#i forgot i had this in my drafts to post
fairymonk · 1 year
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caught-a-dragonfly · 4 months
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Oh, good, you’re home! Listen. You gotta help me bury a body.
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helaenna · 21 days
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House of the Dragon (2022 - ) // Dune (2021)
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welcometogrouchland · 6 months
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[ID in alt text, transcripts for comics also found there!]
Sure was a year...This is just me taking the end of year opportunity to post the various DC comics doodles that have been gathering dust in my files! Disclaimer that I'm a heathen who mostly reads batfam comics (and also a lot of. Sidekick-y stuff? Like YJ98) and these are all for fun! (Image #3 is a direct adaptation of this text post I made)
#dc comics#dc#cassandra cain#damian wayne#roy harper#lian harper#cassie sandsmark#maya ducard#flatline dc#kathy branden#...im hesitant to tag steph bc i feel like everytime i tag her the post refuses to show in her tag#stephanie brown#anyway yeah uhhh recently bought the yj98 omnibus (IT'S FUCKING HUGE) so that's why cassie redesign#years and years ago i posted a draft of a cassie redesign that's like. similar to what i have but i vastly prefer this version#OH!#i forgot to tag stephcass :(#whoopsie#but yeah i did a lot of steph reading this year (STILL SO MUCH TO DO) and ouughh boy. she's had her claws in my brain ever since#damian and dick are there. nough said#<- I'm extremely mentally ill about them there's just still a lot for me to read. i have nightwing rebirth with them! and some early b&r 09#also robin 2021 issue. 4? i wanna say? the one where dick gives damian his bday present. makes me cry like a pressure washer#also I'm so sorry if I've somehow managed to (in my extremely limited presentation of them) present roy and lian as ooc in anyway#I've only read arsenal 1998 bc it was a mini. hit or miss but it did imprint a love of roy and lian on me#I'm only semi following the current green arrow run rn mostly for those 2#(also sidenote the guy who writes current GA is ALSO writing B&R AND SUPERMAN??? AND A G.I JOE COMIC????-#-girl say what you want about his work it's a miracle any of it is comprehensible at all w/ all those titles going on)#(he said he's not sure how long he'll stay on GA tho. I'm also low-key not sure how long he'll stay on B&R-#-though i imagine it'll be at least a years worth bc he said that's how much notes he has for plot? also idk if many other writers at dc-#-are interested in damian rn especially next to Bruce)#HOO this got away from me I'm outta tags. uhhhh see u guys in 2014! woo!
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hedgehog-moss · 6 months
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9am: Pirlouit & I are waiting for the farrier; it's Hoof Day! The farrier always tends to run late so I have a thermos of tea and a breakfast pastry to eat as we wait. Pirlouit has been offered some hay and has refused to eat it because he's sulking because it's hoof day.
Isn't it nice to get a pedicure, Pirou?
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9:10am: The farrier is late and Pirlouit is worried, wondering what we're waiting for here on the road. Maybe he has been sold? to a sadistic new owner? who's going to shove him into a crate and send him to the salt mines like the donkeys in Pinocchio? Plus, he's more stressed than usual today because one of his hooves hurts (hence the farrier appointment), he's been limping for a few days and he doesn't know what the farrier will do to the hurt hoof. I told him there's only a 30% chance that he'll amputate it.
9:15am: Pirlouit's family is here to support him though! Or, in the case of Pampérigouste, here to puzzle out a vexing mystery.
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9:17am: The llamas have grown bored of standing there in support and have started eating the brambles near the gate (supportively). Very good initiative, I approve. Also I thought Poldine was trying to eat the brambles outside the gate (greener on the other side and all that) but no, she was trying to fit her head through the bars for a little kiss </3
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9:20am: Even Merricat is being supportive. (Well, she's waiting for me to go home so she can finally take her first morning nap in my lap.) Also Pirlouit has found some grass under the leaves and temporarily forgot all of his worries.
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9:22am: Poldine is determined to kiss this cat.
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9:24am: The farrier is here! As always he starts doing Pirlouit's hooves right there in the middle of the road, and if a car shows up well, "they can wait a few minutes... On n'est pas aux pièces" (this is a phrase for "there's no rush" that I've never heard anyone but my grandma use, it's nice to hear it again!) There aren't any cars anyway.
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9:27am: Pirlouit's hurt hoof has been diagnosed: he has an abscess. Since this autumn has been relentlessly rainy I thought perhaps it was a fungal infection—but the farrier told me he's been treating a lot of abscesses lately, as the very wet weather softens hooves which allows bacteria to enter.
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9:30am: The abscess was successfully drained and Pirlouit is now wearing a fashionable hoof bandage. He was very calm and brave throughout <3
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9:35am: The farrier left his car by the side of the road, and after releasing Pirlouit we crossed the pasture to go home have a cup of coffee.
9:45am: The farrier is gone; end of the post :)
10am: Pampe is gone, too.
Well, she probably left around 10am but I didn't immediately find out as I had more pressing problems. After the farrier left I went to get a small apple to reward Pirlouit, and when I returned to the pasture and he came over for his treat, I realised he was limping. But on the other side. We've just treated his right front hoof, and he is now holding up the left front hoof...
9:57am: After giving Pirlouit his apple I go home in a hurry to call the farrier and ask him to come back. But there's almost no mobile service around here and I can't reach him. This is so frustrating, he can't be very far... On a hunch I call a horse farm not far from here, maybe it's hoof day for their horses as well?
10am: It's not, they have no farrier appointment today, but when I explain my predicament the woman on the phone goes "if it's just to drain an abscess I can send you a guy who'll do it, no worries!" Every time I've had someone from this farm on the phone to ask something or other, they've offered to Send Me A Guy. It's never the same guy too, they have an endless supply of guys.
10:05am: Having accepted gratefully, I return to the pasture to catch poor Pirlouit again, who thought I was done bothering him for today. As I wait for The Guy, I find a spot with some unexpected mobile service and start googling hoof hardeners, because maybe if Pirou's prone to abscesses it's worth having something in prevention for wet months?
10:15am: I receive a text from the guy.
"Is it normal that your llama is on the road with a dog? They are going to [village]."
10:16am: I reply to the guy.
"It's neither normal nor abnormal."
10:17am: I tie Pirlouit to a tree and run back to the barn to get some muesli. Then start running on the road, trying to figure out how Pampe escaped, and the answer seems obvious: after his coffee the farrier crossed the pasture again to get back to his car, and he knew about the Special Anti-Pampe Safety Knot 3000 but either forgot and closed the gate like a normal person, or didn't do it correctly. Pampe in her little llama brain knows very well that most visitors don't know about the Anti-Pampe Knot so she hurries to check the gate after a stranger leaves her pasture. Meanwhile I was busy noticing Pirou's limp and trying to call the farrier back and I didn't check the gate as I usually do.
10:20am: The guy has found me trotting on the road with my muesli and picked me up in his car. We go back to where he last saw Pampe. I apologise for wasting his time and he tells me "I've heard of your llama" in a tone half-sympathetic half-fatalistic.
10:24am: Pampe & Pandolf have been located; are having the time of their lives. Pandolf is a bit sheepish when I call him, though. He loves going on adventures with his best friend so much but he knows it's a bad dog thing to do for some reason :(
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10:34am: The Guy is trying to push Pampe forward with his car while I try to attract her towards me with my muesli in a carrot-and-stick routine; Pampe occasionally veers off-road to eat some leaves, inspect the mud in the ditch, pretend to admire a cloud while secretly brainstorming strategies.
Guy's commentary: "This is worse than dealing with an escaped horse. I feel ignored. I feel powerless."
10:39am: Pampe is home! She didn't actually go very far. But since she hadn't locked the gate behind her, when we arrived we found Pampelune on the road as well, just sort of waiting for us like a sentinel. Pirlouit was still tied to his tree staring at his inexplicably orange foot, and Poldine was panicking because her mother had abandoned her for the millionth time and her grandma had left the pasture too and she couldn't figure out how :((( All she had to do was fiddle with the gate with her nose really, but it never occurred to her to do so, she's too innocent. She only inspects gates in order to figure out how to kiss someone through them. So she was alone in the pasture trotting in circles, making undignified sad goat noises when Pampe & I returned.
10:53am: Pirlouit's other hoof has been treated, hopefully he'll feel better and stop limping soon... I'll have to remove the bandages with scissors, clean both hooves and re-do the bandages in a couple of days which is probably going to be a whole Thing, considering he's suspicious of buckets of water and scissors and objects in general. But as for now everyone is in the pasture having some celebratory hay and Pampoldine is deeply relieved to find that she hasn't been abandoned by everyone forever (as she assumes every single time.)
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Also I realised I only paid the farrier half of what I owed him... I had prepared the exact sum but I had half in one pocket and half in another which was a risky idea. And neither of us checked what I was handing him, or noticed. He called me back when he arrived in a place with mobile reception and I told him about the whole affair and he said it's a good thing I accidentally paid him half because he didn't see the other abscess and failed to make the Anti-Pampe Knot 3000 so "it's a fair discount." So I got a half-price farrier visit thanks to Pampe (partly)... I won't tell her because she already thinks she's doing the world a favour by escaping (free fence integrity checks, free cardio training for me by forcing me to do interval running, free entertainment for everyone, plus her modest contribution to cosmic chaos.)
11am: I meant to take an "all's well that ends well" photo of the whole family but I realised Pampe is making her angry hammerhead shark face because her adventure was very short-lived and I didn't even take a picture of her escape, as I'd left my phone in my coat pocket under Pirlouit's tree (& supervision) when I went after her. (I figured I was about to run for 15min and would not need my heavy coat)
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She thinks I did it on purpose to demoralise her by refusing to document her victories. But she's not giving up.
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kissitbttr · 10 months
small soft!husband miguel concept who loves being married to his woman
miguel hates taking out his wedding band when he’s out on a mission. he hates it. he tried once to leave it on but nearly caught in a heart attack when it almost slipped off his ring finger. he tried wearing it around his neck with a silver chain but it bothered him too much. others suggested to just keep it secured in his desk but he only shot them a glare as if it was the easiest thing. how could he? he feels like a part of him is lost without it because that ring is a symbol of his love to you and vice versa. you giggled when you see the look of distress on your husband about it and he looks quite offended by you laughing and say “it’s not funny, baby!” hearing that would just make you laugh even harder and plant him a kiss on the lips before answering, “i can’t help it, you’re too adorable”
so you suggested one that you think would calm him down. to tattoo each other’s initials on your ring fingers, in place of a wedding band. and you’ve never heard a man agree so fast.
and boy he loves it. that way, when he’s out saving people he wouldn’t have to worry anymore because he’s got his whole world tattooed on his ring finger. the wedding band would be locked securely in his working desk.
a routine that he soon develops is after he’s suited up and ready to on board on a mission, he would eye your initial on his ring finger for a while with a smile before placing a kiss on top of it and murmurs “be home soon, mi amor” to remind him that no matter what, his home will always be someone and that is you.
little does he know, you’re doing the same thing 🤍
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orykorioart · 3 months
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Something is missing, but you don’t know what.
[Image Description:
Digital illustration featuring Taako and Lup from The Adventure Zone. On the right side are Taako and Lup during the Stolen Century, with their red cloaks. The edge of the picture is taken over by a glitch effect, almost erasing Lup, only leaving behind parts of her cloak and hair. There is also a small glitch on Taako’s chest, where the IPRE patch would be. This part of the picture is also somewhat desaturated.
Stolen Century Lup is depicted with her hair in a messy bun, her dark brown hair dyed with light-pink highlights. Stolen Century Taako is depicted with his long hair in a braid, his dark brown hair dyed with lavender-purple.
The left-side of the image is post-Voidfish Taako, who is fidgeting with his hair with a look of sadness on his face. He is clutching onto the Umbrastaff at his hip.
Post-Voidfish Taako is depicted with messy shoulder-length hair, his naturally dark-brown hair is streaked with some lavender-purple and light-pink. He is wearing a deep-purple cloak and hat, which is themed with stars on the inside.
End Description.]
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trensu · 1 year
It's Will that gives him the idea.
"we don't really celebrate father's day anymore," he had said awkwardly, "but I can't hang out anyway."
"why not?" Dustin demanded. He was gonna end up bored and alone because he didn't celebrate the holiday and everyone else had plans. he had been counting on Will to keep him company.
"I'm gonna get Jonathan a new record and I want to listen to it with him," he said.
"can't he get his own records? C'mon, we could go to the arcade or something."
"no, Dustin," his tone took on a stubborn edge that made Dustin pause. "He's my brother and I love him, and he's the only guy besides Bob who's ever even tried to look out for me. So I'm sorry but I'm gonna be busy on Sunday."
Dustin didn't argue after that but it did get him thinking which is why on Sunday morning he biked all the way over to Loch Nora and started banging on Steve's door.
"what do you want, Henderson?" Steve sighed the most dramatic put upon sigh Dustin had ever heard.
"you're not my dad--"
"wow you really are genius!"
"shut up, shut up, listen to me!"
"okay, geez, I'm listening."
"you're not my dad and I don't want you to be my dad. I don't even really want a dad! Lots of dads aren't even that great and my mom already has the single parent thing down. But you taught me how to do my hair and how to talk to girls - even though that advice sucked, I didn't need it to get Suzie at all - and you're gonna teach me how to drive--"
"woah, hey, no I never said I'd do that, wh--"
"--and you've saved my life but I think we're even because I've saved your life too."
"Henderson don't you have anything better to do than harass me in my own home?" Steve said. he was using that exasperated tone he got when he knew he wasn't keeping up with what was going on but didn't want to admit it.
"actually no I don't but I'm here for a reason," he reached into his backpack and took out the gift he clumsily wrapped with scraps of brown paper bags. He shoved it into Steve's hands. "You're basically the only adult male figure in my life. And I appreciate you."
Steve squinted at the gift and then at Dustin and at the gift again before he said fussily "is this a prank? If something gross explodes from this, I swear to god, I'll--"
"Just open it, Steve!"
"Fine, fine, keep your shirt on," Steve said and tore off the paper. He blinked and in a softer tone said, "Oh."
"I don't know if you even like making models but I know you love cars and this kit looked just like yours, so yeah."
Steve stared at the kit some more. Dustin started to fidget. It was always better to be honest with your feelings but maybe this was too much for Steve. Maybe Steve didn't like him as much as Dustin did. Steve was not as enlightened about these things as Dustin.
"I've never made a model before."
Dustin hunched his shoulders and tried not to feel stupid or hurt. He should have expected this. They weren't even related. This was probably too weird. He reached out to take the gift back.
"it's fine, I can return it, whatever."
Steve raised the kit out of Dustin's reach.
"Hey, this is mine," he said.
"you don't even like it!"
"I never said that! I'm just gonna need a dweeby little nerd to help me build it. You know anybody like that?" Steve asked, batting his eyes innocently.
"you're such a dick," Dustin grumbled, fighting back a grin.
"watch your language!"
"shut up, you're not my dad."
Steve laughed as Dustin shoved his way into the house. Hours later, after much shouting and ribbing and one incident of spilled paint, a small model of the beemer was left to dry while Steve forced Dustin to watch the baseball game on TV with him. It wasn't the worst thing ever, and after Steve mentioned the statistics involved, it got way more interesting ("of course you'd like the math part, you weirdo" "you don't understand the stats do you" "shut up and watch the game, Henderson"). When the paint was dry, Dustin followed Steve upstairs and watched him carefully and deliberately place the model between a couple of sports trophies.
"yeah, I guess it looks pretty cool," Steve said with exaggerated nonchalance. "Now beat it, kid. your mom's gonna freak if you're not home when she gets back from work."
"can you give me a ride?"
"ugh, fine."
Dustin grinned. This had been, hands down, the best father's day ever. From the look on Steve's face when he placed the model, Dustin was pretty sure he agreed.
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bizarrelittlemew · 7 months
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ofmd x tumblr
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Nico: santa isn’t real
Hazel: this is why your ass keeps getting coal for christmas
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isjasz · 6 months
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[Day 167]
Thank The Apothecary Dairies that I didn't get to angst today I got addicted LMAOAOA (also my project that I FINISHED SPEEDRUNING LFG💥💥💥💥)
have some old doodle dump :D
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peggingeddiediaz · 2 months
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Eddie Diaz forgetting to log out of his work twitter account part 124b/?
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kaciidubs · 5 days
That's all very hot but what if I dominate Chan? What if I make him beg for me? What if I sit on his face? What if I'm the one in charge??? Huh,??? Christopher I'm gonna make you my little bitch
By all means, dominate him to your heart's content! I'm sure pretty boy over here won't have many complaints...
"What makes you think you deserve it?"
It felt like you'd asked him that question a hundred times, and each time he answered you gave him an inch of what he truly desired.
"P-Please, I've been a good boy- Channie's been a good boy, I haven't touched myself, I-I haven't looked at pictures or videos, please, Miss."
He was a babbling mess, at this rate he'd confess to things he didn't even do if it meant you'd give him even a second of your time.
And perhaps this time you were feeling generous, normally you would make him plead his case a bit more, but he wasn't about to argue when you finally lowered yourself onto his face; his tongue immediately diving between your folds as if it were his life's purpose.
"Jesus- Did they starve you while you were in Japan? It's not going anywhere."
Though, you knew your words were falling on deaf ears - and not just because your thighs all but muffled them - as he continued to fervently eat you out.
"Christopher, fuck, slow down!"
Your demand was simply met with a muffled moan as he lifted his head higher, drunk off the arousal coating his tongue the more he dipped it past your walls.
However, his blissful ignorance would be cut short with a hard tug to his hair, pulling his head back as you lifted yourself away from his sinful mouth.
"If you're going to be dumb slut and forget about your home training, I'll be happy to remind you of your place, brat."
Through the twist of pain on his face, you could clearly see the pleasure rolling in his eyes as he blinked up at you.
"'M sorry, Miss, I'll listen, I promise!"
"You better, or the only place that dick of yours is going is in a cock ring, you hear me?"
He nodded as best he could with your grip on his head, "Y-Yes, Miss!"
Letting him go, you let him get back to his previous task, albeit a bit slower and much more calculated than before - though, you knew him better than he knew himself, and even with the threat of punishment, he'd get off just the same, it was just about how long he'd want to play the game of obedience.
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rbvcdeluxe · 3 days
breaking news: Jeff Blim as the narrator interacts with the audience AND THE CROWD GOES WILD
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dottie-n-stripes · 1 year
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#femimist liney
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kissitbttr · 2 years
eddie giving hickies on mean cheerleader's ass and thighs... so help me god
o-okay, y-ywah youer right anon…
[not proofread sorry]
to him, it’s always hard to keep his thoughts together when she’s around. aside from her flirty and bratty personality that turn him on, one thing he loves the most is definitely her ass.
and fuck does it look so delicious right now. soft flesh peeking out of the metallica shirt she’s wearing as she lays on her stomach. white lace panties riding up while her fingers mindlessly flicking over a magazine she brought to his place. swinging her legs back and forth as if she’s waiting for someone to take a picture.
he’s holding back a groan seeing her shift into another, yet a comfortable position. the light jiggle of her bum is making his head spin and he can’t think for shit. and now thanks to that, her bum is fully out.
who does she think she is, teasing him like that?
“if you’re zoning out because you are thinking of diana the acrobat, i will kill you.”
the sound of her voice makes him snap out of his thoughts. blinking rapidly as he looks at his girl, sending him a playful glare. with a low chuckle, he moves from his study, letting his long legs carry him towards the bed.
“you’re so hostile, you know that?” he carefully plops himself down on her back, palms gently pressing on each side of her waist to support his weight. “it’s so sexy.”
she shivers when he whispers hotly against her ear. “don’t tell me you’re into that.”
“what, a hot piece of woman with a temper wanting to beat the shit out of me? count me in. especially if the woman is you” he gives a soft peck behind her ear. moving her hair to the other side, giving him a better access.
“you’re crazy” she bites her lip, feeling his mouth nipping against the skin of her neck. “and no funny business. i promised your uncle-“
“come on baby, we’ll be quick. just let me put it in real fast, yeah?” he pleads, slowly grinding his hard on against her ass making her let out a soft moan. “you want it too, don’t you? hm, my pretty girl?”
“eddie” she sighs. he really knows what he’s doing and damn him for being so good at it. “okay, fine just—just be quick with it! i don’t want to give him a bad impression.”
he chuckles, hand going over the waistband of his sweat pants and pulling it down just enough for him to pull his cock out. “sweetheart, you could never give anyone a bad impression.” he grips the base of his length, running it up and down against her soft cheek,
“you know, i always thought about marking your ass.” he says, pulling her panties to the side and tease her folds with his tip making her gasp at the sudden contact,
“would you like that, baby? me giving your sexy ass a few hickies?” he lightly slaps it, causing her to flinch and nod
she never thought she’d become putty in someone else’s hands, let alone a man. even her previous boyfriends never made her feel like this. though she loves being manhandled but never to the point where her brain goes fuzzy and knees weaken
yet here she is, melting under his touch, begging him to ruin her.
“uh-huh. i’d like that.” she arches her ass up. “hurry up and fuck me already”
he loves hearing her whine. especially with that cute tone she uses whenever she begs him for something. it’s a good thing she’s not giving him the ‘bambi eyes’ thingy or else he’d cum all over her ass already
“patience baby, damn” he breathes out, guiding his already hard cock towards her wet cunt, moaning when he carefully slides himself. “you’re so fucking tight how’s that possible?”
his hips begin to snap forward, drawing a shaky breath from y/n as she grips the sheets tightly that her knuckles turn white. the feeling of her sloppy wet cunt around his cock make his head spin, eyes rolling to the back as his jaw go slack.
“you feel so good, baby… so f-fucking good” he moans, dipping his head down to rest his forehead against her shoulder blade. “all for me, huh sweetheart?”
she swears on her mother’s grave no one has ever filled her pussy like this. no matter how many times eddie and her have fucked, she will never get used to his size
eddie tugs her hair when she refuses to answer, mouth earning a soft mewl from her. “answer me, come one” he growls, mouth dangerously close to her ear
“y-yes” she squeaks out, tears begins to form in each corner of her eyes due to rough movement. “all for you, eddie. no one else’s”
he smirks at that, pecking her cheek after before sitting back up. eddie loves this position, it allows him to admire her perfect ass when he fucks her. bonus point when it bounces everytime his hips make a contact with it.
eddie drags his ring cladded fingers down to her soft flesh while quickening up the pace. giving her ass a hard spank it leaves a mark. the action causing her to jolt and whimper. the sound just never fails to make his cock hard
it doesn’t bother her a ton that eddie is always rough with her when it comes to fucking. she loves it.
and since she’s the first ever girl eddie has fucked. she wants him to use her in any way he wanted. to be the fuck toy he never got to have.
he looks up to the mirror in front of them, seeing her eyes shut and her lips parting due to the pain and pleasure he’s giving her just turns him on even more. it drives him to go faster, settling both hands on her hips,
“you’re so big, f-fuck” small moans are escaping from her mouth, hands shaking. “can you cum in me, please?”
the soft pleading tone when she speaks almost makes him cum right there. he knows he has to hold it. “shit, you sure princess?”
she nods her head, staring at him through the mirror. “i’m on the pill anyway. I’m safe.”
“too bad” he leans forward, placing his palms next to her shoulders and shift his entire body weight on her. chest pressing against her back. he kisses her sloppily on the mouth when she tilts her head back, swallowing every gasps and whimpers that continues to drop from her lips,
“would’ve loved to give you a baby” he says bluntly through the kiss. he doesn’t know if he crossed the line with that one, but judging by how she roughly kisses him back, she liked hearing that.
“g-gonna cum” she moans, biting her bottom lip with her glossy eyes looking back at him. “you look so pretty fucking my pussy”
he does look undeniably sexy when he’s like that. mouth open and dampen hair with a chain hanging off his neck as he fucks her into oblivion. looks like a proper rockstar this way.
“shit, are you trying to make me lose my mind ?” he breathes out a laugh, feeling his thrusts beginning to get sloppy“cum on me baby. be a good girl and cum on me”
that does it for her, she cries out his name as her body shakes underneath him. releasing around her cock while he does the same. spilling inside her wet pussy. he groans when he does. keeping himself in that position where his cock is still buried deep to make sure not a single drop of his cum go to waste,
the couple trying to catch their breath. his head drops back down to her clothed back before pulling out. eddie gives her shoulder an open mouthed kiss, then slowly head down to her bare ass. licking and pecking the soft skin.
“what are you doing?” she asks between breaths, craning her neck back and watch her boyfriend playing with her ass. “no more, you’ve worn me out.”
he lets his teeth graze against it, other hand comes up to palm the flesh. squeezing it softly. “marking you, baby” his eyes look back at his girl, even in her sweaty state she still the sexiest woman he has ever seen,
“there.” he looks proud at his artwork, slapping it one more time. “now everybody knows you’re mine.”
“no one’s gonna look at my ass.” she laughs, shaking her head. “unless you want me to show it to them.”
“babe, you know what i mean.” he glares, not liking the thought of someone taking a peek at whats his. “you good?”
“always” she says, kissing his lips. seeing his lips curve into a smile after, her hand pushing back his sweaty locks. “so, want to make me pregnant, huh?”
eddie freezes when he hears that. the smirk on her face when she asks the question make his cheeks go red and his eyes roll,
“shut up” he mumbles, pulling her close to his body so they can lay down together
i got a little too carried away ….🧍🏻‍♀️
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