#i have no idea what im doing in this life
pathologicalreid · 18 hours
could we get Spencer Reid with a hypersexual reader that uses sex as a bad coping mechanism? 💕💕
don't look in the mirror | S.R.
seeking comfort in those you hold close, except there's a right way and a wrong way to do it
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst (i think?) w/ mature themes (18+ mdni) content warnings: seeking comfort in sex, avoidance, mental health issues, spencer has those info dumps on lock, shame, self deprecation, reader hates her job (me too), blood as a metaphor, crying word count: 1.85k a/n: this is such an important topic and i'm so thankful for you asking me to write this!!!! i know this is a premise i've seen before, so i tried to make mine different. (im actually really proud of how this one turned out)
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“Baby,” Spencer whispered in your ear, turning his head to the side as you left small, slow kisses on the exposed skin of his neck.
You hummed but refused to detach your lips from his soft skin, tugging gently at his shirt so that you could make your way down to his collarbone. He smelled like sunshine and the jet, an admittedly odd combo that did nothing to stop your movements down the column of his throat. His neck vibrated with sound, but none of his words registered, it all went in one ear and out the other.
His hand gently settled on the small of your back and you took a deep breath before you began pulling at the knot of his tie, “Y/N,” he muttered in a warning.
Your head snapped up at his tone, disappointed that you didn’t find the same want in his eyes that you knew was blazing in your own irises. Synapses in your brain were firing at lightning speed, and your heart was beating so quickly that it was like it was trying to keep up. “I missed you,” you whispered to him, allowing your eyes to flitter across his face.
Spencer settled his hands on your hips, firmly grabbing them in exactly the way you wanted, but instead of pulling you closer to him, he stilled their rotation.
Your heart stuttered.
“What happened?” He asked you tentatively, using the pads of his thumbs to rub soothing circles on your hips, trying to keep you from moving while giving you comfort. Despite the way you were sitting in his lap, Spencer still felt worlds away from you – if he was on Earth, you were in a different galaxy. 
Hesitantly, your lips parted, and you took a deep breath before shutting your mouth again, deciding you had nothing to say. While he’d been away, nothing significant had happened, everything in your life had trudged on exactly the way it always did. You went to work at the same job you’ve had since you got out of college with a boss who most certainly had it out for you, and you came home to an empty apartment with your phone volume all the way up, waiting for your boyfriend to call you. You really were pathetic, but you didn’t voice those concerns, instead, you answered, “Nothing happened,” the half-truth easily slid from your mouth. “Can’t I just have missed my boyfriend and want to spend quality time with him?”
Spencer hummed thoughtfully, tilting his head back as his hair moved with him, “Stop, Y/N,” he said.
Without even realizing it, your hands had drifted down to his chest, and your hands were absentmindedly fiddling with the buttons of his shirt, “I didn’t…” you started to say, but your words faltered when you noticed the way he was looking at you. You looked over your shoulder, making sure that the rest of the world was still there as you tried to climb off of Spencer’s lap. “Let me go,” you insisted, hating how small your voice sounded as you pushed against him to no avail.
“I can’t let you go, not right now,” he told you, steadying his resolve as he watched you. You were staring at your hands like they were covered in blood, red-covered palms as you watched, horrified at the idea of them developing a mind of their own. It wasn’t as if your hands had suddenly become sentient entities, your heart and your brain were working against each other, fighting a silent, internal war. “Pick a spot for your hands, and just leave them there,” he whispered to you.
Your hands tremored as you settled them on either one of Spencer’s shoulders, “You don’t find me attractive anymore,” you mumbled, struggling to find the strength to enunciate your thoughts.
Spencer sighed, “Why don’t we take a minute, okay?” Delicately, he moved one hand from its station on your hip and moved it to cup your cheek, holding your face as if it were made of fine china. “What happened while I was gone, honey?”
His hand was wet on your face, or rather, your face was wet from tears that had started to trickle from your tear ducts. You furrowed your brows in frustration, “Why do you assume that something happened? Nothing happened while you were gone, why can’t you just let that be the answer?”
“Because it’s not the answer,” he insisted, dropping his hand back to your hip, continuing to stop you from getting up and moving away from him.
You scoffed, “Is it not the answer, or is it just not the answer you’re looking for, Spencer?”
“It’s not the answer, and I’m looking for the answer. You can tell me anything,” he urged, resuming his soothing movements over your hip.
As you watched his expression morph into a slight panic, you realized he was beginning to think something happened to you. With what he did for work, it was always in the back of his mind, you being in danger of being hurt by other people but what he rarely considered was the idea of you being a danger to yourself. “Nothing happened, okay? Absolutely nothing happened to me while you were gone and everything in the world stayed exactly the fucking same. I went to work every day and I came home and sat around while I waited for you to call, I waited for you to come home and now you won’t even touch me.”
Your tears kept coming, leaving saline stains on his gray shirt as your head spun and his movements stopped. “Work was bad?” He asked softly, using his fingertips to wipe beneath your eyes. He knew about your issues at work, he had been encouraging you to leave the job for months, but you were convinced that a promotion was coming. “You shouldn't have to be miserable every time you go to work.”
“Not everyone gets to be hand-picked for a top job at twenty-one. Some people have to work shitty jobs to make ends meet,” you snapped at him, nostrils flaring angrily.
He didn’t answer right away, you became hyperaware of the pounding of your heart as you waited for his response. As you waited for him to kick you out. “I told you that I’d support you if you wanted to go back to school. I meant it, Y/N,” he told you, brown eyes flooded with concern. “You can leave your job and pursue your dream, that’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, baby.” Spencer leaned back against the couch cushions, “I can’t help you until you help yourself, love.”
Slouching your shoulders, you felt your eyes starting to line with tears again, “It feels so unfair to have you shoulder more responsibility so that I can go back to school.”
“No,” he said, “What’s not fair is you lying to me and then trying to avoid it with sex. I asked you how your week had been, and you either didn’t care to answer me or you have such bad tunnel vision that you didn’t even hear me.” He gently chided, giving you time to drown in the blatant concern in his eyes, “and what’s worse is you never told me it was this bad.”
You averted your eyes, focusing your gaze on the chessboard behind him as you thought about your next move. In one fell swoop, he could checkmate you, completely catch you off guard, and tell you everything that you didn’t want to hear. Alternatively, you could sacrifice yourself for his benefit, “I hate my job. My boss is making it impossible for me to make any positive stride, and that’s on top of him being a misogynistic douche.” You flexed your hands where they remained on Spencer’s shoulders and sighed, “And yes, I miss you when you’re gone. Yes, I lied to you about it, but what would you do about it? Leave your big important job because your girlfriend is lonely?”
He craned his head to the side, silently encouraging you to make eye contact with him, “I’d hope that you’d feel comfortable enough to tell me how you’re feeling so that we could work something out – we can talk through this. It’s a two-way street though, you have to talk to me. I can make an effort to call and text more if you promise me, you’ll make an effort to communicate with me.”
Slowly, you started to nod, “I… I can do that, but you hate texting,” you reminded him, raising your eyebrows curiously.
“I’ll get over it,” he reassured you, studying your features, “You’re worth it,” he added.
Finally, you pulled your arms back, hugging them around yourself protectively, “I’m sorry,” you murmured, “I don’t know why I am… the way that I am.”
Spencer took a deep breath before giving you a look that told you he had an inkling, “You’re unhappy, with me or the world, it doesn’t matter, but you think the solution to your displeasure comes in the form of an orgasm and that’s just not the answer, honey.”
You hiccupped and wrapped your arms tighter around yourself like you could make yourself smaller, “I still don’t know why though.”
“You’re seeking the rush, not necessarily the act of sex itself, you want the dopamine and oxytocin rush that comes with an orgasm. Your brain convinces yourself that it’s what you need because when you get unhappy like this, all you can focus on is how to feel better and fast,” he spoke to you gently – he knew this wasn’t what you wanted to hear, but it was what you needed to hear. “It’s brief, and it’s just for that moment, and your brain might even recall how your parasympathetic nervous system shuts down after you come, and your body gets tired. You get a rush of serotonin, and you relax enough to convince yourself that it'll be okay, but you need to find something more permanent. I’ll help you.”
Your arms fell limply at your sides, “Do you think I’m broken?”
The small smile he gave you was enough of an answer, “No, in fact, I know you’re not broken.” Tenderly, he reached out and unwound your arms from around your torso, “And since I know you won’t stop thinking about it, I do still find you attractive.” Spencer studied your face, “Where do you want to start?”
“Do you want to help me draft a letter of resignation?” You offered, giving Spencer a shy smile.
He hummed in response, “Yeah, in a bit.” Your boyfriend reached his hands out to you, now being the one who pulled you close, “Come here, darling.”
You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder and sighing as he wrapped his arms around your torso, “I missed you,” you mumbled, entirely deflating your lungs as you let yourself relax.
Spencer reached up, ruffling your hair with one hand and keeping another on the small of your back as he sighed with you, “I missed you too.”
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pansyfemme · 2 days
i think theres always this idea that being vegan/vegetarian for a really long time is impressive but like. i’ve been vegetarian my whole life, i grew up knowing how to do it and never have cravings for meat. we have a family friend who’s been vegetarian for around seventy five years, before it was even a popular movement. but she doesnt even question it anymore. she doesnt even remember what meat tastes like. but like the first year? man that’s impressive. you might still get cravings, but on top of that you have to navigate scanning ingredients lists of literally everything you buy and figuring out which restraunts you can and cannot eat at for the first time in your life, you’re figuring out that foods you didnt even know have meat in them have it in them, you’ve learned that chicken broth is apperantly in half the foods on this planet… thats impressive shit to manage, that’s way harder than anything i’ve ever had to do and im proud of anyone who made that switch recently for whatever reasons you did.
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into-f0lkl0re · 3 days
paige bueckers x reader
(I attempted no physical descriptors. Imagine reader how ever you want!)
sorry if this sucks. i tried!
not spell checked
summary: Paige and reader have been dating and live together. paige comes home late from practice and just really needs comfort from the reader.
Paige slammed the door of her apartment behind her. sighing as she kicked off her sneakers, resting her head against the door. coach really overworked them today. they had the final four against Iowa in just a week. All paige could feel was anxiety, her shoulders were tense and her arms tender. She felt a migraine coming on as she stumbled into the kitchen from the hallway. The hallway light was on while everything else was off. It was late, really late. her girlfriend no doubt asleep in their bedroom.
paige was starving but couldn’t motivate herself to make anything to eat. she blindly made her way into her bedroom and collapsed on her side of the bed. paige contemplated waking her girlfriend up, she felt bad it was late. so she decided against it, turning into her girlfriend and burying her head in her neck. paige felt a hand come up and comb through her hair. “hey sweet girl, you’re finally home” y/n whispered into her girlfriends hair. paige nodded burying herself deeper into her girlfriends neck. y/n sat up still holding paige. “ how was practice baby?” “coach is torturing us, we did at least an hour and a half of drill today. I’m so fucking wiped i feel like i’m gonna crash.” paige groaned in y/n’s arms
y/n kissed paige’s forehead smiling down at her adorably grumpy girlfriend. “are you hungry?” paige nodded with a pout on her face. “ok how about this, I will make you something to eat while you go and shower and get comfy.” Paige pursed her lips for a moment as her eyes began to water “i feel bad, I woke you up. and now you are gonna make food for me. i’m sorry i feel like a shitty girlfriend. i mean i haven’t even asked you about your day.” a tear escaped from paige’s eye exhaustion written all over her face. y/n combed through her girlfriends hair before caressing her cheek “I like doing things for you. it makes me happy. i like making sure that you are all right, it’s my job as your girlfriend. and anyway you can pay me back tomorrow morning.” y/n said the end with a smirk. paige laughed before getting up, leaning into her girlfriend, looking down at her lips. “what did i ever do to deserve you.” she smiled before closing the distance and kissing her girlfriend with so much love. physically communicating her endearment towards the girl.
well i tried! I don’t rlly like this, it’s kinda shit but i hope you guys like it 🤞🤞
I haven’t written fanfics since my wattpad days. *audibly shudders* which is was a while ago and i was deep in the marauders phase of my life ( i was like thirteen) anyway if you like this and want more send in requests i have no idea what else to write, i kinda pulled this out of my ass.
big forehead kisses💕💕
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Noni !!!! ♡
Help! Staaap me ! I'm having ideas aaaa, I don't write well, but the muses gave me this, and I need to torment someone with it ! Lucky you !!
Here was I doing the dishes and daydreaming about a certain blonde sorcerer, and I'm giving you the idea/prompt/ idk what this is, but maybe it.could turn into a story in your dexterous hands. Hehehohoho
Your husband Nanami Kento wakes up and you're not there, he hears you the kitchen making Saturday morning lazy day off work breakfast.
He wakes up hit and bothered and go the kitchen to tempt you, he's in grey sweatpants, you are wearing his white t-shirt. In a soft gruff morning voice, you're in the sink washing some fruits, he kisses the nape of your neck, talking smoothly into your ear, you can feel his "discomfort" pressed up into your back, he carries you, coax you back to bed, kisses wherever he can. You continue carrying on with your duty, playing vou, until his slips a finger into your panties, starts toying with you and then your done for it, breakfast forgotten, he carried you back to bed and sweet, spicy love making morning time. 🔥🥵💀❤️‍🔥
Sends you a hug and well wishes ! I'm gonna rot in hell with all these ideas.
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Tags/warnings: MDNI 18+, P in V, Cunnilingus, BJ's Domestic, Established relaationship, Soft Nanami Kento, mention of washing dishes and 1 mention of kidnapping (there is no kidnapping Nanami is just anxiety ball) FLUFF, smut, idk what else.
A/N: Here it is. Im sorry it took me so long to write this i mean i really put the pro in procrastination...
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A sudden clang of metal jolted Nanami Kento out of bed. Immediately, his arm reached out to his right-– empty. The messy bed and askew pillow suggested someone may have lain there, but the lack of warmth that reached the blonde's fingers suggested that the one he looked for had left long before he arose. 
Nanami swung his legs off the side of the bed and, picking up his grey sweatpants off the floor but not quite bothering with his slippers, cautiously made his way out of the room toward the offending noise. His hand balled up in a fist, ready to attack whatever intruder there may have been awaiting and, of course, to defend the love of his life: you. 
But what met Nanami's eyes instead was the most breathtaking sight he had ever seen…
In the soft golden glow of the gentle morning sun, you stood— illuminated. 
Your hair was still messy from it being smushed against the pillow. You wore his white tee-shirt, which strained against your hips, tummy, and chest wrapping you in a secure embrace. And on your feet were your fluffy, bunny bedroom slippers. His tee-shirt barely covered your ass which Nanami quickly realised was bare underneath, when you lifted your arms, trying to reach a higher shelf. You were washing dishes…washing dishes… the clang. Nanami quickly put two and two together and smiled. There was no danger after all – save that of his breath loss.
He silently crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Good morning, beloved.” 
You jumped, dropping the bowl you'd been sleepily scrubbing, replicating the sound that woke Nanami from his dreams. “Christ, Ken…you scared the shit out of me.” 
The man behind you chuckled. He dipped his head to rest in the crook of your neck starting to kiss your skin softly. The smell of the bed still lingered on your body, warm and sweet. 
“We'll, we're even now. For a moment I thought you were being kidnapped and were putting up quite a fight.” 
“What—what do you mean?”
“A loud clang woke me up.” 
Silence fell as you stood trying to process the reason, during which time Nanami's nose grazed against your skin trailing down, inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Did you know how much you smell like something terribly edible in the mornings?” He nipped at you. 
“Ken…” you whispered, “It's early, Ken.”
“We forsook the dishes last night already. I really want to finish up.”
“Well, I'm not stopping you, am I?” 
You sighed and tentatively resumed the slow scrubbing of the bowl you had dropped earlier. 
Nanami dropped his hands from your waist to the hem of his tee shirt on you. You felt the fabric creep up the swell of your ass. 
“Kento-o-o,” you warned. 
“Go on. You're still able to wash the dishes.”
The lips on your neck burned,  sucking and licking at the thin skin. A wanton moan sounded somewhere, and with a blush, you realised it was you. 
Nanami chuckled. “That’s my girl.” 
“Nanami Kento, you really are incorrigible,” You turned around to kiss him. 
“Can you blame me? When I walked in here to find you looking like everything I ever dreamed of?” Your noses touched, and Nanami pushed his hips against yours. Suddenly the room felt hotter than before. “Do you see what you do to me…”
You could feel the growing bulge in his sweatpants. It strained against the fabric reaching out, needing touch. 
Nanami flipped you around so he could face your back and ground against your ass. His hands reached up to cup your breasts pulling you into him so he could whisper in your ear.
“Let's play a game, let's see if I can make you come before you can finish washing up. If you finish washing first, you win and I'll buy lunch for us today. If I make you come, well, you're buying.” 
Your lover's fingers found your slit. Expertly delving into the folds, he toyed with the bundle of nerves between. You were playing a losing game. The events of the night before were still fresh in your muscle memory and with the lightest touch your libido had been awoken again, remembering the touches from a few hours ago. 
Trying and struggling to pick up a plate and the sponge, you quickly realised your grip was lacking. Kento kissed your neck again, this time with the intention of leaving marks. His semi-hard cock prodded at your back and the thought of him lifting you onto the kitchen counter flashed in your mind. 
“You seem to have lost some soap darling,” Nanami said without missing a beat. You looked down at your hand, curled up in a fist, squeezing the once-pregnant sponge for all it was worth. “Now wouldn't it be something if I could make you come on just my fingers…” 
“Ken…this isn't fair,” you whined. 
“Oh is that so, would you like me to stop then?” 
You shook your head vigorously. 
“That's what I thought.” 
Keeping his fingers at your clit, Nanami kneeled down and used his other hand, and shoulders, to spread your legs apart. The tight tee-shirt rolled up your ass, exposing it to the cold morning air and you felt goosebumps rise. He spread your asscheeks and dipped his face right in, replacing his fingers with his tongue. You were already dripping. It wouldn't take long. 
The dishes lay untouched. Your knuckles were white from squeezing the sponge, and here you were, just seconds away from coming all over your lover's face.
Anticipating the release, Nanami hummed against your pussy and in his signature baritone commanded, “Come for me.” 
His lips wrapped around your throbbing clit sucking on the nub. Your legs gave way and immediately his hands caught hold of your waist. 
“Fuck– haa– coming, Ken–” 
Your thighs quivered and your orgasm came shattering through and you held the countertop for support as Nanami helped you ride out your high, licking you with slow broad stripes. When you slowly came down from it he withdrew, getting to his feet. 
“Guess I won that round.” 
You did not complain when he took your hands and led you away to the bedroom. The tee shirt was the first to come off. With it, he wiped away any remaining soap suds on your arms. He sat you down on the bed, your legs still unsteady, and you took the opportunity to grab the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“Sweetheart, you don't have to…” 
You shushed him. “I want to, please?” You said, looking up at him with big eyes. 
Nanami nodded. 
You tugged the fabric down, letting his cock spring free. 
Smiling at him, half disbelieving you remarked, “It's like we barely touched each other last night, look at you Min-min…” 
Nanami stroked your head. “It's the effect you have on me, Princess. You turn me on, so fucking much…” 
Your tongue licked a long stripe up his length, while you kept your eyes locked on him. “I could say the same about you, you know.”
Nanami closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the grip on your hair tightened. 
“Really? In that case, I'd suggest we keep doing that for each other for the rest of our lives.” 
You took the head in your mouth and bobbed up and down on it, letting him fill you. Although he allowed you to go at your own pace his hand never left your head, gently stroking your soft hair. With one hand you wrapped the base of his cock where your mouth couldn't reach and pumped him in time to the movements of your head. 
As it was always, Nanami's size was not easy. No matter how many times you took him in your mouth, you would dribble and drool, trying to fit more. Fortunately, this served to only spur the man on, and he gently thrust into your mouth – careful not to hurt you. 
It was evident you were not the only one still raw from the night before. Quiet grunts and deep growls, in the company of sharp hisses, as your tongue found its way around his cock head, told you that despite looking composed, Nanami was as desperate as you felt yourself to be. The wetness between your thighs only increased as you sucked his cock – turned on by not only what you were doing for him but also what you were doing to him.
A sudden loud hiss and Nanami grunted, “Shit, babe, get off!”
Losing yourself in the feeling of his cock in your mouth you failed to notice how Nanami's balls had tightened, ready to unload. You released him with a pop but continued stroking. “Come in my mouth,” You felt a twitch under your fingers but continued your gentle movement. 
“No, not your mouth, need to – feel—”
He pushed you down to the bed without waiting for a response. You smirked, and spread your legs. 
“Look at you, so desperate for this pussy. If only people knew how the great Nanami Kento could be made to kneel so easily.” 
Nanami blushed, lining his cock up with your entrance. His hands fondled your breasts lightly flicking the hardened nipples. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pushed past the small opening, stretching you out onto his cock.
“I could– say the same– about you, my love,” Nanami parroted your earlier statement. 
He bottomed out easier than usual, filling you to the brim. Your hands found purchase in his hair – tugging gently and you pulled his head to yours, meeting his mouth in a rough, sloppy kiss. He pinched your nipples just as you slipped your tongue in his mouth and swallowed the filthy moan that dripped from your lips. 
Kisses coupled with well-timed thrusts had you at the edge well enough, but Nanami was far ahead of you. Desperate to have you come around his cock again he searched the bed for the small vibrator that had been discarded among the rumpled sheets the night before. Not once did he stop fucking into you, searching only with the sense of touch and, when he finally came by it, wasted no time in switching it on and laying it on your clit.
The effect was almost instantaneous. Your hips bucked upwards as blasphemous prayers dripped from your swollen lips. He grabbed hold of you, easily lifting your body into an embrace feeling the strong vibrations run up his cock as well. His thrusts grew faster and rougher with each passing minute.
“Hnng– fuck, I'm going to come, baby,” he growled. 
Your fingers carded at his hair and you pulled his even closed faces just inches apart as you looked into his eyes and cried, “C- come for me then. Right– right now. With me!”
Nanami let go with a guttural groan spilling inside you, at the same time you felt your climax wash over you. Your pussy held Nanami in a vice-like grip pulsing and throbbing as he emptied into you and you gushed onto him. The vibrator fell to the bed, once again lost among the sheets but you couldn't care less. Nanami was kissing you, like it was the first time he'd ever kissed you. Lips, teeth, hands, you were pulled into him as he devoured you. 
The high gradually faded. You laid your head on Nanami's arm leaving small kisses along his skin – wherever you could reach. He smiled down at you. 
“I meant it you know, let's actually keep turning each other on for our whole lives…”
You looked up at him, your heart full. “Nanami Kento, as much as I love you, I'm not accepting that proposal. You have to get me a ring.” 
He chuckled and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head, “I'll do that, and more. Starting with our repeatedly abandoned dishes.” 
You kissed his chest smiling. “I can't wait to say ‘I do’.” 
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A/N: GUys i DROPPED MY PHONE ON MY FACE JUST AS I FINISHED THE SEX SCENE and it very STRATEGICALLY landed right on a pimple on my forehead with the corner like FML. here i am thinking about being railed into SUNday by MR NANAMI KENTO AND MY PHONE SAYS BONK GO TO HORNY JAIL HELP. THAT TOO DURING PRIDE MONTH. is this a hatecrime???
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whimsyfinny · 1 day
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: language
Chapter Word Count: 2288
A/N: AHHHHHHHHH IM SOOOOOOOO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG ITS NOT EVEN A SPICEY CHAPTER… I hope it’s ok! Let me know of any errors as I’m the only proof reader .
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Please read the below:
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8pt1
Chapter 8pt2
Chapter 9
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 10
I stood in the kitchen over the stove, the smell of bacon tickling my nose as it sizzled in the pan. Watching the fat and grease splutter, my mind replayed the rapturous events of last night with every tantalising memory bringing heat to my skin and fluttering to my pulse. The simple thought of Deans hands on me set my whole body aflame. Not to mention that I woke up in his room, in his arms, listening to his soft breathing as he slept peacefully - not a single crease between his brows as he slumbered unburdened. I had crept out, not wanting to torment myself by staying by his side until he awoke.
I had eaten breakfast alone; neither of the boys rising early enough for us to eat together, so I tucked in whilst the food was still hot. I was a mixture of grateful and ungrateful in this instance. Grateful, because I could be left alone with my sinful thoughts - and ungrateful, because I didn’t want to be left alone with my sinful thoughts. They were driving me insane, spinning around and around inside my head. I desperately needed to remind myself that Dean Winchester was an insufferable jackass who seemed to be making it his life’s mission to get under my skin. And I couldn’t let him.
Oh Bobby, if you could see me now, you’d be so disappointed in my life choices…
I had just tidied the kitchen and placed the food in the fridge when I heard the front door open and close and I made my way to the main room - Charlie appearing at the top of the stairs wielding half a dozen shopping bags.
“Good morning bitches!” She beamed as she began making her way down, right as Sam and Dean strode in, sleep weighing on their features. I opened my mouth to respond but my gaze snagged on Dean, who was already looking at me and my words evaporated in my mouth. We stared at each other, both of us with a sort of dumbfounded look about our faces. Charlie stepped next to me, looking between us.
“I said… good morning bitches! No? Anyone?”
Without saying a word I grabbed her hand through the countless loops of shopping bag handles and dragged her through the bunker until we reached my room. I pushed her through the door and slammed it behind us, leaving the frenzy in the hallway as we looked at each other in silence. I huffed out a sigh, running my hands through my hair before cupping my cheeks. She dropped the bags and sat on the edge of my bed.
“What’s going on with you? Are you ok? You see-”
“I fucked Dean.”
I nodded and sat next to her as she jumped up, a wild look on her face.
“You fucked the guy you beat the shit out of?”
I nodded again, biting my lip and cringing.
“I thought you hated him?”
“I do. I mean, I don’t hate him. He just infuriates me so much.”
She pauses for a second, smirking and raising her brows as she sits down beside me.
“Was it good?”
I closed my eyes and breathed out, memories flooding my brain.
“Oh my God Charlie you have no idea…” I crisscross my legs and face her, and she does the same. We look like a couple of teenage girls talking about our high school crushes at a sleepover.
“That good?”
“It was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. He’s ruined me,” I sighed as I saw her wicked expression, her gaze flitting between myself and the shopping bags abandoned on the floor.
She picked up one of the bags and plunged her hand in, fishing around for a second before pulling out an outfit. There were… bunny ears?
A slutty bunny outfit was thrown onto the bed, the bodysuit crafted with expertise and soft black velvet, with shaping-bones ascending the bodice and plush padding in the bra cups. The white cuffs were made of soft, pressed cotton, and amongst it all I spotted a little fluffy tail.
“Why have you bought me a Playboy outfit?” I raised an eyebrow, unable to stop myself from finding out if the tail was as soft as it looked. It was. Charlie beamed.
“Because the girls at this club are known for their irresistible aesthetic. You’ll need to blend in. But don’t worry,” she gestured to the other bags, “if you don’t want to be a bunny I bought you more.”
“Of course they wear outfits…” I groaned, knowing that the boys will never let me live this down.
“Plus…” Charlie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, “now that I know you’re FINALLY getting laid, you can actually put these towards their intended use.”
I smirked and threw a pillow at her.
“Oh yeah? And when was the last time you got laid?”
She rolled off the bed dramatically before throwing the pillow back at me.
“A lady never tells!”
“Bullshit!” I laughed, before grabbing the outfit off the covers and headed to the bathroom to try it on.
The afternoon passed by quickly, most of it spent trying on those ridiculous outfits that Charlie had bought for me. I must have tried on a dozen, ranging from ‘let’s only cover flaps and nips,’ to ‘you’re gonna need x-ray vision’. I went for something in between, not too scandalous but enough skin on show to get the wolves howling. Charlie lounged around on my bed reading comics and muttering to herself whilst I busied away getting ready, doing my hair and makeup and quadruple checking that this ridiculous outfit wasn’t going to spontaneously explode off my body. Overall the whole ordeal took around five hours from start to finish - six if you include lunch and coffee breaks, and six and a half hours if you took into account all the occasions that Deans ego led him to believe that we ‘might need a mans opinion’ on the matter. Said ego had many a door slammed in his face.
Evening had rolled around and I pulled a long coat over myself - another gift from Charlie - making sure that it covered everything not meant for outside a club environment. Or Comic Con, actually, because I eventually learnt that Charlie had purchased this particular outfit from a cosplay website. It explained a lot to be honest. From the quality fabric to the delicate lace trims and tiny petticoats, it was made to a much higher standard than anything else she’d brought with her. Adorning the final touch upon my head, I exited my room before joining the others in the research room, my heels clicking softly on the hard floor.
Upon arrival, all eyes were on me. On my face, my cloaked body, my exposed calves and heeled feet. It was like every other gaze in this room was trying to see through the wool of the overcoat concealing the surprise beneath; a present to be unwrapped… a meal to be devoured. I wasn't sure who to look at, every set of eyes hot with expectation so I chose to study the ribbons on the top of my stilettos, observing in great detail how the fabric shined in the dim lighting. A moment passed before Sam cleared his throat.
“Come on guys, let's get going.”
It should have been Sam that I looked at when I replied, but my eyes were drawn to Dean like a compass to North. His jaw was tight and his eyes dark, as though it pained him to not know what I was wearing. Although he could have been thinking anything really, as we hadn't exactly spoken much since the tantalising events of the previous night and we definitely hadn't spoken about what had happened. I think we were both well aware of the dangerous situation we were putting ourselves in, despite trying to act oblivious to any consequences. We both knew at some point the conversation needed to be had.
“Yes,” I replied to Sam, my voice cracking from the anxiety starting to crawl up my spine, “let's get going before I freeze to death.”
The car ride was quiet. Too quiet. Dean was in a weird headspace and didn't crack any of his usual jokes or poke fun at anyone in the car. Sam hadn't made eye contact with me since I gave him the dance, and whenever our eyes met his face erupted into a red-hot blush. Tapping away on her tablet, Charlie paid no mind to any of the silence at first, both of us in the back seat minding our own business. However after a long wait at a red light, she glanced over at me before pulling out her phone and tapped away. It didn't take long for my own phone to vibrate. Retrieving it from my pocket, I opened the message from her.
Chazzie: wtf is going on with you and these guys?
I sighed and wrote my reply.
Me: it's a long story… and tbh I didn't give you all the details about me and Dean…
Chazzie: bitch this is a long drive, tell me! I know Sam won't look at you and Dean won't STOP looking at you. And I know Dean, he's normally a ‘no strings’ kinda guy. But bitch you've got that man on a leash.
I sighed again, throwing her a look before giving in and typing away.
Me: so Dean made me annoyed and told me I would be no good for this mission because he doubted I could even do a basic lap dance. Well, it ground my gears so yesterday evening I put on some music and gave a lap dance to prove my point.
Chazzie: ooh I bet he was in heaven, I remember when you took those classes! You were soooo good <3
Me: awww thanks babes <3 but I didn't give the dance to Dean… I danced for Sam…
I heard her choke on her own spit as she read the message and she threw me a disbelieving look.
Chazzie: WHAT?! Why Sam?! I mean it explains why he won't look at you. But whhhyyy? When you've already fucked D-boi?
Me: tbh I was mad at Dean and I wanted him to suffer. Plus I had a point to prove, he needed to be able to see the show to know I was good.
Chazzie: I mean that's true! How did he take it when you danced for Sam?
Me: tbh I don't think he was best impressed at first, but then I think he just enjoyed the show. … I do feel a bit bad for Sam tho for dragging him into his. I feel bad for using him.
Chazzie: don't! I can tell he loved every minute of it from the permanent blush on his face hehehe. You're a wicked woman tho. Really torturing those boys. How long did it take for Dean to come to your room?
Me: ughhh don’t even joke… you make me sound like I'm in some shitty YA novel… and technically he didn't come to my room. I bumped into him in the corridor. Then he told me he ‘couldn't stop thinking about me’. The we made out and then we eventually fucked in my room.
Chazzie: Welp somehow you've made Dean Winchester your bitch. Gold medal for you, because I've seen soooo many girls try and fail. So did he wake up in your room or did he go back to his? Because this is fucking important.
I looked at her and felt my face heat up, a grin appearing on her face as she playfully smacked my arm.
Chazzie: bitch seriously?! He stayed the night?!
Me: technically no… my sheets were ruined so we slept in his bed instead …
Before anymore texts could be exchanged, I felt the car slow to a stop and the handbrake engaged, engine flicking off. Dean turned to face us, doing a double take over my blushing expression and Charlie's wild grin. He mumbled something under his breath about this making him nervous before he faced forward again and Sam turned around instead, his soft gaze scanning my made-up eyes and lips.
“Are you sure you're ok with this (Y/n)? Because it's still ok for you to back out now if you want.”
The older Winchester tore his gaze away from the lone two-storey building before us; its neon lights reflecting in the puddles on the pavement. Two guys in leather jackets stood outside, and I'm assuming they were security. Dean's expression turned to one of unease as he surveyed the club from a distance.
“Exactly what Sammy said. (Y/n) this is dangerous and I don't want you going in there. Back out now.”
I couldn't help but scoff and roll my eyes.
“I've not gotten this far and this fucking dressed up to give up now. Besides, my safety isn't as important as the safety of the civilians who are at risk of leaving these vamps even a day longer. You know that. That's why we do this job-”
“Look, your safety is all I give a shit about.”
Dean's assertiveness came as a slight shock, not just to myself but to him as well. We blinked at each other before I turned to Charlie.
“Do you have the paperwork and ID I need to get in?” I heard Dean sigh and turn back to face the steering wheel, cursing under his breath. Without saying another word, I took the envelope from Charlie's grasp and flung the door to the impala open, clambered out and slammed the door behind me.
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hobby27 @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @feyresqueen @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @spookyysinsanity @safiyas-world @uncle-eggy @happyt0exist @supernaturalstilinski @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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cripplecharacters · 22 hours
any tips on portrayal of conjoined characters? im finding it to be a little hard to research
So, the reason there aren't many sources on the life of conjoined twins is because conjoined twins who live a long time without being separated are rare. The survival rate of conjoined twins is only around 7.5%, because 75% of conjoined twins don't live long enough to be separated and 40% of those who do will not survive the procedure or the recovery. There aren't many modern examples of conjoined twins who were not separated and yet still survived. The best resource I can point you to is Abby and Brittany Hensel, who have been very open about how the two of them operate one body. But the two of them are a very, very unique case.
Most likely, your conjoined characters would probably be separated as soon as medically possible to avoid as many complications as possible. The survival rate for most conjoined twins is poor- the only type of conjoined twins (at least the only common type of conjoined twins, though several less common types have a similar survival rate) who have a good survival rate without sacrificing one of the two are Omphalopagus twins, who are joined at the lower abdomen. They have a survival rate of around 82%, though literature is unclear as to if that's with or without separation. Most likely it's with separation.
My only advice is just to be medically accurate. Most fictional conjoined characters are like Abby and Brittany Hensel, even though the survival rate for that type of conjoined twin is poor. Most conjoined twins who survive have a less intense connection, like the one I mentioned above, and many of them are separated to give them a safer, easier life.
Mod Aaron
You might want to check out Carmen and Lupita's youtube channel, they're a pair of conjoined twins connected at the torso :-) They made some Q&As about that, as well as videos about misconceptions that a lot of people have about them.
What you should avoid first and foremost is the "freakshow" association, as well as making your characters into some sort of thought experiment or r/askReddit tier theories ("what would've happened if one died?!?"). Just try to treat them as siblings who are very close and might have some additional disabilities (very unspecific, but it really depends on where they are connected, if they have been separated, etc). Make sure they have their own personalities, hobbies, thoughts, and aren't just reduced to being conjoined with their twin.
Also, just do technical research to make sure what you're writing makes sense - for example, each twin would control/feel their half of the body, not the whole thing. From what I know, learning how to walk can be very hard because of this.
Conjoined twins also don't have telepathy (unless they'd be literally sharing a major part of their brain maybe, but no idea how survivable that is?) or any other magical powers because of their disability. They're normal people, and that's what you should be aiming to portray.
Sorry for the short answer, but I hope it helps!
mod Sasza
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im a trans boy who has grown up with very oppressive religious parents so ive never gotten the chance to experiment sexually or romantically with peers irl, im about to move to the city for college in the fall
(i will be living on campus with two roommates who i haven't met yet and i know basically nothing about, one of them i will be sharing a bunk bed with)
im really nervous about how im gonna do socially.. ive had a really hard time making and maintaining irl friends for like my entire life, which has been really upsetting for me obviously.
being able to experiment sexually is something im really wanting to do and im really really nervous about it, i know that the most straightforward advice is just "talk about it to people you wanna do sex stuff with" but like everything is new to me i havent had the chance to really socialize irl up until this point and now im being shoved into a group of other young adults who all have the prior experience of being well socialized and having complex interpersonal relationships with peers
i also feel extremely insecure about my lack of experience, like is it actually normal for someone my age to have never had a romantic or sexual encounter? are the things ive discovered and assumptions ive made about myself sexually through masturbating wrong?? i can't watch porn bc looking at strangers having sex grosses me out!! im pretty sure my front hole is like unnaturally tight?? anything wider than two of my fingers is uncomfortable and no matter how much prep and easing myself into it i do, it stays that way.. and i think my cervix is also lower than most, about 3-4 inches is the maximum that i can insert before i can feel it bump my cervix (which hurts REALLY BAD)
im just so nervous and scared about my own body and personality and all that andi don't know where to look for resources or reassurance. ive never been to the doctor for any kind of reproductive care and im really scared to!!! i live in a state that has completely outlawed abortion rights and im really scared that if i go to planned parenthood or something to get like a checkup that they will be mean and not gentle with me
i don't know, i guess im just looking to be heard and hopefully pointed towards some resources if anyone has any, thank you for the work you do and thank you for taking the time to read my panicked ramblings
hi anon,
there's a lot happening here so I'm just doing a numbered list
1.) man, how did the third guy luck out and avoid the bunk bed? you don't have to answer that, I'm just curious how you guys have already worked out that two of you are stuck with the bunk beds. unless you're into bunk beds (I was), in which case mazel tov.
2.) in the nicest way possible, I think you may be vastly overestimating how "well socialized" other students are going to be. reading between the lines a bit, it sounds like you were maybe home schooled, or at least don't have very much experience mingling with other people your age without adult supervision. I guarantee you every public school in the world is also full of introverted freak losers who rock up to college with no idea of what they're doing; I was one of them. the majority of first year college students are also running around panicking and trying to figure out how to be away from their parents for the first time; everyone is a loser and no one is cool.
would it comfort you at all to know that my day job is organizing events at my office's LGBT student resource center? I spend a lot of time hanging out with queer first year students, and I love them dearly, and they're all cringefail losers. it's unavoidable. every 18 year old is a cringefail loser. every single person on Earth looks back at their 18 year old self and goes "goddamn, what a cringefail loser." and it's fine! it's so normal! that's the entire point of your first year of college! you try things and you're socially awkward and you meet some of the most important people you will ever meet and you meet people whose opinions about you won't matter literally at all and you'll completely change how you think about everything for the rest of your life and you'll think you're going to die and everything will be fine!!!!
anyway moving on
3.) it's normal for anyone at any age to have never had a romantic or sexual encounter. I'm assuming you value my insight at least a little, since you sent this, so would it help you to know that I arrived at college as virginal as could be (wildly insecure about it, btw) and didn't have sex for the first time until I was almost 21? would it comfort you to hear from my housemate, also transmasculine, who gave me permission to share that they've never had sex and that none of their life problems really have anything to do with being a virgin?
4.) "are the things ive discovered and assumptions ive made about myself sexually through masturbating wrong??" hard to say, since I don't know what those things are, but probably not. it's extremely hard to get masturbating wrong, no one knows what feels good to you better than you. you're sort of an authority here. masturbating isn't exactly like partnered sex, of course, but it's a really good place to start learning about things that you like and make you feel good.
5.) everything you're describing about your front hole sounds very typical. two fingers is the max number of comfortable fingers for a lot of people, regardless of experience; often, taking something larger doesn't become easier until after having penetrative sex with a partner. average vaginal depth is about 3.6 inches, and while that can increase significantly with arousal, it's something that doesn't generally happen if you're not relaxed during sex. if I can be a bit presumptuous, it sounds like sex and masturbation are maybe a bit anxiety-inducing for you, in a way that is pretty much perfectly contradictory to comfortable penetration. if I can offer you some advice I wish I could give my younger self: calm the fuck down, buy some lube, stop worrying so much about making your body react the way you think it should and learn to appreciate what it's actually doing, and maybe see if your campus has some free therapy options available. anxiety meds probably wouldn't hurt this situation. also stop hitting your cervix if that hurts oh my god.
6.) Planned Parenthood is generally one of the best places to go if you're nervous; they're aggressively queer friendly and tend to be extremely accommodating of patients' needs. I personally do not care for penetration at all and have a difficult time with Pap smears, and every examiner I've ever had at PP has been an angel about letting me take breaks and swear my way through it. it ain't fun, but if you want to have an adventurous sex life you need to take care of the health of yourself and your prospective partners by getting STI tests and Pap smears.
you're so normal, calm down, I love you
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zombvic · 23 hours
would you write one of hector fort and reader being in an argument and reader crying because of the accumulated stress and hector comforting reader afterwards pls
PLUS ONE (hector garcía fort x reader)
summary : in which hector gets invited to a team event, which comes with a certain challenge
face claim : no-one
notes : first time writing angst lol sorry if its soft but im a noobie
pairings : hector fort x reader , angst
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HECTOR and I have been dating for about a year. Our relationship has been very low-key, with only our families knowing about it. We both agreed it was better this way—he has his fangirls, and I would assume they would go ballistic if they found out Hector had a girlfriend. Not even the Barca players knew; some, slowly caught on, but apart from a few REALLY soft, soft launches, it was basically non-existent to the public eye.
It was a typical Saturday evening when Hector came over to my apartment after a training, a bit more excited than usual. “Guess what?”
“What’s up, babe?” I asked, looking up from my phone.
“I got invited to the FIFA Football Awards event next month. It’s a big deal; all the top players will be there,” he said, sitting down beside me.
“Wow, that’s amazing, Hector! I’m so proud of you,” I replied, genuinely happy for him.
“And they said I could bring a plus one,” he added, his voice trailing off as he looked at me expectantly.
I paused, my excitement fading slightly. “Oh, that’s.. nice.”
Hector noticed the change in my tone and his brows furrowed. “I want you to come with me,” he said firmly.
“Hector, you know we agreed to keep this low-key. An event like that, with all the media and attention… it’s not exactly low-key,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know, but it’s just one event. We don’t have to hide forever. Besides, I want to share this moment with you.”
I shook my head. “It’s not that simple. Once we go public, things will change. People will start prying into the life of my family and I. I don’t want that kind of stress.”
“But I want to be able to be with you openly. It’s been over year. I’m tired of hiding” he argued, his frustration evident.
He got up and walked around the room. 
"So, why can't we do just one thing together? "I just want one, public, night together." 
"It never lasts a night. Today it's the awards; tomorrow it'll be something different."
"Where does it end?" I exclaimed, my voice rising as my anger increased. 
"I don't see why you're so against this. It's not like I'm asking you to do something really crazy." 
"I just want my girlfriend to be there for me, to support me." he said, his voice filled with distress.
"And I support you, Hector. Every. Single. Day, I offer you my whole support. However, this is not like usually. It isn't just about us. It's all about the media, fans, and attention.
"It's genuienly too much."
Hector paused while walking, his eyes softening. "I had no idea that was giving you so much anxiety. I just thought... Maybe it was time to announce our relationship, I don't know."
With a shaky voice, I took a deep breath. "Hector, it's not that I don't want to be with you honestly. It’s just that I’m scared. Scared of what will happen when everyone knows. Scared of the pressure, the judgment."
"I apologize for pressuring you. Im sorry. I just... I want you to know that no award or event is equivalent to how much you mean to me. I just wanted everyone to see the girl i adore and love so very much."
"You don’t get it, Hector. You're used to the constant focus on you and your loved ones. I'm not famous in any way, nor do I desire to be."
Hector's face fell, guilt and regret obvious and clear in his eyes. "I'm sorry; I should've taken your feelings into consideration. I just assumed that-"
“You assumed what? That I would suddenly be fine with our private life being exposed to the world?” I interrupted, slowly feeling the anger rise in me.
“I thought we could handle it together,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper.
“But I’m not as strong as you think I am, Hector,” I said, my voice breaking. “I never cry, I never let things get to me. But this… it’s just too much. I can’t do it. What if they try to break us apart? It's so overwhelming. What if the media digs into our personal lives and spreads lies? What if your fans start hating me, or I say something wrong, and it affects you? The anxiety is eating me alive."
Feeling the weight of everything squeezing me, I shook my head. "Hector, I'm not as strong as you expect me to be. I can’t handle the thought of people judging us, criticizing us. With all this pressure, the idea of losing you is too much for me to handle."
"Hector, you just don't get it. You're used to being the focus of attention. However, I'm not. I'm more than scared, I'm basically petrified."
I looked aside, trying to cover my face as the tears I had been keeping back suddenly burst out. Hector stood there for a brief momentwatching me with a distressed expression. Then, slowly, he stepped closer, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
“I’m so sorry, love. I didn’t realize how much this was affecting you. We don’t have to go public if you’re not ready. We can take our time,” he said, his voice gentle and soothing.
I leaned into his embrace, my sobs shaking my body. “Thank you. I just need time.”
He squeezed me even tighter and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Take as much time as you need. I'm always here to support you. I love you."
The tension began to ease as we stood there, holding another closely. I knew that between us, we would get through this. That was the only thing that mattered for now.
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first time ever writing angst hope its what you imagined while requesting 𖹭
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menlove · 17 hours
in honor of pride month. how queer (or Not) do you think the bugs are. for science
here's my semi controversial takes okay take them w a grain of salt idk these men (...people?) anyway
paul: I do think he's bi. whether or not he's like out to people around him or even himself who knows but he's. 100% bi. my evidence is well. really everything w john but also just his Consistent flirting with men in so so so so so many interviews. (my joking answer is that he's a lesbian. him and linda are lesbians.)
george: also bi, mostly bc of the stuff surrounding dylan & some of his lyrics. I feel like there's a quote somewhere where he alludes to having done stuff w men but I could absolutely be making that up in my mind lmao. feel like he also could have been sold on the idea that souls are genderless and so not necessarily Be a man in the more spiritual sense. like if he were a 20-30 smth year old today. or I mean even in his actual life I just don't know but I Could See It. 0 evidence for that beyond how many transfemmes I know adore george
john: CONTROVERSIAL ONE IM SORRYYYYY. but he's definitely the one that's For Sure Queer like we all know this. & a lot of people use the bi label bc he had relationships w women & this would be the easiest answer but I'm gonna be really and totally honest... to me a lot of his/yoko's/everyone else's quotes surrounding his attraction to men vs women make it sound Very comphet driven. like his quotes about yoko being the perfect woman bc she was so much like a man/himself in drag. "you think of rock hudson when we do it". him constantly comparing yoko & paul & never really discussing cynthia and in general just disregarding her existence entirely. (which is very shitty btw his treatment of cyn makes me rage, it just also reeks of marriage out of comphet and obligation while he was actually committing himself to paul, whether that was ever fulfilled or not). his general angst around being called gay. etc. to me he reads more as a gay man that never fully came around to identifying that way. but for the sake of not speculating on a dead man's sexuality I'll just say he was Definitely Queer. also given some of his quotes surrounding identity and gender and whatnot I do think he maaay have been gender queer as well but that one is definitely more speculative and vibe based. I could see a modern john or john if he lived being more genderfluid but We'll Never Know.
ringo: token straight I'm sorry buddy. I can enjoy a good fictional depiction of him being bi (shout out to that paul/ringo fic in hamburg that made me chew glass) but as for like. real life I haven't seen a single shred of anything pointing to him being anything but cishet. maybe! but if we're solely talking what I think is Actually going on... no.
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babymochibeargyu · 14 hours
[Babymochibeargyu 100 Followers Event]
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I honestly can't believe we reached this many in the span of 44 days? Like I said before, I didn't think I would even be writing so many fics after my first two as I was just doing for the plain fun of it, but after seeing how well received my works started to get, I just decided to continue and here we are. anyways enough of my rambling lets get to the event🥺
As you guys know I usually have been writing for Gyu on here, because he's been really living in my head rent free and I have just so many fluff thoughts to write about.
But for this event, I'm letting you guys choose who you want to see in my fluff/whichever genres you guys want me to write about[as due to a recent poll you guys seem to be deprived of the other members hence I decided to do this]
here's how things will go:
pairings: 1 txt member x reader
genres: any genre is fine(I'll try my best to write whatever you guys give me)
genres can be :fantasy, hybrid,enemies to lovers or just plain fluff, whatever your heart desires!!
no smut/nsfw(im not confident😭),SA,rape,sexual harassment, incest
no. of entries per person: I'm not sure how many will participate(but I hope you guys do >_<) so I'm just gonna give you guys max of 5-10 request per acc![ if yall would like, you can send more, but they will be looked to afterwards, so as to give everyone a fair chance]
(those that I do not reply to during this event, may be turned into a future fic)
how do I get my entry to be written? : if your entry inspires me, then you'll definitely will be seeing it turn into a fic
also tip, I usually get heavily inspired if there's pictures!!
i just found out that if you are using laptop and not anon, you can insert pics otherwise[you can copy and paste pics into the asks(if you wish to remain anon), it will also give me a clearer sense of which direction I should go for]
entry duration: currently i will be giving it 2-3 weeks[from today 23June - 15July] unless theres an overflow of entries then i may end the event earlier so fastest fingers!!(also im not really sure whether when my next milestone will be so if you wanna see your ideas come to life please send them in now 🙃)
opened to who?: anyone who's following or isn't(yet): since the tags will include all members, it will appear to those who isn't following me too. so if you do send in an entry and aren't following (yet), do think about it and join in the fun :') because all is welcome!! [so that you can also see whether your entry got picked!!]
rules for sending an entry:
it would be nice if i know who I'm replying to, however if you want to be anonymous, please at least put 2-3 emojis with it
in the event somehow the emoji's chosen gets repeated at least with more than 1 emoji I'm able to identify that you are different people
this is so that I know how many entries you have already sent in! if there are no ways for me to identify you, I may not write it for the 100 followers event, so as to be fair for everyone participating)
for the fics please state (member x reader, genre, settings/prompt of what you want to see. and I'll continue from there)
if you only state member x reader and genre, your entry will be ignored(so please state!! i don't want to ignore any of your entries!!)
also please write in your entry :100 Lovelies Event, so that I know that your ask is for an entry
I will choose up to 10 entries to write from(is the current goal i have but if im in a feel good mood i probably will write more). Sooo let me know your heart's deepest desires and let your imagination run wild LOVELIES~
~ all the fics written during the event will be under the tag of [100 Lovelies Event💗] and can be found under the main masterlist as well.
Let’s get this fic party started🥳
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crazylittlejester · 2 days
Mini fic prompt ig
“we had no idea” ft wars and the rest of the chain
Context: since wars defined the timeline Hylia had planned what happened was a thing called a “timeline collapse” when that hyrule experiences sort of a majoras mask moment where the sky turns red and rocks are crashing down and it won’t stop till every single person in that era is dead. Since Lana defied hylia too (CIA was killed almost immediately after the war), any person high in power associated with the war would be puplicly beheaded, (with the exception of the knights) but just before her beheading hours before the era of wars was to be collapsed, Lana informed link and Artemis of a pocket dimension she had made, because she knew the whole time that this would happen, so just as the world is abt to end Wars and Artemis escape through a portal Lana made using the last of her power. It was sort of a weird version of hyrule with only the castle, an empty castle town,and the battle maps on floating islands connected by littler islands. It’s only wars l, Artemis and the animals there. There is a sky but it’s more of a muted bluish purple, the knight is still the same though.
so for the longest time, the chain had never been to wars era, and when they finally do, this is what they see, strange isn’t it?
This was a seriously cool idea, btw. There’s soooo much potential with a prompt like this, and it’d be so interesting to write something more for this. If I have some time to spare I might write like, a one shot or somethin about it on ao3 if that’s alright alskkdkdk
Here ya go!!
Twilight barely saw Warriors quickly snatch the back of Wind’s tunic to prevent the sailor from walking straight off the little island they’d wound up on, he was too busy staring at everything else.
What he saw… It all felt empty. Destroyed and decimated, vacant and abandoned. He’d seen plenty of ghost towns, especially in Wild’s era but this was like nothing he’d ever seen before. They were in the sky, that much was obvious, but unlike Skyloft which stood grand and magnificent, full of life and the love of their goddess, this place seemed dead and ready to plummet down to the ground below. The ground that Twilight couldn’t even see because of the thick clouds and dark, hazy air.
A castle stood on a larger island a short ways away from them, oddly pristine and beautiful surrounded by the nothingness that expanded to the sides of them. This wasn’t Skyloft, not even the potential ruins of it. Twilight wasn’t even sure it was really Hyrule, given the odd purple tone of the sky above.
“Wh- Where ARE we…?” Sky whispered, no doubt unable to stop himself from drawing the same comparisons to Skyloft that Twilight had.
Of all the things he’d been expecting, Warriors’s grimace followed by, “My era”, was not one of them.
Time whipped around with something similar to anger in his eyes.
“What do you mean by that?” The old man demanded.
“A lot…” The captain paused to sigh. “A lot’s changed since you’ve been here, Sprite.”
“Where is everyone??” Legend asked, wildly looking around.
“Gone,” Warriors said softly. “They’ve all been gone, since the war. It’s just been me and Zelda.”
“We had no idea…”
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poppy-metal · 15 hours
Hi, so I have this idea for a super sweet little blurb about dad!art and mom!reader living the most picket fence life!!!
like imagine before art goes pro, reader unexpectedly gets pregnant and it shocks! she's nervous to tell art because he’s JUST getting starting in his career and doesn’t know how art is going to take this news. but art is just OVER.THE.MOON!!! everything he has ever wanted is coming true!!!
the cute little days they spend decorating the nursery 🥺 going to the paint store picking the colours😫 laying in bed while art is reading to your bump 🥹 picking a name😍
Then during readers labor, it just so happened to be when Art was doing a photoshoot/brand deal after he refused to be even an arm length away from pregnant!reader and OF COURSE the one time he is a couple hours away, that is when reader goes into labor. Art is panicking trying to hurry back to be their for the birth because he REFUSES to not be there for you! Art is frantically on the phone to Tashi telling her to get to their house and be there for reader until he gets there. Tashi shows up (maybe Patrick it there too) and they are trying their best but have NO IDEA what to do and how to help they are both panicking, Tashi is trying to stay calm and help coach you through, while Patrick is just pacing around freaking out! Reader is on the phone with art who is FREAKING OUT crying saying he’ll be there soon! While reader is the only calm one in this situation. Anyway her contractions are too close so Tashi drives them to the hospital and Thankfully art would never miss the birth of his first born and he thankfully made it and was just the most supportive and loving person in the world.
A couple years later reader brings all their children (I'll let you decide how many but I'm thinking A LOT) to watch art play against "uncle Patrick" while the kids are sitting in their seats talking “auntie Tashi” ears off asking questions about the game, begging her to be their coach. All the kids watching with such anticipation so excited waving every time their daddy or Patrick looks at them blowing them both kisses and Patrick and art blowing them back 🥹 all the Kids are kind of sad because they want both of them to win. cheering so loud. you've got a baby on your lap pregnant with another on the way, art doesn't care whether he wins or losses, he's got everything he's ever wanted.
sorry this is the first ask I've ever sent and I'm clearly not a writer. <3
this is the healthiest, most pure challengers ask I've ever received i feel like i just walked through a meadow and im brushing my hands against the flowers
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mellosdrawings · 5 hours
Hii!! So sorry for going on an absolute spree liking all of your posts ;; your art style is super expressive & I love the way you use crosshatching! As well as all your headcanons (you are so real abt cane user azul, i didnt realize how many cards he's sitting in!!)
I was curious, do you have any headcanons with Ruggie & Jamil? Especially with your N2 squad theories and their canon interactions durin GloMas, I'd love to see what you think of them~
First, never apologize for any liking/reblog/other spree, you have no idea how happy it makes me to have someone like what I do so much that they dig into my previous stuff!
And thank you so much for the compliments I'm ansbsjsbsjsn about them 💕
For Ruggie and Jamil, I have a whole bunch of different headcanons depending on the situations.
First their GloMas interaction gave me life. I found it so perfect, just the two of them finally letting their inner gremlins take over without worrying about their image. It was PERFECT !
I also love that their Signature Spells have the same "manipulation" base, but Ruggie is about the body while Jamil is about the mind. (I usually love adding Jade to the mix with his ability to force the truth out of others. I call the three of them the "Manipulation Gang". I'd love to see the three of them actually gang up some day.)
Jamil and Ruggie also have the same servants-to-spoiled-rich-kids background. I feel like they'd have the most terrible gossip while washing clothes or something. I just can't really imagine them not be friends of sorts. Just pestering about the latest wild nonsense their master has been up to, wondering if they should exchange their burdens (pre chap 6, Jamil would never agree after that) and just generally let the worst of them show to the other coz they don't mind.
In the context of the N2 Squad, Ruggie would definitely be a needed push for Jamil. The kind of "Please just date him, Leona’s mood is only getting worse and I'm tired and if I hear 'im moan about you once more I'm gonna murder you both" or something like that. Ruggie knows the inner workings of Leona, knows the inner workings of Jamil too from their laundry-gossip, and while I can imagine him strive in chaos he would immediately go complain to either Leona or Jamil if their turning around each other made his job harder. After the N2 Squad starts dating though, I can def imagine Ruggie try to profit off being friends with Jamil to get favors from Leona (and maybe Vil too coz why not?)
(Also Ruggie is def Jamil's first fan when it comes to cooking and always tries to have him give him spares from a previous party or whatever.)
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ranticore · 1 day
whats a day in the life of the average Kosa falconer? especially what with their Eternal Manchildren . how do they interact with them on a day to day basis. how do the harpies feel about it. cuz its been all they know their entire lives and im curious to know the perspective of a classically obtained falconer’s harpy. sorry if this is like jumbled my brain is mush atm
not exactly for the in-character ama but if you want to answer in character feel free
Cool questions thank you... so for the falconers in the classical style (harpy obtained as an egg), they train for years to first 'earn' the honour of being able to raise one. They start as children and help out around the mews, doing basic drudgery like mucking out the nests and preparing the soaked meat to exacting standards. When they're considered old enough, they can help out with raising chicks and the daily hunts.
an average day in the life depends on rank but for a normal falconer it's entirely devoted to the birds. falconers cannot marry or have children or any obligations outside their harpy because the harpy will get upset - although it is a flock, the social balance is off, and the falconer is expected to be the sole provider for any of the harpy's emotional needs (it's like owning a parrot). the harpies are often extremely anxious and high-strung as a result and this can increase aggression far above normal levels (particularly around food. food aggression is the leading cause of falconer injuries) so the falconers often spend their mornings on low-stress 'warm-up' activities like grooming, language lessons, some weaving, or just sitting and talking.
[cut just for length lol]
if the likelihood of a hunt happening that day is slim, the afternoons and evenings are occupied by flying. for the sake of exercise as well as training; the two have to learn how to work in sync, as the falconer's shoulder and horse will provide the only safe perch during a hunt and it means they need to familiarise themselves with one another, with their horse, with their equipment, etc. The most crucial part of a hunt is the part where a harpy drops the crawling beast onto the bonfire, so they need to get used to flying around fire, the unpredictable air currents and smoke. If there is a hunt, they ride patrols around the walls of their village until the crawling beasts show themselves, with the harpy on the horse as well so they they won't tire before their strength is needed.
how do the harpies feel about it? depends on the individual. some of them do take well to their lives, especially those whose eggs were given willingly - they can derive some degree of satisfaction from knowing that their parents were comfortable enough with the idea to choose that life for them. some enjoy protecting people, some couldn't care less. the hunts are hard work and require a good degree of skill, and yeah it is satisfying to work so perfectly in sync with someone else. but in all cases they are quite attached to their falconers. idk i mean they are people, they're going to have different opinions, and the flock self-selects for those who are eager and willing to do the work - after all, they can just fly away mid-hunt. but it is undeniable that the balance of power in the relationship is not equal, otherwise the natural school of falconry [pact with an established adult] wouldn't have died out. the ethics of this setup are not good. many of them will just assume that this is the way of the world, and in extreme cases where they do choose to fly away, they are ill-suited to life apart from the mews. the integration of wild harpies into the flock due to the presence of a king does shift perspectives a lot, and eventually would birth a new school of falconry which is basically just "what if we just let them raise each other and provided the food and shelter and bonfires". but the likes of Mriya come from just before that time.
Mriya herself is sort of a microcosm case study on their mindset for me. There is a slightly stunted, immature quality to her emotions though she's as smart as anyone else and a grown adult, she just has been completely alienated from her social core to the point where she feels very little, except for the times where bottled up anger explodes out of her. She's so frustrated but doesn't understand the feeling as frustration; it's just a constant background hum. It makes her dangerous to be around, which angers her more. She was raised in a slightly different environment by the falconer Yuriy - constantly on the road between villages to sell their services, just the two of them, no flock at all. Despite being birds of prey (she is based off a gyrfalcon kinda), they're still deeply social people. Yuriy cared for her and all but the basic living situation did a lot of damage. it's sort of a parallel to Thunder Strike's attitudes toward Cuinn, where our pal Thunder was kind and caring and provided for Cuinn, but it wasn't what was needed, and so in this situation Yuriy/Thunder Strike are not blameless, but acting within their own cultural framework and believing that they were doing their best. But yeah again not blameless lol
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A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus’s academic and professional life is blossoming. But his wife continues to be his biggest obstacle.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: THIS IS A DARK CHAPTER. It contains violence, verbal/physical abuse/, mention of murderous intent, Coriolanus being horrible, HEAVY ALLUSIONS TO SEX, NONCON, swearing
A/n: IM ALIVE YIPPEE i’m so sorry for disappearing i went on a trip and i was also facing MAJOR writers block but i’m back!!!
“Congratulations once again, Mister Snow. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow on your first day as an official Gamemaker.”
Beaming, Coriolanus shook Dr Gaul’s hand and quickly exited the office. He was elated, relieved that he’d finally received the promotion he’d worked so tirelessly for.  
Finally, he’d be able to make some real change. Sure, it meant more office hours, but it was more than worth it.
As he rode home, Coriolanus was already brainstorming ideas to bring to the meeting the following morning. He knew he needed to immediately prove he was worthy of the position, despite having worked with the other Gamemakers for almost a year. 
When he arrived inside the Reginelle estate, he took off his coat and practically shoved it into an Avox’s arms. He ordered her to get him a glass of red wine, and to bring it to his Bellova’s. Nodding quickly, she did as she was told, and he relished in the obvious nervousness in her body language. 
Now that he was officially the man of the house, he held a significant amount of power over every matter revolving the Reginelle fortune and property. In most ways, he had more power than Bellova herself.
Which was extremely satisfying. 
Pushing open the bedroom doors, he immediately spotted his wife sitting at her vanity, brushing her hair slowly. Her movements seemed robotic, which wasn’t out of the ordinary. When she was under the serum’s influence, she was obviously not functioning as a normal human would. 
But somehow, nobody noticed. Or at least, they attributed it to her lingering grief, not to any unnatural cause. 
Bellova looked over her shoulder, and smiled at Coriolanus. “Hello there, handsome. I missed you.” 
Coriolanus didn’t return her smile. “I’m sure you did.”
His fingers worked quickly to undo the buttons of his dress shirt. Though he wanted to change into his sleeping clothes as soon as possible, he was still careful to preserve it’s condition. After all, it had cost at least a couple hundred dollars.
As soon as he slipped on his silk robe, he spoke again.
“I had a meeting with Dr. Gaul today.”
Coriolanus barely suppressed a grin when Bellova’s eyes widened in fear at the mention of the Head Gamemaker. 
“W-What about?” she asked softly, setting down her brush. 
“She promoted me. I’m now officially a Gamemaker.”
Bellova breathed a sigh of relief. “Congratulations, my love,” she said gently, walking over to him. “I’m very proud of you.”
She looked so vulnerable, the dim light of the room casting an angelic glow across her face. She was clad only in a cream white nightdress, the fabric tantalizingly translucent. Though he despised her, it he still found her body to be irresistible.
Coriolanus sat down on the edge of the bed, and pulled Bellova into his lap. She immediately curled up against him, the romantic gesture making him cringe. Her clinginess always irritated him, and he would reprimand her often so she would behave at least decently in public. However, when they were in private, it took even more effort to keep her hands off of him. 
But he supposed that using her desperation for his own pleasure wouldn’t hurt.
Coriolanus lifted Bellova off of his thighs and let her fall backwards onto the bed. She giggled, blushing like a schoolgirl. She truly was enamored with him. 
“You’re so pretty, Coryo,” she simpered, reaching up to cup his face with one hand. He didn’t reply, simply pushing the straps of her dress off of her shoulders. 
Just as he let the fabric slip past her chest, Bellova let out a pained cry.
Coriolanus snarled in frustration. He was so close to letting out all of his pent-up feelings out, but now, he had to deal with the real Bellova. 
He didn’t move from his position over her as he reached into his back pocket for the serum. He watched, almost bored, as she writhed beneath him, her eyes squeezed shut.
As soon as Bellova stopped twitching and her eyes opened again, a smile spread across his face. It was cruel, the immense enjoyment he got from her fear and helplessness.
But he didn’t give a fuck. It was what she deserved. 
Bellova’s lips immediately curled into a sneer. 
“Get your hands off of me.” 
Coriolanus rolled his eyes and didn’t respond. He tugged her nightgown off of her body, making her gasp and shudder. One of her hands shot upwards, but he grabbed her wrist before she could grab his throat. 
“Say whatever you want to say now, you feral bitch, before I put you back under.” 
“You’re calling me feral, and yet you’re the one who’s desperate to fuck me.” Bellova’s smirk was infuriating, but Coriolanus refused to give her the satisfaction of a visible reaction from him.  
“You’re a pathetic man, Coriolanus,” she spat, her voice shaking with pure hatred. “One day, I swear, I will make you pay for everything you’ve done. You’ll regret that you were ever fucking born.”
Coriolanus threw back his head as he laughed, and gripped her left shoulder so tightly that he was sure it would leave a mark. The needle of the syringe was a mere inch from her neck, threatening to puncture her at any moment. 
“You don’t scare me anymore, Bellova.”
Bellova averted her gaze from the needle, and her piercing grey eyes cut into his with a burning intensity. When she spoke, she sounded exactly like her old self: confident, vengeful, and wickedly intelligent.
“Good. That’ll make you much easier to kill.”
As the needle pierced her skin and Bellova let out a scream, Coriolanus’s stomach churned unpleasantly. 
It was harmless threat, he was sure of it. 
But it still shook him to his core.
Within a month of working as a Gamemaker, Coriolanus had established himself as one of the sharpest young minds in the Capitol. 
The combination of his effortless charm and impressive intellect had made him instantly popular. Hardly anyone remembered the incident that occurred regarding him and the 10th Hunger Games. He had buried that as deep as possible, and covered it by establishing his reputation as the bright, young Gamemaker who was destined to succeed. 
His University life was also flourishing. He had a great report with all of his instructors, and was well-liked amongst other students. His grades were stellar, as he knew they would be, and put him on the path to graduate at the top of his class.
The only challenge he faced was dealing with his wife. 
Though the serum was still effective, it continued to wear off during the evening. Bellova would scream and yell as loudly as she could, cursing at him and occasionally pleasing for someone to help her. Luckily for him, Coriolanus had smoothly lied to everyone working in the Reginelle estate, saying that her cries were a result of a mental disorder she’d developed from intense grief. 
He knew they were all too scared of him to question it.
However, as more time passed, the enjoyment he felt from seeing her distress diminished. It simply became irritating, and he no longer got pleasure from seeing her suffer mentally.
So he decided it was time to tame the beast that was Bellova Reginelle once and for all.
It didn’t take long for him to convince Dr. Gaul to begin working on a stronger serum: one that contained effects that would subdue his wife for the rest of her days. She understood the importance of eliminating threats. After all, she’d encouraged him to continue his practice of poisoning his opponents.
The serum would take at least two weeks to develop. Dr. Gaul insisted that she needed adequate time to test it, and ensure that it worked exactly as intended. 
“No mishaps this time,” she had said with bone-chilling determination. “Your bride will never be a bother to you again.”
So Coriolanus had to accept the fact that Bellova would fight tooth-and-nail for her freedom for several more nights.
But he would never let her have it. 
His career was just beginning. He could not let the citizens of the Capitol discover that he was deeply involved in corruption and scandalous acts. It would ruin him before he truly began to climb the social ladder. 
After all, Snow was destined to land on top. 
And in his case, getting to the “top” only meant one thing:
becoming the president of Panem. 
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TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @vxnilla-hxrddrugs, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! Again, I am so sorry for disappearing. I promise to try to write more consistently going forward <3
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list! (I had to add some of y’all to a comment instead becuz tumblr won’t let me tag more people for some reason☹️)
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russoscrossfoord · 3 days
woso fans need to grow tf up, to feel like they have the obligation to know everything about every player and about their relationships is disgusting. not only that but you spread rumours and hate about players on a situation that your their business and also to send hate/death message to players cause you feel like they have no consequences and feel you have the right need a reality check.
i don’t know where these people get the idea they have the right to do this but the amount of audacity is disturbing and will cause players to go off socials, cut back what they are happy to share and create a rift between fans and players that fans have created for years. i’m fuming and disgusted so i can only imagine what these players feel, grow the FUCK up. i’m over these new dramas and disturbing behaviours from fans, especially new fans who feel like they have the right (im not saying new fans are horrid im saying that they need to learn boundaries and grow up if they are disrespecting players privacy and life), im happy the game had grown and new people are involved but at this point i honestly wish players didn’t have to face the scrutiny, recklessness, audacity and stupidity and hate they do now.
get a life people, grow up - leave the players ALONE. ITS FAIRLY SIMPLE.
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