#i gotta get some Socks uwu
Oooh hehehe
🚑 for Leon?
🚑 Rushed to the hospital - uwu
The siren cracked his skull in two more so than the edge of the stairs. Leon groaned, eyes slitted because the lights in the ambulance where stabbing him right behind his eyes, like some kind of eye stabbing asshole. ... Was that really the best he could come up with? Maybe he was concussed.
"This is entirely unnecessary." Leon slurred, hoping he was hiding it well behind the words a concussed person wouldn't use. They'd been hard to throw together though, the part of his brain that recalls and carts up words apparently off duty. He'd had to go search the stacks himself. That didn't make sense.
"Then don't fall down the stairs, stupid." Chris' hand was his, tighter than his voice let on. Even as vague as Leon felt, he knew Chris was upset, anxious. He rubbed his thumb over the back of Chris' hand, hoping to offer him some kind of comfort. Chris just sighed, looking at him. "How did you even fall down the stairs?"
"Socks on hard wood. Bad combo." He tried to move his head to get a better look at Chris, feeling something pinch at the back of his head, tugging slightly on his hair as he moved. What the hell was that?
"Do I gotta ban you from wearing socks?" Chris muttered, distracting Leon from his hair problem.
Leon frowned. "My feet will get cold."
They went quiet from there. The paramedics didn't seem too terribly concerned about him, so he wasn't sure why Chris was still acting so worried. And really, why didn't Chris just drive him? It wasn't like it had been that bad of a fall. At least from what Leon remembered. Though, truthfully he didn't really remember much. Which probably wasn't that good. Not that he could think clearly with the fucking siren jarring his brain every few seconds. It was starting to get on his nerve, the constant pulsing pain leaving him irritable.
"Why'd you even call an ambulance anyway? I'm not even bleeding."
Chris looked at him, slightly worried and soft and too tender for Leon to deal with right now. "Babe. You are bleeding."
Leon's brow furrowed, his other hand inching up to the back of his head. He heard one of the paramedics say something sharply, probably telling him not to move, but his hand reached where he was aiming, feeling a decently sized wad of gauze, sticky with what was probably blood.
"Oh." He said. "I forgot."
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMAOO im also chronically online this is a safe space for the chronically online dw (i also respond at chronically online speeds sooo) but FR THE UNHOLY TRINITY LMAOO if we add Raichi it’s the four horsemen of the apocalypse (bro has never played anything other than defense though and we like. NEVER see him touch the ball basically so uh sorry bro no sexy soccer time yet)
Honestly I don’t know why more people can’t just let people exist?? Like fr just leave them alone and live your life why make it so miserable for everyone sheesh…also please those twelve year olds on tiktok can’t even tie their shoe laces nor should they be on tiktok learning “potty mouth phrases” LMAO I think they need a reality check DESPERATELY
Never apologize for writing too much Karasu.
But LMAOO OK IM GLAD HAHA so real for that I can’t do what Reo or Barou do for him like I will not be the Anri to your Ego!!! Please put your socks in the laundry!!!! But this isn’t irl so he’ll still be a squishy bear to me
LMAO REALLL side character supremacy >>> Honestly I didn’t hate the animation either although I did notice some funky scenes it wasn’t nearly as bad as everyone made it seem…I’m glad to hear that they’re putting their eightbitussy into it though
He’s so captain it’s literally insane (quick we gotta talk more about this and manifest Karasu captain for u20 World Cup) Aiku honestly a good option too (I wanna see my man in action though) if it’s Isagi I’ll lowk riot
BESIDES AN EROTIC LEFT LEG GOODBYE that made me snort as I read this
Ok yeah I also kinda ballparked that amount in my mind LMAO I forgot to mention this more in my last response but the ON SALE THING >>>> I laughed it was so goofy too like she caught him red handed THE NEXT DAY like bro those were NOT on sale…$50 for advice boy you’re not slick
Chefs kiss mc written wonderfully WITHOUT the typical overly used cliches as much as I love a stupid mc sometimes it’s quite an overused trope I feel where it’s the teehee dummy reader so again, this was refreshing LOL (I always love how you give your y/ns substance as characters and like humans..?? Like they all feel like actual people and aren’t your just your average w*ttp*d UwU MCs…I mean writers have to start somewhere so maybe I should stop bashing them like this but uh)
Honestly it’s such an interesting language which is why it takes me a bit to translate/transcribe sometimes because I can’t capture the underlying meanings or emotions as well in English LMAOO (the first time I tried was the hiori light novel and finding the correct phrasing was definitely a learning curve LOL) but omg slay you’re outperforming people living in the motherland!! That’s honestly really impressive, do you get to speak it frequently?
Snuffy’s backstory is actually so sad I can’t :(( also the SONG CHOICE??? Bye. But this is why I can’t even say “no one dies in soccer anymore” man
NO FR you know it’s bad when I’m impressed by a healthy family in bllk shdshhs HAHA FAIR TRADE INDEED o7 I have chapter 2 ready it was longer than I expected but I sped up the process using dictation as I read it LMAOAO so again if you catch any typos or weird punctuation lmk LOL (when I tell you I almost died dictating this I LAUGHED and reacted like omfg and it caught me saying that and wrote it down but ANGWAYS I’m not sure anything is beating this chapter) I know I said summary earlier but I don’t think I’m capable of doing that LMAOA so this is basically just the entire chapter I just reformatted it in a kinda summary like format because I don’t wanna keep pausing to type so many quotation marks HAHAHA anyways enjoy! I’ll come back to discuss after you read it so I don’t spoil anything yet hehe
Signing off early so it doesn’t weirdly attach to the end of the LN section LOL
-Karasu anon
2-Honor Student:
In elementary school, Kenyu was an honor student. Although he was a little cowardly, he was first and foremost, a kind, hard-working kid. he always did his homework and happily greeted everyone. Got along well with his peers and never fought. He was someone that both his classmates and teachers could rely on. When it was time to choose class president, Tomoda nominated him, and everyone joined in agreeing to nominating Kenyu. But after half a year, something shocking had occurred.
Little by little Kenyu had become better friends with his seatmate Tomoda, frequently going to his house after school. Tomoda had a kind sister three years their senior. She would often give them candy and play games with them. One day, Kenyu had gone over to play with Tomoda, to be told by his older sister that he hadn’t gotten home yet and was possibly taking a detour. She told Kenyu to go ahead and wait upstairs for him, but he wondered if maybe he was meeting with other friends in the park. He wondered if he too should go to the park, but it’d be troublesome if he had assumed incorrectly. While he was lost in his thoughts, Tomoda’s sister suddenly came up to him and brushed away his bangs. His hair had always been soft, and his mom had always helped him style it, so the Tomoda’s sister had always complemented him, saying his hair made him look so handsome like a model. It wasn’t unusual for her to touch his hair, but that wasn’t all that happened that day. In addition, she kissed his forehead. His eyes widened as his brain was left short-circuiting. “Huh?”
“My beloved Kenyu, let’s play together” she had said with sparkling eyes. Kenyu could feel his heart racing. “…I’ve gotta go to the park..!” His face turned bright red and he ran out. He didn’t end up, going to the park, but instead of ran back home to his room, waiting for his racing heart to still.
“My beloved Kenyu” He had repeated her words in his mind. he didn’t really understand it all, but he was happy that she said she liked him. He was a bit embarrassed, though that she had kissed him. He thought himself, “I’m never telling anyone about this.”
The handsome class president and honor student. By the time he became a second year, he had grown taller, adding to his versatility in giving him athletic potential. as he continued growing, he came to be one of the tallest in his grade. He was fast at running, and he was always the last one left in dodgeball. Then, of course, came Sports Day. After comparing all the times in their PE Class, Kenyu’s high ranking had gotten him chosen for the relay race. Everyone was in agreement. He was tall, fast and the perfect fit for the job. He was to be the anchor for the relay race. Was it really all right for him to play such an important role? he felt a bit uneasy, but he would give his best once again for the people relying on him. Until the day of the sports festival, Kenyu would run every day. He’d wake up early to run and practice dashes on the field after school. Every Sunday, he’d have his father time him. Finally, it was time for the class relay. Under the clear sky, the fastest runners would compete while the cheer squads cheered them on. Kenyu’s class, 2-1, however, would compete in vain. After each grouping, members of his team would slip down the ranks. By the time Kenyu got the baton he was in last place. There is a huge gap between him and the top, all the people running in front of him are the fastest in their class after all. But Kenyu had to try his best. Everyone had chosen him as anchor after all. He steadily started accelerating, passing by another player in just a quick moment. With his large physique moving vigorously and his feet firmly stomping against the ground, he gradually closed the gap between the other runners. His classmates all cheered for him, and as they continued supporting him, he continued gaining speed. Even the announcer from the broadcasting club got caught up in the excitement. With the loud cheers under the blue sky, Kenyu passed the final goal, bursting past the four other racers and finishing first. It’s the first time he’d ever run so fiercely. His chest heaved as he caught his breath. Kenyu had finished first for the sixth graders. His classmates had showered him with praise, wearing a big smiles on their faces as they crowded around him. Kenyu thanked them for their support, feeling that their cheers had powered him on. Kenyu was honest and sincere. He didn’t know he could run that fast. It’s because everyone had believed in him that he was able to discover a new part of him. To Kenyu, it was an incredibly joyous moment. A few days after that, when he got home, a shiny soccer ball was waiting for him in the doorway. Kenyu was surprised and had wondered what it was for. His parents had thought it would be good for him to give soccer a try, seeing how he was so fast. It would make him more popular too. After seeing that their child had such amazing speed they suggested that he try out a sport and bought him a soccer ball. Of course his mother also wanted to see him popular. Immediately, Kenyu went outside and tried kicking the ball. As he ran with the ball, he found that he couldn’t stop. He’d kick it forward and chase after it continuing on. “This is fun!”, he thought to himself. In all honesty, being able to dribble without losing speed is a technique that’s difficult for beginners, but Kenyu, blessed with incredible athletic ability, was able to do it from the start. That’s how Kenyu “met” soccer, his parents had blessed him with the opportunity. As if it was fate, Kenyu found himself absorbed in soccer.
i wonder what sexy soccer even is 😭 like what does it entail yk…HAHA chronically only gang rise 🤩 tumblr truly is the site for people of our kind i love it
the craziest to me is when they freak out about non-teenagers watching shows and writing fics meanwhile they are openly thirsting for old ass characters?? why are you at fourteen writing paragraphs abt every position you want to fuck toji and nanami in 😭😭😭 look i’m not going to judge too harshly because wtvr i get it but also like some of them need to realize that those in glass houses should not be throwing stones
the karasu tabito tag is basically mine atp DJSKDK i think every karasu fan has probably seen at LEAST one or two of my posts (whether it’s a fic or just one of my karasu shitposts)
EXACTLYYYY YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME BEING AN ANRI there’s only room for one high maintenance person per relationship and that role is fulfilled by me 👆🏻 that’s why my other favs are karasu barou and reo…you know those kings are NOT letting their partners suffer 😫 however in fiction nagi is my squishy cuddly fluffy dog bf so he is still number one in my heart 😩
if it’s isagi i’ll be mad because he doesn’t even feel like he has any interest in being captain 😓 i think aiku could work but agreed we def have to see more of him plus i don’t think he’d be made captain as he’s not an og blue locker yk?? OMG but if the trend continues we should be able to manifest karasu as captain…holding a prayer circle now 🕯️🕯️🕯️ (lowkey it would be funny if ego made like kurona or niko captain just because they’re the only ones that aren’t batshit insane and typically keep their speeches and vocab relatively normal 😭)
the way eita didn’t think she’d check if they were actually on sale too is so funny like she’s been dying to go there did you think she wouldn’t go and ask if the sale was still going on?! SO not slick omg i love him though…but $50 FJKSKS idek where he got that type of money from
i do enjoy writing a good old dumb/oblivious reader every now and again but i do think they have to be done right to feel believable!! personally all of my y/ns and mcs are based off of aspects of my own personality — some closer to my actual self than others ofc — which i think makes it easier to flesh them out because it’s just like “okay what would i do in that situation” LMAOO most of my side character ocs are based off of people i know too which again makes it easier to make them feel complex because it’s like “right so how would ___ react to that happening to them”…sometimes they end up not even being that similar (tullia in pomegranate ink is NOTHING like my irl best friend that she’s “based off of”) but just thinking of them as real people helps me treat them as such in the narrative!!
haha yes everyone does start somewhere so i never try to hate to their faces but i think it’s okay to acknowledge a general trend/pattern!! like there’s a difference between saying “your specific fic sucks i hate how you wrote your main character” versus being like “i think a lot of fics in x fandom have this problem with characterization”!! to me it’s not hate because people can decide whether that applies to them or not yk?? and yeah the wattpad uwu mcs are truly smth…or the ones that are meant to be “badass” but are really just loud/rude/make overly sexual jokes and swear a lot 😭 a lot of the times at first it’s easy to make characters as stereotypes/caricatures of themselves or have them composed of cliches but i do think most people grow out of it i quickly!! just a phase we must all go through i suppose…i will be the first to say i was cringe when i started writing that’s why half of my old works are private now 😩
HAHA OUTPERFORMING INDEED it’s so funny whenever i visit india my relatives tell me it looks like my voice is being dubbed over because i speak such good hindi but i’m very pale by indian standards so i look like a foreigner 😭 which omg ik that’s such a stereotypical thing to be saying like “no i don’t look like my race” when you very obviously do but just this last january i visited india for the first time in six years and people IN INDIA (including literally people i’m related to) thought i was either irani, afghani, or from spain 😓 they’d get jumpscared when i’d speak to them in hindi KSDJKSAN their lives would flash before their eyes as they tried to remember if they had talked shit abt me 😩 i speak it a bit at home and with all of my extended family that’s kind of the only language they know so when i call them i speak it!! i also just have a really really good memory (hence the lack of studying) so i don’t forget things which helps me pick up languages rlly quickly
SNUFFY’S BACKSTORY KILLS ME it’s so sad yet also realistic??? like it really feels like smth that could’ve happened irl yk (idk if it’s based off of smth or not) but on the other hand yuki’s is so normal i love it 😍 the fact that he got into soccer in such an average and chill way too LMAOAOAO my unproblematic goat!! although the sister thing is so funny…i’m assuming this is a different friend’s older sister than the one he fell in love with at age 10 because according to egoist bible she was 16 😭 and this girl is only three years older than him so they must be diff?? lowkey crazy as hell omg even in elementary school yuki was pulling 😰 i always interpreted those two facts (his first love was his friend’s 16 year old sister and his first confession was when his friend’s sister kissed him on the forehead) as being abt the same person and it being like the 16 year old sister was just kissing him because he was a cute little kid and he misinterpreted it/got embarrassed because he had a crush on her if that makes sense?? but ig they’re different people entirely!!
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punchratt · 6 months
Rambling about this because it’s the only thing on my feed rn and I’m trying really hard to stay awake, so sorry if this isn’t really the most coherent rant. I’m honestly just word vomiting lol.
But Miriam Margolyes is a fucking legend and I agree wholeheartedly with what she said about Harry Potter fans.
Like, she’s not saying you can’t enjoy this shit as an adult. She never once said “if your an adult you can’t like Harry Potter”, what’s she’s saying (and people are misinterpreting) is that she worried for these hardcore HP fans who make being a fan of the series their whole personality. And I gotta agree with her.
It’s a 25 year old book series for children. It’s okay to have nostalgia for it, it’s okay to still interact with the fandom and have your fun with it, but why are you making so many of the most important days of your lives (and others) revolve around an okay book series at best?? She brought up weddings as an example so I’ll use that as mine. Like, sure, have the Harry Potter themed wedding, it’s your life do what you want. But don’t be surprised when people are a little concerned that you’re wedding cake has Dobi’s cum sock on it. Your union should be about your (hopefully) everlasting love and how you’ll be together through thick and thin, your celebrating a whole new chapter of your lives! Celebrating the love you feel for one another! Not the passion you both have for your favorite book series.
They are just like those hardcore Disney fan girls and are just as concerning. There’s a difference between a healthy interest and an obsession. If your willing to ruin people’s lives over a piece of media you like, you need to take a step back and get some help. Not talk about how your “so Slytherin core uwu”. Maybe slyther into some therapy, damn.
Anyways, I don’t actually care that much, im not into Harry Potter and I think it has a lot bigger issues that have already been talked to death pretty much everywhere. I’m just sick of seeing people try to act like the grandma from Flushed Away is trying to kill them because she had an opinion about them that they didn’t like.
Enjoy what you enjoy, be nice to other people, and don’t be fucking psycho about it.
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420movies · 10 months
Tangled (2010)
Just lie about Rupunzels birthday?? And she shouldn't even know about the outside world? That brie Larson movie the room or something where the kid escapes in a carpet. When will my life begin?? This is all you know!
If the tower is blocked up how did mother gother get up and down the tower when Rapunzels hair was shorter? Why even teach her the concept of birthdays? Why even teach her how to talk?? Why give her books? Skip the drama stay with mama was so so iconic and ahead of its time. Honestly wow cultural moment it.
Caring about your wanted poster is very One Piece coded.
Did you fancy that horse? I'm sorry what the fuck how dare what how
No but seeing the horse from Tangled is like seeing a god. What he has done for the world and my own mental health cannot be understated. If ever I don't laugh at the horse I am dead. A well isolated tower? This is so easy to find what the fuck. It would definitely be a pokestop or even a gym. Some would say that iron Man Vs Captain America is the best combat fight in modern cinema but it's literally just Rapunzel with the frying pan first meeting Flyn. I refuse to believe that she knows so much about the outside world but doesn't know what a fucking hat is. Kuba thought Rapunzel was Naruto. Why give Rapunzel paint. Packing gothel a very Ghibli lunch.
Not Flyn instantly falling in love with a seventeen year old! Nonce!? Okay she is serving face in that first scene. Yeah what kind of a name is Rapunzel.
How is he not concussed after all of this? Is this whole movie a weird hallucination he's having??
The plan about seeing the lanterns for the crown? Actually genius fair play. She knows she can seduce him in that time too to make him WEAK! Honestly such a queen.
As a rule, the movie tangled as a whole is just like brioche bread.
How does she know that tower is made of bricks and that they can move individualy? Does seeing him get down the tower like that not freak her out? Can only enter or exit with hair. Unless that's how mother gothel did it before? Oh that would make sense but how would she have the upper body strength?
Okay her first reaction to grass is good but how does she even know what grass is?
I'd love to watch mother gothel reacts to tangled. Imagine her seeing Rapunzel escape and she's like no bloody way.
Id love to see a tangled where this plays out. She makes it back from the lanterns and gives the guy the crown back and she just spends the rest of her life sneaking in and out of the tower.
'like a grape' SO ICONIC.
How does she not have hairy legs?? She really is a child ew.
When the horse eats the wanted poster I die.
Can't believe she dropped her basket.
A tangled where mother gothel never found the satchel.
There is no way they animated her hair at the same length in every shot.
One of my favourite breaking into song moments. The hot women that ends up with the ugly guy? Bitch what is wrong with you he is grim as fuck love yourself stop with the charity work.
Wow too bad Rapunzel was socialised so well. What and how.
Maximus! How dare I forget his name.
This relationship is so bong soon and her CEO
What conditioner does she use though.
Why would they make a dam there? There is nothing there? They don't need one?
Dying like that fucking sucks. I would panic attack myself to death before drowning
How does she know what drowning is?
He told his dead name way too easy? He was begging for someone to ask him about his name. Let me tell you my TRAGIC backstory I beg of you I'm actually an orphan uwu
Why she gotta sing so slow and smoochy. Get it over with.
You can't tell anyone about this.. she always calls him Eugene and he always responds? He wants it to happen so badly.
Gothels voice though holy shit she has pipes.
No socks with boots?? Red flag.
Animal handling nat 20.
I love when she first goes to the city. This is the whole reason I love this movie. The music and everything. Her moment of wander and pure joy I want it so bad. I want to feel the pure joy she feels. The girls braiding her hair?? My Roman empire
The joy and happiness she brings people is so so Tohru Honda.
Maybe I love these characters is because I want to be like them but I'm autistic so I don't know how.
Omg and Rapunzel having two parents that love eachother and both want to find her. Yeah I'm jealous that is a flex
The fact that her parents always set off the first lantern chokes me up man.
My stomach is flipping I love this song
Cry time.
This song is how I felt when I was in South Korea. This is where I'm meant to be.
Not Flyn saying he's only fallen in love cuz she turned 18 today.
They definitely fucked in that boat with the lanterns imagine the vibe fuck. Okay maybe not with the chameleon there.
How is she going to let one man ruin the best day she's ever had.
That is the fastest death row I have ever seen. Why even bother celling him?
Omg when she sees the patterns it literally so iconic. What cinema.
Bitch opened her third eye.
Rapunzel what are you doing up there? Mother not now I've reached enlightenment.
The moment with the glass breaking to symbolise the illusion of the towers safety breaking for Rapunzel.
How did he not bust his nuts with that landing.
That horse probably getting such a high honour for this undercover mission to save the princess. Oh wait he literally does. I forgot.
See this is what gothel should have done with rapuzel on day one.
Wait heal him but have him chained up so he'll die slower of starvation.
Gothels deaths keeps up with the older Disney princess tradition of all evil mother deaths must be scary as fuck.
You were my new dream. Iconic I should get a tattoo. No Disney adults are something else what an ick.
Would love to see a Tangled 2 Disney straight to DVD where we see that her kids have inherited her powers! Blonde hair too!
IMAGINE HOW THAT FEELS AS A PARENT! How they did this scene with no talking was genius on Disney's part. I mean what would they even say to each other. How the queen pulled him into the hug too 😭
The ugly guy and his hottie no no no
Yes Max with the promotion.
The lanterns in the day as opposed to the night! They aren't lighting up the night to look for her! They're sending them up in celebration they don't need them for their light! Just aesthetic.
This credit song pops off
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nemir · 3 years
it’s quest loving hours
just some random headcanons & things that remind me of him that, for some reason, refuse to leave my brain. you do not have to agree with them, they are purely for me & anyone else who wants to enjoy them uwu also i’ll put it under a cut because long post is long.
--» because you both tend to work the night shift (or just long days in general), you don’t have a lot of time in the day to do things so you’re doing groceries at 10pm on a thursday, dr’s appointments are scheduled for like 3:45pm. last showing at the movies. late-night dinners at the sports bar. --» in the same vein; late night laundromat visits. super super liminal space hours and it’s as if only you two exist in the entire world on these nights & neither of you would have it any other way. you throw balled-up socks at each other, race in the wheely-basket things, dancing up and down the aisles of dryers. sometimes he’ll go out and have a smoke (not very often, since he technically quit. but the weeks where work has been especially rough, he allows himself a bit of stress relief) and you just watch him from inside; you hate the habit but lord he looks so good with a smoke in hand, taking a long drag, the other hand running through his hair. he closes his eyes and leans his head back to exhale. --» rainy summer nights. the lights reflecting off the puddles in the streets, the sound of rain hitting the roof of the car. you’re parked in a field outside of town watching a thunderstorm roll in. --» bob ross paint-along’s for date night. or just for fun. this poor man hardly has an artistic bone in his body (he’s a writer, not a painter) but the effort is there and it’s adorable sitting there, watching him hyperfocused on his canvas, tongue sticking out a bit as he’s lost in the creative process. he also 100% almost takes a sip from the rinse cup. --» 80s music. 80s coming-of-age movies. i just have this feeling in my gut that he would’ve consumed that shit growing up; his mom probably loved all those iconic films. pretty in pink, sixteen candles, breakfast club. he would look amazing in acid wash denim and you can NOT change my mind. lots of hand-me-down clothes from his dad/grandpa or something, from that era. --» dude absoLUTELY grew up in a 80s decorated house. im talkin’, grandma’s house. golden girls type of shit. wicker furniture. BLACK. BATHROOM. FIXTURES. UGH WHY DID THOSE EXIIIIIIIIST. guest bathroom was beach themed with a blue toilet. even though he was born in like ‘91/-’92, does not matter. --» stationary collector. i mean we all been knew, this man loves his pens. but he can’t not grab a new notebook when you’re at walmart/target/whatever. will buy new pens and sharpies and the like, even when he absolutely does not need them. complains that he has no where to put them all, but he’s afraid to use them (and no this is not me projecting shut the fucK UP) --» carnivals at night. unsurprisingly good at the games where you gotta shoot something (JFKLDJFD) and wins you the biggest prize which he is then forced to carry for the rest of the night because he HAD to do it immediately. i dont take him much for a rides kinda guy though, mostly games and the food OH MAN candied apples, caramel corn, funnel cake, those lil mini donuts. it’s the time he gets to treat himself (and you). but just all the bright lights, colours, the bass-y pop music from the rides that gets more muffled as you walk further away.  --» those winter nights when it’s pin-drop quiet, the sky is almost purple. it’s snowing and the snowflakes are big and fluffy. the snow isn’t that good, sticky packing snow but that won’t stop him from scooping up a handful of powdery fluff and throwing it at you! red noses and cheeks, laughs and smiles. big floppy mittens laying over the heater as you curl up with hot chocolate. --» crocheting things for HIM. the very i d e a that you learned how (if you didnt already) and then went out of your way to make HIM something? a scarf, a hat, some slippers for his big ass feet and a HUMONGOUS sweater (gotta contain those ARMS and tiddys yknow?). he keeps that shit for EVER. even when it’s falling apart, he asks you to fix it to the best of your ability because he never wants to lose that, never wants to let go of something so precious. broken things can be fixed. --» yknow those things you can buy that’s like, “the night sky on [date]”? 100% got that for you as a gift. the night you joined the server. the night you started dating. the night you met in person. one of them is on a little pendent necklace that you never take off, which makes his heart burst every time he catches a glimpse of it. --» i feel like he grew up kinda poor, so the idea of crazy expensive frivolous gifts does not spark joy in him (there are some exceptions, of course. but it’s a big deal to him so when you DO get them you know it’s extra special), and he definitely gives ‘something made has more meaning’. he likes making things for you, as gifts. diy king. would also 100% do something cheesy like buying a bouquet of flowers, puts in one fake flower, then writes “the day the last rose dies is when i will stop loving you” on the card. --» speaking of writing things: notes in your lunchbox. both of you, though. you do it for each other. it’s so simple, but very sweet. or if one of you works the morning shift, you leave a sticky note on the mirror “have a wonderful day! i love you! xo”. --» i’d say mix tapes/burning cd’s but uhhhh LOL it’s 2022 so personalized spotify playlists. all the songs that remind him of you/you two. perfectly curated for specific date nights. when the talk of marriage comes around, he busts out a “potential first dance songs” playlist LMAO he was already ready. --» loves a good card game. im talkin crib, rummy, fuckin... this man has the most intense games of solitaire. scrabble nights. tries to beat you at trivial pursuit but you’re a master of trivia games. a lot of those nights end with some cards/game pieces scattered over the table and floor, along with some articles of clothing coughcough --» i can see him being a morning lover. mostly due to working nights. by the time you both get home, you’re exhausted and that is the very last thing on your mind. not to say it never happens! of course it does. sometimes it’s the best way to get out some uhhh frustrations from the work day. but the way the sun spills through the window and over your body just [motor revving sounds], yknow? he can’t help it. you’re so... fucking ethereal.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
can you give us more thoughts about domestic yoongles? the taemin's one (wich I love) just made me miss the cat boy so much ;o;
i have a phd in househusband yoongi so let me fire out some ideas for ya.
myg at home headcanon
🐱 word count. 1.9k | fluff, slice of life, slight nsfw mentions, x reader, bullet points
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The doorbell sound is a recording of Yoongi imitating a doorbell. He’s such a meme. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.
Seemingly, he teaches himself a new recipe every week. To perfection. Yoongi is very particular about sticking to the recipe and wielding his kitchen tools in the right way. He collects knives, olive oil, and still hates cutting onions.
He separates sleep time, work time, and couple time as the holy trinity. For each, he switches his mood.
Blushes easily no matter for how long you’ve been together.
Establishes his own radio show where he DJs at one point.
Yoongi keeps an extreme track on the garbage schedule. He knows exactly what is due when. Separating the trash is a must. That includes sorting out fake friends trying to get between your relationship. Your social circle as a couple is extremely deliberate.
Yoongi deems himself a terrible host for guests. Unless Hoseok is there to drag him out, it's true he rather stays in the kitchen or at the barbecue preparing the menu courses rather than making small talk. He leaves the hospitality bits to you, however you want to go about it.
What he lacks in conversing with guests, he makes up in bed, God is absolutely fair.
He sings and hums pretty often and has his own vernacular of extraterrestrial uwu noises. It's an alphabet that you have to yet decipher but it's incredibly cute.
Self-made paintings everywhere around his house. 
Yoongi hasn't gone clubbing since grammar school. The most he does is going to a restaurant at lunch with very close friends. And always in a work context. His private life is so secluded from everything else and paparazzi just don't spot him anywhere, Dispatch thinks he must live abroad.
Very well, he does consider his big ole house a separate country. It's a living organism with a studio, gym, trophy room, small-size basketball court, and vastly equipped kitchen. A home theater as well, he likes American movies (like Inception) and Korean action genres, and you can stream whatever you fancy in there whenever you like. 
Yes, he has underwear with cute little bears on.
There's even a little pond in the backyard. Yoongi, Pisces he is, likes fishes after all. Sometimes he sits at the edge of the 'Little Ole Min Lake (LOML)' and stares into the water for literal hours with his chin parked on his palm.
His fridge is so high-tech and futuristic, even Yoongi is rendered clueless by its AI sometimes. The washing machine, too.
Yoongi watches RuPaul’s drag race. What did you expect? He finds it so humorous.
Owns lord knows how many comic collections.
Favorite holiday destination: New York.
Christmas is basically 50% you unveiling new music equipment to him in the garage and Yoongi almost fainting at the sexiness of it. The other 50% is spent holding hands and orgasm after orgasm until the new year since you loose track of time.
Goes on long rants why he’d marry you again every weekend.
Making you presents is his specialty. Always accompanied with a hand-written note. He writes a lot of things by hand for you in general. Texting, basically never. Always on paper.
No sex without a blanket and socks on. Yoongi gets cold very very easily and just doesn’t like showing skin. You buy him a heated blanket for his birthday, he even uses it in his studio chair.
Chronically addicted to making out.
Matching black outfits and glasses.
Laughs at even your worst jokes or phrases you didn’t expect you even uttered.
Yoongi owns the phoniest, most secretive-looking black car ever and nobody knows about it. Even he forgets he owns it, in fact he genuinely acts like it just doesn’t exist. Hilarious. And that guy has a level 1 Korean driver's license. Which allows him to drive trailers and busses and fucking trucks, and construction machines, let that sink in.
It's really a genius curse. Yoongi being put to the test will always deliver but he won't choose to execute his full skillset if he doesn't have to. Well, pragmatic. He's not as phony as he thinks he is, which is even more hilarious.
He uses that behemoth of a car so scarcely because he'd rather have things delivered to his doorstep and he's stingy with gas. Also, he doesn't like traffic and driving because of the traumatic shoulder accident and his tendency to space out. Translation: You drive that thing... that monster... it really is an impressive, fast, and scary machine. 
If someone devious ever even remotely manages to invade his privacy and get past the doubly-installed security system, he has enough money to deal with it no matter what.
If it concerns your privacy, he's a red belt. And owns Jin's number if a taekwondo master is required. Jimin's if it needs someone with kendo skills.
If Yoongi needs someone to go on a complete rampage, Jungkook lives just down the block. He can sprint to Yoongi's bunker I mean mansion within 45 seconds. 30 if it's very urgent. 20 if the reward is an instant ramen splurge with Yoongi's black card.
He has a sexy, glamorous sword collection hanging on the living room wall anyways, so. Who the hell is dumb enough to mess with him and his expensive lawyer in the first place.
But just in case, who knows... Yoongi settles matters shruggingly, anonymously, and with cash and he's too exhausted for violence, but don't underestimate his deter-min-ation and network for emergencies. Also, he is Agust D after all.
He will bonk a naughty burglar or kidnapper across the head with a wooden cooking spoon or take him down by throwing a basketball if the situation requires it. Damn, his reflexes are so fast, a feral cat in motion. So, lean back and sip on your drink of choice. Things are cared for.
If Yoongi is the one being kidnapped or a highly skilled stalker invades the property at night when he's fast asleep (nothing can wake this man during certain hours, strong REM right here): Don't forget that honeyboy is a Dodgers fan. There are signed baseball bats everywhere in this damn house.
In that sense, your parents visiting you here for the first time thought you were an undercover thug couple. Not to worry mom and dad, you both just like sports very much okay.
Yoongi walks around in all black clothes and the rooms are all seemingly dark. Even if you live together, you don't know his skin care routine. It's clear to you he's some sort of vampire.
Since Yoongi always forgets to remove his makeup, you made it a habit to wipe it down when he's about to pass out. He won't lie, he enjoys that kind of affection.
Holly is your resident child. You're essentially a family.
He insists to tackle this by himself, Yoongi sees his therapist monthly. Not shifting responsibility is something he's stubborn about and he pours his emotions into writing. You will do conversation about deeper stuff, but he says it's mostly up to him and his own mind. He dislikes burdening you or opening up too much and it's something to respect rather than force him about. If he wants to share a thought, he will. It doesn’t mean he can’t trust you or sucks at communicating (we know that he’s direct). Yoongi simply can’t put that much pain in such few words nor should you alleviate it for him.
Calls from the manager faze Yoongi as much as Jimin is bothered by gravity. If he’s busy kissing your body slow mo, who the hell dares to disturb his worship. 
This man had so many let-downs and interpersonal catastrophes in his life, he's super discerning with people. Because he rolls that way, during their first meeting Yoongi uses his psychology certificate on your friends. You see him squint at them, he listens very closely. After they pass the vibe check aka meow radar, he befriends them, too.
Yoongi doodles Grammy trophies everywhere to manifest them.
Yoongi shaves his legs.
All the sex toys he’s ever bought are black. Gotta vibe in style.
He spends ridiculous amounts of time in the studio but he's yours for the remainder of the night, breakfast, and he makes a lavish lunch and dinner.
Um, consider his head parked between your legs. The Hongkong line was not a joke.
Doesn’t mind you squishing his cheeks whenever and for how long you like. 
Every other weekend he gets flowers, vouchers, and gifts — not because of fans, they don’t know where his house is, but because he donates so much.
Namjoon often drops by and cleanses the area with his crystals.
Yoongi is a photography major so you can ask him to take professional, ceiling-high black and white shots of you.
Feeding each other food lovingly. Man, this guy got lips.
He set up a library just for you, in the exact historical aesthetic you like the most. Send him the link to any book you want, it's basically in the online shopping cart already. As I said, he wants to make you presents like every week.
Sometimes he sits on the other end studying English videos and vocab while you read. And yes, he's already 95% fluent but pretends being merely intermediate. He knows technical terms even native speakers have never heard of.
He collects pajamas and earrings.
Swears on the phone.
Namjoon being the horniest member is a cover-up story. Yoongi masturbates almost unreasonable amounts of times, by himself and in your arms when going to bed. Not gonna lie, it’s a sight to see his hands at work. He’s almost equally obsessed with fingering you once you ask him.
Yoongi was the one asking you to move in and almost had a nervous meltdown before meeting up with you to tell you just that. 
He’s the little spoon and of course a sleeping burrito to hold tight.
Finds you equally attractive in any state or styling. Yoongi practices what he preaches, he always reacts the same and says the same. 
Jams out to outrageous beats Namjoon sends him by dancing in the studio. You walk in on him every time. Was embarrassed at first, now you dance along.
Has bought you a life-sized Yoongi pillow and customized you a giant Shooky to hug when he’s not at home over night.
Owned a wine cellar until he quit drinking. Turned it into a piano room instead.
Only you know Yoongi has a serpent and dagger tattoo.
Scrubs the bathroom religiously.
The house smells like restaurant food and his extravagant perfumes half of the time.
Sometimes he has to remind himself he’s married to you and not his coffee machine. He shall be forgiven. You can’t complain that he doesn’t love you enough, nor is he ever not adorable when drinking his latte.
Never wears short sleeves. It can be scorching and he’ll wear a jacket. 
Tell him and the cap stays on during sex.
He grows his hair out and puts it in a low bun. The bangs remain.
Yoongi has installed the most fire-proof building in the entire city it seems. That he wanted to be a firefighter when he was young definitely shows. Figures the house has to be protected from heat: His blasting studio music and Yoongi himself are just way too sizzling.
Still melts into a puddle when you kiss his nose.
Couple sunrise watching. 
© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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miikewheelers · 3 years
demon bros sleep/cuddle headcanons!!
cuz why not ;w;
i mean....does he even sleep? the short answer is yes...but only when he wants to. he usually stays up late at night doing paperwork; actually suffers from insomnia (may be attributed to PTSD/guilt about his sister/the past but we’ll save that discussion for another time)
he can really only sleep soundly when playing music in the background...or by the side of someone he trusts. if he has both then he’ll sleep like a baby at night. tends to sleep on either his stomach or flat on his back
you CANNOT tell me that he doesn’t snore. hear me out, it’s not like a loud train horn kind of snore (stares at my dad) but it’s more of a chest-deep rumble, not the kind that would wake you up from a deep sleep (unless if you’re a light sleeper like me, rip)
kind of touch shy when it comes to cuddles, but when he’s with someone he’s comfortable with, he prefers leaning back and allowing them to lean on his outstretched arm. full-on wrapping arms around the torso will come later; you gotta do that to him first. he takes that as a sign of trust
sometimes sleeps with socks on, not all the time tho. sometimes he’s too tired to take them off, other times his feet get cold and he decides to leave them on
he definitely stays up late doing whatever, likes to spend his evenings with others. he does get pretty tired past midnight though; others will point out that he’s yawning but he’ll deny that he’s tired
apparently he sleeps in the nude??? but idk if i believe that, at least not all the time. depending on the weather he’ll probably throw on a tank top or oversized shirt and sweatpants or shorts and get all snuggled in bed
he can fall asleep in any position, but more often than not he finds himself snuggled sort of on his side with his head cradled in his bent arm
he is HUGE on cuddles honestly. he loves to wrap his arms around the other person’s shoulder and bury his head in the crook of their neck. sometimes he does like to be the little spoon, but he likes to dish out the hugging first. will probably start tickle fights more often than not xD
he doesn’t sleep with socks on. like ever. but beware because he likes to stick his cold feet on the person he’s next to
also stays up late at night, watching anime or playing video games (naturally). he has a pretty good sense of his sleep schedule and will go to bed when he gets sleepy
prefers to sleep in lighter clothing except when it gets cold, he’ll probably wear some baggy long pants and a sleep shirt
his entire bed is surrounded with pillows and blankets, so falling asleep in any position will be comfortable, but he likes sleeping on his side in a position that will let him hold his ruri-chan body pillow xD
he’s extremely touch-shy so he’s quite hesitant when it comes to cuddles. but at the same time he’s also very touch-starved so he actually loves it. he’ll probably be all red-faced from the contact at first, but he’ll pretty quickly relax into it and start purring uwu
doesn’t sleep with socks on, he finds the extra fabric to be annoying and prefers to feel the soft blankets on his feet instead
he very much needs to read before going to bed, and in order to really get in the mood he likes to get all snuggly in his pajamas with a soft blanket and maybe some warm tea
likes to sleep in sweatpants and long-sleeved sleep shirts, he tends to get chilly if he’s in shorts or even a t-shirt
he sleeps on his back, and he tends to wrap an arm above his head. may snore lightly uwu
it takes him a little while to warm up to cuddles, but he doesn’t hate them. he tends to get a bit flustered at first contact, though; he likes to wrap his arm around the other person’s shoulder and lean against their back, narrowing his eyes and purring
doesn’t mind sleeping with socks on, but he mostly prefers not to. they tend to make his feet and therefore his entire body too hot. he’s a picky boyo
okay, you CANNOT convince me that asmo doesn’t go to bed without some kind of mask on his face. he doesn’t do this every night, but it’s still a part of his regular weekly routine
likes elegant sleep wear; prefers sleeping in silky and colorful night gowns, but can go for an oversized and super soft sleep shirt
if he’s wearing a mask, obviously he’s gonna be sleeping on his back. but he often falls asleep on his side, nuzzling his head into the crook of his elbow as his arm wraps over the underside of his face. he’s also the quietest sleeper of all his brothers
he absolutely LOVES cuddles and will not hesitate to wrap his arms AND his legs around your torso and your hips and bury his face in the crook of your neck or your back. this puts him in an advantageous position though because he’s in a perfect position to tickle you that way~
never EVER wears socks to bed. he doesn’t want to take the risk of extra fabrics potentially damaging his skin. also he just finds the feeling of them annoying but be thankful because having the bare skin exposed like that leaves room for you to get revenge for the tickles he gave you >:)
he absolutely loves napping after eating. he can’t fall asleep unless he knows he has a full stomach. likes to nap with belphie and mc
he usually sleeps in a tank top and shorts, but if it’s chilly in his room he’ll usually go for a sweatshirt
he sleeps on his back with his arm curved above his head, and he may snore lightly, but it’s nowhere near the volume of lucifer’s snores.
he’s honestly a huge cuddle man, he enjoys snuggling with belphie but being soft with mc is also a must. he’ll just hold them against his chest and play with their hair until they both fall asleep. he’ll also protectively wrap an arm around their shoulders and pull them close
he’s the most likely of all the brothers to wear socks to bed, he doesn’t really mind the feeling of sleeping with them on and thinks that they add an extra layer of comfort for his feet
it doesn’t need to be mentioned that he’s the sleep king. clothing and location don’t really matter to him as much as his brothers, but even he has his preferences
he likes clothing on the heavier side since he tends to get cold easily, so something like a long-sleeved shirt or a sweatshirt and sweat pants are perfect for him
can fall asleep in any position, but he most often ends up on his stomach or sort of the side of his back. he falls asleep rather quickly and it’s rather hard to wake him up; he’s a pretty heavy sleeper so you have to get a bit rough with him if you need something with him, but he’s gonna be pretty grumpy if you disturb him
he honestly likes snuggles; after all that time being locked up all alone in the attic, he missed the sensation of having people by his side to doze with him. he prefers to press up against someone else rather than spoon, but he’s okay with it every once in a while
when he naps, he tends to fall asleep with his socks on, but prefers to sleep without them at night. doesn’t mind either way though
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hawnks · 4 years
Party Attire 
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
r18 (mdni)
wordcount: 1,600
my drabble for the valentines day exchange uwu. for @some-kindofgnome hope i did your wants justice. smooch. 
warnings: dom/sub undertones, oral s** (giving & receiving), edging, spit, size kink
He’d warned you about that skirt. 
In the hall outside the bathroom of the four star restaurant his parents invited you to. Crowding you against the posh wallpaper. Fingers digging into the skin just below your hemline. Admittedly, it was pushing the boundary between business chic and let me get railed on my five break and then meet you back here to talk about the budget requests. A cute, pink pleated number you’d thrifted a few months back. The weather had just turned right to wear it with some knee socks. It was fun and flirty, you thought. A little daring, sure, but not enough to draw any attention that was too salacious.
Katsuki had other opinions. 
“We get home, I’m fucking you so hard you won’t be able to form a coherent thought for days.” 
He made good on his word. And after pampering you a little bit (no thinking required with your boyfriend literally carrying you wherever you needed to go), Katsuki passed his final judgement on your dinner attire. 
You put on your best pout, waggling the (now very stained) skirt at him. He slapped your hands out of his face, but you didn’t miss the way his eyes followed the swish of the fabric, or how they fell to the marks he left on your thighs. 
“Throw that shit out,” he groused. 
You know he would never actually dare to tell you what you can and can’t wear. You also know he had a soft (and inexplicable) spot for that particular outfit. So you don’t feel bad about tucking it away for a rainy day -- after a very thorough washing, at least. 
Now seems like the perfect occasion to break it out again. 
Your boyfriend hasn’t been home in three days. The two of you keep up a constant back and forth over text, but you could tell the stress is beginning to wear on him, his responses getting pricklier and shorter the longer he’s away.
Finally, you get the message you’ve been waiting for. Home in ten.
Just enough time to get ready. 
You hear Katsuki pull into the garage. He likes his cars fast and loud, which has never bothered you -- but the sound of the motor cutting out has your heart thundering in your chest. You’re seated on the plush couch in the den. You’re not sure if you should arrange yourself pleasingly or just plant yourself. You try several poses before you hear the front door open and shut, and Katsuki appears in the doorway, peering at you through the dimmed lighting as you struggle with one leg on the floor and one off. 
It’s an uncomfortable position, and you can’t extract yourself without doing a bit of an awkward shimmy, which you suspect is endearing but not exactly seductive. Finally you end up with your legs hugged against your chest, your eyes trailing over to your boyfriend as he watches you, not moved from his spot by the entrance.
He’s in civilian clothing, sweats and a dark t-shirt, both perfectly fitted. It’s the first time he’d changed from his hero uniform in days, and the loungewear feels strange on his skin. Unnatural. 
He leaves his coat on the floor in a heap, forgotten as he finally starts stalking toward you. His expression is bland, impassive -- but you catch a glimpse of interest in his eyes before your gaze darts, landing on his thighs. They’re massive, just like the rest of him. Sometimes you catch yourself watching him on slow days, as he leans over the stove, or grabs something from the top shelf from you, just marveling at the sheer size, the strength of him. It’s like he was designed with you in mind. Like he was made to make you feel small. 
You can feel the divine heat of him as he stops before you, knuckles brushing your chin up until you meet his gaze. “Cute.”
You lean into his touch, and he cups your cheek, thumb petting the soft skin. “Missed you,” you say.
“Oh, yeah?” He stares at you for a second, the arches and slopes of your face. His thumb continues stoking, moving ever so slightly until he’s rubbing your bottom lip, dragging it down until he can see the dark color of the delicate inner skin. His forefinger creeps in, prodding against the soft point of your canine before finding your tongue. He presses down, a gentle pressure, but one that won’t let you ignore it. “Prove it.”
Your tongue presses back against his finger, licking around it, sucking. You do all of this without modesty, groaning when he presses back, gagging when his finger sinks deeper, edging toward your throat. 
Katuski has big hands. You know that -- how could you ever forget that every part of him is a mountain -- but it’s moments like these that remind you just how big. How much bigger than you. How well he can fill you, in any way he chooses.
Your teeth are held open against his knuckle, and strings of drool begin to trail down your cheeks, land on your chest. Katsuki takes all of this, you, in with red eyes hooded, his other hand clenched at his side until he can’t hold himself back any longer.
With one arm he picks you up by the waist and repositions you, laying on your back beneath him as he straddles your midriff. He wipes the spit from his index finger off on your cheek, peering down at you as you let out another low whine.
“Impatient, huh?” he murmurs. At your eager nod, he grins, all teeth. “Guess I gotta show you who’s in charge here.” 
One hand on the arm of the couch, the other cradling your chin, he crawls up your body until his hips are hovering over your face. 
He lets go of you for just long enough to rip down his sweats, cock hard enough to tap his stomach, just from playing with your tongue, then his fingers are back on you, teasing open your mouth. He grits his teeth as you so willingly let him tap himself against your tongue, a dab of precum already budding at the tip. 
You’re caged in by him from all directions, his thick thighs framing your temples, his hand stroking his cock in slow jerks just above your face. You should feel smothered—instead you feel intoxicated, drowned in his and his domination, and your lips continue to part further and further as he teases you, until you’re gaping and he’s grinning down at you. 
“That’s it baby,” he hisses, nudging his cock in (finally in) to the warm cavern of your mouth. 
He’s too big for you to take all of him like this, laying down, his legs splayed over you, but he continues to prod at the back of your tongue, his hips rolling in a firm, shallow rhythm. He edges himself in your mouth, pulling out and letting his cock smack gently against your cheek, smearing precum and your own spit across your skin. 
“Yeah,” he says, voice worn thin, self control fraying. “So goddamn cute.”
Twice more pulls out just before cumming, smearing your face with your combined slick, groaning as his hips jerk against your jaw. 
With a hiss he crawls off you, goes to his knees on the floor. In less than a second he’s manhandled you into the position he wants, hips hung off the couch, your whole body supported by his strong arms. With a wicked growl he flicks your skirt up, then he lowers his face. 
Nothing Katsuki does could ever be considered sloppy. He’s perfect, sometimes maddeningly so. When he’s between your thighs he does things with a brutal finesse, one that you appreciate to the fullest extent. But what’s happening right now can only be described as messy. 
He still knows how to treat you right, the exact pressure to make you buck, the spot inside to stroke with his index and middle finger while his other hand squeezes the meat of your thigh just this side of painful. But all of that is interspersed with split seconds of ravenous mindlessness. There are moments you don’t know what’s happening because it’s all so much, before he pulls you back in with a perfectly timed tweak of your clit, a particularly firm thrust. 
And when he pulls back, just before you reach your peak, once, twice, three times, his praise is gravely and soft, his eyes have that mean glint that you hate love. 
“Too soon, princess?” he says. 
Or, “I told you to be fucking patient.” 
Or, “Look at you, so fucking fucked. Just let me take care of things baby, I got you. Fuck that look on your face. So good for me—“
And when he finally (finally) let’s you cum on his tongue, he’s quick to follow after. You didn’t even know he’d been jerking off while he was eating you out, but you watch him rise up onto his feet, keeled over as he spends right on your pretty pink skirt. 
He takes a moment to just look at it, you, all fucked out, a loopy smile on your face. He doesn’t think about what does it for him, how he likes how delicate you are compared to him, or how sometimes he just wants to fuck you up a little, how the urge lives closer to the surface when he’s stressed. Like today. 
He runs an index finger through the cooling puddle caught in a pleat of your skirt, brings his wet finger up to paint your swollen bottom lip. 
He says, “Was thinking about Italian for dinner tonight.” 
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 8
a/n: okay so since my halloween special was a flop ill write this instead but uwuwuwuwu its also my birthday today so hehe this is kinda a special request too :D
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
- IF IT WAS YOUR BIRTHDAY! omg :0 i think we can all agree that the ramen shop will get GOOD BUSINESS that day. but it was a total surprise when the upperclassmen basically JUMP you after exiting your last class. vball practice? deliberately cancelled cuz today is YOUR day. kyo leading you, iwa making sure your eyes are closed while oikawa keeps teasing you on how you’re letting a group of men take you BLIND (cue the PUNCH). your smile is worth the XXX amount spent c,:
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okay yay happy birthday to me uwu
i kinda put this request off since my borfday was right around the corner so hahaha to the anon who requested this, here it is!!!
okay anyways!!!
so today is your borfday
obvs this could be any day lmao it doesnt have to be today but it can be any day just pretend the calendar was different lmao
you were born today and your parents and natsu obvs celebrated it the morning you woke up
like you were peacefully holding your squirtle plushie and snuggling close to get more sleep bc it was still early
but natsu quite literally kicked your door down and your parents walked in with a large cake with candles
okay ill stop now
ofc you were startled bc what the hek 
like you were so surprised that you rolled off the bed and landed harshly on the floor
instead of being yanno ‘yey! its my borfday!’ you were like ‘dear asahi kill me’
waking you up at the buttcrack of dawn?
lmao 10/10 not recommend
natsu felt really bad and he pulled you up from the floor and situated you back on the bed while your parents backtracked back downstairs
‘ohmygosh babygirl im so sorry i didnt mean to hulk smash you to the floor’
im sorry sir what 💀
this whore
you waved him off but he still felt guilty so he just pressed kisses to your forehead to soothe it
meanwhile youre just leaning against him, eyes closed, bc you grew up with natsu always doing this whenever you got hurt so it was such a soff moment for you
eventually, he was able to bring you downstairs and your parents were lowkey scared lmao but you smiled at them
‘thank you for the cake’
they breathed a sigh of relief and you sat down on the chair to eat breakfast
‘here darling’
you accepted the bowl of rice from your madre and you ate your birthday breakfast with them while yall are saving the cake for later during dinner
when you finished, you were getting up and shouting up the stairs that you were showering first
hehe natsu was all like ‘lmao why? its like 4 in the morning’
you froze, foot hovering over a step and you sighed
‘excuse me what 💀‘
yea no
you were dragged back to the kitchen and you were all pouty bc duh who the hek wants to wake up that early but your parents saved themselves by giving you your parents early
(literally anything you guys want they gave you okay? but only like 3 lmao not a bajillion things)
you were still grateful for everything and you felt very much appreciated
since it was still early, you just decided to screw it and got ready to go to school early and set up the gym for early morning practice
natsu volunteered to go with you to school but you shook your head
‘nah, im okay. the walk is peaceful’
he huffed, crossing his arms, but nodded anyways
‘fine. only because its your birthday’
hehehehe the amount of freedom during your day of birth
you were of course the first one in the gym but you didnt mind bc you actually liked the quietness that was so rare inside there
you turned on some (f/m) (lmao favorite/music) and you were sweeping, unknowingly swaying and dancing slightly
at around 5:40, the third years have arrived and since theyre the eldest, they usually get there first
omg the blush explosion on their faces when they saw you twirling around with the mop and ofc oikawa being the little poopie head he is, he swooped in and held your waist
you got startled but seeing the soft brown eyes of your captain made a soft smile appear on your face
‘hello, oikawa-san’
you whispered and he nuzzled his face to the side of your head softly
‘morning, y/n-chan’
before he could go on, iwa threw him away behind him and you giggled
mattsun raised an eyebrow at your odd behavior
‘hm? why are you so happy today, y/n-chan?’
you stopped then chuckled
‘nothing much, mattsun-san’
you didnt really want to tell them it was your birthday bc tbh you didnt think it was a big deal or anything
the others werent complaining bc they rarely see you so lively and upbeat and they loved it
you were humming under your breath for gods sake
the other boys have trickled in and again, they also went ‘?’
your soft smiles, giggles, and joy was everything to them 
god bless for this beautiful morning
poor kindaichi cowered in fright as he braced himself for a scolding from you for missing a block but he got even more scared when you just patted his head
‘its okay, yuu-kun. there’s always a next time’
yea there was something wrong
unfortunately, school was starting and they weren’t able to start questioning you and there aint no way kindaichi and kunimi were going to do that themselves without the upperclassmen who could calm you down if you got too defensive
you were skipping down the hallway and you even looped your arms around your first year friends and they shared a confused look before being dragged by you
during class, darling kunimi was too busy and distracted by your quiet singing of some show that takeru watched when you were over
yes, yes it is
but he didnt say that and instead turned away so fast that you felt the wind beside you
DID A 180 CRAZY~~~
he texted the separate bros group chat about you still being all happy and they were all curious as to what makes you so happy
during lunch time, kindaichi usually went over to go eat with you and kunimi right?
but he was surprised when he just saw kunimi there without you
‘i dont know’
‘what do you mean you dont know?!’
nah fam we not dying yet
natsu texted you earlier that he had a bento for you that he made himself and he wanted you to eat it instead of the one your mom made
you were passing by the building entrance door thingy and caught the attention of the third years who were at the rooftop eating their lunch
there was also other students outside and they watched your flowery aura skip over to the equally attractive hiroshi natsu
he cooed and you smiled up at him
curse him and his tall height
he let you hold the f/c cloth covered box so he could cup your face and kiss over your booboo again
‘wo mow, matsu-’
translation: no more, natsu!
you whined as he kept kissing your forehead and you were turning red at the attention from the other students
dang oikawa crushed his juice box at the sight even though he knew natsu was just a cousin
‘ill save you, y/n-chan!’
he shouted, already flying down the stairs towards you and the other third years after him to keep him from doing something stupid
but they also lowkey wanna see you too
but by the time they reached the entrance, you were already walking away and even passed by the quartet, giving them a close-eyed smile and a cute ‘hello!’
the 3 were distracted by you and were coddling you while oikawa ran out and shouted after natsu’s retreating form
‘natsu! oi, natsu!’
as if the boy was purposely ignoring him, natsu kept walking forward
his scream finally made him turn around and natsu’s face held a teasing smirk
‘oya? chibi-chan?’
oikawa huffed and panted as he firmly walked over to natsu
‘tell me, hiroshi natsu. why is y/n-chan all cutesy and happy today?’
then the smirk fell, replaced by an actual, genuine annoyed look
oikawa blinked
‘what do you mean ‘hah’?’
natsu waved his hands around in a frenzy of shock
‘so you mean to tell me, you, oikawa tooru, the dude who literally woke up the neighborhood at the buttcrack of dawn a few weeks ago, in love with my cousin, doesn’t know what today is?’
‘was i supposed to,,,, know?’
natsu’s face became a meme and the guy was so disappointed that he just turned around and continued walking
oikawa gasped and clutched natsu’s arm, begging and pleading to tell him
ofc the little shite natsu is, he smirked down at oikawa’s kneeling form
‘hmm, gotta say, chibi-kun. i like this view~’
‘tell me, natsu-chan!’
the puppy eyes of oikawa tooru not only affected girls but also boys fully socked homosexual boys so natsu had to turn away, fighting down a blush
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
stay loyal to katsuki
wait, no, probably tetsu
or kenma
or both
or keiji
‘-me! natsu-chan!’
that snapped the pink-haired boy out of his thoughts and crossed his arms, glaring down at oikawa
‘hm, why do you wanna know so bad? youre on your knees, begging me for information you shouldve already known since you claim to like her so much’
oikawa pouted and he sniffled
‘i wanna know everything about y/n-chan. i wanna know what today is so i can make her as happy as she is today forever!’
‘youre so cheesy’
natsu chided and oikawa pouted even harder causing natsu to sigh and pinch his nose
‘the girl was born today’
oikawa’s face lit up and he hurriedly stood on his feet, hands on natsu’s biceps since he could barely reach natsu’s shoulders bc of his 6′5 height
‘its her birthday today?!’
‘i literally just said that-’
‘oh my gosh! we need to plan something!’
oikawa started but then frowned
‘but we’re in school so it would be too late to do a surprise when we finish’
his mumbles 
filled their vicinity and natsu finally realized where exactly they were so he tugged the still mumbling boy over to the side out of people’s view
ohmygosh if i saw 2 handsome, tall, hot boys there, id be staring too omg
‘oi, oikawa’
he still didnt budge until natsu had to kick him at the leg
rip not his knee yall
tooru flinched and hatefully glared at the boy but natsu pointedly glared at him right back
‘before you start bitching to me, i was just gonna suggest i can help you and your little plan to woo my baby cousin’
as if he wasn’t irritated in the first place, tooru lit up and he excitedly clung onto natsu
‘really? you’ll really help me?’
natsu rolled his eyes and tried to pry the brunette off of him but he felt the grip tighten
‘listen, oikawa, as much as i like having pretty boys hang on to me, i’d really appreciate if you just back off a bit and actually understand what im saying’
can i just say how long their lunch break is?
and not at natsu trying to get with oikawa and oikawa completely missing it
‘you can go do your education scam system thing while i can go set things up over at that one noodle place she likes’
natsu explained
oikawa was about to smile until he paused and leaned away
‘theres a catch. i know theres a catch’
then natsu smirked, confirming oikawa’s suspicion
‘ill think about what i really want but for now, i just wanna see that one doggie boy you guys have. also, your friend with the big arms’
lmao imagine the surprise in oikawa’s face
‘why? you want me to?’
‘YES! i mean, well-no but YES!’
thats how oikawa ended up telling the boys about the last minute birthday surprise for you and the help from natsu
‘yea, apparently its her birthday. also, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, you need to talk to natsu-chan’
‘hah?! why?!’
you were minding your own business during class until you saw kunimi raise his hand
‘yes, kunimi-kun?’
normally, you wouldve just looked away but you noticed him grab his bag when the teacher wasn’t looking which prompted you to sigh since he was skipping class
i mean, whats the point of skipping class when the day is about to be over in like 15 minutes anyways?
‘make sure to come to practice’
you whispered when he passed and he smiled, making you raise an eyebrow bc that was a smile you knew that had a hidden meaning behind it
when the bell rang, everyone nyoomed themselves out of there and you were just walking past the door when a body came crashing to you which made you distracted and allowed a chance of vulnerability
there was a pair of hands covered your eyes from behind, hands grabbed your own from in front, and an arm around your waist started to guide you forward
‘um, just so you know, i have the power of god, anime, and iwa-san by my side and i wont hesitate to kick you in the di-’
‘its so cute when y/n-chan threatens us’
a voice from in front of you hums and you smiled
‘you wont think im really cute once youre on the floor clutching your di-’
‘oi, y/n, ill wash your tongue with soap’
‘yes, iwa-san’
you continued to walk, completely trusting at the hands of your boys, when you felt yourself being pulled to turn a corner
‘iwa-san? aren’t we going to the gym? why are we exiting the gates?’
the boys exchanged a look of amazement at your sense of intuition and the accuracy of your guess despite being deprived of your senses
‘dont think you can lie to us, y/n-chan! how could you not tell us its your birthday today?!’
you heard mattsun a few feet in front of you whine and you giggled
‘its not important’
then kyotani scoffed, you knowing it was him by feeling him twitch by the arm around your waist
‘boke, of course its important’
‘so your punishment for lying to us, we’re kidnapping you’
makki teased and you rolled your eyes beneath iwa’s hands
‘oh, shiver me timbers’
the walk continued, you still being dragged around, and you heard oikawa laugh
‘oh dear, its a sight to see, ain’t it? if only you can see the looks people are giving us, y/n-chan~ a group of boys taking a little girl like you? how could you trust us to not do something to you-ACK!’
you cut him off when you lifted your foot to kick right where it hurts the most
forget his weewee
its the knee
poor child crumbled to the floor and had to be picked up by baby watari
‘oh wata-cchi, youre the only one who cares about oikawa-san!’
you heavily sighed at the exagerrated theatrics of your captain
‘the one day. the one day when he could be a normal person for once’
you grumbled but stopped when you heard iwa laugh by your ear
‘he’s right you know. you technically lied to us when we asked if there was something special’
you shivered and you leaned your head back
‘its okay, iwa-san. we can talk about it after this event. make sure to give me my present, okay?’
but iwa chuckled and he promised you that you would love his present
kyotani’s arm tightened around you, as if prompting you that he was still there and he wanted your attention too
‘careful there, pup’
he warned when you almost tripped over air
‘hehe, i know ill always be safe when youre next to me, kyo-san’
you teased and he was lucky your eyes were covered bc you would see the way his cheeks tinted red
‘s-shut up, idiot! maybe i shouldve just let you fall and hit your head! not like its gonna do damage since theres nothing there anyways!’
you just giggled and he retaliated by pinching your waist to which you squealed and gripped his hands
then the smell of the ramen broth entered your nose
‘are we-?’
‘nope! not there yet, y/n-chan!’
oikawa’s voice made you whine and complain but then he stopped, making everyone else stop too
‘okay, iwa-chan, kyoken-chan, release her!’
both grumbled something about you being treated like a pokemon but stopped when your eyes widened and contorted into confusion
oikawa grinned and your eyes met to see the way his eyes crinkled, a tell-tale sign that this one was a rare genuine smile
‘come on! lets go!’
you let him take you inside the restaurant until your feet stopped, eyes wide when you noticed the streamers and the cake by the corner
your parents stood with natsu by the table and a large smile decorated your face
‘you,, you did this for me?’
you whispered and the team made noises of agreement
‘we had to do something for you to celebrate the day you were born. its a special day because you came into the world and we were able to meet you’
yahaba grinned and you gave him a big hug but you leaned back a bit so that the others would know you’re talking to them too
‘everyone, thank you. i love you’
they all scoffed a bit to hide their flustered state but they still smiled and each gave you a hug
‘oi! come here and eat the food! oikawa’s paying today!’
natsu shouted, which caught the attention of some customers in the restaurant, but they just ignored it bc theyve seen you and the team so many times that yall practically lived there
‘what?! i didnt-’
oikawa started but your mother came up to him and clasped her hands to his, sharing the same exact grin you have
‘you must be oikawa tooru. y/n has told me loads about you’
excuse him while he descends to heaven bc your mother is practically another you
iwa was already acquainted with your dad so they started talking and you just stood back, observing your two families interact with each other
you were so unbelievably happy that it hurts
kindaichi noticed you and he slinked away from the debate between makki and mattsun to go sling an arm around you
‘so? what do you think?’
you turned to him with glassy eyes
‘im so blessed. so blessed to have these amazing people with me’
poor babie panicked a bit bc he didnt really know how to comfort a crying girl but he just wrapped his arms around you
‘hehe, its kinda the other way around actually. we’re blessed to have someone like you’
he whispered and you giggled then playfully hit his shoulder
‘so cheesy, yuu-kun’
he leaned away from the hug and gave you an offended look
‘but its true! i dont know what we did to have-’
oikawa shouted from the other side, cutting off your soft moment with kindaichi
‘what are you doing, natsu?’
you noticed your cousin wrapping his arms around your captain and trying to drag him away but poor tooru was scrambling to escape
‘we made a deal, didnt we, darling~? i know what i want now and youre going to have to give me you’
oikawa screamed
a/n: can we please pretend i posted this on november 3? bc i was dumb and forgot to post this and KLDJLSDKFJDSKD IM SO ANGRY but its okay at least i am able to publish this haha
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fbfh · 4 years
dating percy headcanons 2: electric boogaloo
~900 words
ask and you shall recieve uwu
Honestly what hits hardest about this boy is the idea of having all of his attention on you
Like he just looks at you and you can feel his passion so hard you take psychic damage
You are genuinely the entire focus of his world
You are his long term hyperfixation
It's almost,,, too powerful
But not quite lmao
He's just so…
To be around
And you get to be around him whenever you want
He has such a calming aura
It's like
Oh fuck that's what it is
Sidebar real quick
Air has positive ions and rain and other big bodies of water like the ocean or waterfalls have negative ions which help you feel calm and can actually give off a similar effect as antidepressants which is why a lot of  people like storms sm
Since he's yk
The son of the sea god 
He 10000000% has an aura of negative ions and it's almost impossible to feel stressed around him
Or if you do (yr feelings are valid) he helps you feel a lot better
His kisses are so nice
[Screen shot of let's discuss his kisses from part one radial blurred]
He has about a million and one ways to kiss you 
But here's some highlights
He loves wrapping his big ole arms around you 
Has a Nice 👌 dorito shape and these buff arms
Like all of them are buff from years of sword fighting and struggling to stay alive yk
But his specific arms hugging you
One around your waist, one hand on the back of your neck 
He makes you feel so at ease with him
His lips are always soft
Probably tastes like salt water taffy or coke
He loves surprising you with cheek neck kisses
If you're doing anything he'll just run up behind you 
Press a big big smooch just below your jawline 
And run off
You start trying to surprise him but unless you're pretty tall you can't reach lmao
He sometimes just like
Holds you real close
A finger running over your cheek
The other hand probs resting under the hem of your shirt
He's staring, head kinda tilted and you know he's in full Admire mode
He kisses you really gently, only pulling away cause he smiles half way through 
Totally rests his forehead on yours after a kiss 
Speaking of, if you give him forehead or nose kisses
He actually short circuits from love and cuteness
He has a salty aura
Literally and figuratively 
Like if you stand a foot away from him and stick out your tongue you'll taste salt 
You make him smile way more than you'd expect 
He gives you a lot of those classic Fond Looks where he just has a little smirk and is smiling with his eyes and you can feel that you have all his focus and attention 
He doesn't get like super serious or anything but you find yourself having to break the tension more than you'd expected
He has really strong feelings which under the right circumstances,,
Usually during quiet moments,,,
He can get a bit I'd die for you
"I'm going to make sure you're always okay, Skittles, even if I die trying-"
"Ah, yes. I hear death by chocolate is the best way to go."
"Well, the only way I can think you would possibly die to ensure my happiness is by convincing Zeus to rain chocolate down on me, in which case you'd be right with me because there's no way I'm letting you miss a chocolate tsunami."
He starts to laugh then gets serious again 
"I mean, if it came down to it,"
"Worst case scenario?"
"Well worst case scenario, we'd both just eat our way out. We can handle a chocolate tsunami together, hands down."
You have him actually laughing now
You gotta keep him on his toes a little 
It can be really hard sometimes but you love surprising him 
It's hard bc he knows you so well that he can always tell when you're planning something 
What makes it worse is that he never lets on that he knows 
you love making him pre swim meet gift bags 
I'm talking snacks, fuzzy socks, those blue Gatorade chewies, a (matching) friendship bracelet, gum, notes in Greek, little doodles, Polaroids, a piece of paper with a lipstick/lip balm kiss
The whole nine goddamn yards
Always coming up with new ways to surprise him
Once you have him a jar of Hersheys kisses that said "kisses for when I'm not around"
He showed people photos of it cause he thought it was too adorable 
Every single person on the swim team is jelly of you two 
Percy brags about you all the time 
Talks about you so much you're surprised how much his teammates know about you
Before a big meet you got the whole team push pops in their favorite flavors  that said "push yourself! Good luck!" 
They all love you even more
You've learned from experience to bring an extra shirt to swim meets
Bc the first thing that this boy does as soon as he's out of the pool and able to is hug you so so tight
Neither of you care about how wet he is or how damp you get 
A collage of your top 5 cutest post swim hugs makes the yearbook and the school newspaper
Like I'm not saying he's the best boyfriend but yes I am
That's exactly what I'm saying 
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taeyaxx · 4 years
How would the Haikyuu Captains spend Christmas with you? Like, what gift would they get you and the activities y’all would do? (Bokuto, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Ushijima, and Terushima)
tae’s notes: aaaaaaah!! ok so i love my nsfw but sfw like this makes my heart go 🥺🥰🥰 i really love hc’s like this too because all these boys are DORKS!!! thank you so much for the ask!! <3
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
tags: sfw, fluff, bokuto is the biggest nerd when it comes to the holidays, holiday fun, cozy winter’s, warm sweaters, longer post, hc’s, mention of nsfw, mention of alcohol, just mostly sweet hc’s okay 🥺
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
taglist: @kaaidalupita @ushiwakajimas @lunarkawa
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okay so for bokuto i imagine him as the BIGGEST holiday person
like he goes above and beyond for the holidays 
especially Christmas!!! 
will go all out and i mean it!!
brings home a billion decertations and makes it a competition to see who can hang up the most in ten minutes
he always wins somehow 
buys you two ugly ass sweaters too
like i mean those really really ugly sweaters that he knows are ugly but it’s become a tradition between you two 
just wearing.......the ugliest sweaters as you two put the tree up 
as for gifts i think bokuto isn’t one to put like....a lot of money into them?
feel like he’s the type of guy to buy you something that hits you in the heart and makes you want to smother him in kisses
nothing too expensive but it’s the sentimental thought that counts
as for party games or activities i think bo would be into the cuter ones like gingerbread houses or just baking in general 
not that he knows how to bake but he likes to help you make cookies okay
(by help i mean he’s got his arms wrapped around your waist and chin on your shoulder and watching you bake and occasionally handing you things)
he’d sweep you under the mistletoe and kiss you until you both started laughing
picking you up he’d carry you off to the bedroom, sharing a chuckle with you for no other reason than just how in love he is with you
and then he’d quiet down and make the slowest, sweetest love to you 🥺
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alright the next boy is the lovely oikawa!
feel like he isn’t the BIGGEST holiday person
for no reason i just think he’d be like “eh it’s another day”
but that DEF changes when he meets you
his attitude starts to go from “it’s a Tuesday” to slowly looking forward to every holiday he can celebrate with you
especially Christmas because it’s the one day he can spoil you in gifts and you can’t really get mad at him
like bokuto tho, he wouldn’t be the most expensive gifts
he’d get a bunch of things he had noticed you spoke of or the things your eyes lingered on just a little longer than others when you two were out
def the type to wake you up with breakfast in bed 
like isn’t the GREATEST cook in the world but he knows how to make some decent food
and he makes sure everything is perfect for your holiday morning
he’d pull out your favorite sweater of his and he’d wear it all day
bring you warm fuzzy socks and his favorite sweater for you and a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate
his main gift is probably that one pair of shoes you had wanted for awhile but could never bring yourself to buy
or just any similar gift
for activities, oikawa is ALL about the games
he sets up every holiday game he can think of 
does that stupid thing where he wraps a specific gift in like 12 layers of duct tape and 8 layers of bubble wrap and 5 layers of zip ties
like is an ASS abt it but it’s always funny having to beg him to get a pair of scissors for you because he went overboard again
after gifts he’d pull you off to the bedroom and kiss you slowly before 
giving you all the pleasure in the world 🥰
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next is daichi! let’s just say....
daichi here isn’t into any other holiday EXCEPT for Christmas 
mans does everything for Christmas
he’s buying the decorations and hanging them up with your help
setting the tree up IN NOVEMBER !!
goes crazy with the lights outside too
like y’all are def known for being THAT house on the street just 
full blown Christmas lights
when Christmas morning comes tho, he’d wake you up nice and early (not anymore so than normal tho) and take you into the kitchen where he’s made the BIGGEST breakfast for you
i’m talking every breakfast food is out on the tabel and you can’t help but shake your head
cause who’s gonna eat it all? 
somehow you two finish up whatever you can before he’s moving onto doing some small activities 
he doesn’t go crazy with them but likes to do some stuff with you
somehow got into painting? 
don’t know how it happened but i feel like he sets up an entire thing in one of the spare rooms
and you two just paint the silliest things you can think of 
and at some point you two def play drunk roulette and try to guess what alcohol was what in each cup  
as for gifts the man is stupid when it comes to buying things 
he goes so overboard when spending money on you 
doesn’t buy like 15 million gifts but will buy you 3 or 4 SUPER expensive gifts 
and you sit there, opening them up and knew he would spend too much money so you also had to buy more expensive gifts 
that he would use everyday just because you paid for them of course
by the end of the night you two end up on the couch, cuddling under a giant blanket, and watching some hallmark Christmas movies smh 
and if you want something a little more exciting, because daichi is That gentleman, he waits for you to ask
and when you do? y’all don’t even move to the bed 
he’d kiss you all slow and dim the lights and let the movie behind you play out as you two focus on the more intimate parts of the holiday
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kuroo my baby.....my life....my heart I love him
mans is so cute during the holidays he’s just 🥺
baby boy doesn’t wake up super early at all
he’d wake up a little bit but you two know it’s too cold so you just cuddle in closer and fall asleep until noon
when you two finally get up tho, he’s sluggish pulling you out of bed and giving you a sweater to wear and that’s all he wants you to wear
pulling you into the living room to reveal his gift for you and it’s gotta be like a dog or cat or something istg 
you’d just walk into a new cat sitting on the couch just sleeping away and you just SIGH 
“kuroo...it’s adorable but this will be the 4th cat we have”
“BAAAABE it’s so cute tho 🥺”
so you get another cat lol Which is fine cause…..it is cute 🥺
can’t decide if kuroo would wait until night to get into the sexc or if he would just start the entire day off with little whispers and lazy sex and then it’s just all daaaaay baby 
pulls you into the bath together
like srsly would fuck you all day long as a gift too 
and god if it isn’t a great gift tho smh 
finally you both decide to get dressed and go out to any open place for dinner 
being too tired from the rest of the activities you had done all day
which is probably why you guys don’t play any games at all lol you just end up being too tired
so no traditional activities other than being bent over every surface in your house 
after it gets too dark i’m sure you two would just cuddle into bed, legs tangled up in a mess and just whisper all the things you love abt each other yk how it be 🥺🥺
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ushi doesn’t really see the desire of the entire holiday
like giving gifts and eating a good dinner should be EVERY NIGHT he thinks
Christmas eve you two would visit his family (cause uwu farm boi) so that way he’d have you all to himself Christmas day
probs has a tradition on like baking pie together or some kind of sweets
makes it a little competition to see who can bake the best pie tbh
you always win somehow
other than that he really isn’t into too many games?
he just enjoys your company and usually places you and himself in front of the fireplace and you two cuddle for the entire day
you read books and joke and laugh and paint your nails and do just mundane things together
at some point in the night tho he’d turn on some music and would slow dance with you in the kitchen 🥺
as for gifts?
that’s all i’m gonna say sjksjd 
ok ok but no this man buys you SO MUCH
like yeah he doesn’t see the reason to buy you gifts only for this one day (cause let’s tbh he buys you gifts constantly)
but for Christmas? he just..... “oh this is a thing everyone else does so i must do it too” but in the kindest way
buys you an entire new wardrobe because he notices you wanting some new shirts
buys you new purses or wallets or jewelry
would surprise you with a trip to some vacation home somewhere
like he is all god giving on Christmas 
lowkey would def surprise you with an entire new wardrobe just for lingerie and you can’t fight me on this
it makes you a little sad you only buy him a few new watches and new ties or whatever else he might have mentioned over a few lunches or dinners
he doesn’t mind tho since he’s literally all abt pleasuring you yk
for the later activities tho, i feel like he’d be more like daichi?
like def would bend you over the counter as you two cooked dinner or in front of the fireplace but he waits for you
waits until you’re calling for him to make love to you
and when he does? UGH
let’s just say he has you crying later 
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baby boy....baby....
much like kuroo i feel like he’d wanna make love ALL DAY 
wakes you up early just to have morning sex
after the third round you have to tell him they need to eat something
and tbh feel like he might lowkey forget to get you a gift until the LAST DAY 
like he def just bought this gift last night and wrapped it while you slept 
and tbh....it’s so cute of him to do that jkjks
he seems like the type to buy you jewelry or socks or both lol
like buys you a new necklace and some rings
def doesn’t try to talk you into getting a matching tongue piecing yk
also feel like he’d buy a new set of “bedroom toys” for you two to try out
and at first it’s like “of course he would” but you thank him later after using them
also a HUGE fan of ugly sweaters
but makes it a game to see who can MAKE the ugliest sweater like 
you will not see this man spend money on an ugly sweater but he will buy a bunch of ugly accessories just so you two can have fun making them
so it’s a tradition now that you two a week before Christmas begin making ugly sweaters
usually it ends up being a tie smh
feel like he would be into a bunch of other games tho
like the white elephant games or caramel apples and ginger bread houses
he just wants to spend all his time with you so he looks up a bunch of games you two can play 
he almost seems like the type to do puzzles? so maybe you two would work on a 2,000 piece puzzle together 
watch really old and bad movies together too
for some reason i feel like he’d be the best cook out of all the boys??? for no reason really i just...imagine he knows how to cook so well
so he def makes this big ass dinner of anything you wanted even if it’s not traditional food
like the one year you guys literally had PIZZA just because it sounded good
also talk abt snow ball fights and building all sorts of things outta the snow
and y’all can fight me on this............after a few years he’d be that cliche guy to propose to you and confess his entire heart out for you 
(of course you say yes becausae you’re so in love with him 🥰)
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httpjungkookcom · 4 years
break the bat 2 | (m)
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Pairing | jungkook x reader
Work Count | 6744
Genre | baseball player!jungkook, coach’s daughter!reader, porn with a pretty decent plot?
Summary | after promising jungkook a reward if he won the game, who are you to deny him that? and he’s more ecstatic than ever to receive it.
Index | sexual content, dirty talking, mentions of bondage, fingering, oral (female and male receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), multiple orgasms, over-stimulation, shaking, hair pulling, daddy kink, face fucking, more mid-sex love confessions uwu, ummmm just wild stuff
Warning? | there’s mentioned memberxmember, but it doesn’t do into detail. just in case that’s not really your cup of tea.
Requests | baseball player jungkook with feelings for coaches daughter? maybe some smut...jk…unless??? is there going to be a part two to break the bat?
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"Kook, wake up," You groaned, placing your hands on his bare chest in an attempt to push him away from you. He didn't react at all as he flopped onto his back, completely unbothered in his deep sleep. You smiled gently at him, cupping his face before deciding the incoming sun was getting too hot on your bare skin.
You didn't have to be at the field until around 9, your tournaments beginning around 10. You silently thanked whatever woke you up, the clock blinking 7:00 back at you. This gave you enough time to take a shower and get dressed, allowing yourself to indulge in the gentle floral scents that Jungkook personally likes. Walking back out of his bathroom, Jungkook hadn't moved an inch in his sleep, sun flowing over his golden skin. You wouldn't help but ogle at him, taking in every small detail that had previously slipped your mind. After a minute or so, you reminded yourself that you had to get dressed.
Jungkook's drawers were ravished as you searched for his Adidas, accompanied by a mustard stain that Jungkook has never cared to scrub out. It was barely noticeable, especially when paired with an over sized t-shirt that he loved wearing. Both pieces of clothes smelled like a faint, gentle detergent. Taehyung had told you that Jungkook had a sensitive nose months back, which you connected to why no scent was overbearing in his room.
"Kook," You tried waking him up again, getting no response in return. You finally succumbed to nagging temptation, walking over and cuddling up next to him. "Kook, you gotta wake up now. It's 8." You mumbled against his skin, shaking his shoulders lightly at first. This got you nowhere, causing you to climb onto your knees for more leverage.
After a few more, aggressive, shakes he slowly peeled his eyes open. "What?" He mumbled, voice groggy as he fought his eyes open. He propped himself up on his elbows, glancing around the room with a slightly lost expression. He must've stayed in that same position for 10 minutes, half asleep.
"Your tournament, get ready weirdo. Put some pants on." You laughed, sliding out of the bed and pulling the curtains open more to light up the room. "We have to be there around 9, so you have an hour." You explained, picking his room up slightly just so it's manageable.
"Wait a minute..." He mumbled, sitting up and looking around the room. "Last night, that was?" You could tell he was trying to figure out if it actually happened, searching for any signs of your clothes that would've been on the floor. His face scrunched up as he couldn't find anything, confusion was evident.
"What are you talking about?" You giggled, walking over to where his legs rested on the floor. You smoothed his hair our, bedhead causing it to stick up in numerous places. "Was it real?" You smiled, bending over to crash your lips onto his. Jungkook immediately smirked, reaching to grip your sides. He let himself fall backward, causing you to tumble onto him while giggling.
"So it was?" He smiled, pushing his plain black t-shirt out of the way to view the light marks spanning your neck. "Hm, round two?" He smirked as he grabbed your wrists, making some sort of an attempt to flip both of you over.
"No," You laughed, pushing yourself up and off of him before you had you pinned down. He cocked an eyebrow, watching you walk back across the room to continue cleaning up. "Shower and I'll get started on breakfast."
"Are you planning on joining me, babe?" Jungkook asked, throwing the blankets off of him and standing up. You fought back a smile as he shuffled over to you, a mysterious glint hidden in his eyes. "Come on, let's go take a shower."
"Get away from me." You laughed, staring at his bare body and slowly shuffling to dodge his open arms. You let out a loud squeal as he lunged for you, closing his arms as he tried to capture you. You immediately jumped out of the way, making a break for the door.. "Go take a shower nasty!" You laughed hysterically, running into the kitchen.
Nothing could prepare you for the sight of Jungkook sprinting after you, chasing you into the living room before eventually trapping you on one side of the couch. "Nasty?" He laughed, pinning you against the wall. "Do you want me to show you nasty?" He whispered against your skin, sliding one arm under your shirt. His fingertips gently traced the lace edge of your bralette, goosebumps spanning your skin.
"Jungkooookkk," You complained, pushing against him as he began to laugh. You could only pout at him as he pulled away from you, doe eyes narrow from smiling so hard.
"Fine, I'll take a shower. I guess I'll have to help myself though." He giggled, leaning forward to peck your lips in a sweet kiss. His face lingered for a second, breath fanning across your lips.
"Thank god you have a right hand." You teased, pushing him in the direction of his bathroom. He mocked you the whole time to his bathroom, putting extra emphasis on each word as he whined. You smiled, going into the kitchen to make pancakes for the both of you. There are two things that you learned, 1) Jungkook never does dishes. And 2) Jungkook never fucking goes grocery shopping.
"Jungkook! You have nothing to make breakfast with!" You complained, feeling as though your cute morning plans were crushed. You could barely hear his voice over the running water, only making out the words ramen and pizza. You began to seriously question your relationship choices.
"We can go out after I get dressed." He sang happily as he walked from the bathroom to his room. You rolled your eyes from the couch, glancing over Jungkook's collection of games and Funko pops. "What was the uniform for today again? Black jersey and white pants?"
"White jersey and black pants, black socks. You had a 50/50 shot and you got it wrong, kook." You laughed, waiting for any sort of snarky response from him. You could only hear faint laughing from the other room, figuring that he was busy getting dressed. You turned around as you heard the door click open, a dressed Jungkook popping out. "You look nice."
"Can't say the same for you." He smiled, gathering water bottles before heading over to his bag that lay by the front door.
"Asshole." You laughed with him, snatching his keys off the kitchen counter and making your way outside. Jungkook was still laughing as he walked outside, bag clonking quietly behind him as he walked down the steps. You could only smile at him, helping him throw his bags into the trunk along with a small cooler he always brings.
"Panera? I'm in the mood for an egg sandwich and sausage," Jungkook explained as he began driving, backing out of the driveway. "What are you thinking?"
"That you shouldn't eat heavy before a game." You ridiculed, jabbing at his ribs slightly. He only smiled at you, clicking the music on full blast before speeding down the road. The car drive was relatively silent, both of you tired from the night before and having nothing to say. Your heart swelled as he reached over and interlocked your fingers, eyes never leaving the road as he gently squeezed.
"...I'm still getting that egg sandwich." He giggled as he pulled into a parking space, turning the ignition off and peering over to you.
"You seem to be on cloud nine today." You laughed, raising a questioning eyebrow in his direction. He smiled in return, eyes crinkling at the corners. "Why are you in such a good mood?"
"I don't know, waking up next to you made me happy, gorgeous." He winked, reaching over to grab a handful of your thigh. You scrunched your face in fake disgust, smacking his hand away before climbing out of the car. Jungkook laughed as you slammed the door, following your lead right after. "Okay really, what are you getting?"
"Probably just the egg and ham sandwich and um...the mango tea maybe?" You shrugged, holding the door open for him, "Ladies first." You teased, watching him impersonate you while going in.
"We'll probably have to get it to go, we're running short on time." He explained, checking his phone that was tucked in his back pocket. You could only roll your eyes, watching him walk up and speed order your food. "Yeah, yeah. That's it." He smiled, pulling out his card.
By the change in his demeanor, you knew he wasn't going to let you push past him to pay. All of his weight was now flat-footed, meaning it would be almost impossible to move him. "Kook, why do we do this every single time? I'll pay."
"My treat babe." He smiled, getting his card and receipt back as he finished his sentence. "Go get your tea." He giggled, handing you your cup and brushing you off towards the beverages. You weren't going to win this argument anytime soon, accepting your defeat and walking away. You could see Jungkook waiting by the service area, standing patiently as they made your breakfast. After getting your drink, you shuffled over to where he stood and happily cuddled into his chest.
You smiled slightly as you felt his arms wrap around you, feeling as though you would easily fall asleep in his arms. "Kook, you really wanna win today, right?" You mumbled into his jersey, the material feeling weird brushing against your lips.
"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He asked, glancing down to you. This resulted in a double chin that made you giggle.
"Good thing, because that deal last night is still on." You laughed, his face contorting into confusion as he tried to recall last night. The look of relaxation was obvious as it flashed over his face, eyes narrowing slightly and arms tightening around you. "Hm?"
"Don't say that go grab your breakfast," Jungkook said, letting you go before nodding his head towards the counter.
"Are you eating on the way there? I'll drive because i'll probably wait until we get there." He nodded to answer your questions, digging around for his keys and plopping them in your hand. The ride was almost silent, the sound of Jungkook aggressively chewing filling up the silence. Nothing needed to be said, both of you otherwise content.
Getting to the field was easily the most stressful part, teammates, as well as opponents, staring the two of you down. Jimin's sly smirk never left his face, even as both of you walked into the dugout. "Why are you pulling his bag?" Jimin asked, raising an eyebrow at Jungkook who continued to inhale his food. "He's too sore?" He laughed.
"Jimin, be quiet." You laughed, walking over and beginning to smack his arm. He only laughed, never backing out as he reached up to pull down the collar of your shirt.
"Interesting discovery." He stated, causing you to laugh even harder before backing out of a fight you weren't going to win. "Anyway, you still owe me that smoothie."
"Of course, Jimin." You smiled, taking your designated seat on the benches. You always had the closest seat to home plate, allowing you to see if the umpire calls a bad strike. Jungkook immediately followed suit, plopping on top of you like an upset toddler. "Come on, get your cleats on and go warm up."
"Will you tie them for me?" He asked, peering up at you.
"Get off of me." You smiled, pushing him off of your lap and sending him to the dirty floor. Everyone giggled, all elbowing each other to get more eyes on him. Jungkook joined in, leaving you with his drink and beginning to get ready for the game. He shoved his feet into his cleats, refusing to untie them because he didn't "want to waste time."
"What are we doing? One lap and then stretch?" Taehyung asked, ruffling his hair as he rustled through his bag that was currently on the ground.
"Yeah, sounds good to me." Jungkook agreed, beginning to walk out of the dugout and onto the field. The team naturally followed his lead, all running behind him as he started. While there was absolutely no rush before the game, Jungkook and Jimin began to race around the field. You only laughed, the two boys' neck and neck as they tried to be first.
Jungkook only put his full 100% in when he noticed Jimin was ahead in the turn, now full-on sprinting. Due to his competitive nature, Jungkook ended up first in the dugout followed by a close Jimin. "You feel accomplished, big man?" You laughed over the clinking of metal cleats on concrete, both of them panting.
"Damn right." He laughed, spinning around and heading to lead the group stretch. The game was relatively uneventful, Jungkook's skill as a pitcher never fail to amaze you. His throws were consistent, Jimin easily picking every single strike dead on. You sat through 7 innings pretty relaxed, until the 8th where things start to get rocky.
Jungkook wasn't throwing like he had been the last few hours, release point drastically changing as at least 2 hit the ground before even reaching Jimin. He struggled through that inning, entering the 9th with a very bad attitude.
"Jungkook, come here." You mumbled, watching him rip open his bag in search of his gloves. He completely ignored you, rummaging around and in the process throwing his helmet. "Jeon, come sit down." You repeated, watching his shoulders finally un-tense as he walked over. "What's wrong?"
"They got 3 runs just that inning because of my pitching. Now we have to come up by at least 2 and then hold them. If we only get two, we have to make sure they get none." He stressed, leaning a majority of his body weight against you. "I don't know what I was doing, it's like my hands were frogs and the ball was a fly."
You laughed at the weird and out of place comparison, making him smile up at you. "Listen, I'm sure you were just getting tired. Maybe your muscles are reaching their ending point for today." You gripped his bicep, feeling the muscle tense and strained from throwing pitch after pitch. In the meantime, you tried to massage it out.
"You're good at this. Maybe you can give me a full body massage after the game." He hummed in your lap, letting his eyes close.
"Don't make me throw you onto the floor." You threatened, watching him open one eye to look at you. He immediately smiled, relaxing in your lap almost completely now. "Hey, you're up on deck next. Hit a home run for me." You jabbed lightly at his ribs, prompting him to sit up and pull his gloves on. He rolled his eyes, struggling up and shuffling out.
As he walked to the on-deck circle, he began to make faces at you. This lasted until the batter before him struck out, leaving him slightly disgruntled as now there were only two more outs. Jimin was on second with Jungkook up, meaning that there was a good chance Jimin would get home. Jungkook watched the first strike go past him, nodding his head before stepping out. You were at the fence now, peering out to watch.
"Crush it, crush it, crush it, crush it, crush it," You chanted, squeezing your hands together as he stepped back in. You swore your back was sweating now, eyes wide as he set up. The next pitch was going to be a strike, Jungkook swinging faster than he ever has before. You couldn't exactly register the loud crack of the bat, but you watched as the ball went flying out into the deep left field.
The dugout became alive, jumping and screaming as Jimin was running home. Jungkook hesitated at 2nd, deciding he was going to go for three as the throw was coming in. "JUNGKOOK SLIDE, DOWN DOWN DOWN." You screeched, vein popping out of your neck as you watched the slide.
It wasn't the prettiest, Jungkook's never were. But it got him there fast enough to be called safe at 3rd. You felt relief wash over you, shoulders dropping as Jungkook picked himself back up. You needed one more run to be in the lead, just one more and Jungkook was in a good position to be that one. The backstop was pretty far back, so if the catcher misses the ball Jungkook could easily beat him to the plate. As long as he didn't hesitate, he'd be there.
"Jimin, I can't watch." You mumbled, turning around and smacking your head rather aggressively into his chest.
"He's going to steal if it gets past him, look at his lead off," Jimin whispered, grabbing you by your shoulder to quickly spin you around. His lead-off was big, starting as soon as the ball left the pitchers hand. He also didn't pack down from the catcher, staying in the baseline even when the catcher threatened to throw. "He's stubborn."
"Yeah, tell me about it." You laughed, watching pitch after pitch goes by. You swear you stopped breathing when the ball went past the catcher, rolling to the fence. Jungkook also jumped, taking off full speed to the plate. He'd have to beat the ball there, diving headfirst into the plate. That dive was ugly, feet flying up to his head from his momentum. The catcher also ran over, covering the plate as well as slamming into Kook's body.
"What the fuck was that?" Jimin asked, dropping his catcher's mitt as he waited for the call. Both you and Jimin held your breath, umpire seemingly thinking for a few moments.
You both screamed, grabbing each other's arms and beginning to jerk each other around. Jungkook was embarrassed jogging into the dugout, clay all over his uniform and face. You laughed at him, brushing the clay off of his face and neck. "Are you okay? Is your head okay?" You bombarded him with questions, massaging his arm again.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay." He nodded, gulping down his water and walking to sit down for a few minutes.
"Okay, all you have to do is hold them okay? Take your time, breathe in between pitches, think before you throw the ball." You coached, watching as he stared at you with a soft smile. "You guys can do this. Jimin isn't going to let any past him, right Jimin?"
"Right." He nodded firmly, making Jungkook laugh.
"The rest of the field is set up perfectly too, best players that I've ever had the pleasure of watch-"
Jungkook smashed his lips onto yours, effectively shutting your rambling up. Your face flushed red, making you stare at your hands when he finally pulled away. "You're so cute when you ramble. You're starting to make me think you want this more than I do." Jungkook raised his eyebrow, getting up from the bench to grab his glove. You flushed more, having no comeback to throw at him other than shut up.
"Hold them." Is all you said as positions changed, Jungkook now on the field while the other team batted. You watched them warm up, Jungkook focusing on throwing strikes and Jimin focusing on catching every single one. You felt confident as the field got out the first two batters at 1st base, easily picking their infield hits off.
"Plays at one, let's get it." Jungkook smiled, shaking his shoulders loose before preparing for the next pitch. It was a strike, nerves spiking as Jungkook became more and more focused. He wanted to strike him out, his demeanor changing completely.
It was a full count, three balls and two strikes. You held your breath as he threw the last one, right down the center of the plate. A swing and a miss, the batter too confident in his abilities to hit a seemingly easy pitch. Jungkook glanced at you for a split second, smirk evident across his shit-eating face before getting surrounded by his team. There was a small team meeting before your dad dismissed the team, everyone, including yourself, huddled together to listen.
Jungkook stood directly behind you, not so discretely snaking his arm around your waist and pulling you closer to him. Taehyung glanced over to you two, a look of understanding washing over his face. He immediately elbowed Yoongi in the ribs, meaning that he won a bet with someone over the two of you. Yoongi wouldn't place a bet with him, leaving you to wonder what poor soul owed him money.
"I have nothing else to say, Jungkook? You want to add anything?" Your dad asked, glancing over the two of you with a look of approval.
"Yes, good game guys. You all placed your absolute hardest today and we came out on top. Coach, always, thank you for guiding us. And y/n, thank you for constantly bullying me to be better." Jungkook laughed, watching as you spun around to hit him.
"Seems like I need to bully you more than." You shot back, making everyone at least chuckle.
"But yeah, that's all. I'll see you guys Monday." Coach finished, walking into the dugout to collect his things before leaving.
"Ugh, Taehyung. Who did you make a bet with this time?" Jungkook asked, letting go of your waist to begin walking into the dugout. You could hear Tae cackling, face turning a slight pink. "I'm serious, how much did you bet them for?"
"I bet Yugyeom $100. He thought he knew your guy's relationship better than I did and I had to prove him wrong." He giggled.
"I called half of the profit. Double stamps, no take-backs." You quickly said, smacking the bench to finalize your point. Tae just stared at you, realizing there is no sense in arguing. Instead, he put you in a headlock and began talking about how you're stealing his money. "Tae! Stop." You laughed, gripping onto his arms.
He ruffled your hair one last time before letting you go, immediately spinning around to run out of the dugout. "Anyway...If I'm not mistaken someone owes me a milkshake." Jimin piped up, crossing his arms.
"Don't even give me that." You laughed, "Let's just go. You wanna ask some of the team if they wanna come?" You offered, making everyone shrug. While you guys did ask everyone, besides the people who already left, it was only you, Jungkook and Jimin going. You already knew Jimin was going to ask questions, just from his know it all attitude.
"So, are you going to tell me how it was or are you guys just gonna keep blushing at each other?" Jimin asked as you all sat down, milkshake in hand with an additional cookie that he suckered you into buying. You wish you could punch him from across the table, you do. "Come on, you act like I haven't been your friend for 4 years."
"Yeah? How did you know Jungkook was big? Lingering eyes in the locker room or-"
"Jungkook used to be insecure when he was younger so he showed me and asked for my opinion-"
"Okay, that's enough." Jungkook interpreted both of you, Jimin and you laughing yourself into tears.
"It was good, Jimin. Slept well last night." You laughed, stirring your tea around as you thought about last night. You could see Jimin and Jungkook glancing at each other, seemingly talking without even saying anything. "Okay, you guys don't have to do that. Acting all telepathic and shit."
"I was just thinking it must have been really good if you're wearing Jungkook's over-sized shirt and pants. You look like a crackhead." You honestly couldn't even argue with that call, only laughing as Jimin looked over to Jungkook, who was ready to disagree. "Look at your boyfriend, getting all puffed up at me." You only laughed, shaking your head as the two of them began to argue.
It was like a movie, sitting with a milkshake while watching one of your best friends and boyfriend fight over the smallest thing. You smiled fondly, watching Jungkook's face heat up in embarrassment as people looked over at them. "Okay, stop." You laughed, setting a leg across Kook's lap since he had raised from arguing. Jimin was smug across from the two of you, seemingly winning the dumb stare off they had. "So what about you, Jimin? You fucking or what?"
It was now Jimin's turn to flush a bright red, immediately being knocked off of his high stool. Jungkook jumped, eyes wide as Jimin was hiding something. "Who is it?" He asked, reaching over the table and beginning to search for marks. Jimin didn't recoil, instead, beginning to swat his hands away with a ferocity you've never witnessed.
"Who is it? Yoongi?" You whispered, watching as both of the men stopped their childish battle. Jungkook's eyes were wide, Jimin's were even wider as if you guessed it. "Oh my god, it is isn't it?!" You cackled, watching Jimin slump in his seat with a small sigh.
"Awe man, it's alright. We already knew." Jungkook immediately said, reaching over to smack Jimin in a "bro" way. Jimin seemingly relaxed, a soft smile covering his face.
"How is he? Is it good?" You smirked, beginning to slide your foot up his leg. Jimin blushed, smacking your leg away. Jungkook must've followed suit, Jimin slapping another foot away from him.
"You two are too similar, what? Was that a telepathic plan?" He grumbled, folding his legs under him. You all just laughed, dropping the subject as Jimin didn't feel like talking about it. You guys ate together, talking about whatever came up at the table, a majority was the baseball game and Jungkook's stolen home plate.
A small ding rung throughout the table, all heads being picked up and pointed to the sound. It was Jimin's phone, lying face-up on the table. You and Jungkook immediately jumped, searching the screen for a name. "Yoongi-Hyung!" Jungkook laughed, watching Jimin flush as he opened the text and read it. It was silent as you waited for a response, Jimin typing quickly before hitting send.
"I...I got to go. Sorry guys." Jimin blushed, beginning to gather his things and throw away his trash. You and Jungkook cackled, beginning to elbow and smack each other.
"You hear the Kook? Jimin's gonna get a dicking down." You whispered, just loud enough for Jimin to hear without unsuspecting ears to. Jimin didn't answer back, blushing in front of you. Jungkook and yourself cleaned up, leaving at the same time as the older boy.
"Just messing with you Jimin. Have fun." Jungkook laughed as you walked out of the restaurant, pulling Jimin into a hug. You followed right after, wrapping your arms around him and patting his back. "Bye Jimin."
"Bye Jimin." You smiled, waving as he began to walk to his car. You and Kook did the same, walking over to the seemingly out of place mustang and climbing in.
"About that promise," Jungkook smirked, starting the car. You could only smile as he waited for a response, eventually breaking into a burst of giggles as Jungkook got impatient waiting. "Ugh, babe are you serious?" He whined, making you laugh even harder.
"I'm just messing with you, the promise is still there." You laughed, watching as his eyes widened and he began to speed up. You were for sure over the speed limit, racing to his house that was maybe 5 minutes away at most. "Someone's excited." You giggled, tightening the seat belt as you normally do when he gets like this.
"You're lucky I don't make you give me head as I drive." He mumbled, a small growl escaping his lips as he continued to speed. Your eyes widened slightly, Jungkook immediately noticing and reacting. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He raised an eyebrow, his eyes shifting from the road to your reaction every few seconds.
"What? ...No." You stated, watching as he cackled at your completely failed attempt to even try and hide the way you felt. "Whatever! Just focus on the road before you kill us! You're so impatient." You whined, crossing your arms and beginning to pout unconsciously.
"Cute babe didn't know you were that nasty." He smiled, focusing on the road indefinitely now. The ride was silent, both of you focused on other things that words weren't exactly at the forefront of your mind. You both knew exactly what was in store as Jungkook parked in the driveway, both of you sharing a challenging look before climbing out of the car. He fumbled with the lock for far too long, making you laugh at him.
"Why are you so nervous?" You laughed, helping him with the lock. Jungkook didn't answer your question, a small hum the only thing you got from him. The door finally clicked open, both of you rushing in and licking the door closed behind you. Jungkook immediately pounced on you, impatience showing as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "Jungkook." You giggled into his mouth as he began to nibble on your bottom lip, roughly slotting your mouths together.
"Fuck." He moaned, walking backward and pinning you to the wall. A small moan escaped your mouth, hips bucking forward to make contact with his own. Your hands slid down his body, finding his jersey tucked in when you tried to slip your hand under. A small grunt of frustration came, followed by ripping the jersey from his baseball pants. "I'm the impatient one?" He smirked, helping you untuck it.
"Shut up." You mumbled against his skin, finally sliding both of your hands under his jersey and running them along his skin. Small whimpers fell from you, followed by content sighs from Jungkook above you. "Jungkook, can we-"
"Try again." He growled into your mouth, letting his hands run down your body. After a moment of confusion, you realized what he wanted.
"Daddy, can we go to the bedroom?" You smirked, giving him the best puppy eyes you could. He instantly caved, leading the way with you following close behind. He fell onto the bed first, leaving you to climb on top of him in a very similar manner as last night. "Seems familiar, no?" You giggled, sliding your hands under his jersey and beginning to hike it up.
He also smiled, leaning forward to allow you to pull the shirt off. He quickly pulled the over-sized shirt off of your body, throwing it onto the floor. "You look so pretty, baby." He smiled, sitting up to trace the marks on your skin. You blushed, wrapping your arms around his shoulder to kiss him deeply.
"I love you." You hummed, beginning to kiss down his jaw and neck. Jungkook immediately got comfortable on the bed, stuffing pillows behind his head to watch your movements. Both of his arms rested above his head, looking smugger than ever. You continued your way down his body, licking across his abs and exposed hip bones.
"Babe, come on." He warned, reaching down and gently gripping your hair in his palms. You could only smile, slowly undoing the belt and pulling his pants down. To save time, you pulled everything down in one go. "Oh, shit." He mumbled, exposed to the cool air and his hard-on hitting his lower abdomen.
"Yes, you are the impatient one." You laughed, answering his question from before as you fully pulled his pants down.
"Okay baby, let me see what you got." He smiled, one of his hands gently holding your hair while the other rested behind his head. You rested in between his legs, eyes level with his cock. You smiled up at him, licking a slow strip from the base to the tip. His head was already thrown back as you swirled around his tip, gently sucking him into his mouth.
"Daddy, you're so sensitive." You smiled, watching as his abs clenched after barely touching him. He didn't respond until you begin to sink onto his length, tongue flat against him as you took him into your throat.
"Holy shit." He whined, bucking up involuntarily. You could feel your eyes get watery, coming back up and sinking back down. Your pace started slow, speeding up until you were quickly bobbing on his length. Jungkook was sensitive to your touch, whines, and groans slipping past his lips as his hips constantly jerked up.  
"Daddy, fuck my face." You finally stated, watching as his eyes widened and he immediately reacted. You were soon switched position-wise, Jungkook's length hovering over your face as his arms held up his body. You could see his demeanor shift as he sunk into your mouth, a low growl slipping from his mouth as he began to thrust into your throat.
"You dirty little slut," He growled, one hand coming down to grip at the base of your hair. "Taking my cock so well."
A whimper came from you, vibrations felt instantly as Jungkook thrust deeper into your mouth, skin pressed against your nose. Spit dribbled from the corner of your mouth, coating Jungkook's length each time he sunk into you. After one last deep thrust, he pulled completely off. "Strip for me." He ordered, no room for questioning as you climbed to sit in front of him.
Jungkook watched intently as you ran your hands along your body, easily popping your bra off and playing with your boobs in front of him. He gave you a questioning look, urging you to move on with your show. You did, running your hands along your body to meet with Jungkook's Adidas. You slowly pushed them down, letting them drop down to your feet to easily step out. You were now left in your panties, deciding Jungkook may like to take them off himself.
"Come here." Jungkook smiled, opening his arms to let you fall into. He quickly flipped the two of you over, gently kissing you as he slowly sunk to your hips. "I love you." He giggled, beginning to slowly pull your panties down. You smiled as he laid on his stomach, arms snaking around to pin your hips down. He began to lick slow strips across your heat, using just enough pressure to make you arch up into him.
Gentle moans filled the room as he continued, picking up his speed and slowly introducing his fingers. "Are you gonna come on my fingers like the good slut you are? Just like last night?" He mumbled against you, making quick work of you. A loud whine filled the room, hands reaching down to tangle themselves in his hair as he sunk two fingers in.
"No, no. I wanna...come on your cock." You whined, letting your hips buck down onto his fingers.
"Hm, is that so?" Jungkook smirked, pulling away from you. You propped yourself up, watching him suckle on his fingers to taste you. "What if I don't let you?"
"Jungkook!" You warned, watching as he sat himself in between your legs, pulling your calves over his hips. He smirked, taking his length in his hand and just barely rubbing it across your clit. "Daddy, please fuck me. I'm on birth control, please!" He didn't respond, continuing to rub against your clit. You were on the verge of begging now, desperate for him. He finally cracked, easily slipping in with just how wet you were.
Your hips instantly jerked forward, pleasure shooting throughout your body as he buried himself in. Jungkook giggled above you, holding your shaking legs in his palms. "What is it baby doll?" He smirked, rubbing your still shaky legs as he slowly began to move. He rested your legs on the bends of his arms, leaning forward to place his hands on either side of you. You were effectively folded in half, Jungkook holding eye contact as he thrust his hips forward.
You could tell he was going to stay like this, watch every reaction on your face as he fucked you. Small whimpers fell from your lips as he began a consistent movement, the sound of skin slapping skin echoing throughout the room as he fucked into you. The eye contact was too intense, your head unconsciously falling to the side.
That was a mistake, Jungkook immediately letting one leg fall as he reached to grip your face. "Look at me when I fuck you." He growled, gripping your cheeks. You let out a small whimper, causing him to loosen his grip slightly. Instead of placing his hand back, he easily slipped two fingers into your mouth and began to thrust into you harder than before. You could no longer control your moans, spit coating Jungkook's fingers as well as the side of your face.
"Look at how dirty you are, only for my dick," Jungkook mumbled, thrusting harder so that skin on skin was the only sound registering in your mind. Jungkook let out soft moans on occasion, his eyes falling closed temporarily as he thrust into you. Your hands reached around him, raking marks into the soft skin of his back. His whole body jolted as you accidentally flicked his nipple, eyes shooting open. "Don't." He warned, instantly realized you weren't listening as you smiled up at him.
In a flash, your hands were pinned above your head. Jungkook seemed unimpressed as he gripped your wrists tightly, never stopping his thrusts for a second. "Jungkook...gonna cum. Gonna cum." You whined, thrusting up into his hips.
"Not without my permission, not without the right name." He smirked, letting your wrists go to get a better grip on your body.
"Daddy! Please! Let me cum." You whimpered, clenching around his cock as you fought off your orgasm. He didn't respond, sweat dripping from his brow as he fucked into you.
"Daddy, please let me cum. Please, I want to cum on your cock." You whimpered, tears threatening to slip from your eyes. Jungkook smiled, drawing circles on your clit and bringing you closer if even possible. "Please Daddy!" You cried, tears slipping as you were so frustrated.
"Cum baby." He smirked, fucking into you and circling your clit roughly to bring you to your finish. You let out a loud whine, hips bucking up as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm. Jungkook never stopped, chasing his own high as he sent you into over-stimulation. Each draw of his hips rubbed against your clit, legs shaking vigorously around his waist. "I'm close." He grunted above you.
"Cum, please daddy." You whined, legs uncontrollably shaking now and you clenched even tighter around him.
"I'm coming." He groaned, head falling as he bottomed out into you, body going rigged for a few moments. He smirked at you, pulling out and roughly shoving two fingers into your heat. A loud cry fell from you, head falling backwards as over-stimulation took a hold of your being. You didn't realize what he was doing until he tapped two fingers against your lips, willing your mouth open.
He watched in amusement as you took his fingers into your mouth, cleaning his fingers of both of your juices. He smiled as your tongue slotted between his fingers, effectively cleaning everywhere. "Are you okay babe?" He asked, moving over you to kiss you softly.
"Yeah, it was good." You giggled, legs shaking as he ran comforting hands across your body. He placed small kisses to your legs, taking you down from your high.
"You did so well for me, baby," Jungkook said, kissing your legs once more before searching for something to clean you up with. He grabbed a shirt much to your complaint, cleaning you up before chucking the shirt as far away as possible.
"You're going to be so sore tomorrow." You laughed, running your hands across his tensed abs and shoulders despite not working out. You could tell he already realized that, face scrunching up at the thought of walking around. He finally plopped down on you, arms on either side of your head as he began to kiss you. You laughed, kissing him back and lightly scratching his sides.
"I love you." You mumbled against his lips, breathing heavily.
He let out a content sigh, "I've loved you since I joined the team."
~honey <3
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ocheeva · 3 years
interview tag uwu
rules: answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
tagged by @queensbrother even though it’s been A DECADE cass how can u possibly need to get to know me better ily
- nickname: no people just. use my name. except @mishikaiya sometimes. her latest for me is chickadee which is literally the cutest but will it ever be a thing outside the bird trio? doubtful.
- pronouns: she/her
- star sign: probably yeah
- height: 167 cm. i don’t do american numbers.
- time currently: 23:49
- when is your birthday: at some point during the year. this is hidden lore only my mum knows bc she was there (presumably)
- favorite bands/groups: see this is why i’m the worst at this kind of thing because there are always these questions and i. don’t do music. generally. like i have made spotify playlists and shit i just sit down to listen to music approximately three times a year so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- favorite solo artists: well...
- song stuck in your head: this is getting awkward
- last movie watched: wait hold on i need to cry for a second over cass’ last movie being fatal journey... god that fucked me up. nie brothers my beloved. anyway it was I Am Mother. it was okay.
- last show you binged: new girl for the third? fourth? time. i live alone and don’t really have conversations at my job so i keep sitcoms on in the background so i get to hear human voices! yes i’m very emotionally stable how did you know. last show i binged and actually paid attention to was word of honor.
- when you created your blog: this one? 2013. my first one was made in 2009
- last thing you googled: something about han dynasty art because fic research lmao  
- other blogs:  i only actively maintain @qinghe-s atm but i also have @masseffectcaps and a few other fandom sideblogs like @celestecraft which used to be hot shit on mineblr. others are only shared with people i love.
- why you chose your url: the first time i played the elder scrolls iv: oblivion i fell in love w ocheeva SO FAST and she’s still my favourite. i don’t have an argonian kink but if i did it would be because of her. she's sweet and caring AND she’s a skilled assassin?? get you a girl who can do both, damn
- do you get asks: no bc the messaging system exists. my fandom blogs get them on occasion although people favour the messaging system there too
- how many people are you following: 257
- how many followers do you have: like a thousand. my most popular blog has 10k which is insane quite frankly. 
- average hours of sleep: i legitimately do not have an average, it’s either like four or at least twelve
- lucky number: not... really. i like multiples of five bc i have ocd and other numbers are generally uncomfortable. i don’t mind seven fsr (but only as a singular digit. idk, my brain does Not make sense)
- instruments: i played the flute as a kid but i assure you i am the least musical person you’ve ever met
- what I’m currently wearing: black leggings, black top, black sweater. my socks are pink though! fashun
- dream job: i simply do not dream of labour. i enjoy teaching to an extent and working for bethesda would be sick i guess but
- dream trip: svalbard. i’ve wanted to visit china for years (i had a layover at a chinese airport when i went to visit cass in straya and part of me was like YES finally! but it was also miserable bc worst flight of my liiiiife god). legitimate actual dream trip though? a couple of weeks alone in venice. i’ve been once but it was a school trip when i studied architecture in high school (like you do in waldorf schools! pretentious as hell) so my classmates ruined the vibe. i snuck away a lot and made my teacher angry when no one knew where i was but it was worth it. i constantly think about going back and spending hours in the narrow alleys and beautiful churches and sitting outside palazzo ducale and being moved to literal tears over the architecture. ugh.
- favorite food: lamb steak w garlic cloves... also cheese. all the cheese. any kind of cheese.
- favorite song: i thought we went over this
- top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: okay first of all animal crossing OBVIOUSLY. gotta marry tom nook. second... god. star trek because while i will absolutely shit-talk starfleet any day of the week the star trek universe is superior to any other because it has JANEWAY. and also space. and alien ladies. but mainly janeway. i would put so much effort into joining starfleet and being good at my job so i could maybe serve on the same ship as her and make quiet heart eyes if we crossed each other in the corridors. EDIT: lol i got so wrapped up in star trek i forgot about a third huh! obviously i’d want to live in dream valley with the little ponies. the original ponies. i’d hang out with wind whistler and tell her i love her all the time, especially when she uses words the other ponies don’t understand. autistic queen, love of my life, etc. bonus fourth: mass effect. space. biotics! possibly a buff asari girlfriend... or the krogan romance bioware continues to deny me
TAGGING: jesus. okay you know what. i’m picking five people who show up in my notes fairly regularly because we should be friends. so: @filantestar @sidhe-solais @briars-glenn @sarahstreep7 @roddaprime ♡
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ughseoks · 5 years
lawnmowers & lemonade | jjk
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— pairing; jungkook x reader
— genre; fluff, best friends to lovers (kinda)
— word count; 1.7k
— warnings; none, super soft flower crown making uwu
— summary; you and your family are new in town, and a cute boy named jungkook mows your lawn every week. he quickly becomes your best friend, and by the end of the summer, the two of you may end up being be even more than that.
— masterlist —
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Every Saturday night, you double checked your alarm set for 7 o’clock Sunday morning. Why, some may ask? Well... the truth was, in all honesty, a bit embarrassing.
A really, really cute boy came to mow your lawn every Sunday morning.
Yes, you knew it was a bit stalkerish, but you couldn’t help how you felt about the situation. You’d moved across the country to the small town at the beginning of the summer for your dad’s promotion. Ever since he hired the boy to come around and mow once a week, you hadn’t been able to get the image of his chocolate curls and adorable bunny smile out of your head. Whenever he showed up, you’d sneak glances through your window that faced the front yard, trying to discreetly observe the enigma that was Cute Lawnmower Boy.
On one particularly hot summer day, you felt your resolve finally begin to crumble. The humidity had caused his normally wavy hair to become extra curly— a known weakness of yours. Unable to handle the butterflies filling your stomach, you pulled out your phone and called your best friend, venting to her about how cute he was and how it was such a tragedy that you’d never actually end up together.
“Y/N!” she yelled into her phone, “Are you kidding me? You’ve gotta talk to him!”
“Ohhh no,” you shook your head violently, glancing back out of the window nervously as if the boy could somehow hear her screaming, “No, no, no! What am I supposed to say? ‘Hey, nice to meet you, I’ve been waking up just to watch you outside of my window for the past four weeks?’ That’s so creepy!”
“I’m ordering you to talk to him. You can’t back out, it’s happening. If you don’t, I’m telling Taehyung that you had a huge crush on him in seventh grade. Good luck!” she chirped before ending the call.
You pulled the phone away from your ear, facepalming. She knew all of your tricks, and if you tried to lie when she called you back, she’d definitely see right through you. More importantly, you knew for a fact that she wouldn't hesitate to tell her older brother about your hopeless middle school crush on him, and that wasn’t something you were willing to risk. So, when the next week rolled around and the boy showed up outside your house at the normal time, you were prepared.
After he was about halfway done mowing, you grabbed a glass of lemonade and took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for what you were about to do. When you opened the front door, you were met with the sight of him lifting his arm to wipe the glistening sweat from his forehead, a sliver of his toned stomach peeking out in the process. It took all of your self control to not accidentally drop the lemonade you were holding right then and there.
“Hey!” you called, waving to him from your porch before walking over to him with false confidence, “I know this is super cliche, but it’s insanely hot outside today, and I thought you might want some lemonade or something.”
Jumping slightly out of surprise, the boy turned to look at you with wide doe eyes. He silently noted that you were wearing shorts and a large t-shirt, paired with some mismatching patterned socks. Your hand was outstretched, offering the cold glass of lemonade to him.
“Uh, y-yeah, that sounds nice,” he stuttered, taking the glass from your hand while trying to compose himself. “I’m Jungkook, by the way.”
“I’m Y/N! Nice to meet you,” you offered, sticking out your hand towards him in greeting.
Shooting you a smile, he gave it a firm shake. You tried your best to ignore how his hand practically engulfed yours. “Are you new in town?”
“Yeah, we moved in at the beginning of the summer,” you shrugged, “I haven’t really had the chance to meet many new people yet.”
“Well,” he gave you a lopsided smile, “I guess that makes me your first new friend, huh?”
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Jungkook had offered to put his number in your phone shortly after the conversation you’d had that afternoon. The two of you ended up texting back and forth for the entire day, somehow managing to organize an impromptu get-to-know-the-town tour (courtesy of Tour Guide Jungkook) for the following day.
True to his word, at exactly 11:30am, Jungkook was knocking on your front door. He hadn’t even dropped his fist back to his side before you were tugging the door open, a giddy smile lighting up your face.
“Wow,” Jungkook whispered, just low enough for you not to hear it. You looked incredible. A soft white shirt was tucked into your slightly ripped jean shorts; your hair was down, a hair tie resting on your wrist in case there was unexpected wind.
“Ready to go?” you chirped, flashing him a wink before hopping down the steps, pausing to let him follow you.
“Y-yeah,” he stumbled down the steps after you, “Right behind you.”
You had a wonderful time that day, walking around the city with an ice cream cone in your hand and Jungkook by your side. He pointed out various stores and attractions that he wanted to take you to see sometime, occasionally stopping to look inside of small shops with you.
Something about Jungkook made you feel light. His smile was like a breath of fresh air; his laugh lifted a thousand worries from your shoulders. The way his eyes twinkled with an unknown emotion when he looked at you took your breath away, a wave of butterflies erupting in your stomach every time he did so.
Jungkook must have felt that same feeling of right that you did, because before you knew it, the two of you were spending almost every day together. Whether it be going out for ice cream or binging hallmark movies in your living room, you somehow found a way to see each other as much as possible. You were each other’s best friends in a matter of weeks.
One morning after he’d finished mowing, Jungkook had opened his arms and wrapped you up in a sweaty bear hug, causing you to squirm in his grip as he laughed and squeezed tighter.
“Kookie! You’re so sweaty, let go of me! It's gross!” you grumbled as he let go of you, still laughing.
“Sorry, sorry!” he held his arms up in surrender, “Promise I won’t do it again!”
“We both know that’s a lie,” you pointed an accusing finger at him, letting out a giggle when he dramatically clutched his chest in mock offense, “You get too much pleasure from my discomfort. Anyways, I came out here to ask you if you wanted to go to the park with me later today.”
“You planning on proposing to me?” he grinned, trying not to laugh at the way your eyes practically rolled into the back of your head, “I knew you were in love with me, Y/N, there’s no need to hide it! After all, I am a handsome, kind, and funny young man--”
“Last night I was scrolling through YouTube,” you cut him off with a glare as he stifled his giggles, “And I saw this super cute tutorial for how to make flower crowns. Like, with REAL flowers. Isn’t that super cool?”
“Hmm… Sounds a little basic to me,” he pretended to think, yelping when you playfully punched his arm.
“You just don’t want to admit that you probably won’t be good at making them,” you shot back, knowing full well that he’d probably be amazing at making the flower crowns. He had a knack for… pretty much everything, really. It wasn’t fair.
“Well, now I have to prove you wrong,” he reached out and ruffled your hair, “I’ll pick you up this afternoon?”
You nodded. “Make sure you take an extra long shower. You stink.”
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Something about Jungkook is off, you thought to yourself as you plucked yet another yellow flower from the ground and began to weave it into the crown. Stuttering and looking away every time you tried to talk to him, he was almost a complete opposite from the way he’d acted earlier that morning. You wanted to ask him about it, but you also didn’t want to pry. After all, if he wanted you to know, he would’ve told you already, right?
“H-hey, Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice interrupted your thoughts, “Can I, um, talk to you about something?”
Looking over at him, you nodded with a soft smile before continuing your work on your flower crown. Jungkook fiddled with a blade of grass, looking everywhere but you as be began to speak. “Over the past few weeks, I’ve had an amazing time with you. Like, a really, really great time. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was this happy, ya know? You’re my best friend.”
He paused when you sat up from your spot on the grass, giving you a confused look as he glanced at the completed flower crown resting delicately in your hands.
“Continue,” you prompted as you leaned towards him, lifting your hands up.
He cleared his throat, flickering his gaze back down to his lap. “If I’m being honest, I’ve kinda started to see you as- as more than just my best friend. I was wondering if… if you felt the same way?”
Instead of answering his question immediately, you laid the flower crown gently on Jungkook’s head, adjusting it carefully as his heart nearly beat out of his chest. His raven colored curls warm in the sunlight, the darker color a stark contrast to the bright yellow of the flowers. Once you’d adjusted the crown to your liking, you let your hands slip down to gently cup his face, your thumbs rubbing back and forth over his pink-tinted cheeks.
The sun was sparkling in his deep brown doe eyes, and after taking a moment to drink in his beauty, you leaned down, gently pressing your lips to his slightly parted ones. His lips were soft as they moved against yours; much softer than you’d expected them to be. After a moment, you pulled away, trying to contain the excitement buzzing all the way through your fingertips.
“Of course I like you, Jungkook,” you smiled, giggling when he pulled you down into another quick, chaste kiss, “Always have, always will.”
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a/n; this was very fluffy and fun to write!!!! i love kook so much ugh
— masterlist —
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© ughseoks 2020, all rights reserved. do NOT modify, translate, or repost my works. modification, translations, and/or redistribution of my works on any platform is strictly prohibited.
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shikitsune · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @yuiaka. Thank you 💞 💞
Nickname: I go by a lot of nicknames by a lot of different people lol But my fave is when my mom calls me Sarastus. It means dawn.
Zodiac: virgo
Height: 166 cm
Hogwarts House: I've always identified as a hufflepuff and all the other quizzes assigned me as such but the official Pottermore quiz told me I'm a ravenclaw so.. Something between those two lol
Last thing I googled: "McDonald's menu" 😂😂 I needed to know what desserts they have
Song stuck in my head: Señorita by Shawn Mendes; Camila Cabello
Amount of sleep: It really really depends but usually between 8-10 hours
Lucky Number(s): 36. It's... an interesting story.
Dream Job: Actress or a playwright of some sort. I love performing and telling stories. Also singing.
Wearing: A long sleeved pyjama shirt with penguins on it and knee high wool socks 💞 comfyy
Favorite song: The forbidden question!! I like way too many kinds of music lol I sometimes just fixate on a genre or a song for weeks and then move onto a completely different one next month. People don't like me having the aux cord cause my taste varies SO much and I've crammed all my music into one playlist. Enjoy having to sit through heavy metal bangers and anime soundtracks all in one sitting.
Favorite Instrument: My voice lol I'd love to be able to play the violin or the guitar tho
Aesthetic: cutesy pastel animu uwu shit
Favorite Author: I don't know if I have like a... favorite per se? But I do love books made by Eoin Colfer, Debi Gliori and Karin Fossum.
Random: I have been singing my heart out for the past few days and it's probably annoying the shit out of my neighbors. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do to get the emotions out.
I tag: @stealthgrass @tobsioos @mbejus @beananium @temerstars @arsebandit-echopapa @etiainen @lepoerd731 @yukinyaminyato @rednite-dork
No pressure to do this if you don't want to ✨
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chbslove · 4 years
Teen Wolf as things i found in my groupchat
Liam: guyyyyyyys i have to tell u something reeeeeaaaaally important
Stiles, in the same minute: yea
Stiles: i'm here
Stiles: huh
Stiles: wow
Stiles: hello
Stiles: no?
Stiles: ok
Lydia: hey
Allison: hi 🍍
Lydia: nvm
Allison: why 🦘
Lydia: i wanted to ask u something but i remembered the answer to my question while i was typing
Kira: hey do u guys wanna meet up? :))
Lydia: bois
Lydia: boys
Lydia: whatever
Lydia: i'm shopping i can't
Scott: what the fuck
Stiles: bitch i'm cackling
Isaac: wtf is going on
Scott: i got a D- on my chemistry test
Scott: Stiles copied the whole thing off me and got an A
Isaac: now i'm cackling too
Cora: it's period time
Erica: what
Cora: cuz i'm bleeding
Cora: out of my vagina
Erica: does it hurt
Cora: yea
Erica: how much
Liam: [random picture of his feet]
Kira: i really like your socks
Liam: ikr they're awesome
Allison: i'm hungry
Allison: but i just had sumn avocado
Lydia: aw girl now i want sumn avocado too
Malia, two hours later: i wanna eat a horse
Lydia, on vacation: theres a cannabis shop nexx 2 our hotel
Boyd: Are you already on some of that? Your grammar is weird
Lydia: u can buy hookahs hereeeee
Boyd: Lydia i'm sweating please tell me you aren't smoking cannabis
Kira: how du u politely insult someone
Malia: ur a humanly human
Boyd: that's not polite, that's the heaviest insult known to mankind
Lydia: guys i'm going shopping again what should i buy?
Stiles: b a t h b o m b s
Stiles: t o i l e t p a p e r p e r f u m e
Scott: what the heck is toilet paper perfume
Lydia: i need more ideas
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n
Stiles: p e n s
Stiles: d e c o r a t i o n p e n s
Scott: Stiles what the FUCK are decoration pens
Stiles: i d k
Stiles: s o u n d s g o o d
Lydia: ok thx babe, please stop doing drugs and sleep instead, have a nice day
Stiles: t h x
Stiles: w i l l d o
Scott: something tells me u won't but alright
Scott: what did you get on your essays guys
Lydia: 98
Scott: what
Scott: how
Scott: Stiles you better have a low grade or else i'll kick u
Stiles: i have 105
Lydia: how in the fuck did you get a 105
Liam: what was your essay about
Lydia: we had to write an instructional essay about a mathematical concept we used this year
Lydia: preferably the quadratic formula
Stiles: i wrote 5 paragraphs on how to add single digit numbers
Stiles: 105 for creativity and accuracy
Lydia: youve gotta b kidding me rn
Stiles: i got the idea off a tumblr post
Lydia: i think im having a stroke
Erica: fuck off i don't wanna do school work in quarantine i've got enough to do already
Cora: wtf u doing we're literally quarantined
Erica: sleeping
Erica: bitch
Stiles at three am: W H AT 'S JE S U S C R IM I N AL R E CO RD
Derek: ffs stiles its 3 am go to sleep
Cora: why does my perfume have more curves than i do
Erica: why does the pineapple have more joy in life than i do
Stiles: why does everybody have more talents better mental health and prettier faces than i do
Liam: Stiles
Liam: are you ok?
Stiles: yeah totally anyways guys what are we doing today
Erica, completely out of nowhere: I HATE THIS FUCKING BITCH
Cora: big mood
Kira: hiii guys does anyone want to videochat?? :)
Allison: i have to take a shit later maybe
Kira: oh
Kira: ok
Erica: w h e e z e
Cora: guys i'm feeling down can anyone call me
Kira: yup hun i'm here
Allison: i'm pooping but alas
Cora: no Allison i don't want to talk to you while you're taking a shit
Cora: but thx
Allison: ... you're welcome
Kira: the smolest house in europe is 57 centimetres smol
Stiles: don't know where i'm gonna need this information but i'm pretty sure i will someday so thank u babe
Kira: uwu
Theo: fuck off how does charli damelio have 6 million likes on a tiktok of her drinking a slurpee and i can't even get thirty likes on a text post she's such a stupid whore
Stiles: thats because you're untalented, ugly and unsympathetic as fuck and nobody likes you
Stiles: including me
Stiles: get the fuck off our group chat you heinous jealous slug
Liam: slowclapinthedistance
Kira: guys what do you think of the drama bryce hall got into yesterday
Isaac: nothing
Scott: i'm a potato
Stiles: who the fuck is bryce hall
Kira: the holy trinity
Derek: okay, so we're meeting at my house at two o'clock. possibly/most definitely without scott, because he's not reading or answering any texts.
Stiles, twenty minutes later: i found a wild scott ima drag its ass to dereks now
Theo: idk i don't feel good lately
Theo: like i'm just mentally not alright and i feel down all the time
Stiles: ssshhhh erica
Erica: what
Stiles: do u want crack
Derek: Stiles for fucks sake stop trying to get Erica to do drugs with you
Erica: yes
Derek: wait
Stiles: YES
Derek: NO FUCK
Scott: that's it
Scott: theo ima throw u out of our friend group u are toxic asf
Scott: stiles i'm gonna put you into therapy
Stiles: BITCH
Liam: i'm gonna go to sleep now good night everyone
Theo: have nice dreams
Theo: about murder
Allison: i really want to go shopping anyone down??
Lydia: YES
Lydia: that's the spirit sis
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