#i had been thinking about redesigning them a long while ago but then. didn’t.
courser design lame as fuck. improve it. now
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quibbs126 · 7 months
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So today I just drew a whole page of my old character Vanilla Powder Cookie
I was on the page with Snow Fungus, and one of the characters there was Vanilla Powder, with her design seen in the top left there. I was looking at it, and I was like “I’m not sure it makes her look like a proper small child”, and since I’ve been trying to figure out how to make a character look distinctly like a child, I decided to redraw her on a new page just for her
And surprisingly, for once I actually finished one of these
So now I feel like listing some things about her, some of which isn’t exactly new, but I still feel like reiterating
So as you can tell, she’s Pure Vanilla’s daughter, one that he had before he got his Soul Jam and his kingdom was founded. She was a baby or toddler when it was founded, so she spent almost her entire life as the Vanillian princess. In addition, she’s the direct ancestor of the Custard family (though I don’t know what her kid’s name would be). However, she unfortunately is not around during current day, as she was baked up to a thousand years prior to current day, so she crumbled a long time ago. Though she lived a long life and simply died of old age, so things didn’t go that bad for her
Oh, also I feel like I should show the original version of Vanilla Powder, just for posterity
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She looks entirely different, I think for the better
The younger version of her is mostly just based on the previous version, with an entirely new outfit. I feel like the outfit looks closer to something a kid would wear, but I’m not sure
Then I decided to finally give her a proper adult redesign, and I think I did quite well, much better than the original
I mostly used this one picture from a development commentary for her outfits
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Her three cones were because I wanted to convey her status as the princess in some way. They were originally all next to each other, but I felt like they didn’t look particularly special like that, so I instead but the side two further down on her head. But then they reminded me more of hair clips like what Saiki K has, so now I’ve decided they’re possibly magic things that help her control her magic. And also they come off when she uses it. She probably got them as a teenager
Also her eyes are now brown since it fit better with vanilla extract (aka what I think Pure Vanilla is supposed to be), and also because while she’s the Custard ancestor, she’s from long before them, so she doesn’t have to keep the same blue eye color as them. Also, I’ve now decided that Vanilla Bean, aka my OC that’s Vanilla’s dad, has brown eyes. Though I do wonder if I should have given her blue eyes, to break up all the browns and yellows. That’s what the blue on the page is for
Edit: so I ended up changing her eyes to that blue. It’s not PV’s blue because I didn’t really think his light blue works on her. I think it looks nice
Also in her original design, she was going to have a design that looked ambiguously like she could be a purelily kid, but by this point she’s mostly just based on Pure Vanilla, the hair style’s really the only thing somewhat similar to White Lily
I think that’s about it for her, I hope you like her!
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floppyponysart · 4 months
Mane 6 redesigns - mlpfim fanart
I made these a good while ago and thought hard about them but no-one cared at the time coz it wasn't a trend but now it is for some reason so I guess I'm gonna try reposting lol -v-'
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get ready coz there is a long description of my inspirations and more details about these redesigns coming below. get ready for crazy amount of text
This is basically my concept for "what if twilight was like an actual nerd?".
i gave her freckles/acne and glasses coz they are typical nerdy things. i think they look super cute on her tho ^w^. i got rid of her highlights in her hair coz (even tho it is probably meant to be natural in the show) nerds dont have time for adding highlights to their hair. her hair is also shorter to make it look more like the kind of practical hair cut girl nerds often have. she is wearing her comfy clothes coz she wants to be cozy when studying and doesnt care how she looks. she is wearing her favourite nerdy fluffy socks with her fav star constellations on them (i only know the big dipper lol -v-'). she is also wearing her comfy grey plain hoodie. for some reason every nerd seems to have a plain grey hoodie. it has spare pens in the pockets to.
she has a different cutiemark here which is basically my concept for what her cutiemark might have been if she wasn't the fated leader of the elements of harmony. it represents her studious personality and her love of stars. I also gave her a big backpack stuffed full of supplies. i can attest to the fact that studious students never have enough equipment and our bags look like this XD. it is an old but sturdy bag which has even been patched up but still going. there is a pink ruler sticking out coz everyone seemed to have those pink rulers when i was at school lol.
Every badge on this bag actually is meant to have a specific subject although its hard to see so small. now i will go through each one. Top left green one with dark blue what looks like an animal is a picture of an Ursa Minor. Brown one top right is a man holding a bow ancient etching on a cave wall picture. Big blue one is obviously more star constellations. Bottom right is a fire so hot the flame is blue. Right middle one is a skull. Middle brown and green one is an abandoned church structure. Bottom middle blue one is the Milky Way. Bottom left is a nerdy funny quote. Middle green one I actually don’t remember what it was meant to be anymore. I’m gonna day it is a rare plant tho coz that makes sense I think it was something like that. It might have also been an old weapon artefact as I remember that being one of my ideas at the time. Brown middle left was a catapult shooting a melon.
This one is simpler than the last one. I already really like applejacks design and I had less ideas but I still like this. First things first, I think it would be more fitting if Applejack was a different species of pony. Here I have her as more of a wild pony which is hairier. I have her hair as rougher and shorter coz a farmer realistically would definitely not have long hair as it would get in the way of work. That has always been something that annoys me. Her hair in the show does look very nice but it just makes no sense. I didn’t change her cutiemark much coz her cutiemark from Pony Life is almost perfect. I just changed the shape of the leaf a little bit. I did add a speckled spot on her thigh around it tho. This is reminiscent of another species of horse and I think it adds a little more detail to make her look nice. It also matches her freckles on her face.
Speaking of her freckles, I added more all over her face and ears coz anyone with freckles will know it doesn’t usually stay in one pretty place on the cheeks. I think she looks cuter this way to be honest. She has cheeks which are a little chubby which makes her look younger than she actually is. Some people have a baby face for a longer time than most and idk but I felt this fit. She looks super cute and I love it. She has a hole in one ear which makes her look a little more imperfect and it shows her tough side. It’s a scar left from her tough working days in the past. Finally, I changed her hat. Yes I know. Probably people are going to hate me for this and I do like the hat but I always felt it was a little too stereotypical. So I gave her another hat which is often used in farming; a sunhat. I think this looks nice on her as well.
Yes I made a lot of changes here. I started off just wanting to draw her with braids and flowers and longer legs like her childhood self but then I thought she looked more like a deer. Tbh I prefer her as a deer coz it makes more sense. Deers are very skittish and timid so it makes perfect sense for Fluttershy. I like the little tail puff to coz it’s just so cute. Several people have drawn Fluttershy with flowers in her hair and she has even done it in the show. It makes perfect sense to me for her to have lovely flowers, seeds, twigs and saplings in her hair all the time if she is in nature all the time.
Braids make more sense to me for Fluttershy coz long hair not tied up is going to get in the way and braids take a long time but is relaxing to do. I can imagine Fluttershy just slowly and calmly enjoying making her braids in the morning. I also changed her cutiemark to an animal paw. I have always thought this would make more sense for her cutiemark although I do like the butterflies to don’t get me wrong. I have tried 2 different sets of colours here but really I had many different ideas for different combinations of these colours. What colours would you use? Which of these do you prefer? Let me know Btw she does have wings still but it’s hard to see them behind the braids.
It’s alpaca Pinkie! yeah I just thought it would be more fitting for her to be another animal considering I already did it for Fluttershy. Pinkie is the weird one so it makes sense if she is also a completely different species and not a very common one. Plus alpacas are friendly, like to bounce and fluffy so it’s perfect in my eyes.
She has a buck tooth coz that makes her seem more cute and imperfect which fits her personality. She has very puffy hair coz I kinda hate how Pinkie has those nonsensical curls at the ends when her hair is supposed to be super curly and puffy. Curly puffy hair just doesn’t work that way.
She has confetti stuck in her hair coz I mean puffy hair is hard to clean and she has parties all the time so it makes sense. she also has colourful spots which match the colours of the balloons in her cutiemark. A spotty colourful pattern just makes sense for bubbly party Pinkie.
I actually decided to make her a unicorn to but you can’t see her horn coz she is so fluffy. I mean she is constantly doing weird and magical things so why isn’t she a unicorn?! It also makes sense people would think she is strange coz they can’t see her horn.
Last but not least, I like her cutiemark in the show but why does it have to be 3 separate balloons when balloons are often together anyway? So I grouped them together to make one big cutiemark instead and I think it looks better. What do you think?
I couldn’t do much with this one coz rainbow dash is already perfect. I tried some ideas here tho and I still like the results. It’s good in its own way.
I basically focused on the sporty side of rainbow dash here as you can probably tell. I made her thicker with strong cheek bones like an actual sporty person. I also gave her sweatbands coz of course she should be wearing those if she is doing sports all the time.
I gave her shorter hair coz they get in the way when doing sports and gave her the hair she has in pony life coz it just looks better sorry not sorry.
Anyone else always bothered by the fact her hair has half of it one o half of the colours and the other half the other half of the colours? Originally her hair had red, orange and yellow on top of her head and green, blue and purple on the hair on the back of her head. I just always felt that was weird so I made her tail and head have all the colours instead.
I also thought it was always a missed opportunity with the wings to not have them rainbow feathers like this. I mean why not?! It’s perfect!
I am really happy with her new cutiemark. I kept the rainbow and lightning bolt but made it have a football in instead. She’s into football in equestrian girls so this made sense to me and I love how the design came out. What do you think?
Last but not least I even designed an accessory for her. Of course it’s not fashionable or anything. It’s just a water bottle she carries around with her to make sure she stays hydrated when exercising. Hydration is important!
At first I had no idea how to redesign rarity coz she is already pretty dang perfectly designed for her personality. But then I had the idea of making her older and more experienced with life kinda like a fashionista which has had kids or a cougar.
So here she is. She is no longer a unicorn but an earth pony instead. I never thought she needed magic tbh. She still wants to look pretty but her fashion sense is not great and she instead is just wearing bits and bobs of things she likes which don’t go together.
Her hair is shorter as she has less time to clean and maintain it and she wants to show off her accessories more anyway. She had a handbag which is a mixture between nice looking and big so it’s practical to use.
She has purple lipstick (just in case you can’t tell coz it is kinda hard to see). I also tried giving her a different eye colour which I think still looks nice on her and is more fitting of this version of her design.
I also gave her a different cutiemark. I do like her cutiemark but it doesn’t really relate to her love of fashion much and didn’t seem fitting to my design so I made this one for her. It’s a heart which represents her generosity and it wears a hat and and an earring which represents her love of fashion. What do you think? I love this cutiemark design personally.
The accessories are pretty self explanatory but just in case (coz I’m bad at drawing objects -v-') I’m gonna explain some of them. There is a pearl necklace with a nice big green gem. There is a gold bracelet with small red gems in it.
She is wearing earrings which are supposed to be green and blue opals. It was hard to get them to look like opals do with different colours merged together but I think I ended up with a pretty good result. It’s more green and murky than I intended tho. It also was difficult coz of how small it is. Any tips for how to make something look like that?
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mdazzle151 · 4 months
Content creation and the things I miss
Being on an indefinite hiatus has really made me think a lot about what I did and didn’t enjoy about content creation as a whole, and it’s been pretty eye opening.
Obviously, there’s parts of it that I miss. The community, namely. But there’s other things too. I miss streaming- it was always really fun to be live and able to chat directly with my audience in real time while we draw together.
The redesign videos were really fun to make as well! I still have ideas of what I want the future redesigns to be for the “phantasi revamp”. I think I want the twins to be sea monsters! I’ve had a general idea of what I think they would look like in my head for a long time, but I never got around to doing it before I left.
I’m never sure if it’s self-centred or not- (recently I’ve been leaning towards not self-centred)- but I watch my videos a lot too. I put a lot of work and love into all of them, especially the later ones, and it’s fun to look back on them. Not to toot my own horn, but I think they’re pretty entertaining! 
There’s parts of editing that I miss- it was always a long process, but I can honestly say I enjoyed every part of it. Sometimes it was just hard to find the motivation to finish.
I still get comments every now and then on videos, and I read them all. Some of them are really sweet-actually a good majority of them are really sweet! One person wished me a happy birthday in March and it just about made me cry /pos
I’ve been enjoying interacting on Tumblr, and I still want to take things slow, but the more the days pass, the more tempted I am to start streaming again.
Part of me is disappointed in that felling, but I’m trying to be easy on myself for that. There’s no way I could’ve known how I would feel now, seven months later. Five if you’re counting from December.
The deal I made with myself was that I would stay “offline” for a minimum of six months- and ideally would be gone for two years so I could focus on my studies.
But honestly, if I’m missing content creation this much only six-ish months in, I’m wondering if I’m going to make it to that two year milestone. Maybe I won’t, maybe I will, but I need to remind myself that healing happens at different speeds. Maybe I thought I needed a longer time to heal and I just didn’t. Maybe I’m not ready to go back yet. I’m still figuring it out, I’m trying to take it slow.
Exploring my comfort on Tumblr has been interesting to say the least! It’s been fun, and I haven’t had anxiety around it. I’m really happy. I haven’t been focussing on the numbers or amount of interaction. I’ve just been having fun sharing my thoughts and drawings, which is what I want out of content creation.
When I left seven months ago, it was because of bad mental health and connecting self-worth to what I’m able to create. I still struggle with self-worth, but I think I’ve successfully separated it from my creativity- and in doing so, I’ve realized that I love Contant creation because of the creativity- not the possibility for opportunity.
I’ve noticed a pattern in every aspect of content creation that I have longed for in my time away. Everything I’ve had an itch to do has had to do with sharing creativity and passion for the art of creation. Where I used to think about play buttons and numbers and conventions- I now think about all the little details that I love about making videos and comics and stories.
Script writing, editing, recording voice overs, implementing comedy, delivering a message, exploring my artistic boundaries, over analyzing my old work, teaching others what I taught myself… there’s so much that I enjoy about it, and it makes my heart blossom knowing that THESE are the parts of being a CC that I miss, not the analytics and competition.
I’ve said for years that I see it as a hobby- a creative outlet for me and my community, and I truly believe that! But I’d be a liar if I said it was always this way. There were definitely times where I was focussing way too much on the career aspect of it, even though I haven’t wanted that to be my career for years now.
This break has really been good for me and my mental health- and it’s been really good for me to reconnect with what I actually enjoy about what I did.
I know that I’ll always struggle with mental health in some capacity- this isn’t something that you can just miracle away, after all. It’s going to be something that I struggle with for a lifetime, and even though that’s a hard pill to swallow, I’m slowly accepting it. I won’t ever be 100% okay, and that’s okay. what’s important to me is that I keep my heart happy and find joy in life- remember what I love and why I love it.
I get a little burst of excitement in my stomach when I think about returning too much. I’m not sure when it will happen, and I’m still not going to say it will happen (I have no idea what the future holds), but for now I can say wholeheartedly that I do hope I will return soon, wether soon means next month or next year.
Have a little excerpt from one of my journal entries, as a treat :) I think it explains my feelings pretty well.
“I still think about my past online, but not nearly as much as I used to. It’s just part of my history and that’s okay. I don’t need to explain myself to anyone. And that feels really nice.” - March 19 2024
(Maybe it’s a little ironic since I did just explain myself in great detail- but I think it’s important to note that I wrote this all because I wanted to, not because I felt like I needed to.)
Merci beaucoup, tout le monde. Bonne journée et à bientôt.
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pkmatrix · 1 year
New Fan Editing Project: Godzilla (1998)
Yep, I’m at it again with fan editing!
I recently completed my third fan edit, an edit of The Relic (1997) (if you’re interested in checking it out, just send me a message), and started thinking about what I could work on next.  I considered returning back to my Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla fan edit, but that got me thinking instead about Godzilla (1998).
G’98 is a movie with issues.
I’ve had a bit of a roller-coaster relationship with G’98.  I saw the movie in theaters when I was 12, but unlike most I’d actually already seen EVERY Godzilla movie (including the then-recent and not yet released in America Heisei movies, which my parents had bought me imported fansubbed bootlegs of) and walked of the theater having thoroughly enjoyed it.  It wasn’t until I read the next issue of G-Fan and saw that every other Godzilla fan in the world had hated it that I suddenly switched gears (so fast my parents were confused) and decided I hated it too.  It wasn’t until five years later that I revisited it and my opinion softened, deciding I didn’t hate it after all but just didn’t care much for it.  The last time I revisited it - now almost a decade ago - I was struck by how boring a movie it is, and that that’s its greatest sin.  Not Godzilla’s radical redesign, not Godzilla’s personality - frankly, nothing to do with Godzilla himself - but the story of the movie is just DULL.
Lots has been written about how much people dislike Maria Pitillo’s character and performance, but that’s just a symptom of the real issue:  the movie WANTS to be a Romantic Comedy.  From the start of the film until about 30 to 35 minutes in, the movie is deceptively...fine.  More than one person has told me (and it’s happened to me too) that upon revisiting the first Act is actually quite decent and lulls you into thinking maybe you’ve been too hard on it.  Then the second Act starts and the film decides it’s going to be a bad Romantic Comedy from now on, often forgetting about Godzilla for LOOONG stretches.  Which maybe could be tolerable if Matthew Broderick and Maria Pitillo had chemistry, but they really don’t.  What’s worse, neither character really DOES anything - all of the actual decisions in the movie and actual agency rest with the two main supporting characters played by Hank Azaria and Jean Reno.  I’ve felt ever since that the movie would’ve been significantly stronger and more watchable had those two been the leads, and the Broderick/Pitillo story reduced to a subplot.
Part of why I hadn’t attempted this before was because, well, I didn’t think there was enough to work with.  The movie’s only an 1h 50m, I kept telling myself, and if I made all the alterations I had in mind I’d be left with, what?  An hour?  There just wasn’t enough there.  Except, I’M A MORON.  It was while thinking about it again earlier this week that I actually stopped to check what the runtime is, and my jaw dropped:
Godzilla (1998) is 2h 18m long!!
That’s WAAAY too long, and means there’s over 40 MINUTES I could theoretically cut and still be an acceptable feature length (around 1h 30m)!
So that’s what I’m doing.
Cut back on scenes with Matthew Broderick, Maria Pitillo, and their storylines to reduce them to supporting characters.
Rearrange scenes to improve pacing and create a greater focus on Godzilla, Hank Azaria, and Jean Reno.
If possible, radically reorganize the second half of the film to eliminate the Baby Godzillas storyline which always felt tacked on, derivative of Jurassic Park, and there to pad out the film.
Alter the ending to make Godzilla’s death more ambiguous, or maybe even change it so he lives (had the idea of ending with his eyes reopening, then cutting to black with the sounds of his roar and people screaming).
Examine the feasibility of changing the music choices, as I felt the musical tone is too...whimsical?
I was planning to work on this today but, alas, some stuff has gotten in the way.  Still, I’m hoping to give this a try this coming week and see what I can do with the movie.
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Fully Completely 1
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), attempted violence, mutual irritation.
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: I did not plan to get the first part done so soon. I will probably be setting time aside as I write this to also work on some original stuff. When it comes to that, I’d love if y’all might let me know what you think would be a better medium to release it? Kindle, Patreon, etc. I’m really not sure but if it was Patreon it would like be two series running at once with a chapter of each a month + Q&A and maybe some bonus materials? I am a noob at this shit and it wouldn’t be for a while yet.
Anyways, I’m rambling...
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 1: She simply slammed the door
The garage smelled like oil and snow. The cold air seeped under the closed metal door as you sat on the low stool and affixed the new headlight to the propped up Harley. It was only the start of an impractical rebuild; your brother wanted everything metal replaced with chrome. You thought it was obnoxious but the parts were paid for and you could never complain for money.
You were funded exclusively by the town’s club, your garage not far from The Asp where the members hung out and revved the engines you found yourself looking at more often than you liked. You were good at what you did though and privileged for it. You had the protection of the club without having to devote yourself truly to its bounds.
You checked the wiring and rolled away from the bike to change the station as the radio crackled. The snow kept setting the speaker to static and the noise was driving you mad. You flipped the switch to play the cassette stuck in the drawer, the old stereo beaten up and filthy. Springsteen’s gristled tones filled the shop and you wheeled back to your brother’s ride.
With the storm would no doubt come more work. Your fingerless gloves itched more than they kept you warm. Your fingertips were numb as you touched the frigid metal and the sweat of your palms made the fabric uncomfortable. You were used to it, rather tolerant as your task kept you distracted.
You were interrupted as you bent to look under the tank and get a good look at the exhaust and the rest of the beast’s entrails. You had the new pieces still wrapped and didn’t intend to do it all at once. Jerome could wait for his tacky redesign.
A loud banging came at the metal door and you glanced over in irritation. Anyone in Birch knew to come in the painted door to the left and not hit the large one. You huffed and stood with a groan, your hips sore from the low stool. 
You fixed the front of your fleece-lined denim jacket and pulled the tail of your plaid shirt from inside your jean pocket. You’d been hunched over so long you were all wrinkled. You went past the large door and into the small entryway off the left of the garage and opened it with a tinkle of the rusty old bell above.
You stuck your head out into the gales as the snow continued to fall and squinted at the man in his thin jacket. He stood beside the long luxury car as another man with wild orange hair remained in the driver’s seat and blew into his hands. They were out of place in the small town and you could tell by the way the man scowled at the door that he knew it.
“Hey,” you called to them, “there’s a place down the street. I don’t do walk-ins.”
“Oh, hello, Miss…” he let his voice trail off as he neared and you stared at him rather than provide your name. His accent, his attire, the curl of his lip, it was clear what he thought of you and the bodunk town, “actually I was referred by an acquaintance. One, James Barnes.”
“Bucky?” you furrowed your brow.
“Mm, yes, that one,” he said, “my car will need detailing. We had some difficulties on the motorway.”
“Right,” you tried not to scowl, “well, if he sent you, I guess I can help.”
You left him and the door clattered behind you. He followed a few steps after as you went to the switch and pushed it to raise the wide door of the garage. You waved in the driver of the car and he carefully pulled in beside your brother’s bike. 
He got out and you were surprised by his size, he was taller even then his companion and wider; neither could be described as short. You lowered the door as the thinner man walked along the shelves and the long table along the other side of the garage. The bigger man stood by the car and tucked his hands in his pockets.
“Not much better in here than out there,” the dark-haired man turned back to you, “you have heat in here?”
“You need a better coat,” you said as you rounded the back of the car, “and some boots.”
You glanced pointedly at his leather shoes and bent to reach under the table. You pulled out the space heater and plugged it in as you set on the wood. You cranked it up and smiled at him tritely.
“So, what’s the damage?” you asked as you looked to the other man.
“Headlight, maybe,” he said in a peculiar accent, “some scratches. We had a bit off a run-in.”
You neared and bent to examine the front of the car. You sighed as you tilted your head and clicked your tongue. It was easy enough to beat out the dents and buff out the scratches with a quick refinish. The headlight would need to be replaced and you knew they didn’t carry anything for that model in town. No one there was pretentious enough to drive it.
“If you want the headlight done before you leave town, it’ll take some time to get the replacement,” you warned.
“Oh, and how do you know I’m leaving?” he taunted coyly.
“Well, I know you’re definitely not sticking around,” you scoffed.
“Why wouldn’t I? A quaint place like this, I’m sure there is so much to explore,” he said dryly.
You had no delusions of what Birch was but it wasn’t the part of outsiders to deride the dead end. You stood straight and put your hands on your hips.
“You can go back to your castle, my lord, but you will have to wait out the storm,” you sneered. “Two days for the scratches. If you want to take it back after that and wait for the headlight to arrive, that’s fine with me.”
“Two days for the scratches? Surely you could do it before the morning,” the black-haired man insisted.
“I could but I have other work to do,” you replied, “so you can be patient and take your turn in line after all the hicks who live here.”
You went back to the table and grabbed your phone from where you tossed it earlier. You unlocked it and searched the model of his car and scrolled through the parts list. 
“You’re Bucky’s guest so I’ll send the bill to him?” you asked, “though you do look to be able to afford it yourself.”
“You can invoice him directly,” he assured, “so you’re one of them?”
“One of them?” you repeated as you focused on checking out. The damn internet kept cutting in and out.
“My brother, those men in this town, I never knew a woman--”
“I’m not a biker. My brother is in the club,” you assured him, “so that big blond dope, he’s your brother?”
“Regrettably, yes,” he slithered, “Loki Odinson,” he introduced himself as he rubbed together his hands, the leather gloves doing little to protect his fingers, “my driver is Korg, and you’ve yet to tell me with whom I am trusting my property.”
“Again, there is a shop down the street. Prices aren’t bad,” you finished up your purchase and tucked your phone in your jacket pocket.
He met your eyes as you turned to him and he looked down his nose. You kept on and brushed past him as you went back around the car and sat by your brother’s bike.
“Sorry about the boss,” the other man, Korg, intoned, “he can be a bit--”
“Don’t apologise for me,” Loki snipped, “I needn’t atone to her.”
You rolled your eyes and wheeled around the side of the bike, “if that’s everything, you two can head back out. I’ll let you know when the car’s ready.”
“We might wait for the snow to calm,” Loki suggested.
“I close in an hour, you’re not staying here all night,” you sniffed.
“Trust me, I have no special desire to spend more time with you than necessary,” he retorted, “I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman so volatile as you, dear, and I’ve only just met you. I never expected you people to have very many manners but perhaps what I did presume was too much.”
You bared your teeth but kept at your work. You would worry about kicking him out when you finished the wiring.
“To be fair, had you not spoken first, I might’ve assumed you were a man,” he added.
You paused and glanced down at the open tool box. You weren’t unused to the comments, you weren’t girly in any way but it wasn’t like you were trying to be a man. You wore what was comfortable and in your work, practicality prevailed over aesthetic. Yet, your years of ridicule as a kid made you less tolerant of the comments and those had stopped long ago because you made sure they did.
“Oh, darling, have I upset you?”
“Don’t call me that,” you said as you reached into the toolbox.
“Well, you’ve not given your name and I’d hate call you what I truly think of you--”
The wrench flew from your hand as you stood and spun to him. It barely missed his head and bounced off the wall and plunked onto the table beside the heater. His eyes rounded and the other man looked at him. There was a thick silence as you glared at him.
“If you weren’t a friend of Bucky’s, I wouldn’t’ve missed,” you hissed, “now I will kindly, before I reach for a bigger wrench, ask you to leave.”
He pushed his shoulders back and tilted his head as his lips thinned dangerously. He swallowed and beckoned the other man with two fingers. His cheek twitched as if he would grin and he nodded subtly.
“Well, darling, how amusing you are. These brutes must adore you,” he snarled, “the exterior does indeed say it all.”
You bent and reached for another tool blindly. He blinked and quickly dodged as you flung the next wrench and he followed his henchman to the entryway. Your temper was a match for many men. It kept you safe.
“Barnes did not say his mechanic was a madwoman,” Loki called back as the bell rang.
“What, are you going to tattle on me?” You stormed towards the doorway, “you precious little princess?”
“Princess?” he met you in the doorway as Korg behind him held the door open and the snow blustered in, “I know Barnes will do me no other favours, but do you think he’ll do you any?”
“Get out,” you spat and shoved him, “I don’t need men to take care of me and I have no problem in proving that.”
He bit the inside of his lip in a crooked smirk and winked before he turned away and strutted out into the snow, shielding his face from the wild winds. Korg trailed behind him and the door sprang back into the frame. You crossed your arms and glared at the peeling paint. 
You were tempted to tow his car out and let it weather the storm but you were smarter than that. If he was doing business with Bucky, you would be a fool to get in the way of it. 
The snow dwindled to a lazy dusting, the ground thick and treacherous. That day, you started early and around noon, you headed across the street to the diner for your usual lunch of a club sandwich and black coffee. You didn’t have to order as all the waitresses knew what to expect. You weren’t unfriendly but your association made many standoffish.
You tapped on the lip of your mug with your thumb, fingers hooked through the handle. The sleepy town felt dead in the winter. You were used to the dullness of Birch but tolerance was hardly happiness. It was home, where you’d grown up and you had no certain desire to get out, but you wouldn’t mind a little more than what was expected.
You yawned and gulped down the last of your coffee. It was bitter and left a few grounds on your tongue. You leaned back and grabbed the monthly newsletter from between the salt and pepper shakers. You read through the fun facts which weren’t very fun or even new. They were copy and pasted out Guinness and Reader’s Digest.
You looked up as you sensed someone approach your table but it wasn’t the waitress. The man from the day before slid coolly onto the seat across from you at the booth and smirked over the table. You raised the newsletter again and folded it backwards to read about the weekly knitting circle down at the rec center that was also the library.
“Good afternoon to you too,” Loki said, “it must be fortune I ran into you, I was hoping to inquire after my car--”
“I told you, two days,” you said tersely as you continued onto your horoscope …‘a new force will bring change’... You hated this tripe. You swore, every month they just switched the blurbs under each sign and hit print.
“So be it,” he cleared his throat and you lowered the paper as he shrugged out of his jacket.
“What are you doing? I eat my lunch alone,” you said.
“Well, to be frank, I was pointed here on the promise of some famous cabbage soup,” he explained as he folded his jacket over the seat next to him, “you looked like you needed company.”
“I don’t,” you assured him.
Kimmie came over and set down your sandwich. She greeted Loki and you saw the way she eyed his tailored suit. He stuck out in the town of flannels and denim.
“Hello, sir, can I get you something to drink?” she asked.
“Tea, English breakfast,” he ordered smoothly.
“Oh, sorry, we only have um, um, sorry, peppermint, earl grey, ginger lemon, and green,” she listed off as she tried to remember them all.
“Earl grey,” he sighed, “and a menu.”
“No, no menu,” you insisted, “and you can take his tea to another table.”
“And when we’re through, I’ll take the cheque,” he ignored you and snickered under his breath.
“Kimmie, can I get a to go box?” you asked as you shimmied off the seat and snatched up your coat, “I have to get back to work.” You took out your wallet and counted out the usual amount plus a tip, “thanks.”
“Of course,” she smiled awkwardly and glanced between you and Loki.
She scooped your sandwich back up and scurried away with it. You felt him watching you as you walked away and went to stand by the till as you watched Nora flit into the kitchen. She packed up your food and returned with the box. You took it and headed for the door, ignoring the arrogant out-of-towner on your way.
“Wait,” Kimmie called out your name and you turned back as she held up your keys, “you dropped these.”
You met her halfway and took them from her with a mutter. Again, he was watching you… or still watching you. She spun and promised she’d have his tea shortly.
“Hmm,” he hummed and you head to the door again, “interesting, I never would have put the name to the face.”
You pushed out into the snow and gritted your teeth. You thought of getting the work on his car out of the way quickly so he would leave you alone but your spite made you want to put it off entirely. Whatever. He’d be gone soon enough.
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sir-fluffbutts · 3 years
How was for you to come up with the desings of the Axolotl siblings? The desings are very cool by the way!
oh god
for chiffon, it's a long story almost dated back since 2012 (probably will make a storytime about it), but lets say he was originaly a happy tree friends character made to impress my friends
around 3 years ago, i decided to develop chiffon's story in depth due to him getting more attraction on youtube and i don't wanted him to be just a "hehe cute boi go stab" character
so at art class, with the story in mind, i made his dad, latte and muffin designs. and i wanted the big brother to be a dumb big man, while the second one to be more calm and chill
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i didn't took the pic OR bring the drawing home, so when i tried to make em a story i was like "wait what did they look like oh god"
i only rememberd the second brother had tired eyes and longer face then others typical round face, and first one having a ponytail with the >:) face
so with 👆that partal memory, i designed/redesigned latte and muffin, and used THOSE designs in thier first appirence ('epoch' meme / 'fantasize' meme) ans have been using them ever since
their designs are also in a way of telling "there can be variety of axolotl designs!" to people due to people absolutly copying the hell out of chiffon at the time (i mean...thinking back, i kinda get it since chiffon might be the first axolotl oc most people ever seen and he could been the "base" axolotl character)
but then people started to copy the hell out of latte so guess that didn't went so well ✌😂
so in short
- chiffon is a devlopment that went
happy tree friends > mad scientist student > today
- others went to
the design > shit uhh how did they look > today
tbh looking back, i think the fact i left my notebook at class was the best thing that happened since i prefer their current designs way more 😂
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shining-magically · 4 years
so I’ve wondered this since the trailer came out years and years ago and Chloe defended the movie - was the red shoes teaser written by the same team that made the movie? were they forced to market it like that, was that based on an earlier draft, etc?? not sure if you know but you seem like the leading expert!
Sorry, this is gonna be an absolute novel because you know I’m an animation fan and the history and production of Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs is SO interesting and insane. Like, Tangled levels of insane. Thanks for calling me an expert, no one else was gonna do it so I just kind of took up the helm lol.
Here’s the low-down... The timeline of the movie’s production is an absolute mess and kind of an extremely wild ride. It was in production for ten years, went through a lot of different crew members, and went through at least two other major versions of the story before landing on the final version.
Since there’s not a ton of info on the movie’s production, a lot of this is pieced together from different interviews and context clues, and also a lot of what I’ve read and what I am quoting has been translated from Korean, sometimes pretty roughly. But yeah.
Here’s the story of why the Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs teasers and poster were so, so bad and fatshame-y and the actual movie was so, so good and body-positive. (With pictures and production artwork!)
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(This is a beast of a post so I’m putting it under a cut.)
All right, so. After its conception originally as a short story by the South Korean studio Locus Creative in 2009-2010-ish, Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs was being worked on and was set to come out in Summer 2017, as evidenced by this poster at the 2015 Cannes Film Festival, featuring a different logo and very different character designs for most of the dwarfs.
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In early-mid 2016, the first teaser (in which we see Snow White undress and then two dwarfs recoil in horror at her fatness when she takes her magic shoes off) was released, after the film had kind of been slowly chugging along for 6 or so years. (I am having such trouble pinpointing when the second teaser was released (in which one of the dwarfs basically attacks Snow while she is sleeping to steal her shoes), but I believe it was around the same time.) The teasers didn’t get that much traction because this was a small film from a small indie studio in South Korea.
None of the final actors had been cast yet. At this point in the production, the story was different, one of the many versions that the movie went through. As in the final movie, the dwarfs were actually cursed knights/princes and Snow White switched back and forth between two body types due to her magic shoes, but in this version, the dwarfs needed to steal the shoes from her in order to break their curse (rather than needing “a kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world” like in the final movie).
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The weird thing is, I believe they had JUST changed the movie’s story when the teaser came out. I’m almost positive it was released more as a proof of concept than as an actual trailer for the movie. They had just recently combined two separate characters (seen above), a typical pretty, skinny princess character (Snow White) and a cute chubby girl character (’Bonnie’), into one single character that switches back and forth between the two appearances when she wears the magic shoes (also they had just dropped literally half of the movie taking place in the real world, with a magic mirror portal, it was a whole thing). 
They didn’t have the details of this aspect of the new story hammered out yet, and the first pass at presenting Snow’s magically changing body type, was, yeah, not good and super offensive. This was a really inexperienced indie studio making their first film on a low budget, so even the animation and voice acting wasn’t great. I think they just wanted to get SOMETHING out there because it had been 6 years and they wanted to have something to show for it.
But here’s the thing. Despite how the teasers make it seem, this was always supposed to be a movie about body positivity, letting go of appearance-based prejudices, and loving yourself and others for who you are and for who they are, which we see in the final film.
I like to think of our film as a kindhearted one. Our intentions are nice.
- Director Sung-ho Hong
It’s important to keep in mind that this movie was made in South Korea by a 99% Korean crew, and, as I understand it anyway, in Korean culture, ‘fatshaming’ is not really a thing that is seen as overtly offensive. Also, children’s media there seems to have more adult things in it than in the US, which probably accounts for the more risque parts of the teasers. That said, I really believe that at this point in the timeline, the movie was on-track to be bad (or at least not very good) when it was released, and it would have ended up bad IF a few key players hadn’t signed on (which I’ll get to in a moment).
Interestingly, the movie’s producer, Sujin Hwang, said in a 2017 interview:
“[Both teasers] were solely produced to induce curiosity. They’re completely irrelevant to the actual story.”
- Producer Sujin Hwang
I think what she was trying to convey was that neither one is a scene in the actual movie, because while the teasers didn’t reflect the revamped story as it existed in summer 2017 (the time of the interview), they DID reflect the earlier version of the story where the dwarfs wanted her shoes, which is what the story was at the time they were made.
Now that we’re in post-teaser 2016, HERE’S where things start to turn around. After the teasers were released, my guy Disney veteran and native Korean Jin Kim joined the project. He and Red Shoes director Sung-ho Hong had been buddies for about eight years and Sung-ho had been trying to get Jin to come to Seoul and work with him at Locus for a long time, and he finally succeeded.
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Jin and his twenty years of Disney experience as an animator and senior designer on films like Tangled, Frozen, Big Hero 6, Zootopia, and Moana, had a HUGE HUGE HUGE influence on the movie. He redesigned almost all the characters, oversaw all the visual development from the moment he signed on, and heavily (HEAVILY) supervised the animation, literally going frame-by-frame through preliminary animations and drawing over them, teaching the inexperienced animators at Locus everything he knew. (Literally almost everyone except him either only had TV experience or had no professional experience because they just gotten out of school.)
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From an outsider’s perspective, it really seems as though Jin joining the project (and his gargantuan effort) made the quality SKYROCKET. Not just in character design and animation, but also in things like effects animation, story, etc. After he joined, Locus really started pushing HARD to make a good, high-quality movie, and his influence and experience from being a prominent figure at Disney was absolutely key. The studio also began to really study Disney films and other well-made animated films from other studios to really try and pinpoint what the DNA of a good animated movie really is.
I don’t have any solid evidence, but I’m pretty sure that Tony Bancroft (an animator and the co-director of Mulan) then joined the project because he’s good friends with Jin Kim. He is only credited as the voice director (the movie was recorded in English and the characters were animated to the English dialogue), but I am SURE that he probably also had a pretty big influence on the movie, because like... How could he not? I really really think there was more to his role than his title would have you believe, even though there’s almost no info out there about it.
So now the movie goes through a gigantic metamorphosis. Character designs, visual development, and animation quality are all rapidly improving, the story is tightening, and the themes of the movie (which, again, were always the same and intended to be positive) are being presented in a more sincere way. The movie is becoming the sweet, self-love-encouraging and body-positive movie that was eventually released.
I’m putting a gif from the credits of the final movie here. As we move into 2017, when the giant eruption of backlash occurred, please keep in mind that the story was finalized at this point and that THIS was the movie people were so mad about:
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Chloe Grace Moretz accepted the role of Snow White immediately after she read the script and she recorded her lines (I think) in early-ish 2017. Her co-star Sam Claflin also immediately accepted the role of the romantic interest, Merlin, after reading the script and recorded his lines in (I believe) July 2017.
In the summer of 2017, the story and script were more or less the same as in the final movie. Promotional images from that time show that most of dwarfs had been completely redesigned by this point and didn’t have their teaser designs anymore.
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They also released a few screenshots that look exactly like the final film. The movie was advertised as coming out in ‘2018′ at this point. Here’s a promo image from 2017 that is MUCH more tactfully worded than the infamous Cannes poster:
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So now we’re in summer 2017. The Cannes Film Festival. The movie’s script and story have been basically nailed down, animation is underway, and the Korean film company Finecut is beginning to market and sell the movie to worldwide audiences. They are planning on showing some footage to potential buyers at the festival, and they make a poster to advertise the film there.
Unfortunately, it’s THIS POSTER:
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Now here’s where there are some unknowns. By this point, the movie is basically in its final form, which is an adorable, body-positive story about loving people for who they are, loving yourself for who YOU are, and that provides commentary on society’s standards of beauty and how they affect how people are treated/viewed. So why this poster??? All I can really tell is that someone (I think Finecut) really, REALLY messed up and either horribly mistranslated the tagline, or didn’t do enough research to know that this kind of thing is REALLY NOT OKAY in western culture.
The above picture is shared and the internet backlash begins, fueled by tweets from prominent body-positivity activists like Tess Holliday. Even Chloe Grace Moretz speaks out against it, because she of all people KNOWS that that’s not what the movie is about. The internet then finds the old teasers from before the movie was revamped and it makes things worse. Producer Sujin Hwang profusely apologizes and says that that is NOT the message of the movie. Locus pulls the advertising campaign, and takes down the two old teasers.
“Our film, a family comedy, carries a message designed to challenge social prejudices related to standards of physical beauty in society by emphasizing the importance of inner beauty.”
- Producer Sujin Hwang
Voice director Tony Bancroft also tried to explain the situation:
“The truth is the film has a body-positive message as its core theme–it’s the opposite of what reports are saying. The problem is one poorly translated movie poster that has been taken dramatically out of context.” 
- Voice Director Tony Bancroft
And then... There was nothing for a while. The movie didn’t come out in 2018 and was delayed. From what I can tell, I DON’T believe this delay was related to the Cannes backlash. I think it was mostly due to Locus’s limited budget and resources, because as we know, animation is difficult, time-consuming, expensive, and easy to do badly but hard to do well. Also, probably with Jin Kim and Tony Bancroft’s influence, they REALLY wanted to make sure to do a good job with the animation because they now had a great story and they really wanted the movie to be a quality, worldwide hit that would kind of put South Korean feature animation on the map. Just take a look at how nice the final animation was:
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The movie was released in South Korea on July 25th, 2019. Unfortunately, the damage was done in the English-speaking markets and it was not released to an English-speaking audience until June 22, 2020, when it was released digitally in the UK. At the time of this post, there is no set US release date, but the distribution rights were recently bought by Lionsgate and the MPAA gave the film an official PG rating.
So who’s to blame? There’s no good answer. You could blame Locus for making those old teasers. You could blame Finecut for the competely tonedeaf Cannes poster. You could even blame cancel culture for raging against the movie based on one poster and two old teaser trailers without researching what the movie was actually about.
All I know is, it’s a damn shame.
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commander-krios · 3 years
Sundown, for the Shiros prompt?
Thank you so much for this prompt! I had a great time working this in and I do hope you like it <3 This includes a post-Reaper War Shepard and Thane. It's kind of an AU but I loved writing this.
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London was different.
Charley didn’t just mean in appearance. It felt different. With her feet solidly on Earth, walking through streets that had been destroyed by war, it almost felt wrong. She hadn’t visited Earth since she’d destroyed the Reapers that fateful day three years before. It was only partially by choice.
Her injuries from the battle had been so severe that she was bedridden for nearly a year. When the cybernetics in her body overloaded from the force of the Catalyst, she’d nearly died. She didn’t know how long it’d taken for someone to find her, but when she woke, she was lying in the medbay on some ship she didn’t know. Eventually, she was transferred to a hospital on Rannoch where the Quarians helped heal her.
Then she was well enough to start physical therapy. It took another year after that for her to finally be able to walk on her own two feet unassisted. Then another year after that one for her to get through extensive psychotherapy concerning the war and her injuries. Chakwas had only signed off on her release a few weeks ago.
Then she began making plans to return to Earth.
Most species had begun rebuilding immediately, hauling away the Reaper forces as they cleared the rubble. The Quarians had been the only ones not directly attacked and they helped where they could. They cared for the wounded, aided rebuilding efforts, worked on bringing back ships and life support systems that required a technical hand.
From the news that her friends reported, progress was slow but hopeful. Now here she was, three years after the Battle for Earth, standing in the very place where the beam was. It still stood there, linking the city to the newly restored Citadel that floated in orbit above. After everything that had happened there, Charley didn’t think she would be able to walk the Citadel again. Just the thought made her skin crawl.
“Are you alright, Siha?”
Her husband’s voice brought her back to the present. Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled at the sight of him standing there, a curious expression on his face. “Just taking it all in.”
Thane reached for her hand, linking their fingers together. It was a comfort she didn’t realize she needed. “We can go back to the hotel if you need more time.”
She shook her head, her dark hair brushing her shoulders. The doctors had shaved it while she lay in the hospital. It was finally returning to the length she preferred. “No. I can do this. I need to do this.”
Thane brought her knuckles to his mouth and kissed them gently. “I understand. I’ll be with you every step of the way, Siha.”
She squeezed his hand affectionately, grateful to have him alive and well. Their relationship had gone through so much pain during the war and beyond. To have him here, to have him healthy, to have a chance at a real life without war… It felt unreal at times. “Thank you for being here.”
“I wouldn’t miss the chance to be with you.” He assured her, glancing briefly at the darkening sky. “Perhaps we should go elsewhere?”
Charley nodded, feeling uneasy near the beam. Perhaps it was her memories or something about the particles in the beam itself, but she wanted to be as far from it as possible.
The pair walked the streets for some time, Charley pointing out what changed since before the Reapers came. Some streets had been entirely destroyed and were completely redesigned. It almost felt like a new city. In some ways, it was. Humans weren’t the only species to live on Earth now.
She saw turians, asari, even a small number of batarians. It was odd, but a welcoming sight. It proved that the Reapers had failed to destroy them. They had only gotten stronger.
Feeling tired from their travels, Charley settled down on a small bench in a park. Thane sat beside her and took her hand once again, tracing along the newest scars she’d collected. She no longer looked like the same Shepard. Most of her skin was scarred beyond repair. Chakwas did what she could, but in a way, Charley didn’t mind them. It showed how hard she fought, and how close she came to losing. Every time she looked in the mirror, she was reminded of how precious her life was.
And how lucky she was too.
With a contented sigh, Charley leaned her head on Thane’s shoulder, eyes watching the sky for the first sign of the setting sun. Sometimes, she was afraid that this was a dream. That she would wake up on the Normandy once more, course set for Earth, the final battle looming, Thane’s fate unknown as she hurtled toward certain death…
But then she would feel Thane’s touch and know that those thoughts were wrong. She was here, as was he, and nothing would keep them from living the second chance they now had.
“Beautiful.” Thane’s soft voice whispered, the awe in his voice making her smile as the sun began sinking below the horizon.
Yes, she agreed silently. It was.
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
how would you rewrite Malware?
Rewriting Malware is gonna be the same as the Highbreed, in that I'll get more into what I'll change for when me making that Arc, and probably redesign. But the basics behind rewriting Malware's character revolves around the idea of making him both a sympathetic villain, while also making sure that he's a villain who still is a bad guy, without making the other characters in the show look like cruel people towards Malware, when helping him could have ended the situation in an easier way. Changing up Azmuth's character, which you can read a bit about here in his redesign, also plays into Malware's story since him and Azmuth had the two biggest issues related to that arc. For starters, since the show does not make this clear, Malware was created after Azmuth returns to Galvan Prime after meeting Ben, not all those years ago when he went into hiding to make the omnitrix. This makes it so that Malware, while still suffering from his broken state, hasn't been this way for too long, and Azmuth has infact been working on a cure over the past year. I'm also gonna say that I found Malware a little more interesting when he was broken, before Albedo tricked him with the half-made Helix, and I think I want to keep up with that idea of him. Because when he kind of gets 'cured' and upgraded, his red state, he kind of becomes a generic evil dude, despite kind of getting what he wanted. It could have worked, but it didn't play out like that. So when he does get tricked by Albedo, he does still get his red colours and upgraded powers, but he's not fixed, for his emotions are still damaged and he can't control them like everyone else still. And similar to Albedo, I would have it that Azmuth still wants to help and actively keeps trying to, but it's Malware who denies him, thinking Azmuth can't help him...so instead, since he's accepted the idea that he's going to suffer for the rest of his life, he wants Azmuth to suffer too, so a lot of his plan is about revenge and personality targeting things close to Azmuth, Ben and even Albedo due to the Helix trick. I also want to tie this into Azmuth, Ben and Albedo's characters for different reasons. Azmuth being the main part of it, I would still have it that for a long time he keeps trying to help Malware, even begging him to help, because he just came back from hiding away, wanting to do better, only to hurt someone and wanting to make up for it...this would cause many times Malware getting away safely because Azmuth keeps holding others back from damaging or even killing him, that small hope in him he can fix his mistake. But after Malware does something like targeting Azmuth's family, Myaxx, Ben, Albedo and Eunice, it comes to a point where Azmuth knows they have to make a choice, even if he knows he'll never forgive himself for it... Ben's dynamic with Malware would be a conflict of fear and envy, with Ben scared by how Malware can, in a way, take a part of him away with what happened to Feedback (Side note, I am going to change it that Feedback wasn't Ben's favourite alien, but losing him does still damage Ben because he considers his aliens a part of him, so regardless if Malware took Feedback or Fourarms, Ben would still feeling something from it). Meanwhile, Malware has envy for him, seeing him as a 'project' of Azmuth that hasn't failed, and with how much time Azmuth spends on helping and teaching Ben, it does make Malware angry that he could not be 'perfect' like Ben. Albedo also gets tied in, since I mentioned in his redesign that Malware drags him into the situation after Albedo damaged him further with the Helix. 10-year-old Ben even saving Albedo back then when Malware tried to crush him right there and then. Then when Omniverse kicks in with the Malware arc, Albedo is forced to work with Ben and Azmuth when Malware hunts after him too, and the experience does start to make Albedo think that maybe...he was wrong...because when looking at Malware, he sees parts of himself in him. The part that makes him refuse help and thinks that hurting others will somehow help
himself... Again, I will go into Malware more when I rewrite his arc eventually, much like the Highbreed, but I hope this explains the general idea I have behind him.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
Um one thing i wanna ask is why do you want penny to stay a robot? She would have been hacked again as it wouldn’t make sense for someone not to try it again... ignoring the pinnochio allusion thing cause of course RWBY shouldn’t follow fairytales like a script, but just thinking about practicality as the problem would just occur again.
Also, people complaining about how its a problem they cured her illness (having the virus)... why would you want her too keep the virus when its literally about to kill her and the cure is right there???? I dunno some of the complaints have me a bit confused and i need clarity on them.
Like, If they didn’t grab the relic for themselves, they would have been hunted by ironwood for penny, she would have been killed for the powers to open the vault etc... if they went to the vault with penny without their plan, she would have died... its all a lose lose for penny to me at least
Questions are genuine and I’m not trying to be rude or anything :)
Happy to explain, anon! :D
I’m going to break this up into three parts: The claim that people are upset about Penny’s virus going away, the idea that she’s in more danger as a robot, and the assumption that she had to be made human to fix this problem. 
The first is the easiest to tackle simply because I haven’t seen any of this myself. I don’t know why someone would “want her to keep the virus when it’s literally about to kill her.” My guess would be that there’s been some miscommunication at play. I’m not saying just because I haven’t seen these takes doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but rather that I have seen a lot of critical takes since Saturday and they all boil down to the fans being upset that Penny’s android identity was removed, not that the virus was removed along with it. Of course we’re happy about that additional outcome, we just believe it would have been possible  — even easy  — to achieve that same outcome without taking a core part of Penny’s identity along with it (more on that below).
Secondly, if one of the main arguments for Penny getting a human body is “It’s less dangerous” then I personally don’t find that persuasive. Yes, it means no one can try to hack her again... but it also means Penny can die all the horrible, messy human deaths that she was previously immune from (within the boundary of how long Pietro can give her aura, anyway). We saw it happen on screen. Penny was able to go from this
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to this
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purely because she was an android. Penny, due to her synthetic body, was able to be torn apart and then  — pretty casually it seems, based on Pietro’s comments  — be put back together, given more aura, and booted up with absolutely no downsides. Penny shrugged off death with a smile! No human body can do that. So yes, she’s vulnerable to hacking as an android, but she’s vulnerable to everything else as a human, things like Nora’s scars and Yang’s lost arm, things that android!Penny would have shrugged off. Each body has its benefits and its downsides, with my personal belief being that, from a combat standpoint, a synthetic body has far fewer downsides and far greater benefits. But that opinion aside, objectively I don’t think a human body is intrinsically safer for Penny in the long run, especially not after her biggest moment in the series was coming back from the dead. She can’t do that anymore. 
Which then touches on our third topic with the question: Why couldn’t the show have fixed android!Penny in a way that ensures she can never be hacked again? See, we have to remember that RWBY is a constructed, fictional story. Nothing “has” to happen. Or rather, nothing has to happen until the writers impose limitations on the text that the viewer expects them to adhere to. For example, if you impose the implied rules of 1. “Our four main characters will make it to the end of the series” and 2. “A character, without aura, will die from a spear through the gut,” then RWBY has to find a way for Weiss to survive Cinder’s attack (rule #1), but that solution can’t be, “Weiss is just randomly okay after a deadly injury, I guess” (rule #2). Hence, we get the solution of “Jaune unlocks his semblance and heals Weiss for her” and it works! It’s a solution that viewers like because it obeys all the rules, both overt and implied. Meanwhile, the problem with Penny’s solution is two-fold. The first is that it contradicts the entire journey she’s been on of “Android girl learns that she’s real and human just the way she is,” which I’ve already spoken about extensively (there are other posts on that), but the second problem is that the show ignores other possibilities and makes up new rules solely to reach this ending. 
Why is Penny made human? Because of Ambrosius’ rules. Why do those rules exist? Because the writers said they do in this episode. It’s not that they introduced these rules episodes or even whole volumes ago, thereby requiring that they adhere to them once Penny’s life is suddenly caught up in them (like with the Jaune example). Rather, the viewer only learned these were limitations while Penny was being fixed. So the writers could have just... not included those. There’s no reason why, in developing Ambrosius’ abilities right then and there, the show couldn’t have made them into something a little different. Have Ruby go, “We want you to magic up an anti-virus program that will heal Penny completely, with no chance of the virus returning. Thus, when you create something new, it doesn’t matter if that program disappears. The virus is already gone!” If the response to that is, “But Clyde, Ambrosius can’t create something he doesn’t understand” that’s a rule that the writers just made up. No one forced them to suddenly impose that limitation. It was a choice. Or even if we have to have it for some reason, you’re telling that the group gets to have the schematics for their escape route  — essentially inventing a teleportation system because Whitley looked at airship flight paths for a few minutes  — but they can’t have Penny or Pietro draw up an anti-virus program? There’s no reason why these rules couldn’t have been tweaked to cure android!Penny. 
There’s also no reason why Ambrosius needed to be involved at all. As just mentioned, Pietro exists and many fans (myself included) thought he would be the solution. Imagine for a moment we had a slightly different version of these events. Penny’s virus is briefly halted by Jaune and, finally given a moment to breathe, she asks where her father is. Last she saw, he was floating in a dead Amity after Cinder’s attack. This reminds Ruby that hey, Pietro made Penny! He’s just as smart as Watts and is far more knowledgeable of her systems. Maybe he can help? So the group heads to Amity and, due to the same techno mumbo jumbo that launched Amity in the first place, or had Klein heal Penny after her crash, Pietro says yes, he can get rid of the virus. Better yet, he can slightly redesign Penny so that she’s made un-hackable in the future, using (again, mumbo jumbo) parts from the now useless Amity. But it will take time. It’s then that the group receives Ironwood’s message and learns that they don’t have time. The reality that Penny will not be cured before the hour time limit necessitates that they come up with a creative way of dealing with Ironwood. Enter Emerald. Her semblance can make it seem like Penny is there, despite her being fixed by her dad miles away. We get an extended fight with Ironwood and, at episode’s end, the new and improved Penny catches up, ready to open the vault for them, this time of her own free will. 
Now, obviously I just made this up off the top of my head  — far from perfect  — but a scenario like this: 
Remembers that Pietro exists and lets him/Maria as an assistant do something for the plot
Re-uses Amity now that it’s just a floating pile of junk metal 
Creates a scenario where we get to see Penny and Pietro confront the fact that she was created to be a tool (sorry I originally made you so easily hackable/put a self-destruct in your brain) 
Maintains all the main story beats like Penny’s near escape, Ironwood’s message, and using Emerald’s semblance
Makes space to tackle other issues like the complaint that Ironwood was taken down too quickly 
Achieves the desired result of healing Penny without taking away her android identity 
Proves that, because we can easily come up with another solution, the idea that she “had” to become human is inaccurate. There were always other options 
Hell, we can even ask why the story bothered with a self-destruct threat in the first place. Seriously, why did Watts do that? I have my own headcanons, but the show never says. This act is the entire BASIS for Penny’s conflict and the show didn’t bother to a) say why he’d do this or b) explain why he’d do this when Salem would presumably like having a Maiden to control. It’s counterintuitive and the show never grapples with that. We have no canonical answer here. More importantly, what else changes if Penny’s self-destruct order is taken out of the narrative? Absolutely nothing. She’s still hacked and struggles to keep Amity afloat, still flies to Ruby, still wakes up and needs to be calmed down by Nora, still tells Whitley her order, still fights the Hound, still tries to escape, still tells Ruby to kill her so she doesn’t open the vault, and Ruby still realizes that opening the vault might be the answer. They could have taken Penny to the door and nullified the virus by letting her do what the virus ordered. Penny is fine now, they snag the Relic, and the group proceeds to save all of Mantle and Atlas. The only thing this self-destruct sequence brings to the narrative is a reason to give Penny a human body. That plot-point was introduced solely as an excuse to give Penny a human body. That never had to happen. It’s not that the writers had a story where, by the rules already in place, they truly had to change Penny to ensure they didn’t lose her, it’s that the writers carefully crafted a story that existed to justify their desire to change Penny. That was always the end goal. They decided they wanted this to happen and that’s the problem here. That they took a character who has spent her entire, fictional existence learning to love herself as she is and crafted a bunch of unpersuasive, needless, and contradictory scenarios specifically to get Penny to a place where they could erase all that. 
There’s no version of Penny that exists who truly had to get a human body to survive because Penny is a fictional character. Everything she does and experiences is thought up by our writers. Thus, at some point they thought up the idea to erase her android identity for a completely human one instead  — the part a lot of people are upset by   — and then made some messy attempts to write a story to justify getting that ending.  
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myfeetkeepdancing · 5 years
Charmed | Peter Parker x Male!Reader
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Just to clarify, this is written with Peter being 18+ 
Requested by: @headmastermephistopheles 
Request: Could I request a peter parker x a playerish stark male reader? where the reader used to have a lot of guys and girls at his feet but when he moves to his fathers place , his bold honesty and charming charisma makes peter fall hard for him like super hard. Smut if possible ! I adore peter parker and you're amazing at writing about him so thank you for all the stories!
Words: 4468
Warning: Smut
"Captain." Extending a hand towards Steve. "Good seeing you again."
"Likewise, (Y/N)." Receiving a firm handshake in return. "You do know, you can call me Steve? Right?" Giving you a kind smile.
"I do. But I respect your rank." Giving him a salute. "And your service."
"You really do have the charm of your father." Patting you on the shoulder.
"Don't let him hear that. But thanks, Captain."
You hear him chuckle a little. "Enjoy your stay here." As he holds the door open for you. "If there's anything I can do, please do come by."
"I'll find my way. Thank you." Walking down the hall, you pass all sorts of the nametags of Avengers. The doors were quite far apart from each other. So the rooms had to be huge, you wonder. You can't help but chuckle to yourself as you walk these halls. Being Tony's son does mean having certain perks. You just seem so terribly out of place. Seeing you're far from an Avenger. No superpowers. Or special abilities. No suit of armor.
Although you've heard some things about a certain security and safety protocol. Making the chance very likely that there was a suit of armor with your name on it. But you wouldn’t jump into one out of free will. Absolutely not.
After finishing your studies. Going abroad, traveling the world, you naturally rolled into working for Stark Industries while exploring the many wonders of the world. You eventually end up here. In the Avengers tower.
A welcoming 'committee' awaited your arrival. With most of the Avengers present, you catch up with them. You've known them for almost your entire life. Growing up with Tony meant having the Avengers in the background. They were all kind and friendly to you. And you experienced the highs and lows as well. Although from the sideline. You looked up to them. To their work. Their loyalty and service to the world. An incredible burden.
With a bag slung over your shoulder, you set out for your room. Tony had everything arranged ahead. Luggage moved in. Redesigned the interior. Knowing him, he probably overdid himself again. Going complete overboard with everything. But finding the room was another thing. It's been years since you've been here. Even the tower itself had an extensive rebuild. Feeling your phone buzzing, on the verge of picking up. Your eyes spot someone at the elevator. Rocking back and forth on the heels of his foot. Eyes plastered to his phone.
"Spiderboy!" You jokingly call him, laying your hand on his shoulder.
"Wha-! Wow." He jump scares almost a feet away from you. "H-Hey!" Cracking a smile on his face as he realizes who you were. "(Y/N)"
"I'm sorry." You smiled, reaching him a hand. "You must be Peter."  
"Parker… P-Peter Parker." Shaking your hand, looking at you with big eyes. "Nice meeting you."
"Likewise, Peter." Silencing your buzzing phone. "I'm (Y/N), but you already knew that." You smile. "I've heard a lot about you, Peter. Tony is ecstatic about you."
"Are you k-…? Really?!"
"Yeah, Tony’s quick with words, but slow with feelings and such. But he honestly adores you. You have to see through his jokes and sarcasm."
Peter only nods, clamping his laptop under his other arm. Readjusting the bag on his shoulder. Listening carefully to every word you say.
"Sarcasm and wittiness isn't always the right approach, you know." Both of your attention gets drawn to the lift doors closing. "Sorry, buddy, but you just missed your ride."
"It's fine. Don't worry." He smiled. "Bus won't be here in 32 minutes."
"So, do you live in the tower as well?" Pressing the elevator button for Peter. As he's too occupied listening to you.
"N-No, I… eh live with my aunt downtown."
"How nice." Sounding a bit too bitter to your liking. You just wish he lived here. Being able to spend some time with someone your age, instead of all the 'older' Avengers. "You're heading there right now?"
He nods quickly. "You?"
"Well, I'll be fair to you." Leaning into him, as if you're going to reveal a big secret. "I was on my way to my room. But I can't find it." Scratching the back of your head.
"I know where it is." He lively springs into action.
"Wonderful, could you show me?"
"This way." He beamed, proudly walking in front of you. Occasionally glancing over his shoulder.
"So… Anything big happening here at the weekends?"
"Not much. From time to time, the Avengers share a drink on the top floor. But things are calm these days." He stops at a door with your name on it. You caught yourself to not paying any attention to the route Peter took. Not where it was located opposite to the previously seen rooms.
"Thank you, Peter." Unlocking the room. Hanging your coat beside the door. Peter looking on, staring into the room. Large pane windows, pretty much the same as Tony's own room. Luxuries and grand.
"Oh, well then. I better be going." Checking the time on his phone. "See you around."
"Peter." You call out to him, "What will you be doing this weekend?"  Taking your place against the doorpost. Sheathing your hands in your pockets.
"M-Me?" He stutters, completely caught off guard by your question. You notice he's avoiding your eye contact the whole time. A blush coloring his cheeks. Staring down the hallway. "I… ehm."
"Attending any parties?"
"No-No-No, I'm not much of a party going type. Do you want to go to a party?"
"I prefer not to." You confess. "I was hoping to do something with you."
"Okay, okay." His smile growing wider and wider. "What are you thinking of?"
"I dunno. What do you usually do on the weekend?" You return the question. From this distance, you could almost hear his brain. "Except for saving the city as Spiderman, of course." Shooting him a playful wink.
Peter's face shoots bright red. With his hand, he rubs his cheeks and mouth, trying to hide his glowing red face.
"Here." Handing him your business card. "Think about it. If you don't want-..."
"Of course, I want to. But, I...ehm am running late." Glancing at his wrist while he definitely wore no watch. Starting to walk off.
"You know where to find me." You sniffle and wave him goodbye.
"Bye, mister Sta-... (Y/N)! Storming around the corner. Noticing his happy skip jump as he races off towards the elevator. You can't help but smile at his cuteness. It was only a few minutes ago he guided you to your room. His bus wasn't due to arrive in more than 25 minutes, you guess. You let him have his moment. He looked so nervous. You have to admit, you experience a bit of nerve and flutters in your stomach as well.
You spend the rest of the evening in the lounge area with a couple of Avengers. Sharing a few beers, hearing their stories, and play some games. Your phone was never quiet, but tonight you had to check every single notification. Peter still prominently present in the back of your mind. Eagerly awaiting his message.
Your heart skipped a beat, seeing his name pop up on your screen. The fact you had Peter's number already in your phone, gave away the illusion you had no interest in him. You heard the stories about Peter. You had seen the pictures. You didn’t fool yourself. And Tony didn’t lock any of his computers around the house either, so you fished Peter’s number out of there with ease. His profile picture enough to give you the jitters.
Peter was way more talkative via messenger. The conversation lasting long into the evening. Chatting about anything, really. Of course, a Spiderman patrol selfie to top it off. In the end, you set the date. Not like a date. With romance and all that. None of it. At least that’s what you keep telling yourself. Tomorrow he’s coming over, and together you've decided to call it a movie night. That's what he usually does on Saturday’s he said. So that’s what it was. Not at his aunt’s house. Not in the lounge. In your room. And for the first, in a long time, you’re feeling actual nervous.
The next day, just around the clock of six in the evening, your watch signals you that Peter had entered the building. All those handy tech bits came off good use. Apparently, you could set a notification as soon as a biometric scan noticed a specific person entering the building. And yes, Tony had given you a witty remark for only checking Peter’s box. But who’s to blame. He designed the system in the first place. For that remark, he didn’t have an answer at the ready.
“You look nice.” Peter murmured, adjusting the bag over his shoulder. Scrapping his voice a little.
“Thanks.” You give him a kind smile. “You too. Classy.” You compliment him. “Come in, make yourself at home.” Peter again takes in the room after a few steps in, looking in awe at the view and luxuries interior. Modern and spacious. But also a tad bit too large for a person your age.
"Dressed for something special?" He has a slight stutter to his voice. "A party?"
"It's pretty much the same as yesterday, I believe." Checking your clothing, as if there's something off. “But to answer your question. No. No parties. I don’t like them that much.”
“But you’ve partied almost everywhere across the world. If I can believe the pictures…”
“You right. But the thing is, you’re invited by influential people because of your name. You're more of a statement. Doesn't make it as entertaining as it looks."
"Why don't you decline them? Be honest about it. They get pretty wild, I've heard." His face coloring red at the thought.
"Sometimes, there's more at stake than what I want at the moment." You sigh, raking your fingers through your hair. "Oh well. I've ordered pizza in." Trying to shift the attention of the conversation. Getting a thumbs up from him as he connects his laptop. “Beer?”
"Yes, please." He kindly nods, looking up from his laptop.
"Peter, you don't have to say please for everything." Patting him on his shoulder. Seating yourself beside him on the couch. "Cheers, buddy." Ringing your bottle against his.
You see a surprising look, turn into a broad smile. "C-Cheers."
The couch was surprisingly large, especially for the two of you. How you wished you could crawl against him. Your thoughts often drift away from the movie you were watching. You and Peter falling in conversations about anything. Absolutely anything. He was smart, really smart. Had an interest in loads of things. Shared a lot of interests with you.
His body language changed visibly during the course kf the evening. As soon as his shoes came off, making himself really comfortable on the couch, you knew he felt at home. Making remarks, and funny jokes about anything and anyone. You’re drawn to each other. There was no other way to describe it. Your moments of eye contact were uneasy at the beginning. Especially for him. But that changed the later the evening progressed. Not one moment of silence dropped into the conversation. Peter told his stories. His experiences with becoming a member of the Avengers. Tales about Tony. But was interested in your stories, worries, and concerns. Peter was a damn good listener. You had to excuse yourself to Peter for a moment and step into the room nearby. For most of the evening, you've been pressing calls away. But not this one. In all, it takes not more than ten minutes before returning.
“Sorry, European client.” You excuse yourself. “Time zones and all that.” Seating yourself beside him again. Laying your arm to rest on the back of the couch. All comfortable and relaxed.
“I couldn’t understand a single word you were saying.” He giggles. "But it sounded kinda funny."
“It's the Dutch language. It's strange in their own unique ways. I'll teach you the basics sometime. Could come in handy someday."
“Awesome. You have an idea how long will you be staying?”
"Yeah, well the thing is, I haven't talked about it with Tony." You confess. "I've made quite a few international contacts by now. And there's still a lot to gain there. For a bit, it depends on what Tony has in mind."
“You don’t have a say in that?”
“You know how persuasive he is. Before you know it I’m back across the ocean.”
"Anyway." Rising to your feet. "In for another?" You intended to reach for his empty bottle. But are stopped by him. A firm grasp holds your wrist in place. You look at him in surprise. But you don't meet eye to eye. His head hanging downcast.
"Don't…" He muttered. "D-Don't go…" His hand feeling clammy and warm on your skin. You notice a slight tremble to his grip. His breathing heavy.
"It's… just the freezer." You try to lighten the mood. "But-..."
"No, it's n-not-…" He jumps up to his feet. “N-Not that…” Visibly swallowing the lump in his throat. "Please don't go." Taking a step closer, closing the distance between the two of you. Sad looking puppy eyes meet yours.
"P-Peter…" You stutter, followed by a shuddering breath. "Are you…" Your head is fuzzy, spinning, overwhelmed by your feelings.
Peter just nods with those big puppies eyes staring into your soul. Drawing you in closer. You turn into him, closing the distance. Peter was just a little bit shorter than you. And in slow motion, you close in on his lips. You bring your hand up to cup his cheek. Peter leaning, his hand reaching for the back of your neck. Lips meeting in the middle. It's soft. It's slow. It's sweet. It’s everything you wanted. It's breathtaking. Your bodies finding each other. Pressed against one another.
"P-Peter...?" “Y-You… ehm….” Red flooding your cheeks. You both stare at each other, hesitant on the next move. “Wow... A… S-Stark isn't quickly rendered speechless... B-But, this…." You nod. "T-this does…it”
"I want you to stay (Y/N). Really… R-Really want you to." His hands reaching for the first buttons of your blouse.
You cup both his cheeks and kiss him again. More violent than before. Resting your foreheads for a moment against each other. "Peter…?" You stammer. “You… really wanna do this?
He pushes you onto the couch, a force you couldn't possibly stop. Seating himself on your lap. With a simple nod, he takes off his blouse. Revealing his masculine body. Leaving you gazing at the irresistible shape of his body. Feeling yourself growing. You snap out of it the moment you see him open his belt, tugging to open his pants. Revealing his underwear, stretched by his length. Your hands slowly caress down the side of his figure. Captivated by his physique.
His lips smack onto yours, one hand on his length. Peter moaning into the kiss. The other arm wrapped around your neck. Grinding against one another for a while. Until you replace his fingers with yours on his cock. Making him groan harder than before. Stuttering your name as you stroke his member slow and steady. His head falling to the crook of your neck. You feel his trembling fingers work with your buttons on your blouse. Forcing you to go bare chest. "I want you (Y/N)." He moaned in your ear. His voice commanding, almost hypnotic. Making you shudder to your very being. Peter was irresistible right now. Too cute for words. Grinding his hips into your grasp, but also against your groin.
"I need you, Peter."
"L-Let's do it." He pants, struggling to get his pants off. And as soon as he gets his off, he looks at you, before loosening yours. Releasing your raging boner into the wild. Seating himself back onto you. You try to grind both cocks in your hands. But Peter has a different idea, flipping on his back. He wanted more.
“C-Can you…” He moans. “-touch me?” You sink deeper into the couch by his weight pressing down on you, angling your hips forward. As Peter climbs on top of you, anchoring his right arm around your neck. And resting his warm, masculine back against your body. Resting himself on top of you gave you such a beautiful view down his abs, onto his erection. He slowly sinks down, his ass cheeks guiding its way to your cock. You feel yourself harden even more. At this point, despite his enthusiasm, you can tell he’s nervous. “Are you sure about this, Peter?” Pressing gentle kisses down the side of his neck. Letting your fingers brush every inch of his skin. Peter completely lost in bliss by your touch. Whimpering as you caress his abs and pecs. You realize you’ve never been harder before.
"Y-Yeah…" He pants. "I want you…" Tilting his head towards you, searching for your lips, kissing you slow and passionate. "Yes… (Y/N). Please."
With one hand, you slick your length nice and wet. Making yourself ready for him. You watch for Peter's reaction as you place your tip at his hole. Pushing lightly against the resistance. Peter just moans, closing his eyes. Shuddering on top of you.  
"Talk to me." You whisper. "Does it hurt?" You watch him smile in response. Spreading his legs a bit further.
"N-No, it feels really good." He grins. "It… turns me on." Biting his lower lip.
"Good…" You stroke his length a few times. Making him whimper by your touch. Peter, on top of you, made you feel his every shudder and shake. Giving you a perfect insight into his level of pleasure. "Enjoy it." Before continuing to rub your tip along his ass cheeks. Softening up his flesh. With your fingers, you try to pry his little hole open a bit. Making it wet and ready.
"Put it in me..." He asks, breathing somewhat heavy.
You begin to push against his resistance. Trying to fit in the first few inches. You steady him on top of you. Watching his masculine torso heave up and down made you even harder.
"That’s it…!" He groans hard. "I... c-can feel you." He gasps. His ass cheeks clenching around your tip the moment you enter. Gripping around your tip tightly. You have to calm yourself down, closing your eyes, holding down your breath. Feeling his sphincter grip you so tightly was difficulty not cum already.
From your point of view, you can already see the sweat glistening on his body. You slowly begin to ease into him, your hand kneading into his chest, trying to make him relax. “It's so big…” He groans.
“It’s alright, Peter.” You keep touching him, softening him up. “Keep breathing.” He begins to push down on your cock. All without your help. Forcing you to slide deeper into him. His insides are warm and welcoming, the sensation enveloping. You halt for a moment, rubbing softly on his skin. Seeing his nipples rock hard turns you on incredibly. "How's that feel?"
"A…mazing." He gasps, his head falling backward. "G-Give it to me… please…"
“I’m going slow, Pete.” As you begin to move, his face a mix of pain and, seemingly, a bit of pleasure changes to a wide-open gasping mouth.
His breathing hitches with each thrust, you bring your mouth to his chest. With your tongue, teasing his chest. Stroking your tongue along his rippling chest. Circling his nipple, flicking it, before taking in-between your lips. Slowly suckling down onto it. Gasps of pleasure echo from his mouth as you continue by teasing his body.  
Despite his soft moans, seeing Peter this flustered on top of you actually makes him look even cuter. You can tell he’s feeling good. His face contorted in what you can tell is pure pleasure. Whatever you’re doing seems to be working as his ass tightens on you. “You’re doing great, Peter.”
Going faster, his grip around your neck strengthens. You feel him shudder, his ass tightening up on you. “It… feel so good.” He groans loudly. “I… can’t hold it… much longer…”
"Shoot it for me." You moan into his ear. While you watch him stroke his cock. His movement become jolted and irregular. You run your hands gently along with his abs, your mouth giving long, luscious sucks on his nipples. Peter was one panting mess, he loved his body being touched like this.
"I… I can't…" He stutters, his arms falling to his side. You watch as his cock twitch at each of your thrusts. You seize the moment and wrap your fingers around his meaty length. You have to be careful not to cum yourself already. Touching him like this. Sliding the wet ridges of his cock through your hand.
"Cum for me." You continue to tease him. "I want to see you covered in it, Peter."
His eyes widened in disbelief. Watching you as one panting and moaning mess. Desperate for release.
"Drench that beautiful body." That single comment made him clench around you tight. You see his toes curl, hip bucking against yours. Shaking. Shuddering. Accompanied by a loud growl of release and pleasure. He jolts forwards, gasping for air. As you thrust deep into him again and again. Your strokes on his cock, matching your thrusts. Feeling his cock spasm in your hand. Releasing a jet of cum on himself. Each push of your length, making him squirt more and further. Draining every drop from him. Until he falls back into your embrace. Spent and satisfied. Panting long and hard with his eyes shut tight. His body covered in wetness. Small trembles follow. His hand running across his muscled body. Feeling the wetness.
"Fuck…" You breathe heavily. Trying to hold it together. "That was hot." Connecting your lips with his shoulder and neck. Your tongue catching the taste of his wetness.
"I love you…" He says in a shuddering voice. "So… m-much." The largest smile stretching across his face. Kissing you slow and sensual.
His rolling hips distracted you immediately from continuing to grace his warm skin with your lips.   "A-Are you close?" He whispers to you.
"Yeah." You nod enthusiastically. Clenching your hands tight on his body. All warm and wet. Using whatever strength you have left to push him up and down your cock. You watch in amazement how his muscles stretch and bulge. Tense and relax. The size of his those thighs. The rippling muscles beneath the touch of your finger. God, he is so masculine, so complete. You feel overwhelmed. Short of breath. His proportions leaving you speechless.
Peter may be a bit inexperienced at it. But at this moment. This movement. The roll of his hips. Slow and steady. The angle on which he grinds down on your cock. So smooth and sensual. Swirling your cock through his wet, stretched insides. His flesh squeezing around your rock hard, pulsing member. Hugging it like you never felt before. While his breath fanned across your skin. Softly stifling groans by your penetration. Hugging you close.
"Keep going…" You groan. "Just like that…" Feeling your climax rise quick. Peter's insides felt smoother than before. You can't help but praise him more and more. Guiding you closer to your climax. The sight of his cock stiffening before you, makes you reach your high in no-time. Announced by a groan of pleasure and ecstasy, a load of cum erupts from your cock. You pull him close against you. Rutting into him. Filling his insides with your warm load.
Only the sound of heavy breathing, licking of lips, and tired moans. Followed by a burst of giggles. Peter still on top. You wrap your arms around his torso. Slowly sliding flat onto the couch. "Peter…" You whisper. "Something sparked yesterday, didn't it?" Biting your lower lip as he looks up at you with this cute smile. "I mean… look at that smile.” Your fingers gently playing with his ravaged curls.
He rolls onto your chest, laying his head to rest on his crossed arms. Releasing a content sigh. Dreamy eyes staring at you. "You make me smile (Y/N)." One finger tracing the lines of your collarbone.
You just love looking at him like this. Watching him absentmindedly circle his fingers on your skin. "I've grown to love you (Y/N). Everything about you is perfect. Your charm, your smile. You as a person. You're perfect in every way." Slight blushes forming on his cheeks. "I feel nervous, just looking at you." He giggles softly.
"Peter…" Cupping his cheek. "You're not the only one." Pressing your lips on his. "I love you so much."
“Will you tell mister St-…” He stops mid-sentence, his eyes glance up at you for a second. Realizing his mistake, as his smile grew larger. “-your dad about us? And your plans?”
"Yes… Yes, I will." For a moment, your thoughts wander off, imagining a rather uncomfortable conversation with Tony about you and Peter. "I know what I want." Brushing a few curls from his forehead, as Peter is obsessed with tracing his finger on your body. “Can you promise me one thing, Peter?”
“Wh-…?” Rising from your chest, seeing a bit of worry in your expression. “What is it, (Y/N)?”
“Please be safe.”
“I always am.” He smiles thinly. “Especially now that I have you.”
“For real, Peter. The Spider-Man stuff scares me.
“You really are the sweetest, (Y/N).” Peter shuffles closer onto you, leaning in to press a kiss on your lips. “I know what you mean. But don’t you worry. I’ll be extra careful.”
"I fear the day you don’t come home, Peter. I've seen it with my dad. I… I just want you to be safe… with me.” Pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"Will you promise me you'll stay here?" Before you want to answer his question, his finger silences your lips. "Yes, or No?" He smiles.
"Yes… I'll stay here… If you come live with me." You watch his reaction, his smile growing. "Can you imagine comin-..."
Mid-sentence your cut off by his lips on yours. Passionate and strong. His hands holding onto your cheeks.
“Yes…” He mutters into the kiss with a big smile. “I… want… nothing more… than…to be …with you… every… single… day.” His body grinding against yours. Feeling him grow. "I want to be with you (Y/N).” Seeing the goosebumps rise on your skin, his hands roving on your skin. “You like that?” He smirks. Continuing to tease you.
"I like you, Peter." You groan by his tease. "With the whole of my heart." Tossing him on his back on the couch. Peter being much stronger, rolled you back.
“Let’s go to… our bedroom.” His smirks.
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anxiouslyfred · 3 years
Limping on Phantom Pains
Summary: Remus is very much against the world when it comes to injuries being celebrated as a chance to find your soulmate. Why would he want to hurt a stranger for so flimsy a reason. Roman doesn’t care and will drag his limping brother off to congratulate his friend in hospital
CW: broken leg, hospital scene
Remus knew how to avoid injury and pain better than anyone he knew. Of course he also knew how to cause it, but that was just a fun hobby. Avoiding it meant that he wasn't causing pain to a stranger he might never meet; causing his soulmate to be in pain and that was vital for Remus.
He knew through his childhood they'd have felt pain from him a lot, had a full collection of 'congratulations hope you find your soulmate while healing' cards. Those were what first made him realise how sadistic and cruel the world was to soulmates,especially before you met.
If he attacked someone they'd as likely get congratulations and suggestions to thank him as told to report the assault and he hated it. There should never be a celebration of causing pain to others. 
Since realising that Remus had ensured the only pain that could reach his soulmate from him was the sore throats he couldn't avoid. He was going to cherish his soulmate and keep them free from pain even before they met if he could. 
In all honesty there was so rarely any pain he felt in return that it seemed his soulmate was trying to do the same thing, at least before this week. This week Remus had been limping around, a phantom pain in his lower leg leaving him limping and struggling to walk as far as he had to for work.
“Remus, Have you been vandalising all of my injury cards again? I need to congratulate Virgil on his broken leg. You're coming with me too, since I've been trying to introduce you pair for literally ever. I know you don't have anything going on this afternoon, since you're pulling a sickie.” Roman yelled through the house, clearly still in his room if the bangs from drawers and cupboards being opened and shut was anything to go by.
“What kind of sick twisted jerk do you have to be to congratulate someone on getting injured? I don't care if he could find his soulmate, we should be hoping Virgil gets better soon, not praising him for however he got hurt!” Remus screeched, deciding to hop down the hall on his good leg and see how high he could hop.
Roman just glared over his shoulder, now kneeling to look under his bed. “It's what we do, what everyone does. Not that you seem to care about finding your soulmate. Do they even know you're still alive with how injury averse you are?”
“I care about not putting my soulmate in pain. Why the hell has this connection become societies excuse to get hurt, hurting soulmates in turn and not the way to protect and look after each other it was probably meant to be?” He'd never agree with his brother about the romance of sharing pain with someone else.
Once Roman had proclaimed that as soon as he found his love they would never feel pain again, and been completely flabbergasted when Remus suggested limiting the amount he hurts them ahead of time instead of waiting for the meeting. He'd had to watch his back and double check any of his art supplies for the next month after that argument, even after Remus took off on a skiing experience in Japan.
Roman's back bristled at the question, just as it always would. “Because your soulmate is your other half, someone who'll help smooth all your broken edges and complete you. Anyone sane would want to increase their chances of finding them.”
“I doubt Virgil would agree, given you said he's strapped up in hospital with a broken leg days after the accident that caused it.” Remus countered, before frowning again. “Why's he still in there anyway? Don't the hospitals usually just put a cast on you and let you leave for broken bones?”
Roman just shook his head, finally pulling out a blank card. “Something about the bone possibly getting shattered. A stack of heavy books falling on top of his legs can do that apparently, but I didn't ask for the details. Maybe I should try drawing Logan's book stack teetering above the congratulations?”
Remus groaned, turning away now. He should have known shredding or redesigning all the injury congratulations cards his brother had wouldn't work if he left the blank ones still around. That's a mistake he wouldn't be making again. When vandalising his brother's participation in societies sickness, get rid of all things possible to make cards out of.
Then again, he was actually curious about this Virgil guy Roman had befriended a few years ago. Perhaps he should actually go along to the hospital, as long as he could hobble along at his own pace. Remus even had a few fun outfits to wear for hobbling around.
/In the Hospital room\
Virgil was going to scream if another nurse, stranger or friend tried coming in to congratulate him on getting his leg broken. Bad enough the pain he was in, that surely, should his soulmate still be alive, was hurting them a lot to, but to act like it was a good thing? He was fuming at the idea.
So far Logan had been the only sane person to visit, apologising and promising to store his books more safely in the future. He hadn't stayed long though, only enough time to explain the provisions he'd made at their work to ensure Virgil kept his job while unable to walk and could return to it once release from hospital.
Roman opening the door carrying a congratulations balloon and a card only made the glare deepen. “Hey Virgil. Are you looking forward to trying to find your soulmate once you're released? I know some wonderful cafes we could sit in and watch for-” The words were cut off with a yelp when Virgil threw the notebook he'd been scribbling in at him.
“Are you seriously telling me I should be celebrating getting injured you empty headed, dust filled dreamer? I have a broken leg, far more pain than I've ever been in, and you think I should focus on finding romance or friendship with someone I've never met?” Virgil snapped, already looking around his bed for something else to throw.
“Of course. It's a fantastic-” Roman was cut off again by a pillow being thrown.
Virgil scowled at him, “Fantastic what? Response to someone I only guess at being alive still because of occasional phantom sore throats? Opportunity to torture someone I've never even met yet with pain I wouldn't wish on anyone else given I'm going through it myself?”
He could hear a lift opening somewhere down the hall since the door was still opened but just carried on yelling. “Or maybe all you think about is the fact that this worldwide obsession with getting hurt does more harm than good. A bruise is a good way to find a soulmate, or a tattoo, where the pain is controlled, and caused safely. Broken bones and ridiculous stunts that will end in injury are cruel! Especially given all the pain gets inflicted on a stranger! And that's what you're trying to congratulate me for! Have a braincell Roman, or would you prefer I ask Logan to throw those books at you? Holy hell, do you actually think I'm excited by the sight of the books that caused this freaking injury?” Virgil had caught a closer glimpse of the card and finally stopped yelling, dumbfounded by the idiocy Roman must have to actually have drawn them onto the card.
“Oh, so Roman does have a friend with some sense about them. I'm Remus and have been trying to stop this stupid congratulations thing for years.” A doppelganger of Roman was suddenly leaning against the door, grinning and panting a little.
Virgil paused for a moment, before nudging the chair beside his bed. “You injured yourself or something? You look like you've run a mile to get here.”
“Soulmate hurt their leg badly. Walking too much is a bit of a strain this week. Hope you get released from here soon though. It can't be fun spending your days in this place.” Remus limped over to the chair, collapsing into it with a sigh.
“Guessing you already know I'm Virgil if you're prince prats brother. Which leg got hurt?” Virgil smirked, realising Roman had fallen quiet now, given in just their few words it was clear Remus shared his views about the nonsense idea of congratulating people for injuries.
Remus glanced at the bed, wriggling his eyebrows, “Same leg as yours if you wanna try me out for a ride.”
“Roman, give me my notebook back. If your brother's going to flirt I need something to thwack him with.” Virgil ground out at the insinuation. He wasn't looking for his soulmate, and didn't care for getting hit on. Either that or he really needed another dose of pain reliever, hurting only ever made him more angry.
“Well that's one way to find out if we're soulmates, but I'm sworn not to get injured if I can avoid it. No pain for my soulmate at all. I can even tell the chances of a landslide on various slopes to decide whether I'll climb them or not.” Remus shifts as though to get out of the chair, grimacing in preparation for the pressure on his leg, despite the pain he'd mentioned being phantom.
Virgil reaches out with both arms then, one to shove Remus back down, and the other to take his notebook back from Roman. “Well then I guess you can keep dreaming of being my soulmate then. Since I try my best not to get injured too. If only save myself from the Roman's of the world.”
He smirked at the cackles that brought from the man beside him, while Roman protested. He was curious though, since it would be nice to be able to keep his soulmate safe in person, despite being well aware they were already experts at avoiding injury.
While Remus was still laughing he moved the hand still on his shoulder to pinch the back of his neck, flinching himself at the sting to his own neck. The gasp cutting off the laughter showed Remus had realised what he'd done too, turning to face him properly somehow in a jump while still sat down.
“So? Soulmates? Weirdly coinciding injury and phantom pain? Team destroy the congratulating cards?” Remus rattled off ideas for how they could be connected, eyes scanning over his face.
Virgil smiled, nodding. “Guess we are soulmates, and I should be apologising about all this.” He frowned again, realising just how much Remus's leg was probably hurting him, even through the phantom pains. “Do pain killers work on the soulmates thing?”
“We've got a while to figure that out! I don't think they'd work if I took them though. Let's call the nurse to give you some.” Remus was already jumping up and hurrying out of the room, or as fast as he could with his leg still in a lot of pain.
Roman watched him leave, before tilting his head at Virgil. “So am I going to get something thrown at me if I try to congratulate on finding your soulmate now?”
“Don't tempt me.” Virgil groaned out, realising he was never likely to lose the romantic now, and that entire scene could have just proven the use of injuries in finding soulmates, whatever arguments he and Remus had against it.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Loki x female!artist!reader
Word count: 1 281
Summary: you were going through a difficult time and your boyfriend wants to make you feel better.
Warnings: adult themes (nothing too explicit), little bit of sadness
A/N: i felt kinda depressed lately, so I wrote something to cheer myself up. This might have some grammar mistakes or typos, so please try to ignore them. Enjoy :)
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Loki admired you. From the way you looked to the way your magnifficent mind worked. It never ceased to amaze him how creative a human's mind can truly be. He has seen all those paintings in art galleries, and witnessed all those adventures written in books, hidden in the deepest parts of library. He has seen architecture that took his breath away. He never really thought something so asgardian could be seen here on midgard too. He must admit, some of the midgardian pieces were too shoddy for his liking. He even despisedcertain parts of midgardian culture and art. Probably because he missed his home too much, a place where he grew up surrounded with those beauties. He never made even the faintest effort to understand midgardian art. Until he met you.
You showed him different kinds of art. You even taught him few things. He never stopped admiring you, even after several years of living together. He never got tired of you and your talent.
On one night, after a very difficult day, you were lying in bed covered by the smoothest sheets to ever exist. You were safely cuddled against Loki, sleeping soundly, getting your deserved rest. But Loki wasn't sleeping, no. He was thinking. Thinking of a way to make you smile again. It has been a long time, since he saw you smile, truly smile. Not faking smile to make him feel better. He saw you, fighting whatever got into your way throughout the day, everyday. It tired you, drained you of your power. And yet, you still smiled at him (even if it was fake smile). You never brought up your own problems, istead you listened to his, and that made Loki feel two things: selfishness and love. Selfishness, because he should've insisted on listening to your problems too and love, because it just showed what a caring person you can be. Even in your darkest times. He loved you for it even more, if that could be possible.
As careful as he could he untangled himself from your warm embrace, got up from bed and went on a dangerous mission of searching for your sketch-book. You always had one filled with doodles, paintings, drawings or designes.
When he found the said book, he started browsing through it, page by page, looking for something you started working on a while ago. And he found it. 'Tomorrow will be one happy day for my darling' Loki thought with a small smile blooming on his face.
As soon as you regained consciousness, you wanted to go back to your dreamland. Away from your struggles. From mean people, from every day stress, from your anxiety, from EVRYONE. Well, maybe not everyone. Not from your boyfriend. You started blindly looking for his body in your king-sized bed, but to no avail. Maybe he got up sooner than you? But whenever he did, he stayed in bed watching after you. And then teasing the living hell out of you, for snoring so laud it woke him up. He never meant it in the bad way, you always tickled him for revenge. And tickling turned into make-out session and that to love making. You loved those times, that's why you groaned upon descovering he left the bed.
You slowly sat up and looked around your bedroom. Not too big, but not too small either, pretty cosy looking. You dragged yourself to your wardrobe to put something on yourself, you couldn't just walk around your house naked now, could you? 'I'm sure Loki wouldn't mind' you thought after picking one of his green t-shirts. He rarely wore something from Earth and if he did it was just his all black suit. You occasionly gave him sweatpants, few hoodies and t-shirts, so you could steal-ehm borrow them like a normal girlfriend would.
With nothing but his t-shirt and fluffy socks on you made your way downstairs. Soft bubbling of water and sound of cutting was coming from kitchen.
Loki didn't cook often, but when he did... Let's just say you were always full afterwards.
You rounded the corner and plopped down on sofa. Damn, that was a lot of stairs. Snuggling with pillows you tried to spot your god, but he was nowhere to be seen. How about a quick nap before breakfast? It's saturday afterall, the lazy day.
"Oh, you already woke up. How did you sleep my sweet?" asked the velvety voice you loved so much.
You turned around, ready to hug him to death, but you halted when you saw his clothes.
"What, the living hell, are, you, WEARING?" you didn't mean to scream that last lart, you really didn't, but seeing this too early in the morning would startle anyone.
"You do not like it? One of your own creations?" aked Loki with that smug smile on his damned lips.
He was wearing your redesign of his asgardian battle armour. It was more leather than metal, Loki's signature green, black and gold. Looked more badass too with horned golden headpiece instead of the whole helmet with slightly shorter horns. You thought he didn't notice, but how couldn't he, when he just loved every little thing you make?
Maybe you were quiet for way too long, cause Loki started anxiously picking on his palms, never a good sign.
"I love it Lo, I just... I never expected you to do something like this. You never cared about my designs before, " that send hurt straight to his heart. You always asked him about his projects, his interests. He has never done something similair. Out of respect, he thought. To give you space. Now he blames himself for the dissapointed way you said those words.
"Darling, of course I care about everything you draw. May it be a mindless doodle or a piece of art. I've seen the joy drawing brings to your life. Your eyes are so bright whenever you make art, and lately that light has faded. I wanted to make you smile again, to see the playful twinkle in your eyes I fell in love with. I figured this was the way, but... Maybe I shouldn't have gone through your book. "
He reached up, ready to change your design into his usual attire, when you cought his hand. Loki wanted to say something when you cut him off with a sweet kiss. He closed his eyes, one hand cupping your cheek, the other snaking around your waist pulling you closer.
You pulled away first, breathing heavily. Your head spinned. It always does when you kiss the love of your life.
"I love you Loki. Thank you for making me feel better. But next time don't go through my sketch book, what if I designed something for you and you'll spoil your surprise?" you asked with a smirk on your lips.
"I love you too darling. And don't worry. As long as you smile, I won't. By the way, did you really design something for me, except what I'm wearing?" he gave you the same smirk, giving you eskimo kiss.
"Hmmmm, you'll have to wait and see" you murmured against his lips.
"You minx, you know I'm not a patient man."
"I know, I know. What about we eat breakfast and then I can give you different kind of surprise?" your lips barely brushed his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
"I love the way you think, darling. Now go sit by the table, the sooner I finish the breakfast, the sooner we'll get to your surprise."
'What a pleasant way to start a morning' was the last thing you thought when Loki parted himself from your embrace.
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F/M Pairing: Fem!Reader x Lee Minho (SKZ)
Word Count: 2.4K
Genre: Hybrid AU; Strangers to Lovers AU
Warnings: None!!
Summary: You weren’t entirely sure about adopting a hybrid, but your friends insisted that you have someone to keep you company in the giant apartment where you lived alone. But you never imagined how much you were missing out on, until you also fell in love...
A/N: I’m trying my hand at writing hybrid AUs, so please forgive me if it isn’t up to expectation! Tagging @skzwriternet​ as usual!!
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The adoption center was located in a giant brick building at the center of the downtown district where traffic was always heavy, and swarms of people migrated together to walk down the crowded sidewalks as a means of occupying their time on the weekends.
But you were hardly the type to enjoy such things, and you and your friends often spent time in each other’s apartments as opposed to dealing with the claustrophobia of the 5:00 rush hour. But on this afternoon in particular, you carefully navigated the intersections and bustling extensions to find a parking spot in the freshly paved lot of the adoption center. Because you were finally going to meet the cat hybrid that you had recently adopted after a lot of pressure from your friends and several hours scrolling through the online website.
Eventually, after an interesting internal-debate, your eyes were drawn to a hybrid cat with calico-colored ears, and the bright green of his eyes had captured your heart in an instant. From there, you didn’t need any more intervention to call the shelter and arrange a time to meet them at the center to pick-up your new friend. Even though you didn’t know much about taking care of a hybrid, you had spent the past week reading anything that you could get your hands on.
You were feeling both confident and excited when you offered your name to the receptionist upon your arrival, and she offered to bring Minho out to you. “He’s been here for so long,” she explained. “His last owners brought him in before they moved.”
“They gave him up?” you asked, appalled at the idea.
However, the receptionist merely shrugged, and you had a feeling that this sort of thing happened all the time. “Well, let me get everything arranged for you,” the receptionist said, and you lingered around the lobby while you waited, flexing your fingers because you had already signed so much paperwork.
But it was all worth it when you saw him for the first time, looking at you with the same green eyes that had first captivated your attention. “Y/N,” the receptionist said. “This is Minho.”
You shuffled in place, pasting on your best smile as you studied the hybrid. “Nice to meet you, Minho,” you said. “I hope we can get along well.”
“Yeah,” Minho replied, and you were a little caught off-guard by his nonchalant attitude, but the receptionist was positively beaming and you finished signing all the required forms before you brought Minho outside to your parked SUV.
“I hope you’re comfortable,” you said to make conversation on the drive home. So far, even with your introverted tendencies taken into consideration, you were having a hard time maintaining a conversation with him. “I redesigned the guest room for you.”
“That’s fine,” Minho said, and you took a deep breath because you weren’t expecting him to be so dismissive. But maybe he wasn’t the type who talked very much after just meting someone for the first time, and you could understand the value of your silence. Still, you only wished that it didn’t feel so awkward, returning to your apartment only to watch Minho barricade himself inside his room for the rest of the night.
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From thenceforth, life with Minho...was the opposite of what you expected.
Instead of living together cohesively, and enjoying the company of someone else in the apartment, you found yourself seriously questioning whether or not you had made the right decision in adopting him. For starters, he never left his room, and you only ever saw him on rare occasions when he needed to use the bathroom, or to grab his dinner from the table. Which leads you directly to your next point: other than rushed greetings in passing, Minho never spoke to you.
And that was certainly not something that you were okay with, especially considering the fact that it felt like you were living with a total stranger. But when you brought it up to your friends and colleagues, they assured you that he just needed more time to adjust: “Maybe buy him something that Cat Hybrids really enjoy?”
So, you did, and the price of the rare treats was a major blow to your checking account, but you were desperate to get a reaction from him. And you were incredibly disappointed when he ignored the treats on the table, choosing instead to pretend like they didn’t even exist. However, that’s where you drew the line, deciding to confront Minho about your scarce interactions.
But when you stepped into his bedroom unannounced, you realized that he was absent, which meant that he was probably showering. In the meantime, while you waited for him to return, you cautiously studied the little knick-knacks and photos displayed all around the room on the shelves you had installed. Apparently, Minho was quite sentimental, and you paused on a picture of Minho smiling next to another cat hybrid who was similar in age and appearance...
“Please don’t touch that,” a guttural voice interrupted your thoughts, and you nearly had a heart attack as you returned the decorative picture frame and turned around to face Minho.
“I’m sorry,” you said, swallowing hard because you felt guilty about messing with his things. “I was waiting for you to get back.”
Minho nodded, choosing to walk around you to peruse the collection of papers stacked on top of his desk. “Did you need something?”
“Yeah...” you started, trailing off when you glanced back at the picture. “Who is that with you?”
Minho sighed at your question, and he pursed his lips like he was considering whether or not he wanted to respond. “He’s my little brother,” Minho eventually relented, and he returned to his files while you studied him with an enlightened understanding of the mercurial hybrid.
“You were separated,” you said, more as a statement rather than an actual question, but Minho still nodded. “What’s his name?”
“Jisung, and I’ve been looking for him,” he said. “But none of the registries match.”
Suddenly, a lightbulb turned on inside your head, and you connected the dots as you realized that the files on Minho’s desk were all documents recording the names of the Hybrids registered with the government - as mandated several years ago.
“I’ll help you find him,” you said, and you could tell that Minho was affected, shoulders rising even as he remained facing away from you. 
“Why would you do that?”
“Because nobody deserves what you’ve gone through,” you said. “I adopted you because I wanted a companion, but there’s more than enough room for another Hybrid.”
He was silent for a moment, and neither of you even took a chance on interrupting the tension until Minho spun around with evidence of fresh tears in his green eyes. “Thank you,” he said, but you didn’t need any gratitude for doing something that you knew was right.
“Let me help you,” you continued. “I’ll do whatever it takes, and you don’t have to avoid me anymore. I think it would be nice if we lived together as a family.”
Minho nodded, and he swiped the sleeve of his shirt beneath his eyes. “I’m sorry for ignoring you....I thought you might send me back to the shelter.”
“I wouldn’t,” you said. “I chose to take on this responsibility, and I’m not the type to just give-up if something proves to be more difficult than I thought.”
“But I made it hard...”
“It doesn’t matter anymore,” you interrupted him, chancing a few steps closer to place your hand on his shoulder - a soothing gesture. “Let’s find your little brother, okay?”
“Okay,” Minho agreed, and, for the first time since you met, he even managed some semblance of a smile.
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Over the course of following two weeks, you and Minho continued to grow even closer as you relentlessly searched for his little brother - constantly reassuring him to never lose hope.
You could tell that he was growing disenchanted with your repeated failures, and you always did your best to improve his moods. You studied him closely, discovering little things that he liked - K-dramas with cheesy endings, chocolate-flavored sweet things, and the feeling of warm towels straight out of the dryer that you always left on his bed after cleaning them.
Each night, you made Minho’s favorite dishes, and the two of you sat together in the living room and ate dinner while watching TV - making jokes about the characters or plot on-screen. It turned out that Minho was very personable, but you had to be very patient to understand his intricate layers. You had to be compassionate and empathetic, and you slowly earned his trust and watched him open up to you. Especially when you would sit together as the kitchen table and search databases online while calling as many adoptions centers as you could find in search of his brother.
“Are you tried?” he asked one night as the two of you finished the last of your calls for the evening.
“Not really,” you replied, but you weren’t expecting him to reach out to skim his fingers over the skin beneath your eyes.
“You have dark circles,” Minho explained, but you found yourself whole-heatedly captivated by a pair of electric green eyes, drawing you closer until the soft brush of his lips across your own snatched you into a hypnosis of pleasure.
The feeling was warm - like something that had been missing, but then rediscovered to make all the pieces match around the edges, and there was nothing left but a comfortable glow sitting on your shoulders as you resisted the urge to hasten the exchange and deepen the tender presses of your lips together.
Unfortunately, the sound of your phone ringing broke the two of you apart, and you sat back with a start as you listened the delicate thud of your heart beating loudly inside your ears. “Hello?” you spoke into the receiver, and you were embarrassed by your breathless tone. 
“Hi, is this Miss Y/L/N?”
“Yes, this is she,” you said, avoiding Minho’s gaze as you tried to focus on the conversation at hand.
“Perfect! My name is Elise, and I work the adoption center in upper Manhattan. Apparently, you called us earlier about a hybrid registered as Jisung? We just wanted to let you know that some files got mixed up, but we have him here for you safe and sound!”
“Really?” you replied, excitement coursing through your veins as you relayed the news to Minho whose eyes lit up like he was seeing the entire world unfold right in front of him. “Please keep him safe for the night. I’ll be in tomorrow to formally adopt him.”
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It turned out that Jisung was the complete opposite of Minho: loud and outgoing, he walked inside your apartment while chattering away about the wallpaper color and other trivial details that made you laugh at his eagerness.
You were amused by his observations, watching as Minho gave him a tour of the apartment while keeping an arm around his shoulders. It was both a protective gesture and an affectionate one, and you were glad to see Minho and Jisung reunited after such a complicated spell of time apart. They deserved nothing more to be together - you could tell that they loved each other, and their easygoing chemistry revealed a complex history that exposed the depth of a brotherly relationship.
But you and Minho had discovered that the two brothers had been separated somewhere between their last transition between owners. It seemed that the couple who had adopted them didn’t care to ensure that the brothers stayed together, and they mishandled the entire process. The situation itself angered you to no end because you couldn’t imagine how cruel a person must be to disregard someone else’s thoughts and feelings simply because they weren’t entirely human.
“So, what do you think?” you asked Jisung when he finally started to unpack his minimal belongings in the guestroom that he would be sharing with Minho. “It might be a little small...”
“Are you kidding?” Jisung interrupted. “I love it!”
“Really?” you wondered, glancing at Minho when his hand found yours, weaving your fingers together with a squeeze.
“Better than the shelter,” Jisung said. “Seriously? I’m so incredibly grateful that you went out of your way to find me.”
“Of course,” you said. “I’m glad to have you here with us.”
“That has a nice ring to it,” Jisung said, and he sat down on the edge of his bed with a sigh. 
“You should rest,” Minho suggested. “It’s been a long day.”
“Yeah,” Jisung agreed, and he shot you another grateful smile. “Thank you again, Y/N! For everything.”
You nodded with a contented sigh, allowing Minho to drag you out of the bedroom to allow Jisung some time to himself. Meanwhile, you and Minho enjoyed one another’s company on the couch in the living room, playing a drama in the background while you sat in his lap, sharing heavy kisses and oxygen while scratching your fingernails behind his ears where you had discovered that he was sensitive. 
“This is okay, right?” Minho asked at one point, pulling back to look at you with wide eyes. “I mean, we haven’t really talked about this...thing.”
“Thing?” you repeated with a laugh. “You mean our relationship?”
“Is that what it is?” Minho questioned. “Like...a boyfriend type of thing.”
“If you want,” you agreed, and you were more than amused by his choice of words. “I like you a lot.”
“I like you too,” Minho agreed with a furious shake of his head, followed by his nose sniffing across your collarbone. “You smell good.”
“I -uh - it’s a hybrid thing,” Minho said, and you practically snorting from your uncontrollable laughter.
“Hey, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me,” you reassured him, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. “I’m glad to have you and Jisung here with me, and I think we’ll make a pretty good team together.”
“That sounds nice,” Minho said. “Does that mean we can keep kissing?”
“Isn’t that what boyfriends do?” you grinned, and Minho returned your smile before kissing you senseless with his hands wrapped around your waist - fitting perfectly against your curves like they had always belonged there. 
It was everything beyond your expectation, and you knew that your life was about to become very interesting...
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jellicle-jemmy · 3 years
Here is part 2 of my CATS (2019) thoughts that I wrote when I watched the movie for the first time 2 years ago!
Beautiful Ghosts
Francesca you’re doing wonderful sweetie
You’re obviously not a trained singer, but for the purpose of your character’s plot point and reason to be singing it fits so perfectly
Though the arc of beloning with the jellicles came too fast and too soon in the film
She should’ve sung verse 1, chorus, verse 2 and maybe another chorus now and then the bridge later in the film
Moments of Happiness
Judi Dench no
Bring in Syllabub
That is all
Dialogue Interlude
Okay I didn’t mind this bit
However Victoria had already had the arc that she belongs with the Jellicles so her apprehension didn’t make sense
Gus The Theatre Cat
Does ALW suddenly have something against duets?
God Bless Ian McKellen but this number was really quite bleh
I did notice Skimbles putting his tap shoes on side stage
Would’ve been cuter if Misto did the duet with him
Magic Misto boy was cute at the end tho
That “I could do it again” comment was a nice nod though
I’m still not entirely sure how Macavity makes Gus disappear but alright then
This is another number that I really enjoyed
Munkymoo again ur doing so good
Also ur little duet with your daughter syllabub - I saw that and I loved it
Tap dancing skimbles is not something i thought i’d like, but I did really like it
It was a really fun number
How they got to the traintracks, idk but ya know what who cares
Thinking about it now, the transition from the tracks to carriage, I’m just imagining like several minutes of awkward silence as they all shuffle onto a carriage and then “5, 6, 7, 8-″ and the number continues
Plato and Socrates being the guard asking about the tea was adorable
It took everything in me to not shout “WEAK OR STRONG”
Also not totally hating on Skimbles redesign
Deadass though, 2019!Skimbles X 2019! Jenny wouldn’t work
But yeah this is a fun number
He Jay Jay Jetplaned right up there huh
All the other kidnapping, Macavity put actual effort, but Skimbles just went fwoop fwoop fwoop up into the sky
Macavity The Mystery Cat
Okay then
Here we go
Taylor Swift
This number would actually be good if the CGI didn’t look appalling and Taylor Swift wasn’t singing like that
It’s so breathy and weak wtf
Are you trying to be sexy? That ain’t sexy hun. That ain’t it cheif
Low key want a bedazzled thing that says catnip ngl
This choreography is really.... somethin’
Honestly, the best thing about this number was the cinema’s horrified gasps when nakey nakey macavity showed up
Listen listen, mac’s appearance wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t look like he had oil on him, rather than fur!! longer fur please i beg of you
shortest short hair in the history of the world
The catnip looks like fireflies from hell
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer being Bomba’s assistants? Gold. Love it
Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone? Why didn’t you do more with Griddlebone?!
I never needed to see Taylor Swift and Oiled Up Idris Elba as cats dancing, let alone up a staircase straight from a 1940′s Broadway Musical
Kidnapping Interlude
Dooch (Old Doot Dench) really just said “access denied”
“I judge a cat on his soul” “he has soul!” “i’ve got plenty of soul”
The way that Lonz (???) and Munk all but flying over to M&R - fuckig superb you funky protectors
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer you wonderful chaotic dumbasses what did you think was going to happen
All of the contestants tied up? Yeah okay. Skimbles looks like he’s suffocating and everyone else is just fine with it I guess?
“Walk the plank”
Magical Mr Mistofelees
In case y’all haven’t heard, Laurie Davidson aka Mr Mistofelees is babey
Who is biting on Misto’s hat?
Also Syllabub you are so into this and I love it!
I’m about to say something controversial please don’t come for me - I think it worked that Munk and Misto were singing Mr Mistofelees
Who needs a hype man when you’ve got the Jellicle Tribe?
Cass’ face is a mood and a half and I high key want a gif of it
Victoria’s faith in him is beautiful
Oh no I’m shipping them
oh no
that wasn’t part of the plan
Syllabub you are literally the most fascinated out of the whole group and I adore you so damn much
The summoning attempts went on maybe a little bit too long and there wasn’t as much theatrics about as I had hoped
The happiness on the Jellicles faces is wholesome as heck though - especially Munk and also Tugger
And then misto flew and honestly I am so proud of him
He is my son! Look at my son go!
Also the ending bit with Vic and Misto dancing together in the middle for some reason gave me flashbacks to the end of the Greatest Showman
But very cute
Memory (Reprise)
Let’s first of all address the elephant in the room: I am still furious that they gave Syllabub/Jemima’s roles to Victoria and that definitely showed while I was watching it BUT-
I don’t think it would’ve worked in the film if Syllabub sang those bits
Syllabub works in the show, not the movie
Ummmm why is Victoria touching Griz before the “touch me” line???
Everyone’s - especially Munk’s - distaste for Griz as Vic leads her in was just really good and I liked it
The reprise is better than the original
The way that Cassandra’s expressions and actions change, especially during this number really makes it seem like she is the daughter of Griz and deadass I’m here for it
Still mad about Syllabub’s not getting to sing her but but it’s fiiiiiiine i guessss
Also there is a shot of Syllabub and Demeter together somewhere during this scene and I 1) don’t care that they don’t look anything alike and 2) don’t know who I have to sell my soul to but I will find it and treasure it
Macavity Battle
What the heck is this? It’s epic music that our pal Munkystripes uses to fight Mr Macaroni but it’s... a comedy?
“Don’t mess with the crazy cat lady” Rebel why
Also why did jenny unzip herself again i didn’t like it the first time, why is it even worse in the second but
oop Macavity’s not there
Ahh the use of the Firefrorefiddle line to scare Growltiger off, I genuinely adore
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
Ughh those harmonies always get me going
Again I am all eyes on Sillabub
I wondered how they were going to do the ascension into the heaviside layer
Not like that
Not like that
Chandelier and hot air balloon............oooookay then
All the cats on the lion being happy to see their kidnapped pals was genuinely sweet
Also Syllabub got to stand with all like the other named cats, and not with the ensemble which makes my heart happy
Macavity wtf
The Addressing of Cats
God, I really do ship Mistoria in this film huh? Was the plotline rushed? Yes. Does my hopeless romantic heart care? Nope!
Dooch really just went 😐 huh
I hate it
The adressing of cats should be a final part of the ceremony not a fucking fourth wall break jesus christ
Okay, but Munk’s reaction when Dooch started talking about food
hhhhh Babey
Though if Dooch could stop staring into my soul, that’d be appreciated
“I believe you are a Jellicle Cat - a dear little cat”
I liked that line for two reasons. 1) It is a nod to the origin to the phrase “Jellicle cat”. 2) It makes me think that that is the only true qualifications to be a Jellicle, making Victoria undoubtedly a Jellicle because have you seen her??
Was that final shot of the balloon necessary?
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