#i have like. the asexual monsterfucker energy.
linddzz · 17 days
Hey man. Idk you, but i just couldnt leave you alone with the monsterfuckers
Stand strong (tentacles are gross)
big assumption that me disliking tentacles in particular means I'm not also with the monsterfuckers in general :3
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Ace rep in Monstrous Agonies!
Monstrous Agonies may be deservedly famed for its monsterfucking, but what if you're more in the mood for monster cuddling? Monster hand-holding? Painting miniatures with your monster while you listen to a podcast together?
Have no fear - there's plenty of asexual and aromantic rep to be found in Monstrous Agonies too! Here are four big ace moments in the show so far, with quotes from the transcripts.
You can listen to Monstrous Agonies wherever you get your podcasts, or check out monstrousagonies.co.uk to listen online and for full transcripts for every episode!
Episode Twenty One - Love in the Ace-pocalypse
The first time a character describes themselves as something akin to asexual is an admittedly blink-and-you'll miss it moment in Episode Twenty One, during a letter from someone worried the relationship that seemed so promising during the apocalypse now seems to have stalled a little...
I don't mean sex. Well, I don't not mean sex. I mean, look, I don't even know if he- Personally, I can take it or leave it, but- [sighs] I just thought there'd be something, alright? Something different.
It's a small enough mention, but a gentle acknowledgement that sex is not actually what makes a relationship special! There's also a little easter egg in this episode for fans of a certain book/TV show popular on tunglr dot com, if I tell you that this letter, which mentions wielding a sword at the apocalypse-averting showdown, was tagged in the planning document as "ethereal/occult"... 😇😈
Episode Twenty Eight - Human Juice Box
The first unambigious, canonical declaration by a character of their asexual identity comes from a letter-writer affectionately known as Human Juice Box, with a question about how to make their queerplatonic partner feel more comfortable with the inherent intimacy of drinking another person's blood directly from their chewy meaty neck.
We already hold hands and cuddle and sometimes even shower together. But because neither of us intended it as romantic or sexual I've never considered it to be!
The letter-writer describes themselves as aromantic but not asexual, while their partner is asexual but not aromantic, and their letter explores what physical closeness and intimacy look like when sex is off the table. It also includes some fun world-building about NHS blood-bank deliveries for persons of haematophagic background 🧛
Episode Forty One - Mothman says Ace Rights!
Monstrous Agonies is largely made up of listener submissions, with some people writing in to riff off previous episodes and continue their ideas. Episode Forty One was one of these, where the in-universe letter made mention of hearing about QPRs on the radio, and having their interest piqued.
You're not alone in wanting intimacy without sex, devotion without romance.
Let this be a reminder to us all about the importance of being open about the diversity of sexual and romantic identities. Hearing the writer of Episode Twenty Eight talking about their relationship reassured this reclusive creature (I'm not saying it's Mothman but it's totally Mothman) that they can be non-monogamous and sex-repulsed, and still be as loved and cherished as they deserve 💖
Episode Fifty - Sex-Worker Succubus
For this letter-writer, sex itself wasn't the problem. As a sex worker who happened to be a succubus, they could see how useful sex could be as a way for their clients to blow off steam, while bringing in a steady income and energy source. But they weren't interested in doing it when they were off the clock - something their romantic partners could struggle to understand.
Yes, I feed on sexual energy; yes, I have sex for a living; yes, I enjoy sex. And no, I don't want to have sex with you, my romantic partner.
They're feeling the pressure of other people's expectations about them, both as a sex-worker and as a succubus. But as long as they stay true to themselves and communicate their needs, they're sure to find someone who can love them and celebrate them exactly as they are.
These are just four canonical mentions of aspec identities in the show - but as always, every character is up for interpretation! Who are your aspec headcanons? Is there anyone I missed? Does the existence of asexual vampires problematise the ace community's use of garlic bread-based humour? Let me know! 🖤💚🤍💜
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tinyhousepanther · 8 months
Todays I-am-very-high-and-have-recently-rejoined-tumblr-because-I’ve-realized-I-need-more-social-interaction-but-tumblr-is-all-I’ve-got-the-energy-for thought is
… drum roll….
the most personal, soul exposing thing I think I could ever do, would be to let some one go through my ao3 bookmarks, even the private ones…. Like the amount of #asexual ♠️ 🐉🌌who kinda likes monsterfucking vibes but is also a depressed millennial who was into Harry Potter and anime and tumblr of yore. Yeesh, how cringe and vulnerable that would be.
Because I like to write when very high and used to write poetry as a moody teen. A good old internet rant into the void. This will get long and old school text formatting like the book House of Leaves is a thing I really love so weird punctuation and spacing ahead.
Also the recursive footnotes in the bartimaeus series
Also, also recently returned to tumblr… lured like a siren into this hell scape of super niche fandoms…. I blame @strange-aeons for making me nostalgic for this place.
On that note. I am actually editing this but mostly because my brain wanted to add things as I read this over for typos because cringe.
Nostalgia leads to reminiscing. I think it was @blackkatmagic who said in a note, that like some niche pairing of fandom like a ship no one asked for but one person dreamed of and a handful of other people liked, is like being in a little boat with them.
(And I had to go find that post so here it is)
And I really like that idea and I like writing stream of consciousness rants when high and also graphs, like data visualization, because I’m an engineer. So a nerd for Venn diagrams that are cool. Like can I make a web diagram bubble graph combo with bubble size for intensity of interest and lines to show how one community spawned an interest in another community? Maybe throw in a color scale for vibes? Like who are the landmarks I use to remember my internet past. Is this what mark zuckerburg is aiming to make for all of us? Can someone build this digital map of my psyche?
Let’s start listing citations to make this glorious journal paper of a post. Giving @strange-aeons or @danielhowell vibes but also @somemorenews and also @scishow and @fishingboatprocceeds energy.
This is like just feeling the need to give a good old trying to describe a very specific mood rant that live journal used to be for.….
Those vibes somehow. Also of course I listen to a lot of podcasts. Like @tanispodcast or @welcometonightvaletranscripts
Who is in this very niche intersection? How narrow of an audience am I?
Or ,
am I yearning for early days Facebook where you just liked a bunch of shitty pages that were just topics. Like quizilla was a window of my internet childhood/preteen (that’s a lie Neopets was first…….)
Which reminds me to also include @dilfosaur and @drawfee. Why do I love the sonic butthole saga so? Is Todd from Mario made manifest into the universe like a tulpa? Am I getting to last podcast on the left now? Do we need to get a net for me??? 🗑️ trap me under a wastebasket like a cat?
God I feel like I’m trying to write a phd thesis on my personality as described via citations of tumblr blogs and other early internet social media. Can I put footnotes in a tumblr post? No. Does my probably autistic ass want them so I can make a hyper detailed thing fully describes a hyper focus moment? Yes. Can I make a whole power point of just internet citations? Yes. Do I have the energy? No.
Be narrating this? I wish, would be interesting if someone I’m citing replies or interacts with this.
Not to brag, but hey I actually did write a phd thesis and some one said it was good enough to give me a fancy piece of paper. I am doctor. Why am I still sad then? Oh, that’s mental illness right. Another citation for a mood elyse meyers
Is this stream of consciousness prose that I am writing while very high and curled in a blanket on my couch while having been overcome by emotion from a fanfic I was reading about a super random cross over of two media from my childhood? Then yes this is me. I am a garbage gremlin of a person who is shockingly successful in life despite my very fun depression and health issues who has way too many parasocial relationships in proportion to real world actual humans I see and interact with on a daily basis.
Is it not the human experience to try and communicate who we are to the world? The innate desire to be seen and known?
Or is that way to high brow for me just wanting to list a bunch of things I like so when I’m having a bad day I can come to this post and just be like…. Oh yeah I did like that one thing.
Like that one video by Drew/Danny/Kurtis that somehow always makes me laugh. Like that friend I had who I could also make laugh by playing the look at this graph vine? 📊. Yes like that. So this my reminder that hey stuff is good and joyful and cringe sometimes, so on the bad days go look at this stuff. I feel @danielhowell has thoughts on this.
That’s it. I should go to sleep. It’s midnight and I have work tomorrow and my cat is glaring at me because we are not snuggling yet.
Tumblr media
Tumblr really is just MySpace but somehow worse? Yet it’s what we have.
And really the porn had never left. What were they thinking they could do/are doing about it? Like hello tumblrlive makes this app so nsfw to scroll at work when I’ve got time to kill. But also sometimes I want to look at art someone has posted and I’ve got a notification.
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sevdrag · 2 years
re: my inbox
The other thing to keep in mind about TERFs is that their argument doesn't ever hold if you actually look at what's going on in the fandom. For example, I've been "accused" (for a value of accused that reads in the same tone of excitement as "my cat took a shit") of being homophobic because of my Takes On Their Genitals, right?, but if you actually look at what I write and put out into fandom, nearly all of is (mostly) cis and gay. There be dicks here, in lots of places, including butts. It's because I enjoy their dynamic in that context and it's important to me to create works that reflect how I feel about that. Big celebrator of gay sex here!
This doesn't mean I haven't written other configurations, or swapping of configurations, or confusing genitalia, or straight up snake sex (I wonder how that works in TERF land? Am I okay if it's like a hemipenis in a butt, cause that's sort of like anal sex? What about a penis in a vent, is that too much like the forbidden vag? like, where's the line? or do i just get wiped off the map for being a monsterfucker? What about TRUE FORM SEX? does it have to be a true form peen in a true form bumhole? this is the problem with all of their genital-centric takes in a fandom where characters can change them like socks. how do i get my gay card stamped???) I'm getting derailed here but please answer me
ANYWAY. I've absolutely written other configurations, but my main go-to is the homosexual cis male jimjams. My first point here is (dolphins) unlike fandom fascists, I recognize that the appreciation of genderqueer, agender, trans, asexual, and all other kinds of interpretations doesn't actually take away from the gay one! And vice versa! Fandom isn't a zero sum game, actually. It isn't like there's Only So Much fanfic to go around.
And that's because creators keep creating, and that's the other thing about terfs: they're fandom parasites, rather than fandom generators. They don't write or draw, unless it's TERF propaganda not-very-cleverly disgused as a fanfiction (y'all know which one i mean). They don't create long, engaging works. They don't put their own stuff out into fandom. All they can do is go browsing until they find something they can label as "homophobia" for attention, and they bring that into their own spaces.
They don't add to fandom in any way. They don't put out work people are excited to see. No TERF could have raised $8,000 to donate to charity like this fandom did. They consume energy rather than generate it.
So fuck 'em. and seriously what about the snakes
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