#i have a sneaking suspicion that my open annoyance with certain things have lost me some of my mutualships hmmmm
aturnoftheearth · 5 months
it’s really not a big deal but whenever i reply to a mutual i get so scared they’ve unfollowed me and instead of just politely replying back or ignoring me, they’ll instead spit in my face and run me over with a midsize suv
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eunjidrabbles · 3 years
hey lovely, sentence prompt for jisoo, please~ Do what you want with it ^^ "Why are you my clarity?"
(This was yet another request by @gominiljido back when I didn’t know my anon ask wasn’t on :’) Hope ya’ll like it
Edit: So I was thinking... wouldn’t it be funny if I updated twice in a week? So I did. Now laugh at my prank so I will do it more often.)
Word count: About 2k
There was a certain pressure to being the oldest in a group. It doesn't matter if you were named the leader or not, all eyes would always automatically drift to you whenever things go wrong. It was an unnecessary burden of pressure just because you were born a few years before everyone else. Part of Jisoo hated the fact that she had to be the one to act responsible most of the time and remind the younger ones to pull their act together and not act out lest they attract more trouble. She loved her members, with no doubts but there were times she wished that they were all more responsible for themselves. The perfect example was no time like the current.
Promotions were honestly a time like no other. As a group, they were easily able to get through promotions of their singles but with the release of their album, their schedules were packed full. There were days where the only sleep they could catch was on the van on their way to shoots or even in between shooting while they waited for their solo scenes. With such little rest and having to remain smiling as they rush from schedule to schedule put everyone in an unexplainably tense and short temper. At first it was just frowns and a comment here and there out of annoyance but with no other means of releasing their tension, it grew to poisonous words thrown at each other. When they do get a chance to head back to their dorm, it didn’t get any better. Out of sight of their managers and fans, their voices were raised and often it just ended up in shouting matches between members until tears were shed and everyone went back to their own rooms unhappily. Jisoo had tried hard to be the middle person to stop the fights at first but when she herself gets dragged into the fight while trying to stop it, she gave up. After all, which group doesn’t have their days where everyone didn’t get along?
At least that was what Jisoo thought. A few days was understandable, but this was dragging well past two whole months. This is getting out of hand. Sighing as the loud slamming of a door solidified her point, she didn’t even bother looking up from her game on her phone.
“Are you serious Lisa?! You can’t even keep your cats in your room-” Sounds of thumping footsteps and another chasing the first vibrated through the halls of the house.
“You know that I have to let them out everyday at this timing! You can’t blame me when you leave the door to your room open when you have food out in the open!”
This is ridiculous-
“This is ridiculous!” Hearing her thoughts being echoed out loud, Jisoo sighed from the couch and peeked her head around the back of it just to make sure the quarreling pair haven’t started tearing their fangs into one another yet before going back to focusing on her game. Hearing voices get louder, she started to frown and flicked her eyes briefly up to the approaching pair. Sitting up from the couch to make her presence known to the two, her frown deepened when they paid no attention to her and continued their argument. Deciding that butting in was not worth the headache, she removed herself off the couch and moved into the kitchen blindly reaching out to open the fridge to grab a drink while her eyes were locked onto her screen. Cracking open the bottle, she took a sip of the cool drink right as the first curses started being thrown around. Glancing out the kitchen, the two were out of her sight but she was mildly concerned. Huffing, she forced her attention back onto her game. She can’t always be there to play referee when they start quarreling.
Taking more swigs of her drink didn’t seem to help with the steadily approaching headache as the quarreling got louder and louder. Clenching her jaw in annoyance, she threw annoyed glances out the kitchen as if the owners of the voices could sense her irritation. Her posture was tensed, as she heard another door slam open and another voice joined in the shouting, this time telling for the other two to “Shut the fuck up, I’m trying to rest!” That was when the calm vocalist snapped.
A sharp white noise started ringing in her ears from the harsh words thrown at each other, piercing right through her head. Settling herself down at the dining table, she squeezed her eyelids shut and her hands abandoned her phone and automatically raised up to start massaging her temple. Mentally blocking the yelling in the background out, Jisoo took deep breaths again and again. At some point of time, she thought she felt hands on her trying to get her attention but when she reopened her eyes along with an inhale and moved her palms away, she was only met with an empty dining room with the lights dimmed. Looking up at the clock in the dining room, it told her of the hours of rest she had lost just sitting at the table. It took a second to reorientation herself and remember where she was, and what she was doing. Everything sounded too distant, and she could barely focus on a single thing for a few seconds before her heavy head lowered and her gaze followed, travelled lower and lower until she was staring at her knees. That's when Jisoo decided that breaking the rules doesn't matter. What mattered was that she needed to get out of that enclosed house for at least the rest of the day. She deserved to have her moments where she didn’t have to be responsible for her own doings.
Rushing to her room, she changed out her clothes for something baggier and more comfortable before grabbing a mask and a cap and shrugging everything on. Checking her phone for the time, she nodded to herself and booked for a cab. Shoving an extra set of clothing and her keys in her bag, she slipped out of the back door, cautious of letting anyone see her. The ride in the cab was almost in silence other else than the radio playing songs from their album. Frowning yet again to hear it, she pulled out her own earpiece and blocked out the world with her own choice of music and stared at the evening skies above and the flashes of streetlights as the car whizzes by.
Her body recognized the familiar surroundings before her brain could, and before she realized, she was out of the car and letting her body have a mind on it’s own to walk its way while she was still preoccupied with her thoughts. It was as if she was watching her body move from a stranger’s perspective, as her hand slipped into her bag to pull out the set of keys and open the doors to step in. The heating in the house was what brought her slowly back to her senses as her body warmed up from the cold air outside. That was when she felt her freezing fingertips slowly warm up and she raised them up to her face and slowly remove her mask and cap, toeing her shoes off, then let her bag drop to the ground with a soft thud. With each article removed, it felt easier and easier to breathe.
Sluggishly moving her way into the house, her ears picked up on humming coming from the only lit room in the house; the kitchen. Shuffling her way further in, she stopped by the entryway into the kitchen where the humming and few words of lyrics was coming from the source. The aroma of the food and sizzling of the pan reminded Jisoo of the fact that she has yet to eat anything after breakfast and she could feel her stomach growling in hunger, yet she did not dare to make a noise to disturb the scene in front of her. You were by the stove, happily humming and singing whatever songs that came to your mind despite the fact there was no music playing as you did silly little dances while you cooked your dinner. Tears sprung to Jisoo’s eyes as she relished in the warmth you emitted even though you were probably just doing your routines you did daily. There was comfort in the simplicity of life that you lived that Jisoo wished that she could have instead of all the attention being in front of the clicking cameras and heated fans. That was why she was with you. She knew that nothing else mattered when she stepped foot into this house. It was a sanctuary, that whoever she is to the public can be left behind right at the door and she can be as true to herself as she wants to in this environment. It was her home in her heart.
Feeling herself calm down completely and the last bit of her ache fade away, she moved forward and timed her hug just as you moved back in front of the stove from the sink. You tensed up momentarily, before relaxing without even looking back and letting out a pleased chuckle.
“I thought you still had about a month of promotions to go through?”
She shifted her arms around you, pulling you closer to her. Cautious of burning your food, you kept your eyes on the pan as you leaned back and nuzzled against her. The fact that she gave no reply told you enough of what she was feeling. Pouting a little, you scooped up a small portion of your food with a spoon and turned your head slightly to feed Jisoo over your shoulder. Feeling her bite down on the spoon, you took the chance to meet her eyes and it confirmed your suspicions.
“You sneaked out, didn’t you?” Sighing with a small smile still on your face, you pulled the spoon out of her mouth and started transferring your food onto a plate you prepared earlier. “I only cooked for one, but we can share.” Feeling movements of her head nodding at your back, you continued. “I demand cuddles later though. I missed you.” Turning around, you faced her and gently brushed her loose strands of hair behind her ear.
“Welcome home, Jisoo.”
Leaning her forehead against yours, you watched as she closed her eyes and completely relaxed against you. You remained in the same position for a few minutes before your stomach grumbled from the aroma of your meal right behind you and Jisoo opened her eyes again.
"You help make everything better."
"Thank you, I try." It was a simple statement. You knew how harsh it is. You couldn’t do much, but you accepted the fact and still chose to stay with her. To be there to catch her fall. To be the home she needed to build herself back up again. That was the least you could give.
Leaning forward, you shared a gentle kiss. Pulling away slightly to take a full look at you, Jisoo ran her hand through your hair and pulled you into her chest. There were times where Jisoo had thought to herself this one question when she looked at you: Why are you my clarity? There was no exact answers that she could give herself, but deep down she knew it more than just a feeling.
"You're my clarity. My home. My everything. The beauty in even the worst of things. Thank you for staying."
You could hear her heart thumping being so close. You could feel the sincerity in every word she spoke. You were just about to reply when you heard an even louder growl and you looked up at Jisoo with a surprised but amused look in your face and you were met with a red blush that was spreading quickly over her cheeks. At the same time, you both burst out in laughter at the ruined but still warm moment you shared a few seconds ago before you turned around and grabbed the plate of food. Turning back to Jisoo who was still trying to calm her laughter, you raised it between both your faces.
“Let’s eat together?”
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sugarcookiesandsins · 5 years
Charmed [Episode 4]
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➰ ot7 x reader, poly!bts x reader, mafia!bts ➰ they wouldn’t notice her until she was standing above them, a smoking gun in her hand a bullet in their heart 🌡 M   🛑 violence, guns, just y/n being a gutsy mf 🕛  6.1k+
✍️:  @yeomjoo​ - Thank you dear for editing this! 
(Please let me know if you want to be added to the tag list)
Tag List: @missseoulite @omgsuperstarg @slutkoo @asifetch7 @kawaiimusiccollection @namupeachs @xicanacorpse @bubbletae7 @crackhead1-800 @yeomjoo @crajishie @loveyoongles @knjkitten​ @btsarmysvtcarat @i-like-puppy-mg​ @nicoledelacour27
It had been a week since your injury at the warehouse. Thankfully, the bullet had only grazed your arm, taking away the layers of skin to reveal the fat layers underneath. The long-sleeved shirt that you wore would be forever ruined so you were forced to retire it, cutting it into strips to serve as bandages while you took shelter in your house.
There was no doubt in your mind that Jungkook had recognized your presence, but thankfully it didn’t seem like he had discovered the tracker, either mistaking it for a missed bullet or forgetting about it in the ruckus that followed. Still, it was odd.
Saying he was talented would be the understatement of the century. It had been dark and murky under the roof of the warehouse, that combined with the small opening between crates he would have to shoot through, it was a miracle you were hit at all.
The familiar beep beep of the microwave echoed through your house. Collecting the warm cup, you took a sip of revitalizing caffeine as you made your way back to your couch, eyes retracing the colored lines overlaid on a map of the city, each color a different day. Your alabaster skin suffering from the lack of sunlight. But you didn’t mind the drawn curtains and closed blinds, anything was better than ending up an unidentifiable body on the bottom of Han River.
You made your way to your nest on the new couch. Settling yourself among the blankets, you winced as the still tender flesh of your arm brushed against the leather of the fabric. It had been a stressful week of hiding - you had stayed in your apartment, relying on your bulk purchases of food to keep you sustained as you relied on your tracker to keep tabs on BigHit’s truck.
Glancing at the shuttered windows, you winced at the sight of the blond wig, half covered by the opaque fabric. It had remained there for the last week, ever since you chucked it at the window in your anger. It would have worked as the perfect disguise.
A high-pitched beep sounded from your computer, and your eyes turned to the screen just as another dot marked a location on the map - the truck had made another stop. You had programmed that tracker to mark location whenever the truck stopped for more than 3 minutes, longer than what it would take at a red light but still sensitive enough to pick up a small unloading and loading pause. It was a pain to wait before you went forward with the plan, but the mafia were smart. You didn’t know if they had approached the house or not yet. They could be waiting, or they could have used some corrupted form of psychology on you to fool you.
It was crucial that you got the location right the first time, as a failed attempt would put them even more on edge than they already were. You were sure that security would already be tighter due to your failure at going unnoticed, making the job even harder. Throwing your head back you let out a groan, one that was lost to time forever in the dusty gloom of your living room.
You let another week pass, stewing in the annoyance of being immobile and injured. Still, your impatience got the best of you and you wasted not time in rushing out the door as Eli.
He stayed mostly to roads he had never been on before, too paranoid that another underground worker would see him and give away his position. On hand, a phone with the list of all the addresses the truck visited, which was actually surprisingly short, organized from most visits to the least.
You had tried to narrow down your search using satellite imagery of the locations, but they were all clean. And yes, as cheesy as it was, there is some truth to the idea that suspicion increases when a place is too clean. Still, with no other option before you, here you were; possibly one of the greatest contract killers in the world, reduced to acting like a common thief who peeks through windows. Yes, some may argue that Eli was a common thief, but you firmly believe otherwise. What he did wasn’t thievery, it was art.
How many times had you trained to make your form disappear in a crowd, to make your fingers ghost-like in the efficiency with which they relieved pockets of valuables. You had done far too much to allow your work to be called anything less than a masterpiece.
The first house had been an epic flop in terms of anything interesting. The was simply a storefront for a pawn shop, most probably hiding another underground store but now that wasn’t your primary concern. It had taken you some time, but you had finally found it. Inconspicuous in the greatest fashion; why be isolated when you could hide in plain sight … in the penthouse of a luxury high rise!
You rolled your eyes at the extravagant clothing of the people walking through the ceiling-high, glass double doors. You could never imagine living like that every day; it would be stressful on your neck and head. All you needed was one accessory and your wardrobe was set. Without it you felt naked to the world, as if your entire identity was woven into the intricate metalwork.
The uniformed doorman sneaked another glance at your way, letting you know that it was time to do something, otherwise he was going to call security on your blonde ass. Instead of hightailing it out of there, you confidently walked to the front door and under the golden trimmed entrance, passing the doorman a slight nod. He silently glared back at you, too dependent on his meager wages to vocalize any complaint.
Passing the front desk, you smiled and nodded, playing the perfect part of a rich, but eccentric homeowner. Much like the cashier who worked at minimum wage, you were barely cast a glance. The clock that controlled time ticked away in the corner of the hall, much more interesting than any hooligan that may have infected the marble floors.
Making your way to the steel elevators, you stepped in the next available one and rode it all the way to the top. There was no one in the house, you knew that for certain; it was an entertaining sight to see the boys strut into their limo earlier, an hour or so before the doorman saw you for the first time. And since you began your surveillance, they hadn’t returned.
For how high-profile they were, the door itself was a very basic keypad lock, one that was clean enough to make the smudging more visible to the naked eye. In the corner of your eye, you saw the security camera trained on your face, or rather, Eli’s. He was a cheeky bastard and couldn’t help himself from waving at the person on the other side, who sat wide-eyed.
It was a habit that had developed among us to randomly check the surveillance of our home while we were out. It wasn’t as vigilant as it sounds however with the time intervals ranging from 30 minutes to almost 2 hours but it was better than nothing.
I had reached a dead end with that ramen shop, though I did expect that. No thief was stupid enough to visit the same place twice, expecially when you had been tagged there. Still, no one had any rumors about his whereabouts despite antics being at an all-time high.
So imagine my surprise and anger at finding waving at me through the screen of my phone as he entered my house. His smile was wide enough to show off his perfect teeth and his fashion was to the nines with a smart hat over his blonde head and a leather jacket and dark jeans; he looked in his element.
Through gritted teeth, I ordered the driver to turn around. A business deal was small compared with bringing in Eli to the boss. Rarely did I ever break the calm and composed position of power like my father taught me, but even he had his breaking points and this was mine.
Giggling at your actions, you smoothly unlocked the front door with an electronic masterkey. It was the greatest thing you ever created and ran an algorithm to find all possible number combinations. It then used a phantom copy of the keypad server to run the possibilities, basically giving you an unlimited amount of trials.
You walked into the room like you owned the place, which for the next few moments until the boys got back, it felt like you did. Everything in you was working overtime to keep you from messing something up; the whited sepulchre annoying you to your very limits. It was very surgical in its decoration, pale and empty. It was a home, but it didn’t feel lived in.
Is this what happens when you probably have maids that come every day? Sadly, you would never know.
Making your way past the entrance hall - seriously what was with that? a hall just to greet people? - you encroached upon their living room; a bleak continuation of the uneasy entrance hall. There were multiple cameras, and you were pretty sure of bugs too, but what did you care about? You wanted them to know that you were here. You wanted them to understand just what Eli was capable of, even if it was putting a gun to their head and pulling the trigger.
The familiar ding of the elevator made its way through the opened crack of the front door. They were here.
The boys entered through the front door, six keeping an eye out for the intruder while Jin tried to find his location through their security cameras.
They were beyond furious, mostly because they felt the pain of having underestimated you.
“Hello boys.”
They would never make the same mistake again.
Immediately, you faced down the barrel of 6 guns, all but certain they would pump you full of iron without second thought. Yet in the face of death, you didn’t waver. They weren’t going to kill you after all, and everyone in that room knew that.
You only smiled, continuing to speak to maintain the dominance you held of the situation.
“Put your guns down. You can’t kill me anyways.”
Jimin scowled. Since the moment Jin had revealed to the group about Eli’s presence in their home, he had seen red creep around the edges. He was the frontman when it came to the group’s security, so even though he was happy the motion sensors inlaid into the cameras worked in informing them of the intruder, he was mad that the subversive technology in the lock had not prevented the intruder from getting in.
“Yeah? What’s stopping me?” Just to prove his point, Jimin took a threatening step forward, steadying the aim in the center of Eli’s forehead. “What’s keeping me from putting a bullet between those pretty blue eyes of yours?”
“Well, your boss for one.” Eli only smiled after that, letting the implications form themselves. it didn’t matter what justification he offered; the main goal was for the boys to come to conclusion themselves. That way, they would believe it more. “Or perhaps, it’s my pretty blue eyes? Take your pick Jimin.” The said man glared at your form.
Eli made his way to the antique bar setting on the far side of the living room, blatantly appreciating the arrangement of hard liquor in glass decanters. The boys had lowered their guns, coming to their own responses as to why Eli couldn’t die.
“Now, how about we all have a drink, and I explain why I am here, and you explain what it is that your boss wants me to help you steal.” They were trained men, so there was no blatant change in expression as you revealed the extent to which you understood their motives, but you could see some clenched jaws, no doubt unhappy with the power balance.
Currently, it was tilted in your favor, so you took the initiative to pour everyone drinks, gin and tonics all around. You then took your previous seat, leaning back with comfortable ease. The other boys also took places around the living room. They may not be completely estranged from the idea of shooting you, but at least the guns were no longer facing you.
Namjoon took a long sip of the drink, letting the familiar taste burn his throat on the way down. He hated Eli at that moment; the sense of passiveness the man gave off. As if he didn’t care about anything, least of all whether one of his boys put a bullet through his skull.
“Now, don’t be so morose about it all! It was all in good fun. Just a little something to show that I am not one to be underestimated, no matter how laissez-faire I seemed.” Eli spoke these words over the rim of his glass, the material distorting the smile that shines around white teeth. It wasn’t a tender kind smile that you show a lover, it was a deranged kind of smile, one that Namjoon rarely saw from anyone. And it sent chills slithering up and down his spine. He knew that working with this man would not be ordinary. And Eli knew that from the way it shined through his pretty blue eyes, locked solely on him at that moment. And for the second time in his life, he did not feel in control.
“Now, since I’ve shown you my cards. I think it is only proper that you show me yours.” The silence was punctuated with the clink of the tumbler on the center table. None of the boys met your eyes, half still focused on their guns. The other half just thought….and thought some more. How to answer a man who probably knows everything?
“We doubt there is anything that we could tell you that you wouldn’t already know.” Yoongi kept his voice level, as he always did. There was nothing special he saw in the little pickpocket, just another immature personality trying to be a man. Everyone was bound to mess up as some point, he just had to be the observant one and wait for it.
“You’d be surprised Yoongi,” Eli mused, ignoring the reaction Bangtan had to the obvious lack of respect the boy had. “There is always something to learn about everything. When you think you know it all, that is when you recognize that you were playing the fool.” You chuckled, leaving the rest of that phrase up to them for interpretation, already seeing the wheels in Namjoon’s head turning.
“Let me ask again. Why are you chasing me through the streets of Seoul?” Eli wasn’t expecting a no for an answer. You did not want to reveal that you only had basic knowledge of what they wanted, and even those hypotheses were not proven fact. But you had enough to play a small con for information.
“Here. I’ll even help you out. Your boss wants me to help you steal something because he thinks you’re not good enough, which is where I-.”
“We are good enough!” The outburst was instinct, coming from the one member that could never take being second to anyone, not even to a metaphor.
“Jungkook.” It was quick and sharp; an order without even needing to say the words.
“Oh? So, I was right. Thank you for the information, Jungkook.”
The dark-haired man leapt to his feet, pulled his pistol out of the holster and let go a single bullet. But then again, you weren’t just any old thief. With the same speed and flow, you pushed back on the chair as you saw, tipping backwards you dropped the glass, the loud crash more than enough to completely obscure a silenced shot. When the back of the chair made contact with the floor, you wasted no time  rolling behind the kitchen counter, where you were safe from any more stray bullets that managed to head your way.
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad new Jungkook but you missed this time.” You heard a growl, but thankfully no heavy footsteps making their way to your hiding spot. Still, he was a killer. Walking silently was no issue for him. As such, you made your way to the other side, facing the counter and behind it, anyone who would be coming for you from the direction of the living room.
Small murmurs made their way to your ears, far too quiet to make out the placating reassurances that the boys were delivering. You didn’t try and stop them, the less angry Jungkook was, the less he was prone to try and kill you, again.
“I suggest you come back out Eli. So we can show you to your room.” You could tell from his voice that Namjoon was just tired with the whole situation. “After all, you are working with us. It would be apt that you stay with us for the time being.”
Peeking out from behind the counter, you raised a single eyebrow at the assembled group of men. 
“When did I ever agree to work with you? As far as I’m concerned you haven’t even told me what you wanted my help with.”
“You have no choice Mr.– '' Namjoon cut off, fully intending for you to fill in the blank but you refused. Something about watching him squirm in the awkward silence made you happy, figurately at least.
“I have no choice?” you simpered. “Now that’s just plain wrong.” You came out from behind the counter, fully assured by the strong hold that Jin, Hoseok, and Jimin had on Jungkook. It looked like he wasn’t about to shoot you anytime soon. 
“I make my own choices Namjoon. No group of pretty boys is going to stop me.” 
And that is the story of how you no —  how Eli  — came to live with the Bangtan Boys.
The room they escorted you to contained the very furniture that you had seen them select a couple weeks ago. Sharp lines, metallics, and sterile. Everything about your job summed up into one disgustingly perfect room.
The blinds were open to catch the last rays of sunset that glinted off the high-rises around you. With a slight scowl, you turned your head as one stray reflection made its way into your eye. “Nice place. Bit too much light for my eyes though,” you said as you turned to face them. Only five of the men from before had followed you. It seemed that Jungkook had decided to leave rather than kill you, and Jin had joined him to make sure he didn’t.
You waited for a response. A minute passed. Then another. And now even you were starting to feel the weight of the tension in the room. Here they really had you cornered. The five of them corralling you into a room with a singular window more than 50 feet above cold pavement.
Have you escaped from this kind of situation before? Yes but that was only possible due to a conveniently placed window-washer’s station and a metal straw; neither of which you had available at the moment.      
“Good night Eli.” Namjoon’s voice betrayed the loosening reins he had on the other boys. Jimin, who had a soft spot for Jungkook, seemed to have no problem in gripping the beretta he had in a shoulder holster in warning.
Not that you ever listened to what pretty boys ever told you.
The next morning you woke up at your usual time, waved at the camera disguised on the black surface of the flower vase and began your morning routine. Thankfully over the years you had perfected the art of wigs and the blonde mane had stayed on through the night. Grabbing your clothes and more hair products you made your way to the bathroom. Changing into something more comfortable, you put on your running shoes and made your way to the front door.
Stretching out your back, you felt it pop and released a sigh before you crashed into someone. Taking a few steps back, you looked up into the face of the one and only Jung Hoseok. It was odd to see the man out of his suit and into what looked like workout gear.
It would be illegal for them to not be working out looking the way they did, but seeing it physically was something completely different. Not many were crazy enough to have a 6 am morning workout routine.
“Seems you’ll be joining us of your own accord.” Hearing the familiar drawl, you turn to see the rest of the boys in various states of putting their shoes on in the living room. So all of them did this every morning. Interesting.
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but you can’t watch me run today. I have my own routes and my own errands, so I’ll see you back for breakfast.” As you were finishing your sentence you darted for the entrance, so quick that Hoseok could only graze your arm with his fingertips.
Behind you, you heard the sound of footsteps as one of the boys, most likely Hoseok, gave chase to you. You pumped your eyes faster as you darted in the direction of the stairs. The elevators were a sure way to get caught if there was not one available immediately, but at least on the stairs you could use your skills to descend faster.  Slamming open the door to the stairwell, you leaped over the banister without second thought and angled your body towards the railing on the opposite sides a floor down. It wasn’t much of a head start, but with Hoseok you thought you could manage.
Using your palms, you latched onto the cold metal and pulled yourself over it. Not wasting a moment in continuing your journey down the stairs. Behind you, the slap of hands on metal scared you more than you would ever admit. The sound meant that whoever was giving you chase was not Hoseok. It meant that your pursuer would not look lightly upon you if they caught you.
Willing your motivation into your limbs, you pushed forward, taking the steps two at a time and trying to find another opening for you to jump down another floor. It wasn’t that there weren’t opportunities; no there were plenty of those. The issue came with commitment.
With a drop of over 50 feet below you, there was no room for error. You had to be sure you were making the jump long before you actually shifted the weight. From what you had guessed, the person seemed to have some strength and training, making the possibility for error even less. A trained person would see the shift in weight and the element of surprise was the most important thing you could have.
“I could do this all day Eli.” The dark voice from behind you almost made you jump in fear. It was Jungkook and he sounded like he would enjoy nothing more than to just exact all the anger he had towards you in a single moment. A lot could be done to a person without killing, and nothing that BigHit had said prohibited you from being a little banged up by the time you reached their front door.
Seeing an upcoming opening, you counted down the seconds until you jumped. About a meter away from the gap, you leaped for the gap. From behind you, you heard another growl as Jungkook came after you. At the last minute, you reached out your hand and grabbed the pole and used the centrifugal force to pull yourself back onto the stairs. Jungkook was so focused on the jump as he didn’t have the planning that you did, that you were able to catch your breath as he really dropped himself down two floors.
The look on his face was the most amusing; that wide eyes expression that really betrayed more anger at himself or not seeing this coming rather than at you for getting away.
Between heaved breaths, you couldn’t help but rub it in a bit more. “Eli 2 and Jungkook 0,” you smirked out. “Don’t look now but you’re in second Jeon.” And with that you knew the moment was over, and so did he. A trained fighter’s first lesson wasn’t on fighting at all; it was about holding back.
Looking at the messy blonde head a couple of floors above me, I wanted nothing more than to wring his neck. His lips were parted in mirth at my state of loss and the audacity of him to further rub salt into the wound as he relaxed on his throne above me.
Nothing was stopping me from running back up the flights and going after your snark attitude with his fists, but that was beneath him. That would be revenge and revenge was not looked upon kindly. Revenge is mindless while fighting is mindful.
Catching my own breath, because Eli was faster than he seemed, I glared in his direction and slowly began my trek back up the stairs to rejoin the boys. He would get away, this time. From across the round staircase Eli kept his eyes on me as he circled down and I circled up, until we met face too face on the 19th floor landing.
He gave me a small nod, lips slightly parted as he continued to restock his oxygen supply as he continued past me. I didn’t try to contest my loss.
I regret my training.
It wasn’t a hard task keeping your identity secret. You had already prepared for this eventuality and had stocked both you backpack and the back room of the noodle shop with extra supplies. This way, you could keep the location of your apartment a secret, just in case you needed to catch a break for any reason. Who knows when you would need a hideaway from BigHit.
In the meantime, you kept to places the boys knew about, like the noodle shop. So the ones that followed you had nothing to report back to Namjoon who had grew more frustrated as time passed, with no new information about you. In the house, you kept to yourself, only speaking about the mission.
“Why don’t you come join me! Taehyung! Jimin! Over here!” Your voice reverberated around the noodle shop, giving you a sense of deja vu as the rest of the patron turned to the entryway. Sending a quick wink at the matron of the store, she shook her head and nodded in response as she asked for another two bowls of noodles.
Recently, you had become close to her, creating some semblance of friendship between the two of you, built around her new-found popularity and you character. She would never tell you this, but you became one of her heart’s adopted children. In you she saw someone who was forced to grow up too fast, for what reason she understood that she would never know, but it was there.
“You’re playing with fire here child.” She leaned in as if she was taking your order.
In response, you lifted the menu, momentarily covering both your faces with the red book. “Well good thing I’ve stocked up on repellent, Umma.”
Pulling the menu back down, you motioned them over, giving them no chance to turn tail and run. They would now have to suffer through lunch with your infuriating face with those big wide eyes.
“It’s not good to tail someone on an empty stomach, so you should eat up. After this, I’ve got to take you on a wild goose chase around the park.”
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Oh, I’m happy we finally meet Again
Anime: Kuroko no Basuke Pairing: Kasamatsu Yukio x Reader Rating: K+ A/N: I wanted to write this yesterday, but i fell asleep after work LOL. oops.. So I found time to write it before i fell asleep again . Hope you guys like this one too C:
You had zero intention of attending the practice match against Kaijou.
Kise was begging you to attend, wanting his sister to be his biggest fan... Yet you kept denying him, coming up with excuses for why you couldn't attend.
It was too far. You had a test to study for. Mom was busy so she couldn't drive you... 
And yet, despite all the trouble you went through to tell him 'NO'... You found yourself at Kaijou's front entrance, staring with widened hues.. No wonder Ryouta wanted to attend this school.. It was definitely bigger than Seirin… The grounds themselves had their own aura, and you found yourself to be slightly intimidated as you stepped foot on their grounds. Truthfully, you only had Kagami's map to go by, and boy did it suck.
But you somehow managed to understand his scribbles, along with the loud screams of your brother's name... You let out a loud sigh... Right... your brother was famous.. Some days you forgot how popular he was, mostly because people seem to forget you exist. During Teiko, you weren't followed or hounded by any of his fangirls, despite being around the Generation of Miracles.. They'd speak with Momoi, but yet... it was as if you were invisible...
'Like Tetsu-kun..' You muse, a gentle smile on your lips. 
Your feet carried you towards the sounds, the pheromones from the men filled the air. There were girls screaming and cluttering around the gym doors... Oh man.. How in the world could you sneak in now? You frown, getting down on your hands and knees, and crawl under their legs, growling when a few of the girls' legs trapped you. You should've just stayed home...
You managed to get through the sea of women, sneaking between a couple of guys who were on Kaijou's team... Oh... so their practice match was during their regular practice? You hum quietly, golden hues scanning the crowd... Your brother is there, taking on Kagami once more... but you hear a stern voice... and it sends shivers down your spine.. In that moment, your golden eyes widen, lips part in shock as they land on the very same boy you met in the guitar shop a few weeks ago...
The same raven hair... Those same piercing steel-blue hues... His handsome scowl... You blink then, a soft frown on your lips... 
"Handsome? Since when do I consider Kasamatsu-senpai handsome?"
Sure, since that day you thought about him a lot... How he would be Kise's senpai... You had an inkling suspicion he played basketball, from seeing his muscles that day.. But your suspicions were confirmed the day Ryouta complained about his new captain... You smile at that memory, watching the match with a renewed interest.
"I hate my new captain _____-cchi!"
You roll your eyes, laying down on your bed as you attempt to study. It's the first week in, and already you were loaded with homework, a frown on your lips. Your brother came home for the weekend, barging into your room as always and laid beside you, crocodile tears in his eyes.
"What did he do this time? Tell you, you were too pretty to play basketball?"
He pouts, resting his face on your arm, ignoring your squirming.
"He was talking down to me!! Saying I should respect them because they've been playing basketball longer than me... That it doesn't matter if I'm a Generation of Miracle..."
You pause your writing, turning your gaze to meet his, watching the emotions flicker in his eyes.. He seems to be in a daze, as if contemplating the last sentence.. He looks at you then, and the room is silent for a few moments, before you sigh softly, resting your pen on the blanket before gently rubbing your brother's hair.
"So he treats you like a regular person instead of a famous one? Isn't that a good thing ?"
His mouth opens a little, as if wanting to retort. But he immediately shuts it, rolling onto his side fully and curling up with you.. As if you were children going down for a nap, you smile.
"Truthfully, I don't know..." he admits, sighing softly. "I was really angry when it first happened... But as the days go by..." he stops, as if playing the words in his mind. He then meets your gaze, an unknown emotion swirling in those golden hues. "I find that 'Kise of Kaijou' has a nice ring to it."
Your eyes widen at his words, before they close and a soft smile curls on your lips.
"Well then... I'm looking forward to seeing how you grow... Ryo-chan."
You don't see the way his eyes widen, or how they sparkle with happiness at your words.. Instead, you're left to fend off your brother, who smothers you in loving hugs and kisses on the cheek, until the two of you land on the floor, and he has a bump on his head from being smacked.
Now... seeing how he plays with his team, even if there's still tension amongst them, makes your interest in basketball come to life.. If only a little. It helps that not only Kasamatsu plays.. But he's the captain of the team.
Meaning, he's the one who spoke those words to your brother...
You'd been in a daze for so long, you failed to hear the whistle blow, signalling the end of the match.. causing your eyes to widen in shock...
"Oh shoot! I have to find Tetsu-kun!"
With that, you sneak back into the crowd, mumbling apologies as you flee the gym.. Not realizing a certain captain caught your movements, watching your back as you run.
"W...What's she doing here?"
In your haste to escape the madness, you find yourself lost. You're not sure what part of the school grounds you're on, but it's somewhere behind the gym.. You bite your lip, rubbing the back of your head as you contemplate your options.... You could always text Kise, and see if he can find you... But you didn't want him knowing you showed up after all.. 
"He'd be embarrassed if he learned I saw him lose..."
"....I...It really is you..."
Your eyes widen at the voice, slightly out of breath. It's then you turn your head, stunned to find an out of breath Kasamatsu standing a few meters from you.. He was no longer in his jersey, but rather a blue tank top, accompanied with black shorts.. The high-length socks still covered his legs, but your eyes stayed on his face, the shock from seeing him being replaced with a smile...
"It's really you as well... Kasamatsu-senpai.."
He finds himself able to catch his breath, though he is a bit stunned at your appearance.. He finds a small frown curling on his lips when he notices the uniform you're wearing... Ah...
"So... you chose Seirin?"
You stand tall then, scratching the back of your head nervously. A sheepish smile curls on your lips, trying not to keep your hopes up upon hearing the slight disappointment in his voice.
"Y...Yeah.." you whisper, looking at your shoes for a brief moment, "S...Sorry to disappoint you, senpai."
He blinks, a frown curling on his lips at your words..
"Tch… W..Why would I be disappointed, idiot...?"
His words cause you to meet his gaze, though he avoids looking at you, cheeks reddening at his small outburst... He hadn't meant to call you an 'idiot'... but your words made him bristle.. And it slipped out because in that moment, he forgot you were a girl.
"I...I mean...." he starts, watching your eyes meet his, before growling in annoyance.. He rubs the front of his face, resting his hand over his mouth before shifting his eyes to look at the ground...
"I..I told you.. D..Do what's best for you..." he mumbles, feeling at a complete loss..
Seeing him in a vulnerable position is new.. Something you found yourself cherishing... He's not the same person you met back in the guitar shop... And yet, you find yourself enchanted... Wanting to see every side to this person standing in front of you... 
Your lips curl in a smile then, before a small giggle leaves your lips..
"You're an interesting person, Kasamatsu-senpai..."
He finds himself glaring at you a little, though it's diminished by the redness of his cheeks...
"S....Shut up... brat..."
His ears are ringing from your laughter.
The sound of your phone buzzing startles you from your company, and you look at the message, eyes widening.. 
"Ah... That's my mom! She's here to pick me up!"
He blinks then, standing up to full height, "That reminds me... What were you doing here ____?"
Your eyes meet his, and you fidget slightly, "I... I was here to give Kuroko something... Kagami gave me a map last minute, so I was able to watch the game... But I think my team has already left..." you laugh, trying to hide your nervousness. "So I had to text my mom to get her to pick me up...."
He nods, looking around casually. "I...If you need help, I can walk you to the front entrance... " he speaks, a slight stutter hidden within his cool voice. You find your eyes widen slightly, before they soften.
"...O...Only if senpai wants to..."
He rolls his eyes, walking towards you and gently bumps your head, before nodding his head, "It's not a problem, _____. I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to... Now let's go.. Don't want to keep your mom waiting..."
You nod eagerly, falling into step with him. A small part of you wanted to spend a little bit longer with him.. Even if it was just walking together... Your gaze goes towards the captain, tracing the angles of his face, finding your gaze land on his eyes the longest.. Ah.. From the first encounter, you always found yourself engrossed with the colour of his eyes.. There was something about them.. 
It was during that moment, where you were caught up in your thoughts, Kasamatsu turns his gaze towards you, finding himself surprised at your stare.. He tries not to tremble, because he's never been good around girls.. But the doe-like expression you held reminded him of someone else... Yet at the same time, you resembled a curious puppy.. He finds it hard not to look away, because every part of his body is screaming to do so.. And yet, he's unable to look away... 
At least until the sound of a horn blares through the silence.
He takes that moment to look away, coughing into his hand as he attempts to regain composure.. He notices movement, and turns his head, eyes wide when you are typing something into his phone... W..Wait...
When the hell did you get that?!
He feels it being placed back in his hand, and he watches you beneath blue eyes... 
"I...IF you want to h..hang out... or just talk... Y...You can text me!"
When he blinks, you're already running away, waving your hand frantically. Despite knowing you've already driven away in your mom's car, Kasamatsu is left standing there like an idiot. He doesn't understand what just happened, but one thing is certain...
His heart won't stop racing...
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333okaythen · 4 years
I’m going to start with my parents in hopes I come across something relevant to me, I have a sneaking suspicion that my issue with my life are my parents. I feel like they force me to be grateful for things I am note grateful at all.
My parents are co-dependent and very passionate. My mom is an airhead whom I always suspect is actually very smart but then she opens her mouth and sounds like a bimbo every freaking time. She talks too loud in attempt to be heard, I assume she’s noticed people sometimes to pay so much attention to what she says because what she says holds absolutely no weight. She talks out of her ass and is always 1000% certain about stuff she had no idea about. It drives me crazy.
She has had the tendency to stay with my dad for over 25 years even though I have been witness to countless fights about the same exact thing every time. She has said 100 times she’s had enough but hours later she’s all over my dad like a fucking idiot. I don’t understand it one bit. She got with my dad when she was an 18 year old virgin. Apparently my dad was her first and a few short years later while in an unsure relationship with my father she had me. And that already was by miracle because they told me there was a moment when they thought of getting an abortion.
I wish I could say my mother was very nurturing and a great shoulder to cry on but sadly that isn’t the truth. I sometimes think she’s bipolar. One second she is obsessed with me and the next she’s telling me what a horrible person I am. She constantly fights me on my attitude which I do believe stems from how I was raised.
When I was in college I had to talk to her multiple times a day. I felt bad, but it always bothered me. Why I couldn’t I have the liberty of just enjoying my time along, not having to answer to anyone? Instead I dealt with anxiety over when were the appropriate times to call her so she wouldn’t call me back while I was trying to lead my own life. With how much I had to call her I still never felt like I could talk to her. Every time she would ask me a question I would begin my speech and seconds later she was talking about something else or to someone else. I think from her is where I developed my insistent need to let people speak and my absolute anger when I come across other people who feel like their the only ones with a microphone. You what what I mean? Those people who don’t give a single fuck about what anyone is saying, they just talk over people like the other person never said anything at all. It infuriates me.
My mom never asked me if I had sex or anything related to guys. She had found out I lost my virginity when she went with me to the gyno and the gyno asked me about my sexual activity. She made a face and left the room so that ,e and the doctor could have some privacy. She really didn’t even bother asking me afterwards. Not a single question.
I feel like I have to hate her s little bit because wanting to embrace her or give her a kiss or say I love you doesn’t come to me so much. Not with her and certainly not with my father. I love her the most after she gets into fights with my dad because I feel bad for her and I don’t like seeing her sad or crying. But I hate when she obsessed over my life over my finances over what I wear what I eat. It’s too much. I. cant deal with someone constantly looking over my shoulder and commenting. It’s frustrating.
If something happened to her I’m almost certain I would be sad but I feel like I’m better off appreciating her from a distance. I can’t deal with needy people in my life. She’s needy, and she’s gotten lazier with age. She loves to make comments at me about doing dishes or pacing up stuff around the house but I dint know why because ever since I ,over back from college all I’ve tried to do is not leave a trace of me. I constantly pick up after myself and try to make sure I’m not in anyone’s way and still, I feel like I’m not wanted here. I feel like I’m stuck in a corner.
Maybe if I let myself be comfortable around here I could get rid of those thoughts but I imagine other problems would arise.
My main feelings for her are annoyance. She’s an annoying person I wish there was another part to her that I could have that motherly part of her where she listens and actually cares about me. At this point I feel like she forces herself to care just because I’m her daughter.
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I'm So Glad You’re Back - Chapter 6
chapter 1  chapter 2  chapter 3  chapter 4  chapter 5  chapter 7  Chapter 8  chapter 9  chapter 10  chapter 11  Chapter 12  chapter 13  chapter 14  chapter 15  Epilogue
Asgard 2013
It hadn't been long since the racoon and god landed in Asgard. After deactivating their bracelets and their suits retracting the two carefully navigated their way through the castle. 
Rocket didn't fail to notice the glee on Thor's face at being in Asgard. He couldn't help but remember when he and his family found the ‘pirate angel’ as Drax had put it. Thor was the only survivor they found among the wreckage of his ship. And a survivor of the handful of Asgardians that were left. Rocket felt guilty all of a sudden seeing Thor's face marvelling at the little details of the palace. He didn't reach out or talk to Thor as much as he should have. Thor had been in a dark place and he should have done something. Even if it was just a call to him.
As he stayed in the shadows on the golden walls, thor smiled as he made way to the room jane had been staying in when she was here. All the memories he had made here, him and Loki running around the halls. Their father scolding them for damaging priceless items. Their mother giving them cuddles and kisses. It was almost heartbreaking to be here again. But at the same time, he felt right at home. 
As Thor and Rocket rounded the corner of the hallway. They stopped at a room with two huge golded decorated doors that had voices coming from the inside. Janes room. The blonde thought.
“This it? Okay, you distract her and ill get the stone out.”
"I don't think I can do this” 
"What?! What do you mean?
Thor's breath suddenly started to get shorter, in little gasps. He was panicking. Rocket realised it must have been too much for him to handle being back here. Jumping up onto the ledge close to thors height, rocket faced thor and tried to calm him down. But Thor was just getting more anxious, the god was turning into himself, hunching his back over as his legs fell out underneath him bringing his knees to the floor, rocket noticed Thor was trying to squeeze himself tighter to comfort himself. It wasn't until a voice coming from the end of the hallway spoke that thors breath caught in his throat. 
Trying to remain as quiet as he could, rocket jumped higher up the walls finding somewhere to hide so he wouldn't be spotted by whoever was coming closer. He knew Thor would be okay if someone saw him. He was the future king to his people, they wouldn't bat an eyelid.
Rocket watched as Thor, rose from the floor and Adjusted his posture to his regular height, but as the two started to interact, Rocket couldn't help but feel he was intruding. Deciding to leave the two, Rocket made his way into the room with the golden doors and proceeded on their mission to take the stone.
After returning to standing thors eyes started to widen as the voice that had broken him out of trance got closer. 
As she walked around the corner with her handmaidens, queen Frigga told them to go on without her as she needed to check on jane. They graciously did as the queen said, taking off down another corridor.
But as Thor's mother made her way to janes door, she stopped. Feeling the presence behind her. Turning around Frigga laid eyes on her son, but something was different. He looked different from the last time she had spoken to him, and that was only a short time ago. But it wasn't the difference in appearance that had confused her. It was the look of pure joy and emotion of her son's face. 
"Mother?” thors voiced broke as he uttered a word he hadn't used in years.
“Thor, What are you doing? You’re better off leaving the sneaking to your brother.“ her face was covered in a light heated fondness for her son. 
Trying to act as casual as he could, Thor curled in on himself as if trying to make himself seem smaller.
"now see I was just going for a walk…"
"What are you wearing?" her eyebrows furrowing in confusion as she looked at him. Something was wrong. 
"Oh, this? i always wear this. it's one of my favourite sweat-"
"your eye. what have you done to it?" 
the mother of the god knew something was wrong. She knew it instantly. She was his mother. She had birthed him and raised him. This was her son, but it wasn't her son that she had seen just a few hours earlier.
“You're not the thor I have just spoken to hours ago are you?” she questioned the man. But she had no malice or ill intent on her face. The man in front of her, her son was clearly distressed, and she didn't want to upset him. 
“ what? No no no, of course, I am, which other thor would I possibly be?" Recovering from his little panic attack, thor gaped at his mother as she questioned who he was. And failing miserably at trying to convince her he was still the same thor, shook his head vigorously and shuffled on his feet, avoiding her eyes.
Watching the strange actions her son was making the queen walked up closer to him and rested her hand on his cheek. Stopping him instantly from moving and talking. Instead, he sunk his cheek further into her hand, he hadn't felt the touch of his mother in years. Once he did, it confirmed her suspicions
“Thor you are my son, I would know instantly if something was wrong. You've seen loss and guilt. All this from your future. Well, I suppose it would be your past wouldn't it?"
Thor could only nod his head at her. 
“You're from the future. But tell me. Why are you here?” the blonde man sighed at her statement, of course, she would know.
“Something happened, a few years ago. But before it did, I had the chance to stop it and I made the wrong decision. It cost us half the universe. But a few days ago we were given another chance to fix things. That's why Im here. I need the Reality stone. I'll bring it back of course.”
Oh, my sweetheart. Frigga pulled thor into her arms, hugging him just like she used to when he was younger. And he gladly accepted.
“I can't imagine what you must have felt, the guilt you must still feel. But thor, you must remember that just because you made a different decision, does not make what happened your fault, my son”
“You really think that?”
“Of course I do. Your heart means nothing but kindness. But I'm afraid I won't be able to help you in retrieving the stone from Jane”
The mans face dropped. She wasn't going to help?
“Why not?”
“Because whilst we were talking, your little rabbit friend has already taken the liberty of collecting it.” she smirked at him. Thor's eyebrows knitted together at her words. It wasn't until rocket ran over to them with the vile that held it, that thor realised what his mother had said. 
Rocket decided that he had made a good decision leaving Thor and his mother alone. The dude had lost her years ago and was seeing her again for the first time in ages. He didn't want to intrude on that. 
Climbing his way higher up the walls of the bedroom doors, he pushed with all his strength to open them slightly to give a little leeway to let him in. thankfully neither Thor or his mother or Jane noticed the door moving.
All he needed was jane to turn her back so he could leap down and stab her. Well, not stab, but inject her so he could get the stone. 
Staying up high and crawling across the walls so Jane wouldn't notice him, he saw an opportunity.
“Rocket! Did you get the stone already? Thor was surprised that his little friend had already retrieved the stone. How long was he talking with his mother?
Shrugging it of fas no big deal in front of the extremely pretty lady and thor, rocket replied.
“Yeah, I didn't wanna get in the way of you two so I thought id make our trip easier.”
“So your thor's friend? Its an always an honour to meet my son's friends.” the regal woman, tilted her head downwards to greet Thor's friend.
“Woah hahaha! An honour? To meet me? Well if you say so your highness” rocket grinned. God wait till they got everybody back and he told quill about this. 
Smiling at the animal's enthusiasm, Frigga turned back to her son and took his hands in hers.
I suppose this means this is the last time I shall see you, my son. The older you of course. I love you so much thor.” queen Frigga leaned forward on her tiptoes and kissed her son on his forehead. 
Thor couldn't help but let out a small sob as she did. She had no idea this would be the last time she saw the younger or older version of him. Soaking the feeling of his mother, thor lingered as she pulled away. Lifting her hand upwards to his face, she curled a finger under his chin, making him look up at her.
“You will always be a hero Thor, everybody fails at who they are supposed to be, but what matters is you are still the same person you always have been. Now you better hurry and get back.”
Nodding at his mother, Thor pulled away and turned before he stopped.
“Hold on, let me just try.”
Sticking his arm out, thor scrunched his face in anticipation whilst rocket stared at Thor in confusion. Noticing the curious look on rockets face, the queen explained.
“It can sometimes take a minute” 
All of a sudden, an object travelling at the speed of a bullet flew its self in through the window and into Thor's hand. 
Suddenly Thor's eyes lit up, his mouth making the biggest grin rocket had seen. The god let out a lough laugh as he stared at the hammer in his hand.
“I'm still worthy?!” 
“Of course you are sweetheart, you always will be.” leaving with his mother's words still in his head, he and rocket made their way back through the palace to find a safe spot to jump from. It wasn't until they approached a certain door, the god realised they would need to go through the dungeons. 
Then he remembered. There was someone in the dungeons that he hadn't seen in a long time also. Loki.
“Hello brother”
Letting out a huff of annoyance, Loki rolled his eyes and turned his head to the sound of his brother's voice. 
“And what gives me the pleasure of having you visit me 2 times today brother?” Loki's usual sarcasm poured out. Thor didn't think he could possibly miss Loki's snide remarks towards him, but hearing it come out of his mouth confirmed it.
“No reason, but I suppose its to say goodbye.” his older brother called out
Furrowing his brow, Loki sat up from his bed in the white room and cocked his head at his brother's words. But as he focused properly on his sibling, he noticed there was something different about him. He looked smaller as if he had lost some of his muscle. And his hair wasn't as attentively combed as he normally had it. Something was up.
“You see I'm from the future, time travel and all that. I just wanted to tell you that I love you brother. No matter what. And also, no one is ever going to believe you when you tell them.”
Taken aback Loki thought Thor was lying until a creature of some sort came into view.
“Thor we need to go now! The guards are coming.” the little animal shouted to thor.
The raven-haired man observed as his brother and the animal pushed a device on the back of their hands. Suddenly they were covered with a suit that looked like scales as it travelled up their bodies. 
“Goodbye brother” Thor gave Loki a cheeky smile and then they jumped.
Watching in disbelief as Thor and the animal disappeared right in front of him, Loki ran further up to the window only to see there was nothing there.
“What in Valhalla's name just happened?”
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lokitargaryen · 5 years
 Authors Note: hello reader! I finally decided on publishing my stories somewhere. For the longest time I was insecure about my work and I still am actually, but at the same time I want people to notice my work and give me some tips on how to improve it. So please enjoy the following story, but beware it’s probably extremely cheesy, also my native language isn’t English, but I do try my best to avoid mistakes
Summary: When Loki finds a save haven on a planet where no one cares about his past, he doesn’t expect things to turn out even better. Or as good as the situation allows it.
Pairing: Loki x ValkyrieReader
Warnings: angst, fluff
Words: ~2120
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At first, he had felt ridiculed. When he woke up, he was surrounded by garbage, garbage and even more garbage as far as he could see. Then he was attacked by savages. Luckily, he quickly managed the situation and got rid of the bad smelling creatures that tried to make him their next meal. He made his way over to the faraway buildings that promised at least a tiny chance of meeting a somewhat intelligent species. Once he reached the city, tired and dirty, he got chained up, even though he had made it clear, that he was the rightful king of Asgard. It did not took him long to realise that neither his title nor his name meant anything on this peculiar planet.
Soon, he felt happy. Thanks to his endless talents of speaking and persuading, it did not take him long to be in favour of the so-called Grandmaster. Sometimes he still thought about his brother, his home. But who was there to miss him? His beloved mother was gone and so was his father. His brother got other things on his mind and the Asgardian folk would not mourn him either. So why would he care? His future should be here on Sakaar, the place where all the lost things end up to find a new home. He felt more and more comfortable, he could be himself while no one cared about his past. No one even knew about the tragedy of Loki Odinson. It was a new beginning, his new beginning. And he would never let the chance to leave everything behind pass by.  
On his third day on Sakaar, he was talking to another resident about the Grandmaster's collection of rare documents, when the Grandmaster himself walked up to him, with two fierce looking women by his side. “Ladies, this is our newest guest Loki, Master of Mischief. These are my most loyal warriors, they usually bring new guests to me as soon as they find them, but I guess you are good at sneaking around,” the Grandmaster chuckles, as the two women share a confused look behind his back. Loki looks at them, one even more beautiful than the other. He could see their strength and determination, but he knew that they once were lost and found just like him. Everyone on Sakaar shares the same trait. They all have a heart-breaking backstory.  
As soon as the three of them walked away, Loki excused himself from the conversation, before it could start again. He hurried to his room, keeping his left arm pressed closely to his chest. He had always been good at hiding his true feelings. No one had noticed how much pain he had felt when he looked into the eyes of one of the women. In his room, he immediately gets rid of his clothing. Standing in front of a mirror, Loki eyes the black mark carved into the skin of his upper arm. The flesh surrounding the letters is bright red and sore, he does not dare touching it. Something had happened when their eyes met and he already had a suspicion on what it was. Yet, he did not want to believe it.
At the same time, the woman stumbles against a wall and falls to the floor, moaning in agony. The Grandmaster had just left her and her companion. “What is wrong?” Her friend is promptly kneeling by her side. “My skin feels like it's burning,” she answers through gritted teeth as she clutches to her leg. The warrior does not hesitate and pulls of her friend’s boot, revealing a black mark framed by sensitive red skin. One stares at her friend in horror, while the other cannot take her eyes of the fragile looking letters. “How? You...we can't receive this mark!” She loosens the grip around her ankle and gets off the floor. “Bryn, I-” “I told you not to call me this. We're better off when no one expects us to be alive,” her friend interrupts her furiously. The suddenly vulnerable looking woman slips her boot back on and rises off the floor as well. “It just appeared one day, I don’t even remember how many years ago,” she admits with a pained expression on her face.  
From that moment on, she wanted to avoid Loki. But he still was the God of Mischief and if he wanted to meet her, he would. She was walking through the long corridors of the building when their paths crossed later that day. “I beg your pardon, but I don't think I picked up your name earlier,” he says with a charming smile and curious eyes. “You are right, I’m sorry,” she smiles at him, “my name is none of your business,” she coldly answers and turns around to leave, but he gets a hold of her arm. “Please,” he murmurs desperately and pulls her back slightly, forcing her to defend herself. She quickly turns around and slips out of his grip, exposing a tattoo on her forearm to him.  
“This is not...this can’t be,” he mumbles staring at her skin. “You’re right, it can’t be,” she says bitterly and finally leaves him behind. The following days, she successfully avoids him. Even if this might only occurs because he is busy with his brother, who had suddenly arrived at Sarkaar. She thought everything was fine now, no matter if her mark still hurt when he was close or not. She thought she was safe, until a certain someone bursts into her room.
“The Grandmaster demands- oh please excuse me, I shouldn’t have barged in like this,” Loki turns away and hands her a towel as she still lays in the bathtub motionless and shocked. “What does the Grandmaster demand?” She asks surprisingly calm while she gets out of the water and wraps herself into the towel. “His champion was apparently kidnapped and now he wants us to search for him,” the raven-haired man explains, still trying not to look at her exposed body. She sighs and walks around him to the door. The pain on her ankle increases once Loki's gaze wanders across her mark. “Please, show it to me,” their eyes meet once again in an intensive stare. “You already know whose name is carved into my skin. Please leave now. Tell the Grandmaster I will meet him in a few minutes,” she opens the door and gestures Loki to leave.  
The God of Mischief soon finds himself pacing the corridors next to the Grandmaster's favourite warrior. “Tell me what her name is. I need to know,” he begins a conversation. The woman shakes her head no. “It doesn't matter. The Codex of Valkyrie prohibits any romantically involvements. She knew this when she signed up for it hundreds of years ago,” she explains to him, annoyance clearly swinging by in her voice. “So, you’re a Valkyrie too,” he expresses rather bland, “I thought you all died gruesome deaths.” He shrugs, unprepared for the Valkyrie's sudden movements, knocking him out coldly.  
She had a certain suspicion the whole time but she did not expect her friend to act up with them. Why would anyone want to flee from their peaceful life on Sakaar just to find death on Asgard? The female warrior still took care of the rebels. In a good way, not the way the Grandmaster had ordered her too. They were on their way to take one of the ships, when she saw someone laying on the ground motionless. “Loki!” She realized and freed him from the pain of being electrified. “My name sounds good on your lips,” was the first thing he expressed afterwards. “We need to take care of your bitch of a sister, come on,” she had helped him of the floor and entered the Grandmaster's biggest ship.
Once the ship had left Sakaar and was flying through space stable and safe, she left the control room and searched for Loki. He peaked over his shoulder when the door to his chamber was opened and calmly placed his focus back onto the weapons in front of him. “Show it to me,” she asks quietly and steps closer to him. His clothes vanish as he places the dagger in his hands on the table in front of him. Goosebumps cover his exposed body, when her fingertips touch the letters on the back of his arm. The burning pain on his skin immediately stops and is switched by a tingling sensation throughout his whole body.  
(Y/N) the northern letters read. “I haven't heard that name in hundreds of years,” she confesses as she places her other hand on the soft skin of his back. His slim body looks flawless in the dimmed light of his room. He shivers at her touch but still does not turn around. Instead he enjoys her fingertips drawing patterns on his fair skin, his back muscles relaxing one by one. “Loki,” she mutters more to herself than to him, knowing that their destination grows closer with each passing second. “(Y/N),” her name is a well-known melody leaving his lips and tongue. When he was a child, he would repeat it countless times, wanting to be prepared when he would finally meet her.  
“We will die fighting her,” (Y/N) expresses dully and removes her fingers from his soft skin, taking a step away from him. Loki immediately feels the warmth of her touch leaving, as the cold creeps up his back again. He turns around to finally face her, the woman whose name appeared on his skin right after birth. His soulmate. “We can still turn around and go back to Sakaar,” he suggests, even though the words leave a bitter taste in his mouth. She shakes her head and looks to the ground. “I was destined to die in the first fight, I knew that she would come back one day,” she exclaims bitterly. Loki places his hands on her cheeks and raises her chin to meet her gaze. “This is not true. All of this was my father's fault in the first place. He sacrifices you to deal with his mistake,” he declares, anger crossing his face.
“Uh, not to interrupt you or anything, just continue staring at each other, but I’m afraid we arrive at this Ass-Court soon,” Korg explains as he boldly stands in the doorframe. “For the last time, it's called Asgard!” Loki rolls his eyes, not taking his hands of her cheeks. “Thank you, Korg. Please get the others ready for the fight,” (Y/N) smiles at the man made of stone over her shoulder. The door closes behind her and she looks back up into the Asgardians green eyes. Loki lets out a deep breath and smiles at her with an utterly heartbroken expression in his eyes. “I never have...I mean I haven’t...” Elia stumbles upon her words, when Loki leans in to meet her lips with his. He shows her a genuine smile, before he presses his lips to her forehead instead.
With a flip of his hand, Loki is fully dressed in his armour and ready to fight, while he clothes her in the typical grey and gold armour of the Valkyries. They share a meaningful look before vanishing in the fight. (Y/N) fights and slays Hela's knights until all movement stops as the Goddess of Death herself appears in front of them. The warrior nearly cannot contain her anger and hate towards the monstrous woman but she tries to stay hidden, increasing her chances of staying alive. At least for now. The speech is over and the fight rekindles once again.  
Before entering the rescue ship, (Y/N) spots Loki flying into the palace. Soon after, Asgard disappears into the internal flame and Suturs rage. She quietly withdraws into Loki's former chamber to mourn, while his brother Thor gets crowned as Asgards new king. Silent tears run down her face as she strips off her bloodied armour of her hurting body piece by piece. She doesn't even notice the figure appearing behind her in the barely lit room. “You fought bravely, Valkyrie,” the voice startles her. When she spins around and sees his smile, she can not help but wrap her arms around him tightly. “You are alive,” she gasps breathlessly. “I did not wait for you for more than 1500 years just to die right after finding you, did I?” He grins cheekily and places another kiss on her forehead. “Come on, get your clothes, we're going to leave,” he says and gives her more space to gather her belongings. And so, they fly through the realms in the Grandmaster's party ship and look for a private place to settle down.
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tokoyamisstuff · 6 years
Burning Passion pt. 7 - Loki x Reader Soulmate AU
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6]
Sorry, Tumblr hates me and doesn’t display the links to the previous chapters no matter how often I try. Neither do the tags work properly. -.-
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Summary: After you’ve lost the love of your life, how will things turn out from this point? It seems like the universe feeds on your pain.
“I wanna hurt to you just to hear you screaming my name.”
(Alice Cooper - Poison)
I swear this will have a happy ending lmao. What a ride.
Warnings: Well...Angst, Mental breakdown once again, unhealthy relationship, Loki being a major asshole.
Words: 4500ish
Early reunion
You couldn’t remember much of what happened after the incident. Only worry about whether Loki would be alright, after leaving witht he poison still inside of his system.
Except for this, your mind went completely blank. The only thing you felt was Thor’s firm embrace as he tried to pick you up from the ground, your limbs feeling like rubber. And how Steve was yelling at you without seeming to have any sympathy, wanting you to explain this situation. He seemed to have a heaty argument with Tony, who wanted him to leave you alone. But for the rest, you stopped paying attention a while ago.
All of this was miniscule to you right now - for you had lost the most important person in your life.
“We’ll get him back, [___]. I swear to you upon all of my honor!” Thor whispered as he lay a wet cloth on your forehead. The stress had caused you to get high fever in adittion, as if you didn’t have enough problems right now.
You nodded without a word, but your lips managed to give him a reassuring smile. It was good to have him around you right now - only he could understand the loss you’ve felt. And to be honest, it made you feel like a total hypocrite. Thor had lost so much more than that, and here you are, mourning over a man who isn’t even presumed dead yet. But both of you had the same goal - get this man back into your lives unharmed!
There was no time to brood about the harsh things he said to you earlier, neither for being sick. Sitting up in bed while telling your theory and the details about what happened before your friends arrived, you forced yourself out of the bed just shortly after.
“Come on, [___]. You can’t stand up just yet. We’ll handle this” Natasha said as she tried to pull you back, but the resolve in your eyes made her back off.
“I caused this mess, I’ll help cleaning it up.” After you swallowed some pain- and feverkillers, you already started to get dressed. Your head was still dizzy, but at least your body moved as you wished.
“You don’t know the whole story! Now that The Ancient One and Odin aren’t here anymore, Thanos will come for the Tesseract” you explained as you put on your shoes, “And Loki went completely nuts. What does he even want to do with that thing? I bet he doesn’t know himself.”
“Do not worry, [___]. The Tesseract got destroyed, together with Asgard!” Thor cheered, hoping it would make you see reason and go back to bed.
“Uh, yeah...about that....” you stuttered, not looking up to meet their gaze as you still sat on the floor, trying to get on your boots with shaking hands.
Thor frowned, remembering it’s Loki you were talking about. “No.”
“Yes. I once sneaked into his room for a prank and saw him summouning it. It looked the same as back in New York, and I assume it’s not a fake.”
“Why didn’t you report to any of us instantly?!” Clint yelled as he shook you, before Tony pushed him away. You didn’t want them to fight because of you, but look at what you started...
“He was just admiring it. Looking as if he was thinking about what to do with it. I confrontet him about everything and he assured me he didn’t want to use it, just protect it from humans and their desire to form weapons with it’s energy!”
Steve’s expression told you exactly how he was feeling right now. “And you honestly believed the damn God of Lies?!”
“Yes” you barked back at him, “Yes I did! And did he try to use it once up until now? No!”
Walking up to you just to place a hand on his shoulder, Thor tried to calm you down. The way he pet your head only made you painfully miss Loki’s touch even more - but you tried to stayed strong. “I am very touched by the way you feel about my brother. Even though I doubt that he deserves your fidelty - if you are able to still believe in him, I’ll try to do the same. We’ll get him back to you, I promise.”
The others still didn’t understand. Of course, he wasn’t all that bad ever since he and the rest of Asgard arrived on Earth, but there was never a guarantee that he didn’t plan to do this the whole time. Not that it would make any sense to gain their trust if he already had the Tesseract and could trick the security system from the very start, but it was only a theory that he lost his mind due to the poison.
“Even Thor stopped believing in Loki a long time ago” Bruce said, nervously walking around in the room and trying to keep his cool.
“No, he didn’t” you spat, “He may have gotten an unhealthy amount of suspicion, but he never stopped loving his brother.”
“Hey, I’m not that naive” Thor mumbled, but after seeing you rise an eyebrow ashamedly adding “Okay, there may be some truth in that...”
“This still doesn’t explain how you can be so sure that there’s still some good in this man. Only because he did one or two good deeds, it doesn’t mean he’s changed” Clint scoffed.
“Well” you mumbled quite annoyed as you removed the sweatband from your wrist, “Either my soulmate isn’t as bad as he seems or I’m going to become a villain at some point. I really hope it won’t be the latter.”
The only reaction you got from the team was a gloomy “...Oh.” Well, thank you guys. Really, much fo a help.
Thor was the only exception, instantly lifting you up in a bonecrushing hug that stole your breath. “I knew it! You’ll be the one to melt the ice around my brother’s heart!”
“...Oh god Thor. I swear, if you ever say something that cheesy ever again I think I have to turn you into a living torch.”
“See?” he cheered, “You and my brother really are made for each other!”
Well, in the end you had to stay in bed until your fever reduced. It was a trade-off to at least hear about the plan to get Loki back.
It made you think: You really have wonderful people surrounding you, that you could gladly call your comrades. Not even for one second they’d doubt your integrity, rather believing in your words that there’s still hope for your soulmate.
Originally, the plan was to ask Dr. Strange for help. The Avengers met him after Loki and the others came to Earth, obviously demanding a reason for their return. Ever since then you didn’t have any contact to the mage.
Yawning loudly as you got out of the shower, you still felt tired as hell, even though you’ve slept for almost twelve hours. You walked towards the window, still only in your underwear and a towel wrapped around your hair, glaring into the distance. “I wonder if he’s doing fine...”
Strange needed way longer than before to find the whereabouts of Loki, since he was concealing his presence through magic stronger than the Doctors. Still, it would only be a matter of time until he’d find him with his spell...
Being awake and alone with your thoughts was hard to bear, but you couldn’t be with your friends, either. They just couldn’t help themselves other than looking at you with those pitying eyes, and you couldn’t bear to have that right now. You told them you wanted to be left alone, and so they tried their best to respect that.
Most of the time you’d ignore the knocks on your door and the kind words they said to cheer you up, even though it made you feel bad for being so unapproachable despite everything they’re doing for you. Sometimes you could really understand Loki. You loved all of them, that’s for sure, but it still didn’t change the fact that you felt out of place very often. As if everyone just played as if you belonged.
Better fall asleep before you overthink everything and get a panic attack again, you thought as you threw yourself on the bed and buried yourself in a ton of pillows and blankets. You would need all of your strenght for when the time would come to meet Loki again.
Before you slowly drifted away into your sleep, you could swear to see Loki standing at your bed, but as if through magic, your eyelids got as heavy as lead. Not being able to open them again, you felt a familiar, cold hand stroking your cheek. And still, you didn’t fear anything at that moment.
“I’m back, little dove.”
As your eyes opened, you were not at the Stark Tower any more, but lay on a king-size bed in an even greater room.
The breeze coming through the open window made you shiver, so you carefully stood up and tried to figure out where you’re at. Everything was decorated in gold and red, with old furniture and pompous decoration. When taking a look out of the window, you were certain where you’re at: A beautiful castle with a gorgeous garden in front of it. You couldn’t exactly recognize any of it, but it didn’t seem like you’re still in America, though.
The caste seemed to be some kind of museum nowadays, being restored and having many information signs pinned everywhere. “Schloss Schönbrunn” it said. So you’re in Austria. What the hell is Loki doing here?
Until now, you didn’t realize it just yet, but when you got stuck at a nail or something sticking out of the ground, you saw that you wore a long, beautiful green dress with golden features - as well as a collar around your neck. What the hell is he thinking?!  Gradually, you got really pissed.
You felt Loki’s presence as if it was calling out for you, attracting your attention on purpose. So you dared to take a step out of the room, knowing it would mean no harm. Griding your teeth in annoyance, you took firm step through the giant hallways.
While passing some humans, you realized they weren’t acting out of their own will any more. Of course, it would be more easier to kill them, but without any military force it would be a bad idea to start a war. After you finally found the entrance hall, you realized the staff closed the museum, even though it was still bright day.
This castle was huge. Way larger than any building you’ve ever been in, except for the Stark Tower. You weren’t used to all that royal stuff, even though you were always amazed when Loki was bragging about life back on Asgard.
Well, wouldn’t make any difference to ask these human marionettes for the way to the throne room, would it? But while you were still pondering about which way to go, one of the persons tapped your shoulder, causing you to instantly cover your hands in flames, your alarm bells ringing.
“Miss [___], the king has commanded me to lead you to the audience.” A young woman was talking to you, and you saw it in her glowing blue eyes that she wasn’t herself anymore. Really, Loki? Does this seriously need to be?
Two men were pushing the giant door open, and the first thing you saw was Loki, sitting on the throne with his usual, smug grin. You had to remember Thor’s words after you were upset when Loki were pretty rude once “He likes to make up for his insecurities through acting overly confident - but on the inside, he’s constantly very troubled.”
Just a minute before, Loki was dozing on the throne, having a nightmare. A Chitauri, mercilessly killing you right in front of his eyes. His own sobbing made him awake, slowly descending to reality again. Why does he even waste any of his thought on this silly woman? No, he doesn't care. It cannot be. His mind played a prank on him - as it did very often before. Wiping the tears out of his face, he saw a blurry silhouette of a familar woman entering the throne room.
The men were pushing you over the red carped and towards Loki, trying to force you on your knees until he dismissed them with a flick of his hand. Now it was only you and him, but he kept his distance from you, looking as if he was mentally debating over something.
“Your highness” you scoffed sarcastically as you dropped a curtsey, furrowing your brows. “I see you’re well again. But that helmet looks ridiculous.”
“Ah, how I missed that sharp tongue of yours” he said as he slowly walked down the stairs from the throne to face you. “It sure is thrilling to see you again. And yes, a strong will is very helpful to break the magic of that poison.”
As you refused to look him in the eyes, he pulled on the collar, forcing you to look up. After a while of sneeringly eyeing you, he snapped his fingers and the leash disappeared. “What a ridiculous thing to make you wear. I have to apologize if I offended you with that little prank.”
“Fuck you” you hissed frankly.
“How refreshing. Just like the first time we’ve met” he chuckled with an evil tone in his voice, looking at you with a devil’s eyes. Damn, actually you wanted to contain yourself. “Do you like this castle? I only borrowed it until I have my own one, of course. Way bigger and more fit for a person like me.”
“I’m not up for smalltalk. Tell me what you want” you growled, causing Loki to come even closer to you.
"Oh, do not try to play calm. All of this is way too big for an insect like you. And you know that. I can feel you trembling from here, shaking in front of an enemy this powerful!
You felt how your throat went dry again, but you fought against this fear. "You're not my enemy, Loki. I do not wish fot it to be that way." 
He smirked a bit, realizing how he affected your way of talking into a more polite one. The thought of him being in your head even without magic was pretty amusing to him. Did he leave this much of an impression on you in this short a time?
“Ah, so naive" he curred as he circled around you, still trying to figure out what was so special about you.  How could such a weak creature, unworthy of him in any way, even attract his interest? But he loved the fight you put up against him. “What next? Do you want to call upon my humanity?”
"...I dont know. Maybe I’ll just use the chance to get to know the man who ripped my heart out a little better.”
“Not literally. But I can do that was well, if that's your wish.” His threat didn’t even made you flinch any more, you felt how unsure he was on the inside. 
“Did you kidnap me just because of that?” He could’ve easily kill you in your sleep, so why get you there of all things? So he can do it in a flashy environment, making a big deal out of it? Didn’t he just say he thinks so lowly of you?
His torn apart look as reaction to this question made you hope there might be reasoning with him, but you couldn’t find any other words than a weak “Loki...Please!”
Hearing this, he let out a loud, quick laughter. "Are you being serious, woman? That time with you was nothing more than an illusion, a minor sitback, you could say. It was fun while it lasted, but you were nothing more than a short pastime, an expedient, only meant to let me realize my mission - that I’m meant to rise on the throne I was born for, and reign over this inferior world! You can be proud of yourself, witch. I bet your species will be thankful someday. After all - your mistake helped me standing here today.” 
You grid your teeth and clenched your fists, prepared to slap him - but his body was just an illusion. "How cute" you could hear him say from behind your back, followed by you asking:
“Say, Loki, did you play some cheap trick with my mind?”
“What are you talking about?” He didn’t quite understand, and it wasn’t like you expected to get a proper answer out of this man. Loki was making even less sense than usually. 
Letting your arm finally sink down again, you whispered "Because even despite everything you did, I still cannot hate you the way I should. Quite the opposite, even."
Loki’s eyes widened in excitement, but shortly after he shook his head to try and get those feelings out of his mind. He let out a malicious smile as he approached you again. "No, I fear that's just your inferior human sentiment. What a disgrace."
"Is it so wrong for me to love you?" you asked, quite desparate to get any kind of positive reaction out of him.
"Yes" he said calmly, getting a strand of hair out of your way, still fascinated by your stunning beauty. “Too bad. If you were to be born Asgardian, you would’ve made a fine wife.”
“Loki, none of this needs to happen-”
“Yes it does! What does a human like you understand about the great things I’ve learned about in my exile?!” he yelled, making you duck down in fear. He looked at you with furious eyes before backing off and wandering through the throne room, as he always did when he was pondering about something.
“You’ve always betrayed the people that loved you, probably afraid of getting betrayed yourself. But we all love you, regardless of what you’ve done! There’s still a chance, you just have to take it! You don’t even have a real plan, do you? But together with Thor, the two of you, all of us-”
“Of course you believe that. Everyone is always on his side.”
You groaned in frustration. “Don’t act like you’ve given me a real choice! And don’t you ever dare to talk ill about how Thor and I tried to protect and defend you, all this time!”
"Well, I don't need his sympathy! Or yours, or anyones! I’ll prove my worth to all nine realms, out of my own accord!”
“At what price, Loki? That plan is insane!” you tried to get closer to him, but as soon as he quickly turned around to face you, you winced once again. “T-that’s not sympathy you oblivious idiot, it’s called love!” you began to yell back, but desparation made your voice crack again as you swallowed your tears.
"Lies" he hissed, "I am the God of Mischief. Don't you dare lying to me!" he scolded, adding "I can clearly feel how your heart is racing. Those eyes of you, wide and frightened. Is that love?!”
“Do you want my love?” you said with in a serious tone, your passionate look making him feel a lump in his throat.
Did he? Why did he even come back and bring you here in the first place? What’s the meaning behind this? He didn’t know the answer himself. The only thing he was certain of was that he couldn’t get you out of his mind - and it bugged him. No matter how he racked his brain around it, it didn’t make any sense.
He searched feverishly for a lie which explained why he was still so invested about you, and he quickly found one: The fact that he let you this close to his core. That you knew so much about him and his feelings. This insolence should be punished! 
"Don’t you dare telling me that I am worthy of being loved” he grumbled as his movements suddenly stopped.
Much to your surprise, he really seemed hurt about this. "You're just like everyone else! Telling me I am loved, even though deep inside you all know I'm an repulsive being! And you have a damn good reason to fear me. I'll give you one!"
Like this, even though he was threatening you, he didn't even seem to be this ruthless. He could've killed you ages ago, yet you still waited for him to even raise his hand against you. "That is not true, Loki. And you know that. I don’t think any less of you, even though I knew what you were from the very beginning.”  
"Well" he gritted, tired of deluding himself, "Because of the poison I catched for you, I got some very unpleasant memories back to my mind. How about I return the favour? Maybe it'll make you understand."
Like that, he touched your forehead, forcing you to relive the memories you've surpressed all this time. As you sunk down to the floor, being a sobbing and screaming mess, Loki crotched down in front of you.
You whimpered "You're a monster...", but Loki simply replied "That makes two of us. Or am I mistaken? Back then I got curious about your past, and I catched something in S.H.I.E.L.D’s database - but seeing it is on a whole new level: Back then, when you were but a little brat, you unleashed your might without knowing what you did - killing your family in the process. Their death was your fault and your fault alone. Everything would've been fine if just you haven't been born, right?" 
"Stop" you screeched out as you covered your ears.
"Hit the bulls eye, didn't I? I've always asked myself: Why would you help such weak people, all of the time? What would you gain from that? I knew that mortals try to excuse their weakness with cheap morals, but this was different, since you're no mere human: You try to ease your guilt through good deeds, isn't it like that? Filled your life with empty lies, attempting to find new meaning. That's the only way you were able to keep going this long, right? And now you try to stop me, for what? To save me? The earth? But no matter what - it won't make the dead come alive again, my fair lady."
You didn't answer him, trying to keep your thoughts together to prevent a mental breakdown - when you suddenly felt his hand on your cheek, his thumb wiping away some tears. "Oh...minds are so easily broken. You know my habit of talking more than good for me.”
Like this, he embraced you tightly as he whispered “We’re very much alike. I think I’m possibly the only one who can understand all the pain and loneliness you felt. Even though I coped with it quite the exact opposite way of your kind one.”
What is this contradictory behaviour? Was it to mock you? To torture you any further? You freed yourself from his hug, just to start speaking to your heart’s content.  "Oh, you like to hurt people's feelings, huh? Well, that's a game for two!"
Instead of casting the same magic on him, you simply told him what you thought about him. "You're...pathetic. Not feeling worthy of being loved until you've proven yourself, with that twisted logic of yours. You just turn everyone's words around so they fit your depressing view on your existence. So it's easier for you to be doing this."
You wanted to stop, but just couldn't. "That's also the reason you trust no one, and mark everyone's affection towards you as pity or mocking. Just a bitter man who doesn't know how to belong. Who thinks that power will fill the emptiness in his heart."
Your words didn't leave him unaffected, but he would never admit that. He already turned his back to you long ago, so you couldn’t see the change in his expression. "And there you are mistaken, little witch. I have abandoned such sentiments a long time ago. Unnecessary attachments will leave you vulnerable. And that's the difference between us. For you are a human, and I am a god."
"I...hate you" Those words of you made it feel like his hear got pierced by a burning blade.
"...Not that it matters. As if I'd care what a lowy creature thinks of me." He looked down to his chest, playing with the necklace you once gifted him. "I acquiesced your presence long enough" he said, grabbing your arm so tightly that it hurt. “If you don’t obey me, I’ll have to get rid of you.”
“Do as you please” you said, feeling as if death was the easiest option right now.
“But you know what? I have to admit, I was quite engaged in teaching you well back then. This shouldn’t go to waste. Human mages are quite rare, so I’ll contemplate to keep you as a trophy.” 
No answer, you didn’t even do so much as looking at him.
"Do you think you're above me?" he yells with a furious tone, but it left you unimpressed.
"I've never thought that. But if you don’t believe me, why don’t you turn me into one of those zombies?”
“And where would be the fun in that?” he scoffed loudly, saying “Give me a week to slowly break your mind. As I saw before, it’ll be quite the easy task. I’ll get a wonderful pet as a result.”
"Are you talking to me, really, or are you trying to convince yourself? Who are you so angry at? Why do you feel the need to act so high and mighty? I’ve always admired who you were, not for your status. But you sure are a monster - not because of your heritage but because of the things you’ve done and still want to do. I'm right here, completely at your mercy. Just finally kill me, would you?"
"Never, you imbecile girl! You want the truth?! I decided I wanted you to be mine a long time ago! So if I can’t love you, I’ll at least possess you! You may rot here, knowing that I'll slaughter your whole kind!"
Those were his last words before his servants threw you in a locked room without any windows or a trace at where you are. His magic was way stronger than yours, so there was no escaping it either way.
So this is how things are supposed to be? Is this even a ‘soulmate’, just because you belong to him now? It was never a doubt that it would be easy. Human mages live up to several hundred years, yet he’d still outlive you. You thought about it several times before - but right now you wished this was your only concern.
You curled up on the ground, your knees hitting your chest as you whispered to yourself.
“They’ll come for me. My friends will come, I am sure of it.”
[Part 8]
Don’t be afraid of criticism! Feedback is always appreciated, and I won’t ever get mad at you for suggesting stuff that makes it more comfortable to read for you guys!
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iamtaekooked · 6 years
Chasing Jeon || jjk || 2
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You are the definition of a good girl. You obey your strict parents, get good grades, say your grace, and keep your head down. He’s got a don’t-give-a-damn-attitude, he cant talk straight, he is intimidating, and a man of few words. What happens when a sudden meeting at a club leads to a string of events that causes you both to be tangled up? Who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst ft a tsundere! jungkook (just a tiny bit)
Word count : 4.1k
A/N: The end turned out more angsty than I wanted it to but oh well. Also this is one more of a filler but I still hops its good enough :) Enjoy!! As always thank you for taking the time to read it!
Part: 1 || 2 || 3 || 
@infi-nit-y tagging you cuz you asked hun!!
The next day you woke up, not having caught a wink of sleep. A certain brown haired boy visited your dreams, his piercing gaze making you wake up breathless. Your thoughts were rampant with the events of last night and you couldn’t get him out of your head. Every time you closed your eyes you could see his intense dark eyes, staring at you. It was decided that sleep would have to wait for a while.
Your friends filtered into the living room, one by one, groaning and holding their heads in their hands. You didn’t really notice them because your mind was racing with thoughts and images of its own.
“So y/n, did you get laid yesterday?” You heard Taehyung’s voice from across you and looked at him blankly
“Shut up Tae” you frowned at him and placed your head in your hands, groaning at the frustration of not being able to forget him. He did say he lived in the building so you could always go see him but that would be completely pathetic.
“We were drunk,  so why do you look like you are hungover” Lucas ruffled your hair as he sat down next to you. You gave him the stink eye before smoothing your hair.
“What happened to that hot guy?” Sora jumped in as well and you rolled your eyes at her in annoyance. She shouldn’t be asking that.  
You looked at all your friends in annoyance. “Any other burning questions?”
Your eyes settled on Hyeri who shrugged “They asked all the important ones”
“Sorry but how did you get your clothes?” Sora asked you finally and you felt proud of her for getting to the point.
“Well I was helped by that g-” you stopped in the midst because your phone rang. It was your mom.
“Hey mom” you answered the phone while gesturing your friends to keep silent.
“Where are you honey?” She asked and you let her know that you were leaving Sora’s house.
She hung up asking you to be careful on your way.
“I gotta go guys. I’ll see you later” you quickly gathered your belongings, making sure to wear the clothes you had packed so your parents wouldn’t ask.
Taehyung was kind enough to drop you close to your house and you walked the rest of the way because you didn’t want to explain why Taehyung was with you, even though your parents knew he was your friend.
You were getting ready to take a nap, during the beautiful late Saturday morning since you couldn’t sleep much at Taehyung’s place; when your phone started ringing. Groaning you picked it up and saw it was Sora.
“Hel-” you were cut off by her frantic voice.
“Big problem. The hot guy that lives in Tae’s building is in trouble and some cops are here questioning him. Hurry up” she spoke frantically and your heart dropped.
“I can’t. Mom’s going to ask a million questions” you sighed in frustration.
“Tell her I wanna hang out with you, or make something up and hurry up and get ready” you got off your bed in hurry and in the process stubbed your toe. But there was no time to worry about pain because Jeongguk was going to end up in jail if you didn’t  do anything. You took a quick look in mirror at your disheveled state, and smoothed your hair with your hands. But there was no time to fix your appearance either.
You ran downstairs. Stopping breathless in the kitchen you looked at your mom. “I am going to Sora’s. We missed something for the report. I need to go fix it” you lied smoothly and that was the first time in your life you didn’t stutter or give away your nervousness.
I am sorry mom I am lying to you. Its Jeon’s fault.
“Okay honey. Be careful” she smiled at you and you sighed in relief.
You didn’t wait around and immediately ran off to the front door. Your mom called out after you. “At least wear proper clothes” you heard her yell as you were putting on your shoes, but they refused to cooperate.
“No time mom. “I’ll be back. Love you” you yelled back, flung open the front door and started running towards the bus stop.
You phone rang again. It was Sora.
“Hurry the hell up woman” she whisper yelled at you.
“Coming” you said breathless, feeling the burn in your chest.
“Hyeri is waiting near the bus stop” Sora said
“You couldn’t have said that before?” the annoyance in your voice was evident.
“Just hurry”’
“Yeah okay” you hung up as soon as Hyeri came in sight. She was driving Taehyung’s car.
You got in and slammed the door and encouraged her to go as fast as she could.
“Wow. Look at you in love” she chuckled as she sped up and the neighbourhood zoomed by in a flash.
“Shut up and drive” you scolded her, being unable to make yourself comfortable.
“I told you officer I didn’t steal anything or break in” as soon as you reached the floor you heard Jeongguk say.
“He’s right!” You yelled and everyone turned back to look at you.
Relief flooded Sora’s face. Immediately you walked towards Jeongguk a and took a defensive stance in front of him.
The officer let go of his arm as his eyes fell on you.
“Who are you?” He questioned as looked back and forth between you and Jeongguk.
“I am his…” you turned to look up at Jeongguk “his… friend” you finished with a small but worried smile on your face. Jeongguk’ stoic expression seemed to soften for a split second as he gaped at you.
“And how do you know he’s saying the truth?” You turned around to face the policeman, who looked at you suspiciously
“Because….” your eyes darted around as you tried to think of an excuse. “Because…. it was me!”
“What? The hell are you talking about?” Taehyung was by your side in a second as he was looking at you expectantly
“Tae please” you looked him firm in the eyes and he backed away.
“I am telling the truth officer “ you turned towards him. “It wasn’t Jeon, it was me. He wasn’t even there”
“But the neighbours reported it was a male” the officer countered
“It was late at night officer. They were mistaken about it” you looked at him in the earnest hoping he would believe you.
At this point it was the adrenaline rush, completely clouding any logic and reason. Even your friends were standing by the sidelines ogling at you as if you had completely lost your head. Given what you were doing, it was a likely possibility because the person they knew, and the person you knew yourself to be would have never done something like this. Not willingly at least. Your brain was screaming at you to come back to your senses, it was sending you reminders of your parents, yet your mouth absolutely refused to obey.
The whole thing was crazy because here you were- the absolute good girl who didn’t even know ‘J’ of jail-  heading straight there. All for a strange boy she doesn’t even know. You must have actually been out of your mind.
Jeongguk grabbed you by the elbow and gritted his words through clenched teeth “What are you doing?”
“Saving you and me” you said through clenched teeth as well and for a moment Jeongguk’s neutral expression faltered to be replaced by surprise.
Returning your attention back to the police officer, you looked at him in all seriousness.
“Fine. We’ll take you to the police station and whatever you have to say, say it there” he turned around and you followed him, Jeongguk’s hold on your arm loosening as he let you go.
“Y/N” you heard the shouts of your friends behind you. But the only voice you didn’t hear was his.
You sat in front of the police officer fidgeting with your hands as he eyed you in suspicion. He hadn’t said a word since he brought you in, which only served to make the anxiety worse. But the one rule you had around cops was to keep it shut until you were asked something. Although they were cops, and they were trustworthy, they could be pretty dangerous too. So you waited for him to say something.
“It wasn’t you was it?” he finally spoke and leaned in towards you, hands folding atop the table.
Just look at him and say it. Look at him and say it idiot
“No… it was me”  but you couldn’t look him the eye as you lied.
“Why did you save him?” he changed the question completely since clearly he didn’t believe your lie.
This is why you never get yourself involved in stuff like this.
“If I tell you the truth will you let me go?” You look at him pleadingly because if your parents ever find out you will be dead.
“Depends on what you tell me” he said shortly
“Okay so, last night we went a club. We are all of age by the way” you added in quickly just in case “The problem was I had to lie to my parents so I told them I was at my friends house because they wouldn’t agree.My clothes were at her house and her parents weren’t home. But I absolutely needed my clothes otherwise my parents would have been suspicious” you explained the entire story to him as he listened to you carefully while typing on his laptop.
“So, I got a taxi went to my friend’s house,  sneaked into her bedroom and thats when the neighbours must have seen me” you sighed as you finished. You weren’t even sure why you were so adamant on keeping the blame on yourself even though he clearly knew you were lying.
The officer studied you for a while and when you didn’t break eye contact he sighed. “Okay fine. I am letting you and him go since there are no prior criminal records for either of you. But next time don’t lie to your parents and don’t lie to the police”
You eyes widened at him. Well at least despite knowing the truth, he was letting you both go. So you nodded in understanding. “Thank you and I will make sure this doesn’t happen again”
“Kids” he shook his head as he left the interrogation room
After the state appointed lawyer had filled out paperwork on your behalf you were let go. You ventured outside, the harsh sunlight blinding you. You looked around the parking lot to see if any of your friends were present but they weren’t. You were disappointed because at this point you were a little scared and overwhelmed. But beneath it all another weird feeling- thrill, maybe excitement - was hiding.
You were about to go inside to make a phone call to Taehyung when you heard a whistle. 
Turning around you found Jeongguk standing there, twirling his motorcycle keys on his finger ; and a helmet held in the other hand.  Your heart sank because he looked kind of angry with eyes narrowed at you. You weren’t too sure what to say to him because as usual words became stuck in your throat in front of him.
“Here” he chucked the helmet your way and you barely just caught it. You looked at him puzzled but he didn’t even wait for your response and simply walked back the way he came from.
You timidly followed after him and saw him getting on his motorcycle. He started it up, looked back over his shoulder at you and waited until you got on. You put on the helmet, putting the visor up, and gripped onto his shoulders, because frankly it was much less intimate than grabbing him by the waist. Plus, his shoulders were wide so it felt more stable. But you could literally feel the muscles of his shoulder peeking from beneath his white shirt. A small blush crept up to your cheeks at the thought.
As usual the bike jolted forwards and your butt slid down the seat.
You looked at the side of his face, and you couldn’t believe that you went to jail for this boy. To jail- to the freaking jail. It is the most reckless, crazy, stupid thing you have done in your entire life. If that didn’t make you crazy then you don’t know what did.
Suddenly you could feel the laughter itching to get out. You could feel your throat tickling and finally you gave in. Jeongguk’s attention focused back to you momentarily as he looked over his shoulder at you. Your eyes were tearing up and you really couldn’t stop.
“What!?” he questioned in an irritated voice
“This- this is the most reckless thing I’ve ever done” you faltered at the end because of laughing so hard.
“That was stupid” he said curtly, no expression in his voice whatsoever
“W-what?” your laughter began to die down and you looked at the boy in confusion.
You felt his shoulders rise up against your hands as he sighed. Then he fell silent as he passed through streets, in between cars, in process crossing some red lights as well. Your eyes remained glued to the side of his face as you wondered just what was going on in his head. A normal person would have thanked you. But not him. The apartment complex came in sight, and you breathed a sigh of relief because you could feel the tension emanating from him.
He came to an abrupt stop, swung a leg over the seat and got off. You took off the helmet and gave it back to him. He looked at you for a moment before taking it from your hands.
“What are you?” he narrowed his eyes at you in question.
You didn’t really know what he meant but a reply was due. “Uhh- a- a person. A— a human being?” you sounded uncertain and shrugged your shoulders meekly.
He scoffed before he bit his lip and shook his head at you.
Whatever Jeongguk was going to say had to wait because behind you, your friends came running out.
Taehyung was the first one to arrive. “What the fuck dude?” he suddenly engulfed you in a hug and you briefly glanced at Jeongguk who immediately looked sideways.
“I am okay Taehyung” you patted his back gently to calm him down.
He let you go. “Did they hurt you anywhere?” He surveyed your body in concern, and your gaze shifted to Jeongguk. His eyes were glued to Taehyung’s hands on your shoulder, and he didn’t look too pleased about with the way he glared daggers at Taehyung. If looks could kill he would be dead right now. But you quickly diverted your attention to Tae before he could catch you ogling at him.
“No. They were really nice to me” you smiled at him, but the frown on his face didn’t let up.
“Oh come on, you of all people should be proud. Weren’t you always the one who told me to take risks?” you looked up at him expectantly, hoping he would smile
“Yeah. I said risks. Going to jail isn’t a risk. Its fucking stupid” he sighed, shaking his head, dropping hands to his side.
“Yo, thats my girl!” Lucas put you in a headlock and ruffled your hair.
“Hey!” You pushed him off with much effort, but he just chuckled at you.
You hugged Sora and Hyeri and you busied yourself in telling them the whole story.
“- so I had to go to your house-” you stopped mid-sentence as you watched Taehyung turn his attention to Jeongguk. The two girls followed your lead and now everyone was watching them, with curiosity and anticipation.
“Thanks. For picking her up” Taehyung extended his hand towards him, while you looked at Sora and Hyeri in confusion. They only nodded and mouthed ‘later’.
Jeongguk looked at Taehyung, and then back at his hand. He nodded but didn’t shake it , and Taehyung retracted it back, hesitantly.
Then he focused his attention back to you. “Lets get you inside” he threw his arm around your shoulder, as your friends crowded around while asking you questions. But you weren’t paying attention to them at all.
You looked back at Jeongguk and found him staring at you. With a parting glance, and feelings of butterflies tickling your stomach you turned back around, smiling at all your friends as you walked away from him.
“So why was Tae thanking Jeon?” you looked at Hyeri and Sora.
“Oh so his name is Jeon” Hyeri wiggled her eyebrows at you teasingly. Sora nudged her
“Back to the point” you tried to draw their focus back to your question because you were practically dying of curiosity.
“Okay. So after you went with the police we were all deciding what to do” Sora began
“Then this guy said he’ll go pick you up. Taehyung didn’t want him to because you don’t even know him well. But he just glared at Taehyung until he gave in” Hyeri completed and Sora nodded, confirming her story.
You looked at them in question and in return you were met with a blank look. “Thats it?” you shrugged your shoulders.
You were honestly expecting more, but knowing him that was the only reaction he was ever going to give. You were definitely not impressed but it was Jeongguk.
“We’re home!” You heard Lucas’ voice and all three of you left the confines of Taehyung’s guest bedroom to go out to the living area where everyone was gathered.
“Yay its food!” Sora exclaimed enthusiastically and you shook your head at her.
“Here is your favourite ice cream” Taehyung entered and threw the plastic bag on the coffee table while going to his room. It put a smile on your face but it immediately faltered when Jeongguk appeared from behind him.
“Have a seat!” Hyeri jogged up to him, placing her hand on his elbow and dragging him towards the couches.
He looked less than impressed but even if he was annoyed he didn’t voice it. You cringed thinking of how he would have reacted. It would definitely have been embarrassing for Hyeri but second hand embarrassment would have been brutal for you too.
You immediately hurried to Hyeri pulling her aside.
“Why is he here?” you asked with some urgency
“I invited him. What else?” She shrugged as if that was enough explanation.
Why did she have to invite him?
He lazily flopped on the couch, and surveyed the place before his eyes shifted towards you. Even though it was your friend’s place you suddenly felt out of place. He relaxed against the back, sprawling his arms at the back and crossing one ankle over the knee as he just stared at you with his deep brown eyes. He looked so powerful and commanding sitting in that posture, it made you want to run away to calm your racing heart.
You gulped because his stare was sending shivers down your spine. It wasn’t mean, or cold in any way. In fact it was more curious, almost as if he wanted to say something.
“Its yours” Taehyung handed you the remote because it was decided a movie night would be best to let go of all the tension from the day’s events.
You scrolled through the selection of movies and settled on Frozen. The moment you selected it there were complaints, whines and cries of protest around you. You chuckled seeing the expressions on your friend’s faces.
“What? Its a good movie. It has good songs too” you made yourself comfortable, while purposely avoiding their gazed. But still you could sense their eyes on you.
“What are you, a kid?” Lucas whined as he threw a pillow at you in frustration, but Jeongguk’s hand came out of nowhere and caught it before it hit you. He chucked it back at Lucas whose eyes had widened the size of saucers. You pursed your lips to hold back your smile as you watched him look at Jeongguk in shock. He scoffed in disbelief, leaning back into the sofa and eyeing you two.
Jeongguk settled back down next to you relaxing into the back of the couch, neck lying against the back, and legs spread wide. His knee was almost touching yours, the material of his jeans grazing the skin. You stiffened immediately, and he seemed to notice the change in your posture because he looked at you.
But luckily the movie started just then saving you from the questioning stare he was about to give you. You glanced at him from the corner of your eyes. He raised an eyebrow and slowly turned to look at you because he could sense your eyes on him. But you cleared your throat and quickly focused back on the tv. Yet you could feel his eyes burning holes at the side of your face.
“Y/n picked it” Hyeri commented, looking at Jeongguk.
He looked at you with the same neutral expression and you couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.
Does he think I am childish? 
No you know what? Who cares what he thinks
Suddenly his arm came to rest behind you on the top of the couch, slightly touching your shoulder. You flinched, which he noticed but still his arm stayed in place. Shivers travelled in waves down your spine even at the slight touch.
Get yourself together
You awkwardly cleared your throat and tried your hardest to focus back on the movie, but the sensation of his fingers grazing your shoulder, his knee bumping against yours wouldn’t let you.
You saw him shiver slightly because of the AC. You reached beside you over to the other couch where Taehyung was laying down and picked up a blanket. You looked at Jeongguk from the corner of your eyes and saw he was immersed in the movie. So you took his distraction as an opportunity and spread the blanket on his legs. He looked down at his lap and then back at you and you shrugged, returning your focus back to the tv.
A moment later you felt something hit your lap. Looking down you found the blanket had been spread over your legs as well. You traced it from your lap to Jeongguk’s, eyes widening.
Oh god we’re sharing a blanket.
By the time the movie ended it was already 6 pm. Your eyes widened as you saw a few calls from your mom. There were texts too so you decided to check the messages first.
Honey, we have to go to your grandma’s house tonight. She’s not feeling well. We’ll be home in a few days because your dad doesn’t want to leave her by herself. Good luck for your project.
You sighed in relief.
I hope grandma is okay. Let me know how everything goes. We are all at Taehyung’s place right now. I forgot to let you know. I am sorry. Don’t worry I am safe. We’re just hanging out.
You typed a quick reply and told her the truth. Well half truth but it was better than a full lie. You hated having to lie to your parents, you hated doing it but they made it so that you had to. They were nice, but they were strict too. But no matter what you still felt guilty about lying and sneaking around without their permission.
Your eyes immediately flickered to Jeongguk who had fallen asleep during the movie. A small smile made its way onto your lips as the tv cast shadows on his face. He looked content and peaceful. The complete opposite of hostile which is what he looks his when he is conscious. After all, all he does is glare at you.
Your phone chimed with another text from your mom.
Okay. Be safe and stay over at Sora’s till we get back . Tell her parents we said thank you.
Okay. Take care of grandma
You couldn’t believe you had lied with such precision to your mom.
“Where are you lost?” Sora asked as she patted the empty seat next to her on the sofa. 
You got off the couch as slowly as possible so as not to wake up Jeongguk.
Taking a seat next to her you laid your head on her shoulder.
“I lied to my mom. She believed it and I feel bad” you sighed heavily
“I know sweetie. But everyone lies in their life. All for different reasons but one lie doesn’t make you a bad person” she patted your head gently.
You looked at Jeongguk, sleeping soundly on the couch with no idea of what he was doing to you. He had no idea he was changing you and whether that was a good thing or a bad thing you couldn’t tell.
He was definitely dangerous
                                                   End Pt. 2        
A/N: What did you guys think of this chapter???? What should the OC do? See Jeongguk not see him because she is clearly conflicted! Be sure to let me know your thoughts either through comments or leave me an ask, or shoot me a message! 
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rounse-error · 6 years
[Mystic Messenger © Cheritz
Cinderella/Cendrillon © Charles Perrault
Story © rounse-error]
Please do not plagiarize my work! 
Plot: “Take away the magic and whatnot. How would a fairytale turn out to be?” 
AU: Cinderella Universe
Genres: Romance, Fluff, Comedy 
Pairing: Jihyun Kim (V) X MC
For @jihyunmcweek; Day 5: Fairy Tale 
Author’s Note: I originally wanted to write a one-shot but inspiration overtook me so yeah, here you go...a mini series for the event. After this, I’ll be sure to work on my 2nd batch request. 
Side note: My writing style - for this series - will change depending on the perspective of the focused character.
Part 1: Crown Princess MC
“As future queen, your main priority is to rule and lead our people in the right direction. However, as you are my precious daughter, I pray that you choose the right one.”
“Of course. I shall not fail you, father.”
The capital city of the Han Kingdom buzzed with life and wonder. The streets were crowded with citizens as usual and went on with their daily routines. Numerous shops were open and its store keepers advertised their goods to the public with booming and lively voices. Children ran around and played around to their hearts’ content.
But unbeknownst to the citizens, the crown princess stood amongst them. Disguised in a simple attire, MC strolled around the ever-busy streets with ease and by her side was her faithful maid and friend, Jaehee who kept an eye on her.
“Shouldn’t we do our main objective by now, Mi-…MC?”
“Oh, Jaehee! We have until sundown to accomplish it! Why don’t we entertain ourselves with the common pleasantries first, hm?”
“No, MC. Our objective must be our priority or else, the Ki-…your father will be disappointed.”
MC huffed out her annoyance of Jaehee’s constant nagging and placed her palms on her hips. With a pout, she stated, “Jaehee…but father dearie also did say that I can enjoy eating common foods called food in a stick, watch puppet shows, and other fun things!”
“Fine. You may do whatever you want for two hours only…”
“Thanks, Jaehee!”
And thus, her venture began.
Amazed and curious about the commoners and their simple world, MC subconsciously slipped away from Jaehee’s watchful eyes and failed to anticipate a nervous lad – who was burdened with carrying a file – running into her direction. Her eyes focused in a certain painting until they both collided against each other in a forceful impact. Due to her small structure, she fell flat on the cemented ground and soiled her dress in the process.
MC was rather surprised by a hand held out to her yet pushed the feelings of embarrassment aside and took the stranger’s hand. Although it was brief, MC noticed how calloused and larger the stranger’s hand was as well as the faint colorful smudges in the ends of their fingers.
Those smudges…they’re dried paint, aren’t they?
“I-I’m so sorry, Miss! I wasn’t looking where I was going!”
MC was taken aback by the harmonious and refined voice of a handsome stranger. She felt being lulled to sleep as he continued to utter words of apologies. Despite her nearly spacing out, a stern and queenly part of her willed herself back to reality. She forced herself to focus at the mint-haired beauty before her without letting herself slip away.
“It is fine. No harm was done to me,” she stated to end the awkwardness between them.
With her reply, he blinked away all the stress and anxiety away and she felt herself being captivated by staring deep into a pair of beautiful turquoise orbs. Those eyes held serenity and kindness yet underneath them was a pair of virtuoso eyes that saw the world much deeper compared to her imaginative and childish view.
For this man to be so perfect, he must have been an angel in disguise or maybe, this was just her imagination talking…
“-ss? Hello, Miss? Are you alright?”
“I-I’m fine. The heat is just getting to me,” MC reasoned while faking in rubbing her nonexistent sweat away with one forearm.
Great job, MC. You managed to make a fool of yourself. Of course, no one would buy your excuse-
“Well, the heat is certainly extreme around this time of the month,” he said with a nervous chuckle. He felt the urge to copy the same action as MC but resisted due to the confidential file in his grasp.  
He’s either playing along or didn’t notice it at all…
As MC opted to looking at anywhere but him, the file in his possession caught her interest. The stranger paled as MC attempted to squint her eyes to get a better look on his father’s file. “Um, Miss?”
“What’s that you’re holding?”
“Well, this file consists of financial statements of my father’s business...”
“Ah. Could it be that your father is a businessman?”
“A merchant to be extact…”
“Interesting,” MC stated with eyes brightening up in curiosity. Perhaps, he could be of help with her request.
“It sure is.”
“If you’re a merchant’s son…then, can I ask you a question about a certain product?”
“I’ll do my best to answer it,” he replied, trying not to let his worry get the best of him as MC forgot about her ruined attire and didn’t have the slightest clue about bystanders staring at her disheveled form while gossiping among their peers.  
“I’d really like to ask permission from a painter who made this beautiful painting…if I could buy it,” her hand gestured to a painting that stood out amongst other paintings outside of an art shop as merely a display to which his eyes followed her gesture and they widened in surprise. Then she continued, “…perhaps, you might know him or her?”
“That painting?”
She nodded after he pointed to a painting of the sun that shone over the Han Kingdom, then he fell silent as if pondering over something much more complex than she could think of. She waited in anticipation, hoping that he knew of the mysterious painter called V.
“Fortunately, I know whom you speak of. I’d certainly ask him, but may I inquire as to why you desire to have it?”
“Well…you see, I-…I mean, the crown princess is secretly fond of V’s art works. I promised to purchase one for her if it’s possible,” she hoped that her reason was convincing enough not to draw suspicion from him, and to her relief, he nodded without question.
“Oh, I see. He would definitely be delighted to hear such a praise.”
“Thank you very much. Well-“
Their conversation came to an end as they saw Jaehee frantically calling out to MC. All color was drained from MC’s face, fully knowing that she’d prepare for the worst to come once she’s been found. “I should get going. See you around!”
He waved at her in response before turning his back and his figure slowly faded from her line of sight. She smiled dreamily before a pair of hands grabbed her shoulders to turn her back and she came to face with a furious Jaehee.
“You gave me such a fright! Your father would have my head if I truly lost you!” Jaehee’s grip on her tightened yet MC knew that Jaehee was also careful enough not to bruise her so MC made no effort to peel herself away from her frightening grip and sheepishly grinned instead.  
“Sorry. I got distracted and left you behind…I didn’t expect the capital to be this fun!”
“I’d have to report your unruly behavior-“
“Let’s leave that for later! Jaehee, I found the one for my upcoming ball!”
Never had she seen Jaehee look so relieved in her entire life. Could it be she’d given her poor friend enough trouble for these past few weeks? Feeling her shoulders being free from Jaehee, the numbing ache began acting up. MC let them keep hurting, fully aware that she deserved it for giving Jaehee a new set of wrinkles in her forehead.
“That is great news. So, what do you plan next?”
MC tapped on her hip, trying to remember her next move while Jaehee prayed that it didn’t involve trespassing someone’s premises and whatnot.
MC grinned in triumph as she held a piece of intel about her chosen partner. Putting it inside her gown pocket, she knew that there was no point in staying here – Merchant Kim’s premises – any further. MC checked for unwanted presences within her line of vision before leaping out of an open window and landed perfectly on the moist grassy land.
Not far from where she stood was Jaehee hidden inside the bushes and MC could faintly hear her mantras of apologies in breaking the law and indulging the wishes of her mischievous princess.
“Jaehee, I’m over here…”
Upon hearing her princess, Jaehee crawled out of her hiding spot and heaved out a sigh, feeling relieved that MC managed to sneak in someone’s premises – that was packed with busy workers – undetected.
“We’re done here, now it’s time to flee,” she said as she grabbed for Jaehee’s hand and they fled the premises sneakily, managing to be out of the workers’ sight by hiding behind every tree and every bush.
Now, they sat on a bench in a local parker and basked themselves under the light of sundown. They took a quick breather before MC handed Jaehee the piece of paper, Jaehee’s brows narrowed in confusion as she read the details.
“But what you wrote is someone’s measurement for the trousers, the top-…wait, what am I supposed to do with this?”
“You’ll be shopping for a bit,” MC answered, still enjoying her roasted corn in a stick. Then she proceeded, “and then…you’ll be playing Fairy Godmother for this person if it’s alright.”
An amateur drawing of a min-haired man was in Jaehee’s grasp. Her blank expression offered no guarantee of her request being fulfilled. MC secretly hoped she’d be willing to accept it…
“To think that Crown Prince from Choi Kingdom influenced you this much, I’d have to report this to your father as well…”
“But Saeyoung is my new friend who turned out not be a snob or an arrogant idiot! And please Jaehee, this will be my last request!”
“Well, I-“
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Word count: 1758 words. Prompt: Corn Maze -- Steve x Reader Warning(s): Curse words. Some haunted-elements in there. Fluff (or atleast my attempt on it). Suggestive themes?? Protective Steve?? idk A/N: Hopefully you like the description I used here. I’ve never gone to a corn maze (let alone a haunted one) so I hope I did this justice. Written for @promarvelfangirl and her writing challenge. Thank you so much for letting me participate! And congratulations on your 2k!
‘Tis the season to be scared out of your wits.
You suppressed a groan as you eyed your surroundings, the darkness was not helping you find your way out of the maze you were currently in. The field had already puffed out an obscene amount of heavy fog moments before, obscuring your feet and the ground beneath it (as if you needed more obstacles to prevent you from actually finding your way out).
I should have not done this you thought to yourself, cursing a certain friend in particular.
James. Fucking. Barnes.
“Not scared are you, (y/l/n)?” he asks, that smirk ever so present on his stupid face when he sees you hesitating. You turn to face him, crossing your arms against your chest. “Do I look like a coward?” you retort.
Spending the rest of the day out was not part of the plan. In fact, none of you were supposed to get out of the confines of the library, heads between pages of books and notes instead of peeking through the tall stalks of corn. Sure it was stressful and (definitely) uneventful, but it was far better than being separated from your friends after a nasty encounter with a ghoul who was adamant to eat you instead of the rest of your friends.
Even though you would never admit this aloud but now that you were alone in the dark with actors and actresses dressed in disturbingly realistic costumes, you were terrified. Panic had slowly crept its way to you as you realized that you hadn’t memorized the map of the maze before crawling into it because why should you? You’d seen Steve look over it as you talked with Wanda and Clint, believing you were going to be with them the whole time.
You walked cautiously, left hand brushing the stalks with the hope that you could find your way out. It was far too quiet for your liking, the only sound accompanying your footsteps were the hissings of crickets and the loud thumping of your heart in your ear. It was deeply unsettling, reminding you just how alone you were that even the shuffling of your fingers against the harsh stalks made the hairs on your neck stand.
A rustling noise made you stop dead in your tracks. Straight ahead you could see something moving in the dark, followed by a soft rumbling of a tractor. You let out a sigh of relief. Maybe it was help? They did say there’s people in the maze who’ll help you should you get lost you thought to yourself as you inched closer to the source.
But it was far from help.
When a terrifying blood-curdling scream ripped the quiet air around Steve, he knew immediately who it was.
“That’s most definitely (y/n)” Wanda said, looking up at Steve with trepidation.
“We have got to find her soon” Natasha piped in, huddling with them both. “How we even got into this mess is beyond me” she continued, eyebrows furrowed.
“She can’t be that far away from us if we can hear her” Steve says reassuringly, looking up ahead and straight, as if calculating. “I think if we follow the curve and walk right ahead, there’s gonna be an intersection” he explains before turning his attention to the back. “Where’s the rest?” he asks, looking at an empty space instead of finding his friends where they should be.
Natasha rolled her eyes with clear annoyance. “Bucky being Bucky. The others should be here soon” she recounts before trudging her way, leading the three of them in the narrow pathway, mumbling to herself in the process (no doubt spitting curses to a certain someone).
As predicted, Steve was right. Standing in front two pathways was Steve, Wanda and Natasha. The others joined moments later, coming out of the corner with dirt and hay staining his jacket was Bucky, followed by Sam, Clint and Pietro.
“I’ve never seen Pietro run that fast in his life” Clint says, a playful smirk on his lips as he eyed the Silver-haired champion runner as he walked over to his sister, his face sulking.
Sam let out a chuckle before saying “He ran straight into the stalks when he heard the scream. Bucky couldn’t stop laughing”
“That scream belonged to (y/n)” Wanda said. “Which is why we gotta find her. If we take the left one, she should be there” Steve explained, his foot already taking a step forward when Bucky moves to walk beside him.
“Gotta save your girl first, right?” he teases. “Shut up” he retorts with a fond smile.
Clutching your chest, your fear churned into complete anger. Standing on a mini tractor, with a machete was none other than the Biggest Jerk you’ve ever had the disgrace to meet; Brock Rumlow.
“Were you trying to kill me?” you shrieked, the anger ebbing away from your shoulders. He simply let out a deep chuckle, placing the machete down before jumping from the tractor, the crunch of his heavy boots booming in the quietness.
“I’m paid to scare people, hun” he replied sickeningly sweet, taking a closer step towards you than necessary. You moved backwards, not liking the way he was looking at you in the dark.
It was a known fact that Rumlow and your friends do not get along. All you knew was that he’d done some cruel things to Bucky when they were in High School, and their rivalry was still present all the way to college. He looked around you before stating “I’m surprised your boyfriend and his lil gang isn’t here”.
The tone he used was mocking, making you hyper-aware of how foreboding the situation seemed. Even without the machete in his hands, the way he was standing looked as if he was a vulture circling its prey. Your brain (unnecessarily) began to spit out grim scenarios after another, recalling the times your International Studies class-mate named Matt have told you the many rumors about Brock, a majority of it involving his ‘nightly activities’ and as you eyed the scars that blemished his skin, you could only imagine how many of them were true.
“You here alone?” he asks with another step forward just as you felt a prickle around your back, indicating that you’ve hit the end. You open your mouth to answer back, only to be cut off.
“She isn’t” Steve declares. Brock slowly moves to face him, giving you the perfect view to see an incensed Steve Rogers; his intense and hostile glare towards Brock was clear to you, his massive figure almost looming over Brock as Steve stands taller than you’ve seen. You’d never witness this side of Steve before, so inimical and cold towards an enemy.
“Was he bothering you, (y/n)?” “We were just having a conversation”
“He wasn’t asking you, Rumlow” Bucky spits heatedly, emerging from Steve as he steps forward to stand in front of Brock. Seeing the opening, you walk over to Steve. At the back of your head you could sense Brock’s eyes following your trail, and with the way Steve was clenching his fist seemed to confirm your suspicion.
Steve was absolutely livid when he saw Brock cornering you, but what ticked him off the most was how he was eyeing you as if you were a treat right in front of him. When he felt your arm delicately wrapped around his waist, he physically relaxed, releasing a sigh he didn’t realize was tightening his chest before easing his arm around your shoulder, his previously jutted chin now lowering so he could focus on you instead.
“Are you okay?” he asks softly, any trace of impassiveness now gone as his eyes look down at you tenderly. You give him a small smile with the hopes it’ll hide your sheer terror of what might’ve happened if they haven’t found you.
“With you? Always” you say cheesily, succeeding in calming him down when you saw his furrowed brows slowly cease to be, the corners of his eyes previously lined with concerned now replaced with a playfulness. He didn’t even have to say it, but you knew exactly what he was thinking.
Apparently so did the others behind you, who were in close proximity enough to hear you say that to him.
“God, you’re just as lame as he is” “It’s no wonder you two go well together”
You could only hide in embarrassment, bringing your free palm over your heated cheeks. In an effort to comfort you, Steve’s thumb ran in circular motion where his hand lay at your shoulder. Even with his simple touch, it provoked you to sneak your body closer to him.
“Can we go back now? My assignments aren’t gonna finish itself” chimed Pietro, nodding his head to the direction they came from. Steve tore his gaze away from you, changing his attention to his best friend now.
Bucky was still standing in front of Brock, back straight and hardened. There was a twinkle of satisfaction in Brock’s eyes, evoking further Bucky’s anger.
“It’s not worth it, Buck” Steve says, trying to put some sense of self-control into Bucky, knowing full well how he is when anger is clouding his judgements. Clenching his jaw but never breaking eye contact with the man he absolutely despises, Bucky slowly retreats, and eventually walks side by side next to you guys.
“You owe me ten, by the way” Bucky says suddenly. You cock a confused eyebrow his way. He merely pointed at Clint before giving a playful smirk.
“Ah, shit” Clint curses, shoving his hand in his jacket before pulling out a crumpled ten-dollar note and handing it over to Bucky’s open palm.
Confused, you look over Steve for an explanation.
“They had a bet” he begins sheepishly, then continues “to see if either one of them could scare you”. Indignantly you shout a “hey!” towards your friends.
“If it helps, Bucky paid that ghoul to scare you!” Clint confesses.
“YOU WHAT?!” you screeched, untangling yourself from the warmth of your boyfriend so you could walk over to Bucky. Now it was your turn to be angry as you repeatedly flail your hands on Bucky’s form, all the while blaspheming words of condemnation.
“Steve! Get your crazy girlfriend off of me!” Bucky begs as you continued.
Steve let out a hearty laugh, before shaking his head. “Can’t help you there” he simply said to his best friend, mentally taking a picture of the moment so he could treasure in the future, content with how this trip ended.
T A G G I N G : | @hellomissmabel @minervaem @buckyywiththegoodhair @rotisserierogers @alphaabucky @captnbarnesrogers @barnes-heaven @heartmade-writingbucky @buchananbarnestrash | 
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kalendraashtar · 8 years
Fanfiction - The Teacher II
I had no choice, really. If you missed it, here is part I.
The Teacher II
Claire hesitated in front of the door, the incrusted bronze plate shining with the letters “Professor Fraser”, beckoning her to dare and knock. She breathed deeply and raised her fist to announce her presence.
“Yes?” A voice answered inside, in a lilt that made her stomach explode in a frenzy of millions of bubbles. She half-opened the door in order to peek inside, realizing that he was accompanied by a student, sitting in front of him in what could only be called “the hot seat”. “Ah, it’s ye Miss Beauchamp.”
“Sorry to disturb you, Professor Fraser.” She said in a respectful tone, watching as her colleague – another Health Management student - looked at her with a cry for help in his brown eyes – slightly hazed from too much weed -, his shoulders slumped in mortal shame. “I have some questions about the essay I still have to write for your class. I was wondering if I could go over them with you, sir.”
James Fraser gave her an uninterested look – which could clearly be interpreted as annoyance with her presence – and finally nodded.
“I’ll be with you presently, Miss Beauchamp.” He said dryly. ”As soon as Mister King here understands that copying a page from Wikipedia is not acceptable as an essay. You do realize I have access to the Internet, Mister King?” His eyebrows were raised above the rim of his black eyeglasses, enhancing his disappointment at his student poorly conducted machinations.
“Yes, Professor Fraser.” The boy furiously nodded, a sinner in repentance, his neck slowly disappearing between his shoulders as he tried to bury himself away, escaping those piercing blue eyes. “I am very sorry, sir.”
“I’m sure ye are.” The teacher gave him a lopsided smile, neatly pilling the sheets of paper crossed out in red ink and pushing them in his direction. “You have until tomorrow to deliver a corrected version of this paper, Mister King. I’ll have to grade it for a maximum “B” after this mischief, but it’s certainly better than the current “D” – from disaster.”
He pursed his lips and waited patiently as the student collected his belongings and made the walk of shame towards the door of his office. Claire could barely contain a smile as her colleague grimaced to her, rolling his eyes in despair, his back turned to the punishing master.
“Come in, Miss Beauchamp.” Professor Fraser urged her and, quickly patting Arthur King’s back in comfort, Claire moved inside the office and closed the door behind her. “How can I help ye?” He asked in a dark tone.
He looked serious and poised, his forearms resting on the mahogany table in front of him. His office was clean and discrete, fairly organized with stacks of paper and folders thoroughly aligned and labelled. He had a shelf filled with books behind him, silently complaining with copious overweight – Claire recognized titles from classic economy books but also lots of poetry and historical tomes. Over the years – both in nursing school and now as medical student –, she had been inside many teacher’s offices. There was a tendency for hoarding and to accumulate trinkets and photographs, as they spent so much time working inside them. However, Jamie’s office spoke of order and contention, only a photograph of himself with a dark haired woman – the same blue slanted eyes smiling to the photographer, betraying their kinship – and a small statue of a leaping stag.
“I was wondering if you could explain me again some concepts.” Claire said in strong voice, locking the door from the inside and slowly moving towards his desk. “I’m not sure I’m truly enlighten about them – in spite of our class yesterday.”
“Do ye now?” Jamie quirked a brow, his voice low and dangerous. “I thought I was fairly clear.” He rose from his chair and came around the desk, nearing her like a graceful predator.
“Some things benefit from repetition.” She licked her lips and, smiling widely, sat on his desk – her floral dress hiking up as she went, exposing her fair legs to his eyes, soft and creamy.
“Christ, Sassenach.” His mask of tight control fell – exposing his raw edges underneath it. He moaned and strode towards her in a heartbeat, placing himself between her parted thighs, his mouth punishing hers for the teasing, his hands grasping her curly hair. “I just had ye yesterday, but I want ye so much it hurts already.”
“I want you too.” She panted, as he touched her breast with his strong palm, her nipple already painfully aware of his proximity. “I couldn’t help myself – I had to come. I had to see you, to feel you.”
“When I saw ye standing at my door, I almost lost it.” He groaned, his hands brushing the soft skin inside her thighs, as he kissed and suckled her neck. “And ye – wearing this dress, ye wicked little vixen. I thought I’d throw ye into my desk and take ye, there and then, right in front of Mister King.”
“You’re a very good actor.” She laughed, her hands fumbling with the zipper of his pants. “I could swear you didn’t even like me – least of all wanted to shag me in your office.” Claire yelped as he kneeled in front of her and bit the sensitive skin, moist and heated from his attentions.
“This is madness.” He nuzzled her, his hands gripping her arse to bring her closer to him. “If we behave like uncontrolled teenagers someone will find out. We need to stop seeing each other here.”
A month before they had started seeing each other – meeting for dinner away from campus and taking long walks on secluded parks and on the coastline, where they could hold hands and kiss, languid and carefree. The underlying attraction had been there from the start, they were forced to admit – and their mutual feelings had bloomed into full spring, nurtured by hours of solitude and touches. At first the idea of sneaking around was fun and certainly arousing – but soon enough the burden of pretending indifference had become a permanent struggle and a source of unhappiness.
“You can stop.” Claire suggested teasingly, her lips tasting the hollow of his throat – skilfully undoing the first buttons of his shirt – the pulse of desire emanating from his skin. “I won’t force you, I promise.”
“I canna refuse ye.” He said in a hoarse voice, his accent made more evident by lust and strong emotion, as she struggled to free him from the constraining underwear. “Not today – nor ever, mo ghraidh.”
He played her like a violin – robbing her lips of moans and sobs that echoed in his heart like notes of the purest music, his eyes fixed on the way her beautiful face almost shattered, so close to be undone. Jamie touched her until his own body hurt – a desire so powerful it bordered on excruciating pain -, finally ready to take her. As he adjusted his body to hers, her head lulled back as she surrendered to the eminent joining, a knock on the door sounded – menacing and real, like a sudden tear on active muscle.
Their eyes locked in terror for a moment, their bodies almost fused together, their breathing ragged and superficial.
“Who is it?” Jamie questioned, struggling to compose his voice. He kissed her swollen lips one final – desperate – time and pulled her out of the desk, quickly helping her to adjust her clothes.
“Fraser?” The voice of Professor Raymond came from outside. “I need to discuss with you the program for the summit. May I come in?”
“Mallaichte bas!” Jamie cursed, gritting his teeth. “Just a second!” He shouted through the door, composing his own clothes and brushing his hair with trembling fingers. Like two actors in a comical play, Claire launched herself into the chair, searching for her best concentrated and slightly bored look, as Jamie hurried to adjust the crumpled papers on his desk. When everything seemed to be in natural order, they nodded to each other and Jamie opened the door with a pleasant smile plastered on his lips.
“Ah.” The little man, with silver hair and dark all-knowing eyes, noticed Claire sitting like a student in best possible behaviour. “I hadn’t realize you were busy, James.”
“Miss Beauchamp and I were merely discussing her last paper.” Jamie explained, adjusting his glasses. “She had already started it before she transferred to your class.”
“No doubt.” Professor Raymond smiled, clearly amused. His eyes drifted through the room – in spite of their best efforts, Claire’s lips were clearly swollen and her hair even more unruly than usual. Jamie, although composed, had the look of a man battling a cramp in the belly – his eyes wild and fiery, his smile a bit too tense. “I’m sorry if I interrupted your…work.”
“That’s alright, Professor.” Claire raised from her chair and headed to the door, her neck still flushed. “I think I have everything I need for now. Thank you, Professor Fraser. I’ll be sure to deliver my complete work later.”
Both men stared as she waved and disappeared, closing the door behind her.
“Your fly is open, James.” Raymond warned him in an amiable tone and laughed like a content toad, to Jamie’s utter dismay.
“Have you asked for me, Professor Mackenzie?” Jamie announced himself, standing on the threshold of Colum MacKenzie’s - the dean of faculty - office.
“Ah, James – yes.” Colum’s calculative gaze turned to Jamie, as he invited him to sit with a brief hand gesture. He was silent for a while, studying Jamie’s cordial face, his hands entwined in thoughtfulness. “I asked ye here because a pressing matter has been brought to my attention.” He finally said, leaning back against his leather covered office chair.
“How may I help?” Jamie furrowed his copper brows.
“Ye can stop seeing Claire Beauchamp.” Colum said in a cutting voice, which froze Jamie’s insides – was he fishing for the truth, expecting him to confirm his suspicions; or did someone actually see him with Claire? He was certain Raymond knew after their encounter in his office, but was confident the man wouldn’t tell a soul due to their friendship.
“That is hardly possible.” Jamie smiled, trying to look relaxed and uncompromised. “She attends this school and I am a teacher here.”
“I was wondering if I had to remind ye of that exact fact.” Colum admonished, harshly. “Someone informed me that you have been involved in some kind of affair with the lass. I couldna believe it. That a teacher – my nephew, no less – would be sae foolish and careless.”
“Who told ye that?” Jamie gripped his fist, hidden bellow the desk, barely containing the anger in his voice.
“It doesna matter.” Colum shook his head, his eyes demanding and judgemental. “Will you deny it, Jamie?”
Jamie endured the assault of his eyes, his own stormy and strong. Eventually, he sighed and shrugged.
“No, I won’t deny it. I’m in love with Claire and I’m dating her.” He confessed, tilting his chin in defiance. Colum hissed like a harassed animal and pursed his lips in discontent. “I’m a professor here but she isna my student – we only got involved when she quit my class. Nothing happened before!” Jamie guaranteed, tapping his fingers on his leg.
“I had hope the girl was lying.” Colum brushed his thinning hair. “How could ye be sae stupid? How could ye overlook what screwing the lass would mean to this school?”
“What we have,” Jamie hissed, adamant. “Is much more than screwing, uncle. Claire is the woman I waited for all my life. I won’t forsake her – not even for yer precious reputation.”
“I see.” Colum breathed through his nose, like a resentful cat. His eyes searched Jamie’s, as they battle their unwavering wills. “In that case ye have a decision to make – let go of the lass or yer days of teaching are numbered.” And with a magnanimous nod of the head, he dismissed him. “Professor Fraser.”
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