#i had fun tho. last panel was my favorite
vuelode-irbis · 2 years
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Shades of Blue
ID: a digitally drawn comic of Bluestar from Warrior Cats. There's eight panels showing moments of her life. They're all painted with different tones of blue. First one shots her and her sister Snowpaw grieving their dead mother, it has aquamarine tones. Second one shows Goosefeather's left side of his face, he is looking at a shiny silouette of Bluefur, surrounded by a wave of water with the form of a dog's mouth, the colors are clear sky blue. Third panel has Bluefur shouting at Snowfur as the later is about to get run over by a car. Fourth one has Bluefur with Oakheart in the branch of a tree; they're seen from their backs, looking up at the moon, the tones are purpleish. Fifth panel shows Mosskit's death, Buefur is looking back at her, worried while she holds Stonekit. The sixth panel shots Bluestar sitting on top of the Highrock, looking down at Rusty, whose only visible part is the back of his head and his collar. The seventh, shows the moment in which Tigerclaw is exiled from ThunderClan, there's a close up of him, looking back at Bluestar in the top of the Highrock, she looks messy, confused and lost. Fireheart is beside her, and the eyes of other cats below the Highrock show anger towards Tigerclaw. The last panel is about Bluestar's death, she is falling down to the river, as well as other two dogs. Everything seems blurry and there are white lines directed towards her face for focus purposes. End ID.
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judgeanon · 6 months
I'm late asking this but what was the best and worst of the Progs and Meg in 2023?
I'm late replying but here we go!
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For Dredd in the progs, I really enjoyed the short stories. THE NIGHT SHIFTER, SHRINE, FLUSHER and DISCIPLES OF DEATH were all favorites, although I admit that last one was mostly because of the cute Scottish goth girl.
Other than Dredd, I liked THE OUT, THE ORDER, DURHAM RED, the BATTLE ACTION crossover thing, FERAL AND FOE, DEADWORLD and BLADERS. I especially liked ROGUE TROOPER (I'm a sucker for Ennis), VOID RUNNERS (Boo Cook keeps getting weirder and I love it) and AZIMUTH (gorgeous art, intriguing story, and one of those classic 2000AD "You thought it was a new series but NOOOO!" twists that I really dig).
I didn't really like ENEMY EARTH, I think the art just doesn't fit the premise. And JOE PINEAPPLES should've been by all accounts a cool fun heavy metal last goodbye, but it turned into a weird meandering bunch of nonsense (with some cowardly anti-vax shit thrown in for good measure). LOWBORN HIGH and PORTALS AND BLACK GOO both had the same problem for me: strong, very British premises that don't go as far with the Britishness as I'd like them to. And DEVIL'S RAILROAD, I really wanted to like it but it just kinda lost steam very early on.
The big mehhhh of the year was the end of HERSHEY, though. I tried my best to meet it halfway and to its credit it did deliver some cool panels and nice pages, but in my eyes, it really squandered the last chance for Hershey as a character to present her side of her relationship with Dredd, to leave him with any kind of nugget of character development. It didn't do nearly enough with what I think is years and years of truly compelling relationship work and all the great Simon Fraser art in the world can't fix that.
I still bought a print of that one cover tho'.
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For the MEG, I liked almost everything. STORM WARNING, SURFER, DREADNOUGHTS, LAWLESS (fan-fucking-tastic last chapters), MEGA CITY 2099, all good stuff. I also enjoyed the shorter Dredds in the second half of the year, like RATINGS WAR and FITTING THE DESCRIPTION, but ONE-EYED JACKS... I dunno, neat premise but it went on a bit too long and wasn't super exciting either. Didn't really grab me. Same with Dark Judges.
That said, the most important 2000AD thing in 2023 for me was not in the prog or in the meg. It was here:
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Molcher's I AM THE LAW is a monumental book, one of the most thorough if not THE most thorough look at Dredd in its context. It's also heavy as all drokk, a real gutwrencher of a book, the kind of shit you can't read more than one and a half chapter without getting utterly depressed, ravenously angry, or both. It's a bleak, tough book but also a necessary one. That it's an official Rebellion product, to me, serves as a line in the sand, a very explicit statement about how they perceive Dredd. In a time where companies are running over themselves to claim their works are "not political" and "only want to entertain", Rebellion publishing Molcher's titanic work and advertising it next to their Case Files collections is something worthy of respect.
(Also, I may be a little biased on account of being in the Special Thanks for the book...)
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fraternum-momentum · 1 year
Okay, so let me ramble abt making the last comic, cause that was an absolute behemoth to work on, and I have a lot of thoughts in my head. Man, I don't know how those webtoon artists do it every week. They scare me now.
This is super long btw, so get cozy if you want to read :]
Starting off, I actually got this idea from my lil 'ol diary I keep by my tableside :] I like writing down what I feel so I can see it in a more concrete(?) manner, helps me cope i think. One time, I really did cry for someone because I guess I just really liked them a lot. Having crushes is fun, but catching feelings isn't.
I always get this giddy feeling of being head over heels for someone. Every interaction is so exciting. Intoxicating even. And I couldn't get enough of it, but after that few seconds of bliss I immediately think to myself that all these scenarios in my head will never happen, not in a million fucking years. I just preemptively reject myself without ever telling the person what I feel. I know what the outcome will be anyway, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I did say anything. It's just too risky.
The second half is completely made up tho, I will never ever kidnap someone... unless? (For legal reasons, I will have to clarify that this is a joke, Thank you.)
Now onto the comic itself!
The composition is probably the easiest and the most fun part. I love, love, love, how versatile you can be in the webtoon format. Figuring out how to transition the panels is super fun, and it sucks that most of the webcomics I see on tapas or webtoon, etc. are just sticking to those boring box formulas over and over again when it has so much potential, although there are exceptions like, for example, Lore Olympus. While it has it's fair share of flaws when in comes to other aspects, you can't deny the artist's talent esp when it comes to knowing how to place the character in an illustration, (again) the compositioning etc etc. (ep. 8 is p good. They stick to the box stuff during dialogue but gets more experimental in some parts. I haven't been keeping up with it, so idk any other good eps)
One of my only big regrets is that I wish I had made the space between the '...but I love it." and "And soon..." parts longer. I think it changed scenarios way too fast and your eye immediately moves onto the next piece of text,, but eh, it is what it is, and I can't be bothered to edit it so ig I gotta learn to live with it.
It's still messy in,, a lot of parts actually, and I still can't do lineart to save my life, but i kinda tried just cleaning up the sketches instead???? I mean, it kinda works, but it isn't really smooth so,, And there are small mistakes here and there that I could've fixed or colored stuff in properly or whatever. But at that point, I'm just done with it. No more. Am tired and want to draw other shit now. Maybe boobs n dicks n pussy-
Oh actually i have another comic in my wip folder that I started before the sad Kylar crying one. Here's some of the thumbnails for it:
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the fucking lisa simpson looking ass face just cracks me up every time I see it LMAOQJSJQJ I just wanted to show it to u but stay tuned for that ig
I eventually want to make little comics like this for other characters as well! Like Sydney, who is also one of my favorites cause of the whole religion aspect to them, and I would like to tackle that topic with yet another super personal experience of mine that for some reason I'm comfortable with sharing with a bunch of ppl lmao
I also really want to make a full on nsfw one, like gut rearranging, carnal fucking, hardcore banging,, ok ill stop. But I do need to do more,, uh, "research" on that,, i swear it's research, i have no clue how im gonna draw it. Hell, I already struggle with drawing people fucking and imagine adding cool transitions to that. Guess even my masochistic tendencies extend to this shit too.
And I think that's pretty much it? I'll probably just stick to b and w or monotone with a few accent colors because i just know that it would break me if i did a fully colored one.
Okay, thank you for reading this ramble, I'll go ahead and answer some asks now,, Here's your prize though!
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Okay anon hope you see this, this is some of my thoughts of my (100% headcanon) illegal Star Trek food fights (any genders that aren’t mentioned are either enby or genderfluid or I haven’t settled on one)
So mostly why it’s illegal is that they don’t want to bother with getting the proper papers for serving people food but also as a rebellion
The fights used to be legal and were decided by a panel of judges, but it quickly became apparent that at the very least they were xenophobic (only letting in human and contestants of specific species), but things truly came to a head with the bribing allegations
Contestants are judged by 1) presentation (huge part of it, they gotta be really flashy for the judges and audience, 2) appearance (food has to look appetizing or look correct for the type of dish they’re making), and of course 3) taste
The winner in the last legal competition was a human male who had won the title repeatedly but was not, by the audience’s standards, the most entertaining and his final dish did not quite look correct for what he made (color was off, the meat should not have looked gray), especially compared to his Orion competition, so this of course sparked outrage as people were pretty sure he paid off the judges
So the competitions have disbanded ….except they actually continued, but illegally
Now, the competitors are judged by majority vote from the audience, which makes it more fair, but a bit more intense, as they have to make enough samples for every person
The competitors are given a theme and a time limit (different each time) and must finish their dish in time, but they have to be huge show offs during, after they’re done, the samples are distributed to everyone, every chair has a vote button, and the numbers are counted anonymously and displayed on a board for everyone to see who’s leading
So now that it’s illegal, funds for it come from audience members who pay to attend, and part of that money goes to the final big prize at the end of the season, audience members can also buy merch from their favorite contestants, and those contestants can use the money however they want (usually to buy cooler equipment, thankfully since this is after scarcity, none of them need the credits to live)
The season battles starts off with a huge number of competitors that slowly get beat out, leading to a fantastic 5 person showdown, it has a competition every week, several of the competitors from different brackets are chosen, given their theme ahead of time, and come to battle it out, with only 3 being allowed to move on to the next competition
There is small battles that happen every few days, called “honor battles”, because there’s no actual prize for winning, you’re usually just earning back your street cred or showing that you’re a capable contestant so that you can hopefully join the next season (so anyone can join honor battles, but you usually see familiar names, and they’re good for getting people to buy your merch)
Honor battles are usually 1v1, and you aren’t allowed to know the theme beforehand, but the audience is usually much smaller so making enough samples is much easier
Currently, the 3 favorite contestants of the season are a Romulan (so far has made fantastic food, but the appearance of the food is unsettling to people (it’s Earth/Romulan fusion food) putting some people off on it), a Klingon (absolutely an amazing showman, so fun to watch cook, taste doesn’t beat the Romulan tho), and a Vulcan (makes food that looks and tastes great, but she’s so bad at making a show of it)
Also the human man from earlier is in the competition and is surviving, but barely, fueling the suspicions that he was cheating his way earlier
In the honor battles, the most anticipated one is between a different Romulan and a Human woman, the Romulan lost against her because of an equipment malfunction, so they’re battling again with the same theme (it’s the first time contestants have been allowed to know ahead of time their theme for an honor battle) to see how the fight would’ve actually turned out (unfortunately, whether the Romulan wins or not, the Human is still the one who’s in the season, but they should get their honor back)
There’s probably more that I have forgotten to add (any and all questions are absolutely welcome) but so far the relation this has to my Oc is that he loves attending and he’s recently shown them to his Klingon friend that is insisting they support the Klingon contestant specifically because he’s Klingon (Oc has no idea how to bring up that his favorite is actually the Romulan from the season)
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bookcub · 2 years
January Wrap Up
every year, i try and do more reviews but wrap ups seem to be a fast way for me to do these
bloodmarked by tracey deonn- fantastic sequel, i am so hyped for this series. the start was a little rough but the end had me holding onto my seat. it also got me through a rough time (ie the airport)
grade: A
the hookup plan by farrah rochon- the last in this series, it was fine but ive already forgotten most of it. sweet and quick and light.
grade: B-
aces wild: a heist by amanda dewitt- a fun heist novel that was more about friendship than heist. i enjoyed the relationships and the ace rep more than the plot. a good time, fast paced and a love letter to out internet besties
grade: B+
the holiday trap by roan parrish- better set up than the holiday, which its loosely based on but it was just fine overall. didn't do much for me
grade: C
ophelia after all by racquel marie- if you like contemporary ya, stop what you are doing and read this book. a beautiful coming of age story i deeply related to. beautiful representation, i felt very seen and also i loved ophelia and her messy emotions and her gorgeous flower garden. an absolute delight.
grade: A
little house in the big woods by laura ingalls wilder- read this for class. led to great discussions about colonialism. also love learning i wasnt the only one who remembered the line about how the mom used to be so skinny the dad could fit his hands around her waist 🙃🙃🙃🙃
grade: D
kindred by octavia butler- this book lived up to the hype. it is a classic for a reason. the only time travel book i love. absolutely gripping. shocked i didn't cry. beautiful. cant wait to read more of octavia butlers work. cannot recommend this enough.
grade: A+
ella enchanted by gail carson levine- a reread, one of my all time favorite books but i did hate the audiobook that i used unfortunately. it has aged so well tho and was just as gripping as all my past rereads. literally cant shut up about this. best cinderella retelling i have ever encountered
grade: A+
seven days in june by tia williams- this book had me on the fence at the start but get the panel scene and wow. this was a wild ride, i loved how intense the backstory was and how much the main characters had grown. it was inspired by romeo and juliet but also had persuasion vibes. i loved the journey they made together and as individuals. look up trigger warnings first!!
grade: B+
by the book by jasmine guillory- super fun, a little too cheesy, but the audiobook elevated me experience. loved the wish fulfillment. modern day beauty and the beast but less creepy and more agency.
grade: B-
sisters of the neversea by cynthia leitich smith- a wonderful remaining of peter pan addressing the racism of the original text and other retellings. lily and wendy are step sisters who meet peter pan. it went into some heavy topics without being heavy handed and full of adventure. i adored the characters and the messages and the reframing. i read this for class but ill be recommending this to a lot of people.
grade: A-
sorry bro by taleen voskuni- the Armenian romcom i never knew i needed!!! absolutely lovely and heartfelt and so much angst at the end. read this on the last day of January, the day it came out and it was just. . . 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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onedivinemisfit · 2 years
2022 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2022. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love!
Tagged by @bubblesthemonsterartist tho I daresay I am fashionably late at this point, more than two weeks into the new year. Did I forget? Maaaaybe. Which brings us right to the main problem;
I barely remember. Like. 2022. At all. Things happened, I’m sure, but it’s as if there’s a fine layer of mist atop my memories, stopping me from really seeing them. Last year wasn’t really very kind to me. For every up, three downs followed, and between two failed surgeries, a bout of covid, and then whatever the hell kind of flare happened in the autumn… yeah. Idek. It is what it is.
As such, I can’t really comment on my art as like, a whole process, this year. It just existed in the ‘now’, which is presently the ‘then’. I know I beat my submission record from last year, but it felt like a meaningless victory. Despite everything, I can feel it in my hand now, when I draw, that some progress has been made. Subconsciously perhaps, but it’s there.
Onto the ranking then! (I just had to pull up the archive cuz fuck if I remember what I posted, and when)
*deep sigh* we all saw this coming, didn’t we? As much as I love, I curse this image, for in hindsight it felt as if all my creative energy for the entire damned year went into this one piece! Like how dare! But yes it is one of my best redraws ever, and more so than the characters, I feel like I added to the background something even better than the original. There, I said it.
Omigod this entire thiiiiiing. Were it not for the redraw, this would be the top spot. I can’t explain, so many ideas are left in the brain for countless hours, days, months, YEARS. This was two years in the making, and never before did I manage to recreate something that had the exact same vibe as it looked in my imagination. Especially because I’m not a comic creator, hashtag compulsive disclaimer lol. Also while I was drawing it, seeing people go from “hmmm what’s this?” to “wait is that-?” and then “ooooooh it is the lead-up to The Thing” was priceless.
A last-second outlier comes in third. I admit to making this in a hurry, just to have something really nice to show for december (a month which is usually a highly productive month to me, but 2022 didn’t let me have that either) and as such, since I was struggling, both with a deadline, and a lack of real inspiration, I feel like. I managed to improve, somehow. Call it magic, but this looks noticeably different to many of my other colored pieces.
To be perfectly honest, this was a sketch. People might not think it one, for it has details, a color scheme, and even effects - but at the time I posted it, this was just a colorized sketch in my mind. Tumblr disagreed. And I was left in awe watching this first get reblogged within the fandom, then beyond, then go through a hanfu appreciation blog, and finally reblogged with a truly tender chinese poem attached that said person felt gave them the same vibe as what I had drawn. The people spoke, and I was both awed and humbled, and I learned a valuable lesson in humanity relating to art.
Unlike the others, this was a conscious attempt at something different. I can’t really say why it should go in the fifth spot, but it does; i spent a lot more time than usual on composition, colors, and most importantly, mood setting. And putting characters so solidly into the middleground can be a challenge in itself for me, as I run the risk of getting storybook-ish. Which would’ve been disastrous for a scene like this.
Honorable mention;
Coping through art. @bubblesthemonsterartist has the honor of inspiring this, or like, being the one to “give me” the go-ahead to channel some of my experiences through the characters and story-telling in general. Back pain is something I know all too well, and it was well and truly therapeutic. I also got to do another test of “can I retell this scene, even if I switch part of the cast and premise?” And it seems I did. I will always remember @what-plant-metaphor-am-i ‘s tag; ‘# I feel like I just watched an entire episode XD’ <- never has my inner storyteller been more validated.
There, that wasn’t so hard! Sometimes I’m really thankful for the internet, and timestamps, and kicking my memory back into gear etc… anyway, since I am so woefully late to the party, I’m not tagging anyone specifically; if you wanna be fashionably late too, you know who tagged you~
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mybrainproblems · 2 years
Hey! I have a quick convention question. There’s going to be a con near me soon(driving distance, won’t need a hotel) and I can’t afford much more than general admission. Do you think it would be worth it to just go for the panels and maybe sns? I’d hate to miss the opportunity to see the cast in person but if I cant have the “full” experience of getting autos and photo ops is it better to just stay home? Thanks!
hello! i hope you don't mind me answering publicly with a very long answer to your very quick question, but i wanted to give my honest review of going to a spn con as someone who loves spn and spnwin, but did very few ops. as a disclaimer: i am not criticizing folks who get a lot of auto/photo ops (a lot of my friends get them and enjoy them! i love seeing ppl's photo ops and hearing auto op stories!) but it's just not something i'm super interested in for myself.
short answer: my favorite part of the con was getting to meet ppl who i don't get to see much/hadn't met before and the general feeling of being part of a community. (if that sounds like you, definitely go!) doing a photo op with a group of friends and the spnwin actors made for a cute memento and we had fun with it, but i don't think you need (m)any extras to feel like you had a "full" experience unless you really want to spend a few minutes with the actors. but again; i'm not someone who cares much about directly interacting with the actors.
even more in-depth response plus some recommendations for if you go:
the panels were really fun and i highly recommend the ones with kim & bri, ruthie and dj. my understanding is that they're almost always all on friday for 3 day cons. the "ladies of spn" panel is also a good one and was on saturday. karaoke on friday night is free and super fun as an audience member - i highly recommend it! i recommend SNS as well, but also i got to be there for the rare occasion that jensen sang lol. unfortunately i was a bit out of it bc of anxiety meds so i don't think i got the "full" experience on that one, though i still enjoyed myself!
i will say that if you aren't interested in either walker or spnwin and don't have (m)any ops, you're gonna have a lot of down time so definitely take that into consideration. the only panels i was interested in on sunday were mark s and j2 (the gotham screening was a nice bonus bc otherwise it would've been a really sparse sunday for me). bc the first half of the j2 panel was almost entirely finale Qs, it had really weird downer vibes (the crowd/Qs really impact the panel vibes). once they started getting more general questions about spn and their other work it picked up a lot. jared and jensen both talking about their kids was really sweet and was probably my favorite part of their panel.
** unfortunately, both sp8 and rob had to back out due to conflicts/illness which was a bummer and i think i'd have enjoyed the con a bit more if they'd been there. but also jake abel filling in with a solo panel was fun and why i decided last minute to do jake and chill that evening.
all in all, i think the best part of cons is seeing friends who you may not usually (or ever!) get to see normally. and as fractious as the spn fandom is, we all love the same show and it's cool to see how many other ppl love the show. i really don't think auto/photo ops are necessary for a "full" con experience. m&gs might be worth the money if you wanted to get some actual time with the actors but those can be $$$ and stressful to get due to the auction process. photos are a cute memento but they are very rushed due to timing with panels/autos/m&gs. i didn't do an auto op but my understanding is that while it varies person-to-person, usually you only have a minute or two with with j2m; things are more relaxed with the rest of the cast. if i were an artist/had spn fanart i was proud of making, i'd probably do an auto op tho! (i mean, i do have spn fanart i'm proud of. but bc of the media i used, it would feel more like getting it defaced vs acknowledged lol)
side note: i do some event organizing with tight schedules as a part of my job and seriously, hats off to the scheduling folks and organizers at these events; the actors really do love engaging with fans which means almost everyone runs over and somehow the staff manage to keep the wheels not only on, but turning.
for reference, these are the "extras" that i did:
friday night karaoke (free with fri/full weekend admission - highly rec & did i mention it's free?)
SNS (definitely rec!)
jake and chill (fun, but not a "must-do")
group photo op with spnwin cast and friends
group photo op with baby and friends (v affordable and relaxed!)
i mean this in the kindest way; if you really feel like you're going to be missing out not getting any direct interaction with the actors, then i'd say skip it and save up for next time if you can. the worst feeling is paying the top of what you can afford for something that isn't quite what you wanted.
one crit thing i will say tho and i feel kinda bad about it: i thought i was prepared for how personal fans were going to get with the actors during panel q&a and... i was not. afaik CE no longer screens Qs and i don't want them to, but i wish some fans would keep in mind that their catharsis might be someone else's trigger. it's not like it happened a lot or destroyed my experience (i'm planning to go to another con in 2024), but i've never needed to take that much xanax over the course of 72hrs before.
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
Not having your live reading of Pandora Hearts will be sad ! I loved seing your analysis, I'm happy you enjoyed it :3
Awwww thank you so much ❤!! yes it’s gonna be so sad for me too to not have my weekly live screaming sessions,, nooo this masterpiece of a story got over ;_; as they say, every good thing has to come to an end (nooooo~) so we gotta enjoy it till it lasts ;_; [I want to reread it again, but not anytime now... I need time to recover, sadly it seems I am getting increasingly upset and frustrated seeing A Certain Someone’s logic and arguments so I need some time to get over it and read again with a clearer mind; lol I generally don't get this upset over a fictional character but this guy’s character resonate a lot with someone ik ig that’s why I associate one with the other in my mind idk]
Break continues to be my favorite character which is honestly a surprise bc I tend to change my favorite midway through the series (I am not faithful shhh); Lottie and Lacie come a close second (well-written female characters tho they had not enough screen time (at least not for me, I wanted to see more of them!), they have lots of gaps and flaws I can develop on in my mind and in my fics if I ever post anything) 
The two Alices, Oz and Gil: they are my babies now I adopted them, already signed adoption papers and all 💪 (once again, a surprise bc I hardly ever care about the main characters but these four are just... made-to-be-loved how dare anyone hurt them?!?!? *looking at a Certain Someone 🔪🔪* I just wish we saw more of Alyss and her thoughts, likes, dislikes etc. before the end. Since Cheshire loved her but was dead scared of our Alice, Alyss must have craved for meat less lol) 
Fun fact: my favorite arc in Pandora Hearts still remains *drumroll* Headhunter Arc my beloved <3 
not only was it mochijun’s super self-indulgent glamorous-makeover-for-all-my-characters arc but also has some of the best cliffhangers, plot twists and lore—humpty-dumpty (this chain damn!), Fianna’s house and their eerie ritual of making contractors out of little homeless kids, the doings of Isla Yura, his cult of Jack worshippers and the Nightrays (except Elliot ofc) all gave me chills and thrills, kept me to the edge of the seat,, say, if you see, I have less live drafts for that arc, it’s because... I was so invested in the story I couldn't even bother to pause and log on to tumblr; I just had to get to the end. It was like a standalone, little whodunit+thriller story arc with Eliot as the detective/protagonist set out to investigate his family’s curse ;_; and then the final reveal of the actual criminal (Retrace 61) 😭 (something I had guessed at in the beginning from Lottie’s words but the rat is just that good at distracting us from the truth =_=)
The rest of the story is, well, do I need to explain aghfhshfg why is this story so compact and coherent and filled with so much foreshadowing right from the first panel of the Retrace 1 that it still gives me goosebumps (I was actually talking about Retrace 76/77 with my friend (no, not specifying names or giving out spoilers, she hasn’t read PH yet and I am slowly luring her in with a carrot into this rabbit hole)—kinda like: See? I think I have uncovered a huge conspiracy theory— you know the suspected immortals in our world? I think they never die but go full Benjamin Button mode back and forth! She is super interested to know more and I am waiting to cast The Question: *conspiratorial tone* Do you wanna read something with a plot like that?)
ahhhh lol I was rambling but thank you so much for sticking around with me til the end, reading my analysis and posts (most of them were my incoherent screams fgsghghsj) and for this ask! It was so sweet of you <3 <3 And although I ran out of my live drafts, I do plan on writing a lot on the other characters too (in fact, I have three posts—character analysis of sorts—about Oswald, Gil, Vince and the Baskervilles in general—in my drafts and then, a few others in plans.) I will also be screaming (and probs writing fics bc what else to do when a ship takes its roots inside your head) about my favorite ship ahem ahem, which no one but me likes 😭😭, so that too.
So no worries, PH brainrot is going strong! my reactions on tumblr is actually minimal,, only about 10% of how much of a nuisance I was with people here irl at Certain Points in the story lmaohgjsgj
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rillette · 2 years
13, 16, 17 for artist ask <33
13. Show your favourite drawing from last year
I have a lot of favorites from last year actually!! but i'd say this panel redraw bc i had a ton of fun drawing it and when i finished i looked at it and went "hough.... i could. draw comic (and boobs) all along...?" and i felt like i had unlocked secret knowledge or something
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16. What’s the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
probably planning/sketching!! i dont really do lineart, my sketch ends up being my lineart bc it's much more lively that way, but that means i do most of the heavy lifting in the first couple passes. theres an art trade ive been procrastinating finishing (sorry.....) bc i simply did not want to draw shoes and i dont want to figure out the background. but it will get done! 🫡
17. What inspires you?
everything!! the media i fixate on is a big one, i always tend to churn out more shit when im down with the illness, but anything and everything really! i try to incorporate things i think are cool into my artwork, and there's a lot i'm excited to do that i just havent gotten around to doing yet lol. Definitely art is another big one tho, i like to look at cool pictures before i draw sometimes bc it gets me excited to draw too ^_^
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nethervox · 7 months
tag ppl you want to get to know better
tagged by @heavensw4rd
tagging no one in particular bc im shy o_o but if any oomfs see this n wanna do it u can say i tagged u ok? <3
ITS LONG SORRY here is a read more
LAST SONG: athena - nova twins ✧ pulled from my most recent liked songs bc i dont listen to that much music,,
CURRENTLY WATCHING: dungeon meshi ✧ ITS SO FUN, the anime release finally got me off my ass to start reading the manga. ive gotten through the first 4 volumes so far but now i wanna give the anime a bit to catch up to that point before i read any further
Linhardt/Mitsue/Fray - "who the fuck are those first two" well they are from my brain <3 linhardt is my wol who was drafted into being gods silliest soldier and he is coping w that very well. smiling. mitsue is my other wol but they dont have the echo, they were born in a wet cardboard box all alone. poorly socialized hydrogen baby. genuinely itd take so many words to describe what the deal w these three is that i do not have the space for here. i am so normal abt them
Marcille/Falin - havent gotten that far ofc but from what i have seen + ooc later panels (bc nobody tags their Fucking spoilers) they are doing crazy things to each others brains. women SHINE 💗✨💖💞
Shulk/(A)lvis - they are so **** coded its not even funny. i need to watch xb1 again actually its been ages
FAVORITE COLOR: (posting from my purple blog with my blue/purple sona and my purple phone) i like pink :3c
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: i had coffee w a beso, it had pineapple jelly in it :) idk what im gonna have later tho, theres not that much here... instant ramen sweep i guess
FIRST SHIP: girl idk. mario/peach??? i drew a comic abt them in my journal when i was six. i probably still have it buried somewhere in my closet. can you tell im not that big into shipping actually
CURRENT LOCATION: still texas but a diff part of it now, as of last november. dont care for it.
LAST MOVIE: lotr fellowship of the ring ✧ watched the extended edition over discord while i worked and got very little done that night. movies are cool i think
updating refs for art fight like i said i was gonna do last year (i am still putting it off at this very moment. please yell at me to stop that)
rotating a new oc who is a possessed suit of armor. its like if a colony of mold decided to be a person. my little silly
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Hola everyone! Ever since Moon Knight ended, I’ve been taking some time to read up on the comics. I’ve been having a blast and, while I’m at it, I couldn’t help but save a few of my fav moments. 
I already read the Lemire run (which was great and I plan on making a post about it another day) so Imma head over to the Bemis run.
Enjoy my crappy phone screenshots.
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...Girl. I think you do.
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Dr. Emmett. Ma’am. That is a picture of an egyptian god.
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..Well, that escalated quickly. Take that L, Emmett
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There is only one reason I like this panel and it’s 100% bc Khonshu’s not being a fart for once.
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I am laughing rn. Khonshu tolerates Steven but he’ll swipe left on Jake omg. This makes me want to see a s2 more. Jake possibly shitting on Khonshu? Sign me up for front seats.
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Wait, it’s real?! I thought this panel was fake lol. Marc really do be switching alters like pokemon.
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There is literally no reason why Marc kicking Jake off a mental cliff is funny but it is.
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Wow, now I know who the favorite child is.
Poor Steven. He didn’t sign up for this.
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This could be taken so out of context omg.
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This wasn’t really a funny panel as it was sweet to me. He’s telling her about his disorder and it’s giving me cavities.
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Cthulhulu? In my Moon Knight comic? It’s more likely than you think.
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My man Steven is the only one holding that single brain cell.
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Roasting Khonshu? in my Moon Knight comic? It should be more likely than you think.
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I’m speechless. I’m flabberghasted. I have seen everything now. 10/10. Best thing I’ve seen all day.
Honorable Mentions: It’s only funny cuz of the Lemire run mention. You think I didn’t catch that? Think again.
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Last Minute Thoughts:
Think what you want on the Bemis run but it was fun to read- the dialogue especially. Some things were.. questionable: the humorous amounts of the words “crazy” (I counted 10 but there might be more), the disregard for Jake’s infidelity even tho Marc literally just had a fist fight with Jake over telling the truth, and the low dose of Steven- a crime, really.
Either way, I enjoyed reading this. There were way more panels I liked but my phone can only hold so much so oh well. Anyways, that’s all the mental power I have for this post.
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hoongjong · 2 years
content creator appreciation! list five favorite sets you’ve made and send this ask to five other content creators 💖 (no pressure if you don't want to do it or have done this already 😘)
hello maaike hru?? <3 have u been sent this yet? if not i rlly wanna know ur faves if u wanna do it hehe no pressure tho ofc!
hi siyuan!! thank you for sending me this heh i hope you're doing well too 🤗💕
jisung + seventeen's monday to saturday: my creativity last year?? i'm surprised by my own abilities ahahah i really enjoyed working on this one and i still very much like the colours i picked!
haechan + exo-cbx's sweet dreams: an oldie but goldie, the colouring i made for this is very intense but i still think the pinks turned out very pretty! and it was fun to figure out which words from the song i wanted to use for the crossword puzzle
red velvet + rbb: the beginning of a new era.... this one was a gamechanger for me, i've been making edits for almost 9 years and i finally found a style that i like?? it's kind of editorial-ish which allows me to focus on the pictures i use - one of my fave things about making graphics is editing pictures!
red velvet + finale: the 1st panel i made was the 4th one with all of the circles and it had me brainstorming ideas on how to incorporate circular shapes in a few other panels as well. in general, for this one i spent a lot of time on the layout and i think it turned out nicely in the end
red velvet + day 1 website mock-up: idk i just like making mock-ups and using icons! i had fun writing the text for this one hahaha
also special shout-out to my nct dream glitch mode graphic bc i’m also very proud of that one!!
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lovely-renard · 2 years
HII, how is my favorite akaashi lover doing? 😩💕
first THE EVENT LOOKS SO FUN! I hope you have fun doing the request <33 after this ask I will send in mine!
about your crush, if you use LOA? idk if you know about that and subliminals, you can attract him and get him ask you out! I can try to find good subs if you're interested hon.
then your friend knows what is best for him LMAO
I really miss draken :(( my boy deserved so much, he always cared about the gang PLS I WANT TO CRY 😭 but at least he's with Emma :( bye I'm going to cry rn. wakui have the "hands of god" after drawing mitsuya's new look. you're not pathetic at all! i do the same thing before i start reading a new chapter 💀 mitsuya having many panels is a bad sign for me😐
I do the same 💀 I have 0 love life pls. I'm going to end up manifesting someone because I'm tired of being single. BUT YOUR CRUSH SEEMS TO SHOW INTEREST IN YOU BBY! you just have to throw a hint, in one of those he notices it and makes a move (I don't have any romantic experience💀 keep that in mind)
Your favorite Akaashi lover? ( ꈍᴗꈍ) You know exactly how to make me feel mushy hehe💕 I'm doing OK! I have my last exams this week and after I'll be free for the next 4 months. How about you hon?
THANK YOUUU i started working on the requests tonight and I had so much fun! Also, i dont know if you had time but i didn't received your request yet (i'm not pressuring you! Just wanna tell you that in case Tumblr ate your ask)
I actually didn't think of LOA, it may work tho! (At this point i'm willing to try almost everything to help me LMAO) If you're willing to help me find good subs, i'm more than interest, thank youu <33
My heart shatter each time i think about Draken </3 it's like i remember that he isn't here anymore and won't ever see a future where Mikey is happy.... K BYE I MADE MYSELF SAD the only consolation is that he's with Emma, poor bby also deserved better :( Ayyy Mistuya better not die, i will drop the manga if he does 💀 honestly, with the leaks and the chapter that comes out tomorrow, i'm more scared for Inupi and Senju but no one is safe.... Wakui plz all i ask for is no more trauma, we all had enough
Everyone around me is either with someone or flirting here and there, getting laid and here I am, giggling at 2D boys and writing fanfic about them 😐 I DON'T KNOW IF HE IS, maybe he's just polite you know 🙁 i dont want to get my hopes up for nothing because he's like the only boy in MONTHS that i showed interest in but hey, at least i should try something and if it leads to nothing then i tried! I manifest for a cute person to show up to you soon enough 🛐
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kiyomie · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
tagged by @krshima, @zenien, and @osamusmiya thanks for the tag guys :D <33
gojou’s birthday- this is prob one of my favs bc of how cool the color palette is, this is i think one of the fastest edits i’ve made?  it was november and i suddenly wanted to edit gojo (even tho i’ve made 2 and its kinda getting redundant i think) i was still rusty with making big posters but i had a lot of fun and it turned out rly good, i got new fonts, tried the noise filter, and watched a new tutorial for the 3rd panel
kuroo’s birthday- ooh this edit took a while to do bc the first panel was rly hard (bc i was still trying my hand at isometric), the first version of the maze panel looked like shit (so i changed it), and i ran out of ideas for a last panel so all i could think of was stairs :’D but the palette is rly cute and so is the edit overall
touya reveal- oooh this is also one of the fastest edits i’ve made, wasn’t thinking of making one bc the official scans weren’t out yet (and if they were i had school so i couldn’t edit) but when i was about to sleep i thought of the designs and was able to surprisingly execute it well :’D i especially like the first and third panel, the shadow work was kinda good
oikawa for sel (christmas)- this was also a fast edit, this was just gonna be 2 panels but i quickly made the middle panel (that i didnt think would look nice in my head) bc i was happy w the first and third panels and the whole edit ended up looking rly good, the first panel is my fav and the color palette is similar to the gojo one (i’ll prob use more palettes like those)
spirited away for gio- posted this right after i finished itt, i was rly mesmerized by the art and i’m rly bummed out i wasn’t able to place more smh, also its my first ghibli edit and i haven’t watched a single film but this one and the last time i watched this was when i was a kind lmaoo, but yeah i like the softness of the palette and its def better than the last infograph i made (bnha)
tagging: @aominne @akaashikeji @frailuta @kirei-na-jinsei @mazusu @owlywrites @tsukis @tcmiokas @arriettvs @kuroushi @erenjaegr @inarazki @inahochi
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mcrmadness · 4 years
A Masterpost: ALL MY OLD die ärzte (aka Bela&Farin) COMICS (from 2010-2011)
I’ve lately been talking about my art, especially comics, here a lot but I have never posted my OLD old dä comics here! That’s about to change now. The old ones happened in 2010-2011 when I was 19-20 years old, so they are a bit cringy now :D The scans are my old ones so don’t mind about cat hair or something like that in some of the scans. And I know: my hand writing hasn’t really changed in the past 10-15 years at all :DD
And a slash warning (do I really need that with this fandom tho..?) because I used to draw just very fluffy Bela/Farin comics and they barely have any good plots even. There’s just 4 overall in this post and they all are quite short. But at least for me it’s fun to see how far I have come and how I’ve gotten better at drawing!
Anyway, without further ado, this is where it all started:
Bela&Farin - “Du willst mich küssen”
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Simply the idea came from the fact I noticed that on the “Du willst mich küssen” single there’s only one additional song: “Die Antwort bist du”, and that one out of all the potential other songs from the studio album. (Now I’m wondering if I should try to redraw this some day to see my progress? :DD)
The rest under the cut because they get very cringy but if you want to read B/F fluff comics and facepalm at my idiotic humour, go ahead and click the read more link.
Bela&Farin - Bela will ein Baby
(eng. Bela wants to have a baby)
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This one was the first I did in German and I traumatized myself. I had just started learning German and totally failed everything and an (old) online friend, native German, wrote something that indicated laughing and I felt so insecure about my German after that that even today I have a fear of saying/writing even simple German words in front of native Germans. She anyway “beta read” the plot and corrected every faulty phrase (aka every phrase) and this is what she suggested that I’d write, and that’s what I did.
The plot shortly: Bela just wants to have a baby but he wants it with Farin obviously, so Farin says they’re both men and can’t reproduce together but Bela found a solution: he found them a surrogate mother. Problem solved.
Bela&Farin - “Beer Belly”
Prepare yourself for a cringe overload :)) I’m so sorry that you have to suffer through this.
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With this the idea came from the live videos I was watching back then - lots of live videos from 2007-2009 and I noticed that Bela just kept growing and losing his belly all the time. (OMG HELP I’m crying because “SQUEAK SQUEAK” XDDDDDD)
Also the ending is... I don’t know what is it. I guess I just wanted Rod ot make an appearance and didn’t come up anything better than this ::D My peak of humour is right there btw: anything that happens at the background. That shit just never gets old for me. So I find that still funny in this comic but I have no clue how a bass can be pregnant.
Also hey, I have started drawing shadows :DD
And yes, Bela actually did have a cow t-shirt like that in some of the videos and I just had to draw it! And btw, the reason for the fluff is probably because the concerts where those videos were from? It was extremely slashy, Bela and Farin barely could keep their hands off of each other so you really can’t blame me for all this. The ship just sails itself.
Bela&Farin - “Zucker”
(eng. “Sugar” - this one was again in German because it wouldn’t work in English. This time I think I did all the language stuff myself but I can’t remember for sure so maybe I got help, maybe I didn’t... This is the last one of these old comics and my personal favorite. You can see that my style somehow went through some major changes but I don’t know what even happened there. I can’t remember.)
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I can’t get over Farin’s hair in the last panel, I drew it so perfectly and I still don’t know how to recreate that lol. And now I’m losing it at that tiny “XD” in the grin panel because I found it so stupid looking - the first time I had even drawn a grin for him lmao. Also ignore Farin’s arm that has suddenly lost all its color. (Aka: someone forgot to color it.)
THE IDEA for this comic is simply in the name of brown sugar. At least in Finnish that is called as “fariinisokeri”, which always amuses me still after 12 years because I am a bit simple sometimes, and I figured that it can also be called “Farinzucker” in German so of course I needed to make a Bela/Farin comic about it.
The dialog for those who don’t speak German (too well) yet - Bela just goes to Farin to ask for “Farin sugar” and Farin first is like “nope” but then “jk” and they lived happily ever after. Or something.
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Something I drew with a ballpoint pen once when I was visiting my aunt and cousin and was bored and doodled this. I like drawing repeated patterns like brick walls or apparently also flowers.
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And I have no idea where did I draw this - maybe it was something to do with one course through the employment agency as I tend to doodle when in any kind of class. I feel like I had been watching “Die band, die sie Pferd nannten” prior to this, based on Bela’s looks.
And it was back in 2010, I didn’t have a smart phone yet so no internet to use for reference photos :D
So, back to the comics - I only made these 4 back then but before this I did draw other stuff and comics too. I drew several of them as horses when I still didn’t know how to draw humans, and I also have one of them as rats too. The rat one might work as a redrawn human comic, tho... Anyway, at some point I got annoyed because I didn’t like drawing them as horses or rats and wanted to invent a “human style” so then one night, this happened:
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The texts are mainly just me chanting how I’m dying from laughter etc. That is actually what I do when I am very insecure of what I do and then I just start openly laughing at everything and myself, that way things don’t feel as bad failures than what they actually are :D (And yeah I know the article is wrong at some point, let’s just say I hadn’t memorized all the article stuff from German yet :D I don’t know if I had even started learning German yet at that point.)
But yeah, then I did find the style and these are the next sketches from my sketchbook:
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The bottom left says “facial experessions” - and oh my god I was so damn cringe whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy---
but anyway, those were what I ended up with eventually and the rest is history. I think I’m still gonna make one post with stuff I drew in 2018 and that I haven’t posted here yet as there’s still a few of those, too.
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hollow-head · 5 years
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The thrilling conclusions (since tumblr wouldn’t let me upload all 14 pages)
View the BEST web version on Tapas: xxxx  
Like and share this on the Twitters:  xxxx
Post 2of2 Part 1
You are welcome to repost this and use as icons etc (please give credit tho, or a tip)
and guess what, below the cut I have FOOTNOTES: 
I like drawing Crowley blue. Like he’s a shady fellow. And skin tones are my bane. 
And I drew Aziraphale with herringbone because I wanted a nice texture to fill broad spaces of color on him. He also seems like the type to have a collection of cozy cardigans, so why not? 
p. 2
Word Art, I think, conveys that the speaker is saying something 1. that they are very excited about 2. that is very dumb. 
The Brains text looks like a brain and I’m proud of it.  
That’s a dolphin brain in the 1st panel
Crowley’s meant to have a little aquarium screensaver behind him
One thing (of many) I like about this scene is that Aziraphale is the type who trips over words when he’s drunk, but I wanted to put the bouiliabasse joke in because it’s funnier than the polypi joke. So I tried to have them both. The Tennyson poem is included in part with Aziraphale’s annotations. 
Aziraphale would draw cute lil manicules in his books. 
I hope the ASL tracks. I got it from an online dictionary. It’s just supposed to say [what] [contents] [bananas] [nowadays]
I think that Aziraphale would be a bit of a film buff, if Crowley is needling him about Heaven’s dearth of films. He’d probably have the same taste in movies that he has in books—sacreligious. 
The text behind the mountain is from Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and basically Crowley’s bird spiel note for note. 
The teapot is a reference to Russell’s Teapot. But I used the Utah teapot because I do 3d suff. And the hieroglyphic monad because John Dee jokes are always good. The Great A’Tuin makes a cameo here, too. 
Hey that part with the bird was fun, right? Got that James Joyce reference. Good fun. Until GEIL NAIMAN HAD TO COME FOR MY THROAT with that Pale Blue Eyes idea and now and now and now there’s just new metaphors all over the place. What am I supposed to do with these metaphors, Neilman? ?? Crowley hearing “thought of you as my mountaintop thought of you as my peak” and thinking, “I’ll wear you down little by little even if it takes eternity because eternity is what I have.” I—
it’s an abrupt shift and I should make it better. But they’re, like, “getting real” for a hot second. 
Climbing out of the movie screen is one of my favorite gags. 
The background to Aziraphale’s sushi-less Hell is detail of The Last Judgement by Jan Van Eyck
I’m glad the code seemed to track. I like to imagine them performing miracles like coding things into the Matrix, or like the engineers in Westworld. 
Nobody’s commented yet that the top of Crowley’s chair looks like this: |___|  and the top of Aziraphale’s chair looks like this: O  but it’s intentional 
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