#i fucking hate gwourtney
gwunc4nlover · 5 months
hiii do you have any aus or hcs for Duncan, Gwen or both? I love hearing peoples hcs tbh
I have lots!!!
-He shaves his goatee every day into a little square, but sometimes forgets the rest of his beard
- He doesn’t listen to almost any music. He is more of the “ whatever’s on the radio “ type of guy, tho he really likes Kiss (as seen in his makeup on “camp castaways”) and other hard rock bands.
- He either loves or hates limp biskit (still not sure tho)
- He loves to find sightseeing spots for him(and obviously Gwen)
- He loves his mom, and he’s her favorite between his brothers.
- He is the youngest of four
- He became a punk(of course) to annoy his dad but ended up being a punk in spirit
- Obviously a pyro
- Shoplifts snacks for himself and Gwen
- Has been to juvie for many things, primarily getting caught after doing a graffiti or litting something on fire
- Wants to open a tattoo studio
- She got introduced to the goth subculture by her grandmother on her mother’s side
- Has a really good relationship with her brother. He is her partner in crime for pranks in her house.
- Makes her clothes like any goth girl
- Has 4 pairs of the same platform shoes
- Works at a cafe to get money for her college tuition
- Spends most of her time drawing the landscapes, her lizards and Duncan
- Wants to study art history
- Listens to The cranberries- Siouxie and the Banshees, Hole, Kittie and Paramore.
- Hates people who think she is some type of different person who “will change their perception of life”
- Would love to have a bat
- She is always reposting Green peace ‘s tweets
- Doesn’t have any social media after the show
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vitiligoduncan · 1 year
Did everyone just forget the fact that Courtney literally said that she would let Gwen fucking die right after Gwen saved her life
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mangora · 1 year
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Okay but I genuinely want to hear your answer to this question I found on the confessions blog (with all the F/F ships you ship from this show).
the real question one must ask themselves regarding every TD f/f ship is "which one would get randomly shot by a stray bullet in a gay-burying mainstream network show?"
buffy the vampire slayer is the only gay-burying mainstream network show i've watched but i'm gonna give this my best shot. put the ships in alphabetical order bc why not
betherra - could go either way tbh but im leaning toward beth simply bc sierra would go insane and try to destroy the world buffy the vampire slayer season 6 finale style
bridgney - it would either be bridgette for reasons mentioned above or courtney bc the show couldn't handle her sheer power and had to kill her off
courtnemma - again, emma bc courtney would destroy the world, or courtney to rip away whatever previous arc emma had of softening and opening herself up to love and to make her even more cold and jaded
dawnkota - dawn is 100% getting shot and dakota is in shambles but dawn comes back as a ghost with prophetic visions to further the plot. somehow she still never has a scene with dakota ever again
evzy - eva bc the network couldn't handle her butch lesbian swag
gwourtney - courtney bc the network would want you to sympathize with gwen over her. hardcore gwen fans would be like "my poor blorbo... so sad, all alone" and hardcore courtney fans would be like "SHUT UP MY FUCKING BLORBO DIED" and it would tear the gwourtney shippers apart
jasammy - sammy would so die. jasmine would grieve her for a while and eventually start dating shawn but it's done pretty well and they're a cute couple
jomaria - they would kill off jo and give anne maria a boyfriend the next season and it would suck
kadie - could go either way tbh
lesheather - leshawna bc every single season of td does her dirty. the backlash would be insane but some ppl would defend her getting shot bc it "gives heather a great arc" and the backlash to that would be even crazier. the show gets canceled halfway through the next season.
mkulia - mk bc julia has plot armor. julia would either go full villain or be devastated and all the other characters who hated her would start to feel bad for her and forgive her even though she doesn't deserve it and hasn't apologized, she's just grieving
nichaxel - nichelle so axel can go full angry paranoia doomsday prepper mode and everyone would use that as an excuse to bash her character
prillie - either priya gets killed to discourage millie from being vulnerable ever again or millie gets killed and priya tries to destroy the world but her friends talk her down and they all honor millie's memory together and it's actually really sweet
skyella - ella gets shot and says something like "but this was supposed to be our... happily ever after" and dies in sky's arms. next season dave tries to date sky while she's grieving and she attacks him for it. somehow they end up together in the finale. everyone hates it.
i hope that makes. any sense. if for some reason i missed a f/f ship you've heard me talk about before lmk and ill add it!
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xoangel-dust · 5 months
These are the total drama parings I actually give a fuck about:
Duncney (I’ve loved these two since 2008 even rooted for them ALL through action, world tour AND all stars! )
Aleheather (While I’ve never liked Heather I’m mostly neutral towards her since world tour but I love their dynamic. They’ve always seem to be underrated by the fandom to me. They’ve got so much chemistry,I can’t see them being without each other in canon)
Gwent(THEY ONLY GOT ONE FUCKIN KISS IN THE ENTIRE SERIES!!! I miss them so much every time I rewatch island)
Rajbow (I find them so cute together and how they unlike everyone else THEY ACTUALLY COMMUNICATE WITH ONE ANOTHER when something happens between them)
Juliayne (I’d like to thank @dangerousblizzarki for their amazing edits and Wayne for being so cute because she’s the only other character that’s not Raj he gave a nickname to but y’all act like it’s the worst damn paring)
Alenoah(seeing some fanart and reading a few fics really put me onto this paring)
Alenoheather (I find the idea of them interesting.)
Trentney (The idea of these two could work so well if done right. Trent becoming more secure with himself, Courtney toning down her bossy-ness for example. I remember “nicknaming” them the revenge couple back in the day but I know that would be OOC on Trent’s end. I feel like they’d have some things in common especially since they both sing, are very smart academically etc)
Now these are the total drama parings I dislike:
Gwuncan (I hate it with a burning passion of 10,000 suns. I’ve hated it since 2009 and all throughout all stars. It ruins both characters immensely)
Mkulia ( I cannot stand either of them as characters. I don’t dislike it just because I ship Julia with Wayne either. I don’t even like them as friends if I’m being honest)
Gwourtney ( So damn fake on both sides plus I never liked Gwen that much in the first place)
Ripaxel (I don’t like Ripper first of all and secondly they gave me nothing action Geoff and Bridgette once they got together. Even their so called funny moment irritated me. )
Prileb( It was cute at first but then they became screen hogs. Caleb has the personality of a wet ripped up paper towel and Priya overstayed her welcome.)
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popstart · 2 months
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Hi, i was the anon who sent this ask, and now that you are talking about this issue, i will talk about one of the accounts you talked about.
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"Oh yeah, let's ignore ALL the good things Duncan Said about Courtney and ALL the times Courtney defended him in the season, and Just sum up their ENTIRE relationship on one of their worst episodes"
Now, don't get me wrong, i hated Duncney in "Top Dog", but summing up them in Just it is so weird.
Also, the "Duncan was scared of Courtney 🥺" pisses me off so much, like can his fans STOP babying a whole criminal?
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Oh my fucking God, this is a low blow.
Again, summing Duncan and Courtney's relationship in Just "Top Dog" is weird, but doing this just to make Gwen and Duncan's relationship less worse is disturbing.
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Ok, let's see Duncan's ENTIRE confessional.
"Aw, man! I only came back for Gwen! She better not sulk the whole time, or i might as Well date Courtney-"
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Wow, dehumanising Duncney and Gwourtney shippers by calling them maniacs. Incredible. Also, i've seen her (the user goes by any pronouns) Interacting with the shippers, and they were Nice?! This Just makes her look like an annoying and immature child.
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Again, dehumanising Duncney and Gwourtney shippers by calling them terrifying. Incredible.
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Ok, she reblogged this shit. Oh my god, the way i'm gonna scream now.
The way Courtney antis try the most possible to make Courtney look like the Devil incarnate is uncomfortable as fuck.
Also, I'm really Glad this post's OP is now deactivated. I was already not standing this user in the Duncney tag talking shit anymore.
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This is an excerpt of her fanfic (The Wattpad account is on the bio)
The fanfic is about a Duncan in xem (the pronouns in the fanfic) 30s now who, along other old contestants (Courtney and Gwen are two of them) and new ones, is kidnapped to a new reality show hosted by Chris. During this reality show, xe finds a magic necklace, which is obviously important.
I'm going to admit, i actually liked the fanfic and (*GASP*) Gwen and Duncan's relationship in It, but i would've liked It more If, every time Courtney appeared, she wouldn't be treated like a "monster who traumatized Duncan forever and should die painfully 🥺".
Anyway, talking about the necklace, It is obviously searched, so one of these people invades the show with a gun and threatens Duncan and the people with xem, but Duncan DIDN'T give them It, so they actually tried to shoot xem, making a whole mess.
Now, that's my problem with this excerpt: Courtney is, again, treated like an annoying bitch, even though she has ALL the right to Get angry over Duncan.
Like, what do you Mean that you will not give a necklace to a person who threats you with a gun BECAUSE of it, which is worse when you are along people, including MINORS, who didn't have to do with it, threatning their lives too?!
Seriously, the way some of Courtney's haters Go as Far as they can to disregard her feelings is so disturbing i can't-
(Sorry about the bad English, It isn't my First language)
YEAH i saw all of this on their account and i just sighed. that one post they reblogged about how "unfaithful" courtney is especially pisses me off because they showed way more evidence for duncan being the unfaithful one then ended up spinning it into a duncan baby boy gwu'ncan win moment. what! that entire post was about how all three people in that situation werent good yet the conclusion they (and the op) came to is that gwun'can good courtney bad duncney bad 🥴the reach of all reaches
its honestly just double standard after double standard and it pisses me off so much. they just jump through hoops to defend their hatred of courtney and any ship with her that they end up missing a key point of their own damn posts LMFAO. its just sooo uncomfortable how much theyre willing to defend a white boy and a white girl that they provided textbook evidence themself about them not being saints yet praise them for being good people yet completely demonize the hell out of courtney and for what 💀
also the cherry picking is EXTREMELY prominent here. the "how duncan looks at courtney vs how he looks at gwen" thing is extra amusing to me because literally 3 seconds later duncan talks about how much he loves courtney DJSHGSFKJA. extremely amusing. anyways, anyone that knows their shit will see through the complete bullshit these kindsa people post but the thing that scares me is that theyre not just posting into the void, they have plenty of notes on their pretty blatant creepyness and it just. auhgghhh.
it really gets to me and the thing is, they dont care a damn bit. they see anyone who likes courtney as completely demonic so they WANT to piss people like me off but they end up going about it in completely misogynistic and racist ways. at the end of the day, i dont think i can change anyones opinions about what they should or shouldnt like, i just hope people can look inwards about why something like a fictional character being a "bad person" can anger them so much more if the person in question is a 16 year old brown girl rather than a white boy of the same age.
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skittle-bop69 · 8 months
uhhh ranking td ships (tw: my opinion)
duncey: 5/10 it was good at first but yeah
gwuncan: 2/10 if this wasnt part of the love triangle and just a regular ship i prolly would enjoy it
gwourtney: 10/10 yes
trentney: 0/10 like bro what
gwent: 4/10 this WAS cute until the writers ruined it >:/
trustin: 9/10 its cute
justin x beth (idk what the ship name is called): 0/10 maybe if beth wasnt cheating on her bf with justin i would like this one
lesharold: 7/10 yes
harzeke: 10/10 i love it also if zeke didnt go feral and the drama brothers were still together i can totally see them doing a collab
harody: 9/10 i actually really like this one
coderra: -100000000000000000000000000/10 I FUCKING HATE THIS STUPID ASS SHIP I HOPE IT DIES IN A GODDAMN DITCH
noco: 10000000000000000000000000000000000920239239/10 MY OTP :3
rajbow: 10/10 its so cute
juliwayne: 1/10 i honestly dont know what to say
mkulia: 10/10 chaotic lesbians i love it
scamien: 0/10 no.
damiya: 9/10 way better than praleb
praleb: 2/10 uh
chee/zase: 10/10 can totally see chase asking zee to kiss him for a video (it was not for a video chase just wanted his soda tasting boy lips)
zoke: 9/10 cute
malejandro: 10/10 i can imagine mal fantasizing about taking over the world with alejandro
aleheather: 10/10 yes
ozzy: 7.6/10 its cute but in wt it got kinda toxic
lyler: 10/10 adorable
anyways request more ships for me to rate :3
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footemoji · 11 months
Hey footemoji fans. Are you confused as hell? Well I, lemonade (NOT PISS) anon, am here to help. Here is a detailed explanation of the lore all in one post.
⭐️ lobotomy anon jokes that everyone who’s sent an ask should fight to the death, similar to in hunger games. This is the beginning of the end.
⭐️ footemoji puts everyone (who asked on time) into a hunger games simulator.
⭐️ this includes: @miahasahardname, @ferocioustrout, @dead-ask, @sillywillysthings, @bald69420, @1nt3rnet-ang3l, turtle anon, shark anon, candy anon, alien anon, lobotomy anon, Michelle Obama, @honkmaster69, renaissance total drama mf, @yourfavoriteperso, good anon, cake anon, ski jacket anon, tgirl Noah anon, @girl-loving-loser-137, @pinklemonslices, @laylajusttime, shoe anon, and @cupidariumzz. 
⭐️ turtle and shark anon are not happy to be in the same district, they hate eachother over Duncan total drama. (Gwourtney coded idk)
⭐️ long story short, @laylajusttime won! 
⭐️ this is when shit starts to go down
⭐️ turtle anon says that shark anon is braindead, while other people are rooting for an enemies to lovers arc.
⭐️ lobotomy anon angry to have died to early considering they came up with the footemoji hunger games idea.
⭐️ turtle and shark still beefing and being shipped
⭐️@ferocioustrout misses lobotomy anon. Foreshadowing.
⭐️ Turshark anon born.
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets second lobotomy.
⭐️ theory that turtle and shark are the same person is born.
⭐️ shark asks if turtle listens to mitski.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout says that they want to ‘have beef with someone enemies to lovers style too ):’, footemoji suggests @dead-ask because they killed them in the hunger games sim. lobotomy anon responds to that by saying ‘I hate you’
⭐️ turtle does listen to mitski!
⭐️ shark says that their favorite song is crack baby.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout responds to the ‘I hate you’ with ‘UMMMMMM OKAY LOBOTOMY ANON…. 😳’, to which lobotomy anon replies ‘toxic Yuri time >:)’
⭐️ turtle thinks burning hill is better. More beef.
⭐️ the ship names turshark and ferotomy are coined
⭐️ shark asks to 1v1 turtle in tower of hell on Roblox. Turtle agrees.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout agrees to ‘toxic yuri time’ 
⭐️ shark finds turtles blog, doesn’t expose it.
⭐️ lobotomy anon and @ferocioustrout get married.
⭐️ shark says turtle sucks at tower of hell, and they are revealed to be strangers to eachother, not friends or the same person. Turtle says that they’re good at tower of hell and to fuck off. Shark won, though.
⭐️ turtle gets sharks Snapchat irl, people freak out that turshark is canon.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout says that they have bad news, them and lobotomy got a divorce and they took the kids. Lobotomy anon sends an ask begging to see their kids.
⭐️ ferocioustrout and lobotomy anon get remarried (un-divorced, as ferocioustrout calls it)
⭐️ ferotomy fanchild anon born. 
⭐️ lemonade (not piss) anon (me) called piss anon
⭐️ hungeremoji coined as official fandom name
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets 4th lobotomy, although they never mention their 3rd. They also canonically have no brain.
⭐️ ferotomy fanchild says that their parents need to get their shit together
⭐️ lemonade (not piss) anon (me) revealed to be secret ferotomy child and product of an affair
⭐️@ferocioustrout and lobotomy anon divorce again.
And that’s where we leave off! For now 😈
⭐️ Lemonade (not piss) anon
thanks piss anon for the recap you’re my new favorite
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lemonadeanonarchives · 10 months
Hey footemoji fans. Are you confused as hell? Well I, lemonade (NOT PISS) anon, am here to help. Here is a detailed explanation of the lore all in one post. UPDATED VERSION!!
⭐️ lobotomy anon jokes that everyone who’s sent an ask should fight to the death, similar to in hunger games. This is the beginning of the end.
⭐️ footemoji puts everyone (who asked on time) into a hunger games simulator.
⭐️ this includes: @miahasahardname, @ferocioustrout, @dead-ask, @sillywillysthings, @bald69420, @1nt3rnet-ang3l, turtle anon, shark anon, candy anon, alien anon, lobotomy anon, Michelle Obama, @honkmaster69, renaissance total drama mf, @yourfavoriteperso, good anon, cake anon, ski jacket anon, tgirl Noah anon, @girl-loving-loser-137, @pinklemonslices, @laylajusttime, shoe anon, and @cupidariumzz. 
⭐️ turtle and shark anon are not happy to be in the same district, they hate eachother over Duncan total drama. (Gwourtney coded idk)
⭐️ long story short, @laylajusttime won! 
⭐️ this is when shit starts to go down
⭐️ turtle anon says that shark anon is braindead, while other people are rooting for an enemies to lovers arc.
⭐️ lobotomy anon angry to have died to early considering they came up with the footemoji hunger games idea.
⭐️ turtle and shark still beefing and being shipped
⭐️@ferocioustrout misses lobotomy anon. Foreshadowing.
⭐️ Turshark anon born.
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets second lobotomy.
⭐️ theory that turtle and shark are the same person is born.
⭐️ shark asks if turtle listens to mitski.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout says that they want to ‘have beef with someone enemies to lovers style too ):’, footemoji suggests @dead-ask because they killed them in the hunger games sim. lobotomy anon responds to that by saying ‘I hate you’
⭐️ turtle does listen to mitski!
⭐️ shark says that their favorite song is crack baby.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout responds to the ‘I hate you’ with ‘UMMMMMM OKAY LOBOTOMY ANON…. 😳’, to which lobotomy anon replies ‘toxic Yuri time >:)’
⭐️ turtle thinks burning hill is better. More beef.
⭐️ the ship names turshark and ferotomy are coined
⭐️ shark asks to 1v1 turtle in tower of hell on Roblox. Turtle agrees.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout agrees to ‘toxic yuri time’ 
⭐️ shark finds turtles blog, doesn’t expose it.
⭐️ lobotomy anon and @ferocioustrout get married.
⭐️ shark says turtle sucks at tower of hell, and they are revealed to be strangers to eachother, not friends or the same person. Turtle says that they’re good at tower of hell and to fuck off. Shark won, though.
⭐️ turtle gets sharks Snapchat irl, people freak out that turshark is canon.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout says that they have bad news, them and lobotomy got a divorce and they took the kids. Lobotomy anon sends an ask begging to see their kids.
⭐️ ferocioustrout and lobotomy anon get remarried (un-divorced, as ferocioustrout calls it)
⭐️ ferotomy fanchild anon born. 
⭐️ lemonade (not piss) anon (me) called piss anon
⭐️ hungeremoji coined as official fandom name
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets 4th lobotomy, although they never mention their 3rd. They also canonically have no brain.
⭐️ ferotomy fanchild says that their parents need to get their shit together
⭐️ lemonade (not piss) anon (me) revealed to be secret ferotomy child and product of an affair
⭐️@ferocioustrout and lobotomy anon divorce again.
⭐️ false alarm! Ferotomy is back!
⭐️ internet69420 wedding is happening now :)
⭐️ black cat ‘anon’ (more on that later) born.
⭐️ ferotomy divorce again ): (@ferocioustrout says they ‘’feel like the wine aunt who’s gotten divorced 4 times. Maybe because I am’’)
⭐️ ferotomy is back again
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets their 6th lobotomy.
⭐️ some anon says ‘why do we have the ship name turshark when we could have shartle’. Shartle is agreed on by some, disputed by others who prefer the classics.
⭐️ shark anon thinks turtle anon is cool, but has bad music taste and is bad at tower of hell.
⭐️ black cat anon wants a lobotomy.
⭐️ shark confirms that they and turtle are not dating (shartle lovers in tears)
⭐️ lobotomy anon responds to black cat anon, saying that they “can’ty” (can’t) give them a lobotomy because their brain hurts. Black cat anon gives them a hairball to help.
⭐️ lobotomy anon wants to see the kids that @ferocioustrout got custody of, because ferotomy is divorced. again. Lobotomy anon is BEGGING to see the kids, @footemoji tells @ferocioustrout to take them back.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout agrees, but ‘only for the kids’
⭐️ some anon says ‘piss anon (me) died for our sins’. This starts a bunch of people calling me Jesus/peesus/piss jesus. 
⭐️  marriage counseler anon born.
⭐️https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734079265514061824/just-gonna-leave-this-here?source=share piss Jesus renaissance paintings.
⭐️ limeade anon born (the antichrist)
⭐️ ferotomy (possibly) getting marriage counseling?
⭐️https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734089872914169857/idk-why-i-made-this?source=share more @footemoji lore renaissance paintings.
⭐️ if they did get marriage counseling, it didn’t work. Ferotomy is divorced again.
⭐️ @bald69420 thinks ferotomy really needs the marriage counseling, they are correct.
⭐️ official designs for some anons made!  Candy anon, lobotomy anon, ski jacket anon, shark anon, and turtle anon. Every one of those anons seems to like their designs :) https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734093879054385152/i-may-or-may-not-have-made-designs-for-some-of-the?source=share
⭐️ ferotomy remarried again!
⭐️ hepatitis anon born
⭐️ it’s so sad that the only official design of me is fanart of me as Jesus. Still, I do like it. https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734098677665251328/pisslemonade-anon-jesus-fanart-3?source=share
⭐️ it’s @bald69420’s birthday!
⭐️ lobotomy anon gets their 7th lobotomy ):
⭐️ footemoji total drama simulator! This includes: @3amclothesmonster, black cat anon, cake anon, @ferocioustrout, @footemoji, @noah-bout-it, @1nt3rnet-ang3l, lobotomy anon, marriage counselor anon, sock anon, wizard anon, @average-mike-fan, @bald69420, candy anon, @cupidariumzz, hepatitis anon, jellyfish anon, @pinklemonslices, me (lemonade/piss anon), shark anon, ski jacket anon, and turtle anon. 
⭐️ during this, another ferotomy divorce happens.
⭐️ candy anon wins and gets a bunch of fanart! It’s sweet :) https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734114502014025728/to-quote-my-lobotomy-wife-congations?source=share , https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734114804691812352/congrats-to-candy-anon?source=share
⭐️ @dead-ask having their joker arc due to telling @footemoji about the total drama sim and not being included.
⭐️ lobotomy is gonna get their 8th lobotomy, which marriage counselor anon advices against. ferotomy is back again btw.
⭐️ jellyfish gives lobotomy a new brain. Lobotomy immediately gets a lobotomy.
⭐️ limeade anon (antichrist) thinks that we should do a rpdr sim, which @footemoji thinks that @ferocioustrout would win. @ferocioustrout agrees. For once I agree with limeade anon.
⭐️ internet42069 wedding canon!! https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734182252109545472/me-n-bald69420s-wedding-i-made-two-other?source=share , https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734187039320424448/marriage-0?source=share , https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734193205142257664/the-comic-for-me-and-bald69420s-wedding-youre?source=share 
⭐️  fanfic is released! Unrelated to lore, but read it!
⭐️ black cat ‘anon’ forgets to put anon on. They’re actually @1nt3rnet-ang3l
⭐️ me making this timeline: https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734207236707090432?source=share
⭐️ black cat anon death arc, is revived 
⭐️ tuxedo cat anon born (they also have fanart!) https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734208606026842112/tuxedo-cat-anon-sleep-on-black-cat-anons-grave?source=share
⭐️ black dog anon born. They and black cat anon fight. 
⭐️ some anon suggests a footemoji warrior cats au, or ‘footclan.’ @ferocioustrout agrees, @footemojidoes NOT.
⭐️ @ferocioustrout keeps talking about the warrior cats au. @footemoji is not happy.
⭐️ black cat anon becomes Angel black cat not anon
⭐️ I’m a warrior cats oc now. https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734208958891491328/guys-this-is-my-warrior-cats-oc-pissjesus-do-not?source=share
⭐️ black dog anon becomes evil black dog anon, is promptly dragged to hell.
⭐️ @footemoji does not want to be baptized in piss.
⭐️ Marriage counselor and @3amclothesmonster are friends! 
⭐️ @footemoji total Roblox drama meetup!
⭐️ I make a Roblox account for this (I’m terrible at roblox and it wasn’t letting me move) friend me @lemonadeanon!
⭐️ not sure of everyone who was in the total Roblox drama game, but @1nt3rnet-ang3l won! 
⭐️ @ferocioustrout sends in this atrocious image with the caption ‘rate my fit’ https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734337644232884224/rate-my-fit?source=share
⭐️ lobotomy is given 5 brains by chicken anon.
⭐️ lobotomy has now had 14 lobotomies.
⭐️ everyone hates @ferocioustrout’s outfit other than @miahasahardname and black cat not anon
⭐️ @ferocioustrout apology video drops! https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734342532848402432/sorry-guys?source=share
⭐️ class pets (animal themed anons/not anons) get fanart! https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734350071716577280/class-pets?source=share
⭐️ discord server is created (join it btw)
⭐️ lobotomy is apparently dead and a cryptid now. They also have fanart. Toxic Yuri FTW. https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734373802483580928/guys-its?source=share 
⭐️ @ferocioustrout put in time out corner by ski jacket anon for sending cursed images and almost getting tdn cancelled somehow.
⭐️ lobotomy anon is not hanging in there.
⭐️ @gr33ncynth is revealed to be candy anon!
⭐️ @footemoji and @pinklemonslices get married and adopt multiple children.
⭐️ some anon asks ‘did it hurt when you fell from heaven’ (this is the start of something horrible) 
⭐️ they then ask all of this and more. https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734464375134519296/i-just-want-to-see-my-family-again?source=share
⭐️ lobotomy, who is already struggling, is now being cheated on. They aren’t happy, telling candy to kts  https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734465597032759296/wheres-lobotomy-anon-lobotomy-your-wife-is?source=share
⭐️ lobotomy, candy, and @ferocioustrout settle on polyamory.
⭐️ remember that one anon who was flirting with @footemoji? Well @pinklemonslices is not happy and wants to fight, to which the unnamed anon responds ‘ok square up’. Also they sent this. https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734466599761920000/makes-out-with-you?source=share
⭐️ @pinklemonslices brings up the fact that they’re matching pfps with @footemoji,  and the anon ‘goes alpha mode’, telling @pinklemonslices ‘don’t test me’.
⭐️ @pinklemonslices comments on the fact that this anon won’t even turn off anon for the asks, and they respond by saying this.https://www.tumblr.com/footemoji/734467075779756033/httpswwwtumblrcomfootemoji734466978015789056?source=share
⭐️ @pinklemonslices dodges.
⭐️ the anon turns off anon. They’re actually someone called @swaggyclown469. They say ‘kill’s you’ (directed at @pinklemonslices) and @pinklemonslices makes fun of their bad grammar.
⭐️ @swaggyclown469 tells @pinklemonslices to take this to dms.
⭐️ this conversation happens. https://www.tumblr.com/lemonadeanonarchives/734473239914512384?source=share 
⭐️ they are forgiven.
⭐️ 500 people ask me to do a lore update….
And that’s where we leave off! For now 😈
⭐️ Lemonade (not piss) anon
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ok so I see where you're coming from. Aleheather and Alenoah are both enemies-to-lovers ships in which a character sees past Alejandro's facade. Duncney and Gwourtney are both like... bad kid x good girl. But the thing is, you're looking at the character's as their stereotypes and dynamics rather than their relations in canon? Like:
Aleheather is canon. It has a lot of good chemistry throughout the season. The season revolves around this ship and they actually interact romantically in canon. Alenoah has a similar potential (basically the plot of Slippery Slopes), but is very different. They don't have chemistry in canon, Noah honestly just knows Alejandro is manipulating people and that's all he has in common with Heather. Other than being an asshole. Noah has like, barely ANY screentime actively about his and Alejandro's relationship except for in I See London, where he's just talking shit. And still, if you replace Heather with Noah, the dynamics are still different. Noah and Heather are different people.
Duncney is canon too, at least in island. Duncan and Courtney have a lot of screen time together. Duncan teaches Courtney how to actually be a rebel and have fun. This one honestly makes even less sense than your Aleheather/Alenoah one, because the ENTIRE POINT of Gwourtney is that they are friends, have a mutual hate for Duncan after breaking up with him, and Gwen is trying her best to be friends with Courtney even though she hates her. And it WORKS. Duncney was nothing like that, Duncney was just a really good relationship in island. Plus, Duncan and Gwen are completely different people they're not really alike. Duncan is a wannabe punk who gets into trouble and Gwen is a goth girl with hella determination.
Like, there's nothing wrong with these ships of course. There's nothing wrong with liking ships for their dynamics. We should never ship hate. People who hates on ships that aren't proships or toxic are asses. But saying Aleheather and Alenoah are the same is just wrong? Same with Duncney and Gwourtney. They are not the same.
SHIPS ARE NOT LIMITED TO THEIR DYNAMICS! People a lot of times like ships because they canonically have chemistry, or canonically dated. There's nothing wrong with only liking the canon ships, as long as you don't hate on the other ones. It's YOUR life. And if you want to ship things for their dynamics? GO THE FUCK AHEAD! It's YOUR life.
My point is, these ships aren't the same. I just don't understand what you're saying.
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canonically47 · 7 months
this one
okay well total drama has a LOT of obvious mistakes and most of them come from the time in which it was written and published and the rushed season of only 13 instead of 26 episodes starting with ROTI
i also feel like they treat their characters and ships very badly, making them go right back where they started if they ever get any growth, which rarely happens. or their development is too sudden and not believable. priya, max, scarlett, that mini-arc shasmine had about splitting the money, aleheather in TDWT, prileb in TD 2024...
i rewatched ROTI and the girls were mistreated horribly. what can you expect from a season where the finalists are two guys? dakota’s internal issues were never discussed further than a funny haha moment when dawn read her aura, dawn never got to do anything for her team and her elimination was rushed, jo’s internalized mysoginy was a haha joke and never adressed properly, zoey had a whole villain-and-back-to-hero arc and STILL didn’t make finale???
also i hate when they introduce some groups and never further develop them, or develop them very little. lindsay, beth and ezekiel could’ve been an ICONIC trio. i miss leshawna and gwen’s friendship so much, and same goes for bowie and emma. jo and brick had so much potential to become allies or at least frenemies, amy and sammy were not handled well, THE E-SCOPE TRIO!!! i’m in shambles
so if i wrote TDI i’d just give the characters some proper development, more moments to shine, more fun relationships with the others. this show is based on its characters, they’re the stars!! so why not make them shine instead of burn??
gen 1 is too much work to rewrite but i’d keep TDI about the same except have a leshawna vs gwen finale, with leshawna as a ‘canon’ winner. TDA would have a harold vs lindsay finale with harold as the ‘official’ winner.
in TDWT i’d cut the duncney-gwuncan arc, make duncan never come back cuz fuck that guy, gwourtney wins. sierra gets better development. noah makes merge and fulfills his schemer role, constantly sabotaging alejandro. they become frenemies. aleheather still wins and goes to finale. alejandro doesn’t get the robot costume and we don’t hear from him again until TDAS.
for ROTI, would make jo a proper antagonist and make her butt heads with scott when the merge happened. my final six for ROTI would be scott, jo, zoey, brick, lightning and anne maria. yes, brick and anne maria, you read that right.
i still think scott shouldn’t make finale, and jo only if she got development. so maybe the merge could happen just two episodes earlier to get more stuff out of them, so the merge would include cameron and mike. scott would go before jo, and jo would be left to fend for herself after scott got cameron eliminated. this is where i would make her develop a friendship with anne maria and brick. get zoey in there and you have the anti-scott alliance. they get him out (NO TRAUMA CHAIR NEEDED, HE WILL BE FINE) and then lightning, then the girls unite against brick. sorry man.
the finale would be between two of the girls, i’d like to see jomaria or joey fight, jo needs that development. the one who gets out previously is an insta-elimination and not decided by the others.
and voilá! jo gets development and some healthy friendships! her and brick could also get together but maybe in another season. this season is for her alone to shine, she deserves it.
oh, and that’s the main thing about ROTI - i’d give them two more seasons. they deserve a WT-esque season.
i’d completely rewrite TDPI. make rodney first diss when the girls are disgusted by him (and also shit him cuz fuck him), dave an earlier boot, get beardo like third or fourth cuz i wanna see more of him, give scarlett a proper character arc instead of a rushed one throughout just one episode, make max a bit smarter and let him become a ‘hero’ rather than a villain he wants to be by rescuing everyone from scarlett since he knows her weaknesses best...
my ideal final five are shawn, jasmine, max, topher and ella. also my five favorites so no wonder. i’ll explain their arcs.
topher - 5th: shawn and jasmine, as well as max and ella, become duos after the scarlett incident (maybe it happens earlier?), and topher is outside of any alliance. plus he was getting kinda annoying, not to mention he gave chris too many ideas for challenges. damn it, topher!
ella - 4th: when she is forbidden from singing, she still goes behind chris’ back and does it, only that she intercepts sugar’s note and burns it. sugar is an earlier boot than originally because ella realizes she just hates her guts and she’s trying to befriend her for nothing. when ella stops singing, she puts her head in the game more than usual, but her refusal to hurt animals and serenade them instead gets her out eventually, by chris, not by the others.
max - 3rd: with no alliance and a softer spot than usual, he gets out at his own, last challenge.
finale: shawn vs jasmine
the same conflict about splitting the money, only that it comes earlier and is developed more. for one, chris shows jasmine the confessionals right after max’s voting ceremony.
shawn’s helper ends up being ella, but she’s been watching from playa des losers and is unhappy with how shawn treated jasmine. meanwhile, max is jasmine’s helper. max and jasmine sabotage shawn, ella doesn’t help him, but then when max and ella are given the controls for the island, they both realize the gravity of what they’ve done when they see shawn and jasmine buried in snow.
both jasmine and shawn get an ending. in both endings, jasmine gets out of the snow, doesn’t pay attention to the finish line, and goes to search for shawn, who pops out in confusion. the two have a heart-to-heart interrupted by chris to announce the race is still happening, and they have ten seconds left. in shawn’s ending, jasmine just nods to him and he crosses; in jasmine’s ending, shawn insists she crosses. pretty similar endings, the outcome is about the same, but i like to think jasmine’s is the ‘canon’ one.
and then they get another season!
so, our seasons are...
gen 1 - 3 seasons: total drama island, total drama action, total drama world tour
gen 2 - 3 seasons: total drama revenge of the island, total drama retour, total drama cruise or lose
gen 3 - 2 seasons: total drama pahkitew island, total drama reaction
gen 1 x gen 2 x gen 3: total drama all stars
TDAS would include eight contestants of each generation. gen 1 gets heather, alejandro, owen, noah, gwen, courtney, sierra, and leshawna. gen 2 gets jo, anne maria, zoey, mike, brick, cameron, lightning and scott. gen 3 gets shawn, jasmine, topher, max, ella, sugar, sammy and scarlett.
and then for the reboot i’d just make bowie win for the first season. the second season would have more development.
emma and bowie become friends again. mkulia become reluctant allies but still dislike each other. eventually they warm up to each other tho 👀. ripaxel also happens over the course of more episodes. couples butt heads - mkulia, rajbow and ripaxel - but mkulia dominate the game. short ripaxel-mkulia alliance in which they get out prileb (who have a better development trust), wayne and bowie.
damien gets to keep his immunity idol but doesn’t need to use it until the final five: axel, julia, mk, damien and raj. the girls unite against him, but he and raj voted for julia, so you can imagine mk is unhappy, but damien wins immunity. yikes.
so finale time is damien, raj and axel. everyone gets an ending, but damien is the ‘canon’ winner because HE DESERVED IT COME ON.
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gwunc4nlover · 3 months
would u punch courtney for a bag of chips?
I’ll do it for free and for Duncan and Gwen
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fizzyxunknownx · 2 months
So... Im working on a tdi au....
Probablg gonna be atleast like 1-2 weeks before the actual au gets worked on, im rewatching the first 3seasons so i can get their characters somewhat right 😈
Also i haveng wrote like actual stories since like... I was in 3rd-4th grade? (THEY SUCK ASS AND NEVER GOT FINISHED)
Im on the ao3 account queue 😇
Also if i do end up making it its probably not gonna be super good 😭
Currently just taking notes on the characters that are mainly gonna appear sooo
Also this idea came to me at like 10-11 pm (its 12am rn) but like
Tdwt but team amazon fucking hates cody :3
Juxt them ganging up on thr poor guy
Will probably have an alecody alliance 😇 (platonic)
Also might include gwourtney ans heatherra (platonic or romantic irdk yet :p if i do add em, one sided heatherra and gwen and court just liking eachother but wont fucking admit it)
The main reason i wanted to make this is because i just dont wanna see sierra obsessing over cody 😭😭
Would y'all be interested or no
Total yuri island
Nah i aint putting in that much effort im just watching tdwt and doing some research on the characters and locations😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹fuck yew 💖
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“I hate this fucking show,” Gwen mumbles through a mouthful of snow and—ew, is that raw sausage?
it was a gwourtney tdwt rewrite from gwen's perspective! i ended up abandoning it bc i didn't have a clear sense of where it was going/what i wanted it to be about and i wasn't really vibing with it in general but i had like 20k words written for it and i do think there are some gems in there so ive been enjoying sharing it through this ask game!
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the-type-a · 1 year
Gwen and Courtney friendship shit because canon ruined what could’ve been 💔
-Courtney definitely likes Goth music, I’m talking about actual goth music not heavy metal, punk or other genres/sub genres but actual goth, she also likes how gwen dances to it because she’s never seen dancing like that before lmao
-They’re both complete nerds who love reading dark literature and history(canon tho fr)
-They make it a goal to visit Dracula’s castle in Romania because of the history for Courtney and the spookies for Gwen lmao
-They both love Cathedrals, Gwen for the gothic architecture and Courtney for her religious views.
-Courtney celebrates Day of the Dead/Día de Muertos(sorry if I fucked that up) and Gwen was very happy the first time Courtney invited her. Cue Duncan and Gwen being absolute dumbasses “how many spirits do you think are eating with us rn” “idk probably a whole mob” “wicked.”
-Gwen definitely appreciates Courtney’s culture and traditions and is very invested whenever she does something involving either.
-Gwen definitely loves listening to Courtney play the Violin or Piano because she’s dramatic & wants to live out her wannabe vampire fantasies and needs background music.
-Both of them LOVE candles, tea parties, and the Victorian aesthetic.
-They both love the color purple, Gwen because of the dark aesthetics associated with it & Courtney because of the Royalty vibes.
-They both bully and gang up on Duncan when they feel like it & whenever he senses it coming he just dips out lmao
-They both just hate people in general 😂
They could’ve been amazing friends fr
Ugh I wish they would have never made the love triangle a thing because I swear we needed a genuine gwourtney friendship 😭
Like how funny would it be for Duncan to come back or whatever and just he so pissed at Gwen because “All Courtney does is talk about you. Get your own girlfriend.”
Gwen and Courtney would be such a dynamic duo!! 😭
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popstart · 11 months
shocking absolutely no one, i request gwourtney for the ship bingo
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I used to be bigtime fucking insane about gwourtney fun fact. I think in the future they could work everything out and be so domestic and sweet and gross. Anyways ive said it before I LOVE LOSER ONE SIDED PINING GWOURTNEY. Its canon to me gwen had the bigest loser lesbian crush on courtney like omfg girl its embarassing we get it. All stars when shes chronically obsessed with talking about courtney and hanging out with courtney and omfg if courtney doesnt like me im gonna fucking kill myself.
I think in gwourtney scenarios courtney getting mad at gwen more than duncan is SOOO delicious. Like she cared way more that gwen betrayed her than duncan did. Scheming.
I think after they get past being awful and bad for eachother as children they become better but they never really drop a lot of their dumbass childish feuds. I dont like to think either of them would hold anything against the other though bc i hate that plotline in all stars (whatever plotline youre thinking is correct. A lot of all stars plotlines are bad). Courtney doing her best to blame all her problems on gwen then destroying her then realizing destroying gwen destroys everything good about her life too. Nice. I wanna destroy them both
They clash a lot but they both like it, but they hate it too. Like "do you really have to do this every single time." "Yes." They both wanna change the other person but give up after the 10000th time of asking can i do your mskeup it would be so funny and the other person saying no
Anyways me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic
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