#i hate negan but i love jdm so much
ohsc · 3 months
I remember someone asking your opinion on Mary Winchester, but has anyone asked your opinion on John Winchester? If not, what do you think of him?
(If someone has in face asked before I’ve probably just missed it and you can ignore this!)
the worst father ever omfg i have so many thoughts about this thank you for asking 😭 i’m gonna go on for a bit here LMFAO
i completely understand john wanting to get revenge on the demon that killed mary, it makes sense she’s his wife and he loved her (mostly) but there is absolutely NO WAY he had to groom sam and dean into it too. if he genuinely cared for the safety of his literal children he would’ve kept them at lengths from hunting or the best solution would’ve been to send them to live with other family. i kinda understand the argument about wanting them to be prepared because there’s monsters in the world, but children should not be put through what they were put through. he could have just left them his diary to read and that be it, but actively hunting monsters with your children in a local motel room (or worse WITH HIM) puts them in danger
john also having adam with another woman and then treating him like a completely normal son and not telling sam and dean is also so shitty, because he clearly has the capacity within him to at least be a somewhat decent father, so why would it take him his third attempt to get it right?
also the fact that john and mary would fight when dean was a kid and then john would just up and leave for a few days??? shitty
the fact that he had sam and dean raised to just follow his orders and do as he says is disgusting. it’s implied across the show that he would be violent with the boys, they had to call him sir, had to give up important life experiences and pivotal development socially and for their education, and then when sam finally decided he wanted to do something good in his life he gets told to not come home??? pls let me kill him
also a strong believer that the reason dean (at first) blames sam for leaving and not coming back is because he’s had john in his ear talking shit about sam when he left, bc it’s made clear how dean wants to be like john (the clothes, the music, the car, his anger)
also just things like the boys eating disorders, dean’s terrible anger management, sam’s abandonment issues and always being the last choice
i was CHEERING when john died
on that note, i LOVE JDM SO MUCH !!! i loved him as negan and he’s a phenomenal actor and i’m so glad he was in spn because he did such a good job!!
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myobsessionsspace · 4 months
TWD thoughts
Finished rewatching ‘The Saviors Arc’, second half of season 6, all of season 7 & 8 and boy oh boy. 😪
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a) Carol is a badass and her and Ezekiel make so much sense. Ngl her bond with Daryl is beautiful but they’re kindred, bonded but not romantic, no heat, no tension, not romantic to me
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b) the lack of Michonne was CRIMINAL for real I get that Danai was probably filming Black Panther around that time but nah Michonne needed way more camera time, Richonne needed way more camera time😤
c) in connection with b, so much unnecessary camera time was given to others, The Saviors plot strung on for waaaayyyy too long, ugh.
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d) f**k Negan, f**k the saviors, they ALL needed to go. WHAT COMES AFTER could still have been without them, no amount of letters make it make sense in my eyes. Seeing him bash people heads in like that, tryna pull a sacrificial lamb bit with Rick & Carl, everything he and his henchmen did.
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Naaahh sorry Junior Grimes but Rick & Michonne could have did good by you without him, without the goons.
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The powers that be wanted JDM a part of the show, the spin off etc, but couldn’t give a better way to make that happen than that piss poor way? They choose when they stay true to the comics and not, they couldn’t make his ‘redemption’ better (not that there really was in season 8 anyway)
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d) The workers in the Sanctuary, the families, for real?! With every new plan, no one and I mean no one could plan for them, so The Saviors could all be taken out but the workers protected?! Yea Daryl & Tara can have that one. Only difference is I wudda thrown molotovs in there and STAYED to finish the job. They’ve all survived herds previously and thought a herd could finish it? Tuh.
e) So Daryl and Dwight (trying not to spoil for anyone that hasn’t seen it)
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…but Daryl and Maggie end of Season 8?! I 3000% get Maggie and her hate for Negan, see point d, but…I do also place some blame on them for the bridge, sorry, not sorry.
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Again the writers??? The writers finally gave us canon Richonne, so little of it 🙁, but still brought them together
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but everything else 😑
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savedpeople · 6 months
//So uh... a post.
As much as I hate to say it and make it official, this blog's hiatus is going to be indefinite.
I love Negan to death and I miss writing him so much, but truth is I'm having a hard time finding the motivation or muse to be here. While some lovely people are still here, so many who helped make this blog what it is and who I built my most cherished memories with here are gone, and my more recent attempts to find new blogs to follow or interact with haven't gone well, so looking at this account, more often than not, just leaves me feeling sad and frustrated and longing for earlier times. And as much as I love TWD, the fandom just isn't appealing to interact with much anymore, and hasn't been for a while.
This blog isn't being archived or deactivated. The queue is still ongoing, and has enough in it to last nearly two years, so the images and gifs will continue posting for quite some time. I still have things in my likes that I plan to reblog. Any memes or threads I had, are still in my drafts (though I may delete some threads, I don't know, they are years old anyway.)
When or if the inspiration strikes, I will absolutely pop in to write or even just talk about Negan or send some memes. But activity from here on out will be extremely low, indefinitely. This has been eating away at me for a while, the idea of losing this muse or RP has a hobby (I've been having a really hard time with all creative hobbies for a long time now) has had me grieving in a weird way, so I'm just finally biting the bullet here.
I'm still very active on tumblr elsewhere and still have notifications/emails on, so if you send an ask or message me or anything, I'll see it and reply when I can. I do have two other RP blogs, one that's low activity like this one and another still under construction while I debate if I want to go through with it or not, but they're both anime muses so I'm not sure if I'll ever link to them here. From what I've seen, most people in this fandom don't interact with animated muses so I'll save myself the embarrassment lol.
That all said: thank you everyone who has stuck around and continues to enjoy and interact with this blog in any way, even if it's just to like or reblog pics of Negan and JDM. I hope you're all doing well. I'll be around when I'm around. <3
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naughtyneganjdm · 2 years
So as I continue to see my friend be stalked and harassed on tumblr I'm going to make this post. @guaranteedtojackyouup has been stalking @jdmorganz and making up lies about them because @londoncapsule was being harassed and @jdmorganz stood up for them. All in the name of @formerneganblogger who has been preaching about anti bullying but does nothing to stop their friends from attacking and harassing a heart patient. @formerneganblogger has hated me ever since I disagreed with her about something and blocked her. Since then I've been stalked and harassed. @londoncapsule is being harassed. @jdmorganz is having lies made up about her. I've been harassed for being bisexual, for my writing, etc. @jdmorganz has never been banned from anything nor have they ever bullied anyone. My followers and supporters have been contacted and harassed just for liking my stories. @formerneganblogger went to my followers and made up lies saying that I threatened her children to try to get them not to support me (I have screen shots) and anytime someone commented on my stories they were anonymously written and harassed for it. I have left @formerneganblogger alone from the very moment I blocked her other than when she was a coming to my blog to see my posts after she had been blocked. For someone who is being bullied herself, you think she would stop her "friends" from harassing others, yet here we are. I don't like tagging shit like this but @formerneganblogger @guaranteedtojackyouup and @onepostonemessage are now attacking and making lies up about a heart patient because she stood up for @londoncapsule and has always been very anti bullying. I'm disgusted that someone has so much time to waste to try to go after people who have blocked them.
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If you are part of the negan or jdm fandom I suggest you send some love to @jdmorganz and @londoncapsule who have been our number one source for jdm material and now are being harassed because someone has some strange vendetta against people who don't agree with them. @londoncapsule and @jdmorganz deserve nothing but love and seeing a heart patient getting attacked has me floored. I'm sorry for tagging this and I promise I wont do it again but I think people need to be aware of the abuse that is taking place in the fandom and how things are absolute bullshit.
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lola-andheruniverse · 2 years
A rant about TWD S11 and the amount of screen time for different characters
This is a BIG rant, so I'm putting a break here to not annoy anyone who don't want to read it. If you want to read it, there's lots of love for TWD characters and hate for AMC right bellow.
Okay, so I'm seeing a lot of hate to the amount of screen time Eugene/Josh McDermitt had this season. And I would like to point out how this makes me both sad and angry - and how it begins with Eugene but it's not about him.
So, Eugene deserves to be developed as any other character on the show. He's part of TF/main cast. McDermitt's on the show since S5! That's seven years of commitment! And McDermitt always gave us an incredible performance - so much that he had to quit SM on 2018 because he suffered so much online abuse from the fandom who disliked Eugene's arc with the Saviors. He could have left the show altogether but he stayed because he has love for his character and TWD.
But, as said, this is not just about Eugene - it's much deeper than that, I think. It involves all the main characters arcs on S11.
Other talented and marvelous actor who decided to stay with us until the end, dedicated years of his life to TWD and also got his share of online abuse? Seth Gilliam/Father Gabriel. Gabriel's arc was pretty chopped on S11. Remember all of his struggles with his faith on 11 A? It got mostly resolved off screen. And don't even get me started with his relationship with Rosita.
What about Christian Serratos/Rosita and Ross Marquand/Aaron? Fan favorites since their first appearances on S4 and S5. Legitimate TF members and two others main characters left to dry on S11! We've barely saw them!
Aaron's arc begun with him struggling to keep ASZ running, then they got him randomly involved with another weird cult-like group that ended up being Negan's new group because oh yeah he used to work on something like that before the world ended lets use that so GA can see we didn't forget this info about him whatever and now he is stranded in a horde with chances of being killed by a smart walker just, you know, because.
Rosita was supposed to be part of the CW rebel group and fight corruption inside the police force but we never saw that happening! And don't even get me started with her relationship with Gabriel. Yep, I'm repeating the phrase because COME ON!
Ok, GA didn't like their romantic relationship, but at least let us see they properly ending it and being a good example of respectful exes who are still friends and co-parents. TWD IS ABOUT FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! GIVE US THE DAMN FOUND FAMILY DINAMICS! Oh, with this I also wnat to highlight that we should have seen more Aaron + Gracie and not those what three scenes they gave us in 24 fucking episodes.
My point is: Father Gabriel, Rosita and Aaron deserved to be featured as much as Eugene was this past season. Especially because none of them have spin-offs on the future. These actors had to say goodbye to their characters with only a handful of scenes. Characters they cherish and love, characters they brought to life for years!Seth, Christian and Ross stuck with them (and TWD fandom, a very difficult fandom, by the way) even when they were gifted shit arcs and/or minimum screen time. Most of them got screwed over by the storytelling season after season. McDermitt/Eugene got a few chances to shine on S11 and we are complaining??? We should be complaining about how Gabriel, Aaron and Rosita didn't had the same chances! Not hating on Eugene! They all deserved to be upfront this last season and have really meaningful and deep arcs to reflect their years and journeys. But nope. Sidelined, all of them, Eugene being the exception but mostly on 11C.
Lets now talk about the main MAIN characters of the show, shall we?
Lauren Cohan/Maggie and JDM/Negan got stuck together on a never ending fight for dominance that is STILL not resolved (and bordered on sexual tension. Why? Just..why??)! What's the point of having so much time wasted/dedicated on such angsty and tiring relationship?
I'm sure Lauren would have preferred to explore Maggie's relationship with her son and her found family and to fight to rebuild The Hilltop or face the consequences of being a leader who abandoned their people and came back to find almost all of them dead. We could have seen the motherly love, the undying grief for Hershel/Beth/Glenn, the struggle to reconnect with TF and The Hilltop folk, the urgency to prove herself worthy of the title of leader again. It would be interesting and play with Maggie's layers.
I don't know what JDM would've liked for his character but he must also be tired of Negan's never ending redemption arc. And I have nothing against Annie and the baby thing besides the fact that looks unrealistic as fuck after we saw him begging to Maggie to murder him so he could be with his dead wife on S9 + "Here's Negan" especial episode. Yeah, okay, he burned Lucille twice - wife and bat - on said episode so he got closure. I get that. A new wife and baby on the way off screen? Not so much. Joining a weird group with a rough leader that looks like a cult? Even less. By the way, you guys remember those people? Did they even got a name?
And then, obviously, Caryl. I don't have the energy to discuss anymore how incredibly wrong Caryl were handled this entire season. No energy. Just tired. All the missing opportunities. All the time spent apart. All the incredibly necessary heart-to-heart's that not happened. All the pointless Leah thingy - by the way, every single point of the Reapers arc (Gabriel and the other priest; Pope choosing Maggie because God or a bonfire told him to; Leah trying to recruit Daryl who wanted to save her after she tried to kill him multiple times, only so she could become Maggie nemesis without never seeing her before; everyone that was killed for shock value; Alden's death and its 3 seconds impact; Elijah mourning his sister and then being pushed to be Lydia's new boyfriend because we have to do something with this kid, yada, yada, yada) had no payoff whatsoever.
Anyways..what I'm trying to say is: every OG/main/important character of this fucking show suffered from mediocre storytelling throughout the entirety of S11. All of them.
Even fan favorites newbies got sidelined. Eleanor Matsuura/Yumiko is the only one who had personal reasons to not appear on 11A and 11 B (she had a baby). I'm not a Nadia Hilker/Magna fan but I hate how she was mostly forgotten this season. She's an interesting character and after being missing for most of S10, she got sidelined for S11 too. Angel Theory/Kelly and Cassady McClincy/Lydia are SO TALENTED and loved by everyone and were rewarded, respectively, by becoming a walking translator and an unwilling participant of the 'let's see who unnecessarily loses a limb this season' game.
I could go on and on and on but, again, no energy. And I think I wrote too much already. In short: Eugene is not to blame. Everyone should have had meaningful arcs like Eugene. He deserved every second of it. ALL OF THEM EQUALLY DESERVED IT. All of them characters are special and loved and deserving and should be treated with respect and celebrated after so many years of existence. AMC, Gimple and co. made the decision to waste their (and ours) precious time with Reapers and other groups and characters that I don't remember or weren't even given names, CW stormtroopers, an anti-capitalism narrative that was very important but lasted two episodes, impossible to understand time jumps followed by a creeping pacing also impossible to understand followed by more wtf time jumps, and lots of Carol scenes on the kitchen because obviously that's what we want to see her doing..cooking and baking! Ha!
It's not about the amount of screen time each character got. It's about the non-existent quality of it.
AMC plays dirty, guys, and all of us suffer the consequecences. Even side characters like Diane, who is owned some peace of mind after being a soldier for every fucking battle TPTB invents. If any side character deserves a happy ending is her.
I rest my case.
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lostgirl1428 · 2 years
Look….I’ve had this list for a while but I feel like sharing it with the internet.
Fictional Babes I’d 1000% fuck without hesitation (even if it means I die in the process) in no specific order. Feel free to kink shame me I’m well away of how questionable some people are on this list 😭😤
Freddy Krueger - Nightmare On Elm Street
The OG Nightmare on Elm Street films of course. With the god of nightmares himself, Robert Englund
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Negan - The Walking Dead
…Need I say more?
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Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead
Well I mean of course.
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Merle Dixon - The Walking Dead
Look…Michael Rooker makes this list TWICE so leave me alone 😭
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Cassidy - Preacher
I love me a junkie Irish Vampire ❤️
(Also this tv show was a fucking riot…it is in fact my comfort show)
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Tulip O'Hare - Preacher
She's a sexy boss bitch and deserves so much better than Jesse
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The Comedian aka Eddie Blake - The Watchman
Was he a terrible person? Absolutely….but also I have daddy issues and JDM is god.
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Sayid Jarrah - Lost
I admit this is really random especially compared to others on the list but something about a professional torturer is a complete turn on for me 😤
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Dyson - Lost Girl
I mean can you blame me?
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Bo - Lost Girl
Well DUH mommy succubus yes please
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Kenzi - Lost Girl
My girl Kenzi, I would literally marry her 😭
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Tamsin - Lost Girl
look the entire cast from this show was hot as hell
also 100% ship her and Bo.
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Vex - Lost Girl
Look I know he's with Dyson's son but he's Bisexual and I would die for his snarky ass.
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Lucifer Morningstar -Lucifer
I don’t even need an explanation
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Mazikeen - Lucifer
I want her to stab me.
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Otis Driftwood - Devil's Rejects
One of them totally unhinged ones.
Is he a necrophiliac? Yes. Would he kill me? Absolutely.
But regardless.....
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Baby Firefly - Devil's Rejects
I love my crazy bitches
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Loki - MCU
I mean I'll take comic book Loki too but Tom Hiddleston is just... oof yes please.
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Yondu - MCU
Told you Michael Rooker made this list twice...
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Cable - Deadpool 2
SPECIFICALLY Josh Brolin because ✨Daddy✨
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Hawkeye - MCU
What can I say? I find archery sexy
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Wolverine - X-Men (Movieverse)
look as much as I hate the X-Men movies I cannot deny the sex appeal that is Hugh Jackman
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Nightcrawler aka Kurt Wagner - Marvel (All versions)
MINUS Kodi and Evolution because he's a LITERAL CHILD.
However, any and all comics, animated series (Minus Evolution) and I'll also take Alan Cumming's version as well.
I love this fuzzy elf with all my heart
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haruhey · 2 years
chronological thoughts of twd 11x16
(i didn’t get cake, let’s see what happens)
- omg i fully forgot about leah omg
- omg r they gonna smoke maggie out
- lance is certifiably insane
- timeskip again omg
- are they calling it act of god because of leah’s cult past
- i have no subtitles i dont know what they’re saying omg hershel’s going somewhere he doesnt want to go to but IDK WHERE THAT IS
- aw maggie is sad :(
- hershel is so cute
- omg not the two face coin
- THOUGHT WE HAD A LOVELY NIGHT DIDNT WE oh they definitely had sex
- stfu i don’t want to think about physics
- stop eugene is actually so romantic
- omg they’re gonna try and ditch
- oh my god that guy punched through the walker
- wow he is so bald
- wait are they going to the commonwealth i don’t know what she said at the beginning I DIDNT HAVE SUBTITLES IM ESL IM SORRY
- literally what did maggie do to you she just didn’t want to join ur stupid communities jesus christ let it GO u white man
- omg elijah make your move
- omg maggie rlly went ‘thoughts n concerns?’
- wait hold on negan and maggie have a spinoff right how is that gonna work for negan and annie? is annie gonna die or smth?
- omg what she said before was RIVERBEND i couldn’t hear it through her accent i’m so stupid
- maggie rhee DOES have big balls. beach ball sized lady nuts, if you will
- i want annie and maggie to be gfs
- no ew not buzzing bugs ew i’m sorry i’m out
- gabriel is so fucking TIRED omg i feel you
- oh god are they gonna try and kill daryl and aaron and gabriel
- damn they really hate team family huh
- hes so fucking cool daryl give me a chance
- god theyre so fucking cool
- damn these stormtroopers really are storm troopers their aims r shit
- oh no hes going for the walkie talkie isnt he
- omg daryl fuck yes fuck up that bald headed guy
- “he ain’t here no more” WITH THAT ANGLE WAS CHEFS KISS
- i hate pamela idc idc idc idc
- that blue colour is fire tho
- they have so many pencils holy shit
- damn pamela rlly said fuck them kids its not my fault they’re poor
- is max gonna get caught
- please let her be the girlboss she is destined to be
- i forgot what she’s looking for omg 😭😭
- fuck it’s sebastian
- i hate sebastian so much
- is he drunk
- i hate this scene
- i hate him so much
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- literally what is this bug motif i do not get it
- damn leah rlly fucked that kid up huh
- is that jdm’s kid as a walker
- AHAHHAA LEAH SAID “damn that sucks ://“
- these bugs are making it hard for me to hear omg
- are they gonna kill hornsby
- omg the traps r reminding daryl of leah cause arent they the traps leah set up in 10x18 when he met her
- omg are they at leah’s camp
- oh oh oh oh oh nooooo
-i still don’t understand the importance of the bugs
- damn leah’s gonna have a lot of back pain from standing that way
- oh no maggie its a trap its a trap maggie oh no
- oh so it wasnt a trap?
- oh no no music means TRAP
- omg she got leah or what
- damn leah got her but its okay maggie has plot armour
- omg another cabin
- maggie’s eyes match her jacket
- hes just going around touching blood like that damn what if you have a paper cut or smth :/
- omg maggie fuck her up
- oh maggie is getting fucked up
- oh damn just a single gunshot
- good job daryl ilysm
- hornsby lowkey giving joker realness
- damn maggie really got fucked up
- hershel said fuck negan ✋ but annie is cool ❤️
- max’s table is so tiny
- never trust a white man fr fr
- omg they’re explaining the bugs
- omg angela kang said it’s pathetic fallacy idiot
- “that is a fight of pure hatred”
- okay but maggie was right it was fully leah’s fault
- “to him, there’s no choice to make. the choice is maggie” PERIODDDDDDT TEAM FAMILY ALL THE WAY
- “to hornsby, this is a no good very bad day.” stop angela is actually hahaha knee slap
- okay now that i finished season 11b what do i do with my life :(
- i miss carol too :(( </3
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 9--No Other Way
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
It took a minute for my app to wake up.  It didn’t get the memo to rise and shine at 4 am like the rest of us--how much do I hate that work has trained my body to wake up at a set time everyday, no matter whether I want to or not, lol--but I guess it served me well in the end so.  
Anywho.  I had a bit of a wait.  Thus, time to think and let my brain get with the program and during this little siesta, I mulled whether my anticipation had ultimately been outweighed or overshadowed by dread thanks to the ongoing OTT celebrations from certain factions of fans.  
Spoiler alert:  turns out I really and truly don’t trust their judgment for shit, never have, and I’m too ready to see our babies to care about their never-ending hate campaign.  10/10 recommend this attitude to everybody.  It saves a whole lotta grief.  
Enough lead in.  Y’all ready?  In 3-2-1.  Shae’s stream of consciousness review coming right at ya.  
Okay, okay.  Maggie’s getting tossed around like a ragdoll by a big, burly NFL linebacker retiree/Reaper while those Angry Birds fireworks spears are screaming past her like missiles.  Cool opening.  Cool.  Whoa.  Is that what they call making a splashy entrance?  Or a dramatic AF exit?  
Well holy shit.  Just when did it change from me rolling my eyes and stifling a groan whenever I see Negan to breathing out a sigh of relief and feeling--I don’t know.  I wouldn’t call it happy exactly but I know at least he’s gonna spice up Maggie’s scenes so there’s that.  I will say though.  I didn’t realize how much I’d missed JDM--big difference, big distinction, what have you--until I saw his scruffy mug so yeah.  We’re gonna admit my crush (lifelong, lol, thanks to Denny, my beloved) is still going strong.  ; ) 
Personally, I think the mere fact Negan hasn’t ditched Elijah and run to save his own hide is earning him some reluctant, perhaps subconscious, definitely unwanted brownie points with Mags.  
I’ve always wanted a secret door to somewhere, lol, so that secret door in the infirmary delighted me much more than it should have.  I blame my love of A Secret Garden as a child.   
Ahhhhh!  I’ve missed the opening credits and the theme song and hearing it and knowing we’re essentially on a countdown to the last time is making me emotional. It really is.  That said, I do still prefer the original opening credits and would love if the show went all “retro” for the finale and had a new “old” version again.  Just to tie things up in a neat little bow of nostalgia.  It’ll never happen but oh how I wish it would.  
That shot of Rosita and Lydia going all Buffy the Vampire Slayer on the stair Walkers was simple but badass.  Love the girl power.  Oh and Dianne lives!  Only to die?  We shall see.  
The fuck do those things want in the basement so bad anyway?  Do Judith and Gracie smell like a couple of walking chicken nuggets to them?  A late night Taco Bell Cravings Box? You’d think they’d be most interested in all the people they keep trying to convince us are upstairs.  
Anyway.  Moving on.  
Yeah, no.  Make that 4 feet of water in the basement make sense.  I’ll wait.  
Jerry!  Aaron!  Oh wow.  My girl Carol looking beautiful as ever!  Listen.  Would I have liked to SEE her working with the superheroine sisters to save the walls?  Hell yeah.  But I’ll take what I can get because I was honestly afraid they were just gonna allude to her whereabouts offscreen after the shoddy treatment our leading lady got in 11A.  
Kelly being so reluctant to leave her sister’s side.  My heart.  I love them.  
Gracie’s whistle!  Aka, the call to the Undead Wild.  But whatever.  Baby girl got some lung power for Daddy Aaron to hear it over the storm.  Or maybe he just got Daddy ears and could hear that whistle anywhere like a dog hearing a dog whistle.  Yet more proof Aaron is half Golden Retriever/half human.  
Carol, Kelly, and Jerry are my kind of trio. I’d follow them anywhere. 
Well.  At least it’s partly cloudy with what looks like a chance of rain later at Meridian, lol.  
Father G--still hobbling to fight another day.  
Daryl--is that what they call a knife to the gut (sorry, lame, I know)?
It’s been so long since I bothered to watch any of the boring Reaper bullshit that I don’t remember if Austin is significant to Daryl’s latest prisoner/fake turncoat arc or not.  Kudos to the Reaper outside that door for dropping that name for me.  Other than asshole Carver, I can’t distinguish one from the other.  
Leah legit sours my throat with bile.  Maybe that’s what Angela Kang was going for.  I don’t know.  Someone forgot to send LCol the memo though.  Or else she immediately deleted it sight unseen for plausible deniability.  Even her voice triggers that upheaval response.  Ugh.  
Side note:  I actually feel bad for these dudes playing Reapers.  Unproblematically excited as far as I know and their story went over like a lead balloon.  
Daddy Aaron to the rescue!  Whoa.  Cool underwater shot with that Walker kill.  He saved our little girls.  Whew.  For a minute there I was worried about Judith.  Insert eyeroll emoji.  Judith handled that situation like a champ.  I was worried for Gracie, full stop, but at least it looks like they decided to spare Aaron.  Well, maybe not.  Oh shit.  
“Worry about yourself first.”  LMAO.  Father Savage is back, y’all.  Reaper priest almost had him. Or did he?  “No oneis above saving?”  Hmm. 
Maggie being chased by Carver like the final girl. Methinks she’s leading him into a trap.  At least I hope so.  
Really though?  A bat? Negan, man.  Choose another weapon.  Anyway. I do love the teamwork but you know that’s gotta be triggering AF.  
“Well.  Ding, ding.”  The way that made me LMAO.  It’s all in JDM’s delivery, y’all.  Think I’m gonna steal that for later.  
Maggie’s reluctant acknowledgment of gratitude to Negan is enough.  I’m tired of the retread dialogue but she owes him nothing she doesn’t want to give.  He gleefully murdered her husband.  The father of their unborn child.  He can keep trying to prove he’s changed but IMHO?  If she doesn’t want to accept it?  She doesn’t have to.  
The Elijah dude really made me feel  his pain over his sister with just his face and no words so kudos.  
C’mon, now.  I thought people were saying Daryl was yelling “Don’t” to Maggie about Leah.  LOL.  I mean, did LCol plant that suggestion to make it look like Daryl actually still give a shit?  
Smart move to use Carver.  Least I think.  We’ll see.  
Listen.  Team Family climbing around like Olympic Champion monkeys this ep. I could never.  Don’t have the arm strength, lol.  I’d be like that squirrel trying to climb that greased pole to the bird feeder.  Y’all know the one. 
Lydia saved Aaron?  My baby girl.  Oh my heart.  Wonder if this will change or move the needle somewhat on my boy’s perception that no Whisperer is worth saving or that they’re all bad?  Lydia saying “You would have done the same for me” truly made me pause because despite knowing his misgivings, knowing the times he hasn’t full on embraced her as family and one of their own, she still believes in his good heart, and it makes me cry for her.  That trust.  I loved the little pause on Aaron’s part before he answered her.  It’s almost like he didn’t realize he actually would and was surprised.  Anyway.  I think Lydia’s finally earned her standing with Aaron as one of the family and I could honestly see him going full protection mode for her in the future.  
Where is Dog in all this chaos?  Gnawing on some milk bones?  I hope he’s warm, dry, and well fed.  Little traitor, lol. 
Yeah, Leah’s a duplicitous bitch.  
Why does this feel like some kind of Western duel or standoff?  
“Nope. No Jenson/Jentzen (sp?) here.”  LMAO.  I do love me some savage ass Father G.  “Call me Gabriel.”  Negan’s face SENT me.  
Fucking go, Maggie.  I loved the dramatic music that accompanied that little piece of deserved and earned brutality.  ;)  Never mind I don’t know who the hell Elijah was talking about because they redshirts.  The world is down a bunch more boring ass Reapers and Negan knows he better toe some kind of line.  
Dammit, Daryl.  You dumbass.  She deserved DEATH not BREATH.  
There my boy Dog magically is.  Thank goodness they didn’t have Leah use him against Daryl in their ugly breakup.  My heart couldn’t have handled it.  
Maggie knows Alden’s dead.  C’mon.  That’s why she went alone.  They finally decided to remember the poor dude. Adam has had so many sets of parents.  Maybe Commonwealth has some kind of support group for that.  
All those crosses.  Ouch.  
Negan ain’t wrong.  Maggie gonna do what Maggie gonna do.  There goes any levity or tension to Maggie’s story, but you know what?  I’m here for it because your girl is TIRED of them having the same scene different verse over and over again.  
Carol looking out and watching for her bae like Daryl did after spending all night on that log with Negan and looking mighty fine doing it, I might add.  Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but did they raid a Cabela’s in between reinforcing walls, putting out fires, and playing lifeguard in the basement?  
Of course her man is the first one she sees.  
Judith running to Uncle Daryl always makes this girl smile.  Sue me.  I’m a sentimental fool.  
Look at Lydia’s happy little face.  
The way Carol almost fell into Daryl’s arms like a wife happy to see her husband home made my heart flutter.  You know she’s keeping her cool in front of the kids.  
Both my girls feeling some kind of way about Negan.  My, how times have  changed.  I wonder.  Will Lydia harbor any future resentment toward Maggie for this?  She didn’t know Glenn so she’s not as closeto the history there.  But she’s been an outsider so she identifies and empathizes with Negan somewhat. Future conflict between the two of them perhaps?  
Look at little RJ.  They keep that cute baby monosyllabic or silent, lol.  
Okay.  I bought Father G’s look at Rosita but girl looked kind of unimpressed, lol.  
How adorable is Coco?
OMFG. That’s what people been declaring canon over?  LMAO.  Whoever called it a Bro Shove was spot on.  All they needed was a basketball and a court and I could have seen them going to shoot some hoops later.  It had that kind of catch up feel.  It was cute.  I’ll give you that.  And it hinted at literally no romantic feelings or implications at all.  Daryl looks like he just got reunited with his sisters.  Y’all.  For real.  Put down the crackpipes if you forecasting marriage proposals because of this.  We good.  
Now the implications of Carol witnessing?  That screams jealous, insecure, disbelieving of her own worth love interest.  But antis gonna anti so of fucking course they see it as Carol shipping them when the truth is she is literally the only person on earth, fictional or real, that honestly and without ulterior motive, ships Daryl with happiness.  
And y’all.  Carol is literally framed between them.  She is 100% the reason why it’s not like that and she just doesn’t realize it.  At this point, the only person, ahem--people, in more willful denial are the shippers of the other ship.  
Stormtroopers on horseback.  Surely our nerd Jerry can appreciate this.  You know he’s a not so closeted Star Wars lover.  Has to be.  
Eugene running ahead saying “we’re all friends” made me giggle, okay.  Josh as Eugene has a very distinct gait/run and it never fails to make me laugh.  
Look.  If Daryl and Connie really were like *that*, realistically, who do you think he’d be standing within arms’ reach of lined up in front of some strange newcomers he for sure doesn’t trust?  Certainly not Carol.  C’mon, people.  Put your thinking caps on.  Shit goes down?  He wants Carol nearby just in case.  I swear.  Some people willfully dense AF.  
6 months later, huh?  I hate Angela’s apparent lady hard on for these time jumps but I do appreciate the idea that Maggie really said fuck slimy Lance Hornsby and his politician’s suit.  
Holy shit.  Daryl in stormtrooper gear demanding Maggie open up the gates of Hilltop.  WTF, lol.  
Who’s Stephen Campbell?  Anybody know?  Some digging is in order.   
So.  Some overall impressions because I figure if you’re still reading at this point, why the hell not?  
I love that shit actually got done.  
Maggie and Aaron were badass.  
Daryl was a dumbass letting Leah live.  Like that time they didn’t end the Governor, I fear this one will come back to bite them in the ass. 
Daryl’s reunion with Carol and the kids was heartwarming and felt like two marrieds that had been through it all a million times before reuniting and it had the right kind of understated flavor, considering they haven’t 100% cleared the air with each other.  
Daryl 100% views Connie as a sister.  Kelly too.  Only Carol and the antis think otherwise and only Carol’s reasons make gd sense.  
Lance is slimy AF.  
Lydia has my heart.  Girl saved a man she felt didn’t 100% have her back as a former Whisperer and Aaron felt small because he’d been wrong not to embrace her wholly.  
Aaron is such a good dad.  
Carol and Negan remain the only two that have the ability to cut through the bullshit and see the larger picture.  Except where Daryl is involved for Carol because her heart and her insecurities are too damn loud.  
Judith, Uncle Daryl scenes, however small?  Continue to warm my heart.  
RJ is literally just there as a peace offering for pissed off R!chonne fans to keep the lid on their rage, IMHO. He’s cute but so far?  A non-factor.  Because the mama that lost Andre so tragically would have never left him.  Ever.  I don’t care how people try to rationalize that OOC behavior to benefit their shipping preference/perspective.  I’ll die on this hill.  M!chonne as a character was done so dirty but I suppose backstage decisions dictated their options and they chose the least sensical one that pandered the most to the ship. They dampened my personal enjoyment in the process.  Here’s hoping they’ll find a way to right the ship in the future.
Father G and Rosita are still so mismatched.  Like I don’t even get the vibe she’s really into him.  More that she looked at the X’s and O’s and decided he best overall benefits Coco and okay, fair.  I don’t understand it but I do.  
Anywho.  I cannot wait for super spy Carol to take the Commonwealth down. 
The rest?  I’ll reserve judgment.  
Here comes Angela’s explanation points, lol.  Let’s see if I learn anything new.  
Nope, nope.  
Although.  It didn’t really hit me how much Maggie’s killing of Carver literally echoed Negan’s killings of Glenn and Abe until I saw the moments back to back so yeah.  Kinda cool but Maggie still has the moral high ground, IMHO. By a hair.  
I’d explain why but this is already a typo ridden thesis so.  
Until next time, lovelies.  
Same time next week.  
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ffakc · 3 years
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Pony - a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fanfiction
I’ve always wanted to write a story from JDM’s POV, especially when it comes to eating 🐱, because I imagine he’d be really good at it. I also got really lost in this when writing it and got insanely turned on, so I hope y’all feel the same way!
@negans-attagirl @happysgal @iluvneganandjamie @mrsnegan
I had grown out my beard for the newest season of The Walking Dead. Negan was going to be in prison for the next year, so I had to look the part. I also hate shaving, so this was my dream come true. I was also promoting my new movie Rampage with my buddy Dwayne. Dwayne Johnson, that is.
My gal also loved the long, grayness of it all. She had been texting me flirty things all day from the hotel room and it was absolutely driving me wild. It’s damn near impossible to do press junkets with a raging hard on.
“Reading the script, this is exactly the movie I’ve always wanted to-“ my phone pings loudly, “Aw, shit. I’m sorry, man. I meant to turn my phone on silent. Cut!” I joke and glance at the text from my Princess: I want to ride your beard like a pony, Daddy. I exhale loudly and shove my phone in my pocket.
“You good, homie?” Dwayne asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine, thanks! Just family stuff,” I reply. My pants were painfully tight in the crotch at this point. “Anyway, where were we?” I place my glasses on top of my head. “It’s just one of those classic popcorn flicks, you know?”
The interview seemed to drag on as my phone silently buzzed with filthy messages and pictures. What a dirty girl I had.
“What the fuck was that?” I smile at my gal. She looks adorable in my hoodie and her short shorts.
“Did I do something?” she replies, feigning innocence as she slides her legs between mine, running a finger over my lips and kissing me. My breath quavers as she moans into my mouth.
“Teasing Daddy while he’s trying to work. Bad, bad girl,” I groan as she grips my balls gently as she nibbles my neck. She reaches into her back pocket and I hear a jingling sound. A puzzled expression takes over my face, “What do you have there, Princess?”
“Since you’re going to prison for the next year,” she giggles and pulls a pair of handcuffs from behind her, “Maybe you should get used to wearing these bad boys.”
“You think you’re in charge, hm? Might I remind you who your Daddy is-“ I smirk. She grips my throat, cutting me off by making me lose my breath.
“I’m in charge tonight,” she growls. “Lay on the bed, Daddy. Flat on your back, come on,” she commands, snapping her fingers.
“Yes, Mistress,” I do as I’m told. My gal meant business. I look up at her as she walks around the bed.
“Good boy. Don’t move,” she praises. She strips her clothes, revealing a skimpy, crotchless number. I hold out my hand to pull her into a lustful kiss. “I said, ‘don’t move’. Did you not hear me?” Her stern tone sends a chill down my spine. She sucks my finger and throws my hand back on the bed. I giggle like a little kid, her dominant streak was amusing. This role reversal was going to be fun. “Is something funny, Jeffrey Dean? Take your shirt off.” I follow her orders and she grabs my arm and cuffs one hand to the headboard, then the other. She pulls my glasses off, folding them and placing them on the nightstand.
“You sound like my mother,” I smirk.
“Oh, so I’m ‘Mommy’ now?” she bites her lip, trying not to laugh and stay in character. I glance at my cuffed hands.
“What are you going to do, baby gi- I mean, Mistress?” I ask. She leans down and laps around my nipples. I suck my teeth, god that felt good.
“I’m going to make you my fuck toy tonight,” she moans in my ear. She climbs on the bed, straddling my chest. I could feel the slickness of her dripping pussy, leaving a small damp spot in my chest hair. “If it’s too much, just tap my thigh hard three times”. I felt like I was about to bust out of my jeans, but she made it clear I only existed for her pleasure. I felt more submissive than I ever have in bed with her and it was so fucking hot.
“Baby doll, I don’t think I could ever get enough of your pussy,” I moan. She inched closer to my face. My breath was hot against her inner folds, giving her chills. “I’m ready,” I murmur. She smelled utterly scrumptious. The Tommy Hilfiger perfume coupled with her salty, sweet wetness was intoxicating. She pressed my head between her deliciously thick thighs as she rocked against my mouth. I wanted so bad to squeeze her ass to bring her closer, but I wasn’t allowed.
“Jeffrey,” she whimpers my name. I’m lost in a sea of bliss. I love making her feel like the goddess she is. “Your beard feels so fucking good. Oh Daddy!” I smirk and go back to work. I circle my tongue around her clit, sucking it between my lips. She grasps my hair as my head gets squished a little tighter. I chuckle softly to myself, I know that means I’m doing my job right. I lick a stripe from her entrance to her precious jewel. “God, your gray hair drives me insane,” her hips rock faster and I try to match her movements with my mouth.
“Does it now? You love that I’m old enough to be your dad? You love with age comes,” I kiss around her drenched inner lips, “Experience. You love that I take care of you, don’t you, Princess? Daddy loves you.”
“Fuck yes, baby. Oh my god!” her thighs begin to tremble and the familiar throbbing sensation begins like a faint drumbeat from deep inside her walls. I squirm beneath her, wanting release so bad, but I’m not allowed. “Please let me cum, Jeff! Please!”
“You’re in charge, remember?”
“Jeff, I’m going to drown you in my-“
“Fucking drown me, doll. I won’t waste a single drop. God, you taste so sweet.“
“Jeffrey!” my gal screamed out as her juices soaked my beard. I lap my tongue like someone who hadn’t drank water in weeks. She shakily slides down my chest, grabbing the key from the nightstand. She unlocks the handcuffs and collapses onto my chest. I pull her into a kiss.
“Making you feel good,” I say in between kisses, “Makes me feel good. I would go wash my face, but tasting you in my mustache turns me on all over again. You sure have a yummy little treat there, sugar. I love the shit out of you.”
“I love you too,” my gal is still catching her breath.
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Just finished watching the rest of the episodes. Obviously, there will be spoilers for all of the bonus episodes, including Here's Negan. Here's my thoughts. WARNING for some negativity:
Home Sweet Home:
Kind of a blah episode. Half of it seemed to be a 'walking in the woods simulator'. Don't have any eagerness for another rival group. I'm sick of the people vs people storylines. We should go back to basics for a while, just fighting the dead. This is just recycling the same storylines.
Enjoyed Maggie and Daryl's chat in the container (though I just know it ignited crack shippers). Was it just me or was Lauren Cohan's accent weird? Like, is it because she's been away from the show that she can't remember how to do it the way she used to? It just sounded off the whole time to me, like she was trying to sound more country than Maggie has in the past.
Liked Daryl seeing Hershel, though I wish the scene had been longer. It looks like we're continuing the trend of having 'legacy' kids around without giving them a personality like they do with RJ.
Liked Daryl and Kelly's interactions in this episode. It did annoy me how they wrote Kelly running off on her own in the woods. Like, you guys literally wrote her getting lost and losing her hearing not even a handful of episodes ago. Why would she risk doing that, knowing there was a chance it could happen again? Sure she wants to find her sister, but I don't think anyone in the group--Daryl especially--would have opposed to going with her. Annoying writing again.
By the way, I can't not point out that the spoilers for this were so anti-Carol. The way it sounded through spoilers made it sound as if Maggie was pissed at Carol for letting Negan out when it was clear that she understood Carol's decision (she was just irritated that Negan was out at all).
Find Me:
I won't go into a full rant about this episode. You can find that on my page. I'll just discuss a few things.
First of all, I really liked the banter between Caryl at the start. It was the kind of content we've been wanting for a while.
We probably all saw it this way but Leah was a Carol replacement. No doubt about it. Carol was 'happy' so Daryl tried to move on with the next best thing (well, according to him at least).
Shipping aside, the relationship and build up to it between Daryl and Leah was so bland and generic. The woman literally seemed to have no personality apart from 'I live in the woods and I lost my son'. I actually rolled my eyes when she started explaining about not having a good family growing up. It was like watching Mary Sue fanfic play out on screen.
I don't want to rant too much but I have to say again, you can't just have a relationship blossom that generically with a character who has clearly struggled with intimacy for a good chunk of his life. It was literally inserting Daryl into the plot of any other cheesy boy meets girl romance. If you are going to do something like this, you need to do it realistically. There should have been more of a struggle there for Daryl. For pete's sake, Daryl's love life (or lack thereof) has been a point of discussion for so many years. You can't just rewrite that lore with some half assed meet-cute storyline.
Oh and I can't forget to say another big fuck you to the end of this episode. Seriously, fuck the shit Daryl spouted at Carol. That shit would have worked for S2 Daryl but not this one.
Okay I'll stop myself there or I'll just keep going. Seriously, I don't think I'll run out of things to bitch about for this episode.
One more:
This episode was okay. I'm not a fan of Gabriel, so I didn't really enjoy the focus being on him. I do like Aaron though, so that was a saving point.
No offense if you're a Gabriel fan but I found this episode kind of pointless. The message was relevant of course but the whole thing seemed a bit hoky to me. Especially the whole 'talking at the bad guy until they have a change of heart'. I can see that this was an important turning point for Gabriel but honestly, I just don't care enough about his character to appreciate it. Felt bad for Aaron though. You can tell he's trying so hard to hold onto humanity.
Probably gonna upset people with this but I'm not really a Princess fan (though Paola Lazaro is great). The episode had an interesting concept and I know it was to try to set up for the Commonwealth or the CRM etc. I just found the way they went about it to be too dragged out without much substance. Even the twist with finding out that the others were figments of her imagination didn't save it for me. I like the concept of seeing things through Princess' mindset and it could have worked well but we just didn't really get any storyline there. I think the only thing I enjoyed was when she talked about her family (she should chat to Daryl. There would certainly be some common ground). Gotta admit though, Ezekiel and his Walker posse was kind of hilarious.
Loved it for the most part. Who knew we needed Carol vs a rat? I certainly didn't but I'm glad I got it. Also Carol smashing that wall to pieces was so badass and kind of hot. Anyone else feel like that? No? Okay...
I enjoyed the comedic moments in this episode. Loved Carol hanging out with Dog and Dog being a menace. Appreciated seeing more of Daryl's room (Why did he have a pirate book though? There had to be a point, right? WAIT, I just realised as I was typing this what it is. It's a reference to when Carol invited him to go out on the boat with her and they would be 'pirates' 😢)
Daryl certainly got a collection of multitools, didn't he? Seriously though, that scene where he was just walking away from the walkers was hilarious. It's literally what people have been saying for years--that the walkers are too slow.
Okay, now let's get to the bad parts I didn't like. Hated the start. They were so stilted and awkward and the fact that Daryl didn't apologize pissed me off. I don't care what Carol said, she didn't deserve any of that shit he said in Find Me. He knows better than anyone why she has done what she has done.
This storyline they seem to be running with for Carol is starting to piss me off. It's obvious they're trying to go for a redemption arc for her when she shouldn't need to be redeemed. She didn't do anything wrong. Yes, she made mistakes but think about how you would be if you had lost so much.
Maggie is being lorded as a hero but remember, she behaved pretty much the same as Carol did in S7,8,9. But no one labelled her as a villain or a nuisance. No, Maggie was strong and a leader for stepping up and making a stand.
I'm really dreading the last season. It's obvious they're planning for Daryl and Carol's rift in their relationship to be a main arc. We probably won't see them reconcile until the end of the season where Daryl'll be like 'Alright, I don't hate you anymore, let's go to New Mexico.' That will annoy the shit out of me.
Here's Negan:
Mixed feelings about this one. I enjoyed seeing Negans backstory. Also props to the makeup team. They did a great job making JDM look younger. The thing I didn't like was the flashbacks within flashbacks. It made it hard to follow at times. Still, JDM and Hilary Burton Morgan had great onscreen chemistry (which they should, of course). I was surprised to see Laura pop up. I never thought she would have been one of the first Saviours.
Can't not mention how good Carol's hair looked in this episode. Please let us have this wig more often. It's so cute compared to the other frizzy one.
Also, I really don't give a shit about the drama between Maggie and Negan. There can't be a peaceful solution to it. There's no way Maggie will ever be okay with Negan being alive. Carol's right. If he stays, Maggie will (try) to kill him. If they have them come to an understanding next season, it will be super out of character. Same as when they kept pushing the Daryl/Negan team up. No way, no how, can either Maggie or Daryl look past what happened to Glenn.
Well, there are my thoughts on the episodes. I seriously battled against my anxiety to even sit and watch these. I was dreading watching Find Me especially for obvious reasons. It was awful but not as bad as I expected. I still wanted to throw my laptop out the window though.
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crispybingusbongus · 3 years
im so glad that jdm plays negan. i hate negan but jdm absolutely NAILS the role. i love him on the show and he deserves so much praise for bringing the role to life
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queenlannisters · 4 years
TWD Rewatch S.7 pt.2
Oceanside is one of the first groups we see that are quite…apocalyptic. It’s remote, outdoorsy. All of the other groups were built around large, existing structures (a mansion, a theatre) but Oceanside was designed to be undiscovered. Also, they have the mindset of a group alive much later into the apocalypse than they are we’re less than 2 years in at this point because Negan’s first appearance is 598 days).
I love Negan’s wives. They are comforting each other and supporting each other. We only know two stories (Sherry and Amber) and both marry Negan to save their families so these ladies are united by the same hatred of him and love of their families. (also tho if I was married to Negan, sorry ex-husband we are not speaking let alone hooking up Jesus)
I read an AMA with Chandler Riggs where he says that he hates working with Baby Judith’s actors (annoying, crying, retakes) so scenes of him and baby Judith have me cackling. Negan in Alexandria has me cackling. I think JDM literally loves baby Judith.
I love Laura as Eugene’s babysitter. I know Negan picked her because she’s hot and scary - exactly what Eugene deserves. I love Josh’s acting and the script he has because there’s so many subtle clues that he’s lying to Negan and we’re in on it, but his actions are extremely villainous and I still hate him.
Two of Negan’s wives (Tanya and Frankie) explain that they chose to be Negan’s wives but others like Sherry and Amber married him to save family members. Still, the women who chose to marry him despise him and want Eugene’s help to murder him. (fair, after they see him shove their doctor into the fire….)
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savedpeople · 10 months
♠ : What is the hardest thing about playing this muse? ☺ : Favourite canon scene/chapter involving your muse? ♤ : Canon scenes/chapters you can’t stand to watch/read (because it’s badly written)? ▽ : Any RP pet peeves? ✿ : Anything you want to say about your muse’s faceclaim?
Munday Meme | Accepting | @wexarethewalkingxdead
There's two main things I struggle with when writing Negan, the first being conflict in the Savior era. When it comes to how much power/control Negan has over people in that arc, it's tough finding a balance where his reactions to muses doing things that would result in "punishment" of some kind are realistic, while still keeping it fun for both parties to play, if that makes sense? I'm good with writing verbal threats and intimidation, but other muses can only act out/taunt him for so long before things would realistically escalate somehow, you know? And that's the stuff I have a harder time with.
The other thing is getting to develop positive relationships. Most characters hate this guy lol, that's always been a fact and I roll with it. But sometimes it's hard not to feel left out or like I'm missing out when there's memes going around that involve fluff, friendship, familial dynamics, romance, and so on, nice things, because they rarely make sense for me to send. Especially now that most of my partners who I did develop those positive connections with between our muses, are gone, and no one really writes the few characters that canonically like/tolerate him. But I also don't like forcing those dynamics without developing them.
It's impossible to pick one favorite scene... in the comics I really like his backstory, and also all of his scenes with Rick post-AOW. For the show, it might sound bad but I love his entire intro, it was really well done. I also like him saving Judith in the snowstorm, the scene where he reveals to the Whisperers that he's still alive and kneels to Alpha, and other scenes I'm sure I'm forgetting.
There aren't any scenes that are so bad that I can't stand to watch them, but I do find the entire scene leading up to him killing Carson to be really stupidly written for his character. I also don't see myself rewatching season 11 very much outside of a few scenes.
I guess my main RP pet peeves at the moment would be: assuming my muse will feel/act a certain way, pushing for romantic/sexual interactions when my rules are very clear how I feel about that, and people wanting more attention (through memes, starters, etc.) than they're willing to give back, especially if it leads to me feeling like they're not really interested in interacting with me at all.
I'm not sure what to say about his faceclaim... I like him? TWD was my introduction to JDM, though I later found out I'd seen him before in Watchmen. He's one of the few actors I feel any "attachment" to. Everyone I know that's met him has had nothing but nice things to say, so that makes me happy. His smile is infectious and adorable and while I couldn't care less about the sport, I love seeing him go nuts over football on Twitter lol.
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naughtyneganjdm · 4 years
I can’t believe that some of you hate fictional characters so much that you let that hate flood over into reality. First with Negan, but also I just read someone make a tumblr post about how the moment they saw JDM cast as John Winchester they knew that by his looks he was an abusive parent. If you know anything about JDM, the first thing that always stands out about him is what a good parent he actually is and how much he loves his children. So seriously, if you have a hard time distinguishing reality and fiction, you really need to step back and think about the decisions you’re making in life because that’s messed up. 
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boltsandashes · 5 years
And negan
give me a character || @voiicefound​
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
Ok sooooo this is gonna be rough. And this is gonna slot straight in with my unpopular opinion so be prepared guys. Because, for such a long time I hated Negan. And not in a… “he’s a charming villain” or “I love to hate him” sort of way. I just actively hated the existence of the character, I hated his opening scene that gets so much praise, and that stupid cliffhanger (though I really loved him in the s7 opening and through chunks of s7), I hated how the show seemed to collapse into a mess of clumsy, unbearably sloppy writing to accommodate him because he was a fan favorite, I hated how he had the most absurd plot armor I’ve ever seen in season eight, and how Carl was apparently killed off to guilt Rick into keeping Negan alive, and just… I actively, actively disliked Negan, ok? And this was nothing against JDM because I’d come into this loving him as John Winchester and Denny from Grey’s. But seriously I straight up cheered when Rick slit his throat, and then basically decided to quit the show when I found out he was gonna live.
Because I was absolutely sure, after the way they handled season eight, that TWD was about to become The Negan Show. He’d be all shiny and redeemed in s9, hanging out with the rest of the team, probably raising Judith and running the community by the mid-season finale.
But then s9 happened, and Gimple was gone, and they just handled Negan PERFECTLY. Like… oh my god, he felt like an actual character suddenly, and the other characters were treating him the way you’d treat a person like him, and his relationship with Judith made sense, and we slowly got to see his character develop and see hints that he might be redeemable through careful character growth and actions, and our characters still didn’t let him off the hook because of course you wouldn’t and just. Honestly I’m thrilled. I hated everything about the way Negan was handled in season eight, but lbr I hated nearly everything about season eight, and from season nine on he’s been becoming a character I really enjoy watching (and, from what I can gather, a character a lot more true to his comic self?)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don’t think I ship anyone romantically with Negan. I hate!ship several people with Negan, including Daryl, and I can see Rick and maybe Dwight and a few other hate!ships, but in the canon of the show I don’t think we’ve met anyone I could see him being romantic with.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
His dynamic with Judith is fantastic; it literally redeemed his character for me.
My unpopular opinion about this character
*points upward and hides from the Negan stans*
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
wHERE is my Daryl & Negan confrontation??! Honestly I’ve screamed this from the rooftops so many times but I hate that Daryl never got a chance to confront Negan, never got any kind of closure. Besides maybe Maggie, Daryl was the one most traumatized by Negan, and he was entirely on board with the plan to kill him in his cell, and then Maggie decided to spare him and Daryl just…. never got any kind of closure. I know there’s gonna be something this year but I s2g it’s been driving me crazy since s7 that my boy never got a moment, a scene, a conversation, anything when he deserves it more than almost anyone.
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haruhey · 2 years
I just read your essay and ma'am-
If you had written 10 more pages and went more in depth in the analysis, I would have read it 100% (which says a lot cause I HATE when analysis get long)
Ngl, Negan's character is always one I found interesting (and when I find a character interesting, I always end up "liking" them cause I genuinely enjoy learning about what made them the way they are/analyse them, so it does happen quite a lot with evil characters that know how to speak and have that leader vibe) but it always felt, idk, off ? And you put it into words !!!!! Jeffrey Dean Morgan is an amazing actor and he portrays Negan perfectly, and the fact that the actor has so much charm really fits this "off-vibe".
I feel like medias LOVE the trope of "extremely evil character who only makes morally wrong choices and actions but is oh so handsome and charming you can't hate him and also he wasn't ALWAYS like that so it's ok for you to like him ig :)", and it always made me, idk, not uncomfortable, but it felt odd, y'know ? And yeah idek where I'm going with this anymore and it's getting long so imma stop there but summary is that I really enjoyed reading your essay so thank you for sharing !! ❤❤❤
this is the essay anon is talking about!
ahhhhh anon i’m so glad you found my essay interesting !! and i feel you, man. 3 pages and i’m out. i’m sorry but my brain is too small to handle anything more 😩😩
but, anyways, yeah, i agree that negan is a really interesting character - i mean, you can’t NOT be when you literally kill off two fan favourites but STILL go on to amass so many fans for yourself - and that’s the main reason why i wanted to write this essay !! my teacher had an example that was basically talking about this comic book character and why the writer loved them so much, so i kinda wanted to write one about why i hated a character. surprise, surprise, i immediately thought of negan lmaoo.
my original idea was to go with a focus on how jdm’s aesthetic appearance and idiosyncrasies brought a lot of lenience towards his actions (aka pretty privilege, which definitely contributes to that off factor) and i was gonna talk about real life fans of like, ted bundy and richard ramirez, but i could only write 2 pages and i still had to check off all the criteria, so i had to change my idea real quick into my issues with the bad boy trope. it was easier since i only needed negan as my example.
i have my own qualms about redemption storylines (i grappled with that topic a bit, too, in the early stages of the assignment), but i have so many flip-floppy feelings about it that it wouldn’t make for a coherent essay. if i had chosen that, i definitely would not be getting my mark for a clear and concise arguable thesis lmaoooo.
but yeah, bad boys in general kinda suck as a trope, but i’m not like, telling y’all not to read it. my only problem is that some people can’t seem to recognize fiction from reality, and that could be hurtful to them because of the whole ‘i can change him’ mentality that society has kinda,,, idealized?? idk, those are just my thoughts, and again, i’m glad you enjoyed reading my essay !!
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