#i hate that i can type out their titles and names that fast
deduction-substitute · 5 months
Happy birthday to me here's to more Lucky Guy content in the future 🙏🙏🙏
I wish people did more with the veterans, nevermind the fact that Kreacher doesnt have the external trait and that Lucky Guy has never met Game 4, but AUGHGGHGH
They have the messiest relationship imaginable but I swear they care for each other guys I promise (delusional). In a manor like oletus, where youre trapped in a routine of decode and survive over and over again, i think theyd be able to form at least. A civil relationship.
It only approaches friendly territory when Lucky appears- a complete outsider from their game, which means no biases. He helps them get their shit together until they can all be in a room without wishing bodily harm upon each other 🙏
The problem is that. Its not. Obvious.
They still fight, argue, send each other dirty glances, etc etc. No one knows that Freddy likes to keep stock of all of Emily's supplies in the infirmary so she can rest. No one knows that Emma lets Kreacher pick off a few flowers out of her garden whenever his urge to snatch something gets the best of him.
No one knows that Freddy lets Kreacher into his room to rest on his sofa because its just that comfy. No one knows that Kreacher is the one snitching to Emily about whoever's injured or sick. No one knows that Freddy and Emily keep each other company at the dead of night when everything gets too much
But Lucky knows. And the veterans are grateful that he does.
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reallyromealone · 23 days
Request where alpha ran and omega reader are expecting a child?
Title: peanut butter squares
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: ran Haitani, Rindō Haitani mentioned
Fic type: fluff
Pairings: ran x male reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, omegaverse, light sexual innuendos, swearing, mpreg, Omega male reader
Notes: I just want to mention to everyone you can request gn and ftm readers right?
Summary: who knew peanut butter squares could induce pregnancy
If there was one thing Ran Haitani couldn't stand, it was being woken up, especially after work.
But something he hated more was not having his mate in his arms while sleeping, his beloved Omega was going to give birth any week now and Ran didn't want him out of his line of sight whatsoever. Grumling, the Alpha pushed back bis long hair out of his face to go hunting for his mate, wearing nothing but a loose pair of briefs that hung barely under his v-line. Kanto paid well, so well that the Alpha could afford the nicest things for his mate, an accudental pregnancy nothing for him to worry about.
Especially with all the baby proofing they did, he had to admit watching his brother struggle for ten minutes to open a cabinet was pretty funny. Six bedrooms and a room for (name)s hobbies and a closet for Ran, everything was perfect... Mostly.
The Alpha was looking into mansions outside of the city for the pups, a nice backyard and maybe a pool so they could learn to swim... God if you spoke to him two years ago and told him these were things he was considering he would have shattered your kneecaps.
He couldn't help but watch with pure love and adoration in his eyes while his mate made what seemed to be peanut butter squares with honey and hot sauce? He wasn't gonna just his mates food choices, he was making sure their babies were fed after all.
"Oh did I wake you?" (Name) Broke the man's thoughts with a sweet expression and crumbs on his lips "you weren't there with me, sweetness" Ran sauntered over and wrapped his lanky arms around his mate, large hands cupping the omegas round belly before kissing him "the baby wanted a snack" (name) took another bite and then offered some to Ran who snuggled into his beloveds neck "nah baby, you have that... Gotta make sure our kids are well fed right?" A good save because ran did not want to ingest that, it was too late to put his butt through that pain.
"Finish that up, get a drink and get your fine ass back in bed" Ran ordered his mate while kissing up his neck and licking his scent gland, the other whining "I heard fucking can induce labor" what? His mate knocked up with his kids wearing nothing but one of rans shirts was hot as hell!
"Baby, you better enjoy my ass while you can because after I give birth you aren't coming near me with a ten foot pole"
"I got a ten foot po--"' you know I'm not feeling it after all tonight" (name) said simply while water leaked down his legs "Babe go get the go bag"
(Name) Had never seen a man nice that fast, the Omega watching amused while eating the treats he made, realizing he should put sweatpants on before going and maybe grab Ran clothes.
Well, time for the worst pain in his life times two.
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holylulusworld · 3 months
Star-spangled man with a plan
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Title: Star-spangled man with a plan
Written for @fluffystevefest – Day 4
Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: lots of teasing, Steve feels old, pining, fluff
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He watches the years pass by. Another season. Another year. Another year older.
More birthday candles on the cake than he’d like to count. Steve never thought he’d turn one hundred and six years old. And if he imagined growing old, he saw himself sitting on the veranda of his house, in an old rocking chair, wrinkles in his face, and his legs weak.
When he looks in the mirror, he can see the years in his eyes, but not his face. He’s still a young man in the eyes of the people. But he feels his age every year more.
Or is it the longing for a change?
“Come on Capsicle, why the long face?” Tony pats Steve’s back. “You know that this is a party, and you are expected to enjoy it. Go and get a nice girl. Ask her for a dance before you turn one hundred and seven years old.” Tony cackles before walking off.
“I hate to admit it, but Stark knows how to throw a party,” Bucky steps next to his best friend, offering a drink to Steve. “Here, down it in one go to feel the burn. We can’t get drunk but the taste ain’t bad. Stark has a great taste too when it comes to booze.”
“Did you ever wish for something more?” Steve dips his head to look at Bucky. “I mean, we are fighting the good fight, but something is missing.”
“Steve, be honest with me,” Bucky knits his brows together while looking at his friend, “are you in a midlife crisis, buddy? Do you want to buy a fast car and sleep with women half your age?”
Bucky grins. Steve makes a face.
“I think you are confusing me with a younger Tony Stark,” Steve scoffs and finally takes the drink out of Bucky’s hand.
“Well, Capsicle, in your case a woman half your age would be fifty-three, not exactly my type,” Tony cackles from the other side of the bar. He grins before walking off.
“Yeah, because your wrinkly ass prefers a twenty-something bimbo,” you snicker and raise your glass on Steve. “Leave the captain alone. It’s his birthday.”
Tony sticks his tongue out. “If I remember right, I’m throwing him a party. It’s my right as the host to roast the birthday boy. Cheers, Capsicle. I hope your ass stays wrinkle-free for another year.”
“It’s America’s ass after all,” you grin at Tony. “A nice ass too. Cheers on Captain America’s ass and the man himself.”
“Uh-oh, I think Y/N is a little tipsy,” Bucky nudges Steve. “Come on. It’s your chance. If you stammer this time, she won’t remember and just laugh it off.”
“What do you mean?” Steve grunts.
“You have been pining over her for years,” Bucky rolls his eyes. He can’t believe his friend sometimes. “How much older do you want to grow to ask her out?”
Steve glances at you in your dress. You’re wearing a navy blue sleeveless retro vintage 1950s swing dress with white stars on it. It’s a beautiful flare dress with a dress halter pushing your cleavage up. You’re wearing a red neckerchief to complete the look.
His heart beats a little faster than usual when you grab two glasses of champagne and walk toward him. Bucky immediately leaves Steve’s side, giving his friend a thumbs up before disappearing into the crowd.
“Happy Birthday, Captain,” you smile at Steve, putting on your sweetest pout. “I hope it’s a good one, and that we can spend more birthdays together. I hope all of your wishes come true, Steve.” You hand him a glass of champagne. “I know you can’t get drunk but we should raise our glasses to your birthday.”
Steve’s eyes are glued to your crimson lips. You’re wearing a little more make-up than usual. Of course, it’s all fifties style.
“You look beautiful today,” he manages to get out and curses himself. “You always look good, but I like that dress.” His cheeks dimple when you put your hand on his chest. Steve prays you cannot feel his heart beat so fast it might jump out of his chest.
“Thank you, Steve,” you smile while saying his name. “Do you like your party?”
“Now that you’re here with me, I like it better,” Steve flashes you a sweet smile. He’s nervous, you can see his hand tremble, but you don’t mind. It’s kind of cute that this strong and handsome man is nervous around you.
“If that’s so,” you move a little closer to look up at Steve. Batting your eyelashes you purr his name. “Why don’t you dance with me? I have waited all night for you to dance with me.”
Steve clears his throat and straightens his back. “Y/N, would you give me the honor and dance with me.”
You giggle when he puts the glass of champagne away and takes yours out of your hand.
“Yes, Captain,” you take his offered hand. “I feared you’d never ask. What can a girl do but wait for a gentleman to ask her for a dance.”
Steve leads you toward the dancefloor, catching everyone’s attention as he finally makes a move. They don’t know you asked him for the dance, but it doesn’t matter the moment you place your arms on Steve’s shoulders. He smiles and puts his hands on your hips.
You start to sway, to the soft music they play. Getting lost in the song you rest your head on Steve’s chest and wrap your arms around him. He embraces you and welcomes your warmth while murmuring your name.
Steve closes his eyes. Having you in his arms is the fulfillment of his dreams. Everything falls into pieces for Steve. He’s the spar-spangled man with a plan after all. Even though, he needs years to finally have a dance with you…
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puckleberryfinnie · 8 months
covey!reader in the quarter quell (opening ceremony!!)
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read these first for this to make a bit more sense!
original idea post: click me!
introduction story: click me!
thank you to anyone who showed support in any way on the first introduction for this, it means a lot <33 there’s a lot of just reader content in this (mostly because I’m still working on doing a large amount of dialogue between characters), so if you want, you can skip to later down into this to find more interesting stuff!!
summary: reader goes through the opening ceremony process, meeting people along the way!! - reader meets a bunch of the characters! (Finnick, Johanna, Katniss and Peeta)
warnings: fem!reader, slight mention of ptsd?, alcohol, really bad writing (specifically dialogue)
“Get to know those new winners, the lovers. It’ll be good for your image,” she had said, pouring herself another cup. “It’s not lookin’ too good, kiddo. I’ll miss ya’, if I’m honest.”
Both of you knew your partner- the 50 year old, previous farmer, current jobless winner, would be no help to you. He’d made it known very early on that he hated you- hated the Covey as a whole, if we’re being honest. No amount of kindness, no amount of cheerful smiles could make this man like you. If he saw you in the games, he’d kill you. No hesitation, especially if it meant his chance at survival.
The predestined goodbyes made your heart ache, but in reality, they were better than none at all. Getting one last word in was something of importance to you, with anyone you loved. The games had forced you to realize the value of human life more than ever.
Those lovers, though. Katniss and Peeta- You’d have to understand them, before you arrived. Even if you couldn’t make it out alive, you’d like friends in your final moments. Someone to talk to. The last games had been filled with sleepless nights alone, humming melodies to the mockingbirds in the trees. “K-A-T-N-I-S-S,” typed slowly into your search engine device, one implanted into a high-tech table on the traveling train, headed for the Capital. Millions of articles popped up, lighting up the screen with bold titles, attached with colorful images. This Katniss girl, she was something different from the tributes you’d met. There was no determinable factor to it, she just had something about her that made you curious. You dismissed the thought, closing out the browser before turning your head, looking out the fast-moving train through the pristine, freshly cleaned windows.
It didn’t take too long for you to arrive at your all-too-familiar destination- the Capital buildings towering over you, providing shade for your short trip to the training/housing facility. There were people calling out your name as you walked along the gold paved path, asking you questions. All of them wanted to get the inside scoop on the nearly-dead, newly returned tributes, getting their last words before they reached the end of their life. You smiled, waved, said hello to the reporters before escaping them through the front doors of the tall building in front of you.
The outfits available to you for the opening ceremony were better this time around. Your stylist, bless her heart, knew nothing of Covey fashion, and struggled with finding something with farmy-like elements of District 11 while still reaching the level of luxury an event like this one required. This year’s selections were much better- she took the Covey’s bright colors, taking inspiration from patterns found in the little art markets that used to be found in District 11 and 12, tended to by Coveys looking for some extra money for dinner. You picked the one you found the most suitable for yourself, knowing you’d at least semi-match with your partner.
Exiting the building into an area close to the path for the ceremony, you saw many familiar tributes standing around. Johanna Mason. Finnick Odair. Beetee and sweet old Mags. Despite the screaming from the crowd who’d catched a glimmer of your appearance, you calmly walked towards your pair of horses, placed in front of District 12’s. Katniss was standing there, brushing her hand along her horse.
Walking up to Katniss wasn’t a problem- your mama raised you to be confident like that, knowing that’s the only way to live the Covey life. Smile raised, you prepared to give a classic Covey welcome, sure to draw anyone in!
“Katniss, right? Y/N L/N! I love the dress.”
Poor Katniss had been a bit frightened, not planning for anyone to approach her during this experience. She’d seen you before, though- in the games before hers. She’d remembered Prim saying something about her wanting to win the games like you had- no killing, no violence perpetrated on her part. It’d stuck with Katniss after her own games, knowing she’d played against her sisters ‘morality rules’ with her ever-lethal bow and arrow.
Haymitch had mentioned the girl, too- “she’s not much of a threat- that voice of hers is her only weapon when it comes down to it. But she’s smart- slick and sneaky in the arena. An ally like her would mean more sponsors (her adoring fans) and better hiding places.”
Before Katniss could even get in a word to you, a large arm was wrapped around your shoulders, making you tense up slightly before relaxing at the slight of the boy next to you. Finnick. Finnick Odair. You didn’t know him very well, but whenever you sang for those Capital parties, he’d make sure to send a compliment your way, sauntering off after talking for a moment.
“Now, what’re you girls talking about? Me, I’d suspect?” Finnick gave Katniss a nod before looking down at you, smirking.
“You wish, golden boy,” you laughed, taking a closer look at his ensemble of clothing (or lack thereof) for the evening. You turned back to Katniss, still very aware of the touch between you two.
Katniss gave a strange look to the two of you before saying “Yeah, definitely not talking about you… maybe that ridiculous outfit, though.”
“Ouch! I think it looks pretty nice, don’t you think, singer girl?”
“It’s alright, I guess. Not much to look at, though.” You answered.
“Oh, believe me, singer girl, there’s plenty to look at.” He winked, before walking off with a smile on his face.
You watched as he walked away, realizing what he was insinuating. You slowly turned back towards Katniss, shaking your head before resuming your conversation, the one left unattended when Finnick had blessed the girls with his presence. Now, however, a new person has joined your duo- Peeta. Peeta looked a lot kinder than Katniss, his overall aura more inviting.
“Anyways- I wanted to come meet you, given we’re the two newest winners.” You smiled before lowering your voice to a quiet whisper, leaning closer to the pair. “Covey has loved what you’ve done so far, with the movement and everything. I’ll help in any way I can.” Noticing the cameras pointed right towards you three from above you, you ended the conversation as quickly as possible with: “Well, thank you for your time! I better get to my ride before it leaves without me.” You waved before walking quickly to your place in line, fixing your outfit before getting ready in your pose.
The opening ceremony was the same as last year, for the most part. Not as much smiling, though. A lot more frowns and angry faces were found on the faces of tributes highlighted on the giant projector screen. You kept your smile, though. Smiling and waving is what you knew best. Before long, the event was over, and you found yourself heading to your assigned room. Considering your living space was the second highest floor (District 11 bonus!)taking an elevator was your most efficient mode of travel. There weren’t too many tributes left on ground floor level, most of them had found their way to their rooms at this point.
“Mind if I step in, Songbird?” Johanna Mason, leaning against the elevator door, smiling expectantly at you, waiting for an answer.
“No, no, I don’t mind. Come on in!”
Johanna strutted into the elevator, standing awfully close to you, both of your shoulders almost touching.”Thanks. Johanna, by the way.” She said, turning towards you.
“Lovely to meet you, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, believe me, I know your name. I see you singing those songs of yours all the time. Pretty good, if you ask me.”
“Oh? Well, thank you! It’s… disappointing that my music will be going away pretty soon… with the games and all…”
“I think there’s some more song left in you, Songbird.’ Johanna sent a slight smile your way before stepping forward with the ding of the elevator. The doors open to her floor, and she steps out before turning around again, “Nice talk, Y/N. See you soon.” The doors close, leaving you alone in the elevator.
You fell asleep promptly after arriving in your room- the day had been quite tiring for you, and you needed to prepare for the next day ahead of you, too. You’d begin training tomorrow, and soon enough you’d have your all-too-stressful skill evaluations. And there always was the impending doom shadowing over every thought in the form of the start of the games, just a week away. As you drifted off, you thought of relationships you’d form in these next days, vital to keep your ever-falling spirits from reaching rock bottom.
ooo they’re flirting with youuuu
I hope you guys liked this little part of the story, let me know if you want more or want to be added to the tag list for this series <33 I’m soso sorry this took me so long, too!! I already have some parts of another chapter started, so it should come sooner!! hopefully my writing had improved just a little, I promise I’m trying <33
tag list (love you cutie patooties so much 💋💋)
love ya!!
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lonepantheress · 1 year
♡ txt as summer jobs
pairing: ot5!txt
genre: crack
warnings: completely unserious.
a/n: my inspiration? work has been kicking my ass and i thought it'd be funny if a shitty summer job kicked their ass too! will be updating with a REAL FIC so soon
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Works everywhere and is somehow always broke
It starts to freak you out
Like you see him as your cashier getting ice cream
And then he’s stocking shelves at the store and you’re like, “Oh, that’s weird..”
And then he’s your waiter at a restaurant
And you’re like, “?????”
He’s all cute and nice and hates his job(s) and is like, “I’m saving for a car!”
But he can blow through a paycheck in like a week. 
If he’s your coworker omg I could imagine him being the coolest person ever.
Willing to pick up shifts, is fun to talk to when it isn’t busy, and gets shit done when it is.
I don’t see him being like the manager type, but the type that all the managers love even when he’s being super lazy just because he’s charming.
Really sweet barista at Starbucks 
The type that you run and tell your friends about after you see him because he’s so attractive and so nice
He hates his job though.
I could see him not being a manager but instead being a “team leader” which is basically a manager in training wheels.
Always stressed. Always saying, “I think I’m going to quit soon”
His ass is NOT quitting soon
Like- if he quit, his coworkers would probably cry
Constantly cleaning because he’s constantly knocking things over.
Any embarrassing customer experience? He can safely say he’s had it
Really good at saving his money well
Like… suspiciously good.
Works at like Forever 21 or something
And using “work” here loosely because he never shows up
How he isn’t fired a month in? Who knows.
A stickler for his job title too
“Oh, so you’re like a cashier at-”
“I’m actually a style consultant.”
He’s just a cashier with a fancy name.
He will hide in between clothing racks and play on his phone or chit-chat with someone else
And if he’s on register, he’s really not paying attention to his surroundings
“Hi, are you able to check me out?”
“Like, can I pay here?”
Will tell customers all the workarounds and codes and coupons they can stack without them even having to ask.
His giving out company secrets will probably get him fired before him never doing his job.
Works at some fast food spot and wins management over in like a week.
So efficient, so smart, so practical, he gets promoted in record time
the embodiment of this meme I'm sorry
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He’s genuinely very good at his job and not necessarily proud of it, just good at it.
And he’s only so good because he uses common sense.
The old ladies that come in love him and are like, “You remind me of someone I knew when I was in high school!”
Will not cover any shifts for the LIFE of him, he would actually prefer you call out before asking him to cover your shift for you
He’d also be so annoying to couponers. It’d basically become a battle of who knows the company policy better
GOD at saving money. Has a 401k and retirement and college fund.
Game stop employee
Like if you’re buying a game that he knows, you’re stuck for another half hour listening to him talk about it
He gets in trouble for stashing away things that get sold out quickly for himself
He’s actually so sweet to the nerdy little kids in the store
But he also would tell their parents, “This game has a lot of violence and gore btw!!!!!” before they buy it for their kid
As a coworker would have the most fucked up inconsistent schedule
Shows up every day for 2 weeks in a row
And then disappears
And then shows up every day again and you’re like “hello???”
Would initiate the oddest small talk ever while the store is empty
“Do you ever wonder if a little pebble in your shoe is actually your toe rolling around?”
“Yeah, me neither.”
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her.
Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: Fast paced in a way. Six month time skip. Pregnancy. Buggy's a little insistent and sulky. Talk of child abandonment. A/N: Now that Birdie has a name I think of her a lot tbh.
Title comes from “Girl in the Garden” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6
Chapter 4
Six months had passed by when he walked into the bakery. You grimaced when you saw him, shaking your head as he tried not to make eye contact, looking everywhere but at you. You didn’t remember his name after meeting him those few times, but he remembered you by the small smile he gave you as he placed an order for a cake.
“Who’s birthday is it?” You asked as you wrote down the order. “And what’s a name for pickup?”
“It’s for Darby’s birthday.” Cabaji said quickly; you looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“So, his half birthday then?” You said as you straightened up a bit. “Since his birthday was six months ago, which is when I met him and his dad.”
“It’s… the Captain’s birthday?” 
“For a pirate, you’re really bad at lying.” You pointed out as you ripped the order off the pad and tore it up. “I thought pirates were good at it.” You sighed and rubbed your face. “Look, just buy a dozen cupcakes and call it good, okay? I don’t know why you’re here with your terrible lies but I don’t have time for it.”
“R-Right.” He took the box he was given of assorted cupcakes and gave you some berry before leaving, but not before looking back at you once more before he stepped out the door. Why he had to come check on you and not the Captain himself was something Cabaji was curious about. Darby spent the last six months talking about you, asking when you’d come and cook pancakes again, and to his credit, Buggy was patient and kind with the kid with all the questions but he took the frustrations of the situation out on his crew.
Buggy wasn’t handling it well, the way things ended between you two and Cabaji had seen it firsthand. He knew his Captain had a big heart, one that often opened up when he thought he’d found a kindred soul, someone he could fall in love with and sail the seas together, but when you walked out after breakfast that morning, he was shattered, even if he didn’t tell it to anyone, but Cabaji saw it. 
When Buggy saw they would be near your town again, he sent Cabaji out to check in on you. And boy, Cabaji had news to share and he wasn’t sure how the captain was going to take it.
Once he delivered the cupcakes to the kitchen, he sought out Buggy. He was in Darby’s room, brushing his son’s hair out while trying to figure out how to style it for the day. The three year old hated sitting still but Buggy had given him some blocks to distract himself with while he worked. Cabaji knocked on the door and cleared his throat; Buggy looked up and glared at him.
“I saw her, sir.” 
“She’s… changed.” Cabaji trailed off and Buggy rolled his eyes.
“How? She get a haircut, grow shorter, or is she missing some limbs? I don’t really care, I was just curious.” He said as he began to braid Darby’s hair. 
“She’s pregnant, Captain Buggy.”
Buggy stopped what he was doing and slowly looked over at Cabaji. “She’s what now?”
“Pregnant.” He said hesitantly. “I didn’t… ask how far along she was.”
“Did she have a ring?”
“I didn’t see one.”
Buggy nodded slowly and turned back to his son. “You can go.”
“I said go.” His hand flew at Cabaji, pushing him out of the room before yanking the door shut. So, you were pregnant. You must have found a man shortly after Buggy which didn’t sit well with him. It wasn’t as if you belonged to him or that he was the jealous type, he just… wanted to know what you’d been up to since you left the ship during breakfast and broke his son’s little heart. It wasn’t that Buggy cared about you, no, he just didn’t like seeing his son so sad. You two weren’t in any sort of relationship after two days, but maybe he needed to pay you a visit, just to say hi, check in with you, that sort of thing.
When you walked up to the bakery the next day, you noticed someone was waiting outside. That wasn’t too unusual, often someone was waiting for the place to open so they could grab a breakfast pastry and coffee, completely normal, but it was just that when you got closer and saw who it was, you paused for a moment. He hadn’t changed in six months, still had his blue hair hidden, his makeup was still smeared, and his nose just as red.
“Uh… hi.” You weren’t really sure what to say. You didn’t expect to see him. “Bakery opens in an hour.”
“The donuts were tasty, Darby wanted more.” Buggy said with a shrug. “Wanted to be first in line to get the best ones.”
“Those were cupcakes.”
Buggy paused for a moment before shrugging again. “Same thing.”
You sighed and unlocked the door, gesturing for him to follow you in. This was a dumb idea, why were you doing this? Why were you letting him into your place of work while you tried to get ready for the day? You locked the door behind him and went to make him a cup of coffee.
“Why are you here?” You asked with a frown. “Is Darby okay?”
His gaze softened just a bit at you asking about his son. He nodded as he took a seat. “He's fine. Growing like seaweed.”
You didn't correct him as you brought him his coffee. He grabbed your wrist gently before you could pull away, looking up at you, eyes briefly flickering to your growing stomach.
“So, find some hot guy to make an honest woman outta ya?”
“Not exactly.” You said; his eyes narrowed and you sighed, removing yourself from his grasp and putting his hand on your stomach. “I was pretty shocked, the two times I wasn't careful and some goofy pirate knocked me up.”
“Yep.” You stepped away from him and headed to the kitchen. He got up to follow, leaving the coffee behind. “Six months along. Kinda getting tired of being on my feet all day.” 
“Why are you still working then?”
It was hard not to snap an answer back at him. Admittedly, you found the fool to be handsome, it was hard not to in some ways, but he was certainly dumb sometimes. You bit back a retort as you started to bend down to get something but Buggy’s hands were there to help you. You pointed out what you needed and they grabbed them, putting them up on the counter for you.
“I can't not work, Buggy. I need money, especially with this little one on the way.” You sighed. “And then once the baby is born, I'll be coming to work with them because… I don't have anyone to help me.”
“I still have an open position on my ship.” Buggy said without missing a beat. “I… still want someone to help with Darby.”
“What, like a nanny?” You asked. Before, the idea was crazy to you. But now, with the baby growing inside you, it didn't sound half bad. Keeping up with the running of the bakery was driving you crazy. You’d come home exhausted, achy, feet sore and swollen. It was hard to want to get out of bed some mornings to do it all over again. You didn’t know how to pace yourself, barely even giving yourself a day off most of the time, and as you reflected on that for a moment, the invite did sound enticing. Maybe it was the changing hormones and emotions, but you ended up nodding. “Do I get my own room, or…”
“Own room, you take care of Darby, I'll pay you, it's quite the life, y’know.” Buggy shrugged. “He'd love to have you around.”
“Is he the only one?” You asked as you tapped one of his hands, pointing to a large mixing bowl that was up high. “Look, I didn't mean to leave the way I did, I just… was concerned with what you said. I really liked those two days with you, and I loved spending time with Darby.”
Buggy just shrugged. “He loved spending time with you and having you on the ship.”
You smiled softly and looked at him. “I just… need a few days to take care of some things.”
The way Darby's eyes lit up when he saw you at breakfast one morning made you think the decision to come aboard was the right one. He completely ignored Buggy in favor of hurrying over to you and holding his arms up to be picked up, which you did, pulling him into your lap, which was just a little uncomfortable with your stomach being in the way, but he didn't seem to mind. He was just happy to see you.
“Clearly you're the favorite.” Buggy sighed as he fixed Darby’s plate for him. You had arrived the night before after Darby went to bed. Buggy gave you the Grand Tour of the ship, finishing off where your room was, the small storage room that was between Buggy's and Darby's room and it was perfect. He had it converted pretty quickly and you appreciated it, even though you ended up sleeping with Buggy that night.
“I can't help it.” You chuckled as you hugged Darby, kissing him on the forehead as he made himself comfortable on your lap. “I missed you, Darby. I'm excited to spend time with you!”
“With me?” He looked up at you with a frown. “Why?”
“She's going to stay with us for a bit, sweetheart.” Buggy told him as he set Darby's plate down in front of you, as well as your own. “She's going to live with us! That's great, right?”
“Really?” The little boy's eyes lit up as he looked at you. The smile on his face tugged at your heart and oh, you couldn't believe that you were going to do this, live on a pirate ship while pregnant, helping the captain raise this adorable child. 
“Oh, he's precious.” You chuckled as you hugged him. “Really! I'll get to play with you, we can cook and do whatever you want, Darby.”
Buggy wasn't sure he could handle the scene in front of him. Darby had the biggest smile on his face as he looked up at you while you had one arm around him while you used the other to start feeding yourself. It was apparent what kind of person you were with how attached his son was to you already, even after meeting you the first time and wandering off to see you the next day. Darby still didn't even go near most of the crew and they knew him since he was a baby.
It was a little too sweet and Buggy finally managed to look away, focusing on his own food while you answered Darby’s questions between bites while also encouraging the three year old to eat as well. Was this going to work out? It had been Buggy and Darby for the kid's entire life and now here you were, pregnant with Darby’s sibling, joining the family in some way. 
Buggy realized there was going to need to be some conversations happening.
“Can Darby call you mom?”
It was just before lunchtime the day you arrived. Darby was down for a nap while you were in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the three of you. You knew the two of you would need to talk, lay down rules, expectations and boundaries, things like that, but you just didn't expect that question out of the blue like that.
“Do you want him to?” You asked, looking up from the cheese sandwiches you were currently toasting. “I mean, I think it would be confusing if this new baby comes and we are saying ‘mommy and daddy’ around it, and he just calls you daddy…”
“I want him to be able to.” Buggy said a little too quickly. You frowned as he went to grab plates for the three of you. He hesitated for a second before looking at you. “Look, Darby’s mom didn't want him. We… we had a fling, I didn't know she was pregnant, and when I came to visit her, she told me either I take the kid or he goes to an orphanage.” He took a moment, cleared his throat, before adding, “He was a little baby, y’know. He was just a few weeks old and that bitch wanted to leave him at an orphanage.”
“Oh, Buggy…” You swallowed the lump in your throat and rubbed your eyes, trying to ignore the tears threatening to well up. “That's horrible.”
“I wasn't going to put my son through that. And… and he is my son, it's pretty obvious, and it hasn't been easy but I love that kid.” Buggy continued, no longer looking at you as he set the table. “Y’know, never thought I'd be a dad. Didn't think it was a possibility, but… here I am, raising one kid with another on the way.”
You lowered the heat on the stove before walking over to Buggy and touching his arm to get his attention. He glanced over at you and you took his hand, placing it on your swollen belly.
“We both know this isn't going to be perfect, we're probably going to fight and have other issues, but I'm fine if Darby wants to call me mom.” You told him as he sat down on a chair and leaned into you, resting his cheek on your stomach. “But I don't want to force it, let it happen naturally, okay?”
“Yea…” He trailed off, eyes closed as he made himself comfortable against you. You didn't move for a moment, rubbing his shoulder gently. 
“Are you sleepy?” You asked; he nodded. “Okay, I think it's time for you to take a nap after lunch. I'll take care of Darby so you can get some rest.”
“I'm too old for naps.” He mumbled in response.
“I feel like I had this conversation already today.” You chuckled as your fingers moved from his shoulder to the back of his neck. He shuddered, leaning into you further, and you kept it up for a few more minutes. “Okay, I need to get Darby up for lunch. After you eat, you take your nap.”
Buggy tilted his head up to scowl at you but you weren't bothered by it. You already saw that scowl on a three year old when you put him down for his nap a few hours ago. You just patted Buggy on the cheek before pulling away to plate the sandwiches before going off to collect Darby.
This was all either going to work out or explode into millions of pieces.
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fineghkst · 1 year
please let me know if you find any mistakes
tags: forbidden love; mentions of arranged marriage; angst; enemies to lovers
He was sitting on the armchair while reading a book. The perfect aligned hair was now messy, and he let four buttons of his shirt open, exposing his chest to the moonlight that entered the room through the window. Emanating a tranquillity that did not exist beyond those walls. It was the only moment he left all responsibilities behind.
He has so beautiful, almost looking vulnerable, but you knew all Vanserra’s were lethal like daggers. Eris was like a fallen angel right in front of your eyes.
It was rare to see Eris Vanserra without the mask of Beron’s son. During your short meetings, Eris was just a fae without titles and obligations. And so we’re you. It was all pretending, creating your own universe, like a parallel timeline where you two could stay together.
Out of that little world, he was your enemy.
You stared at him, seeing his focussed look in the book. His chest going up and down while he was breathing.
Gods, you were in love with him.
— Little Fox — Eris said almost purring that pet name he gave you, without taking his eyes from the book — I already told you to stop undressing me with your eyes while I’m distracted.
He closed the book, putting on the small desk beside. Eris gave you a penetrating look, making you blush. He got up, walking to your direction.
— You can simply undress me if you want me. — He stopped in front of you, making you look up because of the height difference.
You approached him, embracing your arms around his neck. He smiled before leaning in to kiss you. It didn’t took long for the kiss to get more desperate. Eris had his hands on your waist, squeezing it and bringing you the closer he could.
Eris showed how much he missed you, how he craved for you. How he wish that little word were expanded, turning into real life.
He left small bites on your lips before breaking the kiss, leaving both of you breathless.
— Fuck, I hate this. I hate to wait so long to be with you. I hate to pretend I fucking despise you. — Eris said, leaning his forehead on yours — It’s turning impossible. I can’t act like this with the person I love, the person I want to build a future with.
— I know, Eris — You could feel his sadness. Even if he wanted a future by his side, it was impossible when your families hated each other for centuries.
That relationship was supposed to have an expiration date. The agreement had one rule: no feelings. Just a fast experience to finally put an end at the tension between you two.
Years have passed and you still together, except it wasn’t a agreement anymore. The only rule has been broken a long time ago.
Eris was the first to admit he was in love. He wanted to runaway with you, dropping all the responsibility that was thrown on his back and freeing you from yours. He had constructed a detailed plan, you just had to say yes. If you said yes Eris would make sure both of you were never seen again.
That was the first and last time you saw him beg.
Even if it hurt, even if it broke your heart into thousands of pieces, making it impossible to rebuild it again, you denied. You denied him, breaking his heart.
How could you leave your family behind? There was to many people counting on you. After all, heir expectations were created long before you were born.
That was too much to bare, seeing him slowly destroying himself because of what was supposed to be a simple agreement. You thought it would be better to stay away from him, ending everything, so you created a new rule: staying away from Eris.
Soon you found out that a rule imposed on itself could cause the worst type of pain.
That world that only existed for you two was completely shattered. You and Eris were living now in a grey world, painted with sad eyes covered by hatred looks and apology requests suffocated by public offenses. None of you could live in a reality were you’re only enemies.
After months, both of you couldn’t take that distance anymore, so you broke the rule for him. Again.
You and Eris were condemned, condemned to a vortex of destruction. You knew that fake world was restricted by walls, and soon enough, he would be completely destroyed again. Permanently.
— Don’t marry him — He whispered, afraid if he said that worlds out loud the engagement would turn real.
— I don’t have a choice.
— Of course you do. I’m giving you a choice right now. — He caressed your face, gently — We don’t need to runaway. Just marry me.
— Eris… — You stepped back, chocked to hear that request — You know we can’t. Our families would never approve.
— I know. But we don’t need their approval if they only found out after we are married.
— Your father will never forgive you, neither my family.
— I don’t care. — He said, moving away from you. The anger had dominated his face — Your family wants to give you on a platter to a stranger because of a stupid alliance. My father, on the other hand, never thought twice before torturing me, his own son. I’m tired of pretending to be someone I’m not. Tired of being terrorized by him.
— That’s insane. — You said — What we are supposed to do? Get married in secret and then face everyone after?
— I will fucking burn this entire world if I have to. I will destroy all of them, my Little Fox. I promise that to you. — His eyes were stuck in you, allowing you to see all the pain, all the suffering and despair he felt. Eris would really sacrifice everything, fight with the whole fucking world only to have you by his side.
— You understand that you want to risk losing everything? Including having a crown on your head, even after preparing your whole life to assume the throne? — You said and he laugh like it was the funniest joke — What’s so funny?
— Can’t you understand? No crown will be as valuable as you. I’m willing to risk everything, because if I lose you, then I'll be losing everything that matters to me. — Eris approached you again, holding your hands and looking inside your eyes — Please… just say yes. Say yes to me and I will destroy all their rules and impositions to which they restricted us. Say yes, my Little Fox, and I promise to love you until my last breath.
Your heart was beating so fast that it seemed it would fly from your chest at any moment. Eris was standing before you, begging to finally be accept. He waited years and would wait for centuries if necessary, but you couldn’t allow him to torture himself anymore.
It was probably the biggest mistake you ever committed, starting that agreement, then loving your enemy. Possibly, a deep lapse of sanity, but you couldn’t endure blindly obeying the laws imposed by your family anymore. They lived their lives, created their own wars, but now it was time for you to finally free yourself from all ties.
It was as if your lips had acquired life of its own when the three letters came out of your vocal cords to the outside word, making the walls of that little universe you made explode.
— Yes.
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kangshxrtie · 1 year
ch. 8 ⤍ valorant
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"hiii chat today i'm gonna be playing valorant with kazuha" you greeted your stream once you started.
"we're dating now by the way" you added.
user1 cap
"i'm telling y'all the truth. she's my girlfriend"
user2 you have one of those?
"i get enough of this shit from my friends. i can pull and i'll show y'all today" you told your chat.
user3 sounds delulu
"i will put this shit in emote only" you gave out false threats.
user4 you won't
"okay i take it back, i'm sorry" you apologized.
user5 you better
"y'all bully me too much"
user6 it's our love language
"i think we all as a community should be a little bit nicer. i like to be appreciated"
user7 nahh we good
"i swear my chat shits on me more than the people that hate me do" you chuckled.
user8 FK THEM! only we can do that
"i do love y'all though so please sub to my channel because i've ordered food every day this week. i'm about to be broke"
naoi.rei sounds personal
"rei? how are you chatting right now, i haven't unbanned you yet?" you asked confused.
naoi.rei i unbanned myself
"sounds illegal, i'm reporting you for hacking" you joked.
you talked with your chat for a couple more minutes while waiting for kazuha to message you that she was ready. while you were reading comments one particular comment stood out.
"why? is it embarrassing?" you asked going to look at kazuha's stream.
duo's with bae @gameryn
"see! chat i told you we were dating! don't call me delusional anymore" you exclaimed after seeing the title.
"i should change mine then, it's only fair…" you said out loud going to change yours.
duo's with my gf @k_a_z_u_h_a__
"can you send me your name so i can add you?" you had just gotten into a call with kazuha on discord and were ready to play.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ Today at 7:48 PM bbyongbong #2252
"what is your name?" you asked while laughing.
"it's blackpinks lightstick" she answered making you nod your head in understandment. you typed it in and added her.
while waiting in queue for a match you talked about ranks and the game.
"you know how long it took me to get out of gold! i was there for almost a year!" you complained to the japanese girl.
"if we lose all our games and derank, please do not be mad at me" kazuha said to you.
"kazuha i swear if you throw and i go back back to gold i will actually never talk to you again" you told her.
"i will not purposely throw" she replied.
"i don't trust that but i'll believe you for now" after that conversation the game found a match and you picked your characters.
once the game started you stood in front of her character in game, "you wanna trade skins? my gun sings"
"yess give me" you dropped the skin and grabbed hers.
since the round hadn't started yet you went to go type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn im in y'all gameryn spectrum classic > any other classic
next round you bought a vandal dropping it on her body before she could tell you to sell it.
"dropping a vandal on round two is crazy! how can you afford this?" kazuha asked.
"i trust you'll use it well" you told her with a smile on your face.
"this is why you were stuck in gold"
"now that's just rude" you shook your head at her words, "it might be true though"
since you didn't have anything but a class you died fast and started spectating kazuha.
"you have such a great flank" you told her after she killed the second person. she turned the corner to kill the third person.
"yes, they don't know you're there" you said as she killed the fourth one.
"last one is boat" one of your teammates who just died commed.
she went forward and once she saw him she immediately head shotted the last person.
"holy shit that 4K, you're so hot for that" you hyped kazuha up.
"see! i knew you would do the vandal justice" you said as the next round started.
"it was still a crazy purchase"
during the next round, the enemy phoenix popped and kazuha killed him immediately. she got out of the corner she was hiding in and killed the sage. she held that same corner waiting for another enemy to pop out and they do, killing that one as well.
"hold on i'll bait for you" you told her running up and dying immediately letting kazuha know exactly where they were.
the saw the last one but they both missed their shots so chamber teleported behind making kazuha turn around. since she was hidden behind a wall she planted the spike.
the enemy chamber peeked the corner and kazuha killed him, winning the round and getting an ace.
"that's my duo!" you cheered.
"can you coach me please! i wanna play like you"
"yes! this is my moment" kazuha sat up to become even more focused.
after the round ended you asked kazuha what could have been done better to not die.
"uhm… next time try killing them… i don't know"
"kazuha you literally died first"
"i actually didn't die first; i died second"
"okay… i guess that is a little bit better than first"
"blue dude is windowwwww" you yelled out before dying.
kazuha jumped over a wall before killing the second to last person. she pulled out her knife to get the enemy's gun and died to the last standing person on the enemy team.
"why were you hopping around like that, were you trying to throw?" you asked genuinely.
"you said she was window!" kazuha retorted.
"i said blue dude! viper was unknown"
"okay then that was my fault" kazuha admitted.
"that was really concerning and if you keep playing like that i will leave this lobby" you told kazuha.
"i didn't say anything when you bought me a vandal on ROUND TWO but this is the kind of treatment i get" the japanese girl sighed.
"i believed in you" you simply replied. while you were waiting on the next round to start you took the chance to type in kazuha's chat.
gameryn kazuha is a pro thrower
"this is slander. suing you for defamation" kazuha said after reading your chat.
"why is everyone dead?" you asked once you realized you were alone, "kazuha help me!"
"sova is probably watching the flank" you peeked the corner to see the sova watching a different angle so you swung and headshot him, "yes now the other one has an op, but don't worry you're better. you have a double satchel so use that to swing quickly"
you swung the sage missing every shot, and needing to switch guns before finally head shotting her with a pistol.
"i only saw the last shot. that was so clean" kazuha told you.
gameryn get you a coach that lies to you 😍😍
"maybe you are a good coach" you said afterward.
"see! tell somebody to sign me" she exclaimed.
"you are signed"
"oh shit i am. don't tell my team i said that"
when the next round started you quickly pushed out and killed the first person before quickly moving to cover. you pulled out your ult, unfortunately missing it all. you slowly peeked out from the corner and killed the second one before moving some more and killing the third one from a distance.
you went around hoping to get the fourth one from behind which you luckily did.
"my ace!" you called out just as kazuha killed the last person.
"you have to earn it"
"i actually felt like i deserved that one" you said sadly.
"if only you would have killed them faster than me"
you playfully rolled your eyes before going to kazuha's chat to quickly type something before the next round started.
gameryn L coach
"maybe you would've gotten that ace if you would stay out of my chat and focused on the game" kazuha said.
"kazuha is the worst coach" you told your chat but didn't mute.
"you're unmuted" she told you.
"i know it was on purpose" you replied.
you two won that game and while you were waiting on the next game to start, you started talking about random stuff.
"we should have couple names and become edaters" you suggested to kazuha.
"immediately no" kazuha said.
"but it would be cute"
"i'll pass"
"yeah… that probably is for the best"
the game started and y'all were on the character picking so you asked kazuha, "coach who should i play on this map"
kazuha thought about it for a second, looking at everybody that already picked, "smokes, but of course whoever you're comfortable with"
"so omen" you locked it in.
it was the fourth round when you shot at a wall randomly hoping to at least get one, "that was all me, i got so much info"
"you spent the whole round shooting at a wall"
"yeah and we found out they weren't there"
a couple of rounds later as the spike was about to go off you saw the phoenix ult so you stood behind waiting for his ult to end.
"knife him" kazuha told you and you pulled out your knife successfully knifing him once the body returned.
"two more, there's no way we lose here" kazuha said while waiting for the next game to start. the game was currently 11-3.
"we're definitely losing after that" and you were right.
which led to this moment where you were the last two standing. the score was 11-7.
"i have blind" you told kazuha.
"do it" she told you and threw your blind, then went back to hold the cross with kazuha. you got the kill from the back.
kazuha threw one of her abilities down and you shot the last one threw the wall.
"niceee" kazuha said.
"we've done it. best duo out there. nobody can top us" you said.
it was 12-7 and one of your teammates stuck the bomb before dying and you killed one of the three people left. you teleported away from the bomb watching it from a further angle.
the enemy omen set down a smoke and your teammates pinged the spike for you which you sprayed at, successfully killing the person on spike.
you pushed into the smoke immediately seeing the enemy omen and killed him, winning the game.
"so i think my coaching was successful" kazuha gloated, "i helped you win us that game"
"you were a terrible coach. one star, but only because you're pretty"
"i'll take it" she smiled.
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barbiecrocs · 1 year
Hard to hate.
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Eddie Munson
tags! enemies to lovers, no piv, no spoilers for s4, oral (female receiving), fingering, teasing, pet names (princess), name calling (dingus), hair pulling, cumming in pants, underage drinking
I think that's it. Lemme know if I missed something.
Barbies note...So I mention the Cityman Nokia but that came out in 87 so the story is set really early 87 and they are abt the graduate. Ik the time line doesnt make sense, but dont worry abt it😝. Anyway, enjoyyyy
You loved your friends, and it's been a while since you've last hung out, but what you wouldn't give right now to be home alone with a bag of hot fries and some horror flicks. Yeah, sure you said, "Steeeeeeeevie, we should kick it at your house tonight." Making finger guns at him while everyone piggybacks off of that thought. Robin butting in, "Fast times?" She nods with two thumbs ups directed at an unamused Steve.
 "Ugh, again?" Nancy complains, rightfully so. 
"What, it's a good movie." Robin gestures to you as back up, but you put your hands up in defense, not wanting to pick sides. It was a good movie though, but at the same time, it was worn out.
"No, that movie is so run through by all of us. How many times have we rented it from Family Video now? For heaven's sake, I'd rather watch a horror movie at this point!"
"Wow, Nancy. Daredevil, you. Maybe we a porno instead or something. Eddie wouldn't mind, nor would Steve." She teases. 
And that's where you exit the convo. At the name drop of Eddie. Your eyes flicker around the video store, eye catching titles such as Nightmare on Elms Street, Sixteen Candles, and Fame pop out at you before you catch Steve mouthing a Fuck you while giving you the jack-in-the-box middle finger. Cranking and cranking until it pops out. You give him a playful smirk and an eyeroll, typing in the 'F•r•i•e•n•d•s' group chat that's name was always being changed to some joke like 'Brad's bud-lings' or Linda's Bralette. All Fast Times references made by Robin, each one deserving an eyeroll. "HANG OUT AT STEVE'S TONIGHT!!" you relay. Even though the only person you'd be informing is Eddie and maybe Chrissy if she reads the group chat. Only popping in to say hi every few weeks. 'What could possibly be keeping her so busy?' The question always circles your mind before being brushed off. 
Steve's phone pings, looking down at it in hopes that it doesn't say what he thinks it says. Nope, it says exactly what he didn't want it to say. He glares at you, gently bumping shoulders with you when he walks over, inching his way down to your ear. "I hope you know that you're driving them." He taps your shoulder for fake comfort, not understanding the big problem.
 The feeling of a headache coming on from the noisy car says it all. You should've taken the warning when Steve dished it, too bad you didn't know. Nancy and Eddie talk loudly in the backseat, trying to hear each other over Madonna's 'Material Girl' that Robin put into your car's DVD player. 
 'A couple more blocks. Just a couple more blocks and I can just chill at Steve's house and watch movies or whatever he has planned this time. Maybe we'll watch Fast Times again, it never gets old. Or something new like Pretty in Pink, yea that came out recently.' The thought relaxes you before Robin brings back all the stress, placing a lukewarm beer on your skater denim thighs. Your favorite low-rise jeans. They were a dark wash color, a perfect fit and were tattered with embroidered stars with a little distress.
 "Care for a beer?" She asks, a tad too loud for your close proximity, "Oh my god Robin, for the last time, NO.  And you reek of beer, get back." She rolls her eyes at your order, "Ugh rude! Don't be such a bummer, just take the beer. See? Here, I'll help you since your hands are full." She drunkenly puts the unopened beer can to your lips, tipping it up and down. "Huh, nothing's coming out, strange-", you grab both of her wrists with one hand and turn down the volume, "Robin! For heaven's sake please put it down, you're blocking my vision. Gosh, who the hell let her sit in the front! Guys mind giving me a hand? Geez!" You continuously swat Robin's hands away while trying to keep a steady steering hand. "Princess, you let her sit in the front. Remember? So, you did that to yourself." 
"Okay well, I wasn't expecting much help from you anyway. And stop calling me princess, dingus." 
"Stop calling me dingus, princess." He retorts with a chuckle in his voice. That motherfucker, he probably gets off on stressing and teasing you.
 Nancy grabs onto the back of your seat, pulling herself towards you, "Nuh uh, no, not today. Both of you shut up. You're acting like children. Why do you hate each other so much anyway?" You both shut up, waiting for the other to give a response.
 You didn't answer because you didn't actually hate Eddie. You only acted like this because he hated you first. Well, you interpreted it as hate. He would just straight up ignore you. You used to have a crush on him, giggling like a little schoolgirl when he'd pass you in the halls. You thought that maybe he was just dense, but then your best friend Chrissy exposed your little crush to him. Yet, he still did nothing about it. 
 None of that mattered your junior year though. You decided to put yourself out there like Chrissy did. You were social, prettier, and had the school's hotshot, Jason Carver on your arm. He wasn't your type, but everyone kissed the ground you walked on so why complain? Why complain about the times he would chew with his mouth open? Why complain about the times he'd brag about how your tits bounced when he fucked you? Totally leaving out the part where he only lasted 30 seconds of the "pounding" he gave you. You'd always rant about it to Chrissy, both of you rolling your eyes and snickering when he'd talk about it.
 Through Chrissy, you met Steve, Nancy, and Robin, all your best friends to this day. Y'all would go out for milkshakes, watch movies, go to the mall and have a blast. Things were settling down nicely for your senior year. 
 But then, Eddie wormed his way back into your life through your shared friends and classes. Suddenly, ignoring and hating him was starting to get exhausting. How could you hate someone with good music taste? You'd act disgusted when his trashy drug den of a van pulled into the school's student parking lot or Steve's driveway. Then you'd notice Metallica's 'battery' pouring out the speakers of his car and can't help but bob your head.
 Then there was his sweet and smile. His smile was angelic. All the leather studded jackets and band patches in the word couldn't dim the brightness that is his smile. It was a little crooked, but his lips were perfect.
 And his hair– God, his hair. How much you longed to curl your fingers in his soft frizzy locs. Run your fingers through and grip it at the scalp while he devours you like a starved man– No. You are past that phase and over him. But as you'd like to think, none of that mattered anymore. You broke up with Jason, still had your friends, and still didn't like Eddie. If only you knew that Eddie never actually hated you either.
You swallow hard at the question that sits tensely in the air between you two. He notices your silence on the topic, a smug grin easing its way to his face, "Cat got your tongue?" You can hear the teasing sarcasm in his voice, practically oozing out his mouth. "Oh yeah? Why don't you answer it? You have a mind and mouth of your own." Glares exchange through the rear view mirror before you break away.
 "Nancy, please." You plea, not waiting for Eddie's clapback. Nancy sighs, not wanting to hear you both argue like kids anymore. "Okay. Come on Robin, you've had enough time in the front seat." She skillfully maneuvers Robin out the front seat and buckles her into the back with them, all in the blink of an eye. "Thank you." You give her a sickly sweet smile and shoot Eddie a nasty look. A couple more turns and you arrive at Steve's house.
 "We're here, kids. Get the hell out of my car." You joke. "Let me remind you to never have kids." Eddie chuckles. You try your hardest to seem indifferent from that and the banter you had with him in the car, but your demeanor still slips from under your hands. "Right, says the druggie and seller. Plus, I don't think your house is in living condition for kids or anyone ever." You slam your car door, locking it and marching up to Steve's door with a tired look plastered on your face. 
"Hah, she called you a druggie. Me personally, Eddie. I wouldn't take that." Robin laughs, leaning on Nancy's shoulder as she pulls her out the backseat. Eddie punches her arm, "Yeah whatever. And you know damn well that you'd take that." 
"Yeah, I would." She bites her lip in thought.
You bang on Steve's door again, pulling out your phone to call him since he still hasn't answered the door. You guys have been standing out on the porch for what, 5 minutes? "Knock again, maybe you didn't do it hard enough." Nancy suggests. You knock again, putting your ear to the door. "Oh wow, look at Sherlock over here." He taunts and you flip him off. "Shut up. There's music blasting through the door. No wonder he can't hear us." "Okay well, can you make him hear us, because Robin's really heavy." Nancy readjusts Robin on her shoulder while you dial Steve's number on your Cityman Nokia. "Well, aren't you updated with the times?" Eddie glares at your phone. It had just dropped at the beginning of the year. Within seconds of it ringing the door flies open with a casually dressed Steve leaning against the doorway and a turkey sandwich in his hand.
 He takes a bite, "So how was the drive?" A genuine question that you can't help but lean into his chest, head first. "Haha, very funny. You knew damn well what you were doing when you said I was driving." You put more of your weight onto him and he pats the top of your head for comfort. "Oh haha. Lemme guess, Robin road in the front?" You nod, "Damn, drunk?" You nod again as he looks up from the top of your head to Robin. "Damn, want a sandwich?" You nod once more. "Can we please hurry this interaction up or give me a hand." Nancy gestures to Robin. Steve finishes his sandwich and shuffles you inside.
"Mhm! Oh my god, Steveeeee." You moan, dancing in your seat. "This is so good!" Eddie rolls his eyes at your chipperness. The entirety of bacon, lettuce, tomato, avocado, and turkey all toasted on one sandwich. Steve laughs, enjoying your enjoyment. "Glad you like it. I usually have mine with chips, but I ate the last bag yesterday."
 "That's fine. Got any pop?" You bounce happily in your chair before your mood is abruptly ruined by Eddie interjecting from the other side of the island. "I'm sorry, what? Pop? You mean soda? Hell, I'd even take soda pop or fizzy pop, but just pop?" You stop dancing to give emphasis to you not liking his tone or the fact that he was talking to you in general. "Yes, just pop. Steve knows what I'm talking about anyway. Isn't that right?" You put a hand out waiting for said drink to be put in your hand. The refrigerator opens and closes and the cold drink is placed into your palm then you shove it in his face. It was Coca-cola. Eddie sighs, fingers rubbing the space between his eyes, not bothering to continue the argument. "Dingus." You say under your breath, cracking open the can. 
"So, what do you guys want to do?" Steve pauses, rounding the counter and plopping down on the floor across from Nancy and Robin. "Because I don't have a movie planned."
 A sharp gasp comes from Robin. "No Fast Times?"
"No? That movie is worn out anyway. Maybe another day though." He says, getting up to look at his movie catalog before Nancy excitedly jumps up. "YES! THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING. IT'S SO WORN OUT." She says, earning a silent laugh from you. You catch Eddie glaring at you once more. "Why can't you ever take your eyes off of me? I always catch you staring." You say, finishing your sandwich. "Because, I'm just so in love. Your beauty is captivating, my love." He says, almost making it sound genuine, but the hint of sarcasm gives it away. "Oh, watch out. You almost made me fall for it." You finish your sandwich and join the others in the living room.
"How about marry, kiss, kill?" You suggest, taking a memory foam pillow from the sofa and sitting down at the coffee table. Robin suddenly takes interest in the convo ever since getting shut down for the movie. "Ooooh, good one. How about we add fuck, too. Just to spice it up." 
 Eddie joins the rest of you in the living room, plopping down on the sofa between Nancy and Robin as she starts the game. "Hmm. Nancy, you first. Jason, Fred, Chance, and Steve." Her face scrunches up with every name drop, the look of disgust written all over it. "Fred?! You just had to put that one in there." She pauses, shooting Robin a devastated look as you snicker. Oh the betrayal. Robin rolls her eyes, finally starting to come back to herself after all the cups of cold water Nancy shoved down her throat. "Oh come on, spit it out." 
"Alright, fine. This is speaking as if me and Jonathan aren't together, okay? Marry Steve. Kill Jason. Kiss Fred. Fuck Chance." The group's eyes go wide with surprise. "Have you always thought about killing my ex?" You tease, looking offended, but you really weren't. Hell, you'd help with the murder. "Yes! Oh my god he's such a dickhead. I talked to him for the newspaper and he was sunshine and smiles during it, then turned around and tried to tell me how to do my job after. Saying stuff like," She pauses, clearing her voice to mimic his dopey voice. "Oh, don't forget to add the part where I'm captain of the basketball team and how many shots I scored in the last game." Mind you, the question I asked him was, "How do you feel about the bullying incidents and what would you do to prevent it?" Since he's supposed to be one of the school leaders. Ugh, he just gets on my nerves. I'm so glad you dumped his ass because I cannot stand by and let one of my friends date a literal piece of shit on the floor." Her manic rant stops as she places her hands back on her lap, not realizing she was using them to talk in the first place. 
 "So…Um, fuck chance huh?" Steve says, picking the conversation back up. "Yeah. I've talked to him a couple of times for the newspaper club and he's really nice. Plus he's got nice hair and facial structure." She waits for responses, but everyone just looks around in agreement. "Okay, Y/n." From the way she says your name, you know she's about to fuck you up with this one. "Gareth, Eddie, Andy, and Patrick." "Ugh. Two people each from the 'freak' and 'dickhead squad.'" You ignore the glare from Eddie and put your elbow on the coffee table in front of you, leaning into your hand in thought. "Okay, I think I got it. Marry Gareth. Kiss Andy. Fuck Patrick. Kill Eddie." You close your eyes and list all of them on one hand, some laughs, some eye rolls, specifically one from Eddie. "You'd fuck Patrick but Kill me?" "Yeah, I was shocked. Eddie is very fuckable." Steve says while Robin agrees, getting a sideways look from Nancy. "Not fuckable by me of course. I just meant that as a compliment if I was straight. You know?" She clarifies. "He's got a cute face, nice hair, and he's the perfect height. I wouldn't mind being married to that cutie pie. I feel bad though because he's probably so innocent, he looks it too. I'd ruin him with our relationship." You laugh. "Oh well. It's not like I wouldn't love doing that anyway." "Yeah right. As if my princess could ruin anyone." Eddie stares you down from the couch, thighs clenching from his whole demeanor and 'my princess'. "Don't call me that and I'm not yours." You say in a hushed tone. "It's fun to watch you deny that nickname. I know you love it, princess." He inches closer to you.
 "I don't." You inch.
 "Do." He inches.
 "I hate it as much as I hate you." You inch.
 "I also find that hard to believe." He stops inching closer, anymore and you'd be kissing. You totally didn't want that. Robin would've joked around and said 'Kiss already!', but she didn't want the death glare and possible death that would come with it. She could see it now, both of you hovering over her as Eddie chokes her out and you high five him. Her face going blue and vision fading to black before going to the light or who knows maybe she was going to hell. She prayed she wouldn't. But this isn't about her, and that never happened, only in her drunken coming sober thoughts. Where it shall stay.
You both hover over the coffee table as the rest watch. He leaves you speechless, no clapback, not even a huff. Only a broken glare, but your silence says all he needs to know. You slam your hands on the table and walk away, visually startling everyone, but Eddie. He doesn't even flinch. "Don't you walk away from me!" Eddie follows after, his long legs mindlessly stepping over Robin's feet with ease as you two bicker. "Don't tell me what to do! You're not my dad." You storm the hallway, stepping into the closest room, being a guest bedroom. You try to shut the door in his face, but he's right behind you, hot on your heels. He gets a foot in the door as you shut it, luckily for him, his platforms are thick so it didn't do much damage. He flings the door open forcefully, sending you back into a dresser. He slams the door loudly.
"Should we do something?" Steve looks down the hallway from where he is. "Can you see anything?" Robin askes, but he shakes his head. "The door is closed." Nancy rubs her temples, "I feel like we should do something, but I don't wanna be the one to get hurt. Like what if they turn on me because I get in between their 'lovers quarrel'? I don't wanna find out." They both nod their head in agreement. "Yeah, I say we step in if we hear stuff being thrown or like actual violence. Right now we should be on standby." Steve announces as if it was a real plan. In reality, they just didn't want to interfere.
 Eddie cages you between the dresser and himself, so close you could feel his uneven breath on your face. Your bodies glued against each other, his leg separating both of yours, and brushing against your cunt. His hands on the outside of yours, chests almost touching if not the height difference. Both of you stand idly in this position, calming your breathing, taking a moment to assess the situation you've gotten yourselves into. You try to move from under him to clear your head, accidentally rubbing your cunt with the thigh that separates your legs. A moan almost slips, but you bite your lip, hoping he doesn't notice. He does. "Hm? Got something to say princess?" He hunches over you, easing down to your level. "Fuck you!" "You'd like that wouldn't you?" His leg shifts again, feeding your entrance and clit that delicious friction it hasn't had in a while. You let out a muffled curse, "You want my attention so bad." Eddie's face contorts into fake confusion, trying to brush it off. "What?" "You heard me. Always making little quips even when I'm not talking to you. When I am talking to you, you always tease me. It seems like you love talking to me. You can't get enough of it. If you hated me as much as you say, you wouldn't call me princess. It seems like I'm not the only one that enjoys that nickname." You smirk, seeing his composure crack before quickly recovering. "So, you do like that nickname?" Your face turns hot from embarrassment. Oops, you didn't realize you had let that slip out. You got ahead of yourself and your mouth ran faster than your brain. Now it's at the finish line and you're sitting there looking dumb at the start. "I, I don't." You don't even know why you're still lying at this point. You've been found out.
 "We both know that's a lie." His lips find your neck as he lifts you onto the brown hardwood dresser you've been pressed against. He settles his hips between your legs. "Fuuuuuck. Fuck you." You begin to trip on your words, every sentence comes out with a stutter in it. "Just say the word and this can all end." Your train of thought evaporates when he finds that sweet spot on your neck, stamping hickeys that will definitely show with your clothing choices. He notices your silence and starts to pull away, afraid that he overstepped. "Don't! Don't stop, please." Your begging goes straight to his groin and your arms wrap around his neck, ensuring that he won't go anywhere. "Oh? You sound so sweet for me, princess." You give in, not complaining about the nickname and focusing on the growing heat between your legs. It was just a stupid nickname that you might or might not think about in the shower while you imagine his head between your thighs. 
He takes his hand from your hips and slides it under your shirt, groaning when he's found with a bra. "What, can you not get it off by yourself?" You reach a hand behind to help him before he slaps it away. "No, I got it." He skillfully unhooks with one hand, your eyebrows lifting in surprise as he laughs. "I'm not a virgin and a loser. I pick and choose my struggles, okay?" He pulls your shirt above your head to be met with your breast. They sit perfectly on your chest, perfect size, perfect for your body, perfectly soft. He groans lowly while teasing your nipples, your tits fit perfectly into his cold ring-clad fingers. He plays with them like a kid with their first slinky, completely mesmerized, squeezing and squishing them together. His hot mouth encases one of your taunt nipples as you fight the urge to slip your fingers into his hair. "Go ahead. I know you want to." It's almost as if he read your mind. "I know you love the curls, all the girls do." You roll your eyes. "So, grip it if you need to." He smirks up at you through full black eyelashes, trailing his kisses lower to the waist of your jeans, which you didn't know he unbuttoned. His fingers slide against the skin of your hips, looping around your jeans and tugging them down your legs. Leaving the wet area on your panties exposed to him. "Well, would you look at that? You've soaked right through them." His words fluster you, but before you can reply, he's grabbing you by the back of your knees and pulling you closer to the edge, your ass only half way on the dresser now. He drops to his knees, your legs thrown over his shoulders, clutching one by the back of your knee again. He levels with your soaking cunt, giving it an experimental lick, not for you, but for himself. He slides your panties off, letting out a groan from the sight. Your beautiful pussy, glistening because of him. He runs a thick finger up your puffy folds to your clit, rubbing gentle circles as he watches your chest heave from pleasure.
 Eddie continues to mindlessly tease your sensitive clit. Pulling muffled and bitten back moans from you. You hoist yourself up, trying your best to roll your hips farther onto his face, but he holds you down. "Eager now, are we?." He nips around the area you need him the most. Kissing and licking your thighs. "You must want to get your hair pulled, whore." He bites at your thigh harder than before. "Says the one getting her pussy eaten by her "sworn enemy". Isn't that ironic?" "Oh shut up. You haven't even-" Your tongue gets caught in your throat blocking the moan that dares to leave your lips. 
It was supposed to be a petty lick to make you shut up and appreciate what he was giving you, but he couldn't believe how sweet you were. The lust clouding his brain, his dick hard and leaking precum, pressing impossibly hard against his jeans, all factors working together to drive him more crazy. He starts to lap at your pussy, slurping and suckling the juices as you try to pull away from the sudden pleasure, but the grip on your thighs tighten possessively. You glance down at him to see his eyes, pupils blown wide and clouded with lust. He's eating your pussy like a starved man, sloppy and the bottom half of his face soaked with your juices. He's wrapping his lips around your clit, sucking kisses to it when he slips a finger in you. God, your walls are so velvety soft and what he wouldn't give to be in them. His fingers could be in you for hours, past the wrinkling stage.
Loud moans and curses erupt from your throat, hoping your friends in the other room didn't hear. That somehow the loud noises went unheard or they were suddenly deaf. They didn't. They can and did hear everything.
"So… So, I guess they're not fighting anymore." Nancy pauses, picking stubborn threads from the old couch. "Um, yeah… So uh. PIZZA! Yea pizza, y'all wanna go get some pizza? I mean I didn't make either of you a sandwich earlier. You must be hungry." Steve tries to carry the convo while Nancy and Robin nod their heads in agreement. "Yup! Haha, absolutely famished." Robin says, really playing it up. "Yeah! I mean, like when was the last time we ate? Three days ago? Haha!" A heavy silence sits between the three of them, then Steve grabs his keys. "So! Um, let's go get that pizza!" Fake smiles emerge from all of them, trying to act like two of their friends weren't in the next room fucking. "Oh, Shot-"
"No Robin. You're not riding shotgun."
"Aw man."
 The loud shutting of the front door can be heard by you and Eddie, but you didn't care and apparently he didn't either. He begins to give your pussy little kitten licks. Fuck, is he teasing again? What is his problem? You're already dripping and desperate for him. He is enjoying this all too much. 
 You grab him by the hair, eliciting a moan and shove his face in your cunt. "Eat." You demand as Eddie looks up at you through those fucking eyelashes again. His hands resting on your marked up inner thighs. You weren't the only one enjoying the view, though. You thought you looked absolutely crazy right now, chest heaving unevenly, a sheet of sweat coating your body, your shirt sticking to your breast from the sweat and pupils blown out just like Eddie's, but he was loving it. If only he could pause time and save this image forever or had the artistic ability to paint this moment how he sees fit. The image alone could make him cum in his pants. You panting over him, fed up with his teasing and finally putting him in his place. He obeys, using the tip of his nose to rub circles on your clit as his tongue plunges in and out of you. Your head falls back against the mirror behind you.
 Both of your hands pull his hair as you roll onto his face, desperate moans pouring out of your mouth. He continues to moan into your pussy, coaxing you closer to your orgasm with vibrations. Your eyes shut when he slides two fingers in you, not wasting any time on delaying your orgasm. His efforts have your legs shaking in his grip as you gush on his face. He watches intensively, eyes flickering between your fucked out but satisfied face and your spasming pussy. Your precious moans turning into whines of his name as he fingers you into overstimulation. He slips his fingers out and slurps up the rest of your essence. 
 Your eyes open when you feel his lips on yours, tasting a bit of yourself on him. You moan into the kiss, giving his tongue the opportunity to explore your mouth. Your hands move to his chest, pushing him back to slide off the dresser. You push him backwards towards the bed and drop to your knees. Placing one hand on the wet tent in his pants before he grabs it.
 "I want to." You assure him before he says anything.
 "But you don't have to."
 "But I want to."
 "I said you don't have to."
 "I said I want to."
 "Fine! I don't want you to then." You look at him in confusion before he continues.
 "I don't consent. I won't let you." You narrow your eyes at him before dropping the topic. "You're a weird one, Eddie Munson." You start to gather your clothes and head to the bathroom. "Oh, can you change out here?" He says, ushering ahead of you and shutting the door. "Oh, okay?"
Eddie shuts the door behind him, his eyes falling on the situation in his pants. He manically searches the bathroom for a rag he can use to clean the cum out of the inside of his pants, luckily it didn't soak through yet. Yet. He undoes his studded belt and lets his pants fall to the floor, finding a rag and scrubbing the best he can with hand soap. He can be heard huffing and puffing from outside the door, "Hey Eddie. Lemme ask you a question." He nearly jumps out his skin. He thought you already got dressed and left. "Um okay? Shoot."
"How come you hate me so much?"
"Oh princess, I never hated you." He tries to multitask, but fails terribly and almost slips on the bottom of his pants. Luckily, he grabbed onto the sink.
"Oh yeah? Well, you always ignored me. Chrissy told you I had a huge crush and you still didn't make a move or try to talk to me."
 "Oh yeah. That. To me you were such a sweet girl. I thought you were too good for me and you'd leave me in the dust with nothing but my heart to hold." He stops scrubbing, reminiscing about the said times. 
 "You were too good to be true. You were too good for me. You were top of our class and you already had colleges knocking at your door. I didn't have dreams that big. I didn't want to dim your light." He trails off, starting back to scrubbing.
"Why didn't you let me make that decision? I should get to choose who I hang out with." He can hear you stepping closer until you finally lean against the door, back first he assumes. 
"I just wanted the best for you." He takes a dry towel and soaks up as much of the wetness as possible. Almost dry. He fits his pants back on, opening the door slowly to ensure you had enough time to move. 
 Then he feels a fist against his chest. "I hate you, you know." He smiles down at you, "From someone that was rubbing their pussy on my face, I don't believe that." You both walk out the door into the hallway to be met with the smell of pizza and your group of friends plus Chrissy. "Oh hey! I ran into these guys at Domino's." She grabs a slice and holds it out to you two. "Pizza?" 
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
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Usually, when a lord of Hell walks the surface, it's more than enough reason to hide.
They're impulsive, exceptionally despicable beings who only exist to exert and spread their sin, beacons of indulgence. Who knows what will happen once one has their eyes on you?
The problem is, you can't exactly stay out of sight when said lord has their eyes on everyone.
Rinx fascinates you. Well, he also scares you a great deal, but you're mostly in awe of his mere existence. This "icon", as you've come to understand, treats the surface like his own personal Walmart. Everything's for free. And when it's not, he has enough gold and varied currencies to make sure he can have it anyway.
Of course, no demon is above taking what they want.
His servants, carrying near endless "wishlists" for their master, all scrambled to fetch their goals. Items of great value, thingamajigs of little relevance, people that fit certain descriptions. You might have been the unluckiest of them all, fast enough to lose the small yet crafty pink demoness chasing you down, only to run straight into the- Well... Given the height difference, you basically bonked head first into his...
Anyhow. You had the massive misfortune of a charging bull who essentially ran off a cliff, jolting the tall greed lord into an elated coo, picked up like a kitten within seconds as the odd green creature squealed about you being just the cutest thing!
And that's essentially the basic gist of how you ended up here.
Here being the icon's palace. Wrangled out of your clothes, bathed and forced into scandalous green silks for the greedy green bastard. Really, you could have struggled more, sure, but where would that get you? You know for a fact that you're in Hell. While some other poor saps had the privilege of being carried within vehicles, you were unfortunately cradled "home" like a pooch, eyes uncovered to the depraved landscapes around you. His servants may be on the small side, but they're still demons. They have claws, sharpened teeth, horns- You wouldn't last that long in a fight with them if it came down to that.
Yet, even if you did- Not only would you have to find a way out of this maze of a palace, you'd also have to survive in the streets of the greed ring and somehow find your way to the surface. The chances of that working out are so small you'd need a microscope to ponder on them.
So you guess you're a royal purse dog now.
Well no, the term's a bit gross when you consider the context. You wouldn't dress a poor pooch like an erotic dancer.
You know exactly what type of pet you're destined to be and you're not one bit thrilled about it.
The pink demon girl that has been leading you down the long halls, only ever occasionally glancing back at you, stops by golden-rimmed doors and motions for you to enter. You sigh.
" He's in there, isn't he? "
" Mhm. Please go ahead. " She insists, addressing you by some pointless honorary title.
" I have a name, you know? " You just want to stall.
The smaller monster gives you an odd look. " I prefer not to get attached... "
Oh, you hate the sound of that.
" Please, go inside. " She sounds exasperated.
With a barely-muffled whisper-scream, you push the doors ajar and do as told.
The room is dark, bathed in red, you can barely see anything. The only source of light is a very dim chandelier over Rinx's bare figure kneeling on what you assume must be a velvet carpet. Nothing is left to the imagination. An odd, gargantuan yet elegant form staring eagerly at you. Even more eager is what's poking out between those legs.
Everything is happening at a pace much too quick for you to process.
" Ah yes! My finest find today... " The icon sing-songs, tail swishing wildly, a massive clawed finger curling in invitation. " Come come! "
You don't, toying with the hems of your ridiculous outfit.
A soft chuckle sounds. " Aww, don't be shy now. "
Why is he hard already? Was he fantasizing about this? About you? You're not sure if he thinks you're that hot or if he just happened to want a human for himself regardless of who they may be.
" You look gorgeous, my little treasure. Won't you let me take a closer look? "
A charmed, tentative step forward is all it takes.
Long arms extend and large meaty hands grasp you by the waist, dragging you uncomfortably close to the naked demon lord. You're redder than a ripe cherry.
A claw frames your chin.
" I think you'll quite like the palace life. "
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nayeonline · 1 year
SPACE.COWBOY (my imagined ITZY comeback)
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I’ve made a couple posts about JYP’s shitty management of ITZY, so I decided to do a little thought experiment in what direction I would take ITZY’s discography and aesthetics.
I decided to give them a full album because it’s 2023 and no one should be releasing mini albums this late in their career (this goes for everyone, not just itzy). The album, which I have entitled ‘SPACE.COWBOY’, has 10 tracks, including 1 English pre-release single, 1 Korean title track, two promoted b-sides, and six more b-sides.
For the concept, I decided to draw inspiration from the aesthetics of ‘Cowboy Bebop’ which I referenced in the album name. I really wanted a space aesthetic for ITZY, but I didn’t want it to be just aespa part 2, so I decided a 90s space Faye Valentine aesthetic was the move. Also, ginger Yeji, pink hair Chaeryeong, blonde Yuna, black hair Ryujin and Lia is a must :)
Anyway, into the tracklist!!!
(1) LOG-IN [Fifty Fifty]
When I first heard this song a couple years back, I was struck by how ITZY it sounded. I love it as an album opener, and I think ITZY would body a choreography to it.
Same goes for this song, I think it sounds SO ITZY, it’s very evocative of their Dalla Dalla - Icy era, which is exactly the sound I want to hear from them again. This song is so timeless, so fun, and such a perfect ITZY title track.
(3) 3.14159 [Lexie Liu] (English Pre-Release)
I fucking love Lexie Liu, and this song is one of my favourites from her. It’s very whimsical, very psychedelic, and very high energy, which is exactly what ITZY does best. This song has the creativity their last few singles have been lacking. I think Yuna especially would OWN this track.
(4) YALLA [WJSN] (Promoted B-Side)
WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME ABOUT THIS SONG SOONER?! I imagine Chaeryeong being the centre for this song, she has the perfect energy for it. I can definitely see this song going viral on K-Pop TikTok, I love it as a promoted B-Side.
(5) Cast Pearls Before Swine [Purple Kiss]
This is quintessential ITZY. I can see Lia performing this song so clearly, and I think it thematically references their debut self love concept just the right amount. I just really love this song ok, go stream it.
(6) MAGICIAN [Lexie Liu] (Promoted B-Side)
Can you tell I love Lexie Liu yet? This one has a chorus along similar lines to YALLA, and it's so addictive. This is another Yuna type song for me, but I also think Ryujin would be such a stand out on this. I don’t see it being in Mandarin for ITZY, but the hook is mostly onomatopoeia so I don’t think a language change would ruin it at all.
(7) The Great Mermaid [LE SSERAFIM]
I admit, I didn’t see the vision for this song when it first came out, but OH MY GOD do I get it now. I can definitely see this one for ITZY, especially that killer post chorus.
(8) YUCK [Charli XCX]
Charli XCX and ITZY are such a good mix, I couldn’t help giving them one of her most underrated pop anthems. This one has Ryujin written all over it
(9) LUCID [Rina Sawayama] (Promoted B-Side)
Did you really think I wasn’t going to include a Rina song? And this one especially is fucking amazing. Realistically I know the lyrics would be different for a K-Pop release, but just the UK dance-pop vibes alone are so fun. Somi did it with Fast-Forward, and as a Brit it's so funny to see idols release stuff that wouldn’t be out of place on the radio here. Yeji would eat this song up, but IMAGINE THE CHOREOGRAPHY.
(10) LOG-OUT [4s4ki]
Other than the obvious nice parallels with the album intro title, I think this song is such a fun album closer for ITZY. I hate that groups like ITZY consistently release ballads as their album closer, like they have no business singing in a bpm that slow. Obviously I don’t think they would sing in Japanese, but the pure chaos of this track would be such a fun experiment for them. (This one was for u @shyreol)
@a-moth-to-the-light im so interested to see ur thoughts on my made up album, and for ur one if u end up doing it :)
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txemptress · 1 year
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𝕾𝖔𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖆 𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖚
“𝓞𝓱, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓷 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓶𝓮? 𝓘 𝓼𝓾𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓘 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓼𝓪𝔂 𝓪 𝓯𝓮𝔀 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼...”
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─────── BASIC INFO . . . !
NAME — Sorana Duvessa Misheru
NICKNAMES — Sora, Rana (Lucifer's nickname for her)
AGE — 21 (at the end of the novel)
GENDER — Female
SEXUALITY — Straight but she can be Bi for her other simps (sideyes Jami and Aurelia)
BIRTHDAY — July 22nd
POWERS — ???
ETHNICITY — Japanese
LANGUAGES — English, Japanese, Korean
VOICE CLAIM — Raiden Shogun (japanese)
HEIGHT — 5'4
EYE COLOR — Her eyes are coloured purple, the cursed colour, but there are times when she's angry they flash red due to the thing she hosts within.
SKIN COLOR — She is pale white like incredibly pale. Some think this is an issue.
─────── PERSONALITY . . . !
EXTROVERT , INTROVERT , AMBIVERT — Sorana is an ambivert though she leans more to the introvert side.
HOW DOES SHE ACT AT FIRST AND THEN HOW SHE'LL ACT WHEN SHE'S USED TO YOU — cold. it'll take ages to warm her up, but when she does she'll act like she needs to protect you and will keep you safe.
HABITS — Sorana has the habit to skip meals, sleep a lot, refuse to let you help her even if she has a fatal wound. She also had the habit to stay up late because exploring the night is her comfort activity.
FEARS — She's afraid that anyone be close to her because she's cursed. She's also scared of anyone finding out of her health problems since it causes judgement from the elders.
─────── INTERESTS . . . !
LIKES — Sorana enjoys the simple things like books and animals! She also likes naps and cuddles (simps take notes). Any night activity is also a favorite by our sleeping beauty. Night trips? Yes. Horseriding at night? Hell yes. Midnight picnics?! Sign her up she'll be there fast. A hidden thing she likes is training with her brother, Damien.
DISLIKES — She dislikes being woken up from her sleep, if you do that consider yourself fucked. She also hates anything bitter in particular hence why she does not drink coffee or alcoholic drinks that often. (A bonus: Damien.)
INSTRUMENTS SHE CAN PLAY — Sorana plays the harp, piano, flute, guitar and violin. She mostly plays the harp and piano though. Especially around Damien or her father, Roman. Damien enjoys listening to Sorana playing the harp and uses it as his sleeping music while Roman likes listening to her playing the piano while he works since it relieves him of his stress. (A bonus to her voice that Bravo enjoys to listen to!)
HOBBIES — Sorana's hobbies are baking or cooking, sleeping, reading, listening to music and playing the piano. She likes baking sweets and cooking her food by herself since she does not like the thought of being lazy and letting all the servants do the work that it would be better if she did. Sleep is a yes for this sleeping beauty. She'll sleep anywhere, anytime. Unless she feels like staying awake of course. Books are her main escape from the pressuring world she lives in. She likes listening to music and people singing. Which is why Legis and Lucifer exist as her favourite companions. She also enjoys playing the piano and learning new pieces!
PETS — Sorana has three phoenixes, Dusk, Dawn and Midnight! She also has her two fearsome beasts, cats, Death and Kyoto. Not to mention her dragon... we'll ignore that one for now. Another pet of hers, which is more of a human, is her brother's pet, Daemonis.
FAVOURITE FLOWERS — The flower she is associated with, roses. But lavenders come second!
FAVOURITE TYPE OF MUSIC — She doesn't mind any kind of music as long as it's music.
─────── MISCELLANEOUS . . . !
HER TITLES — Many call her the Rose of the Empire, the elders call her "Qui Producit Chaos" meaning the One who Brings Chaos. Though when Lucifer married her, everyone called the couple "The Devil and his Demoness."
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─────── NOTE?!
I was gonna add some things like the thing she suffers from and her cup size but if you guys wanna know that you can just ask me🚶‍♀️
this is especially for @primordixl , @lxdymoon0357, the Sorana simps.
@achy-boo , @yevene , @writerig , @roseadleyn
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azurdlywisterious · 4 months
OC Pride Parade (12/12)
Condor Lovelace, Esq.
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For brevity, I will not be typing out her full title.
Some fun facts about her:
Has some. Very mixed feelings about her new life. Mainly guilt because she loves it (and also joy because she loves it).
Cares enough to find Shaun to find him better parents (she did not want to have him at all). Once she finds out that he's a whole adult she stops caring altogether.
Nick Valentine is her bestest friend (and potentially lover? maybe?) (look todd and emil are cowards and i dont trust anyone but myself with their very specific dynamic)
On a surprisingly related note, how she got that scar! So one night after winning a big case, she ends up tripping on the courthouse steps and busting her lip open. Standard bad luck. She lives close enough to the courthouse that she walks to and from work, but not nearly close enough to the hospital to walk there, and she figures, based on how much blood there is, that she'll need stitches. Also ambulances are expensive so that's out. Thankfully, there's an off duty detective with a heart of gold that happens to be driving by just as she falls. Serendipitous to say the least. She asks if he can drive her to the hospital, he says yes, they exchange names but it's September 2077 so neither of them will end up remembering. Before they party ways she invites him and his fiancée to her Halloween party that will totally happen and not get cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances.
Became a public defense lawyer (the most overworked and underpaid lawyers) because she genuine believes in helping the less fortunate in anyway she can, even though being a corpo lawyer would net her so much money. Fights for equal rights at every chance she gets and brings this energy to the Commonwealth Wasteland post war.
Is the fiercest defender of marriage equality and the necessary rights relating to it because she believes it's the right thing to do (she also understands the pain of being married to someone you don't actually love).
Speaking of her husband, she only married him in order to not drown in debt while attending law school (he wanted the extra military benefits and also the status symbol of having a wife). They do not get divorced because Societal Convention. This is why she practices law with her maiden name. (Call her Connie Smith and she might actually kill you.)
Loves building robots. Its her favorite pastime honestly. Given that, it's funny that she hates power armor as much as she does (and yet she has a collection)
her other besties are Preston and Ada and she doesn't like Piper. Everyone else she vaguely knows but not nearly as well as Nick. Oh! She thinks Ellie is really nice.
And some fun facts about her creation:
She's named after Conner from DBH. I couldn't think of the name "Connie" fast enough, so Condor (like the bird) stuck.
Her middle name is Maya because every time I lose track of Nick in game, I will run around the map and yell, "Nick? Nick? Nick, it's Larry. I- I think I killed him" until I find him again. For those who are uncultured unaware, that is a line from the opening scene of the Random Encounters Phoenix Wright Musical (and also Maya Fey's first line).
Originally Condor was going to get her scar from a knife attack, but then I thought about how that would come off in the context of a knight in shining armor swooping in to save her and decided that it would probably best to go in a different direction.
Please i dont know why she looks like Heather from Total Drama but im tired so im just going to live with it.
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the-larxist-manifesto · 5 months
GameGirl28 ~ Conquering the NSO GameBoy library
Okay... so... Hello! This is my cool and awesome gaming blog where I'm gonna write my thoughts on my current gaming excursions, because I type really fast and I have a lot to say and I love video games!!
Here marks the inaugural post in a series I like to call:
~The premise~
I grew up playing and loving Nintendo games. However, there lies a blind spot in my history with them right about where the GameBoy existed. I was too young when it was still getting games to appreciate or be any good at beating them, but only grew into gaming as a hobby when the GameBoy was considered extremely uncool. By the time I was going to the shop to pick out my own games for getting good grades in school, it was all about GBA and DS games for me. The GameBoy, as I famously say, lies slouched in the corner as the poopy predecessor to a golden era of portable gaming. I've never taken the thing seriously, and I think it's about time that I change that.
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~Why now?~
When the Nintendo Switch Online service added GameBoy (GB) to the growing list of retro games, I thought for the first time that the subscription was worthwhile. It's one of the most accessible ways Nintendo has ever allowed fans to play a sampling of games fundamental to their success as a company today. Seriously, there's never been a good way to play GB before. No one's paying $5 a pop for an old game on 3DS that doesn't even have color. But now, anyone can play 21 of the GB's games whenever they want, on-the-go as originally intended, for a measly $20 a year. Since I was already paying for the service to smash noobs in Mario Kart and play SNES Yoshi's Island, I figured now was the time for the little gray box to shine.
You're probably wondering why the name of this project sounds like a username you might see in the YouTube comments 10 years ago under an AMV of Pikachu dancing to Butterfly.
Well, the name has a pretty simple meaning. I'm playing the GameBoy. But I'm a girl, so I gotta yassify the name. And, as of right now, I will be playing 28 total GB games. That number comes from the 21 offered by NSO, in addition to 7 other GB games I happen to own after years of collecting video games. Yeah. Seven. You can probably tell how much I cared about this console until now. I own almost 500 video games total btw the GB doesn't even make up 2% of that
Here's a little visual guide to which games I'll be playing, in order!
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As for this particular order, I grouped them up loosely according to theme as well as pacing out the kinds of games I'd be playing. Since the challenge is to beat an entire library of games, there will be games that I hate, or even objectively horrible games, sprinkled in there. So, generally speaking, each row contains a little mix of every type of game. For example, "Precursor to greatness..." includes an adventure game somewhat familiar to me (Zelda), a fun, breezy, and familiar romp (Kirby), an adventure game completely new to me (Castlevania), and another easy one that I have a history with (Wario Land). The goal is to keep the challenge fresh by flowing between the new and the familiar, spacing out the stinkers with the classics, and escalating the excitement as I progress further!
This blog, my larxist manifesto, will be for more than just posting about GB games. Posts about this challenge in particular will be titled as such, and I'll probably make more cute accompanying graphics to illustrate how far along I am as well. Actually, as of right now, I'm almost all the way through "Welcome to GameBoy!" I'll make some recap posts very soon about that. So yeah, if you are also curious about a console essential to video game history that has been kinda swept under the rug (or you just wanna see me go off on fiery rants and post funny screenshots), look out for future updates!
And if you wanna see what other manner of silly things I can yap about forever, stay tuned! My next post will be sort of an overview about why I'm even blogging in the first place. ^^
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Anode/Cathode Tamer: Veedramon Edition - 5 hours in
Another long-ass title I have to type out. Also, another name that only sounds cool to Japanese people, but to English speakers it's just like "wtf am I looking at?"
Anyway! I started playing the Wonderswan Digimon game! I think this game was an attempt to use the Pokémon model of having two versions of pretty much the same games with a different variety of mons in each. (Only ever seen Pokémon and Yokai Watch do that). I honestly can't remember which version I selected, but I'm only going to do one of them. Judging by the walkthrough I'm using, it seems like this will be a short one. That's already a plus in my book. I'm enjoying myself so far.
-First impressions of this game were very much a mixed bag. On the one hand, I really like the art/graphics, but I was very frustrated to not be told wtf was going on, like with Digimon World 1. I did end up picking things up pretty quickly, but I don't think a newer kid's game would ever be this vague. Also, the music is very annoying and repetitive.
-I didn't expect poor Ryo to get so ripped off! Gennai calls him a "chosen child," but then is immediately like "here, have this hand-me-down digivice and Agumon." Lame! I get they're trying to tie it into the anime, but they still could have given Ryo his own stuff. Oh well, maybe that changes later.
-Plot-wise we have a similar issue to Digimon Adventure 02, why can't the OG kids just help? -big shrug-
-I groaned when Gennai welcomed me to the digital world lol. Hate that dude.
-Now that I've gotten used to the battle system I'm having a lot of fun. I haven't played a ton of tactical RPGs (I briefly played but didn't finish Disgaea) so seeing that that was the play style made me a little nervous.
-Already some improvements over Digimon World 2 (even though this game is older): taming digimon is less painful, when you lose in a dungeon you can just try again instead of getting a game over screen, very easy to fast forward through things and the battles aren't as painfully slow, and I haven't hit any annoying storage limits (yet). Earning money, skills, and stat increases come pretty quickly so grinding is satisfying too.
-There's a lot of extra stuff in this game I'll probably just ignore. It seems they wanted this game to be very social, but I don't have anyone to play with, so I obviously won't be exploring the multiplayer features. No clue what the analyzer does.
-I'm 4 dungeons in and there are only 13 of them. It's still kinda tricky for me to predict how long this game will be though because I'm assuming future dungeons might take many tries.
-Sooo this game was officially released in English by Bandai Asia, but I don't think the US ever got the Wonderswan, so I guess it was for English speakers in the East only. Weirdly I was watching an anime the other day and they suddenly mentioned the handheld. I was like "what are the odds!?" (Anime is Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Lovecraft-sensei. It's really bad, don't watch it lol)
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f0point5 · 7 months
So when talking about 2023 I think the idea isn’t that Charles “dragged it up there” in term of speed. The SF-23 was considered fast in qualifying like you said because it didn’t have to deal with its tire degradation.
Instead he dragged it up there because the SF-23 was a car that has the fraises: “notoriously unpredictable”, “unreliable”, “chronic understeer mid-corners”, “instability”, “unwanted moment under breaking”, “complicated” all attributed to its name when it came to its behaviour and drivability.
In other words: Ferrari have often produced a fast car. That doesn’t mean the cars haven’t got a history of being shitboxes in nearly every other departments.
The amount of times post testing, qualifying, race you would have Charles and/or Carlos saying that neither they nor the team really understood why the car behaved as it did, both when it was good (aka the surprise that was Mexico qualifying, just giving it your all and for once have the car compliying) and when it was bad (see: Charles in Spain actually questioning if there’s was something seriously wrong with the car because of how badly it was behaving, and the mechanics and engineers not finding that unrealistic/believing him because their also didn’t understand the car). Even at the end of the year this was still a problem (looking at Abu Dhabi qualifying Q3 Charles first lap time).
To top that off the only way for the SF-23 to be somewhat predictable was with an understeer setup, which is the exact opposite setup of what Charles drives with.
None of this spell out a car which you, at speeds of 350 km/h throwing it around corners cm for the wall, would fully trust, feel comfortable or even be capable of giving and maintaining control of that extra insane push which is needed for a pole position.
Yet he managed 5 poles, the same amount of poles as the rest of the grid (minus max) combined.
Considering all this is I think why many agree with the sentiment that putting that car on pole is in deed “dragging it up there” when dealing with 1) a car you hate (he actually confirmed it’s testing was the worst testing of his carrier, even though he drove the awful SF1000 from 2020). 2) the disadvantage of spending so much of practice trying a large amount of setups because the car just won’t work with the type you usually have, and on top of that is so intolerant that it has trouble working with most setups in general (and starting this process all over again every race, because again no one really understands the car so who knows how it will behave on a different track) . And 3) a car that despite all that effort still is extremely unpredictable.
This came out very matter of fact but is meant as a different point of view.
Fair points. Although there were moments where the unpredictability/lack of trust in the car led to Charles binning it, which to my recollection Carlos didn’t.
I still think on his best day, Charles is the fastest of the grid over one lap. I do think the importance of that is overstated by a lot of his fans though. Because they don’t hand out points for breaking the sound barrier when 19 other cars are getting out of the way for you.
In equal machinery (by this I mean machinery equally optimised for the driver’s preferences), there’s still a few drivers I would put ahead of Charles in a title fight just in terms of their mentality, and their completeness as drivers over a season. And I think some of that is because Charles hasn’t had the experience of being in an efficient team, in the right car. There’s certain things you can only pick up when you’re in the best possible position. Regardless, I think there’s still space for growth. His talent is head and shoulders above nearly everyone on the grid, but as a complete package idk if I’d say he was.
I’m interested to see what he does with the car this year considering he was so positive after testing.
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