#i guess this stuff stands out to me the most bc these are the areas where we majorly differ
raayllum · 2 years
I think what gets lost amid the Viren-Callum and Callum-Claudia parallels is while sometimes you have characters foil each other primarily because of narrative placement (Rayla and Soren in some ways, switching roles as sworn killer to protector and then back again), you can also have characters that parallel each other primarily personality wise (Ezran and Claudia for example), and characters that parallel each other morality wise (Rayla and Harrow) and then you can also have characters that parallel each other in all of the above. Narrative placement, roles, personality, morality, flaws, etc. All of it.
And that is what I’m talking about when I talk about how Callum’s morality differs from his friends. Ezran does not have the capacity to be a dark mage. At most, he could be like Terry, and even then, that’s a stretch. He does not crave power. Opportunity and justice, which are adjacent to power, but not power itself. It is out of character for Ezran to revel the destruction and upper hand that power gives him. It is not for Callum.
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Rayla, although she has personality similarities with Viren (paranoia, gruffness, repression, etc) and narrative similarities with Claudia (daughter given dark task by father, wandering Xadia for two years on account of Viren, etc) does not have the capacity to be a dark mage. It’s not in her; she doesn’t have the incentive or personality for it (or for magic generally). She craves protection, which is of course adjacent to power, but not power itself. It was out of character for Rayla to walk away from the dragon in 4x05, indicating a massive character change for her from 2x07; Callum’s choice in each situation would remain the same. 
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In 4x06, upon finding Soren’s armour, everyone else is focused on Soren. Rayla is beating herself up for letting something happen to him. N’than is being brutally honest. Ezran is trying to mitigate harm and look on the bright side for their friend. Callum does not take his eyes off of, and is entirely focused on, Rayla. Yes, he’s optimistic about what may have happened to Soren, but that’s specifically presented in him reassuring Rayla (and then again in 4x07 as well). 
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Callum craves power (and freedom). He craves magic. He has a strong heart and a strong mind just like his friends, but he’s also a mage in ways that even Claudia is not. Claudia can look at ancient ruins and never wonder how to use them. She’s brutal out of perceived necessity. Callum is brutal even when he doesn’t need to be. Callum learns about moon magic and, like every magical object he’s encountered, he wants to learn how to use it. Just knowing is not enough. 
Viren and Callum are both people willing to do “anything” to protect their family, even if Viren’s more complicated because he’s also more willing to sacrifice them, and Callum is not (with perhaps the sole exception of letting Ez be under the ice for a dangerously long time). This is especially highlighted in S4, textually. Ezran and Rayla are both willing to sacrifice precious items connected to their fathers. Callum (at least for now) is not. 
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Callum is genuinely tempted down the path of being a dark mage when he thinks he has no other magical options. He rejects it still holding onto hope, perhaps, that he can be a primal mage. And like I’ve already said, Rayla and Ezran would not have been tempted into it at all. Claudia isn’t either because she doesn’t see anything wrong with dark magic in the first place. But Callum does. In this way, Callum’s pursuit of magic has the most in common with Viren’s, where he knows it’s dangerous, and knows it may not always end well (“I have nothing left to lose”) and yet he chooses it and Aaravos anyway. Callum also has a self-preservation streak that Viren, Rayla, and Ezran do not (at least marginally). He rarely throws himself into anything in which he has zero hope for survival; even when he takes Ez’s spot in 1x02, he still argues with Rayla on behalf on his own life; he easily is talked down by one word from Rayla when it comes to letting Sol Regem burn him to a crisp in 3x01. (Compare and contrast with how Rayla argues with him for her own death in 3x08, or how Viren places his life in Aaravos’ hands in Lux Aurea.) 
And yet in spite of how much the show emphasizes just how much he loves magic, and loves using magic (“figure out how he could use the cube” and what he could “achieve” with it, S2 novelization), it also shows us time and time again that the people he loves - namely Rayla and Ezran - are even more important to him than magic. 
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[Cue Callum dropping his staff - “It means a lot” - to pick up Rayla’s sword only to then throw that away, too, when he sees her hand to run right at her]
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And even over his freedom and well-being:
C: I was his puppet. I felt so weak and out of control. I’m not afraid that he’ll hurt me. I’m afraid that he’ll use me to do awful things. Or hurt people I care about. That’s why all I’m asking is that if he takes control of me again, you have to kill me. I need you to promise. 
Among the trio, Callum is the one with a more skewed morality and greater capacity for remorseless violence. He’s the one with a raging and then ice cold temper. He’s the one who has the most in common personality and morality wise with Viren and Claudia and even Terry. Not entirely the same, of course - there’s a reason he’s not on their side - but the most similar, I think. 
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And I think that’s why 1) Callum is such a fascinating character, especially for a protagonist and 2) disappointing sometimes, when people take away his claws and teeth. Because he absolutely has them, and I hope we can only continue to see them play out even further as we go along.
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sstardustt3 · 3 months
Johnny cade headcannonsss
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Authors notes- um so my writers block is gone (yipeee) and I decided that from now on this is just going to be a general writing account instead of something focused exclusively on one fandom (I'm still gonna do creepypasta stuff dw) but I didn't realize how much writing for one singular thing burns the fuck out of you so I'm doing this because it's much more easier and I'm gonna upload more because I'm on summer break. Anyways I'm on an outsiders kick rn so this is the result of it
tags/ warnings- mentions of abuse, johnny being a gossip whore, angst, fluff, johnny thinking negatively about himself, brief mention of romance, someone please give him a hug-
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-Johnny is really fucking strong despite looking kinda scrawny but he believes no one when they tell him this (he thinks they're just trying to make him more confidant)
-If he did have a s/o then nine times out of then they've asked him to carry them everywhere
-he hates physical contact he can't stand it especially if he's not ready for it like if you hug him from behind. mostly because everytime someone touches him it's to hurt him but also another is because he just hates being surprised
-his body is so unbelievably cold all the time that even if there was a heat wave in the area at like 120*f he would still feel like he's on the brink of dying from hypothermia
-something he picked up from Dally is being rude to people for like no reason he doesn't even do it intentionally he just kinda says the most outlandish rude shit about people and does not even realize it
-adding onto things he's picked up from hanging with dally is how to talk to girls, contrary to popular belief he's actually not (completely) clueless with girls and he can sweet talk if he really wants to (he starts off stumbling like an idiot though)
-he's failling a good percentage of his classes for half the year because he figured that he wasn't gonna go far in life even if he didn't end up dead by 18 and his parents don't care about him enough to check his report cards
-at the end of the year the week before you can't do any more retakes and turn in late work he'll just do everything in one go because he doesn't really wanna be held back (he ends up passing with b's and c's)
-he's actually really good at making shit he has a drawer full of small little trinkets he's made in his spare time
-he learned how to make things to pass the time because before the gang he really didn't have friends and he didn't have a good excuse to go out anyway so he just locked himself in his room and began making things out of paper and rearranging action figures he stole from the junkyard or from second-hand stores
-more than half of his creations look like the shit Sid from toy story made
-he's so oblivous when people like him it's ridiculous and when he does realize they like him he just kinda is like "oh...oh...OH?!!!"
-even when he does like them back his first instance is to distance himself from them he thinks it's something that'll like pass
-he's dyslexic which is why he always makes Ponyboy do his English homework and read his homework to him in general
-adding onto the headcanon about him being cold all the time, for that very reason you'll never catch him out of him dead out of his jacket (well I guess that's not true bc he died without it but wtv)
-another reason is that he has a lot of scarring and bruises from his parents that he hates seeing
-dally was the first person to meet Johnny and he was kinda like "damn look at that little possum...it's coming home with me" and when he asked Johnny his name he had mumbled it so when he said it it sounded like Johnny cakes so for like half a year dally called him that before randomly correcting him
"yeah, so johnny cakes here-"
"Johnny Cade."
"huh? What you say, little man?"
"My name's Johnny Cade, not Johnny Cakes."
"are you serious-"
-Johnny's a gossip whore whether he admits it or not. the perks of being quiet and going unnoticed is that people will say there business loud and proud in front of you because they have forgotten you were even there.
-he will without a doubt tell Ponyboy after.
-and since Ponyboy has little to no understanding of the meaning of keeping things to himself he will in fact tell the rest of the gang
*requests for hcs/ or fics are always welcome*
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transboysokka · 8 months
Tell us about your extensive list of injuries!
ok this is probably why my body is so shitty now lol
like idk if this is A Lot but also the doctor i had my whole time in America's philosophy was "give it time and your body will heal it" and idk if it was him or my shitty dad who just like didn't know about physical therapy lol but yeah
feel free to use any of this as fanfic inspo lmao
I don't think anything here is TOO graphic but, y'know, take care of yourselves
I was BORN with a broken collarbone because i was... 10.5 pounds as a baby? Couldn't fit through the hole lolol like i guess the DELIVERY took 2.5 hours
this isn't an injury but feels like it belongs here... i have a bleeding disorder so when i was a kid between like 3-5 years old i'd get these TERRIBLE nosebleeds that, no lie, would fill up a bath towel. so i had two nose cauterizations when i was 5 and 6. so. surgery.
Many many ankle sprains lol
In... Grade 8? I broke BOTH of my ankles at the same time bc i tried to jump hurdles in track AFTER having already pulled a muscle. so i landed terribly wrong... lol they had me doing shot put the rest of the season bc that was the only thing i didnt have to move my legs so much doing
somehow i think... i was mostly okay through high school... somehow? (maybe not i dont remember a lot of high school lol)
ok so in college i worked at this Religiously Traumatizing summer camp and i did all the like Carrying Heavy Stuff Around jobs but i slipped in the mud from standing height and slammed RIGHT down on my right knee and i swear i landed on a rock or something? yeahhhhh that's my most fucked up one still, it NEVER healed right and actually the way they had me using crutches for that one really messed up my OTHER knee too
about... 6 years ago right before i moved to asia i worked in construction sales (fucking loved that job, i was so buff driving forklifts and tossing around bags of cement) and i was lifting a 14-foot 4x6 WET pressure-treated beam, so we're talking like... idk that's gotta be 30kg, am i exaggerating? (on my own, as I probably shouldn't have done) over my head and DROPPED IT ON MY FACE. HUGE laceration and concussion
ANYWAY i was sleeping in my sister's top bunk at the time lmao and so the next morning I FELL OUT OF IT AND LANDED ON THE SAME DAMN LEFT COLLARBONE I BROKE AS A BABY. snapped the thing clean in half. waited a month for it to heal on its own, it didnt, and i needed surgery for them to break it again and fix it. I still have the plate and screws in there. but now that whole area is kind of fucked muscle-wise too
OH i almost forgot i got in a scooter accident a few months ago, major head injury there. like passed out for 10 minutes kind of head injury! but also i cut my finger like right down to the bone so that was... fun to heal...
so yeah... is it a lot? idk lol but that's all of them i think
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lilnasxvevo · 6 months
Ok here was the joke that I think he reacted badly to:
He was reading an email I wrote over my shoulder to make sure it was up to his standards (emails go out to like, social workers and the parents/guardians of our clients so they’re kind of a big deal) and he made a comment about whether or not I was going to check out the couple of phrases that were underlined in blue. I had already noticed those areas before I called him over, and I had already decided that their grammar suggestions were not relevant to the actual thought I was trying to convey, so I was just kind of like “Nah, nah.”
And he was like, super neutrally, “So what I’m learning about you is you’re the kind of person who doesn’t pay any mind to those suggestions.”
And I kind of panicked bc I couldn’t really read his tone, and because he’d made me watch him write emails in the past and he pretty much always takes Microsoft’s grammar suggestions, and the way I chose to deal with this panic was to joke, jokingly, in a joking manner, “Well, not to sound arrogant, but I have a bachelors in English, and this is a computer program.”
And I THOUGHT that would defuse things somehow or get a “Haha” or even a grin out of it but it got absolutely no reaction from him.
And today, he was looking over the email drafts I had sent him in his own office, and he came over to talk to me because I had paraphrased something one person had said and used the phrase “anxiety-inducing” and he didn’t like that.
And maybe I got a little defensive, maybe, I’m not perfect, and I started defending my use of the word, and I didn’t say a thing about my writing skills or my dumb fucking English major but he still said, “Now, you’ve thrown the fact that you’ve majored in English at me before,” and my voice just DIED on the spot and I shut my mouth and he told me some stuff about trying to quote the client as much as possible and making sure we aren’t stressing out the parents by using words that are too “dramatic,” and said if the client used a word like “stressed” then I shouldn’t use a word like “anxiety.”
And at this point I said, “I’m just—I’m just pretty sure that the client did use the word ‘anxiety.’”
And he was like “Okay but I’m pretty sure she didn’t use that other word,” and he said something that implied that the word “inducing” is like some fancy word that most people didn’t know and implied that the client wouldn’t know that word either which I found strange and kind of rude because I feel like a lot of people know that word, though I guess maybe my boss doesn’t.
And I was just kind of like “Okay. Okay, I’ll change it,” and he was like “Okay.” and then he left and then a little after that was when I made my post about having an RSD anxiety attack in the bathroom
And I just really don’t know how to bring this up to him because I’m just so surprised that he seems to have drawn conclusions about what kind of person I am based on that one comment, when all of my other interactions with him have been marked by me deferring to his knowledge in all things, doing what I’m asked, and being open to learning new ways of doing things. Today was the first time I’ve complained or resisted in any way unless you count the aforementioned joke that fell flat and now I’m really worried he thinks I’m a jerk. And so I am just finding this really hard to navigate because I feel like if I bring this up to him at all or try to advocate or stand up for myself he’ll just be like, “Oh, here’s Docket making things all about himself again.”
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hekateinhell · 2 years
As someone who has read most of the books but has willingly ignored a lot of the later canon plots and hasn’t actually read the latest trilogy (Blood Canticle left me absolutely traumatized and I don’t feel ready yet), the concept of Trinity Gate puzzles me and I need someone I can trust (you) to walk me through it to make sure I’m getting this right. So this is a house/mansion Armand built for himself and his little family (initially Benji and Sybelle?), but then Louis moves in and he and Armand rekindle their relationship around the time Lestat is fucking around with the Mayfairs? But at some point Lestat becomes Prince of all vamps (RIP the elders I guess?), and THEN decides he wants Louis back so Louis goes back to France with him but does he leave Armand for good? Does he split his time? And somehow in the middle of this, Daniel goes back to Armand and they all end up living together? Am I getting it right? Love this for everyone involved but I just can’t believe this was written by the same woman who at one point made me want to throw Merrick out of my window. Also I adore your blog, thank you for almost singlehandedly pulling me back into the fandom after so long <3
Aww that's so sweet, welcome to the circus! 💖
Okay, the timeline is a bit funky because we're not given exact dates, but the TL;DR:
At some point shortly post-Merrick, Louis and Armand establish Trinity Gate and live there with B & S. It's not said if Armand had already owned the exact property prior. Armand relies on his fearsome reputation to deter other vampires from the area.
Louis lives there with Armand for approximately a decade while Lestat does Lestat Stuff™️ (Mayfair women; suffering in a forest)
Flash-forward those more or less ten years, Lestat is working to set up the vampire court in France and he asks Louis to come with him. Louis says, "I'm tired of fighting it; I give up; I'll come."
It's never explicitly stated that Louis and Armand are/were in a romantic relationship this time around, but it's definitely a popular headcanon. I think it's implied when they're jointly referred to as "the pillars of the New York household at Trinity Gate," as well as during a very loaded phone call Armand and Lestat have while Louis is in the room with Lestat. I did a short Trinity Gate meta post that goes more into detail on the Louis, Armand, and Lestat of it all if you're interested!
Armand and Daniel's reunion takes place off-screen, but Daniel has moved back in with Armand somewhere between PL and RoA. This is the last word we will ever hear on Daniel in canon (RIP).
Louis splitting his time between France and New York is another fanon headcanon, but Armand does seem to be spending a lot of time in France once Louis is there, even though it sounds like he would rather not be at the court.
Armand is shown to be fiercely protective of Louis in BC, and for what it's worth, the last canon scene we ever get of either Louis or Armand is at the very end of BC: they're standing together (Lestat notes Armand is smiling), gazing at Lestat as he takes the throne.
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
Hello! I’m going to one of the MCR shows in Brisbane and i was wondering if you could give me some info on the venue/etiquette over there (I’m from Puerto Rico). Do you know if they’ll do the wristband system for GA or if you’ll have to queue all day? Are pits particularly rowdy or anything like that? I’m so excited to go to Australia for the first time! Any tips on what to do/eat would also be welcomed 😅 thanks!
heyy!! sorry this took a while for me to get to, i wanted to give you a decent answer. first of all, that's really exciting that you're coming from pr!!!! hope you enjoy your trip <333
okay so you didn't specifically ask this but just as a general heads up because i worry about it - one thing for i know for sure is that overnight camping at this venue is strictly prohibited. it's also not actually possible at all, because the venue is in a large gated-off area that's locked at night and borders/is surrounded by swampy wilderness lol. so as a heads up to anyone attending the brisbane show, please please do not camp overnight it's not only illegal but very unsafe. you'll also literally be eaten alive by bugs lol it's a huge mosquito breeding ground. i promise you'll regret it lmaooo.
okay the rest of the answer is under a cut bc it got rambly lol sorry. but if anyone else is travelling to brisvegas 🤘🤘 for the show/s, here's a little crash course for you if you want lol
so to answer your original question, i highly doubt there'll be any kind of wristband system organised by the venue tbh, i've just never heard about a precedent for that here (though i haven't been to this particular venue since before covid so i guess i could be wrong). their website says you can queue "outside the turnstiles" on the day, so i think it'll just be down to who shows up tbh! also as a reminder, the venue is kind of out of the way and there isn't much in the way of food/water nearby to purchase so if you do do that, come prepared! and bring plenty of sunscreen and probably insect repellent. remember it will almost definitely still be quite hot in march down here. i'm not really expecting a very serious queue myself - i'm thinking there'll be maybe a dozen or two dedicated people who show up in the morning at most, and the rest won't show up until maybe a few hours in advance. i could be wrong though!! i'm personally not planning on getting up really early, i'd rather be rested for the show. maybe late morning? who knows i might change my mind
it's also not exactly the easiest venue to get to by public transport lol, your best bet is the nearby train station (boondall station). but on the plus side it's close to the airport!
as for pit rowdiness, it's really hard to say, i reckon it just varies from show to show. i'm honestly really curious myself as to what the crowds will be like because from what i can tell mcr aren't really as popular over here in general as they are in america/the uk (not so sure about europe). i already know a couple of people who are going who don't actually know much of their music they were just like oh huh mcr, i remember them LOL. for reference there are two shows in each city, one that was announced in 2019 and one that was added the second or third time they rescheduled, and in every city that second show still hasn't sold out. so i don't thiiiink the pit will be very rowdy at these particular shows, no. but same as always - if you're worried, just avoid standing front and centre!
as for what to do/eat - now this really depends on where you're staying and how long you're staying for! the best place for that kind of stuff is obvs around the centre of brisbane, whereas the mcr venue, like i said, is pretty close to the airport. if you want to really see brisbane and eat out in nicer restaurants/bars, southbank (most tourist-friendly place, accessible and genuinely nice to wander around along the river), the fortitude valley (which is also the nightlife district and chinatown), and west end (pretty heavily gentrified 'hip' youth area - lots of vegan food and brunch places, farmer's markets and the like) are probably your best bets, though not the cheapest. brisbane does actually have a good foodie culture so there's plenty around - it's hard to go wrong with asian food here thanks to australia's pretty high asian population! if your budget is smaller than that - dude trust me. go to any brumby's bakery or to any pie face and get a proper meat pie. and a lamington while you're at it.
if your stay is short and you just want to find cheaper accommodation close to the airport, honestly the aforementioned swampy wilderness that the entertainment centre is in is part of a national park (boondall wetlands environment centre) that's quite nice to walk around if you're into that kind of thing! it's a mangrove system which is a really fascinating ecosystem if you haven't seen them (though i think pr has plenty lol), lots of native birds and shit. the nearby suburbs of sandgate and shorncliffe are a great place for some classic fish and chips and to walk along/sit by the water (though don't get excited, they're not a 'real' aussie beach, it's a sheltered bay so the water is flat and the sand is brown).
depending how long you're staying and whether you'll have a car, there are lots of very beautiful "real" beaches surrounding brisbane an hour or two in either direction - the gold coast to the south is for the touristy ones (good if you like shopping/nightlife, more accessible by public transport), and the sunshine coast to the north is quieter and prettier. there's also lots of nice hiking trails around if you're into that but you would need a car.
anyway. sorry this is long, i hope i answered your question!! you're welcome to dm me if you want specific clarification on anything :)))
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single-malt-scotch · 9 months
i kno theres a lot of comparison for Good Season between s9 and s7 and i love them both bc they really have entirely different vibes. they cant be the same. i dont think its fair to say why one was better than the other but rather recognize what is different about them and think about the numerous things done and why they worked well, potentially thinking about what would be nice to see going forward.
s7 was interesting bc it isnt unlike s9 in having some kind of central location and then hermits spreading out from there, as well of the numerous 'events' that occurred.
i think a central area is key... not just spawning in the same place together, but spawning there and establishing something there. s9's spawn blossoming in that spot with everyone's small starter homes was lovely because it basically made a small neighborhood. it seemed natural to make a little starter base to prepare and live in before going off to build a potentially bigger base imo. my favorite thing about s9 (kind of s8 simply because of proxy voice) is the excitement and chaos of starting and everyone bumping into each other and poking fun etc and i think spawn is a key part of that! its what i look forward to most for the start of a season.
in terms of events, its something the hermits were very good at in s7 and naturally did in s9 again. events are good. they allow collabs between bigger numbers! i cant even count all the events on each season but i realize i feel there is like... a 'roleplay-ish' event and some kinda game event lol. and strangely we had two events that had to do with controlling a district/server etc (s7 mayor and s9 king). which is just coincidence. but, this kinda back and forth of funny 'lets play pretend" to some degree can be amusing to watch and i dont mind it, but its the way that its played out that matters. s7 mayor was pretty simple and didnt effect other people too hard (it was on a much smaller scale tbh), whilst ren's king arc was incredibly involved!! and that is NOT an insult (i think it was done decently in a way where ppl not involved did not have weird video situations of being confused or left out-- they could ignore it easily).
it is just wild to see the progression of work done between these events these ppl created. honestly no matter the ups and downs of the king arc i cannot applaud ren enough for everything he did, it was insane. this is to say-- i wouldnt doubt a pattern potentially coming through-- playing pretend in a way thats a bit more than just a prank war, and obviously making silly games. games are really The staple of the server and the way people get together to have fun. my only wish would be to not have another mayor/king/etc arc lol. i dont think thatll be an issue.
i think what stands out for both season are the things some hermits make that arent mini games or just a little play pretend, but the long going events that get people involved for a longer period-- s7's button, tag, head games, decked out or the base trade. s9's decked out, tcg, mumbo's new button, ren's quests, etc... and i imagine they will all come up with new things again. s9 at least to me felt like it lacked some of that but its probably more because the ones that did come up lasted a long time inbetween giving hermits more time to work on their builds. but they all came in waves that felt fitting. let a thing happen for a while, it slows down, people spend time more specifically working on their base. rinse repeat. i guess in some ways it felt 'organized' but i can see how it maybe didnt work for some people-- some didnt like watching tcg and when it was the main focus, some people didnt watch. same goes with decked out.
and of course, across both seasons, its always a toss up on how "complete" is feels. and my prespective is less of who completes what, but instead how the season potentially affected their ability to work on their stuff. of course there are all kinds of irl things that affect them too so i cant judge this as if i know everything. s9 felt kind of linear? again, in the sense of how larger scale events were spaced out. and i feel like ppl were given good spans of time to work on their stuff. really, it just seemed like irl things is what slowed some people down towards the end, especially when the pauses between things like tcg and decked out were spent dealing with irl, and then returning because of those events. at least from my perspective, s7 felt a bit more chaotic in terms of this pacing due to the randomness of events and the fact they would often take them away from their bases. i dont actually feel like anyone worked less on their bases in s7 than s9, but the big things that happened were not at all paced the same way as they were in s9 (it sometimes made me feel like they werent making much progress at all even though they were lol).
it is interesting taking a look at these two seasons because i think they had a lot of the same stuff, but both went about it differently. i think these two seasons define the hermits very well-- the kinds of stuff they do, the stuff they enjoy, and what they tend to keep doing. assuming s10 doesnt get some kind s8 treatment i can only see this one going forward just as well as the previous. and i hope as well to see some very interesting new ideas from after the insane massive works like tcg and decked out 2.
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thegeminisage · 1 year
last night when i stopped playing i aimed myself at a stable and jumped into the tower so i had no choice but to fly there upon opening the game today, even though i was going to fuck around and do something else lol. at least stables make me remember my amiibo...
omg its the infamous underpants stable...finally i get to see what it's all about. i should run around in mine too. solidarity
lmao when i talked to penn with no clothes on he was like. are you gonna investigate undercover??
SCREEEAM this guy is like oh you're dressed in our new uniform
aw. beedle goes "we meet again and again - i wonder how many times we met in our past lives!"
the girl with the dogs who straight up won't look at or speak to any naked men, including me. lesbian queen
alright, up the mountain road i go...totally naked
killing me to ignore these koroks but they're all just too far out of the way :/
oh i found it! lmao they really do think i'm one of them
ik this is like. fake zelda. im hoping its yiga zelda tho bc this is simply too silly. it reeks of yiga shenanigans. real fake zelda was a bit uncanny
ah, i'm required to go gearless for this...smh this eventide bullshit
"we'll learn from your methods, we're just not confident in the physical side of this" THIS GAME IS RATED E FOR EVERYONE
wow. i just BARELY made it. whew!!
omg they MISHEARD HER?? it's not even a yiga thing?? man come on this truly is the urban legend of zelda
rip they put their clothes back on. it wouldve been funny if they got so inspired they stayed naked forever lol
i guess i'll put my clothes back on, too...
froze in terror like a prey animal when i saw this block puzzle but i did actually get it this time.
standing under a talus's crotch trying to ascend up thru its body when i caught sight of zelda and my throat got a little tight. life truly is so textured
lol these treasure hunting bros are here. thank you for telling me exactly how to solve the puzzle! what is this skyward sword (sorry skyward sword)
most of my complaints re: tears of the kingdom center on botw exhaustion - that i'm sort of tired of the map and have no more joy of exploration anymore after 100%ing such an enormous game (almost twice - on the first file i did everything except the korok seeds, but i got enough to max out my inventory i think). but every once in awhile i will come across an area that looks totally and completely innocuous and get incredibly tense out of nowhere. and sure enough in a minute i will remember, "a guardian used to be here," or "a lynel used to be here." it takes a minute, but i do remember! and even knowing they aren't here anymore, it's a little hard to relax. if i were ever to play botw again*, i bet i would feel the same way about areas that have hands now lol. (*highly unlikely given the previously mentioned botw exhaustion - maybe in many years after some other zeldas have come out for me to chew on! i highly doubt i'm going to replay totk either. as much as i love it, this is It. inevitably though there will be dlc so this runthrough won't be my only time playing it Ever)
ANYWAY i have to take a break now to do stuff and idw this post to be really long again. so.
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whywereuborn · 2 months
i didn't do much td but im still gonna post just bc i wanna learn to be consistent w my journaling. Today i thought that i had volunteer work to do so i took a 1 hr train ride to the place im volunteering at just to find out i got the date wrong!!! i still got to give the organization the stuff i was gonna donate and managed to fetch the hat my grandma forgot the last time we were there so i guess it wasn't completely useless. I'm pretty sure i have discalculia or whatever its called hence my constant mix up of dates and times (not to be one of those people that diagnose themselves w everything). I was gonna do some shopping in the area since i was already there but it was 10:30 and none of the shops would open until 11 so i couldn't be bothered to wait in the heat so i got on another train back home. I was gonna stop at another station on my way home since i had time and nowhere to go but i got lazy and just decided to go home. Tbh im so proud of how independent ive gotten, just last year i left the house by myself for the first time and now i can even manage problems like that on my own!!! to a lot of people it might not be a big deal but for me it is bc its one of the only signs of growing up ive seen in myself. anyways, on my train back home i was looking around and wondering where everyone was going and why at such a random time in the morning during the week. there were surprisingly no kids on the train in the summer so i questioned why everyone was on that train. i wish i could know and understand everyones life and thoughts, however i do think actually being able to do that would drive me insane with how much id be able to understand everyones stand point while also understand how they completely contradict each other. i wish there was a textbook answer to everything. Then i wouldn't be struggling so much with weighing out every single decision, emotion, and thought i have with other possibilities. i guess that being able to weigh out every possibility makes me more open minded but its so exhausting to constantly questioning everything about everything. i guess thats why so many people fall back on religion, it gives them a guidebook to themselves and everything that has ever been in existence. Anyways, i then went out for lunch with my grandma where i ate too much salad and didn't leave enough room for the main dish. the guilt of my food waste then made me once again question what the most logical reaction to that would be and i spiralled over that for a few minutes. anyways, today was chill but i was all over the place physically and emotionally.
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the volunteer organizations gave me tea but i already had some in my bag so i paid for the consequences of people pleasing by adding more weight to my bag
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audiovisualrecall · 5 months
I have to be at work at 3pm today for inventory and it's 10:45 and I still need to feed the cat his canned food, shower and get dressed, pack/put together my lunch/dinner, possibly eat lunch before I go bc I never have time for 2 breaks on inventory nights, and I have to leave around 1 if I'm going by public transport or by 2:20 if I'm doing uber, which I might despite $$$ bc I hate taking 2.5 hours and possibly also a 15 minute walk to get somewhere that takes a car 20 minutes. And also idk if I can be ready in time to leave at 1.
Also I didn't call a customer yesterday so now I have to do that ASAP when I get in to work, but I Also have to look up a bunch of stuff for mothers day because they want to discuss and finalize plans today around 4pm. And of course there's the usual stuff like restocking and then taking care of the garden center.... plus I absolutely Have to do the condensing and organizing for the GC before 6/7pm so that when I go to count out there at 9pm I won't be guessing or standing out there for ages and idk if it's gonna rain or anything tonight.
Also also I have no idea whether my mom is going to pick me up from work or if I should ask my sister to come get me and I'll sleep on their couch instead, it depends on if they do the procedure for dad (apparently the meds they have him on have sorted out thw issue bjt idk if thats an actual fix or something he could keep taking or if they still need to do the procedure anyway) what time they will, if he's staying another night, and if ma is going to stay late there or overnight or what. if he's staying in the hospital overnight again, then Idk, cause she's going to be like 15 mins away from me at most and it doesn't make sense for her to drive all the way home and then back, but also I won't be done till 11:45 or later possibly (last time I clocked out at 12:04am, got in the car at 12:15 or something) and is she just going to hang around in the area till then???? Stay with dad until 11 and head over??? And will she even be able to be awake enough to come get me and drive home??? On the maybe 5 or 6 hrs of sleep last night?
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nerdgirlriot · 10 months
work-related stuff i need to get off my chest on this extremely stressful Thanksgiving week and this occupying my brain and making it hard to sleep so...!
arrrrgghh two co-workers are saying they're going to leave if I don't step into a more leadership role in the department bc they hate one of our managers (whom I have a decent work relationship with)
sooooooooooooo the thing is that they've been at the store for a LOT longer than i have. They could've quit ANYTIME. In fact, another former co-worker quit because she couldn't stand the manager in question. I admit that he's not nice, but he gets shit done. Thanksgiving would fall apart without him running the entire thing.
I really dont' think these co-workers know how hard this manager works. They should consider themselves lucky that they don't have to get pulled into the kitchen to pack 100s of pounds of green beans for Thanksgiving meals. And now they're trying to guilt me into taking on more responsibility so they won't leave for another store
how about fucking hell no?
i don't give a shit that you hate this manager. This manager is just telling you to do your damn jobs. These two co-workers open the store so they've got 3 full hours before the store is open to customers and somehow they hardly EVER get any non-customer facing stuff done? how in the fuck? how fucking hard is it to just do what's fucking asked of you and not bitch at me that our manager is "mean" and an "asshole" for telling you to do your fucking jobs?
so our store closes one hour later on the two days before Thanksgiving and one of these co-workers told me that they're scheduled to come in at 6am instead of 5am and then the store opens at 7 so they only have 1 hour before the store opens. so one of them asks, "We only have 1 hour so what are we supposed to do?"
IDK YOUR FUCKING JOBS????????????????????????????????
So as a closer I get all my tasks done and ALSO I deal with customers? like...i do EVERYTHING asked of me and our manager isn't "mean" to me? also how in the fuck is me taking on more responsibility and more work and more stress going to help? Tell me how am I supposed to change this manager's mind when these co-workers have sorta proven over the course of 8+ years that they cannot (or will not) do all the work.
Threaten to leave? Then LEAVE. oh btw they also hated the previous team manager (for, guess what, giving them these same tasks and expecting them to DO THEM) and theywanted to leave before and guess what? They fucking didn't? Move to a different store? Good luck bc you're going to be asked to do the EXACT SAME THING (and maybe even more if the store is busier than ours). that's kinda the point of big store chains. Run all the stores the same and put the same expectations on them all. It's going to be the fucking same shit but you're going to be dealing with a whole new manager who is also probably still going to be "mean" and "an asshole". I fucking guarantee you that our leadership team is the most level-headed and accomodating of all our stores in the area. Source: I've interacted with most of them and a lot of them are more metrics-driven than ours. With them, you're going to have to meet quotas, while I know our managers are fine with doing your best, unless that means not doing anything.
so don't come to me with this shit story and guilt-trip me into doing shit I don't wanna do just cuz you won't do your fucking jobs.
it's two more days to Thanksgiving. No one should expect work to be a walk in the park during the holidays. And if you don't understand that get the fuck out of retail
rant over
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foxstens · 2 years
had my first run-in with the janissaries
basically i went through every area i could access to get all the treasure chests i had been avoiding bc they were guarded n stuff. and all of them were easy, like four were in a huge restricted area that literally had two guards lmao, but there’s this one. it’s in a camp, the only camp ive come across in this game, and there’s like 50 guards around it
most of them are janissaries, who are... the most annoying enemy ive come across in this series. like i knew they’d be hard based on their description and what i’ve read about them but holy fuck i did not expect to be this bad at fighting them. they can block or counter or dodge every attack you have, they can either combo-hit you or shoot you, and they take a million years to die bc it’s so hard to find an opening. oh and in this case there’s no way to just fight them one by one. 
they’re also quite resistant to the crossbow and the hidden gun, like a few enemies in this game, and they take like 3 shots form either to die. the only way to one-shot them is via poison or arrow storm. idk how well bombs work since i suck at using them and you can’t snipe them from the roof bc this is a pretty big open camp.
in my panic i ended up calling a few assassins and thankfully none of them died but it was close. taunt doesn’t exist in this game so you can’t disarm them like the papal guards, and apparently the best ways to kill them are via counter steal??? which is pretty complicated and im too slow to use it, or via air assassination which im also too slow for. i dont think they show up in other places but i think there’s a mission involving them and this camp which is. scary. i mean i guess i could go there and just practice them or smth but i feel underleveled for it. id like to get more stuff and more experience with the bombs before i do that
i feel like there isn’t too much to do in this game yet, ive just been running around getting money renovating buildings lowering my awareness rinse and repeat, and also recruiting any troubled citizens i came across. i’ve managed to recruit pretty much everyone that showed up on my map apart from one particular guy because its a race
and races are still fucking impossible jesus fucking christ its not even hard but EZIO JUST JUMPS ALL OVER THE PLACE EVEN WHEN MY FINGERS ARE WORKING CORRECTLY AND ITS SO FUCKING ANNOYING JEHSUGDJUSJDUG 
i am glad i checked it out tho bc there’s a small cutscene before the race starts and holy shit have i mentioned i love ezio. ohhhhhh my god i love ezio in this game. HE’S SO GREAT WHAT THE HECK. like hes always been great but hes so. hes so mature now. hes so calm. i keep saying that but its true g o d. AND HIS VOICE I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE HIS VOICE AND HOW IT CHANGES THROUG HTHE GAMES. 
the combat and movement does feel pretty wonky at times like the secondary weapon just doesnt work sometimes for some reason i cant figure out and it takes a million years to stand up if i happen to fall, which i dont rmr if it was the same in brotherhood bc i never fell, and 99% of the time i just can’t break out of grabs even if i do what the prompt is telling me. its worked twice before and i was doing the exact same thing i always try to do so most of the time i just stand there and get stabbed. 
which is why im still not making the most of the combat system and i prefer using coward strats and killing everything from the rooftops or with the arrow storm. i also still don’t understand how purchasing bombs works, like i had three types of bombs then i bought like 4 from the guy but i ended up only having two?? i think the stuff you buy from him can only take up one slot, so if you buy four types of bombs you’ll end up with the last one you purchased. but it’s not clear which slot they each go into and you also aren’t told what they do unless you go into the database and check it out??? 
roughly half of them seem useless since they can affect civilians or im just never in a situation where they’d be useful, and i feel like using them takes too much thinking and time because half the time i just can’t deploy them when i need to. switching weapons is also so fucking annoying since now have two weapon wheels and i gotta hit a button to switch to the second wheel and /then/ i gotta use the mouse to actually move the arrow to the weapon i want bc rebinding the controls makes the selection skip items. wasnt an issue before whne there was only one wheel but now its annoying bc bombs. also the crossbow is a primary weapon now and i hate. 
still having a great time with the game i just hate the moments when all the issues with the controls make it harder than its supposed to be. im kind of itching for another hidden tomb now eh
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mokutone · 2 years
I came up with another Tenzo HC that I think you'll like. We all know Tenzo likes reading about architecture, but what if he's also really into flowers and their meanings. So like Petunias are supposed to represent anger or being angry at someone. And then what if... Since ANBU just emotionally stunts our poor Shinobi, what if the way he learns to best communicate is by handing people the relevant flowers to express his feelings.
And we all love that HC of him growing flowers, what if the relevant flowers pop up because he associates that feeling with that flower? Like when it's a really really intense feeling, they just start growing.
Also, i know i share my HC with you a lot but i just feel like you always appreciate them <3
its so funny that u mention this bc just a day or two before i recieved it i was writing yamato and felt compelled to have him use a little flower symbolism! I didn't have him growing any flowers tho, just...ominously looming symbolism clinging onto a heavy thought.
i think this can be a really interesting HC to play with, especially when we consider how nebulous "flower language" is—like, for example the red spider lily has, apparently, the meaning of "elope with me" over here in the US, but in japan, the red spider lily is heavily associated with death, lovers separating, etc-you will see it in anime very often, i remember there was one i watched as a kid (hellgirl, i think?) that had them Everywhere and very ominously
and then there's cases where the flower is Supposed to have a meaning, but bc of how its practically used it has a different or even sometimes contradictory meaning,
for example the lily, in christian spaces the white lily is generally supposed to be indicative of innocence—which is probably why its used at so many funerals (symbolizing god washing out the sins after death and making the soul innocent once more, or something) but the fact that its used at so many funerals means that most people i know, when they see a lily, don't think "aw, how sweet..." we tend to go "oh god. the funeral flower." some even can't stand the smell of it
one of my friends gifted me a piece of jasmine incense he had got once for the same reason, that was a Strongly Funereal smell for him, but it was not for me.
then, there's also the individual meanings that flowers hold for people—
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this is jewelweed, one of the most important flowers to me personally! it's native to most swampy, moist areas of the USA, it grows very fast, and tall, and spreads really quickly.
when i was a kid, we'd call this stuff "poppers" on account of how when you touch the green, dangling seed-pods, they would pop! like literally, they would explode, launching their seeds everywhere! here's a video of that.
I'm told that in the language of flowers In General, they represent motherly love, but to me, because of how i played with them as a kid, they will always specifically represent childish joy and wonder, as well as a certain amount of resilience due to how quickly and how well they take over an area (say hello to one of the few plants that can take on the invasive garlic mustard!)
this all to say, the associations between meanings and plants could be something that's really fun to play with—some of his meanings could be gathered from books, some of them could be gathered from the cultural knowledge he has access to, and more still could be developed from his own personal experiences with plants.
i'm not sure where i fall on how much yamato would internalize flower language...or i guess even what kind of flowers hed care about? i see him as somebody who tries to be, first and foremost, practical...
flower language is very poetic and mysterious, but there's practicality in mystery too—he's a ninja, after all, (and, ur right, given Anbu he seems to be a fairly repressed ninja at that) using symbols in order to communicate certain feelings could be very practical, if there are things that are difficult to say...
the only thing is that the person receiving the flowers from him would have to also know what they meant, in order for this to be practical...or there'd have to be a shared understanding of things related to the flowers.
anyway! ur right i did appreciate this, ty for sharing it
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#yamswers#supervaca#if anyone else wants to dig into japanese flower language its called hanakotoba (花言葉) i think#i feel like because of the necessities of her profession ino would be far better at flower meanings than yamato#on account of the yamanaka flowershop supplying bouquets and etc#theres also the possibility that he associates certain People with flowers rather than feelings#like perhaps yamato sees dandelions and thinks abt naruto—on account of the hardiness and brightness of that little weed#but also the whimsical nature of it—how when it gets old its seeds are carried by the wind (+ naruto being a wind chakra user)#sakura obviously. sakura. i mean...#perhaps morning glory for sai...they can come in interesting colors and have a smooth graceful shape...but more than that they need a lot#of support—a morning glory is a vining flower...theyre Trying to get up high but they need to be able to cling to things#and metaphorically naruto sakura yamato and kakashi (and ino?) would be his trellis sdhgshdgsdg#the thing is i dont think hed be able to pin a flower on kakashi unless they had some specific encounter with flowers which was impactful#enough that that flower would forever be associated with kakashi#and on top of THAT. kakashi's name translates to "field scarecrow'' so surely it should be some kind of produce hes associated with#kakashi catches on to yamato thinking of flowers abt the kids and is like ''ooooh? do *I* have a flower toooo??'' and yamato#pats him on the shoulder and is like. nope. sorry. you're a rice field.#and kakashis like damn ok fuck you too buddy#yamatos like if it makes you feel better i dont think of myself as a flower either#and kakashis like ''well *i* could assign everyone on the team a dog breed theyd get along with the easiest so i win at w/e this game is''#yamatos like ''ok whats my dog then?'' and kakshis like ''cat. actually'' and yamato points at him and goes ''see! you're just as bad!!''#and kakashis like ''no see i have an excuse. you wore a cat mask for 10 years. when have you ever seen me in a rice field?''
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kimnjss · 4 years
how sticky | kth
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⇢ pairing: ot7 x reader // taehyung focus. ⇢ genre: smut. // pwp. ⇢ word count: 7.6K ⇢ theme: established relationships.  ⇢ rating: explicit. ⇢ warnings: cursing, dirty talk, poly relationship, handjobs, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), public sex, outdoor sex, unprotected sex (wrap it up lovelies), all the boys wanna kiss yn, cum inside/stuffing, slight over stimulation if you squint. ⇢ A/N: literally this idea came to me while watching the first episode and seeing tae washes the dishes sooo, here you goo!! lmao x also if it seems messy or all over the place, that’s bc i wrote this while streaming dynamite and obvi got distracted . 
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Namjoon is the first to spot you, just as you're tugging your suitcase from the trunk of your car. The large grin that takes over his features as he makes his way over to you, brown hair flopping in the wind with each step he takes. A silver pot held in his hands that he must've forgotten the purpose of upon setting sights on you.
“You're here.” He says with a large smile, dimples showing while he leaning down to press a soft kiss to your waiting lips. “Did you eat?”
Just with one look around the backyard, you can tell that they just finished eating. Had hoped to arrive a bit earlier so you'd be able to eat with them. “Not yet,” He looked good, as usual, but oddly more attractive in this outdoor environment.
The blue two-piece outfit, which you had quickly realized was a favorite of his, hung loosely around his body. The muscles in his arms flexed as he kept his grip on the pot in his hand. Eyes turn to half-moons with the way he was smiling at you.
It had been a few weeks since you saw them last. What with their jam packed schedule and you keeping up with the things going on in your own life, there wasn't really time to be together the way you wanted. A constant long-distance relationship with the seven of them, even if they were only a few miles away.
Which was the biggest reason you were jumping on the chance to spend this week with them. Secluded with nothing to do but be together. It had been Jin who had suggested it, finding out that you had the same week free. What better way to spend it then with your boyfriends? Agreement coming from his younger members instantly and to your surprise, the staff was quick to agree as well. 
Most times riddled a distraction, but it seemed that you being here sort of fit the relaxation, recharging theme of this entire trip. Zero complaints from you, of course, you were packing your bags the moment you got the green light.
“I'll make you a plate, wait.”
All of a sudden remembering he had been in the middle of doing something before seeing you. Quick steps are taken into the house with the pot in hand and you're right behind him, marveling at the huge land they had rented out for this. All of the greens of the mountains and grass was a pretty contrast to the bright blue sky, the sparkling lake that you couldn't wait to try out.
And there was so much stuff! Placed all over the place from where you can see, each item matching a different member's personality so well that you could guess who asked for what. 
Joon is coming back, hands-free, but only to grab your suitcase, wheeling it into the house. He's gone talking to whoever is in the kitchen before he's returning, arm easily wrapping around your waist as he leads you down the hill.
“You came here looking refreshed,” He notes, finally saying out loud what he had been thinking since you were pulling the suitcase from the car.
Out of all of them, Namjoon seemed to pay a lot of attention to the way you looked. And no, not just the clothes you wore and how they fit – but like deeper. He paid a lot of attention to your facial expressions more than anything, reading your demeanor as if it was his latest page-turner.
A blessing and a curse, because although he knew when something was bothering you and tried his best to fix it without you saying a word. It was also really, extremely hard to hide things for him. Not that you tried to often.
“It was a nice drive and I'm excited to spend time with you guys,” The smile that takes over your features is causing a flutter in his heart, his large hand landing on your arm that you've wrapped around his torso – walking the rest of the way like that.
Jimin is whipping around at the sound of footsteps approaching, and you're eyes are widening at the sight of him. Unwrapping yourself from Joon's body, you're rushing the rest of your steps hands outstretched to touch the edge of the gat hanging from his neck.
“You actually wore it?” Speaking through a slight giggle and he's grinning, hands finding home on your torso as he playfully rolls his eyes. “Of course I wore it, so you better deliver,”
The result of a drunk game of Truth or Dare between the two of you. He spent the entire night choosing truth, but as soon as he was picking dare you were telling him to wear his new hanbok for the first day of shooting. He was agreeing with a roll of his eyes, boasting about how easy it was.
Then on your turn, he was hitting you with that sly grin of his. 'If I wear my hanbok for shooting, then you need to let me...' Words trailing off as he suggestively wiggled his eyebrows in your direction. You were quick to put two and two together of what he wanted. And you were agreeing because of course, you wanted it too.
With a distracted nod, your eyes are shifting to the moving figure behind him. “Of course, baby. Whatever you want.” Breaking from his grasp just as Namjoon is extending the full bowl in your direction.
You thank him with a wide smile, which he acknowledges with a short nod – going back to cleaning up while you take a seat at the table. Sat eating the food that you can tell was made by Jungkook as you watch your two men move around the yard until Joon is disappearing into the house again. Someone else exiting at the same time.
“I thought I heard your voice!” There's a smile in his voice that you can detect without having to listen very hard. And you're proven right as you lift your head, being met with Hoseok's bright smile. “When'd you get here?” He wonders once he's closer, taking the empty spot beside you.
“Not too long ago,” You speak through the mouthful of food in your mouth, the words you're speaking coming out a murmured mess. 
The smile on Hoseok's face only grows, his hand lifting to push his hair back on his forehead. “I missed you.” A random confession that has heat rising in your cheeks. He always did this. Knew what a few simple words did to your mind and took pleasure in making you flustered whenever possible.
This time was no different. Just three words and you were forced to put extra focus on your noodles. He missed you. Obviously, you missed him – that's a given. But the fact that he, Jung Hoseok actually missed you and was just telling you about it casually. With that smile on his face. Yeah, he knew exactly what he was doing.
“I missed you too.” A delayed reply, but he's not faltering. Doesn't even think twice about what you could have been thinking about in the time it took you to answer. Instead, he's reaching his arm to wrap around your shoulders, pulling your body into his so he's able to press a dozen chaste kisses to the top of your head.
And then just like that, he's releasing you. Not even giving you a moment to react before he's standing from his spot beside you and moving to help Jimin clean up the outside area.
After the third time, you're asked to scoot over, you're standing feeling as though you're in the way of the cleaning. So, you go to find the others that you haven't seen yet. Thanks to a FaceTime call from Jungkook while they were going through the tour, you had a pretty good understanding of the layout of this place.
Heading over the hill to the Upper House, bowl in hand. And you're grinning when you spot Jin standing out front, staring at the line of delivered groceries in front of him. “Jinnie!” You're calling with a wave of your hand, and he's turning around.
“Yn!” He calls, just as loud – waving you over with one frantic hand.
Easily speeding up your footsteps, it's not long before you're standing in front of him. Arms wrapped around his torso in a tight hug. “What are you doing?” He's out of your hold now, bending to lift the bags off the ground.
“Putting groceries away.”
Following behind him, you shovel mouthfuls of noodles into your mouth while sinking down at the island. For a little while, you're able to enjoy your meal and engage in broken chatter was Jin moves in and out of the house.
He's filling you in on all the plans he has for this trip and the things he's excited about and you listen with a smile on your face. Loving the way he looks when he's completely in his element, eyes sparkling as he talks about being able to fish with Yoongi.
Speaking of Yoongi. Sauntering out from God knows where, white tee hanging loose – revealing a bit of his chest, baggy black jeans that you've now decided is the only thing you ever want to see him in. His hair is unkempt, laying messily over his forehead and only slightly covering his eyes.
There's a smirk on his face when he notices the blatant way you're gawking at him, sinking into the seat beside you – his cold hand not hesitating to reach for your thigh. “You're here?” He speaks in the bored uninterested drawl that you've become used to. Use to read too much into it before you were realizing that just the way he talked.
Now it had the ability to have heat rushing through your veins, especially if he was using that voice when telling you just exactly he wanted to do to you. Never failed to have you basically salivating, putty for him.
“I just came...” The patterns he draws on your inner thigh stills as he lifts his eyes to look at you, a chuckle falling from his lips. “Did you?” He asks teasingly and you're too dazed to pick up on the double meaning of your words.
His hand inches further up your thigh until the tips of his fingers are just inches from reaching the hem of your mesh shorts. Without a thought, your legs are opening for him – giving him as much room as he needs to do whatever he wants.
Yoongi's grinning at your compliance, his lips are just inches for yours. He takes a moment to study your features. Lips shiny with grease, cheeks slightly flushed, eyes staring unfocused. A slow grin lifts the corners of his lips moments before he's leaning in closer.
Yoongi kisses you once as if he's testing the waters before diving in. Grip tightening on your thigh, pulling your body closer to his while he slowly moves his mouth over yours. Soft tongue slowly tracing over your lower lip and you're instantly opening up for him.
The groan that leaves his lips from the feeling of your wet muscles meeting as arousal rushing through your veins and pooling between your legs, fingers reaching to grasp the rough material of his pants for some type of grounding.
And he grins, teeth gently tugging at your lower lip as his hand slides up your thigh toward your waist. So sure he's fingers are about to sneak underneath your shirt, so you giddily wait for the contact. 
But it never comes. "Would you let the girl breathe, she just got here." Is what you hear.
Jimin, into the Upper House to change into something comfortable. And all too ready to scold his Hyung for trying something with you when it hasn't even been an hour. With a roll of those dark eyes of his, Yoongi is leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips – much different from what he had initially planned.
Moment ruined, he's standing from his spot beside you. “I'm gonna go help Jin,” He announces to no one in particular, cheeks darkened with pink from having been caught. Yoongi talked a big game, but he was the most private out of the boys. Wasn't one for an unwarranted audience and preferred to have you to himself rather than sharing you.
“Tae's washing dishes if you're done with that.” He's jutting his chin out to point at your empty bowl on the island. As he speaks, he undoes the tie of his top letting it sag at his shoulders before he's shrugging it off. And you watch his fingers carefully, allowing your mind to wander to just how skilled he was with those fingers.
Playing the same notes for the past eight years on the piano wasn't the only thing he was good at. It's a moment before you register his words enough to stand to your feet, plucking your plate up and exiting the Upper House to find Taehyung.
Back to you as he scrubs the inside of the bowl, you watch as his hips sway to whatever song he's got going in his head. No idea that you're entering the kitchen or that you've arrived – just in his own world.
Taehyung looks handsome even from the back. 
His broad shoulders were still visible underneath the brown top that was just so him. He wore a pair of olive green shorts, giving you a perfect view of his strong legs and the way they flexed with the movement of his feet. Thoroughly riled up from Yoongi's interrupted touches from before, you're struck with a very mischievous thought.
Light steps are taken in Taehyung's direction, quickly setting your bowl in the sink before reaching your arms to wrap around his waist. Palms sneaking underneath the fabric of his shirt so you're able to touch his soft belly. You feel him still against you, taking a moment to put together that it's you back hugging him like this.
He's turning just enough so he can look down at you, a large smile spread across his lips as his eyes take in your face that looks brighter for some reason. “How long have you been there?” Tae tries to hug you back but gives up because of the awkward position.
“Not long,” You answer, nose pressed in the dip of his back after he's turned. Your lips place soft kisses against his covered back, the tips of his fingers brushing over the skin of his stomach. “I missed you.”
And you had. There was just something about Taehyung that drove you crazy with little to no effort. Had to be his aura. The way he carried himself. The unreadable expression that always decorated his features. How he was able to smile with his entire face, pulling large smiles on the lips of the people around him.
All of that and the simple fact of how well the boy could fuck. Of course, all of the guys knew how you make you feel good. All in their own ways, different and unique and still good. But Taehyung. Fuck, Kim Taehyung. A living Sex God, with a thick long cock that he knew how to use. Long fingers that could bring you to climax over and over again with very little time in between. And that mouth. God, that mouth. 
Porn stars would blush at the dirty things that came out of that boy's mouth.
Taehyung's eyebrow is lifting at the mindless way your fingers are dipping lower down his body, flinching just slightly when the tips of your fingers are grazing his quickly hardening cock. “That type of missed me, huh?” He's grinning, you can tell without having to see his face.
Head nodding slightly, you continue placing gentle kisses against his back – fingers drawing teasing lines over his cock through the fabric of his shorts. “Don't be a tease,” He hisses.
His wet, glove covered hand is wrapping around your wrist – forcing more of his cock underneath your palm. A soft moan falls from your lips at the feeling of it twitching with the new friction. Tae's hips rock slowly with the movement of your hand, half of his attention still on the dishes he washes.
And you pout. Want to turn his mind to mush like he's done to you many times before. Until the only thing he can think about is you and how you're making him feel. Fuck the dishes.
Even on your tiptoes, you're only able to reach the nape of his neck. But it's the first bit of bare skin you're able to press your lips against so you settle for it. Leaving open mouth kisses on it while your fingers slowly make their way underneath the waistband of his shorts.
Pleased to find he had decided to forego underwear, you're instantly met with the warmth of his shaft. A low cruse falling from his lips when your cool palm is wrapping around him. And you hold it there. Waiting to hear the scoff that falls from his lips as he starts to rock his hips again – his cock sliding through your grip easily.
The sound of his breathy groans fills the kitchen, egging you on. You can feel him growing harder in your hand and the slow drag of his hips is quickly driving you crazy until you're giving in to the tiny game you were playing and moving your hand.
“Oh, fuck.” Tae hisses, the dish he had been holding crashing into the sink as his fists reach to grip the edge of the sink. Voice gruff and it's usual deep, it has a wash of arousal flooding your body and fueling your movements. Free hand lifting to grasp his hipbone, holding him steady as you bring your hand up toward his tip.
A simple swipe of your thumb over his bulbous has a shiver running down his spine and a grin pulling on your lips. Strokes on his shaft speeding up as the sound of his breathy groans tickled your ears. Hips stuttering underneath your grasp in an attempt to take more than what you were willing to give him.
Always so greedy.
“Does it feel good?” Voice hushed where he can just barely hear.
Taehyung is quick to nod his head, though. “Your hand feels so good on me, Yn. Faster,” He whines, something that you're not quite used to hearing from him. Especially over a simple handjob.
He must've missed you a lot more than he was willing to admit.
And because your soul purpose is to give Taehyung any and everything he asks for, you're rubbing down on him quicker, squeezing him a bit harder. His cock twitches and jumps in your hold and you're fastened by the effect you have on him that your grip on his hip is loosening – allowing him to freely roll his hips upward.
A strong arm is reaching back while his body twists, large glove covered hand tangled in your hair to hold your head steady. For the first time, you're getting a good look at his face. Eyes blown and unfocused, his cheeks flushed and lips bitten. He looks so sexy staring at you as if it's taking all his restraint not to devour you.
The way he leans in, crashing his lips into yours for a sloppy hungry kiss only validates your thoughts. Grip tightening in your hair to hold your head still while his tongue tickles the roof of your mouth.
You try, desperately, to keep your focus on the movement of your hand. Letting him lick into your mouth and kissing him just as much as you can without completely losing your mind. Taehyung, like his six other teammates, worked really well with his mouth. In all ways.
He's nibbling on your lower lip, harsh breaths exiting his nostrils as your thumb runs over the underside of his cock. So close and you can tell from the now frantic roll of his hips. And you're more than ready to bring him there, loved watching him fall apart for you, because of you.
More than ready to have him explode in your palm so you can like it up when the sharp knock on the glass behind you is stilling your movements. Head turning to peak behind you, but Taehyung does stop his head tilting so he's able to suck wet hickeys into your warm skin.
Hoseok stands on the other side of the door, looking extremely impatient. You move to pull your hand from his pants, but Taehyung is quick to grasp your wrist. “Yn, I swear to God.” He speaks through gritted teeth and you're flashing a bright smile up at him.
“It's Hobi,” There's another knock on the glass, “He can't just stand out there,” Laughing, you manage to wiggle yourself out of Taehyung's grasp. He watches you with squinted eyes as you pull the door open for his Hyung.
Cued in on what had been keeping you, a teasing smirk plays on his lips. “What? You're just in here giving Taehyungie all the attention?” Both hands knit into your hair from underneath, slowly closing the space between you two.
“He's working hard in here,” You defend with a slight pout. Upon realizing he wasn't going to be getting off any time soon, Tae turns his attention back to the dishes. Scrubbing the gunk off with much for strength than needed, quiet grumbles leaving his lips.
“I worked hard too, cleaned up outside all by myself. What do I get?” Lips a mere inches from yours, all you'd have to do was lift up onto your tiptoes to feel their softness. “I saw Jiminie helping you.”
Hoseok is rolling his eyes at the slight detail. You're teasing him, he can tell from the way you're gripping his shirt in your fists. Like you're desperate to feel him but at the same time seeing how much you can hold back.
What you failed to realize was, he was much better at teasing than you. Without a second thought, he's leaning down to press his lips against yours. Kiss much different from Taehyung's. More controlled. More intense. Strong hands reach for your thighs, easily lifting your body off of the floor and setting you to sit on the countertop.
He's taking up space between your legs, large hands set on your thighs while he sucks your lower lip into his mouth. You can feel the smirk that plays on his lips from the sound of your moan. 
Hoseok responds by reaching back to give your ass a firm squeeze, pulling your body toward his. He's hard. You can feel it through the fabric of his neon shorts, but the moment you're angling your hips to feel more of him – he's pulling back. 
“Jimin should finish up, hm?” Recalling your earlier comment with a teasing glint in his eye. Planting a soft kiss to your lips, he backs away attention now on Namjoon who had entered with a bag of groceries. As if nothing had happened.
Body buzzing and senses fogged, you're left to wonder just how many times you'd be denied the release you craved.
The two men chatted amongst each other mindlessly, surveying the contents of the fully stalked fridge in front of them. Joon is pulling a bottle of coffee from the bunch, handing it over to you with a soft smile before twisting the cap on his own. You watch as he wraps his plump lips around the edge, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows the liquid down.
Plopping down on the soft red cushion, you watch as Joon moves to offer Tae a sip of his drink. Which he's denying with a pout of his lips. From where you're sitting, you can see that his bulge has gone down a bit – but the foggy need for sexual release stays. You know the feeling. Had half the mind to get on your knees for him right then and there, not like either of them would complain.
They did share you, at times. And those were the times that you secretly hoped for each time you were being interrupted with one of them. But, all of them were so different from their interests and really liked the idea of being alone with you – it didn't happen as often as you'd like.
You could simply suggest it and no doubt they'd agree to the idea. Ready to do whatever you asked to fill your desire. But you liked the surprise of not knowing just when you'd be taking two cocks, or three, or maybe even four. All seven if the weather was right. The suspense had a great effect on you.
Jimin is entering the main house just as halfway through drinking your chilled coffee. Fully changed out of his hanbok, standing in a pair of loose-fitting black shorts and a white SAINT LAURENT tee. Dark hair floppy messily at the top of his head, evident that he's been running his fingers through it.
He looked good enough to eat and if he kept looking at you with those bedroom eyes, you were about to do just that. Beeline made in your direction, settling in the spot beside you. An innocent hand lands on your thigh and your brain short circuits, registering it as anything but.
Without a word, he's reaching for your bottle, taking a long sip from it before licking the drip from his lips. “Where's Kookie?” You ask, forcing your thoughts not to wander too much. And realizing you had yet to see that bunny smile of his, hear the cute way he say's 'Noona' as he wobbles in your direction.
The same age as Namjoon which made you older than Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook – yet Jungkook was the only one out of the three that actually referred to you as Noona. No matter how many times you'd tell him to speak comfortably with you, he'd refuse with blushed and a shake of his head.
The others believed he got off on it, the subtle reminder that you were older than him but he was still able to turn you to make you fall apart with the simple flex of his thigh. “You haven't seen him?” Hoseok speaks with his head inches deep in the fridge and you shake your head despite the fact he cannot see you.
“He’ll come running the moment he hears you're here,” Deciding that your drink is his now, Jimin stands from his spot beside you heading further into the house. Steps cut off by Jungkook turning the corner, as if on cue.
“What!?” A large grin on his lips as his sparkling eyes land on you. Soft hair bouncing as he skips over to you, leaning over the counter so you're face to face. Tattooed hand reaching forward to enclose the back of your neck, gently pulling you forward until your foreheads are touching. “You didn't tell me you were here, Noona.” Eyebrow arched and head tilted to the side.
You can barely see his face with how close you are to it, but there's no doubt that he looks attractive as hell right now in his attempt to be intimidating. Lower lip poking out in a slight plea, “I'm sorry, baby. I was asking about you, though.”
Jungkook only half listens to your words. Some space put between you and he takes advantage of that by allowing his eyes to take in your appearance greedily. Aware of the warmer temperature, you had decided a simple v-neck crop top would suffice. From this angle, he could see straight down your top. And he was doing very little to hide the fact that he was looking, respectfully.
“I'm sure you can think of some ways to make it up to me. Right, Noona?” Hand slipping from the back of your neck, the tips of his fingers brushing over the collar of your shirt. Lips suddenly dry, your tongue is jutting out to wet them. Thighs squeeze together instinctively at the promise his words held.
A contrast to his demeanor, Jungkook is placing a sweet kiss on your lips. One that lingers for a second shorter than you want, but the small smile on his lips upon pulling away is enough to make your heart melt.
All at once, he's releasing you and moving on to follow Jimin out of the kitchen. Taehyung is finishing up he dishes at the same moment, shaking his hands of the water droplets before wiping the excess onto his shorts.
Alone in the room with him again and you feel the atmosphere shift as soon as his eyes settle on you. Finally able to get a good look at you and taking in just how short your shorts are and how thin the material of your top is. But Taehyung is a gentleman when he wants to be. 
His hand rests on your back, the tips of his fingers brushing against the bare skin your shirt leaves exposed. “Want to go for a walk?” Teeth biting into his plump lower lip. Instantly, you're sliding from your seat head nodding at his words.
Taehyung's arms wrap around your waist, pulling your body into his chest and you just faintly see the grin on his face before you're being enveloped in his sweet scent. Guided steps are taken into the game room where Namjoon sits, a laugh leaving his lips at the weird way the two of you are walking.
“What are you making?”
“A boat,” Joon says with a wide smile, lifting the plastic boat to show you. Cutie. Impatient, Taehyung is pushing his hips forward into yours. Even through the layers and with the small fact that he's not exactly hard at the moment – you can still feel his bulge against your ass cheek.
But he doesn't stop there, slowly dragging his hips up so you can feel his entire length. A strangled gasp is leaving your lips that has Taehyung smirking, Namjoon too focused on whether or not he just broke his model, doesn't notice.
Arms tightening around your waist, Taehyung takes a step forward – urging you to do the same.
When Tae said he wanted to take you on a walk, he wasn't speaking in sexual innuendos. You had actually gone for a walk around the land. Hand in hand making comfortable chatter as you soaked in the nice weather.
Somehow, you managed to convince yourself that he hadn't been itching to get you alone to fuck you – but really just wanted to spend some time alone with you. It's sweet when you think about it. The gentle way he's talking to you about the nervousness that surrounds working on his new mixtape. His soft thumb brushing over your knuckles as you assure him that everything will turn out alright.
It's not until you're reaching the picnic table just a few feet from the water, is he wrapping his arm around your hips. Lifting you from the ground as if you weighed nothing and setting you down on the table.
Blunt nails lightly dragging over the back of your knees as he gently spreads your legs so he's able to stand in the middle of them. He's easily hooking your legs around his waist, ankles instantly locking to pull him closer to you. “You know what I want to do right now?” 
“What?” You humor him, even though you could probably guess. Arms lifting to wrap around his neck, head tilting to the side as a slight smirk plays on your lips. His mouth hovers over your ear, wet brushing over the shell of it as he speaks.
“Wanna taste that sweet little cunt. Bet you're already soaked from all the attention you've been getting.” To prove his point, Tae's fingers trail up between your thighs. Your body shudders as he drags a single digit over your slit through the fabric.
He wasn't wrong, had started to feel the heat pool between your legs when Yoongi first kissed you. Mind driving you insane with being able to be with them for this entire week. All of them. It was safe to say it had gotten to you in a very obvious way.
Not one to tease, Taehyung is using his long fingers to push both your shorts and panties to the side so his fingers can press against your bare skin. A surprised gasp leaving your lips with the nudge on your clit, hips bowing toward him. He grins.
“Gonna be a good girl for me?” He's a little breathless, but his fingers never falter. A single digit slipping past your folds and pushing through your walls. “Shit.” He chuckles at the enthusiastic way you nod your hand, tongue rolling over his lips before biting down. “Yeah? Gonna cum all sloppy on my tongue, baby? Let me hear you.”
At the end of his words, his thumb is pressing into your clit, rolling it around lazily as his finger moves slowly inside of you. “Y-yes-” Words breaking on a loud whine, he slows his fingers – waiting. “Wanna cum on your tongue, Tae... p-please.” Hips lifting to rock into his hand but he's pulling back, leaving you feeling empty.
It doesn't last long because he's quick with lifting your leg. Fingers wet with your arousal and wrapped around your thigh, bringing it up to his shoulder. Tae lowers himself to his knees in front of you, at the same time pushing the useless material aside before diving in.
Taehyung watches you through his long eyelashes while dragging his tongue along your folds. Always loved the way you looked when he was between your legs. The way you tried to keep your eyes open to watch him, biting your lip in an attempt to keep quiet, fingers tangling in his hair – holding him close. Hot.
Tongue dragging up to flick against your clit, Taehyung reaches for your other ankle. Lifting your leg over his shoulder so he's completely enclosed by your legs. Plush lips wrap around your bundle of nerves, sucking gently while he's pushing two fingers past your walls. 
“Oh! Tae, fuck...” Panting at this point, grip in his hair used to pull him tighter against you. His free hand reaching around to sneak underneath the hem of your shorts, palming your ass while pulling you closer. Fingers angled to brush against the sweet spot inside of you, loving the way you squirm underneath him.
Just faintly, you can see the outline of his hard cock through his shorts. Straining against the fabric begging for some attention. Having you spread out for him, hearing those pretty moans fall from your lips is enough to drive anyone mad. And it doesn't help that Tae's been waiting for this for weeks.
Sharp teeth nip at your clit just as he's pushing another finger inside of you. “Taehyung!” You're crying out, in half pleasure – but also a warning. If he continued like this you'd be cumming before even getting to feel him inside of you.
“Close, baby?” His words are delivered into your throbbing cunt, sending vibrations through your body that has your back arching. Fingers tightening in his hair as you grind your hips desperately into him.
So close you can practically taste it, no longer able to worry about not being able to feel him. Just chasing your release. A breathy chant of 'keep going' falling from your lips as you hold his head in place.
Heat spreads throughout your body, a dull ache starting in your core and spreading throughout your body. Walls clenched so tight around his fingers that it's almost hard for him to pull back, so he doesn't, instead pushes deeper – pressing all three fingers against your sweet spot. In that exact moment, his lips are wrapping around your clit, sucking harshly and you feel the band snap.
Body tightening and legs shaking as incoherent curses fall from your lips. Taehyung watches your pretty eyes roll back, head tipping too. And once he's sure you're at the peak of your climax, he's pulling his fingers from inside of you and standing to his feet. Quick with fishing his cock from inside his shorts, you just barely notice the absence before you're being filled again.
A drawn-out whine falls from your lips at the new stretch, a thick groan from his from the tight squeeze. The wetness from your release makes it easy for him to move, though and he's thankful – too eager to wait longer than a few seconds to have you.
Your fingers struggle to find something to grasp as he ruts against you in an almost brutal pace. Each snap of his hips pushing your body further up on the table, only for him to drag you back down toward him. Loud cries and incoherent sentences fall from your lips that you're sure anyone in a 50-mile radius could put together what the two of you are doing.
Taehyung loves it, though. It's like fuel to his ever-growing ego. Chants of his name falling from your pretty lips, nails clutching at the fabric of his shirt as you beg for him. Just the knowledge he's able to make someone like you, like this. Yeah, he loves it.
“Fuck. This greedy little cunt,” He nearly grunts, eyes flashing up to take in your fucked out expression. His thumb is easily finding your clit through the wet mess between your legs, rubbing it slowly. “You wanna cum again? All over my cock this time?”
A frantic bob of your head and a whiny 'please' is prompting him to reach for your hips. Easily, he's lifting your body from the table, securing your legs around his waist. His hips rut against yours with much more fervor in this standing position. And you attempt to meet his thrusts but you're so delirious that all you can manage is a lazy bounce.
Arms wrapped around his neck and face buried in the crook of his neck, your walls squeeze around him as you feel the pressure build in your stomach again. Sloppy, wet kisses sucked into his skin. Teeth scraping against the tanned flesh before you're crying out your orgasm, body shaking in his arms.
You're positive if it weren't for the rough grip he has on your ass, you'd be sprawled out on the floor from the power of it. Taehyung fucks you through the entire thing, not slowing down until he feels his own release approaching, just second after yours. Thighs tightening and thrust becoming sloppy while he pulls your body down tighter against his.
The feeling of his thick ropes of cum coating your insides has your senses waking up, that paired with the slow drag of his cock inside of you has your legs stiffening again. Hips rocking slowly against his as another tiny orgasm washes over you. So small Taehyung wouldn't have noticed it if he hadn't been paying attention – but of course, he was.
“Did you just cum again?” He says with a laugh, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Lips sucked into your mouth to hide the sheepish grin that fought to take over your features. “It felt good... you cumming, inside.”
A triumphant grin takes over his features and he's leaning down to press a lingering kiss to your lips. “Let's keep it in then,” He's mumbling against your mouth and you're not sure what he means until he's pulling out – fingers quick to meet your entrance, pushing his cum back inside of you.
Body twitching with overstimulation, but you let him stuff you with his cum, not able to deny how hot it was. Especially the look of concentration on his face, careful not to miss a drop. Once he's satisfied, he's secured your shorts back in place patting his hand over your crotch playfully.
“You better keep it in there, too. Gonna fuck it out of you later,” He promises with a large grin, head tilting up to nibble at your jaw. He's got one hand resting on the curve of your ass, the other gripping your thigh. Zero plans to put you down any time soon, loving the way you're wrapped around him.
He'd stay like this with you forever if he wasn't for the distance shout he's hearing from the main house. Trying to ignore it and praying that you don't hear it, but as it grows louder your ears are perking up.
“Taehyung-ah!” It's Namjoon's voice and you're immediately pulling back when you register it. “Think Joon is looking for us,” You say through a giggle, the kisses he's leaving on your skin starting to tickle.
“He'll give up.” Tae murmurs, trailing a wet line of kisses down the length of your neck. And you almost agree with him, but you hear Namjoon call again and figure it would be best to just go see what he wants. So, despite Taehyung's reluctance, you're unwrapping your legs from around him.
“Or we can go see what's up.” Taehyung's changing his tune once he's realizing you weren't going to change yours.
His arm is easily sliding around your waist, pulling your body into his as the two of you make your way back into the main house. It's a little weird walking with his cum stuffed inside of you. Like a subtle heaviness between your legs that you just barely go without noticing. And if you moved too fast you could feel a bit of it start to trickle out, forcing you to pay much more attention to your movements than usual.
When the two of you are reaching the sliding door, it's locked. Your other six men are sat in the room, snickers falling from their lips with one look at your frazzled state and the fact that you're locked out.
“Ooh, what were you guys doing out there?” You can hear Hoseok's teasing tone through the glass. As if it weren't obvious. As if they didn't hear what you guys were doing out there.
Taehyung doesn't miss a beat, hand dropping down to grasp your ass. “Stuffed her full of my cum.” He says with a wide grin that has hollers of amusement falling from their lips. “Tae!” You're gasping, face heating up as you lift your arm to punch at his shoulder.
“What it's true?” Sparkling eyes turned to you, lips shaped in a soft pout that you'd lean up and kiss if you weren't sure it'd have a glob of his cum rolling down your leg.
Namjoon, your perfect little angel, is the one to pull the door open. And you're thanking him as you walk past, carefully taking the vacant spot beside Jungkook. “Do you really have cum in you, Noona?” He wonders. Eyes dark while a curious hand reaches to brush over the waistband of your shorts.
“Only a little bit,” Fingers lifting to just barely pinch your fingers together to show him. “Prove it,” He says with a tad bit of playfulness in his tone, tugging at your shorts just slightly. 
You have half the mind to do just that. The thought lingering in your mind long enough for both Hoseok and Yoongi to notice. Intrigued, Hobi waits to see if you'll actually do it – but Yoongi speaks up before the tension can grow any thicker.
“We're choosing rooms,” Changing the subject completely acting as if an eight-way orgy wasn't just on the table. “Oh, right!” Joon, who had been subtly watching to see if you take Kook's dare is all of a sudden the reason he had gathered everyone.
A few moments are granted for conversation to bounce around the room, choosing where they'll sleep for the next seven days. And once they've settled their arrangements, attention is back on you – but for an entirely different reason now.
“Noona can share the floating house with me,” Jungkook is saying with a wide grin, keying you in on the fact that this conversation had been going on a bit longer than you had been paying attention.
With a quick nod of your head, you're assuring the young boy that you'll share the room with him. “I figured I'd just bounce around? If you guys don't care.” Much easier that way, whoever wanted you to spend the night in the room – you would. But to keep things tidy, you'd keep your stuff in the floating house with Jungkook.
“Of course we don't care-” Jin starts, but his words are being cut off by Taehyung's haste. “My room first!” Hand raised in a cute schoolboy raised, the look that he pins you with washes all remnants of the word cute out of your mind, though. 
With a thick roll of his eyes, Namjoon's standing. “If she wants to. You choose, baby.” His attention now on you and the pet name has shivers running down your spine. There was just something about the way Joon called you 'baby' that had you keening.
He doesn't act on it, though. Not right now. And neither do you. One by one, they each break off to do their own thing until dinner time. You find yourself following Jin out to the dock after hearing he was going to fish for a little bit. You had gone on quite a few fishing trips with him, never did it but liked to keep him company when he went.
It's hard to ignore how at ease you feel here, with them. Not a single worry in mind in this secluded spot with your favorite guys. Where they're able to be themselves and be with you and be happy. Thankful that you were able to join them. And so ready to be apart of the memories this next week holds.
No matter how sticky.
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- seven days in the forest spent with your seven boyfriends while they film their upcoming reality tv show. there’s no telling what the eight of you will get into when the cameras are off.
masterlist ⤐
⇝ taglist: @randomkoalablog @smoljams @dee-ehn @jaiuneamesolitaiire @hehehehahahohohuhu @sw33tnight @butterflylion @withlovestudyblr @soulstaes @bangtansonyeondayyyum @samros95 @korkanswers @houseofarmanto @marifujioka @tae165 @uxwi @jinhitwhore @preciouschimine @yeontanie21 @aa-ronpa @taefect94 @lee-karliah @codeinebelle @mochibabycakes @diminieshoe @fuddyize  @soloikeadates @0xmysticx0 @bbyjoonies @amoreguk @tricethecharm @diminieshoe @jayyayyy17 @softlyjins @bangtan-noona @fan-ati--c @fuck-expectations-people @paradisetaemin @nyamjinnie @lilacdreams-00 @vsugakookie0104 @koostime @la-evforia @betysotelo18 @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @delicategukkie @kookieswithtaeq @jeon-ggukkie @angjeon @bangtansbun @flamboyant-louie @elliemeetsevil @angiexyoung @stonyiscanon @strawberryforever25 @mipetronella @rageyoudamnednerd @hellotherehoneybee @joonies-babyy @mypurplelamp @jikooksgirl19 @sushi-date-ghost​ @bigimpression​ @kookiesjoonies​ @amour-quinn​ @diamonddia-mond​ @alterlovess​ @gemad08​ @daydreambrliever​ @acc3ssdenied​ @silentlyimpractical​ @bella-victoria002​ @ashleyjoyx​ @yoooonie​ @diamonddia-mond​ @btsbed​ @sungieshines​ @thia-aep​ @taeshuworld​ @hopiebabie​ @trynavibewhileicry​ @illwritetomorrow​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @prettxyliies​ @triviasjms​ @ratking101​ @elephantdoors​ @feel-like-gold​ @kelitt​ @itsponybeaches​ @alpaca1612​ @jeonkookiebangtan​ @rather-not-sayy​ @kimsouthjoon​ @beeeb05​ @dreamcatcherjiah​ @yoongiverse​
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iraprince · 3 years
this might not be something you personally have difficulty with, but i was recently diagnosed with severe adhd and i was wondering if you had any tips regarding just like….drawing?? i have such a hard time getting started even though i usually end up feeling pretty stoked and happy with my work if i manage to get something down. i used to draw constantly as a kid to help me focus in class, but in my adult life i just feel like there are so many invisible barriers between myself and putting pencil to paper. i’m sure there are a lot of perfectionism issues involved as well, so i guess just any sort of advice in any of those areas would be greatly appreciated! your work is fantastic and i’m really grateful that you share adhd stuff as well!! have a great day! :o)
i actually have a LOT of difficulty with this -- i have more difficulty than i have advice, probably! but my advice always ends up boiling down to the same thing lately, and it sounds really hokey but i mean it as literally as possible bc it's the only thing that consistently works for me: be fucking nice to yourself!
for a long time the only solution i had to being Inexplicably Unable To Do Something was to yell at myself, bully myself, assume that i wasn't trying hard enough, and end up a miserable little ball of confusion and frustration. it was def worse before i was diagnosed, but it's definitely not gone (sometimes "i don't know why i can't just do it!" just gets replaced with "well, i know what the problem is, so why can't i find a way around it?!"). and after many many years of experience with the bullying reaction vs a much shorter time comparing this reaction to other, kinder approaches, i can say with a lot of confidence that handling it with internal yelling and shaming doesn't work, straight up. it's not helpful, and most of the time it makes things worse -- even if you manage to force yourself to complete a task once or twice like this, it's too exhausting and demoralizing to be sustainable. so, while you haven't mentioned frustration in your question, that's still where my mind goes as a first step: if you're experiencing distress or anger or embarrassment over running into those barriers over and over again, the first step is practicing being calm and forgiving, not immediately trying to find a way around it. once you hit the wall and you find you can calmly go "oh, okay! this isn't working. let's figure out why" instead of immediately launching into "what the fuck is WRONG with me????", finding solutions is a lot easier.
the times i've surprised myself by having things just suddenly Flow after a long period of struggling are usually brought about by a ton of excitement and enthusiasm! i get really into a rarepair and i'm gripped with the need to make my own content, or i make a new oc who i really love, or i get back into a piece of media i haven't touched in a while and get all charged up with excitement. you gotta feed the tank to make stuff, so setting time aside to consume stuff that inspires and excites you is just as important as setting the time aside to actually sit down and try to draw.
another thing that has helped me is trying to be really purposeful abt reminding myself WHY i draw; sometimes, especially since it's my job, the images i'm supposed to be making just turn into this big featureless stack of Tasks instead of me really thinking about + appreciating what i do and why i love it. when i'm in a rut with commissions, for example, sometimes before i even try to start working (or if i HAVE tried to start and it's just not happening), i stop and sit down with the wips and really LOOK at them. i go through them one at a time and point out things i like about them or what i'm looking forward to doing: "the pose came out so good on the first try and i want to see what it'll look like finished," or "detailing all this hair is going to be so fun and relaxing." when you get so caught up in the constant repeated thought of "i just want to DO something, i want to DRAW," especially when it's been days or weeks or months where you can't, i think you can unconsciously start replacing "i want to draw because it's fun and i like what i make" with "i want to draw because i keep failing to and i just want to prove i can still do it," and for me the latter thought is usually way more distressing than it is motivating.
and finally, a failsafe: sometimes, when i can remember to do it, my secret weapon is counting down at myself for the tiniest steps possible. like i'll literally say out loud, "on the count of five, i'm going to stand up and go get my sketchbook. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...." it has to be out loud and i think the reason it works is because like. if you say it out loud, reach five, and you don't do it, you feel astronomically goofy??? and then i just go from there: "on the count of 5, i'm going to find an empty page." "on the count of 5, i'm going to start sketching a head." it kind of forces through the executive dysfunction in a way i haven't really been able to replicate with anything else. it doesn't always work in a super meaningful way -- like, plenty of times i do like three steps and then i'm like "i hate this and i don't want to and i'm not gonna make anything good like this so i give up!" and then i just take the L for the afternoon. but when the "frozen in place, literally cannot stop just staring at the page" thing is the main issue, it might be enough of a push to get going!
as always here's me going "oh oop no i dont have a lot sorry" and then rambling for paragraphs and paragraphs but by now we should be used to that. good luck, and remember 2 be patient + nice :D
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
MHA Couples Dynamics with art by @leecheedoodles| Too Cool for Skool x Keener (Reader x Iida)
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Warnings: none, all fluff stuff
A/N: eeeee I’m so excited about this. I saw this art and immediately was inspired. I would really like to do a series based on these. This is all thanks to leechee doodles here on Tumblr. They are v talented so check them out! I’ve seen others use their art, but if they don’t want me to I can always take it down. Enjoy :)
You and Iida definitely got off on the wrong foot
You guys didn’t hate each other per say, but you annoyed each other for sure
Iida just wanted his fellow classmates to be successful and tried to encourage you as class rep. And you just wanted to only take part in the aspects of hero work that you actually enjoy
In your own ways, you both stressed each other out
Iida would give you lectures any time you ditched class, saying you needed to be responsible in order to be the best hero you can be
You just stood and rolled your eyes the entire time with your arms crossed over your chest
Eventually, one day Iida just said fuck it (he didn’t actually phrase it that way bc he doesn’t use the bad words) and picked you up and carried you to class.
The whole time with you kicking and screaming, which doesn’t affect him bc he’s a fucking tree
This became routine. Iida was with you almost 24/7, keeping you in line. This caused even more tension between you guys
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Well you wouldn’t if you stopped acting like a baby and attended to your duties!” *snickers* “You’re gonna tell me you’re not a baby when you can’t even not laugh at the word ‘duty’?!!!”
The bickering wouldn’t stop and it was driving EVERYONE crazy
So as Aizawa solves all problems, he paired up the duo with pent up frustration for their final exam
You guys were rolling your eyes when you saw you had to work together but weren’t surprised tbh
It seemed like you guys weren’t gonna make it, but at the last second you were able to distract Cementoss and give Iida an in to dash up and capture him
You guys cheered and high fived when you realized you’d passed, the negative feelings towards each other forgotten
Afterward you guys had a talk.
“Good job out there today, Iida. I’m impressed on how you came up with a strategy so quick. I guess studying so much does actually help, huh.”
“Thank you, L/N! I appreciate the kind words, especially coming from someone who has such good control over their quirk like yourself!”
The whole time both of you were staring at the ground, blushing to hard to look at the other person while complimenting them. Iida still did the hand waving tho lmao
Afterwards, Iida still kept an eye on you always bc he thinks you have a lot of potential and wants you to do well
And you don’t find him as annoying anymore, so don’t really try to avoid him
This ends up with you guys basically just hanging out rather than him chaperoning you.
Training, studying, making food, you guys are together a lot
You and Iida occupied a table in the dining area for your studies for the millionth night in a row. The other students know better than to disturb you at this point. Yes, you guys are friends now, but you still bicker like an old married couple.
“I could really go for some ice cream right now,” you said while leaning back in your chair.
“L/N! You know that stuff isn’t good for you! Why do you wish to consume such sugary content?! Why don’t you eat an apple instead?!”
“I don’t think that’s how cravings work. Besides we have training tomorrow and always so I will still be keeping myself in shape. It’s one treat.”
“L/N, we are studying to become the best heroes! We need to be responsi-“
“But that’s just it! We are always going to be working to be the best we can be. You need to be able to enjoy yourself. Life isn’t all about work, you know?” You said standing up and grabbing his arm, “We’re going out. Come on!”
“Absolutely not! It is after curfew! It would be dangerous and-“ Iida lectured on and on until you guys were basically in front of the ice cream place. He tried to get you to stay back, but you were surprisingly strong when you were determined. (Also, he probably wasn’t resisting as much as he could’ve).
You guys went in and ordered. You got cookie dough with some chocolate syrup on top, and Iida got a scoop of vanilla on a cone, only because you insisted he get something. After you got the ice cream you went to a nearby park and sat on a bench.
“Mmmmmm this is so good. Totally worth it.” You say as you take your first bite, eyes closed while enjoying the delicious dessert.
“I’m not sure if it was worth breaking the rules, but as long you are enjoying yourself I guess it’s alright.”
“That’s because you got the most boring flavor. Here try some of mine.” You said raising a spoonful up to him.
This caused his face to go red and he stared at you with wide eyes for a few seconds before speaking. “No, L/N! I appreciate the offer but it would be inappropriate. Mine is perfectly fine and-“
As he was rambling, you shoved the spoon in his mouth, making him blush even harder. “L/N! You could’ve choked me.”
“But was it good though?”
“Yes, I suppose so.” He said at almost a whisper.
A shit-eating grin grew on your face, “Told ya so. See, Iida look.” You gestured over to the sight in front of you. There were people scattered throughout the park enjoying their night, and you could even see the glowing city in the distance. “We are a part of what makes this all possible. There wouldn’t be people out here living their lives if we didn’t keep them safe. It may not be too often, but we still get to relish in the world we created too. It reminds us why we do what we do.”
Iida couldn’t help but just stare at you for a hot minute. You looked gorgeous under the moonlight while you looked around in awe. You were more wise than he ever gave you credit for. He had always thought you were carefree, but actually you just had cared about things differently than him and he failed to realize.
“You’re right, L/N. We should be able to enjoy this more often.”
“Of course. Why would I do something fun without you?” Now you started to get all flustered. Feeling heat rush to your face, you covered it with your hands and looked toward the ground. “Are you alright? Sorry I didn’t mean to say anything that would upset you.”
“No, don’t worry. You didn’t upset me. I would love to spend some time with you.”
So you guys did. Well you already spent a lot of time together already but now you guys would go out and do something fun if you had free time
Like instead of training on the weekends, you guys sometimes walked around the park.
And every time you’d go, you guys would also visit the ice cream shop you guys went to that one night and try a new flavor
You also were participating more in class. You’re grades were getting better from the beginning of your guys’ relationship, but now you actually were invested.
After a test, you would show Iida your grade and thank him for all his help, and he would be so proud and excited for you
Of course, your classmates started to catch onto you guys being more and more friendly with each other
Hagakure snuck up on you guys one day while you were studying. “Alright, when did you two start dating? We all thought you hated each other but now we know it was all an act to throw us off, so spill the beans.”
“Oh, no we’re not dating.” You replied
“Well..” Iida started to talk and your eyes darted towards him
“I mean now that someone has said it, I wouldn’t be opposed to dating you, L/N. I really enjoy my time with you and think you’re a great person. Could I take you on an official date?”
“Y-yea I would really like that.”
“Awwww that was so adorable! I can’t believe I just help you guys get together!” She skipped out of the room, on her way to tell everyone her accomplishments
“Sorry, L/N, that probably wasn’t the best timing.”
“Call me Y/N”
“O-oh okay… Y/N. I’m looking forward to going out with you.”
“Me too, Tenya.” You said smiling and grabbing his hand.
Barely anything was said the rest of the time, but you guys couldn’t stop smiling and you didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Safe to say no information was retained from this study session
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