#i got in a car accident and am on pain meds
lennon-gal · 11 months
tw: death, murder
about a year ago i saw someone on twitter talking about how it’s “cringey” or “annoying” that yoko is and has been so insistent and vocal on keeping MDC in jail.
i would just like to say this: if you do not understand what it’s like to have a family member murdered, stop talking. the murder of my brother 6 years ago has made me say and think things i would have never thought before. luckily for yoko, she got justice. i never did.
good for her for keeping that scumbag demon in prison. he deserves it. i would love to see my brother’s killer in prison if we knew who it was.
it completely changes your perspective. i am an EXTREMELY vocal leftist on basically all political issues. i hold politics very near and dear to my heart and i have for a long time. i was forever against the death penalty.
that was, until i imagined what could happen to my brother’s murderer: the man who stole my best friend and father figure away from me at 10 years old, the man who made me listen in my bedroom as my family’s screams pierced my ears, the man who made my last sight of my brother a disturbing, white ghost of an 18-year-old kid.
the point is, it changes you as a person. judge her for the OTHER shitty things she’s done. not this.
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lovejenkins · 8 months
Small shout out to myself for driving to my doctor’s appointment during heavy rain/light flooding by myself.
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poppadom0912 · 2 years
Money, Money, Money
Characters: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Maggie, Will
Warnings: Canon-typical injuries, overbearing/toxic parents, lots of violence, pregnancy.
Summary: Having money doesn't entitle you to anything. Why don't your parents understand that?
A/N: Haven't written for Connor in a lonnnggg time so here I am. I have mixed feelings about this but enjoyyyy. Posting this today in commemoration of my twin cousins turning one.
Today was just so jam-packed in the ED that it was ridiculous.
One minute, your treating a woman whose half conscious from a car accident and the next your being handed a John Doe who is better off dead than hooked to a bunch of expensive machines.
You were always on your feet, not even having a second to yourself to sit down on a chair at the nurses station. It also really didn't help that Med had been handed a fresh new bunch of students who were all around the place, not knowing what they were doing.
Ripping off your gloves you deeply exhaled, closing your eyes as you stood in the middle of the ED. Everything around you was still a mess but all you needed was two minutes to collect yourself before-
"Doctor Rhodes, Doctor Y/L/N, you're on!" Maggie shouted from across the emergency room, sending you her most apologetic smile while she shrugged, having no control over what happened which you knew and definitely didn't blame her for.
Hastily grabbing what felt like your millionth pair of latex gloves, you assisted the paramedics and Connor wheeling the stretcher into a treatment bay, transferring on his count.
Everything was as it usually was, working together to stabilise the patient who was only half alert. From a mile away, you could smell the stench of alcohol, letting everyone know of what led the man to his current situation. Rolling your eyes, you stepped away from the gurney, allowing a few nurses and orderlies wheel the now unconscious man for an mri.
Aggressively, you ripped of your gloves, chucking it into the bin, Connor following suit, chuckling at your sour face. The only good thing you had going for you right now was having a five minute lie in with your fiance early this morning. Five minutes wasn't long at all but it was all you and peanut needed to fuel you for the long 24-hour shift ahead of you.
Right, you still had another 18 hours left till you could go home. Just flipping perfect.
You felt like collapsing, your body exhausted but the sickly people of Chicago relied on you. With a quick departing kiss on the forehead, squeezing your hand several times, you watched with warmness in your chest as your very attractive man ran off in those very nice black scrubs.
It was an honest to god miracle that everything slowed down. You finally got to sit down, even managing to have a quick snack before checking in on patients. There was also the regular conversation over your baby, all the doctors and nurses betting on the gender while your closest friends pretended they weren't up for potential godparents.
You decided to do a quick round, going around to see if your patients were up and moving, if not then you'd offer your service somewhere it was needed.
At some point during the day, you lost track of how many people came in meaning you forgot who had what and who they were. With a tablet in hand, you scrolled through the man's chart, humming to yourself as you familiarised yourself with both his medical history and his current state, remembering what happened when you saw his blood alcohol levels.
What you failed to notice, too busy reading, was the man who you now know was called Nick was slowly coming to. Not a peep came out of him, blinking as he looked around the room, you being the last thing he noticed.
It all happened so fast from what you could recollect. All of a sudden, he sat up, not even groaning in pain from the several injuries he sustained while drunk and high.
"Nick, I'm a doctor, your in a hospital. No one's going to hurt you." You tried assuring him, jumping back when he lurched forward, forcing himself to stand, his unstable legs holding all of his weight. "You hurt yourself okay? You mind getting back into the bed?"
Despite your gentle and understanding tone, your bedside manner being top notch, Nick didn't even consider listening to you. You could almost see the flaming red flash across his eyes but before you could do anything, he came towards you.
With such a fury, his hand gripped your neck tightly, pushing you against the medicine cupboard that only this room had. Repeatedly, he pushed you into the glass door which shattered upon impact.
Gasping, you tried kicking your feet out but unfortunately for you, your short stature was not helping you were held inches above the ground. Scratching at his hand, your nails digging into his skin, he wouldn't let go.
You were incoherent, not even managing to shout or scream from the extreme pressure against your throat. Inhaling through your nose, you screwed your eyes shut when you saw a blurry fist flying towards you.
Everything was happening so fast but all of a sudden, you could breathe, air entering your lungs like a tsunami but before you could recollect yourself, not even letting your brain register that you were dropped to the floor, you were once again picked up and smashed against the sliding glass doors.
The glass broke on impact, shattering into small shards almost like crystals. Your cries were broken, the punches rolling one after the other.
After having a quick surgery consult, assuring a patient that this surgery would happen, Connor was content. It was finally his lunch and he wasn't needed anywhere which meant that he could see his beautiful fiancée. Hopefully, you could spare a few minutes and he could check up on you and his baby.
The ED was much more quiet, almost too quiet in comparison to the chaos it was drowning in over an hour ago. Whistling, he leaned his arms against the nurses desk, giving Maggie his most dashing smile that all the girls of Chicago swooned over.
"Your fiancée is in six, give her five minutes." She said without taking her eyes off her brick, knowing exactly what the surgeon wanted without him even having to ask.
Before Connor could thank the charge nurse, he was interrupted by the deafening sound of glass shattering, his head whipping around to the source of the sound.
It was when it flashed in his mind that the room with the now shattered door was treatment six that Connor ran towards the mess.
Will and Ethan also came running forward, the two of them pulling Nick away from you while Connor shielded you as best as he could from any further harm.
"Y/N? Honey, you with me?" Connor asked, taking note of your fluttering eyelids and your cracking groan. He held you in his arms, feeling around the back of your head, his fingers coated in your blood.
Lifting you onto a gurney without any help, you were wheeled into a separate treatment room, Connor not once leaving your side and no one tried to pry him away knowing that it would only further anger him.
"Connor?" You tried calling out, struggling to keep your eyes open. "The baby..."
"Is fine, wasn't hurt at all." Connor sighed in relief, handing back the ultrasound wand to a nurse once he was happy with the sight of your baby who was alive and kicking.
Will nodded at Connor, letting him know everything that he needed. Picking up the railing on the side of the gurney, Connor wasn't leaving your side, wheeling wheel you up for an mri.
"You're going to be just fine."
Coming to was more painful than you wanted it to be but because of the growing life inside your womb, you could only take so much medication which you knew and understood but you couldn't help curse out whoever was up there watching everything.
"The baby?" Was the first thing that came out. Your voice was hoarse, your throat aching as it strained from each syllable.
"Is alive and kicking." Connor nodded with a tight-lipped smile, helping you drink some water. "The lack of oxygen only hurt you, not peanut."
"Good, that's good." You closed your eyes, nodding in relief that no harm came to your baby because you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if they were hurt.
"You scared me." Connor whispered, enveloping your hand in both of his, not bothered by how cold you felt. "Don't ever do that again."
"I can't make any promises." You replied with remorse, wanting nothing more than to promise him but medicine was unpredictable, especially when mixed with drugs and alcohol. "I'll try my best though."
"And that's all I ask for." Connor smiled, pressing several kisses on your knuckles.
"Uh, you've got a few visitors anxiously waiting for you outside, what do you want me to do with them?" Your fiance asked, chuckling as he remembered the gaggle of doctors waiting outside in anticipation. They were all pretending to work but found themselves staring at the treatment room you were in.
But before you could answer with a yes, wanting nothing more than to see your friends, you cut off by the loud shout coming from outside the room, at the entrance of the ED. Unfortunately for you, you knew exactly who that voice belonged to.
"Where is my daughter?!" The voice near screamed, oozing with so much urgency that it made you feel sick. It was all so fake that even a stranger could see it.
You could only hear just how much of a commotion was being created outside your room, you and Connor shared a knowing glance, both of your mirroring the others annoyance.
Maggie's desperate attempts of steering the newcomers away from your room was useless. The doors and curtains were pulled opened and you were met with the apologetic faces of your friends and the furious faces of your parents.
"Oh my God, what happened to your face?!" Your mother said in alarm, rushing to your bedside as fast as she could in heels, her slim fingers gripping your chin to inspect all the visible damage to your face.
"Ow! Ma, that hurts!" You winced, pushing her hands away from your face, not wanting her to touch you anymore. "I'm fine, thanks for asking."
Your mother huffed, her dull eyes looking over at Connor, rolling her eyes at him before looking back over at you. "Where's your supervisor? You getting hurt isn't enough for your boss to come check on you?"
Before anyone could retort back, more than prepared to defend your boss, you were all stopped by a new presence that wasn't there before standing in the door.
"I'm glad that you could make it Mr and Mrs Y/L/N. I was worried you wouldn't make it taking into account your busy schedules." Ms Goodwin said, the sass dripping off her words, her smile welcoming but also smug. "If you could come with me to my office and we could talk specifics if you'd like?"
"I'd be perfect to do it right here actually." Your mother said, puffing out her chest with confidence she always had surrounding her. "You'll find our lawyers at your doorstep tomorrow morning with a lawsuit."
"What?!" You exclaimed, sitting up straight, ignoring your bruised and battered body screaming for you to stop moving. Despite all the pain, you were ready to throttle your parents.
As gently as he could, Connor pushed you back down without further causing your any pain. Ignoring your rolling eyes and your pout, he was relentless and succeeded in his doings. After doing so, he stood and glared at your parents.
"You mind if we talk outside, just the four of us?" Connor asked but it wasn't so much a question than it was a demand. Without waiting for a reply, your fiance held the door open for your parents and Ms Goodwin, sending the couple a tight lipped smile when they passed him.
“You have no right to be here.” Connor got straight to the point, not wanting to mess around when it came to you. Your parents were spoiled and entitled, thinking they could do whatever they wanted to whoever just because they had more money.
You’d long distanced yourself from them, no longer wasting your time wanting their approval and constant validation for every little thing you did. After years, you were free of their shackles but they always found a way to crawl back in.
This was one way they planned to become part of your life again.
“You will walk out of here, you will get rid of the press that I’m sure is waiting outside and you’re never going to show your faces here again because if you do, I’m not going to be as cordial.” Connor warned your parents, towering over your mother even with the heels she wore.
Your mother tutted, slowly shaking her head in disappointment. She was fully aware of the audience they had, all consisting of your true family and you boss standing to the side but some Rhodes man wasn’t going to get in the way of her achieving her goal.
“You are in no position to tell me what I can and can’t do. That’s my daughter, I gave birth to her.” Your mother fought back, not afraid to get into Connors face.
“Mrs Y/L/N, step away from my doctor.” Ms Goodwin said with authority, gently pushing Connor back. “Your not welcome in my hospital if your going to treat my doctors which such disrespect.”
Your mother scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief about they way she was being treated with such hostility. Something was clearly wrong here with how people took orders and did what they pleased.
“Now if you please leave, it’d be greatly appreciated.” Miss Goodwin said with finality, a smug smile on her lips when she realised she was getting her way.
Huffing, your mother burned holes into Connor, openly glaring at him, not hiding that she hated him. Scanning the room, her glare remained strong as her eyes landed on each doctor and nurse.
Giving Connor one last look from over her shoulder, you mother stormed out the ED, your father trailing behind her like the lost puppy he practically was at this point.
Everyone could breath easier, the air feeling lighter and less contaminated the second your parents left the ED. It was the biggest relief.
“Doctor Rhodes, please get back to your fiancée.” Miss Goodwin turned to the surgeon, giving him a very simple order that he wouldn’t object to.
Connor silently thanked his boss, smiling at her before coming back into your treatment room where you still sat, patiently waiting for your fiancé to come back.
“Do I even want to know what happened?” You asked, a small smile resting in your lips as you urged Connor to come forward and give you a hug.
“You’ve got nothing to worry about baby. Everything’s been dealt with.”
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jackalopescruff · 7 months
i am. a little sad :c can you tell me a good thing that happened?
Firstly im sending you a big hug if youll have it and I hope you know that tomorrows always a new day new chances and that im rooting for u!
But the other day i stayed up all night bc lifes been tough but we were playing minecraft! just my wife and some pals and it was awesome and after everyone went to bed we wanted to stay up so i cozy gamed with the wife and we had to go to the dispensary because i was out of weed that i use for eating/chron pain and it was getting tough to move w/o so we hopped in my car to go. I got there right at opening and there was a line to get in which was a first! so i got in line and noticed everyone was so friendly i was masked and quiet and everyone just idly chit-chatted and shuffled in to the waiting areas.
Thtats when the most beautiful thing started happening, the music was on some smooth psych groove rock and eveyone just kinda started chatting and soon we all were chatting! I was even getting gendered correct! someone complimented my mask, we laughed and told jokes about getting to high on accident or what not and mind you the age ranges here were like from 20's to 70's and we all were just sharing in laughtrer and joy and funny stories and then one guy announced he had been clean for 4 years that day from opiates and we all congratulated him and cheered and it was so amazing. and as people shuffled in for their meds we all shared good byes and well wishes and the original group that started there soon clustered together as we all laugh a lil more and i finally went in after the one woman sat with me and cracked jokes abt the funny guitar sounds and i told her "put some stink on it!" and she cackled and loved it and it was so pure and human and social. i said my goodbyes got my meds and the one lady was chatting to the man at my register who was cashier and she said goodbye and my cashier told her "hold on let me come give you a hug please you are amazing" and she yelled in elation going "HOWD U KNOW I NEEDED A HUG TODAY I REALLY DID" and my heart soared because all these people all these walks of life all sharing in love and joy and compassion and triumph and hardhsip and none of us knew eachother one bit.
The world is good, its really hard but its made with real good amazing people and we are all so full of love and can come back from anything because thats what makes ppl so great. People are the greatest thing to happen and i mean that
I drove home with my wife laughing and being silly and the sun was shining the sky was blue. it was 32 degrees, it was on the highway and for even only a couple of hours we got reminded of Love in all its places/
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Hihi! currently dealing with a bout of bad chronic pain and it got me thinking.
Any chance to get a hall mom Thornhill and platonic student reader who has chronic pain. Hurt / all comfort lol.
thornhill makes something to ease the pain using some of her plants in the greenhouse? And maybe she specifically started growing the plants once she learned one of her students suffered from chronic pain?
Please and thank you! Also feel free to change anything up!
Much love from the frog king🐸
Exam Season
Pairings: Thornhill x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 1.6K
Summary: Reader has been in some pain and finally finds a solution.
TW: mentions of drugs, chronic pain, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol
A/n I had so much fun with this one. I did a lot of research through my old medical textbooks so most of it is hopefully accurate.
It was exam season which meant pain, both from studying and well … the chronic kind. And just because you were used to it didn’t mean that it didn’t hurt. Because it did. Badly.
There were a few things that caused pain flare ups for you ever since the car accident you were in a few years ago. Of course, one of the two was stress which was assured with exam season and the second was disrupted sleep patterns and with all the late-night study sessions that was another thing you could check off the mental triggers list. But it's not like you couldn’t study. You needed to. You prided yourself on it. Your family name was all you had left of your parents. They, unlike you did not survive the crash. So you used the fear of being nobody with no home as a drive, to work. To be someone worth something.
The light was on in your dorm once again as Ms Thornhill made the rounds before going to bed herself. Ophelia hall had few rooms where there was only one student. You had been lucky enough to be one of them. So she knew you were awake. But the light had been on four nights in a row now. Surely that was getting a little bit excessive. She made mental note to ask you about it later in her class, she knew you were a responsible student and as you were old enough to make your own decisions, she trusted you to make good ones at that.
It must have been around two am before you actually got to sleep. The next morning the pain was so much worse. You dragged yourself out of bed in hope that a hot shower would relax the muscles in your neck. You stood and lazily made your way to the ensuite, mentally thanking whoever was in charge of the roomie situation that you simply didn’t have one.
After a shower that seemed to have little to no effect at all on the stupid amount of pain you were in you dressed slowly and grabbed breakfast before heading to botany.
You had no meds for the pain, Panadol never touched the level of chronic pain you were in. High dose stuff made you nervous, you didn’t want to get addicted at such a young age. But you also couldn’t ask for help without exposing the fact you had nobody at home to get you anything.
You made it a point to avoid the infirmary, opting to look out for yourself.
When you had signed up for nevermore yourself, you had faked your parents' signatures based off some old documents you found in your father's study. You had guarded that secret with your life.
Every parent's weekend you simply said they lived far away which was why you stayed on the grounds during breaks, not because you hated the empty house you would eventually have to go home to. So no, you didn’t risk seeing the nurse.
Taking your seat in the room you were slouching badly, trying to ease the pain by loosening the muscles. Every once in a while, you would roll your shoulders to try and get a temporary reprieve in the constant gnawing on your sanity. After a bit you gave up on the worksheet all together and put your head down on the desk trying to get comfortable, or at least as comfortable as possible in that moment.
You jumped when you felt a hand make contact with your back gently. Looking up with bleary eyes, glazed with pain, you saw the concerned face of Ms Thornhill looking down at you.
“Honey are you ok?” She asked already knowing the answer, she was biting her bottom lip, usually you were veery composed so she knew it was something bad.
“Im fine Ms Thornhill.” You said sounding slightly strained.
“Darling I’m your dorm mom right now, call my Marilyn sweetie.” She said and began rubbing circles on your back. You relaxed under her touch, it was soothing and it had been so long since you had any sort of positive contact. You relished in the feeling. You were too tired to care right now about the rest of the class who luckily seemed to be paying no attention at all to the two of you.
“Im fine Marilyn.” You said and ducked your head again.
“Darling don’t lie to me I can tell somethings wrong.” She said softly but sternly. You nodded with tears in your eyes.
“Can I talk to you later.” You whispered.
“Well class is over in a few minutes so please stay behind and talk to me.” She said sensing that you weren’t going to talk in front of your peers.
When class finally ended you packed up your books slowly and stayed seated as the class trailed out. Ms Thornhill came over and pulled up the chair beside you, taking your hand in hers and rubbing it with her thumb grazing gently over your knuckles.
“Talk to me sweetheart.” She said and you choked back tears. The dam burst when she pulled you in for a hug. It had been so long since you had a hug.
You sobbed into her shoulder, and she rubbed your back.
“Shh shh shhh its ok Darling. Im here. And I’ll help you however i can sweetie.” She said before pausing.
“Darling how long has it been since you had a hug?”
“T-too long.” You sniffled.
Then you simply buried your face in her neck until you calmed down. When you finally pulled away, she wiped away the tears with her thumb.
“Now whats the matter many darling?” She asked and you swallowed.
“A few years ago, i was in a car accident. I got whiplash and hurt my neck. It’s never really been the same since. I know it's not in my file but i can usually manage it fine by myself. With the stress of the exam coming up and late nights studying it … it hurts so much more than it normally does. Im scared to take anything I might get addicted to.”
“Well first, we will need to update your file.” She said squeezing you hand gently. “Second if this is a bad flare up...” she paused and waited for your response, and you nodded. “Which it is.” She said slowly, “I can give you something for the pain. And we can manage it together. Ok darling?” She asked and you nodded feeling slightly overwhelmed.
“Now I don’t think principal Weems would approve of me growing you some medicinal Marijuana.” She said and you gave a choked laugh.
“No, I don’t think I would.” Came a voice from the doorway and both of you turned to face the principle. She was wearing a small, amused smirk as she walked over to join you.
“I had a report Y/n wasn’t in her second class. I thought i may find her here.” She said. “Anyone want to explain?” She asked and you looked to Ms Thornhill to answer.
“Y/n was just telling me how she’s been having some issues as of late. Chronic pain was it darling?” She asked looking at you and you nodded and looked away studying the plants on the window cil. “We were just discussing some options.” She finished.
“And I’m glad you have ruled out medicinal Marijuana.” Weems said with a laugh.
“As am I.” You whispered making them both laugh.
“Glad to see you were paying attention in last week's drugs and alcohol assembly darling.” The principal drawled. “However, Ms Thornhill here, may need another.” She said jokingly. “So, whats the plan?”
“Well, I was going to make Ms L/n here some chamomile, willow bark and meadowsweet tea for the pain. Maybe a massage and a heat pack.” Ms Thornhill said standing and grabbing various tins of dried herbs. “I have been wanting to grow some more of my herbs for any students that would need them, and it seems u have found my first patient.” She smiled kindly at you, and you simply nodded again.
“Well, I’ll leave you two too it. I’ll also excuse Ms L/n here from her classes for the day. Provided you are either with Ms Thornhill, at your dorm or at the infirmary.” She said and you thanked her as she left.
A moment later the botany teacher placed a steaming mug of tea in front of you and you sighed as she pressed a heat pack she had seemingly pulled from thin air against your neck.
“I can give you a massage later, the upper traps and right across your shoulders if you like?” She said and you nodded. “Yes please.” You said shyly and she beamed at you.
“Drink that tea darling girl and then we can see how you're feeling. Also, I’d be happy to tutor you if it helps with the stress.”
“Oh you … you don’t have to do that, I’m sure I'll be fine.” You stammered not wanting to take up anymore of her time.
“Darling I’m offering.” She said and you paused.
“I’ll think about it.”
“That’s all I ask my sweet.” She said and you sipped the tea again.
It was safe to say the tea helped significantly. Despite being an old remedy and not being clinically proven, it worked really well.
For the rest of the day, you hung out with the botany teacher, and she helped you study some more. Maybe, just maybe, life would be a bit easier from now on.
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avelera · 2 years
Ok just because I'd never write it because Human/No Powers Modern AU is not my thing, but I find the thought exercise interesting, here's a bit more about how Giving Sanctuary would work if it was a modern, no powers dreamling AU (copied from a Discord I'm on):
The THING IS, I am somewhat charmed by the idea of Modern AU Giving Sanctuary ONLY because re-translating the historical dynamics to be clearer to a modern viewer of like... what EXACTLY Dream disdained about Hob, would be such a treat??
Like in a historical setting, you can tell Hob's being a bit gauche in 1589 but that's kind of it for visual cues? But just.... imagine Dream in his black turtleneck and designer coat, hosting an event at his art gallery, and then this fucking Chad that his sister made him set up with a job interview ages ago, that he expected to fail out because he's a jock and an idiot, shows up in a fucking golf polo and a fancy but extremely visible Rolex he won't stop showing off to Dream and like... just the worst kind of new money sleaze oozing out of every pore and he won't stop snacking on the hors d'oeuvres and trying to offer some to Dream while talking with his mouth full because he thinks they're buddies, somehow and he keeps talking about the latest deal he closed to bring in millions to his company yeah they're gonna put him on Fortune magazine, not the front cover, but there is a page about him!
And this guy Hob, he keeps trying to shove pictures of his supermodel wife and sticky infant son at Dream at this arts event and finally Dream will literally do anything to get away from this guy and talk to the art school student who is actually talking about looking for his big break (And little does he know, Hob actually was trying to thank Dream for putting him in a place to be this successful because Hob came from poverty and there was no way he'd ever have reached this point without that lucky break of meeting Dream and yeah, he lacks manners but he's stupidly proud of what he accomplished and has no idea what he did wrong, he was trying to compliment Dream on the hors d'oeuvres??)
And if you make this purely human AU (not a genre I like to write but I find the thought exercise of updating a story interesting) 1689 would be caused by like.... Hob in a car accident with his pregnant wife and his kid Robyn, Hob's the only survivor. He gets addicted to pain meds during the recovery, is found at fault for the accident so no insurance money/the legal bills eat up everything else, he's fired, addicted, was already living lavishly and depending on the next big deal to pay for it all so goes bankrupt quickly, falls and falls and falls.
Anyway, Hob and Dream have this standing agreement to meet up once a year or every five years, at the same dive bar where Death introduced them in like college or something, and Hob gets there and y'know, updated 1689 meeting, he's a mess, he's homeless, he can't seem to get out of his own way, but the subject of his son's death comes up (again, for a GS update) and somehow Dream mentions he got married when he was like 18 or 20 to another artist, they had a son, no one in their families supported them because they said they were too young, their son died and his wife left him and his life fell apart and he's buried himself in work since but never really healed and no one ever really seemed to understand what he went through because most of his peers had never even had a serious relationship by the time he was divorced and had lost a child at like 22, like people freaking complimented him on being a single man again if they didn't know about the death.
And for the first time ever he tells this to Hob and instead of saying "Why did you get married so young??" Hob just... asks him if he's ok. Over a decade later. The first person to actually understand that Dream never really recovered.
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midnightstay-blog · 5 months
Warped Reality (Chapter One Preview )
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What would you do if the world as you knew it changed in an instant?
Genre: Straykids x female oc, Bangchan x female oc
Theme: Courage, Mental health, Survival, Identity
Summary: After an accident, Zarina Stewart wakes up in an alternate reality in which stray kids never existed. With no memory of her current reality, she has to fight to not only stop her memories of her correct reality from fading away but also find the members and figure out how to get home.
Rating Pg13
Word count: 800
The sirens wailed as the rain fell harder. Vehicles left and right moved out of the way as the sound of ambulance swelled across the night sky. All around me was the sound of people giving orders one after another like a busy coffee shop on an early Friday morning. What I assume to be the paramedic on my right tried to console my mother’s cries as the machine had released another long beeping motion indicating that I had flat lined for the second time that night. Moving from the ambulance into the bustling hospital, the paramedics were met with a swarm of doctors and nurses as they began to rush me to what I can only assume to be the nearest room for surgery.
“What do we got.”
 the seemingly young female nurse asks.
“African American female early twenties contusion to the head, possible broken leg and arm after walking into the middle of the road. She was hit by a car going at least 35 miles per hour. A witness on the scene said she was in the street one minute and over the other end of the vehicle the next.”
She nodded and he continued.
“She flatlined twice on the way over but we managed to resuscitate her in time”.
 Placing her icy cold fingers on my neck the nurse goes to feel for my pulse.
“it’s there but weak,” the head nurse said. “Get her to trauma three and page doctor young for surgery she may have an internal bleed somewhere.” Following her command, the younger nurse left as the head nurse and other medical staff wheeled me toward the room. Minutes felt like hours and hours felt like days. Eventually, once I was out of surgery, they managed to place me in a room. I tried sleeping but there was a boy next to me who was complaining about the dull pain in his leg nonstop. Eventually, he ended up being given pain meds and let go about an hour later. I faded back into consciousness sometime after my mom was let into the room. However, I still didn’t have enough strength to open my eyes yet. The doctor came in not too long after her.
“I thought she was supposed to be awake by now” she said a worried tone in her voice.
 “Sometimes it takes a little bit before the anesthesia wears off. Each patient is different give it some time I’m sure she’ll wake soon”. The doctor tells her reassuringly. What I can assume is that a few more hours had gone by after that conversation took place because when I opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity the room was dark. My mom was sleeping in the chair next to my bed. Her hair was all over her face, she looked like she had been there for a while. I managed to gather enough strength to grab her hand. This seemed to have been enough to wake her because next thing I know she is waking and asking for the doctor. The nurse in charge went to go get her while my mom began explaining to me what happened.
“Why am I here?” I asked strain in my voice
“my head hurts “ I complained touching my head only to feel the bandages. She shushes me and tells me not to move.” The doctors said that you got hit by a car” I tried recalling the instance but couldn’t. At this point, a pain started to course through my head. The doctor came in soon after.
 “Look who’s awake we were starting to worry about you there” she said with a small smile gracing her lips.
 She took another look at the chart in her hand before looking back up at me.
“My name is Doctor Maria Young what is your name?" she asked.
I looked at her confused before responding my body feeling like it had been weighed down by 1,000 bricks. “My name is Zarina. Zarina Stewart” I tell her.
  She smiles and continues.
“Okay Zarina can you tell me how old you are and what year it is?” she asked. I turned to my mother who gave me a small smile in encouragement before I continued.
 “It is 2019 and I am 20 years old,” I tell her confident in my answer. Or at least I was until I saw her face drop a little. She turned back to the nurse and whispered something before turning back towards my direction.  “Okay ... well what is the last thing that you remember she asked.”  “That’s easy, “I said.
“I was talking to Chan I was at a fan sign event for stray kids, and… I trail off not being able to remember the rest. “what’s a stray kid?”
Chapters:| 1| 2 | 3 |
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quinloki · 2 years
A Light Touch
Fem Reader x Eustass Kid
CW: language, assault, violence, sexual themes and situations, implications of non-con, loss of limbs, blood. 18+ Only.
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 2: Handy Guy
Kid and Killer didn't come back until late afternoon the next day. They'd left their numbers with the nurse, and she got them into your phone for you. She filled you in on a bit more information as well since you were more aware the next day.
The man who had rear-ended you had been released from the hospital that morning, but he was in Marine custody currently. There'd probably be someone by tomorrow to talk to you about what happened regarding the accident, and she left some materials with you about your options for prosthetics.
Kid or Killer had made sure your bag had ended up with you in your room, and you were grateful for that. Not only did it have your phone and ID, but your insurance information was in there as well. When you gave it to the Nurse she smiled.
"Your costs have already been taken care of, Miss (Y/N), but I can run everything through your insurance still, if you like."
"Uh, yes please." You were trying to think how the cost of a hospital stay had been preemptively handled, but you didn't quite have the brain cells to sort it out. You were still on some pain meds and even then there was a good bit of soreness to be dealt with.
There was no way that the drunk who had hit you had been forced to pay for your hospital stay, or anything else so soon after the accident. You didn't have any family, in the Grandline Metro or outside of it. Your work certainly wasn't going to pay for anything they didn't have to, and you didn't have anything like a sugar daddy.
The only logical conclusion was that Kid had decided to pick up the tab, and something about that irritated you. You didn't know him well enough for him to be giving you charity like this. Even if he did feel guilty for you losing your hand – which was painfully obvious – this was too much. It was like he thought you weren't capable of swinging a hospital bill just because you'd been driving a beater.
By the time Kid and Killer arrived you had become irritated and snapped at them as soon as they walked in.
"What the hell, Red?" You growl, the smile on Kid's face melting away. "I know you feel responsible for me losing my hand, but that's no reason to pay my hospital bills! I'm not broke just cause my car was a hunk of junk!"
"Eh? Don't go assigning guilt to people like that!" He threw a wrapped box against the far wall, though for a second you were sure he was going to pelt it at you. "Damn bitch." He grumbles, turning on his heel and storming out of the room.
Killer stays behind, watching Kid leave before turning back to you. He put his hands up in front of him like he was surrendering.
"I come in peace?" He offers.
"Tch. Fine. Come in if you want." You grumble, sinking back into your bed. Being angry had already worn you out and you'd barely raised your voice.
Killer walks in, setting down a small bouquet of flowers by your bed before walking around to the other side and picking up the box Kid had thrown.
"We didn't pay your tab, (y/n)." Killer says after a moment.
"Then who did? Certainly not the drunk." You grouch.
"No idea." Killer shrugs, stepping back around to the side of your bed that's by the door. "Kid did try to pay. I can't say if he does, or doesn't feel responsible for your hand. He just had the means, and I think he felt sympathetic toward you."
"I don't need-." Your words caught in your throat, and you groan. Kid had a big prosthetic arm. It was really hard to miss, and you'd seen at least two versions of it – a gnarly kind of metal one you remember from the accident, and a more subdued, almost normal looking one he'd been wearing while visiting you. Of course, he'd have some sympathy for you, losing your hand, given he was down a whole arm. "Aw, fuck, I am a dick."
"Eh. You've been through some shit the last couple days." Killer offers. "Kid just needs to cool off, and he'll be back."
"Are you everyone's voice of reason, or just his?" You question.
His shoulders shake a bit. "You seem to be doing better today at least, you've got more energy."
"Yeah." You breathe in deep and let it out. "I miss my hand, but if some money-fairy has descended and handled my hospital bill then that frees up some options."
"You could commission Kid." Killer offers. "He's made all the prosthetics he has now."
You smile. "I... don't know that I should. I think trying to pay him for something like that would just end in a fight."
"I wouldn't take yer money anyway, Mouse." Kid grumbles from the doorway.
"Ah, hey, look, I'm sorry about... uh, earlier."
"S'fine." He mutters, coming into the room.
"I still don't know what to think about you two." You admit as Kid sits down in the corner chair.
"Whaddya mean?" He still sounds a little testy, but you couldn't blame him. You'd read him the riot act earlier and it was unfounded.
"I appreciate you guys visiting, and, honestly, I can swallow my pride and appreciate you wantin' to help financially too. But," you chuckle a bit and smile sardonically. "This can't be how I make friends for the first time since school."
"You really ain't got any friends, Mouse?"
"Ah, I mean, I have some coworkers I get along with, but aside from that, not really. Most of my hobbies are indoors, and I don't dislike people, but well..." You clear your throat. "Most of my school friends moved out of the Metro, and there's a couple I keep in touch with, but they're miles away. I don't know, once my mom passed away a couple years ago, I've just kind of... worked." You shrug, and then look back to Eustass. "I have to know though, why do you keep calling me mouse?"
Kid turns his hand as he talks. "Your key chain." He sips whatever drink he'd gotten when he went to cool off. "You should put less charms on your key ring, Mouse. The extra weight can wear out the starter."
Admittedly, you had a lot of little knickknacks on your key ring. You'd find cute small charms while walking the malls, or from little gacha machines, and the ones you liked ended up on your key ring. Between the options he had to pick from, maybe Mouse wasn't such a bad nickname. The idea of someone like Eustass Kid calling you "kitten" or "maid" or "dog" just kind of soured in your mind.
"What if I really don't like that nickname?" You questioned.
Kid shrugs. "I'm not trying to be your friend, Mouse, so -."
Killer clears his throat, and Kid grumbles, taking another drink.
"If it really bothered you, I could... try."
"Eh. I imagine there's worse things to be called by walking volcano with a metal arm."
Kid tried to glare, but with his face turning pink it really diminished his intent. Killer nearly choked on his own drink, and was silently shaking in his chair, trying desperately to stifle his laugh.
"You're a real brat, (Y/N)." Kid grumbled and you laughed as much as you could muster between your injuries.
"Somehow I feel like you're the type to get along with a brat better than, say, a princess." You point out.
Kid opened his mouth to say something, seemed to think better of it, and then finished off the rest of his drink. He got up and picked up the box he'd tossed across the room, that Killer had set by your bed. He turned it over in his hands, knocking crinkles off the wrapping.
"Do you know when they're releasing you?" He asks.
"Tomorrow, if nothing opens up. I heal pretty fast, not like Devil Fruit fast, but nothing's infected and they can't do anything about a prosthetic until it's completely healed anyway."
"Decided what you're going to get?"
There were several kinds of available prosthetics for people. There were mechanical-movement versions, which mimicked neural movements fairly well, but the control was all in learning how to manipulate the mechanisms. Most didn't have fine movement capabilities, and all of them required re-learning how to move whatever they replaced. Another type was single-join or stationary prosthetics, commonly for legs or people who were only wearing one to make other folks more comfortable. With only one or no moving parts, they were more for show than practical use.
The kind becoming more common over the last couple decades, were neurologically connected prosthetics. It was a painful primary procedure, and it required both money and capacity to upkeep, but they moved and worked like actual limbs. All the way down to producing sensations of touch and pressure.
You shrug. "Part of me wants a fully integrated hand. But I don't know if that's necessarily because I need one, or if I just want one. I mean, I've had two hands for my whole life. I'd like to have two hands for the rest of it."
"That sounds like a strong enough reason to go for it." Kid states, setting the rumpled box back where Killer had put it. "You don't have a car right now, Mouse, you need a ride tomorrow?"
"I could get a taxi, but uh, I guess if you're offering, I can accept." You thought about it for a second, remembering the fact that it was nearly the bumper of Kid's truck that slammed into you. You were not nearly as tall as the two men in your room, and you had logistical concerns. "Can I even get into that monster truck of yours?"
Kid grunts as Killer stood up and they headed out with a simple, "get some rest." And you were on your own again.
Admittedly, you were really tired, and as you dozed off you wondered if either of those muscle-heads had noticed. They seemed like really nice guys, especially for a couple of dudes who look like they'd fight god with hammer, a rusty screw driver, and nary a fuck to give between them.
The next day, just as the nurse had anticipated, you were visited by the Marines. A young officer with dark eyes and bubblegum pink hair asked you questions about the accident. He had a partner with him, but the taller blonde didn't seem to be interested in even being there.
You explained the turn of events as best as you could remember.
"Did you want to press charges?" The marine, who said his name was Coby, questions you.
"If he's willing to pay restitution, then I have no reason to do so." You admit. "I've already lost a few days of work, and will be out for another couple weeks at least, plus the cost of replacing my hand. But if he doesn't want to even try to pay for damages, then yes."
"That's acceptable, Miss (Y/N). Did you want to press charges against the secondary collision? Technically, you'd be at fault for it, but with the-."
"No, not at all." You interrupt. "The guys that were in the truck have been apologetic and have been visiting me regularly. They haven't blamed me for any damages to their truck, and it's not their fault that, uh, did you say his name was Mr. Vander?"
Coby nods. "Vander Decken the ninth." He reads from his notes.
"Yeah, it's not their fault that drunk bastard shoved me into the intersection." You say with an obvious irritated edge to your voice.
You catch a faint smile across the young marine's face, but he quickly composes himself to a more professional expression. "Very well, Miss (Y/N), that's all we need today. As things progress we'll be in touch. You're due to be released today, correct?"
"Yeah, later this afternoon."
"Alright. I'll reach out to you at your home in a couple days as a follow-up."
"Thank you officer Coby, I appreciate that."
Now all that was left to do was wait for Kid and Killer and go through the discharge process.
Next Chapter
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dafuq-lyrehc · 7 months
I haven’t spoken about it much here, but it is the main cause for my mental distress. Besides a car accident being a traumatic experience and me realizing that my intense desire for perfection is so incredibly deep rooted that the thought of me doing something wrong makes me want to vomit and cry, my state is also actively trying to fuck me.
I am a medical marijuana patient and my state has a 0 tolerance policy for marijuana when it comes to driving. So every single med patient in the state is basically a walking dui, bc if the police find out your a patient, they can do a blood test. But if you’re a regular user (like me), there will be marijuana in your blood even in you haven’t used it for an extended period of time. I consume almost everyday bc anxiety and the horrors.
So when I got into my car accident in January, I sustained a concussion and the police officer did a field sobriety test. I failed bc I had a concussion…. But the officer took my blood anyway and if the 3 letters I got in the mail from defense attorneys are any indication, the state will be trying to charge me with a dui even tho I WAS NOT HIGH. I don’t drive while high. The thought of it makes me so anxious that I haven’t even tried it. Completely sober, I’ll get paranoid that I’m intoxicated somehow and am swerving and such (when I’m not) and I’ll get so in my head and panicked. So I don’t drive high.
In addition to this, I got a letter from the state requesting I get some forms filled out by a health care provider to assess if I am unfit to drive bc of some kind of condition, including a substance abuse disorder. If I don’t turn in the forms by Feb 29, they’ll start the process of suspending my license, and if they’re not in by March 30, my license will be suspended.
Well, I finally got health insurance last year after not having it for years. The only doctor I’ve seen since getting health insurance is a dermatologist bc I’ve got a chronic skin thing that causes lots of pain and discomfort when it flairs. I saw a primary care doc for the first time after my car accident to follow up. And I can’t seem to find a doctor who is “comfortable” filling out these forms for me. I asked the state what I should and they told me to go to an urgent care if I can’t get one of my doctors to sign the paperwork. I went to an urgent care and they told me that they legally cannot fill out the forms. So my current plan is to just try and get an appointment with random doctors to see if they will do it.
I’ve been trying so hard not to let the looming depression consume me, but the depression got hands. It feels inevitable to lose my license, and I’m just so fucking tired. I feel like I’ve been in this survival mode for my whole life and I try so hard to do the “right things”, but it doesn’t seem to even matter.
Unfortunately, the self harm and suicidal ideation are back. ✌️ I’m trying so hard, and it feels like the effort has never gotten me anywhere. Like maybe the issue is I should just lay down and take it. Surrender and submit. I know it’s the depression talking, but like I said this depression got hands. Can’t drown my demons, they know how to swim. And I’m barely treading water
I also feel so guilty for feeling this way. The accident showed me that there are actually a lot of people in my life who care about me, and I don’t want them to be disappointed. I don’t want to waste their support and let them down. I just really don’t want to be here. Never have, maybe never will
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anachrosims · 3 months
Unsolicited facts about me that might explain a few things:
(Under the cut just because it's some medical stuff.)
This is why I am sporadic and often EXTREMELY exhausted.
EDIT: I don't say this to get like, sympathy, asspats, etc. I just think all this might offer a bit of context.
I have severe clinical depression, which was treatment-resistant for years until I managed to get on the right medication and was able to undergo TMS therapy. I also have severe ADHD, and was born with glaucoma (have undergone multiple eye surgeries to avoid blindness). In 2015, I was in a car accident and sustained a spinal injury--I can still walk, but recovery was horrifically painful and took years, and resulted in early onset arthritis as well as chronic body pain. Currently, I am suffering from a large uterine cyst that is in the uterine lining and will therefore require major surgery. This fucking thing is causing my other health issues to get worse--plus it's causing heavy nonstop fatigue, constant pain, and periods from hell.
There are a few other things... minor asthma, anxiety disorder, CPTSD. All diagnosed. All pretty much under control. It's that fucking cyst that's killing me right now.
The weird part is that aside from all that, I'm relatively healthy! I have good meds and a therapist and I've got stellar blood pressure. Go figure!
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blckbarbiedoll · 1 month
Ghost Of You (M.B.)-Chapter 15
I Love You. I’m Sorry,
2017-Chicago, Illinois 
"Grandma said we're gonna make cannolis." Sophia told her mother.
"That sounds so fun, babe." Angie rang the bell and waited for Donna to answer. "You gonna save me some?"
The door opened and Donna greeted them with a smile. "Hi!" She hugged both of them and led them into the house.
Sophia went to the living room to play with her toys while Angie and Donna sat in the dining room.
"Thanks for watching her, DD. Mikey and I...we just need a break."
"Is everything alright with you two?"
"Yeah. We're fine. Just stressed, I think." She sighed. "Bills, the restaurant, taking care of a kid." There was a hesitation before her next sentence. "The crash. It's been a lot."
"Trust me, I get it. Before the kids father left, he was always so tense. I mean, we had three kids, and he was barely keeping his restaurant open."
"How'd you deal with it?"
She huffed and leaned back in her chair. "Well, I had help. Jimmy was always there to help with the kids. And wine was a big help."
"Yeah." Angie chuckled. "That seems to be my best friend right now."
"How's Mikey?"
"Yeah. He is good. I think he's just got all this pressure on him and he won't talk about it." She sighed. "Like, we drive to work separately now because he stays so late. And we obviously don't do Sunday dinners anymore. I live in the same house as him but I barely talk to him."
"He always did carry a big burden. He's been the man of the house since he was a child."
"I just wish he would realize that he doesn't have to keep it to himself."
Donna grabbed Angie's hand and squeezed it. "Mikey's stubborn. You knew this when you married him."
"I know " She sighed.
"He's like his father in that way."
"What should I do?"
"Be there." She smiled. "Just be there." 
Angie chuckled. "Okay."
"You go and relax. I'll drop her off whenever you're ready."
"Okay. Thanks, DD. I love you."
"I love you too, Angie."
The apartment was fairly quiet when Angie got back. Mikey was sitting on the couch watching some sports game, beer in hand.
"Hey." Angie called out. She set the grocery bags on the counter.
"I was thinking we could make pizza tonight. Like we used to when were broke and had just moved in together."
"We're still broke."
"You know what I mean." She glanced over at him and sighed. "Babe?"
"Can you maybe not drink that right now?"
"Why not?"
"It's barely noon."
"Five o'clock somewhere." He stood up and walked to the bathroom and opened the cabinet. "Have you seen my pills?"
"Mikey." She warned. 
"My fucking back is killing me."
"You shouldn't be mixing Oxycodone with alcohol."
"Why does it bug you what I do?"
"Because, you've been chugging beer like a fucking frat boy for the past five months, and you're acting like a junkie."
"Don't gimmie that shit." He groaned, looking for the pill bottle in the kitchen drawers. "I was in a fucking car accident. They're pain meds. It's not like I'm shooting up heroine."
"I'm just worried about you. I don't want them to become a crutch."
"I'm fine, Angie! Will you stop nagging me all the damn time?!"
"You need to calm the fuck down." She calmly said. "Take a walk, get some air, do something. Because I am so fucking sick of arguing with you."
He sighed and placed his hands on her arms. "I'm sorry."
"I know." She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I shouldn't have-"
"It's fine." She raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes.
"I don't mean to get like that. I'm just so tired and stressed." He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her against his chest. "I love you. I'm sorry."
"I love you too. Let's just make dinner?"
"Yeah. Pizza, right?"
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errantimpulses · 2 months
Ugh I got in a car accident it was terrifying.
Im on pain meds and am opening my asks! I do t know why
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agentnorthdakota · 1 year
So then I do finally work up the nerve to call in. I’ve been feeling so shitty since I got home at 11:30am that I’ve barely been able to stay awake, haven’t managed to eat anything, only woke up to take my morning meds at 6pm, and it’s been difficult even getting around my house all day because my legs feel so weak and I’m still in quite a lot of pain.
I have made No Secret ever since they implemented this stupid fucking 3am shift that I hate it, because it makes me feel like garbage. And then it’s the worst shift to call in sick for, because there’s no god damn winning. You call in early in the day and I’m sure they’d be like “how do you know you won’t feel better later?” but then you wait to call in and they’re like “it’s such short notice it’s gonna be hard to find anyone” (and our union contract says it only has to be minimum an hour before the start of the shift! I could wait until 2am to call in but I don’t cause that’d be even shittier!)
I was also In A Fucking Car Accident Last Week. And still worked my shift that day!! Which means fucking nothing to them apparently.
God I’m so pissed now. Like, god, I wish I could have people feel the pain and exhaustion and fatigue that I feel for even a Fraction of the time. Maybe then they’d fucking understand!! You think I Like being in bone-deep pain all the time, that’s worsened by this stupid shift?? You try and go to work five days a fucking week feeling like this and see how you manage it. Fuck.
I’m seeing my doctor tomorrow (about the fucking car accident), and I need to get that letter from him saying I can’t work these early shifts. And I was planning on working Saturday at 3am still cause that’s a full shift working by yourself and is especially hard to find a replacement for. But now I’m real fucking tempted to ask my doctor to make it effective immediately, and my employer/supervisors can fucking Figure Something Out because fuck them for guilting me about calling in sick, if they want to guilt me for not working when I have a medical reason not to then they can suck the disability act and health legislation because Fuck.
I’m so pissed it’s gonna be hard to sleep now (ironically. But also it doesn’t fucking matter because sleep isn’t the only problem, it’s that if I can barely function At Home then I sure as shit shouldn’t go into work). Aside from other people in my life getting sick or hurt, honestly what else could life throw at me right now. I’ve got: health issues, no car, new and increasing financial stress, dealing with insurance (which makes for like three more stressors), work stress, dog health issues (persistent rash), and am on my way towards an emotional breakdown.
So again, issues/stressors:
Health ✓
Car ✓
Money ✓
Insurance ✓
Work ✓
Dog ✓
Emotional/mental health ✓
So just y’know like almost all areas of my life right now. Great. Awesome.
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jade-island-lives · 1 year
Take Stress Seriously, Or Else
So, I have been keeping you updated on things these past two weeks. That being said, I really wanna talk about what has happened to me in depth. Maybe because I want to process this, or because some of it might be funny, I don’t know. 
So, I don’t handle stress well. I’m like a fish in a fish tank, any amount of stress is going to affect my health negatively. But I also have this problem of powering through it, ignoring the signs of stress and wear. 
Ever since we moved, stress was building. I’m still in college, dealing with mental health problems, and trying to adapt to a new home. Yeah, I was gonna be stressed. 
But I think everything came to a head a few weeks ago. It started with car trouble. 
A couple family members ended up getting in car accidents, they were okay, but the cars had to be repaired.
Baily had to go in for spay surgery, and she is my baby, so of course I was worried. 
My purse, which had my wallet and all of my cards were lost and all had to be replaced. Which, was not a simple thing to do apparently as it took a full month or so to get everything back. 
Then one of my family members fell down the stairs, broke their sternum bone, and we had to go to the ER. We had gotten there at 9 PM; I managed to get home at 4 AM, and the family member had to stay overnight.
Did I mention I still had classes to attend and assignments to finish? Even with extensions, that stuff still had to be done.
Not long after that, I woke up to a fever, sore throat, cough, aches, chills, and congestion. A viral infection, probably the flu. I didn’t think much of it. I rested and took meds; I did remedies, all sorts of things. Thinking it would go away eventually. 
2 weeks later, the right side of my tonsils were still inflamed. It was so painful to swallow, I couldn’t even swallow water without pain. And my nose was still really congested, and my right ear began to hurt like hell.
And me being the idiot I was, I refused to go to a doctor, thinking of the money we’ve spent with the cars and the ER was too much already. 
Eventually the pain in my throat got so bad, I began to fear eating or drinking. So, I got a virtual visit with a doctor, who then proceeded to tell me to go to urgent care ASAP.
So, I did. I went to three urgent cares. The first one didn’t take my insurance, the next one was appointment only, and the final one took me. After a few hours of waiting and examinations, I was diagnosed with severe Sinitus and tonsillitis. 
Apparently, the infection had been brewing in my body for months now. And I think stress was the thing that set it all off, I don’t know. 
So, I’m on antibiotics now and feeling better. 
Guys, seriously, if you take anything from this story, it’s this. Don’t do what I did. Don’t wait, if your symptoms last over a week, go to the doctor. And please, take stress seriously. 
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
to that prior anon: what makes something a disability is how it impacts the life of the person who has it. for example, you use arthritis as an example of smth being "just a medical condition" but without medication that would cost more than $12k/month if I didn't have insurance, I am in constant pain and literally cannot walk or use my hands. my arthritis is disabling, while for others it's just constant low level pain and they may not consider it a disability.
please remember it's up to the person with the medical condition to determine if it disables them, and it varies person to person even with the same condition.
In their defense i think they were just asking a question because it is definitely like, a weird gray area? It honestly brings up a good discussion about, when do you you start calling something a disability, and how, I think, the broken health care system really, uh, falsely categorizes a lot of people based on what insurance is up to. Also different countries apparently have different guidelines, like for example my Canadian friend gets disability benefits literally just for being autistic despite being very "high functioning", putting that in quotes just because I know that can be kind of a controversial term.
But also, I'm so sorry you deal with that, I dont quite have arthritis but I can totally empathize wirh chronic physical pain 🥺 its actually horrifying reading the prices of some of these treatments sometimes and im really glad you have your medicine taken csre of. I often think about what would've happened to me if I hadn't been on state insurance when I was diagnosed with my equinus, I think it was literally like at least 5k per leg (i actually barely remember tbh, it couldve been higher or lower), which, I guess ultimately isn't a lot, but on my income and my moms income would have been so significant I would've felt actual guilt seeking treatment. Like, there was a legitimate possibility that the mere price could have kept me from... walking normally? And like my mom is 58 and she's been told she qualifies for knee replacements but she's literally scared of even getting them because of how long the recovery period can be and the financial loss and also just the price? So my mom could end up in legitimately worse health, although I guess that also has to do with like, America not having good workers rights where she could've taken off laid leave for surgery or something
It's that whole expression about "disability is defined by the environment" or something like that. Sort of like that whole controversy with Mr Beast where he paid for a bunch of people to get their sight or hearing back. Those people had treatable conditions and were stuck living in a way that negatively impacted their lives simply because they couldn't afford it? Like I can't even imagine not being able to use one of my five senses just because I couldn't afford it, but I know that's um already a reality for like, people who can't afford hearing aids and stuff like that
I think I'm starting to ramble here but like, I wish people had more sympathy for the disabled (and im talking about like society, not the last ask just to be clear, I feel like they were legitimately just curious). Like sometimes when you see people like violently hating the homeless, sometimes those people are literally people who got into horrible accidents or had some sort of injury and they wound up addicted to painkillers and had to turn to drugs when they can't afford prescription pain meds or those prescriptions get them addicted. I had a manager who was in a car accident and the painkillers made her eventually switch to straight up heroin. Even our disabled vets don't get good healthcare half the time
But yeah, as for me, I guess consider myself kind of straddling the line between disabled and able bodied, leaning more towards able bodied, but I can still have issues, like my knees are still kinda jacked up and even though i can stand and walk great now, stairs can be really tough sometimes, especially when I'm coming home from work and my body aches. and I still get pains in my back sometimes when I'm bending and leaning to the point I use a menthol roll-on gel for pain relief. Part of me kind of likes that I, I dunno, overcame the challenge and all that, but like, I think I would've preferred a body that didn't hurt lol 😅
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(WARNING) this short contains topic of abuse both mentally and fiscally, viewer discretion is advised .
Rain part 1
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
I could smell the rain coming in long before the first clap of thunder. And my newly broken ankle also told me bad weather. I never liked calling a thunder storm bad weather, well as long as I was at home and not having to deal with people who take things for granted thinking that they never would be or end up causing a accident. And no that is not how I broke my ankle, I found a hole or the hole found me I don't know which. Really not one of my finer moments, but I was lucky enough to have cell service where I was and called my boyfriend for help. But like always he told me I got myself in that mess I can get myself out. Trying to get up I realized right away that it was broken not sprained. I guess my scream caught the attention of very tall skeleton monster that was out for a jog. He was the one who took me to the emergence room and so kindly waited with me and is now going to fetch the car to drive me home.
I had called my boyfriend from the drive over to the hospital to let him know I had a broken my ankle and he said to let him know when I was coming home so he could unlock the door for me. That was the last straw, I know we have been together since we were in middle school and I thought that this was how guys were and that good guys were only in books, funny it took a monsters kindness to realize that I was fooling myself.
When the pretty red convertible pulled up I started to stand to get in, but the guy whose name I forgot rushed over with a very loud boisterous voice telling me to wait right there that I shouldn't be trying to walk with all those meds they gave me to stop the pain. Before I could respond he picks me up for the second time today and I couldn't help the mad blush that spread across my cheeks as he carried me to the car and sat me down then took my crutches from the nurse whom looked at me saying goodbye with a winked that made my blush even worse.
I don't remember how we got on the highway I was so deep in thought or sleep took over again but the  handsome monster asked me something I didn't quite get so I had to ask him to repeat.
Where am I taking you miss I don't know where you live? OH I'm sorry 1298 west creek dr. I watched as he elegantly put it into the gps. Get a hold of yourself girl you just decided to break up with your long term boyfriend you shouldn't be looking at this man that way. It doesn't help he has a voice that could melt you with one fraise. You mentally slap yourself, change the subject change the subject. Before I  could think of anything to say he asks me if I was alright and if he needs to turn around to take me bake to the hospital. Grate I must look death warmed over for him to make that assumption. No I'm fine I just feel guilty that you have done so much for me and I don't remember your name. OH THAT IS VERY UNDERSTANDABLE CONSIDERING YOU HAVE HAD A GREAT SHOCK AND BROKEN BONES. BEING A SKELETON MONSTER I FEEL YOUR PAIN A GREAT DEAL MORE THAN OTHERS WOULD AND HOW COULD I LEAVE A DAMSEL IN PERIL  AND NOT HELP. NOT THE GREAT PAPYUS!
His little rant made me laugh and it looked like there was a slight orange glow to his bones or was the meds taking full effect.
I woke up just as we were pulling to my drive way and I see my friend jessies car. That was odd she never uses that car much she always has her husband drive her around. Kurt must have told her I had broken my ankle and came over not realizing that was still at the hospital. Papyrus tried to carry me again but I stopped him cause I needed to learn how to walk with the crutches cause I can't rely on him since he wasn't going to be here to take care of me. I thanked him for everything he has done and not be a stranger if he sees me public. He wanted to walk me up to the door but I have a bad feeling the more stand there and I don't want him to see me get mad. Before he left he gave his number and told me if I needed any further assistants not to hesitate to call him. I watched as his tail lights drive away.
I didn't bother to knock I used my key and pulled out my phone to record so they couldn't say it was my pain med induced state that I was seeing things. Cause as soon as I walked in I could here his Dum  sexy music that gets him in the right mood and the unmistakable sounds of two people getting it on.
I had two minutes of them going at it before they notice I was standing there. Jessie got dressed really fast and Kurt took a little more time like what he did wasn't wrong. The bastard even took a minute to make the bed like nothing had happened jessie ran out taking off like a bat out of hell from my drive way. He then looked at me with crossed arms and had the balls to say you were supposed to call me when you left the hospital. I said sorry must have slipped my mind, now get out of my house. Excuse me did you just tell me to leave my house woman? No I said to get out of my house, I paid for it and its under my name and I just caught you having sex with one of my friends in our bed I might add. I don't know what you are talking about woman but I think those meds they gave you are stronger than you think. Oh how I knew he would try to pull this crap again. When I told him not only did I have proof of what I saw when I got home but I sent it to my dad and if I go missing to send the cops after your sorry ass, now I've already sent for my brother to help and he should be here any minute now so get out. I will pack your shit and you can come get it in couple of days but you are leaving now.
I didn't even see him move it happened so fast for the next thing I knew my was head hitting the door frame and the ringing in my ears followed by several kicks to my stomach. I blacked out when he stomped on my broken ankle. When I came to my mom was sitting next to my bed, wait not my bed I'm back in the hospital? Hey she's awake, how are you feeling sweetie? What happened? Your brother found Kurt beating the hell out of you and he had to get him off you so he hit him with your baseball bat. Your father is bailing him out now so they'll be here soon. How long have I been here? Not long sweetie just a few hours, but they are keeping you over night for observation. Your really lucky he didn't mess your ankle up any more than it was. The doctors were talking surgery. Mom my ex boyfriend just beat the shit out of me and I'm back the hospital for the second time today I wouldn’t call that lucky. I know sweetie, I was surprised all this happened at once I really thought he was the one for you. You know he took your father out last week and asked for you hand in marriage? Mom he was sleeping with Jessie and just tried to kill me. I know it just seams so weird that he would do that. I looked at her like she had grown two heads. I know she wants grand children but would she put me in danger just to have them. I couldn't look at her any more so I turned my head to the window and watched the rain start to fall. I'm determined to make my life better and I'm not letting anyone change my mind
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