#i get scared
meshpunker · 23 days
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manda-kat · 2 months
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Guess who got her favorite Batman comic as a coloring book? Me! I don't think I'll color it. It's so nice and readable in black and white. I'd love to get the real comic though.
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snuffdvalentine · 4 months
lots of grown men following lately sb tell me not to deactivate my account
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cometrose · 6 months
posting on tumblr: easy no problem a child could do this
posting on reddit: please don’t be mad at me i need video game advice please
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hushimstressed · 1 year
Hi, rat anon back again! Been a hot minute but I had another drabble I wanted to share with you.
There’s a rumor on the streets. A rumor that Spider-Man is weak. Vulnerable. A rumor he’s grieving someone, and that grief has made him sloppy. A rumor that everyone’s a little too nervous to believe. No one wants to end up in jail if the rumors are wrong. Better to let another take the risk, take the fall. And so they wait, let the rumors spread until they reach the ears of someone less patient. Less cautious. Some up-and-comer who wants the glory of being “the man who killed Spider-Man”. The rumors bolster him enough to take his shot. And those wiser watch him take his last steps.
There’s a new rumor on the streets these days. A rumor that Spider-Man is protected. Guarded. A rumor that while Spider-Man is vulnerable, his big shiny new green guard dog is not. That there wasn’t even bones left of the rookie villain who went after Spider-Man, just a bloodstain on the pavement. A rumor that alleys are getting less safe. That the streets aren’t free of danger even in daylight. A rumor that, for the first time, Spider-Man is turning a blind eye. A rumor that people and bodies are going missing under his watch. There’s a rumor, on these streets, that Slimecicle is off his leash. And he’s hungry.
In a tiny apartment on the shitty side of town, a sleepless Mariana hears the now familiar tune of an ill-maintained window creaking open. The smell of blood and musky wetness, a scent which once put him on edge but now only brings comfort, floods the room. He feels more than hears the covers pull back, and a wave of warmth hits as a body wraps his arms around him. Charlie always did run warm. He turns to face him. In the dark, he can barely make out his face - but it’s enough to see the blood on the corners of his mouth. That would have upset him once, he knows. Now he only cares that Charlie gets fed. He tucks his head under Charlie’s chin, pulls him closer, and goes, at last, to sleep.
the BFs are back together but at what cost??? (multiple casualities)
mariana is mostly fine with all the murder as long as the victims aren't innocent (and if they aren’t innocent Slime doesn't say, mariana would prefer to live in ignorance anyway), besides a mans gotta eat if he’s gonna try to bring back their daughter from the dead
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awakefor48hours · 10 months
I live in fear of my queued posts.
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faglagomorph · 8 months
I need a guy that will pull off my t shot band aids for me
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hellenicdreaming · 8 months
One of the worst things i suffer with is health anxiety. Every now and then i will go down this huge rabbit hole of thinking that im dying. I find one thing wrong with my body and then im on google looking things up which i know never leads to anything good. The next thing i know i think im dying again.
This time around i fixated on my lymph nodes. The previous week before i had been watching a lady battle and lose her battle to cancer and i think that's what had triggered it. I started looking for anything that was out of place on my body and discovered when i turn my head to the side that one side i can feel a lymph node and the other I can't
For the past two days ive been fiddling and pushing on it too see if it moves or hurts and too see how big it is. its squishy and moveable but my brain still tells me its bad. I started to put other things to the lymph node. Like the fact i have anemia because i have really heavy periods and have done since i was 10. Or the fact on my leg currently i have this big purple bruise and i put those together and think im dying.
Also in the winter time my periods become more erratic because the lack of vit D my body gets and i put this down to cancer as well.
Seems silly writing it because realistically ive always had bad periods, they've always been regular til the winter and then they become more erratic because of the lack of vit D.
I dont take care of my body half as much as i should. Im overweight, i dont sleep right or eat right. Ill only address my anemia if it becomes a probelm.
I got sick in November with a virus that could have cause my lymph node to be bigger and my body is still recovering from that, not to mention i think im getting sick again.
And the bruise i slipped getting into the bath the other day and hit my leg.
I think from now on im gonna stay away from people dying online, and im not gonna google everything. I cant keep going the way i am its exhausting 😞
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allthebestcowgirls · 2 years
this is actually me
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absentmoon · 2 years
the walk was so bad guys there are so many wasps out
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silverpolish · 1 year
support group for people who are so attached to a character that they can't actually consume the media that they're in
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dooodle-bug · 2 years
on discord servers the possibility of being kicked due to inactivity fucks me up so bad
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mallohollow · 2 years
me just vibing : :)
remembers I'm friends with @scrambledmeggys :
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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kiwi · 7 months
everybodys gotta get back into the practice of using pseudonyms online... i remember the time of screen names where u never ever told anyone ur real name and that was just understood as basic internet safety. plus having a screen name is fun because sometimes it sticks so well that it becomes part of ur identity that u can use in whatever facet of ur life you choose. it rocks to pick your own name
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valtsv · 9 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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