#i had to do financial aid stuff with loans and all that today
i-luvsang · 1 year
tw anxiety mentions
really dont wanna go to work tonight... friday means busy means anxiety and that's not good because i'm so anxiety today already :,(
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3015
guess all i needed was to complain one too many times about not being able to think to be able to think. figures, right?
i was able to write a message to my classmates and start doing research and make a bibliography for my part of the capstone project. i'm glad to be doing things.
also?????? someone at northeastern's financial aid department was exuding major big dick energy today because my application for my student loan (the second one) (the one i submitted yesterday that got sent to the school TODAY) got approved and certified within half an hour of being submitted. i have dispersal dates, too. i'm gonna be able to get new tires. but more importantly, i'll be able to pay for my classes!!! i just need to accost someone to waive the healthcare bullshit for me. because for real???? i don't need northeastern healthcare. i don't go to the school. i don't live near campus. i don't go to campus. ever. the one time i'll go near campus is for graduation in may, and maybe once before that if i can't get my problems solved over the phone. but then i'll be their problem! i'll sit on a desk and cross my legs and get leaves and shit on their paperwork until they fix it! i won't actually do that, not literally because as my mom stated yesterday i'm "too nice," but it's a nice thought. i'm not like that. which is unfortunate for every problem i've ever had. but it's nice to have advocates and people who will help me not be abused and mistreated, whether at work or in general. it's nice to have people in my corner. which is fuckin wild.
also i sat and worked with nancy for a couple hours today on biology. it's a lot of words that definitely aren't english and concepts that are still foreign to me despite having taken it before, but i don't care. i'd walk across hot coals for nancy and her family. for real. she's a delight and deserves to do well in everything.
this morning i went with my mom to the quilt shop in goffstown, where we dropped off the quilt top she just made and picked the quilting design and the thread color. she has me go with her because i have a good eye for it and she can't see things in her head. for both the pattern and the string, we went with both of my first picks. i love being right.
after the quilt shop mom and i went to ihop where our waitress was also named molly and who ALSO applied to go to grad school at northeastern but decided to go somewhere else because of how expensive it is. i'm like "hah, yeah, it's expensive all right lmao." so that was fun.
so the day went awake, shower, dressed, quilt shop, breakfast, i had mom bring me to joel's so i could pick up my chargers and let the doggo out, we took the long way home, stopped to buy pumpkins, stopped to look for plants, stopped for ice cream, finally actually went home, sat down and worked, went to work with nancy, and then came back to town to hang out with the eggs. we went to shaws for ice cream sundae supplies and then the wilton house of pizza for dinner, and we stopped at home to eat with mom because we got her stuff too. we got back to the eggs and eggy and i watched the first six episodes of the dragon prince s4 which is SO GOOD. i'm yelling. anyway, it's really good.
but now i'm home and in bed and it's late and i am so excited to sleep.
but also since joel and his dad and MY dad are at the same convention, joel sent me a picture of my papa from the back and papa sent me a text saying he'd seen joel and his dad at a table playing. it was so funny to just see a picture of my dad at some random place from joel, who also happened to be there. 🤣🤣🤣
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bicycle-brakes · 4 years
TW/CW: COVID-19, poverty, (lack of) government benefits, brief description of shitty mental health & poverty
story time. i just need a moment to be frustrated about money, and because i can’t be the only one in this situation.
i feel kinda screwed over right now. i’m in a financially worse position than i was last year (like so many of us!), yet i still don’t qualify for canada’s response benefit (CRB). according to the way eligibility is calculated, i « make too much money » to qualify for aid.
the basic breakdown is, you take your average weekly income from 2019 or the past 12 months, divide in half (50%), and check it against what your average weekly income is for the 2-week period you’re requesting aid for. if your average weekly income in that 2-week period is less than 50% of your average weekly income of 2019 (or the past 12 months), you qualify.
at first, it makes sense, until you look at what the government qualifies as income. it doesn’t take into account any other form of government aid (disability, pension, etc.), particularly student loans, all of which contributes to a person’s ability to stay financially afloat.
i was a full-time student in 2019, meaning every month, my provincial gov’t sent me money, and that money went to tuition, food, housing, etc. basically everything. pinching pennies, eating a lot of beans and rice and taking advantage of my uni’s soup kitchen meant i was able to swing it so that i didn’t have to work during the school year, and only work in the summers. cool. but that means i was only making an « income » (according to what is counted as income for the purposes of the CRB) in the summer, and very little at that, if that’s all that is counted for the entire year. you’d think that would help me qualify for aid.
fast forward to today. i’m studying part time, which, in my case, means my provincial gov’t sends me barely enough money to pay tuition, and that’s it. once in sept, and once again in jan. no monthly financial aid. so i have to work during the school year. cool. loads of people do it, because loads of people have no other choice. it sucks, and it interferes with students’ ability to do their best work in uni. but you do what you have to do.
how does this relate to the CRB again?
now that i’m working throughout the year, my « average weekly income » is higher than in 2019, despite the fact that i’m working reduced hours and am limited to one contract due to the nature of my work & COVID (in the summers, i had up to 3 regular contracts). without monthly students loans and summer work, there was no way i would have financially made it through 2019. but because i can’t factor the actual amount of money i was working with into my « average weekly income » for 2019, the money i make right now (which is less than i had when i had loan support) makes me ineligible for gov’t aid in a fucking pandemic.
now, i could have chosen to continue on as a full-time student and collected monthly student loans, but there was no way i was capable of taking a full online course load. last semester i took half the number of classes, and was still overwhelmed. this semester, i’m still at that half load, but my mental health is withering away, and i’m not confident i can swing more than one course at this point. even for the money, it’s not worth throwing my grades away for classes i may have to repeat later because i’ve failed them and tanked my GPA. bye bye any dreams i had of grad school.
in 2019, my mental health and undiagnosed and untreated adhd (at that time) made it extremely difficult to live alone. i was not healthy. i didn’t eat well, sleep well, and had many breakdowns and burnouts. having to assume the full cost of living alone meant that i was bordering on financial deficits most months.
in many other ways, i’m better off than i was in 2019. today, i’m living with roommates/chosen family who all have some combination or other of mental illness and neurodivergency. so i’ve got people, and understanding, and i don’t have to manage the upkeep of an entire household and myself at the same time while staying fed.
(and if anyone reading this is itching to respond with comments blambing me for my situation, you can stuff it and keep scrolling)
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vices-aand-virtues · 6 years
Today I finished The Year of Less by Cait Flanders and it really resonated with me. One of my goals for 2019 already was to downsize, partially because I was feeling overwhelmed by how much stuff I own; partially because I was running out of space; and partially because I was anticipating moving this summer, and I wanted to haul as little as possible. I purged my closet, my bookshelf, and my DVD collection. Granted, I still have what many would consider A BUNCH of items in these categories, but as Marie Kondo would say, they really do “spark joy.”
I want to clean out other areas of my home, but due to having roommates, this is a challenge since with some things I’m not sure whose is whose. But this summer, they will be moving out, and my boyfriend and I will be living alone together for the first time in 4 years—for the first time since we graduated from college (me with my MA and him with his BS). I’m looking forward to cleaning out the kitchen and our closets.
Another reason I want to binge clean is because we will have two spare rooms in our house, but I don’t want them to become what they have been in the past: junk rooms. Typically these rooms serve a primary purpose (usually our music room), but they also serve as a dumping ground for anything we don’t know what to do with or things we don’t want in public view (ie junk). I want these rooms to be no more than they are: a guest room and a music room/office. We are only two people; we don’t need three rooms full of just stuff.
But until we can get started purging and cleaning our house, there are some steps I can already start taking to work towards my year of less. I’ve been saving money for a few months now because I thought I might owe money on my taxes. Luckily it turns out I didn’t thanks to some very helpful deductions, so I have a very small “influx” of money.
Which leads me to my next reason for doing this.
I’m in debt. By a lot. Getting a bachelor’s and master’s degree did not come cheap. My parents only paid for 2 years of my undergrad degree, and I was on my own for the next 7 years of school (yeah you read that right—my undergrad took 5 years and grad school took 4). As a result, my student loan debt is astronomical. Not only that, but because of my light class load my last year in school, I didn’t qualify for financial aid, and had to use 3 different credit cards to pay the rest of my tuition. So all that gets piled on top of my K2 mountain of debt.
With what I make now at my job, I can make it by. I’ll be able to afford rent, bills, and debt repayments. But that’s about it. And that’s not the kind of life I want to live. I’m not even talking about traveling the world or taking vacations. I just want to hang out with friends or go visit my family. I want to buy gas for something besides work. I want to treat my friends when they need a pick me up or need to celebrate. I want to be able to get my haircut when I need it.
So I decided I could up my weekly savings and see where that would lead me 4 months from now. By doing that alone, I could pay off half of my credit card debt by this fall, and finish the rest of it by next summer. That frees up nearly $500 for me to put towards extra student loan payments. Just by saving more money each week.
After calculating that, I looked at where I’m spending money during work hours. I am a contract music therapist, so I drive all over my area to my clients homes for sessions. Sometimes I knock the sessions out one after the other, but sometimes I have some time to kill inbetween. Since I started my job in June of 2018, I chose to go to a coffee shop (Starbucks or a local brew) to get a drink and work on paperwork or read a book. I looked at my expenses for just the last 2 months, and I had spent $150 on coffee alone. Thats $75 a month I’m spending to have a coffee for an hour or so once or twice a week. Then I added up any time I ate a meal between sessions. Almost $75 more. $150 a month on food and drinks. That’s almost $40 a week. I easily can cut those things out of my routine. Instead of going to a coffee shop, I can find somewhere else to kill time between sessions. If the weather is nice, I can go to a park and walk for a bit. If there’s a bench or a table, I can do my work there. If the weather is bad, I’ll give myself some grace and allow for a coffee. If I lived closer to work, I would definitely just spend my time there.
My next step was to look at any expenses that were truly unnecessary. I use Spotify regularly for work, so that’s not something I could give up. But I do have some months subscriptions to some other services that I really don’t need. By cutting those out, I save almost $50 more.
That means I potentially have nearly $200 extra to put to better use, and I didn’t even look at how much I spend on eating out for dinner or on just shopping. One step at a time y’all!
So if I save $200 a month for 4 months, I’ll have an additional $800 to put toward something. This combined with my regular savings will put me in a good position to reduce my credit card debt more quickly, which in turn will help me pay off my student loans faster.
Once I pay off the credit cards, I’ll have almost $500 a month to put elsewhere. That plus my $200 savings from spending during work hours is nearly $700 extra I can put toward my student loans each month. That’s half of what I will already be paying. And if I keep putting money into my regular savings...that’s even more. I could potentially reduce my payment time by YEARS and finally really start saving money for better things.
Financial freedom is something I never thought I could attain. But Cait’s book made me feel that it WAS possible, I just had to make it a priority. It was odd to realize that with as much anxiety as I had about repaying all my debt, I haven’t really been taking a lot of steps toward lessening my anxiety. But my making it a priority, not in terms of worrying but in terms of taking action, I have already lessened by burden significantly.
Usually when I do challenges like this, I lose motivation. But this is something I feel good about deep in my bones. And not only that, it’s easily doable. I’m not upping my savings significantly. I’m not even banning shopping like Cait did or cutting back on my eating habits (although I imagine this will start to happen organically once I’m really saving and realize how frivolous it is). I’m only cutting out unnecessary spending during work hours. That’s it.
Anyway I don’t think anyone will have read this all the way through, but if anyone has, thank you! I’m gonna try to post sometimes and talk about how it’s going :)
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cameron-mckell · 5 years
Hi, folks. Still not dead. Sorry in advance for the... very long ramble under the cut.
I just finished up my last final for the Spring semester earlier today, so I’m pretty much done with all of that. I honestly meant to check in sooner, but those classes, while not as soul-crushingly terrible as some of the ones I’ve had recently, still ate up a lot of my time. 
So after all that, I’ve got three things left to do before I finish my Associate’s/Bachelor’s+Double Minor in German and Chinese Commerce. First is an internship, which I’d thought I’d completely failed at getting until the Eleventh Hour for Summer Registration. I did manage to get one, though, with the state even (and paid!). It’s set to take up a good deal of my time until the end-ish of June (AKA the first block of Summer semester), and my first official day is tomorrow. I’m a bit nervous about what I’ll be doing, and managing my ~2 hour each way commute to the capitol building, but there’s not much I can do about it now but try. Right?
I really, really didn’t want a full schedule for Summer like last year (that really did not go well for me) so I only signed up for two other things. One is an online computer class that runs the whole summer (which I’m hoping to work on while commuting on the train), which ideally shouldn’t be difficult. The other one is the second of the three things I need to graduate; it’s another business class (sigh...) subbing in for an Intro to Chinese Commerce class that I’ve just never seen the university offer (and I’ve been watching, and waiting...). It’s about cross-cultural communication, which hopefully won’t be too onerous/business-filled for my brain to handle; it’s scheduled for two evenings a week in the second half of Summer semester, so it (hopefully) won’t interfere with my internship (there’s one iffy day that I need to check on, but otherwise it should be fine). This should leave me with some time, though, for things like maybe regaining some of my sanity, or writing. I really hope so.
I really need a break.
Anyway, after that, the only thing I have left to do is one upper-level German class (the professor that does the upper-level German stuff is taking students on Study Abroad over the Summer, so they won’t have a German class that would count for me until the Fall. So I’m already set to learn about the Weimar Republic when Fall comes around, and added another computer class (I’ve been using them to fill out my credit hours/holes in my schedule for a while now), and a random class about Urban Planning which I probably shouldn’t take but it sounded interesting and I don’t know. I guess I like suffering. But even then, I’m still not full-time in the Fall (like three quarters-time, bleh), so hopefully I’ll have a little bit of breathing room. 
Even if it makes me concerned for how my Financial Aid will work out; I may have to take out more student loans to cover the difference (there’s a good chance I won’t get my Work Study job back in the Fall, because I’ll be graduating mid-’school year’ and won’t be registered in any classes for Spring, and you need to be registered as a student to keep a Work Study job. 
It depends on how things go for my (nor past-) supervisor. If they want me, I’ll come back, but they may not want me. 
But yeah; I’m currently on-course to graduate in the Fall. After that, though...
So, I want to work for the government, ‘be the change you want to see in the world’, and all. To do that, realistically, I need a Master’s degree. My current university technically has a Master’s of Public Service (MPS) program, but it’s geared toward a very different end goal than mine, so I need to switch to another school with an MPS program. There’s another (bigger) university up north (not too far from where I’m interning, actually) that has the right sort of MPS program. It’s pretty well-rated in general, actually, which has me a bit worried, really. 
You see, being a ‘better program’ means that this northern school is more selective about what students they let in. So I’ve got to fill out applications, get references etc., but I also need to take the GRE exam, to show my ability to be in a graduate program. So I’ve got to do that sometime after I graduate, and hope like crazy that they’ll let me in for Fall next year. 
Then I get to start into school again for a couple more years, joy of joys, only now with a longer commute both ways on the regular (hopefully that university has some sort of transit pass/plan thing...). I’m not sure how Financial Aid applies to graduate programs, so I may also have to try and find some sort of part-time job as well (I hope not, but I shudder to think what sort of monstrosity my student debt’s going to turn into otherwise). 
I try not to think too much about life after college, because of the whole ‘don’t count your chickens’ thing, but also because the whole thing just seems so enormously daunting when I try to look at the whole thing all at once. Too much to ever manage. 
I want to make the world better, in some small way. I know I don’t have the charisma/temperament to be a leader, and I’ve come to accept that my language skills will only ever be middling at best (not enough to cut it in this state, with a lot of people speaking way more languages much better than I could ever dream of), but still. Whenever my family’s gone camping, my grandparents would always talk about leaving a place better than the way you found it. I’d like to find somewhere where I can do that, in some way. 
I’d like to make enough money to be comfortable (not extravagant), and take care of my parents before my father literally works himself to death and my mother completely falls apart physically because medical bills have already bankrupted them. It makes me sick, watching their lives crumbling while I’m still in school, knowing I’ve got years ahead of me still before I can help more than superficially. Do I want the stress of feeling responsible for supplying their retirements? Not really; I’m already a wreck of a person. But I know I’m probably going to be the one person out of all my siblings in a position to handle it, eventually. The rest are either in fairly low-paying jobs or employed in an unstable industry. 
It’s probably hoping for too much, but it’s what I’ve been trying to work toward. And there’s so much pressure to try and finish up faster (I already started college much later than pretty much everyone I know), but I know I still have years to go. 
So I’ll focus on tomorrow, instead, on this new internship. And maybe I’ll have some time to catch my breath and finish a story or two this summer. 
Here’s hoping.
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kxowledge · 6 years
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(1) The above is from the PI. I’m happy that he picked me for the position – I have more responsibility, the type of work is slightly more challenging, I can work at my own pace, and the other two interns he chose are the ones I get along best. What really annoys me is that it’s all quite disorganised. The fact that the research lab’s environment is more relaxed and less hierarchical doesn’t justify the fact that there’s a complete lack of guidelines and structure. And, part time work means 20h/week, NOT 24h/week of “office hours” plus 6h/week of “meetings” plus overtime for occasional seminars. That’s 30h/week minimum. UNPAID.
(2) So apparently I still have 18h of office work to complete this week because he gave us today off, which means that this weekend I won’t be able to go home as planned.
(3) I’m currently debating whether to accept a second part time job as well. I interviewed last week, but I didn’t think I would actually get it because I said upfront that I wasn’t available on Thursdays (I have class at that time) and it was a big deal for them. However, I knew that I had a strong profile and that they really liked me at the interview, and well, today they called. I most likely won’t get any financial aid from my university and I’ll be burdening my family with the cost of maintain me for an additional year, so I do need the money (especially if I want to move abroad after graduation) and I am sure I can manage everything in the first semester, if  I give up any resemblance of a social life (but this could be the last year I live in the same country of my best friends). On the other side, the second semester is much more stressful (thesis due in May, final exams in May/June, an incredible amount of administrative/bureaucratic stuff all happening at the same time in April, finding a post-graduation job, somehow following 7 courses, and my current internship lasts until March) and adding more work doesn’t seem a good idea.
(4) But also….  Have I mentioned how much I need the money? I’m broke. Literally broke – not “oh, I don’t have money to pay for fancy things” broke, but “both my parents are unemployed and my whole family has been surviving on what was supposed to be my college fund for the past two years” broke. So yeah, even an additional 500€/month would be nice.
(5) This morning I was also thinking of how I much would love to purse a career in academia and how soon could I do that and as it turns out the answer is 29. I could go for a PhD at 29. IF I can find a well-paying job before that and IF my brother can get a scholarship or loan and I only have to pay his living expenses. Surprisingly, knowing this is not as depressing as I thought it would be. It’s actually kind of empowering - I know what I need to do to get there and I know it will take time. I don’t have any false expectation. I can be patient.
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tired-aliensoul · 6 years
Hey I read your post about your financial situation and I just wanted to ask how you got so far without giving up. I'm going through something really bad atm so I constantly feel pessimistic about the future. I want things to be okay I just don't know how to make it okay.
Well, I’m not sure if my answer will help you at all, honestly. A lot of it has to do with just who I am at the core. I hate spending money. I hate relying on others. I refuse to do something that gives me no enjoyment. It took me seven years and three degrees to get where I am at today and I don’t mean I have a master’s. I have two associates and a useless Bachelor’s. I also have thousands in student loan debt. I also hoard money. Any cash that I make doing one of my side-gigs, I put in a jar and leave it there. Save all your coins. Don’t use them to just make an even payment, just put them in a jar or piggy bank and when that bitch gets full, spill it out and, (you don’t have to be as weird as me who sorts it by coin and then counts it and then either scrounges for random change or puts back coins that aren’t going to give an even deposit number) deposit that shit in the bank. Right into savings, unless it’s going to help you pay for something needed. I’ve always had a personal desire to just make life better for myself and work my ass off to get it. I have fought for where I am now and I have had to ask for help from my parents, not financial but I had to ask to move back home because I was going to go through a rough financial time and needed to be somewhere that I wouldn’t have to pay rent, but still had to pay for my own things. I understand that asking for help from family or friends is not feasible for everyone, but if it is, swallow that pride and ask. It will help in the long run.
Honestly, if you want to start working toward a better future, get some sort of degree. I highly recommend getting a technical degree in something. If you want to be in the medical field but you don’t want to be a nurse, there are quite a few options for you there. Dental Assistant, Veterinary Tech, Surgical Tech, and Massage Therapy are a few technical degrees you can get and technical degrees can either be a certificate or an associates. Many, many options exist with a technical degree and man those programs really prepare you for exactly what you are going to be doing. It’s not like university where you have to take a shitload of bullshit courses that have nothing to do with your degree. Technical schools nix that shit and give you what you need to know. Anyway, you’ll spend about 1-2 years in school and technical schools are loads cheaper than universities and some community colleges. I understand that school is not for everyone, but I’m against the whole movement that goes against it. Get a degree in something, it will help you out. In fact, financial aid that is awarded is more than enough to help you pay for it. Do not be afraid of student loans, just be smart about them. I’ve paid off one loan already. You don’t need a bachelor’s in order to get an Entry level job that will give you full-time hours, benefits, and a big enough paycheck to live within your means.
Just, I dunno, just don’t give up. Even when things are looking dim, start looking for things that can help you better your situation. Never doubt yourself. I doubt myself a lot, so when I was 19, I got a tattoo that always reminds me that I can do what I’m putting my mind to. I know that seems silly, but it means a lot to me and it really has helped me when my mind has tried to get the better of me. Find your inner will to do what is necessary to get what needs done. Hell, get on medication if that will help. I did. Some part-time job companies are now offering health benefits to part-time employees so that you have access to that stuff. Starbucks is big on that, and they also have a tuition reimbursement program with Phoenix and their online degrees. Plus, you get to go home smelling like coffee and you get a free pound of coffee a week or some other coffee/tea based product like a box of tea or K-cups. Their food is relatively healthy and you get a markout when you work so your lunch is paid for. I worked for them and they helped out a lot of people, including me.
God, this got long and I feel like it’s sort of rambly and maybe I preached a little bit about degrees and whatnot, but had I known about technical colleges when I was graduating high school, I wouldn’t have fucked around with universities and would have been living a life like this five years earlier.
Things will get better as long as you know that it will. And I do mean ‘know’ and not ‘believe’. People don’t give up on things they ‘know’ is true, but people give up on things they ‘believe’. Know that it is fact you will have financial security some day. I knew it, and I got it and now I want better of it. Nothing wrong with taking a journey, just make sure you come away with a better you. Refine your plan as you go to accommodate. I have now declared 10 different majors of study in all types of my schooling. So like, adapt as needed.
I’m sorry if this doesn’t help you feel any better. I know it will get better for you because you want it to. The journey might be long to get there, but I know you will get there. I have total faith in you, anon.
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Some of y’all may know that my class schedule is 8AM-3PM monday/wednesday and 3PM-8PM tuesday/thursday. Meaning tuesdays and thursdays I usually catch up on all the sleep and things I didn’t get to do on monday and wednesday bc those are my ‘doing things’ days, and tuesday and thursday are my ‘resting and lazy catch-up days’. 
Well not this one. 
I got up at 7AM today, finally got a new temporary license at the DMV ( now will I finally be able to drive at all??  who knows! I have someone I might be able to bribe into letting me get my required hours in on his wheels, but that’s flimsy at best rn ), went to the bank and FINALLY after SEVERAL MONTHS and FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT of going in, got them to acknowledge my legal name change from back in DECEMBER. Then I fought with the school, figured out how they lost my immunization records and managed to find them ( big yay! ), and got all my financial aid & student loan stuff sorted fully for next year- I just have 1 form to fill out tonight and turn in tomorrow, which will allow me to pick up the final form I need to fill out, and turn it in as well. 
On top of that I finished a commission,designed an outfit for a character design commission I’m ALMOST done with, and made MAJOR progress on 3 of my homework assignments/finals ( no pictures included today ‘cause some of them are REQUIRED to be ugly & others are potentially triggering but please feel free to poke me if you wanna see/ask about them!!! I love talking about my assignments tbh bc they’re always hella interesting!!! ).
All that done and said I am-- EXHAUSTED, yet strangely peppy? Like for once my exhaustion is mostly physical, which means I won’t be going to the gym tonight like normal ( which is probably for the best bc yesterday I kinda managed my stress by doubling up on.... uh... everything so my body needs the break ) and thus will be expending my energy online? I have-- a huge number of things to read through still bc I have not had much time for that, but please, now is the time to poke me on IMs/Dis.cord. I can’t promise much plotting or IC stuff, but I am at least around OOC rn while I work on maintenance stuff. Who knows- we might even coax some muse out tonight after all, I’m optimistic. 
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cosmosogler · 6 years
oh my god, yesterday was the wooooorst.
i left for the airport on time. the bus app said that the bus would arrive at the stop in 10 minutes (and it was a 2 minute walk away). so i had 2 hours to make a ~30 minute ride.
i missed the bus by so much that i didn’t even see it drive away from the stop before i arrived. the app had just, completely lied i guess? the rest of the day was also like that.
so i walked to the downtown station to try to catch the other bus. i also just missed that one according to the lady at the counter. she said the next downtown bus was coming in 40 minutes. so i called a taxi after fretting about it for a few minutes. the taxi driver said they’d be there in 15-20 minutes so i was like “ok.” the other route would go by in a half hour so a taxi would be faster.
the taxi took over 40 minutes to arrive. i told them never mind and got on the second bus. they said they had just pulled into the station and seemed pretty salty about it. but like... that was more than twice as long as they said they’d take.
the bus didn’t leave the station for another ten minutes. i made the wroooong choice. the bus also stopped at every single stop along the route and got stuck at some long red lights. i called my mother. i complained about it to harrison. but nothin was gonna make that bus go faster.
i missed my flight by 10 minutes.
i got put on the next flight... which was in six hours. instead of 9 or 10 pm, i’d be getting home at 3 am (my time). so i spent 6 hours bumming around the airport. i couldn’t get food when i was hungry because the person behind the counter at the snack bar didn’t show up for a very long time. i started drawing a picture on my ipad that i’d planned on working on during the flight.
the flight took off late. i had had a 20 minute layover in charlotte, so every single minute was making me more and more antsy. then when we arrived in charlotte we got put at the wrong gate so the plane sat there for more than 5 minutes before trundling away to the new gate.
the gate was at the end of one terminal. the plane i had to catch was on the other end of the airport at the end of another terminal. i sprinted!!! i had ten minutes to get there!!!
i was really bummed because you’d think since i can bike 12 miles that i could run for more than one minute before completely losing my breath and stamina. though to be fair i had not eaten and was wearing a heavy backpack and a bra that’s a little too tight. i was wheezing after a few seconds.
i actually made it? and i got my boarding pass printed at the counter with 4 minutes to spare before boarding started. i ran back to the bathroom but the line was so long i’d never make it back to the gate (the area was under construction and the nearest bathroom was more than 2 minutes away from the gate). 
it had been a few hours since i’d gotten to use the restroom, and with my gallbladder out i’ve had less... like, tolerance for waiting. that might be a “stress has destroyed my body” thing more than a gallbladder thing though.
anyway i had to fidget in my plane seat for 45 minutes while waiting for boarding to end and the takeoff and then we had to reach cruising altitude.
on the flight my ipad pencil wouldn’t connect to the ipad (airplane mode i guess?) so i couldn’t draw for the 5 hours i was sitting there. i got out smash instead since i got my 3ds fixed the other day... i got really REALLY good at hitting rest on a moving target as jigglypuff. i spent like 40 minutes doing nothing but that. the other hour was just working on general combos and taking on the computer as dedede. because i had nothing else to do and wanted to get good at it again. i made a gunner mii based off blue but the mii characters don’t really seem to have any natural combos? it’s just really hard to rack up damage with them. jumbi’s way easier to play as, at least. she’s got a sword.
my thumb started hurting from the new thumb stick (it wasn’t broken in yet i guess) so i put the game away and dozed for the rest of the flight. i made some notes for the story... just thinkin about how i wanted to work out some conversations. i mostly wanted to rest because i’d be getting home at 4 am in the morning my time, the airport is an hour away from my parents’ house. i didn’t get any sleep at all.
when i got to the airport my mom and dad were actually there? i thought they’d be picking me up at the curb. but they snuck up behind me while i was trying to get to baggage claim and mom almost pushed me down the escalator.
dad acted like everything’s normal. and i guess things are “normal” now. as in, this is the new normal, because dad has either completely ignored what he did or forgotten about it. 
he probably forgot about it. grabbing and threatening me and using real personal insults wasn’t a big deal ~to him~. grabbing me while i was laying in bed trying to sleep wasn’t a big deal ~to him~.
i pretended to sleep on the car ride home but again couldn’t manage to doze off. i wrote a few more story notes in my memo after a while because i gave up.
when i got home i went basically right to bed without even putting on pajamas and then i couldn’t sleep. wiley came to cuddle with me for a little bit. once he was satisfied that he had stepped on me enough times he left. i still couldn’t sleep.
when i finally did doze off, i woke up like two hours before my alarm was set to go off. so i guess i got like five hours of sleep maybe?
today was a blur. i spent a large fraction of it scanning in my old comic pages. i couldn’t get my sketchbook to fit in the scanner though no matter what i tried (i tried a lot of arrangements). so i’ll either figure that out later or not bother. there was a big dark line down the left side of the images. i was also a little upset that my loose pages didn’t fit in the scanner, so there’s a bit of the side clipped off every page image now. i was so broken up about how much i was losing that i didn’t even change the deviantart images. i know i shouldn’t put stuff on the edges of the page, but i didn’t really register it when i started the comic. i had started to use the whole page, and i put dialogue at the top and off to the sides to give myself more room to draw. i had to erase and redraw a lot of speech bubbles.
then i think i dicked around online for a while, uploading the images and stuff, and then i went downstairs to try to draw on the ipad and maybe finish that picture i’d started. i don’t think it’s going to be a fast picture... i don’t have the energy for shading though.
my brother came home so i said “hi” and “nice anime hair.” his hair is more than twice as long as mine, at least in the front. in the back it’s not quite that much longer. we drove out to freddy’s for dinner and both got real sick from the greasy burgers. he got it worse though because i had a veggie burger. then we got ice cream because we’re geniuses.
then we got groceries but i couldn’t find any tempeh. so tacos are gonna have to wait.
mom came home at 8 pm. she’d been out of the house working or driving to/from work for 13 hours today. she’s going to work for 6 hours tomorrow too. she told me about our my financial situation. but then she gave me a bunch of excuses to not teach me how to do taxes yet again this year.
i gotta start paying off my student loans though. can’t let that interest build up.
villanova apparently blew all my parents’ retirement funds. i didn’t realize they didn’t actually provide us with any financial aid. we couldn’t get loans because of the retirement money... all i managed to do at villanova was almost die!
while i was hanging out with my brother he made a few “jew” jokes. i pretended to be extremely confused. he asked if i’d never heard of jew jokes before and i shrugged and said not really. at least it got him off track. he didn’t tell any more.
i need to read up on how to deal with family members who get... weird about race. my brother’s already made holocaust jokes though. he’s been doing that. i get the feeling he fell in with the wrong crowd. i don’t remember what to do about it.
genevieve seems bored to tears. from the way my family describes her behavior she seems... depressed. she won’t go for walks. she doesn’t leave her bed and doesn’t come when called. she still won’t touch the stairs and she doesn’t spend much time in the backyard. 
i got her to come twice when i called today at least. i had to be really insistent and annoying but she did come over eventually and i highly praised her generosity. that seemed to cheer her up. she wagged her tail and everything. it’s so hot out... maybe tomorrow i can get her to go to the park for a few minutes. we’ll see. 
whenever i try to interact with eve my family, like, tells me how it is with her. like she’s just Like That now and there’s nothing they can do about it. “she won’t go up the stairs. she just won’t.” “she won’t come when we call her. she just looks at us. that’s all she does.” when i called eve my brother actually interrupted me to tell me yet again that she doesn’t come when called.
i got her to come.
when i try to encourage eve to check out the stairs my mother has interrupted me three times to tell me eve won’t go up the stairs. like she doesn’t want me to even try. eve is so lonely. i can tell. she’s bored and lonely. that’s why she’s started chewing up cardboard and stuff left on the floor.
i’m gonna take my work downstairs tomorrow and work in the kitchen i think. 
this evening i tried to start drawing for the comic again. i got one panel done, but IT’S SO HOT HERE. MY HANDS WERE SWEATING BEFORE I COULD EVEN PICK UP THE PENCIL. EVERYTHING GOT SO SMUDGED!!! it’s going to be a real struggle to finish two scenes this week. ten pages... i’ve got three finished already and in my drafts on the comic. so, i need to draw seven pages. i’ll work on it tomorrow if i can. these pages might suffer because of the heat though. i smudged one of the older pages before i could even get it in the scanner. i somehow got graphite on my LEFT hand, which never gets smudgy when i work... it’s always the side of my right hand since i rest it on the paper so it doesn’t shake.
my back really, really hurts. my shoulders and neck also really hurt. i tried stretching, but i didn’t really put a lot of effort into it... i always feel so, like, unable to do things here. unwilling to do things, maybe. lethargic. i didn’t get to meditate yesterday and i’m skipping it tonight because i don’t want to make noise with the guided thing. i’ve been lax about it anyway. i feel so on edge.
when i tried to have lunch at like 10:30 (? i lost track of time) this morning i was immediately very ill. so i ended up not having any food for about 27 hours, if we decide to cut out the leftovers adventure there. i didn’t try to eat again until i went out with my brother. to fast food... only good decisions, folks!!
still feeling super lethargic even though i finished a panel. i’ve got a lot of drawing to do. i hope tomorrow i feel better. on sunday i’m going to the movies with asher, i think. 
you know what i’m probably feeling so low energy because i didn’t eat for so long and also i haven’t slept well in two days. or, really, in a very long time, but especially the last two nights. i still need to talk to mom about finances for, like, hiring a study specialist... i don’t think we’re going to have the money to afford the psychiatrist my therapist recommended. she REALLY wants me to get a second opinion on my meds but i just don’t think it’s a big enough deal to warrant shelling out for full price psychiatrist appointments. that doctor doesn’t take insurance and it’s just... i know how expensive this gets. it’s already expensive enough getting even regular check ups for snoopy.
i hate living here... it’s so dirty and dusty and dilapidated. in my apartment i keep everything pretty orderly and don’t hold on to things i’m not using. or at least, i try not to. i don’t have enough space to hoard random stuff and i don’t get that attached to those things anyway. my mom won’t even throw out old food that nobody ate for the 3 years before it went bad (2 years ago). they’ve been using my room as a storage space while they paint the game room, but that project’s going super slow because they’ve been at it for months now. so now there’s just tons of crap stacked in front of my dresser (so i can’t actually get to the clothes i left here) and you can’t even get to my sister’s door. she’s in korea anyway i guess so that doesn’t matter as much.
ok anyway i’ve been writing for a while now. thanks for listening. i’ve got a lot more sore muscles than just my back and neck and shoulders. maybe i pulled something while sprinting around the airport yesterday, because breathing is a chore and my legs are just... not feelin it. i’m just trying really hard not to get sick. my mom came in my room and coughed all over me without even covering her mouth so it’s like, well, guess i don’t have any control over that either! 
high stakes, no control!!!!!!!!! just how i’m used to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it’s 11:40 arizona time but i know my body thinks it’s way later. i’m so tired. i don’t think i’ll be able to sleep though. guess i should try anyway.
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marcholasmoth · 7 years
OSRR: 1293
anyway, today was the best day i've had in a very, very long time. it started out with me waking up on time and shaving my legs and wearing something cute and listening to mr bright side on the radio, it was incredible. then there was a puppy in the car in front of me in the drive up at starbucks where i got a $3 breakfast sandwich and ANOTHER coupon for a $3 breakfast sandwich. i also stopped and got munchkins for my coworkers and one of them hugged me and i organized all of my stuff at work today and i sorted through other dice and helped a few people find some in the big tank and i talked to the lady in financial aid and in FIVE MINUTES everything with my student loans was figured out and i'll be getting my refund in a few days!!! then dinner was DELICIOUS and i had a strawberry daiquiri that was really really good (without the alcohol, obvs), and i got to give james and the sisters gifts and there was a little girl and her dad at the hibachi table too and HER name was ALSO molly and she got shrimp and it was cooked before my food was but i didn't get sick!! and then i got to drive the sisters to get their phone and i talked to them about ian and joseph and we had so much fun and when i got home i doin FLOWERS my momma got for me and a teeny card she made and they're so cute!!! and i went upstairs to do some homework and i got some done and the rest set up to do tomorrow!!!
today has been absolutely amazing and i am so happy it was so good i seriously want to cry. i think i'll send ian flowers next week because he was kinda sad about being single on valentine's day again, but IM GONNA FIX THAT at least the sad part anyway, because nobody deserves to be sad on valentine's day!!! it's only the best day of the year!!!!! :)
the only downside was the fact i got my period today, and even that wasn't that bad because the cramps didn't hit until after the bleeding started, and i was able to put my seat heater on and get some hot cocoa and take some midol so i was okay pretty quickly! which was a relief. when i don't take something for the cramps soon enough, they last for a wicked long time.
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cynicalsonya · 7 years
Sex, fetishwear, furries, meatloaf recipes
Yep a post about sex
Lots of weird sex
BDSM, butt stuff...
And the secrets to making the best meatloaf ever.
Which somehow is involved with the sex stuff
So if you're my kiddo, you'd be very sad reading this.
Ok I think it's safe now.
This post has nothing to do with sex, fetishwear, or furries. Sorry for getting your hopes up. I just don't want my kids to read it. Having your kids on Tumblr with you (my daughter is the one who encouraged me to start posting here) can be awkward sometimes.
My meatloaf secrets are using crushed stale (but quality) bread (not a box of "bread crumbs" prepackaged), soy sauce, and barbecue sauce. I didn't want to mislead you about *everything*. I was lying about sex being involved though. I do not recommend sex with meatloaf.
I haven't been posting much because I'm sad. My husband lost his job. We've never been wealthy enough to save very much. Does anyone else want to punch the writers of those articles that say "You should always have an emergency fund of 6 months salary set aside!" in their g*ddamned f*cking faces? When in f*ck do you think we've had enough after bills and student loans are paid to do that?
Student loans take half our income. I'm 42 and whatever total income I have, f*cking half is gone every month because my husband actually wanted to get a degree. I can't get aid like welfare or EBT (food stamps) because my income looks like twice that. And now it's nothing. So at least now I qualify for aid. Which isn't even as much as just *one* payment of these f*cking student loans.
My husband's family is amazing. They've offered to pay back the loans while my husband is unemployed. They also paid for takeout Chinese lunches for all of us as a treat.
Incidentally, my husband worked in a nonprofit for over 12 years. There's a program here in the US that pays off your loans if you work in a nonprofit for 10 years. But not if you miss even one payment. Then you're out. Which we did (miss a payment). Hilariously though, Trump didn't cancel the program but his people *did* take away the money intended to pay for it. So even those people who did do everything right still can't get their loans paid off. And this program only started ten years ago so they would only have started to be able to cash in on the program *this year*. Hahahaha. "If it's high quality evil, it's Trump brand evil!"
But I have no idea what's going to happen next in my life and it's making me very frightened.
I thrive on pattern and planning. This state of fear, financial insolvency, unawareness about the future makes me unable to sleep well. I am frequently tensing my muscles due to stress to the point that I'm sore all over all the time. I know I'm depressed. My memory is more faulty than usual. I have trouble feeling. I just feel numb and joyless. My stomach is paining me for no reason at all as best as I can tell. I live in a state of fear and sadness. My sensory issues are worse. My tolerance for the unexpected or unpleasant is greatly reduced.
I know it doesn't help anything to feel this way. I know it doesn't improve my life to be in fear. I just *don't know how not to*.
Incidentally, all our insurance was through my husband's job. It never paid for counseling anyway though.
I can't afford my dog's allergy medicine so he is genuinely scratching his fur and skin off of his face if he's not on a lap or supervised constantly. I left to go to church today and came back to raw flesh all over his forehead. He's allergic to fleas incidentally so not being able to get the cats flea medicine either is making things even worse. My dog adores me, but I can't help him. I feel like if I love him I should try and find him another home with people who can afford his medicine, but who wants a scabby, allergic, shy dog? I'd rather him be scabby and allergic than killed because no one wanted him. Plus he'd feel so betrayed. He is utterly devoted and that love is such a blessing right now.
Since I am a mom, I cannot express any of this at home. My kids need to feel like everything is going to be ok. My husband is stressed and worried too, and I don't want to make him feel worse. He didn't do anything wrong, they just shut down his division at work.
I need somewhere to vent. Somewhere I won't make things worse by expressing myself. Sorry Tumblr, you're it.
I'm so scared and upset, I'm in physical and emotional pain and all I can do is wait for my husband to get interviews. Im also thinking of applying to some walking distance crappy hourly jobs in the meanwhile. I just am not good at high pressure environments. I won't last, but even a few hours or days is money.
Positive things:
My middle kiddo, the 13 yr old genderfluid, outgrew their shoes. My minister gave them a new pair of shoes. Nice shoes even. They're an animal print in an athletic style and gender-neutral-named-kid thinks the shoes are great.
My husband does get paid (and have insurance) through the end of the month, so we're cramming dentist and medical visits in.
Our movie pass memberships were prepaid, so we can go to the movies for free every day.
My mom has an extra house, so if things get too bad I'll beg her to use it. She'll be mean about it and the house is hoarder-ish so I'd have to clean it, but it's still somewhere to live for free.
Tumblr is free. Cell phone service is free. I share a family cell phone plan with other people and this year is their year to pay.
My husband is sending out resumes and applying to dozens of jobs. Surely one will work out. He's an intelligent, witty and capable guy. He's physically disabled though, so I don't know if that will help or hurt his chances. Almost none of the jobs that are a good fit for his specialty are anywhere near where we live, so there's like a 90% chance of us having to move.
To all of you who post happy bunnies, funny cats, doofy dogs, emo sith lords, weird happy stories, THANK YOU!
To James Gunn (who will never read this) THANK YOU! I watch Guardians of the Galaxy (vol 1 and 2) as often as my family will put up with it. They are the happiest, most wonderful, uplifting films and I adore every single f*cking minute of them. (Except when Drax calls Gamora a "whore". He's a literalist. She's not a sex worker.).
If anyone actually reads this whole rant. Wow. I'm extremely surprised anyone would. It was spectacularly unrewarding and depressing. This is the end and there were no furries or fetishes. Hope you aren't too disappointed. But if reading this is the most disappointing thing in your life today, I'm officially jealous. :). (And I apologize. I don't want to be the saddest or most bothersome part of anyone's day, I just didn't want my kids to read this)
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credit0010 · 5 years
The Hidden Mystery Behind Real Estate Investing Using $10k Student Loan
A great deal of you all wish to enter into property investing. You're like, well, I don't have that type of cash. So exactly how do I even get into realty? So this video I'm mosting likely to show you actually how you can actually utilize make the most of University moneying to start your realty organisation.
Currently a few of you currently possibly finished from college or you quit of college as well as you all trainee lendings as well as stuff.
Then you making possibly re-enroll best and also delay your pupil car loans and obtain more money. Required to keep going right but this is what I would do if I was a person that wished to really get into if I intended to defer my trainee finances and also enter into property spending currently, I'm not a real estate investment, however I'm additionally mosting likely to show you an approach that most people never ever talk about.
So the first thing I would do I would try to get financial assistance, right?
I would certainly attempt to get the optimum financial assistance.
Now here's things. A lot of financial aid workplaces aren't telling solitary parents this what it is the government provides an extra set of bucks for solitary moms and dads to help spend for their childcare things because nature. So you likewise may wish to ask them about that funding too because with financial assistance once again, they do not inform you well, they'll state well this is the optimum you can get As well as most of the moment they are existing right however due to the fact that they have their picks or whatever.
Yet if you do it the right way used to financial assistance now after you get the financial aid, the reason I'm stating make use of the pupil finances is that we know that student loans is probably the simplest long as you can get even if you have difficult credit rating.
Okay, to ensure that's the factor that I'm informing you concerning trainee car loans.
Now, you obtain the financial assistance and you get the trainee lendings today.
I know Mark Cuban has a video that says just an idiot with an use of a student financing to begin an organisation.
Think what he in fact secured a pupil financing to begin his company.
So hey there moron, right?
So anyway, back to what I was saying regarding this financial aid as well as trainee lending now state that you obtain financial assistance. And with the financial aid simply claim that they gave you simply claim $2,500, right?
So they provided you $2,500 just so did you go to Junior College as well as they offered you $2,500 financial assistance after they pay for courses and also stuff. You most likely entrusted about maybe nine 9 hundred bucks, right and also you like Houston that's insufficient for me to get involved in property investing.
Well, that's not real and also I'll inform you why here you can take that $900.
All right, and you can go to bed for properties and also you can purchase a parcel.
Okay, you can most likely to be at the bid for properties and also buy a parcel today.
Okay, so you may get a tract for perhaps a 4 or five hundred dollars, right?
So you can obtain a tract for $4,500 currently in terms of what you do with that land that's tricky for.
So claim that you had 900 bucks from there as well as claiming it to you. What remains in the position you got a Lending as well as the trainee funding state, okay. We'll provide you $5,000 car loan.
So the pupil finance they gave you $5,000.
So you have $5,000 to pay towards your education and learning, but you're like, well, I want to enter real estate investor. So you have this tract after that you can really see if Hood has FEMA.
trailers Okay as well as see if they have ceased FEMA trailers are no young longer utilizing and people are doing these individuals are really purchasing FEMA trailers through the government for affordable and then putting them ashore and also renting them out. To make sure that's the factor I state that you do not require a whole lot of cash to enter into realty investing since once again, this has nothing to do with your credit history. Like I claimed. Trigger the majority of the moment with pupil financings after that you recognize your pupil if you may be able to bypass the credit score thing because you're still a student or whatever and also obtain gotten approved for simply a five thousand dollar financing.
Likewise you can go to hood you might have this parcel and also you may say hi what credit rating do I require in order to get a building funding as well as construct a little develop of what do they call them those little tiny trailers on it so you can develop a production profession Aileron that piece of land and also you can rent that out.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3awhUBpKHQQ
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
Despair for Many and Silver Linings for Some in California Wildfires https://nyti.ms/2PrHL7U
Despair for Many and Silver Linings for Some in California Wildfires
(PURE, UNADULTERATED GREED by Corporations like PG&E to Boeing, to fill the pockets of shareholders and company CEOs, are DEVASTATING American citizens.)
Natural disasters are another prism through which California’s vast income inequalities can be viewed.
By Thomas Fuller, Julie Turkewitz and Jose A. Del Real | Published October 29, 2019 Updated, October 30, 2019,  9:27 AM ET | New York Times | Posted October 30, 2019 |
SANTA ROSA, Calif. — After a wildfire razed his spacious suburban home in the Sonoma hills two years ago, Pete Parkinson set out to rebuild. This time it would be an even better one. He reoriented the house toward vistas of a nearby mountain and designed a large kitchen with hickory floors and 16-foot windows under vaulted ceilings.
“We are now living the silver lining,” said Mr. Parkinson, a retired civil servant who moved into his new home 10 days ago. “It is a beautiful, brand-new home.”
California’s catastrophic wildfires have not discriminated between rich and poor. In recent years tens of thousands of people lost their homes, from trailer parks to mansions. But the aftermath of the fires has produced a spectrum of misery and recovery, ranging from the wealthy, who with insurance money rebuilt houses sometimes worth more than the ones that burned, to those who lost everything and years later still have nothing.
Like access to quality education and  clean water, natural disasters are another prism through which California’s vast income inequalities can be viewed.
Read our live updates about the Kincade and Getty blazes.
A lawyerly knowledge of the peculiarities of the insurance industry, a pool of savings to fall back on and the time and grit to deal with the state’s labyrinthine regulations have helped some in California bounce back from the infernos. Others have not been so lucky.
Jenn Wilcox worked at a residential care facility in the town of Paradise until Nov. 8, when the town was incinerated by fire last year. After she narrowly escaped, the uninsured cabin where she was living was destroyed; she also lost her job. Her life upside down, she split up with her boyfriend and returned to her home state of Georgia, where she is struggling to make ends meet as a home health aide.
“I’m a refugee,” Ms. Wilcox said. “I’m broke.”
On Tuesday, firefighters in Northern California braced for the return of strong winds, hoping to avoid the further spread of the Kincade fire, which has burned 75,000 acres in Sonoma County and was 15 percent contained. In Southern California, the Getty fire still burned while residents braced for extreme winds expected to reach 80 miles per hour. Thousands of structures are threatened.
Karen Orlando, a real estate agent in the Sonoma Valley, has seen the rebuilding process in Sonoma County play out in distinct ways between “the really wealthy and then those who are just getting by.”
Ms. Orlando said that for those with insurance and the means, rebuilding has been a kind of therapy after the trauma of losing a home; reclaiming those spaces is a way to soldier through grief, she said.
“Some people have decided to buy a lot maybe with a better view than what they had,” she said. “Some people want to rebuild on the lot but now they get the chance to build the home of their dreams. They get to pick out all the finishes and fixtures and imagine all the landscaping.”
After the Wine Country fires in 2017 destroyed their hillside home with a priceless mountain view, Joan and Nick Flint received $1 million for the rebuild, not enough to match what they once had. They ended up paying another $1 million out of pocket.
Standing outside their new home on Tuesday — white brick with an Escalade in the garage — Ms. Flint said she realized how lucky they were that they could afford to do that.
“We’re not a hard-luck story by any means,” she said. “We feel blessed.”
Fires this week in Southern California forced evacuations of celebrities like LeBron James and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Mr. James tweeted that he was driving around trying to find a hotel room after he fled his home. (His home did not burn, nor did Mr. Schwarzenegger’s.)
Less visible has been the fate of those hard hit in towns like Paradise in the Sierra foothills, razed by fire last year, and Lake County, where around 2,000 homes have burned over the past four years. In both places incomes were strained even before the fires.
Jim Steele, a former supervisor in Lake County, estimated that about 60 percent of residents in the county lacked insurance or were severely underinsured. Insurers are raising rates in areas vulnerable to fire and in some cases have declined to write policies.
“There’s a lot of risk and a lot of poverty,” he said. Many people were forced to move away after their homes burned down, especially older people who retired in picturesque but fire-prone hills surrounding Clear Lake.
“It has a lot to do with your age and where you are in your career,” Mr. Steele said. “Retired people have trouble — they just don’t have the resilience.”
A report published by the federal government two years ago said people with lower incomes were less prepared for natural disasters and were more likely to live in homes vulnerable to them. Low-income Americans are also more likely to become homeless after a disaster and have more difficulty obtaining loans after one, the report said.
Another study released by the Federal Reserve Banks of San Francisco, New York, Dallas and Richmond focused on small businesses affected by natural disasters. Insurance coverage for those businesses “appeared to be mismatched to the actual damage that occurred,” the report said.
Often disasters trigger a cascade of woes. For Gina Wheeler, whose grandparents moved her family to the Sierra Nevada from the Bay Area in the 1960s, the Paradise fire sent her into depression and financial peril. Ms. Wheeler, 44, was hospitalized for intestinal surgery in the days before the disaster. Then she lost her uninsured trailer that she rented on family land in the fire.
“Every place I’ve ever set foot in has been touched by fire,” Ms. Wheeler said. “I don’t think anybody that’s not gone through this will ever, ever understand what it’s like to lose your entire community.”
This fall, Ms. Wheeler moved into a trailer in a camp for fire survivors in the remote farm town of Gridley, where she must stretch a fixed income of $850 a month to rebuild her life. She struggles to pay for food and gas, sometimes turning to Facebook groups for help.
“I can’t even describe the empty feeling that we have,” Ms. Wheeler said. “I talk friends and family members out of suicide, and they talk me out of it.”
Mr. Parkinson, the resident of the Sonoma hills, says about 40 percent of his neighbors have not started to rebuild their homes, many of them because they cannot afford to. Although his new house is more hardened to fire, the area remains vulnerable, a dozen or so miles away from where the Kincade fire is burning.
Mr. Parkinson counts himself lucky not only because he was able to construct a 2,200-square-foot dream home but because he had the mental fortitude to deal with the disappearance of all but a handful of his possessions. When he fled his home with his wife and son in 2017 he carried only electronics, two guitars, photo albums and some clothing
“There was something about walking up to the pile of ashes that my house was reduced to and understanding the absolute finality of it,” he said.
His insurance money was insufficient to completely furnish the house so he went to Ikea with a pickup truck and held a furniture-assembly party with friends.
“I don’t have a lifetime’s worth of stuff anymore,” he said. “Everything is two years old and less.”
Thomas Fuller and Julie Turkewitz reported from Santa Rosa, Calif., and Jose A. Del Real from San Francisco. Lauren Hepler contributed reporting from Paradise, Calif. Alain Delaquérière contributed research.
California Fires Live Updates: New Blaze Threatens Reagan Library
Dangerous Santa Ana winds were whipping Southern California as a new wildfire broke out near the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum.
By The New York Times | Published October 30, 2019 | New York Times |
Posted October 30, 2019 |
A new fire that broke out in Ventura County prompts evacuation orders for an area that includes the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum.
Sign up here for our California Today newsletter.
Here’s what you need to know:
Strong winds could drive ‘extreme fire behavior’ in Southern California.
A fire threatening the Reagan Library has forced evacuations in Ventura County.
Electricity has been shut off for more than a million people.
Maps show where the fires are burning now.
As fires rage, schools cancel classes and events.
The Getty fire was caused by an ‘act of God.’
Strong winds could drive ‘extreme fire behavior’ in Southern California.
California was facing the worst kind of weather for wildfires on Wednesday — strong, gusty winds and very low humidity. Officials feared that the gusts could blow embers more than a mile away, complicating their efforts to contain new or existing fires.
In the southern part of the state, where gusts were expected to peak on Wednesday morning, a new brush fire broke out in Ventura County, threatening the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum and forcing evacuations.
And in the Los Angeles area, a 745-acre blaze known as the Getty fire has prompted the evacuation of more than 7,000 homes. Firefighters made progress overnight on the fire, which was 27 percent contained on Wednesday morning.
In Northern California, firefighters made inroads overnight in battling the Kincade fire, which has consumed much of the area around Santa Rosa over the last few days as it swelled to become the largest active wildfire in the state. The 76,000-acre fire is now 30 percent contained, up from 15 percent on Tuesday, and forecasters were cautiously optimistic that the winds in the area had died down and would not strengthen again for at least a few days.
At a morning briefing at the Sonoma County fairgrounds, where hundreds of firefighters packed into an event hall, officials thanked the crews for their work. “Really good progress,” said Charlie Blankenheim, a division chief working with Cal Fire, the state firefighting agency.
Danger remains, however. Many houses tucked into the woods are still at risk, and saving those will be a priority over the next few days, officials said. Already, the fire has destroyed 206 structures, including 94 homes.
A fire threatening the Reagan Library has forced evacuations in Ventura County.
The fast-moving fire near the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Ventura County forced evacuations early on Wednesday.
The fast-moving blaze known as the Easy fire quickly grew to more than 400 acres and led local officials to order an evacuation for parts of Simi Valley and Moorpark, two cities in the southern part of the county. Eric Tennessen, chief of the Ventura County Sheriff’s office, said deputies were knocking on doors and escorting people to safety. The evacuation area consists of ranches, farms and a golf course and is not densely populated, Chief Tennessen said.
Video from local news outlets showed smoke billowing from several distinct parts of the fire along hilltops as the sun rose, with the flames fanned by the wind. The fire approached the presidential library, which houses memorabilia including a former Air Force One plane inside, but was kept at bay by firefighters as of about 9 a.m.
Electricity has been shut off for more than a million people.
Santa Ana wind gusts topped 70 m.p.h. in elevated areas near Los Angeles, close to matching the speeds of a Category 1 hurricane, which has sustained winds of at least 74 m.p.h.
“When you have a fire form in these conditions, it can spread very quickly,” said Lisa Phillips, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service’s Los Angeles office. The combination of dry and windy weather, perfect for fires to ignite and grow, led the weather agency to issue an “extreme red flag warning” for much of Los Angeles and Ventura counties.
NWS Los Angeles
Latest observation from Warm Springs at 12:53AM in the hills above Santa Clarita: ENE 38 mph Gusting 55 mph. Relative Humidity was down to 14% Expect Santa Ana winds to strengthen and become more widespread through this morning and continue through Thursday. #cawx #LAweather
4:10 AM - Oct 30, 2019
The threat posed by the winds has led the utility Pacific Gas and Electric to cut off power to about 1.5 million people in some 30 counties in Northern California in recent days, with about 1 million still without electricity since the weekend.
In the south, San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison reported preventively shutting off power on Wednesday to a total of about 200,000 people.
A new state web portal includes links to updates on fire status, evacuation zones, power outages, shelters and housing, road conditions and other information related to the fires, compiled by state agencies like Cal Fire and Caltrans and by utility companies.
Maps show where the fires are burning now.
(We’re continuing to update our page of maps showing the extent of the fires, power outages and evacuation zones.)
Maps: Kincade and Getty Fires, Evacuation Zones and Power Outages(SEE WEBSITE FOR EVACUATION ZONES)
Detailed maps show the current fire extents, power outage zones and areas under evacuation orders.
As fires rage, schools cancel classes and events.
With many school districts closed in Sonoma County and surrounding counties, parents have been left trying to entertain their children amid power outages and evacuations.
Parker Palizi, 9, did not mind getting a few days off from school, but the thought of staying home in Novato without working electronics was less than appealing. “There’s no fun stuff we can do,” he said. Still, Parker was more concerned about his pet bearded dragon, Spike, whom he was bringing in a glass tank to a hotel room in Carmel-by-the-Sea, where electricity beckoned.
“He needs the heat lamp to stay alive,” Parker said.
The Palizis, who live in Marin County, were supposed to be on a 7 a.m. flight from Los Angeles on Monday so Delilah could perform as an elephant in her second-grade play. “She was so excited,” said her mother, Brooke Palizi, who works for a nonprofit organization.
But Delilah’s star turn will have to wait. The Novato Unified School District canceled school on Monday, and then on Tuesday and Wednesday, the Palizis learned late Monday afternoon. By then they were driving a rental car the seven and a half hours home.
The Windsor High School girls volleyball team had been slated to play in the playoffs on Wednesday, until a mandatory evacuation order came for the entire town of 28,000 on Saturday morning, giving residents six hours to flee. With all the district’s schools closed this week, the town on lockdown and the team scattered, Coach Rich Schwarz said he and the athletic director made the difficult decision to forfeit the game.
The players responded to his group text announcing the decision with sad-face emojis and messages of support, said Mr. Schwarz, who is in his final year coaching the team.
“How do we play when we don’t have practice and don’t know where the girls are? said Mr. Schwarz, who is staying with his sister in the town of Rohnert Park. “We can’t tell parents to break into the town to get their uniforms. At what point does an extracurricular activity become way too much? We need to let families worry about whether their house is still standing.”
[The New York Times has photographers on the ground, documenting the California wildfires and the battle to contain them. Follow their work here.]
The Getty fire was caused by an ‘act of God.’
The Getty fire started when a branch broke off a tree and hit nearby power lines — an accident that Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles called an “act of God.”
The power lines began to spark and ignited nearby brush, Mr. Garcetti said at a news conference on Tuesday afternoon. He said investigators have not found any evidence that faulty equipment started the fire.
The fire, which has burned at least 650 acres and was 15 percent contained as of Tuesday night, broke out shortly after 1:30 a.m. Monday along the major freeway known as the 405, near the Getty Center. It quickly spread through neighborhoods north of Brentwood, destroying 12 homes and damaging five more.
The authorities determined the cause in part after seeing dash cam footage that showed an explosion on the side of the road early Monday morning, Mr. Garcetti said.
Reporting was contributed by Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, Dan Levin, Thomas Fuller, Julie Turkewitz, Jose A. Del Real and Jacey Fortin.
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dearmyblank · 7 years
Dear Stranger Who is Feeling Lost, Think of adulthood as learning a new skill gradually. It's not like we all were born knowing how to read and write, do math, or type on the computer. No, we all learned it gradually over time with lots of practice, and a few mistakes in between. But the longer you practice something, the better you get at it. As for having adult responsibilities like getting your taxes done, if you don't know how to do them yourself, or have no one in your family to help you, there are places like H&R Block who you can pay to do all of the work for you and submit it. All you have to do is to make sure you make an appointment before the due date. School loans may be another thing you've heard about, which if you apply for financial aid in college, you will have to pay back after you graduate. They usually give you 5 or 6 months before you have to start making monthly payments, but that usually gives you enough time to find a job and save up during that time frame to start paying it off. If you can, live with family after graduation to build up a savings while working. If you are going to college, Community College is a great way to save on tuition compared to universities and private colleges the first couple of years, and then you can transfer somewhere else. Your first job after college may not be what you have always dreamed that it will be, but it's start, and that's okay. When it comes to spending, come up with a plan of how much you can spend per month on food, recreational activities like the movies, or clothes, or fun stuff, school loan payments, rent, other bills, etc. And never charge with your credit card for a purchase that you don't have enough money to pay off with your account. If you can, use your debit card, or set aside a certain amount of cash to pay for things so you won't forget how much you're spending, and you won't forget when to pay bills. If you do use your credit card, make sure to check weekly, or daily near the time your payments will be due so you can pay them off in time. As for heartbreak, I've been there before, but it's not the end of the world. Sometimes you think that your first love is going to be your only love and never hurt you, but it doesn't always end up that way. Breakups are sad, and it's definitely important to take time by yourself to deal with it and heal. For me, personally, the guy who I had dated had cheated on me. While I did love him, my friends and family advised me that breaking up with him would be the best decision, and so I did. I blocked him on all of my social media and stopped responding to his messages on my phone, and it helped. It was a hard process, but sometimes you have to let go of someone who you loved, because they might not necessarily be the best person for you. You may want to believe that they're going to change and be "the one", but often, in cases like what happened with my past relationship, you're looking at them as who you hope they could be, not who they actually are. Having that distance helped me to get better and helped me to grow along the way and realize what love really is. It's okay to be single, and for those who haven't gotten their first kiss, that's okay, too. Don't feel like something is wrong with you just because you haven't found love by a certain age. Everyone's life journey happens at a different pace. :) I feel like this letter is probably getting pretty long, so I'm going to end it here for today. Though, if you ever have more questions, you can always write to me on Dear My Blank. I hope this helps to ease your fear of adulthood, A Girl Who Understands
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
n the year since President Trump pulled off his stunning upset of Hillary Clinton, Democrats have blamed the result on all kinds of factors: James Comey’s letter, Russian hackers, voter suppression, Jill Stein’s candidacy and depressed African-American turnout, to name a few. The truth? In an election decided by fractions of percentage points, it’s easy to call just about anything a difference-maker.
But none of that gets at the heart of why so many people who cast a ballot for former president Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012 — and who saw Trump as unqualified to be president — nonetheless voted for him. Although it’s far from a microcosm of the nation, there’s one place that I believe illustrates what happened in 2016 better than anything else.
In a nation increasingly composed of landslide counties — places that voted for one side or the other by at least 20 percentage points — Howard County, Iowa (population 9,332), stands out as the only one of America’s 3,141 counties that voted by more than 20 percentage points for Obama in 2012 and Trump in 2016. Democrats can’t credibly blame Howard County’s enormous 41-point swing in just four years on a last-minute letter to Congress, voter ID laws or Russia-sponsored Facebook ads.
Howard County, about 150 miles northeast of Des Moines along the state’s border with Minnesota, is 98 percent white. Only 13 percent of residents age 25 and over hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Median household income in the county in 2015 was $49,869. The largest employers in Cresco, the county seat, include the Donaldson Company, an air filter manufacturer whose local workers belong to the United Auto Workers union, and Featherlite, which makes aluminum livestock and utility trailers.
Barack Obama speaks to members of the United Auto Workers union during a presidential campaign stop in Dubuque, Iowa, in 2007.
Contrary to the “Trump Country” stereotype, Howard County isn’t drowning in manufacturing job losses, high unemployment or an opioid crisis. In fact, its unemployment rate the month before the election was just 2.9 percent. The main gripe? Stagnant wages — and a gnawing feeling that people have been working harder and for longer hours while other parts of the country reaped much bigger rewards during the recovery from the Great Recession.
“When Trump said, ‘What the hell do you have to lose?’ a lot more people heard it than just African-Americans,” said Pat Murray, a Democrat who worked 29 years as a press brake operator at Donaldson and now serves on the Howard County Board of Supervisors. “Our wages have been stagnant, and our insurance has gone backwards,” he told me, citing the union-sponsored health plan’s surging deductibles. “We work 50, 60 hours a week because there’s no one to hire.”
“[Obama] saved us from another Great Depression, but it never really got back to the working class,” said Murray, who calls himself “as anti-Trump as they come” but says Clinton’s campaign took places like Howard County for granted in the November election. “The average Joe Blow isn’t hung up on the stock market. Democrats always say we’re going to fight for the working people. The last few elections, we haven’t shown that at all.”
Howard County, Iowa, encompasses a number of small towns like Lime Springs (left), Cresco (center) and Chester.
Bill Whittaker / Jon Roanhaus / Bobak Ha’Eri
Autopsies of the Clinton campaign frequently cite her inattention to Michigan and Wisconsin as a cause of her loss. But her failure to connect in places like Howard County probably had less to do with which states she visited — after all, she spent plenty of time in Iowa — and more to do with her image and message.
Clinton came to be seen as establishment and dishonest in a year when a plurality of voters wanted change. But in a baffling display of obliviousness, she spent much of the fall jetting between big-city rallies, which were often followed by closed-door, high-dollar fundraisers. She spent precious little time making her economic case before people in midsize cities or small towns like Cresco. And even though she outspent Trump $6.5 million to $2.2 million on Iowa’s airwaves, her ads were more about Trump’s antics than about how she would raise voters’ wages or how Trump might lower them — effectively ceding that ground to Trump’s utopian jobs promises and inescapable slogan.
Neil Shaffer, a farmer and watershed conservation official who chairs the county GOP, credits Trump with flipping the party’s script on trade. “We’re skeptical of career politicians,” he said, likening Trump’s outsider appeal in the so-called Driftless Region to that of former-wrestler-turned-Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura. “For however many years, Democrats and union leaders denounced NAFTA. All of a sudden, you had a Republican candidate saying that it’s all for big business. The average working person said, ‘Hey, here’s someone who’s not going by the party book, he’s breaking the mold.'”
As for Clinton? “She was elitist, was what I kept hearing,” said Laura Hubka, a Navy veteran and ultrasound technician who chaired the county’s Democratic party and knocked on doors for Clinton. “We’re a blue-collar town.”
Voters in Iowa show their support for Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump during the 2016 election.
Last month, Hubka resigned her post as chair and published a scathing blog post about Democrats’ aloofness to voters in places like Howard County and the party’s failure to come to grips with the election result. “Can we just stop and admit we’re part of the problem?” she vented to me. “People who were longtime supporters didn’t want to hear what we had to say anymore.”
Holly Rasmussen was one of those who had reached a breaking point. An Obama voter, Rasmussen cited the way that ill-tailored new federal rules applied to her tiny Cresco cosmetology school as a driving factor in her defection to Trump. “Honestly, when we founded the school, I got to teach. But the last few years, I had to spend all day in my office because I’ve had to file campus crime reports,” she said. “And if we had two people who didn’t repay their loans out of the eight students we had, [the Department of Education] made it tougher for us to get financial aid. Because of the regulations, we had to close. Now, we’re just a salon and spa.”
So why did Rasmussen vote for Obama and Trump? “Just to shake up Washington, to be honest. We’ve been in a rut for so long. People here don’t want to be multi-gajillionaires. They just want to get paid a decent wage,” she said, noting that her 2016 choice “might have been different” had Bernie Sanders won the nomination.
Howard County wasn’t always a train wreck for Clinton. Ironically, in the epic 2008 Democratic primary campaign, Clinton ran as the candidate of labor and small-town America, rallying union halls, downing whiskey and beer for the cameras, and blasting Obama’s speeches as “elitist and out of touch.” She came in third place statewide and only carried 22 of Iowa’s 99 counties in that year’s caucuses. But Howard was one of the 22 she won.
By 2016, however, Howard County morphed into Sanders territory. The Vermont senator struck a nerve with his calls for a working-class revolution and his attacks on Clinton’s Wall Street ties and shifting rhetoric on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
“I was shocked. I didn’t think a person would show up for Bernie,” said Murray, who chaired his precinct’s caucus. “But when I showed up, it was full of Bernie people.”
One such Bernie-crat was Mike Bigley, who spent 30 years as a Donaldson machinist and worked his way up from shop steward to president of UAW Local 120.1 “I liked his ideas on healthcare and free tuition,” said Bigley. “On caucus night, we had a majority for Bernie. Some of the union guys thought Clinton did crooked stuff to win [the nomination]. You hear a lot of things around the factory floor.”
“The Bernie people thought Hillary stole it,” concedes Murray, who said those voters’ distrust of Clinton carried over to November. “I’d say probably two-thirds of them went to Trump,” Murray said. Bigley, a self-described die-hard Democrat, said he wasn’t among them.
A Clinton supporter, left, and the candidate herself in Iowa in 2016.
By the fall, anti-Clinton fervor in the community had reached a crescendo. The week before the election, emboldened Trump supporters took out a full-page newspaper ad and rented out the historic, city-owned Cresco Theatre and Opera House — a long-ago vaudeville haunt — for screenings of conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “Hillary’s America” and the Benghazi film “13 Hours.” To Democrats’ dismay, the theater was packed.
For years to come, pundits and political scientists will debate whether working-class white voters’ sharp turn towards Trump had more to do with economic or racial resentment. Incidentally, despite its nearly all-white population, Howard County occupies a unique place in the history of America’s attitudes on race.
Riceville, on the western edge of Howard County, happens to be where, in 1968, elementary school teacher Jane Elliott pioneered the famous “Blue Eyes/Brown Eyes” classroom exercise that’s still used in diversity training courses today. Elliott’s exercise caused an uproar in the tiny town, made her an outcast in the teacher’s lounge and even resulted in violence and racial epithets aimed at her family. Now 83 and living a few miles down the road in Osage, Elliott told me she blames Trump’s election on a backlash against “eight years of a black man in the White House.”
But neither Howard County’s party chairs nor its left-leaning labor leaders cited racial resentment as a driving force behind the community’s seismic shift to Trump in 2016. “That pail doesn’t hold water,” said Shaffer, the GOP chairman, who eagerly points out that the county voted overwhelmingly for the nation’s first African-American president — twice.
The idea that voters who previously cast a ballot for Obama could not have been motivated, at least in part, by race when they made their 2016 choice has been disputed extensively in academic studies. But in my conversations with Howard County voters of both parties, the common thread of support for Obama and for Trump was resounding: anti-elitism.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives to speak at an Iowa campaign event in 2016.
Democrats’ next path to 270 Electoral College votes may not run through Iowa. After all, Trump prevailed by a slightly larger margin in the Hawkeye State than he did in Texas. But Democrats don’t have the luxury of simply writing off voters like the ones they lost in Howard County.
If Democrats want to retake the House in 2018, they’ll need to win congressional districts like Iowa’s 1st, which includes Howard County.2 The 1st District narrowly re-elected rough-around-the-edges GOP Rep. Rod Blum last November. More importantly, Howard County’s Trump-curious Democrats have countless analogs in states that will decide the 2020 election: not just in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, but in Minnesota and Maine as well.
One year later, Rasmussen, the cosmetology school owner who previously voted for Obama, doesn’t have “massive regrets” about her vote for Trump. “For the most part, he’s doing a good job. I wish sometimes he’d stifle his Twitter account, but I’m not surprised by any of it. If you watched it, that’s kind of how he was,” she shrugged.
To rebuild lost trust and win support, future Democrats face the twin challenges of, first, persuading voters that Trump is on track to negatively affect their livelihoods and, second, reclaiming the mantle of working-class hero that every successful Democratic nominee has embraced since vaudeville ruled the stage at the Cresco Theatre.
“My dad told me, ‘You’ll never be rich enough to be a true-blue Republican,’” Bigley recalled. “Now there’s too much darn money in politics, on both sides.” His advice to his party? “Get out here in the sticks and roll around with us common folks for a week or two.”
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l0ulabell · 5 years
Run Your Own Company By Re-selling Wholesale Infant Clothing On EBay
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In order to discuss love and still construct a socially acceptable metropolitan identity, artists have a tendency to execute one of the five successful love narrative forms. No person understands circumstances like that, people cant manage it, so they 'll talk regarding it for life. The female attempting to offer me their latest phone package described a tv advert. She kept me talking for about 10 mins during which time she referred me to this particular TELEVISION advert an additional 4 times, as well as each time I ensured her I had actually not seen it since I do not see television. Knitting can be gotten throughout the adverts as well as operated at for 5 or 10 mins at once. New threads and fashionable pattern layouts make knitting fun as well as fast, and also I can weaved also if I am viewing TELEVISION, albeit an unusual occurence for me personally! With the internet, even if you stay in an area that is small, you aren't restricted to your area, as well as can find people not simply around the UK, but across the globe also! After that enhance with infant images as well as such, after that take it to your local copy shop, like Kinkos, as well as have them publish the page on pastel tinted paper. Sometimes weve happened upon local road fairs or windsurfing events or a version train gallery. Weve spoke about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst yet most of the time those are unusual conditions. The endometriomas, if they continue, as well as theres continual bleeding in the abdomen and the ovary that can trigger bonds. Any type of hemorrhaging cyst can be a trouble. A pregnancy with a corpus luteum, the second type of useful cyst takes place to develop as the baby is growing. Most of these, the larger blood supplies, the bigger capillary on cysts are normally the corpus luteum cyst. The majority of ovary cysts in and of themselves are not going to be triggering an issue. However, the vital thing here, is that cysts themselves, in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be an issue or life harmful problem. The nature of the party is probably mosting likely to often tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the organizers of the event have a provision for this, then inviting males would certainly be fine. Certainly, there are numerous males and females that are making excellent loan making use of the web organisation route. In this track, the poet utilizes the perceptual story to recognize that some men "dont be comin right ", yet that he has a various understanding of women than these various other males. Meant to aid with the pain, meant to aid me preserve In this tune, Master makes use of the different story to share his view of what love ought to be. It is vital for the clothing to be entirely dry prior to they are done away with or put on by a child, and also hanging the clothing on kids clothing hangers will certainly assist maintain their kind. However, aspartame was enabled on 1981 for completely dry products and also 1983 for carbonated beverages.
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Individuals used to trade items and also solutions for various other items and also solutions before money was produced, and also some people still trade today to prevent utilizing cash (primarily for tax obligation reasons I am informed). A few other terrific solutions are a diaper service for cloth diapering mommies, and even a baby diaper distribution solution for disposables, as well as spend for the initial two weeks or a month worth of diapering items. Even the colors used in the textile ought to be natural and safe. You may be initially drawn in by all the eye catchy colors and also the fanciness of the outfits, but if your youngster is not going to like it, it is going to end up being worthless. Jammies and also bodysuits for little child ladies come in all various colors and also designs, as well as are produced all kinds of climate. 1 or 2 pieces would do - a set of babies suits, a set of t shirts, a pair of jammies. Alternately, you can put a Tees over their pajamas. They will secure and insure any kind of loan you take into a financial savings account and pay you probably 3% annual interest on your deposit. They recognize that if you're pleased with your example, greater than likely you be ended up being a routine client and also spend loan with them. There are really a whole lot of giveaways offered; you simply require to know how to browse for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see listed here for some examples) and discover what brands contain it. Next off, you will come to your search result web page; this is a checklist of all items that meet your search criteria. Allow us take a peek into what makes these criteria a must for those parents buying infant clothes. Additionally, let your very first couple of road adventures teach you what you require to have along. There are numerous very first time moms out there that have a great deal of details to share with you and also they do not want you to be without the details. They desire to have outfits with breathable material and also very easy on the body. Is this what we have pertained to, - everybody in our region views the same adverts, the exact same programs, the very same newspaper article every solitary day or night? Keep in mind: After attempting solitary foods, excellent mixes are potatoes and also carrots or carrots and also peas. And also not only will I review it for him, Sickness make it seem like the Elvis of foods, due to the fact that Im currently rather sure that Ill enjoy a hamdog. He also describes his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the royal characterization so common in spiritual love stories. If you're actually strapped for cash, after that you can possibly make do with utilizing your bed as a transforming table, however if you can, this is something I very suggest. Its better to feed child initial point in the morning, then permit some play or rest time in between prior to offering baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Party," a concept significantly popular for mothers who already have a number of kids and consequently most of the stuff they in fact require, they might take house medspa devices such as a loofah or bubble bathroom. A great bath-themed present basket would certainly contain some hypo-allergenic bathroom things, like baby baths, talcum powder, towels, and bathroom toys.
The significant plus is that most, if not every one of these cost-free things, are delivered right to the mommy's home. And also, with that said, allows get right down to the nitty sandy. Do you have the software program you require to start? Eventually you are mosting likely to intend to deliver your baby, so you will need to buy something. Unless you're intending to hold on to them for your next infant, they're simply collecting dust. With a few simple skills, an useful collection of "stuff, " as well as just a little bit of preparation and also preparation, youll be on your way! There is a place for TELEVISION in our lives and also it is after all the fastest method of taking in news from around the world. Taking classes abroad Here, the poet makes use of the spiritual narrative to explain the moment, place as well as feelings that his love was started on, talking of them as if they were in some way suggested to happen. Possibly she thought that was her area on the planet as well as no-one might fault her if she performed her responsibilities to the utmost of her capability. I when had a neighbour who educated the world and it's mother she believed tidiness was next to Godliness and also invested all day daily cleansing her residence. It is believed that from this you truly have the alternative to check out everything before you also need to get something. Limited neck lines would certainly problem you as well as also the positioning of switches at strange settings would trigger you troubles, so inspect these ahead of time. At the same time the buttons as well as other aspects in the layout ought to be meticulously sewn. However Betty had the money every single time I went to jail This tune additionally illustrates the use of contrasting stories to express love. This instance better illustrates using initial language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is undesirable for any person to "call you out your name ", or to put it simply, use negative language toward his love. Several of the child shower concepts will function for any kind of place, inside your home or out. Do you want your baby to look cute or cool with child clothing yet you do not have concepts on where to try to find them? Cost is a major thing you would certainly intend to take into consideration when acquiring baby clothes. It's easy, look at an infant clothes shop. Garments treatment plays a big function in your baby's safety and security. Thus, it is always advised that you keep the security as well as convenience variable in mind even when you are going shopping for occasion dresses for your kid. Even when you have acquired a lacy blouse for your little woman, if you end up obtaining a dimension that takes place to be somewhat bigger than her real dimension, she will certainly be comfortable in it. And also, moms and dads will be most likely to maintain getting clothes to stay on top of the modifications in the baby's growth - size, weight, size, and also shape. For this reason, acquiring clothes that are rather larger than the real size of your children body gifts will be excellent as it ensures optimal comfort for the child.
Nonetheless, these immunization procedures will just make their systems strong yet it doesn't give an assurance that bacteria can not penetrate their method in. So why did she behave this way? The same point can be true with, definitely with tube maternities, thats why those 2 can be puzzled. Yes it is real that baby garments do not last lengthy with children expanding as rapid as they do, but taking care of a children garments is still just as, otherwise more, essential. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which holds true This flow is distinct since it makes use of both the metaphoric and also contrasting narrative strategies. The presentation of Hip-Hop like narratives is a really hard task. Which leads us to one of the most popular metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Children will certainly love this meal. Thick and fluffy outfits will certainly maintain the child cozy from head to toe. Right here is a checklist of preferred items that has actually been investigated with some of the largest online sellers of infant items. Below are several of the fundamental things you'll wish to have. Do you wish to give a present to a brand-new mom without investing a great deal of money? They utilize it when washing to get rid of odors, soften the textiles, as well as offer your baby and also kid garments a fresh and extra natural fragrance. When you are assuming of your childs convenience, its not just about the design of the apparel youre acquiring it will certainly likewise be an issue of just how the thing sits on your babys body. Take into consideration just how much you have right into the item. The following time you are re-assembling your kit, be sure to add that item. I would certainly rather spend time with my friends and family, chatting on the phone, going for long strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having actually been stated, Ive found a new food that I understand I'm going to enjoy. Quickly you'll discover that having just a couple of great outfits comes to be not practical. I had a great free site a few years ago I visited on a daily basis. Utilize your Roadway Journey logbook to videotape everybodies comments regarding the day. This will certainly serve no good as acquiring baby items indiscriminately will not just be waste of loan yet also waste of time as well as energy which you can put for some constructive use. If taking a trip by vehicle you must constantly use a safety seat and also follow the maker's directions for suitable. If your trip restriction is no even more than a one-hour vehicle trip one way, after that search for areas of rate of interest within concerning 40 miles of house. Which is not a trouble because similar to kidneys, much like testis, women with one ovary can have just as lots of babies as a lady with two ovaries as well as two tubes. Evidently it is a 2x matrix, meaning those first two people you reached sign up with get on your first degree. You must always have 2 pairs in the evening time, because you never ever understand when an infant is mosting likely to spit up or have a baby diaper leakage that can call for a total garment adjustment.
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