#i get scared even just thinking about the pacific ocean
slutdge · 8 months
the absolute steel fucking balls that ancient humans had to have to sail out thousands of miles from land in the pacific ocean, the massive scariest most fuck-off horrifying ocean in the world, in boats that were VERY SMALL for that kind of task by todays standards with not even the guarentee they would find new land, and became the first people to discover and inhabit islands in the pacific are my roman empire
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oliver-crow · 4 months
hii i really liked your tags on the OM fishie boys, can you talk more about them? or maybe which aquatic animal you would personally headcanon each? no pressure =w=bb <3
Hi thank you ! I’m just a ocean nerd who looks too deep on mermaid designs
So for these guys I’m going to give them a shark and a different sea creature , mainly because I love sharks so much know more about them but also I have ideas for other creatures.
Obey me cast as sea creatures!
• so for a shark I think he would be best as a bull shark
•bill sharks are territorial and can kill (even if accidentally)
•other animal wise he would be a vampire squid
•mainly for aesthetics but also since vampire squids are seen as not actually squids and of their own genus . Like how Lucifer was a demon but not anymore and is something different
•idk it’s hard to write for him T-T
• I know what you all are thinking for shark mams, ‘he’s obviously going to be a mako’
• NO. mammon is a lemon shark through and through .
• why? Well lemon sharks sometimes form bonds with certain divers and get incredibly possessive and greedy for the divers attention to the point they will actively drive away other sharks .
• who else is possessive and greedy but also sweeter than most other shark demons well mammon of course
• he could also be a bluefin tuna cuz really fast but idk
my bias will show here lmao
• Levi is absolutely a thresher shark I mean he has the same energy as one !
• thresher sharks attack schools of fish ..schools of normies maybe?
• noooo it’s not just because thresher sharks are my fav and Levi is also my fav whattttt/s
•as for marine creatures Levi is an octopus
•they hide away and can change colors when scared
•Levi hides away in his room and changes colors when embarrassed!/hj
• Satan gives off big oceanic white tip shark vibes
•Both are incredibly territorial and can act aggressive.
•for marine animal I’m just kinda throwing stuff at a wall here and hoping it sticks
• he’s a dolphin . I’m debating making him an orca but I have a specific sleepy demon I have that idea for.
•dolphins can be aggressive but sadistic when hunting things
•dolphins are also incredibly smart .
• ok to be honest I do not know what shark to throw at this guy so this will be vague
•he gets a leopard shark since they are considered one of the prettiest shark species
•and of course for sea creature he is a jellyfish , specially a sea nettle jellyfish!
•sea nettles may not be deadly but they can cause painful stings while also being incredibly pretty
•there’s no doubt in my mind that this guy is a tiger shark!
•tiger sharks are big strong and beautiful but they will eat literally anything
•like. Anything. Some have been found with license plates in their stomachs
•as for another creature he’s like a giant grouper
•they also eat anything they can fit in their mouths but also get huge .
• so shark wise he is a pacific sleeper shark
•they are supposedly known for their sluggish and dozy nature
•for a sea creature he is absolutely an orca !
•orcas are intelligent and methodical.
•they also have never hurt a human in the wild and only in captivity
•belphie was in captivity and then hurt a human so he’s an orca to me.
Holy crap I’m sorry this took so long I’ve been busy and I also wanted to make this as perfect as I could lol .
Hope it’s okay , I might make this an au , maybe . If y’all want that lmk lol
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techs-ass · 2 years
Shark Dump: Lemon Sharks!
Some of you seemed to enjoy my shark facts and honestly, if I can get the chance to rave about sharks, I will. So here are some shark facts starting with my favorite, Lemon Sharks!!
If you guys enjoy this, feel free to leave me a request with the name of a shark you'd like to learn about and I'll be happy to info dump on them. I'm thinking about posting one every Sunday (Shark Sundays!!! :D )
Technically I was supposed to post this earlier but I didn't lol oops-
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Conservation Status: NEAR THREATENED
This cute guy here is a Lemon shark or Negaprion brevirostris! They get this name from their yellowish skin and yellow bellies but they can be anywhere from brown to olive colored. Lemon sharks are mostly native to the Atlantic Ocean and parts of the Pacific where they occupy coral keys, mangrove forests, bays and even docks. Most populations can be found in Gulf of Mexico, the West Indies, and the Caribbean.
They can grow up to 11 ft long which makes them one of the larger species of sharks but don't let their size scare you! These guys are mostly scavengers that hunt for food near sandy in-shore areas. Most of the lemon sharks diet consists of bony fish, crustaceans and stingrays although they occasionally snack on seabirds or smaller sharks. They hunt using electroreceptors on their nose, called ampullae de Lorenzini, which help them detect fish and other creatures, even buried in the sand.
(Remember, sharks don't have hands so they rely on their nose and mouth to explore the enviroment around them!)
Lemon sharks usually live in oceanic waters that are no deeper than 188 ft although some have been found in waters at depths of up to 300 ft. They are one of 43 sharks that can swim in freshwater but usually don't travel very far into these waters as they can't survive for long periods in them. If you see a lemon shark in freshwater, they're probably just there for a quick bite to eat before heading back to the ocean.
Fun Fact: Bull sharks are the only shark that can survive in both salt and fresh water! They're also one of the dumber sharks and will try to eat anything that fits in their mouths.
Despite how scary they look, lemon sharks are actually a favorite among divers and marine biologist because of their docile behavior! They rarely attack humans (As of 2011, researchers had found only 10 cases of lemon sharks attacking humans, and none of these cases were deadly), in fact, they are very shy and usually try to avoid us. Though if they do approach, they're usually just being curious and will bump you with their nose.
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But my favorite thing about lemon Sharks? Once they get over their shyness, they LOVE getting belly rubs! They find the sensation very pleasant and will actively seek out the divers who pet them, even chasing other sharks away if they feel the diver’s giving them too much attention. Sometimes, if you rub their belly too much or if you stimulate the tiny sensory pores located on their snout, you can put them into something called tonic immobility.
Tonic immobility is a reflex that causes a temporary state of inactivity in an animal. Similar to hypnosis! Researchers aren't sure why sharks do this as it's usually thought to be a prey instinct so apex predators like sharks shouldn't have this. But most researchers have found that the sharks aren't stressed when they perform this behavior so it might just mean they're really relaxed! This is backed up by the fact that when in this state the shark’s muscles relax and their breathing becomes deep and rhythmic. Sharks usually enter tonic immobility in less than a minute and they can remain in this state for up to 15 minutes. It doesn't hurt them at all and researches use this to help subdue them.
Lemon sharks (like many other sharks) are imperative to keeping our reefs alive and healthy. Without them, we've already begun to see a major decline in coral reefs and seagrass beds. By taking these sharks out of the coral reef ecosystem, there's nothing to keep the larger predatory fish in check and they overfeed on the herbivores. With less herbivores, macroalgae expands and coral can no longer compete, shifting the ecosystem to one of algae dominance causing the reefs to eventually die out.
Now, back to lemon sharks and the most important fact I have about them: their conservation status.
Lemon sharks are considered to be near threatened. This means that they are likely to become endagered in the near future. This is because they are targeted by commercial and recreational fishermen primarily due to their highly prized fins. Their meat is also in high demand and is considered a delicacy in many areas. Further, the continuing destruction of their habitat has led to the severe decline of lemon shark populations.
But thankfully, there are steps already being taken to help protect these sweet sea puppies. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission prohibits the harvesting of lemon sharks in state waters. Any lemon shark that catches onto a hook is to be released immediately, either by removal of the hook from the shark or by cutting the shark free—whichever will release the shark quickest. Some countries are also slowly starting to put in protections for them as well.
You can also help! Many people view sharks as blood-thirsty monsters due to decades of slander campaigns and hollywood scare movies (I'm glaring at you Jaws). But we can change that view by showing the world just how beautiful and intelligent these creatures really are! The more informed people are about the sharks, the more we can do to help them. Just by reading this post and learning about lemon sharks, you're helping! Now, the next time you hear someone talking smack about sharks, you can smack them with some cool shark facts! Then hopefully with enough smacking, we can change how people see these lovely predators and get more support for their protection.
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partiallypearl · 7 months
*at gun point* What are some of your jeyna hcs
i have too fucking many but aight let’s go
they first met on one of jason’s quests. hylla and reyna had just escaped from circe’s and the pirates, jason was just abt to fight the sea monster. they both help each other out and become tentative friends
reyna does not trust him as far as she can throw him for a while. it takes jason a long time to prove himself to her
when they get back to cj, first cohort almost immediately tries to get reyna to join them, but the idea of not being able to be friends with jason is what holds her back
the jellybean thing becomes a joke after a quest goes wrong in seattle circa ttc. turns out harpies love jellybeans and they will leave you alone if you sacrifice them
jason learned how to braid hair as a little kid (fully stealing this hc from one of @hecatea’s old fics) and he was in charge of reyna’s hair once it started growing back out
speaking of reyna’s hair, it was cut into a fairly short bob when he first met her, so the first time he sees it down and almost rib length, he does a spit take
jason has several lichtenberg scars on his back and shoulders and reyna has fallen asleep tracing them quite often
their first kiss was during their third quest together circa botl. reyna thought jason was going to die and grabbed him and kissed him before watching him walk into what they both thought would be a trap. he survived (obvi) and they didn’t speak about the kiss until his birthday nearly a month later
they never outright admitted their feelings for each other but it was one of those things everyone knows about
during the battle of mount othrys, reyna takes a knife to the stomach for jason, and he goes ballistic afterwards. the sudden surge of anger and devotion is how he got officially recognized as juno’s champion
he makes her promise that she won’t die on him. she’s too scared to make him promise the same to her
they start planning their trip to dalmatia as a joke during one of their smaller quests, but eventually they both become genuinely interested in doing it
reyna has/had an old polaroid camera that she used to take photos of anything and everything. her collection of photos of jason is the biggest
her favourite photo of jason is him staring out at the pacific ocean with a blue superman hat on and this pensive look on his face. it would have done numbers on tumblr
jason kept/keeps every single sticky note reyna has ever written for him. he likes to look at her writing when he isn’t feeling well
they both get elected to praetorship shortly after the battle of mount othrys. reyna’s incredibly happy about it. jason is not.
the night jason goes missing, him and reyna had just had a massive argument about his hatred of being praetor
reyna refuses to burn jason’s burial shroud for months until shortly before percy arrives at cj. it would mean admitting defeat and she won’t do that
she never tells jason what venus told her at charleston. even if/when they get together, she never tells him
now this is fully hc, but i like to think that instead of jason dying, he just fully detaches himself from the demigod world and after a few years, him and reyna meet again at a coffee shop or something in san francisco and they slowly repair their broken friendship
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skittles-the-whumpee · 8 months
Old Dealings
Chapter One - Sudden Discovery
<<<So, this is a canon side story to bring Skittles into Be Careful What You Wish For since her original story is inactive. I'm trying a new-for-me writing style so please, bear with me.>>>
TW: demon whumper, faerie whumper, human whumpee, degradation, pet whump, yelling, insults, human trafficking, mentions of death, mentions of torture, mentioned kidnapping
It's not often that Lord Daelan Darya of Greed is able to visit the human realm on leisure trips but that is where he finds himself today, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, taking in the familiar scent of salty ocean air on the rooftop of his current love interest's home. The past year has been aggravating at best…he needs this vacation.
The past year had been spent searching for one particular person, one of his wards, a human he made a deal with over two decades ago…she's gone missing and not even his top trackers can find her. It's as if she's dropped off the face of the Earth, just completely vanished without a trace. So, to take his mind off things, he's come to spend some time away from Hell and his domain.
He feels hands sliding around his waist from behind as his lover wraps their arms around him, pressing their body against his back.
"Tense as always…well…I suppose less tense than you usually are."
"It's the ocean air, love. It's calmed me ever since I was a human child. Except back then, it was what is now known as the Persian Gulf." He says as he places his hands on theirs, cherishing their touch. "It was warmer, but this feels better, more calming."
"Have you ever gone back?"
"Hm? Yes…I-…I visit every now and then. It's so incredibly different than how it used to be. Still a dangerous place just…in different ways." He turns around and places his hands on their hips, pulling them in close. "Now, I seem to remember you telling me something about this new pet you've acquired but I have yet to see it. Is it shy?"
They giggle a little before standing on their tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Yeah, she's just a bit nervous around new people. She's likely been avoiding you on purpose, she doesn't mean anything by it."
"Scared of the big bad demon lord, is she?" He asks with a playful chuckle.
"Want me to go find her?" Their head tilts cutely to the side as an equally playful smile crosses their lips.
"Yes, please. You know I like to check out your new pets. Especially after that pretty angel boy." He definitely has very fond memories of playing with the magpie angel, delicious blood and the prettiest singing voice.
They then turn on their heel with a smile, prompting Daelan to cop a feel, making them squeak and giggle as they wander off to go find their newest pet.
They look everywhere for her; the kitchen, the living room, her cell in the basement, they even look for her in their room seeing as she's hidden there before. There's no sign of her. The only other place they can think of is…oh shit…the greenhouse…on the roof.
Meanwhile, back up on the roof, Daelan has started pacing with a lit cigarette, smoking while he strolls around casually. It's very well-kept, likely because of the pets. Though, a bit of movement catches his eye through the partially warped glass on the side of the greenhouse and, like the proverbial cat, his curiosity is piqued and he slowly approaches.
There's someone in there, slowly watering the plants. They seem relaxed, at peace while they go about their task. He leans in to look inside, squinting to get a better view as he takes a hit from his cigarette, his eyes then opening wide as the person inside turns around.
"There is no way, in all the rings of Hell, that I'm this lucky…" He exclaims loud enough for the one inside to hear. Her back straightens and the watering can rattles as she begins to tremble…she knows that voice.
She looks over at the man in the window and feels her knees instantly go weak. She blinks, hoping that she's seeing things. Nope…that's him. He's here. But…how did he find her? She had changed hands so many times that she was so certain that he'd never find her.
His brows furrow in anger as he drops his cigarette, squashing it with his foot while staring at his missing ward. After all this time, there she is, watering plants…owned by someone else.
"Outside, NOW!" He demands with a growl, making her trembling worse. Cowering from his anger, she obeys, setting the watering can down before exiting the greenhouse with her hands folded neatly down in front of her and her head bowed in submission and fear. She's rightfully terrified, she had volunteered to be someone else's pet and flown halfway across the world to serve him when she truly belonged to Lord Daelan. Needless to say, she's in deep shit.
He's fuming, tapping his foot as she makes her way to him, kneeling before him just as he had trained her long ago.
"Do you have ANY idea how long I've been looking for you?! Where the FUCK have you been?" Each inflection makes her cower into herself more and more, trembling like a leaf.
"I-I-…I'm so-sorry…I-"
"DID I FUCKING ASK IF YOU WERE SORRY, YOU MISERABLE LITTLE SHIT?!" He bellows, his horns manifesting from pure rage. It's at that point that she starts sobbing in fear, she's seen him turn people to ash for lesser offenses. She cannot stop herself from pressing her forehead into the cold concrete of the roof, her tears dripping on it.
His lover reaches the roof and hears his yelling, wondering why their sweet pet is on her knees, sobbing with her head against the concrete. They figure she had offended him somehow…but…how? She's so sweet, she's never broken a rule and guests love her.
Daelan hears the door to the roof close and he turns, still rather angry, not quite able to switch it off at a moment's notice.
"What is going on up here? Skittles, what happened?" They ask, so very puzzled.
Before she can even open her mouth, Daelan raises a finger to them. "This is between me and her, love. Please stay out of it."
Wrong answer.
Their blood begins to boil at being told to stay out of something pertaining to one of their pets.
"Ex-fucking-cuse me?! She is mine and you will respect my authority in my own home." They command as they march right up to him, not even caring that he's the demon lord of Greed, this is their home and they're not about to let him tell them what to do…not here.
Daelan is actually so taken aback by them storming up to him that he's speechless, staring down at them with wide eyes. By the time he's able to collect his thoughts for a reply, they are standing strong, puffing their chest out and actually looking rather intimidating.
"But she's-…" He's barely even able to start a sentence before being cut off.
"NEED I actually adhere to the court order against you?" That makes him shut his mouth tight and shake his head. He then steps aside and over towards the edge facing the harbor, forcing himself to calm down before he does something that will risk his lordship title.
They watch him step away before kneeling down with their pet, completely shifting their attitude from a moment ago as they console the crying human. They rub her back, cooing softly that she's not in trouble and that she can go downstairs and get something to eat. She sniffles as she nods and slowly stands on shaky legs before making her way downstairs.
Once she disappears down the stairs and the door closes, they stand and slowly approach their lover, wrapping their arms around his waist from behind again, prompting him to gently place his on theirs.
"Care to explain what that was all about?" They ask in a calm tone.
He sighs and deflates a bit. "She's my missing ward…the one I've been looking for all this time and she was right under my nose. How long has she been here?"
"A few weeks, I bought her from my college friend, a fetch. He didn't say where he got her, though." It takes them a moment to fully register exactly what he said about her. "Wait…hold on…she is your missing ward?"
He nods, brushing his thumb over the back of their hand, their skin is delightfully soft, good for staying calm, given the circumstances. "Yeah. She is."
They raise their eyebrows in surprise. "Holy shit…talk about a small world. Like…what are the chances of that?"
"Impossibly slim."
"Well…since she was your property to begin with, you can have her back…as much as I'll miss her. She's a very sweet and obedient pet, try to take it easy on her." They offer as they press their cheek against his back in a hug.
Shocked by their offer, he turns back around to look them in the eye. "Are you sure, love? You seemed pretty steadfast when coming to her defense."
They look up at him and smile softly. "Yes, I'm sure. I can't withhold your property from you, so I'm returning her back to her rightful owner." They take a moment to think. "However, I'll only do so if you swear to me that you won't kill her."
He looks off to the side, thinking if it's even worth taking her back at this point before finally settling on a decision. He'll take her, she needs discipline but he'll keep her alive.
"I swear to keep her alive, you have my word. Thank you for returning her to me…I can finally put this wild goose chase to rest." He leans down and gives them a tender kiss, grateful to have them in his life. They keep him honest, completely unafraid of him and his aggressive habits, totally comfortable standing up to him without backing down. He's finally met his match.
Now to just get his pet home. She may be safe from death, but her previous owners are saints by comparison…and she's had some brutal owners.
BCWYWF Taglist (since this is a parallel story):
@whumpshaped @whumper-soot @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @dragonfireridge @whumpofdory @astrowhump @batfacedliar @the-scrapegoat @livoftheparty @thebejeweledwatercat
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heartlaboratory · 1 year
In the middle of the Pacific Ocean there's an island, it's not yet a well known touristic location but it's a tropical paradise and the native's culture is very interesting. That's why, having a degree in history and being passionate about ancient cultures, she planned there a vacation with her friends.
Sadly they seem more interested in passing the whole day chilling in the beautiful shores, doing nothing more than swimming in the ocean's warm waters and sunbathing on the white sands. At least for once It should be worth it to participate in some cultural activity so she decides to leave them for one day and do something peculiar: she will join an historical reenactment. The event will be based on a long walk from the main village up to the volcano along the ancient Holy Trail, the one used during human sacrifice rituals to honor the fire mountain. A group of locals will impersonate the priests while the tourists will be the "victims" that fortunately, in this modern times, will simply walk up to the top for a fake ritual.
Given the tropical weather a light outfit would be perfect: just a white shirt, a pair of shorts and trekking shoes... And why not, that flower garland they gave her the first day.
The small crowd of participants gathers at the town center where the procession will start. The locals as the priests are wearing their historical costumes and fortunately there are also a couple of other tourists.
The long walk starts leaving the town for the jungle where once passed the Holy Trail. The weather is hot and the humidity makes the air so thick it feels like walking through the water. The ground is muddy and the slope impervious. In one word it is exhausting.
One step and then one more... But how much time has passed? The monks singing are hypnotic and the jungle seems wrapped all around her.. "Hey, why are they carrying me holding my arms? -she thinks- Who took away my garland? Has someone draw some symbols on me?!"
She suddenly gain full consciousnes again. Her shirt is drenched in sweat and her heart is literally hammering in her chest while she feels completely worn. The monks are standing all around her and the other tourists have disappeared. A monk gets closer to her and places a hand on her chest, right over her heart that as a consequence start beating even faster. He says words in a language she doesn't know but somehow she understand: "Her heart is perfectly alligned to the Mountain's Energy" he says.
"My heart... What??" She replies. But without having even the time to get more scared her head start spinning, her vision becomes blurry.
"Am I having an heat stroke?!"
Everything goes black.
She suddenly wakes up. She's now on the top of the mountain, tied up to a woodden structure completely naked. The monks are in front of her singing and dancing. She's caught by a panic attack and faints again. When she wakes up a monk is earstething her. "Her heart is ready to be donated to the Mountain!!" He exclaims while the other monks start screaming for joy. She starts screaming too, terrorized, but she rapidly runs out of air and the lights go out again.
A sharp pain wakes her up and as she opens her eyes she sees a monk's hand that is literally passing through her left sternum border like her rib cage doesn't even exist. His hand touches her heart while the fingers are searching for a strong grip on the organ. Once vigorously held, the monk retract his hand carrying her heart outside of her chest. The organ is now beating in front of her terrified eyes, so powerful she can clearly hear the beats passing through the air. A last snap and her heart is separated from her body without even opposing resistance. Without having a pulse, life starts rapidly leaving her... She's still able to open one eye to give a last look just to see a hole in her chest and her heart still beating in the monk's hand that is now rising it towards the sky.
"How could I've been so stupid -she thinks- it was a trap... They are savages and they still sacrifice us clueless tourists... No one will ever find me here... Oh..." Everything becomes dark.
She wakes up in her hotel room, in the middle of the night, in a pool of sweet in her bed. Her heart is racing so fast she crosses her hands over it, scared it could jump out somehow... The jungle, the walk, the sacrifice... It was just a nightmare.
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vole-mon-amour · 1 year
Johnny, feeling the relic attack coming before V: "Get ready."
V collapses to the ground: "Aughh... Johnny!"
"You ain't dying yet. I got you."
(some time later we wake up on the floor of some abandoned Pacifica hotel, with meds in our hand)
V, softly: "Johnny..."
Johnny:" Get up. Pacific a is beautiful in this time of day."
I've seen that interaction so many times, yet it still gets me. V looking for comfort from Johnny, Johnny taking over our body and getting us to where he felt most comfortable and safe. Where he wants and hopes to comfort us.
Gosh. He. Him.
Their relationship. Not to mention that it feels like at some moments it's like Johnny feels the attack even harder than V? Which makes me think of that moment in the Phantom Liberty trailer. Johnny is full on going through it with V, just like when they first got attacked and Johnny was so fucking scared.
V: "Almost flatlined by that attack."
Johnny: "Almost."
V: "You're right. The ocean is beautiful. Hard to take my eyes off it."
"C'mon. Wanted to show you something."
🥺🥺🥺 Right this moment, my heart beats for him. Not to mention the attack of Takemura and V, where Johnny literally almost screams at V with "eyes all three sixty! They're in the hallway, and we gotta get out!"
No but seriously. How find they are become of each other.
"Cool your chrome. If I wanted full control, I'd have takes it already, lots earlier."
THAT'S what I'm talking about. Sure, the first time Johnny takes control over V's body (speaking of, I'm surprised this didn't happen just yet? in my memory this happens so much faster, but we already met Hanako through a doll and Johnny only taken control when he felt the relic glitching like crazy, almost flatlining us), he completely messed it up with a new tattoo (but hey, V + Johnny? I ain't complaining. Johnny Silverhand himself wanted that tattoo on us), with tons of booze and smoking and wanting to bang some random people.
He waits for that conversation to happen at least. He COULD have taken the control, but he did not.
There's no other way to say this so: not only I love Johnny and mostly play and replay this game for him, but I respect him as well. He's my kind of character.
And I won't even start on the dog tags and that Johnny wanted to show and give them to us. Something so important to him and we become just as close with him. That topic deserves its own post. My goodness, I'm in my feelings again. It's like I haven't played this part before, it gets me like the first time. It's what I love the most about this game, this moment—one huge "Talk to Johnny" & I could do that for an hour of an actual real life time.
Not to mention thy after this tons of new jobs happen. Finally meeting Rogue and Kerry on a personal level. My goodness, even the thought of that. They saved the best part for the last.
UPD: no but:
"These yours?"
"Were. They're yours now."
Fifty years back. Johnny hid them so no one could find them, hey he led us straight to them. I have so many feelings about them to the point of me shaking my head, not believing this is happening. I—
"That's why I brought you here. Wasting days, weeks—that's the step I want you to skip."
Is it just me or does it actually make Johnny think of his friends? Maybe wanting to make amends (aside from the obvious wish to keep on living)? How he nudges V in the direction of Kerry and Rogue. My heart.
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emsuemsu · 9 months
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@hprecfest day 27: muggle au
Muggle au’s are the bane of my existence. I have such a deep love-hate relationship to them and I don't even know why. Every time I say I don't fuck with muggle au's I go and read like five of them back to back. I am Icarus and muggle au's are my sun 🥹
these violent delights (have violent ends) by @imdamagecontrol 🩵 95,138 words, regulus/james, sirius/remus
The RMS Titanic is the Ship of Dreams—considered unsinkable and insurmountable in her luxury, she is the largest ocean liner in the world. Her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York begins 10 April 1912 with more than 2,000 souls on board. Regulus and Sirius Black are English-French royalty and First Class passengers. It's a luxury most can only dream of. But for both brothers, the Titanic is a nightmare bringing them closer to futures they do not want. James Potter and Remus Lupin aren't supposed to be on the Titanic. They get lucky winning Third Class tickets in a poker game just moments before she sets sail. For them it's a fresh start, a sure shot to new lives and freedom across the sea. It's purely by accident that their paths cross; First and Third Class passengers don't often end up in the same spaces. Yet this time they do, and what begins is a tumultuous and harrowing love story marked by a tragedy none of them will ever forget.
Ma’am 😀 sir 😀 your honor 😀 I'm devastated. In the best way possible, again. It's everything you can assume from a Titanic AU. Pain and heartbreak, but delivered in such a beautiful, poetic at times way. In love with this one, I re-read it before writing this and it hit even more the second time reading it. I don't think I've yet read a happy jegulus fic, I am convinced there is no such thing as happiness with these two at this point in my life.
to be where I'm going (in the sunshine of your love) by theweightofmywords 🩵 19,080 words, draco/harry
"He imagined Draco’s smile, all gums and slightly crooked teeth, his hair slicked back with Pacific water, and he knew: He’d travel as long as he’d need to if it meant he’d see that face. If it meant that Draco would hear the message he’d been carrying for so long. Maybe he didn’t have to travel the road alone anymore." Draco and Harry go on a road trip together. It's about the journey, not the destination.
There's something about american road trips that make me WEAK. I dream of going back to visit the places I didn't have the chance to visit while I lived there, but I'm so scared they'd yeet my ass back to Europe at the border because of my unpaid taxes. Idk how the american government works, do they keep records of that kind of stuff?? Whatever. This fic is a vibe with all capitals. So sweet, so soft, so angsty, a perfect mix of everything I need in life. There's the euphoric getting together while on the road part, there's the unavoidable coming back to home-crash (speaking from experience, that shit hurts) and there's the happy ending these stupid boys deserve, every goddamn time, in every universe, muggle or magic. Lovely.
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koco-coko · 9 months
Saw your tags! Honestly, I'M JUST getting to know about Amelia and I'm loving it.
Feel free to info-dump me about her if you get the urge too. I kinda need it given how much there's about despite, according to what I see, her being a private person in general? Especially regarding her religious views... I need to check that further.
AHHHHHHH ok ok ok here we go so I haven't brushed up on my Amelia Earhart in a while BUT here's the few things I remember vividly:
I believe she was a nurse or some sort of medical aid for soldiers before she became a pilot and used that money to buy her first plane
She wrote a book titled "For the Fun of It" and I read it a long time ago I don't remember if it was any good or not but it's a autobiography about her life and passion for flying
When she first saw a plane at age 10, Amelia is quoted as being uninterested in flying! It was only after she saw a stunt show when she was i think 20ish that she gained her passion for it
Once when Amelia and her friend were watching a pilot, he dove at them to scare the two. Amelia stood her ground
She kept a scrapbook of newspaper clippings of successful women in male-dominated fields!
My favorite line of her's is this one taken from her flight from Honolulu to Oakland California: "Indeed that was the most interesting cup of chocolate I have ever had, sitting up eight thousand feet over the middle of the Pacific Ocean quite alone." I dunno something about it just speaks to me even though it's so simple and not really describing much. Just crazy to visualize and feel in my head.
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2oosterr · 11 months
static meets orca
lieutenant commander eric 'static' reyton
wc: 0.7k
warnings: none
march 5th, 1999; somewhere in the pacific ocean
eric wouldn't call himself a nervous man; careful, maybe, but he doesn't scare easily by any means. but when he turns the corner and finds himself face to face with lieutenant orca, there's a twinge of fear that pulls in his chest.
frozen in place, he half considers turning around and finding a different route just to avoid her, but despite seeming to be engrossed in the aggressive mopping she was doing, orca still notices him. her eyes flick up to his through her furrowed brow, sighing harshly and gesturing for him to pass with a jerk of her head.
"go." she grumbles, pulling the mop to her side and resting her other hand on her hip. for a second, eric hesitates, still debating on running off, but she starts impatiently tapping her foot as she waits for him to move.
he wants to say something, to reassure her that he's on her side even if no-one else is, that she's not the only one. the words are on the tip of his tongue, but orca's fierce glare withers whatever confidence eric thought he had.
with as much respect as he could muster, he edges past her, trying his best to step around where she'd freshly mopped. he glances up, meeting her fiery brown gaze, and for a fleeting moment, she looked a lot more like a cornered animal than the untamed beast everyone said she was.
"hey, uh–" he begins, swallowing his nerves before the can get the bettor of him,  "for the record, i think you both deserved it."
"the fuck?" orca spits, the fury on her face reignited by his admittedly poor choice of words. "you think I deserve to be mopping the damn floors right now? you got some fuckin' nerve, boy," she practically growls at him, throwing her mop to the ground as she takes a menacing step closer.
"wait wait! that came out wrong!" eric sputteres, taking a quick step back with wide, panicked eyes, but she just takes another step, hands curling into fists at her sides. "i– i meant to say– he deserved to get punched, and you deserved to be the one to do it."
she stops, still staring him down with the same deadly glare that, for a second, narrows even more, and eric truly believes that he's about to get his nose broken too; but orca just scoffs, turning her back on him as he releases a silent breath.
"...there were better ways to say that." she mutters, pointedly rolling her eyes at him as she picks up the mop again.
"right, sorry. i'll think before i open my mouth next time." he replies, a tiny smile finding it's way to his lips as the tension diffuses. "i'm eric, by the way."
"yeah i know who you are, reyton. you're the one that always fucks up the radio." orca replies, returning to vigorously mopping the floors again as they talk.
"ah," an embarrassed grimace takes over his expression, and he brings a hand up to scratch at the back of his neck, "yeah, that's me."
"isn't that your whole job? i don't get how you can be so bad at it…"
"probably something to do with my–" eric pauses, eyes scanning the corridor for any other signs of life before continuing in a low mumble, "...enhancement."
this time it's orca that freezes, mid swipe with the mop, eyebrows shooting up as her gaze snaps over to him.
"you're…?" she gestures between them, conveying the question without speaking it aloud. eric nods, and she tuts at him. "why didn't you lead with that? i almost victimised you, dumbass."
at that, eric lets a real grin form. "like i said, not a great thinker."
"i can tell." orca huffs, something that he thinks might've actually been a laugh. she's nicer than he was expecting, even if it wasn't by much.
the sound of voices from around the corner interrupts the quiet, one of them eric recognises as their superior officer, whose errand he completely forgot he was running.
"ah shit, that's the commander," he mutters, already starting down the corridor when he calls over his shoulder, "see you round?"
orca rolls her eyes again and turns back to mopping, her icy facade seeming a lot less intimidating than before.
"whatever, blondie." 
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kakyoinscheryblush · 2 years
Once upon an lost island [Joseph Joestar x reader]
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Summary: Y/n was an archaeologist at the Speedwagon Archeology Centre. After being paired up with a famous adventurer Joseph Joestar to an upcoming expedition, she will have to overcome her many fears in order to prove to her agency that she is fit to be one of their best researchers they have.
However, neither Joseph nor Y/n were prepared for what the mysterious island had in store for them…
This work is originally posted on Ao3 on my profile @Tena_HH
Masterlist << Next chapter
Chapter one, Somewhat a celebrity
Dear grandpa,
New York is livelier than ever, even after many letters we have exchanged over the years. My job is still the same and I swear the rats are getting bigger and bigger. And the Speedwagon Archeology Centre is thriving as usual!
You know how every time I write to you I say there aren't any major discoveries? Well, this time I have a surprise for you! 
One of our satellites discovered a medium island in the Pacific ocean two months ago! But I wouldn’t be writing to you so urgently if it wasn’t a major discovery.
The satellite caught a picture of a temple in the middle of an island. Though, it is surrounded by probably kilometres of rainforest. 
Today there will be a huge conference with all the famous archeologists you could think of, and the commission will be choosing the candidates for the expedition to the newfound island!
Since the Speedwagon Archeology Centre discovered the island with our satellites, we have to recommend who we will be sending to the expedition. 
And I sincerely hope it isn't me. You know I’ve never been good at such things, I’m better off brainstorming in my lab rather than getting eaten by a huge beast or something. 
The news reporters are going to be swarming within minutes the conference is done and there will be numerous articles and theories about the island. Even though we ourselves don’t know much about it. 
But, I’ll be updating you in the next letter. Until then keep safe and don’t forget to lock Roger in his cage at night!
Your dearest granddaughter, N/n
The h/c haired woman sighed as she put down the pen next to the letter. “I’ll send it off tomorrow…” she murmured as she folded it up and put it aside. 
This was the biggest discovery that the Speedwagon Archeology Centre ever had! It felt as if it was just yesterday when everything happened.
And today, there will be a conference where her agency will have to recommend two people to go on the expedition.
It would probably be Jessica and Christoper… The duo was an ace when it came to going on expeditions to unknown places.
Which made Y/n extremely happy since she didn’t have to really go anywhere. Most of the time it was her assistant, Penny Adamas, who brought her the news or a cup of (favourite drink).
Y/n greatly appreciated her and she showed that by sometimes giving Penny gift cards for some clothing stores. 
“Ms. L/n! Ms. L/n! We must get you dressed! NOW! ” a short woman with her hands full of clothes slammed the wooden doors open, making the vases around the huge office shake.
“Oh God, Penny! Don’t scare me like that!” Y/n exclaimed as she placed her hand on her heart. 
Penny laughed and dropped the pile of clothes on Y/n’s opened books, “No can do in this kind of emergency, Ms. L/n. Also, I picked out this outfit for you! Now go change quickly!”. Without observing the clothes Y/n picked them up and rushed out of her huge office and went into a nearby toalet. 
There were five of her other coworkers inside touching up their hair and make up.
“Hello, Y/n!” one of them greeted as she pulled out a red lipstick out of her small handbag.
"Hello to you too, Nicole!” Y/n greeted as she rushed into the bathroom stall and locked the doors. 
“Let’s see what Penny has brought me…” she whispered as she unfolded the freshly ironed clothes.
It was a white blouse with a knee length black skirt, black blazer and black heels. https://imgur.com/a/SV7GEcR (look reference)
“Hm, looks promising…” Y/n muttered as she took off her previous clothes and put on the ones that Penny gave her. After she dressed up she neatly folded her clothes and grabbed her shoes. 
She opened the bathroom stall doors and walked out, while trying to quietly stepp in her heels.
The other five women left and now it was only Y/n in the bathroom. “Thank God I washed my hair yesterday…” the h/c haired woman mumbled as she brushed down her hair, keeping her (type of hairstyle) intact. 
Y/n walked out and entered her office, and spotted Penny observing the artefacts in one of the tall showcases. “What do you think, Penny?” Y/n asked as she placed the clothes onto her chair. 
The brown haired assistant whirled her head around and gasped.
“Ms. L/n! You look absolutely stunning!” Penny’s hazel eyes glimmered in happiness. “Of course I do… After all, you’re the one that chose my outfit.” Y/n smiled at her assistant. 
Penny laughed and clapped her hands, “Now… Time for some perfume!” she exclaimed as she pulled out a glass bottle with translucent pink substance in it.
Y/n’s eyes widened in alarm, “No- Penny, put that thing down!” she shouted as she hid behind her office chair. 
“I’m sorry Ms. L/n, but this has to be done!” Penny shouted as she ran to Y/n and sprayed her multiple times with the pink perfume. 
“Gah-” Y/n choked and squeezed her eyes shut. Penny rolled her eyes, “Ms. L/n… Really?”. Y/n fixed her posture and sucked in a deep breath. “Yes, really …” she mumbled as she shook her head. 
After a few moments Penny chuckled as she sweated a bit, “Ms. L/n… I may have forgotten to tell you a tiny detail about the press conference…”. Y/n raised an eyebrow at Penny, “What is it?”.
“Joseph Joestar is attending the press-”  
“WHO IS WHAT -” Y/n screamed as she grabbed her chair, preventing her from falling on the wooden floor. 
Penny grimaced a little, “Mr. Speedwagon invited Mr. Joestar to attend the press… Hehehe… Apologies for not telling you sooner…”. Y/n’s throat went dry as she shook her head. 
“O-Oh God… I think I’m about to faint…” she mumbled out as she paced her palm on her forehead.
Penny panicked and rushed to her, “Oh, come on Ms. L/n! Don’t be like that! Isn’t he the person who you always considered an icon in the archeology world?”.
Y/n shakily nodded as her cheeks flared up in embarrassment, “That’s the thing Penny! I will fumble with my words and make an absolute idiot out of myself! I can’t even have a normal conversation with anybody and now I’ll have to talk to the Joseph Joestar!?”
Penny patted her shoulder, “There, there, Ms. L/n… Maybe you can ask him for an autograph when the press finishes?” she suggested.
Y/n sighed and shrugged her shoulders, “Yeah, but which one?” she muttered as she bent over a bit and opened one of the desk drawers, revealing up to 10 magazine covers with Joseph on them. 
“Wow, Ms. L/n… I didn’t know you admired him that much…” she teased the taller woman. Y/n rolled her eyes as her cheeks flushed, “Don’t even start, please …” whined as she placed her face in her palms. 
“Alright, alright I wont…” she chuckled as she looked at her silver wrist watch. “Oh shit! Your ride is waiting outside the facility!” Penny shouted out as she pushed out Y/n out of her office. 
“W-Wait- You’re not going with me?!” Y/n exclaimed and Penny rushed to the table, picked something up and ran to Y/n.
“No, I’m not. I have too much paperwork to finish. Now take this and go!” Penny slammed one of her magazine covers into her chest and closed the doors in front of her. 
Y/n stared at the doors for a few moments until she shook her head, folded up her poster and hurried to the elevator and pushed a button.
Once she entered the elevator she pressed the button for the first floor and the metal doors closed automatically. 
The elevator opened and Y/n walked out into the huge reception floor. Many people were also in a hurry, many of them wearing lab coats while some were wearing suits and dresses. 
“Excuse me- Sorry-” Y/n apologised as she bumped into a few coworkers.
Once she got out she spotted a man dressed in an all balck suit holding a paper with ‘Y/n L/n’ on it. “Sir! That’s me!” Y/n exclaimed as she waved at the driver. 
“Took you long enough, princess…” the older driver grumbled as he opened the doors of the back of the limo for her. “I’m sorry sir, it was a real struggle to get out of the building…” Y/n apologised to him. 
“Eh, it doesn’t matter, I just wanna get paid…” he muttered as he entered the limo and looked at the back of the paper. “The Sci-Dispatch Press facility…?” he mumbled to himself as he started the car. 
Y/n stayed quiet as she swiftly stuffed the magazine cover into the pocket of her black blazer.
The driver started driving and noticed Y/n fidgeting a bit, “You ok over there, champ?” he asked as he looked at her through the rearview mirror.
She looked up into his eyes in the mirror and bit her lip anxiously, “Not really… There is a big press conference that I have to attend and I’m starting to think that I won’t be able to do it…” she admitted in defeat. 
“The Sci-Dispatch Press doesn’t like weaklings like you, buster. Let me tell you that… I hear a lot of nasty shit that they do behind the scenes…” He muttered as he opened a piece of bubble gum and popped it into his mouth. 
“Want some?” he asked as he outstretched his hand and offered her a pack of pink bubble gum. “No thank you sir…” Y/n replied politely.
“More for me… By the way, the name’s Tony Castellano…” Tony introduced himself. 
“I’m Y/n L/n, nice to meet you sir.” Y/n said to the older man. “If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of ‘nasty shit’ did you hear that the Sci-Dispatch Press does?” Y/n peered over to the limo driver who loudly chewed the pink bubble gum. 
Tony laughed snarky, “Cara mia, you sure ask a lot of questions… But alright… I overheard that the Sci-Dispatch Press is helping with multiple artefact smuggling from all across the world. Not sure if it’s true, but you didn’t hear this from me, capish?” Tony warned the e/c colored woman and her eyes widened in shock. 
‘This is where we will have our press conference about our newest discovery!’ Y/n thought as many alarms balred inside her mind.
Tony laughed as he speeded up a bit, “Keep that capo of yours focused and don’t answer any of the questions you find suspicious.” Tony said as he lightly shrugged his shoulders. 
“Thank you for the advice, Mr. Castellano…” Y/n thanked the limo driver who only popped the pink bubble, “Eh, it’s no problem kid. Now go get em’ tiger…” he chuckled as he stopped at the gigantic building. 
“Goodbye sir!” Y/n exclaimed as she opened the doors and closed them. Tony laughed a little and dove off. 
Now it was time to face her biggest fear… 
The press conference in the Sci-Dispatch Press
She sighed as she walked on the stone path that had small pine trees and flower bushes lined up on the side.
There were dozens of news channel vans parked by the building, the reporters scrambling to set up their equipment the quickest. 
As Y/n was about to open the doors, a loud screech acoed around. She turned around and saw a white limo that stopped by the building.
For a few moments everything quieted down until the driver walked out and opened the doors. 
“It’s Joseph Joestar!” one of the reporters shouted as he and his camera crew rushed to him.
Y/n’s heart stopped functioning and she stopped breathing, ‘He… HE IS HERE!’ she panicked as she saw him flash his signature smile at every camera he looked at. 
As he moved, the paparazzi and the news reporters moved with him, attacking him with numerous questions. 
“Mr. Joestar! Is it true that you almost died on your last expedition!?” “Will you be attending this year’s gala?” “Are the rumours about you crushing a million dollar plane from your last expedition true?” 
And so many noncoherent questions that Joseph tried to answer. “Thank you so much for all the questions, I know my fans are worried…” Joseph said as he flashed his smile at one of the cameras. 
Y/n saw that they were nearing her and she quickly opened the doors and rushed in. She breathed out as she observed the scene outside.
Joseph stopped by the doors and answered the questions that the reporters were bombarding him with. 
Joseph looked inside and made eye contact with Y/n. He smiled and slammed open the doors. 
“Oh, look! My private assistant is already waiting for me! I’m sorry, but I have to get going!” Joseph exclaimed as he smiled one last time and closed the doors.
“Somebody better lock the them or they will break in…” he mumbled as he dusted off his black suit. 
Joseph’s bright green eyes fell upon the frozen Y/n. “My dear, you really saved me from the paparazzi over there…” Joseph laughed as he smiled at her. Y/n opened and closed her mouth but nothing came out. 
“Dear, are you alright?” Joseph asked the unmoving woman as he approached her. “Uhuh- Yeah- I’m fine-” Y/n mumbled as she fumbled with her hands.
Joseph laughed, “Oh, alright! You’re also here for the press conference, right?” he asked the h/c haired woman. 
Y/n nodded shakily, “Y-Yeah… I am… I’m here under the Speedwagon Archeology Centre-” “Oh! Speedwagon! Man, I can’t wait to see him!” Joseph exclaimed in happiness. 
Y/n laughed awkwardly, her throat going dry. 
“You two! You’re going to be late for the conference!” rushed out a ginger woman with a clipboard and a pen.
“The seats are full so you’re going backstage-” She instructed as she led them to metal doors. 
“The curtains haven’t risen so you can go and prepare yourselves.” The woman said as she opened the doors, pushed them in and locked them again.
Joseph and Y/n looked at each other and exhaled.
“Ladies first…” Joseph smirked as he walked to the beginning of ten stairs and stretched his hand. “Urm- Thank you-” Y/n squeaked out as she lightly placed her hand in his bigger one. 
“No problem dear, now let’s see who else is behind the curtains…” Joseph muttered as they both reached the end of the stairs. 
“Joseph! You finally arrived!” Whisper shouted Speedwagon as he rushed to the duo. “Speedwagon! Hello!” Jotaro quietly exclaimed as he hugged the older man.
“I see you have already met Y/n.” Speedwagon noted as he broke off the hug. 
Joseph chuckled as he pulled Y/n closer to him by wrapping his arm around her shoulder, “And I’m glad I did! She saved me from the paparazzi outside…” The brown haired adventurer smiled at Speedwagon. 
Y/n’s face erupted in fiery red colour as she felt his strong arm around her. ‘This must be a fever dream! This can’t be true!’ she slightly fawned at the scenario that was happening. 
“Nice to see you two getting along, but I must go back to my seat. I, along with some of my associates, are sitting in the first row. Unfortunately we don’t have enough seats for some reporters over there so I don’t think that there would be any free seats for you two.” said Speedwagon as he scratched his head. 
He led the duo deeper into the backstage and as they passed they saw six older men clad in navy blue suits and red ties, quietly discussing something. 
“That’s the commission of the World Archeology Organisation… Be nice and be quiet, because one wrong move around them, and you can say goodbye to your career…” Speedwagon mumbled quietly. 
“You’re saying that as if we’re children…” Joseph huffed, removed the arm that was around Y/n’s shoulder, and crossed his arms.
“Yes, and the child in question is you, Joseph…” Speedwagon muttered as he sighed. 
Y/n surprised her laugh with her hand as she averted her gaze from Speedwagon and Joseph. 
Speedwagon rolled his eyes, “Alright, you two, stay here unless somebody calls for you…” he said as he quietly walked away. 
“I thought this would be much more interesting…” Joseph rolled his eyes, but as he glanced at Y/n, his frown changed to a smirk.
“At least you’re here with me.” he flashed her his signature smirk and Y/n swore she wouldn fall unconscious. 
The chattering from the other side of the curtain suddenly quieted down and the dark red satin curtains rose, revealing the commission to the press. 
“Hello everyone! I thank you for showing up in such a big number in the name of the World Archeology Organisation!” exclaimed the man in the middle of the table.
Everyone clapped and so did the other five members by the table. 
Joseph and Y/n were still covered by the curtain, making the commission the only thing they could see. 
The man in the middle rose from his chairs and cleared his throat. Flashes of cameras could be heard from the edge of the podium. 
“Today, we all gathered around to hear out our esteemed member of our organisation, Robert Edward O. Speedwagon about the break-through discovery of his agency!” Exclaimed the man as a roar of applause echoed around the conference room. 
Speedwagon rose from his seat and humbly smiled, “Thank you, Dr. Jenkins for having us over… This discovery has shaken up our whole laboratory from the minute we noticed the satellite footage on the big screen.” Speedwagon started his speech. 
“You recieved photos and a brief explanation in your mail, so I’m going to keep it short. Dr. Jenkins has said that I have to decide two people who will be the two lead researchers on this expedition. And I’m proud to say that, Y/n L/n and Joseph Joestar have been chosen!”
“Y/n L/n and Joseph Joestar, please walk to the podium!” exclaimed Dr. Jenkins.
Joseph cheered and without thinking he picked up Y/n and spun her around, “I can’t believe this! This is a dream come true!” Joseph exclaimed as he gently put her down. 
Y/n stood petrified on the floor. “I’m just going to touch up you a bit before we go-” Joseph mumbled out as he smoothed out her hair and laughed.
“Let’s go!” he exclaimed as he grabbed Y/n’s hand and dragged her over to the podium. 
Roars of camera clicking and applauding almost blinded both of them, but Joseph, an expert when it came to such things, only smirked and waved. But Y/n… she was lost, completely lost. 
“Just hold my hand and everything’s going to be alright…” Joseph whispered to her and Y/n shakily nodded. 
The whole commission turned to them and Dr. Jenkins humed, “... Interesting choice, Mr. Speedwagon… I know why you chose Mr. Joestar. But what about the girl?” he questioned. 
Speedwagon smiled warmly, “It may not look like it, but Dr. L/n has proven to be a great researcher over the course of time she has worked under me. And I think it’s time for her to prove herself to be worthy of working under my agency.”
Dr. Jenkins, and the rest of the commission, nodded in thought. “We confide in your choice for this, Mr. Speedwagon.” he said as he sat down.
“Now, does anybody have anything to add?” questioned another commissioner next to Dr. Jenkins.
The conference room went dead quiet, Y/n was ready to sigh in relief but a sudden male voice echoed through the room.
“Mr. Jenkins, as much as I agree with all of what was said… Don’t you think that having just two lead researchers is a bit… too little for such an important expedition? I mean, there haven't been any discoveries as big as this one for hundreds of years…” the man explained, earning a few gasps and glares. 
Y/n’s eyes widened in shock while Joseph released her hand and clenched his fist. 
She took a closer look at the suit clad man and observed him. He was visibly taller from most people in the room.
He had longer purple hair and striking red eyes with violet eyeshadow covering his eyelids. 
It was none other than Kars
He was the top dog of the archeology world. He was smart and didn’t shy away from newly discovered ruins or such.
Kars was mostly known for doing everything in his power to reach his goal, even if that meant hurting somebody on the way.
“What exactly are you initiating Mr. Kars?” Dr. Jenkins said as his wrinkly face scrunched up in confusion.
Kars smirked as he glanced at Joseph who was clenching his fists and glaring at the wooden podium floor.
“What I’m trying to say is that I would like to join the expedition to the island.” Kars said firmly, leaving no space for disagreement. “He does have a point…!" mumbled out Dr. Jenkins as the other five members whispered together. 
The room fell into a big tension as Kars was waiting for the response.
Dr. Jenkins rose from his seat and cleared his throat, “Mr. Kars, you will also be a part of the expedition team, along with Ms. L/n and Mr. Joestar.” he said as he nodded in Kars’ direction. 
The cameras flashed in an instant speed, the reporters now piling over Kars and asking him too many questions. 
While he was busy, Joseph and Y/n looked at Speedwagon who was sitting in his chair with widened eyes and gaping mouth. “I can’t believe this…!” Joseph sneered as he tried to keep a neutral face. 
He wanted to pounce on Kras and tear his skull apart, but he held himself back. If he did what he wanted to Kars, not only would he lose his spot on the expedition but he would also end up in jail. 
Y/n wasnt any different from Joseph, only without the whole ‘I’ll murder him’ part. Of course she was afraid of Kars… At this point who wasn’t? Even the commission was afraid to decline his proposition. 
Once the crowd of reporters calmed down, everybody sat once again. 
“The expedition will start in one week, so I advise you to start preparing now. For any other information, we will send them to you via mail.” one of the commissioners said as all of them rose. 
Each one of them walked towards Y/n and Joseph and shook their hands with a thigh smile. 
Once everyone left, Speedwagon went up to Kars, “Mr. Kars, you’ve met Joseph a few times, right?” he asked politely.
Kars laughed as he swept a few of his purple hair strands off his shoulder. 
“Why, yes I have. But I haven’t met you, dear.” Kars smiled as he turned to stiffened Y/n. “I’m Y/n L/n, and it’s a pleasure to work with you, Mr. Kars.” Y/n said to the taller man. 
“I have read a few of your works in the past, so I think that it would be a pleasure to work with you… Would you like to come to my place so you can explain more about this mysterious island, dear?” Kars purred and Joseph placed his arm around Y/n shoulder in an instant. 
“I’m sorry but she’s already booked with me.” Joseph retorted and Kars’ smug expression fell as he looked at the brown haired adventurer.
“I don’t remember asking you anything, Mr. Joestar …” Kars scoffed in Joseph’s direction. 
Speedwagon and Y/n felt the tension rising and looked at each other with worried expressions.
“Alright, alright… Joseph and Y/n you’re free to go. I have few other things to discuss with Mr. Kars over here.” Speedwagon said as he motioned to them to walk out. 
“No problem, Speedwagon! Let’s go, dear…” Joseph gently tugged Y/n with him as they both walked out of the conference room and into the huge marble floored lobby. 
“Do you want to get some ice cream?” Joseph asked as a smile climbed up to his face while unwrapping his arm from her shoulder.
Y/n stopped in her tracks and looked at him shakily, “U-Uh- Sure- Why not…” She squeaked out. 
Joseph laughed, “Great! I know a secret place where I go when I’m free…”. But soon they stopped as they noticed a pile of reporters from earlier waiting outside with their cameras and microphones ready. 
“We can leave from the back exit-” “No need, dear! Now let’s go!” Joseph exclaimed Y/n’s hand and ran to the glass doors. 
The cameras flashed as the duo ran to Joseph’s limousine and quickly entered it. “Henry, our next destination is Vincenzo’s Gelato!” Joseph exclaimed and his driver nodded his head and speeded away. 
The clicks of the camera became more quiet as they drove in the distance and Y/n sighed in relief.
“Vincenzo has one of the best ice creams in the whole New York! Ever since I was a kid, I always went there for ice cream…” Joseph spoke as his eyes sparkled with joy. 
Y/n nodded her head and hummed, she didn’t really know what to say without stuttering, so she kept quiet. 
After a few minutes, they arrived at a more secluded street that was partially empty.
"Thank you Henry- Now let’s go!” Joseph opened the doors of the limo and exited. Y/n sighed as she exited the limo, trying to calm herself. 
It was a rather small ice cream shop on the corner of the street with pastel green and pink palette decorations. 
“Vincenzo!” Joseph exclaimed as he walked the glass ice cream display. An older man, similar to Speedwagon’s age, walked out with a pink apron and white dress shirt. 
“Joseph! Long time no see! I see that you brought some company with you…” Vincenzo laughed as he prepared his ice cream grabbing tool.
“Vincezno, this is Y/n L/n, my partner on the upcoming expedition!” Joseph introduced Y/n who smiled politely and waved, “Hello sir.”. 
The older man chuckled, “Nice to meet you too. Now, are you ready to order?” he asked and Joseph pointed to a caramel flavoured ice cream.
“Two scoops of caramel, please.” Joseph said and Vincezno scooped out the ice cream and put in a cone. 
“And you, dolcezza?” Vincezno asked and Y/n pointed to a f/f ice cream, “One scoop of f/f!”. Vincenzo chuckled as he scooped out the ice cream, “Good choice…”. Once Joseph and Y/n had their ice creams, Joseph patted his suit for his wallet. 
“How much is it?” Joseph asked and Vincenzo shook his head, “It’s on the house, Josephino.” . Joseph and Y/n looked at each other and smiled, “Thank you, Vincenzo/sir!” they both exclaimed at the same time. 
They started to walk towards a small park that was nearby as they ate their ice creams. “You live somewhere around here, Mr. Joestar?” Y/n asked Joseph wno nodded.
“Yeah, I live in that huge building.” Joseph pointed to a gigantic building that was down the street. 
“That makes more sense…” Y/n chuckled as they both sat on a nearby bench.  Joseph looked at her and shook his head with a smile, “You can drop the formalities, just call me JoJo!”.
Y/n blushed, “I- Sir- I can’t… You’re my colleague!”. Joseph licked his ice cream and raised an eyebrow at her, “Don’t be ridiculous! Just call me JoJo!”. Y/n nodded hesitantly, “Alright… JoJo…”. 
“See! It wasn’t that hard!” the green eyed adventurer laughed as he ate his ice cream. 
As the sun was starting to set behind the horizont, it gave the park a soft orange and pink glow. 
Both stayed in silence as they ate their ice cream, but Y/n glanced at Joseph a few times. It still felt like a fever dream.
She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that Joseph Joestar was sitting next to her and eating ice cream. 
After they finished their ice creams, Y/n sighed in sadness. “I’m sorry Mr. Joestar- I mean, Jojo- But I have to get going now…” she said to Joseph.
“You’re leaving so soon already?” he asked as his expression partly fell. 
“Unfortunately yes… I left my assistant all by herself with piles of my paperwork and I promised to help her after the conference…” Y/n said and Joseph laughed.
“Oh! I just left Caesar to fend for himself with my paperwork!” he sniggered as he slapped his knee. 
Y/n shook her head, “That isn’t quite nice, Mr. Joestar…”. Joseph didn’t even hear her as he was laughing at his miserable assistant. Once he calmed down he whipped a stray tear coming from his eyes. 
“If you must go, dear. My driver will drive you to Speedwagon’s agency.” Joseph said as he got up and dusted off his outfit and Y/n followed suit.
Once they arrived at the limo, Joseph opened the doors for Y/n and smiled, “Ladies first…”. 
Y/n smiled and awkwardly chuckled, “Thank you…”. Joseph sat next to her and looked at his chauffeur, “Harper, can you drive us to the Speedwagon Archeology Centre?”.
Harper nodded his head, “Of course, sir.” he said as he started the engine and started to drive. 
Once they arrived in front of the huge building, Y/n turned to Joseph and smiled, “Thank you Mr. Joestar, and see you next week…”.
Joseph smiled and grabbed her hand, “See you next week too…” he mumbled as he pressed his lips at the back of her hand. 
He gently let her hand go and watched as Y/n’s face exploded in mad blush. “Uh- Yes- Goodbye!” she exclaimed as she opened the doors and rushed out. Joseph closed the doors and laughed, “Can you drop me off at my building?”. 
His chauffeur nodded and they drove off. 
Y/N stumbled into her office and she noticed Penny napping on one of the chairs. “Good grief…” Y/n mumbled as she saw Penny drooling over one of the papers.
“I guess I’ll have to print out a copy tomorrow…” the e/c eyed girl sighed as she sat on her office chair and held her face in her hands. 
How will she survive this expedition? She is extremely afraid of bugs and snakes, and seeming that this was a secluded island that hasn’t been discovered yet, there was a huge chance of it being filled up with them.
“Time to do some paperwork…” Y/n mumbled out tiredly as she picked up her pen and started filling out numerous papers.
After a few minutes she turned on her desk lamp since it had gotten darker outside. 
As she was filling out one of the papers, her vision became blurry and her eyelids started to close slowly.
“Maybe… I need to take… a little nap…” Y/n mumbled as she rested her head against the paper and breathed out loudly. 
She would worry about the expedition tomorrow, but now, she needed to take a much deserved rest…
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deadendsave · 1 year
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Delilah Hodges’ Journal (1)
1: Today is my 15th birthday. My mom gave me this journal, she said it’s important to document our lives. A few people at the camp gave me some books, and Quinn gave me a pet rock because I’ve been talking to her nonstop about how much I want a dog. Not the same, but at least rocks can’t get sick. I named him Pebbles and I’m gonna cherish him forever.
2: Ooo Lilahhh I’m snooping through your journal! It’s not like I’m sitting beside you and you gave me permission to write this or anything. I’m glad you love pebbles! I spent a long time sorting through rocks to find him, and he was the best one. We should start taking him on walks so everyone at camp thinks we’re even more annoying than they already do. Happy birthday! I love you so much. - Quinn
3: One of the books I got for my birthday was about aquatic life. The ocean is so cool I wish I was a marine biologist. People from the old times only explored about 10% of the ocean. You’d think they would’ve explored way more than that, but I guess this ocean is pretty big. P.S. whales are my new biggest fear. They’re HUGE.
4: Fact from my book: Tho giant pacific octopus has 3 hearts and 9 brains. It can also change color to blend in with its surroundings because of special pigment cells called chromatophores. Weird.
5: Dad said I’m almost old enough to go out on supply runs, but I need to learn how to hunt first so I can protect myself against the sick. Yeah, right. He’s tried to teach me how to shoot before, I SUCKED. Like that time he lined up cans for me to practice my aim, and I missed every shot. I don’t even like guns. The sound hurts my ears. He’s taking me out to the woods tomorrow to hunt, but I don’t think I have it in me to hurt an animal. The thought of it makes me queasy.
6: Dad took me hunting, we walked around the woods for a while before we found anything. But then we saw a deer in the distance. He handed me his rifle, and i aimed and shot. I missed, and it ran off. I felt so bad for failing, I tried my best and it still wasn’t good enough. I felt even worse for scaring the deer. My dad looked so disappointed. I hate hunting.
7: Nothing I do is EVER good enough for my dad. Sorry I’m not some killing machine survivalist expert like you and mom are. Our camp is secure, I’ve never been in that much real danger. They got to experience the world before the sick, I didn’t. They get to go far away from camp, I’m just stuck here.
8: I love my mom. She’s actually nice to me. I feel comfortable around her. When I’m around my dad I’m always on edge. But it’s upsetting that she never defends me or tells my dad to stop when he’s screaming at me for not being able to do something. She just acts like it’s nothing and tells me he just wants me to do better so I’ll be safe. Yeah, right. He just likes to use me as a way to let all of his anger out.
9: Quinn told me she had to show me something in the woods. She’s always sneaking off. I was kinda scared without an adult, but it wasn’t that far. She told me I need to not be such a wimp and be more adventurous. I’m glad I went because we got to see little baby robins, they had just hatched. Quinn’s been monitoring them for a few weeks waiting to surprise me. On our way back, she tripped over something and cut her knee up really bad. She’s very clumsy.
10: Here’s another fact from my book: Stingrays have a protective layer of mucus that shields them from diseases. If only humans had that. Maybe the world would still be in tact.
11: Took Pebbles on a walk like Quinn suggested. We do a lot of dumb things to keep ourselves entertained. Everyone else is worrying about supplies and food and killing the sick. My mom said she wants me to have a somewhat normal life before I have to start worrying about those things too. I guess considering how shitty the world is, I’ve got it pretty good.
12: The camp’s doctor said Quinn has an infection from the cuts on her knee, and there’s no antibiotics left. The doctor looked worried. Everyone’s been out on runs looking for some medicine for her, no luck so far.
13: Just realized one of the books I got for my birthday was a steamy romance novel. Ew. I don’t think Judy realized that when she gave it to me. Yikes. I have no interest in “finding love” romantically. It’s just not something I really care about. I don’t think I’ve even had a crush on anyone before. Maybe there’s something wrong with me.
14: Quinn’s getting worse. She’s been resting a lot, which is super unusual for her. Usually she’s got so much energy she can’t stay still. It’s upsetting to see her like this. She said her whole body hurts and she keeps feeling like something bad is gonna happen. I’ve never heard her say she was scared of anything until now.
15: My parents took me swimming in the lake today. I guess they could tell I’ve been sad. It wasn’t the same without Quinn. I wish there was something I could do for her. I miss when we were little and we would pretend to be mermaids. She needs to get better soon.
16: Today Quinn was reading me one of my books, but when she talked it just sounded like gibberish. It freaked me out a little. I thought she was just trying to be funny at first. She’s also got a really foggy memory right now. She couldn’t even remember the birds for a minute. Guess it’s the fever. I read to her instead.
17: My mom went on a supply run with some other people from camp. Still, no antibiotics. But they did find some things from the old times. Mom gave me a puzzle. I’m gonna show it to Quinn tomorrow, hopefully she feels well enough to work on it with me. Mom said some some pieces might be missing but we could use our imagination to fill in the gaps.
18: Quinn didn’t feel good today. She’s still getting worse. She fell asleep beside me while we were working on the puzzle so I ended up doing it alone. She was breathing weird. When she woke up she didn’t even talk, just held my hand. It felt clammy. I waited until her parents came back to their tent to head back to mine. I told her I loved her and I’d see her tomorrow. She just slightly smiled. It broke my heart a little.
19: This morning I woke up to go see Quinn, but my mom stopped me before I could leave. She had been crying, I knew something was off. I had a pit in my stomach. She hugged me and told me to sit down. She said Quinn’s body had been ravaged by the infection, and without any medicine to fight it off, she went into septic shock. I didn’t fully understand what that meant, so I tried to leave and go see her. My mom stopped me once again. “Baby she’s gone. She’s not in pain anymore.”
20: I couldn’t process what she just told me. I felt frozen. It was like every bad feeling I could possibly experience hit me all at once. I broke down and my mom held me tight. My body wouldn’t stop shaking. All of these emotions were physically hurting me. I’ve never lost anybody this close to me. Quinn and I were best friends before we could even talk. I don’t know what life is like without her, I don’t wanna know. We were always supposed to be together.
21: Today is the day of her burial, but I don’t know if I have the strength to go. I don’t want my last memory of her to be her lifeless body being put in the dirt. Everything hurts right now. I’ve heard plenty of people talking about losing someone they loved. I knew what grief was, but I never fully understood just how fucking awful it felt. My chest burns. I’m sad and I’m confused and I’m angry. Quinn was a good person. She didn’t deserve this. She deserved to live. We’re only 15, why would something so bad happen to someone as good as her?
22: Everyone else gets to move on and I’m just stuck here, consumed by the grief. I finally worked up the courage to go to Quinn’s tent. I talked to her mom and she let me keep some of her things. I could see the pain in her eyes. I know her parents are hurting just as bad as I am. The guilt I’m feeling is unbearable. It was my fault that Quinn’s died. If she wouldn’t never taken me to see the baby birds she would still be alive. The only person that could make me feel better right now is gone.
23: It’s only been a few days since Quinn’s burial, but people are already asking me if I’m okay. Clearly, I’m not. How could they expect me to be? My best friend is dead and her death was preventable. I miss her so much. The thought of forgetting her face or the sound of her voice terrifies me. I don’t want to forget her, and I don’t want to move on.
24: She’s been gone for 11 days now. I decided to make a memorial for Quinn myself. I went into the woods and dug a shallow hole just deep enough to fit some of the things her mom had given me. I keep talking to her out loud like she can hear me. I don’t care if it makes me look crazy. I sat at her makeshift grave and told her she shouldn’t have been so clumsy. Jokes don’t feel the same anymore though.
25: As I sat on the ground staring at the grave, everything started to feel more real. She’s never coming back. She’s gone. Forever. I cried and i cried and I cried until my body couldn’t make tears anymore. My face felt hot and my head started to hurt. I eventually stood up and decided to go check on the baby birds. They were still there, chirping and flapping their tiny wings, preparing to leave the nest. I felt a bittersweet sense of comfort watching them. It kinda felt like she was there, watching them with me.
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pkmnomegaverse · 2 years
Omg omg Dylan and Micah eventually have a child??? Heck yeah
Yes! Baby Alton!
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(PiCrew credit here)
For quite some time, I’ve had a plotline where near the climax of the “main plotline,” UB attacks are getting pretty bad in certain areas, and in the Hoenn area, Dylan being the Champion means he’s kinda sorta leading the defensive against them (although obviously all the other major players in Hoenn are helping as well.  Team Terra in particular pretty much runs all the surveillance to determine when a UB shows up and then works with the League to dispatch a team to deal with the threat/clean up the aftermath). But due to both his connection to Dylan and also just by virtue of being the Sootopolis Gym Leader, Micah is pretty heavily involved as well. In fact, since the UBs end up appearing mostly in the ocean area in eastern Hoenn, Micah is a first responder of sorts. Commonly being the first League member to arrive on the scene when the alarm goes out, riding out on his Gyrados to survey the situation.  But with this comes its own level of danger, since he’s often having to try and fight off these overpowered creatures no one is quite sure how to deal with (or at least limit the damage, since sometimes there is no fighting them off). Imagine a kaiju movie, this is the vibe of the situation. Very Pacific Rim if I’m being honest.
But then Micah discovers he’s pregnant with his and Dylan’s first child, which causes this whole drama of whether he should still be out on the front lines.  Micah still wants to fight, as he’s a very duty oriented person, which drives him to feel like he has to help fight off this threat to his homeland. But even he’s still apprehensive deep down, knowing he’s putting himself in a situation where he could lose his baby if an attack goes badly. A baby he very much wants, since while he and Dylan weren’t trying for kids, they had discussed perhaps starting a family in the nearish future. Once things calmed down obviously.
Dylan is against Micah staying as directly involved, but also realizes he can’t really stop Micah if he insists on fighting (plus the UBs are a legit threat, so there is that to consider as well). So it makes things a bit tense between them, but they do work through it. Lots of Dylan trying to get Micah to promise to only get involved if there’s no other option. Trying to convince him to focus on the less dangerous parts of dealing with the UB threats and leave direct fighting to others. Also Dylan just trying to be together with Micah more often so he can make sure he’s the one getting in the main line of fire vs Micah (which leads to its own tense conversation about how Dylan getting injured/potentially killed isn’t any better). All of this works to varying levels of success. I like the idea of them having a scare where Micah does get injured during an attack. But obviously they don’t lose the baby, cause I’m softhearted deep down.  
In the “epilogue” I have in my head for the main plotline, Micah and Dylan’s ending would be them with newborn baby Alton.  Sort of a sign of a “new dawn” since the threat is past. Alton doesn’t really have much development of his own, he’s more a byproduct of me liking the idea of Micah being pregnant when final battle stuff is going down. I wanted to run that plotline with someone, and Micah and Dylan were the obvious choice. Since they’re like 25/26ish when this is going down and either married or engaged at this point (I can never decide if they get married pre or post Alton being born, because I also like to milk the Peyton/Micah drama for all it’s worth. And easier for Peyton to pine and tell himself he still has a chance if Micah and Dylan aren’t technically married yet. For all that that ship has sailed on Micah’s end and baby on the way is very much a final nail in that coffin).
But yes, baby Alton! I think he and Aubin are the only true fangrandkids I have named at this point.
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drifting on the edge prologue
fuck it friday! i listened to the julie and the phantoms soundtrack today for the first time since the cancelation probably and now i’m all fired up again about the pacific rim au i wrote last year for nanowrimo
this is just the opening 500 words. there’s AT LEAST another 70k of this sitting on my google drive, but it’s a mess at the moment. there’s so much plot, y’all, i don’t know how that happened. i really need to release this fic into the world though, so let’s get started!
Los Angeles, 2017
In the heavy, tense silence after the kaiju fell, Luke felt his life shift course forever.
It grabbed onto him through the trembling grip Reggie had on his arm as Thorn Beater, LA’s best jaeger, collapsed. It clenched around his heart when Alex started crying silently when the kaiju made landfall, and it straightened his spine as Bobby stood guard at the barricaded door to their makeshift shelter, as if Bobby and his bare hands would be their last line of defense against a colossal, otherworldly monster.
It emptied his lungs hours later when his parents’ names were listed amongst the casualties during the post-attack radio report.
When it was safe to emerge back into a city that no longer resembled their home, the familiar streets they grew up on lost to fiery rubble and rivers of blood slicing through the ash, when they stood perched atop the destruction of their city to watch the helicopters lift away the battered jaeger and scavengers descended on the kaiju’s body, Luke felt that shift. It was deep in his bones and singing through his veins, a new melody to set atop the rhythm of his life.
He looked over at his boys. His brothers, four scrappy 14-year-olds with more heart than sense, whose loyalty to each other ran so deep that even this crumbled world before them couldn’t dim their future as long as they ran for it together. All Luke had to do was keep them fighting side by side, and he and his boys would soar out of these ashes. 
They watched as Thorn Beater was lifted into the sky, battle-scarred, its pilots long since rescued by the medicopter. The Mark I jaeger hung in the air, silhouetted by the sun. It was a wreck after the long fight from the Miracle Mile in the ocean to this far inland, but Luke thought it was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen. Maybe even more beautiful than the stage and the guitar and the music that Luke had once dreamed about.
It’s enough, he thought, as other survivors around them cheered for the broken, triumphant Thorn Beater, enough to accept the shift he feels. What’s one dream deferred, after all, if there’s a new one to fill its place?
Luke never had a problem with knowing what he wants.
He turned to his boys, all of them looking young, scared, vulnerable. He was sure he looked the same. But he could think of one way to make them strong again. To give them a way to be more than their fear, more than anyone ever expected of their little band of misfits.
“Boys.” As they turned to him, Luke noted the tear tracks down Alex’s face, the way Reggie had twisted his hands into his sleeves, and how Bobby was chewing his lip bloody. He could feel the tremble in his own hands, and resolutely squared his shoulders against all of it. 
“Let’s go be Rangers.”
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galene-gothic · 2 years
How do people at study/work perceive you?
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🍼 ˚ 。 ୨୧˚ . Pile 1
Someone here might have a love rival or just someone who didn't get what they wanted. You might not even be aware of it, they might have given their best to something or someone but you got it instead. To be honest, they're really worthy and hardworking, I feel bad for them. They might see you as lucky and have a weird friendship or companionship with you, like they consider you to be nice and cute but you simply leave a bitter taste in their mouth? They might feel guilty about feeling such a way about you but they don't even have control over it :(. Some might see you to be low-key a home-wrecker. I feel like people used to gossip about you a lot when you were younger and now they cannot even do that? You might have grown out of your unconfident, naive, ugly girl phase and entered your confident, emotionally and strategically intelligent, pretty girl phase. People seem to be jealous of your romantic relationships or even just situationships. Someone here might be a gamer (only one or two people, doesn't have to be professional.) People might think that you play with feelings and are very arrogant, I feel like you're just very confident though. "I wanna be your setting lotion, hold your hair in deep devotion, atleast as deep as the Pacific Ocean, I wanna be yours." You might have a lot of admirers that you aren't even aware of (mostly failed talking stages.) I'm getting future predictions for you instead, I feel like someone here is going to some social event in within now-beginning of December, you're going to be really popular after that ☠️😭. Something about eyes might be significant for you guys, mole near the eyes (for a few of you.) You guys might have a domestic beauty like people imagine you doing really girlfriend-y stuff especially people of the opposite sex. People of the same sex might think you victimize yourself but don't have emotions at all? You seem to be really controlled on the outside, someone here might have capricorn placements. Very trendy looking though, Song Jia and Wonyoung are coming through. Some people of your sex think you change your voice while talking to the opposite sex-? You might just have a duality in the way you talk to people you consider attractive or close to you and the people you don't really care about too much. Someone here is known to be a fan girl or something, people might even think that you're always updated on whatever is going on in the celebrity or whatever you're interested in's updates, etc.
🍼 ˚ 。 ୨୧˚ . Pile 2
Ahhh, it's funny you might have been attracted to the previous pile. While that gave us a rough idea of how people at a surface level view you, this is how people who manage to get really close to you (especially romantically view you.) I'm getting people never being able to get over you? Especially if you tend to not go past the talking stages☠️😭 those people you're involved with tend to be obsessed with you for years and even decades. I feel like this is a more romantic view of you, people might want to low-key own you and you might want to do the same. I'm getting someone here knowing exactly how to touch someone, what words to use, what gifts to give, etc. You've got a very aloof yet intense charm? It's like you could spend a whole day acting like someone's girlfriend or boyfriend and make them feel like the luckiest and the most loved person on the planet but you don't text them for like a month after that and it's not because you're consciously ghosting them, it kind of just happens? But you still manage to carry a youthful naivety and innocence with pure intentions, it's shocking actually because you seem to be very good at manipulating people. You might also be the type to be like "manipulation isn't necessarily bad..." I'm also getting the object/s of your interest getting scared by how you push and pull, they might choose to date someone else at times and regretting it. People of the same gender might think you're faking maturity/innocence/humility but are actually bitchy and full of yourself. Someone's name/someone's love interest's name here starts with a D, Z or R. Since, this is about how people at work or study view you, I think you might attract or date people from professional settings. You look cold yet warm, generous yet stingy, greedy yet giving, affectionate yet detached, people just cannot get enough of you. People might be really interested in who you're dating and some of you might get slut shamed sometimes just because you seem to have a more active love life. You seem to be a sweetheart though on the inside :(. Take care of yourself! Also you might have been attracted to Pile 3 but this pile is present energy while the next pile is the past.
🍼 ˚ 。 ୨୧˚ . Pile 3
You might have been attracted to pile 2. I'm getting a similar situation to pile 2, like this seems to be a romantic perspective of you too but the energy is kinda different. You might come off low-key nerdy to your love interests but you're so attractive while doing so and you have something extremely youthful and innocent about yourself. Unlike pile 2, I'm getting people who like you just wanting to defend you and be there for you, feeling like they want to protect you. People see you to be extremely curious and low-key dumb. This pile seems to be the past energy of the previous pile. I'm also getting people who know you thinking that you're really sexual like I'm not sure what is going on here. You have a complex personality, some of you might be chamelions and might feel like you don't have a personality of your own. "Your beauty never ever scared me." You might feel ugly :( most of you might not be very confident and happy about the way you come off. I'm getting a lot of young venusian risings and also virgo risings picking this pile. You guys might have a hard time because even though you might be pretty, you might not be the kind of pretty that you desire to be or atleast you feel like that. I'm getting people finding you really attractive though, I'm getting people not being able to resist you because you just seem to be so naive and such pure intentions, it sometimes annoys people, people you like might often if not always like you back because of the way that you are, they feel really guilty if they don't talk about you highly or aren't there for you. Y'all are going to have a glow up soon !! Stay ready and open to changes !! But your admirers might tease you a lot and be mean to your face like that's just their love language ☠️. If you're insecure, people can pick up on that, please try to be confident.
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skinnyducky · 3 years
high tide // v.h.
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a/n these endings is garbage truck juice. i’ve lost my touch at knowing how to end these things. any who, i hope you enjoy this :)
vinnie hacker x fem!reader
Word Count: 925, slightly edited
WARNING: language, and just fluffiness
The heat of Los Angeles was a bit much today. Despite no longer being summer, the effects of the season were definitely felt. So, what better way to cool down than to spend an afternoon at the beach. You, Vinnie, and a couple of your friends had squished into his car and drove down to Malibu. The ride was long and having Vinnie, Jett, Jack, and Eamon shout the lyrics to Ke$ha’s “Your Love Is My Drug” was grueling. Fortunately, you had Liza there to endure the pain with.
After a few Katy Perry songs and Jack’s rendition of “Jolene”, you all finally made it to the beach. Getting out of Vinnie’s car, the boys ran straight for the water, leaving you and Liza to your own devices. “Boys.” She scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“Tell me about it.”
Despite the blazing heat from the sun, there was a slight breeze. The smell of the salty ocean, while intoxicating, was quite nauseating. The beach wasn’t as crowded as you’d think, especially for Malibu. There were a few couples, some families, but nothing major.
You and Liza stripped from your coverups, put on some shades, and spent some quality time laying down in the sand. The two of you chatted about your relationships and gossiped about the people you didn’t like. It was nice…at least until a particular boy came running up to you
“Y/n, Y/n! You gotta come in the water!” Vinnie exclaimed, hopping up and down like a child hyped up on too many pixie sticks. “It’s so nice!”
You smiled at the boy. “Not right now, babe.”
“Puh-lease?” He begged, getting down on his knees. “For me?”
“Vinnie.” You sighed. You watched as he gave you his puppy dog eyes, his bottom lip poking out and quivering as his eyebrows shot upwards. The more you looked at him, the more it proved impossible to say no.
“Fine.” You sighed, getting up off the sand. You turned to Liza who was still basking peacefully in the sun. “You coming?”
She shook her head. “Nah, I’m just gonna chill here and lay down for a bit. You can go though. I’ll be alright.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, yeah. Go ahead.”
You and Vinnie headed towards the water and joined the others who were currently playing Marco Polo. As you got into the ocean, you stopped for a minute. Vinnie, who was ahead of you, noticed you weren’t beside him anymore. “What’s up?” He asked, turning to face you.
“We’re not going far are we?”
He laughed, “Not too far…at least I don’t think so.”
“Vinnie, I don’t know. I think I’m gonna head back and chill with Liza.” You replied, feeling the waves of the water clash against your stomach. It wasn’t that you were afraid of the water or anything; you weren’t hydrophobic. Okay, maybe you were a little bit, but that’s far from the point. The fact of the matter is: you’re short. Unlike the boys—and even Liza—the probability of drowning for you was high. You were just being cautious, y’know?
“What’s the matter, baby? Don’t tell me you’re scared.”
“No, I’m not scared.” You answered. “It’s just…I’m short.”
He paused for a moment, thinking over what you just said. Then, he burst out laughing, earning a glare from you. “That’s why you won’t come? You’re scared you’ll drown…because you’re short?”
You sighed, “I’m just playing it safe, Vin.”
“I’m literally going to be out there with you.” He said, moving in front of you. He takes ahold of your hands and smiles down at you. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, alright?”
Looking into his comforting eyes, you couldn’t help but grin. “Promise?”
“I promise.” He said. “Now, c’mon shorty.”
You scoffed as he pulled you further into the Pacific. As you went further, the water got higher up your body, eventually stopping at your shoulders…as you were standing. For Vinnie and the others, the ocean resting in the middle of their torsos.
“You see, everything’s alright.” Vinnie comforted, swimming beside you. You chuckled nervously, “Y-Yeah, nothing to worry about.”
At the time, there was indeed nothing to worry about. The water was warm, you were sitting comfortably, and the waves weren’t as powerful. You joined the boys in Marco Polo, swimming around Jack who was shouting “Marco” and covering his eyes. While in the game, you made the worst decision of your life. You glanced over to the side and coming right towards you was the biggest wave imaginable.
“Fuck!” You shrieked as you braced for impact. The wave came right up to you and nearly knocked you over, sending you underwater. You screamed and in a matter of seconds, Vinnie was right beside you. He picked you up, making sure that you wouldn’t be attacked by any more vicious tides.
“Y/n, are you okay?” He asked, watching in distress as you began to sob. Though as seconds passed, he realized that those sobs weren’t actual sobs. They were giggles. “W-What?” He said, “What’s so funny?”
You wheezed, wiping the water out of your face. “Did you see that shit? I nearly got fucking scalped!” You snorted, clutching onto your pained stomach. Never before had Vinnie seen you laugh so hard before. Hell, you could barely breathe.
“Y/n, I-…are you okay?”
“Super-duper, Vinnie!” You cheered, returning back to the game. Vinnie just stared at you in amusement. You were truly a fascinating—and somewhat weird—specimen. But he was damn sure lucky to call you his girlfriend.
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