#i get so sick of using the same characters that after doing my dailies and stuff i switch to a different open world team to do things in
oathofkaslana · 10 months
i completely understand wanting to pull for one single character to get them maxed out (literally what im trying to do w albedo) but i think i would die if i didn't get new characters and new playstyles occasionally thrown onto my acc so much of my fun in openworld hinges on the variety of teams i get to play and i care a lot more about that than 36* the abyss
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alexissara · 2 months
5 Years Of Three Houses, 5 Years Of Loving Edelgard.
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5 Years ago today, I was first able to enter the continent of Fodlan, I meet Edelgard and from there I fell for a character in a way I never had before. I was already a professional writer with published worked and focused on Character driven work but I was still blown away by what an amazing character Edelgard was. 5 years ago, I got Engaged at a queer con, I was playing my 2nd route of three houses having played from Three Houses. The game was with me at this wonderful landing point in my life, it was there during the rough covid era struggles, when I was deeply, deeply sick, I was sicker than I ever been, not with Covid but with stomach issues and was hospitalized multiple times in one month ending in a surgery. I ran a roleplay inspired by Three Houses in Thirsty Sword Lesbians which I played for many years, I dated one of my exes through the whole campaign and grew a lot closer to one of my current girlfriends through it. I refined a version of one of my favorite OCs Ever Lena to do a Three Houses OC AU version of her for a different roleplay and while that fell through she did end up being used for that previously mentioned TSL game.
I reviewed Three Houses after finishing all four routes, I wanted to be really through and experience every route, every story, every FF romance arc, etc before I reviewed it. I gave the game a 7/10, I think now I'd give it an 8/10 maybe but a review score is what I think of the game as an overall package. The life changing power of Crimson Flower was really the big deal for me. That was 10/10, that was peak, it was just that the other routes were nowhere near as good for me. Edelgard the revolutionary who is happy to cast herself as a villain if that's what it takes to change the oppression in the world, something that was so strong, so powerful that it was reflected into our world. She was so good at being a character who impacted a fictional world, the only reason things happen at all that people to this day get angry about people loving her, discourse about her, cast her off, make up shit, show their political asses, etc. What a fucking character to be hated so strongly, for so long by this rabid group. Keeping love from a small fan base over time is hard but maintaining hate as a fictional character, that's harder especially with a 24/7 culture war of new women to hate. However, she also maintained love, Edelgard is the most popular character in all of Fire Emblem, in the 5 years she's got the most fan art, the most votes in CYL, she clearly makes nearly the most money in the gacha given how often they make new versions of her or rerun her, she is the moment.
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Of course, it is not just Edelgard I love but the Black Eagles as a whole from the classic roster to the extended family of Mercedes, Lyesthia, Shamir, Leonie, to the Hopes additions of Monica and Shez. Edelgard stands so tall but she doesn't overshadow her amazing allies in changing the world. Even the men, me a famous not man enjoyer, finds at worst like, kinda boring rather than like repulsive. Plus I really love Hubert and Jeritza both as characters and think they are lovely, brilliant characters I wouldn't want to see replaced.
Three Houses hit me in a way "better" games haven't hit me in. I still think about the characters, the world, the politics, the ideas, the lore, the romances, everything so often, daily. I love so much art, most of this little blog is me talking about art I engaged with and I struggle to think of another piece of art that took me by storm in the same ways that Three Houses has. I'd love to have another game sweep me off my feet and have me giggling like someone who just met their idol but even if it doesn't happen again I am glad it happened with Three Houses.
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Then there was Three Hopes and I fucking love Three Hopes, it only exists in the context of Houses but Scarlet Blaze and Golden Wildfire blew me the fuck away. Both routes do a ton for the characters in the series, the plots are fantastic, bringing Monica back and making her one of the best characters in the Fire Emblem series was so fucking great, and I adore the Warriors gameplay. Three Houses was a gift that not only gave itself but Hopes which really just furthered helped put Houses in focus, tie in way more lore, way more context, and way more information. I could explore the world of Fodlan even more honestly, I still hope for Hopes DLC because I just love this game.
It was so amazing to see Edeglard freed of Those Who Slither in the dark and the way her revolution works if she could just have saved her lesbian best friend and probably girlfriend. I loved to see the new amazing paralogues, the way the war shakes out, how she operates free of enemies resting in her house, how the nobles react when Edelgard is a free agent, the way the church fights back in this new time line. It really exciting and it is fun to see how the world once again revolves around the actions and moves of Edelgard and how she sets Fodlan Ablaze with change but now with more time to do things more carefully. It is such a great alterative look.
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I don't have enough glowing things to say about Three Houses but I do have some things to say for the future of my favorite video game series. I deeply hope the future of Fire Emblem is more like Houses and not like the games around it. Houses was a return to form and the first story that blew me away since Radiant Dawn. I want more games that have the style and budget and scope and ambition of a Houses. I don't really trust intelligent systems to bring me that kind of story, so I hope they work with Koei again in the future and let their writers do their thing,
I love the smaller scale Fire Emblems but I can play indie games and smaller budget SRPGs and get the scope and ambition of a smaller scale Fire Emblem but only Nintendo money can bring the kind of game Houses is to the table. I really want to see the expensive class system brought back hopefully without the sexism and the big roster of characters and so much of the little things that made houses so charming. I don't need multiple routes but I would like a good political message like Crimson Flower to be in the future. I don't know if I'll ever love a character not made by me or my loves ones as much as I love Edelgard again but I want them try and I want them to pull it off.
Happy 5 Years Fire Emblem Three Houses, you are something special. If you want to see more of me gushing about houses you can read my fics here https://archiveofourown.org/users/AlexisSara/works?fandom_id=23985107
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aquietplace89 · 5 months
I’m a 34 year old, straight, paralegal for a criminal defense attorney. Although I have my life together, and have for the better part of the last decade, I haven’t always made the best decisions in life. Also, I come from a great family, my parents are still married, and I’ve always had a big heart, as well as an inclination to do the right thing. However, my choices and geographical circumstances have led me to make some very questionable decisions in life, as well as associate with some of the shadiest of characters (all behind me now).
As a kid I was verbally and physically abused my alcoholic father. It’s important to note that he has changed his ways, rarely drinks now, and has ditched his abusive ways. We have an amazing father-son relationship now. I grew up watching him beat my mother, my siblings, and of course, myself being on the receiving end of the brunt of the physical abuse. I credit playing his biggest punching bag due to being the oldest male. That all changed when I grew in stature and started rolling with gang members at 14. The abuse to my mom stopped as well. He learned I wouldn’t stand to see my mom beat anymore, and I always challenged him from that point on.
I always wanted to become a police officer and move up to detective. Since a child it was my dream! I always fantasized about living a high class life, like Batman. Balls, tuxedo dinners, waltzes, daily suits, the works. I wanted that lifestyle, I had to have it.
I joined the Air Force as a Military Police, or Security Forces. My traumas followed me and I got into lots of trouble since a kid. Those troubles exacerbated when I got my freedom and a paycheck, living independently in the military at 17. I was free from Him (my father). But the abuse only trickled down to the next sibling in line, and my mother. I felt the guilt of leaving them vulnerable. They didn’t have big brother to stand up to Him. I carried the guilt and drank to wash my sorrows away. At least I thought I did, but they learned how to swim.
I received a positive discharge from the Air Force, even after getting in a lot of trouble. Lots of underage drinking incidents and fights. I was a scrappy little Mexican. The positive discharge came from being an exemplary cop while on duty. I was a leader, naturally. I like to say, I was born to work with law. Others have told me the same.
I’m a year away from finishing my undergrad degree, then it’s straight into law school.
After looking at 14 years max for an ugly fight with my father in law and others, I fired 3 lawyers then represented myself at my own Preliminary Hearing. I had some charges dropped and highlighted many weaknesses in the states case. Then, right when I was sick of fighting against the odds and many lies against me, my now current boss came along and refused to let me take 2 years in prison without first taking a crack at my case. I’m so glad he pissed me off at the time by not letting me take that “deal”. I was home a few weeks after he worked my case. The first lawyer that worked my case. The other 3, well in the famous words of a retired judge, we won’t comment on them. A judge, DA, and others praised my litigation for myself. They even suggested I went to law school and become a lawyer. My 4th and final attorney throughout that horrendous nightmare, took a chance on me and is now my employer/attorney. We work very well together. Very professional as well. The two of us.
It is very important to also note, I in no way deflect blame for my actions. I wasn’t a saint the night of that incident. But I also wasn’t on an even playing field with all the fabricated accusations and lies against me. I was jumped by 3 people while I was unarmed. One had a high powered revolver aimed at my head, one had two knives, while the third beat my head to a wooden post. My biggest mistake was being hooked on steroids and displaying my rage. That is all behind me now and has shaped my future for the better.
Life has been great, but it’s also thrown many curveballs at me. I’ve never given up on life, and now I’m on a great trajectory to living the life I always wanted. The life I was destined to live. I will become an attorney.
A wise DA recently told me “it’s never too late to be whom you could’ve been” and she changed my life forever with those kind words of wisdom.
Follow me on a journey through a past of adventure, emotion, tragedy, and so much more. Also, I will take you into my current life and into my future.
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del-thetiredwriter · 2 years
Do you love me
Afterwards:say you love me , part 3 or something like that ?
Warning: Disturbing themes,Depression, miscarriage, character death,bad writing…
English is my second language
GIF NOT MINE. If it's yours, please come claim credit or let me know if you want me to remove it
Notes: Just me enjoying Aegons suffer. Really I like tragedy.
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The only daughter of her mother Rhaenyra, the apple of the eye of the house Velaryon , the realms beauty , the pure , perfect , loved by all and more these were the adjectives that defines y/n Velaryon.
For Aegon, she was his sun. With Her warm smile and her gentle behavior that warms his heart, his hope light.
He shouldn't have loved someone as ugly as himself and a pure beauty like you, but his greed was getting in the way. He liked the way you warn them when he and your brothers when bully Aemond because that was the only way he could talk to you. He was jealous of the attention you gave your siblings,Aemond and Helaena. He just wanted you to look at him, talk to him, dedicate yourself to him.
Then something happened that he couldn't believe. The gods he doesn't believe in must have taken pity on him because his father, Visersy, proposed a marriage proposal between you and him to prevent tensions between blacks and greens. Aegon agreed without hesitation, and you accepted for your family. He confessed to you on your wedding night.
“I love you”
He looked at you to see your reaction. He saw your gentle smile warm eyes. Then you spoke
“Me too. I love you “
Your marriage wasn't so bad after all. Although you didn't see your family very often, you were not alone and your beloved husband, Aegon, would not have left you alone for a moment. Although Aegon was the happiest in marriage, Alicent was as happy with it as her son. You took such good care of her son. Her son had changed his drinking habits a little bit, he wasn't drinking as much as he used to, he was cleaner thanks to your efforts. He hasn't been interested in prostitutes at all since you got married.
Aegon was happy. Everything was going perfectly. He loved you, you loved him, and you were pregnant. Sometimes Aegon thought he was dreaming of a perfect life that couldn't be real...
Then you got the news that ended your perfect life.
“Lucersy Velaryon is dead. At Storm's End-"
When you heard the news, your head started to spin. ‘Is my brother Lucersy dead? No it can't be' then your eyes went black and you passed out.
Nothing has been the same since that damn night. You were unhappy. You didn't want to do your daily activities such as eating or walking. The only thing keeping you alive was the child in your womb. This did not go unnoticed by Aegon.
You were getting ready for bed. You were combing your hair in front of the mirror. Then you saw a familiar silhouette behind you and your husband hugged you from behind.
"What's the problem?" ' Aegon asked, his voice a little twisted.
"What are you trying to say" you didn't look at him.
“Then why are you in this situation!”
Aegon turned your face to him. He saw your eyes, those eyes that were once filled with happiness were now filled with sorrow.
“I love you, you know that… do you love me?” ' asked Aegon.
“I love you, but my love for you is not strong enough to cover my brother's death, this war, this grief.”
Aegon hugged you. This is how the night ended.
Aegon thought it couldn't get any worse, but after the miscarriage, you seemed completely dead. Just thinking about that moment was enough to have a nightmare. You screamed desperately in tears on the bloody sheets on the bed… Aegon felt awful. His sun, his only lover, was fading . Your eyes had lost the light of life, you weren’t eating or drinking. And he couldn't do anything as your husband.
One night Aegon did something he shouldn't have done, drank more than usual and said things he shouldn't have said while drunk.
“I'm sick of this mourning! You are my wife! Take care of your husband! After all that hard work for you, this is the reward! I wish you were dead so you wouldn't bother me so much"
When Aegon looked at you, he instantly regretted his words.
"I am sorry. My tongue slipped. I love you I'm just a little tired so-"
He desperately hugged and kissed you.
"You love me don't you?"
This time you didn't answer, only your silence spoke. The night passed as quiet as the pre-death silence, save for Aegon's sobs and tears.
In the morning the whole court was awakened by Aegon's screams . When Queen Alicent entered the room, she found her son hugging tightly his wife with bloody hands. Aegon's only wife had committed suicide.
“Please open your eyes Y/n! I didn't mean it like that. I was drunk. Please do not leave me!"
Alicent was heartbroken at the sight of her son's desperate begs over his wife's body.
“Aegon she is dead” Alicent held out her hand to his son but Aegon slapped it harshly.
"No!" He said, hugging his dead wife's body tighter.
“Get out! Get out, I don't want anyone! Get out!”
No funeral was held Aegon was adamant not to give his lover's body. For the first two days, Aegon did not leave his chamber and did not let anyone into . On the third day, he was allowed to enter the chamber and was smiling. Alicent was horrified to see her son in this state.
“Aegon you-this-” she pointed to the dead woman.
“Oh mom it's okay my wife is just a little tired. She needs a rest.”
“Rest?! Aegon, this girl is dead!”
Aegon's smile dropped. He approached his mother.
“I think you misunderstood . She just needs a rest. Do you understand mom. Now cancel the funeral preparations, they are really getting on my nerves"
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valkyrieromanoff · 2 years
Michael B Jordan x actress!reader
I fell in love with Killmonger again thanks to Wakanda Forever 💖😍 After rewatching my favourite Michael B Jordan movies, I couldn't help but disassociate a little bit. So, hope you enjoy it! 💘✨
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Y/N always knew she wanted to be an actress. Since she was a little girl and watched with her grandmother some novelas, trying to memorize the lines so she could recite it late at night in her bed. She dreamed to one day star in one of the Hollywood films she had grown up watching; one day she would meet her favorite actors and, if she was lucky, perform alongside them.
At eighteen, with a scholarship for a theater course and her dreams, she moved to LA. The first few weeks were magical; everything was new, and she found herself walking through the locations of her favorite movies. The fantasies quickly ran out of steam; the scholarship was full but didn’t cover her expenses, and with her savings dwindling and the money running out like water, Y/N needed a job.
Luckily, a Mexican restaurant was hiring, so Y/N put her Spanish skills to use and got the job with a little persistence and kindness. Although it was a part-time position, she occasionally put in extra time to make up for going out to auditions.
It was her 100th casting test when her nineteenth birthday arrived. Her roommates sung "happy birthday" and bought her a cupcake. Wishing she had  lucky, Y/N blew the candle.
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"They're looking for a Latina actress between the ages of 18 and 24." Julie, one of her roommates, said while grabbing a flyer. "They left it at the college; I thought you may give it a try."
“I guess; It won't harm to give it a shot.” Y/N muttered.
That's how she ended up in a chair, dangling her feet nervously, waiting her turn. Each girl returning from the test had a mixture of delight and disappointment on their faces, leaving her confused. Y/N reread the script for the fiftyth time when her name was called. Before stepping into the room, she took a big breath.
“So when you're ready, Y/LN.” As he sat down next to three other people, the producer spoke.
Y/N inhaled deeply, closed her eyes to get into character, and started reciting her lines.
"The real monsters don’t hide in the dark, under your bed, or in the woods." While speaking, she slowly raised her gaze. “They live with us; we pass them on the streets daily." 
"The truly terrifying monsters are the ones who smile at you before stabbing your back." 
Y/N clenched her jaw and took a moment to reflect.
"The real monsters are the ones we call family. The ones we trust with our darkest secrets and fears. Those who should be protecting us are the first to twist a knife in the face of our faults when we least expect it." As she spoke, tears started to form in her eyes.
Y/N expressed gratitude and waited for the producer's debate with his assistants. She wrung her hands nervously, doing a breathing exercise to keep calm.
"Well, we appreciate your performance, but we need to see if you get along with the cast." The producer spoke up, pulling out a piece of paper and holding out his hand. "Memorize these lines and return in about ten minutes.”
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When Y/N returned, someone was already standing in the center of the room. It was a tall man dressed in a sweatshirt ensemble, his face was tilted as he held the script in his hands. 
"Ready, Y/LN?" The man turned around in response to the producer's question.
Y/N gasped as she realized that the person she would be acting with was  Michael B. fucking Jordan. She brought her hand to her mouth to pull herself together, nodding her head for them to begin.
"You can't believe what they say; it's all just lies. They want to play with your mind, manipulate you so you won't be able to escape their sick game." Michael stated incisively.
"It's funny because they said the same thing about you." Y/N replied while focusing on his eyes. "Why should I believe you are telling the truth?"
"I’d never lie to you." When she turned away, he assured her.
“Well, it seems that they were right. You cannot prove your point.” Y/N said as she started to leave.
Michael held her arm, pulling her back into place and lessening the previous distance.
"And how did they prove it to you? What was the excuse, huh? that they are your family?"
Y/N anxiously bit her lip.
"I can't force you to believe what I say; that is your own choice to decide which course you will take.” Michael spoke while resting his hand on her chest's left side.
While struggling to hold his eyes, Y/N gasped, her heart beating and her cheeks flushed. 
"Your heart will tell you what to do; follow your instincts, and if it decides to go beside me,” He held her chin with his other hand. “I'll be waiting for you."
The intensity of his words gave Y/N shivers, and she had to use all her self-control to keep from fainting in his arms.
“How can I tell if I'm making the right decision? “ As his palm touched her cheek, Y/N asked while tightly closing her eyes.
"You can't, but you've to believe in yourself." Her eyes opened as Michael ended the scene;  they stared at each other for a few seconds before the producer exclaimed ‘cut’.
"Congratulations, then! You have the part. You’ll get an email with the information in two to three days.” After standing up to greet her, the producer spoke.
“Oh my goodness, thank you.” Y/N cheered enthusiastically. “Thank you so much, I won't disappoint." 
The producer simply nodded his head in agreement and left. Y/N shouted enthusiastically while using a few brazilian swear words to express her happiness.
“I don't know what you said, but I hope it was cheerful.” Michael B. Jordan commented behind her, causing her to leap forward. “Oh my bad. I didn't mean to scare you."
"That's okay. I had my head in the clouds. It’s just hard to believe that this is actually happening.” Y/N admitted while grinning.
"Try to believe it; you did a great job and deserved that role." With a hand on her shoulder, Michael reassured her. "Catch you at the recording.”
Y/N shook her head, too stunned to speak. When she confirmed that she was the only one in the room, she whispered a hushed ‘porra’.
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lilisouless · 6 months
I try to respect people that don’t like the ending of ruin and rising, but it’s hard cause most of them tend to ignore factual things and fill in the information with their bias.
Cause other than Alina losing and missing her powers, also I don’t really like Leigh’s reasoning for it, but people say that it undoes her character development and, first: powers are a physical thing , they are not related to character.
The the other is “she is sick and lonely just like she was at the start of the book” at the start of the book she was not respected nor believed she was worthy of that, at the end she is loved by the people that know she is alive and respected by everyone else (the ones not on the anti grisha crowd). Also she felt unloved by people that weren’t Mal, at the end of the book the fact that the grisha still wanted her around after losing her powers pretty much made her realize she was loved for herself, not just as a weapon or a symbol.
I’ll let aside the sick part because i don’t recall her being told to be sickly, i assumed she was healthy since the reason of her being sickly not using her powers and she was told to work plenty.
The lonely makes me laugh because, first: in real life actually that’s pretty much how it works after you get married l you get your own place where most of the time you are around only with your partner, kids if you have, and coworkers, while your friends you see them not daily on a non regular schedule unless you live near them. Like, most people live with their partner, not their friends, that’s how marriage works.
But even then, she is far from lonely, not only Mal is there , Misha is too young to be leaving soon, she also spends time with the kids , in RoW they are not around because she didn’t want to endanger them. Also it is told that Nikolai and the grisha actually do visit her often and writes to Genya on a regular basis. She is hardly lonely.
Also people say the lonely argument on the same breath they complain about Mal being revived, when we’ll, he was revived so she wouldn’t end up lonely cause,unless Leigh says otherwise one day, i think she’d go back to fix the orphanage, regardless if Mal was brought back or not. Let me tell you that other author would have just killed Alina off, here she was given a chance to keep living away from the pain of the war. Cause the theme was never “powes rule!” it was how war destroys people, to the point even the people that scape it, like Alina and Mal, don’t get out unharmed, they lost something very dear to them and do their best to live with the aftermath. Also, by this point the darkling has been revived three freaking years after his killing on a ritual i still don’t understand, so you will have to get over Mal being revived by now.
Also, she doesn’t spend all her alone time being nostalgic about her powers, other than working she finds joy in painting. People only focus on the ending about Alina’s powers but not that she started doing maps for the army and ended up doing paintings for herself and the kids that once were like her.
Like, you can dislike it, but i haven’t seen arguments against it that don’t contradict the canon , if get if you don’t like it you won’t read it often or try to remember it. But you can double check if you are going to say why it’s a bad ending and then give reasons that contradict what’s actually told.
I have said many times that i wished she kept her powers, my problems with that are Leigh’s external reasoning (which I am very skeptical on ) but it’s far from bad writing or undoing her whole journey: she is one of the few characters allowed to somehow have the chance of getting back the childhood she lost (compared to Genya,Inej or Kaz). The good things she did are still there, the things she learned are still there, going back to where she started would be her on a place she holds no power and feels marginalized, where she ended up on a place she is in charge and loved.
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kyriat-stories · 3 days
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The harsh words of his brother rang in King Mijararo's ears, and to make the misery complete they got the sad message that Queen Alkmini had passed away on their way back. It was not unexpected considering her old age and health situation, but still sorrowful for those who loved her.
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Just a few months later, they also received the message that Laonome, the Queen of Selinódasos, who was King Mijararos' aunt and Queen Euthalia's mother, surprisingly had turned ill and died. Rumors had it that she had been poisoned, but nobody were able to figure out who and how.
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The King was of course devastated, but was comforted by the children's governess Bisera, whom he just months later decided to marry, because "it is easier this way", as he said.
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Queen Euthalia was furious with her father, and wanted her sister Nikh to come to Manthos, "to avoid the influence from common and unfit people" as she explained it. "Absolutely not", was the short and clear answer from the king. We don't think he ever asked his daughter Nikh what she wanted, but if he had, she would most likely had agreed with her father. Truth is Nikh had a much better relationship with her "common" governess than with her rather snobbish sister. As for her younger brother Philokratis he was not old enough to understand.
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Queen Euthalia had strong opinions about most things, and there had been a couple of episodes with both staff and family in the past. But lately the frictions between Euthalia and Amphiera had escalated to a level that was affecting the whole family. As soon as they were in the same room, which they were daily, there were loud arguments and glowers.
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King Mijararos tried several times to discuss this with his wife, but to little avail.
- Why are you telling me this, she said, when it is Amphiera who is causing all the problems? She looks so innocent that one, but she is a demon! I'm telling you!
- That might be so, but please, if you could be a little less confrontational?
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- You don't understand my situation Mijarare! Euthalia was clearly upset. I'm the head of this household, I am the Queen of this country, and my authority is constantly challenged by that... Lámia!
- But we will all just have to work together, and ...
- Work together?! She is a lazy slob, and all she can do is to lie on the coach and have the servants run around for her! And she don't have children or households or kingdoms to look after, like some of us! You don't know what you are talking about! Go talk with your brother and ask him to get his wife in order, next time. I'm sick and tired of this!
Mijaros found it best not to continue the discussion that night.
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He had a feeling that his brother wouldn't be open for any suggestions concerning his wife's behavior, so he decided not to talk with him about it. Instead, he confided in his uncle.
- So you see the situation is a bit unruly, and I really don't know how to handle it. Do you think your Konchylia could... No, probably not a good idea. Could become even messier.
- Hmm. Well I don't know. She is good at stopping the children from fighting, but this is a different level of course.
- You know what is worse than two women fighting?
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- What?
- Three women fighting.
- Ah, it's a joke!
- It is, but it's true, isn't it?
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stgosupremacy · 2 months
Hi! I just wanna say I love ur blog! I like how you see and talk abt Goh's character ❤️
I know some people (mostly those toxic pokemon fans) REALLY don't like Goh, and it upsets me bc it feels like me and them watched a completely different character on screen.
What do you think about it? I just don't get how they can hate him!
omg hey fellow goh lover!!!!!! 🥰 i also just wanna say thank you for the lovelyyyy message because i ask the same question daily honestly
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(sorry i had to use that the animation is too slick)
it actually upsets me a lot too that people don't see the good in Goh! im glad you think the same <3
okay there's some instances (yes im saying this 💀) where even i think goh went a bit too far like even though i think it's sick he caught suicune i do get why people were so mad about it? but cmon that was a bit too much hate 😭
Ash hadn't caught any legendaries his entire journey so yeah Goh catching suicune at the early-ish start of his journey was....just a bit like oh ok wow even for me lmao but yk that topic will probably never calm down lets be honest
Then there's him just catching every pokemon without battling, that I also get why ppl are mad because I was rewatching the unova anime a few days ago and a lot of the episodes had an emphasis onbattling before catching, and you can say that goes for the rest of the pokemon anime after that too...up until journeys 😂
Goh is a bit of a rulebreaker in that instance, i get that, but if people hate him taking so much screentime for Ash
(heads up the episode where goh goes on vacation and meets tokio again is the 1st episode in the anime history without any scene of Ash in it at ALL which is pretty crazy)
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then I'm sure we wouldn't want to see Goh battle e v e r y single pokemon he catches, like his goal is literally to catchem all as well BUT BUT THEN AGAIN, that arguement is pretty weak i guess, and i understand why people would be mad, but I really dont like when they genuinely just hate him excessively 😭😭
His character development was really nice in my opinion, and I really like how he more often emphasised the fact the reason why he wanted to catch throughout the series, and he reeaaaally understood pokemon better and forged such nice relationships with all of them
(also i was a bit sad Ash didnt get any galar starters too but....im sorry i feel like they're too perfect with Goh im proud of him)
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he's really adorable goofy sweet amazing incredible gay and literally the entire package there are those minute things about the pokemon catching yadayada but that basically is forgotten when i watch him on screen
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gonna reinforce my point about how he is perfect with the Galar starters...im sorry but look at them.
(you cannot talk to me about the drizzle episodes I will literally start crying. Also the grookey errand episode and that hug. Omfg)
You can see how much he cares for his pokemon (all the hugs above omg stop 😔💖) and I wish other people would also see that 😭 😭
He's so sweet and kind now especially at the end when Ash finally managed to help open his heart to other people and also Ash himself 😛 😛 OK I told myself I wouldn't bring satogou into Goh's honour post but they're another reason I love Goh so much, they compliment each other so well and I couldn't think of anyone else more perfect for Ash I love them both 💗🥺 (... In case you hadn't noticed)
Then again, it's still opinion based ig, not gonna fight about it 💀
Sorry this was such a long response (but cmon what were yall expecting..) but I kind of felt like I was gonna do a post like this sometime soon so thank you for anyone who voluntarily read this long-ass rant about Goh and @louie-inc for asking the question too!! 💕 💯 💕 💯
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emmatgc · 4 months
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Wonderful World FanFic (Chapter 6)
(This is only for Seon Yul and Soo Hyun shippers, nothing more. This is my own interpretation . This is a sequel to their story. New characters were added. This will be a mini novel for most probably 10 parts. Enjoy and thank you for the few who are supporting this! This is for you who made a request ❤️)
Chapter 6: The Moon is Beautiful 
“He likes you” is on a loop on Soo Hyun’s mind a lot after that fateful night talking to her sister. Seon Yul on the other hand is feeling good. He likes seeing Soo Hyun happy or at ease. He is worried about Yoo Ra but he has always been a very private person and for him she is just a friend, nothing more. She wonders why Soo Hyun brought her up during their time together and it made him smile. Was she jealous? nah , it is impossible, he thought. 
 A lot has happened in 3 months. Soo Hyun managed to get a loan for her staff and the physicians even if those were really volunteers but with her connections, even though she rarely uses it, the orphanage is thriving under her care. It is an exclusive one but one open for an opportunity of a foster home and care if a family fit to be one will adopt a child. Their daily routine was to start their day at 8am, have breakfast at 7am and lunch at 11am and end by 5pm. It is a whole day of work and “Wonderful Smiles” just like Soo Hyun, is a work in progress and like their owner, a very good one. Soo Hyun is not always present everyday at the orphanage for her other duties as an author. She is thinking of coming back to teach in a university should her schedule allow.Seon Yul on the other hand, is present and available to the kids everyday not missing a day or an hour. The children adore him and the staff loves him. From time to time he would do conference calls and talk to his Chief Resident at the hospital. 
One day, he got a call from his best friend , Soo Jin.  “Hey, how is our prodigy doing there?. He replied, “I am just doing fine, thank you for asking”. “Any news to share with me, bro? “Ummm, Nothing that would entertain you, Soo Jin. “You always entertain me, Seon Yul”. They both laughed and shared some hospital stories while Seon Yul was gone and stories from the orphanage. Before their phone conversation ended, Soo jin told Seon Yul that Yoo Ra has been asking about him and Soo Hyun and it is exhausting to constantly reply to her that it is none of her business. “Our pretty friend might have a little crush on you, Seon Yul, better be careful” “You sound like it is a bad thing, Soo Jin”. “Well, love can make pretty girls crazy”. “I'll talk to her when I get back”. “Oh good, are you finally getting back? I was thinking you might live there and give up everything here for your lady love? “ What are you talking about? Seon Yul was puzzled but also smiling. “Seon yul, my man, you are a smart man, don’t go stupid on me now. You are there for her. You liked her, always has been. Your revenge is done and what's left? Love”.  That is impossible Soo Jin, he replied. “Is it really? Impossible? For you, two? I don’t think so but anyways, it's your life and again, I am telling you to be careful always but I also want you to be happy and I hope you are”. “Seon yul nodded and smiled, Soo Jin’s words comforted him and before they finally hung up the phone, he said “I am happy, truly”. 
Soo Hyun and Seon Yul are two people who share the same silence and experiences over the last 10 years. People are baffled why they are almost “in sync” with each other. Even the staff are surprised at how smoothly they work together and it seems that both know each other too well. There was a week when Soo Hyun got sick. Seon Yul, as the Doctor notices Soo Hyun coughing. Typical Soo Hyun just brushed it off as a normal cough until she fainted one afternoon. She had an allergic reaction to a food she had eaten in one of her book tour signing events and it is a good thing they already had a pharmacy in place inside the orphanage. Seon Yul got so worried and acted as her nurse during her recovery stage. Seon Yul realizes he doesn't want Soo Hyun getting hurt or in pain. Soo Hyun was treated at the orphanage for the 1st 2 days and her medical care continued at her house. Seon Yul wanted first hand to take good care of her. He monitored her day and night. 
Soo Hyun woke up late one night and she saw Seon Yul sleeping near her bed, his arm in her bed and his head down on it. She didn't want to wake him up but as soon as she wanted to move or attempt to go down her bed , she was surprised to hear “Don’t you dare get off your bed, Dr. Soo Hyun”. Jumping and acting a little scared, it is actually kinda dark in her room, she replied “I thought you were asleep, you scared me!” “Well, i wasn't really asleep, I was just pretending to be, besides, I know you are stubborn , stubborn enough to get off this bed and go back to work!” Seon Yul was being funny she thought but he aint smiling at all, he was serious. Soo Hyun, being the joker at times said “You sound so serious, it was just a minor thing”. 
“I don't want you getting hurt, alright? I need you to be ok, Soo Hyun”. Soo Hyun was shocked to hear him call her first name for the 1st time ever. I’m sorry, I hope it's ok to call you by your 1st name? Seon Yul was shy and nervous. “I am too old to be called by you by just my 1st name”, she replied. “I don’t care,” he replied almost instantly. Soo Hyun’s chest tightened a little bit. She got butterflies seeing how nervous Seon Yul is and hearing her name that way, is a pleasant but awkward surprise. “I am sorry for making you worry, Seon Yul. I am sorry you had to look after me. I am alright though, no need to check up on me all the time”, she reiterated to him. “Please, let me take care of you, Soo Hyun”. Soo Hyun bursted out laughing and said “are you taking care of your guardian?” He seriously replied, “You are not my guardian anymore remember” Seriously, you’ve got to take good care of yourself. You are not only allergic to some food but you are clearly exhausted. You need to rest and sleep more. I did some laboratory tests on you and it seems you haven’t gone for a regular check up for a year! Soo Hyun is smiling, is he mad at me? She asks herself. He seems so mad at the thought of her neglecting her health and so on and she can’t help it but think, this might be the feeling when somebody is worried about someone, or maybe if her son is old enough to care, if he was alive, and he will tell her this? Soo hyun and her thoughts were shut down when Seon Yul stood up and walked away from her a bit. Why is he acting this way?
“You are not listening to me”, he said. Soo Hyun is grateful , but she is confused as to why Seon Yul is acting so worried and weird at the same time. Seon Yul, Thank you, she replied. “I am listening but I guess I am also still on a high from the painkillers you gave me”. They both smiled. I will see you tomorrow. Sleep well. The next day, when Soo Hyun woke up, there were flowers in a vase. Her staff said it was from Seon Yul, that he picked it outdoors while he was jogging early in the morning. Seon yul gave her “Mugunghwa” also known as the rose of Sharon. 
Soo Hyun’s ex husband came to visit her after knowing at her Mom’s house that Soo Hyun is recovering at the orphanage. He brought flowers, too. He brought white lilies. It’s Soo Hyun’s favorites. Both chatted a lot and discussed some “work” related stuff and he opened up about her wanting to teach again. Seon Yul was told by the staff Soo hyun got a visitor and he wanted to check who. He entered her room and saw the two of them laughing at each other. Seon Yul was again, so serious checking up her blood pressure and her IV. He looked at him earnestly and he just smiled and greeted him. He thanked Seon Yul for taking care of his ex wife. “Thank you for taking good care of my ex wife, Dr. Seon Yul”. It is good she listens to you and stays treated here. She can be stubborn, you know. Seon Yul got a bit irritated hearing the words “ex wife” and answered, “I know” and excused himself. 
“Well, somebody’s jealous. Haha” Soo Hyun smacked Su Ho’s hand in return. “You dont have to say that!” He replied, “That you were my ex wife? It's the truth! Haha still laughing at Seon Yul and her. He is so obvious, my goodness, it is so obvious, you two! What is? Soo Hyun asked. “Come on Soo Hyun, the boy gave you “rose of sharon” flowers and I gave you lilies! So? She was confused. Oh my, you don't know what “mungunghwa” means? It is deep affection. Like eternal adoration and devotion or something. That kid is smart. He doesn't do things without thinking about it. Oh, don’t tell me “he just picked it out outside “ hahaha he didnt’ .
The guy was obviously jealous of me and that is why I mentioned you as my “ex wife”. Please leave now So hu, Soo hyun shouted at him embarrassed by what she heard from him. They laughed out loud and just felt warm to be having this conversation with her ex husband. Before So hun left, he told Soo Hyun “I will always have your back, Soo Hyun, you know that right? If he makes you happy, go for it. It's not gonna be easy but hey, nothing is. At least, he is a million times better looking than me” hahaha. So Hun left and again, a lot of feelings are intertwining in Soo Hyun’s thoughts. 
Seon Yul was indeed jealous and he knows it. He shouldn’t be, they are exes, of course he will visit her. His thoughts are running wild. He seems irritated that he didn't know her favorite flowers. He also seemed bothered that they were laughing and they hugged each other, too. Seon Yul has always been an introvert and one thing’s for sure, he has never been in love. So, he doesn't know just yet. He was reading a Japanese book to kill time until he came back to Soo Hyun’s room. He wanted to ask Soo Hyun to eat outside since she is now almost healed and recovered. He had it all planned out with the staff. Together with the flowers in the table, her favorite and allowed foods to eat, Soo Hyun was happy to be asked out since she was dreading staying for a couple days in a room confined and strictly monitored. Under that same moonlight there they were, both sitting and eating casually. He handed her a plate and got her food even if she insisted it was hers to get but Seon Yul won’t let her. They were music sort of and the trees, and the leaves were swaying like in the movies. It was a great ambiance, a romantic one. 
Seon Yul started the after dinner conversation. “ How are you feeling?” I am great, thank you. I have the best Doctor”, she replied. I’m sorry, he said. For what?, she replied. “For not knowing your favorite flowers”. Soo Hyun laughed loudly “hahaha, Oh God, don’t be! I don't even remember anymore. It has been a long time since” He then seriously replied “ But Soo Hu didn’t”. Of course, he was my husband. I would be angry if that detail was left out or erased, she honestly replied. They talked about the orphanage and they talked about her plans to go back to teaching. 
Seon Yul doesn't know what took over him but when Soo Hyun started talking about her plans and the way she smiles, he noticed her eyes lit up, her face blooming and her lips, so soft and all in 1 slow motion. All this pent up emotions for the last 6 years. He doesn't know if he hears everything she is saying, and in that moment he knows. This is the moment he is waiting for. With his heart beating so fast, and another lifeform taking over his body, with a thousand times of confidence and desire,  he held her hand softly and he said the words “The Moon is Beautiful”. 
The feeling of being so close yet so far. Suddenly, there was silence but there was music in the air. They stared for a while, until Soo Hyun finally opened her mouth and said “Are you in love with me?”
(The Moon is Beautiful means “I love you or I am in love with you" in many cultures especially in the Japanese culture. This is an inspiration I got from the Kdrama “Romance is A Bonus Book" which is one of my personal favorites of all time. Chapter 6 is coming up soonest. I am sorry something came up today but I hope I made you smile with this chapter 😘) 
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julie-sufan · 2 months
The In-Depth Look at Julie-Su Part 5: Knuckles #10, 11 & 13-15
Issue 10 starts with Julie being interrogated before heading off to a jail cell.
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issue #11 is when she officially joins the Chaotix.
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This scene just raises too many questions. If Remington didn't recommend her, who did? A judge? Jury? Parole Board? And why does Remington even have a say over who gets to be part of the Chaotix? They became a team way back in the Knuckles Chaotix One Shot special before Remington was even created. And as far as I know they answer to Knuckles.
Issue #13 is the start of the Chaotix Caper. It's my favorite arc in the whole series. It shoves Knuckles to the background thereby cutting out any overly complicated echidna lore that's been so prevalent. By doing so it allows the Chaotix to actually be showcased instead of being a afterthought. Not only that but it actually gives Julie-Su a leading role. Unfortunately, after this Julie-Su's role and prominence in the series declines quite a bit until the dating arc in Issue #26.
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Charmy is being questioned due to his friend Mello getting sick after eating food at a amusement park.
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Julie-Su uses the term copacetic which I've never seen in a comic book since. Here's the definition:
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Turns out the food is laced with Lemon Sundrop Dandelion. I didn't know it when I first read it but it's abbreviated form is LSD. Charmy is on drugs and on a wild acid trip. This is how Issue #13 ends.
I still can't believe this actually got to the printed stage and didn't get rejected or changed by the editor at the last minute.
Issue #14 starts off with a beautifully drawn cover by Spaz of Julie-Su reloading her gun.
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The Chaotix are in the hospital recovering from food poisoning. This means that Julie-Su has to team up with Remington for the rest of the issue. I'm not going to lie, I've always found Remington to be a super boring character. I think a better choice would have been if instead of eating the food along with everyone else Vector had been chided by Julie-Su into not eating it. Then he could have teamed up with her bringing their rivalry into the forefront of the issue.
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Saffron the Bee appears for the first time in Charmy's flashback. Her design here is simply Charmy with blue hair and a dress. It won't be until later on that she gets a vastly improved new design.
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After some more sleuthing the two notice that Renfield appears to be in cahoots with a suspicious rabbit character. Julie-Su is set up to be the bait in order to gather new information that may help their investigation of Happyland.
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Issue #14 ends and Issue #15 begins with Julie-Su being tossed off the roof of a building.
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I love that as soon as she's thrown off the roof she's already working on a way to save herself.
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She's definitely not the stealthy type.
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They sneak back into the Rabbit's headquarters to stop him once and for all. For the life of me I can't remember the rabbit's name.
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Here we see how terrible Remington is at his job. He doesn't even fine Renfield. Way to go Remy! Now that the rat barely got any kind of competence he's free to poison people again if he so chooses. Remington really should of threaten to bring in a health inspector on a daily basis.
Meanwhile Charmy Bee gets a send off as he is written out of the series. His next appearance is only a wordless cameo during the upcoming dating arc. He won't really appear again until somewhere around Sonic #100.
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Boy, I really miss pre Sonic Heroes Charmy. His character was never the same after that.
Coming up a whole slew of Knuckles issues (16-25) as Julie-Su is regulated to being a mere side character once again.
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mushroomjeremy · 7 months
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I have been holding on to this design for a little while now. Thinking about how best to deliver how I changed the character and if I did enough.
I really want to get to clearing my 'to post' folder out. So I guess its better now than never.
This is Dr. Jair Shimmer a rewrite for SCP 963. Ignore that this is almost the exact same design in my Clight artwork; I liked the design so I kept it.
His main gimmick is that he study cursed object not just 963. He wears many curse object regardless of moral or ethical reasons against it. His office is chalk full of them, enter at your own caution.
SCP 963 isnt to much changed from base one, only thing is the souls in the amulet can be retrieve. Very hard thing to do and Shimmer needs to do that action all on there own and he kinda does not care to do that.
I do want to make more bodies for Shimmer but Im very busy and Im scared to draw women.
Past Keep Reading is just headcanons (do I even call them that at this point?)
The amulet is made of out silver, Red Beryl/Bixbite, and different colored sapphires.
While I am using He/Him in this post, Shimmer is a genderfluid, pansexual, panromantic with any pronouns as long as your not taking the piss out of him
Despite shipping war, Shimmer is with Glass, Clef, and Kondraki. Sometime all at once.
He use to be cautious around cursed objects, but after 963 he started to become reckless knowing he'd always come back after the Foundation found him
963 works a little differently on how is possess someone. All it needed was an initial soul trap and the next person to pick it up will be possessed. If Shimmer kills themselves the curse is kinda broken, he would just be in the amulet and the next person to pick it up is the knew host.
So Able is out of the story.
Shimmer just touched it and became the host.
How he found out about SCP 963 abilities is a informant apart of a different GoI stabbed him in the back cause they thought Shimmer was getting to close to figuring out why they were in the Foundation in the first place
Shimmer went to Deer College to get a degree in Magic and Curses
Shimmer can see, read, and understand magic in objects and crystals but he himself is not a wizard/witch/Type Blue/ect.
He's a lot calmer here with a stern voice, though he still tells jokes when he feel in danger. Force of habit.
I wanted to keep this as I think it gives some good worldbuilding to the Foundation daily life. He does facilitate a betting ring for literally anything. You could put a bet on if the kitchen will be destroyed in the next breach or not.
Shimmer likes to see the personnel fight when bets don't go their way.
Where is Shimmer get money to pay back people? Who knows.
Shimmer has yet to see the gravity of immortality. He's in the phase of getting sick of dying but still careless with his bodies and "clones."
Oh yeah the Clones! How the amulet after a month could be taken off and put on another person? Well the Foundation uses that to their benefit instead of killing them. More bodies that can work on higher clearance levels stuff.
Shimmer can take of the amulet before the end of the month and still retain his body.
I also wanted to keep the Personnel Director position. I like him having all the information on the Personnel of the Sites he is place in. It could cause tension between characters if they fine out about Shimmer knowing those things or it could show how much they care about friends with this information. Example for both: Clef
I want to do the rest of the Family as well but its still a wip. But I will say I wanted to explore ableism as a defining problem for the family in its dysfunction
If I remember or figure out anymore I'll come back here maybe.
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bookreviewcoffee · 10 months
This book was read by me in November
Norwegian wood Haruki Murakami
I just finished reading “Norwegian Wood” by Murakami and would like to share my impressions and conclusions about this book. After reading it, it leaves a very melancholy but pleasant aftertaste; the author did a very good job in this and created a very addictive atmosphere. There is no sharp plot in this book; it tells about people, their daily lives, problems, and experiences, and more than once I caught myself thinking that the lives of the characters can often be similar to ours. Everyone openly talks about their problems and oddities, and on the one hand, it looks easy and simple, but on the other hand, it does not always help to cope with a difficult moral state, and this is very sad. Also, the theme of death and the value of human life and, in principle, each individual person constantly creeps in here. What's the thought? Every death does not pass by, and it leaves a deep imprint on the human soul, but at the same time, it always gives some lesson, and everyone decides for themselves how it will affect their future lives. About the value of people: each person is unique; everyone is crazy different and interesting in their own way.
There are no bad people; everyone just perceives the same person differently: for some he’s strange, for others he’s very cool, for others he’s talented and smart, and for others he’s a complete asshole who doesn’t care about others. If someone does not see your positive sides and perceives your uniqueness and individuality negatively, then the person is not yours. A book about a mysterious forest in which it is easy to get lost, lose your bearings, and never find the right path This forest is inside each of us. In it, you can find answers to all questions, explore every hidden corner of your soul, directly or through intermediaries, and constantly move towards the truth, even if it is very difficult. A book about the formation of personality, about pain, confusion of the soul, loneliness, and, of course, about the color and diversity of the Japanese soul.
Each person in the main character’s life is his way of self-healing. Healing the wounds inflicted by fate. Watanabe could not cope with the loss of his best friend Kizuki, could not help him, and did not know how to help himself. As he grew closer to Naoko, he tried desperately to pull her through, to help her cope, not realizing that he was struggling to heal his own wounds, to overcome loneliness and the fear of death.
All the people who meet him on the path of life are sick, broken, confused, and clutching at a fragile life with tenacious hands, and he furiously tries to help them with his last strength, imbued with everyone’s life, lives it, has compassion, and lets go. A wounded soul, like a tree trunk, tries to straighten up, blossom, and grow, striving for the sky no matter what. Every person he meets is experienced, accepted, and understood. The stormtrooper helped him discover purity in life and cleanse himself of dirty space and dirty thoughts. Nagasawa opened in him an understanding of the possibilities of the breadth of the world and the mind, as well as criticism of morality and unprincipled principles.
Over time, Watanabe stops tormenting himself and decides to start a new life. Having moved, he receives it, but at the same time, many experiences cover him like a wave covers a weak raft. Midori, the girl who lit the spark of life in him, turns away from him, doing this for educational reasons. She succeeds in this very well; she pulls him out of the world of the dead, in which he has already found himself with one foot. She brings him to his senses over and over again, thereby trying to help herself cope with loneliness and traumatic, destructive events.
So, together, they climb to a new life, to the sky and fresh wind, leaving the past behind.
At the end of the story, Watanabe helps another person, Reiko, indirectly helping herself. Pure, non-carnal, platonic love.
And Watanabe begins to understand that the stem of his life has become strong enough to try to be happy. Of course, this journey has just begun and will never end. This truly amazing resistance to death and the natural desire for light cause the power of life to awaken in everyone.
I was quite surprised by this book, because in fact, nothing extraordinary or unusual happens here, but nevertheless it grabs you and doesn’t let you go, because ordinary life is described here, and the problems of the characters can often be close to the reader. A fluid and smooth description of everyday life, surroundings, small everyday events that in their own way influence the subsequent lives of the characters and their moral state, growth or fall, stories from the past... all this really hooked me. The book is definitely worth reading. She teaches us to cherish every moment, like watching wildflowers in a vase, because they fade so quickly... they remain forever in our memory, because our life consists of them.
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neo-zone · 9 months
Alright, I finally got my hands on this full ... presscon? cast reaction? Whatever.
I already shared some screenshots from this before (by some people on Twitter) and after finally watching the full version, I fell like I need to share the rest of the season 2 world building and character lores mentioned and discussed to you guys in here (and also major spoilers for season 3)
P.S. I could be wrong on some of the points here (either misinterpreting or not paying enough attention), so please correct me if I do in the reply section
Season 2
I'm still confused af on this line : "he killed his original body as well as his personality, eventually turning into the twisted monster that he is now". Like so, does it refer to Sang-won killing his original body in season 2 or is it about monster Sang-won killing the real Sang-won?
I still don't get this line too, so interpret it however you want : "The child covered in black?" "This is where what's remaining of Sang-won disappears, uncovering the child."
Chan-young was a baseball player. Ye-seul was one of the cheerleaders
Oh, apparently monsterization does still happened inside the stadium. That's why there's a regular daily checking. Anyone showing symptoms will be out in the isolation place (yeah that place where they put the sick mom in). Some lived, some died inside the isolation => might be why Chief Ji keeping her monster son secluded somewhere deep inside the stadium
Hyun-su cut Yi-kyung's daughter hair the same style as him, hence how they're being similar appearance wise
The live action crew is adapting Shotgun Boy into Netflix Sweet Home
Yi-kyung blames herself for how her child turned out to be with her monster-turning power
Yi-kyung's inability to give affection or even touched her child stems from the fact that monsters are created from human desires, so she didn't want her child to have desire (awfully familiar with a particular old man *side glance*)
Yep, you guessed it. These three (Hyun-su, Eun-yu, and Chan-young) are dense as fuck about their own feelings to each other (minus Hyun-su to Chan-young and vice versa ofc)
Yi-kyung's daughter views Hyun-su as her own family even more than her biological mother. Because they're similar and he's the only person she could hold hands with without her power reacting
Hyun-su uses red ribbons to mark the safe area for Eun-yu because color red stands out among the greenery of Seoul post time skip
The monster cocoons are shaped like a heart because monsterization manifests from human desires
The "real Jung Wui-myeong" is one of the scientists. Sang-won (or monster Sang-won depending how you interpret the earlier points) took his identity and used it as his own, probably to separate himself from his old human self
Lmao, not them calling Sang-won's family as family of evil and there's no good apple in it. That's so fucking foul
Sang-wook is still there somewhere (I already shared this one before)
Sang-won's original abilities include the Medusa touch he did to Hyun-su in episode 3
Oh wait, Yi-kyung survived?! I thought she died after her fight with Hyun-su (uh oh *nervous glance to every instance of me mentioning "her death" in replies*)
Monster Hyun-su act according to what Hyun-su thinks and desires (I had shared this one before)
Monster Hyun-su is more proactive and extrovert (is the extrovert part really necessary?")
Season 3 rough summary
Family drama : Nam Sang-won starts a bunch of trouble (this bitch) in order to create a world he dreams of. There are family reunions and conflicts between spouses. He also meets his child (uh oh). They fight for her custody. This custody case didn't need a court (fuck, oh come on 😂). Yi-kyung wouldn't just talk it out. She'd fight until one is dead
Sibling drama : Eun-yu will meet Eun-hyeok again, but I'm not sure it'll make her happy
Second male lead struggle : Chan-yeong faces even more hardships as the story progresses. But even then, he gives up a lot just to protect Eun-yu. He starts to understand the monsters more. There's a lot on his mind as the story goes on.
More monster Hyun-su : Hyun-su lets go of himself and lets out the monster. But the monster doesn't just do its thing. He reads Hyun-su's mind and acts as he wants.
Another Hyun-su and Yi-kyung interaction : And later on, he interacts with Yi-kyung as well. The emotion it brings also felt huge. In the narration, he tells Eun-yu how much pain Yi-kyung is in and that he has to stop it all himself. So I'm sure Hyun-su sparked a change in Yi-kyung's heart. That'll continue in Season 3.
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halfnemu · 3 months
This'll probably go unnoticed but I realized I didn't properly introduce my MC Kiana and I wanted to change that. I've been drawing BC fanart for over a year but I didn't post anything at the time because I didn't like my art then, I thought it looked weird...and embarrassing >_<
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CHARACTER INFO BELOW(I don't have Toyhouse lol)
Name: Kiana Sinclair
Color: Noir
Age: 26
Birthday: December 22nd, 1997
Height: 160
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demiromantic/sexual
Horoscope: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Rooster
Personality: quiet, anxious, can snap sometimes, kind. Dandere.
Ability: Blood(can heal her wounds, or create things with her blood. Manipulating anyone else’s blood is exhausting and she doesn’t like causing other Huevari pain.) Semi-immortality.
Likes: Reading, making art, gaming, her friends, sweets, being alone, her family(only her mom and brother)
Dislikes: being made fun of ,herself(sometimes), loud noises, crowded spaces, anyone making fun of her height, and getting hurt.
Work: grocery store worker
Voice: Chiaki Nanami(Danganronpa)
Favorite animal: Cats
Favorite Food and Drink: strawberries(she doesn’t really have a favorite food per se but she’s picky on some things), white grape juice
Backstory: Kiana is quiet and prefers introverted activities or spending time with her friends. When she was a child her father cheated on her mother and had a whole other family on the side, causing her and her brother to be raised without a father figure. Her remaining family members were distant, only all coming together when there was a funeral. When she was younger she was severely bullied for being quiet and different, she ended up snapping one day at her bullies, which didn’t end well. Her only friend then was Fuyumi at the time and later on Xavier. She started taking online school for the remaining years and could not see them often.
After graduating, she and her friends wanted to start a band, but it failed for personal reasons among the group, and it caused them to separate. She wanted to get a fresh start and not be haunted by her past memories, so she moved to a new city to begin a new life.
Her favorite dessert is brownies because her mother likes to make them for her.
She knows how to cook and bake; if she isn’t too tired, she would do that instead of takeout.
She, Xavier, and Fuyumi still communicate, it was a coincidence they moved to the same city.
Though she’s still depressed, she considers herself in a better mental state than when she was a kid.
How she feels about her co-worker, Rasmus, is complicated. She doesn’t really like him that much and wishes he’d take his frustration out on someone else. She also feels unsafe around him but she also wants to know more about him and is scared to make the effort.
She and her friends recently started having daily group chat meetings with each other. Sometimes they play video games with each other and stream them.
Even though Khalil is her older brother, she took up the mantle of an older sibling ever since they were kids because of his sickness which affected his mental state.
She can’t really stand up for herself most of the time and holds in her emotions but eventually, she’s going to snap.
Using her blood manipulation will exhaust her depending on the amount she uses. she can regenerate it at will by sleeping but she even then she doesn’t like using her blood that way due to her hating pain.
She hates arguments and is the first to apologize because of her guilt, even if she wasn’t the one in the wrong.
She likes wearing dresses and skirts, especially during the summer.
Her hair spikes or curls when she's stressed.
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vegitoswife · 8 days
So I have a Vegito x Reader collection on my quotev account. This part has lived as a half written draft for the last 2ish years; I decided to just resume it and complete it without re-writing what I already established. Choosing to post it here too because why not. I will state my style of doing X Readers isn't really like this anymore (I prefer not giving the Reader character written dialogue and I don't do the "Y/N" thing - though Y/N doesn't appear in this part's text).
Feeling physically terrible was never a fun experience. 
You started feeling under the weather yesterday, after you and Vegito returned home from an outing. He took you to an old lake on Mount Paozu that the Son family had used plenty of times for swimming throughout the years, after convincing you that it would be a fun, relaxing time for you both. 
You weren’t too sure about the relaxing part, especially after he picked you up and playfully tossed you into the lake. He did hop in right after you, laughing at your irritated expression. It was fun though; the lake was clear and clean enough to where you could easily see for some meters underwater. You and Vegito stayed out there well into the evening, before he got hungry and you both had to piece together dinner plans. Sitting down to eat at the kitchen table a while later, you noticed the discontentment within your stomach. It curbed your appetite a great deal, making you only eat a couple of bites off your plate until you pushed it to the side.
Vegito questioned you, but after you said you weren’t feeling that hungry, he let it go and happily ate your share as well. 
You did wake up in the middle of the night, nestled against Vegito’s back, feeling awful. You felt hot, clammy, you had a headache, and your stomach was hurting. You tried to go back to sleep, see if your sudden illness was temporary, but it had only gotten worse when you awakened again around dawn. 
Vegito was just getting up himself, preparing to go out for his daily training, but the Saiyan did pause and turn to face you. Underneath the bangs of his messy bedhead, his brow was furrowed, and you could hear him sniffing the air. 
“Hon? Are you sick?” 
“…I feel sick.” 
Your voice was a hoarse croak, and the small amount of energy you burned to respond was apparently more than your body could spare at the moment. Weakness flowed through you, causing you to sink deeper into your pillow. Vegito’s tail flicked behind him as he frowned, and silently stepped around the bed to stand by your side. He laid a hand on your forehead, and waited a few seconds. 
“You definitely have a fever.” His frown grew. “What else is bothering you?” 
“H-Headache. Stomach hurts too.” Speaking more only made you feel more exhausted. Vegito likely sensed this, since he pulled his hand away with an expression you’ve rarely seen on him. 
“Do you…need anything?” 
You frankly would like to get knocked unconscious, but you knew you couldn’t make a request like that to Vegito. If it wasn’t during sparring – or what sparring you could do with him and the level he’s on – he would never attack you like that. 
“Water’d be fine.” You shuddered, experiencing chills. It was almost surreal, feeling searingly hot and freezing cold at the same time. 
“…Don’t worry about me. Go train.” 
You really didn’t want to get in the way, knowing how important fine-tuning his fighting prowess and exercising his body was to him. Vegito’s lips twisted as he stared down at you with uncertainty, but he didn’t object. 
“Alright. I’ll grab you a water bottle.” 
You curled into a ball while Vegito went into the kitchen and returned with a bottle, putting it on the nightstand next to you. He resumed his morning routine, fixing himself up in the bathroom and getting dressed in his usual training attire of a plain t-shirt and athletic shorts. Some minutes later, he briefly returned to your side. With the lovely shape and form of his muscled legs so close to you, you would have definitely taken time to admire them like you tended to do, but the fatigue was too overwhelming. 
“I’ll be back soon, ok?” 
The outline of your head underneath the large comforter moved as you nodded, burying your face into your pillow and listening as Vegito left your shared room and the house altogether. Silence stretched on, and within the next 15 minutes, you found yourself missing him already. 
You weren’t the clingy type, but you had a habit of unconsciously seeking the Saiyan’s company out whenever you were feeling unwell in some way. Ever since the two of you first formed a friendship, you swiftly found comfort in his presence, especially after things turned romantic later down the line. Somehow. You had developed a crush on him before too long, but Vegito didn’t quite make his own feelings on you clear until he had a slip of the tongue one day. His resulting blush and flustered state was adorable, but with your gentle coaxing, you helped him express his own feelings. For you. 
That was how the more sentimental aspects of your dynamic went. Vegito wasn’t an expert or anything at saying exactly what you needed to hear, and it usually took some prompting from you for he to nestle you into his side or in his arms, but you honestly preferred it being like that. It made the times when he expressed his genuine love for you in his own way more sweet. 
Thinking about your boyfriend did help to distract you from your current misery, but it only did so much. You did take a moment to sit up and sip water from the bottle Vegito left you, though it caused the sick feeling in your stomach to grow stronger. You could bear it and hope it didn’t intensify into full-blown nausea; you really didn’t need dehydration to get stacked onto all the other symptoms. A visit to the hospital would become necessary then, and that would be a total nightmare. 
Minutes turned to hours, as the sun rose to brighten the room. You laid in bed meanwhile, constantly falling in and out of slumber. Your condition didn’t get any better, but at least it didn’t seem to be worsening. Your frustration steadily strengthened regardless, with you lying on your back and staring up at the ceiling with a deep frown. 
Pondering the possibilities as to how you gotten ill, your memories of the previous day surged forth, and you figured there must have been some kind of harmful bacteria in the lake that your body failed to repel. You didn’t wonder why Vegito also didn’t get sick, as he’s told you in the past that Saiyans were incredibly resilient and virtually immune to various illnesses common on Earth. Pureblooded Saiyans hardly became sick, as through millennia of evolution, their genes were set up in a way for them to be able to fight at their greatest in almost any circumstance. 
You were frankly envious of that. 
It was around noon when you sensed a displacement of the air in your room. You removed the pillow from your face to see Vegito suddenly standing in front of the bed with two fingers pressed against his forehead, a sign he had used Instant Transmission. 
“I’m back.” The softened edge of his voice was comforting. Your fingers involuntarily twitched at him, deep down you craved his company, but you felt so weak still. 
“Feeling any better?” He walked up to rest his hand on your forehead again. 
“Hm.” His brow furrowed. “Your ki hasn’t gotten much weaker. I guess this is something that’ll pass on its own eventually.” 
It was a relief to know this illness wasn’t killing you, at least. Vegito removed his hand. 
“I remember you didn’t have much for dinner last night. You should eat something.” 
So, he did actually take note of that – despite his joviality at having more tasty food to eat. He always surprised you by how much attention he actually gave you. 
“Eh...” The thought of eating made your nausea spike. Your throat clenched. “I don't know if...that’s wise.” 
“Malnourishment will only make you feel worse though.” His tail flicked behind him, a hint at the unease he was suppressing on the surface. You still weren’t convinced, and your weariness delayed whatever response you would’ve said. Vegito reached down to gently grab one of your hands with his own. 
“Try? For me?” 
How could you turn his suggestion down now? You’d do anything for him. 
“...Ok. Could...” You cringed from a more aggressive throb of your headache. “Could you...heat up some soup broth or something? We should have some cans. And, I could...use some ibuprofen. This headache is the worst...” 
Soup broth would be easier on your stomach than something heartier, and ibuprofen would help with your headache and fever. Vegito nodded, and exited the bedroom. He returned momentarily to give you a container of the requested drug. He left once more, as you took the recommended dosage and swallowed small amounts of water with it. 
You heard distant rummaging in the kitchen, cabinets and drawers being opened, utensils clinking. After a while, a rather tantalizing aroma wafted into the room. It heralded Vegito’s re-entry, toting a bowl emitting steam. You weren’t paying much attention, sitting up and reaching out with half-lidded, bleary eyes at he offering the bowl to you. 
The sudden, sharp pain in your fingers from how hot it was made you instantly react, ripping your hands away with a yelp. Vegito blinked in confusion, before recognition widened his eyes. 
“Uh- my bad! Hold on...” He hustled out of the bedroom with a reddened face. Your shock went away, replaced with amusement at how your boyfriend tried to unintentionally burn you. Vegito could hold scorching hot things with his bare hands no problem, hell the ki attacks he created were as hot as that and even greater, but you were not built the same way. It was cute how he sometimes forgot that. 
He came back with protective pot holders. You fully took the bowl this time, thanking him with a small smile and giggle at his sheepish look. Vegito again reminding you how much of a silly goober he could be, despite his serious capabilities as a warrior, provided levity you appreciated. You picked up the handle of the spoon he also provided, blowing on the broth before putting some in your mouth. The flavors were very tasty; whatever he picked was a good choice. 
“You ok for now? I should go bathe.” Vegito’s head tilted. Remembering he did train for hours, you nodded. He grabbed a fresh pair of boxers from a dresser and promptly slipped into your shared bathroom, leaving the door ajar. The subsequent sound of the shower turning on, and water splashing served as background noise for the next 10 minutes as you continued eating. The broth really was a good decision on your part; your stomach wasn’t throwing a fit and you were getting some kind of nutrition. 
When finished, you put the empty bowl on the nightstand with the pot holders and lied back down. The anti-inflammatory drug had kicked in and your suppressed hunger was quelled somewhat, leaving you feeling more relaxed than before. You were still exhausted, but you resisted the call of sleep until Vegito exited the bathroom. He was clothed in just the pair of boxers he grabbed before. Even with your delirium, you still took the time to admire his appearance. 
Like he loved to brag about, his body surely was in peak physical condition. He must’ve washed his hair and his tail fur as well, both looked much more fluffy. 
“How was the broth?” He questioned, while he went to grab his deodorant off of the dresser to apply. 
“Good.” You cleared your throat. 
“You need anything else?” 
“No.” The warmth within you spiked, but it was of a far more pleasant vibe. Now was the perfect time to ask, and you went for it. 
“Can you...lay down, with me...?” 
“Heh. I was planning on it.” His smile was genuine, sending butterflies swarming through your gut. 
Vegito went over to slip into his side of the bed. You immediately huddled closer to your Saiyan, resting your head on his shoulder as he pulled you in further with the arm pressed against your back. You were content to virtually cling to his chiseled torso like a koala, using your free arm. You’ve been wanting this all day so far, and now that you’ve gotten it, you felt calm enough to let fatigue dull your senses. 
Last your consciousness registered before you drifted off was a pair of lips pressing against your temple, and something soft snaking itself around your lower legs. 
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deathnotenerds · 2 months
☛ GET INSIDE YOUR CHARACTER'S HEAD! aka The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme (MADE BY: @not-just-a-letter )
Not all questions will be the same, because I translated it into my own language and then back into English😭 Enjoy💅
2) Daily routine!
Dark gets up at about 8, goes to the
kitchen to make some tea, takes it back to the room and drinks it. Meanwhile, he spends half an hour playing chess online.
-At 9 o'clock he makes his bed, brushes his teeth, gets dressed and helps with the investigation online/goes to the crime scene.
12:00 p.m. He takes a lunch break at work, and usually makes his own lunch.
-At 1 p.m. Take a short break talking to L
He continues to work on the Kira case from 1
p.m. to 9 p.m
He gets home at 9:00 p.m., changes his clothes and sits down in his room to meditate so as not to be overwhelmed at work.
- He has dinner at 21:30
- From 21:50 to 22:30 he plays chess again.
-He showers until 22:40-23:00
- He sleeps at 23:30
3) Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
Not really, sometimes he does some stretching exercises when his back hurts. However, he especially likes to play tennis.
4 ) What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
He probably wouldn't even dare to approach the kitchen. He would wait quietly in his room for them to go out. If his family members are there, he actually goes in, but he just stands and waits patiently for them to finish their part.
5 ) Cleanliness habits (personal, kitchen was busy? workspace, etc.)
His room is generally fine. He compulsively cleans it because he once read that he will feel more relaxed in a cleaner environment. If there is something he doesn't use (e.q. a glass), he immediately takes it out after him. Wash it after cookina. If he were to vomit, he immediately wipes it away and sprays his room with perfume.
6 ) Eating habits and sample daily menu
Dark often eats rice or fish that are less oily/greasy. He eats less meat as it often makes him sick. He especially likes traditional Japanese food, cinnamon, crackers ,and broccoli. He also likes to eat licorice but he always forgets that it makes him vomit.
7 ) Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
He usually plays chess online, but L also often invites him to play chess online and live, because he knows that he likes it. He also often bakes cookies and listens to music. He enjoys talking with L and his family.
8 ) Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Various chessboards, empty notebooks, so that most of them have not vet been filled. Too many essential oils, incense, or similar items needed for meditation. He buys so many of these because he is afraid that they will run out suddenly, but in reality there is always just too much.
9 ) Makeup?
Basically, he doesn’t wear makeup.
10 ) Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
11 ) Favorite book genre?
Crime fiction/detective story
13 ) Sexual Orientation?
He’s pansexual!
14 ) Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Nervous system problem
15) Biggest and smallest short-term goal?
Dark's primary goal is to protect his family and solve criminal cases (mostly the Kira case). I think hs smallest goal is to learn how to cook well even foods that he doesn't eat, only people close to him eat.
16 ) Same question
17 ) Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
Dark usually had it figured out dressing. He dresses averagely, but what cannot be missed is that he wears a necklace and his earphones in evry outfit.
18 ) Favorite drink?
19 ) What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
He thinks a little about L, because he likes him a lot. likes to talk to him. Sometimes tomorrow. If you're feeling frustrated he also think about what to bake. it's possible that he's overthinking the same thing over and over and panicking.
20 ) Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
He probably had asthma.
21) Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
Dark will be a little cheerful if someone comforts him a little physically if he is frustrated.
In contrast, it shuts down completely when it is around people.
22 ) Given a blank piece of paper, pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
He would write down an unlearned recipe on it / maybe write down the most important information about the investigation.
23 ) How organized are they? How does this organization/ disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
Dark is a very thorough and organized person. He thinks everything through logically, he doesn't talk unnecessarily. Extremely organized.
24 ) Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
Dark excels in matematics
25 ) How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Dark does not focus on what will happen in the future. It deals with the present to contribute to the future.
26 ) Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don't work out?
Nothing special, he just want to be calmer. And if they don't allow Him to work for the police anymore, then His emergency plan would be to work as a confectioner.
27 ) What is their biggest regret?
That in the Justice case, when Nico said that Nadim was replaced, Dark claimed that it wasn't true, that Nico was just crazy. When he found out that he had indeed been replaced, he was deeply saddened.
28 ) Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
Dark doesn't have many friends, but he had a good time with Naomi during American Baby Murder case. Dark has no particular enemies.
29 ) Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
He starts to panic a lot. Shaky, even very dizzy. If the situation is very . he vomits a lot when he is in such a frustrated situation. In this case,he can rough, he cries, but most importantly sometimes dry out.
30 ) Reaction to sudden interpersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Same as question 29. In this case, vomiting of blood can be added if, Bc He has vomited a lot and his mucous membrane is damaged, or there is a risk of fainting.
31 ) Most prized possession?
His computer.
32) Thoughts on material possessions on general?
He doesn't mind if someone makes a bigger financial investment in something, just don't overdo it for something that isn't worth it.
33 ) Concept of home and family?
His family is very important to Dark, as he maintains a very good relationship with them. He likes his family members.
34 ) Thoughts on privacy? (Are they
Dark usually doesn't talk to anyone outside of his family and L. He does not share confidential information about his own life.
35 ) What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Dark likes to try on clothes sometimes.
36 ) What makes them feel guilty?
If he determines something wrong in a crime case (Like Nadim's case, for example)
37 ) Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision making?
Dark usually makes decisions using logic and is less concerned with his feelings even if he knows it will be bad for him.
38 ) What recharges them when they're feeling drained?
He listens to music or simply puts on headphones to drown out the noise. Possibly meditation or any breathing exercise.
39 ) Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority complex? Neither?
He probably has an inferiority complex.
40) How misanthropic are they?
Dark is more afraid of people as they are very loud to him and tire him out a lot.
41) -
42 ) How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
He graduated from university and has a diploma. He actually likes self-education, I think he was also on a pastry course.
43 ) His religion?
He doesn't want to interfere in religions.
44 ) Superstitions or views on the occult?
Dark fears all kinds of superstitions because he believes them. He doesn't have so many occult views.
45 ) Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
Rather with actions, because he usually keeps quiet about his feelings.
46 ) If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Dark likes to be patient with him and wait for him to dare to communicate with them. He likes the other person to be a little attentive, but not overly so. On the outside, He likes it when someone has black eyes because he thinks it's cute.
47) How do they express love?
He does their favors (e.g. cooks Their food, brings them things), sometimes physically touches them if they’re okay with it (gives them hugs, kisses, etc.
48 ) If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
He can’t
49 ) Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
He is very afraid of it, he is seized with terror when he thinks about it. He is afraid that it will hurt him a lot.
That’s all! Have a nice day!:3
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