#i have So Many Feelings about eugene lee yang
growing up closeted and asian in texas ➡️ coming out on youtube on his own terms ➡️ being the voice of a central character in an animated movie who gets to be expressly love with a man without suffering horrific consequences
nobody’s doing it like eugene lee yang
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themovieblogonline · 1 year
Netflix’s Nimona Is A Fun Enough Kids’ Movie With Little For Anyone Else
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Netflix’s latest animated original Nimona is a really cool new movie with a very unique premise. The film has a lot of laughs, great voice acting and a wonderful world that is quite special. While it’s got a lot working for it, there’s not enough to engage an all-ages audience. But kids will love it. Check out my full Nimona review and catch the movie with your young ones. Nimona Review Is Spoiler Free The world of Nimona is quite rich with a great history and premise. The story starts with the history of Gloreth during what looks like Meidevil times. Gloreth is the historical figure of this world that fought back against evil monsters to protect society. So much so that even 1,000 years later, despite technological advancements, society still follows her rule and example. A new threat comes along that looks to destroy all that Gloreth built. Or, does it? I can’t gush enough in this Nimona review about the world of this movie. It’s such an interesting and unique idea that really deserves more exploration. This makes me wonder if Nimona wouldn’t have been better served as a series, than a movie. Despite the fact that society has advanced and there’s laser tech and flying cars, they still adhere to the Medieval times' way of doing things. The Military branch is still Knights, and the architecture is still very much castle-like. It’s interesting seeing how a world evolved from those days but with the influence of that time still intact. Nimona’s Characters And Voice Cast Are Perfect Chloe Grace Moretz voices the titular Nimona who is wonderful! Nimona herself is a rebellious young girl with a mysterious past, who just wants to be the sidekick of a villain. Yea, you heard me. So when a non-noble Knight is framed for murder, Nimona thinks she’s found her evil master. But Ballister, voiced by Riz Ahmed, is anything but evil. The main story in this Nimona review is about how Ballister was about to become a knight, despite not being noble-born, as most knights in this world are. But at the last minute, a heinous act occurs, framing Ballister, making him the kingdom’s most wanted criminal. The story of Nimona is about these two misfits, Nimona and Ballister, as they try to clear his name, but along the way, upend everything they thought they knew about their world. Ahmed is wonderful as Ballister, providing a vocal performance that’s different from the typical animated movies. Ahmed’s unique voice adds something to Nimona that’s not often there. The rest of the movie is wonderfully supported by other performances like Frances Conroy and Eugene Lee Yang. Trying Too Hard To Be Everything All At Once Where Nimona loses me is with its overall tone and more extensive approach to the story. The story itself is trying to do way too much with a very limited runtime. With a runtime of only 1 hour and 41 minutes, you would expect a story that is clean and to the point. But there are too many ideas and plot twists that come in at the end of the second act, for the movie to give enough time for those twists to breathe before rushing to a conclusion. It’s weird that this wasn’t made as an animated kids’ series, like many other Netflix shows, instead of a feature film. Then there’s the tone of the movie. At many points, it feels like a kids' animated movie from the 90s, with cheesy humour and many over-the-top performances, including Moretz’ and Ahmed’s. But it’s more the dialogues than their delivery of them. This is why I feel that younger audiences will have a blast with Nimona, but the parents or their older siblings may need more. Nimona Review Concludes On A Good Note Overall Nimona has a lot more good in it than bad. The complaints about the tone and rushed third act are only a problem if you’re not having fun with the rest of the movie. But it’s a movie that can be thoroughly enjoyed as a family movie night feature, or just something for the little ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_fuHRyQbOc Nimona releases on June 30, 2023, on Netflix. Are you excited to see a futuristic Medieval world in Nimona? Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter at @theshahshahid. Read the full article
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tryguysgifs · 7 years
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The Try Guys Take A Lie Detector Test 3/?
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asmrtist-brainrot · 3 years
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Fiery and fierce, here’s Damien!!
I... Might have uh, pulled an Avatar: The Last Airbender and made him Asian because... Fire elemental... Fire bender.
It is also a bit self indulgent because I am of East Asian descent - but anyhow -
Headcanons Away!:
So Damien is fashionable as fuck, he’s usually dressed real well and has a generally rather simple look. He knows what looks good and pairs well with his appearance, even if he’s in comfort wear - he dresses well. Actually on trend and kinda picky about branding because he also likes to support smaller chains. His style is modern, minimalistic and simple. But you can bet he does not skimp on the outfits he wears. (hence why he’s wearing so many different looks here)
This part of his life came from his mother showing him how to dress and it helps people take him more seriously. If other’s are going to trash on him for who he is, the best thing is to show them that he can not only do better but look better. She’s influenced him so much he wears a watch given to her only for special events. (not pictured)
He wears glasses only in class only really indoors or on a day he doesn’t feel like putting in his contacts. Of which he usually wears when he’s attending classes or not wanting the bulk of them when he’s running around. (as seen above)
He’s once forgotten both contacts and glasses in a rush once and just spent the day looking like he’s glaring at everyone, much to FL’s worry. (see the top image)
Oh! The eyebrow slits are fashion statement from his teenage years. He went through a bit of an emo phase but kept the look because he liked the slight edginess. (all drawings apply)
It also added to the intimidation of his resting bitch face and got most people to just leave him alone... There is also a remnant of that phase in his angry face. (see the bottom right)
Notes: Dami actually had a somewhat different hair style but I decided to draw him with this once because I already had plans for other characters with the fauxhawk look. I thought it’d better suit his look. His design still remained very close to the original one I’d first pictured and I’m still real happy how it came out. He is also somewhat inspired by Eugene Lee Yang, though more loosely.
On another note, I’ll probably be drawing him in more looks in the future! So many things would look good on him.
Any of y’all spot the running theme yet?
Elliot is up next!
~ Dari
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noa-nightingale · 4 years
Queer Watcher 2020
I am looking back on this weird, not-so-wonderful year - and on the ways @wearewatcher made my 2020 so much more wonderful. Originally, I wanted to list all the highlights I could think of, but one of the things I am most grateful for is Watcher’s inclusion and support of LGBTQ+ folks. I am just one queer person but I know there are many more in this fandom.
So, this ended up being a list of things I, as a queer person, appreciate and enjoy, and I am so so happy that I can write this. Buckle up, I have Things to say, and it is going to be emotional.
Ryan’s Pride shoes. I sometimes wonder how many sales Converse owes him. I love my own pair btw.
“Look, all I’m sayin’ is, y’know, hey, uh, love everybody.” - Shane Madej, Gangly Puppet Freak. A PSA from the Weird/Wonderful Shakespeare Theatre vid, regarding bisexuality - he is so awkward with it lmao. Whole video has really great vibes too.
Various tweets, including wishing us a happy Non-Binary People’s Day and a happy Trans Awareness week.
Ryan and Shane including their pronouns in their twitter bio. (Little things like this don’t go unnoticed, and they are very appreciated.)
Gay Oars! Ugh, my heart. Their first appearance totally caught me off guard, and I haven’t recovered since. (I also causes me no small amount of joy that the most romantic and tragic song of all time is called “Gore on the Shore”.) I could yell about my love for these guys all day. It is a beautiful thing that these characters exist.
Gay Oars, again - I knew they would show up and I still was not prepared. The song made me cry. I haven’t recovered from that one either. I love the progression from the first, tragic song to the second, joyful and loving song. I have so many emotions about these oars, I probably could make an entire list just for them. (Little fun fact: Even though the song made me cry, my first reaction to that episode was to go on tumblr and yell about it excitedly. Like, I was emotional but in an enthusiastic kind of way. The more difficult emotions hit me about four days later, for some reason. And then I sat in my room and cried my eyes out. Like, as much as I like being queer, sometimes it is just damn hard and the pain seems too much and you have been hurt over and over and don’t know if you can ever recover from it. And it is just really good to know that someone cares about your wellbeing as a queer person. Even if you have never spoken to that someone and he does not even know of your existence. And to be honest, I don’t always know how to deal with that. The kindness? The genuine allyship? I have no idea how to handle that, and it simultaneously heals and breaks my heart.)
Every time the words “his boyfriend” were uttered; I am especially thinking of Are You Scared here.
All the fan art Watcher inspired and continues to encourage and to support. There are many great artists in the fandom! And Watcher’s content inspires me to draw and create more myself! How wonderful!
Toxic masculinity who? It is nowhere to be found.
This... special kind of gentle and kind weirdness? It honestly had such a positive impact on me and the way I interact with other people and let them interact with me.
All of the wonderful people Watcher brought in. I am sure they will work with more amazing folks and I am really looking forward to that. Personally, I am hoping to see Eugene Lee Yang at some point. (Would be really happy to see Thomas Sanders too.)
Here’s What You Do. Just the whole podcast. It was such a delight.
I was hesitant to include this because I believe many of us have negative memories attached to it, and it was not a fun time for anyone (including the lovely people at Watcher themselves). But, yes, I am mentioning it: That one HWYD episode and the follow-up. I can only speak for myself, but the follow-up has an incredibly special place in my heart. To me, it is one of the most important videos Watcher has created. I watched it several times, I journaled about it extensively and it made me a better ally. Hell, I even showed it to my mother and one of my siblings (like, the entire video). I know it was a difficult thing to talk about but at this point: A HUGE thank you to Steven, Ryan, Katie and Shane for handling this in an absolutely fantastic way. I feel welcome and seen and appreciated, and in the end all I want is this: For people to genuinely give a shit about me as a queer person.
On a more lighthearted note, I enjoy it way too much that Ryan is able to say “LGBTQ” without stumbling over the letters. It seems like such a tiny thing but it brings me an unholy amount of joy.
The Professor. I don’t want to call him LGBTQ+ because that has not been confirmed as canon but he IS comfortable wearing clothes that are typically seen as “women’s clothing”, and as a trans/non-binary person I am kind of obligated to mention it.
I think I had an out of body experience when Ryan said “Oh thank you baby” to Steven in Too Many Spirits. Then I had to pause the episode to finish laughing. And then they brought it back in the next episode. Bless them.
Every time they/them pronouns were said.
The entire Hatshepsut PH episode. What can I say, I like it when gender norms/expectations/roles are broken. And even if we can’t call Hatshepsut trans by today’s standards, declaring yourself another gender has such power.
Without giving too many details: I had my struggles and problems in the past with Christianity and ~certain~ Christian people, and it is really good (and I mean REALLY good) to see someone whose faith and integrity are so interwoven and who is inspired by his faith to do good things and to do right by people. I obviously only know the things about his belief that Steven decides to put on the internet but what I’ve seen is almost healing to me, in a way. I am very grateful and happy that he is willing to educate others and to keep working on himself. Warms my heart.
The certainty with which these beautiful people call themselves allies.
Just... the general kindness and compassion, and the willingness to listen and to grow. I promise you, we notice and we love you for it.
I could have expanded on all of these points but I tried to keep this short.
And look. I don’t want to put anyone on a pedestal; that would not be fair. I am just immensely grateful for kind people who genuinely care and who genuinely try to do right by others and to bring joy to others.
And I know we like to have fun here but Watcher’s content is just a lot more than entertaining, meme-able fun (although it is that too, of course).
I had a blast with it this year and I am very much looking forward to the next year. I feel like I can’t adequately put into words the myriad of little (and not so little) ways these people have made my life better this year. Thank you from the bottom of my aroace, non-binary heart.
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thedramaclubs · 4 years
Tonight belongs to you
Summery: it’s prom night and the group is going to have the night of there lives
Ships: Logicality, Prinxiety, demus/dukeceit
When they’re singing
Patton- blue
Duet- orange
Kaylee- black
Ms Greene- pink
It’s prom night. Remus is at Patton’s helping him pick out a suit. “You better hurry up in there or your gonna me my drag alter ego....Eugene lee yang from the try guys.” Patton came out wearing a light blue tux.
“What do you think?”
“Well it’s better than the pink. But you got fuzz on your shoulders. You’ve got great shoulders”
“This isn’t working” Remus clean off the fuzz
“Don’t panic...does this help?”
I don’t know?....What did you wear to your prom?” Remus got quiet “Well I was gonna wear a dark green dress with sparkles everywhere. But this isn’t about me this is about you. Your gonna have the night of your life.” Remus walked back to get a view of the tux.
“Hey what’s your date wearing?”
“I don’t know.” Remus’s face change to confusion. “He didn’t give you a little fashion show?”
“I’ve never been to his house. His mother doesn’t know about us.” Patton felt anxious
“How long have you been together?”
“A year an a half.”
“Oh my god....”
“But he’s coming out tonight big time that’s the plan.......I’m really scared”
“Well for so many reasons but mainly because.......half of the people their still hate me.” The room got quiet. Remus put out his hand for Patton and they sat on Patton’s bed.
“Look I never went to my prom.” Remus started to tear up. Patton gave him a hug and a single tear fell from his face. “Looks like your mystery boyfriend and I never had your courage. You made all of this happened and when you walked into that gym tonight, you know what their gonna see.....the bravest person in the world.”
Patton gave a small smile and a nervous giggle “This is scary does everyone go through this?”
“Are you kidding of course. Right now girls are spraying on their tans, whitening their teeth and shoving their fingers down their throats one last time and trying to look their best for the prom. But they are wasting their time. They might as well be wearing a garbage bag........with the word “whore” on it and you know why.........because.......they’re whores.”
Patton was shocked “WHAT?!”
Remus then regretted that last statement
“No my god they don’t have the glow you have right now”
“I trust you completely and that’s kinda scary”
I can tell your feeling wary but you can count on uncle reemy he turn this butchy duck into a swan
Your whole look could use a shake up you can borrow all my make up and the pair of SPANX I currently have on
I think I’ll past
Treat the whole world like your run way make it fierce but in a fun way try to flip your hair like Cher and drag queens do
And I don’t mean to be rude dear but you could use some attitude dear
Let’s show the school tonight belongs to you
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal, so why not makes some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it, it’s time that you own it let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Now whatever we choose we gotta make sure to sell it
How do I do that?
Allow Ms Allen to demonstrate
You might find this disconcerting but old Remus has done some flirting
Try to bat your eyes and smile each time you grin
I can guess your whole agenda
You be Elphie I’m Galinda
It’s makeover time so why not just give in
One things universal
Life’s no dress rehearsal
So why not make some waves before it’s through
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that I own it (yes sir!)
Let’s make it clear that tonight belongs to you
Belongs to me
Kaylee and Shelby are at Kaylees house
“Oh god I can’t believe this is finally happening” Said Kaylee
“He almost ruined it for all of us” Said Shelby
“Well what goes around comes around. You look hot”
“You look so hot”
Well I hate to sound conceited but the boys get over heated when I strike a pose or or two like thus *they do poses here*
And you have to hand it to me I mean even I would do me
Let’s show the world tonight belongs to us
One things universal, life no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it lets make it clear that tonight belongs to us
Logan finished getting dress. He was in a black tux with a dark blue tie with his hair pulled back with gel.
“You look so handsome. You should always wear your hair like this.”
Logan took a deep breath. “Mom I want you to know what’s gonna happen tonight I-”
“Shh can we not spoil this moment. I’ve worked very hard on this night. I have a right to enjoy it too. Your gonna have a wonderful prom like a normal boy I made sure of that”
“What does that mean?”
I don’t like when strangers in my way or when somebody messes with the PTA
Or maybe that’s just me trust me
Fixes little problems is what I do now everyone is happy I promise you
And I would never ever miss a night like this Logan your my super Star now get your ass in the car
The Prom has begun. Every is dancing and having the night of their lives. Everyone has worked so hard for this night music blasting, streamers and confetti flying and everyone haveing the night of their lives.
One things universal life’s no dress rehearsal excuse me while I state the obvious
Go big or you’ve blown it
It’s time that we own it
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!
Patton and the actors are at the gym door about to go inside we’re the rest of the kids are.
“You look so handsome” Said Roman
“Are you sure it’s not to boyish?”
“No it’s definitely boyish.” Said Janus as he held a little box.
“He means it’s not to boyish. My husband likes to mess with people time to time but that’s what I love about him.” Janus blushed at what Remus Said. “You did good Remus. I thought you had no fashion sense whatsoever but I was wrong.”
“Thanks Roman. Where’s your date?”
“We’re meeting inside the gym. He’s still a little shy about all this but he’ll be there.”
“Well this is were we leave you our work here is done.” Remus got the box from Janus and inside was a boutonniere. He pinned it on Patton’s tux and they started to walk away.
“Can you walk me in Remus? I’m a little nervous.”
Remus gave a small smile “of course.” The two of them squealed and walked in the gym
“We did good you guys. Now who’s wants a drink?” Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan walked out.
The moment Remus and Patton walked in the gym.........they were in shocked. The gym was empty. Their was no one there except for Virgil on the phone and some balloons and streamers.
“What’s going on?”
“I’m just putting the pieces together give me one second.” Virgil went back on the the phone and Remus kept looking around the sad and empty gym.
“Where is everybody?”
“What’s going on here?” Once Remus said that Roman, Janus, Thomas and Joan came in.
“Something’s wrong. The entire parking lot is empty!” Roman looked around
“Jesus what’s the theme of the prom death row!” Said Joan
Patton’s voice started to shake “Mr Hawkins. Where are all the kids? I don’t understand?”
Logan and his mom were at the real prom and Logan was concerned
“I don’t understand. Why aren’t we at the gym?”
His mom provided and explainantion “Well at last minute their was a problem and we had to change the venue.” “Mom what’s going on tell me the truth.”
“This is what happened as I understand it the courts told the pta to hold and inclusive prom.”
“Don’t worry we did what we had to do”
“There was some resistance but the parents met without my knowledge and organized 2 proms”
“We gave him a prom”
“One for all the kids at elk lodge down town”
At both places
“Oh my god” Said Patton and Logan
And THIS prom.....JUST for you!”
“Now you go have fun! I will be here to make sure everything is perfect”
Patton’s voice was shaking “Wait no I got texts from kids at school everyone said it was here!”
“They lied to you it was part of the plan.”
“Oh my god!” Roman exclaimed
“YOU LIED TO ME!” Yelled Logan at Kaylee and Shelby
“Who’s the lier.”
“We know about you and Patton.”
“Trust us we’re doing you a favor.”
“You can thank us later.”
“Patton I’m so so sorry this is...... IM STILL IN SHOCK” Patton walked away to cry a little
“So your saying the whole town kept this from him?!” Said Thomas
“This is so cruel” Said Janus
“I’m gonna cry!” Remus ran into Janus’s arms and started to cry.
“This is a disaster.” Said Roman
“This is a PR problem.” Said Joan as they walked to Roman
“No we had a PR problem, this is a full-blown disaster this is the end of my career.” Virgil overheard the conversation.
“Whoa whoa, that’s why you came here for publicity!?” Roman walked to the taller man “Virgil you don’t know how the world works.” “Yes I do......unfortunately.” Patton put his glasses back on and walked to the front of the gym.
One things universal, life’s no dress rehearsal, when people find a scapegoat, to condemn. We went big yet we’ve blown it I guess I should have known it all along tonight belong............. to them
Patton’s phone rang
“I swear I didn’t know.”
“You were on the prom committee how did you not know?”
“It was Kaylee and Shelby. They found out we were together they didn’t want me to tell you.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Then come met me.”
Silence. Logan began to cry
“I can’t”
“You can’t or you won’t?”
“My mom is here.”
“WELL LEAVE HER!” Tears we’re streaming down Patton’s face
“She’s watching me every second!”
“I’ve had enough”
“I mean it’s not how I thought it would go I’m sorry.”
“Great, perfect, that fixes everything, have fun at the normal persons prom!” Patton hung up.
“Patton. PATTON!”
Remus than interjected “Okay here’s what we’re gonna do, we are gonna go to that prom and-”
“NO THIS ALREADY THE WORSE NIGHT OF MT LIFE JUST STOP HELPING ME!!” Patton ran out of the gym crying and Janus followed after him
And make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs to
Make it clear that tonight belongs
TO US!!!!!!!
End of act 1
Okay so I’m gonna take a break from writing the au for a bit. I’ll still be on tumblr and you guys can talk to me I’m just gonna take a break do for about a week or 2. if you want to be tag let me know
People to tag/ @artissijules @patt-off @frogsandcookies @icantthinkofacreativeurl @purplestarrystars @actingonimpulse
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blackgirlnotes · 4 years
Faux Activism and Exclusionary Practices.
Before I even begin this week's text post, I have to make it abundantly clear: All Black Lives must matter to you if you are going to be an "activist" or a social justice warrior. That said, let's have a conversation about what and why this new wave of activism in the black community is not inclusive nor real.
The outrage over the unnecessary killings and highly preventable deaths of black men and women is one hundred percent real and warranted. However, as I have noticed in my personal social media timelines, many people are unknowingly (or purposefully) excluding the names of trans people and non-binary people. This is abhorrent and frankly disgusting. Black people exist in every facet of life: from being a cis-woman who has a loving husband to being a trans man who lives with his life gay, cis-partner. Every version of the black experience is valid and worthy of protection and acceptance. Women and LGBTQIA+ folx have a hard time already existing in a straight, white, male dominated world. Imagine tacking on the fact that they are black. Now they experience two to three different forms of discrimination for things they didn't decide nor have the ability to change. If you are outraged at the injustices inflicted upon our people for generations, then you MUST also include your gender non-conforming friends and their experiences as well. Do not practice and exclusionary version of "Black Lives Matter." At that point, you are a hypocrite and liar because you, yourself do not see the value in the non-traditional (for lack of a better term) black life.
For the first week of protests and surge of political dismantling, we saw the names of nearly every black man who had died as a result of unjust policing and a corrupt government. Rarely did we see popular activists or celebrities mention the names of Breonna Taylor, Sandra Bland, or Atatiana Jefferson. Rarely did we see the same outpour of grief and support for the women also impacted by the world we live in. Never, in that first week, did I see a video or post about how to help locate the thousands of lost black girls snatched from inner cities. Last time I checked, the human mind is capable of focusing on more than one tragedy at a time. To not share the same loudness when it comes to the plight of the black woman is to be silent. As we have learned over the last few weeks: silence is deafening. It doesn't surprise me that our people don't make nearly as much noise behind the oppression and destruction of the black woman. This is the same community that had a generation raises young girls to "dress appropriately when there are men in the house," you know...the house the men are VISITING and you are STAYING in. The same group of people who deem black women ghetto for having multiple partners and children from said partners but praises men because "it must be so hard taking care of all those kids...as a man." The same delegation of humans who will bash a darkskin woman in order to praise a lightskin or non-black woman. Let me digress. The treatment of black women is so ingrained in to our psyche that we, as women, catch ourselves subconsciously giving in to these misogynistic practices. When my step mother tells me I should cover up because I live in a house with men, when my job tells me the uncomfortable advances from male customers is normal and I should just ignore it, or when the first lady of my church deems my knee length skirt too short simply because the old, perverted men in the sanctuary can't stop staring. It is done from a place of "protection" in their eyes but it stems from something deeper. To destroy the black woman is to destroy the black man, essentially. Every black man comes from a black woman. Before you try arguing in terms of "mixed kids with white mothers," learn basic genetics: the mixed boy with a black dad and white mom has a black grandma. His father's mother, and her mother and so forth, are all black. Do not be silent when Black women are oppressed, slain and abused. Be as loud as you are when George and Trayvon were taken from us. Be as loud as you are when your sport's team loses. Do not allow the black woman's life to be lost without at least trying to protect it.
Yes, signing your name on petitions and opening your purse to the many sites created to help protesters is a great way to help make change but it isn't the only way nor is it the most effective. Stop bashing people who do not see the value in signing an online petition amd start suggesting other ways to be active in this fight. Organize something in your neighborhood, attend a protest, help localize the situations going on if none of the tragedies apply to your town. Educate yourself and a friend. There are many other ways to protest and be active in the community other than donating money you may not have or signing a petition because twitter user funyunslover48 told you to. This is a direct message to those demonizing others for not signing petitions online or donating online. Its not the end of the world if the petition with 400,000 signatures doesn't get signed by Sandy because Sandy has signed ten other ones today and doesn't feel like she has to sign another. I will say, as a counter, if you haven't signed at least one petition or donated anywhere of you could, then you are definitely not helping and you need to find some links and sign some ink. Period.
My only statement for this is to look at living, civil rights activist. Revisit history a bit and do what you can to try and rally our people together as a whole. We need, as a collective, to have leaders in the community who are bringing us together from all sides. Paris, London, Tokyo, and parts of New Zealand have all had BLM protests in accordance with the ones happening in every state in America. We must unite ourselves somehow so that the true message of what we're fighting for, globally, is not lost nor is it misconstrued. This is my only suggestion for this section.
In all, the practices that have been going on for the last two weeks have been positive and good mostly. However, there is always room for improvement and there needs to be room for those who we have been constantly ostracizing. Now is the time for black people of all sexualities, genders, ages, and backgrounds to come together and fight for ourselves. We cannot say that our lives matter if we exclude our women and LGBTQIA+ family. We are united by our shared experiences and culture, please do not let who someone shares a bed with at night deter you from that fact.
Here is a list of black-led LGBT organizations that you can glean information from or donate to (list curated by Eugene Lee Yang of the Try Guys):
TGI Justice Project
The Okra Project
Anti-Violence Project
Black Trans Travel Fund
The Transgender District
Black Aids Institute
Marsha P. Johnson Institute
Brave Space Alliance
Voix Noire
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- nellmaria
(please excues any typos. this has yet to be edited.)
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sulkybbarnes · 5 years
could you recomend some podcasts? because i want to get into them but there are so many i dont even know where to begin... i've already listened to the bright sessions tho and i love it!
Hey anon!! Of course, I’m more than happy to give podcast recommendations so I’ve included my faves here which are from wildly different genres, but all have lgbt+ characters and awesome representation!!
Alice Isn’t Dead: This podcast follows a truck driver on her mission to find her missing wife. I’m not a horror person at all, but this podcast is the exception for me. It has some horror elements as the protag faces different supernatural scenarios and creatures on her road trip through America, but each story somehow ends up reflecting the reality we live in and is far deeper than some scary story. It genuinely has some of the best prose and storytelling I’ve ever heard/read, and slowly starts developing an awesome plot along the way. It also has a kickass wlw couple at the heart of it, is narrated by a woc, and handles the protag’s anxiety beautifully. You can’t get better than this tbh! 
The Bright Sessions: I adore this podcast and I’m adding it for anyone who hasn’t listened to it yet. TBS is presented as a collection of tapes/recordings made by DR Bright, a therapist who exclusively treats patients with super powers known as atypicals. Each tape is a character with different powers, and the story of each individual slowly starts becoming part of a bigger plot. Excellent lgbt+ representation, great character dynamics, and has one of my favourite lgbt couples in fiction. TBS also deals with mental health issues and trauma super well.
Wolf 359: A story following the crew of a space ship sent into deep space. This one starts up all funny and light hearted, with space shenanigans and an annoying af yet somewhat lovable narrator, and slowly gets darker and crazier as you go. Another one that develops a plot along the way and suddenly you’ve gone from “haha this idiot’s best friend is the spaceship’s AL system to ....what the fuck just happened?!”. It has some kickass female characters and the gift that is Isabel Lovelace, but not much of lgbt+ representation (as there’s really no romance in the podcast at all) until the very end and even then it’s only mentioned in passing, although some of the cast are lgbt+ in reality and the dynamics are left up to your own interpretation.  
The Two Princes: A really short, happy, cheesy af podcast following two princes on their quest to defeat an enchanted forest and falling in love in the process. Super predictable but really funny and cute if you’re looking for an easy listen! And extra points for them casting Middle Eastern voice actors to play the Arab characters (one of the princes and both his parents). So full points for lgbt+ and poc representation! 
EOS 10: Another space podcast! This one is set on a space station in the future and follows Dr Ryan Dalias, a tired bisexual who should probably get paid way more to deal with all the shit he has to deal with. A pretty funny, light hearted podcast for the most part with more lgbt characters that show up a bit later on. I haven’t listened to season 4 yet but the first 3 were pretty enjoyable!!
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: Space stories again but this time with lesbians! If you want to see space pirates and a baffled scientist trying to survive them and deny her attraction to one particular kickass female pirate, you’re gonna like this one. I haven’t listened to this one since s1 ended so my memory is shaky on it, but it’s got wlw characters, genderfluid characters, AND space pirates so it had to go on my rec list!
The Orbiting Human Circus (of the air): Don’t know how to describe this to you but it’s a whimsical dream-like story that follows Julian the janitor, who works at the Eiffel tower and spends his days dreaming of joining a fictional radio show. It’s strangely comforting and weird and guaranteed to make you feel emotional. The main character is gay, as confirmed by his (also gay) voice actor, but it only comes up in passing because the story doesn’t have any romance.
The TryPod: This is the only non-fictional podcast on this list, and I included it because I adore its hosts and the podcast makes me laugh a lot. A podcast run by The Try Guys, a youtuber group of four guys, who sit around for one hour and talk about everything under the sun. They’re genuinely funny without being mean to anyone, and Eugene Lee Yang our Asian gay icon always delivers on good opinions while Zach and Keith mess around, Ned tries to keep everyone in check, and Miles (their podcast producer) gives hilarious, weird af yet strangely useful advice!
Limetown: I debated whether or not I want to include this one because I didn’t like the second season much and therefore haven’t finished it, but the first season deserves the mention. This is presented as tapes recorded by a journalist investigating the disappearance of an entire town’s population, over three hundred people, that happened overnight ten years ago. A bit horror-y and chilling at times, but the first season is so good. There’s science and sci-fi elements involved.
Please let me know what you think if you listen to any of these, and happy listening 💕
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arceus-ex-machina · 5 years
tagged by: @rebelchild ty!
rules: answer some questions, tag some people, you know how it goes.
nickname: don't have one :( I'm in @quinintheclouds 's phone as glittery bitch tho
real name: nina
zodiac: sagittarius
fave musicians: well apparently I'm one of Jeff Williams' top fans on spotify so there's that, I adore paramore, listen to lots of p!atd and tessa violet, and I'm not yet entirely familiar with her whole catalogue but I have very strong feelings about Janelle Monae
fave sports team: what
other blogs: only one I use is @lyra-pynk maybe I should change the name but I have no ideas
do i get asks: barely. pls send me more
how many blogs do i follow: 93
tumblr crushes: i dont think so, i feel like i used to but they're all inactive
lucky number(s): 9 is my favorite, I think 2 is said to be my lucky number in like numerology or something
what am i wearing: black cami and black and white shorts
dream vacation: literally everywhere but I have a few specific ones: anywhere out of the continental US just so I will have done it, a road trip of the US w optional Canada, I realllly wanna live in Spain for a while, Japan, Singapore, the northern lights, anywhere that has 24 hour daylight sometimes, and anywhere you can see the milky way.
dream car: well everyone around me keeps talking about teslas and since they're supposed to be safer I'm all in. Realistically I just want one that works, is cheap to use and maintain, and is energy efficient.
fave food: I've been really into mangoes lately
drink of choice: b o b a m i l k t e a
instruments: I pretty much just sing and have advanced-beginner level abilities on guitar, bass, piano, and ukulele.
languages: english, enough spanish to where I can understand about 80% of one conversation and 6% of another, i can read the phonetic alphabets of Japanese like a toddler (I was like a 5 year old when I was learning it more actively) and I know a few words and grammar things here and there. I want to become fluent in spanish and ASL!
celebrity crushes: dodie clark, aubrey plaza, eugene lee yang a little bit, and I think I'll always have a place in my heart for liz gillies
random facts: I bought a desk for 7 dollars. check your local thrift stores people
tagging: @quinintheclouds @spudthecat @ccalninja @beemyamour and literally anyone who wants to do it, I know no one ever does it if they arent tagged but I will deadass edit this post to add you if you post this and tag me. Everyone deserves tag games in their lives
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chaoticeddie · 5 years
tagged by: @sunnygaybitch (thank you for tagging me uwu!!!!)
tagging: @zombiesamurai23 @bovaque @thatsuperawkwardgirl @yourguyeli @bolognaa-a @trashgetti @austinendstheworld @pink-nasa @hostbusters if you don’t want to do this or you’ve already done it feel free to ignore this!!!! and if you do want to do it, consider yourself tagged!!!
nickname: Lena to pretty much everyone but my family and teachers and like. professional relationships lol. so basically Lena to my friends and on tumblr
real name: eh
zodiac sign: cancer
height: 5'4"
what time is it: 12:41 pm
favorite musician(s): oooh so BTS, Hozier, Infinite, Monsta X, Panic! at the Disco, Journey, Elton John, Queen, Twice, SHINee (including all their individual content), and Ateez. that’s the music that I most listen to lmao
favorite sports team: none probably lol I don’t follow sports
other blogs: technically? I have one url that I saved and I made a theme for it (as in I picked out two pictures for the header and profile pic) but I’ve never used it
do i get asks: occasionally??? usually just when I’ve just posted one of those ask games and I’ll get maybe one or two people ask me lol
how many blogs do i follow: 616 lmao it’s a lot but I have like certain blogs on notification so I don’t actually scroll through my dash that often
any tumblr crushes: sldkjsfkj no sorry
lucky number: 5 and 10 maybe? idk if I would count them as lucky they’re just my favorite numbers
what i’m wearing right now: shorts and a t-shirt lmao these are my pj’s I’m just chilling until I go to bed which will be soon cause I’m tired. my t-shirt is the one that my mom got for me last summer for my birthday which is a bristol va/tn shirt cause that’s where I grew up and I don’t live there anymore hnskfdnd I miss it
dream vacation: ooooh this is a good question uhhh is it a cop out to say that my dream vacation would be to travel around the world? I really really wanna see so many countries and have all those experiences so idk if I could pick just one place to go. wherever I chose though I would want to be able to experience new people and things and have fun and travel with people I love and also be able to relax and not feel guilty about tasks for once in my life PLEASE
dream car: oh god I don’t even know. I want like a smallish car so I can park easily (I currently drive a grand marquis and it is HELL trying to park it. I feel safe in it but like other than that…..i just want like a stylish car too although I don’t actually know what counts as a stylish car…..i would like to have enough money to deck it out with all the cool shit like the alarm that sounds when other cars get close and automatic parking for if I ever have to parallel park and bluetooth capabilities (yeah my car is old enough that it doesn’t have that lksdjflksj it doesn’t even have an aux port so I have to just listen to music through my phone speakers) also seat warmers hsnksdfl
favorite food: strawberry shortcake maybe? or pickles….I will eat a ton of strawberry shortcake if it is available but every time I think about pickles I crave them
drink of choice: alcohol or just regular drink? I’m still 20 so I can’t technically legally drink but I have wine coolers sometimes and those are good. does that count as alcohol? Idk lmao they just taste good. maybe I’ll have a different opinion once I turn 21 and to try more drinks. for regular, non-alcoholic drinks I really like soda. basic and sad ik but I love like pepsi and dr. pepper hskjdfljdkfs
languages: english and a little bit of ASL. I’m taking ASL 2 right now and I think I’m getting pretty good but I’m still very very slow omg. I also took Latin in high school but I really don’t remember much rip
instruments: I can play the very beginning of hedwig’s theme on piano and I know like the basics but other than that I can’t play anything. I own a guitar because I watched August Rush and was inspired but uh I haven’t learned yet whoops sorry @ my parents
celebrity crushes: maya hawke maybe???? idk like there are a ton of celebrities that I admire like bill hader and emma watson and brie larson and janelle monae and eugene lee yang but crushes? does that include like “I would date if they were interested, available, and my age” cause like idk lmao maybe???? they all just feel so far away and while I love them to pieces I honestly couldn’t see myself dating any of them so idk
random fact: ummmm well today I got assigned (sort of) a research project for my lab! it’s more of a literature review I think? I have to research this topic and then put together a poster for the human factors display that my college is doing later this semester and I’m really stressed about it cause it’s gonna be a lot of work and I’m already stressed about my own school work and then I’ll also have to present it probably and THAT’S stressful and I’m not good at getting things done so like. idk how good of an idea this is. but I’m also excited cause this is going to be really good experience and I’ll have the help of the grad student who I’ve been working with and the faculty member from my lab and then this will also distinguish me from my peers somewhat when I apply to grad schools in a couple years so. I’m definitely excited but also stressed hngfnksld
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purplesurveys · 5 years
Sin 1: Lust 1. Who was the last person you checked out? Did they check you out too? Surprise surprise, it’s my girlfriend. Yeah she did - I think I’d start worrying if she didn’t, lmao.
2. Who was the last person you desired, but they didn’t feel the same? Gab, at one point. Other than her, I haven’t desired anybody else; but I was on the ‘didn’t feel the same’ side at least once, back when Mike used to like me.
3. Ever cheated on a significant other? If so, have you learned from it? No, I’ve never cheated.
4. Do you watch porn? Yes. I’d have phases where I’d view it 2-3 times a week, then I’d completely stop for months – kinda like how everyone plays The Sims lol. I don’t know why it works like that for me.
5. Do you masturbate? Sometimes.
6. Best physical features on your preferred sex? I don’t have a preferred sex, and my favored features differ per person.
7. Who are some celebrities that you think are totally hot? Kristen Stewart, if you don’t me already haha. Also Eugene Lee Yang from the Try Guys, Beyoncé, and Jennifer Aniston.
8. Did you ever lust after a best friend’s significant other? How did it turn out? Mmm nope, I never found myself attracted to Hans in any way. The fact that he has always been associated with Angela ever since high school also helps.
9. When was the last time you had sex? Like a week before Christmas, I think.
10. Ever pursued someone, even though they were taken? No, that’s a little awful.
Sin 2: Gluttony 1. When did you last eat at a restaurant? What restaurant was it? Last Monday – Gab and I went to Yabu to catch dinner. We had been entertaining my mom’s guests and their kid all day and thought we couldn’t leave the house cos it’s a bit impolite, but I had such a craving that I ended up asking permission if we can go to Yabu by 8:30 even though the mall closed by 9 lol. I realize I talk about Yabu an awful lot on here so for those who wanna know, it’s this local Japanese place that serves theeeee best katsu.
2. When did you last have fast food? Where did you get it? I don’t actually remember. If I’m not wrong, it was around two or three weeks ago, and we had KFC delivered to our house because we were too lazy to cook or go out. I had the Zinger Steak, which I hope they never phase out because it’s insanely good.
3. What was the biggest meal you had all day? I haven’t eaten yet, and it’s only 10:51 AM. 
4. Do you have too many clothes? How often do you go shopping? I wouldn’t say it’s overwhelmingly many, but I definitely own more clothes than the pieces I’d usually wear, and that’s because I don’t like throwing old stuff out just in case I’d need them in the future (definitely got my great-grandma’s hoarding tendencies). I go shopping once in a few months, which in itself is pretty seldom, but that’s because when I go shopping I usually already buy a shit-ton of new clothes, enough for me to be able to mix and match to come up with new outfits for the next few weeks.
5. What’s something you have a LOT of? Black clothing. I’ve made an effort to get more colored tops, but the blacks still overpower.
6. Do you eat a lot? I’m very takaw-tingin, which is a Filipino term used when you get a crapload of food either because you’re hungry or because you’re confident you can finish it – or both – then you never do. Takaw means greedy or glutton, tingin roughly means sight, so it literally means that you just kinda want to get everything because it looks like a lot. So to answer the question, I always feel like I can eat a lot, but at the end of the day I just end up with stomachaches and I never learn.
7. What was the last thing you splurged (spent a lot of money) on? If a bunch of stuff counts, then I splurged on Christmas presents for various people that I all bought in one go – I got massage oils, a garlic press, a frisbee, Marikina sandals, lipstick, and Instax film. If you’re talking about a single thing that I had to drop a ton of money on, it was for my dog’s blood test and some arthritis meds that the vet recommended.
8. What do you spend most of your money on (besides bills and anything necessary like that)? I only ever spend on necessities like gas, clothes, and food, honestly. Other than that... I spend on (and this is very seldom) whatever hobby I’m into at the moment. At one point I spent on slime because I got interested in them, and before that – and y’all know about this – I spent my Christmas savings on adult coloring books and pencils.
9. Last time you ate candy? What was it? A week or two ago; I had a Crunch bar.
10. Last thing you ate too much of? Eggs, I think. My mom makes it for breakfast so I have it almost every day.
Sin 3: Greed 1. Do you share things? How often? Yeah I can be pretty generous with my stuff. I know I’d appreciate it when other people lend me their belongings, so I try to do the same. I once lent my phone to Rita for over an hour just because she wanted to play Mario Kart, and I also lent a book that’s really important to me to an online friend I barely knew; it was with him for like two years, lol.
2. Someone asks you for a piece of your cookie. You break it in half, but the pieces aren’t equal. Who gets the bigger piece? Usually it would be me; but if the person who asked for it was Gab, or if that particular person likes the cookie I have, then they get the bigger piece.
3. When you see change on the ground, do you pick it up? Only if it’s a 10-peso coin, because I’m greedily picky like that lmao. Other people might need a peso or a 5-peso coin more, so I leave it be.
4. How often do you lend money to people? I don’t, and that’s one thing I wouldn’t tend to lend. My parents just give me allowance and it’s usually enough for necessities and for treating myself once or twice a week, so I wouldn’t be able to have some left for others. Besides, that’s my parents’ money and it would be pretty fuckin’ unfair to them if I just give it away to others lmao.
5. Do you loooove money? I hate what it’s done to society, how it’s divided the rich and the poor, and how the people with the most money also tend to be the most selfish coughcoughBILLIONAIREScoughcough. But I love spending for my own, hah.
6. If someone offers to pay for you, do you decline or readily accept? Oh no no no. Decline all the way. If they keep insisting then I’ll probably give in because it’s the polite thing to do, but if I can, I’ll keep declining.
7. Which of your friends is the wealthiest? Rita. Her grandpa is a former senator and she lives in literally the swankiest neighborhood in Metro Manila; I was a bit intimidated when she invited us to her place for the first time lol. She’s the simplest person I know, too; and that’s my favorite kind of rich.
8. Would you take a high-paying job that you didn’t really like just for the money and benefits? That’s definitely what I plan to do, lmao. At least this is how I know myself now: I have enough money to buy whatever I want, and I’m a happy camper. That may change in a few months or within the next year and I may eventually wanna search for a passion – but for now, it’s the mindset I’m going with when I go job-hunting soon. If I survived four years of college with a very burnt-out, emptied passion for journalism that I thought I had, I could probs do the same in the workplace.
9. Ever stole from anyone? What about stole from a store? What happened? I unknowingly stole a box of crayons from a store back when security equipment wasn’t that rigid yet lmao. I realized I ‘stole’ it because I had it in my hands and not in a paper bag when I walked out, so I immediately went back to pay for it. I’ve never stolen anything from anyone.
10. Do you ever have enough money? I don’t think anyone ever feels this way. Ever heard of billionaires?
Sin 4: Sloth 1. Last thing you procrastinated on? Washing the dishes last night.
2. When you’re at a strip mall and the next store you want to go to is at the other side, do you drive over there instead of take a short walk? It depends how far “the other side” is. <-- Yep pretty much. If it’s literally on the other side of a street, then obviously I’d go walk. But in places like my school which is super big and where ‘other side’ could mean 2 km away, a drive would be more convenient.
3. What’s a typical day off of school and/or work like for you? I’d normally spend the day lazing around on the couch with my dog beside me and lurking around social media.
4. What’s one talent you have that you don’t really work on, even though you have the ability to be good at it? Public speaking, or debating.
5. How many hours of television do you watch a day? I keep Friends as a background noise on Netflix nearly all day because I hate when it gets too quiet around me. As for watching on an actual television, I haven’t used one in years.
6. What about the amount of time you spend on the internet a day? The internet takes up my entire day it’s crazy lol. I kinda need it for everything now.
7. How many hours of sleep do you get a day? Do you sleep in late? It’s always different. I can go anywhere between 3 and 10 hours of sleep. I don’t sleep in often, though.
8. Do you drive to places that are less than three blocks away? I don’t know how big blocks are supposed to be since we don’t use that system here. But yes, I usually drive even though Point A to Point B is very much walkable hahaha. My friends make fun of me a lot for it but I don’t care, at least I don’t get to my destination all sweaty and smelling like the sun.
9. When was the last time you exercised? November, on my last PE class.
10. Ever copied and pasted your homework from a website on the internet? I never did this. My schools always emphasized the consequences of plagiarism so as someone who always stuck by the rules, I always made sure I at least paraphrased the content I see on the internet.
Sin 5: Wrath 1. If you could kill one person and get away with it, would you do it? I know it’s pretty dark to come from such a place, but I’ve always thought death is an easy way out for people who’ve done awful things. I could answer this question with a name of a corrupt politician, rapists, or animal abusers, but tbh they don’t deserve the sweet escape of death, even if it were from murder.
2. Is there anyone you honestly and truly can say that you hate? Anybody who has hurt cats and dogs.
3. Is there anyone you want revenge on, whether you want to get them back big-time or just play a little prank on them for hurting your feelings? Like I said, I’d daydream about getting revenge just to satiate my desire for it, but I think it’s pretty childish and downright cartoonish to actually go through with it. I’ve only ever seen people getting petty revenge in movies, but it seems a bit stupid in real life.
4. Are you fighting with any friends right now? Why? No. The most that’s happened was me kinda scolding Andrew for not letting me know beforehand that he submitted our thesis proposal to our prof through VIBER, which is incredibly unprofessional and I definitely let him know what I thought about it. I didn’t fight with him though.
5. Last time you were really angry? What happened? The aforementioned thesis prof letting me know we’re missing a part of our thesis on the last day for profs to submit their grades. That meant that however early we submitted a revision, she wouldn’t have been able to give it a mark anyway. That definitely pissed me off, especially considering that she was silent for two weeks and didn’t give back any comments which made us think we were good to go.
6. When you’re angry, what do you do to calm yourself down? I watch Friends or any one of my favorite YouTubers so I can have some relief. Other times, I’d force myself to sleep.
7. “Hate is just the fear of loving someone.” true or false? No. That makes no sense to me.
8. What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone? Never done this before.
9. Was there any hard feelings after your last break-up? On whose end was it on? There were definitely hard feelings in the beginning because she executed the breakup so poorly and I thought I didn’t deserve any of the treatment I was getting, and I was also mad that I wasted my time for that long only for her to break up with me in the end.
10. Ever been cheated on? How did that make you feel? No.
Sin 6: Envy 1. Is there anyone you’re jealous of? Name a person and tell us why. Envious is the better word, and I feel this way towards anybody who live with both parents. My dad’s worked overseas all my life, and as grateful as I am for his sacrifices, having a dad at home is more foreign sensation to me than the idea of having a dad who’s gone for 4-6 months a year.
2. List three physical features some other people have that you’re envious of (no need to get specific and name people; you can just say something like “brown eyes” or “having perfect eyebrows”). Straight teeth, fixed eyebrows, legs that don’t need much shaving.
3. List three personality features that other people have that you’re envious of. Confidence, independence... is privilege a personality trait lol?
4. Are you a jealous significant other? I can be. I don’t make a big deal about being jealous as much as I did two or three years ago anymore though.
5. Could you date someone who was really jealous? Gab can be a little jealous but for the most part it’s endearing because it’s never turned into abuse.
6. What celebrity’s looks do you envy the most? Audrey Hepburn.
7. Do you think anyone is envious of you? In your opinion, what characteristics (physical and mental) do you possess that you think someone might be envious of? Being in a long-term relationship, definitely. A lot of people my age want significant others so bad, and I know this because a good chunk of them post the same wish over and over on social media lol.
8. What are a few things you wish you were good at? Drawing, playing an instrument, dancing ballet, changing a car tire, COOKING.
9. Did you ever date someone, break up, and then see them dating someone very attractive a few days later? Were you jealous of that person? This has never happened to me.
10. When looking at a love interest’s exes, do you often find yourself jealous of their good-looking exes? I haven’t had to do this, because I was Gab’s first. I wouldn’t want to fixate on exes if I were in a different situation, though.
Sin 7: Pride 1. What’s something you brag about a lot (be honest–we all brag sometimes)? My school is easy bragging rights. Everybody wants to be in UP.
2. What physical features do you take the most pride in? My body figure in general. Also my fingers, legs, and jawline.
3. Are you satisfied with what you have? Yeah but as the above questions have made it clear, I can always use more money lol.
4. Be honest… when someone is telling you something, do you often change the subject so it’s about you and your accomplishments instead? NEVER. That’s one of the worst things anyone can do. I feel like I used to do this when I was younger, then it just hit me one day about how tasteless it can be so ever since then I’ve let other people hype themselves up and be excited about accomplishments or new things in their life as much as they want with me, as long as they aren’t being so conceited.
5. Do you like talking about your achievements? If I’m in a group and we started sharing our achievements then yeah I’d join in. But I wouldn’t bring it up if it wasn’t already being brought up. It’s better to let the accomplishments speak for themselves.
6. Do your parents tend to brag about how well you came out? My mom is definitely more ~braggier than my dad, but she’s never come off as an asshole about it. If she was, I’d pull her aside.
7. Do you strive to be better than others? Do you think competing with others is healthy? I keep a mindset of competing with others, but I keep it internal.
8. What do you do better than most people? See the little details. I’m always surprised at how most of the people I work with just look at the big picture – like how they don’t pay attention to the red squiggle under misspelled words on a group paper (or if they do see it, they don’t do anything about it), or how they don’t seem to care about proper spacing on a Powerpoint and proceed to just dump a bunch of text on one slide. Now this is something I can brag about too, cos a lot of people are just so not detail-oriented lol.
9. Do you believe in taking pride in things you can’t control (ex. being proud of your heritage, being proud of your skin color, being proud of your natural artistic ability)? I don’t see why that’s an issue.
10. Who are you competing with right now (it could be anything–classmates for a grade, co-workers for a position, other girl for a guy, etc.)? There’s no particular person, but like I said, I’m always in this perpetual mindset of wanting to compete with others just so I’m more motivated to perform well and get things done.
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pinkpuffballdude · 5 years
tagged by @shorter-than-her-tbr-pile to list ten songs I’ve been listening to on loop!
so recently I’ve had P.H.U.K.U by Orbital stuck in my head, which means I’ve been listening to a lot of Odesza and Ulrich Schnauss as well, for example:
It’s Only by ODESZA
Stars by Ulrich Schnauss
IPlayYouListen by ODESZA
A Moment Apart by ODESZA (which you may recognize from Eugene Lee Yang’s coming out video)
Late Night by ODESZA
Meridian by ODESZA
little bit of Cream on Chrome by Ratatat
also P.H.U.K. by Orbital and
P.H.U.K.E.D.U.P. by Orbital
when I get a song stuck in my head, it gets stuck, it was a struggle to even get ten songs on here. which I didn’t. ah well. just add Koto also by ODESZA and make it ten
if you want to, feel free to do it (and tag me! I like hearing about what kind of music people like), but I’ll officially tag @clericjester uhhhhh @ladywhitetower (I forgot your other blog I’m so sorry) @the-l-spacer (or @/podcastlimbo if you prefer) why do so many of my friends have multiple blogs why @asimpleram @jakkubrat and also literally anyone else who wants to do it I’m running out of brain
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I did another list thingy, because I liked it the first time!
1. Talk about / describe your sexuality and gender
Sexuality is relatively easier for me than my gender. I use gray-minsexual as my label, but simplified, it means I like boys! (they cute~).
Gender is more complex for me. So, I have very recently changed my label! I describe myself as a genderfluid man, whereas it used to be only genderfluid! My gender changes, but overall I am relatively comfortable describing myself in masculine terms, and so I say genderfluid man! This is not a perfect description, but it is as close as I can get to putting it into words for now! He/They pronouns!
2.Do you have / want any tattoos and piercings?
I would love to get quite a few piercings and tattoos, I already have 3 lobe piercings, but also would like a rook piercing, inner conch, orbital, and some upper ear piercings I haven't specifically decided on. For facial piercings I would like snake bites, but nothing else really, I am worried about an eyebrow piercing rejecting but maybe will look into it. I wanted a belly piercing, but thought I did not have enough skin (Im a out-y), but just learned that there are two types of belly button piercings, and for one of them, it does not matter how much skin you have??? I am really excited at the thought that I might be able to do that as well, but we shall have to see! It will be a hot second before I get any of these, as I have braces and do not want to risk getting them and having to remove them for an x-ray before they heal, but it just gives me more time to decide!
For tattoos I have a lot of ideas, but the only one that is for certain is my zodiac symbol on my back, around my neck area just under my collar. 
3.What’s your star sign?
4.If you’re out, who was the first person you came out to?
I first came out to my friend group in general, and then as my identity and friend group changed the same thing happened. I then came out to my mom, step mom, and aunt. Its been okay reactions. 
5.Has anyone ever come out to you?
My friends after I came out to them!
6.What’s your favourite season?
Winter! Snow is good and I am seeing way to many mean things about it! I will fight you! Winter and Snowy times are perfect!
7.Is there anyone who was particularly important to you in your coming out process?
Yes, Ash Hardell! They did not necessarily inspire me to come out, but made a YouTube video called ABC of LGBT+ gender addition, which helped me discover what gender fluidity was and that really means the world to me!
8.What are your three favorite songs right now?
1. Peppermint winter by Owl City
2. First Winter by Wrabel
3. Ilomilo by Billie Eilish
9. Do you have any lgbt+ friends?
Yes! My two best friends are both queer. 
9.If you’ve ever been in love, what does it feel like? if you’ve never been in love, what do you think it will feel like?
I have never been in love, but I think it will feel safe, warm, and generally amazing! Beyond what I could ever dream of!
10.Are there any older lgbt+ people you look up to?
Eugene Lee Yang, I love him!
11.Are you more of a cat or a dog person?
Doggies, but cattos are also cute!
12.What queer experiences are you looking forward to (going to pride for the first time, being in a relationship etc)
I am very nervous but excited for my first pride! I am worried I might not like being around so many people, but I am still very ready to try one out!
13. What are you most proud of doing in the last year?
I am very proud of getting accepted into college, and starting to learn to love and accept myself!
14.What’s the best thing about being lgbt+?
Having a community that really (for the most part) is very kind! 
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sighfertryptich · 5 years
Im going to rant(ish), skip if you want.
So I was watching a video (its the “Generations React to Dan Howell and Eugene Lee Yang Coming Out On Youtube” video by FBE) and everyone started sharing their coming out stories, and everyone was sharing that they were either scared or felt a freak by it. I felt that I wanted to, considering this is the only platform I have on here that I can express myself to the fullest without judgement, share my own, even though I am not in an accepting household.
So, let me start out with this. Growing up, I thought I was straight. There were no signs of me feeling any different than other kids. I was one of the more innocent children, I didnt care about gender identity or sexuality. I just cared about who I was going to play with at recess. By the time I hit fifth grade, I was naïve to the fact that not everyone was attracted to everyone around them. I didn’t understand that some boys only liked girls, and some girls only liked boys. In my community, it was rare that the gays and lesbians understood what it was, so they werent around to put that knowledge in our vocabulary. To me, if you had a crush, it could be on either a female or a male, whether or not you were the same gender or the opposite.
Reaching middle school, about a year later, our views were widened. People around me were realizing or expressing their sexualities. I, on the other hand, still didn’t understand that there were labels to these things. (Keep in mind, there still weren’t lesbians or gays out in the open yet. Everyone was either bisexual or straight.)
When this new vocabulary came to light, I could finally attempt to put a name to myself, liking both men and women.
I accepted the term bisexual for myself at the ripe age of 11.
I didn’t plan on telling my parents. I never wanted to. They didnt have to know who I was imagining kissing, they didnt have to know who I had crushes on. To this day, I never planned on telling them until the day came that I would have to. As in, if the time came, I would tell them when I got engaged to a woman.
Throughout middle school, I was labeled bisexual. It just felt normal to like who I wanted to like, and the people I surrounded myself with accepted me. I guess I got lucky with that. Reaching into high school, I got my first serious woman x woman crush. Every single day, she’d come into class and I would just gush over her. She was gorgeous. And being honest, a ripe 13 year old me was in her scene phase, and this girl oozed alternative. She had a grunge look, part of her hair was dyed sea-foam green, and she was sweet and funny and kind. As far as I knew, she liked me back.
I remember my first Sadie Hawkins dance. I got with my school’s GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) Club and put together this whole thing where me and a couple friends made shirts that said “Will you go to Sadie Hawkins with me?” She said yes! but then later the dance was canceled and we just made other plans. As time went on, she led me on to thinking she liked me. I found out she didn’t and that she was wasting her time on me when she got with one of my guy friends.
This is when my chronic depression stepped its pussy up. Thank you Dan Howell for giving me that quote.
When I was 15, I moved to my small town a state over where I reside to this day. I was still labeling myself as bisexual. I met my first lesbian that year. (And yes, this was my first time meeting a lesbian. Im serious.) She became my best friend for the next 3 and a half years. She opened me to the world of different labels and helped me through finding out what I realized I truly was.
I was, and am, Pansexual. And a proud one at that. #PansexualPride.
I got my first serious girlfriend when I was 18. Or at least, I thought it was serious. I was head over heels for her. She claimed she was bisexual. [I say claimed because she admitted after we broke up that she was straight.]
Long story short, she used me to go to RenFest, then broke up with me a week later blaming her depression, then got with some dude a day later.
A couple of months later, I met a girl through an app called Amino. She was pansexual, like me, and we had a lot of the same interests. Only problem was that while I lived in Louisiana, she lived on an island off the coast of Florida.
Although our relationship didn’t last long, I added her because this was the first time in my entire life that I actually could see myself marrying a woman.
Let me explain.
Up until this point, I had only ever seen myself marrying a man. Yes, I had an attraction to women. Ive dated women, although not many, but never could see myself marrying any of them. Nothing wrong with that.
During this time, I cut my hair very short. Like, pixie-cut with an undercut. My intentions to cut it were that it’d be easier to put up into wigs when I cosplayed, and it’d be less to take care of and look good. We’ll come back to this later.
Directly after our 3 month anniversary, yes I do month anniversaries, I met my current girlfriend, Cole.
I swear, it was one of those moments where you see someone and you know they’re going to be in your life for years to come. [Fun fact - she told me that after she had met me for the first time, she joked with her friend that her and I “would have an August wedding” even though we barely had passed a few sentences between each other.] There’s just that feeling when you look someone in the eyes and know that there’s something special about them. Something you want - no, need - in your life, whether it’s to make a life-long decision or just to help you grow as a person.
I started dressing more comfortably. I no longer wore skirts or dresses. I wore jeans and t-shirts and hats and less makeup. I wore chains attached to my belt loops. All in all, I started looking more masculine, even though it was just me dressing comfortably. My job allowed it, I was earning the money to allow me to buy clothes like this. It made me happy. I started feeling more comfortable with more masculine terms rather than strictly feminine terms, ie. “mans, they, them, boy” etc. I wasn’t uncomfortable when someone said I looked like a boy, nor was I uncomfortable with my female body. I just didnt care. It wasnt insulting as I was raised to think it was. In fact, I encouraged it. I allowed - and still allow - people to think I was whatever gender they assigned me with. In all, I became Genderfluid. Gender Neutral, if you will.
Now, we’re going to back up just a tiny bit. Tee tiny, nothing big.
About a month before I met Cole, someone outted me to my mother. Keep in mind, I was never planning on coming out to her. My older sister is like me, Pansexual. She strives on the fact that she doesnt tell people she’s in a woman x woman relationship unless people directly ask. She doesnt label her sexuality. And I look up to her severely for that.
My mother is homophobic. She says she isn’t, and maybe she’s not, due to the fact she accepts my sister and her girlfriend, and hopes they get married someday. But for me, I was supposed to be the ray of hope. I was supposed to be blonde, straight, thin, cheerleading captain female who went to college and became highly successful. I wasn’t supposed to be the 5-foot-8, blue haired, overweight, artsy gender fluid kid she had who dropped out of high school, got their GED, and “doesnt show signs of responsibility” (- per my mother, who doesnt want to put me through college) kid she ultimately got.
Dressing how I felt was comfortable and loving who I wanted to love brought me hate from the one person who should love me unconditionally - my own mother. Most people were given hate by their peers, being called gay and butch. My hate was given from the person who gave me life. My mother has said that she regrets getting pregnant with me, and that she would’ve stopped after her first two kids. In fact, she had her tubes tied BEFORE she got pregnant with me. I was being born, with or without her consent. She has told me countless times that she feels like she failed as a parent due to the way I came out as an adult.
To this day, she tells me that I constantly look “too lesbian” or “too butch” and that I need to “go back to how I used to look”. She doesnt accept that I like women. She calls me a lesbian - and everyone knows that when you like both men and women, you’re very obviously not a lesbian. Ive told her countless times that I’m not a lesbian. But she never listens. She uses the term lesbian as anyone in middle school would use the word gay - as an insult.
It makes me confused. How could you raise your kid - which by the way, Im the first kid she raised on her own, her other two were raised with either my grandmother or the baby’s father - and tell them you’re disgusted by their happiness? How could you be okay with one pansexual daughter and hate the other?
(This next part might be TMI but it makes another avid point.)
How can you be okay with your daughter sending explicit pictures to a boy, but be disgusted by your daughter holding hands with a girl?
I still have to hide my relationship with Cole. It makes me sick to my stomach to not be able to say “Mom, this is my girlfriend.” with the girl I care ever so deeply for. I want to take her to family events and show her to the world, screaming at the top of my lungs that Cole is mine and mine alone.
Cole tells me that I’m an idiot when I get gushy. In fact, she’ll probably text me saying I made her cry (dont worry, its tears of love) if she gets to the end of this.
Cole is gorgeous. Even when I spend the night, and she’s got sleep in her eyes the next morning, teeth not yet brushed, hair a mess, making gross yawning faces, I still think she’s quite possibly the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. She’s always got me nonstop laughing, doubling over and straight up snorting sometimes. She’s caring and headstrong, not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
I want to be able to show her off.
But I cant with a mother like mine.
So, long story short, I grew up in an accepting community. Fell hard for some men and some women. Grew up and realized who I was as a person. Found someone who accepts me through each and every questioning moment I have with myself. Yet, I cant show her off like the people around me all because of the one person who gave me life.
I guess you could say this is the end, but everyone knows its a To Be Continued. You just gotta roll with what life gives you, whether or not the people in your life are there to love you or hurt you.
If you got this far, I applaud and also thank you. I’m not able to rant to anyone like this, so if you took the time to read this, I appreciate it. No one wants to hear my story. If you do…
My name is Marley, and I am a Pansexual, Gender Neutral, KPop loving cosplayer who is not afraid to love who they want to love.
Thank you ♡
(Btw, sorry if I got off track towards the end. My mind wanders when telling stories. I wrote this on my phone so I’ll go back and add a “Keep Reading” thing if you’d rather just skip it.)
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spiralboi · 5 years
Reasons why this Pride Month has been they gayest month of my life
Spent the first day of June is Edinburgh dressed as the 13th Doctor with a bunch of Doctor Who cosplayers, gay vibes everywhere, was 10/10
Saw Rocketman at the cinema, smiled and cried so much
Saw a production of Rent the musical!! Wore one of my gayest outfits, all round great night
New! Killing! Eve! Episodes!!! I love Eve and her crazy assassin girlfriend so much
Gentleman Jack aired on BBC One. All I have to say on the matter is that Suranne Jones could punch me in the face, and I’d be grateful
Holby City got Dom and Lofty back together (still a bit meh about that but overall, good) and got rid of the horrid abusive Isaac yes
Good Omens is a thing, need i say more. i am so here for aziraphale and his snake husband pining over each other for 6000 years
BBC’s Years and Years was so so good. Incredible writing from Russell T Davis, with similar vibes to Black Mirror. Devastating and beautiful (and gay ofc)
Ordered a pin which was a rainbow/pride Scouts pin!
The 13th June was a wild/overwhelming day
4 years ago on the 13th June i messaged my closest friends and came out as bi for the first time, so this day always makes me feel all da feelings
Saw the film of the musical Everyone’s Talking About Jamie at the cinema with my friends. I had basically no knowledge of this musical beforehand, so yeah i was a ball of emotions. So happy/sad/inspired.
Dan Howell came out. I share a coming out date with Dan Howell. Watched his video when i got home at half 11 at night. Cried so much over how important his vid is, how incredibly brave he is, how open he is, how proud i am for him. The main bit that stood out for me was when he paused and simply said “i’m gay” because i swear i had the same look on my face 4 years ago when i finally told myself that im bi. Yeah that day was a lot
Eugene Lee Yang (The Try Guys) came out in such an emotional and stunning music video
New Big Finish Torchwood audio! Torchwood is gay af anyway, but I’ve been waiting for this boxset for 2 years, so yeah, exciting times. Colin was the sweetest thing, i love him and Colchester too much
Saw the king of fabulous, John Barrowman, live in Glasgow! Was such a great night, very camp ofc, made me cry for various reasons, yeah was a great gay night.
Watched the Netflix series “Tales of the City” and just wow. Such a stunning series, unapologetically queer, with a lot more drama than i was expecting. The cast are so diverse in terms of both identity, race and age and it’s so refreshing to see. It’s such an important series covering so many LGBTQ+ issues and I can highly recommend (if you’re over 18!!)
Started watching the BBC series Pose, only a couple episodes in and I adore it. It’s funny, dramatic, sad, and heartwarming. It’s also absolutely savage, go watch plz.
Olly Alexander from Years and Years made a beautiful speech about the lgbtq+ community at Glastonbury
Phil Lester came out 2 hours before the end of pride month. Laughed my way through the video with tears of pride in my eyes. Such a great video, so proud of both him and Dan
I know this post won’t mean anything to really anyone but me, but I felt like I had to document the sheer gayness of this month.
Hope all of you LGBTQ+ babes have had a wonderful Pride Month, I know I did 😊🏳️‍🌈
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remarriedempress · 6 years
Alternate ending to Mr Sunshine
KES built a fantastic world, in a fascinating period, full of fvcking beautiful characters. And I’m so thankful for this drama. 
But you know what? She killed all my faves. Now normally I have no problem with character deaths because narratively, they can be very powerful; like how Gunner Jang’s story came full circle, trusting that Ae Shin, and soldier boy, will carry on and lead the fight. However, there is something frustrating, and quite frankly, deceitful, about the way each of our four main characters were killed off. I understand how we got to each point but I still feel cheated. No matter how neatly the story lines were tied up, I would think most readers/viewers don’t want to get to the end of a story and see their heroes die. 
So here’s how I would have rewritten the finale BUT still maintain the glorious and hopeful ending KES envisioned in which our mains pass on the mantel to the next generation with AE SHIN at the forefront. 
Let’s start with our QUEEN HINA. The hotel still blows up. No matter what, I strongly believe that needs to happen. It’s the removal of their last bastion. But this time, they plan it a LOT BETTER. The day the military academy is attacked, Hina is out there in the streets shooting up the Japanese troops like a BOSS. As she heads home, she spies a familiar body among the dead. It’s Guidan. She feels a pang of regret. After all, they were close for a time, even with the betrayal. And no one deserves to die on the streets. Hina starts to turn away but then she gets an idea. 
She hires a rickshaw driver to take Guidan’s body and heads to the pawn shop to buy explosives. As she leaves, Ae Shin drops down from the rooftop. She’d overheard Hina’s request and offers to help. With both their mighty brains at work, they manage to get all the troops good and wasted and the employees far away with enough time for BOTH OF THEM to make a run for it. The hotel explodes in flames. Several bodies are found the next morning, including an unidentifiable woman’s corpse in what used to be the hotel owner’s room. The only thing they could make out were the red shoes on the corpse, tailor made for Kudo Hina just a week before the explosion. 
The chief of police is still a spineless, incompetent weasel so he accepts the corpse as Kudo Hina. The king still receives Hina’s letter from Sumi. And so “Kudo Hina” still takes the blame for attacking the Japanese troops and her name is dragged through the mud. Meanwhile, “Lee Yang Hwa” is long gone. AS put her in contact with some RA members heading east, towards the coast. There she adopts a new name, Mae Hwa. She purchases a humble home for herself and spends her time at the orphanage across town. Her home becomes an occasional base for RA members laying low in between missions or waiting for the next boat out of Joseon. It’s a modest life. She makes jewelry and paints, and sells them on the side. She never does meet a nice man. But she’s often visited by a surly looking pirate wearing dark robes with flowing sleeves. 
DONG MAE: He stops being so damn ready to die. After he saves AS in Japan, she still tells him to be back in Joseon in three months to receive the money from her. DM still says “And just like that you give me hope,” but get this - HE DOESNT LOOK FREAKING MISERABLE AT THE THOUGHT. And when Ae Shin leaves with the court ladies, he DOESNT walk in plain sight on the beach for all to see/capture. Instead, he goes back to the shadows. It’s easier than he thought. But rather than making him feel like this is where he belongs, it makes him realize just how far he’s come. He can adapt to this world but it does not define him. He lives pitifully for a while. The Mushin Society is still after him so he can’t do much in the open. But he has some allies here who still owe him a favor. They’re able to get him out of Japan via boat. Though the ride is more miserable than when he first traveled to Japan. 
He arrives in Jemulpo’s harbor. Beaten, hungry, and pale...but alive. He makes his way to the temple. He’s not sure why. Just a feeling. The same badass nun is there but she receives him warmly this time. AS told her what DM had done for the rebels and so the nun allows DM to recuperate there. They explain his presence as a monk in training. He adopts the name Haneul. 
AS drops in one day with a letter from Manchuria. Yujo and Hotaru are doing well. They started a little tea shop where Hotaru reads tarot cards for customers. The shop does really well but with 20 mouths to feed, they had to find other jobs for the boys. Most of them found honest work in farming, fishing, mining. A few started up a collection agency. They send him good fortune and a wish to see him again some day. DM smiles before burning the letter. Knowing they are safe eases the burden on his heart. 
By day, he helps lead visitors across the temple grounds, preserving the last remnants of Joseon Buddhist culture. By night, he helps to train new RA members in the cover of the forest. It started with a request from AS. She wanted to learn how to handle knives and swords, in case she ever found herself without a gun. She was good. But DM was still better. And AS knew him well enough at this point to know that he would need a purpose, to keep him going. So she asks him to train the new recruits. And whaddaya know? Within months, they see better success rates on their missions and raids.
When the hotel blows up, and he thinks he lost his friend HINA on top of everything else, he’s devastated. But it just makes him more determined to expose the Japanese’ cruelty. He’s brought in to the police station for questioning. He’s beaten up real bad but makes it out alive with a major bribe from dad. SEAMSTRESS and mom fuss over him till he recovers. Then, he sets out again to uncover the truth, but this time it puts his family in danger. And it scares him enough to consider stopping. But he knows his soul would never be able to bear the guilt if he turned away now. 
So he becomes smarter about his printings. Thankfully, both the chief of police and the Japanese minister who were catching on to him end up dead. The first was rumored to be murdered by a dark shadow reeking of incense and dirt. The second was shot from across the market square by some masked figure, leaping from rooftop to rooftop. Free of suspicions now, HS goes back to playing the rich noble fool by day. While he and FEMALE JOURNALIST (cause KES can’t be bothered to give her side characters some names???) operate an underground printing press. HS makes extra copies of everything. Burying it in multiple locations so that their history and deeds are never forgotten. 
When AS comes to him asking for funds to purchase train tickets or gun powder and bullets, he gives it to her, no questions asked. Coincidentally, these funds come from the Japanese government; rent money on the multiple properties the Residency General leased out from the Kim family. 
He never quite falls for the SEAMSTRESS and she understands that his affection for her is just that. She’s grateful that he’s extended his protection to her family and works with him to collect evidence of the rebels and the Joseon people and their fight against Japan. But the little brother really grows on him. He convinces his parents to adopt him as a Kim, to have him be the one to carry on the family name. The ticking clock still haunts him. He’s not sure the Kim blood should be passed on. But if the Kim name can save just one more person, he’ll suffer as many tick ticks as it takes. 
Eventually, he and Mae Hwa are reunited. He bursts into tears and she apologizes for not being able to tell him the plan. He kisses her in relief and thanks her for staying alive. They share a smoke and talk about the good old days. They wonder about their favorite swordsman and that annoying foreigner. They talk about all the trouble blackbird has been up to. And make plans to meet up, another day, in the far future, for pool and drinks. It takes some time for this to happen again. But when it does, the swordsman, the American, and the blackbird are there too. HS kisses DM/Haneul just because and hugs AS tightly. EG gets a pat on the back. And that’s when he suggests a photo, to commemorate this moment, CAUSE NEVER BEFORE HAVE THEY CONVERGED IN ONE SPOT BEFORE. 
EUGENE...He spends some time following around the RA, protecting AS on and between missions. But he sticks out like a sore thumb despite his best efforts and is forced to go into hiding numerous times. Eventually, he has to call on Kyle to get him out of Joseon. His face was exposed on a mission and since he was dishonorably discharged, he can’t call on the embassy for help. He ends up back in America and runs into Ahn Chang Ho again. EG makes use of his old military connections and language skills to spread word of Joseon’s struggle. They make it back to Joseon a couple more times but never for very long as they both become very high profile activists. 
AE SHIN: Girl keeps doing what she doing and kicking ass. She becomes a little bit of her grandfather, Gunner Jang, Miss Haman and Mr. Hangrang to the next generation; receiving the occasional support from her original friends and allies, OUR VERY-MUCH-ALIVE HEROES. Those brief moments when they get to see each other again are bittersweet cause they never know when the next time will be or who will make it to that date. But they’ve each proven themselves to be FIGHTERS. And though they don’t know what the future holds, they leave each meeting a little more hopeful, till the next SEE YOU AGAIN. 
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