#i hate milton
midsummernightsmemes · 10 months
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bandtrees · 2 months
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they would get divorced in one universe just to find eachother in another one
alternatively titled: sometimes you're the level-headed token flesh-head impulse-control-and-polycule-member of a stubborn, eccentric, and hearty telephone-headed drug addict, and there's cruelty in the world you deem fit to suicidally fight, and that either goes about as well as you'd expect it to, or you learn about love and the value of your life and junk along the way
#scribbles#milton r wallace#callum crown#phonegingi#sgt norm allen#norm allen#dialtown#dialtown a phone dating sim#..uh idk if callum and milt have a ship name orz#normgingi#milton norm parallels save me. Save me milton norm parallels#very specific but its why i prefer to look at the callum-milt-marla situation as like tragic polyamory#as opposed to a cheating one#it adds to the callum-gingi parallels. theyv both got polycule situations C:#though i suppose you could call a cheating situation a dark parallel to gingi's polycule the same way you could call#milton's entire deal a dark parallel to their relationship with norm/the narrator#However i just like tragic polyamory. my visions of milton and marla ALSO being in love yet having the mutual#realization that they hate callum more than they love eachother (esp milton) is highly specific yet also everything to me#misery loves company and all that jazz. a THIRD combination of people having divorce shit going on#this guys ruining my life IM GONNA FUCK HIS WIFE! (They are already in a consensual polyamorous relationship milton is just making it weird#Sorry these tags were going to be like meaningful discussion about this art and then i was enabled to talk about THIS AGAIN#OH YEAH this art in particular i discovered halftones and also started actually using blending brushes#milts face isnt drawn. obviously. but im imagining a kind of 'oh you!' exasperated fondness#as opposed to norm who's just a cranky little tsundere. jokes on milt though HIS relationship is HEALTHIER#also i will never pass up the chance to draw gingi and callum together#theyr both characters i adore drawing gingi's round shapes and different textures and callums cute little bolts#but also they do look soooo similar and yet so different its always really fun to do#and theyr just. my favs lol. my top 3 favs go gingi-mingus-callum hehe#Ok thats all. thank you for coming to my rambles#fig said i should post my art at better times and so i am and that means when i post my art im AWAKE ENOUGH TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT LOL
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months
ill say this giles grimm is a better man than I could ever be; because the first thing I would've done the second that babbling curse was broken would be to send my idiot brother to fucking jail or something for yk LOCKING ME IN THE BASEMENT FOR YEARS.
or at the least kick him really really fucking hard in the shins yk.
in an earlier post i mentioned how i'd like to see a full eah episode one day that solely consists of raven beating the shit out of milton grimm for 5 straight minutes but now I'm thinking that we get giles in on this too; I think it would serve as a form of therapy for the two of them, maybe even a strange, cathartic bonding experience.
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miaroseheart · 5 months
"Mia, you're so creative and original" - Every adult in my life😊
The shit that I come up with😩😩😩
I love 5 little chuddies😝😝
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soup-child · 3 months
I hope Milton's just a weird kid. He's perfect and not involved in any occult stuff.
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quietwingsinthesky · 5 months
was writing this down for an ask but realized i was quickly getting off topic for that ask lmao. let’s talk about Dean’s handprint, the wild misinterpretations of it, and how those have affected how people read Anna covering it during her sex scene with Dean.
We have to establish the obvious first: the number one way the handprint is misinterpreted is to establish a romantic connection between Dean and Castiel from their very first meeting. Because of how popular the ship is, we’re now left with the unfortunate aftermath of people knowing the ship first and the show second, and therefore being more inclined to interpret the show through the lens of the ship. Needless to say, while looking at season 4 through that lens for hints of destiel is fun, it doesn’t lead to a thematically cohesive reading. The handprint is the best way we can demonstrate this. If we take the handprint to indicate that Castiel has been romantically interested in Dean since minute one, or even that he sees Dean as a person rather than an instrument of Heaven’s will at first (put a pin in that), then the rest of his character arc for the season is incoherent and meaningless. To assert that this is what the handprint is about takes the conclusion Castiel needs the entirety of season 4 to reach and transplants it onto him at the very beginning in order to make it easier to find evidence for the ship.
There’s a lot of media out there where interpreting it through the lens of a ship, even one unintended by the author, can enhance the original text. (Lest we all forget our Winter Soldier roots.) Supernatural does not have that relationship to interpreting it to be about destiel. A season 4 where the handprint means Castiel is in love with Dean is a weaker story and does a huge disservice to Castiel’s actual character arc.
So, now that we’ve established what the handprint isn’t, can we talk about what it is? Yes. It’s pretty simple, actually.
Think of it this way: To Heaven, Dean is livestock, and the handprint is the brand telling everyone (but especially Dean) what ranch he belongs to.
Let’s start with the obvious: it isn’t a metaphorical brand at all. It’s literal. It’s burned into his skin permanently (or at least, when the makeup department wants to put it there.) I’d argue that from the nature of it being notable as the only scar Dean has from being raised from Hell and later showing up during his sex scene with Anna that even if we don’t see the handprint, we’re meant to interpret it as continuing to be there for… well. The rest of his life, most likely. And that’s horrifying. The handprint is telling us two things when it shows up: one, letting us know that Dean’s resurrection was intentional and through a manner we as the audience don’t have the information to guess at yet. Anyone who watched the show airing, or watches it now without knowing about angels would have assumed demonic deal intervention as being the cause of Dean’s new lease on life, and this. handily. discards that theory. But secondly, it tells us that this resurrection was violating. All resurrections on Supernatural are.
We assume from Castiel’s line, you know the one, we all know the one, Mr. Gripped-You-Tight, that he’s the one who put it there. However, to then make a further leap that it was Castiel’s personal decision to do so is, I think, a misunderstanding of his role. Take that pin out now. Dean is not a person to Castiel at this point. They’re not friends. Dean is a tool for Heaven to use, a tool that should be honored and grateful to be picked up at all. Make no mistake: Castiel branded him for Heaven, not for himself. Castiel’s a ranchhand. They aren’t in the business of letting the cows run free if they look a little sad to be slaughtered later.
Castiel needs to start here for his arc to be as impactful as it is. He can’t begin rebellious. He has to learn how to doubt. He has to develop a personal friendship with Dean that threatens his allegiance to Heaven. He has to see Anna having chosen to fall rather than obey Heaven and to be betrayed by Uriel being so desperate that he’s turned to killing their brothers and sisters trying to find a way out from under Heaven’s control.
There’s another line I think gets misinterpreted a lot in this initial meeting. “You don’t think you deserve to be saved?” On its face, easy bait for someone looking for shipping fodder, but that misses the actual point of the line. It’s a powerplay. We don’t learn until later why Dean wouldn’t think he deserves to be saved (aside from his general Winchester levels of self-esteem, but knowing that trait about him actually serves as a pretty good red herring to mask real reason Dean is thinking about himself as irredeemable now until the reveal. It’s not that Dean had a low opinion about himself in general, but that he tortured people in Hell and can never forgive himself for that.) , but Castiel does know. All of Heaven knows what Dean’s sin in Hell was. Without saying it, Castiel can remind Dean of it here. This line isn’t about Dean being so inherently good that Castiel had to rescue him. It’s about making sure Dean knows that the only way he can be ‘redeemed’ is through obedience to the heavenly powers who own his ass now. This is how he deserves to be saved. Because God commanded it. Because they have work for him.
And if he doesn’t bow? Then, as Castiel puts it in the very next episode, “I dragged you out of Hell. I can throw you back in.” This threat hanging over Dean’s head won’t go away for the rest of the season, not from Heaven. The only shift is that Castiel’s continued doubt and disobedience levels the playing field between them. They’ll both be punished, rather than Castiel taking on the role of disciplinarian. (It’s a really clever way of dealing with that power gap between them, actually. There’s always a bigger fish.)
The handprint and Castiel’s early conversations with Dean serve as a reminder of the precarious position he’s in. We shouldn’t take him ‘being saved’ at face value, no more than we should take Heaven being good just because they’re the angels in this equation as a given. Dean hasn’t been saved. He’s being used, just as much (if not arguably more) than Ruby is using Sam. (Because at least Ruby truly believes this is for Sam’s benefit, in the end.) And the worst part is how aware of it Dean is. How could he not be? His entire stint in Hell is defined by how Alistair used him. He’s just been handed off to a different owner, one that will still happily push him into the thing they ‘saved’ him from the minute it proves useful. Dean needing to torture Alistair reminds us just how little his circumstances have actually changed. He’s not allowed to say no to this.
So. The handprint is Heaven’s mark of ownership. It’s Dean’s status as their tool, their victim, burned into his flesh and inescapable. What does it mean when Anna places her hand over it?
I’ll lay my cards on the table. I’ve been thinking about this for so long because the aforementioned tendency to assume that the handprint is evidence for destiel means that the scene between Anna & Dean also gets lumped into being interpreted as more evidence for destiel. For over a decade, I have endured people joking about Anna being jealous of Cas for getting to leave a mark on their boytoy. And that’s one of the nicer things the Supernatural fandom will say about a woman who they perceive as a threat to their ship.
So, not to be rude or anything, but fuck Castiel. This ain’t about him.
This scene—It’s a lovely scene, a fantastic continuation of Dean and Anna’s previous conversation into the language of a sex scene—is about two people who have both been used and threatened by Heaven connecting over that shared trauma. Before, Anna gives space for Dean to open up about Hell, but he can’t, not yet, and though she knows what he’s gone through, she hasn’t been there herself. But when it comes to what Heaven has made of them, she does understand. It’s an incredibly vulnerable moment.
You make the handprint about Dean and Cas, and you erase what that scene is about entirely: the way Heaven’s abuse has tangled itself deep into Dean and Anna’s lives, into their bodies, and how they can resist it, if only for a few moments together.
The handprint was never about Castiel at all. It was about Heaven and its dehumanization of Dean.
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helenofblackthorns · 2 years
it will haunt me the rest of my life that we'll probably never know the parents in eah real names. who were they, before they became just characters in story, no true identity of their own. just monikers and titles, nothing more. like, it's so horrifically tragic, to have to give everything up including your own name and it's kind of brushed aside. yes ik it's technically just a theory but who names their kid The Huntsman or The Queen of Hearts or Beauty (that's it! that's Briar's mom's entire name </3) those aren't names. but it's what they become upon graduating ever after high.
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xxcherrycherixx · 11 months
C.A Cupid hosting her show: this true hearts day i have decided to host a special hour where i share some of the best love songs with you guys! lets start off with a personal favorite of mine, this is "love to love you baby" by Donna Summer
10 minutes later in headmaster grimms office
C.A Cupid: what do you mean im being expelled-
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lab-trash · 2 years
Jack, in line at a coffee shop: Can I get an iced venti vanilla latte with uhh, seven espresso shots?
Milton: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine.
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minothtime · 7 months
You don't GET IT mythra was reawakened against her will to a world she no longer knew and had to watch as every single person she once knew was either dead, experimented on, or chaned irrevocably!! She ended up creating bonds only for them to almost be snapped away once she got captured!! She had to watch mikhail and jin die and brighid and aegeon have no memory of her at all!! she saw a decrepit minoth having lived an entire 500 years still immortalizing her and addam as well as he knew !!!! she kept seeing glimmers of hope only for them to be crushed again and again!!!! mikhail is somehow still alive but he hates her and can't even properly talk to her !!!! she had to see the consequences of her creating pyra multiple times !!! she thinks lora died because she wasn't there !!! she thinks haze was preyed on by amalthus because she wasn't there !!!!! gramps and her are the only characters to not be horrified at jin's mercy kill at temperantia !!!! mythra suffered from intense trauma not long after awakening and she hasn't processed any of it and she's still seeing everything she sought to forget !!!! SHE WAS FORCED OUT !!! VANDHAM STILL DIED BEFORE AND SHE COULD HAVE MAYBE AVOIDED IT BUT SHE WAS NOT READY TO FACE THE WORLD AGAIN!!!!! SHE NEEDED TIME SHE DIDN'T HAVE SHE KEPT RETREATING BECAUSE SHE WASN'T READY SHE KEPT PEEKING OUT BECAUSE SHE STILL CRAVED INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS AND THE COMFORT SHE NEVER GOT !!!!! RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
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meg-supernatural · 3 months
Anna was so real for learning she was an angel and immediately going well. Time to fuck! Then getting annoyed when Dean seemed too emotionally invested.
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jetcorax · 1 year
( rdr2 spoilers )
i watched a clip of the part in rdr2 when milton confirms that micah was the rat and half the comments were shits like "why do i still think it was abigail"
because you're a misogynist, baby!! that's it! bending over backwards to hate a woman when canon paints her as a damn beacon time and again PLEASE fuck offff
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sparingiscaring · 1 year
Did my first Mask playthrough with the update- it's satisfying. That's the best way to put it! You can do so much, unlock locations item, and dip your fingers in so many pies... it feels fuller! It feels more like the history, of London.
Like, of COURSE my PC, Miss Robin would set out to marry Griz, and be swayed by Milton. Of COURSE she would meet a certain Entrepreneur with Tentacles with a different name, and fail to set up his business quite yet, but instead broker a future for the Rubbery Men in London. Of course she would turn to the plan with Parliment, when the murder investigation seems to be going nowhere. Of course she'd write a manifesto against the Masters, and yet still see Pages as a brother, just in the way she does Archie. Of course the ceiling would open, and the sun would kill many.
It's delightful. It's wonderful. It's weird and it's amazing. I adore it, now.
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cometblaster2070 · 1 year
I’m not going to lie, but like, Cupid and Kitty have untapped potential to be one of the most chaotic duos Ever After High has ever seen.
I don’t quite remember if they ever interact in canon, or what their relationship is like if they interacted, but like, just think for a second.
Cupid is clearly against Headmaster Grimm and his whole agenda right, like, we all got that from True Hearts Day. Cupid believes that everyone should follow their heart regardless of destiny, while Headmaster Grimm is firmly against such ‘nonsense’ and believes that everyone should just shut up and follow whatever their destinies entail.
Then there’s Kitty, and her whole deal is causing chaos. She loves pranks and mischief, and generally just being a nuisance all over. Headmaster Grimm is someone who’s a stickler for the rules; of following things by the book (literally). I would like to wager that this both amuses and displeases Kitty, and she finds whatever way she can to make his life absolute hell while cultivating pure enjoyment for herself.
And that’s where they both come together. Because, bear in mind, Cupid’s destiny (if you could call it that I guess?) is to bring people together and help them fall in love. Kitty’s destiny as the Chesire Cat is to simply be as much of a hindrance to everyone that she can while partaking in several shenanigans.
Do you see where I’m going with this? 
Cupid and Kitty can cause so many problems together and when confronted, they can use the very viable excuse that they’re really just practicing for their destinies.
I would enjoy this friendship very much as it would lead to many moments of Headmaster Grimm almost having a stroke <3
We love Milton Grimm slander in this house.
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Dutch: If anyone thinks this plan needs any change feel free to speak up. John: Well- Dutch: Except you. Also you will be the bait.
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
if you're still doing birthday requests (happy birthday btw!!!)
moc era dean/anna
(maybe even demon dean if you wanna get freaky w it)
"You really think I give a shit about you," Dean says, all black-eyed and ugly with the hatred he's got dripping from him while Anna keeps vigilant watch, "that you weren't just some fine ass I got saddled with?"
He's not expecting her to step into the devil's trap with him — she sees it in the flicker of his eyes, from black to confused green to back behind his demon's mask again — but even fallen twice over, she knows her own strength and he's still only a demon with no power over her.
She takes his jaw in her hand, firm to force him to look up at her, and even though he bares his teeth in a grin that's meant to scare her off, she holds his gaze to hers anyway and says, "Yes, you do."
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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