#i hate whimsy sm
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alter art at 04:55? more likely than u think!
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
my head hurtsssss
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scribbles-ink · 5 months
it took me nwar 5 hours but i finally got the reference sheet 4 aphmau in my redesign done 😎😎 under the cut will have some explanations 4 my design choices 😎😎
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first off-why is she red? in pdh and occasionally in mystreey aphmau has a few red clothes n they just look sm better than the purple im sorry im not wrong,,,,anyways i decided that it would be cool if irene n aphmau wore red instead of purple/blue
markings:the markings aphmau has
first contact:i like that she just appears in the woods i think its funny n whimsy (and also a lot more but thats another post) the only thing she has is a cloak that encompases the entirety of her, nothing else, no memories, no belongings, just a cloak and a name.
loaned clothes: when she arrives at the town of phoenix drop the people give her simple clothes that they can spare, a shirt, a skirt, and a belt. she declines the offer of shoes after trying a pair on.
lordhood: in my rewrite phoenix drop deeply respected their previous lord and their family, leading to them not choosing another lord from the citezens of the town. they refused to choose from outsiders aswell, weary of their motives for seaking loedhood of their village. when aphmau shows up and helps them all, without even knowing what a lord is or what power it could give her, they decide she would be a good fit. because of how deeply phoenix drop respected their previous lords they kept the headpiece bangles and shawl indicitave of the lord status. why is it red? irene is red and its seen as a very lucky color
sleepwear and hair length:just small things i wanted to showcase. the sleepwear is red and aphmau has long as hell hair because she deserves it
formal:in my rewrite, thwre are at least some events, like neighboring weddings of lords or important people, or even meetings of lords to talk business, that means aphmau would have to dress up for.
armor:aphmau was fighting constantly, she wears this most of the time while traveling and if she knows thwres going to be a fight
irene: i wanted something that showcased the glowing tattoos, and looked suitability extravagant. the cloak she wears does have space inside of it, because thats cool. she has wings and the golden horns come together in an almost halo like shape.
the cloak:the cloak, when she wakes up, is the only thing aphmau owns. she wears it with every outfit of hers, aside from the sleepwear. and yes that is space n the universe inside it i love whenever thats a design choice
shoes:where the fuck are they??? idk she hates them. the only time she wears shoes is with her armor n thats it
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agaytrashcan · 3 months
TLDR Daz made funky Glamrock outfits so I made one for Michael inspired by a fan Glamrock Foxy model ‼️
The silly timeline where Mike gets girlypop-ified one could say he looks rather foxy rn 😭 the dress code was serve cvnt and he delivered and I bet you he hates it he just wants to keep his job so he just has to smile and wave 😔 this makes no sense what so ever timeline wise which bothers me SO SO BAD 💀💀 (so for my sanity it’s Mike got scooped and healed entirely due to remnant) but I just wanted to be whimsy and design a ‘Glamrock’ design of Mike inspired by my fav artist @dasketcherz who did some with Tony and Gregory also Vanessa and Cassie aren’t free from my silly girlboss beam I’ll glamify them too just you wait ‼️💜
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This Mike’s theme song real?
The references 💜💫‼️ (If you know who made the Fan Glamrock Foxy model please let me know but I love it sm omg)
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lillifaba · 7 months
My thoughts on the Wicked movie teaser trailer... so far.
Before you pop off in my replies and reblogs yes I know, this is just a teaser trailer and not the official tralier. Regardless that doesn't give this movie a magical critique pass. Most of my critques on this teaser come from my own thoughts and some of points raised in this post. This is also just me rambling into the void. Don't like don't read lmao.
If you've been following me for a while, then you already know my opinion on the Wicked movie and casting. Surprise surprise, you guessed it... I am extremely underwhelmed and disappointed. For so many reasons.
I'll start off with some things I like.
Johnathan Bailey is hot asf as Fiyero. (even if he looks way older than Fiyero is canonically meant to be)
The set and props. I think some of them actually look pretty neat. I'm glad they didn't use a green screen for Shiz and put in the effort to build a university campus. The train from Shiz to Oz looks kinda dope. I was always wondering what it would look like and I'll probably use that as inspiration for my fics and art comms.
Jeff Goldblum as The Wizard. I won't lie, I haven't seen a lot of movies with Jeff in them so I was cautious about his casting. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see how much his look and his performance so far actually fits Oscar. Time will tell if he can hold up to those standards.
I'm happy a WOC is playing Elphaba. Everyone complains about Fiyero not being racially book accurate but nobody talks enough about Elphaba being discriminated against as an amalgamation for rac!sm. More women of color should play her on stage.
THE NAILSSSS. Come on people this is the Wicked Witch of the West we're talking about she should be SERVING WITH THOSE CLAWS! Although personally I would've preferred them sharp but I'm over here with almond arylics what do I know lol.
I'm happy they casted a disabled actress to play Nessa. I always wondered why they never did that.
With that out of the way, let's get into a million reasons why I hated this trailer and why I'll most likely hate the movie anyways.
Arianna as Glinda. Look, I don't hate Ari. I like some of her songs and even bought some of her perfumes because I like smelling good. At worst I just don't care about her. However whenever I see Arianna as Glinda, I'm sorry I just don't see Glinda, I see ARIANNA GRANDE dressed in last minute cosplay for a Halloween party. I heard one line... ONE LINE from her and the delivery is NOTHING like Glinda's character or cadence, it's just Ari in drama class.
The wigs and costumes. What the hell was the makeup and hair crew thinking when they selected that wig for Arianna???? It's an ashy dull blonde that brings no color or life to the character. The #1 thing about Glinda is her vibrant blonde hair, it's even mentioned IN THE SONGS. MULTIPLE TIMES. This wig looks like a botched bleach job. Then, there's the costumes. Good lord what are those glasses on Elphaba's face??? I get they're trying to be all "whimsy" and "peculiar" in tone with WOZ, but they just look silly. Why not stick to the glasses in the musical? Why overdo it? I fear how the Emerald City sunglasses will look (if they even add those in) Also why are Glinda's clothes so dull? Where's the vibrance? Where's the pink frilly coquette contrast to Elphaba's dark coquette?
The camera work and Elphaba's entrance. This is Wicked the musical. I'm expecting a huge and grandiose presentation, especially when it comes to THE MAIN CHARACTER. Showing Elphaba from the back of her head in slow motion while she's walking to the entrance is just... boring and an overused cliche. Not to mention the underwhelming reactions from the extras. The cinematography is just meh. I'm expecting better for a fantasy film. It's been done before.
Cynthia as Elphaba. Listen, Cynthia is a great singer and talented actress. I have absolutely nothing against her. With that being said I'm going to be brutally honest: much like Arianna, she is not Elphaba... at least not entirely. Like Johnathan, Cynthia is way older than Elphaba is meant to be canonically and the editing team clearly used the de-aging filter on her to the point where it looks unnatural. If this movie had been made at least five years ago or earlier Cynthia would've fit perfectly.
Continuing my point with Cynthia: the singing. I'm sorry but what the hell was that riff with Defying Gravity??? I'm not entirely blaming Cynthia for this because this has become a massive problem with a lot of musical film adaptations which I like to call the popification of songs. It happens in nearly all the live-action Disney movies and I'm sick of it. What confuses me is STEPHEN FUCKING SCHWARTZ is involved in the musical production. He wrote the god damn songs, how the hell does he not direct Cynthia to sing the right note instead of letting her do whatever she wants??? I don't think he did that with Idina, which is why this riff is so iconic. Come on, if a tiktok meme trend can do that riff better and more accurately than an actual singer can, that's just embarrassing. I'm not good at explaining myself in terms of singing, so I'm hoping a youtuber I occassionally watch does a reaction video to the trailer and does a better job at explaining than I can.
The acting. Like I said with Arianna, the delivery is so bland and dry. I'm trying not to judge all of the acting on a teaser trailer but if this is how the leads are going to act throughout the whole movie then I'm disappointed.
Too much CGI in some parts. I get it. This is a fantasy movie there's bound to be certain effects you can't do practically. But that's no excuse when this is a $145 million dollar movie. The flying monkeys are so painfully obvious CGI. This was a wasted chance to get Doug Motherfucking Jones to play Chistery in prosthetics. So much of this movie ends up looking like those garbage Oz spinoffs. (If you know you know) The CGI is just bad. The bubble and Emerald City buildings look so cheap.
WHY IS THIS MOVIE SO DARK? This is suppossed to be OZ! Why do I have to turn up my brightness to look into the shadow realm???
Now onto some things I'm confused about.
Michelle Yeoh as Madame Morrible. I'm praying to god she'll blow us away because she's such a good actress and is serving c*nt in her costumes. I haven't heard her sing (I'm dumb but unless the opera song she sang in EEAAO was her then WOW!)
The silver slippers. I KNOW! I KNOW! The ruby slippers are copyrighted and can't be thrown in all nilly willy wherever you please. But keep in mind this is a 145 MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE ALL FOR PART ONE. Do not tell me they couldn't shill a few extra bucks on signing a few contracts. AND YES I KNOW. The musical uses the silver slippers in the first act in ode to the L. Frank Baum books which I love, but don't forget, they turn red when Elphaba enchants them to give Nessa the ability to walk. Dorothy shows up after Nessa is killed and has her shoes stolen. Why aren't they red now? Not to mention most of the audience might not know the original slippers in the books were silver. This would've been a great chance to combine two different canons.
WHO IS PLAYING DR. DILLAMOND???? ifitisjamescordenandyouusecrappycgiiwillgotoyourhousejohnchuand-
Finally, why did John Chu absolutely insist on this being a two parter movie with a year long intermission? Is this shit show really that fantastical that it can be akin to Kill Bill part 1 and 2?
That's pretty much it for now but expect an update to this post with a reblog with updated thoughts when an official trailer drops. My mind probably won't change though. I'm totalllllyyy not considering pulling an Eddy Burback sneaking into Morbius for a week when this movie comes out lol.
Universal Studios and AMC theaters that was a joke please for the love of god do not send Nicole Kidman after me.
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tablefourtyone · 2 months
Taking a trip down colorism's memory lane after the Natlan teaser, and why I'm not as bothered as I used to be.
I know everyone's got complaints about Natlan's "sunlight challenged" cast rn, but I remembered getting annoyed that Kaeya and Xinyan were the only dark skinned playables ingame before Sumeru dropped, because they were the only dark skinned characters we ever saw in the game, like they were an endangered species whose descendants are constantly under the threat of being whitewashed.
I could've had a similar issue to having (so far) four dark skinned Sumeru natives as playables, but I just loved the lore in Sumeru sm that I didn't care about the number, especially when Sumeru's end goal/epilogue was to facilitate opportunities for education and improved livelihoods for the desert people. Ntm that all four are lovely personalities I adore with all my heart.
And as I write all this...
I suddenly realize that it wasn't the lack of skin color variety or even the climate-related skin pigmentation inaccuracy that was bothering me back then. These were nitpicks and pet peeves I had in light of not finding anything genuinely interesting or charming about the game.
In general, I was just...so gd bored of the filler-y vibe of the first 3 nations before Sumeru - because I knew what to expect of Liyue (China), Mondstadt stopped being so interesting once Dvalin came to his senses, and Inazuma was such a huge timewaster I hated with a seething fury that I even disdainfully called it Weeaboo Land.
My Genshin gaming experience before Sumeru was a toxic meringue of mediocrity and lazy writing that I would force myself to sit through, because there were plenty of other characters and lore that kept me riveted, but the creative direction of the game's main story itself was threatening to put me to sleep because things would get dramatic, only to be resolved either by a deus ex machina or by nothing of lasting consequence sticking around long enough to be a genuine cause for concern with the main cast. It was just so...meaningless.
IOW, the colorism in Genshin was the tip of the iceberg for every other thing I found offensive, unreasonable, and unjustifiable about the game.
Sumeru was my first breath of fresh air since we left Mondstadt and Venti.
All I'm trying to say is, to me, the quality of the writing and the atmosphere of the game improved vastly...only when Hoyo was able to broaden its cultural horizons while working on Sumeru.
I can't speak for Fontaine because it was a thoroughly mixed bag of good and bland toast, but it definitely ended strong with Canticles of Harmony.
If Natlan can pull off the same quality of writing skill and world building (and this completely depends on their lead writer for this region), the colorism is no issue for me at all.
It's a hot take, but after what I've been through as someone who wants consistent and comprehensible writing to appear more frequently in future updates, I'm just happy for the writing to make sense and have just a little bit more fun and non-tonedeaf whimsy once in a while.
I simply don't want to be unhappy as a longtime Genshin player.
I want to enjoy this game and explore it and have fun without getting hung up on something.
Ergo I don't want to be exhausted seeing every contradiction and plothole in Genshin jump out at me.
I can't turn my brain off to those, the same way people can't ignore the colorism and misrepresentation on display.
We all have our priorities, and the written content is mine.
So understand that, for me, Himeko's Mavuika's fair complexion and the slight shade of dark tanning that doesn't go all the way up in saturation for the new cast, is only second to the writing for Natlan's situation and its background lore. And I truly wish that when we reach 5.0, the writing captivates us all.
I'm not asking for much. Just sense. And less cynicism and malice from our two spotlight characters. Because it honest to God drains my energy to hate on something that Hoyo treasures and milks a lot.
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timothylawrence · 10 months
i would like to hear about rana and vaeril!! what's their friendship like?
waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! thank you for asking!!!!!! I love Rana and Vaeril sm... Vaeril is literally Rana's only family ;-;!!
to preface Vaeril's @katagawajr's character from our campaign!! she's a 99 yr old Wizard Drow from the Underdark who's quite literally filled to the brim with Whimsy and Joy and Love In Everything. Which is very funny when you compare her to Rana who is like i hate the world and love and-
They have a very big sister - little sister relationship, Rana finds a lot of her hope not just through Wyll, but through Vaeril as well... to see someone who went through so many awful things come out so happy.....and hopeful ;-;!! theyre both fiercly protective of one another too... Think in a way tinkerbell vs vidia from disney fairiesLOL.
@katagawajr can add so much more, shes her baby... but she is the embodiment of hope and she's powerful and Rana loves her even if she wont tell her that!!!
cutest girl ever
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devouringcalamity · 1 month
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HII. Yes they hate my whimsy, but i shall no longer post any evil gore. Redemption 🙏
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 3 months
Roaming around other parts of the internet I've had the impression that Golden Girls fans don't like S6E26 Henny Penny -- Straight, No Chaser and I just don't get why?? It's so cute and funny 😭 the Girls have such a silly time and look adorable doing so I just love it sm why do people hate joy and whimsy
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isas-bathbombs · 6 months
Next question!!
Thoughts on Bibble?
Also, least favorite movie? Mine is puppy chase because... wtf was she doing in that movie, terrible role model
bibble was funny when he was an inside joke for the bcu fandom.. but then he kinda became mainstream and his whole character/joke got milked to the point where it kinda got tiring to hear bc the only joke the bcu fandom had was him 💀 hes still alright, i love making jokes that he’s homophobic too
my least fav movie is def all the recent chelsea ones. i REFUSE to count them as barbie movies
whats a movie you think is underrated or even over hated? me personally, i think princess and the popstar. it seems popular but its actually pretty hated on by older fans but i think it’s campy and i love it sm. same with barbie secret door. people fr just hate whimsy and fun!!!
i also dont mind some newer barbie movies. i actually love big city big dreams. i think brooklyn and malibu are a lot of fun. tho i do still miss the actress era of the films
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hey no need to answer this ask, I probably won't see it anyway, I just saw the most recent post you made due to tumblr putting random posts on my dash sometimes and it's none of my business BUT.
I know literally nothing about you or your situation so have that in mind. that being said, consider this ask a sign to do whatever you want to do. listen to your heart and all that disney fairytale shit. want a haircut? grab some scissors cowboy. wanna dye your hair? buy the hair dye at the nearest store and use it at 3 AM. anything that makes you happy? do it. life's too short and all that.
ok sorry for bothering you I just. idk guess I'm playing fairy godmother russian roulette bc I'm insane. still. you can get through this soldier . whatever "this" might be. also in case you need to hear this your mom sucks and you should hate her instead of hating yourself. OKAY SORRY IM DONE NOW
i fucking love you
i can try!! i don't trust myself to cut anything more than a bob, let alone layers (I've played with god before and it's worked 1/2 times) but I might be able to press her on that. i get dropped off at a store every day so I could probably find something... i don't know the first thing about dying hair but Brad Mondo as my witness I may try
thank you sm (for this whole thing and for calling me cowboy)
I don't know who you are, but I will find you, and I will add you (please don't let that reference be outdated bc otherwise I just look like a massive creep)
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
With Spotify wrapped coming up, I am reminded of the time one of your posts Got Big and broke containment enough to wind up back on my dash from completely unrelated people
TwT as are other people, it’s very funny I have said many times that I never expected that post to breach containment, it was LITERALLY made at 2am while I was at my sisters house because I had babysat earlier that day and was spending the night and while I was making the post I was having really bad chest pain thinking “this is how I die” but also was so struck with how bad the spotify wrapped graphics looked that posting that took priority
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thisisegregiouuuus · 25 days
the cat in the hat is one of the worst movies ever, it is so gross and the cat is not even a cat idk what it is, some kind of spawn from hell, and its a disgusting terrible movie, so gross that dr seuss's wife was apaprently and RIGHTFULLY repulsed by the movie so she banned live action adaptions for her husbands books. thank GOD
i do not like the cat in the hat but on the other hand its so funny and i love it like its so much fun, its so terrible that its actually fun. i still hate it tho
anyway im kind of going thru a crisis rn, idk what to put for my pfp on here, i dont wanna go all out with the cat in the hat stuff bc then ill actually throw up so im only changing my banner (im the 'guy in the sweater that asks all the obvious questions' TRUST me, aka the cat in the hat w a blond wig)
so yeah idk what to put for my pfp. its usually smth that i rlly love at this moment but rn im not rlly into anything, like rn i do love the cat in the hat but in a way where i also hate it and if i see too much of it and i realise it MIGHT. MIGHT. be becoming a phase/interest, i will vomit everything out, but otherwise i dont have anything else going on for me! it rlly hurt to remove the luis serra stuff tho </3 RIP MY LUIS SERRA GET UP!!!! I LOVE YOU AND YOU WILL BE MISSED!!!
ANYWAY!!! so far on here i havent talked abt much besides the shining i thnik, but i like a whole bunch of random different things, so i guess im a multi-fandom person or smth, but yeah im into a lot of different things and franchises or idk whatever u wanna call them
rn im getting back into rh on roblox!!! ive been playing since i was like idk 10 or smth so yeah, not to brag or anything, but im kind of a pro 😼 (im actually not ive never even gotten a halo). but i do go into these phases where im suddenly rlly interested to play rh, i get super invested in it for like a week or so, then i drop it and dont touch it for a few months, then i come back and see whats new. rinse and repeat! its like that for most of my other interests too but yeah
anyway besides all that i dont do much on rh, i just hop on, do my dailies, might play the musical chairs thing, and thats abt it! the only other thing i love to do on there is dress up and make new ocs. not even kidding, i have a whole google doc dedicated to my like 20 rh ocs on there, who are mostly under developed lmao. i also like making stupid impuslive decisions with my diamonds and buying things ik i dont need, like i was so close to spending alllll my hard earned diamonds that are already kind of hard to get nowadays on dorm stuff bc i loved how cool and creative ppl could get with their dorms, but i am not a builder, only a decorater. i am a lover not a fighter
so yeah anyway im soooooooo glad the summer thing is gonna be over in like 2 days bc its abt time. like omg. im so excited for the halloween stuff tho, the halloween updates are usually the best/my favs in rh and while i dont rlly think the rh devs are gonna make any kind of new halloween event bc theyre busy with other stuff, im still hopeful and mostly excited to buy myself the whimsy witch heels, and maybe the bat mo heels.
so anyway, back to what i was saying, i made a new oc on rh!!! i have no idea what shes abt tho. shes totally gorgeous and i love her sm but like i have no idea what to do with her, im still deciding on her personality, but i have no idea what her name or occupation/backstory/hobbies and stuff are gonna be, and usually when im making a character, i decide that stuff along the way as i make them, but im still rlly undecided.
anyways im gonna show a few pics of her that i took (bc if theres one thing i lvoe more than wasting many hours trying to perfect how my ocs look, its spending even longer taking photos of them afterwards!)
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the first 2 are my absoloute favourites. shes just so pretty dude like i lvoe looking at her liek PLEAASSEEEE JUST ONE CHANCE!!! LET ME BE THE ONE!!!!! shes gorgeous i love her
but yeah i have noooo idea what im gonna do for her. a lot of my rh ocs are mythical creatures also and i have no idea what kind fo mythical creature im gonna make her, or if shes just gonna be a regular human or smth, but thats too boring
so yeah. i love her so much but idk how or where to get inspo for her and what shes abt and stuff
also i kind of rlly want her to interact and maybe even be friends with my other oc, kitty
ive introduced kitty on here before but it was a private post i posted ages ago so ill just make a separate post for kitty. but yeah thats abt all!!
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causenessus · 1 month
I know it’s been completed for a while now but I’m still not over love notes 🧍🏻‍♀️ it was such a good SMAU and it’s so full of whimsy. It’s exactly what I needed in my life and I’m so glad you like surgically implanted the fluff and whimsy in my brain with the story. He’s such a down bad simp for love notes y/n and honestly where can I find me a man like that?
I want those two have, they love each other so much and I was screaming at them to just like kiss and confess to each other the whole time. I hate how long it took them to get together, not in a bad writing way but in a “oh my god. Why are you both so dumb??? You obviously love each other.” Way!!! Your writing and story was so delicious. Like I want to eat it. Your posts make my day bcs I swear all these boys are so down bad for y/n and honestly??? What more could you need in life?
Him making the art and sending it to her was just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 I want someone to make art to inspire me like hello? How. Much more romantic can it get than making art for someone bcs you love them and want to inspire them? Love Notes! Suna love of my life fr! Also her friendship with Sakusa was hilarious. I love all the banter and teasing that makes its way into the friendship and I love how you wrote their relationship.
(I’m sorry I’m a certified yapper and I can’t help it! Your inbox will be flooded with things like this bcs of my degree in yappology)
Okay ramble is over! I’m really excited for what you’re planning in the future and I hope you remember that writing is fun! Write the things you want to write no matter what other’s want. Take breaks when they’re needed and make sure to drink water and don’t forget to eat.
-sincerely bakery anon 🍪
IT WILL NEVER BE TOO LATE TO TALK ABOUT LOVE NOTES!!! I'M NOT OVER LOVE NOTES EITHER OMG :( i was thinking about the chapter where her and suna are like out at the firepit for osamu and atsumu's birthdays and he's moving her legs so she's not too close to the fire :(((( literally i loved love notes sm I'M SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET TO THIS BAKERY ANON!! i may or may not have just wanted to keep it in my inbox forever a little longer because this was so sweet!! i literally read it last night and it immediately motivated me to post those two little love notes extras last night!! i hope u saw them BC THEY WERE FOR U!!!! (and if not they are linked at the bottom of the love notes mlist!!)
I ALSO WANT WHAT SUNA AND Y/N HAVE LIKE OMG 😔😔😔 JUST TAKE ME TO THE LOVE NOTES UNIVERSE PLEASE JUST ONE CHANCE and thank you so so much for your words <33 they are def dumb!! and were just scared of ruining their friendship BUT THEY HAD TO LEARN TO TAKE THE RISK!!
AND PLEASE so like when i first thought of writing a suna fic i literally had an entirely different plot thought out (not complete in any sense it was like one scene and i had no ideas whatsoever) BUT THEN I WAS WASHING DISHES AND THE IDEA OF GRAFFITI AND MAKING ART FOR SOMEONE BUT NOT ADMITTING IT AND EVERYTHING JUST CAME TO ME IT WAS CRAZY!! i'm so so glad you loved it!! and aa yes the banter between everyone was so sweet <3 and literally dating suna AND your best friend is sakusa kiyoomi??? sign me up please where do i sign up!!
(as you can tell i am just as much of a yapper!! i am a professional yapper!! i have a degree in yapping!! so never apologize i will yap JUST AS MUCH BACK <3)
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
Otoya so puntable fr I wanna throw him across a field
For the sake of easier reading I will leave my hollyhock comments at the end of this ask so it’s not smack in the middle of us rambling LMAOO
I really need to see Karasu at an aquarium now (someone get me the P.O. Box of the BLLK author I need to send a lengthy request pls next off day GO TO AN AQUARIUM) on that not HOKYBCRAP I just remembered Osaka is famous for its aquarium because they have a whale shark?????? Imagine bro goes there and is scared SHITLESS like whale shark literally in the vicinity of his neighborhood that is so funny to me (I can imagine he eats takoyaki as revenge on octopuses)
And MEE idk what I’m gonna do when BLLK is over….well we fs have another big match arc with the World Cup that they’re currently waiting to play for…I’ve seen some ppl theorize that they might do a time skip thing like haikyuu where we see them going pro and whatnot but bro I do not want to think about BLLK ending like wdym I won’t see my silly little boys anymore….hopefully when that time comes it’ll give way for a lot of spinoff stories like I’d love to see more things like epinagi but for other characters (I’m coping but I really wanna see the light novel content animated or something)
Haha…discord and Reddit…such lovely places…..yeah I stay away from discord for similar reasons LMAO
Oh wait you’re so right….bruh I see those booktok accounts every so often and I’m like…how did you even get past the title for this book….have you seen people talking about like the pillow book or the door book??? I wanna know who actually thinks of that plot bc PLEASE it’s so wp coded like wtaf im sorry
Also I wanna know why Ao3 is BARREN when it comes to BLLK content that isn’t ship stories like….every so often I’ll take a look and the search results have barely changed within like six months man
Ok but HOLLYHOCK COMMENTARY SENGOKU PERIOD AU>>>> LMAOO so this is what you were referring to when you posted about finding a side character to make the villain…bye hiiragi LMFAOO ok assassin Otoya SO REAL when yuki showed up I was almost expecting it to be Otoya but this makes sm more sense LMAOO (yuki always committing some sort of crime in your plots it’s so funny) I’m living for it though…..y/n sacrificing her half brother to live FINALLY I love a good mc with a sense of self preservation that overrides any duty to a shitty family…also the cursed/bad omen child trope too perfect set up for angst I’m excited to see where it goes
-Karasu anon
I’M SAYINGGG BRO I JUST WANT TO TOSS HIM AROUND LIKE A LITTLE FOOTBALL 😭 meanwhile baby karasu i want to tie a ribbon around he’s just a little boy full of joy and whimsy i love him
PLEASE OMG WHEN HE’S A KID HIS PARENTS TAKE HIM TO THE AQUARIUM AND HE STARTS BAWLING 😓 that whale shark is his biggest enemy fr…omg a post nel aquarium trip would be so fun esp because we have karasu kurona and bachira who would def all go crazy for it (in diff ways). karasu loving seafood because it’s a way for him to control marine life/the water which he hates because he can’t predict ⁉️ could be funny could be meta the choice is yours 👆🏻
oh 100% they’re def going to do the wc arc and possibly even show some of the boys going pro…i do hope there’s a timeskip at the end because i want to see what they’re all up to but at the same time i also love open endings so if they didn’t do that i wouldn’t mind!! as long as the ending is satisfactory. imagine the conclusion is just ego and anri going to jail though HDKDJDS pls 😭 once it’s over i’m going to be so sad…luckily w the rate episode nagi is going we’ll at least have that for a while longer!!
discord and reddit are certainly. well. they are places!! and i am blessed to say idk what you’re talking about but w the amount of weird smut i see on there i shudder to imagine what you’re talking about. personally i’m pro-dark content even though i don’t read a lot of it myself because i believe all art and expression is worthy but it’s the way that some of these people engage with and react to dc that’s a little odd to me. idk it’s weird for sure…me personally i stay far away!!
THERE IS NOTHING ON AO3 FOR BLLK except for nagireo fics lowkey 😭😭😭 hopefully with season 2 coming out it’ll get more popular and we’ll see more content!! i’d never say no to more reader inserts but also character studies?? ONE fic exploring anri or ego or the itoshi brothers without any romance?? a michael kaiser-centric fic that portrays him as who he actually is (at least in my opinion)?? i’d write it myself but there’s only so much one girl can do 😔
bro hiiragi is even more random than kira PLSS i almost reused kira but then i was like “no i can’t slander the same character twice.” honestly though he has a very historical vibe to him if that makes sense?? and the name hiiragi is so clan-like HAHA idk idk it just felt right.
i feel like arranged marriages are so commonly paired w historical aus i wanted to do smth diff!! plus otoya does not scream arranged marriage to me. i was talking to one of my moots and i joked abt how the ninja butt trap panel broke my writer’s block but that’s actually not a joke…the whole ninja obsession otoya has (plus him canonically being descended from a ninja??) made me think “okay what if he WAS a ninja???” and from there i began looking into ninjas…and it was wraps after that!! apparently they were most prominent in the sengoku era and basically used as spies/assassins hence the setting and otoya’s introduction in the story
PLEASE yuki is the biggest tabieita x reader hater 😭 he does not want those boys winning ong 😕 he’s going to be really interesting in the future of the fic hehe i’m so excited!!
oh one thing about me you can trust i will be writing a flawed selfish reader 🫡 this mc is based loosely and vaguely on oda nobunaga actually!! emphasizing the ‘loosely’ part because the resemblance is barely there honestly unless you look really hard for it — however that should give you an idea of what kind of person she’s going to grow into (with otoya and [redacted]’s help ofc).
AHH the question is is she actually cursed or are the hiiragis just biased 🤔 hehe i can’t wait to write more too omg the only thing i’m worried for is when karasu finally pulls up because wdym the loml is in a fic and he’s not madly in love w the mc???
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thesinglesjukebox · 9 months
Anna S. brings us another League of Legends tie-in...
Katherine St Asaph: Given that each ephemeral member of this hypothetical boy band corresponds to a League of Legends champion, "they're praying for the death of a rockstar" is indeed an accurate description of the gameplay. Somehow that literal meaning makes the song's meaning -- fame can suck, haters are known to hate -- even less compelling. [4]
Anna Katrina Lockwood: To what do we owe the joy of hearing Baekhyun fuckin' SING like this--perhaps his freedom from SM's vocal strictures? His chorus on Heartsteel's "Paranoia" is a gear I don't think he's used before, an effective confidence. The song is totally fun--they've competently executed a gleeful K-pop himbo vibe despite Baekhyun being the only actual K-pop person involved. Riot Games nailed the casting as well, with a great interplay between Baekhyun's anchor chorus and the verses--especially Cal Scruby's lackadaisical drawl on the first, a great foil to Baekhyun's tension. The whole thing gives the effect of barreling precariously around a cartoon racetrack with your bros, which is surely intentional. Anyway, "Paranoia" is basically a [7], but I'm adding a discretionary parasocial point. [8]
Anna Suiter: Aphelios and Yone were robbed, and doesn't Kayn's voice have a little too much editing on it? I think it would've been nice if they had given Ezreal a high note, but I'm glad they gave K'sane the bridge. Hope Riot doesn't keep them in the dungeon for three years like they're doing with K/DA right now! [8]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: At least K/DA had hooks! [2]
Will Adams: Pop stars > rock stars. We've been over this. [4]
Taylor Alatorre: Props to the producers for not simply churning out the MGK/Mod Sun/Yungblud type beat that the "death of a rock star" lyricism was screaming for. They also understand the importance of proportion and negative space in making big sounds sound big and not just cluttered. Even more so than the fictional boy band in Pixar's Turning Red, the cast members of Heartsteel could not possibly cohere as a group in real life, which ironically gives the proceedings an air of whimsy and even relative freedom that belie the song's origins in demographic dial-turning. Baudrillard be praised -- hyperreality still has its uses. [8]
Michael Hong: Not sure anyone here qualifies for "rockstar" status, but sure, go ahead. [3]
Nortey Dowuona: Telling this is a virtual boyband animated properly with actual different members. They think I'll fall for Gorillaz but good because Tobi Lou is in it. They're right. It's a problem. [6]
Ian Mathers: The odd joke I've made over the years notwithstanding, I genuinely haven't encountered much of anything in music that makes me feel like I Don't Understand the Kids These Days. That's true of the actual *music*, at least. The increasingly common move, post-Gorillaz/Studio Killers/etc., of having that music represented by animations does feel like there's a generation gap of some kind there (especially and specifically in the form of video game characters, even more so than the whole VTuber thing). I just can't find anything to get a grasp on, and while I'm not fully a "digital native" (sigh), I say that as someone who's had online personas since I was prepubescent. From the perspective of the artists, I do understand how you might want to avoid the downsides of fame and fandom in our current era; from the bosses' side, I get that increased fungibility and brand loyalty are their own rewards. But even if I liked the song a lot more, even if it was a lot less generic, even if "ft. BAEKHYUN, tobi lou, ØZI, and Cal Scruby" meant something more to me than "this could be a throwaway joke from Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping," I just don't think I could ever be interested in the music-video exploits of a bunch of Fortnite skins. And if that's just one more demarcating line where I'm sitting on the Old side, well, death comes to us all eventually. [5]
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