#i hate the american healthcare system
bigwizardhat · 10 months
why do i have to get a referral from my primary care doctor and have it ok’d by random strangers just to see a psychiatrist for med changes at the request of my therapist when i can literally get an appointment with any random doctor and say “i feel crazy gimme a new pill” and they’ll spin their wheel of antidepressants to see what concoction they’ll test on me this month
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When I got my MRI to see if me getting really sick caused some brain damage I got to pick the music. So, listening to Bears in Trees in a really loud tube cost me about $650. (No brain damage was found)
Really glad the tickets to go see them in person in April were a bit cheaper. 😅
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passive-poet · 8 months
Today is officially a shitty day™️
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asexual-mafia · 10 months
After I go to the er tomorrow to get antibiotics for my tooth infection I'm gonna write a short horror story
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trailmixedup · 11 months
Just learned that the insurance I’m on should have kicked me at 19 and are in the process of going through and ending service for ppl, so I might lose my surgery and my t unless I figure out my own insurance. I- I can’t do this anymore. What the fuck?! What the fuck? If they cancel my top surgery I will kill myself. That is the only thing keeping me going right now, is knowing that there’s an end to some of the fucking shit that I’m going through. If they take that end away from me I don’t know if I’ll be able to take it.
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macden · 10 months
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voxtism · 11 months
had a friend make a "haha bad teeth" joke and I went hatred about the American healthcare system mode
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id in image description :3
also the text below (just in case tumblr destroys image quality)
its rlly rough for people with bad teeth to get any sort of treatment bc its horrific how very few dentists will accept medicare/medicaid/medical :/ its not just that they have 'meth/drug teeth" or that they "ate too much sugar" its that the healthcare system is designed to fuck over the poor. poverty begets more poverty, and it's so fucking hard to get jobs, even low paying ones, when you have "grew up poor, grew up abused, drug addict" teeth. real life example, when my dad finally got full custody of little my brother, there were literal holes in my baby brothers teeth. my brother was 3 years old. and he was lucky enough for them to be baby teeth, bc that meant pulling them had little long term effect, besides him needing braces later in teen years, but that's just one way that my mother fucked us over. she didnt take care of him, she never brushed his teeth, she didnt feed him, it was all so horrific to learn about years later. and i am afraid to think about what it's like for the kids who... weren't saved. who didn't get out. who couldn't grow up with healthy teeth, who grew up poor, who grew up with parents like my mom. its honestly rlly awful how people consider bad teeth to be a character flaw, or something, when in reality.... its poverty? its lack of access to healthcare?? its the medical system fucking over poor people in every way possible.
obviously i am not mad but i am just thinking a lot about it now
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angelnumber27 · 5 months
I’ve already been off of shit suffering for weeks and now this.. why do things always happen hahahah.
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Like even if I could pay for it nope sorry were out 🤷🏻‍♀️ bitch this isn’t a condiment how are you just “out” 😭😭😭😫😫😫🫠🫠🫠
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funnelcloudd · 1 month
Okay I signed up for your stupid keto diet app you can approve my prescription now lmao
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storyweaverofgondor · 2 months
The American Healthcare can go eff itself.
My dad is so weak he wouldn't even be able to to walk in the front door. Insurance is going to force us to pay 200 dollars a day if he stays at the rehab place any longer. My mom has been basically killing herself working and we are barely scraping by. We don't have that kind of money.
So i guess he's coming home.
The American Healthcare system can go set itself on fire and die in a ditch. Screw all those greedy a**holes. I am so mad and scared and stressed out.
Oh, and if that's not bad enough. Somebody is going to come by tomorrow to assess whether dad needs a wheelchair. So on top of everything else, WE HAVE ONE DAY TO CLEAN THE WHOLE FREAKING HOUSE! GUESS WHAT ONE OF THE THINGS WE'VE BEEN LETTING SLIDE THROUGH ALL THIS IS!
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I am so far past having a mental breakdown at this point.
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dangraccoon · 10 months
I'm sorry I've been so absent. I'm really trying to post more for you all.
more info under the cut
i think ive mentioned that i have various health issues and conditions before
the big ones affecting me right now are seasonal affective disorder, fribromyalgia/chronic pain syndrome, and plantar fasciitis in both feet and on top of all that, i am currently transitioning.
theres a lot of financial strain on me at the moment; my fiance's income is the only one we have. i'm too disabled to work a regular job but not disabled enough to receive disability income. thanks america. but yeah i owe over $1400 to various medical offices in addition to the ongoing copays for my various meds (a month's worth of t is $60), thanks america, AND i'm about to turn 26 next month, after which i will no longer be able to be on my parents' health insurance, thanks america.
all that to say that if i continue to be somewhat absent I'm very sorry
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catbirthdays · 2 months
since i got screwed with health insurance earlier this year, my new plan requires me to have an income 😑 IM UNEMPLOYED
anyway if anyone is interested ill be doing animal character and teddy bear drawing commissions through kofi in the upcoming weeks. nothing is set up yet but jeeez gotta make some moneyyyy. stay tuned i guess
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bekandrew · 11 months
Look at the bullshit I got sent for an adult ADHD test
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Who has this information laying around? What if your parents are abusive and you can't safely talk to them (like me)? What if your parents wouldn't have kept those records for twenty-plus years and several moves (like me)? Why would a school keep this for twenty plus years???? Doctor you have set me up to fail, getting to this step was fucking hard enough. You've added impossible sidequests on top of the 'see if you have the Difficulty Finishing Shit' disease assessment. Good job, brilliant.
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bluesey-182 · 4 months
I've been sitting in the exam room for over 30 minutes waiting for my doctor and I'm literally just here for her to approve that i still need a xanax prescription
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saygeadvice · 7 months
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turn4theworse · 1 year
I just had a memory of my shitty autism assessment appointment. The doctor asked MY MOM if I had a history of stomach issues, and she said no, despite the fact that I do, all the fucking time. I just don’t fucking talk to her about it bc it’s weird. This exemplifies a bigger issue I had with that appointment in general. All questions related to actual symptoms were asked to my mom, whereas I was just pelted with question after question about my anxiety and depression timeline. The only person not asked about my autism symptoms was me, the actual person being diagnosed.
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