#i got bullied into posting this so is getting posted now
nqueso-emergency · 2 days
it's gonna be long but i'm so tired of this lame shit.
stop doing this "both sides are bad" bullshit. both sides have bad apples but hell should not put bad bucktommys in the same "bad" category as people who is:
1. an owner of a big news acount inciting bully and harrassment to a queer black teenager because they got accused of creating a new news account when it's actually a buddie who made that account, and guess what, never appologized!
2. a person who infiltrate a discord space and getting informations like age and sexuality from people out of that discord to X/twitter and let the cult bullying and calling the discord's people "hags"
3. made a tumblr blog dedicated just for wishing harm and death on a fictional character
4. orchestrated on creating some horrible fanfictions with the wrong tags about a fictional character being a child abuser and child killer, and sent the links of those fanfictions to the fans of said fictional character through inboxes
5. changing a fluff ficlet of a ship created by a fan to a horrible abuse story and sending it to so many fans of the ship through inboxes
6. harassing artists by reuploading art on other social media just for your cult to shit on the art
7. creating a fanart and draw a fictional character as a monster and using the term "lizard people" (but hey they got rewarded!)
8. harassing multishippers for creating fanarts and fanfictions for the newer ship
9. sending phising links and reporting as spam to a positivity project
10. you can check on Lou Ferrigno Jr's latest post on X/Twitter about him swallowing an apple sticker and see how many wishes of harms and deaths you can find on the quotes and the replies
11. throwing tantrums and sending threats to THE showrunner over a scene that didn't included on the final cut (the scene not even significant enough to the whole episode arc:((()
12. recorded an X/Twitter space when the black fans there expressing their disappointment about people (actors included)'s treatment toward a certain actor with racism history during blm, putting the recording out so the cult could harrass the fans who's talking in the said space
there are bad apples on bucktommys side. even sometimes i think maybe i am one of the bad apples. but i love how bucktommys never holding back for calling out someone's bad behavior even it's from their own side. so i'm always grateful that i'm on bucktommys side. oh, for all of those points of bad behavior above, we have receipts, bcs we would never speak without receipts.
P. S. certain group of shipper could made a team to investigate who nqueso-emergency actually is but not one of them move to investigate who are these people orchestrating csa fics and made their community look bad? shocker!!!
P. S. S. points of bad behaviors above is mostly about their treatment toward other fans and real life person. i'm not getting deep into their treatment toward fictional characters on the show, especially their treatment toward a certain gay character because when we tried to call them out, they just twist it to "hAtinG on a rAciSt aNd mYsOgIniSt chArActEr iS hoMOpHoBic noW?". well, honey, that character is already change to a better person now and he stated that he's not a good person back then. you know who's homophobic, now? yes! YOU ARE!
thank you for your your service, nqueso, have a great day. and i love you, bucktommys! we'll get through this🫶🏽
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stitchedcosmos · 1 day
Abt the Orcatstra stuff
TLDR: I've looked through their posts as well as others and I can't find any proof they did anything wrong. Orca making NSFW art, saying they don't like a ship and blocking people who like that ship is completely normal and you shouldn't take it personally.
Long ver:
People in the DSAF fandom (mainly Tumblr) are freaking out about a take Orcatstra made on shipping Jack with Harry, Jake and/or Rodger, allegedly harassing people who ship them, one case being running a 14/15-year-old off the website and making NSFW art, mainly gore.
About the ship: I think Orcatstra's take is completely understandable. "Oh but the phone can leave" and "Oh but he treats them well in the Good ending" doesn't matter. At the end of the day, whether he treats them well or not is completely irrelevant. Jack can choose at any time whether they live or die. When he fires them, they get murdered. He has power over them and that is a power imbalance that a lot of people are going to be uncomfortable with. In cases like Dave, Matt, Steven or Henry, if things don't go well between the two, they have the ability to leave with no fear of something bad happening to them. The phones on the other hand, could get fired (die) if they're not on Jack's good side with just a simple phone call. Even if they left, they literally mention Afton Robotics hunting down escaped phone guys and a simple phone call telling AR one's gone rouge is all it takes. Doing this after getting pissed off by them or whatever, is completely in character for Jack to do (especially legacy). People bring up that Jack treats them well in the good ending but how about all the other routes? Especially in the Legacy routes, Jack treats them like shit and actively uses this power imbalance against them on multiple occasions. People bring up Davesport as a retort to this, bringing up how utterly devoted Dave can be, but Dave when treated like this usually fights back or distances himself away from him, neither is something the phones can do without fear of getting killed. At the end of the day, it all comes down to how you headcanon Jack to act, but the power imbalance is definitely enough to put a lot of people off. Also, as a POC myself, I don't think them saying it felt like "Owner x Slave" to them, was racist.
About the blocking: Blocking people is something people are allowed to do for whatever reason they like. If someone posts content you don't like, the normal response most people have is to block them. Whether you feel the block is "deserved" or not, doesn't matter. Hell, sometimes I block people over a single post or comment they make because I simply disagree with it so much. Blocking people is completely okay under literally any circumstance.
About harassment: I have found no proof of this. Seriously. I've looked through multiple people's accounts, including Orca's and have found nothing. I'm even seeing people ask for proof and being told the person has none. the dsaf confessions account keeps getting brought up as proof of someone who got harassed but looking at both their posts and Orca's, from what I've seen, no harassment happened. From what I can tell, all of this is a complete misunderstanding where Orca talking about not liking the account got interpreted as Orca bullying them. If they don't like them and want to post about not liking them, they have the right to do that.
Edit: Just remembered this so I’ll quickly add it now, people are shouting at orca 4 “harassing a minor” but they’re a minor themselves.
About NSFW: They're allowed to draw it. DSAF is an NSFW series and therefore has A LOT of NSFW topics, subjects, scenes and characters in it. If someone wants to draw that, they have the right to. If you don't like it, block them. Some people are saying they should tag their gore art and while I personally agree with that, if they don't want to, they have every right not to. It's their blog and if you don't like it, just block them and move on. "But what if a child sees it" on Tumblr, you can only see what you search up or are personally interested in, a child shouldn't be looking at DSAF-related content in the first place because, again, it is an NSFW series.
Overall, my thoughts on the matter are... *drum roll*
It's not that serious and the block button is free. If you don't like someone, what they're doing, what they're posting, block them. It's that simple and getting blocked doesn't mean anything. This situation, as well as others like it, are making me fear that most of you aren't old enough to even know what DSAF is, let alone be in the fandom.
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ilikeyoubetterthisway · 8 months
The Kyoto Arc - A Ryuumo Analysis
I wanna talk about the Kyoto Arc (and later the Beach Mini Arc and Festival Arc), in relation to Izumo and Ryuuji.
The Kyoto Arc starts with Rin being revealed as the son of Satan, everyone is feeling conflicted, specially Ryuuji, Shiemi and Yukio. They get tasked by Mephisto (as always), to go help at the Kyoto field office and we are shown Ryuuji feeling even more conflicted and stressed by the fact that he's returning home.
We know that he had a fight with his dad about the whole Satan and rebuilding MyoDha thing, which is the reason why Ryuuji wanted to become an exorcist, to bring everyone back together. Tatsuma clearly didn't agree with Ryuuji's decision of becoming an exorcist so Ryuuji feels even more determined to achieve his 'ambition'.
With this we know that Ryuuji's mind is going to be all over the place but still with some space for special moments.
The Arc starts on ch.16 but we will start talking from ch. 17.
Here everyone is boarding the train to Kyoto and the tension is high. Everyone is ignoring Rin and feeling scared and wary of him, as well as annoyed and conflicted with everything that happened.
Izumo arrives to the train wagon and sees the whole melodrama and after ignoring Shima's suggestion of sitting beside him, she decides to sit on the same seat row as Rin. He is confused by this and asks her if she's not scared of him, she simply mocks his question and explains that there are many people that have demon blood in them, but everyone's problem is that he is the son of Satan because they don't know if he will be a threat or not.
Then she proceeds to call everyone out on their idiotic behavior for making the problem bigger than it really is and we get a panel of the Kyoto trio sweating nervously, but we have an emphasis on Ryuuji with him being the only one with a speech bubble of a little "...".
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Izumo is calling everyone out but Ryuuji is the one that has the main reaction. (Ryuuji and his habit of taking all her words personally).
Rin gets happy that not everyone is scared of him and he thanks Izumo as he switches to a first name basis with her. Izumo is annoyed and embarrassed by this, telling him to not get too casual with her and she proceeds to exclaim how much she hates cowardly people that proclaim something but back out when it counts, having focused panels of Ryuuji and Shiemi with conflicted expressions.
(This is funny since Izumo is calling (him) them out on the same reason Ryuuji called her out during their surprise exwire test, back in ch. 6, and he's the one that reacts the strongest to her words (Again... did you feel it a bit too personal, dear Ryuuji..?).
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Anyways, Ryuuji immediately flares up, raising from his seat with his hand curled up in a fist and hitting the train seat, shouting at Izumo that he's done listening to her stuff, asking her who is she calling a coward? Izumo smirks and mocks him by asking him to take a guess (meaning that he was one of her main targets) (also, her smirking satisfied when Ryuuji reacted to her words, she rlly enjoyed that).
So, when the gang is starting to break apart, Izumo is the one that reminds them of the words they repeat over and over, about friendship, bonds and nakama power, she is one of the main people that keep the group stable (acting like the mom already).
Coming back to the main plot.
Ryuuji gets mad and shouts which only leads them all to get the Bariyon punishment, again.
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Shima comments that the moment feels like déja vu, and that it was thanks to Izumo and Ryuuji that everyone got punished again, mentioning that they haven't made any progress.
Ryuuji and Izumo both proceed to blush in embarrasment as Izumo tells Shima to shut up. They got caught in a heated argument and got everyone punished just like last time, for the top students to be caught like this twice in a row and causing everyone to get punished on their behalf, this is becoming a common (and embarrassing) incident.
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After the Baryon incident with Shiemi realizing that Rin's flames aren't hot but warm, they arrive in Kyoto. Everyone is feeling annoyed with the tension high once again during the bus trip towards Toraya Inn.
When they step inside the inn, on ch. 18, all becomes chaos: everyone starts happily greeting Ryuuji, as he embarrasedly tries to explain that he's there for a mission and not for a visit, but that's when they call his mother.
Torako comes running to the front door and after looking at Ryuuji with almost joy, she snaps at him in anger for having dyed his hair. They start bickering and Torako embarrasses Ryuuji in front of his friends, total mom behavior. As she explains how the Inn helps with the financial issues, here comes a short but at the same time big Ryuumo moment:
Izumo proceeds to tease Ryuuji (while she blushes), by calling him Bonbon and Ryuuji snarls at her in total embarrasment, nervousness, and blushy cheeks, by calling her out using her last name.
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Lemme rephrase this again:
Izumo (the girl that doesn't want to get close to anyone), went out of her way, to tease Ryuuji by calling him Bonbon, an actual flirty nickname, in his own house, in front of his mom, all their friends and a big part of MyoDha, causing him to blush and answer her in total embarrasment by using her last name, all this while she is also blushing, o sea, this was a huge decision made by Izumo.
And, I don't know if this is the same for you in your country but at least in mine and in some movies I watched, when people use bonbón or bonboncito to refer to someone (usually a guy), is because they see them as an incredibly attractive person, is a nickname you use to flirt. Also, a bonbón is a marshmallow, a candy (the ones you roast with fire just like how Ryuuji looked when having Karura on top of his head jaja). And, if all those weren't enough, Izumo of course called him like that for his title 'Bon' (Young Master). She really went and made this elaborated joke that Ryuuji noticed and most likely was the only one who understood it, just to tease him and make him blush, which she succesfully accomplished.
For them to supposedly be at each other's throats minutes ago, Izumo completely changed the dynamic between them by teasing Ryuuji with a flirty nickname instead of the (you could say), mean nickname (gorilla). And Ryuuji answered with a positive but still embarrassed reaction by blushing and calling her by her last name for the first time in the manga.
(Also, funnily enough, Ryuuji started calling her on last name basis the following chapter after Rin started calling her on first name basis, hmmm... sudden change, don't you think dear Ryuuji..?)
This is the moment that made a shift on their relationship and it was started by Izumo and positively answered by Ryuuji.
Izumo took a huge step forward by teasing him like that, when we know that she's hellbent in not wanting to make friends or close bonds. Izumo will totally make the exception for Ryuuji, take time out of her schedule to tease him with a flirty nickname in front of his mom, all their classmates and the entire welcoming party of MyoDha, being the one to take the initiative towards a new and different dynamic between them.
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A small moment that I think is funny to add, is this one where Rin is trying to fix things up with Ryuuji, and he's probably thinking of a way to make him less annoyed so he tries using the nickname "gorilla-boy", but it only causes the opposite effect with Ryuuji now getting more pissed jaja. (Sorry Rin, sweetie, only Izumo can call him gorilla, also him being all shy and nervous when asking Koneko to eat with him, cute).
After this moment, is just plot stuff, everyone is distressed by Todou and the Impure King eyes thing, so we will skip a lot of this. Rin is still trying to talk to his friends and do his training, Ryuuji is dealing with his issues with his dad, Shiemi is feeling with low self steem, Koneko is sad and stressed, Shima is tired of everything and Izumo is annoyed and troubled by everyone's stupidity, etc etc.
We are also introduced to the other canon ship that shares a lot of similarities in personality and appearance to Ryuumo: Juzo x Mamushi, or as I like to call them, Jushi, jaja.
Also, we get Uwabami getting Ryuuji to feels suspicious of people from MyoDha, (they are already training him to be the bearer of Karura, jaja, pls, give him a break).
Anyways, we jump to ch. 23, after everyone finds out that Rin is Satan's son, Ryuuji shouting at his dad, Rin punching him while flaring up, and the gang (minus Rin, Yukio and Takara), gather in the kitchen to heal Ryuuji and talk.
Now, this may be a short moment but many things are happening here, and this is the summarized version:
We get Izumo being the one to ask him what happened and Ryuuji explaining the situation.
And this is the detailed version:
Ryuuji arrives to the kitchen, completely defeated and exhausted, he has no space of mind to get into defensive mode against anyone, specially Izumo, since we know how much he reacts when she or anyone questions him or calls him out on anything.
As highlighted by the sketch at the end of the chapter, all the energy he had has been depleted. He's done with everything and is currently vulnerable and exposed.
And is the same thing with Izumo: she just came out of the shower, she's feeling refreshed and new, her mind free from any disturbances from her surroundings, and we see how this clearly allows her real self to show up: by having a nice conversation with Shiemi, noticing the improvement on her demeanor and also about to ask if they (Rin and Shiemi), were having a thing; her behavior towards Shima is still the same and when Ryuuji comes to her, completely defeated and exhausted, her first reaction is to ask him what happened for him to be in this state, her reaction was getting worried about him. Just what the real Izumo would do.
And while looking into each other's eyes, Ryuuji answers her truthfully and openly. And a surprising detail here is that it seems he didn't say anything about what happened to Shima and Konekomaru, judging for their surprised reactions to his words. This means that Ryuuji only talked after Izumo asked him about it (The Kyoto trio walked all the way to the kitchen together and Ryuuji never said a word until Izumo asked him about it).
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(Also, it makes me laugh how the panel of Shima being excited to see Izumo in a yukata is immediately followed by a panel of an angry Ryuuji, I know they are in different moments but it was still super coincidental, ksks).
Anyways, here Izumo is the one asking Ryuuji what happened for him to be in this state (she's worrying about Ryuuji), while looking at each other during these panels, ugh dying. Ryuuji finishes explaining the situation and Izumo notices that Shiemi is getting worried about Rin. (Ryuumo supporting Rinshi, lessgo).
This moment feels so different from all their past interactions since Ryuuji is feeling defeated and exhausted from all the discussions with his dad and Rin, he's finally answering Izumo's questions in a calm manner, as well as Izumo just came out of the shower, she's feeling relaxed and fresh, so she will take her time to put up her walls and boundaries.
This is how they react to having a mess around them, they are the ones that get things under a semblance of control, trying to make sense out of it by setting things straight and explaining the situation. They are the top students who just recently caused a ruckus and got everyone in trouble, but when things get messy they are the ones that decide to take responsibility, to bring back some sense of order and stability by whether explaining the situation or looking for answers, they become the parents of the squad~.
He arrived vulnerable in front of Izumo and she proceeded to worry about him. The only one to whom Ryuuji has finally answered in this calm manner, looking remorseful and defeated, is Izumo.
Anyways, Rin gets his death sentence and Shiemi immediately tries to convince everyone to help rescue him (on ch. 26), Ryuuji accepts, followed by Koneko and the next one to do it is Izumo, and then Shima follows them by force.
When they go up Kongo-Shinzan, on ch. 27, Izumo is the one that finds Ryuuji's dad, Tatsuma (mah girl was already scanning the entire forest and risking everything for him).
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Like, really? The girl who wanted nothing to do with them proceeds to find the missing person in the middle of the night in a huge forest with no illumination device almost instantly. Now that's dedication.
Then Ryuuji asks Shiemi and Izumo to take care of his dad, and later we get moments of Izumo wanting to keep the promise she made (cough to Ryuuji cough), and wondering why she's doing what she's doing (because she cares about everyone).
No because, again, really??
Izumo is behaving so different from her usual tsundere behavior: she worried and acted angrily to the group for being idiots, she teased Ryuuji, worried about him, scanned the entire forest to find his dad and then proceeds to tentatively agree to take care of Tatsuma with the Impure King releasing its deadly spores a few meter away from them.
But the most interesting thing is that she made it a promise. On the upper right panel she just says "sure." It wasn't a full confirmation nor a 'leave it to us' or something serious like that, it was a simple casual word and later we see Izumo refer to it as a promise.
This is what the real Izumo would do. What her heart wants to do, that is why she is feeling so conflicted and confused because she is going against the promise she made to herself about not trusting nor getting close to anyone because she can't lie to her real self, the one that actually loves and cares about her friends and their goals.
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And we also got several panels of Izumo worrying for Ryuuji.
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(Just look at the lower left panel, Izumo with that soft but worried as heck face, which she makes just before the Impure King awakens completely and Ryuuji gets in real danger, ugh cutie).
(Also, I like how Izumo and Shima are the ones with actual worried faces when Ryuuji inherits Karura because they are the ones that know what it is to have familiars that are powerful enough they can turn against you at any moment if you show a glimpse of weakness or wavering heart. Izumo having Uke and Mike and Shima with Yamantaka, Rin is still unaware of his demon side and Nee is too innocent and good hearted to want to hurt Shiemi at all).
Anyways, Rin manages to defeat the Impure King with the help of Ucchusma. Shiemi and Izumo, as well as Rin and Ryuuji, share very wholesome friendship moments and everyone is safe and sound back in Toraya Inn.
This concludes the Kyoto Arc, which emphasized Izumo having the initiative, giving and wanting attention from Ryuuji, and him answering back with positive reinforcement, as well as many instances of Izumo worrying about Ryuuji, showing how much she cares about him.
Thank you so much for reading this far!! See you in the next one~!
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seagreenstardust · 3 months
Anyone still calling late game Katsuki an abuser in 2024 is just not paying attention. Full stop.
#bkdk#bakudeku#every time I see an anti post they try to define bkdk shippers as just masking their hate of Izuku#or as inappropriately labeling them as childhood friends and that being the basis of the whole ship#or as of acting on the hand hold scene LIKE KATSUKI DID FOR ELEVEN PLUS YEARS IN CANON without realizing that it went sour that first time#or as abuse apologists#they like to whittle katsuki down to the black and white bully even now#in 2024#after everything he’s done#all the growing#they like to whittle Izuku down to a helpless child who can’t find it in himself to stand up for himself#even though canon Izuku not only tolerates Katsuki’s moods#he appreciates him and understands him#and finds joy in being around him#literally I get it if you see them as platonic only#that’s so super chill and an excellent dynamic#but people throwing hate at bkdk shippers only ever out themselves as not understanding or comprehending or even knowing the source material#at all#on the surface Katsuki yells at izuku for literally nothing and it definitely rubs you the wrong way if you are only paying surface level#attention#but after dvk pt 2 he literally only yells because it’s familiar#it’s easier to respond that way than to cope with the guilt that’s eating him alive whenever he sees how happy Izuku is just to be around h#he’s flustered#he’s got a crush#but doesn’t have the emotional intelligence to understand what it is or how to deal yet#Katsuki Bakugo is a flawed character who puts in the work to change and if you’re not acknowledging that you are not paying attention#anyway#lol the post a while ago that said ‘if you ship bkdk just admit you hate Izuku and move on’??????#lol I love him so much AND I ship bkdk because canon tells me that’s what he wants#at least I’m paying attention enough not to think he has to be babified
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 months
Avatar Love talk 3: Game vs Action
Follow up from (and also defending Kyo in this vid)
Yangchen: I plead the fifth on what Kuruk said. No idea why you two think you got your horny ass desires from me. Kyoshi: I'm not the one who sensually listened to the sound of Kavik writing with a pencil, but go off? Yangchen: Again, pleading the fifth! Anyway I still think Kyoshi has the least amount of game. Kyoshi: Really? We're still on this? Can't we talk about something else? Wan: Like your mommy issues? Kyoshi, pushing his face away and knocking him down: Ok, defending my "game" it is. Yangchen: Kyoshi, really, just accept it. You can't flirt for shit. Kyoshi: Again, I don't need to. Yangchen: You keep saying that! How do you expect to get anyone if you can't or don't flirt? Kyoshi: I walk into the room and look at them. Maybe smile, if I'm feeling feisty. Yangchen: That's not going to work- Wan: It worked for you, Yangchen. Yangchen: *deflated* Kyoshi: Oh so it's "flirting" and "super game" if Yangchen does it, but if Kyoshi does it then I'm just lucky? Wow. Hmmm. So fair. Yangchen: Kyoshi, you had two years with Rangi and Yun and I had five minutes with Kavik. We are not the same. Kyoshi: Listen, Yangchen, I think we've got it all wrong. It isn't about game or flirting. It's about action. I know how to get my girl going- Wan: Yangchen knows how to get Kavik going too! Yangchen: SHut UP, Wan! .......Yeah I know how to get Kavik going too, blow steam in his ear, fling him off a bison, what's your point????? Korra: Wait, fling him off a-? Kyoshi: Oh no no, Yangchen. That's not what I mean. You see, I'm probably going to go down in history as "World's best daughter-in-law." Whenever I sincerely talk about how I'm going to take care of Rangi or Hei-Ran, and Rangi melts into a literal puddle at my feet. Korra: So, like, you're amazing moral character is how you flirt? Kyoshi: No, it's not flirting. It's doing. Actions. Like I said before, they like me for who I am. And maybe because I have a good smile too. Kuruk: Being good looking does help. Yangchen: Ugh, where are you going with this? Kyoshi: I'm getting to it. What I want to say is, 'What's so great about having game, when the real measure should be the results?' Yangchen: *rolls eyes* 'Results.' Please, Kyoshi. We all know I had Kavik wrapped around my finger. Kyoshi: So you got with him? Yangchen: I-well uh- Kyoshi: Tell me, Yangchen. Which one of us actually GOT their boo in the end? Hm? Yangchen: .......... Kyoshi: Only actions and outcomes matter, Yangchen. What's so great about your "game" if you can't even "win"? Wan: I haven't seen a burn this severe since that volcano took out Roku. O-O Voice on the phone: 911, what's you're emergency? Korra, on the phone: I just witnessed a murder! I mean both parties are already dead-can the dead die twice?????
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
The implications of Darius being to the Hagsquad what Willow is to the Hexsquad is making my brain spin
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Does this mean Darius was "the late bloomer that became extremely powerful"?
Or was "bullied but found a supportive peer group & eventually gained confidence"?
Or was "the muscle of the group, both with & without magic"?
"The first to realize the protagonist & love interest's feelings for each other"?
"The one that caused the slightly older dorky boy of the group (Hunter to Willow, Alador to Darius) to blush constantly"?
"SUPER passionate about their preferred magic that's naturally very talented with it"?
How about "the voice of reason but also actually Super Unhinged & always ready to kick ass"?
Or maybe they both have very similar 'end of friendship' stories with a certain A. Blight.
IT'S SO! AHHHH. Like Willow is the PERFECT choice to be the one he mirrors for the group but also ALL THE WAYS HE COULD BE HER MIRROR ARE SO INTERESTING TO THINK ABOUT. IS HE ANY OF THESE? ALL OF THEM? A MIX?
We know both are complete badasses among their peers (Willow is arguably the strongest of the group, and Darius is arguably the strongest Coven Head) but now I have so many ideas for how they could mirror each other further.
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I am absolutely OBSESSED with the Imperator breed I would be so grateful for any scrap of info you wish to spare 🙏🙏🙏 Atrocitas is GORGEOUS
Thank you!!! And trust me if I weren't working 12-hour shifts I'd have already posted a full ref sheet alongside the roi-de-vitesse one 😔
But i can share some notes for now
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Additional note: their breed name comes from the shape of their tail featuring a leaf-shaped blade resembling the spear used by soldiers during the early Roman Republic
Also their classification of heavyweight is based on Roman era standards and for a good portion of the early middle ages when dragons were smaller. In the modern era (at the time of Skies over Jura and canon Temeraire) they're comparable to a large middleweight
Here's some concept art that's already slightly outdated but I haven't managed to draw more yet
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shannonsketches · 27 days
something something foils moving in opposite directions Goku's always happy to seek and fight stronger opponents because he spent most of his life being the strongest guy in the room and Vegeta wants to be the strongest/is always exhausted to find stronger opponents because he spent most of his life having to navigate his survival around the whims of the strongest guy in the universe room and so Goku has a foundation of safety and stability and so spends his time craving challenge and adventure and Vegeta has a foundation of challenge and adventure and spends his time craving safety and stability and the overlaid section of their venn diagram is that the only way they know how acquire and maintain those things is through battle
#thank you this has been the laziest media analysis post of my career#dbtag#media analysis#something something a game to goku is a threat to vegeta etc#there's a pinned thought here about how Vegeta also didn't learn about the dragon balls until he was ?? 30?? and so all loss is permanent#and goku has been familiar since he was ~12 and hasn't faced a permanent consequence since he was 10 years old and even then he got closure#sometimes I think about how Vegeta saw Trunks die and how Krillin was mad at him for reacting since they could fix it with the dragon balls#but Vegeta has very limited experience with the dragon so to him in that moment that was permanent and Trunks was Dead. Forever.#And we talked before in a 2am post about Vegeta having never experienced grief born of love and I stand by it because his feelings then wer#still very new and very odd and not something he'd accepted until that moment so it was raw power but not as powerful as it could've been#all this to say in my heart of hearts I think Vegeta deserves to retire at the end of super (if super continues) -- not as a warrior#but as an infantryman. he's a prince and now he's got his domain and his family and his planet to look after and I think he deserves#to go home and stay home and help piccolo bully gohan into training more often when goku inevitably leaves to hop the multiverse#geets wanted to take a sabbatical when Bulla was born but didn't get the chance because Freeza coming back freaked him out too much#but whether freeza gets a redemption arc or gets defeated -- Granolah's arc seemed to shift his perspective on being the strongest#and I just grips fist I just think it would be a really nice full circle for Vegeta to inherit his throne in a way he never expected and#finally get his kingdom to look after and protect in the way that he was looking forward to being king of his own planet all those years ag#Goku's got Broly and Jiren and Hit and all the others to keep him busy and happy now -- and if Freeza gets a redemption arc he'll probably#continue playing slap-ass with Goku for the rest of his life -- and Vegeta's got Gohan and Piccolo and Goten and Trunks#I just think them getting a nice bittersweet 'This is where we part ways' would be really nice for both of them because !!#They couldn't have done this without each other. They couldn't have known this kind of life was possible without each other.#So they swap lots and live happier than they ever imagined they could be#especially since Vegeta has proved to himself that he can close any gap Goku creates in progress that's not a concern anymore#And obvs the door's always open!! There's no point closing it Vegeta's tried the locks they don't work on Goku#anyway here's me putting the whole essay in the tags again#this isn't an essay as much as it is stream of consciousness tag blogging#anyway i'm too lazy to write fic or draw comics so we get ramblings instead
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chemicalarospec · 5 months
pro tip: if you ever find yourself in a situation with people, you can leave.
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macclownn · 6 months
just found out one of my all time absolute fave re artists was bullied off the internet for being "pr/osh/ip" and that tells me everything i need to know about the state of social media and fandom these days tbh.
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spotaus · 3 days
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I'm insane. Anyways, here's a ref for Scada! He's just a lil guy, a scrimbly bimbily <3
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I caught myself looking like 😑 again at the grocery store today and I feel so awkward. I don’t want to come off as an asshole to anyone working there (it must suck as a job, especially during summer tourist season) but my face is just like this! I think it would be really funny if I got a custom t-shirt one day that just said “sorry, it’s (probably) not you. My face is just like this” with the 😑 emoji under it
#emma posts#when it doesn’t look like 😑 it looks like 😳#i just remembered today that part of the reason it’s like this was that in highschool if i looked like that my bullies got bored#was always switching between 😑 and 😳 and now those are just my defaults#the 😳 would probably be around regardless tho#it’s kinda funny how my teacher mom has strangers approach her regularly but my dad and I and maybe my brothers don’t get that#but my dad is 6ft with a 😑 expression most of the time in public#my brothers have different vibes but are also huge#youngest has got an awkward gentle giant energy#and middle kid has what I can only call a ‘more subtle bakugo rizz’ if that makes any sense#dude needs to take his meds like the rest of us#I really went from 😳 elementary to 😑 highschool expression wise#and one is anxiety and autism while the other is autism and defense against bullies#but now my face is just like that by default and it’s super awkward#I’m also self conscious about how i look while laughing#but that’s a mostly separate thing#mostly#non-human animals get the ☺️ expression though so they like my vibes better#I also try to be like that with kids. and I am a little internally. but I also panic about how the respond to them#I’d blame one specific younger cousin experience but I’m not totally sure#either way I look a little less 😑 to them but probably still a little 😳#kids with anxiety seem to like me though. we get each other’s vibes I guess 🤷‍♀️#but gods. I don’t want to look at cashiers like 😑 in the checkout but i keep doing it#and when i consciously try to stop i often look more like 😳#girl has no rizz if you’re not a cat#I react the same way to energetic dogs as I do most kids which is a bit weird tbh#I end up looking like a combination of 😳😐😬😦😅 when I try to talk to neighbors#my only advantage is that people think my jokes are funny. at least in person#and I can at least tell when someone is faking their smile response#if there are two things I can usually pick up on it’s nervousness and amusement
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silverislander · 6 months
being on the internet is so fun. i can come watch one of my childhood heroes make a whole twitter thread cyberbullying random women she's never met, putting anyone who says that's kind of mean on blast and then blaming them for the hate she sent their way via her hundreds of thousands of radicalized followers!
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could cozy up to me- ahem
#ash rambles 💚#i love him soooo much! i know i get stubborn about it sometimes but he really does have my heart#him and ash get together post-game so i love writing him and his development and him learning to be a better person#theyre not together during the game. theyre enemies during the game. theyre also both kinda immature late teenagers/young adults#(i just wanna make it clear that there's nothing weird there going on!! he and ash have had mutual attraction to each other since they were#kids but they dont get together until theyre adults and he is an adult in canon!!!)#but back to what i was saying#his development with ash is sooo goooddd! they spend a little while doing mercenary work together! ash has quite long hair and man ajsjajsh#the way he learns how to take care of her hair always makes me soo warm and fuzzy inside! he may be a bit of a meanie but he is a#surprisingly affectionate bf! f.f8 s/i probably also straightens her curly hair like i do and he just likes helping and stroking her hair#there's a lot of playful bickering though! lots of matches of triple triad too! whoever loses does the dishes LMAAOO#man.. he's so handsome and strong... i love how he's always so dedicated to being a knight and a protector... i know he uses that as an#excuse to like. do horrific things in the game but!!! in the mobile game you can see him develop and i really do like his redemption arc#from mean ass bully to kinda mean ally that'll protect you no matter what. his character is so good especially when you consider that he's#literally been forced into training since he was five. lots of things to analyze and think about there#but back to the knight thing!! he always says he's ash's knight! makes my heart flutter hehe! though he is very well-aware that ash could#kick his ass... and he loves it! he's not big on using her beloved guns (shes very picky about who touches her sweethearts too) but he does#like watching her epic gunslinger gf in action hehehe! okay yeah i think thats enough rambling for now#i got sick 😔 i'm okay and it'll pass but expect a lot of half-asleep f/o rambles LMAAOOO#okay yeah. tldr: i <3 s.eifer a.lmasy#your knight until the end 🤍
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applestorms · 1 year
been reading through some of the author commentary from the patreon post archive for HS^2 stuff & writing notes on certain quotes from it and i think i've come up with (slightly) more distinct reasons for why the epilogues/homestuck^2 feel so off and/or frustrating to me. not gonna post the full thing + i'm only about halfway through reading it all, but here's a few points (warning this one gets kinda political):
It’s possible “Ultimate” Dirk’s presence was suppressing other splinters of himself from manifesting.
Wait, so... Ult. Dirk is just suppressing the other splinters? But I thought the entire point was that he subsumed all the other splinters to become one Ultimate Self? Weird, but I guess that plays more into the narrative powers side of things that they put a lot of emphasis on. That, or the creators don't have a very clear idea of what actually makes an Ultimate Self, which would. also work lmfao
Unlike the other victors of the game, Jane threw herself into the world the kids made together. She grew up preparing to take over a major company, and has the confidence to show for it.
Gonna get more into two ideas here in a bit related to this quote, the first being HS^2's Trump Era politics & the second being Jane more specifically. Here's the first connection:
I don’t know if you noticed, but everything is terrible right now. And I don’t mean just in Homestuck’s dumb fake earth. I mean in our dumb real earth. Our planet is burning and folks go to bed hungry just so twelve guys can have more money than Croesus could have ever dreamed of. The concept of “truth” is at its most tenuous – political divisions involve contradictory interpretations of basic facts. I’ve been playing a lot of Death Stranding recently. Basically any media that you’re making in 2019 has to either address what’s going on around us or come off sanitized, sterilized, with its head in the sand. Kojima offers a simple power fantasy: Through Norman Reedus’s sweaty, urine-filled labor, the things that divide us can be banished. America can be unified again.
HS^2 is kind of agonizingly pessimistic when it comes to its (not at all subtle) political messaging, which I suppose you can in part attribute to a Trump-era leftist/liberal culture, but I personally also attribute to a specific flavor of white person existential pessimism. What frustrates me about HS^2's politics in particular though is just how much it talks down to the reader, acting like their (frankly, imo, pretty fuckin basic) reflections on the flaws of capitalism, gender constructs, and contemporary American politics are these revolutionary ideas that nobody other than them truly understands. It's really aggravating to read, honestly, and reminds me a lot of the perspective reflected on in this video by F.D Signifier about Bo Burnham's Inside & white performative liberalism, though in this context the creators are much more insufferable about it than Burnham ever was. (This is NOT to say every creator working on HS^2 was white or even ascribes/d to these kinds of politics, but that's one of the voices that I feel comes through the strongest.)
Edit: Re-watched that whole video and he really does get at the exact idea I'm thinking of. However, I would add that the thing that makes HS^2 feel especially insufferable to me is the fact that it doesn't feel like the authors are engaging in their politics as genuinely or personally as Burnham does. Where Burnham's look into these issues is self-reflective, the existential dread coming from the ways in which he himself plays a part in perpetuation of systems of oppression, I feel like HS^2's creators were unwilling to look at the ways in which they themselves might've benefited from the same kinds of privileges. It's just- it's egotistical, honestly! And it's a vibe that I get from a lot of heavily queer, young, white fandom spaces, which presume that because of their own experiences with queer and trans-based bigotry they understand everything and don't have to examine their own biases or any other nuances to their social position/the privileges they might personally have & continue to benefit from. I don't know- Homestuck was never going to be a good medium for examining the nuances of race and privilege, that was determined by the very first page or whenever Hussie decided non-canon races were a thing, but that doesn't make it any less agonizing to watch such a ham-fisted, pompous attempt at "social commentary." Ugh.
I guess I can understand the desire to get HS^2's politics to be more up to date and with it, again considering what the Trump-era American political landscape looked like (and what HS proper looked like, let's be real), but the way they approach this just makes the authors seem that much more immature to me. I hesitate to even call this political commentary, it's just pointing out that things are bad and then complaining about it. There's no hope here and it shows, and I personally have very little patience when it comes to that kind of perspective. I don't want to be too harsh to the creators or completely undermine the ways they might've faced structural social challenges (yes, trans people have it fucking bad right now! And there was absolutely some bigoted shit directed at the creators that was more reprehensible than anything here, I was there when this shit was coming out, I saw it all too (alongside the genuinely good criticism that they wrote off just as easily, but I digress)), but this shit is just bad, I'm sorry.
Privilege, safety, and inherited wealth do funny things to the brain. People justify to themselves why they have what they have. If you have enough for long enough, you start to convince yourself you deserve it. Jane won the game, lost very little, and as god of a new world decided to dominate its markets as a corporate mogul. Her conception of what was possible with her capability and god-like reason was shaded, limited by the world she grew up in. She is not a goddess of fantasy, a semi-mythical trickster creature like Jasprose, or a meta-aware marionette master like Dirk. She saw a new world and chose, simply, to replicate the power structures of the 21st-century America she was raised in. Boardrooms, power pantsuits, formality and professionalism.
(Longer quote here justifying the horror they did to Jane's character but let's add one more before I elaborate further)
But in the end, isn’t that what every story is? Trying to untie knots that you put in the rope yourself?
This quote is very telling and gets at my issue with the Jane quote from above, really one of my main issues with the all post-canon shit just in general: when the authors were creating a bunch of problems and inserting them into the story, something that is (typically) necessary for any kind of meaningful storytelling, they went about the process of introducing that conflict totally wrong.
In the original story of HS, problems for the characters primarily originated from Sburb, which acts as both the game they're playing and, as is demonstrated throughout Act 1, the world itself. Problems in the story thus often feel at least kind of true to life because they either originate directly from the game & its constructs (which the characters have no control over, parallel to how you can't usually control the world irl) or individuals responding to those circumstances w/ their own set of unique characteristics (Vriska being an active character and creating villains to become a hero but also Rose deciding she has to go through with a suicide mission in response to the game/Doc Scratch and Dave in turn responding to her actions, etc. etc.).
This is not necessarily true for all of the story or every single plot point/character arc, but I think it generally follows, and so for as meta as HS gets, it never really felt to me like you could see the hand of the author when it comes to how major plot elements are introduced, outside of a few very overt examples. Problems are able to crop up fairly naturally through characters responding in what they think to be natural/rational ways to their circumstances, but may or may not be due to the limitations on their understanding. The situation and environment of Sburb and the world of HS itself may be absurd and stupid and crazy and very obviously created by an author, but the characters typically feel consistent and true to themselves as people in how they respond to the absurdity and confusion of their world. It's one of the reasons why I think HS is so appealing as a coming of age story actually, since stepping into adulthood (or even just your teenage years) does often feel like entering a world that is crazy and cruel and unknowable with all of these malicious, far-away forces that know way more than you could ever possibly understand controlling every detail of the world around you and deciding your fate before you even get the chance to know it's coming. These are kids, they really don't have a lot of power even once they ascend to godhood in comparison to the forces they're dealing with, and the story & world reflects that.
The problem w/ HS^2 & the Epilogues is that the authors don't have the same game construct to work with, barely have a world at all to begin with actually, and so they instead twist pretty much every single character into the worst possible versions of themselves in order to try and recreate the same HS absurdity. But it just doesn't work, because there is no real explanation for why every character is suddenly at their lowest point and acting like a fucking idiot all the time other than "ooo adulthood makes everyone worse!" and vague gestures to capitalism and privilege (or what I would call structural ignorance, though I don't think they ever call it that), so the story just comes across as incredibly cruel and uncaring and unabashedly pessimistic in a way that's just miserable to read.
Yes, Jane grew up privileged, it makes sense that she would be sympathetic to capitalism and try to recreate the same social structures that fucked people up on the original Earth- but that is not nearly enough justification for why she has suddenly gone full fascist dictator endorsing troll eugenics and trying to murder people, and it doesn't even work well as social commentary cause it's so extreme right from the start that it couldn't possibly reflect real life issues or the development of actual fascist/bigoted ideas. Yes, Trump's ties to the alt-right are fucking terrifying and conservative politics in general in the U.S. nowadays are incredibly fucked, but there's still logical people and seemingly rational explanations being utilized to justify the bullshit that many people genuinely believe in and HS^2 fails to meaningfully reflect or comment on any of those, at least from what I can tell. Everyone is consistent with how they are terrible, I'll give them that, for Dirk and Jane and everyone else the flaws that are being emphasized are ones that are generally kind of consistent with canon, but I simply cannot get behind why they suddenly decided to be the worst possible versions of themselves other than that the authors realize they needed plot and decided that the best way to make Candy and Meat the Bad Timelines:tm: was to spontaneously make everyone as insufferable as possible.
I think a part of the problem is the time skip, honestly. And the fact that Earth C as a location itself is surprisingly underutilized when it comes to creating problems for the characters. The characters are gods ruling over a world where they can be dictator of the globe at the end of a single election. Without the game and the lack of distinct outside villains, there is nothing stopping them from having full agency over everything other than each other, so in order to create plot, instead of going through the effort to create a world or social structure they just made everyone worse and called it a day. It's like the epitome of white liberalism's inability to understand bad systems vs. bad individuals- there are no real systems here, nothing that actually functions past a name, so everyone is just fucking terrible.
(Honestly, I think the fact that there are no overt outside villains could've been a good way of transitioning to the fact that these characters aren't kids anymore- if Dirk and Jane didn't have to be transformed into fucking caricatures of themselves in order to do it. Really the problem is that so many of the characters that used to add interesting nuance to the social conflict are fucking dead now. RIP trolls.)
Since this is turning out to be the political astronaut ramble I guess I'll just keep going for a bit: one of the most meaningful insights a professor has ever given to me came is the idea that we "haven't earned our pessimism yet," as the younger generations, or haven't faced The Shit directly or long enough to justify having as little hope as we do. Many of us have looked at the problem and given up before even trying to solve it, and are, in fact, not really justified in making such a decision.
For me, there's an additional layer to that idea as well: one of the ideas that Beauvoir talks about in her feminist philosophy is that of agency, wherein social privilege allows for certain groups to decide which meaning-creating projects they want to or to not take on where others are not allowed to make the same choice. If you sit in any kind of position of social privilege, that historical role has continually been the one to not only benefit from the rules, but make them in the first place. This kind of pessimism is thus not just unearned, not just frustrating to listen to, but actively harmful to the creation of meaningful change. Who really benefits from inaction? From a lack of change to the status quo? And who are the privileged to make decisions about whether or not we're allowed to fight for this shit in the first place?
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woomycritiques543 · 2 years
(This was copy and pasted from an hour ago, so sorry for all the "theys" some of this is from an older post im just compilling this together as receipits/an archive/legal defense. UPDATE: I was also tired while writing this, so many typos are to be expected.)
There is a much larger channel, the Itallian one I mentioned earlier, who when I mentioned the fact that Stolas and Blitz's SA was being mishandeled, Dir, also known as "DirGentlemen" proceeded to slander me for mentioning how sexual harassment in the show was mishandeled by telling me to "CRY ABOUT IT!" and how I was a "A GAY SEX ON SCREEN HATER!" and then after I defended my statement and had to post evidence to prevent any further harm from either his fanbase or the overall Hazbin fandom he threw the word "abuser!" at me for having to post evidence to keep myself from being harmed by even more of the fandom, due to his following, in a thread, that he could have easily blocked me over instead of shaming me for having my own free speech and mentioning my own traumas on a public Twitter thread! I had only mentioned said trauma since he had harmed me in a way that invalidated it by derailing something that mattered to me as another victim, and continued the conversion for hours despite claiming that he had wanted to "drop it" and continously harassed me for mentioning said traumas, disclosing his personal information (for no reason, he could have blocked me at any time instead of constantly contiuing the conversation and going after my blog!) in a public Twitter thread that includes serious topics that he could have easily blocked! So for that, I am going to archive everything that I told both my freinds and my Twitter here:
"-and then when I treid to tell them to stop invalidating me and to try to understand the context of why I didnt like how they were fetishizng Stolas's r&pe of Blitz, they claimed that I was "TRAUMA MEASURING" and that I was "mentioning something that made them comfortable"- Only AFTER they continued the conversation about it for about ten minutes despite the fact that I was obviously uncomfortable with them BULLYING ME and INVALIDING ME by telling me to "CRY ABOUT IT" in response to criticism about SA fetishizing in Helluva Boss, but instead of owning up to their behavior, played the victim for a conversation they choose to continue! - and then when I was telling him to stop posting serious accusations towards me to the point of calling me an "ABUSER" for saying that THEY were the one that made ME mentioning MY personal info by invalidating my traumas and experinces for a fucking CARTOON! and telling me to "cry about it!" for caring about the representation of something I WENT THROUGH! Just to manipulate people into thinking that I was a "bad person" for trying to defend my channel from a adult man with a much bigger fanbase that he was using against me!
-and then used the fact that they were also a victim and autistic as an excuse to continue harassing me and use these kinds of claims for pitty when hey were the one who made me continue talking about it by continuing to harass me and victimize themselves for a conversation about a serious topic- THEY STARTED instead of ignoring my Helluva Boss thread by saying such horrible things in front of their fans of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS in the first place! -and again, called me a creep, abuser, AND a "hater of representing toxicity in gay relationships and all sorts of things for not wanting Stolas and Blitz r^ping each other to be represented as "cute and sexy!" and wanting them to stop attacking me, wanting them to LEAVE ME ALONE and to block me instead of posting damaging claims that could end my Youtube channel for good.
I even told them I was scared (again, this was a much larger youtuber, so I was terrified and kept responding since I didnt want anyone from their fandom to dox me or anything, knowing Hazbin fans)- yet they kept going on and on and on and ON with victim blaming and victimizing themself for a conversation they started that was making ME uncomfortable but continued with due to wanting to post evidence to keep their fandom from harassing me! A smaller channel with barely 100 subscribers while they, a much bigger channel, kept harassing me and then bragged about how I was having my "BIG MOMENT!" just because I was talking to him-
Someone with a bigger subscriber account as if that made them "right!" or was an excuse for harassing me over a cartoon! Which is narcissistic as hell and outright harassment! Which is also narcisstic as all hell because they were assuming that I was telling them to stop harassing me "for attention" just because they had more internet subs than me. Then mentioning that they were "autistic" and were also a sa victim and that I was mentioning a "uncomfortable topic I dont want to talk about!" (Psst. It clearly wasnt since they kept talking to me about it in a total of TWO DAMN HOURS!) try to get me to feel guilty for telling them not to lie about defending the representation of something I care about/went through, and how it hurt ME! ANOTHER LIVING BEING! THE REPRESENTATION THATS HURTING ME AND MANY OTHERS MATTERS TOO AND PRETENDING AS IF THIS PROBLEM WITH HELLUVA BOSS "DOESNT" EXIST FOR CLOUT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING!!!!!!
Saying that their representation as a Italian is "SO VALID OH NO HELLUVA BOSS IS OFFENSIVE!" but when I talk about something that personality harmed me as a SA victim they told me to "CRY ABOUT IT!" and twisted my words as a attempt to get their fandom to mock me for caring as if me talking about representation that hurt ME deserves to be invalidated? As if I dont fucking matter?
again- He MADE me mention these things!
If he didnt- he would have blocked me instead of WILLINGLY posting serious claims and slander towards me such as me being "against gay sex being in media" (which is borderline accusing me of being a homophobe), and saying things that would obviously cause people to harass me and claim that I was "NOT!" a victim, calling me a "abuser" for trying to tell them to stop responding and to block me instead of posting more and MORE serious claims and twisting my words, all because they wanted to harass me over a cartoon character!
Plus denying the things that I was talking about were in the show were there when they clearly were, and when someone defended their harassment and apologized, the youtuber only acknowledged the harassment but not that other fan's apology and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH why is this fandom so fucking god awful!? IM SICK OF IT!!!!!!"
You know what, screw it, im done being vague im going to say who HE (not "they", not being vague anymore) was doing to me last night and had refused to stop despite be begging him to do so for the sake of my reputation, prevention of slander, and legal rights:
The post I retweeted because I felt bad that he was being harassed with nationalist stereotypes.
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2. Another post such as this, that I also supported.
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3. I then posted a thread about Helluva Boss stereotypes, including this one: (Also, the entire episode revolved around SA. For a person that "hates!" talking about things like this he sure likes to look at entire things involving it, plus responding to things about it and then getting mad when I come out as a victim of SA just because I responded to how they were derailing my post and telling me to "CRY ABOUT IT!" and that they were invalidating something that clearly is hurting other victims and he had NO REASON to disclose personal information outside of weaponizing his trauma to excuse his own actions and to make those calling him out look "bad faith!"- Dirgentlemen having harassed people himself not long ago!
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4. The "CRY ABOUT IT!" post. Which makes this even more hypocritical because when I said "You made me do this! You made me continue this conversation by posting slander towards me and risking my reputation over a cartoon! HOW AM I "TERRIBLE!" for defending myself after you harassed me?!" he called me a literal "ABUSER!" when by that logic, that would make him a "abuser!" since he posted actually hateful language and said "CRY ABOUT IT!" as if any of the representation that hurts someone "doesnt matter" if he doesnt agree with it, didnt apologize, and instead played victim by acting as if he "didnt want to talk about SA!" and claiming that I was being "innapropiate!" for mentioning my own traumas to defend myself since the fandom constantly tries to invalidate victims and pretend as if we dont exist whenever we mention things like this. Saying that he "didnt want to talk about SA!" at the last second, right after watching an entire episode of a cartoon filled with the subject matter and also harassing me for two hours within a topic instead of "dropping it!" like he said a literal hour before he stopped going after my Twitter blog and posting literal hate!
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He was literally acting as if I should have just "let" him talk horribly towards me and that me defending myself from him telling me to "CRY!" about caring about the representation of a subject matter that effects me as someone who's traumatized is "abuse!" As if I somehow dont have the right to mention my trauma, in a public space that he could have easily left at any time, and acting as if I "forced" him to disclouse personal info when I never asked for the sort and just wanted him to LEAVE ME ALONE! Again- what did he expect me to do after he told me that the problem with how Helluva Boss represents SA is "harmful!" while he felt that he could talk down to me and continue the conversation PLUS the slander without any care! Saying "im a victim of this!" doesnt mean "you should mention this if you are that too!" and this was all just emotional manipulation to make me feel bad for saying anything about how he was treating me. LITERALLY! He had NO REASON to mention his personal life in the context of his section of the conversation ("Which was basically just "LOL THERES NO R^PE IN HELLUVA BOSS! Stolas and Blitz are just discovering each other ✨what are you talking about?!")and clearly did this out of pitty to get his fans to see my overall posts as "abusive!" despite the fact that I was just trying to tell him to leave me alone! He kept harassing me for HOURS while I was trying to tell him to stop and that if he didnt want to listen that he should have left the conversation and moved onto something else instead of obsessing over what I was saying for hours!
3. The "BIG MOMENT!" comment, fuming of narcissim and "YOU'RE JUST DOING THIS FOR ATTENTION!" just because I was responding to a blog with a high subscriber account. When I could have cared less about that detail since I just wanted him to leave me alone!
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4. Dirgentlemen telling me to drop it, but then continueing to post more slander and no criticism whatsoever as a way to try to get his fandom against what I was saying for another hour!
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Again, he had no reason to spread that information, but did so anyway to try to make the fact that he was trying to harass me for posting in a public thread about my own experinces and how it applies to my thoughts on a literal cartoon show, while also being the same man who said this to me not long ago, which made it so I had to defended myself. I have every right not to want be slandered or spoken to that way! -and just because you have a higher subscriber count, that gives you no excuse to harass others and then call them "ABUSERS!" for feeling the need to post evidence of your behavior within said public thread that you could have easily muted instead of shaming me for mentioning SA like you somehow "own" that section of Twitter and everything people say within it. I wasnt "forcing" you to mention anything! I just wanted you to block me so you would'nt post further slander about my blog or my (much smaller!) channel and because let's face it- it's a public thread, and if I want to defend myself from you saying uncalled for shit like this, in front of your 50,000+ subscribers and thousands of followers:
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This isn't criticism or letting someone talk about their own experinces and how representation effects them- THIS IS BULLYING!
-and the reason why this conversation even happened, being because he posted a video defending Stolas and Blitz and calling it "grounbreaking representation!" , again, calling me a "sex on screen hater", a "creep" and a "ABUSER!" for saying that he was making me continue a conversation I wasnt comfortable with by throwing out slander and basically acting as if it was "WRONG!" for anyone to call him out for that post in any way whatsoever. When it's obvious that this isnt even a "NEW THING!" and gay men have been represented as toxic or predatory since before the 90s! If anything, the show just furthers harmful stereotypes, in which me mentioning this caused him to tell me to "CRY ABOUT IT!" and then try to get pitty once I told him that how he was treating me was disrespectful, and then telling me that mentioning the fact that I was a sa victim in a PUBLIC SPACE as if this was his "property" somehow was "gross!" while defending harmful representation- AND LITERALLY HARASSING SOMEONE AND USING HIS STATUS TO GET AWAY WITH IT!
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He told me I was "gross!" for mentioning MY own traumas in a PUBLIC space and then HARASSED ME over and over and OVER again, keeping up the conversation instead of blocking me and twisting my words and mocking my post repeatedly- but at the same time it's "ok" for him to speak to me that way because he likes a fictional lizard? WHAT THE FUCK?! Literally, forcing me into continuing a conversation I was uncomfortable with by spreading slander and harassing me for talking about my own experince- in a public space when he could have easily BLOCKED ME if he didnt want to see people talking about those experinces.
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He knew that having such a large following could get me potientially further harassed, lied about, or even doxxed by the fandom from throwing me out in the open and spreading slander on top of it- but didnt care! All that "mattered" in the end was his validation, him being seen as "right" in the conversation no matter how much basic research he had to deny, him not getting criticized back, and me being seen as the "bad guy" for posting a topic in a public thread that he could have EASILY IGNORED but choose to harass me over anyway! He didnt give a shit about my wellbeing and only cared when it benefited himself and his own reputation! Also his fans did end up harassing me and denying what happened so the "dont worry my fans wont harass anyone!" was a total lie! He had no care for the reputation of the other side to the point of throwing around the word "ABUSER!" without any research into what the word actually mean! With no consideration whatsoever of what this could do to me legally- over a Twitter thread! TWITTER! Who does that?!
I had no choice, I am a much smaller creator and if I didnt post any evidence or say what I was, more of the fandom would not just accuse me of "not" being a sa victim just because I disliked a fictional character, or would have used your posts as a excuse to harass me further! -and ive had enough slander, so I posted evidence as an attempt to keep things from going out of control. Instead, you had a pitty party over something you could have easily blocked and not discloused, and risked my rights legally on top of it by throwing the word "ABUSER!" in a public space as a channel with over 70,000 subscribers! I am a black person under disability who's financially struggling yet you're throwing around the word "abuser" like it's nothing! HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE HOW DANGEROUS THIS IS LEGALLY?! I could get genuinely hurt because of your behavior! Yet you pushed the word "abuser" on me for having to make myself try to find a way to get you to stop harassing me or to not post my thread out of context to protect my repuatation, as black person, in a world of police brutality! Something that could cause me serious harm, or even get me killed! Instead, you choose to slander me anyway just to benefit your own self and your career! Dir- you're a large channel, harassing a much smaller channel, and shaming someone for mentioning a subject matter in a public space and throwing the word "abuser!" around to get your fans against my blog. Do you want to be taken to court over a Twitter post, is that really the kind of image you want for your channel and your viewers?
How is that feedback? How is that in any way going to help anyone but yourself and your own ego?! I would have had a choice if you had just BLOCKED ME instead of posting slander and harassment that could cause extreme harm to my channel with only 197 subs with a much larger channel posting harassment and slander towards me publically! Instead, you didnt care, took it to the extreme of calling me an "abuser" for saying that I had no choice but to post evidence so you and your fandom wouldnt use the kind of things you were spewing against my repuatation, my channel, or my legal rights later on. Then you know what happened? I ENDED UP BEING HARASSED ANYWAY because you prioritized your ego and my so called "big moment" of speaking to you when I didnt even want to speak to you anymore! But you kept going anyway instead of blocking me in a PUBLIC SPACE where I could mention a serious topic if I so choose, shamed me for mentioning said topic or my own traumas as if you owned a public comment section that you could have left any time so I could talk about Madline's video in peace with someone who apologized because unlike you, said fan actually cared about the wellbeing of others in the situation and actually wanted to listen to what I was saying! You kept harassing me for hours instead of just leaving me alone and not spreading further slander. I was begging you to for hours, but you wouldnt listen!
If you dont like something- block it! Dont shame and harass people for mentioning something triggering just because you dont agree with them on a cartoon! If it's a trigger- BLOCK! Harassing people and then calling them a "abuser!" because you basically used your status to force them into having to continue the conversation to make sure there was enough evidence to not make the harassment worse is BULLYING! Eventually, I had to stop after I posted enough evidence to keep him from using the fact that I mentioned a trigger of his against me, in a public thread, to prevent as much further harassment and the possibility of even more known youtubers attacking me, but that just goes to show that no- I had no choice because he kept making claims that could get me into LEGAL ISSUES because he didnt agree with me on two fictional characters, invalidated MY traumas by telling me to "cry about it!" but then called the fact that I told him that he was making me continue by continuing to spread false information on a public thread "abusive" but not even once acknowledged his own hostility and how horribly he treated me!
He also claimed that he "wasnt" talking about representation in the show that offended him, while the top post was literally this:
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He made the post about himself and was clearly talking about Italian representation- otherwise, why even mention that you're italian in this post at all if its not about you or how the representation offended you? How is it "OFFENSIVE OH MY GOD!" to you yet it's "good representation and you should just cry about it! CRY ABOUT IT HATER! LOL BAD FAITH!" if it's representation that doesnt personally offend you? How am I "overly sensitive!" and deserved to be lied about, slandered, and also claimed to be an "abuser!" for telling you to stop harassing me and that you basically forced me into a conversation I didnt want by bullying me and spreading slander as a Youtuber with over 50,000 subscribers, and then cried wolf over mentioning a subject matter that you were mentioning to me MULTIPLE TIMES and clearly didnt have any empathy for how uncomfortable you were making me- at all! Please- if you see this PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE I dont want to talk about this anymore I told you multiple times yet you would'nt listen to me and forced the conversation to keep going by posting slander towards me as a smaller channel.
While you are a "GOOD PERSON WHO DID NO WRONG!" who didnt even apologize once for your own hostile behavior just because again- that you liked pair of fictional characters!
Characters from a cartoon show- that doesnt even exist! Yet the real people in the conversation somehow barely mattered to you, at all, just your ego and the fact that spreading slander over what I had wrote and how "terrible!" it is to post about my personal experinces in a public thread, that you could have easily ignored and not harased me over- made you feel better about yourself!
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5. Extra details, but I noticed how he had a fan who was also harassing me and twisting my words, but when said fan apologized he liked the harassment... but not the apology.
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Again- with Dir deliberately trying to take things out of context or only focusing on a certain context to benefit himself.
6. Called me not just a "ABUSER!" but an "abliest", again, with no evidence or even feedback- when I even calmly asked them about what I did wrong- and he ignored me! Again- you cant just make serious claims like this and not elaborate on it! WTF?!
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7. Again with the "ABUSER!" and misusing serious terms out of hate towards me criticizing him for repeatedly harassing me.
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A abuser is someone who "controls, or does "something with cruelty."
Again- how is me admitting to being a victim of assault, telling him that he shouldnt be harassing other victims of assault after he mentioned that he was also a victim because well- I dont know, maybe other victims in the situation matter too Dir and shouldn't be told to "CRY ABOUT IT!" for something that effects them as a victim, aka "cruelty"- so by your logic that would make you an "abuser", but you're not- So what is the point of using this term except to slander me over a show filled with fictional characters! -and when I told them that I was sorry for calling them a "man child" (sorry about that) or asked them "why" him kept screaming about how I was an "abliest"- He never responded?! They just kept posting slander? WHY?! WHY NOT MUTE ME WTF?! I had to block him myself because I knew that he just WOULD NOT STOP if I didnt block him or decide to not put the entire situation in my own hands by continuing to respond to him out of fear of the public slandering me in return or causing me to get into any potiential legal trouble for a 70,000+ subscriber channel claiming that I was a literal "CREEP!" and a "ABUSER!"! because I didnt want him to harass me over a cartoon character and felt that I needed to respond to DEFEND MYSELF FROM BEING HARASSED BY HIS FANDOM AGAIN and telling him to not harass me because I had every fucking right to! NO ONE deserves to be harassed and to tell someone that they basically "deserve" it because you disagree with them is disgusting!
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Almost no consideration for my legal rights, my representation, reputation, nothing! No consideration outside of what makes him look "good!" Im honestly disgusted by how he handled the situation, when he could have easily blocked instead of choosing to harass my blog and make claims that have nothing to do with what I said such as "you just dont like seeing sex on screen!" or "you hate when shows represent toxic gay couples, even if this has been done before and im just using this as an excuse to ignore the fetishization!" and using his large audience to get away with literal harassment when I had every right to defend myself from him telling me to "CRY ABOUT!" something that hurt me mockingly and throwing out serious claims such as this when he literally made me have to defend myself!
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Hell, I even apologized for saying "man child" and told him to stop responding and to block me- but of course he did, and then told me to be "hurt somewhere else" while continuing to talk about the episode of the show, the episode where there's constant SA and abuse and a literal public thread that he could have choosen to block me over instead of continously harassing me and making serious claims that could put my life at stake! Legal ones!
If you dont want me mentioning things like this-
Just BLOCK ME instead of continuing the conversation as an excuse to tell me how "wrong!" i am for not wanting you to harass me further, instead you kept going on about it despite claiming that you wanted me to "drop it!", again, as a attempt to make me look "abusive!" for fighting back in ANY SORT OF WAY against YOUR own slander and verbal attacks towards me, over a cartoon, and then used serious claims such as outright calling me an "ABUSER!" that made it so I had to continue in order to protect myself LEGALLY because of just how fucking iresponsible you are since you decided to harass a teenager online over a cartoon, and then accused them of being a "abuser" and a "creep!" for mentioning their trauma and how Helluva Boss is sexualizing said type of trauma! -and now am having to post this so I dont get into legal trouble because of how you tried to flip the narrative so people wouldnt point out your harassment.
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God.... this guy is insufferable. I wish the best for him and im sorry that he is being harassed, but that gives him no excuse to harass people in return! Especially if almost worse than just "italians funny!" because it's denying the existence of the fetishization of sexual harassment- something I even SHOWED TO HIS FACE yet he still denied things and told me to "CRY ABOUT IT!" and outright MOCKED ME OVER and didnt say "pwease dont talk about this uwu! Im a victim and autistic too so that automatically makes you a bad person for mentioning your traumas in PUBLIC TWITTER THREAD that I could have easily blocked so you could talk about a cartoon character in peace without being HARASSED by me, a grown man with a big youtube channel with fans that are now harassing you because of what I did! LMAO CRY ABOUT IT! XD" until after I was starting to tell you to not harass me, yet you kept going because you did not care about how continuing the conversation effected me, my representation, my rights against literal slander and bullying, my legal rights, OR my mental and physical health, absulotely no consideration for my wellbeing whatsoever!
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Now- im posting this here because im having to defend my rights and representation from a Hazbin stan with over ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS to keep myself from having to have even MORE hazbin stans going after my blog than there already is or from getting into legal trouble from Dir's inconsiderate behavior!
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