#i guess jekyll has his reasons??
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poor Lanyon????
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echooefrost · 3 months
Next update anyone..?!?!
TW for Shirtless Jekyll (terrifying ik) and terrible humour
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uhhh that's it. Do I think anything remotely like this will actually happen? God no. But its it a mildly amusing idea? Absolutely. The mascara has literally no reason to be there other than I could do it and I did, because why not. JUST TRY AND STOP ME!! Also Hey! I drew jekyll some-whatley successfully!! I originally thought of drawing this with Green-eyed-jekyll having his clothes ON but then I saw Jamie's newest fanart and thought this would be 10x Funnier if he was just.. naked lmao. I think this is the forst time I've ever drawn Lanyon in his normal outfit... Huh. I don't know what Hyde would say if he was trying to woo Lanyon as Jekyll so all of this was just a big ol' guess.
this is all so silly... please no one take this seriously. I haven't posted in a while and felt bad so I gave in to the demon within, and posted this to the public. Mistake or Not? you tell me- (I'm going to regret this later) ALSO ALSO ALSO TGS FANS, I have artfight btw! it's HERE
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misseviehyde · 10 months
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“So is that stuff you told me about your great grandfather being Henry Jekyll really true?” I asked my best mate Richard as we sat in his room doing homework one night.
“Shut up!” he hissed, “I only told you about that because we have been friends so long and you got me drunk on my Dad’s Scotch. If he ever finds out I blabbed the family secret he will go ape shit.”
“But is that stuff about the Elixir really true? Does it really make you into a girl?”
“How should I know? I never tried it,” he snapped glaring at me. “We guard it because it’s dangerous to use. The only reason we even keep any of it in the house is in case anyone else ever invents it and we need to work out a cure. It’s a solemn duty passed down from Father to Son”
“Awwww come on,” I grinned. “You really haven’t considered trying it? Just think of what you could do as a girl…”
Putting down the book Richard looked at me in exasperation, “It has honestly never crossed my mind. You obviously have been thinking about it since I told you though. What’s on your mind exactly?”
“You know that hot girl I like Abby? She is at the beach today, but she won’t look at a nerd like me twice. But you know what I noticed? Hot girls listen to other girls. I was thinking you could take the Elixir and go tell her how great I am. She is sure to be interested in me then. It would only be for a few hours. Your Dad would never know.”
Richard shook his head angrily, “You must be nuts. My Dad has made it quite clear that I am never to go near the stuff except in an emergency.”
“Dude… this is an emergency! I am sick of being a virgin and I need to get laid. It will only be for a few hours. What harm could it really do? Besides you owe me for saving your life.”
Richard rolled his eyes, “That was six years ago and you still go on about it every time you want something. That car wasn’t even going that fast!”
I looked at him steadily in the eye. “Dude, please do this. I wanna see the Elixir in action and I wanna be with Abby so badly. Pleeeeeeaase!!!?”
“Fine!” Snapped Richard. “God you are annoying. A very small controlled dose shouldn’t be too dangerous. Follow me then.”
Having finally made up his mind, Richard was now firm and decisive. He led me into his Dad’s study and walking up to the bookcase pulled on a whorl of decorative wood I had never noticed before. It clicked and the bookcase swung open to reveal a small chamber.
Inside were dusty books - the fabled research diaries of Dr Jekyll. There were two chemistry sets, one old fashioned and one modern. And in a sealed aluminium casket were five carefully packaged test-tubes containing a light pink liquid.
Consulting one of the books first, Richard made some notes. “A single drop will transform me for about three hours and should not lead to a polymorphic imbalance.”
“A what?”
“Basically if you are ever stupid enough to drink a whole vial, it becomes a semi permanent effect. You start switching between male and female forms at random moments… even without taking more Elixir. It is what happened to my great grandfather. A single drop is safe enough though and the effects are temporary.”
Putting a pipette into the tube, Richard extracted a drop and raised it to his mouth. Then he hesitated and licked his lips nervously. “I don’t know about this… maybe it is a…”
Before he could react I squeezed the pipette bulb and a big pink drop glooped out and went straight into his mouth. Richard looked at me furiously and then shrugged fatalistically “Oh well… too late now I guess.”
I watched excitedly… but nothing happened. “Dude it isn’t working, I knew it was fake,” I hissed disappointingly.
“Be patient,” he sighed. “A small dose like this takes time to kick in. Besides… have you seen my hair? I can feel it tingling so something must be happening.”
I looked at Richard and gasped. He was right. As I watched his hair was lightening and growing blonder by the second. It was now strawberry blonde and the tips had started to curl and push out.
“Oh shit - here I go,” he groaned suddenly gripping his stomach and doubling up. I felt the grin fade from my face as I heard his bones cracking and wet fleshy sounds emerging from his body as he gripped himself and hunched down.
“Holy shit dude - I would never have made you take this stuff if I had thought it was gonna harm you…” I cried running to his side.
“Ahhhh no.. nooooo it’s okay… it feels wonderful!” laughed Richard suddenly throwing back his head with an ecstatic giggle and I could see his teeth bared in a rictus of pleasure as his skin softened and shifted across his face.
“Oooh I can feel myself getting girlier by the moment and it feels awesome,” he purred… his deep voice suddenly unbreaking and rising several octaves as his adam's apple sucked in and his arms and legs grew thinner. He was visibly shorter and slimmer now and his hair had continued to grow, now hanging down past his shoulders in a soft blonde wave.
“Mmmmmh Dad lied to me… he never told me it would feel this nice to transform,” murmured Richard as his features softened and his new bee stung lips curved into a dreamy smile. I could see that the front of his oversized t shirt was now bulging slightly with his perky breasts and there were definite curves going on that were making me a little turned on to be honest.
The changes began to slow and Richard stood up, his trousers dropping from his tiny waist to reveal a pair of smooth tanned legs and dainty feet. His waist was tiny, but with curvy hips and his tummy soft and flat as a washboard. Luckily his boxer shorts stayed up - but it was pretty clear there was no bulge inside and he was now flat fronted. He was all girl now.
“I think it’s over,” muttered Richard in amazement as he examined himself and brushed his long blonde hair out of his eyes. “It isn’t anything like my Dad said - I feel wonderful… why would he not want to try this? Maybe he secretly has and he is just jealous to share the power. Well too bad because now I am getting a taste and I think I like it!”
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I was now looking at a very cute and attractive girl about my own age, with a slim perky figure… a nice pair of tits and a soft pert backside. She had clear blue, and slightly mischievous eyes and was a blonde beach stunner from her tiny toes up to her pretty little nose.
“You are beautiful!’ I gasped admiringly.
“Well of course I am you idiot,” retorted the girl in front of me, “My grandfather designed this stuff to try and perfect the human form. It was supposed to bring out all the best qualities in a person , but he couldn’t get it to work for his gender. It always makes people into girls. Guess the male form is inferior or something. Gawd you really are dumb sometimes. I told you all this when I first mentioned it. Oh and you can stop looking at me like that you perv…”
“Sorry Richard, you gotta remember I only found out about all this recently.” I said, reluctantly tearing my eyes off my friends cute body as she played with her new hair and tried to make it sit how she wanted.
“You better call me Riley,” she muttered brusquely. “It’s my middle name, but I can’t go by Richard anymore. If Dad hears you call me Richard he will work it out. I always hated it, thought it sounded too girly… but it sounds kinda cute now. Guess it is finally gonna come in handy.”
She finished fussing with her hair… it looked kinda good actually.“Well? What now?” She asked.
“I guess we go to the beach to find Abby,”
“Are you being especially dumb today or something?” Scoffed Riley as she rolled her blue eyes. “I can’t go anywhere without some clothes and makeup. No one is gonna believe I am a real teenage girl dressed like this!”
“Oh… I guess you are right,” I sheepishly shrugged. “Erm but how do we do that?”
“Jesus! This is supposed to be your plan… do I have to think of everything? Fine… we go to the mall. I can get one of those women in the makeup bit to give me a makeover. And we can buy me some clothes. But you are paying.”
“Fine,” I shrugged.
Riley pulled Richard’s biggest t shirt on so it went down to her knees. Then, hunkering down in the passenger seat of my car to avoid close observation I drove her to the mall.
As we walked through the crowds she carefully observed what the other girls our age were buying and wearing and then pulled me into the shops she was interested in. Then she would make me pay for what she wanted. Boy was Riley bossy… I found it hard to say no to her.
“This is crazy,” I muttered an hour later as I stood in the women's clothing section of another teenage fashion shop and watched Riley flicking through the racks. She had already been for her makeover, had her nails done and already picked three different outfits and two pairs of shoes to wear. How many did she need?
“My allowance is all used up, so this is your last outfit.” I angrily told her. She just stuck her tongue out at me and deliberately grabbed a load of jewellery from a stand to stick on top of her purchases. I gritted my teeth. It had taken me months to save up $300 and Riley had just blown all of it!
“I’d like to wear these out… can I go change please?” She smiled sweetly at the cashier and I had to wait another twenty minutes in the car outside as she faffed about in the changing rooms.
Eventually she emerged and I had to admit she looked good. She had a tight pair of blue jeans on and a grey crop top tied up to show off her sexy waist. But what had taken so long?
“I have my swimming costume on underneath,” she grinned. “Sorry it took me so long. It was my first chance to check out my new body in private. We better get a move on… we only have about an hour and twenty before I change back. Let's go find Abby huh?”
This wasn’t working out quite how I had planned but now things could get back on track. With Riley in the seat next to me, I pushed the accelerator and we headed for the beach.
We drove to the beach, Riley’s feet up on my dash as she played on Richard’s phone and took what seemed like thousands of selfies.
“Get your feet down off there,” I scolded her, “What are you doing anyway?”
“Gawd you are like such a grouch today,” she whined, sullenly putting her feet down. “I’m just taking a few hot pics for Richard to enjoy later.”
“You talk like he is a different person to you,” I scowled. Riley smiled cheekily, stuck her tongue out at me and simply carried on. I wanted to ignore her, but it was hard. She was so fucking hot and I was sure I saw her smile every time I checked her out.
A short drive later and we finally pulled up at the beach and made our way down onto the sand. I could already see Abby relaxing by the water. She was wearing a sexy purple bikini top and was by far the hottest girl on the beach. God I wanted her so badly. Hopefully this would work.
I turned to speak to my friend and my mouth dropped open as all thoughts of Abby were banished from my mind. Riley had pulled off her jeans and top and I gawped at the incredible body she had underneath. Suddenly it was like Abby was the moon and Riley was the sun blotting her out.
Riley looked absolutely amazing in a sexy bikini set. Her blonde hair blew sexily in the wind and I could barely pull my eyes away from her amazing tits all pushed up and out for all the boys to see. She smiled at me and blew me a kiss. “Leave this to me hot stuff…”
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I sat on my towel and watched as she walked over to Abby. The two of them began to chat and after a while, whisper conspiratorially to each other. Their conversation seemed to be going on for ages.
Then suddenly my heart beat in my chest as they began to look in my direction. I was hopeful it was working until Abby started to laugh. I couldn’t hear what they were saying exactly, but the two of them were in fits of giggles and I felt myself redden with embarrassment.
Anger surged inside me as Riley sauntered slowly back over and began putting her clothes back on. “She says… no chance. Now drive me home.”
What had just happened?
We drove for a bit until finally I couldn’t take it anymore. I pulled over on a deserted bit of road and turned angrily to Riley. “What did you say to her?”
Riley giggled and smiled maliciously at me. “You want the truth? Okay. I told her we used to date. I told her you have a tiny cock and I told her you always ejaculated your pants before I could even get your cock out of your boxers, which is why we broke up. I have never laughed so hard, we really bonded over how pathetic you are.”
My mouth dropped open and I wanted to scream. “Why would you do something so mean and cruel you bitch?”
Riley shivered… to my horror it looked like a shiver of pleasure. “Bitch… oh fuck, call me that again will you… I love how that sounds. ”
“Are you insane? You are my friend… why would you do this to me?”
“I dunno,” purred Riley. “I’ve never been cruel before. It felt good so I did it. It made me feel so powerful and hot to destroy your chances with Abby and lie. I enjoyed being… being… ohhhh yes… being a bitch.” She looked almost orgasmic as she shivered in pleasure again.
Then suddenly her whole demeanour shifted. It was as if she realised she was revealing too much of herself and a guarded expression came over her face. She quickly shifted gear again and looked deep into my eyes with her sexy blue gaze. Now she looked innocent and vulnerable.
“Look I’m sorry. I know it was wrong for me to do what I did. Forget what I just said… the truth is… I was jealous of Abby. I only told her that stuff because you are too good for her. Believe me you can do better than her.”
“But there are no other girls I want. Damn it Riley, now I will never get laid!”
“Oh yeah? Says who?” purred Riley suddenly moving uncomfortably close to me. “Since I transformed I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I think this Elixir has totally changed my sexuality. I think I am attracted to boys and girls now. And guess what? You’re a boy and I’m a girl… here we are on this deserted street and no one is around. Who knows what could happen?”
“But you’re really a boy too… you’re Richard” I whimpered as my sexy best friend got close enough for me to smell her perfume. All anger and thoughts of the mean things Riley had just done were starting to fade now, replaced by more primal urges.
“Do I look like a boy to you? I’m a girl now baby and I love it. Forget about Richard, I’m Riley now and I want you.”
She was so close now her blonde hair was nearly touching mine. She was so pretty. I felt my heart hammering in my chest… I had never felt so alive.
Then suddenly we were kissing and her tongue was in my mouth. God but she was an amazing kisser. I felt Riley’s hand trail down my chest and fall onto my lap, the suddenly she began to pop the buttons on my jeans.
“No wait… we shouldn’t do this,” I gasped breaking off the kiss.
“Shhhhhh, I want… your… cock…” giggled Riley her eyes burning with lust as her hand snaked into my underwear and I groaned helplessly as I felt her hand wrap round my dick.
I was hers now and I gave up any pretence at resistance as she yanked my dick out of my jeans then bent her blonde head over and started sucking my cock.
“Oooooh fuck!” I gasped as my best friends wet pink lips wrapped tightly round my throbbing cock. I tried to banish images of Richard from my mind and instead concentrate on Riley. It wasn’t hard…
I knew this must be her first cock, but she didn’t act nervously or anything. Her hand snaked to the base of my dick and pumped the shaft whilst her mouth and tongue kissed the tip. She angled her head to make eye contact, sucking almost sideways so I could look at her beautiful face.
It was all too much - “Ooooh I’m gonna ahhhhh cum,” I gasped and suddenly Riley’s entire head was engulfing my cock as she sucked hard and I started to orgasm.
I felt my cum flow into her mouth, but she just kept sucking till the orgasm was over. Then with a wet slurping gasp she disengaged and sat up giggling.
“There… that wasn’t so bad was it?”
“You… you swallowed it all?” I queried.
“Mmmmh of course I did. Who’d have figured cum tasted so good? Abby told me she hates it, so she always spits… I guess some girls are just naturally sluttier than others…”
I goggled at Riley, her cheeks still flushed… she looked so wanton. “Abby?”
“Yeah… we didn’t just talk about your ‘tiny cock.’ She gave me advice on how to do a great blowjob too. I think she and I are gonna be good friends. Did you enjoy that? Not bad for a first effort hey? Mmmh I can’t wait to for my second attempt… oh and to try other things too.”
I felt myself getting hard as Riley suggestively spread her legs apart slightly and lightly brushed her hand down her top against her tits. She bit her pink lip and groaned. “You wanna fuck me?”
I was instantly hard again and my throat was dry as I nodded. I had never wanted anything so much…
Riley smiled and her hand went to her fly. This was really happening… I was finally going to lose my virginity to my best friend and I couldn’t wait.
Then suddenly her hand trembled and she squirmed uncomfortably in the seat. Then a stomach cramp hit her and she groaned and doubled up in her seat. “Ahhhhh… nooooooo…. damn you Richard, not nooooooow!”
“What’s wrong?” I gasped.
“Ahhhh the Elixir is uuuuh wearing off, I’m turning back into a boy. Get me home quick!”
I hit the accelerator and we sped off, Riley groaning and moaning in the seat next to me. Her blonde hair was darkening and the seams of her clothes were stretching and bursting as her face twisted and changed
I pulled up outside her house and she scrambled out of the car staggering up the steps and into the house. I quickly followed into Richard’s bedroom where Riley was desperately pulling off her clothes.
As she ripped off her top and bra, I was afforded a brief glimpse of a perfect pair of wet dream inducing tits… before they suddenly deflated and sank into her body. A light dusting of hair appeared across her body as muscle piled up and her small slender body began taking back on masculine proportions.
Riley ripped off her jeans and I looked away embarrassed as I caught a brief glimpse of a tiny dick between her legs starting to swell and grow. Her voice was breaking and she threw back her head with a groan as her features morphed back into Richard’s and his body stabilized
“Ohhhh fuck, what a rush” he mumbled dizzily staggering towards his bed and then with a sigh collapsing onto it.
I ran over, but he was already snoring… the transformation back into his usual self leaving him virtually comatose and completely drained.
I tidied up Riley’s clothes… my hands lingering for a moment on her bra and panties… then I hid them under the bed. Pulling the cover over my friend, I couldn’t believe moments ago this had been the hot blonde girl who had sucked my dick.
If only the Elixir had lasted a little longer then I could have finally lost my virginity. I wanted Riley so badly, all thoughts of Abby were gone. I wanted to bury myself in her body and feel her moan as I fucked her. I needed her.
Picking up my friends phone I transferred the pictures of Riley she had taken in my car earlier that day to my own phone and left him to sleep off his transformation.
As I looked at the pictures of the smirking blonde hottie on my phone I felt my cock twitch. Fuck, I was gonna jerk off so much to these photos. I felt like Riley had entered my soul and possessed my senses… I needed her so badly now. I almost seemed to hear her voice giggling in my ear.
Something told me I hadn’t seen the last of Riley yet…
I awoke from a hot steamy dream about Riley sucking me off to a massive morning hard-on and the buzzing of my phone near my ear. It was Sunday and it was 9am… I must have slept right through.
I picked up my mobile and blearily looked at the screen. It was Richard.
I hesitated… this was a conversation I had been dreading. Now that he was back to being a boy, how would we ever go back to our normal relationship after he had sucked my cock?
On the other hand I couldn’t ignore him forever, I decided I better answer it.
Richard answered… he sounded tired. “Ugggh it’s me. My head is still pounding. Dude, what happened yesterday? I woke up passed out on my bed with makeup all over my face. Did you get with Abby? Did it work?”
“You mean you don’t remember?”
“Maybe something. Just flashes. It all goes a bit blurry. I remember going shopping… I remember going to the beach… then it gets really hard. After that it's just feelings of pleasure and euphoria. It is like being high on drugs and drunk at the same time, it feels so amazing but like you can’t quite remember the details the next day.”
My heart skipped a beat. Richard didn’t remember… he would never know that he had sucked me off OR that we had nearly had sex. I didn’t know if that was a good or a bad thing.
“Look I’ll come over and we can talk about it,” I coughed, standing up and looking for my things.
“Okay… see you in a bit.”
I hung up and before I put my phone away I briefly flicked through my pics of Riley and felt my dick twitch longingly. She was so pretty… it was a shame I would probably never see her again.
I arrived at Richard’s house and went inside. I found him in his bedroom in a dressing gown rooting through the many bags of shopping I had hidden under his bed. His face was pink and his hair damp, he had obviously had to scrub hard to remove Riley’s makeup.
He was holding a skimpy g string and looking at it in a sort of sick fascination as I entered. Seeing me he instantly reddened and dropped it back into the bag.
“I don’t see why you are embarrassed… you could have fit into those perfectly yesterday,” I laughed.
“Not funny,” he grunted sullenly. “What the hell dude, why did you let me buy all this stuff? There are about eight outfits here… eight outfits I am never gonna need.”
“Well… you never know…” I began.
“No! Forget it. I can’t remember exactly what happened yesterday, but it would be incredibly dangerous to take anymore Elixir ever again. I should have never let you talk me into this in the first place.”
“Oh well…” I managed to force out, “I guess we can return the clothes to the shops… I still have the receipts.”
Richard’s eyes opened wide as I said this . “Wait… you mean you paid for this all? Why would you do that? Oh no.”
“What?” I asked.
“Look, I didn’t think it was worth mentioning yesterday. According to the research notes, when a person takes the Elixir they become incredibly charming and persuasive. Dr Jekyll thought it had something to do with pheromones. The more time you spend with them, the more malleable your mind becomes and the more addicted you get to their presence.”
I raised a whimsical eyebrow. “Oh come off it… that sounds like BS.”
“What… and gender transforming Victorian formulas are completely reasonable? Look, the control starts small… a desire to please and help the other person. Then it transforms into a sexual addiction and desire to please them and be with them all the time. Finally it becomes an almost slavish devotion and desire to serve and obey without question.”
I shrugged. “So what?”
“So I’m worried you were falling under my control yesterday… I didn’t think such a low dose would create the effect. Maybe you are particularly susceptible or something.”
“You are over reacting,” I snorted. “It was my fault you became Riley, so I wanted to help you out. That was the limit of it.”
“If you are sure thats all it was, then fine. But the point remains that things got out of control yesterday” he muttered. “Are you gonna tell me what happened?”
I shrugged, “Nothing much… just some shopping, we tried the beach but Abby wasn’t interested then we went back home so you could turn back.” He looked at me piercingly. For a minute I thought he was gonna call me out and accuse me of holding something back. Luckily he didn’t.
“Okay, if you say so,” he murmured doubtfully. “Go put all this girly stuff in your car will you? I need to finish getting dressed then we can take it to the store and that will be an end to it. Riley is dead.”
I gathered all the bags, makeup and jewellery Riley had bought together and ferried it to my car. Then Richard appeared and climbed into the passenger seat and we headed off.
We had only gone about half a block when a motor bike suddenly pulled in behind me and started tailgating me. He started gesturing that I should pull over and nervously I did so.
A tall black haired youth in biker leathers sauntered slowly over and I swore as I recognised Travis, Abby’s over protective brother.
“Well well well,” he grinned confidently. “If it isn’t the little maggot that tried to get a date with my sister. Get out of your car.”
I obeyed… Travis was not the sort of guy you wanted to fuck with. “So… Abby tells me you tried to get a date with her yesterday. What the hell is a pathetic little nerd like you doing snooping around my sister? The only reason you aren’t dead is that she tells me your friend… the blonde girl, said you have a tiny pecker. ”
Travis moved menacingly closer. “Which is why I’m here. I want you to do something for me… or I really will kill you. Abby said this girl you were with was the hottest girl she ever saw. I wanna date with your friend… Riley was it? And you better get me a date with her, or I’m gonna break your legs for trying to fuck with my sister. As it is… I’m still gonna break your nose…”
Then just to prove he was serious he punched me hard in the face and sent me falling to the floor.
Stars span and blood gushed. I felt hands helping me up and pushing a cloth into my face to staunch the blood. Then I heard Travis again. “I expect to hear from you by tonight or else I break something else.” Then I was put into my car and I heard Richard mumble something reassuringly into my ear.
By the time my heart finished pounding we were back at Richard’s house and he was helping me into his kitchen.
“Holy shit, I thought that guy had knocked you out,” gasped Richard tossing me an ice pack to put on my bust nose.
“If we don’t do as he says, he probably will.” I groaned. “You have to turn back into Riley and go on a date with him.”
“Are you nuts?” Snapped Richard angrily. “I told you no. No more Riley.”
“Richard, I need you to do this… you better do this!” I snarled.
“No… and you can’t make me,” he retorted.
My jaw now set and my nose still throbbing I swept out of the room and ran to the lab. Grabbing a vial of Elixir I ran back to the kitchen.
“Take it!” I commanded.
“No. Fuck you. Put that back at once… it's dangerous!”
“No… I need you to become Riley again… and if you won’t help me willingly, I’ll make you!”
With a yell I leapt towards Richard and suddenly we were wrestling. Keeping the vial in my hand out of reach I managed to knock Richard to the floor and pin him down.
“Yes… do it… give it all to him,” I seemed to hear Riley’s voice whisper in my ear and suddenly full of triumph I obeyed.
Uncorking the vial I poured it into Richard’s mouth and he gurgled as the delicious pink goop filled his mouth. “Nooooooo!” he gurgled as I forced my hand over his mouth and he swallowed it all.
Richard convulsed and I leapt back. His eyes rolled back into his head and he groaned. “Ohhhhhhh fuck… feels sooooo good!”
I watched in joy as Richard’s body began to change. It happened faster this time… blonde hair erupting, pink lips parting and breasts growing. Then with a groan, Riley opened her blue eyes and giggled. She looked at me through her long lashes and I felt my heart flutter.
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“Oh boy… Richard is gonna be so fucking mad with you. Mmmmh, you just gave me a whole vial… so it’s semi permanent this time.”
She sat up and grinned. “Well… I have a date to get ready for. Go get my clothes out of the car… this is gonna be fun!”
I stood with the empty vial of Elixir in my hand feeling a mix of guilt and excitement.  Richard hadn’t wanted to take the Elixir, but I had forced him to and now Riley was back.  What had I done? 
My heart was still pounding with excitement, but I had just made my best-friend into his hot alter-ego without his permission - what sort of a guy did that make me?  I hated that seeing the girl of my dreams had to be under such circumstances, I had wanted Richard to become Riley again voluntarily… not like this.
Looking up at my stunned expression with her inscrutable blue eyes, Riley jumped lithely to her feet and stretched her hot, young, perfect body.  She admired herself in Richard’s mirror with a grin, running her hands through her blonde hair delightedly and smiling mischievously at me through the reflection in the glass.
“Well you’ve gone and done it now haven’t you?  You brought me back, all just to save your own skin and get what you wanted.  Such a bad boy.”
Riley purred as she said ‘bad boy’ and I felt my dick stiffen almost automatically; God, she was such a hot minx. She seemed different this time, even sexier and more confident.  There was no suggestion, other than the clothes she was wearing, that mere moments ago she had been a boy.
Almost as if she were reading my thoughts, she ran a hand lovingly down her soft skin and shivered at her own touch.
“Ohhhh yes. I feel so fucking good, it’s even better this time.  I feel stronger, sexier and so much more delicious. Poor Richard has no chance of competing with this… being him is so boring. Mmmh, I’m horny and I think you deserve a reward for being such a good boy and bringing me back.”
Turning round from the mirror, Riley slowly slid Richard’s top over her head to reveal her perfect breasts and slender body.  Walking over to me she sank to her knees and looking up at me with her gorgeous blue eyes her hands started to fumble at my crotch.
“W...w...wait what are you doing?” I gasped, as her hands dived into my pants and pulled my stiffening cock out. 
“I’m going to suck your dick again… I enjoyed the taste of your cum last time and I want more.  Just a shame you aren’t bigger, but your cock will do for an appetiser.”
“I thought you couldn’t remember that,” I groaned as I got harder and harder, Riley’s small and perfect hands rhythmically pumping my cock as she spat on my dick to lubricate it.
“Unlike that loser Richard, I remember everything.  I’m superior to him in every way.  Now shut up and let me suck your dick.”  Riley’s pink mouth engulfed my dick and I groaned helplessly as she began to expertly suck and lick my cock.  I knew this was only her second blowjob, but she was like a girl possessed and as she made eye contact with me and her perfumed scent filled my nose I felt the first urges of a shuddering orgasm begin to build
It could only have been a minute or so, but it felt like an hour… a heavenly hour where I had never felt so good. Then suddenly, Riley intensified her sucking, her hands massaging my balls till with a moaning gasp I came in her mouth, my cum squirting out as she eagerly sucked and swallowed every drop till I was fully drained.  
“Good boy,” she breathed, licking her lips and standing slowly up.  Her scent filled my nostrils and she stood confidently in front of me, her legs spread slightly apart and a hand still wrapped round my now floppy cock.
“Did you enjoy that?” she purred, looking deep into my eyes almost hypnotically.
“Yes… yes I loved it.”
“And do you love me baby?”
As she said it, my vision seemed to swim and I almost felt my will being sucked out of me.  I hadn’t believed Richard’s nonsense warnings from before, but suddenly it occurred to me that maybe he was right… maybe I was falling under Riley’s control?  It felt so fucking wonderful…
“Yes… I love you.”
Riley smiled and shivered, seemingly getting off on the fact that I was under her spell.  
“That makes me very happy,” she smiled bitchily, “In fact it makes me so happy that I am going to help you baby.  I’ll get dressed and then you can drive me to Travis.  Don’t worry, I’ll get that horrible bully to leave you alone… now bring me my things, I need to freshen up and get ready.”
I went down to the car and retrieved all of Riley’s clothes and makeup.  Then she made me wait downstairs whilst she washed, showered and got ready for her date.  When she finally came downstairs I was amazed at how sexy she looked.  I hadn’t thought it was possible, but now she was even hotter than before.
Riley had lots more makeup on than last time and her tiny blonde body was pushed up by the sexiest pair of  calfskin cowboy boots I had ever seen.  She had a disgracefully short denim mini skirt on with a rhinestone belt around the rim and a tiny little crop top that barely covered her midriff or her arms and showed off the curve of her tits perfectly. 
“How do I look?” she giggled, striking a sexy pose and causing my dick to get hard again.
“I errr, I ummmm,” I floundered, not knowing what to say.
“Oh, it’s okay baby you can say it… I look slutty don’t I? Don’t worry, I think I like being a slut.  Mmmmh, it feels good to be uninhibited, unlike that pathetic dweeb Richard.  When you’re this hot and this perfect, why not flaunt yourself and enjoy the pleasure of being sexy?”
Strutting past me to my car, Riley climbed impatiently into the passenger's seat and tapped her fingers on the dash.  “Well… come on then, we mustn't keep Travis waiting.”  
I started the engine and we drove off.  My head was reeling… things were suddenly going far too fast.  What had started as an innocent and fun experiment to get with the girl of my dreams, had swiftly run out of control.  I wanted to stop and think, take stock of this situation and work out what was happening, but Riley’s scent seemed to fill my head and I couldn’t think properly.  This was still my friend Richard and I knew I should protect him, but now he had become this super confident and sexy girl, I couldn’t seem to control him… if anything, she was in control of me.
“Here we are,” grinned Riley as we pulled up on the street outside the Travis household.  “I bet he wasn’t expecting his date to be so soon.  I think it’s best that I go and talk to this bonehead, I’ll be all nice and sweet to him and convince him to leave you alone.  You better wait here, I may be a while.”
Clopping out of the car, Riley blew me a kiss and then strutting to the door of the house knocked.  I saw Travis open the door and his eyes go wide as he took in the sexy bitch on his doorstep.  Riley giggled and played with her hair.  I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but after a few minutes of talk on the doorstep - she stepped into the house and disappeared with the school bully.
I sat in the car waiting as ordered.  Minutes dragged by, but I waited. Riley’s scent seemed to linger on the air and I simply sat and obeyed.  Then minutes became half an hour, but still I waited, almost in a trance.  Half an hour became an hour and finally I began to come round as if from a daze.  “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered to myself. “She might be in trouble, I have to check.”
Climbing out of my car I walked nervously to the property.  If Travis caught me creeping around, he might attack me again - so I decided to sneak around and see if I could find a window and see in. I just wanted to check that Riley was safe.
As I neared the house, I saw that there was a large window at the back that opened out onto a view of the kitchen/living room.  Creeping closer I began to hear strange noises emerging from the open window and as I got closer I recognised Riley’s voice. Peering through the glass my heart nearly stopped as I saw into the living room and the scene within made me want to throw up in horror.
Travis was lying naked on his back on a large mattress he had pulled into the room. His huge eight inch cock was standing fully to attention and above him, her tight virgin pussy impaled deep upon his cock was Riley.  She ground her shaven pussy on his dick, making him groan as she threw back her head and moaned like a slut.
“Yes, OH FUCK YES! Your cock is so good, it’s so big and feels amazing within me.  So much better than that pathetic nerd cock I’ve had to suck up to now.” 
Giggling and moaning, Riley bounced up and down on Travis’ big dick and to my horror I felt myself get hard as I couldn’t tear my eyes away.  It was like something out of a porn film, she looked so good on his superior dick and I couldn’t seem to stop watching as she creamed repeatedly all over his dick.  She was moaning and gasping and before I knew it I had my dick in my hand and I was pumping it in time to every thrust into Riley’s tight pussy.  I began imagining I was fucking her, longing for it to be me.  It was so hot to stand here in the yard jerking off to Riley, she was so fucking hot.  I couldn’t believe what an evil slut she was being, fucking the bully and betraying me and Richard like this.
“Yes, cum inside me baby…” moaned Riley, grinding her hips like a pornstar and suddenly she looked straight at me.  I couldn’t break her gaze as she smiled maliciously and I realised she knew I had been watching her all this time. “Cum now,” she commanded, “cum for me... “ and I knew that she wasn’t just talking to Travis.  I groaned as my cum spurted out of my dick, almost in exact unison with Travis as he pumped his cum into Riley and she threw back her head and moaned with pure unadulterated lust.
Released from Riley’s spell, I urgently crammed my still dripping dick into my pants and hurried to the car.  What the hell was I doing?  I was a mix of rage and despair.  By rights I should drive off and leave the bitch here, I couldn’t believe what she had done.  But this was still my friend and this was all my fault, I couldn’t abandon him/her… whatever they were now.
After a few minutes, Riley suddenly emerged from the house and swaying over to me climbed into the car.  Her makeup was a mess and she grinned at me as she tried to sort her hair out.  “His cum is still dripping out of me, I didn’t bother to clean up - just put my panties on and left. You wanna see?”
“You bitch, how could you do this?” I snarled.
“I thought you loved me?” laughed Riley, batting her lashes at me and then laughing cruelly.
“Oh for fucks sake, grow up.  What did you think I was gonna do in there?  You wanted Travis off your back - well, he’s gonna be my new boyfriend so you needn’t worry about him, unless you piss me off of course.  He’s such a good fuck, and being the girl of the school bully will make me super popular.  I already have another date arranged with him and I can’t wait.”
“You’re insane,” I gasped, “You don’t even exist. You can’t go to school or have a boyfriend.  You’re really Richard and he’s not gonna want to date Travis.  This can’t happen!”
“We’ll see about that,” purred Riley. “Oh and I wasn’t kidding earlier, so I’ll ask again.  Do you still love me?” She leaned close and her scent filled the air. I felt the strange lethargy and lack of willpower I had felt earlier overcome me.  Her scent filled my head and I felt my anger fade.  If Riley wanted to fuck a guy with a big dick, who was I to stop her?  
“Ye...yes I still love you. I… I guess it isn’t my business if you want to have sex with Travis.”
“That’s right baby, it isn’t.  I know you’re just jealous of us, but don’t worry, I’ll still suck your average little dick.  Just do as I say and you’ll find things are much simpler.  You’re completely right though, I have a lot of work to do now ‘becoming real’.  We have lots to do and I’m going to need your help.  Now drive me back home so we can get started. I have an idea from something I read in the Jekyll instructions and I think it’s just what I need...”
I had fucked up.  No… I had really fucked up.
There was no other way of putting it.  I had turned my best-friend Richard into an evil man-eating slut… and now I was completely in love with her.  Riley was the girl of my dreams (or nightmares) and I couldn’t stop thinking about her.  Too bad that Richard and Riley couldn’t both exist at the same time. Or were they already the same person?  It was so confusing, Riley was like Richard in some ways… but each time she changed she seemed different… more ‘her’ somehow. She was certainly becoming more wicked, evil and bitchy with every transformation. I wondered when she would turn back into Richard and I felt my insides churn… he wasn’t going to be happy about all this.
“What are you thinking about?” purred Riley as she watched me intently from her the sofa and I turned to look at her.  It was two hours since we had got back from Travis’s place and Riley was reading through all the notes we had on the Elixir.  Right now though her head was lifted up to look at me and I felt my heart beat a little faster as her eyes locked with mine.
Her gorgeous eyes were still the same colour as Richard’s, but they seemed deeper, more compelling and whenever I looked into them I felt myself falling helplessly under her spell.
“You…” I answered truthfully.
She smiled, pleased by vanity and perhaps some other emotion that I couldn’t quite place.  “Good - don’t ever stop thinking about me. I like that you are obsessed with me. But enough navel gazing, come assist me in the lab… we have work to do.”
I felt a little foolish as we squeezed into the secret lab and Riley went to work with the alchemical apparatus.  She seemed to mixing up a new batch of Elixir, only this one seemed to have a subtly different tinge to it.  I handed her the chemicals and equipment she demanded and within an hour she had completed her new brew.
To my surprise, once she had completed the slightly lavender liquid, she didn’t drink it but instead dabbed it onto her wrists and neck. 
“I thought that was Elixir you were making,” I queried as a strangely intense smell filled the small room and I felt my head go dizzy.  It smelt like Riley’s delicious body scent, the one that always drove me so wild, but five times more intense and overpowering. 
“A close relative,” she smirked watching me closely and not failing to notice the almost euphoric state I was in.  “A perfume designed to mix with and intensify certain secretions my body already produces and massively enhance their speed and effectiveness.  Of course, you’ve already been exposed longer than anyone - but if anything it seems to be making you more susceptible.”
I could barely understand a word my Goddess was saying.  I just wanted to fall down before her and grovel and worship her.  
“Mmmmh, I like the way you are looking at me. Complete obedience, like you’re going to cum your pants for me.  This stuff really works, I bet I could make you do anything. Ooooh, actually why don’t you cum your pants for me?”
I groaned as my dick pulsed and I orgasmed, a simple command from my Goddess causing hot sticky cum to gush into my pants as she looked at me with wicked amusement on her face.  Riley smiled with barely contained glee. “Oh fuck, this is so fucking hawt.  With this perfume I can make people do ANYTHING! Hahahaha, no wonder precious little Daddy didn’t want anyone playing with the Elixir.  But it’s too late now Daddy… good little Richard is rapidly being destroyed and soon only I… your new daughter Riley will remain!”
Looking at me with amused disgust, Riley pointed towards the bathroom. “Go clean up your mess, take all your clothes off and come back when you’re done…  I have an idea.”
As soon as I was out of the room, away from that intoxicating smell… my senses returned somewhat and I felt acute embarrassment at what I had done.  And yet still I felt the need, the desire to do what Riley told me.  In the bathroom I used toilet paper to soak up as much of the cum as I could and then I threw it into the toilet and flushed it away.  Peeling off my clothing, I heaped it into a pile and walked back into Riley’s bedroom.
She laughed at me as I entered naked and then indicated her lingerie on the bed. “Seeing as you fouled your own clothes, I want you to put on my bra and panties.  I think you’ll enjoy wearing them.  Don’t you think you’ll look cute in my clothes?  I think this is secretly what you wanted when you came in your pants…”
I nodded, even though I knew full well there were clothes of Richard’s I could wear… if Riley wanted me to dress like a sissy, who was I to refuse?  Resistance was useless. My cock was hard again as I walked over to the bed and with shaking hands picked up Riley’s soft cotton panties.  These had been on her Goddess like body and now I was going to wear them.  They were so pretty and part of me was jealous I didn’t have a slim sexy body like hers to squeeze into them.
Indeed, her panties were far too small for me, but they stretched to fit… even if they did crush my balls a bit. My dick was still hard and stretching her panties out at the front. Sliding her matching bra around my chest, I struggled to fasten it as she watched amused from her seat in the corner as she picked up her phone and began taking photos of me.
“Well, well, well… what a little sissy you are.”
Leaning forward intently, I whimpered as Riley’s scent filled my head and I helplessly fell deeper into her powerful spell.
“Listen carefully to me, you are now completely addicted to wearing my clothing, especially my panties under your own clothing.  As long as you have my panties on, you are under my control.  Even when I turn back into Richard, when you have my panties on… you will still serve me. When you wear girls clothes you feel so sexy and slutty… it’s addictive and you want more.  You long to be a pretty little slut and have all the boys want you. Now tell me who you love?”
“I love you Riley,” I whimpered. “I will do anything for you. I want to wear your clothes and be pretty.”
“Good,” she giggled.  “Now I think it’s time for your reward for being such a good boy,”
We went into her room and we lay on the bed.  Riley straddled me and I groaned as she slid her hands around my cock and slowly began jerking my dick up and down.  It felt so amazing, but she slowed down and forced me to edge as I neared climax.  Just as I was about to cum… she stopped and I groaned helplessly as a tiny dribble of cum leaked out of the tip of my cock and my orgasm was ruined.
Laughing she took out her phone and took more photos as I lay there and she grinned at me
“This cock belongs to me now,” purred Riley evilly, “and you won’t cum unless I say.  You belong to me now baby, you’re mine…”  
“Now I want you to sleep and whilst you sleep I want you to listen to my voice…” I felt myself drifting to sleep as Riley whispered into my ear. Occasionally her hand would stroke my cock again, edging me and bringing me to the brink of pleasure before stopping.  She was murmuring something so delicious that I fell into the most wonderful erotic dream of my life.  That’s it baby, my voice is inside you now… your thoughts are becoming my thoughts.  We are as one… 
Slowly, I drifted into a hypnotic sleep whilst Riley whispered her delicious poison into my mind…  Hours must have passed, but eventually - a sound awoke me.
It was the sound of Riley moaning in of pain, and leaping to my feet I ran to find her in the living room.  She must have finished with me and gone out, who knows how long ago.  But now Riley lay on the floor screaming and arching her back as her bones popped and her skin shifted.  I watched in horror as she grew larger, her breasts deflating and her hair shortening.  Richard’s face pushed out as Riley fought to maintain control… “Nooooo I don’t ahhhhh wanna go back to being a stupid boy,” she groaned… but she was losing the battle as her fingernails shortened and muscles spread across her slender body giving her a male physique.  “Ooooh remember to wear my clothes,” she moaned with a final effort then she was gone.
I watched as Richard’s dick pushed out of Riley’s pussy and her voice lowered and broke till with a final groaning gasp, Richard regained full control and panting slowly he raised himself groggily to his feet.  For a second he was disorientated… then he was back in the present and very, very angry.
“You bastard… what have you done to MEEEE!” he screamed as his eyes focused on me and he saw what I was wearing.  “Holy shit, what have you done to yourself?”
With a snarl of rage he ran at me, and pinning me against the wall looked into my eyes.  “You forced me to take more Elixir and now I’m cursed! I can’t remember half of what that bitch made me do, but I do know one thing.  She’s evil and she’s getting stronger. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!”
With a heave I managed to get him off me and we stood panting looking at each other.
“Look at yourself,” he groaned, “You’re wearing her fucking lingerie.  You’re her fucking slave and God knows what she has planned for you, take that sluts clothes off at once and have some decency.” 
Do as he says for now… but when he isn’t looking put on my g-string. It’s there by the bed… I was wearing it before Travis fucked me.  
I groaned… I didn’t know if Riley’s voice in my head was real or not… how could it be… but it didn’t matter.  I had to obey it.  She must have fucked me up so badly whilst I slept that some aspect of her pysche was whispering poison into my ears… saying the things she might say if she was here.  I was so under her spell that she was with me at all times now.
Richard was busily putting oh his clothes and I grabbed mine, but before he could see it, I had slid on Riley’s g-string and had it on under my jeans before he knew it. They felt so naughty, riding up into my butt.  A little piece of Riley… corrupting me still, making me want to obey her.
“That twisted bitch could have anything in mind for you.” panted Richard.  “You have to help me… you have to help me destroy her.  If we don’t act soon, she may become so strong that… I’ll become her permanently and you’ll be enslaved to her forever.  I wish you’d never convinced me to take the Elixir.  But there’s still hope… lets go get the research from the lab, I’m sure there is a cure somewhere in there.”
Mmmmh, good boy.  You love wearing girls panties don’t you?  So much hotter and so easy for a boy to pull to one side whilst he slides his big dick into you.
Oh he is sooooo boring, purred Riley into my mind.  You’re going to help make him into me aren’t you? I can’t wait to get free again and become even sluttier. And I just know you want me to keep making you naughtier too.   I groaned at the thought of corrupting Richard again and again until only Riley was left… watching her giggle as Richard was destroyed and she became the Goddess I needed her to be.  Then she would corrupt me too and make me even more perverted… it would feel soooo good.
I could barely concentrate on reality, my head was so full of naughty cross-dressing thoughts.  My dick was so hard in Riley’s panties I could barely stand it.
Later on, you should put on my bra and my stockings too.  You’ll need to shave your legs first, but I just know you’ll love them.  Ooooh and there are some false French nails just waiting for you on my bedroom table. 
We walked to the secret room but what we found there was chaos.  Whilst I had been sleeping Riley must have visited the room.  It was trashed.  She had destroyed and burned in the fire any documents that might have helped us.  Others were missing and we had no way of knowing where she had taken them.  The Elixir was missing and the apparatus to make more, or any sort of cure with it.
“The only hope now,” muttered Richard, “Is to call my Dad and tell him about everything we have done.  He has been the guardian of the Elixir for a long time, I’m sure he will know what to do.  He’s gonna kill both of us though!”
I wasn’t really listening.  In my mind I could hear Riley whispering evil thoughts to me… thoughts that were so delicious to listen to… promises that were making me so horny.
You know why I wanted you to wear my panties don’t you?  I want you to wear all my clothes… dress up like a slutty girl because we both know its what you want too.  I want you to wear my makeup and be a slut just like me.. yesss baby, I want you to become exactly like me.  We’ve always been friends and soon we’ll be sluts together.  You’re going to help me corrupt Richard fully into me, then I’m gonna help you become a hot girl too.  
As I stood looking at Richard, I felt my head spinning.  Things were starting to get more twisted and I didn’t know if I could resist Riley’s evil offer.   Did she really want me to become a hot teenage slut like her, or was this just another one of her games to control me?  I should be helping my friend resist her, but she was making me come to her side and I didn’t know if I could stop her.
Don’t worry babe, you’re going to love being an evil girl.  It’s easy. We’re gonna have so much fun together.  And it all starts tonight after Daddy gets home.
I had a feeling that things were about to get a lot more crazy… but there was nothing I could do to stop it now… even if I wanted.
At the same time that Riley was inside my head controlling me, Richard seemed to be fully back in control of himself and completely back to normal.  We stood in his living room whilst he explained that his Father, the original guardian of the Elixir would probably know how to make a cure that could stop him ever becoming a girl again and that he needed my help.
It was only moments since Richard had returned, but I already missed my Mistress with all my heart.  I was her cross-dressing little bitch now and my only purpose was to ensure her dominance of Richard and help her become the blonde Goddess she deserved to be.  Such a good boy, such a hot little slut.  Soon you’ll get to know how good it feels to be a bitch… I promise - whispered her soothing voice in my mind.
I was barely listening.  My head was full of Riley’s whispers. I felt like a puppet being controlled by another person and the worst thing was, I liked it.  Under my male clothes I could feel Riley’s g-string and as long as it was in contact with my body I was aroused and susceptible to her desires.  She had programmed me - like a robot - and now I was hopelessly under her control, even though Richard was back to normal - Riley was still with me.
“Are you even listening to me?” snapped Richard as he walked up to me. “This is all your fault, so you could at least do me the courtesy of helping me out.  I need you to stay here and keep looking for where that bitch might have hidden the Elixir and the equipment.  It’s imperative that you find any hiding places and then put any vials somewhere where I don’t know where they are.  Otherwise she might take control of me again and make me drink more.  Each time the effects get worse… a few more doses and I might get stuck as that slut forever.  In the meantime I’m gonna go out and look for my Dad… he’s not answering his phone.  If he gets home before me, stall him and get me back here at once.”
Whilst Richard left the house to look for his Dad, the voice of Riley in my head guided me to Richard’s bedroom.  I found the floorboard she directed me to and prised it up, revealing a cubby-hole containing a single vial of Elixir and a small bottle of her pheromone enhancing perfume . The Elixir vial looked slightly different to what I expected.  The consistency seemed different and it was honey blonde colour instead of pink.  The smell of the perfume wafting from the other bottle made my compulsion to serve my Goddess grow and almost sent me into a trance.
Ohhhh, we’ll stall him all right. The only threat to us now is Richard’s Dad - Henry.  He knows more about the Elixir than any living person and he could create a cure to rid his son of me forever,  But - he’s still a man and he could be enslaved through our pheromones.  Then we could use his talents to make more powerful Elixir that could make me even stronger.  Luckily for us, I’m pretty talented too and before I turned back to that fool, not only did I imprint this version of me in your mind - I made you a little gift. Go get it
I made that vial using a strand of my sexy blonde hair.  It contains my DNA but it’s highly unstable and won’t last long.  Drinking it will turn you into a physical and mental copy of me for about two hours.  That’s right baby - you’re finally gonna get to know how it feels to be a hot girl. Isn’t that what you secretly wanted?  Once you become me, we can have some real fun.
I gasped and nearly cummed my panties at the thought of becoming Riley.  My Mistress wanted me to transform into her?  The thought of her emerging from me, of me becoming a horny little bitchy slut to corrupt and enslave Henry’s dad was so hot.  My hands were shaking with anticipation.
You see  - what Richard doesn’t realise is I changed all the numbers in his phone.  He thinks he is ringing his father, but he’s not.  We know the real number, so lets lure Henry to the house and then enslave him.  I’m relying on you here baby, so don’t let me down.  Once he’s here, set me free - you’re going to enjoy being me soooooo much.
Picking up my phone I sent Henry’s dad a text begging him to come home quick as Richard was in trouble.  It didn’t take long for him to reply and soon he was on his way.  Meanwhile I gathered some of Riley’s clothes and makeup and sat in the living room.  Put my clothes on first -  Henry won’t be here for a while yet and we don’t want to waste any ‘me’ time.
I shivered as I ripped off my clothes till I was only wearing Riley’s g-string.  Then I swapped out my underwear for a frilly pink bra and matching panties.  It felt so naughty to be putting on a girls clothes, and my cock was rock hard at the thought of what was about to happen.  The underwear didn’t fit well.., my larger body was stretching it out a bit - but I was confident that I could squeeze into the clothes for now.  Once I transformed, they would fit me like a glove - I couldn’t wait..
I pulled on a cute pink camisole and slid a plaid skirt on.  Now I looked like some slutty college girl and that made my cock leak as I shivered and pulled on Riley’s knee length white socks.   I couldn’t put her sneakers on yet - my feet were far too big - so instead I put on some of her jewelry and makeup - a cute pink choker round my neck and smokey eye makeup with pink eyeshadow.
I was putting the finishing touches to my makeup when I heard a car pulling up in the drive.  It was time. Okay baby - time to become me.  Drink up and see how you like being Riley.  Uncorking the vial of Elixir I eagerly obeyed and drank it down like sweet honey.  Instantly I groaned as I felt my body burn with an erotic fire.  I had seen Richard transform several times now, but now I knew exactly how it felt, as my insides squirmed pleasurably.  Yesssss, transform you little slut… become a bitch, it feels good doesn’t it?
I nearly orgasmed at the sensation of being a slut, I felt so good - so naughty and perfect.  Mmmmmh, this was so much better than being some dumb boy.
“Ohhhhhh fuck, yesssss,” I heard my mouth gasp as my body became smaller and the clothes settled more comfortably on my body.   Riley’s bitchy DNA was coursing through my body, overwriting me and transforming me into her.  I felt my lips curve into a slutty grin as I giggled and rubbed my shrinking cock through my panties.  Blonde hair fell around my head as I was corrupted and changed into a horny girl, my small perfect tits pushing outwards and Riley’s devious personality overwriting mine.  Yesssss, that’s it… you’re me now - you’re RILEY!
“Yes, my plan worked perfectly,” I giggled stretching sluttily as my fingernails lengthened and my useless cock finally sucked inside to leave a tight, wet pussy.  The voice in my head was gone now - for a good reason.  I was Riley now… or at least a version of her.  Of course I knew in my heart that I wasn’t the real her and soon I would turn back into that useless boy, so I had to move fast.  
“Don’t worry real me, I’ll make sure you win against Richard,” I giggled as I reached down to pick up the perfume and dab plenty onto my wrists and neck.  Soon I stunk of the stuff, but now I was a hot bitch, I was completely immune.  Anyone else who smelt it would be enslaved to my desires and my first target was Henry.
I only had time to slip my sneakers on and sit on the couch, before he entered and walked over.
“What the hell is going on?  I get some strange message from my sons friend saying he’s in danger and then I find some girl here. Wait… you look familiar… you aren’t… holy shit Richard, you didn’t take Elixir did you?”
“Ohhhhh don’t worry,” I grinned standing up and swaying over to Henry.  “I’m not really your son - so you don’t need to feel bad about wanting to fuck me.”
The smell of my perfume rose around Henry’s head and he moaned as he breathed it deep.  The effects were stunningly effective and quick too.  In a matter of moments, Henry was completely enslaved and I led him over to the sofa as his cock strained within his pants.
“Ironic really - all those years you guarded the Elixir and stopped anyone using it… such a waste.  You could have been enjoying yourself and becoming a hot slut like me.  Never mind - now you have me to make you feel better and help you enjoy the benefits, I’m going to make you cum so hard you’ll never want to fuck another girl ever again.
Leaning over the sofa I unbuttoned Henry’s fly and smiling slowly wrapped my hot pink lips around his cock - which had quickly sprung out.  He was a nice size actually and I grinned as I felt my nipples get hard and my pussy moisten.  This was going to be fun.  Henry moaned as I began to suck and lick the tip of his dick, more of my scent filling his head as he growled appreciatively and fell more under my control. I sucked and slurped, deep throating him and showing him what a slut I was.
“Ohhhh fuck, you little slutty bitch - you’re enslaving me and it feels so good.  Ahhhh damn that son of mine - he’s let things get out of control and now I can’t resist you… uuuggghh Mistress.”
“Shhhhhh, just relax baby and let me make you mine” I grinned popping his cock out of my mouth and coming around the other side of the chair.  “Now I’m going to slide my tight wet pussy onto your big cock.  As I fuck you - I want you to tell me how I can accelerate the Elixir effects to cause permanent corruption.”
“Nooooo, I can’t tell you that,” gasped Henry - heroically resisting as I slowly slid my sopping wet cunt onto his dick and with a satisfied purr began to ride him cowgirl style.  
“Of course you can darling,” I smirked using my sex and my powers to bend him to my will.  “I want to know how to completely destroy the male half and let the female half have complete dominance.”
“Uggghhhhhh, ohhhh fuck your pussy is soooo tight.  I’m in heaven.  Ohhhh Mistress - please forgive what I said earlier.  I’ll tell you anything. Continued use of Elixir without the cure will cause it, but if you want to accelerate the process - stimulating the subject sexually whilst giving them Elixir should work...”
I grinned as Henry spilled his secrets and then he spilled his cum into me… it felt so nice as it oozed up into my new pussy.
“Thank you Henry - that felt nice.  Now then go to your room for a rest.  Your Mistress will return soon to give you your orders.”  Henry’s cum still dripping down my thighs, I got up and walked over to the kitchen where I retrieved a vial of proper Elixir from where the other me had hidden it earlier.  I hadn’t dared leave it out in case the stupid boy I used to be got big ideas about becoming a slut, but as long as I was Riley - it was safe to hold.  Now I just needed to get this into Richard and bring him to the height of pleasure.  Then at last I would win!
“Hey - what the fuck is going on - I can’t find my Dad anywhere and then I see his car in the drive and… holy shit - you’re… you’re Riley - but how?” gasped a voice from the doorway and I turned to see Richard standing with a shocked expression on his face.
Strutting over I giggled and gave him a good view of my body.  “I can’t believe you wouldn’t want to be me Richard, I’m so much better than you.  You see - I took over your pathetic friend and turned him into me temporarily.  His mind is so soft now, I can program him to be anything. Once I’ve won full control of our body and he changes back, I’m going to make him into my slutty sissy bitch as his reward.  Oh and don’t think anyone else can help.  If you’re looking for Daddy - he’s enslaved to me now, just like your friend is.”
“I’ll never become you bitch!” snarled Richard. “I’ll stop you somehow,”
“Tsk tsk, don’t be so babyish.  It’s time to put aside your manhood and embrace the advantages that being a girl can give you. What you won’t admit to anyone is that it’s what you really want - but I know you Richard - I AM YOU… and soon you will be too…”  I pulled the vial of Elixir out from behind my back.  “So it’s time to drink up and become me forever… time to be a slut baby.” 
I ran over and barreled into him knocking him down.  The scent rising from my body didn’t seem to affect him at all - that was irritating. Maybe him being the original me made him immune somehow - even when male.  No matter,  I would have to win this battle through aggression.  Richard was bigger and stronger than me, but I was a wild slut and I wouldn’t let anything stop me as I headbutted him and he groaned as his head hit the floor.  
His mouth was open as I smashed him in the face again, then before he could react I poured the entire vial of Elixir into his mouth.  He swallowed reflexively and I giggled with glee as I slid down his body and ripped his pants down, stuffing his cock into my mouth.
“NOOOOO!” screamed Richard as I began to suck his cock and his transformation began.  I knew that the added sexual stimulation would lock the transformation and he would become me forever.  All I had to do was make him cum.
Richard was moaning and squealing, his body cracking and changing.  His cock was shrinking in my mouth but I could feel his cum erupting out as I sucked and sucked, giggling madly.  Finally with an earsplitting moan of pure pleasure, Richard began to orgasm fully and he dug his sharpened fingernails into my head as I felt his cock vanish and my own wet slit open between his legs.
I looked up, some of Richard’s cum still dripping down my chin, and gazed into my own sexy features. The original Riley grinned at me.  “Well done, I see my plan worked absolutely perfectly.  But now I think it’s time for you to go back to being a boy.  Now what was that trigger word - oh yes… WORM!”
The word seemed to burn in my ears and I screamed as my body shook.  Suddenly I remembered I wasn’t really Riley.  My sexy body was reverting back to normal and I groaned in despair as my cock pushed out of my groin and I lost all of my sexual powers.   Now I was just some dumb sissy boy with cum on his chin, dressed in lingerie and stinking of mind controlling perfume that was already having a warping effect on my mind.
Goddess Riley looked down at me and grinned.  “Poor boy. Only your betrayal and help has allowed me to win.  I have so much to thank you for.  It was you who created me and helped me grow by convincing Richard to drink Elixir. It was also you who taught me being a bitch felt so good by showing me how fun it was to control a boy.  Bit by bit, Richard fed my power till I was stronger than even him.  Now I have replaced him and it feels good.”
I whimpered as Riley advanced.  “Oh… but don’t worry my pet.  Now that my father is under my control, I’ll learn more about the Elixir and what it can do.    I’ll plumb its secrets and find ways to use my powers for my own gain.  And you - my faithful friend.  I think I like you being a slutty little sissy - but there’s definitely room for improvement. A version of the Elixir that gives you tits and a girls body, but leaves your little cock behind… I think that’s what we need.”
I nodded obediently as Riley stroked my head.  “Mmmmh, think I’ll call Travis round for a celebratory fuck.  Then we can get to work on your transformation.”
I could have resisted - I could have done something to stop her.  But I had learned the hard way.  Anway who stood in Riley’s way… well… they were on a hiding to nothing…  
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see-arcane · 10 months
And as she so sat she became aware of an aged beautiful gentleman with white hair, drawing near along the lane; and advancing to meet him, another and very small gentleman, to whom at first she paid less attention. When they had come within speech (which was just under the maid’s eyes) the older man bowed and accosted the other with a very pretty manner of politeness. It did not seem as if the subject of his address were of great importance; indeed, from his pointing, it sometimes appeared as if he were only inquiring his way; but the moon shone on his face as he spoke, and the girl was pleased to watch it, it seemed to breathe such an innocent and old-world kindness of disposition, yet with something high too, as of a well-founded self-content. Presently her eye wandered to the other, and she was surprised to recognise in him a certain Mr. Hyde, who had once visited her master and for whom she had conceived a dislike. He had in his hand a heavy cane, with which he was trifling; but he answered never a word, and seemed to listen with an ill-contained impatience. And then all of a sudden he broke out in a great flame of anger, stamping with his foot, brandishing the cane, and carrying on (as the maid described it) like a madman.
This bit is sticking with me in a way it didn't last year.
We'll see Jekyll's explanation for what he says is the cause of Hyde committing this murder. Maybe he believes it, maybe he's guessing, maybe he'll somehow believe there's a last fig leaf that needs hiding behind, even in the wretched condition he'll be in by the time of his confession. But looking at the details of poor old Carew laid out like this, I think I can spy a shortcut to a pretty good reason without just his word on it:
Edward Hyde saw in Sir Danvers Carew everything that Dr. Henry Jekyll could only pretend to be.
At least he leaps to that assumption. This is a story in which the impression of someone's character is always somehow visible at a glance--dreary but beloved Utterson, jovial Lanyon, respected but sly Jekyll, loathsome Hyde, odious housekeeper, et cetera--and we're to take the maid's opinion at face value. Carew was a stately old pinnacle of natural politeness and kindness. Aged, distinguished, self-content.
The point of Hyde's existence is to let Jekyll hide. To wear his own worst impulses as an outer disguise, free of inhibition or blame. Repression as physical manifestation, because he's so certain of his need to distill himself into two selves, the better to keep Jekyll 'pristine'--at least as presented to the world. Now here's Carew. Carew, who seems to radiate an intrinsic goodness. Carew, a happy old man. Carew, who is serene, who is at peace with himself.
No need of a 'Hyde' for him.
No shame.
Nothing to bury or let run wild.
Carew, for as much as we and Hyde get to know him, is only himself. Good. Kind. Needing nothing but directions, if you could point him along, sir.
Another strike. Sir Danvers Carew bowing and smiling to a loathsome little nobody like Hyde. This, when surely he has to have been disgusted like anybody else with sense..! Hypocrite! Liar! Fraud!
I think it's that very sterling regard that broke the dam in Hyde and let out the flood of verbal bile and violence. Insults and bludgeoning and a great childish fit--the kind of senseless viciousness of someone desperately flinging mud at the proof that they are Wrong, they are Lesser, they will Never Be Up to the Level of the Person Before Them.
Worse, Carew looks hurt even before the first blow lands. Not angry, not shocked. Just hurt. A final proof-positive (in Hyde's eyes) that he is as untainted and innocent as he looks.
So down comes the cane.
Striking the old man the way someone else might smash a mirror in frustration.
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quilna · 6 months
im not too sure if this is the right account to send this ask to (very sorry if it isnt) but i was curious if youd be willing to chat/ramble about your own personal jekyll and hyde version? i remember having a small talk with you on artfight about your jekyll and hyde version (im dragondog from artfight if youre curious) and my curiosity has been peaked ever since. i need to know more. your own personal jekyll and hyde designs and story seem so interesting but i rarely see you talk about them which i think is just absolutely criminal.
The sacred question has been asked - someone has asked about my ocs-
This is a perfectly okay account to ask this to! It's the closest I've got to a Jekyll and Hyde account after all.
Anyway, thank you so much for asking!!! This ask was gnawing at me in a good way for most of the day while I was away from my computer, considering what information to include and how to explain stuff. It was a lot of fun!
I'm also glad you found them interesting!!!
(Also going to say before I start is that my Jekyll and Hyde versions get very self indulgent which is why I usually keep them to myself so some factors about my story might sound rather weird or seem to come out of left field. Just a heads up.)
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So I guess the best place to start would probably be with Jekyll and Hyde themselves?
Like the book, the two of them are basically the same person. When Jekyll turns into Hyde and vice versa, nobody 'takes control', it's more like getting high or drunk where they're still the same person but still act quite different or think differently from each other.
However, they do have differing opinions on each other. Hyde, being a less repressed version of Jekyll, understands a lot of Jekyll's emotions better than him. He knows when Jekyll regrets something or cares more than he wants to let on. Though, as much as he can have these realisations, when he turns back into Jekyll, he tends to dismiss them as 'irrational' thoughts brought on by the potion and not worth considering (aka, the repression kicks in and he refuses to entertain any conclusions he came to as Hyde.)
This leads to a lot of frustration and concerns from Hyde. The knowledge that he has to turn back into Jekyll, whereupon anything he's realised about themself, anything that could help them both, will be instantly dismissed by himself the moment he turns back. No matter how much he writes it down or tells it to himself again and again because it's not forgotten, Jekyll just doesn't want to look at it. And he can't just bother Jekyll as a hallucination ghost like most adaptations. When he turns back, Hyde is gone. Like a stain of breath on glass.
This also leads to fear from Hyde towards his alter ego - If Jekyll ever decided the potion wasn't worth his time and threw it away, Hyde would be unable to do anything about it, would be the one throwing it away in fact. He wouldn't be able to scream or protest or anything. And he enjoys being Hyde. It wouldn't really be death but he enjoys being Hyde so much and hates the monotony of Jekyll so much that it would be like a death.
Luckily, Jekyll isn't planning on throwing the potion out because they do feel the same way and Jekyll enjoys taking the potion and being Hyde just as much (even if he would never actually admit that's the reason). The fear is still there though, ever present.
...I've gotten so deep into explaining their relationship that I have not explained anything else yet, whoops.
Both Jekyll and Hyde have some inhuman traits about them since the first transformation. Jekyll has mildly reflective eyes like a cat but it can only be seen in certain lighting so nobody notices. He also moves with a little too much perfection, a little too graceful, a little lacking in the usual human clumsiness.
Hyde, meanwhile, is just very off putting in many ways. For one is his eyes as shown by this diagram that I made for artfight. (Also his teeth, and his insides being green)
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His eyes change shape, a bit like a cartoon character. Other people can, in fact, see this and it is, in fact, weird for them. (He can also probably say <3 and everyone else asks how he just did that with his mouth.)
He also changes based on Jekyll's perception of himself and his 'evils'. This means he can get taller or shorter, or become more obviously monstrous or go back to just being a guy with an uneasy feel about him just based on Jekyll's opinions. If Jekyll starts to fear Hyde and view him as a threat, Hyde changes physically to reflect this.
Personality-wise, Jekyll likes to keep control over every aspect of his life, creating perfect schedules for everything that he's going to do in a day, timing each event down to the minute, designing contingencies in case anything unexpected happens. He can be friendly enough to other people for the sake of his image but he still comes across as rather cold and distant.
Hyde, meanwhile, is obviously free of all this and does whatever he pleases. He tends to be loyal and loving, to the point of being a little too obsessed, and is exceedingly open about how he's feeling. He's also incredibly truthful - he almost never lies about anything but will often fae-rule his way out of anyone realising the real truth. For example, he's very open about being Doctor Jekyll but nobody believes him because he'll just drop it into a conversation and won't elaborate or will elaborate in a way that just sounds even more like a lie. And, of course, Jekyll himself will obviously deny it, so...
Besides that, Jekyll keeps three lab rats, Noir, Spot, and Rose who, due to the potion being used on them, can also change shape like Jekyll and Hyde. As such, Hyde tends to take them with him when he goes out.
(Also, smaller headcanon but Hyde tends to repeat words or phrases twice, "Indeed indeed", "What? What?", etc. Just seemed like a fun addition.)
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Next, Lanyon.
Lanyon and Jekyll are on weird terms because they had a fight years back. After seeing Jekyll's science get more and more dangerous over the years, Lanyon was afraid that he would some day hurt himself in a way he couldn't take back or even die from it. After trying to convince Jekyll to stop for ages, Lanyon finally put their foot down and said that, if Jekyll didn't stop, they would leave.
Both Jekyll and Lanyon deeply regret the argument but neither of them can take it back. Jekyll is too stubborn to admit that he was ever in the wrong and Lanyon can't take it back because then they don't have anything else to hold over Jekyll's head to get him to stop.
At least, that was how the fight was initially.
After the potion was taken, Lanyon, who was very close to Jekyll's mad science experiments and was very used to seeing the signs that Jekyll had done something to himself, was the only person who noticed the change. Seeing Jekyll's new changes terrified Lanyon deeply because he knew Jekyll had done something but he didn't know what. Being a rather skittish person, Lanyon was too scared to speak to Jekyll after that, doing all they could to avoid him.
Maybe things could have continued that way with the two avoiding each other. However, after the fight, Lanyon came out as genderfluid.
They had been meddling with their own gender before in quiet but the fight basically gave Lanyon the midlife crisis moment they needed to go "You know what? I don't care about anyone's opinions. I've seen what caring about ones image did to Jekyll and I don't want to be anything like that."
And so came Hastie and Hattie, two names for the same person, just using different pronouns and names based on what Lanyon felt like at the time.
Jekyll, however, was avoiding hearing anything about Lanyon and completely missed this massive piece of information. Jekyll is also notably, very wrapped up in his own very small world and opinions (also, no internet). He has no idea that transness is a thing.
Hence, Jekyll believes that Hastie and Hattie are not the same person but, instead, brother and sister. Lanyon, meanwhile, who was so open and so gossiped about when they first came out, doesn't even realise that anyone could??? not know????? that they're the same?????? Everyone else knows! They don't even look that different!
This all cumulates in one fateful night where Lanyon, going by Hattie, and Hyde meet. The two of them get along like a house on fire, neither caring much for society's rules and both of them being in some way being shunned for their peculiarities. Hyde is much more outgoing and often pushes Lanyon outside of their comfort zone while Lanyon is more level-headed and can often do the planning and thinking that Hyde neglects to keep them both safe.
All the while, Hyde has no idea that he's talking to Hastie and Lanyon has no idea that they're talking to Jekyll.
Personality-wise Lanyon tends to be very down-to-earth and prefers to do things by the book for the most part. Though this is only for the most part - in terms of dealing with other people, Lanyon gets much more expressive, dressing wildly and often doing strange things like taking live geese into a dinner party. While this does allow them to express themselves in some ways that are beneficial to them, like becoming comfortable with their gender identity, some of these behaviours, like the live geese in the dinner party, are very much a way to push away the people around them, afraid of something going wrong after their experiences with Jekyll.
Until they meet Hyde, Utterson is their only friend (which Utterson is quite concerned about, often trying to encourage Lanyon to make more friends.)
Besides that, Lanyon is fond of gardening, collecting crystals, astrology, and yoga. They dabble with a lot of relaxation stuff like chamomile tea, incense, lavender, etc.
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Utterson, meanwhile, tends to be the most calm and collected out of the three of them, seemingly unbothered by most of what life throws at him and good at handling even the most stressful situations with ease. Not to mention, he has the most unexpected range of skills and knowledge. Whenever anyone has a problem, he's the number one person to go to for help.
However, for the most part, he fades into the background and tends to remain forgotten until someone needs him for something which leaves him lonely and often desperate for attention while being unable to get it. His work as a lawyer allows him to get fleeting amounts of attention, but it's not quite enough and that often leaves him vulnerable to falling in with bad people.
While Lanyon sees straight through Jekyll, Utterson has fallen quite a bit into seeing Jekyll as innocent and naïve, someone who doesn't fully understand how cruel the world can be and needs to be protected from it. This means, when Hyde shows up and Jekyll changes his will for him, Utterson is quite quickly defensive of Jekyll and aggressive towards Hyde, believing that Hyde has nothing but bad intentions. Hyde, however, is quite head-over-heels for Utterson and determined to seduce him or at least set him up with Jekyll.
While Utterson appears unaffected by anything that crosses his path, this is actually because he has difficulty expressing his emotions, his expression and tone generally remaining static. Only people close to him can generally tell what he's thinking and feeling as a result.
Personality-wise, Utterson is generally quite kindly and generous, often seen giving food and money to the homeless. Though, his morality can be a bit of a roulette wheel at times, willing to do questionable things at times if he deems it for a good enough cause.
In terms of hobbies, he will often bake things for his friends and carried the three of them through university as the only one who could actually cook. He also has a slightly more morbid interest in taxidermy and keeps a room in his house for his work.
(For another smaller headcanon, he and Lanyon tend to get into pun fights, much to Jekyll's agony.)
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Then there's Lenore Carew (aka, Lisa Carew, she just got renamed along the way). She makes up the third member of Hyde's little friendship squad with Lanyon. An excitable lady with an interest in the occult and monsters. She and Jekyll were once set to be married but, due to a mutual realisation that neither liked the other in that way, they broke it up. Jekyll has been avoiding her ever since, finding the situation awkward, but Hyde is very much down to be friends with her again.
While she does her best to live up to her family name, being as much of a respectable and graceful lady as she can be, in her spare time she'll often sneak out to go running after whatever haunted house or cryptid sighting she's heard of lately.
The actual reason for her interest is because her mother, before she died, was a prophet, gifted with Sight and Lenore, raised with all these stories of her grandeur and powers, is determined to find a way to awaken those same powers in herself.
However, along the way, these powers actually do start to manifest and, as it turns out, a lot scarier and more difficult to control than she ever realised.
Most particularly, sometimes when she looks at Jekyll, she sees something - or someone - else in his place. She has no idea what these visions mean, whether it's a vision from the future, from the past, or something else entirely.
Personality-wise, while she can excitable and often gets ahead of herself, she can be very kind and compassionate towards others, always the first to slow down and check if someone is okay or to offer a hug to those in need. She can also often show a childish side, enjoying stuffed toys, getting along well with kids, or just playing games.
Uh, so anyway, there's a bunch more but this post is getting long and I've taken all day with this. If I take much longer, it's going to look like I'm not going to answer. I think this is the stuff that most people would be interested in anyway, Lanyon, Utterson, Jekyll, and Hyde. I'm still missing out an explanation of the worldbuilding itself and the antagonists, not to mention little details and side characters like Poole and such.
I fool around with these characters a lot and that means there's more information than I even remember most of the time until something pops into my head and I go "Ohhhh that plot point. That was fun."
Thank you again for the ask!!!!
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intrepid-fictioneer-7 · 8 months
I've come to the conclusion that, in my humble opinion, Higashide is the writer in TYPE-MOON who makes the best ships involving Heroic Spirits.
Which might sound really weird. After all, the central couple in Fate/Apocrypha is Sieg/Jeanne d'Arc, and it's a pretty divisive one. No offense to those who like it, but it's always a dynamic I thought made no real sense narratively and didn't have much chemistry. Sieg on his journey of self-affirmation and personhood didn't need a romance (except maybe with Astolfo, with whom the dynamic is much more fun). Jeanne, the historical figure who rejected a marriage proposal, wore male clothing, and whose famous nickname refers to her celibacy, getting into a romance just never vibed with me (especially when it felt like the parallels/relationship between her and Shirou Kotomine were far more relevant). Add to that the ending copying Last Episode without what made LE have a strong impact, and it makes the whole even less appealing.
But despite that, Apo is also the work where there is the surprising ship of Shirou Amakusa and Queen Semiramis of all people: the semi-legendary Assyrian queen credited with making one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world falling in love with the young charismatic Japanese Christian who rebelled against the shogunate and failed. It's a very strange crossover ship between two people who never could have met if not for being brought back and it somehow works in being endearing.
(Achilles and Atalanta kinda count I guess, but it's a one-sided ship with little reasoning, that I care so little about, and is eclipsed by the more compelling foils each get, Chiron for Achilles, Jeanne for a Jackie the Ripper-driven mad Atalante.)
Higaside having grown and improved as a writer by the time of FGO, what followed this growth was him not doing a repeat of Sieg/Jeanne, but writing better ships mostly involving Servants. Asterios the Minotaur and Euryale the Gorgon; last Byzantine emperor Constantine IX and fictional Popess Johanna; heck, you can even see the relationship between Mordred and Dr. Jekyll this way (it also works as simple close friendship). Being characters from usually completely different mythologies and historical cultures, there is care done to make it clear why they fall for each other and as a result these couples are very different from one another instead of being the same formula everytime. In a game where a lot of (female) Servants are made to fall for the last Master of Chaldea for sometimes very little reason, these are a breath of fresh air.
For all my problems with her, Sakurai does something similar, though her ships are usually people who canonically were together in their legends: Sigurd/Brynhild, Aslaug/Ragnar Lodbrok, Julius Caesar/Cleopatra, Ozymandias/Nefertari, Tomoe Gozen/Kiso Yoshinaka, etc. They can be one note and there is a repeated thematic tendency of hers of writing "inhuman woman discovering humanity by falling in love", but they tend to be very cute and I easily understand that these people are in love even beyond death, so I root for them to reunite. Higashide also has "canonical" pairings, but the results are more muddled here: Siegfried and Kriemhild are adorable as a divorced couple where there are clearly still feelings, no matter what the tsundere wife says. But Rama and Sita are just...there. I understand the point of their separation, but it's not very engaging and Rama essentially disappeared after the American Singularity, while Sita was yeeted to Arcade. A mark against Higashide, but not as bad as Sieg/Jeanne and overshadowed by the numbers of better ships he wrote in FGO.
And there's Orion and Artemis, where I'm split. Super Orion and LB Artemis was really good and poignant. Orion the teddy bear and ditzy Artemis are a realy bad joke that overstayed its welcome.
FGO prioritizes Master/Servant relationships, both because the last Master of Chaldea is a blank slate for players to self insert into, and also because human×Servant is the type of ship Nasu specializes in (Shirou/Saber, Rin/Saber, Kuzuki/Caster, Caren/Angra Mainyu, and to a lesser extent Bazett/Cu, Yukika/False Assassin, and Ayako/Medusa in FSN; Fate/Extra as a whole; Ritsuka/Castoria in FGO). But even there Higashide made better choices than when he penned Sieg/Jeanne. Charlotte Corday is a surprisingly well-done choice for her archetype, it seems like it's going to be another Kiyohime but no, he actually makes her a good character you get attached to.
And then there is Kadoc and Anastasia. Words cannot describe how much I love them, how their personalities clash and complement each other in the best way, how aesthetically good they look put next to each other, etc. And it's not even just that we got a MasterxServant relationship outside Ritsuka, though that helped.
Basically, Higashide has become my go-to source for good ships, especially intra-Servants ones where Ritsuka is not involved and characters are allowed to not orbit around their Master. Sakurai also provides in that last aspect, but Higashide is doing that and also giving that crossover flavor you see in things like that one Cartoon Network ad with Johnny Bravo and Velma, and that works really well for me.
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xtarotdollx · 7 months
Attempting one of those long ass literary analysis posts because my friends have told me I should please enjoy this long ass ramble
Okay so like Jekyll creating Hyde is itself a crime right? Like it is it’s a horrifying event filled with body horror and pain like Jekyll creating the potion and creating Hyde is an objectively Bad Thing ™ but like why??? Jekylls motivations for doing so are both sympathetic and relatable (and intentionally so) so why are his actions considered the literal original sin of his story?? Anyway I was bored and fucked around and found an answer and I need to share it because fuck me I can’t be normal about Jekyll.
Anyway review time our buddy Jekyll is sad gay and alone and comes to the conclusion that people contain multitudes. And I say multitudes because Jekyll himself admits in his own research that there’s more to his theory and than just good and evil,
“I say two, because the state of my knowledge does not pass beyond that point.”
“… I hazard guess that man will be ultimately known for a mere polity of multifarious, incongruous, and independent denizens.”
and that he splits himself into good and evil because that’s what he’s most familiar with (aka it’s the split that he can use for his own benefit.) But like, homeboy was kinda on to something. The idea that humans are complex and multifaceted with multiple conflicting ideas and identities has been a thing across psychology and even whole cultures for like forever, and considering that Jekyll and Hyde was written around and about the the creation of the psychology as a scientific field, Jekyll is has (for lack of a better word) discovered something very profound, important, and massively influential to the world around him. And positivity influential to!! It’s that iconic quote “if each could be housed in different Identities, the world would be relieved of all that is unbearable” I think he’s getting ahead of himself here and kinda self projecting but there is very real truth to the idea that studying the difference facets of human identity could improve people and society. And even if he’s dead fucking wrong still putting out the information would end up benefiting societies collective knowledge. Kinda like how Freud was so influential to psychology because some of his theories were so buck wild and wrong that people had to come and correct him, widening the scientific field as a whole.
And Jekyll doesn’t do that. This life altering information is kept to himself, for his own personal use, benefit, and pleasure. And that’s so fucking wild and horrific for so many fucking reasons. Like it goes against so many rules of behavior it’s FOUL. First of the selfishness and gate keeping is inherently just cruel, but this man is a DOCTOR, and a SCIENTIST. This motherfucker took an OATH BEFORE GOD to provide the best care to the people, and now that care, or at least information that could lead to better care, is being squandered for personal gain. That’s fucked. That’s criminal activity right there.
But also I dare you to find me a scientist that doesn’t want to share their research and passion THERE IS NONE. I may be basing this analysis off of a stereotype but I believe it’s a stereotype based in reality but isn’t this the very thing people who go into fields of science and research do??? Like, they are unified by their desire to explore and SHARE knowledge??? Even if like the Jekyll wasn’t a professional doctor with his Hippocratic oath just doing things for shits and giggles, how is the goal not to tell people about this?? This doctor isn’t doctoring the way doctors should. Jekyll keeping his discoveries to himself is also just borderline non human behavior to me because who actually in real life does that. Again how is the end goal not to share this discovery? Humans are social creatures we want to share things. Swapping stories around a campfire is like the oldest human tradition ever. If you’re out in the woods and see a cool frog the immediate reaction is to call your friends over to look, or take a picture, or something similar. WHEN I THINK OF NEW WAYS TO VIEW AND INTERPRET JEKYLL ANS HYDE, THE IMMEDIATE THOUGHT IS TO SHARE IT WITH MY FRIENDS. I cannot FATHOM how secrecy is Jekyll’s immediate desire as a fellow human who lives on this earth.
And this actually slots in with really well with Jekyll and Hyde as a social critique of the upper class. Keeping super important info to yourself is NOT a human activity in any capacity, but it is an institutional one. The best thing I can think of to describe and compare it to is oil companies history of actively suppressing information about climate change to stay in business. It’s a modern example but I feel so deeply that there is an 1800s equivalent that I just can’t think of or don’t know in this moment. But the point is, Jekyll isn’t a person (metaphorically speaking), he’s a institution of wealth and power doing what large institutions do best, profiting off of the the control and suppression of the people below them, in this case the control of information.
But of course, Jekyll literally speaking, is a person. He’s just some guy, and seeing a very very human character act without any human instinct so casually is freaky and 10/10 horror. Jekyll’s creation of Hyde isn’t a crime or a sin because Hyde is an evil thing that will do evil things, it’s horrifying because Jekyll’s choice to do so is inhumane in every definition of the word thank you for coming to my TedTalk have a nice day
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 month
Of the various FGO Spin-Off manga/drama CDs, which do you feel is particularly worth checking out be it for lore or just good content? The Dantes Drama CD is pretty famous for Roa for example.
Roa's part in Dantès's backstory is the standard here? Ok, then there's the short story for Helena's backstory (summarized in Holmes's Interlude), which will probably become really useful later, but for now it's too cryptic. The Salem manga has new characters and the SE.RA.PH manga has the full version of Emiya Alter's backstory, if you care, but that's about it.
The other character that got additional backstory as side stories in TM ACE are
Jekyll's (also summarized in Holmes's interlude), which is mainly a sneak peek at Holmes and Moriarty before their characters were properly introduced. The Archelot family is also involved.
Asterios's, which is a sneak peek at Theseus characterization (nothing you don't already see in his Grail Front, for the most part).
Jing Ke's, which I guess shows Pan-Human Shi Huang, who is reasonably different.
Douman's, released in manga format with only one chapter yet. Nothing major happened on this one yet.
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Nova’s Notes - Dracula Daily - July 1
Seward speaks!
“His spiders are now becoming as great a nuisance as his flies, and to-day I told him that he must get rid of them. He looked very sad at this, so I said that he must clear out some of them, at all events.”
First of all, this is what happens when you decide to run thought experiments on your patients to take away from the fact that you got rejected. Harsh? Yes, but am I wrong??
Also, I love that Renfield looks so sad that Jack lowers the “all” to “some”. He has no logical reason to do this, except that he feels bad. I know Seward does a lot of bad doctor things (and we WILL get there), but it is nice to notice those traces of him being sympathetic when he doesn’t have to be. Also, it’s funny to imagine how the conversation went:
Seward: you have too many flies and spiders in here. You need to get rid of all of them.
Renfield: …all of them?
Seward: yes! All of them.
Renfield: oh…ok…I see…😔😔💔🥺🥺🥺🥺
Seward: …
Seward: ok, FINE. You can keep SOME of them.
Renfield: really??
Seward: But I expect a reduction of these things in the next three days!
Renfield: you got it! :D
Renfield literally pulled “puppy dog eyes” and it worked! Good for him.
“He disgusted me much while with him, for when a horrid blow-fly, bloated with some carrion food, buzzed into the room, he caught it, held it exultantly for a few moments between his finger and thumb, and, before I knew what he was going to do, put it in his mouth and ate it. I scolded him for it, but he argued quietly that it was very good and very wholesome; that it was life, strong life, and gave life to him.”
Hey, buddy, if you don’t want to be grossed out by the guy LITERALLY CATCHING BUGS FOR FUN, maybe don’t study him under a microscope?
Also, again, Renfield doesn’t argue with Seward in an unrestrained or violent manner: he quietly pushes back that the fly “[gives] him life”. Now as far as depiction of mental illnesses go, I would say Renfield is far from being the best — of course — but I will say it’s interesting that Stoker deliberately breaks the stereotype of him being unhinged or violently angry when his ideals are challenged. Did this man just eat a fly? Yep. Did he also then calmly assert it’s good protein for him? Also, yes. While we know something deeper is going on with Renfield, as far as most readers knew at this point in the story, he was just another man in an asylum. I do know there was somewhat of a shift in how mentally ill characters were being portrayed — still not great overall, but now showing them as more calm and rational than previous characters: Jekyll from the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, as well as the Woman from The Yellow Wallpaper come to mind as examples of this. Like I said, not great depictions — just different and more complex shifts in how mental illnesses were shown in literature.
“This gave me an idea, or the rudiment of one. I must watch how he gets rid of his spiders.”
Yep!! Be warned, Seward. I don’t think he gets rid of these spiders in a normal way. Although it’s funny he’s like “I just watched him eat a fly. Disgusting. I must observe him further to see if he does it again with the spiders.” 😂😂😂
“He has evidently some deep problem in his mind, for he keeps a little note-book in which he is always jotting down something. Whole pages of it are filled with masses of figures, generally single numbers added up in batches, and then the totals added in batches again, as though he were ‘focussing’ some account, as the auditors put it.”
Hey, we all have our hobbies, you don’t have to call it a problem of the mind: rude 🙄. You’d think he’d call the fly thing more of a “mind problem” but I guess that’s fine? Also, hmm, adding up single numbers as if he’s making an account? And he wrote it down right after you saw him eat a fly? That doesn’t seem weird to you, Seward? Or perhaps he does intuit the meaning and doesn’t want to think about it/put it down before he knows for sure yet. If that latter, he’s just like Jonathan in that regard! I’m not surprised Lucy recommended him for Mina LOL. I’ll keep looking out for more similarities!
That’s all for this entry, let’s see what Renfield does next!
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Creeping Man pt 3
Look, the only logical explanation for this one is demonic possession.
That's not true, but it does add nicely to the Sherlock Holmes Urban Fantasy Universe I have been building in my head all year. The Truth Behind the Mysteries! The Conspiracy Uncovered! It's been magic and supernatural beings all along and Watson has been lying to us!
“I don't think you have anything to fear now for a week at least,” Holmes answered. “I am a busy man, and Dr. Watson has his patients to attend to."
This definitely wins the prize for the story that gives the most fucks about Watson's day job. It keeps being mentioned. Do you think an actual doctor sat down with ACD at some point and said 'excuse me, but your character is unrealistic'?
“He heard from his London correspondent to-day. There was a letter and there was a small packet, each with the cross under the stamp which warned me not to touch them. There has been nothing else.”
Oh, okay. So he's on drugs that he gets from this mysterious London correspondent every 9? days and then he takes them and he gets super high and crawls around on the floor and climbs pipes up to second floor windows.
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"...it is necessary to hold the professor under observation. I would suggest, therefore, that you remain awake and on the lookout. Should you hear him pass your door, do not interrupt him, but follow him as discreetly as you can. Dr. Watson and I will not be far off."
Verily, it is time for the sneaky-sneak.
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"...that he is in secret correspondence with a Bohemian dealer in London, who presumably represents someone in Prague, and that he received a packet from him this very day, all point in one direction. What he takes and why he takes it are still beyond our ken..."
So yeah, drugs. I caught onto that quite late. I'm ashamed of myself. I allowed myself to get too distracted by the demon of it all.
He was clad in his dressing-gown. As he stood outlined in the doorway he was erect but leaning forward with dangling arms, as when we saw him last.
Oh boy, is this going to be some sort of devolution thing? Like he takes a drug that makes him regress back to being an ape? Is that what's happening here? I thought we were past the period in literature where that was a major point when we got to these later stories. That was a thing at the end of the 1800s - Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and the like. I guess it hung around.
As we watched him he suddenly began with incredible agility to ascend it. From branch to branch he sprang, sure of foot and firm of grasp, climbing apparently in mere joy at his own powers, with no definite object in view.
Oh wow, yep. That's some monkey-ass bullshit going on there.
What the fuck kind of drug does that?
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The professor squatted down very deliberately just out of reach of the hound and began to provoke it in every possible way. He took handfuls of pebbles from the drive and threw them in the dog's face, prodded him with a stick which he had picked up, flicked his hands about only a few inches from the gaping mouth, and endeavoured in every way to increase the animal's fury...
OK, yeah. Roy is the victim in all this. Poor Roy. He'd better survive this story, Watson. Don't go adding any more dogs to your kill count.
It was a very narrow thing for the professor's life.
Do not care about the professor right now. What about the dog? Don't you dare kill Roy, Watson. Don't you dare!
Bennett's voice and presence brought the great wolfhound instantly to reason.
Thank heavens. Good dog. Who's a good boy? Anyone would have snapped after having stones thrown at them like that repeatedly. Roy is an innocent victim in all of this and I am so glad that he's survived.
The sharp teeth had passed dangerously near the carotid artery, and the haemorrhage was serious. In half an hour the danger was past, I had given the patient an injection of morphia, and he had sunk into deep sleep.
People in these stories seem to survive having dogs try to rip their throats out quite a lot... well, at least twice. Which is more times than I'd expect.
Also, Watson, I doubt the medical decision to give someone drugs when you don't know what drugs they're already on. You don't know how those two things are going to interact with each other. Especially when the guy's already lost a lot of blood. You're lucky you didn't accidentally kill him.
At least you didn't kill the dog, though, I suppose.
I'm also surprised you didn't give him brandy. And a little disappointed.
“At present the scandal is confined to our own household. It is safe with us. If it gets beyond these walls it will never stop. Consider his position at the university, his European reputation, the feelings of his daughter.”
So are we assuming that the guy is dead before this is published? And also didn't Watson say at the start that this story was to set the record straight?
"Let us see what we can find in the professor's mysterious box.”
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'It is possible that the serum of anthropoid would have been better. I have, as I explained to you, used black-faced langur because a specimen was accessible. Langur is, of course, a crawler and climber, while anthropoid walks erect and is in all ways nearer.'
This is just magic, right? Sufficiently ridiculous pseudo science is just magic. So the professor has been treating some unknown ailment by shooting up with... serum made from animal blood? And that's been making him act like an animal?
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Totally reasonable science there.
Wtf kind of condition requires this sort of treatment? It is ye olde viagra? He was supposed to be marrying a younger woman. Maybe he was worried about satisfying her.
"an obscure scientist who was striving in some unknown way for the secret of rejuvenescence and the elixir of life."
OMG it is old fashioned viagra! I was kidding. I'm sorry... 'elixir of life'. That's just viagra. Istg.
“The real source,” said Holmes, “lies, of course, in that untimely love affair which gave our impetuous professor the idea that he could only gain his wish by turning himself into a younger man.
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You do not know how much I am laughing right now at the fact that this whole elaborate story is just because the guy wanted to be able to fuck a younger woman. Seriously. All of this because of erectile dysfunction. (Yes, I know it's not stated outright in the text, but subtext people. SUBTEXT. We all know what he means.) I know it's a serious problem for people who suffer from it, but the fact that all these people were freaking out because he went off to Prague and got himself shot up with animal juice so he could get laid but it had the side effect of turning him into a monkey once every 9 days. It's so much. And it's honestly such a believable reason.
"The highest type of man may revert to the animal if he leaves the straight road of destiny.”
This is nonsense, though. Fuck destiny. Nothing is preordained. And straight roads are so boring. Trying to get it up when you're older doesn't make you an animal. He just got involved with an unethical scientist. He needed to stop and ask for peer review and some proper drug trials.
Don't take experimental drugs, people. Unless as part of a regulated medical trial. Don't do it. Not even for the sake of sex. It's not worth it. You'll turn into a monkey and upset puppies.
I don't even think he ended up with the girl after all this. Tragic.
"Consider, Watson, that the material, the sensual, the worldly would all prolong their worthless lives. The spiritual would not avoid the call to something higher. It would be the survival of the least fit."
Rude. I get you're all about the cerebral, Holmes. But that's just rude.
And that's it. No confrontation with the professor. I assume that they stop him from taking the drugs after that. Pity he wasn't born a century later, then he'd have had access to something that worked. No idea if he got the girl in the end. Or how he was expecting it to work if he did marry her and every 9 days he turned into a monkey. That's something to learn about your new husband.
But oh wow, the pseudo science in this on. It's so much. I don't even know what to make of it. Injecting animal serum makes you act like an animal. Injecting animal serum makes you live longer. Wow. just wow. I guess the emphasis on Watson's job was to remind us that he's a doctor so when he starts doing doctory things we don't get confused.
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Trey: *Trying to explain Riddle is that way because of his mom*
Me: Give me a minute as I pull up my ‘Trauma Doesn’t Excuse Sh*t Behavior’ PowerPoint.
Say it with me, everyone: an explanation is not an excuse 😊
You know, the other day I was watching one of Ryan George's Pitch Meetings and when Producer Guy asked Writer Guy how the audience would root for the villain of the franchise and the response was "he's handsome" which basically explains most people's reactions to fictional men.
Prepare for incoming rant that has little to do with the ask
This probably might come as a shock because one of the main appeal of twst would be the whole villainous aspect/Disney Villain fanbase but I don't really like villains that much, at least, not romantically. Like don't get me wrong, I think that they're incredible characters and it would be so fun to sit down with one and have a conversation with one. Villain songs are so fun (I was literally singing ‘This Day Aria’ to myself the other day I haven’t heard that song in like a decade) and you can tell that that characters like Scar or Hades or Shere Khan or Jafar or Maleficent are having so much fun being deliciously evil and even the more serious, complex ones like Loki or Frollo are fun to pick apart so yeah I understand the hype. I just always rooted for the heroes and I guess heroic characters have always been more my type.
My mother absolutely loves Erik Destler and is forever salty that Christine chose Raoul (despite my many many attempts at arguing why Raoulstine is the superior couple - smol primary school me could not understand why my mum liked the chandelier dropper and was deeply concerned), my best friend has been in love with Heathcliffe since we were eleven, and my little sister has literally told me that her type of fictional men are the toxic red flags (not exactly word for word but she did explain why she likes bad boys over good boys when I was complaining about how my type (wholesome soft boys) always get sidelined for the arrogant, snarky bad boys - we're also very diametrically opposed on our views of friends to lovers (my s++ tier all time favourite and her loathing) vs enemies to lovers (I can't really stand it - Pride and Prejudice is the only exception - and that's literally all she consumes) so that might also be a reason).
Like, I understand the appeal of a Byronic hero (Mr Darcy has far too much power) - a closed off, broody man that hates everything but you? And will burn down the world to keep you warm? I can respect that there are people who dig that. But their not really for me.
The mild bout of insanity thirteen year old me had where I spent two months attracted to Edward Rochester is an outlier and should not have been counted (though that was during my wattpad phase so...)
But I can admit that I have yet to shake off my feelings for Dr Henry Jekyll, Victor Frankenstein and Dorian Gray (though to be fair, Mr Gabriel John Utterson the lawyer and cinnamon roll artist boy Basil Hallward do own my heart). And yes, Jeremy Jordan did make me question my morality as he did make my feelings for Light Yagami be too positive to be sane for a brief moment (Touta Matsuda is still my man, don't worry). But apart from them, literally all of my faves are what you'd call your traditional, morally upright heroes.
Basically what I'm saying is that my perception might be skewed because I've never had the whole 'villains are cooler' mindset when it came to stories. Yes, I love the villains as characters but I always liked their heroic foils more (goodness is just so attractive to me). You get lots of amazing heroic protagonists that have horribly tragic backstories and they're the ones I always fall for because the idea of being a kind sweetheart despite the world being anything but is just *chef's kiss* that's a kind of strength that's so swoon-worthy.
I guess that's why it's harder for me to look past the characters' actions in twst is because, well, they chose to do everything they did. They made a conscious choice to be terrible, despite understanding the consequences. Riddle may have been brainwashed into becoming a tyrant by his mother but he still admitted that he knew he was being horrible - he understands the concept of morality, of good and bad, and he willingly and deliberately did everything he did.
I suppose this text post I found on Pinterest would explain my point better:
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unavidamasyya · 2 years
Reflections and headcanons on Wednesday and Tyler By a lover of enemies to lovers
I'm starting with this thing of putting my reflections on Tumblr about series and the truth is I'm liking it, so here comes a reflection that nobody asked for about the series Wednesday and Tyler.
This is not my native language, so if there are any mistakes I'm really sorry.
I'm a big fan of the literary cliche of enemies to lovers, and it makes me a little sad that this one has such a bad reputation for teen series that misuse this kind of plots giving them a toxic tinge, when in my opinion a good enemies to lovers doesn't mean that. For me, a good enemies to lovers has to involve actions that make the characters hate, loathe, and even want to kill each other and then, after a good plot, character development, and being held accountable for their bad actions, end in a well-structured and logical romance. These are the most exciting plots in my opinion.
This is why I see potential in this ship because both Tyler (Tyler from the last chapter specifically) and Wednesday could have an interesting dynamic.
Tyler is a Hyde, who from the little information we've heard are artistic and vengeful people by nature, whose true nature emerges after a traumatic event, and they begin a master and slave dynamic with their liberator.
This monster intrigues me too much, because it makes me theorize several things. First, was Tyler's personality always hidden behind the affable Tyler, or did he just start having these psychopathic behaviors after being freed? Did he always have these tendencies but, learned to camouflage them? His mother is described as a nice woman, who began to change after her postpartum depression, and it's not explained (or I don't remember) very well how she passed away Suicide? Natural death? Her character intrigues me a lot and I can't stop creating headcanon about her.
I imagine this monster is based on Dr. Jekyll, but in a looser version. I like to think that the Hyde's come from a distant branch of Mr. Hyde, that either his offspring managed to mutate, or just decided to gestate more people like him, and for some reason these started to mutate. Yes, I've taken a guess at where the Hyde's came from and created this crazy Headcanon.
Back to the point, Tyler most likely knew there was something different about him, but didn't know what until Marylin decided to unlock his true nature. I remember them saying that Tyler's mother was diagnosed as bipolar, or something similar. So having dual personalities is ruled out for me, and I would focus more on that they both started to fluctuate between different emotions, more negative than positive, and started to develop psychotic behaviors, which they associated with bipolar.
In Tyler's case I don't see that so much, as in my opinion he has more sociopathic, or psychopathic behaviors, as he has just discovered that killing gives him great pleasure, and he is very good at manipulating people. Tyler is not a good person, from a more normal perspective, but considering how the environment of the series works it's not such a terrible thing.
People often say that this shipp between Tyler and Wednesday is toxic because he's a murderer, but the environment of the series, and specifically that of the Addams family doesn't consider being a serial killer a bad thing per se.
Wednesday herself is a girl with sadistic traits, who enjoys torture, and it is something she likes to practice, in fact it is a way she has of showing affection to people, like her brother. In addition, she herself comments that her personality is toxic, and that she would hate it if her record showed that the piranha event proved that she failed in her assassination attempt. That family has a toxic dynamic that they show affection for, and it's totally normalized. That's the fun thing about the Addams family, watching them show their affection through sadism.
That said, I always thought Wednesday would end up with a sadistic monster, or a psychopath, because she loves those kinds of relationships. And I think people in the series aren't able to see that nature of the character, or underestimate her too much. Because let's be honest are people really of the opinion that she would be Tyler's victim? Pls, those two would have a most interesting and challenging relationship of which Wednesday would end up victorious every time. I feel like it would be a good relationship of like minds looking for challenge, after challenge, and challenges. Also, that the Hyde's must have masters, makes that dynamic could be even more entertaining.
And let's move on to the redemption issue, well yes, to have a good enemies to lovers you need good character redemption because otherwise this dynamic doesn't work. Tyler went through lines like attacking Wednesday's two friends, or even attacking cosa, leaving her very hurt. That's something our little sadist wouldn't forgive so easily, because she's many things, but it's been made clear to us in the series that when she creates a bond with someone she's going to defend it to the end.
Wouldn't it be interesting to see how he and Wednesday along with their friends have to fight against a common enemy? To see how no one trusts him for being a killer, both of monsters and humans, and for having manipulated them all (except Xavier, who always knew his true nature, and with whom I also think he could have an interesting dynamic. Well let's face it, sadistic Tyler gives a lot of play in everything) The more difficult the objective, the more interesting I find how they can develop the characters.
In conclusion, I think people see this ship from a ''normie'' perspective, where, obviously in our society, murder is bad and never salvageable. But in a universe where there is a school of monsters, some of whom have psychopathic tendencies, or who don't see a sadistic reality as bad, we can't implement our moral canons.
I love Wednesday's ship with Enid. Because yes, the cliché, that opposites attract, is also one of my favorites. But my sadistic side sees more possibilities in Tyler than in other characters. Although I have to say, a Wednesday without a partner would make more sense to me too. But hey, I'm a romantic girl.
Oh, and my take on did Tyler love Wednesday? I'm going to be 100% honest, I reckon there's more chance that he didn't, than that he did. In the end Tyler was manipulating the situation at his whim, so we can't be 100% sure, because we don't know how strong the bond of master and hyde is, I mean is the bond strong enough to overshadow the hyde's feelings? Does it completely override the hyde's compression to serve? Or can he think for himself enough to be able to fall in love? I feel like in some parts of the series he comes across as sincere, like when he sees Wednesday come down in her black dress.
But honestly that doesn't seem like a defining thing to me. We're used to the two main characters falling in love at the same time, but it's more fun to see how this comes up over the course of the seasons.
Well, after all my headcanon I've created in my head, and that no one was offended at any point, because after my many travels in fandoms, I know that shipp is something people kill for and tend to get very upset about. But I like to think about possible plots that I would like to see, and if I don't like it, I'm sorry.
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echooefrost · 9 months
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Is this Historically accurate? no. Does that matter? no.
Alright, This is gonna be a lot, so thou shalt be warned
In the Au, Robert is a prince and Lanyon Sr. is the King, they rule over a small kindom somewhere in England - name TBA (so not like real monarchies which rule over entire countries etc.) The premise is basically; The Lanyon's personal/private doctor recently passed away so they call in a new doctor/chemist from Scotland - did you guess? yep, It's Jekyll. Hyde exists before Henry/Edward meets Robert (I haven't worked out the exact logistics about it yet, but I will) Jekyll/Hyde are more Chemists/Alchemists than Doctors but they are both still very good doctors regardless (so they don't really wear the 'plague mask' thing) I aged only Jekyll, Hyde and Lanyon down to about their early 20's so it matches around the original timing of when J&H met Robert in TGS. There are other smaller reasons but they aren't to important, all you need to know is that it doesn't really change anything
Lanyon is betrothed to Everly from a neighbouring kingdom -this is where it differs slightly from TGS, it's a political marriage not a lavender marriage. Neither Robert nor Everly are happy about this however, they are both only children in royalty so they don't really have an option.
Hyde is essentially the local gremlin that has in-built eyebags and a sense to sell you things not very discreetly that he probably shouldn't be selling. His Cape is comedically large and has a very extensive collection of illegal powders, drugs, and other nefarious items. Almost everybody knows Hyde becasue at some point they have all needed some rare item from him. - this is where the blackfog comes in (yes it exists!) the Blackfog is basically the same but Hyde really wants to go so he can buy/sell lots of items for his little side-business he has going on, however Lanyon Sr. is opposed to it and it's existence because well... illegal.
*Hyde also goes by: The Spirit of [insert Kingdom's name] at night (soooooo original, ik)
Jekyll stays pretty much the same, He really cares about his reputation so he can move up on the social ladder and create his own Science business at some point, and I mean he doesn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the King of all people, that wouldn't be a very good look, would it?
In this universe, The lodgers are all citizens of the small kingdom and they all sort of have different occupations/roles in the town. They can't all be scientists, but do not fear because they still as equally crazy and chaotic as before. Rachel is the Lanyon's personal chef but she also helps run the bakery in town with Mr. Doddle. Jasper looks after most of the animals and creatures in the kingdom, he used to be a farmer but moved to get away from home. I am yet to work out how Jekyll and Jaspers relationship dynamic stays the same in this universe but I will figure something out.
There is A LOT of Jekyon and Lanyde going on here, so I've got something for everyone, (there may or may not be a masquerade at some point...) and it's not just centred around romance, there is lots of other plot stuff happening so do not fear my ace/aro friends (or just people who aren't a fan of romance)!
That's most of it for now... I'll draw some more stuff at some point and give some extra details, If you have any questions please ask (my asks are open) I'd love to hear from you all!!! Don't be afraid to offer any suggestions or other criticisms. Maybe I'll write a fanfic one day who knows, we will see.
Thanks for listening to my rant (*^▽^*)
*Footnote - I don't think you guys realise how hard it was to make hyde not look like either A.) a fucking elf or B.) Link. Did I succeed? not sure.
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booklove22 · 1 year
Curse and Mystery Theories (Probably Wrong but Having Fun Anyway)
Just procrastinating instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing....here are some of my thoughts about where the mystery and curse storylines may be going (I recognize I am probably completely wrong).
Where is the Mystery Going?
I think 4x09 is going to kick this story into high gear after its sort of just simmered all season. What we know for sure? They go after the Sin Eater with crossbows! That’s….pretty much the only thing the episode description told us. Thin information here.
However, from the trailer, it looks like we can also assume that Tristan gets shot with an arrow (“You are not going to die tonight!” scene) in 4x09 or maybe 4x10 (the promo photos make it seem like these two episodes will be bleeding together) so these episodes may also be Tristan heavy but not in a romantic way – more in a how he is related to the larger mystery this year
Is he India’s (the most recent corpse) son? I think this is as good a guess as any. And I’ve got a few competing theories that stem from this idea
Theory 1: Tristan is the Latest in a String of Sin Eaters. This theory banks on the idea that there has not been 1 sin eater created in horseshoe bay, but multiple sin eaters – one created every 20 or so years. Tristan is just the most recent/current one. If creating a sin eater requires a human sacrifice, then its possible that each sacrifice (the 8 corpses) were made to create a new sin eater. Like maybe there is a shelf life on the sin eaters. They can only eat so many sins before they die, requiring a new one to be created (and a new sacrifice to do so). Or maybe they just have a roughly 20 year lifespan. Either way… If India was the last corpse/sacrifice, its possible that Tristan is the sin eater “born” from her sacrifice (I’m using “motherhood” in the absolute loosest sense here). For some reason, I don’t like the Tristan as sin eater theory though. Its too easy to make the “other love interest” evil. And I don’t really get why the sin eater would have this alternative human form? Like we’ve seen monster sin-eater and Tristan. But why have these two separate forms?
Theory 2: There have been multiple Sin Eaters – none of whom are Tristan. This theory follows the same logic as above. Where sin-eaters, at some point, die or reach a shelf-life and a new human sacrifice is needed to ensure the creation of a new one. Each of the 8 corpses have served as this sacrifice. India is the most recent sacrifice. Tristan was her human biological son that the Glasses adopted (knowingly or unknowingly).
Theory 3: There has only ever been 1 Sin Eater created in HSB – back in the 1800’s. So why 8 corpses? Maybe the sin-eater can only eat a certain number of sins before it needs a “reset” (human sacrifice) or maybe there are more than 8 corpses and EVERY sin requires a human sacrifice. Perhaps we only know about 8….but there are actually many many more. Nancy said they all “came from the same section of the graveyard” – possible Temperance’s tsunami waters reanimated them, but didn’t reach the other human sacrifices? In this version where every sin requires a sacrifice, I think India was sacrificed by the Glasses or someone else (just some sad depressed lonely girl living on her yacht – no one will miss her, we’ll put her out of her misery). And the Glasses adopted Tristan (knowingly or unknowingly).
So…where does each of these theories take us?
Theory 1: Tristan is the latest in a string of Sin Eaters. And his death by crossbow leaves HSB’s elite without a sin eater. You know what that means? Human sacrifice time and isn’t Nancy just ripe for the picking? The Glasses may even want it to be her because, sin eater or not, they actually cared for Tristan in is human form and blame her for his death (I sort of believe that if Tristan is the sin eater, his human version didn’t know the other version existed. Sort of Jekyll and Hyde style).
Theory 2: There have been multiple Sin Eaters – none of whom are Tristan. While attempting to track and kill the sin eater, the Drew Crew is met with resistance from some of the town sinners– including the Glasses. In the tussle, Tristan is accidentally arrowed, by one of his own parents. Does he die here? Maybe. In some ways, it seems too soon for that. So it’s possible he does die, or maybe he survives, but the Drew Crew uses the opportunity to fake his death. And that’s a sin the Glasses would likely want to forget very quickly. And if the Drew Crew is successful in killing the current sin eater before the Glasses can do so, they’ll need a new sacrifice to create a new one (in the form of Nancy obviously). Which is what I think is happening in the trailer scene with the Glasses.
Theory 3: There has only ever been 1 Sin Eater created in HSB – This is similar to above. Same line of thinking, but if the idea is that each sin requires a human sacrifice, then they’d use Nancy as the sacrifice to forget what they did (or think they did) to Tristan.
Of all of these, I lean most heavily toward Theory 2 because it’s the cleanest. To be clear, I don’t think ALL of this is happening in 4x09. More I think the thread will start in 4x09 and carry over into the remaining episodes of the season.
Where is the Curse going?
I think 4x10 is our magic episode here and it’s really user somanypetals on Twitter who made my brain explode this morning with this idea so credit to her for getting my juices flowing.
4x10: The BALLAD of Lives Forgone
It’s now heavily theorized that Ace is going to get ensnared by a siren’s song (or something like it) – which are ultimately deadly (see: Homer’s The Odyssey).
Ballad = love song or poem and the wordplay ties into a siren song plot
somanypetals theorized (whether she was serious or not) that the only way to break the siren’s spell might be with a true love’s kiss
Good news, his true love is Nancy!
Bad news, kissing Nancy would trigger the curse and does not solve the problem of Ace dying (death by siren or death by love curse).
I think that Ace will be so close to death with the siren, that they’ll have no choice but to trigger the death curse, starting the countdown clock on Ace’s life.
More good news: this means they can kiss, hold hands, bang! Bad news, the emotional gut-punch of Ace’s pending death is going to hover over it.
This is the episode where Ace isn’t in any of the promo images….hmm.
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artistcaptainbendy · 1 year
I see that you have alot of Captain Underpants aus, so if you don't mind, can you tell me about all of them and the differences between them and canon.
Hey sorry for taking a while to reply.
I can't really remember everything AU I made but I'll try my best.
Let's start with what I think was the first one, smartypants Au. It's basically what happens when instead of the boys making krupp, the captain, it was Melvin. Of course the biggest difference here is that krupp is the silly one and the captain is the smart one. Melvin was tried of how dumb krupp was and so taught him a lot of info to try and make him smart (by editing the boys comics), when that didn't work he hypothesis him and made him captain smartypants. Now at first I was going to have SP!Krupp's chaotic nature just be something he does, but later on I decided to have it be his part cosmic chaos demon because it sounds funny, so now he has a reason to be chaotic he needs it to live. Now I believe almost everything I've drawn is technically Canon, sp can travel to other Aus and interact with other krupps so stuff like that happens.
Now let's go to Bendypants au. Just what happens when I take a horror game and blend it with the CU universe. George and Harold being joey and Henry, Melvin is sammy, krupp is boris, edith is Alice, of the star of the show himself! Captain underpants is bendy. Now some relationships I had to change for the characters but the story is basically the same. Now what I say isn't Canon is of course any of the funny side things I draw like them celebrating holidays together or when they all went to space or anything that happens with Beetlejuice. Its more of its own side au where it's the same characters but different vibes. AU BP is different from persona BP with is me even if I use some of the same story beats. Now I'm realizing I've drawn more things for the silly side au then the official one hahaha.
Side timeline au time. Criminal SP krupp, if what happened to sp in high school made him a worse person instead of better and he became a Criminal. He uses his chaotic powers to steal and rob places, one day after saving two teens, they wanted to join him. At first he wanted nothing to do with them but after a while he finally let them be his crew. Now I haven't drawn much for this one but most of it is Canon. Even the silly.
Imaginary friend AU. Again not much drawn for this one so all is Canon. But it's what if the OG, PP, and SP captains were Imaginary friends to their krupps who are kids. I still have no explanation as to how there are three krupps but eh.
Sp jekyll and hyde AU. Same story as the play version but with some changes, so I guess not that similar. But instead of murder it's pranks, and smarty doesn't cheat on edith. George and Harold are two orphans who hyde SP took and smarty decided to adopt. Now I'm not sure what to have not Canon so that's up in the air.
Vampire SP. Gosh there are lot of sp krupps. Ok it's sp but Vampire and smarty is his twin brother who somehow is a werewolf. Sp doesn't want to drink blood but has to so he doesn't go crazy, so his former caretaker works at a blood bank and sneaks him some "food". He had a girlfriend 100s of years ago and now has found a woman who looks a lot like her, this being Edtih. Hmm everything Canon, even when helped fight Beetlejuice.
And lastly (because I might of forgotten the other aus I might have) is the lumberjack Au! Krupp is a lumberjack......that is all (jk). His a lumberjack that lives in the woods in a small cabin, people thought he was some odd creature till the boys found him and saw he was just a lumberjack who might have been in the woods for too long. They befriend him and now once in while hang out with him. Now this more of a cozy au nothing too crazy happens in it, there might be sometimes when it does, like when krupp upsets the sprite of the woods, but hey who doesn't do that. Not much art for it yet but mostly all Canon, and the side horror thing with him as the protagonist is separated. But I'll leave you with a fun fact.....in this universe lumberjack krupp's parents are actually the smartest people in the world, like world class scientists levels, and he doesn't like talking about them and hopes no one realizes his their son.
What? I can't make a krupp who doesn't have issues it's impossible! Make a character who's just happy with life and has no worries ? Never!
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thedarkone121 · 4 months
Hello! Have a ramble card, you may ramble about whatever you like :3
Oh, Dust. Dust, my good fellow and now-fellow mutual, I don’t even know where to begin with this power you have given me… I’m ill-prepared for such a responsibility! But, I guess I can start my rambling off with some facts about Anne-Marie.
Anne-Marie is mixed-race, her biological mother originated from the Caribbean Islands but she fled to England during the wars for independence and to get away from her own family situation. Anne-Marie’s biological father was a wealthy Englishman, one who went after immigrant women. He’s a slimeball, plain and simple.
Anne-Marie has no desire to know her biological father. Jekyll is her dad and that’s end of it. Her mother, Isabella, is still alive but Anne-Marie doesn’t know nor does she care. Anne-Marie wants nothing to do with Isabella and would rather leave her in the past. They did not have a good relationship.
Anne-Marie did have a group of friends while she was at the Orphanage. She was the youngest so the older kids did their best to look after her. They were the ones who gave her the name Anne because of her tendency to question things by saying “And?”.
I meant to save this for a sketch on the first day of Pride Month but I guess I’ll say it here; Anne-Marie is asexual — like most of my OCs, to be honest 🤣 she falls more on the sex-repulsed side of things, which confused the heck out of Hyde. Speaking of Hyde, Jekyll and him were both very confused when Anne-Marie came out but they were still supportive in their own ways. They’re trying, okay? 🤣 They did have a huge sigh of relief when they realized that Anne-Marie wasn’t interested in fooling around with anybody when she reached her teenage/adult years.
Do not mention the words Anne-Marie and marriage in the same sentence around Jekyll. Jekyll does not want to think about marrying her off. He wants her to be the sole inheritor of everything he owns. He WILL delay marriage talks for as long as he can.
(In a future scenario where everything is happy, an older Anne-Marie does end up being in a nice queerplantonic marriage with a Jonathan Harker-inspired OC who is AroAce. Lanyon and Everly helped set it up.)
Everly is Anne-Marie’s piano teacher, something that happened not long after Robert first met the girl. The two got along together swimmingly and Anne-Marie would often play Everly’s sonnets as a form of lessons. Everly is probably the only Lanyon Anne-Marie genuinely likes. Everly sees her as the daughter she wishes she could have.
It’s such a shame that Anne-Marie doesn’t like Robert because those two would’ve gotten along swimmingly on dissing the upper-class while they were at parties. While Anne-Marie, like Jekyll, was taught upper-class etiquette but she didn’t thrive off it like her father. She’s actually pretty crabby whenever she had to deal with snobs. The only reason she is able to get away with acting as the perfect proper daughter is because Jekyll lets her loose it in either an isolated room or during the carriage ride on the way home.
She has a collection of scary stuffed toys in her room. Stuff like bears with large teeth and creepy button eyes. It freaks Lanyon and some of the Lodgers out. Jekyll has gotten used to them. Hyde is still weird out by them.
Anne-Marie’s tends to favor spicy food. Her favorite is that Chicken Paprika their family lawyer got from a fellow lawyer friend. Jekyll and Hyde can NOT handle spicy food but they still try to eat it with her. Hyde keeps going despite how much pain he’s in.
I guess it’s time to mention some stuff I have in regards to Jekyll being a dad. I can’t imagine him having any biological children. I can’t imagine this man procreating. In any form of media, might I add. It is easier to see him pick up a child from somewhere and him becoming a dad that way.
No matter how much his reputation means to him, I think Jekyll is willing to go to war if somebody ever sighted Anne-Marie the wrong way. If Anne-Marie tells her side of the story of an incident she’s involved with, he WILL believe her. Frankenstein learned that the hard way.
Him reading her bedtime stories are the only times Jekyll is able to sleep. Anne-Marie is a koala bear when she’s tired and Jekyll is never able to escape when she latches on. Welcome to the life of a dad, Jekyll.
Speaking of which, I almost forgotten to mention that I don’t think Jekyll ever planned to have kids. He likes children and sometimes don’t mind their company, but he never saw himself as a dad. Him adopting Anne-Marie was a decision that still surprises him to this day.
One last thing to close off the whole ramble, Anne-Marie is able to hold her stare for a long time. It’s something she developed when she was on the streets. She uses it as a form of intimidation, as she found out that people can unnerved by holding a long form of eye contact with them. She’s still well-known for this trick, even when she lost her sight. So if she is staring in a general direction, the Lodger who is on the receiving end of it is still freaked out.
And that’s end of the ramble! Not sure if this counts since I tend to be organized when I’m writing but thank you Dust Mint for letting me get some of ideas out!
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