#i got akutagawa and dead apple fyodor
caffeiiine · 5 months
finally gave in and purchased mochies
i will be watching my mailbox for two weeks
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phoenix-void · 5 months
I just finished watching BSD: Dead Apple, THAT WAS A MASTERPIECE!! The first 30 mins of the film was basically just me being so very confused but nonetheless I loved it! (THE AMOUNT OF SOUKOKU WE GOT?!) (AND SHIN SOUKOKU!) (I loved when Akutagawa and Atsushi’s ability’s just went straight to fighting each other XD)
It definitely was confusing but I loved all the fight scenes, the art was fantastic!, the way the introduced Fyodor’s character, just I really liked the movie, will definitely be rewatching! 🤌🫶
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gildeddlily · 1 year
yk what I really hate? people defining soukoku's relationship as toxic and headcanon chuuya as a violent person who physically assaults and abuses Dazai cause he "makes him mad", or Dazai as the one who constantly manipulates him into doing what he needs.
like who ever told you this? first of all, no. second of all, no. They have the strangest relationship I've ever seen, but it's something beautiful built with trust from both parts so how can you call that toxic to this point?
we've never saw Chuuya physically hurting Dazai in both manga and light novels, at least not seriously (the basement scene doesn't mean anything, they didn't see each other for like four years and chuuya's a fricking mafia executive no shit he's gonna beat up the mafia traitor. but seriously, after seeing him fight for real you think that was violence?). Do I think that at least once Dazai got beat up? yes, cause Dazai is constantly getting on Chuuya's nerves. the nerves of a dysfunctional teenager, that works for the mafia, that has a partner who tries to kill himself every two days, that is emotionally constipated and never learned how to love and be loved (the sheep betrayed him, the Flags died, Dazai is Dazai) so yeah, I don't think he knows how to express his feelings (he was all "I'm gonna act like I don't love you but in reality I love you a lot" with the flags at sixteen, what do you pretend from him if he's interacting with Dazai?) but not to the point of beating up Dazai every time they fight.
Dazai is ever worse: he's traumatized as fuck too, and is always going with the "I'm not human" bullshit (shut up sometimes he's so human he makes me cry) that most times prevents him from enjoying practically anything. Chuuya is not someone he know how to act with, but he spends three years with him so he fricking learned how, alr? They know eachother better than everyone, to the point that Chuu is able to understand Dazai's "misterious as fuck no one can understand me why people call akutagawa emo when im here" plans and attitude. They trust each other to the point of constantly putting each other lives in the other's hands.
Dazai manipulates everyone, yeah, but not like Fyodor does. Stop treating his efforts to respect Oda's last wish like nothing and only seeing him as the man he was in the mafia. Bungou Stray Dogs is so beautiful because it's realistic in portraying human's life and emotions, so stop trying to make Dazai act and seen as the mean demon who hates everyone except odasaku. his "chess pieces" are used and directed in a gentle way, just see Atsushi and the relationship he has with him, or the ADA. (the drowning thing. there was world's peace at steak, you think he should have chose saving Chuuya instead of everyone else? And that he really didn't think ab Chuuya saving Fyodor with his ability? I'm sure he knew, purely for the "what a shallow bond" thing. Asagiri spent the last years making us understand the deep bond they share, only to make it really shallow after one hundred chapters?)
Chuuya knows Dazai, he knows the way he choose to act, how his mind works and how he plans the future, Asagiri said that himself, so it actually is canon. He truly knows him (best and worst part of him, and we're talking ab mafia!dazai) and still trusts him with his life, knows Dazai always hides something up his sleeve and's always "i trusted you with this *random insults*" after almost dying for Dazai.
They just voluntarily ignore their connection, but they're both aware of it, just see how Chuuya in Dead Apple is sure that Dazai has something in mind that involves him using Corruption (risking his life) and punching him in the face, or how Dazai is sure that Chuuya will use Corruption risking his life and punch him. (the soft way he punched him while using Corruption really is... strange. he was throwing buildings around and then punch Dazai like he wasn't even using his ability? there wasn't any real strength behind it, at least not the corrupted one. so yeah we also have corrupted!Chuuya loving Dazai like the normal one) (I'm chewing a gum (my throat is hurting sthu) and I feel like the woman from that asmr meme that types on a pc) so yeah the point is. people can write or create media ab everything they want, but going around talking ab how they'd be a toxic couple cause they're abusive and bad for eachother is bullshit, especially if they're talking ab 22!Soukoku that has the potential to be endgame. teen!Soukoku could be toxic, yes, cause it's always disfuncional teenagers we're talking ab, they wouldn't even know ab how to be a good couple, but they'd manage, and still do more good for each other than bad. (this is all to say that I cry when while searching for good skk ff I find that type of ff that antagonize one of them by portraying them as abusive (like taking out of the context Chuuya calling sixteen Dazai inhuman after he said that the death of a man that Chuuya respected was a luck for them- no shit he was angry(still could have not said that)) and the other as an innocent kid that doesn't know better)
we stan the "the other was the only really good thing in their life for a long time" trope
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welivetodream · 8 months
Do people really think that skk hate eachother?
After the fight with Lovecraft, we have a scene where Dazai smiles at Chuuya; this is one of the only genuine smiles we ever get from Dazai. Most of the time he is playing up a facade and he is very hard to read but he always seems to smile more genuinely when he is around Chuuya, especially when Chuuya isn't looking at him.
What I think those two have are very complicated feelings that haven't changed since they were 15-18.
Skk never got to be friends, they were always partners, "Double Black", Port Mafia's prodigies. They didn't get the chance to just be kids and see the better sides of eachother, their relationship didn't grow organically over the years but became stunted at a time when both of them were only teenagers. Thrust in an environment where there's not much positivity, Skk were always at odds because of their clashing personalities and mutual dislike (and their similarities)
I don't think that dislike ever became hate. I think they did become closer as the years passed, but then of course Dazai left.
While saying Chuuya was sad when Dazai left is a way to show their care for eachother. I would say, Chuuya was REALLY angry when Dazai left (that's why he drank that expensive wine, it was out of spite). How can he leave? Does he have no loyalty to the PM? Does he have no loyalty to Chuuya? They were partners, he can't just leave without a word.
Dazai left without a word because he knew how mad Chuuya would be at him when he finds out, he knew if he thought about Chuuya there would be a part of him that wouldn't want to leave this partnership that they have had since three years. It was something that gave him excitement in this "worthless thing they call living" it was his will to live. He also didn't want the PM to think Chuuya was involved with him and helped him in leaving.
I do think Dazai leaving PM made Chuuya dislike him even more. Dazai was not only annoying, he was also disloyal.
But when it comes to Dazai, I don't think he hated Chuuya at all. His fondness for Chuuya is what makes him not want to like him. It's the same way Nikolai wants to kill Fyodor for being the only one who understands him. Dazai doesn't want to kill Chuuya, when he says "I have been thinking about ways to kill Chuuya since 7 years" it's a lie, a joke for him, a facade. He could have done that any time in 7 years but he chose not to. He knows when it comes to it, he can't kill Chuuya.
Chuuya would say he hates Dazai but goes out of his way to save him everytime. In Dead Apple, he risked his own life to save Dazai who could have been dead for all he knew. But he still took the chance, believing that Dazai would have a plan and that he would know that Chuuya is going to risk it. (Also I wholeheartedly believe Dazai has some fantasies about being rescued by Chuuya, that Mf totally does)
Their trust in eachother is so strong, that even when they are on the enemy side, they are able to work together, putting their differences apart. They have never had a "real" fight like Atsushi and Akutagawa, it's more of snide remarks and calling nicknames, like their teenage selves.
I don't think Chuuya is aware of these complicated feelings, he has manifested his dislike of Dazai's antics and personality to a point he had hidden his care for him. On the other hand, Dazai is very aware of these feelings, he knows he cares. So he fakes it, acting out as usual the idea that he hates Chuuya, because he knows loving and caring for someone does not end well for him (look at Oda). He doesn't want to lose another person he cares for.
In retrospect as memeable and funny those two "confession" scenes are in S5; it's the first time Dazai is not lying, he is acknowledging his care for Chuuya in a way it feels authentic and real to Fyodor, so they could trick him. It's their plan, yes, but the reason it feels real is because IT IS. No wonder Chuuya shot him so many times ("Dazai's being stupid again, making me feel things, embarrassing me in front of the enemy").
This isn't a shipping post, I do ship Skk, but their bond is so deep that you can look at it in a platonic way and very little would change.
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originalaccountname · 11 months
Fic I just read: Mori is overworking Chuuya!!!!! Because he’s evil!!!!!!!!
My brain: No no no, wrong! Chuuya is overworking himself and Mori is begging him to take a break. Mori is trying to trick Chuuya into taking it easy and Chuuya is ready to bite him for it
Mori is very laissez-faire in his leading role, sure he got his own agenda and plots stuff still and all that but most of the time when something happens we learn it was someone else's own doing and he just, did nothing to stop or punish it.
Akutagawa infiltrated the Mobi Dick, against orders, and Mori just shrugged it off because it worked out in the end. Ace captured Fyodor on his own and loudly announced he wanted to talk to him himself, Kouyou got instantly suspicious and Mori just let him be to see if Ace was any good. Kouyou tried to get Kyouka back on her own and ended up getting captured, conspiring with Dazai, and only coming back much later, but Mori shrugged it off too. We also have many instances of Dazai going off to do his own plan (against Verlaine, during the Dragon's Head Conflict, in Dead Apple) and Mori just following along like it's nothing. And just look at Verlaine being sad in his basement still being promoted to executive for, what, being a good teacher?
He is simply not that controlling. He probably just lists what needs done in meetings and lets his people pick their own assignments and lets them delegate those tasks (VERY important when in a leading position btw) too. He wants results and doesn't care much how it happens, or what his people do on their own time. He takes recommendations, he lets people do their own thing. This is what we were shown of their meetings!!
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Anyway. Mori overworking anyone would be a sign that everyone is in big trouble and overworked. Gotta be efficient and optimal! Executives alert and healthy much more optimal.
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azapofinspiration · 1 year
So about Corruption…
Who all knows about Corruption anyway? Like Soukoku was well known for their feats but were their methods and trump card well known?
It’s just something I’ve been wondering while reading through BSD, considering how powerful Corruption is and how it tends to be used as a last resort, especially considering how well Dazai and Chuuya can handle threats without it, both separately and by teaming up. Plus, it doesn’t seem like something they’d want their enemies to be too aware of.
So Mori and the Executives of PM (both past ones and current ones) obviously know as he made that info about Chuuya’s past and the gov experiments Executive level exclusive. Hirotsu knows as implied in the Dead Apple Prologue when Chuuya alluded to it while going to get Dazai back. Clearly, he knew exactly what Chuuya might use to get Dazai back and defeat the enemy. But even if not an Executive, he has seniority and looked after SKK when they were teens.
But does anyone else know in the PM?
When talking about SKK, Akutagawa doesn’t mention it (focusing more on just what the two were capable of when they teamed up and their specialties) and while Chuuya’s power is well known and respected - after all he’s not considered both the strongest ability user and martial arts specialist for nothing - it’s unclear if the full extent of his powers is. Anyone who joined after Dazai left would probably have even less than a clue as Higuchi didn’t even know the extent of Dazai’s work in the PM at first.
Obviously, the government and the higher ups in the Special Abilities Division know as they created the singularity in the first place. Or maybe Ango learned by spying on the PM or if Dazai bragged about (in which case, Oda probably knew too). And then the Division would have known how Chuuya’s powers have developed since he escaped. Not all of the Division knows though as Tsujimura didn’t know the details of it until she saw it, though she was told it might kill him.
I would assume the Hunting Dogs probably know (and Tachihara through them) as it seems they were the successors to the Arahabaki project.
Steinbeck and potentially his allies in the New Guild might know because he actually witnessed it (and Dazai bragged about it) and got to live to tell the tale. I don’t know what he might do with that info though.
Fyodor knows because Ace sold out the PM and he gained the info from him. Though then again, he was also there for Dead Apple and seems to have been lurking in Yokohama for a while so he might have made some observations and guesses about it and Ace’s info simply confirmed it. But Fukuchi might have already known before - both due to his ties to the military and gov and due to being the leader of the Hinting Dogs. It’s unclear whether Sigma and the others in the DOA know the full extent of Chuuya’s ability but they know he’s strong.
And then, finally, there’s the ADA.
I think Fukuzawa (and Ranpo naturally) might know especially from when SKK reunited during the Guild Arc, but it’s unclear if the rest of them know. It’d depend on if Dazai told them or not. I’ve seen people’s opinions go both ways on this.
Sure, Dazai likes to show off his Chuuya knowledge but he only really told Steinbeck because he was there. Though Corruption was a potential danger in the Cannibalism Arc, so maybe he did?
He’s never given up any of the Mafia’s secrets from what we can tell (which is part of what gives him leverage over them) and Chuuya especially is important to him so I don’t see him revealing more than he has to.
So overall, while there are several groups and people who might know about Corruption, it doesn’t seem to be too well known, with usually the higher-up levels of each organization being the ones most likely aware of its existence and uses. At least from what I can tell.
What do you think?
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bish-plz-haha · 6 months
Bungo Stray Dogs: my thoughts
So I'm not caught up on the manga (I'm trying). But I caught up on the anime and
I actually screamed at the second to last ep.
*Spoilers ahead*
But everything is okay because that's not the case. But I also watched it in Dub (bc I was trying to cruise through it because its been a hot minute since I've caught up on anime) and DAZAI SAID FUCK AND IM LIVING FOR IT! Chuuya too. I was giggling like a maniac when I heard Chuuya say "You fucked up, detective agency!" Then continue to fuck up the Hunting Dogs.
PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME IS TACHIHARA OKAY?!?!? (I swear I'm reading the manga. This weekend I'm planning on reading it all the way.)
Also, I absolutely loved seeing how the agency was formed. What got me was Yosuno and her ties to the mafia. I literally doubletake-d and screamed "WhaT??" and my family thought I was nuts. Maybe I am. Its fine.
But s5 broke my heart and I'm like, over it. I need some Shin Soukoku fighting together again.
Also, can we talk about Ranpoe??? I absolutely love them, and I think they're now my third favourite ship in the series. Behind SSK and SSKK, of course. I dunno if I could see most of the ships. But, no hate to it if you do ship it because I believe we should ship what we want without judgement (FICTIONAL CHARACTERS MEN! FICTIONAL CHARACTERS!), I absolutely despise Fyozai. I just... no.
Though I do think Fyodor was a very cool character—a little boring—but interesting. Especially with his understanding of Dazai's intellect. Now I think the character with the most depth is Ranpo. Like, man's backstory - the little we know, is quite interesting. It makes me think about a lot.
Also, why is the story character based, not world based, when we know so much more about the world than we do the characters?? Like we know a little about a lot of the characters but know a lot about the world. It's insane. I love character based stories because I feel knowing the characters builds the world.
But the most we know is: Atsushi is an abused orphan; Dazai is an ex mafia member; Kenji is scary; Ranpo is an orphan too who is actually gifted with intellect instead of an ability - though it kind of is an ability; Fukuzawa is an ex assassin; Yosuno hates her ability because she was forced by Mori to keep soldiers alive during the gifted war when they just wanted to die; Kunikida is an ex maths teacher; Chuuya is a human that was experimented on so he's basically part yōkai/ayakashi (Thank you Noragami for introducing me to that delightful word—it's basically a word to describe supernatural beings/creatures and lord knows what Chuuya actually is); Tanizaki is... I don't remember anything specific about him and Naomi...; Tachihara is not a mafia member but rather a military officer sworn to get revenge on Yosuno (she didn't do anything except keep his brother alive - poor babies. She was forced to as well, which, in my opinion, makes it worse); Akutagawa is sick (I swear to god if the series ends without him...); Gin is Akutagawa's sister (HC Gin is enby); Mori was an underground doctor before he slit the previous bosses throat.
Like barely anything about a single character. Just bits and pieces for each. Those are just the main ones I remember.
OH btdubs! I'm writing a skk au fic/one-shot based off s5 ending but also dead apple. Might post the link here. Idk yet. 🤷‍♂️
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larathia · 11 months
One last thought.
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This panel. This panel....bugs me?
Mainly, this panel made me realize...we've got three 'dead' people and at least two of them are dead from things that actually...should not have killed them, or at least if it had killed them it'd look different.
Now I'm NOT saying "oh they're definitely alive". I'm absolutely leaving myself open to the idea that what I see is what's actually there; I don't want to get caught up in "I really can't stand the idea of x happening therefore this is not x" kind of thinking. I'm just saying...this is kind of off? And I will be...not-surprised, if that turns out to be a Cue or Clue, and mildly-surprised if events stand as apparently presented.
Has been known to be 'killed' before. (Dead Apple's a big one - got stabbed with a poisoned knife, separated from his Ability, still managed to recover. 55 minutes was just as egregious.) He can slow his heartbeat way, way down, which reduces blood flow (and blood loss), and ...there's not a lot of blood on the ground for having been shot in both shoulders there. It is theoretically possible, based on stunts we have seen him pull/survive before, that he is (again) pretending to be killed so that Fyodor will look away.
This leaves open the question of "why did vamp!Chuuya not kill him", because Chuuya is still a vampire - we see that after the shooting. I don't have an answer, so I have to leave this question open.
Has been shown to have an incredible healing factor. In fact one of the very first things he's shown doing with it is in fact restoring a severed limb. So why is this what kills him? Akutagawa knows full well that Atsushi has this healing factor, he's been the one to push those limits. So if this were meant to be "Atsushi's really dead" I'd expect a severed head, not a severed limb.
Again, this leaves open the question of "why did Akutagawa not kill him", but in Aku's case that's been a question for his entire little vamp-life and we haven't gotten an answer yet. I don't see any particular way for the ADA to have collaborated with vamp!Aku on a deception, so...again, I'm not really sure whether what I'm seeing is meant to hold up as 'the truth of the matter'.
This is the only death for which I have very little to go on. We've rarely seen Fukuzawa in action, and never against an opponent like Fukuchi. Even in Dead Apple, he was fighting something other than human. I mean. It's totally possible that yeah. Fukuzawa may have decided that it was Necessary to let Fukuchi cut him down as part of some emotional arc between the two of them. Like maybe Fukuchi wouldn't...calm down/relax/move on until he'd Settled That Score, sort of thing, and Fukuzawa went in and got into that fight as a massive distraction. Whether it kills him or not, I truly couldn't say.
What I can say though, is that Fukuzawa went into that fight with Ranpo at his side. Ranpo, who's gone on record as saying if he's in the hands of the enemy it's because he chose to be there.
Is it possible that Ranpo foresaw that if Fukuzawa faced Fukuchi, he'd die, and therefore chose to go with Fukuzawa to die beside him? Yes, I suppose it is, since that's kind of what we're being asked to believe. But Ranpo is not Dazai. That kind of ending would be Dazai's thing.
Personally, I can't help but notice that those two in specific were the agency members most likely to be able to hold Fukuchi's attention for an extended period of time. Do I know why? No, of course not. But there's room in this for a Big Reveal if there's going to be one.
I will say that if this is a deception, it's a dangerous and risky one. "Down" is necessary, if this is a plan that relies on otherwise very intelligent people figuring they've Won. But the line between "Down" and "Dead" is pretty narrow. It's always possible that the save will come too late, if one's on the way.
And in the meantime, the "wait, that...shouldn't have gone that way" feeling gets to Bug me for a whole month.
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hellcatinnc · 6 months
Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Anime Movie Review
Includes Spoilers
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I really liked this movie it did help add more to the story before starting season 3. I love how it really showed how much Dazai thought of Sakunosuke the sitting at the bar with a drink like they used to really tugged at my heart.
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I also loved the connection between Atsushi and Kyōka, I mean I always saw it between them before but I feel like the movie plays on it alot more. It has a very good story line to it with all the power users get killed off by their own power. Was definitely something to pull you in and you can't stop watching til its done. I honestly for awhile thought we were gonna lose some of the favorite characters but glad that didn't happen. I mean seriously how cute are they together and the fact he sleeps in a closet to always be there for her how freakin adorable. I love how he looks at her and how she looks at him as well.
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At first I thought Dazai had turned against his friends and although I didn't want to believe it he did it when he left alot of his friends behind when he left the mafia. The 2 guys he had lined himself with Fyodor Dostoyevsky & Tatsuhiko Shibusawa both are psychopathic creeps I didn't like either of them from the first time they appeared. Both have a unnerving feel to their presence. Then when they stabbed Dazai and he was bleeding and then was poisoned I was upset that they might actually kill his character off.
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The fact you see Chuuya more in this I was happy for especially when he is the one that went to save Dazai in the end. I love the scene on the plain come on seriously the glove scene is too damn hot to miss. Then the fact he turns and punches Dazai to bring him back from death was priceless. That scene everyone is stuck on where it looks like Chuuya's head is in Dazai's lap to me I didn't see at is anything more than Chuuya being exhausted after turning like he has shown in the past and Dazai controlling the outcome in that moment it is not a gay scene to me at all. I think people see what they want to see. By this point Chuuya is really becoming someone you see more often why people automatically jump to them being gay for each other. I came into this with a open mind fine if they end up at least bisexual but I just think alot of people read into that scene more.
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I do love you see Akutagawa work with Atsushi more and they honestly when they aren't bickering I think they are good together. I think in a platonic way they understand each other way more than anyone else. They both been in a dark place and work their way up that being said I even think Akutagawa has respect for Atsushi. I this time frame Akutagawa grew on me and became my 2nd favorite person in the show. He comes off hard ass but deep down I think he is a man that longs for affection and praise especially from Dazai. Granted I don't know what Dazai has to do with him yet hoping to in the next couple seasons however I do think they were damaged a bit more than you know especially Akutagawa by Dazai himself.
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The cool effects of the fights with Akutagawa and Atsushi were probably some of the coolest effects and made the ending even better.
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Honestly all in all I thought the movie was really good and got me plenty ready to jump into season 3 of Bungo Stray Dogs. I hope you give the movie a chance it really is worth it.
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daz4i · 3 months
Hi hi! what are your favourite bsd moments? hope you're doing well!!
hiiiiii thank you!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 i hope you're doing well too!!!! <3
off the top of my head, in no particular order:
nikolai's "death" and his little speech there 👀 also the Implications that The Page might've been involved hmmm.
bsd wan "don't say things like that, even as a joke".......
any time chuuya is on screen
poe being gay as fuck over ranpo using super deduction during the perfect crime arc
atsushi holding sigma by the hand so he won't fall off the sky casino 🥺
atsushi saving kyouka from the train!!!!!!!
fangs in your neck friday (akutagawa biting atsushi)
chuuya shooting dazai in the head :)
nikolai with that arm. my beautiful princess with a disorder
fyodor's little monologue with his ability during dead apple! also love The Implications of this one 👁👁
speaking of dead apple. do i even need to say this.
ok i ran out for now. this list got longer than i expected i apologize 🫡
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quino7 · 1 year
I got into Bsd by chance because I’m somewhat of a classical lit nerd (I’ve read like a 3rd of the books used as abilities), And I love the series so much and believe it to be a solid 9/10, but the majority of people I’ve interacted with who are fans of the series are just so fucking weird. Like I’m convinced that like half of the fandom either hasn’t read it and learned their info from fanfics, or read/watched it in one sitting in the middle of the night and just missed so much important stuff and it kinda pisses me off.
Like people will rightfully condemn Mori for all of the shit he’s done, but then just turn around and stan Dazai and Fyodor. Dazai is a fucking monster especially considering Beast and Dead Apple and all of the Akutagawa stuff, but he’s at least doing his part to try and break the cycle of abuse with atushi, and all of that is what makes him such a compelling character. Anybody who legitimately kins dazai and not just their fanon version of him needs legit help because Dazai is a nihilistic lunatic who only lives out of some fucked up sense of duty to his friend’s memory. and these people get mad at the Mori/elise dynamic are just fine with the textbook abusive relationship that skk would be if they were real people.
And don’t get me fucking started with the rat bastard, I partially hate him because of how he is characterized in the series compared to his actual writings and philosophy but that’s just a minor gripe I have with him. But of all of the bad people in bsd (which are most of them minus like Q, lovecraft, steinbeck, and arguably Atsushi) Fyodor just sticks out the most of all of them, with all of the manipulation of sigma, the willingness to have innocents be caught in the cross fire of his plans, the entire casino explosive currency plan that would decimate most of the world. And people just treat him like their quirky russian dude whos kinda immoral, like no dude he isn’t your qurky little man hes a bad person who sticks out in a cast of bad people, and I’m just mad at these people who treat him and dazai like small quirky dudes because they’re attractive, but turn on other well written characters with the same flaws that those two have and don’t give them the same nuance because they’re not attractive.
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ladylovesalatte · 2 years
what right did they have making the characters (esp Chuuya and the woman) so gorgeous???
Dark plotlines and backstories, compelling (and pretty) characters and queer undertones, a brilliant show, id like it to run me over 5 times w/ a monster truck thank
anyway, fav plotline?
OK YES seriously who gave them the right to make Chuuya like this
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I stg the moment he showed up in that PM dungeon and held Dazai's head I felt my heart slipping out of my body into the screen
If this show stepped on me I'd say thank you and more please
And to answer your extremely difficult question... there's so many amazing plotlines AHHHH this is gonna be such a long and incoherent answer I'm so sorry
I think Dazai's character arc from dark -> light is very compelling, and alongside him Chuuya's story is also so interesting to watch. When I heard that Asagiri-sensei created Chuuya as a sort of foil for Dazai, I started looking out more for how he executed that foiling. So plotline 1 that is my favorite has to be FIFTEEN. On one hand you've got Dazai, who's seen Mori murder a man in cold-blood, one-eye always covered, portraying himself as unfeeling, cold, and calculative. Then you've got Chuuya - he feels too much, he's got the weight of a crown on his head, he's a ball of rage and passion and power. And then you put them in a room together and they become children. Their dynamic is so unique and getting to see how it started out was lovely to me.
Kinda continuing with that, I'm actually a really big fan of how Chuuya was "left-behind" in the mafia but kept his big heart, and Dazai grew a heart after leaving, and then they meet each other again and it's this nonsense:
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Plotline 2 that I love is Dead Apple. Just everything about it was so good. We got the crew fighting against their abilities, Dazai out there looking like (see below), Chuuya fighting a freaking Dragon bc he trusts Dazai and vice versa, some more Atsushi (my son) backstory. All-around so much fun and a great intro to Fyodor.
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I think in conclusion any plotline involving Chuuya heavily is my favorite bc I love him so much, and I esp love contrasting him with Dazai and their dynamic together. That's not to say I don't find other characters as compelling (Akutagawa going from "I'm gonna stab the weretiger to death" to "let me use my ability to shield you so Dazai can be proud of me when we beat Fitzgerald" is *chef's kiss*), but there's something about Soukoku that has a chokehold on me haha
I should also tell you I have yet to catch up with the manga and I haven't gotten to vamp stuff yet but I have a feeling I'm really going to enjoy that
Anyways, I hope that answers your question! Thank you for being my first ask :) Also I'm curious to know your favorite plotline!!
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aidendh · 2 years
MCD/BSD Clawien! Atsushi P1
Re-Revamp of my RAU! Atsushi
I'm adding more RAU's to the AU as well
Zane! Akutagawa
Laurence! Bartender OC
Garroth! Fitzgerald's son OC
KP! Lucy
The Memories differ from person to person and can remember at different points
Akutagawa gradually remembers the more he encounters Atsushi
Though Atsushi doesn't recognize his Soul at first
The deaths happened during/after the War on Phoenix Drop
Laurence is a bartender, he looks like his old orange hair ver
They all often attend Laurence's Bar at some point
Akutagawa is Clawien's Zane, a clone that has to channal outside magic, he uses both Dark and Light
...Dazai's enbandonment would hit harder bc of Claw's Amniesa
Atsushi gets kidnapped by Aku differently
He TP's to Aku when they are both off of work because he believes he won't come after him then
(The Kyoka bait didn't work bc he tped away and put a barrier on Kyouka to block the tracker)
Lucy's familiar Soul gives Atsushi a strong motive for the Guild arc
That kid willing gets himself kidnapped
Though, Lucy uses a magic blocking barrier to drive him to bordem
Zane/Aku are the Dark/Light magic one, basically the same one I used for Rogue's Devil Persona
(Unposted until all arcana are filled)
So hevilly religious and mage based
The parallels with Fyodor are uncanny
Atsushi sometimes talks to a random light source when he needs advice
Reference to one of KP's OCs that used Light magic
Atsushi always had his memories, but his amniesa balances it out
In the PL world the Language is based on the MC enchanting table, basically that worlds English
I like the idea of Laurence's once yelling at Dazai to pay his tab in it
Atsushi will have his Juice with a sippy straw
The Bar is OC based and not from BSD
Atsushi's yellow highlight/tiger eyes are pink
Akutagawa has freckles and sky blue eyes
Joint Ability name for the Incarnates
The Rise of Phoenix Drop* Inventory & source of the Reincarnations
A spell preformed by KP to let those that perished to live on, draining her of her magic causing her to incarnate into Lucy
Atsushi has one of Zane's old Cross (White/Black) pearl bracelet(from his inventory),
he shows it to Akutagawa during the Ship Fight while in agonizing pain from Aku using his scar/weak point
Atsushi's Aura would be Blue with Orange specks
Atsushi will eventually unlock his wings, from an extremely hard fight alongside Akutagawa
Outfit upgrades for each Season
After season 1, Akutagawa will start unconsciously wearing face masks
Atsushi believes that he will only be hunted by Akutagawa when they are on the job, that is what got him kidnapped
To Kunikida's dismay and Dazai's pleasure, Atsushi still often forgets stuff
During the Movie Dead Apple, Atsushi's Amnesia will go with his Ability
Because of All Men are Equal, Fukuzawa can feel a multitude of Souls/Abilities within Atsushi's 'The Rise of Phoenix Drop'
Atsushi's merged Ability is 'The Moonlit Beast'
When he becomes one with them in Dead Apple
Atsushi is given a hoodie by Junichiro after constantly stealing his
Akutagawa first summons Zane's bladed staff during the Fitzgerald fight
Akutagawa has a scar on his neck because he was executed
Zane went ballistic when Clawien fell in the War, he was mistaken for the original Zane and executed
Atsushi is often used as a shield against mental Abilities
He wears his tie backwards and is often pulled back by it
He guessed Dazai's past job after multiple tries
Atsushi and Akutagawa both can't swim and will grab onto the nearest object or person to them
Atsushi often curls up to get comfy or feel safe
Atsushi has a big butterfly shaped scare covering his back
His back is really sensitive
He was shot out of the sky and stabbed in his wing blades
Atsushi has empathy and can sense people's Souls
He had trouble learning Kanji
When plauged by nightmares Atsushi will be in a bad mood until he gets a good nights sleep
He is passive aggressive when someone pisses him off
Atsushu is very clingy and touchy, he also loves play fights
[Continued in P2]
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growling · 2 months
anyway. seaso- hold on bsd just called. apparently i gotta watch dead apple before s3......... sigh....................
anyway dead apple:
hello oda????
"give me back my friends" Chuuya has friends???? since when????? sorry .
fuck him up Chuuya!!!
I cheer and clap every time I see Chuuya in the intr- CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 SHE'S GOT AN ENTIRE SECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"was it someone you were in love with?" no he's too cishet for this. oda was not his past gay lover he was his dear platonic boybestie whom he kissed on the lips goodnight every time they slept together (with socks on) that is different
yesyesyesYES dazai kill yourself now spare me the suffering
rampo stop crunching or i will be forced to choke you out
rampo living that best life......
get the incest siblings out my screen
its the apple . roll credits
once again it's all dazai's fault
when in doubt im gonna just blame dazai on everything from now on
banger theme. also kyouka hiiiii
anyway took a break. im back
kyouka knows how to drive? isn't she like fourteen nvm good for her
hello ango
"im sure dazai-san would help us" dazai would sell you to satan for one corn chip
fyodor..... that's the guy i kept getting as results in the "which bungou stray dog r u" uquizes. what's up fyodor......... how are you........ i know literally almost nothing about u
demon snow :3 <-banger theme
i support akutagawa in his dazai-killing endeavors go shred him babygirl
dazai meowing is the most disturbing thing ive heard this year i feel sick
banger theme
everybody cheer and clap for akutagawa!!!!!!! woohooooo my boy did i- uh oh
inflation fetish joke
And good for the other guys I guess :33
CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH YOU'VE GOT THE NERVE HUH!!!!!!!
atsushi's going thru it rn- CHUUYA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!
YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAZAI GOT STABBED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS DAZOVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE EVIL IS DEFEATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i like.......... fyodor............. also *waves at him* another slav :3
CHUUYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still don't really know what you're doing now but HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
his gloves....................... 30% of your sex appeal gone with the wind now. its okay i am deeply in gay love with you despite
she's so cool you guys. omg. guys....
THE JACKET!!!!! THAT'S 40% NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! unless it's a stripping game or smth in which case I do not object..
SHE'S SO COOOOL YOU GUYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3333 <33 <3
hey but don't kill yourself..... hey babe haha nooo don't kill yourself you're so sexy haha BABE-
ok dazai you better revive just so you can get your chuuya. he is going a bit crazy over there he went full creature mode
the majesty........ the grace............
YES DAZAI'S HERE (never thought id say this. sigh)
gay (chuuya's mine though. dazai fuck off this instant she doesn't deserve you)
Chuuya's so cuteee when he's helpless and completely immobilized like that.......
oh hi fyodor
oh hi atsushi i forgot about you for a mome- THE FACE ANGL AGAIN STOPPPPP
hello akutagawa :)
what's up Mori-ohhh??? the daughter's your ability??
I had a feeling they were gonna kill each other's abilities :>>
daughter elise-chan time :333
womp womp
tiger time
why are they always referring to fyodor as "the/that russian" that feels kinda that's kinda that's kinda....
maybe demon snow, too, is babygirl.
cheering clapping go atsushi go
though im curious. whenever they aren't calling him The Russian, they call him "demon fyodor"........ more than once or twice........... is he like. is he
CHUUYA AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaand the end <33333
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vanilladove · 4 months
⁀➷⊹ ࣪ ˖ valentines with the bsd men!
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divider creds plutism
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: various bsd men x gn!reader [dazai, atsushi, ranpo, fukuzawa, nikolai, fyodor, sigma, bram, chuuya, akutagawa, oda, ango, jouno, tecchou]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluffy headcanons (some crack hehe)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none! i also imagine all of them wearing suits🙈
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⁠❥ 武装探偵社 armed detective agency
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ osamu dazai
planned out your valentines day date at work (got yelled at by kunikida)
buys you a nice outfit to match his suit and styles his hair like how it was in the dead apple movie o////o
after dinner, you both go on a moonlit walk around yokohama and stop by the bridge overlooking the river dazai asks you to commit a double suicide
you mostly enjoy each other's company in silence, and dazai just admires you (secretly taking pictures of you under the moonlight)
he whispers sweet nothings into your ear and you find yourselves at the Lupin bar
you both drink too much and show too much pda, giggling through the taxi ride home
you're awaited by a bed covered in rose petals, lingerie/boxers and more sake...🤭
⊹ ࣪ ˖ atsushi nakajima
definitely didn't sleep at all the night before bc he was nervous about preparations (i'd like to think you're his first partner :3)
called akutagawa for help but he's also just as single...
ends up making you glitter roses (there's glitter all over his dorm now) and a valentines box filled with your favorite things ♡
he definitely has a cute speech for you about why he fell in love with you and how much he cares for you (one/both of you ends up in tears lol)
you guys end the night with a movie + lots of cuddles!
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ranpo edogawa
valentines day is his second favorite holiday after halloween bc of all the candy + sweet treats associated with it
buys enough chocolate and snacks to feed yokohama (most of it is just for his secret snack collection...)
organizes a small at-home date where you both make chocolate-covered strawberries + heart-shaped treats
tried to prepare a romantic speech but it ended up being a 'why you're lucky to have me' speech...
gives you those cheesy 'i love you' candies + candy necklaces
you both get insane sugar crashes and don't even make it to dinner or the special valentines book scene he made poe write for you😔
⊹ ࣪ ˖ yukichi fukuzawa
secretly very romantic
he takes you on a private picnic in a sakura tree field (it's literally perfect); you have bentos, plum sake, and daifuku. the cherry blossoms fall peacefully over you two ♡
would write a sweet poem/haiku for you and gift you a lavish yukata
you reminisce about the cute moments in your relationship and stay until sunset
you surprise him by taking him to a cat cafe on the way home hehe
⁠❥ 天人五衰 decay of angels
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ nikolai gogol
thinks the traditional valentines day norms (chocolate, roses, and dinner) are boring
takes you to an amusement park (bonus if it's valentines-themed) instead
drags you with him on every ride--hopefully, you don't have motion sickness or a fear of heights
you eat so much fair food, and he never misses the chance to lick powdered sugar or cotton candy off your lips
takes you to the games section and laughs at your failed attempts. once you're frustrated enough, he wins even though the games are rigged and gets you a giant stuffed animal
you get matching face tattoos and braided hairstyles (he ends up doing it himself bc he's better than the employees lol)
on the ferris wheel, you both share an intimate kiss and he pulls out some roses (they end up being the clown ones though and splashing water all over your face :0)
⊹ ࣪ ˖ fyodor dostoevsky
asked you to be his valentine with one of those cheesy coding things (iykyk)
plans a romantic tea date for you both with lots of russian treats
composes a piece for you and plays it on his cello (forces nikolai and sigma to provide instrumental support in the background)
spends most of his time talking with you, since he's usually always busy
buys a matching ushanka for you, along with european chocolates, and your favorite flowers
you end up falling asleep in his arms reading together
⊹ ࣪ ˖ sigma
this is probably his first valentines day ever so he spent a lot of time on social media to find out what people usually get for their partners
definitely uses the sky casino's amenities to put on an extravagant display for you--dancers/live music, a fancy bubble bath with rose petals + candles, couple's massage
has an intimate dinner with you in his office with the sunset in the background
he gifts you lego flowers that you end up building together and gets flustered if you gave him a gift, too♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ bram stoker
takes you to his castle and prepares a fancy royal dinner for you
plays instrumental music from his radio but he didn't pay for spotify premium so you awkwardly listen to ads every few songs...😔
gives you pretty jewelry and black roses encased in glass (beauty in the beast style!)
takes you to the balcony and you both have an intimate night chat, which draws some rare smiles and chuckles from him
softly hugs and kisses you, grateful for your warmth and company will suck your blood if you let him
⁠❥ ポートマフィアport mafia
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ chuuya nakahara
the definition of a romantic bf...pls
first of all, you wake up with those gigantic boxes of roses that celebs always get, accompanied by a sweet handwritten letter and a custom outfit for the day
he then picks you up in his helicopter and flies you to a vineyard where you make your own wine and drink one he secretly made for you when you both started dating
at the vineyard, a PRIVATE CHEF cooks a fancy 5-course meal for you both to enjoy, and chuuya insists on feeding you the first bite
expect a lot of heartfelt, drunken speeches and passionate french kisses out of nowhere...
on the ride home, chuuya almost crashes the helicopter bc he's so drunk, but his ability saves you both hehe
he ballroom dances with you until you both fall asleep in each other's arms🥹
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ryunosuke akutagawa
like atsushi and sigma, this is his first valentines. he asks chuuya for advice but thinks all his suggestions are corny
he ends up settling on making you some red baked goods with gin's help and dark chocolate candies
writes you love letters since he's secretly embarrassed to tell you outright how he feels
takes you on a beach date and lends you his coat if you're cold (he's secretly colder than you after he dips his feet in the water)
you hold hands and talk for a bit under the moonlight until he musters up the confidence to give you his letters and gifts
your happy reaction is worth it and makes him blush ^o^ he hugs you for a long time after you point it out, partly in embarrassment and partly because he loves you so much
chuuya and gin interrogate him about the date after he comes back lol
⊹ ࣪ ˖ oda sakunosuke
picks you up from work with flowers, handmade chocolates, and a cute teddy bear
car makeout sesh before going home while you still have some time alone to yourselves
cooks your favorite meal for you and buys you your favorite alcohol
he and the kids bake + decorate a romantic cake for you (it's lowkey ugly but it's the thought that counts!!!) and decorate the house with heart balloons, cute drawings, and candles
you both eat with all the kiddos and sleep together on the same bed ♡
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ango sakaguchi
almost forgot it was valentines day bc he was too absorbed in his work...his assistant had to remind him lol
takes you to a classic fancy dinner & buys you your favorite flowers
gifts you your favorite books and some sexy lingerie/boxers (his assistant probably snuck in some toys
your little date helps him relax for once and takes his stress away
gets clingy the next day and keeps trying to call/text you because he misses your presence (dazai and his coworkers tease him nonstop about it)
⁠❥ 猟犬 hunting dogs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ jouno saigiku
guys why are there no valentines day cards for these mfs does no one like them or what
takes you to a secluded place away from his annoying coworkers the noisy city
cooks you dinner and gifts you gold jewelry (likely a matching rope bell earring) and some soft sweaters :)
you try to play some board and card games together, but he wins everytime because he can guess your next move based on your heartbeat and movements
after you give up, you both just end up cuddling, and he rambles about his recent missions and office stories
showers you with kisses and caresses; purposely teases your pulse points to get a reaction from you
although you give him gifts (i think he would really like noise-cancelling headphones), his favorite one is your praise. he can't stop blushing when you list off all the reasons you love him hehe
⊹ ࣪ ˖ tecchou suehiro
tecchou would take you on a romantic cabin getaway!
you go on a cute couple's hike (it's supposed to be along a heart shaped trail)
he's kind of directionally challenged and gets lost along the way...
as an apology, he gives you the chocolates he bought for you (they melted from the heat though)
he eventually finds his way through the surrounding landscape and you find a secret waterfall connected to a beautiful lake
you both go swimming to cool off and end up laughing off the whole situation
when you get back to the cabin, you order takeout (do not let this man cook) and look through the pictures you took on your hike
he gifts you some plum blossoms he picked on the hike ♡
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madraleen · 5 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple Movie A "HA?!" commentary, or: A play-by-play of my trying to understand what I watched.
-atsushi is 18? i thought he was 16ish
-i'm gasping in all the right places. it's all so alarming, their abilities turning against them. also what is dazai-san up to (notice how i consider him so sus that he's "dazai-san," not "my man," "my husband," or even "dazai").
-akutagawa is so chill meeting atsushi, lmao, no threat, no anger. lovely.
-interesting how "if dazai-san is to fall into enemy hands, akutagawa would rather kill him himself" but he hasn't counted the agency as enemy hands because he's never expressed this sentiment before
-lmfao, dazai, "meow." what a veiled sassy threat
-snort, literal backstabbing. poor dazai
-i've come to like akutagawa and chuuya so much more compared to the first time i saw them, when they were The Enemy. now, they're our guys from another organization.
-help me, i like dazai and chuuya's interactions so much :")
-dazai hid an antidote to what, death?!
-i know he just collapses after using corruption, but this is the second time chuuya collapses around dazai and the way he collapses is just. he just. he trusts dazai so much to not harm him in this situation.
-elise-chan is an ability??!??!!
-*cough* will there be a "dazai's plan for dummies" explanation?
-atsushi landed so gently after his tiger de-transformation. adorable
-awww ranpo said he's not gifted :)
-WAIT NO, EXPLAIN! how did you protect the city, dazai?! damage mitigation? oooh wait. apart from damage mitigation Up There -as in, it would happen with or without him- he predicted chuuya would be sent in and that he'd need to be deactivated, and that was the best course of action to get to the point where the baby strays could defeat The Villain?
-oh. i'm looking up my "wtf was dazai's plan" question on reddit and while i'm getting explanations, i'm mostly getting "no one completely understands what the movie is about, but it is fun."
-okay so. dazai pretended to betray us and "joined" the bad guys (only no one actually knows about the betrayal part except the kiddies who also know it was a ploy... or don't know it was a ploy but forgive it? unclear.) in order to stop the fog from within and make sure that whatshisname shibusawa dies. he needed fyodor to create the singularity that would kill shibusawa once and for all because he couldn't touch the abilities himself without nullifying them. he got betrayed and killed by poison, as he expected (that's a very specific thing to expect), and got sucked into the dragon, predicting that chuuya would go berserk in the dragon, would punch him, and would unleash the antidote to the poison (to UNDO his death?! HIS ACTUAL DEATH?! HUH?!) so that dazai could then nullify corruption, then trusting that the baby strays would take it from there and kill WHATSHISNAME shibusawa, thus eliminating the threat that dazai was trying to annihilate. fyodor, meanwhile, got to have fun.
-errr. i mean. it's enjoyable to watch, i had my fun and clearly went insane during the dazai-chuuya interactions, the basic premise was cool, but ho hum, i don't know about the whole dazai plot. and also the baby strays talked about dazai betraying them but NO ONE asks for an explanation or questions him? atsushi says that dazai can leave the past behind once again which yeah sure, but YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT HE DID OR HOW HE ENDED UP THERE WITH YOU! at that point, they DON'T know about the dragon thing and chuuya's part and so on! HUH?!
-ah, alright. reddit tells me the story comes from a light novel with a different author, not as part of the main manga timeline. then i shall treat it as i do all light novels and spin-offs, as “canon-adjacent but don’t look too closely.” i shan’t look too closely and i shan’t overthink it. reddit has once again come to the rescue.
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