exposed skin at the park. Your daughters face matched her coat in colour by the time you reached the building.
Waiting in line, your daughter wormed her hands out of the sparkly knitted gloves, stuffing them in her coat pocket before tearing her hat off of her head and stuffing that in the other available pocket. You chuckled as she tried to brush the mess of locks down with her hands and the cheesy grin she flashed you only made your laugh more.
The missing baby tooth at the forefront of her mouth adding a funny effect to the adorable face you had the tendency to squish between your hands tenderly.
The person in front of the two of you had just finished ordering and just as you were about to step forward with your daughter at your side, someone had rudely pushed in front of you, effectively cutting you off.
You scoffed at the sheer audacity this man had in believing he could cut the line, but it was your daughter who spoke up. Sometimes you cursed yourself for teaching her to stand up for herself in situations as these. You forget your daughter has a vote of confidence like no other and will speak her mind, even if the person is nearly 4 times her height.
Of course, these lessons were meant for her to deal with people her size and age, fellow students who bully her or others, seeing as she’s only 6, not for grown ass adult males.
“Cutting is rude. You should wait in line like everybody else mister.” You heard the pissed tone she spoke with and couldn’t decide whether to find it adorable, humorous, or concerning.
You heard the man scoff and honestly, your blood began to boil. He turned towards the two of you and looked you up and down as if scrutinising you before peering down at your daughter with disinterest.
“I’m ordering for one, you’re ordering for two. I haven’t got time to wait for mama bear to order with her equally scruffy little cub.” He rolled his eyes and looked towards the employee who honestly, looked just about as pissed as you did.
You clenched your fist and took a deep breath in the hopes of calming down. Honestly, it hadn’t worked well. “If you’d asked nicely, we would have happily let you order before us. There isn’t any need to be rude, especially to my kid.”
He heaved a deep sigh before turning to look at the two of you once more. He opened his mouth to no doubt retort back with yet another rude remark but someone elses’ voice swiftly cut him off. “I believe you should listen to the young lady and wait your turn like everybody else.”
The stranger, mighty handsome stranger you might add, with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair smiled down at your daughter and sent her a discreet wink. She beamed up at the tall stranger as he turned to look towards the man who had rudely cut you off in line, his features hardening.
“You should apologise and move yourself to the back of the line. What you’ve said was unacceptable and certainly no way to speak to a woman and her child.” He folded his arms over his chest, his muscles, even though hidden behind the material of his long sleeves, bulged with incredible size.
The man that had cut the line looked up at your saviour and gulped but relatively kept his features schooled. “No chance. I only said what’s true. Why should I be punished because of that?”
The stranger chuckled humourlessly as he stepped forward, the incredibly rude man taking a step back out of fear. “Whether what you said was true or false, which was absolutely false, doesn’t matter. You disrespected another in not only speaking to them as if they’re below you, but by simply cutting in line in the first place.”
“Yeah. You’re just a bully. Bullies are rude and always cut in line,” your daughter chirped with pride. The stranger smiled down at your daughter and nodded his head.
“That’s right, sweetie.”
The man scoffed before turning towards the employee stood behind the counter. “Are you really going to let him speak to a paying customer like that?” he asked incredulously.
The employee had a smirk cross her lips and she popped her hip out before folding her arms in front of her. “You haven’t paid for anything. Now, please leave before I get my manager to call the cops to have you removed.”
The man huffed indignantly before grumbling and stomping pass the handsome stranger, shoulder checking him on the way. The stranger rolled his eyes before catching a hold of the mans’ arm and pulling him back slightly. “You still haven’t apologised.”
“Sorry.” His tone was fake and nothing but sarcastic but nonetheless, the stranger released him, probably knowing that was the best apology they should expect from him.
The small interior of the place slowly bustled back to its quiet chatter of the few customers inside. The stranger smiled down towards the two of you and you couldn’t help but be enraptured with how perfect his smile was.
“Are you ladies alright?”
Your daughter rapidly nodded her head, grinning widely once more. “Sure are mister. Thank you!”
You cleared your throat, shaking yourself out of your reverie and smiling up at him. ‘Stop gawking at him, idiot!’
“Uh, yes. Thank you.”
His smile seemed to widen, and he looked quite bashful and oh god, your stomach did flips when looking at him. “It’s nothing, ma’am. I don’t tolerate bullies, I suppose.”
Kira gasped and her eyes lit up. “Like Captain America! The Cap doesn’t like bullies, either!”
The stranger chuckled and lowered himself to your daughters’ height. “Yep, like Captain America.” Honestly, he seemed almost pleased at the connection, but you couldn’t place why. Although, if you were say compared to someone like Black Widow, you certainly would feel chuffed yourself, so you couldn’t blame him.
You failed to realise you were staring at the stranger, again, until you felt a small tug on your arm. You snapped yourself out of small daydream to look down at your daughter. “Ask him if he wants to join us,” she whispered although by the huff of laughter that he tried, and failed, to supress, he clearly heard.
“Uh, yeah. Would you like to join us…?” You trailed off, hoping the stranger would give you his name. He seemed to pick up on his lack of introduction as he stood to his full height, once again towering over you.
He held his hand out before him for you to take, which you did. “Steve.”
“Well, would you like to join us, Steve? We’d like to thank you for standing up to that rude man and pay for your meal if you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Well, that’s a really nice offer…” Now it was his turn to trail off.
“Y/N!” your daughter exclaimed loudly. “And I’m Kira!”
He chuckled. “Y/N. And Kira. But I was actually going to offer to pay for your meals.”
“Oh, no. That’s oka-“
“Thank you, Steve!”
You looked down at your daughter with wide eyes as she cut you off and accepted the strangers’ offer. Steve chuckled and glanced down at Kira. “Very well. Should we order then?”
Kira grasped your hand in her smaller one and pulled you to the front of the counter, beckoning Steve to follow. You couldn’t help but shake your head, feeling only ever so slightly embarrassed by your daughters’ antics.
You daughter was enthralled with whatever came out of Steves’ mouth; completely enraptured with the stories he told. Though, you couldn’t really blame her.
Kira wasn’t one to shy away from conversation, but it had honestly shocked you how versed she became in conversation with the man the two of you had only met 45 minutes prior.
Yes. 45 minutes.
It seemed none of you really wanted to part ways; all enjoying yourselves with flowing conversation and shared smiles.
“So,” Steve started, his arms resting on top of the table that sat between him and you and Kira. “You mentioned Captain America earlier, and you have him on your backpack. Do you like him?”
“Yeah! He’s my favourite hero!” Gosh did she get excited over the topic of heroes.
He chuckled. “And why’s that?”
You rolled your eyes knowing what was coming yet couldn’t stop the fond smile growing on your face. “Well, he’s super cool. He’s brave, kind, strong and he doesn’t like bullies. I don’t like bullies either.” Then, a devilish smile broke out on her small, rounded face. “Mommy likes him too. She thinks he’s pretty. AND SHE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS FACE PROPERLY! She’s seen his butt though, looks at it a lot.”
Your eyes widened and the smile was promptly wiped from your face whilst Steve seemingly choked on his spit and laughed nervously. “I think she’s in love with him,” Kira whispered, further embarrassing you.
“OKAY! That’s enough, ha…”
Steve smiled, albeit sheepishly, towards the two of you. “Well, I believe Captain America would think your moms’ pretty, too.”
Kira shrug, shovelling a cold, left over fry from the basket into her mouth. “I know.”
You groaned softly and hid your face behind your hand, slumping in your seat. Your whole face felt hot. Trying to calm your racing heart, you peered at Kira. “Why don’t you tell him about your birthday sweetie?”
“OH YEAH! Mommies taking me to the Captain America display!” Kira bounced in her seat and if her eyes hadn’t already twinkled with excitement, they certainly did now after she’s formulated a plan quickly in her mind. “You should definitely come, mister.”
You and Steve both spluttered at her invitation.
“Oh honey, I don’t think Steve would-“
“W-well, it’s not up to me-“
Kira groaned and rolled her eyes overdramatically before looking at Steve. “Yep. It’s up to me.” She then turned towards you. “And, we can just ask Steve if he would like to.” To which she faced Steve once more, looking at him intently. “Would you like to come too?”
Steve looked extremely apprehensive to answer and looked towards you in the hopes of getting some guidance in what to say. If he were being honest, this past hour he’d felt nothing but calm and happy, forgetting his worries and has actually taken a break from all the responsibilities he’s been handed.
He very much liked both yourself and Kira, feeling content in both of your presences’ and would very much like if he continued to get to know both yourself and Kira more. He just certainly didn’t want to overstep.
He internally cheered for himself when you nodded your head discreetly. Your face told him that the young girl who looked extremely hopeful would certainly not cease until she succeeded in getting what she wanted in this moment.
“Uh…” He turned his gaze towards Kira once more gave her a small smile. “I would love to go to the Captain America display for your birthday.”
Kira cheered loudly and you shook your head with an adoring smile directed to the young girl sat beside you. “Great! You should give your number to my mommy so we can plan it properly.” She sipped on her half-drunken refill of milkshake after speaking so nonchalantly.
Both Steve and yourself felt and looked dumbfounded. Had she really just said that?
Steve chuckled before his eyes darted down towards your phone which was sat face down atop the table. “May I?”
“Oh, uh, yep.” You fumbled with picking your phone up, unlocking it and opening up a new contact before handing your phone over to Steve, face burning and a shy smile adorning your features. Your hands brushed against one another as he carefully took the phone from your hold and typed in his full name and phone number.
He was just about to hand it back to you when Kira swiftly took it and looked at the screen. She shook her head before looking up at Steve. “You gotta add a picture, silly.” She raised the phone after tapping the picture icon atop the contact, pointing it straight at Steve.
The poor man panicked and smiled quite awkwardly as your daughter snapped the photo. You slapped a hand over your mouth to try desperately hide your laugh, which hadn’t really been that successful.
Kira observed the picture on the screen before nodding; she clearly found the picture acceptable for use. Steve couldn’t help but also find it quite amusing and chuckled himself. Your daughter swiftly handed you your phone back but once in your hand, you had spotted the time and your eyes slightly widened.
“Oh wow, is it really that late?” you questioned yourself but prompted Steve to check the time himself by looking down at his watch. You looked up towards him with an apologetic smile and shrugged your shoulders. “Sorry, we really should get going. Kira has school in the morning.”
Steve shook his head and smiled, unbothered by your information. “No, no, it’s perfectly fine. I completely understand.”
“Thank you, and sorry again.” You looked sheepish as you stood and put your own jacket back on before beckoning Kira to stand herself. She pouted but did as she was told, allowing you to help her with her coat, to which she then put her hat back on top her head and gloves back on her small hands.
Steve stood and cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You looked up away from Kira and sent him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen upon someone’s face and miraculously, he felt a lot let nervous.
“Thank you for the wonderful company and the meal,” you spoke with such sincerity that made his heart thump louder and harder than any life threating mission ever could.
“And for standing up to that bully for us,” Kira added.
You huffed laugh. “Yes, and that.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He nodded his head.
Kira stepped forward which prompted Steve to lower himself to her height just as he had done so earlier. “It was nice meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too, ma’am.”
She beamed up at him before sticking her hand out and her expression was nothing but serious, one which Steve copied as he took her hand and shook it. “My mommy will text you later about my birthday.” She withdrew her hand before her big, bright smile reappeared. She grasped your hand in hers and waved as she began to pull you out of the burger joint.
“Bye Captain America!”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets comically and you did nothing but splutter, opening and closing your mouth in the hopes that some words would pass out of you as your daughter pulled you out through the doors and in the direction of your small Brooklyn apartment.
Steve froze and watched wide eyed as you both left through the door, the bell atop jingling when it closed behind you. “Huh. Smart kid.” He shook his head before laughing and standing, collecting his jacket and leaving a tip on the table before slowly exiting the building himself, walking towards his bike ready to head back to the tower, completely dazed and the image of you ingrained into his mind.
Meanwhile, you finally snapped out of your shocked and flustered state halfway down the sidewalk. “YOU KNEW THAT WAS CAPTAIN AMERICA?!”
“Yep,” your daughter replied, popping the ‘P’ and acting completely nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
You narrowed your eyes at the small figure of your daughter. “You little monster.” You swept her up into your arms and began to blow raspberries against her chubby little cheek, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles and loud laughter.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with her and then Steves’ earlier comment came to the forefront of your mind. ‘Captain America thinks I’m pretty! HOLY SHIT!’
You’d dwell on that later though.
“MY MOMMY LIKES CAPTAIN AMERICAS’ BUTT!” Kira shouted as she continued to gasp out giggles and you couldn’t help but laugh and indulge in her silly behaviour.
Kira roared in laughter once more along with you, and you both continued to find an abundance of humour in the situation the entire walk home.
“Hey punk,” Bucky spoke as he entered the main, spacious shared living room and spotted Steve sat on the couch, staring at his phone and smiling widely as his eyes scan over the words you had texted him.
“What’s got you grinning like that?” Bucky playfully quipped, a small smirk across his lips.
“Uh, nothing.” It could have been convincing if Steve had looked away from his phone and his already large smile didn’t widen further.
“Sure. Nothing.” Bucky shakes his head and sits beside his friend. “She pretty?”
Usually, Steve would question what made his friend think it was a woman, but he was so dazed and giddy, he couldn’t find it in him to deny it. “She’s so beautiful Buck.”
“Gotta date?”
“Not yet.”
Bucky chuckled and slapped his friends’ shoulder in good nature as he shook his head. “Well, good luck, punk. I hope you get that date.” Bucky stood and huffed a laugh at Steve still grinning at his phone as he left to head towards the kitchen, missing Steves’ mumbled response.
“Me too.”
Gosh dang do I love this man
That is all
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Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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moonlit-mizukage · 4 years
Chapter twenty four: Leave Shirabu alone 
Summary: Y/l/n Y/n, a third year at Sakura High School, is just a girl with a bad attitude towards anyone outside her small circle. When y/n’s younger sister starts first year, she gains a lot of attention. Unfortunately for everyone in school, the Y/l/n household has one rule, No dating till y/n does. Some people become just desperate enough to pay the leader of the “Monsters”, the trouble making group on campus, to date y/n. What will happen when she finds out? (All characters aged up to third year unless otherwise stated)
TW: Swearing, Oikawa slut shaming, mentions of bullying and violence, mentions of gossip, breaking glass, throwing stuff, property damage. 
Word count: 1.3K 
Tuesday - Y/n POV 
It was only 11am, I was seated in my desk in Mr. Yagami’s English when Oikawa sat down in the desk behind me. He dropped a note over my head to my desk. I opened it and it said: 
Meet me after school in the courtyard at my table - T
I sighed and slipped it into my pocket. Tendou didn’t come to class today, I even went as far as looking around for him in the halls…
I walked with my head down and hands in my pockets as the final bell rang. I felt as if the world was moving so much faster then I was at this moment. I headed outside to my destination. 
I walked around the back way of the school taking a few extra minutes to get to where I needed to be. 
“Hey, can I uh” I took a deep breath. “Can I talk to you?” I asked. He lifted his head looking at me as if he didn’t understand.
“What for?” He asked. 
“It’s about Tendou, please Kyotani.” He let out a deep sigh. 
“I don’t know where he is if you have come to fight him or yell or whatever. I got a job to get to so see you around.” He pushed me as he left from under the bleachers. I looked up at Matsukawa who was still left smoking there. 
“Matsukawa… Can I… Can I have Kyotani’s number?” I said. I could feel myself about to cry. 
“Yeah sure. I assume it’s about Tendou. You look pretty upset, do you want him dead or something.” He asked with a small chuckle. I don’t  know what came over me but I had to finally tell someone. 
“I love Satori, I didn’t realize how much till the night of the dance.” 
“Fuck.” He said back, “I’m uhh, good luck. I know he's pretty messed up right now. He didn’t come to school today and none of us could get a hold of him just like over the weekend. If he apologizes, what will you do?” 
“I don’t know. I want to forgive him and I can understand the money part, I just, I got hurt along the way, you know?” I said. Matsukawa gave me a pat on the shoulder as he left me alone. 
I walked back out forgetting all about Oikawa as I cut through the courtyard. 
“Y/N! I really thought you ditched me!” Oikawa shouted towards me. 
He ran up to me as I sat down at a table. 
“Y/n, I did this for you.” He passed me over his cell phone. “Check the top conversation!” He said pretty excited.
I took his phone and read through the first conversation. It was with Shirabu. I read the few messages there were and looked at him.  
“I don’t- Oikawa are you- I can't even-.” I couldn’t even get through one entire sentence. 
“What are you trying to say y/n?” He asked. 
“You’re an idiot.” With that I stood up and began to walk away. 
“But I apologized!” 
“Over text after all the shit you did to him? I just- Bye Oikawa.” I headed over to the parking lot to Tsukishima’s car where my friends were waiting for me. 
“Did you get his number?” Shirabu asked. 
“Yeah and I also forgot about Oikawa. I will tell you in the car.” We all piled in the car and headed back to Tsukishima’s house for a hang out. 
Wednesday at lunch - Y/n  pov 
I was sitting at my usual table when Oikawa approached my table. 
“Shirabu, can I talk to you for a second?” 
“No.” He said as he continued to eat.
“Okay, I guess I will just say it here then. I want to apologize to you for how I have treated you over the past few yeast since I met you. What I did was wrong and I only did it to separate you and Y/n cause I was jealous. Will you forgive me please?” At that point it sounded more like begging then anything. 
“No.” Shirabu said casually again. 
“What! What do I have to do for you to forgive me!?” He asked almost in a yell. 
“I know it is not a sincere apology. You only did it for the sake of getting with Y/n. So why would I accept it? Besides, you never actually said sorry.” He replied. 
Oikawa walked away, looking pretty angry. Shirabu looked at me as we both laughed about what just happened.
Time skip to Wednesday Night - Third person pov 
A knock on y/l/n’s house occurred around 7pm. Mr. (y/l/n) went to answer the door. He opened it only to see Oikawa standing in front of him. 
“Hello Mr. (y/l/n). We have met before but I came here to ask your permission for Y/n to go on a date with me this friday night.” Y/n’s father just looked at him dumbfounded. 
“Didn’t you just date my other daughter?” He asked. 
“Well yes, but I am in love with Y/n.” Y/n’s father sighed and slammed the door shut on Oikawa, as he turned around and headed back to the table. 
“Who was at the door Daddy?” Mei asked. 
“That Oikawa guy, he came to claim his love for Y/n.” Y/n began to laugh at the table hearing this news. 
“He really is dumb if he thought this would work. He’s a bitch dad. Don’t worry, my taste in men is better then Mei’s now.” I said back to them. 
“Well I am glad, cause who asks someone’s dad after they dated their other daughter?” He asked with a laugh now. 
About 10 minutes later a knock could be heard from the door again. Y/n stood up saying she would get rid of him now. 
“Oikawa what the hell do you actually want?” She asked as she pulled the door open. 
“You to be my girlfriend Y/n! I have been trying for a few days now and you have given me zero interest! I am trying my hardest.” He claimed. 
“You really aren't though. You hurt my twin like no one else could man. That’s something I can’t stand to see. Plus you’re also, like, the biggest asshole I have ever met. Don’t think I don’t see you bullying kids around the school or whispering little gossip games Oikawa. It's pathetic honestly. So just get off my property... Oh and leave Shirabu alone.” She said. 
“I have always loved you Y/n.” Before she had time to react or even think he pulled her into a passionate kiss. She placed her hands on his chest and shoved him back hard, almost knocking him down the three porch steps that were there. 
“You fucking suck Oikawa.” She spit with poison on her words. 
“At least I am better than the future prison gang leader, Tendou.” He said. 
“Take that the fuck back right now.” She said now aggressively pointing at his face.   
“Truth hurts doesn’t it y/n. When you wake up from your fantasy world and come back to reality, I will still accept you with open arms, I might make you get tested first, but I will still love you.” He said. 
Y/n reached behind her as she grabbed a candle from the small table in the entrance way. She threw it with all her anger as it hit square into Oikawa’s passenger seat window. 
“I’M SENDING YOU THE BILL FOR THIS YOU BITCH!” He yelled as he ran back to his car. 
“I WILL FUCKING BURN IT LIKE I WILL YOUR CAR IF YOU COME BACK!” She yelled as he flipped her off from the safety of his car.
She watched him drive off as she slammed the door and instantly went to her room instead of finishing her meal. She pulled out her phone and opened her group chat sending a simple message to her friends, 
Fuck Oikawa.
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Taglist: @belongtothewcrld @elianetsantana @its-the-aerieljeane @london-quynh @vhskenma @denkithunder @swagdaddycam @ems1des @tendouispretty @senpaisbadass @elephantloser @smolbbgorl @mikeys-thighs @kuroolilchibichan @softesyoongi @ouijaeater15 @xxsilverwingxx @prettyinblack231 @kookie-doughs  @mikesdeath @bruh-kill-me @skeet-skeet-double-fckn-yeet @d0llpie @0-hysteria-0 @katsumi-sumi @rintarawr @sirachano0dles  @satan-ruler-of-hells @himboos @maer-333 @pastel-prynce @tanakasimpcorner @atria-avior @thisnoodlewritesao3 @hard-to-get-by-just-upon-smile
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nanabananae · 3 years
contrary | mission
"so like, what happened today that we don't know of?" chanhee asked, looking for tea as usual.
"nothing as usual."
"ugh, don't interrupt the movie!"
"but yujin unnie got an admirer!" ning ning chirped.
"oh my gosh! just watch the movie, PLEASE."
"why are you so defensive about it?"
you sighed as you took the remote to pause the tv. "because it's irrelevant, I don’t care.”
"we do." they all said in unison.
"what about it?" you surrendered.
"that dude.”
sighing, you reached to get the remote to click the 'resume' button until yeji slapped it out of your hand.
"yujin, let's just have some fun! it's the beginning of the year, we got something exciting already, and you need some exposure and attention. you've always kinda been in the shadows, you know? no offense."
in fact, you were kind of offended. like what do you mean "always kinda been in the shadows"??? but she was kind right, something exciting happened in your life and it could be fun.
"let’s make a plan then!"
."YES. give me ideas." you said sarcastically.
"first, let's figure out who it is. who knows? it could be an actually cute guy, or someone popular so some scandal could happen! but i don't want you getting into a scandal..." ning ning rambled. you chuckled as you thought it was cute.
"but how are we going to figure it out?? bruh, i told you guys that i don’t care at all."
"HEY! be patient and stay focused. anyways, i suggest to just give your suspicions, guesses, whatever, and take action: a.k.a dig for information, talk and hang out with them, and just do impulsive stuff. make friends or a boyfriend!”yeji said.
"um, okay? we have the first step."
you noticed chanhee and younghoon had been staying quiet since the topic was brought up.
"ahem! chanhee, you were looking for the tea and we served, were you not listening?"
"i was, i'm just trying to think of what you could do!"
you squinted your eyes. "whatever, what should we-"
the door suddenly opened, "yujin, you wanna-", revealing your brother and his friends. "oh, hi. you have people over too, i guess."
"yes, i do. you can go." you said, dismissing him.
"excuse me, i was about to bring you out for dinner with us, but i guess you're too occupied to care." felix huffed.
your face brightened and you quickly stood up. "oh, my lovely brother! i'll be delighted to join you and your buddies, let's go!"
"hello?! what the hell, yujin?" younghoon suddenly spoke up for the first time.
"now, excuse me? what about us?" your smile dropped a little as your cheeks grew red.
"oops.. do you guys wanna come? we can stay if you don't want to."
they all agreed and cheered for the free meals, but younghoon still seemed a bit grumpy.
you walked beside him as you guys went out the door. "you know i was joking, i obviously didn't forget you guys." you chuckled but there was no reply.
you frowned, but continued to walk beside him. off you went to the kbbq place down the street.
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an: hey guys, i'm back 😭 i'm SO SORRY that updates are so damn slow and that this chapter is even still shitty. but i actually am starting exams, and that ironically means i have more time to do stuff, so i hope i can update more and maybe even finish this story in not too long of a period (since holidays are coming up soon).
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So THAT is why someone was in tha a&s tags on my blog. Sneaky 👁
(Also dw. Yr in no rush, I'm having the time of my life editing my replies in the docs bit by bit (which i haven't done, actually, im a liar <3))
theo i love u and always will. a&s is A Place
ngl tho side-eyeing that last a&s post. i'm narrowing my eyes...........
(oh my god goomt pLEASE just write your own library arc im DYING)
hey so remember this fun little ditty i wrote a while back--
If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly
--that was actually the pitch of @adreamingofguns but i latched my nasty little teeth into it and ran off into the landfill sunset slobbering and flailing my head around???
i do that a lot actually huh. give me an inch and i'll take the Titanic
anyway so i don't remember exactly how much of the pitch was Nick's doing but the point is that i grabbed it and ran lmfao and thus, If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly
i actually re-read my own fics a lot, especially when i'm stuck. i've always been REALLY PLEASED and PROUD of how i wrote If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly so i'll go back to that and try to siphon The Juice from it. well, i was reading it recently (and i tweaked a name in the third chapter for fun Suggestion - can u find it?) and i was ho-humming at the end of the fic.
i'm not really sure if readers understood entirely what happened at the end there, and i never did anything with it - and honestly, i'd never planned to. .. not really, at least. the idea was there. i thought maybe it'd be a fun thing to pursue sometime after GOOMT but hEHh,
i'm like. well. what IF, indeed. and ofc this is another AU that'll probably never see the light of day outside my vivid hallucinating while trying to go to sleep or staring into the wild pale yonder (very disco of me tbh), BUT LET'S WORKSHOP IT TOGETHER EH
anyway uh if you haven't read the fic that's chill idk if anyone cares about the ~spoiler~ but SHRUG
RUNDOWN of the fic (in 3 easy chapters i pwommy) is that Harry and James initially meet waaay back in the day when James takes Mary to go see Mary's favorite pianist in concert. (that pianist? Jodi Mason. really makes u think) James and Harry literally run into each other during intermission, small chat, hi Mary! then they go back in. after the show, while James and Mary are waiting for the elevator, the Masons show up to ruin lives and the snowball keeps rolling down the hill.
James and Harry meet in SH and together, bring Heather home. they raise her together, though their relationship is extremely tumultuous, rly kinda toxic lmao, really just. riddled. with Bruh and love and it's disgusting. they love each other and their daughter but there is A Lot that's suggested. ends with them celebrating their anniversary (which is, coincidentally, Heather's birthday!!!)
but i gave a peek into Mary and James's relationship (and touched Jodi and Harry's relationship on the nose) and that was a lot of fun :3
SO! that's that one pls read and enjoy it it's def a favorite of mine lmao
spoiler: heather gets kidnapped at the end of the fic when everyone's just trying to have a nice fucking day god can't anyone mind their business around here
naturally the au takes place when James and Harry figure this out. 'Silent Hill Is On Its Bullshit' Senses Tingling.
now, quick note is that neither of them were IN Silent Hill the first time for very long at all. their time there overlapped and it was and wasn't meant to be intentional by the town. i don't think it knew what to do with the timing. it was great but also hhhhhhhh in its "eyes" but anyway, point is, James's got a Leave ending with Harry and baby Heather, he didn't get any conduit nonsense going on, he was probably in the town upwards of a week and a shake before he met up with Harry.
Harry, on the other hand, was probably in SH for a little over a week before he met up with James. James hadn't even really.. "finished" his arc..? which is important when they realize what the fuck just happened and oh god DAMMIT they gotta go to SH to get their fucking daughter back
i'll admit, this AU is certainly Dark. like, a&s is dark, but if you take into account what this one entails, oh buddy MAN is this one gonna be a rough fucking ride LOL like look
these two love each other to their depths but their relationship was havoc at times. i alluded to it, but there was a suicide attempt that Heather unfortunately got to see, and was probably dug up in therapy at some point. they argued and Heather remembers James not coming home some nights, or weeks, or months, and yeah, there was cheating from both James and Harry, they did NOT learn how to cope lmfao and did NOT process their wives' deaths very well, ESPECIALLY YOU, JAMES--
-- since he didn't get to have that closure like at the end of SH2. his and Harry's plots got mashed together, and Harry's took all importance with the Alessa/Order problem. as you can imagine, James has a LOT of unfinished business in SH.
they DID, though, see a lot of each others' SH and baggage, which is super important ofc to how they lived out their lives, and their lives together as a family and as fathers. stuff to keep in mind too, there are A LOT of unresolved problems between the two of them and a LOT of things repressed; and it's really just sad how much Heather actually remembers from her childhood that she'd've preferred remained stomped doooown down in the ground
Harry's Jeep is still crashed and fuckin pwnt in SH, and James's Pontiac is still at the observatory. they actually try to go in through South Vale i think to the observatory but ARE BLOCKED (!!!!!) on the road
a trucker
unfortunate business really :( this guy, this poor trucker's got his trailer in the middle of the road, taking up both lanes, looks like there was a minor accident here :( he apologizes to them and says that he's trying to get a hold of someone to help him with this, awful sorry. he redirects them instead: they can head in via Central Silent Hill, or they can go in via Shepherd's Glen. ur choice.
the trucker's a really sweet dude this Travis Grady, what a darling, obviously from Alabama, he's good humored and all but man. man there's something about him that's just. hrm.
well they decide to try to get in through Central Silent Hill though it means they'd have to go AAAALLL he way around the lake again (fuckin Toluca Lake) and ignore that Shepherd's Glen is closer, but agree that Travis had Weird Vibes and that the blockage seemed intentional which Great. Love That. Super Duper.
i think she's going to show up THIS time instead. which DOES mean older lady cop Cybil B) ur so welcome for that
SHE'S probably in SH herself looking for someone, or following a lead. not sure. something tells me it has to do with Alex? they might pass each other on the drive, so they see/pass Cybil's car heading in and take the exit towards Shepherd's Glen and she saw them on passing ofc.
things are TENSE the entire time bc i think that the discovery of Heather's kidnapping really was just a Bad Feeling and so they got up from the piano and went to her room and 404 DAUGHTER NOT FOUND
her phone was still on the bed tho, and the call was still active. Harry goes to pick it up and listen to the line and ask who the fuck's there and just hears someone sigh on the other end and hang up
(later, Harry's like, that situation was very Liam Neeson in Taken wasn't it lmfao wish i had the monologue memorized and James is like yeah now that you mention it. holy fuck lmaooo)
after that, Heather's phone bricks/locks itself up good and tight and useless to them. while they're really starting to panic, a radio turns on!
.. in the garage!
...... it's coming from the car!!!
they only hear it bc it's otherwise dead silent (ha) while they're up in Heather's room and just BARELY hear it so they'd have to go downstairs and into the garage and naturally it's really not THAT loud but w/e, spookiness
guess what's playing :)
guess what's playing guess
ok you'll never guess so i'll tell you it's Somewhere Over The Rainbow but naturally it's the very recording that Jodi played and recorded and the one that Mary listened to all the time <3 (maybe whispering lyrics on it? mary? who knows! is it even the right time for that bit of joy fun times or would a better place for it be when they arrive in SH? probably that tbh.. so when they arrive it could ~fittingly end~ when they come up to park and just have dead air after, hmmmMM isn't workshopping whatever i find in my ass FUN
bc ALSO there's the possibility of having it play continuously for the drive and even Travis comments on it like lol you guys sure like that song huh and they look TIRED lmfao; harry's like yeah sure but this yellow brick road sucks, i prefer elton john's and travis is like LOL yeah not much of a musicals person myself or elton john for that matter but i vibe, better than copperhead road i suppose.....
James........... squints at that wonders why it sounds familiar, it pings a bell for Harry too but he has no idea, but anyway)
(they'll figure that one out later :3c)
anyway they're about to have a horrible horrible near future lmfao bc wELL
they BOTH knew that there was a high high chance that they weren't done with the Order and all that bullshit but still like :\ come ON
Douglas does show up here - but was he involved with Heather's kidnapping? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
......... sure :) you know? sure. especially since he and the Sunderland-Masons (reversed -adjacent name asldfhaog -adjacent are the Mason-Sunderlands, gotta tell the AU's apart at least a LITTLE bit i mean like. The Connotations. that are only understood by me i guess skldf) have known each other for uhhhh
glances at watch-less wrist
maybe four years at this point bc Douglas is James's AA sponsor (spoiler for what i changed in ch3! LOL) so they're familiar to say the least! a family friend :)
:) Ruh Roh :)
ANYWAY I'LL STOP HERE thank u for coming to my impromptu ted talk and causing problems, ILU THEO AND I LOVE A&S LIKE BURNIIINNNGGG
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
I feel so bad letting this sit for so long, but better late than never I suppose! Thank you to literally everyone who tagged me in this. Literally every time I see these posts it makes me grin like an absolute dope at my phone. This is one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in. I know I joke that I’m just sitting in my corner making garbage, so thank yall for making the room my corner is in so lovely.
So here’s a shoutout to the people who made my 2020 better. If I’m following you (from my main @hyperspacial because despite being on tumblr for nearly a decade I still hardly know how to run a sideblog) I 100% like you. I’m sorry if I forget to tag people :( Also this is about to be a long ass post- don’t feel obligated to reply or like or whatever just because you’re tagged :P
@garyandhisnan. I just…. I adore you. Highkey would walk to the ends of the earth if you asked. Your writing, your posts, everything is top notch (and you’re an awesome person to boot which like… shouldn’t be allowed). Thank you for letting me rant about American late-stage capitalism and all the other nonsense I flood your inbox with. If yall aren’t following them, go do it now.
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@ariendiel Why you would want to collaborate with me, ME, of all people? Still astounds me. I pinkie promise we’re gonna do it though, and it’s gonna be so good. I’m so excited. But seriously, your fics are some of the only ones that I can keep coming back to. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and your edits/moodboards are literally so pretty. I love your blog and I cherish you, you slut cheat.
@kiki-the-creator same brain saME BRAIN SAME BRAIN how do we have the exact same brain!? Your fics literally are the best thing this fandom has produced- I come up with these half baked concepts, you make them actually good, then I play dollhouse with them over and over again in my head forever :3 That Erikah fic? Literally every Marisol fic you write?? I love them. Also you’re highkey so funny and ugh. Te adoro.
@bubblelaureno you’re literally too good for me. For real. I’m sorry I’m so shitty about keeping up to date with fics and edits, you deserve way more than my shitty memory and my 2 second long attention span. Your blog is literally a beacon of positivity and it’s absurd how much I admire your drive and your analytical way of thinking. This fandom is so lucky to have you.
@codename-mango controversial yet brave opinion- your blog is the best LITG blog on tumblr. Your headcanons, your jokes, your route overviews? All immaculate. Even your reblogs are the best of what everyone else is posting. You’re the only reason I have notes, and I appreciate you sm.
@oneflewoverthecuckoos my comment to mango is controversial only because if not her, then your LITG sideblog for sure. For a ‘Lucas’ blog, the diversity of content and LIs you talk about is refreshing. I fucking love seeing people talk about non-LI characters.
@inthenewblood thank you for letting me bitch about the reddit oml it’s needed. Also having someone to be salty with? A new but not unwelcome experience lmfao
@noahssidechick you are literally so sweet oml I treasure our chats and the pictures of your dogs. You bring such a chill and earnest vibe to the fandom and ugh, I’m so glad to have you.
@fuseboxmusebox I feel like you’re so consistent in the fandom, like you were here when I first joined and you’ll be here after I inevitably lose interest and leave. Your reblogs are top notch, the takes are even topper notch, and it wouldn’t be a ‘litg blogs that made me happy’ list without you.
@crvsh-culture I will never not sing your praises. I love your blog, I love you perspective, I love your vibe. I consider you a friend even though we’ve talked like… once.
@radiantdae your artbreeder edits were the first thing in the fandom that left me genuinely astounded. Like holy shit they were so good. Kassam??? That was a REAL MAN. Obviously the stuff you post now is really good too and your blog is excellent. But tbh when I think of the LITG fandom, the first think I think of is your artbreeder pictures. Also your ‘filipino words that make me think of the islanders’. I still think of that often. 
@therealityofthematteris seeing you in my notes makes me smile every time. That’s basically all, just needed to say it lmao. Also if anyone has almost convinced me to start playing TWC, it’s you and Seliné.
@bellarxse my dash would be dry af without you. Same with TWC- I’m so tempted to play because of your posts (I have it downloaded on my phone but like…. I haven’t finished a single route in Arcana and starting a new thing is overwhelming). But also your prompts are one of the few things that makes me want to write lmfao.
@lahelakoh I feel like I’ve said it before but your posts SEND me oml. The tiktok references, the chaotic energy. Both the taste and the flavour is immaculate.
@kiwi-tai we haven’t talked that much but oml I love your content so much 15/10
@confused-inalltheways-human you’re literally so cool and I think about that Harry fic all the time. Am I ever gonna get around to writing it? Probably not. But it was such a good idea. Also thank you for lighting up my notification.
@oceanatydes you come here, you post literally spectacular content, and then you peace out like bruh I wish I had your mind. I adore your edits, but my favorites are your posts/headcanons.
@voile-de-lune your aesthetic is everything I aspire to be and your headcanons/edits are such a refreshing take on characters that we’ve all gotten so stale with. I still live for that Rahim moodboard you made. Also your headcanons are so fantastic.
@lasswithumor this fandom desperately needs more Carl stans, thank you for doing the lords work. Also I highkey stalk your blog on a regular basis jsjsjsjsjsjs every chat we’ve had has been lovely and ugh, you’re just lovely
@bobbysapron your vibes are literally so immaculate. I know it’s been awhile since we chatted but I highkey adore your content and ugh. You’re such a cool person.
@beebips I feel like you’ve vanished off my dash, but you made up for it with that 3rd chapter of The Other Side of Seventh Ave made up for it.
@nerdferatum I don’t think I’ve ever breathed a word in your direction but oml you’re so sweet and supportive and every time your posts cross my dash I *pleading emoji*
@mrsgaryrennell I’m still agog that we’re mutuals because like… You are so talented. It took me waaaayyy too long to get into Blue and Hazel but now that I have… It’s highkey better than the actual season skskskskss
@kingkassam Like the above, you are waaaayyy too cool to be following me sksksksk. I’ve still got a few edits you had ideas for in the pipeline, and highkey the Kassam icons you requested are my favorite edits I’ve ever made. I live for someone else playing Matchmaker.
@hermitclaw  hello?????? You’re so funny what the FUCK are you doing following me. Ik you don’t post that much anymore, but every LITG you grace us with is a knockout. It feels unreal when you reblog my stuff. Basically the same to @mchamster. Like you’re both so funny and have been in the fandom for so long that it fully feels like royalty whenever yall interact with me.
@ravenadottir I am fully unworthy to even mention your name but oml. Your guides are the only thing that help me retain information about the season, and your recent outfit edits? Oh my god they’re so good. Hope’s especially, with the brightly colored swimsuit, left me absolutely speechless. You’re just above everything in the fandom and I admire that so much. Plus you really don’t have to flex that hard in your fics, and yet-
@smaiihands saving the best for last because you are one of the single most talented people in this fandom. Your art is the strongest life support for the fandom and like I know we haven’t talked in awhile but you’re also such a dope person. So.
And a big shoutout to all the people I follow who I don’t talk to but have nothing but good vibes. I appreciate yall way more than I can articulate: @richhdesire @needsomesorrel @ficticiouspastry @cranesandshipyards @litg-ish @princesslove19060 @fictitiouspastery​  @icedcoffee-please @demons-dogs-and-puns @sparklydinosaurr @mountainmanxoxo  @diamondsdiary @bucket-bill@another-lottie-simp @bobbys-darling @cyn-onlyyou @mikcove @officialpapa-johns @Amaxn @dxncingthroughlife @myfictionalobsessions  @screw-u-vaanu @kittidot @chichiguitarist123 @myfictionalobsessions @Azibear @amelia-w @lilithlibrxa @litghoe @priyas-tiddies @daisybarks @ajs-wife
At this point this post is just a directory of the LITG fandom lmfao but genuinely. Thank every single one of you. 2020 was hard as shit, but I’ve been hyperfixated on LITG for like a year and I treasure your content sm.
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molotovmetro · 4 years
I know what you want, and I got you fam
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Bruno asked you and Abbacchio to go and gather some information together. With your companions stand, it's bound to be and easy job. Even if it wasn't, you'd still just be glad to be able to spend some one on one time with the object of your affections.
As the two of you are watching moody blues's replay, you hear the distant sound of a door opening in the musty warehouse you're in.
"Abba, we need to go. Someone's here." You couldn't afford to get caught knowing this information, you'd be killed immediately if they found out you're onto them.
"No, not yet. The replay hasn't finished yet. We need two more minutes." He doesn't take his eyes off of the stand as he talks
"Okay. I'll buy us some more time." And with that, you crouch as you sneak into the next room behind a bunch of boxes, picking up a glass bottle from the floor. The man who had entered seems to be looking through some boxes, trying to find something. When he realizes whatever he is looking for isn't there, he is about to go into the room where your colleague is.
You throw the bottle to the other side of the room, knowing he would go to investigate the noise. As he moves, you rush back to Abbacchio. Right as you enter, you see the face of the man turn back into moody blues. Perfect.
"We need to go! Now!" You grab him by the wrist and start running
"Hey!" The man finally spotted the two of you, chasing after you
You've been running for about ten minutes now, and your persuer has still not given up. As you're rushing through the crowds, you lose him for a few seconds as you turn around a corner. You use the time to pull Abbacchio against a wall and kiss him.
He freezes immediately. What are you doing? This isn't the time to do something like this! He tries to pull away from you, you can't waste time like this, but you grip him tighter and shake your head.
He had been stupid enough to let himself think for even a second that maybe you felt the same way about him as he did for you. How is he this naive.
You're so much better than him. You're smart, and beautiful, and perfect. All he does is fuck things up. He's worthless. Of course you don't feel the same.
But he likes this, he hates himself for it, but he likes kissing you.
It doesn't matter. It will never happen again.
When you finally pull away, there's already a scowl on his face.
"He's gone. We're leaving." He doesn't wait for a reply before turning around and marching to where you left the car. As you follow him, jogging for a moment to catch up, you look at him properly. You messed up didn't you? He doesn't want anything to do with you. You disgusted him by kissing him.
The tension in the car is heavy. Abbacchio is driving, his face devoid of emotion but his knuckles turn white from how hard he is gripping the steering wheel. You figure the least you can do is apologise.
"Hey, Abba... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." As you speak, you're looking at your shoes. You're embarrassed, you do not want to see the look on his face.
"Shut up. It was a distraction. I get it." He doesn't look at you either as he speaks, eyes on the road and his grip on the wheel tightens even more. His voice sounds strained, he's upset. But it seems like theres more behind it. What if... What if you were wrong? What if he isn't upset because you kissed him, but the context in which you did?
"Did you... want it to be more than that?"
He stays quiet, but you see the flex of his fingers on the wheel and how his eyes look downwards for a moment. You suppose you got your answer.
"I want that too." You're whispering, but in the car it still sounds too loud.
He looks at you for the first time since you got into the car. There's so many emotions in his eyes, you can't name them all. He ponders for a moment, as if questioning if this is really real.
"Okay." The tention melts away. The rest of the drive is spent in comfortable silence, the only sound is the soft music on the radio as you're driving under the streetlights on the highway, softly smiling to yourselves.
The road to a new chapter in your lives.
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resilientdolan · 4 years
Thick and Thin (g.d)
-part 1-
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A/N: Book 2 of Drown is here! I’ll try my best to update (at least) once a week. Also, blurb req/thoughts and comments are highly appreciated!
Word-count: 2k+
Summary: The fact that Grayson hurt her in the past by choosing someone else over her keeps haunting Bianca, even when she’s trying to start a new chapter of her life in the city of angels.
Tags: @bingexdolan @grantsairforce @prettyboydolan @kyaaawritings @3ooda97 @baby-grayson @ryxgrantdolan @fangdolan @evergreendolan @goldenndolan @nikesbailey @soledadgray @sosweetgrethan @twinfinitydolan @333dolans @babeygray @guiltydols @rhyrhy462 @blindedbythelightt @ecstasydolan @pineappledols @velvetdolan @divinedol @mercurygrant @graysonsdol
*pic credit to @nikesbailey bc BOMB ASS EDIT)
“So how’s LA?,” Bianca asks as she folds her sweater neatly before she carefully puts it into her suitcase. Her flight is scheduled for tomorrow, and here she is, getting ready, while also busy talking to her boyfriend through the FaceTime call. She steals a glance at her phone that she sets on her nightstand, so she can see Grayson’s face on her screen while getting her stuff packed.
“LA’s okay,” Grayson replies after a moment of thinking.
“Just okay? I thought you’ve been dreaming about living in LA all this time,” Bianca scoffs as she folds the last pair of jeans that she grabbed from her closet.
“True, but not fun that you’re not here, babe,” Grayson lets out a soft groan as he runs his thick fingers through his dark hair. The concept of being away from his girl slowly drives him crazy. Even only for two weeks.
“Baby, few more hours, and we’ll be together again,” Bianca emits a light chuckle as she zips her suitcase up. She got everything she needs packed, so she crawls onto her bed to lie down, phone in her hand, of course.
“I know. I miss you. I can’t wait for tomorrow,” her boyfriend mumbles as he wraps an arm around his pillow to hug it. “I’m all excited about sharing a room with you, you know?,” a cheeky grin comes across his lips as he talks.
“Don’t tell me that you’ve been busy preparing,” Bianca rolls her eyes playfully, followed with a slight chuckle.
Grayson moves his phone camera so he can show her the whole bed that he’s lying on. “Which side of the bed that you want?,” he chuckles.
“Um... can I have the right side? I want to sleep by the window!,” she giggles as she answers his question once she’s done observing the room though his phone camera.
“And because you’re always right too? Like— you know, they say, women are always right, blah blah,” this time, Grayson rolls his eyes back playfully. Bianca can’t help but bursts into laughter as he rolls his eyes.
“I didn’t say that!,” she shakes her head.
Bianca’s still laughing the moment Grayson jumps out of his bed quickly out of nowhere. She notices his sudden action, so she calls for his name. “Grayson?,” she calls for her boyfriend.
“What’s wrong?”
“No, I think I hear someone talking to Ethan,” Grayson replies as he heads out of his room.
“Maybe he’s on a call with Mabel?,” Bianca guesses.
“Nah, doesn’t sound like Mabel,” Grayson shakes his head as he keeps walking, heading to the living room. “Oh, it’s you!,” Grayson’s voice echoes.
“Grayson! I thought you’re out!,” Bianca can hear a female voice talking to her boyfriend. She keeps her gaze on her phone screen to watch her boyfriend.
“Nah, I’m on call with my girlfriend,” Grayson moves his gaze from his phone screen to the other person standing in front of him.
“Gray? Who’s that?,” Bianca calls him once again.
Grayson immediately shifts his gaze back to his girlfriend to answer. “It’s Alana,” he answers with a thin smile on his lips.
Bianca takes a quick look at the clock on the top left of her screen to check for the time. 12.45 am in Jersey, which means 9.45 pm in Los Angeles.
“What is she doing?,” Bianca whispers. But Grayson’s too busy talking to the blonde girl sitting on the couch in his living room with his twin brother.
“Monty’s? That sounds like a good idea!,” Bianca can hear Grayson talking to the other girl. He seems excited, and she doesn’t know what for.
“Yeah?,” Grayson quickly shifts his gaze back to the girl on his phone screen.
“What’s Monty’s?,” Bianca arches her brow in confusion.
“Ah, Monty’s one vegan burger joint here. Babe, they have the best burgers! You’ll love it, I swear,” Grayson explains excitedly. “Oh, also, their shakes are bomb! You have to try it— Hell, I’m taking you to Monty’s once you’ve arrived!,” he adds.
“Wait— you’re going to Monty’s? Like— now?,” his girlfriend frowns.
“Alana wants to get some shakes,” the man on her phone screen shrugs.
“Isn’t it late? Like— isn’t it almost 10 there? You need some rest, Gray,” Bianca sinks her teeth onto her lower lip as she thinks about the possible reason behind Alana asking Grayson out to get some shakes this late.
Is she into him?
“Uh, I have no class tomorrow, babe. And I napped. So I’m good!,” Grayson replies as he gives his girlfriend a thumb up to convince her.
“Grayson, it’s late,” A soft sigh escapes her as she watches him moving again. He’s walking back to his room, she knows it.
“Baby, just the shakes, and I’ll head back home,” Grayson answers as he gives his girlfriend a small smile, grabbing his wallet and his keys that he put on his nightstand. “Isn’t it late for you? Isn’t it almost 1?,” Grayson arches his brow as he walks out of his room once again.
“Yeah, it’s 10 to 1,” she answers.
“You have a flight to catch in the morning, Bianca. Get some sleep,” he speaks as he walks. This time, he’s not even looking at her.
Out of nowhere, Bianca can feel her anxiety is on the rise again. Watching him being excited about getting late night shakes with his ex crush really got her overthinking.
“I will, I’m done packing, though,” Bianca nods, but Grayson isn’t paying attention to her the moment she speaks.
“Alana, come on,” again, Grayson’s voice echoes as he calls for Alana. “Yo, E, want to join?,” he shifts his gaze to his twin, who’s sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap.
“I’ll stay here, I have an assignment to finish, but can you get me some salted caramel shakes, please?,” Ethan replies without even looking at his twin. He’s clearly too busy with the assignment.
“Yeah, I’ll get you that one,” Grayson nods his head before he shifts his gaze back to the girl on his phone screen. “Baby, you need to sleep,” again, he tells her to go.
“I’m going, I’m going, but—Gray?,” she calls for her boyfriend.
“Will you pick me up at the airport tomorrow?,” she asks.
“Of course! Just let me know about the time, yeah?,” Grayson gives her another smile. “Now sleep, baby,” and again.
“Goodnight! I love you!— Alana, hurry up—,” that’s what she hears before Grayson ends the phone call. Real quick that she didn’t even get the chance to say ‘i love you’ back.
Bianca puts her phone on her nightstand as soon as she sets her alarm, and turns her night light on. Her mind wonders about the worst scenario that might happen for letting her boyfriend going out with his ex crush this late for the sake of shakes.
Is Grayson into her again that he willingly drives her this late to Monty’s?
Bianca wraps her arms around her pillow as she lets out another sigh, followed with a mumble.
“Grayson, please don’t hurt me again. I’m begging.”
“Oh my God, is it really you?,” Grayson nearly screams as he throws his arms wide open only to scoop his Bumblebee into a hug. Bianca drops her suitcase and throws her arms around his neck. It’s been 5 days since the last time they shared their last kiss at the airport in New Jersey, right before Grayson left.
“Gray!,” Bianca squeals as he boyfriend carefully lifts her off the ground, so she wraps her legs around his waist to cling onto him like a koala.
“Bumblebee, you’re here!,” he coos before he gently brushes his lips against hers, pulling her close for a kiss. Bianca moves her hands up to rest them on his cheeks as they kiss.
“My beautiful baby,” Grayson mumbles absent-mindedly as he keeps his gaze on her features, admiring how beautiful she looks that day. There stands his girlfriend, wearing a white tanktop that she tucked into her high-waisted jeans, covered with her khaki trench coat and of course, her favorite black Chuck Taylor.
Grayson kneels down to grab her suitcase, and uses his other hand to take her hand in his. “How’s the flight? Are you tired?,” he asks as he leads her towards the silver Jeep Compass parked in the parking lot.
“Flight’s okay, a little tired and wait— whose car is this?,” Bianca turns to face her boyfriend. That car’s definitely not his. He has a black Porsche, not a silver Jeep Compass.
“Yo, say hi,” Grayson knocks on the driver’s window. The person inside finally rolls the window down so Bianca can see the one driving that car.
Blue eyes, blonde hair. Alana Whitman.
“Hi, Bianca! You’re good?,” she greets her with a smile on her face.
“Oh— hi, Alana. I’m good,” Bianca answers, giving her a thin smile in return. The other person sitting on the backseat rolls the window down as well. It’s Ethan.
“Biancaaa!,” he greets his bestfriend excitedly.
“Ethan!,” Bianca turns her gaze to her bestfriend who’s sitting on the backseat of the car. Grayson puts her suitcase in the trunk of the car before he opens the door for her.
“Get in, babe. Let’s get you your first Monty’s,” Grayson chuckles as he motions his head towards the open door. So Bianca crawls onto the backseat of the car, sitting next to Ethan. Once she’s in, Grayson gets into the front passenger seat.
“Alright, everyone’s ready?,” Alana asks as she starts her car.
“Bruh, I’m always ready for Monty’s,” Ethan replies excitedly to match her energy.
“You excited, baby?,” Grayson turns to take a quick look at his girlfriend who’s sitting on the backseat. Bianca gives him a small smile and nods her head.
“To Monty’s!,” Grayson shouts, followed with Alana and Ethan’s laughter.
“Hey, Alana, what do you think about the Film History class?,” Grayson’s voice breaks the silence between four of them as they’re heading to Monty’s.
“It’s pretty interesting,” Alana answers as she keeps her gaze on the roads ahead, both hands on her steering wheel.
“The fuck? We have a lot of materials to read and you find it fun?!,” Grayson’s eyes go wide as he turns to his side to face Alana, who’s not even looking at him.
“Reading is fun, Grayson, really,” Alana’s shoulders rise and fall into a shrug as she hums.
“Yeah, maybe it’s just my dyslexic ass,” Grayson rolls his eyes back, finding her statement about the ‘reading is one fun shit to do’ sounds like a complete bullshit to him.
In the backseat, Bianca, who listens the whole conversation, pokes Ethan right on his shoulder, since he got his AirPods plugged in all the time. “Ethan,” she whispers.
Ethan takes his right AirPods out and turns to face her. “Yeah?,” he whispers in return.
“Are Grayson and Alana in the same class?,” she whispers, not wanting both of them to hear her.
“Of course, they’re in the same major,” Ethan shrugs. He arches his brow the moment he notices Bianca’s frown. “What? You have no idea about that?,” he asks.
“He has never told me about that,” she whispers once again. “Are they— you know—,” Bianca’s activating her FBI agent mode, ready to interrogate.
“They what?,” Ethan hisses.
“Woo, we’re here!,” Grayson cheers, distracting the both passenger sitting on the backseat of the car. “C’mon, baby!,” he shouts happily before he hops out of the passenger seat. So does Alana, leaving the two in the car.
Bianca turns to face Ethan one more time as she speaks. “Ethan, she used to be his crush back in middle school, right?,” she sighs.
“Yeah, but there’s nothing between them, Bianca, really,” Ethan shrugs as he unbuckles his seatbealt.
“Hm— girl’s kinda sus,” Bianca mumbles as she unbuckles her seatbelt. “But I’m here and I’m ready to mark my own territory,” she continues.
“Ooh, scary girlfriend shit,” Ethan teases her, which got him ended up having the back of his head smacked by Bianca.
“Shut the fuck up, Crimson Chin,” she hisses before she jumps out of the passenger seat to follow her boyfriend.
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poisxnyouth · 4 years
bad influence dave part 3 (d.d)
A/N: this feels soooo short but ik it’s not i’m just used to 12k chapters DHCBJKD enjoy let me know what u think and what ur fave parts are <3 -hailey
word count: 3.2k
 “Fuck. I’m faded, dude,” David groans to Ilya, lighting a cigarette, “You know Y/N? Be nice to her. She’s a good girl, and she’s gonna be around more. So, like, don’t make me look like an idiot.” 
 “Ohhhh, what is this? Is Davey catching feelings? For a one-night stand? What is this world we’re living in?” Ilya mocks, sitting on the couch next to David, “Dima, do you hear this?”
 David smacks the fuck out of him haphazardly, cig between his lips as he takes a drag and takes it between his fingers, “I haven’t fucked her, dickhead. I haven't even gone down on her. She’s a virgin, not that it’s any of your business.” 
 “Bro, she’s too cute. Hit it and quit it,” Ilya shrugs, “Remember when you swore off girlfriends, like, two years ago?” 
 David shrugs, smoking, “Maybe it’s time for that to change. I want her to be my girl. She’s good for me.” 
 “You just know your mom will like the cross around her neck,” Ilya comments, “I’m joking, bro. You like her that much?” 
 David sucks his teeth and bites at his lips, “I think so. She’s just so shy…”
 Ilya tuts, scoffing, “You like that shit, dude. Don't act like you don't. You’re a controlling bitch. You’re not exactly an easy guy to get along with, Dave.” 
 “I know that,” he says, standing, “Whatever. Be nice to her, dude. You too, Dima. She’s on her way over.” 
 “I don't know how you haven't fucked her already, bro,” Dima finally says as he walks in, “She’s cute as fuck.” 
 “You think I don’t know that?” David puts his cigarette out, “She’s tight as fuck. Like…”
 He size compares with his fingers, making a circle and whistling, “Nothing fits. We’re going slower than I thought we would. Super-hot, though, not gonna lie — no complaints from my end. I’m gonna shower before she gets here, and we’re gonna hang with you guys. She’s staying the night.”
 David showers and you make your way to his place, already in pajamas, ringing his doorbell. David is sat on the couch again, quickly standing and pointing between Ilya and Dima, quietly warning them, “Be nice, fuckheads.” 
 He answers the door, pressing a kiss to your lips, “You can just come in, baby. No need to ring it.” 
 Ilya peeks around to the front door as David shuts it and gently places his hands on your waist, rubbing affectionately and asking, “I’m gonna make myself a drink – you want one?” 
 “Oh, he’s fucking whipped, dude,” Ilya tells Dima, nudging him, “Look at that shit.”
 Your arms wrap around his neck as you say Yes, please and kiss him again, proudly telling him, “I missed you.” 
 “Mm,” he hums into your kisses, “I missed you, too.” 
 Dima fake gags at the sight before you and Dave make your way to the kitchen, acting as if they weren’t watching. He half-assedly introduces you again, “Y/N – you know the pieces of shit that I live with.”
 You bashfully greet them as David pours himself a whisky neat, taking a slow sip, “What do you want, sugar?” 
 “What do you have?”
 “What do you want?” he repeats himself, watching you lean over his counter and shamelessly glancing down the neckline of your shirt. 
 “I could really use a glass of wine if you have some,” you admit, blushing at the way his eyes travel around and he peeks over your shoulder at your ass, “Anything red. Or pink. Or white. Anything. Work was horrible today.” 
 “I’ve got you,” David nods, going through his cupboards and picking a bottle, “Never doubt how I stock my bar. I have whatever you’re wanting.” 
 “It’s ‘cause he steals it from work,” Dima says loudly from the living room, “Don’t believe him. He’s a fucking thief.” 
 David rolls his eyes, voice going low as he pours you a glass, “I don’t. I did it once, like two years ago, and he hasn’t stopped eating my ass over it. Here, baby. Cheers.” 
 “Cheers,” you repeat, clinking your glass with his as he motions his head towards the living room, a silent indicator to move. 
 You do, following him and allowing him to tug you into his lap as you both sit down. David wraps his arm around you, grilling Dima, “Dima, dude, can you just...like, clean up after yourself? For once?”
 “I do!”
 “You literally don’t, bro,” he gripes, laughing and passing his drink to you so he can light a cigarette, “It’s not like it’s constant. You, like, let it pile up and then clean up. Who does that? Literally, look at the coffee table right now.” 
 Admittedly, it is super messy, and Dima knows it, but David continues, “Pick up your fucking empty lean cups, bruh. It’s not a dump.” 
 David takes his drink back from you and sips at it, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple, before Dima replies, “Fine. Whatever. I will, but I can't move right now. I’m too high.” 
 “Are you high?” you ask David, grabbing at his face by his cheeks and looking into his eyes.
 “Maybe,” he responds, eyes red, answering your question before you remove your touches, “Why? You wanna smoke? I could do another blunt.”
 You shrug, shaking your head, “Not right now. Let me finish my drink.” 
 “...Is Ilya okay?” you ask David as he puts his cigarette out and begins to lazily kiss down the column of your throat, not paying attention to anything else.
 “Huh?” he says, glancing over at his friend, knocked out on the couch, “Oh, yeah. Don’t worry about him. He went into work super early today and took a Xanax like, an hour ago.”
 You and David both finish your drinks and sink further into the couch, quietly cuddling and kissing. He’s further gone than he’d like to admit – he’s already smoked two blunts and four packed bowls by himself – and it’s beginning to fully hit him. 
 “Babygirl, I am so fucking high,” he admits, clearing his throat, “I’m starving. Smoke something. I want you to be high with me.” 
 He laces both of your hands together, and you realize he’s not asking, but telling – so you accept, nodding your head. 
 “Okay,” he shrugs, “Roll a blunt, then.” 
 “Like...by myself?” you ask him, anxious at the thought of him watching you most likely fail. 
 “Yeah, why not? The other day, I showed you how to. Everything’s on the table. Dima’s even more faded than I am, so don’t freak out. ‘S just me.” 
 Again, he’s not asking you – he’s telling you to. 
 So, you sit up and attempt to get it over with, reaching for a random razor blade and a pack of blunts. 
 David quickly sits up and takes the blade from you, “Nonono. No, baby. Holy shit, no. Why is this still fucking here?” 
 “What?” you ask confusedly, watching him get up and throw it away. 
 “Some girl one of these shitheads brought home the other night was trying to do something – I don't even know, probably coke – and cut her finger and bled all over that shit,” David washes his hands and sits back next to you, sighing deeply.
 “Sorry,” he drapes his arm around you, kissing your head comfortingly, “Keep going. That’s not your fault, baby.”
 You reach for another one on the table and look at him for permission, continuing once he approves with a nod. You do as you remember him telling you to, feeling him watch your every move as you load the grinder. 
 “More,” he comments, eyes cutting to you and shrugging, “Just a little bit.” 
 You do add more and grind it, and you carefully dump it into the honey blunt wrap you just emptied. You even it out with your fingertips, gently packing it. You roll one edge in and he stares as you lick the wrap carefully, sticking it. 
 “Good job,” he praises, moving to light a cigarette, “You did well. Now, smoke it.”
 “By myself?”
 “Yeah? You can do it,” David presses, “I’m already faded. One blunt by yourself should get you pretty close to where I am.” 
 “Fine,” you say, reaching for his Zippo.
 “Don’t get an attitude with me, sweetheart,” he rubs at your back casually, cig sitting between the first and second knuckles of his index and middle finger, “There’s no need. It’s not fun to deal with, anyway.” 
 You ignore him, lighting the blunt and beginning to hit it. You don’t say anything as David gets sucked into whatever garbage is on TV, absentmindedly taking puffs of his cigarette until he finishes it.
 “Oh, fuck,” you curse as you finish it, putting the roach out, “Oh, fuck.” 
 David laughs at you as you dig your head into his shoulder, hands wrapping around his bicep, “I told you.” 
 You close your eyes, breathing him in, “Jesus. You smell so good.”
 “I think we should go upstairs, baby,” standing and grabbing his cigs and lighter, tugging him along with you.
 “Are we gonna fuck?”
 “No,” he scoffs, laughing at you, “We’re not. Stop cursing. Come on. The guys are knocked out.” 
 You roll your eyes at him and take his hand, following him up and getting into bed with him. David takes you into his arms and kisses you, intending for it to be sweet, before you run your hand entirely down his front. He stops your hand once you make it past his hips, grabbing your wrist and saying harshly, “No, baby. Keep your hands to yourself.”
 “Ugh,” you roll your eyes, removing your touch, “Okay.”
 “Good to know you’re horny when you’re super high,” David comments, “But I’m not going to touch you or let you touch me when we’re like this. Not now, at least.”
 “That’s so lame-”
 “No,” he treads, “I’m looking out for you. Now, stop talking about it. It’s making you seem like a desperate whore.”
 “Maybe I am-”
 He cuts you off again, grabbing your chin and making you look at him, “But you're not. Not yet. It’ll come when it comes. Be patient, sugar.” 
 “I’m trying,” you say, eyes on his, “But I can't stop thinking about it. I want you so bad.”
 David’s arms wrap around you as he sighs, a derision of a smile playing at his lips, “You want it because I’m not letting you have it, and you’re just a brat.”
 “I can see it,” he shrugs, “You thinking about me at work, sitting at your little desk in one of your little dresses that I wish were so much shorter than they actually are...Not wanting to annoy me, so you don't know whether you want to text me or not; but you miss me, so of course, you break down and do it, telling me that you miss me and want to see me. Sometimes you might get the guts to ask to see me. Maybe you think about me when you’re at home…”
 He trails off for a moment, fingers pushing up the hem of your t-shirt as you listen to every word he says, knowing he’s right about every single part before he continues, “You think about me when you're making dinner, showering, making coffee, doing laundry, whatever; you wish I was there with you. But at home, you’re by yourself, and you can touch yourself at home. You probably try to, thinking about me and the things I could do to you, but you don't really know how to and it doesn't feel good yet, so you give it up and hope that the next time we see each other I’ll supply at least something.” 
 “Am I wrong?” David asks, glancing down and meeting your eyes. You shake your head no and he scoffs, fingertips rubbing delicately at the skin of your hips. 
 “I know I’m not. You think about me during church?”
 Your eyes widen and a mortified blush comes to your cheeks, but you can't lie to him – you clear your throat and tell him, “Um, yes.” 
 “Whore,” he says simply, “That’s whore behavior. Especially because you’ve never even sucked a cock. You’re needy – you’re lucky I like supplying. You probably pray for dick.” 
 He glances down at you and sees the embarrassed look flash across your face at his final statement, and it’s enough evidence for him to know he’s right.
 “So, why can’t you just fuck me?” you ask, shameless and attempting to ignore what he previously said as he stares up at the ceiling. 
 “Because, you whore,” he emphasizes, “When you keep saying you want it…”
 “It makes me less inclined to give it to you. Maybe you should learn how to wait before you take any dick,” he continues, your head resting on his chest as he speaks so casually, “Not to mention, babygirl, your pussy is, just...too tight for me to do anything yet.”
 “What do you mean, ‘So?’?” he scrunches his eyebrows together, “I’m not going to hurt you. I can't just...hit the gas on it and say, ‘Fuck it, full send.’ Plus, I know you’re going to bleed, so like-”
 “I wish this wasn't as complicated as it is,” you groan, “I want you to fuck me.” 
 “Stop swearing, baby,” David reminds, “Why so impatient, though? Because it’s me or because you want to get it over with?” 
 “It’s you,” you reply easily, rolling over to be able to look at him, fingers coming to his cheek, “I don't know what it is. I literally want you to ruin me.” 
 “And I will,” he ensures, kissing your forehead, “Don't doubt me. Just wait on it. Patience is rewarding.” 
 The next morning, even though David swore to himself that he wouldn't, you’re both sober now, and God, he’s so hard it hurts. 
 He kisses you deeply and leads your hand down into his shorts so you can feel how hard he is, too, dick pressed flat against his thigh. He lets you push his shorts and underwear down, mouth still on his, before you pull away and deliberately spit down his dick, looking up at him from your new spot.
 “Can I?” you ask him, something he actually finds quite endearing, but doesn't have time to think about as he nods. 
 “Put your mouth on it,” David tells you, threading his fingers through your hair, “Just...fuck. Anything, baby. I can't think right now. I’ll tell you if it’s not good.” 
 You anxiously glance up at him as you take him into your hand, David pushing your head down thoughtlessly as soon as he sees your mouth open. You gag, but he doesn't let go, pushing you down further and grunting.
 “Oh, fucking Christ,” you look up at him as best as you can, trying to breathe through your nose, watching his hips buck up and his eyes roll back. “Yes, babygirl. Yes.” 
 You think about your teeth and open your mouth further than you thought you could, jaw aching slightly as you push yourself down farther. 
 David whimpers at the extra movement, fingers tightly wound in the strands of your hair, “Oh, my God. Let me try to-”
 He moves his hips up, fucking into your mouth as you gag around him, eyes closed, “Yesyesyesyesyesyes. Take it.” 
 You genuinely want to, for him, but don't even know if you can as your eyes begin watering. He gives you a break and removes his dick, saying, “Look at me.” 
 You do, eyes wide and spit dripping from your swollen lips and onto him, hands beginning to work over him. David groans at the sight, taking your face into one hand, “You’re so fucking pretty – holy fuck. Just like that, babygirl. How I taught you.” 
 You stroke him and keep watching him as he makes a noise and sighs heavily, mouth dropping open and eyes closing, gasping out, “I’m gonna cum, sugar. Open your mouth.”
 You do and keep going, stroking under the head as he told you to the time before, as David makes a deep noise and his face twists up. Careful not to make a mess, he pushes your mouth over him as he cums, your lips sealed around him. 
 “Don’t swallow it yet,” he demands after he’s come, “Come here.”
 You make your way back up before he grabs your chin, “Open.” 
 He eyes the bitter cum still on your tongue and kisses you, tongue sliding against yours and tasting himself. His free hand rests around your throat as he pulls away and tells you to swallow, feeling your neck undulate underneath his touch as you obey him.
 “Fuck me,” David says quietly to himself against your lips, kissing you again, “You’re so good.” 
 He tugs his shorts and briefs back up, still relatively breathless, both hands coming to your waist, “It’s so sexy how good you want to be for me.” 
 “I just want you to feel good,” you tell him, “It’s hot watching you cum.” 
 “You don’t like watching me cum,” David shakes his head, reaching for his cigarettes, “You like when you know that you’re doing a good job.” 
 You reach for one from his pack, and he takes the liberty to hold open his Zippo, lighting the cig for you. “Don’t you like that feeling?”
 He shrugs as he takes a drag, tobacco between his fingers, exhaling the smoke as he speaks, “I guess, but it’s not a motivator.” 
 “Fuck no!” he scoffs, leaning back against his headboard and bringing you with him, resting your head in his chest, “I only say I love a girl when I wanna fuck her, and I fuck her so that I can cum.” 
 That’s so mean, you think as you both smoke, before realizing, “You haven't told me that.” 
 “I don't have to,” he replies, “Plus, I like you too much to lie to you. I’m catching feelings, no cap. I hope that’s okay. I don't want it to change anything.”
 You pull away to look at him, “For real?”
 “Yeah,” David says, taking a drag, “Is that so surprising?”
 “I mean, yeah,” you shrug, “But it’s definitely okay…”
 “Do you feel the same way?” he asks, fingers running through your hair, “If it’s a no, say it’s a no.” 
 “I do,” you nod, blushing as his hand rests around the nape of your neck, “I just thought it was just me.” 
 “Nah,” he tuts, “You know how fucking cute you are. Ilya and Dima were talking about wanting to fuck you. ‘S not just me that sees it, baby.” 
 “Well,” you flush, “I only want to fuck you, so…”
 “Mm,” he murmurs, taking a final drag of his cig as he hits the filter and puts it out, “I knew you’d be my girl before you even were.” 
 You put yours out, too, and move up to kiss him, “I’m your girl now?” 
 David’s arms wrap around you as he laughs slightly into your kiss, voice light, “Maybe. Why? You wanna be? You wanna meet my family, and my friends...have me buy you stuff, take you on dates...you want that stupid shit with me?”
 “Maybe. You want that with me?” you repeat back to him, fingers in his hair as you keep your eyes on his.
 He nods, “I do, actually.”
 “Then I guess I am.”
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itsthebiiii · 4 years
A messy summary of Ikepri Yves’ route up to chapter 15
So I've reached the point in Yves' route where I could choose which ending route (? idk) to pick and lemme just say that it's been cute... up until chap 15-ish. Also I drained my wallet dry just to get the premium avatars and his povs because imma simp for Yves so RIP me I guess
Okay, so summaries mean spoilers so imma put them all under the cut for all yall who don't wanna get spoiled. I may or may not have missed some points (especially about the plot i’msosorry) and maybe I understood some things wrong so feel free to correct me (pls). This is SUPER messy so proceed with caution
So first of all.
I mean he gave me strong Jonah vibes at first, it’s still there but kinda... different?
On MC's first day at the castle, while she was strolling around, she notices Yves  watching her from behind a pillar wtf. When he's found out he was like "i-it's not like I was worried about you stfu" and afterwards he told MC that he's gonna keep an eye on her because he's not sure she’d do her job as Belle right but he says he's only doing it because he's doing his duty as a prince yea right
Later they bumped into Nokto who reminded MC about the Belle system (MC: dafuq is that???). After they explained all that Yves was like "yo you better not fall in love with me or else" and MC replied with "bruh if you ever steal my heart then I'm all yours for eternity" then Yves comes back with "if you ever steal mine then imma do the same. But i kid you not, that will NEVER happen" and they both laughed it off like it's nothing. Meanwhile Nokto's just listening from the side like "HA HA BET"
Anyway, part of Yves keeping an eye on MC means he'd spend some quality time™️ with her and him going to her room to wake her up 😂 also, he decided to show her around and tell her about the princes so she can get a grasp of them to see who is the most suitable to be the next King. So he gives her a memo pad to write their deets down on and she got to talk to everyone except Chevalier cuz that dude scary 😭 MC's feeling down because she really wanted to know what his plans are if he becomes King. Seeing this, Yves comforts her with a leFtOvEr piece of cake from dinner. MC goes on bout how being affected by this whole thing is a disgrace to her Belle title so she's determined to try again. Yves is impressed by this so he silently supports her. In the end, ye, MC got Chevalier to talk and all is well not
After all the introductions, our girl MC straight out tells Yves "Aye this is great and all, but you've never really told me about yourself fam" because ye, she got a point tho. He kept singing praises about the other princes but never really talked about himself
SO... he takes her out to town on a date the next day to show (yes, show) her, and while walking she notices that everyone they passed by whispered under their breaths about how Yves has such a doll-like face and all that. But that's not all...
They also whispered bout how they shouldn't go near Yves and his backstory is revealed: Yves has some Obsidian blood in him, and the Obsidian kingdom, let's say, have some beef that's as old as time with Rhodolite and the other kingdoms(??). Also his earring was given to him by his mother who is from Obsidian 🥺 But he doesn't hate her from what I've read so, there's that
SOOO ye. Everyone avoids him and spreads rumors bout him, he thinks everyone hates him but he doesn't give a fuck bout that. He says as long as he realizes his own self worth, all those don't matter to him. But MC notices that Yves hates himself more than anyone does. That he puts up this proud façade just to hide his real feelings. That before you can even ask him to spit it out, he's just gonna sweep all that aside with his 'idgaf' attitude. He also revealed that he plans to bring the Kloss family’s honor back if he becomes King. Oh, and he mentioned there may come a time when he’ll betray Rhodolite so... o.O
Returning from the date, MC bumps into Leon who decided to spill some tea bout why Yves actually wanted to keep an eye on her (I'm sorry but I kinda breezed through this part so this was all I could remember 🙇‍♀️). Then one day Leon and Licht (either or both of them, idk) told them Jin suddenly collapsed or smth, so they rushed to the kitchen and saw Jin looking weak as he laid on the floor. Yves was worried af, while MC just noticed how Leon and Licht were all chill bout the whole thing, so she realized they were clowning Yves lolol. Jin dramatically tells Yves how he would die if he weren't to eat some of Yves' sweets and Yves was like "??? U CLOWN you even got MC worried-- wdym you caught on??? Haaa!?" And they teased him loool. In the end, Yves bakes a cake for them, when MC notices that it looked like the leftover cake Yves gave her one time. MC asked Yves if it was and he was in full panic mode. Licht was like "leftover??? But whenever Yves bakes smth there are never leftovers 🤔" so Licht tells her that Yves might have baked it just for her, to which the latter denied lolol u tsun
Anyway, to get to know Yves more, MC spends more time with him, yada yada, all that stuff, until they go out to town again. There they notice a group of performers playing and she also notices how interested he was. She then asked him if he wanted to watch them, but Yves declined since he's worried he'll only ruin the mood (iirc he thinks of himself as a bad luck magnet of some sort?). MC manages to persuade him and after he plays, everyone is in awe and like "omg, Prince Yves is actually good :O" And for the first time, Yves felt like he actually belonged and wasn't feared by the Rhodolites.
Everything was cute and all until they get caught in the rain, yada yada, and when they get home they both get sick so Sariel tells them to rest up. Oh, and did I mention they SHARED A BED? No? Well, they did 😏
When Yves wakes up, he notices he's been hugging MC in his sleep and he's SHOOKETH. He then has a slight internal conflict bout why his heart is going doki doki with just hugging MC, then as if he's struck by lightning he's like "omg, I like MC???" When she wakes up he immediately sputters "i don't like u ok!!?!" Then he rushes out to go to the library and look up the meaning of love lololol then he finds they are all applicable to what he feels for MC. But he still denies it because of the stupid system 🙄 then he's found by Luke and gets teased 🤣
After the gathering, she runs to the kitchen and finds Yves there. He told her he spent the night preparing a whole FEAST for MC to reward her for going through all that shiz and MC immediately feels guilty so she cries. She tried to play it off like it’s nothing and the next thing she knew Yves was kissing her tears away. It was her turn to be SHOOKETH but before she could comprehend shit Yves remembered he forgot smth then zoomed out the kitchen. Once outside, he was in panic mode yet again because he didn’t mean to actually do that. He’s like “oh no I like MC I’m screwed”, but in the end, he thinks MC is the one in trouble because she’s liked by someone like him boi I can’t wait for him to see the light istg
After all that, MC is informed bout a gathering Rhodolite is to hold with Benitoite and Jade so she gets ready for that, and when the day comes she’s kinda nervous and stuff. Before going she bumps into Yves who decides to ease her nervousness by fixing her hair (ugh get you a man 💯) and they talk some more about him, how Yves put more effort into acting and looking like a prince to hide the fact that he’s actually 'defective goods’ or smth and through that he feels like he actually has some value. Then he cheers her up by returning the words she’d told him before and it works like a charm ❤ MC then learns that Yves won’t be going to the gathering because “no Obsidian peeps allowed” and since he’s half Obsidian... 🥺 She did promise to meet him at the kitchen once it’s over. Anyways, MC meets diff people, until some punk from Benitoite or Jade talks smack about Yves and comments how he should just be sent back to Obsidian. As much as this pissed her off, all she could do was be silent and wait for the convo to end.
Also, by the end of chap 15, some stuff happens that will actually get the plot moving lol
Aaaaand that’s that for chappies 1~15! I might make another one for the remaining half or when I finish an ending. If you made it this far, here's this leFtOvEr cake from Yves 🍰
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10. Simon’s Deal
3878 Words. Trigger Warnings for self harm and inappropriate sexual joke content. I think that’s all in this one, actually.
I feel like I need to clarify something - I am continuing this story until I finish it. But, the chapters will no longer be standalone pieces. The rest of it will be directly a sequential story that would need the previous chapters in order to make the story coherent. Thanks for understanding. Happy reading, and please, if you like what you read, let me know. If you don’t, keep it moving, Shawty. Because, I’m an artist and I’m sensitive about my shit.
Simon got up fairly early every day. He fed Samantha and let her out. She came and went as she pleased, and in the times that she returned, she would come to his window and yell. He… was probably going to have to bring her with him when he left home for good. He hated to do it. He never wanted a cat, but they had bonded over having the worst mom in common and it wasn’t her fault that the person who purchased her did so on a whim. 
He had a very strict exercise regimen, breakfast schedule, and things that he did every morning before starting on his day. Whenever he left home, he usually packed what he needed, and tended to use his mother’s old car. Was he legally supposed to be driving? No. Was he teaching himself how to anyway, because he knew he would need that skill and nobody else was gonna teach him? Absolutely. 
His summer had a lot of things packed into it, but he had everything plotted out in such a way that if he followed his schedule, he would still have plenty of time to rest well and even to keep up with Grace. 
She was having a blast. "I asked Ghairrisahn if I could smell her hair to tell my friend how it smells and she gave me a piece of it! I collected YOU a gift, this time!"
"You… have… some of her hair for me???" He asked excitedly.
"She pulled it out of her hairbrush! She says that it isn't even the first time. Her hair and her feet are apparently people's favorite parts." Grace held up a little baggy with curly hair in it. "I'll keep it safe for you. In the meantime, she smells like… geranium, bergamot, frankincense and myrrh."
"I… what?"
"Geranium, bergamot, frankincense and myrrh. Those are her go to essential oils, so everything she wears is one or a combination of those and no other scents, ever, so that she doesn't smell TOO strong. But, it's nice. I actually smell her hair for myself, now. Since she’s got all these oils on her body, I just say that I’m doing it for wellness."
"So jealous," he said, with a smile. “I saw that you gave her a lipstick print. She’s Apex now!”
“She said that she’s been a fan of my videos!” She sighed, "I wish you were here."
"Me too. I miss you."
"Are you holding up okay?"
Actually, my mom had the most violent outburst whenever I tried to get her into my grandmother's car and Samantha has been gone for far longer than usual. I don't know if she's coming back, I don’t even know if she’s alive…
"I'm fine," he said and saw an incoming call… from Mr. Monroe? "I...I've gotta go."
"I'm calling you tomorrow!"
"Yes, Ma'am." she hung up and he smiled, "Mr. Monroe! I didn't plan on hearing from you..."
Simon was at his journalism workshop whenever Shana sat next to him. He raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. "Problem?" She asked, turning to look right at him.
"Girl, leave me alone."
"Why are you so rude? Have I ever actually done you something, or do you just hate everybody that doesn't worship your girlfriend?"
"What difference does it make?" He and Grace never corrected people on the girlfriend bit. It was easier that way. They'd have to explain why they're so close and always together and never dating anyone else… like they couldn't JUST be friends? 
"You stole from me. I'd like to know why." 
"I've never stolen anything in my life. Your dad, on the other hand…" 
She gasped and he could tell from the look on her face that was a low blow. She looked like she was going to cry. "Wow. You're just as ugly as she is. I actually thought you were the nice one."
"You are the only person who's said that. Therefore, I'm going to presume that you're lying," he said, with a slight blush. People didn't often say that he was nice at all, and especially not when choices were between him and Grace - the professional people pleaser and part time peacekeeper. The number of times that she had to keep him from cracking something over somebody’s head alone was enough to warrant at least a collective “unfriendly.”
"Doesn't matter now. You're a complete asshole." He laughed at the bold declaration. It had been a while since someone dared to insult him, much less straight up call him out of his name. He didn't know if he had ever really noticed Shana before this moment. But… she and Grace had similar features. He'd heard her referred to as "Chemical Grace" before, because she straightened her hair and wore a lot of makeup and stuff (and was the only other Black girl besides a a handful of biracial ones). 
But, honestly… if Grace contoured her face, had straight hair, maybe less full lips and high cheekbones, the two of them looked a lot the same… to the point that Simon's imagination insisted that they were related.
Oooh… what if Mr. Monroe had a torrid affair once upon a time and had this daughter some months before Grace? That would explain their enmity too! 
"What are you looking at?" She asked, annoyed.
"You and Grace look like you could be sisters."
She glared at him, "I don't know if you think that we all look alike or if you just miss that dragon for whatever reason, (because you're a weirdo for genuinely liking her in the first place), but if you ever say anything that insulting to me again, all bets are off. I'm going to fuck you up, Simon."
"It was a compliment. Grace is the prettiest girl in school and you're like… a close second, on the grounds that you look like less organic her.."
"Please shut up. Why are you talking to me? Are you even allowed to do that?" She rolled her eyes, but he noticed that her skin tone changed just a little bit. He knew that look too. She was blushing. He caught Grace doing so a time or two. It didn’t look the same as whenever he did, for sure, but he definitely noticed. He smirked and texted Grace. She would be in rehearsals, but she’d see it afterwards. 
“Chemical Grace thinks I’m cute. (Smirk emoji)” 
A few short minutes later she replied, “Nothing else to do. Gotta set yourself on fire, bruh.”
He laughed and Shana looked over, but he just gave her a hard stare until she looked away, annoyed that she had even turned towards him. 
They were going to have to work together in journalism club, but he had always been surrounded by people he didn’t too much care for. At the time, he couldn’t imagine the amount of time that they might have to work together, with her being the managing editor and him being the copy editor (and photo/graphics editor, until someone else stepped up for that). 
"I still can't figure out if she's lucky or cursed to have you, but I'm sure hoping for the latter," Shana said as they walked out of the workshop, practically shoulder to shoulder. He just smirked. Her insults were… kinda fun for him. 
He had a couple of weeks between his engagements. Grace wanted him to fly out to meet her and fly back in a couple of weeks. She just needed him to agree and she would make sure that the tickets were purchased. He never minded accepting things from her before, but since she’d left him, things felt off for him. 
He wasn’t sure if it was because he was still a little bit hurt that she decided to go on the tour. It was a chance of a lifetime. He wouldn’t have wanted her to turn it down… but he did want that. He wanted her to be nearby and available, so that when he wasn't busy, he could have her to himself to recover from everything. 
That was no reason that he couldn’t go meet Ghairrisahn and see her shows for free for two weeks, though. So, he went!
Grace danced backup for some numbers and under the spotlight a couple of times too. Ghairrisahn praised her on the mic, hyped her up during her performances, thanked her by name at the end of each show, with the band and other important creators, and seemed to genuinely appreciate her. 
For Simon, it was like watching a shooting star go in reverse. Like… when he met her, she was beautiful, but just sitting in a crater, and he dug her out and she shot up and was flying into the night's sky. Beautiful to behold, but also… he doesn't know why he's not with her - Why they weren't one anymore. He doesn't know why she's so out of his reach now.
They clung to that old dynamic, for a few years that it wasn't working, and now, they were shooting in different directions. Where could he possibly want to go if Grace wasn't going with him? Why was it so easy for her now to go where she was going, without him? She used to… she used to wait for him. She used to shine a little less, if only to give him a moment to catch up. She used to care…
That's unfair. She still cares. She's just having fun and she deserves some fun… even if she never would have made it this far without your support. You built her a fan base from a bunch of snobby kids who wanted high school cool points into a public figure with a massive Internet presence. You took the photos that landed her a lucrative business deal at age 14. You turned her parents' heads in her direction every chance you got, just so she could be noticed by them and get a sparkle in her eyes. She owes you everything… and she won't even look at you as anything other than her favorite accessory. Something she never wants to leave home without, but if she does, she could just smile and keep dancing…
He didn't realize that he was shaking until one of Grace's team members asked him if he was okay. He nodded and then went to find some place to be alone. He took off his hoodie and pulled a dull pen from his pocket. His thoughts were racing and his emotions were such an overwhelming cluster of negativity rushing about that he almost felt immobilized by the onslaught. He sat down, lifted his arm and began to sketch. The pen scratched him, lifting the line on his skin, with minimal blood, but a few specks. He drew tally marks. There were a few older faded ones that he had counted. 
Whenever he felt hurt or weak or scared… things he couldn't say he felt. Whenever those feelings became too much. Grace had told him, "You just have gotta try to count up the good things about stuff."
"And how am I supposed to do that whenever my mind can't focus on anything but the bad stuff I'm going through?"
She made an "I don't know" sound, with the shrug of her shoulders, closed her compact mirror, looked at him with the warmest smile and said, "But, you're the smartest guy I know. You'll figure out a way to get on the path to thinking positive when your brain is mean to you." She smiled and a bird landed on her shoulder. She was petrified. "Oh my God… get… get this thing off of me Simon!" He swatted it and when it began to fly, she screamed, dropped her bag and ran. He laughed at the image as he picked up her stuff, but for that brief moment that she smiled, with an agent of nature perched on her shoulder, he got his moment of clarity. He found his way. It was her. It had been her.
Whenever he felt this way, he would center himself with a little bit of pain and just make a little mark of the good things about her that he could think of.
He hadn't done this (over her) in a while. Usually, she was the alternative medicine for hurt that his mom caused. Grace didn't hurt him very often, and the times that she did, he always made a tally to represent that she would never try to hurt him on purpose. 
That's where he began his new tally of marks. 1 She's not hurting me on purpose.  2 She doesn't know that I'm hurt and I'm not going to tell her because she needs this. 3 I'm proud of her. 4 At least I get to come along. 5 She tried to bring me with her and I had to decline. 6 She never would have left me behind on purpose. 7 It was my choice and she respected that. 8 She still loves me because she wanted me here as soon as I had time. 9 We're still the Apex…
"Simon, are you in here? They told me that you rushed off and you didn't look too good?" 10 She came to check on me as soon as she heard I wasn't okay… 
"Yeah. I just got overheated…" he said, pulling his hoodie back over himself.
"That's why I don't understand why you always wear a hoodie! It's summer and you sweat a lot! You're gonna make the bus musty."
"I'm gonna get washed up!" He opened the door and there she was, sweaty and musty herself, with full concern on her glowing features. She glanced at the pen and he put it away. "Fell outta my pocket," he said and covered the back of his neck with his hand, laughing nervously.
She doubted him for a moment. He saw the flicker of it in her eyes, but she smiled anyway, wrapped an arm around his back and pulled him along with her, "Come on, Your Ripeness." Simon wrapped an arm around her as well. He didn't feel any more distress. He wasn't overwhelmed or sad or angry. He had gotten “back on his positive path after his brain was mean to him.” He kissed her on the temple and she smiled and blushed. "What was that for?"
"For always being my best friend."
She tugged him down to kiss his temple too… since that's what they were doing tonight, she guessed. She winked at him and mused, "Back at cha, Gray Eyes." He melted against her and rested his head on the top of hers. Grace was… confused, but she just stood there, with his arms tightly wrapped around her. She didn't understand his sudden need to be affectionate, but she didn't want to interrupt it either.
His last night on the tour, after everyone was asleep, they snuck away, just to explore and spend time alone.
"So, guess what your dad and me discussed…"
"Ugh. You've been talking to my dad, still?"
"Um.. of course. Why wouldn't I?"
"Because I'm not even there. What could you two possibly have to even talk about?"
"We have a lot to talk about! I'm very mature for my age and I have a good head on my shoulders."
"You head-butted someone yesterday," she reminded him.
"And I barely flinched. My head is that good...Wait…" she was already laughing at the slip of the tongue. He groaned. She was never gonna let him live that one down. "Let me finish!" He whined, laughing at himself.
"You gotta stop chillin' with my dad, Dude. He's not just an adult, but he's one of the ones that we know can't be trusted."
Mr. Monroe had been very helpful to Simon during the time while Grace was away and his parents were out of reach. Bit like a mentor, but not as warm. They did discuss Grace at times, but mostly the man had been getting him in contact with the right people to help him sort out getting emancipated and for assistance with the home front while there weren't other adults there. They didn't have heart to hearts and stuff, but he was definitely an ally, in Simon's eyes. "He's… not so bad, I think. He just doesn't understand you. But, he loves you. I mean..  I think he does. The way you made them sound is worse than they are. At least they aren't like my parents…"
She frowned. "I don't like it. It's weird that you're taking up for him, too. What have you got a crush on my dad or something?"
"… Did you seriously ask me that?"
"You're going on about how great and misunderstood he is, and I've never seen you date anybody. Maybe that's what you like. Old rich dudes that can be your sugar daddy." She stuck her tongue out and twerked a little.
He laughed, "I am by no means above doing what I gotta do with your dad, if it gets me ahead, but I think your mom would kill me." 
Grace laughed, "I would help her!" 
"Help her? How dead do you think I would need to be? Shouldn't one of you kill him too? He's the adult in this scenario! Besides, your mom wouldn't need any help. That woman could probably kill a gorilla with her bare hands."
"Well, she's always said that she can do anything she sets her mind to with the right pair of shoes." They both laughed about the image of Mrs. Monroe killing a gorilla with a pair of pumps on. Grace thought, she's WEARING the shoes, not using them and Simon thought that she definitely had in her to stab a beast to death with a high heel. 
"Talk about red bottoms," Simon said, trying to stop laughing at all of their add-ons.
"What's wrong with us? We're making jokes about my dad molesting you for money and my mom killing gorillas while staying fashionable."
"I think it poses the question, what's wrong with them?"
"Hmph. According to you, nothing."
"Not nothing, Grayyeeece… they just aren't as bad as a lot of other parents. Some of them never should have had kids." 
The tone was uncomfortable for her. Like, him talking about his parents never having kids made her feel like he was indirectly saying that he didn't like being alive and that couldn't be discussed. She wouldn't be able to handle a conversation like that. 
She smiled and said, "Anyways, what did you and your sugar daddy discuss?" 
Now, Simon's face lit up again and he smiled, "Okay, so get this… We were discussing my busy schedule and everything I have ahead of me next year and he started to candidly speak about your social media and the tour…" she groaned. She knew that her father didn't consider what she did real art. "And somehow, he got it into his mind that you'll need a man to take care of you, a hard-working one with more realistic goals…" she fumed. 
Need? A man? To take care?? Of me???
"Long story short, your dad offered to pay my college tuition, to any school that I want to go to in exchange for wooing you and being your stable man." 
She stared at him, expecting some type of twist. The gotcha or whatever. He laughed, but seemed serious. "My dad wants to pay you to try to be my boyfriend?"
"Technically, his word was to 'tame' you."
"He thinks that you've blindly rushed into wild dreams and that you need a smart, strong boy to help you stabilize."
"Ugh!!! You know, he ruined my mom's career with that same line of thinking! And she had to live vicariously through me. I can't BELIEVE that he'd pay YOU for that job!" She was furious.
Simon looked offended, "Why'd you say it like that?"
"You're my friend. He expects you to just screw me over and play with my mind for some money."
"It's not THAT simple. For… an education that I work really hard to get, but still may have to settle on a scholarship that might not cover everything. An education that, if I had it, I could finally make something of myself in this world. It wasn't like he offered me a cartoon bag of cash. He offered me a future that I deeply want and need. Nothing cheap or meaningless.."
She intertwined their fingers, "Okay. Then… you'll get that."
"What do you mean?"
"He wants to give you college in exchange for making me your girlfriend, then he's about to pay for your college." 
"Are you suggesting that we officially openly pretend to be a couple instead of leaving it to mystery?"
"I'm suggesting that my father deserves for you to take every dime he's willing to pay you to manipulate me."
"I don't think that you realize that what he wants me to do is change you, and even if we could get one over on him, the act would have to last through my college career…"
"We've unofficially been a couple in people's eyes for almost that long already."
"No we haven't!"
"I am making you a counter offer. It's the very same deal as my dad's, but in this one, we stay the same, but he pays you anyway! So… be my partner, already." She held out her hand to him and he tentatively accepted it and shook it. She smiled. "We'll have to pace it, if he's expecting you to woo me. Gonna have to be a soft entrance and he'll have to notice a gradual shift."
He nodded in agreement. He knew that they were speaking about a fake relationship, but he still felt butterflies fluttering in his gut thinking about it. Being Grace's boyfriend… even if pretend… for years… There was no way that they could pull that off… but, what if it led to something? What if he could woo her, for real? Have her for real?
"Let's go be seen," she said. 
"What do you mean?"
"I'm an internet personality. If people spot us out and about this time of night, they'll talk about it. If we seem like we're trying to be secretive, they'll post about it." She took his hand and pulled him along. 
"We'll have to set some ground rules for this couple project…" he said.
She laughed, "You can set whatever rules you want. I'm doing everything that I've normally done, but I'll be letting my parents think you're my boyfriend so that you can go to school or whatever."
"It's risky. What about affection? What about if one of us finds somebody else that we like?" 
"You like somebody?"
"No. I'm just thinking about the complications to this ruse."
"You're a war buff… Just think about it like a secret identity that you have to commit to for an espionage assignment. The fate of your future depends on it, so in a way, it's a mission of life and death." His eyes twinkled at her and she smirked. He loved when she began to try to speak his language.
"I understand now," he said. 
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jacksonroseroth · 5 years
Waste Love Chapter 3
Warnings: Swearing, weed usage
Words: 4,764
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Moodboard by my loverly @badwolf-in-the-impala​, none of the pictures are ours
Previous Chapter
As Jersey and Georgia made their way through the VIP section and out, they mapped out the best route to hit all the booths they wanted, Baze close behind them along with one of their bodyguards. They shopped around for a bit, trying a few things on while Baze and their security hung around the front. It took them nearly an hour to make it around to the last few booths before heading back, stopping a few places to grab some snacks while they shopped.
“Ooh, G, look at this one…” Jersey said, going through a few tops, taking out a couple to show Georgia as she approached.
“That’s cute. Do they have one in my size?” She giggled, looking through it with her. Suddenly, Jersey felt rough hands grab her waist. She knew it wasn’t Baze or the bodyguard, they’d never be that rough with her. Fighting off the stranger, pushing him back, Jersey turned, annoyance clear on her face.
“Yo, can I fucking help you?” Jersey shot. The man wore a cocky smirk and looked high as a kite.
“Hey, little lady. Wanna come back to my tent with me? I can show you a good time.” He slurred. Jersey scoffed in disgust and pried the man’s hands off her.
“Jesus Christ. Get off me. No.” She said, nudging Georgia to move along and get out of the tent.
“Oh, come on now. I don’t bite...Unless you ask me.” He snickered, looking her over. The man continued to paw at her until a huge mass stepped in front of her and she felt herself being pulled away. She turned and clung to Baze’s shirt as he led her and Georgia away from the booth while their security handled the man.
“Are you okay, Jersey?” Georgia asked, hugging her once Baze let them both go. Jersey sighed, a little shaken, and said, “Yeah. I’m fine. Fuck, what was that guy on?”
“Acid or shrooms, I wouldn’t doubt,” Baze said. He looked down at her as Georgia turned to look for their security, and said, “You okay?”
Jersey gave him a sweet smile and nodded. “Yeah. Baze, I’m fine.” She giggled. “I’m a little shook up, I’ve never been fucking manhandled like that before...But I’m fine.”
“Sure? I don’t want to get it from Rook later that you’re still freaked out. He’s gonna kill me.” Baze said. Jersey smirked and reached up to tug his beard gently and she said, “That’s why we’re not going to tell him.”
“I like that plan. I’m definitely down for that plan.” He laughed. Georgia returned to Jersey’s side as the bodyguard came back and they all headed straight back for their tent. Georgia brushed off the incident, knowing they were both safe, and skipped into the tent, Jersey just after her, closely followed by Baze.
“Hey. Where the fuck have y’all been?” AJ called with a laugh. Jersey stuck her tongue out at him and said, “Calm down. We’re fine.”
Jersey wrinkled her nose at him and giggled, joining Georgia at the drink table. They both made drinks and went to sit on the couches. As the music continued and the group settled and were ready to really let loose, the joints were busted out and more alcohol was brought. Jersey split one of her own joints between herself and Georgia before they accepted the joints that were being passed around. After a few puffs, Jersey realized she was starting to really feel the high taking over her and passed on anymore. She nursed her one drink for a while as everyone moved and shifted as they began to hear their favorite songs, so into the high and sweet intoxication that they needed to let it out.
Georgia ended up nestled in a corner of the couch, content to sip her drinks and watch the madness, Rook disappeared with one of the girls for a while before coming back alone to slump down on one of the couches to smoke and drink with Baze. On the couch across from Georgia, Jersey was leaning against Colson, finishing her last drink. Georgia caught sight of her friend spacing out and staring at the pillow next to her, so she called out, “Jersey, you alright?”
Jersey blinked and focused on her friend, giving a smile and a soft giggle. She looked down at her cup, frowning slightly when she saw it was still pretty full, and leaned forward to set it down as she looked to Georgia and said, “Yeah, I’m fine. I need to sober up a little more. One of the tech people is coming to show me around one of the stages we’ll be at. I need to be a little bit more alert to remember it all.” she let out a soft giggle as she sat back again, resting her head on Colson’s shoulder. The sudden movement made Colson twitch, but Jersey didn’t notice it. He shifted and put an arm around her, not having the heart to let his internal disagreement change how he treated her.
“You good, Savie?” He murmured softly, rubbing her arm, lightly and briefly. She smiled and glanced up at him, lazily, and said, “Yeah. I’m fine.”
She shifted, trying to get a little more comfortable, and tossed her legs over his, resting her head on his chest again. Colson smiled down at her and relaxed into the couch, lifting his hand to take another toke off his blunt. He caught Slim watching him and Slim gave him a look, glancing down at Jersey. Colson scrunched up his face and shook his head, quickly looking away. AJ came up next to him.
“You see this shit too?” He said. Slim glanced at him with a deep sigh and nodded, looking back over at them.
“Hell yeah, man. What the fuck though?” Slim said. “I’m so fucking confused, man. Do they like each other? Why else would they be cuddling and shit?”
“Right? Shit. I bet Rook would flip the fuck out if they actually get together.” AJ said, leaning against the table and he watched them. Slim looked at him and said, “Colson said the same thing. Why would he be worried about it if he didn’t like her?”
Slim gave AJ a look, prompting AJ to point a finger at him and look at him. “True. But...Neither of them wants to admit it...And now she’s acting shy and shit around Baze? I don’t see Colson touching her like Baze does. You see that shit before they left?”
“Bro, you saw that too?!” Slim exclaimed, softly. “Shit, did you see Colson’s face, though? I swear to God, I saw him twitch.”
AJ shook his head and said, “This shit is gonna blow the fuck up on all of us. They need to get their hormones in check. Fuck and get it over with or something, but bruh.” Slim nodded and sighed, shaking his head, slightly, as he sipped his drink. Neither man had any thoughts to approach any of them with their suspicions, but they definitely decided to keep an eye on things to make sure this didn’t end badly.
It was only about 15 minutes later that Jersey left with the tech guy, accompanied by the same bodyguard for earlier, and when she returned, her and Georgia decided to head out, back to the hotel, to chill out and really catch up. They talked for another 2 hours down by the pool, before ending up in the hot tub for another half hour. Georgia finally checked the time and gasped.
“Oh, my God. It’s nearly midnight! Shit, I need to get home. My poor man, all alone with the baby all day.” She said with a soft giggle. Jersey smiled and they both got out.
“Did you want me to call a cab for you?” Jersey asked as Georgia toweled herself off and slipped her pants and shirt back on. She shook her head and said, “No, I can get an Uber. I’ll be okay, love.”
“Well, let me walk you down,” Jersey said, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her. Both women slipped their shoes on and headed down to the lobby as Georgia ordered an Uber. With an extra long and tight hug, the women said goodbye and Jersey waited until Georgia’s car turned the corner to go back inside. As she rode the elevator up, she sent a text to the group chat.
All right. Who’s not dead? Sound off. She sent the text with a smirk as she stepped off the elevator, heading to the room. Her phone dinged as she walked in.
Still hangin’ in! Baze was the first to respond, followed by Slim and AJ, both telling her that Rook was fine, just drunk, and Colson simply responded with a facepalm emoji. She giggled and sent a separate text to Slim, knowing more likely than not, he was the designated partyer; He could still drink and smoke, just not as much as the others to make sure they didn’t get into stupid and, most often, dangerous shenanigans.
Slim, I’m at the pool doing some laps. Idk when y’all will be back. In case Rook asks. Jersey sent the text off, not expecting a reply so much as it was just a cautionary text to him, and sent another to Baze. If I’m not there when you guys get back, I’m in the pool.
She felt her cheeks heat as she added a wink emoji and sent the text. She exchanged towels and grabbed her goggles before heading back to the pool. When she walked through the gates, her phone lit up with a text from Slim.
Not sure what time, but we’re definitely leaving within the hour. If you hear screaming...Well, you know your cousin. Jersey snickered and shook her head, sending off a few emojis in response. Setting down her phone and towel, Jersey started putting on her goggles. As she strapped them around her head, her phone lit up again. Placing the goggles on her forehead, she unlocked her phone to read Baze’s text.
Jersey bit her lip and smiled when she saw the line of emojis he used, then set her phone down, fitted the goggles over her eyes and stepped to the edge of the deep end, and dove in.
While she swam, Slim wrangled up his boys and they made their way back to the hotel. Bursting through the door, came Rook, followed by Colson, both of them laughing as they stumbled over to the couch.
“Watch it, bruh! Fuckin’, get off me, Rookie.” Colson slurred, slightly, pushing Rook off him as Rook tried to sit on him. Rook snickered and rolled off his best friend and adjusted himself, his eyes half-open. After a while of everyone settling down, Slim sitting on the couch across from Rook to keep an eye on him, AJ in his room to quickly change, and Colson in the kitchen area, raiding the liquor and fridge, Rook called out, “Ay! Where the fuck is my cousin?”
He opened his eyes a little more and sat up, calling, “Jersey! Ey! Savage! Where the fuck are you?!”
Slim shook his head and chuckled. “Bruh. Chill the fuck out, Rook. She’s at the pool.” Slim said, with a chuckle, looking at AJ as he walked out of the room.
“The fuck? Why? The party is in here now!” Rook laughed. Slim shrugged and said, “I dunno, man. I’m not her.”
“Well, fuck! Someone go get her! Shit, is she alone?! Oh, shit. Fuck, I wasn’t supposed to leave her alone!” Rook cried, covering his face with a groan. Slim laughed as AJ said, “Nigga, chill. One of us will go get her.”
While Slim and AJ had been focusing on wrangling Rook, Baze slipped into his room and quickly changed from his jeans to his swim trunks. As he walked back out, hearing AJ say someone needed to get Jersey, Baze piped up, “Rookie, relax. I’ll go get her.”
Slim looked over to him, glancing over his shoulder at AJ for a moment, he then smiled, looked at Rook and said, “See? We’ve got her, bro. Don’t worry.”
Colson watched the exchange from the safety of the kitchen area. When Baze spoke up, he watched for a while longer, then turned to bury himself in the fridge.
“Shit, Baze, thanks, man. Hey!...You better fuckin’ take care of her, Baze…” Rook slurred, leaning slowly to fall against the pillows with a drunken giggle. Baze chuckled and headed for the door. As he passed the fridge, Colson closed the door and said, “Hey. Where you going?”
“Rook’s flipping out about Jersey,” Baze said with a chuckle. Colson forced a smirk as Baze finished, “I’m gonna go scoop her up.”
Colson gave a small nod and said, “Where is she?”
“Pool,” Baze said, finishing his drink and setting it down. “I’ll be back, brother.”
Colson met Baze’s fist bump as he walked away and out the door. Grabbing a bottle of water, Colson headed back to his room, closed the door, and went to sit on the balcony to smoke. Rook was mostly unconscious at this point, so AJ didn’t bother to whisper when he said, “Is he okay? This shit is really bothering him.”
Slim shrugged and said “Who knows, man? He won’t admit to anything so it’s hard to fucking help the kid.” AJ shook his head and sighed, saying, “You talked to him about it before...I’ll handle Drunk Ass.”
Both men chuckled as Slim went to the balcony to try and talk to Colson and AJ hauled the drunk drummer over his shoulder to put him in bed. Slim glanced at them before he opened the balcony door, slipped through and closed it behind him.
“Hey, man. What’s going on?” Slim asked, putting a hand on Colson’s shoulder as he rounded him to sit in the chair on the other side of the table. Colson blew out a line of smoke then passed the blunt to Slim, who took it, still waiting for an answer.
“Nothin’, man. I’m just tired.” Colson lied, looking away from his friend. Slim huffed out his toke and said, “Stop bullshitting me, bruh. Whatever seems to be going on between Baze and Jersey is fucking bothering you. Don’t tell me it’s not, Colson. I’ve known you for years, bro.”
Colson shook his head and said, “I mean, what-what am I supposed to do here, Slim? I-I...I’m not gonna go after her if he’s into her! Baze is my boy!”
“So fucking talk to him then, man!” Slim said, sitting forward to set the blunt down. “If you don’t say anything to him, how are you supposed to know what’s going on?”
“She seems into him too! What? I’m supposed to tell her that I love her when she’s into one of  my best friends?!” Colson said, angrily. Slim blinked at him.
“Tell her what?” Slim asked, shocked. Colson looked at him, confused for a moment, and when the realization hit him, he looked away again, after grabbing the blunt and relighting it, saying, “Nothing...Fuckin’...Nothing, bro.”
Slim sighed and shook his head, rubbing his hands over his face. He stood and said, “Listen, man, if you don’t say anything to either of them, you’re gonna regret it.”
Colson shook his head and continued to smoke while Slim left him and went back inside. AJ had gotten Rook in bed and now sat on the edge of his side, texting. He looked up when Slim walked back in.
“What did he say?” AJ asked softly, not wanting to wake Rook or alert Colson that they were talking about him. Slim nodded to the door and AJ followed him out. “So?”
Slim sighed and shook his head. “This isn’t gonna end well.” He said, looking at AJ. AJ sighed and said, “Let’s go get them.”
Jersey swam for near 45 minutes straight while the boys headed back to the hotel. Just as she went for her last dive and lap, Baze stepped off the elevator. As Jersey came up for breath as she swam, she saw Baze walking alongside the pool. She couldn’t help but smirk as she kept swimming. When she stopped, she held the edge of the pool, eyes closed, to catch her breath. Once she did, she pulled off her goggles as she swam to the ladder and pulled herself out of the pool.
Baze looked over as she got out, giving a deep sigh. He smirked and looked her over; His eyes raking over her, watching the water drip down her body in the dim light of the pool, looking over her legs with a smirk. He turned away just as Jersey looked at him, and pulled his shirt off. She stopped to ring out her hair, taking her time as she, too, looked Baze over and smirked.
“Did you guys just get in?” Jersey asked as she walked over to him, towel in hand. Baze turned to her and smiled.
“A few minutes ago.” He said. Jersey chuckled and said, “How’s the crew?”
“A-ha, uh...AJ and Slim are more or less sober, Colson seemed coherent when I left, and...Rook is smashed.” Baze said, stepping into the water as he spoke. Jersey chuckled and said, “That’s my Rookie.”
She set her goggles next to her bag and turned to step into the water. Baze held out his hand to her, which she took with a shy smile, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
“Thanks.” She said, gliding down into the bubbles to take a seat across from him. They sat in a cloud of tension, which didn’t seem to bother them as much as they were trying to figure out how to broach the topic.
After a while of baking herself, Jersey pulled herself out of the water to sit on the edge. When she heard Baze chuckle, she looked up at him and he said, “Too hot?” Jersey giggled and nodded.
“I get real hot real easy sometimes.” She said with a shrug. Baze chuckled and tipped his head back, closing his eyes. Jersey bit her lip, looking him over, and smirked, before hopping back in, to stand in the center, in front of him, stretching out her legs. “So, how was the rest of the night? I know I left pretty early.”
Baze looked at her and chuckled, watching her for a moment. “It was good. Rook definitely got some sort of action from those chicks. Rook and one of the girls looked a little too happy.” He said, with a snicker. Jersey rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Nah, it was chill. Wish you would have stayed though…”
Baze looked her over with a smirk. Jersey smirked as well, kicking at his leg, lightly, and saying, “Why? To be your eye candy all night?”
She shot him a teasing smirk but Baze kicked back at her, retorting back with, “No, you fuckin’ missed Dom again!”
Baze didn’t realize Jersey had been balancing on one leg, so when he swiped his leg at her and thought he missed, she had begun to set her foot down, narrowly missing his leg. Her laugh turned into a squeal as she hopped, trying to regain her balance again, and leaned too far forward to stay standing, ending up in Baze’s lap.
Both of them laughed at the misstep, Baze steadying her with his hands on her hips and Jersey braced her hands on his shoulder. As the laughter faded, both of them became rather comfortable with their position. Jersey’s fingers found themselves with the tips of Baze’s hair wrapped around them, twirling his hair. She bit her lip and felt her cheeks heat as she felt his hands slide to her thighs, giving a gentle squeeze. Jersey shifted, lifting herself a little as she brought her lips to his, with a soft sigh.
Slim and AJ stayed silent as they rode the elevator to the pool. They each had their own thoughts running through their minds, each one of them ending with more questions than answers. When they stepped off the elevator, Slim immediately grabbed AJ’s arm, stopping in his tracks. When AJ turned to ask him what was wrong, he saw Slim staring straight ahead, eyes wide in shock. AJ followed his gaze and soon enough, his mouth fell open, also in shock.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me…”
Baze’s deep, low rumble of a chuckle vibrated through her as he kissed her back. He slid his arms around her; One around her waist, the other snaking up her back, to the nape of her neck. Jersey slid a hand into Baze’s hair, the other arm wrapping around his neck. Baze deepened the kiss, gently fisting her hair. His fingers played with the waistband of her bottoms, slipping a finger past the elastic Jersey pulled away, breaking the kiss and said, “Wait. Baze. Hang on.”
“What? What’s wrong?” Baze asked, quickly moving his hands and watching her. She gave him a small smile and trailed her fingers across his cheek, lightly.
“I was just going to say we should get back to the room. Before they come looking for us.” Jersey said with a small chuckle. Baze relaxed a little and smiled, his hands returning to her waist. He nodded and said, “Yeah. We probably should.”
When neither of them made any movement to get out, Baze smirked and his hands slowly drifted down to gently cup and squeeze her ass. Jersey chuckled and cupped his face, leaning down to kiss him again. They exchanged a few deeper, slower kisses before Jersey shifted, moving off his lap and floating back before standing, catching Baze’s hands in the water. Baze stood and chuckled, pulling her a little closer, planning on stealing another kiss, but once she got closer, she placed her hands on his chest and turned away with a giggle, stepping up and out of the water. Baze smirked and followed her, both of them wrapping their towels around themselves. With their backs turned to the door and the elevator, AJ and Slim hauled ass back, quickly pressing buttons to close the doors. They slid shut, blocking any image of the pair as Jersey and Baze turned to head back to the room.
Jersey and Baze walked close to each other as they went to the elevator. While they waited for the elevator, Baze leaned against the wall, catching her hand and pulling her closer. Their fingers played with each other and they stood in a comfortable silence until the elevator dinged and the doors opened.
They rode in silence, narrowly missing AJ and Slim slipping into the room before them. Slim went to the couch and sat down, while AJ remained standing and rubbed his hands over his face.
“Alright. That solves one question-They clearly like each other.” AJ said. Slim rubbed a hand over his chin and nodded.
“Yeah. Seems like it.” Slim said. Before they could continue their conversation, the door opened and they both turned to see Baze follow Jersey inside. Jersey pushed Baze back a little, pulling her hands from his, then smiled at them and said, “Hey. Y’all are still up?”
She gave them a teasing giggle before separating from Baze as she crossed the suite to her room. Baze tried to hide his smirk, giving his friends a two-finger salute before going to his room as well. Slim sat forward and groaned, softly, putting his head in his hands.
“Fuck. This shit will not end well.” Slim said. AJ nodded and sighed. “We can’t worry about this right now. We’ve got a fucking show tomorrow. Let’s get some sleep, bro.”
AJ nodded in agreement and they said goodnight before splitting up and going to their rooms.
Jersey quickly showered and scrunched her hair with some mousse, changing into a pair of shorts and a tank top before crawling in, as softly as she could, next to Colson. She tried to get settled without waking him, but he wasn’t as fast asleep as Jersey thought.
“Hey.” He said his voice rough and tired. He shifted, turning over and added, “Where were you?”
Jersey chuckled as he snuggled into her, giving a small grunt of disapproval when he tried to bury his face in her hair, only to find it wet. Sliding an arm around her waist, he snuggled against her neck instead. With his arm holding her, strong and warm, she quickly settled and said, “At the pool. I went back to do some laps after Georgia left.”
Colson gave a soft ‘Hm’ and a few quiet moments passed before Jersey added, “I thought you’d be down for the count. Didn’t really get a solid text from you.”
Colson’s goofy, tired chuckled made Jersey giggle as she shifted, sliding a hand over the one he rested against her stomach. “Well, that’s how me and Rook felt...At the time.”
Jersey giggled and shook her head. “You both are ridiculous.” She murmured softly. Colson’s lips curved into a smirk against her skin and snuggled a little closer, finally drifting off to sleep.
Baze and Slim stayed up a little longer, talking about the show tomorrow. Slim wanted to ask him about Jersey but ultimately set aside the urge to confront the bassist about what they saw. He didn’t see any good coming from confronting it in the middle of a tour, especially when Colson refused to admit that anything was wrong. At least to anyone but Slim. With Colson’s slip up about being in love with Jersey, Slim knew he had to keep an eye on Baze and Colson when Jersey was around. The last thing he wanted was for Colson to catch Baze and Jersey the way he and AJ had that night.
Slim had finally fallen asleep, but Baze shifted around and couldn’t fall asleep. Finally, he decided to get up for a while. Going out into the main room, heading for the kitchen, he stopped, briefly, and smirked.
“Hey,” Jersey said, having turned at the sound of the door opening. Baze came over to her and slid an arm around her waist. “What are you doing up?”
“Could ask you the same thing.” He teased. Jersey moved away from him to lean against the counter, sipping from her water bottle, wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk. Baze chuckled and snagged the bottle, remarking, “Coincidence.”
Jersey giggled and braced her hands on the counter as her stomach began to flutter. Baze set the bottle down on the counter behind her, then slid his hands over her hips as he bent down to kiss her, deep and slow. Jersey gripped his arms and kissed him back.
When Baze tried to deepen the kiss even more, slipping his fingers under her shirt, Jersey pulled away with a soft whimper and looked at her door, then to Baze. “Wait.” She whispered softly, listening. Baze glanced at the door and chuckled.
“Rook’s passed out, Jers,” Baze said. She gave him a look and giggled.
“Yeah, but I don’t need Colson or AJ seeing us and telling him before I do,” Jersey said. Baze chuckled and nodded.
“I know. Sorry.” He said, with a smile, starting to pull away. Jersey stopped him, catching his hands, and smiled at him.
“Maybe we should keep things on the DL. Just until we get home. I don’t want shit to pop off in the middle of the tour.” She said, stepping closer to him. A smirk crossed Baze’s face.
“So...Are we talking about sneaking around?” He asked, slyly. Jersey giggled and shook her head.
“If the timing is right...Maybe..” She teased, lifting up on her toes to kiss him again. Baze kissed her back, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth as she pulled away. “I’m gonna go to bed...I’ll see you in the morning.”
She gave him one last quick kiss before grabbing another bottle from the fridge and turning to leave. Baze chuckled and gave her ass a quick squeeze, making Jersey squeak and turned back to punch his shoulder. Baze chuckled and watched her leave before turning to go back to his room as well.
Next Chapter
Hope you guys liked it. If you want to be added to my taglist for this and/or future MGK/Colson stories, let me know! If you have any comments, feel free!
@badwolf-in-the-impala​​ @lovemythsworld​​ @kellsfanficalltogether​​ @mgkobsessed​ @sparxx27​
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peppusae · 4 years
[kth] lavender honey ch. 7
note: this fanfic has multiple chapters, so please look forward to more!
lavender honey: kim taehyung x reader
genre: crack, fluff, college au, smut
word count: 3k words
lavender honey
ch 7: in which taehyung achieves his dream of world dominance. at least... in the world of your stupid thoughts.
The drive back is filled with jazz music.
Taehyung sits at the passenger seat, half-pouting at a stubborn Namjoon who did not give in, even when the younger male had asked him to rest.
So, instead, Taehyung continues to jam to jazz music and acting as if you all were inside a karaoke box. It’s lively for a change, so you find yourself giggling as you exchange chats with Jungkook here and there.
When a slow song comes on and Namjoon’s gaze goes to the way Taehyung’s deep voice sings the soft song, you put your phone down and listen to the younger male as well. You couldn’t see his face from your seat in the back seat, but you became acutely aware of some little details that you had never noticed before.
Kim Taehyung has the most beautiful shoulders, it fits his posture and build really well. It
You notice for the first time that his hair is growing out, a mullet of sorts.
Shit. That’s hot.
The nape of his neck is so smooth, and you can see the veins in his neck as he sings the song in a very sorrowful voice.
This is too much, seriously.
Your subconscious mind, Minji is being extra horny today.
You shut your eyes tight and try to get the nasty visions your nastyass brain was forming in your head as far away from you as possible.
And then, you wake up.
You could feel a huge cramp on the left side of your neck, and when you begin to stretch the pain away, you realize that you’re still inside the car, and someone was next to you.
“Ah, my dear cauliflower. You finally decided to wake up?”
That isn’t even worth questioning..
You yawn in response, stretching yourself a little and looking outside. “Ah, we reached? Where’s Joon?”
“He’s inside. For now, let’s get off.” Taehyung says, and you nod, opening the door and the two of you climb outside.
“Wait. How is it already night, we left from Ilsan in the evening, and the drive shouldn’t have taken more than half an hour, and you were in the passenger seat so why were you in the back just now-”
“You really should leave that nasty habit you have of dumping ten billion questions at once.” He has to say. “And you use varying registers for each word and it hurts my ears.”
“I use varying what?!”
“Anyway. Go back in, here’s the key to the car.” Taehyung says, throwing it at you and you manage to catch in. Score! “I’ll head off home. Rest well today, yeah?”
It’s kinda annoying that he wouldn’t wait for a response. Maybe it’s a guy thing. To say something cool and then turn around and walk off. Taehyung even has his hands in his pockets like the thug wannabe kid he probably is, as well. Is that a trend, now?
You watch him bring the door of the gate to a close, and then walk off, and honestly. Peach is such a hot color on him.
It’s kinda stupid, but peach is perfect on Taehyung’s hair because it makes him look beautiful during bright light, and very… attractive, at night, when the light is fading and the hue of peach darkens a little.
Why are you thinking about Taehyung’s hair at a time like this, what even.
You heave out a big sigh, opening the door and getting inside your house. You find Namjoon in his room, by his study desk, and he watches you take a seat on his bed.
“So. You slept in the car for two hours. How do you feel?”
“I what ?!”
“Yes you did. You fell asleep right after Taehyungie finally started driving, and I was gonna wake you up but he didn’t want to. So he stayed with you until you woke up.”
This makes your mouth wide open in shock, wondering just why on Earth he would stay for so long, when he could have just woke you up and asked you to go to bed at your own home.
See. This is going to go on to the list of the 54920435 things that will forever baffle you, in regards to Kim Taehyung. The mysteries are endless, and if someone is gonna do urban legends on the 21st century in the year 3829, you feel bad at how many things they’ll have to learn about Taehyung.
So instead, you wish Namjoon a good night and retire to your room, where you stare at the ceiling for God knows how long, before you fall asleep again.
‘Noona. Are you back? Can I call you?’
A text is waiting for you when you wake up on Sunday morning.
A couple seconds after you reply with a ‘yes’, Jungkook makes the call.
Not just sexy but also a reliable man! What a catch!!
“I… I found out Taehyungie-hyung went to Ilsan to visit you… I had no idea, Noona. If I knew, I’d have gone with him, as well.”
You shake your head, giving him a smile in response. Wait a sec. This is a phone call bro.
Oh yeah.
“It’s fine, Kookie. I’m fine, really. I just had a hard day, but I’m okay, now. Joon is, too.”
“Noonim. If you don’t have other plans, I’d like to prepone our date for tomorrow, to today.”
“I’d like that, Jungoo.”
“I’ll pick you up in an hour, Noonim.” Jungkook says, before he hangs up.
He shows up five minutes early.
Your mouth is an ‘o’ like those naan you crave to perfect when Joon announces that Jungkook has shown up. Since you were not finished getting ready yet, you ask Namjoon to bring the kid inside till you finish.
Since finding out that Jungkook feels… that…. Uh? Positive… Wanna-go-out kind of feelings towards you, you find yourself changing a little in the sense that your allowance each month goes towards buying beauty products instead of useless junk food.
You even bought one of those stupid… tweezers…
Bruh. What were you even becoming?
Jeon Jungkook is quite famous among the freshmen, and you’ve had some of your classmates ask about what your relationship was, when you two had been wearing the totally-obvious-as-fuck clothing on your first date day.
What really was your relationship with Jungkook? Even Taehyung had asked the same question and you didn’t really have much of a solid answer to give.
Oh shit. That might have been the first time you didn’t have a good answer to give to Kim Taehyung.
Dammit. You really hope Seokjin manages to prepare that memory-erasing potion he fantasizes on creating. It’d be nice to wipe that memory away from his head.
And also that time when you came down to the living room to get ice after you’d finished waxing and you were only wearing your towel around your body and Taehyung had been chillaxing with Namjoon and discussing which member from Stranger Things went through the most development.
That’s some quality discussion, now that you think about it.
You also hope you could erase the memory of him watching you slather on makeup for your first date. Crazy as shit, but you still think about that… disappointed expression on his face.
Is this what doom feels like?
Now that you think some more, you’d probably use the potion on erasing only things related to Taehyung.
Why are we even (silent) discussing fantasy potions even, how is Seokjin gonna create a memory-erasing potion when he can’t even figure out and notice how obvious it is that Namjoon likes him back.
Send help now.
You shake your head and race down the stairs after you get ready. Jungkook is sitting on the sofa next to Namjoon, and you didn’t even know that Taehyung hadn’t left for home yet.
So, the two Kim boys and one Jeon boy are just chilling around the coffee table, playing uno.
Uno? L a m e.
Okay, Uno isn’t really lame, but you were expecting them to do something more wild and less mediocre… Maybe having a mini parkour marathon.
Okay, you’ve watched way too much of prince of stride episodes.
Jungkook looks up when you finally come over to the living room.
“Noonim?!” Namjoon’s voice echoes in startlement. Out of context, sure, that sounds a bit weird. Who even calls people that anymore, this is the age of blossoming Noona-romances, after all-
Minji does a double flip in your head, so you tell her to calm the fuck down.
“[Name]-noona is older than me, of course. So-”
“I know that, but why specifically Noonim, is my question-”
“Your sister has some nastyass kinks, dearest Hyung of mine.” Taehyung has to say, before he puts a card down and screeches ‘UNO’ at the top of his lungs.
Jungkook looks very flustered and takes a glance at you, too embarrassed to look at Namjoon and instead looks at Taehyung with a small pout.
Seriously, Taehyung really needs to grow up.
If Taehyung does any more of growing up, his voice is probably gonna be deeper and his shoulders broader and his-
Minji needs to shut the fuck up oh my good god.
“Shut up!” You hiss at Taehyung. What was he even doing here anyways? Doesn’t he have an apartment that has been paid to keep him inside it? Why can’t he do one single job?
“L-Let’s go, Noona?” Jungkook says, and you nod. He still looks to embarrassed after Taehyung’s remark, to look at Namjoon, so he simply says ‘I’ll be off, Hyung’ instead and stands up. You pull on his sleeve a little and Jungkook lets you pull him out as you stomp out of the house, feeling a little bit annoyed.
“It’s nice to know that you’re not too gloomy. I’m sure your grandpa is at a better place now, so don’t put yourself through any pain. He isn’t suffering either.”
Those are such comforting words, and you almost tear up and ruin your mascara at the way Jungkook looks a little worried.
“I won’t. Where are you taking me, Jungoo?”
The nickname makes him smile, showing his front teeth and he looks so adorable that you can’t stand it. How can he have such burly arms but such doe eyes and bunny teeth like that?
Some men get ALL the luck.
Jungkook interrupts your worry towards the rest of the general male population by pointing at where his bike was parked at. After he makes sure you’ve gotten on his bike safely, he asks you to please be patient for a bit.
And then.
He takes you to an art gallery.
Jungkook takes you to an art gallery, filled with classical paintings.
The paintings there are so detailed, vibrant and beautiful, and they do nothing but remind you of Taehyung.
Okay. This is getting out of hand. When did this even start?
Is it because he came to attend your grandpa’s funeral?
Or because you both keep spending so much time together for your extra credit?
Is it because he’s the one you see the most after Namjoon?
Or is it simply nothing except the sole fact that he technically worships Vincent Van Gogh?
Jungkook seems to notice your fraying thoughts and lack of conversation between you two.
“Noonim? Are you upset about what Taehyungie-hyung said?”
“No! That’s not it! I’m so sorry Taehyung said that. He’s really stupid, he doesn’t realize what he’s saying when he speaks!!”
Jungkook reacts belatedly, his stare on you for a couple seconds before he then says, ‘Was it a lie?’
“You know what I’m talking about, Noona~” He sings, and this makes you punch his arm playfully, your face heating up.
Of course, it’s a kink.
Jungkook himself is a kink, after all.
You were so glad you didn’t say that out loud.
Minji has some issues today.
Daylight changes to city lights in the matter of a couple hours while the two of you laze around at a coffee shop and sip on frothy coffees.
While Jungkook drives you back home and you have your hands clutching onto two handfuls of his sweater, you take a good moment to think about your day.
And it’s very upsetting for you when you realize how different this date was from your first date with Jungkook, how much less the conversations had become, and you wonder if Jungkook would still be interested in taking you out if you keep having other thoughts and memories splurging around in your mind like crazy.
“Noona, next week, can I take you to the grass fields a couple blocks from my apartment? It’s really pretty there, and I want to take you there and then take you home.”
Holy shit, you could almost see Minji starting to strip, in your head.
You nasty.
“Ah! I- I really need to learn to rephrase my wordings better.” Jungkook says with a facepalm. Minji is putting her clothes back on when he goes on. “I want to show you what I do. Like, what I’m drawing and what kind of videos I make.”
“You sound a bit disappointed, Noona.”
“Don’t be too cocky.” You respond, and this earns a big grin from Jungkook, and he hurries to intertwine your fingers together. “Now that I think about it, even if we’ve known each other for a while, I haven’t really been able to see much of your drawings.”
“That’s right! I want to show you so that you’d be impressed!” He gushes. “I always want to take pictures of you that I can sketch, if I have your permission. I have the whole date all planned!”
This makes you giggle, the two of you taking a seat at the porch of your house. It was nice that he didn’t want to leave just yet and thought the same thing you did.
“I also have one more date all planned out! That’s for the next next week, though.”
“What’s that date for?”
“I want to sit by the beach with you for the whole day.”
Your heart swells. Aigoo. How can someone be that cute? You’re almost afraid of asking, because you weren’t sure how much your fragile heart could handle this cute little baby boy.
“And the week after that?”
“Well…” He says, glancing at you, and then getting up. “Let’s let you decide that.”
You give him an ok sign, and the two of you glance at the door.
“I should get going,” Jungkook says, carding his fingers through your hair and looking a little disappointed. “Go in first, Noona. I’ll see you at college tomorrow.”
“Drive safe, Jungoo. I had fun today. With you.”
This makes him smile, and you’re expecting the action much earlier than it actually starts, when he holds your hands tight and then leans in to kiss you.
The taste of banana milk still remains on his lips, and the way one hand softly holds your cheek tenderly makes your heart race a little as you kiss him back and wrap an arm around his neck.
Your first kiss! With Jeon Jungkook!
It’s such a new warmth, and it still stays, even when Jungkook moves away a little, his hold changing into a hug while he looks at your face.
“That was my first kiss, Noonim.” He confesses, bursting into a huge grin.
“That was my first kiss too, Jungoo.”
“What?! Are you serious?” He looks surprised, but doesn’t let you go, and you look up at him and give him a nod.
“I’m a happy, and very lucky man, then. I… I like this, and this is definitely not a platonic feeling.”
Your heart races a little, and the fact that Jungkook has both his arms around your waist is not helping. You really couldn’t concentrate, and the fact that you two were still standing at the porch of your house makes you a little nervous about Namjoon or Taehyung seeing you two.
Ah. That was quite a lot of time that went by without you thinking about Taehyung.
Did Minji sign a contract with him or what-
“Let’s see what happens, Noona. Let’s go on dates and find out what we feel. Are you okay with me?”
“Okay is not enough as an adjective to describe how I feel about you.”
“That makes me glad.” Jungkook joins you and chuckles, and then he takes a step away. “Go inside first, and I’ll text you when I go home.”
“Bye, Jungkook- Wait. You have some of my lipstick on your lips!” You say, noticing the uneven red on his lips now.
“What? Really?!”
When you reach a hand to his face, he takes a step back, shaking his head a little.
“K-Keep it.”
“Ah, Noona~ Don’t make your Jungoo more embarrassed!” He whines cutely, and you’re surprised that you aren’t on the floor as melted goo right now.
The two of you wave goodbye, and Jungkook heads back home with a big smile on his face.
There’s no one downstairs, and you’re still recovering from the little high you were on because of Jungkook. As you walk upstairs and head to your room, you see that Namjoon’s room door was open.
Now, you had zero intentions on eavesdropping on what was going on, but when you hear ‘Do you like someone, Taehyung-ah?’, you can’t just walk past or interrupt the conversation, right?
Yeah! You’re doing the right thing! Who knows how much Namjoon might have worked to finally ask this question.
Yeah! It’s all for your bro’s sake!
“My… my chances are rare, hyung. I might want to hold tight, the person I like, but I can’t. Not when things are going well for her with the person she likes. I don’t want to be the person that ruins things for the one person I have the hardest time staying away from, you know?”
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Guidelines for My Brothers, Corrupted
Why henlo! This is, as you probably know by this point, an ask blog for Anti and the five egos, corrupted by his influence. We’re here to have fun and be angsty, are we not? Okay but here’s some rules and answers to questions you might have.
What are the boys called?
The egos, with the exception of Anti, have “corruption names” which they are instructed to go by at all times. If you see them being called by their original names, it is A) indicative that they are in some way loosened from Anti’s control in that moment, or B) Mod made a typo. C’est la vie. They go by
Jackie - Red (or Hoodie)
Marvin - Blue (or Kitty)
Henrik - Doktor (or Deutsch)
Chase - Trickshot
JJ - Dapper (or Carver or Monochroma)
The nicknames are just in case you have preferences and so you understand if the other egos call them by these names. You can totally call them by their usual names in your ask. However, you should be aware that it will be as though they had not heard the name - if you send “Does the name Jackie mean anything to you?” he’ll say no. Likewise, questions like “You need to remember who you are, Chase” will only reach him as “You need to remember who you are, Trickshot.” Saying their names will not cause them to remember.
What can I send?
Bruh, anything! It doesn’t have to be just angsty, it can be anything. Happy, sad, random, plot-seeking. You can ask Anti questions too if you’d like.
Why haven’t you answered my ask?
This should be a fairly rare question if you give me at least a couple days before getting stressed or offended or anything. I might not have answered your ask because
I’m waiting for another plot point/more relevant mood before posting a response
You’ve cleverly discovered something I need a little more time to develop
I can’t think of a good response right now and I want to think on it a while!
I’ve gotten a lot of really similar asks and just answered one instead of all. Usually I will screenshot your ask and add it to the other.
My internet or yours is being an asshole
Your ask made me uncomfortable (it’s okay, you can message me if you have questions and we can revise the ask in a way we both like! But I reserve the right to say “um, no” if you’re being pushy or rude about it or if it’s just a really uncomfortable question)
I’m busy! Sorry :( I’ll try to get back to you soon :)
Again, feel free to dm me if you have questions about why I haven’t posted something and as long as you’re not being a jerk about it we’ll totally figure it out
Is there a plot and how do I catch up to it?
There is a plot! Once a “chapter” is finished I will post that it is over and reveal the title that I’ve been working with. However, this plot is not heavily structured. We can go as slow or as fast as we want and if I decide to throw in new elements that I think of on the fly, let’s do it! If there’s something in particular you want to see (this character getting sick, this thing happening) feel free to message me and we might work it in.
This is my first time running an ask blog and I had a TON of fun with my test run. But if I treat it more casually and decide not to go with a really structured plot - well, we’ll see what happens.
What sort of things should I know about the story before sending an ask?
Okay, yeah, let’s lay down some bases.
The egos have little to no memories of the time before they were corrupted
The relationships between many of the egos are tense, as Anti has intentionally pitted many of them against each other, but others remain shakily friendly with each other.
I use a “looking through a camera” format for my egos but there’s not actually a camera and you can ask any of them what’s going on at any time (if you see Chase “holding the camera” you can still ask JJ something in another room
Due to their abuse and the control Anti has on them, some or all of the egos may be unreliable narrators.
Anti knows you’re here and allows the egos to speak with you for his own reasons. If you ask questions he does not like, he may react.
Can I reblog with additional questions instead of sending an ask?
Yes. But you should be aware that A) I am less likely to see and remember it than if you send an ask and B) I am unlikely to reblog a certain entry multiple times. So asks are better, but I’ll check reblogs and try to reply to them too.
Can I tag you in things I create for this au?
HELL YEAH GAMER i LOVE your amazing art, edits, writing, moodboards, and more. Please do credit me, but also tag me just so I can see!!! I may or may not reblog creations but I appreciate the hell out of every single one of them.
Do you tag triggers?
Course, I’m not an asshole! I’m a pretty careful tagger and anything obvious (gun, gore, torture, panic attack, etc) should be tagged. HOWEVER - dudes real talk okay - I’m not going to tag abuse because as far as I’m concerned this whole ask blog is a major abuse trigger. PLEASE BE CAREFUL AND CONSIDER AVOIDING THIS BLOG IF ABUSE IS TRIGGERING TO YOU.
You’re so valid and I don’t want you to get hurt. If there is a more specific abuse tag I can use to help you - or ANYTHING that you need tagged - please feel free to hit me up. I will absolutely work to accommodate.
I reblog this when we get new waves of followers or there’s some sort of problem! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
You guys are great! Looking forward to writing this story together.
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smosh-stuff · 5 years
The Poll Results!
Alright folks, now that the poll is closed, let’s go over the results and what that means for the future!
Question One
So, this was me basically asking: should I wait until I’ve written a decent amount of the story to start uploading chapters and set up a regular upload schedule, or say FUCK a schedule and just upload whenever I finish a chapter? This was what yall answered:
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19 Votes for a regular upload schedule, and 11 votes for no schedule. 
So, while I will try to get chapters written and posted as fast as possible, it’s gonna be a little bit before I start putting them out! Right now, I'm thinking a schedule of maybe two chapters a week, but I’ll wait until I start posting to say for sure.
Question Two
This was me simply asking, how long do you want the chapters to be? This was what yall gave back:
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4 Votes for about 2000 words per chapter, 2 Votes for about 3000 words per chapter, 1 Vote for 4000+ words per chapter, 2 Votes for “just write the damn fic”, and 21 Votes for “that last option but nicer”.
First of all, to the two people who literally just chose to be mean to me: Alright, sluts, just because I gave you the option,
Fr tho- this was an interesting one! Seeing as most of you don’t care, I figure I’ll do my best to keep the chapters between 2000-3000 words, but I won't worry too much about the length.
Question Three
For this one, I asked if you want me to keep posting stuff about the universe in the AU, or stop and just keep everything in the fic. You answered:
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26 Votes for more worldbuilding posts, and 4 Votes for them to stop.
Now, even though the majority of you want to see those posts, I don’t want the rest of you to feel like I’m ignoring your wishes. I also understand wanting to be totally immersed in the main story. Therefore, I’ve decided that I’m gonna start tagging every out-of-story worldbuilding post with “aa worldbuilding”. Those of you who don’t want to see those posts can blacklist the tag, and you won’t see any of them!
Question Four
This one was an extension of the last question- if I’m gonna keep making worldbuilding posts, what topics should I cover? A few of you gave me replies to this one! These included:
“The living conditions for children!!! how are they raised in this Weird Radioactive Hellscape, and how do they survive to adulthood?”
“Maybe things like environmental conditions, animal/plant life used by survivors, and stuff like that.”
“I’m super interested in the guard things”
“Law, and what the landscape is like, and the cause of the apocalypse”
“Maybe the environment and a little bit of enemies”
“Travel/transportation; sports/competitions; other notable figures in the land”
“Steven Universe”
“the mutated beasts bruh”
I took most of these answers into consideration! I definitely plan on covering these topics in future posts, so thanks for the feedback :)
Question Five
This question was just like question three, except asking if I should post about the characters themselves. This is how you all replied:
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24 Votes for yes, 4 Votes for no, and 2 Votes that were somewhere in between.
For those that answered no- similarly to the worldbuilding posts, I’ve decided to make a tag for these! All character-building posts will be tagged with “aa characterbuilding”. I don’t plan to put anything spoiler-y in these, aside from maybe some vague foreshadowing, but again I understand wanting to be especially immersed in the written story.
I also took the custom answers into consideration as well! Don’t worry, I don’t plan on making a post about anything heavily plot-related. If I post about things like abilities, Guards, etc., I’ll only include information that isn’t directly related to the plot. I do think that I’ll save some topics for later down the line, when they’ve already come into play, to avoid any minor spoilers.
Question Six
Like question four, this one was an extension question, asking what character topics I should cover. These responses included:
“general hcs would be nice!!!”
“All of those things you've listed and maybe a bit of background as to how people met.”
“Combat is always super cool”
“Maybe abilities, combat and weapons”
“Steven Universe”
“Guards, backstories, combat styles, personal hc’s”
Again, I took most of these answers into careful consideration! I think general hc’s will be a good post to make in the near future. I’ll also make sure to cover combat styles, Guards, and more details about their backstories as well!
Again, thanks to everyone who responded! This was super helpful, and I’m really glad I’ll be able to go ahead with this project with yall’s interests in mind. :)
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