#i have a meeting scheduled for my disability applications
sonder-paradise · 1 year
my head hurts from the amount of anxiety i've had recently sob
i didn't realize becoming an adult would be so hard :(
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star-anise · 5 months
are we talking about broke therapists yet?
I've been out of things for a couple of years now, which is why I'm willing to talk about it, and maybe the pandemic has helped things a little, but holy shit the counselling and psychotherapy field is not equipped to help its practitioners in the gig economy.
Of all my interests and talents, I pursued a degree in psychology because being a therapist is supposed to be a safe, stable, well-paid job. Every therapist I met who was registered before 2008 worked and lived under that assumption. And oh boy are all the fee structures--registration, supervision, continuing education, conferences--set up for that scenario.
After getting my Master's, I struggled like hell to get a job. It was especially bad because to get my license, I needed a supervisor to take me on. To take me on, most supervisors wanted me to already have a caseload and client base. To get a caseload and client base, I needed a job.
Friends: Every single job I heard back on wanted me to have my license before I could even land an interview.
Professors and career advisors and professional development specialists all advised me very earnestly to just keep cold-calling people on the supervision list, and it began to feel a lot like my parents' friends telling me to hit the bricks and hand out resumes. That's what worked for them, right?
I finally got a supervisor who agreed to take me on, and I'd be able to use her clinic for advertising and workspace, and we were doing the paperwork to send in with my registration, when she called me up and said, "Is this job going to be your only source of income? If you're trying to depend on getting clients and building your practice for your basic needs, this is not going to work out. This has to be something you're doing on top of a basic salary. Okay, so you're not working anywhere else right now? I'm sorry, I can't move forward with this."
Even once I landed a supervisor and a job building my own private practice, I struggled. I have ADHD and am not great at self-promotion, so trying to do all my own advertising, scheduling, bookkeeping, billing, and records management (on top of counselling) was an enormous strain. One my bosses, supervisors, and other senior professionals watched with a slightly critical eye, but consoled me about because in their early days, their clinics had had business managers, receptionists, filing clerks, and accountants, and getting used to doing everything online yourself was a bit of a learning curve, wasn't it?
I counted my pennies very carefully, because I had to pay my supervisor roughly $180 for their services every 6 hours of in-person counselling I did. This meant that to break even I had to charge my clients an average of about $30 (plus room rental and service fees) an hour--and my clients, being people with complex trauma, were frequently poor, disabled, unemployed, and had no health benefits, so even $10 or $20 a session was a lot for them.
Maybe it would have been easier if I could have taken some of those nice comfortable organization positions where they find clients and funding for you and you work 40 hours a week and get benefits and a pension, but I had to be disabled into the bargain, so working 40 hours a week just isn't possible for me. I start passing out from stress and exhaustion. Older colleagues gave me serious-faced advice about approaching my employer and asking them for some flexibility and accommodation in my schedule, and I tried to explain across the gap between us that employers simply did not hire me if I made the slightest noise about the workload. They weren't going to invest in me as a person; they were hiring 40 units of work a week, and if I wouldn't do it there were a dozen applicants after me who would.
At one point I broke down enough to email my licensing body because the Annual General Meeting/Professional Development Conference was coming up, and I wanted to attend, but I could not produce $500 to do it with. Was there some kind of way I could attend anyway? I felt ashamed to have to ask, and then absolutely mortified when the response came from the organization president, who needed to personally sign off on me being too poor to attend the single most important event in my profession's calendar year.
I honestly felt so ashamed all the time at how I was apparently failing to be a successful therapist, failing to be rich and successful, and every time I mentioned it around mentors and bosses, I could feel myself shrinking from a person to a problem to be solved. My closest therapist-friends and I have reflected on how much more difficult, poorly-paid and underworked, our various career starts have been than we were ever warned about. About the classmates and coworkers who couldn't get disability exceptions when they fell behind in their registration requirements, or burned out and left the field, or dropped their registrations and took up as life coaches, or moved their whole family somewhere exceptionally remote or rural because it was the only good job available, or worked for some godforsaken app skirting the bounds of malpractice like BetterHelp.
I like those conversations, because I feel less like an absolute fuck-up in them. There's less "Hey Lis, you were so talented in grad school, I really admired you, what are you doing now?" "Oh, I, uh... am professionally disabled, so I get government benefits, and I... sell embroidery patterns on Etsy now."
My own therapist kept asking if and when I felt like going back to being a counsellor, and I finally told him: I don't, actually. I don't want to go back and do it like I was doing it before. It was a profession I loved to the depths of my soul, and it profoundly did not love me back. I can't even imagine what would have to change, in me or it, to make it have a space in it that could fit me.
All of which I was way too scared to admit to at the time, because the more I let people know I was struggling, the more they hinted that maybe I just wasn't in a place in my life where this was a job I could do, and I needed to take a little break and wait to come back until money and disability just weren't issues for me anymore.
Eventually my cups of doubt and exhaustion did overflow, and I quit. I'm here now, living a much different life. And at the very least, all my years of helping people in bad life situations set me up perfectly for my own. I already knew what form to fill out for financial assistance, which student clinics to access for mental health support, and which government agency would, if pressed, cough out pharmacy coverage for the genuinely destitute. It gave me that much.
I hope this is just me being in extraordinary circumstances, sitting at the intersections of a few different shitty life situations that most people skip right past. Because it's on one level comforting, but another deeply infuriating, if I'm not, and I've just missed it or we've just all been too afraid to admit it to each other.
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My mom comes over a couple of times a week to help me keep the apartment tidy and to body-double so I can focus on work.
"Mind if I open this?" she asked me this morning, holding up an envelope I'd tossed onto a pile of clutter the week before. I hadn't opened it because I already knew what it was—the decision of my appeal against being judged "medically ineligible" for permanent disability benefits, which are almost double what I get now and would cover rent and food. Absolutely everyone, from disabled advocacy groups to the legal aid lawyer who helped prep me for the hearing, told me that there was basically no chance I'd get deemed eligible on the first appeal. Normally it takes 2 or 3 application-appeal cycles (9-10 months each) for people to get into the program.
"Go ahead," I told her, and then turned back to other work. I've got a lot to do given how well my Kickstarter is doing, whether it's setting up the behemoth new printer I got off Kijiji for 10% of its original value, to scheduling work meetings with my newly-hired personal assistant. I've always got so much on my plate, and the number of hours in the day I can focus on it is countable on my hand that's missing fingers. And I'd love to get a sewing pattern out for my "just the sleeves, please" costume idea out in enough time for people to use it for Halloween, but I still need to make mock-ups and hire someone who's used to producing digital sewing patterns.
"I think," Mom said quietly, leafing through the letter, "that you won."
The letter ends like this:
Conclusion: The Panel finds that the Appellant meets the definition of "severe handicap" as is set out in the Regulation and therefore reverses the Director's decision.
Yeah. It means I won.
The benefits program will require another eight weeks to double-check my financial eligibility using information they already have, and to process my new program status to reflect an increased benefit rate and a different health insurance program.
Right now I'm really feeling this line from Komarr, by Lois McMaster Bujold: "But do you know--well, of course you could, but… the business with [throwing yourself at] the brick wall. Failure, failure was grown familiar to me. Comfortable, almost, when I stopped struggling against it. I did not know achievement was so devastating."
It felt like my whole life ended in a flaming wreck when I had to give up counselling. I lost part of who I was when I did that, and spent years telling myself I'd pull up my socks at any minute and go right back to it. But the truth is, I am not capable of doing that job as well as it needs to be done, and it's one of those jobs where you half-ass things at the peril of the vulnerable people who trust you.
And what if... the worst had happened, and I lost it all, and then in clawing my way out of the pit, trying to get purchase on absolutely any kind of survival I could, I found my way to something new and solid and real. What if it was okay after all?
I'm still having trouble believing it, but the letter keeps saying what it said.
I'm gonna go sew things, and see if it feels any more real in the morning.
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ellipse-society · 1 month
whats ur job like? is it tough/hard (especially as someone who also has mental health issues, but like.... who doesnt XD)? what drew u to psychology/working in a clinic? is a psych bachelers worth it in ur opinion? (or at least worth witnessing the annoying ppl u might meet in college...) what did u do for ur bachelers degree? :-D
(my eyesight is kinda blurry rn sorry if any of these r wrong/feel free to skip or avoid any of these at all :'D i hope u have a good day!!!)
Well our job is client centered so each day can vary drastically as far as how hard it is. Some days five clients are in crisis simultaneously and others we only have maybe one or two of our easiest clients scheduled. Though the work schedule is also flexible which is a perk. They basically do not care when you are there as long as you have 40 hours by the end of the week. When talking to clients we(as in everyone at the company) basically just refers to ourselves as caseworkers(we have a fancier title but it seems to only be used by our company so we would prefer not to share it publicly) even though most at the company don't see that as 100% accurate it's just the easiest way to describe it. It isn't the perfect job but we get to work in a field we enjoy and get to make a difference in people's lives so it is fulfilling for us. Basically the job is working with lower income people with mental disabilities(almost always SUD but commonly also GAD, MDD, PTSD, and Schizophrenia/schizoeffective with a few other disorders here and there on a less frequent basis) and providing them with coping skills and access to resources in the community for basic needs like food, housing, work, access to medication, ect. Our goal is to help the client improve enough that they can be independent and graduate from services. We also regularly meet clients out in the community instead of at the clinic so a lot of driving is also involved which is sometimes good sometimes annoying depending on the area of town.
I don't think our mental health has really negatively effected us at our job. It has been a jumping off point for building rapport more than once though so it may be more of a positive. We have had more than one client relieved that we are autistic because either they have the disorder or know someone with the disorder and like that there is a level of understanding there.
I mean we were drawn to psychology due to our own mental health struggles and those of our family(also maybe a bit of autistic special interest lol). We have always wanted a job where we can help others and we were basically unprofessional councilors for our family and friends long before we had our psychology degree. It is just something we naturally do. We also switched majors in college(from secondary education theater and speech) and our general psychology teacher was one of our favorites. She made the topic interesting. When we were switching majors we took a bunch of classes in different fields we were interested in for a semester and psychology was the one that stood out again. We did a project on parenting styles in that class that made us realize a lot about our childhood and better come to terms with it.
I mean whether or not a psych bachelor's is worth it is based on what you want to do. There are many psychology jobs that are gatekept behind graduate school so you may not be able to get the perfect job with just a bachelor's. That being said most fields are looking for someone educated in psychology. It can definitely look better on an application than some other degrees as far as applying for jobs not directly related to the field. We had to go to one of our schools job fairs once(in a gym so sensory overload to the max) and almost every table called us over due to us majoring in psychology while we were avoiding as many people as possible while they were not doing that for people from some other majors that were more active about looking. It is basically a desirable major for many employers but getting an actual psychology focused job that accepts just a bachelor's may be hard to find.
We aren't sure what you mean by what we did for our bachelor's degree so if you want to send in another ask about that if we answer it in a way you didn't intend it to be answered feel free. Our school was very research based as far as how it taught psychology. Basically junior and senior year every student was required to run one study(junior year as a group and senior year solo) and a lot of general psych classes required study participation and other classes often provided extra credit so that people could get their participants. The solo one we did senior year was full of technical difficulties and the results would never be applied anywhere by any logical person so we don't tend to talk about that one but the one we did junior year we loved and it got us second place in our category when we presented it at our schools recheach symposium(and we were in the same category as the person who won best overall). Basically we were looking at how word bolding and amount of time with a piece of text affected memory. We found that(obviously) the more time someone had with the text the better it was remembered but the cool thing we found was that while if a word relevant to the memory quiz was bolded it improved performance there was no significant difference between the control and those that had irrelevant/distractor words bolded. Basically even if you were to bold the wrong words you aren't hindering ones retention so bolding words could only have a positive not a negative effect per our results. A lot of teachers were really interested in our results on that one and we are proud of it. Though not the most proud of our research paper on it because English has always been where we struggle most lol.
Oh and thank you for the questions. Hope you have a good day too.
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fentrashcat · 4 months
Tourettes Awareness Month, June 6!
Had a tic attack for the first time in a while today, and a post from thatdudewithtics (idk how they feel about tags so the post I'm talking about is here) got me thinking.
I want to talk about the frustration that comes with an unsteady disability, as well as my experience applying for disability. Today might get heavy. I'm also still exhausted despite taking a 4hr nap so I'm not sure how clear this will be 😅.
⚠️everyone with TS or tic disorders will have their own experience, this is just mine.
Disability Process
So I started my application on line, but was sent paperwork to do in person. My tics don't like paperwork. I only had one black pen and had yet to find the last one I threw the previous week (btw been almost a year and STILL haven't found it), so I was suppressing my fling tic to do this paper work. It took 3 hours to do 8 pages, the whole time fighting against my own body. Suppression HURTS. It also leads to a heavier retaliation later. The day after I did the paperwork I had a severe tic attack and had to leave work after only an hour.
After this they said I needed to meet one of their doctors. I expected this, had to rearrange my work schedule and find someone who could drive me. The day of was actually a good day for my tics, and the doctor seemed really nice and it was a good environment so while I was ticcing it wasn't extreme. I noticed the doctor focused more on my depression and anxiety, but thought we'd get to my tics after. We never did and I was a bit too anxious to be like "I'm here for my Tourette's". Ik it's kind of dumb, I need to advocate for myself better, but I just can't sometimes.
A few days later I see a file uploaded to my clinical notes at my GP. I hadn't visited them in a while so I was confused. Checking the letter showed that it was from the disability doctor, and showed that he not only barely listened to me, but that he hadn't even paid attention to the tics that happened in his office.
My disability was denied, of course. I appealed it and had to do some honestly VERY confusing online paperwork, in which I attach a copy of the doctors letter highlighting all the things he had wrong. Appeal was denied and to appeal AGAIN I'd have to find a lawyer. I can't drive, and I wouldn't even know how to start on that stuff so I kind of just dropped it. It was around this time I had issues at work so severe that my hours were cut to maybe 12 a week? I'm extremely lucky in the fact that I live in a house owned by family and my mom could cover my bills, but I know that won't last forever. The year before last I was covering my bills by paying my mom back over the month but I couldn't even do that now. I need to reapply but I know I'm not taken seriously, and I'll be denied again.
Semi-visible Disability
Tourettes is one of those things that when it's bad it's clear you have trouble, but when it's good it's almost unnoticeable. I've probably mentioned before my grandpa saying "talking to you like this, I would never know, but I've seen it when it gets bad." And that's probably the best way to sum it up.
On a low tic day people don't believe you or tell you it's not so bad, "you don't look disabled". On a high tic day people treat you Different. Either babying you or being afraid/anxious about your tics.
Not to mention the stigma around saying you have Tourettes Syndrome. Like I've been in a job interview and I usually avoid mentioning TS but my tics were acting up a bit so I had to explain. I could just feel the change in the interviewer, like they had been liking me but the moment I mentioned TS they were suddenly rushed to finish the interview and of course I never heard from them again. This happens in other situations too, but the job shit is what causes issues more in my life.
So I feel stuck in a limbo of "too disabled to work regularly" but "not disabled enough for disability" and it really really sucks. It's also frustrating knowing that no matter what I can't stop my tics fully.
Today's attack happened at my house, no obvious triggers or anything different, it just happend. I feel like I don't have control of my own body. I try my best to manage and prevent bad tics but I can't. I don't get to chose to not throw shit, or not do something painful. I just have to live with it, and it sucks. Obviously I try to stay upbeat, I cope with humor and I even think some of my tics are funny or kinda cute but it's still a disability. It still makes life so much harder than if I didn't have it. I'm tired.
Thanks for reading, sorry for today being heavy. I'm still really tired so I might be going back to sleep. Asks are open if anyone has questions.
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What does a week in the life of a grad student look like?
So the answer to this will depend heavily on what stage of research you are in. I'll give my answer as someone who is currently in pursuit of a Master's degree, because this is currently my only firsthand experience.
As a Master's student, I am expected to take a certain number of courses, usually about three a semester. Often they meet just once a week, for 2+ hours at a time, and they are discussions/seminars rather than lectures.
On top of that, I have my teaching assistantship, which is contractually for 20 hours/week, but can go above or below that depending on when students turn in assignments.
With that being said, here's a week in my life:
Sunday: A heavy work day, during which I do most of my reading/work for Monday's class, catch up on emails, run errands that didn't get done on Friday. I do not go onto campus.
Monday: In the morning I finish up my reading for class in the afternoon. Depending on how much I have left to do, I will also do administrative tasks for my TAship, or work that needs to be done for my own research. Right now that means filling out internship and fellowship applications. Class from 2:30-5:15, after which I come home and eat dinner. From 6:15-7:30 I do reading for Wednesday's class.
Tuesday: No classes of my own today! If students for the class I TA have submitted assignments, I will spend an hour(ish) working on grading those. I am responsible for grading about 100 papers at a time. I try to spend no more than 2 minutes per paper/quiz. The class I TA meets from 2:30-3:45. The professor lectures while I do work on my computer. I get home and do more reading/work for Wednesday's class.
Wednesday: In the morning I finish any reading/work that needs to be done. If I have been productive in the front half of the week I use this time to run errands or do my own work. If I have not been productive I am cramming for class in the afternoon. Class goes from 2:30-5:15. I come home, eat dinner, and then do reading for Thursday's class until 7:30.
Thursday: In the morning I finish the reading for class in the afternoon. Class meets from 2:30-5pm. I come home and give myself permission to not do any work because my brain is fried and I do not have class tomorrow.
Friday: No class today! I start the morning with therapy, and then this is my day to attend to personal errands. This is mostly grocery shopping, laundry, and tidying. In the evening I often go out with friends to things like hockey games and bar trivia. Sometimes I go to Friday night Shabbat services.
Saturday: This is my day to decompress. I sleep in and then spend most of the early afternoon doing nothing. I paint my nails, read for fun, or take my dog for a long walk. In the afternoon I'll do something social—most weeks this is volunteering with Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Not pictured are daily activities that include, but are not limited to:
Checking email. Seriously, so many emails. I was not prepared for how many emails I would be getting in grad school
Classwork that I need to be turning in like paper abstracts, discussion posts, meeting with faculty
Doctors appointments
Cooking for myself. Trader Joe's frozen meals are a life saver
Attending talks/programs held on campus, usually in the evenings. These are prime time for networking
Hanging out with friends before class sometimes
Miscellaneous meetings
Walking my dog
Evening routines like Duolingo, journal entries, creative writing time, etc.
Unexpected crises
Also, keep in mind that as someone living with a chronic illness/disability, I operate with less energy than some of my peers. But overall, my MA schedule is similar to my bachelor's one, but with fewer classes that each take up more time, and alongside working as a TA. My academic commitments with three grad classes are about the same as my undergrad semester when I took six classes.
As always, other people are free to chime in with their own experiences/observations.
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lunaswjmc · 1 year
Again, woke up on time for breakfast! We had a color group meeting talking about newsroom brevity, then our first speaker, Meghan Reese, a photojournalist for National Geographic.
We had one and a half hours for lunch and a lot more freedom, so I and my friends got Starbucks and looked around the bookstore before heading off to our next speaker, Dr. Alan Byrd, who talked about college applications.
Then, from one to four, we had a color group meeting where we made pitches for a fake newspaper. We were given a story, and we had to present it in front of two of our classmates (one of which was my friend Delaney), who had to choose three out of the ten stories. Our fake story was about a family making a coffee shop where all workers are disabled. We ended up being the first-place story!!
After, we had a quick meeting about tomorrow’s schedule at the National Mall (sadly not a real mall, but still a very cool and historic place!) I finally met up with the person I’m doing my meeting with and after dinner, we had break-off speakers and a mixer event, then a final color group meeting confirming plans for tomorrow before heading to bed.
Tomorrow is going to be the most stressful of my days, as I’ll interview Keith Self, my state representative, with someone else from my school (which was awesome to find out). I have my questions semi-ready, and am ready to go!
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thurisazsalail · 16 days
Tumblr people, do you know how lucky I am?
Tumblr media
Today is 9/9/24
Around september 2004, i was about a year from graduating high school
It was so hard. I am lucky I graduated at all. What good is hyperlexia at a college level when *entering kindergarten* if your surroundings and finances prohibit education
I think that was the year i had begged my way into a mostly-black, very socially segregated F-rated school in one of the worst states in the US for education. The teachers (and classmates) were awesome, but what can they do under No Child Left Behind defunding them to institute the Air Force recruiting (and less stated, school to prison don't got a pipeline there. It's the pond that pipeline dumps out at before prison, like a moat.)
But it meant 2 hours of transit across town. I'd get up around 5am, walk blocks to a dark bus stop near a semi-wooded private road by 5:20ish to meet the 5:30ish bus (*usually* it came. Not always.) The bus transfer didn't always get to school on time, so i often missed breakfast and sometimes home room period, which meant fighting absences I didn't have. When I got home, it would be 5:30pm or later. I had homework, sometimes HOURS of it to compensate for the learning disabilities everyone said I definitely didn't have. I also babysat siblings, cooked, did laundry, unloaded dishes, and had animal care duties. Depending on the day, I also had assorted under the table jobs. I might get to sleep by midnight or 1am. Normal for years. And all the damage that comes with it.
While fighting worse and worse anaemia and whatever was making me bruise to the touch since about 12-13. Docs kept saying it was nothing. I couldn't ride my grandmother's bike anymore, not even for one whole street. My lungs felt like I had been hit in the chest. The more air I tried to get, the less oxygen I felt like I had.
In Sept 2014, I was getting ready to quit a job. It was that or die. I thought that then, I think so now. I wanted to keep working it though.
In Sept 2013, my partner was working full time and I had 3 part time jobs, but ome wasn't scheduling except rarely (off season for catering) and wages in this area were abysmal. This was the beginning of the housing investor crisis, before anyone but the poorest were paying attention to it. Rent had almost doubled, too much to pay but moving cost first and last month's rent, plus security deposit (up to a month's rent) plus pet fees, plus moving costs like paying to change both our driver's licenses (mandatory in 30 days,) electric bill transfer fee + new deposit (often $200-400 at the time,)... pet fee + pet rent, etc. Oh yeah, and each application could be $50-80 PER PERSON for a new apartment. Non refundable. Also requirements are a surprise! And if they got your identity wrong (they did w my partner, twice) there is no recourse. :)
So when a guy in a new-new bmw decided that traffic laws weren't for him, slammed into my car, and drove off, i didn't *just* have a severe concussion + injuries he didn't pay for. Witnesses didn't stay, of course. The car was wrecked. The cops *eventually* found him- because he reported that I hit HIM amd drove away.
I lost all 3 jobs. No transportation. When my partner's boss found out, he was fired. Even though he was literally 15mins single bus trip down the road. That's legal in Florida.
So that day, we had nothing.
It takes months to collect unemployent and Florida had recently been held by the DOJ for violating federal rules on that, too, for illegal employment tests. So that was out. And my jobs wouldn't qualify anyways. And they only pay a few hundred a month, if that. And we wouldn't qualify for food stamps (SNAP/EBT) bc of minimum work requirements.
Oh yeah, injuries and no car.
Also the cops gave the guy a moving violation ticket, which he fought in court, sparking a lawsuit that took years. At the end, it barely paid for a other 10 year old used car.
So I got the only job that would hire me within that 2-3 weeks: a restaurant that didn't care how I got there or ask questions. Or do paperwork, really.
It saved us. They saved us.
It paid below wages but I ate for free, unlimited soup + salad, and whatever the kitchen made for employees at lunch and dinner. Often that was what I could get. Sometimes what customers sent back, if it wasn't picked over or 'wet,' like a soup or something. Whatever. I have eaten flowers and moss, long before this "foraging" trend. I do not care.
But the hours were often long. Up around 6:30, walk to the bus by 7:15 (i think?) Get to work by 9, prep food, stock, clean my area of the kitchen + front. Double shifts until close. I preferred that anyways. Take the money, and lower bus:work ratio. Sometimes I hauled laundry with me so I could do it nearby between breaks. We didn't have a washer or dryer.
There were 2-3 of us for the floor, but by 2014, it was just me. Some people came and went, one went back to another state, one I fired while the boss was gone and learned enough mandarin to explain "heroin," and another lied for weeks to get paid and not show. Things were as bad for the boss. Their partner had a very bad pregnancy, and he couldn't afford to hire people to run the place. The remaining 3-4 of us did what we could. I learned kitchen stock, appetizer cooking, did all the dishes, prep for front + inventoried/ordered beer, figured out how to make it work with vendors (wonderful people) and more. Another financial devastation cropped up when Walmart bought the space. Landlord made everyone move BUT refused to pay for adequate, up to code restaurant space. Shut down or pay up.
Soon, I went from working 4-5 days a week, open-close, and then getting home to do chores and run the etsy shop, to doing the same but working 7 days a week with a few days off a month. My partner was in the middle of a total breakdown while looking for work (while over 45. Not looking good.) No mental health or medical services in Florida. So... just die.
Pretty soon, the body couldn't take it. I was having panic attacks when getting dressed. My feet felt like they were broken, and worse if I put weight on them. I couldn't afford a day off. Literally, couldn't afford it.
What rare time off I'd had months before, *of course* I'd applied for other work. All kinds. Duh. Minimum wage jobs like Barnes + Noble told me that they'd had SO MANY BA grads apply, they wanted someone with a Master's in lit or english. For $9/hr or less. This was normal.
Also the mold in my apartment, courtesy of a slumlord, was causing me to lock up if I was home too long. I spent hours in a cold shower to breathe again. The vents were black. The A/C caught fire- good thing my partner didn't have a job! He was home to stop it! In weeks, I broke into hives and was hospitalized.
I had to find something physically easier.
In Sept 2024, yeah I'm on SSD. No, it pays nothing. Less than $1000/mo to cover all meds, doctor appointments, MRIs, transportation, etc. So less than medical alone costs. I get nothing else. My partner's job is in-person in FL and supports his health issues without a problem.
I eat every single day now.
My health is much worse, so I routinely freak out over how much food I wasted money on, only to not be able to make it or if I wasted precious money and energy making it, I can't eat it.
But I could eat every day. Without working in restaurants and "stealing" fries or pieces of leftover meat. Without relying on free tea and soup. If I don't eat all of something, I don't even have to think about the exact number of calories I got today and what I lose by not eating that thing. I can *even* just throw it away. Something I could not do for years.
I eat a sushi lunch special probably once a week now. Some of it is luxury. Some is because certain fish seems to be one of few things that doesn't make me bloat or itch, and I cannot stand the smell of cooked fish *at all.* Even if I don't/can't eat it in one sitting, I can finish it in a few hours or so. I still eat the soups and salads. I can eat miso soup again without having the "american college student reaction to ramen." My partner insists, even if we need to save the money.
My apartment is pretty nice now, actually. It's older than I am but inside, it's nice. I don't need to do flights of stairs now and the outdoor space is very green. I haven't worried about paying rent in a few years.
What a completely different life than 2014 or 2004.
Idk what the point of all this was. Except that I'm lucky. And I definitely couldn't forsee any of this, except how disabling the body was going to get. I didn't think we'd get this far.
Stay tuned y'all. Everything sucks and the world is on fire.
For right now, the lunch special is $17.
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I hate having so many things in my schedule all the time just to try to keep up being alive lol every weeeek. 2x meeting my mentor to work out stuff like disability application, new therapist etc there's literally always something going on. 1x therapy. 1-2x laundry in 4h time slots where i am need to be home in hourly intervals. I have 5 events in every normal week to schedule around with a broken brain. Going on vacation for just 3 daysssss is a nightmare. I don't want to drop another therapy appointment bc she was ill last week and she's leaving at the end of the month. I also need to do laundry. Good luck!
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The Final Count Down
Sunday 11/26/2023
Technically I’m supposed to be on vacation until tomorrow, but I have some time on my hands and thoughts on my mind.
This is the last day of classes and I’m working on some final assignments: The last touches on a research paper for the capstone course for my Interdisciplinary Studies major, a PowerPoint for the Hands-on History Internship Showcase on Friday, and a reflection on my service-learning hours with the LGBTQ History Museum of Central Florida – again, for capstone.
All I can think about is graduation! I’m so close, I can feel the end nearing!
My nerves are finally dissolving, leaving me with anxious anticipation, and a bit of “senioritis” as I chug through these final tasks.
Once the semester ends, this internship will fulfill the last course credits that I need – pending the History Department’s substitution – to complete my history minor.
Even though UCF has an Interdisciplinary Studies Master’s Program, I’m looking forward to turning in my application for the Public History Master’s Program by the priority deadline (January 15th). I aim to start my degree in the Fall of 2024 and, after learning about another student’s experience from Rollins’ Archival staff, I plan to take one seminar course at a time.
The only exception would be if I’m accepted into the Summer Research Program at UCF, allowing me to earn 6 credits the summer before.
This plan to take things slow is to hopefully avoid burnout and allow me to work with plenty of thought, care, and attention to my master’s degree. I’d also like to have time and energy to dedicate to internships and other forms of hands-on learning experiences like volunteering – maybe even a job that provides opportunities to expand skills that are relevant to public history professions.
Thursday 11/30/2023
Tomorrow is presentation day and I’m first up on the schedule (thank goodness! I’ll get to just sit and listen to everyone else’s experiences for the rest of the time!)
I’m literally functioning on meeting and due dates:
Tomorrow is the Hands-On History Showcase.
Sunday, all of my Capstone Assignments are due.
The following Friday, my final is due.
Then the Friday after that is graduation.
After that, I have about a month until the priority deadline for applications for the Public History Master’s Program at UCF.
That’s as far out as I can think right now.
I’m full of excitement and anxiety, but I’m also hopeful and optimistic!
Most of all, I am grateful, and I plan to spend some time throughout the following weeks communicating that to the mentors who positively impacted my undergraduate journey – pretty much all of them. (I was wondering if I was going to get sentimental leading up to graduation and, finally, here I am typing through calm tears as I reminisce on how lucky I am to have so many wonderful people to reach out to with gratitude.)
I’m glad this is how I chose to spend my final semester. Earlier this year, I was thrown off my path and I was heartbroken trying to piece together a new plan that accommodated my limited capacities as a student living with disabilities.
Now, two weeks from graduation, I stand firmer and more confident in my plans, goals, and desires.
Thank you to the wonderful faculty, staff, and peers who taught me so much along the way! Without their support, I would not have accomplished all that I have throughout my undergraduate career.
See you next Fall as a master’s student! (fingers-crossed)
Friday 12/01/2023
The showcase just ended and that just about wraps up the semester for me!
Everyone else had some incredibly enriching experiences and it was cool to see someone else who participated in the HerStory: Women in History Internship at the Orange County Regional History Center.
It seems the structure of it has come a long way, allowing her to accomplish so much more hands-on work than I had during my time there!
There was a lot of diversity in the projects everyone worked on, so I also learned other ways of being a public historian and doing public history work.
Hopefully, when I enter the Public History Master’s Program at UCF I’ll get to work alongside some of these wonderfully talented individuals!
Thanks for following my journey!
- Marena
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beaujagr · 10 months
Life vent because today has killed me.
This morning, I shaved my face, I've run two loads of laundry, I cleaned one of the toilets, I got dressed and had breakfast and a cup of tea, I took my meds, I scheduled the lead waterline replacement for next week and already got all the paperwork done, I sent the information to my disability advocate to ask for reconsideration on my application that they failed to approve (with no notice! So I couldn't even appeal!) and have me stuck in evaluation for "non medical" instead...
I also washed the dishes, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, cleaned off the counters, processed some meds refills, fed the birds, and typed up an agenda for our next house meeting.
And today is my day OFF the program, where I'm supposed to be only relaxing and recovering, the only day I've had with no appointments in over three weeks, and I still have the program until Black Friday, and then I have to do all the stuff to start the ECT treatments that will take up most of my days and nights for multiple weeks.
My fun plans for today got canceled because my friend who handles low income housing found out someone got shot in one of their apartments, and now I'm just feeling so goddamn zonked, especially after a big conversation with John last night about financial/job planning and his future (and whether being married to me is the right choice for him). I'm fucking exhausted and I kind of feel like I can't do enough and there's still way too much to do.
I'm still editing my way too many photos that no one really wants to see, still working on drawings and miniatures, and also trying to date and socialize and sometimes feeling a little like that's still mostly a one-sided interest and endeavor for me, and simultaneously like no one realizes how absolutely nuts my life is or how hard everything is and like I'm being some big whiny baby for struggling and feeling confused about things and needing support.
I know people are doing the things they can. I know people are trying. I'm trying, too, but I'm so fucking spent.
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(un)employment :(
getting increasingly frustrated with being unemployed and all of the circles i'm running in to find employment. slightly annoyed that i'm unable to file for unemployment, because i have not been legally employed since like 2014. also can't get disability aid because every time i take a tiny baby step forwards, i get knocked backwards into a wall (aka managed to get an evaluation after years of waiting, only to be told that i'm just anxious and choosing not to work). fantastic that i keep getting suggestions on how to improve my resume, and no one listening when i explain that there's only so many ways i can bullshit my skills and experiences sections when i haven't technically worked in nearly a decade and was a student for most of my life.
'work from home jobs and remote working is great!' yeah and a lot are commission only and/or MLM schemes, or are only available in certain areas despite being remote, or require you to buy your own equipment, or are actually travel-based / door-to-door sales stuff (and part of my disability is i can't drive). and a lot also require resumes and proof of employment history, and knowledge of specific industries like medical billing or insurance or auto repair.
terrific having a degree that doesn't mean much because 'english and creative writing with a concentration in screenwriting' might look good on paper but without a portfolio or anything sold and/or produced to prove that i can write, it's just bs (technically it's a BA but that's not the point). 'just be a teacher' uhh i can't, i'm not certified. 'okay then a tutor' that requires a different certification that i also don't have money for. 'what about a librari-' master's degree. 'oh you can have a blog!' sure. post... what, exactly, and make a profit... how? (which technically i know how to do; it is kinda funny though watching people sputter when i ask them follow-ups on this) love applying to jobs, getting ghosted, then seeing the little 'urgently hiring' banners on the listings months later, applying again, and still hearing nothing back. really does great things for my confidence to not receive any feedback as to why i'm not what these people are looking for, or what they do want. great that i get some automated 'click here to schedule an interview/follow up meeting' messages from recruiters and then the links are broken, or no spots are available, and i can't connect to an actual human person to ask for clarification because the emails are outgoing only and there's no way to reach them. delighted that for the past three years, every fucking retailer in a 10 mile radius is desperately hiring, with maybe two people working a five checkout store, and yet i either get ghosted or a notification every 90 days asking me if i want to re-submit my application. which i do, and have done, for three years. super fun finding out via screencaps (and then looking for the sources to confirm) that national geographic likely didn't get back to me because they're discontinuing print media, fired all staff writers, and have freelancers/contractors working on tiktok and tiktok-ified platforms.
[running out of positive words to pretend i'm not dying inside] that hundreds of emails confirmed i applied for jobs, in almost every field/industry that i meet the marks for, yet apparently i can't do any of these things. i can't shelve cans. can't stand at the counter of the college coffeeshop/bookstore. can't be a preschool TA (one of the only jobs i was legally working for years). can't do inventory or prepare food or take customer orders or work a cash register. can't edit study guides or write ads or do market research or write scripts for youtube 'deep' dives or literally dozens of other things that i went to school to learn how improve my skills. absolutely wonderful that simon & schuster got bought out by paramount, a struck company, (after federal ruling said they couldn't be bought out by penguin/random house/whoever else the fuck they consolidated) and then sold to a private company which is known for buying out places, bleeding them dry, and putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work, so even though i have a snowball's chance in hell of getting the job, idk. (this one's more of a ramble)
'reach out to people you know' idk how to break it to you, person making this suggestion, that you know i don't have irl people and the online people are in other timezones. and as much as i would love to move across the country to live with friends, not gonna do that to bag groceries and be unable to pay rent.
'you have to stop being so picky' okay fine let's try something. you sift through job boards and corporate websites with crappy filters, you get your hopes up when the little 'you meet all employer qualifications' thing is on the top of a listing, only to find you are in no way, shape, or form qualified, you set up accounts for bullshit portals and click through links to resubmit the same info four times only to be met with an asterisk requiring you to put current employer information, you get other surprise obstacles along the way like needing to record a video message or taking a 45 minute skills test on a 'quick apply' listing, you reply politely to recruiters saying they reviewed your profile and you'd be perfect for the job, knowing they did not, in fact, look at your profile at all because you cannot work in kentucky as an IT manager or pittsburgh as an accountant or boston as a goddamn dental surgeon. you drain all your batteries and find that the day is nearly over and you have nothing to show for it but eye strain.
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supernovasolace · 1 year
Gratitude Journal Day 2: Today I'm grateful for my incredible partner, who is stepping up to be our breadwinner for a bit and has been working so hard on job applications. It hasn't been easy for a number of reasons, but he's shown amazing perseverance. Now he has multiple companies interested in hiring him, and an interview on Thursday with his top choice. The company makes custom prosthetics, orthotics, braces, and other mobility aids for disabled patients and athletes. They're at the forefront of their industry and they look amazing to work for. They seem really excited to meet him and even asked him to bring some of the props he's made in for show and tell.
My partner has seen firsthand the difference that my ring splints and braces have made for me, and he's so excited that this job opportunity would let him use his fabrication skills to improve other peoples' lives and help them be able to do what they love with less pain. He has such a kind and caring heart, and I know the interviewer will be impressed with both his technical abilities and how eager he is to make a difference with their team. My partner is already eagerly preparing for his interview, and I'm so encouraged to see his confidence flourishing. He's determined to prove he's a perfect fit for the position, and I think he's going to nail it.
I'm going to miss my partner dearly while he's away at work, but I'm so fucking proud of him for stepping up to provide for our little family. The responsibility he's taking on is going to significantly stabilize our finances and take so much pressure off of me. It'll allow me to work from home, accommodate my health needs and energy limitations, and focus on growing our businesses at a sustainable pace that won't burn me out.
My partner has been encouraging me for some time to incorporate more rest and self-care into my schedule, and once he's secured a job, I finally feel like I'll be able to. For the first time in my life, I'll be free from the stress of being the primary income generator. I'm looking forward to the change of pace and the chance to recover after how hard I've been pushing myself for years. If all goes well and he gets this job, it feels like we have a real shot at not just surviving, but thriving. And that gives me more hope than I've felt in a long time.
I'm eternally grateful to have this sweet man in my life, and I can't wait to hear how his interview goes. Something tells me we'll be celebrating afterwards. He certainly deserves it!
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lawassociate45 · 2 years
Alternatives To Courtroom
As properly as some things of sentimental worth of what I have created along side of my art work. For example, supposing your death is brought on by an accident and anyone was held liable. Your property could actually be value quite so much of money, although you by no guardianship alternatives means noticed that money while you had been alive. It is essential that you simply put together a listing of assets that may be stored together with your Will. They are an expression of your wishes, however they don't have the identical authorized rigour as a Last Will and Testament.
A guardian of a kid has sure entitlements , obligations and powers with respect to that child. A guardian is liable for a child’s physical, psychological and emotional development and wellbeing and is required to make essential decisions alternatives to guardianship affecting the kid. A 4 method assembly between the legal professionals and fogeys can also end in a settlement of most if not all family legislation issues.
Usually that is set by a schedule agreed on by the spouses or set by the courtroom. During their parenting time, each partner can make day by day choices a couple of baby, such as choices about bedtime, homework, and meals. If you would possibly be at present serving to care for an adult 19 years of age or older who needs assistance with decision making as a end result of dementia, stroke, developmental disability or other situation that has affected their psychological functionality, there are a couple of choices.
The adult loses his or her decision-making rights and is considered a non-person under the law. At Lisa Feldstein Law Office we also assist shoppers with communicating preparations to the hospital to make sure the method goes smoothly special needs guardianship, revising delivery plans, assisting with delivery registrations and other elements of the method. We are “on call” around the time of the supply to reply questions from clients and hospital staff.
The effort to find new approaches that can better meet needs may lead to risks to individuals who are typically marginalized and vulnerable, and for whom errors in approaches could have serious, long-term penalties. The LCO has given cautious consideration to how to greatest meet these competing considerations. Regardless of the method taken, it is necessary to identify clearly who has legal authority – and therefore accountability – for any determination made, significantly in relation to third parties, but in addition for everybody concerned in the arrangement.
Unfortunately, she had a stroke, and was left in a vegetative state. Because no consideration had been given to her financial preparations, there was no one duly authorized to access her assets to assist pay for the payments excellent from the nursing residence for her day-to-day care. We assisted to put together a management plan, prepare the requisite court application, and appeared in Court before a Superior Court judge to have our consumer efficiently named as her mother’s guardian. In Ontario, every particular person over the age of 16 years is presumed to be able to managing and making choices for themselves in relation to private care and over the age of 18 years for choices regarding property. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities protects the rights of people with disabilities to train their authorized capacity – that is, the right to direct their private, health care and monetary choices on an equal basis with others.
In collaborative negotiation you and the other parent every hire specially-trained attorneys. You and your legal professionals signal an agreement saying that nobody will go to court guardianship trust or threaten to go to court docket. If the collaborative process breaks down, you and the opposite get together must hire new lawyers if you want to go to courtroom.
If not, it may be very important complete this kind to ensure you have the assistance and assist you need. In situations where both dad and mom are unfit or unable to care for his or her child, a court will appoint an applicable guardian for the child. This guardian is often a relative corresponding to a grandparent, aunt, or uncle, or someone else with a close relationship to the child and/or their dad and mom. Ratheal Family Law is a divorce and family law agency with places of work in Clinton and Yukon, Oklahoma.
Simply put, the Management Plan outlines the applicant’s (i.e. the proposed Guardian’s) particular plan for a way the incapable person’s property shall be managed and safeguarded. Income tax returns may be filed informally by the husband for his spouse. In practice, the Canada Revenue Agency doesn't insist on a signature on the return. However within the event of a dispute or inquiry, it may be unimaginable to deal instantly with CRA without both a pre-existing illustration document on file , an influence of legal professional or guardianship. Again this is in a position to require balancing the cost and value of a tax matter vs. acquiring legal authority as a guardian of property. 1 The Mentally Disabled Persons’ Estates Act offers for the court appointment by the Court of guardians of the property of a “mentally disabled person” but that authority is restricted to the custody and management of that person’s property and funds.
Public agencies similar to Area Agency on Aging (AAA’s) in Pennsylvania are using guardianship companies to back-fill strained authorities budgets. This pattern is contrary to the principles upon which the Independent Living movement is founded and represents a threat to each person with disabilities. The Court conducts digital pre-trial conferences for grownup and youth legal recordsdata requiring one or more days of court time. Judges talk about these trials with legal professionals to ensure that solely those requiring a trial are actually set for listening to and that point estimates are correct before trial dates are set.
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autismcental234 · 2 years
Youngster Autism Companies
It has no single recognized cause and is extra prone to affect boys than girls from all racial, ethnic and social groups. Infant Development Program Our in-home services are provided by Speech-Language Pathologists, Child Developmental Specialists, Occupational Therapists, and MFT's who assist all elements of your child's development. Social Skills Groups Groups are designed to provide children and teens a possibility to learn and practice skills autism learning centre that can assist build and keep meaningful relationships with age-level peers. In Home Parent Education Through IHPE, dad and mom and caregivers might be offered instruction in fundamental behavioral ideas and how they relate to engagement in each challenging and applicable behavior. Adapted Skills AST is an intervention method that focuses on rising socialization and private independence.
They rotate relying on scheduling wants of the child which gives my son a set of 4-5 main therapist he works with however he has improved so much of his social abilities. The entire golden view family love seeing my son progress and get just as excited as I do when he learns new issues. They ship progress notes everyday with your youngster to update on goals that had been labored on for the day. I am positively blessed to have encountered this place as a outcome of they have done nothing but amazing issues for my son. Because we consider that no two learners or families are the identical, we offer an revolutionary array of providers primarily based on the only scientifically proven approach, applied behavior analysis .
It's necessary to are inclined to your bodily and emotional wants so that you just're in a wholesome space on your child. You will not have the ability to help your youngster if you're stressed out, exhausted, and emotionally depleted. When you're autism learning centre calm and centered, on the other hand, you are higher able to connect along with your child and help them be calm and targeted too. Diet – A healthy, nutrient wealthy food regimen will help your kid's development and development.
The Child Development Center will connect you with specialised autism therapy applications offered by the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Rebecca Landa, PhD, CCC-SLP, is the founder and director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders and theREACH research programat Kennedy Krieger Institute. She is also a professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Via federal and foundation funding, Dr. Landa has made groundbreaking discoveries about growth in children with and without ASD from early infancy into the teenager years. She has translated these discoveries into progressive interventions and demonstrated the effectiveness of these interventions in medical trials in house, medical, child care, and public school settings.
If you have questions about ABA therapy, getting began, or an evaluation please contact us today. We meet with kids to debate the results and follow up with letters to document their strengths and areas of wrestle. Diagnosed with leukemia at simply three months old, Elliot beat the odds, defied his doctors’ grim diagnoses, and is now a thriving 17-year-old pupil in NECC’s residential program.
At PRISM, our approach for lowering maladaptive behavior is by establishing what we call the “function” of the conduct. And how can we teach a more effective method for that have to be met? We address the learner’s developmental deficits by breaking down prerequisite abilities into smaller parts and instructing them till mastery, enabling the learner to meet their wants more competently. Strong assist systems are key for individuals with learning disabilities. Successful people are in a place to ask for assist after they want it and reach out to others for help. Perseverance is the drive to keep going regardless of challenges and failures, and the flexibleness to change plans if issues aren't working.
Dolores’ background in each counseling and ABA is a power because it adds a different perspective when working with households and clients. Her space of experience if working with difficult family dynamics and the nonverbal inhabitants. These testimonials had been solicited and supplied by dad and mom or guardians of former purchasers. The households who offered these testimonials are no longer receiving companies nor affiliated with Autism Learning Partners or its subsidiaries. ABA is a every day remedy program and we provide a few of those hours on weekends. Before remedy begins, our shopper companies team will inform you in regards to the choices that are obtainable and finalize your schedule with you.
Your job as a parent is to not “cure” the training disability, however to provide your child the social and emotional instruments they want to work through challenges. In the long term, dealing with and overcoming a problem similar to a learning disability may help your child grow stronger and extra resilient. Our evaluations always include a thorough, user-friendly report that documents autism learning centre the child’s prognosis and provides prioritized suggestions. We stay in contact with families and follow up frequently to assist them implement our suggestions. We work carefully with a devoted group of anxiety specialists, behavioral therapists, and youngster and adolescent psychiatrists who're on-site and out there to offer extra services and therapy.
Maybe you hope that your child's future features a fulfilling job and satisfying relationships, for example, or a happy household and a sense of contentment. Everyone—learning disability or not—has their very own distinctive learning fashion. Some people learn best by seeing or studying, others by listening, and nonetheless others by doing.
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airnahas · 2 years
How to get an alarm clock on a mac
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Thanks for reading about how to set an alarm on MacBook. On the other hand, there’s no excuse for being late anymore, so you’ll have to find another convenient reason as to why you’re late for work or school. Find more about 'How Can I edit the alarm clock on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S from the Home screen' with Samsung Support.
It might not be the most intuitive way of doing things, but by following the steps above, you can absolutely set an alarm with the default Mac OS X apps. Congratulations – you’ve just set your first alarm. You’re looking for an option named At the Time of Event. This is great for people who like to wake up to music. You can now choose an alarm noise from a list of pre-installed sounds, or choose Open File to use one of your own. The To field is irrelevant unless you want to be forced to manually turn the noise off. Next, enter the time you want the alarm to go off in the From field. Double-click on the relevant day and type in a name for your new event. Step 3 – Choose a Date and TimeĬhances are you’ll either want the alarm sometime today or tomorrow. The alarm can give you a gentle wake-up call, or you can crank the volume up if you have trouble getting out of bed in the mornings.
All you need for this free alarm clock is your computer and an active internet connection. If it’s not there, you can get started by opening the menu, browsing to Applications, and choosing Calendar. The Online Alarm Clock is a digital alarm clock online that helps you to wake up and ensures you dont oversleep. You should see the Calendar icon: go ahead and click it. Im sure its allowed on the Mac, they just havent deemed it necessary. Hes either one hell of an apologist or writing from the propaganda section of Apple, inc.: 'There are several OS X alarm apps available on the app store, but I havent used them, so I cant recommend one. These offer all kinds of functionality, like periodic alarms, social-media blocking, and so on. Why no alarm clock in Mac OS X This is one readers response. You might want to take a look at the App Store and see if there’s a more advanced alarm clock that would suit your needs better. The default alarm clock built into Mac OS X Mavericks is fine, but a little barebones. Best of all, it’s incredibly simple to do: just follow the steps below. Whatever the case, you can set an alarm to help keep yourself on schedule. Maybe you’re crunching the numbers and trying to meet your monthly targets, or maybe you’re just engrossed in the new game you’ve been playing. In addition to disabling the feature completely, you can adjust the frequency to hear announcements every 15 minutes, half hour or hour. Your Macs time announcement feature can help you stay informed of the time at work, but you can turn it off if desired. To reorder your widgets, touch and hold next to the apps and drag them in the order that you want.Īfter you've removed the Siri App Suggestion widget, use your iPad for a while to see if the app suggestion still appears.Hey, we’ve all been there: you’re working on your MacBook and lose track of time. How to Stop a Mac from Announcing the Time.
Swipe right over the Home screen or Lock screen.
To set this alarm, click the Calendar icon in your Mac’s dock to launch Calendar and then click the File and New Event options in the top menu bar. You can add and remove widgets and even reorder them so your favorite ones are at the top. Mac’s built-in Calendar app has a feature that allows you to set a one-time alarm clock. For help with removing widgets, see Use widgets on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch : Update your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch Next, if you still see an app suggestion with a clock badge in the Dock, try removing the Siri App Suggestions widget from the Today screen. Thanks for getting back to us! Since you are still having the issue, here are a few more suggestions to try.įirst, it's a good idea to make sure your iPad is updated to the latest iOS version:
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