#i have So Many Feelings
naiadic · 4 months
I have so many emotions about the finale but I also have thoughts
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First off, AAAA HES SO BABYGIRL, but more importantly he implies he was with Eve, too
Now admittedly, what he "had to offer" could have just been free will and the fruit of knowledge, but given the sexual vibe here I really want to believe this man got busy with Eve as well
But that also raises the question..
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...we know Lilith is Charlie's mother, but was Lilith really the one that raised her? In almost every mention of Lilith we see her horns, but not in those family photos (or her finale scene, come to think of it...)
Plus I mean we have this whole hair thing going on, Lilith is usually shown to have swooped back hair, like a lil pompadour deal, while Eve has straight unstyled hair. Idk about you but it sure looks like Lilith loved and cared about charlie, but somewhere in there Eve came in and started being Bad Mom
i think there's a lot to be uncovered there. Somehow, somewhere the girls must be pulling a twin-switcharoo on us, I Just KNOW IT
Then we have Adam
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I feel like its almost guaranteed that fucker is gonna pop up in hell, hiding for awhile or otherwise, just like Sir Pentious popped up in heaven after dying. They're both human souls! He's committed pretty much every sin during his time in heaven (pride, lust, and wrath being the most prevalent) and if sinners can rise by doing well, angels can fall by doing bad
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Honestly homeboy is still quite a mystery. It's clear to me he's made a soul contract that binds his powers, somehow making him weaker than he could be. Whether this was with Lilith or someone else is up for debate, but most fans think it was Lil herself.
One piece of possible evidence for this is in E1 when Zestial mentions rumors of Alastor "falling to holy arms". He says this BEFORE any mention of Charlie, too.
Personally, I think Alastor might not even be a human soul, or that he's somehow made a deal with himself for better control of his soul, and maybe he fucked it up somehow or had another deal impact it, just because of what he said during the finale about sinner's recognizing their full potential. I look forward to seeing his story play out!
(Also I wonder if he has some sort of power bank deal cuz that cut healed suspiciously quick once he got to all that green light...maybe he's got an item that lets him access bits of his greater power? And repair that staff of his?)
So yeah that concludes my rant, Im so fucking excited for S2
EDIT: Someone pointed out that Sir Pentious wasnt killed by an angelic weapon, but by a power blast if sorts (plus we dont SEE him physically die). That makes me wonder if he might've simply ascended at the last moment rather than specifically dying and then respawning...if that's the case maybe Adam won't return..
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obsidianbit · 8 months
I love this gay ass show with its literally life ending injuries that heal immediately, but only when convenient to the plot, and its ridiculous use of modern phrases, and its laughing in the face of historical accuracy, and its kissing the face of the fans instead of trying to outwit them, and the way everyone involved in the show seem to go 'I KNOW RIGHT! I'M EXCITED TOO!' instead of mocking the fans
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mochiwei · 1 year
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Some TOTK Zelda doodles 💕 I have so many theories!!
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minecraftian1213 · 1 month
Hunters bandana became Omega's he passed what he could on to her if he couldn't give her armor and called her their kid OKAY DAD
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anemovisionuser · 7 months
Okay this ain't an Archon quest it's a whole ass movie
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nomaptomyowntreasure · 7 months
this moment of pete looking up and smiling at the crowds reaction to stardust. this moment, in a billion moments of this show, is what I'll always remember now. this pete, smiling.
full video
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pedropascll · 1 year
I’ve become fiercely protective over the kids that haven’t even been cast in the HP series yet.
They’ll be constantly compared to the original cast
They will see the comments/hate that didn’t exist to the same extent in the early 2000s when the OG cast started out
They’ll be asked about JKR’s opinions because Of Course they will
JKR is the executive producer, she doesn’t deserve more £ from this franchise and these kids will be the human shields for this backlash
What Is The Point
The young cast will be the subject of online abuse, without a doubt.
Black!Hermione would be wonderful casting - brown eyes, curly hair, smart, resilient. But look at the online abuse that the young actress for Annabeth in Disney+ Percy Jackson got.
Let the franchise rest. Let JKR rot.
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thursdayinspace · 3 months
One thing I really love about Jon and Martin is that it's not even slow burn. There is not even a spark in the beginning. And then whatever there is, it's not reciprocated. There's nothing there from Jon at first. And that's so human, isn't it?
You meet someone, and your first impression of them becomes how you think of them. You're not interested in changing that. But you also see each other all the time, every day. You talk. You go through stuff together. You learn things about them you didn't know.
After a while, you notice their absence when they're not there. You worry about them. You...miss them? You think about them. And when they're in danger, you realise you'd do anything to help them.
It's not a lightbulb moment. You don't know when it happened, or how. It's not falling in love, there was never any falling involved. It's just day after day of knowing someone, of having them on your mind until you realise you need them in your life like you need air.
It starts with nothing and becomes everything. And I think that's beautiful.
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seahorsepencils · 1 year
I love that even when he's furious and can barely think clearly, Isaac still knows who his choice for team captain is and doesn't hesitate for a second.
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minecraftbookshelf · 4 months
Having feelings in this Chili’s tonight about the Divorcee Quartet soulmates reveal at the end of the first episode of Double Life (if you haven’t seen Pearl’s perspective on this please watch it)
Because it is absolutely devastating.
Its about the first moment, when Pearl connects the dots and realizes. And she is so happy. This is her Gaslight and her Gatekeep and she and Martyn just had an adventure together. This is perfect! They'll all be so good together!
And then, just as she's getting excited, Scott and Cleo shut her down so brutally and suddenly and then just...walk away.
And it hurts but...maybe it will be okay. She's got Martyn at least.
Except she doesn't and he rejects her too and she is left standing there, alone in a clearing. Bewildered and in pain.
And here is the thing that people seem to forget. Pearl isn't the one who lashed out first. She accepted the rejection and retreated to her corner of the map with her Tilly.
Scott and Cleo were the ones who initiated with the axe crits.
And even after that Pearl didn't retaliate in any way until Scar came through and specifically suggested the powdered snow (which he also provided.)
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ksketch731 · 11 months
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I've finally played HSR again and caught up TT
Jing Yuan and Dan Heng's interaction
fdjhasfloheawlofhjkehaflwrh the longing
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buddiesmutslut · 3 months
LISTEN. If we get a bisexual!Buck arc, I will ACTUALLY LITERALLY CRY, I’m already emotional just thinking about it, it will literally bring me so much joy
I don’t want it at the expense of an Eddie coming out arc…
Bc listen, I read a post talking abt how the writers probably won’t give both of them a really flushed out Queer Realization Arc bc it would be redundant, which like, okay sure, yes, I can see why you wouldn’t want to have two main, male characters going through the exact same thing, so sure, whatever, BUT -
I feel like, out of Buddie, Eddie is going to be the one that really struggles with coming to terms with his sexuality.
Eddie, who had to be The Man Of The House at 10 years old. Eddie, who grew up in the Deep South. Eddie, whose family is Catholic. Eddie, who already had a strained relationship with his judgmental parents. Eddie, who had a WIFE. Eddie, who says that what he had with Shannon was magic & compares every relationship he had to her. Eddie, who was in the military, which is infamous for DADT. Eddie, whose aunt constantly pushes him at random women because he needs to not be alone. Eddie, who canonically suffers from comp-het, saying that dating women feels like putting on a performance, not that he understands why. Eddie, who dated Ana & was planning on staying with her, even though he was unhappy, for his son.
I think Buck would be way chiller with realizing he’s queer - if he doesn’t already know, which is my fav head-cannon - & I feel like he wouldn’t struggle as much bc it’s Eddie, & Eddie is his best friend, and gender wouldn’t play as big a part for him as I think it would for Eddie.
I would love for them both to have an arc where they worked through their expectations when it comes to relationships & realize that they’re queer, but idk man, I feel like Eddie is going to be the one to really struggle & he deserves to really have that flushed out.
Idk, I’ve been thinking about this ever since I saw that post & nobody I know watches 9-1-1 😭
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dilfmobius · 4 months
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mobius + the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day LOKI 2x06 - Glorious Purpose
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its-tortle · 1 year
thinking about wylan waking up before jesper that morning of 02x05 and just watching him sleep and reveling in the fact that he can actually snuggle closer and kiss his jaw now instead of leaving because now he knows jesper wants him and he gets to have him in the morning light too and help him make his bed and it all feels surreal and warm and wonderful
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robbyykeene · 1 month
Season 6 date announcement trailer!
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