#i hate catsup
yuwigqi · 1 month
I spell it "catsup" and have my entire life because my dad said (and still says) that "Ketchup" is a specific brand, the same way "Band-Aid" and "Jell-o" are specific brands, not the actual name of those types of product.
He is incorrect, but I didn't learn that until I was like 21, so by then it was a lost cause.
So I'm a catsup person. (Well actually I fucking hate the stuff, but I spell in the old way so)
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skywarpie · 1 year
top 5 historical topics and/or facts?
I could literally write fucking essays on all of these just bc I really love history and I want people to know about it.
Also im doing top 5 topics and facts bc I can.
1. Lewis and Clark Expedition. Insane lil gay explorers.
2. Romanov Dynasty bc I love to hear about Catherine the great usurping her husband who used ACTUAL rats as fucking toy soldiers
3. Colonial America in general
4. Ancient Rome
5. Medieval Europe.
Now the facts 😌
There are a lot I want to share and I'm sorry if they get long. I just can't explain things in 2 sentences and if that's too much I'm sorry; I'm stupid 😭
1. Meriwether Lewis supposedly only ever really had interest in one woman and that was when they returned from the Expedition. Originally he was gonna ask to marry her but she LITERALLY packed all her belongings and moved that night and never told him bc she wanted nothing to do with him.
2. For literal weeks after the Boston Tea Party, the harbor stunk so bad it was known to make people sick.
3. Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller really hated each other bc they were kinda in competition between one another (Steel and Oil) and they were actively known to hate each other. However, every Christmas Andrew would send John a bottle of fine liquor, knowing that the "God fearing man" never touched the stuff. John would send Andrew a paper sack; making fun of his poor Irish upbringing. They did this until the day Andrew died. John lived longer, ultimately winning the constant contests.
4. Did you know that Henry J. Heinz, creator of Heinz ketchup was the first person to place his product in a clear glass bottle? Up until this point (1876), it was common practice to bottle your "catsup" in greenish bottles bc no one needed to see the ingredients which were actually very harmful. Heinz is also the first to label his ingredients, making consumers far more aware of their purchases. He also bought a whole barge of glass bottles and SUNK it bc someone tried to copy his idea and he said "not today."
It also doesn't help that meat bought in America at this time was literally rotten and you were expected to eat it.
5. Cleopatra lived closer to the space age and iphones than the building of the Great Pyramids. Wooly mammoth also still roamed the earth on a small coast along Siberia.
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joearf · 2 years
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2022.10.20: ‘We’ll ketchup later~~~’ [I don’t like ketchup, but I hate to see any condiment lying around on the pavement like that. I wanted to buy it a hamburger or a hotdog, but the nearest McDonald’s was a mile away and I don’t even know where to find a Nathan’s anymore] - Stamford, CT #ketchup or #catsup is a #condiment #pavement #droppedbyaccident (at Half Full Third Place) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj76WekuCB5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goomybearz · 3 years
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nft that costed me 6000000 billion trillion zillion neopoint s and my life savings of hamburger
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mens-rights-activia · 5 years
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I’m so sorry it’s mostly trash
Was this taken at an iHOB????
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island-delver-go · 7 years
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raindropmaster · 3 years
2018. I woke up around 5am for my bus departure at 6am. I have no plans on taking a bath LOL. I have no plans of commuting. I booked a grab car to the meet-up station. I have prepared my luggage and passport a night before.
I hate waking up this early. It’s pouring like there’s no tomorrow. In that small gap from the pavement to my grab car, I was soaking wet. I managed to get to the bus on time. The conductor checked our booking slips. And I slept for what I know will be a long drive.
I woke up after an hour and we are still in Singapore. I woke up because I’m having chills. I’m about to cross borders and back again - and I’m sick. Damn it. As someone who frequents traveling for work and leisure, I have my medicine bag. I took paracetamol before dozing off. I woke up on the border of Malaysia. We are asked to go down and clear immigration. There’s a fuzz if we are going to bring all are things down or will the bus wait for us. I decided not to think and just do what everybody does.
I decided, like a foreigner that I am, to eat at McDonald’s. I ordered chicken and fries. But damn it, there’s no utensils ANYWHERE. everyone’s got wet wipes and using their hands. Jesus, this trip is just so exhausting. And this catsup is was too spicy. I ate while opening dating apps. Nope. Nope. Nope. Mayyyybe I’ll open Tinder again when I get back to Singapore. I decided to go back to my hotel. Leave my luggage, sign a waiver, and try my best to make the most of my 1-day stay
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S12 E18 “The Memory Remains” thanks to @kitkatwinchester​ for her patience this episode was brought to you by technical difficulties WISCONSIN!!!! GO PACKERS!! stop... *whispers* hammer time goat head, totally normal
Hiii Cas’ voicemail! Taxidermy.  Totally normal. The kid won’t talk to the police, so why would he ever talk to the Winchesters?  What makes them special? I have never heard this legend before. WHAT OTHER KIND OF GOAT IS THERE, DEAN?? Why isn’t there a Supernatural bingo of subjects for gifs? Lay off, dude, quit being so harsh on the kid. GOAT IN THE MIRROR HOLY SHIT Have I ever mentioned that I am scared of goats? This scene is Dean Winchester in one scene: food, sex, and his brother. TO ANYONE READING THIS: DON’T TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY. The underhandedness of this “health inspection” is just😡😡 me: is it like a Scooby-Doo epsiode? kitkatwinchester: No. me: ...Pestilence? kitkatwinchester: NO!  IT’S NOT PESTILENCE! HE’S RIGHT THERE!!!!! This meat locker is spooky. It looks like the thing from Pan’s Labyrinth. GOOD THING I DON’T EAT CATSUP Why is Mick (secretly Ketch) called Frodo? FUCK YOU KETCH FUCK THE BMOLS Here we go, investigating a totally not-creepy house, looking down a not-creepy basement. Dean: Hello? Goat dude? THEY’RE WERE-GOATS. Sheriff: Blood. me: Come again? Sheriff: Human blood. me: COME AGAIN? SAM, NOOOO I DON’T LIKE THIS HOW DID IT GET OUT OH MY GOD JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I HATE GOATS GET OUT OF THE BUNKER YOU DAMN BMOLS GET OUT OF DEAN’S PORN STASH Cellophane is actually pretty ingenious, but it can be gotten out of. Pete: Hunting people. Killing things. The family business. 😂😂 Yeah Dean, time to hurry. HURRY UP, SAM YES! COLT! SAM! ...ew, Moloch squish omg kitkat😂 DEAN! DON’T RUIN THE TABLE! SAM! NOT YOU TOO!
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Flew back to London? Okay fuck you Ketch.
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Two Ships Passing in the Night {3}
Part 3
Series Masterlist
Spock x fem!Reader then Bones x fem!Reader
Second Person POV reader named. I’m trying to leave the name out as much as possible so it’s more immersive.
Summary: Saying goodbye proves harder than you had thought it would.
A/N: I’m getting far too invested in this story that served as my before sleep dreamscape for three months.
Warnings: Mild Language, pining, unrequited love, goodbyes, mentions of pregnancy, goodbyes, some angst, mild nudity. 
Word Count:  2,092
Leonard helped you to pack the belongings you had in the hospital. Which consisted of one shredded Starfleet Uniform. A new one sat on the bed, your arm still in a sling you glanced at him, “Len, can you help me?”
You missed the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed nervously, “Yeah, no problem.” You stepped out of the hospital gown, in only standard issue boxers and a sports bra, that a nurse had helped you into. He took his eyes away from you, you pulled the uniform pants on, trying in vain to button them with one hand. His fingers ghosted over yours as he fastened the button and reached for the command gold shirt on the bed. He threw the shirt over his shoulder and started to remove your sling. His fingers moving deftly at the fasteners. Each time his fingers touched your flesh you felt a dull heat. You forced yourself to ignore it as he slowly lowered your arm and pulled the shirt over your head. You easily pushed your right arm through as he gently maneuvered your left arm into the sleeve. A hiss escaped your lips as a sharp pain erupted in your shoulder. “Sorry.” He said, barely a whisper as he began to fasten the sling on your arm over your uniform.
Once he was finished his eyes met yours, something unreadable in his eyes, before he glanced away. “So, you ship out tomorrow?” You asked.
He nodded. “We just got the crew discharged and they want to throw us into space” He grumbled.
You chuckled at that. “I ship out three days later.” You stated, “What do you say, one last hurrah dinner?” You asked.
He paused for a moment, conflict churning in his stomach. He knew that this would hurt, the last dinner with you. “Sure, darlin’.”
You didn’t say anything about the name, but nodded. He took your shredded uniform in his hand and nodded. “What are you doing?” You asked.
“I’m walking you to your apartment, then we’re going for dinner.” He answered, an eyebrow raised in your direction. “You really think I’m going to let you walk by yourself? A pregnant woman who is still in a sling, who happens to be my best friend? Do you know nothing of my Southern hospitality?”
It was turn to raise your eyebrow at him. “Best friend? Better not let Jim hear that. It will be a complete challenge to his existence.”
Leonard started grumbling under his breath, you couldn’t make out much more than Jim’s name. He finished his tirade and pushed the door open, gesturing for you to leave the room. He took one last glance around the room before following you out. He reached for your good elbow to guide you out of the way of a doctor moving forward at a quick pace. Your hip bumped against his, you glanced up as a few nurses stared in your direction. You could almost feel daggers being sent in your direction as his hand rested on your opposite hip, steadying your balance. As you exited the hospital you raised your face towards the sun, taking in a deep breath. You heard Leonard chuckle as he removed his hand from your hip.
“Just because you can’t enjoy the simple things, Dr. McCoy, doesn’t mean that I can’t.” You snarked in his direction.
He raised an eyebrow, not commenting. Which surprised you. His mind was reeling, the only simple things I need in life are from you. But he would not say that aloud as he watched you take another deep breath. Just when did he become a sap?
He continued walking with you in silence. Watching the way the sun hit your hair, the ways your eyes would shine when you looked at him. Five years were a long time, you were going to be somewhere across the universe. He was pulled out of his mind when you reached your apartment building. You easily scanned in, Leonard following you to the elevator. You both entered your apartment, Leonard making his way to your garbage to dispose of the old uniform. You made your way into your room stopping in the doorway. You knew that getting changed was going to be an issue. You sighed. You hated going to dinner in uniform. Especially in command gold, but you weren’t about to make Leonard help you agin. You heard a voice from behind you.
“I can help. I’ve seen my fair share of naked bodies this week.” You could hear the joking tone in his voice. “You know you hate going out in gold.”
You sighed, he had won. “Fine.” You turned towards him, his hands began unbuckling the sling. He tossed it aside and helped you to pull off the shirt and pants, leaving you in your underwear. “Grab a flannel from the closet, I’ll get pants.” He walked over to your closet, you pulled a pair of leggings out of your dresser. You sat on your bed and pulled them on slowly, one leg at a time. It wasn’t the most graceful thing you had done, but it worked well enough. Leonard turned with a blue flannel in his hands and helped to put your arms through it, then began to fasten the buttons.
Your gaze fell on the man kneeling in front of you, helping you become dressed. He finished and his eyes made their way up to yours. You both sat in silence for a moment, “So, blue?” You asked.
“Well, you bitch so much about gold, thought you might like a walk in my shoes.” He answered, a smile on his face. Your stomach let out a low rumble after his statement. “And it sounds like you two are hungry. Let’s go. We’ll get a half decent meal at that diner, and so help me if you try to get your burger medium well…” He paused when he realized that you were still on the bed. “Darlin’?”
Your eyes met his. “Leonard, I’m scared.” You whispered. He made his way back to you, sitting next to you. His hand reached for your good hand, finders threading through yours.  “I never thought I’d leave the Enterprise. I didn’t think I’d be a mom. So much has changed.”
His thumb rubbed against the back of your hand. “Some things will change. And that’s life. Look at me. I thought I would be a country doctor with my wife, living on Earth. Here I am now, CMO on a spaceship, about to ship off on a 5 year mission into the unknown. Without that, I never would have met Jim. I never would have met you. So much changed, but there was so much good.” You lean your head on his shoulder, your stomach growling again.  “I may not be an expert in prenatal care, but I think we need to feed you two, now.” He said, standing, giving a tug to your joined hands, causing you to reluctantly stand. Your grip on his hand tightened as you followed him out of the apartment building to the diner down the street. Both of you not noticing the command gold clad captain stopping in the road and staring in your direction, with a twinkle in his eye.
Leonard directed you to a booth and a waitress bounced up to your table. “What will it be?”
“Two burgers, everything, well done. Fries on the side. Vanilla milkshake for me, she’ll take a ginger ale.” Leonard listed off. The waitresses eyes jumped between the two of you.
“That’ll be right out.” She winked as she sauntered away to get your drinks.
Your eyes traced over Leonard, leaning back against the booth. His left arm thrown across the back, his right fingers tapping on the tabletop. The waitress set your drinks in front of you before turning back to the counter. “What’s on your mind, Bones?” You asked, taking a sip of the drink.
“Five years is a long time.” He murmured. “A really long damn time.”
You nodded, eyes meeting his. “It is.”
“Five years, in space, with Jim as captain. It’s going to be a miracle if we make it home in one piece.” He grumbled.
“You made it back here in one piece.” You answered, taking another sip.
His eyes fell back on you, you almost didn’t. He sighed. “Five years with Jim as your only friend onboard a spaceship.” He countered.
“Hmmm, might be time for you to share your sparkling personality with the crew. Make some new friends.” You answered.
He snorted, “I have far surpassed my friend quota for the next twenty years.”
Before you could respond the waitress placed your burgers in front of both of you. “Enjoy.” She said, then making her way back to the counter.
Leonard started to eat, cutting off the conversation, you started in on your plate. The two of you sitting in silence, enjoying the last meal you had together. You started aimlessly moving the last of your fries around your plate as Leonard pushed his plate away. His eyes watching you, “So are you going to eat that, or do I have to watch you draw shapes in your catsup?”
Your eyes squinted at him, you gave one more flick of your wrist to the fry before popping it into your mouth. “Snarky old bastard.” You grumbled.
“But I’m your snarky old bastard.” He responded, a smirk spreading across his face, setting his blue eyes alight.
A small smile graced your lips. “Thank the gods I only have to deal with you a few more hours.”
“Yes, lucky you.” He said, taking the last drink of his shake. He placed some money on the table, you started to object, but he cut you off. “My treat, call it our celebration dinner.”
“I was going to say send off dinner.” You said.
“Beat you to it.” He teased, standing from his seat. He waited for you to rise from the booth then made his way to the door and opened it to allow you out.
“Such a gentleman.” You said, giving him a nudge in the ribs with your good elbow.
“Southern hospitality, darlin’. It’s like you don’t know me.” He said, pretending to be hurt, then reaching out to grab your hand in his.
Warmth radiated from his hand into yours, warming your whole body. You glanced at the man next to you. His eyes on the path before you as he was rattling off manners and chivalry, like he was a knight of old or something. His shoulders were relaxed for the first time in days. You could see the lack of sleep under his eyes, but he was calm, comfortable even. Something stirred in your heart, but you weren’t sure what it was as you saw your apartment building looming in the distance.
You both stopped abruptly on the sidewalk, staring at the building. The place you called home losing the charm you were used to. You quickly turned to Leonard, shocking him for a moment. “Promise me, that if you can, you’ll call. If we’re in range. We’ll stay in touch.”
His eyes widened a bit. “I promise, as long as you promise not to get mad when I look over your records from Ambrose. To see how you and your little one are doing.” His hand that you weren’t holding settling on your abdomen.
You looked into his blue eyes. “I promise. But you don’t get to be rude and Sergeant Doctor when something isn’t to your liking. Ambrose isn’t under your orders.”
He chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. “Fine, but you won’t do anything reckless, you’re not Jim and you’re not on Jim’s ship.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m on a diplomatic ship, hardly anything dangerous or reckless happens on those.”
He sighed and rested his forehead against yours. “I promise that no matter what, I’ll be there for you.”
“And I you.” You answered. His hand moved from your abdomen to your cheek.
“Goodbye, Captain.” He whispered.
“Goodbye, Doctor.” You answered, then he pulled away, releasing your hand. He gave a sad smile and turned to walk back the way you had came. Watching him leave you felt that flutter again, but you ignored it. Your heart was heavy as you watched your best friend make his way into the night. You didn’t know when next you would see him, but you knew for sure, you would miss him every day.
Part 4 
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? yes.
What is the average number of customers that stop by where you work? my work is more of an online-run business but i’d say around 10ish customers come in per day anyway.
When you are having a bath, do you have the water low, medium, or high? high.
Do you know exactly what a physician is? Would you ever want to be one? i feel like i don’t know the correct definition.
Does your phone have a stopwatch? How often do you use it, and what for? yes. i never use it.
What is your surname? If you could change it, what would you want it to be? definitely not sharing that. but i like my surname.
Do you know anyone who pronounces ‘ketchup’ with 'catsup’? no lol.
Speaking of cats, what is your favorite colours for a cat? not a fan of cats.
What are your methods to remind yourself of something important? i’ll just remember it tbh.
What are your opinions on fake sugar? Do you use it? Why or why not? i hardly use it. the only time i would is when i drink diet coke.
Would you ever want to study sociology? Why or why not? i already have a degree and wouldn’t ever want to study again but it’d be interesting.
If you had to have a porch for your house, what colour would it be? no idea. depends on the colour of the actual house.
What makes a person physically beautiful to you? a kind face.
Would you rather have a hospital become a church, or vice versa? not opinion tbh.
Would you miss winter if it never came back? Why or why not? yes!!! i freaking love winter.
Do you notice a pattern with people who were born as the middle child? not really. i feel like eldest, youngest and only children are easier to suss out.
Did you ever play around a hydrant when you were younger? no.
Does bad weather ruin your day? Why or why not? not really. i hate having to drive around in the rain though.
What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? i don’t really have a strong connection with animals.
When you read 'bass’ just now, was it read like the fish or the instrument? instrument.
If you wear them, what is the average length of skirts you wear? i hardly wear skirts.
Do you spell it like 'cheque’ or 'check’? Also, do you even use them? cheque. no.
If you had to live your life carrying a shield, what would its design be? no idea.
What would you like a pint of right now? It could be anything. root beer.
If you were an angle, which degree would you like to be? haha no.
What is one thing that the Titanic has taught you? great things can still fail.
Are you avoiding correspondence with anyone you actually like? If so, why? no.
Do you think snowboarding is as easy as it looks? hell no. i reckon it’d be hard for me.
Out of all the cancers, which one do you think needs to find a cure first? all of them.
When I say fender, you say… bender.
What kind of sandwich would you give to your worst enemy? a mayo sandwich that’s been sitting in the sun for hours.
If the opposite sex wore a lot of jewlery, what would be your impression? cool? it depends what kind of jewellery.
When I say cricket, do you picture the insect or the sport first? insect.
If you were ever to be famous, how would you want your signature to look? the same as mine now lol.
Do you have any competitors at work or school? If so, who are they? nah.
What are two things you usually do with ice? cool my drinks.
Was there ever a workshop in your middle school? If so, what were they? idk. i don’t think so.
Describe your last history teacher in one sentence. i don’t remember my history teacher lol.
What do you think of people who can tie cherry stems with their tongues? tbh i’ve never tried it.
Speaking of tongues, did you ever consider getting your tongue pierced? i kinda wanted one in high school. glad i didn’t get it lol.
If you had to only use either shampoo or conditioner, which would it be? shampoo.
What are your general afterthoughts when you’ve finished a book? my experience.
Does your mouse have a cord? Which do you prefer, chord or cordless? no.
If two countries had to switch languages, which two countries should it be? i wouldn’t see the benefit of that.
Do you budget when you go grocery shopping? Why or why not? not really. 
What is one thing you dislike about sheep? Why? their smell. because... they smell.
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bedbellyandbeyond · 5 years
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Story Post
Reid went to the front desk in the hospital ward to check on his schedule. Aoife was answering an email when he came up. “Hey, is this right? You have Nathan scheduled in for 9am,” Reid said. “Yep.” “It's 9:30am.” “He's late.” “He lives here. He's never late.” Reid put a hand on his hip. “Did he send an email or anything saying he'd be late or not come?” “No.” Reid sighed. “I'm gonna go check on him.” “Suit yourself.” Reid left and went down to Nathan's floor. There were some people in the halls, going about their morning so Reid greeted some of them who were his regular patients before going and knocking on Nathan's door. “Nathan? Are you in there?”
An Eclulan man came over. “He didn’t even come to breakfasting. Said he would showing me using catsup dispensive.” “Oh, so he is making friends,” Reid said. “Not friend now. Breaking promise,” the Eclulan said. “I'm sure he just forgot,” Reid said. “Wano, was it? I'll talk to him.” “Better,” Wano said before moving off. Reid knocked again. “Nathan, you'd better be decent because I'm coming in.” He took out his doctor's pass and slid it through the door's strip reader. The pass allowed him into any residential room for medical reasons. It unlocked and he went in. At first he didn’t see Nathan, but then he saw the big bundle of blankets on the bed and heard the sniffling that accompanied the bundle. “Oh, laddie,” Reid said, closing the door behind him and walking over. “What happened?” Nathan shifted in his blankets to look over. “...Reid?” “Aye,” Reid answered, sitting down at the edge of the bed. “You missed your appointment. I came to check on you.” “I'm sorry...” Nathan wiped at his eyes which were puffy and red. “I'm fine... I just... I don't know.” “You know Kent's left, yeah?” Reid asked. Nathan nodded. It had been two days since the night the bearman had shipped off. He took out his phone and pulled up an article to show Reid. Reid took it and frowned as he read through it. It stated that the San Antonio cannibal had been found and received capital punishment that very morning. It went on to speak about the murders from twenty years ago but Reid didn't read on. “Nathan...” Reid didn't know what to say to comfort him. He just put his arm out and rubbed Nathan's back. “I...I don't even know why I care...” Nathan said. “A said of me wants to say good riddance... But, as much as I hate him, I just...I don’t think he did it. He didn’t deserve that...” Nathan sniffled again and wiped his nose. “And now... I have to be here alone...with his kids...” Reid continued to rub his back. “Sit up, laddie. C’mere.” Nathan sat up and let the doctor wrap an arm around him. He rested his head on Reid's shoulder. “Sounds like you want to keep 'em.” Nathan nodded slowly, wrapping his arms around his stomach. “I can't see myself without them now...” “You're going to be a great dad,” Reid said. “You don't need Kent around to be that dad.” “But capital punishment?” Nathan said. “What the fuck?” “I know, I'm not a fan either,” Reid said. “But you can't be thinking about that too much. He's gone. It's okay to mourn, but for your sake, the three of you, you're going to have to be strong.” “I'm not strong...” “You are. You're very strong,” Reid said. “I'm not lying, I know you can do this. But you have to trust yourself.” “I just feel more lost and scared than ever,” Nathan hiccoughed. “There, there...” Reid squeezed his shoulder. “Well, you have these twins to look forward to. Have you considered documenting your pregnancy? Taking pictures of your growth? Writing a little blog about it maybe?” “I couldn't write a blog,” Nathan said. “Then the world would know what I am.” “But that's the fun part, no one would believe you,” Reid said. “Or at the very least, they'd believe you're a transman with a vivid imagination. Trust me, I do it all the time.” “No, but I think taking pictures could be good...” Nathan said. “Start getting organised... Start shopping I guess... Bottles and cribs and diapers and shit...” “That's the right attitude,” Reid said. “These wee ones'll be here sooner than you ken. Frankly, now that you've chosen to keep ‘em, I can't wait to see you develop and then meet them.” “I'll... I'll have to tell the principal,” Nathan said. “I'll need leave...” “Yes, absolutely,” Reid said. “Especially with twins. We'll likely have you on bed rest near the finale.” “And they're okay, right? When I transform? You've looked at them?” Nathan asked. “Aye, they're fine,” Reid said. “They transform with you.” “What do they turn into? Are they like me?” Nathan said. “It's hard to tell,” Reid said. “One's a little bigger than the other while transformed and we know they're not identical. My guess is one's bear and one's wolf.” “Oh, okay,” Nathan rubbed his stomach. “Do you think that'll cause any complications? One not being the same species?” “Let me worry about that,” Reid said patting his cheek. “You should just concern yourself with coming up with names.” “I already have names,” Nathan said. “Oh?” Reid smiled and raised an eyebrow. Nathan rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, um... I know I don't know their sexes yet, but... I have two boy names and two girl names in mind…” “I’d love to hear them,” Reid said. “Well for the boys, I like Gabriel and, um, Caleb,” Nathan said. “And for girls, I like Eva and Grace.” Reid frowned. “Grace?” “It was my grandmother’s name,” Nathan stated. “I see…” Reid said, unconvinced. “Well they’re all beautiful names.” “Thanks.” Reid smiled and patted Nathan’s cheek. “We’ll reschedule your appointment. Today though, you should rest as best you can, but promise me you’ll go get something to eat. Not only are you eating for three now, but we’re also in the wolf half of the month so you need lots of protein for all this transformation.” “I can’t rest, I have class today,” Nathan sighed. “I think it’d be in your best interest to take a day off,” Reid said. “I can write you a note.” Nathan wanted to protest but he also wanted to curl right back up again so he just nodded. “Okay… If they can get someone to cover my class, I’ll take the day off.” Reid smiled. “Good. I’ll check in on you later to make sure you've eaten.” “I will. I'll eat.” Reid stood up and pushed his hands into his pockets. “Rest well, Nathan. And chin up. You're not alone. You have a family here at APID who wants to make sure you're alright.” Nathan nodded and pulled a pillow into his lap. “Thanks.” “I'll update Korsgaard for you if you'd like.” “Sure.” “See you soon.”
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Hi, do you like pizza? Yeah. I got into more recently when I discovered there’s other sauces besides just the red sauce. I know, I know. Super late to the game, but now that I have I’m really into them.
What do you like on your pizza? I like creamy garlic sauce with cheese (including feta) and spinach. One place I go to has pesto drizzle and olive oil as options, so I get those there. I also gotta have ranch on the side for dipping. 
Do you like mushrooms? No.
What did you have for lunch? Bologna sandwich with sharp cheddar cheese, mayo, and mustard on white bread and a pickle on the side along with olive oil with some of this Italian herb mix added in on the side as well for dipping. I usually add spinach to my sandwich, too, but I didn’t this time. 
Are there any lights on in the room you’re in? Yeah.
Who’s to your left? No one.
Are you allergic to cats? No.
Are you at home? Yes.
Do you have any gaming systems? Yeah, an Xbox, Wii, PS2, and a PS4. They’re my brother’s, but we use the Xbox and PS4 as well for things like Netflix and to watch DVDs. 
Do you have a cell phone? Yeah.
If you do, where is it? Next to me on my bed.
What color is your hair? Naturally it’s dark brown, but I dye it red. 
Is that the natural color? ^^^
What kind of shampoo did you last use? A salon style one for red dyed hair.
Do you put clothes on your animals? She has a couple sweaters and a really cute red Adidogs (like Adidas, but for dogs, ha) hoodie. 
Do you like cats? Yeah.
Where is your mother? At work.
Do you like cheese? Loveee cheese, various kinds.
Last band you saw live? Green Day. 
What’s your favorite television show? I have a few.
Where do you keep your spare pens and pencils? In a drawer in the kitchen known as the “junk drawer.” I feel like everyone has that drawer for some reason. 
What was the last thing you broke? I don’t remember.
Have you ever seen PS I love you? Yeah.
Do you fall asleep when watching movies? Depends. Like if I’m watching it in bed then I might.
Is your mouse wireless? I have a laptop, so it’s built in.
Have you ever choked on anything? Yeah. It happens with food or drinks sometimes, sometimes on just spit or like air haha,  but it happened with a pill once and that situation was really bad and scary. So bad that ever since then I can’t take pills without crushing them. 
What time is it? 9:36PM.
Have you ever babysat? Yeah, my younger brother and cousins.
Do you know anyone who has a hearing deficit? Yes.
What is the average number of customers that stop by where you work? I don’t have a job.
When you are having a bath, do you have the water low, medium, or high? I don’t take baths, I take showers. 
Do you know anyone who pronounces ‘ketchup’ with ‘catsup’? I’ve heard that before, but isn’t that a thing, too?
What are your methods to remind yourself of something important? Setting a reminder on the reminders app on my phone. 
Would you miss winter if it never came back? Why or why not? Yessss. I would really hate that.
Does bad weather ruin your day? Why or why not? Only when it’s hot and miserable and I have to be outdoors for some reason.
What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? My heart couldn’t do it.
When you read ‘bass’ just now, was it read like the fish or the instrument? The instrument.
The last time you left your house, where did you go? To the movies this past Saturday.
What were you doing at 9 o’clock this morning? Just getting up and around.
How old were you 6 years ago? 23.
What are the chances that you will kiss someone tonight? Zero.
When was the last time you had a headache? A couple weeks ago.
When were you last in the presence of someone who was intoxicated? It’s been awhile.
Are you wearing anything yellow? Nope.
Have you eaten any chocolate today? No.
Have you ever made someone of the opposite sex cry? Yes, but not intentionally or in a malicious way.
What will you be doing tonight? Some surveys, my Bible study, play The Sims, eat nightly bowl of Ramen, sleep.
What is the best/fastest way to move on from heartbreak or unrequited love? Good question.
In what ways would you consider yourself to be lucky? I don’t believe in luck, but I am blessed with my family, to have a roof over my head, and food to eat.  Do you feel like you are further ahead or behind everyone in your age range in terms of experience and achievements? I’m waaay behind. People younger than me have accomplished so much more. My 20 year old brother has accomplished so much more. 
Are there any opinions you used to have even a few years ago that you look back on and think, “I can’t believe I ever thought that way”? I’m sure there probably is.
Did you have a good day yesterday? It was okay.
Who is your favourite person to have a deep conversation with? It used to be Ty. I miss our talks.
Do you remember what you had for lunch yesterday? Yeah, I had the same kind of sandwich I had today. 
Who/what has been on your mind the most today? How hot and tired I am.
Does/did the last person you text messaged go to the same school as you? No.
Is there anything worrying you? There always is.
If so, have you talked to anyone about it? Not really.
What colour are the eyes of the last person you held hands with? Brown.
Is it possible to be “just friends” with someone you had feelings for? It was really hard for me, but I did try.
Is there someone of the opposite sex that you can talk to about anything? No.
Are you looking forward to anything? No.
The last time you cried, what was wrong? Blaaaah.
Should you be doing something else right now? Nope.
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clint-stevens · 5 years
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(’The worst 16th birthday ever. A paddle, an ashtray, one fuzzy slipper, two 7-Up flower vases and a bottle of catsup. I hate you all.’)
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warenerd · 5 years
100 Days of Graphic Novels
Subtitle: “Working 70 Hour Weeks and Commuting Means Reading But Not Writing.”
I am trying for more accountability, but, when my idiotic work schedule gets even more idiotic, sometimes it’s just my judgmental calendar of doom that’s keeping me on track. Also my cat. He judges me - harshly.
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Look on my missing leg, ye Mighty, and despair!
Ahem. Anyway. So many books:
Day 1: The Umbrella Academy vol 1: The Apocalypse Suite Day 2: CatStronauts: Mission Mars Day 3: Apannine War Diary Day 4: Alex + Ada vol 1 Day 5: Alex + Ada vol 2 Day 6: Visitations Day 7: Another Day of Life Day 8: Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller vol 1 Day 9: Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank Day 10: Scarlet Witch vol 1: Witches’ Road Day 11: Jessica Jones vol 1: Uncaged Day 12: Infidel Day 13: The Deep Blue Good-by Day 14: City of Illusions Day 15: Mockingbird vol 1: I Can Explain Day 16: Ms. Marvel vol 1: Best of the Best Day 17: X-Men Gold vol 1: Back to the Basics Day 18: Kaptara vol 1: Fear Not, Tiny Alien Day 19: Eclipse vol 1 Day 20: Defenders vol 1: Diamonds are Forever Day 21: Hellcat vol 1: Hooked on a Feline Day 22: Chosin Day 23: Elektra vol 1: Bloodlines Day 24: They’re Not Like Us Day 25: Multiple Man vol 1: It All Makes Sense in the End Day 26: Captain America: Sam Wilson: Not My Captain America Day 27: A Russian Journal Day 28: Iron Patriot vol 1: Unbreakable Day 29: Divinity Day 30: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 1 Day 31: Tales of Suspense: Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier Day 32: The Fuse vol 1: The Russian Shift Day 33: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 2 Day 34: Into the Tunnel Day 34: Jessica Jones: Alias vol 3 Day 35: A-Force vol 1 Day 36: Edge of the Spider-Verse Day 37: Descender vol 1 Day 38: Descender vol 2 Day 39: Black Panther: World of Wakanda Day 40: A Farewell to Arms Day 41: I’m Not Leaving Day 42: Green Arrow: Year One Day 43: Daniel’s Story Day 44: Aurora’s Motive Day 45: Jessica Jones vol 4 Day 46: Symmetry Day 47: Afar Day 48: Morning Glories vol 1
Day 49: One Way Ticket
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           A math professor at a nearby university related her escape from WWII to England. Interesting not just for the political trials and hoops through which she had to jump to get herself and her family out of Europe, but also for the way that retelling, rather than primary recording, has influenced the main thrust of the story. Also: illustrated. Adorably.
Day 50: The life of Captain Marvel
            I’m not saying I hated this book – I’m just saying that I’m opposed to it on a cellular level.
Day 51: Captain Marvel vol 1: In Pursuit of Flight
            Did I need a mind-bleach of what I’d read the day before? Yes. Yes, I did.
Day 52: The Boy Who Reversed Himself             True story: William Sleator was my favorite author for about a year in middle school. I read every one of his books that our libraries had, and then I read them all again. Six or seven times each (to the shock of absolutely no one who knows me). This book has forever changed the way I consider catsup. And it wasn’t nearly as racist as I’d expected, flipping back through. Hooray?
Day 53: To Fight Alongside Friends
            My best friend roped me into doing an online werewolf game based in WWI. I role-played as Charlie May, the author of this diary, and refused to respond with anything but direct quotes from his book. If nothing else, I entertain myself.
Day 54: Operation: Broken Wings
Day 55: My War Diary
            This one is by Dov Yermiya and is about Lebanon from June 5 – July 1, 1982. I have about six books within easy reach called “My War Diary.” This could prove problematic later. (Also, despite writing about Waltz With Bashir in grad school and for my dissertation, I still don’t know enough about this conflict)
Day 56: Descender vol 3 Day 57: Morning Glories vol 2 Day 58: The Drowned and the Saved Day 59: Jessica Jones: Pulse
Day 60: Zlata’s Diary
            I read this when sitting in the jail on a Friday night. There’s nothing quite so jarring as reading a firsthand account of the absolute disruption of life (and childhood, in a lot of ways), while listening to drunk sorority girls sob on their phones to their mothers and then scream about their Uber.
Day 61: Captain Marvel vol 2: Down Day 62: Avengers: The Enemy Within Day 63: Captain Marvel: Higher, Further, Faster, More Day 64: Captain Marvel: Stay Fly Day 65: Captain Marvel: Alis Volat Propiis Day 66: Carol Danvers vol 1: The Ms Marvel Years
Day 67: One Week in the Library
            Please give me more weeks, Image Comics. Please.
Day 68: The Troop
            Noel Clarke, I love you, but this feels like well-trod ground at this point.
Day 69: Bitch Planet
            I legitimately squealed, out loud, when Kelly Sue DeConnick was on screen during Captain Marvel. High pitched. And then, because I have no game, I whacked my BFF on the arm and whispered (er, “whispered”?) “THAT WAS KELLY SUE!!” No one else was impressed by my mad comic knowledge, but, eh.
Day 70: Jessica Jones vol 3: Return of the Purple Man
           Guess which superstar never read volume 2? That’s right - THIS superstar.
Day 71: Mr. & Mrs. X
            Basically, I love Gambit. I’m okay with Rogue, but I’ve lived in the Deep South for too long to be completely okay with the extremes of character. And I also don’t really like Deadpool. At all. Despite all of that, I still enjoyed this.
Day 72: Secret Avengers vol 1: Reverie
            Unlike this, which did NOT get better with age. Ooooof.
Day 73: Avengers AI vol 1: Human After All
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Did I buy this simply for this picture of Vision holding a kitten? Yes. Do I regret that? No.
Day 74: Tet Day 75: Iron Fist: Rage Day 76: Zero vol 1: An Emergency Day 77: Faster than Light
Day 78: Descender vol 4: Orbital Mechanics
            I sent my BFF a copy of Descender because it’s gorgeous. Because she has even worse impulse control than me, she bought all of the other volumes and has already finished the series. I can’t even be mad.
Day 79: Lost Dossiers: Super Spy
            AKA: This would have made way more sense had I realized that this was a supplement to another work… which I don’t yet own. Womp womp womp. Maybe tomorrow I’ll read the From Hell companion, just for kicks.
Day 80: Carnet de Voyage Day 81: Hype Day 82: Dancer Day 83-85: Day 86: Wonderful World of Oz
Day 87: Port of Earth
            Know what I love about Zack Kaplan? He creates immersive worlds that aren’t just one thing – there’s not just one neat storyline wrapped up by the end of the trade, and there isn’t just one type of story at work.
Day 88: Material Day 89: Captain America: the 1940s Newspaper Strip Day 90: Peter Panzerfaust vol 1: The Great Escape Day 91: Cowl vol 1
Day 92: Ministry of Space
            That ending, though.
Day 93: X-Men Gold vol 2 Day 94: The Winter Soldier vol 1: The Longest Winter Day 95: The Winter Soldier vol 2: Broken Arrow
Day 96: Graphic Classics vol 22: African American Classics
            I yelped when I saw that Afua Richardson, Personal Hero, had worked on this. I have a panel from her illustration of Langston Hughes’ “Rivers” (done for NPR), and it is one of my very favorite things.
Day 97: New York: The Big City
Day 98: A Wexford Childhood
            You would think that a memoir covering 1915-1930 might touch on some rumbling of war. You’d be wrong. But, it was an interesting view of the changing world, nonetheless.
Day 99: Winter Soldier vol 3: Black Widow Hunt
            Brubaker, why must you hurt me so?
Day 100: X-Men Rarities
            There are few things that bring me such joy as the stiff pages of a 90s era Marvel trade – and, when those trades include comics with Chamber? I am so in. Now, someone explain to me how they always smell like cigarettes and wet dog, regardless of origin, and I’ll be all set.
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mentalmimosa · 6 years
a very lucky boy indeed
Prompt: Heroic gesture (nobility; self-sacrifice; risking self to save someone's life). Prompt from this generator.
Note: Peter's 17 here and is only working a crush, but you know. Be warned.
In retrospect, leaping in front of that bus wasn’t entirely necessary.
He could’ve just shouted, could’ve just pushed Mr. Stark really hard. He was probably like heroically obligated to be wearing some kind of tech at all times; with enough actual warning, he could have like up up and flown himself out of the way.
But Peter Parker hadn’t gotten where he was--accidental crime fighter, high school senior, current proud owner of a seriously busted-up leg--without making some semi-dubious choices, like hello, exhibit A: today. Jumping in front of a bus to keep Tony Stark from getting squished.
“You jumped in front of a bus?” Captain America said for like the dozenth time.
Peter squirmed. Not easy to do in traction, but he found a way. “Um, yes, sir.”
“Steve, please. Not sir.” He flashed Peter a wan sort of grin. “Don’t see any stripes on your shoulder.”
“Steve, ah. Sure.” He tried to keep his face from going catsup and totally freaking failed. “You, ah--”
Steve cut him off. “Look, I guess I keep asking because I don’t quite understand why you would do something like that.” He perched on the stool by the bed, squinted down at Peter, his eyes less serious now, more compassionate. “He’s a grown man, you know. It’s hard to tell sometimes, I get that, but Tony is an actual full-grown adult.”
“Yeah,” Peter said, “but he didn’t see the bus coming. Stepped right out into the street.”
“Was he on his phone or something?”
“No, ah”--Peter cleared his throat--“he was talking to me? Over his shoulder, kind of? And he just, um, stepped off the curb and--”
“And you ended up on the pavement with the fractured leg.”
“Well, yeah, but, I’m fine. Really, Captain--Steve. I’m ok.”
Steve shook his head, a grin sneaking out over his face. “I hate to break it to you, kid, but you’re not.” He reached down and ruffled Peter’s hair. “You’re stuck in this thing for at least a couple of weeks, even with you, ah, what did Tony call them? Oh, your weird flexy spider bones. I assume that’s a technical term.”
“Well, I mean, thanks for not, um, making me be in the hospital for this. I mean, this is kind of a hospital here, what with the beeping boxes and needles and stuff, but it’s not--” He stopped. “This is way better than a real hospital, is what I’m saying. I hate hospitals. May does, too. It’ll be a lot easier for her to like, come visit me here. I mean, if that’s ok. If she’s allowed to--”
Steve patted his shoulder, gave it a warm, gentle squeeze. “Of course she’s allowed. Tony’s already called her. I made him do it personally.”
Peter’s voice was smaller than he wanted. “Is she mad?”
“At you? No. At Tony? God, I hope so. It’s high time he faced the wrath of somebody’s mom.”
“She’s not my--”
That hand again, another firm press. “She is in all the ways that count, though. That’s what matters. If you get hurt--even if it’s for a good reason--she has the first right of worry, the first right to bite Tony’s fool head off, don’t you think?”
Peter yawned, which was definitely rude, but it wasn’t a planned thing; more like an order something was sending his body. All at once, he was super, super tired. “Yes, sir,” he mumbled. “Yes, Steve.”
Steve patted his cheek. “I can see why Tony likes you, kiddo.”
Another yawn, this one the kind that ate up his whole face. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” The world was sort of shady now, like shadows were eating up the sun. Or at least the big overhead lights. Steve was disappearing, to, fading into a muddy gray fog. “You get some rest, ok? I’ll be back in a little bit. Or Tony will.”
Peter heard the scrape of the stool, the rise of Steve’s voice, talking to---someone?
“Keep an eye on him, FRIDAY.”
“Yes, Captain Rogers.”
“He so much as twitches funny, I want to know.”
A woman’s voice, thick, that seemed to be coming from all around, up above. “I’ll be monitoring his vital signs, Captain. Should anything be amiss, I’ll immediately alert you and the boss. But in all honesty, he’s lucky he broke his leg and not his head. T’wasn’t the smartest thing he could’ve done, was it?”
There was a rush of air, like a door opening, and as Peter melted into his pillow, sank like caramel into the bed, Steve said: “No, it wasn’t. He’s a very lucky boy indeed.”
“So your aunt,” Tony said conversationally, “is kind of not the president of my fan club right now. She may in fact be planning to kill me.”
“No,” Peter said around a spoonful of Jello--the red kind, the best. “She’s a very non-violent person, Mr. Stark. She doesn’t even like killing cockroaches.”
“Yeah, well, I think cockroaches have one up on me today. And for the foreseeable future, frankly.” Tony stood up and stretched. “Though she may have to compete with Steve. He’s fucking furious with me, you know. Hasn’t said ten words to me today. Tonight. Whatever.”
“What time is it?”
“Oh, uh, I have no freaking clue. FRIDAY?”
“It is currently 3:12 AM, boss.”
“Right, see, it’s three o’clock in the morning and I’m down here with you instead of upstairs where I should be, asleep. Or at least listening to Steve saw some serious logs. He refuses to believe that he snores, you believe that? I’ve shown him tapes and everything. Swears I’m doctoring it to make him look bad. Captain America doesn’t snore! He actually said that to me once. And I’m pretty sure he was serious.”
“Um, Mr. Stark?”
“I’m ok. I mean, you don’t have to keep me company or anything. I’m fine. I just woke up and I was hungry, so the computer lady--”
“FRIDAY. She’s got a proper name, kid.”
“FRIDAY, yeah. She had a robot thing bring me some Jello.”
“The robot thing is named DUM-E, Peter, and you’re damn lucky he brought you actual Jello and not an exploding cake or a nail gun or something. His brain works in mysterious ways.”
“W-what? Sir, what I meant was, you don’t have to be here. You can go back to, uh, bed or whatever with Captain--with Steve. I’m sure he misses you.”
Tony laughed. “Misses me? Misses--? Peter, how many actual married people have you known? Or spent actual time with?”
“Um, my aunt and uncle, I guess, before he, ah--and my parents, but I don’t really remember much about--”
“Well then let me break it to you gently, kiddo: most married people, truth be told, they like live for the moments when they get the whole bed to themselves. We spread out like fucking starfish when we’re alone. Take all the best pillows, always have access to the coolest spot in the sheets. And yes, even Captain goddamn America is a bed hog when you let him be, which is saying something, believe me, because we have a fucking huge bed.”
Peter was clutching the now-empty bowl for dear life. “Mr. Stark?”
Tony turned from his reverie, his robe flapping, the lights from the beeping boxes behind Peter’s head catching the pale stretch of his bare chest. “Huh?”
“You’re married to Captain America?!”
“Oh yeah,” Tony said with a wave of his hand. “Of course. Why else would I put up with his bed hogging and occasional sanctimonious bullshit?” He took a step closer and peered into Peter’s face. “Wait, did you not know that? I thought it was like internet common knowledge.”
“You can’t believe anything you read on the internet.”
“Well, yeah. But some of it’s true.” Tony’s lips twitched. “You really didn’t know?”
Peter gave up every pretense of cool. “I had no idea.”
“Oh, jesus. I’m sorry. I should’ve warned you. Or he should have. Did he not mention it, at least? Refer to me in some long-suffering way as my idiot spouse ? He does that sometimes.”
“No, no. Nothing like that.”
“Huh. Well, if you’re gonna be stuck with us for a couple of weeks, Peter, then fair’s fair. You should know the whole skinny: Captain America is, yes, in fact, married to me, and when we’re not making out like teenagers--which we will not be doing in your presence, just to be clear--and/or saving the world, we fight over dumb shit like who didn’t do the dishes (Steve) or who got WD-40 on the sheets (probably me) and we act, truth be told, like a couple of wet cats sometimes. You may hear squabbling. There may be occasional yelling. But what it boils down to, what you should take away from this, is that we love each other to the point of no reason--to the point of stupid, Nat calls it sometimes--and for that very reason, we make each other crazy, but only in the best of all possible ways, if you wanna go all Candide about it.”
What was going through Peter’s head had zero business coming out of his mouth-- you’re married? Married shit, shit, I can’t have a crush on somebody who’s married! That’s like not ok on so many levels! Bad enough that you’re old(er) and rich and old but you’re Captain America’s husband, Mr. Stark?! What in the actual fuck --so what he said was:
“You, ah, wow. Wow. Ok.”
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ilar17 · 6 years
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Hi guys! The four and last (at least for now) character profile image of Delta Rune has arrive (Again, you can check the Synopsis and the Cover Art right here). Last but not least, the comedian and legendary fartmaster, Sans.
After the barrier was destroy, Sans life was pretty much the same, he live with his brother doing the same jobs he had in the Underground, except for being the judge, as for the humans, he got more weird looks rather than hate looks, this is mostly because he always tried to get some laugh out of them, sometimes working, most of the time not... He knew the relations between humans and monsters wasn’t going to work very well, despise that, he continue with his life, trying to help his friend with everything he can. As for the band, he wasn’t very excited about the idea, because he though it will be too much effort for him, but they finally convince him. At the end, Sans is the same funny, lazy and fatalist skeleton as always, trying to get a smile of his friends with his puns and jokes.
Well, with this one, the characters profile are done... for now, there is three more I want do, but they will be release more in the future.
Again, thank you so much for your support <3 lml
Other Profiles:
My links:
Tumblr: http://ilar17.tumblr.com/
Devianart: http://ilar17.deviantart.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgMKlsNPHmfZISqSp6ZBHg?view_as=subscriber
Also if you want to support me even more, you can donate to my Ko-Fi :3
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/O5O6D5GI
SANS (Guitarra Líder)
Especie: Esqueleto
Cumpleaños: ???
Lugar de nacimiento: ¿Ebott, Estados Unidos?
Altura: 1.37 m.
Ojos: N/A
Cabello/Piel: N/A
Estado: Soltero
Instrumento: Guitarra Marca MTT Tipo B (Blanco c/ Azul y Amarillo)
Igualmente toca: Trombón
Bandas: Básicamente mencionó todas las malditas bandas que existen..
Comida: Catsup
Hobbies: Dormir, Hacer Bromas
Disgustos: Esfuerzo excesivo, Promesas
¡Hola chicos! El cuarto y ultimo (al menos por ahora) perfil de personaje de Delta Rune ha llegado (de nuevo… pueden checar la sinopsis y la portada aquí mismo :3). Ultimo pero no menos importante, el comediante y pedorro legendario, Sans.
Después de que la barrera fue destruida, La vida de Sans prácticamente fue la misma, viviendo con su hermano, haciendo los mismos trabajos que tenia en el Subsuelo, excepto la parte de ser juez, con los humanos, el recibía mas miradas raras que miradas de odio, esto debido principalmente porque siempre trataba de sacarles una risa, algunas veces funcionaba, la mayoría de las veces no... El supo desde el principio que las relaciones entre humanos y monstruos no iba a resultar del todo bien, a pesar de eso, el continuo con su vida, tratando de ayudar a sus amigos en lo que podía. Con la banda, el no estaba muy emocionado con la idea de unirse, mas que nada porque pensó que iba a requerir mucho esfuerzo de su parte, pero al final lo terminaron de convencer. Al final del día, Sans es el mismo gracioso, flojo y fatalista esqueleto de siempre, tratando de sacar una sonrisa a sus amigos con sus chistes y sus bromas.
Bueno, con esto los perfiles de personajes esta terminados... por ahora, hay otros 3 que quiero hacer, pero los lanzare en el futuro.
De nuevo, muchas gracias por todo el apoyo <3 lml
Otros perfiles:
Mis redes:
Tumblr: http://ilar17.tumblr.com/
Devianart: http://ilar17.deviantart.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjgMKlsNPHmfZISqSp6ZBHg?view_as=subscriber
También, si desean apoyarme de una manera mas grande, pueden donarme a mi Ko-Fi :3
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/O5O6D5GI
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