#i found brand new things to project on these characters this re-read
mercutiotakethewheel · 6 months
trans kendra would not bother to come out to stan but would instead simply gaslight him into believing that he’d genuinely forgotten she was his grandaughter. he calls her by her deadname in book one and she’d simply *pikachu face* “you dont know my name?” rather than risk coming out to her grandfather she barely knows.
and i believe this in my heart.
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Hearsing Gets Creative with New Single "Montauk"
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Introducing Hearsing, the brainchild of Avery Murphy and Jordan Taylor, a musical project deeply rooted in their shared journey from high school to professional stardom. Their musical odyssey began within the confines of high school corridors, where they co-founded the surf punk ensemble SUBPAR alongside Lukas Henderson and Austin Corona. Since then, these talented individuals have embarked on their own notable ventures in the music scene, spanning projects like LILACS, Jean Dawson, and Lizzy McAlpine. Their collaboration within SUBPAR bore fruit with the release of the band's eponymous album, which garnered over 3.5 million streams on Spotify and maintained a robust monthly listenership of over 21.5k. This early success laid the foundation for Hearsing to germinate, drawing upon their surf punk origins while infusing it with a tapestry of nostalgic melodies and a diverse array of newfound influences, ultimately crafting a unique brand of western music that is distinctly their own.
In March of 2021, Hearsing unveiled their inaugural offering—a self-titled collection of home-recorded tracks that served as a precursor to their burgeoning musical expedition. However, it is in the year 2024 that they truly come into their own, as they unleash their debut professional studio EP, aptly titled "Pastoral." Recorded under the meticulous guidance of producer and singer-songwriter Henry Chadwick, whose impressive repertoire includes collaborations with esteemed acts like Jesse Daniel and Coffis Brothers, "Pastoral" encapsulates the essence of Hearsing's artistic evolution. Additionally, the EP features the deft drumming of Ellington Peet, known for his work with bands like Runnner and Babehoven, adding a layer of dynamism to the sonic landscape. Accompanying the release of "Montauk," the lead single from "Pastoral," is a visually captivating music video that serves as a visual companion to the ethereal soundscape of the track. Directed by the brilliant Diego Diaz Lundquist, the video transports viewers on a cinematic journey through landscapes both familiar and otherworldly. With mesmerizing imagery and evocative storytelling, the video offers a glimpse into the boundless creativity and artistic vision of Hearsing, promising an immersive experience that perfectly complements the introspective mood of the song.
Listen and watch here:
Hearsing reveals of the track:
"We wrote Montauk back in 2022, and it was one of the first songs I wrote where I realized not everything had to be directly about real things in my life. Everything gets interpreted so allegorically anyways, real or not, so for Montauk we got to really have fun making up characters and a world that the song could live in. Montauk is really rooted in metaphors concerning the natural world, the chorus “I feel like a star now, look at the way look at the way that my hair shines, I feel like a star now, just look up in the sky tell me if I’m right” is really exemplary of that. On its face it gives this kind of upbeat optimistic reading of feeling like a superstar or something shiny, but in reality I feel like it would be pretty lonely to be a star out in space, shining millions of miles away for others to see. And I think there’s kind of a double meaning there too because I imagine being some big famous star on earth could also feel similar.
The song is accompanied by a music video made by our brilliant friend, Diego Diaz Lundquist. The video was filmed on 8mm film and is so imagistically rich, it feels really immersive, like it allows you to live in the world that the song exists in. But the video contrasts the made-up lyrical content of the song in that it was filmed in very real areas that are personal and special to us, and it features us, as well as a bunch of our close friends. So the video feels very grounded in something real, which in turn grounds the song and ties it to the way we feel it will live in the world once it’s released, not as something made-up or far off, but something very personal that will be present and will serve to soundtrack important moments in people’s lives, whether those be moments of nostalgic past, pressing present, or longing future."
What sets "Pastoral" apart is not just its impeccable production or the pedigree of its collaborators, but the sheer depth of emotion and creativity that permeates each track. From the wistful nostalgia of "Montauk" to the infectious energy of "Hearsing," the EP traverses a diverse sonic terrain, seamlessly blending elements of surf punk, indie rock, and Americana to create a sound that is both timeless and refreshing. As Hearsing prepares to embark on the next phase of their musical journey, their sights set on conquering new horizons and captivating audiences around the globe, they invite listeners to join them on this exhilarating ride. With "Montauk" serving as the harbinger of their sonic expedition, Hearsing is poised to make an indelible mark on the musical landscape, one soul-stirring melody at a time.
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dontcallmecarrie · 3 years
Ohhh I’d love to see the Doom POV!!! Justin X Doom has my vote
Loki would be cute too, much drama with the avengers
Honestly? This snippet mostly summed up my take on Victor von Doom in this AU, and I'm not sure how in-character he is considering my main reference base for him is the 2005-7 movies and a handful of comic book panels.
Apologies for any inaccuracies, I'm playing very fast and loose with how I would have made him fit in the MCU. Plus this AU's turning out a lot, lot fluffier than I'd originally expected, too, considering the original premise was supposed to just be 'SI-OC as a villain protagonist, let's see where it goes!' and not much else.
Okay, so if we're talking about potential crushes, then it's obviously very one-sided at first [because Justin's brand of obliviousness has him younger-sibling-zoning anyone remotely his age for the longest time].
After all, these two met in boarding school, and were only physically reunited years later but if we're exploring how this ship would work, here's how I think it'd go:
Victor von Doom didn't think much of his study buddy, at first.
Because at first, he just wanted a quiet place to read, and most other children his age were rowdy and kept trying to get him to play with them, or tried to pick childish fights over nothing, and he had no patience for anything of the sort because he was here, at boarding school instead of with his family, and he'd heard the whispers of growing tensions and he knew they'd sent him away for his own safety but that didn't mean he had to like it.
So he mostly kept his nose in a book, and focused on his studies, and just generally tried not to think too much about what was going on in his home country.
If that meant he was a bit more snappish than the average child, he didn't particularly find it in him to care. Sure, this place was lauded as where the social elites sent their spawn to network from an early age, so what?
...as such, he didn't expect to make any friends.
But he did, starting from the moment they wordlessly agreed to share the alcove because there weren't many other quiet places to study for the upcoming exams.
From there, what Victor would have expected to be a one-off turns into a strange sort of routine as they meet up week after week from then on, giving each other a brisk nod as they pull out their books and set to work.
It's...surprisingly nice, having someone to study with. Victor's not certain how old his companion is, but he's quiet and hardworking and generally less draining to be around than most children their age.
Their first conversation is several months after they've first met, when Victor didn't notice he'd forgotten to grab a pencil for his worksheets and his...schoolmate[?] lends him a spare.
From then on out, their friendship is something gradual, something comfortable. Victor's companion respects boundaries in ways he hasn't really seen outside of his family— is sensitive enough to his moods that he knows when to change the subject, and when Victor's struggling to articulate his feelings and just needs time to do so.
...it's one of, if not the thing Victor misses most, when he gets pulled out of boarding school.
Because after that, things only go downhill from there.
Latveria's civil war was... bloody, let's just leave it at that.
Brutal, with a laundry list of factions and alliances that were forged and broken from one breath to another and Victor hadn't set out to be the leader of his faction— but it wasn't like he had any other choice.
He was one of the last surviving members of his family, if there was any hope that his country would be anything other than a fragmented mess then he had to step up.
Even if that meant a teenager was the face of one of the most eminent factions of this damn war, someone nobody really took seriously, and if Victor hadn't had years of seeing his oldest friend's charisma at work then he honestly has no clue how he would've managed to get as far as he had.
And then things escalated even more, and Victor honestly hadn't expected to live to see the end of the fighting, let alone what came after.
One of his advisors was the one to suggest making one last attempt at buying their weapons through a vaguely legitimate source; nobody with any sense was selling to their region, but the black market favored some of their biggest rivals and things were getting desperate enough that Victor signed off on it.
It was a long shot, and they all knew it.
...as such, that first shipment of Hammer Industries weapons took them all by surprise.
Victor had never set out to become the new leader of Latveria.
But here he was now, loved and feared and reviled around the world and he doesn't know where to go from here, but... the fact that he's alive to even be able to think about a future after the war was an incredible boon as it was.
Now that he is where he is, he can afford to think about more than just surviving from one day to another, and apart from working on rebuilding Latveria, he's also got some personal projects going on.
Such as finding out who came through at the eleventh hour, because now that he has the time and space to look a gift unicorn in the mouth he's realizing just how many laws must have been broken for those first few shipments to have gotten there.
The paper trail is a dead end, but once Victor starts poking around it should be so, very easy for him to get answers.
After all, Victor was a warlord-now-technically-dictator with access to black-ops personnel and honest-to-goodness death squads, getting intel on what he wanted should not be this hard. Sure, Hammer Industries had good information security, but... apparently, Hammer Senior wasn't the type to get involved in this sort of mess, which meant Victor had no idea who was responsible and he wanted answers—
In the end, one picture is all it takes.
Actually— when he'd first seen the picture, Victor had been in the middle of a meeting with some of his most trusted advisors and generals.
...suffice it is to say, nothing productive got achieved after he recognized the face of the heir of Hammer Industries, once he realized he'd never actually gotten his childhood friend's full name.
The less said about his reaction to the picture, the better, too: Victor's advisors had seen him at his best and at his worst, why they'd freaked out so much was anyone's guess.
So what if he'd kept it, after the meeting was over? Those looks were uncalled for!
Victor owes Justin more than he can name— so when there's a ghost of a chance to reconnect, he takes it.
Regrets were had.
Everyone at the UN summit looked at him, and he gritted his teeth as he faced off against seasoned politicians twice and thrice his age and he knew what they were expecting, knew they called him a dictator where his country called him a hero and neither of them wanted him here but Latveria had to re-enter the international sphere somehow so they were stuck with him.
Until Zemo got his act together and finished that international relations course, at least. Oh, and got out of the habit of shooting his problems, that too.
Victor had managed to get them diplomatic immunity, but that'd be a hard sell.
...it's funny. Latveria's civil war was over, but... he found himself at odds as to where to go from here.
It's funny, how the more things change, the more they really, really don't.
Victor had been a quiet and antisocial bastard back in boarding school, surviving a civil war hadn't exactly done much for his temperament either.
Or his social skills, for that matter.
And just like always, Justin's mere presence was weaponized sunshine.
...Victor never stood a chance.
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jolinarjackson · 3 years
Hey! Do you have any irondad fic recs? I just started reading Peter and Tony fics again and I would love any recs you have!
Yes, I do! :D It's by no means complete because I am still busy compiling, but I have quite a few already.
For all the below stories, please heed the tags and warnings on AO3. And of course, feel also free to check out my stories. :)
My AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/JolinarJackson/works
The below fics are not compiled in any particular order.
If I Die Young by MusicalLuna
Summary: Tony and Steve are trying to keep their little boy (who's not so little anymore) out of the superhero business for as long as possible, but when a kid's as stubborn as Peter is, they can't always stop him.
And sometimes things go wrong. Really, really wrong.
Categories: Superfamily, Not MCU!Peter Parker
Comment: This is a wonderful whump story that I go back to again and again.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/423790
Lightning in a Bottle by Gruoch
Summary: Peter takes the tablet and looks down at the screen, where a picture of Spider-Man intimately entangled in a passionate embrace with Johnny Storm is displayed across the majority of the Daily Bugle’s home page. TORCH CAUGHT IN SPIDER-MAN’S WEB, the headline reads, bracketed by spider and flame emojis. Peter looks back up at Tony, who is still staring at him completely stone-faced.
Tony reaches across the island and taps the screen. “So. What do you have to say about that?”
“Well. For one, I’m a little disappointed with the headline,” Peter offers.
Tony lets his chin drop against his chest, momentarily defeated, before taking a deep breath and once more skewering Peter with a hard look. “You could have at least given me some warning that the two of you are...I mean, I had my suspicions, but—”
“You’re misconstruing the situation. Spider-Man and the Torch are dating,” Peter explains. “Johnny and I are just friends.”
“Boy, you’re really leaning hard into this whole alter ego thing, aren’t you?” Tony deadpans. “How’s that working out for you?”
Categories: Irondad, SpideyTorch
Comment: I love stories taking advantage of the havoc that secret superhero identities can wreak on romantic relationships. The best about this particular story is the witty writing, which makes Peter being a chaotic mess in this even better.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23413219
The doubts that complicate by @frostysunflowers
Summary: "But he’s smart!" May had blurted, looking up at the teacher with misplaced anger. "I don’t...how does this make sense?"
She was worried, unaware, unprepared, not like Peter who had known for a while that some things were trickier for him than other kids. All the rules hidden in cheerful little rhymes and singing songs about which letters get along and those who don’t play nice; all the robotic reciting of the alphabet nearly every day: none of it had ever truly helped Peter understand how it all worked.
A brand new door opened in his life that day. On the front of it, the word ‘DYSLEXIC’ was printed in bold, the certainty of what it meant holding the letters permanently in place.
Nobody ever said being smart was easy.
Categories: Irondad
Comment: This is a wonderful read. @frostysunflowers manages to describe dyslexia in a way that makes the struggle understandable. The relationship between Tony and Peter is heart-warming. This is a great read if you're in the mood for something that is not too long and still want a good dosage of H/C.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23989531
Accepting the Tides by Emma_Anacortes
Summary: Tony had dragged Peter from the depths of despair after May's death. It was normal that he'd grown to care a little about him, right?
Yeah, okay. He freaking loved the kid.
So naturally he would feel a little weird when Richard Parker randomly shows up in Peter's life. Naturally he'd feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter?
All he knows is if Richard hurts his kid, Tony's gonna give him hell.
Categories: Irondad, Steve & Peter
Comment: This story is intense, no doubt about it. Please heed all the warnings and tags carefully. However, if you give it a try, it's so worth it. This story presents a different backstory to the relationship of Peter and his parents (especially his father) while exploring Peter and Tony forging a father/son-bond in the wake of May's death. I have to say that the the relationship between Peter and Steve in this story is just as prominent and amazingly written. I loved every second of it.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11885844/chapters/26843274
with arms wide open by @parkrstark
Summary: Tony and Pepper are expecting a baby and Peter may be the one most excited...just maybe…
Categories: Irondad, Pepperony
Comment: This is undeniably cute and heart-warming: Tony and Pepper get pregnant and Peter is right there with them, freaking out. Peter spends this story preparing to become a big brother while still being unsure about whether this is the role he is going to fulfill in the baby's life. This stoy focsses on the found family that is Tony, Pepper and Peter, but there are wonderful interactions with May, Rhodey and Happy as well.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14540409
the stars the moon they have all been blown out (you left me in the dark) by @madasthesea
Summary: It starts off with his vision fading in and out.
What kind of demon drug can make someone go blind by inhaling a single lungful? Whatever it is, Tony doubts it’s reversible. And while Peter’s no idiot, he can be idiotically optimistic. He's determined to fix what appears to be unfixable.
Categories: Irondad
Comment: This story is experienced entirely from Tony's point of view, which make the effects of the drug and his reaction to it all the more poignant. Tony's relationship to Peter is especially highlighted in this story. You can only imagine the worry and pain Peter geos through unil the very end of the story and the pay-off is worth it. I want to highlight the way that Tony's experiecne of the effects of the drug are described here, because I thought that was superb writing and put the reader righ in Tony's shoes.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15795141/chapters/36757500
turn back the clock (and I'll try again in the morning) by @madasthesea
Summary: Peter gets stuck in a time loop. In it, he lives through some of his worst nightmares, only to wake up that morning and have no one remember. He needs Tony to help him get through.
And if that isn't bad enough, his identity is revealed over and over, every day.
Categories: Irondad
Comment: This story is just SO GOOD. Not only is Peter experiencing the same day over and over again and his identity is revealed, but the way it happens also gets more and more taxing and gruesome. This story has emotional highpoints that are written fantastically and the Irondad in this is just heart-warming.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18023177/chapters/42585071
How The Mighty Fall by Meep_Morp
Summary: Since his duel against Toomes on Coney Island, Peter's life has settled down considerably. May knows about his double life and accepts it (mostly). Tony has welcomed him back, and given him more independence as New York's Spider-Man.
One night during patrol he crosses paths with Connor, a teenager who has Extremis in his blood and answers to the wrong kind of people. Though Tony is quick to distrust him, Peter finds himself reluctant to follow his mentor's lead, and a bond develops between the two boys. Their relationship is further complicated when Connor's former master, Negative, makes it a personal mission to destroy them both in his quest for power.
Taking down a superpowered psychopath? Tough, but Peter isn't going to back down.
Stopping Tony from blasting his first potential boyfriend into space? He might need a miracle for that.
Categories: Irondad
Comment: This story is so intricately plotted and just a joy to read. The characters are written to perfection and this includes an absolutely fantastic and fleshed-out OC who, as a reader, you come to care about easily and quickly. Much more subtle is the relationship between Peter and Tony in this fic but every single scene is on-point. I have read and re-read this story several times and it is hard to put aside once you start.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18084407/chapters/42745826
Project Pride by TheSleepingOwl
Summary: In hindsight, it should have been obvious. The signs were all there, unwittingly scattered by Peter like breadcrumbs for Tony to follow—the way he would fall into uncomfortable silence when the topic of dating came up, or become flustered whenever Tony teased him about the mysterious Michelle-Call-Me-MJ character Peter was constantly gushing about, or deflect Tony’s mostly-joking inquiries into whether or not they needed to be having The Talk with a hurricane of splutters and blushes.
And even without the signs, Peter was still his kid. Tony was just supposed to know these things.
So when FRIDAY pulled up Peter’s search history—‘how can i make myself not like boys,’ ‘can you force yourself to be attracted to girls,’ ‘how to stop your friends from knowing youre gay,’ and, most devastating, ‘how can i keep my parents from finding out im gay’—Tony wasn’t surprised so much as deeply, unquantifiably ashamed. Because he should have known.
Categories: Irondad
Comment: This story is an incredibly written POV of Tony coming to terms with Peter's sexuality. It's achingly realistic in the way Tony struggles to connect to Peter, knowing that he's gay. Additionally, this story has a hefty doese of Hurt/Comfort thrown in that hurts when reading it. This is a gem.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22135138/chapters/52834021
Birds Eating Other Birds by aloneintherain
Summary: Peter wishes he hadn’t gotten out of bed that morning. Then, maybe, he wouldn’t be reduced to this - limp-crawling through the rabbit burrows that is Oscorp Tower, a monster of a man on his heels, bloody and bruised and choking on a panic attack.
Categories: Irondad, not MCU!Peter Parker
Comment: I love aloneintherain's stories. I read them when I first got into Avengers fanfic and the way they write dynamics is great. This one is intense and the way it's written sucks you right into it. Norman Osborn is so evil and creepy in this one. Part one is mainly hurt, but stick around for the comfort in part 2!
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7626433
----- And here are some Avengers team dynamic fics as well -----
It Was Probably The Pudding by Serendipity_Cometh
Summary: Given that over the course of the past eleven months Peter Parker hasn't contracted so much as a head-cold, the teenager thought it safe to assume that the whole 'irradiated spider bite' gig had equipped him with an immune system of steel that rivalled Captain America's.
So when he wakes up one night in the midst of the worst asthma attack he's suffered in almost eight years, neither he nor the rest of the team can think of a logical explanation.
And everything sort of goes downhill from there.
Categories: Team, Stony, Clint/Phil, not MCU!Peter Parker
Comment: When I started out reading Avengers fanfictions, I stumbled across this one and go back to it on a regular basis. Lots of whump and great team dynamics.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/953538/chapters/1865305
In the Home by aloneintherain
Summary: The Avengers have been infected, turned violent and aggressive against their will. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates.
“Natasha,” Peter says cautiously, “what happened here? Steve attacked me, and if there was ever a sign that something was wrong, it’s having the embodiment of Truth, Justice, and the American Way throw you across the room -”
Natasha comes closer, her stride controlled. Nothing necessarily out of the ordinary, but there’s something in her face, in her eyes -
Natasha lunges across the space, and slams into Peter, hard.
Categories: Team, not MCU!Peter Parker
Comment: One of my very early reads when I started out in the Avengers fandom. Excellent whump, hurt/comfort and team dynamics.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5388563/chapters/12446069
Fitting In (Tiny Spaces) by aloneintherain
Summary: Peter's trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Luckily, his comm still works. Unluckily, the Avengers don’t realise how bad of a state Peter is in, and Peter isn’t inclined to tell them.
“Spidey, they’ve got reinforcements. We’ve hit a bit of a snag here, and I don’t think anyone will be able to help you for a while. Think you can sit tight while we deal with this?”
The pressure on his lower back and legs was becoming too much. Peter swallowed thickly, fighting down panic. He could handle this.
“Yeah,” Peter said. “I can do that.”
Categories: Team, not MCU!Peter Parker
Comment: There are so many "Peter trapped under a building"-stories out there but this is the one I read first and it stuck with me. Loved the team dynamic in this.
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/4232937
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1990 Review: Still Possesses Turtle Power After All These Years
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Cowabunga all you happy people! I freaking love the Teenage Ninja Turtles. I grew up with it from Turtles in Time, which was my first video game, to the 2003 cartoon, which I covered the first three episodes of last month, and on to present day as I re-read the idw comics after finally reading the original eastman and laird run of mirage, and impatiently waiting for Shredder’s Revenge to come out after a LONG drout of no good TMNT games. I”m a fan of these heroes four, their dynamic as a family, the endless possiblities that come from it’s long history and ablitlity to go anywhere in any genre, and the wonderful goofy shit that happens when you have a franchise about mutant turtles learning ninjitsu from a rat and fighting a dude covered in knife covered samurai armor. 
So with me finally covering the guys after almost a year last month and with a new movie set to debut at some point this year, I had the bright idea to revisit the FIRST TMNT movie after way too many years of not watching it. This movie is anear and dear to my heart: When I first started getting into the boys big as a kid with the 2003 cartoon, I badly wanted more turtles. But back then it wasn’t nearly as easy to glom onto some more of the sewer shock pizza kings: Streaming sites with all the cartoons on them weren’t all that accesable, dvd’s were expensive for the 87 cartoon, Mirage wasn’t reprinting the comics in any meaningful way and my local comic shop didn’t have any at all and I could only play the SNES when my brother had it set up on occasion like at our Grandma’s farm. 
As you probably guessed though there was one exception: the original 1990 movie, which I got at Walmart for 5 bucks and haven’t let go of since. It was one of my first dvds and is still one of my most precious. Said film hit the spot just right as like my beloved 2003 series, it was a mildly goofy but still fucking cool adaptation that stuck closer to the mirage comics, even more than the 2003 series would, while taking a few queues from the 87 series. This film is as precious to me as the 2003 series and a with a brand new movie coming up, I figured it was the exact right time to dig into this classic: what makes it still good to this day, what’s fun to point and laugh at, and how the heck Jim Henson got involved in this. So join me under the cut as I take a look at my boys first theatrical outing and why I still love watching a turtle. 
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No One Wanted To Make This: Before we get into the film itself some background. As usual I struggled a bit, but thankfully found some help in the form of this Hollywood Reporter article.  It’s a fascinating read worth your time, providing an oral history of the film from the people who worked on it. 
The film was the baby of Gary Propper, a surfer dude and road manager for the prop comic Gallagher, aka that guy who used to smash watermelons but now has instead opted to smash what little’s left of his career by being a homophobic douchenozzle. He found an ally in Showtime producer Kim Dawson who’d produced Gallagher’s special. I don’t think there will be more of an 80′s sentence than “Gallagher’s surfer dude agent wanted to make a teenage mutant ninja turtles movie”. Propper was a huge fan of the comics, and with Dawson’s help convinced Laird and Eastman to let them option it to studios. 
It may come as a shock to you but the road agent for a homophobic watermelon man and a producer at a niche cable channel wanting to make a movie based on an underground comic book about masked turtles at a time when the two most recent comic book movies were Superman IV: The Quest for Peace and Howard the Duck, did not go well. Every door in Hollywood got slammed in their face, even Fox> Even the eventual backer of the film, Golden Harvest, a hong kong action film studio, took months to convince to actually back the film. 
Things did not get easier from there: The films writer Bobby Herbeck had trouble getting a story agreed on because Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird’s working relationship had deteroiated horribly from the stress so naturally the two could not agree on a damn thing and argued with each other. Peter Laird  made a tense siutation even worse by constnatly sniping at Herbeck and feeling he was a “Hollywood outsider infringing on his vision and characters”
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Granted the script was apparently not great... but Pete still comes off as a pretnetious ass who views his weird indie comic as THE HIGHEST OF HIGH CALLINGS HOW DARE YOU SOIL IT. And continued to be kind of a prick like this throughout the rest of his time with the property. 
Thankfully the film found i’ts voice, vision and director in Steve Barron. Barron was a music video guy who knew the producers and while reluctant, eventually dove into the project rightfully thinking the film would need to be a mix of the mirage comics and 87 cartoon, keeping aprils’ reporter job, the turtles lvoe of pizza and their iconic color coding from the cartoon but adapting several stories from the comics as the backbone of the film. The guys liked barron MUCH better and things ran smoother. 
Barron also brought in one of the film’s biggest selling points and it’s most valuable asset: it’s triumphantly awesome Jim Henson costumes. Barron had worked with good old Jim on the music videos for Labyrinth, and while it took some convincing since the comics were violent as hell and that wasn’t Jim’s style, Barron eventually got him on board. This naturally doubled the budget, but given Henson’s costumes STILL hold up today and look better than the cgi used in the platinum dunes films... it was a good call. And this was brand new tech for jim, having to invent tons of new ideas and mechanisms just to make the things work, and said things still were absolute hell on the actors. Jim later ended up not liking the film for being too violent... which I find hilarious given how many muppets got eaten or blowed up real good on his show but regardless, I thank this legendary and wonderful man as without him this film WOULD NOT have worked. The costumes here look great, feel realistic, and you can’t tell the actors were dubbed much less horribly suffering in those suits. Much like Disney Land. 
The film would get picked up for distribution by New Line, and despite i’ts weird as hell origins and the long shot it had.. the film was a MASSIVE hit at the box office, owing to a combination of Batman 89 the previous year having proved comic book movies can work for audiences, the cartoon’s runaway sucess, and a massive marketing campaign. The film made it’s mark. So now we know how we got here let’s get into the film itself. 
What’s the Story Morning Glory?:
So the story for this one is largely cobbled together from some of the more notable arcs Eastman and Laird did before handing off the book to others full time as the stress of the company and the mounting tension with each other made it near impossible to work together on the book itself. 
To Save time i’m just going through what hte movie takes from the comics plot wise now to save me the trouble later:The movie takes elements from the first issue (The Turtles, Splinter and Shredder’s backstories, Shredder being fully human and the main antagonist, Shredder’s design and the final rooftop showdown that results in Shredder’s death), second and third, (April’s apartment over her dad’s old store and the turtles moving in when their home is ransacked and splinter has gone missing), the rapheal micro series (A tounge in cheek way of cashing in on the Mini-Series craze of the 80s, a one shot by modern standards and something that’s tragically been underused as an idea as only TMNT and MLP have used the idea at IDW, Raph meeting casey and their fight with one another), the return of shredder arc (One of the turtles being ambushed and mobbed by the foot and then thrown though a sky light (Leo in the comic and Raph here), the turtles being horribly outnumbered by them, Casey coming ot the rescue and metting the non-raph turtles for the first time, and them being forced to escape when the place goes up in flames), their exile to northampton (April writing in a journal, casey working on a car with one of the guys and one of hte guys looking over hteir injured brother), and finally, their triumphant return which was very loosely adapted as there are no deformed shredder clones and shredder not being dead yet in this version was not brought back by a colony of super science worms. 
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So as for how this all comes together: Our story takes place in New York: A crimewave is high with muggings mysterious. There are a ton of phantom thefts going around and at most people have been seeing teens responsibile. And the police.. are at about this level of useful:
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The only person doing something is April O’Neil, played by Judith Hoag. Hoag is easily the standout of the film, giving us a strong, confident woman with a wonderful sense of humor. She honestly might be my faviorite April O Neil, and given we’ve had some great ones with 2003, 2012 and Rise, that’s not something I say lightly. I honestly wish I’d recognized her in more stuff as she was both on Nashville and the mom in the Halloween Town films, and most recently was on the ScFy show the magicians. She’s a talented lady and i’m glad she’s still goin. 
April is a reporter for Channel 3 like the cartoon, though for some weird reason her boss from the cartoon is replaced by Charles Pennigton, played by Jay Patterson, whose currently dealing with his troubled son Danny, played by Micheal Turney. Pennington is horribly useless at both jobs: At work he tries to ease April off calling out Chief Sterns, who refuses to listen to April’s evidence gathered from japanese immigrants that the crimes resemble similar ones in japan in favor of trying to get charles to shut her up. Danny meanwhile is a member of the foot becase his dad thinks shouting out him and talking about him like he’s not there and generally being a dipstick will actually do anything to help him. 
I love the concept for the foot here. In addition to being a Ninja Violence Gang as always, they now recruit new members by finding kids without families or with troubled family lives and giving them a sense of family with the foot, and sweeting the bargin with a giant cave filled with arcade machines, a skate ramp and general late 80′s early 90′s kids goodies. Is it rediculous? Yes. Is it also clever as it gives Shredder an easy army of plausably deniable theives that he can pick the best out of to put in his elite that will be tirelessly loyal to him and him alone? Also yes. 
So April being public about this stuff gets her attacked, which naturally leads to our heroes coming in, first in the shadows and later directly when April wont’ give up on the case and Shredder sends some ninjas to go shut her up.. which he does weirdly as the guy jsut slaps her and tells her to cut it out like he’s on a domestically abusive episode of Full House. Raph saves her, and we get the turtles origin.. though weirdly they cut it in half. We get the ooze portion but Splinter’s past with Saki, Saki’s murder of his master and his master’s partern Tang Shen is left for later in the film and the fact Shredder’s saki is treated as a big twist despite the fact the biggest audience for the film would be kids... and kids would’ve been familiar with the cartoon where the giant brain monster routinely screeches out saki at the shredder. Maybe Barron just thought he was an alcoholic I don’t know. It just would’ve made more sense to have it all at once and let the audeince put it together. 
April becomes good friends with the turtles over a night of frozen pizza and camradrie, but the Splinters return home to find it ransacked, Splinter kidnapped by the foot, and are forced to Stay with april. Charles meanwhile tries to get April to backoff because he made a deal with the police to clear Danny’s record, without TELLING her any of this mind you, but I will save my rage on that little plot point for in a bit as Danny who he drug along sees the turtles and tells the Shredder. 
So we get the return of the shredder arc as Raph goes through a window, our heroes fight valiantly, and Raph’s friend Casey who he met earlier shows up, the two having bonded as all true friends do.. by beating the shit out of each other ending with raph shouting DAMNNNNNNN really big and dramatically into the sky for some reason. The Turtles and friends escape with an injured raph from April’s burning second hand store. She had a second hand store it was poorly established and only there because she had it in the comics. 
Our heroes retreat to a farm April’s grandma owned in Northampton, Massachutes, where Mirage was located at the time the original comics where they were exiled to the place were written and a location that has been a staple of the turtles ever since. The turtles slowly recover, lick their wounds, talk about who hooked up with who on gilligans island etc, before Leo connects with Splinter via meditation, who tells them to come back. Splinter also starts to connect with Danny and convinces him to swtich sides.. or at the very least squat in the boys old home. 
The boys return home, find danny, and prepare, Danny goes back and ends up giving away the Turtles are home.. but the turtles are ready and in an awesome sequence kick the fuck out of the foot squad sent for them with some well prepared steam vents. Casey goes to get splinter since Danny told them and with Danny’s help, finds him, since Danny found out they were gonna kill him. Casey beats up Tatsu, shredder’s right hand man, and they get him out. 
We get our final fight which is awesome up until the climax.. which is splinter casually tripping shredder with nunchucks and thier bloody history being kind of rushed and unsatsifying. Casey crushes shredder with a garbage truck, April gets her job back, more on that in a moment, she and casey hook up, and we end with the fucking awesome song T-U-R-T-L-E Power by partners in cryme. Seriously check it out it’s fucking triumphant. 
The song is just good.. cheesy? Sure but that’s half the fun. It’s the gold standard for movie theme songs for them and stacks up handily with the various animated series themes.. all of which slap. Okay... ALMOST all of which slap. Fast Forwards is aggressively medicore, which is doubly suprising to me since 4kids was REALLY damn good with theme songs. It was one of the three things they were best at along with finding VERY talented voice actors and setting japan based works in america because merica dammit.  
The plot is very solid: It skilfully packed half of eastman and laird’s run on TMNT into 90 mintues while adding things like April’s job at channel 9, the way the foot recurited kids etc. The plot flows well for hte most part and apart from one annoying subplot we’ll get to never has a moment that feel unecessary or dosen’t pay off later. And the stellar plot and fun pacing of it helps boilster the characters that do work... and help paper over the ones that are so thin the’yd fall down a grate...
Our Heroes, Villains and Annoying Middle Aged Guys:
Yeahhhh character is hit and miss here. Some are rather strong, others are the bare basics for the character their adapting and most are just to serve the plot but some work some don’t,  So let’s talk about it starting with our boys:
Raph is the most fleshed out of the turtles, being the main focus of the first 2/3 of the film, and having his anger be part of what SHOULD be a character arc, learning to temper it. And while granted MOST TMNT properties do this, to the point that Rise Raph is so loveable in part because his boisterous bruiser big bro attitude is a refreshing break from the usual grumpus we get. But at the time this hadn’t been done in every version but the 87 cartoon, so exploring it was valid.. but despite saying this should be a thing htey just forget about it and the most plot relevance he gets is going thorugh a window. He dosen’t really get a resolution.. his arc just kind of stops dead for the final half and it’s one of the film’s weaker points, one I only just now noticed on this rewatch. He’s still the most entertaining. 
Leo is the weakest of the turtles. He really lacks a personality here mostly just being leader and while his spirtual side is touched on, it’s  mostly a plot device. He’s just kinda the leader because he was in the comics to the point Partners in Cryme called Raph the leader. His role in getting taken out by the foot was taken by Raph, so he just has.. nothing to do for most of the film other than gripe at raph ocasionally and say orders. He’s probably the worst Leo i’ve seen outside of Next Mutation. I prefice that because after watching Phelous’ review it’s VERY clear those four are the worst versions of the characters, and no personality is still better than either having your team do nothing or yelling at them as your personality. I chalk this up to the Mirage Leo, and the mirage turtles to a poit being kind of bland. Not TERRIBLE characters, especially for the time, but not nearly as fleshed out or individualized as they woudl be in other adpatations, and with most traits LEo DID have, like his badassery flat out gone, he’s just.. nothing here. 
Mikey and Donnie are a double act here with both sharing a brain. Interestingly instead of his normal genius character, Donnie is Mikey’s best friend and the two simply trade jokes and schtick together. The two are interchangable.. but easily the best part of the film and a lot of the most memorable gags and lines, from Ninja Kick the Damn Rabbit! to “Do you like Penicllin on your pizza”, are from them. Thier there almost entirely as comic relief but it works, with both clealry being more modled ont he 87 cartoon turtles, a move that helps lighten the mood in darker moments. Their just genuinely charming and it’s intresting to see such a diffrent version of Donnie, and other incarnations, specifically the 2003 and Rise versions, would retain the sarcastic edge. 
Splinter is splinter. That’s about it, he’s peformed well and the puppet is amazing but he gets kidnapped a half an hour in and outside of influcencing Denny, more on that in a moment, and finishing Shredder he dosen’t do much but spout exposition. He’s not bad or anything, but he’s essentially a rodent shaped plot device. He was also puppeted by Kevin CLash, aka the guy who does Elmo. So there you go. 
April on the other hand.. is truly excellent. This might be my faviorite April. Judith’s april nicely blends the cartoon and mirage versions: She has the cartoons energy and job, but the comics sheer will and casual nature. Judith just oozes personality and her April is just a joy to watch, from her breezy chemistry filled interactions with the guys to her confrntation with Chief Sterns, knowing she’ll get thrown out by the asshole. She’s confident, and even when afraid dosen’t back down to her attackers and even helps out during the sewer ambush. I mean it’s a pot on the head but still it’s neat. She’s easily the best part of the flim and the most fleshed out of the cast. The worst I can say is they kinda shove her store from the comics, Second Time Around, in there for no other reason than it was in the comics: It dosen’t come up until it’s needed for the foot’s assault on her place. But overall.. she’s just fantastic to watch. 
Speaking of fantastic to watch, Elias Koteas is fantastic as Casey. Seriously he’s only second to the 2003 version in my eyes, getting the concept of a testorone filled average guy who decided to just go out and hit people with sports equipment after watching too much A-Team.. I mean that part of it’s not in this version but it’s implied, just right. Like judith, Elias is just really funny to watch and his big scenes, showing up just in time during the foot assault on april’s place and his fight with Tatsu are some of the best parts of the film, the former taken directly from the comics. This version isn’t without problems: His friendship with Raph, his most endearing aspect and one that has been carried throughout eveyr version Casey’s important, with the only exception so far being rise and we have a movie to fix that, is absent here. HE does save the guy, but they don’t really bond or anything. In fact he disappears for about half an hour after his big fight with Raph. But... again he’s just so damn entertaining, down to his JOSEEEEEEEEEEE Conseco bats (There was a two for one sale!).
Shredder is just a LITTLE better than splinter, if only because his actor projects a true aura of menace and I feel this version had some influence on the pants crappingly terrifying 2003 version. And the idea of the foot recurting teenagers like I said is a good one: He gives them home and a cause, they give him plausably deniable backup. And his fight with the boys in the climax is really awesome... the conclusion sucks but otherwise h’es okay. Not the deepest villian, but he has enough presence to be enjoyable.
His right hand man Tatsu, whose been adapted ocasionally since this and reimaigned as Natsu in the IDW comics, a female version, is also fine. He’s your standard grimacing goon but has enough presence to work. 
So that brings us to the penningtons. Charles, april’s boss at the station and his son Danny who’s joined the foot as he feels his dad dosen’t love him. Charles..is about as interesting and likeable as a dog turd and is the worst aspect of the film. No debate there, he just sucks. He sucks so hard he’s classified as a black hole.  The film wants you to see him as a put upon wokring dad whose frustrated with his son’s increased moodiness, skipping school and crminal undertakings and just wants to help him and loves him deep down. The problem is his actor’s delivery instead of concerned.. is just pissed. He just seems pissy and upset about the whole thing and comes off like he’s only mad about Danny doing this because he’s embarassing him and not because you know, it’s bad. When confronting Danny about stealing, he dosen’t consider MAYBE he’s part of a gang or needs help, but just wonders “Why are you stealing when I give you stuff”. Because, Dipshit, sometimes kids do crimes not because they need the stuff but because they WANT to, and because they want to act the fuck out. 
The most he does for the kid is agree to try and get April to back off the police when Cheif Sterns offers to let Danny go and not put him on record in exchange for it. The problem.. is this makes him even MORE unsympathetic. While I do get wanting to help your child, I do and it’s a sucky position... he again should be sympathetic.. but he handles the thing so badly it sucks. He just tells april to ease off, with no reason given, then fires her when she SHOCKINGLY dosen’t give up taking the guy whose refusing to take her hard work seriously or actually solve the crime wave problem to task for his shitty behavior as ANY person facing a shitty, corrput cop would. She just wants to hold him acountable and get him to actually do something. He clearly knows her on a personal level too as he talks about his issues with his son freely with her, something you don’t do with an employee unless their also a friend on some level. 
He could have TOLD april what was going on. She’d be furious at Stern’s naked corrpution and prioritizing shutting her up over actually solving crimes.. and thus put at least some of that energy into shutting him down or finding a way around it, going to the papers or something like that. Even in 1990 pre-internet, there were ways to get around Sterns blackmail and expose him so someone who’d actually do the job could get the job. Instead he just comes off as a selfish coward who rather than try and fight the guy blatantly abusing his power and using Charles own son as  barganing chip, goes along with it because it’s the easier option to simply bow to him instead of TRY and stop this. And it’s not like he’s even going after a beloved public figure or someone who could hide behind his rep: Sterns was blatantly failing a crime wave, April had called him out on his failrues and coverups multiple times. The public was against sterns.. finding out he tried to blackmail the media into shutting up about him would PROBABLY end him... I only say probably not because the public wouldn’t skewer him, but because police tend to escape consequences for blatantly murdering someone on a daily basis and Andrew Cumo is STILl mayor over in new york, the same city this movie takes place, 31 years later, depsite EVERYONE asking him to resign over a long history of sexual harassment and a more recent but still horrible history of hiding death numbers. I don’t doubt people being stupid enough to ignore this or the bilaws with cops being stacked enough for him to get away with it, but just because someone gets away with a crime dosen’t mean you shoudln’t try and go after them in the first place. Fuck. Charles. Pennington. 
Danny on the other hand is FAR more interesting and I think gets way too much flack when it comes to this subplot. Unlike his dad, whose dead weight, Danny is intresting: He provides a POV character for the foot’s MO in the film of taking in wayward teens, and his character arc is pretty engaging, slowly realizing the foot dosen’t care and that hte turtles are the good guys. HIs actor does a great job and while not the biggest presence, he’s not a bad addition to clan hamaoto and I wish other adaptations would find a way to use him. The pull between doing the right thing and his found family is a good struggle. My only real issue with his plot is the moviies flawed aseop about family. It tries to contrast shredder and his using the kids blatnatly with Splinter and Charles really loving their sons. And it works with Splinter and the kids because despite being a tad strict, Splinter clearly loves his sons and works with them to help them. The problem is ENTIRELY with Charles and Danny. As I said Charles love comes off as transasctional: He either thinks he can buy it or just expects it because he shot a bunch of goop into Danny’s mom after two minutes of disapointment. It dosen’t work with them because neither option is good for Danny. His father is neglectful, chooses throwing his jounralistic integrity out the window over talking to his son or his best friend about another way, and abrasive. Danny is no saint, he does do crimes, but it’s clearly a result of a shitty upbringing and the shredder and co actually offeirng him the love he desperatly craves. Danny goes to the foot because his dad is bad at his job but the film never adresses that and just expects Danny to go back to his dad because the plot says so. Danny would HONESTLY be better off with Splinter. No really. Sure he’d have to live in the sewers.. but he did so for a few weeks in the course of the movie. He’s fine down there. Splitner actually cares about him and took an intrest to him and knows how to raise a child. Let him become the fifth turtle. An aseop about family is not a bad thing: Loaded subject that it can be given how many outright abusive families exist, i’m one of the lucky ones who dosen’t have that issue, family is an important thing and can be a source of comfort and support. But this film tells you you should love and respect someone who does not love, respect or value you because he spent a minute in your mom’s vagina and that’s not how family should work and is outright dangerous to kids in an abusive situation. Love the film otherwise but fuck this aseop skyhigh. 
Final thoughts:
Overall though.. the film is bodacious. It’s funny, well paced, has an awesome cast, and outside of a certain bald asswipe... it’s a really good superhero film. Is it the best i’ve seen? Nope. Not even close and character wise most of them are as thin as a wet paper bag covered in ranch dressing. But it’s still a fun as hell with awesome corepgraphy, a killer soundtrack, seriously the soundtrack is damn excellent and only didn’t get it’s own section because I didn’t have enough to say and some of the best effects work i’ve seen in a film in the turtle suits. If you haven’t seen it I urge you to check it out: it’s a breezy 90 minutes, it’s on hbo max and it’s a shell of a time. Will I do the next film? 
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We’ll see how this one does like wise and such, but I will be doing the rise film whenever it comes out this year. So look for that and keep possesing turtle power my dudes. If you liked this review subscirbe for more, join my patreon to keep this blog a chugging, comission a review if you have more turtle stuff you want me to cover, and comment on this. What do you think of the movie, what are your thoughts on the review, what can I do better, what other turtle stuff would you like me to cover/ Let me know and i’ll see you at hte next rainbow. 
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kindofwriter · 3 years
Hey there! My group of friends have been hardcore considering turning a passion project of ours into a real podcast, and I was wondering if you had any advice for newbies putting together a show. We’re a small, young team, but we have a lot of passion for our concept and some writing/sound experience under our belts. Do you have any tips regarding finding actors, the process of plotting, sensitivity readers, or anything else you’ve had experience with in your projects? Thanks for reading!
Ok, finally ready with this! Thank you so much for the question, I will try to share my ~wisdom~ in the following post, but feel free to ask any further questions!
How to start a podcast: 1. when you’re new and/or 2. when you have money!
1. It’s easier than you think! My first advice is to just go for it! Even if it doesn’t quite go as planned you’ll have fun, and it’ll give you great experience for whatever you want to work on next!
I’m going to assume this is an unpaid project (hence the former part of this advice being for free podcasting!) but if that’s not the case please skip to section two!
When I can’t offer any form of payment for a project I like to use friends as a cast. Not because my friends deserve any less payment! But because I can pay them in free chips and credentials for their portfolios, and it makes me feel slightly less bad!
Ways to go about deciding which friends to cast: I was lucky enough to do a lot of theatre work in my first year of uni, so I already knew a lot of people who were interested in both acting and production work. You’ll probably come across several actors who think voice acting is beneath them, but who wants to be friends with those people? What I’m trying to say is: if you have friends who are interested in theatre they’ll probably be interested in this! Especially given the past year.
I also poached people from my DnD group, because I could already gauge their acting specialities from that, and I knew what kinds of things they were interested in based on which DnD campaigns they enjoyed best.
If you know anyone who is interested in public speaking, whatever you all those reading awards where you read aloud dramatically, or something like radio and TV presenting then they’ll probably also be interested and do a great job! The great thing about podcasts is that all you really need is someone with a good voice - they’re free to do whatever they like with the rest of their face as long as they’re reading the lines!
You can, of course, also put out a casting call. It’s very important that you make it clear that it would be unpaid work. Even if you plan to set up a kofi, patreon, or kickstarter (info in the money section!), if you don’t have the money to begin with you shouldn’t promise it to people.
There are up and downsides to both. Casting people you know means you’re more likely to be comfortable working with them, there’s less pressure to offer payment, and your cast are more likely to have free time specifically for this project. However, you won’t have the draw of casting known industry voices, and (like I found!) your cast may not have any social media engagement whatsoever!
If you put out a casting call you’re more likely to get a pool of diverse voices, it will likely be people invested (even if not plugged in) to the industry, and you can request that they have their own equipment! However, you then have to work with people you don’t know, a level of professionalism that isn’t usually present on first time projects may be expected, and unpaid casting calls are not wildly well received.
Personally, for your first show, I’d try to use as many friends, or even friends-of-friends as possible. That being said, if you want advice on putting together an audition pack let me know!
It depends on what kind of show you’re aiming to write, but in general plotting a podcast is kind of like plotting a TV show. First of all you should plot out what’s going to happen in a season. Then plot out what’s going to happen in each episode. Ideally each episode will have its own arc, but things don’t always work out like that.
I like to plan things out in a fair amount of detail beforehand (this is especially helpful if you’re writing collaboratively.) Start with what’s going to happen in each episode. Once I know that, I then like to write how it starts and finishes, then the content in bullet points. If you ever can’t think of anything then don’t worry! A lot of things really come together when you’re actually writing.
The most important thing is to not worry at all about the first draft. Just get it down, editing is much easier and more fun once you have something to work with!
There are definitely much more qualified people than me out there giving advice about writing and plotting though; even if it’s directed at prose and script writers it’s still more than applicable!
Sensitivity readers:
If you have the option of sensitivity readers they’re always a great idea! But asking someone to read your work (usually for free) is both time consuming and potentially risky if you don’t know and trust them.
Tumblr, the writeblr community specifically, is a good place to find a sensitivity reader. A lot of people want the practise and are willing to do it for free if you put a call out.
One of the best ways to get feedback on your work is to cast/find people who are appropriate for the roles and then ask for feedback. Obviously they don’t have to, but you’ll find that usually they want to. You can aid in this by giving them some way to give feedback anonymously - maybe a google form - as no matter how chill and friendly you are as the prod team you will always be seen as In Charge.
If you don’t feel right asking someone, especially from a marginalised group, to read and comment on your work for free, you can always just ask general questions in forums or on social media. This isn’t as reliable, as people can lie online, but if you find the right communities and explain you just want to portray characters as accurately as possible there will always be people willing to offer some help. Reddit, for all its flaws, builds great communities, though remember to check the rules to make sure people outside of whatever group they’re aiming to support are allowed to post.
Of course, the first step to writing anything outside of your own experience is a tonne of research. The sensitivity reader should be picking up on small things, not telling you the basics of their experiences. And everyone’s experiences are different, which makes this even tougher! You can get things so spot on for a handful of people whilst inadvertently offending others. Be prepared to be adaptable and take on criticism, but also remember that you don’t have to bend to everyone’s whim; one person saying ‘but this wasn’t my experience!!’ doesn’t mean you’ve done a bad job.
I know you didn’t ask, but this was what I found scariest when I was Brand New.
If you have the money and you’re very serious about this I haven’t encountered a single person who wouldn’t recommend a Blue Yeti mic. However when you’re just starting out, and especially if you’re not planning to have all of your cast together record together/separately but with the same mic, blowing over $100 on a mic is huge, scary, and not always feasible.
I have three small desk mics that I loan out to my cast when needed. They cost ~£30 ($40) from (ew, I know) Amazon. You don’t need a mic for each cast member - you don’t even need a mic for the max number of character speaking in a scene at once. You could probably do it all with one mic, but the time that would take and the affect it would have on scenes may be worth the extra cost! These obviously don’t produce the crisp quality a professional recording mic would, but they have a pop filter and a windscreen and seem to do a good job at reducing background static.
Further noise reduction: Mr Alexander Jalexander Newall, when starting his podcast empire half a decade ago, got it in one: blanket forts.
If you can build a little fabric den for your cast to record in: perfect! If not, tell them just to stick a duvet over their head. This increases the risk of moving duvet sounds, but reduces everything else! And if they shift under the blanket you can always ask them to get comfortable then read the lines again.
And, info courtesy of the McElroys: you can also record in a wardrobe or a room with plenty of bookshelves if you don’t want to build the world’s most bangin’ blanket fort.
The most important advice you will ever receive:
Don’t be scared to ask for help! Join Facebook groups and ask questions! Join discord servers! Message people on Twitter and ask for advice (certain ppl are much more amenable to this than others, but this is pretty clear from their Vibe)! Heck, you can message me on Twitter (or here. Or send another anon. And if I don’t know the answer I’ll ask someone who does!) Everyone just wants to help everyone else, and if they don’t they’re probably not the kind of people you want to associate with. Good luck! And let me know once you socials are up, so I can follow and get excited!
Now, onto 2. Money stuff!
A lot of the info stays the same, but money kind of raises the stakes. Once money’s involved, especially once money and people you don’t know so well are involved, suddenly you have to operate like a business.
If you’re planning to pay actors proper wages from the get-go you probably want to put out a casting call. Paid work will attract professionals, and professionals will not only do a great job, but will also help you gain an audience (and have their own equipment!)
You get to decide what the hourly rate is, but usually, depending on where you’re from, there is an average hourly rate voice actors get paid, and if you’re nowhere close to that people will be put off.
You should also make clear what the hourly rate includes: whether it is just recorded audio hours, or includes table reads and directorial time. A lot of people just have every actor record their lines separately, sometimes without direction, then edit them all together. This certainly saves on cost, and makes for a quick turnaround, but it’s no fun, and sometimes makes the show kind of soulless.
You can run a kickstarter on an unpaid project, in the hopes of eventually paying the cast and maybe funding future seasons. But I’m going to assume this is advice for ‘I can pay the cast, but what is a kickstarter for?’
Well, that’s up to you! It can be for equipment, for better editing, for podcast music, for podcast art, for a pay rise for the team, for bonus content. Depending on how many stretch goals you have, it can be for all of these things!
In short: backers give money, and get things in return, for example $5 might get you a pin badge, while $100 might get you a signed poster. When the kickstarter reaches a certain goal, maybe $5,000, then the team may then have enough money to produce a holiday special, for example. At $10,000 everyone on the team may get a 10% pay rise.
This is a great way to get people invested in the show, and a great way to make money! But if you want a really great kickstarter you’ll probably want to hire someone with experience in this area.
Money means contracts! Usually two will suffice, they just need edited for each individual team member:
An NDA, to prevent people from discussing the show in any inappropriate situations.
And a literal workplace contract.
You’ll be able to search how to draft these online, but it’s useful to have the help of a lawyer. There are people who do this specifically for podcasts who’ll be able to help you out, but again: you have to pay them!
As I said, actors will probably have their own equipment, but if you want them all recording together: you can rent a studio! They’ll already have all the equipment for you, which is The Dream!
Or you can convert a room into your own studio! Get some soundproof panelling on the walls and invest in a good mixer. I’m afraid I don’t have much advice on this, as I cannot afford anything close to a good mixer! But there are plenty of articles online with helpful information.
I wouldn’t recommend making a paid podcast as your first project, as it’s a lot of pressure, and would almost definitely mean bringing new people onto even the production side of things. There’s always the option to work on another project first, something smaller-scale, to work out any roadblocks you may run into during the paid show. But I’m not telling anyone what to do: if you’re ready, go for it!
Anyway, this was very long and quite rambly, and is probably filled with things you don't actually need to know! But I hope at least some of it was useful! Please feel free to ask any other questions - now or in future, PM or anon - and again: best of luck! I'm so excited for you!
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thevictorianghost · 3 years
A look back at 2020 - and a thank you to the Zutara fandom
I’ve never done this before. I know 2020 has been… a year. To say the least. A messy, sad, hell of a year. I’m not saying my 2020 was perfect. There were many events that were supposed to happen but got cancelled because of COVID. But if you could believe it, 2019 was so much worse for me, especially creative-wise. So I decided to make this post about how my 2020 went, because it went a lot better than 2019!
Never again, 2019. Never again.
Also if you feel like you haven’t been creative or haven’t had the energy to do everything you wanted to do, please don’t take this post as a “haha I did so much better than you guys!” Because that is ABSOLUTELY NOT what I want to achieve. I just want to give myself a pat on the back. Honestly, I think what really helped this year was when I got into a slump for one type of creative endeavour, I jumped to the next. I set myself to start something and finished it. Then, if I felt burnt out about that thing? Like writing a fic? I got into cosplay. Or video editing. Or something else. And then I came back to writing. It was really fun to learn new things and to do multiple kinds of projects through the year!
The Zutara fandom thank you letter is at the end, so if you want to skip my ramblings, you can find the title below! 
So anyway. Here goes!
Video editing:
It’s not that well-known on my Tumblr, but I have a Youtube channel! I made myself a video editing challenge back in January - and I crushed it! Back in 2019, I quit video editing for many months because I didn’t have the motivation to continue doing so. But then in December last year, I found a BUNCH of my old (and I mean, VERY old) videos I’d made as a kid. And it re-invigorated my love for video editing because I realized how far I’d come and that I wanted to do it more! So I told myself: one video a month. Twelve in one year. That’s it. Do that. And I ended up making TWENTY videos this year! I’m so proud of myself!
I even made MORE than twenty videos. A few of these just aren’t published. I made a few more “educational” videos because I’m considering making a brand new Youtube channel dedicated to History and pop culture! I don’t know if it’ll end up being… you know… a thing, but hey! Why not?
I also made some unpublished short edits for a possible Instagram account I’d like to create, too! All for Titanic. An example of those short videos can be found here! Again, I don’t know if that Instagram account will end up being… a thing… but I have faith!
I got back into cosplay this year! And I learned new skills thanks to it! I learned how to work with EVA foam to create my own Blue Spirit mask (using this tutorial!). There’s a few projects currently on the backburner, but I’m sure I’ll come back to them eventually!
I also learned recently how to sew a pair of opera gloves (because haha, fuck you if you want to buy any that aren’t in size small!) for a Rose Dewitt-Bukater cosplay with my sewing machine I bought way back in like… March… but was honestly too afraid to use. But I did it! I pushed through my fear and I did it! I’ve been practicing more and more with my sewing machine as I repurpose old clothes for my cosplay. And it’s going great!
I got back into fanfic! I hadn’t written ANYTHING fanfic related in a while, especially not multi-chapter fics. But this year, I finished THREE novel-length fanfictions. My fanfics The Prince’s Bride, my Star Wars/The Princess Bride AU, and Never Let Me Go, my Avatar: The Last Airbender/Titanic AU, are currently all published on AO3! I haven’t been much in the Star Wars fandom since writing The Prince’s Bride, but I did meet @stressedinadress with who I talk about Star Wars and anything in particular! Thank you for being my friend!
My other novel-length fic, All roads lead to Paris, a Miraculous Ladybug/A Monster in Paris/Ratatouille crossover fic is currently being uploaded every Wednesdays! I’ve also written a Titanic/The Great Gatsby crossover one-shot called Make it count; Meet me at the clock that had been living in my brain for years but I’d never had the guts to write it. But then I did!
I’m especially proud of Never Let Me Go. Not that I’m not proud of my other fics, but this one in particular has a very special place in my heart. It’s the longest story I’ve EVER written and made me love Titanic all over again. Zuko and Katara were the perfect characters to be cast as Jack and Rose. I got back into drawing entirely thanks to this fic. I’d been telling myself “I can’t draw to save my life” for YEARS but then I decided to try again and I’m much better than I was back then! I’m so humbled by all the comments, all the bookmarks, the kudos and the love this story has received. We’ve JUST REACHED 5000 HITS!! Before the end of the year!! That’s so AWESOME!!
I’m tentatively coming back to original fiction after writing a lot of fanfic, especially a Greek Mythology retelling (which is, you know, fanfiction but with stories that don’t have copyrights!). I think writing fanfiction really helped me figure out what I love about writing and has helped me tremendously in creating my own style and voice. It’s been an incredible journey and yes, my Greek Mythology retelling was inspired by a Zutara Greek Mythology AU! So you know, I’m staying on-brand! haha
I’m also currently working on another ATLA fic, heavily inspired by my “what I would have wanted for LOK” post you can find here. It’s going to be much, MUCH shorter than Never Let Me Go, but it’s already longer than Not Like Everyone Else, so I’m really happy with this one. A bunch of bite-sized chapters in the POVs of all these lovely characters after the War and my take on where they should have ended up - and the world.
And finally, but certainly not the least, I got back into the Zutara fandom and really contributed! I made metas I’m really proud of (like this one on Katara’s abandonment issues you can find here!). I wrote the aforementioned fanfic Never Let Me Go. I even made a video about Zutara after my latest rewatch of ATLA (you can watch ZUTARA | Zuko x Katara - BATTLESHIPS here!).
I also made friends along the way! @darkcrowprincess​, @harharj​, @angelsabloom​ and, more recently, @heavensweetheart​. I wanted to thank you for putting up with my weird rants and obsessions! :)
We’re all such a lovely bunch and don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere! I want to thank, especially, @firelxdykatara​, @antarcticasx​, @my-bated-breath​, @peartarts​,  @pineapple-frenzy​ and @hayleynfoster​ for your metas, fics, art, etc.!  You’ve been making my 2020 better. This isn’t an exhaustive list, so if I’ve forgotten someone, I’m so sorry! 
Also I hope everyone who have been harassed recently, like @babytreehugger​, knows that we’re all standing behind you and supporting you.
This is a really special fandom indeed. It took me years before I could rewatch ATLA knowing Zutara wasn’t endgame, but even if it hurts that they’re not canon, we have countless fics, art, poems, animatics, even published authors whose books are basically Zutara AUs! As stated by those same authors! Isn’t that amazing?? WE HAVE A STAR!! WE HAVE A FRICKING STAR!!! Has anyone forgotten that??
And look. I’ve been, for the past few years, in the Star Wars fandom. I’ve been in many different fandoms over the years. It’s been… rough. But I’ve never seen such an encouraging, loving, compassionate fandom. I know it can be difficult outside of our fandom, especially with people fighting on Twitter and Instagram and even on Tumblr with people harassing others. But this fandom, fifteen years later, is so smart, so kind, so positive and so inspiring. 
If you’ve been reading up ‘till now, thank you! 
Also: You can do whatever you set your mind to! I believe in you! Go do the thing if you want to! And never forget to be kind to yourself. 
Happy holidays! Let’s hope (fingers crossed!) that 2021 will be a better year. 
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Falling (Three)
TW for Character Death but like... not really cos we know where Tony is. Also Tissues because I cried outlining Rhodey’s speech, and then again rough drafting it, and then again editing it...good times. 
Also I already have so many ideas for expansions of this verse ughhhh
“A few days ago, the world as I knew it changed forever.” 
The cathedral went quiet as Colonel James Rhodes took to the podium, serious and somber in his dress uniform, eyes red and hands shaking as he looked down at his notes. 
“I don’t mean because of the wormhole over New York, though that certainly changed my mind about a lot of things I’d never thought to consider true.” the Colonel cleared his throat once, twice, darted a glance first towards Pepper sat off to the side and then to the casket sat closed and heavy on the platform below. 
“One week ago, my entire world changed when my best friend re routed a bomb out of Manhattan and took it straight into the sky. Through the damn wormhole and into the other side without even hesitating cos he knew it would save us.” James had to stop again, let his voice crack and he heard Pepper start quietly crying. “Tony um-- Tony was Iron Man. He was a hero from the minute he put on that suit to the minute he--” 
The podium shook when James gripped at it hard, counted to ten once and then again to give himself time to breathe and to keep reading the speech he’d prepared only last night. 
“Tony was a hero from the minute he put on the suit to the minute he-- oh hell, I can’t read this.” Rhodey put the cards away and scrubbed at his eyes until they stung. “Can’t read a speech about Iron Man when it’s my best friend-- my best friend laying over there, I can’t--” 
Another deep breath, another quiet cough to clear the tears from his throat and James began again, stronger this time. 
“Tony Stark was my best friend. We met at MIT, he was basically five and a half feet of pure disaster and I knew I was in trouble the minute he showed up and tried to claim top bunk. Tony fell right the hell off the ladder and I had to carry his dramatic ass to Health Services because he was sure he broke his ankle.” 
A few chuckles broke out and Rhodey managed a small smile. “He was a disaster that day, and every after that but he was my disaster and my best friend and that’s all that ever mattered.” 
“My favorite memory--” the Colonel closed his eyes again and forced out a breath. “My favorite memory of Tony is actually from a few weeks after we met for the first time. It’s obvious these days how mechanically inclined Tony was but what no one else really knows is that Tony’s first robot was one I built.” 
He tapped at his chest and tried not to sob when his fingers hit his half of a best friends necklace Tony had bought for them one drunk spring break a long long time ago. “I built Tony’s very first robot and the brat actually stole it from me.” 
A few more laughs and Rhodey continued, “I drank all the coffee one day and Tony barged into the robotics class a few hours later screeching about how badly he needed caffeine and I needed to fix it now and then he stopped and stared at just-- just the saddest looking robot you've ever seen. It was basically a box on wheels with one arm and it never did anything I programmed in so when Tony asked what it was, I said 'it's a damn dummy is what it is, doesn't do anything right'." 
The Colonel pulled an old picture out of his pocket, one of a very young Tony next to that same robot. "Tony was so offended I'd call a robot dummy that he told me I didn't deserve to have cool toys and that it was his now, I could have it back when I was worthy. Believe me, I didn’t take kindly to having my project stolen and for the rest of college-- and honestly the next thirty years-- I tried damn hard to get that robot back. It was like a heist movie, me making plans and Tony thwarting them at every turn, me roping people into the conspiracy and Tony shrieking that I wasn't worthy and that's why my plans never worked." 
"...Dum-E is still down there in Tony's workshop." he finished softly. "He wears a dunce cap and carries a fire extinguisher and he's Tony's favorite thing in the world. See that's what no one knew about Tony. Everyone knows Tony was Iron Man and-- and a goddamn hero, but he was also sentimental and sort of embarrassingly sappy and when he decided he loved something it was forever and nothing could ever change it.” 
“Dum-E was lucky enough to be something Tony loved. I was lucky enough to be someone Tony loved and it changed my life. Tony changed my life." 
Rhodey put the picture away and looked towards the casket, tears blurring his eyes as he finished,  "I uh-- I miss you, Tpnes. Miss you, bud. And I want to keep thinking this is some sort of trick, some sort of prank but I know in my heart--” 
He held tight to his half of the best friends necklace. “--I know in my heart that it-- it’s not. And that makes me real sad.” 
Pepper dropped her face into her hands, thin shoulders shaking and James tried hard to smile, to get through these last few words. “So uh-- right now I'm gonna go get my robot back. I fully expect JARVIS to have some anti heist protocol that ends with my hair on fire but you know what? I’m gonna try anyway. Rest well, Tony. We miss you.” 
There was polite laughs, some tears dabbed from eyes, a smattering of clapping and James stepped back from the podium to sit by Pepper. "How was that?" 
"It's exactly what he would have wanted you to say." she whispered through her hankie, and he wound an arm around her shoulders to hold her tight. “I miss him so much, Rhodey.” 
"I miss him too, Pep.” 
“It’s so stupid.” Pepper blew her nose daintily. “Wishful thinking. But you know, I get the feeling that he’s okay. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like he’s okay. Resting.” 
“Yeah, I know, I keep thinking the same thing.” Rhodey touched the necklace again. “But resting or not, when I get to heaven, I’m kicking his ass for leaving me too soon.” 
“Oh definitely.” 
Bucky and Steve’s Apartment
“Billionaire socialite Maria Carbonell shown here with her husband Howard Stark…” Tony mumbled to himself as he read through yet another article about his mom-- or rather, this universe’s version of his mom. “--donated millions to her husbands research to cure leukemia.”  
“Philanthropist Maria Carbonell opens a school of music for inner city kids.” He kept scrolling, smiling, as he read about Maria changing the world with her money-- and it was certainly Maria’s money this time around. Apparently this Howard Stark was an attractive scientist with a sugar mama and in each of the pictures Howard looked absolutely delighted to be accompanying Maria down red carpets, up stairs to national monuments, through the door of yet another awards ceremony for Humanitarian and conservation efforts ranging from restoring museum pieces clear through establishing brand new schools in sorely lacking communities.
“Howard Stark, husband to Italy’s sweetheart Maria Carbonell passed this morning --” Tony swallowed, pausing in his scrolling. “--at home with his wife. The cause of death is noted as a heart attack, though Mrs. Carbonell is comforted knowing he passed quickly and peacefully into the afterlife. The scientist is lauded for his contributions and research into childhood illnesses and since they had no children of their own, Howard’s personal funds will be diverted into a scholarship fund for MIT. “They are the future, not me.” he is quoted as saying often, “They will turn my first steps into a journey that will change the world.” 
“...bye Dad.” Tony whispered, though the article was dated three years past, though this Howard wasn’t his dad and had led a much different life than the Howard Stark that built Project Manhattan. “I um-- I love you.” 
“Maria Carbonell retires to Italy after husband’s passing, ‘I’m content to live out my life with my grand piano and library and wine!’” 
“Maria Carbonell breaks her silence on ex-family friend and advisor Obadiah Stane-- “he can rot in prison for all I care, and yes you can quote me on that, I said it, didn’t I?” 
Obadiah… Tony hesitated just a moment before searching for the name, his hand automatically over his heart and his breath coming faster as picture after picture of the man that had been Uncle and then had turned to nightmares filled the computer screen. 
‘Obadiah Stane accused of embezzling millions from Carbonell Foundation’
‘Obadiah Stane accused of funneling money meant for prosthetic limb research into smart bombs’
‘Former Carbonell advisor Obadiah Stane egged as he walks to the courthouse, Maria Carbonell shown handing out eggs to crowd’
‘Obadiah Stane found guilty of embezzlement and intent to fund terrorists, sentenced to thirty five years in prison’ 
‘Maria Carbonell laughs in reporters face when asked how she feels about Obadiah Stane’
“Oh.” Tony sat back in his chair and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Jesus Christ.”
His mom and dad were okay, Howard passed peacefully and Maria sure seemed to be living her best life in her seaside villa in Italy. Obadiah had been caught before he could hurt anyone and was rotting away in a prison cell. 
Last night Tony had got to have dinner with his friends, with his family Pepper and Rhodey and this morning he’d woken up to forehead kisses from both his Doms before Bucky had rolled out of bed for a shower and Steve had gone to start breakfast. 
Captain America was making him breakfast and Bucky had walked past in a towel and his mom and dad were okay. 
 This was-- everything was--
“Beauty?” Steve threaded his fingers into Tony’s hair and smiled affectionately when Tony automatically tipped his head back. “What are you doing, you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” Tony pushed the laptop away and let himself sink into the feeling of security, the weight of Steve’s palm on his scalp, the way the blond always smelled like ocean body wash. There was definitely an inside joke there about his Steve being in the water for seventy years and this Steve using ocean mist soap, but Tony kept that to himself and settled a little firmer into Steve’s hold. 
The Dom’s breath caught when Tony opened his neck further, and Steve brushed carefully over Tony’s pulse point, over the curve of his neck where a collar would lay. “Tell me the truth.” he said quietly. “Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine.” Tony said again, and he meant it. “I’m fine and I’m-- I’m happy--” 
He hadn’t heard Bucky come in, but the Dom was at his side in an instant, bending low to dot a kiss at Tony’s collarbone and to spread his fingers wide over the patch of scars on his chest. “Sure do love hearing you say that, baby doll. You happy with us?” 
“Mmm…” the lure of falling tingled at the base of Tony’s neck, the urge to slide off the chair and let the Doms catch him on his knees. He was so safe right here, safe and caught in this place beyond-- beyond his own world. 
And things were different, sure. Thor was a model which was equal parts hilarious and alarmingly arousing. Clint was tall as hell and Natasha laughed so easily here. Bruce was a professional wrestler and in his free time worked with the Ph.d candidates at the university, Steve was an artist and Bucky was alive…
...and oh Pepper was so beautiful and so at peace and Rhodey was a stunt pilot in that ridiculous get up and…
“Sweetheart.” Bucky's voice was nearly a growl in response to the soft whine Tony gave. “You need us to take care of you? Bring you under real easy? It's been a few days since your drop, are you ready for more?” 
“We’d take care of you, Tony.” Steve now, whispering the words into Tony’s ear and right into his heart. “Baby I promise. If you’re gonna gift us with your trust and submission we are gonna do everything to keep it. Everything.” 
“Anything, sugar.” Bucky’s big hand closed just lightly over Tony’s throat and he gasped out loud before going loose and pliant, practically whimpering as blue fuzzed at the edges of consciousness, called him in and under. “Don’t need a collar for us to be yours, Tony. If that’s what you want.” 
Oh oh oh--- 
"Tony!" A new voice, breaking into their moment as James Rhodes pushed open the door of Steve and Bucky's apartment and called out for the sub. "Tony! You home? Where are you?" 
Tony snapped out of the near-scene whiplash fast, jolting up in the seat as everything in his body tuned to his best friend’s voice. 
“I’m sorry.” he said quickly, reached to press at both Steve and Bucky’s hands. “I’m sorry, I want--” this. you. falling. “I do, I just-- I have to talk to him.” I miss him. “Please?” 
“You don’t need our permission to talk to a friend, Tony.” Steve was quick to reassure him, but the Dom’s blue eyes softened at the request anyway. “We will pick this up after though.” 
Not a question, and not a seconds hesitation when Tony nodded in confirmation. 
“Yes sir. Thank you.” 
Bucky caught him as he left, snagged his wrist and pulled him back for a slow kiss that had Tony seeing stars by the time they parted. 
“Yes sir.” 
James looked thoroughly unimpressed when Tony basically staggered from the bedroom and he looked somehow even less impressed when Bucky and Steve posted up in the doorway to watch. 
“Settle down, boys.” he scoffed. “I’m not gonna steal your sub or snatch him away somewhere wicked when it’s pretty damn obvious he’s halfway to down. Not gonna mess with him, I just need a minute. Quit snarling at me and go have a soda or something.” 
“Rhodey!” Tony laughed out loud and James pulled a face to complain, “You weren’t kidding about calling me Rhodey huh?” 
“Oh no. Not in the least.” 
“I guess I’ll learn to deal.” the other Dom said blandly. “Now come on, I’ve got something to show you down in the truck, I think you’ll like it.” 
"...okay?" Tony grabbed his jacket and followed Rhodey down the stairs. “What um--” 
“Are those two assholes treating you right?” Suddenly Rhodey was all Dom, straightening his shoulders and lowering his voice and part of Tony wanted to laugh out loud over Rhodey being threatening, but the other part missed having his best friend be protective to the point of moving him to tears. 
“They um--” he coughed lightly. “They’re being great to me.” 
“They’re good guys.” James continued. “Steve’s a little cheesy for my tastes and Bucky always smirks like he’s one breath away from a stupid come-on, but they’re good men and good Dominants but none of that matters if you came outta a shitty situation and can’t handle them.” 
“Well I--” 
“You’re welcome to move in with me.” The elevator doors opened and Tony gaped up at his friend in surprise. “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a sub and certainly not one that looks like as much trouble as you do, but you can stay with me and know you’re safe if you don’t want to stay with those goons.” 
“I’d like to stay with the goons.” Tony said faux seriously, and Rhodey finally cracked a grin and winked down at him. 
“I knew you’d say that, but felt like I needed to speak up anyway. Should I give them a shovel talk so you can see how your Doms look quaking in their boots?” 
“Are they scared of you?” 
“Damn straight.” James pushed Tony through the outside doors and down towards the parking lot. “So last night at dinner Steve mentioned you’re into robotics and stuff? Might even try to improve on Buck’s arm?” 
“You could say I’m into robotics.” Tony eyed the tarp covered lump in the back of the truck curiously. “Really got into it in my college days. Why?” 
“Cos I thought you’d get a kick out of this.” Rhodey undid the latch of his truck and pushed away the tarp, lifted down a clunky looking robot that was nothing more than a box on wheels with an arm attached. "I built this thing back a few years ago when I tried to impress some hot scientist who loved the Terminator movies. What do you think?" 
"I um--" Tony stared at the robot, at the paper dunce cap on it's head and the familiar treads on its wheels. "I--I--” he put a hand over his mouth and tried not to cry. “I um-- Well, why-- why is it wearing a dunce cap?" 
"Cos it's a dummy." Rhodey scowled at the contraption. "Never does anything I tell it to. It wasn’t even cool enough to get me laid. I’m a fighter pilot, a stunt pilot and I build robots and she wasn’t impressed.” 
“She was missing out.” Tony tried to laugh but it came out as a half sob. “You can’t call a robot a dummy, though. That’s just mean.” 
“The hell it is!” 
“Just for that, I’m keeping him.” Tony reached out and straightened the dunce cap tenderly, rubbed at a little bit of grease buildup at the arm hinge. “I’m keeping your robot, Rhodey. He’s mine now. He’s going to live with me.”  
“THE HELL HE IS!” The Dominant gaped down at him. “You can’t take my robot! You can look at it maybe, but you aren’t about to just walk away with--” 
"You can have it back when you're worthy of such a cool toy." the sub stuck his nose in the air and snapped his fingers. "Wake up, robot, you're coming with me." 
The robot beeped and whirred to life immediately to follow Tony up the path towards the doors and Rhodey groaned, “Of course the stupid thing listens to him. Of course it does.” 
“You’re welcome to try and take him back!” Tony called over his shoulder. “But be warned my interest in robotics extends to booby traps and anti-heist protocols!” 
"Traitor!” The Dom threw his hands up in exasperation. “Tony! I want that thing back! That is my robot and I’m getting it back!”
“The hell you are!” the sub snapped and if Rhodey wouldn’t have been laughing so hard he might have wondered why he was letting a submissive back talk him so loudly and thoroughly, shouting sass across a parking lot. 
Bucky and Steve were in for a ride with that one. 
He was a fan. 
Tony could hear the Dom laughing clear into the building and into the elevator so he waited until the doors had closed before breaking down, falling to his knees and throwing his arms around the scrappy robot. "I’m real glad to see you, bud.” 
Dum-E only beeped and waved his arm around in excitement, and Tony hugged him tighter. “This feels an awful lot like heaven, Dum-e, don’t you think? Mom and Dad are okay and Pepper’s okay and Rhodey and now-- now I even have you here and that’s pretty damn perfect.” 
A few more beeps and Tony nodded, pushed his hair out of his eyes and stood back up. “Time to find my Doms, huh?” 
The robot rolled quickly after Tony down the hall to Steve and Bucky’s door, clicking and whirring curiously as Tony led it inside the apartment and then went off to explore the new place while Tony went to find his Doms. 
“Bucky?” he called. “Steve? I’m-- I’m home again!” 
“Hey sweetheart.” Bucky looked up and smiled, took his hand off Steve’s thigh to beckon for Tony. “C’mere and see us.” 
“Come here, honey.” Steve tapped his foot a few times and pointed down at the floor and Tony didn’t even hesitate to move, didn’t hesitate to kick his shoes off and stumble towards them on unsteady feet until he could fall to his knees. 
Home and it was so easy and so beautiful, Tony gasped out a word that might have been a prayer and his Doms were right there to catch him when he teetered, Steve meeting him there on the floor to hold him, Bucky protective over them both as Tony slid towards the edge of under and falling. 
...Tony used to love falling. He used to love the exhilaration and anticipation, the way his breath stuttered in that split second of flying before gravity took over. He used to love falling into a new habit, falling into a new love, just falling when he jumped from the diving board or the airplane or the rocks he’d climbed on as a child that he thought were so big.
...Tony used to love falling and when Steve knelt down beside him and pulled him in close, when Bucky lowered his voice to a rumble and ordered his subs to submit, when gravity tugged at Tony’s soul and he let himself slip to the pull of submission and that quiet, secret need to be held...
… then falling was like coming home. 
Like finding himself. 
Like closing his eyes and letting go. 
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii @livewire28 @tulipsnbigcats @kimstark @alex-stark-rogers @bibbarnes @heeeyitskay @goindownshipping 
@daddyl0ngl0ngs @tony-and-steeeb @farbiger @mdbd89 @nanita90a @andreasteed1894 @zola9612 @ravynfyre @nevergonnastopreading @imlittlebitdie @lovely--tony @yomama-umbridge @thanossucks @ironspiderson @acefangirl1 @theyre-not-cooler-than-us @ah-ragehappy @the-dragonwolf-den 
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mcrmadness · 3 years
Madness draws: Behind the Scenes of the Bela/Farin: “Widumihei” comic.
A few months ago I posted here this comic:
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CLICK HERE for the original post about that comic where you can see it in better and bigger size, and also reblog it ;)
And this post is just a deep dive into how I plan, do and draw my comics.
Let’s start with sketchbook things...
So every comic needs a story, right? My comics usually are born from either some dialogue I imagine in my head or by an impulsive inspiration that happens when I see something or talk with people and a random idea is triggered. I’m very good at coming up with new ideas solely based on just one word or so which is why I often ask people if they have anything they would want to see/read because I suck at coming up ideas on my own. Or I do get ideas, but not as often as I’d want to.
This particular idea was very old and I have tried but I cannot find the piece that was my inspiration but it was in some of my old German books because I remember laughing at it with either my brother or even with the German teacher in 2011 or 2012. I was only able to find my first “sketch” of the story:
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This is in the notebook I used for writing down some comic ideas and even had one comic in it, plus it’s also my fanfiction writing notebook. It has no date but I know for sure it was either 2011 or 2012 because that’s when I did my last Bela/Farin comic and pretty much started my (unintentional) 6 year pause from drawing altogether.
I have always been trilingual when I do these plans for my comics, often writing the “narration” in Finnish and the dialog either in English or German because I just cannot imagine them to speaking Finnish. The translation of that text goes as:
COMIC (sarjis = sarjakuva = comic book in Finnish)
1. The phone is ringing. 2. F: “Widumihei?!” B: ? 3. B: “Farin wtf?” 4. Farin walks from another room. 5. B: “Widumihei?” 6. F: “It means, “will you marry me?”“ 7. B: *wtf* REPLAY:
1. Bela is sitting/laying somewhere. 2. The phone is ringing. Reached with his hand? 3. Looks at the phone, “wtf?”, a thought: “von Jan: Widumihei?!” 4. Bela: “Farin?” / “Jan?” 5. F comes from another room, looks in from behind the door frame or something. B: “Widumihei?” 6. F: “Widumihei: “WIllst DU MIch HEiraten”“ 7. B: “WTF”
So when I then started to draw these comics again in 2018, I kept thinking about this one too and still wanted to draw it one day. If you have read the finished comic, you may notice something different in the old plot versus new: I switched Bela’s and Farin’s roles. Back then I didn’t know too much yet but over the years I have learnt much much more about them and I just figured that asking to marry him even as a joke would be too much for Farin and that it would fit Bela’s persona much much better.
I had a bit of problems with getting started with this one, mainly because the last times I drew a dä comic was in June 2020, in April 2020 and before those in October 2019. Because of so long time between the comics, I just always forgot about my methods and in which order I do things and what works for me the best. So every time I started to work on a comic, I had to start completely over because all I had was blank paper and I somehow needed to get my thoughts in order and out of my head, into a physical form aka as text and images on the paper, and it’s easier said than done.
So pardon me but from this on the text is going to get a little bit confusing for a little while from now on - but it’s also a very good look over how the life with my suspected ADHD be like sometimes...
I started working on the plot once again to my sketchbook... I think it was somewhere in the beginning of 2020. Because the next idea there is from the summer. This is what the plot looked like at that point - here I had already switched their roles:
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Shortly, the texts go: 1. Farin is reading a book. 2. A phone makes a noise. 3. (Farin) looks at it/read the message. / 6. B appears into the doorway. / 11. F spits out the tea.
And underneath it you can see one of the stick figure storyboards I often do in order to kinda see the text in pictures better, and I will write down or draw important aspects like expressions (Farin’s eyebrows) or things like *facepalm’* or *eyeroll* so that I remember to add them.
Next I was struggling with the era. It needed to be an era with the old mobile phones with SMS options but still not too early because I feel that Farin would have not been the first in line to buy a brand new technology object, especially not when it’s a phone. I was even googling when did Germany get their first mobile phone - I remember I got my first phone aka Nokia 5510 in 2000 or 2001 after my mom got a new one and gave her old one to me, so the story shouldn’t happen too many years before the Millenium.
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Originally I planned 1997 for that - I needed to think about that based on their styles because shorter hair is harder to draw. Here’s me trying out some hairs and how they’re to draw and which era would suit my needs the best. I actually find the text hilarious altho it’s mine but this is what it’s in English:
Time period -> 1996-1997? 1998 I’ve never drawn 1999 is not that much fun to draw 2000 is already a bit too late? Bela not that much fun to draw. -2001 moustaches are not fun to draw?
I think I was struggling with my thoughts because the next thing in that sketchbook is yet another storyboard:
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Or actually I think this was just to see how many sheets I’d need and how many panels I could fit on one sheet.
Anyhow, I then did other things for some time before I got back to this project this year. Including finishing with the sketchbook I had been using since 2010 (and the half of it since 2018!) and I had to get myself a new one. So when I started to think about this comic again, one night I was just thinking about some Bela/Farin scenarios as usual and suddenly I just felt that I NEED to do the comic in the 1998 style!!! So suddenly we jump from the original 1997 idea to the new era, only because of the colors. 
So asap I grabbed my sketchbook and started to look for the proper colors for the hairs:
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This one I posted here before too as I was struggling a lot and just felt that I didn’t know how to draw, again. Sometimes when I feel like that, I start drawing with my non-dominant aka left hand because it doesn’t have all that in muscle memory so drawing and writing with it feels more free and it feels almost like pressing a refresh button in my brain. Suddenly the right one know again how to draw because left isn’t too well in control. The below part of the image is done completely with the left hand, including the coloring.
And because I had now a new sketchbook, I somehow couldn’t... deal with the plot and plans being in a different sketchbook than everything else so I had write the plot/dialog AGAIN, into this new sketchbook, along with the storyboards and everything:
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Translations: kirja = book, puhelin = phone, oviaukossa = in the doorway, teet suusta = tea(s) out of a/the mouth. “Puhelin zoom” just means “close up to the phone screen” in Madness.
You can also see that I found out that I don’t need to do the stick figure storyboards to imitate a sheet when I can just draw this rectangle and smaller rectangles inside of it and write there numbers to match the things in the dialog to make it much easier for me to plan the pages. And here’s also a small easter egg: there’s 13 panels overall in this comic :D I almost did 12 but then felt that no, I really need to do 13 because, you know, the hairs, the era, the album title. And also because I like the number so much lmao.
So from there we get to the second storyboard which is not just stick figures anymore but just me planning how I want the panels to look like. To get the imagery of the rooms and facial expressions etc. out onto the paper so that I can see them in real life instead of my shady imagination that sometimes isn’t as vivid as what I could be.
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Also have you ever tried to draw a beach chair? It’s more difficult than you’d think:
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I tried to draw the same thing from the same reference photos so many times and still I always felt like I was trying to draw that impossible triangle or some other illusion image. And it just went on and on here:
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Originally I also had planned the second panel to be a close up of the phone so that Farin’s face would be left at the background from the frog perspective. That’s what I was trying to with that weird-ass face on the left but turned out that I have never drawn these characters from such angle and I just... couldn’t see it in my head clearly enough to be able to draw it. So I dismissed that idea and that’s why the angle changed from a phone close-up to a side view to the room and at Farin.
As I was in the middle of planning the second page, I suddenly wasn’t happy with my original plot anymore. I wasn’t sure if it would work and needed to think about it one more time. So I wrote two other dialogs here, along with a storyboards for them both. I ended up choosing B from those two options eventually.
I don’t remember anymore if I had already done the first sketch of the comics or not but at some point I just felt that I no longer knew how to draw in my style. Sometimes you just draw and learn wrong things and wrong methods that you get used to and then you have to take a break and actually do a little bit of studying over your own style to find again the way how you want to draw, and get rid of the bad habits and find the good ones again. In my case it was to draw the eyes way way too big when they originally never were THAT big, so I had to learn how to draw them small and normal again. That’s why I did these, as I really needed to pay attention to the faces and remember how to draw them again:
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The front-side views were another big readong for this “study” because I have drawn that perspective only once or twice before and I needed to figure out how I want to draw that. Also, I don’t know if it’s just me but for some reason the front-side Farin reminds me of one of the parent characters from this cartoon called The Rugrats which I watched as a kid. It was totally unintentional, but you can google The Rugrats if you don’t know how the charatcers looked like in the cartoon.
The things below are just me testing something. The red Farins were just to test how the colored pencils work on each other and how the fineliners work with the colored pencils, and which way is the better way to do the shading. And the red colored pencil was the only one available at the time so that had to do.
A little bit about the heads btw: You might notice some difference between the left and right faces. It’s because I have always, always struggled with drawing anything that is looking at right. Most of the animal portraits and all I have drawn so that they look at left because I just find it so much easier to draw. I think with comics it’s because I always start with the eye (and the eyebrows if I don’t forget it) and then do the forehead, nose, mouth and chin, and after that I either continue from the hair (from the front) or do the ear first. But when I am drawing them to look at right, I have to basically draw the mirror image and starting from the hair is not the key because it can easily mess up with the perspectives. I still usually draw everything in the same order but it really is difficult because I’m doing a mirror image and my own hand is on the way, too. Basically I’m drawing from right to left instead of left to right! (I think I should try drawing those with my left hand, then...)
And from here we get to the first sketch of the comic. From here on the images are from my phone’s camera so they are sometimes illegally bad but no can do, I again didn’t think I’d post these to anywhere:
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Here you can see I was mainly just focusing on the shapes and the space inside those panels. Just trying to see the perspective and how everything is. The only thing that I drew more precisely was the third panel, with the hand and phone. I had quite a nice memory of old phones in my head but I still googled for some reference photos of Nokia 5110 phones as that was my first phone (as I mentioned earlier), and I also happened to have some of my other old phones on the table nearby so I took my own hand reference photos too:
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They always say there’s a little bit of the artist in their art and this one literally has that - “Farin’s” hand is actually my hand! :D And I think the size is kinda on point too because this phone was like 2-3 times smaller than Nokia 5110 and I have small hands, and I believe Farin must have much bigger hands, so the 5110 probably would have looked about the same size in his hand.
After the first sketch, the next step was then - the second sketch:
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I also wanted to add more action to the panels so that it’s interesting to look at and not just basically the same panel over and over again with just different speech bubbles, so I came up with the idea of Farin spitting out his tea not being as cartoony as it could be and that he would have to actually clean it up instead of just leaving it there just because in cartoons/comics everything is possible. That way I got more depth into the panels and it was also interesting for me to draw because I drew lots of new postures I have never drawn before, and I’m surprised how well it went despite me not even looking for any kind of reference photos! The only things I used reference photos for were the beach chair, and the phone in a hand. (I have actually always been quite good at drawing 3D objects and spaces, especially if they are rectangular.)
So yeah, this is the phase where everything is then finished with pencil and what follows next is drawing the lines with fineliners - I use Sakura Pigma Micron fineliners for everything else, and black Promarker for doing the lines for the panels (and also if I need bigger pitch black areas done).
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Here are the panel lines done but I only had a photo of this first sheet.
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And here are both sheets with the finelining done and all pencil marks etc. erased. I really like this part because it looks so clean when all those sketch marks are gone. It’s also crazy to think I literally spend hours drawing something in pencil only to erase it all away later :D
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And here’s one photo of the coloring process, the first one has only the base colors done but none of the shadows yet (apart from the shirts), and the second one has some of the shadows done but not everything yet.
Usually after coloring, I will then go through everything with the fineliners one more time to make sure all the lines are dark enough as it just gives everything the finished yet a bit “sketchy” look that what I really like with my comics. The actual last detail is always adding my signature along with the date or year.
And here’s the finished comic one more time for comparison:
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Don’t forget to check and reblog the actual post about this comic if you read this post all the way here. I’d appreaciate that a lot since art and artist on Tumblr are not really that much appreciated.
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vanherst · 3 years
Vher98 Update 5
I know it's only been a couple of weeks since the last blog post about my recent updates towards developing Vher98, but trust me it's for a good reason, I'll split it up into chapters to sorta give a bit more of an explination towards developments and get a bit more in depth about it for once.
Display properties.
This has been delayed for SO long, and finally I've gotten around to doing it. Finishing the display properties menu. The display properties has been the bane of my existance about this website but yet my best feature, just from the schemes feature alone. But this week I have a new addition, and that is to say I now have desktop icon schemes! Inwhich, allows you to change the desktop icons based on preselected spritesheets (Which you can also change by the command prompt!).
At the moment there are 6 presetswhich you can select, I recently did a massive sprite redesign for desktop icons based on my new character, Petra! But that's for a future update, for now I've set the default spritesheet and included all of the old ones, which you can select from, alongside being able preview them at a smaller resolution to be compatiable with the display properties window.
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I've also added a few other settings which you can see previews of, not all of which are programmed yet, so at a future date I'll either change them around or program them. But for now, I've added the ability to change desktop icon sizes to a more native modern scale, but leaving the default setting as the classic windows 98 recreation.
I've also added additional wallpapers, only accessable through the effects tab and "CSGO MODE" which was featured in the background of the preview blog post, which recreates the settings for my counterstrike mainmenu, along with adjusting the desktop icons and wallpaper to fit.
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As previewed above, designed to be a slight nod to my recent "Neon Genesis Evanjollion" video, featured on my youtube channel. I've recorded and animated my counterstrike character with loopable animations which play continuously in the background.
Now, I know this is a lot of text for what seemingly is a minor update, but the main reason I was able to design the latest additions to the effects tab was because of the recent massive rewrite I've had to do in order to fix a bunch of problems I was coming across, one of which being how unoptimised themes were reletively.
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Left: new code which include schemes selection and the new effects menu toggles. Right: old code, only including schemes selection.
This entire re-write revolves around basically storing arrays of data rather than manually switching values of variables, along with tons of adjustments to unneeded variables and how theme data is required to be stored, as CSMODE needs to store the theme data to be able to toggle from the data needed to switch from the current scheme to CSGO mode.
I cannot understate howmuch of a rewrite this is, and as much as I would like to say "I really don't get why I ever did it otherwise", I would be lying. But this is a super incredable optimisation and looking at this comparritively makes me super pleased with how far i've come from knowing nothing about HTML/JS to this. Jquery is a godsend.
Start Menu
On my newly found optimisation craze, I've also done tons of rewriting to the startmenu, another long overdue reform. Even though I've recently done a rewrite on this thing, I knew there was still tons of improvements with my new knowledge of jquery.
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Top image: old code in Javascript Bottom image: new code in Jquery
I've also put aside a few hours of time to dedicate creating new assets for the start menu. It became REALLY hard to find a nice and consistant style which windows 98 used, but it was really hard to find sources of any of the original assets but also have the levels of details I knew windows 98 for, especially when tons of the assets from windows 98 came from windows 95, which still relied on 8 bit colour in some instances.
So I did a bunch of digging and found the assets Windows 98 used at the end of it's lifespan and modified them a bunch to put into Vher98, giving my own personal touch and hopefully to keep the art direction of icons a bit more consistant and unique to look at and use.
Task management
Alright, last big one. Task management. Another long overdue reform was needed for this thing. Prior to this month, tasks relied on whatever manual order I decide to create the task and assign a number to, the number will dedicate placement on the taskbar depending on which value was the highest.
So for example, the Display Properties will ALWAYS be the third task on the taskbar if you was to open everything up, simply because I didn't know how to calculate the placement prior to designing tons of assets. Especially when the original conception of the site RELIED on myself manually creating the visual look of the taskbar as the entire site was designed based on images. From windows, taskbar to the starrtmenu. It was awfully inefficent.
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Top image: Example of windows being opened from oldest (left) to newest (right). Bottom image: The new optimised and redesigned code for calculating taskbar placement and task assignment.
Anyway, that being said I now have automated calculation for taskbar task placement. If you open a task, it will open and remain in the order of the task being ordered. Writing this makes me have a smug little grin on my face just from how happy I am I was even able to get this to work properly, and it's only a few lines of math to even get the result I have.
There's tons of other stuff I wish to go on about, but that's why I have patchnotes. if you wish to read them, you can check them out on my github, or in the Startmenu of Vher98.
There's a few bugs I need to get around to fixing, but I've invested a few hundred hours into this thing over the past month alone and I really should take a break to get onto other projects I wish to get around to completing.
I recently started developing a mod for Terraria and some drawings I want to get around to finishing sooner or later. But, the most important thing I REALLY need to get around to is branding. Over the past month or two I've been growing more and more displeased with how I present myself and the fact I have stagnated a bit within the realms of my carear and I need to get around to sorting these personal matters sooner rather than later.
I'll be back with a couple of projects. It might take a while but I promise it's for a good cause.
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Grand Theft Auto 5 is re-released on Mobile phone, as well, such as Android as well as IOS. So GTA 5 Android is precisely similar to the PC/Consoles variation, and also the storyline as well as video game mechanics are simply made mobile with the very same gameplay, so it is ideal for the mobile gamers out there. Generally, the adjustments that are made in GTA V mobile is simply the control and also game mechanism. Riding the vehicles appears rather very easy due to the easy control mechanism developed by RAGE specifically for mobile phones.
After each unsafe battle, gamers can stop anywhere to see the views of the city. Each scene in this video game is carefully brightened in terms of the image. So it is not just a disorderly location however additionally consists of much poetic appeal. They when fell short, however after that they found each other as well as the distinction in their characters is what links them to ending up being a group. Since then, they have been associated with numerous significant missions, showing opposition to the federal government and also at the same time ruining other terrifying opponents in the underworld. Therefore, if you are a player who suches as to check out the criminal world.
Whenever a phone is seen on promotions, it constantly has a battery life with one segment missing out on (the battery degree seems at 69%, another referral to the 69 sex position). Nonetheless, personality's phones have unlimited battery life. In older editions of the video game, if the player has twin handguns possessed and also gets a telephone call, Carl will certainly pull out two phones. In the console variations of the video game, the phone can likewise be used as a type of "super handbrake", to immediately quit any lorry, regardless of the speed.
As an example, the police car chase in the game has actually been completely redone, and the financial institution heist goal. The enhanced variation of the game also includes the brand-new moped automobile, which can go across the countryside without excessive problem. The storyline is based on the famous book/poem 'We Are Older' created by William Christner.
As GTA V go back to Xbox's prominent Game Pass from Thursday, it has also been exposed that the game will certainly now be usable on smart phones also. Make an entrance directly right into the activity ofGTA 5 Mobileby downloading the records at this moment! You should merely get snap for Android catch and you're great to go. Try not to squander your time on remote recurring communications or emulators with different designs.
The video game is presently offered for consoles as well as Windows PC. It will be released for PlayStation 5 and also Xbox Collection X in late 2021. There is also an on the internet multiplayer mode where up to 30 gamers check out the open world where each gamer can engage into a cooperative or competitive communication in between themselves. This video game series is very well-known by players and reviewers for it having a flexible story and also packed with activity. This GTA 5 for Android has the very same feature as the COMPUTER variation and PS3/PS4 variation have. The only thing that differs in this variation is you can not play this video game on your android devices in the first-person setting. We are still attempting to make it possible on this variation.
Keep in mind, you'll be play the prominent video game just by means of Heavy steam Web link, which is the electronic distribution service. Superstar additionally stated that although it may shed some "functionality", it will get new functions also. Rockstar explained it as being a modern phone, with Dan Houser claiming that the player will utilize it for points like "accessing the internet",.
The other one is created apples iphone, iPads, as well as various iDevices that are suitabled for boosting the video game. GTA BOOM is the original source for all points Grand Theft Auto. We are the only web site committed to posting day-to-day GTA information and have the largest collection of GTA video game overviews available anywhere. Making use of the invincibility cellular phone cheat codePlease read our FAQ if you experience any concerns using these cheats, or if you have any type of questions.
More information was released on the internet site on 24 August, 6 September, and also 13 September. Superstar Gamings first confirmed the video game's existence on 25 October 2011 in a news on its main internet site as well as Twitter feed. Take-Two Interactive's share cost subsequently raised by 7 per cent. Journalists claimed the announcement ignited substantial anticipation within the gaming industry, which they owed to the series' social value. The game did not meet its original projected March-- May 2013 launch day. By 30 October 2012, advertising posters had spread to the Internet, as well as a listing by the store Video game had actually leaked the projected release date.
Superstar Games made their fortune from this highly popular along with questionable franchise. The whole series redefined the benchmark of open globe video gaming. Grand Theft Auto V is the most up to date entry in the schedule, initially released on PlayStation 3 as well as Xbox 360 in 2013.
If you bought the video game from one more Store, you would certainly need to include the executable data of the game to Heavy steam. The designer did an excellent job on their criteria and pictures. The programmer attempted to keep all the features as well as move the video game to Android phones and also tablet computers without shedding performance. If you have not attempted the video game yet, after that we advise that you do it today. This video game is not a main advancement of Rockstar Gamings. The game is badly enhanced, so it will be difficult to run it on the majority of mobile phones.
These two games are additionally quite prominent till now in the whole Grand Theft Auto collection as a result of a selection of factors. In this modern-day pc gaming age, Graphics decide how effective any type of game is. There is no contrast between the graphics of GTA 5 and GTA San Andreas, GTA 5 features superb and top quality graphics that look much more practical than GTA San Andreas. We understand there is a major distinction in between the release date of both of these video games, yet to be extremely truthful GTA 5 is a clear victor based on facts as well as logic. Thousands of individuals are now able to play this GTA 5 on their Android devices.
If you remember i have posted GTA 5 Lite 100MB variation prior to however this game is various. This video game is created by MikeGaming who has a working YouTube Network. You will reach play Its GTA5 mod apk Mission with nearly all main video game information on it Grand Theft Auto 5 was launched in 2013 as well as is still among one of the most played games, many thanks to its ever growing on-line mode called GTA Online. And also while the game does not have a mobile version, it's really possible to play on your Android phone if you want. The video game very first released on the Xbox 360 as well as PlayStation 3, after that made its means to PC.
We will certainly upgrade brand-new functioning download links immediately. Do not hesitate to ask your any kind of question pertaining to this tutorial with remark area, we will reply you shortly. After seeing lots of passion of Android users in the direction of GTA 5, Rockstar has determined to make this video game feasible to run on Android OS. SO they had developed as well as introduced GTA 5 Apk in beta variation.
Superstar really made it out of the park from the GTA franchise. With the introduction of mobile pc gaming, they have actually additionally launched several ready Android as well as iphone devices. Darrell is a blog owner that suches as to stay on par with the most up to date from the tech and finance world.
The video game invites you with wonderful affection to realize you for quite a long time or even months. If you have ever before play GTA 5 on your Computer after that I don't think there is any need to tell you features of this video game. But you are playing it for the first time after that let you recognize what amazing functions are added in this brand-new video game of Rockstar Gamings.
Yet is is time to take pleasure in GTA V for all Android Gamings enthusiasts. One of the most distinguishing characteristic of GTA 5 APK is an upgraded tale play consisting of 3 differed lead characters. Michael De Santa, an ex-con who escaped being incarcerated and also set himself in a spacious manor where he fights with locating a meaningful way of living. That intro of 3 separate personalities is most definitely something brand-new as we practically have different stories as opposed to one prolonged plot gone for one personality advancement. In this manner the gameplay of download GTA 5 is way extra appealing.
Substantial modifications have actually been made with the rise in the variety of tools modifiers and the capability to take turns. Consequently, you can proactively change guns and highly versatile resources whenever you go anywhere. This video game's new functions make it much more practical and challenging than previous Grand Theft Auto video games. And also like in other video games of this kind, you will be given several choices in terms of clothes, hairstyles, as well as faces.
The story contains weaves, and also it's quite incredible just how the whole video game plays out. I never ever get tired of skyrocketing mobsters, driving about in my personal Lamborghini, and viewing the residential property of the rich as well as famous refute around you-- all while making money for it. First PC variation development started in parallel with PlayStation 3 and also Xbox 360. PC growth later on paved the way as focus shifted to the console releases yet ultimately resumed. Due to the fact that the team had actually prepared a PC version from early on, they made technological choices ahead of time to help with later on advancement, like assistance for 64-bit computing and also DirectX 11.
The web sites declaring to supply you the mobile variation of GTA V are phony. We can only wait for Rockstar Games to ultimately re-release GTA V for mobile phones. Till after that, we can delight in the various other titles they have currently released. To get the full version of the video game, you need to obtain the OBB file along with the information file. The GTA V APK data alone is inadequate to enable you to play and take pleasure in the premium variation of the video game on your smart phone.
The initial point that you were mosting likely to require to do is confirm that your device hardware is established as well as effective enough to run the video game to begin with. If you  would certainly love nothing greater than to have the possibility to play this groundbreaking game on your favored Android gadgets, you're going to require to get your hands on a correct GTA 5 APK. No, the GTA 5 APK is not established by the official GTA engineer. Some game engineers have actually created the mobile APK variation.
However, with the rising passion of players in GTA V, it projects to discover an option to download and install GTA V on smart phones. Before downloading as well as setting up, you need to guarantee that you have actually entirely gotten rid of the previous variation or totally free version of GTA5 from your Android device. If you missed this action, your installation will certainly be stopped working at any moment and also you will not able to set up as well as play the game properly. Pavlovich located that while Superstar designated the team objectives to create songs for, some of their arbitrary creations influenced other missions and also sparked motivation for further rating development. He reviewed a "stem-based" system utilized to make songs fit vibrant video game aspects where the team would certainly make up songs to highlight results gamers could make right away after finishing objectives.
That song is a streamlined version of the GTA I motif's history music. It was also the pager's ringtone in GTA III, as well as remained in the GTA Vice City introduction under the retro Rockstar Gamings logo design. If the gamer switches or discharges weapons after a call, the phone will certainly not disappear on CJ's hand. Switching to other weapons, or entering an auto would after that remove this technique. If Carl has his phone out as well as encounters water being splashed from a Firetruck, chances are that if he is simply completing a conversation as well as is about to put his phone away, he instead will keep it in his hand.
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unioncolours · 4 years
One Majsasaurus Year!
Today is a very special day for me. This day marks the one-year anniversary since I uploaded the very first chapter of my very first fanfiction. It has been one year since I stepped into the Naruto/Boruto fandom as a content creator.
This post is going to be a sappy meta post about my year as a content creator and my relationship to my fanfictions, to my writing and to my fandom and friends.
Please continue reading down below 💕⬇ 
I began watching Naruto in 2019, and by summer 2019 I had seen Shikamaru’s arc in Shippuden. I was blown away by his character and I was a full shipper of ShikaTema by then. I could not wait until we got to the end of Shippuden, and began googling the next gen characters (and spoiling the end game couples at the same time) and you can only imagine my satisfaction when I found out ShikaTema became canon and they had a son.
Very soon after this I came up with my first fanfiction idea, the one that gave birth to my very first fanfiction Shadows and Sand. I believed that idea had been done before, but after vacuuming through both ff.net and ao3, and I found nothing, I decided to write it myself.
I may have written fanfictions only for a year, but prior to this I was hardcore into the original writing world. I had written two fantasy novels and five full length plays before I wrote my first fanfiction, one of which was published, so the art of writing was something I was fairly used to.
The fanfiction writers I had read and followed to this point were Big Fandom Name writers with strict schedules and lots of readers. Every time they uploaded a new chapter their audience would write comments like “Your spoiling us with these tight schedules” and so on. I really liked the idea of a consecutive schedule and decided to write the whole first fic in its entirety, so I could “spoil” my potential readers with updates.
Shadows and Sand ended up being 35 000 word long, divided into eight chapters. This was the first story in my whole life I had ever written completely in English (and it was not easy). Going back to Shadows and Sand is cringy for me, mainly for the way I expressed myself in English, thought I still think the plot is great.
Here is one of the lines from Shadows and Sand I to this day think is amazing:
“She [Mirai] looked into his eyes, but he [Shikadai] didn’t look back, because he was already staring into a nightmare where his dad was dead because of his mistakes.”
For a totally new fanfiction writer, with no “fanbase” prior to this, I would say I got quite a lot of comments (around 15 in total on the eight chapters) and I was extremely happy for that.
I uploaded the whole thing in a week and a half, satisfied and proud of the result. At the final chapter I got a comment where the commentor wrote something along the lines of “Well written angst and well written fluff”. I pondered about those statements for a long time, thinking, yes, this was actually angst, even if I in the moment of writing – then I was still unused to the tagging system and the tropes of fanfiction, didn’t categorise the fic as angst, because I thought angst could only be chopped off limbs and painful deaths. But this fic had angst as well. Tiny angst, but still. And a rather powerful feeling rose in my chest from that moment. This is what I want to do in the fandom. To write heartfelt stories that make people feel.
  One week after I uploaded the final chapter of Shadow and Sand my fingers began to itch. I wanted to write more. Wanted to explore the little grain of world building I had already created. Wanted to write more Shikadai and Inojin kissing.
And thus, To go down with the Sun was born.
I began writing Down with the Sun with only one vision – something epic and an explosion. The plot was evolving as I was writing and the result ended up being just beautiful. And I became obsessed with this story. I wrote it in racer speed, 50 000 words in 26 days (that is madness, I tell you, MADNESS!) and then the rest 30k in 20 days. I could not think of anything but this story and the Next Generation Kids I put through trials and hell. I felt true euphoria while writing this story that unfolded under my fingers like in a dream. It was a mania, and a damn strong one.
The first thing I did when I woke up was writing, the last thing I did before going to bed was writing it. I prioritised writing this story above all in my life.
At the time of uploading, the fic did not get that much recognition. I got about one comment per chapter. When I uploaded the final chapter, I got two comments on that one, which was a tiny bummer, since I had hoped for more. It was a lonely, but lovely job to write Down with the Sun, mostly with my own thoughts as company, since the readers were rather quiet with feedback.
But I loved the few comments I got and I still got kicks from just the single act of uploading a new chapter. Because in the end, I wrote for myself and even more for the characters and plot. Finishing the story was the greatest motivator.
I uploaded the final chapter of To go down with the Sun December 7th, 2019.  And I still to this day love the story I created, even if I know that I’d definitely re-write some elements from the story if I’d write it again. But I still love it.
   After To go down with the Sun I wrote the fic that I hold the least emotional value to, Earning a weasel’s trust. The story is cute and short (11 000 words). It was a nice little project focusing on Temari’s motherhood to Shikadai that I wrote in a week. It got close to no feedback or attention, but it didn’t make me sad, because I needed to write and share that story and then move on with my life. I am though happy I wrote it.
At this time in my creative process I had been really lonely. It had been me with my own head and the characters. I had no beta reader and no one to bounce off ideas or anything. I had no fandom friends. I am still amazed I had written around 130k words without almost any support whatsoever in the span of four months.
This all changed in late December 2019. I found a Discord Server that I basically begged to get to be part of, and it really changed my fandom experience. Prior to this, my fandom experience had been lonely, and I just produced and consumed content. There was no interaction between anyone, except me replying to commentors.
And now, I found friends. I found people who loved the same pairing and show as I, and it felt almost life changing. This was the time when fandom really felt like… a hobby. A home. Before, it was a creative outlet, now it became a community.
I thrived.
The mod of this server @loknnica, hosted during this time a writing contest, which I eagerly wanted to take part of. I wrote my contest fic, Branded by Love, during January 2020, in which I made Shikamaru betray Konoha for Suna and Temari, and their son Shikadai became the One Tail jinchuuriki. The fic was 10k words long, and OUCH, the backstory I came up with. As soon as BbL was finished I decided that I wanted to write a long version of this canon divergence-world I had created.
In February 2020 I began writing Trial of the Heart, the epic version of Branded by Love. And damn, damn, damn what an epic story was born out of my fingers and brain. I love ToH, I loved what it turned out to be, a heart-wrenching and sad story of Shikamaru, Temari and Shikadai in a world of war.
While writing ToH the writing contest was ending and to my big, big delight, I WON! Branded by Love and I won the contest! This was precisely the boost I needed to really feel validated in my rather specific writing style and choice of plots.
I wrote ToH almost non-stop for four months, and in the beginning of June, the 28th chapter was uploaded. Trial of the Heart ended up being 123 000 words long. In four months, a whole damn NOVEL was created from my keyboard.
The pride, guys. The pride and joy I felt was like a drug injection.
Finishing off works is the greatest, greatest dose of motivation and pride. To write, write, write and finish. And let go of your work, to upload it with a great smile on your face.
During the spring and summer of 2019 three very important friends entered my life.
Vee (@veeganburger on twitter),
Becks (@notquitejiraiya on twitter)
Spooky (@spookymoth on twitter).
These three wonderful ladies really made me feel valid as a writer, and made me love my own work as well. During the spring To go down with the Sun had gained quite a lot of attraction, and the kudos and comments came. All the loneliness I had felt during the autumn was replaced by joy and love of sharing my works. These women have shared their thoughts of my work (and art) to me and I have also in privacy felt secure to talk with these women about nothing and all at once. They never fail to cheer me up.
I love you.
I had also gained the nickname “Shikadai’s tormentor” after multiple times forced that poor boy into horrible situations in my works. The user @shikanaradai’s nickname is Shikadai’s protector and we have an ongoing joke about being archenemies because of this. Ah. The fandom bubble was and is so lovely when you can experience inside jokes with friends. They became my friends, and I gained so much from this.
During Trial of the Heart I wrote a friendship between Shikadai and Inojin and I realised I missed writing them as a couple, like I had done in To go down with the Sun. With the support of Vee, who was really, really excited for a new fic where those two boys are a couple, I decided to write a sequel to To go down with the Sun, which I named To dance above the Stars.
In the wait before I began writing that one, I wrote two one shots, 48 hours to live – a next gen focused fic based on a manga chapter from the Boruto manga, and a pure Shikadai x Inojin one shot, I found love in the eyes of a boy, because at that time I knew already I had dug my own grave with that pairing.
I began writing To dance above the Stars in June 2020 and uploaded the first chapter at the end of the same month.
Simultaneously as I wrote Above the Stars I also wrote/edited three fics, one of them called The End, for an application to become a writer to the ShikaTema zine Everything I never knew I wanted. The results of the application came in the middle of July, when I had written a good chunk of Above the Stars.
I am now officially one of the five writers for that zine!
To dance above the Stars got better recognition that I ever imagined. I was terrified that no one would want to read it, because it was a sequel and had very niched themes. A rare gay next gen pairing in focus and a story with extremely heavy emotional themes. I was so unsure anyone would want to read. The same feeling of loneliness that I had experienced during To go down with the Sun came back a little bit. That it in the end would be only me and my text.
How wrong I was.
To dance above the Stars got wonderful feedback, and more kudos than for example Trial of the Heart got. I received wonderful comments, and even fanart! I was so extremely happy and felt a new powerful emotion. It almost felt like my fic had its own little world in the world of fics, if that makes sense? Like a miniature fandom. During the late summer To go down with the Sun got translated into Russian by a wonderful reader of mine, enabling my texts to a wider audience, which I am extremely honoured by.
As I write this, it is September 2020. One year ago, I was writing Shadows and Sand and struggling through stringing English sentences together and that was also when “my” version of Shikadai was born. One year ago, I was writing what I to this day think is the best fighting scene I have ever written – and I write a lot of fight scenes. One year ago I was listening to “I just want to be brave” from the movie Lion King to get into Shikadai vibes and the mistake he did in that fic, a song I revisit for this reason time and time again.
I remember naively thinking that I will finish Shadows and Sand and then maybe write something else as well. Little did I then, in September 2019 know, that I would one year later have written closer to 400k words of fics, centred around Team 10 or around the Nara family. One year, almost four hundred thousand words.
Now, one year later I had won a writing contest, written three full length NOVELS as fics, been accepted to a wonderful zine, and found lovely, lovely friends. I even got crowned as a “Queen” for the Shikadai x Inojin ship, Shikajin as it is called, since I am one of the like three people who write for that ship, and have to this date written around 180k words for them. Which is a lot, haha!
I feel like I have conquered a tiny corner of the great fandom sandbox, and let me tell you, I thrive in my own corner. I might have few followers on twitter compared to many other creators, but I still want to provide content for those who want to see it. I might write rather niche works, but they filled a space where no fics were, and enriched the fandom in their own ways, even if I haven’t gotten tens of comments on each chapter. I have gotten around four comments each chapter, but it felt like okay.
I might not mod great zines like many of my friends do, something that did for a few months bring great stress into my fandom life. Am I a second-hand fandom member because I don’t want to moderate a zine, was something I often thought about. Am I lesser worth because I don’t do these amazing projects? No, I am not. And I feel very satisfied by just following my friends’ journeys and look at beautiful twitter accounts for zines.
I want to put my energy on writing intriguing plots and difficult fight scenes. Every fandom experience is valid.
In my heart I know my fics and content are good. Maybe not as good as native English writer’s content, but they’ve got a heart and soul on their own, and I really feel like I do have a Majsasaurus genre, trope or theme going on in my fics. And to be honest, I love it, and I accept that other people might not love it as much, or not at all. But it doesn’t matter. What I think of my own content matter.
  If any of you, who read this, have commented even once on one of my fics, thank you.
If any of you have ever interacted with me on twitter through comments, thanks you.
If any of you have pressed the follow button on either twitter or tumblr for me, thank you.
If any of you have left kudos to me, thank you.
If any of you have read my stuff but don’t want to comment because of different reasons, or if you feel shy to reach out, thank you for reading and I appreciate you as well.
 That was one hell of a Majsasaurus Year. Here’s to the next year. Cheers!
Thank you, all of you. You make my fandom experience complete.
 -        Majsasaurus Bex
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another fanfic ask game post! enjoy!
This time I’m doing these questions!
Inspiration and Reading Questions:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
Reading: I’m not sure. Maybe 2011/2012
Writing: 2013
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
It’s definitely both, but I wouldn’t call it a perfect 50/50 split. It varies. Sometimes I read more, but write less or vice versa.
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do.
Not really. I usually just write fics for whatever I want to.
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
Current favorite WIPs.
All That’s Left by @doriangrayscale
flowers for your grave by @grantairesbottle
Lover of the Light by @areyoumiserableyet
Favorite (four) all-time fics
Ask me no question (and I’ll tell you no lies) by Signe_chan
If you offer salvation, I will run (into your arms) by mornmeril
this is fact not fiction by Rianne
Oh, It’s What You Do To Me by captainskellington
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something.
I have a love-hate relationship with slow burn fics. Like I love them because give me the pining, give me the obliviousness, give me the amazing, sweeping first kiss, give me the angst, just give me all the delicious development that comes with finding common ground and falling in love. That being said, however, and I realize that I’m in the minority here, the hate part comes in when the story is really long, let’s 50+ chapters, and the story gets to chapter 50, but the romance still hasn’t started coming into play and I’m starting to just get sick of it because nothing has progressed to romance. Like there gets to be a time where too much is too much and usually, when that happens, it’s time for me to say adios! to the story.
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction.
I primarily read fics on Ao3. I loathe FFN.net with every fiber of my being.
I usually just leave the Enjolras/Grantaire category open on and refresh it like three to four times a day for new stories to read.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
It depends on the ship, but I mostly like long fics.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like?
I’m absolutely horrid at commenting (I’m working on getting better), but if it’s a story that I really like (ex. the three WIPs mentioned in question 4), I will comment every time there is a new chapter.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
I have no idea. In my opinion, I think all writers are underrated and unknown.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Enjolras and Grantaire (Enjoltaire) from Les Mis.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
Through music or quotes. Sometimes one just comes to me, but mostly through music or quotes.
12. Tell the author your favorite fics title of theirs (not the fics, stricktly the title). Author: what’s your favorite title you’ve come up with and why?
I love all the titles of my fics, I can’t possibly pick a favorite.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just look at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
I make some sort of outline, but I don’t think they’d really get much of a headache since it’s pretty much just a basic plot, maybe sometimes a little more than that.
14. Do you have personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
Absolutely not! I write until I think I’ve found a good quitting spot. That can be 500 words or 20k words. It all depends on how I’m feeling and where my motivation is at.
15. Tell the author your favorite fics of theirs. What’s your (the author’s) favorite fic you’ve written?
Forever Was In His Eyes is my favorite with Begin Again as a close second.
Honorable mention because it pushed me out of my comfort zone: Beating of Our One Heart.
16. Do you research your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you down by accident while researching?
I only research if the fic absolutely calls for it.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
On a scale of 1-100, 100. I’m not motivated by feedback like some writers are, but I do love to know if someone is enjoying my fic or not.
18. Do you have WIP that you keep telling yourself that you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably lie?
Nope. Any WIPs that are unfinished, will probably stay unfinished.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)?
I edit, and then, I’m constantly editing after it’s posted. If I re-read one of my fics and spot a spelling mistake, I can’t just let it sit there, I HAVE to fix it. I am also currently in the middle of long and giant editing project to make sure all my stories are the best stories that they can.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Um...I, for some strange reason, love outlining. I love coming up with the sequence of events. How do the characters get from point A to point B. How does the story end.
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Editing and revising. Always.
22. Do you take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
Nope. I don’t get enough attention in my inbox to do that.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
Forbidden love. I’ve always been such a sucker for this trope.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
I’m sure that there are some tropes that I would never touch in a million years, but I can’t think of any write now.
25. Do you listen to music as your write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
I listen to music, but I don’t have a playlist. Most of time it’s just Taylor Swift.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
Um...if I’m watching a brand new TV show or one I haven’t watched in a long time, I’ll pay more attention to the screen then what I’m supposed to be writing. This goes for movies too.
27, Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random?
I keep my fics under lock and key until they are finished. No one knows any details about them except me. The one exception to this rule was Beating of Our One Heart. I warned that that fic would feature a polyamorous relationship (something I have never written before) while I was working on the outline.
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
Well, the only pressure I usually feel is worry that people won’t like my story, but I think that’s normal for every writer.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)?
I don’t write for events.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
R (11:46 P.M.): I’m not sorry.
31. Of the characters your write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain one?
I love writing Enjolras. I’m sure people who have read my fanfics find him to be OOC, but I don’t care. When I write him, he’s half me projecting and the other half is him being the righteous revolutionary that we know him as.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
I can’t pick three, I have too many favorites.
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
It depends. I like writing both. I also really like writing one shots that are 30k+ and multi-chapter fics that are under 10k. It all just depends on my mood and what the fic calls for.
34. How much of yourself and your life experience do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
As stated above, I project onto Enjolras. How much, I’m not saying. I do put my likes and dislikes as the characters’. When I write children, I draw inspiration from my nephews. I use my high school class schedule as the characters’ schedule when I write high school AU’s. The jest of what I’m saying is that I have no idea what my readers’ image of me is.
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
It’s become my escape when things get too difficult or stressful.
36. Are they any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been apart of?
I’m not embarrassed by it, and I never finished or posted it, but I started writing a Sound of Music fic. I don’t remember what it was about, though.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write.
My current WIP is almost done. I just have to finish writing more scene.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
It’s very tame, so 1. I write my stories in order of events, if I don’t I get confused on what’s happen. I start by writing an outline, and then I write and I edit (multiple times) before I post.
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
That I write what I want to. No comments can really influence the story (unless it’s a consistency thing) because I write the whole thing out before it’s posted.
40. How did you come up with the idea for [x fic]?
You can see this answer right here!
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on Tumblr, most hits/kudos on Ao3)?
My most popular fic based on hits: Somethings Are Meant to Be.
My most popular fic based on kudos: The Enjolras Guide to Weddings and Love.
42. Asker: pick three of the author’s works. Author: rank them 1 (the best) - 3 (the worst) based on whatever criteria you want - this could be something totally random that isn’t quality related ( like simply ranking fics based on how many trains appear in them) have fun!
I’m skipping this question!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
Every comment that I get, especially if I get it when I’m having a bad day, is like a little ray of sunshine for me. Again I’m not motivated by comments or feedback, but I can’t deny that receiving it is like a cherry on top of a delicious hot fudge sundae.
44. Ran about something writing related.
How long it takes to write. I wish I could just connect some sort of machine to my brain, and it would just churn out the words for my fics and they could be done a lot sooner. And that fanfiction could come before homework and life, but alas it can’t.
45. Fic specific questions - if you have any weird questions about specific works, here’s your shot to ask them!
Skipping this one, but if you have a question about any of my fics, my ask box is currently closed, but my DM’s are always open.
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fitasepeliculas · 4 years
Ridley Scott Turns 83: A Personal History and Appreciation
For most of my life, I regarded Ridley Scott as a director who made slick, well-crafted movies that nonetheless left me cold. Spielberg – more embracing, sentimental, whose name graced the credits of so many childhood favorites - used to monopolize my attention. Alien was a modest oldie that was overshadowed by its more action-oriented sequel; Blade Runner nearly put me to sleep back in the VHS days; Black Hawk Down had a relentless intensity that left little room for emotional resonance; Gladiator wowed with great sets, costumes and a star-making Russell Crowe turn, yet the acclaim befuddled me; Hannibal could be summed up as a bizarre exaggeration of its Oscar-winning predecessor. Scott seemed to be an imperious, scowling “man’s man”. Remember his sour face during the producers’ speech when Gladiator won Best Picture but he went home emptyhanded? Tough guy to like.
Nowadays, he’s my favorite filmmaker. How did that happen?
I warmed up to him little by little, starting with the bonus materials on the Hannibal DVD, in which I found him surprisingly funny – the story he told about calling Steven Zaillian’s office and absent-mindedly asking for Ted Telly instead made me crack up. Matchstick Men was an unexpected comedic delight, as was the taut geopolitical thriller Body of Lies and the entertaining period epic Robin Hood. After getting a Blu-ray player, I popped in Blade Runner: The Final Cut which, seen through the eyes of an adult instead of an impatient young teenager, finally earned its reputation as a masterpiece. We’re in 2010 now – I was already a hardcore Alien franchise fan, still more reverential towards Cameron’s 1986 entry. It was around that time I got wind of some exciting news: Ridley Scott would be back to direct a prequel to his own 1979 milestone! Alien: Resurrection and those accursed crossovers that shall go unnamed hadn’t killed the star beast after all. Encouraged by my newfound appreciation for him thanks to how much I had liked his recent output, I began to pay more attention to all things Scott.
Despite not seeing it in 3D and having overcome my initial disappointment that it wouldn’t be a direct prequel, I took a liking to Prometheus from the get-go. It was the kind of movie that encouraged viewers to spend days reading other people’s interpretations and theories after leaving the theater, and also my favorite brand of sci-fi: atmospheric, enigmatic, speculating on our origins, our faith, and whether we are alone in the universe. It was only in the following year, however, when I saw it again at home, that my appreciation blossomed into full-blown admiration. It provided awe and wonder with an edge, something that Spielberg seemingly no longer cared about, having turned into a chronicler of all things Old and Important. Do you know how you can be so thoroughly consumed by a movie to the point that it colors the impressions you have not only of its director’s past legacy but also of his upcoming projects? Suddenly I found myself revisiting and rethinking – in other words, seeing with new eyes – Scott's oeuvre, identifying stylistic and thematic patterns, and above all, though rather subtly, a personality as a storyteller that was unmistakably his own and which he did manage to imprint on some of his films, sometimes even in the most commercial ones. From indifference to mild interest to fandom.
What follows isn’t substantial enough to merit a detailed explanation, so long story short: I rewatched Alien for the first time in over a decade. The result? mindblown.gif. It became my all-time number one movie, and Scott cemented himself as the biggest head in my personal Mount Rushmore of directors. What about his touch that justifies this homage, though? Let’s skip the commonplace - yet totally valid - reasons, such as “a great eye for detail”, “the sheer aesthetic beauty” or “a knack for worldbuilding”. Fostering recurring themes, favoring a certain type of camera placement or movement, setting a particular rhythm to the proceedings during the shooting or in post etc. are but a few of the trademarks of a distinctive filmmaker. Just as relevant is their ability to develop a consistent cinematic reality of their own.
I’d describe Scott’s as one where human behavior and emotion are rendered in a less typically mannered, heightened fashion than most mainstream Hollywood fare, utterly apart from, say, the aforementioned Spielberg. There is an unsentimental, matter-of-fact patina to his outlook on life. Consider how God is represented simply by a curt boy in Exodus: Gods and Kings. Remember the formal, albeit merciless, dialogue-exchange-as-power-play between “father” and “son” that opens Alien: Covenant. A skeptical reader might argue that it’s in the script, therefore not creditable to Scott. I’m not referring merely to the concepts per se but to their enactment, which is guided by the hands of the director. It’s a trait detectable mainly in his 21st-century work. (With perhaps two exceptions - Black Rain, Thelma & Louise -, his post-Blade Runner, pre-Gladiator period feels anonymous, uninspired in terms of self-expression.) You will notice that these two examples stem from not long ago – a deliberate choice to illustrate how the usual claims that he has “lost it” are shortsighted. If one pays attention, however, it’s clear that said resemblance to realism in characterization and setting can be found in good ole Alien, what with its world-weary blue-collar characters, their down-to-earth banter and occasionally blunt interactions, not to mention the cluttered, lived-in interiors of the Nostromo.
Along with a select few colleagues like Mann, Fincher and heir apparent Villeneuve, Ridley Scott is living proof that intelligent life can still be found in big-budget Hollywood, catering to the demands of the adults in the audience.
This is meant as a thank-you note to a filmmaker whose vision not only helped me (re)shape my ability to recognize what I see around me in the wide white canvas of the big screen but also stimulates my imagination with waking dreams that are a tad brainier and, paradoxically, less escapist than those concocted by populist entertainers. Being a fan has never been so exciting: at 83, Scott has no less than three major theatrical features to be released in the near future.
Note to Gaff: unlike Rachael, he will live! 
[my original post]
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Lil’ catch up
Hi everyone, there was a little while since I updated you on the situation with coming projects and chatted a bit, so felt it was time to do so.
Since my little summer break, my blog hasn’t been so dormant, mainly because I’ve published the Liar’s Dice minis series and a writing challenge. I had so much passion and honestly good time writing these fics so I’m really happy for everyones positive reactions, really thank you! However to something that perhaps hasen’t seen the light in so long...
For those of you following the WYBM (Would you believe me if I told you my story?) series, you have probably noticed updates have been scarce, or near non existent. Sadly I run into a huge writers block with this series and haven’t found any inspiration for the chapters I already have planned. Yet there is hope that the hiatus this series is on, is about to disappear sooner rather than later.
Because in the moment I’m reading through all the chapters, mainly because I now also publish my works on AO3. While doing so I’ve found many things I wanted to touch up on, which is what I'm doing in the moment. So far I’ve re-done the first six chapters of WYBM and I’m more then happy how the characters and story flows now. I’m continuously working on the rest of the chapters and I feel how the ideas starts coming back more and more. So, for those of you following that series, updates will come at first only as renewed chapters, but soon also brand new chapters!
However, I have others plans as well. In the nearest future, I’m going to post an entry to a challenge I’m in. Though after that I have a fun little thing I’m going to try out called “Word of the day”. This isn’t a one time thing, but rather something I’m going to update once in a while. The plan is that for a week straight, I’m going to post fics which have been inspired of a dictionary randomised word. I’m looking forward to this and already have the first week planned, so stay tuned. More than that, I don't have much to say. So until I post next time, take care and stay healthy in these times and remember my inbox or PM sections are always are open if you want or need to speak to me about something!
Love Dovie. xx
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tomisgar · 4 years
The final major project. At the beginning of the project I wanted to create an editorial piece, something like a coffee table book, that would focus on three different mediums; fashion, product design and typography. This was inspired by architect and fashion designer, Virgil Abloh’s IKEA collaboration that I featured in my dissertation ‘The Unique Development of Virgil Abloh’s Brand Identity Through Contemporary Culture, Early Influences and Collaboration.’ However this idea never came to fruition as I didn’t really have a solid basis to go off of, plus I also wanted to show off more of an illustrative piece since that aspect of my identity has developed over the years at AUB and with this being my final project I felt like I should do something I was experienced with so that the design would be the best it can be.
Coming out of the first tutorial with a few ideas, I set out to research something that I could create some illustrative content for whilst still keeping with the editorial idea that I had prior. Since my illustration style is based around sarcasm and humour, I wanted to find a semi-serious topic that I could either mock or present in a new light.
My first instinct was to use something I like to call ‘honest truths.’ Honest truths are basically everyday criticisms that people want to ignore, for example; money want make you happy or time is the real currency, but I ended up hating the research I found for this and thought this topic is kind of boring to look at. This led me to researching into conspiracy theories because I personally find conspiracy theories fascinating to read no matter how stupid some of them may be, and who doesn’t love a good conspiracy theory. Some research that solidified my idea was the ‘Parcast Podcast’ hosted by Molly Brandenburg & Carter Roy, as they have two episodes on a lot of different conspiracy theories from Area 51 to Princess Diana’s death, with the two narrators stating fact from fiction and laying out each theory in its rawest form. Whilst listening to a few of these podcasts I drew up a few characters / designs that related to said podcast. Not really having anything to go off from there, I decided to do a bit more research into the subject matter.
I had an idea where I would make a series of short books explaining each theory and shows the fact from fiction in the theories. I went to Wikipedia to look at a list of potential theories I could select however this was too broad of an idea to complete in the time frame I had, so I was advised to pick one theory that I liked the most and focus on that one. This led to me choosing the flat Earth theory as the basis of my project.
The flat Earth theory, a theory that suggests that the Earth is a flat plane with ice walls surrounding the exterior. When researching into flat Earth, and why so many people believe in it, I thought that it was such an outrageous theory that an illustrated, editorial piece would suit the theory the best, being able to exaggerate my drawings in a sarcastic yet humours way. My initial idea for this project, including the flat Earth theory, was based off of this quote by Joseph Uscinski “If you can get people to ironically question systems like NASA... and the scientific process in general, you can... get them to question those things for real” meaning I wanted to create something that people would read then question said theory and maybe getting people to believe in such a questionable theory. However, my idea developed into more of a project about open-mindfulness and getting my target audience to be more accepting of other people ideas no matter how dumb it may seem. From there I started creating collages of different ‘scenes’ that would instigate and inspire further ideas. I used multiple different magazines to create these collages. This wasn’t as successful as I had hoped, but down the line in the project the pancake collage became an inspiration for an illustration. I did some more research into the theory, stumbling upon a “rap battle” between American rapper B.o.B and Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, with B.o.B being for the flat Earth theory and Tyson being against the theory, proving B.o.B wrong. This inspired some small experimental pieces that developed into the future design that I finished on, a for and against type editorial piece.
This idea of a for and against type editorial piece was a strong enough idea for me to start creating layouts with different mediums. I started off with creating a Marianna Mooney inspired, typographic design which I thought was really effective yet lacked motivation and content, so it looked good but wasn’t exactly what I wanted. This is when I started questioning if I even wanted to do flat Earth theory as I felt like there wasn’t much to use that would fill an entire book. I also wasn’t referring back to my Learning Agreement that outlined what I was doing, which in hindsight was a bad thing to do. I was listening to the flat Earth ‘Parcast’ podcast and they kept referring back to this idea that NASA ‘lies’ about the research they do, which is one of the main reasonings that flat-Earthers use to defend their statements. This gave me an idea, that was way off topic, to create a for and against editorial design relating to the idea of NASA lying, this included flat Earth and the 1969 Moon Landings in which many people, to this day, believe was a hoax. I was advised in a tutorial, even though the experiment I created for this idea was well received, to stick with the flat Earth side.
To briefly summaries (otherwise this evaluation will go on for way too long), coming out of this tutorial I re-evaluated what I was doing, looked back at my edited learning agreement, and decided to challenge myself and continue with the flat Earth theory, to an eventual successful design that you see as the final piece. Obviously, I created a lot of experiments between the last tutorial and the final piece (evident in the process book), with one main struggle being that the editorial design was difficult to layout because the way I wanted people to read both books was that they are read at the same time, which meant I had to match up both sides. So, with this and the fact that the research I did didn’t exactly match it was a challenge to create. This was until I realised, I could do a ‘Z’ shaped book, which is what my final piece would look like if the Coronavirus wasn’t present. This is shown, however, in an example I created with the materials I had at hand.
If I had to describe the two different sides to the book I would say the scientific side or to use its proper title, ‘A Compendium to our Spherical Earth’, is an academic textbook inspired design with a minimalistic layout approach, presenting the reader with the facts about how the Earth is spherical and the history of this. On the other hand, the flat Earth side or ‘the truth’, is the complete opposite, it has a humorous approach mixed with repetition to represent the way flat-Earthers repeat their argument when others try to prove them wrong. The other aspect that ‘the truth’ side has is the lack of editorial rules which pays homage to flat-Earthers completely disregarding any scientific values and/or evidence. Another way you could summaries this project is the book gets the audience to think; ‘do I want to read the truth but it looks really long and boring to read, or do I read the dumb theory but it’s fun to read and more visually appealing’, relating back to that idea of being open-minded in a non-serious sense.
Overall, I am really pleased with my final outcome to the final major project, it’s just a shame that I may not get the chance to fully create this design due to the Coronavirus.  If I were to ever revisit or do this project again I think I would experiment with an animation, even though I keep saying I never want to do an animation, looking back at previous ones I’ve created I actually really appreciate the time and effort put into them. I think I would also play around with the idea of conspiracy theories as a whole, for example creating an animation/editorial piece that would instruct someone on how to create their own conspiracy in a comedic way, obviously.
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