#i have crisis of faith and optimism
mallas28 · 6 months
Rant post
This was a heavy week. But recent chapter 419 of MHA makes it worse.
I was hyped by 418 chapter, was full of joy and faith in DFO. Then suddenly 419 chapter completely crushed my joy and faith.
I dont want to believe in anything anymore. Not DFO. Nothing. I am just tired make my hopes up.
Because no matter that. It all goes to hell. I am talking not only about DFO here.
I am just tired. This chapter was last drop. I am done. I should left any hope
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jacevelaryonswife · 1 year
I’m hunting you down tonight
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You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with a axe.
∴pairing: Ettore x Fem!reader
∴warning and a note: mature content, mentions of murder, porn, smut, carnal activies, indecency and all the synonyms. By the way, I know Ettore is a piece of shit, but is Ewan Mitchell so… boom, fuck that. English isn’t my first language.
The option of being sent into space was not at all attractive. It was an experimental mission, it didn't take a genius in aerospace engineering or any shit like that to figure that out, after all, why would they choose someone like you for a glorious purpose? The account didn’t close. There was no light at the end of the tunnel, just a dense black hole swallowing your hopes of a minimally decent life every day spent on that ship, although you knew that not a single hair of yours deserved peace or happiness after what you did, especially for never to have regretted the harm you caused. It was innate to your nature. Still, you quickly agreed and submitted to the experiment — or were transferred to another prison — when the proposal arrived. Anything to get out of that disgusting hole where your confinement resided. However, the last few days have been too suffocating with the prospect of the future. There wasn't one on earth and there wouldn't be one on another planet, even if at times your optimism lit with a minimum portion of faith. Only to be trampled by the terrifying reality.
That was worse, everything on that ship was worse. Your thoughts turned violent, yearning for an axe to kill every motherfucker who shared the same air as yours, the memory of the blood in your body too vivid to dissipate. Until one day the air was absent from your lungs and a violent crisis took over your body, leading you to unbridled tears. You hated such vulnerability and fear, maybe even a little regret for your past actions, which was almost pathetic to think about, but if there was anything to be gleaned from it, it was the fact that none of your peers saw the situation, which you were mortally grateful. Maybe the extreme condition finally started to get to you, or maybe you were going crazy. Maybe both, but in a moment of awareness you recognized two options: succumb to madness and be soon murdered by some member of the mission, or fight to stay sane.
You've seen fit to walk the threshold between the two.
Over the next few days you developed a hyper focus on trivial activities to try to fend off some of the inner turmoil. The first victim was the floor, which you spent hours compulsively cleaning — and taking out a good deal of your fury. The final feeling was relaxing, although your arms ached from the aggressive scrubbing of the floor. It worked for a good few days, but the euphoria started to rebuild and you suddenly felt more stressed than ever. That night you almost punched your mate, however it seemed less detrimental to your stay to choose to leave the room and wander the aisle to take your anger out elsewhere. That's where you saw him.
Tall, thin, dark blond hair and a few tattoos along his body. You didn't know his name, you hadn't even paid attention to him before, but now he was all you could see. Him and his toned, deliciously exposed arms, his back to you as he masturbated to the disgusting sight of Dr. Dibs. Maybe that was the biggest proof of how reality could affect people, but you didn't care, especially when a low moan was emitted by him, making your pearl vibrate. That was the first time you wanted him, but not the last. For the next few days your focus was entirely on him, or as you recently found out: Ettore.
He had a reputation for not talking much and almost begging for sex from any pussy he saw. He wasn't nice or nice, but then neither were you. Mostly observant, horny and stupidly hot. The heat between your thighs wasn't common, you didn't used to be a sexual person, but then again, the reality lived before is no more, just a black hole about to drive you crazy. You began to imagine him panting beneath your body, strong hands on your hips as you rode him fiercely. In some daydreams, his image was bloodied after you brutally hit him in the face with heavy metal. A truly interesting dichotomy.
But if there's anything to point out, it was almost funny how he hadn't noticed your insistent, scrutinizing gaze. You were like a mouse: fast, good at hiding and could slip through dark places unnoticed. In fact, you were one of the few prisoners who didn't tend to draw attention, which was a plus point in pulling you away from any existing focus on the ship. And as a result, that night, you had reached the limit. It was time to hunt.
You knew he was out most nights to prowl the ship, especially to watch the girls' room like a fucking pervert. He wore only a pair of black shorts to cover his body, walked slowly down the hall until he saw you, his icy blue irises immediately confronted you as you stood sideways against the wall with an almost soft expression and seductive eyes. It wouldn't be that difficult to lure him, you thought, shifting off the wall and strolling back lazily, swaying your hips and turning for one last conscious look. Message given and understood, as he followed you slowly to the small room where the cleaning materials were kept.
Pausing at the entrance, Ettore peered into the room before closing the door, slowly approaching and placing his hands on your waist. Grasping his chin, you brought him closer for a warning:
“If you cum inside me, I'll rip your cock off with my mouth and burn your balls.”
He tried to lean in more, but you stopped him, waiting for the answer.
“I fucking understood.”
You turned against the door and brought him with you, attacking his lips hungrily. He was quick to reciprocate, holding your body impossibly close as he pressed you to the door. There was no romance or shyness, just an insane need for carnal contact burning through your body. He was quick to grope your breasts through your blouse, cupping, kneading and rolling them both in his palm desperately, pulling away from the kiss to remove the fabric and expose your skin to his needy touch. He seemed mesmerized by the naked part of your hot body, rhythmically touching and squeezing every bit possible. It was no different for you as your hands traced every pattern possible on his defined abdomen, leaning down to plant kisses and licks on his deliciously smooth and smooth chest. Immediately he stopped touching your breasts and pulled down his pants to reveal his semi-hard cock, raising your hands above your head and kissing you hard, grinding his cock just above your pelvis. You let go of one of his hands and cupped his jaw, before threading your fingers into the hair at the back of his neck and making him moan softly.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth and cupped your breast again, massaging and pulling between his fingers, reaching down with his other hand to cup your ass. You sighed into the kiss and bit his lower lip, giving him room to pull away and pull down your pants and panties at the same time, fully exposing your body as he knelt in front of you and held your waist, smelling your inner thighs and warm pussy, licking a long swath before sinking fully into your shell like a starving man. A long, high-pitched moan left your throat, tugging at his hair and pushing your back further against the door. The heat of his tongue along with his sharp nose against your clit was pure bliss, and all you did was spur him on by moaning his name like a horny bitch, bringing him to his feet almost immediately after one last sloppy lick all over your pussy and the kisses and bites down your stomach, lashing and sucking on both your breasts. You turned and braced your hands on the wall, spreading your legs and pushing your ass out so he could thrust his warm cock into your wet folds, pushing your ass further so he was fully inside.
“Fuck,” he moaned before he gripped your ass and waist possessively and began to fuck you deliciously. The rhythm he moved in and out of you was deliciously steady, the smallest of thrusts and touches on your body making you tighten around him. “So fucking good,” he smacked your ass, rushing to cup your breast as he brought your back to his chest. Your head fell back against him, closing your eyes to sink fully into the way his cock fucked your soft walls so well and the obscene sounds of wet flesh slamming together filled the room. The hand that was on your chest latched onto your neck and moved up to your jaw, forcing you to look up at him.
“Give me more, Ettore,” you asked.
And just like that, he let go your face and backed you up against the door to smack you like a dog in heat, gripping your hips to thrust harder every second, making it almost impossible not to moan freely as you'd like. Your hips began to move together, chasing the hot delicious length. When your back straightened, providing a more vertical angle, his cock brushed against your sweet spot and had you clenching and shuddering against his cock, moaning in response. He squeezed your ass again, thrusting deeper and more unrestrained before rubbing his palm against your pussy, spreading your wetness and stimulating your clit in time with his movements, buildin your orgasm in such a rush that white light blinded your vision temporarily as the coil burdt, your body vibrating and squeezing his cock as you milked him.
“Fucking hell,” he pulled out of your pussy quickly and began to jerk off close to your ass, coming in with a throaty moan as he spilled his seed onto your skin.
When your breathing normalized, you stifled a satisfied smile, the chill of the door bringing a nice jolt against your breasts. From your position, Ettore grabbed your ass and pulled you close, kissing and smelling your hair and neck, just to ask:
“When will we see again?”
“fucking” reads “fooking” in Ewan Mitchell accent.
@tssf-imagines @arcielee 👀
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lotusmi · 2 years
my success, my failures
honest post about my current life and thoughts on void 💌
Hi angels, this my most personal post and I don't know why, i felt like posting this. This is going to be an honest long post about my loa journey, void journey and whatever how my life went after I realized I was in control.
At first point I would like to recall: I am not a void state blog, I am not a void "master" (I am not assuming this, In 4d I sure AM!). My blog is more about LOA, the Neville Goddard Law, the Edward Art Law. The simple, beautiful Law that I felt in love with. I like the void state method, I have entered it a few times, I'll be talking on this in a while, first I'll tell my story until here on how I left the worst circumstances...
As I was someone like most of people are, I thought I was not the operant power. I have known the law of attraction for 7 years, and I belived I had to "beg" the "universe" to give me things, I would write letters to the "universe" asking for my desires, then I would try to have "good energy", write down million of affirmations in future tense and then wait in hope to be "deserving" of them.
As time passed by, I yes, had manifested some things with this law of attraction thing, but I never changed my state, my mindset, I did not even knew what was those stuff, I would still let myself imagine bad things happening to me, I felt unwanted, ugly, unlucky, with no freedom. I had also lots of limiting beliefs, had to drink water to subs work, listen to then million times, be deserving, be positive, afirm without saying "no/never" etc.
Things were getting worse, I felt always more unwanted, different, unlucky, inferior, all of that. My life was getting shitty, I would imagine me having fights with my parents, me crying, I would see myself as an victim of the world, and I stopped even trying to have optimism and using law of attraction, i literally gave up. At this point I had lost my faith, so I lived all my days complaining and begging God, universe, deities to "save me". In this phase I suffered like never, I was super depressed, my home was toxic and i mean TOXIC. I was anxious, I wanted to kill myself. I wanted to break free.
So at this point I was in the worst months of my life, I was not allowed to even have friends or use internet for more than 7 months straight. The things they did to me... I am even embarassed to tell about those things. I had to decide on persist or give up. So I said to myself I would do my better to ignore my outer-world and stop letting those things affect me, it was not easy. I would hurt myself and have a lot of anxiety crisis, but I found my peace within, I started living in imagination and seeing in my imagination what I most wanted to have, be. I was being delusional, I did not even knew about all of this LOA thing. I just wanted to escape of my reality.
In less than 2 months everything changed. I was more happier, and I was now allowed to do my things again, talk to friends, have my computer and all of this. I did not knew It was me, I thought it was a miracle.
Life went by, I fell in love, my selfconcept was shit, he dumped me. Still, at that time I did not knew about the law. I did not knew he did that because I assumed. I would imagine that he did not loved me, I would imagine him saying "it is over" at the point I would cry imagining, I felt that real, so I manifested. I was the cause. I did not knew.
After all of this I wanted to love myself and take care of me, I started learning about spiritualy, I learned that I am part of God. That I am God experiencing being human. I walked in love, started healing my trauma, I got a lot of it. In a meditation trying to communicate to my "higher self" I entered the void, blue gray, peaceful, beautiful... So still... I there naturally affirmed "I am calm, happy, love, ethereal". After this day everythin changed and I had no more reasons to be sad, I was healed.
But I was still in love with my ex and I only discovered the law because of it, I searched on how to manifest an ex, yea. It did not worked since of I let old story, circumstances, "false free will" let me down. But I discovered the neville subreddit, then the loatumblr, then the void, WHAT WAS, the void. And got to know I had entered it once, I wanted to do it again. I entered more of 3 times maybe until now, and also got some I AM state experiences. (They not the same to me since i feel emptiness from void and wholenesses from I AM + I AM state is golden and I see myself in other people bodies).
I learned about void with Halokisses, but at that point I thought it was some magical place, months passed by, my void concept got better but I still let circumstances bother me. I was not also doing my best to enter it to be honest. I was manifesting my life to be great even while manifesting entering in the void.
♡ What happened by this last months is that I just realized I love my life now, I love myself, my body, my friends, I have time to me, I have enough money to buy my things, I am free to do a lot of things. I never am bothered by circumstances + senses since I am in control of my states. and this made me feel like I don't even need the void altrough I still am going to enter it again, my void concept is beyond perfect right now that I fully know WHO I AM. At this point I am just so saturated about void that I relaxed about WHEN entering again because I am full convicted that I can do this and that I don't "NEED" it.
What I am trying to say is, circumstances does not matter, and you all don't need the void! You all need yourselves. I also want you to know that I AM not a "void master blog" all of that. I am someone who won the circumstances and manifested things, I am someone in love with Neville that want to help people, I am someone that did some subs for helping other people.
I know how it feels to be in a toxic home, feel ugly, be unwanted, have no friends, no money, be depressed, be anxious. I only told you the last 3 years of my life. I know how the void seems to be the only "way" and all of that. I know how it is like to just have someone to say "I am entering it for you" or wonder "When is my time?", I know how is like to think "you are the only exception" I know the void for about 8 months and I did not gave up. I manifested lots of things even while manifesting entering it. ♡ ALL I did was to change the story I was telling myself, the assumptions I held about me. I understood that 3d reflects 4d and so no matter what, everything is possible.
So please, stop begging me to "enter the void" for you or say "I can't do x so do for me". I am doing ALL I NOW can do to help you, I do posts, I reply asks, I make audios, I assume you all can do it. As soon as I enter the void I am of course affirming for you there. But until now I NEED, no, YOU need to save yourself, because even WITHOUT me, you can do this. YOU ARE THE CREATOR.
You don't have to pass by all that I had passed to realize WHO YOU ARE.
♡ My success story is I myself, I saved me. I am not depressed anymore, I am calm, happy, I am free. I never thought I could love myself this way!
₊and as soon I enter the void again, I will post my success, do more challenges, and I am even thinking of entering for it for you.
I hope this had inspired you and cleared things about me and my blog, I hope we all can help ourselves,
with love, Lotus - because I rised from mud. 💌
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skrimbled · 1 month
In the EPIC fandom i've seen a lot of role swaps, but all the ones i've seen are just [insert character here] with the role and personality of whoever they swapped with. There's nothing wrong with that, but i would lile to propose my own role swap:
(spoilers included for the Thunder Saga, but also it's a retelling of all the events so y'know there will be spoilers lol)
Polites takes Odysseus' role. I don't know if he has a wife or kids to want to see, but i can assume he probably does. Polites is the kind and charismatic leader of the crew, keeping his men alive by knowing when to fight vs when to not.
Odysseus takes Eurylochus' role. He's the second in command for his intelligence and planning. He's the one Polites turns to when planning attacks or actions.
Eurylochus takes Polites' role. He's the foil to Polites. When Polites is getting too into the whole 'open arms' deal, his friend Eurylochus is the one who grounds him. His ruthlessness and bluntness keeps Polites from being too reckless and passive.
I'm thinking that the dynamic is characterised as Polites wanting to find peaceful solutions to their problems, Odysseus being skeptical because the lask of strategy or caution is a bad idea, and Eurylochus outright telling him not to be an idiot. He's very open to trusting the Lotus Eaters, and the other two go along with it for the sole reason of them needing food.
With Polyphemus, he tried to be peaceful and reasonable, and even introduced himself with his name to build trust, but it didn't work. Eury died, and Polites wasn't used to losing men to war. In his shock, he lost control of his men, and more died before Polyphemus passed out from the lotus Odysseus snuck into the wine behind Polites' back. It's Polites' idea to not kill the cyclops as they need him to open the cave, and the crew narrowly escape when Polyphemus calls out Polites as being the one to blind him.
With Aeolus, Polites puts a oot of faith in Aeolus, no longer having Eurylochus to balance his reckless optimism. Ody is VERY hesitant to trust a fucking god, since they're unpredictable, but Polites reassures him and Ody hesitantly lets him go. When they get the wind bag, Polites trusts Ody to keep it closed. But Ody doesn't trust this god, and doesn't trust the bag, so he opens it to make sure it's safe. This sends them back to Poseidon. Polites desperately tries to apologise for Polyphemus, saying it was his idea to keep him alive so he could live, but Poseidon tells him that ruthlessness is mercy. Polyphemus now has to live a life of misery where he will never be the same. Killing him would have been merciful on him.
Polites uses the wind bag to get to Circe, and practically begs Odysseus to find a safe place to stay while they recoup, having a crisis. When Ody comes back and tells him about Circe, Polites is pretty much desperate for his open arms mentality to helo them, so refuses to leave without asking for their men back. Ody offers to go with him for safety, but Polites tells him to stay back and prepare the men to leave. He takes the Molly from Hermes, but intends on only using it for self defence. Circe is hesitant to trust him, but Polites is desperate and genuine, recounting their journey in an attempt to persuade her to help them. Circe takes pity on him, hearing that he only wants to go home, and points him to the underworld. Odysseus is stunned and a little impressed, starting to be convinced that maybe Polites is onto something with his kindness.
In the Underworld, Polites is faced by all the people he failed. Inclufing his dear friend Eurylochus. Seeing Eury and remembering how he got him killed, Polites is at an all time low. Then he hears of his future from Tiresias, and he's horrified. He doesn't want to take his final breath and die. He thinks back to his journey so far and realises that all their misfortune stwms from his kindness. So he vows to change. To become the very monster he didn't want to be.
He continues to appear kind and optimistic, using his charm to gain directions from the sirens before capturing them. He doesn't want to go through Scylla and tries to find a better route, but there is none. He declares to his men that he wants to protect future sailors from harm, but that he's learned from Poseidon and Polyphemus. He orders his men to kill the sirens and toss them overboard, planning for how to tackle Scylla.
With Scylla, the only solution he can think of is to let six men die, so he doesn't tell anyone where they're sailing until it's too late. Scylla takes six men, and Polites simply cobers his ears and closes his eyes, tuning the screams out. Odysseus, who was just starting to believe in Polites' ideals and be a better kinder person, realised that Polites knew what would happen and was stunned. He mentioned that they could have used the sirens as bait, or not gone through Scylla at all, and asked why Polites would sacrifice the men he was taling home. He asked if the monsters they were fighting meant more to Polites than his own men. Polites didn't have an answer.
I don't know how Thunder Bringer or the latter end of Mutiny would go, but yeah! That's my EPIC role swap! :]
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kaelio · 10 months
I love imagining misleading movie trailers, it's just a thing I do. If I had infinite money and time and a time machine and the rights to adapt the Anne Rice vampire novels, these are examples of extremely dishonest trailers for those movies I would enjoy:
Devil's Minion: Have it appear to be some kind of psychological thriller, either about a guy who is perceiving his stalker as a literal monster, or a guy who feels some Presence stalking him and envisions it as a mysterious, beautiful young man. He's not really my favorite but we need Christopher Nolan directing, like really hitting that Memento tone. What's real?? What's not real?? Daniel appears to be using drugs and the audience is like ohhh is this about addiction? And then it totally seems like a dark addiction metaphor, like Oscar bait maybe. Even when Daniel gets a handjob it isn't clear because Requiem for a Dream got a lot of awards.
(*Don't try to smoosh in with Queen of the Damned, you have enough going on here.)
Tale of The Body Thief: A romantic drama that doesn't seem to realize its intensely worrisome undercurrents (a la "Passengers"). We see a woman of the cloth ministering to a homeless man who, following a severe medical crisis that lands him in her care, seems to be having spiritual delusions. She connects with him over their shared faith... and their desire for meaningful intimacy. We get a swell of orchestral music... some sort of scene of them kissing in the rain... another scene from which we can infer they're in bed together, but the camera is centered on a crucifix on her wall. "I will find the power to come back to you..." he says.
Tale of The Body Thief (Part 2): Wham! Actually a lot of the audience doesn't realize that last trailer never gave you a title! Maybe they think it's a gimmick! It takes them a moment to realize this old man (Indiana Jones??) racing around the cruise ship is accompanied by the same actor as the homeless man described above. "GET THAT MAN!" David shouts as Raglan does some sort of parkour that isn't quite extreme enough to cue in the audience that he's supposed to be inhuman. We see Lestat-in-body pushing through people in a rave taking place on the cruise ship dance floor. It seems like a cynical tie-in because everyone is young and hot there (not really the primary demographic for cruises). Camera pans over some sort of jacuzzi tub with a bunch of women in bikinis in it. "Excuse me, ladies!" someone says as they jump over the tub and since he has a ripped shirt and he's hot the girls in the tub go "ooooooh!" And maybe they have cocktails so it's supposed to be funny. But really sell it as an action-comedy and then WHANG! "Tale of the Body Thief" appears in huge text onscreen like "COMING THIS SPRING" and Mojo's little head pops up from the bottom of the screen and barks.
The Vampire Lestat: Oh you just shoot it like The Favorite, like the exact same cinematography, or maybe Chevalier, but it's about a sensitive stage actor in pre-Revolutionary France, trying to focus on his art as the world becomes more fraught around him. It invites you into his sensitive artistic soul.... Is there time for gentleness, for optimism, for art, in an era of nascent conflict? What will social forces have in store for him, or for his troubled companion? And then maybe you do give away the game where at the last second you see the window explode and the big evil Nosferatu-Magnus bursts through the door with his big gummy mouth with the two fangs like "Rrrrraarrhg!!"
Memnoch the Devil: Starts with some overplayed song for 45-50 year old men in the background of a scene of Lestat and David stealing the artifacts from the dead Roger. Inter-cut with bits of Lestat dismembering Roger's body. They get into a car (no rooftops, Anne, it would look silly on screen! We can't!) and smirk at each other—apparent heist film. Lestat turns the knob for the radio and then another song for loser guys starts to play. "Dora's gonna get mad," David says, as if we're taking precious seconds of this trailer to no-homo the whole thing and establish regressive attitudes about women all at once. Lestat probably says something like "Chicks, man." The movie promises no actual content or any reason to be interested in it, as with most heist movies.
Memnoch the Devil: Hey? Is that the same guy? They're using the same guy for... what is this, a remake of It's A Wonderful Life? God this is worse than when Chris Pratt started voicing both Mario and Garfield. Find another actor!
Blood & Gold: We see a clawed hand sticking out of a glacier and suddenly... it moves!! Ice cracks around the hand! A huge, mysterious, looming figure bursts out of the ice, covered in rags and holding a giant battle axe!! Thunder and lightening appear in the background suddenly for no reason, and a song from Iron Maiden kicks in. Implies heavily that it's some sort of dark action film that may or may not be trying to lean on the popularity of Marvel's "Thor" movies. Like that Winnie the Pooh movie where he kills people. "THE OLDEST STORY..." the trailer narrator guy says, "... IS REVENGE"
The Vampire Armand: You start off with all of the boys sitting around, having a good time, talking about their futures, all the places they're planning to go, the things they want—like, highschool yearbook signing energy. And then there's this one kid who seems kind of smug and suddenly he's like, "pft, you guys, you think so small. You're focused about what the master can get you with his power... but I want the power 😏". And then you'd cut to him on his way up a big fancy marble staircase and you'd see him puffing himself up, excited, maybe even telling the narrator about the amazing situation he's in, but how since he's totally the favorite he's going to do what his peers are either too humble or doltish to consider: ask to learn the magic itself. And it's building tension and he's just-just-just about to ask and then you hear "No." Or "You're not ready. The magic isn't for you." Gives you this great set-up, like a Sorcerer's Apprentice thing. You're already in this kid's corner. How come he doesn't get the magic? Why would anyone try to keep someone from self-actualizing?? Not very cool. Anyway this would be almost exactly the same energy as the trailer for that new Disney movie Wish.
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startledstoat · 9 months
Right Person Wrong Time
I definitely don't ship Sirius and Mary but I kinda like the idea of the two of them dating as teens and then having this mutual realization of like "omg I'm gay" "omg wait me too" "omg I'm in love with my best friend" "omfg dude. me too." and having an amusing amicable breakup and becoming each other's wingman/woman so here's this that I just wrote except its less amusing and more sad.
14-year-old Sirius black not knowing was being gay even was because merlin forbid such a topic was spoken about within the halls of the noble and most ancient house of black.
14-year-old Mary choosing random guys to pretend to have crushes on because she didn't know why she never had a real crush like all the other girls her age. She didn't have the knowledge she needed to recognize her feelings for her best friend yet.
15-year-old Sirius asking Mary out because she was a pretty girl and he thought he was supposed to date pretty girls.
15-year-old Mary saying yes because Sirius was a cute boy and she thought maybe if she dated him long enough, she would actually start to like him.
15-year-old Sirius not understanding why the room felt like it lit up whenever Remus walked in but that didn't happen with any of his other friends.
15-year-old Mary being afraid of why she got butterflies when Lily hugged her but not when Sirius kissed her.
16-year-old Sirius hating himself for hurting Remus and not being able to find the words for why his guilt was so immense and why it ached so bad that Remus would likely never speak to him again.
16-year-old Mary suddenly making sense of everything when Marlene came out to her and Lily. Realizing that she'd never grow to like Sirius romantically because she's only ever had eyes for the girl sitting next to her.
16-year-old Mary breaking up with Sirius and being honest with him about why. Not telling him about Marlene or even about Lily but telling him that she had feelings for a girl. Mary being relieved when Sirius took it well and wished her the best of luck with the girl.
16-year-old Sirius having an honest to god crisis when Mary came out to him, realizing that if girls could like girls, then boys could probably like boys too.
16-year-old Mary seeking Marlene out and asking anything and everything about how she knew and what it felt like to be gay. Marlene answering all of her questions and helping her become comfortable with her identity.
17-year-old Sirius keeping these feelings bottled up, even after Remus has forgiven him, because despite being wholly supportive of Mary, he just can't accept himself the same way. Not when his mother's voice is always at the back of his mind, telling him to be a good son, a respectable man, and pure heir. Not when Remus' words to him a year prior "Looks like you really do wear your last name well" rattle his bones every time he looks at the boy.
17-year-old Mary being crushed when Lily and James start dating. She admits her feelings to Marlene, who only gives her some sad words of comfort, unable to do anything else. Mary staying by Lily because she values their friendship above all else and if she can't have the girl she loves, she's at least going to make damn sure that that girl is happy.
18-year-old Sirius not going to James about this, because he needs someone to give him something other than blind faith and optimism. Sirius going to Peter, and for the first time admitting out loud ever, let alone to someone else, tells Peter that he's gay. That he's in love with Remus. And that he hates himself for fucking it up before he ever had a real chance. Peter telling Sirius that he knows. Because Sirius Black has never known subtlety. Peter telling Sirius that, while he has certainly made himself a considerable large obstacle to get around, he doesn't think that Sirius has completely fucked up his chances.
19-year-old Mary being Lily's maid of honor, heartbroken but somehow genuinely happy for her best friend. Mary admitting to Lily just after the wedding that she had feelings for her, not with the intention of ruining her marriage, just with the intention of finally getting the weight off her shoulders. Lily telling Mary that she loves James and wouldn't give him up for anything, but that she wishes Mary would have confessed years earlier. Because Lily had once loved her too. The two of them laughing at themselves and hugging and making a childish pinkie promise. Lily promises that Mary's feelings will never change how she acts around her. Mary silently promises to always have Lily's back and make sure she's happy.
19-year-old Sirius seeing his best friend get married and finally working up the courage to confess to Remus. He doesn't expect Remus to return his feelings, or even still be his friend afterwards. He doesn't expect Remus to cut him off mid-rant to kiss him full on the mouth. Except that's what Remus does. They're in the middle of a war, and they're young, and they're fucking terrified, but none of that seems to matter when now they're all of that together.
21-year-old Mary has failed. Her promise has been broken. The butterflies are gone, withered alongside the Lily that gave them life with each of her hugs.
21-year-old Sirius is so, so cold. There is no light in dark Azkaban cell, the one room Remus will never walk into. The war is over, and he will not be young forever, nor will they ever be together here. Sirius is left to be terrified alone.
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ryssabrin · 6 months
incredibly cold take but i really do not understand how bl*od/weave became the most popular origin/origin ship, both for each character or like. just in general. like they both make way more sense in a romance with wyll than with each other and more compelling cases could also def be made for gale/shadowheart (both having a crisis of faith and struggling to define their identity outside of said faith) and astarion/karlach (touch-averse vs touch-starved and jaded pessimism vs boundless optimism). hell i'd even see gale/lae'zel before i'd see gale with astarion. they simply do not like or respect each other. it's literally anders/fenris all over again tbh.
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Theme Tag
Thank you @scifimagpie waayyyy back in October for tagging me in this!
I did this tag for WIPVII a while ago so I am going to try it for WIPXII SCAM now - though I still have yet to get a solid first draft going on it. Maybe this exercise will help (please. I've been trying for so long...)
Rules: highlight the tropes that are contained in your WIP.
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Plus a few that aren't here: community, systemic injustice, gatekeeping of knowledge, ways of knowing, anti-capitalism, abuse of power, belonging, identity (not a crisis, just kids learning who they are for the first time), giftedness, academic pressure
No pressure tagging, as always, @captain-kraken, @mjparkerwriting, @crowandmoonwriting, @sm-writes-chaos, @sarahlizziewrites
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Writing Theme Tag
I was tagged by @silvertalonwritblr <3
Rules: Bold the themes that appear in your WIP (& italicize those that are loosely covered.)
I'm gonna tag @verkja and @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and leave it as an open tag, since I saw it go around a few weeks back and cannot remember for the life of me who did it already.
Please be aware that I have no idea what most of those in a theme sense mean, so I am just taking them literally. I'm bad at themes, ok.
I'm gonna do this for Till Death:
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Template below the cut:
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
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typewriter83 · 21 days
Cubs, Mama Bear’s family has been through some shit this year - if you’ve been around for awhile, you’ll know it’s taken its toll on my mental health. When we started 2024, we had so much optimism and by the spring, we were knee deep in shit. This past summer was so hard for our family, we were barely keeping our heads above water - I had no faith left, I had nothing to give. But when you have a young child, you have to keep on keeping because they depend on you.
So that’s what we did - we just kept on trudging through the muck and mud, navigating through this difficult year. Daddy Bear and I have been together for over a decade, celebrating 8 years of marriage this year, and this is the first time we’ve faced crisis like this. I fully understand how couples are tested and sometimes fail.
But… but today, circumstances turned in our favor. Two of our three major crises swung in our favor, and we feel like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Daddy Bear and I struggle with our faith, but we prayed, and we prayed for help and forgiveness and for grace - and we have been given help and grace. We are grateful.
Kiddo and I have a long weekend for the Labor Day holiday here in the US, and then I will be back to writing on Tuesday! I may be diving right back into LtW because I want to share the finale with all of you!
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digitalsatyr23 · 11 months
Theme Tag Game
Was tagged by @scifimagpie, so thank you! As far as how this game works, there's a huge list of different themes, and you can mark ones in bold if they're major themes in your WIP or in italic if they're minor themes. For this one, I'm going to showcase themes in my Arachnia Fables WIP. Even though those are a collection of different short stories and novelettes, there are some overarching themes I feel are important to the overall setting and each story connected to it.
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
I think a big thing that's a part of my Arachnia Fables is the setting is designed to be multi-layered. It's probably hard to tell with what material is posted atm but a big thing (especially regarding lore and religious stories) is there are many unreliable narrators, but there's a bit of truth in each person's version or take on events, so it's like a puzzle. It's also a setting that is wildly dangerous to anyone from heroes to ordinary folk, but despite the constant threat of death and corruption, there's always a little light somewhere that gives people hope and helps them hold on, helps them find the will to keep living.
So! As far as tagging goes, I'm going to gently nudge: @gummybugg, @thepitflower, @skymeria, @desastreus, and @mitchell-nihil. Feel free to ignore if you're not feeling up to it. Either way, I hope you all have a pleasant day. :D
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douxlueur · 5 months
do you by any chance have any quotes or bible verses you wouldn't mind sharing that's based on perseverance and basically accepting things that want to end? something that helps you breathe in and out remaining grateful about life.
now for some less serious random question: what are 5 things that you appreciate about your life?
(you do not have to answer if you don't want to 😊😊)
I love this question!! I know it’s used very frequently, but the verse that always comforts me in times of trouble or crisis is Romans 8:28: “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” (ESV) I love this verse because it doesn’t suggest blind optimism, that everything that happens is good and that we will never encounter hardships, but rather that the net result will always be good for those who love the Lord. It feels very real and reassuring. I guess it doesn’t speak directly to perseverance, but I think it does encourage us to have hope and remain faithful even in the worst of times.
Aaaand 5 things I appreciate about my life are:
1. My family. We are very close-knit and I wouldn’t change that for the world.
2. I have deep and meaningful friendships. I haven’t always felt able to open up to friends to the extent I feel that I can now. I am incredibly grateful to have friends that understand me in the way mine do.
3. I have a Godly boyfriend. Neither one of us is anywhere close to perfect, but the fact that I can honestly say that I now have a man in my life that wants to put God first in our relationship is amazing. I was single for many years and the dating scene is ROUGH.
4. I live in a very pretty place. Not everyone appreciates Ohio, but I am deeply in love with it.
5. I have a (vague) plan. This is not where I thought I would be at this point in my life, but as I have come to learn, God’s plans are greater than ours and He WILL make them happen. Whether or not we’re prepared. This is a great comfort, because it is very clear He knows better than I do.
Thank you so much for these questions! They were so fun to answer and I really appreciate it! ☀️🌷
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residentdormouse · 1 year
Theme Tag Game
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Make a new post.
Embold the themes that appear in your WIP.
Italicize those that are loosely covered and then,
Tag 10 people!
Thank you @verba-writing for the tag!! Since my WIP folder is essentially non-existent while my muse is off doing God knows what, I'm just going to use my 'Jumping to Wonderland' series if that's okay. If it's not, uh, I kind of already did it. Sorry? (I'm going back and editing chapter by chapter if that counts for anything?) Since it's fanfiction, a good deal of the themes are what they are in canon.
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addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | (found) family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfilment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
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This probably shouldn't have been as hard as it was. I think this is right? Maybe there's more or less. If you want to come in here, and tell me I'm wrong at my own stuff, please, I'm listening. I just write what the characters in my head tell me to. That's normal, right? Right?
No Pressure Tagging: @asirensrage @bluejay-in-write @imagine-you @minutiaewriter @anniesocsandgeneralstore @tsunderewatermelon @mrsmungus @wordspin-shares @astorythatwritesitself @bardic-tales
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bluesnow21 · 5 months
I hated “The Midnight Mass” Go watch “The Midnight Gospel” Instead
“Even though Midnight Mass does still contain plenty of overt horror elements, I think the series actually pushes Flanagan quite far outside the horror genre. If anything, I felt baited by this story, which plays within the modern horror sandbox while undercutting much of the ethos of modern horror via its embrace of Christianity as a source of hope and nourishment for lost souls facing an incomprehensible crisis. Many critics have found that to be a good thing, praising the series’ emphasis on the less sordid aspects of horror. Yet while Flanagan has every right to keep writing relentlessly hopeful stories, for horror fans like me, the effect of his optimism is frustration over feeling shunned as a non-believer — by the very genre that usually protects non-believers from feeling shunned.” 
“Flanagan uses the plot of Midnight Mass as an allegorical stand-in for a broad range of extreme conservative reactions to the pandemic. On that theme, the series’ scathing reproach of Christianity’s enablement of hysteria, apocalypse mania, and survivalist extremism couldn’t be clearer. But if Flanagan wanted to condemn religious zeal more generally, he failed.” 
“Midnight Mass makes several attempts to critique organized religion, yet the impression it leaves is that faith in God, and explicitly Christian faith in particular, is the ultimate pandemic comfort. The series almost entirely erases atheists, agnostics, and people of other religions by emphasizing its Christian worldview. “I choose God,” Hassan’s rebellious teen son, Ali, declares when he joins Paul and Bev’s new cult, as if he had not grown up worshipping God as part of his Muslim upbringing. The narrative wants to portray his choice as entirely wrong-headed, and he is quickly shown to regret his decision, but when most of the series’ other “good” characters are also making choices based on their proud faith in the Christian version of God, the implied falseness of Ali’s choice doesn’t sink in.”
“There’s plenty of room here for homages to movies about religious doubt such as Winter Light and First Reformed, but apart from Riley being a lapsed Catholic, dragged back to church at his parents’ insistence, Flanagan barely touches on religious doubt at all. Instead, he repeatedly places such an excruciating emphasis on faith in the divine as a form of ultimate reassurance — explicitly a Christian faith above all else — that Midnight Mass becomes a homily. Multiple long sequences where the whole town gets together to sing Christian hymns seem to serve no narrative purpose except to remind us how comforting God’s presence is and that worship is beautiful. While there’s a climactic effort to enfold atheism and agnosticism into a revised definition of “god,” similar in spirit to Angels in America’s famous ozone monologue, it comes far too late to shake the series’ Christian-centered worldview.” 
^^ So: This Up Top. ^^
I’m an atheist, even before I wasn’t an atheist, I self-identified privately as a Deist from high school and then after college started privately self-identifying more and more as an atheist (I’m still very much in the closet about it). My gf is a very secular Muslim (does not practice at all).  We both found the show’s heavily Christian overtones and erasure of both of us to be both incredibly offensive, and at the same time horror taking a back-seat to portray mainstream Christianity’s most toxic ideas was super off-putting and we ultimately couldn’t finish this show.  Between the islamophobia (more like hey we’ll just hate him because he’s Muslim), and the atheist ~actually telling someone what happens when you fucking die~ being casually brushed off by a belief in the afterlife because of some “supernatural-ish creature” and a whole town being brainwashed by a cult: It could’ve been handled better and it just wasn’t.  The writer does a far better job stating this, and I encourage you to read the full article, but this really isn’t Flanagan’s best work. 
We didn’t need this, we needed something better.
Source Article: 
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haloburns · 1 year
a collection of tag games
hi hello i have returned from the dead (danny phantom puns abound, i know) i've felt like SHITE for months now, so i'm going to mass answer some tag games i've been tagged in by @jadenoryuu and @deathcomes4u (i know penner has tagged me in some but theyre not showing up in my notes??? i'll find them in my emails later and reblog)
these will all be under the readmore with the original post linked!!
Wip themes tag!
Core themes are in blue, minor themes are in orange (mostly because yellow hurts my eyes).
i uhhhhhhhhhh have so many wips, i'm not sure which one jade was talking about, but i'll use my invisobang!
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption (the crime) | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs. bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence (and the loss of) | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth (and the lack thereof) | wisdom of experience | youth
enjoy the teaser! i'll be posting my invisobang next week!
Author self-rec!!
This one is from death! i have 88 DP fics in two years, so uhhhhhhhh this one is a hard one. All titles are links directly to my ao3! (there's gonna be more than five, i'm sorry alkjsflksjdf)
First off:
Any thing from Phic Phight
2022 or 2023! Literally all of those are my favorites, I can't pick and I'm not adding them to my 5 because that feels unfair (to me).
of course i love you (it is my fault that you have not known it all the while)
this one was a dream-related idea i had, and it turned into danny and maddie working through the early stages of post-phantom-reveal relationship. it's one of my absolute favorites, and the title is from le petit prince, which is one of my all time favorite stories.
Danny is still adjusting to his parents knowing his identity after the Disasteroid. It's...going. It's only been a few days, after all. But when Sam and Tucker go away on an academic convention trip, Danny's left completely alone for the first time since the accident and things do not go well. Danny does not cope well, and like usual, doesn't ask for help. Maddie finds him losing a fight he shouldn't be, but when she tries to help, she accidentally makes things worse and finds out just how bad things are for her son. She doesn't know a lot about all of this halfa business, but she does know that she loves her son. That has to count for something.
this is the moment (damn all the odds)
ohhhhhh i love this one. it's probably one of my first mateo-centric fics, and i wrote it while i had covid (lying on the floor, trying not to die, i wrote 4k and it was actually comprehensible) because i needed ghost light softness in my life. it's some early stuff as i wanted to flesh out their relationship a bit more. title is kudos to death, ironically lmao
Mateo is hurt and a little stranded, and there's only one person he can call. Danny drops everything to help him, and that... that does something.
This is The Moment that he starts to view Danny in a different, more interested light.
there's no way out (i gotta hold you somehow)
this is a companion to "it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)" but more zoomed in. another mateo centric fic that gives us a look into his pov during their week apart, and also gives us a peek at his family dynamic pre-this is the road to ruin. it wasn't SUPPOSED to be 5k, but i was having too much fun to stop. i love mateo with all my heart and i will continue to subject everyone to him until the itch has ceased
Mateo is hurt and a little stranded, and there's only one person he can call. Danny drops everything to help him, and that... that does something. This is The Moment that he starts to view Danny in a different, more interested light.
when the nightmare fades
this is one of the earliest fics i came up with for this series. it changed A LOT. this is where danny and mateo's first kiss was supposed to happen, but the boys got out of control and that happened a fic or two ahead of time, so that changed the tone a bit. instead of it being so charged, it just became SOFT. it will forever hold a special place in my heart
The terrible hunted feeling hasn't left Danny in weeks. Midterms are approaching, and the stress has finally caught up to him. A terrifying nightmare wakes him from his unrestful sleep, startling Mateo awake too. When Mateo asks if he's alright, Danny actually opens up instead of hiding away like normal.
quit telling everyone i'm (permanently) dead!
started as an ectober prompt that grew......wildly out of control. danny and teo go home to amity park for thanksgiving and shenangians ensue. it has lots of soft and cute relationship stuff that actually set me up for ANOTHER favorite of mine that ALSO grew wildly out of control
Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching, and Danny really wants to make good on his promise to Mateo. So he invites him home for the holiday. It'll be the perfect opportunity to make up for the weekend he spent stuck in the Fenton house while Danny kinda-sorta almost died again. But, like everything else in his life, Amity Parkers don't plan on making that attainable for him, his friends and family included.
this is the road to ruin (and we started at the end)
honorable mention HAS to go to last year's invisobang. this is the end of the original pieces i had planned for the series, and it wasn't necessarily supposed to be the end, but up until posting it, that was all that i had originally plotted. a year's worth of work led me to that, and i could NOT be prouder of it. i've reread it quite a bit because i'm just. in love. maybe that's a little conceited, but i put SO MUCH effort into it, so i like to enjoy it from time to time.
What goes up, must come down. Danny is forced to come down hard when Clockwork arrives with news he never wanted to hear. Now Mateo and their friends are in danger, and Danny has to be the one to figure out how to protect them all on his own. Mateo wants to help, but Danny's being too stubborn and ghostly to even think about accepting it. Tension between them grows as the new threat stalks closer, and Danny is forced to make a decision he's never wanted to make: kill or be killed.
my resistance was once much stronger (i can't go on like this much longer)
the follow up to "this is the road to ruin" in what was only supposed to be 10k max and ended up being just over 50k instead. it changed A LOT over the course of writing it, because i did a lot of character study in it. i will always love danny and mateo growing closer, even when they fight and don't communicate clearly
actually, the entire "road to ruin" arc up until "heaven's grief brings hell's reign" is my favorite. all of it. i'm just SO fucking proud of it.
Danny's home for winter break, and that's all he wants: a break. But after a breakdown in front of his mom, and with the help of a certain meddling older sister, Danny reveals to his family what exactly has been happening while he was away at Berkeley. He hopes for some space from Mateo, because it'll make leaving easier in the long run, but one poorly timed phone call snowballs into Maddie inviting Mateo to stay with them for Christmas and Truce. Danny can't say no without revealing exactly why he doesn't want his boyfriend coming to spend the holidays with him, so he accepts. Now he has to balance his complicated jumble of feelings with Mateo being so close and so hard to ignore. So much for a break.
come back and let me hold you (darlin' i just got started lovin' you)
OKAY HEAR ME OUT i KNOW this is a country song title but a) i'm southern as FUCK and two) this song is SO FUCKING SWEET
i wanted to write something for ghost light recently but i needed it to be short, so i told myself i had to write less than 1k AND LO AND BEHOLD I DID. this is literally just post-heaven's grief sweetness. technically a song fic because i used the lyrics to craft the fic and maybe thats cringe, but i'm freeeeee so its whatever
Danny and Mateo are settling into their new normal in their second semester after Christmas Break, and Mateo is reluctant to leave their little pocket of bliss just to attend classes. Danny convinces him to stay for just a little while longer.
this life is overwhelming (and i'm ready for the next one) & underneath your skin (the ghost within)
these go together, and they're just so different from what i normally write, but they're REALLY fucking good in my humble opinion. pitch pearl has a grip on me, too, and i've been writing some absolute BANGERS with them
Danny just wants everything to stop hurting. His parents are too obsessed with getting their ghost portal up and running to notice that he's struggling to adjust to high school. They definitely don't notice when things take a dark turn and a few new scars crop up. When they fail to get the portal up and running, it's like their children don't exist at all. Everything that had been building in Danny over the last two years finally snaps. Stepping into the portal with blood dripping down his hand had been an accident. The cutting part had been easy, but as the faint whine of a machine powering up reached his ears, he realized regretting all of it was so fucked.
Danny's still alive, and he's not happy about it. After his halfway successful suicide attempt, Danny is living with the consequences of an activated Portal: ghosts targeting him, a new secret identity, and juggling high school. Things are not going well, until he discovers a new aspect of his ghostly self: his ghostly self.
Anything from Perky Beans Cafe
Emeralds and I are co-writing a coffee shop enemies to lovers au, and it's INCREDIBLE
Phantom just wanted a hot chocolate... But Danny Fenton (aka Amity Park's very own Blue Hunter) has other ideas. Things do NOT go to plan, but neither party can say they're…unhappy…about the results.
the haunted museum job
a crossover fic that i'm STUPID proud of. i wrote it in like two hours and it's got some of the best character-voice writing i've EVER done. i would love to write mroe for it but alas the muse is in hiding
The Leverage team has been tasked with retrieving an ancient Egyptian artefact from a small, Midwest museum. Easy job, won't take more than a Sunday afternoon to complete, and then they'll have more than enough cash and the favor of the Egyptian government on their side. But Amity Park is not your average Midwestern town, and they accidentally crash another team's heist and find themselves out of their depth very quickly.
the magic that binds us series
DEATH STARTED THIS SHIT, AND IT IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO WRITE holy SHIT i cannot wait to get back to working on it!! magic goth danny is BABEY
Danny got into sleight of hand and showman's magic to spite his parents -- he never expected it to be real. It had started as a joke. His parents kept insisting ghosts were real and were convinced they were building a Portal to the other side just to prove it. Danny, being a little shit, had made a comment about the magic they must be working against to create said Portal. Then his mom had reprimanded him for believing in something as childish as magic. Danny was nothing if not a petty little bitch, so he decided that if his parents wanted to play that game, then they would play that game. He had no idea just what kind of game he was getting himself into.
Little guy maker!!
enjoy this little mateo i made. he is ready for fall.
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Fic Stats Game!
Rules: Give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and fic with the least words.
I'm just doing my DP fics because I am NOT dragging myself like that alskjfdlksjdflksdjf
Most Hits
going...! to be in so much trouble... this is my first ever DP fic and the fic that launched me into my au......... surprised my dpxdc fic hasn't overwhelmed it, actually, but it's close!
Second Most Kudos
okay, well, it's the same fic as above, apparently, so i'm just gonna link the top kudos because it's the one that has the SECOND most hits, so like... it evens out, right??
stealing cars is a love language, too
Third Most Comments
oh wow, that's wild. i would NOT have thought it was this one!!
and they were history project partners
actually, yknow what. i'm not surprised alkdjlksdjf it's UFS adjacent, so that actually makes sense. plus it's a phic phight fic so like... yeah, that tracks lmao
Fourth Most Bookmarks
this life is overwhelming (and i'm ready for the next one)
also not a huge surprise there. it's an angsty gen dp fic, what did i expect?? lmao
Fifth Most Words
it's just another day without you (and i can't sleep)
i think this was my first BIG dp fic and it was just. pure. angst. also mateo au, so like.... that tracks
Fic with the Least Words
when you sneeze so hard you accidentally half-die in front of your boyfriend for the first time
this was crack that i wrote on my ten minute break during a particularly nasty allergy season bc i was GRUMPY. it's actually surprisingly popular, considering it's technically danny/oc fic.
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touloserlautrec · 1 year
Tropes Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag, @camillenrose!
Rules: Highlight the tropes that come up in your wip and have fun!
For Sunset (this was harder than I thought it would be -- we have... a lot of tropes and themes, as it turns out):
addiction | beauty | betrayal | change vs. tradition | chaos vs. order | circle of life | coming of age | communication | convention vs. rebellion | corruption | courage | crime and law | dangers of ignorance | darkness and light | death | desire to escape | dreams | displacement | empowerment | facing darkness | facing reality | faith vs. doubt | fall from grace | fame and fortune | family | fate | fear | fear of failure | free will | friendship | fulfillment | good vs bad | government | greed | guilt and forgiveness | hard work | heroism | hierarchy | honesty | hope | identity crisis | immortality | independence | individual vs. society | inner vs. outer strength | innocence | injustice | isolation | knowledge vs. ignorance | life | loneliness | lost love | love | man vs. nature | manipulation | materialism | motherhood | nature | nature vs. nurture | oppression | optimism | peer pressure | poverty | power | power of words | prejudice | pride | progress | quest | racism | rebirth | relationships | religion | responsibility | revenge | sacrifice | secrets | self-awareness | self-preservation | self-reliance | sexuality | social class structure | survival | technology | temptation and destruction | time | totalitarianism | weakness | vanity | war | wealth | wisdom of experience | youth
Open tag for whoever is into it! :D
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