#i have a different post about it relating to Stephen but I don't have energy
popcorn-plots · 8 months
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Allergic reaction go brrrr
Apparently I'm allergic to paint rollers. Who knew?
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aelaer · 1 year
This is for the assumptions thing. *sherlock steeple hands*
Seeing as how you claim Stephen to be your favorite blorbo, I’m willing to bet you have a lot in common with him. Probably the oldest sibling. It’s hard for you to make relationships (platonic/familial… any relationships) but once you do, you’re incredibly loyal to them. Very protective of them. You stick to your morals and beliefs, so basically being stubborn. You probably went to college right after graduating high school, but instead of something science related you went with art. You’re detail oriented for sure, anyone can just glance over one of your fics and see how much research goes into it. You’ve said in your Wong fic that you’ve worked in customer service. As someone who also works in customer service, there’s a certain type of patience that kind of job requires. You’re on the west coast, I’m pretty sure.
You like photography. You’re interested in different cultures and like to travel a lot (possibly for your job?) You’ll try just about any food, especially in other countries. (I know from an ask post you tagged me in that you don’t like spicy food, though). Despite liking movies/shows, you’re not the type to watch something simply because there’s a lot of hype around it. Your preferences in whump suggest you’re the type to help people who genuinely need it, but will stop if they’re aren’t even attempting to take care of things themselves. This is me going out on a limb here, but I’m thinking that perhaps your parents aren’t that affectionate, either with each other or with you? That tends to be common in people who like angst and either heavily like/dislike romance.
Also you’re in your mid/late 30s, so ;) is preferred to 😉
Oh this is great. Excellent layover fodder. This got long but I can't figure out how to do the read more cut on mobile, sorry!
Eldest sibling: Yes. Eldest of 4. We thankfully all get along wonderfully. Don't get to hang out much together because both of my brothers' jobs are very demanding/have holiday work at times - and of course I'm missing Easter this year xD
Relationships: Not really. Very close to my family, always have been. Have the best parents in the world. (Totally missed the mark on my parents haha, I tell folks in Discord pretty often that I'd lend my parents out as foster-parents were it possible). I have to *stop* my parents, especially my mum, from over-hyping me to people xD I can't have my mum read any of my works because she'd tell *everyone* about this wonderful story I wrote and I absolutely do not want the neighbors to know I write fanfic. And she legit can't help herself. As for my dad, he's spent the last 2 weekends with me helping me fix things around the house and helping me clean my garage of my neighbor's crap, and we can talk about almost anything (the only thing he refuses to talk about is anything regarding sex which is pretty hilarious because he gets all blustery if I casually mention something around it and he changes the subject). He's a great dad. Very lucky to have them both.
Friend-wise, it was harder in my youth for sure, but I have always been tenacious and managed. These days it's easy to create them on a superficial, acquaintance level - it's harder to be more in depth due to lack of energy or time. My greatest in depth friendships in my adulthood have all stemmed from online interactions because it can be hard to find nerds in the wild. I'm not a huge fan of superficial small talk that is prevalent with many adults "in the wild" (gossip about kids, neighbors, and the gym in my experience) so finding people that are just *interesting* to talk to is the big key. I know a lot of stuff about a lot of topics and finding conversation partners that have the same breadth is challenging. My coworkers are more interesting- but they're all over the US xD So yeah if everyone was just in the same area that'd make it so much easier.
Morals: I don't think sticking to your morality is a bad thing as the word stubborn implies 😜 flexible morality can lead bad places. I do stick to my guns though. Always up for a philosophical debate about moral conundrums but I call something out if I think it's just wrong - or I certainly try. I haven't been in a situation where doing so would put my life in danger so I'm not sure what I'd do there. I hope the right thing.
College: I'm an art major. Don't regret it.
Work: My customer service stint was blessedly only for a few months; they were trying to train me for the (slow) manager track and I noped out as soon as I could xD. Most of my work in HS and college was as a tutor, which was significantly more rewarding.
Area: Greater LA! Born and raised. 5th generation on my dad's mom's side too (Potato famine refugee), which is stupid rare here.
Travel: I wish I could travel for my job. But with working remote I may be able to make something out of it in a couple years. I think they may be up for it; it's a young company run by millennials which makes the difference. All the travel I've done in my 20s was through making connections with others in my youth and getting invited to stay places, and then teaching English abroad between jobs 5 years ago. And after that I finally started earning an actual decent income which meant I could save up for trips (like this!). That said I also had the support of my parents which helped make it possible (they didn't pay for the trips except one ticket in my early 20s, but I could fall back on them if I needed to which made a big difference).
Self care: Hit the nail on the head. I am the type of supporter to give links to resources in a person's area that is within their income (even in the US there's a lot of free resources, just takes a bit of digging). If someone decides not to help themselves to get out of the bad spot they're in by pursuing these resources, I withdraw. I can only be emotionally invested if people are actually trying - going to free counseling, going to work agencies, etc. No one that I know of here on tumblr is *not* helping themselves by pursuing resources to the best of their ability, so this applies to no one here. But I have had friends in the past that were unable to push past their mental barrier and I eventually ran out of emotional energy to give them. This likely comes from my mom who worked herself up from abject poverty, and my own struggles in my youth where there was a lot of struggle and pushing because my brain is a wee bit different. So I expect folks to try and make the calls and work through the problems. It's okay if it takes years - but you gotta try and keep pursuing and can't give up no matter how hard the going gets. (Note: this is presuming you're physically capable and have enough mental sound-of-mindness for executive decision making, which I do think is still like 99% of the population). I *strongly* recommend a support outlet if you don't have one - online or in person. There's a ton of communities on reddit for folks in tough situations that can help, to start. (Also note that it's very different on what you can do depending on where you are in the world, and that I'm very aware of.)
I find that a lot of people who like angst just like the genre due to finding characters overcoming their struggles very interesting. I don't think parental affection has anything to do with it personally, as I've met many people who adore romance who have absolutely awful parents. As for romance itself, I think my biggest issue is its oversaturation in media and how romance is emphasized to be more important than close platonic (found family) relationships. This happens in fanfic too and it's just annoying. I was significantly less annoyed with it in the LOTR fandom back in the day when they were even - so yeah, it's 100% about the saturation and lack of balance.
(Also romance is a legit boring genre outside of comedies, haha)
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nerdythebard · 3 years
#13: Doctor Strange [Marvel]
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By the Eternal Vishanti, I welcome you back!
Today we're making the Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe-616, Doctor Strange. This spell-slinging master of the mystic arts has been my favourite superhero for quite some time now, and I'm always excited whenever we get something related to him. Now, just a quick note – this build is going to be based on the comic book version of Strange, not the MCU one. We're having real spells and incantations, not some thinly-veiled Clarke's Third Law. #LetMagicBeMagic.
Next Time: The Gods call for us again. The Dragon King blesses us with his presence.
Now then, let's examine what we need to become the mightiest mystic of the Multiverse:
Arcane Artillery: Doctor Strange holds enough mystic knowledge to give Mind Flayers an indigestion. What he doesn't know, he can look up in his Sanctum Sanctorum's library. We need to be prepared to have a spell for almost any situation.
Mystic Fists of Fury: Before opening his Third Eye fully, Strange spent some time in Kamar-Taj under the tutelage of the Ancient One, practising his combat skills in case he was ever in a situation where magic would fail him.
The Old Favourites: Whatever incarnation of the character we encounter, Doctor Strange is almost always certain to have the following items on him: the Eye of Agamotto, the Cloak of Levitation, and occasionally the Book of the Vishanti. After the Last Days of Magic event, Strange found a likeness for weapons like shortswords, staffs, and axes.
Stephen Strange was an ordinary human, but due to the years of exposure to otherworldly mystic forces, his biology changed to not accept regular human food anymore. This sounds like a good excuse to make him Variant Human. We get a +1 to two abilities of our choice (Intelligence and Constitution), we know how to speak Common and one other language of our choice, we get to pick one skill to be proficient in (Investigation), and we get to pick a feat. The Medic feat gives us a +1 to Wisdom, proficiency with the Medicine skill, and the ability to tend to our party members' wounds on short rests (Medicine check [DC 15], if successful - the player can use the maximum value of their Hit Dice to regain Hit Points).
Although he started as a simple physician, the turning point of Strange's life was his training in Kamar-Taj. He gained skills and knowledge, vast enough to call himself a Sage. From this background, we gain proficiency in Arcana and History, we learn two more languages, and we gain the Researcher feature; when we're to recall a piece of lore, and we don't know it, we usually can figure out where to find the information (be it a library, a temple, or somebody's private collection).
Intelligence is our primary stat, serving as our casting ability and our pride. Next is Constitution, all casters need to keep it high. We follow that up with Wisdom, lessons of the Ancient One granted us both humility and broadened our horizons.
Dexterity is a little low, but we'll take care of that later. Charisma is next, even after his training was complete Stephen can be a bit of a jerk and refusing to hear anyone but himself. Finally, we'll dump Strength.
Assigning a D&D class to Doctor Strange was a very (and I mean very) difficult task. Starting off, I had to disregard his Sorcerer Supreme title, because in D&D sorcerers are born with the ability to wield magic. Strange had to study and practice to get his powers, so that makes him a Wizard. Kamar-Taj is also dedicated to studying the teachings of the Vishanti, a trinity of god-like beings who give the Sorcerer Supreme their powers, so that would make Strange a Cleric. Finally, he also draws powers from deals he made with otherworldly entities (such as Cyttorak, the Faltine, Munnopor, Watoomb, sometimes even Dormammu himself), which screams 'Warlock', except there's no way to incorporate multiple patrons without homebrewing. It wasn't easy, but I am satisfied with what I've created. Hopefully, you'll be, too.
Level 1 - Monk: We start just as Strange started, by honing our body first. Monks get the d8 Hit Dice, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with simple weapons and shortswords, and proficiency in one set of artisan's tools or a musical instrument (I'd go with alchemist's supplies). Our saving throws are Strength and Dexterity, and we get to pick two class skills (Insight and Religion).
Monks start with Unarmoured Defence. When we're not wearing armour, or holding a shield, our AC equals [10 + our Dexterity modifier + our Wisdom modifier]. We also get Martial Arts, which gives our unarmed strikes some more power. We can now use Dexterity instead of Strength for our unarmed strikes attack and damage rolls, we replace our Strength modifier with a d4 for damage of our unarmed strikes, and if we use the unarmed strike (or a monk weapon) on our turn as an Attack, we can use a bonus action to make an extra unarmed strike.
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Level 2 - Monk: We get more mobile with Unarmoured Movement. Our ground speed increases by 10 feet if we're not wearing armour or holding a shield.
We also get access to the Monk's signature feature, the Ki energy. We start with 2 Ki Points, which we can spend on the following abilities:
Flurry of Blows: Spending 1 Ki Point after making an attack, lets us make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action;
Patient Defence: Spending 1 Ki Point lets us take a Dodge action as a bonus action on our turn;
Step of the Wind: Spending 1 Ki Point doubles our jump distance for the turn, and we can take the Dash or Disengage actions as a bonus action.
Level 3 - Wizard: We finally begin our study of spells and arcane arts.
Unfortunately, multiclassing into Wizard does not give us any additional benefits. We do, however, get Arcane Recovery. Once per day, during a short rest, we can choose a number of expended spell slots and refill them. The number must be equal to half of our Wizard level (rounded up), and the recovered spell slots cannot be 6th-level or higher.
Wizards also start with Spellcasting at their 1st level, and they know both cantrips and ritual spells. Our spellcasting ability is Intelligence, but unlike many other casting classes we do not get a full access to our spell list. Instead, we start with six spells in our spellbook and get two more each time we level up. Then, we can only prepare and use [Our Intelligence modifier + our Wizard level] spells at once. Describing all of those spells we pick would make this post over a mile long, and I've made that mistake with Sypha. To not make this a chore for you guys, I decided that from now on whenever I make a Wizard (or, a build where Wizard is a majority), I will simply list the spells we pick without descriptions. Let's be honest, if not here, you'll certainly find those in a different build. Alright, let's begin! First, we get to pick three cantrips:
Fire Bolt
Mage Hand
Minor Illusion
When it comes to our starting spells, let's take these six. Remember, we can only prepare a certain number, and we start with only two 1st-level spell slots.
Detect Magic
Fog Cloud (to represent the Mists of Munnopor from the comics)
Shield (of the Seraphim)
Magic Missile (as a stand-in for the Daggers of Daveroth)
Level 4 - Wizard: We get to pick our subclass, our Arcane Tradition. For Strange, who can be any combination of Wizard, Cleric, and Warlock, the best choice is to pick Theurgy from 2017 Unearthed Arcana. Theurgists are religious magic-users, who focus more on the arcane research rather than prayer and worship.
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With Divine Inspiration, we get to select a Cleric Domain and a deity we wish to follow. Ask your DM if it's possible for you to worship three gods as a collective, a magical triumvirate. For your own Vishanti I suggest Mystra, Mother of All Magic, Azuth, the Lord of Spells, and Savras, the All-Seeing. For a Wizard, I'd say there's no better choice than Knowledge Domain.
We also get Arcane Initiate, which lets us replace spells we learn as we level up with the cleric spells of our chosen domain. What's cool about that feature is, other wizards cannot copy those spells from our spellbook. If we get all of our chosen domain's spells, we can keep replacing spells we learn with spells from the Cleric spell list.
Finally, we gain the Cleric's unique skill - Channel Divinity - except in our case it becomes Channel Arcana. We start with two effects: Divine Arcana and the effect granted by the chosen domain. Unlike Clerics, we can use the Channel Arcana once per short or long rest.
Divine Arcana lets us use a bonus action to control the flow of magic in the area. The next spell we cast gets a +2 to its attack roll or saving throw DC.
Knowledge of the Ages grants us quick insight into a skill we're not familiar with. For the next 10 minutes, we're proficient with one tool set of our choice or proficient in one skill we choose.
We gain one more 1st-level spell slot, and for this level's two spells let's get Feather Fall, and Command from the domain list.
Level 5 - Wizard: At this level we unlock 2nd-level spell slots, and we can access 2nd-level spells. Let's get Hold Person (for Strange's famous Crimson Bands of Cyttorak) and Icingdeath's Frost from 2021 Unearthed Arcana: Draconic Options (for the Icy Tendrils of Ikthalon).
Level 6 - Wizard: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement! As is the rule of thumb with all Wizards, boosting our Intelligence is a priority. That's what we shall put the 2 points into.
For this level's spells, we get another cantrip (Light), and let's take Locate Object and Mirror Image (to represent the Images of Ikonn).
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Level 7 - Wizard: We unlock 3rd-level spell slots. Let's get Dispel Magic, and we can get Fly to finally get a representation for our Cloak of Levitation.
Level 8 - Wizard: We get our first subclass upgrade. Arcane Acolyte grants us the 1st-level benefits of our chosen domain. For Knowledge domain, it's Blessings of Knowledge; we learn two languages of our choice and get proficiency in two skills... which we pretty much are proficient in already. To not waste a feature, ask your DM if you can double your proficiency bonus for those two skills instead. If you get a 'yes', pick Arcana and Insight.
For this level's spells, let's get Counterspell and Magic Circle.
Level 9 - Wizard: From here, we get access to 4th-level spell slots. Banishment and Dimension Door seems like exactly what we need to keep enemies at bay and have fun with portals.
Level 10 - Wizard: Halfway through the build, and we get an ASI. Let's cap our Intelligence at 20, with those two points.
For this level's spells, let's grab Arcane Eye and turn back a little and get Speak with Dead from our domain list, as it is one of few spells not available to Wizards.
Level 11 - Wizard: We get access to 5th-level spells. With Contact Other Plane and Legend Lore, we become an even bigger magical know-it-all to aid our party.
Level 12 - Wizard: For our subclass upgrade, we get Arcane Priest, which grants us the Knowledge Domain's 6th-level benefit - Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts. One creature within 60 feet of us must make a Wisdom saving throw, or grant us access to its surface thoughts (emotions and active thoughts, no deep secrets or hidden motives) for 1 minute. During that time, we can also use our action to cast the Suggestion spell on the target; they fail their saving throw automatically.
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We also get our final cantrip for this build (Sword Burst), and we get two more 5th-level spells: Planar Binding and Wall of Force.
Level 13 - Wizard: We unlock 6th-level spells. With Globe of Invulnerability and True Seeing, we upgrade our Shield of the Seraphim and give our Eye of Agamotto even more mystic abilities (as it should have had!)
Level 14 - Wizard: Time for another ASI! Let's put one point into Constitution for better HP chance, and one into Dexterity.
Arcane Gate finally gives us a proper yellow sparkly portal thingy, and let's get Chain Lightning for some much needed offensive capabilities.
Level 15 - Wizard: We're getting into 7th-level spells at this level. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion allows us to recreate our very own Sanctum Sanctorum, and with Project Image we can get Strange's Astral Projection.
Level 16 - Wizard: At this level, we get our final subclass upgrade (and we cross the 100 HP mark, yay!). Arcane High Priest grants us the Knowledge Domain's 17th-level benefits. Visions of the Past lets us spend at least 1 minute of meditation to receive information about a specific object we're holding, or our immediate surroundings:
Object Reading - we learn of the object's previous owner. We know how the person came into contact with the object, how they lost it, and a significant even in their life tied to the object.
Area Reading - we see the events that transpired in the specific location (up to 50-foot cube), going back a number of days equal to our Wisdom modifier.
For this level's spells, let's get Plane Shift and Teleport to double-down on Strange's interdimensional travels.
Level 17 - Wizard: Time for 8th-level spells.
Illusory Dragon is a nice nod to the great "Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme" series (go check it out, it's awesome!), and Maze is another good banishment-type spell to have. Just don't use it on minotaurs.
Level 18 - Wizard: For our final ASI, let's put two points into Dexterity, leaving us unfortunately with an odd number (hopefully, you'll manage to find some ability-increasing item or benefit in your adventure).
For this level's spells, let's grab Power Word: Stun and Demiplane is a good combo to immobilize a foe and send it to the Shadow Realm Mirror Dimension.
Level 19 - Wizard: We unlock the pinnacle of D&D arcane, the 9th-level spells... that is, unless your DM introduces High Magic, which is... whew, a league of its own.
Time Stop and Foresight give us those Time Stone abilities (for all you MCU degenerates. Yes, I know what I said, but Strange was given the Time Stone in his new run, so I did not lie!)
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Level 20 - Wizard: Our capstone is Wizard 18, which gives us the Spell Mastery feature. We get to choose one 1st-level spell and one 2nd-level spell from our spellbook and make them our signature moves; we can now cast them at will, without expending a spell slot. Shield and Hold Person seems like a good choice here.
For our final spells of this build, we cannot go without Astral Projection, and let's get Imprisonment a chance.
And there we go! Doctor Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts. Let's see what we've created:
First of all, we're the epitome of Wizard, we're a great utility caster and a pretty good support, with Internet-like capability of finding information. We're don't have a lot of damage-dealing abilities, like Sypha did, but remember - Wizards also get spell by finding them in the world and copying them in their spellbook. This here is only what we get automatically. Go and roam the world in search for that Fireball!
We have AC of 14, but with Shield (and later making it pretty much permanent) it can get up to 19, and we have 130 Hit Points on average. Our speed is also a little better, with 40 feet of movement (plus flying thanks to the Fly spell).
Unfortunately, our Charisma and Wisdom are not great, so those saving throws might be difficult. Our Strength is also not the greatest, so we're pretty much forced to fight with magic.
And that is it! Next time, we return to SMITE for a few builds, as I absorbs information about Fire Emblem: Three Heroes. Also, the game devs just released a teaser for Morgana le Fay, and my first reaction was 'Hexblade Warlock'. Do you agree?
Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and your day is going great. I'll see you next time!
- Nerdy out!
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xpeachesncream · 3 years
Ms. Nikki,
I've been following your work for a long time now. I'm always excited when a new chapter comes out or a drabble is out. Every fan fiction author on Tumblr has such unique taste in their own work.
I wanted to ask you a couple of things tbh.
Do you give your work to be edited to someone else or do you do it all by yourself before it is published?
I find your writing to be always just on point and just the way it is written makes me feel different emotions, like i am living that scene or actually feeling that scene. This must have taken a long time and lots of efforts to reach right, how long have you been writing for? I know you've mentioned that you used to publish your own on wattpadd, did you start with BTS first or was it something else?
I'm just curious, please excuse me 😅
Can we get to read your 1st ever series or drabble that you've written?
I tend to lose my patience quite quickly, so I really respect those who don't give up and keep doing their work. All your fictions are Beautifully written and also your blog is maintained so well.
It's always so good to come here and scroll through your feed.
God bless you always. I hope you have a lovely day/evening ahead. Sending loads of energy.
hey babylove! auuuwwww, this is so sweet, omg 🥺😭 thank you my sweetheart!! i truly, truly appreciate this from the bottom of my heart and i will remember this always. i’m happy i can provide comfort through my writing/my blog. ♥️
i try (as much as possible) to make my fics relatable, and there are sprinkles of personal experiences in each fic, one way or another - whether it be something i’ve gone through, or my friends. it did take me awhile to get comfortable with my writing. until this day, i’m still trying to grow and improve. i feel as if there’s always room for improvement. there’s days where i don’t feel like i’ve put out my best, and then there’s days where i think about it and see how i could do better in the future. 
i don’t have anyone edit my work. at most, i’ll ask mutuals for opinions or ask them if things sound right for a certain chapter. they are very helpful to me and i appreciate them very much! i have been writing since.. hm, 2011-ish? very on and off though, especially since i was in school and was pretty occupied. i’d get inspired to write once in a blue moon, to be honest. i was writing on fanfiction.net at first cause i didn’t really care about people reading my work, i just needed an outlet to let my imagination run wild. i was writing for big time rush at first (can you believe that? LOL), then i took it to wattpad and everything on wattpad right now is stephen curry related! i tried to post my bts fanfics on there at first, but then deleted once i realized how big fanfic was on here. i fell down the rabbit hole, read a few fics, then decided i should just take the leap and post here.
hope this answered your question! i’ll have to dig and see if i can find that fic on fanfiction.net hehe. take care of yourself and get plenty of rest. sending you all my love and hugs, baby.
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callistolivia · 4 years
Is it normal for some people to not completely resonate with their birth chart? Ik my birth time's right and I've even had multiple experts read it but it just doesn't really seem like me. Some parts I can relate to but the majority of it I can't. I considered that maybe I just don't fully understand myself but my chart is so different from the way I actually act. Should I try reading into Sidereal astrology instead? Or will that not make a big difference?
Hey, sorry for the late response, I haven’t been able to grasp time lately I guess?
The short answer is yes, it is completely normal.
My intuition is telling me you’re probably still quite young? It may be difficult for some people to relate to their chart for the first 25-30 years of their life; over the first 30 years of a person’s life, they experience some major transits that can really shape who they are and their world.
Every 12 years you have your Jupiter return and every 29/30 years you have your Saturn return. At these points in a person’s life we can see a significant change or growth in character. So there’s this coupled by other transits that would be significant to the individual.
It’s very common for people to not relate to their sun sign until they hit their 20’s ive heard also. A person’s moon sign plays a much more significant role in a person’s identity when they are young.
Obviously I can’t really make any assumptions about the experts who read your chart, but the possibility for inaccuracies is still there. I think sometimes it can be difficult to be too specific about certain placements; it’s more important to understand a placement’s fundamental energy and from that you can connect the dots better, if you know what I’m saying? This is why we can’t be so quick to assume Aquarian Moons are unemotional, Scorpio and heavy Lilith placements make you hypersexual, Fire signs are extroverts, Virgos are rigid and prude, this asteroid means extreme trauma, this square means you won’t commit, etc.
I’d say give your western/tropical chart another chance; maybe try another house system? Maybe see what current long-term transits might be affecting you? Do some more digging and research. A lot of blog posts and articles use colourful language to lengthen or describe certain placements so when you read up on them, try to find the take away and the fundamentals. Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook is a great book to refer to when looking at placements in simple, essential terms.
A Sidereal chart will make a difference, so you could take a look at it. There are more factors involved with Vedic astrology and it’s interpreted a little differently, I find.
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October 2019 Saturday Session Notes
Jeffrey R. Holland
Anonymous women and men identify Christ as reason for clamor
Find Jesus at center of it all
Our faith can be overwhelming
Love of heavenly PARENTS
Recieve your sight, your faith has healed you
Skeptics and faithful still contend
Faith and service
Terrence M. Vinsen
Build the lord's temple instead of staying in our safe houses
Earneth wages to put in a bag with holes (oooo graphics)
Less wifi and more Nephi
We shouldn't let the gospel be an added extra or just go to church 2 hours on Sundays. Church is extended 6 more days a week
Fair Dinkum->being commited
If we think things will be easy we will lose
Parable of the Fat Lip and Broken Jaw -> resulted in giving our all
Giving our all =/= blessings and success, Giving our all=Happiness
When he falls he shall rise again
Never waivered in faith and goodness, but deeply hirt for a long time
Wound expanding over our hearts
Pain in heart = Pain in soul, If we go to God it can be taken away
What should I do ghat I may have eternal life, that I shall return to God?
Prepare to give up all we have
Consider your ways
I hope this guy becomes an apostle 😍😍😍
Stephen W. Owen
Cellphone intentions quickly become distractions
Missed scripture study and subsequently the blessing and spiritual healing that comes with it
24 gour news cycle = bad
We must learn to recieve revelation
Herd of deer trapped outside of habitat-could starve. Deer can't eat well meaning hay -> starve to death with stomachs full
Spiritual nourishment is not trending on social media
Pride of world causes us to abandon church
Motions of spirituality do not mean true conversion
We need to be faithful, not faithless
Home centered church helps us thrive in days of spiritual malnutrition
Master of distraction, author of procrastination = Satan
Children need more of your time, not less
Curriculum for meetings is being adjusted
Moved to new neighborhood at age 14-> feels like tragedy
Parents, let youth know they are not alone as they walk
Your influence might be the church support that that young person needs.
D. Todd Christoffersen
We can feel joy regardless of what is happening or what's not happening in our lives
Those who serve God and are chaste are more joyful than those who are only obedient
Recieving the gospel makes us feel like a free bird
Be of good cheer
Joy of returning to geaven
Bring light, relief, and happiness ro our brothers and sisters
Michelle Craig
How can I tell when God is trying to tell me something?
Be intentional about creating time and space to hear God's voice
Imagine what would happen if we were as intent in staying connected to heaven as we were to staying connected to wifi
Lord can use your ordinary skills to accomplish his extraordinary work
Dale G. Renlund
New but unwavering commitment to Jesus Christ
Unchanging fidelity to God
Begin new life in Christ
Spiritual sneeze, faithful flu- doesnt work
Recieve Christ's image more fully.
Constant flow of Faith
"Isn't this the truth that we have heard"
Anchor yourself to the Savior
David A. Bednar
Yesss its my boy
Camoflauged cro odiles -> Satan vs. Youth (Packer)
Cheetahs, fastest accelerating mammals on earth
Cheetahs stalk Topies while working in tandem to hunt them.
Alternating pattern to dostract and decieve the Topies and keep them from knowing there was any danger
Older Topies watching give warning and Topies escape.
Cheetahs still pursue, restless.
Beware of evil's beguiling disguises
Restored Gospel light in our lives
Stay awake and be alert
Don't be complacent or careless
A cheetah is a predator, Satan is the enemy of Righteousness
PLAN OF HAPPINESS Provides direction and enduring joy to God's Children
Lucifer seeks to frustrate our progression via misusing our bodies
Powerful parables are obtained from our daily lives
Ruben V. Alliad
Jesus is the Lord of Lost Things, he loves Lost Things
200 copies of the book of mormon in one room
"And when ye shall recieve these things..."
Pray about book of mormon and you WILL know that its true
Found directly through power of BOM
Think hard and answer honestly, follow up on baptism promises
Diligently seek the BOM
Holy Ghost confirms our knowlege
Russell M. Nelson
Youth Battalion
(If any of you saw my previous post this talk is what tipped my Grandmother off about Hitler's Youth)
Quentin L. Cook
Smartphones = bad
Youth must be the focus of Bishops and other leaders
Youth have more personal responsibility at you bf er and younger ages now
Announcements do not limit bishoos responsibility over Young Women
Young Women leader is besf for meeting the needs of Young Women
Ward youth council, mutual is retired
Mark L. Pace
God loves us
70 steel piles provide firm foundation
Increase faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement
Adversaries increasing attacks on our faith
Come follow me a chance to bear testimony and learn differently
Consistent Effort throughout the week
Remodel home into center of Gospel Learning
Come follow me helpsnus establish foundation
L. Todd Budge
Peace and Joy when we surrender ourselves to God
Afflictions and Sorrow prepare us for joy -13th century poet
Afflictions are small
Life full of purpose and meaning
The lord will not allow us to suffer in darkness
How can we make it through the day without the Lord?
Questions and concerns -> Faith and Love
"I don't feel safe, but I am"
Wind never ceases to blow us towards the promised land
Didn't cease to praise the Lord
I really like this guy. He gives me peace and brings me joy
Jorge M. Aluardo
Some blessings come soon, late, or not until heaven, but they will come
Works at temple bless you with increased revelation and peace
Example of righteous parents
Strong familial chain link
Follow your own council (kid eating too much candy)
This man brings me joy
"Amazing Papa!"
Ronald A. Rasband
Grateful for the Lord's eternal companionship
Promises to improve
Promises to eachother increase promise to the Lord
Partnership with the Lord
The lord will be with you
Women's Session
Reyna J. Alberto
Black clouds which blind us and cause us to question God
When our minds are suffering, it is appropriate to seek help
Together we realize there is hope, and we do not have to suffer alone. Find resources about emotional illnesses!
Isolation thrives in secrecy and shrinks in empathy
When it comes to healing, we all need Him desperately
Nothing you have experienced will change the fact that you are God's child
Lisa L. Harkness
Living under Christ's name
Jesus is here for us
Do we honor the name of Christ
Bonnie H. Cordon
Sure knowlege of divine purpose and identity
Shift from we to I
Peace and Guidance will be yours
We need to have shelters and sanctuaries from life's storms
Be a light to those around you.
All classes are now unified under one name: Young Women
Every class should have a class presidency
Make the calling of leading class presidencies a priority
Revelation is real
We need the Wisdom, Council, and Energy in youth council
Henry B Eyring
Divine mission is to help lift the souls of others
We do not know the time or duration of our assignments
Preparation of a powerful loving heart
Minister to every stranger as a neighbor and a friend
We must be a mother in some way
Mold living clay to your hopes in tandem with God
God loves you
NO!!! (Homophobic version)
Tumblr media
Russell M. Nelson
He is now the church grandpa
Access to all spiritual treasures for Lord's children
How do we draw the savior's power in our life? Holy Ghost will prompt you
Bad men are not allowed- men must drink respect women juice
Misogyny bad
Women are society's guardians, wonderful, magnificent
Covenants = Priesthood power for women
Encouraged to participate in ward councils
166 temples and more to come (TEMPLES ANNOUNCED IN WOMEN'S SESS? THIS IS A FIRST)
8 new temples -> sierra leone, utah x2 , arkansas, philippines, texas, guatemala, utah
Strengthen your faith in the Lord.
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jokerfic · 5 years
Do you ever find it hard to push yourself to keep writing/to finish a fic? I really admire your works, especially pastimes, because you write both good quality and a good quantity with your stories. I find i'll plan out this long fic, and know all the details, but when it comes to writing more than a few chapters I find it difficult to continue. I don't know if it's just me getting bored of my own idea or being lazy but, do you have any advice for seeing a story through to the end?
Oh, it’s hard forrrr suuuuure. There’s a post floating around about how Charles Dickens shouldn’t be given credit for his prolificity bc he didn’t have streaming services and it strikes me to my core every time I see it. It’s part of why I like Neil Gaiman’s writing advice more than anyone else’s (in no small part because it’s really advice, not rules for you to follow– I hate “writing advice” that’s really a bunch of “don’t EVER use adverbs” and “write only in the mornings!” and other things that only cage you in rather than making you feel free)– it basically boils down to “write anything, write everything, just make the time to write.”
and generating content is just one part of the multi-pronged problem– the second is generating content for a specific project, consistently enough that you actually finish it, lol. some people would have you believe that if you love a project enough then it’ll always come naturally (and imply or even outright say that if it doesn’t come naturally, you don’t really love it– side note, I like some of Charles Bukowski’s poetry but he can eat my entire ass with that “if it doesn’t come easily then it’s not what you’re meant to be doing” idea). That’s only part of it. A thousand writers better than I am have already said that love/“inspiration” only gets you so far, and after that comes the work.
I’ve found that to be true. Not that the love doesn’t come back! I’m constantly falling in love and out of love with different WIPs, and each time I fall back in, I get a little bit (or a lot!) more done, but there’s definitely a point where I say “okay, I’m not allowed to work on anything else until x book is finished.” (Whether or not I stick to that resolution is a different matter.) Honestly, it happens the most with jokerfic because I have a small but active and devoted audience and I start to feel THE GUILT if I leave them too long without new content bc they’re so loyal and it has to be a symbiotic relationship or it’ll 100% die.
idk, man, I’m mostly musing out loud here because writing is work, and it might be fun work, and fulfilling work, but you have to allot time and energy to it specifically, and if you do want to finish and publish something on the longer side (fanfic or original), you have to be the one to decide to put that time and energy into it– no one else can do it for you.
All that to say: you have to figure out what motivates you, and what’s important to you. Personally I’m motivated by a moderate dose of ambition and just a little bit of spite (I see writers I don’t like flourishing, I think “I can do better than that,” and it’s good for at least a few pages), as well as feedback from readers and the desire to be able to re-read the specific, finished work whenever I want to. Probably more significantly, and not to be morbid: it’s extremely important to me to get these stories out there and not let them die with me. Listen, I may be a slow writer, but I live and breathe storytelling, it’s the majority of what I think about, and there’s very little that kicks me in the ass like the realization that time is coming for me and all of us, and I don’t have an unlimited amount of it to waste. So what’s important to you, what’s worth spending your time on? Rewatching a TV show you’ve seen all the way through 3 times already? or making something new and sharing it with people, connecting to people through a story that’s important to you?
of course, you can’t and shouldn’t aim to be productive all the time, you’re not made for it, you need to live your life in addition to doing your work. Stephen King says you have to read a lot if you want to write well, and I agree with him. It’s harder to write people if you’re never around people! Some days you are just gonna NEED to veg out in front of the TV (or tumblr) because you don’t have the energy, mental or otherwise, for anything else. you have to read books, watch movies and tv, spend time with people, live your life, have experiences, if only so you’ll have more to draw from when you are working.
Outside of that normal “living life” stuff, I’d focus on trying to trim things that you know are a waste of time, or that drain your energy without reward. Delete the social media you can do without (or outright hate but for some reason haven’t pulled the plug on yet). If you’re sitting down to write, then write, even if you have to use an app to block out the million distractions that are just a click away. If you can, try and make friends that write so you can egg each other on (there are a lot of writing Discords out there that may be helpful). I personally like reading or watching interviews with artists (not even just writers) that inspire me or that I relate to– the richness of David Milch’s mind and the way he seamlessly ties together humanity, community, history, and art makes me want to work harder and be better so that someday I can be a fraction as good as he is, I found out like yesterday that Donna Tartt and I have basically the same process (and take about as long to finish a thing lol), Jack White’s live performances energize me and make me want to create, Tom Waits is a natural born storyteller and funnyman who weaves such a thick atmosphere and mythology for himself with every word that I feel compelled to try and do the same.
and that’s it, that’s the process that consistently results in the most productive work for me: I read or watch other creators I admire until I’m whipped up into a frenzy of needing to do something, then I get in front of a screen and do it. When the excitement runs out, I pretend it hasn’t until it comes back (with mixed success, but really, “fake it till you make it” is an EVERGREEN piece of advice in almost every area). I try not to let too many months slip away without having something finished and semi-polished to show for my time. That’s about the only way I know how to do it anymore.
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