#i have most of the symptoms of cptsd but i dont get like ptsd flashbacks or anything am i ok?
peekoo3 · 9 months
Guys I was about to have a mental breakdown but I put three snowflake obsidian in my mouth and now I feel better
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neuroglitch · 5 years
hey cat, I know you don't usually get questions abt more than like psychosis n schizo stuff n I didn't feel it'd be ok to ask on ur blog for that but I rlly don't know who else to ask and I figured bc of ur knowledge and the studying (cant rlly figure out words) you might know the answer: do you know if you can have cptsd And osdd-1? or does osdd-1 also include those types of criteria? I'm finding out i might have osdd-1 and i dont rlly know anything abt it (i have cptsd which is why im asking)
No worries, I don’t mind researching other stuff for people!I just had a look at the dsm-5 because I did no immediately know the answer to your question. First of all, c-ptsd is a proposed diagnosis that wasn’t actually included in the dsm-5, so I’m going to go with the critereia for PTSD :) 
Under “differential diagnosis” they write:
“Moreover, if the symptom response pattern to the extreme stressor meets criteria for another mental disorder, these diagnoses should be given instead of, or in addition to, PTSD. Other diagnoses and conditions are excluded if they are better explained by PTSD (e.g., symptoms of panic disorder that occur only after exposure to traumatic reminders). If severe, symptom response patterns to the extreme stressor may warrant a separate diagnosis (e.g., dissociative amnesia).“
“Dissociative amnesia, dissociative identity disorder, and depersonalization-derealization disorder may or may not be preceded by exposure to a traumatic event or may or may not have co-occurring PTSD symptoms. When full PTSD criteria are also met, however, the PTSD ''with dissociative symptoms" subtype should be considered. “ 
Meanwhile OSDD doesn’t have a strict section on matters of differential diagnosis, because it’s kind of “mix-it-yourself” disorder, where the clinician has to specify what OSDD means in this specific case. 
Under DID, however, they write 
“Individuals with dissociative identity disorder usually exhibit a large number of comorbid disorders. In particular, most develop PTSD “
and about ptsd differential diagnosis they write 
“Some traumatized individuals have both posttraumaticstress disorder (PTSD) and dissociative identity disorder. Accordingly, it is crucial to distinguish between individuals with PTSD only and individuals who have both PTSD anddissociative identity disorder. This differential diagnosis requires that the clinician establish the presence or absence of dissociative symptoms that are not characteristic of acute stress disorder or PTSD. Some individuals with PTSD manifest dissociative symptoms that also occur in dissociative identity disorder: 1) amnesia for some aspects of trauma, 2) dissociative flashbacks (i.e., reliving of the trauma, with reduced awareness of one's current orientation), and 3) symptoms of intrusion and avoidance, negative alterations in cognition and mood, and hyperarousal that are focused around the traumatic event. On the otherhand, individuals with dissociative identity disorder manifest dissociative symptoms thatare not a manifestation of PTSD: 1) amnesias for many everyday (i.e., nontraumatic) events, 2) dissociative flashbacks that may be followed by amnesia for the content of the flashback,3) disruptive intrusions (unrelated to traumatic material) by dissociated identity states into the individual's sense of self and agency, and 4) infrequent, full-blown changes among different identity states. “
So. What does all this mean? Simply put, yes you can have both (c)ptsd and OSDD(-1) at the same time. The criteria for OSDD-1 is 
“1. Chronic and recurrent syndromes of mixed dissociative symptoms: This category includes identity disturbance associated with less-than-marked discontinuities in sense of self and agency, or alterations of identity or episodes of possession in an individual who reports no dissociative amnesia. “
So this is relatively broad, and I refer back to the definitions of DID, according to which it’s entirely possible to have both ptsd and DID. So if it’s possible to have DID and ptsd, and if OSDD-1 is related to DID, then yes. 
That said, if someone were to diagnose someone, it’s likely that they would only diagnose the one, bc many clinicians don’t really like to give people a laundry list of diagnoses.
I interpreted your question as a question geared at the technicalities of the diagnostic system, which are somewhat arbitrary conventions. I hope this was okay, but otherwise feel free to get back to :)
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one-good-day · 5 years
Panic attack?
Hello long post but wondering if the symptoms I have is actually a panic attack and not just general anxiety since I havent seen this be discussed. Not sure what it is, just call it an episode for now. I didnt find a strict difference btwn panic and anxiety attacks so Im gonna go with the more well known name.
Tw: pretty graphic descriptions of fear panic and light but specific household chores abuse. Please stay safe.
I have these often, the worst months would be a couple hours a time a day. I have read the symptoms of a panic attack but one thing I noticed is that they are mostly short? Like around 10 minutes? Which makes me feel like mine aren't really?
And it isnt like I cannot think during my episodes and I clearly can reason, its just it won't stop and I feel like Im reduced to animal brain, I can't do anything other than mindlessly listen to music or draw to cope. (I cant even stop and sometimes hours pass before I realize the time again)
Some symptoms:
-intense fear and dread, like it claws up my throat and my throat closes and I have trouble speaking (feels like Im near tears though Im not sad, its more like fear?)
-buuut I know the world is not ending and Im not dying and im not having a heart attack.
- stabbing chest pain for no reason. Maybe my heart is beating fast? But when I measure it, it is not that much faster than usual.
-trouble inhaling air since my throat closes or breathing too fast ( but not hyperventilating or feeling light headed)
-sweating and hot flashes where I feel too hot although I felt fine or alternatively being too cold and (dread or cold shivers? This can make the fear feel worse)
- pacing with music ( to distract myself, also I cant stop cause my fear is too overwhelming)
- snappish and furious at others ( sudden anger and defensiveness out of terror, worse when abuser is talking to me) or if around friends and valued/authority, wanting to escape, go home, withdraw, isolate, stop talking and overall shutting down because I dont want them to feel bad for me and I feel like a fraud or im over reacting (since my face is stone or smiling they cannot tell). Wont reveal any personal problems or "weakness" or negative emotions even more than usual.
-freezing and not able to anything that requires thought or energy. For me, I can only listen to music (cant even stop(takes a huge effort of will which I do not have (even though I want to? Probably executive dysfunction)
- and most importantly, since mine are really silent and I sit or pace stone faced ( I really have trouble expressing emotions since I have been trained to not show negative ones no matter the cost) through the thing, even when Im alone, nobody notices and thus continue to harass me with triggering tasks/demands of my time, just making it worse and last longer.
I noticed that my "normal" anxiety feels more like something I could pretend as nervous excitement if I tried hard enough? So it is hard but not all comsuming? But I cant really even delude myself when I have an episode so maybe it is a panic attack? I dont know since most descriptions are vague and panic attacks in media seem very noticible and the person curls in on themselve or flat out runs away or starts repeating mantras (which is perfectly valid) mabye this is just a lack of representation but I havent seen anything like mine?
Tiggers include but not limited to:
Note: Now the dishes trigger warning applies. Stay safe.
-Dishes (my exrcutive dysfunction means that it can take me hours to finally start although it is an "easy task") during this time, I would get the side eye and irration from my abuser and that constantly increase my anxiety until I cant focus on anything else even though my brain still blocks me from the dishes so I feel trapped and the impending screaming and yelling created so much terror that I cannot not do dishes when asked without having a two or three hour long episode in which Im panicking that Im wasting time and being lazy and berating myself for not getting it done even though it is so easy. And the worst part was doing the dishes was my daily task. Which meant once dinner was over I was paralyzed and unable to do homework or the dishes. (This applies to any household task, now that I have some control, I flat out refuse due to fear and knowledge that I will never do it right away(executive dysfunction) or not before the episode)
- events or tests or important presentations where I need to prepare in advance, three guesses Im unable to start when I feel I should no matter how hard I tell myself and then I slip into an episode.
-music makes it worse actually because the beat keeps me excited and since my mood is easily influenced.... terror! But with a tempo and smattering of pop music! Also ear buds feel suffocating since I cant hear outside noise which drives my hypervigilance and paranoia crazy which makes me terrified which makes me listen to music. Sheer will power is not enough, i usually can only stop when Im beyong exhausted from pacing and being terrified.
-I still need earbuds to drown out the world and my abuser's voice though 😓
-needing to talk to someone about something (taking up emotional real estate, telling them they hurt me accidentally or voicing a request or apologizing for something hurtful (may not even have hurt them) my mind tells me I did) *for this one I usually have trouble speaking and stammer or repeat myself, my mind tends to go blank and my logic is bad even though I could be very well spoken if only I was not scared or I really have trouble getting words out cause my throat closed due to sheer terror. (this is the only circumstance besides housework where Im panicking while doing the thing) (symptoms the same though)
My guess:
My guesses are that this is a symptom of ptsd and I was triggered into an emotional flashback which caused a panic attack but Im not sure what to call this since it lasts so long and is probably multiple mental illnesses crammed into one. So far I know I have anxiety, depression and cptsd so a lot of choices to choose from.
If anyone knows or has a guess, I would love to hear in the comments. I think I'm not the only one feeling this so...yay representation?
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aceyanaheim · 5 years
Okay let’s try this one more time.
Questions from this thingy that I saw a friendo do last year.
Introduction: Acey. That’s it that’s the introduction.
Diagnosis: I’m working on getting a Diagnosis but Autism and some form of attachment disorder.
As of 2019:
Neurocognitive and Cognitive Disorder due to Seizures
Major Depressive Disorder
General Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder
Personality Change Due to Seizure Disorder ( later confirmed by a second psychiatrist to be Borderline Personality Disorder)
C-PTSD symptoms ( still waiting on final diagnosis but symptons have been confirmed and disorder is very likely.) 
Autism more or less confirmed by multiple professionals  but still waiting to be able to afford testing.
Autism/ASD : Can’t read tone. Hard time with social interaction. Sensory issues. Adherence to routine. Stimming. Scripting. Childish behaviour.  Meltdowns. Hyperfixation.
Attachment Issues: I tend to attach/get attached to people really fast. At the same time I push them away or tell myself I don’t matter to them. I also have a hard time getting attached to people. It’s either super quick or like pulling teeth. I want to be with people all the time. Codependence I guess is the word I’m looking for.  
Social Anxiety: I’m...basically always scared when I’m talking to people? I’m scared I’ll say the wrong thing. I have my answers and messages rehearsed and proofread and sometimes vetted by someone else ( unless it’s sensitive info)  and I still feel like something comes across in a negative way. ( like This is too cheerful, That’s too morbid, does that sound dismissive? If I say This I fuck up in this way but if I say THAT I fuck up in another) It couples with my autism since that...actually makes me say awkward/wrong shit all the time. 
Has come down since starting Lexapro but still present.
Emotional Flashbacks: Feelings that were there while you were experiencing the traumatic event. Happen at random triggers. Incredibly strong. To the point that they don’t correspond to the stimuli and feel freshly felt. ( tied to C-PTSD) 
Hyper-vigilance ( tied to C-PTSD)
Anxiety attacks
Panic Attacks
Don’t act as mature as other people my age/more at home with younger people.
Hypersensitive to any perceived rejection. 
Brain fixates on bad memories and repeats them : C-PTSD
Constant fear of it happening again: C-PTSD
Black or White thinking: I’ll think someone’s sick of me or can’t stand me at stuff like being left on read while also deciding I love them and they’re the best person ever when they do something nice to me. Intense but have some modicum of self awareness. ( i know on some level people dont dislike or hate me, i still spiral though)
“Duckling Syndrome” ( is what i call it) : I’ll see someone be nice to me and all I can think of is how much I want them to adopt me, to take me home, to make me part of their family. It’s too strong to be anything but disordered. It hurts. ( possibly part of bpd) 
Has in the past put self in bad situations to not be alone ( connected to bpd/attachment disorder) 
Other Stuff I either need to mention to my shrink and/or hasn’t been tied down to any of my dx disorders:
I want things to be Just So. Like I want a certain kinda paper for certain kinds of mediums in art. I want my food in a certain order. I eat it in A Certain Order I get really uncomfortable otherwise.
I think I’ve depersonalized or dissociated at least five times..but..only when things get REALLY bad...like when I spiral. I still get those two confused even after reading the definitions but it’s like….I don’t feel anything? But I’m weirdly aware that I’m supposed to? Like I flipped a switch. Also mixed with this weird its not real feeling. I hasn’t happened in roughly a year tho so I dunno if it counts? Its been happening again this year. Still unsure if disordered or stress reaction.
I tend to struggle with depressive episodes from time to time. Like I’ll just lay on the bed and not wanna do anything. I have games to play, I have hobbies I could indulge in but I just..don’t want to. Don’t see the point.
Have thought that I’d be better off not existing. ( AKA suicidal ideation) Currently under control.
I’ve developed these like...weird paranoia spells? Like this one time a cop yelled at me ( to mess with me) and I was suddenly terrified of him following me and hurting me and my dad ( which yes can be attributed to the amount of police brutality you hear about, especially to people who don’t speak english fluently but like I saw it in my mind’s eye and it would not stop and the dude left and I was still seeing in my head him like following me home and hurting us) or like just recently some man asked about my dog and how much she was worth and this weird ass alarm went off in my head to get the hell away from him and what if he follows me home? What if he takes my dog? What if he follows me home AND takes my dog? They’re pretty sporadic ( though not as much as I want them to be)  but they’re also really intense. Have stopped since I started Lexapro.
Physical Self Harm in the past to ground, to punish myself, in times of high emotion. All of the above. ( has stopped as of last year. Even intrusive thoughts about it are at a minimum.)
Obsession with being “good”: If I ever do something I think is a mistake I all but turn on myself. I beat myself up. I think of myself as a bad person ( there’s only Good and Bad for me..but only in regards to myself) I have to be nice. I have to be kind. I have to be good in a way that’s disordered. ( this compounds with my social anxiety and bpd to bind me into being a “good person” ( someone who never gets mad never talks back never does anything but niceness irregardless of the fact that..it’s impossible) I tend to think if I’m “bad” that people need to punish me, yell at me, or hurt me. That I need to Atone) ( could be part of CPTSD due to past abuse. Answer pending) 
Intrusive thoughts: mostly about self harm but also about “learning my place” and...calling myself things I’d rather not say. I’ve so far at least managed to recognize they’re intrusive ( might be related to any of the disorders listed above but also with past abuse but unsure at the moment. Shrink thinks its tied to bpd. Could be tied to past abuse I haven’t discussed in therapy yet.)
Disordered Eating of sorts: due to my mother being paranoid about unhealthy food I’ve gone days where I can’t bring myself to eat something because I’m scared it’ll hurt me. There’s times where I’ve needed my friend to tell me to eat. There’s times where I feel like if I eat I have to exercise it off. It’s about control, it’s about fear, it’s….about everything but weight. Hella strong last year. More or less brought under control as of this year. But remain as intrusive thoughts and pop up as intrusive thoughts from time to time.
React badly to being alone, especially at home and not getting social interaction. Depression kicks up, sometimes depersonalization ( might have ties to childhood epilepsy -having to be on lock-down  and kept indoors a lot due to my own risk of being hurt via seizure- but combines with bpd/attachment disorders) 
Have Shown Signs/Moments of Age Regression ( more often than not with the emotional flashbacks but not always)
Literally all the symptoms act up at night/around bedtime. Mostly anxiety but some others that have now been associated with bpd. Causes sleeping problems ( I hesitate to call it insomnia because I do sleep but it can get as bad as 3 hours a night until i just conk out at the end of the week -or 2 weeks- out of sheer exhaustion. Has been present since I was a teenager.) 
In The Past: Recklessness and disregard for personal safety and care.
Sometimes get this  physical feeling like my brain is overloaded. Often with hypervigilance or spirals where my mind races.
“I’m autistic” “I’m so sorry”
“I’m autistic” “And you’re sure you wanna go for that major?”
“I’m autistic” “But not that kind of autistic right?”
“I mean if you need accommodations to take a test then are you really cut out to have that kinda job?”
I consider myself a very patient person.
“She doesn’t know any better. You know she’s special” ( I was standing right there)
“I guess you don’t love anyone huh?” ( I was uh..I was nine years old)
“You’re codependent as fuck” ( that one my abuser said to me...after...making me codependent on her..yeah) 
“You talk like a robot. It’s like you don’t feel anything.” ( eeemotianl detachment due to CPTSD in my teenage years) 
“You’re choosing not to grow up” ( when expressing fears of develomental problems/disordered behaviour that could cause lack of maturity. I was asking for help) 
“You’re a lot”
“People with your disorder tend to be a problem for other people”
“You need therapy” “I am in therapy” “Then why are you still acting like this.”
“You’re just making excuses.”
“It’s like you like to cause trouble.” ( circa 2013)
“You just wanna hurt people that’s why you’re doing this.” ( circa...most of the 2000s) 
Multiple people in my family constantly make it a point ( or have in the past like..for most of my life) to tell me no one’s wanna live with someone like me ( I’m forgetful and before I figured out some ways to help it and the depression was bad uber messy)
Multiple people in my family try to discourage me from trying things because “you know you have that...thing”
And I mean..the usual constant bombardment of Autism being something you have to Fix. Of it causing people you love pain, and them never being happy because of it, of it being a defect.
People around me use autistic as an insult.
General comments about how horrible living with my mentally ill family must be ( ignoring that I’m mentally ill as well) and how my parents probably wish we weren’t disordered ( ignoring that they are also disordered) and how basically there’s no way for us to be happy.
I think at one point someone actually said to me something along the lines of “I bet your parents wish you and your siblings were born differently”
“I’m so proud you can do this incredibly easy thing that I think is all you can really do and I’m gonna talk to you in the most condescending tone about it like who’s a good lil autistic person look at you, talkin and solving basic problems and everything.” ( obvs paraphrased but thats...usually the gist) 
Define Your Disorders
Autism: a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior.
Attachment Disorder: the condition in which individuals have difficulty forming lasting relationships ( it was the only one I can find that doesn’t talk about RAD as I don’t have the criteria for that. This one’s tricky cause I don’t have the proper diagnosis for it yet, for all I know it could be part of a bigger disorder)
BPD:a mental health disorder that impacts the way you think and feel about yourself and others, causing problems functioning in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable intense relationships, distorted self-image, extreme emotions and impulsiveness. Symptoms include emotional instability, feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, impulsivity, and impaired social relationships.
Major Depression Disorder: Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living.
General Anxiety Disorder.:  Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (such as work or school performance).
Amnesic Disorder Due To Epilepsy :Inability to remember events for a period of time.
Myth about your disorders and the truth
Autistic people are dangerous
Autistic people are unfeeling
Autistic people are uncaring
Autistic people are all nonverbal
Autistic people are all mentally challenged. ( I ??)
Autistic people ar a burden on their families/a parent who abuse or even  kills their autistic child ( which happens so much it’s an acknowledged problem)  deserves sympathy.
Autistic people are brainy and mostly male.
Autism is a spectrum disorder. People exhibit different traits and while some hyperfocus on things that help them academically some hyperfocus on things that don’t or that even make their grades suffer like other interest tend to. ( my hyperfocus was fanfiction and I failed like five classes because of it) I have a friend who’s autistic and likes to party and drink and hang out with people. I have another friend who’s autistic who likes to skate and science. I’m autistic and I like neither of those things. We’re all over the place in every way even when we do share some common traits
Literally we all have people and things we care about.
Literally all of us have affectionate moments. I’m fairly physically affectionate if I’m close to/feel safe with someone.
Nonverbal and autism aren’t always correlated. Further, some autistic people go nonverbal for a bit but can speak other times.
Autism looks different in girls/afab people because we’ve been socialized differently.
Parents who kill their autistic kids are just straight up horrible people and I resent having to be told to have sympathy for them while simultaneously wishing I had “autistic” written on my forehead so I could be angry without a guilt trip and also simultaneously hoping to god I never stop passing for neurotypical because apparently the moment you show too many traits no one cares if someone hurts you or worse.
The whole “autistic people are dangerous” thing is mostly people showing videos of meltdowns which only happen under high stress and is something people use to demonize us and make us seem like burdens...and is actually why the whole “sympathy for an abusive/murderer parent of a neuroatypical” thing is fucked ten ways from Sunday. We aren’t dangerous.
I don’t...have a lot for the attachment disorder since I’m still waiting to figure out what that one’s really about and I haven’t really….met anyone else who has anything like it or shares symptoms with me.
I think off the top of my head it’s when people think it’s “cute” that you’re super clingy or go the other way and say people with attachment issues are uncaring. The first one romanticizes a behaviour that you’re trying to work on fixing/curbing and that is honestly hell. The second one is...is just as untrue as saying an autistic person is inherently uncaring ( or any mentally ill person for that matter)
I’ve also seen people say that people with any kind of attachment disorder are broken and that I feel confident enough in saying that they’re not...and I’m not.
I’ve been told people with BPD can’t be aware of their own disorder and have been denied testing due to this. 
I’ve seen people say people with BPD are a problem to others.
Anxiety: I’ve seen a lot of people who think it’s fake. And also that the only way you can have anxiety if you’re rocking back and forth gasping for breath.
There’s actually multiple ways to have anxiety attacks.
Tips for those who know/love someone with same disorders/symptoms
Well, starting off with, and keeping in mind that I’m not a proffesional or expert in...literally anything ever like ever ever....
A very dear friend of mine once said “it’s a whole lot easier to be supportive than it is not to be” Let people with disorders tell you what they need, and then respect it. Open communication and making them feel safe is key...to everything. Being informed is important but at the end of the day, different people will experience things differently and what they need is really down to them. Don’t assume that reading about their disorder means you know what they need better than them. Don’t talk about how their disorder affects you. Even if you have good intentions, you’re going to make them feel bad. If you’re a parent, don’t talk to others about your child’s disorder in front of them. And if they don’t like a therapist, listen to them as to why. Don’t assume it’s just because “they’re disordered” that’s lazy parenting.
Take triggers seriously, talk to them about what symptoms they need help with, and which they’d rather process or deal with  on their own. Just..show that you have that initiative, that you’re there for them. Listen. Be patient. Establish boundaries gently but firmly. If someone with my attachment disorder is ringing you a lot and you need time to yourself, let them know. Explain. Don’t go radio silent. People with autism can be bad at reading you. Again explain, be patient, but don’t just....leave them there to guess what they did wrong. C-PTSD is traumagenic in nature so I’d add to taking triggers seriously, be ready for Tragic Backstory drop behind disclosing some triggers ( and understand how much they have to trust you to disclose that.) but also be ready for “I just don’t want this in my field of vision and I don’t feel comfortable talking about it just yet.” Don’t push for details. Don’t push period.
And also just....treat em like people you know. Disordered people are still people, let them exist outside their disorders and do the things that people in that relationship that you have with them. ( whatever relationship that is) do. 
How your disorder/s affect your relationships 
In the past -and before I was a bit more self aware- it’s made me uber clingy. I would call friends constantly, message them a lot. Think someone was my best friend or even closer than they really were because they were nice to me. It scared people off.
On the flip side I would also convince myself people didn’t like me or I was nothing to them the moment I caught myself having strong feelings. ( which as said before would happen mcquicklike)
As one can imagine this would put a lot of pressure on new friendships. Often it would sour them, sometimes it would make people dislike me. Sometimes it’d make them unconfortable. Which as my disorder also affects how I receive rejection...was..really bad.
On the flip side of the flip side I was also incredibly ride or die and it left me open to a lot of manipulation and abuse from friends. I couldn’t be mad at them if they hurt me. I couldn’t say no to anything they said. I needed them.
My anxiety also contributes to this as I would constantly go through a checklist of how many good interactions vs “bad” or awkward interactions I had with people before I let myself feel like I was safe to call people my friends. Or even say I did okay interacting.
I had a lot of nights while I was making friends in college where I just felt like I was nothing to anyone. Like I was messing up. Looking back, it was just standard new friend interactions.
The more people mean to me, the more I’d freak out-I didn’t want to lose them. So it made it hard to even enjoy the friendship milestones I did achieve.
I’m using past tense because it’s gotten a lot better as situations that were making this 10 times worse have alleviated somewhat but there’s still seeds of it and sometimes it flares up. I’m just aware enough I can sometimes if not stop it identify it as my disorder talking. I don’t keep lists anymore but sometimes the thought pops up.
Facts About Your Disorder You Wish People Knew
I wish people knew what scripting and autistic burnout was. And that adults can have autism. And that vaccines don’t cause autism so stupid ass people didn’t risk their kid getting sick because they’re scared of my neurology.
I wish the only thing when I search about
I wish people took triggers seriously.
I wish more people knew about attachment disorders period.
I wish people knew how hard it all is sometimes.
 Favorite healthy coping techniques
Plushies, pillows. Physical grounding techniques that include physical stimming. I’m very tactile when it comes to my autism and stimming so grounding techniques were Good Textures are involved help double.
For attachment disorder spirals: Watching YT animators or vloggers. Like a lot. It recently chased off my sleeping problems. 
Playing with my dog.
Walking outside.
Going to the beach.
Looking at buildings. ( I don’t..I don’t know why?? It’s like a visual stim I guess? Like buildings that stand out to me due to their shape or being different than I usually see)
Basically going outside. ( to look at buildings, to look at nature, to the dog park, out in the grass in front of my building just..Outside Good, Inside Bad) 
Sending fun stuff to friends/doing things for them.
I tend to get a good happy chemical surge from helping people/doing nice things for people so that’s something I really like using to my advantage. I’m looking at volunteer options.
Also cartoons and Disney Channel shows I watch a lot of those.
Cooking. I can’t understand this one either but cooking and baking sometimes even gives me more energy.
Current biggest struggles with your disorder/s
Being at home tanks my mental health. I don’t drive. So I’m home a lot.
Seeing families be happy hurts sometimes. And that’s my main confort narrative.
Seeing my friends with their families hurts sometimes.  All I can think of is how much I wish I was a part of that. So I have to...not spend time with my friends.
I’m afraid to live alone.
I can’t get anything done sometimes. My train of thought has been crashing to the point that I completely lose it and I miss goals and deadlines almost every month. I need to get assignments done, build a portfolio, at least keep shrink dates, its all a hurdle lately. Even before that it’s hard for me to get stuff done when I’m home on  my own ( aka when I’m supposed to be doing things) because all my brain can think is “we’re alone we’re alone we’re alone. It’s too quiet. We need to talk to someone.” According to my shrink DBT will help with this. I can’t wait.
It’s hard to see a myself having a good future sometimes. Because of how many hangups I have and how late I am in addressing them ( I’m 28) and how much there is to do.
 What not to say to a person with similar/same disorder/s
“You’re making it all up”
“You should just get over it, it happened so long ago”
“You’re bringing me down stop talking about this”
“Its all in your head”
“Every one feels that way really”
Anything dismissive.
Anything from the stigma answer.
Literally any kind of pity (granted thats more a me thing due to childhood epilepsy meaning i had to deal with a lot of that. But honestly I’ll stand by it bc I’m not sure anyone really ...likes pity. )  
Ways in which your disorder/s affect your daily life
I deal with executive dysfunction which makes it hard to get anything done. I feel like I’m starting over constantly. I feel like my age doesn’t match my brain. All of this augments my depression.  I have to take days off in the middle of the week to just do nothing or catch up to all the stuff I haven’t done. I miss deadlines or just barely make them. I’m also a budding workaholic which I used to do to avoid dwelling on all these feelings so having to take breaks isn’t….something I’m used to or really like. I at one point handled school, work, and 2 editing jobs. I used to do martial arts, I like running, I like swimming. I’m the kind of person that needs to be on the move and lately that’s hard because spoons and energy.
Also a lot of basic self care is hard to get done because of the dysfunction mentioned above.
Things that give you hope
The fact that I’m finally getting therapy.
I guess having people I can talk to about it.
My family isn’t as bad as it was back in 2014.
I guess I know that even if I feel like I’m at a dead end, I’ll figure something out. That’s what I do. I mean that’s life, you think things are never getting better or that something’s the end of the world but really time marches onwards and so do you and you figure it out. Things fall into place. I believe life has a funny way of working out. If anything because it kinda has to, it can’t stand still yknow. I have moments of clarity where I just kinda remember that ( its not my first rodeo.in regards to hard times or Things That Happen..its not even my hardest rodeo so..if I got through that..you kinda figure you can muddle through this and see what comes next yknow) I’m oddly hopeful for the first time in a long time so, it’s p cool.
Treatment types and personal choices
I spent most of my childhood, and teenage years...and early 20s dodging therapy and help due to it being controlled by my mother and having really bad experiences with it in the past.I do regret it sometimes but I comfort myself with the fact that it was what seemed like the best decision and i didn’t have the information I now have about keeping her out of things. 
After finding better insurance and getting into university I found a way to get myself a psychiatrist and am working on finding talk therapy. For the most part I tended to patch myself up a lot by finding ways to quiet the thoughts I had ( saving text messages to remind myself people dont hate me. Talking myself down. Joining social activities. That sorta home brew stuff. I’ve been soloing a lot of shit I probably shouldn’t have been until recently but hey live and learn. Also I didn’t have insurance.) As of recently I’m on an antidepresant and  hopefully going into DBT. That reminds me I have to call them.
Your support system
I’ve found some really nice friends like they’ve kinda just collectively adopted me and when your disorder stems from losing family that..that’s been incredibly helpful. All my close friends are long distance but they help me. My younger sister is also there although i try to limit how much she’s privy to as she just turned 18. My brother and I tend to spend limited time together due to him having his own stuff goin on but I’d also put him there. My parents sorta count as....one supportive unit? ( they try with the best of intentions but it uh..thats..thats really all I can say about them)
Reactions from those who learn about your disorder/s
I get told I can’t possibly have them because i “look too successful” or whatever ableist rethoric they got going. When I talk about C-PTSD symptons I get side eye for “trivializing” it as they don’t believe I can have it and think I’m exaggerating anxiety symptons. When I talk about Attachment Disorders…..I often don’t because people always say something along the lines of “people with that are often too damaged and you don’t fit the bill” which..ouch.
Mostly it goes from “you don’t look like a damaged and/or psychopath crazy person” to “oh...I guess you are one” with a bit of “okay thats fine” but still anger and impatience when I show symptoms.
I don’t talk about my disorders a lot.
 Future hopes and dreams
I’d like to get my attachment disorder under control as it’s the main life wrecking thing I have. After that or along with that I’d like to live somewhere where I get the social interaction I kinda need.
I wanna be happy with whatever profession I have and just..my life in general.
I hope DBT helps. Whatever it is It’s my first time even trying it.
I have a couple of personal creative goals but I don’t wanna jinx them by disclosing them ( I did mention I had anxiety)
Interactions with other people with the same disorders
I follow some peeps with BPD and also folks on the spectrum on tumblr. I don’t really have a lot of  analog interaction. ( again no driving + suburbia = being cooped up A Lot)  My sister and I share some disordered traits so we talk about them often and that helps a lot.
Things you want to work on/improve
The whole black and white thinking and maybe getting things done on time. I’d like to get the spirals under control too.
 Work/school experience with disorder/s
Shit’s hard.
Often I don’t get the help I need and have learned to overcompensate/regulate so I can still get things done. I pretty much need to work since i don’t believe I’d qualify for disability. I get in trouble a lot for spacing out ( dissociating) and forgetting things at work. Work friendships are also slow burn if not just nonexistent due to my autism and people..not really knowing what to make of it. I’ll probably have to quit working while I study since I can’t really split focus enough to do both lately. Further, a lot of my energy needs to go into school things staying afloat and that tends to mean I can’t do things that contribute to my mental health ( i.e spending time with friends, going out, sometimes even therapy, taking breaks) as I’ve found out that sends me way back in recovery.
Free space!
Here’s a picture of my cat. She’s a demon. What it said Free Space.
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Family history of mental disorders?
Mother has Bipolar disorder and depression. Sister has bipolar disorder, anxiety, depression, and eating disorders, Brother has anxiety and shows signs of ADHD, Dad has what we suspect is ADHD and possibly some disorder traits from past trauma. Used to have anger issues.
I uh..I used to call us “The Madhouse” for most of my late teens and early 20s.
Media representation of disorder/s
Attachment disorders: characters who are stalkers and so desperate for love family and acceptance they’ll do anything, even hurt people to feel it. Also often don’t have depression and can do things like learn villain skills.
Autistic traits are often cherry picked and portrayed in an unfavorable light. I think I’ve seen some rare cases of actual representation though.
How do you feel about talking about your mental health?
I don’t...like it as much as talking about mental health in general. Most of my life is...me running away from trauma and trying to  reclaim a life outside of it. It’s what I did with my epilepsy of course that one was easier because the seizures went away. 
Talking about it feels like going back. I wanna just move on with it. But I’ve reluctantly come around to see that talking about it is a way to move on. And I mean its not like dodging it’s worked out that well for me so.
 The true face of mental illness (Selfie if you’re comfortable with it)
Aww yiiss. Selfies.
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