#i had to break up with 2 people i wasn’t even pursing and didn’t play with at all
apocahipster · 10 months
Love that in BG3 you get the dialogue option: Halsin why are your muscles so big?
And he answers it completely seriously like “Many have asked me that”
they know what the people want.
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paulsonsratched · 2 years
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Just A Little While 2/3
Billie Dean Howard X Reader
A/n: sorry for the slow updates, it will probably stay like that for a while. I appreciate your big response to this story on tumblr/Wattpad. Here you go, a short, part 2.
Still inspired by The 502s - Just A Little While
It’s been two months since you started to work as Billie Dean‘s chauffeur and things could not go better. Never would you have thought that this job is something you could do forever.
You could drive around forever.
You could live on this paycheck forever.
You could be with her, in the car, forever.
Billie Dean never stopped being charming, being funny, which makes it so hard for you to contain yourself from not falling in love with the older woman but lately you even started to fail yourself in thinking you could deny your heart this strong feeling even longer.
God knows whenever she gets in that car and looks up to you from her backseat you feel like your heart bursts into pieces of this bittersweet taste of love. You enjoyed your time with her and that was the thing you genuinely valued. It wasn’t hard to be with Billie Dean, in fact it felt like you have known the medium for a decade and you got the feeling she enjoyed your company just as much. Sometimes she would speak a low „darling,“ followed by „why don’t we take the longer route, I really enjoy the playlist.“ while typing on her phone.
You couldn’t deny her anything, you couldn’t count the times Billie Dean came too late to a set just so the two of you could finish listening to the current playing song in the car.
Every day the car was filled with laughter and her soothing voice until today.
Something about Billie felt weirdly off today. No music, no laughing, no „darling“ and god did you find yourself missing it.
About 30 minutes after you picked her up to drive her home you had enough. „Hey Ms. Hollywood?” you broke the silence. A small “hm?” left the other woman’s lips. “Why so grumpy today?” You said with a little smile on your face, trying to keep the mood as playful as possible. “You know what y/n?” the woman responded, “I do not pay you for speaking, I pay you for driving. We’re not talking.” you were taken aback by her suddenly harsh demeanour “Billie,” you started but got cut off immediately. “I said, we are not talking.” You felt yourself getting angry by her demanding tone. You were done with people treating their employees like they were less. Who did Billie Dean even think she was? She had a hard time finding a chauffeur so you literally saved her ass or she would have drowned in the stress now she’s sitting in the comfort of her backseat which allowed her at least some breaks.
You don’t know where exactly you got your anger nor the confidence from but around the next corner you stopped the car. Since you basically jumped onto the brakes your
Boss got almost thrown out of the front window. „What the hell are you doing?“ she said, her anger clearly visible by her features. „I..“ you started blurting out just as angry as her till you realized…yeah shit what the hell were you doing. You quickly looked to the other side of the street which showed a cinema. „I’m going to the cinema.“ you said confidently, grabbing your purse from the little counter in the middle of the car. And then you left the car making your way across the street to the cinema. „What the fuck am I doing?“ you thought to yourself. You expected the car you left behind to just drive off but instead you heard the mediums heels clicking, following you quickly with a lot of „what the fuck?“ „y/n!!!“ „what are you doing?“ leaving the older woman’s mouth. But you didn’t stop. In fact you already stood at the cashier, choosing the movie and paying. Before you went in you turned to Billie “I’m going to the movies, like I already said earlier so you come in with me or you might as well drive yourself home.” Billie looked at you, mouth slightly agape. When she collected herself again Billie Dean was about o counter with something equal as sassy but was quickly cut off by someone screaming behind her “Oh. My. God!! Billie Dean Howard?” A girl in her 20s squealed at Billie. She rolled her eyes, just visible for me before she turns around. She flashed her biggest smile before taking a picture. In not even 10 seconds a crowd of people gathered around you. You watched her never fading smile. It didn’t reach her eyes. Billie Dean looked tired. You quickly caught up to the events and with a sigh you bought another movie ticket before just taking Billie’s hand and dragging her inside with you.
She just followed your lead, quietly. She didn’t dare to speak. She in fact felt more than embarrassed for snapping at you earlier because how could you know that this wasn’t the first crowd of people the medium managed today but the difference between now and earlier was no one came to her rescue when it got overpowering. Billie loved her fans but sometimes it was just a lot. Today was one of those days.
When you and her stood in line for snacks and drinks she whispered a small “thank you.” you just shook it off because you were still a bit angry. You did not deserve earlier and you both knew it. After a while you turned to her. „You know Billie I love listening to you when you had a troubled day, I’m also more than glad to shut up but this earlier, that wasn’t okay.“ Billie Dean faced the floor. „I know.“ You turned again to study the drink options. Billie sighed. „But hey, at least I got free movie tickets.” She tried to joke. You turned to her, rolling your eyes at her. Billie composed herself, raising her hands in surrender before putting on her sunglasses. You continued looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “What?” she said smiling. “You shine a bright light Ms. Hollywood but this,” you gestured to her shades “is really not necessary in here.”
“Stop calling me that.” Billie replied. “I know you like it.” You grinned at her and she flashed you her white teeth, this time in a genuine smile.
As you turned around again it was almost your turn. You pointed out what you wanted to the cashier and ordered the same for Billie Dean.
“I can’t even choose my own order?” she said as you made your way to the right theater. You looked at her chuckling. “As long as you wear these ugly shades. No.” You kept laughing slightly. “Hey! They’re Prada.” Billie whisper-yelled at you. You grabbed your purse looking around it for some seconds before you pulled out your own shades. “15 bucks, H&M, and so much better.” Billie took off her glasses. „Let me see.“ she said, before placing your shades on the bridge of her nose. You bursted out laughing. After about two minutes the medium stopped you. “What?” she chuckled. You stood in-front of her, getting closer before removing the shades from her face. “You’re genuinely beautiful Billie Dean but your face is not made for shades.” you whispered. Just now you realised how close you’ve gotten. Billie’s eyes met yours before she brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. „ I appreciate the compliment, darling.“ she said while her hand rested on your cheek. Your gaze averted to the ground as you could feel the heat getting into them. You heard the older woman chuckle. „No need to get flustered.” she whispered before tilting up your head by your chin. You were so close you could feel her breath on your face. What if you would just close the gap? What if Billie Dean doesn’t want the same? Would she be mad? You didn’t think so. Billie Dean wasn’t the person to just get mad and fire people. She was too good for that, too mature. You would have to face an uncomfortable conversation afterwards that was for sure. “Fuck it.” you said quietly before getting closer to her. Just a tiny gap separated the two of you when you heard a little splash beneath the two of you. “Shit!” Billie yelled as she looked onto the floor. “I guess I spilled the coke.” She said laughing. You looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. “Well,” she continued. “instead of the tea I spilled the coke.” you continued to look at her in disbelief. “Jesus Billie you got the worst humour ever.” you chuckled. “It worked though.” she said looking at your beaming face.
You broke free from each others gaze when you saw an angry looking move employee walking at you. “We gonna get kicked out.“ you said while looking at the from step to step angrier looking employee.
„No.“ Billie dryly said with a smile before grabbing your hand and just running off. „I haven’t been in the cinema for years and I won’t let a cola destroy that for me.“ she said already a bit out of breath. You couldn’t stop laughing till you turned the corner to theater 8. Billie quickly pushed you inside before dragging you with her behind the cinema door. You both held your breath and stood there, hands touching the other ones till the door of the room closed, the trailer started and you both looked at each other bursting out in laughter.
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tkblythofficial · 6 months
What’s your opinions on J?
I don’t like him to put it simply. A lot of R’s fans see them as a package deal but I don’t and will never see him as someone I have to support because I like R.
There’s some R fans who genuinely like him and I can respect that. However, majority don’t care about him and use their relationship to get likes from R on Twitter. It’s shameless.
One thing about me is I don’t care who my fav celeb dates, if I don’t like their partner I will not support the relationship and won’t change my opinion for a like on Twitter from said celeb. Everyone always says “if you like R, you would want her happy and J makes her happy!” Every time someone says that I roll my eyes. If R/J break up tomorrow, the same people will slander him and say “I never liked him anyways!”
Anyways! Here’s the list of reasons why I don’t like J:
1. The most obvious and disgusting: how they started dating. They met when she was 17 (she blew out her 18th birthday candles on set of WSS and Spielberg himself said they had “sparks” and told R to stop giving heart eyes to J when filming…) and he was 23/24? And it looks like he lied about his age too so he’s a year older than originally thought…wow. The issue isn’t their age gap, it’s when the age gap started. If you have to wait until your partner becomes age appropriate to date publicly then it’s predatory and creepy. I also have reason to believe they started dating privately before she was 20. The whole “besties” crap they did for 3 years didn’t fool me. And even if nothing happened, waiting 3 years to ask your gf out because she’s now the right age is so gross. I’m around R’s age and the thought of pursing someone younger than 22 grosses me out. I don’t want to talk about prom or algebra homework on date nights…
I’m also willing to bet 10 billion dollars if someone asked R if she would date/pursue an 18 year old as 22(going 23 year old) she would say no….
Exactly my point….
2. I really don’t like his silence on R’s hate. A ig post, a comment or something would be better than nothing. This is a personal pet peeve of mine though so maybe not everyone feels as strongly about it. She puts 100000000 percent into him publicly and he does nothing in return.
3. I think he’s unprofessional tbh. I was not impressed with him during TBOSAS tour. He seemed either drunk or incoherent during some of the interviews or easily irritated. R had to save him on multiple occasions because he didn’t seem present or know what’s going on. However, I did think he was occasionally funny, insightful at times, had a nice vibe with Hunter / T and from what I’ve seen, he’s a great singer. I also found him giving love notes to R and T while filming really sweet. Other than that I wasn’t feeling his vibe at all. There’s a video I saw (found it) where R, T and J walked into someone’s livestream video. T immediately greeted the crowd and so did R and J stood in the background awkwardly with a smile. R also enthusiastically told T that she had the same sweater as someone behind the camera and T replied with interest then R quickly grabbed J so he doesn’t feel left out.
4. Adding to the above, R needs to be careful with having herself linked to him unnecessarily. She mentioned that she turned down playing Lucy Gray because she was going to be away from home too long and magically her bf gets cast and BAM, she accepts the role. Imagine turning down this role, a role that the director personally wanted you for and in a franchise you love because you’ll be away from your bf too long. I call BS on everyone not knowing that he was her bf beforehand. The fact that we know this is horrible. She shouldn’t be on any more projects with him and should allow him to do his own thing. It’s not her job to help him get a job.
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mrsrcbinscn · 2 years
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I posted 399 times in 2022
126 posts created (32%)
273 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 390 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#insp - 127 posts
#fc - 59 posts
#franny content - 37 posts
#r: love of my life - 31 posts
#insp: youtube - 16 posts
#songbook [songs i wish i could say franny wrote] - 14 posts
#ratigan - 13 posts
#hatter - 11 posts
#laszlo - 9 posts
#country music - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#the fact that franny was an aspiring singer-songwriter with a folksy southern drawl --- but a wealthy husband so she wore designer clothes
My Top Posts in 2022:
Separation Anxiety || Art Pop
Franny thought long and hard about whether or not to bring Sovanna to Nashville for CMA Fest this year. She didn’t want to leave her for the whole week and had at first planned on taking her, but it was Cornelius who pointed out that an international flight with a child so young might be difficult. They had his parents here to look after her, after all.
And most importantly, they had a Laszlo.
He all but demanded to be Sovanna’s primary buddy for the week.
For the third time since it was decided Franny would leave the baby at home, Franny was going through Sovanna’s schedule.
“Laszlo? Lasz, are you listening? Hey, stop playing with the baby and take notes, this is important.”
6 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
Try Hard || Fratter, September 2003
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Task #21: Back to the Future Thread: Write either a flashback or a flashforward thread with another mun! 
Franny couldn’t help but sit at her table at Hatter’s, chin resting in her hand, quite defeated. She’d driven all over the major cities in Southwest England these past couple weekends tracking down anywhere people played live music to give people her business card and so far nobody had reached out to her. She was starting to regret choosing going to grad school.
Cornelius said he’d support her no matter what: if she chose grad school, if she wanted to stay in Nashville and keep trying to make it in music there, if she wanted to move them to New York City, Atlanta, LA, or Austin to break into the music industry there, if she wanted to further pursue acting...Cornelius insisted he could make his business obligations work from anywhere. He said all that mattered to him was what she wanted to do with her career.
Losing the ability to pursue a career in musical theater meant she had to aim for pop or country music fame...but what if she couldn’t achieve it?
That’s why she chose to go to grad school while building up her songwriting catalog and gigging in larger cities around Swynlake to keep her performing chops polished. With a Masters degree at least she’d look accomplished if her music career absolutely flopped.
And that’s what it was shaping out to be.
Look, she knew Southern England wasn’t Nashville. It ain’t even Knoxville or Johnson City as far as music scenes went. But plenty of bars -- sorry, pubs -- had live music, plenty of people wanted to hire musicians for events. And Franny was good! Wasn’t she? She couldn’t have performed in honky tonks on Broadway if she wasn’t good!
She finished her coffee then frowned, deciding she wasn’t quite finished.
“Hey, could I um, get another of the same? And...” Franny reached into her purse and cleared her throat. “If it’s not too much trouble, David-- can I leave a stack of these here?”
She showed him the business cards in her hand.
See the full post
8 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
funny you should ask || franny + clara
Franny was decidedly not trying to think about Toby Determined and his very rude article and leaking of a heap of her WIP songs. Especially around Clara. It was one thing to bitch to Cornelius, Laszlo, or Pedram. It was another to appear less than legendary in front of someone who clearly looked up to her and idolized her. Hell, Clara had called Franny her Dylan!
And in any case, her feelings for Clara had grown to be similar to her feelings for Wilbur and Sovanna. She would never bitch about her problems to her children.
She’d invited Clara over for lunch simply because she missed her-- and also because she had a proposal.
As Franny finished up cooking their lunch, Clara was entertaining Sovanna at the breakfast nook, seemingly entertained herself. (Or at least pretending she wasn’t annoyed by the baby very well.)
“This is your last term in school, isn’t it? Are you excited or terrified? I wouldn’t blame you if you said terrified. Literally the only certainty I had in the first half of 2002 was my relationship. A job? Grad school? Never met her.” 
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8 notes - Posted March 23, 2022
you didn’t see anything || Art Pop
The best way to not think too much about her hand injury, and how it had improved but still wasn’t fully normal, was to keep herself busy. Well. The best way was to be intoxicated, but as she was a mother and had a large family she couldn’t get away with that.
Next best thing? Practically glue herself to little Sovanna despite the rest of the family not so gently suggesting she take a break. She would argue that, recently, she had! She went to Barn Con, no Sovanna in sight, therefore it counted.
When Laszlo sat himself on the living room floor with her and Sovanna, Franny almost told him to not even think about telling her to take a nap, she was fine, but opted not to put words in his mouth. To his credit, he probably just wanted to play with the baby too.
“We’re still not walking.” Franny said. “She’ll pull herself up with the couch but won’t let go of it. did Petunia ever mention how old you were when you started walking? I was nine months old, my mom says. Should I be worried?”
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13 notes - Posted January 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cheap Seats || Crime Show Theme Song
(the bop I used for the title)
It was that time of year-slash-every-couple-years again. Franny was on a songwriting kick specifically for songs she needed a male singer to test out with her. Sometimes she’d rope Laszlo into it (he could at least carry a tune), sometimes her son, but neither of them had the voice she needed today.
If you ignore his disappointingly English accent, of the men she knew who could carry a tune in this town, Pedram had the versatility she needed today. With Toby Determined’s leak of a heap of her un-polished demos, Franny was determined to have a few songs to present to both Daniel for Dara & Danny, and to Seoul Hanoi’d with some of the harmonies already worked out.
“Thanks for coming to be my guinea pig yet again,” Franny said, as Sovanna waddled behind them as they walked into the room where all of her instruments and awards lived. “I owe you one.”
Now, if only Pedram would let Franny teach him how to play banjo...
“I’m so pissed off, I had a good-ass back catalog of demos ready to be fleshed out for my projects, but now most off them are out in the open. So I’ve been writing like crazy to have enough content to mix with what Toby leaked. Should I kill him?”
Franny was only barely joking.
As if to give her opinion, Sovanna, still standing up all by herself on her wobbly little legs, went “Ah! Mama!”
Franny snapped her fingers into finger guns pointing at Sovanna. “She thinks so. You think Mama should go do a murder, don’t you?” “Ah!” Sovanna clapped her tiny hands and giggled, tumbling into her mother’s lap immediately as Franny settled into sitting on the floor. 
“Aw, baby. I love you so much, kiss, kiss, kiss,” Franny kissed her all over her little face. “Can you be good and play with your stuffies while Mama does some work with Mr. Pedram?”
Sovanna giggled and slid out of Franny’s lap to crawl over to the little play spot Franny had set up for her. She was very good at recognizing when her mama had made her a play patch and going to play in it. 
“She really is such an easy baby. We got lucky with her.”
18 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hi! So from the prompt list, could you do the 44th dialogue prompt where reader and roommate!Bucky are talking and bucky just keeps falling in love with her more and more but reader is oblivious to his flirting bc she doesn't think anybody wants her and while they are talking and bonding one evening they fall into the category of relationships as the topic of the conversation (sorry if it doesn't make sense, english isn't my first language)
Bad Night
Summary: After a bad date, Bucky offers his help.
Warnings: Some angst, lil fluffy, pretty cheesy, mentions of sex,
AU: Roommate!Bucky x reader
AN: After 3 days I'm finally letting this go. Not very sure how this got so long, but part of me wants to make a part 2 if that would interest anyone.
Prompt from this list. Requests are always open, reblogs and feedback are appreciated.
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"Hey, dollface, can you look at something for me?" You heard Bucky call, his footsteps getting closer to your room. "If it has to do with your testicles, then no. I will not."
He stopped in your doorway, eyes wide as he looked you over. "Oh, wow. Where you going? Got a hot date you didn't tell me about?" He teased, walking further into the room.
"Yeah, hopefully this one actually goes decent. Now what do you need?"
He turned so his back was to you and pulled his shirt off. "This place on my scar is all itchy. Does it look irritated?"
Until that day you had came home early from work to Bucky standing in the kitchen shirtless. He had expected you to immediately look at the cluster of scar tissue on his shoulder and never see him the same. Instead, you had just greeted him like any other day; a warm smile that made his heart melt before blabbering about your day and asking him about his.
This hadn't been the first time he'd asked for you to inspect a spot on his jagged scar. Although for the first month he'd make it a point to cover it, not wanting to freak you out.
That's when he got more comfortable, walking around without a shirt or just in a towel after a shower. When your smile started making his heart melt even more than before.
You touched your fingers to a small red blotch on the spot where dark metal met skin and he shivered slightly, goosebumps forming on his skin. "Yeah, it is a little. Try putting lotion on it."
He sighed and turned to face you, looking down at your dress. "Who is this guy? Do I know him?" He said cocking an eyebrow at you. "I tried that stupid dating app you suggested." You exhaled, shrugging your shoulders.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he shook his head. "You're not going." He said folding his arms across his chest. You raised your eyebrows and copied his actions. "And whys that?"
"Because, I should've never told you to try it. Dating apps are full of weird people." He muttered, going over to your dresser. "Murderers, stalkers, creepy cat people."
He opened the drawer and pulled out some clothes to stuff into your hands. "Which is why, you're staying in with me." He smiled, sparkling white teeth flashing at you.
Rolling your eyes you put the clothes back in their spots. "If I don't go on a decent date for once, I'm going to end up a creepy cat person. Besides, not all cat people are creepy. Mrs. Lawrey is really nice."
"She's an exception." He nodded, following you towards your bedroom door and down the hall. "If it makes you feel better, I'll text you if he starts acting creepy."
He huffed a breath and grabbed your shoulders, spinning you around to look at him. "Fine, but, that means I get to come rescue my girl if he does."
You felt a slight blush creep your neck and moved away from him to slip your shoes on. "You're just saying that, because I pay half of the bills." You said, opening the front door.
"And you cook pretty good. Now, go on. Be safe." He teased, swatting at your backside as you walked out into the hallway. "Try not to break anything, please." You told him on your way down the hallway.
"Not making a promise I might break."
The date had went horrible, one slip up and he said a few choice words to you before calling a cab to leave.
You swiped your fingertips under your eyes to erase any sign of crying before you got to your front door, wanting to avoid Bucky at all costs.
"Hey, dollface. Back already?" He said from the living room. "Yeah..." You mumbled back, trying to make a break for your bedroom to change.
Bucky could tell something was wrong by how you weren't rambling about everything that happened. "Oh, no you don't. Get back in here."
You exhaled and turned back around to look at him. "What, James?" You sighed, walking closer to where he was sat in a recliner. "What'd he do?" He said, narrowing his eyes at you. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"You're crying, I wanna know why. What'd he do?" You rolled your eyes at his stern voice and shook your head. "Just didn't go very well." You said, sucking in a deep breath.
They never did. As soon as you let one little fact slip, they'd high tail. You would've been better off staying home like Bucky had suggested.
Bucky's voice broke you from your self pity. "C'mere." His hand reached out to grab your wrist and tug you closer. "I'm not sitting on your lap, that's weird."
He scrunched his nose up and shook his head. "Doesn't have to be. Stop being a brat and let me comfort you."
Once you were sat on his right thigh with your side against him, he wrapped his arms around you and leaned his head back against the chair. "This should be our new bonding method. Feels like we're getting closer by the second."
You teetered your head back and forth, pressing your lips into a thin line. "Maybe because, I'm on your lap. That's pretty close."
A soft pat to your thigh and he was looking directly at you, blue eyes dancing back and forth in curiosity.
He wanted to know what made you so sad and torn up about one stupid date. "Tell me about it?"
You took another deep breath and he lifted his head so you could slip your arm behind his neck. "Every single time I go on a date, they mention sex. As soon as I tell them I'm a virgin they're gone. Tonight's was just extra rude about it."
His eyebrows creased together, hand moving to your knee. "You're a virgin? How?"
You looked at the ceiling, tapping a finger to your chin as if you were thinking. "Hm, could be from never having sex." You said the most obvious answer.
"No, I mean-" he huffed a laugh and gestured a hand over you. "Look at you."
You pinched his side and he narrowed his eyes at you. "I thought we told each other everything?" He mumbled, his lips turning down into a frown.
"No, James. You tell me everything. I don't tell you near as much." You said patting his chest, the chain of his dog tags cool on your palm. "You don't have to, I know a lot just by paying attention." He said, giving a nonchalant shrug.
"Now, explain, miss goody-two-shoes. Why hasn't anyone popped your cherry?"
You looked to your lap and pursed your lips. "When I was younger I never felt the need to lose it. Now, I can't seem to find a guy who doesn't want to have sex on the first date. I'm not losing it to someone I barely know."
When Bucky stayed silent you looked at him, he was chewing on the inside of his cheek and you could see the gears turning as he looked at you.
He wanted to offer his help, but didn't want to scare you away. That was the whole reason he hadn't said how he felt over the past couple of months.
Although, he wasn't sure how you never noticed. How you hadn't noticed the lingering touches and looks, everything he'd say.
You had waved it off as mindless flirting because that's how he played it off; as him being a flirt without any serious intentions.
"You're being quiet and it's weird. Say something." You said flicking the tip of his nose. "I'll do it. If you wanna lose it, I'll do it. I know a lot about you."
"Buck-" you shook your head, trying to wrap your head around what he was saying. "You can't be serious." You said breathing a soft laugh.
He nodded and his hand on your knee moved to the back of your thigh.
You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you looked at him, his strong features completely serious. "I'm gonna go to bed. Its late."
Just like Bucky thought would happen, he was scaring you away. "Wait- no, come back." He said as you pulled out of his grip and stood.
You shook your head and cleared your throat. "Nope, not coming back. I know you don't mean it because... You're Bucky and you say shit like that all the time, so..." You inhaled deeply and started towards the hallway. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed."
Bucky stood from the chair and followed after you. "Sugar, wait." He grabbed your wrist gently and tugged you towards him, nearly crashing you into his chest.
In a sudden movement, his hands held your cheeks and his lips engulfed yours, the abrupt motion causing you to stumble a step back; your hands flying up to grip the sides of his shirt.
The kiss was slow and deep, the taste of his minty toothpast flooding your tastebuds when he slipped his tongue pass your lips.
He pulled away after a moment, looking at your shocked expression. "I mean it."
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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* the break up*
Summary: you and Drew mutually break up to focus more on your expanding careers ( more so his) but it was harder than you thought, especially when the media found out.
Rated - R smut included.
“ you gonna come?” Your friend Maddie said as she stood by the door to her apartment. It was New Year’s Eve and the OBX crew was going to Chase’s place to celebrate. It had been two weeks some You and Drew spilt after a year of being in a relationship.
“ what’s the problem Drew? It’s always something with you!” You yelled throwing your hands up. You stood waiting for Drew to respond as he lowered his head into his hands while he sat on the edge of his bed.
“ I don’t know y/n.. I just feel like this isn’t for me anymore” he explained, looking up at you.
“ what isn’t for you?” You asked, even though deep down you knew what he was talking about.
“ this!” He exclaimed pointing back and forth between the two of you. “ it’s just… OBX has blown up, and now people know me. So many more opportunities are coming my way and I just feel like I need time and space “ you scoffed shaking your head in disbelief.
“Y/n” he said standing up, taking your hands in his. “ I love you so much. But I think we both need to take a break and focus on ourselves and our careers. So much is going on in our lives and I think focusing on that now and relationships later will really help the both of us” . His voice was calm and collected , but it broke your heart. You knew what he meant . And to an extent you agreed. Because of OBX, his platform was growing dramatically. And it definitely was a lot.
“ okay Drew” you sighed out. “ I’ll get my stuff and go back to my parents”. You said pulling your hands away from his, turning around towards his closet getting your stuff.
“ yeah I’m coming “ you said grabbing your purse of her kitchen counter . You had high wasted white jeans on, black strapless top , and your hair down over your shoulders.
“ you look so cute ! “ Maddie beamed looking over your outfit.
“ gotta show him what he’s missing” you joked . Maddie knew that you were having a hard time about the break up. She was the original one who set you two up. You had managed to avoid Drew for two weeks despite you spending most your time with Maddie when she wasn’t with Chase. But you new you couldn’t avoid him forever since 1- all of y’all were best of friends , and 2- filming for OBX2 would be starting soon. Maddie grinned before turning out the door with you .
“ get a room!” You shouted jokingly as you watched Chase and Maddie kissing eachother on the couch as music played in the background. Drew hadn’t showed up yet, but you knew he had planned to come since the plans were made before the break up. You sat quietly going through your Instagram feed while bobbing your head slightly to the music. You frowned when you saw that Drew had posted on his story
‘ happy New Year’s Eve! ‘ was the caption with a picture of him smiling. You sighed heavily, missing the days you were able to hold that beautiful face he had. Seconds later you heard Chase doorbell ringing. Butterflies flew around in your stomach, knowing it was Drew.
“ Drew! My man!” Chase shouted excitedly while leaving the door open for Drew. Drew had on black jeans , a long sleeved white polo shirt , and a hat on. You bit your bottom lip, looking him up and down at how good he looked.
“ hey Maddie” Drew said hugging Maddie before looking over at you on the couch . “ hey y/n” he said softly, giving you a sympathetic smile. You didn’t want to ruin the night by being rude so you tossed him a friendly wave before looking back down at your phone.
“ is Rudy or JD coming?” Drew asked while standing over by Chase in the kitchen .
“ they all canceled!” Maddie yelled out . “ they think they’re better than us Drew” she joked.
“ weirdos” Drew exclaimed looking down at his phone.
“ I’m gonna go live for the countdown soon guys okay” chase said , before turning his disco party lights on , the room dark with colorful lights roaming.
You sat quietly watching Drew and Chase being their usual goofy selves and all you could think about how much you really missed Drew. He was everything you’ve ever wanted. He was kind and compassionate, ambitious and such a hard worker. He never failed to make you laugh and the sex was the best you’ve ever head. He knew every inch of your body , and knew how to please each one just right. No body had ever been able to make you feel the way he did. The way his hand would wrap around your throat, with just enough pressure to not choke you but definitely had the force you so much needed. He was always so dominant, you were daddy’s princess every night. Your favorite was when one hand was around your throat , and the other tucked under the back of your knee holding your leg up over his shoulder as he pounded in your-
“ hellooo” you quickly snapped out of your daydream to see Chases phone pressed close to your face “ earth to Y/n” you rolled your eyes batting his phone away from your face .
“ guys10 more minutes until the countown!” Chase yelled into his phone. He had gone live to have the fans join you all for the new year countdown. Somehow you had managed to be handed the phone so you could record chase and Maddie dancing as they had Justin Bieber playing in the back ground. You giggled as you turned the camera around to face you
“ this is what I literally have to deal with guys “ you joked before turning it back around. This time Drew was in the frame while looking at his phone and you watched as the comments began to flow in for Drew . Most of them were the basic ones-
‘ Drew I love you!!’
‘ he is so fine ugh’
‘ Drew notice me!’
You hadn’t noticed that Drew had actually gone on the live and was watching it from his view mainly to watch the comments . They were all cute until you had turned the camera to you .
‘ why is she even there ‘
‘ thank god Drew left her ‘
‘ she’s literally my least favorite’
‘ ok y/n u can leave now ‘ .
As they continued to flow in you wanted to cry. Most of them were hate for even have being with Drew and how they were so happy he left you . Some were even making fun of your appearance. You couldn’t take it much longer and gave the phone back to Chase , and sat back down on the couch, Maddie following not long after .
“ you okay?” She mouthed next to you. You nodded slightly, frowning as you heard the song “ friends” from Justin Bieber play in the background.
“ just a bunch of unexpected hate towards me since the breakup “ you explained.
“ don’t pay them no mind they’re just envious of you” she said .
“ I’m trying “ you said , your chin beginning to quiver. “ so hard” you said shaking your head before looking over at Drew. This was so much harder than you thought . Watching Drew Dancing to the song, seeming so happy even though you were right there. Knowing how happy Drew was without you and seeing how the fans were stating how happy they were that you guys had split really hit you hard and it became unbearable.
“ I-I can’t do this” you said as tears began to fall down your cheeks. You quickly grabbed your belongings off of Chases couch before quickly brushing past chase and Drew , trying to avoid the camera before slipping out the front door.
“ Fuck!” You yelled out to yourself as you made it outside to the car, running your hands through your hair while the tears rolled down your face .
“ y/n” you heard that oh so familiar voice say from behind you.
“ what Drew “ you spat out without even turning around.
“ why are you out here? “ he questioned, tugging on your shoulder to attempt to turn you around, but you didn’t budge. The last thing you wanted him to see was you break down over him.
“ I just need space Drew” you stated before sniffling. Drew let out a big sigh.
“ if this is about the comments on the live- you gotta over look-“
“ it’s not just about the comments Drew!” You yelled out turning around to face him. His face immediately turned sympathetic as he saw your little nose red and the wet tears down your face. “ it’s you!” You exclaimed while throwing your hands up towards him. “ it’s acting like you’re living your best life even though you just dumped me after a whole year. Like are you really that happy to be without me Drew? Was I really that miserable to be with ? “ you cried out. Drew quickly engulfed you in a hug, his tall figure towering over you as you sobbed into his check.
“ y/n no god I love you so much “ he explained while rubbing his hand through your hair as you tightened your arms around you. “ I’ve just been putting on a face. You’ve seemed so happy so I didn’t want to look pathetic and be crying over you when you looked unfazed “ he stated before leaning his head off of yours so he could look at you. “ you’re my best friend and the love of my life” you pushed him away, your eyebrows furrowing together.
“ then why did you leave me Drew” you said softly, holding back the lump in the back of your throat.
“ I just-“ he stopped for a second , running his hand threw his head before sighinf, trying to figure out how to best respond to your question. “ I just honestly didn’t know how I could succeed in my career and expand it and still be there for you like I needed to be” you lowered your head , looking down at your feet, listening to his teeth chattering in the cold weather. “Y/n you deserve the world . And I wasn’t confident that I could give that to you with how much the entertainment live requires from me. I didn’t want to leave because of something you did. I just didn’t think I could do my part in this relationship “ at this point you were getting angry. You understood what he was saying but you always believed when you loved someone you made things work regardless.
“ Drew when it’s like that then we talk as adults and make things work. We don’t just abandon each other “ this time it was Drew’s turn to lower his head . “ but it doesn’t matter , because I can’t pretend anymore. I can’t do these group hang outs together because seeing you is just holding me back from healing like I need to .” Drew stepped back, his brows furrowing together.
“Y/n what are you saying ?” He asked , his voice lowering with fear of your response.
“ Drew, it’s either we do this together, or I need to get away and really get space from you. “ you stated as a tear fell down your cheek. Drew stared at you, finding this new demanding side of you a turn on. His pupils dilated as he Bacall aroused by the sight of you.
“ Drew” you responded as he sat quickly staring you down. “ you either want me or you don’t” Drew smirked at your statement before his hands made it around your throat. The pressure was strong but not painful.
“ let me show you” he growled before his lips placed down on yours . You instantly felt the tingles in the lot of your stomach, your core throbbing just at the feeling of his large veining hands around your throat and his already throbbing dick pressed against your stomach, since you were a whole foot shorter than him.
“ get in the car” he said , his voice low and deep, sending shivers down your body. You quickly obeyed, opening the back door sliding over to the side making room for Drew. You watched him reach behind him to shut the door before he turned back to you, leaning in to place his lips back into yours.
“ wait” you said placing your hand against his chest. “ what if someone see’s us ?”Drew shook his head pointing at your windows.
“ they’re tinted and it’s dark outside” he stated before leaning back in placing his lips on yours once again. You moaned against his lips as you felt his large hands press firmly against your heated area, rubbing up and down slightly .
“ I’ve missed your hands touching me Daddy” you whined out as his lips roamed your neck, his hand now rubbing vigorous circles over your jeans.
“ mm how much princess” he said as he pulled one of your breasts out of your strapless top. You hissed as he nibbled down on your now harden nipple, one hand rubbing your throbbing core and the other placed firmly on your neck, exactly where you like it.
“ so much baby” you moaned out , throwing your head back, your hips bucking up towards his hand needing more. Drew got the hint as he leaned away from you, taking both hands to tug down on your jeans, you both giggling at how awkward and uncomfortable it was trying to pull your jeans off in the back of your small car. Drew but his bottom lip at the sight of you in light blue laced things, perfectly outlining your lips. He quickly pulled those down groaning at the sight of you.
“ I’ve missed your pretty pussy princess”  Drew stated looking up at you , his blue eyes dark in the shadows . You moaned out lifting your hips slightly begging for him to touch you where you so desperately needed it. Drew chuckled before placing his plum lips on you , placing sloppy kisses at first before you felt his tongue slide up your slit .
“ oh Drew” you moaned out in pure bliss. His tongue began in slow motions, going up and down slowly against you as he immediately inserted to fingers in you. You grabbed tightly onto the back of the seat as one of his large hands held up under your thigh holding it up, his tongue going back and forth vertically at a fast pace. You couldn’t hold the moans in as he continued to plunge his long fingers inside you, curving just enough to hit your g-spot.
“ please daddy” you cried out as you felt that familiar sensation in the pit of your stomach. It had been a long two weeks without Drew’s touch, sending you over so much quicker than you would normally last.
“ please what princess” he replied , his hot breath blowing against you.
“ make me cum daddy” you cried out, your chest heaving up and down quickly . Instead of doing what you wanted, Drew sat up, causing you to drown in frustration. You watched him as he tugged on his shirt from behind his head, pulling it over the back of his head. You bit your lip as you watched his abs and biceps tensing as he slid down his black joggers down to his knees, his boxers following not much longer. You watched as his rock hard shaft slapped against his stomach, his large member with veins on the side throbbing .
“ come sit on daddy, princess” he demanded. You gulped excitedly as you migrated your way over to Drew, your back facing him as your lowered yourself down on his member, his thick hard cock stretching you.
“ oh my god baby” Drew groaned out as he watched himself disappear in you before you rolled your hips. You grabbed ahold of the headboard to your seat and you bounced your hips against him, grinding down on him, hearing him hiss from behind you.
“ y/n baby you feel so good on me” you felt his large hands slide up your breast , one making its way to your throat . You could see his face in the review mirror, his brows furrowed together as he looked up and down your body watching your ass bounce against his hips, you looked at yourself in the mirror, your hair flowing over your shoulders, pieces stuck to the sweat on your forehead, your black strapless shirt rolled up under your breasts as the bounced with each movement. You moaned loudly as he squeezed your throat pulling down on your body as he bang thrusting up into you.
“ Drew god I’m cumming!” You yelled out as you felt your clit pulsing , your walls clenching around Drew. He quickly pulled you off, almost pushing you down against the back seat again, which didn’t bother you , you also loved his aggressive side during sex since he was naturally such a gentle kind guy. Drew laced his arm under both your thighs, one holding onto your throat again as the other was placed against the door as he inserted himself into you again, his hips moving in a swiftly movement .
“ fuck I missed you princess” Drew groaned out, his voice shaky as he was running out of breath from moving so fast, the only sounds filling the car was the sound of your sweaty skins slapping, his deep moans mixing with yours.
“ I love you “ he said before placing his pink lips against yours, his thrusts becoming sloppy and hard as he he got close . “ fuck “ he groaned pulling out quickly, his cum shooting across your lower part of your belly. You bit your lips as You watched him pump himself to finish himself off, watching him ejaculating on you.
“ phew god I’ve missed that” he said plopping down in the seat next to you, running his hands through his hair as he tried catching his breath . You smirked before reaching in the floor, grabbing your purse that had makeup wipes in them, wiping off what Drew left on you. You leaned down licking off the drops of cum left on his tip. He hissed before grabbing you by the hair, pulling your head back up. “ no princess” he exclaimed looking at you smirking at him. “ we can go for a round two later tonight but right now we’ve got to get back inside to Chase and Maddie before they come looking”. You sighed heavily before grabbing your under wear and pants pulling them back up. You giggled as you watched Drew struggle to pull his clothes up with out how long his body was in your small car.
You gasped as you went to pull your shirt back over your breast. “ Drew!” You said looking down at your shirt.
“ what?” He asked innocently as he pulled his shirt back over his head. You turned towards him pointing at the white liquids over your black top, instantly causing Drew to laugh.
“ I can’t wear this inside!” You laughed knowing chase and Maddie would never let it down .
“ oh baby I’ve got my hoodie in my car you can wear that” he stated before placing his lips against yours before getting back out of the car. You walked around the car standing in front of Drew, watching him tower over you, his hair roughed up from the sex .
“ I’m sorry for leaving” he said softly, referring to the break up. “ you’re worth it all to me. And I don’t think I can succeed without you by my side” he exclaimed before pulling you into a tight hug.
“ I love you so much Drew” you explained before standing on your top toes placing your lips against his. “ I love you” he said before placing his arm over your shoulder, walking you to his car to get his hoodie. “ one way to start the new year off” he joked referring to the sex. You rolled your eyes before pressing yourself into his side, sighing peacefully knowing everything was going to be okay.
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skinnyducky · 3 years
good in bed // v.h.
Hey...how y’all doing? I have halfway recovered from my wisdom teeth surgery and I definitely was feeling a bit sad not posting and whatnot. But, here I am now, so I hope you enjoy this one. Pt. 3 to Party at Y/n’s is most likely coming Monday. And, Pt. 2 to Maneater is coming Wednesday (hopefully). Any who, hope you enjoy! Also, this is very much inspired by Dula Peep’s “Good in Bed.”
Word Count: 1336, edited 
WARNING: mentions of sex, arguing, angst, language, and i think that’s it.
The start of yours and Vinnie’s relationship was like ice cream on hot summer day. It was sweet, it was refreshing, and it was much needed. After being cheated on by your ex, you needed to find something to bring the love back…and that’s exactly what Vinnie did. The two of you had met after accidentally buying the same car. You bickered and fought over the vintage vehicle before he ultimately decided to let you keep it…but only if you gave him your number. You happily did so and long story short, that led to a beautiful relationship…or at least what was a beautiful relationship.
As the relationship went on, you found that the so-called “honeymoon phase” was really just a phase. For you and Vinnie, it lasted for a least a good two weeks. What started as late night conversations before bed shifted into heated debates and hate-filled goodnights. The butterflies that fluttered around had died, and now your stomach was overflowed with enraged hornets. You didn’t know what was the cause of your downfall, and you weren’t even sure that there was anything that could fix it.
Well…you knew one thing that definitely fixed it: sex. The term “angry sex” seemed like a myth. You thought people were just overhyping it…until you were actually living it. You remember the first time it happened; you were pissed that he didn’t show up to dinner with your parents, while he was pissed because you hadn’t stopped yelling at him for a good hour. The two of you argued for hours, and as an attempt to get you to stop, Vinnie grabbed you by your waist and tossed you onto his bed. It was silent, the only sound being the heavy breathing from both of you. Next thing you know, the two of you are going at it.
Ever since then, that’s all you two did: fight and screw, then pretend like nothing ever happened. As nice as the sex was, it just was too toxic for you. You didn’t want to be stuck in an endless cycle and having to resort to sex to solve your problems. And also, you wanted Vinnie to know you for more than just your body. With that being said, you figured the solution to that was to communicate. Something you two did none of.
So, here you were in Vinnie’s room, sitting on his bed and waiting for him to finish streaming. While scrolling mindlessly through Instagram, you tried to figure out what the hell you were going to say. You didn’t know how to talk about your feelings, it was completely foreign to you. Ugh, this was going to be difficult.
“…I love you guys, bye chat.”
Vinnie stopped streaming and turned around in his seat to face you. You pursed his lips and started fiddling with his thumbs. “So, what did you wanna talk about?”
“I think you know.” You said, not meeting his eyes.
“Is this the talk? You’re breaking up with me aren’t you?”
You shook your head, laughing to yourself at the boy’s stupidity. “No, Vinnie…I’m not breaking up with you.”
“Then why does it feel like you are?”
“I promise, I’m not. I just wanna try to communicate, y’know. Like other couples do.”
He shrugged. “Don’t we already do that?”
“I wouldn’t necessarily call our exploration of each other’s bodies ‘communicating.’ Besides, you and I both know that our relationship isn’t the same as before. It’s like we’ve grown cold towards each other or something.”
“Is this because I forgot our anniversary?” He asked, leaning back in his chair.
You gave him a puzzled look for a minute, trying to figure out when your anniversary actually was. Had you forgot too? Damn, this relationship really was trash.
“Uhm, no…this isn’t about that. Although, we really need to mark our anniversary on our calendars.”
“Then what’s this about, Y/n?”
You sighed and stood up from your spot on his bed. You paced in front of him, trying to figure out the right words to say. “Vinnie…I’m tired. I’m tired of always arguing and then having angry sex…which is amazing, by the way.”
He squinted his eyes at you as he thought about what you said. “So…are you mad about the arguing or the sex?”
“Oh my god, why is this so hard?” you groaned. “I’m mad about all of it, Vin. I’m mad that we just can’t talk to each other. I’m mad that when we do have time together, we spend it arguing. I’m mad that the only way for us to enjoy each other’s company is to have sex. I’m just tired of it all.”
“Then, let’s just end the relationship.”
You stopped your pacing and stared at him with wide eyes. “I just told you I didn’t wanna break up.”
Vinnie chuckled, “I know that Y/n, but if you’re really feeling that way…then just leave.”
“I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now. You actually want to just break up? Aren’t you going to at least talk to me about what you’re feeling? Aren’t you gonna fight for us?”
“You wanna know what I’m feeling, Y/n?” Vinnie asked. You nodded, egging him to continue. “I’m feeling…very hungry right now. I want a fat burger and a fat fry with a fat shake to go along with it. That’s exactly what I’m feeling right now. And if the relationship is already going to hell…why fight for it? I say let it die.”
He then proceeded to hop out of his seat and dance around his room, chanting “let it die, let it die…let it shrivel up and die” while clapping.
You just stood there with nothing to say. You couldn’t believe that he was taking this all as a joke. You just poured your entire heart to him, trying to fix your relationship, and he’s sitting here quoting The Lorax and acting like a child. At this point, you were sure that there was no hope for the two of you and you were fine with that. You weren’t going to be driven mad by this anymore.
“You’re a fucking joke.” You growled, picking up your keys off his bed. “Y’know, I wish we hadn’t met each other because I’d be way better off if I didn’t even know you.”
“That’s not saying a lot, babe. You’d probably still be with the same dickhead who cheated on you.”
You scoffed, feeling the hornets in your stomach get their stingers ready. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m saying I made your life better. You wouldn’t be who you are today if it wasn’t for me.”
“You’re one to talk. You’d be stuck in here, playing video games and withering away if I hadn’t come along.”
Vinnie huffed, holding back a laugh. “At least I don’t have to deal with video games nagging at me all the time.”
“Jerk!” you yelled, rushing to his door. You stood in the doorway, turning around to look back at him. “I never want to see you again, you hear me? NEVER again, Vincent. You’re dead to me.”
Slamming the door behind you, you made your way down the hallway of the Hype House. But before you could go any further, something stopped you. A feeling of sadness washed over you and your anger subsided. The hornets that once threatened to pour out of you had now calmed down. At that moment, you felt your body tremble as sin known as lust flowed through your veins. You swallowed hard, trying to keep yourself from rushing back into Vinnie’s room and pouncing on him…but there was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
“Screw it,” you whispered.
You turned around and darted towards Vinnie’s room. Bursting through the door, you tackled him onto the bed and well…you know the rest. You knew going through this all over again was bad, that it was causing more damage to your relationship. It was definitely sad…but that’s what made you good in bed.
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simpforhoon · 3 years
just you. (p.js) *ೃ༄
pairing: soft dom! jay × female reader
genre: smut, fluff, soulmate au! kind of angsty it has a happy ending I swear (praise, making out, protected sex, oral (f-receiving)).
summary: in a world where everyone gets the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrists when they turn 18, finding out your best friend is your soulmate was not how you planned your 18th birthday to go. now, what’s so bad about that you might ask? you see, jay despises the thought of soulmates. but maybe he doesn’t despise them so much when it comes to you.
please note, this work is purely that of fiction. and not meant to represent what the enhypen members are like in real life.
A/N: guys no why am I so soft,, anyway I’ve been wanting to write this for a while now, so I hope you enjoy!! and I'm reposting this now, as this didnt get a lot of notes on my old account cause of all the reporting and stuff!
word count: 3.4k
warnings: mentions of heartbreak, crying, mentions of food.
1 week ago
you bit your nails as you paced up and down your room, a nervous habit you’d picked up in your junior year of high school whilst dealing with the tremendous stress and pressure school put on you. well lucky for you, you had graduated now and your 18th birthday was just around the corner. specifically, exactly a week from now.
your best friend jay sat on your bed staring at you with amusement written all over his face as he quietly observed you, before moving up to stop you and pull your hands away from your face. “you’re going to wear yourself out” he mumbled softly, pulling you to sit next to him and rubbing your shoulder in a comforting manner.
“I know I know, I’m just nervous, what if they’re all the way on the other side of the world? or even worse, what if they’re someone I know??” the panicked expression on your face was seemingly too much for jay to handle as before you knew it, he had almost rolled off your bed, laughing his ass off at you.
you see, your “dearest” best friend jay never believed in soulmates. he himself never actually got a name on his wrist, a sign that his soulmate had not reached the age to get theirs. to say he was ecstatic would be an understatement as he was at a party that very night, hooking up with a random girl before going over to your house the next morning with a massive hangover and a sullen expression.
it hurt you to see him that way, hooking up with random people, praying that he wouldnt run into his soulmate. and it hurt even more when you thought of how his soulmate was probably so excited to meet him even if they didn’t know him yet.
if only you knew where you would be a week later, wishing it was you who never met him.
present day
the time on your phone read 11:57, and jay had shown up to your house at exactly 11:30, punctual as always, giving up his usual saturday night parties to spend the night before your special day with you instead. he held your hand in his, one thumb running up and down the expanse of your knuckles soothingly, the only thing grounding you in the tense moments before what was basically the biggest moment of your life. your eyes never met his once, only flickering from the clock to your wrist every few seconds, almost as if it would appear before time if you stared long enough.
12:00 a.m.
it was almost as if everything stopped in that moment as the words appeared on your skin. the crickets stopped chirping, that one car alarm outsode your house stopped beeping and both you and Jay stopped breathing, even if it was just for a few seconds. one by one, letter by letter, black ink slowly trailed up the soft skin on your clean wrist, marking your skin for the rest of eternity. you watched with bated breath as tbe letters curved their way into your skin, into your soul.
“P-A-R-K” looks like your soulmate would have the same last name as your best friend. “J-O-N-” that was when the realisation of what was about to happen dawned upon you. “no, no, no, no” was all you could think. “this wasn’t supposed to happen”
meeting jay’s eyes for a split second, you could see the shock on his face, the same shock you knew was written all over your face at that very moment. yanking your hand out of his warmer one, you stared at the 2 words displayed on your wrist. “park jongseong” you whispered as a one lone tear ran down your cheek, falling to you chin before disappearing into the soft material of your sweater.
this prompted jay to push up his own sleeve, the words that seem to have appeared on his wrist confirmed what you both already knew by that point. jay park, your best friend since you were 5, your rock, your everything, was your soulmate. if the situation were anything but this, you would have been jumping for joy, ecstatic that your soulmate was the man you’d grown up with your whole life. but unfortunately, that was not the case.
“_______” he whispered, voice hoarse as he held your hand in his again. gripping it tightly this time so you wouldn’t be able to let go this time. not that you wanted to anyway. “jay” you whispered back, attempting to smile at him, despite the tears that were threatening to overflow at any moment. “I-I need time to think” he said, so softly, his eyes full of nothing but remorse. “I understand jay, take your time, don’t rush okay?” you replied, squeezing his hand in reassurance. he wistfully smiled at you one last time as he pushed himself off your bed and walked out of your bedroom, closing the door with a small ‘click’, leaving you alone in the darkness of your room, mind racing and wondering what were you were going to do with this newfound information.
you fell asleep after much tossing and turning, your mind full of nothing but jay and his name that was now tattooed into the inside of your wrist. you were woken up by the bright smile of your parents, you mother holding a plate of pancakes and wishing you a happy birthday. the sight alone was enough to make you burst into tears as you wrapped your arms around her, seeking her familiar scent and comfort after the rough night you had. your parents seemed shocked, but did not press you to open up, wrapping their arms around you as they attempted to comfort you.
your mom was no foolish woman, as she seems to have caught on to what was bothering you on your special day. “its about your soulmate isn’t it?” she asked as she placed a glass of your favourite chocolate smoothie in front of you, wiping her hands on her apron. you looked up at her, disbelief written all over your face as she chuckled at you. “how did you know?” you asked as she smiled slyly at you. “I have my ways, and besides, I’m your mother” she replied with a wink. you groaned, dramatically resting your head on the counter as she laughed and gave in. “I saw jay walk out of your room last night with tears streaming down his face, and considering you woke up crying too, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what went down there”.
“you should talk it out with him sweetie, he’s not just your soulmate, he’s your best friend. despite how he feels about this whole fate thing, I’m sure the both of you will be okay.” her words reassured you as you grabbed your backpack, and walked through your front door. not even 2 minutes later you heard the biggest scream and you were tackled into a hug. giggling, you wrapped your arms around the taller boy as he squeezed you tightly. “happy birthday ______!” he said as he let go of you and continued your walk to school. “thanks sunoo” you said, smiling at the younger boy who had the biggest grin on his face.
“soooooo” he began, looking at you with an expectant expression on his face. you pursed your lips, already predicting the question that was due to escape his mouth any second from now. “jay” you said, cutting him off before he could even open his mouth. “JAY?!?!!?” he said, a little too loudly, mouth agape as he processed the information. you shrugged as he linked his arm with yours, understanding that you didnt want to talk about it.
luckily, no one pressed you about your soulmate for the rest of the day, warded off by sunoo’s glare the moment they looked like they were going to ask. you sat next to jay in all your classes, the atmosphere tense and awkward between the two of you. everyone seemed to have figured our what happened by that alone, your normally boisterous voices muted and soft. you went out after school with sunoo and riki, your mood heightened by the laughs and jokes of the two bickering boys.
when you got home, the house was eerily quiet, your parents nowhere in sight, all the lights turned off save the one in your living room. and there on the sleek grey sofa sat Jay, looking down at his hands as he anxiously played around with the rings he always wore. your footsteps alerted him of your presence, as he shot up off your sofa to greet you with a crooked smile on his face, black hair sticking up in every direction.
you smiled at him, already preparing yourself for the worst, as he walked towards you. “your parents have gone out, they handed me the keys and told me to come and talk to you if I wanted, and-” he cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, taking a deep breath and holding your hand. here goes nothing he thought. “I want to try. this whole soulmate thing I mean. maybe i wouldnt be this way if it was anyone else, but it’s you, my best friend, and I don’t want to lose you.” he mumbled out the last part, but it was still clear enough for you to hear. you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face at his words, his own face breaking out into a grin at your expression. you reached up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck as his hands went around your waist.
he buried his face in your hair, your soft vanilla scent calming his racing heart, and that was when he realised how much you really meant to him. he loved when you would always being him snacks after soccer practice, he loved when you let him lay his head on your lap and you ran your hands through his hair, he loved seeing the expressions you made when you ate his food, he loved you.
“I made something for you” he said, pulling away from your embrace, leading you to your kitchen and making you sit down on the counter. he grabbed a plate of your favourite pasta and a fork before lifting up a mouthful and holding it out to feed it to you. you smiled, wrapping your lips around the fork as the flavours exploded in your mouth. “oh my gosh, this is good, you’ve really outdone yourself.” he smiled at the complement before pressing a kiss to your cheek and muttering a little “happy birthday love”, leaving your face feeling hot and an uncontrollable smile on your face.
the rest of the evening went by in hin feeding you food and taking a few notes of it himself, lots of little cheek kisses, before the two of you settled down on the couch to watch a movie. it seemed like jay had gotten over his awkwardness as he pulled you to sit between his legs the moment the movie started. you looked back at him in shock, wondering when he got so bold before he pressed a kiss to your lips and told you to focus on the screen.
it might not have been the perfect first kiss, but it was with jay and that was enough. he played with your hair throughout the movie, and moved it aside at one point, pressing little kisses along the expanse of your neck. it was when he landed his lips on one particular spot that you let out a little noise, one you never even knew you could make that made him sit up a little straighter.
it was almost as if a switch flipped within him as he tightened his grip around your waist, one hand slipping up your hoodie to caress the skin near your waist. “I didn’t know you could make such pretty noises baby” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. “well i didn’t know i could either” you whispered back, the realisation of what was about to happen making your body feel like it was on fire.
“are you sure you want this? we don’t have to do anything you dont want to sweetheart” he said, pulling away with a kiss to your cheek. you shifted so that you were facing him, legs wrapped around his waist and you reached your hands up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I’m sure jay, theres no one I’d rather do this with than you.” that was all the affirmation he needed, as within seconds you were being dragged to your bedroom by an overexcited jay.
he pressed you up against your room door, hands coming up to lift your thighs and wrap them around his waist, your core meeting his very obvious bulge. taking advantage of the gasp that left you, he allowed his tongue to skip into your mouth, taking control of every aspect of the kiss. pulling away, he brought you to your bed, gently letting you down onto the mattress, and reaching up to pull your hoodie off you.
“so beautiful” he whispered as he reached behind you to pull your bra off, before lifting his own arms to pull his own shirt off, leaving his body on display for you. just for you. he reached down to tug one of your nipples into his mouth, gently sucking and wrapping his tongue around the sensitive bud, his actions leaving your mouth open in a silent moan.
within minutes, both of you were left completely naked as jay continued to trail his lips down your body, pressing little kisses to your inner thigh before his mouth finally met your core, the smallest motion of his lips leaving you breathless and squirming. “stay still sweetheart, good girls don’t move around so much”. his words sent vibrations spreading throughout your body, not doing anything to help with the heat that was coursing through your veins.
his tongue delved in and out of your dripping hole, one of his hands rubbing your clit while the other held your legs open for him. “jay- i- I’m gonna-” but he was gone the moment the words fell from your mouth. and he was a sight to see. your juices mixed with his, drool and spit dripped down his chin, as he ran his tongue over his lips with a smirk on his face.
“oh so the baby wants to cum? don’t worry love, I’m going to make you feel so good”. he reached into his jacket and pulled out a condom before rolling it on and lining himself I with your entrance. he grasped your chin gently, pulling you up to look at him and planting a loving kiss on your lips. “I love you so much sweetheart, so so much” he whispered, pulling away from your lips. “I love you too jay” you said back, watching as he smiled once, before intertwining your hands and then, pushing himself into you.
nothing had ever felt as good in that moment as he gently, softly pushed himself inside. the feeling was euphoric, having your soulmate inside you in such an intimate manner. your bodies moulding together perfectly, bursts of colour lighting up the back of your eyelids as your eyes closed at the feeling of him in you. he began thrusting in and out of you slowly, not wanting to hurt you. but at your signal, he began moving faster, groans and moans escaping both your lips, finding pleasure and love in each other.
it didn’t take long for you to reach your high at all, his length hitting you in all the right places, leading you to ride out your high much faster than you expected, jay following soon after. he finished inside the condom, reaching out to pull it off and throw it away, before walking to your bathroom and grabbing a wet cloth to clean you up with.
he was greeted with the sight of your tired smile as he returned, gently cleaning you before tossing the rag and gathering you up in his arms, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “does this mean you’re mine now?” he asked, reaching down to bury his head in your hair, his hands absent-mindedly tracing shapes and figures on your bare shoulder. “it does if it means you’re mine too”. he smiled at your response, pulling the blanket over the two of you as you drifted off to sleep in the arms of the one person who would stay with you forever.
thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you drank enough water today! ♡♡♡
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yoooespinosa · 3 years
please do a part 2 for the draco fic where he rejects her i cant be left like that also would love for them to end up together
a/n: I feel like its rushed, idk. I didn't even like how the first part came out, so I had no motivation for this one. Im sorry, I tried lmao.
here’s part 1
"Y/l/n!" A voice just a few ways down the corridor called, the person you've been trying to avoid.
You increased your pace, dodging the people around you and their swinging bags they carried. You knew he called you out in the middle of a crowded corridor because it would be harder for you to get away, which only multiplied your irritation.
"Y/l/n!" He called louder, sounding closer, only making you walk away faster.
"Y/n." He latched onto your wrist, once you escaped the crowd of students, you groaned in frustration.
"What, Malfoy?" Turning to him and yanking your arm free.
He looked taken aback that you actually acknowledged him, unlike the incidents before. He sputtered, you almost laughed in his face-- because, Draco Malfoy, sputtering? You've never seen that before.
"If you're just going to gawk at me like a weirdo," Already turning away. "then I think I'll take my leave."
"No!" He said a little too loudly. Lower this time "No, look, can we talk."
You pursed your lips, masking your face with the indifference that he normally carried himself with. "We don't have anything to talk about."
Once again, you turned away, managing to get four steps in this time.
“Look, can i just-“ He cuts himself off when your steps don’t falter. “Y/n, please.”
You immediately pause mid-step. He sounded, desperate. You let out a silent sigh, slowly turning to face him, his eyes were burning into yours once you met them.
You stare at him until he casts his eyes downcast. “I’m sorry.” He mumbles.
“What?” Your eyebrows furrow, surely he doesn’t expect you to accept that pitiful apology. “I didn’t hear you.”
“I’m sorry, okay?” He snaps at you, meeting your gaze once again.
You raise you eyebrow at him, unamused.
“I’m sorry.” Once again, more sincere this time.
Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to forgive him, not right now at least. You didn’t care if it took a lot in him to pack up the courage and apologize, you refuse to let Draco Malfoy walk all over you again. He’ll have to earn your forgiveness.
You stare at him blankly for a few seconds, his cheeks flush and once again looks away from you.
“I bet you are.” A mumbled response as you walk away from him, just like you walked away from him on the night of his rejection, yet this time you didn’t carry the burden of a broken heart.
Lotus flowers. He somehow got you a bouquet of lotus flowers, your favorite. You’re not sure how he even managed to do that, with such flowers, but he did.
You couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when you looked up and met his grey eyes, shining with hopefulness, a few ways down the slytherin table in the great hall.
You hadn’t talked to him in a few days and he hadn’t seeked you out, a part of you was a little disappointed, but now that feeling disintegrated.
You actually haven’t talked to the three other slytherins sitting around him either. They apologized too and you reluctantly accepted, but still chose to surround yourself with other people, people who wouldn’t laugh at you behind your back.
“He’s really trying, isn’t he?” Tracey Davis chuckled softly from her place next you, gazing at the beautiful flowers you held in your hand.
“I guess.” You mumble, pursing your lips in thought.
“Well, are you going to forgive him or carry it out a little longer?” Milicent asks, with a smirk adorning her face, you already knew which choice she’d prefer.
You smirk back at her before swiftly casting an incendio to the beautiful flowers, you only regretted it a little, but it was all worth it once you saw the look on his face.
His mask crumbled. Good, i’ll incendio his flowers like he did my heart, you thought bitterly.
The next advance he made was when you were next to your favorite window, in the abandoned corridor. The sun was close to setting, making a beautiful orange tint cast across the corridor.
You heard footsteps, each once coming closer to you and you immediately knew it was him. You had felt him staring at you all day, each one getting harder to ignore. Especially the ones that were burning through your skull when you were around Harry.
But you never gave him the satisfaction of meeting his eye. You completely ignored him, as if he wasn’t there, as if you he was easily dismissible.
“Y/n.” He calls your name once he reached you, voice obviously trying to seem casual.
A noncommittal hum was your response, not bothering to look up from the book you had on your lap, still casually leaning against the wall, basking in the orange rays that hit you.
“Y/n.” His voice was softer this time, softer than you’ve ever heard before, making your head snap to his automatically.
In his arms were a bunch of your favorite sweets, you weren’t sure how he knew which you preferred. You raise your eyebrow in question.
“I know how you like to snack.” He mumbles, laying down the foods next to you, he rambles on. “I know you usually like to watch the sun go down by the black lake, but since it’s colder out i knew you’d be here. You were always the type that liked to snack a lot— i already said that, sorry...i brought your favorites.” He looked at you sheepishly.
You never seen him look so... shy. You were stumped, didn’t even know what to say. You just stared at the food next to you for a minute.
“Thanks,” You say slowly, still trying to process. “How did you know these were my favorites?”
He shrugged, half-heartedly. “I paid attention.”
You scoffed, that same bitter feeling washing over you for a second. “Honestly Malfoy, these attempts at getting at me are getting more pathetic each time.” You reused his words.
Regretting it immediately, when he flinched. Looking pained by it. You wanted to enjoy his pain, but nothing about it satisfied you, not anymore it seemed, not when he’s so clearly trying.
He gave you a washed-out smile, “I hope you enjoy them.” Then walked away, you listened till you could no longer hear his footsteps.
You were walking side by side with Harry, desperately trying to listen to the story he was telling you. His hands were whisking in the air, adding dramatics, and every so often he’d have to push his glasses up. You would usually find this amusing, but you were distracted.
Draco had been doing nice things for you all week. You were trying hard to hold this grudge you built, but with you each soft smile and saddened eyes he sent your way, your resolved crumbled.
The butterflies hesitantly coming out their cage.
And he did seem sorry, truly he did, you were so close to forgiving him. You don’t know what was holding you back anymore.
You met his eyes from across the corridor, his eyes softening once meeting yours, then hardening a second later when seeing who was next to you. Yet, he kept his path to you.
“May i talk to you?” He asked softly, not acknowledging Harry, who stopped his animated story.
You looked at the green eyed boy next to you, he took the hint and turned down the opposite corridor. “Yeah, sure.”
That familiar streak of hope flashes through his eyes as he led you down to the gardens to the bench that you loved to occupy.
“I wanted to say i’m sorry, again.” He said once you both were seated, your knees knocked against his when he turned his body towards you.
You nodded, signaling him to go on.
“It was wrong for me to treat you like that, to say those things.” He took a deep breath. “I was stupid, i took advantage of the best thing that ever happened to me. You were always so good to me, treating me with kindness that i didn’t deserve. Will never deserve.”
“Dra-“ He cut you off gently.
“No, just let me get this out first.” He placed his hand over yours timidly, when you didn’t pull away, he interlocked his fingers with yours. “You did things for me that no one else has ever done. I was flattered at first, when i first realized you liked me, i didn’t think you could ever like me. You’ve always been so beautiful, i never thought i would have a chance. But then i find out you liked me. I got the prettiest girl in Hogwarts to like me.” He shook his head, letting out a humorless laugh.
He continued on, “It got to my head obviously, i thought maybe if i shown my interest, you’d realize that i wasn’t as great as you thought me to be. It was so dumb of me, to act like i didn’t like you, i actually got myself to believe i didn’t.”
He moved closer to you, “I understand if you don’t forgive me, i don’t deserve it honestly. Fuck, i wouldn’t even forgive me. But, i would regret it if i didn’t at least try.”
He brought your interlocked hands closer to him, kissing the back of your hand, “So this is me, putting my heart out there, either for you to break or hold in your hands. Please forgive me and give me another chance, that i don’t deserve?”
You didn’t even know your eyes were tearing up until one slid down your cheek, before you could wipe it away, his thumb came up and did it for you.
You didn’t answer, you just placed your lips on his. Caressing his lips with your own, feverishly. Pouring out every emotion into him. He kissed you back with just the same passion. Bringing his hands to your face, caressing his thumbs on your flushing cheeks, tilting your head back as he controlled your lips. Bringing the kiss to a softer pace. Your hands played with the hair on his nape, until he pulled back.
“So, was that a yes?” He breathed a laugh, you could still see the vulnerability in his eyes.
“Yes, of course, you idiot.”
“Yeah?” He was smiling ear to ear.
“Yeah,” You kissed him breathless once more, then pulling back. “but first you have to get me another one of those bouquets.”
“Anything.” He states softly, placing his lips back on yours, as if he’s done it for years.
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Stay Here, Honey, I Don't Wanna Share // Ashton Irwin
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Of course Ash asked his girl to come see the Global Citizen show! 😌 Thank you to everyone who's been supporting this little series, I've been having so much fun with it! Hopefully Ash and/or the band will play again soon so we'll have an excuse to revisit this relationship. (I'm undecided on if I should break from the IRL timeline - I'd love to hear your opinion!)
Thank you to @conversecake for suggesting a particular scene right after Encore first happened (😏) and of course, to @cal-puddies for the hype, the notes and pointing me in the right direction when I got lost a few times.
Warnings: The standards for this series: Lovestruck New Boyfriend!Ash, Stage!Ash, sex in a public place. Also featured: road head, mild dirty talk, a scene of marijuana use, oral sex performed on a female, lovingly rough (unprotected) sex with brief spanking. Also I had to write Ash shaving his beard and I'm sad about it tbqh.
Word Count: 8090
Encore: A Stage!Ash Series Masterlist
Masterlist // Ko-Fi and 2021 Taglist linked above
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated!
“OK, I think I actually am nervous about this show.”
While Ashton is typically one of the most self-assured, confident people you’ve ever met, you can’t say you’re surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. As you sit at his kitchen island, watching him with his hair gone wild, clad only in his boxers, blearily scraping the remnants of yet another burned omelette into the garbage, it’s easy to see he doesn’t quite have it all together.
“Ash, it’s a big day, it makes sense you’d have some jitters,” you say empathetically. “Even if it wasn’t the band’s first show in… what’d you say? Almost 2 years? It’s still an audience ten times the size of the rooms you’ve been playing recently, it’s still being televised --”
“This is supposed to be a pep talk, right?”
You give him a soft smile and walk over to the stove where he’s standing; you hoist yourself up to sit on the counter and he takes the hint, moving to stand between your legs. “You guys have been rehearsing all week and from the videos you’ve sent me, you sound great,” you reassure him, smoothing down his hair.
“I just don’t get why I feel so weird about this one,” he admits, playing with the hem of your sleep shorts. “Those side gigs I’ve been playing were supposed to get me back in the swing of things so this didn’t happen.”
“Think this one just means a little bit more, babe. You’re playing with your boys again,” you say gently, heart melting at the way he won’t meet your eyes, knowing you’re right.
Ashton laces his fingers with yours and softly replies, “Those other shows meant a lot to me too.” The sweet kiss that he presses to your lips confirms that he’s referring to your attendance.
“Maybe that’s your problem here, I’m not using my womanly wiles to distract you from your nerves like I have been,” you joke.
“Well that’s my fault, baby, you probably don’t have the energy, I’m so out of it, we’ve been up for hours and I still haven’t been able to serve you a proper breakfast,” he laments, looking around at the kitchen’s disarray.
You shrug, “I’ll order something, it shouldn’t take long. You go sit and relax, put on a record, maybe pack us a bowl? I’ll make us some toast to nibble at while we wait.”
He pouts. “I like when I get to make you breakfast.”
You lean in and peck at his downturned lips over and over until he smiles. “Will it make you feel better if I burn our toast so we’re even?”
He nods with pursed lips and you kiss him again before spinning him around and sending him into the living room with a swat.
You place your usual breakfast order and tidy up the kitchen a bit, feeling content as the smell of Ashton’s favorite strain of weed fills your nostrils and the sound of him softly singing to the Beatles record he put on fills your ears. As promised, you join him in the living room with a plate of slightly burnt toast, along with two cups of coffee.
You set the items on the coffee table and laugh softly at the sight before you. He looks adorably ridiculous: a giant man stretched out on his bright green couch, with a plush pink blanket pulled up to his chin, only his face and hands peeking out as he lights up and takes another pull from his pipe. He silently lifts the blanket, inviting you into his cocoon and you settle onto the couch with him, murmuring contentedly as he wraps the blanket and his arms around you.
“You know, leading up to today, I was sure I’d be the one trying to hide away from the world from nerves about all this,” you admit, hissing at the coolness of his gold medallion as you settle against his bare chest.
He kisses the side of your head and offers you the pipe. “Really? You’ve hung out with everyone quite a few times now, the guys are always asking about you. You shouldn’t still be nervous about them, baby,” he says reassuringly.
You blow a smoke ring, collecting your thoughts. “No, I know, everyone’s been really welcoming… that dinner we had really helped me start to get to know everyone,” you agree. “It’s more the scale of this show, I’ve been thinking about. You and a bunch of other big artists, security, all those screaming fans… it’s like I’ve been dating ‘local musician Ash’ and tonight I’m gonna walk in there with ‘Ashton Irwin, multi-platinum selling artist, voted third best rock drummer in the world.’”
“You really need to not be googling me,” Ash giggles, watching you take another hit. “And you know none of that means anything.”
You hand him back the pipe and smirk, “Maybe not to you, but to some people, you’re a pretty big deal is all I’m saying.”
He shrugs, “I’m walking in there with the title of ‘your boyfriend’ and that’s the only one that matters to me.”
You grin and kiss his cheek while he takes a puff. “Cornball.”
His eyes shine with affection as he tilts your chin with his thumb, planting his lips on yours and passing his smoke into your mouth. He reaches over to sit the pipe and lighter on the table and then he’s wrapped around you again, lazily kissing you until the front gate buzzes with your food delivery.
The combination of weed, cuddles and breakfast seem to calm Ashton for the time being, though the three cups of coffee he’s consumed will surely have him amped up again in no time. You lay on the couch with him, mindlessly running your hand through his hair while he checks his phone, reading the show itinerary to you.
“...We’re soundchecking at 4:30 so probably want to leave maybe an hour before that? It’s not far but that gives us a nice traffic buffer, time to check out the lay of the land when we get there? Find the seats they comped us so I know where to look for you,” he winks, scratching his beard as he considers his plan.
“Sounds good,” you agree, letting your hand drop down and scratch at his beard too. “What I’m less on board with is that crazy talk last night when you were going on about shaving this beautiful beard.” You shake your head and glare disapprovingly for emphasis.
“Beautiful, eh?" He beams, grabbing your hand from his face and bringing it to his lips. “Red carpet vibes tonight, baby. Can’t be out there lookin’ scraggly.”
“I think it looks nice. Handsome. Distinguished.”
“And here I thought you just like how it feels when I do this,” he says, pulling you across his lap and leaning down to nuzzle your neck, his beard rough against you.
You giggle, making a big show of trying to push him away when really you’re loving every second of his attack; he finally relents and your laughter continues as you try to catch your breath. “Well I’m not saying I won’t miss that,” you chuckle, standing and starting to clean up after your meal.
Ash watches you for a beat and when you bend over to reach a stray napkin, you suddenly feel his hands on your hips, pulling you closer as he sits on the edge of his seat. You shiver when you feel his lips on your lower back, kissing along the exposed skin between the waistband of your shorts and where your tank has ridden up. You think he’s done when he makes it all the way across but then he’s turning you in his hold, spreading his kisses to your hips and then your stomach. You look down to watch him curiously as he pecks up and over the rise and fall of your tummy, your breath starting to catch from his beard tickling you while he works.
“OK, so I guess maybe there’s things I’ll miss about it too,” he teases, quickly running his face back and forth across your torso just to feel you react.
“See?” You laugh, brushing some fallen curls out of his eyes.
He pulls back and hooks his thumbs in the elastic of your shorts, taking them down slowly while his mouth follows along. “Think we’ve got time for a nice little sendoff,” he flirts, kissing over the trim of your underwear. “Lucky for us, even after that breakfast, I’m still hungry.” He leaves a wet, sloppy kiss over the front of your panties before catching the top of them in his teeth and dragging them down your legs, letting his scruff graze your skin the entire way.
You brace yourself on his shoulders as he helps you step out of your clothes before kissing his way back up your body. His lips dance across your belly while his hands run over your backside and he carefully lifts your leg, resting it on the couch, opening you up to him. You groan as he starts nibbling along your exposed inner thigh, with one hand pinching your ass, the other tenderly stroking the leg you still have on the ground. His face reaches your pussy and you feel his breath hot on your skin as he hovers there, making you wait. You hold out as long as you can but it’s only a few seconds before you desperately moan out his name, prompting him to dive in and give you what you want.
Ashton licks a long stripe up your pussy, making sure to flutter along your clit before licking his way back down. He flattens his already wide tongue to cover as much territory as he can before bringing it to a point and intricately tracing the ridges of your folds, working his face further and further in between your legs, coming so far off the couch he’s almost on his knees.
“Mmm… Ashhhhh” is the most you can get out at the moment, caught up not just in the pleasure but the intimacy of the situation. You take a shaky breath, tangling your fingers through his hair as he teases at your entrance. His tongue dips inside and you tug on his curls, whimpering as he explores, whimpering as he pulls away again.
“What do you want, baby?” He responds to your whines, biting softly at your lips. “Tell me what my girl needs.” He kitten licks over your clit a few times before attaching his lips to it, loudly sucking and lavishing it with his tongue.
You struggle out a couple of weak breaths, already starting to feel overwhelmed. “Need. This. More? Just more. Just you,” you stammer, grabbing from his hair to his shoulders and back again, not sure how much longer you can steady yourself.
The wet sounds of Ash eating you out are momentarily interrupted by the long, guttural groan he lets out in response to your direction. He pulls away, rubbing over your legs soothingly before scooping you up and scooting back in his seat, resting his head on the back of the couch while he holds you above him.
His hands cradle your ass, kneading your cheeks as he brings his face closer to your center. “Oh, I like this much better,” he comments, tongue darting out to tease you a bit. His grasp tightens as you jump in his hold and he kisses along your lips and inner thighs until you settle. He checks in with you, “You good, baby?”
You look down at him, eyes blown with lust but filled with care, beard now wet with your need, hair pulled in every which way by your fingers. It seems like a ridiculous time for the thought but it crosses your mind that you might be in love with this man. You nod and breathe deep, trying to calm your heart that’s racing for about a million different reasons right now.
“Do you want to do something about this?” He asks, pulling at the hem of your tank.
You toss your shirt aside and hold his gaze as you run your hands over your breasts, grabbing and tugging at your nipples like you know he would if his hands weren’t busy holding you up.
“Good girl,” he murmurs, giving your ass a squeeze as he buries his face in your pussy again.
It doesn’t take long for Ashton to have you a moaning, muttering mess as he efficiently makes out with your clit while his strong hands hold you to his face. You try your best not to writhe too much against him, not wanting to detract from his efforts but his work just feels so good, you can’t help but follow along with his movements.
“So close, Ash… fuck… oh my god, it’s so good, baby,” you ramble, playing with your tits a little more before you have to bring your hands back to his hair in appreciation for how he’s eating you.
He mumbles a response between your legs and while it’s unintelligible, the effect is the same regardless and the vibration of his voice hurries your climax along. His tongue eagerly dances over your clit as your fingers in his hair pull and you huff out a cry of his name. His fingers dig into your skin, holding on tight as you gasp and shake above him, cumming hard on his tongue.
Ash groans, lapping at you as long as he can before he feels you begin squirming and he quickly pulls away, trying to be mindful of your sensitivity. He gently helps you down to lay in his arms; as you come back to yourself, you start realizing how exposed you feel, naked on his living room couch. He instantly reads your body language and wraps his blanket around you. You can’t decide what’s softer: the fuzzy pink fabric on your bare body or the gentle way he’s stroking your hair, quietly telling you how much he enjoys tasting you.
“Definitely gonna miss seeing your thighs all red and scratched up,” he teases warmly, rubbing his hands on your raw skin.
You pull him down into a kiss, mumbling into his mouth, “Still time to reconsider.”
But as you’ve learned these past few months, when Ashton feels strongly about something, it’s essentially set in stone, so you’re not surprised later when you walk into the bathroom to find him standing at the sink, freshly showered and in his robe, shaving kit on the counter.
“Come to say your final farewells?” He jokes, offering you a tender kiss before lathering his face with shaving cream.
“A sad day,” you say with an exaggerated pout that quickly turns to a giggle as he dabs some on your face. You lean against the counter and watch quietly as he begins shaving; it doesn’t matter what he’s doing, you love watching him work at something, the rare chance to watch him still and focused. As his face becomes more and more exposed, you think out loud, “You know, you’ve had a beard almost the entire time we’ve known each other.”
He rinses the razor under the tap and nods pensively. “Yeah, I guess so... think you’ll still like me?” He winks at you with a grin.
You take a beat to ponder. “...I’ll let you know,” you answer, winking back and breezily leaving the room.
A while later, you’re sitting in Ash’s car, nervously chewing your lip as you wait for him to lock up so you can hit the road; as the afternoon progressed, you could feel his anxious energy returning and you know it’s had to have increased tenfold now that it’s past the time he wanted to leave. You’re considering texting him to see what the holdup is when he finally emerges from the house, bright red polka dot shirt in stark contrast to the dark expression currently on his face.
“I put the top up so your hair won’t get too crazy and the directions are in the GPS,” you offer helpfully, watching closely to see if his jaw unclenches. “There’s a couple accidents on the highway so it wants you to take the streets.”
His jaw unclenches but his face scrunches up in annoyance. “Fuckin’ hell, last thing I wanna do right now is drive all up and down the fuckin’ Valley,” he grumbles, backing the Porsche out of the driveway. You give him a minute to process and when he gets to the stop sign at the end of the block, you reach over and gently rub his back, compassion spreading through you as you feel his tense muscles relax under your fingers.
The drive is silent for a few minutes and then Ashton reaches over and squeezes your knee affectionately. “Thanks,” he says quietly.
“Of course,” you respond, squeezing his hand.
He interlaces your fingers with his and raises them to his lips. “You look nice, by the way. Sorry, I should’ve mentioned it sooner.”
“Well thank you, babe, but I get it. You’ve got a lot to think about tonight but you don’t have to worry about me, we’re good,” you insist, touching his cheek. “You look nice too… I’m even getting used to this baby face.”
He snorts. “Not the worst case scenario you were dreading?”
“Well I mean, it’s got a lot to live up to after the beard’s final performance this afternoon,” you tease.
He grins, giving you the opportunity to appreciate how pronounced his dimples are without the cover of facial hair. “Some of my best work to date, if I do say so myself,” he boasts. His eyes shoot over in your direction to give you a once-over and when he licks his lips, pride courses through you, knowing you’re successfully distracting his mind from his worries.
The car stops at a red light and Ash immediately pulls you into a passionate kiss. “Shame I didn’t get a chance to return the favor,” you flirt, running your hand up and down his leg, leaving your palm to rest inappropriately high.
He smirks as the light changes and he turns his attention back to the road. “Damn shame,” he agrees knowingly, waiting to see how far you plan to take this.
You squeeze the inside of his thick thigh. “Just like it’s too bad we’re having to take all these empty side streets to get to the venue,” you comment suggestively, letting your fingers drift over and graze his crotch.
A chill runs down your spine at the way he sucks in a breath so you decide to repeat the gesture, this time adding a bit more pressure. Your own breath falters when he reaches down and holds your hand to him, making you press even harder. “Really just having the worst luck today,” he replies, his flushed face and labored breathing betraying the easy banter he’s trying to continue.
You decide you’re done being coy and give him a good squeeze before starting to work on getting his fly open. “I really want to make a joke about like, opportunity falling into your lap or something but honestly I’m too turned on to construct it,” you laugh.
His loud giggle is interrupted by the deep groan that escapes him when you finally get your hand inside his pants and on his hardening cock. You stroke him firmly while you shift in your seat, sitting up on your knees so you can comfortably clear the center console. You give a few teasing kisses to his ear and neck, working your other hand inside his shirt to run through his chest hair. He captures your lips again at the next stop sign and then with a cursory glance out the windows to make sure you don’t have an audience, you lean into his lap and flutter your tongue around his head.
Ashton exhales your name, gently resting his hand on your back as you lick up and down the sides of his cock, getting him nice and wet before you wrap your lips around it and start taking him down. You move slowly at first, a combination of wanting to tease him and also trying to get your bearings and figure out how to give a satisfactory blowjob in a moving car. Your fingers dig into his thigh as you move further down and the way you feel the muscle tighten combined with the soft grunts he’s giving in response, embolden you to take even more.
“Fuck, baby… that’s… god, that’s so fucking good,” he encourages as you wiggle your head, working him down as far as you can manage.
The angle prevents you from taking as much of him as you usually can but the sounds coming from him as you reach your limit seem to indicate he doesn’t mind. You bob up and down, steadily increasing your rhythm, letting your tongue drag along the underside of his cock, just like you’ve learned he likes.
You pull off to catch your breath, resting your head on his thigh as you pump him. “Never done this on the road before,” you admit, pushing up his shirt to nip at his belly. “For some reason asking you to pull over didn’t even cross my mind.”
“Efficient and talented, I really lucked out,” he chuckles, clutching the steering wheel a bit tighter as you lap at the precum forming at his tip before moving back down to trace along his ridges and veins.
You hum quietly as you suck the head of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue around a few times before popping off to check in again. “Feels OK, though?” You ask, feeling oddly vulnerable for a second.
“Baby…” He begins incredulously, running his fingers through your hair as you press wet, open-mouthed kisses to his shaft. “It feels fucking amazing, just like everything you do for me… you’re fucking amazing.”
You feel your cheeks warm at his praise and you murmur your appreciation as you slide back down his length. With every bob up and down, you feel yourself getting more comfortable in this position and you find yourself able to let more of him in your mouth. You feel the car roll to a stop, remaining idle and you think to yourself you must be at another red light. You moan slightly, wondering if there are any other cars around, wondering why that possibility excites you, trusting your boyfriend to tell you if there’s any real chance of being seen.
It’s almost as if Ash can read your mind and he teases, “That moan because of me or because you’re hoping someone might see you being so good to me?”
That comment pulls an even louder moan from you before you pull off to breathlessly reply, “For you, of course. Always for you.” You run your fingertips up and down his cock, teasing him with feather-light touches while you dip down to peck kisses on his balls. He curses under his breath and you smirk, “You can tell me more about how good I’m being though.”
He chokes out a strained laugh as you take him in again. He tangles his fingers in your hair and obliges, “You like knowing how good you make me feel, don’t you? How warm and wet your pretty little mouth feels around my cock, how your hands always know just how to touch me and where… just feels so fucking good, baby. You’re so fucking good, baby… you’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
You whine around his cock and take a second to steel yourself, trying to determine the likelihood that you might cum just from his words. “Fuck, Ash… fuck,” is the only thought you can articulate in this moment.
He smiles to himself, loving that he can affect you like this. “Bet you’re so fucking wet right now, aren’t you, baby? You know you’re gonna have to wait until later to cum again, gonna have to walk around with ruined panties all night and you still decided you wanted to get me off like this, huh? Such a good girl,” he coos.
Hearing Ashton appreciate you always drives you wild but you never could’ve predicted how hearing him raspily call you his “good girl” would make you feel. Your mouth glides up and down his length, hand massaging and twisting at the base, eagerly working to pleasure him, desperate to hear more of his praises.
His groans become more pronounced and his fingers in your hair begin tensing, indicating his climax is near. You pull up, gently sucking at his tip, panting, “Gonna cum for me, babe? Wanna taste it… I‘m gonna be so good and swallow every drop.”
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters, rocking into your hand. You sink back down and hollow out your cheeks, tongue working double-time to bring him over the edge. “So fucking close, baby… that’s right, just like that…”
You feel his thigh tense as he tries not to buck against you and then with a deep sigh of your name, his cock twitches on your tongue and warm cum fills your mouth. He groans and you murmur with every rope he releases, the taste of him and the satisfaction of pleasing him overwhelming you as you swallow it all down, as promised.
Ash lets out a loud exhale as you slowly pull up from his cock, making sure to thoroughly clean him with your tongue before coming off with a pop. You raise your head from his lap and chuckle quietly when you realize at some point before his orgasm, he pulled the car over and you were too distracted to notice.
His head is slumped against the seat, eyes still tightly shut as he breathily explains, “Knew I was about to be a wreck, figured we didn’t need the car to be one as well.”
You laugh again, tenderly caressing his face. His eyes flutter open and the adoration in them takes your breath away. “C’mere,” he whispers, cradling your face. He kisses you slowly, intimately and for the second time today, you consider that it might be love that you’re feeling.
You smile softly as you pull away. “We should get going,” you say, shifting to properly sit in your seat.
There are equal parts flirtation and concern in his voice when he asks “You sure?” and slides his hand high up on your thigh. He doesn’t say anything more but you can tell by his expression that he can feel the heat coming from between your legs and he knows your panties are soaked through.
You squeeze his hand and gently move it from your leg to the gear shift. “I’ll definitely need a quick bathroom cleanup when we get there but I’ll survive,” you shrug lightheartedly. “I’d be more upset if we made you late… would kind of defeat the purpose of that stress relief blowjob.”
Ashton mock-pouts as he puts his cock back in his pants. “Is that why you blew me? Thought you did it because you like me,” he sighs, unable to keep a grin from forming on his face.
You shake your head, biting your lip to keep from laughing out loud. “Sorry to lead you on like that.”
Traffic is uncharacteristically sparse the rest of the trip and despite your detour, Ash is still the first of the band to arrive. You expected to feel awkward and maybe a bit out of place following him around the venue as he greets the crew, management and event organizers but he keeps you close by, including you in the conversation with those you’ve met before, proudly introducing you to those you haven’t.
You both grab a snack and wait in the band’s trailer for everyone to arrive. Eventually, the rest of the guys trickle in and the energy in the room quickly shifts, the reality of being back together slowly sinking in for everyone, the air buzzing with every possible emotion: joy, excitement, anxiety, affection, gratitude.
Calum studies Ashton curiously before asking, “How many coffees you have today?”
He ponders for a second. “Four, I think?” He wiggles his cup. “Wanted a little boost before stage, this is my first since we got here.”
Cal shrugs, “Between the caffeine and those texts you sent this morning, I’d have expected you to be an inconsolable jittery mess by now… you light up in the parking lot or something?”
Ash discreetly nudges you before launching into some non-answer about harnessing his vibrations and staying mindful, clearly designed to keep Calum from asking follow-up questions. You admiringly watch him deflect but avoid both his and Cal’s eyes, not wanting to give away a hint of your pride at how effective your calming methods apparently are.
The guys finally get called to soundcheck and Crystal and Sierra invite you to watch with them; you hesitate at first, having never hung out with them without the guys before but they seem eager to include you. They chat with you as you make your way through the venue to check out your seats for the evening and happily explain what’s happening in the soundcheck process whenever there’s a break in the action. Ash gives you a sweet wave from the stage at one point and the girls seem almost as charmed by it as you are.
The night progresses quickly after that. You make it back to the trailer and see that the guys have changed into their stage outfits; you encounter Calum first, having a smoke outside, and you share an amused moment when you both realize that the kilt he’s chosen to wear looks remarkably similar to the pleated miniskirt you currently have on.
“It seems that someone has a type,” Luke cracks as he passes by, proudly winking at you both, impressed at his own joke.
You enter the trailer and find Ashton talking with Michael. You smile to yourself as you take in the sight of your boyfriend, dressed in all black, sporting a smart overcoat, slacks and boots, an extreme contrast to the man who wore his own brightly colored album merch, butterfly patterned pants and Birkenstocks to pick you up from your apartment last night.
A soft “Hey” stirs you from your thoughts and suddenly you’re being pulled into Ash’s tight embrace. “How ya feelin’, baby?” He asks warmly.
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” You chuckle.
“Only good nerves now, promise,” he reassures you. “But you’re good? Gonna be OK sitting in the crowd with the fans and everything?”
“Hadn’t thought too much about it. I don’t think very many people know about your secret girlfriend yet,” you shrug with a teasing smile.
He shakes his head. “Not secret, just mine.” He pulls you tighter to him to punctuate his point. “But now that WifeSOS has taken you under their wing, if anyone recognizes you from the other shows, it’d be easy to put two and two together.”
“From a dirty groupie to the First Wives Club in a month’s time, truly a Cinderella story,” you giggle, pecking his cheek when he frowns at your joke. “Seriously, babe, I’m fine. Just looking forward to the show… never seen my favorite band play before.”
“Fake fan, I know you only know the underwear song,” he teases, bear hugging you.
You and the girls clear out about a half hour before the band’s set, to give the guys some time alone together before their big moment. You spot more than a few 5SOS shirts in the crowd but nothing could’ve prepared you for the roar of the crowd when the lights go down; the screams and chants are deafening and if you didn’t know for a fact there were other artists on the bill, you’d swear everyone was there just to see your boyfriend’s band.
Ashton is the first onstage and you let out a few extra hoots and hollers yourself - your man looks good. He’s lost the overcoat and his muscular tattooed arms are on full display in a basic blank tank tucked into his tight pants. He kicks off the first song and as the rest of the band joins him, it’s immediately obvious to you how different this show is for him, how different he is. Those other gigs were for fun, something to do, but playing songs he helped write, being behind a kit for this band, backing his boys… this is where he belongs.
Luke pauses in between songs to thank the crowd and you see Ash finally get the chance to look around and take it all in. The look of pride and joy on his face makes every late rehearsal, every frustrated phone call, every burnt omelette this morning worth it. You never would’ve believed he’d be able to find you in the crowd but somehow you feel his eyes lock onto yours and you see the grin on his face spread even wider. It’s a special moment during a special night and you feel so grateful and privileged that he’s chosen you to share it with.
The band is uniformly excellent; it’s clear they all missed being in front of a crowd and are pouring everything they have into their performance. But unsurprisingly, you can’t take your eyes off of Ashton. The energy emanating from him is wild and unrelenting; you’d been impressed by his stage presence before but seeing him command a crowd of this size is something else entirely. He’s like an untamed animal, operating solely on pure instinct, undeniable strength behind every movement of his body. It’s fascinating, it’s overwhelming, it’s… incredibly sexy.
Judging from the shrieks around you, the audience seems to agree. You’ve lost count of how many thirsty comments you’ve overheard about how massive Ash looks and you smirk knowingly at Crystal when she points out that the girls in the row ahead of you all have their cameras trained on him, some specifically zoomed onto his giant biceps at work. His eyes find yours again, with a look that feels a bit more heated than the last, and the girls squeal and swoon, arguing over which one of them he was looking at. You’re surprised to admit a primal thrill runs through you knowing that no one here knows that his look was meant for you, that those huge arms will soon be wrapped around you, that your fingers are moments away from tangling in those sweaty curls. Ashton Irwin, the performer, belongs to them but Ash, the man, he’s spoken for.
After the set, the guys have a short break before they’re needed for the press line and from what you gathered earlier, they’d like to spend it over at the venue’s VIP lounge. Luke intercepts Sierra when you’re almost at the artists’ area and Ash appears to be parting ways with Cal and Mike when you approach the trailer.
Your boyfriend waves you over. “Just wanna put on a clean shirt, maybe dry my hair before we do photos,” he explains brightly. You follow him up the stairs and are immediately enveloped in the sweatiest but possibly most heartfelt hug you’ve ever had the honor of being in. He rambles excitedly, “How’d you like us?! God, it felt so good to be back! It’s weird but it’s good weird. It’s like we never left… but also definitely feels like it’s been forever. I just can’t believe it, I wish we had longer to play.”
He beams at you as you separate. “I wish you did too! You guys are amazing, I can’t wait til I get to see a full show,” you enthuse, basking in the way he always looks at you whenever you mention something in the abstract future. He pulls you into a slow kiss and you almost immediately deepen it, sighing softly, the warmth of his body, the specific scent of his cologne mixed with sweat making you want to drown in him.
“Oh yeah?” Ash says tauntingly, backing you up to lean against the wall of the trailer, spreading teasing kisses along your neck. “Like the show that much, did you?”
“You know, you were a big hit in our section, actually,” you inform him flirtatiously. Your hands explore his body as you continue. “Everyone was talking about how solid your chest looks, how huge your arms are, how tight those pants fit you…”
He grins as you untuck his tank and pull it over his head. “Didn’t have the heart to tell ‘em I was taken?” He fits his thigh between yours, hooking one of your legs on his waist so his touch can explore your skin.
You play with his chest hair as you bat your eyelashes innocently. “They just had no idea that I fell asleep on that firm, broad chest last night... that those big, strong arms were holding me up against your face this morning… that my hands were unzipping those pants on the way here...”
“That I still owe you an orgasm from that car ride over here…” He reminds you, fingers dancing up your thigh to ghost over your clothed center.
You rut against his hand, keeping your eyes trained on his. “Didn’t think to mention that, no,” you breathily play along.
Ashton nods thoughtfully. “I see… so they couldn’t have guessed that you’d be coming back here and I would do this…” He hooks his fingers in your panties and easily rids you of them. “Or that I might get carried away and do this…” Before you can process what’s happening, his hands are gripping behind your knees and he’s lifting you up against the wall, pressing himself against you, letting you feel how hard you’ve made him.
“Mmm…they’ve got no clue,” you sigh as you lean into a heated kiss, his hands kneading your bare ass under your skirt. “But I’m sure they’d be happy to know you are as big and strong as you look up there.” You run your hands up and down his arms appreciatively, squeezing his large, hard biceps to emphasize your point.
The playfully self-satisfied look on his face tells you he’s loving the hype you’re giving his body and you take note of that. A mischievous glint appears in his eyes and you brace yourself for what he’s about to say. “Think everyone’d be jealous to know what a good girl I have all to myself,” he teases, voice dropping specifically on the phrase he noticed you responding to earlier. “Gonna take my cock like a good girl, aren’t you, baby?”
The desire that surges through you is intense and you feel uncontrollable as you roll your hips against him, moaning, “Yes, Ash… god… want you so bad right now… please.”
He gives a low growl, stopping to loudly suck at your neck before nipping at the neckline of your shirt, which you interpret as him requesting its removal. You toss your top aside and he skillfully supports you with one arm while getting his cock out and lining himself up with your entrance. You whimper as he slicks himself through your folds and you can see in his eyes how much he loves knowing that you want him so desperately.
“Hey,” he soothes, pressing his lips to yours. Your tongues passionately move together while your fingers settle in his hair and you feel him enter you. Your lips part but your faces stay close as he pushes inside, the both of you groaning and breathing heavily at the relief of his cock finally filling you after a long day of teasing and wanting.
“Fuck, Ash,” you breathe, head lolling back as he slowly starts to move in you. “Never get enough of that first stretch feeling.”
“Me too, baby,” he agrees with a smile. “Your breath always gets this little hitch in it when I’m close to bottoming out… it’s my favorite… I think about it a lot.”
You let your hands travel down to rub over his shoulders and back as his pace increases. “Just love feeling you… always wanna feel more of you,” you murmur.
“Kinda like this, baby?” Ashton lilts, readjusting his hold on you so he can fuck into you deeper.
You buck against him, trying to meet him thrust for thrust. “Oh my god… Ash… god you just feel so good inside me, babe… fuck,” you ramble, at the mercy of the neediness you’re feeling for him.
He quietly groans your name, burying his head into your chest. His mouth fixates on the tops of your breasts spilling from your bra, biting and sucking at the tender skin. Your head spins from all the sensations overtaking your body and all you can manage to react with is encouraging mewls and tugs of his hair.
He pulls back to admire his work. “Not bad for a fresh face, eh?” He jokes, running his clean shaven face over your tits like he typically would with his beard.
You laugh and the two of you groan at the way it makes you squeeze around him. “Love the effort, miss the scratch,” you admit, stroking his now pouting face. You giggle and point out, “Probably not great to mark me up if we’re trying to be discrete, anyways.”
He shrugs playfully. “How else will you know you’re mine?”
You swallow a whine at him once again claiming you. “Well… you can still mark me… just not where anyone else can see,” you say suggestively, waiting to see if he’ll catch your meaning.
He studies you, his grip on your ass tightening as he considers your words. “Oh?” He says in that same taunting manner, wanting to hear you say it. “Any ideas? Always open to suggestions, dear.”
You chew your lip, affectionately annoyed at his teasing. “You could spank me,” you toss out nonchalantly, waiting to gauge his reaction.
He smirks as he bounces you on his cock. “Look at how well you’re taking me,” he comments, slowing his hips down to demonstrate. “Why would I want to punish such a good girl?” His voice drips with amusement, getting off on your reaction to his continued use of the term.
Every single nerve in your body feels like it’s on fire as he slowly pumps into you. You’re not sure where this confidence or even this request is coming from but you’re thrilled that you’re feeling comfortable enough with him to explore it. You fire back, “Not really a punishment… I’m just saying you keep telling me I’m yours... why don’t you fucking show me?”
A grin you can only describe as devilish blooms across Ash’s face and you cry out in erotic delight as one of his large palms comes down on your ass with an audible smack. He rubs over the strike zone while studying your face closely for any hint of hesitance or pain. “How’s that?” He asks in a voice that somehow feels both firm and gentle.
You match his naughty grin, look him straight in the eyes and tell him, “Harder.”
He follows your instruction and spanks your other cheek harder, drawing an even louder cry from you. He once again immediately soothes your skin, watching your enthusiastic arousal at his roughness. “Fuck, baby,” he mutters, a growl escaping his throat as he ramps up his thrusts to match the force of his hand.
He drives his cock into you harder than he ever has, delivering a few more slaps to your backside for good measure. You’re wetter than you can ever remember being and you’re not sure there are words in the English language fit to describe how fucking amazing he feels in this moment. You pant and whine his name and various expletives while your hands are all over him: tugging at his hair, grabbing at his shoulders, scratching down his back. Anything to try and bring him closer, anything to let him know what he’s making you feel.
“Think I’ve shown you yet, baby?” Ash rasps, clearly struggling to keep it together. “Think you can tell me what you are?”
“Oh god,” you whimper, feeling your orgasm suddenly within reach. “Yours, Ash… I’m fucking all yours.”
You feel your climax building, your pussy starting to throb and then he brings his face to yours and whispers one last “Good girl” and you’re gone. He holds you tight as you shake and writhe, guttural noises you’re not sure you’ve ever heard yourself make pouring from your throat. He grunts and breathes deep as you squeeze around him but he lets you ride it out and take what you need from him.
Needing him near, you pull him into a desperate kiss as your body settles. You feel his hips faltering, his breathing get shaky and you know he must be barely holding on. You pant against his mouth, “Want your cum on me.”
He exhales sharply, caught off guard. “Baby...”
You shake your head and lick at his lips sensually before simply stating, “Show me.”
Ashton moans quietly as he sets you back on the ground, letting himself slip out of you. His cock is red, angry and covered in you. You immediately drop to your knees and reach for him; you stroke him eagerly, leaning in to mouth over his balls. It’s only a matter of seconds before he’s whining for you, yanking you back by your hair so he can properly aim his cock at your skin. You watch through hooded eyes as he hangs his head down, eyes fluttering, lips forming silent curses; his wide chest, shiny with sweat, heaves with effort as his cock jerks in his hand and shoots ribbons of hot cum onto your neck and chest.
You can’t help but moan with him as he works to draw out the final drops and you lean in to collect them on your tongue. You peck tiny kisses up and down his shaft until he cradles your cheek and gently pushes you away.
“Holy fuck, baby,” he sighs, looking down at you in disbelief. He grabs the tissue box off the vanity and gets on his knees to join you. He chuckles as he carefully wipes at the mess on your chest. “We’re gonna be here at least another hour, we probably should’ve thought this through more.”
You shrug. “Wanted it,” you admit, stuffing a tissue into the center of your bra to blot at the cum that made its way down your cleavage. “Needed, even.”
Ash watches fondly as you finish cleaning yourself and when you finally meet his gaze, he takes your face in his hands and kisses you softer than you ever would’ve expected given the sex you just had.
Your fingers trace along his smiling cheeks, traveling down to sink into his dimples. You tease him, “All honesty… this was a lot more fun with the beard.”
He purses his lips, ready to play offended as you giggle. “Ha ha, alright,” he huffs, pulling you to lay on the floor with him, resting you on his chest. His hand gingerly lifts up your skirt. “How’s this going? Now that the adrenaline has worn off…”
You shake your head reassuringly. “It’s fine. Stings a little. Kinda like it, honestly.”
He snorts and kisses your forehead. “We can always put something on it at home,” he mentions.
You close your eyes briefly, dreamily savoring the moment and thinking to yourself how lovely it feels to hear him mention “home” and know he’s picturing you there with him.
You break out of your reverie after a few beats and press some kisses to his chest before sitting up. You laugh, “Should we, like, get you back to your band?”
“Eh, they’ve waited two years, they can wait ten more minutes,” Ashton murmurs, sitting up to rest his chin on your shoulder.
You smile softly, loving how needy he’s being. “Well, what about your adoring public? They don’t know I’m keeping you from them right now.”
Ash shakes his head insistently. “They don’t know the time I’m sharing with them is time I could be spending with you,” he comments, helping you to your feet and wrapping you in his arms. “They don’t know that I’ll fall asleep talking to you tonight… that I’ll burn your breakfast again tomorrow… that I’ll have your scratches down my back in the pictures they take. They don’t know that I’m yours.”
@cxddlyash @cashtonasfuck @talkfastromance4 @camelliastreet @itjustkindahappenedreally @saywhatnow07 @mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower @pxrxmoore @findingliam-o @fedorable-killjoys @trix-arent-for-kids @olivia-foster-irwin @saphseoul @calmsweetcreature @onthecliffside-mgc @feliznavidaddycal @blacktreacles @maggiesupertramp @karajaynetoday @ashtonangst @sunshineeashton @aladyofalbion @youngblood199456 @xsongbirdx @fairytrice @calumrose @irwindoll @polycashton @in-superbloom @2fangirl4u @highstwildflower @t3lkfast @bport76
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
win for me
warnings: lAnGuAgE, alcohol consumption (both reader and all other characters are of age to drink), marijuana use, Making Out™️, a miniscule Flowers from 1970 reference. PSA: WHEN UR INTOXICATED AND/OR AT A PARTY, TELL UR FRIENDS WHO YOU WILL BE WITH AND WHERE YOU WILL BE AT ALL TIMES. DRINK AND PARTY SAFELY!
tags: sapnap x fem!reader
summary: a collection of moments throughout the beginning of your relationship
words: 5000
A/N: even though this isn’t my most organized or perfect fic this was so incredibly fun to write. and it’s a college!au!! one of my favs. hope you guys like!! let's pretend the pandemic doesn't exist for this one too (please wear ur masks btw)
Sophomore Year:
Smells like shit in here is your first thought upon entering the laundromat.
It does, in all honesty. What would you expect a place where college students wash three months of dirty clothes and comforters with vomit to smell like? Urine and just a hint of marijuana, incidentally. The door closes noisily behind you and a guy in a black baseball hat turns his head at the noise. Half of his face is hidden underneath the shadow of his scruff and he says nothing, but you still offer an obligatory polite-stranger smile. The place is pretty deserted, what for it being nearly 4 in the morning. And you’re a rare kind of customer; only a few things to wash and you brought your own detergent.
There’s an empty washer next to an old woman in an acid-trip of a parka, and you sweep past the few other patrons with your mesh bag close. The man in the hat nods at you as you pass, looking up from his phone.
Okay. Dark load in one and delicates in the other, you remind yourself. The quarters get pushed through the slot (not without dropping three and having to scramble to pick them up before they disappear between the machines) and you fill the dispensers with a flowery laundry detergent your roommates hates. Oh, and the clothes go in. Done. You relax into a cracked plastic booth around the corner of the machine, pulling a book of crosswords from your bag.
Somebody yelps halfway through filling out a five letter word (“a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep”) and you jump. Baseball Cap rips open the dryer, fumbling around and supplying a pair of gray sweatpants. You can’t help but watch. He digs through both front pockets, pulling out a wad of dollar bills. He sighs, shoves the pants back into the dryer, and starts it with a hard push.
“Gut feeling?” You ask. He looks around for a second and settles his gaze upon you. Nice eyebrows, you think.
“Yeah,” he laughs, slightly nervous. “Yeah. I wore them yesterday and just remembered I put some tip money in my pocket.” Leaning back onto the shelf behind him, he shoves his phone into his pocket and folds his arms tight to his chest.
“I feel you,” you empathize, and set down your pencil. “I washed a parking ticket with my underwear last week.”
He stutters out a laugh, nodding.
“That must’ve sucked,” he adds.
“Yeah.” You shrug. “I wasn’t going to pay it anyways, but would’ve been nice to keep it for memory’s sake.” Rubbing at your knee offhandedly, you just watch him. He’s cute. And easy to make conversation with.
“Hey, um,” he mutters and clears his throat. “Do you by chance know some guy named Karl? Tall, messy brown hair and a horrible laugh?”
You open your mouth, then close it.
“Actually—,” you start but huff out a laugh. “Yeah, he’s uh, he’s dating my roommate. Why’d you ask?”
Reaching a hand to rub at his neck, his face twists into something sheepish.
“I’ve seen you at some parties this semester. I didn’t mean to sound creepy like that— I just—yeah.” His cheeks flush pink and he looks down to the ground.
“No worries,” you say, barely even thinking. “I think I’ve seen you too. You’re in Delta Tau Delta, right?”
“Nah, nah,” he laughs. “Just got some friends in there.”
“Ah.” You nod.
The conversation falls into silence, but not uncomfortable silence. He pulls out his phone again, and you look back to the crossword in front of you. The old woman between you leaves with a humongous load of blankets and a small family leaves with a cart full of bags; now it’s just you two.
When the washer with your delicates ding you nearly jump two feet in the air. Exhaling, you set your work down and open the door.
“Shit,” you curse as two bras fall onto the tile. You reach down to get a hand on a black lace bra and hide it quickly under your elbow. A sneaker squeaks loud in the almost-empty room and you see Baseball Cap’s shoulders.
“Here.” He’s kneeling as he hands you your pink bra and you accept it, biting your lower lip.
“Thanks,” you mumbles, slightly embarrassed, and step back to shove those bras and a couple pairs of your underwear into your bag. He offers you a small smile and backs off to his own machines, humming an off-key version of Unchained Melody to himself. Your other load of laundry gets shoved right on top of your delicates.
It’s when you’re nearly out the door, bell jingling, that you think to look back.
“Hey,” you start, almost stuttering for no reason. “What’s your name?”
He turns, dark eyebrows raised.
“My—uh… My friends call me Sapnap. You can call me that too.” Rosy cheeks once again; you seem to be making him awfully nervous.
“Sapnap.” You try it in your mouth, pursing your lips. “Okay. I’ll see you around Sapnap.”
He nods, affirming your statement.
“See you around Y/N.”
It doesn’t hit you until you’re buckling your seatbelt and starting your car that you realize you didn’t tell him your name.
Perhaps he knew more about you than you thought.
Yeah, you laugh to yourself. Karl’s got a big mouth.
Junior Year:
It takes you a collective twelve minutes to go talk to him.
It’s quiet in the library, students that happen to come here to study or procrastinate few and far between the scattered tables. Your poison today is a 4 page history paper on Normandy that you’d been staring at the instructions for for days. You’d already written a bunch of, frankly, horseshit for the body, but the introduction and conclusion were throwing you for a loop.
The vibes in Ridgeback Hall were also certainly off, today more than any other day; the main help-desk was empty and everybody had to do the tedious task of locating niche textbooks themselves.
Lifting your head from the wood of the table, you squint and focus your vision on the guy in the white tee and denim jacket that had been the focus of your thoughts for minutes. He chews at the end of his pencil, mouth screwed up into a ball, and shoots daggers at the empty notebook in front of him. You’re surprised it hasn’t caught on fire yet just from his gaze.
“Sapnap!” You whisper-shout, stretching your arms across the table as if it would make him any closer. A person with purple hair jumps at your voice but turns back to their laptop. “Sapnap!” you try again, tapping two fingers on the table. His head jerks up, eyebrows furrowed and an angry expression on his face, but softens at the sight of you.
“Y/N,” he counters, equally as loud but with a smile on his face.
“What’re you doing?”
“Calculus.” He sticks his tongue out, making an awfully tortured face. You laugh and wave your fingers at him, gesturing for him to come closer. He just huffs out a sigh, stacks all his papers in one pile, and gets up. The trek over to your table is short but he takes it so slowly you wonder if he always walks like that. Like a varsity basketball player who just got off a horse.
“You’re so slow.”
“Shut up,” he grumbles and settles into a chair across from you. “It’s 2 pm, give me a break. I need a Redbull.”
“Those are bad for you, you know,” you say matter-of-factly and drop your chin onto your hand. He’s even cuter from this angle, you think briefly. He just rolls his eyes.
“Whatever, Miss I’d-like-some-coffee-with-my-sugar-and-cream,” he teases, pointing to your venti iced coffee. It’s about as pale as the color of a band-aid. You just sigh and close your eyes. “You tired?” He flips his pencil in his hand and leans back into the seat, sighing.
“Yeah,” you mumble. “I haven’t slept yet today.”
“Wow, you’re dumb.” He looks scandalized. You just shrug.
“Perhaps. I don’t really know why I did it actually— just for funzies!” You raise an arm but let it drop back down. “I stayed up playing Sims.”
“Feel that. I play Minecraft with my buddies until like 2 am every night too. It’s nice,” he decides and folds his arms across his chest. Your eyes flit over to his strong arms, admiring the way his denim shirt looks around them. Thick.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“What?” He says too loudly and it warrants a ‘shush’ from another student. He reddens, but looks back down to you. “I—why do you ask?” You shrug, eyebrows raised.
“Just wondering. You’re too cute to not have one.”
“Right,” he huffs, but his cheeks stay pink. You two fall into easy silence, his eyes trained on the notebook in front of him and yours closed peacefully. “Are you dating anyone?”
They snap open not-so-peacefully.
“Nope. You wanna submit a boyfriend application?” A smile cracks your lips and he grins back.
“Maybe,” he replies and stares at your mouth. “I have to say—,” He stretches into a yawn. “I think I’m qualified.”
“Oh, yeah?” Your eyebrow quirks. “And why are you so qualified?”
“Well, first of all, I work at Ace Hardware. That’s where cool people work.” He presses one finger into his palm. Then two. “And I have a bunch of free time because said job at Ace Hardware only likes scheduling me in the mornings. Plus, I’m hot.” He shrugs.
You nod faux-seriously, considering his list.
“Those are very good qualities, sir. I’ll have to get back to you on that.” You pause. “Okay, I’ll schedule an interview. How’s 7 pm at the Chili’s on Main? Chili’s is the designated interview place.” You wiggle your eyebrows. He just smiles at you, shaking his head in disbelief.
“That was smooth.”
“Yeah, I know.” You carefully study your nails. “I’m pretty impressive.”
“Clearly,” he mutters and chuckles. “But I do like their salsa. And margaritas. We got a deal?�� He holds out a large hand. You take it, squeezing tightly.
“Hell yes.”
When you see the man called Sapnap a week later, you are very obviously in a different state of mind.
Same state, same college town, but very different blood alcohol contents.
“Sappy!” You shout, raising your arms above your head with a stupid grin on your face. He turns, that familiar look of surprise evident in his expression.
“Y/N,” he laughs and approaches your group of friends in the kitchen. It’s Greek Wedding night at Delta Tau Delta, and you assume Sapnap came to support Delta’s “groom” Alex. You’d gotten uncharacteristically drunk, trading air for sangria, and you were now in the incredible stage where everyone was both your friend and your favorite person.
Throwing an arm around his shoulders, you mash your face into his bicep and giggle.
“Missed you so much,” you try to manage out of your mouth, but it comes out slurred and stuttered. “So much.” You’d gone to Chili’s two days before and promised another ‘interview’ in the next few days, but it felt like two months away from your beloved. Beloved friend, that is. Only one date.
“Yeah?” He places a hesitant hand on your back and nudges you into a standing position. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Oh, shhhh,” you mumble and close your eyes. “Only— a lot.” Blinking them back open, you zero your gaze in on a bottle of Ciroc half-empty and looking very tempting on the kitchen island across from where you’re leaned up against the kitchen sink. He catches your gaze and steps in front of you, pleasant face filling your vision. You gasp.
“You are so cute.” Sliding your palms up onto his face, you hold his scruffy cheeks in your hands and smile all dopey at him.
“Is that your brain or the alcohol telling you that?”
“Uh,” you swallow. “Both. And my heart.”
He just shakes his head and his chest moves with a heavy laugh.
“Glad to hear it.”
“Are you having fun?” You ask, all concerned and furrowed eyebrows. You look like you’re genuinely interested and worried about if he’s having a good time or not, and it makes his expression melt.
“I’m having lots of fun,” he passes over his shoulder as he flips on the tap and fills a red solo cup with water. “In fact, I’m gonna have a nice, cold glass of water right now.” He shakes it like an owner offering their dog a treat.
You eye the cup in his hand, having half a thought that this might be some sort of backwards psychology move. The other half wins.
“That sounds so good right now— can I drink some?” Your eyebrows pull together and your bottom lip drops into a pout. It makes him blink for a second. He remembers the little game you’re playing and just hands it over, smug. You gulp it down quickly and crush the empty plastic into your palm with an exaggerated exhale. “Hit the spot,” you sigh, and pat your stomach fondly.
“You hungry?” Sapnap asks you as he steadies you with two hands on your shoulders. Something pops into your head at his words: a set of two McChickens and an Oreo milkshake.
“Oh my God,” you gasp, and mirror him by placing your hands on his shoulders. “Can we go to McDonald’s?”
He just shakes his head, grin wide on his lips, and shrugs. Perfect teeth, you think.
“I haven’t drank anything, so I’m good to drive.” He pulls his keys from his pocket. “I know you’re smashed right now so—do you feel safe with me?” The question falls from his mouth and you truly consider it, pulling your lip between your teeth.
“Yeah. I’ll take this just in case,” you say, and take a large dinner fork from the counter next to you. It has some red liquid on it that you brush off onto the fabric of your jeans.
“That’s actually gross.”
“Yeah.” You grip it tighter in your head. “But it’ll do the job if you try any shit. I’ll put this in your eyeball.” Brandishing it, a smile stretches onto your mouth. He just shakes his head and heads for the back door, jerking a hand in your direction to get you to follow him.
The cool night air explodes on your face when you step onto the porch and it makes you blink rapidly. Sapnap is right at your side, offering a forearm as you slowly make your way down the two back porch steps. A tall blonde smoking half of a blunt makes a grunt noise as you two pass and your knight-in-shining armor looks up.
“Gonna go get some food. Want anything?” Sapnap stops on the rocky path to the sidewalk, tilted up to hear the blonde’s response. The other guy shakes his head but nods to you in passing.
“I’ll tell her friends where she went,” says the blonde, and disappears through the sliding glass doors.
Your hand falls from his forearm to his hand and grasps it tightly, swinging back and forth as you stumble to his car. You flash him a grin that he just chuckles at.
“Watch your step,” he warns as you yank on the handle of the passenger door and nearly fall off of the curb.
“I’m fine,” you huff, and scramble to get yourself upright into the seat and buckled. He closes your door and jogs to the driver’s seat, climbing in and starting the engine quicker than your head comprehends.
The small space fills with the sound of Letters to Cleo as he’s maneuvering out of his parking spot and he slaps a hand at the stereo button almost immediately. His cheeks redden as he glances at you once.
“I love Letters to Cleo,” you admit, and switch it back on. Ah, Co-Pilot. A classic. “Be my co-pilot!” You sing, loud and sharp. He shakes his head but huffs out a reluctant laugh.
“My older sister loved them. Bit old for my taste, but—you know. Can’t deny that I love a little bit of 90’s angst.”
“Absolutely,” you nod vigorously and pick at your nail. “Oh!” The fork magically reappears at your side and you grab at it. “For my McChickens.”
“And for me,” he adds.
“Yup. You too.” But you drop it onto the seat and lean forward, fumbling with the volume dial until you feel the lead singer’s voice thumping into your heart. “I love this lady!” You shout and rock your head to the beat.
Shaking his head, his shoulders move in an easy laugh. The drive-thru line is kind of busy for 2 am, he notes, pulling in right behind a navy BMW sedan. But it moves quickly, especially when you’re moving in your seat, scream-singing the lyrics to I Want You To Want Me.
“Yeah,” he says, loud into the mic. “Two.”
“Alright.” The voice reports from the speaker, a background clicking joining their bored tone. “Two McChickens, a double cheeseburger—ketchup and pickle only— , a medium fry, and an Oreo McFlurry. Anything else, sir?”
Sapnap chews on his lip, and glances at you. You just give an encouraging thumbs up.
“That’ll be all,” he reports.
“Second window, and your total is $9.67.”
He barely has time to call a “thank you so much!” before the line ends with a click. Rude.
“Jesus Christ,” you moan the second you sink your teeth into your first sandwich.
“Agreed,” he mumbles and pushes as much cheeseburger he can fit into his mouth.
“This,” you start, swallowing. “is the sexiest thing I’ve encountered in all of my years. I thank all higher powers when I consume McChickens…” Trailing off for dramatic effect, you stare down the sandwich before mimicking a dinosaur war cry and practically shoving it down your throat. He just nods in agreement.
“It’s so nice out tonight,” Sapnap comments, swinging a look out his rolled-down window. He parked right in front of the Campus Quad, large bubbling fountain the show to your dinner. And some geese fighting each other for half a rotting hot dog.
“Mhm.” You crumple up your wrapper trash and toss it into the empty paper bag. “Could totally go for a swim.”
He turns and gives you a look. You look right back.
“Should we?” It’s barely a question.
“Um, hell yes,” is all it takes for you to say before you’re clambering out of the car and starting for the fountain. He follows closely after, jogging to catch up with your borderline track-star sprints.
“Wait up!” He calls as you reach the border of the fountain.
“Ugh,” you sigh, impatient. “Hurry up.”
“Mouthy,” he grumbles before kicking off his shoes and bending to fold his pants up over his knees. You just climb straight in and brave the cold.
Squealing, you hop from one foot to the other, shoulders tight as you get used to the freezing water. He laughs and climbs in right beside you.
“Shit,” he curses, and shivers. “This sucks.”
“You suck,” you quip right back and splash around. He stares, disgusted, at the water soaking up your jeans all the way up to your knees.
“You’re gross for wearing jeans in a fountain. That’s worse than wet socks.” He starts to move around as feeling comes back into his toes.
“What, would you prefer me taking my pants off?” A sassy look paints your face and he rolls his eyes.
“No, but you could’ve folded them up like a normal person.”
“I think you forget,” you start, and splash a palmful of water his way. “I’m quirky.”
He gasps, face twisting as the water hits his thighs.
“You’re dead.”
If campus police were patrolling the Quad right now, they’d see two college juniors wading around in a fountain, water up to their knees, having a competition to see who can inflict the most damage. He won, it seems, because your shirt is drenched all the way up to your ribs.
“Okay!” You shout, hands spread to brace yourself. The water in his palm falls. “I’m cold and I want my other McChicken.”
“Fine,” he sighs, and with some difficulty manages to get out of the fountain and back into his shoes. You just make your way back over to his car barefoot, braving the mulch and poorly-sanded concrete.
You both finish your food quickly, discussing menial things like how fast food restaurants always skimp on the pickles and how it’s truly a disservice to the world that so many people don’t know it’s Biggie singing the song Kat dances on the table to in the 1999 classic 10 Things I Hate About You.
When Sapnap pulls up to your house, he shifts the car into park and lets loose a heavy sigh. You whip around, hand on your buckle, and sport a very confused look on your face.
“I’m tired,” is all he says. Head falling onto the seat, he rolls over to give you a half-lidded look. You nod empathetically and climb very carefully out of his passenger seat. Your drunk muscles haven't caught up to your mainly sober brain, which is impairing your ability to look like a functioning human being.
“Thank you for tonight,” you chirp, smiling in at him with your arms folded on the open window sill. The half-drank Oreo McFlurry is lukewarm in your hand. He stares at your flushed lips.
“Anytime you want a drunk McChicken let me know.” He winks. “I have a gift card.”
“You spoil me,” you coo, and step up onto the sidewalk. “I’ll see you sometime soon, yeah?”
He nods, pursed lips fighting a grin.
Cute, you both think at the same time.
Sometime soon, somehow, means the very next day.
It’s breezy yet uncharacteristically hot out, and certainly way too bright for a hungover Y/N.
You’re sat on the porch swing, nursing a hot decaf coffee with lots of sugar and cream. Sunglasses sit comfortably on your nose, but you still have to squint. The pills you took have yet to kick in, so all you have to do is wait and try not to vomit into your mug. Suddenly, your phone lights up and buzzes to life. You press the green button and lift to your ear.
“What do you want?” Your voice is awfully froggy, you realize, and clear your throat.
“Good morning to you too.” Sapnap’s voice rings clear yet husky into your ear. The corners of your lips twitch up into a smile. God, you’re whipped just for the sound of his voice.
“It is definitely not a good morning,” you grumble and switch him into speaker phone. You drop the phone into your lap and stretch out further on the swing.
“Good morning for me,” he chirps cheerfully. “Take anything for the headache?”
“Yes,” you report, sounding like a pouting child and rubbing two fingers into your temple. “Some idiot fed me ice cream last night so this morning I woke up having to both shit and throw up.”
“Aww,” he sympathizes, sounding way too entertained. “That sounds like a you problem.” You stuck out your tongue, but upon realizing he can’t see it, make a ‘hmph’ noise into the mic. “Anyways. I called to see if you wanted to go get breakfast with me. Waffle House, specifically.” You make a face but lift yourself up off the swing, wincing.
“I saw a rat eat an entire piece of french toast there once. But—sure. I’ll pay.” He starts to whine, but you scoff. “Let me love you, bitch. You pay for my McDonald’s and I pay for your pancakes. Easy trade.”
“Whatever. See you in five.” He hangs up right as you twist the front door open and drop your phone onto the couch.
“Who’re you talking to?” comes from the kitchen and you jump, pressing a hand to your chest. A shirtless Karl enters the living room with a bowl of fruit loops in his hand.
“Jesus Christ,” you breathe, and duck into the hall closet for your pair of dirty tennis shoes. “I was talking to Sapnap.”
“Oh,” he says around his mouthful of cereal with a grin. “You guys dating yet?”
You pass him a weird look, bending to tie your shoes.
“Gimme like two weeks. I’ll have him at my beck and call,” you laugh and collapse back into the couch.
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” He quirks an eyebrow and exits stage left into your roommate’s room.
The few minutes it takes for Sapnap to come to your house are short but filled with contemplation. Do you really want to date him? He’s certainly cute enough. Nice enough. And smart enough. He seems to like you too—
A honk interrupts your thoughts. Always having to be obnoxious, huh?
“You’re annoying,” you mumble as you buckle your seatbelt. He just shrugs, tiny smile tugging his lips, and shifts into drive. The short trip to Waffle House proves more quiet than lively. He seems awake, actually, so you attribute the silence to your tumultuous thoughts. The music is nice, though. Bikini Kill is perfect for 10 am.
After you two order (three chocolate chip pancakes for him and two regular waffles with a side of hashbrowns for you), he finally breaks the silence.
“Hey, are we dating?”
You pause with your lip on the rim of your orange juice. Your gaze falls from his lips to his fingers wrapped around the coffee mug. Two silver rings adorn both his middle fingers and they glint underneath the fluorescent lights.
“Do you wanna?” You squint back up at him. The tips of his ears flush pink.
“I-uh… Yeah. Yes,” he says simply. You try to hide a smile, but realize there’s no point.
“Okay.” You take a long drink of your orange juice. “I really like you. A lot. A surprising amount, actually; I haven’t really dated seriously since highschool.”
He nods, shuffling his feet on the tile. What else does he have to be nervous about? you wonder.
“I’ve… kindasortamaybelikedyousincesophmoreyear,” he mumbles and you swallow.
“Huh?” Leaning forward, you set your glass down.
“Um,” he starts but doesn’t finish.
“Did you say you’ve liked me since sophomore year?”
“...Maybe.” His coffee becomes the most interesting thing in the world, apparently. “Do you remember that one time during the Summer Carnival where Karl lost his phone?”
“Uh—yes! Yeah, actually. I do remember that. He found it in the porta-potty. What about it?” The waitress sets down both your plates in front of you and you offer her a smile in thanks before she trundles off to the drink station. You pick up your fork and wait for him to continue.
“I left two hours early because you invited Michael from your computer science class.” You pause around your mouthful of potato and he just stares back, trying not to grin. “Yeah. I thought you were hot and left early because you brought another guy.”
“Michael is gay,” you say slowly.
“Yup.” He nods and shoves a forkful of pancake into his mouth. “Isn’t that so stupid?”
“So stupid,” you tease but your cheeks blush pink.
“Anyways. Now I’m dating you, so. Win for me.”
“Ditto,” you murmur, and manage to fit half of your first waffle into your mouth. “This is the easiest it’s ever been to start dating someone.”
“It’s ‘cause we’re cool, I’m pretty sure,” comes from a mouthful of pancake.
“That’s facts.”
The rest of Pancake House is bustling, a few families with young kids and some other hungover college students scarfing down similar breakfast foods and confections. You two barely give any other customers the time of day, too wrapped up in conversation and each other. The waitress gets a heavy tip after an hour and a half of struggling to swallow dough soaked in syrup and chocolate.
Sapnap walks you to your door after breakfast, hand on your waist and pressed to your side. It feels good. Right.
“I’ll see you Wednesday right?” You ask, turning to him with hopeful eyes. How could he resist?
“Definitely. Wouldn’t miss Game Night for the world— I can’t wait to beat your ass at Uno.”
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” You murmur but you’re already slinging an arm around his shoulder and bringing his mouth down to yours.
You taste like sugar, he thinks. His hands find the small of your back easily, pressing you further forward into him. You hum at that, tracking a hand up the back of his neck and into his hair to grip it between your fingers.
He smells both musky and sweet and cool at the same time: heaven. One of his hands slides up to grip at your neck, thumb rubbing at your jaw, and you make a pleased noise into his mouth. There it is.
“Y/N!” Shrieks from inside your house and you jump, pulling away from Sapnap with a smack.
“What?” You yell back, irritated, and he just laughs as he dips to press a kiss to your cheek.
“Stop tonguing your boyfriend and come help me with my photography project.”
“God damn it,” you sigh and drop your hands. His slide down to just rest on your hips, comfortable. “I have to go.” You're annoyed, that’s for sure, and he prays you aren’t too mean to your roommate.
“Alright.” He dips for a quick kiss one last time. Okay, two more times. Maybe three. But he pulls away, grinning. “I’ll see you Wednesday.”
And then he’s stepping off your porch, walking to his car with his hands in his pockets. You watch his back fondly.
God, boyfriend. He’s your boyfriend. Boynap. Sapfriend. You can’t decide on a name, but all sounds perfect.
Perfectly him.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D comments = welcome!
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Seeds of Tomorrow (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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WARNINGS: NON-CON, murder, violence, arranged marriage, mentions of infidelity (does it still count if all parties are consenting?), mafia!Steve, side of Bucky x reader, jealous!Steve, Steve is the worst
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers​}
➥ Part 2 to Regrets of Yesterday
summary: your arranged marriage to the infamous Steve Rogers isn’t what you initially thought it would be, but things have worked out better than you could have imagined. However, your arrangement with your husband becomes complicated when feelings, and circumstances, that neither of you anticipated come into play.
You stewed over your news for days, unsure of how to navigate this. There was a brief moment where you struggled with who to tell first before the obvious answer slapped you in the face. Of course, Bucky was going to be who you went to first. You needed to figure out what the two of you would do about this, and depending on what that was, there might not be a need to even tell Steve.
Your first order of business was going to a doctor. Sure, your test, and the two more after it, was positive, but you needed more details than that. You needed to know how far along you were and if you were in good health. The day after your enlightening appointment, you called Bucky to let him know that you needed to see him.
You hadn’t seen him, nor Steve, in days. Not since you found out the news. You’d taken the time to cry and stress and mull over several courses of actions, several outcomes that could take place. Steve was gone the day you decided to meet Bucky, and for that, you were grateful. He’d been hanging around more and more as of late, and if that didn’t unnerve you, his attempts at making light conversation did. It never progressed passed a few exchanges through your closed door, and you wondered if his father was breathing down his neck about a son. What other reason could Steve possibly have for talking to you?
Bucky kissed your cheeks as soon as you slid into his limo, holding your hand in his lap as you sat beside him. He looked so excited to see you, and you wondered how long that would last. The conversation was light, Bucky only able to get one- or two-word answers out of you, and as he eyed you, you knew that he could tell that something was wrong.
He helped you out of your thick coat the minute you stepped inside of his house, and you rubbed your hands up and down your arms as he hung it up. He turned to look at you with a frown, hands resting on your shoulders.
“Somethings bothering you. Is it Steve?”
“…sort of. We need to talk…”
Your tone was grim, and Bucky’s face fell, but he guided you up the stairs, nonetheless. You sat down on his bed as he closed his bedroom door, reaching inside of your purse. You had tossed your pregnancy tests the minute you came back from the doctor with the slip of paper that confirmed your condition. Worry filled Bucky’s eyes as you handed it to him, and you watched as he hesitantly took it.
His blue eyes scanned over it, widening when he got to the middle, and you saw the way he paused before reading it again from the top. When he was done, his wide eyes met yours, and he took a cautious step towards you.
“You… You’re pregnant?”
You nodded at him.
“Just…a little over 3 months, and… I haven’t seen Pietro in 4 months so…”
“So it’s mine,” Bucky breathed, and you nodded.
You sharply inhaled when Bucky fell to his knees before you, wrapping his arms around you as he pressed his face into your stomach. You closed your eyes when he peppered kisses against you through the fabric, your hand reaching up to run through his dark hair.
“Bucky,” you said with a sad smile. “We have to talk about our options.”
He snapped his head up to meet your gaze, brows drawn together.
“What options? Y/N, this is our chance. You have to leave him now, and this will convince him to agree,” he replied.
Your lips parted, and you blinked as realization hit you. A part of you, one you didn’t want to acknowledge, swelled at his words.
“You want to keep it…?”
Bucky tilted his head at you.
“Don’t you?”
You thought about it as he continued.
“If it wasn’t for Steve…if it was just you and me… Would you want to keep this baby?”
“Of course,” you answered without hesitation because Steve was your only concern.
He threw you a small smile.
“Then we are keeping it,” he whispered.
“…but…what about Steve? What if he doesn’t agree to a divorce? What if he’s angry?”
Bucky pressed his lips together, a small smirk dancing along them.
“He’ll agree to the divorce, doll. I know Steve better than anyone. He isn’t going to want to raise someone else’s kid. He’s not going to pass on his legacy to a child that isn’t his, and he’s definitely not going to want to deal with all the questions that will surely come when he doesn’t pass his legacy onto a kid that everyone thinks is his.”
You considered this.
“People will figure it out. People will talk. Steve likes his reputation…his image… He’ll give you the divorce. He might be angry that he has to go through this whole marriage process again, he might even throw some dirt on your name, but he’ll let you leave,” he continued.
Bucky stood, hands clasping yours as you looked up at him. A slow nervous smile made its way onto your lips, and a shaky laugh escaped you.
“So…we’re doing this?”
Bucky joined you before pulling you up, yanking you closer until his lips met yours. You hummed into this kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around you.
“You’re pregnant,” he breathed in awe as he pulled away.
He shook his head in slight disbelief, but his smile was the largest you’d ever seen on him.
“You’re pregnant,” he murmured again just before he kissed you again.
His hands made quick work of getting you out of your dress as he moved you back. You both fell onto the bed in a heap, you giggling because Bucky’s lips and fingers just refused to stay in one place, and him growling in frustration because he couldn’t get you naked fast enough.
“You’re going to get so big…so round,” he moaned, pressing his lips to your collarbone.
“Stop,” you begged, heat warming your face at the thought.
“Never,” he breathed, his bare chest grazing yours as he looked at you.
His eyes flitted over your face, drinking you in like he was trying to memorize every detail. He reached up to brush his fingers over your face, across your lips, ghosting over your jaw. He softly pressed his lips to yours as he slid inside of you, your back arching at the feel. You exhaled into his mouth, lips parting as he sank into you to the hilt.
“You have never looked more beautiful than you do now,” he whispered, pulling his hips back before pressing into you again.
You wrapped your arms around him, lips parted as soft moans climbed out of them.
“I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he murmured, just before swallowing your moans with a kiss.
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You spent just about all day with Bucky, losing count of how many times you came undone for him. In between, he made sure to bring you food and water, not wanting a repeat of the last gala you went to. Your blissful mood waned however, when you neared your house. Bucky rubbed the back of your hand with his fingers, eyeing you.
“Do you want me to come with you?”
You shook your head.
“No. I think it’s best if I do this alone,” you told him.
His expression was unreadable when you looked at him, and he sighed.
“I’ll wait outside then,” he said.
You tilted your head, a soft look on your face as you rested your other hand on his cheek.
“You don’t have to do that,” you replied, shaking your head.
Bucky smirked, but it lacked humor, and you watched the way he eyed the big house through the tinted windows.
“You don’t know Steve like I know Steve.”
His words gave you pause, and you worriedly eyed him.
“Yes, he inherited the business from his father, but it takes a certain kind of man to keep it up and running, especially as well as he does.”
You frowned at him, and his eyes met yours.
“The truth is, you don’t know your husband, at all. You don’t know what he’s capable of, so yes,” he said, making your eyes widen as he reached for his gun and placed it in his lap. “I will wait right outside.”
You were suddenly very nervous, much more than you were before, and you realized that you would have to be way more gentle with the news than you realized. You nodded at Bucky, accepting his quick kiss before allowing him to help you out of the limo. A biting wind hit your cheek, making you wince as you tightened your coat around you. Part of you wished that Steve wasn’t home, but you knew the odds of that were slim.
You were proven right when you walked through the door.
He was leaning back into the couch, ankle resting on the opposite knee as he mulled over some paperwork in his hands. He glanced up at you when you slowly made your way into the living room, blue eyes quickly scanning over your frame.
“You weren’t here when I got back,” he said, eyes returning to the papers before him.
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “I was…with a friend.”
He cut his eyes to you, and there was that look again. The one he’d given you the night of the gala, but it was gone as quickly as it came. He didn’t give a proper response, merely humming. There were a few seconds of silence before you swallowed.
“Steve, we need to talk.”
You watched as he paused, setting the papers down on the coffee table before looking to you. His expression was unreadable, but that same old cold look was in his eye. You weren’t accustomed to being on the receiving end of it, at least not for this long, and your heart fluttered.
“My only purpose is to…give birth to an heir, correct?”
You could tell that Steve wasn’t expecting that to come out of your mouth, and he frowned a bit before nodding.
“Yes. Maybe 2 more children after that, but that is why you’re here.”
You nodded.
“…and so…anyone could do that, right? If a baby is all you need then any woman could do that for you? It doesn’t have to be me?”
He didn’t respond right away, and you watched as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly. He swiftly stood, large hands resting on his hips as he eyed you. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and God, did you hate that.
“This conversation is hypothetical…?” he eventually asked although it sounded more like a demand.
Hesitantly, you shook your head at him. You watched as his nostrils flared, jaw clenching as he watched you take off your ring. It was big and shiny and ostentatious in every way. It had never been your style, and you knew there was no shortage of women who’d cut your finger off just to have it. His gaze was icy as you held it up towards him.
“What is the meaning of this?”
You took a deep breath, and Steve’s eyes followed the action.
“I’m asking you to find another woman to give you what you need. I’m sure there’s a whole line of them plotting on my downfall, no idea that…you were never mine to begin with,” you told him.
He took a step towards you, visibly upset now, but you stood your ground.
“We have an arrangement-.”
“Yes, and I’m asking you to find another woman for your arrangement. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but it should be easy for you. It can’t be me, Steve,” you whispered. “Not anymore.”
He scoffed, a mocking smirk on his lips as he glared at you.
“Why? Because you can’t handle it anymore?”
“Excuse me?” you said, blinking in confusion.
He neared you, but you were so taken aback by the turn in conversation that you didn’t move.
“You knew what this marriage entailed the very first day. I made it very clear, and I thought that we were both on the same page,” he started.
“I know. We were-!”
“Clearly not, because here you are, standing before me, throwing in the towel because my lifestyle is getting to you. Because you can’t handle it,” he sneered.
You frowned at him, understanding hitting you, and you blinked a few times. You shook your head at him.
“No, Steve. That’s…that’s not what this is about, at all,” you told him.
He tilted his head.
“Isn’t it? Have the lonely nights gotten to you? I told you that you were just as free to-.”
“I know that! Steve, that isn’t what-!”
“Or is this some grand scheme of yours?” he sneered, making you rear back. “…do you think you can threaten me into being with you and only you? You think this little performance, this ultimatum will force me to give up a lifestyle I have been accustomed to for years?”
“No, of course not. That’s not what I’m-.”
“I’m calling your bluff, Mrs. Rogers,” he said, turning his back on you. “So, you can put that ring back on and either suffer in silence or get-.”
“I’m pregnant!”
Steve froze, and you sighed, disappointed with how this conversation was going. You had a plan, damnit! You had a way you were going to go about this, and then Steve just went and ruined all of that. He turned to face you, lips parted and brows furrowed as he mulled over your confession. He pressed his lips together, face suddenly taut as he ran his eyes over you, and you squirmed under his shocked gaze.
“This isn’t about other women or ultimatums or whatever. I’m pregnant, Steve…and it’s obviously not yours, hence the little dilemma I find myself in,” you continued.
“Pregnant,” he murmured, more to himself than you, but you nodded anyway.
“…and…Bucky he-.”
His eyes bulged, tone incredulous as he took a step towards you. You swallowed, lips pressed together as he blinked, putting two and two together.
“…as in…my Bucky? James?”
You looked away, feeling a bit guilty that it was his best friend of all people. You knew this was a lot of information to take in, and you didn’t envy Steve in this moment, but you knew that he was just shocked is all. You were pregnant with someone else’s child, Bucky’s child, and should things go your way, he’d have to go through the process all over again of finding a wife. You knew this was frustrating for him.
“Yes. Bucky wants me to keep it…and I agree,” you quietly continued.
Steve said nothing, just stared at you, face pinched. His hands flexed, and you took a step towards him. He stared you down, but his shoulders sagged a bit at the pleading look on your face.
“Let me be with him, Steve.”
His jaw ticked, tongue pressing to the inside of his cheek.
“You don’t need me. There’s no shortage of women who would happily take my place. Who could give you what you need,” you said.
He sharply inhaled, straightening as he looked away from you, and your heart sank.
“Steve, please. They get you, you get your son, and Bucky and I get each other. Everybody wins,” you explained.
He sharply cut his eyes to yours, gaze hard as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Is that how you see it?”
His tone made you nervous, and you hurriedly grabbed his hand. He looked just as shocked as you felt because when was the last time you’d done so? Your wedding day? Almost two years ago?
“I’ve never asked you for anything. Never! Despite the fact that this marriage was not what I initially expected, despite the fact that I wasn’t keen on the idea of me and my husband seeing other people, I accepted it. I made the best of it…”
He simply stared at you, and you went on.
“Maybe it wasn’t the smartest idea to go to Bucky of all people. It definitely wasn’t smart to be as careless as we were, but I won’t apologize for it. I’ll apologize for inconveniencing you, for springing this on you, but I won’t apologize for falling in love. Especially not when I can be easily replaced,” you told him. “Say whatever you want. Say I ruined the marriage, say I was a complete bitch, I don’t care. Just…let me be with him, Steve. This is the only thing I’ve ever asked of you.”
Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest at any moment, and all the while, Steve simply stared. Your eyes searched his for any kind of clue, anything that would tell you what he was thinking, but he simply looked towards the ceiling. His broad shoulders heaved as he released a long sigh, throat bobbing as he swallowed.
You froze, eyes widening, and he lowered his head until his eyes met yours.
“I will…draw up the divorce papers tomorrow-.”
He didn’t even finish before you were throwing your arms around him, a million ‘thank yous’ escaping your lips.
“I don’t want anything, Steve. Nothing. Everything is yours just…thank you,” you breathed.
Steve was frozen for a moment, taken aback by your uncharacteristic display of affection. You supposed that you couldn’t blame him. The two of you had never hugged before. Reluctantly, he wrapped his own arms around you, briefly returning the gesture before you both let go. You smiled at him, a genuine gesture that you had never given him before, and his hands fell to his sides.
“Thank you, Steve,” you tearfully told him. “Thank you.”
You leaned in to press your lips to his cheek, but Steve turned his head, lips meeting yours. It was brief, and you pulled away in shock, but you didn’t think much of it. Maybe it was an accident, and even if it wasn’t, there was no harm in a simple kiss goodbye. Steve had given you everything you wanted, so you wouldn’t fault him for it.
You tightened your coat around you as you stepped away, thanking him again. You turned the minute you got to the living room entrance, sprinting for the door without hesitation. Bucky was leaning against the limo when you stepped outside, and your smile was wide as you headed straight for him. He caught you in his arms, lips finding yours the minute he pulled you into the car.
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 “…we can come back to that later. What if it’s a boy?”
Bucky threw you a look across the table, and you chuckled, rolling your eyes.
“Of course. James Buchanan Barnes the 2nd,” you said, Bucky joining in as he took your hand.
“Are you nervous?”
You shook your head at him with a small smile.
“I don’t care what it is. As long as it’s healthy,” you told him, and he brushed his thumb over the back of your hand. “I know a male is preferred…in this line of business.”
Your voice grew small, and Bucky frowned at you, standing to help you stand.
“That’s true, but my family is not as old fashioned as Steve’s. A daughter could run this business just as easily as her father,” he said. “Hell, maybe better than her old man.”
You laughed with him as he helped you into your coat. You rested your hand on your swollen belly as he helped you outside. You were just at 5 months now, although it sometimes felt like 8, and you would be finding out the sex of the baby today. You were excited, and you couldn’t believe how much time had passed so quickly.
No one had been more surprised than you that Steve just…let you go. You remembered thinking that you would probably have to beg on your knees, hell, maybe even offer to blow him, but it seemed that Bucky really did know Steve best. He had been true to his word, drawing up the divorce papers almost immediately. You received them two days later and signing them was simple enough. You didn’t want anything, and Steve didn’t want anything from you. You sent them back to him as soon as your signature was on the paper, and you felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.
Bucky, eager as always, wanted to marry you right away, but by the time all the planning and arranging had been made, you would be…well 5 months along. Where you are now, and you didn’t want to wear your wedding dress with a baby bump.
“Besides, wouldn’t it be cute to have our baby in the wedding pictures?” you had told him, and he was forced to agree that it was a cute idea.
Your doctor liked the sound of it too, and she was flattered to be invited to the wedding.
“We’ll have to see what my schedule is like, but I’d be honored to attend,” she said, eyes on the monitor.
Bucky’s hand was tight around yours as you both eyed the screen, and you watched as your doctor smiled.
“Everything still looks good since the last time you saw me, but there he is. Your healthy baby boy,” she told you, and your lips parted.
You leaned closer, eyes running over the screen in awe, and you felt Bucky’s lips against the top of your head.
“We’re not calling him junior,” you suddenly whispered, and Bucky chuckled into your hair.
“We’ll call him whatever you want, doll.”
The whole ride home was spent gushing about your son. His crib, his nursery, his clothes, schools, anything you could think of. Bucky hadn’t stopped grinning since you left the doctor, and he fucked you just a little bit more gentle that night.
When you woke up, you felt more well rested than you had in a while. Bucky’s side of the bed was empty, but it wasn’t unusual. Business called, but he regularly checked on you throughout the day whenever he was gone. You had a nice breakfast, thankful that the morning sickness chapter of your pregnancy was gone. Truth be told, you couldn’t wait for the hormones to kick in. Then Bucky would have no choice but to stay home and fuck you all day.
You were in the living room, reading one of your several baby books that Bucky had bought you, when the doorbell rang. You called to your housekeeper, telling him that you would get it before he had the chance to run all the way across the house. You hated making anyone’s job harder. With only some difficulty, you rose from the couch and made your way to the front door.
The figure through the decorative window seemed familiar to you, and your suspicions were confirmed when you looked through the peephole. Confusion filled you, but you unlocked the door anyway, prepared to tell Steve that Bucky wasn’t here. However, the minute you opened the door, he forced himself inside, gliding past you.
You hesitated for a second before closing the door, blinking as you turned around.
“Steve…Bucky’s not here,” you told him.
You were more than surprised to see him. You hadn’t seen him since the day you told him you were pregnant and hadn’t heard anything from him since you’d sent the divorce papers back. He and Bucky still worked together, running this city side by side, and from the way your fiancé talked, it seemed that they were as close as ever. You knew that Steve didn’t care about you, but you were still worried that some weird macho ego thing would get in the way of their friendship. You were relieved that wasn’t the case.
“I know that. I’m here…”
He had spun around to face you, words dying in his throat as he fully looked at you for the first time in months. His pink lips parted, blue eyes lowering to fall to your protruding stomach. Force of habit, you placed your hand on your belly, eyes wide and curious as you waited for him to finish.
“I’m here to see you,” he quietly finished.
Your brows furrowed,
“Oh! Okay then,” you said, stepping further into the living room.
You could feel his eyes on you as you cleaned up your mess, stacking your books and moving to put your empty mug in the sink. He was still in the same spot when you returned, cold eyes on you. It would have bothered you before, but you had long accepted that Steve was just like that with almost everyone.
As you sat down, you noticed some papers in his fist, and you curiously eyed them.
“What’s going on? Is this about Bucky?”
His jaw ticked at the mention of the dark-haired man, and he heaved a sigh.
“These,” he started, holding up the papers in his hand. “…are our divorce papers.”
You stared at him for a moment, a slight frown on your face as you registered what he said. When it finally clicked, you blinked, looking up at him with wide eyes.
“Our what? Steve, why do you still have those?”
He didn’t answer, and you called his name again.
“Why weren’t those sent off? Is something wrong with them? Did I miss a signature?”
You were positive that you hadn’t, but why else did he still have them? God, did this mean you had still been married to him this whole time? Were you still married to him? He didn’t respond right away, and he looked away from you, nostrils flaring.
“I can’t send them off,” he told you, making your heart drop to your stomach. “I won’t.”
You stood on shaky legs, looking at him like he’d lost his mind.
“You’re kidding…right?”
Steve simply stared at you in that impassive way that always made you feel like such a nuisance, and you scoffed.
“Why?” you quietly demanded. “Do you…do you want something from me? From Bucky? Money?”
It seemed insane because Steve was rich, but what else could he possibly want? That was the only logical reason for why he didn’t send those papers off. You huffed when you realized that he wasn’t even looking at you, his bright blue eyes focused on your bump. He took a step towards you, papers still clutched in his hand as he pointed at you.
“That baby should be mine.”
His words made your head spin, and you wondered if you heard him correctly. When your mind fully processed his statement, you felt like you were going to be sick.
He took another step towards you, and when his eyes met yours again, you saw more emotion in them than you ever had. They were on fire, gaze intense as he stared you down, jaw clenched.
“That…baby…should…be…mine,” he slowly repeated, and you took a step back.
It took a while for you to respond.
“Are you…okay?”
You stared at him like he was high on something, confusion and dread clouding your thoughts. Was this a prank? Had Steve developed a sense of humor that you didn’t know about?
“You heard me,” he spat, and you nodded.
“Yes. I know. I’m just…trying to make sure I heard you correctly or maybe you didn’t say what you meant to say…?”
“…and why would you think that? Did I stutter? Do I look unsure of my words in any way?” he sneered.
You didn’t appreciate his tone, and you glared at your ex-husband. Well…estranged husband because thanks to him, you two were still married.
“Forgive me if I’m a little confused, Steve,” you snapped. “…but you don’t even like me, and I’m not talking romantically here. You don’t care for me as a person, and here you are saying that my baby…should be yours?”
He placed his hands on his hips, turning his head away as he exhaled.
“Where is this coming from?”
“Why him?” he suddenly asked, glaring at you. “Out of all of the men in this world that you could have fucked, why Bucky? Why him?”
He continued before you could respond.
“You could have fucked literally anyone else, and you chose my best-.”
“For your information, I did fuck literally anyone else I wanted to,” you threw at him, watching as he reared back. “…Bucky just happened to be the only one I fucked during the last 4 months of our marriage…and the one I fell in love with.”
He swallowed, and you sighed.
“Is he the problem? Is it because it’s your best friend and not some stranger you don’t have to see every day?”
You did feel a tad guilty about it, but there had never been any stipulations in your agreement outside of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ and never in the house. You certainly hadn’t expected to fall in love with Bucky, but it couldn’t be helped. How could you not when he was the complete opposite of your husband?
“He’s glowing.”
Your confusion must have been evident, because he continued without any prompting from you.
“Every time I see Bucky, he’s practically glowing. He looks the happiest I have ever seen him, all smiles and excitement and an air of peace that was never there before. It had started long before you dropped the bomb on me, and it was only after did I realize why.”
You frowned at him.
“You make him so happy. He’s almost unrecognizable in his joy…and its because of you…and I hate it,” he lowly admitted.
Your frown deepened as he glared at you.
“That happiness…that peace, it should be mine. That baby should be mine. You were mine first,” he said, and you scoffed.
“I was never yours. You made that perfectly clear not even five minutes into our marriage.”
“I regret that. I won’t lie to you. I’ve regretted that for some time now…”
He slowly started to pace before you, tongue pressing to the inside of his cheek.
“I had any woman I could want…and I was so miserable. They all started to sound the same, feel the same…and eventually, they all became faceless to me,” he quietly said.
His words reminded you of his odd behavior before everything seemed to hit the fan.
“…all except one.”
He turned to look at you, and you swallowed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Ironically, the one I never had. The one who, as you so eloquently put it, was never mine.”
You nodded, a humorless chuckle escaping you.
“So you got tired of fucking anything that moved and decided to move onto me… You have some nerve, Steve.”
You shook your head at him.
“I know.”
“…and what if I decided that I didn’t want to move forward with you and only you? What if I had told you that I liked our little arrangement because, as you can see,” you said, gesturing around you. “…I like our little arrangement a lot.”
His nostrils flared.
“We would’ve crossed that bridge when we got there…”
“Looks like we’re at that bridge now.”
You both stared each other down for what felt like forever before he finally said what you’d been waiting for.
“I don’t want you to be with him.
“Well, that’s too damn bad! I’m with him. I’m having his baby, for crying out loud, we’re engaged,” you yelled, holding up your left hand.
Steve’s eyes simply passed over your ring like it didn’t matter, holding up the divorce papers as he raised an eyebrow at you.
“How will you marry him if you’re already married?”
Maybe the hormones were already kicking in because you felt yourself growing hot, tears springing forth as you glared at him.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you cried. “I’m happy! I’m so happy, and you are ruining this!”
Steve simply looked at you, not an ounce of remorse on his features, and you scoffed.
“You didn’t want me,” you spat.
He looked down, hands still placed on his hips. Your chest was heaving, and you were so angry you thought you’d give birth then and there.
“Do you remember? You barely looked at me on our wedding day, and the few times you acknowledged me during our marriage, I felt like a complete nuisance. A burden! You didn’t want me…but now you don’t want anyone else to have me?”
“I never said I was perfect.”
You briefly closed your eyes, holding back your tears.
“This is my chance to have a happy wedding, a happy marriage. You don’t have to be this selfish, you know? You don’t have to live up to your reputation.”
He didn’t respond, and your frustration and desperation grew.
He merely shrugged at you, and you sneered at him.
“Fuck you,” you spat.
He sniffed, and you watched as he gripped the papers with both hands, making your eyes widen.
“Discuss it with Buck however you like, but you’re coming home-.”
“No,” you shrieked, rushing towards him as he tore the papers.
Your nails dug into his hands, trying to stop him, but the damage was already done. You slapped him, the sound echoing in the quiet house while your other hand gripped his collar. Without hesitation, Steve’s hand was around your throat, and your eyes widened at his harsh grip.
You hit against him as he forced you back, nose brushing yours as he ran his eyes over you. There was a darkness there that you were unfamiliar with, and you wondered if this was the reason Bucky had insisted on waiting for you that day. You wondered if this was the Steve he knew that you didn’t.
All of your thoughts came to a screeching halt when he pressed his lips against yours. His mouth completely covered yours, and shock coursed through you. You pushed against him, but his free arm simply curled around you, pressed your bump against him as he moved his mouth against yours in a brutal kiss. He groaned against your lips, and you shook in his hold, tears escaping now.
He only broke away from you when you both heard a noise, and you both turned to see Jarvis, your housekeeper, standing in the entranceway to the kitchen. His eyes were wide, and he looked unsure on what to do until his eyes met your fearful ones. Everything after that seemed to happen so fast.
Jarvis ran towards the phone while Steve let you go to reach into the inside pocket of his suit. You pushed yourself against him, fear gripping your frame as you fought to stop him from doing what you suspected. He had no qualms about shoving you away from him, and you barely caught yourself against the couch just as a gunshot rang in your ears.
You clutched your stomach, a scream climbing out of your throat before you snapped your mouth shut. Your stomach churned, and you were positive you were going to be sick. It was quiet save for your soft sobs, and when you hesitantly looked to Steve only to shake as you stared down the barrel of a gun.
“Steve,” you whispered.
He gestured in the direction of the stairs with the gun, blue eyes on you as he tilted his head.
“Up the stairs, sweetheart.”
You clenched your jaw, fear of so many things swirling in your head as you straightened.
“You’re not going to kill me,” you told him.
He wouldn’t, and you both knew it.
“You’re right. I’m not,” he said with a shrug, putting the gun away. “…but you’re still going to walk up those stairs. Baby or no baby, you can’t fight me off.”
He was right, and despite the fresh tears that hit your face, you slowly made your way towards the stairs. His steps were loud behind you, they always had been, and you always hated the sound of him walking throughout the house. You jumped when you felt his hand on the small of your back, and he shushed you.
“Easy,” he said, guiding you through the hallways.
It was clear that Steve was familiar with Bucky’s house, and while that wasn’t a surprise, his intentions, once they became clear, were. Your eyes widened when the master bedroom came into view, and you dug your heels into the floor. It was in vain.
Steve wrapped his arms around you, forcing you into the room despite your nails digging into the doorjamb to stop him. You were full on sobbing as you fought against him, elbowing him and hitting him anywhere you could reach. His hold was firm, and you were a trembling mess when he pushed you down onto the mattress.
“Is this where he fucks you every night?”
“Steve, please,” you begged, pushing against him.
One hand was pressed into your back, and you could hear him undressing himself with the other.
“…is this where he knocked you up? No, why would the two of you ever need a fancy hotel when you had his big house all to yourselves,” he sneered.
It took nothing for him to get you undressed. Dresses were the most comfortable things for you right now, and with a baby dancing on your bladder, underwear just got in the way more often than not. You were hysterical as Steve grazed his hand over your back, fingers dancing over your skin as he drank you in for the first time.
He flipped you, and you stared up at him with pleading eyes. One hand splayed along your chest, fingertips brushing your collarbone as he stepped between your legs, practically ignorant to the way you tried to keep them shut.
“Steve,” you pleaded again.
He ignored you, his free hand finding its way between your legs, playing you like an instrument. You squeezed your eyes shut at the feel, trying in vain to fight off the emotions he brought out of you. Your eyes snapped open when you felt him at your entrance, and you started to plead with him one last time when he pushed himself into you, making you swallow your words.
You had never even seen Steve without a shirt on, let alone naked, so you didn’t know what to expect. He was bigger than Bucky, and your body fought to adjust to him. A choked sob escaped you, and Steve merely groaned as he pressed himself against you. Through your blurry vision, you could see that his eyes were on you, hungrily taking you in as he pulled back.
He stopped when only the tip of him remained before snapping into you. You yelped, hand flying up to grip the one on your chest, nails pressing into his skin. His pace wasn’t brutal, but it wasn’t gentle either. The low moans that escaped his lips made your skin crawl, and you cried harder every time he pressed his hand against your stomach.
You pushed against him as he wiggled his hips, and fed up with all of your resistance, he gripped both of your hands and harshly pinned them beside your head. His lips were on your face now, tasting whatever he could. Your cheeks, your jaw, your mouth. You kept turning your head away, and eventually, he huffed.
“I doubt you’re like this with Bucky…”
You grimaced at the thought of your fiancé, his best friend, and more tears fell.
“Do you sing for him? I bet you squirm for him like a little puppy,” he sneered.
He moved, pressing his knees into the bed on either side of your thighs, hitting something in you that had your breath hitching. A smirk danced along his pink lips, a devious chuckle escaping him. He pressed into that spot over and over, forcing small whimpers to bubble in your throat.
“There she is,” he purred, leaning over to press his lips against your jaw. “I’ve thought about this for months. What you’d feel like…sound like…”
He grinded his hips against yours, and you gasped, heart fluttering as you clenched around him.
“Don’t be afraid to squeeze me, sweetheart. Milk me,” he murmured.
You shook your head, pushing against his wrists, but his hold was firm.
“When the time comes, I’m going to put a baby in you-.”
“No,” you yelped, squirming underneath him.
“I’m going to keep you pregnant…and you’ll never leave…”
You could feel him twitching, hips stuttering, and his breath grew shaky.
“I’m going to keep you full of my cum, and Bucky will never get his hands on you again.”
You fluttered around him as he came inside of you, choppy gasps escaping you as your head spun. You could feel the mess you were making of your sheets, and you wanted to cry again. Steve groaned when he pressed his lips to yours, and you turned your head away.
“I should have fucked a baby into you on our wedding night,” he breathed. “…but I’ll be sure to make up for lost time from here on out.”
You glared at him, and he simply smirked at you, that smirk only growing when the sound of the front door opening reached your ears.
tags:   @mcudarklibrary​​ @sherrybaby14​​ @harryspet​​ @xoxabs88xox​​ @darkficreposter​​ @opheliadawnwalker3​​ @honeychicanawrites​​  @nickyl316h​​ @captainchrisstan​​ @sebabestianstan101​​ @readermia​​ @villanellevi​​​ @lokislastlove​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @coconutqueen21​​​ @hurricanerin​​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​​​ @quaksonhehe​​​ @nerdygirl8203​​​ @patzammit​​​ @mandiiblanche​​​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​​​ @gotnofucks​ @alexakeyloveloki​ @vogueworthy-barnes​ @supraveng​
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infernal-fire · 3 years
TAU (1/2)
Summary: Steve Rogers traps you inside his mansion. Your only means of escape? The naïve A.I., Bucky, that is designed to kill you if you ever step out of line. 
Pairings: Dark!CEO!Steve x reader, A.I!Bucky x reader, Bucky x reader
This is part of a series of works (not interconnected). I highly suggest you read the description of the series master list to better understand the premise of this story. 
Warnings: swearing, kidnapping, mention of sedative, technical Lima syndrome, psychological abuse, violence, blood, character deaths, injuries, mention of depression, suicide & poverty
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The chair was on the brink of collapsing, yet Martha folded her arms and leaned back into it anyway. You internally grimaced, waiting for her to fall flat on her ass or give you the bad news. It had to be bad news. You had done this enough times to know that she periodically bounced her right leg only when there was bad news. These days, that was often. 
You huffed once, loud enough for her to hear, hoping to hint that you were hanging by the threads of your patience. She took the hint, finally throwing open the drawer in front of you with excessive force. Pens rolled and a notebook slid towards her amid the force. Again, another piece of furniture that was ready to give in. For someone as stingy as her, you aren’t surprised that it hasn’t been replaced - just wondering why she’s treating it like it won’t disintegrate any second now. 
Martha’s plump fingers slapped a couple of bills onto the table, her seedy eyes challenging you to pluck them from under her hand. You wrestled the bills out of from under her palm and diligently counted them, only to shake your head defeatedly. 
“That’s it?” you snarled.
“Steal better shit next time,” she replied, shrugging. 
You slowly sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, refusing to open your eyes and face her.
“I really need the money.” 
When you open your eyes again, it’s because you hear the roll of her weathered chair. Now standing full height, the middle-aged woman shook her head softly, a hint of a smirk playing out on her lips. 
“Like I said; steal better shit.” She turned to leave before facing you again. “You could always come and work with our girls.”
She glanced through the door that was cracked open, eyes resting on the table situated in the corner of the adjacent room. Around it, a group of girls set down cards while pushing poker chips around. 
“Sell my body? I’d rather die,” you scoffed. 
“Suit yourself. Now, get out.”
“Was planning to.” You flipped her the bird, knowing that she was watching you leave.
“Real classy,” she called after you. “You gotta come back here for your next week’s dinner, you whore!”
“That’s all you,” you smiled at her before slamming the door closed on your way out. Oh, the satisfaction of pissing someone off; unparalleled. 
Placing your measly wage into a makeshift purse, you made your way back home. You hugged your frame tightly, keeping your head down and pacing through the dilapidated neighbourhood. 
Once upon a time, when you were new to the shadier areas of town, you affirmed to yourself every day that this situation was temporary. The hope for a better job, better apartment and better tomorrow kept you going for a long time. Deep down though, you knew it wasn’t temporary, and now you were being proven right every day. What was keeping you going these days? Multiple times, you delayed the contemplation of that question, knowing that if you thought about it… well, it’s better to not go there. 
You were careful to double-check the lock on your door and windows when you stepped into the cramped shower. Today, you thanked God for hot water, even though you were sure he didn’t exist. Mind empty like a brand new chalkboard, you shuffled around your one-room housing and put together something edible to appease the churning stomach.
Your ear perked up at what sounded like the creaking of the fourth floorboard from your bed. You locked the door. You were sure of it. 
Still, you peeked over the short dividing wall that hid the view of your bed from the kitchen. Nothing. You shook your head at your paranoia and turned back to get to the less-than-appetizing meal waiting for you. 
Steve jammed the needle into your neck, expecting you to fall back into his arms. Instead, your forehead hits the edge of your counter and you slump onto the floor. Your eyes shutting down and head throbbing, you reach out to feel your attacker and touch Steve with saucy fingers. He groans in annoyance as he picks up your whimpering form. 
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Thump, thump, thump.
The nightclubs you frequent were full of snobby, rich kids who didn’t know the value of wealth. You stole to survive. They could survive without their wristwatch for one night. 
Thump, thump, thump.
Music turned the speakers inside out, deafening those closest to it, but the youth are resilient to damage in any form. For you, though, it was too loud; too much. It wasn’t uncommon of you to walk away from the scene with a pounding head. 
Thump, thump, thump.
The inside of your head resembled the thumping of club speakers. Jaw slack and eyes foggy, you tried to rub your temples. But your arms wouldn’t move. 
Sitting up the best you could, you looked down at your hands to see them bound by zip ties, sitting on your lap. It was joke-worthy how your captor thought they could bind you with zip ties, of all things. He would have to do better than this. 
You tugged on the end of the tie using teeth and tightened it some more before huddling your knees up to your chest. Bringing your hands down as hard as you can against your kneecap, you awaited the snapping sound of the zip tie. Nothing came. You look at your hands again, realizing that they were still bound.
“Don’t do that,” a voice piped up from the dark corner of the room. Startled, you look to the source of the voice but no light fell in that direction. For the first time, you took in your surroundings: half of the room was divided by a set of bars. The other side had large machinery with wires running towards the jail section. As you trailed your eyes across the wires, you noticed a closed door. 
At least you knew it was possible to escape now. 
Quickly turning to the place the voice came from, you scooted backwards some more and anticipated the arrival of your captor. 
A woman crawled forward slowly with bounded legs and arms like yours. 
Seeing that it was just another prisoner, you tightened the strap of your zip tie again and tried breaking it one more time. It snapped. Rubbing your wrists where they were bound, you got straight to undoing the bind on your legs. Beside you, the girl moved closer and repeatedly begged you not to free yourself. 
“Shut up, Brit,” you mumbled, referring to her accent.
The bind on your legs gave away and you stood up and stretched. Tentatively stalking around the cell, you noticed the toilet and sink. Why would he have those amenities in here if you were tied up anyway? When you went to touch the bars separating the room, the girl cried out again. 
“Stop! Don’t!” 
You rolled your eyes and touched it anyway. Electricity surged through you and you yelped, pulling back immediately. 
“Could’ve told me it was an electric gate,” you snapped. 
“Don’t try to escape.” 
You looked at her incredulously. “And sit here like ducks, waiting for him to kill us?”
“Someone will find us!” she pleaded. 
“Look at me! Look at you! No one is looking for us. The police won’t blink twice if people like us are gone. And he knows that.” You eyed the door that was inside your cell and looked to the other one outside the bars. 
“Do you want me to remove your binds or not?”
The girl sheepishly looked down before sticking her arms out for you. 
“My name is Peggy,” she offered as she stood up. She held your arm for support when blood rushed to her head. You shot her a withering look in response and she took her hand off. 
“I don’t think we can leave. He can probably hurt us with these implants.” Peggy pulled her hair to one side and showed you the nape of her neck. A glowing red triangle shone from under her skin. 
Your eyes widened, immediately reached for the back of your head. You felt around and touched the area that stung a little when you touched it. You compulsively hissed, realizing that your implant was fresh and the skin around it had not healed yet. 
“Has he done anything to you using the implant?” you held and shook Peggy’s shoulders while you questioned. 
“No, no, but he said it collects brain data and that it was connected to my spinal column, so I shouldn’t try anything.”
“He spoke to you?”
“Once. It’s Steve Rogers, the inventor guy on the cover of all the Forbes magazines.”
“Brain data,” you silently repeated as you look to the other side of the cell again. 
“I have an idea. Rip your clothes like this,” you demonstrated.
Using the rags ripped off from both of your prisoner uniforms, the pair of you created a long rope-like contraption with a loop on the end. You stuck your hand through the gaps in the cell and tried to fling the loop to a nook in the machinery. Failing hurt, your arm accidentally brushing against the metal once or twice before the loop finally caught onto a crevice. 
“That’s the wrong part,” your fellow inmate breathed.
“Yeah, but that’ll work too.” You pulled as hard as you could and a section of the machine broke off, sparks flying from the source. It crackled and caught on fire. 
Peggy was pulling the cell door open, grunting as she tried her best. It gave way and you both looked at each other briefly before dashing out of the room. The jail room went up in flames behind you. Peggy looked over her shoulder, but you yanked her arm, signalling her to keep running. 
You flew up stairs and through doors, finally making your way into a clearing. Peggy rushed to what seemed to be the entrance door and frantically banged on it. 
“That’s not gonna work!” you rushed to the door and inspected the lock. On the right side, there was a screen that displayed a handprint. 
Do not try to escape. Only Steven can leave the premises. 
“What?” you whispered. The new voice was coming from all around you, seemingly through fixtures in the ceiling and walls, but you couldn’t be sure. The situation was tense and you were scared the whole house was going to burn down.
Before you could catch her, Peggy planted her hand on the screen which scanned and turned red. Suddenly, all the lights emanated red, accompanying a booming alarm that blared through the house. 
In the distance, what you assumed was a statuesque décor piece, came to life. It reminded you of the spiders from the Maze Runner. A motorized killing machine. It stalked towards Peggy and you with pincers appearing from its side. 
Screaming, Peggy ran. So did you, but you weren’t sure if you were screaming. You couldn’t hear through the noise your friend was making on top of the deafening alarm. 
The spider machine stuck out its knife-like hands, trying to stab you. As you ran into another room, you frantically searched for an exit. Right now, your priority was to survive this thing.
You pulled open a cupboard in what appeared to be the study and instructed Peggy to climb in. The monster was coming. There wasn’t much time to hide. 
You shut the closet door and hid behind a lounging chair in the corner. 
The machine came in and scanned the room, looking for your heat signatures. It could see Peggy.
The cupboard door flung open and Peggy shrieked, crawling out of it in attempts to move out of the line of attack. She took 4 steps on her knees and looked straight into your eyes. 
You screamed when she was dragged back towards the machine. You couldn’t save her anymore. You mobilized and ran back to the living room area, not even turning back to address blood that splattered across your back. It wasn’t in your best interest to find out how she was killed. 
Frozen in fear, you look to your right to see the entrance door open. There stood your captor, staring at the machine that was now hovering over you. 
“Stop,” he muttered and set down his briefcase. 
Aries retracted its pincers, making its way back to the little pedestal it was perched on before. It powered down just as the CEO stepped into the house and glared at you.
For a split second, the doors were open, and you considered tackling past him. 
“Don’t even think about it.”
You collapsed onto the floor where you were already lying down. Getting out was going to be a lot harder than you anticipated. 
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Your hands were bound again, but this time, behind you. You were seated on a pedestal like the one Aries was on, except this one had an ugly glass décor piece that extended to the ceiling. You tugged on the bonds, hoping for some leeway, but Rogers had learned his lesson. 
You shook your head side to side, trying to get pieces of hair and blood off your face. Eventually, you had to give up, slumping into the post your arms were tied to. 
“You cost me 7 million dollars worth of tech,” Steve’s voice sounded from another room. 
“If you let me go, I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone. They won’t believe me anyway.” 
He appeared in front of you and placed both hands on either side of your thighs. 
“Things will work out for you, if you just… shut up.” 
You exhaled and turned your face to the right, hoping he’d stop invading your personal space. 
“Just… please, untie me.”
He stood back and considered your request before rounding the side of the pedestal and untying you. 
Yes, Steve.
“Activate Aries if she moves a single inch from her spot.” He eyed you at the end of his command and sauntered away to god-knows-where. 
You hoped it wouldn’t be pushing your luck to stand up and stretch, so you did. You mentally considered the various stretches you did as a child, during gymnastics. It had been years since you recalled those, so you did them to the best of your ability. It’s funny how life works. One day you were among a row of girls, learning how to do a cartwheel and before you know it, you’re in a psycho’s mansion as a lab experiment. 
About 30 feet away from this pedestal was Aries.  
Cautiously, you took a few steps away from your place. No reaction from Aries. That meant ‘Bucky’ and Aries weren’t the same thing. You could also deduce from Steve’s command, Bucky was capable of conversing.
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position.
You took another step anyway, wondering how much you could test the limits of this A.I. 
Do not take another step forward, Subject 10. I have been told to inflict pain if you move from your position. 
You considered making a run for it but reconsidered. Aries would activate in less than 5 seconds and Steve was still in the house somewhere. You needed to play this better. Besides, you didn’t even have an exit point. 
You went back to your pedestal and sat down, drawing patterns on the ground with your feet. It would help to know the time or date. A part of you wondered if anyone was looking for you, but you yourself had answered that question long ago. No one looks for people like you or me. 
It could’ve been hours or minutes, but finally, Steve called you into a different room. You observed your environment as you stalked towards the kitchen area where the inventor was seated. 
“Sit,” he motioned at the chair that was on the other end of the table. 
As soon as you sat, tiny robots flew to your seat and placed food in front of you. It was some sort of soup with a side of bread, the only utensil he gave you being a spoon. Smart bastard. 
You wanted to hold off on the food; you really did. But you didn’t even get to eat the sandwich that you were putting together before the kidnapping. So you began devouring the meal, ignoring his pointed stare at your lack of table manners. It was only when you were halfway through the meal did you realize that the food may be drugged. Too late now.
“You killed my only other test subject and rendered her data useless.”
“I didn’t kill her.”
Steve dropped his steak knife and fork, shooting daggers into your eyes.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” he began. Clasping his hands together, he leaned forward, supporting his weight on his elbows. You could tell by the way he talked that he was used to getting what he wanted. He relished in it.
“Every day, for the next two weeks, I’m going to leave for work. And every day, you’re going to complete the puzzles and tasks that Bucky tells you to do.”
“And if I don’t?”
“It won’t take me more than 10 minutes to kill you, clean up the mess and dispose of your body.”
“If you could kill me, you probably would’ve. I know you considered it,” you remarked, leaning back into your chair and folding your arms.
“Now, why would I waste a perfectly good test subject?” It was his turn to mimic your body language. 
“If you want me to do what you need me to do, I need three things,” you announced. 
“It’s funny how you think you have any leverage in this situation.”
You kept your face stoic, trying to prove that you were serious about the negotiations. If he didn’t allow you these requests, you would never escape. 
“Okay, go on,” he said, clearly amused. 
“I need clothes. Regular clothes, not prisoner uniforms. I need to shower. And I need proper food, like what you’re eating.”
“That’s quite the list.” he laughed. Abruptly, his features turned serious. “I hope you know that you don’t hold any cards against me right now, and if I allow any of those things, it’s out of the kindness of my heart.”
It was your turn to laugh. “The kindness of your heart,” you wheezed between laughs. “Sure, okay. Yeah.”
He swallowed the last piece of his meal and gestured towards the sofas. 
“Bucky will be guarding you throughout the night. Don’t think of trying anything.” 
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you beamed at his sour expression right before leaving the table.
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peachhcs · 4 years
Love Languages
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Pairings Luke Patterson x reader
Summary Luke asks the reader what love languages are. 
Warnings none but fluff :)
Word Count 1.8k (short I know but I'm working on it)
I haven’t really written on Tumblr before so don’t judge too harshly because there’s some insanely talented people on here who might judge hahaha. (hopefully not though) I don't know what the boy’s love languages are so I kind of just assumed based off of what we saw but I did see somewhere that someone said Luke’s was touch so I just went with it. 
Gif is not mine so credit to the owner! I don’t know if anyone has done this idea before but I kind of like it because it popped into my head last night. Anyways, enjoy!! :) p.s. I sort of left this on a cliff hanger but idk if i’m going to continue it or not hahaha
* * *
You were seated peacefully on the couch as you worked away on your laptop while listening to Julie and the guys practice a few songs for this weekend’s upcoming gig. You always loved listening to them practice, they sounded like absolute angels and you would never get tired of listening to them. However, Luke thought you should be doing your homework somewhere else because he didn’t want them to be distracting to you but truthfully, you really didn’t mind. If you were being honest, it actually helped you focus and the music didn’t let your brain wander. 
You glanced up at the group after realizing they had stopped playing. Julie met your eyes with a warm smile, already reading your mind,
“We’re just taking a break. I got to catch up on some homework.” Julie explained to her best friend. You nodded in response, smiling slightly as she went back to work. The boys were talking amongst themselves over by the piano, using hushed voices so whatever they were talking about you or Julie couldn’t hear. 
By some weird magical notion, you were able to see the boys even when they weren’t playing like Julie could. They haven’t been able to figure out why yet, though. Why you could see the guys but their other best friend, Flynn, couldn’t. Or why Luke’s parents couldn’t see him either but you still could. It was all just one big mystery they were all still unravelling. They had a theory that it had something to do with their unfinished business and the connections they all shared with one another, but that was yet to be explored with you and the boys. Julie and the boys sort of figured out how they were connected, but they hadn’t gotten that far with you yet. 
Julie made an attempt one time to suggest that maybe it was because you were so close with Luke ever since you guys met, the connection just helped you see all of them, but you chose to deny that theory. Especially when Julie threw the word feelings into the mix. Julie knew all too well about your “little”crush on the lead guitarist. There was no doubt that she caught on to it right away when the pair first met and hit off right away. From there, she proceeded to question you about it once they went back to her room. Of course you denied, denied, denied, but after awhile you finally gave in and agreed to your best friend’s observation. Julie saw all the looks that you two exchanged and she knew very well about the boys talking about you here and there. It was just a matter of time until one of you finally broke and admitted your stupid feelings for one another.
“Hey..Y/n?” The cautious voice made you glance up from your computer, first looking at Julie thinking it was her who called your name but then turning your head to the boys who were glancing at you with quizzical looks. 
“Yeah?” You ask glancing at Luke since he was the one who spoke up. You watch as the boys exchange a glance with one another and you push your eyebrow up in confusion. You meet eyes with Julie for a moment who was now looking between the boys and you just as confused as you were. 
“We have a question.” 
“Well, Luke does, but we’re curious too.” Alex cut in before you could respond. You chuckle slightly at their visible nervousness about what they wanted to ask. 
“Okay, shoot.” You gave them your full attention, pushing your computer screen down and a small smile sat content on your lips. Julie also gave them her full attention too, because she was equally as curious as to what they could possibly be asking you.
“What..what does love languages mean? We heard you and Julie talking about it yesterday..” Luke’s asks softly. Oh. That was what they were asking..Your face goes a little red at the thought of them hearing your conversation yesterday since it started out as band schedule and then led into your crush per usual. You glanced to Julie for help who only shook her head with a quick shrug.
“They asked you, not me. Take it away, sister.” Julie laughed and your face went even redder. It wasn’t an inappropriate question or anything, you just didn’t really know how to describe it. Or because it meant talking about feelings and relationships which was something you didn't really want to get into with them, especially Luke. 
“Uhh.. well.. I guess it’s a certain way somebody likes to express their love for someone. There’s different types of love languages like um, touch, words, gifts, spending time with that person, and doing nice things I guess..” You trail off slightly while scratching the back of your head, feeling a little flustered. 
“What do you think my love language is?” Alex asks excitedly, not really to you but just to anyone who would answer him. 
“I see yours being affirming words or something like spending time with them. You always love it when someone compliments you and reassures you if you’re having too much anxiety about something.” Julie cuts in with a smile and Alex points to her to say she was correct. Julie chuckles and you do too. 
“Reggie, yours would definitely be gifts or like spending time with people. You always like to hang around Ray and stuff.” You say glancing at Reggie who smiles warmly at your statement. 
“What about me?” You met eyes with Luke who was softly looking at you. You avoided Julie’s burning gaze into your head and Alex and Reggie’s small smirks as they waited for you to answer. You flushed again, looking to Julie for help who only shrugged. They both knew you knew the answer, that was what you guys had been talking about yesterday. 
“I’m..I’m not really sure..” You lied and you hated the small hint of disappointment in Luke’s eyes. You quickly looked away and started to reopen your laptop.
“Hey, I’m hungry, I’m gonna grab some snacks. Y/n do you wanna come with?” Julie asks making an escape for you to avoid the now awkward tension in the room.
“Yeah. Yeah.” You were quickly nodding your head and jumping up from your laptop. You didn’t even wait for Julie as you made a beeline for the garage doors and pushed them open, hurrying up the pathway to Julie’s house. 
Julie exchanged a knowing glance with the boys, reading Alex and Reggie’s glances before following after you saying you’d be back in a minute. You were pacing around on the patio when Julie finally got to you. She raised her eyebrows slightly trying to read your thoughts. 
“Y/n, why did you lie? That could have been the perfect opportunity to tell him how you feel.” Julie says and you shoot her a small glare. 
“Julie, he doesn’t like me like that. I just didn't want to embarrass myself but I guess I embarrassed myself even more by saying nothing.” You admit, slowing your pacing to look Julie in the eye. She lets out a small laugh.
“I don’t think you embarrassed yourself. You were just flustered which is understandable, but I say go for it. You never know what can happen. The Y/n I know doesn’t back down from a challenge either.” Julie puts a comforting arm on your shoulder and you were thankful for it. You squeeze her hand in response.
“Thanks. I don’t know, I guess I’ve just never felt this way about someone before..” You trail off and Julie squeezes your shoulder even tighter,
“Look, I get it, it’s scary, but you can do it. Think of this as me encouraging you to talk to him like you did for me and Nick. Just go for it. Have some confidence.” Julie winked at you and you chuckle at her actions. 
“There’s the Y/n I know. Now come on, we still need to get snacks. I gotta make my lie somewhat believable.” Julie nudged your side before making her way inside as you followed after he with a laugh. 
The two of you walk back into the garage a few moments later where the boys met your glances. Luke was now moved onto your spot on the couch while Alex and Reggie hung around by the piano still. You rolled your eyes that Luke took your spot but at least he was gracious enough to move your computer. You walked over to him where he smirked as you made an attempt to move him out of the way. 
“Get out of my spot.” You tease trying to move Luke out of the way again but he didn’t budge and instead kept holding that smirk on his lips. You rolled your eyes so you instead took a seat beside him and grabbed your laptop from the coffee table. 
“I’ll move if you tell me what you think my love language is.” Luke says and you quickly met his eyes. You glanced at Alex, Reggie, and Julie for a moment where they only shrugged. You huffed under her breath knowing you had no way out of this now. 
“I don’t know.” You say simply trying to get off of the topic but Luke kept pushing. He leaned in closer towards you and you could feel his breath on your neck. 
“I think you do..” Luke says and you meet his gaze again. You purse your lips together before glancing back at your computer for a moment. 
“Touch.” You say plainly and simply. You refused to meet Luke’s eyes as you furthered your answer, “I always noticing you touching Alex or Reggie in one way or another. Whether it’s something small or a hug or just a reason to touch them. It’s sweet.” You finish a small smile on your lips as you opened the tab you had been working on previously. A comfortable silence filled the room and you felt pretty content with your answer. It wasn't as bad or as embarrassing as you thought it would be. Luke was silent beside you and you were afraid to look at him so you just kept her gaze on your computer. 
You didn’t actually know if you could touch the boys, you just assumed you couldn’t because Julie was the only one with the real special powers. You had just been randomly gifted parts of them somehow. You all just walked around each other because the guys found it slightly weird to just walk through people they knew. Luke stared at you beside him and he wanted to at least try. If anything, his hand would just fall through like it did with everyone, so slowly and carefully, Luke reached out to turn your chin so you would look at him. The guys raised his eyebrow at his movements and then, he touched you. 
You felt his hand under your chin and you both did a double take. Luke quickly pulled his hand away in surprise that you actually felt that. The two of you exchanged a wondering and surprised glance. 
“We just touched..” 
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Your Place
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Akaashi x sister!reader
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Author’s Note : This was originally gonna just be a short drabble but like.. I’ve thought of this before. So I changed it into a full fledged fic; Fukurōdani has a girls’ volleyball club ; Love hotels in Japan are pretty popular, especially in Tokyo, and happen to have kiosks to keep up the anonymity, while also offering options of staying overnight or for a few hours (generally 2-4). The rooms offer lots of options, including room service (including food and toys), such as jacuzzi, showers, massage chairs, King-sized bed, as well as a box of free condoms ; okay I don’t know if a butt plug can actually plug up a vagina and if it is even safe (it should be) so don’t take my words as fact! Please!
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Warnings : Incest, noncon/dubcon, gaslighting, naïve and innocent reader, manipulation, alcohol, underaged drinking [legal age in Japan is 20], love hotels, Keiji wants lil sis to be his housewife, mating press, pussyjob, orgasm denial, overstimulation, sex toys [butt/anal plug, egg vibrator, hitachi wand vibrator], lots of Nii-sans used, breeding kink, no actual pregnancy (yet), fingering (f. receiving)
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The roars of the crowd enters your ears as the ball bounces against the floor of the large stadium, the opposing players diving to receive the ball only to fail. Your team screams and cheers, everyone running to envelope the ace of your team, Akari, as she hugs everyone back. Screaming hurts your ears, yet you’re still doing it. Adrenaline rushes through you as the announcer claims your team with the victory and the announcement that you’ll be moving onto the next round, the finals of Nationals.
Your team lines up, shaking hands with the opposing team as congrats is shared between members. Once that is done, you all face the seats on both sides, bowing and thanking them for cheering you all on. When your eyes look into the stadium seats, they immediately catch the lidded eyes of Keiji, his hands clasped together as he smiles. The simple motion has your chest puffing with pride, tears sliding down your cheeks as you know you made him proud. With your position on the team, he’s the one who trained you to be the best setter the Fukurōdani girls’ volleyball club has ever had these last three years.
Once the moment is over, everyone is back at the hotel room and either on their laptops, phones, television, or asleep. When you exit the bathroom, your hair has been brushed and styled with a nice dress, accompanying the leggings and boots Keiji gifted you to wear. Akari whistles, her arm over your shoulder as she talks to you.
“Who you lookin’ so good for?” She pries, eyes tracing the lip gloss you put on.
“My brother. He requested me to wear something nice. He’s taking me to dinner,” a bit of heat is in your voice as you say that. Keiji’s always pampering you, he loves seeing you dolled up. It’s been like that since you were playing dress-up when he was 10 and you were 5. Akari’s gaze takes on a confused look, pursed lips as she processes your words.
“He’s always taking you somewhere nice after a good game, it feels like. Why don’t you ever invite us?” She finally says. Your head snaps up, looking in the mirror at yourself compared to Akari who is also looking at your face and outfit. It wasn’t glamorous in your eyes, but it suddenly dawns on you that it’s more than a brother should expect. The twist in your gut is ignored, your head shaking as you clear your head.
“He doesn’t know any of you guys. Plus, he’s an alumni. He’s always at our games,” your response isn’t what she was expecting, you’re sure of it. But the truth is, you don’t know why Keiji takes you out to nice restaurants or just on nice walks after games. It’s the few times he has off, always requesting off to be with you, cheering you on, his full support as your brother. Occasionally, he even brings along Bokuto, his best friend, who always congratulates you and asks to have you visit his own team someday. It’s a request that you always turn down, Keiji’s eyes taking on a dark glint that sends shivers down your spine at just the mere memory of them.
Akari leaves you alone after that, your time to get ready slowly coming to an end as your phone rings. It’s Keiji, of course, asking if you’re ready yet. “Almost, nii-san! I just need to get my coat and then I’ll head down.”
He’s at the lobby of the hotel, lounging in a chair as he swipes on his phone. He’s dressed as nicely as you are, black slacks with a nice white dress shirt, all under a large coat to keep out the cold. You bounce up to him, excited for the dinner. “You look beautiful, [Y/N],”
“Thank you! You know me so well, so it’s really all your doing,” you giggle, linking your hand in his offered elbow. It felt so right, being beside as you had been these past few years. Walking towards the restaurant, you didn’t even feel the ache in your ankles and balls of your feet from the heels nor the unmistakeable tension between the two of you. It just felt familiar and right to be in this position, sitting across from Keiji as he lets you gush about all the stuff going through your head during the match or even when you happened to be getting ready for the dinner. A shadow seems to settle over his face as you refer to it as such, just a dinner. You almost referred to it as a date, but quickly corrected yourself.
Tension hangs between you two, you having to force it away by breaking the silence Keiji brings. He’s usually much more talkative, praising you as he talks about what you did right and correcting you on things you did wrong, but never criticizing you too hard. Dinner ends, with Keiji paying the full bill without ever letting you know, saying that he simply cannot let a woman pay, regardless of situation. The champagne and wine he let you have a taste of lingers in your mouth, a burn in your throat from the bitter taste of alcohol. It’s not enough to get you drunk, but you do find yourself clinging to Keiji tighter, feet unstable and legs unreliable as he brings you back to the hotel.
He stops and even in your bubbly and hazy state, you can tell the hotel isn’t the same. “Come on, you need to rest,” he says, lips next to you ear as he ushers you inside. Upon entering the room, the lobby, you know it’s not the same. You panic, the alcohol making you less restrained in your actions as you go to tug on Keiji’s arm.
“Ah, ah, Keiji, dear. Until we get back to your room,”
His usage of ‘your room’ has your nerves calming down, even as he uses his card to pay the kiosk and tap on the screen, buying something. A metal jingle comes from the bottom of the electronic, Keiji picking up the key to a room. Urging you along, you follow him to the elevator. The lack of people seems to enter your mind, confusing you as you glance around the spotlessly clean black elevator. A small voice enters your mind, telling you that the hotel’s elevators are supposed to be silver, shimmering in the light that shines down.
Keiji has to practically drag you into a room, the door shutting and clicking behind you as it locks. The room is spacious, a large tub in the corner of the room as the king-sized bed offers comfort and relaxation. Yet, you falter— unmoving, your voice seems to barely get out as you question your brother. “Where... where are we?”
“My room for the night, dear. You’re drunk, you need to rest,” his comforting words have you slowly shuffling towards the bed. The chair beside the bed seems too fancy for something in a normal hotel room, more adrenaline entering your veins as you panic from unfamiliarity.
“Nii-san, I don’t like this. Take me back to my room. Akari and Hana and-”
“Shut up, you little slut,” the venom in his words has you squeaking, your much smaller frame easily being pinned to the bed by Keiji’s much broader frame. “I’ve been generous this entire evening and all you’ve blabbered about is your team and your friends. What about me, huh? You haven’t even asked how I was doing the entire date,”
“Nii-san, stop!”
“Do I not hold the most importance in your life anymore? You used to be all over me, my sweet little sister that absolutely enjoyed being around me. Now you’re prancing around as if you have not a care in the world. That boy from the boys’ volleyball club seemed awfully close for comfort, don’t you think?”
“He-,” you once more falter, the brief images from after the game when the captain of the boys’ team congratulated all of you on the win. He wasn’t close to you, you were sure of it, but why would Keiji have been there? “He’s barely a friend, nii-san,”
“Not only that, but you always have that giggle and tendency to twirl your hair as you talk to Bokuto-san, your body moving closer to him as he would walk beside you. You barely acknowledge my existence anymore. Do you know how that makes me feel?”
“I’m sorry,” the tears spill down your cheeks, a hiccup as he continues to say mean things. “I’m sorry,”
“You’ll be graduating soon and then you’re going to live with me. You’re going to live with me and be my little housewife. I’m going to make you completely mine, inside and out,” his breath is hot as it fans over your face, his grip strong as he continues to squeeze and hold your face. You’re unable to do anything, the fear from his words and actions has you frozen beneath him. As his words settle in, ice crawls through your veins as you realize your gut feeling, the tension between you two, everything you ignored for the past hour and a half had a reason for being there. His entire plan was to bring you here, but you’re unable to do much of anything against him — he’s always been stronger than you. When you were young, it was comforting, his arms holding you after a nightmare or even when your first friend moved to America, but now it just served to bring more tears to you eyes, your body forced to let him do what he wants to you.
Keiji’s quick to undress you, your coat being shed as he pushes your fancy dress up, the leggings, shoes, and panties being pulled off and left to fall on the floor. Tears continue to fall, chest heaving as you’re powerless to do anything. Even if you could find the energy to move and attempt get him off of you, it wouldn’t bring anything to fruition. “You’re so dry, are you not enjoying this?”
“No, nii-san. I’m not,” you’re honest with him, yet he doesn’t stop. Sitting back on his heels, he lets his eyes trail over your form. Before a thought can enter your mind to move, he’s pushing his weight on top of you as he grabs something the table beside him, a long metal rod emerging from the miniature dresser. He keeps you pinned, moving the rubber head down to your clit, pressing a button as it begins to vibrate. “Ah! Nii-san,” your muddled voice comes out, the sensation sending an unfamiliar tingling up your spine.
“It feels good, doesn’t it? Don’t worry, I’m going to make you feel even better. All you gotta do is relax, pretty girl,”
“I’m- I’m still- y-your—” your words die on your tongue, your gut twisting into a knot as the sensation turns pleasurable. You’ve never touched yourself, always being told by Keiji that only bad girls touched themselves, that whores and sluts did. Keiji-nii doesn’t like those kinds of girls, so you never dared to go against his wishes.
“Of course you are, baby. You’ll always be my pretty girl, even if I have to remind you exactly where you belong. I’ll remind you of your place,” his words stop there, but in your head his words continue. Silently, the words of ‘if you’ll let me’ enter, an unspoken question that asks for your consent. Yet, you don’t give him anything else. Your moans and mewls are all he gets, a hand grasping at the unbuttoned dress shirt still on him. A small smile paints along his lips, your vision going black as you roll your eyes. Before the knot can release, the vibrations are removed from your clit and you whine, aftershocks coursing through you.
Keiji’s voice is barely a whisper, under his breath, “I’ll give you something much better, don’t worry.” The vibrator is forgotten and discarded, his hands fumbling with his slacks as he pulls them down, along with the dark grey underwear. His cock springs free, hard and thick and long, you unconsciously scoot away as he strokes himself. “Don’t move away,”
“But it’s scary, nii-san,” you whimper, arms close to your chest as your head bumps against the headboard. He doesn’t say anything, using his hand to rub his cock’s tip against your folds. Contrary to earlier, you’re dripping wet as the wet smacks of his appendage against your skin has you clenching around nothing, more juices dripping out. Moving his hips back and forth, he adds another sensation on your clit as he thrusts in between your folds. His tip catches onto the hood of your folds, brushing against the overly sensitive nerves as you whine and mewl at each move he makes.
“You’re so nice and slick for me, it won’t hurt. It just seems scary, look,” he forces you to do just that, hand gripping your hair as he forces you to look at his cock. The underside of it is glistening with your slick, absolutely dripping with you as it slides down to his base and over his balls. “It’s just in your mind, it won’t hurt. Don’t you trust me?”
“But nii-san, I don’t want this,” it’s not what he wants to hear, you’re sure of it. Yet he says nothing. A sigh finally breaks the silent tension as he rubs his finger against your cunt, two fingers slipping in until they can’t anymore. You’re tight, you know you are, clenching around only two of his fingers.
“If you didn’t want this, you would still be dry. You wouldn’t be squeezing my fingers so snugly. This is your body saying it wants this, don’t you remember what I said?”
Of course you don’t, he says a lot to you, so you shake your head. Another sigh.
“You need to listen to your body. It knows you better than you know yourself. I know you better than you do, you know,” his words ring true, his fingers continuing to pump themselves into you as he talks. Eventually, the feeling is no longer unfamiliar, the sensation pleasing as you moan. He smiles at that, leaning to press a kiss to your forehead as his fingers retract themselves. Using the slick on them, he rubs them against his cock to use as lube.
Pushing his tip into you is scary, but it’s not painful. As he sinks further into you, it becomes much more painful. The room must be soundproof, since Keiji keeps pushing in without trying to make you stop your screaming. He does, however, lean down to press his lips to your tear-stained cheeks as you squeeze him. He groans, his hips rutting against you. “You’re fine, stop screaming. Stop being so pathetic,”
His harsh words have your screams silencing, tears and sniffles as your walls flutter around him. It still hurts, it burns, it stings, it’s more painful than anything you’ve ever dealt with before. Before you can manage to get adjusted, Keiji is pushing your legs up to your chest, somehow making himself feel deeper than he actually is. The feeling of being crushed is back once more, his hips rearing back only to come back down against your skin. The scream from your throat is more of a moan, nails digging into the back of Keiji’s neck and teasing the small hairs as he pistons his cock into your cunt.
It’s a tight fit, the way you’re sucking him in and squeezing him with every thrust. Keiji’s balls slap against your slick ass, cunt squelching with each pump of his cock into you as more juices are forced out. His own moans and grunts of pleasure are drowning in the wave of mewls, squeals, and moans spilling from your lips. The feeling from before is back, the knot in your tummy as he rubs his cock against the inside of your walls and instead of being denied once more, the knot finally snaps as you cream all around his cock, accompanying a squeal of his name.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Cum on my cock, let me know how good you feel,” he chuckles, picking up his pace as you continue to suck him in. A garbled call of ‘nii-san!’ leaves your lips, the sensation of his heavy balls slapping against you and his thick cock against your fluttering walls has you creaming around him once more. A sound akin to a growl comes from his throat, leaning even further forwards as he gets himself as deep as he can go, the hair at the base of his cock rutting against your sensitive clit. “I’m going to fill you with my seed and you’re going to have my babies, okay?”
“No, nii-san, I don’t want that!” You cries are ignored, your body continuing to clamp around his cock as he shoots his load into you. The feeling of being full and so warm inside has your eyes rolling, drool spilling from your open mouth as you gush around him, clear liquid splashing against his abdomen.
Once the high has passed, he removes his cock from you, keeping you in that position. You don’t dare speak, unsure you’ll be able to as your throat burns from all the screaming and cries. A metal object briefly enters your vision, the object being inserted into your pussy that drips with your brother’s seed, milky white and thick.
“If you keep it all inside, I’ll give you another treat, okay? You wanna be a good girl for me, don’t you?” He doesn’t wait for a response, but he does take out another object. “You need to keep having an orgasm, I’ll make sure you feel real good, okay?” A medium-sized egg-shaped object enters your ass, another stinging pain from the insertion. Another round of vibrations start, your legs shaking as you mewl, head thrown back as you feel another orgasm quickly coming on. “You’ll be a good little housewife for me, won’t you? Swollen with my child and your pussy will be all for me, you know this, don’t you?”
Of course you do, regardless whether your mind agrees with you or not. He’s your nii-san and he knows best.
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mercy-burning · 4 years
Something Different
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader Summary: Reader and Spencer go on their first date. PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3 / PART 4 / EPILOGUE Category: Fluff, Smut 18+ (oral sex- female receiving, penetrative sex, unprotected sex- creampie) Warnings: Sex, language (As always, if there’s anything I missed, let me know what I should include in warnings! I want to be as mindful as I can about what I post. Thank you!) Word Count: 5.9k
NOTE: This was my favorite part to write so far! I hope you all love it as much as I do! I have a little epilogue planned next, and I’m not sure when it’ll be up, but I’ve really loved seeing how much you enjoyed this series! Thank you for reading! 🥰
Y/N had never felt as much like a teenage girl as she did that Friday night. She stood in front of her floor-length mirror, smoothing out her dress and contemplating whether or not she should change. For the seventh time. And she'd been on dates before, but this time was different. Usually she barely knew the guys she'd gone on first dates with, but she'd already slept with this guy. On more than one occasion. And every time she did, she felt herself fall deeper and deeper under his spell. She wasn't sure if he knew the full effect of what he was doing to her, always taking up space in every crack and crevice of her thoughts until she felt like she couldn't breathe.
And that was what made this date different from all the rest. She knew Spencer. She liked Spencer. And she was almost positive that after this date she would be, at the very least, a little bit in love with Spencer.
At that thought, Y/N felt her heart swell in her chest, suddenly invested in the act of making him feel the same way, if he wasn't already.
So she reverted back to her original outfit choice, something she at first thought was too sexy for a first date, but ultimately was the boldest and best option. It was satin and deep violet in color, the fabric clinging to her body in every best way possible. It landed mid-thigh and the neckline was low enough to show just the right amount of cleavage without it being too overwhelming. Her father would have told her it looked more like a dish towel than a dress, and that fact alone was enough to convince Y/N that it was just perfect. It did have thin straps though, and it was freezing as hell at night, so she added a black cardigan that added just the right amount of elegance and warmth to the look.
She paired the whole look together with black pumps and threw her hair up in a loose clip, made for easy taking-down if the night ended as well as she hoped.
Just as she was applying the last of her makeup—simple black eyeliner and mascara, complimented with tinted cherry lip balm rather than lipstick—there was a knock on the door.
"Just a second!" she called out, rushing to spritz on some vanilla perfume and give herself a final onceover in the mirror. With a final deep breath, she switched off the lights and made her way to the door, silently praying that she wouldn't fall on her face.
"Hey, pretty gi— oh..."
The second she saw Spencer in the doorway, Y/N felt her insides swarm with butterflies. The way he took her in, completely captured by her presence as his eyes couldn't decide where to linger longest utterly wrecked her.
And he looked... God, if he wasn't the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. And of course she'd seen him in some rather beautiful positions prior to right then, but his hungry eyes, practically claiming her as his own as they raked her figure accompanied by the outfit he wore and the way his hair perfectly framed his face in soft waves... It felt like she was bathing in sunlight.
He wore a white undershirt and navy suit jacket, the tie the same color only accented with red stripes, and black dress pants. If she had to describe it, she would have said he looked like he came right of the page of a magazine, and even that wasn't generous enough. She knew she should say something to break the silence that had fallen between them, but she couldn't even remember her own name.
Thankfully Spencer seemed to get a hold of himself before she did, saying, "You look... amazing. A-and that's not even the right word, I... Wow."
Y/N felt her cheeks grow hot, playing with the hem of her cardigan. "Thanks, you... You look great, too. Um, let me go grab my purse, I'll be right back."
"Wait, before you do..."
She hadn't even noticed his hand was behind his back until he brought it out, bringing with it a small gathering of flowers. Lavenders. "You brought me lavenders?" she inquired, taking them with a smile. "They're beautiful. Thank you."
Spencer seemed to rock on his feet nervously. "They're generally known for their relaxation properties, and, you know, I figured since we always seem to end up talking about de-stressing, they seemed fitting."
Y/N laughed, her face growing warmer. "That's perfect, I love them. I'm gonna go find a vase for these real quick."
As she rummaged through her cabinets for something even remotely resembling a vase, she settled on a tall mason jar she had in the back, filling it with water and placing the flowers inside, letting it perch on the kitchen counter. When she turned around she found that Spencer had made his way inside, the door closed behind him. "Unfortunately they won't last very long without soil, water, and sunlight, but if they dry up you could always use them for decorations. I noticed you have lots of dried plants in your apartment."
With a smile, she grabbed her purse off the coat rack in the living room. "Oh. Yeah, I guess I do. I've always loved pressing flowers and stuff. My mom and I used to do it all the time when I was younger, and I guess it stuck."
"That's really nice. It's definitely better than the clutter of my apartment," he says with a laugh as they both make their way to the door.
"Oh, I don't know. I like your clutter, it's rather charming."
He laughed as he opened the door and stepped aside so she could walk through. "You've only been to my apartment once, and we were a bit... occupied for you to notice, so how would you know?"
They paused in the hallway as she closed the door and looked up at him, a knowing smirk playing at his lips. She grabbed the end of his tie and tugged it a little, turning it over in her fingers as she stared at him. "Trust me, Spencer, it's hard to believe that anything about you isn't charming."
It was his turn to blush, his smirk transforming into a shy smile. She let go of his tie and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together before leading him down the hallway.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were surprised," Y/N said once the waiter left to grab their drinks.
"Oh, I-I guess I just... I don't know why, it's just that I didn't... expect you to be a white wine person, that's all."
"You can tell what kind of wine I like?" she laughed.
Spencer returned it, brushing some of the hair from his face. "Well, I guess not, since I pegged you wrong..."
She shrugged. "You don't have to be embarrassed about that, I wouldn't expect you to have known."
"Oh, I'm not embarrassed, it's just that usually I'm better at reading people, that's all."
"Is that right?" Y/N mused, leaning forward a little. She smiled at him. "How come?"
Spencer swallowed before answering. "Well, my job... I work for the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, so my team and I study human behavior to catch killers."
Holy shit, that's so hot, she thought, silently hoping she didn't say that out loud. "Wow, so... you're a total badass, then. I gotta say, G-man, that's impressive."
He blushed under the dim light of the restaurant lights. He'd picked out this nice Italian place not too far from their apartment. Y/N had always wanted to go because she loved Italian food, but it was always too expensive and she never really had the time. When Spencer had suggested it, she practically begged him not to, insisting that she didn't want to make him spend so much money on her. In turn he told her, "I don't mind, you're worth spending a little money on," and that was that. Still she felt a little guilty, but he didn't seem to mind one bit. Not to mention the place was absolutely beautiful, easily one of the nicest places she'd ever been to. So if he was willing to do all this just to spend some time with her, then Y/N figured it was a good sign.
"What about you, what exactly is it that you do?"
Y/N shrugged a little. "Oh, well it's no fancy badass government job, but I work at a music store downtown. I just got promoted, so I'm an associate manager."
"Oh, that's great! What kind of music do you like?"
The way he genuinely looked so interested in what she had to say made her heart swell. She cleared her throat before answering. "My parents raised me on Classic Rock, so my brain is pretty much just made up of Queen lyrics, but... I listen to a little of everything. There isn't much I don't like, really, save for maybe hardcore metal. Though, some of it I've heard is okay."
Spencer laughed a little. "That's nice. I don't really listen to a variety of things, mostly classical, but... I don't know, maybe you could... introduce me to some of your favorites? Broaden my horizons?"
He almost sounded shy asking, but that only made the sentiment more endearing. Y/N smiled so hard her cheeks hurt. "Anytime, G-man."
The waiter came back with the wine then, and they got to ordering. Y/N ordered a lemon chicken piccata while Spencer settled on pasta alla norma. Of course they had a side of breadsticks and they each got a small tomato soup to sip on while they waited.
They continued to chat about their favorite things, anywhere from as general as their favorite books and movies to as random as their favorite flowers and candle scents. It was nice getting to know these tiny details. And normally this type of small talk was awkwardly necessary and devastatingly tedious, but with Spencer it felt effortless. She liked telling him about her favorite things, no matter how small they were, and just the same she liked listening to him. The way he spoke, his eyes lighting up as he talked about what made him happy made Y/N warm, feeling once again that night like she was bathing in sunlight.
That's what he was. The human embodiment of pure sunlight.
As they ate they talked a little bit about their childhoods. Spencer mentioned how it was mostly just him and his mother, and he almost seemed a little sad when he talked about it. She wanted to let him keep going, but at some point she realized that he was getting a little emotional and uncomfortable, so she made a point to respectfully change the subject, in turn telling some embarrassing childhood stories of her own. For one thing, she loved telling anyone about how she angrily chucked a remote at her brother when they were kids and gave him a permanent scar on his forehead, but ultimately she loved seeing Spencer smile, and she knew that the story would do the trick. It always did.
"Why did you do it?" he laughed after swallowing a bite of his food.
Y/N shrugged with a smile. "He was bugging me about wanting to watch something else, and it just annoyed me so badly that I decided I had enough. I should have been sorry, too, especially after being yelled at, but I really thought he deserved it. And now when people ask why he has this big-ass scar on his forehead, he has to tell them that his big sister chucked a remote at his head. It embarrasses him and it amuses me, so..."
Spencer laughed a little harder, setting his fork down and folding his hands together. "Sounds... like an interesting childhood."
"Yeah, that's putting it mildly. My brother and I did a lot of roughhousing, which would make more sense if he was the older one, but what are you gonna do?"
"So... What, you put him in headlocks and pinned him to the ground like a wrestler all the time?" he asked with an amused laugh.
"Yeah, something like that," she laughed right back.
"Well, I hope he hasn't sustained too much injury permanently over the years... Maybe one day I can ask him about it."
The thought of Spencer meeting her family gave her more butterflies, and it became evident that he was feeling the same way, because he blushed almost immediately after he said it.
"You two would probably get along really well, actually. He loves true crime and stuff, so I'm sure he'd love to talk to you about your job if that's not too forward. Plus, he reads more than I do, so I'm sure you'd find something else in common there."
"Yeah, that sounds great. I like him already."
She smiled, her heart still beating exponentially fast. A small part of her wondered if maybe talk of meeting family members was going too far for a first date, and on any other first date it would've been. But Spencer seemed to be genuinely entertaining the idea of meeting and discussing some of his life with her brother, and that was what flipped the switch. She was starting to feel it. She was starting to fall in love with him.
When the two of them got in the car, Spencer turned on the radio before they started their journey home— a Classic Rock station. Y/N smiled, immediately recognizing the melody to, coincidentally enough, her favorite Queen song, Who Wants To Live Forever. She told him as much.
He turned the volume up and started driving, listening to her sing along softly. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed him turning his head every once in a while, obviously sneaking a glance at her enjoying her favorite music. The thought sent a bloom of warmth through her chest as the song faded out and started playing Photograph by Def Leppard. Spencer turned the radio down just a little and nodded, turning down the street.
"I like it. I can see why it would be your favorite."
"This is another one of my favorites, too," she replied with a gentle nod towards the radio, giving him a smile. "A lot of these songs probably will be, though, I've practically been spoon-fed Classic Rock radio since I was a baby."
Then she noticed where they were. A street she didn't recognize. "Where are we going?" she asked, looking around.
"Oh. I-I know I only really promised to take you out for dinner, but there's somewhere else I wanted to show you... If that's alright?"
"It's more than alright," she reassured, placing a hand on his arm and wondering where he planned to take her.
He took her hand in his and continued down the road, the radio shuffling through more songs that Y/N recognized and sang along to. At one point she made a point of dramatically serenading Spencer with Love Song by Tesla, air guitar-ing and everything.
Soon enough they were out where she couldn't see any buildings and only a few streetlights. Y/N hummed softly along to the radio, holding Spencer's hand once again as he pulled the car over down a random road and under this large tree. In front of them she could clearly see the sun setting over the skyline, illuminating everything around them in a soft orange glow.
"It's beautiful out here," she mused as Spencer turned off the car, the radio with it.
"Yeah, I, uh... I was in a particularly stressful point in my life a few years ago, and one day I just drove aimlessly. I don't normally drive at all, but I needed something new, something different to do that I could focus on, and I just ended up here. It's one of my favorite places."
She looked over at him and smiled, running her thumb over his hand. "I find that some of the best things in life happen when you try something different."
His eyes softened as she spoke, squeezing her hand and leaning his head against the seat. "You're right. That's... actually how I got you, know know."
She raised an eyebrow. "Really?"
"Mhm... Yeah, I didn't even want to confront you about hearing what happened that night because I thought it would be too awkward, but... I don't know, I guess there was just something that felt right about the whole thing, like... like it was an opportunity to get to know someone new. And I couldn't stop thinking about knocking on your door and getting to know everything about this woman who likes to invade other people's privacy." He laughed as he said that last part, obviously teasing her about the whole thing, and she laughed with him.
"Well, then I guess that means I don't have to be embarrassed about that anymore," Y/N noted. "I felt absolutely awful about it, you know."
"Oh, I know. You were practically the color of a tomato when I gave you that Advil."
They laughed together as the sun sunk lower in the sky, and as the air between them grew silent, they just stared at each other, smiling. Even as the sun was leaving, Y/N could still feel its warmth radiating in the form of Spencer's presence.
They walked up to her door hand in hand, laughing about a joke she'd told him when Y/N realized the night was potentially over. The thought silenced her laughter, and suddenly she was nervous, like she hadn't already considered that the night would eventually have to end somewhere.
"I... I had a really great time tonight, Spencer, thank you. "
He smiled shyly in that way of his that made her just as shy. It was sickeningly cliché, she thought, feeling this way about a man she'd only just started to get to know, but she welcomed those feelings nonetheless. He was so obviously infatuated with her in a way she hadn't felt before, and it made her nervous because she didn't know how to react. All she could do was welcome and embrace his adoring glares and little touches and compliments, and hope that he knew in turn just how much she appreciated and adored him all the same.
His free hand reached out and cupped her cheek, to which she happily leaned into. "I did, too," he said softly, barely above a whisper. "We should do it again some time."
She smiled against his hand, and she didn't realize it then, but they were closer than they had been all night, toe to toe. "We should."
The world stopped for all of two seconds before he leaned down to kiss her. But something embarrassingly stopped her from letting it happen, pulling her face away just a little. "Wait. My breath probably smells like breadsticks."
Hardly the most romantic thing to say, and she regretted it the second it left her mouth.
Spencer only shrugged, smiling amusedly. "Who doesn't like breadsticks?"
That made her laugh. Hard. And she was still laughing as she pulled him closer and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
When he kissed her back, it was head-dizzyingly sweet, his hands softly brushing over her cheeks as she melted into him. Every time his lips parted, he came back stronger, pressing his lips and tongue to hers with slow, methodical precision.
She could have died right there.
But eventually they pulled apart, and she looked up at him with as much gratefulness as she could provide. "Look, I... I know it's not typically customary to sleep over on the first date, but... What about trying something different?"
Spencer grinned at her, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. "Lead the way, pretty girl."
She couldn't hide her blush as she reached over and opened the door, pulling him into the apartment with her.
The door closed behind him, and Spencer kissed her again, this time using one of his hands to press her to him, resting promptly on her lower back. Their kisses were just as slow and sweet as they had been in the hall, though there was a slightest shift in the atmosphere, bringing forth a newfound passion behind each of their movements.
His tongue traced over her bottom lip before he took it between his teeth and tilted his head to the other side, pulling her even closer to him than she thought could be possible. They both stumbled around the living room as they kicked off their shoes. Y/N got significantly shorter after removing her heels, so Spencer bent down and lifted her off the ground, setting her on the back of the couch. Her dress had ridden up to the tops of her thighs so she could wrap her legs around his waist. She slid her cardigan off at the same time he slid off his jacket, their lips still adjoined. Once they were removed, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck again, and he brought his arms under her ass as he lifted her off the couch
She expected the journey to her bedroom to be rocky, stumbling into furniture and walls and tripping, but was glad to be proven wrong when suddenly she was swiftly seated on her bed, Spencer standing between her legs.
He pulled away from her for all of two seconds before kneeling and pressing kisses to the insides of her right leg, starting at her ankle and trailing all the way up past her knee and eventually to her thigh. His hands reached up to grip the bed as he looked up at her and pressed kisses to her other thigh. Hoping to give him more access, she used her hands to pull her dress up even higher, scooting out from under her butt and bunching up at her hips as she spread her legs a little wider.
He smiled against her inner thigh, running one of his hands over the other. "Patience, pretty girl. I want to take my time with you tonight."
The way he said it made her shiver, and her head leaned back as she leaned back on her hands, feeling Spencer continue his exploration. His mouth travelled from thigh to thigh, doing just about everything he could think of—kissing, licking, biting... One of her hands found themselves in his hair as she sighed out, "Please, Spencer..."
For a moment she thought he wouldn't give it to her, if only because she wasn't specific enough and that had become part of their sexual routine, but this time he granted her what she wanted, one of his hands reaching up and ghosting along her clit through the fabric of her panties.
She instinctually rutted her hips forward at the contact, which made him laugh softly, and before too long, he hooked his finger in the waistband of her underwear, sliding up her dress just a little so he could reach. She lifted herself off the bed so he could bring them out from under her, and he slowly, very slowly, slid them down her legs. His lips travelled up her leg again, taking the same care and curiosity as he had before, each second burning impatiently through Y/N's body as she took it all in.
Right as his nose brushed over her clit, he pulled away, leaving her cold and desperate. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, running a hand through his hair and silently pleading to do something.
He smiled and stood up, pressing a kiss to her neck before whispering in her ear, "Will you ride my face for me, baby?"
"Oh, God, yes," she breathed before she could think, and he laughed, his breath sending goosebumps down the right side of her body.
Spencer got up on the bed and leaned back, his head resting on the pillows as Y/N straddled him, hiking her dress up over her hips and stroking the hair from his face before hovering over it. Before she could do anything, his hands wrapped up over her thighs and pulled her down to him, not wasting any time getting to work.
The initial contact jolted her awake, and she cried out, reaching forward and grabbing the top of the headboard as she ground down on him. His tongue plunged deep into her while his nose pressed against her clit, and the more she moved, the more his tongue drew patterns, wanting to taste every inch of her until she was shaking around him. And that's exactly what happened. His tongue came up to flick and swirl over her clit, and right when he wrapped his lips around it and started softly sucking, she cried out. "I'm gonna— ohh..."
He hummed into her, encouraging her to finish, and she did, clenching her thighs around his head as he shook it back and forth, lapping up every last drop of her arousal until her thighs lost their grip. She lifted up off of him, but he brought her back down to run his tongue through her pussy a few more long, meaningful times. He finally let go of her legs, and she kneeled beside him, catching her breath.
Looking down at him she noticed how wonderstruck he was, running his tongue along his lips to still taste her, his eyes searching hers hungrily before she leaned down and kissed him. The taste of herself on his mouth made her groan, and he reached up to pull the clip from her hair. It tumbled down in a curtain around them before he tossed the clip aside and ran his hands through it, gathering it all to one side and pulling her closer to him.
As he kissed her, she brought her hand to his chest, working at his tie and struggling to get it off. He laughed against her mouth and sat up to do it for her, breaking their kiss apart. Has he undid the tie and the first few buttons of his shirt, Y/N reached back to grab the zipper of her dress, but Spencer stopped her.
"Wait. Can I?"
She nodded, turning around.
"Stand up for me," he told her.
Y/N got off the bed and felt Spencer behind her, his hands brushing her hair out of the way and slowly zipping her dress down, pressing kisses down each inch of skin that exposed in its wake, all the way to her lower back. His hands slid up her back and pushed the straps off her shoulders, then tugged the dress down to watch it fall on the floor, leaving her completely bare.
He kissed her neck and ran his hands up and down her body, eventually reaching around to cup her breasts. She sighed at his touch, leaning back against him as he rolled her nipples in between his fingers. Her hands reached back to wrap around his back and pull him flush against her, the unmistakable feeling of his hardening dick through his pants pressing against her bare ass.
"I love how soft your skin is, pretty girl," he murmured into her neck, sliding his lips down to her shoulder and biting down. She sucked in a breath, her hands removing themselves from his back and placing themselves over his own, feeling the veins strain as they kneaded her breasts. His tongue traced over where he bit down before he kissed the same spot, then he worked his mouth back up her neck and reached her jawline. She turned her head, meeting his lips and pressing herself further into him, whining at every single sensation coursing through her veins.
Eventually she'd had enough and turned fully around, breaking apart from him just to come back. She faced him and wrapped her arms around his neck once more. He leaned in to kiss her again, but she stopped him, pulling her head back and using one of her hands to grip the hair at the nape of his neck. "Tonight's your lucky night, you know..."
At her teasing tone, Spencer laughed, his eyes searching hers before giving in. "Why's that?"
She used the hand that wasn't in his hair to slide over his shoulder and down his chest, drawing patterns across the bare skin he'd left exposed after undoing the first few buttons of his shirt. Then she smiled, bringing herself closer and gripping the collar. "Because I'm on birth control now..." She leaned forward and lightly brushed her lips against his, feeling them just barely as she whispered, recalling what he'd told her a few weeks ago. "You still wanna fill up this slutty little pussy? Make me yours?"
He didn't give a second thought. Before she was aware of what was happening, Spencer had his lips crashed against hers and his arms wrapped around her back, pulling her forward so that the tent in his pants pressed right up into her bare crotch. She gasped against his mouth and reached down to take the rest of his shirt all the way off, and he let her.
Her hands fumbled with the buttons, severely close to just giving up and ripping the shirt apart but she got there in the end, sliding the fabric off his shoulders and tossing it God-knows-where as his tongue slipped into her mouth. She trailed her hands softly down his chest and stomach, making him shiver, and she relished in the feeling of his lean figure tensing under her touch. She scratched her nails along the lower part of his stomach before touching his belt, and then he stopped her, grabbing her wrists.
"Sit on the edge of the bed," he commanded softly against her lips.
Y/N pulled away reluctantly, immediately missing his bodily warmth before doing as she was told and perching herself patiently at the edge of the bed.
Spencer got off his knees, climbed out of bed, and stood on the floor, coming over to her and placing himself between her legs once more. Only this time, he towered over her rather than kneeled. His hands unbuckled his belt while his eyes bore into hers, the anticipation of what was to come as high strung as it had ever been.
He pulled his pants and underwear down in one swift motion, and right a he kicked them to the side, Y/N reached out, grabbing his hips and pulling him closer. One of his hands gripped his hard cock while the other found purchase in her hair, brushing it behind her shoulders and resting at the base of her neck as he leaned down and pushed her back onto the bed. She scooted back just far enough for Spencer to kneel on the edge of the bed, her legs instinctually wrapping around his waist once more as he kissed her.
Her hands brushed the hair from his face and stayed weaved there, whimpering with anticipation as he ran the tip of his cock along her pussy, just as slowly as he'd done everything else so far. He broke their kiss apart and pushed the tip in, not going any farther than that. "I told you, pretty girl, I'm taking my time with you tonight. I want this to last."
As his forehead rested against hers, she barely caught a glimpse of his eyes before he pushed all the way in and squeezed his eyes shut. Y/N sighed and massaged his scalp, completely aware of every inch of him as he held himself inside her. He pressed just about the sweetest kiss to her lips before setting a slow pace that gradually became faster with every passing minute. She was still a little sensitive from when he'd eaten her out, but that only added to the feeling.
"Fuck, you're perfect," Spencer breathed, pulling his head just far enough away from her so he could look her in the eyes. "You're so goddamn perfect, Y/N..."
She slid her hands down his back as he picked up his pace inside her, gasping when he hit her g-spot. "Speak for yourself," she breathed.
When she started to feel herself getting closer, Spencer seemed to notice, because he slowed his pace again and ran sloppy, passionate kisses along her jaw and neck, and she reveled in the feeling. He was all around her, consuming every fiber of her being, and she could bask in it forever if he'd let her.
"Spencer," she breathed, her hands reaching down to grip his ass as he hit inside her deeper. "Fuck... You're so good to me..."
In turn he cradled her face and kissed her deeply, moving his tongue against hers in tandem with his hips' ministrations. Her fingernails bore deeper into his skin, and it wasn't long before she started to feel an orgasm surfacing. He rested his forehead against hers again, biting her bottom lip softly as he pulled away to speak. "Almost there, pretty girl. "
Y/N removed her hands from him and brought them up to bring her face to hers again, sighing into his mouth when they reconnected. And then he grabbed her wrists softly, pinning them above her head and sliding his hands up her forearms until his fingers laced together with hers, squeezing and pushing them both closer to the edge.
"Cum for me, baby," he mumbled against her lips, and within a matter of seconds, she did. Her legs tightened around him and her ankles hooked round his waist, just above the top of his ass to keep him tightly inside her while he found his own release. "Fuck," he sighed, giving three more hard thrusts forward. He held himself inside her while he came, the warmth spreading through her being just about the best thing she'd ever felt. It was the cherry on top, the last puzzle piece falling into place, and she kissed him once more while he finished, feeling him groan in her mouth.
The two of them stayed like that, their hands still laced together and legs still tangled, and even when their lips pulled apart, their foreheads rested together while their breathing slowed.
"Have I already told you how perfect you are?" Spencer breathed, nuzzling his nose against hers.
Y/N laughed a little, nuzzling him right back. "You may have mentioned it."
"Well, it's true. Everything about you is just so..."
"Perfect?" she offered.
He laughed, kissing her once more on the lips before slowly pulling out of her and unlacing their fingers. "Yes. Perfect... But as much as I love laying here with you, UTIs are not perfect, so I'm gonna get you cleaned up. Come on."
She sat up with a grunt, not wanting to get up so soon but she knew he was right. So she let him lead her to the bathroom as quickly as they can, his cum slowly sliding down her thighs when they got there. Spencer turned on the light and closed the bathroom door, a small smile on his face as he got on his knees to help.
"I can grab some toilet pa— holy shit..." Y/N was cut off when he dragged his tongue up the inside of her leg, scooping up his mess and making his way to her pussy where he cleaned out the rest of it. She was still sensitive, so he went as gently as he could, making soft, gentle swipes of his tongue until it was mostly gone, at least not dripping down her legs anymore.
When he stood up to meet her face, she felt stunned, absolutely enraptured by everything about the man in front of her. "So, does that mean I'm officially yours now?" she asked with small laugh.
He gave her that bashful smile again, and it made her feel even better, basking in the familiarity of his boldness of sexual acts followed by instant shy demeanor. "Only if you'll have me."
Y/N grabbed his face and kissed him before looking him dead in the eye and saying, "I hope I'll always have you, G-man."
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