#i fucking love yellow/green tinted color palettes
mach1ne-g1rl · 11 months
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sorry theyre all i care about
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ughrh the concept / sketch i guess i think its interesting to see the progress
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disdaidal · 2 years
super late but i just saw the gif related asks in my likes that u rbed, so: 1, 8, 9, 32, 34, 36, 41, 49! i'm nosey as shit and love hearing u talk about ur gifmaking skills 🥰💝
Awww Melia 🥰🥰😍😍💖💖
1. What are your top 3 favorite sets you’ve made?
This is such a tough question because having to choose three sets out of everything that I've ever made?! I've made hundreds of gifsets in different fandoms, how could I possibly choose only three?
Okay, okay, here goes:
JJ/Emily from Skins UK. I thought they were so cute and I just really like my coloring here. :3 I really miss this show and I keep thinking about making new Skins (gen 2) gifs every once in a while.
Sarge/Cleo from Cleopatra 2525. This remains one of my all-time favorite sets because a) it took me several hours to make it b) it was actually my first 2-gifs-in-1-canvas set ever and c) again, I just really like my coloring here. :)
Billy in purple. My favorite boy in one of my favorite colors. :) I just really, really like this one.
8. What gif trend do you hate?
I can't exactly remember what year it was when people used to make those colorless/washed-out gifs all the time? 2014? 2015? Anyway. While I kind of liked the look of some of them (and I made a few myself so I'm not so innocent heh), when literally everybody was making them, it made my dashboard quickly look so fucking dull and lifeless. I kept asking: where are all the colorful gifs / why do you guys hate colors so much? Ugh.
Also some of the recent trends... You know when people make those transitional b&w glitchy gifs? I go back and forth about it. Like, in a way, I kind of like the look. I think the effect looks cool and I can tell it's taken a lot of time & effort to make it happen. But I also have this thing called astigmatism in my eyes, and that glitchy effect makes me go all 😵. So I'm not a huge fan of that trend because of that. I still think it's cool though.
9. What/who inspired you to start making gifs?
Honestly, I can't even 100% remember anymore. XD I think I always just thought that gifs are cool and I guess I was just hoping to see more gifs about X and Y and couldn't find them, so, I figured I gotta do it myself. I made my very first gifs in the J-rock fandom and later, as a fan of the Norwegian actor Kristoffer Joner (who has like 5 fans on Tumblr, including me haha), so, I'm guessing I got my original inspiration from there. And here we are.
32. What is your favorite tool/adjustment layer in Photoshop?
Color Balance! :)
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I nearly always use the same tools for my base coloring (curves, levels, b/c) and then finish it off with vibrance and curves. But obviously, coloring/color correction is my favorite part of gif-making. And I love Color Balance because you can make such powerful changes to your gifs with a minimum of fuss - also give them depth if you adjust Shadows and Highlights as well (and I nearly always do that).
I also like using Photo Filter, especially before Color Balance - especially when scenes are strongly tinted in yellow, blue, or green (ugh). It generally works great as a color neutralizer (or an emphasizer) and saves you from a lot of cursing and swearing most of the time.
34. A set that took you a long time/was really hard but you’re really proud of how it came out.
There are quite a few of those sets and some of them really didn't do quite well in the sense of popularity. XD
I would honestly say that most of my color palette, fake scenes, and lyrics edits all took a fair amount of time and most of them are something that I'm quite proud of.
In my less popular fandoms - Young Hercules, Hercules: the Legendary Journeys, Fear the Walking Dead, Z Nation - I spent hours, even days to rip them & convert them from my DVD/BR, not to mention the whole process of finally gifing them and all, so. They definitely took me a lot of time to make and I am still quite proud of them. Even if some of them are very old now and don't necessarily look as good anymore (thus why I've already started working on some fresh remakes :D).
36. Do you gif with something specific in mind or do you just wing it?
Both. Sometimes I have such detailed plans for gifsets (even now I have so many different projects in mind, just very little time or energy for all 🙃) and I spend so much time planning them and working on them (and then they get 30 likes and 2 reblogs, one from me lol). Then sometimes I just want to make something, fuck details and plans, I don't want to think about it all lmao. So I just make these simple character episode gifsets or random scenes that I liked etc.
41. What is your least favorite part about your gif making process?
Oh, let me see. Using software that requires at least 16GB RAM to run effectively, and my poor laptop only has 8GB, so. 🙃 Not always being able to run other programs (like Spotify) in the background - or having to restart PS - or occasionally having to wait for several minutes for it to even fucking import anything, then having to wait a few minutes more for it to crop and resize the goddamn thing - yeah, I love it so fucking much. 😎🤗 Not.
Not to mention how PS keeps crashing occasionally (especially CS5, which I no longer really use for that reason + crappy fonts and it's a shame because it actually works faster on my laptop so kjkgjkggk), plus countless other, lovely errors that may occasionally pop up with this otherwise lovely, "user-friendly" Adobe feature. Thus, I am so 🏴‍☠️☠️ this shit. Not sorry. 😇🤭
49. How much would you say you’ve improved since you first started giffing?
Some of the first gifs I've made (somewhere between 2012-2014 I think):
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I think there's a clear improvement compared to my most recent ones 1 & 2. :) I try to pay more attention to the speed of my gifs now - I no longer try to make them slow or skip any frames if I have to. I also strive to use mostly HQ videos these days (albeit sometimes you really just can't find them anywhere and that's something you just gotta deal with 🙃😎).
Albeit I actually still do like even some of my older colorings, I no longer usually have to spend hours and hours (except on very rare occasions) fiddling with different coloring settings and feel depressed every five minutes because now I have more experience and knowledge with different PS tools. Of course, now that Tumblr also allows us to upload even bigger gifs (from 1MB to 10MB ftw), it's obviously given me more freedom to explore and improve myself as a gif maker. :D There's still much to learn ofc, but then again, there are still people who make such awesome gif tutorials here, so I love to take new tips from them whenever I can.
gifmaker questions 💜
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ittakesrain · 4 years
therapy homework
We’re all born a relatively blank canvas. As our lives progress, we experience emotions that begin to color who we are.
Now, it’s probably different for everybody; colors and what they represent to each individual can be very personal. But I was immediately colored pink with the effusive love of my family. I was colored orange a little later by having a fun and exciting childhood. Vibrant yellow made an appearance when I learned to write, my passion showing through each crayoned word on each piece of construction paper. By the time I was fourteen, a rainbow of colors and experiences and emotions was displayed as proud art across the canvas of who I was.
At the end of that year, however, colors that were significantly less appealing started taking over. A vile, putrid green rimmed the edges of my canvas; the anxiety that put it there was gaining strength. Purple was around a lot, but the muddy, murky-brown shade, thanks to fear of...something I couldn’t put my finger on. Gray permeated through all the others. I wasn’t sure why. I wished I knew why.
By the time the gray turned black, it blocked out the shocking blue of my perpetual, gnawing hunger. It blocked out everything. Every color, every memory, every part of me.
In a flash of light that lasted, oh, four months in a hospital, I had myself a blank stretch of opportunities in front of me again.
A rainbow of colors returned to the masterpiece of my life. And it happened quickly. Too quickly. The pale blue of satisfaction and relief mixed with motivation’s highlighter-orange. And the comforting teal got all over both. And red, no, go away, it’s all turning...   Black. Again.
Months passed, during which time I wiped away every color, washed my canvas clean. I didn’t know what else to do.
The same process repeated. Exciting pure-orange getting all over the deepening shade of pink that spoke of how loved I was. Every color going this way and that. Mixing. Giving me black. Again.
Eventually, I started spinning my canvas around. Maneuvering myself to twist and guide my colors to where I thought they’d cause me less pain.
I had the right idea. It was still a miserable eight or so years. Lots of all-consuming, obstructive black. But then...there were all those colors. So many colors, of all shades, bringing with them a big enough range of emotions to fill ten people's canvases.
I’m appreciative of each tint, tone, shade, hue. I’m more appreciative of the pills I swallow every day that put the fucking cap on some of the colors so it’s more controlled. I’m appreciative of the art classes I take from a badass expert (hi Gail, do you like my analogy).
But I started writing this to explain that there are things besides emotions that have influence over the paint; sometimes the experiences themselves taint the colors.
I struggled for fourteen years. While other people had a normal amount of normal colors on their palette, I had too many, wild and extreme and confusing. I reacted to them dramatically, in a way I truly don’t think was disproportionate.
But no one knew how to help me. It wasn’t their fault. They still consistently colored parts of my world pink. But they didn’t help me. What color must that have added to my canvas?
No one knew how to help, so why bother asking (begging) for it? Why bother? Because bothering BOTHERS people. Continuing to cry out for relief would only make me a burden, right? And I wasn’t gonna do that. I wasn’t a burden. I was BETTER than someone who was a burden. That makes me worthy.
“Not a burden, check, give me some yellow paint now” (I guess yellow is the color of serotonin or dopamine or something).
I guess that’s how I got it in my head that for some reason complaining is bad. Or, to use words I wrote down to describe it before I looked up the actual definition: having a bad attitude, being negative or pessimistic, being ungrateful or unappreciative, talking too much about your problems. The vibe of that explanation is somewhere between brown and gray.
The actual definition, of course, is to express dissatisfaction or annoyance —an explanation that’s far more mild and nonchalant. Lime green.
To recap: I have an incredibly skewed understanding of things like complaining and worth. And unfortunately, you just have to extrapolate that to get to my perception of how to ask for what I need. Why it’s linked to my level of deserving makes no sense. But murky-purple fear runs through it all.
I’m afraid maybe I am deserving of harsh judgment, because after all, I did complain a lot for a long time. And that was clearly the wrong thing to do because it took years before I got any real help.
And as I sit here writing this, descending into an existential crisis, I think it might be time to use my well-practiced technique of wiping my canvas clean.
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Your use of colours!! is amazing!! I love them so fucking much!
oh man thank you hvhh color’s somethng i’m always conscious of struggling with....it’s part that for some reason any inherent Good Instinct i had with it just up and left and part that despite like, really appreciating the Effects and Moods of more muted palettes, it never keeps me from always gravitating to real bright colors which is...something. but also like!! there’s bright color combos that you can’t really mess up, ykno?? for me i really like that bright greenish-blue that is my favorite color overall and then my next favorite is a real bright reddish-pink, and that works well together always, and you can slap some yellow in there Primaries Style or orange or whatever you want probably.......also god i’m always saved just by the existence of purple and how it’s essentially always an appropriate choice. basically all the time i’m like hey let’s use purple in the shading and do a layer of purple to tint all the colors towards that..........purple + blue/pink/yellow/orange/green/red/more purple is so good
gjh yeah there is NO reason to start talking about color except that it’s something where i’m both trying to embrace my Natural Tastes (aka the bright colors) while also using my Acquired Coloring Knowledge to try new things w colors but not so much that i second-guess the life out of all of it and sabotage my own efforts.......my palette may not have been very bold there in terms of what i usually choose, but i was trying to push my luck with using color for shape/composition/lighting and the like, so, t l d r i’m glad to hear it’s nice to look at my color usage even if you’re not me!!!!!!! just over here trying to make some gay stuff visually fun yknow
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craftsguide · 5 years
Before & After: Grace and Julia’s Pink Living Room Makeover
New Post has been published on https://craftsguideto.com/awesome/before-after-grace-and-julias-pink-living-room-makeover/
Before & After: Grace and Julia’s Pink Living Room Makeover
One of the things I’ve always wanted to do is have a totally pink room. Like top to bottom, all pink, all day. And it wasn’t until this year that I decided it was time to give it a try. Pink is a tricky color. Like yellows and purples, it genuinely alters depending on the time of day, sunlight, and undertones of the paint. But with Julia’s encouragement, I decided it was time to lighten up our deep green living room and go for a complete and total makeover. Thankfully, with some help from the team at Lulu& Georgia ~ ATAGEND( and a TON of DIY help from Julia, more on that below ), we were able to turn our room from a dark space in need of a little energy and life into a sunny, colorful room that builds both Julia and I smile every hour we walk in. So, let’s start the tour! xo, Grace
“After” photos by Kelly Merchant
The difference between our room then and now knocks my socks off. The power of a totally different paint color to transform a room should never be underestimated. We went through so many pink paint policy options and objective up combining our two favorite colors (Literally! In a giant plastic bucket !) to create this warm, saturated pink. See our testing below :P TAGEND
The objective result was us combining Benjamin Moore’s “Teacup Rose” and “Sunlit Coral” to create a color that, in the daylight, is the most heavenly and warming tint of pink. At night it veers a little into Miami Beach territory, we are therefore altered our lightbulbs to cooler styles to help tone that down a bit. I’m so happy with the seem, and even happier we decided to go monochrome with it — we painted the doors, trim, and heating units, too, so they are able to all blend in. It’s a seem( not in pink, necessarily) that we are presented in a lot of older the house and have always wanted to try in here.
What genuinely brought this room to life were two major pieces: an unbelievable L-shaped sofa and this gorgeous striped rug. Both pieces are from Lulu& Georgia and they are much more modern than I’ve ever gone for at home — and I love it. I’ve always run for traditional rolled-arm sofas, but this clean, modern style( called the Chareslton LAF, similar models here) feels so much lighter. And yes, I know puppies+ a illumination coloured sofa= stains and mess, but we got used to that a very long time ago. I basically invest in Nature’s Miracle spray in bulk and have learned to embrace a perfectly imperfect( and often dirty) sofa as a part of living with animals we love to pieces.
The rug that brings this space together is the Nurae Rug in Rust from Lulu& Georgia ~ ATAGEND. I’ve been gravitating toward a pink/ochre/rust color palette for a while, so getting to bring these colours together in this space was so exciting. Hope is fully in love with the new beige sheepskin, too. She is the queen of a comfy sleep spot.( Julia made our simple coffee table from a leftover piece of IKEA butcher block we had from our old Brooklyn apartment years ago ).
These colorful pillows from Lulu& Georgia ~ ATAGEND were such a nice bit of coloring for the sofa, but I also want to talk about the DIY aspects of this project, too. Like the artwork above! Julia made the wooden sculpture on the wall, while I decided to frame some of my favorite collected bits of Japanese indigo fabric( all in affordable frames from IKEA ). In addition to the sketches of Hope and Winky that friends induced, you can also find one of the prints we induce ourselves! More on those below…
When we talked about decorating the walls in this room, we knew we wanted to keep things personal. I didn’t want to buy anything “just to fill a space, ” so we decided to go DIY and got a block printing kit from Michaels and made our own simple artwork for the walls. Ours are the black and brick-colored publishes. I got a little frustrated at first, but Julia persevered and we discovered our groove and aimed up with a handful of beautiful, large pieces we could frame and feel proud of. Among the mixture are a huge hand-tied knot we found at an artist market a few years ago, watercolours of the americans and the pets by Alessandra Olanow, and a stack of photo albums( one for each pet and one dedicated to our late friend, Georgine) that we cherish.
Speaking of DIY, one of the most important one undertakings in this room was a huge behind-the-sofa table that Julia and I built together (seen above ). It’s made from plywood and a whole lot of elbow grease. It took us about two days to get all the cuts right (there’s not a single straight-out or un-bowed wall in this room ), but I’m so proud of the clean, streamlined piece we made and how useful it is for drinks and snacks we want to keep away from the pets while we’re eating and watching TV.( Although Hope has now taken to sleeping on one side of the table because she misses being right up against the window. Dogs .)
Speaking of artwork, we moved our dog portrait by our friend Sasha Israel to our entryway and used this great space to celebrate an incredible print by Lily and Hopie from Blockshop Textiles ~ ATAGEND. It was so much better fun getting to know Lily and Hopie during their photoshoot for In the Company of Women and it means so much better to have artwork that is connected to people we know and love. The publish is meant to be hung vertically, but we tip-off it sideways while working on the anchors and fell in love with this horizontal orientation and ran for it.
I also decided the old hardware store handles on our built-in credenza needed an upgrade, so I bought some inexpensive raw leather online and induced new manages utilizing brass fuckings and a hole puncher. Voila! Easy DIY makeover.
This little corner of our living room has always been a bit dark and hodge-podgey, so we decided to bring a little extra light to it with this pennant Cydney Mirror from Lulu& Georgia ~ ATAGEND. It’s nice to see some of our DIY artwork reflected back at us.( I still want to strip both sides of this doorway down to the original wood, but that’s a project for another day.)
This corner makes me laugh every time I look at it. Mainly because I asked for feedback online about what to do with it( because I was feeling frustrated and confused about how to make it more functional) and despite so many great ideas, we still haven’t committed to anything because nothing has felt 100% right yet. And while I love a fully “finished” makeover, I don’t like adding things merely to fill a space. So for now, this corner has a cozy sheepskin chair and plenty of room for Winky( our puppy) to hide all of her tennis balls. One day I think it would be nice to add a textured wall hanging, or maybe even a mobile, but for right now I’m running to let this space breathe and merely be empty for a bit.
Thanks for joining us on our living room makeover tour! And thank you to Lulu& Georgia for our new living room decor! xo, Grace
Sourcing :P TAGEND
From Lulu& Georgia: Charleston LAF Sectional, Nurae Rug in Rug, Beige Sheepskin fling, throw pillows, sheepskin chair and mirror.
Sconces: Brooklyn Bulb Co.
Walnut Lamp: Amish stimulate turned walnut lamp from Canvas Home (circa 2010)
Artwork: Our living room features a mixture of DIY artwork we stimulated with a Speedball publish kit, as well as pieces by Blockshop Textiles, Veronica Corzo-Duchardt, Carson Ellis, Alessandra Olanow, and a poster from a 1968 Andy Warhol show in Stockholm. Most of our frames are from IKEA.
DIY Projects by Julia: Julia made our coffee table from hairpin legs and leftover butcher block counter from our old Brooklyn apartment. She made the behind-the-sofa table employing plywood, she also made the wooden sculpture hanging on the wall from scrap pieces in her woodshop.
Paint: An equal concoction of Benjamin Moore’s “Teacup Rose” and “Sunlit Coral” in eggshell finish. Thanks to our community on Instagram for all the voting and suggestions!
Read more: designsponge.com
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