#i fucking love Louis btw
nightcolorz · 1 year
The weird thing about reading TVC is that while you read iwtv for the first time, chances are you’ll eventually get really fed up with and tired of Louis as a narrator. TVL will be like a breath of fresh air after the emotionally exhausting experience of reading from Louis’s pov. But eventually, once Totbt or even Qotd hits, especially once you get to Memnoch, you’ll be groveling at Anne’s feet, desperate for some Louis. Every time he shows up to fulfill his meek housewife duties and give his batshit insane husband some advice that he will inevitably ignore you’ll start vibrating and screeching and rereading the 10 pages he appears on over and over again like your starving
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i just can't stop thinking how different characters from wwdits and iwtv (i NEED the new show also to become a canon in wwdits universe) would interact with each other.
so Colin Robinson found out that someone is interviewing vampires personally and decided to share the memoirs of own life :)
poor Daniel, he wish to interview a normal vampire once in his life
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usignedupforthis · 1 year
silver tongues is just you’re my best friend and i love you and we’re with our best friends and we’re in our own little world drinking and smoking and maybe we’re a little bitter at the start of the night maybe we just wanna relax but then we realize that here in our little bubble everything is okay and there’s literally nowhere else i would rather be!!! you make fun of me but i make fun of you too because at the end of the day you’re my favourite person and i’m yours and there’s safety and comfort in knowing that this is it, everyday will start and end with you and me together and you’re happy and sleepy and you want to go home but you’re smiling as i take another shot, another drag and you’re saying babe let’s go and i don’t want to leave our bubble just yet because everyone is here, you’re here and you’re home and that’s always enough even when we’re reckless and stupid and maybe a little sad because you make me happier than anything else with our little inside jokes and our plans and our history. it’s 3am and we should really go but we’re reminiscing on the past and thinking about how these are the nights we’ll reminisce on in the future where no matter what it’ll be you and me until the end
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burning--heart · 5 months
The Grinning Man is Not a Horror Show
this post brought to you by: my own personal experience trying to show this musical to people (which i have already talked about briefly) and also this post by castledock:
the mainstream media’s perception of LHQR is almost always “well I haven’t watched or read it but this guy looks scary so it must be a very disturbing and scary book/movie” and every time I go outside of my little circle of LHQR Appreciators it’s like being slapped in the face by Ableism
i’m spinning this off into my own post because the essay got Long and also it’s definitely about tgm and not lhqr. strap in y’all.
like, ok. you see the pictures online. the protagonist has a bloody bandage on his face, the lighting is moody, and the puppets are creepy i guess (but they are so charming once you see them in motion)…
i’ll be focusing on flesh-and-blood adult grinpayne and his face. does it cause him a lot of grief? yes. is it central to the show? absolutely. but are you meant to be scared or disturbed by it? no. if you were, then yeah. this would be a horror show, and a bitingly ableist one at that. but it’s not.
there is one single moment where we are made to see grinpayne’s face as horrifying, and even then it's... well. it’s not about his smile being grotesque. not really.
it happens when his frustration at being kept as a spectacle because of his face reaches a tipping point. he bites back. "i'm the stuff of your nightmares," he says, "i am the freak show! watch me smile!" it's not an empowering moment. he is gutting himself for his audience.
He removes his bandages and reveals his jaw - a huge nightmarish bloody grin. Horribly unhealed. Red. Raw. Glistening. It's there, and then it's gone. “Laughter" riff crashes in and the world tilts.
Above is the stage direction from the script. Note that the “Laughter” motif is identified by name.
We can see how this was executed onstage in Bristol: The reveal is accompanied by sickly green strobe light, Louis Maskell as Grinpayne snaps his head to the side, there's a brief blackout, we are jumpscared by a giant grinpayne puppet head in the same green strobe, blackout again, then it’s on to the characters' reactions.
It sounds horror on paper. it looks very horror in Bristol. and yet the characters react as though they've just seen heaven. what's up with that?
here lies one of the biggest challenges the grinning man has: its empathetic theme gets easily muddied by the reactions the other characters have to grinpayne. generally, when experiencing a story, we look to the characters within it for cues on how we should feel about its topics, and they guide us through it. this is especially true of media aimed at children. the grinning man is... not like that. the royals and the people of the fair see his face and they are instantly enlightened! with sudden clarity, you're him, and he is you!
the audience doesn’t get it. 
but i don't think we're supposed to.
Song lyrics like ‘you realise that you are him and he is you’ explain to us Grinpayne’s effect on his audiences, but we are never shown that experience nor are we invited to feel that experience ourselves. (Brendan Macdonald, Exeunt)
this reviewer was close, very close, but has jumped to conclusions and ended up shutting the door on the idea that makes the musical make sense. its true that we are told how the other characters see grinpayne, and we don't get to experience that for ourselves. but the thing is, while we are told one thing, we are actually being shown something entirely different.
characters in his audience look at grinpayne and we are told they have an earth-shattering revelation. we hear them explain it multiple times. despite this, their reaction is not what we feel. this is the part that's unintuitive.
here’s where we circle back to the face reveal. the dramatic imagery clashes with what the fictional audience is seeing and feeling. this is because we, the non-fictional audience, are not supposed to be putting ourselves in their shoes at all. the character we’re anchored to is grinpayne. and to him, this is not a triumph of self-discovery. the horror isn’t in his appearance, it’s in how people treat him because of it.
and when it comes to the characters’ revelations, it’s not really about grinpayne anyway. it’s about themselves and what they project onto him, whatever that is. grinpayne is a symbol to almost everyone, whether they see him as a gruesome face, a lord, or a god. they don't understand him when they look at his face.
the audience of the grinning man, unlike the characters within it, are provided the opportunity to connect with grinpayne on a deeper level. we get to dive into his head like nobody else. this is why “Labyrinth” is a big deal (this is also why them changing over half the lyrics to this song at the transfer is a big deal). this is why dea’s love for him is a big deal: she sees him for who he is, and has from the start.
we also get to see the “real” grinpayne (and even love him for who he is), but unlike the characters’ sudden (and shallow) enlightenment, our understanding of grinpayne is gradual, but truer because of it. it builds slowly and perhaps unnoticed throughout the show until you’re fully immersed; it’s something that you feel, not think. though, if i had to pick a moment, personally, it would be “when they are gazing at my grin / what is it that they see within?” from “Labyrinth” because that line knocks me on my ass to this day.
and. surprise! this deeper understanding is also why i think this show is a musical and not a straight play. nothing has the emotional capacity that music does. we aren’t just told the way grinpayne feels; his songs allow us to feel with him in a way that spoken word never could. that’s how we connect.
at the end of the day, this guy still has a bloody face. and some people are going to see this and assume that tgm is horror. but hopefully if they watched it they’d change their minds, because the grinning man shows us the most (and only truly) disturbing thing about grinpayne’s injury is the cruelty and misunderstanding he faces at the hands of a miserable world where “laughter is the best medicine.” and “I Am the Freak Show” may contain the moment with the strongest “horror” visuals in the show, at least in the original production, but it’s actually a crucial example of why tgm itself is not a horror show itself.
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louisisalarrie · 1 month
@ Harry, you up? I still wanns fight. You have the prettiest princess daddy husband in the whole world
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punchitmrsulu · 1 year
Oh, Armand, will you ever not be a pathetic, pitiful little shit?
“Love of my life”?
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It must take a 24/7 effort to keep that idea fresh in his head. You must need unparalleled amounts of blood to keep yourself functioning after all that work.
God help you when Lestat shows up! There’ll be no amount of memory messing that’ll keep Louis away, baby.
And when he remembers you killed Claudia? BOOOOOIIIIIIIII
Enjoy him while you can!
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lady-starkiller · 7 months
obsessed with the in-depth analysis that people do for iwtv (show, book, movie, etc)
meanwhile me in deep contemplation: if vampires have a headache can they take ibuprofen
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izzyaguecheek · 2 years
i think people throw the word “toxic” around too lightly these days........... Lestat de Lioncourt isn’t “toxic”, he’s CRAZY INSANE PSYCHO EVIL DISTURBED AN ABSOLUTE MADMAN
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captain-noir · 1 year
iwtv twitter: "we care very deeply about louis as a victim of abuse, which is why we react with fury to any suggestion that he might have agency over his own life or choices. we wish to keep him swaddled away from the rest of the world where lestat, I mean we, can make sure he's safe. this is praxis."
asdnajsndasjnda the irony of getting a multifaceted black gay lead in a prestige show and the fandom working overtime to strip him of all nuance in an attempt to fight against antiblackness in fandom spaces!? like truly baffling how they reverse engineered the black fan experience and misapplied it to their own detriment. they're the opps! instead of producing art and fic and meta and fanvids they are too busy tilting at windmills and accusing the creators who crafted the definitive ldpdl and arguably one of the best protagonist of '22 of not liking/knowing the character like they do. the self-importance! the arrogance! say what you want about louis fans on this hellsite but they are CARRYING the fandom hard. those iwtv twitter girlies need to step away from their devices and relearn how to engange with stories without projecting onto them. theyre out here giving louis fans a bad rep omg its so embarrassing
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good to see that the only latin crowd who gives y'all "american crowd vibes" or that makes y'all question if louis really liked the show or if he was just being polite it's the brazilian crowd lmao
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eric-the-bmo · 11 months
Neighborhood Watch S2 Ep1: Shindig
Hello!! We finished the first session of season 2! And jesus christ- a lot happens, it was a bit disjointed! But I’m here to try and make sure it’s all coherent! (my own personal comments will be in the tags) So let’s go!
A week has passed since the Season One finale; the Dome’s been dropped, and everyone in the Main Cast knows that John is a monster. Since the Dome is gone, the rest of the town had been unlocked for us to explore!
During the week, Song buys new flowers for her house at the florist- she runs into Louis, who’s been buying native wildflowers to improve his lawn. He runs into some interns who work for the mayor, who offer him some free seed packets for some newly discovered flower- They grow quick, with thick thorny vines and stems, and are ready to bloom within a week with beautiful tie-dye-esque colors. Louis declines, not trusting anyone who’s a part of the government, and the florist owner, Kathy, is wary of the flowers due to how quick they grow; they can very easily become invasive.
Song does archery practice with Amira in her backyard- Amira has not mentioned John being a monster, and Song hasn’t asked her about it. Amira does mention, however, that while hiding in Song’s house during the s1 finale she found a black book with a red gem. That’s one of Song’s spellbooks, and Song vaguely says she uses it to help protect herself. Amira shows interest in it, and Song discreetly tries to sense if Amira has the potential to become a magic-user- but Amira’s aura indicates she doesn’t have any ability for magic at all, which is odd because all humans normally have the capacity for it; the center of her soul is dead-blue.
Shelby starts her Twitch-streaming again, with the internet being back up, and when she’s not busy with that John spends time with her; Not only because she’s his friend, but as a way to make up for making her worry so much (and to avoid the rest of the Main Cast). Sometime during the week John tries to go the park, but sees Louis there and immediately turns around to go home. He also fills in Emmett about the events of taking down the Hunter, omitting the fact that he is one himself.
Markus keeps to themself for most of the week, ordering take-out (there’s only one Uber driver in Greenville, btw, his name is Kyle and he sells weed on the side) and healing from their wounds. At some point, they get rid of Emmett’s corpse with carrion beetles, and use his bones to make bonemeal for various projects- including their worm farm. Towards the end of the week, they decide it’s been long enough- They march right up to the Doe/Waters household and knock on the door. Shelby is busy streaming, and so John answers. He freezes when he sees it’s Markus, and in a cold panic he closes the door. Through the window he sees that Markus looks sad, and they walk away. John feels awful, and is still reeling from the cold panic, but he doesn’t want to make it awkward by opening the door again, and they’ll want to talk about that night, oh no, god you fucked up- And so he decides to head to the park, as part of him still finds nature to be calming/ feeling a bit like home. He people watches, observing the librarian reading a book, until it starts to get darker out, and begins his walk home.
Meanwhile, going back to Markus walking home, I feel it’s time to mention that some more neighbors have moved in during the week- Two of them being Heath and Sammy Clark. Heath, a 5′6 blonde guy, jogs up to a dejected Markus and invites to him and Sammy’s get-together (in fact, they’ve sent out invites to the entire cul-de-sac). Markus doesn’t seem too into it, and heads home.
On the topic of new neighbors, I’ll summarize them now:
The Clarks have moved in across from Phil. Heath is an outgoing trans man, and Sammy is a very quiet and hairy ginger man who’s almost 7ft tall.
Bonnie McMurry moves in next to Shelby and John. She’s a sweet older lady in her mid 60s and lives alone, though she had a bunch of odd-shaped boxes with her labeled “Lois”. Shelby had asked about it, revealing Bonnie had an adult son who passed some years ago. During the night, loud music can be heard from her basement.
William Krieger is a socially awkward and reclusive man with a pencil stache. He keeps his pet rats in his many coat pockets.
Kenneth Feinstetter lives across the street from Louis. He is a loud and boisterous man with glasses who will tell anyone willing to listen to him about his ridiculous conspiracy theories regarding Greenville.
Some moving trucks come in at midnight. Lucretius Wayne introduces himself to the neighbors, sending out gift baskets of high quality. He’s charming, and even the Pattersons like him.
Louis recognizes Lucretius as the vampire Lestat. His ex.
But the time for the Clark’s party is here, and Markus decides they’re going. They get all dressed and give themself a pep-talk about how they’re going to make friends. They head outside and see the Pattersons are heading over to the party as well, and for a moment consider heading home, but then Lucretius appears with some wine and greets the Pattersons; Karen waves at him, and Bob seems... jealous? Markus decides to go, if only to see this drama unfold.
Louis doesn’t like being left out and decides to go. As he’s walking over, William approaches him and wants to be invited to the party. Louis makes a comment about if William is really going with a jacket that has so many pockets, and William responds he’s got to bring his family with him. Louis doesn’t like William, who’s standing far too close to him, and so when Philip approaches Louis takes his chance to leave. Kenneth approaches Louis and asks if he’s seen anything weird, or out of the ordinary? Louis almost says no, but then mentions that he’s never seen Lucretius leave his house til after sundown- he might as well try and direct suspicion towards his ex.
Song decides to bring some wine over, and as she exits her home Lucretious greets her; They compare the wine they’re bringing, and he offers her his arm. She takes it, and together they walk to the Clark household. Louis sees this, and though his expression remains calm, his grip tightens. The Sampath family is going; Amira waves to Song, and she and Lu wave back.
Markus approaches the Pattersons and asks how Karen is doing (bc, yknow, The Curse), and she says she’s doing much better. Bob thanks Markus, who says that while they don’t like each other, they don’t want his wife to die, and Bob says he’ll owe Markus a favor because of their help. Markus squirms away.
John and Shelby are going as well; John prepares a snack tray to bring along. As the two of them leave they hear music coming from Bonnie’s basement; as much as John wouldn’t admit it, part of him is glad he’s away from the noise.
The Clarks are greeting people as they enter; John approaches, sees the rest of the Main Cast and seriously considers leaving, but Shelby interprets this as general social anxiety and reassures him it’ll be fine. He makes eye contact with Song as she approaches- her gaze hardens, and John looks away. Lucretius asks Song if everything is okay; she responds by saying not everyone in the neighborhood is getting along at the moment. Lucretius is invited inside by Heath.
Inside is very spacious; the archways leading to the different rooms have been altered to be taller, and even then Sammy has to bend over a little bit to avoid hitting his head. There’s snacks, drinks, etc. Sammy offers Philip some alcohol, and he turns it down. Markus is in awe of how tall Sammy is, and heads to a corner to vibe. They can hear the spiders behind the bookshelf in their corner. William shows up to stand next to them, and Markus bluntly tells him that they want him to go away (”Please go away. I can say it in four different languages if you’d like.”) William’s smile starts to fade at Markus’ insistence, and he actually starts to look angry, but then gets distracted by a snack tray and scurries away.
John and Shelby have bumped into Kenneth, who’s informing the both of them about some kind of drama going down on Twitter. John doesn’t have social media, so he doesn’t quite know what he’s talking about, but he likes listening to people talk and wants Kenneth to like him- especially since Kenneth doesn’t know about his monstrous nature. Shelby brings up the fact she’s a Twitch Streamer, upon which Kenneth looks her up on the Internet, and then awkwardly excuses himself.
Everyone starts to vote for which party game to play. John approaches Philip, who’s trying to tune his guitar to bring some extra entertainment to the party, but Phil is having a bit of trouble tuning it. Lucretius appears and offers to tune it, and plays a flamenco riff (and winking at Louis), absolutely showing up whatever Phil was planning to do (John doesn’t interpret it that way, though, and thinks it’s nice how Lucretius helped out Phil). Markus and John both notice Bob Patterson and Louis going off into one of the other rooms of the house- Bob has noticed Louis’s reactions to Lucretius, and asks if they know each other. Louis tries to play it off- not every person with a southern accent knows each other, Bob- but Mr Patterson wants to know if Lucretius is anything similar to the monster he saw the previous week, if something supernatural is going on. Louis says nothing supernatural is going on with any of the new neighbors, in response Bob whispers something to him before storming out. Louis, apparently a bit shaken by what Mr Patterson had whispered, takes a moment before leaving the room and heading back to the party.
The group has decided on Two Truths One Lie. Some highlights:
William glaring at Markus the entire time
Almost every normal neighbor hoping that Markus’s “I have over 300 bugs at my house” bit is the lie
Everyone immediately guessing Philip’s lie (divorced but on good terms)
Kenneth putting one of his truths down as him “knowing the truth about this town.” Song asks him what that means, and Kenneth invites Song over to his house to look at his charts and notes some day.
Lucretius smiling at Louis the entire time is was Louis’ turn (we find out Louis is allergic to wool)
Flirting with Song when it was her turn (He’s been flirting with her the whole party, I should add.)
And then it’s Lucretius’s turn. He grins, and gives his options: 1) He was born in Louisiana. 2) He has a skin condition that prevents him from being out in the sun 3) ...And he’s bloodthirsty monster.
Louis knew this, but Song doesn’t pick up on the danger; like almost everyone else, she’s incrediby charmed by Lucretius. John was too, actually, but as soon as that was said, John realizes that Lucretius’s charm is all part of a lure to get prey, and that he could be something similar to John. Markus realizes the danger as well, and deduces that everyone in this room could be in danger- so they summon a bunch of cockroaches to scare everyone away. Almost no one notices it was them who caused the roaches- except for William, who’s been staring at them the whole time.
People start running away in the chaos- Heath faints, Sammy tries to stomp the bugs (shaking the house with this, actually), and Louis tries to get ahold of Song, but Lucretius has taken her hand before he could do anything and has gotten her out of there. Lucretius offers to walk her home, and she accepts. Once outside, John tries to make eye contact with Markus- a “did we both notice the same thing” kind of look. Markus sees this and looks almost panicked, an “oh god not again look” (Unknown if it was fear about John or the event happening), before their gaze becomes sad. A monstrous roar appears from inside the house, and Markus races inside. John tries to head in too, but Louis calls out to him and says they need to talk. John anxiously says something about getting rid of the roaches and attempts to get away, worried Louis wants to talk about That Night, but the Crooked stops him (”John. This isn’t about you”). 
Meanwhile, inside, Markus sees Sammy angrily stomping at the roaches. Markus, not wanting to have their bugs killed, leads them out with food. Sammy corners Markus and, speaking for the first time, growls a comment about how he didn’t see what Markus did was necessary, and that he knows about their kind and would appreciate that Markus never do that again. Markus stammers an apology and runs home.
Louis leads John to his house, where he asks what John knows about Lucretius. John tells him (how the charm is a lure, how he might be like him), and Louis says that John is strong enough to take him on in a fight, but not strong enough to survive; Song is in just as much danger in Lucretius’s presence as she is in John’s. At this comment John tense and seems angry, and Louis said it wasn’t meant to offend: He needs John’s help to kill Lucretius, after all. Stakes, garlic, crosses and etc might be useful. Also, Louis tells John, Bob knows about Lucretius, the house shook when Sammy tried to kill some roaches, William has rats in his pockets- there’s a Lot more to deal with than John being a monster, or even Louis’s ex being a vampire.
Meanwhile, Lucretius has walked Song back to her house. He says it was a pleasure to hang out with her this night, and Song agrees- but the night isn’t finished yet; Would he like to come inside for some coffee?
He accepts, and is invited inside.
#JOHN LEVELED UP BTW HE CAN SHAPESHIFT NOW <333#neighborhood watch recap#fun fact the florist and mailman flirt with each other#I'm convinced Shelby is this game-world's equivalent to Jerma /hj#AND GODDAMN IT YALL JOHN FUCKED UP HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH MARKUS AAAA </3#BC DUDE I WAS STILL YELLING ABOUT THIS AT WORK!! LIKE OH MY GOD JOHN YOU IDIOT </3 TALK TO THEMMMMMM#is john people wathcing for fun or to find prey? perhaps a bit of both#With Sammy we finally have a character who's taller than John#and on that note its been dtermined John is 6'10#Kenneth is my fave new npc i love conspiracy theorist characters sm#props to louis for not selling out any of the main cast to kenneth#so proud of philip for trying to go sober tbh#i want more kenneth and john interactions i think it would be hilarious#if Kenneth did anything weird John will SO kill him#girl help my boy is so autisitc#he didnt realize lestat tuning the guitar could also be showing off he just thought lestat was being nice#HEY IS SAMMY IMPLYING THERES MORE PEOPLE LIKE MARKUS?? MORE BUG PEOPLE???#BECAUSE OF THE CONVO WITH LOUIS JOHN MIGHT START THINKING THE MIAN CAST WONT KILL HIM IF HES USEFUL </3#and ouUGUH. THE FACT SONG ASKED LESTAT FOR COFFEE. THE SAME WAY SHE ASKED LOUIS. AND LOUIS DECLINED AND SO SHE ASKS LESTAT#TO SEE IF HES BETTER THAN LOUIS#AND HE ACCEPTS???#OOOH MY GOD GIRL!!!! YOURE IN TROUBLE HES A VAMPIRE OH Y GOD#our gm does a great job mkaing the town feel Alive its so cool#However.#if i were to have one complaint its that theres so much going on and so many plot hooks/plot points#that its a bit hard to keep track of what to follow up on/ do next#bc johns suspicion of karen has been dropped in favor pf investigating new stuff#and while id like to know about kens theories we also have bonnie and everything else to think about#not to mention the interpersonal relationships of the Main Cast#but its still enjoyable
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cuntvonkrolock · 1 year
can u guys stop posting bad nicki takes please it's pissing me off
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halos-little-freak · 2 years
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28 houses…
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alarrytale · 3 months
Because it’s Friyaaaaay, I would like to share how much my brain hates me because I have such a steamy dreams with Louis and I don’t know why. Of course I had dreams about Harry as well but they are nothing compared with those with Louis because basically nothing’s happening with Harry but with Louis? Oh my! The only dream I had with Harry which was hotter than normal also included Louis - Harry was flirting with me at some bar and Louis was standing at the opposite side of the room staring at us whole time and when we decided with Harry to go somewhere private (you know what I mean, right?), I went to Louis to ask him to join us 😂 (obviously because my larrie brain, I wanted to watch them in bed haha and not actually having sex with neither of them). But in my first dream with Louis I actually ended up having sex with him (please, I still have no idea how that happend other than he was standing in front of me completely naked while I was trying not to look at him). Then I had another dream but I can’t remember it but guess we were doing some pda again. And today, today I had another dream with Louis and this time we were kissing. And he was the one who started it. But before he had a phone call with Harry (yep, my brain is larrie even in my dreams again) and Harry told him something which made him incredibly happy. And then he started kissing me while I was only standing in front of him and told him “wait, but you’re not into women” and he was like “Yeah but whatever” and started kissing me and hugging me. And then I woke up. And in few hours he had his last show in Australia looking incredibly good (even his hairstyle was looking great imo) and I’m just thinking how lucky bitch Harry is because I would fight him anytime to steal that man of his haha.
Happy friyayyy, anon!
Hahaha, well... can't say i have had similar dreams lmao. I think i've dreamt about H and L like once over these last eleven years and i think it was rather uneventful compared to yours lol. Didn’t you feel like you were helping L cheat on H when you had s*x with him or kissed him? Did you enjoy any of it? Wanting H have *ex with L rather than yourself makes sense, but L prefering you (a woman i presume) over H? Unrealistic lol. But dreams are funny things and can have deeper meaning. It's not always straight forward.
H, you better keep L away from this man stealing anon!
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things in IWTV season 2 i'd lose my mind if it actually happens (or when. because some of those things will happen.). sorry for the mistakes btw
1. Claudeleine romantic relationship
Claudia finally having a vampire lover she can be herself with. the romantic & sexual tension. the heart to heart Louis and Claudia would have before changing Madeleine. the yearning. the tragic ending. the change of dynamics in the De Pointe du Lac family. the disruption of it all.
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2. an exploration of Armand's relationship to religion, faith and God
specially in 2022. past religious crisis. how he articulates his vampire nature, his faith and his despair. lots of hints of TVA. God and art. religion, Armand and Louis. his religion (conversion from being christian to being muslim in this universe? if so, why?). "i serve, a God," would you mind to develop?
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3. dramatic irony about Daniel's past and Devil's Minion
the rent boy. Daniel actually realising he had been a dick about that. "oh." after understanding the irony of it all. Armand talking in riddles and hinting at something Daniel is totally ignorant of. young Daniel's life and messy, loving and weird relationship with Armand. some activism. 2022 Daniel getting old, sicker and sicker. laughs. angst. tension. yearning. longing stares. petty remarks. revelations.
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4. Loumand complex relationship
the love and the suffering. how they are both deeply attached to each other. how they show their care. the place Lestat holds right in the middle. how they deal with Claudia's death. what Louis really thinks about it. the tension. the yearning. how their relationship actually developed. the extent of Louis' memory alteration and how it plays a role into their dynamics. the after: how Armand helped Louis. messy divorce vibes. petty moves. to what extent their relationship is doomed. how one person can love several persons and in different ways, and how complex and delicate it is.
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5. The Groan™
what is that. a metaphor for sexual arousal? Lestat scratching the walls? Rashid trapped? some clues. what the fuck.
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6. Antoinette alive and kicking
and coming back right on time for the trial, because it would be 1) so fucking funny 2) utterly tragic, considering Claudia would be killed for killing nobody.
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7. amazing outfits
amazing outfits
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8. lots of french
i'm french
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9. Claudia and Armand's relationship
Claudia being protective of Louis. Armand dealing with it. some sort of bond rivalry. both of them aware that something's wrong with the other. Armand and Claudia's similarities being acknowledged (age, killing a human they loved — Charlie, Ricardo — and complex situation regarding their maker), even a possibility for some kind of understanding and compassion (making the end more tragic). Armand seeing a some of Lestat in Claudia. Claudia seeing Armand's love for Lestat. a common love for theater and spectacular shows. that awful experience before Claudia's death.
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10. Louis and memories
the photos he takes (where are they in 2022? will they clash with Louis' tale?). the metatextual dimension of themes such as: unreliable narration, memories and perspective, autofiction. Daniel calling out Louis' avoiding strategies. Louis calling out Daniel's rudeness and biais. how Louis really sees his relationship with Claudia? the gap between Louis' and Armand's recalling. a deeper exploration of his superimposed identities (black, queer, american man; in 1940, 1973, 2022). learning how to trust someone new after being abused. the rain metaphors. Louis saying the most poetic and heartbreaking thing you'll ever heard. his relationship to vampirism as he joins Armand's coven. grief and loss of a family member. hallucinations and how they are filmed / manifesting. guilt. loving Claudia and Armand. loving Lestat, still. etc.
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tysm for coming to my tedtalk. it was very self-indulgent but very much pleasant. i won't be mad if it doesn't happen (obviously!), or not like i imagine. still, it's fun to imagine and put that here on tumblr. no shame on lestat, i just have no special things i'm waiting for about him, and will be very happy indeed to see him again. salut
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zjpg · 9 months
just a girl
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[2020 - celebration posts + texts]
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claire do you have something to tell me???? a secret lover perhaps??
addi huh??? oh! no lmfao fans just like shipping me with every man under the sun 😀😀
claire attractive men!
addi i don't trust your taste. you're dating my brother. besides, i'm here to race, not date.
claire ikik and i'm so happy for you. but you and arthur have been driving me nuts for the past 5 years.
addi nothing is going on between arthur and i !!!
claire 15th birthday. if i remember correctly, i gave you alcohol behind your moms back because you were sad that arthur couldn't make it to your bday. 16th birthday, the day after you slept over while your brother was away and i gave you wine, you told me you thought arthur was cute. age 17, arthur started talking to a girl and you got upset.
addi arthur IS cute. i tell him that all the times. and ofc i was upset about him not coming to my bday party!! the only reason i was upset about him talking to that girl was because she didn't want him talking to me. you've proven nothing.
claire charles didn't come either and you were only crying about arthur the whole night?? what about pierre?
addi what about him?
claire louis told me you used to like him??
addi omg clai, when i was 10😭😭 put me next to any blonde boy with the jb haircut when i was 10 and i would've sworn we were soulmates i love gasly, and i love arthur. but i've never seen myself dating either of them. esp not at the start of my career!
claire mhmmmm, you're so real for that blonde boy statement btw.
addi ikr, i had such a strong thing for blondes when i was younger.
claire i'm not done talking about these boys!
addi ofc you're not.
claire lando.
addi bestie.
claire false. since when has lando norris ever congratulated another driver on social media after a DNF?!?!!??!?!
addi he prob did it because i did on his first win.
claire flirting on twitch? facetime during lockdown???
addi flirting?? i wasn't flirting.
claire oh bby ofc you didn't. you and your brother share the same level of flirting skills. zero he was flirting, granted i don't think he is much of a pro when it comes to flirting either.
addi okay 1. rude. i can flirt.
claire no you can't.
addi and 2. he wasn't flirting.
claire denial denial denial. maybe there's nothing going on with pierre. maybe. (that man looks at you with the biggest fucking smile but that's my only evidence) but arthur and that british bitch? there's something there.
addi british bitch😭😭 there's nothing there but friendship 🥰
claire mhmmm whatever you say. i'm rooting for arthur.
addi why-
claire arthur's a cutie patootie
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liked by charles_leclerc and 2,590,392 others
addilynleblanc happy birthday my forever friend❤️❤️❤️
tagged: charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc
view all 23,393 comments
charles_leclerc i love you dearly -> addilynleblanc i love you more, charlie
arthur_leclerc the last three images, you're making the same face hahahaha -> addilynleblanc we are the same person🫡
user1 everyone say thank you addi for these pictures.
user2 the pic of them together when they were little 🥹🥹🥹 -> lori.rynolds.leblanc She will murder me, but Charles was her first kiss😊😊 -> addilynleblanc mama! -> landonorris Aweeeee
nolanleblanc Happy birthday Cha! -> charles_leclerc thank you!
pierregasly Why is he in a closet? -> arthur_leclerc Intense game of hide and seek.
user3 i love how you added pics with jules and arthur as well🥹
user4 you used to be blonde??? -> louisjuliusleblanc She ruined her hair when she was 13.
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addi it's 12 am. happy birthday charlie. i love you did i beat arthur this year?
charlesthank you chérie❤️ i love you too and yes you did
addi SCORE!!!!
charles lol speaking of... is there something you wanna tell me?
addi noooo not you too🥲 did nolan or claire talk to you??
charles clair and louis this time. but louis was drunk so he didn't make any sense.
addi sounds about right. nothing is going on with me and arthur. or me and pierre. or me and lando.
charles lando's a new one. you've already told me how you feel about pierre before. does that still stand?
addi yes.
charles idk why you never talked to him about that?he was confused for so long.
addi idk how he could be. i don't wanna talk about him.
charles okay. what about arthur then? nothing going on at all?
addi why? do you know something i don't?
charles if i did would it make a difference?
addi probably not.
charles because you don't like him at all or because of something else?
addi because i told myself i would focus on my career i don't want to lose focus.
charles i've never seen you lose focus in anything but math class. having feelings and dating people won't make you lose focus, take it from me. charlotte and i are doing just fine.
addi too bad your strategist is fucking you over😁
charles addilyn. i'm being serious.
addi lando's cute and sweet. but i still don't know enough about him. arthur and i grew up together, he was my first friend, he used to tattle on the kids in karting who would bully me. i don't want to ruin the life long relationship that's there. and then pierre... yeah. i also just don't think i'm ready.
charles okay, chérie. that's fine. but don't suck up all your feelings. that's when you'll start to lose focus.
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lando Hey! Wyd right now?
addi i was gonna watch a movie and then facetime charlotte to talk about charles' birthday
lando Sounds boring Wanna play COD??
addi sure, why not.
taglist: @love4lando @fairiepoems @leilanixx
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