#i fully shut my finger in a car door on thursday actually so i am in a LOT OF PAIN and typing isn't fun but
snailtrain · 9 months
Hello hello!
I am very excited to see so much love for my holiday card this year, I enjoy making them and have tried to keep up the winter post tradition for a few years now. This has been my most popular one yet (yay)! And has attracted a fair few new followers. Hello to you all, I hope you enjoy your time here!
I actually quit my main hourly job on the 25th due to an unfortunately escalating case of hostile coworkers that nothing ever really got done about. But I'm out! No more worrying about being snapped at my my coworkers or sitting in the middle of everyone's personal complaints! It's been a week without having to juggle all that and my other work, and I'm honestly feeling so refreshed and happy! I have been feeling so much lighter since I turned in my 2-weeks, and I think that's the only reason I managed to even get this year's holiday card out in time.
This is all to say, thank you thank you thank you so much for everyone's appreciation of my work this last year, however little there was of it! 2024 will be the year of way more art and actually devoting time to what I love to do ♥! I'll be announcing a patreon here soon, I'll be trying to stream at least once a week on twitch going forward, and I recently got into patterning doll clothes lol! lots of things lined up to try out in the new year and I'm very excited for it for once!
Please look forward to it! And hey, if you want to check it out, I just started using a new system for commissions~ It's all done in one platform and it feels a lot easier on both ends than my old google forms system.
Happy new year! I hope it is wonderful for all of us!
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mcwritingblog · 3 years
Immortal: Chapter 1
A Girl and Her Cat
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Pairing: Javier Pena x reader
Summary: A small town barista meets a handsome Javi.
Rating: G
Author’s note: Hey guys I'm sorry this doesn't have a lot of Javier in it, its really a big set up chapter for the story.
Word count: 2k
1975, a random fall Tuesday 
I don't know how it even happened, or how I met him. At the time I was living in a small town in Columbia run by Americans, keeping to myself, not drawing any attention to myself. He walked into my cafe and got a small black coffee. He stayed a while, reading his small novel.  
“Hi there, stranger, I got your coffee”, you said as you set down his drink. “Anything else?”
“No ma’am. Thank you”
“No problem”, you went to turn away but you had to know, “Um, hey?”
“You've come in before.  What's your name?”
“Javier. I'm y/n. Let me know if you need anything. Maybe next time you could try a latte”, he lets out a snort. You go back to cleaning. It was extremely slow today so you got the go-ahead from your boss to close up early. 
You turned around and saw Javier leaning up against his truck with a smile. 
You grasp your chest. “You scared me. I didn't notice you there.”
“Were you about to walk home?”
“Would you mind a ride?”
“My apartment isn't that far from here, but thank you I appreciate it.”
And like that, you were walking home, enjoying the weather. It was chilly and the leaves were falling beside you everywhere. You didn't mind the ten-minute walk to your apartment. You don't even get in the door before your cat starts meowing at you. 
“Avery, give me one moment. I'll feed you I promise.”. You love the hell out of the black cat but the girl is so needy.
You flick off your shoes by the front door, bending down to pet Avery. You walked past her to shake some food into her bowl. With how she rushes to it, you'd think she never got fed. Silly girl. You walk over to the couch and lay out, grabbing the blanket to get comfortable, a few moments pass and your cat hops up to snuggle up to you. You flip on your tv to find something to have in the background and settle on Hawaii Five O. There's something about cops that attracts you so much. You find yourself falling asleep, Avery radiating heat on your stomach. 
You were woken up the next morning by your alarm clock; another day, another dollar. You were on second shift today so you didn't have to be in until 11. You got up and made yourself toast and eggs, making sure fatso had her food too. 
“Pretty girl”, you say scratching her chin and heading towards the door, adding an “I’ll be back later. Byeee”
The walk to the shop today was extra nice. You can smell the aroma of a pumpkin pie as you pass the houses in your neighborhood and hear the sounds of children playing outside. The giggles brought life to the quiet afternoon. As you come closer to the city, the more you hear the sounds of cars passing and smells of bread being baked at the bakery down the street. The bakers wave at you as you pass the front window. You hold up two fingers, gesturing back. Two shops down is Mrs. Rivera trying to hang up plants, struggling to steady herself, AND the hanging ivy pot.
“Here let me help you.”, you say as you come behind her and catch the pot, succeeding in hanging it up on her awning.
“Thank you, sweetheart!”, she says as she wipes her hands on her apron.
“No problem. I have to get going but come by for a latte?”, you ask.
“Yeah. I’ll see you” 
And with that, you were back to it. Half a block down and you come to the shop's front door. It dings as you enter.
“You're late”, your boss, Maria, gets on to you.
“Mrs. Rivera needed help again.”
“Uh-huh. Get your butt back there”, she snorts. She's not mad. Thank god.
“Been busy today?”You ask about taking off your backpack and hanging it up. The shop was basically vacant. The only customer you could see was a college kid studying in the corner. You walk around to pick up mugs and empty plates from various tables.
“Not really. The usuals mostly… Oh! A guy was asking about you! He asked if I knew if you got home safe?”, she asked, confused.
“Ah yes, Javier. He offered to take me home last night.”, you say while walking the dirty dishes to the back.
“He’s cute. You should get in there, girl”, she yells to you. “In there?”, you come around the corner and scoff, “I'm not that interested in dating right now.”
“You should. You can't just spend all your free time with your cat and nonexistent characters in your books.”
“Can.” You point out “And will” 
“You're only 24, do you really wanna throw away that opportunity?”
You could only muster up an eye roll.
The rest of the shift went off without a problem. Maria went home shortly after her talk with you. The next few hours included a couple of customers but mostly some cleaning. Mrs. Rivera actually came to see you, even getting a hot chocolate for her grandson when she got her latte. You hold a conversation with her for a while, talking about her daughter’s new job at the school. Maria said something about that a couple of weeks ago. The rest of the regulars got their usual drinks, only sticking around long enough for their drinks. The clock soon hits 7 pm.
“Another tea?”, you ask the college student in the corner. He’s been here for your whole shift and has gotten two hot green teas with sugar.
“No ma’am. I'm about to leave but I appreciate it.”
‘Alright. Don't be a stranger”, you say, taking his cup and saucer to the back to clean it off. You place it in the strainer to left it air dry. As you are in the back, the customer packed up and left, leaving the shop empty.
You walk past every table, wiping it down and stacking chairs on top, then grabbing the broom. You quite enjoy the quiet chill night, humming a simple tune. The night offers an array of noises through the open door: Grasshoppers chirping and the soft whistle of the breeze. You finish sweeping and put up the broom. “The tips were pretty good today”, you think, pushing the money into your pocket, removing your apron, locking up, and heading home.
You had Thursday off and planned to spend it accordingly. You slept until you couldn't anymore, got up, and fed Avery, offering extra pets to the needy cat. She snuggles up to you on the couch, laying in the space in front of your stomach. Your newest interest? Murder mysteries. So you are relaxing on the couch reading Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile. 
You get pretty far into the book before hearing a knock at your door. Weird. Then walk to unlatch the door, swinging it open.
“Uh... hello?”, you questioned the man in front of you. He’s standing there with his hand to the back of his neck, looking nervous
“Hi. Umm, I'm new to building. I live across the hall. I’m Anthony”, he reaches his hand out. You take his hand and shake it.
“Y/N”, you respond, smiling.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N”
“Would you like to come in for some coffee? I just put on a fresh pot”, you invite.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”, his face sparks up in happiness. He takes your invitation and walks into your apartment, you close the door behind him.
‘Wow. Nice apartment. How long have you been living here?”
“Eh, a while”. Boy, you have NO idea.
He sits down at your dinner table and you bring over two coffee mugs.
“Cream? Sugar?”, you ask.
“Yes. Both please”, he responds and you hand him the containers of cream and sugar.
“Just moved here?”
“Yeah. From Arizona. The owner told me that you're one of the only Americans renting here. Thought I might come by and say hello.”
“Arizona, huh?”
“Yeah. I used to live in Georgia when I was a young girl but I’ve been around the world a lot. Been a while since I’ve been in the United States”, you drift off for a second but reel it in. “ Where in Arizona are you from?”
“Tucson. Wasn’t a bad place to live but I went to college for a major in the Spanish language. I wanted to visit places where I could hear the different dialects and see the different cultures. Thus, I am in Columbia.”
“Ah, you see I just wanted to see the world. I’ve been almost everywhere”
‘What was your favorite place to visit?”, he asks, fully focused on the conversation and not realizing Avery’s furry body rubbing against his shins. She meows. “Oh, well, hello there pretty girl. What’s your name?”. He reaches down to pet her back.
“That’s Avery. But back to your question, I was living in Greece for a while and I just adored the blue waters and sandy beaches.”
He takes a sip of his coffee and asks, “So what brought you here?”
“Need a change of scene. I had a friend who lived here but she passed away a couple of years ago”, you reply back nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders.
“Oh, im so sorry to hear that. Not too pry but we’re you close?”
“Yeah, We knew each other for a while.”
“How’d she die?”, he asks further
“Old age”, you let slip.
“Old age? he responds surprised.
“Uh... yeah. A family friend.”, you try to make up a better story to keep suspicion off of you.
That conversation kind of ended before it started, instead opting for a conversation about Anthony’s studies in places like Cuba and Spain. The talk circled around to different places you’ve visited, Rome being a topic that seemed to trail on and on. The sun outside seems to start to set.
“I’ve got to get going but it was nice to meet you, Y’N”
“You too, Anthony. Let me know if you need a cup of sugar or anything”, you say following him towards your door. He steps through and across the hallway to his front door. When he shuts his door, you follow suit. You turn around and you can feel Avery’s judging eyes on you.
“I know, I almost blew my cover”, you tell your feline friend. She meows.
You weren't wrong when you told Anthony you’ve been living in Columbia for a while. The problem is his definition and your definition of “a while” were completely different. The truth is you lived in Columbia for 40 years and in this town for about 20. You didn’t age. The only person who could possibly know is Mrs. Rivera but she is very good at minding her own business. You were one of the only ones who came to her husband’s funeral a year ago. You’re practically family. The town’s oldest residents have passed and the owners of the apartments change every couple of years. The rent is paid in cash and the tenets come and go. Every couple of decades you move to another small town in another country. 
You lived a normal life but you didn’t know your parents. You lived in the orphanage until you were 18. It was then you took up a job, reading in your spare time, and traveling when you could. You didn’t even realize your immortality until you were 40 looking 20. And then 50 looking 20. You did try to date but soon came to realize that you’d outlive them, leaving a trail of broken hearts. You were pretty sure you were incapable of love. 80 years old and not prepared for what happened next.
Javier Pena was about to change your life.
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crybabytoy59 · 4 years
My begging letter reply...
I opened the letter attached to the box my hands shaking the whole time,opening the folded pink paper the page coming into view I read it...
Very well done Babyslave, that was a lovely Begging Letter you wrote so
given your genuine feelings we are going to let you visit us for a long weekend
so the following dates You will choose one to serve us as our “Babyslave”
Once you give us Our weekend date you Will use what’s in this box as described With No Exceptions ! This part is Not up for negotiations, as we will
be checking that Our Toy is Obedient. You will Not be given a Safeword & will be at our Will as to how Your Training & Punishment are given (We will not harm you permanently or leave any lasting damage, other than the inevitable mental
Tormented harm that we are guessing you can pull upon later when you feel the “Need within”....
Now open the box.....Babyslave !
Still reading the line over “You will not be given a Safeword” my mind now racing over the prospect of this type of Dominant Control, something I had always fantasised over but the thought of actually submitting to this ?
So I lifted my small knife cutting the box open.
Inside the box was a pink pvc dress with white frilly hem and at the cuffs to the arms, over the chest was a heart shaped panel surrounded by the same white frills, in this was a cartoon character of Winnie the Pooh ! Next was a large pink disposable with Fairy prints on it, pvc see through pants they also had Winnie the Pooh bear front & rear, white Mary Jane socks and pink booties, a tube of hair removal cream, a rubber ring with balls on it ? some sort of powdered drink.
Also there was two gift cards one was for a hairdresser, the other was for a natural health shop.
Now getting excited over looking at the items from the box I found myself getting excited about the prospect of serving them both, looking at the dates I found the first date was perfect as I had No plans that weekend.
So excited I messaged them my date...a reply came back ...
That’s perfect Babyslave..Now book both appointments for the Friday morning they are close together so allow 2hrs for both so you will be Finnished for 10am,
after done you Will message us for instructions.Take your Dress ect in a back pack with you so they are ready.
We look forward to seeing you for your Obedience Training weekend Babyslave.
The next week dragged on but finally the Thursday came at 7pm I was.  Instructed to use the cream to remove all my hair feet to neck, the smell was not very nice but 30 mins later after a shower I stood completely void of hair !
A message came that I was to go straight to bed with No supper only my usual hot milk and honey.....in my terry Nappy & rubber pants with My pink baby doll nightie on....I was allowed to wet if I found the need but No poopies ! As usual No Cummies (It had been six weeks now with no relief Only frustration over the Pictures they sent me each day to look at teasing me endlessly at work at home they would come ..Pictures of sissy bondage Abdl art ect...
Friday morning I removed my soaking wet Nappy showered then headed with my back pack to the hairdresser.
On arrival I handed the girl my gift card “Hi you must be Tina’s friend, follow me please” the petite girl led me to a chair “Sit here Carla will be with you in a moment” as I sat nervously an older girl appeared behind me smiling “Hi am Carla nice to meet you” she put a black cover around my neck tied it on then pushed my head forward “Keep still please” I heard buzzing then felt the shaver on my head removing my hair not some of it All of it ! She shaved my head Bald then foam razor shaved it completely !..I sat stunned as she had not asked me anything just simply shaved me bald 👩‍🦲....
“There we go that ok for you ?” I smiled politely saying yes thank you, Carla smiled back “would you like some softness balm ? It’s free !” Again stammering slightly I spoke Emm’err yes thank you...Carla put some clear oil on her hands then started massaging it into my head her finger felt so good softly massaging my Now baud head she poke again “Tilt your head back for me.....(she rubbed my forehead & temples) Just a bit further back please” I forced my neck to arch back fully as she slowed the massaging even further ! It was pure heaven, then it struck me the oil was Baby Oil ! The distinct smell encircling my head invading My nostrils.
She tilted my head back up “That we Go Babe that’s you soft as a baby’s bottom” I went slightly red at her comment but she removed the apron then turned the chair to allow me to get up “Thanks for using us hope we will get to see you as a regular customer, you enjoy your weekend”
With that she walked away, I went out the shop the cool air hitting my newly shaved head felt strange but nice.
As they had told me the health shop was only a few minutes away, as I entered an assistant greeting me I gave Over the voucher “That’s lovely come this way” I followed her as we entered a room there was a bench with a raised bit it had a towel over it.  A girl in a uniform came into the room “Hi my name is Dee am going to give you your treatments today, have you had a colonics treatment before ?” I was totally stunned as I was under the impression I was having a mineral skin treatment not an internal treatment !
Stammering I told her no this was a first...she smiled warmly telling me it was very relaxing to have done and that I would feet great after the treatment.
She gave me a white gown then told me to just remove my clothes and lay over the raised part of the bed with my hips tummy down.
When she came back it was with a cart, lifting my gown she put a towel over my lower back, then gently patted My thighs “pull your legs up slightly & shoulder width apart please”.
This now made me feel very vulnerable & a tad embarrassed, as I thought this treatment was done on your back ? What did I know....”just relax am going to put a tube inside you Ok ?” I nodded then felt cold lube as the tube entered me, she inflated a ballon then I felt warm fluid enter me, but not filling Me it was going back out, just a light constant pressure...In fact it felt very nice.
She told me to relax & enjoy it as the treatment took around 45 minutes then she left the room, embarrassing as it was I fell asleep ! It was just so relaxing...
Dee returned simply removing the tube and wiped me down “That’s you I will leave you to Get dressed, just watch standing up as the treatment will make you feel light headed, did you enjoy it?” Yes Dee it was so relaxing thank you...
I got dressed lifted my backpack thanked her again & left feeling like I was floating!l
No sooner was I out the shop when I got a message “Ok now walk to Mac Donalds go to the bathroom & put on your nappy, pants, dress, tights...put your clothes back on with the Top of the dress neckline showing out of the top of your Tee Shirt then walk back towards the park, we will send you directions from there...Hurry Up Babyslave Don’t Keep us waiting!”
I went into the restaurant toilet stripping to put on my Baby attire! Once I was
dressed the walk to the park had me walking face down as I was sure everyone was looking at the white frilly rubber coming out of my Tee Shirt neck !
At the park a txt came “Well Done.. now go to the car park you will see a black van in the corner go to the side door face the bushes & Stand Completely Still”
As I walked to the van I felt myself swelling up inside the disposable Nappy ! But worse was the rubber ring with the balls around it at my scrotum was keeping the flow of blood from returning & I was now hard as a rock !! Turning to face the bushes my heart felt like it was going to burst from my chest !
The van door opened & I felt myself being pulled backwards “Close your eyes Babyslave Do Not Open them no Matter what Happens!”
As I was pulled backwards my coat was being removed then hearing the door slide shut,  I felt my trousers Being unfastened followed by my T-shirt Being removed !  “Clever girlie Babyslave look at you” a hood was being pulled over my head “Open Wide!” A Dummy was put into my mouth through the hole over my lips, this was quite large in size it felt like it was covered in small spikes ?Then I felt a head harness being pulled tightly on “Now Babyslave are you Wet ? (I shook my head) let’s just check (my plastic pants came down then my nappy tabs we’re removed & cool air hit my rear) “Clever girlie that’s just perfect, Now get on all fours & spread you’re leggies nice and Widespread..Clever girlie lift your tummy slightly cutie....(I felt a bench put under me then my legs cuffed apart, followed by my wrists being cuffed then pulled in front of me widely.
At this point I was aware the van was moving, she patted my rear then spoke “Just suckle on your Dummy Babyslave a wee short drive to a Quite location & we can prepare You for the trip home” she was sliding something up my shaft it was compressing my already engorged clitte ! The van came to a stop & the driver got into the back with her. I felt a large pair of hands lift my head as a strap was put to each chin from the belt over the small of my back holding me down...this had me whimpering as my head was forced into an unnatural backwards position ! I heard them both chuckle as she spoke to me..
“Now Babyslave were going to give you a wee taster of what’s in store for your Obedience Training This weekend, Off we Go !..Daddy...” I felt cold lib slide down the crack of my bum cheeks then someone straddling my widespread thighs !
She smiled at her husband as he squatted down lining up his member with the newly cleaned Fuck hole Dee had just cleaned in preparation! Only fifteen minutes ago Dee had messaged Mummy to tell her the treatment was done & they could message him. Now as she watched her hubby Very slowly enter there new Toy starting a slow rhythmic moment of fucking the spread eagle Sissy up the anal passage ! Mummy kissed his cheek..”Clever girlie Babyslave Remember Don’t Open your eyes As so far your being ever so Clever, aaaaww Daddy I can see tears forming...Big thrust now I think...(I could feel the first tears rolling down my face) Clever girlie Babyslave Open your eyes & look at me !” She was stunning even through tears I could see her leather clad figure !...
I had never been fucked by a man, I had fantasies about it but being straight I had never felt guy....but the humiliation of it did excite me....Now here I was Spread & being fucked as this gorgeous girl mocked me tears flowing from me freely now, I cried openly to her with a Deep want to give her my pent up tears..All of them held inside for so long struggled to get passed each other as they ran down my face in a race to be first to the floor of the van !
“Clever girlie Crybaby that’s the way....Big Deep Breath Now though as Daddy is going to Fuck You ever so Hard Now am Afraid !”
True to her word he suddenly took hold of the belt pounding my rear hard as I attempted to scream Mistress Mummy held me in a chocking Hold this muffled any sound I could make As he grunted out a climax Deep inside me !
But he was not the only one that had climaxed my seed was now in the tube over my clitte, as Mistress Mummy pulled it into a syringe...
“Look at this Master Daddy our Dirty wee Punishment Toy did a huge creammie for us ! Mistress Mummy was putting it to the dummy as I felt hot seed coming out of the wee spikes on the dummy teat !
“Clever girlie Crybaby suckle That Down !” I was undone from my position then had a maxi pad taped over my hole !! Then my nappy put back on followed by my pvc pants.They sat me in a chair cuffing my legs under me then my arms behind the seat. Mistress Mummy sat next to me, then Master Daddy drove Off heading home as we drove Mistress Mummy spoke to me “Crybaby Sweetheart can you feel Master Daddy’s gift oozing out Your Baby Fuck hole ?” She giggled as I nodded....”Don’t you fret though Pet as soon as we are home It’s Going To Be Mistress Mummy’s turn To abuse Her Toys fuck hole...Crybaby Your Going To Cry Real Tears then not these silly crocodile Tears here Pet !”......
Mistress Mummy lifted a small rubber hammer tapping the front of my Nappy she hit me with it over & over ....”Now Crybaby I want you to wet your Nappy before we get home...If You don’t I will Beat your down here until you Vomit, Ok Sweetheart?(I nodded) Clever girlie Crybaby Ok Off we go !” She hit me hard with the hammer...I could see Master Daddy smiling at her in the rear view mirror ! What had I gotten myself into.......
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ladybugsfanfics · 5 years
Shut Up And Kiss Me [3/?] | Tom Hiddleston x reader
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x reader
Style: Part Three of ?
WC: 2864
Warning: cursing, drunkness, some talk about not sleeping enough (sleep deprivation)
Summary: You and Professor Hiddleston have been colleagues for many years now, and through those years the hatred for each other has only grown. Now, as a new school year starts, you’re being told that you have to share a classroom or a class. Neither are happy about the outcome, but knowing you’ll never come to an agreement, you let the class choose for you. Team-teaching is rare in 2019, but it is a lot harder to do when you can’t stand the person you’re doing it with.
A/N: aaa, can’t believe I actually managed to wait a week, but it was worth it because, uuh, before I edited the part i wasnt too happy with it but now I am really proud so like, yeah, also there’s a myth mentioned in this. Said myth is called  Thor the Transvesite and i recommend reading it because it is hilarious and one of my fave norse myths. enjoy ^_^
If you want to be tagged, please send an ask or a DM ^_^
Previous | Series Masterlist | Part Four
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You lean back in your chair, hands warmed by a cup of hot chocolate that tastes of heaven as you sip it. 
Across the room, Hiddleston is approached by Alisha Grant. The head of HR owes you a favor and now you get to see her do the little thing you’d asked of her the night before.The English Literature professor frowns at her words, pulls back in confusion and purses his lips with what you can only read as anxiousness. His feet start tapping against the floor and he pushes his glasses up his nose with his pointer finger.
Dr. Grant smiles at him, turns and leaves, walking towards you. She stops in front of the table you occupy. “Happy?” she asks.
You nod with a beaming smile. “Of course. Now he’s anxious and the rest of part one will be easy.” 
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “I put you two in the same classroom so you’d become more capable of behaving in each other’s presence, yet here you are, making me do something that helps with the exact opposite.” 
“And you love me for it,” you say and sip your hot chocolate with a smug smile. “You find our rivalry as cute as Benedict. God, I was at his place on Friday to talk to him about this research thing I’m doing and he couldn’t talk about anything but our feud.”
“Oh, because you can.” Alisha rolls her eyes again. “Anyways, I’ve done as you asked and now you’ll have to excuse me, I have a lunch to attend.”
“Sure, don’t eat with me. I’m not all alone and bored to death,” you say sarcastically. 
Alisha shakes her head, though with an amused smile tugging at her lips. “You’ll have to ask someone else then. Bye.” She gives a little wave and walks away, still shaking her head. 
As she leaves, a rather angry professor marches up to you. Hiddleston’s brows are knitted together and his eyes stare daggers at you. You only smile innocently at him, fully enjoying the moment. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, his accent more pronounced with the anger in his voice. 
You shrug. “Honestly, I’m not sure. Just out here bullshitting my way through life.” You sip your hot chocolate, smiling smugly behind the mug.
“No, you had something to do with Dr. Grant approaching me.” He sits down in the chair across from yours. “What did you tell her?”
“Nothing,” you say, which, in all honesty, is the truth. “We’re friends, okay? I’m sorry she isn’t yours. Jealousy isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but remember to tone it down a little maybe?.”
The neck in his veins bulges out, blue shading the fair color of his skin, and threatening to explode. You purse your lips, though the lower trembles a little and tears starts to form in your eyes. Suppressing a laugh is harder than you thought. 
“Oh, shut up,” he says and stands. “Don’t believe I don’t know what you’re doing.” 
Watching him madly stalk away makes its way to the top ten things everyone should experience in life. You have never seen something as beautiful (to be honest, his little ass isn’t that bad). 
“You’re an idiot, do you know that?” Hiddleston hisses at you. 
“Excuse me?” You stare at him. “I’m the idiot? Have you met yourself?” 
He clenches his fists, opens his mouth, and decides against it. Hiddleston takes a glance up at the thirty students writing away at their computers and chatting with each other. You scoff. If you knew all it would take for him to shut up was to have students in the room, you’d have proposed this idea to Dean McHallan years ago. 
The professor takes a step closer to you, close enough for you to hear his heartbeat and feel his breath mix with yours. “I’m not sure exactly what you have as a brain, but I can assure you, it is no bigger than a nut,” he says, venom laced in his voice. 
“And I can assure you, it still contains more information than the bloated one you have.” 
The papers spread out on your office floor make less sense now than they did when you first put them down. Instead of being a fun research project as you hoped, it gives you a massive headache. Nevertheless, you had gotten some very nice ideas for classes. 
Your sophomore class had taken a liking to the idea of researching norse mythology in a new way. Reading some of the myths had turned into a great laughing session and been turned into an assignment to study as relics and reports, a great way to learn how to assess a source. 
And for the creative writing class on Thursday―you have yet to propose this to Hiddleston―you have an idea to use allusions to pepper in nuance to a story. 
But for the moment, as your mind is blank and a pikachu and a bulbasaur pops up, you’re pretty sure the last two all nighters weren’t a good idea. Or maybe you’re playing Pokemon Go with your mind (who knows?). 
You startle to a knock on your office door. “Come in,” you say and try to shake away the two pokemon in front of you as you regain your balance. It only works halfway and the person who opens the door steps on them as he comes inside. Actually, it might be that shot or two (shh, it wasn’t more) of vodka you took to brainstorm that does this. 
“Why aren’t you going home?” Benedict sighs and gives you a worried look. 
You shrug. “Beats me. I really should,” you say and nod aggressively, with a grimace saying ‘you’re-right’. 
Benedict tilts his head. “Are you drunk?” he asks and takes a step further into the room. 
“Noooo,” you say and hop down from your desk. You land on the mess of papers, mixing up their positions. “I would never.” You furiously shake your head no and then slowly go over to nodding. “Actually, now that I think about it. I might be?” 
“Okay, come here. I’m driving you home.” He holds out a hand for you to take. 
You accept it and smile at him. “You’re such a good friend.” Your nose scrunches as you coo at him and smile wider, showing teeth. 
He nods with a smile. “I know I am. You have your things?” 
You let go of his hand and turn around to find your backpack. “Ready,” you say, only to go and get your jacket. You stop mid track and your eyes widen. “Oh, oh, oh.” You scramble to your desk and find a pen and paper, and write down the idea that popped into your head. 
“Y/N,” says Benedict, his voice soft, “we should leave.” 
You wave at him. “Uno momento,” you say in broken Spanish and finish the sentence. You squeal at the amazing idea and scramble for your coat, putting the note in the pocket. “Ready!”
Benedict shakes his head, though he smiles and follows you out. He locks your office for you and takes your car keys. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow, too, don’t worry about it.”
“I won’t,” you say and hug him from the side. “You’re the best. Not like Tom. He’s the worst.”
You hear the physics professor sigh, but he doesn’t comment on it as you slowly begin to talk about the English Lit professor. He doesn’t mention it as you talk about the man’s personality, nor does he mention it when the words, “he has no business being that hot,” slips out and you let out a heavy sigh. 
You groan as you get into the passenger seat of Benedict’s car. “You have no idea how much my head hurts,” you say and stare at him through a pair of sunglasses. 
“Then you shouldn’t drink and work.” He rolls his eyes, but you notice the smile playing on his lips. “What made you believe that was a good idea?”
“Uhh, I believe it was the all-nighters. After all, when you came into the room I saw pokemon.” You groan at the hazy memory. “Fuck, that’s usually not even a consquence of alcohol.” 
Benedict takes a turn out of your neighborhood. “No, but it is a symptom of sleep deprivation. You should take better care of yourself.” He casts a quick glance your way with a worried smile, and then puts his attention back on the road. “What more do you remember?”
You shrug. “Uhh, you helping me. Getting my things.” You scrunch your face to rack your brain for the hazy moments of last night, but not much more comes to mind. “Did I do something stupid?”
A chuckle comes from Benedict. “Be glad I was the one to find you,” he says. “You didn’t do anything stupid until after, though. But I remember you having some bright idea? Care to indulge?”
“Bright idea?” you ask. 
“Yeah, you were about to get your jacket when you had some realization and wrote something down.”
“Oh,” you say. You check your jacket pockets, and true enough, there’s a post-it note inside it. You unfold the note and try to decipher the scrambled words. talk to tom about class. (remember don’t mention your crush shhhh) 
You nod, curl the paper and put it back into your pocket. “It was not a good idea and really you should never trust drunk people to have good ideas.” 
Benedict laughs and you sit back in silence. You press your lips together as your mind races through the few things you said as Benedict helped you home. Biting your lip, you can’t remember anything that will alert your friend to something you don’t want him to know. Nor did he see the note, so you should be good. 
Still, during the next few minutes before Benedict pulls up to campus, your heart beats unsteadily. Your head throbs and your gut churns at the stupid admittance from your drunk and sleep deprived self. The knowledge that said secret is about the person you allegedly hate, that gives you countless headaches throughout the day, and that you’re teaching a class with in a few hours, has your head spin and your throat go dry.
Yup, sure, looking forward to it. 
“Professor Y/L/N.”
You turn around to the small smile of one of your students. Mr. Holland purses his lips, his grip on a piece of paper turning his knuckles white. “What can I help you with?” you ask him, returning his kind, albeit nervous,  smile. 
He looks down. “I was wondering if you could, uh, read over this story I wrote.” He hands you the paper and carefully looks up at you. “You don’t have to, really, I just… I have you in both history and this and you said to use classes to ease the workload, and well, I have this story that does a take on one of the myths we have in history.”
“Really?” You raise a brow and accept the paper. The title reads Lady Thor, and immediately you smile knowing which myth he chose. The image of Thor claiming to be Freya and swinging Mjolnir at his new husband and the guests, all the while dressed in a bridal gown that spared no expenses. “Even this one. You know, this is one of my favorites.” 
Mr. Holland nods. “Yeah, of the ones you showed us, it’s mine, too.” He puts a hand on his neck and rubs. His eyes avoid your gaze a little, but through his eyelashes you can see him look up at you for a reaction. 
You smile wider, eye crinkling at the sides. “I’ll read through it tonight, okay?” 
At the words, Mr. Holland visibly relaxes. His arm falls down to his side, and he smiles. “Oh, wow, that’s really cool of you. Thank you so much.” 
You widen your smile at him. “Don’t worry about it.”
Mr. Holland nods and shakes his head at the same time, looking like a little kid finally getting that present he wants. “Thank you so much. Have a nice day, professor Y/L/N. Thank you so much.”
You let out a laugh. “Thank you. Have a nice day, too, Mr. Holland,” you say, “see you tomorrow in class.”
He nods and leaves the classroom, last of the thirty students after yet another class of creative writing. You let out a content sigh and gather your things on the desk, tucking the paper with his story carefully into the same fold as your laptop so as not to wrinkle it. 
“Uh,” Hiddleston says, and you turn your head and glance at him, “this idea of yours, incorporating other works into their own, it was rather good.” 
You raise a brow and fully turn around. “Wait? Is what I’m hearing praise? From Thomas William Hiddleston? From the man who hates my guts?” You fish your phone out of your pocket and open the camera. “Can you say it again, but on camera so I have proof?” 
Hiddleston rolls his eyes. “Can’t you just take the compliment? I know there’s not a lot of space in the nut you call a brain, but maybe try to find some for basic mannes.” 
“Oh, because there’s more space in yours? Sure, it’s bloated, but we both know how small it really is.” You scoff and turn around, putting your phone back in your pocket and closing the zipper of your backpack. “You know what, Hiddleston?” You turn back to him. 
“You’re just annoyed that I might actually have the upper hand in this class. That my ideas are better than yours and that, really, I should have the whole class. You know as well as I that the only reason I don't is because you’re too proud to admit I’m better than you.” 
The man takes long, quick strides, closing the distance between you two. “I’m not annoyed. Rather I find it fascinating that you’re teaching a class that you’re less qualified for than the rest of the teaching faculty.” 
“I’m more than qualified. In fact, I believe I’m more qualified than you in certain aspects of it. All you got is your literature and your language, and sure it helps, but you’re too stuck up with the old you don’t know what’s new and how to actually make these students achieve to the best of their abilities.” You raise your voice. Eyes lock onto his; You can see your reflection in them, see the anger riddled on your face. “The fact that you don’t think I’m qualified is exactly why you’re brain is bloated; It’s because you can’t see facts unless they’re touching your dick.”
Hiddleston shakes his head. “Oh, yeah,” he says, “and why can’t you realize that I never did anything to you and that the only reason you hate me is because you need some action in your life?”
What has that got to do with anything?
You take a step closer to him. “Action? And what action do you give my life?” His breath mixes with yours. “You give me headaches, stomach aches making me want to not show up for work. I’ve missed every birthday of Benedict’s kids because of you and I love those kids. You ruin my life because you can’t see that not everything revolves around you. You’re not the freakin’ sun, but you damn as well might be the Earth being that egocentric”
You’re both shouting now. Your words mix together and distorts into the background. One step closer and you can smell his cologne, One step closer and his heartbeat mixes with yours, creating a rhythm that takes control of your mind. Half a step closer and you’re inches apart, close enough for you to look into those blue-green eyes of his and see the fury sparkle. Half a step closer and you’ll be close enough to only need one push and your lips will touch his. 
Neither of you stop shouting, but as you take that step closer, you forget what you’re arguing about, even though your mouth continues to shout words. 
Never in a million years would you admit the thought that runs through your head as you take that step. Never in a million years would you act on said thought. But, right there and then, it crosses your mind. It races across, asking a million questions of what would happen if you were to lean up those few inches and capture his lips in a heated kiss that would finally shut him up. 
But you don’t act. 
No, instead, your voice returns. Instead, your head grows clear. Instead, Tom’s voice slows down, the volume of his voice decreasing. 
In that moment, you know with one hundred percent certainty; You will never admit to why you hate him. You’ll never admit it’s easier to hate. Easier to fuel unnecessary rage and unjustified actions. Easier to keep hating and fuel the energy behind it. 
Because asking for forgiveness takes courage you don’t possess.
permanent tags: @devilbat @adefectivedetective 
tom tags:  @inlovewith3 @bookgirlunicorn @mindlesschicca @justawriterinprogress 
SUaKM tags:  @plooffairy @just-the-hiddles @jennytwoshoes @lokissidehoe @fruitfly123 @princetale @scorpionchild81 @noplacelikehome77 @winterisakiller @lostsoldieronahill @nonsensicalobsessions @cherrygeek86 @louhpstuff @olyamoriarty @sunshinein17 @kthemarsian @kumikowi @secretcupcakekitty @buckygrantbarnes @josis-teacup @runawaygiirl @januarycalendargirl @funny-fangirl @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpiomindfuck  @dr-kayleigh-dh @inmyworstlies @twhgirl
Bold in the taglist means tumblr won’t let me mention you :(
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1heartfanfics · 5 years
Hi, would you be able to write something about dean looking after a vomiting sam? (Just as brothers!) maybe he gets a migraine when they are travelling for a hunt and he gets a bit sick in the car so they go to a motel where he continues to get sick?
So we’re gonna say that this one takes place early, like season 1, maybe 2. 
Trigger warning: depictions of vomit
“Come on, let’s get out of here,” Dean said breathlessly, heart pounding. He’d seen Sam go down, hard, and for a few minutes he wasn’t so sure the kid was going to get back up. He was still shaking a little from the ice cold fear that had rushed through his veins as he ganked the son of a bitch that had almost killed his brother. Stupid vamps. 
As Sam tried to stand up, the room started to spin, his head throbbing. He reached out for his brother. Dean was instantly at his side, grabbing his shoulder to support him. 
“Dean,” he groaned, his voice sounding garbled.
“I got you Sammy,” Dean said gently, pulling him out to the impala, keeping him steady as he stumbled over his feet. 
“I, I can’t, -nng,” Sam stuttered over his words, finishing with a noise of pain. 
“Hey, don’t try to talk,” Dean shushed him, opening the passenger side door and wrestling his giant of a brother into the car. After he shut the door, Sam lolled lifelessly against the window, eyes slipping shut.
Dean quickly ran around to get in and start the car, “No, hey, you gotta stay awake Sam,” he said, shoving his shoulder, hard, as he started to drive.
“Don’t have a concussion Dean,” Sam groaned. 
“Yeah? Cause you’re sure as hell acting like you do,” Dean argued.
“Well I don’t,” Sam said stubbornly.
“What day is it?” Dean asked.
“No what day is it?”
“March 23rd, 2006,” Sam sighed, rolling his eyes. He didn’t have a concussion.
“What’s your last name?”
“Dude really?”
“Damnit Sam just answer the question,” Dean huffed. 
“And do you know where you are?” Dean continued.
“In your car,” Sam answered smugly.
“Don’t be a wise ass,” 
“Alright alright, we’re in Joplin, Missouri. We just left a crappy abandoned warehouse that a vamp nest had been staking out for a while. We killed them all, including their leader, who was abnormally strong, and now we’re going North down highway 400,” he answered.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” Dean asked.
“Three, dude seriousl-?”
“How about now?” Dean interrupted Sam to flip him off.
“Really Dean?”
“How many fingers Sam?” Dean asked, grinning at his brother.
“One. Jerk,”
“Bitch,” Dean smiled, finally satisfied with his brother’s mental state. 
“Are you finished now?” Sam asked, sighing heavily. He was so tired.
“Yeah I’m done,” Dean said. “So you don’t need a hospital?” 
“Alright good, how about we head back to Bobby’s, take a day off. We both took a beating today,” Dean suggested.
“Sure, sounds good,” Sam agreed, suddenly fighting to keep his eyes open. His head was still pounding, but he didn’t feel so dizzy anymore. 
“Okay, now get some rest Sammy,” Dean said, patting his brother on the shoulder. “Here, you can use this,” he added, handing Sam his jacket, the clean one, from the backseat. 
“Thanks,” Sam muttered, balling up the jacket to use as a window, leaning his head against it on the window.
Dean took a deep breath, trying to convince himself to calm down. Sam was fine. He’s obviously fully functioning. He was just a little out of it from the shock of the hit, it happens. He’s fine. 
He hadn’t been lying when he said they’d taken a beating. Nor had Sam been lying about how strong the lead vamp was. That sucker must have been amped up on some monster steroids or something cause it was nuts. He glanced over at Sam, sleeping peacefully against the door, then down at himself. 
Both of them were dirty, caked in mud with a layer of dried blood on top. Some of it was their own, some wasn’t. Dean knew he had a pretty good cut down his left cheek, and a nice deep gash on his right arm. He should probably get that stitched sooner rather than later. Not to mention that, judging by the way it felt to breath, he probably had a few broken ribs. 
Sam wasn’t in much better shape. He’d been thrown into a bookcase, pushed down half a flight of stairs, and had taken a jagged cut down his side, not to mention the blow to his head. Like Dean had said, they needed a day off. And maybe some help getting patched up. 
“Mmmm,” Sam groaned next to him, about an hour down the road. 
Dean glanced over at him, watching as he stirred himself awake, sitting up slowly then dropping his head back against the seat.
“You alright?” he asked.
“Are you doing alright? You took some pretty hard hits in there, I know I’m starting to feel it,” Dean said.
“Um,” Sam swallowed, “I actually don’t feel so good.”
“What’s wrong Sammy?” Dean asked, heart rate speeding up again. Did he have a concussion after all?
Instead of answering however, Sam pitched forwards and threw up at his feet. 
“Shit,” Dean cursed, swerving over to the side of the road and throwing the car in park. “Not in my damn car,” he muttered as he got out, hurrying over to open Sam’s door.
“M’sorry,” Sam mumbled as he let Dean maneuver him so he was sitting sideways in the car, feet planted on the concrete, bent over, elbows on his knees. 
“S’fine,” Dean said through gritted teeth, “You gonna be sick again?” he asked.
Well. That answered Dean’s question. He moved to stand next to Sam, avoiding the disgusting puddle on the ground and rubbing Sam’s back as he continued to gag and heave.
“Alright Sammy, you’re okay, just let it out,” Dean soothed, pulse racing. He should’ve known better than to take Sam’s word for it, the kid obviously had a concussion. Now he could have already done some serious damage by not getting help and by sleeping on it.
Sam coughed, spitting onto the cement. He let out a wet belch into his fist then, “Think m’done now.” 
“Okay, let’s get you back in here and to the nearest hospital,” Dean said as he helped Sam spin around to be back in the car, having thrown a towel from the backseat over his little, accident.
“Not a concussion,” Sam grunted.
“What do you mean it’s not a concussion? This is obviously a concussion!” Dean exclaimed, raising his voice slightly.
“Migraine,” Sam said quietly.
“Migraine? You have a migraine? Dude why didn’t you just say that? You knew earlier didn’t you?”
Sam shrugged, leaning against the window again.
“Alright,” Dean sighed. “I’ll stop at the next motel okay? And this time, tell me before you puke.”
47 notes · View notes
“Dad is in the hospital,” ren said, their eyes dark, dark, dark. “They don’t think he’ll make it.”
I sat down. “No,” I said. “No. No. No.”
Ren moved closer, kneeling on the ground before me. “It’ll be okay,” they said, but their voice was cracking, their seams falling apart. “It’ll be okay.”
“I can fix this,” I said, and I hoped I could, hoped it wasn’t too late. “When did he – what happened?”
Ren sniffled, and they were brave, but not quite brave enough to keep the tears behind their eyes. “Car crash,” they stuttered out. “I wasn’t told before just now, mom called, they couldn’t identify him, it’s, God, Jay, it’s pretty bad…”
I grabbed their hands, gripping tightly. “When?” he asked. “When, rennie, when?”
“Tuesday,” Ren said. “The crash was Tuesday.”
“Fuck,” I said, and reset.
I glanced at the clock – Wednesday afternoon, the sun shining bright, bright.
“Fuck,” I said, again, as I was alone in the living room and it wasn’t Tuesday, it wasn’t Tuesday, it wasn’t Tuesday.
Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe it – maybe I – maybe –
I did my homework for the second time, and my hands were shaking, I couldn’t focus, and dad might be dying.
School at Thursday was no big deal – I’d been through the classes and knew precisely what was going on – and I came home, tearing through the front door and flinging my backpack aside as I slid into the living room, chest expanding, expanding, expanding.
Ren turned to face me, their face contorted in pain, eyes wet. They had their phone raised.
“No,” I said. “No – no – no – ”
Ren broke into tears.
I went to my room and did my new homework. I wasn’t shaking anymore. I was just numb.
I sat up late that night, until the sun had tipped down below the horizon and darkness bled into the sky. At 11.37 precisely, ren called me downstairs.
I dreaded every step.
Dad was dead.
I woke up and it was Wednesday.
I stared at my clock a long time, and the pain didn’t fully settle in. I hadn’t looped involuntarily in years; the last time had been when I was twelve, and I kept insulting Nugget in weirder and weirder ways by accident.
Yet here I was. It was Wednesday.
I’d just have to get through it and pray I wouldn’t loop again.
I looped again.
I sent dad a message, and I knew he probably wouldn’t see it, but I sent it anyway. I love you. I love you. I love you.
That Thursday night I told myself, sternly, that there was nothing I could do. Yes, it sucked, and yes, I hated it, and yes, I wished I could change it. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t.
I woke up and it was Wednesday.
I’d learned, long ago, that no matter how hard I tried, a loop would never go further back than twenty-four hours from when it first began. As though the world only had a twenty-four-hour long memory, and once it was wiped, the rest was just blank.
I tried anyway. Again and again I ran myself into that wall, and it hurt, but I had to. I had to. First when blood began trickling from my ears and nose did I stop, and later every single muscle in my body ached.
The loop would continue if I didn’t manage to consciously stop it, for the thing I wanted to change was already set in stone. Dad’s death.
Good God. Dad’s death.
I rested my head against the wall behind me, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. It was okay. It would be okay.
(It would not.)
Nugget pulled me aside. “Nugget’s friend is doing things, again,” he said, giving me a dark look.
“It’s not on purpose,” I hissed, clenching his arm as tightly as I dared. “And not so loudly, Nugget!”
“Strange Jay is the one yelling,” Nugget said. “And Nugget is sorry. Is Jay stuck?”
I looked away. Nugget hummed, stepping forward and wrapping his arms around me. A sob caught in my throat, but I swallowed it down, pressing my face into his hair. “Yes,” I whispered, “yes, yes, yes. Dad’s dead, Nugget, he died, I can’t change it, it’s too far back, I, I – ”
I’d never explained to Nugget why or how the loops worked, but he remembered some of them, at times, for reasons I didn’t know. Not specifically, by memory, but he’d told me when we were twelve that sometimes when he went through the motions of a day, it felt like an echo.
He’d asked me not to explain. He didn’t want to know.
“Shh,” Nugget said, now, tightening his hold. “It’s alright. Nugget will know, now. It will be solved, Jay, trust Nugget on this.”
I tried.
I couldn’t.
“Why the long face, eh?” asked JJ, smirking as he leaned onto his mop.
I slammed my locker shut. “Dad’s dead.”
JJ’s smirk dropped in an instant. “What?”
“Dad’s dead,” I repeated.
“I – I’m sorry to hear that,” JJ said, letting go of his mop. “Gee, kid, what a thing to drop on someone. Are ye alright?”
I barked a dry laugh. “When am I ever?”
I stared at the sky void of any moon, and the tingling began deep in my chest. I gritted my teeth and stared harder, clenching my hands together, repeating, silently, please, please, please, please.
JJ became an unlikely ally. It was strange. He didn’t remember, of course – no one did, except Nugget, and he did so only barely – and still, we managed to keep a decent tone between us during every loop. It came to the point where I started greeting him when the day began, much to JJ’s continued confusion.
“Jay, what is – ”
“Jay, what – ”
“Jay – ”
“Jay, are you alright?”
I smiled, reaching across the table to squeeze Penny’s hand. “I’m fine, Pens. Don’t worry.”
She frowned. “Are you sure? You don’t look too good.”
“I promise.”
It was a lie.
I’d learned, from past loops, that everything in and on my body would stay there even when I reset. The fourth loop I’d grabbed a pen and jotted down four notches on my arm.
I was running out of space. Dark blue lines ran zigzag across my arms.
I didn’t want to count.
If nothing else, I was coming to terms with losing dad. It wasn’t such a big problem when faced with everything else – especially not when that ‘everything else’ was ‘I’m stuck in time. Again. And I can’t change it. Again.’
I squinted up at JJ.
JJ squinted right back.
“Aren’t you dead yet?” I blurted, and we both did a double take.
Scoffing, JJ shifted his grip on the mop. I rolled my eyes. It was far from the first time I’d been threatened with cleaning supplies. It was, to be quite frank, getting somewhat old. “If ye’re so goddamned interested in death, I think I could introduce ye.”
“Oh, please,” I said, gesturing dismissively. “It’s not like it matters, the day’ll reset anyway.”
He blinked. “…what?”
I froze. “What?”
Shit. Shit shit shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit.
I’d never told anyone directly before. The closest would be my breakdown in the boys’ bathroom when I was eight, but – well – I was eight. And stupid. And now I was fourteen and just as stupid, because JJ was staring at me in confusion and curiosity, and I would have to give him an answer.
Would explaining things properly change things? How the loop worked? How it reset? I didn’t know.
I didn’t know if I wanted to know.
“I think I’ll take death before explaining,” I said, shifting a step back. “You wouldn’t believe me, anyway.”
It was the wrong thing to say. JJ’s eyes gleamed. “Oh, no, no,” he said, “please, go ahead. Try me.”
I considered running, remembered the scars I still bore from JJ’s mop, and sighed. “Alright.”
“So,” said JJ, staring at me over folded hands.
“So,” I repeated.
“Time travel,” said JJ.
“Seems like it,” I said.
JJ sat back, crossing his arms. “And how many times have you…?”
I pushed up my sleeves, stretching my arms to display the lines running up and down them, covering my skin all the way up to my elbows. “Do you want me to count?”
Grimacing, JJ said, “No need.” He sighed. “Since ye were eight, huh?”
“Yup. You’ve killed me a dozen few times.” I pulled off my shirt, pointing to the scarred mess around my chest. There was barely any skin left, only pink and white scar tissue. “Your mop’s sharp.”
Humming, JJ leaned forward to inspect my skin. His fingers hovered above the centre of the scar – close to my heart; his aim was rarely off – before he pulled back. “Sloppy work,” he muttered. “Guess I should apologize, but ye probably deserved it.”
“I really didn’t.”
“I think I’ll be the judge of that.” He sat back once again, letting me pull my shirt back over my head. “I’ll admit it’s a bit crazy.”
I shrugged. “That’s all I expected, really. It’s not like you’ll remember this conversation anyway.”
“Eh. Good enough.” He rubbed his thumb over the tip of his mop. “Hm. Should sharpen it. Getting a bit rough.”
I eyed it warily. It seemed to be the same that had killed me and others so many times before – broken, pieces missing, reddish brown stains scattered across the shaft. It was taped together in several spots, and half the actual mop seemed to be missing. “Maybe get a new one,” I suggested.
“Hm?” JJ squinted at it for a moment. “Huh. Yeah. Maybe I should.” He shrugged. “How did ye get into this loop to begin with?”
A flare of pain. “Dad died,” I said. I glanced at the clock on the wall. “He’s at the hospital now. Ren will receive the news of his passing in, er… eight hours or so.”
“Nonbinary parent.”
“Ah.” He scratched at his beard. “Well, gee,” said JJ. “Why haven’t ye, I don’t know, broken it yet?”
I hummed. “It’s complicated and I’m not entirely sure, but. It might, mostly, I think, be that I wish I could change it. Some part of me knows, ye know? That I could’ve changed it? And that’s enough to tip the scales.”
JJ tilted his head, his eyebrows knitting together, heavy above his eyes. “It’s not yer fault, ye know.”
“It’s not yer fault.” His eyes were dark. “Ye couldn’t have stopped it. Yer not to blame.”
“I,” I said. The words I’m not blaming myself froze to ice on my tongue.
I sat back in my chair, exhaling heavily.
“Ye couldn’t have stopped the car,” said JJ. “Ye couldn’t have moved yer dad. Ye couldn’t have saved his life.” He leaned forward. Watching. “It’s not yer fault, Jay.”
“Jesus fucking Christ,” I said, and it felt like I could finally breathe.
JJ opened his mouth, but before he could speak, the bell rang through the hallways.
“Shit,” I said, jumping to my feet. “I have to go. Mrs. Applegate will kill me.” I got to the door before I hesitated, casting a glance at the amused JJ watching me with eyes too knowing. “Uh… thanks for believing me, I guess?”
He shrugged. “I’ll be honest with ye, it doesn’t sound that crazy. I’ve seen weirder shit. And I…” he trailed off. “Hm. I don’t know. It doesn’t feel crazy. Eh, whatever.” He stood up, stretching this way and that. His back cracked. “So, if I wake up tomorrow and remember this, I know ye broke the loop. Is that right?”
I nodded. “Doubt you will,” I said, “but yes.”
He saluted me, and that’s all I had time to do before I had to bolt out the door.
(it wasn’t my fault it wasn’t my fault it wasn’t my fault)
(and the skies were dark but my heart wasn’t –)
I woke up the next morning and it was Friday.
I passed JJ on my way into the school. He met my gaze, and his eyes were green, green, green. “Well done,” he muttered, clapping my shoulder as the crowd moved.
The loop was broken.
And now JJ knew.
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salted-barbed-wire · 5 years
Gangster (Pt. 3)
A/N: FINALLY!  I have a laptop. I’ve been writing this on my Microsoft Word app on my phone for like the last 6 months. I get stuck and then I remember where I was going then I get stuck again. SO here it is, the third installment. Wanna read  Part One and Part Two, please do! Thanks for being patient!
Warnings: Some cursing probably, threatening Joe, feelings, possible smut
Word count: 4733 (shorter than the others buuuuuut....)
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A lit crystal chandelier was blurry in front of my vison as my eyelids forced themselves apart. My fingers splayed out against silky fabric clenched tight, balling into fists as I realized how sore my body felt. I was lying in a bed, but not my bed. The thick comforter and silky sheets gave that away instantly. But if it wasn’t my bed, then who’s?
I shot straight up, remembering the scene that had unfolded in my apartment. All my personal items scattered across the floor, Karl holding a gun to my head, Finn Balor smiling in the face of my panic, Joe knocking Anderson off his feet. My head hurt trying to remember it in its entirety. My gaze traveled around the lavishly decorated room, trying to figure out where I was.
It was huge; as was the bed. The blue and gold color scheme along with the crown molding made me believe I was in a palace. There was a sitting room across from the California King I sat in. It also had a chandelier matching the one that hovered high above my head. Both were dimly lit, only allowing to make out the colors and décor of the room. The curtains were drawn shut, without a spec of light shining through. There was no way to tell how long I had been out.
The way my legs ached as I tried to push myself to a standing position, I wondered if I hadn’t slept for a year. My toes wiggled against a soft, furry rug. Hopefully, not really and faux fur, I prayed. Surely Joe wasn’t really a monster and would buy a real fur rug, pulled off an animal.
Monster? He saved you! The voice in my head shouted.
A small smile tugged at my lips. There were broken memories of him carrying me from the car to the bed, growling at anyone who tried to take me from his arms. The man had always been stubborn, especially when he cared about something.
He cares about you.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Joel left me and even though Joehad said he regretted it, that didn’t mean he actually still had feelings for me. He probably just feels bad.
He’s protecting you. He put you on a ‘no harm’ list. Punished one of his men for hurting you. He cares for you.
“Sounds more like he’s possessive,” I grumbled in a hushed voice.
“Who is?” Joe’s voice made me jump. He was lounging in the sitting area, finger holding his place open in a book.
“How long have you been there?” My brows knitted together at him.
He looked at his watch, “A while.” Joe shut his book after he dog-eared the page. “I’ve been in and out since we brought you here. Only to take phone calls and get a book. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“You mean, since youbrought me here?”
A grin played at his mouth, “Well the boys were kind enough to handle opening the doors.”
I looked around for an alarm clock, or my phone. Nothing. “What time is it?”
“Evening or morning?”
I gave a sigh of relief, “So I’ve only been asleep for 2 hours? That’s not bad.”
“(Y/n), it’s seven in the evening on Thursday. You’ve been asleep for twenty six hours.”
I felt my body slouch and my stomach churn. I fell back on the bed to sit. Twenty six! I had been asleep for more than a day! No wonder I had been so sore! What about work? What about Finn, wasn’t he going to be on the hunt for us? What was Joe thinking?
“Who is possessive?” His voice shook me from my thoughts again.  “Surely, you don’t mean me?”
“Yes,” I admitted, looking him dead in the eye. “You’re forcing me to stay here like a prisoner to ‘protect me’.” I added air quotes on the last words.
Joe let out a chuckle as he rose from the chair, shaking head. “No, no, no, (Y/N). I remember how stubborn you are. I would not ‘force’ you to stay here against your will.” He mocked my air quotes with his own as he neared the bed. “I’m merely… suggesting it.”
“So, I’m allowed to leave?”
Joe sat down on the edge of the bed next to me, “Yes.”
I gave him an incredulous look, “Really?”
He nodded, “With supervision of course.”
“You’d take one of my body guards, a more trustworthy one this time.”
I stood, “Are you kidding me?” My hand set on my hip and a glare fixed on my face, “That’s still being under your protection, under your power. I’m not actually free, am I?”
Joe’s mouth was in a fine line as his eyes wondered over me. “You’re probably starving after sleeping for so long.”
“Don’t change the subject,” I grumbled.
“Mr. Jacobs has been prepping up dinner since this afternoon.” He stood and glanced at his watch. “If you’d like to freshen up the bathroom is through there,” he pointed through a set of French doors adorned with beautiful glass etching. “Its fully stocked with the same brands you had in your apartment. I also sent two of my men out to get you clothes.” He gestured to the door on the opposite wall. “All if it’s yours.”
My eye twitched a bit at the thought of Joe’s men trying to pick me out clothes and rummaging through my ransacked apartment. “When can I go back?”
Joe smiled as he turned, “You really hate being here with me that much, darling?” He stopped at the door, “meet down stairs in an hour. Don’t be late. I wasn’t kidding when I said Glenn is a grouchy old man.”
The door closed behind him and I was alone in the room. My room, I begrudgingly thought. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed this little reunion with Joe, but I was starting to feel… controlled. The man bought me new clothes for god sakes!
I swung my legs over my bed and walked off to the single door that Joe had pointed out as the closet. When I opened the door, my jaw immediately fell to the floor. The closet looked much bigger on the inside than the door let on. It was floor to ceiling stocked with clothes and shoes for any and all occasions. There was even a small island in the middle with a bench surrounding a jewelry case full of diamond necklaces and pendants and earrings. Oh my!
My fingers lingered along the different fabrics on the racks feeling the many materials before me. There was a note on the bench with my name written on it. I walked over and picked it up, turning it open in my hands.
“Breeze and Dango might have gone a little over board, but you’re worth it.”
I looked around again in the middle of the dressing room. Over board? Yes. But I had a feeling I could get use to this.
After a long hot shower and a fresh coat of make-up, I settled on a simple, short black pencil skirt, a floral blouse, thigh-high stockings, and a pair of black “fuck me” stilettos. It was a little provocative, perhaps, but the clothes were mainly to boost my confidence. After all, Joe mainly wore business suits and button down shirts with ties, might as well dress up a bit for dinner with him.
Erik and Wolfe were waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, dressed in all black suits with their ear pieces in. Erik whistled when he saw me.
“Miss. (Y/L/N).” He greeted with a nod in my direction. “Boss is in the dining room through those double doors.”
“Thanks, Erik.” I offered a smile.
“Ma’am?” Wolfe started, “This may sound a little strange, but the boss is really happy you’re here. Even with war waiting burst at any time, I haven’t seen him as chipper since- well… ever.”
I licked my bottom lip nervously, unsure of how to respond. “How long have you known him?”
“He hired us about 3 years ago,” Erik said.  
“Am I allowed to ask why you follow him so loyally? I mean, you’re about to be smack in the middle of a war. Doesn’t that bother you?”
The two men looked at each other. “The boss takes good care of us, and our families. He’s helped us with anything we’ve asked for. And even if something happens to us, he’ll take care of the people we love when we’re gone,” Erik maintained eye contact, then asked. “Does is bother you?”
“Bother me?”
“That you’re in the middle of a war?”
My eyes fell to the floor, “I hadn’t really thought about it. This is all quite a bit to take in.”
Wolfe put his hand on my shoulder, “We’ll keep you safe, Miss. You’re special to him, and we protect what he loves.”
I felt sick, “Loves?”
“Best go enjoy dinner,” Wolfe said straightening himself back to a guarded position. “Wouldn’t want to keep Mr. Jacobs or the boss waiting.”
I nodded and turned back to the double doors. ‘Loves?’Surely this can’t be a real possibility? We haven’t seen each other in years! We don’t talk like old friends or old lovers. We’re strangers. Acquaintances at best. My lips were pressed in a fine line as I pushed through the doors.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Joe’s voice caused my attention to snap back into the here and now.
He was leaned back in a high back dining chair with a wine glass palmed in his hand and large fire roared behind him. He looked like something out of Bond movie. Like the classic villain about to reveal his world ending plans to the hero. It suddenly felt like being the center of this man’s attention, was the last place I wanted to be.
“I was thinking about us,” I admitted, “About how different we are than from when we were together in high school.”
Joe set his wine glass down so he could stand up and and pull a chair out for me. “I don’t think I’ve changed too much. It’s you who I’m interested in getting to know again.” I sat down and let him push the chair in for me. “You look lovely tonight, by the way.”
I watched him sit down, “thanks but I’m not the one with the secret life.”
Our eyes met, “But I’ve been up front about what I’ve been up to all these years. I’ve answered any and all questions truthfully. Have I given you a reason notto trust me?”
“Well no-,“
“So, I’m not the one with the secrets,” he said as he tipped his glass of scotch back.
I could help but roll my eyes, “As if you don’t already know everything I’ve been up to.”
Someone cleared their throat behind me, “Am I interrupting something, sir?”
I turned to see where the barbed, deep voice had come from only to see a giant man standing behind me with a serving cart full of dishes. His eyes were piercing blue and his hair was a light sandy blonde, there were a few grays mixed in his hair, and bags under his eyes showing that he was much older than Joe.
“Of course not, Glen,” Joe smiled at him. “This is our guest, (Y/N).” He introduced us.
Glen nodded slightly at me, “Pleasure,” he was curt, quiet and seemed annoyed by my presence. Joe wasn’t lying when he described him as ‘grouchy’.
“Tonight, I made roast duck with garlic butter roasted potatoes and carrots, sir. Hope it’s palatable enough.” He half threw the plate in front of me.
“It’s always delicious, thank you Glen.”
“Thank you,” I offered meekly to the gentleman.
He grumbled and rolled his eyes before turning his cart back through the kitchen door. I couldn’t help but jump as I heard something being thrown around in the kitchen and a lot of loud noises followed behind it. Joe chuckled, “he doesn’t like guests, or late dinners, but he’ll get over it. Please, dig in, he’ll be more offended if you don’t eat.”
“You have some strange characters working for you,” I muttered as I sliced into my duck.
Joe shrugged, “Strange yes, but they’re loyal and they get the job done.”
“What about Karl?”
I watched as Joe’s eyes darkened a little, “That will not happen again and I don’t want to waste another word on that incident.”
The air was heavy as we chewed on our food in front of us in silence. Everything was, of course, delicious. From the sweet, red wine, to the salad, to the moist duck breast, it was a meal for a king. My eyes trailed over to Joe, fitting. High back chairs, the suits, the large rings on his thick fingers; he is a king.
His eyes met mine, his tongue flicked across his lip before his gaze traveled down the front of my shirt. I felt heat that spread through my body that nearly had me sweating. I let my own eyes focus on the way his suit fit him, the way his hands held his high ball glass. There was light stubble on his face from not shaving around his chin strap.  My teeth drug along my bottom lip imagining what it’d feel like between my thighs. I squirmed a bit in my chair, causing some friction between my legs where I needed it most.
My attraction to this man is getting out of hand. Maybe there’s an aphrodisiac in the wine?  I’m supposed to be frustrated with him. I’m supposed to resist any of his friendly advances. I’m not supposed to imagine him ripping me from this chair, bending me over the table, spreading my legs…my chest rose and fell a little too noticeably as the vision played in front of my eyes. I shouldn’t think about how rough he probably is. Rough, dominate, powerful…
“Is that how you like it?” His low voice shook me from my sinful thoughts.
“S-s-sorry?” My face felt hot.
“You’re mixing the sauce with the potatoes.” Joe motioned to my plate. “I can have Mr. Jacobs bring more of it if you’d like?”
“Oh no, I’ve got plenty. Thank you though.” My eyes focused back on my plate, the dirty images played in a fast forward through my mind. I squirmed again.
“Moist isn’t it?”
My core clenched. “Excuse me?”
Joe’s brows furrowed, “The duck, (Y/N).”
“Oh!” I said too quickly, “Yes! It’s all delicious.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yes I’m fine. Just enjoying dinner.” I forced a smile.
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “I’m sorry if it seemed like I snapped at you. I just-“ Joe’s mouth formed a hard line and his brows pinched together. “I just got you back into my life and I don’t want to lose you again.”
“That’s no reason to keep me locked up,” I muttered into my glass of wine. The alcohol was making me too brave.
Joe’s fist slammed on the table, “Yes! Yes it is!” I couldn’t help wincing a little. “I need you safe, (Y/N). I can’t keep you safe while Balor is loose.”
My jaw clenched a little in frustration. “I’ve kept myself safe for years, Joe. I’ve been on my own without you and I’ve been fine. I can take care of myself.”
“The hell you can,” he grumbled as he sipped from his glass of scotch.
“That’s right, I CAN!” My voice rose in the hall, echoing around us. “I don’t need someone to save me or watch over me or be my fucking body guard! I certainly don’t to be imprisoned for my ‘own good’.” My fingers did air quotes and I could see Joe’s eye visibly twitch. “I can take care of myself, Joel.”
The glass in Joe’s hand shattered before my eyes. I swallowed hard as he rose from his chair, stalking towards me. “Oh, you can handle yourself, huh?” His words came out as more of a growl. “Like with Balor yesterday? How you handled yourself then?”
“That was one time!” I shouted in his face.
“One time that could’ve made a difference!” Joe yelled back, “he could’ve taken you! You could’ve been tortured! Permanently damaged! Or worse, he could’ve killed you!”
“And? What if he did? You’d lose you’re stupid terf war? You wouldn’t be able to finish this without loose ends? Give me a break, Joe! It wouldn’t have mattered!”
“Yes it would’ve! I would never be able to forgive myself!” He fell silent. I felt my heart in my throat, stinging with pain. Joe looked at the floor just before letting out a deep sign. His eyes found mine once again. “(Y/N), you underestimate my feelings for you. Not just from our past, but the ones I can feel here and now. I have always cared for you and probably always will. You are smart, witty, beautiful, strong willed, hot headed, stubborn, caring, and perfect in every way I could possibly imagine.” My head reeled as he continued. “You’re not just an asset or a loose end. You’re the love of my life. And I will not be the reason for you to cease existing.”
I choked a little from overwhelming emotions swelling in my chest, “Joe-… I-,”
He held up his hand, “Enough. We’ve already caused enough commotion for one night. You’re probably wanting some alone time and I need to sleep in something that’s not a chair or lounge couch, so please excuse me for the rest of the evening.” Joe turned away from the table and headed for the doors.
“But Joe- Wait!”
He stopped short of the the door handle to let himself out, “You have free roam of the mansion and it’s grounds. Please stay within the perimeter tonight. After I finish with Balor, you’re free to leave me if you wish.” He turned to face me but I could see the pain in his eyes, “let the men know if there’s anything you need to make the rest of your stay more pleasant.” He turned and walked out. “Good night, (Y/N).” He called as he vanished from my sight.
‘I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself’
‘You’re just not an asset’
‘You’re the love of my life.’
Joe’s words spun in my head as I wandered around his home carrying a bottle of wine in tow. If my head wasn’t pounding, I probably would’ve been checking out the rooms as I walked along. Instead, all I could think about was the hurt in those dark brown eyes.
I bit my lip, Joe had called me stubborn and hot-headed. He wasn’t wrong. And it had caused me to harm him, more than I ever thought I could. I took a long swig of the fire water straight from the bottle as I stumbled down the hall.
“Who’s the monster now?” I hiccuped. “You wounded the big, bad gangster.” My actions were dramatic as I grumbled to myself, a little more than tipsy as I meandered down the many halls and corridors.
My feet caught on the rug on the tip of my stocking covered toe and I stumbled a little. “Shit,” I hissed trying to regain my balance, instead ending up on my butt staring at my feet. I felt my brows furrow, “Where the hell are my shoes? Must’ve taken them off- somewhere? Hopefully, they’re found. They were pretty.”
I flopped backwards, lying down on the floor to stare at the ceiling. I sighed, “Guess this is where I’ll sleep. How the hell does that man know where anything is? Does he have a map? This place is a freaking maze!”
I turned to watch the liquid slosh around in the bottle next to where I lie on the floor. “Processing this whole situation is just too much.” Covering my eyes with my arm, I had every intention of falling asleep where I lay, until I heard Joe’s voice coming from down the hall.
“I’m just calling for advice, old man.”
He sounded angry.
I rolled over and crawled towards his voice. There was a light coming from a door barely cracked open. Peeking in, I saw an over-sized recliner where Joe sat. There was a small side table with a rotary phone and a lamp. Joe was talking on the phone, the receiver tight in his grip.
“Look, I know I owe you. But I just need to know what to do with my situation.”
There was silence for a moment before Joe spoke again.
“I know, but I can’t just let her go home. Balor didn’t even know she existed until I screwed up.” Silence and then Joe chuckled, “yes I’m admitting I messed up. Don’t expect to hear it again. Please, Angle, you were… you were my mentor after pops was gone.” It was quiet, I could hear my heart pounding. “Yes, I’m meeting him- I haven’t called it yet…. I told him it was a negotiation, but we all know where that’s going to go.” Pain shot through my chest; he doesn’t mean…“You’re right Kurt, kill or be killed when it comes to Balor and now that I have more of a reason to win... Understood sir, yes, thank you.... I’ll try.”
There was a click from the phone being hung up. I felt nauseous. Joe was getting ready to meet with Balor. I didn’t know when or where, but it was coming soon. What if he killed the demon? What if the demon killed him? What if I lost him? What if I never saw him again? My inebriated state didn’t help my nerves. 
Before I could rethink my actions, I burst through the door. Joe’s eyes snapped up to me. “(Y/N)?”
“Take me with you.”
His brows knitted together, “take you with me where?” 
I closed the distance between us, walking across the room while keeping eye contact with him. “When you go to meet Balor, take me with you.”
Joe shook his head, “out of the question.”
“No,” he said firmly. “I am supposed to keep you safe, not put you directly in harms way. It would be counterproductive.”
“(Y/N), darling, please. This isn’t up for discussion.” 
There was silence between us. Joe had pulled his gaze away from mine, staring at the fireplace the roared next to us. My heart was in my throat as I watched the flames flash colors across his dark, warm features. 
“What if I lose you?” My voice was barely that above a whisper.
Joe’s smile was soft, “You’ll always have me. Even if I’m not near you, you’ll always have me.”
I inched closer, “That’s not good enough and you know it.” I stood almost between his knees. I could feel the air become heavy around us. “I promise, I’ll stay put until this meeting if you let me come with you to it.”
Joe cocked an eyebrow, “Really?”
“Yes, really. Joe, I swear on everything, if you do not promise me a seat at this meeting, I will try to escape every minute up until that moment.”
His hand moved from where his jaw rested, to gently touch my hand. His fingers  intertwined with mine, “You’ll try, huh?” Joe’s hands darted out, pulling me down by my wrists. He made sure my hands were positioned on the armrests of the chair he sat in. It brought me dangerously close to him. “I could just chain you up in your room.”
“I though you said you weren’t a monster? Would a good guy really do that to me?”
He leaned closer to me and grinned , “I never said I was a good guy.”
My heart raced, but the wine pushed me further. I bent farther down, diminishing the space between our lips. I could taste his cologne on my tongue, and I was sure he could feel my breathing become uneven against his mouth. 
“That’s fine, I never said I was a good girl.”
Something flashed in Joe’s eyes. The vice he had on my wrists tightened slightly as the half-cocked grin twitched upward even further. “You don’t say? You mean good girls aren’t disobeidient and stubborn?”
“I suppose I could be good,” I smirked back. “But it comes at a price.”
“I could make you behave.”
“You could try.”
That got a response of a low chuckle, “You’re drunk.” 
He released my wrists, but I stayed where I was, leaning on the armrests of his throne-like chair. “And yet, you still want to kiss me,” I whispered.
“You’ve got me there. The problem is,” he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of his lap so straddled his hips, “if I started kissing you, I might not stop.”
“Who said I would ask you to stop?”
“Oh my sweet,” his hand cupped my cheek, “you’re just trying to get your way. Dangling yourself in front of me, hoping I’ll submit to your requests.”
“Is it working?” I ran my lips over the knuckle of his thumb.
He shifted his legs, letting me feel something hard pressing against the zipper of his pants. My core tightened, a pool of desire had already been forming and now it seemed as though I’d explode. “It just might. But first I have to know something.”
“And that is...?”
The pad of his thumb traced under my lower pout. “Why are you insisting to come to this meeting with me? Why put yourself directly in the line of fire? You know Balor could take you as leverage.”
“You’d get me back,” I hummed against his thumb, letting my tongue dart out to give it a flick.
Joe’s breath shuddered, I could see the restraint starting to fade, “I’m serious.” He brought my hand up to his mouth, kissing my knuckles, then my fingertips and then he turned it over to press his lips against my palm, working his way to my wrist. “You tell me, you’ll have yourself a deal and I’ll let you come.” He looked up at me from where his mouth was pressed against my skin, “In more ways than one.”
Heat crept from my chest, to my neck, to my face. God I wanted him. “I want to stand by you.”
“Why?” he kissed my flesh again, working his way up my forearm. His other hand held my hips firmly to him as he ground himself against me.
“Because I don’t think I could just sit and wait to know you’ll be okay. I want to be there, to make sure you’re safe.” I gasped as his kisses landed at my clavicle, “plus, I can’t wait to watch what you’ll do to Balor.” I admitted.
“You don’t wanna know what I plan on doing to him,” Joe growled against my throat.
“Humor me.”
Joe pulled back, meeting me with a lustful stare. A calmness had come over him as his hand brushed against my jaw line. I didn’t realize he was gripping my throat until he applied a little pressure. “I’m going to wrap my hands around Finn’s skinny little neck and squeeze until he stops breathing.”
My hips bucked in response. His grip tightened slowly with each word he spoke and my eyes rolled back in pleasure. 
“I told you I could make it feel good.” Joe whispered in my ear.
I whined as he nibbled on my ear lobe. “You also mentioned something about me coming?”
Joe’s low laugh gave me goosebumps all over. My panties were definitely soaked. “You mentioned something about behaving.”
My lips pressed against his. Joe was soft at first, savoring the familiar flame of desire between us. But, soon after I felt a flick of his tongue against my lower lip, asking for entrance to my mouth. The taste of him was as wonderful as I remembered. Joe tasted me, teasing my tongue. Our hips were grinding against each other. The friction helping the throbbing ache for him between my legs but it wasn’t enough. I needed him.
I pulled back, nipping at his lower lip as I sat up straight. “Like I told you, you can try.”
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any future chapters! Tagging: @rainbowbox @wrecklessint @theprogresskid @bettergetusetoit@empress-with-the-crown @thirstiswet @styleslee @lip-sync @poisonarrow24@sophvas1@hoes4joe @newjapan @crookedmoonsaultpunk @were–goingnowhere @satansstrawberry @marvgrrl @pikapuff316 @living-the-life-1996@scuzmukie @barbie-hybrid @swagsabby @bodhi-black @poisonarrow24 @belsoleleann @princess-siba @chibismalls @eboni-napalm-joestar @barbie-hybrid @scuzmunkie
45 notes · View notes
"I got you, it's gonna be okay, you're going to be okay." |@classical-crowbar|
There’s a starter underneath the cut. It’s extremely long and I don’t want to spam people’s dashes. 
Also a fair amount of violence, but it’s not really any more graphic than other torture scenes. 
Monday, August 5, 1946
The darkness interefered with Bea’s percepton of the passage of time. There was something primal about it. Human were meant to live and work between sunrise and sunset, not sit perfectly still and unable to move, all while surrounded by thick, suffocating blackness. It was a fairly new thing, this lack of light. After all, the RED Pyro had put her torture chamber in the attic of her base. It was a large and airy space, with dormer windows on both sides. Sunlight and moonlight got in. The view was so good that Bea had been able to watch the stars rotate across the night sky. This natural clock had measured out three days, and then, sometime in the morning, the RED Pyro beat Bea so badly that her remaining eye swelled shut. After that, there was no time at all.
At some indistinct point in the fairly recent past, the BLUs were enjoying a long weekend. The RED spy was badly injured and likely to be absent from battle for at least a week or so. Such unfortunate events had given the BLUs the motivation they needed to capture the last control point on a Thursday afternoon.
That night had brought a celebration with guitar music, barbecue, and alcohol. By the wee hours of Friday morning, most everyone had wound down for the night, but Bea found herself in the bathtub. She had no need to be up before noon that day, so why not enjoy same bath salts Rory had given her and finish this week’s issue of The Economist?
By 2 am, the water had gotten cold, so Bea dried off, pulled on her nightgown, and started to drain the tub. There were footsteps outside; one of the men staggering to the WC in half-asleep stupor. Bea preoccupied herself with her reflection in the spotted metal mirror, trying to hold her head at such and angle that her scar wasn’t visible.
Then the door opened, quickly, but not so forcefully that it banged against the wall. Bea barely had time to catch a glimpse of a figure in a respirator before a pair of hands stuffed a gag in her mouth. A pin rattled, and then the rotten-fruit scent of a hallucination grenade was strong enough to make her eyes water. In this confined space, it took about thirty seconds before the world melted into kaleidoscopic swirls.
When everything re-solidified, Bea was the in RED attic and the sun was rising. Her vision was still a bit shaky, but Bea knew the feeling of the interrogation chair and restraints. She focused her eyes, and sure enough, there was the RED Pyro. Beach pajamas* with trousers, hair perfectly shingled, dark eyeliner. She was touching up the elaborate henna patterns on her left hand.
Bea wanted nothing more than to snarl Annalise,with her voice full of scorn, but she was still so drugged that all that came out was some gurgles and drool. It was enough to get Annalise’s attention, because she put down her brushes, stood up, and slapped Bea’s face with such force that the vertebrae in her neck popped.
“Cunt.” Annalise’s British accent made it sound almost sweet.
There was no interrogation to go with the torture. No answers were needed and nobody had any questions to ask, anyway. Annalise smashed in both of Bea’s kneecaps with a dumbbell, then tore off her fingernails with a pliers. She sliced the insides of Bea’s exposed forearms with a razor blade, put on a pair off rubber gloves, and smeared liquid drain cleaner into the wounds. And she hit Bea in the face. With her hands and the butt of a polo bat and a dainty little riding crop that looked too delicate to leave such welts.
Bea screamed lustily through the first part of it all. At the very least, why not blow out Annalise’s eardrums? And who cared if everybody heard? The REDs doubtless knew what was going on. But a person could only scream so much before getting so hoarse and thirsty that it just wasn’t worth it.
“You hungry?” By the pale light of Sunday morning, Annalise held out a bowl. The contents looked like tar in this light, but the scent made Bea think of wet cat food.
“Come on. I can hear your stomach growling.” Annalise scooped out some of the mixture on two fingers. “Come on poppet. You know you want it.”
At the word poppet, Bea’s stomach boiled. She hated the word. Rory had told her that it was indeed a legitimate British term of affection, but life had mutated into something else. Something condescending and frilly, like a bow on an underage whore.
Bea gathered her last bit of saliva to spit, but Annalisa grabbed her by the hair and smeared the tarlike stuff in her face. It was indeed cat food, the sort of meat that the government said was unfit to feed to humans. It made her lips and face injuries burn; Annalise had added some kind of hot pepper, maybe? And it was disturbingly gritty. What wasn’t cat food or pepper was made up of salt. Even before Annalise let go of her hair, Bea had figured that she wasn’t going it be getting water anytime soon.
Things went somewhat blurry after that. Annalise kicked Bea’s broken kneecaps until she blacked out from the pain. She poured salt in her mouth and ground it into the wounds on her arms. Beat her with a crowbar until Bea could have sworn a rib cracked. Punched her in the throat until there was blood in Bea’s mouth.
Bea’s denailed hands were swollen stiff from dehydration by now. Her tongue was even more swollen, gone coarse against her dry mouth. She couldn’t have made a sound it she tried. Her forearms were swollen and blistered, and every breath hurt, both in her ribs and her throat.
It went on and on. Annalise did something. Then she stopped. Maybe she was leaving for meals? Or to go fuck the Spy? No, the Spy was injured and not up for such things. Time was only punctuated by the changing light outside.  
Then one day –probably day three– Annalise got over-excited with the polo bat and Bea’s eye swelled shut. After that, Bea hovered – existed, really—in her own private darkness. The whole world had shrunk down to her body, a lump of swollen, stinking meat. Passive. Lumps didn’t do anything. Things just happened to them.
It was been a while since Annalise had done anything, Bea thought. Maybe it was night. Or maybe she had just she had gone to the grocery store, or to the beauty salon. Get some shiny red nails to go with those pretty henna patterns. Who knew?
Then the door opened. Heavy footsteps to go with Annalise’s dainty ones.
“By our Lady.” A Spanish accent. The RED Solider. “Are you certain she’s alive?”
“Oh, she’s alive.” Cool fingers traced the skin on Bea’s neck. “Look carefully now. See this? I haven’t hit anything vital.”
Something clicked. Metallic and sharp, and the restraints came off Bea’s destroyed arms. Some part of Bea was still alive enough to consider running, but she’d probably stagger two steps and then run into a wall. So she let the Solider pick her up. Bea had figured he’d toss her over his shoulder, but no, he just cradled her in his arms.
“Just dump her by mile marker 35,” said Annalise. “Not outside it. You hear me? Not outside it. I don’t want her on my case.”
Mile marker 35 was right on the edge of the respawn’s range, where the signal was so feeble and faint that it might take several days for a merc to fully re-generate. Wasn’t that perfect? As long as the RED Spy was down, Bea would be down, too. Even things out. Make the balance between the teams fair again.
Bea felt herself be carried down the stairs, then loaded into a car. The Solider must have known she couldn’t sit up, because he just laid her on the floor, where the car mats dug into her skin. The car bounced off rocks, and it’s the vibrations from its engine rattled Bea’s teeth in her head.
The car stopped. The Soldier picked her up in is arms again, set in down in the sand. Bea have expected him to say something to her. Maybe an apology, or an insult, or a kick in the face. But there was nothing. The Soldier’s footsteps retreated, and the car’s engine restarted, only to fade into nothing.
It was day. Bea was nearly certain of it; she could feel her skin burning in the sun. More blank, black time passed. She made no attempt to move. Why bother? She’d get nowhere, and the sooner she died, the sooner she’d respawn. She’d wake up under those bright lights, especially nauseous from being dead for so long, but it would certainly feel better than this.
The team would have been so relieved when she re-materialized. Rory and Roy were certainly going to cry. Maybe the relief would keep them from asking too many questions. Everybody though the RED Spy and his bitch were crazy anyway. Maybe they’d satisfy themselves with hugging Bea and cursing the REDs.  
Let the team be satisfied with that. No questions. Please.
And then, suddenly:
“I found her!”
She could have sworn it was Rory.
“I got you, it’s gonna be okay, you’re going to be okay.”
Bea’s mind went totally blank with astonishment. It was actually Rory; she’d know his voice anywhere. Hands went all over her face and throat, checking to see if she was breathing.
Goddamn it. Rory was sure to be crying, and some part of her was grateful she wasn’t able to see.
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colleenmurphy · 5 years
Trying my hand at molding Frank into a broken person instead of just an angry abusive man. Oh! He and Jen were also in the film Pollock, very much worth the watch if you can find it. :-)
Snippets & Bobs: That’s What You Get
Why are there so many options? Who the hell needs this many brands for one specific thing? Oh my god that one’s nearly thirty dollars! Oh. Well, there’s five of them in there...maybe I’ll go with that one. Oh god...is that Janet Marlow?!
Ducking behind a display of diapers she peered out and found that her inner terror of being caught in the Family Planning aisle of the Walter’s Pharmacy three towns over was misplaced. Same blonde beehive different woman entirely. She was mostly safe, she had her fingers crossed that her suspicions were simply wrong and her car would start. She had exactly an hour before she had to go punch in for work and this was not how she expected to start her Friday. She left the pharmacy nearly seventy dollars poorer and trying to think of the best time to get a hold of Frank. 
 Deep blue. Bright neon pink. Positive. Two pink lines. Plus sign. Smiley face. Eight weeks in digital lettering. 
Who the hell puts a smiley face as an indicator? Eight weeks, huh? I wonder how big you are in there...
All of the signs were palpable now and lined up on the edge of the chipped enamel bathtub of her home. She had expected to be upset. Maybe even to cry her eyes out, she had already had the initial panic when she’d spent nearly all of her money on those damn tests just to be sure and it had passed. Now, she had made peace with the fact that her life was changing, was she still a little scared? Yes. But her mother had raised with immense amounts of love and care and taught her how to stand on her own two feet just as her mother had raised Eileen herself. If her grandmother and mother could do it then so could she. It was now two weeks since she had bought those tests and she was still trying to get a hold of Frank Flannery. She’d left messages on his answering machine, cell phone, called the dispatch office and even had gone so far to call his mother all the way over the county line. So far she hadn’t heard a word back, she wasn’t surprised. Frank was always out somewhere on the road, given he had been employed with Wells Trucking for the last five years it was a given, oddly enough they had met through the company. She was working the dispatch office and had seen his name roll across her desk multiple times and had finally met him on a rainy Monday morning when his rig wouldn’t turn over. He was all blue eyes and charming smile and that had been it. He had a way of wrapping himself around her finger and they had been together ever since. Officially Unofficial is what he had taken to calling it. Even if her mother had said that sounded stupid. He could dance, they went out two stepping every other Thursday, he brought her flowers, mostly wild flowers or sunflowers but she loved them all the same, and he had even cleared out a drawer in his dresser at his apartment for her to keep some clothes in. Colleen liked to think that they were content. He hadn’t offered anything else and she didn’t dare ask for more because how much better could it get?
But now...perhaps he had an inkling of what was going on and had just plain old taken to avoiding her. He never was the most mature man. Still didn’t stop her from trying once again trying to get a hold of him. 
“Frank, if you’re in town could please call me back? It’s important.”
Sixteen Weeks: 
“You missed me didn’t you? You were just sittin’ there pining for me like always?”
Frank had somehow managed by some small miracle to call her back. They had arranged to finally meet up for dinner. Colleen wasn’t expecting Junior’s Chicken over by the interstate but here she was tucked into a cushy booth with a plate of aforementioned chicken in front of her. The smell of old grease turned her stomach and watching Frank dig in made her even more queasy. Her sense of smell these days could rival a bloodhound. Something her mother found hilarious and her best friend found horrible. At least Helene treated her with sympathy. Her mother told her ‘Just you wait, Colly.’
Damn doctor told me that this was whole morning sickness thing was supposed to be gone. Damn liar he was.
The tiny voice in her mind grumped as she sipped on her coke. 
Yes, I missed you but I’ve been a little preoccupied praying to the porcelain god and trying to find clothes that fit.
Little voice was on a roll this evening it seemed. She smiled her same sweet smile and tried not to gag as he picked the bone clean as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. 
“Oh yes, yes I...did.”
He moved like a conveyor belt through his food and then noticed that she hadn’t touched hers. 
“You’re not eatin’.”
“Oh...I had a big lunch...”
Of soda crackers and flat cola.
“From the looks of you you’ve had more than one lately, Colly. You’re packing on the pudge.”
Pudge to keep your child fed. Idiot.
“Yours if you want it.”
Heaping her sides onto his own plate with a sickening plop and biting into the fried chicken thigh like a wild dog she shuddered. 
I hope you choke on that damn potato salad you jackass.
“What’d you wanna tell me? You sounded upset in some of those messages. Filled the tape up too. It’s gonna cost you five bucks to replace that tape for me.
‘Is he for real?! Now I really hope you choke on that damn potato salad.’
Sky blue eyes pinned her to the booth. Damn him. Was he actually worried for her or just merely curious?  For a moment she thought she was going to falter and clam up. Instead she took a deep breath and steeled herself and looked right back at him. She noticed he looked away. 
“I’m pregnant, Frank.”
He blinked dropped his chicken thigh and stared at her with a gaping mouth like a big mouth bass. He was wheezing and turning red. He was choking. 
Oh hell, wishes actually do come true.
“Stand up, Frank. Stand up.”
A quick Heimlich and a few sips of his sweet tea and one quickly paid check later they were sitting in his pick up outside the Dairy Dream. He hadn’t said a word just pulled in went in and ordered two vanilla soft serve cups. He offered her one wordlessly, his way of mending the fence so  to speak. Or perhaps as a thank you for saving him from an embarrassing death. 
“Are you sure? Absolutely sure, Colleen?”
“Yes, positively sure. Sixteen weeks at the moment.”
A small hurmph as he looked out through the windshield. The expanse of sky towards the west had darkened to a deep grey. Large fat rain drops pelted the glass. 
He drew in a breath as Colleen looked at him. She noticed his cone had started to melt. Offering an extra napkin she brushed her hand against his. 
“What am I supposed to do?”
For a moment Colleen thought for sure he was going to cry. 
“If you’re expecting me to marry I..I can’t. I just don’t do marriage, Col. You want money? I can give you that. I’ll even allow you to put my name on the birth certificate but...I can’t marry you. I don’t know why...but I can’t. Maybe you love me more than I love you.”
Anger rumbled within her. A streak of lightening lit up the cab for a moment. 
“Did I ask you to marry me, Francis? No. Did I ask you for money? No, Francis I didn’t. Did I ask you for anything? Let alone the ever so generous use of your name on the birth certificate? No. I fully intend to raise this child by myself, if you feel so inclined to want to get to know my child feel free. If you don’t, fine, that’s on you. I just thought I was doing the courteous thing and letting you know that you had widened your gene pool.”
Wrenching open the passenger side door she grabbed her purse fished out a five dollar bill and hurled it at him before she got out and slammed the door shut. She wanted to be as far away from him as she could be even if that meant walking home in a storm. She made it as far as the old Walker farm when Frank pulled up along side her and stopped. He got out and ended up herding her into the passenger side carefully wrapping her up in his coat. The smell of his cologne, some drugstore type and his preferred cigarettes should have calmed her. It didn’t. At least not anymore. They drove in silence until they pulled into the side driveway. 
“I just wanted you to know...this baby...is blessed to have you, Colleen. Your parent material. I’m just not. But I’m here if they ever want to meet me. I can’t offer them much but I’m here.”
Slipping off his jacket she gave him a sad smile. Deep down she knew this would be their last in depth conversation so to speak and she was fine with it. He might be a broken man but at least he was somewhat honest about it. She didn’t need him anyway. She had two perfectly good feet to stand on, a backbone of steel and an iron will to match her heart of gold. This child was going to turn out just fine.
“Thanks, Frank.”
0 notes
droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (3/9)
<Part 1>     <Part 2>
March 2013
Celestino insisted on carrying the majority of Yuuri and Phichit’s luggage up the stairs to their apartment.  “You’ve earned it, boys,” he told them.  “I’m so proud of you both.”
Yuuri frowned.  He didn’t want to directly contradict his coach, and it was always awkward feeling bad about his own performance when Phichit hadn’t even made it past the short program, but fifteenth place was not what he’d worked so hard for all season.
Celestino was having none of it.  “Did you skate your best?” he demanded.  Yuuri muttered a grudging affirmative.
“What was that, Yuuri?  I didn’t quite catch what you said.”  Yuuri had hoped that Phichit would be fully engrossed with his hamsters by now, having made a beeline for their habitat the instant the door was unlocked.  Apparently the universe wasn’t about to let him get that lucky.
He sighed heavily.  “Yeah.  I skated my best.”  Maybe if he played along, they’d drop the subject.  There was nothing else to do if they were determined to gang up on him, anyway.
“And did you improve on last year’s performance?”
“Yes.”  Last year it had been Yuuri who had missed being in the top twenty-five.  Phichit hadn’t even qualified for Worlds in 2012, ending his own season after a disappointing 4CC.
Celestino beamed as though that made it all better.  “And that is why I am proud of you, and why you should be proud of yourself.  Keep training as hard as you have been, and next season you’ll be in the top ten for sure.”
“And in the meantime,” Phichit added, “It’s time to start the post-season off right with the ritual Eating of the Carbs.  I’m thinking Pizza Papalis?”
Yuuri shot him a halfhearted glare.  “Your Nationals are still coming up,” he pointed out, but there was little actual heat in his voice.  It wasn’t Phichit’s fault that his ‘freshman fifteen’ had been the opposite of most students’, resulting in a good third of his class plying their ‘precious hamster son’ with varying foodstuffs to ‘keep his strength up’.
“I’ll be good after tonight!”
“You could at least blush when you lie through your teeth like that.”  Yuuri rolled his eyes.  “Fine.  Spinach and mushroom, extra garlic, you’re paying, and you’re handling all of the human interaction.”
Celestino laughed.  “I am not hearing any of this.  Celebrate well, boys.  Ciao ciao!”  He let himself out amid Phichit’s whoop of joy and subsequent call to the pizza place.
Yuuri curled up on the couch and opened his laptop.  For once he wasn’t jetlagged after a competition, this year’s championship having been held a bare two hours’ drive away, in Ontario.  He was still tired – a week’s worth of too little sleep while dealing with far too many strangers was stressful enough even without the pressure of competition – but he wasn’t sleepy.  It was an odd, but not unwelcome, feeling.
*Bad channel key for #therapycouchfort
He blinked.  He’d opened the chat client on autopilot, not really intending to socialize even to the extent of text on a screen, but this was an error message he’d never seen before.
/msg SockPuppet what’s a channel key and why is it bad?
*SockPuppet: no such nick/channel
/msg KingElsa hey do you know what’s going on with the chat
KingElsa>> Mess! <3 <3 <3
KingElsa>> They had to password-lock the channel.  I guess there was an invasion of trolls?
KingElsa>> Password is “nuclearoption” with no quotes.
/join #therapycouchfort nuclearoption
* Joined channel #therapycouchfort
* Topic is ‘If you haven’t gotten the new channel password from one of the mods, msg us asap.  Lockdown goes into effect Thursday night.  Thanks for your patience in the meantime.’
* Set by StevenMultiverse on Mar 12 12:04:17 2013
lukewarm_mess: i can’t leave you guys for five minutes, can i
lukewarm_mess: thanks for the pw king
KingElsa: ♡ \ (  ̄▽ ̄ ) / ♡
mercyslovechild: nope u go away and evrything goes to shit
suicideflirtsback: wait does that mean mess is the reason we can’t have nice things?
mercyslovechild: pls dont abandon us again
StandardDeviation: you wish flirt
StandardDeviation: wb mess how was the business conf
lukewarm_mess: very business much industry so productivity wow
suicideflirtsback: have you leveled up your synergy or whatever?
lukewarm_mess: my boss seems to think so but..
KingElsa: Your boss is obviously full of wisdom and good judgment and you should listen to them.
lukewarm_mess: my boss let Peaches eat himself sick on maple candy that we can totally get at home but apparently it’s different because it’s travel candy, whatever that means
mercyslovechild: i thouht peaches was a babby
mercyslovechild: babbies get to travel for work?
lukewarm_mess: he’s an intern so i guess?  idk
“I’m a what?” Phichit shrieked from directly behind Yuuri, who winced at the sound.
“Quit reading over my shoulder; that’s why I made you get your own account.  Oh, there’s a password to get in now.  Nuclear option, one word, all lower case.”
“Thailand’s Prince, the Jewel of Bangkok, an intern?  Yuuri, how could you?”  He flopped dramatically over the back of the couch.
“Shut up, I panicked.”
lukewarm_mess: anyway why the lockdown?
lukewarm_mess: king you said something about trolls?
*Peaches_and_Dream has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: I wasn’t here either, actually, but that’s what I heard.  Hi Mess’ roommate.
suicideflirtsback: we were invaded by scientologists
Peaches_and_Dream: Hello mess’ self-friendzoning internet boyfriend
mercyslovechild: woa sickburn.gif
StandardDeviation: or at least people claiming to be scientologists
lukewarm_mess: PEACH
KingElsa: GASP
StandardDeviation: like two dozen of them flooding the channel at once
Peaches_and_Dream: I notice you’re not denying it ☆⌒ ヽ (*' 、 ^*)chu
“Shut it, Intern Boy.”
StandardDeviation: all telling us to stop taking our brainwashing pills and read dianetics
suicideflirtsback: p sure they were on vpns because even with the mods ip banning them they just kept coming back
“Still waiting for a denial, Yuu-chan!  Other than the one you’re in, I mean.”
Peaches_and_Dream: Sounds more like bored channers to me
mercyslovechild: whatevs it was annoying
suicideflirtsback: you mean EPIC
suicideflirtsback: socks just about developed superpowers out of sheer rage
StandardDeviation: after two days the mods decided to make the channel private, and we’ve been lockedin our fallout shelter eating k-rations ever since
KingElsa: Wow, it seems it was an exciting week!
StevenMultiverse: It’s not a perfect solution because it means new people who might actually want to join the chat can’t, but there’s not much else we can do at the moment.
mercyslovechild: where where you king?
StevenMultiverse: In a month or two we’ll try and reopen the channel.  Hopefully they’ll have gone away by then.
lukewarm_mess: works for me, glad you found a solution
KingElsa: I went to a family reunion.
suicideflirtsback: good times?
KingElsa: I suppose.  It was… typical.
lukewarm_mess: how so
KingElsa: I don’t know.  The same faces, the same stories, never any surprises.  Lousy food at the big dinner party.
mercyslovechild: potluck  >:P
KingElsa: Catered.  But still not good.
suicideflirtsback: did you have to be nice to Racist Uncle Tony?
KingElsa: (° ロ °) !  How did you know?!  I mean, he was neither a Tony nor my uncle, but….
suicideflirtsback: EVERYONE has a Racist Uncle Tony
*Deltatangofoxtrot has joined #therapycouchfort
KingElsa: “I’m just concerned about the way your *lifestyle*” – he actually made air quotes with his fingers! – “reflects on us…”
Peaches_and_Dream: Ugh, sorry King.
lukewarm_mess: (( ╬ ◣ ﹏ ◢ ))
mercyslovechild: homophobic uncle tony ><
suicideflirtsback: always the highlight of fam functions
suicideflirtsback: hey fox
StevenMultiverse: hi fox
Peaches_and_Dream: Hi Tango
KingElsa: Hello, DTF.
StandardDeviation: Did you just
StandardDeviation: *facepalms*
Deltatangofoxtrot: RDY ANYTIME BAE ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
mercyslovechild: passes out protection
Peaches_and_Dream: Why sir, I hardly know you! *flutters fan*
KingElsa: …
suicideflirtsback: *is ace*
StevenMultiverse: *is married*
KingElsa: …………
lukewarm_mess: at least take me out to dinner first
KingElsa: !
KingElsa: Et tu, Mess???
lukewarm_mess: you’ve been here how long and you still walked into that??
lukewarm_mess: sorry no sympathy, you deserved it
KingElsa: 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
KingElsa: I’m ESL?
lukewarm_mess: no excuse, so am i
lukewarm_mess: it has to be somewhere nice, too.  i don’t put out for qdoba
StandardDeviation: Besides, that’s not english, it’s internet
StandardDeviation: *is helping*
KingElsa: Don’t help.  >.>
Headlights flashed through the window as a car pulled into the parking lot.  Yuuri glanced outside and saw the glowing pizza sign on the roof.  His shoulders hunched involuntarily.
“Go hide,” Phichit told him.  “I’ll bribe them to go away, that usually works.”
Yuuri smiled sheepishly before heading for their shared bedroom.  “Sorry,” he called through the closing door.  “It’s just—”
“—No more strangers for a while.  I know.  I’ll say our goodbyes in chat, too.  It’s BFF bonding time.”
<Part 4>
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septic84 · 5 years
Renewable Energy
I really, really did not like Daniel Howell. We had worked in the same office for the last five years, innovating and selling products and processes for businesses to ensure what they were producing was done so in a way to promote better benefits for the environment. Our firm, Fortress Ozone, was dedicated to lessening human and industry impact on the climate, and that was something I could get behind. I agreed to take this job offer because I wanted to make a difference, and quickly climbed the ranks to one of the company's top performers, to his credit, so had Dan. 
It didn't take long for management to realize that we did not get along. Three years ago, they had put us on a project to present a more climate beneficial, renewable energy source to Ireland’s largest manufacturing plant, and it was a disaster. Individually, we both had our parts down, but when Dan and I didn't agree on one key argument, the entire thing had crumbled. He had gone behind my back to management, telling them that I was unreasonable, did not understand the project and that he couldn't work with me. We both were removed from the project; I was humiliated and I had never really been able to let that go.    
“Phil, I know that you and Dan don't get along,” my supervisor Jackson started, “He is a top performer and so are you. So, they want you both to go to America.” This was going to be a struggle. Dan was always vocal, boisterous and animated, which made me uncomfortable. I liked to unassumingly fade into the background whenever I could. He also was a snake who liked to stab people in the back. “I haven't forgotten the Ireland fiasco, but this comes from the top.”  
“I get it, Jack,” I said, resolutely. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Dan was really good at his job, there was no doubt about that. So was I.  
He took a deep breath. "There's something else,” he hesitated. “One room, double bed.”    
“Oh,” was all I could say. Not only did I have to work with him again, but I also had to sleep in the same room as well. “There isn't anything you can do?” I said, carefully.  
“No,” he said, smiling sympathetically, “I did try.”  
I sighed, it looked like I was stuck. “Does Dan know yet?”    
He shrugged, “Milo's telling 'im,” Milo was Jackson's counterpart in management and somehow had Dan wrapped around his little finger.    
“Should be fine then.”  
He nodded. “You leave tomorrow.”  
“On a Saturday?”  
“Yes. That's the plan.” He handed me a packet of information and a plane ticket. “Head home, get packed, yeah?”  
I had called a car to take me to my flat, it was small and was co-inhabited by my prissy cat, Pemsky. Pemsky somewhat came with the place, she was always climbing the nearby tree and sitting on my balcony. At first, I didn't notice, but when I did I realized she was there every day when I returned from work, disappearing about an hour later. One day, it was raining and windy and she appeared, almost pleading to be let in. Her fur was dripping and covered in leaves, I wasn't heartless so in she came and in she stayed. From that day on, she lived with me and not just on my balcony.    
I opened the door and heard her jump down from wherever she was to come to greet me. “Heya Pem,” I bent down and stroked her. “Had a good day?” She wound around my legs, begging for food. Pemsky did everything on her terms, she only allowed me to pet her when she wanted and demanded I attend to her every need, which I did. She had me trained just as Milo did Dan.  
Dan, I rolled my eyes. I didn't want to spend an entire week with him at this conference. We were to fly out, work out the presentation and present the final product on Thursday. I really hoped the time had matured him, or maybe he had gotten over the last project, but he hadn't so much as glanced in my direction since so chances were slim.  After packing and confirming with my brother that he would be able to look after Pemsky, I headed out to Tesco to get some basic things to take along on the trip. I knew we would have a food budget, but I was very particular about my coffee.  
I had to be at the airport at 6:00 am on a Saturday, thanks, job. Our flight left at 8:00 am.  I saw Dan in the line a few places behind me, once I had checked in, I sat and waited for him, bouncing my knee up and down, clutching to my pillow. He saw me and sat next to me, silently.  
“Hi, Dan.” He looked at me, he looked terrible.    
“Hi,” He looked back down.    
“You okay?”  
“Like you care. Listen, I don't want to lose this one too, okay?”  
I shook my head, starting with the attitude, great. “Right.”  
“Who brings a pillow as carryon?”  
“I guess I do,” I said shrugging.  
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Perfect.”  
“I don't know why you want to argue, it's not even half 6.”  
“I don't. In fact, I don't even want to talk to you. I know how you are.”  
“What the hell does that mean?'  
“You know damn well, Lester.”  
“Dan, can we please keep things civil? I want to have a successful trip. You know as well as I do, we both were handpicked because we are dedicated and good at our positions. We are up against some pretty solid competition; let's remain professional, then we can show off our talents and our company.”  
He scoffed. “God, you are so up your own ass.” He ran his hand through his hair. The conversation was left there due to the plane boarding. This trip was going to test every ounce of patience I had.  
As we boarded the plane, Dan was nervously chewing on his lip, it was then it dawned on me, Dan was a nervous flyer.  He looked at me and I gave him my best reassuring smile, he rolled his eyes.  We somehow had gotten seats right next to each other, that meant the next 11 and a half hours were going to be excruciating.    
As the pilot announced we were about to take off, I heard him inhale and exhale slowly, his hands had a death grip on the armrests and his eyes were closed,    
“Hey, it’s going to be okay,” I said  
“Just shut up, Phil,”  
I sighed annoyed, I knew he was scared, but his attitude was not helpful. As we pulled away from the runway and lifted into the air, I watched Dan’s knuckles turn white. “We're almost past the worst part for a while,” I said. He didn't respond, but his grip loosened slightly. Once we were in the air and flying smoothly, Dan’s eyes peaked open and I saw him glance out the window.  
“Feeling better?”  
“Yeah, yeah,”    
“That seemed rough for you, I’m sorry,”  
“Why are you sorry? You’re a Pratt, I bet you can’t wait to get back and tell everyone what a baby I was,”  
“I wouldn’t do that, Dan,” I said quietly, putting my earbuds in and closing my eyes. I wasn’t going to listen to him being an asshole anymore. I was trying to be nice, but it was clear that it wasn’t what he wanted. He wanted to bicker and frankly, I wasn’t interested in doing so, especially since the flight had just taken off.    
Dan nudged me, “Wake up,” He said, pulling out an earbud,  
“I need to go to the toilet and you are in the way,”  
“Oh, sorry,” I muttered, I shifted so Dan could squeeze past me. 5 hours had passed, which meant food would be coming soon. I was starting to get hungry. Dan came back shortly after, squeezing past me to get back to his seat,  
“How are you feeling?”  
“I’m fine.”    
“Food should be offered soon,”  
“Yeah, great. Could you just shut up?”  
“I could try, but It’s not really in my nature,” I swore I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye.  “Still don’t want to call a truce?”  
“I doubt it would work. You remember Ireland,”   “Yeah, I remember a lot of things about Ireland,” I said, softly. Apparently, Dan had forgotten that while in Ireland we had actually worked very well together, before the blowup.  
“What does that mean?”  
“Nothing, forget it.”  
“No, you can’t just say something like that and not finish,”  
“I just did,”  
“See? This is what I am talking about, you’re so fucking annoying Lester,”  
“Well, it would seem that is a trait we both share, Howell,”  
Dan put his earbuds in facing away from me.  I was done trying to talk to him, at least as much as I could help it. If he was this crabby now, I couldn’t imagine what he would be like once the jet lag set in from the 8-hour time difference.  
When it was announced that the landing may be a little rough due to a weather system in LA, Dan’s face paled and he grabbed the armrests again. We hadn’t spoken once since we called each other annoying, but I couldn’t help myself,  
“Deep breaths, you’re okay,” He didn’t say anything, but he did start to take deep breaths. We had hit a rather bumpy patch of turbulence and Dan’s hand slipped off the armrest and was suddenly clutching mine. I believed this was a complete accident, however, I reassuringly rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand. I figured he was going to snatch his hand out of mine as quickly as he could, but he didn’t. He only let it go when we were still on the runway and told that it was time to exit the plane. He was blushing but didn’t say anything.  
“We have to get an Uber to get to the hotel,” I said to him as we entered the airport, “Do you want to walk around a little and eat first?”  
His head was low, “Why are you being so nice?”  
“Because I am nice, you seemed to have forgotten that, but that’s alright. I’ve got a week to remind you.”  
We went to the Café in the Airport and placed our order, and though I fully expected him to sit as far away from me as possible, surprisingly, he sat at the same table across from me.  It was 11:00 AM in LA, it was the lunch rush and as Dan watched people, I watched Dan. When he wasn’t focusing on trying to present himself a certain way, he actually looked soft, friendly and he was cute.  
The server brought our meals and left us be, I drank two cups of coffee straight away, adding a lot of sugar, I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel to make my own.  
“Wow, that’s a shit-ton of sugar, mate,”  
“I like sugar,” I said in my defense.  
Once back at the hotel, Dan flopped down onto one of the beds,  
"You're going to sleep?"  
"Well, no shit,"  
"Uh, don't you think we should get on the local schedule?"  
"It is 2:00 pm, Lester, that means that I wouldn't be able to sleep for what? 5 hours? Is 8:00 pm acceptable?"  
"I just want us to be at our best for Monday, we have to start to make a plan,"  
"You think? Will you actually work with me this time?"  
I sighed, "I wanted to work with you last time, you shut me out then stabbed me in the back."  
"Of course, you would see it like that,"  
"You know what, fine, Dan. Go to sleep. Do what you want like always, never thinking of anyone else." I grabbed my room key and walked out the door. I was hoping we could move past Ireland, but it didn't seem like Dan was interested in doing so. I walked around the surrounding area, checking out various shops, I was trying to waste time to keep myself awake. Maybe Dan was just overly grumpy when he was tired. I wanted to remain hopeful of the chance at a pleasant experience. My legs started to get sore, so I walked back to the hotel. I tried to open the door as carefully as I could so I didn't wake him up.  What he was doing was thrashing around in his sleep, he was having a nightmare. I went back to the door, opened it and let it close loudly this time, it woke him up.  
"Holy shit," he looked disoriented,  
"Sorry, are you okay?"  
He flushed red, "I'm fine, Lester, mind your business."  
"Sorry I was concerned, my mistake," I said casually as I walked into the bathroom. When I came out, he was sat up with his head in his hands.  
"What time is it?"    
It's shortly after 4,"  
"I feel like shit,"  
"Jet lag,"  
"Yeah, probably."  
"Would you like some coffee?"  
"Ah yeah. That would be good."  
"Coming right up," I unpacked, set up to make the coffee, and heated the water in the microwave. I handed it to him, adding sugar to mine,  
"Wow, that's a lot of sugar, mate,"  
I shrugged, "it's how I like it,"  
"Oh god," he coughed as he drank it, "this is terrible coffee."  
Well, I like this coffee," I pouted slightly, "and you're welcome, by the way."  
"Right, yeah, thanks,"  
I smiled, "that's better. So, ever been in LA?"  
"No, first time, you?"  
"Nope, first time as well, are you nervous?"  
"How do you mean?"  
"About the presentations, about trying to win this contract?"  
"Oh, that. No. That part never makes me nervous. It's the flying, but you already knew that,"  
I smiled sympathetically, "yeah,"  
"I wish they would have given me more notice, I could have gotten a prescription,"  
"Yes, I could have used more of a heads up too,"  
"Did they wait and tell you at the end of the day Friday?"  
"Yep. I had to beg my brother to look after my cat, I had no plan." He smirked.  
"You have a cat,"  
"I do, her name is Pemsky, she is a rescue, and she thinks she owns my flat." I smiled fondly.  
"What kind of a name is Pemsky?"  
I shrugged, "it sorta just happened."  
"That is a specific name to just be random,"  
"I'm a specific kinda guy."    
He laughed, "I'd say"  
It dawned on me that we had just had a civil conversation that was more than 5 words, pressing my luck, I said, "Do you want to go get dinner somewhere? Maybe a walk will help clear your head,"  
He considered it, "I am hungry,"  
"I saw a cute little Sushi place a few blocks away,"  
"Yeah, Sushi is good,"  
"Wow, did we just agree on something?"  
"I mean it's Sushi, you'd have to be mad not to agree to that,"  
After he took a shower and spent an ungodly amount of time getting ready, we found ourselves walking into the small restaurant. We were sat next to a large fish tank filled with fish of varying breeds and colors.  I kept looking from the tank back up to him, trying not to be too obvious.  
"Got something you want to say, Lester?"  
Damn, he noticed, "no,"  
"Are you going to be ready for Monday?" I blurted out.  
"Yeah, we'll have to go over things, but I'm ready, are you?"  
"Yeah, I think so,"  
"It's just unfortunate that all this work could be for nothing,"  
"Well, we get to see LA and free food!" I held up my drink.  
He nodded, "yeah, that's true,"  
We sat and talked while we ate our food for about an hour. We had been getting along for the entire meal (the drinks probably helped)  
"Wow, this is the best Sushi I've had for a while,"    
"Yeah, same. Very good."  
After we had paid the check and left, Dan hesitated before walking towards the hotel, "Did you forget something?"  
"Ah, no,"  
I arched my eyebrow, "okay?"  
"Hey, um,"  
"So, we've had a good meal, right?"  
"Why does that sound like a loaded question?"  
"You know what, forget it, never mind,"  
"What? No, what were you going to say?"  
"You're just going to be a dick about it,"  
"That doesn't seem fair, I don't even know what you're going to say,"  
"It's just that, I've never been in LA, and I doubt I ever will be again. There's this club, and I'd like to go,"  
"Like, could you go with me?"  
He was so cute and nervous, I swallowed. "You want me to go to a club, me, Phil Lester?" I was still skeptical.  
"See, I knew you'd do that!"  
I held my hands up, "excuse me if this seems unusual to me, I just wanted to make sure I understood,"  
"What don't you understand? So?"  
"Is this the reason it took you so long to get ready?"  
"Shut up, I look good,"  
"So, where is this club?" His eyes lit up.  
"We will have to get a car, but it's not too far,"    
"What type of club is it?"  
He sucked in a breath, "That's the thing,"  
"Oh, here we go,"  
"Please just hear me out, okay, I'll owe you."  
"You'll owe me, huh,"  
"Yeah whatever, so this club,"  
"This isn't like a BDSM club, is it?"  
"What? No, it's a gay club," he judged my reaction, he must have judged it wrong because he started to ramble, "Listen, It's a cool club, one of the biggest. Don't worry, I won't let any guys hit on you or anything, or like flirt with you. This is a once in a lifetime for me, I wish I were brave enough to go alone, but I'm not," I pushed my finger to his lips, shutting him up,  
"Dan, breathe," he backed away from my finger.  
"So?" His eyes were so hopeful, he seemed so young.  
I shook my head smiling, You're an idiot, but okay,"    
The smile on his face was so genuine that his dimple popped out, it made butterflies swirl in my stomach. He grabbed my hands jumping up and down, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  
"Yeah, yeah, we should call a car."  
When we arrived, we had found a small table off to the side, by clubbing standards, 10:00 PM was early. I watched Dan look around excitedly, taking in his surroundings. "What do you want to drink?"  
"You're buying me a drink?" Misunderstanding me again he said,  "Not like that! Look, I know that you're uncomfortable here, I am thankful you were willing to come,"  
"Wow, Dan Howell showing appreciation?"    
"This is the problem with you, you never know when to shut your mouth,"  
"Guilty as charged. I like sweet drinks,"  
"Of course you do, I'll be right back,"    
We sat and sipped our drinks, watching the people filter in by the numbers. Dan had started taking pictures, "I can't believe I'm actually here, oh my God."  
"It sure is cool," It wasn't as if I hadn't heard of this place, it was the most popular gay club in LA. I watched more and more people enter and I started to get nervous. Dan must have noticed my trepidation.  
"Don't worry if a guy hits on you, I'll run blocker,"  
Several drinks and songs later, (at least for Dan, I had two and hadn't danced. I don't dance unless it's on a DDR pad) Dan was pretty intoxicated.  He was out dancing again and I was "saving our table," when a tall blonde approached me. His smile was as wide as he was tall,  
"Hey," he yelled over the music, "I'm Scott."  
"Phil," I yelled back  
"How is it going, Phil?"  
"Can't really complain, first time here."  
"Oh, you're British, sexy," I blushed, "Wanna dance?"  
"Oh, no. That would be a big mistake for me, Scott, I can't, "  
"Hey, babe!" Dan slid his arms around my shoulders, "who's this?"  
"Scott, Scott, Dan,"  
"Hi, Scott, nice to meet you. Babe, I'm getting a drink, you want something?"  
"Water, please," Dan smiled,  
"Well, it was nice meeting you both, have a good night," Scott left.  
Dan sat down, smiling, "Sorry Phily, forgot how alluring your blue eyes are,"  
I smirked, "Alluring, huh?"  
"Shut up, as if you didn't know,"  
"Scott seemed nice,    
"Scott probably wanted in your pants,"  
I shrugged, he laughed. "You are the most chill straight man I have ever met,"  
"Well, I'm,"  
"Oh, I love this song, BRB," I smirked as I watched him scamper back to the dance floor. A few songs passed and a much more intoxicated Dan skipped over to our table, "come dance with me, Phily,"  
"No, I don't dance," he grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "Dan, no, you're really pissed,"  
"You're really pretty" he paused, "oh my God, I'm sorry. I'm that guy I said I'd protect you from."  
I laughed, "We should probably go, it's late and we have to prepare for Monday,"  
"Booooo, boooo Phil, boooooo,"  
"You'll be thankful when you keep your job, sober Dan loves his job,"  
He sighed, "Drunk Dan does too," he started to stumble and fall, I caught him before he hit the ground. He looked up at me, meeting my eyes he breathed out, "wow,"  
I righted him, "come on dancing queen, time to go back to the hotel," he nodded and slipped his hand inside of mine. Using that to my advantage, I pulled him along as I used my other hand to order an Uber.  We were outside waiting for the car, "You're so boring, like responsible and adult level boring,"  
"Once again, you'll be thanking me when you can still make rent,  
"See, that's the the thingie,"  
"The thingie?"  
"You just take over and be all like smart, and your face may be pretty, but it's also stupid,"  
I laughed, "I'll take it,"  
"Was nice for you to do this," he stumbled again and I pulled him to my side to keep him stable. "You smell like warn,"  
"I smell like warm?" I laughed as I felt him burrow closer to me.    
"Yeah, warm," the car had arrived, Dan was sleepy and was very agreeable which made getting him into the Uber easier.  
Dan was asleep on me in minutes, I had to admit that being this close to him was comforting. As the car pulled up to the hotel, I woke him up,  
"Dan, wake up,"  
"Yes, we need to get you to bed," I paid the driver and got Dan back to the room,    
"I'm so sleepy,"  
"Yeah, I bet you are, take off your shoes,"  
"Don't wanna,"  
"Don't then, I don't care. Goodnight," I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom, I showered, brushed my teeth, and hung up my wet towel. When I walked back out into the room, I heard Dan snoring softly, "you're going to be sick tomorrow," I said to the sleeping man. I noticed his shoes and clothes were in a pile next to his bed, I hoped he at least had his pants on. Shaking my head, I turned off the lights and went to sleep.  
I was awakened by my phone; I fumbled for it and saw “Jackson” on my display. “Shit,” I muttered,    
“Fuck, make it stop,” Dan groaned,  
I got up and went into the hall, “Hello?”  
“Hey there Phil, getting settled okay?”  
“Yeah, getting used to the time change, you know.”  
“Right, have you guys talked about the presentation yet?” He asked hesitantly.  
“Ah, no. The jet lag is really bad,”  
“I understand, but you can’t lose this one, Phil,”  
“I know, we will be ready,” I assured.  
“Milo wants me to talk to Dan,”  
“Oh, Dan’s in the shower right now,” I covered for him, though I’m not sure why I did.  
“Oh, right. Well, he’s okay too, yeah?”  
“He’s Dan, Jackson, what do you want me to say?”  
He snorted, “Fair enough, keep me posted,”  
“I will, bye.” I snuck back into the room,  
“Turn your fucking phone off,”  
“I can’t, that was Jackson,”  
Dan struggled to sit up, a look of panic crossed his face, “Shit,”  
“Don’t worry, you’re good,”  
“Yeah, I’m sure you were forthcoming with my current state, weren’t you?”  
I shook my head, I guess last night changed nothing, “It’s too early for this, I told him you were in the shower, so it’s fine.”  
“I have to call Milo, explain,”  
“You will only damn yourself, I covered for you.” It had just gone 9, so I set an Alarm for 11:00. “Go back to sleep, we have work to do later,”  
“Bloody hell,” He said stumbling out of bed to the bathroom. I set tablets and a water bottle on the nightstand and laid back down.  
“You better not have been talking shit, Lester,” He snapped as he went back to bed.  I missed the curly-haired cuddly Dan I saw last night, that Dan I could stand.  
“Just go to sleep,”  
We had gone over the presentation twice, Dan had three cups of my “terrible” coffee and had started to become short-tempered.  
“Why do you want us to fail?”  
“How do you know we will fail? I have worked on this for hours; the statistics speak for themselves.”  
“It’s so boring, though, we need to awe them, it has to be a show,”  
“How do you mean?”  
“We are in LA, Phil, not London.”  
“Right, so what did you have in mind?”  
“This,” Dan went through several examples of how to add “pizazz” to our project, he wasn’t wrong. It did look better.    
Dan’s phone rang, it was Milo,  
“Hey, yeah. It's fine. We are going to make it work. What? Tonight? When? Fine. Milo, are there any other surprises we don’t, fine. Right, bye,”  
“For fuck sake,”  
“What now?”  
“There’s a dinner tonight, with all the other companies and representatives, we are required to go,”   “And they couldn’t have told us before now?”  
“They didn’t know,” I arched my eyebrow skeptically, “Right? S’what Milo said”  
“Great, when?”  
“6:00, Milo sent me directions”  
I glanced at the clock, it was three now, “Well, I suppose we had better figure out where it is and start to get ready,”  
“I guess so,”    
“You do that and I’ll shower first,”  
“Yeah, okay.”  
Dan cleaned up nice, he was in a white shirt, a pinstriped grey vest with matching pinstriped gray pants, his hair was fully straightened and one silver hoop was in his left ear, I tried hard not to stare. I looked so plain in comparison, my red button-up shirt and black pants looked drab next to him, but honestly, I didn’t even feel bad. Dan looked good, he looked damned good  
“Lester, you drunk? I said the car’s here, let’s go,”  
“Oh, right, sorry,” I blushed looking down.  
We were greeted at the door by one of the leaders of the convention, I didn’t recall his name, Dan did,  
“Mr. Kinney, is it?” Dan said, shaking his hand,  
“Yes, and you are?”  
“I’m Dan and this is Phil, we’re with Fortress Ozone in London.”  
“Oh, nice to meet you, please go in through there and have a seat, we will start shortly.” I nodded politely and let Dan take the lead, I was so nervous, he seemed to be right in his element.    
We sat next to each other at a large table full of several sharp-looking business people, they all were talking among themselves, I never really understood this. These people were all threats to each other, and yet here they were talking as if it were a casual dinner. I guess that’s what it meant when they said “It’s just business,” I could never wrap my mind around that.    
Dan moved closer to my ear and whispered, “The big man on the end with the hideous gold chain 4 sizes larger than it should be is the current top performer for his company, he also has the current contract we are bidding for,”  He nodded to the other end, “The woman in that dreadful yellow hat is his partner, they're called “Accountable products,”   “Why are the on opposite ends of the table?”  
“They probably can’t stand each other, but really, they are probably trying to overhear things that can be used in their presentations.”  
“This is a lot more intense than Ireland, Phil, that man at the end is with “More than industry,” their company has won several awards for environmental accomplishments, but their profit is not as impressive as others,"  
“And legs over there,” He pointed to a tall redhead who was gesticulating wildly as she was in the middle of a conversation, “Is with Rival Trees,”  
“Oh, I’ve heard of them, they’re pretty good,”  
“Yeah, they are. They will be our competition, as far as brains go, anyway. Be careful who and how you talk to people,”  
“I have a feeling most of these other companies are filler,” I chewed on my lip, I didn’t sign up for all of this political and social stress. He looked at me, his face softened, “Take a deep breath, Phil,”  
I did so, and Mr. Kinney entered the room.  “May I have your attention, please?”  
He walked to the head of the table, “Thank you all for coming, we have several of the planets smartest people at this table and this week is going to be about learning, growing and hopefully making a profit. As you know, our firm represents about half of the manufacturing plants on the west and east coast of the United States; We are looking for several things this week,” He started to walk around the room, “We want to learn how we can make a profit and still impress the EPA, how to produce goods and keep up with the expectations and demands of the consumers without being penalized by regulations.”    
This man did not care about the impact on the environment at all, I shifted uncomfortably.  
“Tonight, we will get to know each other, and tomorrow the real work begins, on Thursday we will know who has won the bid. Enjoy,” He sat down next to the lady in the yellow hat.  
I watched as everyone started chatting, a tall blonde caught my eye, Scott.  I glanced at Dan, who was chatting with the person next to him, Dan either had not seen Scott, or he didn’t remember him.  I did everything I could to not be noticed.  
We were eating when the man across from me spoke,  
“Hell of a speech,” he said,  
I nodded  
“Adam, TTK Limited,”  
“Phil, Fortress Ozone,”  
“London, right?”  
“That’s us,”  
“So, ever been to the states?”  
“Yes, this is our first time in LA, though,”  
He started to eat and much to my relief the conversation ended. As they all ate, drank and chatted I observed, Dan and I seemed to be the youngest people here, which made me nervous. I wondered if our credibility would be called into question due to the supposed years of experience most of these people had on us. My leg started to nervously bounce, I wasn’t good at being with people, especially people I had to impress.  
“Thank you all for coming,” Mr. Kinney said at the close of the meal, “We start at 10:00 AM tomorrow, if you haven't made arrangements for transportation, I have a list of options.  Enjoy your evening,” The room started to get up, but Dan remained seated. I waited for him to get up before I made a move, he seemed to know what he was doing, better than I did.    
“Dan, Phil!” Shit, Scott. A look of confusion passed over Dan’s face,  
“Scott, hello,”  
“It’s a small world, huh?”  
“Sure is,”  
“So, you’re Planet Ozone, huh?”  
“We are,”  
“I’m with Rival Trees,”  
“Oh, wow,” I said, “I'm familiar with your past work, you guys are really good,”  
“We are. I supposed you are the doe-eyed kids Bennington was talking about,”  
I laughed uncomfortably, “I don’t know about that, but we are passionate about what we do, that’s true.”    
“Bennington is with Accountable Products,” Dan explained,  
“Oh, right,”  
“Well, good to actually meet you both,” He smiled and nodded, “See you on the battlefield,”  
“Right,” I watched him walk away, forcing myself to breathe,  
“Who was that?”  
“Don’t remember much from last night, do you?”  
His face flushed, “Fuck off, Lester,”  
I held my hands up, “Don’t get so defensive it was just a question.”  
“Well, clearly your memory is crisp, keeping that in your back pocket, are you?”  
“Christ Dan, can you just stop?”  
“Uh oh, trouble in paradise?” It was the redhead, her body language was confident and aggressive,  
“Ah,” I said,  
“Oh, where are my manners,” She extended her hand, “Vivi, Rival Trees,”  
“Pleasure,” Dan said, shaking her hand,  
“I’m sure,” She winked, “Lovers spats are hard, good luck boys,” she walked away under the pretense of “joking,” it was far more sinister than that.  
“Fuck,” I said, startling Dan,    
“I haven’t ever heard you say that word,”  
“Well, it’s warranted, we need to leave.”  
“What’s going on?”  
“Not here,” I said through clenched teeth, “Come on,”  
Once we got back to the hotel, Dan looked at me expectantly.    
“You don’t give a shit about me, I don’t even know why I let you convince me to go to that club,”  
“What does this have to do with anything?”  
“Are you being purposefully dense or are you just stupid?”    
“Rude,” He said unbuttoning his vest, “Just fucking tell me,”  
“Well, Mr. “Please let’s go to a club, it’s a gay club, it will be fun,” it’s not so fun now,”  
“Well, it couldn’t have been that bad?” Dan now had his vest off and was unbuttoning his undershirt, I stared at the floor.  
"Yeah, it really was, it is,”  
“Are you so insecure in your masculinity that you can’t take a gay man hitting on you?”  
“You are so stupid,” I muttered.  
“Could you stop calling me stupid?”  
“It has nothing to do with insecurities, you were afraid that I wouldn’t let you go to that stupid club if I thought a man would hit on me, so, when that happened, you pretended to be my boyfriend,”  
“Fuck off,”  
“You even called me babe, twice.”  
“How drunk was I?”  
“Oh, you were right wankered,”  
“Had to have been,”  
“It was Scott, you berk,”  
“Oh,” I looked up, Dan’s shirt was fully unbuttoned now, exposing his skin. I swallowed.  
“Yeah, "Oh." So now they think we are boyfriends,”  
“Well, I am sorry I am so repulsive as a gay man that you are having a crisis about someone thinking we are together,”  
“Dan. Shut up.”  
“What? Are you really that homophobic?”  
“You are too smart to be acting this obtuse, I suppose everyone handles shame differently,”  
“Am I wrong?” He stayed quiet, “I didn’t think so. The problem is this, Scott told “Vivi,” she caught us arguing,”  
“And now all we are is gossip,”  
“Yes, but think about it. She thinks she has dirt on us, an angle, they think they have found our Achilles heel,”  
“So, if we want to keep our reputation and probably our jobs, we are going to have to start getting along,”  
“Right,” He slowly sat down.  
“I want this contract, badly Dan. It would put Planet Ozone on the map globally, and I think we can do it,”  
“You do? You haven’t seemed very confident about any of this.”  
“Of course, I do. I am not good at social situations, but this is important to me. It’s more than a “job,” we may not like each other, but we are both damn good at our jobs,” I sighed, “And if we worked together, and not against each other, just think what we could do,” He nodded, “So now we need a new plan, and we need it quick, so what do you say, are we a team?”  
“Well, according to them, we’re Boyfriends, I guess,”  
“Ah, yeah,” I looked him up and down, biting my lip. Why did he have to be so damn hot?  
“Don’t worry, you won’t have to touch me,” Dan said bitterly,  
He ignored me, throwing a tee-shirt on, “Okay Lester, where do we start?”  
We arrived at the convention center at 9:00 am, after checking in with Jackson and Milo. We wanted to make sure that we were the first ones there, we saw a few others that were at the dinner last night looking at as. It had seemed that “Vivi” had been talkative. We wanted the company reps to see us, but not Mr. Kinney or the rest of the board.  
“I can’t believe you forgot, Phil,”  
“Well, maybe if you hadn’t been yelling at me all night,”  
We watched as the eyes were glued to us, it seemed that they all knew we were "together."  
“Shh, everyone is going to hear you,”  
“Got ‘em,” Dan texted me,  
The first day was mostly informative, various groups highlighting and showcasing their studies and data, they seemed to like my graphs, that was good enough for now.  When day one came to a close, Dan and I went back to the hotel right away, I wanted to rework parts of our presentation for tomorrow.”  
“We did well,” He said, “a lot of the filler companies won’t be back tomorrow,”  
“How can you be so sure?”  
He scoffed, “Kinney’s face shows everything he’s thinking, poor bastard,”  
“How many do you think?”  
“Hell, I don’t know Phil, but I would be surprised if there were more than 10 contenders remaining tomorrow,”  
“It’s only been one day!”  
“Dog eats dog, Phil,” We ate the food he had ordered to the room and put the finishing touches on the next level of our project, we hadn’t bickered or fought, when you had a common “enemy” it was easier to let the petty things go.  
“You’re good at making data easy to understand,”  
“Really? Thanks,”  
He smiled at me, then blushed, “Well, I’m knackered, best be off to bed.”  
“Right, Dan?”  
“I’m glad we teamed up to work together, you are the reason my data looks good,”  
He laughed, “I won’t argue with that,” He looked down, “Thanks,”  
“You’re welcome.”  
The next morning Dan and I secured our seats early, going over final notes. Dan was right, no more than 10 companies were invited back for the second day. As we noticed eyes on us, I heard Dan huff, “Fine, have it your way.” He got up abruptly and walked to the toilet. It took a minute for me to realize what he was doing, so the emotional response from me was real.  
“He seems like a pain in the ass,” It was Adam again,  
“He can be,” I said noncommittedly, “I guess we all can, though,”  
“That’s true, you in this on your own now?”  
“What? Oh no, he’ll be back. The last thing he would want is for me to take all the credit,” that wasn’t untrue.  
Adam laughed, “Yeah, I can see that,”  
Vivi walked by clicking her tongue, “Is there still trouble in paradise? What a shame,” She and Scott seated themselves at the head of the table, watching me carefully. I ignored them, Adam said quietly, “What a bitch,” I smirked.  
Throughout the day Vivi seemed to be more civil to Dan and me, but especially to Dan. Dan and I once again left straight away, I wanted to make sure everything was sorted for the next day.  
“Vivi seems to have taken a liking to you,”  
“Don’t be absurd, it’s just strange, out of place,”   “I think she knows exactly what she's doing,”  
“You’re so good at that,”  
“At what?”  
“Reading people,”  
I was lying in bed, unable to sleep. I wasn’t prepared for this level of competition, I just wanted to save the planet. As cliché and cheesy as it sounded, that’s really why I was here. It was disappointing that not everyone saw it that way,  
“Dan? Are you awake,”  
He groaned, “What do you want, Lester?”  
“You care about the planet, right?”  
He sat up, “What are you on about?”  
“Just, everyone here seems so focused on making a profit and “beating the EPA,” but for me, it's not about that.  I sincerely and honestly care about saving the planet, you know?”  
“Yeah, I know,”  
“To me, it’s more important than dollar signs, production, and contracts, but it seems like I’m the only one,”  
Dan paused for a moment, “You’re not the only one,”  
The next morning Dan and I were there earlier than the prior days, Dan was focused on having us be seen by as many of them as possible. If you would have asked me Sunday, I would be questioning him. Now I was trusting him, as shocking as that would be to Jackson and Milo, Dan and I were working well together.  
People started to filter in, there were only 5 companies left now, by the end of the day there would be only three, and tomorrow after our final presentation, the contract would be signed by one of us. “Phil, how could you be so careless,” Dan hissed loudly,  
He pulled me out of my thoughts, “I told you last night we shouldn’t have included that part,” His voice was so harsh, anxiety started to rise in me. I knew this was all staged, but I wasn’t prepared for it. I guess that was part of the plan too, the more natural my reaction, the easier it would be to sell.  
“I’m sorry, Dan,” I said, stuttering, I took a deep breath, “This is fake, this is fake, this is fake,” I chanted to myself.  
“You really don’t care about this at all do you?”  All of the eyes in the room were now on me, that was a real fear of mine. I was starting to lose composure,  
“You know that’s not true,” I started to shake, I got up and excused myself to the bathroom. It looked dramatic, it was good, but I needed to reset my brain so I could perform when it came time for us to say our piece. Dan texted me,  
“It’s not real, you’re doing great. You care more about this than any of the people here,”  
Today had been far more intense and cutthroat than others, but I suppose that was to be expected. I was pretty proud of myself for remaining as collected as I did.  Halfway through the day, we were notified that we had made the top three, Planet Ozone, Rival Trees and the current company, Accountable Products, were the finalists. Towards the end of the day, Mr. Kinney had to excuse himself to “take care of an urgent matter,” and his stand-in presented a PowerPoint on impacts to the "bottom-line” due to the harsher standards and regulations, I rolled my eyes.   When it was over, it was near 5; I wanted nothing more to crawl into a hole. I was drained.  
A few people were still hanging around, including Scott and Vivi, they had been watching us all day, but were not as chatty as before. I had a feeling that Scott was only a captive participant in the malice Vivi was planning, though I couldn’t be sure. He usually seemed to fade into the background.  
“Dan, Phil,” she said approaching us, “We’re going out for drinks, care to join us?”  
I was about to protest, but Dan responded, “Why not?”    
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” I said  
“Ah, loosen up a bit, we’re going to be back in London Saturday, we should experience LA.”  being as charming as he could, he looped his arm through Vivi’s and made his way to the door. “You have to tell me where you got that shirt, it’s amazing on you,”  Dan was so good at playing this part and Vivi had no idea, she was enamored with the flattery Dan was freely giving her. “Just give me a sec, love, I have to call my boss,” Dan was laying it on thick.  He stepped away and talked on his phone, we weren’t to call them until the morning, I wasn’t sure what he was doing until my pocket buzzed,  
“Trust me?” I met his eyes and nodded,  
“Okay, bye Milo,” Dan walked back to Vivi, grabbing her arm again, “Now that the boring is out of the way, where too?”  
“Well, they seem to be getting along,” Scott said, as we followed them out the door,  
“Look, I’m sorry if I caused problems, Vivi has a big mouth,”  
“It’s fine, it wouldn’t have been a problem if Dan would have been reasonable,”  
“Do you guys fight a lot?”  
“Oh, you have no idea,”  
“That’s rough,”  
I could tell he was pumping me for information, but the sincerity of his last statement threw me off. We all piled into a car and ended up at a restaurant across town.  
“They have the best Margaritas here,” Vivi said as they sat down at a table near the back.  
“Oh, you do know how to have fun!  I love strawberry Margaritas” Dan said, nudging her, throwing his head back laughing. It was somewhat unsettling how good he was at this. I think he had missed his calling; his acting skills were uncanny.  
“Oh, I love pink lemonade myself, what will your boyfriend have?” She asked him, winking,  
“Water,” I said  
Dan sighed, “Phil, please,”  
“What? Tomorrow is a big day, Dan,"  
“A few drinks won’t hurt,” Scott said,  
I sighed, "Alright, get me whatever you’re having Dan, I need the toilet,”    
“I love how you guys say you have to go to the bathroom,” She laughed obnoxiously and so did Dan. I rolled my eyes as I snuck around to the bartender.  
“Can I help you, sir?”  
“We are at the table in the back, please make any strawberry margaritas that are ordered without alcohol.”  I slid a 100.00 dollar bill towards him, “Charge us the same as if they do, it’s a work thing, um,” I tripped over myself trying to act casual,  
He held up his hands, pocketing the bill, “Ben Franklin says you don’t owe me an explanation,” he winked, “I got you covered.”  
“Good, if all goes to plan, there’s another $50.00 in it for you,”  
“You got it,”  
I walked back from "the toilet," Dan frowned, “Was there a cue?”  
“Something like that,”  
Three Margaritas in and an hour later, Vivi was once again gesticulating widely, and oversharing. Scott had ordered a beer and only had had one, so he wasn’t intoxicated, Vivi, however, clearly was, “You both are so cute, I’ve never known British guys before,” I glanced at Dan; my plan was working. He was acting drunk, but I think that it was more the placebo effect. “Well, then, we are getting pissed!”    
“Ohhh, we should go dancing!”  
“Vivi, I think we should head back,” Scott said,  
“It’s only 9:00, Scott, we don’t have to be back tomorrow until 1:00 PM, it’s the final day.”  
“Dan, I think we should get back, you’ve had a lot to drink,”  
“Sorry, Dad,” he and Vivi both laughed.  
I scowled, “Dan, can I please talk to you a moment, privately?”  
“Uh oh, I’m in trouble,” Dan said laughing. I pulled him into the bathroom, “What’s the plan from here?”  
“We go dancing,” he said pushing his hair back into place.  
“I think you are having too much fun with this; I don’t want you to get too caught up,”  
“I asked you to trust me, and you nodded,”  
“I do trust you, you’re just,”  
“I’m not drunk you know,”  
“Oh, I know,” I smirked, he met my eyes in the mirror, “All of our drinks have been virgin,”  
He smiled, that damned dimple popping out and taunting me, “Well played Lester, well played,” I fake curtsied, he laughed, “Okay, don’t fall,”  
“So, what’s next?”  
“Well, you are going to continue to be standoffish and a disappointed boyfriend, I am going to dance with my new found BFF!” He clapped me on the shoulder, “You know Lester, you are more devious than I gave you credit for,”  
“Please don’t say that,”  
“It wasn’t an insult,” He reached up and smoothed down a piece of my hair that was sticking up, a gasp escaped my lips, “Time to get back,”  
“All good?” Vivi asked, hopefully,  
“All good,” Dan smiled,    
“I’ll meet you at the car,” I walked up to the bartender, and slid him the $50.00, “Thank you,”  
“You got it, buddy. Have a good night,”  
Dancing and acting was a strong suit of Dan’s, I watched him gyrate his hips and pretend to be having the best time in the world, Scott sat with me.  
“How long have you been out?”  
“Ah, I’m not really,”  
“Oh wow, that must be really hard,”  
“I suppose,”  
It was nearing midnight, Scott put his foot down and decided it was time to leave. Dan had ingested some actual alcohol, I wasn’t sure how much, but when we got back to the hotel, he was all smiles.  
“I’m impressed, Lester,” he said, taking off his shirt, not even bothering to be modest, “You are pretty good at this, you play a pretty convincing disappointed boyfriend.  Also, Checkmate.”  
“What did Vivi say to you?”  
“Oh, so many things,” He smirked, “I found their Achilles heel,”  
“Oh, did you now?”  
“Yes, I did,” He leaned into me, and whispered, “The stats they have are all bullshit, plagiarized even.”  
I pulled back, “What?”  
His eyes sparkled, “Do you know they already pretty much have chosen the company they want? Or they had anyway. Vivi has been to these three times now, she said that they always come in second to the current firm, which they have already defeated. It’s the reason we were left with that lame-ass PowerPoint. I have come to find out that “Accountable products” are not so accountable when it comes to their taxes,”  
“Contract was terminated today,”  
“Oh my god,” That meant it was between us and them,  
“Right?” He grasped both my shoulders, “And you know what else?”  
I swallowed, he was so close to me, his lips looked like they were begging to be kissed, full and swollen from drinking, “What?” I whispered,  
“We’re even kilter with Rival Trees,”  
“And you know this how?”  
“Vivi had inside information, showed me some emails, it’s how I knew it was only our two companies in the running now. Vivi was so drunk she didn’t realize when she handed me the phone to look at the news article about Accountable, that I was looking at other things. The email she has was directly from Kinney sent to the board. How she got it, I've no idea, but it mentions us, Phil. As in they are very interested in us.  There was an unsent draft, Vivi is going to try to bribe Kinney if things go south tomorrow. Apparently, a private investigator found to cut corners, Kinney and the board broke several laws. She also had a list of the sites she used to falsify their stats. She’s smarter than that, but her inflated confidence with her perceived "ace in the hole," us, she became careless. It’s all in the email. We could actually win this, Phil.”  
“Do you have proof?”  
His lips curled into a guilty smile as he  pulled out his phone, it was opened to the exact website they had copied their stats from, “Oopsie, someone needed a drink and forgot that I had their phone,” he then showed me all of the emails, the insider information and the drafts that contained the blackmail attempt.    
“You’re Brilliant,” I breathed,  
“Oh, I know,” He turned and flopped down on the bed, “So tomorrow, there will only be two final presentations, not three. I have a feeling they are going to bring up a lot of personal things.”  
“I am not sure how that would matter,”  
“If the board is homophobic or stereotypical it would, we have been “bickering” very publicly. They could also pull “conflict of interest” but here’s the thing, we aren’t dating, we aren't boyfriends and as far as our bosses know, we can’t stand each other.”  
“Besides, I think we have the trump card,”  
“Well, let’s get to work, I think we need to come up with a backup plan to our back up plan, and we need at least some sleep.”  
“Okay, Lester, team Planet Ozone is about to win this thing!”  
I smiled, he was right, we really were a team. “Let’s do this,”  
Dan was sleeping when I woke up, it was shortly after 10:00, we had plenty of time before we had to give our presentation. I watched him as he slept, the fondness I felt was not expected. I started off dreading this trip, to begin with, now, I was dreading going home.  
“You know it’s weird to stare at people when they’re sleeping,” his eyes were still closed,  
“Well, you’re clearly not sleeping, so you have no proof that’s what I was doing.” a smile spread across his face.  
“Today is the day,”  
“It is,”  
“You alright?” He said, sitting up.  
“You’re sure?”  
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’m nervous,”  
“You’re going to do great, Phil, we are going to win.”  
“How are you so sure?”  
“Because I know our data is foolproof and theirs is not.”  
I smiled, “Thanks,”  
“Hi, Vivi!” Dan chirped entering the room,    
“Dan,” there was no hint of the fun-loving “BFF” from last night. She was hungover; Scott did not seem impressed.    
“Someone not feeling so good today?” Dan said, smirking.  Mr. Kinney and the rest of the board entered; ten men in suits sat at the front of the room, watching us. It was intimidating.  “I’m sure by now you all know that we have had to sever ties with Bennington, so it’s just you. Rival Trees will go first,” Mr. Kinney said.  
“Thank you, Mr. Kinney,” Vivi gave their presentation, Scott was basically her assistant, he flipped the PowerPoint pages, handed her notes and pretty much stayed silent. The presentation was good, if you didn’t know about the plagiarized and inflated stats, I wondered if Scott was aware of what she had done.  
“That concludes the presentation; however, I have some other information I would like to bring to your attention.”  I sucked in a breath through my teeth; Dan smirked. He was enjoying this,  
“Go ahead,”    
“This past Saturday Scott ran into both Dan and Phil out at a gay nightclub, and he discovered they were in a relationship. They are not opposed to public displays of affection. They both are very dramatic. This is a major conflict of interest and if you ask me, very unprofessional. We have all heard them quarreling and bickering, it seems as if they can barely stand to be around each other. I feel their relationship would certainly get in the way of productivity and as they cannot maintain a professional relationship, they would affect client relations.  They were fighting just last night. We graciously invited them to dinner, and even though we ended the night around 9:00, they were pretty intoxicated.” Dan snorted,  
Mr. Kinney glanced at him, “Excuse me,” He said, still smirking.    
“And though I understand that they are just representatives from Planet Ozone, I can’t help but wonder what type of a company you would be working with if they have allowed their employees to fornicate,” I had to bite my lip to keep from smiling.   “I am concerned about your image, your brand. Do you really want your companies to work with someone who is so eccentric and immature? Do you want them, as a couple to turn into the face of change for your company? I don’t think that would be wise, and that’s why I wanted to be honest, and forthcoming with this information. I would hate for you not to have all of the facts before making a decision.”  
“Thank you,” Mr. Kinney said, he looked at Dan, a signal that it was his turn.  
“Hello, My name is Dan and this is Phil, we work for Planet Ozone.” He stood up and started to walk around, he was a natural at this and I watched in awe. “Me and Phil are much younger than most of the other representatives from the companies that have been involved, and we are well aware that there may be a generation gap too wide for us to fill, but we have to try.” He looked at me, “Phil and I care deeply about the environment, and that is why we have made it our life’s work to be proactive, but it is much more than part of our jobs.” He was going off script, I took a deep breath. “Phil is one of the most compassionate people I have met when it comes to the environment, he cares about the planet and the impact that we as humans are having. In fact, that is pretty much all he cares about,” The panel exchanged looks, Dan continued, “but that’s amazing because I am about business.  I know that it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t turn a profit, Phil knows the exact number to meet regulations and guidelines, I know how to make that work to turn a profit. Not only will breaks be given by the government, but your products will also come with “clean” labeling.  The earth conscientious consumer will be drawn to your products, your already established clientele base can use it as advertising, it’s a win-win.” He nodded at me,  
“I can tell you exactly what to cut, where to cut and how to cut to make sure that you are within safe guidelines, I have all the data and all the stats. Dan and I have come up with a comprehensive plan to eliminate emissions by 6 percent in the next five years only effecting the bottom-line by .5%. That would easily be made up in marketing alone.”  
“That’s appealing,” one of the board members said, “What do you have to say for yourselves as far as the allegations mentioned?”  
I stood up, “I wish our work was enough to speak for itself, I guess it isn't." I took a deep breath and looked towards Rival Trees, "Do you know what the funny thing is about assuming things, Vivi? Oh well, I am sure you do. Sir, this woman has been out to get us from the start. At first, I wondered if she was just intrigued or maybe just fascinated by us as we are from a different part of the world, but then I realized that she was intimidated by us,”  
Dan walked to the front of the room, “Vivi, you are very funny, you know? You say all of these insinuated homophobic insensitive things, asking about changing the face as a couple, or how we are eccentric, thing is,” He pulled up a photo of her blackmail email on the projector, “We are not trying to break the law, as you are.” Vivi went white.  
“Sirs, last night ended after midnight, my accuser was very intoxicated, Scott can vouch for that, he also can vouch for the timing as he is the one who insisted we leave at midnight. She allowed me to have her phone, she showed me the information about “Accountable Products” and then she showed me this email.”  
“Now I am not typically a tit for tat type of a man, but it seems to me that the unprofessionalism would lie with Rival Trees,” I stood up and handed all of the board members sheets of paper, showing the evidence that none of the data presented was theirs, “In front of you is proof of that.” Dan looked at me,    
“In all honesty, this is not what I signed up for, I am interested in saving the planet, but these stats are not only severely out of date and do not meet current regulations, they are clearly stolen from another's work. As far as our personal relationship,” Dan interjected.    
“Phil and I are not dating; we never have been. In fact, before this week we hadn’t worked together for years, you can ask our management, we hated each other.    
Vivi stood up, “That’s not true, Scott said you were his boyfriend!”  
“Oh, because I slid my arm around him and called him babe?” So, Dan did remember, “I am gay, that much is true, but Phil was kind enough to come with me so I was trying to make sure he wasn’t uncomfortable, and as I recall, Scott was hitting on him,”  
Vivi looked at Scott who just shrugged, shaking her head, she sat down, knowing she was defeated.  A final look around the room and I was now confident that we had won, I knew that they believed us. It was over.  
“Welcome aboard, Gentlemen, I’ll be calling Milo shortly to work out the details,” Mr. Kinney said, “I’m sorry that you had to go through, well you know all that. Our company does not tolerate those types of attitudes towards others,”  
“Excuse me, I don’t know if that’s entirely true,” I said, “If that were the case, then the board members wouldn’t have been so skeptical, or had suspicions. I mean no disrespect, and I am thankful and honored to work with you,” I took a deep breath, “All I am saying is, Off the record, you may want to get them some sort of sensitivity training,”  
A smile cracked a crossed his lips, “I knew you were smart. Point taken. Congratulations. Enjoy your last days in LA, you’ve earned it.”  
As casually as we could Dan and I walked out of the room into the hallway,  
“Holy fuck Phil, we did it,” He pulled me into a hug “We actually fucking did,”  
“I can’t believe I didn’t pass out,”  
He pulled back, “You did amazing,”  
“So did you,” Dan realized suddenly that he was still holding onto and awkwardly dropped his arms, “So,” he recovered, “What should we do to celebrate?”  
“Sleep, dear god, please.”  
He laughed, “Okay, but let’s get take away, because I am starving.”  
Dan was showering after we had finished eating, I was processing everything that had happened. We both had ignored the calls from Jackson and Milo, they probably figured we were out celebrating anyway. I looked at Dan’s bed, I never thought that I would have fond feelings for that man.  Now that we were leaving, I had to admit I was a little sad.
His hair was dripping and he only had pajama bottoms on, what was this man’s aversion to shirts?  “Hey, Phil?”  
“I just wanted to say, like, Ireland?”  
“I’m sorry. I could have handled that better,”  
“So could've I, I’m sorry too. It's in the past, and it doesn’t even matter because today we won,”  
“Yeah we did,” He did a fist pump and I laughed.  “You’re staring at me again,”  
“Why are you so insistent on being shirtless, Howell?”  
He blushed, “I’m sorry, I guess I am just letting it all hangout. I should be more respectful of you. I know I make you uncomfortable,”  
“Yeah, you do,’ I stood up, walking towards him, “You remember the club,”  
“Ah, yeah I do, most of it,”  
“So, you remember the ride home,”  
“Mostly,” He whispered,    
“Damn it, Daniel Howell, I hate you. I was so angry and upset about Ireland and how you just stopped talking to me. I thought we got on well and then having to come here, and all of that, and then you just ended up being so,”  
“Gay, you had to be gay, didn’t you? It's infuriating, Dan. You're clever, witty, funny and kind.  Oh, and pretty, god you’re so damn beautiful and you don’t even realize it. And to add insult to injury, you don’t wear a goddamn shirt half of the time,”  
“Phil, I don’t understand,”  
“You are an idiot,” I looked into his eyes, “Tell me, do I still smell warm?” His eyes widened as I pushed my lips to meet his, my arm pulling us closer. He met me with the same eagerness, my free hand cradled his face.  
When I pulled back Dan’s pupils were dilated; I was breathing heavily. He rested his forehead on mine,  
“I thought you were straight,”  
“You never asked, did you?”  
“Well, no, but,”  
“Tisk tisk tisk,”  
He smiled, “So I take it you fancy me?”  
“I shouldn't but yeah, maybe a little,”  
“Does that mean you will cuddle me again?”  
I nodded, he said, “Good, because, yes, Lester, you do still smell warm,” and he kissed me again.
And that’s a wrap, I now have a blackout bingo. This was an amazing journey.   
Bingo Card:
Writers Choice
Teaming up
0 notes
colleenmurphy · 4 years
Parent Material
Mini playlist that inspired this piece ( *and subsequent others in the future ) : Peter Pan - Kelsea Ballerini  ( Frank ) What a Crying Shame - The Mavericks ( Colleen ) *Her Little Man - Jami Grooms *He's Mine - Rodney Atkins ( taken from Nathaniel's step father's POV ) Snippets & Bobs: What A Crying Shame { Family Don’t End In Blood verse } Why are there so many options? Who the hell needs this many brands for one specific thing? Oh my god that one’s nearly thirty dollars! Oh. Well, there’s five of them in there…maybe I’ll go with that one. Oh god…is that Janet Marlow?! Ducking behind a display of diapers she peered out and found that her inner terror of being caught in the Family Planning aisle of the Walter’s Pharmacy three towns over was misplaced. Same blonde beehive different woman entirely. She was mostly safe, she had her fingers crossed that her suspicions were simply wrong and her car would start. She had exactly an hour before she had to go punch in for work and this was not how she expected to start her Friday. She left the pharmacy nearly seventy dollars poorer and trying to think of the best time to get a hold of Frank. Deep blue. Bright neon pink. Positive. Two pink lines. Plus sign. Smiley face. Eight weeks in digital lettering. Who the hell puts a smiley face as an indicator? Eight weeks, huh? I wonder how big you are in there… All of the signs were palpable now and lined up on the edge of the chipped enamel bathtub of her home. She had expected to be upset. Maybe even to cry her eyes out, she had already had the initial panic when she’d spent nearly all of her money on those damn tests just to be sure and it had passed. Now, she had made peace with the fact that her life was changing, was she still a little scared? Yes. But her mother had raised with immense amounts of love and care and taught her how to stand on her own two feet just as her mother had raised Eileen herself. If her grandmother and mother could do it then so could she. It was now two weeks since she had bought those tests and she was still trying to get a hold of Frank Flannery. She’d left messages on his answering machine, cell phone, called the dispatch office and even had gone so far to call his mother all the way over the county line. So far she hadn’t heard a word back, she wasn’t surprised. Frank was always out somewhere on the road, given he had been employed with Wells Trucking for the last five years it was a given, oddly enough they had met through the company. She was working the dispatch office and had seen his name roll across her desk multiple times and had finally met him on a rainy Monday morning when his rig wouldn’t turn over. He was all blue eyes and charming smile and that had been it. He had a way of wrapping himself around her finger and they had been together ever since. Officially Unofficial is what he had taken to calling it. Even if her mother had said that sounded stupid. He could dance, they went out two stepping every other Thursday, he brought her flowers, mostly wild flowers or sunflowers but she loved them all the same, and he had even cleared out a drawer in his dresser at his apartment for her to keep some clothes in. Colleen liked to think that they were content. He hadn’t offered anything else and she didn’t dare ask for more because how much better could it get? But now…perhaps he had an inkling of what was going on and had just plain old taken to avoiding her. He never was the most mature man. Still didn’t stop her from trying once again trying to get a hold of him. “Frank, if you’re in town could please call me back? It’s important.” Sixteen Weeks: “You missed me didn’t you? You were just sittin’ there pining for me like always?” Frank had somehow managed by some small miracle to call her back. They had arranged to finally meet up for dinner. Colleen wasn’t expecting Junior’s Chicken over by the interstate but here she was tucked into a cushy booth with a plate of aforementioned chicken in front of her. The smell of old grease turned her stomach and watching Frank dig in made her even more queasy. Her sense of smell these days could rival a bloodhound. Something her mother found hilarious and her best friends found horrible. At least Helene and Lizzie treated her with sympathy. Her mother told her ‘Just you wait, Colly.’ Damn doctor told me that this was whole morning sickness thing was supposed to be gone. Damn liar he was. The tiny voice in her mind grumped as she sipped on her coke. Yes, I missed you but I’ve been a little preoccupied praying to the porcelain god and trying to find clothes that fit. Little voice was on a roll this evening it seemed. She smiled her same sweet smile and tried not to gag as he picked the bone clean as if he hadn’t eaten in weeks. “Oh yes, yes I…did.” He moved like a conveyor belt through his food and then noticed that she hadn’t touched hers. “You’re not eatin’.” “Oh…I had a big lunch…” Of soda crackers and flat cola. “From the looks of you you’ve had more than one lately, Colly. You’re packing on the pudge.” Pudge to grow your child, idiot. Nudging her plate towards him with a half smile half grimace she sighed. “Yours if you want it.” Heaping her sides onto his own plate with a sickening plop and biting into the fried chicken thigh like a wild dog she shuddered. I hope you choke on that damn potato salad you jackass. “What’d you wanna tell me? You sounded upset in some of those messages. Filled the tape up too. It’s gonna cost you five bucks to replace that tape for me. ‘Is he for real?! Now I really hope you choke on that damn potato salad.’ Sky blue eyes pinned her to the booth. Damn him. Was he actually worried for her or just merely curious?  For a moment she thought she was going to falter and clam up. Instead she took a deep breath and steeled herself and looked right back at him. She noticed he looked away. “I’m pregnant, Frank.” He blinked dropped his chicken thigh and stared at her with a gaping mouth like a big mouth bass. He was wheezing and turning red. He was choking. Oh hell, wishes actually do come true. “Stand up, Frank. Stand up.” A quick Heimlich and a few sips of his sweet tea and one quickly paid check later they were sitting in his pick up outside the Dairy Dream. He hadn’t said a word just pulled in went in and ordered two vanilla soft serve cups. He offered her one wordlessly, his way of mending the fence so  to speak. Or perhaps as a thank you for saving him from an embarrassing death. “Are you sure? Absolutely sure, Colleen?” “Yes, positively sure. Sixteen weeks at the moment.” A small hurmph as he looked out through the windshield. The expanse of sky towards the west had darkened to a deep grey. Large fat rain drops pelted the glass. He drew in a breath as Colleen looked at him. She noticed his cone had started to melt. Offering an extra napkin she brushed her hand against his. “What am I supposed to do?” For a moment Colleen thought for sure he was going to cry. She's unsure what to do so she just reached over and pats his shoulder for a moment. It seems to sooth him as he composes himself enough to look at her with red rimmed eyes. “If you’re expecting me to marry I..I can’t. I just don’t do marriage, Col. You want money? I can give you that. I’ll even allow you to put my name on the birth certificate but…I can’t marry you. I don’t know why…but I can’t. Maybe you love me more than I love you.” Anger rumbled within her. A streak of lightening lit up the cab for a moment. It wasn't about how much he loved her or even if he supported her. She felt he had a right to know about his impending child. No. Her impending child. “Did I ask you to marry me, Francis? No. Did I ask you for money? No, Francis I didn’t. Did I ask you for anything? Let alone the ever so generous use of your name on the birth certificate? No. I fully intend to raise this child by myself, if you feel so inclined to want to get to know my child feel free. If you don’t, fine, that’s on you. I just thought I was doing the courteous thing and letting you know that you had widened your gene pool.” Wrenching open the passenger side door she grabbed her purse fished out a five dollar bill and hurled it at him before she got out and slammed the door shut. She wanted to be as far away from him as she could be even if that meant walking home in a storm. She made it as far as the old Walker farm when Frank pulled up along side her and stopped. He got out and ended up herding her into the passenger side carefully wrapping her up in his coat. The smell of his cologne, some drugstore type and his preferred cigarettes should have calmed her. It didn’t. At least not anymore. They drove in silence until they pulled into the side driveway. “I just wanted you to know…this baby…is blessed to have you, Colleen. Your parent material. I’m just not. My father wasn't around and I don't...I can't. But I’m here if they ever want to meet me. I can’t offer them much but I’m here.” Slipping off his jacket she gave him a sad smile. Deep down she knew this would be their last in depth conversation so to speak and she was fine with it. He might be a broken man but at least he was somewhat honest about it. She didn’t need him anyway. She had two perfectly good feet to stand on, a backbone of steel and an iron will to match her heart of gold. This child was going to turn out just fine. “Thanks, Frank.”
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