#i have a feeling i fucked up today tho on a new batch that i was too lazy to double check OOPSIE he will eat his words soon...
biaoba · 9 months
Im starting to push the envelope on how hard i can slack off at work cause tell me why i PURPOSEFULLY did a task as slow as fucking possible, literally typing with one finger etc, only to find out i got commended by the team leader for my speed??? Yo that team is on some shit, collectively bringing standards down to 0 lmfaooooooo.
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blueempty · 8 months
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I hate leaving the house but I love doing it after 5pm
Band was good today other than my cousin being exposed to covid and then coming down to yell questions across the room to my uncle??? But he wasn't near me at least otherwise I would've lost it. But we learned Galaxie by Blind Melon and Only a Fool Would Say That by Steely Dan
I have become a Last Blade stan the past 4 days and I have this weird feeling about it cuz I keep going where is Last Blade 3. And my friends both individually were like well if they made it now it would be 3D and it would suck. And i'm like yeah I dont mean now I mean where was Last blade 3 back when shit like Battle Arena Toushinden was getting its 5th sequel. We played the new Samsho tonight and that game is really good but like, its the same thing as with the Namco games. Why the fuck is Tekken the one that took off when Soul Calibur is so much better, and then over in SNK land we've got the King of Fumbles 15, and Shamshow, and theyre making a new Garou, where is fuckin Last Blade lol
But as a microcosm of how that would go nowadays I played Hibiki who is my main in LB2, but also got into Samurai Shodown somehow, and her Samsho version is just not as good or fun, and a lot of it is the 3D. Her moves dont feel as snappy and her Distance Slash has so wind effects on it you cant see the actual attack very well which makes it hard to space with. And it doesnt help its only half as long as it was before. AND they took away her 5B which is like her numero uno best button, the iconic Hibiki 5B, so I ended up playing Iroha the horny crane girl, and Genjuro the game ruining top tier. Even without knowing how to play Genjuro is a fuckin problem, that is a gormless ignorant ass character. I hope my audience of one is enjoying this fighting game rant
But yeah I love Last Blade, I bought the Arcade archives version on Switch because I just really love Hibiki's buttons. I havent actually wanted to play a fighting game since Soul Calibur 6 came out so this is big news for me. Ifk if I talked about Cybattler yesterday but I bought that too that game rules. Its like what if there was a good Gundam game
I have a couple things drawn that I havent posted on Pixiv yet cuz I wanna do them in batches and I'm almost done with the first group but I gotta draw feet again. Its going well so far tho. I did really good favric on one side and cant figure out what to do on the other one lol
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Live Long and Prosper
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onceupon · 3 years
London Boy - Part 3: I like girls that dance
summary: It’s your first night out and your first real introduction to Westheath. Rafe is quick to find his way on your radar.
pairing: Rafe x reader (slowburn)
warnings: swearing, drinking
word count: 4.6k
a/n: the way I’m imagining Jack Harlow as I write Liam 😩✋also, im pulling these chapter titles out of my ass - but actually tho, go listen to Girls That Dance by Masego 
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Part 1 Part 2
Despite your doubts, you put on the sheer top and the black mini skirt Millie and Olivia had insisted you wear. Your favorite pregame playlist plays as you do your makeup in the mirror. You move as quickly as you can, in desperate need of a shot to calm your nerves before your flat fills with people. You’re also nervous about seeing Rafe after that encounter in the kitchen you just had. 
As you run your fingers through your hair and put on your earrings, all you can see is his stupid (and annoyingly attractive) face, staring down at you with that dumb backwards cap, telling you that you guys should watch Game of Thrones together. Every time your mind starts to think if that means something, you quickly shut down the thought. Of course it doesn’t mean anything. Just because a boy wants to watch a show with you does not automatically mean he wants you or that this was going to turn into some kind of Netflix and chill situation. Or was this gonna be a Netflix and chill situation? I mean it was Rafe Cameron after all, the boy certainly had a reputation. But then again, hadn’t he just showed you that he’s different from what you had expected? Oh god this was all too much to think about right now, you needed a shot. Stat. 
“Y/N!” Olivia shouts, swinging the door to your room open right on cue. “Oh. My. God. You look so hot!” she exclaims. “Here, this is for you,” she extends a shot glass toward you with a devilish grin. 
“Oh god what is it,” you grimace. Shots always seemed like a better idea in theory than in practice. 
“Try it and find out,” she smirks. You sigh and send the liquid to the back of your throat, immediately cringing at the sting of raspberry vodka, Olivia bringing a cup of cranberry juice to your mouth to chase. 
“Don’t worry love, a few more and you won’t even taste it. Now come on,” she laughs, dragging you with her to the kitchen. The rest of your flatmates are already there, Millie bopping along to the music, giggling at whatever Topper is saying, Rafe standing close by sipping his drink. 
“Y/n you hottie!” Millie cheers, looking up as you make your way into the kitchen. You pray to god your cheeks aren’t turning pink. You don’t dare turn your head, but you know Rafe is staring at you. If you looked at him now you’d be crimson for sure. 
“Alright everybodyyy,” Olivia begins, pouring the same raspberry vodka into the five shot glasses she has lined up on the table. You can’t help but laugh at her infectious energy, this girl is nothing if not the life of the party. 
“Cheers to our first night out as flat mates! Wooo!!!” she exclaims, as everyone grabs a shot glass from the table, Rafe instinctively passing you one, hands briefly touching during the exchange and again as you all clink your glasses. You down the contents, unsure if the heat forming in your chest is from the vodka or the feeling of Rafe’s passing touch. 
Pretty soon people start to arrive, Olivia and Millie making sure to introduce everyone. The flat becomes a blur of bodies drinking, dancing, and mingling about, and somehow, despite it all, Rafe Cameron is the person you find yourself standing with. There was something magnetic about him that you couldn’t quite understand, but it kept drawing you near. 
“What are you drinking tonight Cameron,” you nod at the cup in his hand.
“Jack and coke. Of course,” he scoffs with subtle sarcasm, which you instantly pick up on. 
“Not straight whiskey? Wow. That’s not very Figure 8 of you,” you admonish playfully.
“Straight whiskey? L/n who do you think I am?” he twists his face in mock disbelief. “But I’m game to do a shot if you are,” he adds.
“Hmm that does-“ you begin, but you’re quickly cutoff. 
“Y/n, babe, if I had known you’d be here I would’ve came sooner,” Liam greets you with a kiss on the cheek and a cheeky smile. 
“Now how on earth do you two know each other,” Millie asks, walking in line with the boy.
“Umm,” you chuckle nervously. You could not have possibly felt more awkward at the conversation unfolding in front of you, Rafe standing by as witness to it all. “He’s that boy I went to the bar with the other night,” you explain sheepishly.
“That was Liam!? Chrissake. Well I apologize on his behalf for anything he said or did.”
“Hey I’ll have you know I’m a proper gentleman!” he defends, throwing you a wink as Millie rolls her eyes. Just at that moment, another group of people walk in through the door, conveniently coming to Rafe’s rescue.
“Rafe!” a girl calls and he clears his throat excusing himself, Millie following suit to greet the latest batch of guests. You watch as he leans in for a hug with the girl who’s just called his name. She’s twirling her hair and batting her eyes, confident, flirty, gorgeous - just his type. A sick feeling pools in your stomach, you don’t even realize you’re staring. 
“Lily Colts, if that’s what you’re wondering,” Liam informs you as he takes the now empty spot next to you.
“Oh, um no, I was just uh-“
“It’s okay Y/n, I get it. So flatmate huh” he laughs, unbothered.
“No no it’s not like that at all I uh-”
“Alright. Y/n,” he says, jumping up to sit on the counter behind him, cracking open the can in his hand. “You know I think you’re hot and you know I like messing with you-”
“Actually I know neither of those things,” you reply indignantly. 
“Yes you do, you’re not dim,” he bulldozes right on, “I can read people pretty well, and there was a vibe there.”
“A vibe?”
“Yeah. Between you and what’s-his-face. You should’ve seen the way he tensed up when I came up to you,” he snickers in amusement.
“Shut up. His name is Rafe, by the way, and there was no ‘vibe.’ Also why are you even telling me this?” you ask, growing frustrated with the cocky brunette.
“Y/n please,” he scoffs. “I told you I can read people, so let me read you. You’re out here in London right, far away from home, keen for a fresh start. You’ve never been one for meaningless flings, but fuck it, if everyone else can do it, why not you? Or so you try to convince yourself, but you know that’s not you. See, you crave that emotional connection, and when you find even a hint of it, you’re a goner. Which is why you’d never actually hook up with me and it’s why you’re staring at that boy from home even though you swear you don’t care, but you do - you feel something there.”
You’re dumbfounded by his ability to know things about you that even you yourself can’t recognize. “I liked it better when you were just flirting with me,” you grumble.  
“No worries darling, I’ll definitely still do that. I’ll even dance on you in the club if you ask nicely, might make pretty boy over there jealous,” he motions with his eyes toward Rafe, at which you give his shoulder a shove.
“You’re an idiot you know, Millie was right on the money with that,” you quip, as the two of you head over to her, Liv, and the boys.
“Please, Millie wishes she could be right on something else,” he says as you shoot him a glare, trying your best to suppress a laugh. Liam was starting to become a pain in your ass, too smart for his own good, but at least he was a funny one.
Your first night clubbing was going great. The place was packed, the music was good, and you were having a blast dancing with Liv, Millie, and their friends. You couldn’t help looking around the club though, eyes scanning for Rafe in the crowd. He’d been hanging out all night with Topper and some of the guys from their new soccer team. You longed to be near him somehow, to interact with him again. All your conversations with him earlier today had left you with an excited buzz - you didn’t know what it was about this version of Rafe Cameron in London, but you were actually enjoying his company.
You try to push him out of your mind and just enjoy the moment. It’s not like there was anything between you and Rafe, you had just barely began to form a semblance of a potential friendship today, let’s not get carried away. Besides, you live with the boy, accidentally running into him wasn’t going to be much of a challenge. 
“Anyone want anything from the bar?” you shout over the music to your friends.
“Vodka soda with lime please!” Olivia shouts back and you nod, turning to make your way to the counter a few feet away. You place your order and mindlessly tap your fingers on the bar as a figure appears beside you.
“Hey, Y/n right? Flatmates with Olivia, Mills, and the boys?” the girl asks, and you turn, now face to face with Lily. 
“Uh yeah, hey,” you feign a smile back. 
“I’m Lily, nice to meet you,” she smiles genuinely. “I’m friends with all the Westheath bozos you’ve probably been meeting tonight,” she laughs, “Callum and Henry over there are my best mates. They’re on the football team with Rafe and Topper, we were showing them around earlier. My god you guys have been hoarding some cute ones over there in America.”
You chuckle, “glad that Kildare’s presence can at least be of some benefit.” 
“So, girl to girl here, what can you tell me about Rafe Cameron? He’s such a hottie isn’t he? Would love to get a taste of that,” she smirks, licking her lips.
“Umm I don’t really have much to tell,” you say, unsure of how to navigate this conversation. You could tell her what you thought you knew of Outer Banks Rafe - he’s a rich, party-boy player. But after today, that no longer felt right. You didn’t want to say or presume anything about him at all actually, it felt wrong to talk about him like that. God, what the hell was wrong with you? You spend a few hours with the boy and you already have a soft spot for him? You needed to get a grip. “Our families know each other but we don’t really hang out at home. He’s uh- he’s cool though,” you decide as a sufficient response.
“Any girl friend?” she asks, sliding cash over to the bartender as she orders a shot.
“Rafe’s not really the ‘girlfriend-type’,” you answer, bartender sliding you the drinks you ordered and Lily her’s. 
“Well then cheers to that,” she grins, clinking her shot glass to your drink before she downs it, waving a quick goodbye. You watch as she makes her way back to Rafe and their group, adorning a flirty smile. You feel sick to your stomach. You wanted to hate her, you did. But you couldn’t. She wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was just confident, outgoing, and not afraid to go after what she wanted. There was nothing for you to be angry about, who was stopping you from doing the same?
 But in the back of your mind you decided you could never go after Rafe like that. He would never be interested in you in that way, you were sure of it. You had a hard time believing your friends when they hyped you up, so you definitely weren’t going to believe for a single second that a boy you thought was cool could possibly look at you in the same way. Besides, the mere idea of being rejected by Rafe Cameron, and then having to continue living with him and eventually go back to the Outer Banks for everyone to find out you had been rejected by the kook prince, was so mortifying that the very thought made you want to crawl into a hole. So you promise yourself, right then and there, that you won’t let yourself get hurt like that. You could hang out with Rafe, get to know him, become friends even, but under no circumstances could you be caught wearing your heart on your sleeve. You couldn’t disarm yourself like that and give him the upper hand. You needed to look out for yourself first and foremost, preserving the little bit of control you still had over your life. 
You walk back over to your friends, slipping Liv her drink as her and Jake dance together. Your new friends are all tipsy and in a world of their own, getting lost in the music and their movements.
“Dance with me,” you turn to Liam who’s right beside you.
“I said if you ask nicely,” he admonishes sarcastically, to which you roll your eyes.
“I’m not gonna beg Liam. You wanna dance or not?”
“Sheesh, Lily Colts got your panties in a twist like that?”
“Not. At. All.” You confidently stare into his eyes, sipping your drink. It’s no use, Liam knows you all too well by now, and you curse yourself for the way in which this boy is able to see right through all the walls you put up. You may think these walls are made of brick, but to Liam they’re glass.
He just laughs at you, shaking his head in amusement. He grabs your free hand and pulls you closer to him, your bodies now pressed together. He takes your hand and rests it on the back of his neck, his finding their way to your hips. He plants his leg in between yours and soon you guys are lost in the rhythm. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying every second. He spins you around and you lightly grind your ass against him.
“Damn Y/n, I didn’t know you move like that,” he jokes, as you face forward again. He leans in, his hand on the small of your back, and you feel his breath right against your ear, “he’s looking by the way.” Your breath hitches, but you know better than to turn around. Liam is already one step ahead of you, instinctively twirling you again so you can quickly catch a glimpse of Rafe’s eyes on yours without it being obvious. “Told you he’d be jealous,” he smirks down at you triumphantly.
“Shut up,” you reply, the slightest smile tugging at your lips as your sweaty bodies continue to move to the music.
“Aw flatmate bonding you guysss,” Olivia gushes, as you all sit together at a booth. She had forced you all out of your beds this morning to get breakfast together. Despite being hungover and groggy, you all reluctantly agreed. “Mimosas anyone?” she jokes.
“If I so much as smell any alcohol I think I’ll vomit,” Topper groans.
“Aw, what’s the matter, can’t handle your liquor Tops?” Millie asks, quirking her head to the side.
“Ha. Ha. Very funny. Could ask you the same question. My room is right next to the bathroom, don’t think I didn’t hear your retching last night,” he snaps back, to which Millie turns bright red and soon you’re all hunched over in laughter.
“I think a mimosa would make me yak right now too, to be fair. Coffees all around!” Olivia asserts.
You’re seated across from Rafe as you both scan your menus, your eyes immediately fixing in on the pancakes. The waiter comes by to take all your orders and you can’t help but blush a little when Rafe orders pancakes and you have to follow with a “same for me.” Such a silly, meaningless thing, I mean everyone likes pancakes. But being the only one to have the same exact order as Rafe leaves you feeling embarrassed, for no good reason all the same. You all begin to scarf down your food as soon as it arrives, thankful to have something to soak up the alcohol in your stomachs, as you share stories and laugh about last night’s drunken antics. 
“So how is it that we’re all flatmates and yet I only have Topper’s contact. Come on, add ‘em in,” Rafe says, sliding his unlocked phone to the middle of the table.
“Wait I want snapchats too. Oooh! And instagram!” Olivia pipes, whipping out her phone as well.
“I expect no booty calls Cameron. This is strictly business,” Millie jokes, typing in her and Olivia’s numbers before passing his phone to you. 
“Am I allowed a booty call?” Topper smirks, extending his phone as well.
“I wouldn’t push your luck Thornton,” she smirks back and he pouts in response. You finish typing your name and number into Rafe’s phone and hand it back to him, skin briefly making contact once again. Even though you had known Rafe all your life, somehow you two never had a reason to exchange numbers, only following each other on Instagram which he never posted on anyways.
“Alright everyone, pull up your snapchat codes, I wanna make a group,” Olivia says and everyone obliges, arms crossing every which way as you all add each other. “What should we name our group chat? Ooo can we do a ship name of our schools - like Kilheath or Westare?” 
“I like Kilheath,” Topper chimes in.
“Yeah I bet you do you psychopath. Sounds like the name of a bad horror movie,” Rafe laughs.
“Oooo there’s five of us, we could be the Spice Girls,” Millie beams.
“No.” Topper immediately shuts her down. 
“What about ‘American Boys and Spice Girls.’ You know, like the Kanye West song,” you add.
“Ehh, we’re getting closer, but not quite there,” Rafe teases you and you playfully kick him under the table. “I’m hearing a lot of opinions and not a lot of contributions,” you cross your arms and raise your brows.
“Hey hey hey, I’m a critic, not a chef L/n,” he lifts his hands in surrender.
“Ooo I got it! We can call it the ‘Royal fam,’ like the royal family,” Olivia suggests, finally getting approval from the whole group. Breakfast is soon over and you all return to your rooms, eager to nap away the remainder of your hangovers. You lay in your bed and stare at the newly formed snapchat group on your phone. Royal Fam 🇬🇧🇺🇸 appears on top and you scroll down, looking at Rafe’s username and bitmoji on your screen. You laugh at the fact that even his bitmoji wears a backwards cap. It was weird, having him in your phone like this. You had known this boy your whole life, but you two had always operated in separate spheres. And here he was, in your Snapchat, a glimpse into the life of Rafe, of which you only ever got a birds eye view of back home. It almost felt like you were trespassing somewhere you didn’t belong, having access to him like this. You sigh and lock your phone. Rafe Cameron really isn’t all that bad.
The next few days fly by fast as you become acclimated to Westheath. You and the rest of the Kildare kids attend an orientation with Westheath’s exchange advisor, spending the whole time with your little trio: you, Rafe, and Topper. When you had first arrived abroad, you were deadset on forging your own path in London and steering clear of everyone else from OBX. But hanging out with Rafe and Topper made you all but forget. It was fun and easy hanging out with them, in fact, counterintuitively, they were helping you forget all about the Outer Banks, just as you had hoped to do. Your conversations centered around your interests, your new lives, on random jokes and made up bits. It was almost as if there was a mutual unspoken agreement between you, them also trying to escape and forget their lives in OBX.
Pretty soon classes began, and you were learning a new schedule and adapting to British schooling. Your evenings were spent singing and dancing in the kitchen as you, Liv, and Millie simultaneously cooked your dinners, getting pints at the pub around the corner with your Westheath friends, and playing card games at the kitchen table with Rafe and Topper, the smack talk between you three flowing strong. There’d be short moments where you’d find yourself alone with Rafe - he’d explain to you whatever Premier League team was playing that day, you’d show him how the coffee machine works, and the occasional passing comments of “so when are we finally starting Game of Thrones, Cameron?” “I’m ready whenever you are, L/n.”
It was a Wednesday night, and you were curled up in your fluffy gray blanket watching Gilmore Girls in bed. You found the show comforting and familiar, the small town of Stars Hallow reminding you of what you wished your life in the Outer Banks could be like. Instead it was more like the cold and pretentious atmosphere of Chilton and the older Gilmores’ Hartford life. Your phone buzzes, and you pick it up lazily to check, suddenly freezing at the notification on your screen.
Snapchat: Rafe Cameron
You had opened a few snapchats from the boy over the past few days, but they were always random ones he would send to the group chat. This one was just for you. You gulp and put your phone down, not wanting to open it too fast. A few minutes go by and you realize you haven’t paid an ounce of attention to the show on your screen, even though you’re staring right at it. Fuck it. You open your phone and tap on the unread snap.
When are we watching Game of Thrones L/n the snapchat says, a picture of his laptop on his bed and the HBO Max home page open, the series featured in the corner of the screen.
You snap back a picture of your blanket and the laptop playing Gilmore Girls in front of you: ready whenever you are Cameron.
Almost immediately you get a response back.
Rafe Cameron: wait are you home rn? His message is accompanied by a random picture of his room, a view you let your eyes linger on until the message expires. Another peak into Rafe Cameron’s world.
Y/n: Yep! You send a blurry selfie of you wrapped in your blanket.
Rafe Cameron: be over in 5
You leave that last message on open and your heart starts to race. Just breathe Y/n, breathe, you keep telling yourself. It doesn’t have to be a big deal if you don’t make it out to be. It’s just a show. Just a show. And besides, you guys are friends now, right? You sit up in your bed and grab your pillow, shifting over to sit horizontally on your mattress. That seems more casual to you, more ‘just a couple friends watching a show together at a comfortable distance’ and less ‘sitting right on top of each other Netflix and chill’. You gulp down some water to ease your dry throat when you hear a gentle knock.
“Come in!” you call out, and now Rafe Cameron is in your room, eyes absorbing all the details that are so you. The posters on one wall, film camera photos on another. The string lights which wrap around your room and give it a warm glow. The plants, the subtle scent of vanilla. The bag you always carried with you, hanging off the side of your chair. He almost felt like he was intruding, like he was getting an intimate glimpse of something that was for your eyes only. 
“Whats up,” he says, holding his laptop and closing the door behind him. 
“Ready to finally start the show,” you laugh, “it’s about damn time.”
“Hey, I’ve been ready, it’s you who’s been taking your sweet time.”
“Is that so?” you ask sarcastically and a smile forms on his face.
“What are you doing over there? Who sits like that on their bed?” he asks, now coming over and taking a seat on your mattress facing vertically, propping your other pillow behind his back. “Can’t even stretch out your legs or anything,” he continues, patting the spot on the bed next to him, signaling for you to come over.
“I don’t know, I think it’s comfy,” you lie as you crawl over to him, your first line of defense already shot down. 
“Weirdo,” he chuckles to which you nudge him in the side with your elbow. “If Topper’s wrong about this I’m gonna give him so much shit,” he says.
“Topper does have a lot of questionable opinions,” you laugh, “but I have a good feeling about this one.
One episode turned into two turned into three, you and Rafe instantly hooked. The nerves you had felt earlier at sitting so close next to this boy in your bed had all but dissipated, you quickly acclimating to the space he took up next to you. Even though by now all your previous misconceptions about Rafe had disappeared, replaced with the boy you had come to know over the past week, there was a small part of you that was still waiting to see if he’d try to pull something on you, like the Rafe you imagined back home surely would. Of course he didn’t, watching and discussing the show with you, making you feel as comfortable as if you two had been friends for years. You almost felt bad for having had doubted him in the first place.
When the third episode ended and you two got into a long post-episode discussion, you hardly noticed when the conversation began to digress. You both started to sink lower and lower down into your pillows, until you were both laying on your backs, staring at the ceiling and lost in exchanges of words and thoughts. The conversation was different this time, more candid and open, as if the shadow of the night was inviting you to divulge thoughts you wouldn’t have shared in the day. He spoke of his strained relationship with his father and you shared the silly drama that had caused a riff between you and your former friends back home. He showed you pictures of his dog and you showed him the video you had been working on all summer long in OBX, not having anyone to hang out with before you left for London. He talked about how he felt so disconnected from almost everyone on that island, and you nodded, understanding all too well. The conversation continued to ebb and flow, the occasional funny video or meme pulling you two into fits of laughter before seamlessly delving into another vulnerable train of thought. You both had your Spotify accounts open now, taking turns sharing your favorite songs. You put on a playlist you had made over the summer, full of songs that made you feel at peace. 
“This puts you at ease huh,” he says.
You turn your head to look at him, “how could you tell?”
“I don’t know. I guess just the way your whole body relaxed the second you pressed play,” he replies.
“Yeah,” you say turning your head back toward the ceiling. “I know it sounds cheesy, but I feel like these songs are speaking to my soul or something,” you whisper.
“Yeah I get that… I have those too,” he whispers back. Neither of you realize it’s already 5 am and neither of you notice as your eyes both get heavy and sleep washes over you, playlist in the background like a lullaby. And at some point during your deep sleep, Rafe’s arm has found itself unconsciously wrapped around you.
Part 4
a/n: lemme know what you think!(:
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heybeybey · 3 years
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Pairing: Rivetra | Levi x Petra
Summary: Forced to retire from the Scouts due to a major injury, Levi thinks he'll be spending the rest of his days in domestic solitude. Petra, however, has another idea.
Loosely based on The Way of the Househusband.
Or: Captain Petra x Househusband Levi canonverse AU
AO3 Link
A/N: Okay I've had this outlined for WEEKS (no ending in mind tho) but I never got around to actually drafting it. But....... I had some time this morning and the inspiration after seeing this post so yay.
Thanks to @sleeperswakewriting for introducing me to The Way of the Househusband. It's cute and funny and DEFINITELY RIVETRA in another universe.
This is going be a drabble series btw but no assurance on when I'll be updating each chapter (My Royalty AU draft is glaring at this fic rn tbh). Some chapters will be based on the Netflix show but Levi's condition is a bit different from Tatsu's so it'll probably be loosely based at best.
And yes, the title is from the song My Girl. But I like this version since I think it fits Petra the most :3
Also also, we all know deep down that Levi wants to be a househusband so here you go.
- - -
Chapter 1: The Ceremonies
There was a time when his mind wandered to how his career in the Scouts would end. Levi always thought he'd die on the battlefield, just as he witnessed among his comrades. He'd accepted that reality, sometimes even waiting for it despite his will to continue fighting on.
For some reason, retiring has never crossed his mind.
"Honorably discharged due to major leg injury, incomplete spinal cord injury, and loss of right eyesight."
He can still hear the pity and sadness from Erwin's voice from that day in the hospital when they talked over where he will go from there. The doctors mentioned that his spine will heal over time, but his leg is broken way beyond repair. It's worse enough that amputation was considered at one point. He'd be good as titan food should he retain his current position in the scouts.
At first, he wanted to scream. He wasn't the type to show some outwardly emotion (except for when he's beating down new recruits or the three males in his squad) but being a part of the Survey Corps is what gave this shit of a life some meaning after he was pulled out of the underground.
Frankly, he didn't know what's next.
"Hey, Captain." Petra's sweet voice snapped Levi out of his thoughts and he forces himself to get out of his bad mood. This was her day and he'd be damned if he ruins it for her.
Levi takes her in and the corner of his lip quirks up. He feels pride fill his chest as his eyes strays a bit on the insignia freshly pinned on her uniform.
"I think I should be the one calling you that, Ral." He replies. "Congratulations."
Wheelchair-bound for what may be the rest of his life, Levi and his squad had to sit down and talk over what's next for the Scout's elites. The obvious choice was Eld, but Levi and the rest of the team were surprised when the blonde man turned down the promotion. He says that while he had the leadership skills and the years of experience that makes him more than qualified, he knew that he didn't have the same burning dedication to the cause as much as he'd witnessed in others.
Eld said that he'd be glad to support the next team captain instead. Oluo, while skilled, had often been too focused on his kill count. Gunther has a strategic mind but didn't really have the charm to bring people together.
So they all turned their attention to Petra.
To be honest, Levi had always wanted to promote Petra as his second-in-command. However, Scout regulations demanded a certain number of years that she didn't have yet at the time he first chose his elite squad. He'd never had a problem with Eld, but his and Petra's ability to synchronise on the battlefield is the reason why he'd always turned to her when he needed a second hand.
It makes sense in his eyes and to the rest of the team, even when Erwin and the other soldiers were doubtful of his choice. They've seen how ferocious Petra is during expeditions, but still had the heart to cry alongside her dying comrades. She's kind and helpful, but knows when a hard decision is needed to be made. She'd pitched in her ideas and opinions every time she accidentally passed by the officers' meeting sessions (she always brought them tea so she sometimes hear the conversations). This was often met with a surprised look from her higher-ups but having worked with Petra for quite some time, Levi would just smirk at his fellow veterans.
She's still rough around the edges and she definitely still has more room to improve, but the potential is there. He wouldn't have chosen her as part of his team in the first place if he didn't see that fire.
He wasn't surprised that Eld, Gunther and Oluo supported her, even when Petra was terrified to accept such a responsibility. Levi was firm in his decision.
In the end, Erwin stamped on his approval.
Levi was the one who pinned the insignia on her signifying her new position during today's pinning-on ceremony.
- - -
"Hey, Captain!"
"I think you should stop calling me that, Petra."
"Sorry. Habit." The ginger blushes slightly as she steps closer inside the apartment, basket in hand. "I bought something for you."
She brings out a few fruits from the basket, laying it down on the dining table in his humble apartment. "The farmer's market was on sale today and I had the chance to pass by before they closed."
"You didn't have to buy me all these, Petra."
"I had to use my pay raise for something, Captain," she jests. He wheels himself towards her to assist her with unloading the basket and they both work in silent contentment.
"So, how's your first day?" Levi asks after washing the fruits. Petra's face lights up at his question and the whole room seems to come alive as she chatters on.
"Holy Maria, Captain. I didn't know the team can be this stupid. No wonder you had dark eyebags after training us for years!"
- - -
It's been three months since he resigned from the Scouts. The new captain never fails to come home to the apartment he's renting near the Scout HQ everyday.
Come home? Tch. How delusional can you get.
He'd welcome her back every expedition and every training day. A part of him feels a bit of guilt gnaw on him when he sees how tired Petra is whenever she comes home, thinking of the time when he was her direct commanding officer.
"Captain, can I sleep here tonight?"
Now, he sees the sorrow and fatigue in her eyes. "You're always welcome here, Petra."
He offers to give up his bed for the night but she declines, saying that she'll be fine on the couch. She's unnaturally quiet, but he knows that this is how she typically is after expeditions.
They're both on the couch right now and she snuggles closer to him. Levi motions for her to lay her head on his lap, their boundaries thinning with every single visit.
He's quiet when he sees the tears start to fall from her eyes. Soon, Petra's sobbing and she wraps her arms desperately around him. His hand starts to slowly run through her ginger locks, hoping it gives her some comfort.
"She was the last in my and Oluo's batch." She starts, voice shaking and he gives her space to talk and mourn her comrade. "I wanted to save her... but it was either her or compromise the mission. I had to give the order."
"I'm sorry." Because if someone understands her better, it's him.
- - -
It's the scout's day off today and they're all allowed to leave the vicinity to visit friends and family, or simply just to fuck around if they wanted.
Petra, not surprisingly, decides to spend another weekend with him.
"Hmm?" He's currently preparing their lunch, wheeling himself around the kitchen area.
"Did you ever think about settling down when you were still in the scouts?"
He cocks an eyebrow at her question. "And leave a widow crying on my grave? I didn't even have the time to date, Petra."
And he didn't even want to date someone else. Not when he kept having wet dreams about his own subordinate at that time.
"Well, you have a chance now, right?" Petra starts to help with laying down the dishes on the table. He looks at her, eyes taking in her body language. She's doing that thing with her hands again where she tries to occupy it with things to do whenever she's nervous. She's too tense for this to be some absent chatter.
"Just spit it out, Petra."
"What I'm trying to say is that I'm always here. In this apartment. Whether I'm back from training or meetings or expeditions," she starts. Levi wheels himself forward to grab their food from the small kitchen but he attentively listens to each of her words. Seeing that he won't be replying, Petra decides to continue.
"I like coming home to you, Levi. And I'm still devoted to you." Petra nervously says, the redness on her cheeks intensifying. Levi feels his heart thump at her last sentence. He stops what he's doing and looks straight into her amber eyes, the same moment as she reaches out to delicately hold both of his hands. "I'd like to continue doing so... if you'll have me in another way."
Bold as ever is the first thing that fondly came to his mind. He feels emotion start to climb up his throat but he never wavers in staring back at her. The next thing that came to mind wasn't exactly a thought, and the answer leaves his mouth with a certainty he didn't know he had.
"Okay," he quietly replies. Not much of a talker, as usual. Still, his sure answer was quite a surprise to the both of them.
Was it loneliness? That fear that he'd most likely die alone because of his automatic ability to push people away? Maybe it's some deep hidden desire to live a domestic life with someone—something that he allowed himself to fleetingly dream of while he was still in that underground hellhole—that he has since accepted wouldn't be in his future.
Until now.
He and Petra decided to have a shotgun wedding that same afternoon.
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picklesthelesser · 3 years
The Bad Batch Episode 3 Reaction
Ya boy just got an expensive job so we eating good tonight (I say that as i am deadass eating literal breadcrumbs rn)
Todays poison of choice is beer and ~vodka~ cause we keep it classy in this dumpster fire of a household
Only obi wan can judge me and he would be proud so fuck off
From the description of the episode it makes me think of that one clone wars episode where 2d, some droids, and that one small amphibian general go to that dried up planet and discover that one commando clone
Lol one of them doesnt give up their bed for her??
Tech really has that imperial basic accent huh
What was omegas purpose to the kaminoans besides "healer"
I literally have the upmost sympathy for that gonk, he literally does not deserve this, absolutely criminal
I still hope crosshair joins back
Rampart??? Whom is this
oOoOoOo competition
I like the clones vs non clones fighting to be the empires army ngl
LOL WAIt are they on that one planet in episode 4 where they are in that one monsters mouth and those flying bats are there
Omega wasting oxygen
Ooooo wait is wreckers inhibitor chip activating???
Uh no do not bring a child into combat
My boy Saw got this tho
Saw's sister death still makes me cry
Eeehhhh i dont like that a child is killing things, like if she was older like ahsoka age and trained for combat then it would be okay, but like this is a bit much
These new stormtroopers are intense
Oof that line "good soldiers follow orders" keeps getting better
If she is force sensitive I will literally eat a brick
Again why does she have such a strong new zealander accent compared to the other clones? like tech has an imperial basic accent but why is hers so prominent compared to even regular clones?
Oooh wait are they going to get a new doner???
Oof crosshair feeling the big sads rn
Aight I liked this one
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curseofaphrodite · 3 years
my pre boards are over. fucking finally.
FAREWELL TOMORROW FAREWELL TOMORROW OMG I CAN'T WAIT yk i'm lowkey temped to show you my dress but meh ig i'll describe it so it's peachish pink colour, three forth sleeves, mid thigh length? and has pink sequins all over it istg it looks so pretty 😩 and and and i have nail polish in the exact same shade hssiwgsisowhwhid oh god and i'm wearing silver jewelry and silver high heels istg i feel like wattpad protagonist who goes to club as undercover
me cheating on that ss map enrichment 🤝 nobody giving a fuck
literally i was cheating on ss map tests and the teacher sitting there was like okay👌
i literally love youuuuuuu you write long paragraph replies for me<3333
me 🤝 writing stories poems in the middle of exams
oh guess what i was writing an answer but then started writing "don't blame me" song lyrics 😭🙏‼️
how's you how's you
anyways your new tasm peter parker story>>>>me HONESTLY LOVE THE CHAOS
hehe so about the poem...
i no longer like it so
*runs away cutely*
goodbye lover💗
no thoughts mind empty just priest remus railing the fuck out of innocent reader<3
*pulls you back*
DUDE WHY DIDNT I KNOW YOU WERE IN 10TH?? holy shit good luck for the upcoming boards! i know theyre so imp!! FUN BRAGGING FACT - I HAD BOARDS LAST YEAR BUT THEY WERE CANCELLED HAHAHAHA.
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that was honestly lucky for us cause our batch knew NOTHING. all of us would have collectively failed. this year's finals were bad too cause thats the first time we did offline exams and online ones were all *cough* we cheated.
(long long post so more under the cut bestie)
most of us probably failed phys and chem but thats just hot people shit xx
DUDE IF MY CALCULATIONS ARE RIGHT, YOUR FAREWELL IS TODAY!! good fucking luck and i hope you have a very memorable, lovely, happy, tea-filled event <3 you should totally gimme all the tea too btw. imagine if tina shows up tho. *plot twist*
lolol cheat on ss maps, thats a requirement in high school. my ss sir hated me tho. now he doesn't teach our class but he does subtitution periods where he goes "ash" then points at my legs and i go EXCUSE ME SIR WHAT
and he says my legs are knotted together and i should put them down so i went ohh ,shajhsj i misintercepted that message. he is way too young tho. and i did turn 18 last year i- okay this is stupid im gonna bang my head against a wall.
pls people who write song lyrics are the best. and dude did you know cbse did a para on BTS for english literature?? in 9th grade i think?? imagine a desi 9th grader going to exam centre and seeing bts questions and going "OH MY GOD"
wdym you dont like it.
who doesnt like masterpieces.
gimme the poem.
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Yuma Maniac [04]
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ー The scene starts in the hallway
Yui: ( Uu, my head hurts... )
( My body feels heavy and my muscles ache...I wonder what’s wrong with me...? )
( On top of that, I’m extremely cold...I should hurry back to my room and get some sleep... )
Yuma: Whatcha stumblin’ ‘bout for?
Yui: Huh... Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: The fuck? Yer face’s bright red. Got a fever or somethin’?
Yui: Eh? I guess so...? I do feel a little faint. But...
ー Yui gets a sudden dizzy spell
Yui: Huh...?
( What’s happening? It’s suddenly going black before my eyes... )
Yuma: Oi!?
Yui: ( ...I can’t... )
ー She collapses
ー Somebody enters the room
Yui: ( ... )
Yui: ( Hm...? I smell something good...? )
Yui: ( ...Ah, there’s something chilled on my forehead... )
( It feels nice... )
Yuma: Che, look at ya leavin’ yerself wide open.
Yui: ...Eh...?
ー Yui opens her eyes in Yuma’s room
Yui: Yuma-kun...?
Yuma: !
The fuck? Tell me if ya were awake.
Yui: N-No...I just woke up, actually...
→ Thank you for carrying me here (❁)
Yui: You carried me to bed, right?
Uhm, thank you...
Yuma: Che. ...Don’t be thankin’ me for every lil’ thing.
I’m yer caretaker after all. Lookin’ after one’s livestock is common sense.
→ I’m sorry for earlier
Yui: Ah, I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I suddenly fainted like that...
Yuma: It’s fine. I don’t care ‘bout ya collapsin’ honestly.
Yuma: Come on, if you’re awake, hurry up and eat this.
Yui: Eh...?
( Could this be stew...? )
Where did you get this?
Yuma: I made it, duh? Are ya dumb?
Yui: Eh? You made it...?
Yuma: ‘Course.
Lemme tell ya just in case, but I didn’t make it for ya. 
I just brought the leftovers of the meal I wanted to eat with me, that’s all.
Yui: ( Stil, he went out of his way to bring it here... )
( Yuma-kun’s homemade stew...I’m so happy. ) 
Yuma: Come on, chow down.
Yui: T-Thank you...
Yui: ( Hold on, these vegetables are cut way too big, Yuma-kun...! )
( He put whole potatoes and carrots in there... )
( As for the meat, he just chucked a whole block in...! )
( I’m sure Yuma-kun could eat it like this but... )
( W-What now? But he went out of his way to prepare this for me... )
( ...Here goes nothing! )
T-Thanks for the food! Ahm...
( The pieces are too big after all...! )
( As a result, it isn’t properly cooked all the way through... )
( Uu, I figured the potatoes would be soft at least...! )
Cough, cough...
( I somehow bit my way through and swallowed it but...I think it’ll be hard to finish this... )
( Uu. This is only making me feel even more dizzy... )
( But Yuma-kun made it for me, I have to eat it... )
Yuma: ...
Haah...Geez, ya really are a pain in the ass...
If ya can’t finish it, give it back.
Yui: Eh?
Yui: Ah.
ー Yuma leaves the room
Yui: ...He took the stew with him...
( I wonder if it’s because I was having a hard time swallowing it...? )
( He’s upset...right? I’m sure he is... )
( I better follow him right away... )
ー She gets another dizzy spell
Yui: ( I have to catch up to him...and apologize... )
ー Yui faints again
Yui: ( Huh...When did I fall asleep...? )
ー She wakes up in Yuma’s room
Yuma: ...
Yui: Ah...
Yuma: Geez, ya finally woke up, huh?
Yui: !
Yui: Yuma-kun, I...
Yuma: Here.
Yui: Wah.
Eh? This is...
( It looks like the stew from earlier but...The chunks are actually smaller... )
Did you make a new batch, perhaps...?
Yuma: !
...Shut up. Just keep quiet and eat.
Yui: Ah...Y-Yeah.
( His face turned bright red. )
( Which basically means I was spot on, right? )
( It feels a little odd for him to be this kind... )
Yui: Thanks for the meal.
Yuma: Haah...You’re finally done, huh?
Yui: Fufu. It was delicious. Thank you, Yuma-kun.
Yuma: Aahn!?
I didn’t do it for ya or anythin’!
I only fed ya ‘cause yer blood would go bad if ya got too weak.
Yer complexion looks a lot better tho, so I’m pretty sure you’re ‘bout ready...
ー He pins her down
Yui: Wah! W-What?
Yuma: I barely ate today so I’m fuckin’ starvin’.
Hurry up and gimme yer blood.
Yui: Eh? B-But...
Yui: !
Yuma: Pipe down. I’ll make an exception and suck ya gently today...Nn.
Yui: !
Yuma: Haah...Nn...
Yui: ( Gentle or not, I’ll still become anemic! )
( But didn’t he say he made that stew because he was hungry earlier...? )
( I guess that wasn’t enough to fill him up? )
( Or perhaps...He was just too embarrassed to tell the truth? (1) )
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, the word 照れ隠し or ‘tere-kakushi’ is used specifically when somebody tells a lie or hides the truth because they are too embarrassed to admit something. It’s a combination of the verbs 照れる or ‘tereru’ which means ‘to grow embarrassed/shy’ or ‘to get flustered’ and 隠す or ‘kaksu’ which means ‘to hide/conceal’. 
<- [ Maniac 03 ] [ Maniac 05 ] ->
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jadeile-writes · 5 years
Fanfic Progress Update 55
Hey-o! I suppose I need to do a Fanfic Progress Update, since it’s Saturday! Stay tuned to the end of this post for a spoiler-y glimpse into the next chapter of Adventure gone Mini AND Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest.
Current WIPs:
Adventure gone Mini
Fandom: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild / The Minish Cap
Summary: Sidon is given his very own Sheikah Slate, the first replica Purah has managed to make, and sets out to travel with Link with the intention of registering warp points for convenient travel in the future. However, when a malfunction shrinks them down to the size of bugs, and they meet little people called the Minish, they have to change their plans from “fun adventuring” to “getting out of this mess”. Not that those two have to exclude one another. Link/Sidon.
Progress: Chapter 35 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 26th of February. Chapter 36 is finished and will be posted on 18th of March. Chapter 37 has been started.
I post a new chapter every three weeks on Wednesdays. These updates always include a sneak-peek for the next chapter, slowly getting longer over the three weeks waiting period.
That month of the year (previous known as The Dad Deer)
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Every year, for a single month, the Radio Demon gets… emotional. His antlers are in velvet and he’s pumped full of hormones that make him behave quite unlike himself: suddenly, everywhere he looks, instead of seeing fellow demons all he sees are helpless little fawns that nobody is taking a proper care of! Solution? Adopt them.
Husk, Niffty, Camille, Honey, and the rest of the older Fawns put up with their Mom/Dad’s nonsense every year, but this time there’s a new, rotten apple in their midst and they have to protect Alastor from this crook. Without Alastor knowing about it. As Husk likes to put it: “This is fucking bullshit. ...I mean fudgy nonsense.”
(Crack taken seriously. Gen)
Progress: The first chapter is finished! The second chapter hasn’t been started yet. I want to have at least three chapters written before posting anything.
This fic is co-authored by Maximillian!
Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Summary: This is not a stand-alone story! This is a oneshot/drabble collection in the universe of “Shit, the Radio Demon is a part of my afterlife”. Read the main story before bothering with this one.
I decided to give my readers a chance to throw Radiohusk prompts at me, and had the Afterlife-verse as an option to set the stories in. Everyone liked that, so this fic is now a thing. Enjoy the extra mischief from these two dorks!
Progress: Chapter 5 is the current latest chapter and was posted on 13th of March. Chapter 6 will be posted on 17th of March, and chapter 7 hopefully on 20th of March. Hopefully, because chapter 7 hasn’t been written yet, oops. I do still have a whole week tho, so I’m very likely to get it done before the deadline, and it has been started as well. This story will have at least ten more chapters, but who even knows at this point. Prompts are no longer accepted, and I’ll need to make an announcement about that in the next chapter’s author’s notes, as I’ve actually received a few additional ones (that I still put in the list because I’m nice).
This fic is updated on Tuesdays and Fridays. I’ll post a sneak-peek for Tuesday’s chapter on these updates, and one for Friday’s chapter in a separate post on Wednesday.
Other WIPs I’m not currently working on but intend to get back to someday:
PoE Drabbles (Pillars of Eternity)
DC Drabbles (Justice League)
Diaphanous Relations (Forgotten Realms, R.A. Salvatore’s books)
Rolling with it (Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
Possibly worth staying for (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
Experiment in Romance (Hazbin Hotel)
That’s it for the WIPs! Here is the promised sneak-peeks into Adventure gone Mini and Hah! Our afterlife is the most hilarious bushwa, dearest. (Note: the text may end up slightly different in the fic itself due to more editing happening before publishing). Enjoy!
Link grinned at Sidon, way more excited than the occasion probably deserved. He watched as a batch of Minish unloaded themselves from the mouse cart, and finally the person driving it signaled for the waiting people, Link and Sidon included, to come forward and board it. Why yes, after they had finished eating and gotten ready to continue their journey, a helpful Minish had stopped them and informed them that the mouse cart to the next city should arrive within the next ten or so minutes. Obviously they had chosen to wait for that instead, both because it saved them a five hour walk and turned it into a two hour ride, and because of course they wanted to try the mouse cart when the opportunity was there. Link had no way of knowing for sure, but he trusted that none of the Minish they had dined with were Vaatians; surely they would have caused trouble already if they were going to. So, sitting in the cart with them for about two hours didn't feel like an awful idea this time around, unlike the ride from the Capital to here would have been. Link and Sidon were guided to sit in the middle of the cart for balance reasons – Sidon was about three times the size of an average Minish, after all – and soon enough the cart was full and the journey begun. It was very similar to traveling on a horse cart, except for the fact that the ride was bumpier and faster, as the mice pulling the cart scurried along without the proper rhythm that horses were trained for. It was still a cool thing to experience and Zelda would no doubt want to try it.
It was quarter past midday when Alastor finally received the quiet notification from a shadow minion that Husker had emerged from his room and situated himself at the front desk. It was later than usual, but not unheard of, so he wasn't concerned when he dropped the conversation he had been having with one of the clients in favour of appearing by his sheik's side to wish him a good morning.
"Hello, Husker, my only sunshine!" Alastor said cheerfully and pulled his fluffy kitty into a side-hug. Husker hummed passively and leaned against him, which prompted Alastor to drop a kiss on his temple. "How are you this fine day?"
Alastor begun scratching behind Husker's ear while waiting for the answer.
Husker shrugged. "It's a day."
Alastor's scratching halted for a second and his smile dimmed in mild confusion. Husker sounded… off. Like he was just reading the words from a cue card without any emotion behind them. It was concerning, and needed to be fixed.
He widened the smile again and moved his scratching to the base of Husk's skull, hoping to get a better reaction from what he knew to be a sweeter spot. "Are hung over again? You sound a little unenthusiastic today. Have you eaten anything? Would you like a smoothie?"
That’s it this time. See you next Saturday!
AO3    FFnet    Purple Crayon    Ko-fi
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celawrites · 4 years
Day 37
It’s 12am and my phone is buzzing and I cannot sleep. What the fuck is going on.
You have 20 new notifications
I click open our class chat first, and to my surprise, it’s all birthday messages.
Clown: Did you guys actually have to type me a whole essay? Thank you tho <3
Pebble: A well written essay!
Sam: Time well spent
My phone vibrates and I’m invited to a call from a handful of friends.
Joining Your Neighborhood Pizza delivery service’s call…
“It’s 12am let me sleep”
“Are you not happy that we’re wishing you happy birthday at 12am?”
“I am, it’s just I’m also exhausted for no reason”
“You’re going out for a McDonalds run right?”
“Yeah. You guys woke me up halfway through”
“I’m sorry it’s 12am and I really wanna know who’s in this call right now”
“Ah! It would be Estelle, Beanie, Min, “
“Your son”
“What the fuck are you guys doing awake?”
“Admiring the stars”
“Sure. Totally believe you”
“Cressie it’s your birthday.”
“One year closer to my demise I guess”
“You’re insane”
“So I’ve been told”
“Ah. Check your mailbox in the morning! There should be a couple things in there”
I yawn. 6 hours of sleep isn’t enough to run on.
“Alright get to bed. Sleep your last 3 hours and I’ll be waiting for you at 3am”
“Mint you’re the most punctual out of all of us why are you picking me up?”
“I’ve never had a McDonalds run with you. Besides, It’s Friday.”
“Alright I’m sleeping now good night”
“Good night birthday girl!”
“That’s so cheesy ksjdfalfa”
Sure enough, at 3am, I wake up and find Mint outside my door, vibing in his car. I shake my head and lock the door.
“Good morning Mint”
“You’re mean you know that?”
“Happy birthday Mint”
“Right back at you”
“My salty ass could never”
“Alright what do you want for your birthday?”
“Neither of us give anything-”
“Our Asian ass could never”
“Ah. I do have a present for you though”
My hand reaches into my backpack and I pull out a scrapbook.
“In true Crescent fashion, I present to you our scrapbook”
“A collection of all the photos we have together with little commentary along the way. This is now yours” I beam.
“You’re joking”
“I didn’t even get you anything like his I-”
“You don’t need to”
He snickers and hands me a small box.
“I found it while shopping online, and it reminded me of that one time A gave you a rainbow rose so I figured I would give you an eternal one”
I stare at the rose. It’s rainbow, and I was surprised he even remembered that his brother had given me one.  I tear up slightly, maybe its because I wasn’t used to getting gifts from him, or the sudden change of heart but I mean-
“I’m crying”
“You’re always crying”
My hands clink at the glass softly, and Mint hums in appreciation as he flips through the scrapbook.
“Where’s this photo from?”
“Hm?”  He points at a photo where both he and his brother are jumping on the trampoline while I’m sitting.
“Your mom sent it to my mom a few years back”
There’s a comfortable silence that passes over us, and I decide to answer all the texts that I had received about my birthday while he flipped through the book.
After about a dozen thank you!’s and 4 conversations, I finish. Mint snickers when he flips to the last page.
“You just had to put that one last huh?”
On the last page lies Mint and I at Junior prom last year. It was a tradition to go with eachother, and my friend had taken a photo where we were pretending to make out.
”Why? Don’t want your future wife seeing it?”
“No. It’s just you saved the best for last” he snorts.
“Of course” I hum.
“Alright what do you want from McDonalds?”
“Ice cream”
“You’re literally bleeding this week no”
“Uhhh. Fries?”
Mint starts his car and we head off. The sky is a calm blue. A dark shade that leaves you wondering if there’s more out there. It was ironic that I had met him so long ago. It was even more surprising when he moved here for junior and senior year. I was horribly confused, and the only explanation he could muster out was a job change for his parents. But I was pretty sure they just wanted to have A mature in a different environment.
“Lost in thought again?”
“Mhm. You never told me how and why you moved here in detail”
“Nothing really. It was a job change on my parents part, and a new path for A”
“What about you?”
“I wanted to chase the only person who never gave up on me”
“You’re disgusting”
“Better than confessing to my crush every day for a whole year”
“You’re the one who brought up how I chased you all the way to California”
“I still wonder how you can pin after someone like me”
“At some point I realized you saw me as a brother”
“I wish I could do that.”
“You’re a hopeless romantic. Have some fun every once in a while”
“Are you implying I should have a one night stand?”
“Once you’re a legal adult sure”
“Bad decision making except it’s Mint giving me bad advice as a joke”
“I hate you”
“Love you too~”
“You’re disgusting”
HE pulls up at the McDonalds drive-through and I scream.
“I’m here”
“Happy birthday Mint darling anyways what do you guys want?”
“The usual”
“Nothing new?”
“Alright! See you at the second window!”
“Cressie darling I got you a gift!”
“I- what?”
“Gift.” He tosses something through the car window and it lands in my hands.
“What is it?”
I click open the box and I find a small pendant with a moon.
“I thought you were a broke high school student?”
“But the boss gave me a raise and told me to get something nice for my lover and like I don’t have one so I mean-”
“I don’t deserve you” I sniff.
“Stop crying darling you’re scaring me”
I really hope you find yourself a lover this year or I will fight everyone around me I SWEAR”
“You’re being too loud again Cress”
He hands us our food and waves us goodbye. It was funny to me. I had so many friends around me now that I had grown.
“Are you gonna make a birthday post?”
“Oh for Serenity!” I gasp.
I type away and Mint steals a couple fries from me. I hiss at him while typing.
“Too bad” he shrugs.
School rolls around and I ‘m met with 20 happy birthdays and a couple gifts fro my other friends. Surprise surprise I have other friends. Z and Sun’s gift surprises me the most.
“Cress” Sun calls for me after school.
“Happy birthday” He hands a medium-sized box to me.
“You always make us scrapbooks for our birthdays so I thought I’d try to make one for you”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you-”
“You remind me pretty often but yeah”
I open the box and a seat little scrapbook sits inside. There’s a white pen, a silver one, and a gold pen rolling around next to it, and there’s a small letter. Z tackles me from behind and I crash into Sun’s chest.
“Z what the f-”
“Language” Sun glares.
“Your gift!” Z hands me a small photo sized box.
“You made a whole batch with notes on the back for me so I decided to print a bunch for you!”
“Thank you Z” I sniff slightly.
“What’s wrong! Do you not like it?”
“No no! I’m emotional haha” I muster up a smile. My cursed birthday luck was gonna catch up with me soon. I just felt it.
“No worries! It was the least I could do” Z smiles.
I nod in response. The rest of the day carries out like normal, and I find myself tired by the end of the day. My classmates threw me a party, and at the end of the day, my friends threw me another one. I enjoyed it, but I was waiting for my cursed birthday luck to catch up to me, I could never be happy until it occurred.
“If you’re thinking about that birthday curse of yours again, I’d advise you to know that with me, there’s no chance of having bad birthday luck” Mint hums. His birthdays had no bad things. It was like the universe favored him.
“I know. But I can’t truly calm down until I get to bed”
There’s a comfortable silence that settles down before Mint speaks up again.
“I’m sorry”
“Why so?”
“You had always wished me happy birthday so consistently, and I never replied and I just feel really bad and all-”
“Don’t worry about it.” I tap at the red solo cup in my hand. “I probably deserved all that”
“You don’t and that’s why I kind of. Um”
“Mint you’re my editor what did you do-”
“Bought tickets back home?” I gape at him. My jaw is dropped, and he seems to panic. “My home’s open and all! I know your house is rented out and the renters for my place just moved out and we have thanksgiving in a month so I figured I would take you back for the break and I’m sorry! I probably should’ve asked first and all but-”
A choked sob escapes my lips. I’m shocked, I hadn’t gone home in so long. How did he know? A stream of incoherent words escapes my lips and Mint tries to soothe me.
“You know.” I managed to force it out. “Some days I question why I stopped crushing on you. You spoil me rotten, and I don’t even deserve someone who cares for me and knows me like you and you always seem to know how I’m feeling and-”
Mint rubs soft circles on my back, and I let out my emotions. My birthday curse wasn’t a curse. It was a tradition. A tradition to cry at least once on my birthday, and for the first time, I was crying tears of joy. A couple minutes pass, and I feel my emotions slowly draw back.
“Thank you” I mumbled weakly.
Serenity made a new post!
It’s my birthday! Thank you to all of you who sent in birthday wishes (and death threats)! Another year has passed and I truly wish that I could thank you all face to face for the support!
Once again, my lovely editor Leaf shares a birthday with me so go ahead and send in some birthday wishes to him as well. For today’s gift from me, you all get a blast of joy! Much love!
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everlarkficexchange · 5 years
A Bite of Inconvenience
Written by: @katnissdoesnotfollowback
Prompt 131: Submitted by @amazinglovers747. Visual Prompt. Text: 4 ½ stars out of 5. Delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes. This was a bit of an inconvenience as I was balls deep in the wife at the time.
A/N: This is an outtake of sorts from my story Case of the Honeymoons. I’d been contemplating writing it anyways after the original post this prompt is based on wandered across my dashboard. When I saw this pop up as an @everlarkficexchange prompt…well I had to snatch it up and fulfill it. The muse ordered it, hot and piping fresh. You can find the rest of the story HERE if you’ve not read it. Except for the 7th and final chapter which still isn’t written. Working on it tho. I tried to write this outtake in a way that you can still enjoy if you’ve not read the other chapters, although some of the inside jokes and running gags may not register.
Thank you to @javistg and @xerxia31 for all their hard work in organizing this event and taking care of all our whiny writerly questions. You ladies are rockstars. Also to @savvylark for pre-reading this one for me and making sure it wasn’t just a jumble of smut. ;)
RATED E for PWP… as in Plot? What Plot? There’s no plot here. Or maybe it stands for Pizza with Porn? Whatever, pick your poison on the acronym and enjoy!
WARNINGS: Contains explicit sexual content, explicit language.
Length: Around 7000 words
For a second or two, I’m convinced that I’m dreaming. Caught between the worlds of sleeping and reality. I can feel the warmth of Katniss’ body curled around my side. Her breaths on my neck. The scent of her filling my nostrils, anchoring me to her in both my subconscious and consciousness. Waking with her beside me is still one of the best feelings in the world. Someone once told me that after a year or two, the Honeymoon Phase would wear off, and then I’d start to feel the “old ball and chain.” I’ve always hated that expression. Why marry someone if it feels like a prison? And while the Honeymoon Phase has worn off for us, in a way, after almost four years of marriage, I’m still as much in love with her, if not more so, than I was the day we were married.
Our alarm hasn’t gone off just yet so we still have time to relax in bed. My brain registers all of this, but my body lingers in dreams. Dirty dreams of her mouth sliding over my dick in unrushed strokes. Lips squeezing and her tongue flicking under the crown. I can feel each slow pass and even hear the sounds of sloppy, wet suction. Can’t stop the groan from rumbling in my throat or my hips lifting up into her. I’m rock hard and wish I could tangle my fingers in her hair to urge her to go faster, but she’s pressing soft kisses just below my jaw and whispering my name, calling me out of sleep and away from dreams.
“Peeta, wake up.”
I don’t want to. I want to come down her throat, even if it is only in my dreams. She shifts beside me and her mouth tugs on my cock. Her lips press to mine, her tongue slipping past my lips when I whimper, fighting to stay in this dream but also wanting to wake for her. It’s too much, the dual sensations of dreaming and reality. Her tongue rubs against mine and her mouth on my cock picks up speed.
“Wake up, Peeta. I’m so fucking horny right now.”
My eyes fly open then and stare into hers next to me, so close to my face, her pupils wide and dark, eyelids drooping. I can still hear the sounds of her sucking me off and feel the pressure of it. My mind sluggishly catches up to the realization that it’s her hand on me, not her mouth, as I feel her grinding gently against my hip, one leg slung over mine. My cock throbs in her grip and I hiss at the pleasure, real and inescapable.
I take two seconds to absorb our surroundings. Our bedroom. I think. It’s our furniture but the light is weird and the door is in the wrong spot.
Because it’s our house, not our apartment. We just moved in yesterday, the towers of boxes providing further evidence. I spot a bottle of KY sitting on the nightstand and then Katniss bites my earlobe.
“Wake up and fuck me,” she whispers. “Before we have to be up for the fridge.”
Best of both worlds, I realize and rise up enough to pin her beneath me, use my legs to spread hers and slide my hand up her leg slowly as she stops stroking me to push my underwear down to my thighs, just enough, wiping the lube off her hand onto my shorts. She’s already naked, and that alone would show me just how turned on she is since she rarely sleeps in the buff, if there wasn’t further proof between her thighs as well. When my fingers reach her center, I groan again.
“You woke up like this?” I whisper and lift my fingers, rubbing her arousal between them for a second.
“Yes. I’ve waited as long as I can. Enough chit chat, Peeta.” She’s right. I glance at the clock and see we’ve got about an hour before our brand new refrigerator is supposed to be delivered. I push inside her, eyes rolling back in my head as I’m engulfed in her warmth. She’s already insanely wet plus the KY she was using on me, and I can hear it as soon as I pull back just a little and she digs her nails into my ass to bring me deeper.
“God yes,” she whimpers as our hips meet. “I need this.”
I briefly wonder if she’s ovulating today. There’s something deeper in her scent and the way she’s being so aggressive, but I don’t have time to do the math before her pussy walls clench on me and she grins up at the choked noise I make. She’s just recently discovered that this drives me wild. Trying to get pregnant has only teased out and enhanced her adventurous in bed side. Like the fact that kegels actually feel really fucking good.
“Be careful with those.”
“Why?” she asks with fake innocence and bites her lip before doing it again. I grind my hips down into her and she gasps. She does it again anyways and I grab her hands, pinning them over her head, both her wrists contained in one of my hands as I start thrusting. Slow and sure, but she wriggles beneath me and whispers dirty words about wanting me to pound into her and fill her up. How glad she is that we no longer have to worry about thin walls and neighbors hearing me make her scream with pleasure.
And despite the fact that I have her arms pinned, she’s not immobilized. She uses her legs to leverage her body against me and her eyes drift shut, mouth hanging open as she moans.
“Louder, Katniss. I can’t hear you,” I tease and slide my hand up her wrist to lace her fingers with mine.
“Peeta,” she whines and her now free hand claws down the back of my shoulder, tipping me off the edge of control. I listen to her quiet gasps, the sharp slapping as our bodies collide. Fuck, I should make her come first, but reason and thoughtfulness dance away on the waves of ecstasy coursing through me.
“Gonna come,” I manage to warn her and that only makes her more insistent. She opens her eyes and orders me to fill her up, to give her my cum. Her thrusts turn more forceful and combined with her dirty words and the intense look in her eyes, I don’t stand a chance of holding out. My body seizes and all I can manage is to grind my hips against hers and hope she can find some pleasure in that as I empty myself into her. Because I’m lost.
When I finish and collapse on top of her, her fingers trail up and down my spine. She squeezes our still twined hands as I pant into her ear and whisper an apology before shifting so I can get my free hand between us.
“Your turn,” I promise and nibble on her ear.
“Stay inside me, Peeta. It’s always better with your cock inside me,” she murmurs. Her legs slide off me, giving me more room to work her clit and she falls apart in a surprisingly short amount of time, her walls clamping down on my still hard cock and making me groan at the overwhelming sensations. But I force myself to stay put where she wants me. When she’s done, we lay there in one another’s arms.
“Good morning,” I say and she laughs a little before turning her head to face me.
“Good morning. Ready to set up our house?” I can’t help the smile spreading across my face as I nod eagerly. We’ve got the whole day to unpack. Yesterday, after the movers left, all we had the energy for was getting the bed set up so we’d have a place to sleep. Sometime today we’ll need to do another round of grocery shopping for cold items. Tomorrow we both have to return to our jobs, so we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us today.
“Where do we start?” I ask after we’ve showered and dressed and eaten several muffins from yesterday’s batches at the bakery. She wrinkles her nose at her glass of water, mumbling that she can’t wait for us to have milk so she can drink her tea again.
We wind up dividing to conquer. I meet the delivery guy and Katniss hits up the grocery store. I fill a cooler with the bag of ice she brought home to keep what she bought cold until the fridge has reached the right storage temperature. “Now what?”
Now Katniss scrunches her nose at the boxes scattered around the kitchen as she folds up the last of our grocery bags she used, setting it on the stack to return to her car later.
“I’m thinking we start in here.”
“At least then we’ll be able to fix meals soon,” I agree and start up some music to listen to. We work mostly in silence, and I think we’re moving at a good pace except for one problem.
Katniss keeps distracting me. She’s pinched my ass at least three times, ran her hand over my crotch while I was stretching to get a few things on the top cabinet shelf, planted kisses on the back of my neck, flirtatiously evaded me every time I’ve tried to pull her into a more involved embrace, and whispered several dirty things in my ear.
“We’re not done yet, by the way. I’m still horny.”
“Can’t wait to break in every room of our house.”
“The sooner you get that counter cleared off, the sooner you can fuck me on it.”
I spend the day half aroused and jumpy. Almost like it’s our wedding day all over again. Each caress or teasing phrase she gives me leaves me half cocked and half out of my mind with desire. I’d really like to leave the packing for another day and just get right down to breaking in each room.
But then Primrose shows up, wielding lunch and a wreath she made for our front door, offering to help us for an hour or so. Normally I’d enjoy her company and be perfectly capable of behaving myself in front of Katniss’ sister, but Katniss keeps resting her hand on my thigh under the table while we eat. Her fingers massaging and clenching and drawing blood down my body until I’m almost fully erect, my mind inevitably wandering back to this morning and all her teasing throughout the day. I shift uncomfortably in my chair, earning a questioning gaze from her.
I scowl and glance down at my lap, but Katniss just smiles innocently at me. And then grazes her hand over me when she stands to clear her plate.
“First dirty dishes in the new dishwasher!” she declares.
“How can I help?” Prim asks when they’re done loading. I haven’t moved yet, still hiding beneath the table.
“How about you help me with the living room? And Peeta can finish in here,” Katniss says and gives me a pointed look.
“Sure,” I agree, and as soon as they’re gone, I hide in the bathroom long enough to get things under control. When I’m good to resume unpacking the kitchen, they’re clearly occupied filling bookshelves and considering which pictures should go where. With the open floor plan, I can hear every word of their conversation and smile to myself, happily staying out of the way so Katniss can have this time with her sister.
“Oh! I have a housewarming gift from Effie, too! I helped her with it.” Prim says at one point and rushes out to her car. Katniss looks wary as her sister returns with a framed picture and shows it to Katniss with a bright smile on her face. “Ta-Da!”
I cough and Katniss’ cheeks heat up at the sight of the wedding picture we just can’t seem to escape.
“She said your new home needed a gorgeously framed portrait of the two of you.”
“We have a wedding portrait already,” Katniss says, referring to the one in the living room right now. I can see it leaning against the couch, waiting for us to decide where to hang it. Your standard portrait of bride and groom right after the ceremony.
“Sure. But this one is so gorgeous, and much more personal. I helped her coordinate the matting around it to your new bedroom linens.”
“So it’s for the bedroom,” I say and slide it from her hands, smirking at Katniss a little, enjoying her discomfort after what she’s put me through all day. “I think that’s perfect.”
After all, Effie snapped this candid shot of Katniss and I in the gardens, not knowing that we’d had sex literally a minute beforehand. In fact, as Katniss once so eloquently pointed out, my dick is still inside her in this picture. You just can’t tell with the voluptuous skirt of her wedding dress covering us.
“You don’t like it?” Prim asks, and Katniss rushes to reassure her.
“Oh no. I do!”
“I’ll go put it in the bedroom and we’ll hang it up later,” I tell Prim and she smiles at me. After that, the girls finish up the living room while I get the kitchen squared away and then hook up the washer and dryer. It’s close to dinner time when Prim finally leaves, assuring Katniss that she’s got a dinner date with a friend, otherwise she’d stay to eat with us. Katniss walks Prim out to her car and when she returns, flops on the couch with a groan.
“I am not up to cooking tonight.”
“And after all my hard work setting up the kitchen despite numerous distractions,” I tease.
Katniss opens one eye to scowl at me. “We could just order a pizza.”
“Pizza sounds good,” I agree and she heaves herself off the couch to join me in the kitchen. Opening the Domino’s app on my phone, I start building our order.
“Mushrooms. I want something with mushrooms,” Katniss says as she stands in front of me, pulling my phone down so she can read the order upside down.
“I just know what I want,” she murmurs and slides her hands up my sides then back down again, making me pause to glance at her before submitting the order. I hope they’re fast tonight so we can eat and then I can make love to her on the counter I cleared off today. Then maybe on the couch if she’s feeling up to it. I can feel the resurgence of arousal.
“There. I got you your mushrooms and black olives,” I tell her. Then the estimated wait time pops up on screen. “Forty-five to sixty minutes?”
“Seriously?” she says, sounding as peeved as I feel. I try to shake it off, though.
“Guess we’re not the only ones who don’t feel like cooking in this neighborhood tonight.”
“I can’t stand the thought of opening one more box. What are we gonna do for that long?” She huffs and then grins at me.
“A whole hour,” I agree with a smile matching hers and she pulls my phone from my hands, tossing it aside before winding her hands around my neck and playing with my hair. I shiver in delight as I rest my hands on her hips.
“Wanna see how many times you can make me come in an hour, Peeta?”
“Fuck,” I mutter.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” she whispers right before she brings our lips together.
We’ve been trying to get pregnant for awhile now, and sometimes I feel like we’re having sex as part of a routine, but other days, the spontaneity still strikes hot. Today is clearly one of those days.
We move together and Katniss shoves at my shirt until it’s off and on the floor. Our mouths join together again in desperate moans and sliding tongues. I tear at her belt then push her shorts down. As she steps out of them, I whisper to her that I can’t wait to fuck her in every room of our house.
“We’ll start in here,” I murmur as I kiss her neck and she tips her head back to give me complete access. I scrape my nails up her thighs, enjoying the way that makes her shiver. Then I slip my hands inside her panties to grab her ass and pull her close, so she can feel how hard I am already. “You’ve been teasing me all day.”
“I told you I was horny,” she complains. I push her back, one step at a time as I kiss her mouth and drink her sighs. She squeals a little when her back hits the counter.
“And yet you still blush over that picture,” I say before pushing her panties down, following them down her legs with my mouth. When I stand back up, she’s arched towards me, palms flat on the granite surface. I lift her up and her eyes fly open as I plant her ass on the counter and kiss her again, step between her legs and caress her thighs, her hips, her back. My hand brushes my phone and I smile as I break the kiss, hand it to her. “Set a timer for me. Forty minutes gives us time to make sure one of us is presentable enough to greet the pizza guy.”
I suck on her pulse point, she shudders but taps on my screen as I run my hands over her, massaging her breasts over her shirt and kissing all over her neck and ears. She’s almost rocking back and forth and cursing at herself as I slide the straps of her tank top off her shoulders. She moves her arms enough to pull them free of the straps, glaring in annoyance at my disruption of her task. Her bra goes next, tossed aside on the kitchen floor next to her panties.
“Stop distracting me,” she growls, setting my phone aside.
“Turnabout’s fair play,” I murmur and shake my head and bend her back enough so I can massage and suck on her breasts, sucking moans out of her chest. Moans that make me throb and close to just plunging in and selfishly taking.
“Oh god,” she moans and runs one hand through my hair, lifting her knees to embrace me. When I have her squirming and pleading, I move on, letting my hand wander down to her labia as I kiss her mouth, stealing both of our breaths.
“I’m gonna start right here,” I murmur. She whimpers at my touch, her legs spreading and pushing her hips forward on the counter. Almost falling off the edge. “Careful. Maybe it’s better if you just hold still for this.” Grasping her hands, I plant them on the edge of the counter and then return my fingers to trace her lips. Set one hand behind her ass to hold her in place. “So fucking wet.”
“Oh fuck, yes,” she moans, hips moving a minuscule amount as I trace over her folds, dip inside just enough to trace the inner folds. “Peeta.”
I turn my head and nibble on her ear as my fingers part her, then slide inside to the sound of her soft gasps. “Wet as rain for me. Katniss, I wanna lick this up next.”
“Yes,” she pleads and arches her body, pressing her breasts into my chest. I tickle and stroke, savoring the hot feel of her on my skin as she lifts higher, her mouth widening and her breaths shortening.
“But your first orgasm tonight belongs to my fingers,” I whisper and slip a second finger inside her. She grinds her clit into my palm. I can see her thighs clenching with the effort to hold still as I slowly fuck her with my fingers. Pull out and trace her juices over her lips, up to her clit where I brush the pads of my fingers over her again and again.
“More. I need more, Peeta,” she pleads. This time I start with two fingers in her and pick up the pace. I can feel her tensing and hear the lifting pitch of her moans. My fingers scrape soft, spongy flesh and she cries out.
“You’re ready now, aren’t you?” I whisper. “Ready to fall apart at the slightest touch.”
A third finger and I curl them up, touching deeper and faster. It’s almost harsh as her spine bows and I breathe deeply in the crook of her neck. Kiss along her shoulder then back up. I can smell her arousal too and whisper that my tongue gets her next orgasm.
She yells an indistinguishable sound and her body jerks. Just once before she holds still as her pussy releases more of her wetness into my palm then clenches my fingers in a steady pulse. I keep thrusting them, sucking on her neck and then holding her tight, feeling her pulse thundering under my lips and against my chest. My fingers get to feel the pulse of this release but my body already knows the feel of her on my cock and fuck do I want it. I’m breathing harsh as she grabs hold of my neck to steady herself.
“That’s one,” Katniss gasps when her breathing evens out a little and she lifts my phone off the counter. “And we still have thirty-five minutes.”
“That’s a good pace. Think you can handle seven more?” I ask and slide my fingers from her, smile at her juices coating them.
“That one was easy. I told you I’ve been low-key turned on all day. You’re gonna have to work for the next one,” she teases as she tugs playfully on my belt loops. But her bravado fades as I trace her lips with my fingers, painting her mouth with her own release. She’s still staring up at me, a little stunned as I suck the rest off my fingers before cradling her head in my palms and kissing her to get the rest off her mouth. When I lift my head, she looks dazed and not nearly as sassy as she did just a minute ago.
“Second one’s always the easiest to get from you. And it’s gonna be in my mouth,” I say and then drop to bury my face between her thighs supporting them with my palms so she doesn’t fall off the counter. She curses and her palms smack onto the solid surface behind her as I tongue her clit then swirl my way inside her pussy, groaning and heady with delight. My ears ring with the sounds she makes, ecstatic and frantic. Her entire body shudders as she wraps herself around me, my name a warble on her lips as her release courses over my tongue. I kiss her clit as she mumbles and then stand up, cupping her ass in my hands and pulling her back to the edge of the counter. “Two. If you want my cock next–”
I don’t get to finish. She has my clothes down my hips and on the floor in seconds, hopping down to help me step out of them and then hopping right back up, splaying her legs, her pussy parting for me. I tease her folds with my tip, determined to make this good for her, but then her soft keening as I slide home drives me to the brink.
“Fuck, such a warm welcome,” I whisper as she clings to my neck and squirms against me. “Gonna be fast if you don’t stop that,” I warn, but her eyes, a gray fog of need, challenge me.
Pulling back, I ram into her and she groans, her nails digging painfully into my neck and scalp. I have to hold still for a moment to regain control, my hand clenching on her hips as she wriggles to get me seated better and lights dance behind my eyelids.
“Again, Peeta. Please.”
Her desperate tone is the end of me. I only get a few sharp thrusts in before I know for sure that I’m gonna lose it too soon like this. Her walls grip me with each thrust, like her skin can’t stand to lose the contact with mine. Her soft pleas for me to fuck her harder make my head spin. The sounds of slapping skin and sucking wet flesh are nearly my undoing and she complains when I pull out. Clings to me when I lift her off the counter and carry her back towards our bedroom.
She kisses and nips at me as I go, demanding that I move faster and finish what I started, so many dirty phrases about needing me inside her that weaken my knees and my resolve. By the time we reach the bedroom, her lips are on mine again, her tongue demanding satisfaction. I’m forced to move based on touch to lay her out on the bed, following her as we kiss and she writhes on the cool cotton sheets. I fondle one breast, swallowing her moans as I pluck the nipple into a hard peak until she’s arched beneath me.
I could take her like this, facing each other, but that usually takes longer to get her there. I have no idea how much time we have left and my phone is back in the kitchen.
Rising up, I tug her to the end of the bed and flip her over, urge her to get up on her knees. I massage and spread her cheeks as she moves, tilting my head to watch her pussy take my cock as I slide in, smooth and easy.
She sings out a string of filthy words and grips tight to the sheets as my hips meet her ass. Her moans only get louder and filthier as I move, grabbing ahold of her hips and driving myself into her. Watching us fuck is such a high, a deeper layer heaped on top of the sensations.
But she begs and I can’t deny, bending forward so my chest is pressed to her back and I can get my fingers on her clit. My lips on her neck. I keep this up for a bit, but I’m still in trouble.
I’m getting close again, too fast as I feel my balls tighten and I curse, shoving her forward with too much force and not the results I planned. She face plants in the mattress, her ass in the air and my cock still inside her. With another curse, I pull back. She shouts in protest as I bend over and spread her enough to get my mouth on her.
I’m drowning in her pussy, my mouth and nose filled with her desire. Her sounds filling my ears and taunting my body. The air cools her juices on my cock and I shiver but keep licking and sucking, thrusting my tongue in her then laving her clit before sucking on that too while she grinds herself on my face and her hands claw at the bed.
She starts mewling then chanting the word “yes!” And then her entire frame shakes with impending release.
“No! Fuck! Peeta, I want you to come with me,” she demands as she moves to separate us. I wipe her off my face and lay on top of her. My cock brushes through curls and finding her soaked lips once more, I slide right back in. When I kiss her shoulder, she turns her head. Thinking she wants a kiss as I start pounding down into her, I join our lips. But she pushes me back and shakes her head.
“Up,” is all she says, but I think I get the idea, going back to standing at the edge of the bed with her in front of me. “Yes.”
I don’t let up then, gathering some of her hair in my hand for leverage as I feel sweat trickling down my temples. Down my spine and tickling between my cheeks. The sounds reverberate a little off the still bare walls. I feel release building at the base of my skull, driven higher and hotter with each sharp thrust I give her and each plaintive cry she gives me.
The doorbell rings and Katniss wails.
I stop and she groans in frustration. “I was so fucking close! Why’d you stop?”
“I thought I heard the doorbell.”
She shifts to look at the bedside clock and shakes her head. “It hasn’t even been thirty minutes yet.”
“Are you sure?” I ask and she pushes back into me. “Yes. Now make us come, Peeta.”
I start moving again, slow this time. Uncertain. But her insistent movements beneath me make it impossible to stay that way and within seconds, my thrusts are hard enough to make her ass shudder with each one, and the sounds of our bodies colliding, of my balls smacking into her, ring through the room again.
“Yes! Close! Almost–” Ding dong! “Fuck!”
I slow down this time. “You heard it too, right?”
“I don’t fucking care. Don’t stop,” she groans and pushes herself back on me. I try to pick my pace up and Katniss arches her body. I can feel her tensing in anticipation.
That’s when the knocking starts and Katniss groans. I pull out of her completely this time, my cock leaping in denial, my balls screaming at me to get back in there, because I was damn near close, too.
“Okay someone is definitely at the door and isn’t going away.”
“It better be the pizza. If it’s a neighbor, we’re moving,” she practically snarls. “After we egg their porch.”
Her cheeks are flushed and her hair’s a mess. There are bite marks and suction marks all over her neck and shoulders. She looks sexy as fuck. A living wet dream. There’s no way I’m letting some random stranger see my wife like this.
“Be right back,” I tell her as I stumble back into the kitchen. Whoever it is is still pounding on the door. “Coming!” I shout as I pause long enough to get my jeans and shirt back on, laughing humorlessly at the irony that actually no, I am not coming the way I’d like to be. I grab my phone off the counter as I head to the front door and stop the timer.
“Fucking hell,” I mutter and pocket the thing as I open the door. “Sorry. Unpacking, moving furniture,” I excuse to the guy who nods and extends the boxes with the receipt on top and a pen. The delicious smells waft up to my nose and my mouth starts to water, but my brain’s caught in a schism between this food and Katniss back on our bed.
“Just sign here, my dude.” I sign and try to give the guy a pleasant farewell as I take the boxes from him. But I’m still rock fucking hard and my jeans are chafing things that are used to a layer of cotton underwear protecting them. Not to mention I’m still covered in Katniss and both of us had a perfectly spectacular orgasm ruined by this guy’s delivery speed.
I shut the door and carry the food to the kitchen, startling when I see Katniss in the hallway that leads to our bedroom. She’s put on clothes and is scowling.
“We’re definitely cursed,” she says.
“What?” I say with a half laugh as I set the pizza boxes on the counter.
“I was in the bedroom, staring at that damned picture from our wedding day and thinking about all the times we’ve been caught, interrupted, photographed, or had something disastrous happen, et cetera, since we got married.” She lifts her hand and starts ticking them off. “Our wedding day when Effie photographed us immediately after. Our wedding night with the neighbor and the candles and the fire alarm.” I can’t help laughing a little.
“Pizza?” I say as I flip open the lid, because food is the best way to help Katniss get thoughts straight in her mind and I have got to hear the end of this. It’s not the first time she’s suggested we’re cursed but if it’s going to be a recurring comment of hers, I’d like to know what she means. She doesn’t answer, but lifts a slice of mushroom and black olive straight from the box, taking a huge bite and cupping her hand under her chin to catch the strings of cheese.
“Then our honeymoon,” she continues before even swallowing.
“Ah yes,” I say and nod my head.
“With my twisted ankle and your burned butt. The fiasco with the picture reveal when we got back from our honeymoon. That time in the bakery–”
“That was your idea,” I remind her and she shakes her head.
“When ‘just a quickie’ turned into half a day’s worth of destroyed work for you. Last Christmas,” she doesn’t finish but I remember. It’d be hard to forget my oldest brother walking in on us trying something new… That was also the first time she mentioned this idea about us being cursed. “Rye’s engagement party last month? When everyone just knew what we’d been doing upstairs–”
“The hickey on your neck sort of gave us away.”
“The point is, before we got married, we got away with this shit all the time.” She takes another bite and gestures wildly. “In college…how many times did we make out with Johanna asleep across the room?”
“She would have high fived you for that if she knew. Actually, she probably did know.” Katniss ignores this, the volume of her speech rising to cover my commentary.
“Or fucked in my car parked in places maybe we shouldn’t have? We tried some crazy things with the bedsheets and that one time when you did that thing with my vibrator, and we never got injured or anything! Or what about that time in the movie theater?”
“Well this conversation is not helping me get rid of my erection,” I say and start working on my own slice. We manage to eat one slice each, and are starting on slice two when she picks the topic back up again.
“I’m serious, Peeta. We’re cursed and I think–” she stops talking and her eyes go wide. “Haymitch! When he stepped on my train!”
“That’s ridiculous,” I tease and she shakes her head.
“It makes perfect sense! He somehow cursed us when he stepped on my wedding dress! That bastard. I’m going to–” I fling my crust into the open box and grab her, tossing her over my shoulder. “Peeta!”
“What makes sense is finishing what we started now that we have some food in us,” I tell her. “Clearly you need another orgasm or five to clear your head of this curse nonsense.”
“I still have pizza in my hand!”
“Finish it before we reach the bedroom because your mouth will be too busy for eating in about thirty seconds.” Her answer is muffled and I laugh as I imagine her stuffing the rest of her slice in her mouth. “We’ll heat the rest up to eat it later. Then I’m giving that driver a terrible review.”
She laughs as I toss her on the bed. “That sounds like something I would do, not you.”
“He tested my limits, ringing the doorbell when I’m balls deep in my gorgeous wife,” I say as we start flinging clothes until we’re naked again. This time, I take off my prosthetic too. Within what feels like mere seconds, we’re laid out on the bed, her mouth busy just like I promised, her hands roaming over my back and shoulders as we kiss, her foot sliding up the side of my leg then back down. We’re in no rush this time. No timers to beat. So when I lift my head, she sighs instead of protesting. I trace her bottom lip with my thumb, wondering how I got so lucky. I don’t feel cursed at all. Quite the opposite, as I nuzzle her nose with mine.
“I wanna see your eyes when I come inside you,” I whisper, prompting her to open her eyes and the look in them floors me. So much love that I’m not sure I deserve it. And I wonder if she’ll look at our children with just as much love. I hope she does. “Maybe it’ll stick this time.”
I can’t help the hopeful note in my voice as she places her hands on my cheeks. I move to kiss her again and it registers too late that she was about to say something. I’m already deep into the kiss before I think to be polite and ask her what she was going to say.
“It can wait. Now deliver on your promises, Peeta.”
I grin down at her and watch her eyes as I let one hand caress over her body, take a meandering path over dips and rises, soft curves and puckered nipples. Down around her navel and finally between her legs. She swallows as I touch her, closes her eyes for a second as her hips undulate softly into my hand, once more coating my fingers in her need, drawing them deeper inside her. I watch her eyes darken and fog over with desire, sharpen when I find a spot or rhythm or pressure that she favors.
Eventually she whispers to me. “I need you inside me.”
Her body bows and flexes beneath me once were joined, presenting her breasts to me and I can’t ignore them, massaging and caressing all over her torso as I move inside her. Unhurried, leisurely touches that linger and heat. I feel torn in two in a way. Part of me wanting the fast and frantic with quick gratification. The other part wins out as she grasps at my arms and begs me down to kiss her. That’s the part that never wants this to end. The part that’s content to feel her surrounding me, welcoming me and loving me as much as I love her.
“Peeta,” she says softly when our lips part and I rest my forehead on hers, hips still rocking between her legs as she licks her lips and seems to come to a decision. She takes a deep breath and pulls me down to whisper in my ear. “I love you. And I want to spend every possible moment of the rest of our lives together. Now, like this. With our children, and after.”
I feel like I should stop, but she looks so earnest and the shuddering breath she takes when I start moving again seems to break the damn as she spills forth fears and hopes and happiness. Usually her words during sex don’t wander into such emotional territory. I’m reeling from it all and am barely able to focus on my pleasure, so much that I’m actually stunned when she scrapes her nails down my arms and arches beneath me.
“Oh god I’m gonna come. Peeta.”
I whisper her name and return my own hopes and fears to her ear, unsure if she even hears them over her own moans. And when she crests, she’s the most beautiful thing in the world, gray eyes locked on mine with stunned pleasure and love swirling together and singing off her lips. It only takes another two thrusts with her walls clenching me and then she claims my release right along with my hopes and my love.
We lay there, still joined at the hips and caressing over skin shimmering with sweat. Katniss kisses along my jaw and then plays with my hair while I keep my face hidden in the crook of her neck, lips just barely touching her skin as a content warmth washes over me.
In the morning, it’s actually surprising how easily our routine from the apartment adapts to the house. I’m up, showered and dressed before Katniss wakes and I get breakfast started. While I’m cooking, my phone reminds me that I can review the driver from last night. I open the app and fill out the form. I start with four and a half stars and glance up at the hallway as I hear water running. Katniss must be awake so I get her tea started. Then I contemplate my review. The pizza was delicious, even warmed up later on, and normally I’d be thrilled with the early arrival. Even though we eventually were able to finish, it’s still annoying me for some reason. Katniss’ words about how it’s something she would do, not me, still tickle at me, almost goading me into doing it, and for once, I decide to just go for it. Besides, the high star rating will show that I’m not really complaining.
Delivery time stated between 45 to 60 minutes but it was delivered within 25 minutes. This was a bit of an inconvenience as I was balls deep in the wife at the time.
I’ve just got her tea ready and my review posted when Katniss walks into the kitchen, still in my t-shirt, a pregnancy test in her hands and a wide smile on her face. She just stands there, silently radiating joy as my brain leaps straight into the sky.
“Is that…? Are we…?”
She nods and tears well up in her eyes. She flings herself into my embrace as I make a choking noise of joy and hold her tight. We stay like that for a long time. I’m probably going to be late for work, but I don’t even care. I just want to live in this moment for as long as I possibly can. We’re having a baby. That alone should suffice as an excuse for being late to work.
And I may need to revise that review…
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Montenegro to Eurovision with 6 young souls
(this is a pre-vamp review so take this whole thing as “something I wanted to publish but my schedule was withholding until it was specifically time for them to be reviewed”, therefore, this is a bit of a retrospective review. Will tackle on its revamp later!)
Montevizija, which finally has an official Twitter account (we all should forget the times some dude named Vasilije pretended to having made one), offered us another batch of 5 songs for another year, actually revealing all of them beforehand this time and not just the snippets! Joy to the world I guess.
You gotta love Montevizija for it being the most underrated ex-Yugoslavian national final btw. Granted, it only lasted for 2 editions as of now, and it will take years to grow bigger as a thing, but so far, for us the NFs that are ingrained to our brains more are Dora, EMA and Beovizija (and even Skopje Fest when THAT was used to pick an act and not just served as a festival like it originally was meant to be), therefore Montevizija seems more shunned. But what do you expect when the lineup of 5 for two years in a row is not exactly as stellar as hoped for? Well, there are gems here and there, but they haven’t really won on either years (or at least not on the 2nd year if you call Vanja’s song a gem too), and yet somehow they find someone who call them great. But for me this Montenegrin entry is not. :L
And who is up there to be colossally blamed for its existence? None other than this group of 6 refering to themselves as D mol (with “mol” decapitalized for whatever reason... they used to have hyphen separating the ‘D’ and ‘mol’, but now they scrapped it altogether, an anime death I’ll never forget). Worth noting that I, as a 19 year old, have this particularly ugly feeling I must get rid of, and that’s the one of “feeling old”, already at my age. And this is how I felt seeing that the band whose song I am not fond of today is made up by members that are of 16-17 to 21-ish years old!!! So my heart insists that I shouldn’t go too hard on these poor younglings, even if this is just me, currently tackling the brethren of my age. Prepare as I’ll go to shred their composition they’re going to Tel Aviv with, “Heaven”, to bits.
Although, what I call “shredding to bits” is merely just nitpicking the reasons the original version (keep bearing in mind that I haven’t heard the revamp yet) sucks imo, and idk, the new “Heaven” miiiiiiight just grow on me, but I heavily doubt about it because I never cared for it in the first place (youhouuu, they were my last in Montevizija ‘19 for a reason), and I’m rather looking forward for the new faves from the 8 songs I haven’t listened to yet rather than those that were already chosen. And even the Eurofans were not quite fond on the revamp, as some think the additional ethno sounds made it sound worse (and of course there are some that kinda like it or think of the song as their guilty pleasure). So why shouldn’t I? :O
Anyway, old “Heaven”. The first sounds on here to grace my ears on this song consist of one light piano note being tapped to an exact rhythm and a confused baby girl stuttering. And I’d’ve maybe enjoyed this more ironically at some point if it weren’t for the latter sound effect being re(ab)used later in the song!! Ugh I hate it. The lyrics are fine I guess... though isn’t it ironic the only English song in Montevizija’s lineup this year won?? It’s like the Montenegrin people were openly cringing when being the only ones to understand Vanja comparing his life to cat’s and mouse’s and calling his heart “the most expensive toy” in his song and then they were like “you know what? Let’s let the WHOLE Europe understand how terrible our lyrics are! ^_^” (no but for real, who still uses “I’m in heaven, falling straight into your heart” as a pick-up line? Did they travel through time from 1998 to 2019 or something???)
Speaking of the 90s, the whole song smells like a dated cliché of that period. You know, the kind of “the high school prom song from that 90s teen sitcom’s who you’re forced to watch when your elderly aunt is in the house with you and there’s nothing else on TV” dated. Dated even more than “Chain of Lights”. Seriously though! It includes the pathetic “wah wah” bassline, mid-tempo beats, the boy/girl-group harmonies... catch me puking sugar-coated cheese to this, no thanks. Oh and if you already read my “Zero Gravity” review (which you probably never even bothered to after seeing how much text would you have to read), I definitely mentioned that I’m not a fan of those “two verses-two choruses” songs, and especially those kind of ones that aren’t sounding like something suited for radio (e.g.: Poland 2018, “Light Me Up”)... this obviously sounds like something from the radio of the times the at-the-time senior highschoolers are currently over 30 or slightly over 40, and that should be 4 and a half minutes long. These verses could just not be more ridiculously dragged out for the choruses to prevail and get stuck in our brains... fucking welp [sic] me already.
Well, if there are any brownie points I could give this, it’s pleasant, it’s harmless if I don’t take into account the cheese vibes this emits, and all this bunch are made up by up-and-coming talented singers that clearly deserved a better song...
And the staging concept in their NF was cool tho (illustrating their power of D mol), and I applaud the couple chemistry I guess
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Oh and this below is one of the most underappreciated memes this Euroseason:
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*stares into your soul in Montenegrin*
So yeah. Oh and the Rizo(tto) guy who is self-aware of his hotness and the hotness of the much older Eurovision guys this year, but he’s not doing it for me so that I could be in heaven falling, so he’s getting a hard pass.
All in all - a nostalgia cash-in made to appease the housewives from Podgorica to Skopje, from Novi Sad to Štúrovo, and nothing quite else, sung by a cool bunch of people that if anything are deemed this year’s "great people with an unfortunately too dated song and a shitty draw” by me. I don’t know much of their personalities but I do believe that even if they like what they’re singing, they’d be much better off doing a better sounding throwback, at least. So that even the disappointed-by-”Heaven” Eurofans could at least call it “so dated but a BOP!”. And hey, I’m aware of those fans that will likely be pissed at me for not bopping along to this, but I said what I said about it and yet again, if revamp changes my mind, I will change my opinion, but right now I’d not prefer to. Grumpy Adio.
Approval factor: Hell with the no. I would like Vanja back instead. At least he made himself a somebody to be cared about even if the Eurofans didn’t quite adapt to his song in return.
Follow-up factor: somehow, both “Inje” and “Heaven” were/are seen by the masses as instant NQs, so it somehow doesn’t sound like Montenegro is following a great path so far. And after this year anything that audience favours and wins can be seen as a way better follow up after something meh coming after something wrose.
Qualification factor: For the n-th time, I’m yet to check the revamp out to state where this will actually go, but being put 2nd in the draw is a massive stab in the knee, as demonstrated by even the national finals this year (Electric Fields in Australia Decides, Aly Ryan in Unser Lied für Israel, Lisa Ajax in Melodifestivalen final... the only glaring exception is ZENA in Eurofest but is it me or these producers did this just so they could be all like “heeeey we put a winning song on 2nd just to show that a NF song can win from ANY draw! ANY DRAW!!!” lol nope), and from it only a few lucky souls have crawled out victorious (Nathan Trent for example, the draw might have pushed him down in the semi but he got up again!). D mol, for as young and developing in talent as they are, don’t seem to be such. You can be young and pitied for your personality, but you always can at the same time have a song that completely crushes your chances to do well and sweeps up the last shards of hope right in front of your eyes despite being an angel worthy of protection (Ari Ólafsson, anyone?). Unless the D molians work all their magic and the random ethnic vibes into their favour for some reason, but for now it ain’t gonna work.
And even then, what was so interesting about Montevizija 2019?? Let’s see...
• First off, let’s address one meme of the beginning of 2019 that Facebook may or may have not used purposefully to upgrade their automatic “facial recognition” skills - the 10 years challenge. Our first one of this season is the sassy maneater who spent her ESC stint by trying to unlove a guy so hard that he just couldn’t oblige - Andrea Demirović. Her decade-later A-game happened to be this one song she sang in her mother-tongue: “Ja sam ti san” (I am your dream). Now, I wasn’t particularly into it - I enjoy some electro tracks out there (like hello, “Igranka” is one of my favourite Montenegrin entries, and 2013 entries overall as well) but this one just ended up being the right amount of cool AND overbearingly unsettling for me to not really fancy it. Kinda like “Red” by HyunA - I can only bop to this if I don’t care about the fact I actually hate it, oops. (Or maybe it is just because Andrea once again used a composition done by one of those “rent-a-NF-songwriter” people. Which is at least better than collabing Ralph Siegel who’s stopped being relevant ever since starting to work with San Marino, or even since the hilarious attempt of a peace song sung by the original common framework, six4One. But since Michael James Down has co-contributed to one of the better Montevizija songs last year, I will not allow myself to think it’s thanks to those kind of songwriters.) Nevertheless, the Eurofans actualy kind of loved this song, but sadly, Montenegrins and the international jury did quite not, and she didn’t land on to the superfinal 2 (as opposed to a superfinal 3 last year, to which she could have easily qualified if it still were a 3). Here’s her song to y’all anyways (and the performance too, which just needed to include some random monster dudes dancing around... why? Because Eurovision! ^^):
• Speaking of Andrea, during the results part there was this one shot of hers where she was pictured just casually chilling on her phone, not giving a damn that she’s being underrated on the scoreboard. Not only she was badly rated, but this moment was such an universal #mood!
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• In between the finally final results announcement (which I didn’t really know when exactly was it taking place because the winner wasn’t really said out loud before the event I will describe next was taking place??) there was this lottery going on of who would be the lucky two audience observers that’d win tickets to Tel Aviv... hilariously enough though, it somehow malfunctioned and there were some sort of errors regarding the announcement of the RIGHT winner <3 but the winners happened and I hope they’re getting to go to Tel Aviv at some point during the Eurovision events! Hope they don’t feel startled by the lack of taken seats this year.
• Unlike Eesti Laul, Montevizija this year took up the job of showcasing tweets of Eurofans, and somehow this fellow fella ended up seen by a handful of Montenegrins AND international viewers. Take a wild guess which of them know what a daddy Serhat is.
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• And who could not forget the magic flying envelope for to announce the winner of the NF:
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there must have been some Harry Potter magic in there :O
As for what touches the other songs, well there’s the last year’s fan fave Nina Petković with another song, but it’s no “Dišem”, so don’t even bother. Or bother, but imo it’s just okay-sounding, nothing that groundbreaking or pleasant enough to be competitive. The other few songs were also nice but I’d like not to make this longer as my other write-ups, to be fair. Sucked to be Mr. Kállay-Saunders who, as the international juror chosen for this national final, had to rank its songs... as that NF happened right on the same day his second A Dal 2019 performance was taking off. Not that the international jurors were supposed to be present in Montenegro on the day of this NF, anyways...
Anyway, despite all this goddamn criticism (that could’ve flown more smooth had my computer not restarted in the middle of me doing paragraphs for this review), I’m fare welling the D mol-ians and would like to wish them a heavenly Eurovision experience. ^_^
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eris0330 · 6 years
Jeans Boy VS Motorcycle Dude
Right… right… RIGHT. I’m a strong believer of sequels, but certainly not this one (Tbh never thought that there would be a sequel and if you’re new here, you can read my past incidents at the same factory with Jeans boy, here).
No one asked for it, BUT IM GONNA GIVE IT TO YOU ANYWAYS. (this sequel is basically, is outshining with my bluntness. I probs gave my co-worker a headache)
You know, I never thought I would see Jeans Boy again, because I was not applied to work at that factory again, since that incident. So, it was a lost cause, but I ended up adding him on Facebook (YOLO amr???) But our conversation was quite dull, as in, we never had a conversation that lasted longer than 3 minutes because he didn’t seem that interested in talking to me lol. SO, I gave up on that (like usual). 
Fast forward 4 weeks later and I'm back at the factory again. This time, with 4 new substitute co-workers with the majority as girls (I'm a substitute worker, that's the only prominent way I can explain my position for my on/off work at this factory)
LORD BEHOLD a new male has appeared in the batch, with the looks given by god. He looks like the typical bad boy, taken out of a modern Grease movie honestly. I’m like;
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The first day, we were in separate rooms, so I didn’t get to talk to him but instead gave him my side eye looks (ya know, checking out the goods). I didn’t see him, until after work. Casually walking towards my car and I see the dude walk outside like everyone else to find their vehicle.
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As if the universe were trying to slay me, with the stereotypical bad boy. Didn’t make it any better, that he also waved at me while driving past me. Not gonna lie, my core was shaking. So obviously looked him up on facebook and no joke, he’s the guy who looks better in real life than in pictures (struggles honestly).
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Now all of that, happened yesterday. Today, today is the real ride. Jeans boy is in the other room, working with his lil machine. So I happened to be working with Motorcycle dude, in the same room. At first, we stood next to each other but kept it polite with small talk like, how old he is, where he lives, about some old mutuals we didn’t know we had and where he went to school (fun fact, he went to the same high school/college as me, but I graduated two years earlier but I never noticed the guy). But the scent of his cologne istg, I honestly think he knew what he did to me. He had that teasing smile, laughed at my stupid remarks and jokes. One point, he leaned on a pile of unfolded boxes and just angled his head a bit with his deep brown eyes staring at me and smiling at me because I said something stupid (I’m probs delusional, that it was because of me or that he even tried), that was cute as fuck like; 
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He’s also the first person, that I could hold eye contact with for more than 5 seconds. So like, we start talking some more, what series we’re into and what movies we have seen etc. Fun fact, he’s really bad at horror movies. As in really scared and I find that oddly funny. So I told him to watch “The uninvited” because I found that movie quite enjoyable, even tho it’s classified as “Horror” and that he should watch it. He then responds with “I don’t watch movies alone tho” (I know, I should have taken the hint… but I didn’t)
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Somehow, we end up talking about his motorcycle and that he’s sweating while holding still, for example at a red light (lol I seriously don’t know how we got into that) and I said that he should be lucky that he didn’t have a person on the passenger seat (You know.. behind him, close and all), because it will probably make him sweat more (I mean, a human clinging onto him in a 30 degree weather??). He was just like, 
“That’s not bad at all, I just unzip my jacket a bit while driving” while motioning it with his hands. 
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and that bitch fucking smirked at me. I still didn’t catch the hint, again. You should know, I am very thick headed. As in, very thick. So all I respond with, is “Gucci lol”. I mean, when has ErisDatingAbility.exe ever worked??
One of the substitute co-workers were puffing me and mimicking something that I couldn’t read like; 
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“Y you so blunt, I can’t even-” 
HEADS UP. Jeans boy is back in the room and he was very persistent in working with folding boxes with me, which was the motorcycle dude’s work. 
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So I’m like; 
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“we’re too many, you should go up to the front where they need extra help” 
and he’s like; 
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So, three people, one unfolded box pile and plastic bags. Frankly, we’re too many. So to strike up a conversation was quite hard in some aspects, that it felt like there was tension I couldn’t do anything about. Then we start talking about motorcycle dude’s vehicle, with different scenarios of what could happen and that he’s a girl magnet with that thing (true shit). OFC. Jeans boy has his cologne on too,
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We start talking about the motorcycle thing again and we all came in discussion about fucking heat. That if we needed to have a second person behind someone, we would probs sweat more. Would you perhaps feel the woman’s boobs on your back all the time? Would you feel the man’s bone of the realm in your lower back?? So many questions, that were either dismissed or answered. I’m not telling you which one. But motorcycle dude is like, “It’s fun to have someone come with you on the ride, it’s a lot more enjoyable. Driving in high speed is also cooling you down, like the bypass road that is close to your house”
and my co-worker is giving me killer-eyes stabbing me in the back like; 
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“Act. Or I will.”
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and i’m like “Lol. Cool”
My co-worker dragged me to no end and made me talk to Motorcycle dude before going home today...
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So... all in all... Guess who got a free ride on a motorcycle to work tomorrow....?  
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pooklet · 6 years
unaesthetic asks (anon edition)
i usually use a psd for asks to make them look nice and transparent and number them but tbh it’s just keeping me from answering asks quickly, having to shift layers around and stuff. so this is me literally cutting and pasting the text of some asks into a text post instead, sry.
if i did not answer yr thing here i lost/never got the ask, need a separate post to answer it (community lot anon), or worked myself into an anxious lather when i did not have an immediate response at the ready and fled into the woods to hide inside an old damp log and mutate slowly into a creature composed entirely of moss.
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1) hey friend i think i can actually help with this one! slig did my poor lover for momma lisa, and has a few of my other skins linked to different body meshes in this tag here. @asimplevampire​ also did rehash for androgyny. those are the two i know off the top of my head but if anyone else knows any others pls reply to this post!
i don’t personally make showerproof skintones for body meshes because i a) am lazy and b) don’t usually take pics of my sims in the shower or naked in general so the occasional floating head just gives me a lil chortle when it does happen.
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2) yis, it is the second to last one in this post by @magpieplayssims​ with a bunch of face masks piled on.
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3) i use a personal edit of gunmod’s 3.1 A camera which alters the, like, central pivot axis so i can swing the camera underground into any basements i might be using. as a result, whenever i load the lot, it starts me off zoomed inside the floor, you just gotta zoom out with the scroll wheel to get above ground and it works normally from there. i haven’t figured out how to mitigate this while still being able to access underground rooms. which is why my edit never got its own post, but i did share it here.
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4) nah, not really. i mean i have an outdated one at the back of my catalogue but my face is boring to me cuz i see it every day n stuff & i’m less and less interested in making human features now that custom sliders have let me go absolutely mad with power.
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5) ye sorry i put that on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it cuz my brain seems to think that putting something on a list means it’s done forever now!!!! but now it’s actually done and i’m fixing the other links too.
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6) yr phone is a craven liar and i will not stand for this libel. earlier today i was genuinely bewildered by a discussion about channing tatum cuz i thought his name was tatum channing. i sat there for minutes, convinced that there were two guys in hollywood one named channing tatum and the other named tatum channing and wondering if that ever got confusing for them.
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7) u would be surprised, friend! my memory is a lawless wasteland but i do not end up chatting back and forth w/ many ppl b/c i am a seething pit of social anxiety. if we talked, like, more than twice, i probs remember u!
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8) omg i was about to be like “nah i never made nosemasks for those” but that is a fucking lie of the highest caliber, i totally did make one (1) set and then forgot entirely about it. i will post them with the next batch of bodyshop content which should be Shortly (and if i don’t just yell @ me and i’ll just lazily put them on sfs and link them in a reply).
also thank u anon i am glad u like my content! :D
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9) omg thank u so much anon that is so sweet of u to say!! truly i don’t feel like i have accomplished a whole lot beyond managing to snag @resurrection-failed​ but that is definitely the Best thing i could accomplish so i am 100% fine w/ that
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10) oh ts4. i want to play it real bad but i have discovered that playing games that are still being updated and could break at any moment due to a new patch or ep gives me hives. esp when it’s sims games b/c those are held together exclusively w/ wishes and prayers as it is. they’re like the bottom panel of an expanding brain meme on spaghetti coding. at least when the game is Done there nothing else for EA to break (... right?). plus i only have base+pets and no money to throw at the other expansions so i could maybe download 1/10th of the cc available out there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but i am excited to be late af to the party. lemme tell u. thank u for saying such nice things, anon!! i hope u have a good day also. like, lots of ‘em.
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11) hey anon! it’s built into tumblr’s text editor. u type the text first, highlight it, and click on the fourth button that looks like a slouchy figure 8 to insert yr link. i’m not sure if it’s the same on mobile, tho, cuz the tumblr mobile app is self-elected torture.
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12) i do not right now but i can make one. idk if it would interest you but i am also doing a big ol’ blend of the hq eyes and wifezaya’s favorite ephemera mist eyes and will make a default version of those too when they are done.
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13) nah i am still using my v3 texture for straight hairs and for waves or natural hair i just use nouk’s originals. i’m old-fashioned and boring. if u need help w/ making yr own, tho, i would suggest checking out @furbyq​’s tutorial here!
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14) hey friend! i did have plans to do that, in that vague way where i have plans to do many things but most of the time end up taking a five-hour nap under a cat instead or watchin game grumps. luckily, @digitalangels​ is a doll and did it for me so consider this my official endorsement. i am pooklet and i approve this action.
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15) hey anon. when did i call it that?? i think usually i just call it marriage or equal marriage if i need to specify (or gay marriage if i’m feelin Spicy cuz nonbinary-for-nonbinary is pretty gay). if i did say same-sex it was probs w/ implied air-quotes since that was the term du jour when we got married, which was 3+ years before the supreme court mandate, when it was only legal in some places and everyone was still ‘‘‘‘debating’’’’ the ‘‘‘‘issue’’’’ of queers gettin all married.
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16) i been gatherin’ links for u anon but lemme look around a lil more. i will either give this its own post or add it as its own section in the resource post that is like .... five years overdue. meanwhile if anyone reading this has anything they either know is made for dark skin or works well universally or knows of a list like this that already exists, i would appreciate links!
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slyshyfoxy · 3 years
It’s me I think I’ll just do a dumping here on why like I should move on and not wait on cl anymore like maybe letting go of people and things not my type of tea but I’ll just write the reasons why, basically like first of all, like I think we are incompatible as friends and lovers as she is more indoor sy and I’m more outdoorsy and she can’t compromise and she doesn’t even like me in the way I like her. I know we can compensate and all but I don’t see a reason I should be, the relationship is quite toxic in a sense and ya I’m definitely falling in love if I continue to be in it because of the way she’s talks.
Honestly like it’s been a few days already and I have been there quite a lot of times alr, I think I know what to do which is to stay in the present, hang out w new current friends more and focus on my studies and myself as I said. Like just focus 🧘‍♀️ on studying and getting things right like focus on ur studies and ya no peer pressure, don’t watch and talk about love anymore for ppl who are talking about it just don’t talk to them bah, hard to avoid but just don’t care and keep telling yourself don’t think and only think of ur studies.
Don’t think just do it.
Tomorrow I’ll complete all the maths topic and start on physics asap if not there won’t be enough time and I’m scared that I’ll fail my maths rip ;( 🪦, just rmb the times like nobody was there for u, u were strong , studying insurance all by your own rmb? Demons fought? And conquered my dear. What makes u think that u can’t do this through again?
I said to stay single till end of 2021 and I promise myself that and I’ll do that for myself understand?
With time and effort, everything changes, don’t worry so much anymore just focus on yourself ❤️.
Today is such a windy day tho, like outside is windy as hell, honestly I am actually looking forward to more new friendships that I can built with people like solid ones.
Actually today was fine, like I managed to study one topic and I wanted to study like even more so I can clear the topics by today. And I think I could is just that I was lazy and I couldn’t pick the momentum back up because of just a little incident. I think like I have gotten quite spiritually tho ngl, like my vibez can be higher than others and I can feel others energy I think best is I need to clear it out clear the energy out sometimes.
I need to continue to built myself ya? End with happy note you know? ❤️🧘‍♀️ self love is the greatest form of love, ok I know u are scared like what if she appears infront of u or in class but just don’t care uh? Like treat her as a normal friend ya? Like ntg have ever happened then it’ll be okay already? Superficial? Yes superficial ya HAHAHAH 🗿…. Maybe tmr u can join them to study too. ( kris, Thomas and Marcus , they seems like a ok batch tbh , they are open to be good friends also Ma, no wrong to confine in them right? ) .
Anws tomorrow I’ll finish up maths entirely and physics entirely too. Jiayous jenny, u survive the worst? This is ntg? Time to push ur limits hello? Fuck everyone?
- 23 oct 21
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froggy-s-thought-s · 3 years
#13 - 5/12/2021
it's been nearly a month huh? no one cares but i guess i just didnt feel like posting but im back now! (there are also spoilers for the b*d b*tch cause im complaining about it! so be warned!!)
I watched some stuff while i was gone, read some fics, watch youtube and i went to school!! (its hybrid cause they still have to sanitize everything on Wednesdays) but i get to go and talk with my friends and.. yeah?
I drank a can of soda at like.. 8:30pm (20:30 in military time/24 hour clock) and that was fun.. i fell alseep at... some point? i dont really know when- then i woke up due to my alarm which is set for 5:30am and then i went back to sleep cause today is Wednesday for me and i dont have to actually go anywhere!
Since Today is, as i said before, Wednesday, our day is flipped around so we have home room, then math at 8:30 ish, then sometimes we had something at 10:30 and after that at 11:00 we have PE which is currently 7 minutes away from the time im writing this! regular days its homeroom, lang, science, math then history though this week it's homeroom, lang, math, science then history so second and thrid period got flipped.
the reason it's flipped is because we're doing math tests and the kids who go out there at that time always scream and dont shut the fuck up?? there's also this neighbor who has a hen whom's name i dont understand and a rooster named blue (his feathers are iridescent in the light) and they would hop over the fence for a bit till he raised how high it was.
ALSO there are these kids that keep coming onto school property and vandalizing it and harassing those chickens- and the thing is, they've come to or school before! last year they spat on one of the teacher's kids?? we also think they are apart of the theorized two groups of kids who have been vandalizing the school for the past while?
we have more security cameras and gates all around the school now but they keep hopping the back gate which is too far from the school to get a picture of their faces without my teacher bringing her phone with her to snap a picture..
alright so time line time:
1. they spit on my teacher's child (i think they also punched him if i remember correctly?)
2. they possibly/most likely spray painted the school
3. (time skip) they hop the back gate and scooter around on their scooters + hitting the chickens with sticks
4. my teacher goes down and confronts them to which they "circle her like sharks" as my teacher put it
5. they ended up leaving but came back with a couple more people + a ball to throw at the chickens
6. teacher goes back down tells them to leave, two of them leave properly while the two original kids try to wait out my teacher by the fence
7. they end up leaving because there are these dogs by the back gate which go ape shit if you come too close and they were clearly going buck wild so.. dumbasses?? (my teacher called the cops but they didnt show up which isnt a surprise cause there are bigger problems then a couple of trespassers after school hours)
8. sometime during the week last week they were talking about vandalizing the school while at like subway or something?? idk one of my classmates over heard it tho
9. they ended up doing it over the weekend to which the chickens' father (the person who owns them) calls the cops
10. i think they showed up this time? they didnt catch any of the kids but they did show up which is a start..
11. we found out the identity of one of the people who showed up in #5, he goes to a near by school i think and he tried to join this facebook(?) group cause my teacher is on it cause she lives near to the school..
and then his mom tried to join? and then his mom's friends????????? idk man sounds like a you fuckin problem, shouldn't have been hitting the chickens, trespassing on private property and vandalizing the school??
anyway.. i dont think there are any new updates after that, someone did carve some dicks and the word "peepee" into one of the kiddy playgrounds so thats not very cool, cant really say it was them though sense we dont have proof and it could very well just be one of the kids at our school..
N E WAY, i've also watched the first episode of the b*d b*tch and i paused part way through the second one cause.. its not really all that interesting to me? (this is the spoiler part)
I was kind of hoping we'd be able to see why they're so pissy over everything and see them grow as people but like.. nah... they just adopt a child, do some shit, go see some guy and thats about all that's happened so far..
the white washing is also nasty like.. i dont wanna see some white fucker who has the audacity to use 99's name in their title, i wanna see echo get better, i wanna see rex, wolffe.. literally anyone other than them??
idk man its just not really my vibe.. i pointed out how it felt like a bad fanfic to one of my friends who doesnt give a single shit about starwars over discord cause no one lets me talk about it in person cause im mostly just talking about how im in love with ventress or something..... ANYWAY i pointed out it felt like a bad fanfic and then i read someone else's post (sorry i dont remember who) who said all the characters are what you think they are, named what you think they are and act like you think they will so everyone is just their hat.
(side not: a hat is basically just; big man is strong, only thinks about hulk smash and loud!! leader guy is leader, smart guy is smart and sniper guy has a toothpick in his mouth and is a sniper guy (overly sarcastic productions did a good video on it, it's technically about culture's of hats but i think it works here still))
moral of the story: i dont really like the bad batch, i've always hated cr*sshair so i dont really care that he's properly evil (i really wanna see more of his evil-ness tho cause like.. bruh that shit cool).. also im going off of what i've seen which is one and a half episodes so there might be more stuff in the latter half of ep 2??
and uh.. a have a few fics i really want to read currently but i want to do some pacing around first!
if i have anything more to add i'll edit this, if not gnight, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite!
(its like.. 12pm but whatever)
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