#i get the argument though. we don't always know we are contagious if we don't have symptoms yet
msdk-00 · 24 days
finding out on tumblr that we're apparently supposed to all still be masking. i don't think i've seen someone wear a mask besides in the hospital for like a year. idk if this is a thing most people actually do in most places n im just in bumfuck nowhere so that's why or if it's just a tumblr take n most ppl don't do it
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daisymakesstuff · 10 months
Book 2 Alternate Snippets - Pax Izaz
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles Pairing: Farah x Detective Intended for Pax Izaz, but this is first-person and none of these passages are actually gendered.
Word Count (quotes excluded): 628 words Description: A series of minor canon divergences, not intended to change the course of the story but to reflect the personality of a specific detective. In this case, an impulsive science detective. Purple text indicates direct quotes used to provide context for the reader. -------------------------------------------
Book 2 Chapter 3
"That wasn't exactly normal circumstances."
"No, I guess not," she says with a sigh. "I just want to be strong enough next time. In case you need me." She runs a hand down her arm and then back up. "You know, 'cause I kinda want you to need me. Maybe, I dunno…whatever, you know."
“I don’t need you,” I state simply, “but I think I want you.” 
Book 2 Chapter 4
Where the mess has bled across one eye, the whole iris and pupil have turned grey and blank, and the eye is rimmed in red.
They reach out a hand, long fingers ending in talons exhibiting the same spread of whatever is blistering over their skin. "Help…me…."
The supernatural splutters a cough, a dribble of white froth oozing from their mouth. A pained frown pinches what features I can still see on their face together into a tight knot. 
"Please…" They fall to the ground. 
"What the…," Farah begins, her words trailing off. She flicks her head to the side to stare wide-eyed at me. "Now what?"
I search the ground for a decently long stick. When I find a satisfactory one, I approach the body, reaching out to poke the creature with the tip of it. The creature moans in pain, but none of the boils explode or anything cool. 
“What are you doing?” Farah hisses uncertainly. 
“They might be contagious. This is a safety precaution.” 
Book 2 Chapter 5
Adam runs his fingers along his  jaw. "We don't have enough details to make a real assessment yet." Then, in a move so surprising I almost flinch, Adam looks towards me as though waiting for my opinion on the situation.
“We won’t know what’s really happening unless we investigate. Might as well get stuck in,” I say with a shrug.
Book 2 Chapter 7 (I swear these 5 words become very relevant later)
"Thanks," she says with a laugh. "Nice to know you've got me." There's no joking in those words, and her eyes glimmer as she gazes at me.
"I always will," I say, almost fumbling the words.
Farah’s grin falters a little. Her fingers slide over mine, which are still holding onto her arm. "Really?"
It's a simple question and a single word, but so much weight hangs on it that I almost slump against the pole in front of me. I nod. "Of course. You’re my partner in crime.”
Book 2 Chapter 9
"Uh, hello?" I call, battering through the argument. "Considering it's my life, maybe I should be the one to make the decision."
Nate looks almost horrified for not thinking of it sooner. "I'm so sorry, Pax. You're completely right. This is wholly your decision."
Learning how to defend myself physically would give me an advantage in combat situations. But researching more about them might help me avoid the danger of combat altogether.
Both sides have their merits, but I know I can only focus on one for now.
"I should probably focus on research for now," I say, giving a nod over at Nate. “I have the arm strength of a noodle. Combat lessons are going to do little."
Adam looks me over. “That may be a generous evaluation,” he states dryly. I try to hold back the smile that threatens to form. 
“Adam!” Nate hisses. Adam and I both look to each other. I notice his expression is tinged with a hint of a smile too.
Book 2 Chapter 15
I almost choke on my own breath as excitement explodes inside of me. "Are you serious? Actual werewolves?"
Farah chuckles. "Perk your interest, do they?"
"Don't get your hopes up, Detective. I doubt they'll live up to any expectation you may have conjured about them," Adam states with clipped words.
“Do they shift into vaguely wolf-like creatures?” I ask. 
“Yes,” Nate answers. I nod firmly and look back to Adam. 
“Then my expectations have been met.” 
Book 2 Chapter 17 
With all of this fallout now over, I decide to head home and wait for news on what comes next. 
The strange wash of comfort Farah’s presence gave me earlier still clings to the edges of my mind on the drive home, slowly fading the further from the warehouse I get. Naturally, that leads my train of thought back to the reason we were together in the first place: Sanja’s death. 
This seems like one of those times where others, if I bothered to tell them anymore, would think I should feel more guilt about the situation. I don’t. Mostly, I’m confused— no, curious is a better word— about my own response. I meant to go to Sanja, but Farah made that pained, desperate noise and instinct took over. 
I’m still mulling everything over by the time I get back into my apartment, and there’s no way I’ll be getting to sleep without some sort of closure. Tina is usually helpful in confusing social situations, and much more amenable to late-night calls than Verda, so I call her. 
“Tina. Something is wrong with me,” I blurt out when the line connects.
“Well that’s ominous. You want to give a girl more details, Pax? Are you okay?” The tension in Tina’s voice has me thinking back over what I said. 
“Physically, I'm fine,” I assure her, “but there was an incident today— nothing you need to worry about— but it would’ve been better if I maintained a clear head and focused on the task.” 
“And you didn’t!?” Tina teases with a mock gasp of shock. 
“No,” I pause to consider the best way to explain the situation without revealing the truth, “I helped Farah instead of doing my job.” 
“That’s because you have a massive crush on her.”
“Oh,” the truth of the words hits me like a brick, “that’s what it is?”
Book 2 Chapter 19
The beat of the music around us matches my heart rate, thumping against my ribs and driving me even closer to her.
A soft smile tugs on Farah's face, and my body erupts into a shiver. "I would still…like us," she stammers.
Farah's hand, the one unencumbered by cotton candy, hangs limply at her side.
For as long as I can remember, hand holding has been an annoyance. My earliest memories of it are of an adult holding my hand as a form of restraint. It’s always felt like too much contact for such a small surface area, an overwhelming sensation that only serves to constrain one of the most useful tools available to the human body.
I slip my hand into Farah's and give it a gentle, experimental squeeze.
"Let's just take it slow for now," I say.
But Farah barely seems to hear me. Delight is spreading across her face as she looks down at our joined hands.
The sensation is...surprisingly pleasant. Perhaps Tina was right.
"Then let's have some fun," Farah calls before taking off into the crowds with a grin. I follow behind, hand in hand, letting out a laugh.
Suddenly, I realize that maybe holding hands is a way to take someone with you, rather than to hold them back.
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millenniumdueled · 1 year
1, 5 , 7 , 13 , 17 , 29 ,49
1. What’s one memory with a friend that you’re fond of?
there's so many though!! probably the very first time joey and i hung out!! we didn't do anything especially crazy or anything, we pretty much just hung out and played games in my room. but... it was the first time i ever really had someone to just hang out and play games in my room with.
5. Talk about a traumatic experience.
mmm. i.. never really talked about it on here, because i didn't want anyone to worry.. but it's been long enough now i think it's okay. i don't know if anybody remembers that big game store that burned down on opening day..? but i almost kind of. died in there..? duke's dad had smashed the puzzle, and i couldn't leave without it..
joey saved me.
7. Talk about the last argument you’ve had with someone. What was it about? 
i can't really remember? i don't argue alot. does it count as arguing when i won't let my friends put themselves down? haha
13. Who’s the last person you kissed? Is there anyone you’d like to kiss? 
well umm i guess honey's the only person i've ever actually kissed. and
haha yup
17. Talk about one person that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. 
he was one of my very first friends, and he kind of reminded me of myself in allt of ways!! he was always cooler than me, though. he was really artistic, he got in trouble for drawing in class sometimes. he wasn't ashamed to totally and completely embrace his interests and he'd get so excited about them it was contagious !! you couldn't help but want to check out zombire if you heard the way he talked about it......
...i'm sorry, hanasaki. i heard the news. i wasn't a good friend to you, and now i can't even make up for it.
29. What’s in your dresser/desk? 
oh um..!!!!!!! alot
49. Do you believe in god(s)? Do you go to church or religious celebrations often? 
mmmmm i don't know. i never used to, but i've experienced some things recently that made me realize maybe there really are gods. i definitely don't go to church or anything, i still consider myself pretty agnostic, haha
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theboardwalkbody · 2 years
starving for Twister content!! could you share some headcanons?
Please don't be shy I will talk about Twister all the time and there's way too few people to talk to about it ;___;
Also, totally wasn't ignoring this I've just been really distracted/busy.
ANYWAY: I don't know if you've seen my other headcanony posts so I'm gonna link those here just in case. :)
And, in case thats not your thing, some general headcanons that are less on the romance side:
Haynes and Beltzer LOVE gossiping and watching trashy reality TV together. They simply live for the Drama™. They love/hate when Bill and Jo get into arguments. On the one hand they really don't want their friends to fight when they know deep down they love each other, but on the other hand... they just can not help but be entertained by it. Especially when they can hear the bickering over the radio as they drive. Who needs radio or podcasts when you have them to listen to!? That said - they absolutely would listen to podcasts of similar nature. I can also see them being big into True Crime Mysteries and the two of them discussing who they thing the killer is and how they did it.
Dusty and his music. This one kind of comes from when I was little and used to think he was ALWAYS listening to music with his headphones, when in reality it is more likely he's listening to the radio for weather updates. We know he's going to blast it over the speaker system he installed in the Barn Burner. We know he's blasting it through his speakers and singing along loudly as he drives. But I also kind of think it would be one of his love languages. For all kinds of love: romantic, platonic, familial, etc.. He is eager to learn what kind of music everyone likes and check out their favorites. He also likes to share his favorites and share new songs he finds, especially if he thinks the person he's sharing it with will like it. He's probably got a collection of CDs and records at home. He will sing anywhere, too. He doesn't care who is or isn't listening.
Laurence has a sibling dynamic with Jo and Dusty. I think he's the newest to the team and that is one of the reasons he's so quiet. He's also got a lot of anxiety. He's the newbie. Jo's had to correct him on why the camera wasn't focusing; when the tornado was coming down on them he panicked and hid in the car instead of running underground: this is his first rodeo. Jo feels responsible for him. She wants to help him but not coddle him. And she also knows she is technically in charge and does need to protect him. Over time he will find his voice and likely Dusty is going to be the one to help him loosen up and come out of his shell. Dusty's energy feels contagious and in time it will help Laurence relax and feel more confident. Laurence is very much like a younger brother figure for both Jo and Dusty.
Preacher is called Preacher because he actually used to be one (also where his biblical references come from). I see it as likely something he felt he had to do. Like his father once was a Preacher and he felt he had to follow in his footsteps, and did, until he realized that wasn't the life he wanted for himself and finally cut ties. Now he's seeking some thrills.
Rabbit is called Rabbit because when he was filling out paperwork to work for - or just chase with - the group Bill misread his name. Rabbit usually prides himself on his penmanship and neatness but he was in a rush and was filling the form out on the drive over. He thought about asking for a new form and doing it over again once he got there but there just was not enough time. So Bill took a glance at it and with a puzzled look asked him, "Your name is Rabbit?" He felt like he was dying inside. "It's Robert". Bill looks at it again, "Okay, Rabbit." He was smiling now, though, and the tone was warm and friendly so Rabbit let it go. Maybe it was a good sign the boss is giving you nicknames from day one. At first Bill was the only one who called him Rabbit. But as the rest of the crew started meeting him Bill accidentally introduced him as Rabbit at one point. The nickname had grown on him so he didn't bother correcting him. Bill realized his mistake and expected to be corrected but when he wasn't he realized that Rabbit must be OK with it and started introducing him under the nickname exclusively. By the time Laurence came around he was actually under the impression Rabbit's real name was Rabbit (and was too shy to ask) for months until Rabbit asked him to grab his wallet for him and he saw his driver's license.
I see Joey as a Lego builder. On the months when they're not chasing tornados he gets those intense Lego building kits and works on those in his spare time. The more complex and the more moving parts the better.
Sanders has known Rabbit for years. So when Rabbit said he wanted to sign up to storm chase he signed up, too. He does all the driving, however, because Rabbit is a TERRIBLE driver. They have a little inside joke between the two of them where Sanders will ALWAYS drive if its just the two of them in the car together because "I just don't want to die like that, man."
Eddie used to be really close to the group. When Jonas split off to work with more corporate funding he convinced Eddie it was the right move. More money, more stability, more for the family. He'd just had another baby when Jonas made this switch and the things Jonas was promising sounded like the smart move. Obviously Jo and co. did not think so. Jonas' side was more money and less intuition and actual chasing. Jo's side was less money but more intuition and would be doing more chasing - more field work. Jo has always been motivated by the passing of her father, by wanting to prevent others from going through what she had to. Jonas showed his true colors by signing over to a company for more pay but less autonomy with the data he would be collecting. Eddie was under a lot of pressure at the time of the switch. He was exhausted and overwhelmed and struggling to keep it all contained. So when Jonas came to him and promised him the switch would be the best for his family he felt there was no other choice but to follow Jonas. Turns out the grass was not all that greener on the other side and he did end up missing Jo and Bill and their crew. He discovered a little too late that the other factor, besides money, in Jonas' switch was also because he wanted to one-up Bill. The day Bill showed up was the day Jonas took a turn towards jealousy and he spent a lot of time trying comparing himself to Bill and trying to show off. Jonas had been second in command before Bill. It was just him and Jo and the guys. But now it was Jo and Bill and Jonas and the guys and he couldn't stand it. Eddie thought about leaving a lot, about going back to Jo's crew. They poked fun at him ever since he left but they were never malicious (Jonas often took the brunt of their disapproval since it was his call in the first place and he continuously poked the bear when he was around them). Eddie had been approached by Jo and Bill and even some of the other guys a few times about coming back. But he couldn't. He felt pressured by Jonas to stay but he also really did rely on the steady income and benefits from the company he signed in to. Jo did obviously pay her crew, but during the storm chasing months a lot of it was freelance. (Note: my cousin is a meteorologist and goes storm chasing and it's definitely not a job-related thing so you're paying to go and not getting paid unless you're getting PTO obvs). Eddie couldn't afford the dip in pay during the storm chasing months, but Jonas' company did provide a generous PTO and stipend for using company equipment for storm chasing purposes. So Eddie was never really happy about the switch, and did regret it slightly because he missed the people he had come to be friends with, but his family had a lot of needs that depended on him making more money than he did working for Jo.
(And now I want to write about Eddie's life wtf).
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soopkreem · 2 years
Would it be ok if i ask for miles hc when he was working but not as a freelance? I saw him using a dictaphone in one of you're art :0
Completely a OK!
Tbh dictaphone is a nice touch. At the time i was drawing that piece, I thought "Well if I just draw him writing stuff on paper, it'd be boring and no one would know what his profession is."
But seriously, i think dictaphones are neat and Miles should at least get one in his lifetime lol
Miles would likely to bring his dictaphone with him everywhere, especially when he's working. There might be an unexpected interview - just making sure!
Speaking of - he's an organized person. He plans everything, takes well care of his own body and appearance, and overall his environment - his coworker finds his desk to be extremely clean and organized
While his phone could work as a voice recorder, I think he'd just prefer a dictaphone more since it has specific feature and wont take any memory, making it more secure and separate between his personal and professional data
He was supposedly have a female assistant [though idk if it’s supposed to be his assistant assistant, or just a companion through MMA events], so I'd like to think if he was really close with her, until he got fired and lost all contacts from his workplace. Maybe I could make an OC, but not like, major character or anything (hahaha)
He was a young, handsome, healthy man. He didn't smoke back then. But finally started after he lost his job due to stress
Remember - he was charismatic. Well-known as "that wholesome guy" at work. His smile was contagious
Would be popular amongst the girls, I think. He just don't really seek romantic relationship at the time - all about married to his job and stuff (yes i referenced Sherlock because holy fuck i cant unsee him as Sherlock since day 1)
My guess is that he’s super messy when it comes to his belongings. Everytime his pen dropped to the floor it vanishes out of thin air like we always experienced back in our school days. He doesn’t even bother to name all of his belongings - well he did, but he just gave up as they just keep disappearing
Miles was a pretty moderate man when it comes to his own finance. He’ll be fine - it does gets harder after he got fired, though. Managing freelance job isn’t something to be taken lightly
So... I headcanon him having the same workplace as Blake and Lynn. Miles is a people person, so he feels like he can pull someone to his side and they’ll be friends in no time. Blake was [and still is] a shy and introverted man. Real awkward to befriend with, but Miles swooped him like a human swooped a kitten on a road and claimed it to be his friend - that’s how their friendship began.
Miles was more familiar with Lynn. The only reason he met Blake was because he was eating with her together at the cafeteria one day - and Miles can’t leave her fiance since
According to Blake, Miles was [and still is] weird and annoying
To be really honest, I’m afraid Miles is more of a “I’m opening up but not about my personal matters” person, so he most likely to lie a little or just not talk about his personal life nor his past even to Blake or Lynn. So both of them don’t really know the real Miles - well Miles start opening up to Waylon after the game’s events, but it’s for another story.
Miles can be very petty sometimes. He judges how Blake eats a pizza roll and they had some serious arguments about it. Miles apologizes hours later, though. “Impressive”, said Lynn.
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bwbatta · 3 years
The one where you get together (1)
Abstract: Y/N and Sirius have been friends since they first met on the Hogwarts Express, so when they do get together, they decide not to tell their friends straight away. (Friends AU)
Pairing: Sirius Black x Lupin sister!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, talking about sexual content
Word Count: 3.5K
A/N: To celebrate reaching 500 followers, I'm dropping another mini series as a thank you to everyone who has shared and supported my work! Add yourself to my taglist here 
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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You could still vividly remember the first time you met Sirius Black.
Boarding the train to Hogwarts the first time, you managed to find a compartment with your brother, Remus, before it was descended upon by two rowdy boys with large grins.
James Potter and Sirius Black had, with no hesitation, introduced themselves to you and you quickly became friends, especially when you pulled your money together and bought a various selection of chocolates from the trolley. When the sorting hat placed all of you in Gryffindor, it only reaffirmed your friendship.
It wasn't just the four of you in your little group though, the boys were placed in a dormitory with another boy, Peter, and you shared a dorm with two other girls who also became fierce friends of yours; Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon.
Of course, growing up together through Hogwarts had it's arguments and fall outs, though somehow you always seemed to remain friends.
It wasn't until your seventh, and final year of Hogwarts did the surprising pair of Lily and James get together which solidified your friendship group even further. Between Sirius and you, the bet you had made in your fourth year regarding when the pair would get together, finally came to an end where you had happily took your winnings with a smile and paid for a bottle of Firewhiskey to celebrate.
After graduating, you ended up moving in with Marlene, finding a perfect two bedroom flat for you to share, close to Diagon Alley. The boys had taken a page from your book with Sirius using some of his inheritance from his great uncle and buying a flat directly across the Leaky Cauldron.
Whilst he had invited Peter to also live with him and Remus, the boy politely refused with the intention to stay with his parents for a while.
James however, had asked Lily to move in with him almost the second they graduated and the pair had moved to a little cottage in Godric’s Hollow. It wasn’t long afterwards that James had proposed to Lily which led to the current series of events.
About an hour before, you and Marlene had walked down the aisle in the gardens of Potter Manor in your bridesmaids dresses, while Lily had donned a white dress and followed you. Standing opposite your brother and Sirius, the latter caught your eye when your friends said their wedding vows.
With a wink, Sirius had your attention and you weren't exactly sure what it was that felt different, but something definitely did.
As the reception started, you watched Lily and James take some of their wedding photos together. The smile on your face was something you couldn't help as Remus appeared at your side, a similar expression on his own face.
"Remember when Lily hexed James so hard he vomited out of his nose because he proposed to her?"
"I'm pretty sure it made him like her even more to be honest, James is weird like that." You snickered, accepting the drink from your brother. "Who would've thought we'd be here not even four years later?"
"Tell me about it. If you plan on getting married anytime soon though, please give me some warning." Remus joked, nudging his shoulder against yours.
"I think I need to actually date someone before I marry them, but thanks for being so optimistic about my dating life." You grinned at him before seeing Sirius making his way over to the two of you.
"Well well, if it isn't the Lupin twins." Sirius laid an arm over both your shoulders. "How long do you reckon it'll be before Lily's creepy uncle makes a move on Marlene?"
"At least after two more drinks." Remus chuckled. "Which reminds me, I promised I'd save her from any men tonight who wanted to dance with her that, and I quote, looked like they had to use a stamina charm in bed."
"Good luck with that." You snickered, waving your brother off as he disappeared in the direction of the blonde.
Sirius didn't say anything else as he took a seat at one of the tables and pulled you down into his lap. It wasn't uncommon for the two of you to hug or cuddle, having done so numerous times in the Gryffindor common room, much to Remus' annoyance. This only really resulted in Sirius being more affectionate.
Being twins, the two of you were naturally closer than normal siblings which resulted in Remus being protective over you since the only blood family you both had left was each other. Your parents, especially your father, had grown fearsome and disgusted at what Remus was, despite it not being his fault when Greyback bit him all those years ago. Your father began to resent you after you constantly took Remus' side and played his constant advocate.
"Hey, what're you thinking about?" Sirius nudged you, grabbing your attention. His expression was unreadable as he watched you watch Lily and James interact with each other.
"I don't know, it's nothing." Sirius nudged you again, looking for a proper answer. "I look at them and I just wonder if I'll ever have that, you know? Someone who looks at you like you're their whole world."
Sirius didn't say anything at first, but pulled you closer. He wouldn't admit it but he often had the same thought cross his mind.
"You'll find them."
"Are they fucking hiding from me?!"
"If they've already met you, then probably."
Smacking his chest, you couldn't help the contagious laughter that bubbled from you, echoing that from the wizard.
"Being serious though," Sirius grinned at the pun he just made, "who wouldn't want you?"
You smiled at him warmly, not knowing what to say. It wasn't often that Sirius was, well serious. The boy loved a joke, but he also loved his friends and knew exactly what to say to them to cheer them up, especially you.
"Thanks, Siri."
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"Hey, James and Lily are about to head off for their honeymoon." Remus said, knocking on Sirius' bedroom door at Potter Manor, stepping inside to see Sirius rush back out from the ensuite bathroom only in his shirt and boxers. "What happened to you? You disappeared from the reception."
"Uh, dropped cake down myself, had to come and change." Sirius told him quickly.
"You do realise you're a wizard right? You could've just vanished the mess?"
"Ah yeah, of course, how stupid, sure could've. Anyway, I just need to put on some clean trousers and I'll be right down."
Remus frowned. Something was off but he couldn't work out what it was. Putting it down to Sirius drinking too much, he waved the man off, exiting the room.
"Alright well, hurry down, James was asking for you."
Remus exited the room and Sirius quickly closed the door behind him. Turning back to the bathroom, he watched as you opened the door with a tentative expression, trying to zip your dress back up but failing.
"Do you think he knew I was here?"
"Don't think so, here, turn around, I'll do it." Sirius turned you around, quickly zipping up your dress before resting his hands on your waist. "So, we haven't done that before."
"That is correct."
It was slightly awkward between the two of you, why was it awkward? Oh, maybe because you were both fucking like rabbits not even moments before your brother knocked on the door. It had never been awkward between you before though and you didn't like it.
"Why is it so awkward?" Sirius chuckled as you spun around before him.
"Right! It's like I don't know what to say!"
"We're just two friends who've had sex one time, there doesn't have to be anything awkward about that!"
"Exactly, it doesn't have to be a big deal, it was a one time thing, we can just go back to the party and no one will know!"
"Yes, good plan, lets go!" Turning towards the door, Sirius started towards it with a new determination, completely forgetting one issue.
"Sirius?" He paused, looking back at you, "maybe you should put on some trousers before we go down though."
"Good idea."
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Waving James and Lily off, you stood alongside the rest of your friends as Marlene appeared, pulling you towards her by your waist.
"Ugh, please tell me we're going to get some good booze and continue to get fucked up at ours?"
"Is that an open invite?" Remus asked with a grin, "Think I spied an extra bottle of Firewhiskey knocking about near the top table."
"100%," Marlene grinned at him, "after all, it's the least I could do after you saved me from so many creeps tonight. I will thank you in the form of hosting a small afterparty with the inner circle. Right, Y/N?"
"I'm up for it, I'll go see if I can grab that extra bottle you mentioned."
Taking off towards the top table, your eyes scanned the tables one by one until you felt a presence behind you. Already knowing who it was, you didn't bother looking back at them.
"I've got a fresh bottle stashed under my bed upstairs if we wanna grab that one?" Sirius said lowly in your ear.
"That sounds like a plan," you said slowly, "though I thought we said it was only a one time thing?"
"Weddings don't count, right? I swear that's a rule somewhere."
"...How long do you think we can be before the others get suspicious?"
"10 minutes?"
"Sounds good, lets go."
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The pair of you said nothing more the entire night on the matter and ended up just having a good time with your friends. The boys ended up sleeping on your sofas, not trusting themselves to apparate safely considering the amount they each had to drink.
It wasn't until mid morning when everyone started to rouse, that you offered to make everyone a cup of tea to help with the hangovers that had started to form.
"Hey, make mine extra strong, will you?"
You laughed, turning to face Sirius.
"You need the caffeine that much?"
"That answer is a strong yes."
Pouring the boiling water into the mugs, you passed Sirius' over to him as he smiled at you in thanks.
"So, yesterday was something." You smiled, taking a sip of your own drink.
"Yeah... something stupid, right?"
"Yeah, totally stupid." There was a brief silence between you as you weren't exactly sure what to say next. "Look as much as I enjoyed it, I don't want us to become awkward or ruin our friendship or anything because of it."
"Good, because I was going to say the same thing." Sirius nodded, leaning against the kitchen counter top. "As good as the sex was, and trust me it was good, it's not worth making our friendship awkward or anything not knowing where we stand with the other."
"Right, yes, that makes a lot of sense." You both took another sip of tea as you listened to Marlene and Remus in the living room laugh about something. "Unless... wait no, it's nothing."
"No, what it is?" Sirius asked.
"Unless... I don't know, we keep fucking in secret and just don't tell the others?"
You stared at the tea in your cup before raising your eyes to meet Sirius' grey ones which were wide, a grin on his face.
"I guess that would work too?"
"Yeah... anyway on a totally unrelated note, Marlene's visiting her family tomorrow night at like 7."
"Where's my bloody tea, Y/N!" The blonde in question strode into the kitchen sluggishly. "I swear you've been in here for 4 hours making it."
"If you were a little more patient, Mar, I was just about to bring it out for you." You rolled your eyes but handed the mug over to her anyway.
"Thanks, how're you two feeling this morning?"
"Rough." Sirius grunted out as the three of you headed back into the living room. "But what's new there, really?!"
"You should really try cut back on your drinking, Pads." Remus mentioned, taking the cup of tea from you with a smile.
"You should cut back on your chocolate."
"Chocolate doesn't give you hangovers." Remus countered with a smirk causing Sirius to just roll his eyes as he sunk down into an armchair.
"Either way, I hope Lils and James are having fun." Marlene stretched out on the other sofa, placing her legs over your own. "I know James will be with the things Y/N and I packed as a surprise in Lily's bags."
You snorted into your cup as you remembered the countless lacy items you'd snuck into Lily's normally conservative wardrobe.
"Well, James might be happy about what you packed, but he certainly won't be happy with what we packed." Sirius snickered as Remus held back a laugh.
"What did you do?!"
"We might've exchanged his entire bag of clothes for an entire bag of Cornish Pixies." Sirius grinned. "I'm already expecting a howler from Lily at some point in the near future."
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Sirius didn’t have to wait long for Lily’s reaction as only moments later he heard an angry shout through his two way mirror he shared with James.
As planned, Marlene visited her family the next day and no later after she flooed away, Sirius appeared at the front door of your flat. The same happened after Marlene was picked by Dumbledore for an order mission and Sirius happily flooed into your flat only moments later. You were convinced he’d bugged your flat somehow.
James and Lily returned from their honeymoon a week later, effectively surprising you as they flooed into your flat with no warning, causing you to stuff a naked Sirius into your closet. It was safe to say he wasn’t impressed after Lily insisted she make a pot of tea to ‘catch up’, and ended up staying round for several hours. 
You barely managed to hide the snicker which escaped your lips when James asked if you knew where Sirius was.
With the newly married pair being back, the two of you decided to come up with a plan as how to sneak around without the others knowing.
Somehow, it didn’t really go to plan.
Sirius insisted that you should come over and take a bath with him one night, especially as Remus was due to be out. You couldn’t help but agree to the idea, mostly because you got to spend time with your very sexy male friend who looked very good in bubbles... and also the fact his bathtub was a lot better than your own.
The bathtub in question was a massive claw-foot tub which could fit the two of you and your two roommates if you so desired. Compared against the shitty little tub Marlene and you had in your flat, it was a no brainer.
Which is why as you sat in between Sirius’ legs, your back against his chest, you couldn’t help but feel more relaxed than you had done all week. 
Sirius was leant back against the tub, his arm around your waist with a glass of Firewhiskey in his other hand. The two of you had nicked this particular bottle from James’ ‘secret stash’ which everyone knew he hid under his cloak, under the stairs. It was all too easy for the two of you to sneak in and borrow it for the time being. 
“You know, Prongs must be real blind if he can’t see how many people actually know about his hiding spots.” You snickered as you took the glass from Sirius and took a sip.
“I think it might be all the brain damage after getting hit in the head so many times.” He grinned.
“How long do you think it’ll be until he notices the actual bottle being gone? A few days?”
“Give him some credit, it’ll be at least a week.”
The two of you chuckled before you heard the fireplace roar with flames. Footsteps quickly made their way towards Sirius’ room before heading towards the bathroom.
A panicked look between the two of you was exchanged as a knock was heard on the door. 
“Pads? It’s me, I’m coming in.”
Sirius quickly took the glass of Firewhiskey back from you as you dived underwater, praying the bubbles would cover up the fact you were there. 
The door opened and James stepped in about to say something, before he stopped and observed the scene before him. Sirius was sat covered in bubbles with candles lit around him. Despite the calm expression on his face, the fact you were lying between his legs in the water had his heart racing. 
“Did you need something, Prongs?”
“Uh, yeah, have you seen the bottle of Firewhiskey which I was given as a gift for my wedding?” James asked, very obviously looking at the opened bottle on the side of the bath. 
“Didn’t even know you got given one, mate. This was from Y/N.”
“And if I ask her, will she give me the same story?”
“Positively. Anything else?”
“Yeah, you want to order some Chinese?” 
“I mean I- NO!” 
His outburst was a surprise to both James and himself after you had pinched him underwater signalling you were running out of air.
“Really? Lily’s got me on this diet and-”
“James! Get out!”
“Fine! Okay! No need to shout at me, I’ve seen you in weirder scenarios.”
James left and shut the door behind him just as soon as you jolted up, gasping for breath. 
“I’m sorry, he wouldn’t leave! He wanted to ask me if I fancied some Chinese.”
“Chinese?” You asked, turning to look at him over your shoulder with a contemplative look on your face. “I could go for some chow mein.”
“Prongs!” Taking a deep breath, you disappeared underwater again just before James appeared once more. “I’ll have a large chow mein, sweet and sour chicken, some of those prawn cracker things and the spring rolls.”
“Spring rolls? I swear only Y/N likes them.”
“Thought I’d try them out since as she’s always yapping on about them.”
“Alright, back in a bit.”
James left and shut the door again. You emerged from the water, leaning back on Sirius again as he relayed off what he’d ordered. 
“You ordered me spring rolls?!”
“Yeah, I remembered you liked them.” Sirius shrugged, wrapping his arm around your waist again. “Even if they taste like arse.”
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The group had gathered at Marlene and Y/N’s for an evening where despite Lily’s constant health kicks, she relented into ordering pizza for the group. 
“Hey, you guys will never guess what I found out today.” Marlene grinned.
“You’re secretly a guy?” Sirius snickered from the armchair, only to receive a cushion being thrown at his face by the blonde. 
“No,” Marlene scowled at him, “Alice and Frank got engaged!” 
“What?! How’d you find out?” Lily asked as she cuddled up to James in the other armchair. 
“I ran into Alice at Headquarters earlier and she showed me her ring.” Marlene leant back into the sofa as she brought her legs up to lay them over Remus’ lap. “We best be getting ready for another wedding soon.”
“I’m sure we’ll hear more at the meeting tomorrow.” James said grinning. “Who knew Longbottom had it in him?!”
“Alice certainly did.” You snickered, leaning onto Remus’ other shoulder. The comment got another round of chuckles from everyone present as Lily shot you a less than impressed look. 
“Alright, I say let’s call it a night if we have to be at the meeting early tomorrow morning.” The redhead rolled her eyes at you all before standing up and brushing her dress down. 
Everyone else seemed to follow her lead as Marlene and you stood to show everyone out. 
“Yeah, I need to sleep as much as I can with Moony’s snoring keeping me up all night.” Sirius grinned, stepping up beside you and Remus. 
What no one expected to happen was for Sirius to dip and find your lips in a kiss, his hand wrapping around the back of your neck to pull you closer, just as he had done for the last few weeks. 
The rest of the group stood with slack jaws as they took in the scene before them as they watched Sirius kiss you. Pulling away, you caught each other’s eyes as realisation set in and your own eyes went wide. 
“Marls,” Sirius shook off his slight hesitation before heading straight over to Marlene and pulling her in for a kiss of her own. “Lily.”
Stepping forward to give Lily a kiss goodbye, Sirius couldn’t help but notice the wide eyed look from both James at kissing his wife and Remus at kissing his sister. 
“Pleasure to spend time with you all.” Sirius grinned at everyone’s expressions before entering the fireplace to floo back to his own flat. 
“What the hell was that?!” Remus asked with wide eyes, securely on you. 
“Probably some leftover greeting from Lily and James’ wedding. Lils did have some french cousins, perhaps he picked it up from them?” You chuckled, trying to play down the laugh you so wanted to let out. 
“Yeah, it did feel french.” Marlene snickered. “I’m not sure if I feel happy about saying that I’ve kissed Sirius Black though.”
“Well, he can keep his lips to himself and not on my wife.” James scowled at the fireplace where Sirius had disappeared moments before. 
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hawkeyedflame · 2 years
You know, I've always adored the friends to lovers trope, but friends to rivals to lovers is a whole 'nother beast and I love it! Please tell me more, I've never heard of these character before!
*deep inhale*
Ch'en and Swire are from the mobile game Arknights. If you don't know anything about it uhhhh it's sorta a mid-apocalypse world that is riddled with natural catastrophes (which have forced humans to congregate in giant mobile cities) and political turmoil near-constantly. Humans are prone to a disease called Oripathy which is both deadly and contagious in late stages, and which has caused a massive rift in society where Infected individuals are disenfranchised and oppressed, often violently. This has led to wave after wave of civil unrest and eventual terrorism in several countries. The "player character" is a mysterious amnesiac doctor at a pharmaceutical company called Rhodes Island which works on finding a cure for Oripathy while also tacitly commanding a guerilla force of highly trained combatants to work with local governments/other companies (those are the characters we get to play with). It's much more complicated than that but I'm cutting this down as small as I can. If that sounds like a big plot for a mobile game, you would be right. It's huge and there are many moving parts; the first story arc spanned 8 chapters. [Also every human in Arknights has one or more animal trait and there is indication that this will become plot relevant at some point, for some reason. It's unclear as of yet whether their world is our world in the far future, or a different planet in our universe, or an entirely different universe altogether. I digress.]
Ch'en and Swire are two police officers working for the city of Lungmen (Lung are a variety of Chinese dragon, of which Ch'en is one), where much of the political turmoil of the first story arc takes place. Ch'en is the head of the special inspection unit [read: badass] and the niece of the chief executive of Lungmen, by whom she was more or less raised following the death of her mother and...some other traumatic stuff. Swire is the superintendent of the police department and heiress to an extremely wealthy corporate conglomerate. [Read: they are both very high ranking officers, but Ch'en's position is above Swire's.] Presumably (?) due to her family's business ventures within the city of Lungmen, Swire often met Ch'en when they were children, and they became friends. They bonded over both having terrible father figures and spent a lot of time together. After some pretty awful stuff happened (from which both of them suffered, but Ch'en bears the brunt significantly), Swire had to watch Ch'en grow up into someone she didn't want her to be.
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an emo
Ch'en is a harsh, uncompromising woman. Her strict attitude is usually the first thing people notice about her, and as Swire's superior she has come down hard on her repeatedly, leading Swire to both publicly resent her and want to steal her job (lol). For her part, Swire is incredibly acidic towards Ch'en, taking pleasure in starting arguments or taunting her about her mistakes. One time she even dumped a cup of water on her to wake her up after she'd been knocked unconscious in a battle (and we got this incredible image as a result).
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They argued pretty bitterly after that, because Ch'en sorta fucked up big time but Swire is being an absolute shithead about it, leading to the following dialogue:
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As Swire storms off, Ch'en notices something:
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[side note: Hoshiguma is another officer who is essentially Ch'en's work partner and closest colleague, and she is quite fond of both Ch'en and Swire. Other side note: if Swire's back was injured in an explosion but Ch'en was unharmed by said explosion, that means that Swire was probably carrying her bridal style, not in a fireman's lift. ~Interesting~]
So as you can see, they are pretty nasty to each other, though Ch'en later tells Swire she was exaggerating here (and Swire replies that she herself was not).
H O W E V E R. They don't hate each other. The dialogues between them are really scattered through the main story and side events, but they canonically go out for dinner together reasonably often, and have evidently spent enough time together as adults that Ch'en knows random details about Swire's habits.
(One of Swire's operator files in-game reads:
When did she break the habit of stuffing everything in her bag? And when should I forgive her for walking off with my bag, leaving me with nothing but a couple tubes of lipstick and a bottle of foundation to execute an arrest with? — An officer who does not want to be named but is named "Ch'en.")
So yeah, Ch'en knows Swire pretty well. Weird for someone she's so nasty to, huh? Well, Swire knows Ch'en too, having known her for almost her entire life, and she knows how Ch'en will act/react to different situations (including being provoked). She knows the skeletons in her closet, the ghost she is constantly chasing, her lofty idealist dreams for using her power and influence to reform the way Lungmen treats its Infected. And she keeps her secrets, too. She knows all of these things about Ch'en that nobody else does, and despite her caustic attitude towards Ch'en, she actually cares about her a lot. So much so that she saves her life at risk to her own. So much so that she breaks down in tears about her at one point.
And Ch'en cares about Swire too. A lot. Something I've neglected to mention until now is that there is a form of magic in Arknights called Arts. Humans manipulate it using a material called Originium as an energy source (and, Originium is what causes Oripathy). Ch'en has a pretty abysmal aptitude for manipulating Originium to produce Arts. According to her operator files in-game, she lacks the ability to use a conduit effectively, and she is unlikely to ever attain any sort of mastery over Arts. Rather, she tends to accidentally damage things whenever she uses her power. It is suggested here that use of Arts is a deeply mental/psychological process, one which she is not able to control enough to use safely. [I find this ~interesting~]
But Ch'en has this sword, Chi Xiao, that her uncle gave to her. It is a blade tempered with Originium, and as a result must be manipulated in a similar way to an Originium Arts conduit. That is, the sword is commanded by sheer willpower, not muscle. It is incredibly rare that Chi Xiao allows itself to be unsheathed by her hand; in fact part of her character arc in the story is her learning that she has to be as one in mind, body, and will in order to draw Chi Xiao, and in some sense she pursues this ideal almost relentlessly. One of the rare few moments that Ch'en was able to draw her sword was during a rescue mission-- she cut clean through the door of a vault to rescue some hostages that were locked inside, as if it were nothing. Swire was among the hostages. The fact that she was able to draw her sword in this moment, when Swire's safety is on the line, is quite telling.
Also as the story progresses through time, Ch'en actually does work out some of her problems and softens up as a result, leading her to actually diffuse arguments with Swire instead of trying to escalate them. Juicy.
I'm rambling.
Anyways,,, to me it's pretty obvious that the two of them care about each other very deeply despite their rivalry; whether that's as friends or something else is not made clear, and that's fine with me. The story isn't about that (although, in the world of Arknights, I do believe there is tremendous value in exploring both the protective and destructive nature of love, from a narrative point of view).
So yeah. Childhood friends to rivals to lovers. Very interesting dynamic that I had never encountered before but I will happily add to my shelf of favorites. Hope your eyes aren't too far in the back of your head, anon. Thanks for letting me write an Essay ;)
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18th June [letter to Sirius Black]
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Dear Sirius:
Today is another year where you are not.
Almost every day I think of you, imagining what would have happened if you hadn't left me.
It is sad to think that I am living a life where you are very far from me. These last few years it has felt like a dream, one that I only hope to wake up from and find you tangled in our sheets with your hair tousled. And although I know it will never be like that, I try to convince myself that I will see your face again in the morning and receive a kiss from you.
Regulus James is healthy, he is a very strong and happy baby.
He has your eyes and also your hair. I am convinced that it is almost like seeing you when you were little. He eats too much, sleeps even more, and is also very naughty, like you. He is already taking his first steps and I am afraid that very soon I will have to chase him around our house.
Sometimes I think he's the only thing keeping me here. I keep thinking about what I will say to him once he grows up and asks me about his father. Perhaps I will tell him fantastic stories, tell him that his father is a very important auror that he is always busy and that is why he cannot see him.
But I also know that one day he will grow up and he will realize that you actually left us when he was still in my womb.
I wish things had been different, Sirius. I know you were more excited than anyone to meet our little baby. I still remember the night before you left, how you kissed my barely bulging belly and told me what you wanted him to be called.
We had an argument, remember? Because I wanted him to bear your name.
And then you told me that you wanted to name him after your two brothers and I didn't have the heart to say no.
So in the end, as always, I let you win just to see that beautiful smile on your face.
Your excitement about being a father was contagious, even though we were still in the middle of a war.
And that war is over and you couldn't be here to see it.
Sometimes I don't even know why I'm writing these letters to you. I think it's useless, but it makes me feel better knowing that you are somehow continuing with me.
I hope that from wherever you are you know that I still love you, that your son and I love you and I will miss you every day for the rest of my life.
At least I am calm because you are not alone, because you can see your little one grow up next to James, Remus and Lily.
Tell the Potters that I asked Harry to be Reg's godfather and that when he found out that I would name him after his father, he was on the verge of tears.
He misses you all so much, just like me.
But at least now that Teddy here he doesn't have a second to get bored.
He is a great man, as I am sure one day our son will be.
I brought you flowers, your favorites, and also a family photo inside this envelope.
I'm afraid I would be lying if I said that I got used to it, because I will never learn to make my life without you.
I just look forward to the day when Regulus no longer needs me and I can join you.
Until then, all I have left is hope.
From your wife who loves you and will love you forever
TAG LIST: @acciorudolphx @voidamy @blackst0nes7077 @bruxa0007 @fictionalcharactersworld @falcvns
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straykidsworldwild · 3 years
Phil Hawkins x MC
Part 2 (2/2) : MC and Phil have lunch but it doesn't turn out as planned.
Heyy guys!! Here's (2/2) of part2! 😁
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(I just made the collage. Credits go to the creators of Duskwood and owners of the pics)
- Why didn't he want you to have a break? He asks me gently, sounding confused.
- Because I arrived late by one minute this morning, I respond to his question. I look up at Phil as I hear him chuckling. He doesn't believe me...
- Right… he says before looking down at me. I give him a look, showing him that I am being serious. That's enough reason for my boss... Oh, you're being serious? He asks me with surprise. I nod positively as I notice the exasperation growing over his face. What are you waiting for to change your job? He then asks me as we are walking through a small path. Green grass is surrounding it accompanied by flowers. There are two benches every 50 meters. It's one of the most peaceful areas in Duskwood. That's where I usually go by when I need to clear my head. It’s just sad, in a way, that it is next to might work… Oh well...
- Trust me. I looked everywhere. But have you seen a lot of job offers around Duskwood lately? I haven't, I answer to the man as we approach a wooden bench. We take a seat on it while he puts down his bag.
- You could work with me at the Aurora, he proposes to me, using a suggestive tone mixed with a hopeful one.
- Mmmh... I'm not sure it'll be a good idea, I reply and smile playfully to his comment.
- Why not? He asks me, looking a little disappointed. He's actually being serious...
- Well, one, because the others would start to wonder why I am working at your bar, I say as I pull one finger out. Two, will you still manage to work? Won't I be distracting you? I question him playfully, pulling a second finger out while smirking. I know he takes it seriously and I do too, but it makes the atmosphere lighter this way. There's no need to fall on an argument because of that… and Phil is the last person I want to argue with.
- Well, I admit having the beautiful sight you'll be giving me constantly will clearly take my mind off work but, I'm sure I'll manage, he responds with his charming smile, which is contagious, as he enters my game. It's impossible to not smile when he does. I smile as I feel my cheeks lightly burning. It's awful how easy he makes me blush... Phil begins to open it before I hear him rummaging in a plastic bag. Oh… I didn't take anything to eat… I look away, getting nervous. I don't get why he makes me so nervous. It's… a weird feeling. It's a crazy feeling. Here, for you, I turn my head and look at what he is holding to me. Oh…! Cobb salad with a fork, something to drink, he pulls out a bottle of water and gives it to me. I take it. And I heard someone liked dark chocolate so I got some, he tells me, pulling a tablet of chocolate out of his bag. It's terrible… I can't control myself. I can't stop smiling, appreciating his attention.
- My favorite! How did you know? I ask him happily as stars must be filling my eyes. I mean, chocolate is just everything! Phil laughs amused and winks at me. You asked Jessy? I demand him with surprise, yet, kind of… scared of his answer. I don't know why I'm scared about Jessy finding out I accepted to have lunch with her brother. Is this a date in the end?
- No, why would I ask my sister? He asks me back, frowning confused.
- Because she knows me well. And I thought you would have told your sister about this lunch, I simply replied to Phil, telling him my thoughts on how he might have done things before coming here.
- Well, I didn't, he answers calmly, shaking lightly his head left to right. I nod understandingly, keeping a small smile. Did you? He then asks me. I look up at him and start shaking my head negatively. Though, before I could say a word, I was being interrupted.
- MC? Phil? I widen my eyes in surprise to Phil before I turn my head to look at the person. She approaches us, smiling and looking confused at the same time. How…? What are you two doing here? Asks us, Jessy, coming to stand before the both of us. She looks at me with her usual smile, waiting for an answer. Oh God… What am I supposed to tell her? Will she take the truth well? What will she think? I hold onto my fork nervously as I give her a shy smile.
- I saw MC having lunch here by herself while I was walking around so I stopped by to talk a bit, responds, Phil, getting me out of this awkward and nerve wracking situation.
- Mmmh... Shouldn't you be at the bar? She asks him back, looking suspicious. It's hard to hide things from Jessy. Especially since she knows us well… Too well...
- It's pretty empty at this time, Jessy. It's noon. Why do you think I'm eating too? He says and asks her back, sounding calm but also a little annoyed that she stays here and asks all of those questions. I mean… I love Jessy but I'm going to die of nervousness here. I hate keeping secrets from her… Especially when it involves her brother.
- Right, she tells him, not so satisfied by the answer. When does your break end, MC? She then asks me.
- I have to get back in, in like... 15 min or so, I respond to her, looking up at my best friend after checking the time on my phone.
- Let me guess, your boss is being the same dick as ever? She tells me, looking sorry for me. Jessy knows absolutely everything about what my boss said or did to me or my colleagues.
- Bull eyes, I reply, nodding positively. I see Jessy weakly shaking her head left to right, upset with my boss. Oh! Oh, Jessy, before I forgot, could you stop by my mother's for me, please? She wasn't well because of… You know, the loss of my uncle, and I think she needs to take her mind off a little bit, I demand her gently as I know mom considers Jessy like her second child. I'm sure she would be happy to see her. Though, it was hard for me to mention Uncle Alex. Harder than I thought.
- Oh right, I wanted to send you a message. I am so sorry about your uncle, MC. Alex was amazing, she apologizes sincerely to me, her eyes showing sadness. Jessy knees Uncle Alex as well. Duskwood is a small town and, well, Jessy was often at home so she knew him too.
- Thanks… I thank her with a small smile as I frown sadly. I tried...
- Well, I have to get back to work before Richy thinks I quit, she tells us playfully. I smile at her comment. It's true, I think Richy would be lost without her at work. Don't be a dick to her, Phil. I'll know each of your moves, anyway, she warns her brother as she begins to walk away.
- Right… he simply says, sounding annoyed. It was almost as if he didn't mumble to himself. I hear Jessy softly laughing before she finally leaves. I follow her with my eyes before meeting Phil's ones. So gorgeous... So I'm guessing you didn't tell her either, he says with a smirk.
- We all have our secrets, don't we? I reply to the boy before winking back.
- We do, he agrees. The two of us continue eating our lunch as time is passing by. I don't have much time and I won't be able to eat anything before tonight. It's going to be long until then… I look up as I hear a car honking. A little breeze hit my face and pushed back some of my hair. A lock came over my cheek so I gently pushed it away. The sun is so bright in the sky today. You look tired, MC, he suddenly tells me. I do…? I'm not surprised...
- I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep much. I couldn't with... You know, I answer to Phil as my lock of hair comes over my face again. Though, I couldn't mention my uncle a second time. I couldn't bring myself to do it.
With his hand, he reaches the lock of hair and pushes it gently back behind my ear. Oh… Once again, our eyes meet. As always, there is this connection. They're so deep and… Gorgeous. I mean… How can you not get lost in them? For a moment, we stare at each other as if nothing was surrounding us anymore. I want to get closer to him. I want to know him a little more than I already do. You can't imagine how strong the feeling is… But all of this is so scary. I notice Phil's eyes falling on my lips a few times, desire seen behind them. He is as eager as last night. Without controlling it, I smile at the boy before breaking our look. And back to reality… How can a simple look be so intense? Biting lightly on my lower lip, I feel some heat on my face.
- You're so cute, MC, he tells me with a smile, his voice sounding so… Deep and lovely. I feel myself blushing a little more to the sound of his words.
- And you're a little Devil because you do see that you're making me nervous, I tell him with a chuckle as I push him playfully. Phil laughs along with me before he grabs my hand in his. Oh… My body tenses up due to the surprise and the nervousness he is giving me. But it soon relaxes under his comforting hold. I look down at our hands loving the feeling of being held. Not alone. His hand is so soft and warm. I slowly move my hand and intertwin my fingers with his. Phil lets me do and actually holds it back with a firm, but gentle tight. It's so comforting. I look back up at him and see that the man has been staring at me for a moment actually.
- I do. But blush looks good on you, he suddenly tells me, commenting my previous sentence. Oh come on… How did my heart not give up yet? The two of us smile at each other, sparks certainly illuminating my eyes. I don’t need to see my reflection to know it… This feeling of happiness is enough to say how I feel about him. It’s actually betraying me...
- Hey, Phil, I suddenly hear an unfamiliar voice which gets me out of my thoughts. What…? I retrieve my hand from Phil’s and look at where the voice came from. A blonde is approaching us. Oh… I’ve seen her at the Aurora before. She was “close” with Phil usually. Didn't expect to see you out of your bar, she tells him with a flirtatious look. Right...
- Hey, Lola, I have a life too outside the bar, he responds to the girl, sounding just as annoyed as when Jessy was here. Actually, he sounded more than annoyed. But I can’t describe this feeling...
- Yeah, apparently, she tells him as she looks at him up and down with hungry eyes. Oh please… I look away, staying quiet. What are you doing here anyway? She asks him, putting her hands in her back jean pockets, winding-up. Like it’s not already obvious what you’re trying to do...
- I'm with a good friend, answers, Phil, not revealing anything about this lunch. Right… It’s better this way. Reluctantly, I look up at the girl and give her a small smile. The girl looks at me up and down, clearly judging or being bothered by my presence.
- Right... She says before looking back at Phil and smiles at him. Maybe I should go… I feel like I'm being too much here right now. Can I see you, tonight? I need a little distraction and I'm sure you do too, she asks and tells him with that same flirtatious tone.
- No. I'd rather not, responds, Phil, not even taking time to think of the answer.
- Oh come on, tell me you don't need to relax a little bit. I'm sure the last few days must have been stressful. I could help you with that, she replies with the same annoying flirtatious tone while biting her lower lip and twerking some of her hair with her finger. And Phil liked that…?
- No, it was pretty calm, he tells her, shaking his head lightly. My absolutely not confident self kicks in again… Is he telling her "no" because he knows I want to hear this? Is he doing it because he really doesn't want anything with her? Or will he contact her right after I go back to work? Is it just a play from him? I look away upset and thoughtful. It was going so well...
- Fine, as you want. You know my number if you change your mind, she tells him, sounding disappointed at first but quickly uses that annoying voice and tone again. Even better… Of course he has her number… Well, he can do whatever he wants. We're nothing technically. Just friends. And I'm not jealous of this girl. I just don't like it… The girl leaves us, swaying her hips. Oh God… seriously? Watch where you're going instead...
- I'm sorry… apologizes to me, Phil. I look up at him, disappointed and… I guess, hurt. I'm not disappointed by him. I guess I just don't understand why I didn't see it coming...
- No, it's fine, I say standing up from the bench. I mean, you're mister popular-with-women and it's obvious we couldn't avoid this… I say with a serious tone, a point of jealousy in my voice. I think it's the first time I ever hear this emotion in my own voice. I mean… I'm not jealous… am I? Well… I guess I am...
- No, MC, I'm serious. I don't… He quickly tells me, interrupting me while standing up from the bench as well.
- MC! I suddenly hear someone calling my name. Really? We can't be alone for 30 seconds? I turn around and see Angie approaching rapidly. Oh… I know we're next to the restaurant but why is she here? She should be working... Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to tell you that you have 2 minutes left before the boss comes to look for you. I'm kind of keeping him in my sight so he doesn't come yelling unnecessary at you again, she tells me seriously, having my back. Thank God for having her as my colleague! She actually saved me from two situations… My boss and Phil's...
- Thanks, Angie, I thank my friend. The girl nods before turning around and starting to run toward the restaurant. I face Phil again, watching the boy looking at me with a small frown. He looks… A little nervous? Disappointed? I have to go, Phil. Sorry, I tell him while shaking my head lightly. Thanks for lunch, I give him a quick and very small smile. I turn around, not waiting for his answer and start to walk toward my work place.
- Will you call me? He asks me, coming after me. I stop and turn around again. Once you're out of work, will you call me? I think we need to discuss what happened, he tells me with a surprisingly pleading tone. Hum… Please, MC, he pleads me all of a sudden. I stare at him a little moment, actually surprised by his tone… Of his emotions. I'm lost… I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Maybe the lunch wasn't right after all? Or was it? So much happened in half an hour...
- Maybe... See you, Phil, I reply with a small nod. Phil lightly nods back to me all while he looks down. He’s... Hurt? It’s actually weird to see this expression on his face...
Without another word, I turn around and walk back to the restaurant before my boss comes looking for me. I already don't know what's going to happen since Phil "argued" with him…
My afternoon passes slowly… Slower than this morning. And just like my boss said, I couldn’t leave work before 6pm… Anyway, I’ve done my day, that’s the most important thing. I mean… One of the most. I wanted to go to my mother’s to bring her the little surprise and to spend some time with her. I wanted to see her. It’s been hard lately for the both of us. I need my mom just as much as she probably needs me. When I reached her front door, I knocked on it, but nobody answered. I knocked again, but still, nobody answered. I took my phone out and only noticed then that my mother had contacted me. Why didn't I look at my phone first…?
- “Hey, baby. I’m going to go see Sarah around 5:30pm so I don’t think I’ll be home when you’ll come see me. I’m sorry, MC.” I read her first message. Oh, she’s not home... “Jessica came to see me this afternoon. You told her to come, didn’t you? Well, I’m glad you did, baby. It felt really nice to see a familiar face and to talk about everything and anything other than the situation we are living currently. Thanks, baby.” I read her second message which brought a soft smile on my face. She’s still sad, I can tell, but she seems to have also realized that life isn’t done for her. My uncle is gone, but not us. We still have to live. That’s what Uncle Alex would want us to do anyway… I know it. I crack a small smile again despite the sad frown. Tomorrow is going to be another long and emotional day… I let my little surprise for mom in front of her front door and walk back home. We live ten minutes from each other’s house. I don’t need my car…
Three hours have passed and I am sitting on the floor of my living-room. A piece of paper is set before me, I am holding a pencil and the TV is on. However, I am not watching it. I only have it on to have some noise in the background. The night has fallen and a small warm light is illuminating the living-room. I am preparing my speech for tomorrow. I’ve been trying to write it for… For a good hour and half now. I have so much to say… And yet, I can’t find a way to say them. It’s hard to find the right words. I try. I wrote a dozen drafts already but all of them sucked. It’s so hard to say how I feel. I don’t open up like this easily. And it’s hard to recount a memory when I know that… It just won’t ever happen again. Not with Uncle Alex at least… I had so many good family moments with him and mom. Vacances… Festivals… When I graduated… My birthdays and Christmases… So many good and memorable moments. I think what blocks me is that, no matter how I try to put it in words, there's just not this magic or this thing that made this moment amazing for me. I just want it to be perfect…
Suddenly, I hear my cell phone buzzing. I gasp as I get out of my thoughts. I wasn’t ready to hear it buzzing… I look at the I.D. caller before answering the call.
- Hey… I say to my best friend. I sounded tireder than I thought… What time is it anyway?
- What did you do or say to my brother? She asks me with a confused tone, actually interrupting me. Huh? What is she talking about?
- Wh... I... I'm sorry, I don't follow, I respond to Jessy with a confused tone. I put the pencil down and lean back to lay against the sofa. I look up at the ceiling, frowning confused. Why is she asking me what I’ve done to Phil? What does she mean by that?
- Phil. Did you say or do something to him? She asks me again, reformulating her question. She sounded just as confused as before. And not upset.
- Why would I have done something to Phil? I ask her back, not answering her question. I mean… Phil is certainly the last person I would hurt… I know I left him kind of on a disappointed note, but… I had to go back to work anyway.
- MC, he told me, she says with a slightly annoyed tone. Though, it wasn’t an annoyed tone to tell me I am bothering her, it was more in a way saying “I know, just spill it out”. He did…? What?
- About the lunch? I ask with an unsure tone. Yet, a point of sorry is heard in my voice as I know that I’ve hidden this from her. And I hate it to have hidden something like this from my best friend… We usually say everything to each other.
- About everything, she responds. Oh… Well, there’s no need for an explanation then… I guess... I've never seen Phil like this for a girl before. I almost didn’t believe him when he told me, she tells me, still sounding like she doesn’t believe what he… Did or said to her. He's really trying, you know? She suddenly tells me. Oh… Trying? I mean, it's true that he did put in some effort for lunch earlier today and he did reject the girl… Lola...
- I'm supposed to call him, I just… I admit to my best friend before pausing. I didn't forget to call Phil. I’m going to call him. I don't hold grudges and I don't dwell on a situation that didn't turn out the way I would have liked. I’m not like that. I just wanted to do the speech first... I am writing what I want to say to my uncle for his funeral tomorrow morning, I admit to Jessy as I stare blankly at the white paper in front of me.
- Oh, MC, I'm so sorry. I thought... You didn't reject Phil? She apologizes to me before a brief pause takes place. Then, she asks me a question, sounding confused. Reject? Now I am the one being confused.
- Reject? How can I reject your brother? He never asked anything, I ask her before stating a fact. I mean, shouldn't I be the one who thought I would get rejected?
- That idiot, I hear her mumbling with a disbelieving tone before sighing.
- I will call him. I just need to finish this first, I tell her my plan sincerely and seriously.
- He told me about Lola, too, she tells me. Oh God… Please, don't mention her. He told me what she said and the way she looked at you. He didn't like it. He hated that she looked at you as if you were a cockroach ready to be smashed and how she talked to him before you. He doesn't want you to think what's not true, she explains to me seriously. She's having her brother's back… It’s not surprising. That’s actually good that she’s having his back. But... How much did he tell her?
- And what's not true? I ask her. He's a womanizer. He's good looking. He owns a bar. He likes girls. That's his nature to run after them, I reply to Jessy, feeling so unsure about myself. Wait… Did I really just tell her that her brother is good looking…?
- MC... She calls me gently as I hear lightly sighing. He rejected her for you. He even deleted her number from his phone. Don't you see what this means? She admits and asks me. I look down with a light frown. He did this? I think it's the first time he actually comes to see me at work because he needs to talk, she says with seriousness, a point of disbelief heard in her voice. Work? Wasn't she with mom? She must have gone back to work after...
- “Comes”? As calling? I question her, unsure.
- “Comes” as walking inside Richy's garage, she corrects me. Oh… It's true that I've never seen Phil going to Richy's garage except for his car, maybe? I'm not even sure about that...
- Phil likes me like... A potential boyfriend would like his potential girlfriend? I mean... Not like he likes Lola? I demand her with a slight shy and confused tone. Yet, some hope in my voice. I hear Jessy softly giggling.
- Phil is Phil. He has his way to do things, which aren’t always the best, and his past. But I can tell you he isn't playing with you. I'd be the first one to yell at him for hurting you, she tells me seriously. She's the best! Wait… But I would never let her choose between Phil and I if things go wrong. I would rather want her to side with her brother than with me. Their siblings bond is much more important. Even though she means everything to me as my best friend. Anyway, there's still something off...
- Wait... You're not mad? I demand her with surprise. I mean, I was expecting her to kind of yell at me for not telling her the whole thing with Phil. Or to just yell at me for having lunch with her brother and maybe more… If it ever happens...
- Why would I be? She asks me back, confused and surprised by my question.
- You're my best friend and he's your brother. Isn't it weird to you? I remind her and ask her with a confused tone. I'm just really surprised...
- Well, I’m definitely caught between two stools but, if you two like each other I can't stop that, she replies sincerely which makes me smile. Why can't I control myself?! I keep smiling crazily when something involves Phil and I. I must be so obvious how I feel for him... I feel my cheeks slightly burning again. It's awful how I can blush so easily with that guy... He was right, it's cute how you blush when someone mentions you both, I hear Jessy saying with a playful tone. What…?
- How do you know I'm blushing? I ask her with a surprised tone as I widen my eyes.
- I didn't but now I do, she says as I hear her laughing. She tricked me… I laugh along with her, amused by how much she knows me. She doesn’t even need to see me anymore to know my facial expression. Anyway, I'm not going to get anything done right now… Maybe I should call Phil first and then get to my speech.
- Thanks, Jessy. I think I'm going to call Phil now, I tell her gently as I keep a small smile on my face.
- Okay. I'll go then. But don't tell him I called to tell you all of this, okay? She asks me with a giggle. Oh, she wasn’t supposed to tell me? The little Devil… I chuckle at her comment.
- Of course, I agree with her. Oh wait! I suddenly stopped her before she could hang up. Thanks again. For my mother this time. She told me that she was going to see her best friend. I'm sure your talk must have helped her realize that things are still going on and that it is just a hard moment to pass, I thank and say with sincerity to my best friend, holding the phone before my mouth as I put her on speaker.
- No problem, she replies with her usual cheerful tone. Oh, before I forget, I'll need your help tomorrow night, she tells me rapidly, sounding excited this time. Just in time… I was about to hang up… Let me guess...
- For your dress as the birthday girl? I demand her even though I already know the answer. I smirk.
- Exactly! She exclaims while giggling.
- Of course. Can you come to my place though? Tomorrow is another long day for me and… I ask with an unsure tone before trying to give her an explanation.
- No need to explain. I'll be here at 7:30p.m., is that alright for you? She responds and asks me.
- Perfect! Thanks Jessy. For everything, I thank my best friend truthfully. I hear her giggling cheerfully as usual before we say our goodbye and hang up.
My head is just so full of thoughts right now… With being concerned for my mother even though she is dealing with the loss of her brother at her pace, dealing with the loss of my uncle at my own pace as well, thinking about Phil, thinking about my stressful job, or more about how much money my boss owes me for cutting my pay so many times, thinking about all the work I have to get done for college… There’s just so much at once. I feel like I haven’t been resting for weeks… Why is it so complicated? Everything seems simple when I’m with Phil though… His calm behavior is just so relaxing and just his presence in general makes you feel comfortable and safe and… Good. Jessy is right, I should call him. What else do I have to do anyway? And let’s not lie to myself, I’m dying to call him to hear the sound of his voice...
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kcatta-wodahs · 4 years
Hey there :3 May I request a matchup🙈? I'm a 5'6 tall, queer, chin long dyed red haired girl(she/her) and you can call me Karo if you need a name :p I don't really care if it's a single pairing or a poly one as well as the kind of relationship (platonic/romantic/sexual), but maybe a romantic one would be sweet🤔 I'm a INFP and was born under the sign of Pisces and I think the stereotype fits me pretty well lol. I don't think I would describe myself as clingy, I definetely need my space (part1)
and me-time, but sometimes it's also nice to have someone who will drag me outside to do stuff or socialize if I'm isolating myself too much or another depressive episode seems to creep up on me. I think they need to understand, doesn't matter if it's a platonic or romantic relationship, that sometimes I can't give them much(time etc) and that that's nothing personal and that they're still very important to me. Hmmm I think I would prefer my relationship like I like my fanfics hehe, slow burning, like first get to know each other, (enemies to) friends to lovers is just *chefs kiss* for me <3 I really love to draw and sing, to dance too, I like to spend time in nature and with animals, help them too. But I also like adrenaline rushes, like rollercoasters, cave exploring, bungee jumping, exploring lost places etc, I would say I'm almost up to anything if it's exciting or interesting, but I definetely like just chilling and watching netflix, playing games or watching Vine compilations or crackhead satire twilight tiktoks(which is tbh the things I do most of the time until someone drags me out). I love making others laugh with just random outbursts(thats pretty much my humour, just randomness and gen z memes). I try not to judge anyone for anything and be open for all kinds of stuff, except for like non-negotiable things for me like racism, homophobia, sexism etc, like, full offense but I have absolutely a zero tolerance for that. I also get very emotional very easily, doesn't matter if it's something not so important like a touching movie scene(so many things make me cry so easily haha) or like in an argument. I really have a hard time argueing, I hate it SO much, I either try to avoid conflict(and run away like a coward lol) or if it's really something we have to discuss I sometimes need time and space in between(not the best under stress talker/thinker), but if the other side is being calm and considerate then I think I would be fine too Oh almost forgot,I love cuddling(definetely also platonic)and am not afraid to just throw myself at my friends/lover/s I am getting better at not caring about what others think, but sometimes I'm still pretty insecure about everything(my actions,my future,my appearence..),but my motto is fake it till you make it,so feck other people,I can do whatever the hell I like and nobody's gonna stop me hehe😈🙈 Soo yes,I think that will be enough😂Thank you for your time and effort👐💕👐
A/N: I promise you fake it til you make it is 100000% good strategy and also i see feck are you from ireland
I pair you with.... The Attic Sandwich!
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Beel and Belphie would be perfect partners for you. The two of them balance each other out in many ways, and you fit right into that. They value the connection between them and because of it they don't expect to always be around each other. This connection extends to you. Beel takes you out to all sorts of places (usually ones where there's unique food) and would definitely have fun with some adrenaline rushes. It makes him forget about his hunger for a bit. Belphie is absolutely there for your sense of humor and he's very good at watching your depression and arranging something to cheer you up.
More Below the Cut!
The plot of the first 20 chapters is what really gets you close to these two. (Spoilers for that follow and in the last three bullet points) Beel opens up more and more to you, and just absolutely falls for you. Belphie gives us that sweet, sweet enemies to lovers trope. He becomes curious about you, especially with how smitten Beel is, and ends up falling along the way.
THIS is the cuddliest group to ever cuddle oh my goodness when you want snuggles you will have them
They adore just relaxing with you. The three of you become a pile on the couch while watching movies or other videos.
Beel will watch you scroll through tumblr while he engulfs you with his arms. Belphie somehow worms his way into yours and alternates between sleeping against your chest and watching your screen as well. You hear an occasional snort of laughter from him.
Beel is very emotionally intelligent, so he can quickly determine your mood and what he can do to help.
Belphie encourages you to break out of your shell and be yourself. He's very blunt about his opinion of other people lol
He finds himself staying awake longer with you just so he can hear you. He thinks you're hilarious, honestly, and loves talking with you.
When you throw yourself at Beel he catches you. He big and strong and loves affection from you. but also this happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIhl1cW9Me8
Belphie thinks its the funniest shit he can't breathe
If you do it to Belphie honestly he just stands there - either to let you fall or cling to him like a koala. He looks so Done but I promise he loves it. He laughs at you either way. He saves hugs and cuddling for when laying in bed or sitting. Too tired to hold you.
They both understand needing space, and will often just go off and do their own thing. They have complete faith in your feelings for each other, and will never doubt that you love them.
At least not for needing alone time - Belphie has lingering guilt over plot but he tries to make up for it by protecting you.
The others in the house can't help but be reminded of the trio they were with Lilith as angels.
While it still hurts to remember, Beel and Belphie feel almost as if they've come home around you. A part of them that was lost is found again. 
Cleaning day is nobody's favorite, but least of all Belphie's. Too much work. Just don't take ou your stuff and then you don't have to clean it later, right? The problem to him seems to be all the time people spend awake and he shouldn't have to deal with it!
But cleaning day is a little better with Beel and Karo. With their laughs and energy. Usually seeing other people so active drained him, but not with those two. He watched as Karo danced around the room to the music she had put on, while she and Beel tidied up. It was frankly adorable, and best of all: Belphie wasn't expected to join.
He was happy to watch. He watched as Karo spun into Beel's side, surprising him and causing him to stumble before he laughed and swept her up into a spin together. He watched as Beel picked Karo up with ease to put something on the top shelves of the room. He watched Karo find pillows in all the nooks and crannies of the room, and he huffed and whined when she threw each one at him on the bed.
Belphie was on snack duty. In exchange for the two helping him with cleaning day, he was expected to provide the rewards. This was not a small feat when Beel was involved, but it was far better than cleaning.
"Hah! The closet is done!" Karo declared, brandishing her feather duster. "Snack us, Belphie!"
He couldn't help but chuckle. It was an awful phrase. Silly and stupid, but Karo's enthusiasm was just so contagious. 
"Good job. C'mere," he told them, reaching to his hoard of treats.
Karo practically jumped onto the bed, grinning at him, while Beel was close behind looking very expectant. Belphie hid the curling smile of his lips by lifting up a large bag. "The closet is the biggest monster of them all - so for defeating it, you two get this."
Karo gasped and Beel's eyes gleamed. "Oh, those are my favorite..." he said, already reaching out.
"Ah-ah," Belphie pulled the bag back, to be met with a pout from Beel. "You'll eat them too fast for Karo to get any, so we're gonna do something different."
"Different?" Karo asked. 
Belphie smirked and opened the bag, which led to a very audible tummy rumble from Beel. He and Karo couldn't help but laugh. He pulled out a snack - just one - and held it up. "Karo, say 'aaah'." 
She beamed at him and opened her mouth. "Aaah!" Belphie tried really hard to keep his blush down as he dropped the snack in her mouth. She was so darn cute about everything. 
"Now you give one to Beel."
"Just one?" 
"Just one," Belphie agreed, smirking at the pout.
It didn't last long though, as Karo held up the snack and said "aaah" to Beel. He eagerly opened his mouth for the treat, but shocked himself by blushing heavily once she leaned over to feed him. Karo didn't comment, but seemd to be rather proud of the fact.
Belphie fed her another, and she followed up with Beel - but Beel took her hand after stealing the snack from her fingertips. He couldn't help but kiss the palm of her hand. "You're... so cute," he mumbled. "I like this."
"I thought you would," Belphie said, pleased with himself. "Karo?" he held up another. 
She went for the treat, but instead he pulled it away, holding it above his head. "Beel gave you a kiss, don't I get one too?"
Karo paused and blinked before laughing and leaning in. "You're adding new rules," she told him. 
"Never said I couldn't," he answered, giving her a light peck on the lips before presenting her with the treat. The look of satisfaction in her eyes made his heart pound, and he could tell that Beel's was just as busy.
"My turn," Beel said quickly. Whether he meant for a snack or for a kiss... well. We shall see.
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yetanotherreader · 5 years
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Genre: College AU
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Y/N Y/L/N, slight Dean x Lisa
Summary: The school's most popular boy wants to be friends with Y/N, out of the blue. It definitely doesn't have anything to do with her hot best friend, though.
Word Count (For the chapter): 2,712
Warnings (For the chapter): None.
[For some reason, some of the tags aren't working. I'm sorry about that.]
[[ Also I'm sorry for the no Read More thingy because it doesn't happen on the phone app :-(]]
Useful Masterlist
Chapter 3
Chapter 2
You dreaded them. For some reason, they were never good. They were sleepy, tiring and grumpy and unfortunately you couldn't do shit about it. You always had to wake up extra early for a hopefully refreshing shower, take the supposed-to-be small bus ride to the uni, which just got longer because of the Monday traffic and run to the lecture hall, only to have the professor glaring at you for coming late to the class.
Today was no different. You woke up extra early, took a hopefully refreshing shower, took the supposed-to-be small bus ride—WHICH was surprisingly not as long as always—and still ran to the lecture hall. Fxckin' tiring mess. The sleepless sleep still showed in your eyes and you would have given anything to have an extra hour for it that morning. But well, same old—Mondays. 
And suddenly, today was different.
"Come on…" A group of annoyed whines were heard from the lecture room just as you entered the hallway.
"What's wrong?" You asked a very pissed Rhea, or was she Akira?
"Morning classes got cancelled. We woke up for nothing."
Honestly.. what the fxck was wrong with the university? Mumbling and whining to yourself, you made your way to the cafeteria, maybe some coffee would help. Tried enjoying the warm sunshine on your face, keyword: tried, as you slowed down your steps near the playground. Or maybe you could just sit in the sun and make the most out of your oh-so-lovely Monday morning? Taking a seat in the bleachers, you decided on reading the book you were, at that time, reading.
Just halfway through the chapter— "Good morning, nerd. I see you're doing some fun stuff over here." You sighed, not wanting to get into any kind of argument at that particular time, or day- or life.
"You're back at it, aren't you?" You looked up at the still smirking Dean, dressed in his black and blue football jersey. A sight for sore eyes.
"Back at what?"
"Being a dick?" You looked back at the book still tired, "Look, Winchester, I'm so not in the brightest Monday sunshine mood right now. Don't bother."
"And here I thought we were friends." He sighed feigning sadness as he turned around to make his way back to the other side of the ground.
"You're here for practice?" He turned back to you, grinning adorably, just as you rolled your eyes.
"Yep but it doesn't start until at least a couple hours."
"Why so early here then?"
"Apparently, there's an emergency board meeting that all the HODs need to attend. So, delayed."
"Oh...that is why" You concluded why your classes got cancelled, "God. Don't you just hate it how they don't inform us about anything beforehand." You groaned.
"Not having the best morning?" He chuckled, as you gestured him to take a seat next to you.
"Nah. I'm the happiest I could ever be," You said with a yawn, "Should we go to the cafeteria before I die or we just let me die?"
"You're such a mood," He laughed toothily shaking his head, "Let us."
Sitting in the cafeteria, you sip on your coffee awkwardly trying to ignore the very obvious gazes of the people around you. You couldn't even make out how Dean looked so unfazed by all the attention, or maybe—obviously, he was used to it.
"You know," Dean started, seemingly, figuring out your awkwardness to ease the tension, "You could have just asked me on a date instead."
You chuckled, thankful for some words, "You wish, Winchester."
"Honestly...I don't" He said winning a laugh out of you.
Time flew by quickly, filled with laughter, corny jokes and sassy remarks with you not even realizing that all that attention didn't bother you anymore. Quite honestly, you didn't even realize they were there. To your surprise, you really did enjoy a Monday morning. 
"Oh," Dean exclaimed as his phone buzzed, "Totally lost track of time. It was fun, but Y/N, I gotta hurry now. I'm late."
"Well I still have an hour to kill. Good luck with the practice."
"Oh yeah, there's still an hour to the class," Dean said as he hurried, "You wanna come see the game?"
"Oh, no no. I don't understand it. I'll rather read my book here."
"Nerd," he smiled at you, "Alright then, see you in the class."
"Yeah" You smiled back, as he went. Maybe Dean wasn't all that bad after all.
You just started with the chapter, again, that you were rudely interrupted... again.
"Look who's trying to get some attention, there. Whatcha think guys? What does she think of Dean's charity? That he got the hots for her or something?" You flinched at the ear-piercing group of laughter came from the direction.
"Tss. Geez, Cassie, mind toning down that screechi- sweet laugh a lil bit? Kinda trying to concentrate." You gave her a sweet smile and turned back to your work.
"Hey, Y/N. How's you? Long time no see." She came and sat where Dean sat not even a couple minutes ago.
"Was doing just good." You muttered as you kept your eyes in your book.
"You were? Obviously, you were," she started taking ahold of Dean's cup, playing with it, "Y/N, stop trying, darling. Dean is very out of league for you. I'm saying for your good."
"Sweets. You know the only reason I'm replying to you, Cassie, is just because it's rude not to?" You looked up at her at annoyed, managing a sarcastically polite smile, "Now if you could excuse me, I'm kinda in the middle of something.
She stood up rolling her eyes as you spoke up again, "And well, don't worry. I'm no threat. Dean and me, nope. Not happening. Also, stop acting like he's your property. The guy's got a life of his own to live, about time, you get one for yourself too."
Before she could retaliate, you made your way out of the door, leaving her processing what you said. Not gonna say that you had got bad blood with her but you had got bad blood with her. Honestly, you wouldn't give two flying shits about her if she wasn't the one with the brilliant idea of throwing you into the pool on your very first day. And if that wasn't enough, she had the nerve to bully you about it for the next few months too. Initially you ignored for a long time, hoping she would end it herself, but was she one to? When you had enough of her shit, all it took, then, was one punch to the wall and an angry 'next time it won't be the wall' for her to stop. Not that she ever was a trouble for you later, but you were her glare dart ever since. You were kinda looking forward to her passing out of the college— one year without her unnecessary glares and hushed whispers but she just had to get a year back for her last year. Oh, your life. 
Practice was tiring, and since they had gotten just one hour for it, they didn't even get any breaks. On top of that, Dean might have sprained his neck. Maybe Y/N's bad day was contagious. Maybe she passed it to him.
Y/N. The thought of her bringing a faint smile on his lips. Damn, she was awesome. He wondered why she kept to herself, her personality sure would get her a lot of friends. That morning, Dean had actually enjoyed himself after a long time. He'd been so lonely for the past few months, he had almost forgotten how to laugh like he did today. She could be an amazing friend. Not to mention, he was still not over how she helped him back at Jo's without even mentioning it once today. Y/N was a good person, he could say that. Mysterious, but nice. He hoped that they actually became really good friends.
His eyes wandered to find her sitting by herself, in a corner as he made his way into the almost empty classroom, "This seat taken?"
She looked up from the book and, for once, smiled, "Hey..yes..no, please sit."
He smiled in return as he sat down beside her, lowly groaning in pain.
"You okay, there?"
"Yeah, I don't know, I think neck strain."
"Oh, geez. Want some help?"
He chuckled humorously, "And what will you do to make it better?"
"Well, they do say I have magic hands." She chuckled in response too, getting up to stand behind him. She started lightly massaging his neck and shoulders, pressing her fingers to his shoulder blades whilst her thumbs worked on his neck. She did the motion a few times as she felt his muscles relax, his knots loosening. He felt himself relaxing, the pain still there but better. How was she always good at whatever she was doing? She stopped her movements abruptly, as he realized a loud moan escaped his lips, only to burst out laughing the next second, "God, Winchester, what the hell?" sounding a little embarrassed.
"S-sorry. Damn it, your fault. What can I say, you do have magic hands." He laughed out, too.
The day went by quite fast after that. They didn't cross paths post the class again. It was the last lecture when Dean met with Cas and Jo. Finally.
"Hey!" Jo chirped as she came after the class, and hugged Dean from behind, Cas copying the action, "Dude?"
"Hey, strangers." Dean said, not in any mood to have a happy-go-lucky conversation with them.
"What's wrong?" Cas asked, clueless. Jo elbowed his ribs gently.
"What's wrong? Nothing." Dean walked ahead, rolling his eyes as the two of them followed him.
"Dean, come on. We're sorry, okay?"
"Well, don't be. Not that it matters anyway." Dean said coming to a stop, "What? You guys didn't go somewhere private, again?"
"Okay, first of all, stop taunting us, jerk. And second of all, we're sorry. We didn't mean to-"
"First of all, don't copy Sammy. And second of all, I called you two how many times, Joanna?"
"What can we do to make it up to you? Jo is right Dean, we're genuinely sorry. We just had a tiring night, so we slept in. Really really tiring." said Cas, blushing a shade of pink, as Dean's lips lifted in a very surprised smile.
"So...you finally, finally did it?" He looked from Cas to Jo grinning, "So you finally did our virgin angel, huh?"
"Shut up" she grumbled, trying to stifle a laugh of her own, blushing a few shades herself, "What about you and the specsy?"
"Who? Y/N? What about us?"
"Don't act innocent, De. Coffee dates and massage and all, huh." She said, cocking her brow, piquing Cas' interest in the conversation too, "Didn't think you'd go for her."
"We're just friends," said Dean, thinking about it from all the angles, "I think."
"You think?"
Dean shrugged, unable to come with a proper answer.
The rest of the day went pretty okay for him. Cas and Jo finally did spend time with him but it wasn't like before at all. They were different and he expected this, as much as he shipped them. They were a couple now, dynamics changed. He wasn't the same for them like earlier, he was the lesser priority. And single.
"So, you're telling me you're single?" You said, surprising yourself with the subtle, unnoticeable relief you felt. Dean and you had bonded pretty well over the past couple of months. You had never thought you two were ever going to be friends, but he was nicer than he made himself look. You learned a few things about him, and about the first day dare too. Oh boi, weren't you just ready to whack his butt with a spoon.
"Yeah. Well, that sounded judgy, Y/N."
You grinned apologetic, "Hee, sorry. It's just it's hard to believe is all."
It was funny how you two became good friends so soon. You were not really one for friends. For a long time, you'd been alone, convincing yourself you liked the quiet. Although you did, it was undeniable how loneliness got to you every time you wanted to talk to someone about something going on in your life, a bad day or even something as normal as your new favorite TV show. It sucked, now that you were admitting to yourself. It sucked how you had no one to talk to. It sucked how you couldn't even complain about it to anyone. And it sucked to spend your weekends alone in your dark room, trying to distract yourself with a book or fanfic, pretending that it was all okay.
And now here you were. Not in a dark room, not alone and not pretending. Here you were actually talking to someone about the random-est things on the planet, laughing with him and actually enjoying yourself. You both still weren't on the we-tell-each-other-everything stage and you highly doubted you ever were going to be but it was still nice. Yeah maybe you hadn't told him shit about yourself yet, but he was still the closest you'd ever been to someone in years. You had Lisa and you cared about her, you did. But where was it written that the person you care about would care about you the same way too? You were never in the list of her priorities, never even close. But she trusted you, and that's why you were...friends? You didn't know exactly. She would come to you after a break up or when she was having a bad day. You had helped her so much, for so many years, it became your instinct to do it. She had friends, she was loved and she had a life you would never. She was Lisa Braeden. She was she, and you were...you. Plain, dull, unattractive Y/N. That's it. That was you in three words. And honestly, you didn't mind. You had come terms with it a long time ago, terms with no one caring about you.
Until two months ago. Dean was a good friend. He was nice, sweet, protective and funny. And most importantly, he...cared. He would tell you jokes on Monday mornings, give you ice pack when your clumsy ass ran into the closed door and invite you for movies with his friends which you always refused to. When Dean realized you didn't like going out with strangers, he invited you over for a movie night to his place. It was, maybe, the sweetest thing someone had ever done for you. He made you snacks and then you guys talked about random things the entire night only to pass out on the couch later. After that, it had become your Friday night tradition.
And with all these sweet things, could you blame yourself for starting to feel something more for him than you should? You, very well, knew this would never happen. Dean had a type, a taste in girls and you were far from that. You had too few/many curves than what looked beautiful, you didn't have the most beautiful hair or skin and you were not pretty. Simple. He would never feel for you. And you, too, only had a silly little crush on him, which would go with time. Right?
You woke up, cuddled with a warm figure on the couch, head under the blanket. You struggled to pop your head out of the covers and once you did, you were met with a beautifully freckled face sleeping soundly. He looked so peaceful that you never wanted to wake him up. Your eyes just briefly glanced at his plump lips, wondering what it would be like to touch them or maybe, feel them against your own? And in a matter of seconds, your eyes were back at the blanket, hiding your little secret you kept from yourself. A secret only your late night or early morning self knew, which you would conveniently deny to yourself later during the day. A secret you would pass off as nothing but your sleepy head's made up story.
Nothing, but a story.
Chapter 4
A/N: Alright, I don't know how it turned out. It took me more than a week for this chapter, and I couldn't even think of anything. I'd write a few sentences and close the document. A writer's block, I think. Well anyway, I didn't have anything in mind so it's mostly a filler chapter which I somehow used to make the little-st progress in the story. Mostly their friendship. I think I'll make it stronger before I do the shit I have planned. Please don't hate me for the chapter coz I already do :')💔
Tag list:
@bi-danvers0 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @itsjaybro16 @mml232 @blablatiti @stilltoomuchafangirl @bat-shark-repellant @bluebell-24 @shortwinchester @always-money-in-the-banana-stand @soullessbabee @ima-be-a-mongoose
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motleyfuckingcruee · 4 years
Rocket Queen
1.9: New Years Betrayal
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Henley's P.O.V
It's been five days since Tommy left. He said he had to get straight back to Los Angeles to start recording their new album. I didn't believe that, but I let him leave anyway. I'm sure he wanted to party with the insane rockstars that he hangs with. I don't blame him, though. I'm sure hanging with them is more fun than hanging with three teenagers that only have booze.
Now I sit in the living room of the boys' apartment. Steven and Duff sits on either side of me, avidly arguing about who can play guitar better. I wince as Steven's voice goes at least four octaves higher. It was to the point where Bella started to whimper. I laugh at how when Steven argues, he starts to sound like a girl with how high he forces his voice to go. I look down at the pug in my lap. She starts to fall asleep once again in my lap.
I haven't really went home since our 'party' Christmas Day. I only went to get changes of clothes, even though Duff would rather me wear his clothes. I've managed to keep Duff sober for three days. It doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment, but he was goin' through a bottle a day. I just don't want him to get addicted. Drinking is fine. I can drink as much alcohol as the next guy. It gets to be a problem when the person is dependent on the feeling that alcohol gives you. I don't want that to happen to Duff. I love him too much.
Yes, I said it. I love Duff.
Over the five days I've stayed here, I finally realized it.
I haven't really been apart from Duff since I practically moved in. We've been attached at the hip. Even a few times, Duff sat on the toilet seat while I was in the shower just to keep me company. I've done the same for him multiple times. One time nearly gave me a heart attack, however.
I was just sitting on the toilet, talking about music as I always do, when I heard a bang inside of the shower. I hopped up and pulled back the shower curtain. Duff was sitting in there with tears running down his face. He looked like he was hyperventilating. I knew instantly that he was having a panic attack. I managed to get him calmed down, but not after I climbed into the tub and held him for what felt like hours. He was so embarrassed when he calmed down, but I didn't mind. I was so worried about him. I'm just glad I was able to calm him. Now I'm more on edge about it.
Panic attacks aren't like anxiety attacks. Anxiety attacks are triggered by something specific that the person is thinking about. Panic attacks, however, are more spontaneous. They hit you even when you're in a good mood or have no reason to freak out.
That's why I have to pay closer attention to Duff now that I know about these attacks. I want to be there to help him at all times. I want to protect him all of the time.
Madeline still hasn't appeared. She didn't even call Steven. I guess she's really pissed. Stevie still has no idea. He's been torturing himself trying to figure it out. Eventually, I got him to calm down by watching some stupid movie I found. If I'm honest, I'm pretty pissed at Madeline for treating Steven like this. I'm sure he didn't mean whatever he said, and she knows it.
"Hey guys?" I say, interrupting their argument. They both instantly go quiet. Their attention is now solely on me. "I have to things to say." I hold up one finger. "One, what does it matter who plays the guitar better? Stevie, you're a drummer and Duffy, you're a bassist." I put up two fingers. "And two, would you guys want to go Sasha's tonight?"
"Why would we go to Sasha's?" Duff asks. "We've got everything we need here."
"We've been holed up in this apartment for days," I respond. "Don't you guys want to go out?"
"I'm in!" Steven says almost immediately.
I giggle. "I knew you would be." I turn to Duff. "What about you?"
"I'm in if you are, babe," Duff responds, kissing my temple.
I roll my eyes. "Of course I'm in. It was my idea."
Duff just laughs, standing up from the couch. He glances at the clock. "It's already nine."
"Let's go then!" Steven says happily, taking Bella from my lap and transferring her to the couch. He hauls me up, throwing me over his shoulder.
"Put me down, Stevie!"
"No! You're too pretty to walk!"
"That's supposed to be my line," Duff whines, following Steven out of the door.
"Too bad. You should've picked her up," Steven says, not letting me down despite my protests.
"I would like to be put down now!" I say, wiggling around. It was a failed attempt to get free. I hear Steven laugh at me. "Come on, Stevie! Put me down!"
"Not until we get to Sasha's," He responds.
I look up at Duff who's walking behind Steven. "Duff, please?"
Duff just laughs, leaning forward and kissing me on the lips. "Sorry, babe. I think this is pretty funny."
"Fuck you," I growl.
"I'm sure you will later," He winks.
This shuts me up. I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Duff just grins at me. He winks, then moves to walk next to Steven.
"Hey, I got a nice view of your ass up here," Duff laughs.
I swing my leg out and hear a satisfying "Ow!" from Duff. I grin evilly to myself as I wait to be put down. I love these two to death, but damn they can be pigs.
I sigh in relief as Steven finally puts me down. I smile as I see the familiar bar. It's been too long. I grab Duff's hand and guide him into the crowded bar. It seems that business is booming for Sasha. I grin as I see Sebastian and Colin both behind the bar. I watch Sasha rush back and forth between tables. Getting orders and giving drinks. I guess she's waitressing tonight.
She stops as she sees me. "Hey!"
I grin and hug her. "Sorry I haven't been 'round lately. It's been pretty hectic."
"Don't worry, darlin'! It's just good to have you and Madeline around again." Sasha's huge grin is contagious.
"Wait, me and Madeline?"
"Yeah! She's over at your usual table with some guy," She explains. I open my mouth to respond, but then someone calls her name. "Sorry, hun. We'll catch up later I promise!"
"Who could she be with?" Stevie asks, looking very put out.
I frown and walk over to our table. I feel my blood boil as I see Eva, Madeline, Jake, and Hyde at our table. The thing that really pisses me off, however, is the fact that she has her tongue down Hyde's throat.
"Madeline, what the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell, seeing Steven turn around and walk out of Sasha's the back way. I turn to Duff. "Go check on him. I'll be out in a minute."
"What do you mean?" Madeline asks, a cruel smile on her face.
"I mean, why would do this to Steven! He fucking loves you and you're doing this to him. He's heartbroken! I don't know about you, but I really don't want to see Stevie cry!" I yell at her.
I can tell that my words hit her hard, but she doesn't get a chance to speak. Hyde talks for her.
"A real man doesn't cry. He's obviously a pussy."
I don't think about what I'm doing. Before I know what's happening, I draw back my fist and punch Hyde square in the nose.
"Fuck you. Fuck all of you. Go rot in hell for all I care," I say, feeling my emotions take over.
I rush out the back way, my eyes searching for the boys. I spot them at the end of the alley and rush towards them. I can see Stevie crying. I don't say anything. I just pull him into my arms and hug him. He immediately hugs me back, happy to be in my arms.
"She doesn't deserve you."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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