#i had started it and was going a bit carefully but like havin fun ya know
echo-exanimo · 1 year
a snippet from the fic im writing
speeding bullet content ahead!!
its a lil angsty but im havin fun with it hehe
for a touch of background, scout noticed snipers last name on an item earlier which is Why he knows that. just. for reference.
"Yeah, mate, not a problem. Let me start some tea."
A knock at his door woke Sniper with a start. It was dark outside, hardly time for anybody to be up and about. He slid from his bed, pistol in hand as he went to the door.
"Who's there?"
"...Snipes?" Came the quiet reply.
Sniper set down the gun on a nearby ledge, unlocking the door with a questioning look. "Roo? Why're you out here at this hour?"
"Uhhh," Scout scratched the back of his head. "Couldn't sleep. Ya mind if I-"
The two sat in silence as Sniper started a kettle and set aside a few mugs.
"Y'mind tellin' me why you're out here at..." He checked the clock. "4 in the bloody morning?"
"I told ya. Can't sleep." The easygoing smile he shot the Sniper didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Right." Sniper decided not to press it any further. They could talk over a few mugs of tea.
More silence. It felt stifling without Scout's near constant chatter, the way his presence didn't seem to take up the entire room and instead hardly took up the space of his body.
Sniper stirred a spoonful of honey into one of the mugs before turning and offering it to Scout. "Here. Chamomile." He tipped his head a bit at Scout. "My mother used to make it for me. Helps you ease up a bit."
"Sounds good." He took the mug, and Sniper was struck with how strange his hands looked when they weren't wrapped for work. He sat down across from Scout with a sigh, figuring if he didn't speak, the other man would eventually.
"You ever think about, uh, home?" His eyes darted to the ground before he looked back up. "Like... The people you miss? Wonder if they'd be proud?"
"Well, my mum and dad don't particularly appreciate my line of work..." He twiddled with the spoon in his mug, mixing even though the honey had long dissolved. "Didn't really have too many others."
Scout fell quiet again, sipping his tea thoughtfully.
"Well, I... I miss my ma. I worry about her, y'know?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's been a while since I've been home, she doesn't know where I am... Been a while since we talked."
"Is that what's buggin' ya?"
Scout looked down. "No, not really."
Sniper placed down his mug and watched Scout carefully as he began to speak again.
"It's my brothers. They, uh... These dogtags, y'know?"
His words were scattered in a characteristically Scout way without any of the energy. It made sense, but for a second Sniper didn't quite catch it. The Scout didn't often talk about his background.
"I just can't imagine how worried my ma must be, the third of her sons to disappear into a war she can't know about. She doesn't know I die every single day, she doesn't know what I do, she doesn't know any of it."
Scout looked uncomfortable, scuffing his feet against the legs of the table. "I wanna go home for a bit. Just let her know I'm okay. She doesn't have to know it all, just know I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." His voice got progressively quieter as he spoke, a far cry from the Scout he'd been just a few hours ago, rowdy in the lounge with the rest of the guys, cards and booze and raucous laughter.
"Nah, nah, I- I know it's kinda dumb. Like. We all have people back home. I just worry for my ma. I should call her tomorrow." He took a long drink of the tea.
Another long silence, but this one felt a little less quiet.
"...If you'd like," Sniper winced at the sound of his own voice breaking through the quiet. "you can stay here for the night. If the company would help at all."
"...Yeah. Thanks."
"Not a problem." He nodded once and stretched. "Can I get you anything else?"
"Uh... Nah, I don't think so. Thanks, Mundy."
The Sniper stood still, having stood to start cleaning.
"Sorry. Shit. I can, uh-"
"No. No, it's fine, I'm just... Not used to hearing that name. Not anymore. But. It's Mick. Mick Mundy."
"..Jeremy Gallagher."
"Irish, mm?"
"Yeah. Irish."
The two were quiet for a moment longer before Sniper continued, empty mug in hand to place into the sink. "Blankets are in the drawer beside you."
"Alright. Yeah, thanks."
Sniper retreated to his bed, quietly groaning as he got settled. "Don't wake me up too early, now."
"No way. I'm tired enough as is."
This earned Scout a tired laugh. "Right then. I won't worry with the alarm. Five minutes to get ready work for you?"
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A Billy Butcher Christmas 3/?
Hi! It’s my birthday 😌
Chapter 3
You slid your hand over his chest but you pulled away from the kiss before you could lose your senses, at least not yet. “Billy, this means so much to me. I wanted to make it special for you. If I could. But now you’ve gone and done all this…” You tugged lightly on his Santa hat.
"Aw darlin'...ya do so much all the time. Besides...it were fun surprisin' ya. Bet ya didn't think I had it in me. But I take in more than ya think sometimes." He smiled at you and darned if that dimple didn’t just make your heart melt.
You kissed him again, softly but letting him deepen the kiss a little, his lips soft and warm while you nestled a little deeper into his lap. “Oh wait!” You pulled back suddenly. “I got you something as well,” you grinned as you climbed out of his lap…much to his dismay.
"Hurry back darlin'...me best gift is havin' you in me arms." But you caught just a glimpse of the little boy he once was in a flash of excitement in his eyes and it made your heart flip. You pulled his gift out from under the little tree and settled back into his lap as you handed it to him.
It was a good sized box and even he had a little trouble holding you while he unwrapped his gift. He peeled back the paper carefully to reveal a white box and he quickly took the lid off.
“It’s a new coat,” you said softly as he pulled it out. “It’s exactly the same. And I thought maybe you would want to keep your old one but maybe this would ne nice to have too…”
He brushed his large hand over the fabric then pulled it out to look at. He looked at you, his dark eyes shining. "It's perfect darlin'. Me old one is gettin' a little worn in a couple spots. It's still got some life but I was thinking I was gonna have to start huntin' for a new one soon and...well...ya know shoppin' ain't me favorite thing. This is perfect." He laid it aside and went in for another kiss in thanks.
You slid your arms around his shoulders, melting against his chest. You were filled with warmth that was quickly turning into heat. Billy’s kiss was slow and soft but soon enough he deepened it, tightening his arms around your waist and flicking his tongue against your lower lip.
As his tongue slid over yours, his own taste was accented with the flavor of whiskey from a little earlier. It swirled around yours in a possessive slow dance and a promise of pleasures to come. His strong fingers slid into your hair and he tugged gently.
Sparkles of electricity went up and down your spine when he did that and you shivered deliciously. “Should I try it on?” You asked him softly, a little shyly, nodding toward the tiny little nightgown he’d gotten for you.
His eyes warmed and lit up. "I'd love to see it on ya, darlin'...I think the color will suit ya but I want to see it firsthand." He watched as you took it out of the box and held it up, looking over your shoulder at him with a smile.
You took it into the bathroom and changed quickly, setting all your clothes aside. The nightgown was very short, just covering the tops of you thighs, but it was very soft and you loved the color. You kept your necklace on and added just a bit of the perfume then stepped out into the bedroom to find Billy sitting on the bed.
His dark eyes heated up immediately as he took you in from head to toe. "God...your breathtakin' darlin' girl. You look sexy as hell in that Christmas red. Way better than the vision I had in me head even." You spun around for him with a smile.
You had to admit it was a little cold with only this and your necklace on and you didn’t waste anytime going over to the bed. Climbing up, you straddled his outstretched legs and sat on his thighs. “Do you want a band-aid for this cut?” you murmured. It actually looked like it was already closed up and fine.
"Nah, darlin'...I just want you," he said, his voice taking on a decidedly husky tinge. He pulled you into his strong arms and pressed you against his warm solid chest, nuzzling your neck sweetly. "Aw, ya put some of that perfume on, too." He stopped to breathe you in for a long moment.
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trademarkhubris · 2 years
kind of undecided abt where to go from where i am in this game, i have full netherite and access to potions so i could try to fight the milf then go for elytra, a few shulkers, and an end experience farm, or i could go to various ocean monuments to gather sponges, or travel a bunch to find a warm ocean to build tnt dupers to do the perimeter i want ...
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lazyneonrabbitt · 4 years
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Daryl Dixon x Reader [Pt.2] [Pt.3] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6]
Babysitting Judith was amazing, not that she needed a babysitter but Michonne preferred if someone was with her while she herself couldn’t be there.
“Come on Jude, time for bed!” You called out, chasing after her, trying to g her ready to sleep and hoping she’d lose some of that typical child energy by chasing her around the house or longer than was honestly needed. You’d never mind it all, it was great to only have to worry about a little kid’s bed time for once in a while. The only worries being the ones between the four walls you were currently sharing with probably the happiest resident of Alexandria. After running up and down the stairs countless times the little one finally started slowing down. “Oh noooo you’re catching meee!” She whined when you eventually picked her up and carried her to her room. “Yeah I did, you sleepyhead, you got to tired to run away. That means ya gotta sleep.” You carefully tucked her in and gave her a small kiss on her head. “Goodnight, kid.”  You id softly as you left the bedroom. Before you could close the door completely, you heard a small ‘Goodnight’ and smiled to yourself as you closed the door and went back downstairs to drop yourself onto the couch.
You had been staying at this place for two days now and were currently deep in conversation with Kelly, who decided you needed some company after Judith’s bedtime. And of course none of your friend’s evening visits would be complete without a skillfully stolen bottle of alcohol and the two of you were deeply indulged in tipsy talk of boys, girls and anything that was not meant for children's ears.
“No, really. You wouldn’t even be able to imagine what I’d let that guy do to me..” You rambled on and on about your secret, not so little crush. “I wanna have his babies, oh my god.”
Kelly was practically crying in her seat from laughing too much, trying to hush herself to make sure she wouldn’t accidentally wake up Judith. “I never thought you were the one for kids, though?” She questioned into the room. “Especially now with the world gone to shit and all.”
You just kept blabbing on about how in love you were and how there was finally some hope once their group came into Alexandria and Kelly only fed you more questions to answer without an ounce of shame, all he way until the bottle was empty and your heart had spilled enough to satisfy her curiosity and you were close to falling asleep on the couch.
After Kelly left it wasn’t long before you passed out and slept peacefully until morning, when you were woken up by Michonne who had arrived home earlier than you expected. Your first instinct was to glance over the coffee table and lucky for you Kelly had thought to take the empty bottle back with her when she left. “G’morning, you.” You muttered, still half asleep. Looking further across the room you saw Judith quietly sitting at the dinner table, doodling something and making sure she wouldn’t wake you up while you still slept. “Good morning!” She happily called from the table, to which you lazily waved hello back while slowly getting up, praising whoever was listening to bless you with a morning without a hangover after drinking as much as you did yesterday.
“thank you so much for watching her again.” Michonne spoke as she gave you a goodbye hug at the front door after you shared breakfast and packed your things to head back home. “If you ever need the favor returned, let me know alright” She called after you with a mischievous smile and a happy wave before closing the door again.
You made your way back home and took a quick shower before going off to find Daryl who was supposed to come over yesterday to talk about that run you two were going on tomorrow, but he never showed up and you were curious to find out why.
Daryl was making his way over to Michonne’s place where he was meeting y/n to discuss their run, but before he knocked on the front door he heard laughter coming from the living room and checked through the window and spotted Kelly and her sharing a drink and laughing, listening in to their conversation he quickly decided he wasn’t gonna be a part of all that and went back home. The words he heard her speak mulling around in his head throughout the whole night and into the morning.
It wasn’t long before you found Daryl. After checking his place and finding empty, you saw Aaron’s garage door open and peeked in to see Daryl working on his bike. “Hey, good morning!” You called from outside the garage. You received  a Hey back without him looking away from his bike. “Can I interrupt or are you dropping by my place when you’re done?” You asked, still from your safe distance. No one was allowed too close to his bike whenever he was working on it, not even Judith dared to get close to uncle Daryl’s garage when he was working. “S’alright. Lemme finish up here first.” He still hadn’t taken a single glance away from his bike and you took it as your sign to leave him alone and wait back at your place.
After sitting in the living room for what felt like way too long you started wandering around the house, picking up one item after the other and see if it was useful enough to pack for your run. You remembered Daryl telling you to only pack what was necessary, but you found so many things useful with your what-if way of thinking that you always carried an already full bag from the start of the run and having Daryl carry more than he was planning to because of your, according to him, bad habits.
Eventually there was a knock on your door and you almost threw yourself down the stairs to open the door and allow Daryl to come in and finally sit down to work out a plan.
“Hey! Good to finally see you.” You invited him into your home that was still a mess of items never put back after runs, blankets and pillows  thrown around the couch and that was only the living room. There was more silence from him as he paced around, trying to find a spot that wouldn’t be right next to you on the couch. Questions were all over your mind, but you had to get to the point. Your biggest problem now was not being able to focus at all on the important run you were gonna go on, before going over why he hadn’t shown up and had been so weirdly quiet and distant.
“Were you working on our bike all night again? you didn’t drop by yesterday like you said you would.” You were sounding more worried than you wanted to let on, you knew that there was something wrong if Daryl spent all day tinkering away at his bike. He was still looking around at all of the stuff scattered throughout your place, mulling over the multiple ways he could answer. ‘You were drinking’ was one of them. ‘Ya were havin’ fun’ was another one, he’d never want to end your enjoyable night with a friend by coming over to talk about work. ‘Didn’t wanna hear more about the guy ya wanted to bone ya.’ Or more likely, not wanting to find out which pretty young guy she was so happily talking about.
“Came by,  heard ya talk about guys with Kelly.” He said carefully, still avoiding your gaze. “Okay, so? You know we would have stopped as soon as you walked in, right? This is way more important than my tips rambling.” You had noticed him staring around and you felt guilty for not even cleaning up a little bit, knowing he’d drop by today. You had started with grabbing the pillows and tossing them into your basket an folding the blankets on top of it to at least make some space on the couch for Daryl to come and sit while you sat back down in the chair next to it.
“Or is there something else you want to talk about? there’s clearly something bothering you.” You didn’t feel safe going on this run tomorrow if this wasn’t talked about and properly dealt with.
Daryl knew this as well, if you two were going to go on a run without your heads on straight, either of you could end up getting hurt or worse and thinking about that idea had Daryl close to panicking earlier last night on top of those thoughts of what you talked about. He knew this was something he needed to share today and it was stressing him out.
“S’what ya said to Kelly. Heard something I should forget about. Tha’s all.” He sighed as he dumped himself on your couch, unsure if he chose the right words and afraid of the confrontation he was gonna have and couldn’t simply run away from.
“So you heard me talk to Kelly about,” You sighed, thinking back to your conversation, going from topic to topic, crossing out everything that wouldn’t have affected him like this and ended up on hat moment where you were shamelessly telling her what you’d want Daryl to do to you, but you couldn’t remember if you’d even used his name at all. “We talked about boys, so what?” You never mentioned his name in the part that he heard, or what you thought he had and now you had to decide wether you were telling him who all of that was about and confess, or let him imagine who you might have been talking about and get it wrong every time.
“Why’d ya want a guy to do that to ya in this world?” Daryl asked just loud enough for you to catch it before you could say anything else, and now you had to think of an answer. You thought about how much easier this was to answer if Kelly had been the one asking the question. Realizing what your head just told you, you knew how to answer him. Just tell him what you’d tell Kelly that was the truth and it should be said out loud before you could come up with a shitty excuse. Not daring to look him in the eyes, you were twiddling your fingers in your lap, gathering the courage to speak your thoughts out loud. Taking a deep breath you had to go for it. “All that was about you. We were talking about you. We both think you’re amazing. Her only as friends of course but I’ve been feeling more for quite a while and I’m sorry you heard all that. We drank too much and I wasn’t thinking.”  Rambling on you almost went into an over-explaining fit because of how nervous you were and honestly you just wanted to disappear.
The silence wasn’t helping at all either, making your doubts ring even louder in your head. “Ya crazy, kid. But a good crazy.” You carefully looked his way after being dragged out of your head by his voice. “I don’t get it, really. Jus’ happy ya ain’t after one of them Alexandrian boys.” This had you giggle as Kelly gave you the exact same answer when she asked if you were interested in someone and found out it was Daryl.
“Is that all you’re gonna say? You don’t get it but what? You’re okay with it? You just don’t feel the same? Or you do but you don’t know how to say it.” You weren’t sure why you were asking so much, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to know the answers.
“Can’t say I slept well after what ya said an’ thinkin’ it was about one of them other boys.” He was talking around the point and while you just wanted him to say what he was thinking, you knew it was difficult for him too. “So, what now? We just pretend this never happened, go on before?”
Daryl thought about it for a bit, pacing around the room rummaging in his pocket and pulling outa pack of cigarettes, holding them up for you to see. “You can smoke inside, there’s an ashtray in the kitchen.” You motioned towards the kitchen counter, understanding he needed a smoke after such a difficult talk. You saw him visibly relax as he took a few drags and sat back down with the ashtray balanced on his leg. Rethinking his plan he placed the ashtray back on the coffee table and placed his cigarette in it before leaning back in the chair and patting his leg, motioning for you to come over. “Yer gonna have ta help me with this.” He said and picked up his cigarette again as you hadn’t moved yet. “I do like ya a lot. But I wanna go on that run before we talk about all of this.”
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A writing request: Protective Clyde rescues reader from a guy being a little too handsy at the bar. Makes sure reader gets home safely. Super fluff/protective Clyde. Maybe ends with a 'thank you' kiss on the cheek. Annnddd I'm already crying thinking about you writing this
Safe & Sound (Reader x Clyde Logan) 
Note: For you @ladyinwriting18? Anything! 🥰
Part 1 of the Safe & Sound Series. Here is Part 2 & 3
Warnings: Creepy misogynistic bullshit. But also the fluffiest of fluff!  
Words: 2,407 
Smutty Part 2 - HERE
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The smell of whiskey breath ghosting over your face made your stomach turn. You were just trying to have a quiet drink at the ‘Duck Tape’ after a long day at work and all of a sudden you were having your evening ruined by some overbearing guy with half a bottle of dutch courage behind him. “Seriously, I’m okay thank you” you said politely, trying to catch the eye of anyone who could get this guy off you. You were not one to be polite to guys that harass you usually but something about this guy’s overly aggressive lean towards you had put you on edge. All sorts of images and scenarios were flashing through your mind and your heart was starting to hammer in your chest. But just like always, just like you were taught from the time you can walk, you played it off by smiling sweetly and being as polite as possible. Annoyingly you’d chosen to sit in the back corner of the bar tonight so you had nowhere to go but past him. Your dress was high up on your thigh and you tried, subtly, to pull it down.   “Nah, come on sweetheart” he said with a smirk, flicking your long hair off your shoulder dragging his fingers purposely along your skin as he does it “Let me buy you a drink” You went to speak again, hoping to brush him off but the panic in you was rising. The feeling of his skin on yours had triggered something within you, you fidgeted your hands over each other on the bar top to stop them trembling. You looked up at him, mustering up that fake sweet smile again, turning to grab your jacket to leave – figuring this was the only way to get him to leave you alone – before you heard someone else speak.
“I’m goin’ to have to ask you to leave” you heard the deep drawl before you looked up. Clyde Logan was sidling his way across to where you were sat in the corner, the light of the bar was behind him like an aura. Your lumbering guardian angel. Honestly you’d never paid too much attention to him, he was just… Clyde. He’d been around forever except for when you’d returned from college and found out he was off in Iraq. Clyde was just the big grumpy bartender who made a mean vodka cranberry for you every Friday night; the same grumpy bartender who always slipped in an extra lime because he knew you liked it. You gave him a relieved smile as you caught his eye; he instantly turned his attention back to the guy leaning against you as he piped up once more. “Oh come on Clyde, I was only havin’ a bit of fun” he slurred, giving him a hacking laugh before slipping his hand up your arm and onto your shoulder. You instantly tensed up, skin crawling as you could feel the sweat drip from his forehead on your bare shoulder as he propped himself against you. “Oh I’m sure ya are. But see, I don’t think she finds it very fun do you darlin’?” Clyde said looking at you out the corner of his eye and you shook your head. “Now I’m asking ya to leave cause you’re making my customers uncomfortable. I’m damn sure this woman, nice as she is, doesn’t want your hands all over her now does she?” You shook your head again and the guy looked at you, having the audacity to scoff in offense at your response before turning back to Clyde with a grin. But Clyde kept talking “Her shakin’ her head there? That’s her sayin’ no. Got that? So I’m goin’ to ask you one more time to get off her. Look at her… sweet like a little bird she is, she don’t need your big greasy paws all over her like that” The drunk guy sneered and jostled your shoulders in a jovial way, trying to show Clyde how you were at ease you supposed, and you felt his metal watch strap nick your skin at the back of your neck and you hissed softly at the pain. There was a sudden thud and you looked down; Clyde had grabbed the guy’s free arm that was resting on the bar with his flesh hand. He gave it a sudden tug and the guy gave a high-pitched yelp as he was pulled closer to Clyde and off you. “I said… I’m goin’ to have to ask you to leave” Clyde repeated. You knew sweet, quiet Clyde could have a temper when he needed one; you’d seen him strong-arm a few guys out on their asses a few times over the years. You’d always quietly admired how sturdy and wide his body looked, comfortable and yet solid. So when he did things like that you’d silently sip your drink, pretending you weren’t watching his bicep bulge under his long-sleeved shirt as he grabbed the guy by the scruff of the neck or twist their arm behind their back and haul them out the bar. Another bar patron, an older guy, was walking past this little scene and shot the drunk guy a knowing look before giving his input “Now Billy! Logan here’s got two tours under his belt. Show the guy some respect. Make yourself scarce, come on” Clyde shoo’d this new guy off with a tilt of his head and the guy threw his hands up in surrender before walking away. Billy let out another hacking laugh that made you flinch slightly in your seat, it was full of contempt and far too much confidence for a man in his position “What do you think ya goin’ to do Logan? One arm freak ain’t gunna do nothin’ to me!” “I think you’ll find that I still have my arm, just my forearm and hand that’s missin’. I still got enough to break this arm of yours in three places if you don’t leave this beautiful young lady alone” “Oh I see, Little Logan got a crush” Billy grinned cockily at him, spittle was flying out of his mouth as he slurred and it made you cringe as you saw it landing on Clyde’s dark blue shirt. You started to panic again, you didn’t know what Clyde was going to do next and you shot him a look. You didn’t want him to get himself in trouble for you and after everything that had had happened at the speedway you worried that one little thing would get the cops on
his ass again. He caught your panicked expression and gave you a contemplative pout before turning his head back to Billy. He dragged Billy a little closer so he was bent uncomfortably; you could see his belt cutting deep into his side, pressed into him by the wood of the bar. He was flinching and groaning in Clydes strong grasp, when Clyde spoke he was close to his face and his voice was a low, slow and dangerously calm growl “Now somethin’ tell me this precious, good woman here wants me to spare you the pain I was plannin’ on givin’ ya, kind as she is. So I’m goin’ to let you go but if I ever see you so much as look at her again I’ll show you what two tours in Iraq teaches ya. Got it?” You watched as Billy quickly gathered up his jacket that was hanging haphazardly from the chair he had been sitting on and skitter out the bar like a dog with its tail between its legs. Clyde gave you a pouty but satisfied nod before calmly going back to washing glasses.
The bar was closing in around an hour so Clyde made you another drink, extra lime as always, to steel your nerves. As he walked around, picking up after people and saying goodnight to the stragglers he kept a close eye on you. Always looking back over his shoulder to where you were sat. You smiled every time he looked at you, several times you thought about getting up to leave for the night but he always caught your eye and something in his look made you sip your drink a little slower. Maybe you should stick around.
“He didn’t hurt you or nothing did he?” Clyde said in a low voice so the last people that were leaving couldn’t hear him. Part of you wondered if he was embarrassed to be helping you but then you realised, as he turned his body to literally shield you from the gaze of the rest of the patrons in the bar, he was protecting your privacy. “No Clyde, I’m fine thank you” you smiled, brushing your dress down awkwardly trying to ease the tension. Clyde was a man of few words usually but he made up for it in the intensity of his stare and right now that stare was focussed purely on you. His eyes roamed over you and it made a heat rise up on the back of your neck. He made a grunting noise, almost to himself, and he leaned over the bar to fetch a napkin. He turned the tap on that was over the small bar sink and dipped the napkin under the running water. You gave him a look, raising your eyebrow in question and he nodded to you shoulder. You looked down and noticed a small trail of dried blood running down your shoulder from where the guy had cut you with his watch. “Can I touch ya? Is that okay?” he asked, eyes soft and concerned as he studied you. You nodded shyly and he leant forward and wiped the napkin over your skin gently. You watched his hand carefully, the huge size of it compared to your arm making you bite back a giggle. The cold of his horseshoe ring brushing lightly against your skin made you break into goosebumps. He dabbed and patted to make sure he got it all wiped away “There ya go, all cleaned up” He gave your arm a stroke with his thick knuckles, like he was doubly making sure you were all squared away. Clyde Logan didn’t smile very much, you always thought his signature grumpy pout was actually quite endearing, but in this moment as you gazed up at him he gave you the smallest, most tender smile and you couldn’t help but grin back at him. “You don’t have to take care of me you know?” you whispered, he shook his head as he hopped up on the bar and swung himself back over. “Well of course I do, pretty little thing like you shouldn’t have to deal with assholes like that!” You gave him a small push to his chest that barely moved him “You stop that!” you laughed, he chuckled as you dipped your head down, letting your hair hide the growing blush on your cheeks. “I only speak the truth darlin’” he said turning to wander over to the cash register “Give me 2 minutes to check todays takins’ and I’ll drive ya home” You scoffed and dropped off your high bar stool onto your feet “You really don’t need to do that, I’m sure that guy is long gone” “Well I can’t just let ya go home on your on now can I? What kind of gentleman would I be if I did that?” he said, you swear you saw him smirk to himself and he pushed his hip into the cash register to close it. He turned to you, swinging his jacket off the hook on the wall and around his shoulders. “Oh Clyde, you’re sweet but I’ll be okay” You stepped forward as you spoke and helped him pull his jacket over his prosthetic arm “Really! I don’t live too far, you know that! It’s only a mile round the corner I can walk it” You flushed at his forwardness and unexpected level of care he was showing you. The heat was rising up on the fact of your neck again and you couldn’t quite decide if it was embarrassment or something a little more intimate. “Nonsense, I won’t hear another word on the matter” he shot you another smile; you quite liked this more relaxed Clyde. There was something about that shy smile that made you accept his offer with a small nod. “Perfect. Let me grab my keys and I’ll drive ya”
You hopped down out of his truck as he opened the passenger door for you, which he had insisted on doing; he’d even held out his prosthetic arm for you to use to steady yourself as you dropped unsteadily onto your driveway. You’d thanked him quietly and he’d responded “Nothing but the best for the princess” making you giggle and elbow his side jokingly. You both wandered down the driveway in comfortable silence, nothing but crickets and the crunch of gravel beneath both your shoes.
“Safe and sound now aren’t ya” he said, tapping your front door absentmindedly with his knuckle, watching you wrestle your keys out of your bag. You chuckled and nodded, before you could give yourself a second to overthink it you pitched up on your tip toes, pulling him down slightly with your a small hand on his wide shoulder, and placed a timid kiss to his cheek. “Thank you Clyde” you whispered. You giggled slightly as a noticeable pink blush bloomed across his cheeks and he shook his head and stuttered “N-no thanks necessary sweetheart”
You put your key in the lock and he turned to leave with a courteous nod goodnight. As you pushed open the door breathing out a tightly held in sigh, suddenly thankful to be in the comfort of your own home, you heard him say your name. You spun to see him a few feet away from you, rocking on his heels slightly “Come by the bar tomorrow night? I’ll make you another one of those cranberry drinks you like and…I’d errr… I’d love to see ya”
Now it was your turn to blush, you hoped he couldn’t see it in the shadow of your doorway
“I’d love too. See you then” you replied, giving him a small wave before going inside.
Maybe you should have paid more attention to the big grumpy bear behind the bar because it turns out, he’s rather sweet.
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svnflowervol666 · 5 years
h driving around his lovie in the yellow vintage ferrari because lovie loves the humming engine of the car ☺️🐻
Word Count: 2.1k
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Harry was at his wit’s end. He was certain that he would be able to take care of his own child for three days whilst his wife enjoyed a weekend away with her closest friends at the beach. Like, absolutely positive. He’d gotten the whole dad thing down pat. All he lacked was the ability to produce breast milk, which Y/N had gladly pumped extra of and stored in the refrigerator before she left. Harry knew exactly when they ate, exactly how much to give them and how long he needed to burp them for so that their tummies wouldn’t be upset later on in the day. Absolutely nothing had been different about the baby’s routine besides the fact that their mother was not here. There was nothing she possessed that was not accessible to the baby while she was gone, yet, for some reason, everything was going wrong.
The baby had quite literally been screaming all day. Harry had unnecessarily changed their diaper about 800 times just in case the material was irritating their skin and he had tried just about everything in the book to soothe them. A cold wash rag for them to chew on in case they were uncomfortable due to incoming teeth, a warm bath in the kitchen sink case they were cold, a million different pacifiers that they only repeatedly spit out. The most peace Harry could get was about an hour when they exhausted their tiny body from wailing and dozed off for a bit, but as soon as they came to, the waterworks started again and Harry was back to nearly pulling his hair out. 
It broke his heart seeing his baby so upset. He was at the point where he felt like a failure of a father. It hadn’t even been a full day since Y/N had left and it felt like everything was falling apart without her. They didn’t have a dirty diaper, didn’t have a fever, didn’t have an empty belly, yet they refused to stop wailing at the top of their lungs like Harry was hurting them just by being around them. He was almost ready to throw in the towel and call Y/N to beg her to come home early until he remembered he had one more lifeline before ruining Y/N’s weekend trip.
“Do wha’?” Harry mumbled tiredly yet dumbfoundedly into the sleek, black cell phone he held to his ear.
It was nearly two in the morning. He wasn’t expecting her to pick up the phone, but he sure was glad that she did. He’d hoped she could give him some advice, to tell him what to do or even offer to come over and help. But this was the last thing he’d ever expected his mother to say.
“I’m serious, love. You loved it too when you were being a fussy baby. Something about the sounds of the engine. Put ya right to sleep every time.”
“Tha’s ridiculous. It’s two in the morning.”
“You asked, Har. Just try it. Drive around the block and see if it calms them down a bit. Call me back if that doesn’t work and I guess I can come ‘round.”
Harry was never sure how she always managed to sound so calm. Maybe it was the fact that she’d raised him and his sister at the same time, so anything after that was a piece of cake. Even the sound of her voice was comforting to him and enough to ease some of his nerves. But maybe that was just because she was his mother. 
“Alright. I’ll let ye’ know how it turns out. Thanks f’ pickin’ up so late.”
“Love you, Harry.”
“Love ya too, mum.”
Harry ended the call and tossed his cell onto the unmade bed he shared with Y/N. It looked awfully empty without Y/N in it and part of him wondered if part of the reason why he’d contemplated calling her to come home early was that he missed her warm presence in the house and everything felt cold and wrong without her. He wonders if this is how she feels when he leaves for tour, but doesn’t have much time to dwell on it due to the piercing cries coming from the nursery where the baby had been lying down in an attempt to sleep.
“I hear ye’, I hear ye’,” Harry groaned as his feet padded over the soft carpet to the crib where the baby was. 
“It’s gonna be alright, bubby. Promise ye’.”
He carefully lifted their strained body up from the mattress pad and began patting them on the bum, as if that would soothe them in the slightest at this point. Maybe it wasn’t for the baby but more so Harry. Their tiny little toes were curled in on themselves as they pawed at their face and continued to cry. Harry used to think their cries were cute, he really did. But now, each little huff and puff that left their chest put Harry closer and closer to the edge and he wasn’t sure how much more he could take.
After placing them snuggly in their carrier, Harry toted both them and his now lukewarm mug of tea to the garage. The Ferrari was the vehicle of choice, mostly because it was the easiest set of keys for him to find and he wasn’t going to spend another second looking for any other keyring. He strapped the baby securely into the backseat of the bright yellow car before hopping in on the driver’s side. He rubbed his dull, tired eyes with the backs of his hands before opening the garage door and bringing the engine to life.
This better fucking work, Harry thought to himself as he peeled out of his private driveway and onto the streets of his neighborhood.
Harry couldn’t believe it. Fifty-two seconds. Literally fifty-two seconds after he had turned onto the desolate street that his house was on and began driving aimlessly was all it took for his baby, who has been screaming non-stop for going on six hours, to stop crying and fall asleep immediately. It made Harry laugh out loud at how ridiculous he looked. It was nearing three o'clock in the morning and here Harry was, in his upper class, gated community driving around in a bright yellow Ferrari wearing a shirt covered in baby spit-up and hair that hadn’t been washed in god knows how long - all to make his baby go to sleep.
He kept his low beams on, fearing that he might draw the wrong type of attention at this hour and end up having the police called on him. There was almost something soothing about the engine to him too, he thought. But in actuality, it was probably just that fact that this is the longest he’d gone without listening to his baby cry like someone was inflicting excruciating pain on their tiny little body. 
Harry sipped his tea in between turning corners and continued to creep through the empty streets. After nearly twenty minutes of silence, he felt like it was safe to say that his baby was out for the night. At least he really fucking hoped so considering he would have been out for the night after crying as hard as they had been. Just as he was ready to make the left turn that would take him back to his home, his phone rang, nearly making him jump out of his skin at how the ringer pierced the silence in the car.
He checked in the reflective mirror to make sure that the interruption hadn’t disturbed the baby’s sleep. Thankfully, it hadn’t and they were still sleeping soundly with their cheeks squished against the straps of the car seat and their blanket tucked snuggly around their body like a little burrito.
“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaarry,” her voice bled through the speaker and into his ear. 
She was drunk. Almost certainly.
“Hiiiii, lovie,” Harry drew his voice out slightly to mimic hers.
“I didn’t think you’d be awake this late. Just wanted to check on you guysssss.”
He heads her huff loudly and some rustling in the background that sounded like sheets crumpling. She was most likely coming home from the club and getting ready for bed seeing as it was now well past three o'clock in the morning.
“We’re alright,” he decided to spare her the gruesome details about how their child had been screaming nonstop and not worry her pretty drunk head, “Wha’ about you? Ye’ havin’ fun?”
“Soooooo much fun,” she giggled before sighing, “But I miss you guys sooo much. I think I might come home tomorrow.”
“Why come home early if you’re havin’ soooooooo much fun?” Harry chuckled quietly into the phone.
 “Because I miss you and I miss the baby and the bed in my hotel room is cold and empty without you and it feels weird not waking up to breastfeed at 1 o'clock in the morning,” she rambled, “Wait, why are you whispering?”
The corners of Harry’s lips turned up when he realized she was saying the exact words he had been thinking earlier that evening about being miserable at night without her.
“The baby’s asleep in the backseat-”
“Backseat? You’re in the car?” her voice sobered up immediately.
“No, no. It’s not like that,” Harry did his best to quickly backtrack and reassure her that it was nothing bad that landed them on the road at half-past three, “Everything’s fine. Bubby wouldn’t stop cryin’ so mum told me to take em for a drive and see if it calmed them down. Worked pretty well. They were out before I even made it past the neighbor’s house. Turns out the Ferrari’s better for more than just looks.”
She scoffed on the other end, making Harry furrow his brows in confusion but quickly fade into a smile after she spoke.
“The Ferrari, huh? You never take me out in that thing anymore. Do you like bubs more than me now?” 
He couldn’t see her, but he knew for a fact she was dramatically pouting against the glass screen of her phone.
“Hey, tha’s not nice,” Harry chuckled softly, “Don’t make me pick favorites. It was the only key I could find. Think I accidentally washed the keys to the Audi last night. I’ve been so tired lately I can barely see straight.”
“Welcome to my world, bubby.”
She wasn’t trying to be snide or dismiss him, it was just her drunken mind speaking for itself and Harry knew that.
“Anywayyyys. You owe me a ride in the Ferrari when I get back.”
“Only if ye’ promise to stay away for the rest of the weekend like ya planned. I won’t let ye’ back in this house if you ditch ye’ friends for us.”
Harry’s eyes were getting droopy and he decided to finally head back to the garage to park the car and go back inside. 
“You guys are more important, though.”
Even though she was drunk, she was being honest and it warmed Harry’s heart. 
“We’ll be waiting right here for ye’, love. ‘S probably time for all of us t’ go t’ bed now, innit?”
“I guesssssss,” she groaned through a yawn.
Harry laughed once more at her innocence, “Take care of yourself for me, yeah? Wash your face and leave some water on the nightstand for in the morning.”
“Sure thing, daddy.” 
“Hey! Can’t be talkin’ like that when you’re not around. S’not fair.”
Harry was just messing with her, but there was some slight truth to his words.
“Alright! Alright,” she sleepily giggled, “I’ll save it for when I get back. ‘M gonna go to bed for real now. Give bubby a kiss for me.”
“I will. Love ye’.”
“Love you too, H.”
Harry hung up before her, knowing she’d fall asleep with her phone in her hand if he didn’t end the call first. He took one last look at the sleeping infant in his backseat before shutting off the whirring engine of the Ferrari that he’d just parked in his open garage. Just seeing the peacefulness that washed over their features and the way their lips turned out in a pout from having such chubby cheeks was enough for Harry to take back every hostile thought he’d had earlier tonight. 
Before he attempted the impossible mission of transferring his bub from car to crib without stirring them, he decided to snap a photo to send to Anne to let her know that her advice was greatly appreciated and that bub had taken to the engine sounds without a fight. He wasn’t sure what he’d do without his mother. Well, both his own mother and his baby’s mother. He owed them so much more than he could ever possibly give back to them, he thought to himself as he placed one last goodnight kiss on his child’s forehead before tiptoeing out of the nursery and into his bed to sleep peacefully and dream of two days from now when his love would be home and they could be a family together again.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 4 years
Twitch Streamer AU???
(I planned on pushing out a FEW AU asks, but then realized I don’t even have so many. There’s going to be a FNAC event, but that will be an event, not a specific AU ask, so- I guess this is it! Very cursed AU, thank you very much Anon Small warning for mentions of blood, I think? Nothing too bad.)
Streamers, youtubers, content creators. Some people are all of these, some people are none, and some are just one- because each of them needed a very different talent. Those who could do seemingly everything were few and far between- And they ruled the entertainment scene! Thankfully though, the main three as most called them, were also always out for new content to watch. Thus they boosted those that they saw potential in. With some taking the boost and then going off to do their own thing- And some becoming good friends. It always started with a letter. Mike had the habit to do things on stream, as long as no personal details were not visible on them. He used a false email which he regularly changed, and he generally kept himself as safe as possible. Opening emails on stream could be rather fun, even if it was a risk. Sometimes it encouraged people to send bad things- So to prevent the worst, nothing would be downloaded and all emails containing images would be put into the spam bin. Better safe than sorry, the internet was full of terrible people. This day so far had been successful. And by successful it meant that Mike was SCREAMING. “I HATE SUPER MEAT BOY. I WILL COMMIT VIOLENCE AGAINST MEAT IN A MINUTE. I HAVE A BIG F-CKING STEAK IN THE KITCHEN, AND I WILL THROW IT AGAINST THE F_CKING WALL. I WILL GET A HAMMER.” The chat was going wild, cheering. The chat’s phrase of today was “tender Mikey” and it didn’t help at all. “I DID. NOT. HIT THAT! I DID NOT!” A donation popped up, with a robotic voice. ‘Oh hai Mark!’ “NOT FUNNY! NOT F-CKING FUNNY. I’M SUFFERING HERE AND ALL OF YOU SUPPORT IT. YOU’RE ALL F-CKING MONSTERS HERE, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT. AND I’M NOT F-CKING TENDERIZING THE MEAT WHEN I SLAP IT AROUND, I’LL RIP IT INTO PIECES AND CONSUME IT RAW!” Standing up, he genuinely went to get it- And fifteen minute later he had slightly calmed down, his hands and room slightly bloody. The chat was still celebrating and donating- another thing that never failed to make Mike BEG them to stop and use the money for something GOOD and SENSIBLE, LIKE THEM-FUCKING-SELF- but he had gotten out most of the energy. “Alright. Alright everyone. ENOUGH. I gotta stop you HERE. It’s email time.”   A celebratory jingle played, as Mike booted up the website, opening the inbox. Memes, storytime, I’m-not-fucking-reading-that-and-you-know-it, and- One of the emails caught his- and the chat’s- attention, however. Sender: Fazbear Entertainment Topic: Challenge Needless to say- once again the chat was out of control and this time there was NOTHING Mike could do to stop them. After opening the email, Mike slowly took a deep breath and looked into the camera, between concerned and honored- But that wouldn’t be enough to rip him from his carefully maintained persona. So he audible scoffed- albeit him being unable to hide an excited grin. “Alright bitches and bastards in the audience- we’re firing SuperMeatBoy up again. You won’t be catching ME losing to a pink son of a bitch anytime soon!” After the letter- provided it was accepted and responded to, the production happened. The deal was that a teaser was dropped on the big channel- The entire video itself was put on the smaller one, attracting the viewers over and hopefully make them more likely to want to see the other works the creator had put out. It was a win-win overall, the big channel being able to vary their content, testing the water for new things- and the smaller channel getting a boost and a lot of tips from very experienced creators. Henry and Dave were very generous people. Jeremy was sitting there, taking deep breaths, trying to stay calm. So far, everyone seemed to be rather kind, even if Jeremy was basically a complete nobody. Hell, he never wanted to be anybody. He just wanted to stream himself baking, for those who never had someone baking with them. Because baking could feel stressful, especially when you were missing ingredients or- many reasons, actually. Not only baking, but cooking too- Sometimes playing games on request, but not much in terms of requests ever came in. And now he was here in an actual studio, soon to be seen by an insane amount of people. A cooking competition. Sounded silly- you couldn’t really FIGHT in something like that… But… Henry and Dave had promised it would be fun. And they were nice. With and without the cameras rolling. Speaking off- There they were, approaching, their assistant coming along. He wore a weird phone-head, to ensure his privacy. Or something. It was kinda weird, but he had just accepted the answer he got. “Why, there you are, Jeremy! Would you like to see the equipment we have prepared?” Henry warmly asked, reaching down with his hand to help his guest stand up. “We have gotten a few extra things, just in case.” As they entered the studio, Jeremy’s invisible eyes went WIDE. “Woah- that looks really nice! I love it here! This is high quality stuff-!” “Fantastic!” Pleased Henry opened his arms in his typical theatrical manner- Before being abruptly interrupted by Dave jumping in, halfway over Henry’s shoulder. “ARE YA READY TO GO!? CAMERAS ARE READY!” “Ah- I- I guess- but-“ “YOU HEARD HIM, BOYS! GET IT ROLLIN’!” “W-wait, I don’t even have-“ “Everyone! Welcome to NOTHIN’ AT ALL!” Henry swiftly fitted in, continuing on with the intro. “Todays challenger is the man, the legend, the baker and occasional chef- Jeremy from Baking With Jeremy!” “Wait, what- that’s seriously your channel name, pal?” A bit offended Jeremy looked into the eyes of the people behind the camera. “U-uh- you guys here- I mean- he has literally called his channel Henry Miller! I- uhm- I-“ Snickering Henry put a hand on his guest’s shoulder. “You are very right about that. Say, are you nervous about losing?” “… n-no. I mean- maybe a little. This place here is big and very professional and I’m not used to many people looking at me…” Taking a deep breath, he gave off a nervous smile for the audience. “… yet, I know- it’s a good thing! And as long as everyone has fun, everything will work out!” “Awwwww, look at him!” Dave said, pleased. “You’re so right! We’ll be havin’ fun!” “But also, I will win.” Henry pointed out. “That is when I have the most fun.” Slightly playful Jeremy smiled. “K-keep that attitude, that will make it even easier to blindside you!” Simon whistled, clearly bemused as he held the camera in place- And Henry smirked. “Sure. Anyhow, the stakes are-“ “Steaks? We’re makin’ steaks? I thought we planned on-“ “Dave. I swear to god.” Henry looked at him from the side, before shaking his head. “What is on the line is easy to see- we have roughly an hour to cook the best meal. If Jeremy wins, we will donate 5000 to a charity of his choice!” “And if the young pal loses, he’ll be joinin’ our channel!” Dave chirped. This was news to the brown-haired boy. “W-wait, we never agreed to that-“ “GET TO YOUR STATIONS!” Someone in the back announced. “WHO’S TODAYS FAVORITE?” Simon checked the stream. “The chat says Jeremy is a clear winner. Nobody trusts Henry to keep his two braincells together for long enough to not forget the salt or something.” “Excuse?!” Not only Henry was APPALLED by the chat, Dave joined right in. “Ya guys have NO taste. I’ll be clearly winnin’… but hey, maybe ya peeps don’t know that I plan to cheat!” Surprised Jerry looked over to Dave’s cooking station. “How… how can you cheat at cooking-“ Before he could finish his sentence, he shrieked as Dave pulled out a flamethrower. “HELL YEAH BABY, I AIN’T WAITING 30 MINUTES FOR SOMETHING TO COOK IN THE OVEN, I’LL BE DONE IN FIFTEEN MINUTES MAX!” “W-WAIT THAT DOESN’T SEEM SAVE-“ Henry just raised his hands, cheerful. “Ready… set…” The Phone Guy made eye- well, rotary- contact with Jeremy, slightly raising a fire extinguisher that was by his side. … alright, it seemed the people here were well-prepared for this scenario. So instead he focused on the ingredients in front of him. Almost manic, Henry’s voice rang. “GO!” And… … that was it! Some joined, with amazing results- Mike rubbed his face. “Who thought that was a great idea. I fucking hate this.” Dave next to him on the couch just grinned. “It’s amazin’ what these websites all offer to sell. You won’t be BELIEVIN’ what’s in this box!” “I’M NOT OPENING IT.” “YOU WILL. OTHERWISE IT’LL HUNT YOUR DREAMS. I’LL PUT THIS BOX NEXT TO YOUR BED. YOUR TOILET. ONTO YOUR DINNER TABLE. INTO THE FRIDGE. I’LL ORDER MORE OF THESE BOXES.” “Jesus CHRIST, calm DOWN-“ “I WILL FIGHT YA TO THE DEATH OLD PAL-“ - and some people just went back to the usual pattern, with the occasional raid from Fazbear Entertainment. They asked first, of course. Each of them fulfilled their own niche, each of them had caught Henry’s and Dave’s attention in one way or another. Henry and Dave however- Well, Dave was the varied creator. Henry liked his niche. He played horror, investigated ARGs, read stories about real and fictional crimes against humanity. The world was a terrible place, wasn’t it? Yet he reveled in it. Aside from that he showed extra effects, he built machines and thought everyone one or another thing about creating special effects at home. From dry ice to genuinely ridiculous chain-reactions, Henry showed them it all. Blood too, multiple forms of it, depending on how and where it would be used. Sometimes breaking it off with more light-hearted one-off games and listening to what his community wanted to see… but the most comfortable he was with horror and analysis. He was a youtuber, a streamer, a content creator… … and one thing more. It wasn’t easy to find the code. But his intended audience were a very small amount of people. A small number of strangers. There was no way to know if anyone ever made it to more than one show, but Henry did not care. It wasn’t for them that he did this. Him and William moved down, down below the set, into the lowest regions of the house. The workshop. Nobody really question why you added what to your home if you were a creative person. Even less so if you were a famous, eccentric creator. Yes, the free reign was what he REALLY loved about his job. Maybe he should build his studio somewhere else- But like this it was so much more thrilling! Wordlessly both of them put on their suits. It would hide their identity perfectly- especially the animal heads that contorted their voices a bit. Enough. Today’s participant wore a mask too- another phone head, differently made, different style, but to hide their identity too. However, the voice was in no way muffled. Panicked the person dragged on the chains keeping them attached to the chair. “H-HELLO!? HELLO!? S-SOMEONE- IS SOMEONE HERE!?” A noisy one! Delightful! Both Fredbear and Springbonnie stepped out of the shadows, one form each side. While Springbonnie put his hands gently on the shoulders of the whimpering person, Fredbear stepped in front of the camera, bowing. “Ladies and gentlemen-“ The low voice sounded more like the one of an animal than from a person. Yet it was smooth and comforting. “- I welcome you to yet another installment of our show. I am Fredbear, and over there is my wonderful assistant, Springbonnie. Today we have brought a simple stranger, a nobody who might not even be missed. Thusly I encourage you to truly be creative with your ideas. And while your votes roll in, maybe I point out that next time we will have another little game-show, with quite the effects. We might even get a real bull! You will not want to miss it.” The board above the camera blinked up, as a bitter fight of votes started, everyone wanting to see something else. Three tiers to vote on! Foreplay (light injuries), main course (heavy injury leading to death) and of course what to do with the body. Below it was a little measure for “face reveal”. Some of their viewers really enjoyed seeing the expressions during and after. It came with a risk to Fredbear and Springbonnie, as the victim being recognizable meant their general area of activity was more obvious- thus it was incredibly expensive. They knew there was every now and again law enforcement mixed up between the genuine watchers. It was thrilling too- Yet Fredbear wanted to keep this game alive as long as he could. Thus it was important to hide what they could. Fredbear was a creator first and foremost, an entertainer second- And there was nothing that attracted an HONEST, an UNRESTRAINED, a PURE audience quite like violence. Once blood spilled, humans degraded and it was wonderful. Behind him, the victim began rattling even more erratic. “WHAT- WHAT IS THIS?! LET ME OUT- PLEASE- LET ME OUT- PLEASE- I- DIDN’T DO ANYTHING-“ Burying his hands into the shoulders of Springbonnie downright cackled, enjoying the mania that always accumulated in these situation. “Be still, new friend! The audience HATES too much whining, y’know? And at least you could die with your tongue still intact, wouldn’t that be nicer than having to swallow the thing? Once it almost killed someone, boy, that sure was a bother!” His voice was changed to a cartoonish, upbeat pitch- “While the votes come in, how about we quiz today’s friend… maybe if you are smart enough, they will want you to live! It happened before… o n c e.” Fredbear took out a long scalpel, the face a morbid grimace. “Surprise us!”
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cowpokecorner · 4 years
For Whom The Bell Tolls Part 2 // Micah x Reader (NSFT)
FO: Sorry this took me so long to get done. Been a lot going on personally, and I haven't had a whole lot of motivation to write. Especially considering I wasn't much of a writer before this blog. lol But anyway, as promised, here is Part 2 to my recent Micah x Reader story. Once again, it's a bit long, so I apologize for that as well. ^-^;; This part IS NSFT/NSFW so please read at your own discretion and enjoy~! ^w^ Also, if you haven’t already read it, you can’t find Part 1 here. =========================== After having a quick chat with the saloon owner and exchanging payment, Micah had come to retrieve you and lead you up the stairs to the room the two of you had been given for the night. He fumbled a bit with the key before finally figuring out which way it went and getting the door open. You follow him int, your eyes widening at the sight before you. Your family home wasn't the most lavish place, so seeing a room like this was actually a whole new experience. Micah looked back at you with a raised brow. "Well. You comin' in?" "O-oh! S-sorry..." You stuttered a bit when you realized you were still just standing in the doorway. You quickly stepped in and shut the door behind you. Your surprise was quickly replaced with the butterflies now filling your stomach at the realization that you were actually about to spend the night in a private room with a man you had only just met not even twenty-four hours ago. Micah removed his hat and placed it on the vanity in the corner of the room before taking off his leather jacket and draping it over the chair. He turned to you with a tipsy expression as he pulled out a cigarette and a match. He lit it up and took a long drag, blowing out the smoke and smiling at you. "So uh... Still got n'hour or so til it gets dark. Anythin' y'wanna do b'fore bed~?" You seemed to be a bit startled a bit by his voice, quickly looking to him with a shy smile. "Oh um...well... What'dja have in mind...?" You suddenly felt you were going to regret asking that question. Especially seeing as you just took notice of the fact that there was only one bed.
He seemed to be thinking a moment before moving to sit on the bed. He placed the cigarette between his lips to hold there as he opened the nightstand drawer and began looking through it. Not much was inside though. Just a copy of the King James Bible, which Micah promptly tossed aside with a grumble, a couple of matchbooks, and a deck of cards. "Well...we could play a card game, but... Ain't much we can play just the two of us." He blew out some smoke as he sighed softly. He then looked up to you with a slight smirk. You felt your heart skip a beat when he looked at you. He was hinting at something. You knew he was. He wanted something that 'just the two' of you could do together. You bit your lip a bit as you shifted your weight from foot to foot nervously. "Well... Maybe there's somethin' we could play with'em..." "You any good at Poker~?" He chuckled a lowly as he stood and made his way to the small table in the room. He sat down on one side and removed the cigarette from his mouth, letting out more smoke as he placed the cards on the table. "Well uh...not really..." You replied nervously as you took the seat across from him. "I know the basics, but...not much else." "Poker it is then~!" He seemed quite excited about this, a gleam in his eye as he removed the cards from their casing and started shuffling them after replacing his cigarette between his lips. "Got a way ta make it more interestin' too~" "I-interesting...?" You had a feeling you knew where this was going, but you did your best to push the thought out of your mind. "Every round you win, I gotta take a piece a clothin' off, but..." He looked up at you with a devious grin. "Every round I win, you gotta take somethin' off~" You felt your face heat up with blush. He was serious, wasn't he? Were you really about to...? "O-okay, s-sure~" Your voice a bit shaky, but part of you was actually becoming curious about how this man might be in bed. This thought only caused you to blush more. "Well alright then~" He sniffed with a crooked grin. He dealt the cards and the game began. Just as you stated, you weren't all that good at Poker, but you played anyway. Sadly, after only a few hands, you now sat in only your undergarments while Micah was still mostly dressed. He had only lost his boots, neckerchief and gun belt. You could feel your whole body blushing at the situation, his eyes studying you as he laid his cards down. "Looks like I win, Sugarpie~" He had become more comfortable with you now, his nerves seeming to melt away as he even used a special pet name for you. "I-I sup-pose...y-ya do...Mr. B-Bell..." You wrap your arms around yourself to try and cover your mostly bare body. "S-so...what now..." You looked away from him, pretty certain you knew what was coming next. Micah didn't say anything. He just studied you as he stood and slowly walked around the table to where you sat. He looked down at you, the corners of his mouth curling into a grin as he leaned toward you a bit. "Well...s'been a little while since I kept some special comp'ny~" Special company'. You knew what that meant. "O-oh...w-well...um..." You bit your lip nervously, but before you could say another word you found yourself being scooped up from your seat and tossed onto the bed. Micah soon followed, climbing over you to loom there on his hands and knees as he stared down and chuckled lowly. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you looked up at him. His icy blue eyes seemed to be looking right into your soul. You soon found yourself reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck. What had gotten into you? Were you really about to do this? Before you had a chance to even think about saying anything to him though, you suddenly felt his lips against yours. Your eyes widen as his mustache lightly tickles your lip, but you were able to will yourself to relax and melt into the kiss. Your eyes slowly closed as you felt him deepen it, his tongue working it's way into your mouth to taste you. Micah lingered in the kiss for a moment or two before pulling back to catch his breath. He panted softly in time with your heavy ones before chuckling. "Seems like you want this just as much as I do, don'cha darlin'~?" "Well... You made it...hard ta...resist ya..." You huff a bit as you move one of your hands to cup his cheek. "I mean...ya seemed really...disappointed...n' lonely...when I was gonna leave b'fore..." Micah huffed a bit as he slightly furrowed his brows. "I ain't lonely. Don't need much'a anyone 'round." His expression softens once more as he smirks. "I just like havin' a bit a fun now and then~" He quickly grabs both of your hands and pins them by the wrists with one of his above your head before leaning down and placing soft kisses to your neck and collarbones, causing you to gasp a bit. You couldn't help but squirm beneath him at all the physical attention. You managed to bite back a few soft moans before speaking. "W-well..I wasn't p-plannin' on doin' this, but...s-since ya make s-such a comp-pellin' argument~" You moved a knee up to gently press into his crotch. You couldn't do much where he had your hands pinned. Micah quickly put a stop to this too though. He used his other hand to push your leg back down. "Ah-ah-ah~ Don't make me have ta tie ya up, Sugarpie~" His voice was low and smooth as he spoke, sending a shiver down your spine. "M'sure I could find somethin' in here to do so~" "Well...how else d'ya expect me ta please ya then~?" You ask, narrowing your gaze at him in an attempt to look seductive. He grew quiet for a moment, seeming to be lost in thought before a sinister grin came across his lips. He let go of your hands and got off of you, moving to sit on the edge of the bed now. He looked back to you, bringing a hand up to beckon you toward him before gesturing for you to move to the floor. "On your knees, Sweetheart~" His movements and demanding tone sent chills throughout your entire body, but you did as instructed so as not to anger him. Besides, he was making ever part of this night harder and harder to resist. Once settled on your knees between his, you look up at him with a pitiful face and questioned softly. "W-what n-now...M-Mister Bell~?" Micah seemed to beam at you referring to him as 'Mister Bell'. He grinned as he looked down at you, moving a his hands to undo his pants and pull himself out. He gave his member a few strokes before reaching out to lace his fingers through your hair and push your face closer. "I think you know just what t'do, Darlin'~" He chuckled lowly. Your face was hot with blush now as you swallowed hard and looked at the object of desire. He brought a hand up to gently replace his as you stroked him a few times, enticing some soft hums from him. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, now leaning more forward to carefully take his tip into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it for a moment before beginning to lightly suck, humming softly to yourself as you did so. Micah closed his eyes as well, leaning his head back and letting out a quiet, breathy moan. He tightened his grip on your hair as he pushed your head further, causing you to take more of him in. As the warmth of your mouth encased him more it caused his moans to become a bit louder, but not too loud as he preferred you to be making the noise rather than himself. You gasped a bit at the tugging of your hair, but oddly enough it only aroused you further. You could feel yourself growing hot all over now, but most especially in your loins. You pushed further to take even more of his length in, now bobbing your head as you sucked and hummed around him. You did your best to run your tongue over every inch of him, making sure to hit all the places that seemed to cause him more pleasure. Micah would only allow this to continue for a few more minutes before abruptly yanking you away by your hair. This drew a slight yelp of pain from you, but he only looked down and chuckled at the hot mess you had become. "Now for the real fun~" He spoke darkly, reaching down now with both hands to pull you to your feet and strip the last of your clothing away. He then pulled you into his lap, his manhood threatening to find its way into you. You panted heavily as you tried to catch your breath, but before you had much time to you found yourself completely nude and in his lap. Eye to eye now, your heart was pounding. His eyes were the most beautiful icy blue, and you felt as though you could stare into them forever. However, your touching moment was interrupted by the sudden presence of his member abruptly entering you. You let out a loud gasp as you clung to him, the pain of your first time being a bit more than you thought it would be. Lucky for you though, the pain didn't last long as it was washed away by the immense pleasure of his throbbing extension inside of you Micah moved his hands to your hips as you wrapped your arms around his neck and clung to him. He huffed and hummed at the tightness of you around him. He gripped your hips firmly and started to bounce you on his lap now, a few groans escaping him as he did so. "Always did like havin' me a virgin~ Nice n' tight~ Feels better that way~" He couldn't help but tease as he fucked you. You were too busy panting and moaning at this point to speak aside from a few curses now and then. You gripped his shirt tightly as you rode him. After a bit longer you managed to get a few words out. "H-hard-der~! F-f-fa-as-ster~!" You practically begged him for it now. Micah grinned, eagerly obliging your demands. "You sure this is your first time, Sugarpie~? Sure seems like ya know what'cha want~ Or maybe you're just naturally a dirty little whore~" Oddly enough, his insults were less insulting and much more...arousing. Before you could even think about it your mouth was spouting off a reply to him. "Y-yes M-Mis-ster B-Bell~ I'm y-your d-d-dirty l-little whore~ A-all y-y-yours~!" "That's right~" He cooed in your ear. The next ten or fifteen minutes continued like this. Micah talking dirty to you as he fucked you, and you just melting further into a puddle of ecstasy in his lap. Soon enough the both of you were steadily approaching your climaxes, however you would cross that line first. You felt a tightness building up inside of you that you just wanted to give release. You had begun to move your hips along with him now, and it only took a few more thrusts before you were a moaning mess in his arms. Your orgasm was intense as your inner walls clamped around him, twitching and pulsing as you rode it out. Micah did his best to last a bit longer, but it was no use. Your orgasm had triggered his own. He bit his lip in an attempt to muffle the growl of a moan that managed to escape him anyway as he let off inside you. He gave a few more rough thrusts before slowing to a stop, panting heavily and holding you close. He only stayed this way for a bit longer before moving you off his lap and laying you down on the bed. He then proceeded to lay down next to you, pulling the blanket over the two of you and draping an arm loosely over you. "Y'know... That was probably some a the best I've had in a long while~" He spoke softly. You found yourself cuddling up to him, nuzzling your face into his chest as you hummed softly. His words were like velvet to your ears. You looked up to him with a warm smile. "Well...I...mostly definitely wouldn't mind doin' it again some time, Mister Bell~" "Good ta hear, Sweetheart~" He cooed softly. "Because I was hopin' ta take ya back with me~" "Take me...back..?" You gave him a curious look as you tilted your head slightly. "Never mind that now. Get'cha some sleep. We'll talk about it in the morning." He sighed softly as he relaxed, letting his eyes slowly close. However, he didn't seem to be asleep. Maybe just resting a bit? But not fully asleep. You, on the other hand, were much too tired to fight sleep at this point. You didn't let the curiosity linger too long before returning your head to his chest and closing your eyes. It was only a matter of minutes before you drifted off to sleep, Micah's hand having found its way to your hair and running through it soothingly. This would definitely be a night to remember.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Kloktober, Oct. 11th: Dancing or Fighting
I chose Fighting for this day, but it’s nothing too serious or horribly angsty, just a touch of it!
Instead, we have a post-Doomstar fic, where the lads are figuring out what powers they have Because Prophecy (and ngl, I remember the barest details/lore from Doomstar and the prophecy in general because I haven’t gotten around to doing much rewatching of the boys lately, so please forgive anything I’ve misremembered. If nothing else, consider it my own AU version of post-Doomstar life for them.) 
TW for mentions of drug and alcohol use. 
Synopsis: Things are settling. Toki and Abigail have healed. Despite Charles claiming that he’ll spend time away from them as the leader of the Church of the Black Klok, his room is still right where it’s always been and he stays there at least four days out of the week. Hanging with the lads, and helping Abigail stay sane. 
And, watching the boys learn what the prophecy being enacted means for them in terms of powers. Which naturally, means Front Yard Fight Club, and a show for Abigail and Charles.
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
“What...are they doing?” 
Charles sipped at his coffee. “Fight club.” 
“Ah,” Charles sighed, and pulled a flask from his jacket to pour into his coffee. “We don’t really want to know.” 
“This seems incredibly dangerous, given their new powers,” Abigail said, grabbing the flask before he could put it away and taking a swig. “They might kill each other.” 
“Nah,” Charles muttered. “No, there are people who want them dead. But as far as I know of the prophecy, they can’t take each other out like this.” 
Abigail nodded. “I could have donuts delivered, so we can eat while we watch the show?” 
“Use the company card,” Charles remarked as he took a long sip from his mug, and stared at the chaos in the yard below. 
“You douchebag, no fire!” Pickles shouted. “You burned my hair, and I don’t got that much left!” 
“Maybes you cans regrows you hairs now,” Skwisgaar said. “Dids you try?” 
Pickles, still patting out the fire Murderface had set to his dreads, cocked his head. “Huh. No, I hadn’t. Lemme try.” 
He stood, eyes rolled back nearly into his head as he looked up at his hair. 
After a minute, one singular red strand popped out. 
“Ah for fuck’s sake,” Pickles groaned. “That’s so much work! What’s the point of havin’ a magical prophecy and powers and shit if it’s this much work? It’s gonna take me a year to do this!” 
“Good things you ams starting nows then,” Skwisgaar shrugged, floating casually across the yard to pull a bit of burned hair off his dread. 
“You coulds walk, you know,” Toki scoffed. “I knows you still cans!” 
“And yous could floats, I knows you cans!” Skwisgaar protested. 
“Guys, guys!” Nathan shouted. “Look at what I can do!” 
He let out a harshest death metal yell he could, and Murderface was tossed across the yard by the force of it, screeching the entire way. 
“I’m a banshee now! This is fuckin’ awesome!” 
“Fuck you!” Murderface shouted as he ran back to them. “Give a guy schome fucking warning, you dick!” 
“Nah, it’s more fun this way,” Nathan chuckled. “Besides, you’re fine, ya big baby.” 
“You don’t know that!” Murderface shouted. 
“...You’re walking, talking, and literally fine. That’s how I know.” 
Murderface flipped them off and stomped past them to one of the picnic tables, sitting down on it hard. 
Too hard. 
There was an incredible amount of power in all of them now, and it meant a need to be careful around the now very fragile furniture (they were on couch 55 in the living room due to that.) 
This was a reminder of it, as Murderface broke the bench with the force of himself, and dropped to the ground. 
“Schtupid fucking table!” His fist to the top of the table broke it in half, and a kick from his foot sent the table’s remnants into the distance. 
“That wasn’t necessary,” Pickles sighed to the rest of them. 
“Overkills,” Skwisgaar agreed. “What ams his problems anyway? This ams supposed to bes fun!” 
“Let him be,” Nathan said. “He can come back over when he wants to stop being a total dick.” 
“I can hear you!” Murderface shouted as he stomped away into the nearby woods.
“I know!” Nathan shouted back.
“Well then don’t schay mean shit about me!” 
“Don’t do shit that makes me say mean shit about you, and I won’t!” 
“You can go fuck yourschelf!” 
“You can go fuck yourself too!” 
“I will then!” 
“...the super powereds hearings...” Skwisgaar sighed. “I thoughts woulds be useful. This...ams a mockery of it.” 
“What, you don’t love bein’ able to hear Murderface bitch from a million miles away?” Pickles scoffed. “Jesus. Wonder if I can still get migraines, like this. Cause I think I feel one comin’ on, the more Murderface flaps his lips.” 
“No, we can’ts stops yet,” Toki whined. “I wants to show yous what I learns how to do!” 
“Okay,” Pickles agreed. “You show us, then we go inside and see what LSD is like on weird super powers, okay?” 
“Okay!” Toki chirped, and picked up a dandelion from the lawn. He barely looked at it, and it wilted, blackened, and turned to dust in his hand. “Sees? Neat, right?” 
Pickles and Skwisgaar ignored Nathan and Murderface’s now wordless angry shouts, and shared a look. 
“Cans you does that to like...anything?” 
Toki shrugged. “Dunno! Only tried on dandelions so far.” 
“Like...you look at it, and it dies?” Pickles asked. 
“Long as I’m also touchings it,” Toki replied. 
“Cool, very cool, but maybe be careful with that, ‘kay Toki?” Pickles said carefully. “Don’t wanna accidentally kill anything you don’t wanna, you know?” 
“I bes careful!” Toki smiled, and wrapped an arm around both of them in a tight hug. 
They both let out sighs as Toki let them go, and ran over to Nathan, another dandelion in his hand. 
“This isn’t a fuckin’ joke, is it?” Pickles asked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I mean it’s fun, bein’ able to light shit on fire, ice things out, float, whatever. But...we could really hurt somebody with this shit, couldn’t we?” 
Skwisgaar nodded gravely. “I worries about Toki and Murderface. I don’ts thinks they gets it.” 
“They’ll learn though,” Pickles said. “I mean, they gotta.” 
A tree in the forest suddenly went up in flames, only to be put out by a blast of ice from an increasingly pissed off Nathan, who was trying to track Murderface from the edge of the forest. 
“Bets we can still gets drunk,” Skwisgaar said. “What says yous and I haves that LSD and some booze, and hopes they dont’s burn down the forest?” 
Pickles sighed. “That sounds good. What about Toki?” 
“Stops calling Nathans names, or I kills you!” Toki’s shriek echoed across the property. 
“Looks, I am absolvings us of this right nows,” Skwisgaar said. “Charles and Abigail ams watching from the window. Lets them deals with it if they gets out of hand.” 
It wasn’t exactly right, probably, but at least the LSD and booze would settle the rocks of worry in their stomachs. 
“This could get out of hand,” Abigail said, in between bites of donut. “We should go say something.” 
“They have to be responsible for this on their own,” Charles said. “Harsh as it seems. For them, at least.” 
“And you’re sure they can’t kill each other?” 
Charles stared out the window, Murderface’s path in the forest marked by the burnt, then frozen by Nathan, trees. 
“Certain as I can be.” 
“Is that certain enough?” Abigail asked, wincing as another tree went up. 
“I don’t know,” Charles admitted, and pulled out his flask again. 
They were going to need it. 
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priya-san · 4 years
Dante x Reader: Ice Cream Parlour
A/N: Heck, I haven’t written in like 10 years, but DMC dragged me back in. Enjoy this little piece of fluff while I remember how writing works. <3
Pairing: Dante x Reader
Prompt:  Imagine you and your favourite character going to a retro ice cream parlor and sharing one of those cute ice cream sundae’s with those cookie sticks and/or pocky, your favorite syrup (if you like any) and fun toppings after a lovely day around the town.
----- ♡ -----
The diner looks like it’s been lifted straight out of the 50s. The checkered tile floor, the bright red booths and the large flashing neon sundae sign. That sign is why your partner dragged you in here in the first place. That and the fact it is currently pissing down outside, washing away the rest of your first proper ‘date’.
“Come on babe, I think I see a free booth in the back!” Dante grabs your hand and pulls you towards the seat in question. You feel your cheeks flush. While you’d known the man for years, you two had only recently started dating. These little gestures still felt so foreign.
He slides into the seat opposite you. “What’re you havin’?”
You scan the specials board. “Hmm, I think I’ll have to go with the brownie sundae. Sounds too good to pass up.” You turn back to a smiling Dante, his chin resting on his hand as he gazes at you. You giggle. “What?”
He shakes his head. “Nothin’.”
Your gaze softens as you look into those big baby blues. They say so much in these quiet moments. Content with just being here, just staying in the moment, you say nothing. Just as you reach to grab his hand the waitress seemingly pops out of nowhere,
“Hi! What can I get for ya?”
You jerk your hand back out of shock, silently cursing the interruption. Dante laughs and orders for the two of you. One chocolate brownie sundae and one strawberry parfait sundae. He turns back to you and smirks. “When did you get so jumpy?”
You flush and look down. “I don’t know. I guess it’s cause this is all so new.” You gesture to him then back at yourself. “You know. Us.”
He laughs deeply. “Just last week you stood right in front of a 10 ft demon and yelled “Hey fuckface!” but you’re getting flustered about us?”
You giggle and reach over to swat him playfully on the shoulder. “Okay, first of all I do not sound like that. And second of all… just shut up.”
“You’re right, you sound like more like this.” He closes his eyes and screws up his face in concentration. “Mmmm, oh Dante.” He cries at an abnormally high pitch.
You’re sure your face is bright red now. Before you can decide on sinking right into the floor or swatting Dante again for that horrible impression, the waitress returns with your order. Dante smiles gracefully and pushes your sundae towards you.
“What’s the matter, babe? That sundae looks too good not to eat.”
“Ugh, you’re the worst boyfriend ever.”
He just laughs. “You’re the one who said yes to this hot piece of ass.” You would roll your eyes, but his laugh is infectious.
The rain continues to pitter patter against the windows while the two of you tuck in. You sigh, savouring the first chocolaty bite. It’s really good. Looking across from you, you find your partner seems to be going through a similar bliss.
“Fuck, this is good.” He groans. You’re about to remind him you’re in a public place when he lifts the spoon towards you.
You raise an eyebrow. “You sure?”
He nods. “You’ve gotta try this.”
You look at the carefully crafted spoonful. It’s got a little bit of everything on it. Some parfait, ice cream and even a bit of strawberry. You smile and reach to grab the spoon before Dante pulls it back. You’re about to protest when he interrupts.
“Uh, uh. Open wide.”
Oh god. It’s happening, isn’t it? The two of you are becoming that horribly sappy couple. You glance around, every other customer seems too absorbed in their own world to notice this. Fine. Closing your eyes, you allow Dante to feed you. Swallowing the sweet treat, you open your eyes to see him waiting expectantly.
“You’re right, it’s really good!”
He smiles, and tucks back in to his own sundae before he’s stopped by you holding out your own spoon.
“Want a bite?”
He nods and you feed him the spoonful. As he finishes, he licks his lips and gazes over. “It’s good, but not as good as you.” God, how could he be incorrigible and gorgeous at the same time?
Trying to remind yourself that you’re in a public place you gesture to his sundae while digging back into your own. “It’s gonna melt, you’d better hurry.”
He smiles and continues to eat. You’re both silent for a while, enjoying your desserts while playfully nudging one another underneath the table. Teasing aside, you can’t remember the last time you felt so at ease.
“Hey,” Dante finally speaks up once he’s finished. “I’m sorry our date didn’t turn out the way we planned.”
“Oh, that’s okay! Honestly, we probably should have checked the weather. I just assumed it was going to be clear all day.”
“Same. Still, I’m glad we were able to salvage it.” While he’s smiling brightly, you can’t help but feel he’s a little unsure. You grab his hand in yours and run your thumb over the back of his fingers.
“Dante, this is absolutely perfect. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
He pulls your hand up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss before caressing it with his other hand. “Yeah, me too.”
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arthurmorgen · 4 years
A Tale of Two Animals
Prompt: Modern au, where Arthur and reader are self quarantining with each other, and reader catches Arthur playing on her animal crossing island. - sarcasmwithasideofsass
A/N: I tried XD
Admittedly, self quarantining hadn't been that bad of an experience for you. In fact, it made you feel more than a little guilty. That while you were cooking meals, binging Netflix, and cuddling with the love of your life. People were sick, losing their jobs, and even dying.
But the way the two of you were living, It was  your idea of paradise...that was until the both of you cleared out your Netflix queue.
Then things got a little rough. Arthur was a man of action, and not having anything to do had made him stir crazy. He was quicker to argue, and sometimes he’d say things without fully thinking them through.
He would always apologize profusely, even when it wasn’t necessary. You knew him, and knew that this was really hard on him. Besides, he never hurt you the way he always assumed he did. He was too hard on himself.
One time it was a little argument over a mug you loved. He had put in the dishwasher, when you’d always carefully hand wash the item.
He’d called it a ‘stupid mug’, and you, being locked up and slightly stir crazy yourself, started to tear up. He apologized on and off for the next hour, and promised to do the dishes for the next month.
A promise that so far he’d fulfilled.  
Then you made the grave mistake, one that you’d regret for the next TEN days, you turned it to a local PBS station and got Arthur obsessed with a damn ten-part horse documentary.
They were an hour and forty five minutes a piece. And it wasn’t really that the footage was so boring, it was the narration. The man’s voice was calming, almost too calming, and would put you to sleep within minutes. You’d awake to the sound of the man's voice only to find Arthur still enthralled.
Which, all of this didn’t sound like a big deal, but it threw off your sleep schedule. And when you're stuck inside, with nothing to watch, sleep becomes something you really looked forward to.
And so, it became his nightly ritual to eat his dinner, wash all the dishes, put on his oversized comfy lounge pants, and sprawl out on the couch to watch another episode of the documentary.
On the fourth night of the documentary you had reached your limit. You just could not take one more second of his old monotone voice, and you searched the internet for something to entertain you...or rather something that you could buy, you should say.
It was then you came upon the new Animal Crossing game. You had played it when you were younger and really enjoyed it, so without overthinking it you added it to your cart, paid a little extra for overnight shipping (you desperately needed it before tomorrow night), and purchased it.
After making sure you received your email receipt, you stood from the couch, stretched a little, and kissed Arthur on the top of his head.
He tore his eyes from the television and looked up at you. “You goin’ to bed so early?”
“Yeah, I’m feeling a little tired.”
He moved to stand but you gently pushed him back down. “Finish your show.” You bent down and kissed him lovingly on the mouth.
“I can pause it and save it for tomorrow.” His eyes twinkled with mischief and any other night you would have pulled him to the bedroom, but you were NOT prolonging your torture for another night.
“No! I mean no, I don’t really feel well. Kinda got a headache.”
He frowned and reached up to feel your forehead. “You need me to run to the store to get ya sumthin’?”
You smiled. “No, I’m fine, really just need some sleep.” You yawned trying to convince him.
You were apparently an ok actor. “Well alright. You let me know if you ain’t feelin’ good sweetheart.”
“I will, I promise.”
When he nodded satisfied with your answer, and pressed play,  you almost ran to your bedroom.
The next day you spent not so patiently waiting for your package. Just after you put away the sandwich stuff that you used to prepare lunch, you got the notification that it was delivered.
You ran to the door almost dropping your phone, and retrieved your small box. You ripped through the packaging and waited for it to load on your switch.
And just as Timmy and Tommy were welcoming you to the game, Arthur walked in hair wet and slicked back, wearing nothing but a towel. He smelled fresh and amazing, just as he always did.
“I thought I heard the door slam.”
“You did, it’s fine. I just got a package.” You didn’t look up as you were reading the instructions on the small screen. To be honest you didn’t want to get distracted, and before you was one hell of one.
He frightened you a little as he bent over you curious as to what you were doing.
“It’s just a little game that I wanted to play. Figured it would be a great time since I’m stuck here.”
Taking one look at the graphics you could tell he wanted to make fun of you by the way he opened and closed his mouth a few times.
You decided to stop him short, not wanting another stupid argument. “I played it when I was a kid. It's super nostalgic for me.”
His nod was one of understanding and thanks, glad that he didn’t start something from nothing.
And that’s the last you really paid attention to anything for hours, until he brought you a plate of hot tacos.
You looked up red eyed and confused. “What time is it?” You looked around for your phone.
He handed it to you and chuckled. “Goin’ on eight. Thought you might be hungry.”
You gave a playful pout as your stomach growled smelling the delicious looking food.
“Game must be really good.”
You nodded with a mouthful of taco. A little embarrassed that you ate half of it in one bite. But happy that he knew exactly how you liked yours prepared.
“What’s it about?”
You swallowed. “Eh, nothing really. You just kind of build things and help friends out”.
“Oh well, I’m glad you're having fun.” He said without any malice.
“Gosh Arthur these tacos are amazing.” You took another large bite.
He chuckled lightly “It’s like you say, things always taste better when you don’t make them.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t help. I know it’s been our thing since...”
He raised his hand in dismissal. “You cook all the time for me. It is the least I could do for you. ‘Sides you looked like you were really having a good time.”
Your face flushed slightly. Had he been watching you? You knew you did that thing where you bit your bottom lip when you concentrated. It made you a little self conscious, but he would have none of that.
“You sure are beautiful, you know that?” He gently moved a piece of hair from your forehead.
“I mean it. You’re absolutely perfect. Can’t believe I’m so lucky.” He shook his head in amazement.
You were at a loss for words so you replied with the only thing you knew he needed to hear. “I love you so much Arthur.”
He reached down and kissed you hard. Sometimes words weren’t enough for him. He was after all, a man of action.
Things were getting heated, your tacos forgotten, when an alarm started blaring.
You looked at him in a daze and giggled softly. “It’s time for your program.”
He slowly opened his eyes and sighed.  “Yep.”
He stared at you looking drugged by your beauty.
You smacked his arm playfully. “Watch your ponies.”
That sobbered him up. “They ain’t ‘ponies’ they are stallions and mustangs, and..”
“I’m joking.” You cut him short saving his lecture for later you were sure. “Hurry you're going to miss some of it.”
He turned the TV on, and you excitedly picked your game back up. So focused on it, you never heard a word the boring old man said.
It was late. Real late. You hadn’t played a game through the night since you were in high school. But as you admired your island, you felt that it was worth it.
You looked to the otherside of the couch and saw that Arthur hadn’t wanted to leave you. He was sprawled out breathing heavily, obviously deep in sleep.
The sun was rising and you thought it a better idea just to leave him be. He’d be up soon anyhow. You plugged your game in to charge and went to get a couple hours of sleep.
It was around lunch time when you awoke. You hated sleeping in but then again, where did you have to be?
After showering, and brushing your hair and teeth, you groggily made your way to make some coffee.
When you entered the hallway you heard your game. Worried that you had left it on you hurriedly entered the room, and to your surprise, were met with the sight of Arthur, brows furrowed, deep in concentration playing your game.
You smiled wickedly at the sight and cleared your throat loudly.
He jumped like he had just been shot and placed your game quickly on the coffee table. “Oh god! You scared me.” He placed his hand on his chest for dramatic effect.
You walked over to him slowly, hands on your hips, and tried your best to look angry. “Now what were you just doin’?”
“I, I…”
“You what?”
“I was just curious is all.” He nervously ran his hand through his hair.
“Well, yeah. You were havin’ so much fun, I just wanted to see what it was about. Ya know?”
His voice sounded so innocent and his eyes looked so wide from shock. Arthur Morgan wasn't used to getting caught.
You really shouldn't do it but you couldn't help it, you started laughing. So hard that you actually had to bend over.
He stood up placing his hands on his hips. His hair was an absolute mess, sticking up from all angles, and he actually attempted to look at you seriously.
Which, of course, made you laugh harder. So hard that tears started streaming down your face.
There was something about this large, handsome, intimidating man, sneaking your switch and waiting until you were asleep to play Animal Crossing. And then getting caught all while being extremely embarrassed about it.
Either he finally started to see the humor in it, or perhaps he got joy out of seeing you so happy, he too started to laugh.
He walked to you and hugged you tightly, then playfully threw you onto the couch. Neither of you stopped laughing for a while, not until your sides were splitting and you could take no more.
He nuzzled your neck. “I’m real sorry I played your game without permission.”
You briefly chuckled while stroking his muscular arm. “No you're not.” You whispered back.
“Alright, I’m sorry that I got caught.”
You both kept laughing until, still tired from the previous night, you fell asleep in each other's arms.
A loud alarm woke you both. You snatched his phone from the side table mercifully stopping the noise.
He mumbled. “Don’t worry it's recording.”
You sighed heavily.
21 notes · View notes
thepilotanon · 4 years
gardenia iv
gender reveal/baby shower
I know this has been a long wait, so here it is! I’m excited for you to read this chapter. I hope you will let me know what you think of this chapter and what you hope to see - since this is more of a drabble series, I’m always open for ideas and interacting with readers of the different possibilities to share with Clyde and playing Belle! Please enjoy!!
warning: none!
“Marlene,” Clyde mumbled softly, only to hear his wife’s soft sigh. “That’s alright, I wasn’t feelin’ that name either. Reminds me of that Marley an’ Me movie, n’ I won’t cry with my possible daughter’s name. Was also a name of an old lady who chase me n’ Mellie off her yard as kids.”
“Then, Marley is also out of the question,” a tired, yet amused voice responded, making him chuckle a bit. His right hand busy with their gentle caress against the rounding belly, having pushed the shirt up to below her breasts to feel the soft skin with his bare hand. “What about Eric…”
“Mmm, had a bully in third grade named Eric,” Clyde huffed, and Belle nuzzled closer to him in their bed. “Erica could be alright…”
“Not Eric, then. Erica, maybe,” Belle mumbled with a small smile before yawning. She was tired, Clyde could tell easily with how her pretty eyes were closed and how she clung herself as close as possible to him, but there was a factor in the way of her sleeping soundly. Her belly has been making it difficult for her to find a comfortable position to sleep, even though she isn’t showing to the point she can’t turn properly while laying down. Clyde is always more than awake to tend to her and try and help her get the proper amount of sleep needed for a pregnant woman - especially with the baby shower coming up in the afternoon of that day.
Clyde had found talking to his wife and gently massaging her back and belly helped a lot, as well as just talking to her with his voice low and soft. Something about his accent and the way he hums makes her feel fuzzy on the inside and more relaxed, as she claimed, and Clyde was more than willing to try and practice his conversation skills with his sleepy wife. With her head carefully tucked to his shoulder on the pillow, Belle shivered at the uncomfortable feeling of her large belly and her sore back and pressed her forehead closer to him. Her husband was gentle to comb her hair back and kiss the top of her head, his brows knitting together with genuine concern.
“You alright, baby?” he asked softly, his hand drifting up and down her back before brushing his fingers against her pregnant stomach.
Belle nodded and Clyde cooed gently and peppered little kisses along her hairline and forehead with a feather-like touch. “Poor sweetheart, ya think the baby is jus’ excited for the party?” he teased affectionately, drumming his fingers lightly over the bump and made her smile sleepily.
“I keep thinking it is actually kicking, but it’s gas or just my belly making weird noises,” Belle confessed, somewhat embarrassed and amused by herself just by thinking about it. “I can’t tell you how many times I tense up thinking it’s going to be the little bean kicking, and nothing happens - I think that’s the source of my sore muscles, being all tense and expectant. I’m just being whiney about it…”
“What’s a baby kick suppose to feel like?” Clyde asked, curious of this little secret, but also wondering about the little angel resting against his own stomach inside his wife’s womb. Either of them have yet to feel the baby kick; Clyde has been reading up and researching, constantly asking Belle if there has been any update, yet Belle can only smile sadly and shake her head. They were remaining patient, however, letting the unborn baby take its time. “It ain’t suppose to hurt, right? I don’t want you to be in pain or uncomfortable…”
“I don’t think a little baby can kick hard enough to hurt me. I’m pretty sturdy as they come, believe it or not,” Belle snickered before lifting her chin, asking him for a kiss which he gave her and nudge their noses together. “I’ve asked Bobbie Jo and Mrs. Potter. Bobbie Jo said that it’s like when your muscle spasms for no reason. But, Mrs. Potter said it can feel like someone flicking the inside of your tummy, so I’m not sure.”
“Can’t be that surprising once you tell the difference, right?” Humming, Clyde lifted the blanket up their bodies to keep her warm and cozy, seeing how more sluggish and sleepy his wife was becoming. Looking to the clock hiding behind her, above the shelves of the headboard, Clyde could see it was after the time Belle would usually strain on staying up with him. He knew she was very tired, and only wished he could do something more to help her sleep easier.
“Pretty sure I can… Still, I don’t think they’re ready to be kicking,” she answered softly. “I don’t know. Doctor said it’s very normal…”
“Doctor said you were doing perfect. Very wonderful momma to-be,” he whispered against her hair, his hand continuing their gentle caresses and massages to the small of her back and stomach. “Both you n’ the lil bean havin’ strong heartbeats, both healthy, jus’ what she told us.”
“Mmhmm...” Belle sighed sleepily, her cheek resting against the pillow and on him, her hands curled between them as she started to finally fall asleep.
“I see ya gettin’ sleepy now, aren’t ya?” Clyde smirked gently, seeing her take deep breaths and unable to keep her eyes open. “Can see ya startin’ to fall asleep, honey. Jus’ relax an’ I’ll take care of you and the lil baby, okay? I’ll keep ‘em settled down so you can sleep…”
Seeing her grin so sleepily, Clyde knew she was about ready to fall into a deep slumber, allowing her to nuzzle into his neck and carefully cling to his sleeping shirt. Clyde felt his heart throb in his chest at feeling her warm cheek against him, the warmth of her belly underneath the blanket and against his palm making feel tingly by the physical contact. He felt his wife’s small hand curl around his neck and tangle in his hair - her fingertips sloppily attempting her massage before going limp. “Love you so much, and so does the little baby…”
Clyde couldn’t stop his grin as he kissed his wife’s head and listened to her breathing change to a deep sleep. Waiting a while to make sure his wife was out after a few minutes, he gave her forehead a gentle kiss before closing his eyes and rest his head on the pillow with her.
“I decided.”
Belle turned around to look at her husband while he busied himself with the hook of the hangar in his mouth to take off his button-up shirt of choice. Seeing she was dressed in a lavender sundress and a violet cardigan pressed to the bedside, Clyde opted to wear his light grey button-up with his white undershirt and brand new jeans to look more clean and somewhat matching with her. It was a fun celebration, after all, and Clyde wanted to look almost as good as he did on his wedding day (minus his many panic attacks and his wild imagination of the many what-ifs). Anything for his lady and baby on the way.
Smiling at him while he shrugged his shirt on, approaching to help with the buttons before he could tuck in the shirt, Belle got on her toes to kiss his chest, next to the wedding band resting against his sternum in a necklace. “What did you decide about, big bear?” she asked, feeling him give her a kiss on the top of her head.
“On namin’ the baby.” Catching her attention, Clyde gave her a small smile and brushing his thumb along her cheek. “If it ends up bein’ a lil boy, I can name him one of the few names we liked n’ listed together. If it ends up bein’ a lil girl, you can name her one of the names we picked out for a girl. Feel like it’s only fair since I can’t think of any good girl names and you like some of the boy names I thought of… And I really like the girl names you told me the other day.”
“The ones we put on the fridge?” Belle blinked. The two had a little notepad with little scribbles of possible names and highlighted different colors, depending on the gender or neutral, whenever they had free time on Sundays and Monday nights together. 
“Yeah, but we’ll still need to agree to it, don’t we, Darlin’? ‘Course, we gotta agree, when the time comes.” Clyde snickered when she raised a brow at him. Once she finished buttoning his shirt, he tilt her chin up and gave her a sweet kiss that made her grin against his lips.
“Yeah, I would hope so,” Belle snickered while he pulled away and busied himself to tuck his shirt into his jean while getting his belt for him off the bed. “I don’t think it would end well with either of us picking a name, and then changing our minds on how we feel about it for the other.”
Taking his belt when his wife offered it to him, Clyde mumbled a thanks before putting the leather strap through the loops with his only hand. “Just as long as we don’t name the boy Junior.”
“Or after an obvious flower,” Belle agreed with a smile, her hands resting on her belly and rubbing carefully over her dress. “As much as I love my job and having my name after one of the most romantic flowers known to man, I think our little angel is too special for that.”
“Could jus’ name ‘em Angel, too,” Clyde suggested.
Belle’s nose wrinkled a bit as she tried to hold back her laugh. “Would it be weird if I thought Angel would be a cute name for either a girl, or boy? It’s unique, but still special - because it will be our little angel. I’m sure there’s variations for it.”
“Well, ain’t Fish’s name actually Fish? Is Fish a cute name?”
“I’m not even related to - you know that their mom isn’t all that…”
Belle sighed and let him pull her into a hug, his facial hair tickling her neck with his little butterfly kisses to her skin. His arms wrapped around her and his hand sliding down to teasingly squeeze her bottom, making her jump. “We’ll figure somethin’ out,” he assured her affectionately, feeling her pulse quicken when he scraped his teeth under her jaw. “Party first, right? You’re gonna be the center of attention with how lovely ya look, Darlin’.”
“Me and my big belly bumping into everything while I stuff my face with food,” Belle taunted. She squealed when her husband blew a raspberry against her neck, tickling her enough to get her laughing.
“Ain’t no matter, yer still the center of my attention,” he shrugged joyfully before kneeling down to give her stomach gentle kisses. “And so will this lil peanut. Hope ya get yer mommy’s tickle spots, ‘cause I’m gonna be ticklin’ and kissin’ ya until you tire yourself out from laughin’. Yer mommy’s the same way, knocks right out when you get her laughin’ for a good five minutes.”
“Shh, don’t listen to Daddy,” Belle grinned while combing back his hair, feeling him nuzzle against her with so much affection. “Your daddy is just trying to tease me to get me flustered enough for him to distract me from going to the baby shower.”
“Is it working?” Clyde asked sweetly, looking up to give her his loving eyes that he knew she couldn’t resist.
“Only a little bit… Just a pinch.”
“Mmhmm? Uh-huh?” Clyde held back his laughter while his wife playfully shoved his face away from her belly. “C’mon, sweetheart, you can’t resist me that easy.”
“Oh, like you can take one look at me when I doll myself up for you and turn the other cheek?” Belle snickered while he stood up on his feet. “Even when I wake up with knotted hair, drool on my chin and unable to form proper sentences, you still say I’m the prettiest lady you have ever seen.”
“That’s just ‘cause you are, Darlin’,” Clyde grinned, taking her cheek in his hand while his metal prosthetic wrapped across her back. He peppered gentle, loving kissing along her cheek before stealing a quick smooch from her smiling lips. “You could be covered in dirt n’ oil and still be the most beautiful girl in my eyes.”
“Even while I’m stuffing my face with sandwiches while pregnant, or get covered in baby spit? Not sleeping for days because I’ll be a reckless and anxious mom?”
“You deal with me shovelin’ plates in my mouth, and you know darn well we’re both gonna be covered in baby spit!” he claimed rather proudly before nuzzling under her jaw, kissing and nipping her skin softly and holding her close carefully while she laughed. “C’mon, Darlin’, pick out some comfortable shoes to wear and I’ll be right out. We got a party to get ya to.”
It was an interesting situation having Mellie and Bobbie Jo argue about the location of the baby shower - since Belle wasn’t even planning on having one in the first place, that just didn’t sit well with either woman while Silvia was more of the middle ground in the fight. Mellie wanted to have it at the park area, where it was outdoors with fresh air and nature surrounding the picnic patios and have a BBQ while Bobbie Jo wanted it at the new fancy restaurant that just opened up in town (where she knew the owner of the business and could get a deal on a party room) and could get a lovely buffet with clean tablecloth and silverware. As much as the mother-to-be wanted to try and find a solution for both ladies to agree with, suggesting the restaurant they had the wedding reception at, it was automatically turned down and thus Belle kindly asked Jimmy’s girlfriend to put her foot down. 
Silvia, as sweet as she is in being a big sister to both Mellie and Belle, and on absolute friendly terms with Bobbie Jo, can also be hard and straightforward in fixing silly situations such as arguing about where to have a baby shower. Thankfully, Silvia suggested either Bobbie Jo or Mellie host it at either house - where there were wooded backyards and easy access to the indoors with an AC available. Before either ladies could bicker which house, Silvia flipped a coin with an actual written agreement on notebook paper that, whoever got the house, the other would be in control of decorations.
Bobbie Jo’s house was claimed on tails, therefor Mellie had full control of the decorations and Bobbie Jo couldn’t interfere.
Considering that it was a gender reveal, Mellie picked the color white for the main color-theme and stuck to minimal decorations. There were a few balloons tied to the stairs that everyone knew that the Logan brothers were going to get ahold of later and party streamers decorating the railings in a cute twisting style. With Bobbie Jo’s backyard covered with greenery and trees, the white popped perfectly and Mellie was more than proud of herself with everyone’s compliments as soon as they entered the backyard; more so the only Logan sister didn’t hesitate to rub it in Bobbie Jo’s face once Belle said how much she loved the design of the patio table with a simple table cloth with a bouquet of white roses on top along with the snack plates that Jimmy was helping himself to. Mellie didn’t hesitate to send Jimmy a displeased scowl at him while hugging Belle in greeting.
“Swear, that man thinks every event is for him to stuff his damn face,” she mumbled before kissing Belle’s grinning cheek while laughing. “Bobbie Jo and Sil made those lil sandwiches for you, ya know. We know you’ve been craving ham and cheese, and look what that sasquatch is doin’! Jimmy, you asshat!”
Like a dog getting caught doing something it knew was naughty, Jimmy popped his head up before jumping over the ledge on the other side. Sadie, watching the whole thing happen, laughed at her father’s silly antics while her mother sighed at finally seeing what her ex was doing whilst conversing with Silvia and Mrs. Potter. What bad leg again? Mellie kindly excused herself from the guests of honor before chasing Jimmy after tossing off her nice sandals.
Clyde shook his head over his siblings’ behavior, taking his wife’s hand and guiding her further. Along with Bobbie Jo, Moody, Sadie and Mellie, Joe Bang and his brothers were also currently present with Mr. and Mrs. Potter sitting close together in lawn chairs with drinks in their hand. Sadie, all dressed up in a white tutu and white ribbons, offered a plate filled with different assorted snacks to the guests very politely before coming over to see her aunt and uncle.
“Aunt Belle!” Sadie squealed as she hurried over to the new arrivals. “Uncle Clyde, can you please hold the plate for me? I wanna hug Aunt Belle!”
Clyde chuckled as he took the plate for his little niece and grinned even bigger seeing Sadie press her cheek against Belle’s stomach and hugging her. Giving her tummy a gentle kiss, Sadie pulled back and waited patiently for Belle to bend down to kiss her cheek, which Belle returned by taking her face with both hands and giving her big kisses to each cheek and then her forehead.
“You look so pretty, Sadie! Look at you!” Belle gushed and fondled the girl’s cheek, making her blush and laugh. “You look even more like a little angel!”
“Thank you, Aunt Belle! You look very, very pretty, too!” Sadie sang brightly, waiting patiently for her aunt to release her before going to hug Clyde as tight as she could. “Hi, Uncle Clyde! You look handsome!”
Clyde chuckled softly when his little niece hugged him, kiss his cheek quickly and took off, chasing down her dad and reprimand him for taking the sandwiches her mom and father’s girlfriend took the time to make special for her aunt. “She seems happy to have a party at her house, huh?”
“Well, she must get it from the other ladies in the family. Both Mel and Bobbie Jo throw very fun parties,” Belle said rather fondly. When Clyde offered her something off of the plate Sadie deserted them with, the pregnant woman picked out a little finger sandwich and a cookie before being called over by Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Belle seemed to glow brightly greeting her bosses, patiently waiting for Mrs. Potter to get up from her spot to properly give her a hug while Mr. Potter took Clyde’s plate and shook the father-to-be’s hand.
“How ya doin’, sweetheart? You been eatin’ good for the baby?” Mrs. Potter instantly took charge of looking over Belle with critical eyes, obviously looking for anything that might raise any sort of red flags. It was natural, according to the elderly married couple, considering both Mr. and Mrs. Potter had seven healthy sons throughout their lives together.
“I’m doing really good, thank you,” Belle responded with a happy grin, allowing the stout, elderly woman to nod in confirmation and then hug her. “Clyde is always making sure I’m eating well enough, getting enough sleep and drinking water, all the sorts you’ve written down for us.”
“Good. Don’t need to kick yer man’s ass for not takin’ care of ya properly, knowin’ how stubborn you are.”
“She ain’t a picky eater, ma’am,” Clyde corrected as he came over. Seeing his wife pout a little bit at the accusations, he kissed the top of her head, while his flesh hand reached to gently caress her rounding stomach. “Takin’ vitamins, eating healthy and doin’ wonderful,” he praised her directly, making her instantly grin; kissing her cheek repeatedly while Mrs. Potter rolled her eyes affectionately.
“Yer gonna spoil her too much,” Mr. Potter interjected and his wife smacked his pudgy belly with her hand, making him snicker.
“Oh shush, ya ol’ man. You were three times as bad whenever I had our boys!”
“Sorry, Ma,” Mr. Potter chuckled and Clyde suddenly found himself a bit flustered by the elderly couple’s interaction.
Even though he and Belle had been affectionately calling each other “Momma” and “Daddy” in the privacy of their home to their growing baby, but still, the idea of doing it out in public made him instantly embarrassed. Clyde most definitely wanted to do it in public, show everyone that he was going to be a dad to a little baby growing inside his wife, who will be the perfect mother…
Mrs. Potter eventually let up from her husband and hugged Belle, gently patting the woman’s hand resting on her belly. “It’s good that ya got a good man, like Clyde, to take care of ya both. Knowing you two, yer goin’ to be jus’ wonderful parents. I know yer old grandpops would be so happy for ya.”
Clyde watched fondly as Belle began to glow from that particular comment. Mr. and Mrs. Potter both knew Belle’s grandfather for most of the man’s life, so hearing that obviously meant a lot to his wife, seeing those happy tears. The old woman grinned and pinched the pregnant woman’s cheeks fondly. “And don’t forget, once this lil babe is out in the world, m’gonna pull my famous cheek pinchin’, jus’ like I did with ya and did with yer ol’ man, when he was a young rascal.”
Belle snickered when Mrs. Potter fondled her cheeks in the palms of her wrinkled hands, laughing with her. “I’m just glad that you never pinched so hard,” Belle told her. “But, please make sure to wait until they’re old enough.”
“O’course, honey! I didn’t get to pinch yours ‘til you were ‘bout five - yer gramps never let anyone else hold ya, but him, his wife and Joe Bang. He was such a particular man when it came to his lil Rosabelle,” Mrs. Potter promised affectionately. Then, looking to Clyde, Mrs. Potter took Clyde’s hand and pat his knuckles with a loving, motherly grin. “You’ll be a great daddy, Clyde. I know for certain that ol’ goofball in Heaven would’ve adored ya as a grandson-in-law, and a perfect match for his lil grandbaby. He would be so excited for you two becomin’ parents. His wife would’a thought the same.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Clyde mumbled, unable to stop his cheeks heating up from the kind words from the old lady who helped his wife so much.
“Well, I know for a fact that Pops would be crying his eyes out and drinking with the daddy-to-be, until he knocked himself out in a tree,” a familiar voice caught both Clyde and Belle’s attention. Turning around, they saw Dayton White dressed appropriately in a nice, pressed shirt and dress pants.
“Dayton!” Belle yelled with a bright smile, attempting to jump at her childhood friend until he grasped her shoulders to keep her still as possible, then pull her into a careful hug. Belle hugged him back as tight as possible while Clyde came over, waiting his turn to shake hands with the NASCAR racer and a friendly half-hug. “What the hell are you doing here? You’re suppose to be in California, last time we talked to you!”
“How could I miss the babyshower of my best friend? If I missed out on that, that would just put weight on my shoulders for the rest of my life, for every Christmas and birthday,” he shrugged, like it was the most casual thing ever, making Belle smack his arm at his suggestion. Dayton snickered at her before patting Clyde’s shoulder. “Mellie let me in on the shower details so, as long as you don’t tell my sponsors that I’m going to be here for the rest of the week, then there is no problem.”
“Mellie did? How she’d manage that?” Clyde asked with a raised brow, stealing a glance to his sister on the back porch, sipping a drink and keeping her attention on Sadie showing her dad a new dance move. “Mellie ain’t much of a Facebook person…”
“And for the rest of the week? That’s not like you to miss that much of work,” Belle added, although with a hint of knowledge of what could be happening for her friend.
“We exchanged numbers last time I was in town, but that’s beside the point - Belle, you haven’t been submitting to your cravings, right? You know that you can still eat as normal as you have been, but adding vitamins help -!”
Belle didn’t hesitate to reach and gently raise Dayton’s jaw to shut him up. “If you’re implying that it looks like I’ve gained unnecessary weight, you’re already cruisin’ for a bruisin’, Dayton. Just ask Jimmy and Uncle Joe about how I don’t hesitate to still kick some ass.”
Clyde rubbed his hand across his wife’s back, trying to keep her grounded. “I stand witness to that. I wouldn’t try testin’ her, buddy, you know how she is.”
“Never would have suggested anything like that!” Dayton claimed, then breaking the three into amused grins. “But, really, you do look really good, Belle. It’s just so weird seeing you whenever, and how big your belly is with the baby! Are you excited to see if it is a boy or a girl?”
“That, and have some of Mellie’s cake.” One of the foods Belle had been craving was the sweets her sister in-law would make, and Mellie had been more than happy to spoil her best friend with sweets and going out for ice cream, whenever Clyde couldn’t. But, Dayton didn’t need to know about that and keep himself awake at night about it…
Until the rest of the guests arrived - Joe Bang, Sam and Fish, a couple of Mellie’s coworkers who knew Clyde and Belle, and some of Bobbie Jo’s pageant friends who knew Belle through helping Sadie - Clyde was fairly overwhelmed by the amount of attention he was getting alongside with his wife. Normally, he would have sufficed sitting by Belle, his only hand holding her shoulder or rub her back upon reaction, sitting quietly and admire his wife’s radiant smile and happy laughs. Being asked how he was feeling or being complimented on keeping up with the pregnancy plan and all of the appointments with no problem, Clyde felt his cheeks burn most of the time. Jimmy would smack him teasingly on the shoulder, telling him to enjoy the attention before the baby arrived - because then, it would be how the baby has which of his features or how stinkin’ cute the little bundle of joy is. Clyde would only flush deeper and simply nod, refusing eye contact.
“And expect to not get as much ‘lone time with Belle,” Jimmy added in way too casually, grinning like the teasing big brother that he is. He snickered when Clyde jumped and Belle glared at him. “Jus’ gotta let ya know! Ya won’t be havin’ and special time while changin’ diapers and tryin’ to sleep.”
Clyde was thankful that both Sylvia and Bobbie Jo smacked Jimmy to be quiet before Joe Bang and Belle did. Mellie even threatened him to refuse his piece of cake, and that was when Jimmy kept his mouth shut.
When the time did come for cake, they had the parents-to-be stand at the end of the patio table while everyone surrounded them as Mellie came out of the house with the dessert. The cake was frosted white with homemade buttercream frosting and had pink and blue confetti sprinkles; everyone clapped for Mellie’s craft as she set the cake in front of Belle and Clyde, producing two knives and a cake server. Since it was Mellie’s planning, she was strict in instructing them how to reveal the inside contents of the cake. Jimmy had Sadie on his lap and helped her start recording with his phone. Dayton, the Bang brothers stood behind Joe Bang with Dayton, while the older man sat on a chair with a beer in hand. Mr. and Mrs. Potter were seated at the other end of the table, with proper view of the couple and cake and taking pictures.
“Now ya can’t be takin’ the knives out, or you’ll see the frostin’,” Mellie explained, handing each of them a knife. “Like the weddin’, ya each cut a side and will lift the servin’ up. Make some cute pictures!” She waved her hands to them to get started.
“Okay,” Belle nodded and smiled to Clyde. “How big do you want the piece to be?”
Clyde hummed and moved his knife to decide on a piece, Belle held hers still for him until he decided, grinning in patience all while Jimmy and Sadie were whining for Clyde to hurry.
“Sadie, what are you hoping the baby will be?” Belle asked the young girl, who was being bounced on her dad’s knee in anticipation.
The little blonde girl snickered. “I don’t mind either! Boy or girl is good to me,” she claimed. “It’s gonna be my honeybun!”
“If it’s a boy, how’ya gonna dress him up in dresses?” Jimmy asked dramatically, making Joe Bang roll his eyes.
“Ya can dress up, play the prince or the shiny guy,” Joe Bang explained. “Boys look good in pink, too - or be a cool dragon, like I was!”
“Don’t go tellin’ lil Sadie the story of how ya played princess and dragon when Rosabelle was too lil to understand that playin’ with hairspray and lighters were dangerous!” Mrs. Potter snapped, and Joe Bang simply shrugged with a naughty grin into his beer bottle. Thankfully, Sadie didn’t pay much attention to what was going on, more focused on what her aunt and uncle working with the cake.
“Ignore ‘em, cut the cake!” Bobbie Jo insisted, also having her phone out and recording. Belle did her best to hide back her laughter from the whole situation. Now that Clyde inserted his knife down to the cake plate, it was only causing more anticipation and excitement on the patio porch.
Grabbing the serving knife next, Belle held it between herself and Clyde, waiting as he used his right hand to wrap around hers. He snuck in for a quick kiss before helping her dig it under the cake. The ladies, including Sadie, aww-ed and both Sam and Fish performed a drumroll bit on their cleaned jeans when Clyde broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together, giving her the most excited eyes sparkling to her.
“Ya ready, Darlin’?” he asked quietly, his smile showing his teeth and the cute wrinkle in his nose whenever he was excited. She felt his hold around her hand tighten a bit, his thumb brushing her skin gently. Sam and Fish’s drumming got more intense when Belle smiled back and nodded. 
“Let’s see what our baby is going to be,” she encouraged, and they raised the cut piece of cake, slowly revealing the chocolate cake hidden underneath - 
And the bright pink filling inside.
Fun Fact: Gender reveal parties became a thing in the late 00s, from inspiration of a couple who struggled to have a child for years and were very excited to know what their baby would be! There is a lot of critical responses to it nowadays, however, I think it’s a wonderful story for a couple’s wish coming true. The couple’s daughter, today, likes to wear suits and break gender-norms!!
taglist: @ayatimascd @kyloxfem @kylo-renne @damndriver @formerly-anonhamster @oh-adam @redhairedfeistynerd @rosalynbair @deliriumdoll @bellaren18
If you would like to be added to the list of this drabble series, please feel free to let me know and I would be very happy to add you!! Please let me know what you thought of this chapter, and see you next time.
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we-are-inevitable · 4 years
What about David wanting you impress jack through some of art project. But he has no idea what he’s doing.
im so sorry this took so long but !! this prompt was so sweet!!
the ending is kind of ambiguous- i didn’t exactly specify if this is before an established relationship or if they’re already together, so feel free to interpret as you wish!
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1171
“I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” - Vincent van Gogh
It had been a day when the rain had come down too heavily, too suddenly, to make for a full day of standing on the corner and selling dripping papers to the few passerbyers who dared to venture out of their homes. Jack and David had taken shelter in Medda’s theater, which was delightfully empty given the time and the weather situation. 
David had decided to spend his time fairly simply: taking the much needed break from responsibilities. Usually in this situation, he would be stressing, worrying about how to get home or if he would sell enough papes to make a profit, but his entire week had been a whirlwind. With Les getting sick and his sneezing and coughing keeping him up all night, David was a dead man walking. He had contemplated sleeping there on the stage, but opted to just sit out and relax, take a little breather.
Besides, from his spot on the stage, he had quite a view. 
Jack, standing in front of a backdrop, gently adding the finer details to his latest piece. He had taken off his waistcoat and his buttoned shirt, and though they hadn’t been in the theater long, he already had paint on his hands and forearms. Color testing, David thought idly. Jack was streaked with purples and pinks from the sunset he was painting, and truthfully, David had never seen a sight more ethereal. 
After waiting a few more moments, David pushed himself up off of the stage. He sauntered over to the other side, standing a few feet away as he crossed his arms over his chest. Jack was always so concentrated when working on his pieces. His brow was furrowed, and he held a paintbrush between his teeth as he poured two paints together to make a darker blue for the sky up near the top of the backdrop. Jack didn’t seem to notice David had moved, which David didn't mind- at least it gave him more time to stare on in awe as Jack worked.
He watched carefully as he took in Jack’s appearance. Messy, damp hair that had begun to curl just the slightest from the elements outside. A streak of pink going down his cheek- though neither boy would have understood how it got there in the first place. Dark eyes trained on the canvas before him, adding highlights and contrasts to the masterpiece that was already so beyond David’s artistic comprehension.
Even though he appreciated the look of it, David had to admit that the real work of art was not the painting. Rather, it was the man in front of him.
David approached slowly, but kept enough distance that it wouldn’t be recognized as anything other than a friendly interest. “I’ve said this before, probably too often, but you’re really good,” He murmured softly, grinning when he saw Jack’s smile widen, those dark brown eyes flicking over to glance at him. 
Jack took the paintbrush out between his teeth and carefully sat it down, stretching his arms a bit as he turned to face David. “Thanks, Davey,” He said softly, before shrugging. “It ain’t nothin’ special, though. I mean, anyone can do it, it jus’ takes practice,” He explained further, reaching over to pick up a rag. He wiped some of the paint off of his hands- at least what would come off- before looking back up at David.
“I’m a hundred percent positive that you’re wrong,” David teased with a laugh. He relaxed his shoulders a bit, taking on more of a casual stance next to Jack, though he put his hands in his pockets. “I’d never be able to do anything like this.”
Jack stared at him for a moment, before that ever-so-soft grin suddenly turned into a mischievous smirk. He shrugged nonchalantly and picked the brush back up, looking down at it, then to his canvas, before he finally looked at David. He held the brush out lazily, a challenging look in his eyes. 
David stared at him for a moment, before gulping. “Uh- Jack?”
“Take it.” 
“The brush, Davey. Take the brush,” Jack chuckled. He gave a little flick of his wrist, gesturing for David to grab it. “Paint somethin’.”
David, the man who was notoriously bad at anything that involved artistic creativity, knew he wasn’t getting out of this. 
Slowly, he walked forward and took the brush, gulping where his fingertips met Jack’s. He pulled it back and looked up at the canvas, biting his lip. “Uh-- What color?”
“See that blue down there?” Jack pointed to the palette resting on the ground. “Just use that, and make some highlights. Anywhere that ya think they should be,” He explained further.
Davey nodded and leaned down, gathering a little bit of paint on the brush. He stared at the canvas for longer than he should have, before letting out a nervous laugh. “I- I thought art was supposed to be relaxing, Jack. This just seems… terrifying, I don’t want to ruin it. You seriously do this for fun?”
Jack thought for a moment, then gave David a lazy grin, crossing his arms. “I would rather die of passion than of boredom,” he said simply, and David rolled his eyes.
“Since when are you so dramatic?”
“Says the one who’s scared’a puttin’ some paint on a painting,” Jack retorted with a laugh. He glanced down, before meeting David’s eyes. “‘Sides, that ain’t comin’ from me. That’s Vincent Van Gogh. Y’know, the artist?”
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” David nodded, before facing the painting. “I’m a little surprised you know that quote, though. What… what does it mean?”
“Well,” Jack started, scratching the back of his head. “I ain’t too sure, but… I think of it when I get scared nothin’ I’m makin’ looks good. Kinda reminds me that, as long as I been havin’ fun wit’ it, all them paintin’s are worth while. So... paint. It don’t matter if it looks good.”
David looked over at Jack once more, before nodding and getting to work.
He started off a little hesitantly. A streak of light blue up high, which Jack nodded at, so it must have been okay. The next few strokes came a little more naturally, and before David knew what was going on, Jack was joining him. They worked in tandem, with David adding the highlights and Jack adding the beginnings of stars across the night sky. They worked in silence, but every once in a while, they would lock eyes and smile, a bright, soft thing that no one would ever know about but the two of them.
They stopped about thirty minutes later, both stepping back at the same time to gaze upon the canvas. Jack looked impressed with it, looked happy, and David couldn’t stop the surge of pride that fluttered through his chest. 
“Well, Davey,” Jack said finally, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. “Look’s like ya underestimated yourself. You’s an artist after all!”
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Asking for a friend
The second story in the Grimm Omens series! As before, both main characters are OCs: Magnolia is mine, and Omen belongs to the wonderful @splanoot​. Thanks for reading!       “I’m tellin’ ya, you gotta go straight for the heart on those, don’t waste your time with the rest!” Maggie waved her arms, gesturing at some imaginary prey as she argued. Omen and Husk nodded back, Husk holding his bottom lip between his lip to keep himself from laughing. Magnolia was a friendly drunk, if a bit loud, and it’d be a long time since she’d let her walls down like this. For his part, Omen had the visor on his helmet cracked a little wider, his trademark jacket folded over the stool between them. Scars criss-crossed his forearms where the sleeves were pushed up to bunch at his elbows. He kept the gloves on, hands resting carefully around his glass. He shook his head, a silent laugh shaking the stress off his shoulders. It was a good night. 
     “You can’t get to the heart on those until you take care of the rest.” Omen pointed out, tilting his glass at her. Maggie smirked back, finishing her glass and setting it down with a loud clack. She leaned across the open seat between them, almost invading his space - as close as she ever got to him.      “That’s what you think, mister. Hunters like me, we get all up close and personal. Besides,” She drew her words out, jabbing him playfully in the chest before leaning back to her own chair. “Don’t underestimate me just because I stick to blades.” She toyed with her snack, some mystery basket of finger food Niffty had dropped off earlier. Her other hand patted at the sheath on her left hip, one of the few she bothered with when she wasn’t on a hunt. She nodded toward his own holster. “Do you ever draw the wrong one? What’s special about it, the gun itself or the bullets or is it both?” Husk shook his head, refilling drinks, watching the two mercenaries argue back and forth in a language only they seemed to speak. Hell, if he didn’t know any better, he might think they’d known each other longer than a couple months. More than once he’d wondered if Omen had earned another fangirl.        A thump to his left and the sound of hands hitting his bar drew his attention, along with both his regulars. Angel Dust lay face down on the counter, one set of arms wrapped around his head while another pair of hands clutched at the edge of the bar. Magnolia threw an arm over his hunched shoulders, cooing excitedly.      “Angie! It’s been so long!” She said, her cheek pressed against his shoulder. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” Angel just groaned, sitting back just enough to rub at his eyes. Husk got busy making him a virgin drink - he was still on restriction according to Charlie.      “I don’t get it, Maggs.” He moaned, finally dropping his hands to his lap. She moved back, letting him sit up. The others ignored him, unamused with his antics. Maggie egged him on, moving to rub his back.      “What’s wrong sweet pea?” She asked, pushing him her mysterious bar food. He eyed it before, disgusted, shoving it back. He accepted his drink, also scowling at it when he realized it was nothing but juice and soda.      “Men, Maggs! Men are wrong. Well, one man.” He finally spat out, gesturing wildly. Maggie nodded sympathetically, sipping on her drink. Omen turned away some, subtly clicking his visor back down. Magnolia might flourish in social situations, but it was always somewhat awkward terrain for Omen, even with those he was closer with. He didn’t have any ill-will towards Angel, either, it was just… not his area of expertise. It was, however, Magnolia’s. Or least, it had been.       “Oh honey,” she drawled, arms around him still, “Tell me about him and I’ll tell you how to break that motherfucker’s heart.” She bared her teeth in a smile that belied her true nature. Angel flinched back, no matter how many times he’d seen it. She dropped it quickly, biting her lip. Angel quirked a smile of his own that quickly faltered.       “I don’t wanna break it, doll. I want to keep it.” He whined. He dropped his hands to the bar again, taking a slow sip of his drink for an excuse not to talk.      “Oh. Ohhhh. Oh nooo.” Magnolia wailed theatrically, dragging her hands down her face and wiping at imaginary tears. “My baby Angel has all done grown up and found a man he wanna love.” Angel blushed, crossing both sets of arms and turning away from her. She chased him, giggling and smiling sincerely for once.       “Look, I came down here for your help, but clearly I shouldn’ta crashed ya date. I’ll be going now.” He complained, standing up and pushing her off. Maggie lurched after him, latching on to his hand.       “Don’t gooo, babe, I was just havin’ some fun. I’ll help you, I’ll help you. Look, I’m happy for you, that’s great news!” She said, pulling him back to sit beside her. He complied, one eyebrow raised. She nodded, kicking her feet in little circles, doing her best not to wiggle off the stool. Her best friend, in love! He reminded her of her brother half the time, she could only imagine the kind of man that’d caught his eye.      “So tell me about him!” She prompted, when he didn’t start to speak. Angel eyed Husker and Omen. The latter turned away, suddenly fixated by watching the ice bobbing slowly in his glass, while the former shifted bottles around behind the counter, taking stock perhaps. Magnolia sat facing him, both hands perched on her knees, waiting. She shot a glare at Husker when she picked up on Angel’s agitation.       “Do we need to head upstairs?” Maggie asked, sliding her empty cup back across the bar. “Or maybe you need a few songs to calm down? Step outside?” She gestured to her mouth, miming smoking, then snapped, letting a spark dance across her fingernails.       “No way. He’s grounded, Magnolia. Hand ‘em over if you’re not gonna behave.” Husker jumped in, as much as he didn’t feel like it. If Charlie caught Angel misbehaving on his shift, he’d never hear the end of it. Magnolia huffed, reaching for her pocket, but Angel cut her off.       “I, no, doll. It’s fine, I just.” He paused, took a deep breath, held it. Letting it out in a short, he picked through his mind, trying to describe the target of his frustrated affections without giving it away completely. He still had a reputation after all.       “Look, you ever, I dunno, you meet a dude you’re into, like, really into, but it don’t make no sense?” He looked down at his hands, all four meshed together and fidgeting in a heap. Maggie laid both her hands over them, helping him still.      “I can’t stop thinkin’ about ‘im. I’ve been flirting like crazy, but it’s like he don’t even notice! Me! Am I slippin’ or somethin, Maggs?” He shrugged, aware of how his reputation worked against him here. “I can’t get his attention, does whatever he wants. One of those tall, dark, handsome types momma warns you about, ya know? I don’t know what to do.” Magnolia clicked her tongue, nodding along.        “I think types like us fall for types like that because our usual tricks don’t work. I need more to work with though. What have you tried? Or what are you after? What’s the issue exactly?” She asked carefully. Angel slumped a bit, still picking through his brain.      “I tried out all kindsa personas and lines and nothin’ phases him. I can’t read him! Not at all! He don’t get rattled, no matter how filthy my mouth gets or what I wear or do. I offered to suck his dick flat out, and what does he say? ‘No!’, to me!” Angel dragged his hands down his face, grumbling. Husker and Omen had turned away completely, taking up the farthest corner of the bar to give them as much privacy as they could with the open floorplan. Angel lowered his voice, leaning closer to his friend.       “Those eyes, and that smile. Maggs, I didn’t even know I was into suits!” Angel complained, taking a drag from his drink before sticking his tongue out. “Too sweet, Husk.” Angel called out louder, trying to cover his whispering, maybe, or dismiss the tension he’d created. Husk nodded as if he cared, refilling Omen’s drink without looking. Maggie held her chin, thumb tracing her lips, fingertips pressed into her cheek, studying Angel. Finally, she spoke, though it was barely a whisper.       “Angie…. Are you… In love with..Al-?” Immediately Angel lunged at her, almost tackling her out of the chair, trying to cut off the demon’s name. She grabbed his wrists on reflex, springing to her feet and throwing him into a headlock. He coughed, reaching for her side with a free hand.       “Easy tiger, save it for the bedroom.” he wheezed, and she dropped him, hands flying to her face in horror. She helped him back to his seat, apologizing profusely.       “It was just instinct, I’m so sorry! I - I didn’t mean to!” she repeated, hands clasped in front of her. “Oh, Angie, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think it was gonna be - Okay, okay.” She held out her left hand, green sparks fizzling along the back of her hand. She blinked and the same sparks lit in her eyes, hellfire come to witness.       “I swear to keep your feelings a secret, until my extermination or the deal undone. Sound like a deal?” She tried to smile reassuringly, offering her hand to him. He shook, sighing. Green wrapped around her hand, gone in a blink. Both of them settled back in their seats, silence hanging awkwardly over them. It wasn’t the first time Maggie had made a deal with Angel, but she hated using them on her friends. Still, it was to protect them.       “The deal’ll keep it safe, and he doesn’t send shadows after me when I’m not out on a contract. Your secret’s safe. I, um, bet I can help you out! You’re lucky I’ve been working for him for a while, though, or you’d be shit out of luck.” She continued on, trying to cheer Angel up, but Omen didn’t hear her anymore. He gestured to Husk, bowing his head slightly. Husk moved in close, disguising it by changing his drink for another.       “She’s one of Alastor’s?” Omen asked under his breath, eyes trained on Maggie behind his visor.       “Has been for a good few months now. Since a couple weeks before you met her, anyways. That boy she’s tryin’ to kill, he’s the real deal. She struck a deal with Alastor to even the playing field.”       “Why.” Omen couldn’t keep his voice as flat as he’d have liked, but it wouldn’t have mattered. Husk could see through him.       “She needed help. You saw how tore up she got. They probably have some kinda kinship or whatever, or same rulebook.”      “Husker. What are you talking about.” Omen barked at him, anxiety spiking. Just when he thought everything was going to be peaceful for once.      “She’s a crossroads demon, Omen, same as him. You saw the light show. Made a deal with the bastard.” Husk turned away, knowing he couldn’t say anymore. Omen lowered his head, nails digging into the countertop where he clenched his fists. He stood up abruptly, patting at his pockets. “Gonna go out for a minute,” he said, but only Husk was listening. Magnolia was too wrapped up in swapping stories and details about difficult love interests with Angel and moaning about the ones they’d missed out on for one reason or another.       “Do you have any, not tryin’ to be rude here, doll, but any actual, helpful advice? Something for this, ah, particular case?” Angel asked, eyeing the door shutting behind Omen. He had a theory of his own.      “Hmmm. Well….” Magnolia hesitated, glancing at the empty barstool behind her. “Those types of men are...very hard to work with sometimes, you know? Your normal tricks aren’t gonna work. Can’t come on strong, can’t come on too weak, or leave it all to them. Hmm.” She paused, running a hand through her hair. There was a flush in her cheeks that definitely wasn’t the alcohol.       “Those types, you gotta be blunt and honest, but not so forward. Just kinda, friendly? But a litttttle bit more. You kinda gotta give them room to come out of their shell to you, not the other way around. Take it real, real slow. Make them as comfortable as you can, meetin’ them on their turf. Every now and then, it’s alright to give them a little push or nudge, let them know you’re into them or you want something, but you really gotta leave it up to them in the end. That...that make any sense?” She looked at the empty stool again, then the door, trying to find Omen’s silhouette behind the dark glass.       “Uh-huh. Real helpful, doll. So! How long you been datin’ the big bad biker?” Angel shifted gears, leaning into her space. She sputtered, leaning away, face red.       “We’re not dating at all! Just friends! We’re just both...regulars here! Right, Husk?” She looked to him with pleading eyes, but he just smiled, not bailing her out.       “Uhh-huh. And you just so happened to be into a ‘tall, dark, handsome’ hunter guy that don’t let nobody close, and it’s not your drinkin’ buddy who just so happens to match up perfectly to everything you’ve hinted at for weeks? I ain’t buying it, doll.”       “Angel! There’s nothing - I’m not!” She grabbed her drink to hide her embarrassment with a sip but was disappointed to find it was empty. Angel just laughed at her, grabbing at her basket of snacks.       “You’re a crossroad demon! Just make a deal with him!” He managed through his laughter. She pouted, carefully tucking her hands away.       “I don’t wanna go that route. Not with him.” She whispered, face turned down.      “You’re breakin’ my heart, Maggs. I thought I was special!” He whined, arm thrown over his face. She huffed at him, staring at her hands. He softened, dropping his hand on her shoulder.      “Tell you what, doll. You take your shot, and, after a little bit, I’ll take mine. How’szat for a deal?” He asked, offering a hand. She took it hesitantly, shaking just once. Another wash of green light snaked around her palm and she sighed, overdramatic as ever with them.      “Alright,” she said finally. “Sounds like a deal. But -” She stole a glance at the door, and the figure beyond it. “Not tonight.”   
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cauliflowercounty · 5 years
Finally Home (Clyde Logan x Reader)
Warnings:  None! Complete fluff with our favorite boy, Clyde Logan. :)
A/N:  Post events of Logan Lucky.  Originally posted on my Wattpad.
     There is a massive lump in Clyde Logan's throat.  Clyde isn't really the most talkative of people.  Anyone who really knows Clyde Logan knows this, but in this moment, Clyde is positively speechless.  He takes a moment and shakes his head, thinking he heard Jimmy wrong.  The smell of burnt bacon wafts through the air as Jimmy uses a pair of tongs to flip the bacon behind the stove, letting the grease splash a bit as he looks over at his brother.
     "What did you jus' say?" he mumbles.
     "I said y/n's gonna be in town in a few days," Jimmy replies calmly, not knowing how Clyde is going to react.  "I'm gonna be busy with work so I can't be around much to entertain her."
     "Is this why you offered to come make me breakfast?" Clyde asks.  "To come an’ tell me this?"
     "Partially," Jimmy replies, coming over and setting a large plate of bacon next to Clyde's pancakes.  "I thought you might be up for spendin' a little time with her.  You two always were together."
     "That was until seventh grade.  We haven't seen her since her parents moved her away," Clyde mumbles.  "How am I of all people supposed to entertain her when I barely know anything about her anymore?"
     "Come on, Clyde.  You can do this.  You two were best friends. If you give it a chance, you both might hit it off again.  I ain't never seen a friendship stronger than the one you had with y/n," Jimmy sighs, folding his arms in front of his chest.  "You know what?  Just give it a try.  She might be a bit different, but the same y/n's still inside her.  You might have some fun, too.  You remember how she always made everything more fun for you?"
      "Jimmy, I don't know about this.  She ain’t seen me in years.  She doesn't know about-"
     "She won't judge you for your hand, Clyde.  Y/n's not that type of gal."
     Jimmy gets up and walks towards the couch to grab his coat.  He looks at his brother who's sulking in his seat.  Sighing, Jimmy goes to the door.
     "I'll tell her to meet you at the carnival Tuesday afternoon.  It shouldn't be too busy and you should be able to go on some rides and play a few games without havin' to be around too many people," Jimmy calls as he shuts the door.  As he sits alone, Clyde feels his palm get sweaty.  He knows that y/n wouldn't say anything bad about his hand, but he can't help but feel ashamed.  It's been years and so much has happened; there's been him in the army, him losing his hand, and the motor speedway heist.  He'd be barely recognizable to her.  He was the lonely little boy on the playground living in his older, more popular brother's shadow now he's the bartender at a run-down little shack off a highway with a criminal record who served ninety days in order to commit a crime that could land him behind bars forever. How can he even face her after not even sending her a letter after all this time?  They were best friends, after all, but maybe Clyde wanted a bit more than that.
     Clyde swallows hard.  His throat is dry.  He's nervous and his stomach feels as if the acid is going to burn through his body.  That morning, he got up early and ripped apart his entire closet trying to find something to wear to his date with y/n.
     "Clyde, don't be stupid.  This ain't a date.  I ain’t seen her in years.  There ain’t no reason this is a date," he mumbles to himself as he throws all the shirts he owns on his bed, trying to find one remotely suitable.  He becomes frustrated with himself, unable to find something nice to wear in the midst of his Bob Serger t-shirts and his grubby bartending attire.  "Now why didn't I let Mellie buy me new shirts those few weeks ago?"
     He finally pulled out a navy blue button-up shirt that wasn't horribly wrinkled, put it on with a pair of pants to match, and left only after making sure his sleeves were carefully positioned to cover his prosthesis.  Now he's standing under an awning at the Boone County fair waiting for y/n to show up.  Part of Clyde wants to run away, go back to his trailer, have a beer, and hope y/n doesn't come to meet him at all.  Tempted, Clyde turns and starts to take a step towards the place he parked his car, but he feels a small tap on his shoulder.
     "Clyde?" a soft voice says.  "Is that you?"
     He turns around and looks down.  It's you smiling up at him, and he can't help but smile back.  As he looks at you, he notices all the ways you've changed.  You've grown, of course.  You're taller and look more like a woman.  
     Your hair is shorter and you've done it up nicely in a way that looks beautiful yet effortless.  He looks down at your clothing; you're wearing a light, flowy top and a pair of nice skinny jeans with a pair of cute white shoes.  He can't help but blush a little.
     "Y/n...," he whispers, quickly hiding his left arm behind his back.  You let out a laugh and it's absolutely melodious to Clyde.  You rock back and forth in position or a second, your hands behind your back.
     "I can't believe we're finally seeing each other again.  It's been too long," you finally say.  "You're so tall and your voice changed so much!  I... missed you, Clyde."
     "I-I missed you, too," Clyde stutters.  "You lost your Boone County accent..."
     "Oh!  Yeah...  I guess I did," you smile, Clyde's awkwardness spreading to you a little.
     "It's good to see you again," Clyde smiles.  There's a small pause in the conversation.  You look up at Clyde.  He's a grown man now, but you can definitely see how the boy you used to know became the man in front of you.  You sigh a bit.  You know why this is awkward and you want to fix it so bad so it can be like old times. You want it to be like when you and Clyde would go everywhere together and eat popsicles in the backyard of your house on the old wooden porch swing.  You want Clyde to feel comfortable with you again so you can feel him give you one of his bear hugs again.
     "I'm sorry I didn't write, Clyde... I thought you would be mad at me and didn't wanna hear from me," you sigh, a bit ashamed, trying to salvage the situation.  "I left so suddenly after all.  I didn't even say a real goodbye. After I didn't hear from you after a few months I assumed-"
     "Don't worry about that, y/n.  I could never be mad at you like that," Clyde interrupts.  "I'm sorry I didn't write, too...  I didn't think you wanted a guy like me weighing you down while you were out in the big city.  I wanted you to be more than a little country girl because you're much more than that."
     "Now why would you think that, Clyde Logan?  I'm perfectly fine being a little country girl if that means we can be around each other more" you laugh and this makes him smile. He's missed your laugh so much. You take his right hand, pulling him over to some of the carnival games.  "Come on, Clyde.  Let's put those years behind us and go play some games and have some fun.  It's been too long without my best friend in the world."
     You and Clyde walk over to a dart and balloon game as a couple of kids are finishing up.  Behind the counter, a man stands with gigantic oversized stuffed animals hanging around him.  There's a dog, a dragon, a pony, and two lions but you lay your eyes on a gigantic zebra plushie with big eyes and a cute smile hanging way at the back.
     "Do you see one that you like, y/n?" Clyde asks.  
     "The zebra," you respond, pointing to the back.  "Right over there."
     "Do ya think you can win it yourself?" he asks, smiling.  You shake your head, a bit ashamed, but you know yourself and are positively sure you'd miss.  Clyde walks up to the counter and greets the man.  "How do I win that zebra?"
     "Pop five balloons in a row.  Seven dollars for five darts," the man replies and Clyde gets out his wallet from his pants pocket, taking out some dollar bills.
     "Oh!  Clyde, you really don't have to do that for me. I thought you were joking. Don't go wasting your money on me," you sigh, trying to come in between him and the man behind the counter.
     “It's alright, Darlin'," Clyde smiles, not realizing what he's just said.  "I won't miss."
     Your heart flutters as Clyde picks up one of the darts on the table.  He called you "darlin'" and didn't even notice.  The hopeless romantic at heart hopes this continues on.  Even though you were over a thousand miles away from him and hadn't seen the guy in years, your mind and heart always came back to him.  He was your first crush, but you couldn't rise to jeopardize your friendship with him.  It was too good.  
     The man steps out of the way and Clyde pops the first 4 balloons with incredible accuracy.  He picks up the last dart and holds it carefully in front of his face, aiming carefully.
     "You might wanna take down the zebra now," he tells the clerk.  
     "You haven't won yet," the guy replies with a smirk.
     "I know, but I think once I hit this one, nothing's gonna keep her apart from that zebra a moment longer," Clyde warns as he swiftly pops the fifth and final balloon.  Cheering for Clyde with a smile on your face, you wrap your arms around him, holding him tight.  You hear a rumble in his chest as he laughs with you.  You release Clyde from your grasp and collect the zebra, holding it tightly in your arms.  It's half as tall as you.  
     "Thank you, Clyde," you smile.  
     "How ‘bout we go and get you some more stuffed animals?" he asks.  You smile up at him and you take his hand and walk over together to another stand.
     As the sun begins to set, you're both still at the carnival, walking off the Ferris wheel.  
     "I had so much fun today, Clyde," you smile, holding your zebra tight. 
     "Jeffery the zebra thanks you, too.  This has been the most fun I've had in a long time."
     "You named him already?" Clyde asks.
     "Well, yeah.  He's gotta have a name.  He's not just gonna be 'zebra,' now," you respond.  Clyde chuckles in response.  As you both walk back to your parked cars, illuminated by the glow of the LEDs on the Ferris wheel and the carousel, you reach out to hold his hand again, but feel something hard and cold against your fingertips.  Upon contact, Clyde lurches away from you.  You drop Jeffrey and reach out to him, finding him to be hunched over, his back to you.  "C-Clyde?"
     "I-I'm sorry...," he says, his voice shaky.  It's as if he's about to cry.
     "What on earth are you sorry for?" you ask, taking a step closer, putting a soft hand on his shoulder.  "What is it?"
     "You shouldn't see this, y/n...," he whispers.
     "Clyde... Please.  It's okay," you say calmly.  
     "No...," he whimpers, taking a step further.  You pause for a moment as your heartbreaks, seeing Clyde like this.  You wanted things to be normal and perfect again, but the truth is you haven't seen each other in ages.  Everything's changed.  He's still similar, but so much has happened that you don't know about.  He's changed.  You've changed.  It'll never be quite the same, but you can't just stand by while he seems to be hurting like this.
     "Clyde...  You can tell me anything if you want to...  I don't want you to feel uncomfortable around me," you tell him softly.  he turns ever so slightly and looks you in the eye.
     "It's not...  I...  It'll be unsettlin' for you, y/n.  It'll make you uncomfortable..."
     "How could I ever be uncomfortable around you, Clyde?"
     He sighs.  "You were gonna fight out soon enough.  Might as well be now..."
     Clyde takes his right hand and begins to roll up his left sleeve.  You see it.  His prosthesis.  It's pink and plastic.
     "It's my old one," he says.  "I got a new fancy metal one at home, but I didn't want it to be too obvious... I was ashamed of it.  I am ashamed of it. I-"
     As you look at him he freezes.  You know that look.  You know he wants to go on, but can't bear to.  You rush forward, your zebra forgotten and tackle him, giving him the biggest hug ever.  A tear drips down your face and his mouth is agape, not expecting this at all.  
     "Clyde...  It's okay.  I don't think any differently of you," you smile as he finally wraps both of his arms around you.  "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't even notice until you showed me.  I was having too much fun.  Clyde...  Look at me."
     As he looks to you, you can see the heartbreak in his eyes.  You put and hand on his cheek softly and look into his eyes.
      "I will care about you until the day I die.  I don't care if you have all your limbs or none of your limbs.  You are Clyde Logan and I will always care for you," you explain, wanting nothing more than for him to feel comfortable.  He opens his mouth to explain, but you can see how hurt he is still.  "You don't have to tell me what happened.  That can come when you're ready.  I will never desert you again and your hand will never change that."
     "You really mean that, y/n?" he asks, a look of hope spreading across his face.  
     "Of course, silly.  I would never lie to you...," you smile.  "Speaking of not lying...  I know this is all sudden, me being back in town.  I wanna tell you the truth.  I'm back and I'm here to stay."
     "Now, Darlin', you aren't jus' sayin' that are you?" he asks, trying to make sure it isn't a sick joke.
     "No, Clyde.  I'm being a hundred percent honest.  After all my time living in big cities, I wanted to come back to what I know.  I wanted to be home and I wanted to be around you.  I missed you and I couldn't stop thinking of you, no matter where I went.  I've bought a small place and I've got a job, too, so I'm not going anywhere... and I'd be honored if we could pick up where we left off in a sense?" you say hopefully.  Clyde smiles, wider than he ever has and picks you up, squeezing you tight and close to his body.
     "I know I already said this but I've missed you, y/n," he mumbles as he sets you down.
    "I missed you, too, Clyde," you sigh.
     "Why don't you come over to my place for a drink? It's not much since my trailer is a bit small, but I'd like to spend a little more time with you where we can really talk.  We'll get you back to your car when the time comes," Clyde suggests.  Taking his prosthetic hand in yours, you pull him towards the rows of parked cars.  "I take that as a yes."
     As you nod enthusiastically with the grin he's remembered all his life, Clyde feels as if his heart is about to burst from happiness.  Everything is falling into place.  You, y/n, his childhood best friend and crush, are back in Boone County and are here to stay, you are accepting of his missing a hand despite Clyde's own crippling insecurities about it, and are coming to his house for drinks after hours of hanging out at the carnival.  Maybe this is Clyde's chance to act on that old, newly rekindled school boy's crush he's had on you buried in his heart all these years.  Maybe this is when the Logan family curse is finally over and done with for good.
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jofabray · 4 years
Wax On || Jo & Evan 07.04
Jo couldn’t say that she knew much about the Hudson or Hummel families.  But if the point of the trip, or even the Institute as a whole, was to get to know people and expand her circle to make her a better Dominant, then it would have been counterproductive to turn down Evan’s request for a scene.  There were very few ways that people could get to know each other faster and easier than they could in a scene, and what they had in mind wasn’t the sort of dangerous play that required them to know each other intimately.  Wax was simple, safe if done properly, and also had the potential to be beautiful.  Jo had come to Evan’s campsite for the scene, and she carefully announced herself before slipping into the tent.  “Hello, darlin’.”
She glanced up when she heard Jo's voice and watched as she walked into the room, smiling softly. "Hi, Miss. Thanks for doing this with me. I know we haven't really talked much but I've been trying to reach out to other people and this seemed like as good a time as any." Evan was much less nervous about the idea of wax play as she had been about doing the fire flogging scene, and plus, Jo was gorgeous...so you couldn't blame Evan for wanting to spend some time with her. "How has your day been? Are you enjoying the camping trip?"
Jo smiled.  "It's my pleasure, sweetheart, honestly.  I'm glad that y'all did, because I'm not the greatest at reachin' out myself and it'll be nice to try this with someone I haven't scened with before."  She shrugged off the light jacket she'd worn over, setting it aside and favoring Evan with a smile.  "It's been really nice, actually, thank you.  There's been some idiots settin' off firecrackers somewhere, but I guess those kinda people just gotta be who they are.  It's been a lovely trip all in all.  How about yourself?  Havin' a good time?"
She rolled her eyes slightly at the mention of people letting off fireworks. She wasn't surprised but it was still so very dumb. "Seems like people let them off whenever they feel like it and this week just gives them an excuse." Evan mused. "It's been pretty good. Mostly just enjoying the sun and the water. Although the group activities we've been doing have been pretty fun."
Jo nodded agreement, glad that she wasn't the only one who disliked them.  "People get outta the city for five minutes and turn into animals, I don't know."  She was determined not to let it ruin her mood, though.  "What's your favorite of the group activities so far?"  The small talk seemed like a good way to get to know the Switch.
"I think my favorite activity was the rock climbing one. It was an enjoyable experience. What do you think is your favorite one?" Evan was glad that they were chatting a little bit, it had been enough to just to ease herself a smidge and now she was ready to go. But she would let Jo decide when they were going to start.
"That was fun," Jo agreed.  "I think the caves was my favorite, though, honestly.  I liked just wanderin' underground for a little while."  She could sense a little bit of anxiousness, she thought, and decided that it was the time to move ahead.  "When y'all are ready, darlin', I'd like ya to get undressed for me.  While y'all do that, I'd like to hear safeword and limits from ya."
"The caves were great. I feel bad for anyone who might be a bit claustrophobic though." As Jo gave the order, Evan moved into action. "I've just been using the stoplight system for now, Miss. And my limits are scat, watersports, permanent marks, and electroplay currently." The Switch expressed, biting down on her bottom lip. She finished undressing, setting her clothes aside and then kneeling down to prepare for any other orders she might be given.
Jo hadn't even thought of that, and was impressed with Evan's empathy.  "That's a good point - hopefully there wasn't anyone that had a real terrible time with it."  As she moved to comply Jo watched with a smile as she took in all that she needed to know.  "Good girl.  Now, just to recap what we had planned.  I'm goin' to bind ya, arms and legs, and use some candles to paint your skin.  It will get hot, particularly at the end, but if at any time y'all don't feel comfortable then give me a yellow and we'll pause to reevaluate.  All good with that?"
She nodded her head in understanding. Wax play could still go wrong but she felt less worried about it than the past scene she had done. "That all sounds good, Miss. I'll be sure to be clear about where I'm at, Miss." The Switch said, moving to get settled once she was told to move. She was certainly excited to see what her back would look like after.
"Good girl," Jo praised again.  She knew that she was unfailingly positive with submissives in her care, and that others had differing styles - but to her, it always seemed like the best thing she could do.  After all, trying to break people down wouldn't help them.  Building them up, on the other hand, giving them confidence to explore scenes and themselves, that would.  Taking a few short lengths of rope, Jo tied down Evan by her wrists and ankles, giving each of the ropes an experimental tug.  "All good?  Nothing diggin' in, no pins and needles?"  As she waited for Evan's reply she lit the candles, letting them burn a little.
"Everything feels good so far." Evan expressed, testing the binds slightly before then resting comfortably against the table again. There wasn't much that she could do, more just had to wait and see what Jo would do to her. It was always an interesting place to be, particularly putting faith in someone she had barely spoken to before. Regardless, she was here now.
Jo smiled.  "Fantastic.  We're just gonna let those candles build up a little wax."  She ran a hand slowly up and down Evan's back, trying to soothe any lingering tension as much as possible.  "There's a few colors, and I'm just gonna draw on you a little, make some pretty designs.  When we're done I'll take a picture for y'all, in case you'd like to have it.  I know you won't be able to see me from where ya are, but if y'all need any reassurance, or to know that I'm here, just talk to me.  We can talk all through this if that helps."
The hand on her back was nice and eased her further. "Thank you, Miss. I'm feeling much better now. And I would definitely like to see what you draw on my back. So thank you." She mused with a smile. She knew Jo couldn't see it but perhaps she could hear it in her voice.
"You're welcome, darlin'.  Thank you for bein' so good for me."  She really appreciated a submissive who would work with her to make a scene better for them both.  Fortunately there hadn't been any scenes of the other kind yet, but the possibility was always there.  Taking a yellow candle, she held it over Evan's back and patted her with the other hand.  "Here we go, darlin'.  Deep breath."  From a good height she began to pour the wax, forming a large circle on the widest part of Evan's back.
She smiled as Jo thanked her in return, appreciating the sentiment. She took a deep breath when instructed and hissed out that same air as the wax met her skin. It was a sting and a warmth that she hadn't necessarily experienced before, so she knew that it would take some time for her to get used to the feeling.
Jo had expected the hiss, but that didn't stop her from waiting an extra beat to be sure that there wasn't going to be a following safeword or pause request.  Only when she'd waited long enough did she continue, completing the circle with the yellow wax and a little flourish.  "How you feelin', darlin'?  Everything good?"
"Everything's okay, Miss. The sting and heat is something that I need to get used to, but it's not overwhelming or anything like that." The Switch expressed honestly. She didn't want Jo to think that she was doing anything wrong or that she needed to stop at all, because that wasn't the case. She really wanted Jo to finish whatever she had in mind.
Jo listened carefully, judging not just the words but the tone, the steadiness in Evan's voice, before she nodded agreement - more for her own sake than anyone else's, since the submissive couldn't turn around and see her.  "Thank you for being honest, darlin'.  For the next bit I'm gonna bring the candle closer to y'all, so the wax is gonna be hotter when it hits your skin.  It still won't burn, but it'll be hot.  Take nice even breaths for me, and we'll start."  Listening for the breathing, she moved the candle a little closer and began to pour another circle, intersecting with the first to make an infinity sign.
"I understand, Miss. Hotter but still not enough to burn." She more so said the words for her own benefit so that they would stick in her brain and she would be able to understand them more fully. The slight nerves she was still facing muddling her brain just a little bit, but not enough to be worried about it. She was okay and she truly did believe that she would be safe. She breathed in deeply, wincing and clenching her fists slightly as the wax began to drip along her back.
"Precisely.  Just like that.  You won't burn with me here, and y'all can take that to the bank."  It was new and different working with Evan, but the essentials always remained - take care of your submissive.  Make them feel safe, let them know that you're in control and nothing is going to happen to them that they don't want.  "Good girl," she breathed as the second circle began to form.  "Y'all are bein' so good for me.  It's okay to be nervous, just try and relax your muscles a little.  Else you're gonna stiffen way up before we're done and that's not going to be what you want."
When Jo told her to relax a bit, she closed her eyes and started breathing deeply. She was a bit anxious still but as the moments went by, she found her body easing against the table. Eventually, most of the tension had left her and she was ready and prepared for whatever else the Domme was going to do with the wax.
"That's better."  Jo's attention went back and forth between the work she was doing with the wax and the state of Evan's body, and she liked what she saw.  "Much better."  Setting the candle down, she reached for the next.  "A little closer again for the next.  Again, it'll be a little hotter, but no burns.  Do y'all need a minute before we begin?  There's no wrong answer to that question."
"No, Miss. I'm okay. Thank you for asking." The Switch expressed, finding it really sweet and lovely that Jo was taking such good care of her and checking in so often. It helped ignite something in her that showed a piece of what Evan would like to be like if she were the Dominant in such a situation.
Jo was glad to hear that things were going well.  "You're welcome, sweetheart.  We'll start with the next candle now."  She held it close to the skin, but not too close, pouring out several small circles that intersected the infinity symbol.  It was freehand, and perhaps not too straight, but she thought it would make a pretty picture.  "Good girl," she murmured, running her free hand through Evan's hair.  "Y'all are doin' so well.  And it looks beautiful on you.  If ya can take it, I've got one more candle that's a nice bright color, to use for the finishin' touches.  This one will be really, really close to you.  It'll hurt, much more than the others, but it still won't burn.  And we'll only be doin' it in small spots."
Each candle somehow hurt more and less at the same time. Perhaps it was because she was beginning to know what to expect, but the pain of the wax didn't surprise her quite as much anymore; and the surprise was what hurt the worst if she was being honest. "I can take it, Miss. I'd like to see your picture come to life in whatever way you had planned it." She could take the pain, she would make it through the rest of the scene and would have a beautiful picture on her back. She didn't want to stop this before it was completed.
"Y'all have been absolutely wonderful for me, sweetheart.  I want you to know that while you're feelin' the burn from this last candle.  Don't just know it, revel in it.  Rejoice in it.  There's nothin' more special to me than someone who'll put themselves in my hands without hesitation, and you've done that to perfection.  One more candle, a few more spots, and you'll be done.  And know that I always reward a good submissives.  Now, deep breath in, hold, and we'll begin."  She brought the candle down to Evan's back, pouring the wax in small dots that complimented the picture she'd drawn.
She took in a deep breath, feeling comfortable in the amount of breath that she needed and how it would help enhance the feelings of the wax against her skin. She yelped at the first touch of the wax, fingers clenching before she relaxed. "Fuck...that's something else." She expressed. "Still green." She promised, not wanting Jo to think that she was backing out of this last part at all. Each touch of the wax caused her to jolt, but it wasn't all bad. The slight pain was leading to slight pleasure and that was an interesting experience.
Jo's eyes widened slightly at the exclamation, already prepared to stop what she was doing, but Evan anticipated that by offering her current status without being asked.  "Good girl.  So good.  Just a few more."  She dotted the picture in a few more places, little splatters of color that accentuated the broader lines, and stood back with a smile.  "All done, sweet girl.  You did so very well, and I'm very proud!"  Jo blew out the candles, setting them aside and grabbing her phone to take several pictures of her work from every angle.  "Beautiful.  Absolutely beautiful."
She smiled, when she was told that she was doing well, glad that the yelp hadn't changed Jo's opinion on how well she was doing. She had to admit that that had been a fear of hers just moments before. But it seemed like they were in the clear and as far as Evan knew, they were coming to the end. When Jo said that she was done, she let out a deep breath, feeling her body fully sag into the table, not having to prepared for any more drops of heated wax. "You think so, do you, Miss?" She smiled at the words.
"I do indeed, sweetheart.  With or without my little art project."  She crouched down near Evan's head and gave her a huge smile.  "How are you feelin'?  Do you need anythin' right now or do ya just want to lay here for a few minutes?"  Jo had made sure to have water and snacks close by, because she knew that the adrenaline surge would come with a corresponding crash not long after and food was a good way to help with it.
"That's nice, Miss. Thank you. You're very pretty too." Evan expressed. "I'm feeling good, much more relaxed actually." She mused thoughtfully with a shrug of her shoulders. "I'm good to just lay here for a little while. I think I might need a nap at some point soon." Evan breathed out slowly.
"You're very welcome, sweetheart.  And thank ya - y'all are very sweet."  It was nice to hear that Evan could relax after the scene, because surely that meant it had gone the way she wanted.  "That's perfectly alright, darlin'.  We can clean y'all up before or after.  And if you want company while ya nap I'm available."
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